Economix by Michael Goodwin, illustrated by Dan E. Burr - Abrams ComicArts

Page 1


Foreword Introduction CHAP TE R 1

The Invisible Hand (T HE DISTANT PAST





Full Steam Ahead




The Money Power




Things Fall Apart




Guns and Butter




The Era of Limits




The Revolt of the Rich




The World Today


Glossary Further Reading Acknowledgments About the Author About the Illustrator Index

292 296 297 298 298 299

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Everyone has questions about the economy.

I went back to the original sources — the great economists.

Will I still have a job next year ?

Why can’t I live as well as my parents did ?

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What will happen to my kids ?









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And while the whole picture was complicated, no one part of it was all that hard to understand.

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People should know this!

if the experts are baffled, how can the rest of us understand what’s going on ?


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To our world ?



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I started looking for the answers in economics texts. I found enough insights to get me interested . . .

and started to see a big picture.

I could see that all this information made a story. But I couldn’t find a book that told the story in an accessible way. So I decided to write one, in the most accessible form I knew: comics.

but I couldn’t seem to make the insights add up.

I believe that we can understand the story of the economy, and it’s never been more important that we do. We’ve tried leaving the economy to others to understand; that’s why we’re in the mess we’re in.

We’re citizens of a democracy. Most of the issues we vote about come down to economic issues. It’s our responsibility to understand what we’re voting about.

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The revolutionary part of the Industrial Revolution? Steam power.

To understand steam, we have to look at:

Then in 1704, Thomas Newcomen, an English ironmonger, developed an “atmospheric engine” (an early steam engine) and rigged it to pump out a coal mine. Fire replaced muscle. do you realize we’re present at the birth of the modern world ? huh ?

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Fire t u water rns steamto .

But Newcomen’s engine devoured fuel; it cost more to run than regular old humanpowered pumps except where fuel was very cheap (like in a coal mine). So not much more happened for decades. Coal, like oil, is a fossil fuel. it’s dinosaur meat!

Britain has lots of coal; Britons used cheap coal instead of expensive firewood as early as the Middle Ages.

ln the 1760’s, the Scottish engineer James Watt designed efficient engines that paid their way just about anywhere. Soon entrepreneurs hitched them up to weaving and spinning machines and factories sprang up, churning out tons of stuff (mostly cotton cloth at first).

Steam engines were soon helping move goods to the customers, via the steamship (1807) .

Buy coal! Save the trees!

But coal mines flood, and until 1700 or so there was only one reliable source of power for pumping, the same one there had been since forever: muscle.

and railroad (1820s).

britain started changing . . . . fast!

And the extra worker are expensive.



Running the economy can be very profitable. The railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt died in 1877 with $100 million; John D. Rockefeller became the world’s first billionaire. (By comparison, in 1888 the state of Massachusetts took in only $7 million in taxes.)


A thousand

A million

That sort of money can’t be earned in any real sense. if you work hard, save your pennies, and put $100,000 in your mattress every year, you’ll have a billion dollars a little after 12,000 AD.

THE ROBBER BARONS Mark Twain (1836– 1910), American author

So this small group, called the Robber Barons, had immense wealth and power, and could pass both on to their heirs. It’s the very definition of a ruling class.

A billion It’s also too much to spend. The heirs to these sums — even the morons and the drunks — stayed rich, simply because it’s impossible to blow through a fortune that big.

it’s a golden age!

And a very big mattress!

And political power goes hand in hand with economic power. The government helped the rich with tariffs that kept competing goods out, immigration policies that let more workers in, a land policy that let mining, logging, and ranching businesses use public land for almost nothing (still the case today) and a foreign policy that pushed American interests abroad.

Nature’s law is survival of the fittest. And among humans, the richest are clearly the fittest. Poor people are just unfit!

That’s one reason Darwin got a bad name, especially in the farm belt.

my wealth and your poverty are ordained by nature! darwin proved it!

Please, sir, I’m starving. . .

Our businesses!

your problem is you’re one of nature’s failed experiments!


Ha! Good one!

it’s just a gilded age!

The excuse du jour : Social Darwinism, a perversion of Charles Darwin’s 1859 theory of evolution.

What are our “interests”?

But the flip side of concentrated wealth is poverty.

screw darwin!

Huh ? Jefferson’s prosperous, independent farmers reduced to poverty ? What happened there?


GDP counts only money transactions. A forest doesn’t count in GDP unless we cut it down.

GDP has to be adjusted for changes in price so we know whether we’re getting more stuff or paying more for the same stuff.

For that matter, if we cook our own food, clean our own houses, and care for our own kids, it doesn’t register in GDP. If we eat at restaurants, pay people to clean our houses, and send our kids to day care, it does. So GDP can grow horizontally, where the same amount of work is being done, but GDP rises because the work has moved to the money economy.

it’s worth stressing that GDP counts the costs of things, not the benefits we get from them. For instance, cheap tap water barely counts in GDP.

if we have to switch to expensive bottled water, GDP goes up, but it’s hard to see how we’re better off.

While employing the unemployed was a nobrainer . . . We need steel for a new bridge! Hire more workers!

there was a limit: full employment.

We need more steel! Hire more workers!

At that point, more spending couldn’t expand the economy ; the economy was as big as it could get for the moment. Instead, new spending crowded out other spending and caused inflation. I’ll pay double!


There are no more!

Now you’re talking. I’ll cancel some of my other orders.

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And people knew how to do it: In the 1950s, memories of the Depression were still raw; it made sense that keeping GDP rising became the economic priority.

Spend more!


it was tricky to keep the economy near full employment without sparking inflation. But for decades after the war , economists did a pretty good job.



Iacocca also decided how long it would take, which was less OK.

The resulting Ford Pinto tended to burst into flames. This problem could have been fixed for $11 per car but wasn’t.

Start tooling up.

MADE IN JAPAN Big U.S. companies had taken their customers for granted for decades.

Meanwhile, international trade kept getting more efficient.

But the design’s not done.

I said, start tooling up.

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The car companies weren’t unique. Bad management helped bring down the giant Penn Central Railroad and U.S. Steel in the 1970s.

The Penn Central collapse forced the government to nationalize passenger rail. The public system — Amtrak — is no gem, but it does better than the Penn Central did.

By the 1970s, American companies accustomed to dominating a national market found themselves competing in a global market.

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Most visibly, Americans started buying foreign cars, especially Japanese ones. What’s that ?

it’s a Toyota.

Anyway, companies had no lack of excuses.

A toy what ?

Japan’s government protected its businesses from imports, encouraged them to cooperate, gave them subsidies and favors, and practically forced citizens to save so business always had investment coming in.


Environmental laws! Foreign competition! But if our consumers save their money, who’ll buy our stuff? The problem is taxes!

Meddlesome regulations!

There was some truth to these excuses, especially foreign competition. 190

Foreigners !


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