Nikki McClure Ab ra m s A p p l e s e e d, N ew Yo r k
Fo r St ella an d Cyp r ess This book was originally m ade in 1996. While on a walk, I discovered an apple tree loaded with fruit. That night, I took black paper and drew a picture of an apple fallin g from a tree. I then cut out the im age usin g an X-Acto knife.
It was my very first papercut, and it is the first picture in
this book. When I had enough pictures for a little book, I printed and bound copies by hand and sold them through local bookstores. N ow
Apple, my first book, is enjoyin g a second life in this edition. Catalo gin g-in-Publication Data has been applied for and m ay be obtained from the Library of Con gress.
Text and illustrations copyright Š 2012 N ikki McClure
Book design by Chad W. Beckerm an
Published in 2012 by Abram s Appleseed, an im print of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. N o portion of this book m ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transm itted in any form or by any m eans, m echanical, electronic, photocopyin g, recordin g, or otherwise, without written perm ission from the publisher. Abram s Appleseed is a tradem ark of Harry N. Abram s, I nc.
Printed and bound in U. S. A. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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