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Donor Profiles
Ellie Small ’21
Ellie Small is entering her second year at The George Washington University, where she is studying political science on a pre-law track. While a student at Derryfield, Ellie’s interest in public policy and legislation was sparked during her Independent Senior Project (ISP). “My ISP was a formative experience for me as I researched and developed repatriation guides that provided legal and social aid to undocumented immigrants facing deportation in New Hampshire.”
Ellie made a lasting impression on the Derryfield community. “I had the opportunity to lean into various leadership roles while exploring my academic interests in the humanities. I served as All School President, head of the Equity Club, captain of Mock Trial, and captain of the varsity alpine ski team. I also completed over 350 hours of community service and played three sports (field hockey, alpine, lacrosse). I am grateful to have had multiple fantastic women leaders (Carter, Shutz, Stimpson, Boesch) who mentored me and helped me establish my own leadership skills.”
For the past two summers, Ellie has returned to Derryfield as a Philanthropy & Engagement intern, where she has learned how crucial giving is to the health of the School. “I was fortunate to benefit from the impacts of generous gifts from donors while I was a student, and Derryfield continues to support my career as I network with fellow alums and learn from others in my field.” Ellie elected to give back to Derryfield by becoming a Sanborn Society member. The Sanborn Society, named for beloved faculty member Chuck Sanborn, recognizes donors who make recurring monthly contributions to The Derryfield Fund. Donors can choose to make a monthly gift in any amount, and these gifts provide steady and reliable funding for the School.
Ellie chose to designate her gift to equity and belonging (E&B) initiatives at Derryfield. Annual fund gifts that support this initiative provide access to E&B conferences and training for faculty and staff, diversity and inclusion speakers for the school community, as well as support for student clubs such as GLOW (Gay Lesbian or Whatever), BIPOC (Black Indigineous and People of Color), the Multicultural Student Union, and more. “While I was leading Equity Club at DS, we had hopes of creating affinity spaces, conference opportunities, and DEI training, among other things, but the School did not have the funds to support [all of our ideas]. As an alumna, it is important to me that I give what I can to support diversity and justice at Derryfield, while highlighting key student initiatives.
In addition to continuing her education at GWU, Ellie has the honor of working as a legislative intern for NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen on Capitol Hill. Her hope is to “grow a career in law and policy. I plan to attend law school after undergrad and am considering completing a masters in public policy. I am passionate about human rights, immigration reform, climate initiatives, common-sense gun legislation, and many more social issues.” We wish Ellie the best of luck as she continues her endeavors!
The Tournas Family
When Louis and Margarita Tournas decided to send their son Georgio to Derryfield in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic loomed on the horizon and quickly changed the learning environment. “As a new family at Derryfield, even with the pandemic, the staff always helped us and made us feel welcome,” said Louis. As a result, the Tournas family gave a generous Derryfield Fund gift in support of the School to “allow the administration to expand the campus and opportunities [for students.]”
Now, as ongoing supporters of The Derryfield Fund, the Tournas family believes their donation “helps to maintain the high standard for education that Derryfield holds for itself, its faculty, and its current and future students by giving teachers the tools to teach the subjects that students need. The School and its facilities are well maintained and of very good quality, the schedule is very well organized, and the staff and faculty are very helpful and seem to love their jobs.”
In 2022, the Tournas’ daughter Aikat also became a Derryfield student. “We are very excited that our children are able to try a wide range of activities which allow them to find their identities and what they like, such as chorus, exploration blocks, and several different sports,” said Louis. The Tournas family “hopes the future generation of Derryfield students can enjoy an even higher quality of education, facilities, and more opportunities to help them grow as learners and as people.”

Carolyn ’05 & Mike Leary
Carolyn and Mike Leary both feel lucky to experience Derryfield, albeit in different capacities. Carolyn is an alumna from the class of 2005 and attended from 7–12th grade. Shortly after Carolyn and Mike’s wedding in 2014 (with Carolyn’s best DS friend as bridesmaid!) they decided to move back to New Hampshire. The following day, Derryfield posted a job for an upper school Latin teacher and Mike joined the faculty in 2015. In addition to his faculty role, he serves as the world language department chair, and the DS boys’ varsity tennis coach.
For many years, as an alumna and faculty member respectively, Carolyn and Mike have made gifts to support The Derryfield Fund. “...our appreciation for education was supported and strengthened from a young age.” The Derryfield community has been a central component of their shared lives. “We are proud to support the mission of the School and hope Derryfield students will always feel encouraged to pursue their passions, having confidence the School will guide them along the way. Derryfield has always encouraged all talents, through both academics and extracurriculars, and we hope our gifts will continue to grow the many programs that speak to the diverse, creative, and engaged student community.”
For the Leary family, the value of being a part of the Derryfield community extends beyond classroom experiences. “We love the feeling of a close, connected, and supportive community that Derryfield provides. It is truly impossible to feel alone in any endeavor as a Derryfield family. Living just down the street from the School, we bring our two children, with a third on the way, to cheer on DS teams. This affords us the opportunity to connect with other young faculty families or parents of current students who share advice and encouragement.” Mike has been able to provide creative, innovative opportunities for his students with the support of administration, giving him the opportunity to feel professional fulfillment. Carolyn enhances many Derryfield events, including Grandfriends’ Day and leadership giving receptions, by way of her event planning business. She also serves as a member of the Breakthrough Manchester Advisory Committee.
“We hope all alumni of Derryfield understand the power of a Derryfield experience—not just a Derryfield education. Being a part of the DS community is a gift, no matter how you remain connected to the School, and the Derryfield experience shapes your life long beyond your days on campus. Pursue the degree you wish (even if it feels a bit off the path—like classics or anthropology!), engage with your local community, or connect with another Derryfield family to better understand your shared values.”