Update on Jennie Roberge’s daughters, Anna, Elizabeth, and Abie.
In Memoriam Rick Harding, former faculty member and coach, died Monday, March 14, 2011, shortly after being diagnosed with lung cancer. A beloved science
The news contained in this section covers the period of January 7, 2011 – April 4, 2011. For more recent news, or to post a note, please log on to the Derryfield Portal at
teacher and crew coach at Derryfield for 15 years, “Doc” or “Ranger Rick,” as some students called him, was known for his enthusiasm, kindness, and his belief in the value of an individual. He inspired a generation of outdoorsmen and scientists at Derry-field as well as at the other schools where he taught. During the last month of his life, a blog was created on which friends, family, and former students could post their well wishes and memories. To read comments or to leave a
1969 Michael Ekman reports, “After 20 plus years of living in New York City, I decided to move to Provincetown, MA. I had been coming here for the past five summers and loved it, so I thought why not live here full time? This was my first winter here and I was amazed how many people are here year round and how much there is to do. Great decision. I miss seeing you all.”
post of your own memories, please visit Rick Harding is survived by his wife, Linda; children, Andrew, Alec, Robin, Joshua ’90, and Amy ’94; father, Clip; two sisters; and three grandchildren.
“Ranger” Rick Harding
1971 Peter Kfoury writes, “I am a board certi‐ fied chiropractic internist operating a holis‐ tic primary care office in Charleston, SC. I still play softball, middle eastern music, and jazz!”
1974 Debra Silberberg Finestone is a physician in the emergency room of St. Mary’s Hospital at McGill Teaching Hospital, and assistant professor of medicine at McGill University. She has been happily married to Shya for 25 years and is the proud mom of Leona (23), in medical school; Nathaniel (21), a political sciences major at McGill; and Hannah (18), studying to be a social worker.
1975 Sarah Stebbins Zepeda is back living in Chile, where she and her husband, Jose, lived from 1985‐1990.
1976 A salute, congratulations, and a huge thank you to Scott Rice who was promoted to Major General in the United States Air Force and Air National Guard on December 23, 2010, as the Commander of the Massachusetts Air National Guard and Assistant to the Commander USAF Europe.
Derryfield Today – Winter 2011