The Lamplighter, 1/26/2012

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Lamplighter is accepting applications for next year’s staff! Apps are located in the LIBRARY. They are due on FEBRUARY 3RD to MAGGIE COCHRANE, RACHEL MCCOY, or MS. SHUTZ.

Lamplighter 1/26/12


Derryfield Introduces Latest Technology to the Classroom Jesse Fortier Technology has been an integral part of teaching for centuries, from chalk to projector. As DS science and technology teacher David Lewine puts it, "There is always room for experimentation." The Derryfield School is doing just that in an effort to improve the integration of technology and its caveats, as the school has decided to introduce iPads to the curriculum for two classes of the 2012/2013 school year. A scientist and a technology fan at heart, Lewine feels that it is important to experiment with all of today’s emerging technological offerings in order to distinguish those which hold educational value. “Whenever new tools

[are] available to teachers I think they should be tried so we can see which ones have educational benefits. We don't need every teacher to be an early adopter of the latest tech innovations, but we do need some teachers willing to experiment,” Lewine explains. In walking through a Derryfield hallway for the first time, it becomes obvious that the school invests much time in technological experimentation. Smartboards have replaced whiteboards, the “Cougartron” simplifies a busy day’s schedule, and teachers employ jeopardy clickers for a class’s comprehension. The introduction of the iPad has become the school’s latest experiment. Seeing as Apple

Inc. claims that the “[iPad] is poised to change the learning landscape,” it is certainly worth a try. The iPad offers a slew of educational tools for use in the classroom, including: iBooks; simulative applications; audio, photo and video programs; word processors; social networking; blogging; planners; and organizers. Dr. Mary Carter, the Derryfield Assistant Head for Faculty and Academic Programs, as well as a sophomore history teacher, hopes that the iPad “will enable even more active, studentinvolved learning.” She feels confident that this new technology “[enables] students to Con’t on pg. 4

DS Students Broaden their Horizons Lindsay Pollock

Inside this issue: Conservation Corner


During the winter break, DS students were provided with multiple traveling opportunities. While one group of students traveled throughout South America on Semester at Sea, another group of underclassmen traveled to Ecuador to study exotic frogs. Semester at Sea has been a program offered to Derryfield stu-

Poetry Out Loud


News Q’s




Bachelor and Bachelorette


Fashion Goes Binary


KenKen + Comic


dents for two years now. Both years, Derryfield traveled with students from other schools, including some from California and Hawaii. “My favorite part, in general, was bonding with everyone from different places, and also bonding with DS stuCon’t on pg. 2

In Defense of iPads


Can You Hear Me Now...?


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