The Lamplighter, 12/13/2011

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Lamplighter 12-13-11

Model UN Goes to Princeton Roz Kennybirch The Derryfield Model United Nations team is a highly esteemed club not only for its superior solutions to international problems, but also for its excellent stories about the Harvard Model UN dances. However, this year Model UN is attending conferences at both

Harvard and Princeton, the latter of which occurred over the first weekend of December. According to Meg Huckaby, “The conference was a bit smaller, yet rather unorganized... they didn't have our badges until very late and then they accidentally printed

them in duplicate!” But she notes the team’s overall success: “I know both my resolutions got passed with me as a top sponsor... Becca [Manson], Alex [Michaud], Johnny [Cissel] and Andrew [Voss] seemed to have Continued on p 3

While Model UN was at their conference, another conference was also taking place. This one was about leadership and diversity, and it seems to have been a great trip. Hear what Cait Gillett has to report about the experience.

Cait Gillett

Photo courtesy of McCabe ‘13


Student Leadership

Our experience kicked off by meeting 1500 students at the Student Leadership Diversity Conference from all over the country. After a six hour ride down to Philadelphia, Tempo Li, Kelly

McDonald, Lucas McCabe, Hannah Menakaya, Marybeth McKay and I were tired but excited. In our discussions, we talked about diversity in a variety of forms: race, sexual orientation, age, and social or economic class. When we got to the conference, we were divided into groups of sixty.

Inside this issue: Holiday Traditions


Model UN cont


Leadership Cont




Bachelor + Bachelorette




Holiday Treats


Continued on p 4

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