Cover image by Veleska Martin


Alina Harutyunyan Allyson Barth Amy Pazur Ana Brandt Anna Emiliani Annie Smack Annie Viens Benedetta Vallone Bryana Capen Cassie Clayshulte Christina Gabaldon Dani Montoya Emily Carrubba Erin Echevarria Erin Massie Filomena DiMaggio Featured Photographers Erin Massie 1 Geanine Nasta Heather Tietjen Torri Howard Jaime Sword Jena Rae Ashley Torres Kayleigh Fountain Keilani Bowers Krissa Burke Kristina & Katelyn Fainstein Lina Lodico Maria Kiblinger Melanie Berkheimer Michelle Dominey Michelle Howatt Michelle Osborne Michelle Patereau Millie Dee Photography Mishonda Monday MJ Biasi Nestled in Time Photography Oge Ochai Reda Juodis Raven Heuer Sandy Williams Saskia Colonna Shannon Bailey Trisha Harris TS Gallant Veleska Martin Ana Brandt

Ana Brandt
Our 5th edition of the Holiday Magazine is here.
Each year we ask the photographers in our community to send us their favorite holiday images. In this issue we have shared these images with you and the image makers.
Many of these images are filled with a baby's first Christmas. What a magical time to bring new life into the world and celebrate during the Holiday Season.
Babies and children bring wonder and joy to almost any season, and I wish we could experience life thru their amazing little eyes - often filled with wonder and anticipation.
May we all appreciate the beauty of life, and enjoy the Holiday imagery.

Ana Brandt

Krissa Burke
Vintage Magnolia Photography

Maria Kiblinger

Annie Viens

Heather Tietjen
Reda Juodis


Benedetta Vallone

Emily Carrubba