Cloudnine Creative

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t h e g r a p h i c d e s i g n p o rt f o l i o o f

Alexandra Brennen






technical difficulties

13 21

bee’s knee’s


juice box



got bored

clowning around

brady campaign

bikram yoga



39 56


“Design is the search for a magical balance between business and art; art and craft; intuition and reason; concept and detail; playfulness and formality; client and designer; designer and printer; and printer and public� - Valerie Pettis

bik r a m yo g a


a dv ertising


Founded by yoga champion, Bikram Choudhury, Bikram Yoga has recently become an increasingly popular form of yoga. This developed style of yoga which is 26 postures and two breathing exercises is practiced for 90 minutes in a room heated to 105 degrees with a humidity of 40%. Regularly practicing Bikram Yoga helps overall wellness by systematically stimulating and restoring health to every muscle, joint, and organ of the body while detoxifying and increasing energy. This very specific form of yoga is the first type of yoga to have a US copyright. In the United States, Choudhury has been aggressive in enforcing broad copyrights in most aspects of the practice, teaching, and business of the system.


To create an ad campaign that promotes Bikram Yoga as a company as well as a style of yoga which also benefits franchise studios.


Each ad is designed to exemplify Bikram Yoga as the hottest, sexiest, and most popular way to practice yoga and revitalize your life. The type treatment of the headlines was designed to assist the viewer in extracting the ads overall message. The supporting imagery is intimately cropped, which works to arouse initial interest in the ads. To maintain consistency and infuse a sense of heat, a warm duotone was applied to each image. At the bottom of each ad is a rip out that shows all 26 poses, the web address, and info about how the yoga is practiced. The rip out was designed to attract people who are unfamiliar with Bikram, but would begin to practice if they could try the poses for themselves first.






b r a dy ca mpa ign


a dv ertising



challenge solution

The Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence was formed in the mid-eighties after Jim Brady, who was President Reagan’s press secretary, was shot during the assassination attempt on the President. Jim suffered a serious head wound that left him partially paralyzed for life. Ever since, Jim and his wife, Sarah, have been actively fighting for sensible gun laws in the United States. The organization works towards preventing gun violence by enforcing gun laws, regulations, and public policies. The Brady Campaign also works to reform the gun industry itself. To create an advertisement geared towards public awareness. Centered around the alluded perception of safety, this ad was designed to intrigue, inform, and surprise. Because guns are so accessible in the United States, people purchase firearms with the mind-set that it will protect them or at least make them feel safer and more protected in their homes and communities. This is somewhat understandable, but ultimately causes more problems. We begin to recognize this as we see a growing number of public schools in the US installing gun or metal detectors at the entrance of their schools with the intent to create a safe and gun free environment for their youth. The contrast between gun violence and innocence is the key component to the irony of the ad.


got b or ed

b r a nd in g


Got Bored is a growing company that was established by several designers who wanted to empower riders by customizing snow boards, skis, and skateboards. The shops embrace an old school, community oriented board shop feel. The central fireplace, lounge area, and complementary coffee create a unique and welcoming atmosphere. Got Bored is a retail shop, but believes in individual expression which is why they specializes in customizing winter sports equipment. People pay good money to get great equipment, so why not give them the opportunity to choose or create their own graphics to personalize their expensive gear.


To create a brand manual for a self conceived company. The manual must include logo, type, color palette, and branding elements.


Got Bored stands for individuality among the adventurers of the great outdoors. Even though individuality is of great importance, there is also a basic standard in which Got Bored applications must be designed. The branding of the company was very much influenced by the special perks that the company offers; board customizing and coffee. The brand manual was designed to be an effective rule book, yet fun and interesting, providing a clear impression of the look and feel of the company.




mu ted m a ster y

04 illustr ation



Muted Mastery is an illustrative book showcasing a sequence of illustrations as a means of storytelling. The story begins with four, French clowns who are incapable of speaking to one another. Each clown displays an emotion of either sadness, boredom, anger, or feeling misunderstood, which are common feelings individuals have when they are unable to communicate clearly. Throughout the book, each of the clowns receive a gift from above, such as a guitar, tap shoes, a pen and journal, or paints and an easel, all of which ultimately symbolize the talents that each of us inherently posses. The gifts or talent that each of the clowns receive give joy to the other clowns and so the characters revel their newfound passions that allow them to entertain better than they ever imagined.


To illustrate a short story book that would appeal to both children and adults.


The solution to this book involved concepts, illustration, and pattern design. The absence of words is what enhances the book’s overall concept of communication through forms of art. Because the books’ story relies solely on the illustrations, developing a clear story line for the initial concept of communication through the arts was essential. Each clown as well as their setting was painted individually and were then compiled and edited in Photoshop to ensure precision.



05 juice b ox

identit y




Juice Box is an upscale juice bar that focuses on the tasty goodness of their pure blends which are a product of all organic food. This juice bar has a light and airy atmosphere and a clean, sleek interior with bright contemporary furniture. Juice Box is the Starbucks of juice bars, appealing to health conscious urbanites who are often on the go. To create the identity for a trendy and contemporary juice bar. The design solution for Juice Box revolves around the pattern. The produce pattern is dynamic with an organic feel and largely represents the wholesome blends that Juice Box offers. The vibrance and detail of the pattern make the branding more recognizable which helps strengthen and unify the companies identity. The white space used in the logo and in the pattern is also important to the look and feel of the brand since white is often associated with purity. The logo is conservative, yet fresh, giving the identity a timeless look.

JUICE juice





technica l difficulties





This series of photographs is about the trials and tribulations of modern day technology. As a society we have been launched into a world revolved around electronic devices and technological advancements that were meant to make our lives easier. However, easy is far from simple when we begin to examine the intricacies and intangibility of these everyday modern marvels in which we yearn to interact with.


The challenge was to develop a series of photographs that ironically shows technology from a designers perspective.


The camera is one of the oldest mechanisms and historically has replaced painting in many ways. Cell phones and computers are two of the greatest inventions of our time, yet escaping availability and returning to the sketchbook are essential and can be easily forgotten. Intangible files and digital media consume our lives but often mislead our natural inclination to create things with the unique skills of our own two hands. The achievements of these technologies are far greater than their hindrances, but with this there will always be the moments in which we long for a simpler time. This series contrasts the artistic tools of today with the raw materials/ tools of the past.




07 optimize

ed i to r i a l


Optimize is a highly sophisticated magazine about sustainable design. This magazine is for the design intellectual that values simplicity and precision in presenting big ideas. Optimize is uniquely inspired by magazines like The Design of Culture and Natinal Geographic.


To create a series of magazines centered around stainability that appeals to designers of all fields.


Optimize, which means to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible is an ideal name for a magazine about sustainability. The first issue of Optimize spotlights the development of the magazines’ masthead which was constructed with thousands of glass beads the size of a blueberry. These magazines are highly sophisticated in their presentation of cutting edge articles. Each article was designed in a contemporary manner to enhance the content while keeping the reader engaged through vivid imagery. Each article also has a precision to the relationship between content and type structure.















s olidt ude

t y p efa c e


Solidtude is a bitmap typeface designed to preserve the order of the grid while taking on an English Old Style feel, induced with a clean edge.


To develop a bitmap typeface and a poster designed to introduce the new typeface.


The typeface carries a heaviness at the baseline of each character which makes for a solid flow in its legibility. Although there is little evidence of being serif inspired, the typeface does incorporate an inverted single serif at the baseline of all double stem characters maintaining a lower heaviness. Rejecting serifs on the outer edges allows sequences of characters to appear tight and uninterrupted. Inspiration from the English Old Style is revealed in the compact letterforms and generous x-height of this typeface as it so effortlessly prevails an old style feel with a new age look. The poster was designed to set a mood for the typeface while showing different applications of the type to better inform the viewer about what the typeface has to offer.





nov els

book covers


Rizzoli New York began its publishing operation in 1974 and has since become a leader in the fields of art, architecture, interior design, photography, haute couture, and gastronomy. Merging with other publishers such as Universe and Skira was Rizzoli’s entree into the pop-culture worlds of humor, fashion, beauty, sports, performing arts, and gay and alternative lifestyles. As Metropolitan Home’s states, “Rizzoli’s editors have their fingers on the pulse of what’s happening right now and next in design in the US and abroad.” This series of novels published by Rizzoli New York is a self conceived series revealing the lives and relationships of extraordinary couples in history.


To design a series of book covers that could level with the high sophistication of Rizzoli publishing while maintaining a timeless look.


Each cover was concepted and designed to symbolically illustrate the unique relationship that each of these couples had. Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir are two of the most influential and controversial writers and thinkers of the 20th century. Sartre, an enticing philosopher, and Beauvior, an active feminist, led a “soul mate” based, interdependent relationship for 50 years. The book cover for this couple was designed to represent the grand ideas that the individuals shared which ultimately influenced the scandals of their physical relationship. A large part of what we know today about John and Abigale Adams relationship comes from the countless letters that they wrote back and forth to each other while John was away on business. These letters are what unveil the couples relationship as fairly modern for their time as they intimately relied on one another for support and compassion. The book cover for John & Abigale Adams symbolizes the unique and substantial aspect of the couples’ relationship which consisted of the exchange of letters. The contemporary love seat on the cover of, Charles & Ray Eames, was inspired by one of their chair designs. With the circle, this illustration symbolizes the wholesome unity of this couple’s relationship which became evident through their teamwork and shared passion for design.




10 ca lend a r

r eb elu tion


Don't w h a know desti t I ' m m y li ned for mess fe is a is g e and I fuckint o u t a n d want to d all g lif e wan fl y. N o w o won't I na qu anoth here I am it.Buts it a n d I tr e r ip I walk dollar all alon I can't N e a over to theo money .Another nd I d in rock mic turn it my pockay my veit.This is on.Time et to a s e rsion of Straig r m o n my he ht from a rt Iw spill ev ery wo ill rd


Rebelution is a reggae/rock group from Santa Barbara, California who are at the forefront of independently touring music groups representing the Cali-Reggae scene. The artists “worry free” vibes, catchy refrain, and optimistic, inspiring, and engaging music leave their listeners with the sense that they have the power to make this world a better place. This foldout print piece is a calendar-poster promoting Rebelutions four month summer tour. The two sided promotional piece would be placed in music magazines such as Rolling stones, Billboard, and Vibe.


To create a calendar that would incorporate the bands tour schedule and lyrics from their songs. The calendar was to be designed as a compact print piece that could be placed in a magazine to widely promote the group as well as their summer tour .


The calendar was designed to quickly catch the readers eye in order to spark an interest in the full piece. When in it’s initial folded and compact form, the calendar is noticeably smaller than the magazine to establish the promotional piece’s independence from the magazine itself. Once the piece is torn out of the magazine, it unfolds to a poster-size foldout that consists of two sides, one of which acts as the calendar and tour schedule. The other side has a lively and decorative feel and works as an alternative poster option. The green and black textured hues covering the backside of the calendar were inspired by the name of one of their popular songs titled, “Green and Black”. The bold hues within the organically textured pattern appropriately represent the band while maintaining a strong appeal to young adults. The calendar side incorporates popular lyrics of theirs into creative type structures that project the feel of the group. The four panels or months that also incorporate birds are the months that the Rebelution will be touring and include a list of the dates, venues, and guest performers for that month.








b ee ’ s k nee ’ s





Bee’s Knees Virgin Honey is an exceptional brand of honey that offers a variety of flavors in addition to their original raw blends. Bee’s Knee’s organic honey generally appeals to adult women who are health and environmentally conscious so it was important to embed our brand with a home made feel. Bee’s Knee’s believes that the best foods are always in their simplest form which is why we take pride in our organic practices as well as the homemade comfort and simplicity of our product.


The challenge was to work in collaboration with a copywriter to develop a concept, packaging, and advertisements for a high end brand of organic honey. output

The brand name was derived from the 1920’s saying “the bee’s knees” which means the height of excellence. Harvesting honey is an intensely cared for process which is often evident through taste. It was important for Bee’s Knee’s to display some of that care that honey making entails through elements such as twine and paper choice. Both the packaging and the ads were designed to convey a refined, home made feel. This was achieved in the packaging by using a handwritten style typeface for the logo combined with a soft watercolor honeycomb texture. The ads work to carry through the handcrafted feel of the brand with the use and construction of organically fashioned bee characters. Logo, packaging, art direction, photography




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