The Presidency Newsletter Vol. 20

Page 6




President Geingob declares 2023 a Year of

Declaration of Yearly Themes by President Hage G. Geingob, 2015-2023 New

Namibia hosts SADC Troika Extra-ordinary Summit

Cover: Photo of President Hage G. Geingob walking towards the opening of 7th session of the 7th Parliament.


The Official Opening of Cabinet for the Year 2023

The Official Opening of 7th Session of the

President Geingob opens 2023 Legal Year First Lady Hosts Jill Biden on Her First

Maria Petrus

Mateus Kaholongo

Festus Nafuka

Herman Kangootui

Dennis Shikwambi

Katrina Jacob

Ileni Hitula

Anna V Malumbo

Absai Haiduwa


Absai Haiduwa

Immanuel Thomas

Ileni Hitula

Design & Layout: Nghilifavali Iileka


Festus Nafuka

Year Greeting Ceremony for Members of Diplomatic Corps
Social Media on the Presidency
7th Parliament The 4IR and Opportunities for Economic Advancement 6 12 26 14 16 18
Official Visit to Namibia 10
8 20
His Excellency
Attends the Dakar
Dr. Nangolo Mbumba
2 International Summit
Revival 22 4

Dear Readers,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to our last newsletter of the 2022/2023 Financial Year. It has been an exciting and productive time for the Office of the President. As we present the Presidency’s 20th Volume Newsletter to you, we hope you enjoy the reading. The 20th Volume covers various notable local, regional and international engagements and activities by the Presidency.

As a norm, President Hage G. Geingob has declared 2023 “A Year of Revival” in Namibia, calling for economic, political and security renaissance, regeneration, revitalisation and restoration. The Head of State also opened the 7th Session of the 7th Parliament on 14 February 2023, emphasising the need for members of Parliament to enact laws that are effective at buttressing the safety and security of citizens, protecting the most vulnerable members of society, enabling the growth of industry, and promoting investment and economic trade.

This volume further offers interesting highlights on the Dakar 2 International Summit as attended by H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, Vice President of the Republic of Namibia and Dr. Jill Biden on her first official visit to Namibia as hosted by the First Lady of Namibia (FLON), Mrs. Monica Geingos.

The Green Hydrogen project has also achieved significant milestones through the successful implementation of ongoing, long-term activities.

Let us, therefore, join hands in the spirit of Harambee as we start the 2023/2024 Financial Year and work hard on our targeted plans towards prosperity.

I trust you will enjoy the reading until next time!

Editor’s Note Festus I. Nafuka


President Geingob Declares 2023 a “Year of Revival”

President Hage H. Geingob delivered his New Year’s Message to the Namibian nation on 31 December 2022 in Windhoek.

In his New Year message, President Geingob stated that as the nation says goodbye to the year 2022, the Year of Reimaging, and welcomes the year 2023, the Year of Revival, which is about reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation, a nation that looks into the future with renewed hope and optimism. President Geingob urged Namibians to pull together in order to achieve inclusive and shared prosperity.

“Theming the year 2023 as the Year of Revival, the Head of State challenged Namibians to endeavour to think anew as a nation and move

forward with renewed enthusiasm and vision.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

The Head of State informed the nation that the New Year comes with new thoughts, new ideas and new goals. It is also a time to reflect and look back on the year that was.

President Geingob stated that Namibia as a country for the past two years has battled with COVID-19 and prevailed with the assistance of international partners and was able to lift all COVID-19 restrictions in August 2022, which brought to an end to the most devastating challenges Namibia has faced since its Independence and thanked all Namibians for their heroic efforts and partner countries for their display of

international solidarity.

“A sense of melancholy still lingers as we remind ourselves of the many Namibians who succumbed to the deadly COVID-19, although as a nation we rejoice for overcoming what seemed like an absolute catastrophe.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

The Head of State stated that he is proud to say that throughout the Year of Reimaging, Namibians across the country have demonstrated the maturity, patience and understanding required to maintain peace.

“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding. Understanding leads


to diplomacy and dialogue; for where diplomacy fails and people stop talking to each other, conflict begins.”

“As the Namibian nation celebrates the conclusion of the year 2022 and looks forward to the year 2023, let us be cognisant of the fact that we live in a peaceful country and not take peace for granted. Let us, therefore, maintain it by behaving responsibly and celebrating the dawn of the New Year in a spirit of love, compassion and understanding, keeping in mind that one person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins.

As a nation, we should therefore go into the year 2023 knowing that in this land endowed with endless mineral resources, unity is one of our most precious treasures and it is Namibians’ collective responsibility to protect our resources.”


President Geingob stated that Namibia has experienced a period characterised by protracted economic headwinds and persistent droughts, but there are positive signs that the Namibian economy is on the rebound and that 2023 promises to bring with it better fortunes.

“With a projected 5.6% growth in the second quarter of the year 2023, our economy is expected to perform better this year than in the past two

years. Agriculture, mining and ICT are the main drivers of this growth, and given the fact that our Tourism Sector is experiencing a postCOVID-19 rebound, there is room for more optimism in the future.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

“It is for these reasons that, as we conclude 2022, we have cause to look forward with optimism and a renewed sense of an improving economic situation at the dawn of 2023 and beyond. In this regard, Namibia is now economically healthier and with brighter prospects than in the recent past.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

The Head of State stated that Namibia is playing a major role and holds the potential answer through Green Hydrogen in its efforts to find solutions to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate global warming.

“Therefore, the Namibian Government, together with national and international role-players has taken the lead to unlock the massive potential of Green Hydrogen. The establishment of the Green Hydrogen Council has worked tirelessly in the past three years and, as a result, positioned Namibia as one of the leading major players in the global market for Green Hydrogen.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob noted that the discovery of potential oil reserves

in the form of the Graff and Venus reservoirs, offshore Namibia in the Orange Basin, by Qatar Energy Shell and Total Energies, is set to positively transform the Namibian economic landscape and the well-being of Namibians.

“These discoveries are ranked among the top 20 globally in the last decade. Namibia stands to receive N$500 billion in Foreign Direct Investment in this regards, according to International experts (Wood Mackenzie).”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob further stated that with an estimated production of 6.5 billion barrels of oil, discoveries could earn Namibia between N$ 60 and N$ 95 billion annually in taxes and royalties. The two oil projects are estimated to generate over 3600 jobs at peak production and double Namibia’s GDP by 2040 to about N$636 billion.

President Geingob informed Namibians that the nation has a good reason to cease looking backwards and rather look ahead and pull forward in the direction of inclusive prosperity.

“Welcome to 2023, the Year of Revival, which is about reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation, a nation that looks into the future with renewed hope and optimism.”

-President Hage G. Geingob


Declaration of Yearly Themes by President Hage G. Geingob, 2015-2023

President Hage G. Geingob has developed the concept of assigning various annual themes to set the tone for the Government and the country at large, guided by the principles of accountability and transparency. Each year since assuming Office in 2015, President Hage Geingob has characterised a theme in an effort to set the right tone to inspire enhanced and effective public service delivery.

President Geingob declared the year 2015 “The Year of Planning.” “Planning is non-negotiable because, as philosopher Benjamin Franklin wisely put it, failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” President Hage G. Geingob stressed.

Having succeeded in launching “the Harambee Prosperity Plan I”, 2016 was next declared “The Year of Implementation”. Recognising the need to expedite Harambee Prosperity Plan I implementation

So as to deliver on the mandate by implementing planned programmes. President Geingob committed the Government to account annually for the status of the implementation of those Plans.

“Our single-minded resolution as a Government is to rededicate ourselves to the full implementation of our goals and objectives during 2017. This is, therefore, the Year of Re-dedication,” said President Hage G. Geingob.

The year during which the Government takes stock and is accountable for its achievements and shortcomings. 2018 saw greater emphasis placed on good governance, accountability and service delivery. According to President Geingob, laziness in the public sector, including failing to acknowledge received correspondence, will not be tolerated in 2018.

The year of accountability calls upon us to rise to the challenges facing Namibia. “It is a defining year, in which we either decide to hold hands and pull together to consolidate and build upon our hard-earned gains or risk losing

the decades of progress we have made since 1990,” President Hage G. Geingob said.

“I have termed this year 2020 the Year of Introspection. A year in which we, including Your Excellencies, must all undergo extensive soul searching to define our place, purpose and role in the quest for a better life for the citizens of this country,” President Hage G. Geingob stated.

“The year 2021 brings with it a new promise of renewal and a new dawn of hope,” President Hage G. Geingob said. President Geingob emphasised that it would be pivotal, requiring the full participation of the nation with the goal of societal development and advancement.

President Hage G. Geingob urged the country to move forward with renewed enthusiasm and vision and form a new and different mental picture by thinking differently.

This means a year of renewed hope and optimism to revive the country’s economy. “The year 2023 is about reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation, a nation that looks into the future with renewed hope and optimism. It is time for our collective revival—to shape our future, one step at a time, as we march towards shared prosperity,” said President Hage G. Geingob.

2018 2021 2019 2022 2020 2023 Year of Reckoning Year of Resilience Year of Accountability Year of Reimaging Year of Introspection Year of Revival 2015 2016 2017 Year of Planning Year of Implementation Year of Rededication

Namibia Hosts SADC Troika Extra-ordinary Summit

Officially opening and chairing the SADC Troika ExtraOrdinary Summit in his capacity as the Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, President Hage G. Geingob calls for revival in the SADC region when it comes to the Region’s economic, political and security renaissance, regeneration, revitalization, and restoration.

The SADC Extra-Ordinary Organ Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government was held on 31 January 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia.

President Geingob christened the year 2023 in Namibia as the year of Revival, which is about reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation, a nation that looks into the future with

renewed hope and optimism. President Geingob stated that he hopes that this is also the year of our Region’s revival.

The Summit was attended by SADC Heads of State and Government and their representatives, such as those from Zambia: His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia, and Incoming Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation. South Africa: His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, and Outgoing Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

Also in attendance were the Right Honorable Ntsokoane Samuel

Matekane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho; the Right Honorable Cleopas Sipho Dlamini, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Eswatini, representing His Majesty King Mswati III; and the Honourable Cristóvo Artur Chume, Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Mozambique, representing His Excellency Mr. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique.

Additionally, the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, His Excellency Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, attended virtually. The summit was also attended by the Chairperson of the SADC Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO), Ministers from Organ Troika Member States, namely Namibia, South Africa


and Zambia, the SADC Executive Secretary and Head of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM).

President Geingob pointed out that, even though this is the first meeting he is chairing in Namibia as the Chairperson of the SADC Troika, he has been receiving excellent support and cooperation from all to discharge his responsibilities of steering this important structure of SADC.

“In this context, we are addressing the challenges we are facing in the Region in our quest for a peaceful, stable, harmonious and prosperous Region.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob highlighted that the SADC Summit is a meeting to consider, share views and take decisions on specific political and security issues in the SADC Region.

The Head of State added that the regional commitment has always been to address inter- and intrastate conflicts by peaceful means and these initiatives were aimed at obtaining a clearer understanding of the causes and impact of the civil unrest and consulting key stakeholders on possible solutions to the prevailing challenges.

President Geingob condemns the assassination of a prominent opposition political activist of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum, by the name of Thulani Rudolf Maseko, who was assassinated in ESWATINI.

“In my capacity as Chairperson of the Organ, I issued a statement calling for a swift, transparent and comprehensive investigation so that the culprits can be brought to book. I have said that when diplomacy fails and people stop talking to each other, conflict begins. Therefore, dialogue is important, as it will give the peace process an opportunity to become successful.”

President Geingob further reminded the leaders that they are called upon to reinvent new approaches to find

solutions to old problems that have been troubling our Region for so long.

“As I stated on a previous occasion, without peace, development cannot take place. And without development, we cannot achieve shared prosperity for our citizens. For that reason, it is incumbent upon us, the leaders of SADC, and in particular of the Organ on Politics, Defence, and Security Cooperation, to take decisive action in addressing issues of insecurity in our Region.”

The Summit commended the Government and the people of the Kingdom of Lesotho for conducting peaceful and successful elections and congratulated the Revolutionary for Prosperity Party and the Right Hon. Ntsokoane Samuel Matekane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho.

The Summit further welcomed the commitment made by Right Hon. Ntsokoane Samuel Matekane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho to prioritise the implementation and completion of the comprehensive national reforms process and approved the Action Plan for the

Lesotho Reform Oversight Committee to monitor the finalization of the reforms process in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

The Summit also urged the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini to urgently initiate the process of the National Dialogue and urged all stakeholders in the Kingdom of Eswatini to remain calm and participate peacefully in the National Dialogue.

The Summit resolved to initiate dialogue amongst the Member States of different Regional Economic Communities (RECs) that have deployed forces in the DRC with a view to establish and implement mechanisms for the effective coordination of their interventions in the DRC.

Lastly, the Summit adopted the draft African Union Declaration on the USA’s proposed “Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act,” urged Member States to communicate SADC’s position, and reaffirmed the stance of Non-Alignment on conflicts outside the continent and the region at multilateral fora.


The Official Opening of 2023 Legal Year

His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia officially opened the 2023 legal year on 8 February 2023 in Windhoek. During the opening, President Geingob implored the Judiciary to explore various alternative dispute settlement mechanisms to alleviate the caseload on the court roll and mitigate against the prohibitive legal costs, which are a big stumbling block to the majority of Namibians having reasonable access to justice.

President Geingob commended the Judiciary for the court-guided mediation process that has been established to mitigate the prohibitive legal costs that make it impossible for Namibians to have reasonable access to justice.

“While commending progress made thus far, I urge the Ministry of Justice and the Judiciary to urgently address the need for improved accessibility to legal services for persons with disabilities through the incorporation of braille and sign

language services.”

-President Geingob G. Geingob

Furthermore, President Geingob applauded the Judiciary, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, for undertaking a comprehensive reform process to address the shortages of judges, magistrates, and prosecutors and the establishment of periodic courts to make legal services and courts accessible.

President Geingob indicated that he was happy to join the Namibian Judiciary and the broader Legal fraternity for the very important occasion, marking the official opening of the Legal Year.

The Judiciary is constitutionally mandated to oversee the critical function of the administration of justice, which is an integral component of our Governance Architecture.

President Geingob reaffirmed the Executive’s promise to uphold the rule of law and pledged that the

judiciary will continue to enjoy unfettered independence.

“We view the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of our administration of justice as an integral component, not only for the maintenance of peace and security within Namibia but also for the advancement of our developmental agenda.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob reminded the Legal fraternity that since assuming Office, at the end of every year, he takes time to reflect on the year that was and envision the ensuing year.

“In line with this tradition, I “christened” 2023 the “Year of Revival”. This is once again a clarion call to the nation to deploy our collective best endeavours in reigniting the strength of our nation and to look to the future with renewed hope and optimism.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob further


commended the Judiciary and the Legal fraternity for embracing resilient strategies to facilitate continuous access to justice during the time when the country was hit by COVID-19 and its attendant Health and Safety Regulations.

Moreover, President Geingob applauded the Judiciary for the revised Judge President’s Practice Note 1/2023, which enables legal practitioners outside the Flexible Radius of the High Court to provide legal services if they are registered on the e-justice system, thereby promoting access to justice. This demonstrates how the use of ICT can improve operations within the court system in order to further facilitate access to justice.

President Geingob encouraged the Judiciary, in collaboration with the Minister of Justice, and other key players in the Legal fraternity, to explore innovative ways to increase court capacity through the establishment of specialized courts such as community justice services, small claims courts, family courts and commercial courts.

“Furthermore, I encourage the Ministry of Justice, in consultation with the Legal fraternity, to come up with proposals to improve the broader provision of legal aid, including the possibility of embedding mandatory pro bono legal aid in order to expand access to justice.”

President Geingob further pleaded the Legal fraternity to regularly review its fees and evaluate the affordability thereof within the confines of its governance framework, as access to justice is affected by inequality and high legal costs.

“Similarly, the promotion of the culture of pro bono work, for some of us layman, meaning “free of charge”, would go a long way towards improving access to justice.”

President Geingob urged the Chief Justice, the Minister, the Prosecutor General and all Practitioners to ensure that high standards of discipline and professionalism are observed at all times, as it has been reported that a lack of discipline in the legal profession is an emerging trend.

“This is indeed disturbing considering that the Legal profession is a highly respected profession. Society holds the legal profession in high esteem and this requires that, as members of this noble profession, you remain above reproach at all times.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob further urged all the stakeholders to strive not only to ensure a swift delivery of justice but also a fair delivery of justice so that Namibians from all walks of life can have faith in a justice system that

caters to all, cares for all and offers protection to all.

“In the Year of Revival, let us endeavour to ensure that justice is not only a reality for a few but a reality for each and every Namibian. In so doing, we will take yet another step forward in our march towards becoming a truly prosperous nation.”


New Year Greeting Ceremony for Members of Diplomatic Corps

President Hage G. Geingob hosted the New Year’s Greeting Ceremony for members of the Diplomatic Corps on 10 February 2023 at the State House in Windhoek.

President Geingob expressed his happiness that he was finally able to once again meet in person with the members of the diplomatic corps after a three-year halt due to the COVID-19 global pandemic crisis.

“It is indeed wonderful and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the strength of international solidarity. It, therefore, gives me the utmost pleasure to host you all in person as we once again enjoy the gift of human interaction.”

President Geingob reaffirmed that there were global issues calling for increased international cooperation

and urgent action.

President Geingob said that the common challenges that demand immediate attention are climate change, food security, energy, growing pressure on natural resources, terrorism, violent extremism, migration issues and human trafficking.

“It is in that sense that I hope 2023 will be the year when we develop greater platforms for dialogue and cooperation, as this is the only way to restore global peace and stability.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob shared two dictums about war with members of the diplomatic corps.

“Number one, war is caused by the failure of diplomacy; therefore, diplomacy must always prevail.

Secondly, the government of the Republic of Namibia attaches great importance to the mutually beneficial bilateral relations and cooperation with the diplomatic corps, their respective countries and international organizations.”

President Geingob urged the members of the diplomatic corps to prioritise the deepening of mutually beneficial relations with the overall objective of securing lasting peace and stability as well as sustainable growth and prosperity in all corners of the globe.

President Geingob stated that Namibia remains committed to overcoming energy poverty.

“I am pleased to state that, with the assistance of several of your countries, we have made progress


in this regard. The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the European Union on Sustainable Raw Materials and Renewable Hydrogen opens up investment opportunities that gear toward turning Namibia into a clean energy hub with the potential to export to other countries within the continent and beyond. Thus, Namibia is quickly emerging as an early entrant to the green energy market with the ambition of becoming a leading exporter of Green Hydrogen.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

According to President Geingob, the recent discovery of oil has the potential to make Namibia the thirdlargest oil producer in Sub-Saharan Africa.

President Geingob reminded the diplomats that Namibia is committed to promoting democracy, the rule of law, good governance, and international peace and security, and reaffirmed that one cannot speak about sustainable development in the absence of peace and security.

“Therefore, through the quest for maintenance of peace and security, Namibia assumed the chairmanship of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense, and Security Cooperation last August and is currently serving

in the AU Peace and Security Council for a three-year term (2022-2025).”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob said that as Chair of the Organ Troika, Namibia has launched successful SADC Electoral Observation Missions (SEOMs) to Angola and Lesotho and also undertaken a working visit to Eswatini to better understand the situation on the ground.

“Namibia continues to call for the legitimate reform of the UN Security Council. The Reform is integral to redressing the historical injustice done to the African continent. Therefore, the African continent and its people must receive their rightful place in the international system, with an equal voice in the United Nations. In this regard, Namibia continues to advocate for the Common African Position as enshrined in the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration, which remains the most viable option to redress the historical injustice,”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob further stated that Namibia upholds the principle of peaceful co-existence of nations as well as fair and open trade among nations.

President Geingob reiterated Namibia’s position on the issue of self-determination and stressed that the denial of the right to selfdetermination is a denial of basic human rights.

“In this regard, we reaffirm our full and unequivocal support for the inalienable rights of the people of both Palestine and Western Sahara to self-determination and national independence.”

-President Hage G. Geingob


The Official Opening of Cabinet for the Year 2023

President Geingob informed the Cabinet Ministers that in front of them lies a clean page, a page on which they can share the future, having learned from the past, when he officially opened the Cabinet for the Year 2023.

“I am sure you have reflected on your performance during the past year, identified your success and pinpointed the areas where you could have done better.”

The Head of State informed the Cabinet members that he assigned themes to respective years since his inauguration as president, and these themes have spoken to a specific action or mindset needed to execute specific policies as well as direct and coordinate the activities of various areas of our Government Architecture, in cognisant with the realities of the day.

The President informed his Cabinet that this year they are in the process of revival as per the 2023 Year theme, therefore reminding them that due to a myriad of independent intervention variables, one of them being COVID-19, there is a need to change our goals and strategies in an attempt to consolidate Namibia’s fiscal stability.

“Therefore, the ultimate priority for 2023 is to do our utmost best to enhance our competitiveness in all areas, with our governance, microeconomic and social architectures.”

President Geingob reminded the members of the cabinet that they have a responsibility to deliver prosperity for the Namibian people. Thus, no matter what, the team should deliver because it has been entrusted with the responsibility of

fighting poverty and unemployment as well as bringing about economic emancipation.

The Head of State reminded Cabinet that its work is a collective effort and not a one-man or one-woman show but a cohesive undertaking geared towards delivering goods and services to all the people of Namibia.

“Therefore, members cannot operate in silos when they are expected to achieve important national goals with limited resources. Members of the Cabinet have a duty to serve the interests of the people and not to advance personal interests or those of their families, friends and associates.”

President Geingob further stated that under Harambee Prosperity Plan II, Cabinet is committed to


creating a more accountable and transparent Governance Framework and President Geingob is determined to ensure this goal is achieved. President Geingob further highlighted Namibia’s positioning as one of the freest press in Africa as one of Namibia’s great achievements.

President Geingob encouraged Cabinet Ministers not to shy away from communicating the Government’s successes and should use every opportunity to inform the nation and world about our achievements attained in the past 32 years of Independence.

President Geingob further charged his Cabinet Ministers to ensure that they implement all projects that are contained in the NDPs and HPP II to the letter without delay.

“In the government’s Vision 2030, Development Plans with the complementary Harambee Prosperity Plans, which are impact plans aimed at accelerating implementation, a lot still remains to be done if these goals are to be realized,”

-President Hage G. Geingob

The President informed his Cabinet that in Green Energy Sector, Namibia is making great strides on the Southern Corridor Development Initiative, spurred on by global interest in Green Hydrogen and its derivatives in the area, adding that thorough planning and execution are of vital importance to fully unlock this opportunity as envisioned.

President Geingob stated that the disappointingly below-average passing rates of the 2022 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) and Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) Level Examinations should not be taken lightly.

“There is therefore an urgent need to arrange for a broader consultative meeting with all educational stakeholders, the youth and youth organisations, and education experts in order to discuss the state of our education and deliberate on ways to improve performance across the education sector.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob encouraged the

Cabinet members to take collective responsibility for advancing the country’s developmental agenda.

“Now is the time for each one of us to step up and be counted, to put our hands on the deck and revive the Namibian House, Together holding hands and pulling in one direction, we can become catalysts for change and drivers of transformation.”

-President Hage G. Geingob


The Official Opening of 7th Session of the 7th Parliament

President Hage G. Geingob officially opened the Seventh Session of the Seventh Parliament on 14 February 2023 in Windhoek to commence with the crucial work of the legislative calendar.

In his statement, President Geingob said that in many democratic countries around the world, parliament is seen as the center of democratic politics.

“In Namibia, our Parliament symbolises our representative democracy and the multiplicity of our political organisations, interests and ideas. As Members of Parliament, you are elected by the people and, as such, play an integral role in ensuring that the needs and wishes of the people of Namibia are catered for.”

In this regard, President Geingob stated that the legislative mandate of Parliament must be fulfilled to its fullest degree if we are to become a prosperous nation.

The Parliamentarians were reminded by President Geingob that there is a pertinent need for them to enact laws that are effective at buttressing the safety and security of our citizens, protecting the most vulnerable members of our society, enabling the growth of industry, as well as promoting investment and economic trade. Furthermore, President Geingob stated that our laws should instil confidence in our people, investors and visitors that Namibia is a country where the rights and human dignity of all are respected and protected.


In the same vein, President Geingob expressed his happiness with the bills that are to be tabled during the course of the year and put emphasis on the High Court Amendment Bill and Magistrate Court Amendment Bill, among others.

“The two bills I have just highlighted speak to a troubling situation we have been witnessing in the country regarding the repossession of houses. The process of home foreclosures can be a humiliating and traumatic experience, especially for the most vulnerable members of society.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

He further stated that he was pleased to note that we are moving towards ensuring that the dignity of our citizens is protected and that there will be judicial oversight on the sale in execution of immovable properties.

Moreover, President Geingob stressed on the Civil Registration and

Identification Bill, which provides for the registration of births, stillbirths, adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces in the Civil Register. The Civil Registration and Identification Bill further facilitates the development of an efficient system for the compilation and maintenance of a Civil Register in Namibia.

“When I officiated at the inauguration of the new building of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security in November last year, I highlighted the importance of ensuring that the data of Namibian citizens is not only kept safe but also digitized to ensure that the country remains on par with the modern world.

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob encouraged the Members of Parliament to redouble their efforts to ensure that there is a regular quorum in Parliament so that they are able to speed up the legislative process.

“Through the drafting of relevant and adequate legislation, you, as Parliamentarians, are the main drivers of change in terms of our national developmental agenda. You are catalysts for societal transformation.”

-President Hage G. Geingob

President Geingob stated that the path to prosperity consists of hard work.

“It is a struggle. It comes with successes and setbacks. It requires persistence. But it is a path we must walk hand in hand. A journey we must travel together. A mission we must carry out shoulder to shoulder. The people have entrusted us with this responsibility, and I call on all of us to work together to uphold the promise to deliver a better life for all Namibians.”

-President Hage G. Geingob


The 4IR and Opportunities for Economic Advancement

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its technologies present unprecedented opportunities for Namibia to improve its economy. The emerging Green Hydrogen economy in Namibia can serve as a catalyst for Namibia to accelerate its adoption, use, creation, and application of 4IR technologies.

An eight-member Task Force on the Fourth Industrial Revolution was appointed on 1 July 2021, by H.E. Dr Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, to determine Namibia’s readiness for leveraging the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Task Force commissioned the national 4IR country assessment to ascertain Namibia’s digital labor profile, reskilling requirements, and

the impact of Artificial Intelligence on labor force dynamics. The 4IR Task Force organized the Namibia 4IR Conference and Expo on 7-8 June 2022, to serve as a center for a national dialogue on 4IR and allow the public to provide more input to the Country Readiness Assessment (CRA). Shortly after, the task force commissioned a national 4IR country assessment, which was presented to Cabinet and approved.

The Cabinet has instructed various offices, ministries, and agencies to act related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in Namibia. This includes appointing a National 4IR Commission to develop a national 4IR strategy, improving education and closing the digital skills gap, establishing a National Data

Centre, conducting a policy and legislative review of outdated laws, accelerating 4IR infrastructure development, setting a national roadmap for the future of work, prioritizing cybersecurity, mobilizing financial resources for 4IR development, improving the global trade environment, developing a robust e-government service, strengthening 4IR research and development capabilities, establishing a National Artificial Intelligence institute, and developing critical transport infrastructure networks.

These recommendations are awaiting final approval following the Cabinet workshop dedicated to discussing them.


Significant Milestones on Green Hydrogen Achieved

National Synthetic Fuels Strategy (the Strategy) which was launched at home and at COP27 in Egypt. The Government will look to fund further feasibility studies with the remainder of the money, with the aim of developing the three identified green hydrogen valleys in the Strategy.

Several significant milestones have been achieved through the successful implementation of ongoing long-term activities. One notable accomplishment is the development of an implementation plan aimed at attracting private sector investment into Namibia’s green and blue economies. This initiative made substantial progress with the government announcing a preferred bidder to carry out a feasibility study on Green Hydrogen in the Tsau //Khaeb National Park. Final negotiations are underway with the preferred bidder and the feasibility is expected to commence in the 2nd half of 2023.

Since the launch of HPPII, the Government, through Economic Diplomacy channels, secured more than N$700 million of grant funding from the German Government, specifically the German Ministry of Education and Research. This money was provided to Namibia to realize its ambitions of developing a local industry and preparing Namibian businesses and scholars to enter and develop this industry at home.

This funding was divided into three separate programs. Approximately N$88 million was allocated to fund a national synthetic fuels strategy and associated studies. Some of this funding was used to develop the recently launched

Approximately N$88 million was set aside to develop a scholarship program, which was advertised nationally. This first round unearthed 1,600 applications and resulted in 60 Namibian students being identified to receive scholarships to study in Namibia and or in Germany in programs that are related to the clean hydrogen industry. We aspire to assist the students to get placed in various institutions of higher learning this year.

Third, we developed a pilot project program which looked for Namibian and German businesses that wanted to set up local green hydrogen related businesses and for tertiary institutions that wanted to run relevant research projects. 23 applications were received, and 4 projects were shortlisted as potential beneficiaries of the more than N$500 million that has been earmarked for this part of the program.

The green hydrogen initiative was purposely broadened to a National Synthetic Fuels Strategy because the Government appreciates that Hydrogen is a mere building block for many a range of products including, ammonia, methane and jet-fuel for example. Some of these components can then be used to produce further goods such as fertilizers, explosives and even pig iron.

Furthermore, the process to produce green hydrogen will result in a lot of clean electricity being produced and some excess

may be available for local or regional consumption. Clean and affordable electricity should enable our electricity industry, which abides by the principles of a cost reflective tariff, to gradually lower the cost of energy for the average Namibian household and industrial consumer as well. This could contribute very positively to Namibia’s global competitiveness and augment its ability to attract energy intensive industries.

When one starts to consider all of the above opportunities and the potential impact to drive growth and investments into adjacent sectors such as construction, research and development, mining etc. one begins to appreciate the potential magnitude of what a ‘green economy’ in Namibia could be. It is essentially an initiative that speaks to the ambitions of our Vision 2030 and will provide a critical pathway for Namibia’s economy to evolve from one which is dominated by the primary sector, into one which derives significant value from the secondary sector. Along the way as Namibian’s we gain critical skills and professionals from around the world flock to our country, a sizeable tertiary sector is expected to develop.

This is what the Government is envisioning under HPPII’s Economic Advancement Pillar under Goal number 3.


Vice President Dr. Nangolo Mbumba Attends the Dakar

2 International Summit

H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, Vice President of the Republic of Namibia, attended the Dakar 2 International Summit on behalf of H.E. Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, from 25 to 27 January 2023 in Senegal.

The Summit was held under the theme “Feed Africa: Food Sovereignty and Resilience.” The Summit was attended by African Heads of State and Government as well as Heads of African and International Financial Institutions and Private Sector organisations.

Heads of State and Government and various speakers at the Summit called for the building of resilience and the development

of food systems that adapt to climate change and reduce the negative environmental impact of agriculture on the African continent.

Vice President Dr. Nangolo Mbumba participated in the discussions and informed the Summit of the Namibian Government’s commitment to and prioritisation of agriculture. He further shared with the Summit about Namibia’s successes in improving agricultural production, especially in the beef production and the fisheries sectors, as well as the development of Green Schemes along Namibia’s perennial rivers to boost food production and produce grapes, blueberries and dates for international markets.


Namibia Participates in the 32nd Ordinary Session of the African Peer Review Forum

Representing the Government of the Republic of Namibia, the Vice President, H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, attended the 32nd Ordinary Session of the African Peer Review (APR) Forum, which was held virtually in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on 9 February 2023. The Session was chaired by H.E. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

The APR Forum was attended by the Heads of State and Government of Sierra Leone, Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Malawi, Rwanda, and Niger; the Vice President of Namibia; the Prime Minister of Congo; the Deputy Prime Minister of Lesotho; and the Cabinet Secretary of Kenya.

The Union of Comoros acceded to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as the 43rd Participating

Member State. The APRM encouraged all African Union (AU) Member States that have not yet joined the APRM to accede to the mechanism and those that have acceded but have not undertaken the First APRM Country Review process to do so.

The Forum considered and peer-reviewed the Country Review Report of the Republic of Niger as well as the Targeted Review Report on the Fiscal Decentralisation of the Republic of Djibouti.

The Forum also recommended for appointment by the Assembly: Dr. Abdoulie Janneh, representing West Africa, as the Chairperson of the APR Panel of Eminent Persons, and Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika, representing Southern Africa, as the Vice Chairperson of the APR Panel of Eminent Persons.


First Lady Hosts Jill Biden on Her First Official Visit to Namibia

The Office of the First Lady was delighted to host Dr. Jill Biden, the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), on her first official visit to Namibia from 22 February 2023 to 25 February 2023. This visit follows the US-Africa Leadership Summit, at which Dr. Biden hosted African First Ladies in Washington.

It was during the Summit that the First Lady of Namibia (FLON), Mrs. Monica Geingos, extended an invitation to Dr. Biden to visit Namibia. The US-Africa Summit allowed FLON and FLOTUS to renew their shared vision and mutual commitment to empowering women and young people through health and educational support. It is the first time a FLOTUS has visited Namibia and also the most senior

Dr. Jill Biden arrived at Hosea Kutako International Airport in Windhoek on 22 February 2023, where she was welcomed by Mrs. Geingos, a high-level delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister, her two daughters and senior members of the State House. The first stop was Heroes Acre, where FLOTUS laid a wreath to honour the fallen heroes of Namibia. The First Ladies then paid a courtesy visit to President Dr. Hage G. Geingob at the State House of Namibia.

On Thursday, 23 February 2023, a State Luncheon was held in honour of Dr. Biden under the theme “The

Land of Possibility”. The luncheon was opened by Sustjie Mbumba and included inspirational stories by Ms. Nangula Uaandja, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) and Mr. Moses Fillipus, the Junior Mayor of the City of Windhoek. Their remarks touched on their wishes for a more prosperous Namibia. FLON then introduced FLOTUS, who, in her keynote speech, stressed that African voices and leadership are critical to addressing global challenges and advancing priorities such as empowering women and youth.

Dr. Biden applauded Namibia’s commitment to gender equality, noting the strong representation

US official to visit Namibia since Vice President Al Gore did so in 1996.

of women in government. She continued to highlight the advancements made in HIV treatment through the proud partnership that the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has with the Namibian government. Following the luncheon, FLON accompanied FLOTUS on a visit to Hope Initiatives Namibia, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) focused on empowering young women and slowing down the spread of HIV. The two First Ladies spoke to students and families benefiting from the program.

Before leaving Namibia, FLOTUS met students and young people from different tertiary institutions and high schools during a youth engagement session held at the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST). Both First Ladies held speeches on the fundamental role young people play in fostering change in their countries and across the world.

Dr. Jill Biden highlighted the United States’ commitment to the African continent and emphasised the importance of strong partnerships between the two countries in promoting economic development, strengthening democracy and advancing peace and security.

Dr. Biden’s visit was a resounding success, laid the groundwork for continued cooperation and exemplified the soft leadership between the two First Ladies. The visit was widely covered in local, regional and international media, which helped generate positive press coverage for Namibia and its democratic culture as an example of excellence.


First Lady of Namibia Joins Fellow First Ladies in Addis Ababa

The Organisation of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) 27th General Assembly was chaired by Mrs. Monica Geingos, First Lady of Namibia (FLON), in her capacity as President of the Organisation. OAFLAD celebrated its 27th Anniversary, during which it has played a pivotal advocacy role across the continent.

After ensuring a successful strategic session in New York last year, FLON outlined OAFLAD’s strategic plan, which includes operational efficiency, resource mobilisation, stronger regional collaboration and increased visibility. The strategic objectives were supported by the African First Ladies, who committed to supporting FLON’s vision in the interest of deepening the impact of OAFLAD’s work. This year’s General Assembly was held under the theme “Closing Gaps in Gender Equity” to drive social change and economic progress in Africa.

The General Assembly ended with the official launch of Africa REACH, a complementary initiative in partnership with the Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children by 2030. The initiative will fight for an AIDS-free Africa by helping to close the inequality gap in HIV prevention and treatment for children through leadership, policy development, advocacy, and smarter programming to reduce the mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

FLON, as chairperson of the initiative, was excited to introduce the dynamic leadership council, which will be the driving force behind Africa REACH. She described the council as African-led, with African voices, and aimed at achieving its objectives from an African perspective.

FLON also met with leaders of international organisations and funders as part of her responsibilities.


First Lady Champions Gender Equality

In 2022, the Office of the First Lady was laser-focused on the execution of its strategic objectives. The Office views its work as multidimensional and needs complementary interventions.

Last year was about focusing on youth development through funding for the #BeFree multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence. Our Office work has always had a strong focus on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and in November, #BreakFree organised an “Arts for Activism Show” to celebrate artists and creatives from all over Namibia. Art being one of the therapeutic tools used by survivors of sexual violence, this event allowed them to creatively express themselves in a safe space.

Beyond the Foundation’s focus on youth and fighting the scourge of GBV-F, ONE was also committed to engaging men in its work to

transform mindsets and empower communities. The most notable was the “#BeFree Cook-Off: Male Engagement” in Windhoek, which included the First Lady of Namibia (FLON), Hon. Salomon April, and inmates from the Namibia Correctional Services who shared their understanding of what constitutes male masculinity. It aimed to deconstruct gender stereotypes by combining cooking tutorials with male engagement sessions.

The public health focus of the Office of the First Lady has increased international prominence with FLON attending the World Health Summit 2022 in Germany, with numerous opportunities to engage leaders of international health organisations and highlight Namibia’s progress on spotlighting HIV. As a result of her engagements, the Virchow Foundation for Global Health (the

Nobel Peace Prize equivalent for health) appointed FLON to sit on their Board of Trustees. FLON’s leadership was recognised by Howard University when she received the Global Leadership of Women Award from Howard University last year. Lastly, FLON has also been recognised as one of the 100 most influential women in Africa.

Through its numerous interventions, programmes and innovative solutions, the Office of the First Lady is committed to its fight against gender-based violence, increasing access to healthcare and advancing positive change for youth. The Year 2023 will be a fruitful year as we launch the #BeFree Centre of Excellence, a multidimensional youth centre, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service.


Impacts of Social Media on the Presidency

Social media has become a trend and a fast communication tool in today’s world, almost taking over most of the traditional ways of communication.

In a modern world of fast-paced technological evolution as well as new ways of interacting with business-to-business and humanto-human interaction, social media has taken a dramatic twist on how communication is and how we should all embrace modern technology in delivering messages or handling communication in general.

The Presidency has also embraced the use of social media in order to improve how the Office communicates with stakeholders and the general public. This is indeed a great step closer to the incorporation of innovation as well

as keeping up with modern times. Although social media is interpreted differently by many people, some are in support of it, some are sceptical about it and some still have a negative perception or view of the use of social media. However, the world of technology is changing every day, thus requiring institutions to align themselves with technological changes.

The Presidency and government institutions have however embraced these new tools of communication when it comes to the use of social media at a professional level. This is indeed a great move, as the public can receive first-hand information on time and right at their fingertips.

The first pillar (Effective Governance) of the Harambee Prosperity Plan II (HPPII) glances at the role of the Government’s

aptitude to centralise decisionmaking and development through the country’s people, as this takes on a significant meaning and is the principle of democracy. Goal four of the Effective Governance pillar concentrates on enhanced citizen participation and engagement. Under this goal, access to public information is one of the key strategies and actions deployed to reach desired goals in accountability and transparency at the governmental level. Access to information further ensures that citizens have access to relevant public information. This also falls under the Access to Information Act No. 8 of 2022. Social media contributes to these desired outcomes.

The use of social media as one of the main communication tools has brought the nation closer to the Presidency’s activities and its


ability to engage with the public. This is a great achievement for the Presidency in maintaining a good image by sharing vital public information timely and on a regular basis.

In addition, social media is a highly engaged platform in the Presidency, where public opinions are welcomed. Without censorship, the nation can exercise its democratic right by raising its opinions on shared information. The Presidency continues to strengthen the use of social media platforms to disseminate reliable and credible information to the public.

The Presidency also contributes

to maintaining its online presence for credibility in the advent of new technology where fake news, misinformation and disinformation are on the increase.

Over the years, social media has become a powerful tool for many governments to disseminate information and sway public opinion with a single press of a button. With a majority of Namibians having social media accounts lately, more and more people across the Land of the Brave have used their social media power to share public policy opinions.

The Presidency’s presence on social media aims at:

•establishing a sense of trust with the community by growing the number of followers on social media platforms; •responding to comments and q uestions from the followers; •keeping followers informed with key information that affects them; and •keeping key public information and public announcements to the nation.

To keep updated, follow the Namibian Presidency on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as the YouTube channel.


Notable Quotes by President Hage G. Geingob, 2022-2023

Throughout the year 2022, a “Year of Reimaging,” His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia and Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation was engaged and/ or participated in national and international occasions where he delivered statements. From his national and international statements of addresses and participation, the Presidency took some of the notable quotes as follows:

1. “After three decades of independence, we pride ourselves as Namibians for the progress we have made in increasing women’s representation in Parliament, from 7% in 1990 to 46% in the current parliament. We will continue to intentionally promote young women and girls in order to give them a voice in different arenas of our governance architecture.”


2. “Engagements of this nature is an indication that our democracy has matured beyond petty politics and shows that as leaders of this great nation, we have an obligation to embrace the notion of collaborative governance to foster national cohesion and unity.”


3. “32 years ago, the flag of Apartheid South Africa was lowered for the very last time, never to be flown again over our liberated land. 32 years ago, the world witnessed the birth of a nation as labour pains— the long and bitter struggle for independence and the sacrifices paid in blood—were replaced by the ululation of a people freed from the shackles of colonial oppression, racism, and war.”


4. “I encourage all of you who have not yet invested in Namibia to make an investment decision and become Namibia’s investment partner. And if not an investment partner, then try to become Namibia’s tourism partner. Namibia is ready to do business and welcomes you with many opportunities.”


5. “We have recorded significant successes and milestones, such as the peace and security we enjoy; growing our economy by four times the size of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the apartheid era; expansion of our physical and communication infrastructure, including our national road network, which is rated Number 1 in Africa; poverty reduction through comprehensive social safety nets; improved access to safe and clean drinking water; universal access to primary and secondary education; and gender parity both in the classroom and in Government leadership roles. In addition to the 50/50 gender parity between the

top four positions in the Executive, Namibia ranks among the leading countries in the world with the greatest participation of women in Parliament. Continentally, we rank only behind Rwanda, while globally we are 7th.”


6. “We should continue with the drive to increase vaccinations in order to achieve herd immunity. This will not only limit severe illness and hospitalisations but will also instill confidence in the economy, specifically in the tourism and hospitality sectors, which have been negatively affected by COVID-19. There remains a lot of work ahead before we can safely say that COVID-19 is behind us. I once more acknowledge and thank all members of our society, including our Development Partners and friendly nations, for their support, cooperation and collaboration over the past two difficult years.”


7. “The Namibian House will always be as strong as the health of its citizens. Noting the importance of and demand for healthcare services, the Government will continue to invest in research and development, promoting innovation and technology, and driving greater cross-sector, cross-professional collaboration in the area of healthcare.”



8. “1 May Day, a day of remembrance for workers, is an important achievement in the fight by workers in recognition of their contributions to society and socio-economic development. Recognizing the fact that the day signifies awareness about some of the difficulties faced by workers in their collective endeavour to improve their working conditions, the Namibian Government stands with workers in that ongoing journey.” ON THE OCCASION OF NAMIBIAN AND INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY, 1 MAY 2022

9. “It is our duty to ensure that the dreams, aspirations and blood of those sons and daughters of Namibia who laid down their lives so that we can enjoy our freedom today are not betrayed. Therefore, the most befitting manner in which we can honour the memory of Cassinga Day and the sacrifices of our heroes and heroines is by working hard, in unity, towards the realization of a better Namibia, guided by the principles of social justice, solidarity and the improvement of the standards of living of all our people. Let us, therefore, engage, as a collective, in actions that give deserving respect to those who lost their lives for the freedom and independence of our country.”


10. “We should prioritize preparing our young people to be generational leaders and including them in leadership structures so they can be represented in the echelon and express their opinions on subjects that are important to them.”


11. “Peace is a wonderful gift but is a fragile one as well. Therefore, for us to maintain peace and unity in our independent Namibia, it requires each one of us to bury the hatchets, banish grudges and don the garments

of blue, green, red, white and yellow. These are the colours of our flag, these are the colours of our Namibian House and these are the only colours that should matter to the free and liberated people of Namibia.”


12. “I am proud to say that throughout the Year of Reimaging, Namibians across the country have demonstrated the maturity, patience and understanding needed to maintain peace.”


“Engagements of this nature is an indication that our democracy has matured beyond petty politics and shows that as leaders of this great nation, we have an obligation to embrace the notion of collaborative governance to foster national cohesion and unity.”
- President Hage G. Geingob

Health Tips and Awareness

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. Your body either does not make enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it makes.

1.Risk Factors

Genetic (inheritance from family). If someone in your family has or has had diabetes, you are at greater risk of developing the disease than someone with no history of diabetes in the family.

2.Unhealthy Lifestyle

Being overweight, not participating in any form of exercise, and using tobacco.

3.Previous Gestational Diabetes

Signs and Symptoms

•Excessively passing urine

•Excessive thirst often occurs at night.

•Excessive hunger

•Excessive weight loss without working out

•Excessively dry skin

•Delayed wound/sore healing

•Excessive fatigue (tiredness)

•Blurry vision


•Management is based on the type of diabetes mellitus diagnosed.


•Heart disease

•Vision loss

•Hearing loss


•Foot damage

•Skin problems



•Premature birth

Healthy Tips

•Be physically active.

•Eat a healthy diet.

•Avoid tobacco use.

•Do regular checkups.

Note: Early diagnosis prevents complications.

Adapted from Healthline


Photo Gallery

President Geingob and First Lady Monica Geingos hosted Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States of America. The Namibia Beauty Pageant Organising Committee briefing President Geingob on the work that they have undertake. State House Visits by Zanele Mbeki Private School, Suiderhof Primary School, Cathy’s Pre-Primary School and NIRO AS Level Academy. President Geingob at the Launch of the use of National Identity Cards as Travel Documents Between Namibia and Botswana. President Geingob presents credentials to the members of the Diplomatic Corps.



Harambee Prosperity Plan II

Effective Governance

Accountability & Transparency

Strengthening the National Anti-Corruption Mechanisms

Improved Performance & Service Delivery

Enhanced Citizen Participation & Engagement.

Enhancing Security & Rule of Law

Economic Advancement

Social Progression

Zero Deaths from Hunger Poverty

Infrastructure Development International Relations and Cooperation

Energy Supply Security

Optimize Stewardship of Natural Resources & Public Assets

Delivery of Urban Land, Housing & Sanitation

Water Supply Security

Enhance Productivity of Priority Economic Sectors

Improved Access to Healthcare

Improved Access to Quality Education & Sports

Enhance Economic Diplomacy for Economic Recovery

Develop Complementary Engines of Growth

Arresting Gender Based Violence and Violence Against Children.

Strengthen Namibia’s Position as a Transport and Logistics Hub

Expand Coverage for Information and Communication Technologies

@NamibianPresidency Office of the President 1 Engelberg Street, Auasblick Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 61 270 7111 Fax: +264 61 221 780

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