2023 Australia Beef Sire Autumn Update

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AUTUMN BEEF UPDATE 2023 Australian

We are delighted to present our 2023 Autumn Beef Update to producers around Australia. It fills us with immense pride and satisfaction to see the amount of ABS progeny excelling in all facets of the beef industry here in Australia- be that through the success of our industry leading seedstock clients as well as our loyal commercial customers.

ABS Australia beef has retained the #1 industry position in the most recent NHIA survey, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all clients across Australia and NZ for their ongoing support for the ABS beef program.

Throughout spring 2022, we saw bulls such as Arubial United (Wagyu), Landfall New Ground N90 (Angus) and Injemira Robert Redford (Hereford) rocket to the top of their respective breeds, with progeny excelling in sales throughout the country.

This autumn, we are excited to introduce a number of new sires to the ABS beef line-up, as well as highlighting key bulls within the current line-up who will be of particular interest to breeders. In November 2022, Fletch travelled to the USA to inspect a significant portion of our USA sire offering, including a number of hot new sires featured in this update.

Please review the semen price list. Commercial breeders should be encouraged by the list of available sires. From time to time updates and specials will be available via the ABS Australia website, social media pages and email. A final note, with the increased global sales the inventory level of some bulls may result in low stock levels or being unavailable, so please consider your bull selections and place your orders early.

Please contact Kim, Annie, Bill or myself for assistance.


Dear clients,

With the increased biosecurity threat stemming from a number of diseases (such as Foot & Mouth Disease), we have been asked to temporarily suspend customer visits to Total Livestock Genetics (TLG) until further notice. The health, safety and wellbeing of all animals, in addition to the continued operational capacity of collection centres such as TLG are absolutely vital to our industry. We thank clients for their understanding and will advise accordingly should this suspension be lifted.

TO DATE SEMEN DISCLAIMER Genus Australia, trading as ABS Australia, its employees and agents cannot guarantee the conception rate or productivity to be obtained in connection with the use of its products or recommended techniques, therefore it makes no warranty of any kind whatever, expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the products hereon and all warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. YouTube ABS Australia Are you on our mailing list? Head to www.absglobal.com/au and subscribe today! Follow us! @absaubeef @ ABS Australia Beef Team
ABS Australia 2
Fletch Kelly


Leachman Right Time 338-5605

Sitz Right Time 8034

Sitz Florabelle Fanny 1293

S Chisum 6175

S Queen Essa 367

S Queen Essa 208

An Absolute Beast

• The phenotypic standout of the 2022 USA tour out of the renowned Spickler North Ranch, ND

• Without question, one of the most powerful bulls to enter the ABS program for many, many years

• Admire the phenomenal power, depth, width and top-line strength of this absolute powerhouse. Right Time exemplifies everything we love about the Angus breed

• Right Time’s presence, soundness and mobility for a bull of such physical dimension is pure gold, and testament to the depth of quality within the Spickler North herd

• The ultimate phenotype sire to add that much needed punch and muscle back into the Angus breed

• Good scrotal, clean sheathed, with excellent tail head placement

• A must-use fo 2023

Breeder Notes:

S Right Time 7861 is positioned to be a breed changer for hoof structure, udder quality, and scrotal development; while maintaining excellent performance and IMF.

Right Time is an excellent breeding bull in the pasture, naturally servicing 70 cows in his 45 day 2022 breeding season. We retained all of his 2021 heifers as replacements, with one exception, a daughter slated to be a sale feature in the November 2023 production sale.

ANGUS Beef Update 3
Right Time 7861
271AN4833 |
Owned by: Spickler Ranch North, Glenfield, ND; Stuart Simon, Tolstoy, ND
Born Birth Weight Weaning Weight Yearling Weight Scrotal 12mths Frame 12mths Reg. No.
03/04/2017 39kg 348kg 576kg 40.8cm 6.1 AAA 18762372
NEW EPDs as at March 2023 TOP 35% CED BW WW YW RADGDMIYH SC DOCClawAngle PAP HSHPCEMMILK MW MH CW MARBREA FAT EPD +4+3.1+77+121+.19+1.32 +.7 +1.49+26+.41+.38-1.26+.51+15.0+7+27+51 +.3 +60+.68+.40+.052 ACC . %Rank 7090153085753015152010545156545605020357595
Maternal Grand Sire: S Chisum 6175

G A R Sure Fire 6404

GB Fireball 672

GB Anticipation 432

Baldridge Beast Mode B074

Ben Nevis Floryx Q6

Ben Nevis Floryx N18

Surpass Your Breeding Program Limits

• Breeders are recognizing the value of Surpass – progeny are in high demand as they move to the front of their contemporary groups and top production sales across the land

• Highest $Maternal Sire in the breed with any measurable level of accuracy applied to affiliated production traits

• Solidif ying himself as a calving ease, growth spread specialist that governs mature size, emphasizes maternal traits, and still excels at end product merit

• Progeny are consistently sharp fronted, deep soft ribbed with extra body and balance. He delivers an uncompromising foundation of feet and structure

Smokin’ Hot Phenotype, Data to Burn

• In an industry of breeding high quality red meat, this bull, Ben Nevis Smokin Joe S146, is the no brainer, sleep easy, commercial cattleman’s dream!

• A bull we could not pass on in spring of 2022! With a highly recognised proven pedigree (Fireball X Beastmode) with an impressive heifer bull data set and big performance phenotype to boot!

• Like the Angus of old, his constitution is reflected in how closely he is muscled to the hock and his balance is reflected in his hip to pin. Showcasing a huge butterfly top and spring of rib

• Smokin Joe is a gentleman to handle and has been used extensively in the Merit program over spring and the Ben Nevis progeny program

AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU NEW EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +10.0+8.5-6.9-0.3+52+86+117+74+20-5.8+2.6+62+7.6+0.9+1.7-0.3+4.2+0.24+13+1.02+0.92 $255$405 ACC 63%48%72%74%74%72%72%69%62%37%70%63%63%64%63%57%67%51%57%75%75% %Rank 34181406452882720296333271689958858236410 Born Birth Weight 400 day Weight SS Frame Score Reg. No. 08/02/2021 35kg 603kg 40cm 6 NBN21S146
Nevis Smokin Joe S146 | 29AN2281 | Owned by: Merit Farms
SURPASS BJ Surpass | 29AN2267 | Owned by: Knoll Crest Farm Inc., VA; Connealy Angus, NE; ABS Global, Inc., WI NEW BJ Prophet 5275 G A R Prophet BJ Complete 1165 TEX Playbook 5437 Basin Payweight 1682 Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days SS 12 months FS Reg. No. 01/09/2019 32kg 372kg 624kg 38.5cm 6.3 AAA 19774516 EPDs as at March 2023 TOP 35% CED BW WW YW RADGDMIYH SC DOCClawAngle PAP HSHPGCEMMILK MW MH CW MARBREA FAT EPD +13-.4+69+117+.23+1.19 +.2 +.79+24+.36+.30+2.02+.65+20.5+14+35+25 +.1 +56+.97+.73+.006 ACC . %Rank 10203040606580552010175751510857025153045 $EN$M$W$F$G$B$CAxHAxJ INDEX -7+119+80+94+70+164+332+172+146 %Rank 301535152021015

Mother Lode of Genetic Opportunity

KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Reno 4021

Spring Cove Liza 021

Connealy Confidence Plus Cherne Evergreen X353-D501

Cherne Evergreen D501-F348

• Deep, wide, thick and square from any angle, one of the standout phenotype bulls of the 2022 USA tour

• True B muscle pattern bull with a thumping hindquarter and so much fill from hip to pin down to the hock

• Flawless EBV data profile offering big calving ease, low birth, top 10% 200 & 400 day growth

• Huge (top 2%) milk, solid docility and phenomenal carcass data including +14.7 EMA and 3.4 IMF combination!

• Grandson of the globally famous ABS sire KM Broken Bow

• Bull inspection – good scrotal, great foot and heel structure, quiet disposition, clean sheath and insane thickness!

• Truly a rare combination of powerful phenotype and data to burn!

ANGUS Beef Update 5
Comstock | 29AN2221 |
by: Woodhill Farms Inc, - ABS Global Inc, De Forest - Cherne Angus, Guttenberg IA (AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OSF,RGF)
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +5.5+6.2-1.6+1.5+64+108+134+92+27-3.9+1.9+74+14.7-1.1-1.2+0.5+3.4-0.15+18+0.72+0.96 $276$431 ACC 49%39%65%77%78%77%75%73%72%33%71%73%72%67%62%61%73%47%32%69%69% %Rank 261891859186527157271746647191361234613 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days Wt 22 months SS Reg. No. 21/08/2019 35kg 252kg 493kg 740 kg 37cm USA19674083
Paternal Grand Sire: KM Broken Bow


Elton’s Favourite

• Rocket Man R38 is the $280,000 Australian record priced Angus sire from the world record averaging 2021 Millah Murrah sale. Considered a step up from his famous sire by many who saw him, Rocket Man was the headline act of the spring bull season across Australia

• Phenotypically, Rocket Man inspires awe. He is structurally oustanding and a gentleman to handle

• A bull so wide and correct from his muzzle, over the chine and all the way through to his hips and pins, it is difficult to fault him from any angle

• Possessing so much sheer volume, capacity, and sire appeal, Rocket Man combines all the best traits of his sire and maternal grandsire, Paratrooper & Capitalist

• Admire the power and thickness of this exceptional sire and it’s no surprise why folks are raving about his young progeny!

A Work of Art

• Rembrandt R48 is a work of art from any angle, secured for $240,000 at the 2021 Millah Murrah on property sale

• A prototype for the modern Angus animal, displaying vast dimension, softness of skin, length and a top line filled with natural red meat from front to back and down through the hams

• Structurally he has a balanced and supple gait, combined with leg and foot structure to die for, and perfect design of the reproductive anatomy

• Throw in a beautiful disposition, with a true sire’s head and outlook and Rembrandt really does strike as a genetic work of art for the ages

• Awesome first calf reports across Australia, with calves born easy and displaying superb thickness from day dot!

• As a now 3 year old bull, Rembrandt has retained immaculate foot and leg structure while in collection and following natural service

| 29AN2240 |
AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Born Birth Weight Weight 400 days Weight 500 days Scrotal Reg. No. 28/01/2020 39kg 584kg 704kg 44cm NMMR48 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +4.3+4.0-5.9+3.9+57+101+134+110+15-5.8+3.3+72+7.6+1.9+2.7+0.3+1.6+0.29+32+0.74+0.88 $241$409 ACC 69%50%95%94%83%78%79%75%63%39%75%68%63%65%65%58%66%53%70%69%69% %Rank 37403146202218356620123133128606464102727108
Murrah Rembrandt R48
Owned by: ABS Australia; Woonallee Simmental; J T Angus; Millah Murrah Angus Millah Murrah Abigail N60 Millah Murrah Kingdom K35 Millah Murrah Abigail H150 Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15 EF Commando 1366 Millah Murrah Ela M9
Millah Murrah Rocket Man R38 | 29AN2241 |
LD Capitalist 316
by: Brooklana Angus; Millah Murrah Angus
Millah Murrah Abigail P57
Millah Murrah Abigail H232 Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15
Commando 1366 Millah Murrah Ela M9 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +5.7+6.8-6.6+6.2+70+127+158+146+17-4.7+3.0+101+5.8-1.7-1.7+0.5+1.4+0.19+19+0.80+0.82 $251$453 ACC 71%52%97%96%86%80%80%76%64%39%71%69%63%65%65%58%66%53%76%71%71% %Rank 251322892124554718156847447705156391661 Reg. No. NMMR38 Born Birth Weight Weight 400 days Weight 500 days SS 26/01/2020 39kg 614kg 708kg 43cm

EF Complement 8088

EF Commando 1366

Riverbend Young Lucy W1470

Millah Murrah Highlander G18

Millah Murrah Ela M9

Millah Murrah Ela K127

The Record Breaker

• $160,000 2019 Australian record priced Angus bull

• P15 is a gentleman to handle and displays incredible fleshing and doing ability

• Superb carcass shape, muscle and softness

• Ideal for a wide range of bloodlines. P15’s cookie cutter approach and blend of EBVs allow a balanced genetic generation progression

• Paratrooper’s moderate maturity pattern showcases his progeny. Keeping his females feminine with adequate muscle and his sons masculine without being too forward

• Paratrooper progeny continue to exceed expectation

• Progeny consistently hitting top results in both seedstock and commercial operations over the last two selling seasons

• Dominates the Angus Breedplan research indexes – top 2% for all 4 Maternal Indexes, top 4% for Maternal Indexes and top 2% Terminal Index!!

• Sired record breaking $280,000 Rocketman R38 and $240,000 Rembrandt R48 at 2021 Millah Murrah Sale

Beef Update 7 ANGUS
Millah Murrah Paratrooper P15 | 29AN2123 |
Owned by: Arkle Angus, WA and Millah Murrah Angus NSW (AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF)
Born Birth Weight Weight 19 months FS Mature Reg. No.
29/01/2018 35kg 840kg 6.8 NMMP15
Daughter: Millah Murrah NMMR95
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +7.5+8.1-9.0+3.1+66+116+145+118+23-4.4+3.1+89+7.5-1.4-2.1+0.5+2.4+0.16+25+0.82+0.90 $258$442 ACC 88%65%99%99%98%98%98%89%80%50%98%82%85%84%84%78%82%63%98%95%94% %Rank 12652833722105616434798047414726433142
Daughter: Millah Murrah NMMR4
Son: Millah Murrah NMM21S70

Maintain Your Herd’s Dignity!

Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

Resilient 10208

• The most eagerly anticipated young US arrival to Australia in many years, featuring a pedigree absolutely packed with Sitz Angus gold!

• Dignity combines two of the most prolific bloodlines at Sitz Angus in recent years!

• A son of the well renowned Sitz Resilient 10208, and paternal grandson to the highly acclaimed Sitz Stellar 726D who has featured prominently in programs right throughout Australia over recent years

• If Dignity’s paternal pedigree didn’t impress enough, take a look at the maternal side!

• Dignity is the maternal brother to the record US $235,000 Sitz Incentive 704H, out of the famous Sitz Barbaramere Nell 53F, the US $130,000 top selling female of the 2021 Sitz Angus sale

• Admire the phenomenal balance, strength of spine and head carriage of this young gun

• Top 1% for Foot Angle and Top 2% Claw Set, carrying on from the outstanding structural integrity offered by Sitz Stellar 726D

DIGNITY Sitz Dignity 599J | 29AN2253 | Owned by:
JJ Angus,
Ranch, MT;
Resilient 10208 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +6.3+7.1-8.5+3.8+63+112+133+95+16-4.0+0.5+80+13.9-0.5-1.2+1.5+0.8+0.06-+0.44+0.58 $277$438 ACC 49%34%69%78%79%78%76%73%71%28%73%73%72%67%62%60%73%45%-76%76% %Rank 2011743661961586895152606658434-1112 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days FS Reg. No. Sitz Barbaramere Nell 53F Sitz Invasion 574D Sitz Barbaramere Nell 105D Sitz
Dam: Sitz Barbaramere Nell 53F
Sire: Sitz
30/01/2021 38.5kg 406kg 634kg 6.2 USA20003585
ANGUS ABS Australia 8
Maternal Brother: Sitz Incentive 704H

Substantial 272 Sitz Pride 200B

Strong, Tough, Hardy

• The most exciting Stellar son to be offered in Australia to date

• Top 3% Foot Angle; top 20% Claw

• On USA EPD Resilient is at top 30% for Marbling

• The record-setting $165,000 bull of the Fall 2019 Sitz Angus Ranch sale

• Resilient has been described by all who have seen him as wide based, deep bodied and free moving

• As his dam’s first calf, Resilient had a weaning ratio of 121 and an adjusted yearling weight of 1,530 pounds (695kg) for a yearling ratio of 117

• The dam of Sitz Resilient is a daughter of the now-deceased Pathfinder sire Sitz Top Game 561X whose Pathfinder dam is considered the greatest daughter of Onward produced in the Sitz program. After a great donor career for Sitz Angus and Express she sold half interest for $200,000

• First calves in Australia are standouts for thickness, style and temperament!

Beef Update 9 ANGUS RESILIENT Sitz Resilient 10208 | 271AN4314 | Owned
by: Bar J V Angus Ranch, Fairview MT; Dan E Inglass, Casper WY; Lunds B Bar Angus, Wibaux MT
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +5.5+7.6-9.4+3.2+62+110+134+97+18-5.8+1.5+76+8.3+0.0-0.7+0.3+2.5+0.25+19+0.70+0.68 $272$439 ACC 65%41%97%95%87%86%84%81%75%35%84%79%77%75%70%68%80%50%39%98%98% %Rank 268430871856462072232648576038595320322 Sitz Miss Burgess
Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 Sitz Stellar 726D Mohnen
Sire: Sitz Stellar 726D
Resilient: 18 Months Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days/ratio Weight 365 days FS Reg. No. 15/02/2018 36kg 340kg/121 495kg 6.4 USA19057457 CANDIDATE

Quite Literally, The Real Deal

• R163’s sire N542 has been exclusive to 4 herds. The N542 sons have been dynamic at all places, topping the Bowmont sale at $20,000; Rennylea 9 sons averaged $23,000; At Alpine R163 topped the sale at $90,000 with a total of 12 sons of N542 averaging $27,000

• R163’s dam is by the purchased Te Mania Longshot L107. This sire delivers milk, calving ease, low MCW and high IMF

• The maternal grandam, M242, descends from one of Coonamble’s strongest cow lines with A61.

• Real Deal, has a superb pedigree, fabulous EBVs, with great birth to growth spread, and yet moderation in mature size; add a big scrotal, big EMA, positive fats and huge +3.9 for IMF

• Wide stance; now look at the phenotype, near perfect quality structural scores and you have one of the unique bulls for the modern Angus breeding system

Sovereignty Matters

• Young gun from New Zealand’s highly acclaimed Rissington Cattle Company offering a scintillating phenotype and data package

• Unique combination of high carcass merit, curve bender spread with outstanding phenotype and super sound structure

• His dam & grand dam were the highest scanning females in their contemporary group scanning 8.03 & 7.8 for IMF

• Leachman Global Multibreed analysis of over 1.4 million animals, Sovereign sits top 1% for $Profit and currently the number 1 bull for Fertility

• Maternal brother Rissington Paradox R376 used at Rissington and commercially in NZ in 2021 and semen exported to Australia

• Admire the phenomenal data spread that this sire offers- top 6% CED, super low BW, top 10% growth, top 5% carcass weight and an astonishing +5.6IMF!

ANGUS ANGUS ABS Australia 10
Alpine Real Deal R163 | 29AN2257 | Owned
by: Venturon Livestock, WA
SOVEREIGN Rissington Sovereign Q485 | 29AN2263 | Owned by: Rissington Cattle Company, NZ
Born Birth Weight Weight 11 months Weight 16 months Weight 18 months Weight 20 months Scrotal 18 months Reg. No. 21/07/2020 37kg 310kg 485kg 622kg 730kg 39cm CGKR163 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +4.3-3.7-2.3+3.6+58+104+134+106+25-5.9+3.2+68+9.9+1.5+2.9-0.5+4.1+0.54+30+0.72+0.74 $251$410 ACC 58%49%83%74%73%71%74%70%63%40%74%62%62%63%63%57%66%53%55%72%73% %Rank 37948539181518405181444141779310881423768 Alpine Longshot P354 Te Mania Longshot L107 Alpine M242 Rennylea N542 H P C A Intensity Rennylea Eisa Erica G366 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +8.9+7.2-6.4+1.2+62+115+146+121+21-4.2+3.1+89+7.8-1.5-2.9-0.1+5.7+0.15+12+0.96+1.02 $262$449 ACC 57%46%73%72%73%71%71%68%62%37%66%61%61%63%63%57%65%51%35%65%65% %Rank 6102467461919621653181898224688726131 Reg. No. Ellerton 17009 K C F Bennett Automatic A348 Ellerton C74 Paringa Monarch M103 Paringa Judd J5 Lawsons Bartel E7 J1290 NZE145720190485 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days Weight Mature SS 12 months YFS 12 months 22/08/2019 40kg 216kg 361kg 982kg 34cm 5

Family Matters

• One of the hottest USA sires to be available in Australia’s market

• Record setter from the Tehama program and highlight of the 2018 USA fall selling season

• Admired for sound structure, foot quality and massive appearance with added foot angle

• Powerful phenotype bull with top 2% Calving Ease, explosive top 9% for all growth EBVs and excellent moderate mature cow weight EBVs

• Use Patriarch to add style, length of spine and evenness of type to your herd


S S Niagara Z29

Hoover Dam Jet S S X144

Connealy Thunder

Tehama Elite Blackbird D826

Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630

Genetics That Suit

• The hotly anticipated sire for Australian breeders in the 2021 spring season

• Sired by Command and out of Stellar’s dam, a tailor-made breeding of two of the most popular bloodlines in Australia at present

• Combines two of the strongest females in the breed for transmitting muscle, maternal and foot quality

• Appreciate the raw power and depth of rib that Tailor Made offers

Baldridge Command C036 EF Commando 1366 Baldridge Blackbird A030

Connealy Final Product Sitz Pride 308Y


ANGUS ANGUS Beef Update 11
Tehama Patriarch F028 | 29AN2093 | Owned by: Tehama Angus Ranch, CA; ABS Global, Inc., WI (AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF)
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +10.3+6.9-4.8+0.7+62+117+139+99+20-5.4+2.7+82+9.5+0.0-0.4+0.3+2.1-0.12+23+0.88+0.86 $273$450 ACC 69%48%96%95%86%84%82%80%79%38%78%80%77%73%68%68%80%53%50%97%97% %Rank 2124947312533029261217485160501535572311
Patriarch Son: Kramers Bishop 002 Patriarch Mature Photo
Sitz Tailor Made 448H | 29AN2216 | Owned by: Sitz Angus Farm, MT; ABS Global, Inc., WI
Sire: Baldridge Command Maternal Brother: Stellar
Reg. No. Sitz Pride
USA19841441 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days Weight 18 months SS 12 months YFS 20/01/2020 45kg 383kg 621kg 740kg 38cm 6.6 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +6.9+7.4-9.9+3.4+65+117+147+120+17-4.6+1.7+81+11.3-1.7-4.3+1.7+0.6+0.35+21+0.84+0.98 $262$444 ACC 65%51%79%83%81%80%79%77%76%41%76%75%75%71%68%66%76%54%58%78%78% %Rank 1693344362048506512784973887244485132 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days Weight 33 months SS 27 months FS Reg. No. 03/02/2017 28kg 268kg 510kg 832kg 40cm 5.6 USA18981191 CANDIDATE

Coleman Charlo 0256

S A V Rainfall 6846

S A V Blackcap May 4136

Connealy Consensus

Elbanna of Conanga 1209

Elbasta of Conanga 9703

True Maternal Direction

• Eye-catching style with awesome length of spine, top line strength and hindquarter thickness

• True North is a deep bodied powerhouse who moves faultlessly and is as smooth as a cat

• Appreciate the ultra-low birth weight, calving ease and overall EBV balance that the bull offers

• Strong headed with immense presence and sire appeal

• True North descends from the famous Coleman Charlo 0256 x S A V Blackcap May 4136 flush

• Awesome reports on young progeny across Australia – deep, thick and square made!

• November 2022 inspection – True North is a bull of extreme power and mass, awesome topped and deep, square and wide from all angles

ANGUS ABS Australia 12 TRUE NORTH Square B True North 8052 | 29AN2144 | Owned by: R & L Angus, KS; Lonker Cattle Co., CA; ABS Global, Inc., WI (AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF)
1021 True North: November 2022 US Trip EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +8.1+6.2-8.9+0.9+57+107+120+71+21-3.9+2.2+72+9.9+1.0+0.2-0.1+2.9+0.09+17+0.86+0.96 $256$403 ACC 66%46%94%92%83%80%78%76%64%37%75%69%66%68%67%62%69%51%36%76%76% %Rank 918541910439022714433142540822937655246410 Born Birth Weight Weight 205 days Weight 365 days Weight 20 months SS 17 months FS Reg. No. 16/08/2018 40kg 337kg 545kg 768kg 41.5cm 6 USA19405246 CANDIDATE
Son: Basin True Grit

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

V A R Discovery 2240

Deer Valley Rita 0308

Matauri Reality 839

Landfall Elsa L88

Landfall Elsa J139

Discovering Solid Ground

• Australia’s hottest Angus bull in 2022

• Record $75,000 Tasmanian bull, and visual standout of the September 2018 Landfall yearling bulls

• Long, deep bodied bull possessing fabulous sire appeal and an awe-inspiring presence

• New Ground’s exquisite combination of phenotype and EBVs makes him a mustuse sire for any seedstock or commercial operation

• Ground-breaking maternal pedigree featuring the who’s who of Angus sires; Reality, Emperor, Infinity, Reagan, 036, Scotchcap, M032

• Of the 10 dams in his maternal pedigree, 9 have been donors, the other one had 9 natural calves!

• Admire N90’s incredible EBV profile including 3.6% BW, huge growth, staggering +6.7 Scrotal, +46 Docility, positive fat and +2.7 IMF! A now proven bull

• 2021 Landfall sale; 41 New Ground sons averaged an insane $16,000! (sale average $11,583)

Beef Update 13 ANGUS
New Ground N90 | 29AN2116 | Owned by: Absolute Angus and ABS Australia
Born Birth Weight Weight 200 days Weight 400 days Weight 20 months SS 18 months FS Reg. No.
16/07/2017 37kg 242kg 520kg 712kg 43cm 6.5 TFAN90
Granite Ridge Summit S148 CANDIDATE EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +0.3+1.5-6.3+3.6+55+111+140+127+13-4.3+6.7+65+12.6+3.2+2.3+0.5+2.6+0.94+45+0.88+0.78 $225$400 ACC 91%75%99%99%98%98%98%96%92%60%98%89%88%89%88%84%87%69%98%92%92% %Rank 70662539266101381591554311473699157112312
Dam: Landfall Elsa L88
New Ground N90


ABS Australia 14
Beef Update 15


Rennylea L519

Dunoon Double Up Q201

Dunoon Dandloo L116

Milwillah Fevola F37

Paringa Red Fevola N23 (Red)

Paringa Red New Man F114 (Red)

The Game Changer

• Paringa Red Trademark T14 is a truly a remarkable Red Angus young sire. He is phenotypically tremendous, visually outstanding from all angles

• When we study Trademark’s data; his combination of calving ease, elite carcase quality, excellent claw shape, strong docility, with high fertility and dam’s perfect udder score, make him a must use Red Angus sire

• Trademark’s genetic profile is matched to a wide range of markets including high end MSA, and will meet future demand for increased efficiencies as the industry strives for carbon neutrality

• No other Red Angus bull globally carries such credentials within this stunning pedigree combination. He carries the service of Dunoon Double UP Q201, a proven L519 X Novak stud sire, while bred from dam Paringa Fevola N23 –currently regarded as Paringa’s best Red Angus female, who is half-sister to Millwillah Marble Bar J53

• Trademark combines two of the greatest cows in the black Angus population; with grand dam TeMania Mittagong V254 on the dam side, and TeMania Dandloo H5 on the sire side

RED ANGUS ABS Australia 16
Paringa Red Trademark T14 | Owned by: Paringa Livestock Pty Ltd AMF.CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGA
Dam: Paringa Red Fevola N23
Born Birth Weight WW YW SS FS 14 months Claw Shape Red Angus USA Reg. No. 14/01/2022 36kg 377kg 592kg 42cm 6 6 Red Angus AUS Reg. No. ANGHKF22T14 Angus Reg. No. HKF22T14 RAAA # 4707811 HKFRA NEW EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk DTC SS CWT EMA RIB Rump RBY% IMF%NFI-FDOCClawAngle$A$A-L EBV +4.2+6.4-6.3+3.5+47+83+107+87+14-7.0+3.8+62+4.0+1.8+2.5-0.8+4.2+0.89+22+0.80+0.86 $219$370 ACC 54%44%68%69%71%68%69%67%60%36%65%59%58%60%60%53%63%50%38%60%60% %Rank 381625366672727379566477139979993839232930
Sire: Dunoon Double Up Q201

LT Authority 7229 PLD

LT Badge 9184 PLD

LT Madalynn 6108 PLD

LT Ledger 0332 P

LT Sybille 6476 PLD

LK Miss Sybille 252

A New Leader

• A standout since the day he was born and is a performance game changer for any operation. Highlight Charolais from 2022 US tour

• Top 1% of the breed for WW, YW and TSI

• 2022 LT Bull Sale high-selling bull at $220,000!

• Governor is the highest selling bull in LT’s history!

• Homozygous polled

• Deep bodied and tied in well from front to rear

• Clean headed and smooth shouldered

• Large scrotal and easy fleshing

• Natural bred 30 cows in the spring and 35 in the fall while still keeping his condition

• Great disposition

• Dam is a beautiful Ledger x Long Distance that has a tidy, dark pigmented udder and model conformation

• First calves are on the ground with no assistance and are vigorous at birth

LT Governor 1560 PLD | 271CH4621 |
Owned by: Lindskov’s LT Ranch, SD; Wagner Charolais, CO
Dam: LT Sybille 6476 PLD
Governor, November 2022
CHAROLAIS Beef Update 17 EPDs as at March 2023 TOP 25% CE BW WW YW MILKMCEMTL SC UDDER TEAT CW REA FAT MARB TSI EPD 0.3 2.6 9316015 0.3 62 1.6 1.301.25430.930.0430.09 290.12 ACC 0.270.400.310.320. %Rank 9095119595153151529100651 USA Reg. No. 03/02/2021 Polled M963060 Born Poll NEW
Maternal Grand Sire: LT Ledger

Wai-iti High Riser

Glen Anthony Y-arta AY02 (P) (ET)

Willowbrook Ursulina AU18

Woonallee Dimension (P) (AI)

Lucrana N020 (AI)

Lucrana K120

On Your Radar

• High selling yearling Simmental bull in 2022 at $35,000

• Radar has a superb head carriage, softness, depth of body, slick coat with breed leading CE top 20%, top 25% BW, top 20% stayability. Positive fats and high marbling. Making Radar a go to balanced option for Maternal and Terminal markets

• IGS API is top 15%

• EMA 110, 10/8 fats, IMF 5.1

“We strongly believe this bull is a game changer in the traditional sector. There never has been a bull to have had a bigger impact as Radar on our VC traditional program. The calves come small & thick with a predictable colour pattern & eye pigment plus with the added bonus of docility, softness and is looking to have positive fat over in his calves at this point in time. All calves having a true sire’s head, broad muzzle with the added bonus of all being polled.”

W/C Executive Order 8543B

W/C Double Down 5014E

W/C Miss Werning 5014C

CCR Wide Range 9005A

WHF Summer 365C

WHF Andie 365A

Double Up Your Herd

• Hottest Black Simmental sire to hit the shores of Australia. Representing ‘bred in the purple’ genetics into one special individual.

• Double Up’s dam is the great WHF Summer 365C. A proven donor dam in the JS Simmental and Wayward Hill herd. She was the dominant Simmental show female of 2017, highlighted by her supreme champion win at the American Royal.

• Double up is sired by the $105,000 USD W/C Double Down who has followed that six-figure hammer price by breeding well across the industry. With Summer combined with two shots of Miss Werning 534R, the female progeny will be unparalleled.

• Use Double Up to add calving ease, attractiveness, flexibility, and soundness and to build front paddock females. All in a genetic package that is proven yet outcross to the Australian Industry.

(AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF-OSF-MAF-OHF-DLF) EPDs as at March 2023 TOP 35% CE BW WW YW MILKMCE MWWT STAY DOC CW REA FAT MARB YG API TI EPD 8.2 4.7 64.989.539.8 7.4 72.316.913.318.50.49-0.1080.00-0.39 108.6263.63 ACC 0.400.410.370.390. %Rank 20257080105302056510015201001540 Born Birth Weight Weight 12 months Polled Eye Pigment Colour Reg. No. 15/05/2020 37kg 666kg Homo Polled 100/100 Red JJMPR014 SIMMENTAL SIMMENTAL ABS Australia 18
Sam & Stuart Moeck, VC Simmentals Lucrana Radar (PP) (AI)
| 29SM0515
| Owned by: S & S Moeck
WHF/JS/CSS Double Up G365 | 137SM5765 | Owned
Born Birth Weight Polled Colour SS 14 months Reg. No. 08/04/2019 34kg Homo Polled Homo Black 42cm ASA 3658592 NEW EPDs as at February 2023 TOP 35% CED BW WW YW ADGCEMMilk MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA SHR API TI EPD 11.2 1.2 84.1108.80.15 5.3 20.662.614.713.911.7-0.45-0.11-0.0680.92114.574.9 ACC . 504530709960755565259935998545-8570 Dam: WHF Summer 365C
by: JS Simmentals, IA; Minnaert Show Cattle, IA; Wayward Hill Farm, KY


The Record Setter

• Robert Redford entered a league of his own in 2023! He is unmatched for combination of phenotype, pedigree, and data. He is the game changer of the breed and the MUST use sire of 2023

• Sold at the Injemira 2021 auction to the syndicate formed by ABS Australia for a new Australian Hereford record price of $160,000

• The first sons entered the sale ring in 2023 averaging an astonishing $21,769

• Phenotypically exquisite, packed with red meat and offering incredible thickness, length, bone and muscle capacity, he is perfectly suited to any seedstock or commercial production system

Redgate Redford D935 (AI) (P)

Injemira Redford J006 (PP)

Injemira Cavalier F201 (P)

Days Executive K168 (PP)

Injemira First Day N063 (P)

Injemira First Day H004 (P)

• Progeny reports continue to roll in with consistent messaging – “Redford calves are born well before their due date and are born easily with an exceptional growth pattern, thickness and wrapped up in a terrific skin type”

• His hot new data is reflective of the progeny reports with Redford sitting as a trait leader for 4 traits (GL, BW, 200DW and 400DW) and the top 20% for 15 traits

ACC 68%47%94%95%86%82%80%70%57%87%39%67%62%63%68%61%61%34%-

Trademarked For Quality

• In a dif ferent league for adding marbling, performance, maternal value and phenotype

• His marbling EPD is two times higher than the top 1% of the breed and 10x higher than breed average

• His remarkable dam has been a dominant and prolific donor in the Innisfail program

• Trademark is short marked, deep dark red to the ground with a dark hard hoof

• DNA tested homozygous polled

EFBEEF TFL U208 Tested X651 ET (P)

EFBEEF BR Validated B413 (PP)

EFBEEF 4R Thyra Y865 (P)

EF F745 Frank P230 (P)

Innisfail P230 T723 (P)

Innisfail 235 R501 ET (P)

Maternal Sister: Innisfail 723 York 5000 ET

Born Weight 24 months SS FS Pigment Poll Reg. No. 04/09/2019 785kg 35.7cm 6 100/100 Homo Polled OSA44097651AHR
Innisfail Trademark 1939 ET | 29HP0953 | Owned by: Innisfail Farm, GA; ABS Global, Inc., WI
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20%
EBV +14.8+6.9-6.3-3.1+46+76+96+49+21+3.2-1.8+104+11.3+2.3+3.5+2.0+2.9+15$244$255$278$215
%Rank 16214615811514801132518-1111
Injemira Robert Redford Q287 (PP) | 29HP0951 | Owned by: Vielun Past. Co., Ardno Herefords, Jarrah Genetics, ABS Australia (IEF-DLF-HYF-MSUDF) Born Birth Weight Weight 200 days Weight 13 months Eyes Poll Reg. No. 03/09/2019 32kg 310kg 575kg 100/100 Homo Polled IHSQ287 EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% CE-DIRCE-DTGL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA RIB
NSRISBMINBTI EBV +6.8+1.1+3.4+3.7+47+75+97+70+18+3.2-2.6+63+7.2+1.4+0.5+1.0+2.0-$193$181$204$155 ACC 41%32%65%81%82%82%80%76%76%78%39%74%68%71%65%54%69%-%Rank 226598432514444511641422270403--6752

World K’s Michifuku

Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F126 (AI)

Sumo Cattle Co Hana C152 (AI) (ET)

Macquarie Wagyu Y408 (AI) (ET)

Macquarie Wagyu C1624

Macquarie Wagyu F Z736

The King of Combination Traits

• Perhaps the best combination bull in the Wagyu breed today

• 41 herds 658 progeny analyzed with 45 scans and 9 daughters

• Search for a sire in top 5% for GL, all growth and carcass weight traits and top 5% marbling seems simple. United is the ONLY bull that makes the list!

• United does it easily with marbling in top 2%, carcass weight top 1%!

• United is also top 1% in all $ Indexes

• United ranks as the number 1 sire for Wagyu Breeder Index, Self Replacing Index and Full Blood Terminal Index; number 4 sire for FI Terminal Index

• Tested free for all known genetic conditions

• If you are breeding Wagyus and wish to accelerate your herd United is the first choice sire!

• International semen available

Arubial United P0342 (AI) (ET) | 29KB0008 |
Owned by: Arubial Wagyus Sire: Michifuku F126 Daughter: Arubial S0376 Daughter: Arubial S0095
Reg. No. MYMFP0342 Born Grade Colour 30/08/2018 Fullblood 100% Wagyu Black Gene Tests: B3 - Free CHS - Free CL16 - Free F11 -Free IARS - Free 57% Tajima EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% GL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk SS CWT EMA Rump RBY% MSMF WBISRI FTI F1TI EBV -4.9+4.1+28+59+84+91-1+1.0+74+3.1+0.4-0.2+2.5+0.41 +395+382+328+280 ACC 92%95%96%95%90%77%75%72%81%75%77%72%74%66% %Rank 19521116071354070421111 WAGYU ABS Australia 20


• Maternal brother to Bond 007

• 17 herds 218 progeny analyzed with 23 scans

• Anticipated excels with top 1% EMA, top 2% Marbling and top 4% Marbling Fineness EBVs

• All indexes in top 1% of the breed!

• Bond’s maternal brother

• Only one of two Wagyu sires that are in the top 5% for GL, EMA and marbling and he does it so easily

• Ideal sire for beef on beef plus a great beef on dairy option, early calving, hybrid growth with power carcass traits

• A go to Wagyu heifer carcass bull option

• A global international sire including the EU

Sumo Cattle Co Itoshigenami C0158 (AI) (ET)

Coates Itoshigenami G113

Coates Tani C446 (AI) (ET)

Reg. No. LTCFR113



Fullblood 100% Wagyu Black


Peppermill Grove L0021 (AI) (ET)

Mayura Itoshigenami Jnr (AI) Peppermill Grove G037 (AI)

• An exciting son of the famed United, with extra MS and MF%

• Top 1% all indexes and marble score and fineness

• Top 7% 600 day, carcass weight

• Top 11% 200, 400 day weights

• Full suite of data collected

• Free of all known genetic conditions

• Expor t semen now available to all parts of the world including EU

Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F126 (AI)

Arubial United P0342 (AI) (ET)

Macquarie Wagyu C1624

Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F154 (AI)

Circle8Bulls P0187 (ET)

Longford R8390 (AI)

WAGYU WAGYU Beef Update 21
Arubial Anticipated Q0014 (AI) (ET) | 29KB0010 | Owned by: Arubial Wagyus Reg. No. MYMFQ0014 Born Grade Colour 14/03/2019 Fullblood 100% Wagyu Black Gene Tests: B3 - Free CHS - Free CL16 - Free F11 - Free IARS - Free 61% Tajima EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% GL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk SS CWT EMA Rump RBY% MSMF WBISRI FTI F1TI EBV -0.8-0.3+13+14+22+15-4 0.0 +41+7.7-1.8+1.3+2.5+0.40 +256+276+240+229 ACC 91%94%95%92%84%71%63%65%78%74%76%70%72%62% %Rank 2523355850648540103826445322
Grade Colour
B3 - Free CHS - Free CL16 - Free F11
Free 59%
EBVs as at March 2023 TOP 20% GL BW 200D400D600D MCW Milk SS CWT EMA Rump RBY% MSMF WBISRI FTI F1TI EBV -1.8+2.9+19+35+54+64-4+0.5+49+1.4+1.5-1.2+3.0+0.53 +315+323+284+257 ACC 67%71%73%71%70%61%60%55%65%61%62%52%62%54% %Rank 88215107485175602096111111
Gene Tests:
Circle8Bulls Rhyme R113 (ET) | 29KB0014 | Owned by: L T Cooper Cattle Trust


As At March, 2023

Prices subject to alteration without notice – supply subject to availability. All prices quoted excluding 10% GST (Goods & Service Tax). * denotes new bull. = Not available on volume specials. ABS Volume discounts apply, 100 units to 199 units 10%; over 200 units 15% discount ANGUS 29AN2151 Broadview 30.00 29AN1972 Command C036 50.00 29AN2221 Comstock 55.00 29AN2253 Dignity 599J 60.00 29AN2218 Dynamic 30.00 29AN1841 Elevator E11 50.00 29AN2099 Fireball 672 40.00 29AN2156 Full House 30.00 29AN2246 Gunner 0561 30.00 29AN2161 Investment P20 40.00 237AN3190 Jet Black 5063 80.00 29AN2140 Jet Stream 827 35.00 29AN2078 Keystone K132 40.00 29AN2087 Kicking K428 35.00 29AN1954 Kingdom K35 40.00 29AN2080 Kruse Time K400 40.00 29AN2006 Legend L348 20.00 29AN2008 Loch Up L133 20.00 29AN2205 Man in Black 45.00 29AN2217 Milestone 35.00 29AN2116 New Ground N90 60.00 29AN2204 No Substitute 2358 35.00 29AN2123 Paratrooper P15 150.00 29AN2093 Patriarch F028 40.00 29AN2103 Powerball 53 30.00 29AN2203 Quarter Pounder Q252 40.00 29AN2170 Queenslander Q311 40.00 29AN2174 Quixote Q96 60.00 29AN2257 Real Deal R163 60.00 29AN2261 Reality 20.00 29AN2162 Refresh 20.00 29AN2240 Rembrandt R48 min 20 units 120.00 50+ units 100.00 271AN4314 Resilient 10208 110.00 29AN2259 Revolution R33 80.00 271AN4833 Right Time 7861* 100.00 29AN2241 Rocket Man R38 25 units 5,000.00 100+ units 150.00 29AN2281 Smokin’ Joe* 40.00 29AN2025 Stellar 726D 60.00 29AN2263 Sovereign Q485 60.00 29AN2267 Surpass* 50.00 29AN2216 Tailor Made 448H 50.00 29AN2144 True North 8052 50.00 RED ANGUS 29AR0268 Allegiance 5502C 40.00 29AR0276 Finished Product 40.00 29AR0262 No Worries 4657B* 35.00 29AR0274 Profitmaker E7030 40.00 29AR0216 Red Label Z1023 15.00 Pending Red Trademark T14* 50.00 29AR0277 Spar tan E639 35.00 BELTED GALLOWAY 29BG0005 Jeorge 65.00 BRAFORD 29B00004 Kakadu 20.00 BRANGUS 29BN0034 Final Cut 894C33 50.00 20+ units $40.00 29BN0048 Maternal Power 302H 45.00 CHAROLAIS 271CH4621 Governor* 90.00 29CH0221 Lead Time 6294 50.00 29CH0223 Monticello 1806 50.00 271CH4572 Powermax 57G 60.00 29CH0218 Vista 5319 25.00 271CH9593 White House 50148 40.00 ENGLISH LONGHORN 29TL0007 Sainfoin 40.00 GELBVIEH 29GV0085 Armstrong 530D 15.00 LIMOUSIN 48LM1034 Cookie Monster 108H 80.00 306LM320 Fifty T804F 60.00 54LM1084 General 122R 50.00 29LM0090 Vision Y329 40.00 MURRAY GREY 187MG5325 Advance D26 50.00 187MG5494 Quarterback Q1 60.00 POLL HEREFORD 29HP0955 McLaren Q203 60.00 29HP0928 Revved Up 78A 25.00 29HP0951 Robert Redford Q287 10 units $150.00 50+ units $100.00 29HP0953 Trademark 1939* 80.00 SHORTHORN 29SP0005 Heritage M213 60.00 29SP0001 Honey Badger H135 40.00 29SP0002 Kokoda 50.00 29SP0004 Mor tal M40 50.00 29SS0038 Napoleon 50.00 SIMMENTAL 29SM0513 Arrowhead 263G 40.00 237SM1085 Beacon 56B 65.00 29SM0472 Boulder 1339A 35.00 717073 Defender D620 60.00 137SM5765 Double Up* 40.00 29SM0492 Fireman 111F 30.00 29SM0494 Franchise 451D 30.00 29SM0491 Freight Train 25.00 29SM0495 Gold 274G 35.00 29SM0502 Homeland 327H 35.00 29SM0479 Longevity Y184 40.00 711016 New Standard AU158 35.00 29SM0515 Radar 50.00 29SM0501 Red Hill 231A* 35.00 29SM0483 Roosevelt 366E 40.00 28SM0510 Windfall 285J* 35.00 SOUTH DEVON 29SD0007 Osiris 60.00 SPECKLE PARK 29SK0001 Nason N4 30.00 29SK0002 Poster Boy P207 50.00 29SK0004 Rebellion R737 40.00 WAGYU 29KB0010 Anticipated Q0014 150.00 40+ units $80.00 29KB0009 Bond Q007 (min 10 units) $500 29KB0003 Longford F E0241 35.00 29KB0006 Overture N0106 20.00 29KB0005 Prelude M0495 30.00 29KB0019 Rendition R0734 160.00 25+ units $130.00 29KB0014 Rhyme R113 (min 10 Units) $150.00 25+ units $100.00 29KB0012 Rhythm R0750 75.00 29KB0015 Shawshank S1011 125.00 20+ units $100.00 29KB0008 United P0342 400.00 10-24 units $250.00 25+ units $200.00 NASIS NAME PRICENASIS NAME PRICE ABS Australia 22


The offer is a co-operative agreement. ABS supplied semen at the special rates listed below, conditional upon the commercial producer signing a contract to agree to:-

1. Castrate all male calves.

2. No entire male calves are to be sold.

3. Use the semen in the herd in a 12 months period.


4. Allow ABS to supply contact details to relevant breed societies or market brands. For example Shorthorn Society for Shorthorn steers for The Thousand Guineas Program.

The offer is a co-operative agreement. ABS supplies semen at the special rates listed below, conditional upon the commercial producer signing a contract to agree to:-

5. Provide conception rate data on semen to ABS Australia when requested.

1. Castrate all male calves.

2. No entire male calves are to be sold.

3. Use the semen in the herd in a 12 month period.

4. Allow ABS to supply contact details to relevant breed societies or market brands. For example Shorthorn Society for Shorthorn steers for The Thousand Guineas Program.

5. Provide conception rate data on semen to ABS Australia when requested


Note: Bulls marked as 40+ units volume may be achieved by a total of 40+ units of nominated bulls.

ABS Value Everyday & Runout Specials

No agreement required, while stocks last.

Mill Bar HICKOK 7424 ......................60.00

629AN1972 Baldridge COMMAND C036 .............. 68.00

629AN2043 Byergo BLACK MAGIC 3348...............75.00

Sexcel may be used solely for single AI of one female bovine during natural ovulation where the intent to produce a single offspring.

SEXING TECHNOLOGIES - “Artificial insemination straws of the Customer’s sexed semen are for single use insemination only and not for invitro-fertilisation or embryo transfer. Not for re-sale. Customer’s sexed semen is produced by Sexing Technologies using the proprietary technology of XY, Inc. including U.S. Patent Nos. 5,135,759, 6,372,422, 7,094,527, 7,208,265, Patents Pending. XY® is a trademark of XY, Inc.” MALE & FEMALE ANGUS 529AN1982 Pathfinder GENESIS G357 ................ 60.00
ONLY ANGUS 529AN2007 Milwillah KRAKATOA K92...................60.00
.. see page 9 MALE
Nasis Name PriceNasis Name Price FEMALE ANGUS 629AN1965
NASIS NAME PRICE NASIS NAME PRICE NASIS NAME PRICE NASIS NAME PRICE FEMALE ANGUS 629AN1972 Baldridge Command C036 55.00 629AN2025 Sitz Stellar 726D 55.00 629AN2093 Tehama Patriarch F028 55.00 SHORTHORN 629SS038 Napoleon 65.00 MALE ANGUS 929AN1972 Baldridge Command C036 55.00 929AN2093 Tehama Patriarch F028 55.00 NASIS NAME PRICE NASIS NAME PRICE
Beef Update 23 ANGUS 29AN1910 Ardrossan Honour H255 12.00 29AN2006 Clunie Range Legend L348 20.00 29AN2171 Clunie Range Quality Time Q327 20.00 29AN2008 Millah Murrah Loch Up L138 20.00 29AN1886 Milwillah Gatsby G279 15.00 SIMMENTAL 29SM0454 Prime Beef 15.00 29SM0407 TNT Dual Focus 12.00 ANGUS 29AN1972 Baldridge Command C036 27.00 29AN2203 Banquet Quarter Pounder Q252 30.00 29AN2259 Brooklana Revolution R33 25.00 29AN2170 Clunie Range Queenslander Q311 (40+ units) 25.00 29AN2099 GB Fireball 672 35.00 29AN2078 Landfall Keystone K132 25.00 29AN2116 Landfall New Ground N90 (40+ units) 30.00 29AN1954 Millah Murrah Kingdom K35 25.00 29AN2080 Millah Murrah Kruse Time K400 25.00 29AN2174 Millah Murrah Quixote Q96 (40+ units) 30.00 29AN2240 Millah Murrah Rembrandt R48 (40+ units) 35.00 29AN2087 Murdeduke Kicking K428 26.00 29AN2263 Rissington Sovereign Q485 (40+ units) 35.00 29AN2093 Tehama Patriarch F028 28.00 POLL HEREFORD 29HP0951 Injemira Robert Redford Q287 (40+ units) 40.00 29HP0955 Tarcombe McLaren Q203 25.00 MURRAY GREY 187MG5325 Michaelong Advance D26 20.00 SHORTHORN 29SP0001 Futurity Honey Badger H135 20.00 29SP0002 Futurity Kokoda 20.00 29SP0004 Spr y’s Mortal M40 20.00 29SP0005 Spr y’s Heritage M213 20.00 SIMMENTAL 29SM0515 Lucrana Radar 22.00 711016 Rissington New Standard AU158 20.00 SPECKLE PARK 29SK0002 Black Diamond 61Y Poster Boy P207 22.00 29SK0001 Blue Spark Nason N4 17.00 WAGYU 29KB0009 Arubial Bond Q007 (30+ units) 85.00 29KB0019 Arubial Rendition R0734 (30+ units) 45.00 29KB0012 Arubial Rhythm R0750 35.00 29KB0015 Arubial Shawshank S1011 (30+ units) 40.00 29KB0008 Arubial United P0342 (30+ units) 65.00 29KB0014 Circle8Bulls Rhyme R113 (30+ units) 40.00 29KB0005 Macquarie Prelude M0495 30.00

Beef Sales & Services

Fletch Kelly

Annie Pumpa

Beef Product & Sales Manager

Beef Sales Specialist

0419 383 341 0458 227 277



Kim Hodder Beef Sales - Northern Region 0438 418 113kim.hodder@genusplc.com bill.cornell@genusplc.com

Bill Cornell

Wagyu Development - Australia & Beef Sales - Western Australia

ABS Sales & Services

Matt Aikenhead

Rex Barry

Alan Blum

Gerard Eccles

Brian Enbom

Technical Services Manager

Western Vic

Gippsland, Vic & WA

Western Vic & Tasmania

Gippsland, Vic

0428 293 498

0447 583 311 0428 436 524

0417 202 067 0419 689 904






Chris Hinks

Northern Vic

Northern Vic & South Australia

0459 239 344 0429 665 678


Shane Gardiner Western Vic 0427 704 984 shane.gardiner@genusplc.com

Chris Hinks Nor thern Vic 0429 665 678 chr is.hinks@genusplc.com

Bill Morgan 0459 239 113bill.morgan@genusplc.com

Bill Morgan Nor thern Vic & South Australia 0459 239 113 bill.morgan@genusplc.com

Marcus Rees

Gippsland, Vic

Bec Phelan 0428 621 957bec.phelan@genusplc.com

Western Vic 0417 202 005 marcus.rees@genusplc.com

Bec Phelan Gippsland, Vic 0428 621 957 bec.phelan@genusplc.com

Marcus Rees Western Vic 0417 202 005 marcus.rees@genusplc.com


Marcus Rees General Manager 0417 202 005

Bruce Ronalds Business Operations Manager 0427 826 054bruce.ronalds@genusplc.com marcus.rees@genusplc.com

ABS Australia, 15 Scholar Drive, Bundoora Vic 3083 Accounts & Distribution - Phone: (03) 8358 8800 | Fax: (03) 8358 8888


Genus Australia, trading as ABS Australia, its employees and agents cannot guarantee the conception rate or productivity to be obtained in connection with the use of its products or recommended techniques, therefore it makes no warranty of any kind whatever, expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the products hereon and all warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed.

| www.absglobal.com/au |

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