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Type Without Compromise Of Key Dairy Traits

The St. Jacobs brand has a long-standing history of bringing bulls to the marketplace that will not only sire beautiful cows but cows that are very productive and fertile. The goal of the St. Jacobs brand is to create cows who last longer, are more profitable, and of course, just good to look at!

We invest in the most elite genetics in all ABS programs to give our customers the best opportunity to build cows that fit the needs of their system. St. Jacobs is no exception. Take a moment to get to know each of the programs within the St. Jacobs brand.

Linear Choice

The St. Jacobs brand should no longer be considered as genetics only suitable for the showring. Knowing some of our commercial customers are looking for balanced cows, we launched Linear Choice. These sires are selected strategically based on their ability to create balanced cows that work in commercial dairies. These sires are proven to produce dairy cows that are well-built, productive, and healthy. This lineup includes sires featuring right side linear that will generate moderate size cows with strong production and health traits. Form meets function with Linear Choice!


Trust in St. Jacobs Choice to deliver type without compromise. St. Jacobs Choice was born after the fusion of Judge’s Choice and Breeder’s Choice. Those of you may remember that Judge’s Choice is how St. Jacobs got started with a primary focus on show type animals. Over time, selection began to focus on great functional type but with better production and health traits, thus, Breeder’s Choice evolved. The combination of two foundational lineups in one program is your opportunity to create functional cows who you’ll love to look at

Red And White Choice

Our Red and White Choice program is stacked with sires tracing back to the most elite Red and White cow families in the breed. Bulls selected to enter this lineup are backed by pedigrees that contain show winning dams and leading sires. Similar to St. Jacobs Choice, Red and White Choice sires are also selected for more production and health traits along with type to make outstanding and productive cows. With this program, we mix the best of today’s Black and White genetics into the Red and White population. However, all sires in the lineup will be Red and White.

Jersey Choice

Jersey Choice is your opportunity to use some of the most elite Jersey genetics. Similar to St. Jacobs Choice, Jersey Choice strives to deliver type without compromise. This lineup is focused on providing for those customers interested in creating high type Jersey animals. Our Jersey Choice lineup includes sires with balanced genetics that have some production and health to go along with genomic type, specifically high Jersey Udder Index numbers

Component Collection

Component Collection includes sires from the Brown Swiss, Ayshire, and Guernsey breeds. Much like the rest of the St. Jacobs product offerings, these sires are selected from their respective breed’s most elite genetic lines. It is important to note that the Component Collection program is not a program you can enroll in.

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