THE PROFESSIONALS Connection At HorseBack, we support veterans by helping them develop a toolbox of techniques to keep them mentally healthy and horses are the catalyst and the feedback mechanism. We’ve witnessed so many people make breakthroughs when they connect with a horse. They feel intensely moved, or calmed, or even consoled. They build a sense of love and responsibility to the horse, and this sets up a beautiful virtuous circle. The human’s mind settles, so the horse’s mind settles too, and then they go on together. Removing isolation And perhaps most importantly, as this connection is made, the veterans know that they are not alone. They’ve got a precious partnership with this kind, strong, sentient creature. They are in it together. One of the most debilitating symptoms of mental health struggles is an acute feeling of isolation. When we put our veterans with our horses, those veterans are no longer isolated; they have a partner and they have a purpose, and this makes all the difference. Working with horses can bring so many benefits - even just a short session with a horse and a trained facilitator can create significant breakthroughs. And regular contact can help support people through their mental health recovery and help keep them healthy - even when life delivers something unexpected or challenging.
By Jessica Gale
About the author... Emma Hutchison is cofounder of HorseBack UK, a multi-award-winning Scottish charity based near Aboyne, in the Scottish Highlands. HorseBack UK works to improve health and wellbeing by inspiring recovery, positive change and renewed purpose amongst those who need it most and improving education and employment prospects for those who are disadvantaged or marginalised. Using horsemanship, equine assisted learning, rural skills and the outdoors the charity delivers award-winning projects and personal development programmes that encourage participants to acquire new coping strategies, life skills and lasting resilience whilst gaining nationally recognised awards and qualifications.
6 Ways
ncorporating a bit of dressage or flatwork into your sessions can be hugely beneficial for any horse and rider, no matter whether you spend the majority of your time hacking in the countryside or your focus is more on jumping. Dressage can help to make your horse more supple and athletic, it builds your control over your horse’s body, it can help to improve your horse’s obedience and reactions to your aids and it can help improve your balance and strength as a rider. But even though dressage has all these benefits it is still very common for me to have riders saying ‘dressage is boring’ or ‘my horse hates flatwork’. For me I think making your dressage sessions varied, different and fun is the key so I have put together a list of six ideas for you to try to mix up your dressage sessions and make them more enjoyable for you and your horse.
1. Setting goals Working out what you want to work on and setting goals will help give your dressage and flatwork sessions more direction. These goals could be centred around things you want to improve about your own riding or a certain aspect of your horse’s way of going that you want to improve. If you’ve done any dressage tests before you could look at the Judge’s comments to give you some ideas for a goal or ask your instructor. A few examples could be to get your horse taking you more forward or reacting to your leg more quickly; or to work on your horse staying round in the trot canter transitions or to work on having quieter, more still hands. Once you have a goal have a think about some exercises or things you could try in your sessions to help you achieve your goal. You could have a lesson with an instructor and ask them to give you some things to try at home or you could have a look Continued overleaf...