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A-B Tech’s Assessment of Student Achievement������������������������
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
92 A-B Tech’s Assessment of Student Achievement
A-B Tech’s Mission is “Dedicated to the success of students and communities, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College provides meaningful teaching and learning in a curriculum, continuing education, and workforce development environment committed to Respect, Integrity, Support, and Equity (RISE)� We welcome everyone to join us�” The College utilizes multiple measures of student achievement to monitor, in part, success in meeting the Mission, including: 1� Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Outcome Measure – (This is a cohort driven, eightyear measure of student completion that is collected annually by the federal government�) 2� North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Performance Measures – (The College selected six student success measures that are tracked annually by NCCCS� Performance on these measures are reported annually to system colleges and are linked to state performance funding�) 3� A-B Tech Student Retention and Completion Data - (These are cohort-based measures of student success that were derived from the College’s participation in national Achieving the Dream and statewide Completion by Design projects and the Community College Research Center’s (CCRC) evidence-based Early Momentum
Metrics�) As A-B Tech is dedicated to student success, the College expects that at minimum performance on national and state measures will meet or exceed those of peer institutions� It is the goal of A-B Tech that performance on each of the above measures will exceed the performance of peer institutions� On measures where national and state peer data are not available, the College expects to achieve established minimum annual thresholds with the goal of meeting or exceeding established annual targets� These thresholds and targets are based on historical performance data�
The most recent performance results for A-B Tech are presented below (For questions regarding any of the data provided below, please contact the Research and Planning Office at (828) 398-7175�)
IPEDS Outcome Measure – Eight-Year Graduation Rate (2012 - 13 cohort)
The IPEDS Outcome Measure (OM) survey component provides the award and enrollment statuses of four degree/ certificate-seeking undergraduate student cohorts and eight sub-cohorts at degree-granting institutions� Student completion awards are collected at four-year, six-year, and eight-year status points after students have entered the institution� A-B Tech has selected the eight-year status point as our official completion rate� A-B Tech expects performance on this measure, at a minimum, to meet or exceed the national average for 2-year colleges in the US� The College’s goal is to exceed the national average by at least 10%�
A-B Tech’s Graduation Rate National Average 29% 28.1% Goal Status Above Baseline, Below target
NCCCS Performance Measures
The Performance Measures for Student Success Report is the North Carolina Community College System’s major accountability document� This annual performance report is based on data compiled during the previous year and serves to inform colleges and the public on the performance of the system’s 58 community colleges� Currently there are six system-wide student success measures relevant to for-credit students: 1� Student Success in College-Level English Courses 2� Student Success in College-Level Math Courses 3� First Year Progression 4� Curriculum Completion 5� Licensure and Certification Passing Rate 6� College Transfer Performance A-B Tech expects performance on the following measures, at minimum, to meet or exceed the state average for all