4 minute read
Emergency Medical Science ��������������������������������������������������������
Third Semester
CJC-132 Court Procedure & Evidence CJC-170 Critical Incident Management CJC-221 Investigative Principles ENG-114 Prof Research & Reporting SOC-225 Social Diversity 3 3 4 3 3
Fourth Semester
CJC-122 Community Policing CJC-141 Corrections CJC-212 Ethics & Comm Relations CJC-222 Criminalistics 3 3 3 3
CJC-255 Issues in Crim Justice Appl 3
SPA-120 Spanish for the Workplace
Total Credit Hours Required 68
Students who have successfully completed a curriculum offering of Basic Law Enforcement Training within 10 years of their application to the Criminal Justice Technology Program will receive credit for CJC 121, CJC 131, CJC 132, CJC 221, and CJC 231. Students who have successfully completed the WNC Law Enforcement Leadership Academy will receive credit for CJC-111, CJC-221, CJC-231, and CJC-255.
Criminal Justice Certificate (C55180L7)
The Criminal Justice Technology Certificate is designed to provide knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations� This certificate program focuses on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services to give students an opportunity to explore possible interest of a career in criminal justice� The certificate can also be a building block toward an A�A�S� degree in Criminal Justice Technology�
Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: CJC
First Semester (Fall)
CJC-113 Juvenile Justice CJC-231 Constitutional Law
3 3
Second Semester (Spring)
CJC-112 Criminology CJC-122 Community Policing CJC-131 Criminal Law CJC-212 Ethics & Comm Relations
Total Credit Hours Required
3 3 3 3
Emergency Medical Science
The Emergency Medical Science curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge, skills and attributes to provide advanced emergency medical care as a paramedic for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system and prepares graduates to enter the workforce� Students will gain complex knowledge, competency, and experience while employing evidence based practice under medical oversight, and serve as a link from the scene into the healthcare system� Graduates of this program may be eligible to take state and/or national certification examinations�
Employment opportunities include providers of emergency medical services, fire departments, rescue agencies, hospital specialty areas, industry, educational and government agencies� “To prepare competent entry-level Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains”�
Specific Requirements
1� General college admission requirements: a� Complete application for admission� b� Meet with your advisor to discuss placement options� c� Official transcript of any prior college credit on file with admissions office� 2� Must be 18 years of age by the end of the first semester of the program� 3� Current N�C� driver’s license� 4� Acceptable reports of medical examinations and immunizations� 5� Criminal background checks will be required prior to admission to clinical sites�
Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: ACA, BIO, EMS, MED
First Semester (Fall) Credits
ACA-115 Success & Study Skills
1 EMS-110 EMT 9 EMS-150 Emergency Vehicles and EMS Comm 2 ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry 3 MAT-110 Mathematical Measurement 3 MED-120 Survey of Med Terminology 2
Second Semester (Spring)
BIO-163 Basic Anatomy & Physiology EMS-122 EMS Clinical Practicum I EMS-130 Pharmacology EMS-131 Advanced Airway Management EMS-160 Cardiology I 5 1 4 2 3
Third Semester (Summer)
EMS-210 Advanced Patient Assessment EMS-221 EMS Clinical Practicum II EMS-240 Patients W/ Special Challenges
Fourth Semester (Fall)
EMS-231 EMS Clinical Pract III EMS-250 Medical Emergencies EMS-260 Trauma Emergencies EMS-270 Life Span Emergencies ENG-114 Prof Research & Reporting
Fifth Semester
EMS-140 Rescue Scene Management EMS-241 EMS Clinical Practicum IV EMS-285 EMS Capstone PHI-240 Introduction to Ethics SOC-225 Social Diversity
Total Credit Hours Required
2 2 2
3 4 2 4 3
2 4 2 3 3 74
The certificate program prepares students for basic, entry level EMS positions as an EMT� Students learn basic emergency medical skills and procedures, emergency vehicle operations with hands-on driving experience, and other skills needed to enter the EMS field� Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: EMS, MED
First Semester (Fall) Credits
EMS 110 EMT 9 EMS 150 Emergency Vehicles and EMS Comm 2 MED 120 Survey of Med Terminology 2
Total Credit Hours Required 13
The Emergency Medical Science Bridge Program is designed to allow currently certified non-degree paramedics to earn an Associate in Applied Science (A�A�S�) degree in Emergency Medical Science�
Specific Requirements
1� General college admission requirements: a� Complete application for admission� b� Successfully complete College Placement Test� c� Official transcript of any prior college credit on file with admissions office� 3� Complete interview with EMS Department faculty� 4� Current Paramedic certification� (A copy of the
Paramedic Education Program Transcript must be on file in the EMS Department�) 5� Current Basic Cardiac Life Support certification� 6� Current Basic Trauma Life Support or pre-Hospital
Trauma Life Support certification� 7� Current Basic Trauma Life Support certification� 8� Current Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification�
The above certifications and experience (4-8) will provide 40 hours of proficiency credit toward the A�A�S� degree and will count toward the A-B Tech residency requirement� These 40 hours represent the major area (EMS) courses required for EMT, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic certification that are not required as part of the EMS Bridge Program�
Courses requiring a grade of “C” or better: BIO, EMS
First Semester (Fall)
BIO-163 Basic Anatomy & Physiology EMS-140 Rescue Scene Management EMS-150 Emergency Vehicles & EMS Comm ENG-111 Writing and Inquiry MAT-110 Mathematical Measurement
5 2 2 3 3
Second Semester (Spring)
EMS-280 EMS Bridge Course EMS-285 EMS Capstone
Third Semester (Summer)
ENG-114 Professional Research & Reporting PHI-240 Introduction to Ethics SOC-225 Social Diversity
Total Credit Hours Required
3 2
3 3 3 29