Health Systems 20/20 at Work in Egypt

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I. Introduction In Egypt, the Health Systems 20/20 project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has been working closely with the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) since 2008 to: yy Plan health workforce distribution using clinical standards and facility data on current staff and patient needs

yy Improve the national insurance program’s performance as a payer and provider by reducing unnecessary costs and improving quality and responsiveness yy Strengthen capacity to produce and use health financing information to inform policy and decision making Health Systems 20/20’s strategy is to institutionalize and widen the use of performance improvement systems that reduce costs, increase equity, and improve quality and responsiveness at multiple levels. The political transition in Egypt and the U.S. Government’s declaration of renewed support calls for building local capacity to implement lasting solutions. Now is a good time to take stock of the MOHP-Health Systems 20/20 project activities, for which Egypt’s new government has expressed support. This Country Brief describes how the collaboration is strengthening the Egyptian health system, highlighting key achievements and lessons learned.

Health Systems 20/20, USAID’s Flagship Project for Health System Strengthening Since its inception in 2006, the Health Systems 20/20 project has worked in more than 40 countries, implementing new and proven interventions that address health system constraints and increase the use of priority health services. The project works in eight strategy areas: organizational capacity building, financial risk protection/health insurance, governance, human resources for health, measuring and monitoring health systems performance, resource tracking/ National Health Accounts, performance-based incentives/pay for performance, and costing and sustainability planning. These areas interface with the World Health Organization’s six health system building blocks: service delivery, health workforce, information systems, financing, governance, and pharmaceutical management. Health Systems 20/20 tailors interventions to each country’s needs and priorities, as determined with country stakeholders, and works in one or more of the strategy areas to strengthen the country’s health system.

Country Brief

Health Systems 20/20 at Work in Egypt

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