Assignment 1 for week 18

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126614 Hera street Jeddah. KSA 21153 (+966) 550122022

Feb 12, 2012 Mr. Badr Management of king Abdullah scholarship for TVTC. CA. San Francisco. USA Dear Mr. Badr My name is Mahfouz Al-Ghamdi, I hope to attend with a scholarship in America, because I want to complete my bachelor study there. My experience is in mechanical technology in production and TVTC Intensive English program. For example: - I have 3 hours in CNC: Computer Numerical Control. - I have 5 hours in Machining Technology. - I have 5 hours Welding Technology. - I made an interview project in English program with Toyota company and also a presentation about TVTC. - I have a Certified certificate with 630 hours in the TVTC Intensive English Program. Finally, I will be a good student If you accept me in the scholarship. You can contact me by/ E.mail: Mobile: (+966) 550122022 Thank you for your Interest in my letter. Sincerely,

Mahfouz Abdulkarim Eidan Al-Ghamdi.

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