Noor Magazine Issue 26

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Publisher Noor Ul Islam Trust

Editor Kamran Khan

Graphic Design Kamran Khan

Articles & Content Abu Muslim Umm Muslim Adil Hussain Surfraz Ishaque (Imam Ghazali)

Subscriptions & Advertising Zafar Syed

Printed By

Trade Print & Design

Published by Noor Ul Islam. All rights reserved. Reproduction of pictures, articles or artwork in whole or in part without prior consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by individual writers or contributors are not necessarily those of the Editor, Publisher, Trustees or the Staff of Noor Ul Islam Trust.



















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ASSALAAMUALAYKUM We begin in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Indeed all praise is for Allah, may His peace and blessings be upon His Final Messenger, Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam. Allah subhanahu wa ta’la says in Surah Ahzaab: “You have indeed in the messenger of Allah, an excellent example fo he who believes in Allah and the last day” Good character is a sunnah often forgotton. And what better person to learn character from than the greatest man to ever walk on this Earth. Learning adaab is part of being a Muslim and there are many characteristics and manners outlined by Allah’s messenger (saAllahu alayhi wa salam) And from amongst good character is having sabr during times of hardship and giving shukr during times of ease (and hardship for extra reward!) The importance of good character and the sunnah will be explained in this issue. Good character is not limited to individuals but for all mankind. And with our summer fete just round the corner with over 8,000 people attending the last one alhamdulilah, what better time to brush up on our patience! Time really does fly, another three months have passed since the last issue and Noor Ul Islam has been, as always continuing to provide all sorts of events and activities for our community alhamdulilah. Inside, you will find updates of our services and events, as well as informative articles written by our youth and other members of the local community. Our Updates page includes information about the various courses and classes we offer as well as the launch of our scouts group. . Our regular In Focus feature in this issue discusses the summer fete to be held over 2 days for the first time; 3rd and 4th July inshaAllah. We also continue with our popular sections: Kidz Zone and IslamQA. We thank our advertisers who make this magazine possible, and we request from you, our readers, your thoughts, suggestions and contributions, so that we can continue to grow from strength to strength, inshaAllah.


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Copyright © The Noor Magazine Charity Registration Number: 1017780 Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 3



711 High Road, Leyton, London E10 6RA Tel : 020 8558 0786

Pre School

715 High Road, Leyton, London E10 5AB Tel : 020 8558 3014


28/05/2010 16:28:18

Noor Ul Islam


Over the past few months, we have been very busy with different events and activities.

24th February - Scouts Leaders A preliminary meeting of Scout leaders took place at Noor Ul Islam. At this meeting potential Scout leaders prepared themselves for the start of this new and exciting project by Noor Ul Islam Trust. 1st March – Parenting Course The last session of the Confident Parenting Course took place on 1st March. This five week course was received very well, with excellent feedback given by the delegates. We are grateful to the Waltham Forest Integrated Educational Support Services for running this course for the community. Parents were able to share their ideas and practices and discuss ways of become more confident in their approach as mothers and fathers. 6th March – Athan Training Imams at Noor Ul Islam starting holding Athan training sessions for the congregation at Noor Ul Islam . 9th March – School visit to Noor Ul Islam Mosque Two classes from Riverley Primary School visited Noor Ul Islam Mosque to learn about Islam and how Muslims pray. The pupils listened attentively and asked many good questions. 23rd March – Civil Marriage Seminar Br Yusuf Hansa and Maulana Yousuf Patel both attended a seminar run by the Ministry of Justice on Civil Marriages and mosques. Noor Ul Islam Trust is one of a few Islamic establishes that has a licence to perform Civil Marriages. 24th March – Muslim Aid 25th Anniversary Dinner Br Yusuf Hansa attended the Muslim Aid 25th Anniversary Dinner at the Natural History Museum. The event

What have we been up to these past 3 months...

was held to commemorate the charity’s 25th year in existence. In attendance were a number of other dignatories including government ministers.

Park mosque spoke at a special talk arranged by the Noor Ul Islam Women’s group. The title of the talk was: “Women: A change for the future”

29th March – Faith in the Environment Noor Ul Islam Primary School invited parents from its school, our pre-school and Dawlish Primary School to learn more about environmental issues.

15th April - Launch of Muslim Scouts Noor Ul Islam Muslim Scouts groups started on 15th April. There are two groups, the beavers and cubs. The groups meet every other Thursday from 7pm-9pm at Noor Ul Islam Trust.

30th March – Presentation of Cheque to Islamic Relief A cheque for £8000 was handed over to Br Jamal Turk from Islamic Relief towards their Haiti appeal. Noor Ul Islam Trust including the Pre-school and Primary School had collected money to help the victims of the earthquake there.

17th April – Noor Ul Islam Primary School awarded School of the Year At the Association of Muslim School (UK), Noor Ul Islam Primary School was crowned School of the Year at annual conference. Together with the title, the school was given a trophy, a netbook computer and £1000. We pray that Allah protects the school and help it to continue the fantastic work it does.

3rd April – Evening with Junaid Jamshed Noor Ul Islam Trust, together with Muslim Charity held an event called “An Evening with Junaid Jamshed”. Junaid Jamshed visited Noor Ul Islam and spoke as well as sang a few nasheeds to the huge crowd in attendance. 4th and 11th April – ICFAI Examinations Examinations for the ICFAI University took place at Noor Ul Islam for their students based in the UK. Exams are usually held at Noor Ul Islam Trust four times a year. 8th April – Trip to Science Museum Noor Ul Islam Trust held a trip to the Science Museum to visit, amongst other things, the 1001 Islamic Inventions exhibition. Three large coaches took over 200 people, many children from the Madrassa to South Kensington to learn about how Muslims used to be at the forefront of different fields. For more information visit 9th April – Talk by Shaykh Ahmad Saad Shaykh Ahmad Saad, Imam of Finsbury

24th April – Annual meeting Noor Ul Islam Trustees, Women Advisory Board members, Imams, Heads of Departments and Staff met on 24th April to listen to a report on the Trust and find out the Trusts plans for the future. 25th April – Noor Ul Islam Aalimah 1st Conference The Noor Ul Islam Aalimah group held its first open annual conference. As well as giving women the opportunity to learn about the Aalimah department, a fund raising event took place. Over 300 women attended this very successful event, Alhamdulillah. Future Event inshaAllah Noor Ul Islam Trust will be holding its annual summer fete in July, this year it will be over 2 days insha Allah!! Please make a note of the dates in your diaries: 3rd and 4th July 2010 at the Leyton Cricket Ground. For more information, please visit www.

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Noor Ul Islam Website

Noor Ul Islam has launched its new website where you can download forms/ applications, view photos, find out information and keep up to date with the latest activies and news regarding Noor Ul Islam Visit us @

Noor Ul Islam has now joined facebook! You will find all our updates and latest news and anything else Noor Ul Islam related. Please join us @


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28/05/2010 16:28:20

In Focus: Noor Ul Islam Summer Fete

This year’s Noor Ul Islam summer fete takes place over two days on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July. After the success of last year’s event, we felt it was time to give the community a whole weekend of fun! But what is the summer fete about? As summer approaches, there is only one event in the minds of those at Noor Ul Islam - The Summer Fete! Approaching its 6th year, the Noor Ul Islam Summer Fete is a landmark in the Trust’s calendar. Alhamdulilah last year was our most successful yet with over 8000 people in attendance. Traditionally, the summer fete is a family event and fun day out for all. Now held in the first weekend of July at the Leyton Cricket Ground, the venue chosen provides ample space for rides, stalls, shows, competitions and much more. There is something for everyone at the summer fete, from the older uncles and aunties amongst us to the hyper cannot-sitdown-for-a-minute children, all ages and people from different backgrounds are welcome. The Noor Ul Islam Summer Fete gives a rare chance for our sisters and the females of the ummah to have a day out where they are able to relax and attend an event in a halal environment. As well as the family section, there is an area dedicated for sisters only. For the children, the thought of

a funfair with rides, sweets and fun outdoor activities is a dream come true. For the older brothers and sisters, it gives them an opportunity to spend valuable time with their family and friends. Even for the entrepreneurs out there, there are business opportunities waiting to be taken advantage of. With over 8000 potential customers coming through in one day, what better way to advertise your business or sell your products. Preparations begin as soon as the previous fete ends. Countless meetings are held to discuss ways to improve upon the previous years efforts. Items such as freezers, marquees, PA systems even down to the smallest of details such as bin bags are ordered a long time before the event is due to take place. Stall bookings and sponsorships are made even before the dates of the next fete are confirmed. As the event approaches, the head office is buzzing with fete-related activity and enquiries with the help of the other departments. Volunteers are informed of duties and various teams are created to deal with the organisation and the mass of people on the day. Organising such a big event and catering for so many people is no easy task so the volunteers plays a pivotal role in the success of the fete, may Allah reward them and everyone else involved. This year plans are to be bigger and better than ever inshaAllah and we’re not just saying that.

In fact this year plans to be so big that we have decided to spread it over two days; the Saturday mainly for the rides and the Sunday as the main event. The ever popular rides will make a return but with new additions. We found the bigger, faster rides were the most popular last time round so we have increased the number of these. The ice cream vans which had very large queue last time have also been organised again. The summer fete is an important event for Noor Ul Islam as its primary objective is to raise funds for the Trust and in the long run, inshaAllah help to pay its debts and then fund the construction of a new complex. Many people seem to forget this aspect of the fete. In addition to the benefits of enjoying the fete and having a fun day out, by attending the summer fete you are directly and indirectly supporting the trust. The annual fete also produces a show of unity bringing together Muslims from all kinds of backgrounds and ages regardless of religious upbringing. Allah permitting, with good weather, this years summer fete should be the greatest summer fete we’ve had thus far and looks set to be a great two days out for all. Please keep us in your duas. For more information about the event and updates, please visit our website: www.noorulislam. If you would like to book a stall or would like to volunteer for this event, please phone 020 8558 0786.

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On 17th April 2010 Noor Ul Islam Primary was awarded the inaugural Association of Muslim Schools UK (AMS UK) Award sponsored by Interpal for being School of the Year 2010. The award was presented to us by the AMS UK who help, support and develop excellence in Muslim schools throughout the UK. The AMS UK Awards this year was aimed at recognising the excellent work that is being delivered in Muslim Schools. The aim of the award was to highlight the exemplary outcomes by schools and professionals working at Muslim schools, share and celebrate good practice with all Islamic schools and the wider community, promote Muslim Schools and Islamic Education to a wider audience and recognise talent and outstanding sacrifice in our schools. Judges considered the school that demonstrated outstanding and consistent standards, or significant improvement in standards and outcomes for learners. Also taken into consideration was the schools contributions to and innovation in developing spirituality in learners. Other factors that were taken into account were: • • • • • •

To what extent the school has met the Every Child Matters Objectives. The school’s Contextual Value Added. Most recent Inspection Reports. Exam Results, not necessarily league table positions but the level of improvement in results or the maintaining of good results. Extended services and activities provided for students and parents. The school’s relationship with the local community and other communities in terms of outreach.

Alhamdulillah together with the title the school was awarded £1000, a netbook and a glass trophy. We are grateful to Allah, as all good in the school comes from Him. We thank the staff, pupils, parents and governors for all their hard work and pray that the school continues to help improve the education of our children.

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The Sunnah of GoodCharacter The news is riddled with stories of violence and turmoil occurring all over the world. The increasing number of children growing up in juvenile prison and having ABOS amongst their list of achievements has become a norm in modern society. Neighbours hardly know one another and the family structure has broken down to such a degree that it’s a rarity to find the nuclear family structure. However, deterioration of social and personal development is contrary to Islamic principles of social conduct. Islam is based on the purity of faith and the righteousness of character.


The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) possessed an exalted character, Allah Aza Wajjal says of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), “And thou standest on an exalted standard of character.” {68:4} The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was a blessing sent upon this Ummah in order to rectify and perfect our manners and conduct. He is an excellent example to follow for believers who have faith in Allah and the Final Day and who hope to meet their Lord, as Allah says: “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Final Day and who remembers Allah much.” {34:21} Every aspect of his life has been fully dealt with, providing complete guidance to the whole mankind. For our guidance, Allah Aza Wajjal commands us to believe in and obey His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), “He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) has indeed obeyed Allah, but he who turns away, then we have not sent you (Muhammad) as a watcher over them.” {4:80}

Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 8

There are countless ayats and ahadith guiding us to good conduct and manners. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, ‘“Do you read the Qur’an? The character of the Messenger of Allah was the Qur’an.”’ [Abu Dawud: Book 1: Volume 351: Hadith 1337] So if we use the Qur’an and Sunnah as our guides, we can hardly go wrong. And in doing so, not only will we gain the love and pleasure of our Lord, but we will also see the benefits in this life as well, inshaAllah.

Good character is a mark of piety and faith. An-Nawwaas bin Sam’aan (may Allah be pleased with him) said ‘“I asked the Messenger of Allah about piety and wrong action. He (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Piety is in good character, and wrong action is that which troubles your heart and you hate other people to discover.’” [Muslim, Hadith: 2553] Here there is a direct link between piety and good conduct, with the conclusion that piety is the result of good conduct. If one strives to emulate the character of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) then this will lead to piety and righteousness of character, as Allah Aza Wajjal sent the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) in order to perfect our manners. By following the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) we are obeying Allah Aza Wajjal, which will naturally have an effect on our level of Emaan. Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn alAs (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to say, ‘The best of you are those who are the best in character.’” [Bukhari]

by Umm Muslim

In addition, this distinctive correlation between piety and good character can further be seen in conduct of the pious predecessors. They had the highest levels of emaan and they possessed the best of characters. This is highlighted in the following hadith. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘The believers with the most perfect belief are the best of them in character. The best of you are those who are best towards your wives.’ [Tirmidhi] Arrogance and pride, traits which have been existent throughout the age of creation, and are characteristics of those most despised by Allah, such as Iblis and Firawn, are the opposite of good conduct. Allah Aza Wajjal says, “And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth: For Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster.” {3:134} Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘Those I love most and those sitting nearest to me on the Day of Rising will be those of you with the best character. Those most hateful to me and the furthest from me on the Day of Rising will be the pompous, the braggarts and the arrogant.’ They said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, we know the pompous and the braggarts, but who are the arrogant?’ He (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘The proud.’” [Tirmidhi] Therefore, having a good character will earn you the love of Allah and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), whereas, in contrast, possessing bad characteristics, 28/05/2010 16:28:29

The Sunnah of Good Character cont. such as arrogance and pride, will only earn the wrath and hatred of Allah and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was the best of creation, the most honoured of mankind, however, he did not even possess a grain of arrogance in his heart. He was the most humble and sincere of mankind. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) had the best character of all people.” He said, “I did not touch any brocade or silk softer then the palm of the Messenger of Allah. I did not smell any scent sweeter than the scent of the Messenger of Allah. I served the Messenger of Allah for ten years and he never said ‘Uff’ to me, nor did he remark about anything I had done, ‘Why did you do that?’ nor anything I had not done, ‘Why did you not do that?’” [Bukhari, Muslim] Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) was the servant of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) but regardless of this Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was never harsh with him, nor did he treat him unkindly. Instead he behaved extremely well towards him. This shows that even though the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) enjoyed a position of power amongst the Muslims, he always remained humble and respected his fellow Muslims. Therefore, humbleness is from good character and is an honourable and rewarded characteristic in a believer. ‘Iyad ibn Himar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘Allah revealed to me that you should be humble towards each other. So no one should vaunt himself above another and no one should commit injustice against another.’” [Muslim] Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 9

Also, Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘Charity does not decrease property; Allah only increases a slave in might by forgiveness; and no one is humble for the sake of Allah without Allah elevating him.’ [Muslim] It is clear from these ahadith that humbleness elevates a believers status, whereas arrogance only gains the wrath of Allah and neither profits the believers in this life or the next. The virtues and rewards that accompany a good character are numerous. For example, Abu’dDarda (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘There will be nothing heavier in the balance of the believer on the Day of Rising than good character. Allah hates foul language.’ [Tirmidhi] This hadith shows the importance and honour attached to a good character, as it will be the heaviest form of ibaadah on the Day of Judgement and is favoured above all others. Also, Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about the things most likely to bring people into the Garden. He (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘Taqwa of Allah and good character.’ He was asked about the things most likely to bring people into the Fire. He said, ‘The mouth and the genitals.’” [Tirmidhi] Furthermore, Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘By his good character a believer can reach the same rank as someone who fasts and prays all night.’ [Abu Dawud & Malik‘s Muwatta] SubhanAllah, if someone possesses a good character, then they are able to reach the same rank as someone who spends their whole day fasting and their whole night in prayer.

Good character is also a means of entering of achieving the highest reward and the goal of every Muslim, Paradise. Abu Umamah alBahili (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘I guarantee a house on the outskirts of the Garden to anyone who abstains from arguing, even when he is in the right, and a house in the middle of the Garden for anyone who abandons lying, even when he jests, and a house at the summit of the Garden for anyone who has good character.’” [Abu Dawud] It may seem like a daunting task to develop a good character, one that is based on the exalted character of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) However, we as Muslims must strive our hardest to implement as much of the Qur’an and Sunnah into our lives. Even making small changes over a long period of time can make a vast improvement to our emaan. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘Do not think little of anything which is right, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.’ [Muslim] In conclusion, ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) neither talked in an insulting manner nor did he ever speak evil intentionally. He used to say, “The most beloved to me amongst you is the one who has the best character and manners.”’ [Bukhari : Book 5: Volume 57 : Hadith 104 ] May Allah give us the ability and determination to improve our characters, and make us amongst those who are beloved to Him and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). Ameen.

9 28/05/2010 16:28:31

PLEASE CONTACT FATEMA SATTAR PLEASE [t]: 0208 CONTACT 477 9989 FATEMA SATTAR [t]: 0208 477 9989 [e]: [e]:

Wills Home/Hospital Visits Probate/Contested Probate Inheritance Tax/Estate Planning Advice Lasting Power of Attorney Court of Protection Conveyancing Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 10

28/05/2010 16:28:32


The Scrambled Egg-spress SPLAT!

Yesterday evening as the sun went down a tragic event took place in the grounds of the King’s Castle

We interviewed the local shopkeeper Diana Muffin who had noticed Humpty not looking very well yesterday. She said, “Humpty looked very off colour It was a glorious Fried-day and all the people of when he came into the shop yesterday for his usual Dairylea Valley were baking in the hot sun until they order of omelette mix. I wondered why and now I heard a large SPLAT! know” Everyone followed the noise only to find Humpty Dumpty splattered on the floor. As soon as the King and his men found out they blasted a huge bugle through the land to summon the silence that was needed when a local die.

We interviewed Humpty’s father Mr Dumpty, 42, who said, “Humpty Dumpty has put a shame to our family. How many eggs have you seen that sit on a high wall when they’re about to faint? I am very disappointed in him.”

The King’s soldiers discovered a piece of paper at the top of the wall which said:

The King’s men attempted to put him back together for his family to pay their respects but failed miserably so instead they gave the three items on the shopping list to the family for free.

Bread Butter Eggs Total Cost:£500 The police were alerted and they came to the conclusion that he had fainted due to the immense cost of the three items on his shopping list.

If anybody has any information about the manager of the shop Humpty went to please call the police at 000. Reporters: Yushaa Alloo, Adam Razak and Umar Amrouche - YEAR 6.

“When I Grow Up..”

when I grow up I want to be a sintezt (scientist)... Rayan (reception class) when I grow up I want to be a Mum.. Hana (reception class)

Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 11

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The Noor Ul Islam Youth Group has been busy putting on a range of activities for the young people in our community. A range of new equipment has been purchased for the weekly Youth Club including a couple of new pool tables and a new table for table tennis. We are now holding new improved Youth Club sessions for boys in 717 High Road whenever dry weather permits us use of the open area. Two of our Youth Group volunteers have signed up for Midas training which will enable them to drive mini-buses for future trips insha-Allah. Two additional Youth Club volunteers have also started first aid training. One of the volunteers is currently completing an NVQ Level 2in Youth and Community Work to feed back into the work we are doing with young people, and to enhance the services provided insha-Allah. The Noor Youth Group has been focussing on encouraging young people to look after their health through physical activities and has been providing a range of activities to promote this. We are pleased to announce the start of a fantastic new multi-sports service for girls aged 8-16 years in conjunction with Leyton Orient Sports Programme and Kiran Project at The Score, Oliver Road. This enables girls to play a range of sports and get fit in a safe environment. This has proved hugely popular with full capacity in all the sessions. Mixed Martial Arts sessions continue for the boys and students are getting better week by week! Alhamdulillah, we are averaging an attendance of around 30 students. We are now offering the optional choice of training with a Gi (traditional suit worn by Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners) and hope to be entering our students in competitions over the coming months insha-Allah. Football sessions for the boys continue and are still organised in conjunction with Leyton Orient coaching but we have now moved over from The Score sports complex to Draper’s Field. The Girls enjoy climbing up walls in Mile End

The boys getting ready to climb up walls!

At the Youth Club the girls have been involved in a range of activities and workshops. The girls organised a mothers’ lunch where they invited their mothers for lunch at the Youth Club, putting on performances and a quiz competition, as well as giving everybody an opportunity to mingle. Some of the girls entered the Muslim Writers Awards competition for young people. All the girls enjoyed an informative workshop on homoeopathy to find out how to look after their health. The girls aged 13 plus have been participating in skincare workshops to find out more about how to look after their skin through a good diet and skincare routine. The boys have completed a series of reminders/discussions about prayer at the youth club. The boys are now beginning a series of stories from the Qur’an, which we will be going through together over the coming months insha-Allah. The Youth Group have also been on two trips, the boys and girls each had an active day participating in indoor rock climbing, and the girls went to the Science Museum to visit the I001 Islamic Exhibition and enjoy an IMAX documentary. An upcoming trip has been planned for the boys and girls to Stubbers, an outdoor adventure centre.

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Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 13

Mothers and Toddlers Group Up to 4 Years Old 10:00am - 11:30am 713 High Road

Karate Boys 6 -17 Years 7:15pm – 9:00pm

Monday – Friday 6:45am – 7:45am 5.00pm – 7:15pm 711 High Road

Hifdh Class for boys




Colour Coding

Boxing for Brothers Under 12 yrs 8:15pm – 9:15pm Over 12 Years 9:15pm – 10:15pm 715 High Road Jummah Salaat Summer 1:15pm & 1:30pm Winter 12:30 & 1:00pm Separate facilities for sisters

Noor UL Islam Muslim Scouts Cubs/Beavers 7:00pm - 8:30pm 713 High Road

Separate Open Evening Sessions for Brothers & sisters 7:00pm – 9:00pm Islamic Talk & Q & A 715 High Road

Islamic Will Writing Service Alternative Fridays 2:00pm - 3:00pm By Qualified Solicitor 713 High Road


Free Legal Advice Every Fortnight 2:00pm - 3:15pm By Qualified Solicitors 713 High Road

Dressmaking Class 1:00pm – 2:45pm 713 High Road

Arabic for Sisters Intermediate 9:30am - 11:00am Beginners 11:15am – 12:45pm 713 High Road


Civil Marriage, Matrimony & Nikah Services (By appointment only) Funeral & Burial Services

Madrasah 5 -12 yrs old Weekdays & Saturdays

Permanent Activities and Services

Homeopathy for sisters Free advice 12:00 noon - 1:00pm 713 High Road

Tafseer for Sisters Urdu: 10:00am 1:00pm English: 10:00am 1:00pm 713 High Road


Pre School From 3 years old 1st (9 – 11.30) 2nd (12:45 – 3:15)

Noor Ul Islam Arabic for Brothers 10:00am – 11:30am 713 High Road

Noor Ul Islam Youth Group Fitness & Martial Arts 5 – 16 Years 4:30pm – 6:30pm 715 High Road

Karate Boys 6 -17 Years 1:30pm – 3:00pm Girls 6 years – Adult 3:00pm – 4:00pm 715 High Road

Saturday Madrasah Boys & Girls 5 - 16 Years old 10:00am – 12:30pm 715 High Road


(updated Apr 2010)

Noor Ul Islam Trust & MIWA, 711 - 715 High Road, Leyton, London, E10 5AB Tel:-020 8558 0786 Primary School:- 135 Dawlish Rd, London, E10 6QW Tel:-020 8558 8765 Pre-School/Madrassa:- 715 High Rd, London, E10 5AB Tel:-020 8558 3014/020 8539 0769 Email:- Charity No. 1017780

5 Year Course

Mon – Thurs 9:00am – 2:30pmFri 9:30am - 11:00am

Aalimah Course

Open Evening Session for Revert Sisters Only 7:00pm – 9:00pm 713 High Road

Islamic Studies/ Part Aalimah course In English for Sisters age 16 & over 9:30am 12:30pm 713 High Road

Islamic Studies/ Part Aalimah course In English for Sisters age 16 & over 9:30am 12:30pm 713 High Road

715 High Road



Programme of Noor Ul Islam Trust & MIWA Activities

135 Dawlish Rd,E10

Primary School from 4 years old

Noor Ul Islam Football for Brothers Sports for Sisters 8 Years – Adult 9:45am – 12:00 noon Phone for more info Score Centre, 100 Oliver Rd, E10 5JY

The Noor Hub (Youth Club) Sisters 1:00pm – 2:30pm Brothers 3:00pm 4:30pm 713 High Road

Alternate Sundays 5:00pm – 7:00pm April - August

Leyton Leisure Lagoon

Swimming for Brothers & Sisters

Male Circumcision Service By Qualified Doctors By Appointment Only 10:00am – 4:00pm 715 High Road





28/05/2010 16:28:40

Sufraz Ishaque (Youth Group) Every person after his or her death will come across tests in the qabar (grave), except the ‘shaheed’ who died in the way of Allah. These are the first tests we will come across after our death, starting even before Doomsday. It is in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s):After the burial of a dead person, his soul will return to his body. Two Angels will come to his grave, one called Munkar and the other Nakeer and they will ask the believer: “Who is your Lord?” He will answer, “My Lord – Allah.” “What is your religion?” He will answer, “My religion – Islam.” “Who was that person sent to you?” He will answer, “He is the Prophet of Allah.” “How do you know?” He will answer, “I read the Book of Allah and trusted Him.” Then from the heavens a voice will be heard, “My slave has told the truth. Open the Gate of Paradise.” Delighted he begins to feel pleasures of paradise, and his grave becomes full of noor and is opened so wide that he will not be able to see the four corners of his grave. This intermediate realm, between our life in this world and the life-to-come, is called the Barzakh. As for the wrong-doer, when the Angels question him: “Who is your Lord?” He will answer, “I do not know.” “What is your religion?” He will answer, “I do not know.” “Who was that person sent to you?” He again will answer, “I do not know.” Then from the sky a voice will come, “He told a lie. Open the Gate of Hell!” It will be captured with the heat of hell, and his grave will become narrow, the edges compressed. So much so that his ribs will be crushed from both sides – the right set of ribs into

the left side and the left set of ribs to the right side. The seriousness of the pain cannot be imagined! (Ahmed 18063) In a Hadith it is also stated that Angels will severely beat the wrongdoers during their interrogation in the grave. This torture will be awful. The Prophet (s.a.w.s) said that we must always make Dua to Allah to protect us, our loved ones and the Muslim ummah from the punishment of the grave. The Prophet (s.a.w.s) said,“The grave is the first stage of the hereafter. If a person is saved from its torment, then what comes after it is easy. If one is not saved from it, what follows is more severe!” The Prophet (s.a.w.s) also said, “I have never seen a more horrible sight than that of the grave.” (al Tirmidhi 2308) So my dear brothers and sisters please remember: every soul will taste death. The outcome depends on our deeds and behaviour in this life. Bear in mind that this life is a test – the successful will have the gates of paradise opened for them, and the wrongdoers will be unfortunate to be sent to the hellfire. The rewards of paradise are for those who do good – praying their salah; respecting their elders; keeping away from the forbidden (drugs, alcohol, illegal sexual intercourse and all those things that are not allowed in Islam, which we have been commanded to stay away from); respecting their parents and elders; giving and forgiving; fearing their Lord as has been asked in the Qur’an. Brothers and sisters, read the Qur’an and share your knowledge Let us help one another to keep away from the wrongs of this world and to remind ourselves of the hereafter..

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28/05/2010 16:28:41

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Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 15

15 28/05/2010 16:28:43

Weakness of Morals Lack of Faith by Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali (RH) Chapter 2 Weakness Of Morals - Proof Of Lack Of Faith Faith is imperfect without morality Faith is such a power that it keeps men away from low attributes and mean acts, and encourages him to achieve high attributes and clean morals. That is why whenever Allah called his slaves towards virtue or whenever He wanted them to hate evil, He declared it as an essential requirement of the Faith in their hearts. For example when He, in Surah Tauba, commands men to adopt righteousness and to speak truth, - “0 you, who believe! Fear Allah and be with the truthful people.”(Surah Tauba: 119) Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) has explained that when faith is firm and belief is strong, then strong and lasting moral will be developed, and if the moral character is low then faith will accordingly be weak. A man, who is immodest and ill-mannered and who adopts bad habits without caring for others, is like the person about whom the holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said: “Modesty and faith are twins. One who gives up one has to lose the other too.” Once the Prophet passed by an Ansari who was scolding his brother about his modesty. The Prophet advised him to let him go as modesty was a branch of faith. A man who harasses his neighbor and makes him suffer any kind of damage is called cruel and stone hearted by the religion. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:“By Allah, he cannot be a Mu’min; by Allah, he cannot be a Mu’min; by Allah, he cannot be a Momin. He was asked: ‘who”? He answered: ‘He from whose misdeeds his neighbor is not safe.” (Bukhari) The holy Prophet advises his companions to keep away from the talk that is of no benefit, the acts that are wicked, and the deeds that are senseless. He says: “A person who believes in Allah and the Hereafter should speak about good things or else should keep quiet.” (Bukhari) In this way through the truth of faith and by means of its perfection noble qualities are nurtured and developed and they are guarded and kept secure till they bear fruits. You will find people whom they will be posing in the public as if they are very keen on establishing these prayers. But they will not lag behind at the same time in acting in such a way that will be contrary to the demands of the noble character and perfect faith. Such people have been warned by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Ummah has been asked to be careful of them.

It is narrated by Imam Ahmed: “One person asked the Prophet: ‘O Messenger of Allah ! A certain woman is very famous for her prayers, fasting and many charities, but she talks rudely with her neighbors. Tell me, what will be her fate ?’ He replied that she would go to Hell. Then that person asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Another woman does not do much by way of prayers and fasting; gives pieces of cheese in charity and does not harm her neighbors. He replied: ‘She is of the people of Paradise.’ This reply gives an idea of the high value attached to good character. Who is poor? One day the Prophet asked his dear companions whether they knew who was poor. They answered that poor was one who had no money. He said:“In my Ummah, the poor is that man who would appear on the Day of the Judgment before Allah; he had offered prayer; he had paid Zakat; he had observed fast; but he would have abused somebody, he would have falsely accused someone; he would have unauthorisedly taken some one else’s property; he would have murdered someone; would have hit some body. All his virtues would be given to his victims. If his Virtues are finished before his wicked deeds are finished, then the errors and sins of the victims would be given to him and he would be thrown into the Hell.’’(Muslim) A religious man who offers certain prayers or performs certain forms of worship, but even after that performs certain evil deeds, behaves rudely with the people, treats poor and helpless people cruelly, how then can such a man will be called righteous? When wickedness is nourished in the self, and the loss caused by it has become manifest and the danger has increased, then that man has come out of his religion like a nude who has come out of his garments. What will be the value of religiousness without good morality? How is it possible that a man should belong to Allah and at the same he should be a victim of corruption? This relationship between faith and morality is clearly shown in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him):“The man who has these three habits is a hypocrite even if he observes fast, offers prayers, performs umra (pilgrimage), and calls himself a Muslim: when he talks he speaks untruth, when he makes a promise he does not keep it, and when he is given something in trust, he commits dishonesty.”(Muslim) In another hadeeth, he has also said: “There are four habits, in whosoever they are found, he will be a complete hypocrite. If any one of these habits is found in a man, he will have one habit of disruption till he gives it up, when something is given to him in trust he commits dishonesty, when he talks he tells lies, when he makes a contract he deceives, and when he quarrels he starts abusing. ( Bukhari )

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28/05/2010 16:28:46

Sabr wa Shukr, Patience and Gratitude – The two wings of emaan. The first wing being patience. With great patience comes great reward. The prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) said: “...The greatest quality a believer can be given is patience” [Muslim]

Musa (alayhi salam) was patient when giving dawah to Firawn, but he would not listen, instead he continued to persecute the people and deny the signs of his Lord. Ibrahim (alayhi salam) was patient when he was urging his father to stop worshipping the idols yet he would not listen, instead Ibrahim (alayhi salam) was thrown into the fire. Muhammed (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) was patient when he warned his people from the fire and called them to Islam yet they denied him and accused him of being a madman.

Allah (subhanahu wa taala) has made patience like a horse that never gets tired, an army that can never be defeated and a strong fortress that can never be breached. Patience and victory are twin brothers, for victory comes with patience, relief comes with distress and ease comes with hardship. It helps without any need for equipment or And who can forget the story of Yusuf (alayhi salam), numbers and its relationship to victory is like that of the the story of patience. Yusuf (alayhi salam) was patient head to the body. throughout his life. From the time he had his dream, to the time he was thrown into prison, even when he had Patience is a gift bestowed upon someone by Allah (aza acquired a position of high authority and power, he still wajal). All the prophets of the past (alayhum salam) had had patience to forgive his brothers. His father, Yaqub patience of the highest degree. Nuh (alayhi salam) was (alayhi salam) was a shining example of patience; when patient for nine hundred and fifty years! He was constantly he heard that his son Yusuf was killed, he hade hope in calling the people to Allah but they would not listen, instead Allah that he was still alive and said “patience is they put their hands over their ears and mocked him. most befitting” for him.

Thank Allah for Patience

by Abu Muslim

Patience is a quality of the prophets (alayhum salam). Allah (aza wajal) blessed them with patience as He knew they would require it for their mission. In the same manner, patience is something we all require in life. We will all be tested in various ways, be it through death of a loved one or even a loss of wealth, however, the key to passing these tests is through patience. Allah (aza wajal) has told us we will be tested and He (aza wajal) has told us how to overcome the test. Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in Surah Baqarah, ayah 155: “Be

sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere..”

Not only will it help us to overcome the matter but with great patience, comes great reward. In the verses following the previous ayah, Allah (aza wajal) has given three glad tidings to those who are patient; they are blessed, they receive His mercy and they are the guided ones.

“..They are those on whom are the Salawaat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones”

The greatest encouragement for us to be patient, on top of the many rewards mentioned by Allah and on top of the If we know that whatever befalls us was never meant to other great virtues is the fact that Allah (subhanahu wa miss us and we are patient throughout, then this will allow taala) loves those who are patient. us to deal with the test. It is important during these times not to lose hope, but rather to exercise sabr or patience. Allah (aza wajal) says in Surah ale Imraan, ayah 146:

“...And Allah loves the patient” 18 Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 18

28/05/2010 16:28:48

THANK ALLAH FOR PATIENCE cont. The other wing of emaan is shukr, giving thanks to Allah. Whenever someone performs a kind act of kindness towards you or gives you something, we show them thanks. Even when we ourselves, do an act of goodness to someone it gives contentment to know it is appreciated by them. The one who is most deserving of praise and thanks is the lord of the worlds, Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala).

Him you worship”

The importance of shukr to Allah is highlighted in the word with the opposite meaning: kufr. Kufr is to be ungrateful and kufr is also disbelief. Allah (aza wajal) does not require for us to be greatful to him neither is he in need for us to worship him. By worshipping Allah (aza wajal) and being grateful to him, we are only doing ourselves a favour. Having shukr only increases our blessings and Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in Surah Baqarah, ayah having kufr only makes us at loss. 152: “..Then remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and do not reject Me” And Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in Surah Zumar, ayah 7: “If you reject (Allah), truly Allah There is no human or creature in this land who has nothing to thank Allah for. Even if we feel our life has been nothing has no need of you; but He likes not but calamities upon calamities, we should be thankful that ingratitude from His slaves: if you are Allah (aza wajal) has given us eyesight to see and hearing grateful, He is pleased with you…” to hear with. Furthermore, even if we have no eyesight or hearing, we should thank Allah for our limbs and other Shaykh Salih al Munnajid said: “In order to be grateful senses and for giving us life, for giving us Islam, giving us a to your Lord for the blessings that He has bestowed upon chance to worship the One that deserves to be worshipped you, you must acknowledge in your heart that the giver alone. of these blessings and the bestower is Allah, may He be exalted, so you venerate Him, attribute it to Him, and you Allah (subhanahu wa ta’la) says repeatedly in surah acknowledge that with your tongue, so you give thanks to Rahman:”Then which of your Lord’s Him after waking from sleep for having given new life, and after eating and drinking for having provided you with favours will you deny?” them and bestowed them upon you, and so on with every The reward for gratitude to Allah (aza wajal) is unlimited. blessing that you see in your life.

The mercy of Allah (subhanahu wa taa’la) is so incredible that by being thankful for the favours he bestowed upon, You give thanks with your physical faculties by not letting Allah (aza wajal) will give us even more favours. How cool them see or hear any sin or evil, such as singing or gossip; you do not walk with your feet to haraam places; you do is that? not use your hands to commit evil, or writing haraam contracts, or making or doing anything haraam. Giving Allah (aza wajal) says in Surah Ibrahim, ayah 7: thanks with the physical faculties for blessings also includes “ …If you are grateful, I will add more using them to obey Allah, by reading Qur’aan and books of knowledge, listening to beneficial and useful things, and (favours) unto you…” so on with all the faculties which you should use in various Now the question that arises is, how can we be thankful kinds of obedience and worship. to Him? Worshipping Allah alone the way He should be worshipped according to the sunnah of the messenger of Remember that gratitude for blessings is a blessing which Allah (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) is being thankful to needs to be given thanks for, so that one will continue to Allah. Praising Allah night and day is also being thankful enjoy the blessings of his Lord, thanking his Lord for those to Him . We are thankful to Allah in both actions and blessings and praising Him for helping him to be among words. Our prayer five times a day, our journey of Hajj, our those who give thanks.” limbs moving for His sake alone is our gratitude to Him. The best life is attained by the blessed through patience, Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah) said in his book, Madaarij and they rise to the highest degrees through their gratitude. al-Saalikeen (2/246): ”His gratitude should fulfil all the So they fly on the wings of patience and gratitude to necessary conditions, which are gratitude of the heart, gardens of delight (i.e., Paradise). That is the bounty of gratitude of the tongue and gratitude of the physical Allah that He bestows upon whomsoever He will, and Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty. faculties. Gratitude may be in the heart, in submission and humility; Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says in Surah Nahl, ayah 18: on the tongue, in praise and acknowledgement; and in the “And if you would count the Favours of physical faculties, by means of obedience and submission.” Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) says in Surah Baqarah, ayah 172: “…

and be grateful to Allah, if it is

Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 19

Allah, never could you be able to count them..”

19 28/05/2010 16:28:50

KIDZ ZONE The Importance of Saying “inshaAllah” Allah tells us in the Quran: “And do not say, regarding anything, ‘I am going to do that tomorrow,’ Except (with the saying), “If Allah wills!” And remember your Lord when you forget and say: “It may be that my Lord guides me unto a nearer way of truth than this.” During a Jumah Khutbah in a small town, an Imam talked about the significance of saying “Insha Allah” (which means if Allah wills) when planning to do something in the future. After a few days, a man who had also attended the Khutbah was going to buy a cow from the market. On the way, he met a friend who asked him where he was going. He told him about buying the cow but did not say Insha Allah in the end. His friend reminded him about the Khutbah and told him to say Insha Allah. However, this individual said that he had the money he needs and the energy to go to the market, thus, there is no point of saying Insha Allah as he will certainly buy the cow. He thought that saying Insha Allah will not make any difference. When he reached the market, he found a cow that met his expectations. He burgained with the seller and came to a reasonable price. Finally, he decided to pay for the cow but was dumbfounded when he discovered that his money was missing. A thief had stolen the money while he was walking through the busy market. The cow seller asked him whether he was going to buy the cow or not. “Insha Allah, I will buy it next week,” he said. When he reached home, his wife inquired about the cow. He told her about how he forgot to say Insha Allah, and also added, “Insha Allah, I wanted to buy the cow. But Insha Allah, my money was stolen. Insha Allah, I will buy it next week.” His wife clarified to him that we should say Insha Allah for things that are yet to happen, not for those things that had already happened. He never forgot his “Insha Allah” again.

Colour In: Admire Creation, subhanAllah

20 Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 20

28/05/2010 16:28:51

by Adil Hussain

6 points of leadership In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful The advice contained in this article is, admittedly, intended primarily for those involved in community or organisational work. But it goes without saying that every single one of us finds ourselves, or will find ourselves inshaAllah, in some capacity or another, as a leader responsible over others whether it be in societal work or, on a smaller scale, within ones family. For indeed, leadership - good leadership requires a great deal of character. The advice that follows is adapted from an article found in the Spring 2010 issue of ‘Imperial Matters’ entitled ‘Six lessons in leadership’ based on Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johns’ experiences of captaincy and command in the Royal Navy.

Delegation Delegation is all about trusting people to get on with the job that you give them, but it is far more than just giving somebody a job, telling them to crack on with it and not to bother you until it is all finished; Delegators have a huge responsibility in terms of judging the capability and competence of the people that they are giving jobs to, making sure that the right resources are there, that the risks are understood. There is also a great trick in knowing whether, how and when to intervene when things are not going terribly well; There is always the danger of misinterpretation. Part of delegation is taking risk, and there is risk, but also huge benefit, in allowing other people to make mistakes. Not repeatedly, but to make mistakes and to learn from them.

Subordinate development Letting go and letting someone else have a go is key to subordinate development;

Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 21

Bringing youngsters on is not always easy because very often the path of least resistance is to do things yourself. The discipline of standing at the back hoping you don’t have to interfere is far, far harder than getting up there and doing it yourself, but we have a real duty and responsibility to train our successors; Add a box on your personal evaluations called ‘subordinate development’, and judge and mark yourselves on your ability to bring on young people and to train them in succession.

Loneliness The first aspect of loneliness in leadership is that it is something that one really feels in times of crisis, when the sky is falling in around you. You feel, rather wrongly, like you are the only one there, like you are the only one that can make the decision; The second aspect is that the captain (ameer) sits/eats alone wondering what his ‘officers’ are doing. It is a part of the loneliness of leadership, both a huge responsibility and a privilege, to step back from the bustle and everything that is going on to take stock, to look at things objectively and to think.

Humour A great store of humour only serves to aid leadership, and does no harm; A little bit of humour at a time of crisis often lifts the mood and gets you and your team focused on the tasks ahead.

Heritage Heritage is not about museums and historic ‘objects’, nor a certain cultural way of doing things, it is about people; Heritage is the sense of not just doing a job in the here and now, but belonging to something that has got a fantastic foundation, and feeling responsible for its future. It is highly important for any organisation or institution. May Allah fill our hearts with the ambition to bring up our families and communities in righteousness, and to lead all in goodness. May Allah raise from amongst us leaders, and grant us all manners and character consistent with the Sunnah of the best of creation, Allah’s Messenger Muhammad sallAllahu alayhi wa salam.

Adaptability Amidst changes and, possibly even, the splitting of people into teams and projects, do not allow those in your organisation to lose focus about who they are, why they do what they do, and why it might be slightly different from the way other people do things. Ensure everyone is working together and continues so. This requires a particular aspect of leadership, a very interesting skill requiring different qualities, to ensure you keep your people focused.

21 28/05/2010 16:28:51

ISLAM Question & Answers all answers taken from

Character Special Dealing with Anger

Q: How can I deal with anger?

And Allah knows best.

A: Praise be to Allah.

Shaking hands with Muslims

Means of dealing with anger include the following: · Seeking refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytaan. · Keeping quiet. · Calming down; if you are standing, you should sit down; if you are sitting, you should lie down. · Remembering the reward for restraining anger, as it says in the saheeh hadeeth: “Do not get angry and Paradise will be yours.” · Understanding the high status of one who controls himself, as it says in the saheeh hadeeth: “Whoever restrains his anger, Allah will cover his faults. Whoever controls his fury – even if he is able to show it – Allah will fill his heart with hope on the Day of Resurrection.” (classed as hasan) · Learning what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) teachings concerning anger. · Knowing that controlling anger is one of the signs of piety, as it says in the hadeeth quoted above. · Knowing the bad effects of anger. · Thinking about how one is affected at the moment of anger. · Praying that Allah will remove this resentment from one’s heart.

Q: Is it sunnah to shake hands when meeting another Muslim (a man with a man)? A: Praise be to Allah. Shaking hands when meeting and saying salaam is part of the etiquette of Islam and its good morals. It is an expression of love between the two who shake hands, as it dispels hatred, rancour and grudges among the Muslims. There is a great hadeeth which speaks of its virtue, in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are no two Muslims who meet and shake hands with one another, but they will be forgiven before they part.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (5212) Shaking hands was a custom that was well known among the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them). It was narrated that Qataadah said: I said to Anas ibn Maalik: Did the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shake hands with one another? He said: Yes. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6263). And Allah knows best.

Broken Ties Relationship




Q: What is the meaning of silat al-rahm (upholding the ties of kinship)?

Islam calls for the upholding of the ties of kinship because of the great effect that this has on achieving social cohesion and perpetuating cooperation and love among the Muslims. Upholding the ties of kinship is a duty because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of ) the wombs (kinship)…” [al-Nisaa’ 4:1] Allah has warned us against cutting the ties of kinship (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who break the Covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e., they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives), and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse (i.e., they will be far away from Allah’s Mercy); And for them is the unhappy (evil) home (i.e., Hell).” [al-Ra’d 13:26] Who is the one who upholds the ties of kinship? This was explained by the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when he said: “The one who maintains a relationship with his relatives only because they maintain a relationship with him is not truly upholding the ties of kinship. The one who truly upholds those ties is the one who does so even if they break off the relationship.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 5645). And Allah knows best.

A: Praise be to Allah.

22 Noor Magazine Issue 26.indd 22

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