KimberlyClark 20

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Creative concept of celebrating

the 20th Anniversary

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

BRIEF The main purpose of the event is to celebrate the 20th Anniversary work in the region East Europe; Once again tell about great Kimberly Clark history; Unite employees in different regions, involve them into activities; The format of the celebration is based on the format of themed week; Teasing campaign in a month ahead of the main events.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

INTRO • What makes our evenings with the closest people and friends special? • What cheers us up and set our mood in a right festive state? • Is there anyone who is fond of being in silence especially when there is a reason to get loud? • What does majority of people do when they do a routine? • What is the best companion for this? • What does unite people all over the globe best? And at last… • Do you sing in shower?

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

Kimberly Clark music chart for the past 20 years The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

OVERVIEW The concept of the celebration is based on the idea of a music chart completed by Kimberly Clark employees; Choosing the best songs of a time period is one of the best ways to throw back in time and remind what important events took place in history of the company and country; Remembering what music was popular in your country calls warm and pleasant memories; knowing what songs was popular in another country unites nations and expands one’s mental horizons.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

EXECUTION The creative idea is executed on the following stages by means of mentioned tools: Teasing campaign: -­Intranet page; -­Offline actvities (office decoration); Preparation: -­Offline actvites; Celebration week: -­Intranet page; -­Online and offline actvities (including web-­broadcasting, office decoration, on site actvities etc.).

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration


May, 2-8


Teasing 1996- 2000 2000-足 2005 2005- 2010 2010-足 2016 KC got talents registration Preparation Hot 20 week

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

May, 1522

May, 23-29

May, 30 - June, 5

June, 6-12

June, 13-19

June, 20-26

June, 27-July, 3

July, 4-10

TEASING CAMPAIGN Make your choice and add one more word in our history

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

TEASING CAMPAIGN The purpose of the teasing is not only to tease employees, but also involve them into birthday campaign; During the teasing campaign employees will be able to choose the best songs of a particular time period in their region; Along with musical voting employees will be able to get acquainted with Kimberly Clark’s important history events. 20 years will be divided into 4 time periods and as a result into 4 themed parts:

I 1996 - 2000 II 2000 -­2005 III 2005 - 2010 IV 2010 -­2016 Every period will be displayed with the help of minimal office decorations which include regional historical Kimberly Clark’s printed ads as well as musical posters of singers and groups popular in that time in the region. On the stage of the teasing campaign there will simplified Kimberly Clark got talents organized. The winners in each region will compose a musical band and later on record the best regional songs. The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

TEASING CAMPAIGN // VOTING Each time period will have it’s own week when the best songs of period will be presented as well as the main Kimberly Clark historical events will be communicated by means of informational stands and the most successful historical ads. During a week employees will be able to listen to the shortlisted songs and give their voice to their favorite ones. The voting will be held on a special intranet page which will be designed in a style of historical period. * It is crucial to have different songs in each region.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

TEASING CAMPAIGN // DECORATION Offices of Kimberly Clark will be decorated with: To strengthen the creatve concept -­Musical posters of those singers and groups who were popular in that time; To build a link between the concept and company -­posters with ads of Kimberly Clark products; To communicate company’s history -­informatonal posters with the most important events of the time period.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

TEASING CAMPAIGN// KIMBERLY CLARK GOT TALENTS During 4 teasing weeks all employees will be able to apply for participation at the simplified Kimberly Clark got talents web competion. Those who will pass qualifying rounds and run -足through will form a musical group which will record 4 best songs of the region.

3 groups in 3 countries will record 4 best songs of their country. The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

TEASING CAMPAIGN // INSTAGRAM FLASH MOB Those employees who have accounts on Instagram will be able to take part in a special flashmob dedicated to great history of Kimberly Clark in region; Employees will need to posts their historical photos with a special hashtag (#me1996andkimberlyclark20). These photos will be also published at a special intranet page.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

PREPARATION//CD RECORD On the preparation level the following activities take place: - Qualifying rounds of “Kimberly Clark got talents� in 3 countries - Creation of musical groups (one per country) - Rehearsal and record of the songs - Production of a CD with the best 12 Kimberly Clark songs

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

HOT 20 WEEK//SCHEDULE The themed anniversary week consists of opening and closing days, days themed by hosting country. Thus there are - Opening on Monday; - Kazakhstan day on Tuesday; - Ukraine day on Wednesday; - Russia day on Thursday; - Closing day on Friday. Each day is hosted by different country; opening and closing days have their own activities while “country� days have a common schedule including: Loud Breakfast with 20 minutes gig of a Kimberly Clark regional band Business Lunch with 20 minutes workshop on actual theme given by region representative Big Family Dinner with some traditional dessert of a hosting country. The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

HOT 20 WEEK//OPENING FLASHMOB Opening of the themed week is on Monday; The grand opening will be executed by means of flashmob; At a certain point of the day the music starts playing and up to 20 professional dancers appear in the Kimberly Clark office; While they dance, they also decorate the space: they fix informational and mood posters to the walls. The flashmob is filmed.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

HOT 20 WEEK//COUNTRY DAYS Each central office of a region will have a place where people can gather together for 20 minutes; also this area will be equipped with a small stage, necessary sound equipment and video screen. All scheduled activities will take place at this area. Hosting country will be have “life” activities while other countries will have web broadcast on the screen and in intranet page. Loud breakfast Hosting country presents its 4 best songs in the regional office (20 minutes gig); Other countries have web broadcast of the gig (on the screen in the “concert” area and in the intranet) Business Lunch Hosting country representative gives 20 minutes workshop on an actual theme; Other countries have web broadcast of the worshop (on the screen in the “concert” area and in the intranet)

Big Family Dinner Traditional desserts of a hosting country are served in the “concert” area.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

HOT 20 WEEK//CLOSING On the closing day on Friday (Hangover Friday) all employees will get CD with the best Kimberly Clark songs; The flashmob video report is also released on the closing day: - the movie is very emotional, Kimberly Clark people are filmed there – their smiles and positive reactions on the flashmob, each employee should see him or herself in the movie.

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration


Thank you!

The Kimberly Clark 20th Anniversary Celebration

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