or those of us who live in the West, the past few weeks have been devoted to collecting whatever is essential to protect ourselves from the health scare of Covid19. In my case, the doors are locked, the windows securely shut, and at those times when I have to venture out to get food supplies, I don my mask and wash hands as frequently as possible. By taking these simple but necessary steps, I protect myself as well as others. Cooperative self-interest! You would think that the world’s priorities would be to continue to safeguard against this nasty virus until it is under control, and in the process, to also note how fragile life is and has become. One of the lessons of the Covid19 health scare and any of the zoonotic disease outbreaks is that cooperation with other humans is a critical part of survival, and that noncooperation might yield short term gains but with lethal consequences.
have been wars or conflicts initiated by Egypt and its surrogates against Ethiopia. In all 16 instances, the victory has gone to the children of Abai ,the Ethiopians. In at least three instances in the twentieth century, Egypt or its occupiers have attempted, through treaties, for Ethiopia to cede its rights to the Abai without success. Over the past decade or so, Egypt has been pretending to negotiate an agreement with Nile basin countries only to leave the negotiating table when it appears it isn’t going to get its demands. Egypt has had an almost veto power over International
Unfortunately, the leaders of the great people of Egypt have yet to understand that the future of their civilization depends largely on the cooperation of others particularly their neighbors.
Historians suggest that there have been at least 16 documented instances in history where there
Abyssinia Business Nework // ABN
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This short essay is a reflection on matters involving the Nile river here in after Abai and the most recent actions of Egypt regarding its purported “negotiation” with Ethiopia. I am neither a water economist nor a lawyer (Al Mariam has done an excellent piece on this). I have keen interest on the topic and have also written a few essays on it. Without belaboring the minutiae of where, when, and how. Let us list a few significant points.
The Nile Basin Countries
ልዩ እትም 2012 Special Edition of GERD 2020