The Bella Bulletin Newsletter: June 2021 Edition

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Happy birthday to… Entertainer, Civil Rights Activist and French Resistance agent, Josephine Baker

We Interviewed: Joelle Tirado Check out our interview with former BALI intern, Joelle Tirado to learn about her experience with BALI, her future endeavors and some advice for our BALI youth.


Table of Contents We Interviewed: Joelle Tirado…………..……….3 Featured Article in USA Today By Liz Abzug…..5 Headlines of the month…………….…………..…8 Feminist Five!.............................………........….…10 Happy birthday to…………….…………..…..…... .12 This Month in Women’s History…….…………13 Enrichment Opportunities…….……….……....14 BALI Staff……………………………………………..16 BELLA BULLETIN STAFF ………………………….......17

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My mother introduced the first LGBTQ rights bill to Congress. Let's make her proud. Much has improved for LGBTQ Americans since my mom, Bella Abzug, fought for them in Congress. But America still has a lot of room to grow. Forty-seven years ago this month, my mother, Bella Abzug, introduced the nation’s first gay rights bill in Congress. It would have amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to included lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans. My mother, ever the pioneering reformer, saw the clear and urgent need for addressing discrimination that far too often destroyed people’s well-being and lives. While much has improved for LGBTQ Americans since that spring day in 1974 – with growing opportunities for living openly and in safety, for marrying and for serving in the nation’s military – discrimination remains a daily reality for many in our communities. For nearly a halfcentury, however, Congress has failed to follow my mother’s lead to extend equal nondiscrimination protections to all LGBTQ people – despite polling showing overwhelming and bipartisan support across the nation for doing just that.

Anti-LGBTQ discrimination is not some abstract or political football. Instead, it has profoundly damaging, real-life and often lifelong consequences for LGBTQ Americans. More than 1 in 3 LGBTQ folks, according to a 2020 Center for American Progress survey, experienced discrimination of some kind – perhaps in public spaces, on the job, in schools and in their own neighborhoods – in the previous year, with that number rising to over 60% among transgender people.


Severe consequences Vulnerable groups, including communities of color, transgender folks, seniors and youth, face especially severe consequences. According to a 2013 report by multiple advocacy groups, unemployment and poverty rates – already higher among people of color than among whites – are significantly higher yet among LGBTQ people of color, particularly Black LGBTQ people, who are more likely than their white LGBTQ counterparts to be raising children under these burdens. Women die in combat: Men-only military draft is a vestige of antiwomen bias. Supreme Court should strike it down. According to a large 2016 report, transgender Americans experience unemployment and poverty at 2.5 to three times the national average, and almost 1 in 3 have experienced homelessness in their lifetime. Violence also stalks the lives of trans people – with nearly half of adults, 47%, reporting having been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives and a record 44 killings last year, most of them targeting women of color. Unsurprisingly, psychological distress, including suicide attempts, far exceeds the level confronted Americans generally.

Among LGBTQ elders, same-sex couples face persistent discrimination in securing senior housing, while our community’s youth face bullying and depression and risk for suicide at alarmingly high levels, with less than half the states providing explicit protections against harassment and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. After 47 years, there is now hope that Congress might finally be ready to act. For the first time, both Democrats and Republicans have put forward measures that include LGBTQ protections in our nation’s civil rights laws. The major bone of contention between the two parties’ bills involves how to balance the urgent need to protect LGBTQ people with the religious freedoms all Americans enjoy.


We need 'Battling Bella's' fighting spirit My mother, known by many as “Battling Bella,” famously never shied away from a fight. At the same time, she was deeply committed to getting things done, saying “I want action – not talk.” For example, she partnered with Republican Rep. Barry Goldwater to get the Privacy Rights Act of 1974 over the finish line. She coauthored and championed Title IX – the historic law prohibiting discrimination on basis of sex by educational institutions receiving federal funding – accepting that an exemption for religious schools was a price of winning. Over the fierce opposition of many leaders of the women’s rights movement, she knew it was critical that conservative women – including opponents of abortion – be invited to the first National Women’s Conference in 1977.

We need this kind of courageous leadership today from the Republican and Democratic senators who say they support nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people. We need them to get out of their safe corners and find common ground. This is what legislating is all about and it doesn’t require sacrificing fundamental principles. After nearly five decades, it’s time for Congress to finally deliver on my mother’s vision and include LGBTQ people – coast to coast – in the protections provided to all other Americans by the Civil Rights Act. Liz Abzug is a national public affairs and strategic consultant, and founder and president of the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, New York City.

Dress code double-standards: Edited Bartram Trail High School yearbook photos are as inherently sexist as they are unsightly


Headlines of the month Two Trump Associates Convicted of Financial Crimes in One Day

Diane Rwigara and Mother, Adeline Rwigara Imprisoned After Diane Announces her Election Bid for President of Rwanda

This month, year marks second annualrank-choice ​Black Joy New the Yorkers navigated ParadeinintheOakland, California. parade So is voting long-awaited mayoralThe primaries. celebrated at the primaries, end of New February far in the Democratic York Police to commemorate Black History month the captain, Eric Adams is and in the lead In recent Department weeks, American news outlets fills have streets the withmost Blackfirst-choice owned businesses, vendors, with in-person votes. been saturated with articles about the ​conviction games, and music. Elisha Greenwell, founder of However, absentee ballots and ranked-choice of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen​ , Trump’s the Black Joy be parade, started tradition votes will chairman not released for this the lawyer, next few former campaign and former because she saw a need for Black folks in her weeks, former city Michael sanitation respectively, for giving financial crimes. community to Kathryn gather not only moments of commissioner theinchance to win Cohen, Trump’s longtimeGarcia personal lawyer protest, but in moments of celebration as well. primary. votes tabulation pleaded the guilty to Ranked-choice eight federal accounts, Furthermore, the parade symbolizes a absentee ballot results will be including and campaign finance violations thatreleased were reclamation of space an thatonly has been weekly starting Julyin Stephanie 6. area With two made in an attempt to quiet Clifford fighting against gentrification since the 1970’s. candidates, and Karen therefore no ranked-choice (Stormy Daniels) and McDougal about voting, Guardian Angels founder and activist their extramarital affairs with Donald Trump Curtis Silwa is already projected to be the with “hush money.” But not only did Cohen Republican nominee for Mayor. Since the come clean about his own criminal acts, he also primary elections, former presidential candidate implicated Trump in the process by stating that Andrew Yang conceded, and civil rights attorney the payments made to Clifford and McDougal Maya Wiley has been eliminated in the 8th were Trump’s orders. Cohen may also further round of preliminary tabulations. However, the implicate Trump in the future with his supposed New York City Board of Elections has come knowledge “​Court/Getty a conspiracy Carl Images to corrupt American under fire within the past few days for The stakes around the world rising as democracy by the Russians, andhave thebeen failure to retracting their most recent report of election the ​coronavirus (COVID-19) ​grows into a bigger report thatresults knowledge the FBI” according to becauseto they accidentally counted threat. Known cases have been reported from his lawyer Lanny Davis. While Trump as 135,000 test votes. With candidates and New dozens of countries, but the most severe ostracizedYorkers Michael Cohen for hesitant about the pleading board and guilty, 124,000 outbreaks been located in China, Iran, the president has have loyally defended his former Italy, and South Korea. With 977 confirmed campaign7536944absentee chairman Paul Manafort, who has ballots left to count, the race cases, South Korea has the most infected been charged with eight counts ofremains bank fraud, for the Democratic nominee tighter patients outside of China and Italy has been the tax fraud,than andever. failure to report a foreign bank source of most infected patients throughout account. His conviction is a result of Robert Europe. According to officials, it is inevitable Mueller’s investigation into connections that coronavirus will spread in the United States between the Trump campaign and the Russian as well causing tensions about resources and government. Both Cohen and Manafort have yet government action to rise.

On 17th, Joe Bidentook signed the ThisJune month, thePresident Scottish Parliament a huge Juneteenth step to beingNational the first Independence country in the Day worldAct, to making the first holiday make ​pJuneteenth eriod products freenew for federal all those who since Jr. DayProducts was established need Martin them.Luther The King Period (Free in 1983. Juneteenth, as Jubilee Day Provision) (Scotland) also Bill known was introduced by or Freedommember Day, commemorates Parliament Monica Lennon,June who19th, first In the August 2017. ofGen. The 2017, Diane Rwigara was 1865, day Gordon Granger issued proposed it inMaj. bill has now moved General 3 in inparliament Galveston, Texas, becoming a No. voice for the underrepresented, onto the Order second stage in which officially emancipating enslaved persons. members propose amendments to it. to hold young may people of Rwanda; daring Although there a long 3 way to one go until bill General Order No. was of this many President is Paul Kagame’s government becomes law, introduction toonto parliament throughout states to hold slavery accountable itsthat for tried corruption, censorship, and alone hasthe dismantle about well after Emancipation Proclamation. True poverty. helped Shortly after taboos her campaign was discussing menstrual emancipation in however, thesehealth. states, however, was not announced, she was disqualified from achieved until Union soldiers enforced these the race for allegedly lying about the number of orders. The she fight collected for Juneteenth be president. signatures to runto for recognized a national holiday were began then shortly Rwigara asand her mother arrested on after the death of Martin Luther King Jr, a time accounts of fraud, incitement, and when encouraging the celebration of Black “discrimination and sectarian practices” quickly history was a widespread concern. In 1980, following the creation of the former candidate’s state representative Al Edwards made Texas the campaign and response to her disqualification: first state to make Juneteenth a holiday. Since the “People Salvation Movement.” According then, organizations like the National Juneteenth to her family and her supporters, who have also Observance Foundation, and activist Opal Lee Recent reported that the ​United faced studies severehave consequences for being connected have the federal recognition of States pushed Census for Bureau ​will incorrectly count to Rwigara, her disqualification and arrest were Juneteenth. Whilein the of thismissing act is Black Americans the passing 2020 census, politically motivated. Rwigara’s arrest comes as historic, believeand that is a hypocritical between many 1.1 million 1.7itmillion residents. no surprise to many, however, because she is step forward thatthe will 3/5ths only bring about symbolic Beginning with compromise, this one of many opposers of President Kagame to change. For instead of history makingofsignificant news is part of a long Black folkssteps not be “eliminated” in some respect. Kagame’s towards reparations, being represented in theorU.S.freeing census. innocent The lack party folks, hasis, ordominated Rwanda since incarcerated Black now an end to ofpolitical representation inputting part, caused by 2000,brutality, obstacles and he is credited helping the country police the federal with government has various to accessing residents that recover from people its on​mgiving ass in 1994 and focused its affect attention Americans the primarily of genocide color. Special stabilizing thebrought and economy. Rwanda’s government, attention is being to this issue because day off of work school and potentially under Kagame’s rule, also leads theof rest of the8 the Census determines a holiday. significant amount white-washing this sacred worldfunding. in political representation for women, federal

to be sentenced.

Headlines of the month Two Trump Associates Convicted of Financial Crimes in One Day

Diane Rwigara and Mother, Adeline Rwigara Imprisoned After Diane Announces her Election Bid for President of Rwanda

Thisrecent year marks second annual ​Blackrace Joy month, New the Yorkers navigated rank-choice In months, the phrase “critical Paradeininthe California. The parade is voting long-awaited mayoral primaries. So theory” hasOakland, taken over the news. It’s true celebrated at the end of New February far in the Democratic Police to meaning, however, primaries, has morphedYork into an commemorate Black History month the captain, Adams is and in the lead In recent Department weeks, term American form news outlets fills have umbrella for anyEric of education about streetswith withmost Blackfirst-choice owned businesses, vendors, with in-person been saturated articles about racial the discrimination and the its ​conviction historyvotes. by games, and music. Elisha Greenwell, founder of However, absentee ballots and ranked-choice of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen​ , Trump’s conservative politicians and public figures. the Black Joy be parade, started tradition votes will chairman not released for this the lawyer, next few former campaign and former Amidst the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, because she saw a need for Black folks in her weeks, former city Michael sanitation respectively, for giving financial crimes. Fox news released a segment that labeled community to Kathryn gather not only moments of commissioner Garcia theinchance to win Cohen, Trump’s longtime apersonal lawyer “critical race theory” as disease taking over protest, but in moments of celebration as well. primary. votes tabulation pleaded the guilty House. to Ranked-choice eight federal accounts, the White In response, former Presidenta Furthermore, the parade symbolizes and absentee ballot results will be including Trump campaign finance violations that thatreleased were issued an executive orderthat reclamation of space in an area haslimited been weekly starting July 6. With only two made in an attempt totrainings quiet Stephanie Clifford implicit bias within government fighting against gentrification since the 1970’s. candidates, and Karen therefore no ranked-choice (Stormy Daniels) and McDougal agencies. Since the executive order and about his exit voting, Guardian Angels founder and activist their extramarital affairs with Donald Trump from office, conservative lawmakers have Curtis Silwa is already projected to be the with “hush money.” But notthe only didof Cohen launched a siege against teaching “critical Republican nominee for Mayor. Since the come clean about his(sometimes own criminal acts, hespecific also race theory” naming more primary elections, former presidential candidate implicatedprograms Trumplike in the the1619 process by instating that Project) schools and Andrew Yang conceded, and civil rights attorney the payments made to Clifford and other and have since McDougal passed of Maya institutions, Wiley has been eliminated in the108th were Trump’s orders. Cohen theory, may also further these Critical race asHowever, defined by round bills. of preliminary tabulations. the implicate the Trump in the future with his 70s supposed created it in the andcome 80s, Newacademics York Citythat Board of Elections has knowledge “​Court/Getty a toconspiracy tolegal corrupt American Carl Imagesthat refers the within idea policies under fire the past fewcannot days put for The stakes the world as democracy by the around Russians, andhave report thebeen failure to an end totheir racism because is rising aelection social retracting most recent racism of the ​coronavirus ​ginrows into a bigger report thatconstruct knowledge (COVID-19) toimbedded they the FBI” our according The to that is society. results because accidentally counted threat. Known cases have beenrace his lawyer Lanny votes. Davis. tenets: While reported Trump from as theory has five integral is and a socially 135,000 test With candidates New dozens of countries, but the tomost severe ostracizedconstructed Michael Cohen dedicated for guilty, system oppressing Yorkers hesitant about the pleading board and 124,000 outbreaks located China, Iran, the president has loyally defended law his must former people of have color,been analysis of in be Italy, and South Korea. With 977 confirmed campaigngrounded chairman Paul Manafort, critical who has in historical context, race 7536944absentee ballots left to count, the race cases, South Korea has the most infected been charged with eight ofexperiences bank fraud, theory centers the counts personal and for the Democratic nominee remains tighter patients outside of China and Italy has been the tax fraud,knowledge andever. failure to report a foreign bank of people of color, critical race than source of most infected patients throughout account. theory His conviction is a result Robert is inter disciplinary and oftakes from Europe. According to officials, it is inevitable Mueller’sfeminist investigation into connections and other frameworks, critical race that coronavirus will spread in the United States theory’s goal iscampaign to eliminate racial oppression as between the Trump and the Russian as well causing tensions about resources and a step towards eliminating all oppression. government. Both Cohen and Manafort have yet government action to rise.

On 17th, Joe Bidentook signed the ThisJune month, thePresident Scottish Parliament a huge Juneteenth step to beingNational the first Independence country in the Day worldAct, to making the first holiday make ​pJuneteenth eriod products freenew for federal all those who since Jr. DayProducts was established need Martin them.Luther The King Period (Free in 1983. Juneteenth, as Jubilee Day Provision) (Scotland) also Bill known was introduced by or Freedommember Day, commemorates Parliament Monica Lennon,June who19th, first In the August 2017. ofGen. The 2017, Diane Rwigara was 1865, day Gordon Granger issued proposed it inMaj. bill has now moved General 3 in inparliament Galveston, Texas, becoming a No. voice for the underrepresented, onto the Order second stage in which officially emancipating enslaved persons. members propose amendments to it. to hold young may people of Rwanda; daring Although there a long 3 way to one go until bill General Order No. was of this many President is Paul Kagame’s government becomes law, introduction toonto parliament throughout states to hold slavery accountable itsthat for tried corruption, censorship, and alone hasthe dismantle about well after Emancipation Proclamation. True poverty. helped Shortly after taboos her campaign was discussing menstrual emancipation in however, thesehealth. states, however, was not announced, she was disqualified from achieved until Union soldiers enforced these the race for allegedly lying about the number of orders. The she fight collected for Juneteenth be president. signatures to runto for recognized a national holiday were began then shortly Rwigara asand her mother arrested on after the death of Martin Luther King Jr, a time accounts of fraud, incitement, and when encouraging the celebration of Black “discrimination and sectarian practices” quickly history was a widespread concern. In 1980, following the creation of the former candidate’s state representative Al Edwards made Texas the campaign and response to her disqualification: first state to make Juneteenth a holiday. Since the “People Salvation Movement.” According then, organizations like the National Juneteenth to her family and her supporters, who have also Observance Foundation, and activist Opal Lee Recent reported that the ​United faced studies severehave consequences for being connected have the federal recognition of States pushed Census for Bureau ​will incorrectly count to Rwigara, her disqualification and arrest were Juneteenth. Whilein the of thismissing act is Black Americans the passing 2020 census, politically motivated. Rwigara’s arrest comes as historic, believeand that is a hypocritical between many 1.1 million 1.7itmillion residents. no surprise to many, however, because she is step forward thatthe will 3/5ths only bring about symbolic Beginning with compromise, this one of many opposers of President Kagame to change. For instead of history makingofsignificant news is part of a long Black folkssteps not be “eliminated” in some respect. Kagame’s towards reparations, being represented in theorU.S.freeing census. innocent The lack party folks, hasis, ordominated Rwanda since incarcerated Black now an end to ofpolitical representation inputting part, caused by 2000,brutality, obstacles and he is credited helping the country police the federal with government has various to accessing residents that recover from people its on​mgiving ass in 1994 and focused its affect attention Americans the primarily of genocide color. Special stabilizing thebrought and economy. Rwanda’s government, attention is being to this issue because day off of work school and potentially under Kagame’s rule, also leads theof rest of the9 the Census determines a holiday. significant amount white-washing this sacred worldfunding. in political representation for women, federal

to be sentenced.

Persepolis is an autobiographical graphic novel written by Marjane Satrapi. The book was originally published in French and has sold Kai Cheng Thom’s most recent book, I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl’s millions of copies and has been translated into several languages. The Thoughts From the End of the World is a collection of thought-provoking personal story follows Satrapi’s childhood and upbringing in Iran during the essays and prose poems concerning the imperfect truths within building queer Hunger is a memoir written by Roxane Gay. It was published on June 13th, 2017 Islamic Revolution. The title references the ancient capital of the and trans community, organizing, and activism. Persian empire. Theis a personal account of Roxane Gay’s life, largely book was on the American Library Association’s and it is 320 pages long. Hunger list of Top Ten Most Challenged Books in 2014. consumed by her weight. She addresses her experience of living in a body without Satrapi was inspired to use the graphic novel as her medium to tell the control of her size, and lacking the discipline that society encourages women to have Winning both the American Library Association Stonewall Book Awards Honor Book and the Publishing story in order to use her talents with images and words. over their bodies. She goes through encounters with her body from a childhood Triangle Award for Trans and Gender-Variant Literature, I Hope We Choose Love has been praised for its brave honesty, especially in the way it discusses difficult topics like suicide, abuse, and transphobia. But Kai Cheng shaken by sexual assault, her 20s, which she calls her “lost years”, and becoming an Thom does not simply address these difficult topics, she provides well thought out and empathetic answers established writer. We follow her as the trauma she was subjected to at 12 years old, follows her relationship and ways of reimagining that they are and healing for allmiddle folks. As Leah Lakshmi Satrapi introduces herself organizing as a 10 yearspaces old in so Iran in 1980. Shesafe belonged to an upper class family with with her body until adulthood. She ate to cope with her sorrow and to protect herself from being hurt. She Piepzna-Samarasinha, author of and Careart. Work: Dreaming Disability “Readhisit,exile. and access to Western music, politics She participated in protestsJustice, againstperfectly the Shah instructs: and witnessed believed that if she shrouded herself with weight, perhaps she would be so intolerable that she would ultimately prepare have mindresulted challenged and opened. Despite to this, theyour impact in religious extremism in society especially covering women’s bodies and

be free of male dominion over her body. Hunger is the story of being overweight when “the bigger you are, the

hair. In Persepolis 2, she describes taking refuge in Vienna, and having to fend for herself in a new place.

smaller your world becomes.”Her story is deeply personal, making a political statement about expectations of

Persepolis 1 and 2 are artistic representations of living in a turbulent society with questionable political

womanhood and gender, sexuality, trauma and hope. We learn how her body has “informed” her feminism and taught her about the greater machines of society demonizing fat bodies and that work so hard to produce unrealistic standards that we hunger for.


“Often, we see the call for safety actually reinforce the power of oppressive institutions, like the police and the prison system, in our lives. When we choose safety over liberation, our movements fail.” - Kai Cheng Thom Persepolis is an autobiographical graphiccultural novel worker, written and by Marjane Kai Cheng Thom is a self-identified writer, performer, speaker. Satrapi. book was originally French andworkshops has sold In addition to being The an award-winning author,published Kai ChenginThom hosts Kai Cheng Thom’s most recent book, I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl’s millions of copies has beenCarrying translatedboth into several The and provides creative arts and facilitation. informallanguages. and formal Thoughts From the End of the World is a collection of thought-provoking personal storyCheng follows Satrapi’s childhood and upbringing in Iran on during the experience, Kai Thom educates communities and individuals spoken essays and prose poems concerning the imperfect truths within building queer Hunger is a memoir written by Roxane Gay. It was published on June 13th, 2017 Islamic The title references the and ancient capitalcreative of the word, written poetry,Revolution. creative arts facilitation for activism, reclaiming and trans community, organizing, and activism. Persian empire. Theis a personal account of Roxane Gay’s life, largely book was on the American Library Association’s and it is 320 pages long. Hunger voices in the face of oppression. list of Top Ten Most Challenged Books in 2014. consumed by her weight. She addresses her experience of living in a body without Satrapi was inspired to use the graphic novel as her medium to tell the control of her size, and lacking the discipline that society encourages women to have Winning both the American Library Association Stonewall Book Awards Honor Book and the Publishing story in order to use her talents with images and words. over their bodies. She goes through encounters with her body from a childhood Triangle Award for Trans and Gender-Variant Literature, I Hope We Choose Love has been praised for its brave In addition to I Hope We Choose Love, Kai Cheng Thom has released both a children’s book, a memoir, and a honesty, especially in the way it discusses difficult topics like suicide, abuse, and transphobia. But Kai Cheng shaken by sexual assault, her 20s, which she calls her “lost years”, and becoming an collection of poetry. Her memoir, Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Thom does not simply address these difficult topics, she provides well thought out and empathetic answers established writer. We follow her as the trauma she was subjected to at 12 years old, follows her relationship Memoir, was her first publication and earned a spot as a 29th Annual Lambda Literary Awards Finalist for and ways of reimagining organizing that they are safe and healing for allmiddle folks. As Leah Lakshmi Satrapi introduces as a Winner 10 yearspaces oldWriters’ in so Iran in 1980. belonged an upper class family with with her body until adulthood. She ate to cope with her sorrow and to protect herself from being hurt. She Transgender Fictionherself and the of Trust of She Canada DaynetoOgilvie Prize for LGBTQ Emerging Piepzna-Samarasinha, author of and Careart. Work: Dreaming Disability perfectly instructs: “Readhisit,exile. and access to(2017). Western music, participated in protestsJustice, against witnessed Writers Her otherpolitics titles include a She place called No Homeland and Fromthe theShah Starsand in the Sky to the Fish in believed that if she shrouded herself with weight, perhaps she would be so intolerable that she would ultimately prepare to have your mind challenged and opened. Despite the Sea. this, the impact resulted in religious extremism in society especially covering women’s bodies and

be free of male dominion over her body. Hunger is the story of being overweight when “the bigger you are, the

hair. In Persepolis 2, she describes taking refuge in Vienna, and having to fend for herself in a new place.

smaller your world becomes.”Her story is deeply personal, making a political statement about expectations of

Persepolis 1 and 2 are artistic representations of living in a turbulent society with questionable political

womanhood and gender, sexuality, trauma and hope. We learn how her body has “informed” her feminism and taught her about the greater machines of society demonizing fat bodies and that work so hard to produce unrealistic standards that we hunger for.



Women’s History of the month: JUNE The Utah Territorial passes Marie Curie becomes Legislature the first woman in a bill allowing women to in France to receive a doctoral February 12, 1869 radioactive substances at Université de la Sorbonne in Paris.

Henrietta Szold founds Hadassah, the largest Jewish organization in American history, focusing on healthcare and education in the Israel and the U.S. February 24, 1912

Esther Hobart Morris in Wyoming became June 25, 1903 the first American woman Justice of the Alice Robertson (R-Oklahoma) becomes Peace. the first woman to chair the House of February 17, 1870 Representatives. June 20, 1921

Georgia Neese Clark confirmed as the first woman treasurer of the United States. June 9, 1949

Equal Pay Act enacted: “To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers U.S. Supreme Court upholds the 19th engaged in commerce or in the Amendment to the Constitution, production of goods for commerce.” which guarantees women the right June 10, 1963 to vote. February 27, 1922

Jocelyn Bell Burnell makes the first discovery of a pulsar, a rapidly rotating neutron star. February 24, 1967

The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) plays its first game. June 21, 1997

The Suffrage Monument, depicting Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott, sculpted by Adelaide Johnson, is dedicated at the U.S. Capitol. February 15, 1921 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is signed by President Nixon. This legislation guarantees equal access and equal opportunity for female and male students in almost all aspects of our educational systems. June 23, 1972

Tenley Albright became the first Connie Chung becomes the second American woman to win the World Figure woman to co-anchor the evening news, 17 Skating championship. years after Barbara Walters became the February 15, 1953 first in 1976. June 1, 1993

First postage stamp to honor a black woman, Harriet Tubman, is issued in Washington, DC. February 1, 1978


Looking for Enrichment Opportunities? Looking for Enrichment Opportunities? American Museum of Natural History​ various teen programs run through the American Museum of

Black Natural Girls Code Historyoffers programming and events in coding for African American girls. Black Girls Code offers programming and events in coding for African American girls. Black Girls Code​ offers and eventsand in coding for African American girls. Brotherhood/Sister Sol programming offers afterschool summer programming in relationshipBrotherhood/Sister Sol offers afterschool and summer programming in relationshipbuilding, self/global awareness, social justice, leadership development, and more. Some of building,Brotherhood/Sister self/global awareness, social justice, leadership and self/global more. Some of Sol​ offers afterschool and summer programingdevelopment, in relationship-building, their programs are gender-specific. their programs gender-specific. awareness,are social justice, leadership development, and more. Some of their programs are gender-specific. ChickTech offers programming and mentorship in STEM for high school girls. ChickTech offers programming and mentorship in STEM for high school girls. ChickTech​ offers programming and mentorship in STEM for high school girls.

CuriousJane Janeoffers offersclasses classesand andsummer summer programming programming in Curious in science, science,theatre, theatre,arts artsand andcrafts, crafts, and more for girls. and more for girls. Columbia University​ pre-college programs for high school students run through Columbia University. DigitalGirl, Girl,Inc. Inc. works high schools to provide provideinprogramming and offers Curious Jane​works offers classes andschools summer programming science, theatre, in arts and crafts, and moretech for Digital atathigh to programming inSTEM STEM and offers tech workshops forthe thecommunity. community. girls. for workshops Digital Girl, Inc. ​win orks at high schools to STEM andrace, offers tech for GirlBeBeHeard Heard works inhigh high schools toprovide girls about class Girl works schools to teachprogramming aboutingender, gender, race,and andworkshops classthrough through the community. theatre, and offersworkshops workshopsand and performances. performances. theatre, and offers Generation Citizen ​ encourages civic engagement in youthand through an action civics class. Girl offers mentorship, advocacy, and lifeskills skills training forgirls. girls. GirlVow Vow offerseducation, education, mentorship, life training for Girl Be Heard​Equity works in high schools to teach girls about gender, race,advocacy, and class through theatre, and Girls community leadership, andsocial social Girlsfor forGender Gender Equityoffers offersprogramming programming in in community advocacy, leadership, and offers workshops and performances. justice justicefor forgirls. girls. Girl Vow​ offers education, mentorship, advocacy, and life skills training for girls.

Girls economicliteracy, literacy,leadership leadershipand and GirlsInc. Inc.offers offersprogramming programmingin instatistical statistical analysis, analysis, economic community action, STEM, media literacy, sexual healtheducation, education, substanceabuse abuse community STEM,offers media literacy,inathletics, athletics, Girls foraction, Gender Equity​ programming community sexual advocacy,health leadership, and socialsubstance justice for prevention, 6-18. prevention,self-defense, self-defense,and andmore more for for girls girls ages ages 6-18. girls.

Girls Leadership offers Parentin&statistical Daughter workshops, parent education, and summer day Girls Inc.​ offersoffers programming analysis, economic literacy, and community action,day Girls Leadership Parent & Daughter workshops, parentleadership education, and summer camps for girls entering grades sexual 4 and 5. education, substance abuse prevention, self-defense, and media literacy, athletics, campsSTEM, for girls entering grades 4 andhealth 5. more for girls ages 6-18.

Girls on the Run offers a physical activity based youth development program for girls in Girls on the Run offers a physical activity based youth development program for girls in grades 3-8. Girls Leadership ​offers Parent & Daughter workshops, parent education, and summer day camps for girls grades 3-8. entering grades 4 and 5.

Girls Who Code offers afterschool and summer programming in coding for middle and high Girls Who Code offers afterschool and summer programming in coding for middle and high school girls. Girls on the Run ​offers a physical activity based youth development program for girls in grades 3-8. school girls. Girls Write NowCode​ offers programs in writing,in digital media, andhigh college preparation Girls Who offersmentoring afterschool and summer programming coding for middle and school girls. Girls Write Now offers mentoring programs in writing, digital media, and college preparation for girls. for girls. Girls Write Now​ offers mentoring programs in writing, digital media, and college preparation for girls.

14 13

Clickon onprograms program names Click namesFor ForMore MoreInfo! Info! GOALS for Girls offers year‑round programming, a summer intensive, weekend forums, and internships

GOALS for Girls offers year-round programming, a summer intensive, weekend forums, and in STEM for middle and high school girls. internships in STEM for middle and high school girls. LOVE Mentoring works at high schools to deliver small‑group mentoring for young Latinas.

LOVE Mentoring works at high schools to deliver small-group mentoring for young Latinas. Life is Precious offers individual and groups counseling, arts therapy, academic support, and nutritional

Life is Precious offers individual and group counseling, arts therapy, academic support, and and fitness activities to prevent suicide among young Latinas. nutritional and fitness activities to prevent suicide among young Latinas. Lower Eastside Girls Club provides programming in STEM, business, art, leadership, and advocacy, as

Lower Eastside Girls Club provides programming in STEM, business, art, leadership, and well as mentoring for girls in grades 6‑12. advocacy, as well as mentoring for girls in grades 6-12. Northeast Regional Alliance (NERA) MedPrep Program a preparatory program for students between

NYC GREAT! offers programming and mentoring in college and career readiness for high junior high and college who wish to pursue careers in the medical field. The NERA MedPrep program has school girls. partnerships with five medical institutions including the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

NYU GSTEM is a six-week summer program for high school girls during the summer between their junior and senior years who have high aptitude in STEM subjects. NYC GREAT! offers programming and mentoring in college and career readiness for high school girls.

Powerplay NYC works in elementary, middle, and high schools to offer afterschool NYU GSTEM is a six‑week summer program for high school girls during the summer between their junior programming in physical activity and healthy living. and senior years who have high aptitude in STEM subjects.

Sadie Nash Leadership Project provides afterschool and summer programming in leadership Powerplay NYC works in elementary, middle, and high schools to offer after‑school programming in and social justice for girls ages 14-22. physical activity and healthy living.

Soul Sisters Leadership Collective works in schools to offer workshops to explore issues Soul Sisters Leadership Collective works in schools to offer workshops to explore issues faced by young faced bywomen of color. young women of color.

Vibe Theatre Experience offers theatre and a free summer enrichment program for college students media programming for girls ages 13-19. Summer Health Professions Education Program pursuing health professions.

Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls offers afterschool and summer music programing for girls. The Whitney Museum of Art arts programs and events for teens at the Whitney Museum of American

YWCA provides programming in leadership and advocacy, STEAM, career and college Art. exploration, and more for girls. Vibe Theatre Experience offers theatre and media programming for girls ages 13‑19. Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls offers after‑school and summer music programming for girls. Young Women's Christian Association an organization that informs women on societal issues that affect them and encourages them to vote

15 14

BALI Staff BALI Staff

BALI Staff

Liz Abzug

Oriela Baliaj

Gabriela Valette

Founder & Executive Director

Senior Program Associate

Program Coordinator

Liz Abzug

Oriela Baliaj

Gabriela Valette

Founder & Executive Director

Senior Program Associate

Program Coordinator

BALI Board of Directors Munira Choudhury

Neonne Ameer Program Intern Program Assistant Liz J. Abzug, Founder/Executive Director

Board ofof Directors BALIBALIBoard Directors Erica Forman, Board-Chair Meg Holzer, Secretary Liz J. Abzug, Founder/Executive Director Cynthia McKnight, Treasurer Erica Forman, Board-Chair Erica Forman, Chair Meg Holzer, Secretary

Eija Ayravainen Gloria Steinem Eija Ayravainen JoanneGloria Steinem Davila Joanne DavilaPopa Maya Catherine Maya Catherine Popa Maya C.Kai Gilchrist Popa

Cynthia McKnight, Treasurer Erica Forman, Chair Claire Reed

Harold Holzer Betsy Scheinbart-Norton Jonathan Greenberg Harold Holzer Jonathan Greenberg Judy Lerner Judy Lerner Liz Cooper Melissa Noonan-Mazzei

Betsy Scheinbart-Norton Jerry Goldfeder Jerry Goldfeder A.J. Lederman A.J. Lederman KylieKylie Reiffert Reiffert Liz Cooper 16 Kai Gilchrist 16

The Bella Bulletin Staff Staff Gisselle Rodriguez Benitez The Bella Bulletin Wilma Abam-DePass Co-Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief The BellaStaff Bulletin Staff School: Northeastern Croton Harmon High School School: University Grade: 12th Major: Economics Wilma Abam-DePass BALI Class BALI Class of of:2017 2016 Email: Email:

Gisselle Rodriguez Benitez Wilma Abam-DePass

School: Mount Holyoke College Co-Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief BALI Class Zoe of 2017Donovan Email: Co-Editor-in-Chief School: Croton Harmon High School School: University School:Northeastern Mount Holyoke College

Wilma Abam-Depass

Section Editor Grade: 12th BALI Economics Class 2017 Major: School: Bard of High School Early College Queens School: Croton High School BALI Class of 2017 Email: BALI Grade:Class 12th of: 2016 11th Email: BALI Class of 2017 Email: BALI Class of: 2017 Email: School: Brown University BALI Class of 2017 Email: Co-Editor-in-Chief

Zoe Abam-Depass Donovan Wilma Sofia Baluyut Zoe Donovan

Section Editor Content SectionCreator Editor School: High School Early College Queens School:Bard Brown University School: Bard High School School: Croton High SchoolEarly College Queens School: Bard Early College Grade: Grade: 12th BALI 12th Class Grade: 11th of 2017 Grade: 11th BALI Class ofof 2017 BALI Class Email: BALI Class of:2018 2017 BALI Class of: 2017 Email:

Mayannah Beauvoir Sofia Baluyut Adriana Rodriguez Zoe Donovan Content Creator Content SectionCreator Editor Section Editor

School: Temple University School: Brown University Majors:Bard Africana School: High School School: Bard EarlyStudies/English/Gender/Sexuality CollegeEarly College Queens Major: Political Science Minor:12th Women’s Studies Grade: Grade: 11th BALI Class 2016 InternClass for BALI Class of 2018 BALI ofof:2018

BALI Class of: 2017


for inquiries and suggestions, email for inquiries and suggestions, email

Mayannah Beauvoir Adriana Rodriguez Content Creator Section Editor

School: Temple University School: Brown University Majors: Africana Studies/English/Gender/Sexuality Major: Political Science





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