Cambridge, Mass., May, 1917
The eleventh annual banquet of the chapter was held at the Parker House, Boston on the evening of April 7.
An excellent six-course dinner was served, after which a splendid program wa·s rendered. Brother Frank G. Davidson officiated as toast master. The toasts were:-College Men and Masonry, A. G. Pierrot, of Colorado chapter; Harvard Chapter, Paul Amundson; Acacia, Dean Roscoe Pound, of the Harvard Law school; The Grand Chapter, Grand Secretary A. A. Jenkins. Brother Dale recited several poems of his own composition.
In behalf of the alumni, M. V. Connor presented the Chapter with a fine new American flag, size 6x10.
The success of the banquet was due in large measure to the efforts of N. R. Hayes, cha·irman of the banquet committee.
A large safe has been installed at the Chapter House for the safekeeping of the records, files, reports, etc., of the fraternity. The safe is a gift from the alumni, and the active chapter begs to express its appreciation to all who contributed to the fund.
The large American flag, which, together with fixtures, was presented by the alumni at the annual banquet is now floating proudly to the breeze in front of the fraternity house. We are very grateful to those who donated the flag.
A farewell dinner was held on Tuesday, May 1, in the North Tower Room at Memorial Hall in honor of the me.mbers who are leaving for the Reserve Officers' Training Camps . Among those present were Brothers M. V . Connor and A. A. Jenkins, who donated cigarettes for the occasion Brother Connor also entertained the fellows with his "funny faces."
Those who have made application for the camps are Brothers Rhodes, Leonard, Hays, Needham, Sanderson, Adkins, Hoffman, Bechtel, Bickford, Dukes1 Reichmuth! Sturm, Willard, Turner ,
C. C. Heer, of Des Moines, Ia.; a graduate of Grinnell college; assistant secretary, Iowa- Department of Agriculture; now a first - year law student.
Ralph Keffer, of Liberty, Ind.; A B., Miami University; University of Wisconsin; instructor at the University of Wisconsin for two · years; now taking graduate-math at Harvard. Brother Keffer was one of the few men initiated into Acacia who "put Pythagorus to shame" in less tha·n three minutes.
H. H. Maynard, of Janesville, Ia.; M. A., University of Iowa; now taking graduate Economics at Harvard.
M. 0. Pendarvis, associate from University of Illinois Cha-pter; a first year Law student.
BecauEe so many of the brothers are preparing to leave college shortly, the annual election of officers was held a week earlier than usual, with the following results:
V. D., Paul Amundson. S. D., M. V. Turner. Secretary, Ra-lph Keffer. Trea·surer, C. C. Heer. Alumni Warden, H. H Maynard. Director, Rodney Page.
Grand President Brown announces that it may be necessary to summon a specia l conclave of Acac ia to meet in Chicago in September. Pa-ul Amundson has been selected as delegate, and M. V. Turner, alternate, to represent Harvard Chapter in the event the special conclave is called .
In view of the interna·tional situation, it is e x tremely likely that next year will be the hardest one that the chapter has had to fa·ce. For this reason it is very desirable to turn our old accounts into cash as soon as possible. There are still over three hundred dollars on the book s due from the alumni If you are indebted to the chapter, won't you do your utmost to clean up the a•(!Count as soon as possible?
You are also urged to keep the chapter posted in regard to changes of address, marriages, births, and other inten:sting items.
Madine Marie, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ross E. Ha-ll, Hutchinson, Kan., born Feb. 19, 1916.
Mary, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J R. :Benton, :Belmo11t, Mass., born May 4, 1916 ,
Mary Lucia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stetson H Hussey, Mars Hill, Me., born May 11, 1916.
Margaret L l ewellyn, daughter of Mr. a-nc! Mrs. Arthur L Thayer, Bangor, Me., born August 15, 1!H6.
John Edwin, son of Mr and Mrs. Frank F. Dodge, Stonington, Conn., born Sept. 4, 1916.
Donald Timberlake, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Edward Estes, Boston, Mass., born Oct. 18, 1916.
ArthurS., 2d, son of Mr. and Mrs John V. Tucker, Sanford, Me.
Joseph William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L Rowland, New York City, born Feb . 20, 1917.
Son No. 3 was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Myers, Broken Bow, Neb.
Joe T. Marshall, Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Elizabeth Metca-lf, Grosse Pointe Shores, Detroit, Mich.
Walter T. Scott, Anaconda·, Mont ., and Miss Ethel Doty, Pittsburg, Kan.
E. S Stickney, Ga l esburg, Ill., and Miss Emi l y Lyle Mackey were married June 14, 1916.
Julius H. Amberg, Grand Rapids, Mich., a n d Miss Ca·llie S. Smith, Leland Stanford, '14, were married Oct. 10, 1916.
Capt. Basil Duke Edwards, West Point, N. Y., and M;ss Elizabeth Chadwick Beale, daughter of Prof. Joseph H. Bea l e, of the Harvard Law Sch oo l , were married Ma·rch 31, 1917.
Jay R. Benton is representing t h e Twenty-Eighth Midd l esex D istrict in the Massachusetts Legislature. He was alternate de l egate to the Republican National Convention in 1916 from the E ighth Massachusetts Congressiona l District
Char l es J. Ga l e has become a• certified public accountant i n Massac h usetts.
Dr. Lyman S. Hapgood had a six-months' serv ice with the Harvard Medical Unit in France, from June to December, 1916 .
Dr. W. Stanley Wells is associate i n medicine at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston.
Julius H. Amberg, Grand Ra·pids, Mich., is president of the Grand Rapids Anti-Tuberculosis Society, and a director of t h e Grand Rap'ds Socia l We lfare Association and Big Brothers.
J. Clyde Bowen is locatEd for the practice of law in Hono l u l u, "T h e Paradise of the Pacific."
Fletcher Clark, Jr , spent l ast summer a·t P lattsburg. Last fa ll he was commissioned First Lieutenant in the infantry, Officers' Reserve Corps. During the winter he managed a rifle club, with t h e Nat ional Rifle Association.
L. S Duxbury was first assistant secretary of the Minnesota Senate, session 1917.
Leo S. Hamburger represented the Twenty-Fourth Suffolk District in the Massachusetts General Court.
Paul V. McNutt is supplying a vacancy as professor in the Indiana University Law School. He is teaching Corpora-t ions , Municipal Corporat ions, and Equity.
F. R. Churchill is private secretary of the Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston.
Ralph T. O'Neil was re-elected county attorney of Osage County, Kan., in November, 1916.
Charles Penningroth is li eutenant in Co. D, 1st Infantry, Iowa National Gua-rd.
William A. Pittinger is a member of the House of Repres€ntat' ves , 1917 Legislature of M;nne sot a, representing the Fifty-Eig·hth Legi sla tive District.
Archer Taylor was at Wisconsin University, summer of 1916. He met many Acacia men there . He was also at Chicago and while there took hi s meals with the Chica-go boys.
Carl E. Parsons is president of the Winthrop, Mass , Teachers' Association.
Dr. D e Wayne Townsend received a Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin in June, 1916. He is now assistant City Physician in Minneapolis.
Judson M. Strong is treasurer of the Strong-Brady Co., Inc., automobi!es, and is prop·riet c r of Strong's Tire Store, Springfield, Ma·ss.
Walter T. Scott is a member of the state committee to map out a course in Engl ish for the Montana High schools. He expects to spend the summer in Yellowstone National Park, working for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries.
Frank L. Cooper is acting vice - president of the Citizens' Bank and Trust Co., Everett , Wash.
H. H . Howard will spend the summer coa-ching dramatics in country houses and boys' camps.
Wayne M. Musgrave is registrar of th e Washington Continental Guarc.
William Burns is genera l mana ger of the Salt Lake Copper Co., which has m ines at Tacoma·, Nev. He is also genera l manager of the Rosemont Development Co., with mines at Vail, Ariz.
Joe T. Marshall organized the Ka-nsas Belgian Children 's Relief Fund and raised $15,000 by l ecturing throughout Kansas on "Personal Glimpses of the War a'nd Relief Work in Fra•nce and Belgium."
Paul C. Winner has left college to enter the Personal Service Work with the Thomas A. Edison Co., Inc., Orange, N.J.
Financial Statement Harvard Chapter Acac ia Fraternity F iscal Year, 1916-17
Balance on hand, Room rent, Dues Init iation fees N a tional fraternity tax Pins, Miscellaneous, Alumni accounts, Advance for overdraft,
House rent Housekeeper Janitor, Nationa·l Fraternity tax, Initiation fee tax, Pins, Coa l , Electricity, Gas, Taxes, personalty Te l ephone, Stationery, Library and pictures, Alumni Warden Repairs, Furniture, House supp lies, Smokers and initiations Teas Miscellaneous entertainment F lowers Advance for overdraft, Misce ll aneous,
Tota l , Ba l ance o n h and,
$2,025.86 $72.10
D. D. NEEDHAM, Treasurer.
TREASURER'S REPORT as at May 7, 1917
Resources: .J Cash in bank, $72.10 Accts. Rec. (current for present year) 147.50 Accts. Ree . (ol d, for pi·evious years) 358.89
Liabilities: Accts. Pay. (current for present year) 200.00 Total 200.00 578.49 Chapter surplus
D. D . NEEDHAM, Treasurer. $378.49
Abbott, Leon M. Adair, Elmer D.
*Adki ns, DeWitt T. Amberg, Julius H.
-*A mundson, Paul Babcock, Hiram H. Bacon, Lester M Baker, John W. Ballard, J. Fred
-*Beavers, Benjamin F. Becker, A. E.
*Bec htel, H. R. Beers, Julius L. Behimer, Otto Benton, Jay R. Benton, John K.
Best, Willia-m H.
*Bickford, A . F. Blair, Pierpont Bowen, John C. Bowman, William L. Boyden, Edward A . Briggs, Charles Broughton, Jos eph M., Jr.
- *Brown, Benjamin B.
- Brown, Joseph F Buchanan, Julian E. Burns, William Carrington, Sterling R. Churchill, Fred R. Clark, Fletcher, Jr. Clark, Chauncey H. Clugston, Phil R. Connor, Maurice V.
-* Cook, William R. Cooper, Frank L. Cracra·ft, George K. Crawford, H. H.
- *Da le, E. E
- *Dav idson, Franklin G. Delana, Elbert S. Devendorf, George E. Dewey, Judd E. Dickey, William P. Doa-ne, Lewis Dodge, Frank F.
- *D ukes, Harry H. Duxbury, Leland S. Duxbury, Lloyd L. Edwards, Basil D Elmore, Samuel D
933 Tremont Bldg., Boston (Lawyer)
505 Connell Bldg., Scranton, Pa. (Lawyer) Circleville, Ohio. (Student-Law)
503-505 Michigan Trust Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. (Lawyer)
Black River Falls, Wis. (Student-Law) 233 Broadway, New York. (Lawyer)
60 State St ., Boston, Mass. (Lawyer)
175 Thayer St., Providence, R. I. (Lawyer)
39 Char l es St., New York. (Playwright) Deca•tur, Ind. (Student-Medicine)
16 Prescott St., Ca mbrid ge. (Student-Physics) Davenport, Ia. (Student-Collfge)
305 Sixth St., Traverse City , Mich. (Student-Law)
Port Arthur, Texas. (Business)
95 Water St., Boston. (Lawyer) Care Waukesha Springs Sanitarium, Waukesha, Wis. ' (Student-Law)
60 State St., Boston (Lawyer) Waterville, Me. (Student-La-w)
62 Dwight St., Brookline, Mass. (Automobiles) 506 Stangewald Bldg., Honolulu, T. H. (LawyEr)
120 Broadway, New York. (Lawyer)
61 Clark St., Newton Centre, Mass. (Instructor) Wapello, Ia. (Lawyer)
Raleigh, N. C (Lawyer)
Charlest on, W. Va. (Student-Law)
1050 Caixa d'o Coneio, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Business) Ch eney, Wash. (Teacher)
827 Mcintire Bldg ., Salt Lake City, Utah (Mining Eng.)
174 Tremont St., Boston (Business)
281 Harvard St., Ca m bridge (Secretary)
5 Bank Bldg., Middleboro, Mass. (La-wyer)
997 Benton Ave., Springfield, Mo. (Lawyer) Crawfordsville, Ind. (Student)
44 Bromfield St., Boston (Advertising) Clarksville, Iowa (Student-Law)
407 American Bank Bldg., Everett, Wash. (Lawyer) Helena, Ark. (Lawyer) Rochester; Minn. (Architect)
76 Hammond St., Cambridge (Student-Grad) Crawfordsvi lle, Ind. (Student-La-w) Boise , Idaho (Lawyer)
55 Wall St., New York (Banker) Tremont Bldg., Boston (Lawyer)
15 Ellery St., Cambridge (Teacher) Marblehead, Mass. (Business)
Westerly, R. I. (Business)
Georgetown, Del. (Student-Law)
514 First St., Nat. Bldg., Duluth, Minn. (Lawyer) Caledonia, Minn. (La•wyer) West Point, N. Y. (Captain, U. S. A.)
53 State St., Boston (Lawyer)
Estes, Bay E.
Everitt, L. Bliss
Foge l song, Lawrence E, Ga·le, Charles J. Gallagher, Charles T. Gano, Seth T.
Gleason, Albert A. Gordon, Clarence -...;!<Grammes, W. H. Granger, L. Dwight Green, G. H. B., Jr. Green, Louis L . Hall, Jean G. Hall, Ross E. Hamburg er, Leo S. H ::; m!lton, Frederick W. Hapgood, Lyma-n S. -•Harris, Charles L. Harris, P. Rando l ph Hastings, Hugh W. *Hayes, Norman R. - *Heer, Clifford C Hoar, Rog·er S. *Hoffman, Jacob H Hollingshead, Ralph E. Homa·n, William Horne, Herbert W. Howard, Eugene A . Howard, Homer H. Howar::l, Herbert E. Howe, George W. Huff, Truman C . Hussey, Stetson H . Isles, Ma l vern W., Jr. James, William R. Jenkins, A. A. Jenson, William B. Jewett, Theodore S -*Johnson, Richard P. Jones, John G. B. Kaiper, S. Everett -*Keffer, Ralph Kelley, William W. Kennedy, Phillip B. Lawr ence, Samuel C. *Leonard, Arnold Liming, Melville D. Little, Milner F. Lyding, Otto Mann, Walt er L. Ma·rshall, Joseph T . -*Maynard, Harold H.
60 State St ., Boston (Lawyer)
Kent, Conn. (Teacher)
Care F. A. Robinson, 101 Tremont St , Boston (Landscape)
41 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. (Accountant)
40 Court St., Boston (Lawyer)
44 Sta·te St , Boston (Secretary)
60 State St., Boston (Lawyer)
536 W. 114th St ., New York (Journalist) Tiffin, Ohio (Student - Law)
5 Iowa St., Worcester, Mass. (Metallurgist)
18 State St., Boston (Lawyer)
Old South Bldg., Boston (Lawyer) Holtville, Cal. (Banker)
735 Ave. A East, Hutchinson, Kan. (Lumber)
95 Milk St ., Boston (Lawyer)
Masonic Temple, Boston (Secretary Gra·nd Lodge)
6 Gaden St., Cambridge (Physician)
33 Me ll en St., Cambridge (Student-Gra·::l)
37 Wa ll St., New York (Lawy e r) Fryeburg, Me. ·(Lawyer)
Knoxville, Ia. (Student - Law)
D es Moines, Ia. (Student-Law)
905 Tremont B ldg., Boston (Lawyer) Tacoma, Wa·3h (Student-Law)
634 Ma i n St., Jop l 'n, Mo (Lawyer)
Hotel Astor, New York (Business)
9 Central St., Lowell, Mass. (Business)
617 W. Jackson St., Chicago, Ill. (Confectionery)
New York Harva r d Cl ub, New York (Teacher)
1124 Otis Bldg., Ch icago, Il l. (Lawyer)
12 West Balti m ore St., Lynn, Mass. (Lawyer)
119 Medbury Ave., Detroit, Mich (Secretary)
Ma·rs H ill , Me . (Lawyer)
326 M iss'ssippi Ave ., Davenp ort, Ia . (Rea l- Estate) 715 Southern Trust Bldg., Litt le Rock, Ark. (Lawyer) 85 Devonshire St ., Boston (Lawyer)
35 Hancock St .,\ West Somerville, Mass . (Lawyer) Laconia, N. H. (Lawyer) Frederick, Md . (Student-Ml;lth) 22 Bank B lock, Fort Wayne• , Ind. (Lawyer) 647 Nelson Place, Newport, Ky. (Lawyer) Liberty, Ind. (Student-Mathematics) 2893 Hunt i ngton R::l., Cleve l and, 0 New York University, New York (Professor) Medford, Mass. (Mineralog'st)
...-*McAllister, H. C. McCuen, Leslie E . McMicken, Andrew R. McN.utt, Paul V
Joplin, Mo (Student-Law) Mt. Orab, 0. (Banker) 1201-2 Union Tr u st Bldg , Cinc i nnat i , 0. (Lawyer) 12 Butler St., Dor c hester Centre, Mass (Minister) 441-3 Title Ins. Bldg., Los Ange l es, Cal. (Lawyer) Care Hote l Carlton, Kansas Ci ty, Mo. (Journalist) Janesville, low:::· Student- Econom ics) Manchester, N . H. (Student-Law) 165 Broadway, New York (Lawyer) Rawlins, Wyo. (Lawyer) Martinsville, Ind. (Lawyer)
Meade, Louis H.
Meredith. Merritt M. Merrill, William F. Merwin, Raymond E.
Miller, Charles H. Miller, Homer L.
Miller. Paul F. Mora-Rodriguez, Tomas Musgrave, Wayne M. Murphy, Ralph E. Arthur I.
Myers, Edwin F. · *Needham, Dring D. O'Neil, Ralph T. "P a ge, Rodney G. Palmer, Thoma·s W., Jr
Parlette, Snowden Parsons, Carl E.
*Pen::Iarvis, W. 0 . Penning-roth, Charles Perrow, Eber Carle Pittenger, William · A . Pound, Roscoe
"" Porter, William A Quinham, Byron H.
*Reichmuth. Erwin F. Reynolds, Harr is A.
*Rhodes, John F. Rinaker, Thomas K. Rowland, Earle Le F. Royal, Wilmot K.
* Sanderson, Kendall A Sanford ; Howard R
• Savage, Dwight L. Schaef er, Albert A. Scott, Walter Scott, Walter T. Seward, Ralph V Shaw, Howard C . Shirley, John G. Shuman, John F. Smart, Wilfred H. - *Smith, Herbert U Snow, Wi ll iam W. Snyder, Fred A. Soul e , Henry D. B. Southworth, Norman Stewart, Roscoe W.
Stickney, Edward S. Strong, Judson M. Struthers, Lester B.
Stuart, David H. "--....
*Sturm, Victor A.
Summers, Franklin P.
108 Smith St . , Perth Amboy, N. J. (Lawyer) Atlantic, Ia. (Lawyer)
Skowhegan, Me. (Lawyer)
1803 Beacon St., Brookline (Anthropologist)
Cobden, I I. (Lawyer)
H ::.·g erstown, Md. (Manufacturer) 451 St , Atlanta, Ga (Cashier) Fajardo, Porto Rico (Engineer) 51 Chambers St., New York (Lawyer) 917 Quincy St., Topeka, Kan. (S a lesman) Egleston Bldg., Caldwell, Idaho (lnsuranc.:.)
Broken Bow, Neb. (Lawyer) Bristow, Ia. ( Student-L&w) Osag e City, Kansas (Lawyer) 1117 01::1 South Bldg., Boston (Lawyer) 1329 Brown-Marx Bldg., A l a. (Lawyer)
1101 W. 19th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (Businass)
18 Pleasant Pk Rd., Winthrop, Mass. (Teacher)
Media·, III. (Student-Law)
Savings Bank Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Ia. (Lawyer)
R. F. D. No. 2, Station E, Louisville, Ky. (Professor)
1000 Alworth Bldg., Duluth, Minn . (Lawyer)
490 Pleasant St , Belmont, Mass. (Dean Harvard Law School)
7 Linnaeon St., Cambridge, Mass. (StSudent-Law) Box 307, Needles, Cal. (Civil Engineer)
Ripon, Wis . (Student -Business)
4 Joy St ., Boston (Landscape - Architect) El Dorado Springs, Mo. (Student-Law) Carlinville, III. (Lawyer)
961 St. Nicholas Ave , New York (Printing)
621 Henry Bldg., Portlan::I , Ore. (Lawyer)
86 Ocean St , Lynn, Mass. (Student - Law)
52 Wall St., Room 319, New York (Lawyer)
Cr.-r l isle, Ark. (Lawyer)
60 State St., Boston (Lawyer) Safford, Arizona (Lawyer)
P 0. Box 325, Anaconda, Mont .(Teacher) Hard;n, Mo. (Business)
M;Ilville, N. J (Business)
Crocker Bldg., San Franc i sco, Cal. (Lawyer)
37 Dresden St., Sp ingfield, Mass. (Industrial Engineer)
8 Winter St , Boston (Lawyer) Keithsburg, III. (Student-Law)
3 0 Chur c h St , New York (Manufadurer) Ackley, Ia. (Real Estate) · 150 Monte Vista Ave., Oakland, Cal. (Pianist)
871 Robeson St., Fall Riv er Mass. (Manager)
1034 Landers Bldg., Springfield, Mo. (Lawyer)
86 South Cherry St , Galesburg, Ill. (Lawyer)
386 Br!dg·e St., Springfiel::I, Mass. (Business)
12 Ware Hall , Cambridge (Instructor)
Care Y. M. C. A., Springfield, Mass. (Business) Nehawk a , Nebraska (Student-Law)
120 Broadway, Room 1521, New York (Business)
Taylor, Arc h er Thayer, Art hur L. Tooker, DuBois Townsend, DeWayne T ravers, Lawrence B. Tucker, John V. - *Tufts, Elmer E. *T urn er, M. V. Viney, John D. Waldron, Chauncey W. Wells, W. S. White, Everett S Wilder, So lon - *Willard, Victor H. Willing, Matth ew H .
Wilson, George L. Wilson, Joseph R. Wilson, E. R. *W inn er, P. C. *Active Member.
6136 Waterman Ave , St. Louis, Mo. (Instructor)
44 Central St., Bangor, Me. (La-wyer)
Port Deposit, Md. (Teacher) City Hospita·l, M inn eapo li s, Minn. (P h ysician) Bath, Ill. (Banker) Sanford, Me. (Lawyer)
Kingfield, Me. (Student -L aw) Denver, Co l. (Student - Co ll ege)
First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Newport News, Va. (Lawyer) 14 Orchard Road, Brookline, Mass. 697 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. (P h ys icia n)
43 City Square, Taunton, Mass (Lawyer) Gardner, Mass. (Man ufa ctu r er)
59 St., Ca mb ridge, Mass. (Student-Co ll e Q; e ) 2683 Hampshire Rd., C leve l and , 0. (Superv isor-Instru ction)
Union Na·t'l Bank B ldg., Houston, Texas. (Rea l Estate) Co mm onwealth Bldg , Philadelphia, Pa. (Lawyer) Cynwyd, Pa. ( L awyer)
405 Y. M. C. A., Orange, N. J . (B u s in ess)
Th e a·im of this bulletin is to furnish the alumni with all the n ews it e m s of whi ch we h ave received notice during the past year a nd which hav e not appeared in the l etters ' earli er in the year, together with the an nu a-l trus t r epo rt, the annual t r easure r 's report and the revised directory of n ames and addresses
A number of the a lumni will und oubt ed ly be a t the various officErs ' tr a in;n g ca mp s We ha ve appointed a man in t h e active chapt er to lo ok after the correspo nd ence of the m en a·t t h e camps. We sha ll be g l ad to h ear where yo u are located and we s h a ll be pleased to furn i sh you wit h a li st of Ha-rvard Acacia11s, a nd if possible a list of the memb ers from oth er ch apters, w h o are at th e camps. Th ose memb ers of our alumni who go in to the govern m ent serv ice are urged to keep the c hapt er in formed as to their appo intm ent, of address, etc .
I wish to take this opport unity to t hank the alumni fo r their h earty co-ope r a·tio n in answering my l etters, sendi n g in news it e m s, chan ges of address, etc.
I beg to ackn owledge the kind ass istance of Brother R. P. Johnson in th e preparation of this Bulletin.
PAUL AMUNDSON, Alumni Warden ."' '2. C9--t' -REPORT OF ACACfA TRUST
1 '7tJ Bacon, L. M.
' ' ' Best, W. H .,
1 9 0 7 Duxbury, L. L ,
I r I C) Gale, C. J., , 9 1 • Gallagher, C. T.,
1 }CI Hamburger, L. S.,
1 i 1 'f Jennison, A. C., Estate, 'J Rowland, E. L.,
1 9 1 o Wilder, Solon,
1 '1·., Y Snyder, F . A .,
1 9 tJ 9 Green, L. L.,
1 9 1 "2- Stickney, E. S.,
1 9 o1 Jenkins, A. A.,
;'? 7 "J' Delana, E. S.
1 'f I 0 Abbott, L M.,
1 yo t J ensen, W. B.,
I r I 0 Pitt e nger, W. A.,
1 qof Reynolds, H. A.,
1 '1 o Schaefer, A. A ,
1 'I o >Travers, L. B.,
t ? t 3 Wi lson, E R.,
1 'i 11.. Uming, M. D.,
1 110 Wi l son, J. R.,
1 9 o? Scott, W. A.,
1 7 Dickey, W. P.,
1 1 I Baker, J. W.,
1 u L Conner, M. V., Quinham, B. H .,
$100.00 Merwin, R. E .,
100.00 Ga·no, S. T.,
100.00 Boy clen, E. A.,
100.00 Bowman, W. L.,
100 00 Smart, W. H.,
100.00 Brown, B. B.,
100 00 Marshall, J. T.,
100.00 Myer, E. F.,
100.00 Mi ll er, H. L.,
100 00 Rinaker, T. K.,
70 00 Becku, A. E.,
70.00 Cooper, F . L.,
60.00 Taylor, A.,
55.00 Hoar, R. S.,
50.00 Mora, T. R.,
50.00 Adair, E. D.,
50 .00 Granger, L. D., .
50.00 Horne, H. W.,
50.00 Howard, H. H.,
50.00 Miller, P. F.,
50.00 Musg r ave, W. M.,
40 .00 Parlette, S.,
40.00 Summers, F. P.,
40 00 McCuen, L E.,
40.00 Waldron, C. W ,
40 00 Edwards, B D ,
40.00 Braun, F. A., Estate,
40 00
In addition to the list of contributors above the fo ll owing have pledged one hundrec! dollars, payment of which is deferred:
Bowen , J. C. Cl ark, Fletcher, Jr. / 9 J Dewey, Judd Davidson, F. G.
Ever i tt, L B. Hays, N. R. James, W. R. Johnson, R. P. I 9 tJ Lyding, 0. McMicken, A . R. ...
McNutt, P. V. Needham, D. D. Rhodes, J. F. Sanderson, K. A. Scott, W. T. Stuart, D. H. Townsend, DeW. We ll s, W. S. Willard, V. H.
Balance Sheet, April 1, 1917.
House at 16 Pre s cott St., American Tebphone and Telegraph Bond, Accrued interest on a,bove, Rent c!ue from chapter, Cash in bank ahd on hand,
Mortgage on house, Subscriptions received, LIABILITIES Surplus from house operation, to date,
The above balance sheet of the Acacia Trust as of April 1, shows the Trust in the most prosperous condition it has yet enjoyed. It a•lso shows the subscribers that every dollar paid by them is in the hands of the Trustees or has been applied upon the purchase price, thus proving that the Trust plan is working out on the bus : ness basis intended, namely, that all contributions should be held as capital and that the house should pa·y for its upkeep and Trust expenses.
The income statement below is important as showing more paid in on subscriptions than in any previous yean, and more paid by the Chapter on its rent account. The Chapter has paid its rent regula·rly and promptly instead of at irregular intervals as its surplus warranted.
INCOME STATEMENT April 12, '16, to April 1, '17 . RECEIVED
Cash on hand, April 12, 1916, Received from active chapter, for rent, Received from subscriptions to trust, Received from !3al}k interest, $742.07 966.66 280.15 13.01
Taxes, Mortgage interest, Investment bond, with interest, Miscellaneous expenditiures,
Ca·sh on hand April 1, 1917,
In addition to the subscriptions received as above credited in the balance sheet, $3984.85 is pledged, making $6300 in all subscribed. As the house cost $9000, we need 27 a·dditional subscriptions before we can call the property ours. Do not think that because the Trust owns one bond it does not need your sub scr iption-or your yearly payment upon the subscriptions already made. The balance of the mortgage shows the nee d. We have bought a bond because it pays 5 per cent as against 4 per cent we pay on the mortgage. Do not forget that the mortgage is approachin g maturity and that we need your ten dollars per year now to a·void a hurry call for fifty dollars from you when it does mature It should be paid earlier so that the house can be made suitable for the Chapter-you surely have not forgotten how ill-suited it was when you were active. Every year we put up with it means a harder ta·sk to interest the new men in improving it . Mich;gan built a house for $40,000; Purdue built one for $30,000; Iowa state ha s just built :< new houst How long· must H arvarcl c hapter wa-it for ownership of a $9000 house? Get your name on this list of pl edges to a real house for the Chapter-get it on now.
Resp ec tfully submitted,
C. J. GALE, M. V. CONNOR, A. A. JENKINS, Trustees.