Vol. 1. OCTOBER, 1912.
Grannd President, F'RANCIS W. SHEPARDSON
Grand Vice President, W. ELMER EKBLAW
Grand Treasurer, GEO. E. FRAZER
Grand Secretary, HARRY E. KILMER.
No. 1.
some time. The period between Journals is so long that we have found it necessary to send out circular letters. This will be obviated by the new arrangement and it is also hoped that many points of general interest may be given to the chapters before they are stale. Remember the chapte.r editors have a full part of the work in supplying material for the news which the . Bulletin should contain.
Only four of the chapters have
Corresponding Secretary: Please fai!P.d to write this office, It consider this number of the would be well to see if you have bulletin as an official and confi- a chapter secretary that fits this dential communieation and read description. The secretary that it to the chapter at the next has not written this office by this meeting . time should have a good excuse
There are many things that the or the chapter should ask him to Grand Secretary. would like to quit. call to your attention at this Jur work is opening up well, time but the Journal and other Sainehk is building a new house bu'lletins will give an opportuni- which they expect to get into ty for further suggestion on his shortly. Pe has obtained a part. The bulletins, we trust, chapter house and are preparing have come to stay. It can nev- for a recor·d year. Shin has inier take the place of direct cor- tiated four new members this respo_ndence but it will fill a year, and so the list could be ' place that has been vacant for added to. Let us all pull togeth-
er for str0uger chapters, better Igridiron. Then have you any individual members and a great- special articles that you think er Fraternity. would be of interest. In short,
The membership records let us make the Journal a represhould be kept as required by sentative of the whole . Do not fail to keep the ity. duplicate for the chapter files Again we urge that you be on and send the original to this time with your copy. Let us office. get the first number of the Journal out promptly.
Under the resolution governing
the publication of the Journal Is the Chapter house insured? there will be two numbers this year. One will be published as If you have a chapter house be the December Number and will I and that your insurance appear on December 1st. Copy IS m workmg order. Do not defor this number of the Journal lay this matter. If you are rentmust be in this office not later ing a house, then see that your than November lOth. We will furniture and effects that belong appreciate it if you will send in to the chapter are insured. the copy earlier, as we are de-
These things you should attend sirous of getting this number to and then add to this a careout early. It is to contain a copy ful guarding against fire. of the Minutes of the last con- Keeping the basement in order clave and should not be delayed. 1 and observing a few safeguards Remember the Journal is ' our against the disposition of matchrepresentative and we should es may relieve you of much bend every effort to make it a trouble. credit to the Fraternity.
What shall you send in for the Journal? There is the chapter Fraternity Songs letter and this should be a good
We have at last a member who one. Then where you have a made good with a song. He is new house let us have a picture from Pe Chapter and while we for a cut. Some of your mem- are no jurlge of such matters, we bers will have demonstrated believe all will be grateful to their athletic prowess on the Brother Shultz for his effort in
behalf of the Fraternity. We want others.
. The song will be printed in a short time and may be had at this office.
The Conclave
The conclave has been discussed by your delegates and .we know that each delegate reported that it 'wds a great success.
nal is not alone for the active members, it should belong to the whole Fraternity. If it does not appeal, perhaps the editors are at fault, and if they are, and you know what the fault is, let us know. We want to learn, in order that we may better serve.
Be Heard From
We have had the pleasure of at- Let your work be talked about tending several conclaves and by others, ·but be sure that as the last was one of the best we secretary you attend to reporting have known. There was not as the work of the chapter to this much constructive work accom- office. This is your work as plished as in some other con- chapter Secretary. Are you doclaves. On the other hand no ing it? Most of the chapter secother conclave has accomplished retaries are making good. The so much for unity and harmony. secretaries of Heth, Teth, Beth, Certainly these are things to be· He, Ayin and Aleph-Beth are sought for . not among the best. They will The Journal will give atfull ac- probably report in a short time. count of the conclave. Space •is In these bulletins during the too limited here to do so. year we shall call attention to those secretaries who are not
Get Journal Subscribers
making good. We do this be-
Get your alumni to subscribe cause the chapter ought to know for the Journal. We shall soon whether the secretary is have a small card for insertion his work or not. in letters sent out ·hy the chapter Report to this office once a to the alumni. These will be month. Tell us what the chapsent to the chapter secretary and ter is doing. Do not think we we trust that they will help in are not interested. We are or getting a number of our alumni we would not accept the present interested in the Journal. We position. Let us have a letter must have more of the alumni on from every chapter secretary our subscription list. The Jour- once a · month. This letter will
help make the bulletin what it should bf}, and finally it will should be; it will help to make make the fraternity 11tronier the wurk of office it better.