Vol. 1.
DECEMBER, 1912 No. 2.
Secretary: I Christmas and a Happy New Year I
Please consider this number of the 1to you. May the last day of the old bulletin as an official and confidential year be one in which you note the communication and read it to the progress you have made as an inchapter at the next meeting. dividual toward better things. May you .be able to recall some of the
This Bulletin resolutions you have made and kept. May the resolutions of the New Year
This bulletin has three distinct tend to make you better men and reasons for its appearance. We de- may you have the strength to live sire first to call the attention of the up to them . chapter's to the semi-annual per capita tax which was due on the firsa of this month. Then we have a
The Chapter House
word to say regarding· the Journal, Perhaps this word of caution is and lastly we want to urge all com- unnecessary. Keep the chapter mittees appointed at the last con- house neat and clean. Also keep clave to get to work. . We want to the grounds in order. In some get these three things off our mind. places we have known, one could tell
The Holidays
that a certain house was a chapter house or a widow's. Let us not forget the small things for they
The holiday season will soon be need attention. here. The daily grind will be for- .
The Late Journal
of the men will enjoy a visit with gotten for a short interval and most i 1 home-folks. We trust all will be The Journal reached you late. We remembered by Santa Claus, and regret the delay but it was no fault that the holiday ,season will be most of this office. The printers have been to al' brothers. A Merry slow and then some of the copy was
ten day s late. It h a pp en ed tha t th e I he may h a ve many others to follow late copy w as ju st the mat e rial we in hi s foot s teps. had to and so we
You w ill note that a numbe r of the / - Fraternity Conference chapter s failed t o b e repre s ented in 1 t h e Journal for December. In look- I At. the of the Conference , ing over the Min u tes wil find / A cacia w as admitted to membership. that the last conclave ha s le g islat ed IThi s will se ttle one point that som e to cover this point. We w e re under j of the b r oth e rs seem to have been in the impres sion when th e notic e of ! doubt conc erning . We were admitthe time for copy w a s sent out in 1 1 t ed to membe r ship in that body as a the first Bulletin that the motion t o "M.en's General Colleg e Fraternity." impo se a fine wa s lost. Under the I This we have always but it circumstances, w e do not know ! may h elp oth ers to know this patent whethe r the legal maxim will pre- ,! fact. vail or not: of the Law Th e committee reports made to I ex cu ses no one." i the Confer ence were very interestin g
and i n s tructive. The Conferenc e
IBinding the Journal h as a work to do and w e hope that t A ca cia may have a full part in tha t
Bids for bindin g th e Journal have work. b een obtained an d th e work will b e , i co:m;pleted shortly. We tru s t that I
Correspondence those who desire bound volumes will have their orders sent in early. I Our corre spondence is growin g . j L et us hear from you regularly . W e
T h e S 0 n g : want to know what the chapter is !doing. There are many encouragin g
Much has been abou t com in r; in. Many memberFraternity son g . It I S now a reahty. , s h1p rec ord s have been received, inW e h ave it ready f or di s tributior: at dicatin g that th e chapters are g rowthe rat e ofl twen t y -fiv e cents pel ! ing in numbers All things point to copy Every chapt er ou g ht to have , a yea r of p ro g ress. Keep us in touch the one official son g and what is bet- ! with th e part you are playin g to t e r,ev ery member ou g ht to know it 1 1 mak fl Ac a cia a g reater Fraternity. whethe r h e can s in g o r not.
We are und er obli g ations to
I Committees
Brother Schultz and we all appr eci- , ate his g ood wo r k. W e hop e that l So me on e ha s s aid that the way
I to get nothin g done is to get a half lattend. dozen scatter ed individuals at it, or I Brother Wayne M. Musgrave, '.l'ei;l in other words get a com'Inittee. 1 wa s ' representative of Alpha SJ.gma Our experience with committees ap- 1Phi Fraternity at the Conferenc l. po in ted by conclaves has about con- I Brother Ekblaw has been down • I vinced us that the above statement rs 1 East on business and visited se,veral true. Iof the chapters.
We hope that the committees ap- j Brother Fay, he, has been pointed are at work. We want to I prosecuting atteorney of his county. get the matt er of a coat-of-arms, a j This is saying a good deal whe& we fl ag and several other matters that 1 r em ember that he was on the Rehave been . before each conclave I publican ticket . settled. I Brother Schultz has written a song I for Yale entitled "The Team TriP e r Cap it a T ax j u mphant." It is only fair to say . I that the s ong was written before the The last conclave provrded, as you 1 y 1 't d C b 'd \ of a e vrsr e am n ge. will see by referrmg to the Mmutes, Ch h ld th . Tsadhe apter e err semA• for a per capita of five dollars per 1 d
Ian nual ball recently. It was a gran year. This tax, according to our law is payable one-half on Decem- II success k h 'tt ,,,., ' Brother Comstoc as wn elll ""' her 1st and one-half on May 1st. d' that he is busy with the work at h &.llild. Th t: chapter secretary should sen •te f 1 He always is but he manages to wn in on December 1st the names o '; us now and then those members who are active K l T adh Brothel', George ess er, s e this whether you make the remrttance , h k ,.... . was marrred on T an sgtvmg ''-\"' or not Please see to rt that your · T kh ck · 1 Miss Ruth Braughton at un aao , list is sent in at once. 1 • B th Artbus Pennsylvama. ro er
Bri g ht of Tsadhe was best man and Perso nal Mentio n Brothers Humphrey and King w ere
Brother Sheperson has been elect- I in evidence. ed for the fifth time as secretary of the Inter-Fraternity Conference.
We were represented in the InterFraternity Conference by Brothers• Humphrey an'd Hdm;an. Brother Pound was to have been our other representative but he was unable to