i\ruriu ,j. i
Vol. 1
MARCH, '1913 3
P9Jtant · matters to . be considered . These ' mu s t b:; in ·order .,,r,!<: . that the next §Yia1· may · get; : "·;.,
FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON started ri g l),t.. 1:. •.•• t•·
F!Ht ild lJ s ·
H , (r ;·f
t\Of be &oJ,J;!.! now • tf •·\tf t? ye.. ,9n ..!he ' way to r · • , a clean slate. ··· · · :!
HARRY E. KlLMER- · Second, See that plans for the work next 'fear are carefully consider this number of· the bulletin laid the next few Then as an co::1- l officers who the municati6n · i:i'hd ''rood it plans 'will ter at .th.'e riext' meeting. ·;:,. · , r. out. . ' 1 " -.d-1' ·:if ·d '" ,.,, C ·}I ((J-'! i. ' ' '!'hird! a.full _ in .. col ; , ' ... :, , , .. 'f L lEtge , . .. BEf p;rornP;1 in your ·reports
All s igns point of m'embel!s a11L in t?e year frir ' th is 'names of your · members active ' on we are aU --·thankful, and it May 1st. 'Do " this s o
' • i • -· '· ; '• { said tha; hang- up 'whether 'you can ;. ers-on ·· in the . line 'march. 1 ·Re- ·· " ,•. • . remit at tl}at" time 'or ' 'ncit. .'• . " ports•. h:; ...are most ' r'• • . ' enco.uraging . . : Let .us ' 'keep 'ttp.., the ··<:We trust that of work:. uJ!tH :· very. I chapter will help .make ·· year ' · stjll remam , Im'- i'reco;d · ..; .·fl • • • : ••.• ,,ll ' • ' ' :' :• .., '· - '.· ... f • r : . ., ' .. '; j_. t"t
'·' '· debts ¢ues ang fee's to '···· C!rand Vice w:·; ELMER W .. Gr and ··Treasurer, ·..:: GEO. E. FRAZEP. ·'; Gr and Secretary.' ·"'
tHJi. . .If this cait ., .'·
THE BULLETIN. all enthusiastic.
There will be, no doubt,a picture of the chapter house at Samehk; news
This number of the Bulletin was . of the prog ress being made at Aleph scheduled to appear in February. ! toward building their new home; On the request of Brother Ekblaw it : records of a of younger was so that the committee 1 members; reports of high standing that mvesti g ated the club at Man- I scholastically, and other matters hattan, Kansas, might have their re- ! that will give us all 'renewed faith port given in this number. We shall for the future of Acacia. have to go to press with only the · re-- Remember, copy 'must be sent in port of Brother Ekblaw. The by April 1st. Remember also that lay has not caused any inconveni- all must do their part to have a ence, we hope. :: r editable · Journal.
The most pressing matter at this j We are really feeling more pleased time is the copy for the May Journal. j than we ever have been with the reCopy for the Journal must reach this po.rts from the chapters. In nearly office not later than April 1st. au ,.,es we are receiving letters Please be prompt with your chapter that give us a very goo.d idea of the letters. Remember that your' edi- work .uf the chapters. There are, of tors are your representatives on the course a few exceptions. Journal staff. Help them in any We feel that something should be way you can. If you have a special said to all the chapters concerning article take the matter up with your the real advancement being made at chapter editor. The editor will be Kaph and Daleth, Tiesc chapters busy with the chapter letter, photo- have always seemed to have a hard graphs and the other work incident fight before them. They still have to doing his full part toward mak- but they are tunring the tide toward ing this the best Journal issued by victory. In th,e of the Fraternity. L,ej; us not fail to · be the brothers at Kaph an j Dalctl. we make this reallY. a great num r . It should be. lt ' &Jiould tell take pride. We do for we are · · I •t one of them. Shin Chapter has the work of every chapter. n I we sho.uld find signs that will make us remarkable adva&cement dur-
W. ELMER EKBLAW.Over · twenty-five hundred students are enrolled.' in the University. The average period which a student remains is three years, truly a satisaverage. About one-third of these are women, for the domestic i science department is one of the
The Kansas State Agricultural best, if not the best, in tlie country College Masonic Club, which it be- The proportion of men to women is came my duty, as Vice President, to sure to increase, however,_. becau:;e investigate at their request and upon of the rapid growth in strength and their depositing the guarantee of numbers of the agricultural and engood faith, deserves a charter of 1 gir, eering colleges . Acacia, both because it fulfills the requirements demanded by our Cons titution and our By-laws, and because the spirit and personnel of the org anization is as good as the majority o.f the Acacia chapters, and perhaps better than some.
The former objection that K. S. A. C. was not of University grade has been removed by the raising of the entrance requirements to fifteen regular credits, placing it on a level with nearly all state institutions. This fact has. gained for it admission in
Kansas State Agricultural Col- athletics to the Missouri Valley Ccmlege is supported by the state. The ference and has led to the establishlegislature is very favorably dispos- ment of a chapter of Sigma Alpha ( d toward the institution and · to Epsilon, with almost a certain prosKansas University as well, and in pect of chapters of the Sigma Nu the opinion of President Waters, who and other fraternities of national is a member of Mem Chapter of character. The fact that K. S. A. Acaeia, it is a question of only a C. is an agricultural college should few years until a special tax will be be no for our chapters at levied for the support of the state Purdue, Penn.,State and Ames are educational institutions, insuring them ample funds to grow and to maintain themselves as the very highest kind of institutions. There is no opposition to fraternities, either in the legislature or in the faculty of the schools.
as good as any in the fraternity, and they are in schools of similar char- · acter.
The number of Masons in the College is between seventy and eighty, twice as man} almost, as at Col
ing th e year. The younger Song." It has been r eferred to the s till have their· difficulties · but they having charge of this are going to win. matter. We note this for it is indi-
We have not been to get well cative of that new era we are enen ou g h acquainted with co.nditions at Aleph-Beth to pas t on · their aifairs : Ayin is making progress, A leph-G ime1 · is gaining. And as you will our stock examp le, Teth is kehing 1 well abrea s t with the front ranks. ' ·
,· tering upon.
We are short' of the following ( ; • ' copies of the Journal: February,, 1910 I and December, 1908-'9 We THOSE SEEKING ADMISSION.
: .P. d these the files and if any ,,,.1 . ,.. 1 has either of these copies to
There are a number of institutions we will gladly give him other copies whose clubs are :5eeking admission '·in exchange or will! credit his · to our ranks. The most probable can sr.ription to 'the Journal fifty cerits didate f.or admission is the club lo- fo r cac 'ol copy cated -at Manhattan, Kansas. Broth- numb!ers. of either of these ers Ekblaw; .. .Hornberger and .Rhine made an investigation and the ·report of Brother Ekblaw is given in this number You should read it very carefupy. '1 A GOOD IDEA.
A number of good have come DO NOT !FORGET.
r 0urnal co.py is due April ,. The list of your active bt s hould ·be reported then.
to us from the· brothers at ·Heth Chapter. . Heth has a plan o:( using 11. fold e r foi· each ,. alumnus and in lst this are k ept ·the -communications :reMay ceived . from the .member . .. This will . b.e _f9unq be valuable in the to come. We trust other chapters will give attention to · ·! their alumni and when they do, they • ". 1'1
Brother E. M. Todd, Meni has have a better plan to • I • " • : I 'I I 1n a song, Mem Whistle. report. •·
The membership of the club now year or two are very bright. Dean forty are in the faculty. With the McCormick, one of the most sensible raising of the entrance requirements the average age of students will increase and a large number of Masons of Acacia caliber will become available each year. The Masons of Kansas and Manhattan are heartily and conservative men imaginable, felt confident that a chapter could establish itself so.
In closing the account of the results of the investigation of the K. S. A. C. Masonic Club I wish heartily l U lo r s ing the petitiQning club and to recomend the club to the favorable will g ive them all possible aid as a vote of the chapters and of the delechapter of Acacia. Gimel and gates to the conclave, as a splendid Daleth endorse the club strongly. candidate for a charter of Acacia, The faculty men include Pres- g iving certain assurance of a virile, iden Waters, Dean McCormick of creditable member of our family of _ the Engineering Oollege, Dean Wil- chapters. lard of the Science College, and the In the words of Presidents Wate-rs, best men in the faculty generally. himself a loyal Acacian-"Acacia The students are distributed among will benefit by adding K. S. A. C. to the four classes as follows: Seniors, 1 her chapter roll, and K. S. A. C will one; Juniors, six; Sophomores, three; benefit in as large a measure. K. S. Freshmen, five; and two Freshmen A. C. will be glad to welcome Acacia, pledges, and one graduate student. and proud to have her come into the They are a clean bunch of fellows, Icollege." gentlemanly, alert, earnest and enthusiastic for Acacia.
Their scholarship standard is high ALUMNI AND PERSONAL. indeed .
The club has been organized four The address of Brother Geo. E years and all that time has main- Frazier Grand Treasurer, is 203 E. tained a house, held regul.ar meet- Green St., Champaign, Ill. ings, engaged in various University There will probably be a meeting activities, · and earned for itself a oi the Grand Council in a short time. strong positiQn in the University There are a number of lllatters that community. Should it receive a need to be disposed of and det1nita charter as a chapter of Acacia, · the ncommendaatiQns made for the chances that it will occupy a conclave. belonging to the chapter, within a Sime the last Bulletin we !lave
with a.. Ayin , . •· .. ,.,., ..- ' '- ':"" T!·ave!er, th e t h'e ; is at WQrk · tr ying tq ge t
f"C n c r al . /· with ·.the· his f ·.. ,; te r . We t o •. r !OCO mm en d s uch i' B!'nthe r D. W . Mumaw , Ayin, is 'n ,. w ork on th e 'the ·!' m emb e r : of th e fi ; m of K enn ed y f : Bro t h e r <f8 r gqp, MuS:aw, . ,; W1;o. l ie is "'
Prath e r l?·H ff !l'r a ctici ng· 'la w, . . .. , : M P.J_lll)i I ·' i .·
Los An g eles • . ,,I_f. .,, •• , ·'' of an Acacian in tho s e preaSe · :· .... write t • SuitJ . 2fl61 . ,;··'· 1..
Wil co x 'Los An g eles; ,. Galif. • 1 . W;•i Paterson I. . '). :'!.i'•.f l!t ' T ca r1 h e i,s now located ' in-• Cleveland,- " '· O!l;o .. "\ j. t:O.' "·:'";:_. ;·..
f!u!!c:ine:::.··•·•!.··, ... .. , .::n r.: ....• ;--r ,'.'
Broth e r r r az1er ad res'sed -th € 1Y:··,M. :! 1 ,.·c tl.i
c A . Accotlrttin li-" at> 1Clwe- ,,,;:,·" 'm•• ,; .. ·.n '· ·( ,,f ) .P: i·' ··tf t...... '
I::u: d m 1 Tan . -qary. · · •i·'·· 1 "' 't.'.. '"'"', .. 1: " • 1' ·.- · ; 1 • ;n !,:: 1.
Bl·o th e.r H. H. Gill , '· Nuri, , designer • , .':·:' : ,·; ,:•; :;; · '-":" !r· "' .
. '
, .:r·v... o f oc r .,.nGrrJ;,!l -; ;:,·::•.,.; i ;.• .: i.i .. · h is .• ··three! .I .: ::·- .::, 1 .rJ ..• , y ca r s in th 3 P hi11 Jtpine s ' '1and ! in 1· '., .. , i ,-i,;, ...;.. ·.J:; 1.<:.!J;.
E u r ope · 1 ··· ,. , I I "l :_ •
Brot hers Co ltmr- and - --W arrick,
, -,-a w, ...(p ra<a t i.ejnp.: law Ain Cleve-
la nd, Ohio
Brother R os co 3 Pound, Teth, has been seritfs Gof1 lectures , to ·f: o ·,:) c!1apter a n'd. )t s ' 1 rie'n"ds at Call'\T , b: idg e th is year. · : 1.) · j
Broth el: has !accepted a po s ition i n North Carol,ina , E x pC'r ime nt Station'. · · · ... '
Brot he r Ekbla w ' fs 8; member • I•• of a polar expedition "i!J. be 1.':
e: one t o t he.: far n or t h for s om e time. :·, .r t .... .r 1.- ! / '· ''