SUMMER, 1960
Alw11~J Actille
Roy C. Clark, Acacia's National Executive Secretary and commonly referred to as IMR. ACACIA woas recently elected to the Presidency of the College Fraternity Secretaries Association. Hats off to Brother Clark and his fine showing for Acacia. Young but very active LSU Chapter ex· hibits what an Acacia Chapter can do in one school year! Congratulations and what a challenge for other chapters.
Washington Chapter celebrates its 50th! Over three hundred people assembled in Seattle this spring to observe the •Golden Anniversary of the Washington Chapter and to hear Dr. Laurence H. Snyder, President of the University of Hawaii, deliver the ad·dress.
Acacian Don Shepherd was elected "Mr. Fraternity" by the student body of Co lorado State University in recognition of hi s very active college career. (See story on page b8)
SEATTLE ALUMNI Meetings-Second Thursday of January February, April, October and No~ vember 6 :00P.M. College Club-605 Spring St. For further information contact : Bill Burdue. 6915 58th N.E .
SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNI Meetings-Every third Thursday 12 Noon Ox Bow Restaurant 389 Sutter Street For further information contact : Bob Tanem, 842 Rincon Way, San Rafael. Calif.
KANSAS CITY ALUMNI Meetings Third Wednesday evening each month World War II Memorial Bldg. Luncheons-Weekly on Tuesdays 12 noon Omar Room Hotel Continental For further infonnation contact : William H. Love, Jr. 5422 Aberdeen Road, K .C., Kan.
WICHITA ALUMNI Meetings-4th Monday of June, August, October, Dec., Feb. & Apr. For further information contact: Norton K. Turner 515 Brown Bldg.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Alumni Meeting Directory ... . ..... .. .................. .. . ...... 65
HAWAII ALUMNI Meetings-Second week of January, April, July and October. For further information contact: Ned E . G. Will, Jt . 757-801 or 63-961
OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNI Meetings-First Tuesday of month 6:30P.M. and Third Wednesday at noon Patrick's Restaurant N.W . 23rd & N. Western Oklahoma City For further infonnation contact: Lindsey L . Long 1924 N .W . 31st Street
WASHINGTON, D .C. , ALUMNI Meetings-12 Noon on last Thw-sday of month Almas Temple AAONMS 13th & K Streets, N .W . For further infonnation contact: Tommy Tompkins so 5-2051
PENN STATE ALUMNI Meetings-Third Thursday of month 12:15 P.M. Penn State Chapter House For further information contact: Edwin P . Kohler, Box 859 State College, Pa.
Roy Clark Heads C.F.S.A. ....................... .......... .. .. . 66 A Modern Approach to Pledge Training' ...................... . .... 67 Shepherd Crowned "Mr. Fraternity" ............................ 68 Among Acacia's Chapters ..... . .. .. ......... . . . .. . .. . ..... .. .... 68
Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Nashville, Tennessee. Fifty cents per copy, $15.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere.
Published quarterly at The Benson Printing Company, 136 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville 3, Tennessee, for the Acacia Fraternity, a college social fraternity, founded at the University of Michigan on May 12, 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference.
COVER Colorado State College Chapter is proud of its coffee table made of Acacia wood from the Philippines.
.SUMMER, 1960
Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters, 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston, m. Subscription orders, photographs, copy, and correspondence of a business nature should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters, 1569 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IDinois. 65
0 F
C. F. S. A.
Standing in the center of the front row is Roy Clark, newly elected President of the Colle Fraternity Secretaries Association, along with his officers and Executive Committee.
Roy Clark, Executive Secretary and synonymously "MR. ACACIA" has again brought pride and prestige to our Fraternity by being elected President of the College Fraternity Secretaries Association. Having been elected to the Executive Committee of C.F.S.A. in 1956 he has been a most diligent promoter of the whole fraternity system and its ideals brought about by the National Interfraternity Conference. The C.F.S.A., an organization composed of Executive Secretaries of the various national fraternities, has periodic conferences to discuss and interchange ideas concerning better fraternity operations. Through these assemblages fraternities have been able to make a transition from strictly independent groups to a more harmonious unit with common goals. Cooperation is quite evident among many of t he national organizations today and through the headquarter staffs of the various fraternities it is being promoted on thE. local campus level. Thus, one of the salvations for the fraternity system. In this group Roy has shown his excellence and his willingness to work out problems and always tries for the best solution. Acacia can be mighty happy and is quite fortunate in having an individual who is so devoted to our Fraternity and who is so willing, along with his many other irons in the fire, to spend so much time out of his personal life to further Acacia.
Many alumni have not had the opportunity to meet R oy and perhaps cannot appreciate the contribution he has made to our Fraternity. His primary interest has been to strengthen and increase the undergraduate chapters and many times in t he absence of alumni assistance. Under those circumstances 66
progress has not been as rapid as he would have liked it to have been. Future plans in our Fraternity call for greater alumni assistance both on the national and local levels. Through his guidance Acacia today has been brought to a position where the National Headquarters is able to prevent many of the catastrophies which occurred in our earlier history and in some cases still remain as unpleasant memories. If many of the alumni could view Acacia operations today, it would be hard for them to be anything but optimistic about the future of their Fraternity. Under Roy's guidance, the collection of national alumni dues was taken over by the National Headquarters with remarkable increases in each succeeding year. This nominal contribution by members has made it possible for our Fraternity to assist many local chapters for better housing and provided limited funds for expansion purposes. It is amazing how such a small annual amount from an individual member can provide great assistance to the purposes of his Fraternity when more and more members each year are cooperating in this program. Actually, why shouldn't it be close to a 100% participation? As a small tribute for the many contributions Roy Clark has made to our Fraternity, the National Council of Acacia at the 1958 Conclave dedicated its new songbook, "Acacia Sings" to him. Here is a true and worthy Acacian-one who has given his all to Acacia in exemplifying our motto of "HUMAN SERVICE"-one whom every Acacian should support generously and faithfully in his furtherance of our great brotherhood.
"I'm interested in fraternities", said a just-out-ofhigh-school student who was in my office the other day, "but what about all this hazing business? .. . and the time I would have to give-up from my studies to do pledge duties has me concerned too". The concern shown by this future college student as to what a fraternity is all about is not atypical. Today's college freshmen ask pertinent questions and aren't as easily "snowed" by the superfluous "big show". They, and their parents, realize that a college education is more important today than it ever has been before. Along with the hard work of study, they of course want to have the fun of college life too; but their demands are becoming greater for a proper perspective on how much time should be devoted to study and how much time to extracurricular activities. They ask direct questions and fraternities must be prepared to give direct answers-direct answers that are substantiated by fact. You must be prepared to say that your chapter of your fraternity has a conscientious and constructive attitude. And how you organize your pledge training program determines to a great extent the quality and attitude of your fraternity. What should not be included in a modern pledge training program should be obvious to every member of Acacia. The outdated hazing and high-schoolclub type pranks that are still hanging-on in some fraternity chapters are somehow justified by the members who commit these pranks because they are "tradition", or they "discipline the pledges", or they "help create a difference between an active and a pledge". All fraternity chapters must come to realize that physical hazing in any form is not only dangerous but is completely out of place in a modern pledge training program. Hazing is not fraternal education -it is neither fraternal nor educational. Hazing should not be confused with discipline. Discipline can be a good and necessary thing for an individual or a group, if it is sensibly imposed. There are three clear-cut tests for discipline that you can apply to your fraternity situation: (1) Does it benefit the whole chapter? (2) Will it help to improve the pledge? (3) Will it build unity within the chapter? On the positive side, let's consider the following points in the organization of your modern pledge training approach. But don't let these be your only ideas; you can certainly add more to the list. 1. In all fraternity activities you must remember that the chief objective of each pledge is to be successful in his college work. Help him along by a wellorganized tutorial system, required study time, and effective quiet hours in the house. 2. Give the pledge duties around the house that will require small but regular amounts of his time and will give him pride in the appearance of his fraternity house. 3. Require the pledge to wear his pledge pin so that he will develop pride in his fraternal association. 4. Have the pledge class-as a required prerequisite for initiation-decide upon, organize, and carry.SUMMER, 1 960
A MODERN APPROACH TO PLEDGE TRAINING By Stanley A. Shaw, Advisor to Fraternities, Purdue University
out an original project which will benefit a needy or worthy group of people. 5. Organize a pledge study plan of your fraternity's and your school's history and traditions. But be careful about consuming too much of his time in having him search for obscure facts which will be of no real benefit to him. 6. Require each pledge, un~ess he is having schoLastic difficu~ty, to enter one activity on campus with the attitude of adding his individual ideas and work to that activity and not just getting his name on a committee. 7. Be reasonable in your demands for a pledge's time. Keeping him up until the small hours of the morning three or four times a week doesn't add to his efficiency either as a university student or as a pledge of your fraternity. 8. As an older member of your chapter, particularly as a senior, be aware that you are setting the example for the young pledge in the way you conduct your fraternity affairs and personal life. If you crave respect, and who doesn't, remember that young men respect older men who are deserving of respect. 9. Give your pledges adequate training in table manners, social graces, and gentlemanly conduct. Having many and varied parties does not, in itself, mean that you're providing the social training that you should as a social fraternity. 10. Choose a capable leader as your pledge trainer -an individual who will plan ahead and follow through.
(Continued on Page 80) 67
SHEPHERD CROWNED "MR. FRATERNITY" Colorado State University Acacians cheered wildly as Don Shepherd was crowned "Mr. Fraternity" at the annual Greek Ball during Greek Week on the CSU campus. The award was initiated this year to honor the outstanding Greek leaders on the Colorado State University. Don received the award on the basis of the work he has done as Vice-President of the Inter-Fraternity Council, Chairman of the IFC Judiciary Committee, Chairman of the IFC Rush Week Committee, and Chairman of the IFC Social Committee during the past year. "Shep" has also taken active interest in Lancers, a sophomore men's honorary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the CSU Student Legislature. He has also served as a Welcome Week Group Leader, a member of the President's Advisory Council, a member
ARIZONA By GREGG PAYNE Since the reorganization of the Arizona chapter of Acacia, 18 men have been pledged. These men are, Paul Slooser, president from Yuma, Arizona; Gregg Payne, Secretary from Phoenix, Arizona; James Lumpkin, treasurer from Mexico City, Mexico; Gary Martin, rush chairman from Falls Church, Virginia; Robert Kaster, social chairman from San Jose, California; Thomas Hazen, house manager from Tanca, Peru; Mel Chambers, Los Angeles, California; William Daniels, Palm Springs, California; Hugh Pittock, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Marvin Burkett, Tucson, Arizona; Sanford Walker, Yuma, Arizona; Fred Erbe, Yuma, Arizona; Kit Strebe, Wickenburg, Arizona; Robert Buckwald, New York City, New York; Rodney Southworth, Sonoita, Arizona; David Larson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Paul Billings, Douglas, Arizona; and David
of the Dean's Advisory Council, a delegate to the National Interfraternity Conference, and a member of the CSU "College Days" Central Committee. Don has also been very active in chapter affairs, serving as Junior Dean and Assistant Senior Dean. He has volunteered his services time after time as chairman for floats, house decorations, and dances. His work in the chapter and his accomplishments on the CSU campus prompted the brothers to select him as the "Outstanding Senior 1959-1960." "Shep" is a senior Mechanical Engineer from Fort Collins, Colorado, and his interests (outside the chapter and off-campus) include girls, water-skiing, and tennis. Following graduation Don will be employed by The Colgate-Palmolive Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Congratulations and many thanks from the CSU Chapter to a worthy Acacian.
Miemeyer, Los Angeles, Calif. Gerald Lowe, the only active in the chapter, is a transfer student from the University of Texas, and he has been elected to the Judicial Committee of the Interfraternity Council. The chapter activities have consisted of a mixer, a beatnik party at the home of Acacia alumnus George Gillmore, a house party held at the home of Acacia alumnus Merle Denning, two rush parties, and a spring formal which shall be held . on the 13th of May. In this year's Greek Week Olympics, which are traditional on the Arizona campus, we were teamed with the Kappa Alpha Theta's. Recently, we elected our Queen of the Yellow Roses. Elected was Susan Andrews who is pinned to active Gerald Lowe. Currently, we are looking forward to more success this semester and in the future, along with moving into our new house which shall be open next semester.
ARKANSAS By JARRELL TEAGUE This past year has been a fairly prosperous year for the Arkansas Chapter of Acacia. In the homecoming parade, in which each organized house on campus participates with a float, Acacia was awarded the second place trophy for the second best float in the parade. Our chapter was also awarded the second place plaque for our sideshow in the Gaebale Carnival for 1960. We were working with the fourth floor of the freshman girls' dorm., Fulbright Hall. Stuart Harris of Stamps, Arkansas, was presented the pledge scholarship award with a four point average. Steve O'Kelley from Benton, Arkansas, was awarded the outstanding pledge award for last semester. On April 8, we had our annual Black and Gold Formal where Miss Nancy Puckett of Houston, Texas, was crowned Chapter Sweetheart for 1961.
John O'Bannon is the new Venerable Dean of the Central Missouri State Chapter, with Tom Seavey having been elected Senior Dean. Other officers include: Junior Dean, Larry Busch; Secretary, Jim Blackwood; Treasurer, Kermit Parks; Rush Chairman, Willie Dean Gaither; Corresponding Secretary, Jay Martin; Publicity Director and Triad Correspondent, and Sentinel, Marion Stump; House Manager, Ray Lee Caskey; Chaplin, Galen Yeager; and alumni secretary, John Knipschild. The new pledges this spring include Bob Corder and Larry Anderson, Kansas City; James Ramey, Clinton, Missouri; and Don Lerbs, Herman, Missouri. Lindy Evans was initiated on April 23. Jim Blackwood has been selected to play the lead role of Finian in the spring musical, "Finian's Rainbow". Jay Martin and Don Grainger are Acacians singing in supporting roles. Willie Dean Gaither is candidate for Vice-president on one of the two campus tickets for Student Government Association, for which elections will be held this spring. Successful sorority exchanges with the Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Delta Zeta Sororities have added much spice to this year's social program. In sports, Marion Stump is an infielder on the CMS varsity baseball team and Bob Corder is a pole
vaulter and a distance runner on the varsity track team. The active chapter recently bested a softball team composed of the winter-spring pledge classes, in a challenge game. The team is 1-1 in intramural standings thus far. This year's "Night on the Nile" was a rousing success, which featured an Egyptian temple theme complete with columns and a pooL Slaves and dancing girls added to the Egyptian theme which was set off with a black and gold coilor scheme. Don LaRue and Larry Graham were among members of the David Bedwell Band, who played for the dance, with Jay Martin featured as one of the singers.
CINCINNATI By FRANK MALLALIEU Spring started off with a bang with the pledging of 9 men. Three men were initiated this spring. In addition to our new faculty advisor, Kenneth Lambert, who is the Dean of Admissions of the College of Business Administration here at the Diversity of Cincinnati, was aJso initiated into the Fraternity. The biggest all univeTSity social event of the Spring season was the annual Kampus King Dance. After an intensive campaign, which saw the Chapter House redecorated in the fashion of a night club, gambling tables and all (play money of course), Acacia's Mike Radeke was elected to the Kampus King Court.
Cincinnati Acacians campaign to get a brother elected to Kampus Court. THEY SUCCEEDED!
1 960
Acacia, incidentally was the only one of the eighteen fraternities on campus to place two years in a row. A handsome trophy sits atop our trophy case as the symbol of Mikes and the entire chapter's achievement. Other social activities of the chapter have been a pizza party with the Kappa Delta's, a beer blast with the Zeta Tau Alpha's, and an up and coming beer blast with the Alpha Gamma Delta's. The Annual Cincinnati-Miami (Ohio) University Acacia softball game held on Sunday, May 1st saw us triumphant again. We soundly defeated the Miamians 46 to 6! A picnic following with girls from Western College saw an enjoyable end to the festivities . Si!ITila Alpha Carnival was another of the social activities that we have participated in this spring. Acacia's booth, entitled "Splosh" consisted of water-filled balloons heine; thrown at various of the Brothers who poked their heads through a canvas screen. A wet if not enjoyable time was had by all. Up and coming social events ~or the Spring and Summer season mclude our 31st Annu:al Founder's Day Dinner with guest speaker Roy C. Clark and our much look-forward-to Spring Weekend and Spring Formal on May 27 ~hru ~9. This coming June graduatwn Will see the largest class of Seniors that ever left the chapter. Needless to say the leaving of so many men ~ll sadly deplete the ranks of the Cmcinnati Chapter and will call for an extremely intensive rush program in the fall. These men will be sorely missed, for their contributions over the past five years have seen Acacia at Cincinnati come a long way. Annually at the Spring Fonnal three Brethren .are recognized by the entire Chapter as men who have had a ~¡eat influence upon improving this Chapter and have exemplified our motto "Human Service" far above what is normally required. Early in April a secret ballot was held to select these men, then on the night of the Formal their names were announced and they received the royal recognition befitting such men. This year's Man of the Year Award was given to our very deserving past Venerable Dean Edward L. Kerr. Ed's accomplishments as V.D. and as an untiring worker for the fraternity will be remembered for many years by those who 69
lived and worked with him. Besides trying to fulfill the many varied duties of our chief executive, he attempted to acquire an education at the University of Cincinnati's School of Apolied Arts in Industrial Design. This too he accomplished with flying colors. . He will be most remembered for the way he unified and strengthened the Chapter and spread the name Acacia on campus. With his seemingly boundless energy, he led us to heights never before reached bv the Cincinnati Chapter. Congratulations, Ed, you deserved the award and much more besides. The Outstanding Senior Award was presented to none other than Jack ¡D . Michaels. Chapter made an excellent choice when they selected Jack hecause without a doubt he is one of the finest and most admired of our graduating seniors. Jack's accomplishments and contributions to promote the Acacia Fraternity will remain an inspiration and goal to future Brothers. Obtaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the College of Engineering was a full time job by itself; but yet Jack served two years as Senior Steward and was responsible for the initiation of three fine pledge classes. Brother Michaels has superb potentials for leadership and citizenship and you can be sure that he will go far in his adult life. Howard L. Arthur was the recipient of this year's Outstanding Athlete Award . Whenever the word "sport" is mentioned around the house, the first thought that comes to mind is Homer.
COLORADO STATE By WARREN ANDERSON Dw-ing Spring quarter six men were initiated into the fraternity. We also have three new pledges. Each Winter quarter the Greeks on campus put on a variety show called Greek Follies. This year we won first place with our skit called "Russian around the World." This was the second time in two years that we have won this trophy. Our annual "Nite on the Nile" costume ball was held at the Wolhearst Country Club just outside of Denver. At this time our Sweetheart for the coming year of 1960-1961 was crowned. She is Miss Connie Han-ison a Sophomore from Gering, Nebraska and a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. 70
Our annual Mountain Party was a huge success, reports our Junior Dean. It is held each Spring quarter at Aspen Lodge just outside of Estes Park Colorado. With about 20 couples 'attending the festivities started Friday night. After a huge dinner the brothers spent their time dancing, playing party games, playing Bridge, and in various other pursuits. Saturday, the brothers and their dates spent the morning hiking, horseback riding, etc. A good time was had by all. The Mother's Day banquet was held this year at the Camfield Hotel here in Greeley. After a wonderilul meal the mothers were given yellow corsages and serenaded by the whole chapter. Two of our brothers will hold campus offices for the coming school year of 1960-1961. Brother Monte Otto will reign as president of the Associated Students, and brother Bob Asmus will serve as Vice-president. Monte Otto is a Senior- from Greeley, Colorado; and Bob Asmus is a Junior from Fort Collins, Colorado. One of our brothers was elected to the office of Secretary of InterFratemity Council. Brother Warren Anderson is a Junior from Denver, Colorado.
of the evening was spent dancing at Ladd's Covered Wagon, in which the Scotsmen Four supplied the dance music. Our Spring Formal this year was held May 21 at the Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch 20 miles southeast of Fort Collins. Music was supplied by the Four Sounds. Honors were received by several brothers at this function. Larry Serr, Dal Hedlund, and Buck Frye received .recognition for highest grades for the Spring Quarter of '59, Fall Quarter of '59, and Winter Quarter of '60 respectively. Leonard Jones was chosen as the outstanding Pledge. Outstanding Senior was Don Shepherd, and outstanding Bachelor went to Jerry Sc1-ivan. The Acacians were co-winners of the first-place trophy in the doubles
COLORADO STATE U. By TIM KESSLER New officers were recently elected. They are: Dal Hedlund, Venerable Dean; Rudy Peralez, Junior Dean; Ron Lane, Treasurer; Larry Besack, Secretary; Dave Whitesell, House Manager; Craig Bigler, Kitchen Steward; Leonard Jones and Lyle Baskett, Co-Rush Chairmen; and Tim Kessler, Corresponding Secretary. Our "Nite-On-The-Nile" during Winter Quarter was a great success. Our house decorations, which fit the occasion very well, even included a mummy. The dinner had a very Egyptian-like flavor as everyone sat on the floor of our dining room around table tops eating shiska-bobs and drinking exotic spiced tea which could be brewed only by our cook, Mrs. Dykeman. Brother Bob Marashlian and three of his friends from out of the house, all of whom are Armenian in descent and fine musicians, supplied after-dinner music in the idiom of and on instruments of that part of the world. The rest
Colorado State University Acacians display their winnings this year in their homecom¡ ing, bowling and singing events.
division of the annual Hesperia Sing, doubling with the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Our bowing team also came through with top spot in the interfraternity competition this year, as well as taking 2nd place in the Homecoming decorations. Ex Venerable Dean Gary Cobb was awarded membership to the Phi Kappa Phi honorary, graduating among the top 5% of his graduating class. Dal Hedlund and Bruce McCleod both received membership in the Omicron Delta Kappa juniorsenior leadership honorary of which Dal is now the vice president.
CORNELL The close of the 1960 school year finds the Cornell Chapter better than ever. We have a pledge class of fourteen including two new men. Because we have a graduating class of only four and our large pledge class, next year eleven brothers will have to live outside the house. The large membership forced us into operating two full shifts in the dining room this past Spring Weekend. Our fund drive is being pushed forward to help meet the need for study rooms and dining facilities. During the year the chapter has bought a new stove for the kitchen, new wall to wall carpeting for the downstairs and stairway, and all new lighting fixtures for the house. The chapter volley ball team led by Pete Ochs won our league in the interfraternity circuit, but lost out in the playoffs for the championshi?. However the mighty Cornell Acac1a softball t~am sparked by the two hit pitching of Walt Deitrich defeated the Syracuse Chapter 10- 2. We wish to extend our sympathy to the Syracuse Chapter who. hav~ not won a game since 1952 m this annual affair. The chapter has been quite active socially this term. We have held exchanges with Chi Omega and Alph~ Omicron Pi Sororities. Alpha Xi Delta invited the chapted to their house for a dessert party. The annual Nite-on-the-Nile Party was a great success as was Spring Weekend. Twenty pledges from Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority which we
"won" at an auction helped us with our spring cleaning before Spring Weekend. Bob Pfahl was recently elected to Tau Beta Pi, national engineering hono·r society. Bob is first sclwlastically in the senior mechanical engineering class. He was also elected Recording Secretary of Pi Tau Sigma, national mechanical engineering society, and Secretary of Kappa Kappa Psi, national band honorary which has replaced Clef Club which Cornell Acacians have been active in for many years. Bob was reelected as a drum major of the Big Red Band. Jim Brody was recently elected President of the Floriculture Club. His roommate, Pete Ochs, is President of the Vegetable Crops Club. This year at the annual Founders Day Banquet following the Corporation Meeting four plaques were awarded for the first time. Pete Ochs won the scholarship improvement award, inscribed "To prepare ourselves as educated men," which is the gift of Dr. R. Claude Bradley former National Scholarship Chairman. Frank Menkin won the outstanding pledge award which is inscribed "To seek the truth" and is the gift of the pledge class of 1955. Bill Traub, past Venerable Dean, won the outstanding senior award, inscribed "To give light" and the gift of the pledge class of 1960. The fourth award was presented to Professor Fred B. Morris as the outstanding Alumnus for his hard work in leading the cun·ent fund drive and for his work as P resident of the Alumni Corporation. The plaque is
A Cornell Chapter officer presents individual awards inclu?ing that . ~f the a·luhnus Professor Fred B. Morris received the aw•ard this year on recognotoon of hos servoce to t e Cornell Chapter Alumni Corporation. .
inscribed "To strengthen the ties of friendship" and is the gift of the undergraduate chapter. After the presentation of awards, Professor Morris gave an interesting and stimulating talk on fraternity life.
FRANKLIN By DAVID WEn. In spite of the fact that this year did not produce as many pledg,e s as we needed, it has been fruitful in many other respects. The active chapter rushed fr om t h e word " go" in September, but the obstacles just mounted up. The big Fall weekend was Navy. We displayed a great deal o£ spirit while painting a poster for the Poster Contest. Saturday evening a "Shipwreck" party was held. The brothers invited their best girls for a formal dinner-dance at Christmas which was held in the chapter house. The big Spring formal, the Interfraternity Ball, was a huge succ~ss, especially for Gordon E . MallCik. That evening he pinned a young lady from Wheeling, West Virginia, Miss Ruth Glover. Three weeks later, the brothers put forth their supreme effort and gently placed him in an ice cold shower. Two of our members served on Interfraternity committees this ye~. Robert J. Shank was Ticket Charrman for the Interfraternity Ball; and David L . W eil was a member ?f the Interfraternity Rushing Commlttee. Our bowling team, bowling its highest scores, could do no ~etter than sixth place out of eight m ~e top division in the Interfraterruty League. Elections were held in February. The follo·w ing brothers were elected: Venerable Dean, Gordon E. Malick- Senior D ean, Robert J. Shank; ' Junior Dean, Gary F · S ml'th·' and . Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Weil. Friday night, April 29th, ~e brothers will journey to Phoeruxville, Pennsylvania, for our Annual Spring Hayride. The next weekend, May 7th, our Founders' Day Banquet will be held: We expect over seventy- five alumru and their wives to attend. Then on the 14th of May, we will hold initiation. This will round out nur activities for the year of 19591960. 71
INDIANA By HUGH MOORE As the I.U. Acacians headed homeward this Spring their thoughts were not so much on the past year, as on the National Conclave to be held at Indiana in September. Extensive plans are already being made and the Indiana chapter is looking forward to a great turn-out of alumni, actives, and pledges. Trophy-wise, 1960 was a profitable year for the chapter. House teams won the all-fraternity baseball championship and their league football championship. The Acacia bicycle team, composed oii Dave Brown, Joe AbreU, Bill Carbon, and Lonnie Woods, placed eighth in the campus-wide Little 500 bicycle race, May 14. For the second consecutive year, Brown posted the fastest lap of the day at Little 500 qualifications. March 6, the Indiana chapter initiated nineteen men into its ranks. Two new additions to the chapter house were dedicated November 14. The new wings add living space for forty men, raising the total capacity of the house to eighty-five. A dining room capable of seating one hundred and an as-yet-unfinished recreation room are also included. The Spring pledge class painted the new "rec" room as its work project. The chapter plans to complete it on a "do-it-yourself" basis as far as possible. The lOth annual Little 500 Weekend, May 14, and the I.U. Sing, April 27-28, were the highlights oÂŁ the Spring semester campus activities. Acacia joined with Alpha Chi Omega to present an original version of "Do, Re, Me" at the campus-wide Sing. There were many favorable comments on the musical arrangement put together by brothers Dave Schoon and Jerry Mayes, with cooperation from the Alpha Chis. In addition to the Little 500 race itself, during the Little 500 Weekend Acacia backed Delta Delta Delta in the Miniature 500 tricycle race and sponsored its annual Ice Cream Social. More than 6000 people gathered on the Acacia lawn to eat ice cream and cake and to watch entertainment which featured Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America of 1959. Fifty-two mothers of chapter members also visited the chapter during Little 500 Weekend. They participated in all the events of the 72
weekend and were honored at a banquet Sunday afternoon. Earlier in the year, the chapter joined with Alpha Omicron Pi to erect its booth, Eskimo Ice-Capades, at the Fall Carnival. In the Carnival's Bachelor of the Year contest, Acacia's candidate, Cal Kemp, ran a strong second. The annual Spring formal, Colonnade, ended the 1960-61 social calendar. The dance, done in a Southern theme, featured two bands, one under the direction of brother Jack Showley. Several Indiana Acacians gained recognition this year. Sher Afredi was elected president of the Cosmopolitan Club, a foreign student group. In the honoraries, John Clark and Don Johnson were elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, national business honorary. Johnson was also inducted into Blue Key, campus activities honorary. Rex Green and Mike Shane were selected for Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman honorary.
Jim's college activities have included freshman football, Collegiate 4-H club, Agriculture Economics club, and University Extension club. He placed second in the Agriculture Speech and Debate Contest and is currently out for the Junior Dairy Judging team. Jim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Birkbeck of Leroy, Kansas. The Kansas State Chapter of Acacia won second place in the student productions field this year with their original play, "Thus the Inevitable." Seeming to be stuck in a second place rut the chapter has placed second in nearly every event in which it has entered. Basketball, football, umoc, etc. On the singular system, D. K. Klein brought home the best supporting actor oscar from the awards dinner, May 13. D. K. is the present president of the Kansas State chapter of the National honorary for actors, Pi Epsilon Delta.
LOUISIANA STATE KANSAS STATE By w. R. BURCHAM Plans are underway at Kansas State to provide a new addition to the present house. The addition is estimated to cost $50,000, which will be raised by the selling of debenture bonds. The necessity of this addition arises from the fact that the present house is designed to hold 44 men, while the present roll is 73. Many problems of course have arisen. The most pressing being that of design, was conquered only last May. If the spirit of the chapter for this new addition is any indication of the time of completion, the new house will be ready for occupancy next fall. June 3, 1960, marked a big step for Acacia in Kansas. On this date, in the Grand Lodge at Topeka, the Kansas and Kansas State Chapters formally initiated the Grand Master, Mr. Ray W. Kenzie, and the Grand Secretary, Mr. Charles S. McGinness, into the Acacia Fraternity. We feel that this is a major step in strengthening the Masonic relations with Acacia. Jim Birkbeck was awarded the trophy for outstanding pledgeship at the awards presentation ceremony held May 14. Jim was given this honor as a result of his outstanding personality, zeal, and amiability.
By J m MoYERS This semester, the pledges have kept our shrubbery and patio in apple- pie order with numerous work projects and are pointing to bigger and better things. On March sixth 14 men became brethren of the L.S.U. chapter. After the second degree of initiation we boarded a chartered bus and made the jaunt to New Orleans that we might celebrate the occasion in style. Actives and, at that time, neophytes had such an enjoyable time that we're contemplating making such a celebration a MUST after every Spring initiation. At The Black and Gold Formal the new officers, outstanding pledge, and Chapter Sweetheart were presented. Jerry B . Swint of Bossier City is the new Venerable Dean; Jeff Baird, Senior D ean; J. Michael Orlesh., Junior Dean; James (Tas) Worrell, Secretary; Jimmy C. Williams, Treasurer; Barney J. Bertrand, House Manager; and Robert R. Robinson, Rush Chairman. Alvy (Steve) McDaniel was the outstanding pledge of the 1959-1960 pledge class. Miss Frances Valentine of Baton Rouge was presented a bouquet of roses and the Acacia Sweetheart Pin, thereby proclaiming her to be this year's Sweetheart of Acacia.
For the fourth straight year we've placed in Songfest, coming in second behind Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Under the pleas, prods, and skillfiul direction of Brother George Hicks, our boys were truly crowd pleasers and our performance earned for us much good will on the L.S.U. campus. In athletics Acacia has become the power to contend with in our bracket. Four and one half years on campus and the Sweepstakes Trophy is ours! For the second consecutive year we won the track trophy and pushed Phi Delta Theta for softball up to the last game of the season, in which they beat us eight to seven in extra innings. More woe betide us, two kegs of beer rode on this game with the losers hosting the winners to a party that night. D espite the loss, we Acacians and the Phi Delts had a blast and cemented even more firmly the strong interfraternity relationship between us. Aside from our New Orleans trip after initiation and the Formal, we've managed to enjoy yet more social functions with our Playboy Party, "Nite on the Nile," and numerous levee or beach parties. For "Nite on the Nile," the brethren worked night and day weeks before the party decorating the house, patio, and chapter room. Our unique invitations were delivered to the gals at their dorms by a chariot pulled by four Ethiopian slaves. We were very pleased that the pledges from the Mississippi Colonies, (Mississippi State and Mississippi Southern), could make it down for this part. It's our hope that these men, when active members of new chapters of Acacia, can use any or all ideas garnered from their trip down for their "Nite on the Nile" as well as other functions , social or otherwise.
Further progress of our chapter was made when on Mother's Day, the L.S.U. Acacia Mothers' Club was organized and officers elected. Mrs. H. W. Willis of Baton Rouge is its president. Brother Wayne Hudson joins the select few among engineering seniors rating a tap from Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honorary fraternity, for an overall "B" average in college work . Brother Barney Bertrand was recently initiated into Alpha Zeta, national agriculture honorary, and Brothers Chuck Pickell and Jim Mo~ers are Acacia's SUMMER, 1 960
A nite glance at L.S.U.'s "Playboy Party".
newest representatives to Samurai, honorrary interfraternity fraternity. At our Senior Banquet held May 7, Brother Sam Streeter of Bossier City was presented the Outstanding Senior award.
MIAMI By JoHN J. DoRsEY Much has happened at the Miami Chapter this spring. The biggest thing to happen was the pledging of ten men during spring rush. With the addition of these men the membership of the chapter rose to thirty men. Recently initiated into the Halls of the Miami Chapter was Ken Carpen ter from Hamilton, Ohio. Ken is majoring in accounting and will be the chapter's new Alumni Secretary and Assistant Pledge Trainer. Social life has not been neglected by any means. In March, the annual Sweetheart Formal was held. At this time Pat Kennedy, pin plant of Brother D ick Curp, was crowned "Sweetheart of the Miami Chapter." During April, "Greek Week" and "Night on the Nile" took the spotlight. " Greek Week" saw the chapter do well in the bike race and in addition Bill Elliott, the chapter's one and only senior, was elected to Omicron Delta Kappa, men's leadership honorary fraternity. Bill was past Junior Dean and is presently Editor of Dimensions, the campus magazine. For the rest of the school year the chapter has plans for the Miami-
Cincy Chapters annual softball game. Also, Founder's Day and Mothers' Day Weekends will be held. On Mothers' Day the "Mother of the Year" will be honored and an annual banquet will be held. Of course, the eleventh annual Founder's Day will be a big event. We hope lots of "Old Grads" will turn up for the festivities this year. Plans are not being forgotten for next year. The possibilities of a new house next fall are looking very good. In addition, plans for fall initiation and rush are being made. All in all, next year should bring many interesting developments.
MINNESOTA By GEORGE F . CARSON Minnesota Acacians have been very active this spring. We have seven pledges this quarter, one oÂŁ the largest pledge classes on campus. The first week in April we initiated three men: Don Wurden of East Grand Forks, Jim Kinetz of Duluth, and Dan Bodien of Minneapolis. We are progressing in our plans for a new addition to the house. The alumni just authorized working drawings for the 10-man addition to be drawn up by alumnus-architect Richard Hammel. Our scholarship is showing a great improvement. After a poor 1958- 1959 school year we were in 11th place out of 30 fraternities fall quarter. Our grades for winter quarter showed a marked improve73
ment over fall quarter. After a slow start our athletic ranking has moved to 15th place at the end of winter quarter. This spring our softball, volleyball and tennis teams have made outstanding showings. The volleyball team, perhaps one of the shortest on campus, showed remarkable teamwork in breezing to the All-University Championship finals. We had to fight to win the championship though, which we did, over a tough dormitory team. This year's Campus Carnival, held April 29th and 30th, was a big suc cess for Acacia. Working with one second place trophies with our game concession "Fagen Plunge." Our Campus Carnival clown Bob Bjorklund took fourth place in the clown contest. Thanks to Pete Quist's lead ership we were fifth place in all participation at the carnival. Our Founder's Day was held May 6 at the Saint Paul Athletic Club. Roy Clark was on hand for the occasion which was the best attended in years. On May 8 we held our Mother's Day at the chapter house; most of the parents were there many traveling a considerable dis~ tance to attend. May 14 was the climax o.f the so cial season at Acacia when our spring formal was held at the Bayport Yacht Club. Our last event of the quarter will be the annual canoe picnic to be held May 29 at the Saint Croix River.
MISSOURI MINES By Wooo RuooLPH As the end of another school year draws near, the MSM Chapter can easily see the change in the chapter during our first full school year as an active chapter. Our scholarship has greatly improved, we are developing skill in our rushing techniques, our intramural teams have become formidable in the eyes of our opponents, and our name has become well known. The MSM Chapter is very proud to give a "Hats Off' to our Mother's Club, which was established last spring. Through their efforts, we have received an institutional size food mixer, a new set of dishes, and the latest item to be received is drapes for our living and dining r ooms. The addition of the new drapes has changed the atmosphere of the house very much. Speaking of our mothers, we are going to
have a celebration for them Mother's Day weekend, including a picnic the Saturday evening before Mother's Day. On March 2 and 3, the Alpha Chi Omega service fraternity held their periodical blood drive in conjunction with the Red Cross. For the fifth straight time, Acacia had the highest percentage of members donating blood. A trophy is given for the highest percentage. David A. Drachenberg was selected by the chapter as the "outstanding pledge" of last semester's pledge class. Though the competi tion was keen, Dave outshined them all. At our Sweetheart Dance, which was held in February, Miss Kathy Feind was selected as our chapter sweetheart. Kathy is from Rolla, Missouri, and is now attending Bradley in Peoria, Ill. She is engaged to Echol E. Cook, Louisville, Ky. St. P atrick's Day marked the be ginnig of a long party weekend here at MSM. On Friday, in the afternoon was the St. Pats Parade. For this parade the organizations on campus built floats following the theme of a song or movie title. Our entry depicted a satire of the hit song, "El Paso." On Friday night, a late, late party was held at the chapter house after the school's masquerade party where the music of Buddy Morrow was enjoyed. On Saturday night, another late, late party was held after the formal dance at the school. It was at this formal, that the St. Pat's Queen was crowned. We are sorry to say that our candidate, Miss Judy Smith of Kansas City, Mo., who was escorted by Bennett L. Atwater, did not win the honor. Our interfraternity bowling team took fourth place in the league for the spring semester. With the approachment of the end of school, also comes commencement and graduation for some. What will definitely be a loss to our chapter is the graduation of John Wm. Donaldson and James Poarch. Bo¡t h, being former officers John, Venerable Dean; and Jim: treasurer, were a great help to our chapter, especially in our early days as a chapter. ~s the summer approaches, the mam thought of the fraternity is towards summer rushing. We have a very promising rush program
planned under the direction of our rush chairman, Arthur Kessler, who will spend the summer ru~hing.
NEBRASKA By GARY THOMPSON Six new men are now wearing the jeweled triangle, having been initiated into the Nebraska Chapter since the second semester began. An extensive campus rush program conducted by the chapter resulted in the pledging of twelve new men after March 1. Elections were held in late March and an officers' retreat was held to plan the coming year's activity with Assistant Executive Secretary, Robert E. Jepson attending the meeting. New officers who attended the meeting were Swede Rader, venerable dean; Marvin Cox, senior dean; Dewey Weins, junior dean; Phil Kelly, secretary; Keith Pelton, treasurer; Ron Letson, summer rush chairman, Gary Thompson, campus rush chairman; Richard Clay, senior steward. An intensive summer rush program has already begun with many contacts having been made. Three rush parties have been planned, one a joint affair with the Kansas State chapter near Trenton, Nebraska, on August 7. Looking forward to a successful rush week the chapter has rented a ten man annex for the coming school year. Social activities kept members busy throughout the year. The annual "Nite on the Nile" party was held early last fall. A Mug and Moll party, a date dinner, and hour dances added to the social life of the chapter. The traditional Orchid Lei Formal was held on April 30 and Miss Sally Miller, A OPi, was selected the 1960 Acacia Sweetheart. Several brothers from Kansas State attended the affair. Acacians have been active in campus affairs as well. Bart Bredenkamp was initiated into Pi Tau Sigma, honorary mechanical engneering fraternty. Mike Flannigan was recipient of the American Legion Auxiliary Award as an outstanding sophomore ROTC cadet. He and Marvin Cox also received letters for participation on the University rifle team. The alums of the Nebraska Chap~er have reorganzed and are giving mvaluable assistance to the chapter in its plans for the future. Two
alum days have been held with good attendance. Alums in Lincom and Omaha are now meeting regularly at luncheon meetings. Mrs. E. R. Heiny, housemother for the past three years, submitted her resignation in April, and a committee is now checking applicants to replace her.
NEW HAMPSHIRE By DONALD w. KRAUSE With the close of the school year, we pause now to look back over the winding path of knowledge pursued by Acacians over the past year. Upon inspection we find it has been a bumpy road, but one filled with pride and satisfaction over the many honors won by our fraternity. On May 1, we opened our doo·r s to accept 28 new brothers. We think we have a great bunch of men here. They've proven themselves as pledges, we're confident they'll prove themselves as brothers. Several weeks ago Russ Carlson and Doug Dartnell constructed a new library in our living room covering the entire south wall. It gives much more space for our books than was available in our old library. We are busy now getting more books to fill this extra room. By September another new addition shall be made in our living room, namely a new rug. Several brothers have also consented to paint the living room during the summer, so by the fall, we will have a "new" living room. Acacia fared pretty well in sports this semester, taking second place in intramural bowling and softball competition. Acacia copped two trophies in rapid succession recently. In some tough close competition, we came out on top in Songfest. With only one day of real rehearsal to back us up, we walked off stage with the first place trophy in hand. We accomplished this feat singing "Hello Young Lovers" and "There is Nothing Like a Dame." After a short party at the winning sorority, Alpha Chi, we serenaded the girl's dorms and our past and present housemothers. One week after this, Acacia teamed with Alpha Chi sorority took first place in the Interhouse Plays, with our lead actor, Willy Fuller taking the trophy as best actor. We did a play by Tennessee Williams called "Mooney's Kid Don't Cry." All three trophies are
· SUMMER, 1 9 60
now proudly sitting on our piano in the living room. The big event of the spring, socially speaking, was Spring Weekend. Our social chairman collected all his ideas and came out with a pretty impressive schedule. On Friday we had a beach party in Maine with our cook Harry Holmes putting on a delicious lobster dinner on the beach. After this we returned to the house for a very informal rock and roll party. Saturday saw another beach party follo·w ed in the evening by a semi-formal dance. All functions were very well attended and well enjoyed. Ending our retrospect on this gay note, we look to the immediate future-finals. Treating this idea something like one treats Bubonic plague (evasion), we look farther into the future to next year. On the basis of this year's accomplishments, we look forward optimistically to a successful year next year, a year in which Acacia will strengthen its position as No. 1 on campus. See you in the fall.
OHIO By PHIL EMMERT This semester has been a very busy one £or the brothers here at Ohio Chapter. Among the many personal activities are: Phil Schaar, elected vice president of Inter-Fraternity Council and tapped into Blue Key; D on and Ron Solar, both tapped into military honor fraternity, Scabbard and Blade; Bill Osborne, now a member of the OU bowling team, was recently in a match with the Stroh's bowling team; pledge Paul Hudson elected vice president of Inter- Fraternity Pledge Council; and Phil Emmert and Larry Barker have started a radio show on the university station which has gained much attention for themselves and the chapter. Our social calendar has been more than full this semester with a series of parties which has kept the bmthers busy. Our party list is as foUows: Pajama party, a theater party which was held after the university presentation of Carousel, Night on the Nile, in which the entire house was transformed into a pyramid and the back yard was covered with an immense tent, and Mother's weekend, with receptions, meetings, and trips around the campus. The glee club also participated
on brothers Emmert and Barker's radio show, Variety, during Mother's Weekend and were well received by all. Of course, in February, we had our annual Founder's Weekend, which included our formal dance of the year and a very pleasant banquet which several alums attended. Speaking of alums, our contact with alums has been greatly increased through the efforts of brother Dick Bradstreet, who has established the practice of inviting an alum to dinner once a week. Response has been excellent thus far, and our dinners with the alums have been most enjoyable. We are hoping to better oUl· rush program through our alums. Along with our hope for better rush through alums, we have initiated a "Little Brothers Weekend" in which we invited graduating high school students who expect to attend Ohio University to spend a weekend with ACACIA. During the time they were here, we showed them the facilities of the university, introduced them to faculty members, provided them with catalogues, and did our best to answer any questions they had. This weekend has been observed by IFC with the idea that it might be made into an allcampus event. At present, it serves the purpose of initiating these high school students into the ways of college life, and has done much to enable us to meet these men before they arrive here at OU and are descended upon by the other flraternities. We expect this to pay large dividends in the future in larger pledge classes. One final note of a more personal nature. Two of the brothers have been engaged to be mmTied in the near future: Dick Gibson to Nataile Ross, Chi Omega and Jim Wennermark to Marilyn Takashima. Much happiness from OHIO chapter.
OKLAHOMA STATE By C. J . RoTHLISBERGER April 23 the Oklahoma State Chapter held its annual Triangle Ball. Friday night a dance was held at Yost Lake, bUl·muda short style. That night the men's dates stayed in the house, under the supervision of the house mother. Saturday night the formal dance was held at the Harlequin Club, with the Shadow Lake Eight providing the music. 75
At that time the annual Acacia Sweetheart of the chapter was announced. The girl chosen for this honor was Colette Payne. She is pinned to active Don Thorn. Rushees were invited to the dance, and the weekend was a very successful one. On January 11, 1960, the chapter elected officers to replace the men who had completed their terms of office at that time. The following men were selected : Bill Wiley, Tulsa, Venerable Dean; Val Mitchell, Tulsa, Second Vice-President; C. J . Pickering, Stroud, Senior Dean; Will Ed Bruton, Broken Bow, Junior Dean; Floyd Fullgrabe, Bessie, Secreatry; Joe Burkart, Wheaton, Maryland, Treasurer; Larry Barnes, Bartlesville, Rush Chairman; Bob Haiges, Bartlesville, House Manager; Don Kirkland, Tulsa, Kitchen Manager; Bill Thedfor d , Oklahoma City, Chaplain; and C. J . Rothlisberger, Bartlesville, Corresponding Secretary. The Oklahoma State Chapter initiated ten men at the spring initiation this semester. These men were initated on Aprl 10. This left thirteen pledges in the chapter. A new merit system f01r pledges has been employed this semester. It is based on three main concepts. Included are dating, church, and rushing. Also taken into consideration are the pledges grades on the pledge tests. A pledge must have a required number of points before he is eligible for initiation. For this reason the system has been very successful. The chapter's corresponding secretary, C. J. Rothlisberger, in conjunction with the alumni co-ordinator, Dave Scott, are publishing a fTaternity newsletter to the alumni each month. The publication, Alumnotes, is designed to inform the alums as to the activities of the chapter as well as to improve the relations between the actives and the alums. The Alumni Association of the Oklahoma State Chapter held a meeting with the active chapter March 21. The past semester's financial report was given as well as reports from the various committee heads. Then a discussion was held on the fraternity in general. Both the actives and the alums found the meeting very interesting and enlightening. 76
Miss Colette Payne was crowned the Chapter Sweetheart of 1960 at Oklahoma State.
We have added a new office to our regular slate of officers. This position is called the "Second VicePresident." It was the opinion of the chapter that this office should be created to assume some of the lesser responsibilities of the Venerable Dean and the Senior Dean. His main function is to assume the head of committees and give them that extra boost which committees often require. This office has already proven itself to be very useful and beneficial to the operation of the chapter. March 8, 1960, Bill Adams, past Venerable Dean of the Oklahoma State Chapter, was elected president of the Inter-Fraternity Council. This is an important and influential office on this campus, and the actives are very proud of Bill's achievement. This is the second time in three years that we have had an Acacian as I.F.C. president. The last president we had was Vernor Gar rison in the 1958-59 year. Speedy, from Lone Wolf, is now one of the fraternity's traveling secretaries. Starting early in April, men of the Oklahoma State Chapter have been journeying to the Oklahoma University campus at Norman to aid the Oklahoma Chapter in its rush program. We feel that in helping the Oklahoma Chapter we can extend the true brotherhood of Acacia, and help Acacia grow on other campuses as it has on the Oklahoma State campus.
By CURTIS MIKKELSEN The Oregon State chapter welcomed five new pledges into the house this spring. George Abed, a recent pledge from Jerusalem, Jordan, will move into the house next fall. Those initiated February 27, 1960, include Joe Smith, Curtis Mikkelsen, Robert Hardin, and David Dahl. Acacia is looking forward to the Inter -Fr aternity Sing. We were in the finals last year and hope to win this spring. Our social calendar is filled this term with Mother's Weekend, Founders Day, Senior Weekend, and our annual spring dance. An exchange with Alpha Delta Pi rounds out the year. Acacians have been active on campus this year. On the political side, Jim Davenport is finishing his term as Sophomore Class Treasurer. Doug Wolfe has served this year as Vice President of the Junior InterFraternity Council, composed of representatives of the thirty-one pledge classes. We are also proud of George Abed, a recent pledge. George was recently elected Junior Class President and served this year as a delegate to the Model United Nations, held in Berkeley, California. Men active in honoraries at Oregon State include Don Hoskins, member of Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering Honorary, and Charles Buxton, a recent pledge of Sigma Tau. Martin Boehme was active in three engineering honoraries: Pi Tau Sigma, Sigma Tau, and Tau Beta Pi. Dan Oldfather received his second Society of the American Military Engineers Award, given to the fifteen outstanding engineering students in the R.O.T .C. units in the nation. Jay Romiti, Jerry Lear, and Doug Hirte have served this year on the Army R.O.T.C. Drill Team which recently took Northwest honors in Seattle, Jon Woodside received the coveted Distinguished Military Student award this year. Jim Lasher, a freshman, served on the Navy Drill Team. Two other ÂŁreshmen, Terry Freund and Jim Kelley were recently appointetd co-editors of the Afterburner, the Air Force R.O.T.C. newspaper. Bill Bain did a fine job this year as leader of "Tailflappers," the spirited upper-classmen's rooting section. THE TRIAD
Newly elected officers for next year are Delbert Remington, Venerable Dean; James Davenport, Senior Dean; Wayne Roberts, J unior Dean; Dale Gallaher, Secretary; Rick Reid, Treasurer; and Lee Kearney, Rush Chairman.
PENN STATE By GERALD L . LoGUE Expansion plans have been approved by the Alumni Association, and blueprints are now being drawn up for a $170,000 addition to the existing house. The addition will consist of a three story dormitory and study wing which could later become a part of an entirely new house built on the site of the old. Work will begin this summer, and should be completed by fall of 1961. On the weekend of April 9-10 the chapter was host to an all east "Gathering" which was attended by brothers and pledges from the seven eastern chapters. The pW"pose of the gathering was to foster better understanding among the eastern chapters, and over 25 Acacians including Norm Saatjian, Traveling Secretary, attended the aftemoon conference and party on SatW'day evening. The chapter has been very active in activities on campus. Most recently teaming with a group of girls from the Atherton dormitory to enter the spring week competition. Although we did not place, we feel the enjoyment of doing a fine job and the participation were well worth the effort. The chapter has also been very active in intramW"als; entering the varied inter-fraternity events we should finish high in the final standings. The social program has been moving very well and was highlighted by our annual pledge dance, this year entitled "Winter Wonderland." Other week-end parties included a very successful "Roaring '20's" party, a scavenger hunt, a jam session, and many others. OW" social program will be brightened later in May by a "Night on the Nile." The chapter has been maintaining itself scholastically finishing fourth out of fifty-four fraternities at the Pennsylvania State University. Several men in the chapter have exemplified themselves in activities on campus. Ronald Smith, Edgar Grubb, and Charles Jacques we¡r e . SUMMER, 1 960
named to editor-in-chief, managing editor, and photographic editor respectively on La Vie , the senior year book. John Black was named editor of Collegia, the campus newspaper. Ed Grubb and John Witmer were elected to the Student Govemment Association Assembly, and Donald Clagett was elected VicePresident of the Student Government Association and was initiated into Lion's Paw, senior men's honorary. The chapter also has six representatives on the various college councils. Ed Grubb and Kenneth Nelson, our Faculty Advisor, were initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa, National men's honorary. David Juers, an outstanding member of the senior class, has been offered a $2,200 yearly graduate fellowship by the Institute of Paper Chemistry. The chapter has been maintaining a successful monthly alumni luncheon program, and we will present our annual Founders Day on May 21.
It starts here . . .
PURDUE and with more help . . .
By KENNETH CuLLUM This spring our chapter pledged fifteen men. On March 6, 1960, six men were initiated into OW' chapter. Our retum from Christmas vacation this year was marked with anticipation from the brothers. During our vacation, a transfer was made from our house on State Street to the new house at 608 Waldron. Our new house previously was owned by the University, but we acquired it through a trade with them. We had the old part of the house remodeled, and it was partially refurnished with new fW'nitW'e. A new wing was added to the house, bringing OW' total capacity up to sixty men. Before Christmas vacation, our chapter had its annual underprivileged children's party. Several children from the neighboring community wer e brought to the house, ate dinner with us, and then were presented their Christmas pr esents by Saint Nick (alias one of the brothers) . In April our house took part in the Greek Community P r ojects drive. All or ganized houses joined together and went out for a SatW'day aftemoon to help work for the community. Some of the places we
and the finishing touches . . .
You have Penn State's Spring Week float . 77
worked w ere the Boy and Girl Scout Camps, Indiana Old Soldiers' Home, and various parks around the city. Our new social chairman, Jim Ray, has done an outstanding job. In the past semester we have had house trade :fiunctions with the Alpha Chi Omega's, Kappa Alpha Theta's, Phi Mu's, Zeta Tau Alpha's, and Alpha Delta Pi's. Also Jim did an outstanding job in directing the house in the University Sing. We did not place, but we feel we made an excellent showing for the house. On May 14th, the third annual Purdue Grand Prix was held. This is a go-kar t r ace held every year by the Auto Club. The midget cars are built by the various housing units on campus and must pass rigid safety standards to be eligible for participation in the race. The race lasts for over two hours and is an exacting test of endurance on the home-made cars. We had trouble with our clutch and were not able to put the car to maximum performance, but, nevertheless, we finished fourth out of a field of over thirty cars. The credit for the fine job goes to Brother Ron Boller and his crew.
RENSSELAER Now wearing the jeweled pin after an early Spring "Heaven Week" are 11 new brothers. We also have seven pledges remaining. Fall social life at Rensselaer naturally centers around rushing. We played host to over 500 freshmen during one Saturday in September at the annual open house. During October we held two mixers with Gamma Kappa Phi sorority at Albany State Teachers College. The highlight of the Fall Season was the school Interfraternity Weekend in late October. Preceded by a "House of Horror" party at the house and a pre-dance buffet, the I.F. Ball featured Leroy Holmes and his Orchestra. Many brothers also attended the J . J . Johnson Jazz Concert on the following day. Formal rushing soon followed and produced a whirl of activity. After pledging the brothers settled down and began studying for the finals which were lw¡king in the near future. After the tests came Saturnalia Ball an infor mal weekend that fea-
tured the music of Richard Maltby. In the afternoon Rensselaer defeated Northeastern in an exciting hockey game. Sunday afternoon was devoted to Dizzy Gillespie's Jazz Concert. We wer e glad to have Traveling Secr etary Norman Saatjian drop by on his eastern trip. We kept Norm quite busy with our questions as well as the "informal" Rensselaer hospitality. This Spring the social life centered ar ound Alumni Weekend, Soiree, and Parents' Weekend. Alumni Weekend featured parties, a buffet, and a picnic in the "wilds" of Eastern New York. For Soiree we held a Hawaiian party, complete with grass skirts and leis. The following afternoon Rensselaer met and defeated Holy Cross in lacrosse, after which we held a cocktail party and pre-dance buffet. Woody Herman provided the music at the Jazz Concert on Sunday. Parents' Weekend was featured by a very large crowd as many of the brothers' parents visited us. At the Interfraternity Songfest the brothers took second place and re ceived a large trophy for their accomplishment. Several brothers have received recognition on campus: George Duberstein served this term as band manager; William Siegle served as Editor-in-Chief of the engineering magazine and as Senior Board member on the yearbook; Ralph Kummler was a member of the Student Council; Bob Herendeen was Interfraternity Editor for the campus newspaper and Editor of the special "Parents' Weekend" magazine, designed to acquaint the parents with student activities at Rensselaer; Bill Tuel was honored as "Outstanding Student" by Tau Beta Pi; and Bruce Nutting was initiated into Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu, both honorary Electrical Engineering societies.
are John Rhoades, Senior Dean¡ Bob Gust, Junior Dean; Den~ Hamilton, Treasurer; John Reardon, Rush Chairman; Fred Merrick, Secretary; and Gene Siscoe, House Manager. We are quite proud of our scholastic standing this year. Our pledge class compiled the second highest average of all the fraternities' pledge classes at UCLA. And we initiated six of the seven members of our pledge class. We are also quite proud of the fact that two of our former pledges, Michael Ellis and Gene Siscoe, became honor students with 3.0 averages. Our overall standing, both active and pledge, was fourth among the fraternities. We are looking forward to climbing higher on the scholarship ladder next year. Our chapter owes a great deal to our adviser, Mr. Gerald Samuelson and to our house corporation fo; making possible a re-financing of our chapter house. The Acacians entered Spring Sing at UCLA this year as defending champions. We sang with the Alpha Phi sorority, and, although we didn't win, we had a lot of fun trying. Anyway, we get another chance next year. During the fall semester we were host to the Cal chapter who came down for the game between UCLA and Cal. Needless to say, we did our best to make up for the unhappiness of our visiting brothers who had hoped to see Cal beat UCLA. We also enjoyed entertaining some of our brothers from the Washington and Wisconsin chapters at our New Year's party. Our chapter is now preparing for our annual Ubangi Ball. The dance is an all- U event and many of us, after losing our dates in the crowd, have considered making the dance an all College of Letters and Sciences instead of an all-U event.
U. C. L. A. By MICHAEL ELLIS ACACIA opened the Spring semester of 1960 with the addition of three pledges and the graduation of seven fo rmer pledges to active status. The fall semester also marked the initiation of two Acacians. Acting as Venerable Dean this year is Barry Sloat. Other officers
By LESLIE pARKER This has been a great year for Vermont Acacia. The best in fact since we were installed in 1950. We started off the year by racking up our best sports record yet. Second in bowling and a third in basketball with the softball results still to be tabulated. The championship UVM track team had a good representation of Acacians on it. Dan Mosman,
Howie Cutts, Dave Bowers, Tim Simpson and Hal Billings all made good showings. Our entrance to the Annual Chariot Race, though it had a somewhat shakey beginning was one of the few Chariots to finish. Our new game room in the basement was the first addition to the house this year. Gee-those parties. Still on the social angle, we had several very successful Sorority exchange dinners with a little guitar entertainment by Fess. As winter closed in the boys got busy on the skating rink. The neighboring kids got into the act and used the rink after schoo•l, then later in the evening the brothers, pledges and dates took over. The
cia sweethearts got the Jeweled Pin. We took second place in the annual IFC sing with "Aura Lee," "We are All Good Brothers" and "Here's To Acacia." The sing took place the same weekend as our Parents Weekend. The parents had an active weekend including the sing, various activities at the house, and staying in the house themselves Saturday night. The only regular part of fraternity life they missed was the water fights which regularly take place on our corner. Water bags from the roof and all that Jazz. To finish a great year here at Vermont the boys have taken several awards in the Honors Day program. Ralph Mathews was top man scholastically in his class, he also won the Alpha Zeta proficiency award. George Hatch and Lew Harvey were members of Alpha Zeta, George was also initiated into The Ethan Allen Rifles. Fletcher Foote won the Wirthmore 4-H prize. Tim Simpson became a member of the sophomore mens honorary, Gold Key, and Dan Mosman, the only three letter man on campus, received the Outing Club Ski Award.
WASHINGTON U.C.L.A. Acacians prove their singing ability by their mixed division award and the Sweepstakes Award.
mixture of bracing air, silver ice, beautiful girls and soft music topped off with a cup of hot chocolate made for some wonderful times and memorable evenings. Our pledge class this year numbered 19, bringing our membership to a new high of 50, and this May we initiated 6 new brothers. The pledges gave a very successful party, with tunnels, trumpets and tom toms. Our new Kake walkers (Al Ploof and Terry Evarts) turned in a sterling performance . . . no, on second thought it was more like Old Gold. And the balance of the weekend shone with a matching brilliance. With all the new pledges in assistance we got started on the spring project. This year to the great pleasure of our Austrian cook Anna Grund we completely remodeled the kitchen, enlarged and equipped it. Mmmm-dat southern fried chicken! Spring formal was the next highlight. It was held in an Inn on the shores of Lake Champlain, and under the full spring moon three Aca-
SUMMER, 1 960
By DAVID SCHUBERT Five new men were pledged to the Washington Chapter. New initiates whom we all welcome into the everlasting friendship of Acacia number five. During our help week the pledges with the able assistance of the actives put in a wooden fence which now encloses our basketball court. Don Hall, our ugly man, placed seventh in the annual ugly man contest while also representing us at JIFC. Henry Schatz ran for freshman class vice-president. Clarence Seeliger, our strong and able rush chairman was initiated into Pi Omicron Sigma along with Rom Smircich. Keith Hosapple, class of '60, besides receiving the scholarship improvement award, was initiated into Phi Beta Kappa and received a Douglas Scholarship. Congratulations Keith! The Army ROTC initiated Bob Doupe' into Pershing Rifles, who along with David Schubert went to the Rose Bowl and marched in the famed Husky Band. Also four men Jack Benedick, Kirk Quistorff, Dick Woods and Jim Benedick would like to thank the UCLA Chapter for
A Vermont Acacian d isplays this year's accomplishments along with an array of the past year or so too .
making their stay a pleasant one during the Rose Bowl. Thanks, Fellows. Sportswise we find the actives pinning the pledges down to a 12-6 football game and 65-64 in a real close basketball game. In the annual WSU football game we find a lovely skin in our Den 13-6. Ted Anderson Placed second in intramural badminton while our bowling team placed second in intramural bowling. Our annual "Nite On The Nile" was an overwhelming success with the able assistance of brother Miller as head of the art department. Guests were welcomed by an array of flaming torches outside the great tomb. Within the walls of paradise were powerful slaves and an enchanted pool with white flowers gently floating pushed by the soft spray of a fountain. Other dances included an Hawaiian Fireside, a Bum Dance, and a Clam Dig down at the ocean. May 7 was a very special one fo r us Acacians here at Washington as we celebrated 50 years of lasting brotherhood. A Dinner Dance was held at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle. Our principal speaker was Dr. Lawrence H. Snyder, President of the University of Hawaii. Other speakers were Harvey Amos of Los Angeles Acacia, National Vice President, and Roy Clark, Executive Sec.retary, of Evanston, Illinois. Our new house officers are Kirk D. Quistorff as Venerable Dean, Henry T. Schatz as Senio¡r Dean, Tom Dorsett as Secretary, Boyd V. Walther as treasurer, Don P . Hall as Junior Dean and Clarence Seeliger as Rush Chairman. 79
WISCONSIN By REG RUTHERFORD III Our greatest improvement this year is that we have saved our chapter from danger of ~xtinction. Our house has been refinanced with the help of our al':ll"llnus, Arthur L. May; and by constant hard rushing we have built up a healthy pledge class, pointing the way to a strong upswing in our fortunes. This semester we have pledged nine men. Next semester we hope to double our size and completely fill the chapter house. This spring we entered the University of Wisconsin's "Mock College Bowl," a new function here, which follows closely the rules of the well- known television show, but is run here as an elimination contest. We made a good showing, but lost to the Kappa Alpha Theta team after a hard- fought twenty minutes. However, our participation in the Bowl has had a very good effect on our scholarship and our interest in scholarship, so much so that' we expect soon to be contending for top scholarship honors on campus. The pledge party, a Hawaiian luau, was very successful. An excellent meal of ham, fresh coconut, etc., plus fresh whole pineapples for dessert, preceded an evening of hula dances (some quite impromptu) and mixed Hawaiian and Wisconsonian songs. The dress and decorations were also extremely good. The pledges deserve public congratulations for this party. Greeting each other here at the 50th Anniversary of the Washington Chapter are left to right National Vice President, Harvey Amos; Dr. 'Laurence H. Snyder, President of the University of Hawaii and an Acacian from the Oklahoma Chapter; and Venerable Dean Kirk Quistorff.
Our spring picnic was held in Vilas Park a couple of weeks ago; the baseball game, pledges vs. actives, was a bloody affair in which the pledges won by an uncomfortably large margin. We have one consolation, though; next spring they'll be on our side! This has been a very successful semester in general for Acacia at Wisconsin; our only real trophy is our chapter house, but that's a mighty important one. We look forward to a year in which we can devote our energies to winning other trophies, perhaps less important, but just as indicative of success.
WYOMING By SHERMAN DRAKE Last fall, a few of the men in the chapter decided that it might be nice to have a mascot to take to the football games and the fraternity functions. They finally decided upon getting a dog of some sort. One of the fellows knew where he could obtain a coon hound pup rather cheaply, and so after much discussion around the house, we finally decided to get the pup. Even before he arrived, his name was "Boomer." The Fraternity proudly accepted fourteen members into its Active Chapter. Mr. Harold M. Purcell and Mr. Alvin Peterson were also initiated as honorary members. The Chapter's annual "Night-onthe-Nile" costume ball was held March 19, 1960. Between the dinner and the dance a cocktail party was held for those wishing to attend.
The food, decorations, costumes, and band was outstanding and fun was had by all. The Spring Formal was held on April 29, 1960. The theme for the formal was "An Outdoor Patio in Italy." The award for outstanding Senior was given to Robert Gish, a Pharmacy major. Warren Pearson, an International Relations major, was awarded outstanding pledge. John Borders won third place in the annual University of Wyoming ugly man contest. John is the historian of the Fraternity. Doug Pinegar was elected Secretary of the Inter Fraternity Council. Douglas has been an active member of the Council for the last two years. Ted Lloyd, Bill Wheeler, Russel Johnson, Bob Melonuk, Gordon Saathoff, and Lyndon Bell won first place for the Fraternity in the snow shoe race, which is an event of the Outing Club's Winter Carnival. We came in first at the overall winter sports of the carnival. We also placed fourth in the snow sculpture. James Gallingher and Wayne Maybry, two of our outstanding pledges were elected to offices in Junior I.F.C. Jim was elected to the office of Secretary and Wayne was elected Vice-President. Wayne Maybry and James Hipsher, another pledge, are on the University of Wyoming Golf team. Terry Iversen, Senior Dean of the Fraternity, was an official delegate to the Second Annual Air Force Academy Assembly, which was held at the United States Air Force Base located at Colorado Springs, Colorado.
(C(YI1,tinued from Page 67) Washington Acacian proudly displays their trophies on his c.orvette.
11. Have your pledge trainer arrange for various professors to speak to the pledge class on such things as study habits, chapter financial responsibilities, leadership techniques, and other related topics. Organize the demands of your pledge training' policy in a mature manner, with the consideration that the training given to a student in a fraternity should be a valuable part-time adjunct to his university training and not his allconsuming activity. Consider, discuss, organize, and then be consistent in the handling of your modem pledge training program.
NATIONAL OFFICERS President-WILLIAM E. KRIEGER 1st National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Illinois First Vice-President-JOHN A. LUNSFORD 800 Grant Place, Boulder, Colorado Second Vice-President-HARVEY R. AMOS 4508 Hillard, La Canada, Calif. National Scholarship Chairman: L. W. KNAPP, JR. 604 Ronalds St., Iowa City, Iowa
Counselor-RAYMOND E. BIVERT 234 N. Duncan Street, Sttillwater, Oklahoma Treasurer-GEORGE F . PATTERSON , JR. 2624 Bremont Ave ., Cincinnati 13, Ohio Chairman Jurisprudence Committee-LEN SARTAIN 608 Fidelity Bank Bldg., Baton Rouge, La.
HEADQUARTERS STAFF Executive Secretary .. ..... .. .. . .. ... ....... . .. Roy C. Clark Ass't. Executive Secretary ........ ........ . Robert E. Jepson Traveling Secretaries ..... . ......................... . ........ Vernon L. Garrison, Norman C. Saatjian Office Manager ........................ Mrs . Audra B. Eikost
UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS-OFFICERS AND LOCATION OF CHAPTER HOUSES ACACIA ARIZONA-819 E. 3rd St., Tucson, Ariz., Venerable Dean Paul Slosser, Rush Chairman-Chapter Adviser-Darrel S . Metcalfe , 5811 E. 9th, Tucson, Ariz. ARKANSAS-340 Arkansas Ave., Fayetteville, Ark. Venerable D ean -Thomas H. Owens, Rush Chairman-Lester L. Schwarz, Ch a pter Adviser-Jim F. Harp, 326 W. Maple, Fayetteville, Ark. CALIFORNIA-2340 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley 4, Ca lif., Ven erable Dean-Warren S. Burkholder, Jr., Rush Chairm \\fm. G . Farris, Chapter Adviser-John H. Stauff, 31 Edgecroff Rd ., Berke ey 8, California. CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE--516 S. College, arrensb urg, Mo. , Venerable Dean-John O 'Bannon, Rush Chairman Willie Gaither, Chapter Adviser-Clarence R. Pearce, Rt. 5, Warrensburg, Mo. CINCINNATI-2617 University Ct., Cincinnati 19, Qhio. V enex:_a ble Dean-James A. Frost, Rush Chairman-Nick Tarch,_a, Chapter Adviser-Richard E. Keyes, 6303 Tyne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLORAD0-955 Broadway, Boulder, Colo. enerable Dean-Ja y 0 . Armstrong, Rush Chairman-James Irarker, Ch apter Adviser William A . Wilson, 1029 Arapahoe, owtle'r, Co'io. COLORADO STATE COLLEGE-1715 11th ~ve ., Greeley, Colo. Venerable Dean-Philip Page, .Rush Chairman-Robert Asmus, Chapter A-dviser-Noble Love, LaSalle, Colo. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY-1301 S . College, Ft. Collins, Colo. Venerable Dean-Dalva E. H ed!PJld, ftusp. Chairman- Leon ard Jones, Chapter Adviser-Edward J , Farmer, 515 W. Oak, Fort Collins, Colo. CORNELL-318 Highland Rd., Ithaca, N .Y . Venerable Dean-Preston W. Shimer, Rush Chairman-Peter Y. l;lanna, Chapter Adviser-Or. Edward C. Showacre, 301 Ithaca Rd., I tru@l, N-;y. FRANKLIN (Univ. of Pennsylvania)-3907 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Venerable Dean-Gordon E . Malick , ~usl;l Cha irm an-~obert J . Shank, Chapter Adviser-William R. H ocK:enberry, Dietricn Hall115, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. ILLINOIS-501 E. Daniel, Champaign, Ill. Venerable Dean-David L. Kuhn, Rush Chairman-Jerry Seyer, Chapter Adviser-George E. Ekblaw, 511 W. Ma-in St., Urbana, Ill. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN- 1303 N. Main St., Bloomington, Ill. Venerable Dean- Raymond F. Devery, Rush; Chairman-James D. Beebe, Chapter Adviser-Forrest Watt, 205 W . Graham , Bloomington, Ill. INDIANA-702 E. Third St., Bloomington, Ind. Venerable DeanMax Spaulding, Rush Chairman-Cal Kemp, Chapter Adviser-Tom E. Warring, 525 S . Jordan Ave ., Bloomington, Ind. IOWA-202 Ellis Ave., Iowa City, Iowa. Venerable Dean-Jerry Kracht, Rush Chairman-Dwight Finken , Chapter Adviser-L. W. Knapp, Jr., 604 Ronalds St. , Iowa City, [owa. IOWA STATE--142 Gray Ave., Ames, Iow a, V enerable Dean-Thomas Whitney, Rush Chairman-C. David Hilbu rn, Chapter Adviser-Or. Virgil Lagomarcino, 2130 Duff, Ames, Iow a. KANSAS-1225 Oread, Lavtrence. K ans. Ven erab le D ean-David Schnitker, Rush Chaifman- ichard Emanuel, Chapter Adv1ser. KANSAS STATE-2005 H unting, Manhattan, K ans. Venerable De an -Samuel G. Unger, R sh Chairman-H erschel R. Pickett, Chapter Adviser-Dallas L. N ~~s61 324 Valley, Manhattan, Kans . LONG BEACH STATE:-Lo~fi Beac , Calif. Venerable Dean-David Donald, Rush Chairm 11~-Brad Ayers, Ch apter Adv1ser- Earle RISdon, Jr., 7330 Allengrove, Downey, Calif. LOUISIANA STATE- Bo 8448, Baton Rouge 3, L a . Venerable Dean -Jerry Swint, Rush Cha· an-Bob Rob inson, Chapter Adviser Henri R. Herff, 955 Iris, Baton ouge, La. MIAMI-115 E. Church St., Ox ford, Ohio. Venerable Dean-David Glasgow, Rush Chairman-Dick G;urp Chapter Adviser-Harvey Miller, 323 W. Chestnut, Oxford. 0!ilo. MICIDGAN-1923 Geddes Ave., Ann Aroor, Mlch. Venera}lle D ean -Daniel R. Barr, Rush Chairma - ~Phillip Georger, Ch t er A dviser -Herbert P. Wagner, 8 Ridgeway, nn AI:):lor, Mich. MINNESOTA- 1206 Fifth St., S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. Vene ra b le Dean-Carl Bandt, Rush Chairman-Robert Doolen, Cha ter Advise -Larry Heesacker, 2404 Pleasant Ave ., S ., Minneapolis, Minn. MISSOURI-506 Rollins St., Columbia, Mo . Venerable D ean-John
L. fort, Rush Chairman-Daniel G . Follmer, Chapter Adviser-Or. . Bradley, 920 Sinnock, Moberly, Mo. l\;11S OURI SCHOOL OF MINES-508 W. 9th, Rolla, Mo. Venerable TI>ean- ilbert R. McKean, Rush Chairman-Arthur R. Kessler, )1apter dviser-Rolfe M . Rankin, 1606 N. Pine St., Rolla, Mo. B~ S ~10 North 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Venerable DeanRoland D , Rader, Rush Chairman-Gary G. Thompson, Chapter ~ dviser Keith Sawyers, 1736 Q St., Lincoln, Nebr. NEW HM1PSH RE-10-12 Mill Rd., Durham, N . Hamp. Venerable Dean-WP,~d L. Fuller, Rush Chairman-William S. Kimball, Chapt er A dviserter G. Willand, 122 Thaxter Rd., Portsmouth, N.H. NOltT~STE;RN-610 Lincoln St., Evanston, Ill. Venerable DeanDav id Zugscl}~~rdt, Rush Chairman-George Spoerl, Chapter Adv).ser-Roy C Clark, 6983 N. Clark St., Chicago 26, Ill .
OHI0-101 University Terrace, Athens, Ohio. Venerable Dean-Kent M. Organ Rush <1:hairman-Ronald W. Leaver, Chapter AdviserShe w od E. all J v., Tick Ridge, Rt. 5, Athens, Ohio. OHIO STATE- 0 E. 15th Ave. olumbus, Ohio. Venerable DeanFratik Berlin, R ush Chairman-Edward Dryer, Chapter AdviserG u y Crossley, 70 E . 15th Ave. Columbus, Ohio. OKLAHOMA-54L.Eim St., Norman, Okla . Venerable Dean-Blaine Smith, Jr., Rush Chairman- Edward )'l. Scribner, Chapter AdviserJ . B. Beaird , 516 Co\lege Ave. orman, Okla. OKLAHOMA STATE--1215 University Ave., Stillwater, Okla. Venera ble Dean-Bill Willey, 'Rush Chairman-Larry Barnes, Chapter Adviser-Raymond E ."Bivert, 234 Duncan, Stillwater, Okla. OREGON STATE-2857 Van Buren, Corvallis, Ore. Venerable Dean -Delbert R. Remington, R ush Chairman-Leonard W. Kearney, Chapter Adviser-Delmer M . Goode, 225 N. 31st St., Corvallis, Ore. PENN STATE-234 Locust L ane, State College, Pa. Venerable Dean -Edwin P . Kohler, II, Rush Chairman-Thomas L. Hamer, Chapter A dviser , Dr G . Kenneth Nelson, 501 Westview Ave., State College, Pa. PURDUE-608 Waldron St., West Lafayette, Ind. Venerable DeanArland T . Stein, Rush Chairman-James D . Ray, Chapter AdviserProf. Leonard Wood, 725 Allen, W. Lafayette, Ind. RENSSELAER-1932 Fifth A ve., Troy, N .Y. Venerable Dean-Roy T. Nersesian, Rush Chairman-George Duberstein, Chapter AdviserJohn R. Olmstead, 72 Excelsior Ave., Troy, N.Y . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA-SOl West 28th St., Los Angeles 7, Calif. Venerable Dean-Fred W. Woerner, Jr. , Rush Chairman-Richard Badalamente , Chapter Adv iser-James Lynn, 14642 Gandesa Rd ., LaMirdad, Calif. SYRACUSE-807 Walnut Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. Venerable Dean-Alec C. Davis, Rush Chairman-David M. Fulmer, Chapter AdviserRichard Schmutzler R. D. Camillus, N.Y. TEX AS- 2416 R io Grande St., Austin, Texas. Venerable DeanTravis R. Crawford, Rusn Chairman'-Steve Wilson Harris, Chapter Adviser-Har old \Vettig, 7808 Lazy Lane, Aust1n, Texas. UCLA-916 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles 24, C !if. Venerable DeanCharles R. Drummon d , R ush Chai:rman-John Rhoades, Chapter Adviser-Gerald D . Samuelson , 1048 shton , Los Angeles 24 , Calif. VERMONT--404 College St., Burlin on. Vermont, Venerable DeanJohn T. Ide, Rush Chairman-Neil Pelsue , Chapter Adviser- George Cronk, 204 .S. U nion St., Burlington, Vt. WASHINGTON-5004 17th Ave., Seattle 5. Wash., Venerable DeanKirk Quistorff, Rush Chairman-C1arence Seeliger, Chapter AdviserWm. R. Birks. 2827 21st A enue ., Seattle 99, Wash. WASHINGTON STATE--16()7 u by St., Pullman, Wash Venerable Dean-Walter Wind!J,S, R us Cha ' rman-Dennis Hill. Chapter Adviser-Rob e, t Lun dy, Brenner J\pt 4, Pullman , Wash. WI SCONSIN-112 Langdon St., Madison, Wis. Venerable DeanJ ames P. Sherz, Rush Chairman-James Dorrance , Chapter Adviser. WYOMING-812 University Ave., Laramie, Wyo. Venerable DeanWilliam L. Thompson. Rush Chairman-Gordon Saathoff, Chapter Adviser-Ray Morgan, 1706 Garfield, Laramie, Wyo.
H..,d.., Sharrah, John L. A 62 35 Ray Ave., Box 5q4
Mesa Hall, Kenneth M. KS 1% First State Bank of Arizona
H09ales Solomon, Gerald R. CSU 30 Box 61 Zuck, John Benson OS 81
Haaga, Donald L. IS 486 1028 E. Columbus St. LeMarr, Robert P. COLO 466 6841 Paradiso Pkwy. Sortor, Robert 0. A 3 6835 E. Earll Wolbert, Richard F. UCLA 106 &qoa E. Monterey Way Wright, John N. KS 318 4625 No. 70th Sl
S.clona Wetmore, Alvin V. Jr., K 458
Mt. Leommon Foster, Arthur L. CSU 12 Box 72 Patogonia Kolbe, Walter W. NW 168 Rail X Ranch
Phoenix Baily, Robert K. IN 132 c/o Shell Pkwy. Service S. Central & Base Line Rd. Betz, Carl R. NW 260 525 W. Vernon Bolen, William R. KS 41 514 N. Cypress Broderson, Henry E. 0 344 1440 E. Coronado Davis, David B. SC q3 2223 N. Evergreen Dresser, Wilder Lyle K 328 P. 0. Box %5 Efland, Philip H. OH 67 422H . Mitchell Farney, Vernon H. SY 2~ 100q W. Kaler Dr. Foster, Jonathan D. C 100 302 Central & Washington Blvd. Geyler, Ted Albert A 3q 13oq W. Washington St. Gill, Joe F . 10 121 1735 East Palm Lane Graham, James Rd. , Jr., COR 345 515 W. Harmon! Dr. Graham, LeRoy C. COLO 476 c/ o L. M. Cox, 1348 E. Missouri Gunder, LeRoy E. P 203 2435 E. Campbell St. Hogan, Bernhardt, MO 406 1807 E. Missouri Holmquist, Fred Nelson ILL 13 818 W. Indianola Lake, Joseph H. 10 112 1814 W. Van Buren St. Lamb, George N. N 111 4430 N. 25th St. Lautz, Walter G. P 392 1830 S. Central Linton, Clair S. IS 185 56 E. Palm Lane Logan, Hubert D. COLO 680 4042 W. Coronado Long, Hanry N. Jr, OHS 538 2827 W. Montebello Lucas, Raymond B. MO 145 57 W. Linger Lane Meister, William R. CSU 22 1200 W. South Mountain Ave. Morehouse, Max M. MO 103 3430 E. Oregon Nelson, Victor A. OS 221 General Electric Supply Nichols, Landon A 45 4247 E. Indian School Rd. Prohal, Charles J. KS 23q 1722 E. Almeria Rd. Prothero, William B. PS 247 2328 E. McDowell Rd. Smith, Bruce L . CSU 58 3610 E. Clarendon Stefanos, Steven, SC 1q5 4019 N. 32nd Pl. Stewart, William H. Ml 263 4610 N. 4th St. Tranmal, Dr. Henry, WIS 369 1Z3 W. Granada Vernon, Gayle L. I<S 373 4302 Calle Redonda Warkomski , James N. A 9 5228 North 15th St. Williams, Frank E. WIS 53 4127 E. Cambridge Wilson, Richard W. WY 46 3030 N. 53rd St. Youngberg, A. F. WIS 239 120 W. Oregon Ave. ScoHsdale Barnes, Bernard P. IN 548 6802 Avalon Dr., Apt. B. Greeb, Marvin E. CSU 74 &q12 E. Monterey Way
Sill, Robert W. IN 5247 E. 7th St. Steeple, Jack F. A 66 2726 Arroyo Chico Weber, Winton E. IS 422 1531 East Waverly SL Willins, Donald Curtis A 4 Catalina qo2 Zeller, Norman Rielly A Z3 219 E. lndi o St.
Wllliomo A. F. B. Mills, Aubrey F. A 76 P. 0. Box 1147
S.lls Ballam, George Alfred General Del . Tempe Buzzard, Charles E. 10 373 50q Margo Merrill, Archie S. CH 68 531 West 15th St. Milum, Richard A. OH 140 403 Roosevelt Sl
Thcrtcher Fahs, Rodney L . F 476 Box 357 Tucson
Allen, Albert A. IS 168 643 N. Erin Blvd. Berninger, Carl J. A 2q 324 N. 3rd Ave., Apt. 2 Biesemeyer, Baarent L . A 14 Route q, Box 806 Carter, Paul Milton, Jr., NW 241 4570 East 5th Sl Coulson, Allan R. A 75 713 E. Elm Denning, Merle A. A 7 44Z2 E . Bryn Mawr Rd. di Cosol a, Richard D. E. A 5q 75 Camino Miramonte El En canto Estates Evett, Arthur A. WS 72 Route 5, Box 828 Flanders, Howard R. NH 71 )q41 E. Broadway Franz, Stewart D. WIS 573 Route 8, Box 326 Gai lbrai th, Frederick W. H 314 University of Arizona Gillmore, George G. A 63 P. 0 . Box 5302 Glover, Olive Earl COLO 170 630 N. Martin Ave. Guthrie, Ralph R. A 13 317 North Park Ave. Harrington, Allan M. MIN 520 7001 E. Acoma Place lrskens, Tyge E . OHS 581 4137 Bryant Place Jones, Jeff Oavi s A 24 Box 1412 Kaser, Raymond V. ORS 225 112 E. 4th Sl, Apt. A Keahey, George J. A 64 3nq E. Whitier Sl Kuhns, Martin W. A 58 4408 S. liberty Lange, Robert E. WIS 395 4q10 E. Cooper Sl Laubscher, Bion L. A 22 4601 E. 1qth Laubscher, Oliver J. A 47 Route 8, Box 836 LeCain, James F. A 53 15 W. Grant Rd. Lytle, Joshua W. IN 243 721 N. 4th Ave. Marcoux, Heliodore Aime A 21 College of Engineering University of Arizona McConnico, William H. A 15 1200 E. Hampton Ct. Metcalfe, Darrel S. IS 455 5811 East 9th Muller, George Wendall IN 411 601 E. Seneca Parrish, Charles M, Jr. P 633 7025 Calle Denebele Perkin s, David Clarence A 28 3274 E. 24th St. Pflaum, Raymond J. A 65 2640 N. Richey Blvd. Philp, John L . A. 20 no Holly Place Robinette, 0 . G., Jr., A 5 1532 East Edison Rombach, Lionel England A 12 4018 E. Kilmer St. Settlemyer, George B. A 54 1434 East 8th St.
Landreth, James R. IN q1 1q 10 - 18th St.
ARKANSAS Araenal Treglown, Edward J., Jr, WY 71 Box 3627
Kellar, James B. AR 15
R. F. D. 2 Kerr, Frederick Laird NW 74 University of Arkansas Laner, Arthur J. AR % 231 E. Davidson Meriwether, Edward B. CH 180 1445 Cardwell Morris, Robert L . AR b7 521 Olive St. Murray, Howard Joseph 0 ~1 25 North Block Nyberg, Richard P. Ml 565 Route 4 Paddock, Russell G. P 14q 1400 Cleveland Ave. Richardson, David P. CH 259 524 Leverett Rouse, Fred Lawson AR 4 301 West South Shaddox, Charles R. AR 104 1305 N. Garlan~ Swartz, Delbert, AR 73 607 Razorback Rd. Swartz, James Albert, AR 73 607 Razorback Rd. Taylor, Albert W. AR 74 700 N. College Ave.
Fort Smith
Benton Brown, Noel E. AR 66 Route 2, Box 331
Barryville Jones, Jere J . AR 87 c/ o A. W. Squires, Route 4
Blytl.eville Crafton, Robert L. AR 21 1001 Spruce
Bradford McDougal, James B. AR 117 Box 92
C..ondon Adams, Ralph L. KS 326 P. 0 . Box 5805 Leath, Jack OS 156 Thatcher, Herbert K. MO 125 n3 Washington, S. W.
Beattie, George A., Ill, AR 75 415 North 22nd St. Blan, Ollie L., Jr., AR 37 4616 Jenny Lind Gray, Paul F. AR 86 2505 South 'M' Sl Hornberger, Evans z., Jr. N 37 Internal Medicine, 1660 Rogers McBride, Alston K. OS 151 1001 South 25th McBride, Alston K., Jr., OS 318 1001 S. 25th Sl Moore, Ferrell D. AR 56 3103 Spradling Owens, Thomas H. AR 100 211 N.22nd Stone Lawrence H. 0 50 602 South 23rd St. Suddreth, James H. AR 121 6001 Duncan Road Treat, Tommy F. AR 102 3306 So. 41
Carlisle Buckley, Harry E. AR 1 Zimmerman, Charles R. AR 20
Gouville McGuire, James M. AR 76 Route 1
Clarendon Morgan, William H., AR 95
Rutledge, Robert E. AR 101
Clarhvllre Griffith, Reynolds, AR 84 P. 0 . Box 1q3
Harriaon Brown, Carl H. AR qq P. 0 . Box 864 Case, Larry Roberts ON 136 Millard, Thomas T., Ill , AR 106 825 West Ridge Shillings, Paul Stevens 0 552 729 N. Vine St. Woodard, Nei II S. 0 3q7
Conway Adams, B. F., Jr., MO 397 1228 Davis St. Hart, John W. KS 346 Daisy
Williams, Claude P. LSU 30
Helena DeQueen Kimball , Gilbert L. MO 382
Cracraft, George Knox H 13q Solomon Bui Iding
• Hickory Ridge
Durrett, Charles E. OS 313 437 West Block
Greenwood, Edwin L . AR 52 Hagler, Curtis Rigney AR 23
Eudora Hobson, Wilber Noel Route 1
Hot Springo AR 43
Eureka Springs
Walters, Thomas Franklyn AR q Box 311
Fayetteville Alexander, George B. AR uq 456 W. Prospect Ball, E. J . AR 40
R. F. D. 4 Baxter, Leonard L. T 126 318 lla Blair, James B. AR 70 102 N. School Eubanks, Ralph T. AR 14 1520 Markham Rd. Flottman, Arnold Louis GW 243 Box 326 Harp, Jim F . AR 61 326 W. Maple Howard, Russell Monroe OS Box 303 Keith, Jesse E. AR 57 Route 1, Hwy. 45 East
Brown, Percy Jas. Carlyle IS 311 206 Richard St.
Hot Spring• Hcrtional Parte Warring, Lew, IN 234 213 Oakwood
liHie Rack Brown, Charles A . AR 11 46-5 I Sl , A-1 Dittrich, George R. IN 270 2824 N. Fillmore Dover, Darrell D. AR 54 1008 N. Polk Fisher, LeRoy T . 0 1&q 3413 4th Hightower, Collin J. AR 85 24 Fairmont Drive Hyde, David L . AR 80 1qu S. Taylor Jernigan, George E. AR q8 No. 2, Broadview Johnson, Allen E. AR 124 117 N. Cedar McCarthy, Charles E, Jr., AR qo 1214 Hendrix
McKinney, James R. AR 69 60 Glenmere Nut!, J . W. (Jack) AR 41 801 E. Markham St. Ritgerod, Henry A. , Jr., MD 449 3 Beckwood Schowengerdt, Paul F. MD 182 120 Normandy Rd. Shepherd, Joshua K. AR 126 2309 Beechwood Rd. Worsham, L. Gene AR 7 c/o Price, Howell & Worsham Rector Bui I ding Young, Jack, AR 36 29 Point O'Woods Molvem
Parker, John E. AR 125 706 Hot Springs Mountain Home
Broadston, J. A. CIN 56 Star Route Alomedo Billin, Robert L. C 532 2110 Santa Clara Ave, 111 Kendall, Richard W. C 328 1410 Everett St. Orem, Robert E. C 563 511 Haight Ave. Alomo Gibbs, Walter M, Jr., NW 311 70 Corwin Drive
Hawkins, Douglas Edward AR 34
Heworlc Alexander, John William MD 385
North Little Rock Kidder, Lee W. AR 25 932 Garland St. Owen, Wayne W. MD 398 3809 Ridgeroad Roten, Daniel D. AR 79 P. 0. Box 445 Roten, James W. AR 44 1915 W. 18th St. Porlts Goble, Joe Edward AR 8 Box 35 I
Pine BluH Come II , Chester W. AR 92 1306 W. 5th St. Prescott Mclelland, John M. KS 488 Route 1
Ballew, Thomas James 0 559 922 W. Walnut Grim, Hugh S. AR 97 511 W. Walnut
Rose Bud Maddox, John Edgar OS 272 Box 121 Russellville Amick, John S. K 43 Box 372 McCurry, John A. K 156 612 S. Commerce
Siloam Springs Coe, Charles Rodgers AR 64 Route 2, Box 33-B Coe, Howard S. AR 77 Route 2, Box 33-B Greene, Leslie M. AR 105 826 S. Mt. Olive Jameson, Roy R. AR 72 203 E. Harvard Jameson, Roy Robert AR 78 203 E. Harvard
Davis, Charles E. AR 16 511 Jefferson St. Johnson, Thurston L. K 199 Box 251 , Route 5 Lovell , Donald C. AR 6 321 S. Pleasant Lovell, Ulys. A. H 256 P. 0. Box 28 Oakes, David L. AR 94 Route 5, Box 24 Underhill, George, Jr., AR 26 Box 332
AI bony McNamee, Raymond W, Jr. , NW 476 517 Stannage Ave. (6) Rue, Arthur K. WY 85 1223 Brighton Ave. Alhombro Clements, Daniel S. SC 228 15 Halstead Circle Hine, Paul M. , Jr., LB 6 1821 Sierra Vista Kyhl, Manuel F. 10 103 2412 W. Alhambra Rd. Nassief, Phi lip, UCLA 56 1600 Sierra Vista Ave. Smothers, D. M. ILL 554 900 Novelda Rd. Altadena Allin, Ralph Walter C 234 1986 Midwick Drive Dow, Daniel G. Ml 541 531 Athens St. Hahn, Edwin Franklin, Jr. H 330 1987 Midwick Dr. Ihrig, Robert Lewi s SC 127 906 Alta Pine Ave. lmpey, Robert W. ILL 549 2270 Minrock Riise, Harold N. P 421 4311 E. Prieta Rd. Sims, Gregory K. C 520 127 Ventura St. Smith, Harry W., Jr. , MD 489 3331 N. Lake Ave . Stevens, David V. C 312 2110 N. Fair Oaks Warren, Clyde Kenyon, Jr. , SC 55 1838 Brae Bum Rd. Anaheim
Blair, William B. C 551 1006 Haron St. Forsch, Burdelle W. WY 100 909 N. Emily Kersten, Erwin H·. W. MIN 248 200 N. Palm Lyons, Robert Lawrence UCLA 94 8356 S. Gi Ibert Ave. Maus, Richard D. LSU 13 907 N. West St. Picard, Jack H. W 355 8822 Siesta St. Schneider, William G. SC 184 417 N. Janss St. Antioch
Ehrlich, Robert J. C 438 107 - 7th St. Harwood, Palmer J. WIS 460 146 Pleasant Place Parachini, Victor M. F 264 30 E. 15th St. Sani, Robert LeRoy C 491 6 Madill St. Sater, Kelley, C 481 1928 Wood I and Aptos Waugaman, Alvin L. C 198 6901 Freedom Blvd. Arcadia
Beauchamp, Houston W. 0 557 2310 Locust St. Hami I ton, Herman Lynn, Jr., AR 55 P. 0 . Box 327
West Fork Swett, Herbert B. AR 45 Rura I Route 2 MARCH, 1960
Bonsack, Robert A. P 706 1033 Sixth Ave. Brink, Jack R. ILL 600 815 Southview Rd., Apt. 7 Call, Lloyd L . WIS 1% 1770 Evisto Circle Carter, Arlington C. SC 10 443 Sharon Rd. Clinger, George C. PS 150 524 Columbia
Colliau, Edmond H., Jr., Ml537 2335 Ivyland Ave. Fraser, Donald E. SC 97 2550 Doolittle Frazier, Harry Edwin C 376 5347 Cochin Ave. Gartner, Fred Wm. ILL 402 1 N. Altura Kennedy, Wi IIi am George ILL 348 420 Los Altos Ave. Kingsley, Richard G. SC 191 1535 N. Santa Anita Palmisano, James V. Jr., SC 210 624 Rosemarie Platner, Eldon, COLO 275 926 - 5th Ave., S. W. Arcota
Ten Eyck, Roswell A. DRS 141 c/o Western Timber Services Arcata Hotel Bldg. Artesia Arrington, James A. SC 172 19203 Bechard Ave. Associated Edwards, Thomas 0 ., Jr. , C 160 Atherton
Pearce, Homer U. Ml 93 30 Frederick Ave. , Menlo Park
Hall , George Henry MD 221 Box 42
Au bum Peck, Joseph H. , Jr. , MD 488 Route 1, Box 1295 Azusa
Maxwell, James W. UCLA 170 1024 Old Mill Rd. Morgan, Donald R. SC 7 18217 Orkney Ave. Robson, Carl D. ILL 41 17903 E. Sierra Madre Ave.
Bakersfield Blodget, Claude R. S 35 2000 Baker St. Boeke, Robert H. SC 29 6503 Mt. Whitney Frazee, Walter L . SC 217 2814 San Emidio St. Kellogg, Jerry G. C 510 2825 Palm Kellogg, Richard E. C 509 2825 Palm Oliver, John A. 0 325 3308 Laurel Dr. Parker, Edward D. 0 533 2212 Shamrock Way Reed, Walter E. C 550 1123 Beale Ave. Balboa Greenwood, Dr. Westwall COL 183 521 W. Bay Baldwin Pork Lu cas, Daniel Broox, Jr., SC 139 3271 Frazier · Bellflower Chapman, Craig Bartlett K 690 16334 S. Comuta Chapman, John H. K 297 16334 Comuta Hartjen, Harold J. SY 67 9075 Palm Holm, Jerry LeRoy UCLA 118 14618 Clark St. Bell Gardens Hodges, Everett L. SC 152 6853 Darwell Ave. Belmont
Ratcliff, Ralph Anderson P 351 1300 Sunnyslope Ave., Box 543 Rotchy, Marcel E. C 201 379 South Rd. Wagner, Richard, Jr., NW 417 1938 Oak Knoll Dr. Belvedere
Levison, Th omas S. COLO 656 322 San Rafael Ave.
Belveder• Tiburon Jollymour, Arthur P., Jr., C 445 22 Claire Way
Simpson, J. Calvin Ml 508 107 Blackfield Dr.
Berkeley Askins, Arthur Lee UCLA 137 Rm. 400, c/o Int. House University of California Ayer, Mason W. C 289 47 Northhampton Ave. Ayer, Milo C. C 189 47 Northhampton Ave. Bailey, John Emil C 90 235 Southampton Bartells, George C. ILL 60 2956 Shasta Rd. (8) Beeson, Allan W. C 479 17 Highland Blvd. (7) Brown, Earl D. S 70 54 Colorado Ave. (7) Clark, Reece Robert Jr., C 404 981 Creston Rd. Coffman, John D. COR 16 1759 Spruce Sl Cook, Albert B. P 249 817 Alvarado Rd. (5) Daly, Arthur Burton C 41 2451 Ashby Ave. Duttle, Robert Frank C 305 1016 Cragmont Ave. (8) Dwelley, Bruce G. C 326 2637 Hillegass Ave.(4) Ellis, David A. C 436 1031 Merced Finl ey, Dozier, C 62 2725 Ashby Ave. Fox, Carl Henry C 61 616 The Alameda Friend, Hubert E. C 357 2323 Bowditch, Apt. 1 Fulrath, Richard M. ILL 662 1415 Grizzly Peak Blvd. (8) Garcia, Venancio A. C. 521 3133 College Ave. (5) Gitchell, Gilbert 0 . C 522 90 Stratford Rd. (7) Gitchell , Gregory A. C. 525 90 Stratford Rd . (7) Hamilton, L . Seaver C 140 748 The Alameda Hay, Dr. Richard L. NW 362 c/ o Geology Dept. University of California Hiller, Herman F., Jr. , C54 2840 Russell St. Hoopes, John A. C. 516 2322 Haste St. (4) Huss, Ethan B. C 505 571 Santa Barbara Rd. Jacka, Samuel C. Ml 215 1065 Creston Rd. Knight, Thomas Lincoln C 153 3033 Colby Ave. Kunsman, Chari es H. C 144 781 Santa Barbara Rd. Lee, Nevi lie C. C 369 128 Vicente Rd. Martin, Edward A. C 156 Bank of America Bldg. McMillan, Charles A. C 263 822 Oxford St. Melvin, Byron E. ILL 381 1850 Arch St., Apt. 4 (9) Mengshol, John G. C 512 678 Santa Rosa (7) Moore, Carlisle M. C 349 50 Rock Lane (8) Myer, Arthur Henry S 75 25 El Camino Real (5) Nelson, David H. SY 355 c/o 0 . S. Hahn, 2316 Eunice St. Patty, Frank A. DRS 3 77 4 Spru ce St. Phillips, Carl David C 203 880 Regal Rd. Porter, Jesse Cartlege ILL 319 455 Boynton Ave. (7) Price, Ward F. C 207 1028 Mariposa Ave. Rank, Kenneth M. W 266 1644 Ed ith St. (3) Rinta, Ronald llmar C 492 1704 Eola St. (3) Ryberg, John R. C 486 583 Vincente Ave. Sampson, Arthur W. N 33 1757 Oxford Samson, S. Allen C 442 2340 Piedmont Ave. (4) Shuman, John Franklin H 22 250 The Uplands Stauff, John H. UCLA 8 31 Edgecroft Rd . (7) Talley, L . Raynor UCLA 112 51 Maryland Ave. (7) DIRECTORY PACE 3
Thomas, Cecil W. C 383 882 Arlington Ave. Thomas, Robert Emory C 347 1&35 Grove Sl Tippett. Roscoe Brenton C 3n 2348 Marin Ave. Vaughan, Ray Cass C 22 1182 Colusa Sl Weber, Adolph G. C 92 2829 Hillegass Ave. Wood, Frederick B. S &3 2209 Vine Sl Woodruff, Robert James MIN 442 118 El Camino Real (5) Woodruff, Merrill Flautt MIN 230 1458 Scenic Ave. (8)
B..,o<ly Hills Baldwin, Frank L., II, K 593 141 A So. Crescent Dr. Blackmer, James David SC 122 3&7 S. Cresent Ave. Edwards, William D. C 302 1438 San Ysioro Jacka, Edwin B. P 44 8737 Clifton Way Kittell, Elmer F. KS 13 9441 Cherokee Lane Lynn, William M. UCLA 45 245 S. Clark Dr. MacGregor, Ford Herbert WIS 8& 204 S. Peck Dr. Rible, Ulysses Floyd F 322 1221 Coldwater Swanton, Charles L. C. 135 &2& N. Bedford Dr. Zimmerman, Reed CH 1&7 448 S. Rexford Dr.
Christian, Lawrence N. DRS 134 85&9 Vassar Ave. Deter, Robert N. UCLA 24 22309 Baltar Sl Dillon, Jack C. ON 12& 2293& Blythe Fugate, Leonard H. C 392 22410 Lull Sl Larsen, Axel M. COR 181 2030& Enadia Way Lawrence, Donald C. W 41& 7721 Sale Ave. Montgomery, Robert H. C 443 22308 Strathern
Carmel Bishop, Hiram N., Jr. C 274 P. 0 . Box 24& Cannlchaol Gracey, James E. C 485 5332 Engle Road Grimshaw, Robert J. C 378 &550 Pinecrest Hankins, Ronald A. COLO 541 311& Terry Way Kidder, James R. C 451 5&48 Kenneth Ave. Martinson, Theodore V. C 397 &424 Stanley Ave. Carpinteria
Brown, Henry McLauren KS 235
Castro Valley Patrick, George C. ON 79 4327 Circle Ave.
Blythe Rector, Jim Christopher A &1 170 N. Ash St.
Bonita Greife, John L. C 493 P. D. Box 74
Chico Crawford, Lawrence T. C 242 Chico State College Hepplewhite, James G. COLO 15& 314 Salem Robson, Frederick T . C 47 45& East 8th St.
Bo"090 Spring• Furlong, William R., Jr. , SC 20& P. 0. Box 219
Bradbury Danner, Arthur S. SC 1% 145& E. Lemon Ave. Brot~twood
Pomeroy, Irwin Brent C 472 Route 2, Box 209 Prewett, Edward A. C 323 Route 2, Box 730
Buena Podt Davis, James Howard IS 489 &255 San Ramon Fischer, Dave, SC &1 &350 San Rufo Circle McColloch, C. William SC 74 5785 Los Molinas Dr.
Burbank Boid, Ralph J. CH 190 249 E. Valencia Clabaugh, Robert G. DRS 205 &48 Rosemary Lane Lundstrom, John W. UCLA 95 1310 Oak St. Speer, Richard C. COLO &14 1408 Buena Vista
Von Gremp, Walter W., Jr. MO 193 9501 Penfield
China Loko Shumway, Kenneth G. WIS 39& 402·A Forrestal St. Chula Vista Day, Richard John C 478 279 J Street Gove, James F . C 533 30 E. Street Graves, James B. UCLA 141 1332 Hilltop Guthrie, Charles S. 0 12& 83 K St. Polan, Robert J. WIS 431 &&0 • 2nd Ave. Skinner, Morgan E. WIS 322 709 Third Ave. Steiner, Richard J. SC 154 P. 0 . Box514 Tharp, Lt. JG Douglas B. PS 47& &52 Orange St. Vanderveen, J . T. C 498 399 ' G' St.
Fox, Daniel Scott COR 71 1390 ViaZurito
c-..Aibinger, Donald E. LB 25 4533 E. Arlington Brenchley, Robert Roy SC 59 304 West Elm Sl
Concord Boissonou, Joseph C. C 240 P. 0 . Box 2&9 Brown, Marvin W. E 1 14841 Coventry Rd. Bowes, Edward Wm. C 307 1578 Shirley Grove Garrels, Charles 0. C 208 1&33 Kirkes Pass Rd. Johnson, Daryl L. UCLA 52 272 Schofield Ct. Lindsey, Alan Morrison DRS 204 2973 Knoll Drive McDonald, George Thomas C 379 4404 Clayton Rd. Nutting, Noel C. K 283 1887 Galendo St. Robson, George L;, Jr., C 3&1 1237 Craig Dr. Settles, Fred L. ILL 4&8 2719 Kay Ave. West, Carl, Jr., IS 328 5570 Pinehollow Rd. Williams, Kirby A. MO 30& 500 Cowell Rd. Yeaman, Martin D. C 350 3242 Moretti Dr. Corona Schoenherr, Allan A. SC 180 1010 W. Ontario Sl
Corona del Mar Wilson, Harold E. ILL 33& 3135 Bayside Dr.
Coronado King, Herbert J. WY 59 329 I Ave. (18) Richardson, W. E., Jr., COLO 1&8 7&1 B Ave. Corte Madera
Foster, Frederick 0., Jr., C 470 38 Pacific Queen Passage Johnson, John W. C 45& 13& Crescent Dr.
Costa Mesa Boies, Glynn G. SC 58 22Q- V4 Avacado Sl Reid, Robert H. Ml 454 297 Bowling Green Covino Brewer Claude H. ILL 85 227 N. Larkin Dr. Elliott, Chester Merton C 37 19851 E. Oak Canyon Rd. Fowler, Allan R. O 573 531 Bridges St. Jeffs, Wallace E. SC 22 3759 N. Monte Vista Jones, Harry D. SC 207 1837 E. Workman St. Linsenbard, William E. C 458 521 W. Front Sl Ralph, Lincoln B. CIN 10& 251 Cypress Tiedge, William C. P 597 3&29 Shadyglen Dr. c,.scet~t
Kindig, Everett K. KS 145 704 Vernon Way Korsgren, William W. OHS 5&0 1727 Marco Poloway, Apt. 18 Vedder, Murman L. C 42& 32& Clarendon Wilkins, Edmund Earl, Jr., C 420 835 Acacia Dr.
Caoopboll Clement, Leon 0 . SY 52 1134 E. Campbell Ave. Gregory, William E. KS 192 155 Bland Ave. Olsen, Lesli e R. MIN 188 81& Patio Dr. Canoga Porlt Allen, William A. MIN 518 20512 Londelius Angle, Stacy L . NW 413 21052 Lanark St. Benson, Robert C. UCLA 1& 21520 Sherman Way DIRECTORY PAGE 4
Clio Folsom, Leon T . C 253 P. 0 . Box llO Clovis Bell , John R. C 322 308& E. Behymer
Coachella Jarstad, Irving C. COR 221 P. 0 . Box 803 Shumway, Howard Paine, Jr. N 15& Coalinga
Piper, A. t.acey C 282 Tidewater Assn . Oil Co. Weeth, Waldo Watson C 218 Box 482
Colton Owen, John C. UCLA 50 c/o Mrs. A. Owen, 319 E. 'C' St Rogers, Percy G. C 558 122 West D St.
City Brunk, Pearl A. C 1&9 475 H Sl
Crows landing
James, William Harold C 1&4
Culvo< City Juenger, William D. SC 71 10814 Molony Rd. Linsley, Robert Arthur UCLA 27 5231 Dobson Way
Dtrtla Devoe, Robert Clark WS 28 513 Russell Blvd.
Bendel, Roland C 59 33948 • lOth Sl
O.aert Hot Springs Addington, John M. COLO 19& Box 18& Downey
Culbertson, Claude D. SC 123 122&5 Woodruff Risdon, Earle W. SC 25 7330 Allengrove Schwein, Ralph Edwin COLO 599 10003 Pomering Rd. D.n&Muir
Mattern, Adelbert F. C 40 c/o J. H. Mattern %1 Florence Ave. Mattern, John H. C 39 9&1 Florence Ave.
Eoglo Rock Mann, Walter Louis H 107 471& College View Dr. Wright, George C. P 128 1370 Frackelton Pl. Eaat Bokorsflold Williams, Stanley Edward 0 380 92& E. Nile Eoot Pooadona Briggs, Earl Clayton Ml 3&0 3&10 Blanche Sl El Cajon Stamback, Donald H. KS 334 224 N. Lane Steiner, Fred A. T 304 519 Verdin St. Walz, Clarence M. MIN 244 385 Pepper Dr.
El Contra Dizney, James B. SC 34 12&7 Sandalwood El Co<Yita Houston, David Fairchild GW 8 223 Behrens Jones, David Price C 489 821 Pomona Ave. Schaal, Raymond E. C 511 224 Carmel Ave. El Segundo Combs, Robert E. P &&b 1208 E. Acacia Ave. Fullerton, Robert C. UCLA 17 718 Bayonne Sl Kelso, Lee W., Jr., UCLA 4 125 W. Oak EmOfJYIIIo Righter, George Lutis S 78 Emery Junior-Senior High School Encino Follette, Norman B. UCLA 11& 174&2 Ventura Blvd. Johnson, Morris C. SC 49 5122 Gaviota Ave. White, James 0., Jr., NW 275 4727 Balboa Ave.
Escondido Rolck, Charles R. UCLA 35 309 South Maple Hefner, Robert A. UCLA 25 309 S. Maple St. Malone, Edward C. SC 1&2 Route 5, Box 295 Eureka
Olson, John C. ORS 144 1845 Longview Rd.
Daly City Tubbs, Richard S. LB 1 215 Park Plaza Dr.
D.... m.
Forsyth, John C. IN 329 P. 0. Box 358 Reite, Martin L. C 502 345 Glendora Circle Tromp, Lewis Arthur DRS 51 High School, Box 91 Warr, Chester C. C 1&& 22 Tayon Terrace
Davis, Harry H. C
Alstrom, Alfred J. C 250 383 Cascade Or. Vail, Rufus J . COR 370 5 Pine Drive
FairOab Sagehorn, Ernest H. C 228 5004 Illinois Ave.
Aldridge, GeorgeM. GW 260 1504 Garfield Sl
F...-a Lawrence, Edward C. COLO 237 8550 Palmetto
Fartuna Rickey, R. Ray DRS 130 607 Main Sl
f,._nt Pimentel, Jack A. DRS 147 155 Stonewood
Fresno Barton, Leo Harrison C 132 1939 Fresno St. Berdahl, Arthur C. 10 321 Fresno State College Dick, William B., 0, 0 . S. C 265 7940 W. Herndon Green, Wilfred M. ILL 697 1142 W. Indianapolis (5l Harris, Paul H. 0 353 717 Fairmont Hellerich, George W. DRS 2 4313 N. Fruit Ave. Martin, George W. C 339 2147 N. Jackson (3) Olson, Richard L. C 435 546 E. Garland Plock, Marvin, N 431 1017 W. Fairmont Rowe, Ted E. C 316 4778 E. Terrace Stouffer, John F . WS 90 4904 N. Oi ana Walker, William J . C 466 1008 Sierra Madre Walton, Strother P. C 124 P. 0. Box 1625 Ware, Charles Stevens C 246 547 Lansing Weinberger, Donald N. C 508 2021 S. Peach Ave. Fullerton Chapman, Charles S. Y 43 Box 391 Hallowell , Dennis F., Jr. , C 360 1337 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Hartman, George L . SC 106 1565 Johnston Knoll Hartman, Harley A. SC 107 1565 Johnston Knoll Hartman, John W. SC 186 1565 Johnston Knoll Hathaway, Bert K. UCLA 15 605 N. Hale Ave. Hawkins, Alvin 0. C 444 130 W. Whiting, Apt. 0 Hebden, Marcelles J . Ml 442 719 Paseo Place Moore, Carl A. , Jr., COLO 333 3307 Sunnywood Dr. Purdy, Sheldon P. COLO 24 227 N. Florence
·Allen, William J. 10 36 1905 Glenwood Rd. (1) Babb, Jerrell C. T 5 1639 Ben Lomond Dr. (2) Coggins, Clifford Edmond C 28 1013 Rosedale Ave. Coulter, Kenneth Robert UCLA 82 2111 E. Glenoaks Blvd. Erickson, John Michael S 84 1411 North Central Ave. Feutz, William Earnest NW 80 614 S. Central Ave. (4) Forkner, Clarence B. IN 184 1225 Highland Ave. (2) Koriagin, John B. UCLA 105 1534 Raymond (1) Murphey, Will B. UCLA 41 218 Thompson Ave. <ll Overman, Wallace Leroy N 216 2404 Hollister Terr. Pattrick, John Hezzie MD 110 934 N. Jackson St. (7l Pei la, Jimmie L. UCLA 81 1356 Hilda Stafford, Walter R. ILL 357 1711 Santa Paula Place Story, Richard J . C 539 1901 Cathy St. <81 Tozier, Roy B. 10 322 1332 Rossmoyne (7) Yaussi, Frank D. K 484 1288 Los Angeles St. (4) Gilman Hot Springs Alcozor, lzak WIS 39 P. 0. Box 523
Gott .. ille Freshour, Joseph, Jr., C 98 Siskiyou County
Granada Hills Canfield, Lyle D. OS 287 11615 Ostrom Cox, Donald H. UCLA 65 11211 Louise Denker, Russell E. A 19 10523 White Oak Ave. Green, John A. CIN 209 17040 Halsey St. Tice, Howard D. IS 512 16718 Simonds St. Wald, Richard D. PS 376 11022 Haskel l Ave.
Grass Valley Ingram, Robert Thomas C 191 319 South Church Stevens , Jan Stuart C 497 P. 0 . Box 653
Greenville Taylor, Fred M. KS 30
Reutter, Alan G. C 556 480 Sycamore Ave.
Bell , Albert E. SC 38 241 E. Olive St. Drummond, Harry M. 10 162 2728 144th Metfessel , Dr. Newlon S. SC 41 2911 W. 141st St. Morris, Robert A . UCLA 187 14914 Denker Ave. Trost, Jack E. UCLA 67 13804 S. Casimir Ave.
Garden Grove Butterfield, Wallace D. SC 9 12051 Jennifer Lane Canfield, Grant W. SC 44 9631 Royal Palm Blvd. Gary, Kenneth E. LB 30 12922 Valencia Way Jordan, Donald Smith KS 52 9462 Central Ave.
Locke, John G. SC 35 3150 N. San Gabriel
Gilroy Goodwin, Donald, C 333 14 S. Forest St. Gormly, Horace J . C 507 42 Doudy Sl Long, Harold Boyd C 410 145 N. Carmel
MARCH, 1960
White, Jerry T . SC 212 . 1915 Short Dr.
Hawthame Cro ss, Richard B. OHS 477 5003 West 132nd Sl Thomsen, John E. UCLA 160 3700 West 118th St.
Highland Kind, Robert E. KS 398 6998 Victoria Ave.
Lafayette Hollister Maier, Richard G. IS 318 428 College
Hollywood Campbell, Fred Z. WS 22 1117 N. Beachwood Dr. Clements, Thomas, SC 1 2171 Vista Del Mar Ave. Connors, Ru ssel l T . , Jr., C 390 1845 N. Gramercy Pl. Crum, Donald W. UCLA 148 7605 Lexington (46) Loftsgordon, Henry A. WIS 59 1429 N. Hobart Malcolm, George A. Ml 7 4947 Marathon Sl Parker, Warren R. Ml 303 1321 N. Hayworth Ave. (46) Quinn, Philip J. SC 163 1259 N. Genessee Schroeder, Charles I. SC 117 6446 Lexington (28) Val ken burg, George V . SY 342 1929 N. Whitley Ave.
Cook, Kenneth, CSC 35 2582 Erski ne Lan e Green, Floyd L . WS 73 26990 Jennings Way Scott, Robert W. C 513 19632 Camden Ave.
Healdsburg McCutchan, Thoma s Oliver C 401 Route 2, Box 74 McCutchan, William A. , Jr. C 338 Route 2, Bo x 7 4 Hemet
Clark, Cecil S. COLO 58 Route 1, Box 424 Larimer, John T . C 487 Route 3, Box 122 Hennoaa Beach Oberg, Philip W. ILL 215 802 Hermosa Ave. Rose, Earl W. , Jr. , UCLA 103 1029 • 7th St.
Ayer, Paul E. C 226 3792 Happy Valley Rd. Jacques, John Reade C 224 838 Moraga Rd. Williams, Leicester H. C 154 1140 Vallecito Ct. Wilson, Donald J. W 327 3552 Silver Springs Rd.
Laguna Beach Bartlett, Edgar J. WIS 399 790 Summit Dr. Blodget, Rush Maxwell S 16 250 N. Coast Blvd.
La Habra Fuqua, Warren F. NW 481 741 El Rancho Dr. Herberts, Herbert L . Y 141 240 Rigsby St. McClure, Robert SC 160 1521 Greenview Dr. Swisher, Donald Prevost W 458 1861 N. Cypress Sl Wolcott, Douglas C. C 433 1394 Mayapan Rd.
Hap land Matthews, Arthur P. C 190 Box 365 Huntington Pork James W. Hall , SC 134 6935 Benson St. Robinson, Pierce H. Ml 244 7023 T-empleton Sl Smith, Leslie Raymond Y 223 Huntington Park Christian Church Stockton, Kapp Leonard P 55 6914 Malavar St. Wi I son, Donald R. LB 26 6321 Gentry St. Woods, Robert Glen COLO 158 3102 E. Grand Ave.
La Jolla Farris, David A. IN 463 Box 271 Freund, Herbert E. IS 81 8040 Girard Ave., Apt. Huddell, George U. F 328 8835 Robinhood Lane Langford, Cecil T. 0 36 5646 Chelsea Russell, Lloyd E. K 36 348 Vista de Ia Playa
Lakeport Fo x, Philip Benton S 76
R. F. D. Lalr:ewood
Imperial Beach Searle, Richard H. K 620 307 Coronado Ave. , Apt. D. Inglewood Bloch, Joseph S. SC 57 718 S. Flower St, Apt. 5 (1) Davi s, ·Harold E. UCLA 154 539 W. Kelso Sl (1) Hedde, James D. P 696 815 Flora Dr., Apt. 5 Hook, Joseph F . UCLA 5 11828 S. Atkin son Ave. (4) lehl , Ronald E. UCLA 155 323 W. Buck thorne St. (1) Lawyer, Richard Earl C 461 514 Short St. Lokka, Lloyd M. UCLA 39 Bo x 4123 McCracken, RobertS . IN 352 11847 S. Daphane Ralles, Homer, IS 357 10224 Third Ave. Chapman, Sargent C 210 729 Corey Drive Silver, Roy Anthony SC 118 9627 Laraway Ave. Wilbern, Ray J . IN 119 10110 Woodworth, Apt. 3 Joclcson
Sap in, Danny P. SC 147 Box 44
Ryan, Martin H. C 372 Amador Co., P. 0 . Bo x 1087
Dickerson, Ronald J . LB 12 5118 Klondike Ave. ' Fleeger, Kenneth 0. LB 3 5101 Verdura Ave. Varn er, Dan E. LB 46 4413 Briercrest Ave. 011 Warner, Rex E. SC 88 3207 Silva
La Meso Heuer, John A. ILL 736 8060 Carlette Jolliffa, Carl L. K 210 P. 0. Box 18 Ketcham, Dr. James S. IN 386 3973 Apore White, John Heald NW 161 Box 295
La Mirada Davi s, Howard D. SC 224 14828 S. Springford Dr. Davis, Robert H. SC 36 13939 Elmbrook Hoerr, Ros s C. UCLA 89 14905 Gardenhill Lindgren, John S. SC 85 • 14302 Manecita Dr. L ynn, James F . SC 31 14642 Gandesa Rd . Simon, Robert L . ILL 722 15103 Manzanares Williams, Thomas G. SC 90 15022 Stan leaf
Burroughs, Ernest C. C 319 La Canada Amos, Harvey R. SC 11 4508 Hillard Ave. Barton, Giles Eugene CIN 63 905 Milmada Chambers, John C. A 60 375 Santa Inez Way Clemens, Wil li am E. SC 45 4835 Oakwood Ave. Wiese, Albert H. IS 351 5178 Castle Rd.
La Crescenta Bonde, Clifford W. MIN 273 2914 Los Olivos Lan e Felten, Howand A. WIS 310 2421 Harmony Place Grimes, Wayne Cusick MD 289 4485 Sharon Ave.
Lancaster Lawrence, Dr. Gerald OHS 44 Box 14 Rough, John, Jr., Ml 172 1634 E. Lancaster Blvd. La Puente Barbour, Leo H. Ml 502 14618 Fai rbury St. Fillipi , Joseph A. N 195 506 S. 3rd Ave. Hurley, Thomas E. SC 63 824 • 3rd Ave. McAioney, Howard G. SC 73 960 S. Latchford Ave. Scheerer, Wi IIi am G. SY 384 103 S. Hambiedon Ave. Lemon Grove
Lillie, Dr. T . W. IN 420 3262 Main DIRECTORY PAGE 5
Lemoore Brock, Donald T. UCLA 108 &19 C St. Pratt, Benjamin H. C 95 Timm, Lorence L. C S&O 105 Cambridge Dr.
Ll•..... Houston, Ralph G. C 13& Route 1, Box 22& Ll•ennore Linkous, Bruce E. OR 1&8 P. 0. Box 925 Marion, John E. UCLA 75 957 Harvard Way Taylor, Charles J., Jr., ILL 539 1237 Cornell Way
Lodl Crescenzi, Emil J., Jr. , COLO &4& Route 2, Box 192 Dow, Carroll E. VIS 43 Route 3, Box 254 Mills, Everts F. C &3 Route 2, Bo x 499 Lomo Lindo Lambert, Billy L . P &53 24&79 Alamitos Lomita Czarnecki, John C 423 2054 W. Guyson Well, William ''· UCLA 1&5 Box 111 Long Beach Andrews, James F. SC 188 350 Poppy Sl (5) Askins, Arthur L. UCLA 137 147 St. Joseph Ave. (3) Baker, Richard G. UCLA 71 485 West 31st St. <&> Batchelor, James K. LB 4 420 ~ East First St. Benson, Philip A. UCLA 142 4&7 W. 25th St. <&> Benson, Paul L . UCLA 144 4b 7 West 25th St. (b) Brooks, John W. C 255 4047 Long Beach Blvd. (7) Brol'm, Larry J. SC 202 1822 Poppy St. (5) Cole, Major Bryan T. 0 312 5400 El Jordin (15) Cordes, Wallace J. E. LB 18 5451 El Jardin St. Cowan, James R. CH 79 3&5 Carroll Park (14) Daniels, Donald L. SC 4& 2121 Faust Ave. Drummond, Wesley C. 10 251 3812 linden Ave. (7) Evans, George C. W 378 3459 Lemon Fairly, Ronald R. SC 205 1&55 Poppy St. Fay, Vernon M. MO 323 Box 1051 (1) Ferrette, Roy J. ILL 597 2751 Faust (15) Fi sher, Thomas Russell MO 4&7 2857 Monogram Ave. (4) Hall , Ross Emerson H 10'1 150 Roswell Ave. Hennes, Delbert P. W 84 33& Roswell Herendeen, Frank N. LB 20 27&0 Chestnut Ave. Hoffman, Dr. Robert L. LB 1& 332& Kallin Ave. Holt, Lewi s P. CH 177 Pacific Coast Club 850 E. Ocean Dr.(2) Hopkins, Henry C. SC 153 &748 Almada St. (15) Houston, Oscar E. MO 10'1 42& Ocean Center Bldg.(2) Hughes, James C. A 43 731 E. 4&th St. (7) Johnson, Dr. Richard M. K 243 257 Sl Joseph Ave. (3) Kinsey, Leon B. ILL 1& Cooper Anms, 455 E. Ocean Blvd (2) Lake, George R. T 184 4532 Peppei"Mlld Ave. (8) Laverrng, Glenn E. UCLA 20 1118 E. 45th Way (7) lowe, J . Max Schottman C 182 421 East 4th St. (12) Lyders, Kenneth D. SC 110 &53 Prospect Ave. Mahannah, Lester D. 10 183 529 E. lOth St. DIRECTORY PAGE 6
Martin, Wayne C. 10 1&1 2005 Oregon Ave. Mays, John Stanley UCLA 73 &738 Gardenia Ave. (5) McCumber, Harry L, Jr. , LB 43 11&2 Ocean Blvd. Mclane, Labazure Frank MIN 4&& 4447 Charlemagne (8) Miller, James E. ILL 5&3 2207 Ocana Ave.< 15) Millsap, Dr. Kenneth F. LB 53 207 ~ Ximeno Ave. (3) Moore, Henry Virginius ILL 518 3723 Lewis Ave. (7) Murdock, James A. LB 31 2&5 Tivoli Drive Nix, Harvey W., Jr., WIS 583 348 Junipero Ave. (14) Noel, Burton A. LB 44 4025 Via Solano Palo s Verdes Estates Padget, Gerald E. LB 35 2549 Eucalypl!Js (b) Piper, Willis M. C 524 814 Heartwell Bldg. , C-o Beeks Porter, Richard E. LB 5 1154 San Antonio Dr. m Reed, Joseph F. LB 7 lObl E. Market St. (5) Robertson, Kenton Stephen SC 14& 231 The Toledo (3) Robinson, Thomas W. LB 32 2342 San Francisco Ave. Romig, Richard A. COLO 427 &110 Oakbrook (15) Saatj ian, Nonman C. LB 37 1431 Linden Ave. Sprague, James A. LB 15 121 La Veme Ave. (3) Steuer, Klaus-Peter R. LB 23 4323 E. 4th St. <l4l Stevens, Charles A. , Jr. , LB 54 3801 Gardenia Ave. (7) Swope, Charles A. C 177 &75 Havana Ave. (14) Tansley, John A. LB 38 3939 E. 3rd St. <l4l Tate, Walter A. SC 102 5333 Eagle St. (15) Taylor, Calvin Hill N 54 324 Miramar Ave. Temple, LaVern 0 . IS 327 &09 W. Wardlow Rd. <&> Troutman, Joseph C. LB 41 3227 Delta Ave. Webber, Craig E. ILL 289 500 Orange Ave., Apt. b Wilson, James N. LB 8 4b20 Arbor Road (8) Los Alamitos Berge, Douglas SC 189 3142 Walker Lee Dr. Best, Robert E. CIN 143 1134& Baskervi lle Rd. Los Altos Cook, James F . NW 4b8 493 Benvenue Ave. Hall, John, Jr., C 211 390 Covington Rd. Heaslet, Max A. 0 231 &08 Milverton St. Larse, George L . WS 9& 432 Santa Barbara Lowe, Joseph A. C 2&& 271 Live Oak Lane Perry, Harry C. NW 240 25521 Elizabeth Ave. Spath, Richard M. Ml 440 1554 Honeysuckle Rd. Tharp, Bobbie V. W 335 1574 Vineyard Dr. Wickman, John F . C. 535 P. 0 . Box 703 Los Angeles Adams , George Wm. CH 99 2&58 Glendower (27) Albert, Charles W. COL 423 3925 Roxanne (8) AI worth, Donald Edward SC 91 591& S. Mansfield Ave. Anderson, Earl W. ILL 129 1044 S. Parkview (b) Anderson, William W. ILL 18& 1793 Campu s (41) Anmstrong, Robert G. UCLA 55 10'129 Weybum (24> Arnold, L ewis Edward MIN 2&7 49&9 Ambrose Ave. Arvold, Donald H. MIN 149 2559 N. Catalina (26) Augspurger, Wayne SC 14 3021 Castle St. <&>
Bair, Harve S. PS 330 2800 Federal <&4> Barber, James Alden, Jr., SC 121 3132 Carlyle Sl !&5> Bauer, Edward Frederick C 3&8 4910 Maywood Ave. (41) Belden, Daniel S. COR 140 23&5 W. 29th Place Bentley, Byron Robert H 2&2 201& N. Gramercy Place Bitgood, Ellsowrth M. UCLA 150 1021 N. Westmount Dr. Brammer, Donald D. SC &7 &3b W. 104th Pl. !44) Brewer, Jack W. UCLA 121 3740 Greenfield Ave., 2 (34) Burnham, Clifford J. COR 98 3811 Seneca Ave. Camp, Frederick A. C 531 1740 Lucile Ave. !2&) Campbell, James G. , Jr. , C 391 2908 W. Vernon (8) Case, Glenn Marvin KS 92 194b Selby !25> Casebier, Allan F . UCLA 130 3113 Sawtelle Blvd. (34) Cash, Bernard R. UCLA 143 10&07 ~ Eastborne !24) Chang, Donald M. N 49& 1058 Browning Blvd. (37) Clements, Dr. Thomas, SC 1 2111 Vista Del Mar Ave. (28> Cowan, James R. WS 179 40& S. Ogden Dr. (36) Craig, Robert F. N 341 1&0 S. Windsor Blvd. (4) Cruse, Belford M. H 193 2001 N. New Hampshire Ave.(27) Culey, Roy Trescole C 173 3025 Maxwell Davis, Kenneth F . SC 424 5500 Ebey DeWolf, George E. H 210 431 S. Burnside Ave, Apt. &H Delve, Robert M. COR 151 45&& Starling Way (65) Dominetta, Richard J. ILL &83 8405 Georgetol'm (45) Doughty, Glenn H. MO 158 10289 Arion {&4) Drumeler, Merle C. Ml 95 1352 Lucile Ave. Eissler, Keith A. CIN 211 4204 Mildred Ave. (bb) Eubanks, James Thomas CIN 21 5518 W. 90th St. !45> Fagstad, Carl J . W 94 3517 Alsace Ave. Faubion, Dr. L. Ray NW &9 5137 Shearin Ave. (4) Fink, Orion Arlo MO 425 5309 - 4th Ave. <43 Fliege, Stewart E. UCLA 14 1098& ~ Strathmore Dr. (24) Frakes, James R. IN &3 2&09 Locksley Pl. (39) Gandrud, Sam G. SC 98 834 W. Jefferson (7) Garabedian, Ronald L. UCLA 59 1829 S. Pandora Ave. !25) Garey, Myron Jackson N 200 207 N. Lucerne Blvd. Gaspard, Donald J . SC 151 4121 San Rafael Ave. (65) Gavel , Kenneth N. SC &2 &543 W. 82nd St. (45) Glenney, Lynn H. IS 478 7&0 S. Barrington Ave. , Apt. 5 Gordon, Hugh T., Jr. , C 31 727 7th (17) Graham, Wells F. C 1&5 339 N. Sycamore (Jb) Granda, Allen M UCLA 34 4104 Abner St. (32) Grant, Bi II Genne COLO 410 &23 Chestnut Ave. <42) Green, Kelvin D. P &39 3907 Roxanne (8) Green, Stanley Edward SC 12& 5425 Aldama St. !42> Haack, Clarence C. UCLA &0 2112 linda Flora Dr. <24) Hall , Walter A. Ml 20 1018 N. Hobart (29) Halladay, Rev . Royal A. COR 438 &317 Lexington Ave. (38) Halleck, Philo H. K 121 4427 Verdugo Rd. <&5> Hankins, Marvin D. COLO &2& 2042 Balmer Dr. Hamer, Howard R. COR 240 7715 S. Western Sll44> Hartwick, Elbert S. MIN 384 43& Loring Ave.
Hedeen, Russel C. Ml N 40'1 5510 Village Green <l&l Heyler, John B. UCLA 37 2&27 Midvale !&4> Hodges, Charles B. OHS 41 2110 85th Holand, Clifford B. Y 19& 8320 Rayford Dr. (45> Holmes, Robert A. WIS 473 9231 El Manor Ave. Hornick, Stephen D. UCLA 88 12319 Culver Blvd. !&&> Hunter, Malcolm R., Jr. V 50 7910 Denrock Ave. (45) Inkster, George L . WY 54 744 N. Wilcox (38) Jacques, Burnett P. H 211 &113 Pickford St. James, Robert J . C 230 1970 Rodney Dr. Jamie, Wallace Ness SC 13& 40& S. Orange Grove Ave.(J&) Jensen, Paul F., Jr., ON 74 11850 Westminster <&&> Johnson, Clive White H 277 333 Roosevelt Bldg. Johnson, Dudley C., Jr., V 12 1108~ Exposition Blvd. (7) Johnson, Truman H. MIN 394 Del Capri Hotel 10587 Wi I shire Blvd. !24> Jones, Jesse Allen KS 1&4 5&55 Whittier Blvd. (22) Kamp, James Joseph, Jr. , SC 115 6513 Monterey Rd. !42> Karson, Eugene F. UCLA 127 1112& National Blvd. (&4) Kennedy, Philip Benjamin H 59 91 Fremont Pl. Kerans, Vincent S. H 210 7888 Woodrow Wi I son (4&) Ki le, Martindale, Jr., SC 178 5525 Raber St. (4) Knutson, Ernest W. NW 85 1957 N. Kenmore (27) Koch, William Ernst H 2&5 950 Westwood Blvd.!24) Kunkel, Charles D. N 101 932 S. Highland Kvamme, Jute N. MIN 599 421& Santo Tomas (8) Leigh, Robbin G. UCLA 135 440 Skyewiay Rd. (49) Leigh, Robert G. UCLA 1&1 440 Skyewiay Rd. (49) Lewin, William F. I l l 150 903 S. Kenmore (b) Livengood, Warren J. K 497 522& Sherbourne Dr. (56) Lucas, John E. M 23 518 W. Santa Barbara (37) Ludwig, Don E. WY 103 3939 Roxanne (8) Luske, H. S. C 219 1150& Orum Dr. !49) Marker, William M. S 74 &240 Lindenhurst Ave. McAnally, John S. IN 273 4014 Verdugo View Dr. !&5> McCracken, Nonman L., Jr., UCLA 102 lOb N. Commonwealth Ave. (4) McKee, Bob J . CSC 34 &8&4 Iris Circle (28) McNamara, Donald E. UCLA 1&9 20& S. Saltair (49> Menah, John H. SC 142 108D- V4 W. 31st St. Metfessel, Miles Milton SC 143 5100 Victoria Ave. (43) Mitchell, Earl F. SC 30 2420 Hyperion (27> Monson, Donald W. UCLA 157 1137 N. Beachwood Dr., Apt. 9 Morse, Thomas E. CIN 204 4125-C Perlita Ave. (39) Mowder, Clyde Leroy, ILL 22 3450 W. Vernon Murphy, William D. SC 192 19&0 W. 79th St. (47) Nethercutt, Jack B. SC 201 221 S. Rockingham Ave. (49) Nethercutt, Jack B. II SC 182 221 S. Rockingham Ave. !49) Oberholtz, Lester COLO 217 2500 West &th St. !5) Offield, L . Herbert C 158 8307 Gonzaga Ave. Olmsted, Roscoe T. ILL 193 570 N. Rossmore Ave.(4) Oster, George Ray F 217 143 North Van Ness Overbeck, Thomas A. SC 209 529 Terri II Ave. (42! Pfieffer, David H. W 338 &05 w. Olympic m>
Platt, RichardS. SC 198 8100 Naylor Ave.(45) Porter, George S. UCLA 125 235 South Barington (49) Possinger, Ralph S. F 239 437 S. Bristol Ave.(49) Prasow, Dr. Paul SC 5& 338 Oceano Dr. <49) Queller, Donald E. IN 384 1443 W. 112th St. (47) Reese, Arthur, CT 25 c/ o W. P. Fuller & Co. Box 3727 (54) Reeves, Gordon L. IS 383 2453 Si lverlake Blvd, Apt. C Reinsch, Frank Herman UCLA 2 1322 N. Gardner SU4b) Robinson, Lloyd W., Jr., Ml 1&2 10787 Wellsworth Ave. Rowland, Donald W. C 18& History Dept. -Univ. of S. Calif 3518 University Ave. (7) Rowles, William L , Jr., WS 121 23&7 Hidalgo Ave. (39) Chester A. Rude, 125 c/o Security, First Nat' I. Bank Samuelson, Gerald D. UCLA 70 10984 Ashton Ave. (24) Sandberg, David R. SC 193 &280 Mosley Ave. Schneiderman, Melvin, WY 119 1945 Durango Ave.(34) Schwartz, Donald R. UCLA 195 9054 Cresta Dr. (35) Shaw, Robert, UCLA 21 10389 T ennessee (24) Shi I ton, Paul A. ILL 38 752 S. Hartford Ave. (17) Shull, Lei I ani Waldo C 235 1348 N. Alta Vista Bl vd.(4b) Smith, Richard G. UCLA 33 &7141! W. Olympic Soukup, Robert J. Ml 439 1193& Lawler St. (bb) Spagon, James A. A 35 7320 Victoria (43> Steinmetz, Will"iam H. , Jr., C 412 1177\! Amherst (49) Stotler, John R. WS 142 1071& Fran cis Pl., Apt. 18 (34) Swift, Wilford, SY 143 3149 W. 75th St. Thompson, Edwin D. WS 145 3151 W. 7bth St. (43) Vivian, Robert Evans, SC 2 8&2 Victoria Ave. Waddell, Neal Patrick UCLA 53 &119 San Vicente Blvd. (48) Walsh, Daniel Joseph UCLA 97 2403 N. Alvarado St. (39) Waters, Wayne W. C 281 5229 lndale Weber, Ernest Max UCLA 85 3730 West Blvd . Weber, Otto R. SC 199 127 Burlingame Ave. Wenzel, Jerry William, SC 131 377& Virginia Road (lb) Wilder, W. J . K &7 &11 N. Mansfield <3&> Wi Iken, Amold A. UCLA 113 2039 S. Bentley Ave. Wilken, Arnold Albert, Jr., UCLA 84 2039 S. Bentley Ave.(25) Willey, Howard E. WIS 2&7 P. 0. Box 755-77 Williams, Raymond Harry SC 150 1123 S. Alvira St. Ziegler, Frederick M. K 213 900 Wilshire Blvd. (17\
Los Banos Mi I liken, Ralph L . S 34 RFD Box 427 Los Gatos Hastings, Andrew S. C 147 250&5 Skyland Rd. King, Richard J . WS 127 1&700 Marchman! Dr. Loring, Chester J. C 484 253 Las Mirades Dr. Newcomb, Alan K. W 493 15485 One Oak Lane
Lynwood Deckard, Charles E. IN &03 3818 Louise Tosh, David A. LB 24 12008 Long Beach Blvd. Modfla Barnes, John W. C b 221 North M St. MARCH, 1960
Hanhart, James Roelius C 301 515 W. Yosemite
Kimbrell, Robert C.ILL 538 444& Ocean view
Malibu Sweet, George E. 0 18& 21544 Rambla Vista Dr. Wheeler, George Herbert, UCLA bb 3095& Broad Beach Rd.
Morro Boy Horton, Russell Mack C 529 245 Kern Ave. Loomis, Rus sel l N. COLO 118 957 Pecha
Manhattan Beach
Anderson, Fred W. C 329 719 -19th St. Jani, Robert F. SC 137 209 John SL Pray, Thomas R. C 352 1508 Pine St. Summers, Donald Morris SC 1&5 1201- 9th St. Weaver, John E. UCLA 145 834 - 19th St. Martinez
Morton, Albert Andrew C 159 221 C St.
Mt. ' View Burnell , Jack A. COLO 513 1833 Lime Tree Lane Clark, Russell E. P 158 550 Mountain View Ave. Hall , Kenneth M. WS 158 251 Carmel ita Dr. Hall, Peter T. Ml 532 2415 Benjamin St. Pfost, Robert Fred C 44& 1&&0 L ee Dr. Schram, Eddie J . C 330 1071 Brighton Pl. Stinehelfer, Jonathan J . CSC &1 137 Palmer Ave.
Maxwell Sutton, George P. C 298 P. 0 . Box 2&&
M.nlo Parle Anderson, Robert E. S 93 270 W. Floresta Way Bums, Richard F . C 382 224 Oak Ct. Elliott, William C. C 110 1090 El Camino Femrite, James C. WIS 392 1015 Willow Rd. Green, Milton W. P 531 3&8 Waverly St. , Apt. I Griffith, Charles G. MO 537 1950 Avy Ave. Henry, Frank L. WS 194 1810 Oakdell Dr. Hofer, Ralph B. C 287 785 Hobart St. O'Leary, Thomas S. NW 294 1230 Sherman Ave. Sunnergren, Edwin C. WY &0 214 Santa Margarita Ave. Taylor, Philip B. C 108 P. 0. Box 2
Mill Valloy Pierce, Horace H. COLO 77 134 Belvedere Dr. Strawberry Heights
Millbrae Riley, Charles W. UCLA b 47 Aura Vista Modesto
Cross, George Arthur P 15& 530 Myrtle Ruby, Leonard E., Jr., Ml 425 1148 E. Morris Ave.
Monrovia Roper, Frank R. , Jr., SC 1&4 35& N. Ivy Walbert, William A. SC 53 333 E. Camino Real Wileman, Richard E. SC 213 249 E. Altern St.
Montoballo Lillevick, Robert H. SC 72 124 Balanda Dr.
Ketchum, Larry WIS 599 897 Wainwright St. Richardson, Charles A. C 340 1101 Alta Mesa Smith, Donald H. C 405 Box 4&&
jolontOfoy P orlc Hind!, William J . 10 125 524 N. Lincoln Ave. O'Brien, Keith G. SC 214 400 N. Lincoln Ave. Habeck, Gerald F. SC 177 332 S. Lincoln Richert, Ray W. SC 77 592 Taylor Dr. Spalding, Robert M. WY 121 1734 S. Grand Ridge Ave.
Montdalr Hester, Francis N. IN 80 10225 Central Ave.
Jensen, Jack M. C 3% 72 Harvard Lane Polzin, Donald Arthur ORS 1&5 1100 Plaza Ave. Nevada City Robinson, Beryl P. Jr., C 528 331 Brock Rd. Newcastle
Currier, Henry C. N 114 Route I , Box 257
Newhall Williams, Ralph R. SC IS& 1005 Arcadia St.
Newport Beach Carlton, John C. SC 1& 2040 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Sta. France, William B. F 31 1717 N. Balboa Blvd. Tyrrell , Raymond G. A 5& 120& Westcl iff
North Hollywood Dodd, Doyl e D. C 537 11852 Chandler Blvd. 5519 Willow Crest Ave. Graham, Mathew A., Jr., K 93 4512 Gentry Holgate, Charles J. W 248 &530 Clyboum Ave. La Fayette, Knox MIN 83 3719 Laurel Canjoy Blvd. Poucher, Jay C. MIN 103 &550 Wilkinson Seaton, Dean OK LA 541 5519 Willow Crest Ave. Shannon, Walter J. K 31& 5128 Biloxi Ave. North Long Beach Philpott, Omar A. P 29 2&5 Fuego St.
Northridge Gosling, Richard E. 0 205 18137 Labrador, S. Hake, Richard R. COLO 447 11130 Nestle Ave. Rickert, Lloyd R. UCLA 49 8220 White Oak Schroeder, Harold E. SC 187 8500 Louise Ave. Ullmark, William A. UCLA 140 18140 Lahey North Sacramento
Owre, Edgar A. C 437 109 El Camino Ave. Williams, Rowland 10 250 3171 Del Paso Blvd .
Norwalk Sholtus, Edward T. AR 2 12717 Di I worth St. Novato
Kirchhoff, Keith D. 13 74& Diablo Ravicz, Arthur E. COLO 530 875 Eucalyptus Ave.
Oaklond Adams, John Newton C 102 1342 Trestle Glen Rd. Amberg, Carl 0. ORS 125 3420 Chestnut St. (8)
Arsenault, William R. C 399 4&32 Tyrrell SUD Bark sdale, Dr. Robert Wm. C 2&4 4&0 Staten St. Blagbome, Gerald H. C 227 311 El Cerrito Ave. <lD Breed, Herbert Lincoln C 80 1215 F inancial Center Bldg. (12) Brown, Ralph D. GW &7 Safeway Stores Inc., P. 0 . Bo x bbO Cannon, Robert R. C 514 132 Beechwood Dr. Close, Joseph Bray C 388 1024 Harvard Rd. Davi s, Fenimore E. Ml 337 123 Pershing Dr. <lD Dixon, Roy Edward C 343 1&47 - lOth Ave. Duff, Samuel E. MO 255 5&&5 Cabot Dr.<lD Edwards, D. Nat. C 7& 2208 L akeshore Ave. Fair, George H. K 190 4033 LaCresta Ave. (2) Follett, Wilbur Irving C 197 3501 Broadway Fox, Judge Chris B. C &0 Court House (7) Haight, Frank Kelsey C 120 5575 Fernhoff Rd. , No. 19 (19) Harris, l~ eal, C 48 1901 Ro secrest Dr. Hdch, Robert L. WI S Sb 850 Barbara Rd (10) Holleman, John Hoseph C 480 832 Barbara Rd. (lQ) Hyerle, Robert A. C 403 SO Larry Lane (25) Keane, John Timothy C 4&5 547 - 42nd St. Kempkey, Edwin Carl S &7 119 Ronado Keyes, Wi ll iam Reed, Jr. , C 335 4021 Greenwood Ave. (2) Klee, John J., Jr. , UCLA 107 &401 Broadway Terrace (18) Know, Walter K. MIN 38 1054 L eo Way Koue, A. Lewis C 251 901 Paramount Ave. Lewis, Garfield 0. DRS 27 2&98-78th Ave. (5) Lo cke, James Eagle C 178 858 Cleveland Ave. Mi li s, J. Howard SC 75 3&4 - 14th St. (12~ Mitchell, Truman H. C 205 359 - 15th S\.(12) Morris, C. Glenn K 334 Box bbO, Safeway Store Moyer, AndrewJ. ILL338 c/ o H. J. Bayer Co. 1131 - &th Ave. (b) Page, Burdette Ivan C 193 1953 - &Znd Ave. Quinville, William J. C 101 5257 Boyd St. Richardson, El mer K. NH 159 4001 A llmond Ave. Roberts, Earl V. C 142 2800 Rawson Rogers, Edward Kenneth C 82 Lock Box 1 Scott, Donald H. C 523 3701 Midvale Ave.(2) Selwig, George F. C 270 4921 Shattuck Ave. Sherwin, Marvin B. C 21& Ill Pacific Ave. Stivers, Warren R. C 1&8 344 Newton Ave. Taylor, Cedric Gordon, Jr., C 4&3 3052 E. 15th SUD Van Gelder, Daniel B. C 527 3&&4 Grand Ave. (lQ) Wagler, VictorS. S. COLO 2&6 17&2 Lumist Blvd. (2) Wakefield, Kimball R. C 518 &134 Harwood Ave. (18) Welsh, Walter C. F 398 Sales Promotion Dept. Kaiser Alumn. & Chern. Corp. Zirker, Malvin Ralph, Jr., C 4&0 3420 Guido St. Oceanside
Campbell , Richard E. Ml 4% 212 Dogwood Rd . Dale, Bob R. OS 340 517 N. Pacific Dunn, Thomas I C 564 32& S. Clementine Young, Ben L. , Jr., 0 398 Box 809 DIRECTORY PAGE 7
Ojol Harm;w~,
J. Russell P 173 816 El Paseo Rd., Route 4
Lund, Theodore B. NH 234 1339 N. Sultana Ave. Riegel, Harry Irving PS 183 664 East H Sl Orange
Clark, Homer B. C 185 329 Everett Pl. Cummings, Jay Wilson ORS 35 157 N. Pine Sl Gardner, Dean R. S 33 Route 3, 16732 Taft Ave. Harvey, David L . COR 578 205 W. Mayfair
Orinda Keesling, Homer G. S 32 384 Sobrante Larsen, Harry E. C 334 12 Parkway Ct.
o....m. Bumgarner, Jesse A. S 31 Box 409
Oxnard Si lknitter, James Roy SC 128 126 E. Birch St. Pacific Grove Maxwell, Ralph E. C 89 Drawer 419
Pacific Pollsoclos Mackie, Donald J. P 284 914 Fiske St. Masteller, Ralph A. 10 285 1331 Monument St. Wehrle, Otto W. WIS 350 827 Toyopa Dr. Pafcinn Sweet, Harry T . C 273 San Benito Co. Pacoima Peterson, Robert F. WY 125 10338 Bartee Prophet, Byron E. UCLA 83 13406 Reliance Palm Springs Mennell, Robert L. UCLA 87 232 Palm Canyon Dr. Welles, Roger Moore UCLA 115 Bo x 1013
Polo Alto Atkisson, Curtis T ., Jr., Ml 566 975 Stanley Way Casberg, Carl H. WIS 111 2274 Tasso St. Hammond, David J. C 469 3936 Bibbits Dr. Holman, Merritt C. IN 457 2115 Edgewood Dr. Lakin, Egerton Drew S 46 P. 0. Box 209 Marshall, James G. S 66 560 W. Crescent Dr. Melvil le, Richard W. COR 402 3371 Thomas Meseke, William C. KS 179 596 Bryson Ave. Meseke, Victor H. KS 216 V. A. Hospital, Engr. Div. Moore, Richard W. UCLA 147 2370 Ross Rd. Phillips, Hugh David MIN 338 511 Bryan St. Reid, Robert Theodore COR 346 3170 Waverley St. Taylor, Leroy E. S 59 872 S. California Towle, Leland H. NH 98 3851 Nathan Way Van Alstyne, William W. SC 155 3611 Lupne Ave. Wilson, Ervin F . N 146 4125 Donald Dr. Palos Verdes Estates
Brown, C. Nei I N 165 2004 Via Pacheco Dr. Downey, Shelton L. C 337 121 Via Ardella Emery, P. David COLO 700 1604 Margate Rd. Lee, Robert K. SC 181 2508 Chelsea Rd. DIRECTORY PAGE 8
Ulrich, Andrew, Jr., SC 52 1113 Via Curva Webb, Howard M. Ml 511 1025 Via Nogales Ziegler, James R. PS 373 Zero Open Brand Hills Rolling Hills Parlier
Barsamian, Anlranik ORS 177 Route 1, Box .192 Pasadena
Carrillo, RobertS. SC 69 597 No. Hill Christensen, Emil E. OHS 466 642 N. Mentor Ave. <4> Clark, Owen E. KS 266 2920 Thorndike Rd. (10) Collister, Allen V. IS 333 3408 Dudl ey Sl<7> Dahlin, Roy Eugene OR 100 1304 Lexington Ave.(6) Duke, Ernest M. K 86 3302 Vosburg St. (8) Ev ans, Leo M., Jr., SC 176 801 Woodward Blvd. (10> Foreman, Sheldon L. SC 96 1475 Washburn Rd. Frizzell , Rex Russell COR 17 65 N. Madison Ave. Fry e, Robert J . C 393 1025 Pepperhill Rd. Hall, Jean G. H 108 1590 Pleasant Way (2) Hughes, Edward W. COR 277 Gates & Crellin Lab. Calif. lnst. of Technology Jones, Lincoln D. Ml 268 827 Oakwood Pl . Kipp, Kenneth E. Ml 345 700 E. Walnut St. Laing, Donald Reid Ml 298 65 N. Madison(!) Leland, Lorenzo, SC 208 832 Highland Dr. (3) Lief, Richard, Y 171 1064 Chula Vista Pl. Marshall, Joseph T. H 101 385 E. Green St. McKelvey, Terry Ayers SC 161 876 Vallombrosa Dr. O'Beirn, Carl IS 41 2 155 Pearl St. Pfaff, William A. UCLA 61 1455 N. Las Robles . Sandstrum, All an W. UCLA 91 1049 Rose Stauffer, Cl inton R. OHS 37 2247 Loma Vista St. Stevens, Bryan W. SC 51 381 N. Chester Sunter, Robert A. SC 170 2276 Monte Vista Underwood, Chari es P. C 387 1405 Rexford Wagner, Howard D. SC 5 920 Cynthia Ave. Wagner, Thomas E. SC 167 1312 El Mirador Patterson Zacharias, Charles Roy OR 31 Paynes Creek
Berridge, Roy D. C 457 L yman Springs Nelson, Ted W. C 471 Lyman Springs Piedmont Clements, R. Van Giesen, Jr. , C 417 31 2 'Blair Ave. <IU Lewis, C. Bob C 364 24 1 Sunnyside Ave. Taber, Fred L . C 262 249 Scenic Way <lD Wolfenden, Wm . James C 236 260 La Salle St.
Placerville Nicholson, James E. C 467 2575 Ronald Loop Price, Chalmers G. C 127 1501 Baker Rd. Playa Del Roy Klokke, Karl C. SC 50 7025 Trask Ave. Linscott, Philip M. Ml 479 8320 Delgarey Ave. Reid, Harry Forrus MO 515 215 Redland Sl Stohler, Robert L. P 659 6669 Vista Del Mar
Pl.asant Grove Vandegri It, Rolland A. C 134 3 N. Ranch
Pleasant Hill Baerresen, Richard C. SC 42 118 Lorenzo Granquist, Harold C. C 365 140 Oak Vue Rd. Koch, Russell N. C 402 53 C leopalra Dr. Poriiona
Armstrong, David S. K 309 150 E. Third St. Henry, Robert E. UCLA 26 2523 Wilkie Dr. Jackson, Etsi I Kay MO 371 177 East Holt Welch, Elwyn H. C 146 1360 Hillcrest Port Hueneme
Pugh, Richard L. ORS 255 708 Third St. Stewart, Ens. N. A. UCLA 109 983 E. Jelley Dr.
Portuguese Bend
Bach, Dr. Walter L. COLD 115 108 Spendriff St. Portuguese Bend Club Poway Dalrymple, Marshall P. WS 77 13833 Frame Rd.
Puente Orcutt, William W. COLO 419 1202 Galernont Robinson , Dennis L. SC 183 17316 Almanac Dr. Quincy
Bailey, Barratt E. C 482 Box 518 Rancho Cordova
Engle, Wallace L. T 239 10463 Dolecetts Dr.
Redlands Shannon, LeoW. K416 149 Jordan
Redondo Beach Johnson, John W. UCLA 7 309 Avenida Atizada Lewis, Carl Philip UCLA 100 2022 Huntington Lane Size, Homer A. Ml 218 539 Calle Mayor
Redwood City Fredrickson, David Allen C 370 2308 Cheshire Way Horst, Noah M. CIN 76 974 Round Hill Rd. Hughes, William L. C 475 225 Vera Ave. Read, Lotan C. , Jr. , Ml 24 Hassler's Hospital Weinhardt, John W. COLO 532 1183 Hudson
Res .do Bedworth, Wilfrid J. UCLA 44 19433 Elkwood St. Prach, Edwin F. SY 291 6446 Cappa Ave. Rialto
King, Ralph E. , Jr. , IN 301 2756 Spruce St. Rogers, John L. Ml 552 1058 Date St. Richmond
Cole, JamesH. COLO 236 Standard Oil Ref., Asst. Supt. For ce, Robert J. C 351 2548 Moyers Rd. Ridgecrest
Kennard, Jarman C. COR 400 405 Alvord St. Rio Vista Hathaway, Wm. Nei I SC 100 750 Thereza Way Rl..-erside
Bailey, Emmett C. GW 1 6789 De Anza
Bailey, Wayne G. C 540 3835 Sedgwick Bloomingdale, Richard W. N 471 8283 S;w~ Vaincente Ave. Bradley, Jack C 495 4518 Bandini Bullock, David W. UCLA 117 3961 Canterbury Rd. Coon, Roy Evert 10 46 5083 Jurupa Ave. GO<batenko, George G. C 530 3366 Doyle St. Kelly, James R. COLO 33q 4775 Sunnyside Thompson, Herbert L. Ml 103 406 Citizens Nat' I. Bank Bldg. Tyler, Gerald J. MIN 351 !!Jf 4611 Jarvis
Rolllog Hills Aldrich, Samuel E. UCLA 22 5530 Shoreview Dr. Nelson, Theodore H. MIN 404 6 Open Brand Rd. Swift, Charles H. MO 5 20 Saddleback Rd. Yarling, Edsel P. P 500 26153 Basswood Socra~~~ento
Blomberg, Donald I. SC 32 4744 Del Rio Rd. Bowman, Harry Samuel, Ml 35 2920 - 26th St. (17) Campbell , Donald K. C 464 2215-A 'K' St.<16l Conover, Thomas A. C 552 2907 Riverside Blvd. Fink, William J . ORS 104 1916 - 48th St. <16> Hoffelt, Merrill M., Jr., C 454 1740- 42nd St. <19) Hoffelt, Richard H. C 416 1015 LaSalle Dr. Hopkins, William H. C 1 2511- 51h Ave. Hom, Wm. E. SC 37 4116 Puente Way Howard, Robert E. C 380 5020 'L' Sl <16> Karrer, Felix, C 292 68 Taylor Way Keiper, Frank, C 247 2134 Castro Way Knapp, Raymond L . C 506 3321 Arbor Way Lopez, Chester E., Jr., C 544 3956 - 39th St. MacKenzie, John D. C 346 3600 Ridgewood Macklin, Theodore, IS 66 WIS 137 3127 Hampshire Dr. Marvin, Lawrence W. Jr., C 414 2425 - 6th Ave. Manbeck, Roy R. N 131 1517 N St. 04) Montganery, Joseph B. MIN 458 6312 Shenandoah Dr. <21> Morgan, Lowell B. ORS 85 5201 Kenneth Ave. Muck, Gilbert P. C 462 1423- 32nd St. <16> Peek, Neal F . C 453 1857 Discovery Way Petersen, Leonidas T. C 295 640 Jones Way _Pomer'D', George G. WIS 7_1 4810- 81!1 Ave. Poppe, Charles R., Jr., C 430 1809 - 43rd St. (19) Pugh, Robert Alan C 449 2119 F St. Remington, Thomas McKean C 425 733 - 36th St. <16> Schofield, Richard 0. C 113 2029 Cap Ave. Shulman, Marvin A. C 431 4436 Morpheus Lane (21) Standley, James G., Jr., C 299 880 LaSierra Dr. <25> Stumbos, John D., Jr., C 411 5911 Annrud Way (22> Thaxtcn, Rufus C. T 31 1831 Oregm Dr. OB> Tingley, Walter R., Jr. , C 448 5351 Jay St. <16> Welch, Thomas A. UCLA 181 3413 Morse St. <2ll
Sollnos Belt.zlg, Elmer H., Jr., MO 500 133 Lorimer
O...IPil, J . Milburn ON 14 55 Carmel Ave.
Geery, Walter N. MO 53 542 Tulane St. McArthur, James A. IS 371 414 Cabrillo Penfield, Jack Allen C 474 U1 Eucalyptus Or.
San Adreos Snyder, Peter L. C 232 Box 665
Son AnseiiiiO Cechettini, Edwin C. C 238 96 Hawthorne Ave. San B.mordlno Bradley, Edward, C 196 164 Fourth St. Leeder, William E. Ml 410 Sages Market, Base Line at E. McGregor, Archibald 0 . Ml 469 1304 E. Orchid Or. Wollenwebber, Gay, COR 35 775 Base Line
Bernhardt, Robert 0 . NW 451 1127 Vermont Way Chamber, Wayne R. IS 316 2260 Cresbnoor Dr. Evans, John H. W 301 2551 Evergreen Ray, Lt. G. W. COLO 440 330 Lowell Ave.
San Carlos Elder, Kenneth Clark SC 133 687 Knoll Dr. Hirschfeld, Richard C 354 134 Sunnygale Proctor, Wi IIi am B. W 436 1333 Magnolia, Apt. 5 Woodruff, Harvey C. MIN 476 2312 Howard
Son Diego Ai !laud, Harold C. 10 178 11th Naval Di s!. Hdqrs. 1027 Broadway (30> Alden, Fred N. COR 11 3635 Utah <4> Bebb, Leslie E. NW 155 3419 Felton St.<4l Bergh, Stephen T. WIS 81 4555 Thorn Bird, Charles A. Ml 57 108 F Street Brink, Norman 0 . Ml 590 3145 Cowley Way, Apt. 1 (17) Brucker, Donald C 496 2961 Clairemont Dr. (17l Bruner, Richard J. COLO 384 4854 Coconino (17) Bussey, WilliamS., Jr. , T 269 6380 Calle Pavana (14) De Jamette, Reven Sims ILL 347 5312 El Cajon Blvd. (15) Eskew, Moreland N. T 210 5163 Benton Pl. (16) Fisher, Eugene L . 0 528 4851 Lehrer Dr. (17) Gregory, Thomas E. CIN 188 4596 Newport Ave. (7) Grey, Ralph E., Jr., P 521 4060 Loma Alta Dr.(l5l Hall, Theodore P. '>'f 116 2006 Orizabo Ave. Hippaka, William H. 10 361 4704 Sixtieth St. <lSl Hoelck, Arthur C. NW 285 4104 La Pal oma St. (7) Irvine, Donald G. T 399 711 W. Pennsylvania (3) Jones, Robert E. SC 114 2985 Barnard ( 10> Kraettli, Kenneth Lowe 0 387 3601 Cajon Blvd. Lundy, Victor Redford C 167 Box 772 (12) Lunsford, David W. COLO 570 3421 James Maloy, Robert W. C 303 4705 Delmonte Ave. m Makinson, Hugh 0 . K 429 1585 Venice St. <7> Norris, G. William, Jr. , COLO 479 3756 Arnold (4) Oldsen, Charles B. IS 375 2904 Copley Ave. (16) Randles, Howard M. K 448 2330 Plum St. (6) Roberts, Dr. Ralph Smith S 101 2002 Wilbur Ave. (9) Sanders, Capt. Russell F. IN 135 USN, Ret. , 1546 Madison St. MARCH, 1960
Shaw, Joseph N. C 366 1204 Lincoln Ave. l3l Steel, Charles L . OS 176 4174 Monroe Thudium, Wi IIi am Howard K 400 3635 - 7th St. Tracy, Harold H. , Jr., A 36 9518 Fermi Ave. ( 11) Worcester, Francis M. C 311 4027 Brant Wright, Harold L. UCLA 158 4526 Copeland Ave. San Fernando Smith, SumnerS. C 43 531 Hagar St.
San francisco Adams, Charles A. C 175 Manadnock Bldg . Branan, Capt. Geo. E. IN 527 Officers Mail Sec. Bo x 220 Letterman Army Hosp., Presidio Barler, Francis M. T 197 P. 0 . Box 79 Black, Paul Walton WIS 112 282 Urbano Dr. Bollinger, James R. 0 271 Engli sh Dept. , Naval Shipyard Denham, Jerome H. C 504 220 Junipero Serra Blvd. (27) Enersen, Burnham, H 354 1500 Balfour Bldg . (4) Frisbie, Harry E. C 221 406 Pacheco St. Frey, Charles Mi liard GW 7 995 Market St. Gearhart. William Ed. 10 92 240 Stockton St. Grosjean, AI Lewis OHS 302 130 Kearny St. <4> Harding, Louis G. WS 133 2115 Broderick Heakin, Haro ld L. Ml 206 850 S. Van Ness Ave. (10> Hoffman, Jacob Harry H 169 111 Sutter Bldg. Howard, Bernard, IN 349 7l Athens (12) Johnson, Willard C. C 74 56 Lopez Ave. Jones, Paul Webster COR 40 1980 Washington St. Kaiser, Harry Louis Ml 281 121 Second St. (5) Landrum, Francis Harold OHS 90 1909 Sacramento Ave. Lyon, L uther Hancock ILL 353 1239 Plymouth Ave. (l2) MacKinnon, Hugh A. WY 32 807 Franklin St. Madden, Col. John B. USAR P 138 845 Portola Dr. (27l Mason, William, C 428 1563- 45th Ave. Meggs, Ernest L . SY 376 U.S. A. MAAG, APO 63 Miller, Henry C. C 151 450 McAllister St. Mi liner, John K. C 473 2114 Baker St. Mitchell, Horace H., Jr., PS 462 2950 Fulton St., Apt. 3 (15l Ott, Richard L. C 519 23 Acevedo Ave. Paddleford, Robert H. UCLA 162 126 Presidio Ave. (15) Rich, Ross H. C 222 2360 - 15th Ave. <lbl Rising, D. Bellmont K 336 30 Merced St. Rogers, Thomas P. H 315 68 Post St. (4) Saunders, Arthur B. S 8 2550 - 29th Ave. Shewbridge, Ronald John C 490 150 Lee Ave. Soennichsen, Henry R. ON 144 2334 Divi sadero (15) Snodgrass, David E. H 199 198 McAllister <2> Stockfleth, George M. C 459 940 Junipero Serra Blvd.(27l Swann, W. Kenneth 0 357 405 Serrano Dr., Apt. MJ (27) Thomas, Terry N. C 547 885 Florida St. (10) Turnbull, Robert J. COLO 247 969 Pine St. (2) Waldrop, Oscar M. OS 33 205 Edgewood Ave.(l7l Walter, Jay B. SC 157 85 Beachmont Dr. (27) Warden, Bruce R. COLO 417 1939 Judah St. (22>
Watts, Richard S. 0 643 20 Parker Ave. , Apt. 7 (18) Weinberger, Herman, COLO 62 60 Merced Ave. Wert, Werron E. SY 122 165 Mallarca Way (23> Willig, Edward J., Jr. , C 450 28 Hopkins Ave. (14) San Gabriel Annis, Robert M. UCLA 131 8739 Greenwood Ave. Boice, Calvin W., Jr. , IS 382 936 E. Abilene Doornbos, Myron W. SC 4 1104 Anderson Way Erickson, Perry D. SC 215 455 N. Rosemont Blvd . Hughes, William E. UCLA 134 412 Adelyn Dr. Johnston, Charles R. MO 279 6949 S. Preso Kaylor, David Alan SC 138 1136 Lafayette St. Roach, Hal S. , Jr., SC 145 5226 N. Bartlett Ave. Rubey, James R. P 88 6462 Willard Ave. Shaw, Roy W. SC 78 8845 Calli Ia Wright, Robert L . WS 68 853 E. Elm Ave. San Jose
Atkinson, Dwight, W 317 1016 Meridian Borchers, Walter C. H 341 55 E. Empire St. Catterson, Frehn H. COLO 143 1546 Cherry Valley Dr. (25> Fischer, David L . C 415 884 Redbird Dr. Jacobson, Leo M. W 252 1020 Asbury (26l Johnson, Frank L. N 426 1507 Phantom Ave.(25l Ken nedy, Vivian L eRoy N 401 96 E. San Fernanda Kl ine, Merle C. C 248 997 Hedding St. Laipply, Harold J. N 329 50 N. lsi. St. (13) Lane, Thomas D. MIN 282 1253 Glenn Ave. Lindsay, James A. COLO 285 1127 Delynn Way (25) Morgan, Wi IIi am Robert D 455 616 Morse St. Plummer, W. Ray C 200 1747 Shasta Ave. Richards, Ralph Edwards S 97 493 S. Market St. Schumann, Henry F. S 106 672 Coe Ave. Southeimer, Urban A. S 96 1615 Bel Ave. Valle, Mervin E. ILL 469 1650 Hanchett Ave. (28) Wilson, John T. CSC 57 1510 Santa Maria Ave. (25) Wunker, Swi It E. IN 313 1236 Husted Ave. (25l San Juan Bautista McGowan, Charles W. S 81 P. 0. Box 221 San Leandro
L abudovich, Marco, WY 76 1752 Manor Blvd. Sal bach, Lloyd Fall moreS 57 786 Woodland Ave. Young, Rudolph B. C 477 1103 Louise Sl San Lorenzo
Harris, Lloyd H. C 367 280 Purdue St. Son Luis Obispo Sohrbeck, Jack N. CSU 6 380 Chri stina Way Son Marino
Baker, Bishop James C. ILL 349 1858 California St. Barn es, Capt. Ray A. H 239 610 Can terbury Rd. Frazi er, Irvin Pope COLO 220 1645 Bedford Rd. Morrison, Roger! T . UCLA 166 1655 Euclid Ave. San Mateo
Berridge, Ronald C. C 517 245 Harvard Rd.
Gatley, Richard H., Ill, SC 125 621 Birch Gibbs, Donald B. SC 47 222 D. West 36th Ave. Howard, Edwin L . K 642 225 T ilton Ave. Hussey, Peter A. A 2 40 E. 40th Ave., Apt. 4 Krieg, Norman J. IN 417 183-B W. Hillside Blvd. Mardon, T. Allen W 98 711 Bowhill Ormesher, David T. P 640 125 - 15th Ave. Ray, Hartzell H. K 250 500 Ravenscourt Stallman, Carlton 0. C 212 235 W. Hillsdale Blvd. Thayer, Peter A. C 526 320 Jackson St.
Son Pedro Houk, Richard Arthur UCLA 68 918 Leland St. Hylton, Carroll Golden SC 108 363 - 12th San Rafael Mallory, George R. C 407 31 Alta Vista Way Tanem, Robert M. C 434 842 Rican Way Wachsman, Edward K. C 483 539 Thyme Ave.
Santa Ana Andres, Lloyd Arthur UCLA 19 1662 Foothill Blvd., Rt. l Burnstrom, John S. IS 470 1321 Tolliver St. Ellermeier, Wm. D. KS 371 810 E. Avalon Heckert, Robert, CIN 144 12842 Eveningside Dr. Heintz, Roy K. MO 491 10891 Newport Ave. Holman, William F. MIN 275 1305 King St. Horton, Roy S. C 86 1124 East First Huber, George B. DRS 131 1611 Sierra Alta Rain, Harold J. W 145 2118 W. Washington Sherri II, Elmer W 23 612 N. Garnsley St. Smith, James M. UCLA 174 12771 Bubbling Well Rd . T immerman, Merl yn B. MIN 610 18752 Oak Ridge Dr. Tubach, Leonard Dean SC 33 15501 Tustin Ave. Weber, Robert A. C 353 314 L acy Santa Barbara
Achterman, Leonard G. ORS 64 972 Blossom Dr. Basham, Rees A. COLO 41 5 Miramar Ave. , Monticello Chapel , Franklin G., Jr., UCLA 62 142 San Clemente Fowl er, Lawrence W. C 107 34 E. Mission St. Horton, Claude G., Jr., AR 433 1230 Cacique St. Miller, James A. S 62 1 4350 Via Glori etta Moffitt, Newton R. CT 39 102 S. LaCumbr e Rd. Reaves, Gene W. LB 21 P. 0. Box 293 Speer, Ronald M. COLO 575 1035 Cliff Dr., Apt. 3 Thorson, John W. RPI 74 178 Vista Del Mar Walters, Onno V. ILL 335 3055 Calle Roselas Williams, Knox, UCLA 40 3505 Los Pinos Dr. Santo Claro
Armstrong, Vernon I. WS 113 3613 Londonderry Dr. Justi , William Harold ILL 576 2158 Rosita Ave. Selk, Jack L . SC 3 3470 Mauricia Santa Cruz Conway, Craig L. C 348 1215 Dougmar Dr. Fredrickson, Capt. C. T. MIN 210 USNR, Ret., 1025 L aurent Sl Madsen, Robert C. SC 40 135 Sunny Slope Terr. DIRECTORY PAGE 9
Owen, Richard L. S 94 P. 0 . Box 279, Bonny Ooon Rl Roshong, Richard L . K 5&7 4&&5 Portal d Or. Snyd er, Bertram B. Y 78 423 High Yoder, Woodrow W. S. CSU 29 303 Wood row Santa Fe Springs
Gregg, Roger C. UCLA 152 10130 Fl allen Santa Moria
Hansen, Kenneth E. COLO 448 537 Pri mrose St. Hel ser, Raymond F. C 2& 515 S. Li ncoln Moore, John G. MIN 50& 28& Patterson Rd . Santa Monica
Bl oomgren, Ourwood, UCLA 114 1734 ~ - 11th St. Cook, Joseph E. C 499 2807 Washington Bl vd. Dayton, Dorsey Scott ILL 355 727 - 25th St. Deavers, Kenneth L . UCLA 179 1808 Pier Ave. George, John M. UCLA 104 401 - 23rd St. Graham, Thomas L. UCLA 18 1232 B. Berkel ey Hostrup, Chris tian F. Ml 214 543 - 9th St. Jones, GeorgeS. UC LA 14& 437 - 12th St. L eo, Michael J. A 77 2&07 - 28th St. Luce, Robert C. P &38 2724 Montana Ave. Mill er, Ch arl es S. Ml 310 1&70 Ocean Ave. Miller, Franklin P. SC 219 1&70 Ocean Ave. Orvill e, Harold Curtis CIN 14 347 - 15th St. Stewart, Don ald A. UCLA 122 2& 12 Montana Ave. Stoebner, Donald A. WS 177 1759 H 7th St. Thom sen, John E. UC LA 1&0 401 - 23rd St. T ootell an, Aram L. UCLA 101 3007 Santa Monica Blvd. W Weber, Wa lter, Jr. , K &10 2345 - 20th St. , Apt. E
Santa Paulo
Howarth, Ervin M. COLO !57 705 Mai n St. Staley, James B. COLO 387 1317 Mariposa Santa Rosa
Crossland, P. M. , M. D. , MIN 3&8 1120 Montgomery Or. Hewi tt, Henry Clark WS 34 P. 0. Box 3&1 Ruhl man, Dal las N. C 1&3 4445 Sonom a MI. Rd. L ewis, Glenn Edwin C 380 122 Alderbrook Santee
Thomas, Wil l iam C. T 305 Rou te 1, Box 59 A Saratoga
Pohle, Edwin W. C 214 144&& Oak Pl ace Sausalito
Gunther, L ester C. SC 48 71 Woodward Ave. Husen, Dr. Herbert R. NW 392 142 F i lbert St. , Apt. 2 Smi th, Arthur R. Ml 137 2 Toyan Lane
Seaside Chezem, Wayne A. DRS 152 1715 Hilton St.
Seal Beach Simmons, Charl es B. L B 22 205 - 2nd St. Sebastopol
Fox, Robert L . SC 13 130 Hioh Sl DIRECTORY PAGE 10
Seoul veda Fraser, Ernest D. SC 83 9521 Gerald Ave. Vicklund, Enoch R. COLO 132 1&514 Nordhoff Sl Sherman Oaks Bierkamp, Walter E. 10 59 15272 ~ Sutton Boehnlein, John J. UCLA 54 14&30 Greenleaf Botkin, Perry L. , Jr., SC 112 4121 Langridge Ave. Coe, Robert E. C 441 3538 Cody Rd. Diller, Will iam M. SC 19 4518 Sunnyslope Ave. Kern, Pierre A. UCLA 3b 4201 Kester Ave. Norby, Stu art Phillip MIN 538 4&25 Noble Ave. Raven scroft, William M. UCLA 124 3818 Hollyline Ave. Will s, Frank ILL 80 14448 Valley Vista Blvd.
Sunnyvale Connell, Laurence M. UCLA 90 1075 Hampshire Ct. DeForest, Richard C. C 374 925 Greenwich Fischer, Marshall K. WS 1&4 1193 Kelsey Dr. Ford, Charles D. Ml 418 1537 Ashcroft Way Miller, Kenneth E. W 4&4 943 Bedwell Ave. Peterson, Vi ctor L . DRS 189 2&4 Beechnut Ave. William s, John J. ILL &47 873 Cascad e Sutter Creek
Grobeck, Mi I ton K. IS 401 Taft Murl ey, Howard Gordon UCLA 74 31& Philippine St. Tarzana
Wheeler, James H. W 305 5350 Rh ea Ave.
Sierra Madre
Gibson, Wi lliam B. COR 437 1930 Lili ane Or. Kellogg, William Kent SC 159 425 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. McDermott, Peter 0 . SC 140 1145 E. Grandvi ew Ave. Smith, Myron English, Jr., SC 221 475 Manzanita Ave.
Simi Kern berger, Henry R. MD 377 Route 1, Box 355-B
Solana Beach Staples, C. M. C 52 331 S. Granados Somis Harri s, Ralph Edwin P 150 Ventura County Sonoma
Touraine, Edgar J. C 258 757 Donner Ave. Sonora
Pl and, Richard H. C 421 Route 1, Box 923 South Gate Monroe, Frederick D. C 494 8980 Cypress Monroe, George A. C 549 8980 C Cypress
South Pasadena Irvine, Ben Mal colm COLO 545 1517 Marengo Nelson, Van Kirke SC 11& 430 Stratton Lane South Son Francisco Whiteh ead, Edgar A. C 241 229 Al ta Vi sta Dr. Stanford
C Iarke, Robert B. NW 425 Dept. of Psychology Stanford University Fa vi li e, David E. H 275 Graduate Schl. of Business ~tack ton
Bli nn, Or. John F. ILL 92 1441 Argone Dr. Eberhardt, Roman L. C 188 11&0 Vine St. Fri day, Robert E. C 424 1825 L ucern e Norton, Will iam W. MIN 59 &&9 W. Eu clid Ave. Passer, Clarence W. MIN 217 2&05 N. Hunter St. Stevens, Charles A. CSU &0 2354 Rutledge Tiffi n, Lucius D. W 43 38 1443 E. Wa lnu t Suisun
McConnell, John F . SC 18 Box 415 Sun Valley Sherry, Claude Gene Ml 144 885 1 Morehart Ave.
Sunland Fo ster, Linl ey C. 10 302 10215 Westcott
Bergen, Arthur R. UCLA 42 39&5 Witzel Carlson, Robert R. MIN 527 &913 Orion Fliege, J. Stewart C 139 14205 Hamlin St. Judkins, Merle R. K 3bb 13520 Victory Michels, Joseph W. UCLA 132 5519 Leghorn Myllenbeck, Warren G. DRS 119 8555 Tilden Ave. Nicholson, John E. UCLA 77 1&750 Valerio Royse, James F. 0 111 15&51 Sati coy St.
Jenkins, Leonard T. C 34 Temple City Hamlin, Gareth W. SC 70 55&4 Robinhood Ave.
Venice Bean, Chester, Andrew UCLA 99 31 Ave 27 Heidsiek, Ralph George UCLA 51 12527 Caswell Ave. Lyon, John B., Jr., UCLA 11 44&0 ~ Centinella Ave. Ventura
Ackennan, Fred L . DRS 93 3&5 Palomares Hackett, Owen F. UCLA 30 5201 Elmhurst Millhouse, Edwin C. MIN 206 159 Pal i St., Apt. 1& Veteran's Home of Colifomio
Horne, Harold H. W 153 P. 0 . Box &5 Topanga
Bl ak ey, Fred erick Gates COLO 344 Entrada Dr. Torrance Aiken, Edward D. C 359 22&15 Gaycrest Blink, Allan J . WIS 532 2302 W. !78th St. Cowger, Jack C. W 392 23910 Huber Ave. Folk, Richard W. OHS 485 5&13 Calle De Ricardo Haskell , Barry S. SC 1&8 2503 Arlington Ave. Keenan, Eugene L . COLO 43& 280& W. !&7th St. Luning, Ernes t A. UCLA 1&4 2&14 W. !80th St. Nagel, Frederi ck E . NW 299 242 W. 219th St. Peterson, Thom as A. COLO 399 2132& Mildred Ave. Sti rewa lt, Cl etu s R. , Jr. , UCLA 32 4422 - 231 St.
Austin , Walter E. C bb Ward 4, Annex II Visalia Flower, Rupert E., 0. D., K 237 P. 0 . Box 751 Williams, Joseph P. COLO 302 945 W. Howard Ave.
Vista Burton, Robert L. WY 14 Bo x 402 Walnut
Carrey, Jean E. SC 21& 20&11 E. La Puente Rd. Walnut Creelc
Kimball , Laverne A. C 40& 243 Santa Fe Dr. Kouns, Dwight Harold C 432 1320 MI. Pisgah Rd. MacGregor, Malcolm H. Ml 498 2&58 San Antonio Dr. Schwarzer, Timothy C. C 53& 7&& Rosewood Dr. Zell er, Theodore D. COLO &88 191 Village Ct.
Walnut Grove
Tracy Pierce, Conway, P 191 927 Windeler Tulelake Ganger, Wi lliam D. WS 4& L ance, Edwin V. DRS 192 Box 494 Tulare Kahn, Frank, N 218 844 Sycamore Mathias, Charlie M. 0 119 515 E. Kern
Turlock Emerson, George S. C 557 Route 2, Bo x 2& Tustin
Rogers, Willi am C. SC &5 18072 Lilli an Way Webb, Richard E. SC 80 1232 1 Char loma Dr. Upland Bloom, Kenneth F . OHS 51& &2& Quince Ave. Vallejo Greenwood, Harl ow V. S 47 Box 413 Robbins, James H. CSU 9 300 Indiana Von Huys Anderson, James C. UCLA 7& 1&750 Valerio St.
McCormack, Malcolm C 400 Bo x 14 Watsonville Bowen, Robert Ezra C 148 Elkhorn Farm Hudson, Frederick R. S 83 518 Brewlington Ave. West Carino
Maxwell, Robert L. C 320 3510 Hill Hanen Dr. West Covino
Barcalow, Charles W. UCLA 9 1445 Holly Oak Drive Gill , Robert A. SC 99 &51 Florence Ave. Jones, Harry D. SC 207 1837 E . Workman St. Suggs, Donald, 0 338 1120 Coronado Ave. West Los Angeles
Blanchard, Fred H. UCLA 13& 10&&& Ohio Ave. Wh i ta ker, Ri tc hi e W. SC 171 ll770 Gateway Blvd. Whittier
Carter, Kenneth Carley UCLA 98 1714 Monte Vista Cl emons, Cra ig D., D.D.S., NW 2&9 802 Worsham Dr. Daum, L.A ., MINN . 143 707 Avalon Road Ell io tt, Joseph A. LB 10 1479 E. Ea stridge Ave. Eriksson, Erik J. 10 83 15908 Rushford St.
Evans, Preston Arthur SC & 10445 S. Nashvi lie Ave. Headon, Kenneth L. UCLA 182 9122 Gunn Ave. Hess, James Loring Ml 239 70& E. Broadway Howard, James R. UCLA &9 9924 Rufus Ave. Johnson, Harold V. W 307 837 Strub Ave. Kent, Hugh M. S 117 235 N. Bright Kotick, John Fred WIS 4&& c/o A. E. Reed, 7829 S. Mi Ina Mclaughlin, Robert P. MD 218 11420 E. Keith Dr. Neuman, , Robert C., Jr., UCLA 15& &01 Tedemory Dr. Niles, Walter D. LB 45 70& E. Mar Vista Pierce, Ernest B. Ml N 137 812 Sunset Dr. Riegel, Harry I. , Jr. , C 394 915 S. Norino Dr. Rodenberger, A. E. IN 293 10838 S. Newcomb Ave. Robinson, Wm. F. , IN 338 15434 Condesa Sandford, Alan H. K 559 10514 E. Townley Dr. Smetzer, Bernard 0. COLO 1&0 10818 Pounds Ave. Stewart, Roger K. SC && 10440 Pounds Ave. Till, Edward J. IS 342 411 S. Colmosa Ave. Willard, Lee M. UCLA 151 1710 Orange Dr. Wi liard, Robert E. WS 148 1001 W. Philadelphia Wilson, Roy S. IN 131 14228 Christine Dr.
Willits McKee, Robert H. C 429 47 North St. Noonan, Roney A. C 279 1&9 Wood St. Wilmington Drew, Donald A. LB 14 1023 Alton St. Simpson, Donald R. LB 13 555 East L St. Woodland Bonney, Oren V. W 372 131 Frost Dr. Daniels, John Q. A. C 149 Route 2, Box 729-A Woodland Hills Ertel, George C. UCLA 123 573& McSonie Ave. McKenzie, Donald E. SC 21 23319 Oxnard St. Nyberg, James J. Ml 551 4571 Larkwood Ave. Yuba City Atherton, Edgar E .. Jr. , ILL 533 475 Brown Ave. DeWitt, Frank G. C 3&3 49 Michigan St. Murphy, Monty C. OS 398 444 McRae Way Wolcott, Richard C. C 419 1424 Upland Drive
COLORADO Akron Schafer, Rollie R. COLO 329 Alamosa Cauble, Vance G. K 454 Box 712 Dawson, Donald Lee COLO 533 95 El Rio Drive Hurley, Dr. James Roy COLO 92 402 San Juan Shaffer, Clyde N. COLO 255 Woodworth, Robert J. COLO 411 1304 Main St.
Arvada Bergman, Roy H. COLO 34& 8425 W. 59th Ave. Gatchell, Dale, COLO 3% &057 Estes Ct. Harder, Donald Wm. COLO 371 &537 Teller
MARCH, 1960
Hurrell , Robert D. WY 79 &138 Nelsen Sl Menge, John D. ON 118 &551 Marshall St. Moritz, John R. COLO 572 Route 1, Box 450 Spencer, Charles D. COLO &15 5450 Garrison St.
Aurora Burton, Robert B. CSU 7b 10&75 E. Colfax, No. 3&<8) Edmundson, William K. COLO 3&0 1117 Quentin St. (8) Hansen, Donald Wayne COLO 5&7 10455 E. Colfax Harvey, Glenn, COLO 57& 1748 Oakland St. (8) Avondale Duncan, Carl Mack COLO 494 Bayfield Sitton, James Harvey CSU 15 Bertnoud Waggener, John Milton COLO 381 Beulah Wheeler, Howard Wm. COLO 349 Boulder Ahlborn, Richard E. COLO 537 2002 Grove St. Alexander, Grant, COLO 288 2331 Broadway Arthur, William Reed COLO 99 1045 University Ave. Beaver, James 0. KS 348 335 Colgate Bergheim, Robert M. COLO 434 1212 Pearl St. Bingham, Richard L. COLO 471 870 - 12th St. Britt, Frank W. COLO 502 1403 Kalmia Britt, Robert Dean COLO 584 1403 Kalmia Ave. Crawford, Ivan Charles COLO 75 b45 - 15th St. Daum, Claude Ri chard COLO 28& 2112 Bluff St. Davies, Ronald Watson COLO 323 %1 Lincoln Pl. Dean, Paul Marshall COLO &8 525 Highland Ave. Derham, Milo Grant COLO 11 905 - 13th St. Downing, Roderick L . COLO 249 983 - 14th St. Drommond, Frederick G. COLO 330 1101 Grandview Eakin, Terry C. ON 131 Reed Hall 21 Eckel, Clarence L . COLO 72 770 - 12th St. Gurley, James Rollin COLO 393 c/ o C. A. Wagner, 440 - 18th St Hanna, William J . COLO 3&5 Silver Spruce, Nederland Star Rt. Harder, Richard C. COLO 372 1180 Hawthorn Ave. Hultquist, Martin E. COLO 300 2847 - 8th St. Humburg, Gene Harold CSU 51 737 - 8th St Humburg, Neil Edward COLO 544 737 - 8th St. Hutchinson, James D. COLO 423 837 - 15th St. Johnson, Herbert E. , ILL, COLO 380 851 - 14th St. Jones, Donald L. NW 4&0 2207 Nicholl Jones, Horace A. COLO 291 765 Sunset Blvd. Jones, Leonard, COLO 13& 802 - 17th St. Jones, Richard A. 0 &23 2950 E. College, Apt. 25 Lantry, Ronald H. COLO 593 lb45 - 14th Lunsford, John A. COLO 198 800 Grant PL. McCabe, Fordyce G. , Jr., COLO 4b2 b44 - 14th Sl McCollum, George A. COLO 534 2433- 5th St McMillan, Paul C. MD 470 Box 704 McMillen, Hugh Edmond NW 219 University of Colorado Murray, Oswell F. COLO &41 2007 Columbine Ave.
Nicholls, George C. COLO 45& &45 Juniper Olsen, Neal W. COLO 598 1&18- 7th St. Overholser, John W. COLO &29 P. 0 . Box 338 (3090 -5th St.> Peterson, Dwayne G. COLO &73 1500 Balsam Poe, Charles F. COLO 3& 875 - 17th St. Schoenbeck, Eric L . COLO &85 3000 Dartmouth Smith, Edwin Lewis COLO 332 723- 19th St. Swerdfeger, Phi I ip M. COLO 552 844 - 15th St. Timmerhaus, Klaus D. ILL &77 905 Brooklawn Tobey, Sidney C. COLO 2&4 951 University Ave. Utlaut, William F. COLO 382 2101 Mariposa Wagner, Chas. A. , Jr. , COLO 270 440 - 18th St. Wilson, William A. COLO 355 1029 Arapahoe Witt, Norman Frank COLO 318 1101 Grandview
Brighton Harshburger, Douglas D. CSC 15 433 South Third Rd. Wells, James William COLO 32
Reister, Floyd Manlius IS 3&4 1425 Rorabaugh, Guy 0 . COLO 304 20 E. Del Norte Schuelke, John P. WY 128 &1 Security Blvd, Security Village Seely, James H. COLO &32 1118 E. Yampa Vande! , William, K 403 211& Lark Dr. Weightman, Lionel F. CSU 98 224 S. Wahsatch Wightman, Richard I. CIN 11& 1530 Diana! Lane Yager, Albert R. IN 44 102 Easy St., Security Village Cort.z Belt, John E. COLO 559 P. 0. Box 1047 Hall, James William COLO 588 Box 117& Higman, Darrell E. COLO b27 25 N. Market St. Higman, James Hart COLO 589 P. O. Box 514 Hooks, Charles P. COLO 577 Rusk, Willard W., Jr. , COLO 3&9 Box 981 Wilson, Kenneth R. COLO 527 214 N. Washington
DHr Trail
Bristol McGrath, Richard Paul CSU 19 Broomfield Dow, Paul F. COLO 53& A & W Root Beer Knill, Thomas J . ON 147 23& Iris Shaw, Gene L. COLO 4&3 590 Midway Watton, Thomas R. ON 112 745 Beryl St. Broomfield Heights Mallett, Gavin R. ON 95 275 W. 4th Ave. Vaughan, Robert D. WY &2 145 Kohl St. Burlington Lewis, John Henry KS 134 Box 544 Canon City Campbell , Alex Bennett ON 124 1131 Rudd Lynch, Elwood Bert COLO 57 921 Harrison Short, Robert G. COLO 52& 1375 Rudd Ave. Zimmerman, Clyde Leslie DN 141 704 Harrison Ave. Cascade Dickey, Newall Allan CSC 58 Box &7 Center Ayars, Kenneth Roy COLO 331
Colorado Springs Abrahams, Eugene D. COLO &42 1215 N. Franklin Baggs, Charles H. DN 1&0 1911 N. Nevada Ave. Bunker, Harry S. 10 211 Box 1110 Coombes, John E. NW 133 283& County Club St. Dewell , David K. COLO b17 1&31 Cul ebra Pl. Green, Ralph J. K 293 1830 W. Colorado Ave. Hagedorn, Alfred A. , Jr. , COR 372 13 Lorna Linda Dr. Hinkle, Kenneth H., Jr., COLO &52 33&0 W. Bijou Holman, Loy D. COLO 451 521 Yellowstone Kliewer, Harry, COLO 200 404 Columbia Rd . Nesbi t, Norman L . COLO &18 711 Columbia Rd. Notestine, Mark Edward COLO &19 2828 W. Kiowa St. Pennington, C. E., M. D. , ON 80 1414 N. Hancock Ave. Ramsay, G. Chester T 109 P. 0. Box 34&
Davi s, Charles R. CSC 12 Box 223 Del to Brown, Arthur Allen COLO 2&8 Smith, Donald Keith CSU 50 R. R. 1, Box 105
Alt, Eugene E. ILL &02 3489 S. Dahlia St. Arnold, Vern B. N 350 720 Cook St. (b) Arnholter, Richard H. P 585 &030 E. 3rd Ave. (20) Arterburn, L arry Evans COLO 470 2250 E. Wesley Ave. Baker, Harold, K 345 1970 S. Clayton (10) Balderston, Herbert G. ON 15& 1013 Hazel Ct. Baldwin, Arthur Lee ON 1 702 Rai I wa y Exchange Bldg. Barker, Franklin B. 0 452 971 Winon a Ct. <4> Barnard, Hamilton I. COLO 301 2805 E. Ninth Ave. (b) Barnett, Thomas Arden COLO 583 4534 West 32nd Ave. Bartholic, Arthur Wilding ON 2 2373 Faifax Bartholic, Clarence L. DN 3 414 Equitable Bldg. Bartholic, Robert L. CSU 25 2335 Kearney St. (7) Baumgart, Norman D. N 494 2928 Elm St. (7) Benedict, Ch arles E. DN 4 1089 S. Elizabeth St. Benedi ct, Harlon E. DN 5 &11 East 11th Ave. Bennett, Keith S. 0 499 3300 S. Ivy Way Bolton, Harry B. K 257 3400 E. Kentucky Ave. (9) Bonner, John Wylie DN b7 UOO S. Clayton Borman, Arthur Paul COLO 38& 1bb0 Garfield Bouslog, Dr. J . S. COLO 110 &210 East 17th Ave. Brack, Gary L. KS 409 11&1 S. Raritan <23> Bradshaw, Monte R. COLO &91 1475 Cherry <20> Breckenridge, G. H. , Jr., ON 87 71% W. Fourth Ave. Brown, Robert G. WY b4 1598 W. Alameda Ave. (23) Bundy, Harry W. COLO 582 1302 East 11th Ave. Burnett, Paul E. COLO 295 1495 S. Mi lwaukee St. (10) Burruss, Edward C. COLO 445 U12 Garfiel d Bryant, Ralph H. W 2&1 1310 Magnolia (20) Carhart, Arthur H. IS 98 2591 Eudora St DIRECTORY PAGE 11
Chapman, Robert M. NW 281 U. S. Geological Survey Federal Center Ctoon, Joseph, COLO 373 Choun Constr. Co. , 980 Yates Clark, Walter A. COLO 429 1120 Adams St. ( b) Cline, Foster W. K 101 1929 Ivy Sl (20J Collins, Clem W. ON 9 333 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. (2) Colwell, Robert L. COLO 503 2379 Dexter Cooke, Ralph W. COLO 351 &00 S. Washington St. Cordray, A. E. 0 441 155& S. Elm St. <22l Coulson, Herbert M. OS 213 !52& Blake (2) Counts, Oakley Ford ON II 920 Monaco Blvd Cox, H. Martin COLO &23 290 Ogden St. Cox, Roy Leonard COLO 5&0 1244 Grant Craven, Charles Ray COL 182 West High, lOth & Elali Sts. Crewford, Marco B. COLO 197 2850 Bellaire (7) Cummings, Howard F. COLO 314 2&32 S. Lafayette (10) Cunningham, Gerald 0. COLO 485 9550 W. 15th Pl. (15) Dan ielson, Ralph W. COLO 192 5770 E. Third Ave. (20) David, Ral ph Rogers GW 247 15&4 Monroe St. Davis, Richard C. CSU 122 2585 Locust Sl Dawson, Ora T., Jr. , OS 227 1215 S. Harlan (15) Day, George Rodney ON 12 2&91 Clermont St. Deeter, John Howard ON 14& 793 S. Downing Dlmler, Charles George ON 13 704 Boston Bldg. Donaldson, John A. 0 44& 7430 East 21st Ave. (8) Dunklee, Edward V. COLO 12 727 Washington St. (3) Echelmeyer, Wm. H. , Jr., PS 380 27&5 Fenton Sl (14) Elderkin, Lawrence W. 0 31& 3053 S. Steele Sl (10) Ellison, David R. COLO 585 950 Allison St. (15) Eschenburg, Herman M. COLO 122 &&03 East 17th Ave. Eves, Frank C. F 33 735 Filmore St. (b) Fiske, Henry D., Jr. , COLO 14 2273 S. Fillmore St. Frandsen, Frank H. ILL &&1 &55 Broadway Bldg. Forney, Hubert, K 313 3192 S. Fillmore (10) Fowler, Ora Smith COLO 105 1259 Steele St. Froese, Erhard Albert COLO 133 1922 Locust St. Frost, Alexander G. , Ill , COLO &24 40 S. Elm St. (22) Frost, Arl H. K 215 800 Ogden St. Gardner, Thomas A. 10 2&0 &902 Montview Blvd. (20) Genge, Arthur H. ON 92 1150 Willow (8) George, Price J. WIS 372 7&20 West 24th Ave. (15) Gilmore, Harold M. NW 83 1&38 Clennont (20) GiM, Carl Lyle ON 18 2729 West 35th Sl Gray, Or. Robert L. ON 19 Argonaut Hotel Green, Irving B. ON 1&3 9121 Cedar Ct. (29) Green, WilliamS. , Jr. , P 23& 1133 Hudson St. (7) Greene, Lawrence W. COLO 190 5325 East 17th Ave. Grenard, Ross B. , Jr., ON 153 1210 Harrison St., Apt. 29 (b) Gunderson, William N. ON 103 1811 Cherry Gustafson, Adolph L. COLO 292 2938 Depew St. Harrison, Jack Edward COLO 31& 220 Ivanhoe Hart, William J . CSC 33 4550 Cook Sl Hartley, Ward Delew K 330 52& S. Wi II lams (9l DIRECTORY PAGE 12
Havson, Fitch P. COLO 43 &730 East 5th Ave. Henderson, Eugene W. COLO 250 790 Columbine St. Herbertson, Floyd J . COLO &11 2525 S. Colorado Blvd. Hillmar, Ellis 0 . COLO 488 2870 S. High St. (!OJ · Histed, William, K 355 1372 S. Edison Way (22) Hoffman, Arthur F. C. IS 58 !Ill S. St. Paul (!OJ Hoffman, Edgar J. COLO 450 1788 S. Jasmine <22> Hollingsworth, John E. N 297 City Elite Laundry 2707 Laurence St. Horton, Reuben, ON 47 2250 S. Clayton St. (!OJ Howe, Guy Forbes K 90 325 East 18th Ave. Hughes, T. C., Jr. , COLO 437 1&57 S. Mabry Way (19) Janitschke, Robert P. NW 271 Republic Bldg., Suite &0& Jenkins, John E. COR 113 2r1l7 Iri s (15) Johnson, Calvin F. COLO 591 3709 Ames (12) Johnson, Gordon R. CSU 48 702 Railway Exchange Bldg. (2) Johnson, Robert Leon ON 138 771 Mariposa (4) Justice, Richard A. CSC 5 970 Lamar St. (15) Keen, Edd Tom ON 94 325 S. Locust Ke lly, John Burton CSU 14 54 S. Knox Ct. (4) Kingery, Hugh E. COR 573 2215 Locust Sl (7) Kremer, Ralph J. , Jr., COLO 394 2970 Ivanhoe St. (7) Krieger, Clarence J. COLO 395 835 Fenton (14) Larson, Harri s W. N 435 3052 S. Steele (!OJ Laughlin, Glenn A. COLO 287 425 Mining Exchange Bldg. (2) Lent, James R. ON 57 &08 S. York St. (9) Lewis, Robert C. COLO 182 444 Fairfax St. Lindsay, Ri chard W. COLO 7& 1730 Leyden Sl Lommatsch, Lynn, ON 149 2550 S. Grant St. Lord, Edward L. COLO &37 Route 3, Box 319-A (8) Lund, Victor G. ON 139 17&5 S. Grant St. OOJ Manary, Howard D. ON 7& 1900 Quebec St. (7) Mann, Stanley K. COLO 578 3335 Benton Sl (14) Matchett, Dr. Foster N 30& 1044 Olive St. (20) Matthews, Alfred T. CSC 2 1315 E. Amherst Maul, Dr. Robert F. COLO 107 1755 Monaco Blvd (20J McCool , Kenty L. COLO &81 3&5 Elm St. McGahey, Jack M. COLO 594 4150 E. Eastman Ave. <22) McMath, Paul Lee COLO 595 2127 S. Downing Means, Alan Lee On 150 10&5 S. Columbine Sl (9) Metcalf, EarleS. , Jr. , WIS 452 1774 S. Ivy St. (22) Miller, Pastor A. L. IN 48 Montview Presbyterian Church 2232 Albion Mills, Glen Everett COLO 152 2349 Dexter St. Mitchell, Ronald A. COLO &83 1&&0 S. Marion St. (!OJ Montgomery, Fred D. COLO 2&1 3540 Zenobia Moore, Ralph Cary COLO 335 3204 S. Dahlia St. Morgan, Harry Allee COLO 180 983 S. Gilpin Mudgett, Frank A. , Jr. , CIN 174 P. 0 . Box 2371 (1) Newnam, Marion A. ON &2 510 Monroe Sl Niemann, Harold E. N 440 2&90 S. Josephine St. (!OJ Nordby, WalterS. ON 9& 9988 W. Colfax (15) Norris, Raymond W. ON 78 Ill! Jamaica (8)
O'Brien, Edward T. , Jr., COLO &72 1325 Glenarm St. Palmer, Lewis B. Ml 5&1 2022 s. Tennyson Parker, Carl Francis NW 201 2539 Forest Peabody, Elmer C. COLO 299 4&20 West 39th Ave. (12) Pennington, William R. ON 81 2945 Pontiac St. (7) Perkins, Dr. Earl J . COLO 89 3&45 Elist St. Ull Petsch, Harold E., Jr., COLO 435 &34 s. Clarkson St. (9) Phillips, James L. CSC 55 11&0 Sherman Platt, James Henry GW 44 390 Hudson (12) Proske, Theodore A. ON 123 1015 St. Paul St. Quinn, John M., Jr., COLO 4r1l 1&75 S. Fillmore (10) Reed, Floyd Kramer N 2&3 3427 West 45th Ave. (Ill Remington, Paul E. COLO 5r1l 30 Fairfax St. (20) Reneau, George H. 0 423 2324 S. Fairfax <22) Rinehart, David E. COLO &39 4770 Elm Cl Ritchie, James David ON 140 545 Monroe Rose, Clarence J . COLO 22& 2720 S. Gilpin St. (10) Rosnik, John C. CSU 94 1&01 Hudson St. Rubel, Robert Oscar ON 108 2&92 Clermont ST. (7) Ryden, Alvin W. CSC 3 520& Morrison Rd. (14) Schell , Farrel L. K 591 2&&8 S. Adams Sheppard, Richard L. DN 98 10030 E. Lowry (8) Smith, Faey B. COLO 1&1 1101 Garfield St. Smith, Faey B. , Jr. , COLO 389 1101 Garfield St. Smith Robert Lewis COLO 459 1101 Garfield St. Smith, Wayne E. CSU 27 1010 Sheridan Sommers, Fred E. COLO &98 5400 W. Alameda (14) Spangler, Henry R. COLO &5 801 Lafayette (!8) Spaulding, Mortimer W. Ml 74 11&5 Milwaukee Stephens, Seth H., Jr. , CSC 44 7051 Raritan (21) Stevens, Galen Jos lyn DN 33 1003 Harrison St. (b) Stone, Kenneth E., Jr., COLO &&2 3&32 Krameria (7) Stringer, C. P., Jr., 0 494 3088 S. Flamingo Way (22) Tabor, Frank C., Jr., DN 99 2&47 Douglas Pl. (I!) Taylor, Edward Earl COLO 85 4335 East 17th Ave. Thomas, Gust W. ON 101 423 S. Gilpin (9) Thompson, Joseph Arthur DN 34 22&3 Bellaire St. Thwaltes, Robert W. ILL 738 2530 S. Lowell Blvd. Tomlinson, Warren L. ON 85 2340 Ivy St. (7) Truscott, Robert W. COLO 337 735 Glencoe (20) Turnquist, Elver R. COLO &01 440 Detroit St. (b) Vail, Allan Paden CO LO 230 2849 Clermont m Valiance, Chad Y. 0 435 28&5 S. York (!OJ Voigt, Ronald F. RPI 24 1591 Nome St. (8) Wallace, John H. DN 3& 2333 Eudora ST. <3&) Wallace, John Herbert CSU 43 2333 Eudora Sl Wallbank, Stan ley Thomas COLO 95 190 High Sl Wasson, Minor Fleming N 95 837 U. S. Nat' I Bank Bldg. White, Orris H. , Jr. , ON 1&7 2487 W. Argyle Pl. (II) White, Raymond G. ON 8& 3&3 Albion Ave. (20) Whitehead, Richard Wilson COLO 208 174& Chenry Sl Willis, Charles B. CSU 103 1&20 Syracuse
Winemiller, Aryln F. CSU 55 1&72 S. Meade Sl (!9) YOI.flce, James Oliver IN 364 2&95 S. University Blvd. Young, Frederick H. ON 59 1255 Steele St. Young, William R. COLO 324 3031 S. Marion
Meyen, Edward L. CSC 8 &340 E. 7lst PI. Rothman, Elmer E. CSU 72 5720 E. &3rd Ave. Scholl, Dr. Wm. T., Jr., IN 40& &&&0 E. 72nd Pl.
o.... _ Jones, Ray B. 0 558 100 Alamo Dr. Eagle Mclain, Jerome, R. COLO &71 Box 525 Trezise, Robert C., Jr., CSC 37 Box 231 Englewood
Bassett, Arlen l . CSC 42 3501 S. Clarkson Sl Bluemel , Charles Sidney COLO 70 4501 S. Franklin Brown, Albert A. DN 145 4229 S. Fox Henry, Clifford A. COLO 345 273& S. Penn Miller, Douglas Leroy DN 120 3012 S. Fox St. Miller, Gary E. CSC I 3373 S. Washington Milson, Clark J. CSC 49 4190 S. Elati Ent Air Force Base
Crabb, Major Gen. J. V. P 25& Air Defense Command
' .
Est.s Porlt Cameron, Jack D. CSU 82 Longs Peak Rt. Swearingen, Paul L. CSU 75 Evergreen
Eads, David W., Jr., K 350 Marshdale Lodge Flagler Michal, LaVern Henry CSU 40 Fle•lng Brownell, Raymond B. COLO &r1l Rural Route 3 Rowan, Arlyn Dean CSU 4& Box 15& Fort Collins Baskett, Thomas L. CSU 44 122 Stewart Ave. Bennett, Chester A. COLO 229 Box 305 Clark, Dwight D. K 2&9 440 Circle Dr. Farmer, Edward J. CSU 145 515 W. Oak Sl Finn, Calvin L. CSU 10& 5r1l S. Howes St. Fischer, Albert Philo COLO 242 1242 W. Mountain Ave. Harrah, Marvin Dale CSU 78 921 West Oak Henry, George Francis CSU 10 312 S. Howes Irwin, William P. CSU 149 301 E. Prospect Kessler, Phillip CSU 139 1218 W. Magnolia Kezer, Alvin, N 85 719 S. Washington, Apt. 219 McCauley, Melvin E. CSU 2 1122 W. Oak Sl Meikel , Edward J ., Jr. , COLO 343 428 S. Loomis Ave. Miller, Mark Warner CSU 45 1019 Remington Sl Moffitt, Clyde Elbert 10 292 Express Courier
Nelson, Don D. CSU 135 Route I, Box 592 Riffenburgh, Waldo, DN 31 1525 Remington Schumacher, Frankli n H. CSU 54 218 Jackson Ave. Wait, David Francis CSU 42 827 LaPorte Ave. Weigle, Jack L. P 595 Horticultural Dept. , Colorado State University
Williams, Charles Grant CSU 20 420 Garfl eld
Fott LupSarchet, James L. CSU 86 Route 2, Box 1&1 Sarchet, Robert Allen CSU 71 Route 2, Box 161
Warren, Frank Hiram OS 119 1629 - 14th Ave. Weiss, Ronald D. IS 515 1019 - 3rd Ave. Gunnison
Wright, Paul Wesley ILL 397 Athletic Director Westem State Teachers College
Fortlolo._ Bloedorn, Jom H. N 131> Box 1059 Gaskill, Robert A. OS 394 Route 2 Green, Marshall J. , Jr. , CSU 66 Rural Route 2 Fowler Munson, Arthur L . COR 204 Box 386
Hartul Locke, George Robert COLO 282
Gllcreot Rust, Harry E. esc 48 Box 413
Hally Beitel , James E. CSC 28 lOB S. Second Sl Hixson, James C. CSC 72 731 W. Colorado Sl
Glen-d Spring• Kimbrough, Albert C. CM 4 Box 201 Golden Carpenter, Bi II F. P 735 1115 - 16th St. Clark, Wesley G. COLO 539 1040 Zang Condron, Amold L. COLO 232 · Route 3, Box 137 Mohr, Clifford Lamont COLO 155 2020 Ford St. Walmsley, J. T. NW 354 2745 Heather Rd. Granby Cress, Luther N. CSU 34 Ogden, Jon S. CSU 65 Holman, Lloyd B. COLO 640 Grand Junction Abbott, George M. WY 27 1915 Orchard Ave. Allen, William J., Jr. , COLO 538 142 Rood Ave. Becker, John F., Jr., ON 65 321 PitJcin Ave. Bowman, Herbert E. COLO 529 1235 Mesa Ave. Bullen, Glenn Ray COLO 412 Box 359 Erickson, Harry C. CSC 7 428 Rio Vista Rd. Hay, Charles C. COLO 284 Rural Route 3 Lemoine, Clarence I. COLO 340 839 Main Pollard, Joseph S., Jr., COLO 414 P. 0. Box 930 Reed, James 0 . COLO 531 2345 Mesa Ave. Sagraves, Allan T. CSC 45 851 Rood, Apt. 1 Whisler, Oonald Wyman COLO 562 1307 N. 7th St.
Gr.. ley Anderson, Loren Elmo COLO 469 1101 - 19th Ave. Annentrout, Winfield D. COL 81 Colorado State College Blue, Fennin K. CSC 9 1326- 8th Sl Cannon, Irving M. CSC 25 801 - 6th St. Carpenter, FrancisM. CSC 22 1612- 15th Ave. Collins, James A. CSC 19 1810- 14th Ave. Corkran, John E. CSC 24 1121- 11th St. Dennis, Ervin A. CSC 46 2333- 8th St. Gunther, Clarence H. CSU 93 603 - 18th St. Hays, Charles K. CSC 73 1208 - 5th St. Hyslop, Alan esc 47 1720 - 13th Ave. MacNeill, John J. CSC 56 1427 - 14th Ave. Shupe, Marshall E. COLO 660 1847 - 12th Ave. Smith, Bruce E. CSC 17 1535- 7th Ave. smith, Roy L. esc 23 1535 - 7th Ave. Wallace, Clarence E. CSC 1545- 12th Ave.
MARCH, 1960
Hendenon Spute, Howard W. ON 135 Box 28-A
Hillrou Schlater, Kenneth W. COLO 525
Holyoke Kunkle, Leslie L. N 225 Hotchkin Mcintyre, Larry R. CSU 68 Ignacio Bamer, R. M. V. CSU 59 Johnstown
Musi I, Robert Wm. COLO 499 Julesburg Campbell, Emest E. COLO 515 Johnson, Alvin Joseph COLO 569
Brandebery, David K. CSC 10 197 Maple Drew, John B. ON 48 440 S. Windennere Dungan, Gerald K., II, COLO 506 3370 W. Akoarben Eager, William Richard COLO 565 1140 Poplar Sl Harlow, Abner R. ON 93 3391 W. Saratoga Harlow, Abner R. , Sr., ON 159 3391 W. Saratoga Hillmar, Ellis D. COLO 488 7290 S. Sherman Lutz, Donald G. ON 106 c/ o Broadway Estates Subdiv. 6633 S. Grant Sl McCarty, William A. , Jr., ON 107 1035 S. Elm Vaughn, Tommy A. CSU 134 3096 W. Stanford Dr. Longmont
Branch, Lewis R. COLO 609 1302 Ninth Ave. Power, Myron W·. N 228 Ross, Ralph Mason COLO 549 P. 0. Bo x 416 Treasure, Robert L . COLO 553 1003 Carey Sl ... ovelond Amen, Charles Richard COLO 492 Route 1, Box 209 Benson, Kenneth L . WY 135 1105 w. 6th Hancock, Eugene Ammon W 6 P. 0. Box 95 Meister, James Madison CSU 39 1049 Garfield Ave. Scheele, Gordon B. CSC 54 1353 Garfield
Rothe, AI vi e Walter CSU 67 Route l, Bo x 103
Kirk idler, David Keith CSU 79 Moellenberg, Francis Wm. CSU 49 Moellenberg, Roland D. CSU 80 La Junta Cosand, George Sanders COLO 253 100 F Bui I ding
Lafayette Roberts, Merle E. CSC 26 407 W. Cleveland Lakewood Blatt, Robert C. ON 66 1675 Hoyt Sl Brockman, Charles F. NW 331 2425 Lewis St. <15) Dial, David, SC 69 2017 Brentwood Dr. Dunn, Roland Walter COLO 422 8100 West lOth Ave. Gilkison, Don, 0 340 1930 Newcomb Dr. Kinsell, Leon ard, MIN 229 Box 7503 (15) Logue, George W. K 492 10370 W. 14th Ave. Overholt, Leonard Edgar ON 97 8203 W. Alameda
.an cos
Linderholm, Walter E. COLO 263 lanltou Springs Pi !cock, Earl, COLO 320 c/ o Pi !cocks Drug Store 734 Manitou Ave. Monte Vista Diel , Jacob E. CSC 30 1030 Park Ave. Neeper, Creed A. ON 28 Sti II , Theodore R. KS liB Montrose
Corey, Irwin S. CSU 121 Route 4, Box 300 Grauel, Charles W. 10 57 Smith, Edward H. CSC 74 BOO South 6th St.
Nucla Wi I son, Malcolm W. COLO 620 Olathe Loper, Robert Bruce COLO 403 Box 184 Mclaughlin, William L. CSU 88 Ouray Johnson, Lycurgus W. COLO 359 Bo x 123
Richie, Leonard LeRoy ON 84 805 Berkley Rose, Charles Fredrick ON 155 1317 Bragdon Rubick, Wallace F. OH 160 1209 Massachusetts Shaw, Dr. Dwight B. 0 91 2107 Elizabeth St. Spangler, Clifford E. KS 364 2109 Spruce
Rangely Paulsell , William G. 0 638 c/ o The California Co. Rocky Ford Houser, Lowell D. CSU 3 P. 0. Box 190 Mullins, Donald L . CSC 50 Rural Route 2 Salida Frost, Alan C. COLO 466 Box 30 Glenn, Charles C. COLO 376 R. F. D. 1, Box 45B Lines, John Cushman COLO 546 Rural Route Box 107-A Security
Hannan, Jerry B. CSU 70 525 Aztec Dr .
Sprlngliold Sharkey, Kenneth L. OS 201 333 Kansas Sterling Ansdell , George H. KS 43 210 Logan Sl Davis, Joseph Abner Ml 98 219 Lincoln Eatmon, James L. K 521 Box 1661 Maxwell, James D. COLO 498 305 South 2nd St. Palmer, Frank Emest COLO 45 Schofield Bldg. Walker, Richard 0 . COLO 665 516 Denver St. Trinidad Fuller, Henry C., Jr., WIS 588 C/ 0 Chevron Oi I Co. ' 127 ~ Commercial Sl Matthews, Richard H. COLO 404 1207 San Juan Sanders, Ronald Dean COLO 535 730 W. Kansas St. Uravan
Hurst, Howard, 0 485 Box 421
Walden Dunaway, Lloyd L . CSU 101 Fuller, Charles Milton CSU 77 Box 125 Hakanson, Donald Ray CSU 36 Box 216 Man vi II e, Robert E. CSU 84 Box 303 Wellington McNally, Marvin P. CSU 102 Route 1
Lamar Alexander, John H. COLO 501 19 Paseo Ham, Wilkie Clay COL 64 Johnson, Harlan D. 0 358 65 Mayhew Dr.
Evans, John R. CH 212
Paoli Lohn, John Noel CSU 104 Penrose
La Porte Follett, Roy Hunter CSU 83
LaSalle Croissant, Robert Lee CSU 63 Rural Route l , Box 9 Love, Noble M. CSU 21 R. F. D. 2 Martinson, Charlie A. CSU 53 Route 2, Box 7Cf.2 Noel, JackS. CSU 119 Route 2, Box 304 Limon Statton, James Donald COLO 483
Littleton Achtenhagen, Stephen H. COLO 491 6151 Southwood Dr. Bettes, William E. OS 222 5880 S. Elate
Niehans, Deward Ray COLO 439
Pueblo Boydstun, Chari es B. ON 157 1020 Troy Burkett, Walter C. CSC 87 415 Mich igan St. Craig, William James ON 152 2134 Pine Sl Dann enberg, Donald D. K 472 1601 Lexington Rd. Edson, William Miles ON lSB 414 W. Adams Fox, Robert F. CSU 123 412 McClelland Hurley, Dr. Grant W. COLO 385 1201 Revere Lane MeHaffey, David George CSU 38 1218 East 12th MeHaffey, D. R. IS 128 1218 East 12th St.
Anderson, Fred A. CSU 24 3560 West 76th St. Burton, Wilson E. GW 113 3924 West 72nd Ave. Chitwood, Curtis E. COLO 692 4300 Oakwood St. Kelley, Robert E. 1/Y 2 7460 Newton Melville, Edward W. ON 49 7901 Lowell Weston
Hamilton, John Richens ON 143
Wheat Ridge Bigler, Charles Ellison COLO 305 4500 Brentwood O'Connell, Michael J . COLO 548 4601 Wadsworth Schultz, Lorenz M. , Jr., CSU 96 3865 Newland Segerstrom, Ralph E. CSC 32 3875 Garland Skinner, Kenneth L. COLO 500 6940 West 32nd Ave. Tripp, Larry E. COLO 600 3850 Balsam St. OIRECTORY PAGE 13
Winslow, Willis Merle COLO 239 Bo x 499 Woodl..,d Parlt Jackman, Reginal P. K 91 Yellow Jacket Cruzan, Robert N. CSC 63
CONNECTICUT Bridgeport Hamil, James K. 10 308 Remington Arms Co. , Inc. Herlihy, John, Ml 189 925 Church Hill Rd. Bristol Brunt, William J . V 64 450 Shrub Rd. Chuhire Borg, William N. SY 268 Flagler Ave. Clinton Carras, Robert G. COR 433 125 Harbor Pkwy. Collinsville Granger, Wilbert J. K 486 Cas Cab Ross, William D. NW 304 Cognewaugh Rd .
o..p River Olson, John F. NH 296 47 Elm Sl Fairfield Coffed, Dale H. RPI 4 345 Fairview Ave.
Glonbroak Gillespie, Daniel C. PS 337 19 Field SL Groonwich Anderson, Clarence M. ILL 500 119 Putnam Park Foss, Clifton T . WIS 341 Phea sant Lane Husted, Mill s Hobby Y 77 387 Maple Ave. Lawrence, Donald Emery Ml 178 12 Interval Pl. Pruett, Robert P. IN 379 Gregory Rd . Thompson, George N. CT 14 Oak wood Lane Groton
Hess, Russell Stewart PS 166 Box 156
Hamden Dean, Thomp son, Y 95 109 San ta Fe Ave. Turner, Neely, MO 319 171 Treadwell St.
Hartford Dall as, Will iam Halpin F 139 1578 Asy lum Av e. Humphrey, Edward Frank COL 18 31 N. Wh itney Shi vely, Harold H. OHS 270 Hi llyer College Kent
Miller, Dwight Somers COR 472
lakeville MacKenzi e, Eugene R. COR 353 Shagroy- T i veida Manchester
Dicki e, Georg e D., Jr., RPI I 12 Cent erfie ld St. Naugatuck Daume, Harold B. IL L 455 50 Fairchil d Ave.
Hew Canaan Dutcher, Burtt D. COR 377 Sm1th Ridge Rd. Morgan , Georg e E. NW 295 L ake Wi nd Rd. Nield, Melvin M. ILL 508 3 Vil lage Dr.
HewHcrv• Anderson, Theodore R. MIN 552 Depl of Sociology Yale University Baker, John F. Y 42 Trust Dept. , 1st Nat' I. Bank (2) Chance, David C. 0 647 409 Prospect St. <Ill Ekholm, Cecil Ray WIS 293 907 Whalley Ave. Garratt, George A. Y 174 205 Prospect Sl Holmes, Harry L. A 51 40 Hawthorne Rd. Lear, Maxwell, Y 175 1172 Chapel St. Longbotham, Lisle V . .VIS 50 Lock Box 1649 Russell , Thomas H., Jr., Y 108 57 Trumbull Sl Seymour, George Dudley Y 109 223 Bradley Sl Tyler, Victor Morris Y 102 191 Bishop St. <IU White, Stanley Ray Y 169 c/ o Secretary's Office Yale University Newington Buckingham, John H. F 510 178 Goodale Dr. Nicholls, Raymond H. SY 212 29 Centerwood Rd. (I!) Newtown
Savage, Dr. William L. 0 610 Box W Horoton
Saunders, Roy H. RPI 60 175 Old Kings Hwy. South
North Hoven Bacon, Thomas J. COR 428 21 Hickory Hill Rd . Dewey, Robert B. SY 365 Skiff Parkway Norwalk Dexter, David C. IN 461 106 Ward St.
Old Greenwich Henjes, Frank H., Jr., COR 571 4 Gross Ridge Rd. Vance, Will i am C. NW 220 17 Edgewater Pl. Pleasant Volley Pearson, Linus Everett SY 104
Portland Nelson, William Blair NH 177 16 Highland Ave. Riverside Kendall, David A. V 24 69 Riverside Ave.
Rockville RFD 3 Smith, Elliott A. SY 369 6 Country Lane
Torfington Bartram, John Thompson R PI 57170 Hoffman St. Hine, Henry Francis Y 156 Trinity Church
Wallingford MacDonald, Samuel R. Y 13 958 Northrup Rd . Wapplng Parker, Allen E. SY 294 Pine Tree Lane, R. F. D. Warehouse Point
Stevens, Richard F. NH 2 Station 69 Watertown
Bedell, Robert F. SY 287 32 W. Fingal Rd. West Hartford Crane, Kenneth M. F 229 II High Farms Rd . Cummings, William 0. NW 227 8 Watkins Rd. (7) Keffer, Ralph, H 185 42 FourMile Rd . (7) Westport
Dean, George A. NW 164 Route 3, Minute Man Hill Flint, Frank P. H 312 Half-Mile Common Road 5 Fuller, Howell F. SY 173 Bauer Pl. Hummel, Charles H. OHS 565 Easton Rd. Jarman, Rufus E., II , MO 433 Crooked Mi I e Rd. Kinson, Frank P. PS 203 Hazelnut Rd. Schuck, Hugh Joel MO 248 North Compo Rd.
Wethersfield Hill, Willard E. OHS 535 58 Cottwell Dr. Waadbury Kasgren, T . Y. , Jr., OHS 563 P. 0 . Box 53 Mackay, Joe T . KS 122 Good Hill Rd.
DELAWARE Georgetown
VanValkenburgh, Glennwood
0 213
Lewes Wahl , Richard A. F 56 R. D. I, Box 373 Millville Dukes, Harry Hocker H 177 Newark
Jones, Richard M. M 74 2 Korda Dr. Rowayton
MacPhee, John, RPI 23 Ensign Roads, Pine Point Shelton Stri ckland, Daniel W. Y 135 Congregati onal Church 265 Coram Ave. Southington Lawrence, Richard A. COR 422 93 Plum Orchard Dr. Stamford
Close, John 0 . SY 197 High Ridge Rd. Jones, Burton L. SY 374 429 Atlantic Sl Strotfard Thornberry, Harry C. IS 331 940 Chapel Sl Storrs
Gerberi ch, Joseph R. 10 282 Uni versi ty of Connecticut Talcatyille Allen, Richard B. COR 429
New Castle
Reid, Harry Wilson PS 398 122 Hunn St.
Seaford Wingard, Lemuel B. , Jr., COR 557 405 Elm Dr. Wilmington
Edinger, Earl Eugene F 153 101 Delaware Tr. Bldg. McKnight, Clark Wi I son, ILL 237 Welding & Talley Rd. Parsons, Raymond E. CSU 33 315 Champlain Ave. (4) Powell, Wilson, GW 256 4527 Pi ckwick Dr. <8> Lim estone Gardens Schupp, Orion E. , Jr. , Y 225 Du Pont Ex. Station, CRD Sedwick, Harry Frazer MO 21 1908 Van Buren St. Ulrich, Will iam E. SY 242 401 Rowland Park Blvd. Warren, Don ald Hyatt F 379 Continen tal American Life Insurance Company Whittaker, Willard James GW 248 820 Washington St.
WASHINGTON DC Washington, D. C. Arkoian, Garabad, GW 249 3367- 18th St., N. W. Awtrey, Ray, 0 293 2832 N. Hampton Sl Barker, Henry D. Min 263 3269 Von Hoy en St., N. W. <l5) Berquist, Fred E. W 152 3746 Cumberland St., N. W. Boehmler, Erwin W. NW 113 5413 Albemarl• Westmoreland Hills (16) Boyd, Orton W. OHS 227 3202 Rolling Rd., Chevy Chase Bridges, Donald Reid GW 286 3818 Carpenter St., S. E. (20) Brinker, Robert Lowrey GW 93 1701- 29th St., S. E. (20) Bronaugh, Alfred Taylor GW 205 6601 Glenbrook Rd. (15) Burk, Paul William GW 43 524 Fern St., N. W. Butler, William T. GW 299 2109 F St., N. W., Apl 409 Capehart, Senator H. E. IN 702 117-B The Westchester 4000 Cathedral Ave., N. W. Carlson, Senator Frank KS 337 Senate Office Bldg. Case, Senator Francis H. NW 63 Senate Office Bldg. (25) Cherry, John C., Jr., GW 278 924- 25th St., N. W. (7) Chi Ids, Clarence Chester Y 26 1661 Crescent Place N. W. (9) Clark, CharlesM. COR 335 3040 Idaho Ave. , N. W. (16) Clark, William J. SY 272 2619 Naylor Rd., Apt. 104 (20> Clarke, Roy S., Jr., COR 441 741 Decatur St., N. E. (17) Clubb, Oliver E., Jr. , MIN 607 1639- 19th St. , N. W. (9) Collins, James R. COLO 517 c/o P. H. King 4910- 12th, N. W. (17) Connor, Norman, GW 90 1230 'M' , N. W. (J) Crawford, John C. F 517 1625 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. DeViney, John H. NW 442 3921 Langley Ct. (16) Dewire, Kenneth S. SY 303 2022 'G' SL, N. W. Dickens, John Robert GW 104 5324 - 29th Ave., S. E. (2!) Dishman, Lyman H. GW 75 Town House, 601- 19th St. , N. W Dodder, Bernard T. OS 64 3808- 17th St., N. E. (8) Ellenberger, Wm. J . GW 102 6419 Barnaby SL N. W. (15) Ferguson, Henry Gardines Y 46 U. S. Geological Survey Fisher, Ovia Clark T 151 Congress of the United States House or Representatives Fuller, Welbie L . '~I 220 Rm 506, Barr Bldg., · ·' 910 - 17th St. (6) Garver, Raymond D. N 147 5822 Nevada Ave. , N. W. Gillette, Kenneth G. COR 189 1420 Spring Rd., N. W. (10) Glenn, Karl J . MO 582 4221 - 7th St. , S. E. (22) Graham, James G. Y 152 5240 Reno Rd. , N. W. (15) Graves, Thomas Shedd GW 108 2013 New Hampshire Ave. , N. W. Griffith, Calvin, GW 131 5029 Millwood Lane, N. W. Grubic, Eli Samuel GW 136 Investment Bldg. (5) Hami lton, Cecil B. PS 121 13th & E St. , Western Electric Hangen, Herman C. K 229 2700 'N' St., N. W. (7) Hansen, Richard Wm . GW 284 3510 Quesada St., N. W. (15) Haupt, Ralph Freeman GW 106 4707 Warren St., N. W. Hazelworth, John B. Ml 487 2107 Ft. Davis St., S. E. (20> Heiple, Leon E. ILL 782 814 New Hampshire, N. W. (7) Hinman, Dr. E. Harold 0 562 3124 New Mexico Ave., N. W. (16)
Hoffman, Charles J. GW 308 3316 Neward Sl, N. W. (8l Holmes, Irvin Talley GW 89 !iJr. of Agriculture Economics Vegetable Section U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Homri ghous, Paul W. P 407 5205 Everest Dr. (21) Hom, Claude L. OS 94 Foreign Agri. Relations, USDA Hostrup, Clarence C. Ml 292 5703 Gloster Rd. <161 Jabas, Florian H. WIS 591 1200 Mississippi Ave., S. E. Jenkins, Kenneth W. RPI 117 6623- 7th St. , N. W. <121 Jones, James W. T 80 4000 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. Kennedy, Sidney Stiles H 334 National Park Service Klinefelter, Theron A. OHS 118 2116 F St. , N. W., Apt. 508 <7l Kobee, Edward, RPI 95 6815- 8th St. , N. W. (121 Koons, Capt. BurtS. T 275 7150 Temple Hill Rd. (221 Kriemelmeyer, Arthur D. GW 110 6115- 2nd St. , N. W. Larsen, Edward Benjamin GW 9001 Mohawk Lane Larsen, Harold C. WIS 389 Am. Embassy, Tehran, Iran Department of State <251 Letts, Miles H. Ml 542 3415 McKinley, N. W. Lloyd, Daniel B. SY 186 4630 Chesapeake St., N. W. U61 Loe, Myron L. GW 269 1733- 20th, N. W. Lovett, Eliot C. H 202 734 Fifteenth St., N. W. (51 Mannen, Maurice L . 0 202 2914 Akron Place, S. E. <201 McFall, Bryan C. GW 255 2801 Hillscrest Dr., S. E. Means, Lester H. KS 118 5624 Bent Branch Rd. U61 Moore, David L. UCLA 96 1733 Kilbourne Pl., N. W. Myer, Dillon S. P 196 3025 Daniel Lane, N. W. U51 Neu, Vlt. Arthur A. NW 490 JAG Div., Mil. Dist. of Wash. Petersen, Stanley W. GW 130 4944 Ashby Sl, N. W. (7) Rodgers, David, GW 287 221 Oglethorpe St., N. E. UD Sager, Mere! Seaman H 323 National Park Service Sammons, Charles McKinley GW 20 4404 Garrison St. , N. W. Saugstad, Jesse Edwin WIS 191 2021 Massachusetts Ave. , N. W. Schmidt, Maj . Gen. W. R. ILL 282 2400- 44th St., N. W. <7l Skinner, Henry T. COR 318 U.S. National Arboretum <251 Spangler, George W. GW 58 4545 Cor.necticut Ave., N. W. Spaulding, Hector G. GW 23 1423 Madison, N. W. Ull Stauffer, Mi I ton T. Y 105 3016 Ti Iden St., N. W. (81 Stewart, Dewey, COR 249 1736 Webster Sl, N. E. <171 Swindler, Charles P. GW 25 1075 National Press Bldjj. 14th & F Sts., N. W. <41 Tarbox, Leon A. PS 145 3879 Rodman St. , N. W. U61 Tarwater, Elmer Lee GW 47 4805 Alton Pl., N. W. U61 Thornberry, Wi IIi am H. T 194 3239 Davenport St., N. W. (8) Tomlin, Carl William GW 96 7500 Bybrook Lane (15) Trilety, Otto Edward GW 81 c/o General Agent Department of Justice <251 Waid, Frederic M. IN 137 4621- 38th Sl, N. W. U6l Walden, Kenneth E. F 17 1916 G Sl, N. W. (61 Walker, Edgar Stover GW 83 5112 Watson Sl, N. W. Warncke, Russell Gehring PS 142 4812 Western Ave. U51 Webb, James E. NC 107 3200 idaho Ave. , N. W. (161 Wi I kinson, Robert A. E 2 3237 P St., N. W. <7l Wing, Wai ley L . GW 306 928 New York Ave. , N. W. (1) Wright, Harry Otis, Jr. , GW 99 3331 Reservoir Rd.
MARCH. 1960
Zollinger, George I. OH 421 The University Club 1135- 16th St., N. W. <61
FLORIDA Anna Marie
Hughes, Robert Austin Ml 488 2205 Bayview Dr. Kaiser, George C. ILL 384 2009 S. E. Marietta Lesniak, William W. GW 250 5240 N. Andrews Ave. McCune, Charles N. OHS 82 710 Coral Way Phillips, Emest B. PS 14 2845 N. E. 17th Terr.
Cassady, Edward M. IS 27
Ft. Walton Beach Atlantic Beach Rockwell, Ronald F . OH 168 368- 4th St., P. 0. Box 227 Bradenton
Tourville, Clarence W. WIS 371 c/ o City Engineer, City Hall Woods, Elmer George ILL 418 Box 165 Canal Point Maxson, Edwin R. F 39
Chuluoto Hostetler, Joseph L . , Jr. , P 625 341- 1st Sl
Bland, Theodore S. 0 176 583 Elliot Point Gainesville DaVault, James W. MO 362 Route 4, Box 430 Old Newberry Rd. Emig, Elmer J . WIS 308 University of Florida Hadlock, Edwin Harold COR 295 1021 N. E. 4th Kronsbei n, Dr. John E 52 2530 N. W. !26th Ave. Lewis, Howard Kenneth SY 62 312 N. W. lOth St. Williams, David G. Ml 631 W. P. 3100 N. W. 1st Ave.
Collins, Col. Claude D. ILL 242 429 Woodlawn Ave., Bel lair Collins, Col. Lathan H. ILL 223 429 Woodlawn Ave. Pearce, Charles D. COR 8 1630 S. Betty Lane Ramey, Blaine B. COR 61 1452 Pinebrook Dr. Clermont
Parson s, Charles W. NW 129 Bo x 32-A
Hialeah Selwitz, Chris D. PS 245 246 West 31 st St. Hollandale Hodson, Dr. Floyd COR 201
Hollywood Hurst, L awrence, COLO 100 1737 Polk St. Morris, H. H. WIS 144 303 South 16th Ave.
Coco Beach Jeremiah, Kenneth Wm. 0 369 Route 4, Box 640-L
Holmes Beach
Coral Gobles
Jacksonville Ankeny, Harry C. , Jr. , PS 421 5717 Lake Lucinda Dr., S. (lll Brush, Robert M. ILL 824 1537 Belmonte Ave. (7) Jackson, James P. COLO 669 349 West 17th St. Johnson, Davi d L. NH 131 4139 Skycrest Dr. Pyatt, JohnS . IN 535 2733 Rainbow Rd.
Adams, Forrest E. F 157 1407 Cordova St. Moon, Dr. Virgil H. K 110 Prof. of Pathology University Of Miami Peterson, Howard C. NW 288 6821 Camarin St. (461 Daytona Beach Kinsman, Kenneth G. Ml 312 Bo x 1271 Smith, Guy L . SY 2 301 N. Hollywood Wild, Harry E. WIS 422 520 Ocean Dunes Rd.
Crawford, All en S. MIN 126 P. 0 . Bo x 1863
Kondo II Wipprecht, Walter, Jr. , P 260 P. 0 . Box 235 Kissimmee
Do Bany Froehlich, Frank R. WIS 13 Bo x 842 Lathrop, Louis A. N 180 General Delivery
Deerfield Booch Home, Frederick L . MO 422 1541 S. E. 7th St.
De Lond Fuller, Howard R. WIS 73 414 Montgomery Rosencrans, Gordon W. WIS 128 210 S. Elasser St.
Northrop, Harry C. WIS 54 Bo x 667
Lokelond Grassfield, Ralph G. 10 87 1916 Pawnee Trail Heuser, Gustave F. COR 298 608 Hillside Dr. Reed, Leland D. P 120 2304 Bristol Willson, Harold Frank IS 136 Field Man, U.S. D. A, Box 191
East Pensacola Heights Long, Norman 0. E 78 c/o 1305 Blount Ave.
Loke Worth Berge, Robert A. M 89 1319 N. Lak eside Roach, James T . WIS 87 1423 N. ·' L ' St. Largo
Eglin Lucas, Walter H., Jr. , K 505 26-B Hatchee Rd. Englewood Merrill, Harry E. P 37 Route 1, Bo x 62-A Eustis
Truman, Herman N. OHS 482 118 Chesley St.
Ball , Edwin K. 111 Crestwood Lane.. Harbor Bluffs Clay, J. Wi th ers MIN 289 Box 42 Judkins, Donald Ru ssell H 366 507 Bay Dr. Kendl eh art, J . Bai ley PS 36 110 Palmetto .Lan e Harbor Bluffs Lautzenheiser, Ch arles N. IN 253 10593 - ll7th Dr., N.
Molboumo Booch Borders, Charles R. CIN 121
Mloml Baker, Dr. Thomas J. IN 394 2700 S. W. 3rd Ave. Bergh, Otto I. WI S 64 4830 Sunset Rd. (431 Boswell, Charles C. Ml 328 1710 Segovia St. (341 (Coral Gables Br. I Cox, James B. IN 383 5520 S. W. BOth St. Dockery, Dr. J . Lee, M. D. AR 24 523 N. W. 34th Ave. Fishback, Robert E. IN 269 120 N. E. !28th St. Harris, Joseph E. IN 223 3194 S. W. 6th St. Hitchens, William F. F 55 444 N. W. 4th St. Piper, Dr. Robert C. WIS 484 1428 Dorado (46! Preston, John 0. COR 134 124 S. W. 24th Rd. (361 Schmitz, John A. NW 301 6335 N. E. Miami Pl. Skinner, Thomas Wiley H 279 Box 5100 Smock, Herbert K. ILL 414 8163 N. E. 2nd Ave., Rm 1 (381 Spragg, Leonard A. IS 334 73 N. E. lOBth St. <381 Swords, Jack K. Ml 553 8350 S. W. 32nd St. <441 Taylor, Luther L, Jr. , ILL 640 9065 N. W. 32nd Ct. Rd. (471 Werry, Benjamin H. Ml 402 6045 Roll ing Rd. Dr. (431
Miami Shores Keiser, Dr. Harry R. 10 234 1410 N. E. 102nd St. <381
Mt. Dora Bell , John P. MO 267 Box 786 Link, Henry William GW 103 146 West 11th Ave. Smith, Jesse H. MO 216 Evatis Rd. Haltomes
Clark, Roy E. COR 184 Route 1, Box 100 New Smyrna Beach
Edwards, Robert B. ILL 404 612 ~ Faulkner Mertz, John A. , Jr. , NW 345 c/o West Plumbing Co. 332 Canal St.
North Miami Fay, Arthur C. MO 229 12458 N. Bay Shore Dr. Weyant, Walter B. SY 131 961 N. E. 142nd St. Burcham, Brantley, IN 59 Bo x 604 Coli ins, Thomas R. KS 262 1502 Kuhl Ave. Dunk elberg, Elmer C. 10 117 201 S. Glenwood St. Hall, David A. WS 21 1309 W. Yale Finney, Harry A. NW 121 39 Interlaken Rd. Gabri el son, William K. MIN 526 16 22 Gay Dr. McAllister, Charles D . P 163 1031 Edgewater Dr. Ogl e, Robert C. COR 474 1319 W. New Hampshire Ave. Zwic ker, Mi chael H. WIS 220 2524 Lea Rd. Osprey
Bowl by, Irving S. Y 200 General Del i very
Palm Beach
Fort Lauderdale Berkner, Lloyd V. MIN 371 3632 N. E. 24th Ave. English, Thomas F arri s ILL 324 c/o lsi Federal Savings&: Loan
Davis, James E. PS 104 420- 4th Ave.
Orlando Lake Wales Hudgins, Ray C. MO 313 212 Park Ave.
Luster, Guy H. , Jr., ILL 595 1624 San Charles
Hausman, Harry C. F 40 Bo x 759, Route 2
Ehinger, Norman Carl NW 433 292 Orange Grove Rd. Wilson, Harry W. F 302 141 Dolphin Rd. DIRECTORY PAGE 15
Pettaocolo Tisdale, Will i am B. WIS 192 708 W. Avery Pleraon Clapper, Emory W. GW 86 Plantation Peed, Ri chard, Jr., IN 415 761 Camellia Cl Port Canaveral Johnson, Francis L. IN 376 Box 36
Punta Gonia Houston, Everett Thomas T 17 P. 0 . Box 218 St Cloud Day, Emmons 0. COR liS Box 927 Di etri ch, Warren W. PS 71 33'1 Penna Ave. St. Petersburg Binyon, Hugh Arm strong ILL 482 6325 Si xth Ave., N. (6J Burnell , Claude A. CT 21 2458 Keystone Ct. . N. (4) Campbell, Robert M. IN 250 5879 - 27th Ave. , S. (7) Collier, Arnold DeForest DRS 41 Co IIi er' s Schoo I Cookson, Frederick A. NH 164 P. 0 . Box JJ771 Coon, Hugh W. PS 53 5241- 57th St. , N. Kenneth City Evans, Charles Clayton Y 40 230 I Second St., S. Fletcher, 0. Frank ILL 152 736 Fourth St. , N. Gardiner, William G. CH 282 Walgreen Bldg. Hai sh, Theodore A. ILL 240 355 - 21st Ave. , N. E. Harney, Thomas R. ILL 134 606 - 14th Ave. , N. E. (Jl Harris, Eddie W. IN 66 505 Florida Nat' I. Bank Bldg. Hempel, Edward G. RPI 35 3861 Yardley Ave. , N. (13) Hilton, Fred E. ILL 46 201 Lamara Way (4) Holmes, Robert R. OHS 528 6806 - 14th St., N. Hopkins, W. Scott Ml 102 416- 8th Ave. , N. E. (2) Hornibrook, J . W. MIN 64 JJOO - 16th Ave., S. Meyers, John H. ILL 445 461- 13th Ave., N. Schaeffer, Henry M. PS 48 1302- 22nd Ave., N. Sebring, Harold L . KS 96 Stetson Univ. College of Law Skipper, Ernest C. , II, PS 420 6850 - 29th Ter., N. (!OJ Snyder, Addison H. 1S 10 3300 - 14th St. , N. Smith, Col. Edwin A. ILL 176 406 Normandy Rd. (8J Topp ing, Harry Rollin SY 9 2017 Dartmouth Ave. Wagner, Carlos J. ILL 369 P. 0. Box 2971 Wilson, Leroy A. COR 57 .5414 Aloha Dr. (6J Wright, Julius M. ILL 49 2444 - 32nd Ave. , N.
s... ford Kirtley, Claren ce LeRoy COL 91 c/o Florida Produce Co. Saraaota Col lins, Robert B. Ml 240 3615 Tangier Terr. Mellor, Albert E. CT 13 1735 Stanford Lan e
South Miami Alexander, Gayler D. K 532 5763 Sunset Or., (43J Tallahou .. Betounes, Samuel G. P 443 1530 Bell eau Wood Rd. Ervi n, Clarence Hawkins T 168 Humble Oil & Refining Co. Lees, Wel sey H. OHS 185 2109 L ee Ave. Peter son, Wi lliam C. COLO !50 Box 1079
Sutton, Harold E. MD 478 213 Edward
Tampa Bryson, Leo A. COL 159 3ll7 Barcelona Ave. (9J Claywell, William Henry_IN 122 P. 0. Box 643 (J) Feldman, Joseph E. ILL 173 1307 Knollwood St. Fellows, Robert J. ILL 698 817 S. Willow (6) Hobart, Alfred L. COR 154 5ll9- 32nd St. (!OJ Kistenmacher, Charles F. MD "l'i7 2610 Dundee Smi th, John N. MIN 565 12ll7 Forest Hills Dr. (4) Vaughn, Edgar A. KS 8 4417 Seville Witt, Marquis G. M 78 4104 Wisconsin (Ill Woerner, Carl E. ILL 443 1008 E. Hanna Ave. (4) Titusville Huffman, William E. IS 450 108 Thornton Ave. Ross, Horace L. E 37 Oak Park Trailer Ct., Box 669 Venice Youngtierg, George Edward WIS 1:21 Vera Beach Gove, Henry Shimer MD 50 P. 0. Box 256 Robinson, Guy C. K 201 Box 2232 Hart, Cletus R. OH 40 1815- 31st Ave.
Wildwood Douglas, Clayton Orville WIS JJ6 P. 0. Box 177 Winter Garden Dale, Neil E. KS 74 Bo x 15 Winter Haven Daratt, Joseph P. SY 51 424 Pinellas Rd. Zeller, Dr. Frank IN 355 466 - Jst St., N. Winter Park Churchill , Harry S. NW 64 P. 0. Box 521 French, Sidney J . WIS 315 Rollins College James, John A. WIS 262 1740 Spruce Ave. Kennel ley, GriffithS. ILL 269 640 Park Ave. , N. Teare, Daniel J. WIS 178 5 Poinciana Lane
GEORGIA Atlanta De Pal ma, Scott M. COR 492 1230 McLynn Ave. , N. E., (6) Francis, Charles J. ILL 812 2320 Shallow Ford Rd., N. E. (6) Hook, Clarke W. NC 95 616 Will i ams St., N. W. McKi nney, ReaP. 0 334 3543 Blair Circle NE, Apt 3 Millberg, Ri chard L. MIN 630 219 Si ssion Ave. , N. E. San defur, John R. MIN 566 6690 Sunny Brook Lane, N. E. (J9J Woolford, Glen A. Ia. 151 1460 Rock Spring c;rcle, NE Yochern, Dr. A. S. , Jr., IN 333 Doctor's Bldg. , Rm. 243 490 Peach Tree, N. E. , (3) Auguato Vandersli ce, kobert L. N 491 3058 Hawthorne Dr. Columbua Burkes, Robert L. Yale 121 Box 445 Daniel, Julian T . Wi s. 450 2219 - 15th St. Covington Moore, Lesli e Joseph P 211
R. F. D. I
Dee-r Carroll, Leonard S. MD 395 3963 Longdale Dr. Coggan, Kenneth M. ILL 246 156 Mi chigan Ave. Stukes, Samuel C. Y 130 Agnes Scott College
Will, Edgar G., Jr., OHS 489 1341 Highview Pl. (Jb) IC.ollua, Oahu McCool, Jerry, UCLA 153 28 Kaapuni Dr. Kot~eohe
Douglao Frey, Everett W. KS 185 309 N. Gaskins East Point Behling, Wilmer F. WIS 447 1377 Oakleigh Dr.
Fltagorald Seabrooke, William H. Gainesville Kalb, John K. MINN 400 Riverside Academy Jasper Perron, Eber C. H 17 La Grange Westafer, Walter A. S 210 Macon Troxell, Robert M. PS 347 Ind. Engineering Dept. Armstrong Cork Co. Port Wentworth Lord, William L. PS 418 199 Coastal Highway Savannah Lawrence, Samuel C. H 71 119 E. Liberty St. Lientz, James R. MICH 369 1410 Bacon Park Dr. Sheets, Earl E. IN 494 92 Pine Tree Ave.
Sugar Valloy Harris, Alexander G. FRK 320 R. F.D . 1 Tipton Gaines, John G. COR 272 Experimental Sta.
HA WAll Halltu, Maul, T. H. Tanner, Edwin P. CSU 128 P. 0 . Box 502 Honolulu Bell, William E. OS 28 3164 Manoa Rd. Bradley, Gordon W. WS 94 4408 Aukai Ave. (J5J Bush, William Allan DRS 207 3150 Oahu Ave. Carstens, Clarence T. WASH 110 3849 Kaimuki Darrow, Van 0. P 481 3029 Kiele Ave. , <J5J Davis, Walter E. OS 7 2453 Booth Rd. Field, Irving M. MD 570 2120 Kapiolani Blvd . . (14) Frey, Robert B. F 462 2632 Anuewue Sl . (J4) Hance, Francis E. COR 228 1987 Kakola Dr. Hance, John C. COR 493 1987 Kakela Dr . . <24) Irwin, LeRoy GW 216 · 3473 Akaka Pl. TV(ao, Ronald T . RPI 133 23ll Fern St., (J4J Kagawa, Siegfried S. F 53! 729-A Ekela Ave. (!6) Katoh, Arthur Kow SY 346 1305 Kalakaua Ave. 456 Knestis, William E. 749 NyeCi rcle (18) Kong, Clifford Y. J . NW 426 223 Elelupe Rd. Lum, Kenneth T. G. OHS 553 Halekulani Hotel, 2199 Kalia Rd. Pollock, James V. DN 166 2062 S. Ki ng St. (14) Riffenburgh, Dr. R. H. COLO 482 1552 St. Louis Dr. ( !6) Speer, Robert E. WS 128 Dillingham Trnspln. Bldg. 735 Bishop St. (13) Snyder, Laurence H. 0 56 7 2447 Parker Pl.
Silverthorn, Capt. R. S. 0 487 44- 753 Malvlani St. Oahu Jones, Hilton A., Jr., WS 112 Box 3, Waimanalo Palo, Maul Leebrick, Dr. K. C. C 58 Box 267 Yamato, Lance M. R PI 145 P. 0. Box 735 Wahiawa Spalding, Charles P. V 18 48-1 Lakeview Cir.
Wailuku Watkins, Wilbur K. CALIF 24 P.O. Box370
IDAHO Blackfoot Kinney, Harrison B. IS 73 157 S. Maple Baloo Jones, Hanry M. MO 161 713 N. 17th St. Jones, Wilford R. WASH 193 901 N. 6th Thomas, Miles C. MD 120 4303 Marvin St. Tisdale, John B. WS 102 1807 Arbola St. Vest, Fred G. MO 536 6725 Ashland Dr. Caldwell Myers, Arthur I. H 9 Barbee Bldg. Smith, Laurence N. NEBR 355 Tatum, Harry A. DAM 3 Canyon Abstract & Title Co. 1808 Blaine St. Enunett Hunter, David B. PS 387 211 S. Wardwell Sl
Colwell, Brian Thomas WY 93 P. 0. Box 254
Idaho Fallo Lechell, Ronald K. 10 354 9th & Oxford Schmunk, Richard E. M 35 1120 East 16th St. Kimberly Irwin, Richard Gardner COLO 452 Route I Lewiston Hulbert, Harold W. LS 123 P. 0. Box 532 Madsen, lver N. 10 120 State Normal School Montpollor Hann, Jay B., Jr. , DRS 70 !53 N. 4th Sl
....,.,.c. Lake, John E. COLO 375 Box 243 Osbum Wood, Robert Gordon WSSO Box 264
Payettw Bulmer, George WASH B7 Pocatello Miller, Roy F. , Jr. WASH 264 Box 1090
Twin Fallo Davidson, Ben F. ILL 78 151 Second Ave. , E Harder, Fred D. COLO 467 561 Alturas Dr. Petersen, Max B. WS 102 406 Rose Voorhees, Lucien W. COLO 461 104 Lincoln St.
Geographical Listing for the States of Illinois and Indiana as of June 15, 1960 As a further service to you, the TRIAD is providing a directory containing a geographical listing of members of the Fraternity. Several states will be carried from time to time until your directory is complete. We recommend that you detach and file these individual sections in a ring binder thereby compiling your own personal directory. All regular subscribers to the TRIAD will automatically receive the subsequent sections of the directory. All non subscribers may receive the remaining sections of the directory by paying the annual alumni dues of $5.00. The listing in each issue will contain the most recent addresses as recorded at the National Headquarters. Should there be any corrections, please let us know. Please use the following key to identify the members. The code for the member's chapter and his roll number follow his name . The code letters used for the chapters are as follows: IW
Arizona Arkansas California Carnegie Tech CT Central lolisscui State Clol Chicago CH Cincimati CIN COLO Colorado Colorado State College Colorado State Univ. COL Columbia COR Cornell Dartmouth D Denver ON Evansville E Franklin F George Washington GW Harvard H ILL Illinois
10 IS K
Alg-uln Albright, Donald J. A 48 R. 1, Box 62
Altaii!Oftt Hinger, Charles Jefferson ILL 484 31 South St. , Clair St. Alton Dye, Lorin A. ILL 442 2304 Mills Horstman, Hugh P. P 455 941 McKinley Blvd . Ingram, Fredrick Milton ILL 691 3415 Brown St. Minsker, Robert Stanley ILL 476 % Owens -Illinois Glass Co. Wiebmer, Donald J . ILL 528 1501 Liberty
Alvin A II is on, Lloyd Jon ILL 855
R. R. 1 Alii boy Suter, Earl Ray ILL 117
R. R. 3 Antioch Hamelberg, Ronald M. ILL 873 Rt. 4, Box 59A
loll MIN MO
Oklahoma Oklahoma State Oregon Oregon State Pem State PS p Purdue Rensselaer RPI Southern California Stanford Syracuse SY T Texas UCLA Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles v Vermont Washington Washington State WIS Wisconsin Wyoming WY y Yale
Illinois Wesleyan Indiana Iowa Iowa State Kansas Kansas State Long Beach Louisiana State Miami Michigan Mimesota MissOIIi loliSSOll'i Sch. of Mines Nebraska New Hampshire North Carolina Northwestern Ohio Ohio State
Allington Heights Baumann, Ronald E. ml 509 416 E. Euclid Ave. Catherwood, Robert H. A 49 933 N. Chestnut St. Creviston, MarkS . ILL 806 717 N. Pine Ave. Dickinson , Donald F . NW 326 505 N. Dryden Foster, Clyde W. COLO 398 623 Mayfair Jerger, Douglas C. NW 575 420 S. Dunton Oliver, Elbert E . IN 418 643 S. Evergreen Scherer, Ronald G. NW 397 433 S. Highland
Athens Kincaid, John Kennedy ILL 57
sc s
w ws
Mitchell, Walter Geo. Ml 340 3 S. View St. Pitcher, James R. ILL 544 322 Le Grande Stone, William R. NW 347 R. 1- 124 Hilltop Dr. Weir, Robert Wendell NW 89 914 Hardin Ave. Barrington
Eddy, Glenn H. P 93 204 Elm Rd. Guess, Arthur P. NW 541 277 Biltmore Dr. Krueger, Robert A . NW 555 746 S. Grove Mackintosh, Henry G. 10 297 637 Lill
R. F. D. 2 Kincaid, John Kennedy, Jr. ILL 605
Jones, Elma E. KS 201
R. F . D. 2 Atlanta Adams, Paul Augustus ILL 520 Applegate, Robert Kelly ILL 535
Bcrtavla Johnson, Dean Sedwick COLD 478 325 N. Batavia Ave. Beardstown
Fisher, Wilbur E. MO 339 540 Galena Blvd. Ford, Asa Herbert KS 88 169 Central Ave. Glenn, John M. P 50 595 Sixth Ave. Gormsen, Carl E. Ml 175 1553 N. L ake Sl
Gano, John McClain P 141 1113 Washington St. Long, Joseph L. ILL 834 702 Jefferson St.
Chapman, Frank M. V 4 539 Orchard Lane
Boochor City Fine, Orland D. OS 255
R. F. D. 1 Bollovillo Johnson, Kermit F. 10 325 P. 0 . Box 117 Kent, Wm.' Kelling ILL 847 601 Lucinda Ave. McCullough, Jerome J. MO 474 27 N. Dougla s Watts, John Robert WY 95 3408 West A. Bement
Goodman, David R. ILL 848
R. R. 1 Belvidere Burroughs, Ronald G. CSU 100 1001 Fremont St.
Berwyn Hulka, Frank James NW 404 3137 South Highland A vel Lundberg, Bernard Henry NW 400 6832 West 34th Nelson, Richard Allen CIN 238 6838 W. 13th St. Rucka, Allan F . NW S44 1925 Home Ave. Ullrey, Irwin C. ILL 420 1851 Kenilworth Ave. Voller, Donald James ml 478 1329 S. Cuyler Ave. Wilhelm, Leland B. IS 266 -'261 8 S. Cuyler Ave.
Bethany Tipsword, John Eugene ILL 818
R. R. 1 Bloomington
Adams , Karl F . ILL 410 1925 East Oakland Ave. Baker, B~.<l P ILL 832
R. R. 2 Bergh.nd, Kennelh H. IW 36 308 E. Emerson St. Erickson, Edward, Jr. IW 33 1310 W. Olive St. Grassfield, JohnS. Jr. 10 213 Je_(ferson Bake Shop Haas, Leo A. IW 55 6 Harwood Pl. Hieber, Earl L. IW 26 P. 0. Box227 Hoe I, George B. IW 37 1609 E. Olive Kurth, Verner W. IW 53 20 Norbloom Ave. Rayburn, Richard C. ILL 764 202 E. Locust Schultz, William E. Y 50 1306 North East St. Vanderwater, Leon A. IW 35 1213 N. Roosevelt- Box 84 Wantland, Wayne Warde IW 31 110 East Beacher St. Watt, Forrest W. IW 32 205 West Graham Brae! loy Smilh, Richard J. ILL 833 236 S. Cleveland
Bond, James, KS 16 905 S. First Brown, Pembroke Halcomb ILL 177 1104 W. Daniel Compton, Charles A. ILL 674 1805 Cynlhia Follmer, Clive A . ILL 729 6 Normandy Pl. Gates, Harry I. ILL 799 810 Third St. Genung, Merwin Wm. ILL 452 617 Union St. Griese, Robert Werner IS 386 110 Kirby Hull , William L . COLO 312 808 Ventura Dr. Jackson, Clarence T . ILL 685 60 Greencroft Kirk, Bonum Lee ILL 109 1011 West Clark McGee, W. Don ILL 794 410 N. Elm Peterson, Irving Leonard ILL 220 1400 South Prospect Starr, Chester G. Jr. MO 444 1014 W. Charles St. Walker, Charles M. ILL 83 1012 W. University Weberg, John P. IN 537 1705 S. Pros peel Charleston
Buzzard, Robert Guy CH JIB Eastern Ill. St. Teachers Coli. Sunderman, William J . ILL 490 Box 268
Chenoa Seybold, Harley J. ILL 454
Broadv iew
Hoke, Anton Oscar NW 507 2018 S. 241h Ave. Brookfield Allen , Robert Stanley P 478 3320 Grand Blvd. Coiro Walmer, Joseph C. ILL 225 517- lOth St.
Calumet City Broezel , Edward Raymond NW 306 301 - !59th St. Bruce, Donald J . UCLA 194 664 Hackinaw Ave. Burtis, William Kennelh IS 215 220 Rulh St. Camp Point
Spence, Aubrey Oayton WIS 51 Canton
Swickard, Daniel C. ILL 585 432 W. Chestnut St.
Carbondale Conatser, Clyde Otto ILL 395 405 W. Pecan St. Dorn, Charles R. NW 407 R. 4- Chautauqua Rd. Long, Howard Rusk MO 384 1204 West College Wright, John Isaac CH 272 720 Freeman St. Carlinville Rinaker, Thomas K. H 137 924 E. First North St. Carmi Elliott, Frank E. 0 339 708 W. Main St. Carpentersville
Shields, Harold Gustav CH 273 222 Western Carthage
Smilh, Hughes Blake ILL 306 219 S. Adams St. Cary Ringholm, Howard NW 321 Route 1 Champaign Archer, Lulher B. T 75 803 LaS ell Dr. Alherton, Edgar E. IW 39 902 W. White Baker, Richard H. WIS 584 706 Fairway Bond, James, K 514 905 S. First DIRECTORY PACE 18
Shriver, Gerald L . IW 19 !100 Opdyke Chicago
Adams, Augustus Franklin CH 210 5453 W. Augusta Blvd. (51) Annett, Hugh H. F 529 1923 S. She lby Ct. Gl Ashby, William C. GW 222 8512 Maryland Ave. (19) Ball , Ralph Thomas NW 29 1526 W. Madison St. (7) Barry, Gene Arthur Wy 97 5835 N. Kilpatrick Ave . (30) Baugher, Dr. AI bert H. MO 1 5214 Greenwood Ave. (15) Beadell , Walter Sterling MIN 433 6840 N. Tonty Ave. (30> Becker, Arlhur Bristow ILL 42 6415 N. Greenview Ave. (26> Beckermann, Ted W. NW 434 1432 Lunt Ave . Beechy, Thomas H. GW 300 3162 N. Cambridge Ave. (14) Bell, Harry Rush Ml 217 6519 Palatine Ave. (31) Bentley, Erwyn William NW 216 6455 N. St. Louis Ave. (45) Blair, Royce C., Jr. NW 423 5881 N. Elston Ave. (30> Blount, Donald Wilfred RPI 63 2612 Eastwood Ave . (25> Borvig, Paul L. NW 542 1645 N. New England Ave. (35) Boye, Walter Fred ILL 201 135 S. LaSalle St. (3) Broehl, Leland Peter NW 44 7368 Rogers (2 6) Brown, Don R. N 319 1804 W. Farwell (26> Canman, Ri cha rd W. CH 284 925 Insurance Exchange Bldg. 175 W. Jackson (4) Carstedt, William D. NW 548 7622 S. Winchester Ave. (20> Carter, Thomas C. E 13 7626 N. Marshfield (26) Case, Leland D. NW 153 T ogelher Magazine740 North Rush St. (JI) Chri stensen, Roland Robert NW 358 6225 School St. (34l Clark, Jarrett Ross Ml 428 I N. L aSalle St. (2) Clayton, Gilbert Merton K 147 I 928 West Morse Ave. (26) Clements, Olen Robert ILL 159 7506 S. Eas t End Ave. (49) Coggeshall , Dr. Lowell T . IN !12 5801 S. Dorchester (37) Copher, Jack W. P 504 106 E. Bellevue Pl. (JJ) Corliss , John G. ILL 767 3916 N. California Ave. (18)
Cotton, Albert F. CH 237 Cashier's OfficE>-Univ. of Chgo 5719 S. Harper (37) Cross , Wallace J. ILL 61 8524 S. Bennett Ave. (!7) Curtis , Conrad M. M 71 5024 S. Woodlawn (15) Davis, James H. , Jr. M 40 3320 W. Wrightwood Ave. (47) Davison, Dr. Richard M. MIN 363 5300 N. Christiana <25l Dayiantis, George J. M. ILL 717 5975 North Elston Ave. (30l Dill, Loran H. , M. D. CH 182 826 East 6lst St. (37l Doerscher, Willis Harry ILL 250 7401 N. Hoyne Ave. (45) Dodson , Wi liard F. COR 206 5200 N. Sheridan Rd. (40> Donaghar, Homer Frank P 243 Oliver Corp.-400 W. Madison St. Downey, Lynn Sherwood NW 558 6321 N. Lenox Ave . Downs, Charles L. GW 302 5823W . SuperiorS!. (44) Ellis, RobertW . WIS 560 5225 N. Mulligan Ave. (30) Fockler, Elmer Clark ILL 540 10853 South Fairfield (43) Friedrichs, Wi II iam Howard NW 337 1939 West 35th St. (9) Friend, John Borden NW 124 7801 S. Hermitage Fuller, George D. CH 7 5707 Kimbark Ave. (37) Funk, Donald ILL 718 812 S. Ashland Ave. (7) Gerstner, Robert William NW 477 2656 Ains lie St. (25> · Gieschen, Donald W. NW 405 5722 N. Kenmore Ave. (40) Gui llauden, Arlhur, OHS 93 6536 S. Campbell <29> Haan, Marvin Louis NW 399 !1006 South Whipple (43) Hargis , Gary K. NW 545 75181S N. Hoyne (45) Harman, Merlin C. P 360 1418 Touhy Ave. (26) Harriman, Louis Albert IS 187 Chem. Lab. -Armour & Co. Hashagen , John Bernard COLO 228 4236 N. Mozart (!8) Hendren , Robert F . K 265 10059 S. Seeley Ave. (43) Hendren, William C. K 241 10059 S. Seeley Ave. (43) Hienton, EarleJ. P 446 501 N. Central Ave. (44) Hill, Roy Wilson NW 8 1307 W. Norwood (40> Hilton, John L. NW 539 3937 N. Merrimac Ave . (34) Holtzman, Harold Hoover ILL 251 ~ ·1 2125 Greenleaf Ave. (45) Hostetl er, Ll oyd E. ILL 206 4917 W. Washi ngton (44) Howard , Hubert E. H 90 6 N. Michigan Ave. (2) Huck, Paul <Bernhard ILL 430 1 5433 North Lynch 'Ave. (30> Hulbert, Richard C. NW 467 1630 Farwe ll (26> Jezek, George M. ILL 709 29 18 W. Arlhur (45) Johnson, Samuel C. K 225 Dearborn Chemi cal Co. Merchandise Mart Pl aza (54> Johnson, Vernon L. CH 202 155 N. Wacker Dr . (6) Johnston, Louis Campbell NW 38 32 70 N. Clark (13) Jon es, Harry M. CH 46 315 S. Honore St. Kalma n, Nicholas J ., NW 512 6!1 Wrightwood' Ave. Kaub, George H. , Jr. NW 587 6004 N. Melvina (46) Kidd, John K. IN 649 10629 S. Hamilton Ave. Kirk, Donald Dee ILL !10 4608 Beacon St. (40> Krensky, HarrisS. 10 145 7537 N. Bell (45> Krimmel , Carl Peter PS 304 C/ o G. D. Searl e & Co. Box 5110 Kri schke, John C. NW 577 5254 Yl. School St. (4 1) Landram, Hughbert H. Y 189 1413 E. 571h St. <37l Lindskoog, Donald P. NW 579 10004 Eberhart Ave. <28) Lindstrom, William M. K 565 660E . 84th St. (!9)
Lloyd, Lowell Thomas ILL 565 8846 S. Dente (49) Locke, John W. IW 7 7358 S. Shore Dr . (49) Lohse, Alfred C. IN 289 440 I West Slh (24l Macer, Dan J. NW 232 333 E. Huron St. Veterans' Administration (Jl) Magnus, A . M., M. D. NW 19 7743 N. Paulina St. (26) Mason, Frank N. WIS 300 1791 W. Howard (26) Matlhews, Harold W. P 221 1842 East 72nd St. <49) McBride, Russell H. CH 176 135 S. LaSalle (3) McMahan, Gerald Augusten NW 94 47!1 West Gladys (44) Mara, Walter Thomas NW 346 4354 N. Ashland (13) Marcoot, John L. WIS 592 5523 W. Irving Park Rd . Maynard, Stephen B. ILL 333 6400 Normal Blvd. (21) Meany, Philip Kemp NW 444 10331 South Leavitt (43) Meyer, Alfred Wallace WIS 131 1400 Lake Shore Dr. (JQ) Meynen, Robert Carl NW 319 1%6 Farragut Ave . (40l Miller, Edmund A. CH 219 7936 S. Cottage Grove (19) Moes, Donald E. NW 527 6855 S. Clyde Ave. (49) Moor, Donell D. IN 562 135 S. LaSalle- Rm. 2705 (3) Moore, Edward Naylor ILL 424 10309 South Church (43l Moore, Josiah John CH 109 6937 South Bennett Windsor Park Station (49l Moorhead, John A . NW 334 7344 University Ave . Moyer, David Gwistelle ILL 382 1639 Chase Ave . (26l Nelson, Donald , KS 144 1812 W. Estes (26> Olson, David A . NW 546 5222 W. Berenice Ave . (41) O'Young, Herbert Kimbark P 626 6659 North Washtenaw Ave. (45) Petersen, John William 7118 S. Constance Ave. (49) Phi llips, Floyd Tilford Ml 205 1216 W. Addison St. (13) Piper, George W., Prof. NW 317 4824 West Fletcher St. (41) Pressler, Eugene Edward T 25 1327 N. Monitor (5U Redwine, Jack Dempsey Ml 406 c/ o Quaker Oats Co. Merchandise Mart Plaza (54) Reynolds, Harry Allen ILL 232 721 N. Lotus Ave. (44) Richey, Thomas NW 502 1409 Farwell Ave. Richards, C. B. F 174 5427 Blackstone (15) Root, Ralph R. ILL 208 7356 B. Cicero Ave . (30) Ro senbuam, Dr. Harold A. N 137 5301 N. Lakewood (40) Royer, Olaf Alan MO 434 3424 W. Cortland St. (47) Schultz, Harold 0. NW 182 2153 W. 107th St. (43) Schulz, Dr. Otto H. NW 18 3929 N. Hoyne Ave. (18) Seaver, Jay J. Ml 90 53 W. Jackson Blvd. (4) Short, James H. K 587 Research D iv . - Abbott Lab. Shrader, Lee Franklin NW 339 6254 Peterson Ave . (30> Simonson, Carl William NW 272 6225 N. Hermitage (26) Snyder, F . Clayton ILL 515 Y. M. C. A . Hotel826 S. Wabash Ave . (5) Sorenson, John Peter GW 24 6805 Greenview (26) Sowle, Claude R. NW 372 531 Wellington Ave. (14) Spurgeon, Neil ·S. IN 145 1705 N. Na~hville Ave. (35> Stevens, William Henry ILL 507 2523 W. Morse Ave. (45) Stokes, Donald Mark NW 356 1700 N. Newland (35) Stritar, Joseph, IS 265 5435 S. Nashville Ave. (38) Stutz, George E. KS 131 425 W. Surf (!4)
Susat, George Gustave NW 357 3844 N. Richmond (18) Sll(anson, Reuben E . ILL 325 105 W. Adams St. (3l Tarry, Allan Martin ILL 543 5300 S. Oak Park Ave. (38) Thompson, George W. K 300 1519 Pratt Ave. (26) Toft, Gaylord, N 289 231 S. LaSalle St. (4) Tomlin, James J. RPI 124 5638 N. Artesian Ave. (45l Tonkin, Thomas M. NW 513 1630 Lunt Ave. (2bl Tweedle, Roy Harold P 399 7550 S. Constance <49) Utley, G. Paul OHS 570 426 Briar Pl. (14) Verni, Melvin V. NW 518 2506 N. Parks ide Ave. <39l Volkel, James Stuart P 621 2738 W. Coyle Ave. <45) Vucha, Robert William NW 315 4843 St. Paul Ave. (39) Waldron, Carl Augustus NW 55 10531 S. Longwood Or. (43) Wallace, Donald H. 10 338 2970 Lake Shore Dr. - 8-B <14) Ward, Gerald C. WIS 311 c/ o Better Roads Magazine 173 W. Madison St. (2l Waterhouse, Charles A. M. CH 85 5319 S. Woodlawn <15l Wessling, Donald M. NW 520 3829 N. Lowell Ave . <4ll Weston, Harry E. SY 74 327 S. LaSalle St. (4) Wi II, Howard Austin H 268 111 W. Monroe (3) Winkelmann, Herbert A. ILL 236 419 W. Oakdale Or. <14) Woods, Weightstill CH 43 5714 S. Blackstone <37) Zuzuly, WalterS. WIS 391 10224 S. Forrest Ave. (28)
Chicago Heights Luce, Harold W. P 569 536 Winston Lane Chillicothe Hoerr, James G. ILL 7%
R. 2 Christopher Hltt, Oale Provart MO 509 507 S. Thom as Cicero M0 rgan, Everette K. WIS 103 2100 Laramie Clarendon Hills Cooke, Shelby C., Jr. COLO 378 9 Arthur Ave. George, Charles Vincent CIN 243 6024 Clarendon Hills Rd. Terp, Robert T. ILL 638 154 Jane Ct.
Clinton Ziegler, William J. ILL 671
R. F. 0. 4 Coal City Nicholson, Paul G. OHS 216
Collinsville McCoy, Howard N. 0 408 604 Greenwood Pl. Pinkel , Norman Herman ILL 376 276 Collinsville Ave. Smith, Cyril C. IS 312 231 Sumner Blvd . Wells, James W. KS 238 407 Crestwood Cret' Main, George V. ILL 639 1546 Vincennes St.
Crystal Lake Becker, Russell F ILL 461 70 Mary Lane Cuba Ewan, John Grafton IS 322 Ewan, Richard Colin ILL 802
Dar, a
Coons, Ronnie L. IW 14 Oan~er1
Willerton, Robert Lantz ILL 742
Danvlllo Bass, Frank M. IN 277 25 E. Raymond St. Bechtold, Merlin E . P 329 908 N. Grant St. Goder, Thomas D. NW 487 2119 Smith Ave. Hartman, Kermit W. ILL 719 1632 Vermilion Holmes, John K. ILL 307 1517 N. Vermilion St. Irick, John W. IN 513 29 Lake St. Meade, Byron J. P 743 Rt. 5 Pemberton, Duane C., Jr. E 90 2405 N. Vermilion St. Peters, John W. IN 522 1015 Skyline Dr. Robinson, Robert C. ILL 711 1905 Edison
Ahlen ius, Robert 0. IW 8 1436 W. Riverview Allen, Edward Briggs ILL 417 1560 West Wood St. Bearce, Eugene 0 . ILL 564 648 S. Wise Campbell, Robert C. PS 306 720 N. Edward St. Collins , Henry F. NW 592 Box 861 Gulley, Sanford Joseph ILL 294 36 Southmoreland Pl. Richardson, George B. W 79 2040 W. William St. Sandburg, Carl L ., M.D. NW 181 868 Citizens Bldg. Voile, Henry ILL 513 1955 W. Riverview Deerfield Augensen, Roy V ., Jr. ILL 589 31 Lancaster Lane - Lincolnshire Beighley, Robert E. NW 351 2785 Daiquiri Dr. Bodeman, John W. ILL 699 2750 Forest Ct. Cederberg, Charles Louis NW 320 ljl, 401 Margate Terr. Uebler, John R. ILL 705 1064 Linden
DeKplb Fred , Benhart G. NW 254 625 S. 7th St. Hunt, James R. IW 13 517 Normal Rd. Olson, Chester J . NW 157 327 S. 4th St. Terwilliger, George L DN 60 417 North 2nd St. Delavan Maurer, Ronald H. ILL 822 Stark, Dennis E. IW 3 Des Plaines Catlin, Franklin Sexton, II 9455 North Western Ave. Heller, Henry Frederick ILL 199 678 Lee St. Heller, John Frederick NW 60 595 Webford Ave. McCollum, Robert G. 0 625 Univ . Oil. Pro. Co. 30 Algonquin Rd . Nyborg, Birger C. IL L 912 9517 Forest Pl. Perry, David E . IW 11 221 Washington St. Prost, Jack Hale NW 485 1300 Prairie Ave . Rousey, Donald L. KS 293 2215 Scott Terp, Roy T. ILL 669 314 N. Wolf Rd. Youngs, Kenneth W. WIS 289 1185 Lee St.
Dieterich Woody, Crawford Wayne ILL 753
Glen W. IN 143 E. Graham Carroll Edgar ILL 434 1
Downers Grove Cleveland, William Richard ILL 459 4810 Main St. Davis, RobertS . RPI 19 4526 Sterling
Elmwood Kilpatrick, Ralph Sidney ILL 258
E 1m wood Park Kolb, L. William ILL 531 2021 N. 76th Ct. (35l Pakan, John J. NW 303 1711 N. 77th Ave. <35) Shannon, William Caesar NW 463 2147 N. 77th Ct.
Adams, William Blaine ILL 480
R. R. Dunlap Buster, William E . ILL 637
R. F. D. Cartwright, Victor H. ILL 112
Earlville Pratt, Howard George ILL 757
R. F. D. 3
Dixon Magill , 205 Yeast, Rt.
Pemberton, Carlys le, Jr. ILL 553 1401 Thornwood Dr. Turek, Dale A. WIS 593 424- 36th St. Virgil, George R. ILL 899 5143 Washington St. V ix, Eugene H. IW 18 5233 Carpenter St. Wellman, Guy L. IN 316 4500 Stanton Pl.
East Alton Kelly, Edgar R. ILL 629 811 Amherst Dr. East Moline Lovins, Fay Otto ILL64 548- lbth Ave . Porter, Burt Nourse ILL 132 570- 51st St.
E. Peoria McNeely, I. R. ILL 475 109 Terrace La. Shaw, Theodore G. P 544 118 Turnvon Pl. East St. Louis Fishel, David L . ILL 785 1414 N. 42nd St. Sifllpson, Eber E. Jr. WIS 182 546 North 31st St. Edwardsville Frederickson, Henry L . 10 240 1255 Emerson Ave. Fr,edrickson, Henry L ., Jr. 10 340 1255 Emer son Ave. Effiru~ham
Brown, Daniel Phillip ILL 732 Box 425 Dolbow, Philip George ILL 689 BObS . FifthS!.
Eldorado Tison, Haskell R. MO 506 Elgin Coates, William 0 . Ml 531 370 Edison St. Krafft, Lewis E. NW 246 Rt. 4, Box 290 Powers, Richard C. NW 343 532 E . Chicago St. Scharf, Albert ILL 574 464 N. Commonwealth Schmidtke, John Calvin MO 250 260 Grand Blvd. Todd, Roscoe Johnson ILL 261 538 South St. Elk Grove Village Ca ldl'ol!ll, Andrew W. M 7 451 Laurel St.
Elmhurst Bruns, Robert L. COLO 421 471 W. Vallette Burrows, Thomas Howard COR 565 216 Grace Ave . Epcke, William R. NW 547 15W-770 Harger Rd . Garrett, Earl V . ILL 617 564 Saylor Ave. Hall, Wi lliam Dolliff CT b 407 Arlington Ave. Kelly, Vernon W. WIS 336 445 Cottage Hi II Ave. Mabie, Marsha ll L. ILL 870 110 Caroline Ave. Millner, Eugene B. ILL 398 282 Elm Park Ave. Miner, C. Arnold N 285 bbb Hill side Ave. Morken, Rowland G. ILL 653 123 Evergreen Shaw, James T . IN 359 324 Huntington Young, Robert J. IS 434 234 E . Wilson
Esmond Barnes, Edwin Rus se ll IS 404 Eureka
Dicki nson, Richard L. ILL 648 415 E. Leo Dickinson, Richard, Jr. ILL 337 Evanston
Alcorn, Quentin G. IN 365 2016 Ma in St. Ake son, Dr. Axel W. NW 35 2320 Pioneer Rd. Anderson, Ira Dennis NW 204 1930 Orrington Ave. Baldwin, William Jay NW 87 729 Lincoln St. Baughman, Eaton David NW 115 2526 Hurd Bi x ler, John D. IN 574 3428 Park Pl. Buchanan, Robert M. NW 203 1608 Hi nman Ave. Burdick, Jerome F . R PI 17 722 Hinman Ave . Burge, Russell David NW 144 2102 Maple Cooney, John P. COLO 227 2621 Park Pl. Crist, C. Francis 10 244 3121 Th ayer DeC amp, Ri chard Edwin COR 577 1226 Harva rd Terr. DeC amp, Wi li ard E. COR 300 1226 Harvard Ter. Dent, Ellsworth C. K 311 9414 Drake Dillman, Dav id D. NW 108 1217 Ridge Av e. Dunham, Spencer F . NW 453 513 Ridge Fj eldheim, Richard H. WIS 547 223 Custer Garbarino, Harold L . COLO 405 2118 Lincolnwood Dr. Groat, Paul R. NW 385 1907 Lee St. Grobeck, Robert P. IS 347 641 Judson Hami lton, Andrew C. CH 262 919 Edgemere Ct. Hardenbergh, John G. Jr. F 145 2545 Bennett Hubbell , Jack Brooks NW 393 32 11 Hartzell St. Husen, Peter Mi chae l NW 480 2910 Park Pl. Johnson, Carl Ivan NW 107 1922 Lincoln St. Kenworthy, Clarence S. COR 200 2131 Sherman Ave. Lindsay, Cl aren ce Arthur NW 325 730 Centra I St. Lockhart, Leonard V. NW 360 828 Michigan Ave. Lueth, Irving Beck WIS 356 2678 Sheri dan Rd. MacDouga ll , Curtis D. NW 160 537 Judson Ave. McCu llough, Harrell , 0 348 237 Ridge Ave. McGuigan, Dr. Hugh, NW 46 2418 Park Mcl aughlin, Walter Dale 10 226 2300 Lin co ln wood Dr. Mi l ler, Walter J . NW 523 609 Asbury Ave. Morris, Meade M. WIS 183 2523 Central St. Morton, Clarence W. NW 199 1645 Ridg e Ave. Neill, William James NW 273 2427 Colfa x St. Olsen, Rangwald Severn ILL 343 1137 Grant St. Ottens, Nathan D. 10 343 243 Callan Ave . Powers, Wm . E., Jr . COLO 631 2734 Lawndale Radema cher, Hollis W. MIN 671 637 Brummel St. Ri shoi , Alfred H. COR 242 1410 Central St. DIRl:CTORY PAGE 19
JUHE, 1960
Rogers, Clyde, CH 193 310& Hartzell Rogers, Harry Barrett Ml N 372 800 Ridge Ter. Rose, W. Barclay ILL 8b P. 0 . Box 422 Saunders, Harry Ogden ILL 93 2435 Jackson Ave. Schuler, Oonald A. WIS 582 223 Custer Spring, Richard C. Ill &75 l.f 8 1504 W. Dempster Stremme I, David H. Ml 483 2010 Hawthorne Pl. Teare, Robert Cable H 214 241& Thayer St. Waterbury, Clarence L. ILL 470 1&24 Chancellor St. Weaver, Willis K. MO 129 9l! Gaffield Pl. Wilcox, Morri s M. NW 95 2222 Lincoln St. Wood, John W. NW 70 2&52 Broadway Evergf'Hn Park
Monson, David A. ILL 598 9152 S. Utica Ave . <42l Foirl.ury
Davis, Ronald G. IW 20 105 W. Chestnut F•-• City Beckenholdt, Willard D. ILL &92 Flossmoor
Salter, Leslie E. , Judge 0 27 71& Park Dr. Sams, Allen L. P 429 &18 Bums Forest Park
Pierro!, Adolph George COLO 51 b l1 Ferdinand Fcwrest
Honegger, Gary D. IW 42 420 North Pearl St. Mcloughlin, James Neil ILL 813 Mcloughlin, Paul David ILL 780 Foneston
Flora, Charles Moyer P 307 Fr .. port Bingham, Will iam T. WIS 29& 1354 W. Lincoln Blvd. Dildine, Will iam Edwin ILL288 William Edwin Lumber & Coal1544 W. America St. Hermann, Ra lph Leroy ILL 183 38 N. Whistler Ave. Koenig, Robert F. WIS 18 &41 W. Stephenson St. Fulton Abbott, Howard Green ILL 241 Galena Forsythe, Clayton Hunt MIN 3'li l19 Main St. Re ifsteck, Charles Richard ILL 483 344 Spring St.
Go leaburg Hamilton, Richard A. P 555 lOb Lincoln St. McCiamroch, John C. , Jr. IN 519 Block and Kuhl Mills, Donn l . NW 431 143 W. South St. - Apt. 2 Sti ckney, Edward S. H 102 8&0 N. Academy St. Wool sey, Robert Cushman CH 38 237 Park Lane Dr. G.neseo
Brokaw, William Calvin ILL 458 Weber, Dale William IS 43& Rt. 1 C..eva
Anderson, Cha rles J . NW 188 %& Sunset Rd . Cox, Emerson N. P 417 l17 S. River Sl Wood, Will iam B. Il l 555 51& Ford St. Yates, Ulys Henry NW 402 b40 Anders on Blvd. C.noo Hayward, Wa lter Eugene ILL 7b2
Sames, Arthur C. P 152 150 I Green Bay Rd. Berry, Kenneth C. H 244 !OS Oakmont Canon, Hartman B., Jr. NW 458 14&7 Ferndale Ave. Tumer, Jack F. IN 322 19 Valley Rd.
GilleN Busboom, Ernest Paul OH 51 Glenc .. Clark, Roy C. NW 72 42& South Ave. Dean, Herbert Franklin NW 180 42& South Ave. Jung, C. Chester, MIN 300 403 Grove St.
Gloo Ellyn Bain, Richard NW 445 3&3 Vine St. Banton, Fowler B. WIS 594 P. 0. Box4 Banton, James F . WIS 585 209 Crest Rd. Beard, Hallard Walter Ml 530 l&i Crest Rd. BLrmeister, Marshall A. NW 298 373 F...est Ave. Cool<, Demis James IW 17 224 Park Blvd. Deardorff, Dwight L. 10 315 24& Glenwood Ave. Hedrick, John Leslie CSU b2 583 Pleasant Ave. Jams, Choate W. CH 252 Box &II Ravenscroft, Royal M. N 105 270 Stanton Rd. Stewart, James R. IS 537 270 F'"'est Ave. Wa!jller, Jack W. NW 4&5 23--W-115 Black Cherry 351 Branco Dr. Gl ..view Forrer, Charles E. K 548 1348 Pinehurst Hi II, Benjamin F . NW 395 2218 Colfax Ave. Hussong, Ralph V. IS 278 Kraft Foods Co. Kelley, Walter A., Jr. NW 330 2&19 Tontava Loeppert, H. Verne NW 297 1501 Central Pkwy. Okeson, Wins low P. NW !59 1&23 Canterbury Lane GMfrey Rollman, Leades C., Jr. ILL 583 bO Lamotte Lane C. II Collin, Paul N. 10 241 39 Logan Ter.
High Ia ..I
Hill, Lawrence Andre KS 308 1109 Broadway Olson, Roy Howard MIN 293 83 S. Deere Park Dr. Hlllo._o
Bass, Arthur Eugene ILL &15 807 S. Main St. Bullington, John T. ILl 524 311 W. Tremont Hlll..lolo
Hohenbolcen, Vemei I L. IS 449 R. R. Hi ..d.lo
Downing, George D. Jr. IS 300 22 West 5th St. Garberson, Richard E. WIS &01 17W. FirstS!. Kem, Herbert A. MIN 1&8 Arrowhead Farm- German Ch. Rd. Page, Walter H. COLO 42& 330 Radcliffe Way Volk, Alvin R. MO 420 7700 Hamilton- R. R. 1 Weber, William A. 10 1&0 325 N. Lincoln St. Wetzler, Henry G. , Jr. COR 383 304 S. Lincoln St.
Re<lled, WilliamS. ILL 295
H-wo..l Heron, Laurence T. SY 138 18520 Stewart Jones, James Lee ILL 4&3 212& Maple Rd. Logan, Marvin 10 28& 2041 Spruce Rd. McVicker, Carl L. PS 272 18&20 Page Ave. H-oton
Weber, Carl William ILL 4b4 732 E. Penn St. Hopod.lo
Birky, John Edward Ill 784 Gronitw City Amold, Kenneth L. CT 17 P. 0 . Box 2&9 Bright, Don Edward CSU 5& 2512 East 27th St. Ruppel, Robert D. ILL 823 2545 State St. Gtant Pork
Koop, Homer Louis ILL 81& Gt... liold
Smith, Glenn Collins ILL 257 Gurnoo
Leiter, Albert C. P 279 R. R. 1 - Box &93 H-pohire
Lewis, Carl Ceci I WIS 284 Hordio
Plagrnann, Albert Doane 0 &I H-.iolootrv Hancock, Lyndon Myres CH 229 Hortfonl Sparks, Douglass L. ILL 830 127 East First St. Hortohurg
Moore, James A. ILL &&3
Schroeder, William H. ILL &93 R. 2, Box 225 Johnson, Marshall A. ILL &2& 431 N. Maple Jachanvillo
Miller, Earle B. CH 103 1252 W. College Samo..-e, ArthLr Setrak ILl 45& 135 Westminster St. Vineyard, William L. ILL &24 344 W. Court Whalin, Hazen Solomon ILL 449 liB E. Superior St.
Joliet Fields, Joseph E. , Dr. NW 221 1221 Glenwood Ave. Jacques, William L. ILL 720 So 2102 Mayfield Ave. Kirk, Harold IS 270 1219 Mayfiejd Ave . Leach, Neal E. NW 312 313 Dwight Ave. Jonealloro
Kahler, Leslie H. IS 252 State Tree Nursery-Route 2 Joy
Overbeck, Walter C. NW 171 Highlo..l Pork
Foss, Richard LeMante NW 374 1140 Park Dr. Searcy, Richard ILL 752 500 Green Bay K. . .u.. Palmer, Gene Wesner ILL 582
Lo c;..e. Bailey, WilliamS. ILL 7'11 b497 Blackhawk Cordes, Ralph L. 110 571 33'1 So. Ninth Ave. Gould, Lloyd D. ILL 422 424 S. Leitch Ave. James, Leonard V. ILL 55 513 S. Catherine Ave. Knight, Jay F. ILL 427 325 S. Leitch Lloyd, James H., Jr. ILL 58'1 b2nd St. & Wolf- R. F. II. Mi liard, Edwin B. COR 432 339 S. Ninth Ave. Olson, GeorgeS. MIN 306 133 S. Blackstone Ave. Peters111, Hobart S. ill 377 &01 S. Brainard Ave. Reazln, Geo. Harvey, Jr. NW 364 924 Spring Richmond, Paul James CH 158 158 Malden St. Rinder, Or. Carl O. CH 59 537 N. Stone Ave. Watts, Charles Asa P 325 410 S. Stone Webll, John Leroy ILL 5'13 12& S. Ashland Ave. Wiebmer, William R. Ill 1>31 b241 Sunset Ave. Wilie, Allan James ILL 41& 809 N. Waiola St. Willis, Paul W. NW 484 6305 Blackhawk Trail Wilson, Paul Oran P 21Q 800 W. Goodman Lo Gno•.. Pork
Brockob, Frederick John ILL545 72& N. Spring Ave . Clements, Robert H. Ill 51& 26 Pine Ave. Johnson, Robert Evans P 41& 818 Forest Ave.
Pearcy, Donald C. P 582 1230 Harrison Pearcy, Noah C. P 220 1230 Harrison Pearcy, William G. IS 420 1230 Harrison Stein, Raymond B. PS 331 933 Sherwood Dr. Wetzel!, Glenn K. ILL 2&0 511 Malden Ave.
Bridgf...d, Clay W. COLO b44 Denson, John Franklin ON 137 1531 Marshfield Ave. Thomas, Jay C. COR 237 Box 213
Fox, Farrell R. ill 817 431 S. Fraser Ave. Hall, D. Lym ILL878 573 S. Curtis Rapp, James C. ILL 8&7 518 N. Washington Weller, Paul Franklin ILL 804 224 Orchard Ave .
Lake Bluff
Ashinger, Herman G. OHS 198 335 Sylvan Rd. Smith, Theed'"'e Teis Ml 509 252 Ravine F..-est Dr. Loko F-•t
Merritt, John A 44 1255 Wlnwood Dr. Loko Zurich
Evans, Roger H. Ill 85& Box 337 Lonork
Crofton, Eugene L. IW 4 424 S. Broad St. Lan1lng
DeMik, Thomas J . 18444 Sherman St. Lawrenceville
Gregg, James W. Ill 437 70b- 19th St. Lebon on McCain, John W. • Jr. NC 94 Profess'"' of EnglishMcKendree College Lo-
Cook, Joseph M. Ill 588 Box 299 isbemer, Wilber Paul WIS 4&9 c/ o James Martinek-5 Losey Cl
Lewlot-n Ratcliff, Thomas Glem ILL 1&1 203 East Milton Ave. Travers, LawriJlce B. H 20 c/o Mr. Ruse Llloertyvllle Wi Icox, Robert Vincent NW 223 112 Douglas Ave . Lincoln Taylor, Brooks M. 0 &56 427 Tremont St. Lincolnwood Gilbreath, G. Francis ILL 323 6831 Kolmar (30) Llole Schulenberg, Raymond F . IS 492 Morton Arboretum Litchfield Devinney, William T. 0 201 404 S. Jackson St. Droste, James B. ILL 897 330 N. Chestnut
Lockport Jesberg, Robert 0. ILL 5&9 112 E. 15th Reiter Stuart A. ILL 883 Rt. 1 Treseder, Francis M. OS 152 1014 Holly Cl Lombord Becker, Darrel D. IN 307 149 W. Park Dr. Boyd, Richard Ladd COLO 354 139 S. Craig Pl. Brown , Glen H. IN 224 337 S. Grace St. Burroughs, John D. OHS 511 533 South Ahrens Ave. Herzog, Floyd P. ILL 614 134 S. Edgewood JIJlkins, Russell C. MO 361 400 - 15th Pl. Johnston, Billy M. WIS 491 137 W. Park Dr. Larson, Charles Reynold ILL 406 126 S. Stewart MacRae, Kenneth L. IS 427 2 N. 633 Argyle Martin, Alfred C., Jr. NW 215 339 N. Craig Tonkin, William M. ILL 634 615 E. South Broadway Voegeli , William J. ILL 690 531 S. Elizabeth Dr. Woelfer, Rudolph C. 10 187 343 S. Lombard Ave.
Gleason, Howard A lien ILL 810 1100 Charleston Moywood Bruce, Fred Alexander NW 308 716 N. Fourth Ave. Cheely, GeorgeW. ILL 611 2124 South 2nd Ave. Fry, Alva L. ILL 465 1827 South 7th Ave. Garrard, Russell Melbourne P 603 133 So. 6th Ave. Nelson, Louis E. WIS 255 1103 North 8th Schmidt, Henry ILL 537 635 S. 19th St. McLoon Gale, Ralph A. ILL 229
R. F. D. 111 Silas Ave. McLHnaboro Dowd, John Matheny ILL 292 111 Silas Ave. Gorman, Logan E. OS 256 R. 5-% G. E. Ater Rhodes , William Alvin E 98
R. R. 6 Mot... polh Feirich, Charles C. MO 400 600 Girard St. Mldlothlon Knight, John Silcox OHS 91 14757 S. Keystone Mill odgevi lie Goldthorpe, Clyde C. NW 6 Minier Sears, Dean M. ILL 843
R. R. Mokena Geuther, Milton Carl ILL444 King, The Rev . Robert H. ILL 713 217 First St. Molino Albrecht, Arthur J . ILL 98 1025 -38th St. Fitch, Lee E. CIN 43 2620 - 31st St. Hallene, Alan M. ILL 678 1885 - 24th Ave. A Monticello Manahan, Paul Thomas ILL 792 200 N. Greeley Shonkwiler, Robert Payson ILL 312 Morris Hopkins, George J. Jr. P 448 523 West Ave.
Bergfield, Walter J . ILL 891 Morrison
Louisville Falley, FrankL . ILL 795 Tillema, David A . ILL 828 Lowpoint
Hagemeyer, Robert N. ILL 807 Box 71 Mackinaw
Kilby, Donald Phillip ILL 704 Macomb Porter, Royal A . SY 30 633 S. Madison St. Robertson, Colin J. CH 183 315 W. Jefferson Mod loon Ashley, Edward M. ILL 881 1737 Third St. Manito
Preston, Ronald Eugene ILL 688
R. R. 2 Marengo
Buehler, George E. Jr. IS 285 Morshall Bemett, Emil C. ILL 254 R. R. 3 Mitchell, George T . P 385 507 N. 8th Mottoon Cooper, Erwin 0 . K 539 112 N. 24th St. JUNE, 1960
Abbott, Louis Asa ILL 144 Haubrock, Larry Dean 10 368 Box 134 Tucker, William Henry ILL 259 608 Lincolnway W. Morton Daniel, Keith Hardin ILL 774 527 East Madison Voile, Everette M. ILL 514 700 S . First Ave. Eckhart, Gerald IN 481 900 Nawata Ave . Iversen, Gordon Edwin ILL 78& 214 S. Wille St. Scott, William P. 10 366 31& Beverly Lane Terp, Earl T ., Or. ILL 643 806 Nawata Morton Grove
Papesch, Roger M. NW 531 7926 Long Ave . Spelman, Harry R. MO 517 7031 Foster Ave. Mount Manis
Buell, Meredith M. P 577 407 N. Hannah Ave. Mount Prospect
Amold, Robert Nash NW 457 414 Candata Laudenklos, Arthur J. WIS 502 504 Highland St.
Harrison, Frank RayMO 141 311 North 14th Williams, Alvin Lacy GW 137 Mondeleln Gallagher, William E. WIS 492 239 Brice Ave. Schroeder, Marshall R. ILL 707 327 Shaddle Ave . Storer, Richard L. ILL 715 326 Allanson Dr. Murphysbo"' Briggs, Ronald L . ARIZ 72 1616 Spruce St. Noporvllle Misicka, Jay A. ILL 694 706 S. Wright Waidelich, Francis M. COLO 276 520 N. Sleight St. Wheaton, Dr. 0 I in Gary IS 116 512 N. Center St. Not'l. Stockyords Bobo, Charles H. MO 562 Daily Livestock Reporter Newark Wheeler, Charles L. ILL 727
Holland, Vern E. 10 243 310 N. Grove Jackson, Keith Dexter CSU 130 525 North Lombard Ave . Jones, Herbert Milton ILL 103 8 Iowa St. Knourek, Robert M. ILL 507 527 S. Euclid Lehman, Ruel Forrest ILL b6 175 North Euclid Luce, Harold Walker ILL 280 936 Hayes Ave. Nelson, Clifford M. ILL 846 515 s. Cuyler Ave . Nichols , Robert M. P 397 BOO N. Oak Park Ave. Probst, Edward E. ILL 273 922 Columbian Ave. Schooff, Charles Maurice CH 250 843 Washington St. Skelly, John B. CIN 258 232 Home Ave . White, Harold Jacob CH 645 N. Cuyler Ave. Wilson, George Alvin WIS 285 811 N. Euclid Ave. Oakwood Andrews, Andrew I. WIS 221
R. R. 1
R. R. 2 Mew Lenox
Chapman, Thomas A . IW 21 114 Elm St. Wasson, William L. MO 594 12llmer Ct.
Olympia Fields Swallow, William J ., Jr. SC 130 437 Brookwood Oregon
Haas, Charles D. ILL 820 Hanes, Donald Keith ILL 776
R. F . D. 3
Love, Harry Hal me ILL 198 Story, Bobby Gene ILL 761 Nlontlc Angus , Richard M. ILL BOO N~><-1
Barber, Bruce B. COLO 606 1204 Broadway Barber, Harry Clay MO 354 1204 Broadway Barger, Thomas Morse ILL 2 &05 N. School St. Curtiss , George ILL 187 617 Normal Ave . DePew, James R. IW 54 404 Broadway Douglass, Thomas Jay ILL 266 309* North St. Roderick, James L . IN 410 22 Broadway Pl. Zaiss, William E. IW 34 702 Maple Pl. Northbrook Eckert, Ralph J . WIS 511 2034 Maplewood Rd. Fleming, Kenneth V. MIN 345 1300 Wendy Dr. House, Floyd H. IN 272 1&39 Ferndale Lubeck, Donald G. Ml 514 2338 Illinois Rd. Oleson, Calvin C. IS 236 1026 Briarwood La . NO<th Chicago Mesec, Ronald A. NW 519 1200 Wadsworth Ave. Ooklond Elwell, Robert Hawks ILL 606 Oak Lown Hostrup, John C. ILL 798 8718 S. Kenton O'Bryant, David Claude ILL 815 4109 Dean Dr. Oak Pork Bain, Lewis Arthur NW 1 206 N. Humphrey Ave . Baker, Peter Nicholas P 646 325 N. Humphrey Ave . Behimer, Otto, H 23 321 N. East Ave. Belknap, All"' P. Ml 235 116 S. Grove Browni ng, John T. CH 209 652 Washington Blvd. Bublitz, Arthur Theodore Ml 564 541 S. Humphrey Fowler, Ralph Radabaugh N 340 324 North Maple Gramlich, Howard John N 135 227 N. Grove Ave.
Hanes, Robert Lee ILL 808 R. R. 3 Rausch, Ralph Wm. P 63 Wood, Mervel Eugene IS 344 Box 181 Wood, Keith S. IS 320 704 Jackson St. Orion
Clark, Charles Louis IS 353
Vinson, Dona ld R. IS 498 273 Main St.
Kerste, Donald L. NW 528 717 Marcy St. Polotlne Schutz, David C. IS 553 152 S. Bothwell Wilson, Jesse A. COLO 350 1508 Dorothy Dr . Palmyra Hall, Horatio NW 90 Box 118 Palos Park Adams , Arthur Maynard NW 472 134th and Kean Ave. Bryan, Fred J. Ml 447 26 N. Woodland Trail Cross, Wallace J ., Jr. ILL 503 11914 Laurie Ave . Pono
Lyon, Glenn R. ILL 393 705 Third St. Paris .S'f Moss, John Redmon ILL 313 Park Forest Caldwell , Robert D. GW 253 18 Forest Blvd. Harmon, Robert D. ILL 888 104 Shabbona Dr. McCormick, James L. K 578 92 Ash Merriman, Phillip A. ILL 731 50 Fir Milne, Richard P. V 16 278 Ash St. Walker, Sam Hammer, Jr. NW 309 223 Sauktrail Pork Ridge Brockob, William L. ILL 527 1976 Manor Lane Brooks, William T. J. NW 549 122 E. Si bley Catton, Miles Dewey ILL 316 926 St. James PI.
Ooan, Kenneth B. IN 138 1946 Main St. Grimm, Robert W. NW 540 1493 Vernon Ave. Grote, Arn old August NW 250 130 Belle Plaine Hahn, Wi lliam L. M 133 14b Wisner Har ley, Al exander M. NW 1b 1416 Garden St. Hill, Merton Elwood NW 280 1714 Greendale Ave. Johnson, Bernard F . NW 462 1324 Grove Av e. Ke lly, Jon R. NW 500 1415 Potter Rd . Lane, Richard D. NW 359 b~ So. Greenwood Mentzer, James S. IN 227 1704 S. Courtland Munson, Roy Wi Ibur NW 208 728 Wi sner Peterson, Charl es K. IS 56 8 1521 Talcott Rd. Rinehart, Clifford Finley NW 415 1n o s. Washington St. Rinehart, Dale A. NW 552 1no Washington Schuwerk, Paul E. CH 265 1408 S. Fairview Smoker, Richard E. P 539 250 Curtiss Sorensen, Lyman Clarence N 283 303 Elmore Sprow, Dwigh t B. K 365 1425 Garden Waggett, Robert J . 10 339 1100 Peterson
Rose, Hugh Ml 544 Picture Ridge Rd . - Long ViewDri ve- CMR 158 Slonneger, Ronald Wayne ILL 801 905 Frye Swager, Eugene C. ILL 652 215 Wynnwood Thompson, Charles E. NW 448 1630 W. Ayres Tipton, George W. IN 407 2638 W. Overhill Lexington Rd . Tuell, Walla ce G. ILL 21 2 1156 Lake Crest Dr. Young, Oti s E. IN 393 SOl W. Virgin ia Ave. Peoria Heights
Verkler, Edward L. ILL 5qq 4609-A No. Prospect Pittsfield Berry, Frederick, Dr . ILL 552 1 2 5 ~ N. Madison Curl ess, Mi chael D. CSU R. R. 3 Pum er, David J . IN 282 511 W. Lake St.
Chalcraft, Gerald L. ILL 708 bl 9 W. Sheridan Rd . Plainfield Walker, RobertO . ILL 701 Pleasant Hill Lemmon, Edwin L. ILL bb4 Pleasant Plains
Stauffer, Russell M. Dr. ILL 700 118 S. Market St.
Pearl City Walgren, Harold Norman COLD 602 Box In Pekin
Conway, Howard F . IS 306 1009 Monroe SL Doneghue, Donald Miller ILL 504 205 Kaskask ia Rd . Golan, Kenneth F . ILL 811 406 Fairlane Lock e, Melvin W. IS 175 1015 Jefferson Pres ton, Dean A. ILL 651 1006 Lawndale Ave. Preston, Walter B. ILL 286 5 Dirksen Ct.
Birnbaum, Ri chard A. CIN 230 Polo T erry, Gifford C. IS 169 Pontiac
Brown, Harold M. ILL 423 303 E. Madi son Erwin, John C. NW 256 613 W. Grove Port Byron
Trent, David A. IS 549 612 S. Main St. Princeville
Stewart, Dana Adams ILL 603 Prophetstown
Carl ock, L ee D. ILL 441 R. R. 1 - Box 169 Plautz , Harold C. ILL 859
R. R. 3 Peoria
Abegg, Carl F . ILL 895 1101 E. Republi c Andrews, David W. ILL 596 906 Stratford Dr. Ball, Jonas H. ILL 11 8 2637 Moss Bergschneider, Myron R. ILL 506 803 W. Brons Broughton, Charl es D. ILL 860 1708 N. Jefferson Ave . Buck, Harold M. ILL 374 609 Belmar C ircle Burnham, A Ianzo F . ILL 657 1516 W. Gift Cl aus, HowardS . ILL 624 23 15 W. Fores t Hi II Ave. (5) Copeland, Ar!hur Bowers CH 217 Fi rst Natl. Bank Bldg . Deynzer, Leonard G. IW b 716 Bel Aire Ct. Gorenz, Leo Joseph, Jr . ILL 587 728 Frye Ave. Helman, Elmer G. MD 219 P. D. Box 573 Heppensta ll, Robert C. 10 363 510 Ravi ne Jacobson, Carl eton J. ILL 433 506 N. Monroe Konva linka, Frank J . 10 135 23 11 N. Maryland Krieger, William Enoch ILL 244 1700 First Natl. Bank B ldg. Magenheimer, F . Georg e NY/ 1n 2b28W . Moss Ave. Mi ller, Jack R. ILL 604 2318 N. Bige low Peasley, John A. COLO 524 810 E. McClure Plack, Haro ld J . , Jr. ILL bQq 2608 Bigelow St. Rapp, Melvin W. ILL 710 11>25 W. Baywood
Soliday, Ray C. COL 208 241 Gale White, Cleveland J. WIS 207 1110 Forest Ave. Riverside
Basta, Donald Kent NW 501 732 Selbourne Rd. Hoffmiln, Ralph Vernon ILL 421 154 Maplewood Rd. Novotny, Donald J. NW 387 2916 Harlem Ave. North Riverside
Brown, William G. NW 344 320 Gage Rd . Lorenz , Jerome CIN 301 7804 W. 2blh St. Lorenz , John CIN 302 7804 W. 26th St. Robinson
Patchell , Fred E. F 67 Rockford Benson, John H. ILL 341 133 Hall St. Chain, William H. IS 397 7912 Cadet Rd . Fairbank s, Donald R. WIS 602 2012 Court St. Hogfeldt, James Stanton IS 431 420 Robert Ave . Roger s, Alb ertS. P 410 1332 Widergreen St. Laue, Louis Harry NW 482 917 Haskell Ave. Munz, Marshall T . ILL 477 20b Empire Bldg . Pedrick, Ri chard Frederick ILL 560 1019 Franklin Pl. Rad cliffe, Charl es Bauer ILL 289 202 Palm Ave. Richmond, Wendell E . IS 439 8103 Shore Dr . Shuel, Donald A. IN 631 214 ~ N. Fourth St. Stroker, Richard C. ILL 633 716 Paris Ave. Winter, Albert C. 10 350 2364 Cornell Dr. Rock Island Allen, Roy J . 10 328 3825 - 15th Ave. Gripp, Elmore Albert CH 162 306 Central Tru st Bldg. Kurtz, Charles Frederi ck 10 93 1525 - 24th St. Rockton
Hardenbergh, James G. F 420 Bo x 303
Prospect Heights
Kru eger, Edward J. ILL SSb 17 Wi ldwood Dr. Leaf, Ronald A. P 748 302 Keni I worth
Rolling Meadows Mendrala, Wi lliam E. NW 363 2105 Quai I Lane Roodhouse
Bai ley, Edward T . IW 25 820 Sycamore Squire, Arth ur E. IN 267 1809 Main e St.
Rankin Hunt, Wa llace G. IW 15
Manning, Albert Ross ILL 536 P. 0 . Box 97 Royalton
Bennett, James Emery CH 254
St. Anne Wolven, Charles L . 1LL 857
R. 2 Richmond
Barker, Kenneth R. NW 352 Rt. 1 Riverdale
Poppel, Richard Dona ld NW 435 14305 Wentworth River Forest
Ell ett, Alexander, CO L O 171 11 17 Lathrop Ave. Erickson, Curtis Manferd NW 234 1125 Keystone Ave. Fox, John Richard P 290 102 Gal e Ave. Hoy, Marion Alsworth MD 389 243 Ashland Jenk ins, George H. Jr. WIS 181 73 1 Monroe Ave. Kete lhut, William H. IL L 317 7221 Thomas St. L ieb, George William NW 245 237 Thatcher Lord, John M. P 703 711 William St. Sayre, Charles M. NW 31 6 1321 N. Lathrop
St. Charles Covey, Charles A . ILL 769 1328 S. Sixth St. Ra smussen, Howard G. C IN 270 1232 S. Third St.
Sibley Norton, Stephen L. ILL 887 Box 132
Saunemin Watts, Claude H. ILL 133 Shelbyville Roberts, Asbury, MD 172 305 E. Main
Skokie Bailey , Merry ll M. WY 63 4832 Green leaf Baum, Joel L. Ml 65 1 9329 Kenneth Evans, Richard Willi am NW 229 8707 North Avers Ave. Hessel berg, Carmen N. WI S 552 8048 Kea ting
Jeffrey, Donald J . Ml lbb 4140 Suffield Ct. Reed, William H. NW 398 8836 Bronx Ave. Winkler, Dean A. NW 529 6755 N. Ionia Ave. South Holland Moe, Harold M. , D. V.M. OS 181 Box 172 Watkins, William W. ILL 580 16213 Joyce C ir . Wiersma, Louis H. NW 515 16313 S. Park Ave . Springfield Andruczk, Robert C. IW 2 2013 Buchanan Baker, Ralph W. N 281 Apt. 4- 333 S. Douglas Bishop, Robert P. ILL 546 413 W. Edwards Bunchman, Kenneth A . ILL 645 2137 Huntleigh Rd. Davis , Kenneth W. ILL 724 2328 Whittier Ave. Davis , Lyman Kent ILL 267 836 South 4th St. Elkin, Robert Edmund ILL 779 1211 W. Lawrence Ave . Esmond, Bruce L. ILL bb1 7 Pajim Lane- R. R. b Foutch, Edwin W. ILL 672 1617 S. 4th St. Glenwright, Edward J . ILL 750 1800 Dial Ct. Gregg, Raymond R. ILL blb 232 N. Lincoln Hammond, Leonard Ayers ILL 253 lbOS Outer Park Dr. Hanes, Murray Samuel ILL 95 205 ~ South bth Loebs, E. J . M. P 291 2037 Huntleigh Rd. Monnier, Charles S. ILL 447 2128 Pk . View Dr. Db ley, Wi liard L. KS 316 1624 N. 21st St. Reiger, Harry J . ILL 12 403 Security Bldg. Ryerson, Samuel R. I 0 25b 1716 Lowell Ave . Sangster, George E. GW 141 230 S. Douglas Schmidt, Edward A . , Jr. ILL 831 1801 S. 5th St. Segin, Eugene Joseph ILL 734 2115 Peoria Rd. Thompson, Benton, P 107 624 Columbia Ave. Voth, James W. ILL 773 1904 Fairway Dr. Walter, Lloyd D. N 142 631 ~ South 4th - Apt. 515 Werner, Edward William ILL 744 833 S. English Wolaver, Donald Lee ILL 749 444 West Cook St. Worsham, Walter B . ILL lOb 126 E. Ash St. Wylies, Dr. Charles C. MD 130 1111 Glenstone Zan in, Norman R. ILL 840 1708 S. Doug:as Zanin, Wilbur Francis Jr. ILL 783 1708 Douglas Staunton
Grieme, Dr. Donald L. ILL 632 217 W. Main Sterling
Chase, Robert J . 10 346 510 West 11th Welzell , Donald W. P 715 1404 East 14th St. Stillman Volley Glendenning, Thoma s S. IW 10 Streator
Burton, Robert S. ILL 728 509 S. Park St. Drabi k, Robert F. ILL 842 2008 Church St. Outler, David C. ILL 777 625 W. Stanton St. Ed wards, John R. IW 1 612 S. Bloomington St. Sch ildkraJ t, Daniel I. SY 3oq Eastwood Heights ~lliâ&#x20AC;¢on
Coffee, Lawren ce E. Jr. ILL 789 2Qq E. Water St.
Pound, John W. ILL 898
R. R. 1 White, Robert F. ILL 342 1017 E. Jackson St. White, Robert M. ILL 708 C/o White & White 11b E. Harrison St. Thayer
Green, Orner Laverne ON 70 P . 0. Box 113 Thomson
St. Ores, George E. CM 32 P. 0. Box 401 Tinley Parle Howard, Gerald, IN 503 4470 West lBbth St. Maue, Owen C. ILL 488 Route 2 - Box 34 Taylor, William J. ILL b42 17217 - bOth Ave.
Tiskilwa Reynolds, Ernest H. ILL 25 Tolono
Revel, John R. Jr. ILL 88b
Stannard, Edward A. SY 284 101 Transportation Bldg. University of Illinois Sullivan, Russell Neil NW lBb Univer. of Ill. -Law School Vanderbilt, M. Daniel OH 157 202 S. Lincoln Ave. -Apt. 10 Weisiger, George Bates Y 185 309 Vermont Wilco x, Roy H. MIN 187 1510 Race St. Villa Grove
Bender, Donald Leon ILL 809
R. R. Villa Park Cornelius, Harry A. NW 104 49 W. Monroe Hachmei ster, Leonard A. NW 459 102 W. Kenilworth Ave. Hanf, Robert E. NW 388 41 W. Leslie Lane Hartmann, Frederick W. Jr. ILL b35 704 S. Harvard Kust, Richard E. IS 485 437 S. Illinois Ave. Wilson, Donald F. NW 522 425 Harrison
R. R. 1 Zelle, Carl Alfred ILL 214 Box 53b Tonica Ashley, Howard L. ILL 3b4
Virgini a
Colburn , Billy Gene NW 401 King, Jack J . ILL 845 270 S. Divi sion St. Terwilliger, James S. ILL 803
R. F. 0. 2 Tower Hill Cannon, Lester Floyd ILL 224
Walnut Birkey, Harold E. ILL 894 R. R. 1 Washington
Becker, Rayburn J. ILL 498 Tuscola Henning, Carl J. ILL 378 Box 107 lsaminger, Fred E. Jr. ILL 492 502 Park
Urbana Armstrong, Edward B. F 489 Carle Hospital Anderson, Ernest W. P 382 lb03 S. Maple Bean, Haldane W. ILL 878 209 W. High Congleton, Frank H. ILL 2b5 8 Florida Or. Cramer, Ralph E. IS 179 1208 W. California St. Ekblaw, Andrew, II ILL 511 W. Main St. Ekbl aw, George Elbert ILL 302 511 W. Main St. Elsesser, Thaddeus M. ILL b30 bOB W. Main Forsyth, Arthur C. MIN 307 School of Mines-Univ. of Ill. Goodell, Willard A. Y 13b 1203 W. Green Hackleman, Jay C. MO 97 1205 S. Orchard Hottes, Charles F. ILL 153 40b W. Iowa Hubert, Donald A. ILL 880 2012 E. Main Johnson, Raymond G. ILL 340 203 Bliss Drive Kratz, Alonzo P. ILL 120 1003 Douglas Ave. Kratz, Elwin Valentine ILL 131 410 W. Oregon Lehmann, Emil Wilhelm MO 237 R. F. 0. 2 McClure, John P. ILL 8b3 907~ W. California Parker, Norman A. COLO 279 1710 S. Plea sant St. Ricketts, Bernard G. WS 13 518 Fairlawn Or. Sapora, Allen V . ILL 521 Huff Gymnasium Shawl, Ray Iris ILL lb5 409 Nevada Shere, Patrick 0. ILL b74 1009 W. Clark St. Shovalter, A. J . B. ILL 321 812 W. Nevada St. Simerl, Lawrence H. ILL 4bb 305 Mumford Hall Slayman, Hugus Worth NW 137 905 W. Illinois Spitler, John Clyde ILL 29 807 W. Vermont St.
Bentz, Erwin J. H. IS 300 500 W. Jefferson
Blackstone, George E. COLO lb7 3923 Johnson Bowman, Donald Warren COLO 210 4707 Woodland Ave. Dalquest, Leonard A. 0 b 18 4512 Lawn Ave. Elg, Erich G. ILL 277 4742 Grand Ave. Goerges, Lawrence E. NW 504 4135 Rose Ave. Haufe, Ted B. WIS 433 455b Clausen Schooley, Maurice A. KS 2b5 3930 Lawn Slezak, Dr. George C. ILL bl9 3903 Grove Tank, Edward Sylvan NW 150 5000 Grand Ave. Till, Harris Raymond IS 102 4010 Grand Ave.
West York
Green, Herschel S. ILL 293 Wheaton
Bennet, LeslieW. NW 212 407 W. Lincoln Dahlberg, John K. ILL 591 212 S. Lorraine Rd. Grushkin, Stanton F. NW 53b 427 W. Park Heimke, Karl F. WIS 53b 922 E. Parkway Dr. Jansen, George Jacob NW 279 Route 2 Kunze, Edward J . WIS b9 923 W. Washington Richards, Peter R. NW 52b b07 Polo Dr. Rogers, Robert K. ILL 835 10b2 College Starn, Ri chardS . NW 383 1303 S. Campbell
Bliss, Hugo Schubert IS 430 Washbum Kennedy, Fran cis M. K 451 P. 0. Bo x 44 Waterloo
Kern, Vernon Harlow ILL 174 Bo x % Watseka
Cavitt, Roger N. IW 5 Belmont Ave. Waukegan
Borst, Gaylord M. WIS 503 1329 Paul St. Clausen, Kenneth E. P b85 721 Porter St. Enerson, Arthur E. Ml N 203 4 S. Genesee Hinrich, Floyd, CIN 10 l2b Maripose Ave. Hinrichs, Henry R. NW 583 12b Mariposa Ave. Noll , John, CH 205 b28 Atlantic Ave. Radeke, Edward F. ILL b3b 201 N. Martin Ranta, Wayne Roland NW 488 543 Caroline Pl. Wones, Dr. Edward M. Jr. NW 270 903 W. Grand Haverly Parkinson, Lester Jay ILL 301 Smith, Wilson Marshall ILL 15b ~eldon
Melvin, Loui s John ILL 431
DePuy, Philip Louis KS 359 West Chicago
Hanson, Ralph S. NW 127 140 E. Pomeroy Westchester
Wagner, Glenn, NW 422 2318 Kensington Ave. Wilcox, Stanley W. ILL 559 1839 Westchester Western Springs
Batz, Carl Casper P 309 5011 Grand Beck, Charles Durward 10 144 3901 Central Ave.
Spencer, James M. ILL 83b
R. F. D. 3 Winfield Albrecht, Howard E. P 709 Gary Mill & Wynwood Rds-Box 185 Winnetka
Fonda, Dr. James E. N lb3 i99 Elm St. Frazer, George Enfield WIS 74 435 Sheri dan Rd. Howard, Eugene A. H 111 1015 Pine St. Kenney, Clarence B. CH 178 1050 Sunset Rd. Meyers, Erwin Aaron WIS 108 744 Ash St. Robinson, Otto Louis P 131 1354 Scott St. Searles, John N. MIN 249 770 Ash St. Swinney, Robert L. 0 lbb b33 Sheridan Rd. Wood River
Chappell, Russell L . CIN 294 b43 N. First St. Gustin, William H. ILL 850 25 W. Beach Hudson, Dennis L . ILL 839 445 Fifth St. Lyon, Omar R. 0 34 490 North bth Worth Garrity, Robert B. ILL blB 11537 Neenaah
I earling Beatty, John F. ILL 7bb
R. F. D.
Flentge, Robert L. AR b2 Box 51 White Heath Delaplane, William K. Jr. P 415 Route 1 Wilmette Adams, John R. NW 238 103b Ashland Adk ins, Charlie D. COLO b05 804 Greenwood Ave. Allen, Charles Wylie CH 231 510 Sheridan Rd. Arms, John M. Ml 557 221 Woodbine An sel, Donald R. NW 3bb 3529 Forest Ave. Bennett, James H. COR b19 325 Sheridan Rd. Dauer, Ernst A. NW 177 1005 Ashland Ave. Franke, Karl D. NW lbb lOb Westmoreland Dr. Groves, Everett Clement C 170 834 - lbth St. Hagen, Hilding E. NW 123 1219- lbth St. Halliday, Arthur C. NW 179 b29 Central Lund, Russell Oscar NW 143 Michigan Shore Club 911 Michigan Ave. McPherron, Richard, CH 274 1334 Isabella St. Morrison, William R. ILL 204 2032 Highland Ave. Moyer, Baxter Ward W 475 710 Laurel Ave. Odell, Clarence Burt ILL 457 2410 Greenwood Ave. Peacock, Nikolas R. M 138 204 Lawndale Ave. Reagen, James Apelt Ml 491 1233 Forest Robinson, Fred Vosteen NW 14b 1947 Thornwood Rd. Smith, Esta J. P 285 417 - 3rd St. Summers, James D. Jr. NW 323 1029 - 13th St. Wilson, JosephS. NW 20b 1054 Miami Rd. Winchester
Glossup, Robert Lee E 58 29 N. Main St. North, Gi Ibert B. ILL 572 Peak, Samuel Augustus ILL 778
Albany Neel, Arthur Wood P 4b
Alexandria Braun, James A. IN 424 509 W. BroadiiBy Disque, Fred Herbert P 305 107 S. West St. Wishon, James P. ILL 7b0
R. R. 1 Anderson
Alldredge, John Cromer IN 125 22b Citizens Bank Bldg. Atteberry, Oscar L. IN 258 1728 west 12th St. Coyner, Jake H., Jr. P 490 3b2b Dogwood Dr. Bennett, Harry 0. P 348 927 Sunset Dr . Fox, Samuel D. P 543 % Delco-Remy Corp. Haldrup, JackS. NW 409 220 S. Grand Ave. Hubler, Fran k Robert P 458 220 Federal Dr. .Kemp, Lilburn Richard IN 149 914 West bth St. McHenry, Robert A. P 545 1313 Nichol Ave. Yarling, Fran k Clark P 2bl 208 Tower Rd . Angola
Gilbert, Donald Flave P 75 215 W. Park Ave. Gilbert, Gaylord S. P 144 Ken nedy, Euliss V. IN 141 R. R. 3 Kenned y, Ward K. NW 427 R. R. 3 Arcadia
Lorton, Roland C. P 3b8 Argos
Gonce, Herschel I W. IN lbb Mahoney, Donald Lee IN 597 R. F. D. 3, Box b Mahoney, James White IN 491 Route 3 AHico
Harrison, Roy J . P 135 P. 0. Box bO McCracken, Sy lvester B. P 189 P. 0. Box lb9 DIRECTORY PAGE 2:
JUNE, 1960
Aotbum Burgoyne, Glenn M. OHS 358 914 Midway Or. Johnson, Frederick K. L. ILL 49& P. 0. Box 334 Muhn, Thomas M. IN 515 1010 N. E. Van Bll'en Rhoads, Frank M. P 251 718 N. Main St. Van Home, Winslow IN 187 Aurora
Driver, Hal Victor IN 320 122 Fifth Sl Klingelhoffer, Calvin H. IN 319 412 Hanover Ave. Ritter, Kenneth Wm. IN 314 332- 2nd Sl Bcrte .. ille
Gibson, Charles T. IN 305 902 Central Ave. Prentice, Richard F. P 553 337 Columbus Ave.
B..tfonl Avery, James E. IN 312 1415 Q Sl Chenoweth, Walter Thomas P 572 R. R. I Cll'tls, William R. CIN 279 Hillcrest Circle Skinner, Robert N. IN 3&7 2733 Eastern Ave. Trinkle, Jimmie 0. IN b41 1530 - 15th St. Walker, Alan L. E 101 802 '0' St. Bloomliold Sparks, James B. IN 445 144 East Main St.
Porter, Boyd Chester IN 123 914 E. University Sl Rock-.ocd, Charles E. ILL 7&5 Evermann Apt. b70 - Indiana Univ. Smith, William R. I~ &99 300 N. Bryan Summerville, John K. IN 3b0 829 S. Woodlawn Ave. Thornbury, William 0. IN 127 1003 E. Hunter Ave. Vass, Robert J. IN 518 · &19 N. Fess Wagoner, Dale E. IN &15 R. R. 3 Wakefield, Markham C. IN 8 904 S. Hawthorne Dr. Walker, Donald Ml 598 Sociology Dept. -Indiana Univ. Warring, Tom E. IN 200 525 S. Jordan Ave. Williams, Rev . Elwyn M. SY 273 131& South High St. Boggstown
Garver, Frederick Rasp IN 21 King, Carson H. IN 27&
Boonville Lutz, John P. IN 240
R. R. 2 McQueen, Richard C. IN 580 525 West Main Wilder, Donald, P 199 410 South 4th St.
Brazil Kidd, Max E. IN 102 Bridgeport
Hadley, Herschel Robert P &75 R. R. I, Box 3ll Bringhurst
Allen, Frank E. IN b5b 313 North Jordan St. Cassell, Billie G. IN &22 1200 N. Indiana Board, Joseph B. IN &58 12b Atwater Ave. Boruff, Dr. Wm. E. IN 549 25ll E. 7th Breneman, William R. IN 502 401 Easts ide Dr. Chew, Fred V. IN 188 812 S. Stull Crane, Robert M. M 19 Mens Quad - Indiana Univ. Creek, Dr . Jean A. IN 447 2303 Fritz Dr. Crooks, Jesse C. P 388 310 N. Washingtoo Dale, David C. IN &59 Evermann Apts. -Apt. 314 Davis, Gene K. IN &23 Rt. 2 Dieterle, D. Lyle IN 275 P. 0 . Box 343 Esarey, Ralph Emerson IN 94 1415 E. Hunter Ferguson, James H. IN 4&4 2501 E. 8th Figg, John R. IN 719 ll2b E. First St. Fowler, John Richard IN 575 710 Maxwell Lane Franklin, Joseph A. IN bOB 519 North College French, Lewis G. IN 552 biD Atwater Ave. Fultz, James E. IN 530 213 S. Dunn St. Goodall, Kenneth J. IN 57& 514 W. Davis Hanna, John M. IN 177 321 E. Wyle Hartswick, Joseph H. PS 2&9 150b Nancy Dr. Hazel, Willard G. IN 259 333 S. Henderson St. Huff, Fred, Jr. IN 345
R. R. 9 Jackson, Philip R. IN 324 508 East 4th Sl Johnson, Alan B. IN &24 71b E. 2nd St. Kingsbll'y, Bryant B. IN 579 biD S. Henderson St. Lusk, Harold F. IN 219 512 Hawthorne Dr. Matt, A. Robert, Jr . IN &50 Pleasant Ridge Rd. - R. R. 3 Petry, Donald W. IN 245 2&0 I East 7th Sl DIRECTORY PAGE 24
Porter, Kenneth Duane P b8b
R. R. I Sibbit, Thomas Guy P &34 Bristol•bla City Pendry, Lynn R. IS 4&9
R. R. 3•bus Black, David C. IN 33b 151& Laurel Dr. Bracken, Lawson Elmer NW 19& 903 Pearl St. Bridges, O..phie Randolph P 349 819 Franklin St. Donnell, Richard M. P 573 ll27 Pearl St. Norton, Overton P. P ll5
R. I Porter, David Lee IN bOO 1&08 National Rd. Rasp, Carl A. P 344 2203 Gilmore St. Whalley, Richard Earl IN 593 2lll Union St. Wilson, Leland W. IN 732 2bb5 Pearl St. Connersville
Boone, George W. IN 207 2708 Virginia Ave. Chamberlin, Howard G. Ml 250 l4ll Grand Ave. Crane, Vincent H. IN 142 2220 Indiana Ave. Harman, John R. MD 572 821 Grand Ave. Corydon Waits, Jack C. IN 2&2 bOI N. Mulberry St. Cro'lflllfordsville
Clodfelter, Elton A. P 57& 1&03 Ladoga Rd. Feldman, Philip D. ILL bb8 1015 W. Main St. Francis, Phillip Wayne P &17 2ll Morgan Hughes, Dan W. P 509
R. R. b Stalcup, Lowell B. P 3&1 1407 W. Main
McAtee, Jesse Willis IN &9 724 W. Chicago Olney, Deane H. IN 533 1212 Chicago Ave_ Reed, Ronald Riley, IN 583 4145 Baring Ave. Souter, John J. CH 24& Washington High School VanHorne, Willard B., Jr. IN 1&1 3&2& Main St. Elkhart Brouwer, Theodore C. IN 1&8 1913 Roys Ave. Derby, Richard E. IN 34& 240 Kenwood Ave. Hardy, Paul C., Jr. P 428 ll07 Cantoo Sl Holmes, Charles W. NW 324 P. 0. Box 742 Kester, Gordon LeRoy IN &1& ll2 Nadel Ave. Link, Charles L. IN 82 2500 Riverview Pl. Link, Richard J. IN 514 1020 Fulton Marquis, Donald B. IN &27 1500 Strong Ave. Martin, Vernon D. IN 559 &54 Fulton St. Montieth, John W. IN 504 2400 Broadmoor Myers, James A. IN 325 3425 Wood St. Raymer, Stanley A. H 399 21& W. High Sl Weaver, John W. P 5&1 &01 W. Beards ley Weaver, Richard J. P 523 719 Prospect Wright, Ronald T. ILL 852 234 Homan Ave. Elwood Davis, John C. P 712
R. R. 2 Forney, Earl Bryan IN 108 Ploughe, Ralph R. IN 24 517 S. Anderson
Sill, John Worley E &4 Crown Point
Brook Nugent, Robert C. P 740 Brookston
Wynkoop, Robert Lewis P 525 Brookville
Smith, Richard N. IN &32 Tenth St. BroW~sburg
Jones, Roy Eugene IN 341 Skinner, Malcolm Keith P 548 R. R. I, Box 179 Camden Jones, Lawrence D. P 717
R. R. I Jones, Joe Thomas P &92
R. R. I Cannelton
Merideth, Homer A. E 30 730 St. Louis Ave. Carlisle Enochs, Laurel A. IN 158 Carmel Tolle, Laurayne A. 1N 49
R. R. I C.ntenille Reed, James R. P 744 501 West South St. Chondlor Colvin, Alfred Eugene E &9
R. F. D. I Clorksvillo McMurray, Rodney D. IN 449 biD Tucker Ave., P.O. Box ll
Bohn, Charles H. IN &21 R. R. 3 Cutler, Lloyd Elwell ILL 274 Office ri the County Agent Held, Robert C. IN b47 800 West Joliet St. Moore, Homer T . ILL &59 R. 7 Hermies Lake Cynthlono Reed, John R. E 130
Dolo Bockstahler, Charles Eugene IN 541 Clayton, Charles Bernard E 75 Danville Armstrong, Robert Wi IIi am P 321 Boss tick, Robert Glenn P &80 2&7 W. Marion St. Graham, James Gordon P bb7 451 W. Main St. Koch, Elmer L. IN 284 201 E. Columbia St. Mitchell, George LOY.ell IN 520
R. R. 3 Pock, John B. P 752 R. R. I, Box 255 Rogers, Dorman 0. P bOb
R. R. I Stamm, James E. P 730 309 E. Lawton Ave. Dol phi Berry, Harold Ra Iph P 48& County Agent Hanna, Ralph Emerson IN lib Maggart, John Ralph P 278
R. R. b McCain, William Reid P bbl lib Front St.
Ounkirlc Hobson, Casper Wayne IN 221
Foltz, Donald Eugene P 558 R. R. 3 Cloverdale
Allender, James Edward CIN 222 Box 171 Colfax Skinner, Charles H. Jr. p 453
Earl Park Ebel, Larry M. P &99 Smith, Glenn Dale IN 373 Timothy, Thomas Lee P &27 East Chicago
Clark, Em est R. K 2bb c/ o Inland Steel Co. 4007 Ivy St.
Evansville Bartlett, Farrell G. E 73 24&7 W. Franklin St. Bates, Claude H. E 7 7b4 S. Weinbach Ave. Beavers, Wayne E. P 244 ll07 McArthur Circle (4) Bell, Harold E 8 2ll5 Bayard Park Dr. BeMiller, Lamar N. P 259 20 E. Sunrise Ave. (!OJ Besing, Carroll Earl E 9 lib E. Maryland St. Besing, Warren G. E 10 lib E. Maryland St. Beumer, O..ian F. E 47 309 Berkeley Ave . Blum, Frank C. E 103 3108 Forrest Ave. Burgdorf, August Henry E 54
R. F. D. 8 Caraway, George A., Jr. IN bbb 1004 Jefferson Ave. Carter, Robert Eugene, Jr. E 55 3ll5 Bellemeade Ave. Coffin, George B. K 3&8 10 W. Sunrise <IOJ Clapp, Elmo F . , Jr. E lOb 201 Drier Blvd. Daubenspeck, Jerry W. E 107 R. 9, Box 502 Davidson, Jewett A. MD 344 3120 E. Blackrord Deitsch, Arthur H. IN 95 &21 Vi II a Dr. Delroy, William Peter IN 470 2333 Washington Ave. DeWeese, Larry D. E 93 Skyline Drive Dodge, Joseph Ronald E 57 491& N. Kentucky Ave. Dunn, James D. E 120 2813 Taylor Ave. Egan, Robert E 87 1204 Oakley St. Eifler, Richard Carl P 515 2b0b E. Oregon St. Eifler, Robert K. IN 303 2&0& E. Oregon Erlbacher, Frederick L. ILL 45 202 S. El 1st St. -Apt. 403 (8) Etheridge, Robert D. E 128 312 Kenmore Fleming, Robert L. P &91
Geographical listing for
the States of
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan and Minnesota as of September 15, 1960 As a further service to you, the TRIAD is providing a directory containing a geographical listing of members of the F ra ternity. Several states will be ¡cartied from time to time until your directory is complete. We recommend that you detach and file these individual sections in a ring binder thereby compiling your own personal directory. All regular subscribers to the TRIAD will automatically receive the subsequent sections of the directory. All non subscribers may receive the remaining sections of the directory by paying the annual alumni dues of $5.00. The listing in each issue will contain the most recent addresses as recorded at the National Headquarters. Should there be any corrections, please let us know. Please use the following key to identify the members. The code for the member's chapter and his roll nurr.ber follow his name. The code letters used for the chapters are as follows: A AR C CT CM CH CIN COLO CSC CSU COL COR 0 ON E F GW H Ill
Arizona Arkansas California ' Carnegie Te<:h Central Missouri State Chicago Cincinnati CoiO<ado CoiO<ado State College Colorado State Univ. Columbia Cornell Dartmouth Denver Evansville Franklin George washi ngton Harvard Illinois
Evansville Fleming, Robert L . P b9l Donaldson Arms, Apt. C-18 1407 Howard Glackman, Charles E. E lb 3108 Tremont Gourley, Harold E. E 17 1700 N. AlvO<d Blvd. Grieger, Russell M. IN 25! 2904 E. Chandler St. Griffin, Nolan Byron E 18 1307 Marsha II Ave. Griffin, RobertS. E 129 827 Plaza Drive Harris, Raymond P. E 20 4101 Oak Hill Rd. Haug, John R. E 22 52b S. Spring St. Hawlick, Hartley Harvey MIN 32b 435 Roosevelt Dr. Ingle, David, Ill E 104 3919 Washington Ave. Jarboe, Ralph H. P 707 R. 9, New Harmony Way Jarrett, Charley W. IN 343 3&01 Stringtown Rd . Judd, Russell Lloyd IN 578 b09 Bayard Park Dr. Karges, Clarence William, Jr. E 70 3&04 Stringtown Rd . Kattmann, Orrion W. NW 172 810 College Highvay Kenda II, James W. E 25 2374 Adams SEPTEMBER, 1960
Illinois Wesleyan Indiana Iowa Iowa State Kansas Kansas State Long Beach L1luisiana State Miami Michigan Minnesota Missouri Missouri Sch. of Mines Nebraska New Hampshire North Carolina NO<thwestern Ohio Ohio State
King, Farre l R. E 125 1013 E. Blackford Ave. Koehne, Ralph M. IN 454 Hulman Bldg. Latham, Eugene Gilbert, Jr. IN 378 1123 Marsha II A. ve. Lemme, Carl Eugene E bO 1820 Ba yard Park Or. Levell, Charles E. E 12b 2123 Covert Ave. Llewellyn, Gene M. IN 4b7 1312 N. Villa Dr. Lupton, Otis L. E 29 2914 W. Franklin St. McCarty, James Arnold P 583 1207 Cullen McMurtry, Donald W. IN 340 c/ o Louis Elkins 500 Runnymeade Ave. Meyers, Harold L. IN 499 5800 Jefferson Ave. Miller, Harry Clinton E 114 1713 Covert Ave. Neu, Adam J . E 102 Tree Lane Drive NO<WOod, Donnie John E 33 2055 East Gum St. Oaks, Wi IIi am David E b3 519 S. Grand Ortmeyer, Arthur D. IN 24b &17-19 Main Sl Ortmeyer, Edmund F. IN 230 BOb Hulman Bldg. Purtzer, Werner A. E 5 7121 E. Blackford Ave. Reitz, Lawrence A. P 753 1&17 Scheips Or. Reynolds, Jerry Lewis E 72 2920 W. Maryland St. Rheinhardt, William R. E 13b 17 07 S. Kerth
Ritchie, Dr. William D. IN 405 5201 Stringtown Rd . Robertson, James T. E 35 2411 W. Virginia St. Robinson, John Everett, Jr. E 3b 1202 North Main St. Roth, Bruce C. E 131 834 Madison Ave. Russell, Dr. Richard H. IN 290 1015 Harrelton Ct. (15) Schlimmer, William A. IN 525 4425 Kensington Schlimmer, Paul H. IN 493 4331 Stratford Rd. Schmidt, Jack E llb 34b S. Barker Ave. Schmidt, Marvin George P b89 23lb Vann Ave. Scholl, Thomas C. E 39 730b E. Blackford Seibert, Edwin Albert E 38 2157 Maxwe ll Ave. Seibert, Phi lip Wayne E 105
R. R. 5 Sw1nney, Paul Melbourn E b5 814 Madison Ave. Thurston, Gordon V. E 132 1310 Judson St. Tismar, Charles Frederick, Jr. E 83 29 Madison Ave. Turner, Thomas Walker E 44 1l3b Covert Ave. Voegeli, Robert R. ILL 72b 4515 Covert Ave. Wahnsiedler, John Robert E llB 521 S. Alvord Blvd. Wetzel, Roger D. E ll9 3108 Strafford Rd. Wi I son, John ThO<nas E b7 721 S. Frederick
Oklahoma Oklahoma State Oregon Oregon State Penn State p Purdue Rensselaer RPI Southern CalifO<nia StanfO<d Syracuse SY T Texas UCLA Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles Vermont Washington Washington State WIS Wisconsin WyO<ning WY y Yale OS OR ORS PS
sc s
w ws
Young, William D. E 133 775-B Washington Ave.
Stewart, Forrest Lee IN Sib South Main St.
Eastham, Bi ll George IN 529 Box 102 Flat Rack Bass, Dwain J. IN 643
R. R. 1 Flora Garrison, Jerry L . IN bbB 404 West Columbia St. JO<dan, Jerry Wayne P 673 305 Vine St. Kearns, Robert W. P 739
R. R. 2 Mann, Charles William IN 598 31b No. Jefferson Mclaughlin, Robert L. IN b2b Sll E. Main Floyds Knobs Gage, Frederick L. CH 208 Box 329- Rt. 1
Forest Sellars, Max Paul P 227 Grain Company Fort Branch Kensler, Paul Leland E 111
Schleter, Gerald A. E 71 305 N. West St.
Frankfort Beckett, Robert B. IN 263 552 E. South Sl Jacoby, Kenneth Brown P 296
R. R. 7 Fort Wayne Atz, Norman R. IN 519 2512 Greenway Rd. Bauer, Richard J. P 723 1824 Pontiac Blvd. Biedenweg, Clarence A. Ml 327 3004 Plaza Dr. • Bloom, Loui s L. IN 509 2811 N. Anthony Blvd. Cook, Thomas C. IN 550 3927 Irene Ct. Cui mann, Louis C. IN 300 2521 Courtland Ave. (7) Dixon, Tod G. OHS 409 4755 Tri erwood Park Drive Dykhuizen, Geo. D. IN 511 5315 Renfrew Dr. Eisenach, Raymond J . CSU 18 6509 Azalea Dr. Elliott, Robert E . IN 512 241 4 Lynn El ston, Dr. Ralph W. CH 283 604 Medical Center Bldg. (2) Farley, Richard L. IN 551 6115 Midwood Dr. Ferguson, Arthur New ton CH 195 2902 North Fairfi eld Gallatin, Robert E. P 466 4520 Kenilworth Goebel , Lt. Carl W. IN 315 327 W. Creighton Goebel, Dr. Ru ssell W. IN 323 105 Fairfield Manor (b) Greer, William E. IN 484 6742 Woodcrest Dr . Gregory, Samuel Bailey PS 135 1932 Kenwood Ave. ·Gregory, Sa muel Bai ley, Jr. IN 485 5707 Northwest Dr. Hood, G. Stan ley IN 693 3705 Bow ser Ave. Howard, Arthur Wallace, Jr. CO LO 299 4126 Hazelhurst Hunt, Leigh L. IN 46 625 Lin co ln Tower Lam son, Robert Ward COL 116 4509 S. E. Anthony Wayne Dr. Lutton, Albert Vern ILL 440 2501 Florida Dr . McBride, Bernard R. WIS 42 4102 S. Wayne Ave. (b) McBride, Donald U. P 704 4102 S. Wayne Ave. McKinnis, Robert G. IN 492 903 Archer Ave. Medsker, Arthur Dall as IN 179 815 Putnam Morgan, Norman L., Jr. A 16 7004 Penrose Dr . Nevins, James A. IN 546 4004 Mound Pass Parnell, Jerry L. IN 629 Gi lmore Dr., R. R. 15 Quick, Carl J ackson IN 140 3925 Indi ana Ave. Riddle, Rodney K. P 758 1823 Grisv.old Dr. Robertson, Oscar Dal e IN 47 4611 Tacoma Scearce, Donald G. P 616 5017 Plaza Schang, John J . NW 495 2420 Dellwood Seaman, Raymond N. IN 469 2809 Lilli e St. Skelton, Thomas L. IN 107 521 E. Berry St. Smith, Robert D. IN 698 2918 Glencairn Drive Somers, Byron T . I N 231 709 Court Sl Somers, Thomas Wa rd P 546 Ca rroll Rd., Rt. I Stall , Joseph E. P 439 25 12 Cambridge Blvd. Stouder, George Henry P 73 2719 Thompson Ave . Stucky, Kenneth J. IN 248 619 S. Clinton Thompson, John C. IN 526 5005 DeRome Drive Waldschmidt, George IN 441 327 W. Sherwood Terrace Warner, Oscar W. IN 235 10712 U.S. Highway 24 West Yomg, Fridley Olaf NW 73 1310 Delta Blvd.
Kelly, Larry J. IN 625 460 West South St. Maish, J. M. P 435 R. R. 3- Kelly Rd . Marks, Robert Adrian NW 228 9 W. Clinton St. Ostler, William Edwin CIN 224 1000 North Clay St. Rogers, Charles Calvin P 475
R. R. 4 Ruch , Lester Glenn IN 15 709 S. East St. Si mmons, John E . P 602 1453 Clinton St. Small, Larry Kent IN 652 1051 N. Clay St. Smith, Lewis D. IN bbl 409 S. C lay St. Straesser, Robert B. IN 281 50 Main Ave . Thompson, Bernard C. IN 288 555 S. Main St.
Wilson, Raymond C. IN 471 DIRECTORY PAGE 26
Cunningham, William T. IN 636
R. R. Go sport
Crane, John B. IN 74
R. F. D. 2 Dickson, Harold Benton Y 58
R. R. 2 Greencastle
Fl eeno r, Audrid, P 121 510 E. Wash ington St. Griffin, David L. P 683 203 E. Franklin Poor, John L. IS 206 P. 0 . Bo x 207
Greenfield Leary, Irvin IN 398
R. R. 4 Thomas, Donald B. P 223 Greentown
Call is, Cha rl es M. P 378 Robison , Maurice A. IN 327 R. R. 1 Green s Fork
Franklin Pope, Wallace Reid P 501
R. R. I Townsend, Robert B. IN 653
R. R. 4 French Lick Grigsby, Howard H. IN 118 316 College St. Garrett
Gentry, Donald Eugene IN 553 300 S. Cowen St. Van Fleit, Don E. P 157 210 E. King St.
Davis, Porter C. P 468
R. R. 1 Greensburg
Oak, Cha lmer Marshall P 324 216 East First Greenwood
Stan ley, Ka rol V. IN 64 0 19 Sayre Dr. Hagersto'M'I
Denhart, Wi lliam L. ILL 853 53ll S. Perry St. Martin, Eugene J. IN 257 Route 1
Bai ley, James G. IN 590 2044 W. 2nd Ave . Bates, Rue Kent IN 391 2201 Ranburn Baum, Joseph S. OS 110 Bo x 629 Ogden Dun es Bi xler, Abraham 0 ., Ill IN 635 743 Arthur St. Boyden, James Gene P 664 816 Johnson St. Care, Norman S. IN 645 407 Taft St. Col lier, Paul R. P 637 442 Buchanan Griffiths, Georg e R. , Jr. Pb44 551 Pierce St. How land, Carl Bruce P 655 570 Buchanan St. Jenkins, Ray E. 0 519 2412 Whee ler St. Jones, Gera ld A. P 341 Box 329, Ogden Dunes Kuss, L oui s Dewey IN 13 846 Broadway Lems ter, Bernard T . IN 489 6965 Ash Ave. Long, Lewis Oscar WIS 282 522 Broadway Novak, Lloyd G. IN 612 8249 Locust St. Pyatt, Robert Raymond CH 221 569 Broadway Sims, Harrell W. IN 10 214 E. 45th Ave . Stone, Stephen R. CIN 247 624 Grant St. Thoma s, Joseph N. IN 496 1016 Gary Nat'l. Bank Bldg . 504 Broadway Thomas, Ray Cecil IN 23 504 Broadway, Suite 1016 T ittle, Raymond Steven, Jr . Ml 526 579 Roosevelt St. Wagner, Donald W. IN 673 607 W. 45th St. Wimmer, Robert Norri s CH 116 9 West bth Ave. Wishart, John W. ILL n1 5440 Fi II more
Hammond Bentley, Herman Ransford P 503 919 173rd Pl. Geberin, Arthur Roland P 37 5 7013 State Line Hoener, L. George ILL 622 640 - 169 St. Kuhn, Herman Carl P 287 250 Fernwood Reed, Robert C. IN 421 818 Drackert Towle, George R. P 450 7105 Jefferson Ave. Turner, David G. ILL 577 1411 E ll iot Dr . , N. Hartford City Bonham, Joe M. IN 350 503 N. High Frazier, John H. IN 261 b70W . EI 111St. Frazier, Roger Lowe ll IN 596 414 North High St. Johnson, A Ibert Eugene IN 426 815 North Jefferson St. Maddox, James B. IN 366 1500 N. Jefferson St. Maddox, John Richard IN 334 Mills, Edgar E. IN 382 41 2 W. Washington St. Teats, Frank L. , Jr. IN 425 708 W. Elm St.
Magenheimer, Robert Clarence E 4 Hebron
Petry, Franklin, Jr. IN 180 Pe tr y, Robert F . IN 630 Highland Gettinger, Hal Al be rt P 310 2256 Oakdale Ulrich, Meredith Dale P 473 2646 Clough Hobart
Carlson, James W. IN 690
R. R. 2 Carlson, Mi Iton Ross IN 607
Gas City Taylor, Joseph W. IN 495 107 E. No. 'D' St. Gaston
Turner, Robert L. P 785
R. R. 2
R. R. 2 Tabbert, Harold E. P 222 37 E. 3rd St. Hudson
Sparks, Wa rd F . P 62 Route I
Kelt, Walter V. ILL 137 Rt. I Huntington
Beckman, A. Ronald IN 568 518 S. Briant St. Gray, Paul Marion IN 215 340 E. Market Sl Rusher, Merrill W. OHS 463 Route 9
Indianapolis Allen , Joseph L . WIS 237 5699 W. Delaware Alexander, Van Cleave M 87 4617 37th Alvis, Edmond Ochs IN 38 320 Hume Mansur Bldg. Anderson, Garland D. IN 573 478 S. Rohester Ave. Armstrong, Robert D. IN 61 1344 Consolidated Bldg. Arvidson, Douglas Edgard IN 567 48 S. Rosemere Ayton, Thomas Wm. WIS 208 2155 Wilshire Rd. Barnett, Charles H. SC 158 4075 Millersville Rd. Bauer, John T. IN 657 1195 S. Vinewood Beade ll, Henry A. P 733 3953 N. New Jersey Benedict, Irvin C. ILL 213 205 W. Washington Sl Biesel, LesionS. IN 433 25 West 28th St. Beshear, Charles E . E 135 912 N. Emerson Bettge, Henty Max P 318 50 Sadler Dr. Birk, George W. P 232 6115 E. St. Joseph St. <J9l B irk, Henry Andrew P 663 6115 E. St. Joe St. Brown, Eugene Winifred IN 292 2239 S. Randolph St. (3l Brown, James L . ILL 702 3399 W. 42nd St. Butler, Charles Woods IN 79 6068 Keystone Ave. Carrell, Jack P 665 3515 N. Gale Champ, Harry Ray IN 99 5106 Winthrop Ave. Clack, Ronald J. P 736 1331 N. Tuxedo St. Clayton, Clarence R. IN 52 4506 East 46th Sl Clayton, Laurel L. P 364 3825 E . Kessler Blvd. (20l Clingman, David L. P 718 4040 N. Ruckle Crawforth, William C. Ml 264 4237 Sunset Ave. (8) Crooke, Donald F . IN 353 1113 N. Layman (!9) Curry, Rodney Earl IN 214 5263 Pleasant Run Pkwy. Davis, Edward R. P 776 7314 South Road 31 De Armond, Dr. A. M. IN 75 Hume-Mansuer Bldg. Dearmin, Robert M. IN 56 3233 N. Meridian (8) Denison, Jack D. IN 435 3381 W. 42nd St. Doggett, Denzi I, P 167 917 N. DeQuincy St. (1) Dougherty, Ronald Gordon CIN 233 627 N. Wallace St. Emhardt, Adolph G., Jr. H 395 3721 North Delaware Fansler, Thomas M., Jr. P 746 1143 S. Lynhurst Dr. Faris, Robert P. P 391 5540 Fenmore Rd . C8l Fickle, Lee E. P 556 4944 Leone Dr. Fox, Allen V. ILL 473 R. R. 18, Box 351 Foxworthy, Theodore E. P 357 121 S. Bolton Ave. Freeman, Dr. Max E. IN 422 1745 Howard St. Funkhouser, Albert W. P 293 848 Eastern Ave. Gage, Bradley G. IN 438 1222 N. Tacoma Galt, James J. P 772 2947 Eagledale Dr. Garten, William F. P 400 5360 Central Sl Gause, Harry Lorenzo IN 72 Peoples Bank Bldg. 130 E. Market St.
Gee, Sherman R. P 721 3959 Ruckle St. Gill, George Everett COL 98 5908 University Gordner, Leroy George P 192 44&0 Park Ave . Green, Stanley Stiver P 170 115 East &1st St. Grieger, Allen J. Ml 451 7545 Hannen Or., N. Guenther, William J. P 230 1212 Fletcher Trust Bldg. Guthrie, Richard W. IN 498 515& University Ave. Guthrie, Robert W. CH 152 515& University (19) Hadley, Herschel R. Pb75 2&1 N. Girls School Rd . Hartley, Floyd Arel IN &8 5833 Haverford Hatfield, Robert C. IN 1 24 N. Chester Haynes, John Thomas NW 438 22 E. 73rd Held, John G. IN 487 :t Indiana Nat'l. Bank Henderson, Or. Francis G. IN 2&0 319 Ridgeview Dr. (19) Hire, Harvey Lester P 331 2950 W. 7bth St. Hitchcock, RichardT. IN 721 &225 Carrollton Ave . Harth, Donald A. P 459 5114 Grandview Or. (8) Harth, Douglas R. P 498 135 E. 47th St. Harth, Robert J. P 42& &208 N. Delaware <20) Hosek, Arthur M. P 2&7 5138 Broadway (5) Howard, Edwin H. P 39& 1425 S. Belmont (Zll Huffer, James E. IN 488 3280 N. Centennial St. Huffman , Charles 0 . Jr. P 480 2884 Corvallis Crescent <24) Jackson, Ronald L. E llO 392& N. Bolton Ave . Jones, Donald L. P &88 3&50 Thompson Rd . Jones, William E. NW 333 1915 E. 81st St. Jordan, Homer G. NW 92 R. R. 13 - Box 3&9 (2bl Kahrs, John SY 301 3375 Me Ibourne Rd. Kinninger, Carl A. P 58& 448& S. Meridian St. Kirkpatrick, John Q. IN 178 &0 N. Killey <19) Kixmiller, John H. IN 722 4144 N. Capitol Klootwyk, Ronald I. P 729 &451 Harbridge Rd . (20) Knachel, F. F. IN 37 7ll1 Steven Lane Kountz, Gordon 0. ILL 733 9040 Hibben Ave. LaFollette, Adrain L. IN 153 5853 Central Ave. <20) Lautzenheiser, Arthur 0 . IN 229 1040 W. Michigan Ave. Leisure, Edgar Curless P 352 109 Woodside Ave . Linker\, Howard W. P 153 7918 Windcombe Blvd. (20) Littell, David W. Ml &41 3740 Cheviot Pl. Loomis, Norman Squire IN 111 5230 Kenwood Ave. <B> Malott, Lloyd A. P 197 4022 Ruckle Ave. <Sl McDonald, Jack Edw.rd E BB 1709 Ludlow Ave. McGowan, James E. IN 475 5529 Mooresville Rd. Meininger, Dan Earl IN 5&0 &074 East 9th St. Melvin , John R. P 277 c/ o St. Hwy. Commission of Ind. Rd. Design Dept. -St. House Annex Mees, OonaldH . WIS4&2 R. R. 19 - Box 84 G 13 Meyer, Leon 0. NW 2&1 &920 Mohawk Lane Miller, James E. CIN 125 3ll0 West 49th St. <B> Miller, William R. P 154 &048 College Ave. Millspaugh, Charles R. IN 372 5&2& N. Parker Ave . Minx, Leo P. IN 232 744 Sherwood Dr. (20> Montgomery, John R. IN 392 3&03 Watson Rd. SEPTEMBER, 1960
Moore, John M. P 330 Room 82&, K or P Bldg. Moore, Paul H. IN 3b &25 Kessler Blvd. -East Or. Mounsey, Claude J. P 494 4430 N. Franklin Rd. Nash, Claude C. P 512 2437 So. Keystone Parrish, Ansyl Clyde P 18 1&&1 Lincoln Rd, Speedway Parvis, Willard J. P 288 587 5 Winthrop Ave. (20> Ramsey, Frank B. IN llO 1802 N. Illinois St. (2) Rapp, Dr. George F. IN 5&3 2&44 Fa Icon Or . Reger, Raymond P 347 55 N. Mount St. Reifeis, Otto Frederick, Jr. P &15 729 Orange St. Reifeis, Robert L. P 708 3044 Broadway Richards, Jacob G. P 425 211& East 12th St. ' Ri sk, J. Fred IN 443 5042 Media Drive Risk, Ronald C. IN &17 2421 Brookside Pkwy., So. Drive Rogers, James S. P &07 3322 Englewood Or . Roll, William C. P 547 4440 Manning Rd. Schaeffer, Max L . IN 584 US S. Belmont Scholl, Booth John IN 30& 1&40 Allison Ave. Scott, William I. P 303 &015 Primrose Ave. (20) Shanks, Bill G. IN 3% :t W. G. Shanks 3720 N. Meridian St., Apt. 101 Shepard, Casper Arlo IN 14& 2130 W. 59th St. Shock l ey, Quentin 0 . IN 32& 32ll Medford Simon, Russell W. IN &18 72ll E. 21st St. Simpson, Ralph Ervin P 124 8417 College (20> Smith, Glenn G. IN 302 &498 Parker Smock, John Reed IN 194 F. B. I. Federal Bldg. Stieglitz, Thomas P 5&8 General Motors-Addison Oiv . Supple, Graeme Bates ILL 392 &25 Architects & B Bldg. Thompson, Bernard C. Jr. IN 2&5 5880 Speedway Or. <24) Thompson, E I ton L. P 570 1322 S. Harding St. Valadin , Ralph H. NW 82 2725 N. Meridian No. 25 <Bl Vos, Paul M. P 580 Rt. 17, Box &40 Walker, Galvin L. CH 270 440 West 44th St. (8} Wa Ish, Donald L. E 127 2975 North Tibbs Ware, Robert C. IN 587 949 N. Ar lington (19) Watson, William Henry P 594 343 North Irvington Ave. Wheaton, Richard John P 518 5910 Kess ler Ridge Whitney, Donald Clinton P 5&4 840 N. DeQuincy St. Wiebke, Donald B. P 587 448& S. Meridian St. Wilkins, Gene E. IN 572 :t Bamberger & F eibe Iman 120 Market St. Williams, Duane H. P 517 5401 Primrose Ave. Wilson, Harold K. IN 311 5823 N. Oakland Wilson, Harry Verle ILL 400 4107 E. Washington St. Wilson, Or. Ned A. IN 538 3152 Allison Ave. Wright, Wilbur Donald P 302 21& Arden Or. Wyand, Ralph E. NW 441 4525 Chatham Pl . York, Carl D. IN 507 7735 E. 52nd St.
Kendallville Atz, Lauren 0. IN SOB 218 So. Park Ave. Fischer, Craig William P &82 722 E. Mitchell Fischer, Robert E. P 4&9 722 E. Mitchell Forbes, Hubert Henry P 470 319 E. William St. Hanes, Harold Bower, Jr. P &05 &41 North Riley Hanes, Hugh Dwight P &95 &41 North Riley St. Hanes, Howard Henry P &24 &41 N. Riley Mason, Richard Otto P 532 804 East Mitchel Miller, Leo Oartus P 214 515 Richmond Probst, Ralph Wiant IN 88 132-1/2 S. Main St. Schinbeckler, Dale 0. P 423 Route 3 Wright, Charles N. IN 204 513 Mathews St.
Lottes, Terry 0. IN bb9
R. R. 2 Jeffersonville Crandall, David V. P 313 939 East 7th St.
Lakeville Wien, Terry D. IN &&2
R. R. 1 Lapel Kluth, Robert G. IN 317
La Porte Kandis, Andrew N. P 502 bll ~ E. Jefferson
Kentland Parr, Charles Edward IN &4 Ross, Charles Albert P 412
Metzger, Grover E. Ill, P ll1
R. R. 1 Klrlclln Hiatt, Cassius E. F 85 Knighbto'tlln
Ratliff, James Charles P 5&5 321 North Jefferson St. Wertz, Gerald M. Ml 31& 125 S. Jefferson St.
Brittingham, Louis W. MO 302 208 N. Heaton Johnson, Homer Ray IN 22& 2 N. Pearl Sl Smith, Oscar B. Jr. IN 391 208 S. Main St.
Fagaly William J. CIN 22 238 Short St. Beasley, Kern Grant H 302 Box 3 Hines, Charles E. P &42 180 S. E. Third St. Kramer, Gera ld R. IN 570 1&0 - 3rd St., S. E. Kramer, Rudolph F. W. IN 1&4 310 First St., N. E. Logansport
Bulmer, Robert W. IN 310 1823 High St. OO'Nlham, Max C. P 720 R. R. 3 Wild, Clifford Otto CH 147 1010 North St. Young, Joe Dean IN 594 1915 E. Broadway
Lowell Kokomo
Adams, Warren M. P 300 303 Edgewater Lan e Beety, Arthur E. P 299 1715 W. Walnut Fretz, Hillard Clark P 201 121& W. Walnut Fulwider, Richard B . IN 483 531 W. Mulberry St. Guy, John A. NW 135 1407 W. Jefferson Hunt, Clifford E. IN 554 905 James Or. Kiefer, Rene G. IN 402 1118 East Walnut Rife, Howard J . IN 104 927 N. Phi I lips Stevens, Warren B. IN 397 1bll Kingston Rd. Kouts
Tuesburg, Arthur Cox P 47&
Co Ioney, Robert A. KS 38& 122 Bornham St. Ewer, Virgil G. P &19 M. R. 1, Box 579 Lynn
Chenoweth, George F. IN 458 Box 38 Coats, Chari es E. IN 295 105 N. Main Sl Lynnville
Klusmeier, Conrad P. E 121
Poe, Ralph Stewart P 522
Bainbr idge, Russell E. P 551 2524 So. Boots St. Boiler, Ernest R. P 273
R. F. 0. b Lafayette
Ayers, Howard, P 237 907 State St. Brenner, Elliott H. C 427 904 Southlea Dr. Fink, Harry A., Jr. P &7&
R. R. 11 Harold, David K. E 108 2407 Iroquois Tr. Houston, James Guy IN 577 1903 Thompson St. Hunt, Herschel IN 18&
R. R. 2 Hunt, Herschel Maurice P &20
R. R. 2 Johnson, Kenneth W. IS 432 1015 N. River Rd. Landis, Charles B. P 571 70 Coll ins Or. Luke, Thomas J. P 749 3500 Mu Iberry Or. Menke, Arthur W. P 257
R. R. b Jasper
Palmer, George Marshall P 491 707 o..en St. Potter, Andrey A. KS 84 Purdue University Raymond, Mace E. P 354 R. R. 3 Robertson, Hugh L . In &51 1&09 N. 15th St. Snyder, James 0 . , Jr. P 732 225 Perrin Ave . Stahl, Benton M. IS 173 300 9th Wootton, Mack E. IN &55 200& Schuyler Ave .
Mertz, Chris J. P 122 1511 Durango Ave. Mulvey, Richard K. P 449
R. R. 3 Murphy, Harry R. P 195 1021 North 9th
Boller, Ernest R. P 710 R. R. b, Greenbush Farm Boiler, Ronald C. P 759 R. R.b Hazel ett, Robert M. IN 21& 125 West 20th St. James, Earl Alvin P 557
R. R. 2 McGrew, William H. Jr. NW 140 c/ o Morrison Chronicle Mclaughlin, Wm. G. CIN 2&4 2924 So. Branson St. Packard, Arlen J. P 7&4 218 North G St. Rhamy, Dr. Donald E. IN 505 1&32 Broadview Richard son, Joe H. IN 4&8 911 River Drive Wallace, Donald M. EBb 520 E. 38th St. Williams, Robert 0. IN 41& Rt. b Yount, James V. P 724 510 Berkley Dr.
Bain, Wallace B. ILL 181
R. R. 1 Bray, William Gilmer IN 147 Hill , Wallace C. IN 128 c/ o Public Service Co. DIRECTORY PACE 27
Recad, Wi Iii am Jackson, Jr. P bSO
R. R. 1 Me<laryvi lie Homer, Owen Francis Ml 70 Medaryville State Bank Mentone
Clark, George Forst IN lOb
Sparks, Guy Sherman IN 32 301 N. Tillotson Ave. Walker, John Scott IN 129 221 S. College Munster
Allen, David J. IN b75 1511 Park Dr. Anderson, Maxv.ell G. IN b42 8424 Northcote Ave. Gilbert, Geage N. M 3 8318 White Oak Ave.
Michigan City â&#x20AC;¢ Hughes, Rev. John C. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Long Beach Lubs, James Walter IN 531 1117 8th Mann, Donald Elridge IN 354 Pottawattomie Park Miller, Dr. Herbert D. IN 581 131 E. Bth St. Moore, William L. IN 121 2310 Franklin Vansickle, Joe Orval P 247 bOb East 11th St. Van Sickle, William Ml 114 bOb East 11th Sl
New Albany Jackson, Addison T. P 9 Route 20 - Capt. Frank Rd.
Middleto.., Robinson, Jack L. P 705
Nashville Rowland, Richard H. P 471 Gen. Del.
R. R. 2 Milan Orick, Walter A. IN 193 Jadan, William C. IN b48 North Main St. Laws, Elmer Thomas IN 134 Kohlmeier, Jon William IN Sb9 Kohlmeier, Robert Christian IN 389 Kohlmeier, Thomas W. IN 490 Larowe, Robert D. P 702 Rt. b Thompson, J. W. IN 380 Thompson, Thomas Wi II iam IN 375 Wichmann, Robert K. P 734
R. F. D. 1
Ne..burgh Akin, Gary K. E 134 R. R. 3 Nance, Gettis A. E 3
R. R. 1
Burns, David C. P 495 3925 So. Main St. Fields , Floyd Logan ILL 2lb 909 West Plum St. Hendricks, Thomas Lloyd P 328 707 S. 14th St. Hodde, Ferdinand, CIN b7 909 Plum Montgomery, Herbert W. IN 401 2802 S. 14th St. Hew Harmony
Happel, Roy John, Jr. E 94 Long, Norman 0. E 78 807 Koeh I inger Dr . Davidson, Keith Eric P bl4 Noblesville
Perkey, Russell C. P SOB SBbb S. Ireland Tr . Risk, Robert J. IN 472 R. 1, Elm Rd. Robertson, David R. IN 524 390b Cottage Ave. Witham, Clarence A. IN 197 214 N. State St. Mitchell Sherwood, James Noble P 552 R. R. 1 Sherv.ood, Ralph Edward P b11 R. R. 1 Monroeville
Leuenberger Walter A. IN 208 Webster, Donald W. Ml 318 Webster, Wi Imer Edwin Ml 25b Monticello
Amott, Lawrence F . P 350 blOW. Harrison Metzger, Robert E. P 413 525 W. Marion Mooresville
Hobson, De Ibert Anderson P 323
R. R. 2 Mt.
Carr, Cullen Wayne E 12 719 Locust St. Jones, Raymond H., Jr. P 527 R. R. 3 Thanpson, Eugene Fuhrer P 593 523 Wa Inut St. Uhde, Jerry L. E 100 512 E. 5th St. Mulberry Hawkins, Gene Russell COR 531 P. 0. Box 254 Weaver, James Alfred IN 195 Weaver, James D. IN bl9
McCracken, Fletcher S. IN 571 Town & Country Apts 3 Simmons, Charles A. ILL 409 Rt. 2 North Judson Petry, John W. P 402 222 N. Lane
Nonh Liberty Hamilton, Joseph E. IN 4Bb Box 503 North Vemon
Overturf, Frank B. IN 185 707 Hoosier St. Oakland City Battram, John Commodore P 322 3lb N. Main St. Cothren, Donald Ray P b47 315 W. Washington St. Hayes, Ralph Mi Iton P b22 323 West Cherry Nation, Robert Darrell P b84 122 West Oak St. Rinehart, William Russell CIN 205 230 N. Gibson St. Shaw, Charles Frederick E 81 131 S. Jackson St. Spi lim an, Carl, P 33 Tooley, Marion V. CIN 203 323 Gibson St. Tracer, Leouard Allen P b74 322 East Harrison
Giltner, Emmett E. COL 34 Odan Dearmin, Walter Fred ILL 3b7 Wholesale Produce Orleans
Himebaugh, William K. IN 290 Muncie
For\tner, Frank Larue IN 205 3219 Devon Rd. Henley, James T. P 714 125 Berwyn Rd. Hurst, Lawrence COLO 100 404 N. Talley Ave.
Pendleton Craig, Rex M. P 727 R. R. 1, Box 133 Taylor, Frederick S. P 295 317 E. High St.
Roann Bidwell, Leon M. IN 388 Vrooman, Steven K. P 755
R. R. 1 Rockport Hammond, Joe Vernon E 19 124 S. Third St. Hesson, WaIter Edward E 23 b31 Elm St. Nichols, James AllenE 31 527 Elm St. Parsley, Jerry H. E 89 109 Greenwood Ave.
Kinman, Wendell Jasper IN 181 703 E. Main St. Peru
Rockville Stephenso~ .
Benj . F. IN 242
Peters, Layman Robert P 332 47 Albert St. Puterbaugh, Don Gaylad IN 534 331 W. Main
Kellerman, James S. P 254 Learning, Marion C. P 401
Rosedale Newlin, Hubbard F. C 184
Rumble, Earl Patterson P 355
R. 4 Pierceton Schuldt, WilliamS. IN 434 Box 3b Plainfield Bray, LeRoy E. P 172 P. 0. Box 18b Halliday, Richard A. OHS 574 Rt. 2, Box 332-A Mi lhous, John David P bb9 507 East Main St.
Rossville Buck, Phillip A. IN 480 Rossville High School Ketcham, Dr. JohnS. IN 22 Royal Center Blickenstaff, Eugene F. P 414 Rushville Ellis, Marcus Nelson P 574 R. R. 3 Salem
Baynes, Pau l Leon P 581
R. F. D. 3
Plymouth Laramore, Herbert K. P 110 423 Miner
Schererville Protsman, Roscoe E. CH 230
Hew Haven
Hew Ross
Paoli Kibler, Henry Leon IN 192 212 West 2nd St.
Westfall, Thoma s G. IN lSb
Winters, Cliffad Levon IN Sbb Millard Haab, Howud H. IN 450
Owensville Pegram, Winfred E. IN 203
Osgood Eckert, John Clarence CIN 13 214 S. Buckeye Sl Funk, Austin Truman IN lbS Wright, Ells\\Ofth IN 155 Wright, James I. IN b82 304 South Buckeye
Boren, Jack Ronald E 48
R. R. 1 Crooks, Jesse C. P388 Tower Heights, R. R. 3 Hart, Wi Iii am Norman E 21
Birge, Jerry P. CIN 220 b07 North Poplar St. Whiteman, Roy S. IN 589 34b Calvin Blvd .
R. R. 1 LaGrange, Allen Jonah E 28
R. F. D. 1 Lehman, Joseph C. E b
R. R. 2 Morrow, Donald L. E bl 525 N. Race Osborne, Gary C. IN b13 lOb S. Jefferson Schurmeier, Kenneth Galvin E 40 Wallis, James M. E 45 511 N. Race Williams, Randall A. E 4b 527 W. Emerson Quincy BrOWl, Jerry K. P b98
R. 1 Red Key Appenzeller, Harry H. IN 342 22 E. High St. Remington
Biddle, Charles Jerome P 370 Biddle, Chester Bartee P 229 Tyler, Larry Keith P b71 Rensselaer
Randle, Walter R. H 238 400 Home Ave. Tullis, Charles Owen IN 152 b07 Fleming Blvd. Warden, George Nixon P 253 524 Elza St. Richmond Dingle, Paul E. IN 202 Medical Bldg. Friberg, Robert Charles E 77 439 College Ave. Grimwood, James E. E 50 bl4 Indiana Ave . Koger, Charles E. IN SSb l305 Ridge St. Marshall, Robert L. M 2 403 S.W. G St. Riley, James Hubbard M 55 414 College Ave. Ronald, Bruce Wa I ton M 5b 2015 South E St. Ross, Harry Plummer IN 45 220 South 19th St. Wagner, Howard R. P 28b 228 South 31st St. Weaver, Thomas E. IN b74 125 S. 9th St.
Sharpsville Eastman, Charles Gi Ibert P b94 Box 23b Eastman, David Andrew P b81 Box 125 Eastman, Hiram J. P 289 Eastman, Robert Joseph P 592 P. 0. Box 125 Shelbyville Benton, Thomas E. P 9b Route 5 Cav.ood, Keith Crews P 335 19 West South St. Dunkin, Leon S. IN 3b3 R. 5, Longacres Addition Kuhn, Coleman D. P 430
R. R. b Latshaw, Wi II iam K. OHS blO R. 3 Marshall, Robert E. IN 545 315 N. Miller St. Springer, H. Max IN 43b Long Acres, R. 5 Yater, Clyde R. P 3b lb25 So. Riley Hwy. Shirley Judge, Joseph H. P 510
R. 2 Judge, Max David P bSb
R. 2 Shoals Wood, Jesse Albert P 137 Martin County South Bond Brademas, David J. ILL 754 750 Leland Brewer, John Wm., Jr. NW 391 1340 E. Wayne St. So. Buechner, Frederick W. IN 12b b03 W. Marion Bullock, Max, IN 35 831 Forest Ave. Campbell, Wi Ibur Earl, Jr. P Slb 909 E. Fix St. Cole, Charles W. P 57 220 W. La Salle St. Cummings, William W. OHS 43b 1347 E. Fox St. Jena, Theo. J . IN 70b 110 W. Colfax Ave.
Kinman, Marlin H. AR 31 812 W. LaSalle, Apt. 5 McWilliams, George L. NW 102 620 W. LaSalle Ave. O'Hair, WillardS. IN 244 1356 Sunnymede Ave. Parker, Andrew J. P 4ll 610 E. Eckman St. (14) Place, Robert B. IN 321 Ill! S. Webster Poole, Conley V. IN 374 2700 S. Leer St. Schultz, Leslie H. IN ll7 414 Pokagon St. Snyder, Arthur Eugene P 441 !042 Portage Ave. Tuttle, Donald C. P 78b 1527 Southbrook Dr . South Port Vogel, Norman H. IN b54 32b E. Bangor South Whitley LeBrun, Don D. IN b38 bOO Maple Speed Horrom, John M. E 137 12 LaSalle St. Spencer
Abrell, Joseph K. IN b89 208 N. Washington St. Babbs, Robert W. IN 474 358 lnd iana Ave. Childress, Austin B. GW 238 3b8 E. Morgan St Meguschar, Walter Otto IN 212 Parks, Rector P 34b Sunman Zimmerman, Harold Edward IN 451 Switz City Aldridge, Relle Tibbet IN 87 Wakefield, Wayne W. IN 252
R. R. I Syracuse
Yoder, Eugene Field IN 254
Unionville Schienbein, Edward L. IN 347
R. R. I Valpariso
Bowman, Charles F. P 427 557 Chestnut St. Nye, Milo A. WIS 247 c/ o County Agent's Office Rowland, Russell G. P b! Route b, Box 78 Simon, DeVon A. IN bl4 1500 Elm Wellman, Willard F. IN 473 507 Elmhurst St. VIncennes
BrOW1, Herman Vance E 11 923 Buntin St. Newton, John P. IN 196 1002 South 15th Shroyer, Joseph Mark IN 5b5 708 Broadway St. Spencer, Dr. Frederic IN 238 429 South bth St. Titterington, Clifford W. IN 247 215 North 4th St. Waba•h • Chamberlain, Lloyd B. SY 2!b 555 N. Miami St. Ford, David Jeup P bOB 540 North Wabash St. Ford, Stanley W. P bO! 857 N. Miami St. Fox, Jack W. IN 309 128 Parkway Dr. Halderman, Robert R. P 713 bb3 N. Allen Jones, Clifford R. IN 428 5b3 Harrison Ave. , R. I Merritt, Frank John P 641 238 N. Miami St. Scheerer, Ernest William, Jr. P b57 132 Wa Inut St. Simons, Max E. IN 455 1178 Vernon St. Watson, James Richard IN 453 1389 Willard Dr .
Terre Haute
Bauer, Frederick Taggart IN bOO 1504 S. bth St. Davis, Samuel B. In 130 415 Terre Haute Trust Bldg. Eberly, Lawrence E. 10 3lb Indiana State Teachers College Kincade, Leonard Preston IN lb3 525 Ohio St. Kirkpatrick, Richard Lee IN b09 1447 Chestnut St. O'Nei I, Jerry E. M 54 lb09 S. bth St. Petry, Basi I Edward P 404 1457 Woodley Ave. Richardson, PhillipS. IN 523 1924 N. 7th St. Tadlock, L . D. 0 592 Box 75b Thompson, John W. IN 380 2029 N. lOth
Thomton Mangus , Henry D. P 43b Route 2 Thomtown
Skinner, Charles Henry IN 409 R. I Skinner, Frank E. P 4b2
R. R. I Tipton
Clary, Walter Melvin P 387 Court House Hutto, Troy Noble IN 174 124 N. Main St. Irick, Lorin D. IN 4bb 317 Kentucky Spencer, George A. IN 39 Oakes Mfg. Co. Surber, Frederick K. IN 211 Citizens Bank Bldg. Young, Stanley L. P 700 304 Green St. Tocsin Blue, Miles Clair IN 222 Union City
Chambers, Dr. Carl R. IN 542 1000 N. Columbia St. Sadgebury, Owight K. IN 220 Scott, Charles Richard CIN 25b
R. I
Wad ..vllle Montgomery, Malcolm George E %
R. I Wanotoh
Childress, George Robert IN 2b4 c/ o Box 112
Knapp, Willard A . P 78 1305 Ravinia Rd. Kohlmeyer, John, P 250 !bb! Ravinia Lefforge, John Byron P b48 434 No. Grant St. Meade, Laurel C. P 575 1821 Happy Hollow Rd . Menefree, Edward R. P 211 318 Jefferson Drive Parker, Francis B. P 200 136 Andrew Pl. Reeck, Claude C. P b72 1721 Woodland Risk, Luther A. MIN 296 332 Park Lane Risk, Paul Barrett P b30 70b Sex ley Rd. Shaw, Stan ley A. SC 194 llS W. Wood Tiegreen, Donald R. P 757 101 - I State St. Whitson, Major Clyde E. P 530 Indiana State Soldiers Home Wood, Leonard E. KS 298 725 Allen St., Apt. I Zimmerman, Jesse G. P !42 431 N. Chauncey We•tfleld Ackerson, Harry Elmer P 143 Jessup, Parker M. IN 9
R. R. I Mendenhall, Emmett J. P 91 Whiting Kenyon, Charles B. PS 381 % Standard Oi I Co. of Indiana MacPherson, William H. P 371 1875 Warwick Steen, Dr . LOI\ell H. IN 414 1812 Stanton Willlam•port Gillespie, Walter B. IN 171 Winamac
Homer, Ralph Emerson Ml bO 320 S. Market Thompson, Robert Earle Ml 75 42! S. Monticello Windfall Legg, Byron Lindley P 377
R. R. 2 Riffe, Louis Nelson IN 210 Wingate
Fink, Raymond D. KS 108
R. R. I Harvuot, William Clark IN 238 Box 2b8 Miner, Russell W. H 318 1210 E. Ft. Wayne Strayer, Ray L. , Jr. IN 442 !207 E. Central Ave.
Risk, Ra Iph A. P 2b5 Risk, Ralph P. P b97
Winona Lake Laurien, Jack Wright IN 557 Walcott Baynes, Frank L . P 4b3 Downing, Henry Baker P 161
Am.. Anderson Arthur L. MIN I% 428 Pearson Ave. Atkins, Roger E. 10 4lb 2213 Jensen Baker, Richard Dean IS 310 Chem. Bldg. , I. S.C. Bassett, Doug las L. IS 558 R. R. 3 Bortle, Robert I. IS 3% 1325 Stafford Ave. Bryan, Dr. Jay J. IS 547 910 - 5th Buchanan, Robert Earle IS 9 503 Welch Camp, Roger C. 0 330 424 Hilltop Rd. Carver, Lowell L . IS 522 1003 Harding Coover, Winford F. IS b 2121 Hughes Ave. Dale, Selwyn E. IS 518 1526 Harding Fisher, Gary IW 28 lib N. Hyland Hein, Verne Louis IS 126 2336 Knapp St. Hendrickson, Geo. D. IS 132 3300 Wood land Hippaka, Thomas A. IS 443 2131 Country Club Hug, John IS 19 Iowa State College Kildee, Henry Herbert IS 160 Campus Knudsen, Larry S. SC 179 2923 Oakland Lagomarcino, Virgi I Seth IS 574 2130 Duff Ave. Nelson, Dr . N. Louis IS 40 Ames Vet. Supply Norman, Steven R. MO 587 31b N. Franklin Roach, George W. P b77 821 ~ Hodge Ave. Roberts, Griffith C. IS 521 b23 Burnett Ave. Robinson, George A. IS 505 304 S. Riverside Dr. Roy, Chalmer Roy MD 375 Geology Dept., Iowa St. Coil. Scholtes, Wayne H. IS 526 543 Forest Glen Schwarte, Louis Harold IS 232 1103 Roosevelt Rd. Shrader, John E. IS 539 bOb Duff St. Stewart, Melbourne G. Ml 5510 1318 Harding Strand, Carter A. WIS 361 215 Fifth St. Welden, Neil IS 190 51b Grand Ave. Young, John E. IS 239 1202 Northwestern Ave. Ankeny
Bingham, Paul Leslie E 84 2!1 S. Meridian St. Murray, George R. P 194 Royster Guano Fertilizer Co. Myers, Flavian E. IN 25b Citizens Loan & Trust Co. Murray, George R., Jr. P bl3 29 Lynwood Dr . Sheehey, Max S. KS 305 P. 0. Box 251
Worthington Baynes, James E. P 467 SOb N. Jefferson St. Mcintosh, Lorin C. P 208 West Main St. YorktoM
Gernand, Orville E. KS 309
R. 2
Becker, Donald Earl COLO 443 Harter, Gary D. IS 538 R. R. 3 Saemisch, Frederick C. IS 398 1309 Locust Shoeman, John David IS 2lb
Audubon Jones, Mari on Earl IS 2b
West Lafayette
Alexander, Fred Les lie M 97 1000 Ravinia Rd. Azpell, Ed ward Wm. WIS 355 Purdue University Beeson, Keller Eugene P 200 207 E. Fowler St. Chambers, Sherman D. OHS 53 340 E. Oak St. Collings, Clarence S. P !b2 1010 Northwestem Ave. Cooper, Dan Henry NW 224 Purdue University Eaton, James Robert P 2b8 R. R. 10-Drury Lane Ever, Lee W. P 728 23b7 Yeager Rd. Field, Charles H., Jr. COR bl4 Dept. of Horticulture, Purdue Univ. Foster, Prof. Geo. H. P 420 Neuman Grove Frazier, Ross A. P 725 b3b Rose St. Hoffman, Leroy, WIS 233 515 Stadium Ave. Jacobs, Harry C. P 179 607 Robinson
Zingler, Edward W. NW 149 530 Kenworthy Dr.
Brinkman, Richard J. 10 35b Bottle Creek
Akron Brunner, Dr. Walter Jacob NW 3 Albert City Johnson, James Edward 10 355 Albia Brown, Thomas J. IS 403 517 Benton Ave. W. Robb, George L. , Jr . MIN 23b I~ Clinton St. Algona
Bourne, Melvin Goodwi n 10 247 Dewel, Duane Edgar MO 294 221 South Hall St. Fristedt, Harold F . 10 211 P. 0. Box 3b6 Shumway, Gaylord David 10 204 Alta Hix, Jerrold Warren IS 481
Warnock, James A. 10 b7 Bedford Dinwiddie, Arthur CH 15b 901 State St. Belle Plaine
Winslow, L. Melvin IS 23 Bettendorf
Crabbs, Jack A. 10 420 Ill Custer Terrace Gross, George W. IS 343 1224 Meadow Lane Dr. Thodt, Charles A. 10 352 1604 Robeson Ave. Wagner, Kenneth A. ILL 838 1b08 Alcoa Blencoe
Anderson, Paul A. N 235 DIRECTORY PAGE 29
Bloomfield Gil fi llan, Norris NW 412 408 North Madison Haufe, Wm. D. WIS 454
CherokAry, Lester Clyde 10 280 425 Sumner Fuchs, Osroe C. IS 22 604 West Main St.
Bondurant Shultice, George Richard IS 444 Brandon Wi negar, Wallace Aulis IS 142
Clarence Sheldon, John William IS 453
Britt Papada kes, Nick George ID 378Brooklyn Ta lbott, John Edw in 10 32 Buckingham Owen, George W. K 319 Burlington Ca lhoun, John Ne lson 10 279 515 S. Tenth St. Kennedy, Earl R. E 51 Box 482 St i llman, Linus P., Jr. 10236 Wa shington at 3rd Watson, Ellsworth B. , Jr . CSU 97 Bo x 561 Carroll Maze, George Edwa rd IS 240 R. F. D. 2 Minnich, G. Arthur 10 45 & NW 50 Neu, Arthur Nicholas NW 71 514 N. Carroll Neu, Charl es E. NW 52 5 1608 N. Carroll St. Witte, August F. 10 219 Cedar Ropids Buroker, Gayle E. E 124 4561 C Ave., N. E. Carstens, John Edward IS 374 1732 - 6th Ave. , S. E. Carstens, Robert Lov.ell IS 354 173 2 - 6th Ave., S. E. Cook, Gordon A. IS 390 1104 Cres tview Coutts, Ray C. Ml 258 Box 363 Cummins, Lawson T. 10 305 1430 Mi ami Drive, N. E. Elliott, Owen N. 10 14 1120 Merchants Bank Bldg . Farmer, George E. Ml 109 2084 Eas tern Blvd. Hars tad, Gordon Arthur MIN 467 P. O. Box 331 Hird, All en Browning IS 166 Iowa L ight & Power Co. Ki rwin, Carl W. 10 273 1410 Hollywood Lawrence, Ora Walter 10 235 Johnson & Lawrence 522 Higley Bldg. McC laughry, Robert W., Jr. MO 153 % Peni ck & Ford Ltd. lOth Ave. & 1st. St. Oppenheimer, Ed\\in Adam IS 193 24 14 Meadowbrook Dr . Penn ingroth, Charles H 132 Court House Peterson, Frank R. 10 137 1249 Second Ave., S. E. Vaughan, James S. WIS 412 640 Vall ey Brook Drive, S. E. Weiss, Louis B. OH 115 Box 1342
Center Point Goodlove, Gerol Lee IS 490 Centel"fille Darrah, David R. 10 345 20 1 15th Johnston, Charles Lee 10 324 Si mmons, Edwa rd L . 10 206 508 N. lOth Sl
Charles City Egerdal, Marvin James IS 366 1309 Missouri Ave. Heinzerl ing, John F. 10 383 507 M St. Mi ller, Paul C. IS 210 Apt. 3 - 100 7th Ave. Smi th, Lewis H. IS 248 911 - 8th St. VonBerg, Leonard E. MIN 149 708 Ferguson St. Charter Oak We iss, Clarence E. IS 520 Weiss, James E. IS 474
R. 1
· Clarinda Haxby, Robert James IS 222 Johnson, Charles E. IS 482 Rt. 1 Clarion Sankey, Claude Wi lson CH 173 Supt. of Schools Clear Lake Replogle, Ralph R. 10 274 1620 Highland Dr. Stillman, Ernest B. 10 77 Clinton Hartmann, Chri stian S. IS 293 1626 N. 4th St. Martin, W. Warner 10 34 2 610 Argyle Ct. Rol ston, Edwin A. IS 164 2103 Harri son Dr. Seiler, Harry D. 10 105 811 So. 15th St. Shannon, Cec i I W. IS 17 1338 Caroline Ave. Smith, Harvey E. IS 292 511 - 5th Ave . , So. Columbus Junction Elliott, Harold Frank IS 139 Merritt, Robert Wr ight IS 124 Box 14& Newell, Russell Robert IS 338 Comanche Shaff, John Ostrander WI S 19 Conesville ' Coffin, John Frederick 10 272 Coon Rapids Hague, Mervin Duane IS 462 Coralsville Rubottom, Richard L.IO 382 Coral Trailer Park Thomas, Allen N. 10 369 Vi l lage Pharmacy Correctionville Woodruff, E. B. 10 47 Council BluHs Bond, L. H. 10 202 %Chie fta in Hotel, Apt. 832 Harr is, Hector W. KS 107 24 Kay Court Jennings, Avery Graham N 6 1009 High St. Cresco Elwood, Francis D. 10 214 Box 377 Creston Anderson, Oscar E. 10 318 1005 Cres t Dr. Crystal lak• Rasmuson, R. Thomas 10 404 Davenport Blac k, Arthur Alexander 10 170 Bell Te lephone Co. Bredbeck, Wa lter C. IS 419 2228 Western Daasch, Franc is J. IS 277 202 1 Washington St. Di stelh ors t, Rob\. H., Jr . IN 528 1818 Farnam St. Hoersch, Harold Willi am 10 223 Security Bldg . lies, Malvern Wells, Jr . H 157 2404 Pershing Ave. Otteson, Rea Iff 10 20 830 Davenport Bank Bldg . Roberts, James L. l A 425 130 Fernwood Ave. Searles, John N. MIN 249 262 5 Wood Lane Sebolt, Anthony V. 10 193 P. 0. Box 569 Wallace, Lawrence W. P 126 413 E. 15th Wiss ler, Wa ldo M. 10 289 904 Davenport K. 10 353 Wood, Warren K. 10 353 1405 Cedar St.
Decorah Reeves, Kenneth WIS 394 307 John St. Denison Lyon, Donald Gordon IS 461 524 North 20th St. Page, Floyd E. 10 166 First Na\1. Bank Bldg. Des Moines Alsin, William McKinley IS 148 3607 Crocker Adams, John D. MO 215 6115 Harwood Boatman, Wm. J. B. IS 294 5025 Lincoln Ave . Burton, Frank Edward IS 491 1300 E. Sheridan Collins, Chauncey M. IS 74 2508-48th Pl. Davis, George W. MD 300 3817 E. 8th St. Day, Robert C. 10 384 1414 - 79th St. Dutcher, John Lawrence NW 259 1920 - 34th St. Echternacht, Theodore J. ILL 436 3915 - 6th Ave. Faulkner, Byron Dewey P 224 414 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Herrick, Allan A. 10 159 280-49\h St. Hoffman, Edgar P. 10 184 1604-29\h St. lmus, Harry A. IS 406 1428 Locust Langdon, Herschel G. 10 284 678-49\h St. larson, Dr. Hardy Wm. COL 177 1416 Thompson Ave. McCann, Hal 10 192 Northwestern Bell Telephone McKean, John David KS 178 %All is Chalmers Mfg . Co. Mendell, Frank Henry IS 198 1201 Morton Ave. Moore, Gordon G. IS 509 3202 Monda lin Ave. Needham, Judge Dring D. H 148 Polk County Court House North, Claren ce Philbrick IS 188 3614 East 7th St. Northrop, Mitchell E. IS 162 1143-39\h St. Peterson, John N. IS 381 2733 30th Prichett, George Parker IS 80 1335-46th St. Schertz, Charles J . lA 418 533- 8th St. W. Des Moi nes, lA Shelky, John De Wane MO 448 Radio Station WHO Speaker, Everett Bates IS 280 180()-47th St. Terrell, Harry E. Y 159 P. 0 . Box 522 Thornburg, Mark George KS 38 2405 Beaver Towers, George W. OHS 575 1813 Hillside Van Slyke, Martin Bronck GW 144 1410 Beaver Webb, Harry E. 10 100 1407 Penn Ave. , Standard Oi I Co. Whitten, Ralph Andrew NW 193 3891 - 68th St.
s. w.
Douds Parsons, Mark M. ILL 363 Dubuque Higley, Henry Parker WIS 244 Box 358 Jansen, John E. NW 380 132 Cherokee Thoma s, Elmer Marshall 10 317 555 Fischer Bldg.
Dysart Lames, Harry Stevens IS 192 Eogl• Grove Barczewski , Stephen C. 10 389 Chenault, Pau l Gene GW 282 116 So. Cadwell Early Jennett, Russell N. IS 451 Estherville Johnston, Wi ll iam S. 10 109 McTavi sh, Hugh G. IS 105 610 North 7th St. Oleson, Dean L. IS 552
R. R. 2
Fairfield Mclean, Paul Frazier IS 60 Simmons, James McCord 10 201 Ia. State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg. Ft. Dodge Dahl, William R. N 546 1034 North 25th Ericson, Denton W. IS 504 135 Avenue G Kielhorn, Donald R. IS 423 1421 N. 28th Long, Stanley R. IS 514 1415 So. 26th St. Vallassiades, John X. 10 386 19 S. 8th St. Williams, Guy H., Jr. N 450 702 Twelfth Ave., N. Fort Mod loan Durham, Ronald Edwin IS 433 2135 Avenue G Foster, Harry W. IN 296 8 Sunnyside Cone, Richard A. 1815 E Fontanelle Scott, Jimmie L. CMS 45 Fredricksburg Kerr, Richard A. IS 483 Galva Grubb, George A. 10 55 %Dr. M. W. Grubb Grubb, Merrill W. 10 40
Gladbrook Thomsen, Lloyd Henry IS 291 Glidden Haselton, Bruce Edwin NW 473 Prueitt, Neil El\\in IS 438
R. R. 2 Shaner, Joseph N. IS 339 Gowrie Flickinger, Archie D. 10 403 Box 264 Grand Junction Neidich, William Leonard IS 332
Grinnell Beaver, Dr. EarlS . KS 313 615 - 4th Ave. Beaver, Floyd Edwin KS 306 615 Fourth Ave. Etes, Robert H. MO 563 1414 Reed St. Robinson, George A. KS 315 1429 Prairie St. Smith, Glen W. IS 189 Gria..,ld Meredith, Merritt Manvi lie H 115 Harris Post, John H. IS 465 Room 826, K a P Bldg. Hampton Koerner, Walter D. 10 357
R. R. 3 Hartley Getting, Robert L. 10 360 Miller, Thaxter H. MIN 461 Holstein Besore, Calvin Fergeson, Jr . 10 141 Porterfield, RayS . IS 41 Hopkinton Carter, Samuel Smith IS 226
Hubbard Boeke, larry Harold 10 399 Boeke, Thomas H. 10 395 Schnormeier, Theodore Henry 10 375 Humboldt Clabaugh, James E. 10 392 408 North 2nd St. Knight, Dean L. 10 393 708- 5th Ave . , N. Lane, Clark A. 10 394 102 N. Taft St. Rank, Louis J. IS 238 Ida Grove Bird, Albert Rhule IS 108
F. S. A. Bird, William Richardson MIN 645 201 Burns St.
Graham, Leonard Lowry 10 268 Inwood Stephens, Carl J. COLO 96 Iowa City Adams, Melvin E. K 476 1607 Muscatine Ave. Beebee, Frederic Scripps 10 303 400 Brookland Pl. Bigalk, Lester C. 10 391 228 West Benton Buescher, Homer V. F 456 26 Montrose Ave. Burney, William James 10 154 309 Fairview Ave. Ensign, Forest C. 10 13 East Hall, Univ. of Iowa Evans, Harold Davis 10 78 Box 123 Gregg, Robert LeRoy 10 410 412 Melrose Ave. Henderson, William M. 10 380 202 Stadium Park Hills, Elmer Walker CH 86 629 Melrose Ave. Ingman, Francis J. 10 307 2215 D St. Keyser, C. W. 10 142 128 East Fairchild Knapp, L. W., Jr. COR 509 604 Rona Ids St. Krehlik, Dean F . 10 421
Hays, Norman Riley H 147 Hays Bldg . Loke City Prather, Carl E. MO 585 216 Woodlawn Ave.
R. R. 4 Wegmuller, Jacob Paul 10 290 802 Summit St. Westerlund, Roger L. 10 362 424 Clark Wylie, Dr . Charles C. Physics Bldg. Univ. of Iowa Iowa Falls Bittle, James L. 10 405
R. R. I Lewis, Dale K. 10 402 River Rd. Lewis, Don Elv.ood 10 401 River Rd. Mark, Jerry L. IS 546
R. R. 3 Osgood, Sumner J. 10 31 River Oaks Welden, Ernest IS 55 Irvington
Weber, Dick Marlin IS 467 Jefferson
Bow ley, Burdette Archie IS 257 Lingren, Herbert G. IS 538 403 E. Madison
Johnson, Lowell Benjamin IS 426 Johnson, Wendell E. IS 523
Emerson, Ralph Parker 10 293 Keokuk Calvert, William Cecil KS 49 1005 North 14th Denmire, Lawrence, Jr. IS 228
R. R. 2 Gibson, Ronald Lee 10 413 315 Morgan St. Hoerner, Richard Norris H 287 1321 Grand Ave . Roush, Maurice Dean IS 429 1513 Exchange St. Wedel, Victor Tee I 10 309 1220 High St. Klngloey Thomson, Avery Leroy IS 249
R. F. D. 3 Knoxville SEPTEMBER, 1960
Strong, Floyd L . IS I 97
R. R. I Lud..;g, Dick Oscar IS 460 Leighton Brower, Leslie Frank 10 411 Leth Thomas, Larry W. IS 585
R. R. I Lime Springs
Roberts, Wayne I. IS 508 Linn Grove
Sundberg, Gordon N. IS 501 Sundberg, Quenten Deane IS 454
Sioux Rapids Ottumwa~
Bunker, Charles L. 10 229 Ottumwa Courier Dingle, Charles Harlan IS 369 201 W. Woodland Tedford, James E. IN 332 425 E. Manning Palmer Behrens, George Gerd A. COLO 326
Skerritt, Harold Leon IS 421
R. F. D. 2
Anderson, Arnwa ld Warren IS 362 Spencer
Carver, Garland Kay 10 347 618 West 4th St. Morton, James Parkin 10 365 Riepma, Anthony Wayne IS 392 419 - 6th Ave., West Spillville Kovarik, Alois F . MIN 136
Parkef sburg
Evans, Arthur H. IS 147
Johnson, Harlan W. IS 117 3400 Broken Kettle Rd. Smith, J . Miles NW 119 213 Frances Bldg. Smith, Percy T. IS 47 309- 29th St. Waller, William W. 10 367 2916 Jones St. Weir, Joe Erwin N 348 3439 Douglas St.
Osage Biedermann, William H. 10 169
R. F. D. I
Spirit Lake Waugh, William James IS 424 P. 0. Box 347
Sonner, Orville R. IS 243
State Center
Rice, George Arthur ID 21 Perry
Marble Rock Goss, Bruce Spilman 10 123
StOf'm Lake
Persia Hamann, Donald E. IS 355 Pocahontas Markley, Dr. John R. KS 430 502 First Ave., N. W.
Chadderdon, Neil Thompson N 238 805 Jerome St. McComber, Larry J. IS 525 506 Anson St. Vana, Rudolph 10 281 303 S. 8th St. Prescott, Rus se ll Jennings IS !54 Mason City
Andresen, Fred M. MIN 405 212 S. Kentucky Bahr, John Phi IIi p IS 545 369 Willowbrook Dr. Beach, George 0. IS 246 919 North Monroe Ave. Butler, Jon D. CSC 43 Bell Motel Olson, Marion E. IS 97 202 So. Virginia Stoddard, Lester L. WIS 124 234-6\h St. Milford Martin, John Kenneth IS 146
Pugsley, Ben W. ILL 756 Radcliffe Helgeson, Thomas K. 10 408
Rockford Koerner, Earl Fred IS 178
Rock Rapids Hindt, Harvey Henry 10 155 Smith, Fred Kellar 10 181 Sac City . Lee, Dean Irwin IS 408 Mayberry, Soya K 632 215 S. 12th St. St. Ansgar Abrahamson, Lyle M. IS 254
Shenandoah Fellow;, Larry D. IS 534 505 Maple St. Gee, Elmer Charles N 116
Denney, H. Robert IS 358 Box 216 Hew London Collins, Max Alfred SY 172 New Providence
Broer, Richard N. 10 400
R. R. I Hew Sharon McCullock, Harry I. IS 29 Harth Liberty Meyers, Erman A. 10 228 Oakland Johns, Homer P. 10 139 O.l•in Livin, Robert M. IS 463 1004 First Ave., S. E.
Gross, Elton Luin 10 326 Principal High School Swisher
Sibley Crosswait, Harlan G. IS 510 511 - 9th Ave. Martin, Irving Wentworth IS 137
Story City Wiggin, Arthur Verne IS 199 · StrC!wberry Point
Randalia Cla xton, Clair LaVerne IS 329
Byers, Eugene M. IS 109 309 S. Chestnut St. Fraser, John Howden IS 76 Box 416 Moravia Sandifer, Charles R. IS 104 Farnsworth, James A. COR 48 Box 668 Mull, William L. 10 163 Box 284
Johnson, Carl H. DN 56 521 !1 Lake Ave. Stern, Ellis R. 10 270 Yon, Wyatt Leslie NW 141 P. 0. Box 313 Yon, Wyatt Schaller NW 461 315 Lake Ave.
Haack, Robert Louis IS 468 Preston
Worth, Samuel Boyd IS 131
Ethington, Alva C. 10 212
Witte, Ernest Carl 10 230
Marion Carlson, Edwin Ray 10 372 1263 Tenth St. Gatewood, James Raleigh 10 218 499-Bth Ave .
Onawa Prichard, Elbert M. 10 182 1002 -6th St.
R. R. 4 Kringel, Carl S. 10 220 Savings & Loan Bldg. Lindquist, Everet Franklin 10 266 1012 Highwood Loehwing, Walter F. CH 175 Dept. of Botany University of Iowa Lovrien, Marshall N. 10 387 F ores\ View I Massey, Dean T. WIS 540 137 Stadium Park McCarty, Harold Hull 10 221 University Ha II Pownall, Frederick Miller 10 86 W. S. East Hall Prizler, Paul IS 218 227 N. Governor St. Shaffer, Dan A. WIS 123 J003-3rd Ave. Showers, Charles N. 10 44
Olin Kruse, Gerald D. IS 224
Schimmelpfennig, Hal E. 10 341 418 N. Jefferson St. Sloan, Stanley S. 10 344 416 S. Jefferson Snakenberg, Harry L. 10 66 Box 26 Updegraff, Curti s G. Box 286
Bengard, Don ILL 665
R. I Buckner, Raymond C. 10 333 :t Mrs . Mabel Buckner Langdon, George Thomas 10 331 :t Tipton Conservative Smith, Dale Hammond MIN 452 Toledo Stiger, Carl B. CH 30 Traer
Eyres, Phil Isaac 10239 Tripoli Warner, William H. 10 ZOO Urbana
Cross, Wi I ford J. IS 149 Vall Baker, Phillip L. IS 540 Vlllioco Bickfotd, M. Harold N 278 Box 297 Wapello Hook, Albert A. IS 157 Waterloo
Barck, Ri chard T. IS 500 120 Norfold Rd . Bird, HughS . WIS 597 200 Hillside Ave. Ge II horn, Donald H. IS 448 3024 4th Hoffman, Charles L. 10 227 107 Prospect Ave . Meythaler, Howard A. 10 385 515 Woodbridge Platt, A. Dean IS 321 :t Platts, Highway 218 West Schrubbe, Les lie H. 10 203 Box 175 Shannon, Harry E. 10 158 816 Western Ave. Smith, Sidney Daniel COR 31 306 Lafayette Bldg.
Sioux Center
DeZeeuw, William Earl IS 480 Kempers, Gary, Jr . IS 473 119 -4th Ave . , N. E. Sioux City
Biegler, Donald John IS 393 810 S. Pa xton St. Chapler, Robert Frederick NW 128 2804 Douglas St. Dirks, Dietrick M. C. N 318 Radio Station KTRI Conway Bldg. Hollander, Dr. W. R. 10 379 2116 S. St. Aubin Holmes, Allen N 237 3207 Dearborn Ave. Jenkins, Ronald L. IS 170 4545 Arthur St.
Fellow;, Albert M. IS 475 Waucoma
Jac k, Clarence James IS 186 DIRECTORY PAGE31
Pumer, David J. IN 282 %J. C. Penn y Webster City
Oa kl eaf, S. Kenneth IS 373 1206 - l st St. Weldon Anderson, Carl Eugene IS 425
R. F. D. 1 Westfield Kna pp, Barry E. IS 529 R. F. 0 .2 West Liberty
Johnson, Roy M. 10 398 Nelson, Jim W. ID 388 Westside
Campbel l, John P. IS 559 Box 292
Bollovillo Munger, Eugene F . K 338
R. F. D. Row len, Joseph Raymond KS 294 1102 - 2oth Umberger, John F . KS 149 Ward, Nelson Joseph K 20
R. R. 1 Small, Robert Chalmer, Jr . K 502 Coming
Jeffery, Gilbert Clark KS 350 Courtland
Firner, HenryW., Jr. K511 Box 114 Howell, Jan Jerome K 633 Benton
Chapple, Gordon R. K 523 Box 74 Bothol Hitt, Ward K 307 7115 Lafayette Bluo Mound Sonneman, Bert Edward K 169
West Union
Granneman, James P. IS 497 Box 88
Enegren, John Henry K 577
R. R. 2
Nystrom, Gerald E. CSC 90 Cullison Adams, Dwayne Eugene K 503
Mussett, James Ray KS 343 815 Washington Russell, Lee Sloan KS 377
R. R. 4 Doorfiold Tillotson, Don KS 405
Fulton Lyons, Laurence E. K 679
R. R. 1
Delphos Ballard, Marshall P. , Jr. KS 470 Derby McGehee, Bobby L . OS 294 537 S. Georgie, Box 1071 Sturm, Wa I lace L. K 495 122 Mary land
Martin, Ned Abbott K 482
Fredonia Crumley, Richard E. K b75 210 N. 8th Gi Is trap, Dick A. K 646 P. 0. Box b9 Gilstrap, James W. K 676 P. 0. Box 69 Holland, Ralph A. K 673
Dighton Honeyman, Wi lliam Allen KS 362
Cardon City Burlin, Robert Darrell MD 5&7 302 N. 11th St. Garnand, Bruce F . KS 357 206 E. Pine McClung, Ralph W. K 542 %McClung & Payne Pharmacy Schrader, Milward C. K 373 905 N. 7th St.
Burlington Whittemore
Pettit, Rona ld G. IS 503 Williom5burg
Bl ythe, Frederi ck Robert COL 86
Sheets, Wi II is Arden KS 383 702 N. 2nd Caldwell Dierking, Clarence H. K 247 Johnson, Richard William OS 177
Bird, Charles Dean IS 41 6 Woodbine F inken, Dwigh t H. 10 426
Centerville Breuel, Jerry Fealdon KS 415
R. R. 2 Chanute
Smi th, Ceci l Ro lland 10 191
Baughn, Robert E . K 692 Wes t 21st St. , Box 161
Dodge City Caughron, Raymond D. KS 204 904 Central Ave. Caughron, Samuel M. KS 240 904 Central Ave. Wi lson, JohnS. ON 38 A & A Drug Store Douglass
Vandergr iff, Burley Onon, II K 543 DoMs
Ma ll ory, Dr. Victor A. K 35 1
KANSAS Abbyv i lle Bachus, Nelson Eugene K 603
Doze, Gary C. OS 368 Box 82 Cloflln Blodgett, Kenneth Reuell K 417 Farmers & Merchants State Bank Kraft, George Lee K 527 Route 1 Cherryvale
Oakleaf, Lovell Randall K 191
Aki ns, Box Heller, Royer,
Howard D. KS 341
Il l Samuel Raymond H 220 Pau l H. K 146
Cloy Center
Sheppeard , Harold Lee K 360 72 1 ~ Fifth Skinner, Joseph Wil liam KS 86 Box 18
Farris, Richard William K 440 Glasco
Thompson, Gary L. K 698 Goodland Amerince, Tommy B. KS 457 1503 Cherry St. Harding, Larry F . KS 454 1121 Walnut St. House, Norman K. KS 468
R. R. 2
Yost, Larry Martin KS 420 Duquoin
Elmore, Donald L. K 649
R. R. 1 ElDorado Cox, Billy Ralph KS 418 222 S. Summi t Derstein, Robert L . KS 458 409 Frazier Leasure, Fred Jay K 140 315 S. High Loyd, Archie Ri ckl efs KS 157 Gas & Electri c Ruckert, Henry C. KS 449 Rt. 4
Schofield, Kenneth R. K 652 Box 351 Teeter, Eldden J. Ml 277 Box 444 Trachsel, Alan J. KS 467 Box 182 Great Bend
Gilmore, Louise M. 0 433 1320 Warner Rd . Holstead
Webster, George M. K 362 402 Main St. Hardtner
Hager, Herman Dwight 0 548 Ellis Hamler, Robert Ke ith KS 331 200 Ross St.
Burgess, James Eben K 576
R. F. D. 3 Ado Wes ley, Al bert Eugene KS 351
Grier, John W. ILL 641 Altamont
Nea l, Wi ll iam G. S. KS 336 Alton
Boland, Gera ld F. CSU 27 Rt. 2 Altoona
Hyde, Dean Francis KS 412
R. R. 1 Sturdevant, Wil liam Michae l KS 335
R. R. 1 Ames
Magaw, Merle Lyle KS 195 Arkonos City
Beekman, Harr y E., Jr. 0 301 210 E. Van Buren Hil l, Dr. James Edward K 41 8 Arkansas City Clinic Manney, Charles H. 0 23 4 501 North 3rd Shea, John C. 0 473 Box 114 Stan ley, Kenneth E. K 589 325 No. 3rd
R. F. D. 1 Higgins, Ronald G. KS 489 Box 276 Clifton Berner, Loren Richard KS 163 Coffeyville Capps, Hubert, Jr. K 598 704 So. Cheyenne Chowning, Oscar C. , Jr . K 605 1310 W. 8th St. Classen, Roy H. K 271 Box 335 Davis, Elbert Fay 0 545 311 Eas t 11th St. Jensen, Kresten Ray KS 323 11 10 W. Fifth Colby Dennen, Row land Leed s KS 91 Hawk, Gary L. KS 493 1200 W. 5th St. Underwood, Robert Dev.e y KS 304 % C. C. Cleland Woofter, Dona ld L . KS 4% R. F. D. Star
Co llinge, Dr . Irwin J. KS 3bb 801 Prairi e Ave . Manda, Carr oll W. KS 212 West St. Eskridge
Jepson, Robert E. KS 414 Rt. 1 Herington Eureka
Agrel i us, Clai r Tangeman K 308 % Jensen & Sons Produce Pedroja, Edward Emil K 170 Box 206 Wiggins, Wil liam Henry KS 263 Route 3 Everest
Al exander, George Wall ace KS 7 Means, Earl Thomas KS 105 Fairview
Eisenbise, Charles Warren K 643 Kochner, John P. KS 445 Box 177 Fall Rlvor Brown, Lawrence Edwin KS 236
Ashlond Fox, Loyd Otis K 573 A-od Bowles, Jimmy Juni or CSC 28 Sanders, Wayne K. KS 333
Ear l, William James K 415 Kopp, William T . K 508 501 N. Pannenter Concordia
Lunger, Lloyd George OS 217 Watson, Leonard Erbie K 475
Laman, Muryl L . K 686 &31 West 5th St. Ne lson, Vern A. KS 428 Rt. 1
McCormic k, George L. KS 438 DIRECTORY PAGE 32
Pau len, Ben S. K 364 1106 Madison Russell, Or lin Vance KS 299
R. R. 4
Knapp, Car l B. KS 431
R. R. 2 Augusto
Conway Springs
Brethour, -John R. KS 394 Experiment Station Wass, Maxwell P. KS 243 402 W. 12th St. Zimmerman, Carl B. 0 378 Box 462
Ft. leavenworth
Winkeller, Herbert B. COR 424 23 Buckner Ft. Rlloy Eaton, Loren D. OS 275 Bldg . 3018, Apt. 7
Thompson, Fred M. K 55 Hiawatha
Nichols, Arthur L ., Jr. K 462 410 North 7th Mo. Highland Strunk, Herbert Rankin K 602 Th ornton, Paul Richard, Jr . K 637 Howard
Alexa nder, Carl B. 0 54 Perkins, Glenn D. K 322 Hoxie
Clinesmith, Frank K 524 Reed, Howard C. K 340 Hugoton
Schmidt, James Henry COLO 428 blO Harrison St. Humboldt Armel, Nathaniel Amos K 224 !lOb Central Wi lliams, Clarence Stanley, Jr. KS 312 1002 Elm St. Hutchinson
Beeman, Fred Earl K 268 lOb We st 20th Burt, Clarence Leslie K 71 507 West Second THE TRIAD
Hodgson, Keith 0. KS 300 bb Circle Drive Mohlstrom, Dean F. K 624 215 W. lOth St. Pattinson, Darwin G. K 233 P. 0. Box 709 Smith, Robert L. K 487 311 Curtis Tipton, Don E. IS 415 27 W. 23rd
Bizek, Clifford Charles KS 404 Wilson, James D. KS 475 Lakin
Hurst, Edgar Annis K 571 Marquardt, Richard Lee K 581 Box 255 Langdon
Hukreide, Walter H. K 129 Independence Borklung, Maurice K. ILL 584 601 N. 9th Faust, George K. KS 256 910 Crescent Dr. Scovel, Jay W. CH 174 Box 517 Sherv.ood, Leon A. S. K 227 717 E. Poplar
Josserand, Emery Franklin K 485 Josserand, Ivan Lee K 513 Junction City Poole, John Germann KS 282 Route 2 Kansas City
Aitken, King P., Jr. K 461 5544 Norwood Ash, Robert M. MIN 423 5356 Buena Vista Bell, James 0. KS 453 2907 S. 25th St. Bowers, Elmer E. COLO 214 5421 ChadiMck Rd·. Cochran, Claude V. K 263 5620 Cherokee Circle Collins, Robert J. MO 552 3160 Fairfax Rd. Cummins, Robert A. K 558 1547 Haske II Day, Harry Ellsworth KS 162 1111 No. 19th Fishburn, Albert M. WY 49 1105 N. 22nd St. Fesmire, Robert 0. KS 269 4830 Be I inder Gittinger, Jesse N. MO 295 Quivira Lake Gray, "Houston A. K 446 4700 Leavenv.orth Rd. Kincaid, Hiram Emmons MO 210 5350 Norv.ood Rd. Love, William Heberd, Jr. K 550 5422 Aberdeen Rd. Main, Luster G. K 541 2156 N. 32nd St. Moore, Kenneth Wm. IN 115 5307 Falmouth Nash, George W. K 553 3925 Fisher Pinder, Samuel Henry K 473 4937 Parrish Ave. Rice, Clarence F. K 102 1 Lake Shore Drive Lake Quivira, R. R. 2 Ricard, Dorian Paul KS 50 4318 Adams Sluss, Alonzo C. K 371 4725 Catalina Smith, Rollin J. KS 110 2625 West 5oth St. Stout, Louis Edward K 635 3909 W. 47th St. Watkins, Thomas Eugene K 450 1605 Wood Wetmore, Alvin Virgil K 97 1914 W. 43rd St. Pl. Wood, Francis S. K 411 2120 West 51st Koehl Sholtus, Daniel H. 0 223 Box 38
R. R. 1 Bondurant, Earl H. K 324 807 N. Clay Bozarth, Darrell Ray KS 284 R. F. D. 2, Box 70 Clark, Jon R. KS 480 314 Harvard Davis, Charles Edward COLO 420 324 West 7th St. Martz, Roy Marion KS 202 515 N. Jordon
Frizell, William W. KS 57 P. 0. Box 525 Haas, ChesterW. KS 194 1207 Kansas Ave. Reed, Harry D. KS 48 604 W. 7th St. Bradshaw, George Watson K 326 1641 Mississippi St. Collier, Creighton C. 0 466 2523 W. 9th St. Terr. Craig, Harold L. K 517 1322 Massachusetts Donnelly, William A. K 665 1520 Stratford Rd. Hedrick, George G. KS 80 735 Sunset Dr . Hoover, Kelvin V. K 273 2240 Vermont Hough, Cec i I T. K 222 945 Ohio Hough, Williamson T. K 506 945 Ohio Hunsinger, Wilfred C. K 349 1136 Tennessee Jacques, John A. K 533 2101 Leonard Jones, Jacob Oscar K 54 University of Kansas Leasure, Thomas J. KS 208 809 Vermont St. Montgomery, Fred Samuel K 298 2033 Tennessee Nelson, John H. COR 217 Univ. of Kansas Osborn, Lynn R. K 579 1114 East 19th Ratch, Robert R. K 678 2004 Ohio St. Raymond, Frederic Newton K 47 808 Illinois St. Ryther, Thomas C. K 2% 1914 Maine St. Santee, Wes K 612 2135 New Hampshire Sherwood, Dr. Noble Pierce K 57 1801 Indiana St. Stubeck, John F. K 490 2245 New Hampshire Treece, Elbert Lee K 159 1635 Mississippi St. Young, John Baxter K 393 601 Loui siana St. Leoveft'tlorth
Dresser, Harold Guy K 441 902 - 6th Ave. Eng I ish, Arthur G. K 70 Route 3, Box 193 Jennings, Stephen L. K 662 326 Columbia St. Sutton, Edward D. K 357 Route 3, Box 3 Lebanon
Regan, Bill Ca lvin N 480 Lecompton
Stauffer, Walter Brown COLO 127 Lenexa
Womack, Louis C. T 144 Leon
Dixon, Wi II Gi II K 217
Panzer, Herman A. KS 406 Panzer, Keith Lee KS 400 Walters, Alvin E. K 435
McCas 1in, John Wa II ace K 152 Box 5 Rogier, Thomas K. KS 442 Waddell, Ronald G. K 680 Kingman Cox, Marvin Melvin K 464 Kabler, Levi L. K 104
f'ughes, Glen E. 0 239 SEPTEMBER, 1960
Hill, Richard Hastings K 498 Medicine Lodge Eggleston, Joseph Raymond K 399
Lyndon Hughes, Robert Leroy K 534
Benefiel, Lloyd John NW 205 Neely, John Marshall K 422 115~ W. Avenue So. Tobias, Ansel Walter KS 249 Wahl, Edward K 406 ManhaHan Andrew;, Arthur Clinton KS 338 902 Ratone Brackett, William Raymond COLO 6 Kans. State Agricultural Coli. Byers, Norman R. KS 340 2042 College View Rd. Drayer, Lester H. KS 11 2208 Cedar Acres Foltz, Vernon Daniel KS 183 1210 North Juliette Ford, Kenney Lee KS 139 K.S.A.C. Frey, John Charles, Jr. KS 173 2211 College Ave . Frey, Lester Raymond KS 148
R. D. 4 Funk, Herbert B. KS 399 P. 0. Box 289 Gingrich, Randolph Forney N 264 1731 Humboldt Griffing, Ward Clark KS 103 R.F.D. 4 Griffing, Willis G. KS 104 R.F.D. 4 Harwood, Dr. Nathan D. KS 71 1300 North Juliette Honstead, Prof. Wm. Henry KS 339 % Kansas State College McNeil, Elbert D. COLO 368 1545 Jarvis Dr . Meyers, Robert L. KS 427 E-2 Jardine Terrace Miller, Allen D. KS 510 827 Vattier St. Nelson, Dallas KS 368 324 Valley Dr. O'Fallon, Dr. 0. K. KS 425 232 Summit Pugsley, Albert L. H 398 Kansas State College Ransopher, Silas M. KS 474 700 Ehler Rd. Sandell, Herbert W. K 409 1815 Co l ora~o Seaton, Ray Andrew KS 99 731 Leavenworth Shanline, Rix D. K 528 2406 Rebecca Rd. Ukele, Clifford H. KS 327 1109 College Ave. Yost, George, KS 390 1708 Humboldt
Stockwell, G. D. KS 123
Washington, Herschel L. K 218 Lo Roy Brewer, Curtis A. KS 35 Crandall, Lewis Elvin KS 73 Route 2
Maple Hill Adams, Warner KS 125 Marysville Wisdom, Lawrence L. KS 250 808 N. 14th Wolgast, Dewey Earl KS 101
Abouha lkah, T. A. T 337 1128 N. Nelson Ave. Baughman, Robert Wi II iamson K 389 610 W. Sherman
Merriam Miller, Stanley H. K 507 8810 W. 66th St. Zimmerman, LeMoyne KS 380 5100 Newton
Linwood Browning, Omar Olin KS 38 Little River Buchanan, Bruce LeRoy KS 302 Buchanan, Guy Ray KS 205 Fry, LeRoy Frank KS 278 Hodgson, Irvin George KS 275
Rogers, Dennis R. KS 429 Kincaid
Clemens, Milton A. KS 328 611 E. Seitz Johnson, Ralph Fred K 387 419 South Ash Ruppenthal, Lloyd H. K 274 Box 657
lola Miller, James Ellsworth B. K 168 Stohr, John William KS 345 514 South St.
Boles, Raymond A. KS 225
McKee, Dick B. K 240 McPherson
Funk, Miles R. KS 455 700 N. Sheridan St. McMillen, Benedick L. K 205 Moody, Ralph Leland K 627 Blackman, Earl Austin K 305 6102 Buena Vista Collins, James R. KS 374 5426 Ash Granger, Edward L. K 488 5824 E I Monte Nichols, Ross Oakley MO 523 5725 Walmer Pettus, Larry T. K 697 4704 W. 61st Rick, Harold S. 0. K 3% 4922 W. 58th St. Severson, Wayne E. IS 411 6200 Russe II Steeper, Hubert T. CH 69 5942 Catalina St. Thies, Jerome H. KS 433 4806 W. 66th St. Thies, Wayne E. KS 402 4806 66th Thompson, Wesley A. KS 191 5327 Outlook Wetzel, Eugene G. K 536 6101 West 62nd Yeager, Eldon E. KS 443 5302 57th
Reed, Marshall L. KS 522 Mound City Day, Richard Eugene KS 423 Mulvane
Stumpf, Harry Paul COLO 551 Hess City Bondurant, Chester Dean KS 63 Nev.ton
Eberle, Cecil H. KS 274 122 West 5th Hetzel, Ernest V. NW 194 Box 36 Willis, Jack Raymond K 570 6 Circle Drive Horton
Hicks, Theron Wright KS 175 State Highway Dept. Olathe Millbern, Robert L. CM 3 611 N. Pine New, Albert E. KS 419 Box 55, Rt. 3 Rassmussen, Rex T. K 628 624 W. Sheridan Osage City Lentz, John C. KS 114
Otto.., Andree, Paul KS 301 Ottawa University Bowers, Benjamin Franklin K 46 Carter, John N. MO 273 Christie, Rex West K 436 Lollar, Roland Franklin P 353 421 W. 5th St.
Overland Pork Bailey, Keith E. KS 363 6414 Marty Grayson, Roy David K 134 Overland Park, Box 87 Hoffman, John E., Jr. K 568 6417 West 67th DIRECTORY PAGE 33
Lowery, Donald B. MO 520 7300 W. 89th Terr. McCool, Wi Ibur Payton K 509 &bOO West 8lst St. Poling, Terry L. KS 437 7108 Lowell Stretcher, John H. KS 388 7133 Conser Taylor, John W. , Jr. N 488 713& Santa Fe Drive Wood, Howard Newton KS 352 8218 West 88th St.
Oxford Jester, Thomas Homer K &25 Paolo c IIIOll, r aUl M. ,.... oo.:>
505 E. Pianki shaw Parsons
Hundley, Samuel J. KS 403 1204 Ward Piedmont
Bland, Robert Eugene 0 520 Pittsburg Rati, Robert D. K 701 40& E. Jackson Russell, Gene E. OS 2&6 114 W. Adams Weir, Ben Walter Ml 249 702 W. Jefferson
Pleasanton Haag, Marshall Kitch K 375 Portis
Conn, Robert D. CM 26
R. R. 1 Prairie Village
Amos, Frederick C. K 356 7415 Roe Ave. Bryant, Duke A. OS 113 7528 Tomahawk Rd . Ferguson, George W. MO 524 5225 W. 70th St. Gibson, Pat E. KS 436 5002 West 71 Terr. Morris, Kenneth Lee K 455 4134 W. 72nd Terr. Nelson, George A. KS 381 4507 W. 69th Terr. Ordelheide, Lorenz E. MD 403 2709 W. 73rd Smith, Horace Axtell ILL 512 5202 W. 7lst Terr. Stuck, Wi IIi am L . MO 576 &027 W. 75th Terr. Wilhelmsen, Roy A. MO 518 5207 W. 70 Terrace Pratt Cooley, larry Norton K 626 415 S. High St.
Prescott Gentle, Ira J . K 666 P. 0. Box 21 Randolph Byartay, Alfred W. KS 15 Raymond
Boy, Gordon Frank KS 291 R. F.D. 2 Reading
Hodges, Garold E. KS 441
Rexford Keefer, Robert Leroy K 582
St. Francis Ringo, Ernest R. Ml 8 P. 0. Box 55 St. John Wet ch, Larry D. K 653 714 N. Broadway St. Salina Criss, Blaine E. KS 435 1907 Page Dodge, Allan W. K &0 104 East Iron Ave. Dodge, Stephen A . K 674 1004 South 9th Duckers, Keith Grafton KS 355 St. John's Military School Dugger, Victor B. C 332 849 Pearl Ave. Langel, Everett Adam OHS 343 % Jo Mar Dairies Co. McCollum, Jerry R. K 639 Box 172 Rauh, Joe Russell KS 417 417 Country Club Rd. Sellers, Ben A . KS 248 349 Sunset Dr. Sykes, Fred James KS 136 Office of Soi I Conservation
Scott City Hendrex, ·Layman E. CSU 89 710 Jackson Rees, Howell T. K 261 Sharon Springs
Carter, Deane Milton COLO 365 Carter, Ralph Marlin COLO 472 Duphornc, Calvin F. KS 310 Duphorne, Ronald Dee K 601 Stone, Ralph Allen K 617 Taylor, James Edward K 623
Shaww .. Frakes, Glenn KS 322 6645 Switzer Lane Noble, Gi Ibert George KS 245 12208 West &4th St. Terr. Renfrow, Keith E. CM 44 11824 Johnson Drive Swarner, Wi IIi am E. K 253 11107 Johnson Dr.
Springhill Henderson, John Lyman KS 232 Storllng Warren, Wi IIi am Robert 0 543 436 North 9 St. Stockton
Griebel, John P. KS 460 Hart, William C. KS 311 Peaslee, Doyle Eugene KS 375
Summerfield Tice, Charles Leon K 599 lice, Donald Clinton K 594 Topeka Ash, Elliott A. IN 76 215 E. 8th Barber, John F. K 4% 2014 Lane Bolz, George Adam KS 40 R.F . D. 3 Borck, Frederick C. KS 325 3212 Lena Dr. Bux, Albert C. KS 17 1421 McAlester Ave . Campbel l, Jack M. 0 523 5126W . 25th Carla!, Gary K. KS 478
R. R. 7 Rlloy Johnson, Harold W. KS 171 Roxbury
McWilliams, Ear l J. KS 100
Rozel Riederer, Howard Henry K 410
Ruuell Banker, Glenn Victor K 214 5 Fossil St. Steinle, John David K 220 Wiley, Gary L. K 677 327 West 11th
St . John Cole, Clelland K 339 East 3rd Rd. Sobotha Wempe, Donald Lee K 369 DIRECTORY PAGE 34
Hawkinson, Kenneth C. KS 141 3233 Westover Rd. Helm, Charles Frank K 136 Engineering Dept. Santa Fe Railway Johnson, Marvin Emi I K 413 1405 Burnett Rd. Kastner, Norman D. KS 413 1167 Mulvane Kennedy, Clarence E. COLO 194 1436 Belle Ave. Knauss, Lyle McKinley K 235 923 Lane St. Latter, Donald D. KS 432 1906 West Dudley Rd . Livingston, Donald G. KS 462 2206 Wayne Moran, Kyle KS 314 3326 Plass Myers, Stephen P. K 663 1745 High Nielsen, Wayne D. K 557 % Wolf's Camera Shop 106 W. 8th Petr, Winzer J . KS 277 231 Edgewood Peycke, Frank E. KS 317 3912 Dixie Ct. Pfuetze, Robert E . KS 226 606 Natl. Reserve Bank Bldg . Prickett, David E. KS 330 704 Randolph Rector, Kenneth Edward KS 182 2833 Kentucky Roberts, James T. KS 184 % Norman Roberts 1304 McAllister Roberts, Norman L., Jr . KS 147 1304 McAlester Shideler, Donald Ira KS 379 Route 8 Shoaf, Ulysses Uriah NW 51 909 Kansas Ave. Stone, Capt. Odell E. 0 449 320 Yorkshire Rd. Stutz, John Godfrey CH 157 1321 Lakeside Thiele, Justice Walter G. K 65 State House Vernon, Glenn E. K 529 3116 West Bth Whipps, Loren E. KS 288 R. 6, % Paul Clark Wi lie ford , Edward D. K 439 2500 Burnett Z inn, James M. KS 444 Route 1
Carman, F. J . K 499 2315 13th Chapman, Forrest Merle K 443 Southwes tern Bell Telephone Co. Clark, Robert L. KS 439 4751 West 17th Terr. Dick, Charl es H. K &04 2&01 Washburn Fowl er, Robert R. COR 481 1253 Clay Freienmuth, Emil J. K 352 315 Woodlawn Friend, David S. IN 465 1013 Garfield Ginter, Marvin Louis KS 422 Rt. 7 Griffith, Wi ll iam M. K 562 1026 Washburn Groesbeck, Arthur Jerome K 53 1215 Mylvane Ave. Hannah, V. H. WIS 562 107 Roosevelt
Wilson, Richard K. KS 456 Box 37 Tray Calnan, Charles K 644 Van Bebber, George T. K 563 Yalloy Falls Anderson, Lev.;s K. KS 213 Figgs, Larry L. KS 472
Jepsen, De Ibert Dale KS 401
Moore, Hugh Isaac
KS 222
Acre, Albert Hami I ton KS 62
Walnut Fugate, Thomas Wayne COLO 505
Walton Ten Eyck, George Robert KS 367 Box 122 Wamego
Pugh, Marcel Ri chard K 457 Box 51 Sullivan, James K 376 Washington
Barley, J. Harry K 94 Weber Va le, Starr Cedric KS 12 Wellington
Hoff, Eryll Fremont K 437 The Monitor Press Wollsvillo Lytle, Mi Iton Carl KS 6
Wichita Allen, Frank P., II N 507 5818 Avalon Allen, Jack H. K 575 2929 So. Martinson Auerbach, Gerald G. KS 347 5729 Park Hollow Dt. Berchtold, Donald V . P 535 9901 W. 3rd Blakeslee, Clement Delano K 619 1408 N. Holyoke Blase, Albert P. K 382 1957 Ferrell Dr. Brad ley, Everett L . K 234 5 Crestview Lakes Bradley, Orval K 242 1495 Homestead Brandon, Oliver K. KS 218 251 N. Grove Brown, Charles S. 0 724 1600 N. Ridgewood Dr. Calavan, Louis M. OS 54 1500 E. Douglas Carr, Wi Imot D. K 346 475 S. Bleckley Dr. Cole, Virgil B. MO 259 207 N. Parkwood Lane Consolver, George P. MO 456 443 S. Crestway Cress, Allan M. ILL 547 1517 Floberta Danbury, William T. MO 358 726 N. Westlink Ave. Davies, James D. MO 460 201 N. Broadview Fletcher, Worth Albert IN 124 Municipal Univ. of Wichita Galyon, Edward E. K 530 262 S. Minnesota Gibson, Johnny Robert K 638 715 Hiram Grandle, Robert L. KS 349 4938 Sullivan Rd . Graves, John L., Jr. 0 525 9100 Bekemeyer Lane Gutro, Robert J. N 436 5819 East 2nd St. Hammel, David W. MIN 579 3401 Mt. Vernon Harris, Arthur L. KS 25 344 S. Vassar Hodges, George A. K 284 226 S. Pinecrest Hook, Darwin D. IS 414 2326 Redbud Johnson, Everett Wallace MO 127 106 West Douglas Jones, Ronald D. OS 317 642 S. Christine (18) Kab ler, Jesse D. K 202 1506 Parker Ave. Leendertse, Peter Henry KS 268 Rt. 8 Lester, Allen V. MO 366 1461 Perry Lewis, Clay W. MO 126 329 S. Clifton Lindwall, Allan B. K 667 612 S. Sycamore Long, Frank W. K 408 942 N. Mission Rd. Lovendahl, Warren D. KS 329 2246 Ridgewood Male, Walter N. KS 416 162& Gentry Dr. Mate, Walter Ne...ton, Jr . KS 421 1626 Gentry Dr. Mcutnna s, William u JO
524 South Crestway Mar, Peter J. K 669 1518 N. Waco Mooney, W. H. F 348 1453 Burns St. Morgan, Louis S. 0 461 530 Edgewater Nathan, Joseph B. KS 307 1033 Patricia Pattinson, John W. K 583 211 Darby Bldg. 3rd and Broadway Paynter, John Augustus 0 120 Hi II crest Homes, Apt. 7C Pedroja, Frank K 173 230 S. Ka nsas Pierce, Lary E. KS 482 3242 E. 2nd St. Rodgers, Floran A. K 709 6136 E. 9th St. Schropp, William F. COLO 269 P. 0. Box 1620 Simonton, Wendell A. KS 332 1115 Everett St. Syfert, Ervin Wesley KS 320 3141 N. Hillside Taylor, James E., Jr. K 564 3809 18th
Tripp, David Henlen K 431 316 South Vassar Troup, Abram, Ill K 195 Shirkmere Hotel 256 N. Topeka Wall, David R. K 430 320 l East 2nd Warner, The Rev. James, NW 382 3750 E. Douglas Wetmore, Z K 62 3202 E. 16th St. Yawger, Jacob G. KS 142 2028 Brentwood Willard McKenzie, Clyde 0. KS 451 Box 13 Willis
Henny, Harold William K:> 1/4 White, Jesse Augustus KS 81 Willis, Paul Roscoe KS 83 Winfield Caton, William Newton KS 58 lOll Mound Grosjean, Wendell Andrew K 378 Suite 403, Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Hartley, Robert E. K 654 1323 Millington Maben, William Ivan K 600 1410 E. 4th Roessler, Rammon D. KS 466 421 ~ 9th Rosecrans, Vincent Judson Y 143 812 East 12th St.
Y otes Center
Mills, Leo Wm. K 267 Courthouse
Gardner, John S. MO 165 University of Kentucky Girton, Lawrence E. Ml 486 3140 Starling Dr. Jenkins, Harry D. IN 555 649 Northside Dr. Lamar, Ralph E., Ill COR 599 146 ShaWlee Pl. Price, Walter Allen P 190 1850 McDonald Rd. Troxel, Daniel C. Y 146 129 Goodrich Ave. Watkins, Dr. James R. NW 390 lOB Walnut St. Louisville Beem, David L. MO 560 3728 Chatham Rd . Bollinger, Albert Lee P 56 2914 Frankfort Ave. Brown, Carroll S. Ml 468 7105 Boxwood Rd. Eubank, Thomas D. P 609 1539 Anna Hartung, Theodore M. W 38 4609 Beaver Rd. Holman, Cecil L. WIS 171 1701 Carlon Ct. Osmer, Leon E. Ml 261 410 Duff lane Shwab, Hugh M. A 80 10 River Hill Rd. Wheat, Harry M. IN 90 5700 Southland Wheeler, Richard C. Ml 403 4120 Stoneview Dr. lyndon Wallace, Robert D. IN 497 203 Holliswood Rd .
Klein, Earl E. LSU 25 2278 Stanford Ave. Lawrence, Samue I E. P 38 2122 Gov. St. Lindsay, Kenneth L. ILL 658 744 Frances Harriet Dr. McMurry, Robert P. P 591 3542 Marie Dr. Merri II, Ronald L. LSU 82 Rt. 1, 2487 Flannery Rd. Sartain, C. Lenton LSU 27 608 Fidelity Bank Bldg. Snuggs, John L. LSU 50 6312 Casper St. Thompson, Rob A. LSU 18 1956 Wisteria St. Thompson, Chester W. IS 319 Jll Cora Watts, Carroll N. LSU 76 Rt. 4, Sullivan Rd. Wiksell, Wesley A. 10 299 Dept. of Speech Louisiana State University Bossier City Gay, John R. LSU 15 2521 Triche! St.
Cut Off Guidry, Mark R., Jr. LSU 39 Rt. 1, Box 83 Skeen, James C. LSU 45 Box 126 Denham Springs
Durnin, John A., Jr. LSU 37 Rt. 2 Franklinton
Foil, Wi lliam L. LSU ll Gueydan
KENTUCKY Alexandria Grimm, Ralph E. CIN 298 Cardin~ I Court
Lenon, Maurice Everett IN 217 815 Hill Ave . Mielke, Otto L. MSM 23 2127 Clinton Pl. West Polkinghorn, John Wilber K 290 P. 0. Box 577.
Johnson, Melvin D. W 50 2012 Hounz Lane
Neilsen, Chester Cassius N 279 St . Matthews
Ashland Rice, Don E. CIN 194 2904 Floyd St. Tripp, Raymond D. K 444 2629 W. Grove Covington Humphrey, Naylor Byron CIN 25 6 Leslie Ave., Ft. Mitchell Miner, William Richard CH 203 Doctor's Bldg.
Thompson, Ralph G. 10 304 ll2 Hemingway Rd.
Cox, Tom D. LSU 1 P. 0. Box 465 Harrisonburg
Gibson, Elmer I. LSU 31
Versailles Bowen, George Harry PS 248 155 Stout Ave.
Lafayette McTee, Clifford R., Jr. T 322 613 Dafney Dr. Lake Charles
Ft. Knox
Rankin, Charles L. N 244 Box 2ll Johnson, John W. KS 411 504 Schnieder Lane
Beavers, Eldon L. N 544 Newgarden, Apt. 706 Lucas, Gene R. E 138 l43f>.B Filth Ave.
Ft. Thomas Cooley, Frank E., Jr. COL 2ll 39 Wood land Place Patton, Maynard Leon Y 127 35 Cliftview Ave. Wagstaff, James L. 078 84 5. Grand JeHersontown Lane, Roy E. IN 444 2217 Janlyn Road Georgeto'fln
Shuff, Thomas Ki Iby, Jr. H 255 Henderson
Snyder, John R. IN 103 P. 0. Box 317, Masonic Bldg. Independence
Kerr, Edward L. CIN 274 Rt. l, Martin Road Jamestown
McBrayer, Walter R. COLO 2ll P. 0. Box 507
Kirkpatrick, Elijah N., Jr. LSU 54 Box 364 Albany
Kinchen, Charles W. LSU 4 Alto Smith, Donald R. LSU 46 P. 0 . Box 26
Charles, Frederick E. COLO 283 71 Horseshoe Lane Meta ire
Farley, Ernest A. Ml 341 2112 Green Acres Monroe
Neel, Walter Irwin P ll7 1006 N. 2nd St.
Guy, Gordon A. LSU 47 Box 75 Baton Rouge
Alexander, Frederick B., Jr. LSU 63 4022 South Ramsey Dr. Barr, Thomas H. MO 262 409 Cornell Braun, Ra lph R. LSU 8 944 Geranium Burch, Aubrey W. LSU 22 8225 Menlo Clark, Joseph L. LSU 65 425 Stanford Ave. Daniels, George A. K 609 840 N. 8th St. Farrens, John H. , Jr. Ml 393 6885 Sheffield Ave . Glueck, Louis LSU 23 251 E. River Oaks Dr. Herff, Henri M. LSU 24 955 Iris St. Higginbotham, Julius B. LSU 33 3430 Osv.ego St.
Fernholz, Donald Leslie WIS 367 Box 512, Tech. Sta. Hewins, Kenneth F. IN 109 Box 387, 306 E. Arizona Ave. Whitesel, Theodore L. ILL 472 Louisiana Folytechnic lnst. St. Francisville Maybach, Richard L. ORS 224 Box 351 Shongaloo
Lee, Thomas Wi Ida OS 263 Route l , Box 248 Shreveport
Alben, Arthur Otto ORS 46 126 Wilkinson St. Bradley, John D. 0 355 168 Southfield Ray, James L. 0 308 901 Dalzell Schmidt, Conrad V . MO 507 613 Haynes St. Talbot, Claude Porter MO 143 Box 345 Wei I, Albert Henry P 320 610 Monrovia Vivian Eaton, Lynden D. OS 281 329 W. Kentucky Washington
Sellers, William R. LSU 44 Box 216 West Monroe
Ellett, Duroood X. ILL 314 2409 Trenton Luck, John C., Jr. 0 560 1000 Meadowbrook
Dommert, Thomas H. LSU 10 Box 540
Lake Providence
Long, John Douglas IN 539 308 Clark St.
James, Louis M. LSU 28 Box 14 Jennings
Opelousas Long, Daniel A. LSU 35 1105 South Union St.
South Fort Mitchell Wolf, Frank L. PS 161 2684 Turkey Foot Rd.
1...01e, James w. ILL''*'* 325 E. Pleasant St.
Gillentine, Jewell J . LSU 38 Box 232 Greer, Francis W. LSU 53 Box 352
Van Kirk, Jay Calvin NW 97 77ll Hampson St. Wells, W. R. Clifford IN 42 Tulane University
Natchitoches Morrison, Noble Brewer 10 313 Box 1655 N. S. New Orleans
Davis, John R. NW 517 Box 318, L.S. U . Medical School Dick, Elliot C. MIN 597 548 Ashlawn Gray, Dr . Joel B. T Jll 1401 Audubon St. Hart, Eldridge E. LSU 21 1716 Independence Hartmann, John F. LSU 32 572 Amethyst St. Legett, Louis A. LSU 34 20 Snipe St. Logan, Carlton E. KS 205 325 Rio Vista Ave. Roberts, Jesse ., Jr. LSU 7 Box 318, L. S. U. Med. School Russell, Morrison W. OHS 36 Box 732
Au bum Knight, William Stetson RPI liS 56 Gammon Ave. Bangor
Li vie, George H. WS 138 37 Deer Isle Road Bath Reinoehl, Frank Hauer PS 178 854 Washington St. Berwick
Ricker, Charles Edward NH ll5 Berwick St. Bethel Hastings, Edward Alan NH 295 Weisel , H. Alan PS 463
R. F. D. Danville Lunt, John Frederick NH 244 Bo x 52 Fryeburg
Hastings, Hugh Warren H 113 Hollis Center Harriman, Edward A. NH ll4
R. F. D 4 Kennebunkport
Howes, Robert M. SY 275 Kittery
Pridham, Philip R. NH 315 8 Water St. Machiasport
Flynn, Horace Foster SY 194 Mars Hill Hussey, Stetson Harlow H 127 Mt. Vemon
Ford, Wesley W. A 42
R. F. D. 2 Orono
Clapp, Roger, COR 2'l0 Portland Maxwell , Irving Wm. H 195 125 Chadwick Sims, David C. PS 364 115 Stevens Ave. South Berwick Chaplin, Richard C. NH 354 38 High land Ave. Stetson
Buck, Kent Lee COR 498 Warren
Dalrymple, Charles 0 . COR 99 Wells Hilton, David P. NH 240 P. 0 . Box b West Southport
Gardner, Cornelius H 234 York Moulton, Roger E. NH 148 Beech Hill
Harris, William J . Jr. P 419 Route l - Box 807
Ya l e, Donald A. ILL 740 E. Winchester Rd. Chambers, Wayne, GW l2b Bywater Rd. Baltimore
Armstrong, Richard W. OH 184 1570 Wadsworth (12) Boyles, Arthur Forest COR 238 1338 Homestead St. Burrows, Thomas H. COR 5&5 7f11 No. Broadway Chesnik, John, COLO 328 271b N. Calvert St. (JS) Cooper, Howard E. DN 10 4212 Tuscany Ct. ( 10) Crites, GeorgeS . C 7 44f11 Underwood Rd. Higgins, Nathan B. PS 9 452& N. Charles St. (lb) L yon, Wa rren C. NH 22'l lb50 Mu ssula Rd. (4) Porst, Edward G. ILL 453 1418 Stonewood Rd. (12) Ram sey, Charles M. Jr. OH 33 4415 Rokeby Rd . (2'l) Ribley, Charles F. SY 57 1333 Sulpher Spring Rd. (27) Shell ey, Warren W. Jr. Ml 455 1022 Dartmouth Rd. (12) Stanko, John E. OH 152 14&1 Clairidge Rd. (7) White, Lu ciu s R. Jr. F 91 208 Goodale Rd. -Homeland
Mcllnay, Olin F. 10 245 12 Woodhaven Blvd. (14) Morrow, Theron B. GW 35 5202 Elm St. North, Warren J. ILL 573 8402 Westmont Cl Osborne, David P. PS 288 5&09 Huntington Pkwy. Roberts, Howard R. GW 293 5302 Pocks Hill Rd. <14) Shrader, Harlan L. MO l3b 820b Georgetown Rd. Walck, Lt. Col. R. E. PS 317 Route 3 <14) Warfield, Richard M. GW 234 9200 Bulls Run Pkwy. Waterfield, Robert L. CIN lbO 4502 Traymore St. Burtonsville Niemann, Leroy E. CIN 51 3422 Greencastle Rd. Aldridge, Eugen e T. Jr. GW 251 5011 Dalton Rd. <15> Bartlett, Orrin H. GW 143 3805 Underwood St. <15> Beach, Fred F. COL 232 bb% Glenbrook Rd. <15> Bronaugh, AI fred T . GW 205 bbOJ Glenbrook Rd. (15) Canaga, Gordon B. COR 15 123 Thomappl e Gleichman, Walter C. GW 8 7213 Chestnut St. Kampe, Albert H. GW 12 7409 Ridgewood Ave. <15) Lewis, George W. COR 39 7202 Ridgewood Ave. (15) Loehler, John G. GW 45 7305 Roll ingwood Dr. (15) Loehler, Paul F . GW 30 7900 Glendale Rd. <15) Pogue, Lloyd W. N 2&8 5204 Kenwood Ave. (15) Truitt, Paul Thomas MO 287 7209 L enhart Dr. (15) Woodworth, Earl Grantly W ll3 4205 E. West Highway (15) Warncke, William M. PS 440 481 2 Western Ave. Cheverly Wil liams, Robert E. P 52& 2807 Laurel Ave. Clarksville Eylar, Ol l ie R. MIN 593 Trotter Road College Park DeVoll, Harold Moon CO R 281 Veterinary Division Spivey, C. Clinton ILL 77 2 Univ. of Marryland
Cumberland Conroy, Edward A. COR 592 711 Louisiana Ave. Foose, Dr. Clarence N. Jr. F 455 Box 487 Dundalk Bu rch, Robert U. F 387 7303 Dunlawn Court East Bowie McBride, Hollis D. RPI 120 118 - 13th St. Elkton Crowgey, Horatio B. Jr. COR 412 Rew, Theodore M. SY 295 102 Friendship Rd.
Corni sh, Edwin R. Jr. F 437 420 Carroll Pkwy. Hane, James William F 472 P. 0. Box 3&3 Rappolt, John P. GW 127
R. F. D. 3 Fro stburg
Dieh l, Ivan Casper COL 200 State Teachers College Gaithersburg
Seaquist, Edgar 0 . GW 41 Shady Grove Rd. Tarbox, Leon A. PS 145 425 Frederick Ave. Garrett Pork
Fi sher, Lawrence M. PS 31 8 Clermont Pl.
s.v...,a Parlt Hadden, Robert J . Ml 503 9 Kimberly Ct. Kauffman, Irvin H. F 215 Bo x 214
Geno.rtown Bowman, John U. PS 524 Route 2 - Box 72 Fetrow, Ward Wil lard OS 75 Glon Bumie Shadrick, Richard H. Jr. MIN &28 bOO Baylor Rd-Gien Bumie Pk . Stebbins, William, P &58 5ll Luther Rd.
Glen Echo Heights Wetmore, Frank A. K 72 5901 Osceola Rd. Grhfield Daugherty, Edward S. CDR 230 321 Main St.
Chevy Cha se
Beltsvill e Hoyer!, J. Harry SY 32 Logan, Charl es Alden KS 143 Beltsvill e Resear ch Center
All en, Harold, COLO Ill 8501 Pelham Rd . Allin, John 0. F 523 5214 Goddard Rd. (14) Carl son, Howard K. GW 227 9314 Ewi ng Dr. Carmi chael, Donald C. P &78 9 Ken tbury Way Col lings, Hami l ton B. P 133 4302 Mon tgomery Ave. Fl aningam, Norman A. IN US bOO B Anniston Rd. (14) Horton , Richard H. Cl N 24b 10 Veme St. ( 14) Kennedy, Sidney S. H 334 5&0 1 Northfield Road (14) Li etwi ler, Chri sti an W. GW 319 5907 Aberdeen Rd. (14) L oomis, Phi li p LeRoy COR 347 4308 Sleaford Rd. (14)
Garrett P arlt Estates Burgess, Aubrey L. GW 230 4914 Flanders Ave.
Bell , John Roll ing F 321 42b Potomac Ave. Miller, Homer Lerch H 8 900 Th e Terrace Highland Morgan, Raymond, F 209 Un iv. of Maryland
Hyattsville Espenschade, Park W. Jr. GW 303 4023 Beechwood Rd. University Park Hienton, Truman Edward IS 202 &203 Carrollton Ter. Smith, Gardner P. NH bl 4001 Greensbury Rd. Volland, Robert H. GW 320 4004 Van Buren St. Kensington
Rust, James H. IS 177 5003 Aurora Dr. La Vale West, Einar, IS 308 4 Lindaway - Coverwood
Lanham Haney, Dr. John B. RPI 13 7502 Finn s Lane Laurel
Baker, Warren Stanton GW 252 20b Tenth St. Linthicum Heights
Deakyne, Cnarles W. COR 44b 405 Darl ene Ave. Luke Kli nes tiver, Gerould H. PS 232 W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co. Pi edmont Mill Lutherville Blackwell , Jefferson D. MO 131 Route 1 Hinman, Dr. EdwardJ. 0 527 28 Othoridge Rd. Rogers, Earl E. IN 387 1810 E. Ridge Rd. Mitchelvi lle Peach, Preston L. COR &2
Newark Denni s, Milton L. GW 32 P. 0. Bo x 43 Randallstown
Eaton, Philip, RPI 9 Box 597 -Old Court Rd.
Rockville Sames, Wilbur J. COR 97 lOb N. Adams St. Gates, Phillip W. WIS 234 9305 Glen Rd. Harvey, Jack L. CIN 150 Oakwood Dr. -Gl en Hills Kelso, Jack R. Ml 471 5705 Ridgway Ave. Thomas, Raymond E. GW 304 307 Meadow Hall Dr. Salisbury Ketchum, John C. SY b3 Rte. 2 Waters, Dr. Zack J. NC 71 Route 2
Sllnr Sprlog Baker, Edward Amold GW 133 10&11 Lorain Ave. Beard, Fred J. OS lb 2ll Norma"ldy Dr. Bechler, Charles A. Jr. SY 2'l7 3813 Kelsey St. Beck, Allen M. IN 357 27ll Harmon Rd. Davis, Lester Tinsley ILL 435 1020 Woodside Pkwy. Hammer, Willard L . GW 95 1001 Dale Dr. Heslep, George A. C. GW &5 l90b Hanover St. Hillerma"l, Neal H. Ml 589 b02 Pershing Dr. Hurdle, Richard E. GW 233 12237 Bluehill Rd. Johnson , Murray C. MIN 529 9043 Manchester Rd. Keeney, Dr. Mark J. Jr. PS 32'l 9304 Walden Rd. Kelley, Charles A. F 2'l4 2008 La"lsdowne Way Lankford, Thomas J. E 27 990& Dameron Dr. Mathews, John B. GW 24& 1513 Woodman Ave. Proctor, Thomas M. Jr. RPI 4b 2003 Luzerne Ave. Redding, Robert E. OHS 457 2912 Wilton Ave. Ritter, Will iam K. 0 219 4ll Bumt Mills Ave. Sherman, Ralph W. Jr. KS 484 1713 Luzerne Ave.
Takoma Park Blevin s, Harold R. AR 53 8217 Roanoke Ave. (12) Timonium
Mecartney, Newell, NW 314 1822 Vista Lane Towson Axon, Elmer R. MO 94 29 Southland Ct. Phalen, Frank W. NW 282 l %0 Edgewood Rd. (4) West Hyattsville Lindstrom, Lowell R. K &13 &809 Rigg s Rd. Lindstrom, Noble C. K 30& &809 Riggs Rd. Williamsport Fuller, George L . COR 417 Route 1
MASSACHUSffiS Agowan Lynde, Elliott D. SY 134 bO School St. Amherst
Beaumont, Arthur B. COR 105 â&#x20AC;¢ 285 Amity St. Little, Henry N. COR 388 157 High St. Mather, Jean Paul COLO 311 University of Mass. Arlington Green, Donald F. RPI 22 lb7 Washington St. Jensen, Joel E. IS 4% 4 Thomas St. SIIJrgi s, Nelson H. Jr. OS 23 12 Jason St. (74)
Ashbumham Moeckel , Richard R. NH 318 l River Styx Rd.
Aubumdole T erkelsen, Conrad G. NH 218 132 Rand Ter. Ayer
Mack, Harold C. COR 460 Box bl
Mack, Harry Elias COR 136 Box 165 Mack, RobertS. COR 457 Box 61 Bamotable Edwards, Basi I Duke H 152 Bone Faux, Richard Lake PS 23 Kellingly Farm Bedfard McKee, Arthur W. NH 276 21 Marion Road Belmont Ludeke, Gipp Louis H 280 37 Oakley Rd. Marsh, Albert L. NH 200 51 Oxford Ave.
Thurlby, Harold Hazen Ml 185 Box 51 Chelmolard Carver, Norman R. J. NH 141 108 Dalton Rd. Perzel, EdwardS. CIN 295 167 North Rd. Clinton Gordon, Lewis Sanford Jr. Y 117 162 Water St.
Best, William Hall H 16 50 Federal Sl Bucknell, Allen Kazlity H 347 Old Colony Trust Co-17 Court St. Burdett, Charles Fred H 392 Burdett College-156 Stuart St. Carter, Maurice C. NH 284 226 Commonwealth Ave. Cook, Wi IIi am Riley H 175 50 State St. Dewey, Judd E. H 39 85 Devonshire St. (9) Hosmer, Windsor Arnold H 203 215 Morgan Hall-Soldiers Fields Howe, George Wi Ison H 129 73 Tremont St. Jaureguy, Anthony, H 207 75 Federal St. Kenngott, GlennS. WIS 435 107 Falmouth St. (15) Laubach, Peter B. UCLA 64 Graduate Schl. of Bus. Admin. Harvard Univ. -Soldiers Field Liming, Mi Ivi lie D. H 65 80 F edera I St. (10) Mattoon, Richard M. PS 433 Mass. Hort. Society 300 Massachusetts Ave. Musil, Robert W. COLO 499 14 Buswell St. <l5J Page, Rodney Gerald H 135 1117 Old South Bldg . Saunders, W. Phillip Jr. PS 473 565 Boylston Sl (16) Smart, Wilfred Hiram H 34 44 School Sl Thomson, Earl Henry GW 12 80 Federal St. UOJ
Boylston Cctnter
Wimmergren, Lyle E. NW 464 Box 184 Braintree
Brahmst, George W. CT 54 49 Cochato Rd. (84)
Dalton Shupe, Richard H. COLO 613 18 Richard Ave.
Maddix, Harold S. RPI 32 195 Topsfield Rd. -R. F . D. Dedham Forster, Den aid M. NH 340 41 E. Riverside Dr.
Brown, Robert D. NW 376 42 Bertwell Rd. Symons, James M. COR 534 28 Hathaway Rd. Wilson, Herbert Roy Ml 163 90 Ellington St. Lynn Hyer, Donald R. ILL 695 41 Casco Rd. Lynnfield Center Williams, Emmett E. NH 353 631 Chestnut St. Marblehead Down, John M. RPI 37 30A Haley Rd. Petrie, Robert L. COR 374 62 Front St.
Schneider, Harvey, RPI 81 124 Selden St. (24) Duxbury Bartels, Robert J. ILL 562 Peterson Rd.
Reading Strout, Carwin M. Ml 545 5 Arcadia Ave. Rutland Haines, Robert E. SY 372 Pleasantdale Rd.
MacCormack, Richard E. NH 165 60 Bickford Rd. (84J Eaot Falmouth Egler, Gene A. P 610 48 Vidal Ave.
Freedman, Alvin, NH 227 11 Landor Rd. Medford Pole, Frank W. OHS 100 15 Chester Ave.
Eaot Milton Schroeder, Louis Clarence Y 138 Fairhaven Walker, William J . NH 252 17 Huttleston Ave.
Kudsk, Russell A. NW 225 15 Tym Fells Pkwy.
Farmlngham Robinson, DavidS . NH 267 261 Prospect St.
Fitchburg Bergstresser, Harold F. H 260 80 South St. ' Framingham Catterson, Alden D., Jr. COLO 21! 47 Gregory Road
Fearon, Ralph L. NH 287 25 Terrace Ave. Middleborough Clark, Fletcher, Jr. H 119 10 E. Grove St. Milford Duren, Lloyd A. SY 54 41 Exchange St.
Cambridge Borden, Neil Hopper COLO 116 Graduate Schl. of Bus. Admn . Harvard University Brown, Thomas A. 10 351 1218 Massachusetts Ave. Christensen, RonaldA. IS 531 19 Hayes St. (39) Edgerton, Harold Eugene N 314 c/ o Mass. lnst. of Tech. (4) Fessler, Max E. K 481 4 Fernald Dr. -Apt. 11 (38) Kelly, Jon R. NW 500 14 Trowbridge Sl (38) Mather, Kirtley F. H 344 Harvard Geological Museum Matthews, George H. F 508 29 Washington Ave. • Mcilroy, M. Douglas COR 510 The Graduate House-Rm. 321A Mass. In st. of Tech. (39) Pound, Roscoe, H 123 Harvard Law School (38) Rowell, George Barker H 205 25 French Pond Lane
Gorton, Howard Eaton H 356 46 Maple St.
Spofford, Harold B. COR 368 11 Pond St. Gloucester
Greer, Wilbur Anderson SY 315 21 Hampden St. Harvard Zimmer, John T. RPI 40 Slough Road Haverhill Riley, Orrin, COR 485 23- 16th Ave. Hingham Dunlap, David Bruce Ml 392 211rving St. Holden Davies, Thomas P. NW 217 24 Brentwood Dr. Parker, Edward I. P 554 34 Oak Ridge St.
Shrewobury Johnson, Donald Henry NH 204 65 Walnut St. Maker, Wilbur C. COR 419 788 Turnpike Rd. Somerville
Killian, Bertram S. OHS 94 5 Arthur St. 5outhboro Tufts, Kenneth C. NH 3 Flagg Rd. South Acton Gaebel, Gerald A. NH 389 8 Piper Lane South Sudbury Johnson, -Donald N. Cl N 284 Boston Post Road Springfield Swanson, John T . SC 12 1 Gail St. (8J Sudbury Tallant, Allan •Wl M 120 Concord Rd.
Sunderland Rice, Frederi ck W. C 237 Plum Tree Farm
Cameron, Donald Fish H 258 80 Cary Dr. Natick Thome, William C. K 501 1 College Rd. Needham Grandone, Raymond C. NH 75 Waters, Albert Neal KS 89 5 Parkinson St.
Swanpscott MacFarland, R. B. D. Jr. NH 263 201 Humphrey St. Swansea
McEwen, Robert Barlow NH 241 544 Milford Rd. Taunton
Richmond, Charles R. COR 569 4 Prospect Pl. White, EverettS. H 60 5 Main St.
Needham Heights
Hellberg, Kurt D. NH 40 38 Donna Rd. (94) Teel , Richard H. COR 468 95 Hunnewell St. Newton
Framingham Center
Seekonk Berndt, Richard T. COR 610 70 Central Ave. -R. F. D.
Falmouth Dwinell , VLt. Donald W. W 471 405 Palmer Ave. -Apt. 2
Moren, Franklin, V 17 96 Fairmont Ave.
East Longmeadow
Barnes, John K. NH 207 70 Day Ave. Koch, Karl L. N 382 243 Prospect St.
East Braintree
Brookline Freedman, Maier F. F 565 31 James Sl Smith, Dr. Philip, NH 104 140 Sewall Ave. Webber, Everett H. NH 85 29 Thayer St.
Lee Lee, Robert E. Jr. SY 362
Pittolield Root, William A. I. CT 73 16 Dexter St. Schneider, Robert G. MO 548 Balance Rock Road - Rt. 44
Concord Whitney, Otis M. H 400 Elm St.
Danvers Boston
Holyoke Wilhelm, John A. NH 197 1060 Main Sl
Scharenberg, Rolf P. Ml 574 12 Baldwin Newton Ce,ter Anderson, Herbert T. H 360 16 Royce Rd.
Northampton Beckmann, Carl Theodore COR 116 249 Main St. Lothrop, William W. NH 89 c/ o Psychology Serv. -VA Hosp. Shaub, Benjamin Martin COR 303 Dept. of Geology-Smith College
Horwood Saumsi egl e, Richard P. IN 639 49 Maple St.
Vineyard Haven
Strahan, James L. COR 156 Greenwood Ave. Waban Heath, Milton Weeks Ml 275 1835 Beacon St. White, David Calef H 221 63 Avalon Rd. Waltham Corwith, Edward F. COR 415 A. T . Ball Inc Wore
Macuga, Henry Joseph OH 60 5 Maple St. Wareham
Gleason, Kenneth J. NH 77 P. 0. Box 329
Otis Morris, Bruce, F 545 Route 8
Wellesley Brodell , Albert P. Jr. GW 229 7 Denni s Rd. Davi s, John R. ILL 561 34 Brook St. (81)
Wellesley Fonns
Woodall, Robert Arden RPI 39 580 Pleasant St. Peabody Bryant, Melvin A. NH 60 18 Beacon Blvd.
Jones, Robert Worth SY 206 159 Glen Rd. West Groton
Cook, John Edgar V 79 ~hep le y Rd . DIRECTORY PAGE 37
West M..llor.! Rockwell, Clifton D. Jr. NH 274 117 Mystic Sl West Springfield
Price, Rev. Wayne K. P 487 124 Garden Sl Thorington, Carl Haskell Ml 160 21 Ely Ave. Woodford, AlbertS. COR 436 11 Bou Ievard Westboro
Caefer, Raymond J. SY 344 10 W. End Ave. Knapp, Edward K. COR 471 10 West End Ave. Williamsburg Sherk, Kenneth Wayne, COR 304 Smi th College Winchester
Fielding, James A. COR 586 12 Lawren ce St. Sidebotham, Melvin H. COR 421 17 Indiana Hill Rd. Zimmerman, Carle Clark MD 239 ,6 eliff st. Winthrop Hubbard, G. D. CIN 232 ·31 Belcher St. C32l Wollaston
Morgan, Clarence Charles PS 139 98 Willow St. Worcester
Eteson, James H. F 180 6 Sheffield Rd. Harrington , Frank L . H 295 93 Williams St. (4) Molder, Joseph Carson H 305 10 Rutland Ter.
MIOiiGAN Albion Kelsey, Robert George NW 86 421 Brockway Pl. Nesbitt, Clifford W. Ml 362 1009 Michigan Ave. Allen Park Ohl son, John E. Jr. Ml &42 15541 Garfield Ave. Alto Watts, Ron ald Alan Ml 528 Watts, Valda Louis Ml 195
Ann Arbor Aupp erl e, Eri c M. Ml 594 716 Oak lan d Ave. Bail ey, Walter 0 . Jr. Ml 613 1504 Longshore Dr. Barnard, Hadley N 260 410 Sunset Blackett, Charles T. Ml 576 69.1 Spring Vall ey Or. Barton Hills, R. R. 1 Borthwick, Bruce M. SY 381 n 3 Olivia Ave. Bunting, Ru ssell W. Ml 15 2224 Vi newood Bl vd. Chri stm an, L ewi s G. Ml 139 3085 Hill Top Rd. Christm an, Weimarl. Ml 372 907 Sunnyside Churchill, Stuart W. Ml 427 937 Sunnyside Cl ark, H. Ken Ml 497 1440 Catalin a Ave. Colli er, Curtis A. DRS 250 1802 Abbott Ave. Curtis, Franci s D. OR 9 1604 Brook lyn Ave. Eastm an, Raye Claus Ml 165 233 Crest Ave. Fahrner, Jacob F. Jr. Ml 432 722 Sou le Blvd. Fischer, Carl H. 10 312 1706 Morton Ave. Fischer, Patrick C. Ml 595 1706 Morton Ave. Fren ch, Re v. James L. Ml 116 1202 Oak land Ave. Gi bson, Theodore T. Jr. Ml 405 1406 lro~J~oi s Pl. DIRECTORY PAGE 38
Gran vi lie, Robert, Ml 73 215 Wildwood Ave. Hall, William C. Ml 611 801 Granger Ave. Hammett, Ralph W. H 252 485 Riverview Dr. Howard, William E. Ill RPI 66 1020 Arbordale-Apl 4 Johnston, Clarence T. Ml 135 1335 Hill St. Kearney, Philip D. Ml 570 906 Packard St. Kingsbury, Ralph Steers, Ml 99 508 S. Division St. Kingsbury, Stewart A. Ml 458 c/ o R. S. Kingsbury 508 S. Division St. Lowell , Dean J. 0 227 School of Music Univ. of Michigan Mann, Richard J. Ml 39& 1606 Granger Ave. Ml 396 Manning, Paul J. ILL 446 616 Pauline Blvd. McCalla, Leonard, Ml 591 1301 Granger Miller, Herbert E. 10 33& 1925 Scottwood Moore, Paul A. 0 609 725 Madison Pl. Morton, Hobart C. Ml 283 1315 Washtenaw Ave. Neff, Franklin W. IN 403 1019 Pine Tree Niehuss, Marvin Lemmon Ml 295 1220 Fair Oaks Norris, Robert, Ml 72 1703 Baldwin Pl. Nystuen, John D. C 440 3418 Edgewood O'Brien, James H. Ml 621 2970 Shady Lane Penpraze, William K. Ml 616 2853 Bellewood, E. Platt, Harold T. Ml 592 1805 Arbor View Blvd. Ploughman, Theodore L. Ml 585 Box 2008 Prucha, Gerald Lynn OH 87 1212 Hi II St. Pryce, Charles Russell Ml 307 1120 Miller St. Sergean~ Floyd A. Ml 248 Federal Savings Bank Bldg . Seyfried, Ralph H. Ml 438 2025 Carhart Shier, Carlton Seelye Ml 381 1320 Olivia Ave. Sink, Charles A. Mich. Founder 1325 Olivia Ave. Small , Marland B. Ml 237 1130 E. Huron St. Stevenson, Russell Alger 10 143 2308 Brackman Stirling, Oliver, Jr. Ml 309 3191 S. Slate St. Wagner, Herbert Phillip Ml 435 8 Ridgeway Webb, Harry A. Ml 647 2735 S. Wagner Rd. Wolaver, Lynn E. ILL 666 919 S. Division St. Woollams, Stanley J. Ml 588 1516 Catalina Zerbel, David W. Ml 593 508 E. Ann Battle Creek Conner, Orval M. Jr. N 499 11 North Broad Gerdeman, George J. MD 608 40 St. Joseph Lane Hoffhines, Glenn Oscar KS 78 178 Frances Dr. Murphy, Jesse William Ml 61 98 Wendell St. Tapley, David R. NW 588 57 Birch Hill Dr. Vand ervoort, Peter M. Ml 632 41 Woolnough Well s, Edward R. ILl 160 68-V2 Emmet Wendt, Martin B. WIS 429 953 E. Michigan Wol sey, Henry Ceci I OS 114 Bo x 84 - Route 3 Bolding Fitzj ohn, John L . Ml 619 823 Pearl St. Bay City Allen, Arthur D. F 341 101 W. John Sl Jackson, Karl Russell Ml 188 Consumers Power Co.
Stalker, Edward A. Ml 293 406 N. Farra~! Sl
Benton Harbor Grosse, Mark Herbert ON 43 994 McAllister Luebke, Frederick Wm. Ml 379 490 Territorial Rd. Mahaffey, William E. NW 211 55& N. Ottawa Rd. Stewart, John S. Ml 629 279 Chippewa Big Rapids Lindblom, Andrew C. WY 80 701 Cherry Ave. Birmingham Booth, Stephen F. P 578 1295 Lake Pk. Boswell, Robert B. Ml 422 5674 Westwood Cl Carlson, Otto C. NW 419 18397 Warwick Dr. Davis, Glen M. H 331 947 Madison Dedo, Homer H. K 3&1 llOO Woodland Emde, Ludwig, Ml 324 32385 Mayfair Lane Harvie, William Henry Ml 260 28450 Santa Barbara Ave. Hickman, John B. Ml 5% 1360 E. Maple Fournier, John A. ILL 517 685 Kennesau Frandsen, George L. ILL 650 935 Norwich Henning, Robert Lester NW 384 1048 Ridgedale Jones, Blythe R. ILL 385 863 Southfield Kice, John D. P 536 1279 Villa MacQueen, Kenneth L. Ml 270 17549 Dunblaine Rd. Miller, George Wm. Ml 198 850 Glengarry Rd. Valpey, Grant R. Ml 407 851 Woodlea Willson, Stuart D. IN 412 587 Watkins Bloomingfleld Hills Gallentine, William D. CIN 129 2941 Atom Rd. - R. F. D. Bronson
Scribner, Cass Jerrold P 41 130 S. Walker Byron Center
Towner, Robert Gordon S 102 Cadillac Donnelly, William J. Ml 276
R. F. D. 3 Calumet
Broderick, Thomas M. WIS 142 120 Calumet Ave. Soddy, Thomas Phi II ips Ml 157 1201 Calumet Ave. Cheboygan Herzog, Charles R. ILL 649 Box 429 Clleaaning
Smith, Carl Francis ILL 501 Coldwater Sames, Robert William OHS 311 310 E. Chicago St. Coleman
Mason , C. C. Principal Ml 549 Coleman High School Crystal Falls Olin, William G. WIS 224 Pentoga Park Davison Spear, Norman F. NH 269 408 Balsam Drive
Dearbom Eckel, Robert B. COLO 379 8345 Arnold Ave. (6) Gregory, Thomas E. CIN 188 307 Tannahill Ave. Hosmer, Henry S. Ml 179 22112 Gregory Laird, Albert Norman Ml 1&8 24168 Rockford Dr.
McCormick, Or. Colin C. Ml 23& 24352 Rockford Ave. Miller, Merrill C. Ml 499 8529 Glengary (6) Reed, John Delos Ml 371 6446 Jonathan Rhodes, James C. P 45b 1330 Robindale Shumaker, Richard B. P 529 3426 Southfield Rd. Weidner, Paul A. CIN 1&8 1705 N. Lafayette Wunch, John E. Ml 456 ll52 Kingsbury St. Detroit Allen, Charles Easton CIN 17 9797 West Outer Dr. Baldwin, Howard A. P 327 15804 Ashton Rd. (23> Beer, Robert Clifton Ml 495 7293 Evergreen Brosius, Wm. L. Jr. MD 150 16150 Sorrento (35) Brown, Roger W. M 129 13073 Wade ( 13l Burnside, H:lward B. Ml 3ll 20403 Stratford (35) Carter, Wilber Albert COR 65 8741 Acadia Ave. Chalfant, Howard Duane IN 133 ll312 Inkster Rd. Claypool, Ormond W. PS 200 9343 Outer Or. , N. (23) Crawford, Mathew 0. IS 16 7027 Chatfield Ave. Crowell, Howard E. Ml 285 2906 E. Jefferson (7) Danz, Harry 0 . C. I l l 167 18951 Rosemont (19) Droll , Alfred S. K 354 8900 E. Jefferson (14) Elliott, Norton Braden ILL 405 15025 Artesian (23) Gehring, Philip E. Ml 639 9560 Abington Rd. Gilbert, Herbert W. WY 67 13940 Monica (38) Golubics, William G. Ml 625 18203 Sorrento (35) Graham, MacKellar K. Ml 376 192ll Curtis Ave. (19) Greenfield, Arthur Wm. Ml 253 3245 Chicago (6) Hall, Arch H. Ml 452 16818 Glastonbury (19) Hall, Richard W. Ml 477 9146 BeiW)ll (39) Hami I, Dr. Brenton M. 10 210 Henry Ford Hospital Hanson, James M. IS 533 14556 Whitcomb (27) Hay, Delos Royal SY 29 3493 Devonshire Rd. l24l Heraper, Joseph C. H 324 J. L. Hudson Co. Hindes, Howard M. Ml 266 1&875 Linwood (21J Hinman, Harry Winfield N 21 14865 Warwick (23) Hughes, Robert A. Ml 48& 18311 Ashbury Park {35) Kelly, Earl Allen Ml 299 15835 Rosemont Rd. Kodes, Fred V. OH 68 16901 Griggs <21J Kolb, John Karl WIS 269 18619 Appolina Ave. (21J Laning, George Michie Ml 71 2025 West 6 Mile Rd. Letts, Neil F. Ml 583 1559 Clark {9) Lewis, Sanford A. WIS 325 14557 Faust {23l Lewis, Samuel Foster W 72 885 E. Grand Blvd. (7) Lunn, Harry Hyatt Jr. Ml 559 4350 Waverly Ave. {4) Macintosh, Donald J. NW 416 20195 Northrup (1 9) Macl vor, John A. Ml 59 1415 Parker Ave. (14) Martin, James Oavi d Ml 543 18331 Lancashire {23) Malsom, Frederick A. Ml 490 19714 Riverview Dr. (19) Matthews, George W. Ml 415 9355 Louis (39) Maurer, Robert Helmut CIN 30 14410 Woodrow Wilson (3) Maynard, Horace S. Jr. Ml 111 2003 Fisher Bldg. (2J McDonald, Francis W. Jr. Ml 397 946 Anita-Grosse Pts. Br. {3&) Mclellan, Robert A. Ml 627 19411 Hersey {3)
Neal, Herbert R. Jr. Ml 560 1&32 Alter Rd. <15l Nelson, Hildamer E. MIN 417 817 Marlborough 05> Nolte, Carroll August IN 20& 2133 Dime Bank Bldg. !21>) Opdyke, Robert H. Ml 41>3 1'1'113 Fairway O&l Peterson, Kenneth Earl W 25b 18428 Brady (19) Schultz, John W. Ml 313 4220 Sturtevant St. (4) Shaffmaster, Homer C. Ml 133 11>35 Dime Bldg. (2bl Shoemaker, Chari es H. F 383 18&01 Lancashire (23) Steinbach, Or. John D. 10 172 1058 Fisher Bldg. 3011 W. Grand (2) Strobel, Otto F. Ml 480 90&6 Brace (28) Walls, Arch, Ml 229 17201 W. McNichols (35) West, Robert Joseph CH 11>4 154 Bagley-512 United Artists Bldg. Wetterholt, Roy Neil Ml 587 9115 Longworth (9l Widrig, Francis Smith COR 225 15819 Vaughan Ave. !23) Williams, Norman R. Ml 317 11091 Cloverlawn (4) Wy l ie, David A. KS 319 19162 Kingville <24) East Jordan Ely, George Beckwith P 85 Route 2 Dexter
Belt, Delbert F. P 342 7765 - 4th St. Drayton Plains Rogers, RobertS. CIN 192 3744 Shoals Eaat Tawas Deacon, Eugene L. IS 53 P. 0. Box 254 Eacanaba
Wickman, Charles Robert Ml 575 900 Lake Shore Or. Farmington
Glenn, Truman G. WIS 257 31>401 Howard Rd. Holcombe, Drayton F . Ml 223 33125 Grand River Ave. Morris, Charles D. IS 384 32298 Loomis Rd. Fennville Hutchinson, Jesse E . Ml 365 Femdole Ahlquist, Edward R. 10 370 831 Pearson (20l Hagaman, Gerald Stuart CIN 132 2b8 LeRoy Parsons, Roy Madison Ml 141 446 Maplehurst Ave., W. (20> File Lake Olson, David D. Ml 50& Box 132 Flint Brownell, Edmund B. Ml 482 ll05 South Dr. (3) Budae, Robert M. Ml 623 2505 Davison Rd. Converso, William P SY 276 Flint Com. Music Assn. Cor. Kearsley & Crappo St. Deane, Richard Glen Ml 484 1913 Concord St. Johnson, Walker Blaine Ml 182 725 Stevens St. Knight, Roy C. OS 13 1801 Kenwood Fronk fort Gullett, Oooald D. COLO 477 c/ o Collins Drug Store Gordon City Schoerger, Alan T. Ml 507 7487 Plainfield Rd. Goy lord McKillop, Gordon Lovejoy Ml 213 Grand Hovon Bowen, Carl T. 10 95 c/ o Ottawa Co . -Road Commissioo SEPTEMBER, 1960
Kistler, John Joseph K 252 512 Woodlawn St. Grond Ropids Amberg, Julius H. H 125 500 Michigan Trust Bldg. Bowman, Or. Harold E. IN 419 2209 Wilshire, S. E. Dexter, Louis M. Ml 282 800 Plymouth Rd., S. E. (6) Oufendach, William R. P 643 4335 Curwood, S. E. Friend, William K. Ml 320 31 Mayfair Dr., N. E. Hand, Henry F. COR 126 1865 Perkins Ave., N. E. Hatch, Sherman R. Ml 357 85 Manila St., S. E. (8) Hecht, David M. Ml 601 1528 Forrester Ave., S. E. (8) Johns, Conrad J. MD 557 1028 Iowa St. SW Lett, Max Allen IS 263 1111 Walsh St. , S. E. <7l Lofgren, Lowell I. H 228 112 College, S. E. Lundstrom, Chester C. NW 386 2072 Corooado Or. Mainey, John K. ILL 703 1337 Ellsmere, N. E. (1) Masse! ink, George Henry 10 300 716 College, S. E. McCoy, Thomas F. Ml 142 142 Grace! and, N. E. Pyle, Carleen , 10 267 1322 Hurd St. , S. E. (6) Schumann, Carl Louis, Ml N 226 5b8 Morris Ave. , S. E. Vinkemulder, John Gerald Ml 262 1650 Alexander St. , S. E. East Grand Rapids Parr, Nevin Franci IN 97 1023 San Jose Dr., S. E. Wenger, Ralph Wiseman OHS 506 928 Lakeside Dr. , S. E. (6) Grosse lie Sharrard, George F. Ml 420 9345 Lakewood Drive
Collick, Orville, Y 114 224 E. Aurora Trezise, Arthur Hocking NW 88 709 Sutherland Udd, Kermit Wilhelm MIN 424 U. S. Forestry Serv. Jackson
Broughton, Bryce Wise Ml 433 314 N. Jackson St. Oentoo, John S. Jr. Ml 1>00 760 Beverly Park Galbreath, John R. Ill Ml 569 ll05 Clinton Rd. Hazelworth, John Wesley Ml 216 413 Steward Ave. Lefferts, Orvi lie OeBruce Ml 353 1013 Chittock Ave. Sampson, Peter F. Ml 634 115 Fourth Strickland, Richard A. Ml 606 341 W. Morrell Matthews, Lloyd Parker N 342 155 W. Mansion St. Kalamazoo
Christie, John G. P 216 2617 Winchell Fritz, Edward J. RPI 116 133 Bulkley St. Gary, Mitchell Joseph MIN 359 Westem St. Teachers College Grushon, Richard H. M 107 3812 Femdale Or. Hilliard, George H. 10 88 432 W. Dutton Koepsell, Harold W. WIS 441 5240 Bronson La Crone, James T . Ml 662 1710 Ki ngston Ave. Scott, D. N. ILL 426 University Center Westem Michigan Univ. Taylor, Vinal 0. Ml 323 2504 Springbrook Woodruff, Eugene Hurlbut Y 218 1225 Frank I in Ct. Lake Odessa Paulson, Wi Iii am H. Ml 535 Lake Odessa High School
Grosse Point Fanns
Brown, Cecil Hugh Ml 315 261 Kerby Rd. <30l DeFries, William F. Ml 391 174 Morass Rd. <30> Jackson, Richard W. Y 226 124 Merri weather Rd. (30> Stevenson, Herbert A. Ml 100 286 Lothrop Rd. (36) Grosse Pointe Park
Thompsoo, Paul W. COR 59 1119 Devonshire Rd. (30) Grosse Pointe Woods
Petrie, Frank Alphus OHS 303 1354 Hawthome Rd. (30) Harper Woods
Goultl, Ralph W. Jr. ILL 608 20434 Country Club Or. (36) Highland Pork Kemmish, James V. IS 367 186 Glendale Ave. (3) Matthews, W. Mason 10 287 150 Richton St. Van Gorder, Harry M. PS 15 230 Grove St. (3) Hillsdale Betts, Frank C. Ml 609 89 N. West Hall and Hills, Arthur Charles Ml 419 c/ o High School Holly Burgess, Kenneth L. Ml &35 401 Thomas St. Howell Chapel, Dan G. Ml &24 329 Riddle St. Imlay City Churchill, James Paul , Ml 449 243 E. Third St. Buchanan, Dr. Thomas K. Ml 448 290 S. Almon Ironwood
croom, William G. Ml 530 125 W. Francis
Lakeside Kersh, Jerome W. IN 429 27 Main St. East Lansing Andrews, Stanley, MD 235 3515 Marigold Coleman, Howard W. NW 277 1009 Chesterfield Pkwy. Davi s, James H. ILL 748 1309 B. Univ. Vi II age Hall, Or. Charles F. KS 303 1>13 Chevy Lane Hanna, Dr. Roger J . IN 70 2698 Heather Dr. Henderson, Earl Wilton MD 194 Poultry Department Michigan State College Moore, Russel H. Ml 336 620 Glenhaven Munson, Col. Merton E. 0 209 534 Sycamore Lane Pomeroy, Richard Whaley Ml 370 775 Collingwood Lansing Altenburg, Jesse Howard Ml 191> 1512 James St. Hill , Vaughn Edwin NW 453 1825 Olds Ave. Hubbard, Harry Dow, N 262 1106 Olds Tower Bldg. McCormick, James R. Ml 597 320 W. Rockford Rd. McDonald, George D. 10 175 Michigan Ave. -Bo x 2007 (lll McGi II, Charles B. PS 383 2209 Pleasant Grove Rd. Near, Melvin K. Ml 534 301 W. Lenawee (33) Pfotenhauer, David E. MO 501 1>08 S. Washington Ave. !33l Reynolds, David B. Ml 573 1444 Cambridge Rd.
Trenkle, Howard R. P 632 31201> W. Chicago Rd. Ludinvton Strickler, William H. Ml 562 1658 N. Lake Shore Dr.- Rl 3 Madison Heights Reistad, Dale L. WIS 513 29265 Tessmer Ct. East 12 Mile Rd. Manistee
Brownrigg, William G. Ml 191 Marine City Bowden, Dr. WilliamS. Ml 417 130 Washington St. Marshall Fo x, Carl Seymour IS 195 723 E. Mansion Midland Dyste, Wallace F. MIN 617 1109 Corrinne Griswold, Arthur M. NW 118 813 St. Andrews Rd . Milford Hegenbarth, Gordon L M 53 7073 Capri Or. -Rt. 2 Kroesing, George B. K 522 9516 Round Lake Rd.
Nadeau, Howard Eugene Ml 79 1712 Seventh St. Sabatke, Laurin S. IS 258 405 Henes Park Dr. Midland Widman, Lee E. Ml 383 712 W. Meadowbrook Monroe
Case, Roger Owen NW 231 326 Colooial Dr. Everett, Erwin Burgess MIN 407 5822 Elmwood Dr. Jackson, Francis Eugene Ml 346 708 Wolverline Kutscher, Robert E. OH 110 980 Winston Or. Montague
Bames, Dr. James W. CIN 180 Mt. Clemens
Hecht, Dwight W. Ml 640 24765 Crocker Blvd. Minor, Richard E. COLO 696 35049 Golden Wright, John W. P 393 1470 Warrington Muskegon
Forder, John B. C 395 1277 Palmer Hodson, Richard K. Ml 581 1307 W. Summit St. New Baltimore Dun I ap,_ Duane F. Ml 5 'II 51280 County Line Rd. Niles Buckley, Leo F. MD 535 1625 Cedar Point Dr. Hull , Roy M. MD 558 P. 0 . Box 225 Jackson, Rowland A. MD 558 1515 Inner Dr. Parkin, Waite H. ILL 81 c/ o National Std. Co. Stone, Raymond H. ILL 627 925 Tomahawk Sumerwell , Robert F. MIN 470 1424 Sycamore Welton, J. Richard WIS 522 R-4 Okemos
Woodford, John P. COR 435 2161 Seminole Drive
LapHr Bahls, Richard J. Ml 501 449 Fox St.
Orchard Lake Walls, Fred J . Ml 226 5669 Shore Or.
Livonia Evans, Edward L. Ml 349 33505 Raybum St. MacGregor, Don C. Ml 522 9155 Colorado
Campbell , George W. Ml 287 Argus Press Campbell , John E. Ml 203 Owosso Argus Press DIRECTORY PAGE 39
DesJardins, Jerry Lee Ml 539 b40 First St. Douglas, James E. Jr. Ml 540 1311 N. Washington Sl Sweet, Laurence C. Ml 54b 318 W. Oliver St.
Petoskey Christopherson, Arthur J . WIS 44b 815 Lindell
Plymouth Dostie, Clarence V. K572 41134 Russett Lane F e1ner, Graham U. PS 257 40b00 Plymouth Rd. Weathers, Leland C. COLD 273 40274 - 5 Mile Rd., R. R. 2 Pontiac Brewster, Harry G. SY 217 2blb McClintock Corsaut, Thomas E. Ml 538 P. 0 . Box 359 Hubbard, Charles Edw. Ml 171 1209 PSB Bldg. Hunt, Gerald Grant Ml 3b4 419 W. Iroquoi s Jones, Howard L. MIN b7 1550 Lo chaven Port Huron
Weeks, Charle s Rozell N 12 1040 Wall St. Ravenna
Moore, Albert H. P 358 Richl..,d Everly, Floyd A. K 438 Route 2
Rochester Foutz, Martin F. Jr. F 522 191 Ti ensen Rd. Romeo
Wei ch, 305 Welsh, 305
Wi IIi am Hazen Ml 210 South Main William Henry F 384 S. Main St.
Royal Oak Brazier, Claude N. IN b44 3249 Harvard Rd. Davi s, Roger A. IS 428 1003 Ca talp a Dr. Freeman, Gerald G. Ml 580 1809 Gardenia Hoyt, John H. Ml 533 2449 Galpin Opdyke, Wil li am W. Ml 475 19lb Houstonia Ave. Livermore, James N. COR 203 5 Hanover Rd. -Pleasant Ridge T ennan t, Ernest M. CO LO 207 27lb Glenview Wirtz, Paul B. WIS 581 3105 Cooli dge Hwy.
Southfield Smith Herbert E. Ml 4b5 28J40 W. Kalong Circle
Brainerd Barnes, George Ayers Jr. MIN 133 Route 5
South Hovon Gaston, Harold Paul KS 93 b2 S. Haven St. Reichart, Ernest L. KS 12b Box 128 - R. R. 5
Barley, Ivan S. P 97 4745 Swartout Or. McKee, Duncan Buchanan Ml 38b 1724 Mershon Ave. Pi erson, Wi lmer G. Ml 4b4 200 Eddy Bldg. Sprack lin, Howard L. Ml 4b0 2507 Kensin gton Or.
St. Clair
Magary, James F. Ml 584 b31 North 3rd St. St. Joseph Robinson, Richard F. NW 428 13lb Sheri dan Rd. Spink, Robert Fran cis P 314 1129 Orchard Ave. Taylor, John P. P 40b 2bl8 Lakeview Ave.
Wait, J . Paul COR 51 Room 1 - Wait Block
Sault Ste Marie
Speer, Ralph White IS 458 912 John St.
Cherba, Robert B. Ml b3b 3433 W. Grand Blanc Rd. Traverse City Collins, Carroll Walker Ml 177 439 Sixth St. Ohrenberger, John T. Ml bl5 341 W. Ninth St. Watervliet
Ki ng, Harry R. NW 511
R. R. 2 West Branch
Philbrick, Allen Richard SY 189 State Forest Headquarters Weir, George Earl Ml 14b
Williamston Behrens, Robert G. ILL 334 Box 11 Ypsilanti
Bjornstad, Anton Harold Ml 352 700 Ferris St. Nissly, Arthur Fredrick Ml 228 109 Wallace Blvd. Sattler, John W. Ml 350 13b4 Collegewood Sayles, Ashley 0. IS 324 801 Charles Seyfried, Frederick J. Jr. Ml 401 1208 Sherman Zoolond Poest, Vernon Glenn Ml 400 103 W. Lawrence St.
Cambridge Oablow, John Frederi ck MIN 542
Can Lake Black, Beryl A. ILL 248 Box b01
Nash, Emmery 0. KS 159 Bo x 231 Fairmont
Heimark, Julius J . MIN 253
Chicago City Johnson, Klein L . MIN 574
Fergus Falls Quist, Paul Peter MIN 4b2 422 Cleveland Ave.
Circle Pinos McFarland, Roger E. MIN b39 327 Elm St.
Forest Lake Engstrom, Leslie G. MIN 222 Route 2 - Bo x 92-Al
Cloquet Oinham, David E. MIN b09 322 Avenue 0.
Fulda Dickson, Marshall John COLO 42
Fahlstrom, Paul G. MIN b31 1511 Selmser Ave. Johnson, Kenneth F . CT7b P. 0 . Box 435 Larson, Paul H. NW 533 b20 Walnut St.
Coon Rapids Fulton, Donald G. MIN 573 11911 Undercliff Crookston Larsen, Clarence M. MIN 238 Mitchell, Clifford D. MIN 233 234 Houston Ave. Watts, Sheldon J . MIN bbO b02 Elm St. Danvers
Stehn, Roger Keith MIN b84
Kean, Napoleon Dudl ey Jr. MIN 292 Star Route Dennison Hoverstad, Arne S. MIN b85 Detroit Lakes Carlson, John David MIN bb1 420 W. Willow St.
MINNESOTA Alexandria
Hewett, Leland M. MIN 388 Hewett Fire Co. Adams, C. Roy MIN 109 401 S. River St. Johnson, Herbert P. MIN 3b7 811 Niola Kuechenmeister, Hugo, Jr. WIS 470 1307 W. College Strong, Jack W. PS 321 Bo x 402 Appleton Abraham son, Daniel F. IW 23 3 5 W. Sorenson Ave. Austin
Thatcher, Robert J . 0 599 304 N. Millfield Aurora
Neubauer, Robert G. MIN 583 General Delivery Bog loy Thorbeck, Duane E. MIN b73
Duluth Amundson, Or. Dale W. MIN 587 1202 E. Superior St. Andersen, Rodney J . MIN b9l 3832 West bth St. (7) Anthony, Ri chard Wayne MIN 517 Radio Station KDAL Baumgartner, Howard M. Ml N b48 10b North 27th Ave., W. (b) Cooley, Kenneth John MIN 410 1914 East 9th St. Fi sher, Harry E. MIN 703 2b05 Hagberg St. Grover, John Allen MIN bSS 4531 McCulloch St. Joppa, Everett L. WIS 212 225 North 3bth Ave., E. LeVasseur, Robert D. MIN b79 b13 North 22nd Ave., W. (b) Nelson, Harry Clarence MIN 328 2432 W. Rogers Blvd. Ostlund, Bertil R. MIN 701 817- 23rd Ave., W. (b) Otto, Donald Robert MIN b32 422 E. Third St. Rolla, Carl, MIN 412 4b14 West 5th St. (7) Rude, Ronald Quane MIN b54 1231 East 8th St. Sorensen, Sheldat D. MIN b53 2125 Woodland Ave. (3) Young, Thomas Otto MIN 221 Medical Arts Bldg.
Bechtel, John B. , Jr. F 513 Box 843 Dickinson, Charles A. MIN 584 Bayport Hagen, Clifford Robert MIN 434
Mongreig, Louis Morgan ILL 219 40b W. Grand
Evoloth Peritz, Walter John ON 82 429 Fayal Ave.
Swartz Cr. . lc
Sal ine
Stimpson, Theodore 0. NW lb7 101 N. Lewis
Buhl Satterfield, Kenneth C. IS 183
Elk Rlvor Byson, Herbert Bruce MIN b24
Spring Loko Oamm, Thomas A. NW 353 18148 Lovell Rd.
·Austin Saginaw
Townsend, De Wayne, H 142 Brooten Clinic
Elbow Lako Hauge, Webster Albert MIN 35b
Whitaker, Paul Douglas MIN 387
Gilbert Fahlstrom, Paul Gerin MIN b31 Box 44 - R. F. D. Neubauer, August MIN 170 Box 44, R. F. D. Neubauer, Donald J. MIN 541 Box 44, R. F. D. Wallien, Robert A. MIN b34
Hammond Fuers1neau, Jon S. MIN bbS Box 523 Howley Thysell , Willard Albert MIN 508 Heron Lalce
Wilcoxon, John Robert MIN 555 Hi bbing Butchart, Dana L . MIN 294 3014 Fourth Ave. Diehl, Alfred S. Jr. MIN b25 2128- lOth Ave., E. Eddie, Scott McNeil MIN bSb 350b W. Inner Or. Nelson, John Fi eld MIN 401 2110- 11th Ave. Rough, James Henry Jr. Ml 207 2011 Third Ave., E. Hopkins
Ori II, Herman Ernst MIN 3b0 Jensen, Reynold A. MIN 429 1b424 Lake St. , Ext. LeVasseur, John A. MIN bb3 400 - 5th Ave. , N. Smetana, Harold Wm. MIN 332 37 - 11th Ave. , S. Willis, Ira S. P 418 201 Oakwood Rd. Houston
Hempstead, Orson, IS 234 Hutchinson
Chernausek, Dwight S. MIN 537 24 Washington Ave. , W. Christopher, Leslie Ben 10 17b Popp, Harold R. WIS 352 35 Glen Sl, N. Pre ston, Walter J. ILL b55 402 Lynn Rd. Jackson
Grottum, Bjarne Edgar MIN 241 Karlstad Lehrer, Linton R. MIN 513 Lake Crystal Thomas, Boyd Raymond MIN 322 Thomas, John Robert Ml N 378 Lewisville Barickm<Vl, Earl Dean MIN 534
L1111o Falls Wost Duluth Brooks, James Everett MIN 592 432 North 7bth Ave. Edina Hunt, Charles L. MIN 598 b209 Crest Lane Witts, Seth N. MIN 375 5113 Indianola Ave.
Bolstad, Or. Owen C. MIN 572 Riverwood-Route 4 Ryan, Loiel Stanley Jr. NW 274 R. F. 0. - Route 4 Modolio McK i bben, Jacob H. IS 25b Zimmerman, Harry Francis WIS 221 Box 95 THE TRIAD