Acacia Triad - Summer 1961 - Vol. 56, No. 4

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TR AD EDITOR Acacia's First Professional Editor Extensive changes-both in appearance and contents-of The Triad will be effected with the fall issue as a new editor takes over your fraternity's quarterly publication. He is Alan ' Olson, 35, a professional journalist from New York City, and an alumnus from Minnesota Chapter (1945) . Olson currently is editing a monthly business magazine, FAST FOOD, which reaches some 50,000 owners of restaurants throughout the United States. He is vice president of the firm that publishes his magazine and seven others, all national trade publications. Changes planned by the new editor include a new cover design by a professional New York artist, new layouts for major feature stories, an entirely new approach to handling of news from Acacia chapters, the use of more color and more photographs in each issue. All four issues of The Triad will be published during the normal school year, from the fall issue in September through the summer issue, which will be mailed in May hereafter. "We want active members of our fraternity to get the full benefit from our magazine during those months when most of them are enrolled in colleges, " explains Olson, "rather than having one .issue-the summer issue-reach many of them after they have moved home for three months." His plans for the magazine include emphasis on more timely subjects as commented on by alumni of Acacia now holding successful positions in all walks of life. There will also be humorous articles, recipes from chapters for party buffet suppers, tips for social chairman (Olson served three years at Minnesota as Junior Dean, planning parties by the housefull) , and interviews with prominent Acacians designed to offer advice to future graduates as well as counsel for alumni. The new Triad editor comes from a journalistic family. His father, three uncles and both grandfathers were all editors. In fact, his father at 72 is still serving as Associate Editor for a daily newspaper in Red Wing, Minnesota, Olson's home town. After graduating from high school, where he edited his school paper, Olson worked as a reporter for almost two years on the Red Wing newspaper and then enrolled in Journalism School at the University of Minnesota. While on campus he was elected to Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalism fraternity. He ran for and won a seat on the Board of Publications for two years, serving as its president in his senior year. He was named a member of the Grey Friars, an honorary senior men's society. He worked for two summers on The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass. , and then returned to Minnesota in 1948 to serve as Area News Editor for the Winona Republican-Herald, a job he held for four years. In 1952 he moved to New York to accept a position as Associate Editor with The Food Institute, a nonprofit trade association, leaving that job two years later to become managing editor of FAST FOOD magazine. Three months after joining the publication he was promoted to editor. He was made a vice president in 1960. Olson is married to another University of Minnesota student, the former Joan Kuhn, also of Red Wing. They have a son, Kenneth (5) and a daughter, Nancy, (3) and have just moved into a new house at 76 Leslie Lane, Katonah, New York, a suburb some 50 miles north of the city where Olson's office is located. In New York City, Olson has been active with the Business Publication Editors Association, serving two terms as its president and a year as chairman of the board. He is a member of the Society of Business Magazine Editors, a national professional group, and belongs to the Overseas Press Club in New York City. Olson also is active in the Society for Advancement of Food Service Research. Two years after graduating from the University of Minnesota, Olson joined the Masons, being raised in the Blue L odge at Winona, Minn. in the spring of 1950. He served two years as a Dad for the Winona DeMalay Chapter (having been active in DeMolay work throughout his high school days at Red Wing.) Olson continued his Masonic work by becoming a 32nd degree Mason in the Winona Commandery. Upon moving east, he joined an all-Swedish lodge, Bredablick, in New York City and has served as its organist for the past six years. A professional organist since college days, Olson at one time played for 15 different Masonic bodies in New York City in addition to his daytime editing job. He still plays for two Blue lodges and substitutes for others , as well as for numerous churches in and around the city. As an executive with his publishing firm , Olson travels extensively throughout the United States and plans to com bine such business trips with visits to as many Acacia chapters as possible.

SEATTLE ALUMNI Meetings-Second Thursday of January , February, April, October and November 6 :00 P .M. College Club--605 Spring St. For further information contact: Bill Burdue, 6915 58th N.E .


VOLUME LVI KANSAS CITY ALUMNI Meetings-Third Wednesday evening each month World War II Memorial Bldg. Luncheons-Weekly on Tuesdays 12 noon Omar Room Hotel Continental For further information contact : William .H . Love. Jr. 5422 Aberdeen Road, K .C., Kan .





WICHITA ALUMNI Meetings-4th Monday of June, August, October, Dec., Feb. and Apr. For further information contact: Norton K . Turner · 515 Brown Bldg.

TABLE OF CONTENTS HAW All ALUMNI Meetings-Second week of January, April, July and October. For further information contact : Ned E . G. Will, Jr. 757-801 or 63-961 OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNI Meetings-First Tuesday of month 6 :30 P.M. and Third Wednesday at noon Patrick's Restaurant N .W. 23rd & N . Western Oklahoma City For fur ther information contact : Lindsey L. Long 1924 N.W . 31st Street




SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNI Meetings-Every third Thursday 12 Noon Ox Bow Restaurant 389 Sutter Street For further information contact: Bob Tanem. 842 Rincon Way, San Rafael. Calif.

WASHINGTON. D .C., ALUMNI Meetings-12 Noon on last Tuesday of month Almas Temple AAONMS 13th & K Streets, N .W. For further information contact : Tommy Tompkins so 5-2051

New TRIAD Editor . . .... .. ...... . ... .. ..... . .. . .. .. . ... . . Cover II Founder Malcolm's Passing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Syracuse Celebrates Its Golden Anniversary •

Reflections of Your Editor Acacians The World Over Among Acacia's Chapters








































































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Chapter Eternal ..... .. .. .... . . ............ . ... . .. ... .. .. ... . .. 104

PENN STATE ALUMNI Meetings.-Third Thursday of month 12 :15 P .M . Penn State Chapter House For further information contact : Edwin P. Kohler, Box 859 State College, Pa. OMAHA ALUMNI Meetings-1st Monday of month 12:10 P .M . Elks Building For further information contact : Don R . Cunningham 2412 N. 51st Street

COVER Six undergraduate Acacians serving as pallbearers for Founder Malcolm's funeral (Story on page 90) SUMMER, 1961

Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Nashville, Tennessee. Fifty cents per copy, $15.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere. Published quarterly at The Benson Printing Company, 136 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville 3, Tennessee, for the Acacia Fraternity, a college social fraternity, founded at the University of Michigan on May 12, 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference. Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters, 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston, ID. Subscription orders, photographs, cepy, and correspondence of a business nature should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters, 1569 Sherman A venue, Evanston, lllinois.


FOUNDER MALCOLM'S ¡PASSING The long and distinguished career of Founder George A. Malcolm came to an end in Los Angeles on May 16th, when he passed away following surgery at Sano Monte Hospital. Justice and Mrs. Malcolm had just returned from an extensive trip to the Far East. It was on this trip that he was honored by the Masonic Fraternity in Manila when it bestowed the 33rd degree on Brother Malcolm. He also participated in the 50th Anniversary celebration of the founding of the city of Baguio in the Philippines. Joint Acacia and Masonic funeral rites were conducted at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California, Saturday, May 20th. First National Vice President Harvey Amos conducted the Acacia service in cooperation with Past Master C. L. Christensen who carried out the Masonic rite. Brother Amos eulogized Founder Malcolm with these words: What manner of love is this that man should set aside this time to meditate and speak of the beauty, the wisdom, yea the very expression of God that he sees and feels in the inspiration of his fellow man? Truly the man that you and I know in Brother Malcolm is exemplified in the well known scriptural admonition to "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven .. . ye are the light of the world. A city set on an hill cannot be hid." (Matthew 5) Yes, George Malcolm's light will always shine. This is not an hour: of mourning, but one of appreciation. All that Brother Malcolm gave of himself to the world will never end. His teachings and counsel come nearer and dearer to us to guide our trembling footsteps as we feel our way through our own life experience, as we strive to emulate his courage and stance. From one side of this globe to the other has come light and enlightenment itself from the lips an_d pen of our brother. Like the hillside city of h1s own founding at Baguio in his beloved Philippines, George Malcolm's light has never and can never be hid. Honors we render him on this occasion must be numbered with the grains of sand that demonstrate the acclaim showered upon him. We will continue our love, respect, and dedication to him and all that for which his own devotion stands. In the world of law and jurisprudence emerges generous praise for the greatness of our esteemed friend and brother. No more eloquence can be found than these simple phrases that are inscribed on a m ost cherished plaque awarded him only recently. May I share them with you? "T o George A. Malcolm. For the warmth and

Founder Malcolm participating in an Active and Alumni gathering of the Southern California Chapter.

breath of his human sympathy which brought him to this land so far from his own, where he dedicated himself to the numerous problems and needs of this young country and without hesitation but with much thought, sought the solution most beneficial to her enlightenment, welfare, and progress; "For his enduring contributions to legal education and to Philippine jurisprudence particularly demonstrated in the founding of the first law school in English now known as the College of Law of the University of the Philippines; in the authorship of the charter and the organization of the City of Baguio; in the codification of the city of Manila and the authorship of legal textbooks and treatises; "For his uncompromising defense as presiding justice of the Supreme Court; of the freedom of speech and criticism of the government, risking popularity with those in power to defend the unpopular concept of complete freedom of the press and finally for exemplifying and adding new dimensions to the ideal of useful citizenship; the citizenship that recognizes no barrier of land, race or creed; the citizenship of the world, lived and practiced in great dignity and greater humility." How appropriate that his magnificent career in building and upholding those who sought his aid, should be launched back in 1906 by a brother in Acacia. How worthy he was to have earned President Woodrow Wilson's confidence and appointment to the Supreme Court mentioned when only 35 years of age. For 30 more years his contributions to the stature of the Philippines were innumerable. What man of today can lay hold to the distinction of having four of his students rise to the presidency of their country? It was then on to Puerto Rico where his influence was beyond measure as he diligently served as Attorney General. Untiring in his devotion and service, he and his everpresent wife have circled this w orld of ours more than 12 times, with more than 42 crossings of the vast Pacific. Each time


Founders Malcolm and Sink sitting on the Acacia Bench at the University of Michigan and surrounded by Acacia dignitaries.

Founder Malcolm (left) and Founder Sink receiving Founder's rings from Past National President Ruppenthal at the Golden Anniversary Condave.

returning to give of himself through relentless authorship of more than 18 acclaimed books on law and the social sciences. Brother Malcolm's sphere of activity was always without limit. He found time to promote and serve the worthy cause of Rotary International. Beyond this, he was and is a Free Mason. Recognized as the highest honor the Masonic Fraternity can bestow is its 33rd degree. Our brother is the recipient of that degree. Stemming from his love for Masonic principles and teachings, how appropriate that one of his earliest contributions to his fellow men was aiding' in the founding of Acacia Fraternity over 57 years ago. Not only a founder, but a reliable sustainer-always active in his desire to see his fraternity build "men among men," who now have the same opportunity in this world to follow in his footsteps of greatness. It was he who helped select the Acacia motto of "Human Service." More than a motto. To him it was a lamp post lighting his every path and pursuit. More than 21,000 brothers in Acacia now wear the same badge as he. Young men on 46 different campuses over the nation today are just beginning to grasp the depth and spirit of our esteemed founder and brother, and the principles and philosophy of life established for them to trace and absorb. From November, 1881, in Concord, Michigan, to May 16, 1961, here in Southern California, history has been made, and George Malcolm has contributed much to its record. We cannot hide our pride and esteem. Like this history which is without end, so is the life and the man George Malcolm without end. How can we fathom life which seems so brief? Brother Malcolm gave us the answer . . . that is to put all of ourselves into the life span that our God gives us ... just as he did. To his charming wife, Lucille, to his devoted daughter, Mary, and her fine family, we humbly attempt to convey our most sincere and warmest love, as well as to extend the appreciation of untold hundreds for your sharing him with the world.

This then is the manner of love that God hath bestowed upon us. And as the disciple John so aptly said it, " . . . we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is!" Honorary pallbearers who sent special messages were General Douglas MacArthur; Luis Munoz Marin, Governor of Puerto Rico; Ambassador Carlos P. Romulo, of the Philippines; Ricardo Paras, Chief Justice ofthePhilippine Supreme Court; Dr. Charles Sink, co-Founder of Acacia; Carl P. Miller, president of Rotary International; Dr. Fred Stevens, Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of the Philippines; and noted author Paul Wellman. By special request of Mrs. Malcolm the following undergraduate Acacians were selected and served as pallbearers: From Long Beach State Chapter, Lionel Tanig'oshi and Mike Beckett; from U.C.L.A. Chapter, Fred Merrick and Jim Young; from U .S.C., Cap Peaslee and Malcolm Matstellar. Each wore a sprig of Acacia and concluded the committal service in the famous Great Mausoleum of Forest Lawn by placing their Acacia on the casket. These three Chapters and the California Chapter, at a recent joint meeting in Los Angeles, unanimously resolved to rename their current DeMolay room scholarships to the "George A. Malcolm DeMolay Scholarships," thus perpetuating the life history and accomplishments of our esteemed founder. (Continued on Page 104) George A. Malcolm in the Acacia Club at Michigan before the founding of the Acacia Fraternity.


Six Original Founders P·r esent SIX OUT OF EIGHT SURVIVING CHARTER MEMBERS RETURN -Standing: Harold S. Orr, Charles H . Miller, Fred C . Hill, Dr. Oakley A. Allen. Seated: Edwin S. Hopson, 1st V.D. and Nicholas Ransier.

On April 29th the Syracuse Chapter celebrated a most eventful and glorious Golden Anniversary as many alumni returned to renew old ties with their brother Acacians. An outstanding attraction for that w eekend was the return of six of the eight living Founders. The Founders returning were: Dr. Oakley A. Allen, Fred C. Hill, Edwin S. Hopson, Charles H. Miller, Harold S. Orr, and Nicholas Ransier. Communications wer e received from the other two who were unable to be present for the gala ocassion. When asked if they thought they would ever have a fifty year celebr ation for their chapter, the founders had various answers, but the prevailing attitude was optimistic.

They felt that a chapter will have its ups and downs throughout its lifetime. Times do not change to the extent that a chapter will never have problems. However, the successful chapter in one of its down periods can come out of the doldrums if the men are willing to work harder and perhaps make some personal sacrifices for the good of the organization. This has been characteristic of the Syracuse Chapter for they had problems just as any chapter has had, but they are to be admired for surviving their problems regardless of their size. The big day began with an open house at the Chapter House giving alumni and guests a chance to visit and talk with the actives. The day

This sign on display in front of the Chapter House was designed by Brother Theodore Knebel and constructed by the actives and pledges.

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climaxed with a wonderful banquet held in the Hotel Syracuse. Founder Nicholas Ransier gave a historical summary of the past 50 years ·and Robert E. Jepson, Assistant Executive Secretary, commented on the past progress and the future plans for the whole Fraternity. The main speaker was the Right Worshipful Charles F. Gosnell, the Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York. After giving a wonderful address he concluded by saying that he was mighty impressed with the progress which Acacia had made, but was more impressed with the future plans of our great Fraternity.

YIP's AT THE 50TH ANNIVERSA,RY BANQUET-Left to Right: John D. Weagraff, Financial Advisor, R. W. Charles, F. Gosnell, speaker and Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, Edwin S. Hopson, Charter Member and 1st V.D., Ralph G . Unger, President Alumni Corporation , Richard .0. Schmutzler, Chapter Advisor, Robert E. Jepson, Assistant Executive Secretary.

The past several years I have had the honor and privilege of serving your Fraternity as its editor. Starting with your next issue, you will have editing your magazine a member who is a professional editor by trade and the first professional editor for our Fraternity. As I look back and recall many of the visitations to both actives and alumni throughout the country, I have found to much astonishment many members were unaware of the progress which Acacia has made since World War II. Some have complained and wondered why National hasn't done certain things. Many alums have hardly turned their hand for their Fraternity since leaving school and have acquired a guilt complex as a result. Many while supporting their local charities and other causes have neglected the very nominal annual dues to National. All of this points to the "let George do it" attitude and fortunately Acacia has had a few Georges who have carried the ball to bring about our progress. A fraternity is a combination between a business and an educational institution. It never has the finances to hire the manpower needed nor is it in a position to accomplish the needs of the fraternity as seen by those devoted individuals who give of their time so generously to perpetuate the organization. Thus, a fraternity has to depend to a great extent upon voluntary help from its members around the whole country for its survival. You might wonder just who those individuals are. Your National Council members devote much time on a voluntary basis. Your Headquarters Staff are salaried individuals, but on a basis which is not comparable to industry. Your Chapter Advisers and Financial Advisers are voluntary workers. Your Housing Corporation board members are voluntary workers. You also have others who contribute

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money, time, and talent for special projects such as new houses, etc. Those are the individuals who have perpetuated your Fraternity. It is easy to scorn the mistakes of others, but I would like to give praise to those who are working in a sincere manner to further our Fraternity notwithstanding some human error. Never will this earth be rid of human fallibility. However, I deplore the petty jealousness which has hindered our Fraternity, a cause so much larger than any individual. This I have found in active chapters, in reasons for not supporting building projects and in reasons for withholding of the small annual dues to your National Organization. Fraternities can be a strong force in maintaining what we know as the "American Way of Life. " Fraternities today are confronted by forces which would like to abolish this organized effort on the campus level. Having accomplished this step, those forces will be in a better position to overthrow our whole country. Where else is a better place to educate a "way of life" than in our young people? This perhaps is shocking and it is time we all unite, before it is too late, if we are to preserve that fraternal way of life which we all have enjoyed and benefitted from during our campus days. What can you do to help meet the challenge that fraternities face? Your help can be broken down into two categories-local and national. Locally: 1. Unite with the other Greeks in your community to promote your local fraternity system on y our campus nearby. 2. Offer your assistance in rushing by providing facilities, rush parties, talking to your friends who have sons entering college, and providing sales techniques or aproaches to the members of your nearest chapter. 93

3. Offer your share of assistance to the local chapter or to your own chapter to help provide good fraternity housing comparable to the many new dormitories. 4. Provide summer jobs for those undergraduates who also want to do summer rushing for their chapter. 5. Offer to serve your local chapter as an adviser or as a member of their housing corporation board. Nationally : 1. Provide the National with financial assistance to enable it to hire the adequate manpower needed today. (Annual dues should be the bare minimum) 2. Help provide for the facilities needed to work with an ever expanding organization such as ours. 3. Cooperate with the new editor to provide a magazine more stimulating to you alumni as well as to the actives. 4. Provide in your will for Acacia through endowments, grants, scholarships, maintenance of a headquarters building and the general operations of the Fraternity. 5. Submit your suggestions to the Executive Secretary for better publicity or public relations

for Acacia or the whole fraternity system. 6. Respond to inquiries for voluntary help in theareas of fund raising, province work should provinces be established, local chapter assist& ance, and alumni club organizations. These are a few suggestions and I know that the list is not at all inclusive. We have a great challenge before us, but with a little help from all, the task can be accomplished. This is being written on a Sunday afternoon climaxing a week of normal office hours and the usual quota of several evenings of fraternity business which is not at all uncommon for your headquarters staff. This is not sour g'rapes, but an answer to those ¡ who wonder what fraternity personnel do with their spare time. However, you are not alone as even the Good Lord wonders when we will take time to remember the Sabbath. In this article I have been rather forthright and I hope that I have not offended anyone by my com-. ments, but only shed a little light. I sincerely believe the day has come when we must take a more direct approach if we are to survive. The threat is greater than we realize and the time is later than we think. THE FUTURE CAN BE CONQUERED IF OUR FORCES ARE RALLIED!

WHO IS AHEAD? The figures below indicate the number of alumni members of their respectinve chapters who have participated either through a Life Membership contribution or an annual contribution Dues for 1961 as of June 1, 1961. Purdue Chapter takes the honor of having the largest number of participants for this year to date. How will your chapter compare in 1961?

Arizona ............. .. ... .. 6 Arkansas ........ . ... . . . . ... 5 California ......... . . .. ..... 16 Carnegie .. . . . ... ... ........ 5 Central Mo. St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chicago . ..... .... .... .... .. 11 Cincinnati ..... . ............ 22 Colorado ........ . . . . ..... . . 25 Colorado St. U . .... .. ....... 10 Colorado St. Coll. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Columbia . .................. 6 Cornell . . . . ..... ... ......... 15 Denver .. ................... 5 Evansville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Franklin . .... ... .. .. .. . .... 20 George Washington . . ....... 12 Harvard . . . . . . .... .. ........ 10 Illinois ............... . ..... 9


Illinois Wesl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Indiana ...... .. . .. . . . . ... . . . 25 Iowa ...... . ................ 24 Iowa State ..... .. .. ......... 26 Kansas .. . .. . . . ... . . . ....... 28 Kansas State .. ...... .... . ... 15 Long Beach St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Louisiana St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Miami . .. ..... .... . .. . ..... . 14 Michigan . ...... .... . ....... 29 Minnesota .. ... . ............ 25 Missouri .. . .. ... .. .. . .. ..... 25 Mo. School of Mines . . . . . . . . 1 Nebraska ................... 24 New Hampshire ....... .... .. 16 North Car olina . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Nor thwestern . ... . . ......... 31 Ohio .. ......... ...... ...... 14

Ohio State . ......... . . ..... . 22 Oklahoma .................. 27 Oaklahoma State .. . ... . . . . . . 14 Oregon ..... ..... .. . .. . ..... 1 Oregon State ............... 14 Penn State .. .. . .. . .... .... .. 23 Purdue .......... ...... . .... 39 Ftensselaer ..... .. .. ....... . 10 So. Calif. . . . ..... . ... .. ..... 23 Stanford .................... 1 Syracuse ... .... ...... . ... .. 14 Texas . .. ... . . ... . .. .... . .. . 10 U. C. L.A . ... ... . . ... ..... . 9 Vermont . . .. .. ...... ..... ... 8 VVashington ................. 24 VV ashington St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VVisconsin ............... .. . 27 VVyoming . . ................. 7 Yale ........................ 1




TOM JONES-A REAL ATHLETE Tom Jones Wisconsin, long time athelete and coach of various teams and later chairman of the Department of physical Education at the University of Wisconsin has led a full life of athletics bringing many honors to his teams and his schools. Now retired, he still gains many thrills while telling of his past experiences. From the turn of the century, when a freshman in Cresco, Iowa High School, to the present time, there have not been many days that Coach Jones has not been seen on an athletic field. And the Genial Badger mentor claims that he cannot remember one day of boredom connected with athletic activity. Upon his graduation from high school Jones began his first association with the education world when he taught rural school for three terms. In 1900 he started at Iowa State Teacher's College. As the institution operated on a quarter basis, he continued to take out the winter quarter to teach. Despite all this work he won four letters in football and track and three in basketball. In 1904 he was selected captain of the All Iowa Football team.

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In the summer of 1908 he began his first association with the State of Wisconsin when he came to Madison as the head of the city's playground system and coach of the high school. In 1910 he transferred his allegiance to the University of Missouri where he was Acting Director of Athletics, head coach in track and assistant in football. Returning to Wisconsin in 1912 he became Chairman of the Department of Physical Education in 1916. During his long tenure with the Badgers, Jones has coached his cross country teams to 14 Conference Titles, which easily makes the Badgers tops in the Big Ten in this sport. Jones has produced many famous names in the athletic world, but the fellows that Jones really likes to remember are the men he took out of gym classes to make them letter winners; the boys who never would have had a chance if it had not been for his interest in them. He will always be remembered as a lover of sports for their own sake. He would rather remember that sickly lad of four or five years ago who spent hour after hour training for three long years in an attempt to wih his letter, and who finally came through in the last meet of his senior year. To Tom Jones, that was a real accomplishment. During his lifetime he has written several books and many articles for the advancement of wholesome athletics. To occupy his spare (?) time he has served as directors of a number of athletic associations and was the first president of the National Collegiate Track Coach's Association. He has been a referee of National Collegiate, Western Conference, Central Collegiate, Midwest meets as well as the Drake Relays. He was a member of the United States Olympians, and was on the United States Olympic Coaching Staff in 1948. In 1950 he was named to the National Helms Hall of Fame

and in 1953 was named to the Wisconsin Hall of Fame. (Your editor felt greatly honored in talking to such a generous individual who has devoted his lifetime to human service. The only regret is that space does not permit his total accomplishments to be printed.)

TED RED Oklahoma

Ted Red of Corsicana, Texas has been named a director of the First State Bank of Rice, Texas.

DR. WM. H. HONSTEAD Kansas State

Bill Honstead has become the head of the chemical engineering department at Kanas State University at Manhattan, Kansas.


James S. Mentzer of Park Ridge, Illinois has been made a Vice Presdent and Director of the Glenview State Bank, Glenview, Illinois. He is also assistant treasurer of American Finance Conference and is currently secretary-treasurer of other enterprises headed by Paul Jones, President of the Glenview Bank.


Dick Schilling has been elected President of the Ohio Music Education Association and residing in Oxford, Ohio, is in charge of the Miami University Men's Glee Club which has become recognized as an outstanding organization through tours and concerts to state and national conventions.


Bob Reusser has been named ager of the new Kroger store in Kansas City's Ward Parkway shopping center. 95

J. FRED RISK Indiana

J. Fred Risk has been made vicepresident of the Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis, Indiana.

sition with the Atomic Energy Commission to join the faculty of American University in Washington, D. C. offering courses in taxation and auditing.





R. Adrian Marks and his wife of Frankfort, Indiana, have taken a 21 day trip in a rubber raft through the dangerous rapids of the Colorado River a year or so ago. Since that time they have been kept quite busy showing hundreds of groups the slides that they took on the trip. It is understood that another trip was in the offing.

Dean-emeritus Mitchell served many years as president of the Syracuse Alumni Holding Corporation and a total of 42 years in the College of Engineering at Syracuse University. Recently he and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.


After 40 years of public service in govermental research and public administration, John G. Stutz now has his own private profession in Topeka, Kanas as Governmental Research Counsel.


Indiana University conferred its highest alumni award, The Distinguished Alumni Service Award, on The Reverend Arthur L. Miller of Denver, Colorado. The Rev. Miller has been moderator of the United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. and is pastor of the Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church in Denver. PAUL MORROW Miami

Paul Morrow, Middletown, Ohio, is the band director of the LemonMonroe High School. At the recent Washington Cherry Blossom Festival his band won second in music, third in parade marching, and third in precision drill of all the school bands in the United States. He directs a concert band, a 138 piece marching band, a 45 piece cadet band and a 66 piece junior band. DON VINCENT Southern California

Don Vincent, Portland, Oregon is the news director with radio station KXL in Portland. Moving Right along. ORTON W. BOYD Ohio State

Orton Boyd has resigned his po-



Charles J. Anderson of Wheaton, illinois was chosen from many individuals as the 1960 Citizen of the Year by the DuPage Press board of editors. He has been most active in Boy Scout work both on the local and national level and has worked with many civic organizations and has served as President of the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce. DR. KARL M



Dr. Karl M. Dallenbach of Austin, Texas, and an internationally known psychologist will be one of three recipients of the top awards of the University of Illinois. He will receive the Illini Achievement Award during June, 1961. FRANK THAYER Wisconsin

Professor Frank Thayer after 26 years on the faculty of the University o Wisconsin School of Journalism will retire this summer. As an authority on law of the press and

newspaper business management; author of widely-recognized on these subjects; informative and entertaining teacher and long time adviser to University students and their publications, he has had a full life of human service to others. He and his wife are living in Madison, Wise. ORRIN M. HAUGEN Minnesota

Orrin M. Haugen, formerly a patent attorney with John W. Adams, Minneapolis, has joined the patent department at Remington Rank Univac in St. Paul. A past president of the Acacia Alumni Association at Minnesota he and his family now live in Edina, Minnesota. FREDERICK B. WOOD LEROY E. TAYLOR LLOYD F. SALBACH Stanford

It is reported that on February 7th Frederick B. Wood, Leroy E. Taylor and Lloyd F. Saldach, all members of the Stanford Chapter, received their 50 year Masonic button from the Grand Lodge of .the State of California. HAROLD COOKSEY Oklahoma

"He is the most considerate, unselfish, tireless and honest Christian sportsman I've met" were the words used when Harold Cooksey was nominated for the Oklahoma Outdoorsman of the Year A ward. Since 1957 as president of the Central Oklahoma Water Users Association he has successfully promoted the authorization of the Norman Lake project which, it is believed when completed, will become a mecca for sportsman in central Oklahoma. He is a holder of one of the Nash awards in conservation and has been designated as "A Friend of the Land" by the Oklahoma Bankers Association.



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A GOOD CLAUSE FOR A GOOD CAUSE " I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the ACACIA FRATERNITY ENDOWMENT FUND, having its offices at 1569 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, the sum of


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) for the use of improving housing, educational loans and its general purposes."



ACACIA FRATERNITY Geographical Listing for the States of

South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Foreign as of July 15, 1961 As a further service to you, the TRIAD is providing a directory containing a geographical listing of members of the Fraternity. Several states will be carried from time to time until your directory is complete. We recommend that you detach and file these individual sections in a ring binder thereby compiling your own personal .directory. All regular subscribers to the TRIAD will automatically receive the subsequent sections of the directory. All non subscribers may receive the remaining sections of the directory by paying . the annual alumni dues of $5.00. The I i sting in each issue wi II contain the most recent addresses as recorded at the National Headquarters. Should there be any corrections, please let us know. Please use the following key to identify the members. The code for the member's chapter and his roll number follow hi s name. The code letters used for the chapters are as follows:

Arizona Arkansas California Carnegie Tech CT CM Central Missouri State Ch icago CH CIN Cincinnati COLO Colorado Colorado State College Colorado State Univ. COL Columbia COR Cornell D Dartmouth ON Denver E Evansville F Franklin George Washington GW Harvard H ILL Illinois




esc csu

SOUTH DAKOTA Lead Pittman, Theodore L . \IY 159 335 South Main St . Stormo, Kenneth A. COLO 663 500 Ridgeroad

Moore, Hoya l B. OS 401 L ake Shore Lodge Canyon Lake Dr.

Mitchell Shoemaker, Robert Howard N 478 Box 112 Montrose Vasgaard, Ju lian Eugene IS 352

Timberlake Kesl ing, Jack D. K 641


Vermi ll i on Miller, Melv ille H. 10 179 124 Uni vers it y St. Noble, Jack Laure nce COLO 390 611 E. Lewi s St.

JULY, 1961

sc s

w ws

Wi ll iams, Ward Trebor MIN 223 Box 156


Bergh, lngwa ld Gerhard MIN 219 915 Second St. , N. W.

Hendersonvi lle

Ray, Joseph J . Y 154 The Anchorage Howoll Laten, James T . MO 168

Redfield Schleher, Arthur Freder ick MI N 95

Si oux Fall s Laird, W. Ray IS 34 1005 S. Garfield Dr. Robi nson, Wm. Frederick W 364 Box 897

Car l, Charl es E. MO 463 112 N. Adams Schul tz, Phi lo Howard WIS 319 118 N. Yankton Ave . Rapid City Moore, Harold 0 . OS 387 Canyon Lake Or. Lakeshore Lodge

Oklahoma Oklahoma State Oregon Oregon State Penn State Purdue Rensselaer Southern California Stanford SY Syracuse T Texas UCLA Unlv. of Cal. at Los Angeles Vermont v Washington Washington State Wisconsin WIS Wyomi ng WY y Yale


Illinois Wesleyan Indiana Iowa Iowa State Kansas Kansas State Long Beach Louisiana State Miami Michigan Minnesota Missouri Missouri Sch. of Mines Nebraska New Hampshire North Carolina Northwestern Ohio Ohio State


Jacks on Rupp, Frank PS 392 Fair Oaks

Chattanooga Obrecht, Rufus Gardiner KS 3408 Alta Vista Dr. Strange, Eury E. ILL 486 309 Amhurst


John son City Dossett, Burgin E. H 294 E. T. S. C. Jonesboro

Arthur, Howard L. CIN 297 Rt. 5 Conc ord Messick, Wi ll iam L. GW 295 Rt. 2 Kingsport

Cro ssvi ll e Qui II an, John J., Jr. OS P. 0 . Box 222


Dickey, Joseph Benjami n IS 242 The Block House, Rt. 6 Zugschwerdt, Werner H. IS 284 4 528 0 ld Stage Rd.


Knoxville Allred, Charles E. MO 139 440 W. Hillvale Fitzgerald, Nugent E. MO 14b b Hillvale Circle Redman, John D. IN 358 Route 17

Do,.laon Lay, Donald E. MO bOl 2914 lakeland Dr . Wendling, George Clifford P b9 2531 Parkview Ave. McMinnville Hollingsworth, Jay H. P 42 103 College St. Memphis Abbott, Bayard T. IlL 87 73 Marne Angner, Joseph J. NW 3b5 1094 Crestline Cove (lb).. Crocker, George H. Ml 441 5141 Rich Rd. Godman, Ceci I A. DS 284 4874 Lorece Ave. <17) Hays, W. Lake Y 113 lb51 Kendale Ave. Kruger, Stanley J. P5 3bl 40b E. Erwin Drive, (17) May, WileyO. MSU2 1122 Mosby Road (b) Niven, Lola Alexander CDR 24 The Progressive Farmer PattDn, Harlan Virgil COLO 37 1%8 Nelson Ave. Rothrock, George E. MSU 4 4904 Flamingo Rd. (17) Starter, Stanley Frank P 45 147b Goodbar Tate, James Earl, Jr. COLO 418 2lb Patterson Wright, Robert C. CIN lb9 4b09 Dunn Rd.


Miller, Elmer Lee 10 2b9 % Veterans Hospita I Nashville Fleming, Denna Frank ILL 203 Vanderbilt University Gundlach, George C. , Jr. MO 404 1322 Stratford Ave. Hake, Wallace 0. K 180 4000 Sunnybrook Drive Hewit, Earle John WIS 94 3733 Central Ave . Hixon, Charles D. 0 578 203 Mason Ave . lott, Sam H., Jr. LSU 20 240b Vanderbi It Pl. Rasmussen, Ezra Guy KS lbO Vanderbi It Univers ity

•lpine Selvig, Thorwald C. MIN 104 Fuller Bldg. Amarillo

Birge, W. S. T b P. 0. Box 2007 Cogdell , Isham B., Jr. 0 480 5509 Floyd Davis, Richard L. T 317 1530 Stubbs Dawson, Mickey OS 341 218 E. Central Hatton, George E. K 420 1821 Carol ina St. Knight, Garold L. MO 18b 3227 Travis LaFon, Robert W. 0 081 lblb Milam McConnell, William H. COLO 334 3402 Hawthorne Minter, John L. 0 b85 301 Rose Drive Minter, Norman W. 0 b74 301 Rose Drive Nelson, Elijah Clemmens, Jr. T 23 P. 0. Box 2007 Northcutt, Ernest 0. 0 52 Box 334 Paschal, E . A. , Sr. 0 7b 3713 Lenwood Drive Schell, William J. K 590 1402 West 12th St. Smith, Scott C., Jr. 0 501 3502 Hawthorne VanBebber, William G. K 551 4208 Emil Ave. Van Doren, Gary L. MO b55 1303 Beverly Wagner, Ellsworth G. OHS 275 lb13 A Madison

Anthony Moulder, Maurice M. MO 304 Route 1, Box b73 Sharp, Jack B. 0 413 Box 374

Aransas Pass

Easter,_ Richard Currie CM 14 bl8 S. Rife Fender, Boyd E. , Jr. 0 b95 Box 24


Egly, Arnold H. P 394 129 Varsity Circle Lowe, Gerald A. T 4b0 1133 W. Inwood Dr.


TEXAS Abilene Caffey, Wiley Luther T 142 941 Grand Crutchfield, Franklin Derry T 331 b33 Beech St. Ferguson, Carlos M. 0 233 212b Ivanhoe Foote, Donald l. I l l 020 1940 Glenwood Dr. Greathouse, Myrle E. 0 032 bl8 Lexington St. Hiner, David Alton T 255 1133 Elm St. Knight, Donald Theodore COLO 219 b02 Amarillo St. Stewart, LeRoy F. 0 510 4028 Lynwood Tiffany, Robert J. MIN 487 1473 Woodland Trail Walton, William Truett T 91 Hardin Simmons University Aloma Powell, Dr. Fred C. K 04 Alice Kline, Loren E., Jr. P5 305 P. 0. Box 428 DIRECTORY PAGE 1.4

Anglin, William R. T 310 4909 Valley Oak Drive (3) Ash, Herbert T 8b 1201 Woodland Baethe, Louis Frank Joseph T 191 2307 San Antonio St. Barnes, Jay W. , Jr. T 254 7707 Mullen Bell, Bryan M. T 24b 2117West lOth Blachly, William D. OS 148 2809 Carlton Rd. Bourland, Bradley T 408 1108 Perry Brooks Bldg. (1) Brown, Rev. Lawrence L. T 145 2301 Greenlee Dr. (3) Bruck, 01 iver N. T lb9 4803 Valley Oak Dr. (3) Burlage, Henry Matthers P 234 702 East 43rd St. Campbell, Thomas R. T 405 1509 West 30th Caywood, Gary E. T 503 404 W. 34th Coltharp, Jom R., Ill T 388 401 E. 31st Street (5) Coltharp, Oscar J. T 175 401 E. 31st St. (5) Dallenbach, Karl M. COR 94 210b Meadowbrook Drive Dalrymple, Stephen Harris T 327 3102 Tom Green St. Dean, Eugene A. T 287 5808 Marilyn Dr. (3) Edwards, Robert E. T 444 bOB W. 29th

Evans , Tom L. Ml 308 2214 W. 49th St. Fristoe, Horatio M. T 13 2003 Indian Trail (3) Goodman, Jack C. T 2b0 bb04 Vine (5) Grove, Vernon E., Jr. T 395 724 Sparks Ave. Ham, Jerry D. T 372 912-F East 32nd St. (5) Harris, Albert Leslie, Jr. T 297 240b Lake Austin Blvd . Hatchell, Austin L. T 445 1400 E Iton Lane (3) Hearn, Leslie G. T 298 5704 Duval St. (5) Hervey, Hal H. T 348 P. 0. Box3b7 Hinsley, J. Carroll T 477 590b Shoal Creek Blvd. (5) Holloway, Frank M. T 207 2212 Indian Trail Holtzman, Wayne H. NW 287 3300 Foot hi II Dr . (3) Hornaday, Jon R. T 40b 404 Perry Brooks Bldg. Johnson, Thomas E. T 108 Rt. 7, Box 225-J (4) Jones, Hubert B. T 19 2415 Jarratt (3) Kent, Harry L., Jr. KS 211 Univ . of Texas Dept. of Mech. Eng. Kinney, Dexter Cleveland T 139 4801 Parkcrest Drive (3) Kirkpatrick, E. Ray T 237 324 Perry-Brooks Bldg. (1) Kreisle, Leonard Ferdinand T 284 3207 Meredith {3) LeMond, Roy E. T 373 2700 Valley Springs Rd. Louderback, Isaac N., Ill T 227 Capitol Sta.- Box 2081 Lowe, Gerald A., II T 431 3411 Speedway, Apt D5 MacDonald, George G. T 29b 5202 Porkcrest (3) McCarty, William B. T 178 l20b Brentwood Rd. (2) McConnell, Floy C. T 438 Box 8003 Univ. Station McKibbin, Harry C. K 23b 32lb Windsor Rd. (3) Me Tee, Arlie Ray T 82 7lb West Ave. Merchant, Arthur H. T 143 2104 San Antonio Merrit, Kerry G. T 221 b004 Marilyn Dr. (3) Payne, Robert M. T 185 2b07 McCallum Poinier, David N. T 458 5507 Caprice Dr. (3) Pri ce, DavidS. T 400 104 Pearce Ha II Univ. of Texa s Ratliff, Hubert S. T 318 4802 West Park Dr. (3) Rogers , Fred W. T 204 1414 Hillcrest Drive Rousse, Thomas Andrew T 200 5202 Shoal Creek Blvd. (5) Scanlan, Jack A. , Jr. T 285 301 Eanes School Rd . (4) Shivers, Allan T 440 b Niles Rd. (3) Simpson, John D. T 43b 3405 Mountain Top Circle (3) Smalley, Marlin E. T 437 1904 Kenwood Ave. Sma ll ey, Terrence E. T 413 1904 Kenwood St. Smi th, Everett G. H 249 320b West Ave. (5) Smith, Wi II iam Arthur T 28 bl3 West 33rd Smith, William H. T 435 3414 Mt. Barker Dr. Snider, Bruce W. T 479 1514 Westover Rd. (3) Starkey, JosephS. T 402 705 Kinney Ave. (4) Steele, Jack G. T 273 5905 Rickey Dr. (3) Suarez, Norman V. T 344 P. 0. Box 374 Taylor, Lloyd Webb T 59 2507 Manor Rd. <2> Teten, Robert P. N 411 1401 Possum Trot Vaughn, Joseph E. T 77 110b Claire Ave. (3) Wachtmann, Ronald F. OHS b20 SlOb Avenue 'F'

Wardlow, W. Bernie T 14b 1312 E Iton Lane Wettig, Harold E. OS 30'1 2007 Eaton Lane (5)

Boy City Kelly, Robert B. 0 478 1932- 7th St. Baytown McCune, JohnS. 0 2bl 902 Rosewood Dr. Mclemore, Joe Ed . T 378 Box 301 Robinson, Charles Canfield M 80 110 Crow Road Beaumont

Archer, Oscar Buford T 5b 590 Palm Drive Chapman, William T. T 240 2b1b Hazel Street Hay, Lee EImer T 232 2430 Ashley Henry, Ben S. T 351 7b0 Sunbury LeNoir, Ammie Willie T 242 1480 Cartwright Bellaire Barbour, Joseph W. T 248 - 4827 Waynesboro Hillyer, George Mangold T 41 4b29 Willow McKee, Samuel Marion MIN 42b 4b29 Holt Price, Dr. William P. KS 2bl 5108 Valerie (lOll Primm, Thomas C. T 340 4318 Jonathan Robertson, Richard B. P 438 5314 Wi II ow Bend Blvd. Wilson, James D. , Jr. T 411 7018 Alder Belleville Batla, Thomas Woodrow 0-343 Big Spring Jackson, Joseph M. T 290 P. 0 . Box1174 Stewart, Lt. John S. MI b29 1105 E. 12th Sl Blanco Domsch, U. A. KS 3b R.R. 4


Lehmann, Maurice John T 84 Box 7B Bonham Francis, William B. 0 b87 b04 E. 12th St. Borger

Bates, Warren Jack 0 395 c/ o Jim Huber Corp. Box 831 Bennett, Earl OS 329 Bennett, Gene E. OS 325 Box 1330 Long, William H. OS 25 Box 2517- Philrick Drive Porter, Norman J. DN 119 lOb Warwick Brenham

Mathis, Jack C. T 320 P.O. Bo~ b3 Brownfield Carruth, Brent L. T 343 14lb E. Tate Brownsville

Dunkelberg, Ralph C. 10 28 Box 771 Faxon, Julian K. CH 191 P. 0. Box BOb Ferguson, Henry N. 0 290 14 Poinsettia Place Gi Ison, W. Irving Y 59 R.R. 2 Brownwood

Edmondson, James E. T 222 311 Center Street


lila Gillett, Ronald E. COLO &51 P.O . Box 128

ln•land Oishongh, Fred Thompson, Jr. T 321 Box 56 McAdams, Billy James T 300 Box 1 Tanner, Levy Cornelous T 104

ll•g• Station Baty, James Bernard COR 2% Civi I Engineering Dept. Texas A & M College Campbell, Charles Boyle CH 37 Texas A & M College Cofer, David B. CH 124 Box 325 Cavan, Jack Phillip OHS 420 Texas A & M College Jones , Luther Goodrich COR 259 Agronomy Dept. Texas A & M College Leland, Thomas W. WIS 243 Box 2&7 Lindquist, Donald A. DRS 14& Box 1010 Turk, Richard D. KS 224 Dept. of Vet Parasitology Texas A & M College Colorado City Ratliff, Robert H. T 101 Rat I iff, Robert Harry, Jr. T 303 1109 Locust St.

Canr.. Chi Ids , Ra I ph Dewey K 372 Camp Strake Corpus Christi

Bocock, Oscar Lafa yette COLO 309 Box &80 Boon, Guthrie B. T 132 341 Southern Box, Roy Edgar T 173 345 Cole St. Eiffert, James H. M 44 &18 McClendon Grau, Fred Herman T 180 333 Texas Avenue Ingram, Burley G. T 374 4738 Queen Luhman, Herbert R. T 47& 918 Retama McDonald, Benjamin F. , Jr. T 2&3 518 Texas Minton, Joseph W. IS 134 4&1 Homecrest Porter, Donald A. 0 297 341 Merri II Drive Taylor, Thomas W. T 332 301 Culberson Townsend , R. Marvin COR 555 4825 Mokry Willis, Michael L. T 429 229 Purl Place Coraicano

Red, Theodore Phelps 0 &01 Box 498 Catullo Cotulla, Cotulla, P. 0. Cotulla,

Ernest R. T 171 William L. T 385 Box 418 William Paul T 195

Dolhort Henson, Walter T . T 415 201 E. 9th St. Pigman, James William, Jr. T 230 822 Denver Ave . P.O. Box950 Suddarth, A. 0 . NW 81 Box 222 Dalla a Alexander, William .1. COLO 442 9438 Green Terrace (20) Beck, Merrill E. IN 280 12017 Orujon Lane <29) Blalock, William R. T 328 c/o W. T . Grant Co. A. Harris- Oakcliff Shopping JULY, 1961

Brooks, Charles Henry, Jr. T 40 3808 Stanford Brown, Marvin Lee T 103 4328 Stanhope St. Bullock , Mark W. N 387 b517 Royal Crest (30) Carr, Arnold Plack Y 8 &800 Hunters Glen Rd. Carroll, Perry B. T 1&3 3540 Southwestern <25) Cearley, George W. T 1% 5919 Berkshire <25) Clardy, Bruce C. T 79 542& Lobello <29) Clark, William B. T 22& 5043 Lahoma (35) Cox, Homer A. T 199 4202 Glenhaven Davis, Don W. T 329 3812 Shorecrest (9) Davis, Jack H. IN 4&0 10119 N. Lake Dr . Davis, Wesley C. Y 144 Southern Methodist Univ. Dixon, Jerry V . 0 b35 10505 Kingsley Eaton, Lyndon D. OS 281 2&15 Andrea Engle, Robert H. PS 124 10708 Dunaway Dr. <28) Enochs, James Harold P 181 500b Maple Springs B lvd. (35) Ensey, Dr. James E. 0 122 310 Preston-Royal Med. Ctr. Forgy, Reline A. T 229 994& Gooding Foster, Harry W. IN 2% &242 Rex Drive Garton, Ronald R. UCLA 1&8 Da lias Theologica I Sem inary 3909 Sw iss Ave. (4) Georges, Wil l iam WIS 437 3810 Inwood Road (9) Gratigny, Be lmont W. N 373 3529 S. Western Blvd. Grinde II, Donald David WIS 47 552& Stonegate Groves, Marion Frederick NW 1&5 1139 Brunner (8) Harper, Phillip C. N 3&4 b32b Glendora Harris, Kenneth D. OS 270 2514 Lockhart (28) Hart, Raymond M. 0 289 D.O. Feldman Oi l & Gas Co. Republic Nat 'l Bank Bldg. Hutchinson, Char les A . , Jr. COLO 430 3509 Whiteha ll Drive <29) Hutchmson, Thomas S. COLO 424 3450 Manana Johnson, Bruce D. IS 348 11575 E. Ricks Circle Ocl Kellogg , Erie E. 0 &78 5b38 Monticello (b) Kilby, JackS . ILL &01 7723 Midbury (30) LeMay, Sonley R. T 43 4&05 West Lover's Lane (9) Ley, Ross H. K 494 4&17 Alta Vista (29) Lund, Frederick C. MIN 41& 4325 Windsor Pkwy. (5l Maloan , Wa lter T. T 338 3438 Rosedale <5J Mayer, Frederick Miller H 27b Box 359 Mciver , Ernest D. MIN 512 2801 Maple McMahon, Frank Byerly T 158 4320 West Potomac Meyer, Willis G. N 3&8 1400 Rep. Bank Bldg. Pflughaupt NW 3&9 10041 McC ree Road (18) Porcher , Louis T 53 3b24 Greenbrier Quinn, Lester H. IN 2 4020 Junius (lOl Rohrbaugh, 0. E. E . P 452 4b48 Fairfax (9) Scott, Edwin G. T 478 3223 Navajo Drive (24) Shapland, Robert C. RPI 28 9714 Skyvi ew Drive Sigler, John E. CIN 110 5947 Charlestown (30) Sm1th, Blaine H. , Sr. 0 714 4017 TraviS St. Steele, Lendell E. 0 432 9922 Donega l Drive. <l8l Storey William M. 10 38 5744 Dram (b) Sweatt, George G. T 17 b 1301 Main St.

Dallas Tille Co. Tiller, Frank L. T 33 3218 S. Marsalis (8) Tosh, David A. LBS 24 4724 Alcott Vaupel, Edwin A. KS 181 3744 Merre ll Road <29) Votteler, Theodore WIS 259 b819 Robin Rd. (9) West, Donovan K 449 12140 Harry Hines Whinery, Richard E. IN 547 881b Clearwater Dr. <31) Wi llcoxon, Sam R. K 5bb 10432 Brockbank (29) Wilsey, John G. NW 278 12711 Epps Field Road Ya rbor ough, Donald V. T 214 4&25 N. Lindhurst Yarbor ough, Harvey Jackson T 105 3932 Centenary

Deer Park C lay, Lawrence E. N 528 112 4 Pear I Stree! Del Rio Marshall, Gilbert Cathell WIS 95 Box 938 Pusard, Carro ll Ralph COLO 3b3 Star Route Denton

Bettes, William E. OS 222 2b15 Brookfield Lane McBryde, James B. T 1&4 b15 West Sycamore Shepard , Harwell Virgil 0 274 Stanley, Oma T 114 Box 5145, N. T ., Stati on Stockard, Gerald Edgar T 202 1115 Egan

Dimmitt Womble, Larry L. T 417 Box 247 Llumas

VanBebber, Jack F. OS 144 1207 S. Birge Edinburg Cogburn, Beryl L. OS 4 82 South 9th Hall, John Clarence, Jr. T 295 P.O. Box35 Ed no Hamblen, William H. T 201 Elgin Henry, William E. T 392 208 North Avenue A Peterson, Edward 0. T 34b 218 Lexington Ave. El Paso Fox, Robert F. CSU 123 517 Isabella Ingersoll, Guy E. MIN 192 5505 Timberwolf Drive Kee ton , Earl W. K 238 1508 Mathias Dr. Pri ce, Clifford E. IN 274 2801 Fir St. Quinn, Howard Edmund MIN 242 College of Mines Thornhill, Donald E. OS 204 9548 Desert Ridge Elysian Fields Timmins, Bonny Holland T 4b Fairfield Bonner, Leslie Lee T 211 Parker, Edward Charlie T 212 Falfurrias

Dale, John Wesley T 423 Box 325

Davis, Lloyd L. T 190 3932 Spurgeon St. Dudley, Phi I T 375 5529 Wedgewood (l5J Emberton, Dr. Odie K 231 4919 E. Rosedale Ave. Farkas, Frank GW 223 2540 Boyd (9) Hackleman, Russell E. ILL 481 1808 Dakar (lb) Havenstrite, Kenneth K. OS 257 40lb Louell (7) Hoban, David M. P 599 4824 Westcreek Dr. (l5J Lawhorn, WilliamS . COLO 721 &475 Woodstock Road (lbJ Marks, Henry M., Jr. T ~0 3bl2 West Biddison St. McClary, Robert L. CT 72 103 U.S. Court House Bldg. (2) Middleton, Herman Alton T 154 7042 Hardisty Morgan, Ceci l A. T 107 2108 Cont. Life Bldg. (2) Morris, Ralph L. P 405 3815 S.W. Blvd. (bJ Neighbors, DeWitt T 71 2221 Edwin Nelson, Elijah M. T 250 3529 Fuller (15) Pitsenberger, Forrest D. IS 33& 3544 Wasley St. Popplewell, Thoma s Edwin T 24 212 Haze Iwood Rankin, David H. N 395 5001 Bryce (7) Rogers, L ee W. K 331 3000 Har lanwood (9) Sayre, Rober t M. 0 70& llb Lindenwood Scott, John A. 0 328 &109 Ridgeway <lbl Shults, James M. 0 509 5305 Westcreek Drive <l5J Smith, Eugene B . T 403 5000 Birchman (7) Talkington, Freddy M. T 459 2&15 Honeysuckle (ll) Vick, Robert H. 0 471 4208 Lanark (9) Waudby, EverettJ., Jr. KS 344 4404 Tahoe Dr. (19) Wickes, Dr. Harry E ., Jr. OS 300 2&10 West Berry Woodard, Wm. C. 0 1&3 505 Ft. Worth Nat'l Bank Bldg. (2) Franklin Reynolds, Elmo Love T 118


Johnson, Walter N. 0 427 1&24 -25th St. Zimmerman, Frank W., Jr . T 33& 18 Lynricrest Drive Gorlond Bourek, Paul W. OS 254 901 Sylvan St. Gatewood, James R. 10 218 Box 392 Georgetown

Cain; Ray L. T 238 G.ohom Griffin, Balfrey Borden T 81 Grandfalls Crawford, Travis R. T 414 Box 1&1 Grand Prairie

Hight, Robert L. T 187 229 North Center Lindstrom, Merrill Earl K 3&7 1513 Oak St. Gregory

Fort Sam Houston

Ward, Lt. Col. Billy Randolph K 433 J. A. Sec. Hq. 4th Army

Mauch, Charles Lee T 359 Box 20 Groesbeck

Fort Worth Billingsley, Archibald S. C 138 3177 Westcliff Rd. , W. (4) Boyle , Richard R. COLO 643 42b5 Cherokee Trail Coo ley, Floyd Carl KS 117 2300 Yucca St. Dally, Claude Franklin N 210 3724 Modlin

Leach, WaIter Wade T 183 Hamlin Harden, Jack Alford, Jr. T 274 Box 733 Harlingen

Davis, Finis E. T 1&7 413 W. Pierce St. DIRECTORY PAGE 75

Laffoon, Cyril Rodes ILL 479 Box 1367

Haskell Foster, Arthll' C. T 93 Higgins Sansing, Charles Mack T 354 Sansing, William Roy T 106 Houaton

Bailey, Jack Dana NW 494 9119 Memorial Drive Bell, Olin G. 0 45 3802 Linkview Drive Blackbird, Roy OS 96 5526 Woodway (1 9) Blymn, Ralph G. K 259 139 Garner (17) Bowles, Carey E. T 60 1962 Lexington (6) Bowman, Wayne F. T 62 5633 Candlewood (27) Camp, Frederick A. C 531 2420 -D So. MacGregor Way (21) Cleaves, Wilbur M. T 34 2220 Southgate <25) Cogburn, Edmund L. T 299 4524 Oakdale (4) Dahl, Walter E. OH 30 10331 Brinwood Drive (24) Danvers, Hollis 0 86 Travelers Life Ins. Co. Davis, Charles Quincy T 112 2535 Sunset Day, Reuben C. T 172 3635 Overbrook Lane <2n Delange, Albert J. T 9 3701 Southmore (4) Dlshongh, Charles R. T 280 1503 Del Norte (18) Dunk, Waldo Christel Henry T 124 2124 Bartlett Dupree, Ivy C. , Jr . LSU 36 1718 Hewitt Street <18) Durst, Robert Gordon T 159 323 Tynebrook Lane Faris, James Cecil T 92 3117 Albans Foster, Jared F. T :116 6 Pom Court (24) Gallaher, Art, Jr. 0 521 5867 Heron Drive (21) Gettle, Francis S. GW 62 628 Texas Nat'l Bank Bldg. (2) Goodrich, Paul K. 0 243 3674 Del Monte Drive <19) Griffin, Robert E. COLO 693 1743 Portsmouth St. (6) Ha Iden, Harry T 15 1801 Rosedale Halden, Leon Gi Ibert T 58 1801 Rosedale Hayes, Ralph M. P 622 2914 Dragonwick Dr. Henderson, James B. 0 294 3762 Bellefontaine (25) Hodges , AgilE . T 367 9506 Meadow Glen St. (42) Hudson, Jack B. T 203 5517 Jessamine <36) Hutchinson, Creston C. OS 86 2112 Sui Ross Johnson, Craig B. , M.D . MO 301 4647 Ingersoll St. <27) Johnson, Henry J. 0 292 5502 Chaucer (5) Kerr, Jamie H., Jr. COR 485 Box 7641 (7) McClure , Don L. T 301 1013 Continenta I Bank Bldg. (2) McCollum, Burton K 73 950 Kirby Dr. (19) McGarr, Howell J. 0 965 9606 Meadowbrier (42) Moore, Frank A. 0 600 4306 Bettis Dr. (27) Meyers , Percy A. K 232 5314 Mandell (5) Mueller, George L. COR 574 3702 South more Blvd . (4) Nichols , John R. T 224 11913 Laurie Lane (24) Nisbet, CarlS . T 283 8810 Bintliff Dr. <36) Nisbet, Edward Allan T 153 3509 Rice Blvd . Parker, R. Lane T 389 5321 De Milo (18) Parker, Stanley T . T 312 11419 Landsdowne (35) Prince, Martin A . E 34 1937 West Crest (24) DIRECTORY PAGE 76

Reed, Paul E. OH 180 6626 Japonica (17) Rhine, E Iton K 176 2300 Belsover Rd. Rowe, Pleasant Reid, Jr. T 111 1105 Mi Iford Russell, Robert F. T 383 4414 Merwin St. Sanders , Thomas H. T 85 5643 Ella Lee Lane <27) Smith, Dr. Edward Thomas T 123 Hermann Professional Bldg. 6410 Fannin St. Stevens, Joe 0. 0 581 526 Maple Way (15) Suarez, Peter M. T 308 5439 Darnell (35) Turner, Herbert Goss T 134 2203 Looscan Urmy, Kenneth W. COLO 408 1 726W . l8th Vetter, John M. N 224 509 Esperson Bldg. (2) Warner, Hiram A., Jr. T 266 2014 Cheshire land (18) Williams, Lloyd C. T 272 8416 Lofland <24) Williams, Marvin Wright OHS 220 4015 Drummond Howe Gee, James Wallace T 247 3304 Brid lepath

Irving Gallaway, Ira L. T 223 832 S. Jefferson

Jacka bora Sikes, Harry E. T 192 Jacksonville Childs, R. R. , Jr. T 370 Box 1350

Westerlage, Charles H., Ill T 363 P.O. Box 493

La... sa Terry, Dan H. T 307 Box 57 Lampo so a

Wachendorfer, Charles T 38

Lark Craig, RobertS. T 380 Leakey Cocke, Arthur L. 0 194 Box 171 Lewisville Kirkpatrick, Robert T. OS 57 Box 357 Livingston Peace, Cecil R. COLO 272 Llano Watkins, William Sladen T 198 Lockhart Schubert, A Iton C. T 268 1203 Maple St. Lohn Smith, Floyd CH 88 Box 181 Longview

Hollis, M. T. KS 253 206 S. Fredonia Kroll, Helmuth C. T 231 808 Sylvan Dr. Roberts, Meredith E . T 213 200 East Glenn Lorenzo

McElroy, Koye E. T 457 Route 3


Koontz, Baltzer SY 118 Box 487 Jourdanton

Smyer, George Hardeman T 241 T i Iden Route Smyer, Joe Pate T 249 Ti Iden Route Junction

Bode, Edward C. T 433 118 Foley Henderson, W. Dave 0 232 Box 86 Karnes City

Abbott, William Gordon T 267.

Kenedy Eichelberger, Herman L. T 177 Box 425 Surginer, Garner T 188 Box 57

Lubbock Campbell, William R. T 342 Box 1656 Cobb, Charles L. 0 373 3207- 25th Edwards, Cleddie Farlin T 228 3518 -30th St. Gillispie, Samuel E. OS 37 2112 - 15th St. Hutchinson, Benjamin B. MO 399 3121 -20th St. Judd, Donald E. T 279 3611 -28th St. Larson, Paul M. KS 180 Texas Tech College Livermore, George P. 0 275 406 Lubbock National Bank Bldg. Merriman, Edwin Ernest T 206 3208- 43rd Ridge, EarlS . MO 347 3506 - 45th St. Stree!, Keith H. IN 517 Box 770


Callaway, Samuel C. OS 62 Box 202

Kilgore Appelget, Harold A. 0 47 Retail Merchant Association Keen, Robert D. ILL 730 P. 0 . Box 1165 Kingsville McBride , Donald U. P 704 221 N. First St. , Apt. 3 Peurifoy, Robert Leroy T 157 College of Arts & lnds . La Grange Gemar, Frank DN 16 336 N. Franklin

Loke Oollos Robertson, Donald E. T 409 Box 114 Lake Jackson Holmes, We s ley Ernest, Jr . KS 342 Box 733 LaMarque

Ball , Samuel A., Jr. T 386 2315 Duroux Rd. Long, Norman E. T 404 No . 7 Dawling

Lufkin Fenley, Curtis William T 120 814 West Grove St. Koch, Victor George MO 234 1308 Warren St. Luling Highsmith, WilliamS. T 131 Box 770 Marshall Shea, James F. ; Jr. KS 387 600 Warren Dr. McAllen Calhoun, Robert F. T 166 608 Nyssa Carlson, David E. K 219 302 11th F underberg, Dan Loyd T 356 600 S. 11th St. Jones, George T. , Jr. T 243 1113 Upas Moffitt, Howard F. 10 129 1205 N. lOth St. Wharton, Charles W. MO 383 P. O. Box 696 Zachman, Dwight H. MO 212


Mad ina Flowers, Walter E. T 419

Men:edes Archer, Clarence Fulton T 127 Avant, Gayle R. 10 431 Route 2, Box 126 Midland Burkhead, B. W. 0 182 c/ o The Superior Oil Co. Caussey, Donald E. T 278 2409 Sinclair Dilday, Tom N. 0 663 1705 West Texas Donaldson, George A. T 334 P. 0. Box 1150 Muleshoe Crow, John T. T 314 Box 717 Shelby, Fayne L. OS 65 Star Route 1 Munday Eiland, David Chase, Jr. T 379 Box 151 Nacogdoches Ard, Harold D. T 449 1110 Raguet Hayden, Thomas C. ILL 354 2010 Clarice St. Hayden, Thomas C., Jr. OS 285 124 Lynwood Dr. Hew Braunfels Bauknight, Emmett L. T 391 Edgewater 244 Odeasa

Autry, Walter D. T 110 1500 Parker Drive Bland, Robert E. 0 520 Box 577 Gibson, Owen S. 0 702 1601 Patton Drive Mitchell, Harry L. T 233 1500 Patton Drive Tidwell, Jack Q. T 319 D. A. Office - Court House Weyerman, Charles C. T 483 1511 Verde White, Creighton N. T 3:11 4130 Me Iody Lane

Olney Atchley, Glenn Howard 0 426 Thornton, Ernest Grady T 32 Orange

Alexander, Richard L. KS 356 10 Byrum Rd.

Palacios Crawford, Carlton Wesley T 160 Rogers, James F. T 313 Box 1506 Pompa Baer, Marvin L. T 357 1608 Mary E lien Colwell, Walter L. T 397 1315 Hami Iton Street Horttor, Earl W. K 388 2408 Rosewood lmel, Robert E. 0 597 1701 Charles Oates, Stephen B. T 382 417 North West St. VanSickle, Herman R. T 358 530 N. Dwight Paris Ashley, Max W. 0 707 1538 N. Main Mooring, Ben F. 0 133 City Hall Rudy, Richard A. OS 409 507 East Houston Pasadena Falconer, William A. LSU 68 907 Alvin Street Moyer, Jerold H. SY 209 2 007 Dorothy Perryton

Bell, Frank L. W 530 1118 S. Colgate Bell , Leon A. 0 651 1116 S. Colgate Bell , Orlan L. 0 670 1118 S. Colgate Waide, Ronnie L . T 401 707 Eton



Richardson Foote, RobertS. ILL 57'1 705 Northi II Dr. Irion, Jack E. T 270 213 Abrams Rd. Little, Robert L. K 327 30& Huffhines St.

Hicks, Fletcher S. T 330 212 Carolwood Drive Johnson, B . W. Joe T 21'1 20 Dreamland (13) Johnson, Robert E. C 183 424 W. Lynwood Ave. Madray, Giles Hayes, Jr. T 430 1722 Alhambra St. Ma Iott, Carl Grant P 83 330 Aztec Bldg. <5> Martin, Henry Ralph T 21 389 Meredith Dr . (1) Mayne, William H. T 218 Box 20&1 (6) Moore, 0. L ., Jr. T 3&'1 2911 Larkwood ('l) Pike, James E . N 133 1&40 Santa Anna Robbins, Edward T . T 13& 235 Oakview (Cj) Russell, George Bryan OS 128 841 E. Ashby Pl. 路 Schimmel , Glen R. 0 137 &08 Dona Ids on (1) Schoolfield, Ray F. 0 72 120 Gatewocxt Court (Cj) Siemsen, Arnold W. NW 46& 2&& Cicero Smyth, G. W. T 277 427 E . Olmar Cl2) Steel, John L. T 335 7&5 Fulton (12) Steves , Ernest Jackson F 151 270 Geneseo Rd. Stewart, John H. T 174 833 Hays Street (2) Surber, John L. W. , Jr. T 420 '111 West Mistletoe Thomas, EvanT. SY 324 311 East ley Drive (9) Trapnell , Gerald W. 0 53& 419 Craigmore Williams, George A. ILL 33 c/ o 81& Maverick Bldg. (5) Wills, Billy G. T 452 11'1 Jackson, Keller Rd. Wilson, Carl C. 0 13'1 942 W. Craig (1)

Rio Hondo Brotzman, Richard D. T 418 Box 471

San Benito Bennett, David S. T 3&1 Box 912

Rusk McCarroll, Lewis R. T 15&

San Marcos

Winkle, Charles Milton T 83

Plainview Akeson, Nils H. T 21& '107 Joliet Street LaFont, Harold M. GW 78 Landers, William F. T 442 802 Vernon Pleaoanton Stafford, FrankS . T 204 Port Arthur Barr, Harold A. COLO 124 Box 10&8 Dunlay, Edward E. T 37 2&38 - 25th Street Port Lavaca

Boyd, Doris David T 1&5

Port Neches Eychner, Robert Clifton KS 23 821 Avenue D Ouonah Jeffrey, Douglas Ml 40'1 Raymondville Morgan, John L., Jr 0 3&1 Box &47 Robinson, Roger F . T 11 'l Box 8'18 R.fugio Shires, Jack Andres T 31& Box 254

San Angelo Arkman, Claud E. 0 48 101& Alta Lorna Circle Dickson, Samuel Bryan T 11& 723 Preusser Johansen, Vaun L. T 2&7 P. 0 . Box 1&05 Sutton, John F . T 57 420 W. Concho

Geer, Nathan B. KS 20& &15 Conway Dr. St. Jo Kingery, Arthur OS 84 Seguin Benton, Thomas H. IS 110 P. 0. Box 708 Dyer, Harvey F. K 279 R. F.D . 3 Moore, HPnry H. T 281 1073 E . Humphreys

San Antonio

Absher, Kenneth B. 0 142 801 Milan Bldg . (5) Adair, John K., Jr. T 44& 1'13 Eaton Ave . (Cj) Alexander, Gayler D. K 532 c/ o M. Terry Anderson 133 Rilla Vista Dr. 路 Ball, W. B. Jack T 72 &13 Frost Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bardsley, George H. C 83 314 Cantebury Hill Boaz, Arthur E . T 152 401 Geneseo (9) Brem, Homer L ., Jr. 0 &42 3843 Portsmouth Budd, Berne II Butler T 138 2'143 W. French Coffin, George B. K 3&8 1940 W. Mulberry Danvers, Donald M. 0 71 900 Olmos Drive E. Durward , Robert Harland COLO 154 1431 West Rosewood Ave . Erlandson, RayS. WIS 195 4 01 Shook (4) Goll , Moxie F. OS 133 112'1 N. Vandiver Rd. (Cj) Griffith, Horace L., Jr. AR 5 c/o 420 W. Gramercy Pl. Harber, Col. William V. OS 61 223 E. Terra Alta (Cj) Hartman, Luther E. T 225 118 Sunflower Beacon Hi II Station (1) Henry, Dr. Colvern D. 0 101 R. R. 10, Box 77 JULY, 1961


Leiendecker, Elmer H. P 198 1213 Preston Dr. Snyder Jones, Wilton N. 0 4&4 2808 - 35th St.

Sauth Houston Hart, E . Eugene LSU 21 541 Pecan Dr. Stamford Hudson, Frederick E. F 24 Box 1184 Sulphur Springs Harper, Robert T . T 4&4 324 Texas Street Harper, William J. T 451 324 Texas St.

Temple Brown, John Kenneth CH 253 1401 North 4th St. Phillips, Kenneth Guthrie W 108 131& So. 2'lth St. Texarkana

Henry, John N. T 377 2320 Wood Street

Texas City Barth, Albert Holmes COLO 199 223 Ninth Ave. Derbyshire, R. L . RPI 83 50311th Ave. , N. Norwood, Jack G. T 384 312 Second Street No. Skaggs, Marvin R. T 4&3 P. 0 . Box 505 Throckmorton

Bruton, Freddie N. T 455 Star Route Troup

Lawhon, John Y. T 74 Box 417 Tulia Jennings, George J . T 115 Tyler Bennett, Richard B. , Jr. T 259 200 S. Peach Ave. Burford, Selwyn 0. T 133 Rt. 2, Box 637 Cook, Robert J. T 251 Box 3098 Criswell , Thomas E. OS 3&& 1410 Crockett Hacker, JohnS. OS 150 1124 Dogwood Holcomb, Weldon G. T 25& Box 114 Holmes, Jerry Bryant T 252 1208 West First St. Hyde, Jerry Mack T 350 Box 188 Lust, Harold W. W 140 1800 Sampson Drive Martin, Virgil 0. 0 13& 2031 Baker Dr . McMurry, Robert D. 0 591 308 N. Forrest Points, Benjamin B. GW 1&8 1105 Barbara


Malone, Edwin S. Ill T 504 232& 12th St. P.O . Box 1594 Victoria

Hunt, Robert A. T 3&2 Rt. 3, Box 290 Rothermel, Paul M., Jr. T 253 703 E. Lorna Vista Waco

Adams, Herman Lynn T 193 200 Oriental Rd. Bryan, Elbert S. T 113 823 Washington Emerich, George F. C 309 2733 Mountain View Dr. Waxahachie Rankin, Charles Alton T 181 &00 Royal

Weatherford Queen, Nolan T &3 307 Couts Weslaco

Hedrick, Robert Wilkes KS 42& 1008 Indiana West Texas

Kostohryz, Robert Lee T 349 301 N. Marable Street


Neblett, Beverley M. T 8'1 90& Pine Norred , William R. T 265 1405 McCaulley

Taylor Grau, Carl A ., Jr. T 1% 715 Brown St. Teague

Middleton, Charles Buford COL 1'15

Ports , WaldoW. 0 28 1710 Speedwa Warhurst, Harry 路 '5 52 1&31 Ardath

Wharton Koons, Paul David T 293 22& Alabama St. White Deer Foose, Jerry G. T 387 Box 475

UTAH Bing hom City Rogers , James S. P &07 508 N. Main P.O . Box 5&2 Logan

Rose, Bi II Horace ORS 180 68& Darwin Ave. Magna West, Einar IS 308 Hercules Powder Co. Morgan

Creager, Charles W. , Jr . WY 18 Box 351 Ogden Hallowell, Denni s F. Jr. C 3&0 748 Simaron Drive Naismith, Robert RPI138 2450 Jackson Avenue Snippen, Earl J. W 279 P. 0. Box 1539 Panguitch

Shaner, Ralph F. KS 228 Box 371 Provo

Bright, Don E. CSU 5& Box 82, Station 1 Munson, Thomas V. 0 319 Box 311 Richfield Clark, Dwaine E. KS 3&0 108 S. West St. Salt Loke City Bartley, Ronald C. ORS 15& 3821 So., 1215 East Clark, Wi IIi am Bryan MO 2&1 184& Michigan Ave . Hansen, George T. c/ o Utah S. Oil Co. Utah Oil Bldg . (1) Johnson, Lester Bryan COLO 141 1544 Laird Ave . Korsgren, Wi lli am W. OS 5&0 367& Hillside Lane Rickers , Earl Gaylord C 468 23'17 South 7th East Sandy Goldbranson , Phi I F. C 233 9356 S. State

VERMONT Alburg Bell, David McNeil V 22 Barre

Dubie , Lt. Richard H. V 9 40 Perry St. Emslie, (..,Jarles Maynard COR 2&4 92 N. Main St. Halsa ll , Daniel Royce V 3& 135 N. Seminary St . 路 Linton, Franklyn N. SY 241 Ric hardson Rd. , RFD 2 Parnigoni , Ego F. NH 233 8 Grandview Avenue Bellows Falls Bolles , A Ibert T . COR 2&5 l'l Williams Terrace Hamer, Philip J. V 88 20 Church St. Bennington

Wichita Falls McAlister, Alton L. 0 370 2015 Berkley

Beatty, Theodore R. P &12 222 Grandview St. Clayton , Kenneth P. V 58 223 Union St. DIRECTORY PAGE


B.. t..l Maynard, Stuart 0. V 82 Church Stree!

Shelburne Stapleton, Herbert N. KS 215

lmhorst Laning , Dr. Richard Henry Ml 42 Box 604

South Burlington

BOftdvillo Trattel , George C. V 78 Brandon

Kelley, Lloyd A. , Principal RPI 36 Brandon High School Brattleboro Ounn, Richard Kenneth V 10 7 Sycamore St.

Spokes , Alfred E. SY 222 76 Laurel Hill Court South Hero

Allen, Ray W. V 70 South Wallingford Chapman, Harry S. V 81

Springfield Slade, Robert Gordon V 49 119 Union Street

Burlington Ba ker, Roger 0. V 63 4 Wealthy Ave. Cronk, George A II an F 392 204 South Union Crooks, George C. V 123 74 Spear Street Dimick, Paul S. V 71 34 University Terr. Lane, John B. V 68 47 Hillcrest Rd. Rand , Lynn T. NH 224 368 S. Union St. Ritter, Leroy D. V 40 305 Maple St. Tw iss, Arthur L. V 56 28 Bue ll St.


Cabot Barnard , Sidney E. V 46 Box 112

White River Junction



Dunbar, Bruce K. V 55 Scott, Robert L. COR 362 9 Larowe St.

Cutts, Howard W. V 83 Vergennes

Gra nt, Howard Austin V 77 R. F.D. 1 Peabody, Car l A. V 76 100 N. Water St. Peabody, Jim E. V 59 14 South Maple St.

Gadzinski , Chester NH 106 Box 453 ~ : Jsman, Daniel F. V 84 R. F . D.

Keir, Robert Garland COR 425 Danvlllo Hoxie, Gordon G. V 51

Wilder Sycamore, Hubert D. NH 349 1 James St.

Essex Junction

Slayton, Rob ert A . RPI 49 4 Wenonah Ave. Fair Haven Ranney, Richard W. V 86



Lyon, Ernest R. SY 251

Island Pond Currier, Vincent Eugene V 7 Scribner, Terry L . V 57 Fitzgerald Ave . JocksoMIIIo Butterfield, Marclus R. V 61 R. F . D. 1 Johnson Smalley, Dayton B., Jr. V 75 Lyndon Contor Hackett, Dale 0 . SY 250 c/ o H. Allen Middlebury Beck, Benjamin H. N 198 Rt. 1, Box 75 Montpelier

Coburn, Russell D. V 5 Box 277 Doten, Donald Guy V 8 387 Barre St. Lawrence, Brad ley M. V 85 15 North St. Smalley, Alan H. V 42 6 Kent St. Morrisville

Bliss, L . D. Elmer V 3 Calcagni, John A. V 73 Main Street Jenney, James Henry V 29 Walker, David Urban V 48 16 Park Street Pittsford Chutter, Robert W. , Jr. V 72 Stevens , Norman Orien V 39

Rutland Godfrey, Bradford Custer H 189 46 ~ Center St. Hansen, George Hughes V 32 44 Edgerton St. DIRECTORY PAGE 78


Bozarth, Ferrell M. KS 24 1 809 Ramsey Stree t Cherry, John C., Jr. GW 278 3440 Terrace Ct. Eastman, A lbert E. Ml 450 3 Winston Place Ellis , Delbert N. PS 498 109 So . Lee Street Gahagen, Samue l M. PS 205 Apt. ! A-Bell evi ew Apts. 1003 T enth St. Hamilton, Stan ley W. K 618 2 504 San ford St. Hawkins, Andrew J ., Jr. MO 410 205 Birch St. Heileman, General Frank A. MO 167 19 Vernon T errace Belle Haven Hi cks, John Aston GW 92 Box 12 Kutscher, Wa lter L . Jr. OH 145 5763 Sanger Ave., Apt. 221 Lemley, Charles R. GW 268 1110 Pri nce St. Le sli e, Lester GW 254 3321 Old Dominion Blvd. McFall, Bryan C. GW 255 3610 App le Tree Dr. Mi ll er, Wi ll iam B. NW 289 676 Timber Branch Pkwy. Parker, Harry C. K 394 Rt. l , Box 234-C Peterson, Eugene J. WIS 344 612 Melrose St. Richey, Perry Ste en P 70 3116 Circ le Hill Road Sharp, EverettS. 0 191 3008 Mosby St. Shedd, Wayne L . P 422 7 Wingfie ld Place Silcox , Walter B. IS 217 3400 Al abama Ave . Stanhagen, William H. SC 79 8003 Elmdale Rd . Tompkins, Raymond I. GW 115 1905 Ashwood Drive Altavista Smi th, Stephen K. SY 214 1817 Sunset Dr.

Arlington Anderson, James Maurice GW 132 627 N. Jackson St. (1) Armstrong, James E. IN 286 1925 Van Buren, N. (13) Bowman, Wi II iam A., Ill OH 131 6235 -28th North (7) Breakey, Herbert A . DN 6 3730 N. Pershing Dr. (3) Brooks, Gilbert GW 94 876 N. Kentucky St. Brown, Arthur R. NW 98 3818 N. Military Rd. (7) Bums, Allan F. COR 616 3015 N. Edison St. (7) Caldwell , Col. Cloyd T. ILL 359 1201 S. Court House Rd. 739 (4) Ca !dwell, Robert D. GW 253 2005 N. Jefferson (5) Chri stianson, Curtis Alfred GW 111 893 North Kentucky St. Churchill, Roger Platt COR 244 622 S. Stafford St. Cocke, Karl E. 0 676 204 N. Gee . Mason Dr. (3) Day, William F., Jr. IN 278 1602 N. Fillmore Dopp, Gordon Moyes C 245 1207 ·26th St., So. (2) Dye, Emmett C., Jr. GW 316 3320 - 23rd Road Fleck, James H. GW 64 5320 N. 37th St. (13) Fotopoulos , PaulS . K 585 1593 Colonial Terr. 306 (9) Friedheim, Stephen B. AR 49 2807 A St. 16th Rd. (2) Greene , Laurenz IS 12 2700 N. Dinwiddie (7) Haglund, Carl E. NW 185 4839 Rock Spring Rd. (7) Haley, James W. GW 128 4365 N. 26th St. (7) Hammack, Paul Willard GW 10 305 N. Lincoln Hansen, Lt. Col. John E. W 322 6127. N. 35th St. (13) Heiple, Leon E. ILL 782 2807 So. 8th, Apt. 373C (4) Hoard , Capt. Douglas H. Ml 359 4208 Columbia Pike, Apt. 22 (4) Ke llogg , George T . GW 118 6244 • 2Srd St. Lehman, Walter Sherwood GW 117 3100 S. 6th St. Lett, Fred El i, Jr . SY 253 133 S. Buchanan (4) Moody, Richard Eric WIS 363 4624 • 24th St. Nail , Dawson B. OS 328 4834 S. 29th St. (6) Nelson, Harold W. GW 310 216 S. Kensington St. Nelson, Richard Harold GW 290 216 S. Kensi ngton St. Neu, Arthur A. NW 490 M 237 Arlington Towers Riddle, Charles I. GW 84 2115 Key Blvd. Rippel, George W. PS 412 112 N. Wayne St., Apt . 2 Rose, Dean H. CH 65 3630 N. Potomac St. Ruffner, John M. ILL 745 4818 S. 8th Rd. (4) Schilz , Harold Lyndon GW 82 1504 S. Pollard St. Schipull, Wa lter L. IS 220 5009 ·2 5th Road North Shepherd, Donald R. IS 289 5625 • 32nd St. North (7) Sherwood, James N. P 552 3080 S. Abingdon (6) Simonovich, Sheldon K. GW 315 1610 Arlington Bl vd. (9) Smith, Walter J. IN 114 3229 • 1st Pl. , North Stepler, Harold G. GW 129 125 S. Pershing Dr . Surginer, Leslie T 155 4115 • 34 Street North (7) fiches, John J. GW 298 2820 ·8th Rd., South T ic hes, Peter C. GW 294 6231 ·26th Rd. North Vogelsang, Edward A . OHS 366 1624 Oak land Street, So. Wheeler, Willis B. GW 318 3171 North Quincy St. (7)

White, Arthur E. 0 203 4900 N. 37th (7) Windsor , Benjamin R. ILL 428 6307 N. 30th (7) Woolley, Frank K. GW 139 899 N. Kentucky Ashland Cross, Bernard Hami Iton F 527 Rt. 2, Box 107

Barboursville Beaty, John 0. COL 101

Blocksburg Altman, William D. OHS 360 Box 228 McElfresh, William A. Ml 607 103 Allendale Court Cape Charles Larsen, Harry E. C 334 8 Randolph Charlottesville Dean, George W. Y 212 1411 Gordon Avenue Shelburne, Ti Iton E. P 271 1404 Rugby Rd. Dinwiddie Scarborough, Wi II iam Acree F 238 Fairfax

Andersen, Rodney J. MIN 691 716 Morningside Dr. Crow, Harold W. SY 293 407 Cleveland St. Danbury, WiII iam T. MO 358 R. F . D. 1, Box 329 -C Dunlap, James J., II GW 309 F . R. D. 1, Box 578 Jardine, Charles Haskell MIN 348 R. R. 1, Box 164 Kincaid, Donald M. ILL 660 611 Spring Lake Terr . Wright, Harry 0 ., Jr . GW 99 .. P. 0. Bo x 428

Falls Church Barber, Joseph E. , M. D. SY 108 511 Belleview Dr . Bitner, Colonel Robert E. IN 55 502 Linden Lane Carlson, Arthur W. GW 3 1415 W. Broad St. Cowan, Andrew M. WIS 314 803 Larchwood Dr. Day, Ledford H. IN 233 500 Hillwood Ave . Edwards, Richard G. IN 482 1319 Woodley Road Grille, Joseph R. GW 236 1005 N. Sycamore St. Lytle, John A. GW 264 414 Peace Valley Lane McPike, William C. IN 456 1319 Fraizer Place Moore, Elmer G. ILL 551 2109 Sherwood Court U II mann, Hans C. NW 283 1213 Woodville Dr . Will iamson, Monroe W. GW 175 6308 Glenwood PI. Ft. Eustis Caughron, Col. James W. KS 219 051513 USA Trans. Tng . Comd. Fort Lee

Archbold, William F. OH 196 I. T. T . G. Branch Q.M . School Fort Monroe

Winkeller, Herbert B. COR 424 Gen. Del. (CONARC> Franklin

Delbrouck, W. M. NH 28 Meadow Lane Fredericksburg

Tasker, Clinton W. SY 220 Amer. Vis cose Lab . Hampton

Cottrell , George A., Jr. 105 Lynnhaven Drive Tappen, Lallie C. SC 149 208 Hall Rd. THE

Hot Springs Wallin, Carl Jorgan COL 236 Box 116 Kilmarnock Lowe, William H. W 53 Lexington Anderson, Stewart W. WIS 140 108 W. Preston St.

louisa Johnson, Richard P. H 154 lynchburg Gerhardt, Earl A. H 266 3811 Sheringham Place White, Wi II iam L. SY 400 2143 Woodcrest Dr.

Martinsville McDaniel , Eugene Marvin NC 76 Mclean Adamson, Keith E. GW 209 5823 Old Chesterbrook Rd. Moffitt, David A. MIN 606 Matthew Mi lis Rd. Nelson, Charles J. NW 243 Rt. 3, Box 462 Piper, William Myron WIS 471 136 Springvale Ave. Rice, George M. GW 98 5040 Waggaman Circle Vick , David F. GW 266




Sundell , George H. MIN 365 3316 Troy Ave., N. W. Thatcher, Robert R. N 476 914 Gaymon\ St.

Solem Robey, Ashley COR 271 P. O. Box 421 Springfield Ashby, Wallace L . GW 235 5809 Craig St. Frey, Robert B .• Jr. F 462 6701 Bracken Court Moore, H. Kendall ILL 487 7403 Grace St. VanNeste, Wi I burL. GW 259 5914 Brunswick St.

The Plains Munster, Walter Nelson K 445 Virgilina Lyon, John T., Jr. NH 15 Washington's Birthplace Gibbs, Russell A. N 276 Waynesboro

Baker, Robert C. OHS 515 1311 Keesling Ave. Clark, Robert E. Ml 373 611 Northgate Ave .

Norfolk Bunyan, William E. COR 449 925 Rockbridge Ave. (8) Coulson, Richard A . 10 358 U. S.P.H . Service Hospital (9) Noyes, Bradford W. NH 169 6607 Nashua Road (2)


Barnes, Laurence Almon COR 512 Petersburg

Agel , Frank Oscar COR 232 1625 Blair Rd. West Hill Pierce, Bruce J. F 555 1913 Varina Ave., Apt. C

Portsmouth Belser, Dr . Robert D. T 288 U.S. Naval Hospital Purcellville Grimwood, Gordon B. GW 225 Box 93


Kirkpatrick, Louis P. T 117 Capt. Medical Corps USN M. 0 . Q. (348)

Richmond Ellis, Robert W. WIS 560 9127 Huron Ave. (29) Greene, Robert Quigley Ml 429 1817 Laburnum Ave. Jarman, Lawrence W. NC 29 19 W. Lock Lane (26) Kinzey, Bertram Y. COR 175 303 W. Franklin St. (20) Lientz , Shannon D., Jr. Ml 395 621 Horse Pen Dr. Lissenden, Howard J. CIN 104 2950 Westchester Rd. (25) Robinson, Charles D. NW 355 105 Westham Parkway (26) Schremp, William Howard OHS 586 2940 Northumberland Ave. Steinmetz, Cloyd S. OHS 333 204 DeSota Dr . (26)

JULY, 1961

Jensen, Sherman Christian WS 64 Route 1

Bothell Collier, Ira L. W 4 17705 - 88th N. E. Evans, Harry E. MO 44 19321 100 N. E. Bremerton

Barner, Henry A. MIN 235 214 Med-Dental Bldg. Hudson, Ensign USNR John J . CAL 501 Trident Apts. Quistorff, Elmer W 250 Rt. 5, Box 383 Stewart, John, Ml 186 4000 Mountain View Drive

Millard, Lee Raymond UCLA 72 Rt. 1, Box 114 Burlington

Stowe, Duane Lee WS 114 111 Victoria St. Swanland, William Vern WS 126 P. 0. Box 464





Dick, Roy Ingli s WIS 16 815 N. Thornton Johnson, Howard C. W 407 921 Shamrock Dr. Rantala, Victor Wil l iam WS 151 918 W. Perry St.


Kamberg, Ens. Lawrence L . K 655 104 Bob Lane


Brush Prairie

Will iomsburg McKnight, John L. Ml 571 1205 B Jamestown Rd .

Wall, Chanes Ceci I F 316 Supt. M. Y . L . A .

Newport Hews Dickinson, Donald F . NW 326 10 Sandpiper Dr. , Shorepark Goodwin, Major Maurice B. CIN 105 6 Lewa llen Drive

Bellingham Graham, Norman N. W 413 500- 15th St. Hayes, Leroy Edward W 177 2625 Franklin McKel lar, James W 424 2626 Russell St. Scheel, Fred W. W 277 Pac. American Fisheries Shangle, Clanton Paine OR 33 Roeder Schoo l Smircich, Ronald J. W 525 1152 Puget St.


Din kins, Byron R. W 481 R. 2, Box 197 Fuhr, George A. W 498 2005 lOth Legg, Byron L . P 377 608 35th St. Asotin

Wheeler, Marvin L . WS 150 P. 0. Box 24 Au bum Davis, Darrell B. W 432 605 17th St. S. E. Stocker, Hollis 0 . W 219 904 F Street, S. E.

Bellevue Black, John C. WS 42 14312 N. E. 16th Pl. Bye, Gerald M. W 465 922- 164 Pl. N. E. Chapel, Franklin G. Jr. UCLA 62 16866 N.E. 6th St. Chedzoy, David C. WS 91 86- 157th S. E. Ave. Christian, Lawrence N. DRS 134 10- 100 N. E. Cornish, Bruce L. W 410 16715 S. E. 14th Engle, Duane G. MIN 576 4811 150th S. E. Hagberg, Charles P. P 716 44- 99th St., N. E. Roque!, Jerry A. COLO 487 5212- 125th Ave. S. E. Spence, James T . W 453 3440- 76th Avenue, N. E. Stahl, Homer C. WIS 453 16436 S. E. 8th St. Stouffer, John F. WS 90 1216 166th S. E. Robinsglen Ward, Frank E. W 328 12455 S. E. 25th

Little, Ernest Hugh C 36 Box 98

Franklin, Jerry F . DRS 258 443 N.W . 16th St. Lawrie, Robert H. DRS 221 1318 Division St. Cashmere

Babcock, Melvin Leroy Jr. WS 137 Rt. 1 Chamberlain, Jimmie D. WS 183 Rt. 1 Hammans, Benjamin G. W 421 Rt. 1 Hite, Jerry E. WS 178 Rt. 1 Lowers, Herbert Allan WS 93 321 Elberta Ave. Schell, Robert Eugene WS 156 Rt. 1 Zediker, Ron ald Fender WS 171 305 S. Division St., Box 606 Centerville

Hill , Dennis H. WS 226 Rt. 1, Box 62 Centralia Groshong, Gene E. WS 123 206 W. Carson Mills, Boyd Calvin WS 52 318 N. St. Oster, John Fred W 393 515 S. Pearl St.

Chehalis Hussman, Mark W. W 403 1593 llth St.

College Place Royer, Jacob C. K 19 28 E. Whitman Dr. Colville Buckley, Sidney R. VI 358 Box 390 Liebel, Lester N. WS 44 641 S. Adler Davenport

Zellmer, Verne E. WS 47 P. 0. Box 505 Zellmer, Wil lard A. WS 33 Box 264 Dayton

Gowing, Burton Russell W 444 203 N. First

Dryden Hower, Glen L. WS 181 Box 75 DuPont Schinnell, Hans Paul W 211 East Wenatchee

Tipler, Ronald W. WS 196 588A Rolf Place Eatonville

Van Eaton, Terrance J. W 502 P. 0. Box 247

Edmonds Ellison, John R. AR 18 8410 198th St. SW Griffi n, William K. WS 18 23815 ll3th Pl., W. Hall, George M. W 182 430 3rd Ave. Hall , George M. Jr., W 396 430 3rd Ave. Hall, Jerald C. W 418 1047 Puget Drive Hindman, Melvin L. IN 100 223 5 N. Miller, Kenneth E. W 464 19911 89th Place West Stoffer, Maurice H. W 374 527 6th Ave. S. Ellensburg Painter, Charles D. 0 160 Box 575 Whitfield, Jay A. W 16 108 Nat. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Enumclaw

Eckhart, Robert B. VI 101 Rt. 1, Box 211 Ephrata

Jenkins, Thomas H. WS 6 106 E. South West Walker, Arthur L. IS 158 123 Patrick Rd. Everett

Cooper, Frank Leslie H 88 716 Niles Ave. Nigh, Edson R. P 16 2325 Colby Ave. Randall, Charles Frederick W 420 326 S. Cabot Yoder, Elmer C. Jr. WS 87 7332 Highland Drive

Fall City McClymont, John D. W 508 Federal Way Waugh, William J. IS 4i4 31221 8th Ave. South

Cheney Rowles, William Lloyd NW 111 Wash. State Normal School

Ferndale Siddle, John D. W 505 P. 0. Box 462

Chewelah Messer, Donald W. Box 27

Forks IS 447


Knowles, Donald C. WS 223 920 Blvd. Lupinacci, Pete W. WS 232 Rt. 1, Box 603

Col fox McNeilly, Raymond Max WS 140 Rt. 2

Sackett, Veri ai n H. WS 209 P. 0. Box 98 Fort Lawton

Bechte l, John B. Jr., F 513 c/ o Bechtel Corporation Gig Harbor

Ander son, Donald A. W 288 Rt. 1, Box 174 Conan, Edward J. W 509 Rt. 2, Box 514 DIRECTORY PAGE 79

Quistorff, Ralph E. Jr. W 528 Star Route, Bo x 548 Goldondalo Gronewald, Charles Arthur WS 15 Norris, Delmar W. WS 237 Rt. 1

Rouzi e, Richard L . P 298 331 5 97th Ave., S. E. Monte sano

Zulauf, Allen S. ORS 226 549 West End Place Mo ses Lake

Graham White, Lloyd Edward W 405 Rt. 1, Box 371

Skinner, Donald H. WS 59 N336 Ri dge Rd. Mountlake Terrace


DeVoe, Grant Franklin WS 10 Hoqu iam

Gloyd, Char les S. WS 160 Box 297 Grenland, Amos Sovereign W 50 407 "0" Street Kel so

Andrews, Mark F. Jr. W 449 2330 Rose Va ll ey Rd. Knesti s, James F. W 499 706 N. 6th Ave. Knest is, William E. W 456 706 6th Ave . North

Brock, John R. W 484 21604 55 th


Mount Vernon

Croxford, Fred W. WS 35 Rt. 6 Glover, W. H. Jr. ON 128 1102 Kincaid Wh i linger, Gary Norman WS 136 Rt. 3, Box 28

Kent Fourn ier, John Louis W 239 Ki rkland Arthur, William K. W 533 234 7th Avenue Blonden, Richard L . WS 175 90 18 116 N. E. Moran, Paul F. W 428 11545 Holmes Point Dr. lake s id e Schmi tten, Edward Leonard WS 89 R. F. D.

Lind Wi ll iams, Lee Brayn WS 153 Long view

Barker, George Nichols W 331 1214 23rd Street Barton, Harold A. ORS 187 536 28th St. Crook, Cloyde C. W282 1527 - 23rd Street Hallberg, Bruce 0. ILL 841 1924 Olympia Way Hoggatt, Floyd Lione l W 89 1117 20th St. Linge, Jack H. W 380 1250 Sycamore Place Schwartz, George Edward W 377 2152 Delaware Lope:r.

Todd, George Arthur W 57 c/o Orcas Power & Light Co. Molden Weldin, FrankS. WS 203 Box 176 Mod ina Dotson, Ben F. W 363 P. 0 . Box7 Mercer Is land

Henrikson, Gordon Fraser W 397 4811 Forest Ave . McCoy, Newton C. W 131 Box 117 Morris, Charles F. W bb 7634 E. Mercer Way DI RE CTORY PACE 80

Port Orchard Bruce, James B. W 490 P. O. Box l 54 Lagergren, Earl E. W 314 Rt. 6, Box 310 Port Townsend

Thiele, Pau l W. K 150

Poulsbo Lund, Glenn Elmer WS 38 Parris, Mi chael N. WS 208 Rt. Box 590


Search, Marshall All en WS 5 Box 284 North Bend Evans, Charl es W. MD 9

Kennew ick

Boyd, Thomas J. WS 86 1617 Cl earwater Curtis, Everett A. WS 104 Box 641 Donahue, Bern ard Al fred WS 129 806 Al bany Ave. Fisk, Delbert LeRoy WS 154 Box 273 Gram ling, Vernon C. WS 135 Box 423 Liebel, Calvin Robert WS 85 727 E. 5th Ave . Mowery, Ceci I E. WS 176 Rt. 1, Box 17 Mueller, Dick A. WS 200 1931 S. Hartford, P. D. Box 553 Stringer, John T . ILL 492 612 W. 24th Pl. Wulff, Lyle M. WS 204 Rt. 1, Box 349

Gribble, Melvin L ee W 477 935 Georgiana Street King. George S. W 506 2820 S. L au rel King, Ri chard A. VI 461 2820 S. Lau rel Petersen, Da le R. WS 186 1116 Wes t 11th

Ocean Park

Eberhardt, Gerhard S. WS 117 Wiegardt, Gustave Adolph WS 120 Okanogan

Woo drow, Gordon H. KS 267 Olympia Alden, Charles F. W 25 1 407 South Water Box, Merton D. W 360 Rt. 6, Box 355 M Champers, Jesse E. W 175 815 Wes t 4th Corson, Kenneth P. W 143 Rt. 8, Box 148 Jones, John Hampton WS 105 24 17 Capita l Way Kinzey, Howard G. ORS 137 211 East 20th Wold, Kent L . WS 19 1 217 N. Lybarg er St. Woody, Ne il E. W 87 260 1 Fir

Omak Baines, Gary A. WS 169 Box 24 Baines, Paul F. WS 199 Box 24 Dennis, Jack WS 82 Box 126 Gadeberg, Joe M. WS-206 Rt. 1, Box 355-B Wi lburn, Wi lli am E. WS 227 Box 433 Opportun i ty

Jehle, Char les Anthony WS 124 30 1 North Felts

Oro vi lle

Sylvester, Arthur Gordon WS 125 Rl 2 Othello Preston, Melvin E. W 406 138 S. 11th Ave. Oysterv i lle Holway, Theodore Woodruff W 243 Park land Richards, John G. Jr. W 495 Box 677 Pa s co

Allen, Al bert A. W 154 Box 232 Earnest, Jack L . WS 119 2115 Hickory Smith, Ralph F. WS 53 1720 Margaret Pate ro s

Neff, George William P 316 Po Ell Stewart, Herbert M. W 300 Po rt Ange le s

Fisher, Frank P. Jr. W 135 232 W. 2nd

Pullman Crosby, James Win fie ld Il l, C 355 c/ o Mi ne Experimen t Station State Co ll ege of Washington Fi eld, Irving M. MO 570 P. D. Box 495 Gel bach, Ra lph W. WS 167 60 1 Stadium Way Henry, Frank L . WS 194 P. O. Box 426 - Col lege Sta. Jacobs, Cli fford D. CH 121 1211 Mapl e Kimbrell, J . T . P 477 501 Walnu t Lundy, Robert F. M 14 1 Box 135 Co ll ege Station Peekema, Richard M. C 408 33 F So. Fa irway Schmitz, Capt. Robert P. WIS 554 506 Morton Short, Kenneth I. WS 9 2010 Monroe Puyallup Bl i cken derfer, Char les WS 41 335 17th St. N. W. Courtney, Wilbur Doane ORS 34 U.S. Exp. Station Curri er, Edwi n L . N l OB Lutheran Home Grog an, Wi ll iam W. W 121 4118 N. Meridian St. Jarvis, Michae l B. W 478 BOO S. Meridian Johnson, Howard A. W 375 Rt. 2, Box 353 Park-er, Dal e W. ON 108 5415 E. 112th Quinault Gwin, Gl en L ewi s W 343 Redmond Buckley, Roy Wi IIi am W 345 Box 597 Graep, G. C. WS 14 16336 N. E. 8 l st St. Renton

Bonsack, Richard F. WIS 578 404 Grandey Way Gehrke, Norbert S. WIS 544 13520 S. E. 13Bth Pl. Slothower, David WS 192 12401 S.E . 172 Richland Con ley, Donal d E. WS 122 2013 Turner Finnigan, Jerome W. NW 329 506 Mewcauser Jernigan, Jerry P. WS 163 1441 Thayer Purcel l, Robert H. COLO 457 1915 Howell Tverberg, John C. A 26 , P. 0 . Box 222 Ri chmond Beach Jensen, Richard L. W 497 19201 Richmond Beach Drive Ro sl yn Nelson, Robert Dona ld W 306 Peterson, Glenn Ross W 254 Roy Kirsten, Richard Alfred WS 74 Rl 1, Box 39


Adams, Thomas Curtis W 460 2740 E. 89th !5l Allen, William Henry W 235 1507 9th W. Anderson, Bernard E. W 312 916 Norton Bldg. !4l Anderson, Melvin G. W 99 4929 Stanford (5) Anderson, Theodore R. Jr. 7723 12th Ave., N. W. Angle, Grant W 409 200 Aloha, Apt 10 Auld, Willis H. W 128 4207 Corliss Baila, Henry L . WS 28 2329 34th (44) Baillie, Allan S. OH 112 4753 48th N. E. (5) Ball, Gary L. W 521 17029 35th S. !88l Balthaser, Gerald Victor W 162 3801 E. James !22) Barklow, Donald L. ORS 164 8508 19th Ave. N. W. (7) Beard, Hanry R. COLO 71 3338 43rd Ave. N. E. (5) Beers, Norman Alwin W 138 1712 47th Ave. S. W. Benedi ct, John W. W 529 13539 30th N. E. !55l Benrtett, Dudley J. W 142 5018 Greenwood Aye. Bennett, Frederick N. P 345 1023 N. 48th !3l Benton, Dwight C. W 61 c/o Benton Jewelry Store 45th & Univers ity Way Berry, Carl Morri son W 183 Box 38, Boeing Field (1) Birks, William R. W 451 14808 Stone Ave. !33) Bjorgan, Clifford 0. W 394 4801 Terrace Drive (5) Bowen, John C. H 151 P.O . Box 18Z5 Oll Brown, Stephen Darden W 129 12055 12th Avenue N. W. Burdue, William B. W 367 69 15 58th N. E. !5l Burford, George B. W 108 2345 E. 127th !55l Cairns, James G. Jr. , W 491 2407 W 59 - Apt. 3 Carl sen, George B. WS 8 3210 62nd Ave. S. W. 06) Carnahan, Ri chard E. ORS 159 12444 3rd Ave. S. W. !66l Carstensen, RobertS. W 325 2309 W. 96th St. !7l Chasteen, Robert W. W 459 3811 Sunnysi de (3) Col e, Charl es B. W 485 4411 55th Ave. N. E. !5l Conover, Charles J . Ml 148 2021 E. Lynn St. !2l Craig, Robert K. COLD 493 3820 51st Avenue S. W. 06> Crain, Richard Willson Jr., W 415 6317 18th N. E. Dammann, Francis Henry WS 70 9548 7th N. W. Damus, Henry H. W 455 0853- 31st N. E. 05) Daniels, Joseph W 448 5816 Vassw Ave . (5) Davidson, George J. W 383 9264 Spear Place Deahl, Arthur W 206 1921 • 10 N. !2l Devery, William J. W 448 18733 12th N. E. !55) Dexter, William B. W 329 503 N. 42nd St. (3) Di ckey, Stanley E. W 387 4027 W. Trenton Street 06) Dudley, John Wesley W 357 8019- 37th N. E. (5) Duncan, RobertS. WS 37 214 1 N. 172nd !37> Dunn, Frank Clyde W 86 2121 Sunset Ave. Ek ins, Richard W. W 391 2818 35th Ave. W. !'I'll Erickson, Lloyd E. W 204 6520 54 N. E. ! 15l Farm er, George R. W 507 3732 37th S. W. Farmer, George Stuart WS 3 11307 24th Avenue N. E. (55) Fen ton, Davi d B. W 359 115 W. 117 St. !77l Fl etcher, James G. W 92 '1103 27th N. W. !7l



Frey, Ernest Ansel WS 11 4817 51st SL S. W. (6) Gilbert, Gerald L. Jr. , WS 184 4036 56th S. W. (6) Gloyer, Donald C. COLO 475 312 Wheeler Street (9) Goins, Donald C. IN 446 2250 First AvenueS. Gorline, Jom W 186 6853 16th N. E. Gould, Vernon Ralph W 189 6007 49th St. S. W. Gray, John B. W 232 4830 E. 44th (5) Greenawalt, William P. CIN 181 4001 E. 38 Street <5l Greene, Clyde Joseph W 49 5614 Brooklyn Ave. Greer, Edward Young WS 2 2459 S. 146th St. (88) Guthrie, Gene E. W 365 3541 E. l66th (55l Hall, John I. W 222 6712 35 N.W. (7) Halliday, John Jackson W 236 Biegalow Bldg . Halverson, Guy 0. W 511 11709 3rd N. E. Hansen, Loren A. W 373 1613 North 52nd (3) Harrison, Ben McCoy W 515 5004 17th N. E. (5) Hashagen, John B. COLO 228 n56 N. E. 19th 05l Hendrickson, Einar H. WS 100 7209 26 Ave. N. E. (15) Hennes, Albert F. W 83 3308 37th (99) Henry, Edward E. W 233 176llnterlaken Blvd. (2) Henshaw, Jack W 352 2545 - 11\Yest (99) Hessler, George H. 94R 43 3520 31st Ave. West (99) Hewitt, Harry Hiram Jr. , W 246 2609 lOth W. (9) Hug, Harris C. IS 326 9301 - 57 South (18) Hunt, Melvin B. ILL 429 3841- 44th N. E. lneson, Maurice W. 10 52 705 ~. 50th, Apt. 202 (3) Iversen, Howard B. W 486 9406-21 Ave. N. W. (7) Iverson, Edwin H. W 241 4011 33rd W. (88l Jackson, Clarence Arvel W 169 7829 Strand (3) Jackson, Robert IY. W 290 12259 6th Ave. N. W. Jardine, Charles A. W 426 18784 Ridgefield Rd. (77) Jensen, George AI! W 63 Smith Tower (4) Johnson, Gerald W. P 687 9159 45th Ave. S. W. <16l Johnson, Tom E. W 510 15 Ray St. Johnson, Wm. Charles W 344 4703 Meridian Ave. (3) Joneson, Kingsley P. Ml 558 512 Boylston N. (2) Jordan, Andrew A. W 173 900 University -Apt. l6E (1) Katzen, Harry C. W 298 2811- 28 (99) Kawachi, Gary T. W 472 7460 S. !31st St. Ken~ Lester A. W 148 6007 31st N. E. (15) Kilburg, Ronald A. ORS 214 14274 -51st Ave. (88) Klein, Edgar S. IY 472 82118th N. E. 05l Kongele, Edward W 90 527 First Ave. North Kramer, Elfred H. K 596 5113- 48th Ave. N. E. Krauss, Clarence Snyder OH 308 4914 E. 70th (5l Lancaster, Arthur L. WS 84 835 S. W. 193rd (66) Landberg, James S. W 494 c/o Mrs. Carl Lutes 1815 S. 133rd St. Laura, Anthony S. SY 302 2212 Roanoke St. (2) Leach, Shirley W. W 161 4903 E. 97th 05) Lee, Wi Ison Knighten Jr. , W 293 1207 70th Lindsay, Russell H. COLO 165 3400 Cascadia Ave. (44)





JULY, 1961

Luther, Arthur 0. W 76 2206 E. 80th <5l Magnuson, Joseph Myron ILL 451 8244 Sunnyside Ave. Marietta, Alvin J. W 302 6007- 48 S. W. Martin, Frank W. W 78 3211 30th (99) McConnell, Nei I Lathrop W 334 10718 - 28th S. W. Merriam S~erman L . VI 80 3822 14th South (44) Miller, Alll&in P. Jr., WS 26 169M- 27th Ave. S. W. (66l Montgomery, Victor Adna COLO 47 4721- 19th Ave. N. E. Nelson, Robert B. Jr., VI 526 2415 Crane Drive (99) Newman, Lee Louis W 119 Northern Life To wer Nicholson, Donald P. W 489 3530 Woodlawn (3) Nottlemann, Rudolph H. MIN 276 U. of Washington-School of Law Oke, Phillip M. W 520 7320 35th South wes t O'Kelly, Ronald V . VIS 222 1812 s. 104th (88) Olson, Paul H. WS 215 2588 9th Ave. W. Pattie, Kenneth Wi lli am WS 20 12009 - 79th St. S. (88) Payne, Dwayne H. W 423 15668 23rd S. W. (66) Peery, Charles Eugene W 441 417 S. !28th St. (88) Petram, Donald J. W 429 433 Belmont N. (2) Phelan, Edward N. NW 91 1808 E. McGraw (2) Plunkett, Harry L . Jr. , ILL 523 2319 Second Ave. (1) Pohl, Russell Albert W 245 2835 12th Ave. N. Price, William H. W 166 2626 W. Lynn Rasmussen, Walluf W. W 500 100 W. 54th St. (7) Rasp, Walter F. P 340 1623 -45th Ave. S. W. (6) Richard, Connie E. W 492 3004 E. 55th Richardson, Dio COLO 54 1414 E. 52nd (5) Robertson, Daniel R. WS 213 5111 Haze l St. (88) Scheyer, Dr. Frederick L. W 97 937-938 Medical Dental Bldg. (1) Schroeppel, James F. W 501 17001- 15th N. W. (7) Schwenk, Earl B. Jr., W 512 4421 W. Graham (16) Scott, Frank William Jr., W 400 6807 -31st Ave. N. E. (5) Seeligei, Clarence Herman W 240 4519- 14th Ave. S. (4) Senescall, CleveR. MIN 482 4114 Surber Dr. (5) Seybert, James D. KS 446 7516 44th Ave. N. E. (15) Shanafel~ William Adelbert W 260 4826 E. 41st St. (5) Shearer, Jack E. ORS 135 12212- 84th Ave. S. (88) Shipe, Lester Kermite OHS 533 16221 9th N. E. <55) Snyder, Hal Nolen W 220 633 IY. !20th (77l Stariha, Paul L. WS 225 4040 Fortieth Ave. S. W. (16) Stevens, John C. W 388 14035- 25 N. E. (55) Stone, CI i !ford A. W 504 3120 Harris Place (44) Sutter, Edward G. D. D. S., W 454 1214 Boy I ston Swanson, Rollin James, W 434 3417- 44th Ave. S. W. Taylor, James J. P 731 3052- 60th St. S. W. (16) Tiffin, Charles C. COLO 35 Baldwin Apartments 900 University (1) Trolson, Roy Frank W 238 6657 - 58th St. , N. E. Tyler, Richard G. 0 30 Univ. of Washington (5) Utterback, Clinton Louis P 32 1305 East 43rd Valiton, Arthur P. COLO 358 3228 33rd Ave. W. (99l Van Pelt, Rollo M. N 287 5000 Sand Point Pl. N. E. (5)


Walum, Stephen E. WS 233 14649 - 24th South (88) Watson , James W. W 303 10012 Lakeshore Blvd. (15) Wells, Larry W. W 389 9520 30th N. E. (5) West, Gerald W. W 353 5729 -59th N.E. (5) Werberger, Wm. W 225 17731 Beach Dr. N. E. (55) Whisler, Wilton M. W 370 121 l68th (88) Wiley, Elton R. N 447 2540 - 29th S., Apt. 32 Williams, David E. NW 454 12319 Hiram Pl. N. E. (55) Williams, David James W 146 2801 S.W. 172nd St. Williamson , Estes J. W 134 7155 - 55th Ave. S. Winkler, Ross Wayne ILL 290 2602 Queen Ave. (30) Worrell , Douglas R. W 517 4914 Burke Ave. (30)


Sodro Woolley lbea, David Lecario W 476 216 Woodworth St. Mullen, Thomas Robert W 480 307 Talcott St. Sequim

Gates, James Roberts W 32 Shelton Hufnail, Glen R. WS 16 1721 Jefferson LeCompte, George Alexander W 190 Rogerson, Robert W. W 381 1519 Turner Steinhoff, Robert G. N 484 223 West D Street Silverdale Manning, Lionel Walter WS 4 Snohomish Shreve, Herschel Hubbard ORS 44 Bonnevi lie Adm. Snoqualmie Beamer, Barton D. W 483 Opstad, Edwin Raymond W 213

South Bend Bale, Robert Ezra W 64 Britt, Theo V. WS 58 Box 192 Edward s, Malcolm Lauren WS 149 P. 0. Box 252 Walther, Boyd V. W 532 Box 1004 Spokane Backman, James C. WS 201 3418 W. Glass Brown, George Elmer H 292 5202 N. Market St. Burbank, Ronald Edward SC 60 6010 N. Lacey St. Corbett, Donald Glenn F 280 1467 Paulsen Med. -Dental Bldg. Esvelt, John P. WS 60 W 4017 Broad Falk, James P. WS 131 11006 E. 17th (64) Gustafson, Walter Raymond WS 97 West 2210 Sharp Ave. Helgeson, Russell D. WS 103 N 8422 Northview Rd. (53) Herbison, Ralph Neil W 226 3424 Milton N. Kirmaier, Raymond A. Ml 423 P. 0. Box 6217 (14) Lee, RobertS. WS 193 North 2303 Park Rd. (6) Merrick, Harry G. CSU 5 8009 E. Glass Prinz, William C. OHS 537 N-1>014 Elgin (16) Veatch, John W. WS 56 525 S. 25th Ave. 05) Williams, Wilho E. WS 71 South 5428 Arthur - RFD 3 (7) Sprague

Archer, James N. WS 147 Box 202 Stanwood Archer, Aubrey R. W 52 Rt. 1, Box 159J Steilacoom

Burg, Gerald Glenn W 433 Box 361 Sultan Warner, Ellis Edwin W 27 Sunnyside

Flower, Camillus F. W 93 Box 27 Hughes, Donald S. WS 48 302 W. Lincoln St. Sonner, John Burroughs WS 92 1212 E. Edison Ave. Warner, George Whitfield WS 66 1313 E. Edison Tacoma Alton, Clifford E. W 487 6524 93rd St. S. W. (99) Alton, Lloyde L . W 437 6524 93rd St. S. W. (99) Anderson, Larry WS 159 2628 N. Shirley (7) Austin, John V. WS 78 224 East 126 St. (44) Blagg, Cecil Fasson W 60 4022 N. 27th St. (7) Burdick, Eitel W 85 414 N. Tacoma Ave. (3) Casebolt, George C. WS 67 2401 N. Orchard Cleveland, Elwyn A. W 285 1607 Center St. (2) Hendry, Ronald L. W 417 12701 Ave. DuBois S. W. (9) Hitt, Edward Gabriel W 231 4813 N. 28th Hodam, Robert P. ILL 758 20 Fir Glen Rd. (99) Holsapple, Keith A. W 514 9138 Waverly Dr. (99) Hom, Carlyle E. W 207 7117 Holly Hedge LaneS. W. (9) Kennedy, Dr. Herbert C. IN 368 1146 N. James Monsen, Robert M. W 479 4638 Bellvi ew (66) Schlegel, William Bernard W 191 4110 -6th Ave. Schubert, David C. W 538 10401 Becker Drive (99) Simpson, Stewart Lamont W 46 ~5 Orchard Rd. Statile, Howard Lee, W 447 221 S. 57th St. <8l Stewart, Mike WS ,214 5811 Pacific Ave. (8) Street, Lester E. W 438 4721 E. Vickery Rd. (4) Toburen, Milton H. KS 152 5602 E. 106th Turpin, Harold Lester W 110 9122- !28th (9) Wall, Raymond P. W 287 5327 N. Bristol (7)

s. w.


Gibbs, Charles V . W 430 Box 337 Vancouver

Alben, Edward A. W 149 3118 N.E. 42nd St. Bates, William Charles W 15 400 W. 11th St. Maxon, John R. W 399 813 East 26th St. Nanney, Albert M. W 257 10013 S. E. Evergreen Hwy . Piele, Philip Kern WS 172 3806 Clark St. Rawson, Frederick P. N 17 10511 D. Mill Plain Rd. Reubendale, Robert W. COLO 321 Kaiser Foundation Hasp. Templeton, Merle E. WS 152 10102 N. E. Hazel Dell Ave. Thompson, Charley D. ORS 56 8015 N. E. Fourth Plains Rd. Vashon

La Jambe, Jerry R. W 411 Rt. 2, Box 428 (EIIinsportl Larson, Martin E. WS 198 Box 584 Walla Walla Anderson, Carl G. ORS 82 57 Boyer Dr. Corlew, Robert W. WS 185 811 Whitman St. Dague, Richard G. WS 216 Rt. 1, 410 DIRECTORY PAGE 81

Ellis, Frank E. WS 182 506 Holly Sl Gilman, Donald R. WS 207 1005 Bryant St. Gi Iman, Richard E. WS 187 Rt. 3 Gunderson, Richard G. WS 218 217 N. Madison Ave. Haigh, Frank Loyal Y 60 833 Washington St. Willman, Oscar IN 62 c/o The Book Nook

Washougal Haight, Eric J. C. DRS 244 Rt. 1, Box 544 Washtucna

Ray, John Henry WS 118 Box 93

Watorvlllo Sutor, John Allen W 197

Dun Oaf

Eccles McWhorter, Egbert Ewing H 248 Eccles Junior High School

Applotan Bengs, Donald C. WIS 375 1826 N. Alvin Malmberg, Carl George ILL 407 1700 Hycrest Drive Remley, Adam C. MO 95 225 River Drive



Steinmetz, Charles 0. OH 57 442 22nd St.

Yakima Anderson, Robert Theodore WS 65 3212 Sharon Way Oeaderi ck, Kelly D. W 111 216 N. Hillcrest Farmer, Edward J. CSU 145 1002 S. 24th Ave. Hill, William Henry WS 157 2907 Summitview Ave. Studebaker, Irving G. A 55 P. 0. Box 2004 Williams, Fred C. WS 81 910 S. 30th Ave.

Jackson, Ronald L . E 110 2843 Washington Blvd. Janssen, Or. Raymond Ellsworth NW 200 1244 Huntington Ave. McGhee, Claude M. CIN 123 2138 Tenth Ave. Minton, Albert N. CIN 123 312- lOth Ave. (1) Mook, Elmer R. CIN 120 649 S. Terrace Snow, Robert B. ILL 723 11 Willoughby Ave. Cll

Copp, Chari es A. WIS 297 c/o Trinity Episcopal Church Deatrick, Eugene P. COR 111 Rt. 4, B~x 68 Geiler, Frederick Linck OHS 341 360 Waltman St. Jaco, Jesse Miller Y 210 Monongahela Bldg. Marsh, Ray Stan ley P 165 724 College Slonneger, Robert D. T 286 409 Callen Ave. Van Liere, Edward Jerald WIS 172 University of W. Va. Williams, Edgar CH 169 CPA Monongahela Bldg.

WEST VIRGINIA Bock loy Hackleman, Jay K. ILL 670 Bo x 1452 Big Bond Yoak, Ralph A. COLO 621 Bluofiold Cameron, James R. COR 36 P.O. Box 647 Charleston Bell, Robert G. WIS 520 810 Sherwood Rd. (4) Brown, Ben jam in B. H 155 603 Wood Rd. (4) Diddle, Fred Harrison Y 91 State Treasurer's Office Dougherty, Thomas H. NW 506 2612 Kanawha Ave. S. E. (4) Lloyd, Thomas R. IN 477 1429 Langridge Rd. Pasley, Robert H. T 365 1113 Bridge Rd . (4) Smith, Stanley H. Jr., COR 369 2121 Superior Ave. S. Tatomer, Harry N. ILL 511 2018 Weberwood Or. (3) Webb, Ralph D. ILL 345 One Lindy Rd. (4) West, John Patterson PS 75 103 Hunt Ave. Woodman, Clyde E. Jr., K 489 818 Chappell Rd. (4)

Chostor Hackathorn, Franklin D. OH 139 225~ Virginia Ave. Clathior Chambers, Julian H. F 291 Box 544 Cox's Mills Powell, Ira Jewell COL 219 DIRECTORY PAGE 82

Holaday, Frank Maxwell P 218 1415 Oak Street Barron

Wester, Karl IS 274 325 S. 3rd

Bayfield Beebe, Edmer WIS 382 Bo x 231 Beaver Dam

Meister, Wayne E. WIS 565 514 W. Maple Ave.

Beloit Garrigan, George Arthur WIS 279 Turtl e Ridge Han sen, Waldo G. WIS 219 912 W. Grand Ave. Opdyke, James E. WIS 487 1368 Prairi e Ave. Rice, Earl L . CH 112 P.O. Box 304 Wahlberg, Gi Ibert George WIS 342 1051- lOth St.

Berlin Brandt, Romain WIS 463 PlO Box 230


Donahue, Gary M. CIN 280 612 Kansas St. Parkersburg

Zonitl. Mitten, Paul L . II , W 468 c/o Masonic Home

Deerfield Pierce, Solon Wesley WIS 401 Delavan


WenatchH Feil, Jack Otto W 422 Route 6 Moran, James E. Jr. , W 354 1522 N. Pershing Ave. Shiner, Delos A. Ml 87 206 Wenatchee, S. & Loan Bldg.

Cudahy Zoerb, Howard McKinley WIS 25& 4031 E. Allerton Ave.

Burdette, James W. CIN 316 2806 Fairview Ave. Dana, John Bancroft MO 555 811- 16th St. Lockhart, Hugh A. C IN 226 1112 Wilbur St. Michaels, Jack D. CIN 276 4307 Stella St. Roe, Richard F. ILL 541 3462 Rosel and Ave. Stro ck, John H., Ill , F 550 2316 Plum Tefft, Howard Eugene CIN 231 609 Jamison St. Poco Jones, Paul A. CIN 262 Oklahoma St., Box 27

Saint Albans Gearhart, Elmer A. 0 372 1412 Park Rd. Sauth Charleston Comerford, Frank Girard CIN 41 Carbide R. Carbon Chemicals Div. of Union Carbide Cook, Graham COL 204 811 Montrose Dr.

Blue Mounds Hobson, Asher K 145 Brandon

Pal lister, L eon Lyon WIS 445 Bo x 308

Reynolds, Thomas M. CIN 263 2610- lOth Ave. Shannon, James E. OH 106 203- 55th St.


Wheaton, Robert C. M.D., WIS 550 488 Kane St.

Murray, Marcus Stan ley WIS 366 High School

Lohrey, Richard Erwin WIS 493 124 Fourth St.

Eau Claire Anderson, Arthur Lloyd WIS 253 1022 Fifth Avenue Kappers, Lloyd S. WIS 266 1204 State Street Warner, Donald F. MIN 431 1521 Rust Sl Evansville Schaffer, Erwin L. WIS 607 123~ Highland St.

Elkhom Ihlenfeldt, Stanley W. WIS 461 Bo x 89 Elm Groqe Kraatz, Fred C. WIS 423 1250 Woodside Lane Fand du Lac Borsack, Karl Kasper WIS 176 39 S. Main St. Newell, Lynn Fields WIS 226 54 w. 11th Westenberg, Robert W. ILL 781 70S. Sallie Whelan, Allen WIS 197 312 Forest Ave. Fort Atkinson Southworth, Horace H. NW 296 . 420 Frederick

Fossum, Arthur MIN 438

Laubenstein, Harold J. WIS 329 R. 2, Box 100, Hy. 0 Grantsburg

Anderson, David L. MIN 620 c-1 1st National Bank Green Bay

Fry, Donald E. WIS 548 1433 Frank Green, William Carl WIS 129 1200 South Monroe St. Howlett, George Frederick Ml 343 1003 S. Webster Ave. James, Evan William WIS 406 1168 Kellogg La Chapelle, Harris Andrew WIS 403 1030 - 12th St. Meyri ck, Gordon Sumner WIS 248 633 Polier St. Monfi Is, Owen F. WIS 569 986 Hickery Hill Drive WIS 569 Peterson, Ellwood R. MIN 507 1927 Farlin Ave. Greenwood

Campbell sport Smith, David W. IS 565

R. R. 2


Trewyn, Ben WIS 376 719 N. Michigan


Brookfield Anderson, Donald A. WIS 345 N. Beaumont Anderson, Neal E. WIS 596 425 N. Beaumont Chambers, Fred C. N 392 1065 S. Apple Tree Lane Narrin, Elgin E. NW 158 2400 Mi erow Court Newland, Coleman A. Jr., COLO 290 1235 S. Post Rd. Roberts, Lee W. 0 704 16600 Brooklawn Dr. Ruenzel, Norman WIS 413 2560 Carson Ct. Whisner, Donald A. OS 147 4235 N. 133r d St.

Chetek Scherz, James P. WIS 615 Box 321, Rl 1


De Pere


Brillion Ariens, Mando Steven WIS 316



Gardner, Henry Jr. , WIS 443 524 McDowell St.

Cochrane Schlosstein, Gary Belmont WIS 497 Coleman

Greason, Alvin Allan WIS 566 Rt. 1

Ram in, Robert H. MIN 525 Holes Comers

Knutson, Norvin A. WIS 539 5247 Guerin Pass Wi I cox, Bernard W. IS 499 3661 S. 29th St.

Hartford Gifford, John M. WIS 611 Rt. 2, Waterford Rd. Hartland Hinderaker, Hughitt H. MIN 48& Hixton

Almond Crowell, George G. WIS 45

Colfax Bremer, Frederick James MIN 475


Coloma Follett, Kenyon WIS 428

Hallandale Morse, Harry Arthur WIS 398

Caan Valloy Koula, Wenzel James WIS 388 Route 2


Berner, A. F. WIS 387 1257 N. Superior Melcaard, William Laverne NW 236 327 Clermont

Dorrance, James M. WIS 612 Rt. 1, Box 8

Mellenthien, Lynn H. WIS 587 307 E. Lake Sl


Janeoville Ohlsen, Larry 0. WIS 564 1906 St. Mary's Ave. Jorfferoen Hebard, Glen G. WIS 317 208~ C Street Kaukau na

Theis, Clarence G. WIS 360 Box 148 Theis, Roger A . WIS 600 116 East 401 St. Kenosha

Johnson, Albion VIIS 334 303-304 Dale Bldg. Morrow, Cecil Alfred, M.D., WIS290 6336 Sheridan Rd. Nelson, George Edwin Jr., WIS 481 1346 - 54th St. Shearer, Conrad John WIS 416 Schwartz Bldg.

La Cross e Gansen, Edward Frank Kaerwer WIS 354 213 Rivoli Bldg. Hetherington, George Merriman CH 263 426 North 22nd St. Pappus, Peter G. WIS 456 2221 Adams St. Robinson, James C. \V IS 515 424 South 23rd St. WIS 515 Lake Delton Sauger, Fred Albert WIS 288

Land O'Lakes Tripp, Larry C. COLO 490 [llack Oak Lake Madis on Bakken, Henry Harrison WIS 222 2218 Chadbourne Ave. Bennett, Jacob Roderick WIS 364 4122 N. Sunset Court (4) Blair, Walter Frank WIS 132 207 N. Brooks St. Bowers, Warren D. WIS 603 904 Nichols Rd. (4) Brodie, Jonathan D. WIS 586 2924 Harvey St. Apt. 3B (5) Clark, Warren William WIS 61 2105 Keyes Ave. Collins, James D. N 511 913 Magnolia Ln. Conrad, Robert B. WIS 505 1 Langdon Street Cooper, Delmer Clair WIS 346 2749 Kendall Ave. Dale, Fred B. WIS ·330 1227 Gi I son St. Divers, Langdon P. WIS 303 2153 Fox Avenue Ellis, John C. M.D. WIS 552 1344 Fitchburg (5) Fitschen, John Allyn NW 148 c/ o Wisco Hardware Co. 15 S. Brear ly St. Frank, Mi I ton H. P 68 302 W. Wa lnut Ave. Frazier, Wm . C. \VIS 261 231 Westmorland Blvd. Green, James E. IN 390 5106 Barton Rd. (5) Gregg, Russell T. Ill 391 Ed . Dept. Univ. of Wisconsin Grimstad, Paul C. MIN 344 2224 Fo x Ave. Groves, James F . CH 62 1110 Harrison St. (5) Hansen, Norman E.WIS 563 R.2,Gannon Rd. (5) Hoesly, Henry Chester WIS 204 95 Spooner St. Hunt, Henry J. WI S 26 6010 S. Highland Rd. litis, Leon L. WIS 238 3622 Nakama Rd. (5) Jewson, Robert G. VIIS 459 313 Eugenia Ave. (5) Jones, Thomas Edward WI S 135 2027 Chadbourne Avenue Josephson, Richard J. WIS 570 226 Van Deusen St. Keck, Everett B. WIS 275 R.Adm. M.C. U.S.N ., Ret. 111 W. Wilson Ketchum, Larry WIS 599 510 Frank lin Ave. <Sl Larson, Clayton B. WIS 419 4505 Travis Terr. (5) JUL Y, 1961

Lenz, ArnoT. WIS 374 930 Cornell St. (5) Lippert, Eugene C. WIS 531 1319 Farwell Dr. (4) Lippert, Roderick J. WIS 530 1319 Farwell Drive (4l Lund, David B. WIS 526 5209 Lorulh Terr. Maloney, Norris Emmell WIS 373 2726 Chamber I in Ave. Massey, Richard W. \'liS 542 4605 Oak Court <4> Maxfield, Jack H. WIS 143 4206 St. Clair <5> May, Arthur L. WIS 485 2523 Van Hise Ave., (5) Moore, John Duain PS 290 3533 Heather Crest (5) Morri s, Leslie Ros lyn WIS 143 1805 University Ave. Mueller, Herbert W. WIS 405 1053 Rutledge St. Nedrebo, Krisloffer 0. WIS 595 40 10 Mani lou Way Nelson, Gordon E. WIS 228 1427 Vi las Ave. (5) Noerenberg, Jess H. Y 173 Wi s. Congregational Conf. 2719 Marshall Court (5) Owen, Ray S. VIIS 6 5807 Winnequah Rd. (4) Paugh, Russe ll Harry IN 148 3706 Hillcrest Drive Piper, Wi lmer Alvin \VIS 390 27 41 Kendall Ave. Rishoi, Alfred H. COR 242 2806 Arbor Dr. (5) Sabin, Dr. Richard P. \VIS 501 5202 Manitowoc CSl Steuber, William F. WIS 359 2210 Lakeland Ave. Thayer, Frank B. WIS 160 231 Journa lism Hall Univ. of Wisconsin (5) Wegner, Gene H. WIS 498 825 Maple Terr. (5) Woods, William H. \VIS 495 119 E. Johnson St. (3)


Brey, Kenneth J. WIS 444 2114 Fairmont St. Gaterman, William Charles WIS 458 1130 Lincoln Blvd. Kugler, Harold A. WIS 397 P.O.Box 352 Wi lda, Eugene Franklin WIS 408 842 No. lOth St. Marinette

Dahlquist, Raymund Arthur WIS 345 835 Gladstone St. Remore, H. H. 10 147 Box 230, Route 1 Marion

Byers, Francis Robert WIS 476 Schroeder, Vernon Clarence WIS 472 Mena sh a

Christianson, Alden H. \VIS 449 c/ o Marathon Corp. Dreher, Eldridge C. MIN 549 Marathon Paper Co. Jabas, F. H. WIS 591 500-2nd St. Lee, Clifford M. VI IS 590 370 Park St. Men omon ie

Ch ristianson, Peter F. WY 145A Stout State College Rudow, Henry W. WIS 91 1121-12th SL Salyer, Guy MO 378 401-2nd St. West Merril l Se ll, Gustav A. \VIS 155 504 E. 3rd St. Merri llan Porter, Robert Henry Milwaukee

Albright, Ra li CIN 179 865 W. Mont Cl air Ave . ( 17) Armstrong, Richard IV. OH 184 8129 W. Bender Rd. Cl8l Arnold, Elliott J. WIS 496 3456 N. Oakland Ave. OD Arnold, Suel Orr \VIS 276 2208 E. Menlo Blvd.

Bailey, James G. IN 590 1331 Barnard Ave. Birch, Frank V. \VIS 174 16% N. Astor St. (2l Blair, Walter Agnew WIS 455 2519 N. Lake Drive Blakey, Marcus A. COLO 4 2530 N. 90th Street Brann, August F. WI S 287 2430 E. Oklahoma (7) Brunow, Waller Hugo August WIS 414 · 2646 N. 24th Place (6) Carpenter, Everett N. WIS 236 325 E. Acacia Rd. (17) Caltron, Kie ILL 69 2516 E. Stratford Court Christiansen, Rolf E. WIS 609 2718 S. Superior St. (7) Clark, Lyle J. NW 170 Box 7152 03> Cook, Guy Thomas IN 41 3352 N. 48th St. Costello, Mel vi lie Robert WIS 528 2837 N. Sherman dlvd. Creager, Richard C. WIS 351 5506 N. 26th SL Danzig, Lawrence H. NW 530 1306 E. Glendale Dopp, Jack W. UCLA 46 3459 N. Summit Eaton, James R. Jr. P 722 8426 W. North Ave. Apt. 2 03) Enders, Leroy Louis WIS 223 3169 A No. Booth 02) Fast, Warren R. WIS 500 2346 N. 69th SL (13) Fiedler, Albert Charles WIS 161 5109 N. Cumber I and Fortney, James B. M 26 5440 N. Berkeley Freyburger, Edwin WIS 324 2735 No. Hackett Ful l er, Henry Chesler WIS 188 4214 N. Maryland Ave., Shorewood ( lD Fuller, Henry C. Jr. WIS 588 4214 N. Maryland Ave. (Ul Gillet, James J. WIS 475 3148 N. 89th St. 06> Gough, Ronald L . COLO 625 1824 N. 53rd SL C8l Grayson, Herbert F. NW 381 7327 W. Beckett Ave. (ll) Grimes, David 0 590 8123 W. Morgan Ave. C20l Hall, David 10 349 5028 N. 6lst SL 08l Hansen, Donald H. WIS 507 4328 N. 41st St. 06) Hartnig, Richard E. WIS 614 3419 S. 76th SL Hatch, Samuel Reuben WIS 25 516 E. Carlisle Ave. Haugen, Ernest K. WIS 385 4209 N. 40th St. 06l Hoeppner, Donald J. WIS 537 8300 Tuscher Ave. Howard, James M. IN 349 1904 E. Wood Place Clll Jones, E. Morris WIS 194 4147 N. Maryland (Ul Jones, Jack Bremner WIS 527 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. Koehler, Earl Stout MIN 139 4128 N. Maryland Kuechenmeisler, Hugo WIS 89 1121 N. Waverly Pl. Apt.1106 C2l Lippert, Carl Henry COLO 297 3432 West Center Little, George M. WIS 302 1609 N. Prospect, Apt. 505 Lockwood, George J. SY 318 1805 E. Park Place OD Manegold, John Robert WIS 114 5015 W. Stale St. Mazurek, Robert William WIS 559 1958 S. 24th St. McWilliams, Ralph D. IN 381 4112 N. Larkin (ll) Meinecke, Benjamin F. WIS 400 6729 W. Capitol Dr. 06) Miller, James C. WIS 230 2631 S. 50th St. (15) Miller, Roger Lee MO 342 5015 Larkin (17) Mitchell, Norman M. WIS 262 4600 N. Cramer ( lll Murdaugh, Charles A. WIS 421 2738 N. 83rd St. 03l Nelson, Paul W. Jr. WIS 402 3345 Knoll Blvd. ClO) Norgard, Karl Andrew WIS 278 8845 Stickney Ave.

Parkinsan, Daniel Smith WIS 516 2818 N. 69th St. ClOl Parkinson, George A. WIS 486 Dir., Milwaukee Vocational & Adult Service, 1015 N. 6th (3) Patzke, Allen E. WIS 514 2616 S. 64th St. 04> Praefke, Gordon E. CSU 11 7717 N. 43rd St. (9) Present, Bob J. NW 292 830 E. Court I and ( lD Redeen, Byron Chesler WIS 368 2955 N. 78th St. Reinke, John A. NW 534 1535 W. Walker St. Reislad, Earl C. WIS 616 3933 N. Farwell Ave. (ll) Ristow, William J. WIS 616 2454 S. Green Links Dr. 09) Ritter, William A. WIS 464 313 E. Henry Clay Salin, Roland V. WIS 606 1622 W. Bolivar (21> Schachtschneider, Jerry \VIS 535 2728 N. 98th St. 00> Schier, Leon Charles \VIS 465 1505 E. Riverside Place Schmidt, Hoarbert W. \VIS 260 9780 W. Colonial Dr. Schuler, Donald A. \VIS 582 2710 E. Belleview Pl. (ll) Schwada, Joseph Phillip WIS 145 2736 N. Sholes Ave. Sherwood, Noble Pierce, Jr. K 423 4501 N. Frederick Ave. (ll) Sperling, Arthur F. WIS 420 4869 N. ldelwild Spohr, Robert L. F 538 1313 E. Randolph Court 02) Sproule, Dr. Ralph P. \VIS 163 1024 E. Stale St. C2l Stade, John H. WIS 608 4483 N. Frederick Ave. ClD Tesarik, Ronald F. COR 615 3819 N. 78th Street Winkle, Robert NW 327 550 N. 104th St. (13) Wulliman, James C. NW 327 3932 N. Farwell Ave. Oll Mineral Point

James, Charlton H. \VIS 292 Jones, David Owen WIS 347 Farmers Savings Bank Bldg. Mount Horeb

Beat, John Na ka ma

Ebling, Wa ller Henry \VIS 198 726 Seneca Rd. Neenah

Cogger, William L . Ml 374 662 Stevens St. Reddicliffe, Donald K. NW 368 1039 Sterling

Neillsville Johnson, Donald W. 444 Hewell St.

WIS 541


Rumsey, Fred L. KS 280 . Box 533 Oconomow oc

Domann, Waller A. F 339 R. 4, Box 449 A Hanson, Russell V. \VIS 577 140 Sunset Lane

Onalaska Mesoloras, Christ Nick Rl. 1

WIS 529


Wech ter, Richard H. WIS 597 258 Dewey SL Oshkosh Lamb, Franci s S. WIS 139 1702 Ontario St. Polk, Forrest R. P 65 727 Wright Oxford Nesbitt, James Wi lliam \VIS 556 Pa lmyra

Jensen, Wayne L. \VIS 610 Box 165 Plateville DIRECTORY PAGE 83

Balliette, Ralph E. WIS 162 638 Water Street Plymouth Gessert, George W. WIS 305 P. 0 . Bo x 83 Portpgo Morrison, Elton J. WIS 149 526 Pro spect Port \/ashington Bostwick, John Richards WIS 353 219 Jackson St. Dunwi ddie, Walter Rockwood WIS 15 2 Hi gh School Racine

Bybee, Norbert A. Jr. WIS 623 1629 Map l e Stree t Di xon, Arthur George ILL 350 401 Cro ss Creek Road Eckmann, Cl arence W. VIIS 438 937 Illinois Sl Feiker, William Wi nfiel d WIS 340 520 Main St. Higby, Will iam M. ORS 4 710 Echo L ane L anning, Norman V. OH 147 251 4 Rosalind Ave. Myer, Raymond Philip NW 101 610 Wi sconsin Sl Myers, Samuel P. WI S 306 P. D. Box 426

Superior McPherson, LeRoy WIS 78 217 Tlegram Bldg. Reinhold, Carl Moe Teachers College Nelson, WilliamS. WIS 613 5831 Baxter Ave. Thlonovllle Podolski, Warren H. WIS 504 Rt. 2 Bo x 537 Prosser, Frederick H. WIS 327 RL 2 Bo x 157B

Tomah Burris, Carl C. IN 1b0 1005 Oak Street Tomahawk

Rhinelander Jones, John W. WIS 523 Route 2

Bigelow, Orame\ Harry COR 12 410 Main St. Dunwiddie, Leon Foster W\S 229 Johnson, Easton WIS 93 Wisconsin Dells Floberg, Delphin W. NW 198 720 Race Sl Wisconsin Rapids

Two Rivers Ahrens, Frederic William WIS 534

R. R. 2

Bennett, Glenn MIN 274 262 Grand Avenue LaChappelle, Harvey J. W\S 425 Box 230


Wilson, Joseph 0. WIS 200 Rt. 1 Wales Anderson, Joseph E. A. WI S 508 P. 0. Box 77


Waukesha Klatt, Nesl ey Evans WIS 348 333 Greenfield Ave. Stine, Thomas Young WIS 337 Carroll Co llege

Ripon Barber, William H. CH 51 621 Ransom SL Reichmuth, Erwin F. H k82 547 Watson River Falla Hass, Duane Kendall WIS 517 Green Acres Farms- RFD 2 Nelson, Casper I. WIS bO R. R. 2 Box 145 Shawano

Rose, Robert K. WI S 580 R. F. D. 1 Sheboygan L ycan, Gl enn Winfred WI S 130 Nix, Harvey W. Jr. WIS 583 P. 0. Box 51 Peterson, Marvin M. WIS 407 11 25 Main Ave. Schoch, Harry H. ILL 739 2113 Broadway Worthmg, Hugh Otis WIS 134 2330 North 6th Street Shorewood

T aylor, Russell Raye tte WIS 164 4001 N. Prospec t Avenue

South Milwaukee Drews, Thomas A. COLO 635 222 Fai rvi ew Avenue Josephson, E. F. \VIS 543 1790 Spruc e St. Sparta

Ambelang, C. D. WIS 430 Box 215 Stevens Point

Amund son, Donald K. WIS 524 332 Peck Sl Anderson, Hiram Dunfield WIS 4b8 Box 255 Chenault, Paul G. GW 282 214 S. Michigan Stoughton

Amundson, Burnhard Clarence WIS 313 211 N. Fifth Street Hough, Ralph G. ILL 787 R. 3 Box 198 DIRECTORY PAGE S.C

Booth, Charles H. WIS 432 Wausau

Benton, John K. H 146 109 Grand Ave. Eggebrecht, Gordon C. ON 102 3031 6th St. Fehlhaber, Orville W. WIS 312 1109 Grand Ave. Fo x, Fred L. WIS 332 1037 Weston Ave. Klang, Donald Everett WIS 479 212 So.· 6th Ave. Olson, Donald H. WIS 478 816 Sturgeon Eddy Rd. Rothman, Neal P. WIS 418 523 Adam s St. Schultz, Roger John WIS 417 908 Washington St. Swazee, Carl W. WIS 427 915 Broadway Zaiss, William E. IW 34 4004 Carl Street Wauwatosa

Benedict, Marion Elias WIS 231 7836 Milwaukee Ave. Blakey, John Warren COLO 391 2530 N. 90th St. Bock, Donald C. WIS 589 2420 N. 74th Sl Brendel, Roy Albert WIS 158 154 N. 88th St. Butterfield, Merton Weiss WIS 295 2618 N. 88th SL Ericsen, Arnold J . WIS 483 1823 N. 8lst Street Pease, Harlow Heath WIS 206 7416 Milwaukee Ave. Ralph, Howard Thoburn WIS 304 8920 Stickney Avenue Smith, Walter B. KS 227 8631 Ludington Ct. Vautrot, Louis Richards COR 79 2005 N. 72nd St. Watson, Robert C. WIS 519 1430 N. 64th West, Robert James ILL 462 b829 WI Iauer Drive West Allis Nicora, Edward S. WIS 506 332 64th


West Bond Benedict, Leonard Edwin WIS 326 62 Ridge Avenue Simester, Theodore W. WIS 328 Lock Box 208

Cody Garrett, Roy S., Jr. COLO 486 1802 Rumsey Reed, Jerry A. WY 156 1013 Bleistein Ave. Reed, Wesley W. WY 133 1013 Bleistein Ave. Divide Anderson, Wayne Duncan WY 37 Douglas Beaver, Kenneth Wayne WY 16 1002 S. Fifth SL Henry, William Michael, Jr. WY 8 Route 3


Dubois Boland, James Froman WY 94 Box 138 Henthorne, Edward Tad WY 99

Albin CI ark, Dean Warren WY 78 Box 114

Eden Joslin, Paul Dwight WY 87 Nelson, Carl Earl WY 77


Fort Laramie

Harper, George Floyd WY 53 Mascher, Andrew Jo seph WY 57 Big Piney Dunnewa \d, John B. WY 124 Bo x 713


Rico Lake Cowell, Joe Barrie MIN 674 427 N. Wilson Ave.

Klootwyk, Ronald I. P 729 720 E. 19th SL Lathrop, Carleton A. H 303 501-2 Hynds Bldg. Lewis, John T. WY 28 1926 Newton Dr. Lunsford, David W. COLO 570 900 W. 31st St. - Siefker, Dale NW 469 3003 Forest Dr.


L embcke, Louis William WIS 320

Gaston, Omar L. ILL 84 413 S. 5th Street Roe<!sburg Arvold, William Vernon WIS 153 318 Walnut St.

Whlteflah Bay Bellam, Horace V. WIS 274 5556 N. Shore Drive Brovm Roger E. P 465 5360 N. Bay Ridge Graef, John G. NW 440 5500 N. Santa Monica Blvd. Plautz, Edgar Gottlieb WIS 277 b07 E. Day Ave.

Buffalo Kinion, Edward F. WY 116 872 N. Adams Casper

Brittain, Kenneth R. WY 105 1515 12th Brovm, St an l ey K. WY 150 1230 Wes t 23rd St. Co lvi n, Marc Jay, Jr. VIY 86 104 N. Wash ington St. Dunlap, L arry E. WY 17 851 Country Club Road Gish, Lyl e R. WY 175 224 1 South Mi tchell Gi sh, Robert N. VIY 155 224 1 S. Mitche ll P. 0. Box 1786 Harn age \, Floyd Dale WY 108 834 South Oak Jen sen, Norman L . W 3b8 336 South McKinley Sl Keszler, L awrence W. WY 143 2111 W. Odell Kistler, Loui s Wm. Jr. WY 29 905 South Gran t Stre et Lambert, John Carli s\e WY 3 c/ o Mr. G. M. Bl att 1418 Bonnie Brae L arsen, Raymond M. MIN 318 Box 3 Mok l er, John Alfred WY 1 Box 1 Nichols, Rolan~ E. 0 561 2000 W. Ode ll Niel sen, Carl 0. R. ON 77 3049 Aspen Drive Nunn, Ronn ie M. CO LO 597 725 W. 21st St. Prugh, John Drew CO LO 573 2221 East 3rd Reeve, Roscoe Hu len CH 107 539 Mi lton Avenue Treglovm, Donald M. WY 149 528 S. Lincoln Ave. Ziegler, Chas. H. Jr. N 403 852 Sall y L ane



Gramlich, Ralph C. N 126 2b05 Capital Ave. Heist, Harry D. ON 63 Rl 2 Box 416 Hughes, Robert D. WY b8 3400 Green Valley Hughes, Richard VI. VIY 47 3555 Hynds Blvd. Johnson, Ralph S. P 326 907 Frontier Ave.

Sandercock, Russell Warren WY 45

Gillette Gilbert, Theodore L . WY 131 Box 176 Jacobs, John Edward WY 11 Mankin, Charles Dean WY 36 Box 6 Moore, Laurent Wayne WY 9 Raitt, Keith Kilworth WY 40 Swenson, Durward Andrew K 359 Corner Drug Glenrock Hershey, Ramon Clare WY 111 Bo x 82 Plaster, Dale Stewart WY 110 Box 225 Greybull Baldwin, Thane H., Jr. WY 31 Box 1049 Foe, Glenheim N 227 K•mmerer

Pikl, !gnats James WY 13 517 Lignite Ave. La Ba'lle Schaffer, Richard A. WY 170 La Grange

Mercer, Clarence Milford WY 82 Lander

Carson, Harvey A., Jr. WY 40 345 Cascade Hallam, Blair S. WY 74 Box 591 Iiams, John E. WY 73 Box 5, Lyons Valley Rte. Laramie

Baker, Paul Oliver WY 101 911 Steele Sl Bearley, William L. WY 90 1001 Gibbon Cochran, John A. WY 152 916 S. lOth Sl Conover, Roy Wall ace WY 5 609 South 12th Davis, Howard Preston WY 21 501 South 17th SL Deal, Dwight E. RPI 128 317 Kearney Apt 2 Freytag, Frederick Clark 10 327 1413 Kearney SL Freytag, George Frederick WY 7 1413 Kearney Sl Freytag, John Edward WY 69 1413 Kearney Sl Gilbert, Carl S. COLO 246 University of Wyoming Hepner, Frank Edgar WY 23 419 - 11th St.


Johnson, Russell E. WY 178 2(ll9 Thornburgh Dr. Jones, David M. WY 17b 70b South 23rd Street Kolp, Bernard J. IS 4bb 1723 Steele Morgan, Raymond A. WY 25 170b Garfield St. Riedl, Gary Ward WY 107 SOb S. 17th Street Riedl, William Alfred WY lOb SOb S. 17th Street Soderholm, Bruce A. WY 130 qoq Fetterman Drive Trllety, Otto E. GW 81 1712 Custer Street

F. E. Warren Air Force Base

Elsesser, Frederick L., 59881 csu 110 "lox 3qb

Wheatland Small, Milton William WY 102 Bosler Route

Worland Ernst, Joseph P ., Jr. ON 162 Box 409 Iversen, John WY 196. lbOO Coburn Avenue Pinegar, Douglas W. WY 167 lbOO Coburn Ave.

Lingle Butler, Roy Donald WY 117 Box 351

Milia Shira, Donald Lee WY 158 Box Sb Mt. VIew Fields, Jack B. CSU 8

Smith, Charles W., Jr. IS 1107 Box 835

Dean, Roy Delmar WY 19

Pinedale Hawkins, Lawrence J. WY 72 c/ o Arthur P ape

Powell Graham, Leslie Raymond WY 118 335 N. Bernard St.

Rowllna Briggs, S. Jack WY lbS 3lb -5th Jacobs, Clifford Clair WY Sb 301 Mahoney St. McMicken, Andrew R. H 140 Box b25 Peterson, Albin C. WY 177 8zq- nth st. Peterson, Lyle D. WY 171 8zq- 11th st. Woods, Phillip McKenzie WY 58 210 E. Walnut St.

Hunter, James Monroe, Jr. WY 84 202 East Bell Avenue Raymond, John D. WY lb3 P. D. Box 1108 Sinner, LeRoy V. WY 162 1101 East Main Sl Skelton, Irvin W. WY 142 Riverview Rte. Skelton, Robert Earl WY 120

Rock Spring• Bird, George W. WY 81 810 Wyoming Sl Blacker, William WY 6b 417 Powell St. Campbell, Howard WY 6 1324 Liberty Dr. Overy, Thomas D. WY 61 709 Gobel Wilde, David G., Jr. WY 35 132b Liberty Dr.

Sand Draw Hart, Roland W. WY 41

Sh.,ldan Bent, Roger R. COLO 82 756 Adair Cormany, Charles E. COR lb2 Box 764

Sinclair Mahan, Ronald R. WY 148 411 N. 8th St.

Tonlngton Croghan, Roland D. COLO bl6 Box 1002

Cone, William Vernon 10 173 McGill University Heimrod, Albert A. COL 1 Precipitation Co. of Canada 903 Dominion Sq. Bldg. Ottawa Brownlee, Kenneth H. SY 235 654 Gilmour St. McGregor, William Grant IS 2bl The Experimental Farm Smith, Laton A. MIN 499 2024 Black Friais Rd.

Port Credit, Ontario Gramlich, Howard J. N 135 1362 Wateska


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Gammie, William Joseph WS 83 Hallonquist Worcester, Wolsey G. OHS 134 University of Saskatchewan

Dhakran Valpey, Arthur L. Jr. Ml 385 ct o Arabia-Amer. Oi I Co.

ARGENTINA Macchi , Carlos Anastasio NW 350 Jujuy 153-

Hahlbeck , Harold A. N 305 Rivadavia ll9F


Simcoe, Ontario Freeman, Robert Irvin COR 40 q 124 Norfolk St.

EQUADDR A quito Ward, Norman M. OS 185 c/ o American Embassey

EGYPT EI-Raml, Alexandria Rizk, Hussein Ahmed OS 375 69 Glym St.


Mameesh, Mostafa Safwat WIS 557 Vi II a Drive Safwat Maadi Gardens

Giza Souka, Abbas Fawzi WIS 555 12, Farouk 1st St.

ENGLAND Landon de Villiers, Andre K 712 12 Holland Place Chambers Kensington Church St. Morgan, Everett K. WIS 103 Devonshire House Vicarage Crescent

Ste. Anne de Bellevue Murrey, Harold Robert COR 315 McDonald College


Toronto, Ontario Boyes, Will W. NW 290 92 Prince George Dr. (18) Teeter, Clarence G. COR 247 442 Brookdale Ave.


Vancouver, B. C. Hopkins, Jonathan H. SC 24 6349 Angus Dr.


Koch, Albert, K b21 G lacisstrasse 15

Bradford, Leonard George H 342 American Consul 6 Place Felix Baret (VI) Doucet, Pierre L. WS 195 143 Blvd. (7)

Dear, David P ., Dr. F bS 19 Avenue President Wi Ison Obl

Sydney H. S. W. Beatty, George Mudie NW 23 Manchester Unity Bldg. 185 Elizabeth St.

Vankleck Hill, Ontario MacDooald, Sutherland, Y 172

Victoria, B. C.


Arnall, William L. W 313 lb34 Pinewood Ave.

Ria de Janeiro Buschfort, Heinz Gunter ORS 217 Miller, Frank H. COLO 231 Rua Ataulfo de Paiva 1460 Apt. 704

Weiland, Ontario Griffin, Carroll Eskert COR 202 91 Young St.

GERMANY Dalhingen Steele, Roy Hesten 0 208 Army Judge Advocate Hdqs. 7th Army

Dr. Henkelatr Trauernicht, Hans H. K 588 Erding Muenchen 00)

Windsor, Ontario

Sao Paulo, S. P. Riverton

Montreal, Quebec


Buenos Aires


McKinney, Rea P. 0 334 lmm. & Nat. Serv. c/ o Amer. Embassy, Apartado 22


Acassuso, FCHGBM Newcastle

Pennock, Paul W., Dr. NH 39 71 Park Ave.

Paris, Ontario Wells, William G. MSU 18 64 Grand River St., South

lolldweat Graves, Gerald J. WY 151 Box 555 Morris, Francis L. WY 12b Box b31 Thompson, Charles W. WY 14b Box 722

Guelph, Ontario

Bewick, Howard L. IS Sherwin Williams Co. Tintas E. Vernizes Cai xa Postal N 2444 Elijah, H. D. P 403 558 San Joso Fegley, William P. CIN 4 c/ o Sao Paulo Trainway Light & Power Co. - Caim de Corre 2bB Greer, William J . P 533 Rua Nove de Julho, 245

Vance, Marshall Mounts U. S. Consulate

CANAL ZONE Balboa Mallahan, John R. ILL 530 Bo x 321

Banton, Marvin James OHS 377 Bo x 35 Wise, Nelson Eldon P 334 Bo x 345 Gamboa

Udd, Clarence J. CT b4 Glenora Park, R. R. 3

Shaw, Raymond N. AR 4b Box 193

Republic of Panama Calgary, Alberta AI cock, Daniel F . 0 b84 504 Renfrew House Brand ley, John T. IS 578 Box 51- Monarch Lee, Douglas H. 0 664 3b21- 13th St. , S. W. Will , Ralph F. 0 lb4 Landcaster Bldg.

Edmonton, Alberta Crawford, Paul L. 0 352 11825- 73rd Ave. Holmes, John C. Ml N 642 Dept. of.Zoology University of Alberta Fort Erie, Ontario Keefe, Michael J . F 477 158 Goderi ch St.

Logan, Thomas A. UCLA 183 19 Annastrasse

Jaegemdorfer Zelle Lipperheide, Reinhard P. UCLA 139 Berl in-Li chterfelde-West (51) Munich

Balboa Heights

CANADA Brackvllle, Ontario

Frankfurt AIM

John son, Welton Ellery WIS 180 Bo x 510-Chase Natl . Bank

CHINA Shanghai Fryer, George Bladben C 46 lnst. of the Chinese Blind 290 Hungjao

Taipei Kup, Benjamin Chung-L NH 23b 26, Ume 81, Ahoy St.

CUBA Havana Bishop, Lawson W. WIS 146 Edifi cio Ambar Motors Apartado <P. 0. Bo~ l 829

Collom, Jack A. CSU 4 -Munchen 2 Gabel sbergerstr. 59/ 1

Waldachulalle Koenig, Werner Kurt Ml b33 Berlin Charlottenburg 9 <58) Worms am Rhein

Thompson, Chari es E. NW 448 Karmeliter Str. 2

GUAM Agana Hannah, Larry K . K bSl P. 0. Box 1138

INDIA Lucknos, U. P. Bauer, William E. M 70 Lucknow Christian College

INDONESIA Bogar Aamodt, Olaf S. MIN 171 Col. of Agri . & Vetry. Science Ken tu cky Contract T eam




Rosht Akhavan-Khaleghi, Youssef V 93 Seray Ahmmed Bosorg


Tappmg, T . Hawley Ml 180 Silliman Universitv


Christensen, D. M. WY 65 Iran Pan American Oil Co. P. 0. Box 1466 Hamblen, Stewart B. COL 243 U. S. Point 4 Program c/ o U. S. Embassy Meftah, Behrooz B. CSC 81 15 Shahrood Ave.

Oriental McKinley, James Pranklin Y 21.9 Silliman University Dumaguete Negros

Manila Robie, Merl e S. COR 367 23 McKinley Rd.

PORTUGAL IRAQ Baghdad Khan, Kamal Mustafa OH Ill Adami yah Taima, Fuad Khazal F 543 5/ 3/ 27 Najib Pasha St.

JAPAN Sumo, Kobe

Diller, Wil l iam M. SC 19 Box 825 Miyakawa, Kozabu ro, CSU 87 17, Kitamachi l

Lisboo Cloud, Estal C. MO 504 Rua Felipe Falque No. 5400

PUERTO RICO Hoto Rey Johnson, El mer D. COR 196 Call e Duarte 19 Sheets, Earl E. IN 494 203 Larrinaga-Baldrich Mayague :r.

Marshall, Donald H. WIS 474 College of Agriculture

Tokyo All ison, Hon. John M. N 353 US Ambassador to Japan



Madrid Stugard, Burl, K 407 Agricultural Attache U. S. Embassy

Baaldine Hamady, Sadri Rachid OS 338

\ Beirut

Sabbah, Tala al Ali OS 361 Essielly Bldg., Assour

MEXICO Estacion Wadley Dentl er, Richard WS 57 Ell ett, Richard Dentley WS ~7

Mexico D. F. Burns, Richard C. GW 220 Santa Anita 220 (10) Durr, John Frendberg Ml 408 American Friends Serv. Com. Los Amigos Colorines Evan s, Richard Pau l C 455 Ramon Grizman 518 c/ o Joy Sulli van Machine Co. Zeller, Ernest E. COR 618 38 Galveston St. D8, D. F.)

MONACO Monte Carlo

Knox, R. Adm. R. W. W ll6 C&GS <Ret. )-International Hydrographic Bur.



Dack, Merdith C. ILL 380 c/ o Fi restone Tire & Rubber Co . 22 Geyland Rd . - P. 0. Box 242

SWEDEN Angel holm Ramsay, Anders Edward IS 440 Engel tofta Gard Broddetorp Johansson, Elof D. B. AR ll5 Hedan 164 Goteborg Ma11ner, L ars Olof K 560 Pontusviknersgatan 1 Stockholm Henriksson, Anders G. WS 205 Bergsgatan 24

SWITZERLAND Bruggen - St. Gall on Hungerbuhler, Hans U. KS 397 Zweibruggenmauhl e



Offringa, Sikko N 547

Tho Haguo Rooda, Jakob G. E. K 648 Wassenaarscheweg 133

NORTH IRELAND Whitehouse, Belfast Johnson, Dale E. SC 101 'Darrynane• Whitehouse Park

NOVA SCOTIA Truro MacLeod, Dr. Nelson B. CIN 29 Inspector of Schools 539 Prince St.

PERU Limo Howard, John W. COLO 181 USOM Peru - C/o American Embassy Smith, Roy G. MO 430 YMCA Apartado 24ll Morococho

Hosmer, Henry Liggett Ml 470 C de PC C DIRECTORY PAGE 86

This Section Concludes Your Fraternity Directory


Kabbani, Dia Eddine CSU 60 P. 0 . Box 101


We would appreciate your comments

Istanbul · Aksel, Sad ik Kemal ILL 755 Si lahsor Sok No . 14, Sis l l

as to whether or not you would like to


fivie years.

Caracas Gregg, Frank, OHS 517 V. A. R. C. 0 . -Apartado 893 Janzen, Lowell D. K 631 Mobil Oil Co. de Venezuela Apartado del Este 5373 Rodrigues-Lopez, Carlos G. WY 104 Este 12 - No. 240 - El Conde McPeck, George F . CIN 19 Apartado 5459 de Chacao

have this service repeated in another

Robert E. Jepson A ss' t . Exec. Secretary Aca ci a Fraternity Hdqtrs. 1569 Sherman Avenue

VIRGIN ISLANDS St. Thomas Tyson, Kenneth B. K 535 c/ o Dorothea Beach Club

Evanston, il linois


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CALIFORNIA BY DrcK KrsLITZIN The spring semester began this February with the initation of seven men. Rich Collins, Terry Elliot, Ron Grand, Al Harisuna, Dick Kislitzin, 1 Bob Moore, and Marty Se££ens. In addition, five new pledges were 1 welcomed into the fold: Dall Barley, Bev Fletcher, Dave Kimes, Jack • Lewis, and Joe Moaveni. As always, California Acacians enjoyed a full social semester. It began with a hayride which took the brothers and their dates through the Berkeley hills. A warm fire greeted them upon their return to the chapter house. A 'Roaring twenties' party was next enjoyed which



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George Abed has been elected president of the Oregon State University student body in a recent election held on April19. George Abed, 22, was born in Jifna, Jordan, a small town 15 miles north of Jerusalem, Jordan. George received his elementary and high school education in Jordan and graduated from high school in 1955. Soon after graduation, he taught at St. George's School in Jerusalem from 1955-1958. He began his teaching at the age of 16--somewhat unusual. He taught science and mathematics to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students of high school. In 1955, George placed among the top six Jordanians, excelling in a General Certificated of Education Examination given by the University of London. Our brother was offered scholarships to the University of London and to Germany, but he chose to come to the United States. George was chosen as one of three students from Jordan to be on an exchange student program sponsored by the International Institute of Education. George received a one-year scholarship to Oregon State. The scholarship, provided mainly by the IFC, gave him the opportunity of living in three different fraternities as a guest student for the first year. One of these fraternities was Acacia, of which he became a member in the fall of 1960.

saw the transformation of the house into a 'speakeasy' complete with various and sundry gambling devices which were impossible to beat. The annual inter-fraternity ball was enjoyed by Acaians as well as the annual alumni dinner which featured, as guest speaker, Harvey Amos, first vice president of Acacia. Numerous exchanges and 'TGIF'S filled in the spare time of the brothers and our calendar was br ought to a successful conclusion with our annual formal held at the exclusive Bermuda Palms in San Rafael. A pre-party held at alumni Ed Wachmans home before the formal was highlighted by the announcement of the pinning of two of the brothers ; Howard Weinberger, Venerable Dean and Sid Thomas, member of social committee.

Commencement exercises in June will see the graduation of the two men responsible for the outstanding social events this year: Sid Thomas and Don Scott. In addition, marriage will claim Ed Cerwinsky from the role of the 'eligible's' and Steve Meisenholder has plans to help the U.S. by using his acquired knowledge in the field of engineering. Sports has also claimed a great deal of time from the members. Dave Kimes was rated fifth in the nation as a member of the Cal rifle team, and his prowess with a r ifle earned for him the much coveted title "ALL-AMERICAN," and accordingly, a place on the ALL-AMERICAN TEAM. Roger Hewitt, the cog around which spins the wheel of fortune of the Cal baseball team, has certainly been the most con-


sistent player on the varsity this year. Cal's chances for the CIBA title will depend, by and large, on this no. five hitter in the lineup. Warren Burkholder, the varsity track man also contributed his efforts to the victories which the varsity track team enjoyed this year. Warren was rated the best high-hurdler on the varsity. In any intra-mural sport, ACACIA is always considered a threat by the opposition. A new summer rush program has been installed at the Cal chapter for the impending fall rush. Emphasis has been placed on the coordination of effort between Alumni and actives in finding men who will bring credit to the chapter in the Acacia tradition. A minimum goal of twenty men has been set. In the annual elections, the brothers elected: Howard WeinbergerVenerable Dean, Roger KnackeSenior Dean, Chuck WeinbergerJunior Dean, Roger Hewitt- Rush Chairman, Rich Collins- Secretary, and Jim Beck-Treasurer.

13 9: iilJ w:.t¡Xi M iJ BY GEORGE CARNEY

Central Missouri State's Acacia chapter gained new strength with the winter and spring rushing which added 22 excellent men. The winter pledge class, led by President Bill Silverberg, went active April 22. The new actives are as follows: Bill Silverberg, Weldon Brady, Ronn Hunt, Jack Sandridge, Don Dobson, Leland Long, Mark Johnson, Kenneth Talley, Bob Hines, Ronald Baker, Rollie Beerman, George Carney, and John Sill. The promising spring pledge class plans to go active next fall with the following members: Louis Bartow, John Wheeler, Ed Smith, Bill Ramey, Tony Eidson, Jim Davis, Lanny Dunham, Roger Jones, and Carl Conway. Among these new actives and pledges are several outstanding varsity athletes. Silverberg, Dunham, Conway, and Davis are on the varsity track team. Bill and Lanny have broken school records in the mile and the two mile and the 120-yard hurdles, respectively. New officers for the coming year are Don Lerbs, Venerable Dean; Don Kluttz, Senior Dean; Jim Blackwood, Junior Dean; George Carney, Secretary; Ken Lerbs, Treasurer; and Bob Corder, Rush Chairman. Lindy Evans has been elected IFC 98

novating its facilities. These new President for next year. We are proud of Brothers Willie Gaither and Marion Stump for their outstanding work in initiating the semi-open rush that the fraternities had this year. Acacia hopes this will be a big step toward open rush. Greek Week at C. M. S. was profitable for Acacians as we took second place in the Greek games and received many compliments on our songs, "Sweet Violets" and "Strolling Through the Park," that we sang for the Greek Song Fete. "Nite on the Nile" was a hugh success. The Social Hall was beautifully decorated with palm trees, a sacrificial fire, and a bridge leading over the Nile which was filled with goldfish and floating lilies. Jim Blackwood, John Sill, and Louis Bartow displayed our chapter's talent in the spring production of "Guys and Dolls." Larry Graham and Don LaRue played in the band for this production. Marion Stump was on the varsity baseball roster again this year. New active Rollie Beerman made a strong bid for the baseball roster this year and we have high hopes of Rollie making it next year. Other highlights of the spring season were the sorority exchange with the Tri Sigs and the Alumni Banquet. Eva Pruess was chosen our "Acacia Sweetheart" for the banquet. Spring brought the graduation of Marion Stump, Willie Gaither, Don LaRue, and Jay Martin, four of our most industrious actives. We're sure these boys will be a success in whatever they do.

CINCINNATI BY Jmrn McDoNALD Henry W. George, Senior Dean, announced the recent pledging of the following men: Richard Abel, Ronald Herd, Rodman Seveke and Raymond Staubach. Since last February, the Cincinnati Chapter has initiated eighteen brethren. An initiation for upperclassmen on February 5 welcomed the following: George McPeck, Douglas Otto, David Zevan and Larry Smith. For their "Help Week" project these men went to a local orphanage and painted several rooms. Carrying the "paint-up, fixup" scheme further, the fourteen men initiated on March 12 returned to the orphanage and finished re-

brethren are: Glen Wagner, Tommy Enoch, Jerry Montopoli, Charles Busch, Perry Chick, Robert Redburg, William Hub, Thomas Huck, Richard Messinger, Fred Shinners, Gary Stroebel, George Ulch, Reinold VonFange and Wayne Wright. Those who will lead our chapter this coming year were elected on February 25, They are: J ames Peaslee, Venerable Dean; Henry George, Senior Dean; George McPeck, Junior Dean; John Scott, Treasurer; Fred Ashe ad, Secretary; Fred Hustlton, Senior Steward and Nick Tarcha, Rush Chairman.

Sh own here is C incinna ti's newest a d dition t o the "Acacia Co rner" whic h gives them three ho uses now.

Because we now have three houses at the "Acacia corner," a considerable amount of upkeep is required. Painting and cleaning the houses has consumed many hours and both active chapter and pledge class has contributed its "honest share of effort" towards improving our properties. This year the Cincinnati Chapter was instrumental in forming a Campus Action P arty for the improvement of student politics on this campus. Several brethren hold offices in this group and others were nominated for campus offices. But the big event at Cincinnati this year occurred when our "Bearcats" brought home the National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball championship trophy from Lawrence, Kansas. Many Acacians were seen marching downtown with the rest of the elated campus populus in the early hours of Sunday, March 26. After trooping through hotel lobbies and onto a theater stage, the excited fans congregated around a mid-town monument and voiced their exuberance. Our candidate for "Greek God-


dess," Miss Ellen Herbert, Sigma Delta Tau, received the winners' trophy at the Greek Week dam:e the night before Cincy proved its basketball superiority. She also r(;ceived a silver tray from the chapter. In addition to attending campus-sponsored dances this winter and spring, the brethren enjoyed firesides with Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma Delta and Kappa Delta soroities. To celebrate losing the fraternitysorority volleyball tournament we had a beer party with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, proving that Greeks are good losers as well as happy winners. In welcoming Sigma Delta Tau sorority to our campus we served an exchange dinner. Cincinnati Acacians rolled out the welcome mat recently for visiting Acacia brothers from Miami and Ohio State chapters. Meeting and greeting Jim Carr-Iowa '60, Bill Traub-Carnell '60, and Ralph Grimm-Kentucky '60 also afforded us an opportunity "to strengthen the ties of friendship." Cincinati alunmi will hold their annual dinner-meeting and election of officers on May 21 at the University YMCA. The Founders' Day speaker will be a charter member of the chapter, W. 0. Ramey, M.D., who will describe "A Month Behind the Iron Curtain." At the Spring Formal, to be held June 3 at the Kenwood Country Club, actives and alumni will honor the following graduating seniors: E. Hanlin Bavely, Vincent Steingrube, Rudolph Dreyer, Robert Weisenbach, James Frost, Jack Berry, Lee Schirmer, Arnold Erickson, Edward Perzel, George Hindall and Donald Keyes. As part of our Spring Weekend, Acacians and their dates (who will occupy one of our houses for the weekend) will ride and dance on the Johnson Party Boat as it cruises the Ohio River Friday night. A picnic on Sunday afternoon will end the weekend festivities.

KANSAS BY GARY HOFFER So far this semester, three men have been pledged by the Kansas Chapter: Ron Daggett and Warren Keller, both from Winfield, Kansas and Gary McBee from Utica, Kansas Warren is a Summerfield Scholar, while Ron holds a Eugene Mitchell Math Scholarship. The SUMMER, 1 961

spring semester pledge class now consists of six men, three having been held over from the fall semester. The main social event this semester was our annual Ivy League Weekend, when our dates move into the house for the weekend. Friday afternoon the girls took over our rooms and we moved out. An Informal party was held Friday night in Lawrence. A brunch was served Saturday morning at the chapter house and that afternoon we had a picnic at a nearby state lake. The highlight of the weekend. took place that evening: the Ivey League Formal held in Topeka. After the formal we serenaded the girls with fraternity songs. Sunday dinner wound up the weekend and by late Sunday afternoon the girls were moved out and the men were firmly reestablished in the house. Girls living in a fraternity house is somewhat unusual so we wonder what must be the reaction of people who call the house during Ivy League to be answered by a girl's voice saying, "Hello, Acacian Fraternity." We have had two r ush weekends this semester at which we have rushed about 50 men. On the first weekend we had our gambling party, an event looked forward to each year by the Maverick types in the house. A gambling casino was set up in a cabin outside of town with games of blackjack, poker, roulette, craps, and for the weakhearted, bingo. To preserve brothergood bogus money was used to purchase chips. Two prizes were awarded, one to the rushee with biggest winnings and a booby prize for the first rushee to lose all his money. The main attractions at our second rush weekend were the K.U. Relays and the K.U. Engineering E xposition. Both weekends were quite successful in getting us good rush prospects. With the start we have through these weekends and hard work this summer, we expect our pledge class next fall to be a very good one both in quality and quantity. On March 6 these new chapter officers were elected: Venerable Dean, Tom Beisecker ; Senior Dean, Ron Leslie ; Junior Dean, Tom Linn; Treasurer, Dave Kyner; Pledge Trainer, Ken Peterson; Corresponding Secretary, Gary Hafner; Re-

cording Secretary, Carroll Johnson; Senior Steward, Dan Caliendo ; Junior Steward, George Seitz. Warren Keller was chosen by the K.U. Mathematics Department as K .U.'s outstanding freshman math student.

LONG BEACH BY RrcHARD McDowELL This spring has been filled with many events for Acacia at L.B.S.C. On Friday March 25 the chapter participated in the annual spring sing held at the Municipal Auditorium in Long Beach. Brad Ayres was most instrumental in organizing and directing Acacia's presentation. Acacia, being first on the program, started the event by chanting a jungle song, Wim-Away. The chapter men were painted black, and dressed as real natives equipped with shields and arrows ; the white glowing feather headbands were most impressive. Although it appeared that Acacia received the loudest applause from the audience, the judges awarded the chapter third place in the men's division. On Sunday April 16 the college sponsored an all day picnic in Long Beach. Acacia was well represented and won most of the contests. The Acacians took first prize in the eggthrowing contest, the three-legged r ace, and one of our chapter men caught the greased pig and won twenty pounds of ham. Another Acacian took third prize in the pie eating contest, and the date of one of our men won second prize in the pie eating contest. Everyone who attended the picnic had a good time. Our college was founded in 1949, just a half century after the eventfilled days of the Gold Rush, so L.B.S.C. follows an early California theme in its campus life. On Friday April 28 the college had its annual 49er day. On the evening before the 49er day a new town boomed on lower campus-the town's namePete's Gulch. Among the town's assets was a fire house taco shop built by Acacia. The legends of Black Bar t and Lotta Crabtree, actual citizens of California during the Gold Rush, have been adopted by the students at L .B.S.C. to provide atmosphere and add color to the event. Mike Beckett was Acacia's candidate for Black Bar t , and the


entire chapter engaged in a week of heated campaigning and in preparation for the event. Acacia's contest centering around the theme of the old West consisted of an obstacle course in which a man was to help his lady in distress by putting out a candle fire with a pail of water. Five of our men participated in the olio acts-skits portraying life in the 19th century. Everyone who attended the annual event had a great time in carrying on the tradition of the early mining days. For all of their efforts Acacia £aired well taking the 49er Day Theme Tr ophy, second place booth award and First place prize for their custumes. Mike Beckett won the Beard Growing Contest. Two Acacians pinned their sweethearts this spring; they included Karl Ermert and Miss Carol Benedick, and Dave Donald and Miss Bonnie Mohapp.


In the past few months three new pledges have been added to the L. S. U. chapter of ACACIA. They are Bill Diamond, Jim Riley, Ken Varden. The L. S. U. Acacians were very happy to help initiate the newest chapter of Acacia, Mississippi Southern. The members present gained much and enjoyed meeting all the new Brothers. As soon as we got back, we began our spring "Help Week" and at the conclusion made our second annual trip to New Orleans. The new Brothers are George Hutchinson, Marc Loudon, Gary Mann, Dick Brooks, Reggie Dunbar, Gray Sexton, Cleve Par due, Arthur Paine and Carl Maddox, Brother Maddox is our newest alumnus member, and is the person in charge of building L. S. U.'s new student union. He was previously on the L. S. U. coaching staff. During the week of initiation here we were fortunate to have our National Exec. Sec., Roy C. Clark, and his Ass't, Bob J epson, visit the chapter house. Brothers Ostrander and Fariss have constructed some pigeon holes for our mail service. Also this summer the chapter house is being painted and we are having a new patio built. Thanks to Brother George Hicks and a lot of work on the part of th e chapter, we won first place in

the annual Songfest presented here. The program was medley of ni?e songs called "Les Girls.'' Along With the first place trophy in the Homecoming show, and the sweepstakes trophy, the new trophy case is beginning to fill up quickly. The same show was presented to the local Masonic Consistory just this week. And in Athletics we are still holding our own in the new largebracket. We came out third in softball winning 7 out of 9 games. And ove;all we came out third in our first ;ear in the large-fraternity bracket, and we feel this OK! Brother Clark Smith did a very good job this year. In the Jambalaya Jamboree this year L . S. U. Acacians entered a greased pole climbing booth and had a lot of fun watching students climb through the grease to get to the $10 bill. (It was a few hours before someone finally reached the top and at that, only once.) Brother Orlesh's final act as Junior Dean after holding that office for two successful years was our annual Black and Gold formal. The Red Tops played and everyone, including some of the new brothers from the Mississippi Southem Chapter, enjoyed the whole affair. The newly installed officers are: Bobby Monk, V. D., DeWitt Sumners Sr. D., Charles Pickell, Jr. D., John Linden, Sec., Carl Rausch, Tres., Tim Pyron, Rush Chairman, and Jimmy Williams, House Manager. Our Nite on the Nile was held on this past weekend. The mothers of the members of the chapter were guests Sunday, May 6, at our annual Mother's Day Banquet. The following members were honored to have become members of their respective organizations: Jerry Swint, Don Porter and Carl Maddox, all Omicron Delta Kappa, Jim Worrell, SAME, and War d Willis, Scabbard and Blade. De Witt Sumners was recognized as the only student to have a perfect "A" average for Three semesters in a row!


With a pledge class of seven men, our membership here at Minnesota is the largest in years. We pledged Larry Forsland, Larry P earson, Paul Siweck, James Reuper, and Jack Lloyd from Minneapolis, Paul Granquist from Duluth, and Howard Eilers from St. Paul.

At the start of the quarter we initiated Robert Olson and Gary Day from Minneapolis, Kurt Greenly from Dassel, and Dave McPherson from Chinook, Montana, During spring vacation se~eral f the men under the leadership of ~ruce Gali, got to work a?d ~iled our dining room floor. This i~ a vast improvement in the house, smce the wood was beginning to show through the old tile. . This year in Campus Carruval .we worked with Kappa Delta soronty. Our concession consisted of a canoe which tipped into a tank of water when a baseball hit the target. The . appropnate s1ogan was "Tip-a-Caof noe and a KD t ool" · We are proud . our trophy for second place m co1lecting the most money. Calvin Griffith, president of our new Minnesota Twins baseball team, and an alumni of Acacia, spoke at our Founder's Day Banqu~t held at the Minneapolis Athletic Club. There was an excellent tumout of alumni at the banquet to hear Mr. Griffith speak and recall old times. At our spring formal, we ente:tained our Acacia Sweetheart, a six year old victim of polio, and her parents. We heard ab?ut 'Susan Barron through the Shrmer s hospital. Susan will also ride .on our unit in next years Homecommg parade. We are still missing ONE SKIN from the Iowa chapter, in commemoration of our great football victory over the Hawkeyes 'way back last fall. In all, we had a very active spring quarter both socially and fratemally.





New officers were installed on April 5, 1961 by the outgoing Venerable Dean Dick Balius. Officers for the insuing year are: Bill Goolsby, Hickory Flat, Miss. Venera?le Dean· Marlow Robinson, Mobile, Ala. Senior Dean; Ralph Pinckley, Alexandria, La. Junior Dean; Marvin Monette, Meridian, Miss. Secretary; David Foster, Hickory, . N.C. Treasurer; and Don Solomon, Vicksburg, Miss. Rush Chairman. Since being installed we have pledged the following students: James Glasscock, Purvis, Miss; James Holland, Jackson, Miss., P reston Harrington, Hattiesburg, Miss; Ricki Lenoir, Purvis, Miss.



The newly elected officers of Mississippi Southern Chapter are: First row (left to right): Marvin Monette, Secretary; Bill Goolsby, Venerable Dean; Ralph Pinckly, Junior Dean. Second row: David Foster, Treasurer; Don Solomon, Rush Chairman; Marlow Robinson, Senior Dean.

Floyd Flowers, Mangum, Okla.; Lewis Woodard and Wade Woodard, Canton, Mississippi. Our Venerable Dean, Bill Goolsby, was recently initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa. ODK is the leadership fraternity on campus and Bill is the first Acacian to be a member. David Foster who is the treasurer was also elected treasurer of IFC for the coming year. Dave is the first Acacian to be elected as an IFC officer. In intramural sports we are doing pretty good. Overall points we placed 4th out of seven fraternities; however, that does not include the points we get for defeating Phi Kappa Tau, Kappa Alpha, and Alpha Tau Omega in softball recently. On the weekend of April 22nd eleven of our members attended the Black and Gold Formal at LSU and what a blast. Thanks a lot LSU for inviting us. We also entertained members of the Delta Zeta sorority with a Hobo Party at Pinehaven Lodge. Music was furnished by the Woodard Combo. The members are: Wade Woodard, on bass; Lewis Woodard on electric guitar; Eddie Lockamy on clarinet and Don Solomon on drums. A good time was had by all. Following the regular weekly meeting on April 26, members and pledges serenaded Miss Linda Coker who is pinned to Billy Miller; Miss Dee Wilburn who is pinned to Joe Ward; and Miss Ann Lindholm who is pinned to Nick Risk. A bouquet of carnations consisting of twelve white and three red ones were presented to each girl by Marlow Rob-

SUMMER, 1 961

inson, Senior Dean, in behalf of the members and pledges of Acacia. Honorary and Alumns met and elected officers of the Acacia Building Corporation recently. Officers elected were: Mr. Frank Ford Sr., President; Mr. C. M. Sigler, Vice President; Mr. Linwood Malone, Secretary-Treasurer. Board members are: Mr. Nickolas Fokakis, and Mr. Bernard Berman. There is much enthusiam among members and pledges since the corporation organized. We are looking forward to the day when Acacia at MSC breaks ground for the Acacia Fraternity House, which we hope will be in the near future. . Mr. Luther A. Smith was recently elected President of the VIII International Conference of Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite. Presently Mr. Smith is the Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Free Masonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. MSC award Day will be held on May 2. We have heard rumors to the effect that Acacia won the IFC Pledge Class Scholarship Plaque. Now that we are an active chapter we plan on winning the IFC Scholarship Trophy to be given to an active chapter. After sitting in the IFC meetings for one year we finally have received our voting rights. According to the IFC Constitution a new fraternity must sit in on the meetings for one year without having any voting power.



With the second semester of our school year at U.N.H. nearing its end, we push our books and notes aside for a moment to think back to the beginning of the semester and relive those events that marked us as a faternity group proud to be Acacians: Returning for another battle-ofthe-books campaign after mid-year break, we found an entirely new and somewhat radical rush program confronting us, calling for good leadership and promising hard work. But with an aggressive rush program led by our rush chairman, Bruce Carter, we met the challenge of our rival fraternities and accepted into our house, at the end of Help Week, 20 top-grade b r others. These are: Peter Austin, Donald

Curtis, John Dalton, Rudolph Dlugosz, Lawrence Evans, Robert Fancher, Douglas Heineman, Davis Hill, Kenneth Kyle, Jay Morrison, Charter Weeks, David Pursell, Brooks Smith, Alen Stevens, James Stevens, Davis Sweet, Charles Vasilakis, Douglas Weeks, George Weston, and Leland Wilder. These men have continually shown through pledging that spark of leadership and co-operation that makes a house a fraternity; we are proud to call them brothers of Acacia. The Acacia house here was nearly turned up-side-down as the brothers prepared for rushing. The entire second floor was repainted, and many rooms were redecorated in themes ranging from earthly "beat joints and pads," complete with driftwood, to "the heavens" (no kidding, this room even has luminescent stars on its ceiling). Our house mother, Mrs. Dorothy Garniss, received a new piece of furniture for her four room suite, and our notorious cook, Mr. Harry Holmes (notorious for his superb culinary powers) was given a spanking clean kitchen under Wes Bickford's and Dick Ross's spotless kitchen rush plan. South of us, B.U.'s Acacia colony was started and came in strong. Close contact with them was formed and lending them a hand was a tre~ mendous experience that founded many close friends. B. U. has a really great bunch of guys that deserve brotherhood and are working hard for it. Our new social chairman, Jack Dye, has shown us what a ball-offire can do in that position. This semester we've had Sorority exchanges, parties, faculty teas, faculty guests for supper, sorority dances, and Spring Weekend events that took careful planning to make it the success that it was. Friday night we held a "casual" party, and Saturday we spent the afternoon lounging on a Maine beach and watching our notorious cook perform his magic over an open fire. Returning that evening for our semi-formal dance, a two-floor party wound up the weekend. Our major victory for the semester, though, came when we took firs t prize in the annual Songfest contest between fraternity houses. Thanks to Carl Goodwin, our chairman, and Anthony Marshall, our new Venerable Dean who led us on stage, we came out with the right 101

words and music at the right time, something that had never happened during practice. Our winning songs were "Dr ink! Drink! Drink!" and "The Happy Wanderer." Dave Melandy headed up the most successful Masonic Smoker we've had in several years ; the turnout and interest cr eated by this event shows the value of good MasonicAcacian ties. Our Founder 's Day Banquet, headed by Lew Butler, was held at the Sherwood Motel; our guest speakers were Mr. L . W. Knapp, and "Doc Bradely." Picking up the books again, we hope that we can do as well scholastically as we did last spring at this time, and we look forward to returning next fall to begin and plan for an even mor e successful year than this one.


Recently pledged to the Oregon State Chapter are Kirby Goode, a senior from Corvallis and Roger Avrit, a freshman from Sweethome. Kirby is majoring in Business and Technology and Roger in Engineering. Kirby is the son of our chapter Advisor, Delmer Goode. We are pleased to have Kirby with us. Newly initiated into Acacia include Mel Martin, lone ; Robert Gordon Mill City; Terry Freund, Kelso; Washington; Dave Pace, Coronado, California; James Brady, Eugene; Larry Boehme, Aumsville; Albert Kasahara, Canby; Kirby Goode, Corvallis; Marlin Waltrip, Bakersfield, California; and Lesile Shearer, Portland. These men raise the active membership to 49, while the total membership exceeds sixty. This year, the chapter obtained a basketball court. It has been used consistently and has provided the members with practice as the chapter won our league this year in the basketball intermurals. George Abed, a junior in mechanical engineering, has been elected to the presidency of the Oregon State student body. This accomplishment is indicative of the abilities of George and of the fine br otherhood of the chapter. Wayne Roberts was defeated in a v ery close race for the senior class sergeant-at-arms. Rick Reid, Charles Buxton, and George Abed wer e recently initiated into the Sigma Tau Fraternity, a mechanical engineering honorary. Rick 102

was elected treasurer of Sigma Tau. Jim Davenport was selected as Public Relations Chairman of IFC, and Jay Romiti is a member of the Rally Committee. Our social calendar is filled this term with Mother ' s Weekend , Founder's Day, the Sweetheart's Ball, and an exchange with Sigma Kappa. The Acacia song team is looking forward to the IFC Sing, after singing its way to the finals this year. We presented the Masons with a preview of our singing recently. The spring term house dance will be held on May 20. Elizabeth Merrill is our sweetheart this year. She is a crippled girl, from Shriner's Hospital in Portland, and is ten years old. Chapter visitors include Roy Clark, our national executive secretary and Bobb McKittrick, who is back from the Marines to become the assistant football coach of Oregon State. Bobb is a graduate of 1957. The pledge class has worked hard this year. It received the "grade improvement award" for getting the greatest increase in grades from fall term to winter term. The chapter was 4th in grades this term on campus out of 31 competitors. Founder's Day was held April 22. A new addition to the chapter house was discussed. Funds were appropriated to make improvements within the house. Furniture and carpets are to be cleaned. New officers of the chapter are Venerable Dean, Jim Davenport; Senior Dean, Paul Ingram; Junior Dean, Jay Romiti; secretary, John Crouter; treasurer, Jim Lasher; Rush Chairman, Curt Mikkelsen; and house manager, Joe Smith. This year, as last year, we are having a summer rush co-ordinator. This year, Jim Lasher was selected to serve the fraternity in this manner. The chapter feels this is one of the most important aspects of rush. Our last year's rush co-ordinator, Jim Davenport, helped to add 22 pledges to the chapter.


Happy 50th Anniversary to us! That's the big news here this spring. April 29th we had a gala Golden Anniversary Reception and Banquet under the direction of Corporation president Ralph G. Unger, V. D. Gregg Woodruff, and Brother s John

THE PAST AND THE PRESENT-Edwin S. Hopson, first V.D. and No. I on the Chap¡ ter Roll. Gregory E. Woodruff, current V.D.

Plattner and Dave Flagg. We were honored to have with us R. W. Charles, F. Gosnell, Jr. Grand Warden, Grand Lodge F.&A.M., State of New York; Robert E. Jepson from National; six of our eight living founders; Oakley A. Allen, Fred. C. Hill, Edwin S. Hopson, Charles H. Miller, Harold S. Orr, and Nicholas Ransier; and the Treasurer-Comptroller of Syracuse University. Thanks to the efforts of Brother Ted {Tiger) Knebel and his committee, we had a fine sign to show our pride to the campus. Newly-initiated this spring are Brothers David W. Flagg, Jon B. Pangborn, David L. Cahn, James C. Stansbury, and Jan C. Phinney, bringing our chapter roll up to 412. At Greek Week festivities in March, these brothers received the IFC Pledge Scholarship Trophy for the highest academic average of any fraternity on "The Hill." We pledged four fine men in our Spring rush, with good hope for a few more before the end of the year. Pledged are Dave Williams, Paul Weintraub, Don Hennig and Cliff Warren. Socially the last few months have been tops for Syracuse. In addition to Winter Weekend, Freshman Weekend (for the pledges), and Greek Week, we had two foreign grad students for dinner during the University's International Week. Three fine theme parties highlighted our private social activities this spring: an Elliot Ness party, comlete with speakeasy, casino, and


guns, guns, guns ; a Hobo party, run entirely by the Fall pledge class ; and our Night on the Nile with special thanks to Financial Advisor Jack Weagraff for the pre-party party at his home. By the time this is printed, we will have met the Cornell Chapter for our annual joint picnic and softball game. Of course I feel certain we will have beaten them handily, but upsets can occur. I'll let everyone know in the next issue. Officers newly elected and installed are Gregg Woodruff, Venerable Dean; Dave Fulmer, Senior Dean; Ron Westervelt, Junior Dean ; John Lavelle, Secretary; Jon Pangborn, Treasurer; Danny Wertenberg, Rush Chairman. Brother Wertenberg is studying in Italy this semester, so Jim Stansbury is acting Rush Chairman for the rest of this year.

TEXAS BY DoN RuTHERFORD Texas chapter set a new record at the University of Texas April 29 when they walked off with three top honor trophies at Varsity Carnival, an annual affair. Acacia won a trophy for best publicity, a trophy for Varsity Carnival Queen sponsor, and a trophy for the outstanding show presented at the carnival. In copping the publicity trophy, the Acacians carried out their theme of "The Alamo" with a covered wagon parked for a week on the main drag with music from "The Alamo" playing constantly and by putting on a skit on the main campus each day during the noon hour, as well as the usual publicity gimmicks such as signs, posters, and loudspeakers. The chapter's nomi11ee for queen, Barbara Burt, a Tri-Delt from Fort Worth, won by a substantial margin. The raven-haired, statuesque beauty is a freshman at the University. The winning show was a take-off on the movie, "The Alamo," · and featur ed Lamar Beaur egard Johnson (LBJ) and Santa "Aggie" Anna, The skit satirically replaced the Mexicans with Aggies from Texas A&M. The three trophies w ill be good decorations for the new chapter house now under construction. Building on the new structure started March 13 and is scheduled for completion about September 1.

SUMMER, 1 961

Officers for the ensuing year are David Standr idge, Venerable Dean; Mike Merr iman, Senior Dean· Bill Hassell, Junior Dean; B ob H~rper, treasurer; Bob Johns, secr etary; Don Mur ray, senior stew ard · and Greg Lipscomb, alumni r elations chairman. Mike Hatchell was elected to the secretar yship of the Interfraternity Council as Tom Henson stepped down as pr esident. Hatchell was also elected to membership in the Silver Spurs, an honorary campus service organization. Perry McWilliams was elected to membership in the Texas Cowboys, another honor ary service organization. Kirk Smith was elected to the Student Assembly, and Greg Lipscomb was elected treasurer of the College of Business Administration Council. He is also serving as vice-president of the CBA sophomore class and recently received an award as the outstanding sophomore business administration student. He had received a similar award as a freshman.

VERMONT BY Ron FisK The biggest weekend of the year at the University of Vermont, and one of the top ten in the country, is the peak of fraternity competion. Acacia really did well in all aspects of Kake Walk this year. Our team of walkers, John Mills and Oz Cleaves, put on one of the smoothest per formances seen in many a year. The Acacia section gave quiet an ovation when the judges announced that we had won third place. We held our buffet before the Ball at Burlington's newest nightspot but had our victory celebration after the walking at the house. Friday night, we enjoyed the kake that John and Oz won for their walking. Ralph Matthews was an assistant Kake Walk director this year and was elected a full director next year-one of the top three jobs at UVM. In March we held our annual "Nite on the Nile." Torches lined our walk, weird Egyptian music played and a hugh obelisk graced our lawn to publicize the party. The basement was cover ed with mattresses, netting and Egyptian decorations. We e ven had a case of grapes to eat ala Pharoah. Our new pledges, Carl Eels, Dave Chamberlin, Jim Mcintyre, Tom Anderson, and John MacTaggart, did most of

Vermont Kake Walkers with trophy, kake and friends.

the dirty wor k ably assisted by newly initiated brothers, Wayne Eels, Tarry Sibley, Bob Hazelton, Gary Carrier, and John Mills. A few weeks after the party, we pledged up Al Montague and Ed Conly. Over Easter vacation, two V ermont b rothers visited the mother chapter. Tim Gr ant and Rod Fisk br ought back good reports. April found Vermont Acacia preparing for the events of Greek Week. Jim Dennehey's arrangement and direction of "St. Jame's Infirmary" was well received by all those who attended the IFC Sing. The day befor e, our magnificent char iot, designed by Joel Barkman and driven by Juda Ben-Waterhouse, won u s a second place. Our annual Parents' Weekend, under the able dir ection of Bucky Pelsue, took place the same weekend. We gave the parents quite a show at the char iot field befor e a delicious buffet in our ball room. After movies of Kake Walk, the parents enjoyed the IFC Sing. Bob Slade, '56 had been visiting the house when he's been in town and has been giving the guys plane r ides over the house and the state. At the Honors Day ceremonies, Ralph Matthews was elected to Boulder Society- senior men's honor society and Car l Eels to Gold Keysophomore men's honorary. Our Spring Formal was held at the Dog Team in Middlebury-a pleasant 30 miles south on a spring night. We serenaded all the newly pinned women that night and in general had a fine time as a fitting climax to this year's activities for Vermont Acacia. (Continued on Page 104) 103

Ross J. Ream, Missouri Jesse H. Smith, Missouri Alfred Robert Lovell, Penn St. George Adelbert Lewis, SyTacuse Ernest F. Bean, Wise. William Otterbein Edmondson, Wyoming Oliver W. Guilbert, Minn. Edward E. Probst, Illinois Walter R. Randle, Purdue August Edward Schilletter, Wise. Ray Carruthers Soliday, Columbia

Harold L. Malone, Okla. St. Norman Franklin Eichenberger, Cincinnati Leon E. Smith, Fmnklin Dr. Jay Frederick Havice, Indiana John Wright Coburn, Iowa Forest Chester Ensign, Iowa Sumner J. Osgood, Iowa Dr. Noble Pierce Sherwood, Kansas Elbert Lee Treece, Kansas Ellis J. Allison, Kansas Henri M. Herff, LSU Thomas Phillips Soddy, Mich.

Max. M. Morehouse, Missouri John S. Gardner, Missouri Karl Sherer Hay, Ohio St. Ralph Dean Smith, Okla. Warren E. Miles, Syracuse Dr. C. 0 . Dalrymple, Cornell E. F. Humphrey, Columbia William H. Best, Harvard Paul Amundson, Harvard A. B. Beaumont, Cornell John Franklin Shuman, Harvard Fred Ross Hudson, Stanford Marion Frederick Groves, Northwestern

FOUNDER MALCOLM'S PASSING (Continued from, P.age 91) (Editor's note: The following are excerpts from a letter to Roy Clark, Executive Secretary, From Mrs. George A. Malcolm.) Dear Roy: The depth of gratitude to you and Acacia that has been felt by me from your first letter to George upon our arrival back from the Far East, up to the final rites for him Saturday is impossible to tell. ... In those hours so confused with problems and pain, it seemed my strongest support came from Acacia Fraternity.... Harvey Amos took over with such understanding and capable handling that much of my grief turned to pride.

(Continued from Page .101)


At the commencement of the spring semester, three new men were snap-pledged into our chapter. They are Leonard Bean, Bellingham; Jim Beck, Longview; and Larry Grant, Sequim. February 18, 1961 was the date that the following Acacians first wore the jeweled pin: Bill Cousins, Walla Walla; Dave Hayes and Vem Gustafson, Battle Ground; Steve Bronson and David Brown, Yakima; Bob Anderson, Bermuda (sigh!) ; Wes Wagner and Vernon Towne, Seattle ; Per Hilma, Everett; and Jim Hadley, Vancouver. In campus politics, David Brown has spent the past year as president of the graduate school. He is a sixth 104

... The numerous cables and messages that keep coming in from all over the world tell once again that he was a man of unusual greatness and vision .... Can you someway let all Acacians know how much my family and I appreciated the flowers and wires and messages. ... The six fine pallbearers, the whole brotherhood of Acacia and all 46 chapters that did so much to make these past days a memory of rightness and love. . . . Our Proud and heartfelt appreciation to you and every single one of them. ¡

year man in Chemistry and Education. However, this is his first year in our house. Our "Black and Gold" formal, under the auspices of social chairman Greg Nelson, was the highlighting function of the year for us. It was held on May 12 at the Whelan Grange. The next moming we journeyed to Laird Park, Idaho for our annual spring picnic. Fried chicken, a pledge-member softball game, and plenty of suds were features of this event. A social activity which has taken much of our time this spring is a new method of waterfighting with the use of a water-balloon slingshot. Deviser at the U. of Washington, this strategic weapon (range=ll/2 blocks) is very popular on Greek Row. To the more serious side of things, Jim Hadley has been initiated into

LUCILLE MALCOLM (Mrs. George A. Malcolm)

Intercollegiate Knights, a sophomore service honorary. John Mitchell and Craig Akishin were one of twelve initiated into Alpha Zeta, national agriculture honorary, this April. We lost only one senior via the graduation route this June. He is Walter Windus who graduated with honors in Electrical Engineering. After being married this summer, Walt will attend graduate school here in September. Our chapter has enjoyed the services of Captain Robert Schmitz, '55 from Wisconsin, and Irving Fields, '58 from Missouri. These Acacians are helping us in two areas; Bob has been instrumental in arranging the requisition of money for our future new house. Irv is modifying our accounting system to one that will be simpler, cheaper, and easier to operate. A tip of the Acacian hat to these two.


NATIONAL OFFICERS President-WILLIAM E . KRIEGER 1st National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Illinois First Vice-President-HARVEY R. AMOS 4208 Via Valmonte, Palos Verdes Estates Calif. Second Vice-President-MARVIN LOGAN ' 2041 Spruce Rd. , Homewood, Ill. National Expansion Directo r- DR. R . C. BRADLEY 920 Sinnock, Moberly , Mo .

National Scholarship Chairman: L . W. KNAPP, JR. 604 Ronalds St., Iowa City, Iowa C ounselor-RAYMOND E . BlVERT 234 N. Duncan Street, Stillwater, Oklahoma Treasurer-GEORGE F. PATTERSON JR 2624 Bremont Ave., ·Cincinnati 13, Oh io Chairman Jurisprudence Committee--LEN SARTAIN 9757 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, La.

HEADQUARTERS STAFF E:xecutive Se r r~tary ...... ·.: ....... ..... . ... .. . Roy C. Clark Ass 't. Executive Secretary . . . . . . ........... Robert E . Jepson F1eld Secreta11es ..... .. .......... ...... .. .... .. ........ .... ..... Edwin P . Kohler II , David J. B olger Office Manager . . .. .. . ... . ............ . Mrs. Audra B . Eikost


if. Venerable D eanon, Chapter Advisergeles, Calif. rmont, Venerab le Dean-

ATTENTION Acacia Wives and Families


. ..




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