Acacia Triad - July 1968 - Vol. 63, No. 4

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JULY, 1968


viUemo {rom t/,e 6.Jitor I recently attended the National Council meeting held in Boulder, Colorado, March 22-24. This meeting was undobutedly the most important one in many years. Many important decisions were made including moving the National Headquarters to the beautiful city of Boulder and establishing a National Expans ion Program. Many other important decisions were made that will be introduced at Conclave 68 for t he delegates' consideration. Every Acacian should have the opportunity to see their National Council at work. Every one of you would be as proud as I was of the businesslike-manner in which the meetings are conducted, of the consideration shown every issue, of the long hours put in (they did not adjourn until I I p.m. on Saturday night!) and of the Acacia Spirit that pervades the atmosphere. The Triad salutes the National Council! . . . Next month, the 35th Biennial Acacia Fraternity Conclave convenes in Kansas City. The dates are August 18-22 and the main activities will be held in the famous Hotel Muehlebach located in the heart of downtown Kansas City. The host chapter for Conclave 68 will be the men of the Kansas Un ivers ity Chapter while the Kansas City Alumni Association will assist . The National Council , the staff and the Triad urge all undergraduates and alumni to attend that can poss ibly make it. This will be the most important Conclave in recent years and will herald more changes and progress by the fraternity than in the last fifty years. Located in the middle of the United States, Kan sas Cit y will allow a record number of brothers to gather and participate for bot h business and brotherhood. Come to Conclave 68! John W. Hartman

JULY, 1968


A D 0 F






Emphasis: Indiana .. .. .. . .. . . . ... .. . .. . ........ Page


New Home for Acacia National ... .. . .. ... .. ... .. Page


Harvey Logan Promoted to Executive Secretary .... Page





John Hartman, Editor 2112 N.W. 47th, Apt. 406 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112

COVER: Indiana Chapter House.


Acacia Educational Foundation Award ...... .... .. Page 10 Colony Approved at Northern Iowa ..... . .. . ..... Page 12 Alumni Directory .................... : . ... . .... Page 13 Houston Colony Makes Progress ................ Page 29 Conclave '68 Final Information ........ ... ... .... . Page 30 National Perspective ...... .. ................... Page 33 Triad Times ........ ... ... . ......... . . . . ...... Page 34 Triad Directory .... .. .. .. ....... . .... .... .. .... Page 40

Second class postage paid at Evanston, Ill., and at additional mailing offices. Fifty cents per copy, $20.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere. Published quarterly by Acacia Fraternity,Š a college social fraternity, founded at the University of Michigan on May 12, 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference. Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters P.O. Box 1477 or 1611 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60204. Printed by Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee

"Distinguished Dippers," members of the Indiana faculty, administrators and state government officials, serve ice cream and cake to the crowds which average around 10,000 at the ice cream social.


Top ranking on a large campus

A newly-pinned member is taken for a dunking in the Jordan River by the pledges.



The winter semi-f~rmal dance annually held at Indiana.


By Greg Carter Venerable Dean Acacia at Indiana, or at any other university, is sustained and nourished by the succinct mandate "to strengthen the ties of friendship and to prepare ourselves as educated men." The element which implements these principles and endows them with particular relevance . and uniqueness of insight is the rich Masonic heritage that is the backbone of Acacia universally. Thus, when viewed from the . context of tradition, Acacia becomes a point in evolution and as such must realize the chal, lenge inherent in spreading these ideals by vir1 tue of its delegated role as custodian of the . Acacia religion, i.e., the set of Masonic beliefs and traditions on which it was founded, within ¡ the university and community. This, in a large part, must dominate the goals of any Acacia chapter. We at the Indiana Chapter must, therefore, in recognition of our role, try to create an atmosphere and program in the belief that such programs are only worthwhile when carried on with an awareness of the ideals that founded the Fraternity. The practical and day-to-day realization of this goal must become the function of every member. The task is not easy; the challenge is great; and the ideal, even greater. But our duty is as clear as its mandate. Acacia was not meant to be merely an organization providing tempo' rary social and academic benefits. It was founded to be idealistic, to be above and beyond the scope of any other Greek fraternity. Its exclusive adherence to Masonic traditions gives it the power and opportunity to become not only a place of living, but also, and more importantly, a way of living-a way and type of living which has relevance to the individual throughout his lifetime.

The fact that I seek to describe and relate the ideals of Acacia before and during the immediate task of outlining the actions of the Indiana Chapter, may cause some to ponder, if not on the interpretation, then certainly on the feasibility of such an undertaking. When dealing in day-to-day situations and obstacles arising from the imperfections of ourselves, the desire to maintain idealistic goals and to summon responses indicative of them often degenerates into hypocrisy. This is not an excuse for disregarding the principles, but rather a further impetus for applying them. For when social and academic programs are organized around these goals, they are given certain direction and value that relate to the Fraternity itself. As a result, the programs and events become a source of reinforcement and experience in the principles of the Fraternity. In essence, given the clear mandate "to strengthen the ties of friendship and to prepare ourselves as educated men," it is the duty of the Fraternity, as we perceive it at Indiana, to select and encourage events and techniques that in some way reflect the purpose of Acacia. In our situation we must relate to the university and community so as to become a reference point that seeks to integrate the role of both these areas in the development of the individual. This means that we must develop corresponding programs and activities; thus, we have on numerous occasions raised funds for various service organizations in the Bloomington community. We relate ourselves to the university community through such events as the Ice Cream Social and the International Tea. These are only a few examples which indicate JULY, 1968


The Indiana house decorated at Christmas time.

the ways and context m which our Chapter functions and operates. These remarks, admittedly, are a preface to the actual report of our Chapter's operation. The functioning of any chapter, whether in report or action, is only relevant to Acacia when it is conducted with an awareness of the goals of the Fraternity. Thus it becomes a phase in the development of the total individual.

Academics By Robert Quick In an endeavor to "prepare ourselves as educated men," we at Indiana place academics above all else. Our efforts have been rewarded by consistently receiving top standings among all housing units. Last year they were sixth overall on campus. Many brothers have been elected to scholastic honoraries. Incentive is offered the brothers by the Fathers' Club, which annually rewards $25, $10 and $5 for the top three members in grades. Pledge training revolves around this area. Pledge study table is enforced nightly in a classroom reserved for us on campus. Pledges are required to carry a grade book containing their progress academically, and they must report to the scholarship chairman periodically. 4


Campus Activities

Indiana Acacians are very active in campm activities. The Chapter boasts seven in the Student Foundation, an organization oJ students under sponsorship of the I.U. Foundation, which prepares all aspects of the 500 weekend. Each year, the Chapter with its sorority co-sponsor, enters a bicycle team in this, "The Biggest College Weekend." The da before the race, many Acacians participate in ¡ the Golf Jamboree, pitting their talent a line-up of pros. Excitement builds during the . Mini, a girls' tricycle race, preceded by a parade of floats built by each _entering ¡ unit and its co-sponsor. In the main event of the weekend, Acacia has through the years made an excellent showing, being third in over~ all qualifications for the race, placing among the top ten teams in 12 out of the 15 years it has been held, and winning in 1961. Acacians join together during the weeks and months before the race in supporting the team during practice. Many brothers are active in Union Board events, chairing committees ranging from dinner-lecture to film series. The Chapter is proud of the two Union Board Directors they have had in as many years. Two members of the Chapter have been on steering committees for the I.U. Sing, in which each housing unit shows their musical talent, and in which Acacia was this year the winner in its classification (the highest showing of any Greek organization). Sponsoring candidates in campus elec-

free ice cream and cake to students and people of the area, usually numbering 10,000. Last year they were forced to turn many away when the 75 gallons of ice cream and 300 cakes were used within three hours. Rightfully, the Chapter takes great pride in this event, the preparation for which requires the help of all the brothers. Social Events

The annual Acacia Ice Cream Social . f!iuen by the Chapter as the climax to the "Little 500" weekend.

tions, chairing committees in I.F.C., participating in Senior and Junior Class Councils, entering teams in in tram urals (netting top honors in bowling, softball, water polo and basketball), directing activities of the campus YMCA-YWCA and participating in clubs and¡ social and honorary organizations keep Indiana Acacians busy during the year. While making its presence felt among groups on campus, the Chapter endeavors to make itself a viable entity in the Bloomington community. Together with Alpha Chi Omega, the brothers solicited funds totaling $500 for the local Boys' Club by selling flowers at a football game. Previous to that, members and pledges spent a day at the Boys' Club cleaning and painting the premises. The biggest event during the year, the Ice Cream Social, climaxes the Little 500 Weekend. While campus talent entertains, members of the faculty, administrators, state government¡ officials and prominent students serve

The house social calendar consists of six major dances a year and many minor events. The fall semester is kicked off with our Yardand-One-Half Dance. In the middle of the semester, after the pledges are oriented to the house, they construct a costume dance. The last function of the first semester is a semiformal Christmas Dance. Starting the spring semester is the Pajama Dance, which may be altered to contemporary themes. The next event is a semi-formal dance, the Iron Triangle, in conjunction with Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Gamma Delta, which serves to strengthen our ties with other fraternities. The last major dance of the year is the Colonnade Ball, a formal deriving its name from the house's architecture and employing a Southern theme. Indiana Chapter's social calendar is supplemented by sorority exchanges, hayrides, swimming parties and many impromptu affairs which serve to get the brothers together.

Cultural Orientation We believe that a cultural orientation is important in the full development of the individual. The members therefore try to attend, as a group, as many of the events of this type which the university sponsors as possible. Annually, in the early spring, Acacia opens its doors to the foreign students on campus during our International Tea. With members of a sorority serving as hostesses, they try to explain to the visiting students what a fraternity is and what it attempts to accomplish in relation to its own members and to the university as a whole. JULY, 1968


The 1967 Indiana pledge dance , "Stump Jumpers' Stomp." The pledges are responsible for decorating for this dance, which has a different theme each year.

From a different outlook, they are able to give us insights into campus life which we often use to improve our own position. It is truly an afternoon well-spent, when new friendships are made, and old ones renewed. Throughout the year Indiana supplement exchanges with sororities by a speech by a prominent faculty member discussing a subject of current interest.

Rush By Terrence Walts The primary purpose of our rush activities at the Indiana Chapter is to create close and lasting friendships with the rushees whom we feel would make good Acacians. We feel that a rushee has to first cultivate a personal tie toward the brothers in the house, before any explanation of the merits and achievements of the Indiana Chapter or the advantages of fraternity living are presented him with true meaning. Thus all rush smokers and activities are geared toward "getting to know the guy," and attempts are made to carry this over beyond specified rush activities. Indiana University offers no deferred rush program, thus rush activities throughout the year are first geared to the high school seniors planning to enroll at IU in the fall. All attempts are made to encourage further alumni support of recommending rush names, and we 6


feel this has been a consistently strong point in our program. With the names gathered we break our spring off-campus rush into three parts: 1.) A mass letter is sent out to the incoming freshman. This serves to acquaint them with Acacia at the Indiana Chapter and invites them down for a specified weekend in the spring. 2.) Specified rush weekends are set up at the chapter and at two or three cities throughout the state. Rushees from the mass letters and personal recommendations are encouraged to attend one of these weekends. 3.) Contacts are made through personal letters from the brothers, phone calls and a rush team which travels to nearby cities. These parts, coupled with thoroughly planned rush weekends for the rushees, has resulted in great improvements in the rush program of the Indiana Chapter. Summer rush has proven to be a problem for the Indiana Chapter. Summer jobs and varied locations prevent full support from the brothers. In addition, many rushees prefer to wait until they are on campus before making any decision. As a result, our activities during the summer serve more to acquaint the individual rushee with the Indiana Chapter, and in this sense fall rush is facilitated by the activities in the summer. Rush parties are still held throughout the summer in areas of concentration, and various brothers work up rush teams to make personal visits on incoming freshman on the weekends.

During the fall, our rush activities center around names left over from the spring, IFC open house weekends and further recommendations from the men in the house and alumni. Fall rush for the Indiana Chapter is used to fill out the class, the majority of which have already been pledged during the spring and summer. We attempt to have rushees over to dances and social functions in addition to regularly scheduled rush smokers. Special emphasis has been made on scholarship in our rushing. A rushees information sheet is used listing such things as S.A. T. scores, rank in high school class, etc. As a result, our present spring pledge class of eighteen has an overall average of 2.94 on a 4.00 scale, and our past three classes have ranked sixth, fifth and sixth respectfully out of the thirty-three fraternities at Indiana.

Campus talent entertains Acacia Ice Cream Social.




We hope that such an explanation will serve not only to summarize the activities and achievements of the Indiana Chapter but also to orient the function of any Acacia chapter. The improvements and imperfections that need to be recognized in our Chapter operation are, to be sure, considerable, but we believe that any betterment is best realized when undertaken from a sincere desire "to strengthen the ties of friendship and to prepare ourselves as educated men."

A dinner exchange with a sorority foll owed by a speech of current interest given by a member of the faculty. During an exchange, the members of a sorority are invited over, eat dinner and enjoy a social hour afterward.

JULY, 1968




By Barry L. Lyerly Assistant Executive Secretary In an effort to acquaint all Brothers with their new headquarters, this TRIAD has been delayed so that we could include the rendering pictured above. Your new headquarters will be located on 28th Street, Boulder, Colorado. This strategic position is directly across the street from the University of Colorado and immediately adjacent to the National Educational Research Center. The N.E.R.C. is housed in a beautiful building that will serve to highlight Acacia's building. The landscaping of the N.E.R.C. building includes many trees, shrubs and a large lagoon. Acacia will be in a position to take advantage of their landscaping efforts and our building will look out across the lagoon. Acacia's headqu"arters will be a 8


two-story structure. The building will be constructed of Moss Rock, glass and wood; and our architect, Hobart D. Wagener, has designed it so that it will be both contemporary and modern. The roof will be a hip roof of shake shingle with a large skylight in the center. The entire roof will be open beam providing a very spacious effect. The General offces, Field Secretary offices, Assistant Executive Secretary office, Executive Secretary office and conference room will be located around the perimeter of the building. In the center of the building, and directly under the skylight, will be the archives. It was the general concensus that the Fraternity revolves around its history and archives and that the building could very appropriately be layed out in the same pattern. To further highlight the archives, they have been set in the

floor four and one half feet and will create a sunken museum effect. People can either look over into the archives from the main floor level or walk down into them from a stairway at one end. The ground level of the building will house the supply room, machine room, mechanical room, restrooms and one thousand square feet of office space. The additional office space will provide enough income for maintenance and taxes on the building and at a future date when there is a need to expand, there will be a place to move into. Contracts for construction were let out to bid around the. first of June and the contractor was selected the last of June. Construction began July 1st and several estimates place the time of construction at five months and we have accordingly planned to take occupancy on December 15, 1968.

Harv@y Logan Nana@d To Top Post: BarryLy@rlyAnnounc@d.ilsAssistant

During the 1968 March meeting of the National Council, Harvey L. Logan was promoted to Executive Secretary and Barry J. Lyerly was promoted to Assistant Executive Secretary. Harvey L. Logan, a native of Southern California, attended Long Beach State College where he joined Acacia in 1959. As a member of the Long Beach State Chapter, he served as Junior Dean, Rush Chairman and Venerable Dean. After Logan finished school in 1963, he took a position with First ¡ Commercial Bank where he worked until his appointment as Field Secretary in December 1963. As a Field Secretary, Logan visited Chapters in the Eastern half of the United States and continued to do so until August of 1965 when he was appointed Assistant Executive Secretary. After this he worked mainly in the office with Roy Clark in an effort to learn more about the internal operations of Acacia. At the 1966 Conclave, Brother Logan was awarded the Order of Pythagoras and promoted to Acting Executive Secretary. In talking with him about this article, he stated "I owe a great deal to many people who have helped me re-evaluate my own life giving it more direction and purpose. Although many have been of assistance, a few stand out-Roy C. Clark, George F. Patterson, Jr., Audra Eikost, Barry Lyerly, and Bob Jepson-." Barry J. Lyerly was initiated into the University of Colorado Chapter in 1962. Lyerly, also from Southern

Harvey L. L ogan, National Executive S ecretary, (left) , poses ~ ¡ith George F. Patterson , ]r., National President (center), and Barry ]. Lyerly, Assistant Execut ive Secretary, on the balcony of the Har vest House H otel in Boulder, Colorado, during the National Council meeting held there in March of this year.

California, joined Acacia Fraternity as a junior and during his two years served as Chapter Secretary and was most instrumental in re-writing the Chapter's pre-initiation ceremonies. After Lyerly's graduation in 1964, he attended San Diego State College where he did graduate work. He was appointed Editor of the TRIAD in January 1966 and in June of the same year he joined the staff as a Field Secretary. He carried on with this dual role, Editor and Field Secretary, while visiting Chapters in the Western jurisdiction until, at his request, he was replaced as Editor in March of 1967. As Assistant Executive Secretary, Lyerly will still visit a few Chapters but his main area of responsibility will be expansion. JULY, 1968


ACACIA EDUCATIONAL f.OUNDATI¡ON G ~ ROWS George E. Frazer First Recipient of Award of Honor In the November, 1966 issue of the Triad it was formally announced that the structure of the Educational Foundation operated by the Texas Chapter for several years was altered to permit operation on a national basis under the name "Acacia Educational Foundation, Inc." Foundation President Wroe Owens reports that during its first year of operation on a national scope assets of the

Wroe Owens, president of the Acacia Educational Foundation, lnc.

Foundation increased 40%. Brother Owens has also indicated that since that time a further increase in the assets has taken place and he will make a full report of that growth at the National Conclave in August. Brother Owens explains the many ways in which the Foundation may be used: "The Foundation is in a position to accept gifts of whatever nature but preferred gifts, and those easiest to handle, will be gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, debentures, insurance policies and securities of any nature. Lands and revenue bearing properties can be handled with the advice of counsel. The donation to the Foundation of bonds or debentures issued by Chapters for construction of housing would serve a threefold purpose. First, the purchase of such bonds aids construction of accommodations for the members of the Chapter. Secondly, when a gift of bonds or debentures is made to

Harvey L. Logan, left, National Executive Secretary, presents George E . .Frazer, a.n alumnus of the Wisconsin chapter and former National President, the f~rst Acac1a Educational Foundation "Award of Honor."



the Foundation, the donor would receive the benefits arising from such gift. Thirdly, a continuing scholarship fund is thereby established for the benefit of the members of the Chapter designated by the donor and the Board of Governors of the F oundation will respect and adhere to such instructions. Such scholarships can be established and granted in the name of the donor or his designee and the recipients of such scholarships would be determined by the Board of Governors upon the recommendations of the specified Chapter." To recognize those men who have contributed to the welfare and who have been instrumental in sustaining the goals of the Foundation, the Board of Governors created a special award, entitled the "Award of Honor." First recipient of this award is Brother George E. Frazer. An alumnus of the Wisconsin Chapter, Frazer served Acacia with distinction as National President, 1914-1916; National Vice President, 1913-1914 and, National Treasurer, 1912-1913. His continued dedication is reflected in his selection as the first Acacian to be so honored. Brother Frazer's generous support of the Foundation, with the Wisconsin Chapter as his designee, led to his selection. The actual presentation was made on May 13, 1968, at the Chicago Club. On that occasion, Executive Secretary Harvey L. Logan and Assistant Executive Secretary Barry J. Lyerly presented the Award of Honor to Frazer at the request of Foundation President Wroe Owens. It was evident to Brothers Logan and Lyerly that the Foundation had chosen a truly educated man who has served his Fraternity unselfishly, as its first recipient, for during the enjoyable luncheon that preceded the presentation Brother Frazer recounted many historical events in Acacia's past. Acacia salutes George E. Frazer for his continued support and dedicated adherence to the ideal of human service.

A WONDERFUL GIFT-TAX FREE If you have funds to give to religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes, we invite you to consider the merits of our Foundation as a convenient and safe agency to carry out your wishes. Your gifts may be in cash, property, life insurance, or by provision in your will. All gifts are deductible items in income tax returns. We will be glad to answer your questions and furnish further information, brochures, etc. if you desire. Wroe Owens P.O . Box 263, Austin, Texas President

r--------------------------------1 I am enclosing herewith ___,check ___ money order ___cash

in the amount of $ • - - - - - - - - - as a contribution to ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC., for the exclusive use of the Trustees of said Foundation, as will best advance the objectives of the Foundation Name -------------------------------------Address: Date:

(May be included in your Last Will and Testament of which we request advisement) (cash) BEQUEST I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH to ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC., the sum o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS ($ ), absolutely, for the use and Benefit of the FOUNDATION in furtherance of its objectives. BEQUEST (real estate ) I GIVE, DEVISE AND BEQUEATH to ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC., all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated , State of-- - - - - - - - in the County of described as follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

for the use and benefit of said Foundation, and said Foundation shall have the absolute power of sale of said real estate. Name: Address : Date: (If more complicated bequests are made, then you may contact the Foundation for particulars ) . JULY, 1968



The University of Northern Iowa is a state institution governed by the State Board of Regents, located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Its current enrollment is just over 8,000 students with faculty staff of 500. This institution was created by act of the Iowa General Assembly and opened on September 6, 1876, as the Iowa State Normal School. The original 40 acre campus has expanded to 550 acres with more than 30 principal buildings. In 1909, this institution was renamed the Iowa State Teachers College and gained national reputation as a leading institution in teacher education. The third name change of this institution was made on July 5, 1961. The change to the State College of Iowa made degree programs available to those not planning a teaching career. This rapidly expanding college gained University status on July 1, 1967. Under the University label, further expansion is shown in in-

creasing enrollment, as well as new construction. New buildings include a library, three dormitory complexes, science building, physical plant, Student Union, Administration Building, Student Health services and Music Hall. The Greek System at the University of Northern Iowa is composed of eight sororities and six fraternities. Six of the sororities and five of the fraternities have national affiliation. During the first semester of the 1967-68 school year, two students became interested in Acacia Fraternity and corresponded with the National Headquarters. They were interested in further background of Acacia, as well as the possibilities of establishing a Colony of Acacia Fraternity on the growing University of Northern Iowa Campus. These two students felt a need to strengthen the already existing Greek System and that the rapid growth of University of Northern Iowa should be supplemented with a growing Greek System as well. After receiving a reply from Acacia National Headquarters, the two students discussed colonization possibilities with others. Upon receiving correspondence expressing an interest in establishing an Acacia Colony at Cedar Falls, the National Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, instructed a Field Secretary to contact the interested students. The Field Secretary met the students and presented the story of Acacia. He introduced to the group an alumnus of the Iowa Chapter of Acacia, Joseph Smith, doing graduate work at the University of Northern Iowa.

Members of the Northern Io wa C olony are, kneeling . jim Brant and Norman Azbell. Second row, standing left to right, are John Ernst (Faculty Advisor), Doug Murphy, Dave Fox.' Everett Halsted, Norman Northey and Daryl Beall. Ba ck row, left to right, are D enn_zs .Ferguson, Jay Adams, Mark Anderson (Co lony President), Michael Hanna , Ken Chnstzansen and j oseph Smith (Colony Advisor).


Following the Field Secretary's contract, several students visited the Iowa State Chapter of Acacia Fraternity. They returned and checked into the procedures required for colonization on the University of Northern Iowa Campus. The students decided to set up regular meetings on Sundays for the purpose of carrying out Acacia colonization requirements. The Dean of Students was consulted by the group in reference to administrative procedures for colonizing. The National Field Secretary then had another meeting with the Dean to discuss administrative policies for colonization. Recognition as a colony was obtained from the Student Senate, as well as from the Interfraternity Council. The Dean of Students accepted the policies set by Acacia National concerning discrimination. Therefore, all the Acacia colonization requirements were met pending Acacia National Council approval which was received March 24, 1968. Current activities of the group show great promise for a future chapter of Acacia. The campus newspaper, The Northern Iowan, is dominated by members of the colony. Michael Hanna is Executive Editor, Mark Anderson is Photography Editor and Norman Azbell is Sports Editor. Dave Fox is a member of the freshman baseball and gymnastic teams. Jim Bryant and Ken Christiansen are members of the Varsity Glee Club. The colony is represented on the Student Senate by Dennis Ferguson. Jay Adams, Mark Anderson and Nathan Northey are members of Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity. Many other activities are represented by the members of the Iowa Colony, but are too numerous to mention here. Current officers are: Mark Anderson, President; Nathan Northey, Vice President ; Douglas Murphy, Social Chairman; Norman Azbell, Correspond;ng Secretary; Michael Hanna, Recording Secretary; Dennis Ferguson, Treasurer; Everett Halsted, Rush Chairman, and David Fox, IFC Representative. Joseph Smith, Iowa Chapter, is Colony Advisor and Faculty Advisor is John D. Ernst.

ACACIA FRATERNITY DIRECTORY Geographical Listing for the States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, as of January, 1968. As a further service to you, the TRIAD is providing a directory containing a geographical listing of members of the fraternity. Several states will be carried In each supplement until the directory is complete. We recommend that you detach and file these individual sections in a ring binder, thereby compiling your own personal directory . All regular subscribers to the TRIAD will automatically receive the subsequent sections of the directory. All non-subscribers may receive the remaining sections of the directory by paying the annual alumni dues of $7.50. The listing in each Issue will contain the most recent addresses as recorded at the National Headquarters. Should there be any corrections, please let us know. Please use· the following key to identify the members. The code for the member's chapter and his roll number follow his name. The code letters used for the chapters are as follows: Ala Ariz Art< Bos

Alabama Arizona


Colorado State Unrversity




Cornell Carnegie Tech



California Cen~ Missouri State CantS Centr1l State College Chicago O>i Cin Cincinnati Col Columbia Colo Colorado esc Colorado State College


Illinois ALSIP Willey, Gerald E. 111980 11927 S. Ridgewoy 6065B ALTON Dye, Lorin A. Ill 442 2707 Bloomer Or. 62005 Hamman, Hugh P. Pur 455 941 McKinley Blvd. 62003 lngr11m, Frederick Milton Ill 691 3415 Brown St. 62005 Minsker, Robert Sunley 111476 c/o Owens-Illi nois Glass Co. 62003 Thies, John 0 . NWU 535 1330 Langdon 62002 Wiebmer, Donald J. Ill 528 1501 liberty 62003 AMBOY Suter, Earl Ray 111117 R.R. 3 61310 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Arnold, Robert N. NW 457 100 Regency Dr., Apt.201 E 60004 Catherwood, Robert H. Ari 49 933 N. Chestnut St. 60004 Dewey, Russell H. NU 613 922 N. Patton 60005 Downham, Malt C. Pur 720 Shalamar Apt. 312, 2206 Goebert Rd. 60005 Evans, Roger H. 111856 101 Arlington Heights Rd. 60004 Kellogg, David R. NU 5S4 1116 Ent Miner 60004 Kenninger, Carl A. Pur 586 537 S. Fernander 60005 Scott, William P. Ia 366 202 S. Dwyer 60004 Stone, JohnR.IIIWes12 1535 South Chesterfield 60S41 Stuck, William L. Mo 576 806 E. Cr11btrae Drive60004 Terp, Or. Eart T. 111643 2935 Briarwood 60004

Purdue Ran• leer



Southern California Shippensburg State





SJSt Stan


Denver EvansYille

Kam KSt



Ga GW Harv Ill

Georgia George Washington Harvard

LSU LDuisiana State University Mem Memphis State Miami Miami

Ohio Ohio OhioSt: Ohio Stste




BELLEVILLE Chapman, Jack W., Jr. Ark 204 224 Abend St. 62221 Eager, Robert F. Pur 380 209 N. 75th St. 62223 Johnson, Kermit F. le 325 P.O. Bo~t 117 62220 Kelling, Kent W. Ill 847 809 Blue Ridge 62223 Knobeloch, Arthur R. Pur 831 R.R.#262221 Lynge, Morgan J., Jr. 111941 507 S. Jackson, Apt D 62221 Watts, John Robert Wyo 95 3408 West Avenue 62223 BELLWOOD Simone, Richard M. NU 704 840 Mlflhali 60104 BELVIDERE Burroughs, Ronald G. Colo A&M 100 1001 Fremont St. 61003 Conlin, Richard D. Ill 1000 R.R. IJ, Box 9 6100B Luhman, Herbert R. Tax 476 RT. 3, Box 46 6100B BEMENT Goodmon, David R. Ill 848 R.R. I161B13

ASSUMPTION Herman, Richard H. NW 677 R.R. 1162512

BENSENVILLE Powers, William P., Jr. IW 67 4 North 252 Pine Grove60106

ATHENS Kincaid, John Kennedy Ill 57 R.F.D. 2 62613 Kincaid, John Kennedy, Jr. Ill 605 R.F.D. 2 62613

BENTON Waidelich, Frtncis M. Colo 276 Route It 62812

ATLANTA Adams, Paul Augustus Ill 520 61723 Applegate, Robert Kelly 111535 61723 Dunham. William S. Ill 866 61723

BERWYN Hulka, Frank James NW 404 3137 S. Highland Ava. 60403 Lundberg, Barnard Henry NW 400 6832 Wost 34th St. 60403 Nelson , Richard A. Cin 238 1513 S. Kenilworth 60402 Voller, Donald James NW 478 1329 S. Cuyler Ave. 604{)2

ATWOOD Phalen, Richard M. Ill 1009 R.R. 161913

BETHALTO Johnson, Jlfol G. Pur 788 R.R. 1 62010

AURORA Gerberich, Garv T. Ill 1017 508 Ashltnd Avenue 60505 Glenn, John M. Pur 50 595 S i~t th Avenue 60505 Pitcher, James R. Ill 544 322 LeGrande 60506 Rauttlf, John R. 111869 21 S. Butll 60506 Small, Larry K. lnd 652 2351ngloside 60506 Thom. Charta F. NW 623 1333 Oougl11 Avtnue 60538

OETHANY Tipsword , John Eugene 111818 R.R. 1 61914

BARRINGTON Albright, 0 . J. Ariz 48 Bolt Ill 60010 Block, Stephen C. NU 711 426 Kimberty Road 60010 Bruns, Robert L Colo 421 68 Woodberry Road 60010


TriSt Tri·Stote UCLA Un rv. of Calif. at Los Angeles


BEARDSTOWN Gano, John McClain Pur 141 1113 Washington St. 62618 Long, Joseph L. Ill 834 103 ~ W. 5th St. 6261B

BLOOMINGTON Adams, Jty H. Ill Wes 56 1520 E. Grove St. 61701 Adams, Kart F. 111410 1925 Eat Oakland Ave. 61701 Alexander, William A. 111977 1007 South East St. 61701 Btrthel, Richard L. Ill Wes 45 1919 East Teylor 61701 Seem, Qev;d L. MD 560 321 Vtslt Drive61701 BtJVIund , Kenneth H. Ill Wes 36 308 E. Emerson St. 61,701 Browns, Relph E. IW 30 14llB N. F~i A... 61701 Carter, CeriN. IIIWes51 R.R. 11 61701



Dan Den Evans Frlt

Burroughs, John 0 . Ohio St 511 43B lagtschulte St. 60010 Hamel berg, Ronald M. Ill 873 711 E. Main St60010 Hanf, Robert E. NU 388 133 Palm Or. 60010 Krueger, Robert A. NW 555 746 S. Grove 60010 Wichser, Walter R. Kens St 205 239 Beachviaw Lane 60010

Illinois Wesleyan

Minn Minnesotl Mi.SU Mississippi State Miaouri Mo MSM Miaouri Sd'l. of Mines N.Car North Carolina

IW lnd Ia laSt


low• Iowa State Kansas State Long Beech State


Crusius, James L. Ill 985 1418 N. Clinton Btvd. 61701 DePew, James R. Ill Wes 54 50 Whites Place 61701 Fryer, Kenneth E. Ill Wa 77 1008 W. Grove Street 61701 Grassfield,John S., Jr. le213 Jeffuson Bake Shop 61701 Haas, leo A. Ill Wes 55 6 Harwood Plact 61701 Henske, C. Warren IW 81 1104%North Center St. 61701 Hieber, E1rl L. lliWes26 P.O . Box 227 61702 Hot l, George B. Ill Wa37 1609 E. Olive 61701 Hochhalter, Robert Ill 975 R.R. 14 61701 Kurth, Verner W. Ul Wts 53 2304 E. JeckJon 61701 Mack, Terry l. KSt 586 46 Whtte Pfact 61701 Milllf, John H. IW96 606 Demar Line 61701 Miller, Robert 0 . Ill Was 62 1011 W. Folson 61701 Nierstheimer, Louis G1orge Ill Wes 38 1310 Fell Ave. 61701 Perkins, David G. IW 97 1413 E. Grove Sr. 61701 Rowland, Russell G. Pur 61 1013 Monroe Drive 61701 VanderwJter, l eon A. Ill Wes 35 1213 N. RoOSIIYIIt, Bolt 84 61701 Wentland, Wayne Warde Ill WffS 31 110 East BelCher St. 61701 Watt,ForrestW.IIIWes32 205 Wart Graham 61701 Wilco~t , Clifton P. Ark 180 1 Toby Lane, R.R. I3 61701 BRADLEY Weuel , Roger 0. Evans119 1362 Cook Blvd. 60915 BRIGHTON Gustin, William H. Ill 850 David Acres 62012 BROOKFIELD Gaorge, HenryW. Cin321 3723 Hollywood Avenue 60513 Kubista, Loman A. Ia 495 9411 Henrietta Avtnua 60513 Schlachtmeyer, AlbertS., Jr. NW 626 3220 Raymond Ave. 60513 BUFFALO GROVE Schreiber, Jerry A. Minn 681 4 Mohawk Court 60090 Weiskopf, William H., Jr. NW 559 407 Navajo Trail 60090 CAHOKIA Werner, Norman W., lr. ltl 1006 1153 Camp Jackson Rd. 62206 CALUMET CITY Broazel, Edward Reymond NW 306 301·159th St. 60409 CAMP POINT Spenct, Aubrey Ot yton Wis 51 62320 CANTON Swickard , Daniel C. Ill 585 432 West Chestnut 61520 Tueii, Wallace G. 111212 377 W. Elm St. 61520 CANTRALL Miller, M1ynardW. 111953 62625 CARBONDALE Conatwr, Clyde Otto Ill 395 405 W. Pecan Str11at 62901 Eilers, Howard F. Minn 728 Route 1 62901 Funk , Drvid T. Pur 604 U.S.O.A. Fomt SINV.- StU 62901


Nabml<a New Hampshire

Northwestern Oklahoma State

Hall, William 0. Car 6 911 Skyline Drive 62901 Long, Howard Rusk Mo 384 1204 West College 62ll01 Masters, Oavid B. Ohio 12 2050 Myrtle Lane 62901 Wriqht,John lsaec Chi 272 720 Freeman St. 62901 CARLINVILLE Franz,JoeA. 1111051 1039 Chlrios St. 62625 CARMI Bean, Thomas Rty ltl1032 203 Herbert Avt. 62021 Elliott, Frank E. Okla 339 708 West Main Street 62821 Harmon, Thomu F. 1111026 401 Smith Drive 62321 CARPENTERSVILLE Shields, Harold Gustav Chi 273 222Wartern 60110 CARTHAGE Smith, Hughes Blake Ill 306 219 S. Ada"" St. 62337 CARY Hostetler, Lloyd E. Ill 206 404 Cryttal60013 Ringholm, Haw~rd NW 321 Route 1 60013 CASEY Str11tton, l11 A. Ohio St 448 62420 CATLIN Bylf'ly, Kellie S, Ill 909 R.R. 11, 61817 CENTRALIA Jones, Chartes A. Ill 958 636Wobash 62B01 CHAMPAIGN Archer, Luthtr B. Taus 75 803 LaS.U Drivt 61820 Atherton , Edgar E. Ill Wes 39 902 W. White 61820 Baker, Richard H. Wis 584 706 Ftirway 61820 Bond, James KaM St 16 905 South Fim 61820 ~d . James Kens 514 905 South Fim 61820 Brahana, John V. Ill 970 1612W. Columbta 61820 Brown, Pembroke Halcomb 111177 1104 W. Otniel 61820


iii 930 Flanden, James P. Ill 932 719 S. Foley 61B20 Hartman, Kmnit W. 111719 507 S. Dreper 61B20 Hull, William L Colo 312 808 Ventura Drive 61820 lverwn, J. Terry Wyo 168 AeademicCoordinttor, lntemationtl Affairs Programs 118111ini Hall Uof I 61820 Jackson, Clarence T. Ill 685 60 Greeocroft 61820 Lanham, Fr1nk B. La St 303 805 Kirtey 61B20 Manahan, Paul T. Ill 792 101 E. Chalmers 61B20 O'Bryant, Orvid C. 111815 1906 Cypms Or. 61820 Petmon, Irving Leonard Ul 220 1400 South Prospect 68120 Sani, Or. Robert l . Ctl491 1514WestChorlos6 1B22 Smith, Dooglu 0. 111934 703 Haines61820 Walktr, Ct&arta M. Ill 83 1012 W. Universiry 61820 Wtberg, John P. lnd 537 1705 S. Pnnpe<t61B20

Oregon O..St Oregon State PennSt Penn State




Stanford Luther A. Smith



CHANDLERVILLE Btll, George W. 1111060 R.R . 11, Box 10 62627 CHARLESTON Sunderman, William J. 111490 Bolt 268 61920 CHENOA Seybold, Hartey J. iii 454 61726 CHERRY Suny, John F. 111766 61317 CHERRY VALLEY Allan, Stevtn D. 111929 125 South Mill Rd. 61016 CHICAGO Adams, Augustus Franklin Chi 210 5453 W. Augusta Btvd. 60651 Adams, John R. NU 238 1320 N. Stall Pkwy. 60610 Barnes, Kenneth R. 1111027 11512longwood Drive 60643 Barry, Gene Arthur Wyo 97 5835 N. Kilpmick Ave. 60630 Becker, Arthur Bristow Ill 42 6415 N. Grtenview Ave. 60626 Beechy, Thomas H. GW 300 860 Dewitt Place 60611 Bt ll, Harry Rush Mich 217 6519 Palatine Ave. 60631 Blair, Royce C., Jr. NW 423 5881 N. Elston Ave. 60646 Blount, Donald Wilfred Rtns 63 2612 Eastwood Ave. 60625 Borvig, Paul L. NW 542 1645 N. New England Ave . 60635 Brown, Don R. Ntbr 319 1804 W. FarM1160626 Butler, Jerry MSM 9 10353 S. Lewndtle 60655 Canman, Richard W. Chi 284 12581nsurance Eltchange Bldg. 175 W. Jackson Blvd. 60604 Carll, Wade H. 111913 1400 Lake Shore Drive60610 Cheely , GeorgaW. 111611 7001 W. Cornelia 60534 Childress, George R. lnd 264 5919 South Artesian Ave. 60629 Chookazian, Dennis H. NW 655 6308 W. Barry Avenue 60634 Clark, Jamtt Ross Mich 428 1 North La Salle St. 60602 Clayton, Gilbert Merton Kens 147 1928 W. Mane Ave. 60626 Clements, Olen Robert Ill 159 7506 S. East End Ave. 60649 Cohrs, Walter L., Jr. Colo 66B 160 West Schiller 60610 Coons, RossW. 111Wes61 5828 South Kildere 60629 Cotton, Albert Frederick Chi 237 Cashier's Office, Uof Ch!l(l. 5719 South Harper 60637 Oayiantd, George J. M. Ill 717 6314 West Holbrook 60646 Dill, Loran H., M.D. Chl 182 826 East 61st St. 60637 Otstelhom, Robert H., Jr. lnd 5.28 c/o U. S. S.Vings & loan League 221 N. La Soiio 6ti601 Downey, Lynn Sherwood NW 558 6321 N. ltnox Avt. 60646 Downs, Charft1 l. GW 302 6919 N. Ctld~ll Ave. 60646 Ecktrsall, Reymond A. NW 557 1636 Ruther Ave. 60640 Ehrenberg, John M., Jr. NU 537 6114 H. Htrmitlgl 60626 Eichmann, Fred C. NU 661 6336 N. LeMti 60648 FKklet', Walter D. GW 257 5811 S. Dorchester 60637 Fencl, Rtymond J. 111938 5555 Vtn Bur11n 60644 Fockltr, Elmtf Cllrk Ill 540 10853 South Fairftetd 60655





WashSt Washington State Wis Wisconsin Wyo Wyoming Yale Yele

Ford , GlenJ. Ia St180 6953 S. Erneroid Ave. 6ti621 Fom. Berry A. lnd 875 3025 W. Shtrwin Ave. 60645 Friedrichs, William Howard NW 337 1939 Wost 35th St. 60609 Funk, Donald 111718 812 S. Ashltnd Ave. 60607 Gentner, Robert W. NW 477 262B W. Agotito 6ti625 Gilbert , Harry M. Mich 67 3434 N. Olcott 60634 Guillauden, Arthur Ohio St 93 6536 South Compboii 6ti629 Haan, Marvin louis NW 399 11006 South Whipple 60655 Harman, Merlin C. Pur 360 1418 Touhy Ave. 60626 Harriman, Louis A. Ia St 187 5117 S. Oorchester60615 Hendren , Robert F. Kans265 10059 S. Seeley Avt. 60643 Hendren, William C. Kens 241 10059 Seeley Ave. 60643 Hicks, Thomas M. B., Ill Nebr 429 7053 N. Paulina St. 60626 Hienton, Eerie J. Pur 446 501 N. Central Ave. 60644 Hill, Roy Wilson NW 8 1307 W. Norwood 60640 Hirsch , Thomas Edward NWU 748 6185 McClellan 60646 Hollister, Frank M. Cal 596 520 W. Metro• 60657 Johnson, Kurt P. NW 543 5511 N. Sawyer Avt. 60625 Jones, Harry M. Chi 46 315 S. Honore St. 60602 Jung, C. Chester Mich 300 3150 Like Shor1 Drive 60657 Kalman, NicholuJ. NW 512 611 Wrightwood Ave. 60614 Kidd , John K. lnd 649 10629 S. H1milton Ave. 60643 Kirk, Donald DH 111110 4608 Beacon Street 60640 Krensky, Harris S. Ia 145 7537 N. Boll 60645 Krimmel , Carl Peter Pann St 304 rJo G. 0 . Searle & Co. Bolt 5110 60680 Krischke, John C. NW 577 5254 West School St. 60641 Kust, Rictwd E. Ia St 485 1613C GrHnleaf Ave. 60626 lindskoog, Donald P. NU 579 10004 Eberhart Ave. 60628 locke, J. William IW 7 2123W. 111th St.60643 Lundy, Robert F. Miinli 141 3444 Congms Plrkwey 60624 Martin, 8ruct A. Wyo 204 7244 N. Kilpatrick Ave. 60646 Masoner, William J. NW 237 1120 N. Ciwo Avt. 60651 Matheson, Robert B. 111926 2152 W. 83rd St. 6ti620 McClure, John P. Ill 883 930 N. l eamlngton 60651 Mea, Rogtr K. NU 572 1960 Lincoln Pk. 60614 MfYir, Wallace W'11 131 ~5 N. Michigan Avt., 2016 60611 Meynen, Robef1 Carl NW 319 1966 Fomgut A,., 6084ll Mitchell, Douglas Rt m137 207 Cunningham Hall Illinois lnst. of Ttch. 60603 Moffin, Mi<hoei D. NU 615 6259 Sheridan Rd. 60626 Mohlstrom. Denn F. Kans 624 13SO N. Stndbory Tm.• Apt.1406 60610 Monohen, RicNrd C. IW 106 6011 North NIVIfTI60631 Moor., Edwud Naytor Ill 424 10309 South Church 60643 Ntbon , Oonl4d K. tc... St 144 1B12 W. Estos 80626 Novak, J1ma H. Pur 870 14411N . Woi~St.B0610

Nye, John R. Pur 618

Box 1071 60690 0-17

Ohtson, John E., Jr. Mich 642 7339 Nonh Damen 60645


O'Young, Herbin It Pur 626 4753 N. Maldtn Avt. 6064{) Pasdo, Lawnnee F. NWU 150 3408 N. Opo160634 Puc:ock, Nlkol• R. Miami 138 6917 W. Irving Part Rd. 60634 ~ttna n, John W. Ia 246 1556 CoHu St. 60649 Phillips, Gtorga W. lnd 670 1341 N. Delfbom, Apt. 3 60657 Phillips, Thomas L. lnd 867 3420 N. leU Shore Or., Apt K-4 60651 Piper, Prof. Georve W. NW 317 4824 Wat Fletcher St. 60641 Rtdwine, Jack Oemp•y Mich 406 eJo Qualttr Oets Co. Merthendise Men·Piw 60654 Reynolds, Harry Allen Ill 232 721 Nonh lotus Avtnue 60644 Richards, Cllnnee B. Frk 174 P.O. Box B7 60690 Robtmon, Ktnton SCel 146 1446 OaartJorn 60610 Ro•nbaum, Or. Harold A. Nebr 137 5301 North lakewood 60640 Royrr, Olaf Alan Mo 434 3424 W. Cortland St. 60647 Schulz, Or. Otto H. NW 1B 3929 North Hoyne Ava. 6061B Schutz, David C. laSt 553 5555 Ven Buren 60644 Serm, JayJ. Mich90 53 W. Jackson Blvd. 60604 Simonson , Cart William NW 272 6225 N. Hermitage 60626 Spoet1, Georve H. NW 60B 1129 N. Ook Pori< Avo. 60635 Stokes, Donald Mart NW 356 1700 N. Newland 60635 Stritar, Joseph laSt 265 5435 S. Nashville Ave. 60638 Stronbtrg, Michael 0. Miami 112 2453 West Fa'1jo, Apt. J.E 60645 Swanson, RttJben E. 111325 105 W. Adams St. 60603 Ttsarik, Roneld F. Cor 615 33 East Cedar St 10 C 60611 Thompson, Georva W. kans 300 1519 Pratt Ave. 60626 Tonkin, Thomas M. NW 513 1630 lunt Ave, 60626 Tweedle, Roy Harold Pur 399 7550 S. Constance 60649 Waldron, Cart A. NW 55 2206 W. 112th St. 60643 Warren, Richlrd E., Jr. Pur 868 1448 North Wells 60610 W1terhou•. Charles Allen M. Chi 85 5319 S. Woodlawn 60615 Wessling, Donald M. NW 520 3B29 N. lowell Ave. 60641 Westergren, Don G. Pur 822 6252 N. Ntagera60631 Will, Howt1rd ALmin Harv 268 111 W. Monroe 60603 Woods, Weightstill Chi43 5809 HarperAve. 60637 Zlegner, Martin K., Jr. NU 697 6646 W. Hoben 60631 Zuzuty, WalterS. Wasc391 10349 S. Eberhart Ava., Apt. l2 6062B CHICAGO HEIGHTS Keene, Edwin R. II!Wes 29 425W. 15thSt. 60411 CHILLIC OTHE Hoerr. JamasG . III796 R. 2, Box 390 61523 CHRISTOPHER Hitt, Dale PrO\Iert Mo 509 507 South Thomas 62822 CICERO Anderson, AIIenl. IW98 2317 S. 50 Avenue 60650 lucieni, Rudolph P. Cin 347 1439 S. 48th Court 60650 MonJ~~ n , Evmtte K. Wis 103 2100 llramie 60650 West, Donald R. Cin 340 5037 W. 32nd Place 60650

CLARENDON HILLS Bogen, Richerd W. NW 338 308 Ridge Avtoue 60514 Terp, Robert T. Ill 638 154 Jene Court60514 CLINTON kiletn, Chlrfa M. Ill 968 409 N. Altxendet 61727

COLLINSVILLE Smith, Cyril C. laSt 312 231 Sumnrr Blvd . 62234 CRYSTAl lAKE 81tktr, RLSSStll F. 111461 70 Mary Line 60014 Benoy, lynn H. NW 566 1972 S. Short Or. 60014 Dahl. Earl B. laSt 23 5 105 Elmhum Avt. 60014 Fitrte, AIIen R. 111 1021 361 Herold St. 60014 DANVERS Willerton, Robtrtllnz 111 742 61732 DANVILLE Bm, Frank M. lnd 217 18 W. Conron 61832 Goder, Thomas 0. NW 487 901 W. Center 61832 Holmes. John K. Ill 307 1517 N. Vtrmilion St. 61832 Pic:hon, Febtin M. Ill 947 307 Chandler 61832 D- 10

DAWSON S.Uen, Ernest S. 11191B R.R. II 62520 DECATUR Alltn, Ed-Mord 111411 44 Benton Drive 62526 Burtt, Eugene 0. 111564 9 Lake GrOYI Club 62521 Bremner, Bryan WahSt 220 3235 W. Main 62522 Budde, Richard J. 111963 2354 W. Fort11 62522 Eiwoll, Robert H. Ill 606 345 w. Prairie Ave. 62522 Gulley, Sanford Joseph 111294 36 Southmortland PIIC:I 62521 Loomer, Roy A. laSt 211 1072 lincoln Part Dr. 62522 Mitchell, Roben E. Ill Wa 66 1639 W. O ~t~tur St 62522 Pmn, John W. lnd 522 6B Oriole Orivt 62526 Rentshltr, Roger l. 111986 3280 East Otkwood 62521 Sandburg, C.~ L.. M.D. NU 1B1 1600 E. lincoln St. 62521 Savage, Glenn E. 1111007 2B5 Wortdllo 62522 Smith, Gaorva E. Ill 939 134 N. Dennis Ave. 62522 Springer, John C., Jr. lnd 339 285 Redwood Lane 62522 Thornburg, Edwin J. Ill 679 155 Point Bluff Or. 62521 Trant, Thomas W. 1111015 1415 N. Walnut Grove 62526 VirQil, George R. Ill 899 59 Twickinghlm 62521 Volle, Henry 11151 3 1955 W. Riverview 62522 Wheeler, Billy J. Wyo 179 3750 N. Woodford Apt. 301 62526 Williams, John M. Ill 946 48 Banton Drive 62526 Wimmer, larry 0. Ill 1003 1333 N. Fairview Ave. 62526 DEER CREEK Bell , 8asillll993 61133 DEERFIELD Bodemen, John W. 111699 2750 Forest Court 60015 Fjeldheim, Richerd H. WIS 547 936 Nonhwoods Drive 60015 Neil, Harbert E., Jr. Mich 523 641 Timber Hill Rd. 60015 StaatJ, Henry N., IV NU 725 1344 linden Ave. 60015 StMns, WilliamH. 111567 180 Greenbriar Drivl E. 60015 O.KALB Fred, Benhan, G. NW 2&4 108 McCormick Or. 60115 Hunt, Henthel M. Pur 620 112 Knoilwood Drive 60115 Hunt, Jemes R. IW 13 137 Oelcy Drivt60115 Olson, Che:sterJ. NU 157 329 S. 4th St. 60115 TlfWilliger, George l . Den 60 2Pheasent Run 60115 Whits, John B. Colo 306 Oept. of libfllryScienc~ Northern IIHnois Univenitv 60115 DELAVAN Maurer, Ronald H. IIIB22 61134 DES PLAINES C.tlin, Franklin Sexton, II NW 253 9455 North Western Ave. 60016 Fickel, Ronald G. Ill 844 c/o VUP - 30 Algonquin 6001B Heller, Or. Henry F. 111199 1300 Prairie Ave. 60016 Main, G. Victor 111639 9500 Perkside 60016 NyborQ, Birger C. 111912 9511 Forest Place 60016 Perry, OevidE. IIIWes 11 221 Washington St. 60016 Rousey, Donald l. KSt 293 9 N. 4th 600t6 Storer. Richard l. 111715 1684 Wicke Avenue 60010 Terp, Roy T. Ill 669 314 N. Wolf Rd. 60016 Wei'Vtr, William A.• Jr. Ill 957 498 Rose60016 Wegner, William W. NW 646 1607 Ashland Ave. 60016 Welch, Robert D. NW 676 1421 Center St. 60013 Will iamson, David l. Ill Wes 82 939 S. Wolf Road 60016

DEWEY Rayborn, Rictllrd C. Ill 764 Routt 1 61840 DIETERICH Woody, Crewford Wayne IU 753 62424

DIXON 8ross:, lerry C. 111Wa83 1414 Nen Stmt 61021 Hanes, Robm Lit Ill 808 705W. 2ndSt. 61021 Ylalt, Carroll Edgar 111434 Rt f1 61021 DOLTON Hotrnlf, LG10rge 111622 15006 Oon:htsur Ave. 6041 9 DOWNERS GROVE CIMend, William Ric:hafd Ill 459 4810 Mlin Str.t 60515

Cook, Joseph M. Ill 588 59211 Dsago St 60515 Ganity, Roben B. 111618 5829 Dearborn Pkwy. 60515 Joyct, James W. Ill Wa 69 4500 Elm St 60515 Joyce, William B. Ill Wa B9 4500 Elm St. 60515 lloyd, Lov"'U Thoma Ill 565 5824 Washington St. 60515 Nelson, Laurence Wm. Ia 503 4624 Wahlngton 60515 ~mbenon , C.rtylte, Jr. 111553 1401 Thornwood Dr. 60515 Rash, Raymond l. Ia 417 4533 Downen Drivl60515 Turek, Dale A. Wll593 424 36th St. 60515 Vix, Eugene H. IW 1B 5233 Carpenter St. 60515 Zettler, Alben J., Jr. NH 332 2615 Cn~btreeAve. , Woodridge Aru 60515 DOWNS Adams, William Blaine 111480 R.A. 61136 Adams, William 8., Jr. Ill 914 A.A. I/1 61136 DUNLAP Buster, William E. 111631 RFD 61525 EARLVILLE Hyde, Miles W. 111896 A.R. 3 6051B EAST ALTON Kelly, Edgar A. 111629 238 Oakley Place 62024 EAST MOLINE Fink, Harry A., Jr. Pur 676 602 32nd Ave. 61244 Lovins, Fey Otto 11164 54&- 16th Ave. 61244 EAST PEORIA Benz, Wtyne G. MSM 49 212 Henis Rd., Apt. 4 61611 Oeynzer, l eonard G. IW6 11BAimiron61611 Finkey, Ro nald E. fW 65 243 Kit! Avt. 61611 McNeely, Harry R. 111475 109Temcel.ane61611 Shaw, Theodore G. Pur 544 11B Thumvon Place 61611 EAST ST. LOUIS Simpson, Eber E., Jr. WIS 1B2 546 N. 31st St. 62205 EDWARDSVILLE Fredrickson, Henry louis, Jr. la340 1255 Emerson St. 62025 Pfitfer, Ronald l. CSU 125 113 Coi1091 St. 62025 Wieday, Richerd H. IW 49 501 Hillsboro Ave. 62025 EFFINGHAM Brown, Daniel Phillip Ill 732 Box 425 62401 ELGIN kraftt, l ewis E. NW 246 10 Gromer Rd. 60120 Powen, Richerd C. NW 343 1300 linle John Ave. 60120 Rippberger, Donald F. 111961 431 Summit Street 60120 Schmidtke, John C. Mo 250 1104 W. Htghland 60120 Todd, Roxoe Johnson 111261 S38 South St. 60121) Voegeli, William J. Ill 690 216Wilcox 60120 Wat.enbtry, Roben W. Ill 781 2676 Brookside Or. 60120 ELK GROVE Hilton, John l. NW 539 931 Wilshire 60007 Caldwell, Andrew W. Miami 1 451 laurel St. 60007 ELMHURST Cowies, Richard H. laSt 370 215 Clinton St60127 Crane, Roben M. Miami 19 86B Saylor 60126 Elmund, GeorQe K. CSU 239 21l6 Nonh York St 60127 Gerrett, Eert V. 111617 833 Euclid 60126 Hanmann, Frederick W., Jr. Ill 635 302 Pupllt 60126 Huster, Robin A. IW 71 837 Spling Road 60126 Jerger, Douglas C. NU 575 216 E. St. Chwta Rd. 60126 Johnson, R. A. Ill 1040 321 Alext ndrr60126 ketalhut, William H. 111317 891 Washington 60126 Krtibkh, Donald J. IW 44 940 Saylor St. 60126 Mebta, M. lewis Ill 870 426 West Fremont 60126 Millner, Eugene B. Ill 39B 2B2 Elm Part Ave. 60126 Popath, Aogor M. NU 531 196 South St60126 ~rry . JamaA. NU 5B6 21l1 Montmy 60126 Seabright, Robart L IW 88 247 BttkiJV Ave. 60126

Young, Robtrt J. laSt 434 845 S. Mitchell Avt. 60126 ELMWOOD Kilpatrick, Ralph Sidney 111258 61529 Shannon, William Caesar NW 463 2141 N. Jlth Ct60835 EL PASO Brown, Richard E. 111906 6113B ELSAH Plagmann, Alben D. Oklo 61 Box 115 6202B ENFIELD Rhodes, Willilm A. Evans9B R. ll 62836 EUREKA Dickinson, Richard l. 111648 415 E. Llo 61530 Dickinson, Richard, Jr. 111337 61530 Riley, GeorgeP. IW4S 520W. Oom61530 EVANSTON Andenon, 1111 Dennis NW 204 1930 Orrington Ave. 60201 Baldwin, William Jay NW B7 729 lincoln St 60201 Baughman, Eaton OIVid NW 115 2526 Hurd 60201 Beighley, Robert E. NU 351 3133 C.n"'l St. 60201 Bixler, John 0 . lnd 574 2716 Pert Place 60201 Buchanan, Robert M. NW 203 1608 Hinman Ave. 60201 Burge, Russell David NW 144 2102 Moplo 60201 Crist, C. F111ncis Ia 244 2762 Eestwood Ave. 60201 Cushman, William H. OrtSt 333 9232 N. Harding 60203 DeCamp, Richard E. Cor 577 1137 Oak 60202 DeCamp, Willard E. Cor 300 1131 Ook 60202 Dent, Ellsworth C. Kens 311 9414 D111ke 60203 Dillman, David D. NW 108 1211 Ridge Ave. 60202 Eberhardt, Jan A. NU 71 5 2319 Pioneer Rd. 60201 Feltman, Kenneth E. NU 61 8 2323 Brown Ave. 60201 Garbarino, Herold l. Colo 405 2118 lincolnwood Drive 60201 Groat, Paul R. NW 3B5 1901 Ln Strvet60202 He milton, Andrew C. Chi 262 919 Edgemere Ct6021l2 Holloway, Richard E. Tex 412 2300 Centnl Part 60201 Hubbell, Jack 8. NW 393 2713 Centrel60201 Husen, Peter Michael NW 480 2910 Pert Place60201 Kenworthy, Clarence Sprague Cor 200 2131 Sherman Ave. 60201 lindsay, Clarence A. NU 325 251B Orrington Ave. 60201 Lueth, Irving B. Was356 267B Sheridan Rd. 60201 MacDougall, Cunis 0. NW 160 537 Judson Ave. 60202 Mclaughlin, W. Oele Ia 226 2300 lincolnwood Or. 60201 Miller, Walter J. NW 523 609 Asbury Ave. 60202 Monon, Clarence W. NW 199 1645 Ridge Ave. 60201 Neill, William James NW 273 2427 Colfax St. 60201 Olsen, Renqwald Severn II 343 1137 Grant Street 60201 Petersen, Bruce l. NW 620 1722 Bru mmel St. 60202 Powm, William E., Jr. Colo 631 2141 Ewlng60201 Rogers, H. Barrett Minn 372 840 Milburn 60201 Rutltdge, Robert E. Art 101 B14 Mulford 60202 Sablers, Dieter K. NU 667 906 Elmwood 60202 Saunders, Harry Ogden II 93 2435 Jackson Ave. 60201 Strammel, David H. Mich 483 2010 Hrwthome Platt 60201 Stutz, Paul D. Colo 7B7 3040 PeyneStreet60201 Waterbury, Clartnc:e Lalit 111470 1624 Chanctllor St 60201 Wilcox, Morris M. NW 95 2222lincoln St. 60201 Wilson, DonaldS. NU 648 535 Michtgan Avt. 60202 EVERGREEN PARK Montaen, Relph E. Ill 951 2947 w. 97th Pl. 60642 FAIRBURY OIVId, RoneldG. IW20 105W. Chestnut61739 Goold, Robart Toy Pur 910 R.R. 3 61739

FAfRFIELO Black, Tmy Ryan IW 111 806 laurel Stntt 62837

FARMINGTON Joc:obs, Clifford D. Chl121 395 N. W_, St61531 FLOSSMOOR Gtfford, John B. Artz104 1B63B Porth Ave. 60422 Hoisington, Willilm, Jr. NW 622 842 Br11mar Rold 60422 L091n, Marvin Ia 2B6 2614 Flossmoor St, Apt A. 60422 Sams, Allan L Pur 429 61B Bums 60422 FOREST PARK McMahen, Gerald A. NW 94 1251 Randolph 60130 FORREST Honegger, Gary D. IW 42 420 North I'll~ St. 61141 Mcloughlin, James Neil Ill Bl3 61141 Mcloughlin, Paul David 111780 61141 FORRESTON Flofll, Chilies Moyer Pur 367 61030 FREEBURG Caskey, Harold l. CentMoSt 23 12 W. Applo St. 62243 Caskey, Ray l. C.ntMoSt 61 62243 FREEPORT Bingham, Wilham T. WIS 296 1354 W. lincoln Blvtt. 61032 Creager, Richard C. Wis 528 B11 Monroe Orivl61032 OaMik, ThomasJ. NU 551 1025 S. Homestead 61032 Dildine, William E. Ill 288 Eleroy lumber & Fuel Co. 1544 W. America St. 61032 Sc:hoonhovtn, Ge11ld R. 111911 181 1 Valley Virw Or. 61032 Weir, Robert W. NU 89 831 W. Hamilto n 61032 FULTON Abbott, Howard Gretn Ill 241 61252 GALENA Fortythe, Clayton Hunt Minn 395 119 Main Street 61036 GALESBURG Bom, Gaylord M. WIK 503 653 Memon Ave. 61401 Dice, Jema B. Pur 638 956 Jefferson St. 61401 McCiamroch, John C., Jr. lnd 519 eJo Churchill Co., Inc. 576 Chambers Street 61401 Stickney, Edw!rd S. Htrv 102 Custer Inn 61401 Woolley, Robert Cushman Chi 3B 237 Pert lane Or. 61401 Yaw, W. Steven 111992 162B N. Wat St. 61401 GENESEO Brokaw, William Calvin Ill 45B 61254 GENEVA Anderson, Charles J. NW 188 966 Sunset Road 60134 Covey, Ch.,os A. Ill 169 215 Charles St. 60134 Cox, Emenon N. Pur417 117 S.R iverSt.60134 Tison, R. HW:ell Mo 506 125 Chorla St. 60134 W~b. E. Roy 111160 216 Well Straat 60134 Wood, William B. Ill 555 202 N. 4th St 60134 GILMAN Bttbe, JemasO. IW52 322 N. Thomas St. 60938 GLENCOE Dean, Herbin Franklin NW 180 426 South Avt. 60022 GLEN ELLYN Augensen, Roy V., Jr. 111589 149 Forest Avenue 60137 Benton, Fowler B. WIS 594 P.O. Box 4 60137 Benton, James F. W11 585 Box 4 60137 Burgess, James E. Kens 576 452 lowell Avt. 60137 Burmeister, Manhall A. NW 298 373 Forest Ave. 60137 Cook, Dennis James IW 17 224 l'1lrl< Blvd. 60131 DePIIma, Seott M. Cor 492 980 Aoolyn Rd. 60131 Epckl, Willilm R. NU 547 489 G111tnfitld 60137 Hedrick, John l. CSU 62 583 Pl~a~ant Ava. 60137 llochtntr, E. PtnnSt 474 535A .lima Ct. 60137 Porter, John R. W116&4 442 Carteton Avt. 60137 Smith, l. Dennis lnd 661 35262 CypriSI Dri¥160137 Wlgnw, W. NW 465 23-W.IIS Bl~ek Chmy 60131

Wolklf, WHilom H., Jr. NW 682 300 Lomine Ro.t 60137 Wholloy, Rkhord E. lnd 693 145 RMr> Rood 60131 GLENVIEW Hall, Jema W. SC.Il34 412 Wilrntllt Avo. 60025 Hill, Benjamin F. NW 395 221B Colfu Ave. 60025 klfley, Welter A., Jr. NW 330 2619 ToniiVI60025 Loapptrt, H. Verne NW 297 1501 c.n .. l Pkwy. 60025 Okaon,WinslowP. NW159 1623 Cantlfbury lena 60025 GLENWOOD Crihfield, Pflilip J. Pur 896 430 Aoberu Dr., Apt l ·A 60425 GODFREY BNbl, Gerald A. Vt 2 11 l'lnloe 62035 GOLF Collin, Paul N. It 241 39 l091n Timet 60029 GRANITE CITY Chappell, R. llon Cin 294 4034 Va: 62040 Rupp~ . Robert D. IIIB23 2545 Sllta St. 62040 Smith, TenyW. IW 101 3216 Ed-od 62040 GRANT PARK Koop, Homer louis IIIB16 60940 GRAYSLAKE Risch, Roben A. NW 410 Box 159, Routt 1 60030 GRAYVILLE Burroughs, John C. 1111019 R.F.D. Il 62844 Miller, J.W. IU 1042 A.F.D.I162844 GREENFIELD Smith, Glenn Collins Ill 257 62044 GREENVILLE Moort, Jema A. Ill 663 115 S. 3rd 62246 Zimpfer, Donald C. Mo 591 62246 GURNEE laittr, Albert C. Pur 279 Rt 1, Box 399 60031 HAMPSHIRE Llwis, c.~ C.Cil 60140

w. 284

HANNA CITY Pen,lynn A. 1111010 A.A . Il 61536 Perisho, Ray M. Ill 1008 Farmington Road 61536 HANOVER PARK larsen, Willis G. Art 212 1021 Glenwood 60103 HARRISBURG Hancock, lyndon Myres Chi229 62946 HARVEY Thomas, Jay C. Cor 237 Box 213 60426 HENRY Overbeck, Walter Clarence NW 111 61531 HICKORY HILLS Riggs, llrry l. Nebf 626 8450 Common Or. 60457 HIGHLAND PARK Barnes, Arthur C. Pur 152 1501 GrHn Bay Rd. 60035 Olson, Roy HoMrd Minn 293 83 S. 011r1 Ptrt Dr. 60035 Sackhelm, Ronald A. Miaml 157 233 Ridge Rd. 60035 HILLSBORO Adams, George l. Ill 876 729 S. Jaffenon 62049 Bas, Arthur Eugene 111615 807 S. Main Str11t 62049 Bullington, John T. Ill 524 311 W. Tremont 62049 Meyn11d, Stephen B. Ill 333 6 Hilltop Drive 62049 HILLSDALE Hohenbokto, Vtmtill. laSt 449 RR 61251 HINSDALE Btstt, Donald K. NU 501 36 C.nttr St. 60521 Coata, William a . Mlch 531 223 N. Elm 60521 Grwiner, Edward 0. Ill 532 557 N. Wahington St. 60521 Griffiths, George R. Pur 644 205 W. !lth St. 60521 Joac:hlm, B. A. CMS 168 116 South Modlson 60521

Millin, PIIAip W. Ill 783 1124 S. Rd. 80521 l'lgo.-H. Colo428 330 Roddilft Woy 80521 Tonkin, Wlllilm M. 111834 119- Wolnut 80521 Wollron. H. .ld N. Colo 602 844 Lokllido DrMI 60521

Winil, l'lul W. NW 484 8365 Blockhlwk Troil60525 Wiioon, Poul 01111 Pur 210 BOO W. Goodman 60525 LA GRANGE PARK Akom, Outntin G. lnd 365 220 Fin~ury Lono 60528

- · Williom A. 1ol60 325 N. Lincoln St. Bl257

Bnxkob, Fflderick John Ill 545 126 N. StJring AVI. 60525

- · Tonv D. lnd 662 308 N. County Line 60521

I'Nr<y, Nooh C. Pur 220 1230 Horrison 60525

HOFFMAN ESTATES Rinohorl, D. A. NU 552 BIB Chifllllndolt Pl. 60112 HOLLYWOOD Novok, Allen L 1111012 6726 Rockofollor 60513 HOMEWOOD Htron, Llurtnce Tunltlll Syr 138 IB520 s_, 6043o Huston, Alfnd B. Pur 434 19111 PiorcoAvo. 60430 Jonoon, John E. NU 380 1332 Jill Tomco60430 Jones, Jlm11 l• 111463 212611apio Rood 60430 Noloon, Richonf J. Pur 496 1306 Jill T'""' 60430 H90PESTDN Weber, C.rt Willilm 111464 732 E. Ponn St. 60942 HOPEDALE Birty, John E. iii 784 61747 INGLESIDE Schru-. W. H. iii 693 1200 Augultlnt JACKSONVILLE Kolp, John G. laSt 659 302 M-.y Lono 62650 R199, John Mo 592 536 S. City 62650 S.moore, Arthur Sttrak 111456 135 w.stminrttr St. 62650 Whllin, Hazen Solomon 111449 liB E. Superior St62B50 Wright, John l. 111964 3 W81wood Pl. 62650 JEFFERSON CITY Roberts, Locy J. Mo 2BI P.O. Box 182 63102 JOLIET Fields, Dr. J-h E. NU 211 Timber1ine Drive 60435 Gruis, Ptttr A., Jr. NW 639 1619 Ardon PIICII 60435 Jecques, Williem l. Ill 720 2102 Mayfield Avt. 60435 Lnch, N•l E. NW 213 307 Dwight Aw. 60436 Spires, David N. 111937 1627 Mtrqutttt Rd . 60435

LAKE FDREST Cadorborg, Cheri• L. NW 320 1119 Shoridon 60045 Ftnton, HOWinl K. Mo 545 70 Stone 60045 Schultz, Horoid 0. NW IB2 172 N. Burton Dr. 60045 LAKE ZURICH Irick, John W. lnd 513 61 S. Did Rend Rd. 60047

MATTODN Co-. Erwin D. Kons 539 112 N. 24th 6193B Gltooon, Howonf Ailon 111810 II 00 Chlrhslon 6193B

McHENRY Trent, David A. laSt 549 5412 N. Louella 60050 Welkins, William W. Ill 580 2609 N. Soquo~ Or. 60050

LEWISTOWN Ratcliff, Thomes Glenn 111161 203 East Milton Avt, 61542

McLEANSBORO Dowd, John M1theny Ill 292 111 Silas Ave. 62859

LIBERTYVILLE JKkson, Wayne 0. NH 259 659 Volley Part Or. 60048 McCiennallan, Richard W. IW 90 1240 Woodfteld Lena 60048 Witort, P. J. 1111039 1480 Milwlukee Ave. 6004tl

McNABB Nelson, Donald T. Ill 923 Queker Lane 61335

LINCOLN Goio, Rolph A. ill 229 202 Dolavon 62656 McGH, W. Don 111794 1229 Rudodge 62656 Scholl, Gory K. IW 7B 325 North logan 62656

METROPOLIS Fairich, Chlll1es C. Mo 400 600 Gir11rd SL 62960

LINCOLNWOOD Bandey, E. Willilm NU 216 6455 N. St. Louis Ave. 60645 Snyder, F. Clryton 111515 6633 N. Drake Ave. 60645

MILAN Hou•, Thomas P. IW 70 301 West lnf St61264

Ciiffonf J., Jr. IW 95 524- Ridge St. 61046

LISLE Schulenbfi'g, Reymond F. leSt 492 rJo Morton Arborttum 60532

LOCKPORT Reittr, Stuert A. Ill 883 Rtll60441 T,.._jer, Francis M. OklaSt152 1014 Holly Court 60441

KINGSTON BlmiS, Edwin ltSt 404 R.F.D. 60145 Haywerd, W11ttr E. 111762 R.R. I 60145

LOMBARD B~ektr, Darn\ D. lnd 307 149 w.. Port Dr. 60148 Boyd, Richard L.edd Colo 354 139 S. Craig Pf~c:e 60148 Brown. Glen H. lnd 224 337 S. G"" St. 60148 Dedic, D. B. Ill 1036 1043 Apple Line 60148 Herzog, Floyd P. Ill 614 134 S. Edgewood 60148 Martin, Alfred Castle, Jr. NW215 339 N.c.. ~ 60148 Weston, Harry E. Syr 74 150 E. Momll'lg$idt Ava. 60148 Yort., John F. IW 94 235 North Garfield 6CI148

KNOXVILLE Pllmer, Gene Waner 111502 61448

LOSTANT Spitzer, Woyno A. ill 973 61334

LA GRANGE Clements, Robert H. Ill 516 1034 South W1iola Ave. 60525 Elg, Erich G. Ill 217 141 N, Lo Grongo Rd. 60525 Johnson, Robert A. Ariz 129 7915 Howerd Ave. 60525 K111t1, Donald L. NU 528 83 Bluff Avo. 60525 Lloyd , James H., Jr. 111509 11213-62nd 60525 Novotny, Don~ld J. NW 387 232 South Waiol1 Avt. 60525 Obon, GeorgeS. Minn 306 133 S. Blockslono Avo. 60525 Richmond, Paul J1ma Chi 158 158 Molden St. 60526 Wl!lf'ltf, Kenntth A. Ill 838 1411 W. Conitt Avo. 60525 Watts, Chlrt• AJa Pur 325 410 S. Stone 60525

MARSHALL Bin nett. Emil C. III 254 R.R. 3 62441 Mil<hoti, Goorvo T. Pur 385 R.R.#2 62441

LEMONT lsberner, Wilbur P. Wilt 469 P.O . Box 14760439 Terry, Allen Mtrtin 111543 1458 South Starttnd Dr. 60439


KANKAKEE Fox, Flrnll R., Jr. 111811 1678 s. 4th 60901 Kohan, Dennis L IW 112 566 South Alma Aw. 60901 Norton, Stephen L. Ill 887 32 Norman St., R.R. 15 60901 Rapp, Jema C. Ill 867 51B N. W8hington 60901

LA FAYETTE Nowtan, Weyne W. laSt 597 61449

MARENGO Buehler, Goorvo E -. Jr. loSt 285 60152

LANSING Olney, D""' N. lnd 533 11311 Roy SIJWI 6043B Powell, David W. lnd 7BO 2300 E_, Holidoy Ct 60438


LITCHFIELD Orostt, Jtmes B. 111897 330 N. Ch.,nut62056

KEWANEE Olson, John E. NW 660 706 Gilbert St 61443

MANTENO Holl, 0. Lynn 111797 Box 656 60950

MAYWOOD Bucholz, Arthur J. NW 614 1501 S. 5th Avo.. Apt. 12 60153 Fry, Aivo L 111465 1827 South 7th ovo. 60153 Lohse, Atfnd C. lnd 289 rJo Bill Schum1nn 316 S. 3rd St. 60153 Schmidt, Henry ill 537 835 S. 19th St. 60153

JONESBORO Kthllf, l.tstie H. laSt 252 State Tree Nurwry, Rt2 62952

KENILWORTH John10n, Frederick K.l. 111496 556 Eartrton 60043

MANITO -.Honold E_., 111688 R.R. 2 61546

MACKINAW Kilby, Donald Phillip 111704 61155 MACOMB Cerpenttr, Bill F. Pur 735 815 E. Washington St. 61455 Elkin, Robert E. 111779 624 East Cerroll St. 61455 MADISON Aahloy, Edwonf M. Iii 881 1737 Third Stl"ftt 62060 Fisk, Herold T., Jr. 1111033 11241owe 62060 MAGNOLIA Whitney, Max B. 111919 61336 MANHATTAN Lte, John Robtrt Ktns 337 R.R. II 60442

MELROSE ltmen, JamaT. IW 113 1613 N. 16th St 60160

MIDLOTHIAN Knight, John Silcox OhioSt 91 14757 S. Koystono 60445

MINIER Sta11, Dun M. Ill 843 R.R. 61159 MINOOKA Wh"ior, Charles L. ill 127 R.R. 2, Box 223 60447 MOKENA Geuther, Milton Cart 111444 60448 MOLINE Fitch, Leo E. Cin 43 2620 31st St. 61265 Hellene, Alan M. Ill 678 1885-24 Avo. A 61265 Jensen, P. F. 1111037 3511·25th Avo. 61265 Schiewe, Jon A. Ill 987 510648St.A61265 Sell, Marvin L. Nebr 611 3532 60th St., Apt5 61265 Zweifel, Dennis E. laSt 640 3620 43rd St. Apt312 61265 MONTICELLO Shonkwiler, Robert Peyson 111312 61B56 MORTON GROVE Spielman, Harry R. Mo 511 7031 Foster Ave. 60053 MORRISON Abbott, LouisAsa 111144 61270 Anderson, Denny D. la499 402 West Winfield St. 61270 Tucker, William Henry Ill 259 608 Linc~nwey W. 61270 MORTON Oeniel , Keith Hardin 111714 527 Eest Madison 61550 Johnson, Jttk J. Ill 955 218 E. Brentwood St. 61550 Klopfenstein, Jtma W. Ill 9~ 121 N. 2nd 61550 Mo111n, Robert A., Jr. 111952 125 S. Kansas 61550 Votle, Everttte M. 111514 700 S. First Ave. 61550 MT. MORRIS Butll, Meredith M. Pur 577 407 N. Htnnlh An. 61054 DePuy, Philip Louis K1nsSt 359 110 North S.min1ry 61054 Priemer, Philip E. NU 690 505 West Hili 61054

liT. PROSPECT Boyd, Jonv L Cin 383 505 South Louis St 60056 Horvoy, Gltnn Colo 576 1002 N _ , Uno 60056 H-mto, K""'""' K. OkloSt257 44 Judittl Or. 60056 lwntn, Gonion Edwin Ill 786 214 S. WINo St60056 John10n, Mlft W. CMS 94 906 A. Boxwood Dr. 60056 L.tudlnklos, Arthur Wile 502 504 Highlond SIJWI 60056 Sthortr, Honold G. NW 397 802 W. Mllbum Avo. 60056 Scon, Chlriel A. Cin 256 209 N. Forwt Aw. 60056 Sogin,E_.,J. 111734 106 S. Goorvo St 60057 Yo,_, Ulys H. NU 4ll2 I South Loois 60056 liT. VERNON Martin,C-E.illl016 1609 Highiond v-- 62664 Willilms, AMn lMy GW 137 62B64 Groot, John G. NU 440 1219 Fartor 60053 MUNDELEIN Wilcox, Robert V. NU 223 Routt 1. Box 348 60046 Wilson, Jam11 D. KSt 475 Rt I, Box 96-A 60060 NAPERVILLE C.rbon, William l. lnd 703 433 Alpin Ct. 60540 Hayner, lloyd A. Cor 508 213 SyCimOfl Dr. 60540 Hopp, Rid\e(d W. lnd 906 Box 352, R.R. 3 60540 Megill, Gion W. lnd 143 440 E. Pnirio 60540 Potenon, Hoben S. iii 377 Rout11 , Box29 60540 Outlkenbush, Kenneth G. IW 50 567 S. Jul~n St. 60540 Sin, W. E., Jr. NU 720 1125 Birt.dale Court 60540 Sttklach, Thoma R. Ohio 268 1220 Lourol Lono 60540 S11nn, Roger K. Minn 684 129 Tupelo 60540 NEW LENOX Chepman, Thomas A. IW 21 II Him St. 60451 NEWTON Story, Bobby Gene 111761 62448 NORMAL Bta!TIIn, BifTVB. IW75 15 Brookwood Dr. 61161 Beaman, Brooks IW 103 15 Brookwood Drive 61161 Carnint, Albert J. IW 86 300 Martin 61161 Cwitt, Roger H. IWS 187 11 Ardith Drive 61161 Curtiss, Georve 111187 615 Normal Ave. 61761 Dougtea, Thomas Jey Ill 260 309~ NortflSt 61161 Gemsey, Osborne IW 135 1000 North Ook St. 61761 Packwood, John R. Ia 436 1206 B~t Avo. 61161 Roderick, Janws l. lnd 410 804 N. School 61161 Williams, Drvid 8. IW 100 714 D o~ Stlftt61161 NORTHBROOK Borden, John P. NU 563 2151 Ash Lono 60061 Cappel, Raymond L Ohio 26 1929 Fieldwood Dr. 60062 Hou•, Floyd H. lnd 272 1839 Fomdolo 60062 Oleson, C.Mn <:. liSt 236 1026 Briarwood Lane 60062 Ratch, Robert R. Kens 678 1420 J Shormtn 60062 NORTH CHICAGO Kilponeo, James E. NW 599 736 Broldway 60064 Maee, Kenneth Jay NU 580 1200 Wadsworth Avt. 60064 Short, Jama H. Kens 587 R..arthDivi:sion Abbott l.tboi'JtOries 60064 NORTHFIELD Cemedt, Williem D. NU 548 514 Woodland Rd. 60093 Hesselberg, C.nnen N. Wis 552 245 lockwood 60094 NORTH RIVERSIDE Brown, William G. NW 344 320 G... Rd. 60546 lorenz, Jerome Cin 301 7804 W.16th St 60546 lorenz, John Cin 302 7804 W. 26th St 60546 OAK BROOK Nickel, Dr. Sam E. KSt 396 Suitt 624, Oak Brook Ptofossionoi Bldg. 60521 OAK PARK Adams, Roy H. Ill 578 416 H. lombard 60302

lloln,U.AntlurNWI 2116 N. Hu11111lny Avo. 60302 lllka-,Or.-N. Pur546 229 N. Humpllroy AVL 60302 BlhiRW", Otto Hlf'W 23 321 North Etot Avo. 60302 llllknop, Allon P. Mich 235 245 S. Ook Pwt. Avo. 60302 8.-iog, JohnT. Chi209 316 S.llap~ 60302 Bublitz, Antlur Thoodoro Mich 564 541 S. Hu11111hroy 60304 Comtl, Jltk Pur 665 167 N. Humphroy 60301 Fowler, R~ph Rodobough Nobr 340 324 North Map~ 60302 Knourek, Robtrt M. Ill 507 527 S. Euclid 60304 llhmen, Rut! Formt 11166 175 Nonh Euclid 60301 Nichoh, Robert M. Pur 397 333 S. Etot Avtnuo 60302 Rindor, Dr. Cari 0. Chi 59 300 N. Grovo Avo. 60302 Vomi, Mol NU 51B 1112 Linden Avt. 60302 White, H~rold Jab Chi 645 N. Cuyler Avo. 60302 Wilton, Georve Atvin W"11 285 811 N. Euclid Ave. 60302 OBLONG Kirt., John A. Ill 920 513 E. W~~eonlin St 62449 O'FALLON Mitchell, Mtj. John C. Rens 55 I lOB N. Yo~ Drivt62269 OLYMPIA FIELDS McVlcklr, Cart L PtnnSt 272 2548 Countrv Club Dr. 60461 Milltr, Edmund A. Chl219 Olympia Fields Country Club 60461 ORION Cl1rt., Chlrta louis laSt 353 61273 Deleeuw, William E. laSt 480 61273 OREGON Hoos, Charln D. ill 820 61061 Rausch, Relph W. Pur 63 61061 Smith, Kenneth l. Ill 904 R.R. 13 61061 Wood, Keith S. laSt 320 704 Jocbon St. 61061 Wood, Mef\lel E. laSt 344 911 Washington SL61061 ORLAND PARK Tipton, Georve W. lnd 407 6600 West I44th Ploco 60462 OSWEGO Wormlry, JamaT. 111911 60543 OTTAWA Fisher, Ralph 111460 432 Poori Stlftt61350 PALATINE Andtrson, James W. Syr 326 226 North Cady Drive 60067 Bailey,Jam11 G. lnd 590 150 s. Forest 60067 Brvco, Frod A. NW 306 519 Stuart lene 60067 McKnight, Roger D. NU 64{1 130 S. Brockwoy 60067 Mendnlla, William E. NU 363 49 North Grttnwood 60067 Waggen, Robert J. Ia 339 465 Willow Wood 60067 Wittenburg, Robert C. NW 678 322 North Bothwell 60067 PALMYRA Hall, Hor1tio NW 90 Box 118 62674 PALOS PARK Adams, Arthur Maynard NW 472 l24th end Kean Ave. 60464 Cross, WallaeeJ., Jr. Ill 503 11914 llurie Avt. 60464 PANA Lyon, Glenn R. 111393 705 E., Thin! St62557 Rose, W. B1rtlay Ill 86 510 S. Locust St 62657 PARIS Moss, John R. 111313 434 W. Madison St 61944 PARK FOREST Akin, Gary K. EVIns 134 60 Fir St. 60466 Allison, Lloyd Jon 111855 524 Cirde Or. 604S6 (Woodhill) Feeley, Ronald K. 1111031 110 Nantl 60466 Jones, Maurice A. Ill 862 TrWi tt Westwood Dr. 60466 Lewis, John E. Mo 686 2654 Avo. 60466 Merrimtn, PhillipA. 111731 346 Wildwood 60466 Reddielifft, Oon1ld K. NW 3S8 375 Winon1 St 60466 Walklr, Sam H., Jr. NW 309 138 Willow 60466

Whitmirl, John C. 111944 16 lltGority Rd. 60466

PARK RIOGE Brockob, Willilm L Ill 527 1976- ..... 60068 au-., J. Brvob Mich 102 233 N. N o - Hwy. 60068 Catton, Miles DOMY 111316 926 St-'- Pl. 60068 Cill!lp«, Lonv R. Pur Bll Box 568 60068 Grotl, Arnold A. NU 250 729 S. Hornlin 60068 Hahn, Willilm L. MiMni 133 746 W'11n1r Ava. 60068 Horioy, Altxondor M. NW 76 1416 Gordon St60068 Hill, Mtrton Efwood NW 280 1114 Groondolo Avo. 60068 K...,, Robon D. ill730 219 Columb~ 60068 Lono, Richonf D. NW 359 611 S. Groonwood 6006B Lord, John M. Pur 703 61BS. C"""'t60068 McCormick. Jlmlll. K1ns 579 122 E_, Sibley AVL 60068 Mmtzw, JlfNI S. lnd 227 1100 S. Horr. 60063 Millen, Joromy J. Ariz 70 1439 G1nt.n Strwtt 60068 Munson, Roy Wilbur NW 208 12BW'onor60068 Rh:herdson, ForiSI 0. NW 634 211 N. Morrill Avo. 6006B Sindt, JICk P. Pur 840 410 N. Mtrri1160068 PAXTON Jones, Don~ld K. 1111025 647 E., Ponon 60957 PEKIN Comwy, Howard F. laSt30 1009 Monroe St. 61554 Ooneghue, Donald Milltr Ill 504 205 Kalwk~ Rd. 61554 Golan, Kenneth F. 111811 405 Fairtane 61554 Prtston, Dun A Ill 651 R.R. II. Box 51B 61554 Preston, Walter B. Ill 286 #5 Oirbon Ct61554 PEORIA Abegg, tori F. III B95 1101 E. Republic 61603 Andrews, David W. Ill 596 906 Str~tford Dr. 61614 Ba1/, Jonas:H. 111118 2637 Moss 61604 Berpchnelder, Myron R. Ill 506 803 W. Brons 61604 Burnham, Alonzo F. Ill 657 1314 W. Michele 61614 Claus, HowardS. Ill 624 2315 W. For.t Hill Avt. 61604 Copeland, Arthur Bower1 Chi 217 Firtt NttioRII Bank Bldg. 61602 Oemgh, Charta T. PennSt 490 5210 N. University St. 61614 Oegenford, Jama E. 111861 415 Hanssler P1~te61604 Gorwnz,leoJoseph,Jr. 111587 4318 North Ro.semNd Dr. 61614 Hartman, Joel L Ill 942 4213 Knollridge Rd., Apt. A-4 61614 Helman, Elmer G. Mo 219 P.O. Box 573 61601 Heppenstall, Robert C. It 363 510 RIIYine61603 Jttobson, C.rteton J. Ill 433 506 N. E. Monroe St. 61603 James, Richard 0. Ill 908 1208 E. Fairoaks 61603 James, W. Robert 111826 1208 East Fairoak161603 Klahm, John l. Cin 173 4111 DIYOn Line, Knollcrat 61614 Konvalinkl, Frank J. 11 135 2311 N. Maryland 616D3 Krieger, William Enoch Ill 244 1100 Fim National Bt nk Bldg. 61602 Mlri, David L 1111002 2702 N. E. Madison 61603 Pendervis, W. 0. 111179 Morgan, Pendarvis & Morg~n 11 25 lrt Natl's. Bank Bldg. 61602 Pf~ek , Harold J., Jr. Ill 609 2608 Bigelow St. 61604 Rttee, Gary A. Ill 1023 1026 £1St Richwoods 61603 Robtru, John E. Mo 533 2106 Cim~roon Dr. 61614 Slonneger, Ktnneth R. Ill 931 905 E. Frye 61603 Slonneger, RonaldW. 111801 1101 W. Barker 61606 Smith, Sidney G. IW 27 2527 Westminster Rd. 61604 SWII}tr. Eugene C. Ill 652 4003 Hollyridge Cirtle 61614 Wtgntr, John P. Pur 882 224 W. North Ridge Lone 61614 Wiele, Gary W. II 448 2322 Bainter lane 61614 PERU Risk, Ra ben J. lnd 472 1816 Green St. 61354 PESOTUM Roberts, Dean C. 1111004 R.R.II 61663 PlmFIELO Curt•. Michlel D. Colo A&M 91 R.R. I3 62363 Berry. Or. Frederick Ill 552 125%N. Madison 62363 PLEASANT HILL Lammon, Edwin l. Ill 664 62366 o-to


Terry, Gifford leSt 169 61064 PONTIAC

Brown, Harold M. Ill 423 122 Bentley 61764 Tucklr, JJmesM. IIIB90 751 North ChitiiJO St 61764 PRINCETON

Angel, Roger K. 111991 553 Thompson 61356

Brawner, Murray L. Ntbrl93 Routt461356

Revtll, John R., Jr. Ill 886 811 S. Main 61356 PRINCEVILLE

BaaU, CharlesW. 111997 61559

Ptdrick,flichard F. Ill 360 Dnn Milk Co., 1126 Kilbum 61103

Radcliffe, ChartesB. 111289 3024 Bunmont Rd. 61107 Robert, James L Ia 425 1318 E. State 61108 Rogm, AlbertS. Pur410 1332 Widergmn St. 61108 Searcy, Richard Ill 752 3232 Sabelwood Drive 61103 Tindell, Glenn l., Jr. NW 666 2528·18th Ave. 61108 Turner, Charles P. NW 602 43 Briar Lane 61103 Williams, Rev. Elwyn M. Syr 273 5270 Cmtdtle Drive 61111 Williams, Gary H. Mo 665 504 King Stn1et 61103 Winter, Albert C. It 350 2364 Cornell Or. 61102

Stewart, Dana Adams Ill 603 61559 PROPHETSTOWN

Carlock, lee D. Ill 441 R.R. I, Box 169 61277 Plauu , Harold C. 111859 211 WashingtonSt.61277 PROSPECT HEIGHTS Flentge, Robert L. Art 62

101 E. Clarendon 60070 Krueget', EdwardJ. 111556 17 Wildwood Dr. ~070

Bailey, Edward T. IW 25 820 Syeamora 62301 Briggs, S. Jack Wyo 165 Box 104 62301

Edwards, William 0. Ill 1083 2109 Wilmar 62301 Francis, Kent R. 111865 R. 562301

Hatch, James S. Ill 1001 1807 Grove 62301 McReynolds, Ralph Mo 78

1101 MaineSt.62301

Harder, Walter A. KSt 87 3307·18thAve. 61201 Kurtz, Charles Frederick lt93 1525-24thSt. 61201 Oakley, Stephen T. Pur879 625 Third Avenue c/o J. l. Case Company 61201 ROCKTON

Hardenbergh, James G. Frk 420 Box 303 61072 Manning, Albert Ross 111536 P.O. Box 97 62082 Manning, David R. 1111052 P.O. Box95 62082 ROSELLE

Freeman, Robert 0 . CSC 162 412 East Bryn Mawr 60172 Knohl, l eRoy E. Pur 832 146 S. Roselle Rd. 60112 ROSEVILLE

Felt , John P. Mo 692 R.R. 11 61473


Hunt, WallaeeG . IW15 60960 RICHMOND

Barter, Kenneth K. NW 352 Rt. 160071

RIVERDALE Hough, Richard F. NW684

14210 loMAve. 60627 Poppe!, Richard Donald NW 435 14305 Wentworth 60627 RIVER FOREST

Erickson, Curtis Manferd NW 234 1125 Keystone Ave. 60305 Fox, John Richird Pur 290 102 Gale Ave. 60305 Hoy, Marion Alsworth Mo 389 243Ashland 60305 Kolb,l.W. 111531 1510WilliamSt.60305 lieb, George William NW 245 237 Thatcher60305 Minnick. James S. KSt 645 547 N. Ashland Ave. 60305 Sayre, CharlesM . NW316 1321 N. lathrop60305 Syljececk, R. N. Pur 940 203 GaleAve. 60305 Troner, E. J. Ill 1043 131 Gale60305 RIVERSIDE Pondelik, Charta F., Jr. NW 654 500 Uvedale Ad. 60546 Aucka, Allan F. NW 544 360 Eastgrove Road 60546 Werth, John H. Miami 10 310 Northwood Road 60546 Wi:~on. Owid B. IW 68 352 Selbourne Ad. 60546 ROBINSON

Forbes, Hubert H. Pur 470 407W. MainSt62454 ROCHELLE lutz, Donald G. Den 106 1091 Westview Or. 61068 ROCKFORD Anderson,StMnJ. 111984 114 Deisyfield Ad. 61102 Baker, Robert C. OhioSt515 A.A. 4, 5855 Old Millrtone Rd. 61111 Benson, John H. 111341 1001 N. Main St. 61107 Ellis, lonnie A. 111969 4800 N. Main Road 61103 Giglio, Thomas l. 111965 2820 Charta St. 61108 Hogfeldt , Jema S. laSt 431 1123 North Alpine Rd. 61107 Johnson, David E. Ill 949 1023 PerkviewAve. 61107 Johnson, Wayne A. 111996 R.R. 6, Box 250 61 103 Kolbe, John NU 584 1417 GrMnmountSI. 61107 lana. Conn~d W. Ill 864 3716 Oklahoma Or. 61108 Llrson,Stephen R. NW681 327 Kenilworth Or. 61108 laue, louis H. NU 482 2040 Hillside Or. 61107 Lundsten, John M. 111915 522Wemhtster61107 McGee, Lawrtnc:e D. Culo 682 5872 Oatrtd Or. 61107 Muthlemeyu, Cart D. CSU 111 503 Calvin Part Blvd. 61107 Munz,Mtrsh.IIIT. 111477 206 Empin1 Bldg. 61101 Ptllirttr, lton L Was 445 3625 Brookview Rd . 61107 D-20

2025 N. 6th St. 62702

Ryerson, Semu•l R. Ia 256 1716 lowell Ave. 62704 Sangster, George E. GW 141 230 S. Douglas 62704 Schmidt, Robert H. Ill 907 1801 S. 5th St. &2703

Wallar, lloyd D. N1br 142 631~S . 4th ,

Apt. 51562703

W1mer, Edward William Ill 744 833 S. English 62704 Woltvlr, Oonald lee 111749 444 West Cook St. 62704 Zanin , Norman R. Ill 840 R.R. #8 62707

Zanin, Wilbur F., Jr. Ill 783 ROCK ISLA NO


Nimmo, R. Price IW 64 40 Vi~inia Una 62707 Pearson, Or. Raymond Cor 361 1975 Hamilton Ct. 62704 Rollman, L.eades C., Jr. Ill 583

ROUND LAKE Schroeder, M. R. 111707 R.R. I , Box 384 60073 ROYALTON

Bennett, James Emery Chi 254 62983

ST. CHARLES Albrecht, Howard E. Pur 709 Route 1, Box 28160174 Eckhart, Gerald lnd 481 At. 11. Bo:~555, Ferson Creek Rd. 60174 Manox,Oon Nebr 521 260 S. 11th St. 60174 Pearson, larry K. Minn 126 1000 Geneva Rd., Apt. 9A 60114 Rasmussen, Howard G. Cin 270 1022 South 5th St. 60174 Snyder, Harry P., Jr. Frk 367 519 S. 11th St., Heath Park 60174 Wiebmer, William R. Ill 631 513S. 11th St.60174 SAUNEMIN

Watu, Claude H. 111133


Glendenning, Thomas S. IW 10 61084 STREATOR

Bean, Reginald E. 111900 1740 Bak1r Street 61364 Burton, RobertS. Ill 728 509 South Park St. 61364 Outler, D~Nid Christian Ill 777 625 W. Stanton St. 61364 Edwards, John R. IW 1 403 Pnirie Ave. 61364 Schild kraut, Daniell. Syr 309 Medical Arts Bldg ., WestgatePiaza61364 STRONGHURST

Armstrong, George R. Ill 962 P.O. Bo:~ 275 61480 SULLIVAN

Hargis, Ward D. 1111020 R.R. #361951

Munch , Jan T. 111928 R.R. #3 61901

Pound, JohnW. 111898 R.R. I1 61901

Stone, Michael leslie 1111061 Box 19661951 White, Robert F. 111342 1021 E. Jackson 61951 White , RobertM. 111768 c/o White&White 116 E. Harrison .:a.61951 TAYLORVILLE

Burthill, Robert E. MSM 88 534 North Pawnee St. 62568 THAYER

Green, Omer laverne Den 70 P.O. Box 113 62689 THORNTON

Towle, George A. Pur 450 42 Chippewa Dr. 60476 TINLEY PARK

Howard, Gerald lnd 503 4470 W. I 86th St. 6G477 Maue, Owen C. Ill 488 R. 2, Bo:~ 34 60477 Taylor, William J. Ill 642 1121160th Ave. 6G417

Johnson, Raymond G. Ill 340 804 E. Florida 61801 Kratz, Alonzo Plumsted Ill 120 1003 Douglas Ave. 61801 Kratz, Elwin Valentine 111131 410 West Oregon 61801 Kratz, John E. 111950 410 W. Oregon St. 61801 Lahmann, Emil Wilhelm Mo 237 R.F.O. 2 61801

Oliver, Elbert E. lnd 41B 2210 Pond Street 61801 Parker, Norman Alwin Colo 279 1710 S. Pleasant St. 61801 Russall, Richard K. Ill 995 703 W. Ohio 61801 Sapora, Allen V. 111521 Huff Gymnasium 61801 Shawl, Ray Iris 111165 409 Nevada 61801 Simer!, Lawrance Harrv Ill 466 305 Mumford Hall61801 Slayman, Hugus Worth NW 137 905W. IIIinois61801 Spitler,John Clyde 11129 807 West Vermont St. 61801 Stauffer, R. Mer1e, M.D. Ill 700 Carle Clinic 61801 Sullivan, RuDell Neil NW 186 University of Illinois lawSchoo161801 Tawney, JamesW. CSC 75 604 W. California Ave. 61801 Webber, Craig R. 111829 2213 S. Fletcher 61801 Weisiger, George Bates Yale 185 309 Vermont 61801 Wert, Dennis D. Ohio252 406 W. Green 61801 URSA

Lewis, Lerrv F. 111871 Box 32 62~76 VILLA GROVE

Bender, Donald leon Ill 809 R.R. 61956

Cornelius, Harrv Allen NW 104 49W. Monroe60181 Haryis, Gary K. NW 545 447 N. Third Ave. 60181 Sielaff,W. R. Mich716 940 South Cornell60181 · VIRGINIA Colburn, Billy Gene NW 401 62691 WASHBURN

Kennedy, Francis M. Kans451 P.O . Box 44 61570 WASHINGTON

Bentz, ErwinJ. H. laSt 350 500WestJeffmon61571 Carius, larry 0. Ill 982 R.R. f161571

Gedrtad, Warren R. 111825 401 Hilldale61571 WATSHA

Barragree, Kenneth E. 1111056 906 E. locust 60970 Cary , Richard H. Mo 697 650 E. Grant St. 60970 Cavin, Roger N. IW 5 Belmont Ave. 60970 Day, AibertJ. 111879 445 Ralph St. 60970

61769 TOLONO

SCHILLER PARK Anderson, JohnW. Minn702 10140 Wehrman Place 60176 SKOKIE

Evans, Richard William NW 229 8707 North Avers Ave. 60076 Evans, William R. Cor 672 8707 Avers Ave. 60076 Jeffrey, DonaldJ. Mich 166 4140 Suffield Ct. 60076 SOUTH HOLLAND Moe, Harold M., D.V.M. OklaSt 181 Box 112 60473 Wiersma, l ouis H. NU 515 457 E 163rd St. 60473

McNamara, Rev. Don E. UCLA 169 Bo:~475 Presbyurian Church 61880 TONICA Ashley, HoWIIrd leMileyn Ill 364 R.F.O. 2 61370 TOWANDA

Bliss, James I. 111974 R.R. 1 6l776 Thiel , John K. IW93 P.O. Box 54 61776 TOWER Hill Cannon, lestar Cloyd Ill 224 62571 TREMONT

SPARTA Haury, James E. MSM 11 515South Market St. 62286 Mines, Mason V. MSM 72 503W. CollegeSt.62286 SPRINGFIELD Bishop, Robert P. 2401 8atesAve. 62704 Davis, KennllhW. 111724 11 33Woodland62703 Df'lis, Lyman Kent Ill 267 836 South 4th St. 62703 Esmond. Bruce l. 111667 17 Pajim lant, R.R. I& 61707

Foutch, Edwin W. Ill 672 100 Danbury Dr. 62704 French, ltwisG . lnd 552 25 Glen Ain! Or. 62703 Garrard, Russell M. Pur 603 2124 Noble 62704 Glenwright, Edward J. Ill 750 624 S. Glenwood 62704 Grteg, Raymond R., Jr. 111616 54 Meadow l ake lane 62702 Guthrie, larry F. 111101-4 1801 S. State Strtet 62704 Hammond, leonard Ayers Ill 253 1605 Outer Perk Drivt 62704 Hanes, Murray S. Ill 95 502 Ferguson Bu ilding, 522 E. Monroe62701 Kenyon, Ro btrt E. Ill 623 2011 South lincoln 62704 Kuzelt, l.awrenuJ . 111903 2108Marland62702 l otbs, E. J. M. Pur 291 2037 Hunt11igh Rd . 62704 Monnitr, Charles S. 111447 2128 Pt. View Dr. 62704

Becker, Reyburn, J. 111498 61568 TUSCOLA

H1nnlng, CartJ. 111378 Box 10761953 lsaminger, Fred E., Jr. 111492 502 Park 61953 URBANA Anderson, Ernest W. Pur 382 1603 S. Maple 61801 Barkman, Joel I. Vt 107 718S. Broadway 61801 Bean, HaldaneW. 111878 209W. Hlgh61801 Burthill , William E. MSM 56 406 East Green , Apt. 101 61801 Coldeweih, Jack H. SC.I 175 712W.Dhio61801 Congleton, Frank H. Ill 265 802 South Maple 61801 Day , David R. lnd 510 505 w. Dtleware 61801 Disque, Donald F. Pur760 Vet. Med . Univ. of Ill. 61801 Ekblaw, Geo~ Elbert Ill 302 511 West Main St. 6130 1 Ekblaw, Andrtw, II Ill 770 511 West Main St. 61801 Elsesser, ThtddeusN. 111630 608 W. Main 61801 Follmer, Clive A. 111729 305West High 61801 Gordon, Chilies D. Ill 948 2004 E.., St.61801 Hackleman, Jay Courtland Mo 97 1205 South Orthtrd 61801 Hubert, Donald A. Ill 880 305 Pltfeir Road 61801


Harr, Robert B. 111990 2003 Chestnus St. 60085 Hart, Curtis E. NW 576 1806Walnut60085 Hinrich, Floyd Cin 10 126 Maripose Ave. 60085 Hinrichs, Htnry R. NU 583 126 MariposaAve. 60085 Jensen, Donald G. Minn 498 1028 N. Sheridan Rd. 60085 lake, Stephan A. NW 617 1212 North Avenue 60085 Noll, John Chi 205 628 Atlantic Ave. 60085 Ostnnder, Donald L. LSU 99 108 Willow 60085 Radeke, Edward F. Ill 636 2725 Ganster Rd. 60085 Ranta, Wayne R. NW 488 208 Wistonsin Ave. 60085 Wilmot, Richard l. Ill 999 1007 Glenwood Ave. 60085 Wanes, Edward M., Jr. M.D. 2634 Grand Ave. 60085 WAVERLY

Perkinson, lesterJay 111301 62692

WAYNE Johnston, Billy M. W'&St 491 Box 151 60184 WE LOON

Metvin,louisJohn 111431 61882

Beck, Charta DurMrd Ia 144 3901 Cennl Ave. 60558

Carder, Fl'lnk C., Jr. Pur 711 5231 Centnl Ave. 60558 Haufe, Ted B. Wis 433 4556 Clausen 60558 Hudson, Dennis L. Ill 839 4221 Johnson Ave. 60558 leurien, Jack W. lnd 557 4142 Grove Ave. 60558 lockhart, leonard V. NU 360 3919 Grove 60558 Slezak, Dr. "George C. Ill 619 3903 Grove 60558

Tank, Edward Sylvan NW 150 5000 Grand Ave. 60558 WHEATON

Bennet,ltslieW. NW212 407 West lincoln 60187 Christensen, Roland R. NU 358 125 N. Erie 60187 Dahlberg, John K. 111591 212 S.lorraine Ad. 60187 Grushkin, Stanton F. NU 536 14!10 S. Main St. 60187 Heimke, Kar1 F. Wis 536 1205 Howard Ct. 60187 Jan•n, George Jacob NW 279 Route 12 60187 O'Donnell, StiMtn Jos. Pur 908 1109 EestWillow60187 Robinson, Robert C. 111711 192 longfellow Dr. 60187 Rogers, Robert K. Ill 835 1062 College 60187

Stem, Richerd S. NW 383 223 S. Vernon 60187 Wagner, Glenn NW 422 2S167 Big Hom Drive 60187 Zelle, Cart A. Ill 214 304 E.




Otlaplane, William K., Jr. Pur 415 R#1 61884 WILMETIE

Adkins, Charlie D. Colo 605 2729 Hawthorne lena 60091 Allen, Col. C. Wylie Chi 231 510 Sheridan Road 60091 Arms, John M. Mich 557 221 Woodbine 60091 Burdick, Jerome F. Aens 77 207·5th St. 60091 Dauer, Ernst A. NW 117 1005 Ashland Ave. 60091 Eckert,RalphJ. W'ISC.511 2109 Chestnut St. 60091 Franke, Kart D. NW 166 106 Westmoreland Dr. 60091 Grows, Everett Clement Calif 170 834 16th St. 60091

Hagen, Hilding E. NW 123 121!J.16th St. 60091

Hoffman, Ralph V. 111421 819 Chilton lane 60091 Holland, Vern E. Ia 243 111 Sixth St. 60091 Hosking, Paul C. Pur 389 812 Guilmette lane 60091 Johnson, Cart I. NU 107 1630 Sheridan Road 60091 Lund, Russell Oscar NW 143 Michigan Shore Club 911 Michigan Ave. 60091 McPherTon, Richard Chi 274 13341sabella St. 60091 MatTison, William A. Ill 204 401 Greenleaf- Bahai Home 60091 Odell, Clarance Burt 111457 2410 Greenwood Avenut 60091 Redemacher, Hollis W. Minn 671 3141111inois Rd.60091 Reagen, JamesApelt Mith491 1233 Forest 60091 Robinson, Frad Vosteen NW 146 1947 Thornwood Rd . 60091 Summet1, James D., Jr. NU 323 814 Sheridan Road 60091 Ward, Gen~ld C. Wis 311 311 laurel Avenue 60091 Wilson, Joseph Spunner NW 206 1054 Miami Rd . 60091 WINCHESTER

Glossup, Robert l" Evans 58 29 North Main St. 62694 Patterson, Everett Russell 111819 137 Peart Street 62694 Peak, Samuel Augustus Ill 778 62694

Spencer, J. Maurice Ill 836 R.F.O. #1 62694 WINFIELD

Chaplin, David R. Colo 610 26 W. 467 Blair St. 60190 Moriten, Rowland G. 111 653 344 Summit Orivt 60190 WINNEBAGO

Johnson, Harold A. Mo 694 R.R. #1, 8" 28 61088

Mandeville, Thomas 0. Ill S40 Box 56, R.R. 11 61088 WINNETKA


Alderman, Clifford R. OreSt 59 2806 Downing Ave. 60253 Htrrm~nn, Raymond E. 1111018 630 Manchester 60153 Pettrs, William A. NU 689 2250 Sunnyside Avt. 60153 Ruoti, James A. IW 57 1635 Stratford Ave. 60153 Wilco:~ , Stanley W. Ill 559 1839 Watthester 60153 WEST CHICAGO Hanson, Ralph Sylvester NW 127 140 East Pomeroy 60185 Vucty, Robert W. NU 315 Routt II, Box 960 60185 WESTERN SPRINGS

Betz, Cart Casper Pur 309 5011 Gn1nd 60558

Cromartie, Norman B. NW 619 500 Mapla Ave. 60093 Fonda, James E. D.D.S. Neb 163 808 Graen Bay Rd. 60093 Frazer, Gaorge Enfield W'IS 74 435 Sheridan Road 60093 Howard, Eugene A. Harv 111 1015 Pine St. 60093 Kenney, Clan1nce B. Chi 178 1050 Sunset Rd. 60093 Nyhus, Plul 0. WIS 201 484 Orchard lane 60093 Spring, Ric::htrd C. Ill 675 285 Woodltwn Street 60093 WUOO RIVER

lyon, Omer R. Oklt 34 490 North 6th 62095 WONDER LAKE Miller, Ronald A. NW 590 7401 Birch Dr. 60097


Braun, JamaA. lnd424 509 W. Broadwoy 46001

Disque, Fred H. Pur 305 412Walnut St. 46001 Montgomery, Ted l. Pur 774 R.R.#1 , 8" 389 46001

Toms, Robert U., Jr. Pur 175 210 Popular Drivl46001 W'~on, James P. Ill 760 R.R. 164001 ANDERSON Alldredge, John C. lnd 125

359 Citizens Bank Bldg. 46011 Bender, Paul A. lnd 788 1912 Winding Way &4011 Bennett, Harrv 0. Pur 348 927 Sunset Drive 46011 Berry, Harold R. Pur 486 P.O. 8" 906 46015

Bleiler, Weldon B. NU 610 1417 E. 3ht St.46074

Buek, Phillip lnd 480 5003 Dawn Street 46013 Coyner, Jake H., Jr. Pur 490 3626 Oov-ood Drive 46011

Cozart, Donald K. Pur 651 52 Conntry Drive 46012 Dunkin, Richard W. lnd 936 2007 Edgewood Drive 46011

Fox , Samuel D. Pur 543 2ll30W. 11thSt.46011

Green, Rex S. lnd 741 240 Woods Road 46011 Greenwalt, Eddy L. lnd 774 808 Whetston Rd. 46013 Hanson, James M. laSt 533 1608 E. Chesterfield Dr. 46012 Harmeson, Thomas D. lnd 775 R.R. #3, 8" 144 46011

Hubler, Frank R. Pur 458 5015 Southern Ave. 46014 Kemp , l. R. lnd 149 1009 Sunset 46011 Lawler, Gordon W. Pur 815 R.R. 12, Box 240 46011 McHenry, Robert A. Pur 545 1622 Walnut 46016 Nealis, Roger A. lnd 844 223 W. Third St. 46011 Rinker, Phillip T. lnd 781 621 Hendricks 46016 Schuermeyer, Wm. F. MSM 26 3517 Rtver Park Or., R.R. 1 46011 Smith, George H., Jr. lnd 395 4511 Col. A.,.46014

Sutton, James W. lnd 785 733 Prittwood Court 46014 Yarting, Fn~nk Clark Pur 261 208 ToMr Road 46011 ANGOLA

Gilbert, Donald Flave Pur 75 215 W. Parte Avenue 46703 Vandecreek, leon TriSt 29 415 S. Collage 46703 ARCADIA

lorton, Roland Clifford Pur 368 46030 ARGOS

Mahoney, Donald Lee lnd 597 RFO 13, Box 6 46501 Mahoney, James White lnd 491 Route 3 46501 ATIICA

Ha~nB 0RxoJi,) 4~9 1 135

McCracken, Sylvester 8. Pur 189 P.O. Box 169 47918 AUBURN

Burgoyne, Glenn M. OhioSt 358 914 Midway Drive 46706 long, Michael T. Pur 790 403 N. Union Street 46706 Muhn, Thomas M. lnd 515 Box 16 46706 Van Home, Winslow lnd 187 132%W. 7th St. 46706 Watson, James R. lnd 453 108 South Clark Straet 46706 AURORA

Riner, Kenneth Wm. lnd 314 332·2nd St. 47001 BATESVILLE

Prentice, Richard F. Pur 553 337 Columbus Ave. 47006 BEDFORD

Avery, James E. lnd312 1415 Q Strut 47421 Skinner, Robert N. lnd 367 1219 Crawford Ave. 47421 Trinkle, Jimmie 0. lnd 641 1530 15th St. 47421

Turpen, U!rrv W. lnd 849 604-22nd 47421 Wtlklr, Aien l. Evans 101 1412·5thSt.47421 BEECH GROVE

Shelton, Richard C. lnd 919 447 Chun:hman Aw. 46107 BLOOMFIELD

Spatks, James B. lnd 445 144 East Main Street 47424 BLOOMINGTON

AUen, Frank E. lnd 656 100 lexington 47401 Applegate, Kar1 E. lnd 825 509 South Swain Ave. 47401 Barr, James F. lnd912 120 South Currv Pike 47401 Baxttr, Gary S. lnd 837 102 Grandvirw 47403 Boruff, Or. William 0. lnd 549 R.R. #5 47403

Bowtn, DIYid H. lnd 664 516 South F•47401


B11111111011, Wm. FR. lnd 502 R.R. 13 47401 B.-joo, Lt. Col. V. H. lnd 318 3518 Longview Dr. 47401 Bullock, Mu lnd 35 lOBS. Cory L>nt 47401 ~1. Billie G. lnd 622 912 Moodow L>nt 47401 Coyne, ltslit J. lnd 792 664 L>dd A111flut47401 Cl'ltk, Dr. Jtan A. lnd 447 1404 Sore Rd. 47403 Cotsholl, Sbml B. Pur 843 EYOrmonn Apb. 1576 47401 OIViel, Willlam A. Pur 781 3315 Longview, Apt 73 47403 DIVis, G101 K. lnd 623 1301 Brooks Drive 47403 Dilfl~l, D. Lyle lnd 275 P.O. OriWir 210 47401 Erlboc:hor, Frederick L 11145 1040 S. Mitchell Ave . 47401 ftfVUson, Jam~~ H. lnd 464 R.R. 3 47403 Figg, John R. lnd 719 929 S. Jordtn Aw. 47401 Fnmklin, Joseph A. lnd 608 519 North College 47401 Fultz, Jama E. lnd 53{) R lB. <ioVollo 47401 Htn111, John M. lnd 117 321 E. Wylo 47401 Htrtswick. Joaph H. PtnnSt 269 1506 Nancy Or. 47401 Hickam, Richard E. lnd 757 4301 C.imbridgl 47401 Hotnngeworth, Ktnneth L. lnd 705 102B S. Henderson 47403 Huff, Frtd, Jr. lnd 345 R.R. IB 47401 Johnson, Alan B. lnd 624 716 E. 2nd St. 47401 Klinge, Plul E. lnd 864 Cu<ad• Villege Apb. 47401 Lusk, Harold F. lnd 219 512 Hawthrotn Drive 47401 Me,..n, H. J. lnd 759 2615 E. 5th St. 47401 Ptcklrd, A. J. Pur 764 3722 Oak Loaf Orivt 47401 Petry, Donald W. lnd 245 2601 E. 7th St. 47401 Pfaff, Vernon A. lnd 845 3433 North Smith 47401 Porter, Boyd Chllter lnd 123 914 E. UnW.rsity St. 47401 Redenbaugh, St1phtn A. lnd 815 R. 747401 Schrodt, John F., Jr. lnd BOO 2008 Marilyn Dr. 47401 Shant, Harold G. lnd 782 1416 Sail Rd. 47401 Skirvin, Max E. lnd 847 Edgewood Hills 47401 Stuckoy, l.>ny D. lnd 713 21B S. Jackson 47401 SommatVillt, John K. lnd 360 829 S. Woodlawn Ave. 47401 Thornbury, Willilm D. lnd 127 926 S. Highlond 47401 Warring, Jerome T. lnd 824 525 South Jordan Ava. 47401 Warring, Tom E. lnd 200 525 S. Jordan Ave. 47401 Wilnoit, E. L. lnd 715 4171 Broadway Ave. 47401 Yoder, Plul D. TriSt 21 612 S. Kn~htridgo Rd., Apt347401 Zthrtlach, A. A. Ohio 25 401 N. Jtfftrson 47405 BLUFFTON Dale, Drtid C. lnd 659 1107 Wildwood Lant 45714 Rusher, Merrill W., M.D. OhSt 463 920 Ranch Road 46714 BOGGSTOWN Garvar, Frederick Rasp lnd 21 46110 Garvtr, Frederick W. lnd 678 46110 BOONVILLE C.mpbtll, Joseph B. lnd 255 1104 S. 3rd St. 47601 Lutz , John D. lnd 724 R.R . 13 47601 Pete, GlennS. lnd 798 R.R.I4 47601 Wilder, Donald Pur 199 315 W. Walnut St. 47601 BOSWELL Dimmich, David D. Pur948 R.R. 147901 BRAZIL Kidd, Mu E. lnd 102 47B34 BRINGHURST Porter, Kenneth D. Pur 686 Box 238, clo A. Porter 46913 BRISTOL Sill, John Wortey Evans 64 46507 BROOKSTON North , William A. Pur 885 Wat 4th Street 47923 BROOKVILLE Fribtfv, Roben C. Evtns 77 306 Fanklin Ave. 47012 BROWNSBURG Jona, Roy Eugene lnd 341 46112 Skinner, Malcolm Kaith Pur 548 R.R. II , Box 179 46112 BROWNSTOWN Driver, Hal V. lnd 320 Box 147220 CAMDEN Jone, Jot Thomas Pur 692 R.R. II 46917

Jone, Llwnnce D. Pur 711 R.R. II 46917 CARLISLE Enochs, Uurtl Angalo lnd 158 4783B CAMEL Judge, J0101>h H. Pur 510 311 Woodltnd lan~ 46032 Tolle, Ltu111yne Alexander lnd 49 R.R. 146032 CARTHAGE Ellis, Martus N. Pur 574 Roull 246115 CENTERVILLE Rttd, Jtrnes R. Pur 744 501 West South St. 47330 CHANDLER Colvin, Atfred Eugene EY1ra69 R.F .O. I 47610 CHARLESTOWN Dillow, Roy A. lnd 874 47111 Ross, John T. Pur 783 R.l147111 CHESTERFIELD Roby, Daniel A. lnd 74B 511 North Strt~t 46017 CHESTERTON Wabrook, Frederic P. lnd 869 1408 Porter Ave. 46304 CLARKSVILLE Logsdon, Charla B. lnd 876 500 Acenuia Ave. 47130 CLINTON Foltz, Donald Eugene Pur 55B R.R. 3 47842 COLFAX Albright, MichMI A. lnd 700 Box BIB 46035 COLUMBIA CITY Plmell, Jtny L. lnd 629 R.R. 7 46725 COLUMBUS Bowie, William M. lnd 803 315 Sunset Drive 47201 Bridges, G. R. Pur 349 R. 5 47201 Cain , Wamn E. Ohio 5 3839 Colonial Dr. 47201 Donnell , Richerd M. Pur 573 1429 McCiurt Road 47201 Hadden, Robert J. Mich 503 2554 Chestnut St. 47201 Monier, Duena E. Pur B36 3755 Middle Road 47201 Norton, Overton P. Pur 115 R. II 47201 Rasp , C.rl A. Pur 344 2203 Gilmore St. 47201 Rose, Hugh Mich 544 2730 Washington 47201 Schoellkopt, Thomas D. lnd 83 3033 Beech Court 47201 VonFange, Rtinold Cln 365 R.R. IB 47201 CONNERSVILLE Boone, George W. lnd 207 2708 Virginia Avt. 47331 Chamblf1in, Howard G. Mich 250 35 Wostwood Blvd. 47331 Crane, Vincent H. lnd 142 2220 Indian• Ave. 47331 Hawttins, Gene A. Cor 531 P.O. Box 36B 47331 Herdrich, Wm. J. TriSt 8 1300 W. 7th St. 47331 Smith, Richard N. lnd 632 2800 Grand 47331 CORYDON Prewitt, Ed M. Mo 181 121 W. PoplarSL41112 Walts, JackC. lnd262 601 N. Mulberry St. 47112 COVINGTON Bechtold, Mertin E. Pur 329 R.R. 12, Box 152 47932 Wynkoop, Robert l. Pur 525 401 Delwood Dr. 47932 CRAWFORDSVILLE Feldman, Philip D. Ill 668 900 W. Main Strtet 47933 Francis, Phillip Weyna Pur 617 R.R. 247933 Hughes, Dan W. Pur 509 R.R. I147933 Johnson, Bernard F. NU 462 36 Del Mar Dr., A.A. 4 47933 Stalcup, Lo..wll B. Pur 361 1407 W. Main 47933 CROWN POINT Clark, Ernest A. Ktns 266 446 S. Court 46307 Cutler, lloyd E. 111274 300 El~ndala Pkwy. 46307 Feighner, Forest D. lnd 692 112 E. Goldsboro 46307 Moort, Homar T. Ill 659 R.R. 7, Box 133F 46307 CULVER Moore, Elzit Kamp lnd B56 Cutvar Military Actdamy 46511 CYNTHIANA Rumble, Eart P. Pur355 R.F.D. 47612 DALEVILLE Rood, R. F. Pur 933 R.R. I, Box 227 47334 Stawtn, Forrat L lnd 516 P.O. Box 30B 47334

DANVILLE Arrrnong, Robert Willilm Pur 321

46122 Mittholl, Goorvt L lnd 520 P.O. Box 210 46122 DAYTON Gontry, LirTyA.I'IIr891 80116647941 DELPHI Henn1, Ralph Emenon lnd 116 46923 M-rt. Rolph J. Pur 27B Rout16 46923 Sitbtr, William R. lnd 879 1022 E. Monroe St. 46923 Woods, Lonnil C. lnd 752 109 East Summit 46923 DILLSBORO Williams, Stephtn E. Cin 404 Box 343 4701B DUNKIRK Hobson, CaperW. lnd 221 519 S. Main 47336 Smith , Thoma A. Pur 804 R.R. 12 47336 DYER Chlp1111n , Barry L. lnd 770 R.R. I, Box 47-A 46311 EARL PARK Smith, Glenn Dtle lnd 373 47942 EAST CHICAGO VtnHorne, Willard B., Jr. lnd 161 362B Moin St. 46313 ELBERFELD Glackman , Charta E. Evans 16 47613 ELKHART Bowser, Robert E. lnd 933 fl28 Harding Rd. 46514 Derby, Richerd E. lnd 346 240 Kenwood Avt. 46514 Hardy, Michael C. TriSt 6 I 009 Meadow Ook 46526 Jansons, Juris lnd 793 612 Christiln Ave. 46514 laCounte, Eart L. Ind 77B 2402 PIISSint Plain 465 Link, Chertes l . lnd 82 2500 Rivtrview Pl. 46514 Marquis, Donald B. lnd 627 1500 Strong Ave. 46514 Martin , Dr. Vernon D., Jr. lnd 559 305 W. Frtnklin St. 46514 Mitthell, Roger lnd 561 1~19 Springbrook Dr. 46514 Raymar, Stanlay A. H1rv 399 216 W. High Strut 46514 Schmidt. Mu Norman Ill 874 932 Erwin St. 46514 Simon, DeVon A. lnd 614 211 Riverside Dr. 46518 Waaver, John W. Pur 561 601 W. Boarcbloy 46514 Wright, Keith M. 111814 234 Homan 46514 Wright, Ronald T. Ill 852 30B Bank Street 46514 ELWOOD Coldwell, Grogory L lnd 791 1900 North CStntt 46036 Devis, JohnC. Pur712 R.R. 12 46036 Forney, Eart Bryan lnd 108 46036 Plought, Ralph Raymond lnd 24 517 S. Andarson 46036 EVANSVILLE Banta«. Farrell G. Enns 73 2467 W. Frenklin St. 47712 Bates, Claude H. Evans 7 764 S. Weinbach Ava. 47714 BNVIf1, WayOB E. Pur 244 1107 McArthur Circle 47704 Bell, Harold Evans8 2115 Bayard Plrk Dr. 47714 BeMiller, Lamar N. Pur 259 20 E. Sunrise Ave. 47710 Besing, Carroll Eart Evans 9 116 E. Maryltnd St. 47711 Besing, Warren G. Evans 10 116 E. Maryland St. 47711 Beumer, Orian F. Evans 47 309 Btrkelay Ave. 47710 Boone, Robert D., M.D. lnd 432 417 S. Alvord Blvd. 47714 Burgdorf, August H. Evans 54 726 Hess Avenue47712 Caraway, GaorgtA., Jr. lnd666 1004 Jefferson Ave. 47714 Carter, Robert Eugena, Jr. Evans 55 3115 Btllemeede Ave. 41714 Cnrvens, Robert E. lnd 73B 2251 Vogel Road 41711 Crooke, Dontld F. lnd 353 3302 E. Gum St. 47715 Drtidson, JIWIU A. Mo 344 6300 Newburgh Road 47715 Deitsch, Arthur H. lnd 95 7101 TIVIor St. 47715 D6troy, William Peter lnd 470 2333 Washington Avt. 47714 DeWeese, larry D. Enns 93 5393 Skyline Driv147712 Dodge, Joseph Ronald Evans 57 4S16 N. Kentucky Ave. 47711 Dunn, James D. Evtns 120 3623 Trtmont 41710 Eifler, Richard C. Pur 515 440 Tyler Ava. 47715 Etheridge, Robert D. Evans 128 312 Kenmort 47715 Ewer, Robert W. lnd 462 7226 East Blackford 47715 Fleming, Robtn. L Pur 691 428 South St. Jema Blvd. 47714 Griegar, Russei!Marvin lnd251 2904 E. Chondlor St. 47714

Griffin, Nolon B. Evoro 18 3618Ricllnt47711 Griffin, Robert S. Evn 129 827 Pl.,. on.. 47714 Gourt..,, H1r0ld E. e....,.n BlOO Old Stall Rood 47711 Hwris, RtVmond P. EVW11 20 34140okTirTICI47711 HawUck, H•rtttY Harwy Minn 326 435 R o - Or. 47714 Haut, John R. Ev.w 22 2601 Adomo 47714 Jorntt, C. W. lnd 343 3601 Stringtown Rd. 47711 Judd, R..,.ll Lloyd lnd 67B 609 Boyord Part Or. 47713 Kattmenn, Orrion W. NW 172 810 College Highwoy 47714 Ktndlll, Jt tnll W. Ennr25

3112E. Powoll47714 King, Farnl R. Ev.ns 125 2500 L.uington Aw. 47712 lathlm, Eugtne Gilbtrt, Jr. lnd 378 1123 Monlloll Aw. 47714 L.uf, Ronald A. Pur 748 4119 Longfield Dr. 47710 Lemme, C.rl E. Evans 6{1 1105 S.E. First St., Kenmort AptL C.S 41713 Kothnt, Rtlph M. lnd 454 Hul1111n Bldg. 47708 Lupton, Otis l. Evans 29 33{16 Koring Rd. 41712 McC.rty, Jtma A. Pur 583 7233 Woodford Ct. 47715 Millar, Htny C. Evans 114 1259 Mt ple Court 47714 Nto, Adam J. Evens 102 Tree Lane DriYI 47712 Norwood, Donnie John Evans 33 2055 East Gum St. 47714 Drtmeyer, Arthur D. lnd 246 1101 Greenfiald 47715 Drtmeytr, Edmund F. lnd 230 Soita 31, Ptrmant S.Ving Bldg., 101 S.E. Third St. 47708 Pemberton, Duant C., Jr. Evans 90 1704 Washington Ave. 41714 Purtztr, Werner Evtns 5 218 Charmwood Court 47715 Rtw4ings, John J. lnd B94 429 South Runnymead 47114 Rheinhardt, William A. Enns 136 1707 S. Korth 47714 Ritchit, William D., M.D. lnd 405 5201 Stringtown Rd. 47711 Robertson, Jema T. Evans 35 2411 W. VirginiaSt.47712 Roth, Bruce C. Evans 131 834 Madison Avt. 47713 Roth, Donald H. Evans 62 834 Madison Avt. 47713 Rudolph, Kenneth J. lnd 895 742 Plw Drive 47715 Russell, Richard H., M.D. lnd 290 1015 Harrelton Court 47715 Schlimmar, Plul H. lnd 493 4331 Stratford Rd. 47710 Schlimmer, Wm. A. lnd 525 427 South Boeke Rd . 47114 Schmidt, Jack Evans 116 346 S. Barker Avt. 47712 Saibart, Philip Wayne Evans 105 R.R. 5 47711 Sills, Stephen N. lnd B57 5511 Stringtown Rd . 47711 Swinney, Plul Melbourn Evans 65 814 Madison Avt. 47713 Thief, Robert J. Nebr 3B6 P.O. Box 868 47701 Thomson, Eugene F. Pur 593 4201 Clover Drive 47711 Thurston, Gordon V. Evans 132 1310 Judson St. 47713 TISITIIr, Charta Frederick, Jr. Evw 29 Madison Ave. 47713 Turner, Thomas Walker Evans 44 1136 Covert Ave. 47714 Whitfield, M. Tarnll lnd 765 1915 Texas 47711 Williams, Kenneth A. Mo 623 2050 Grtham Avt. 47714 Wright, Jereld F. Pur 884 414 Stanlay Ava. 47711 Voegeli, Robert A. Ill 726 4515 Covert Ave. 47715 Young, William D. Evans 133 1120 B. Boyard Pl. 47714 FAIRMOUNT Siegel, John A. lnd 821 615 North Wilson St. 46928 FARMERSBURG Etstham, Bill G. lnd 529 R. I, Box 126A 47B50 FLAT ROCK Bass, Dwein J. lnd 643 R.R. I 47234 FLORA Garrison, Jany L. lnd 668 R.R. #2 46929 Jordan, Jarrv Wayne Pur 673 3{15 Vine Street 46929 Keams, Robert W. Pur 739 R.R. 12 46929 Mann, Char1esW. lnd598 316 North Jrff1t10n St. 46929 FLOYDS KNOBS Gage, Frederick L Chi 208 Box 329, Rt. ll 47119 FORT BRANCH KtnsJer, Plul ltland Evans 11 1 R.R. 2 47533 Sthlem, Gartl d A. Evans 71 305 N. Wtst Street 47533 FT. WAYNE Anderson, G. D., M.D. Ind. 573 1241 Bethany Lane 46B05 Artz, Norman A. lnd 519 251 2 Greenway Rd. 46805 Biedenweg, Clareoce Adam Mich 327 3004 Pllll Drive 46806 Biggs, Thomas Waynt lnd 882 4216 Shermon 46805

Bllnton, DlfT111 lnd 676 2241 0 - Woy 46807 Bloom, louis L. lnd 509 2811 N. Anthony Blvd. 46805 Bobeck, Herold D. lnd 663 1611 Wood MoOJ Dr. 46804 Boedtk•, Mk:NII A. lnd 789 5201 Upper Huntington Rd. 46804 Bowgort, J Rkhord lnd 753 4125 HiMwtho Blvd. 46807 e.._, John P. Pur 890 3009 Pomoll46805 Coohnen, R'oy A. Pur 799 6619 Sunllnd Dr. 45342 Crobb, Jonod R, Pur 73B 3501 Glonridgo Dr. 46805 Cook, Thoma C. lnd 550 1611 R1ndallia Or. 46805 Dixon, Tod G. OhioSt 409 4755 Tritrwood Plrt Dr. 46805 Dykhuiztn , George D. lnd 511 5315 Renfrow Dr. 46805 Eillnech, Rtymond J. CSU 18 6509 AuJoo Drive 46805 Elston, Ralph W., M.D. Chi 283 604 Medical Center Bldg. 46802 Ftr1ty, Rlthard L lnd 551 4310 Old Mill Rd . 46807 Ferguson, A. N., M.D. Chi 195 2902 Ft irfitld 46807 Findlay, Michal! D. lnd 739 801 TtnntSSII Avt., Apt. 205 46805 Gallttin, Robert E. Pur 466 4520 Kenilworth 46806 Gtroff, Willitm A. lnd 684 2511 Plulding Rotd 46806 Goebel, C. William, M.D. lnd 315 327 W. Creighton 46B07 Gollmtr, Mu H. lnd 685 1226 Windsor Dr. 45808 Grt~r, William E. lnd 484 3721 Blue Gras Lint 46805 Gregory, Samuel B., Jr. lnd 485 602A Anthony Wayne Bank Bldg. 46B02 Hood , G. Sttnley lnd 693 3735 Bunwood TtrTICI 46805 Hunt, Leigh L lnd 46 625 Lincoln ToMr 46802 l..ary, Dougla J. Minn 687 918 Northwood 46805 Mason , Richard 0. Pur 532 2115 Gilmore Dr. 46808 McBride, Bernard A. W11 42 4102 S. Wayne Ave. 46806 McDonald , Stephen T. lnd 842 4001 HirMtho Bl..t. 46B07 McKinnis, Robert G. lnd 492 903 Archer Ave. 46B08 Madsker, Arthur Dallas lnd 179 815 Putnam 46808 Micu, JonT. lnd 6B7 3203 Rockwood 46805 Millar, Richard D., Jr. Pur 900 404 E. l.aith St. 46806 Muhn, Robert AJan Pur 911 2937 Westbrook Dr., Apt. 215 46805 Quick, Carf Jackson lnd 140 39251ndianaAve. 45807 Richardson, Joe H. lnd 468 8726 Fortuna Way 46805 Seaman, Raymond N. lnd 469 2809 Ullio St. 46B06 Skilton, Thomas L lnd 107 2419 S. C.lhoun 46807 Some11, Byron T. lnd 231 723 Court St. 46802 Smith, Robert, D. lnd 698 2918 Glantairn Drivt 46805 Stall, Joseph E. Pur 439 2512 C.mbridge Blvd. 46BOB Stouder, George Henry Pur 73 2719 Thompson Ava. 46B07 Stucky, KenntthJ. lnd 248 · 619 S. Clinton 46802 Thoma, David E. Pur 805 8114 Park State Drive 46805 WaJdschmidt, George lnd 441 327 W. Sherwood Tarr. 46807 Wallace, Robert D. lnd 497 5730 Brtghton 46809 Young, Fridley Olaf NW 73 1310 Delta Blvd. 46805 FOWLER Waibel, leland D. Pur 903 105 North Park Ave. 47944 FRANKFORT Bttkan, Robert B. lnd 263 552 E. South St. 46041 Beckett, Russell P. lnd 91 3 552EIIf South 46041 Bradlay, Gail E., Jr. lnd 838 R.R. #3 46041 Brown, William H. lnd 734 7 S. Crasctnt Or. 46041 Gerhart, John H. 0 . lnd 683 804 N. Clay 46041 Huffar, JtffrtV L lnd 811 1402 E. Ohio St. 46041 Jacoby, Ktnntth Brown Pur 296 R.R. 7 46041 Maish,J. M. Pur435 R.R. 3, Kelly Road 46041 Marts, Ro bert A. NW 22B 9W. Clinton St. 46041 McMains. Raymond L lnd 941 607 East G""" St. 46041 Morrison, MartinA. lnd81 3 901 Eartwood Drive 46041 Ostter, WiJiiam Edwin Cin 224 1000 North Clay St. 46041 Otterman, Harry F., II lnd 797 R.R.I5 46041 R oger~, Chtrfts Calvin Pur 475 R.R. 4 46041 Ruch, Lester Glmn lnd 15 709 S. East St. 46041 Smith, GtOff rty L lnd 858 409 S. Cly St. 46041 Spaulding, Mu F. lnd 688 1058 Ro..w St. 46041 Thompson, Bernard C. lnd 288 555 S. Main St. 46041 Unrot, Bradfort L lnd 750 350 Center Drrvt 46041 Vanlandingham. William Earfl lnd 921 852 East Wabash St. 46041

FRANKLIN Pope, WlllKI Reid Pur 501 R.R. 146131 FRANKTON Wtymirt, John W. lnd 730 R.R. I FREEDOM Abnll, Robert J. lnd 716 47431 FRENCH LICK Brigdly, HOMrd H. lnd liB 316 College St. 47432 FOREST Sellon, Mu P. Pur 227 P.O. Box 156 46039 OARREIT Vtn Fllit, Don E. PIJr 157 210 E. King St. 4673B GARY BaillY, JamaR. Pur 853 61B Pitre~ St. 46402 Bt~. Rut Kent lnd 391 2201 Ranbum 46408 Busby, Htrbtrt M. lnd 665 4444 Wllhington St. 46408 C.rt, NormanS. lnd 645 407 Taft St. 46404 Clart, John Willilm lnd 667 4411 Adt ms St. 46408 Kusmitrczyk, Robtn A. lnd 92B 1122 E. 53rd Avt. 46401 Ltmrtar, Bernard T. lnd 4B9 6965 Ash Avanut 46403 McColly, Timothy Lte lnd 917 4164 Jtfftnon St. 46408 Mohler, Howtrd Hancock lnd 918 4525 Van Buren St. 46408 Morgan, L.any Waynt lnd 890 B11 East 44th Place 46409 Nims, Ernn A. lnd 814 632 West 45th Ave. 4640B Novek, Lloyd G. lnd 612 B249 Locust St. 46403 Schoon, David L lnd 710 652 McKinlay Street 46404 Stasry, Robert L. lnd 896 6124 Hemlock Avenue 46403 Thomas, Jo•ph N. lnd 496 1016 Gary Nat'18ank Bldg., 504 Broadway 46402 Thomu, Ray Ctcil lnd 23 504 Broadway, Suita 1016 46402 TI«Ia, Raymond S. Mich 526 2645 Wabash Ava. 46404 Wagner, Donald W. lnd 673 607 W. 45th St. 4840B GAS CITY Taylor, JcsaphW. lnd495 107 E. No. 'D' St. 46933 Webb, Alfrtd C., Jr. lnd 500 51B E. So. A St. 46933 GOSHEN Hedyes, David M. Pur 751 1604 E. 13th St. 46526 Holmes, Chartes W. NU 324 716 Emmon 46526 GOSPORT Crane, John B. lnd 74 R.F.O. 247433 Dickson, Harold Banton Ya._ 58 R.R. 12 47433 GREENCASTLE Fltenor, Audrid Pur 121 510 E. Washington St. 46135 Kirk, Samuel Ill B05 Methodist Student Foundation 461 35 Poor, John l. laSt 206 P.O. Box 207 46135 GREENFIELD Haldrup, Jack S. NW 409 A: 4, Box 328 D 46140 GREENSBURG Alexandar, Richard L Kt nsSt 356 413 N. Broadway 47240 h rthing, Bruct A. lnd 807 524 East Main 47240 Oliger, Josrph E. Colo 712 520 E. Washington St. 47240 Sibbi« . Thomas G. Pur 634 128 W. Main St. 47240 GREENS FORK Dwts, Porter CIIV'tland Pur 468 R.R. I I 47345 GRIFFITH Darin, Frederick P. lnd 826 323 Harvt y St. 46319 HAGERSTOWN Oanhart, William l. Ill 853 9BS. Paar1 St. 47346 Martin, Eugene J. lnd 257 Route 1 47346 HAMMOND Bond, Ronald S. lnd 790 6829 WIYtland Avt. 46323 Gebtrin, Arthur Roland Pur 375 7013 SIIU Line 46324 Kuhn, Harman C.rt Pur 287 250 Femwood 46324 Roeder, Willitm C. lnd SIB 235 Lawnda~ 46321 Stillson, J. A. Pur 939 7550 Madison 46324 TurnH, Dtvid G. Ill 577 1411 Elliot Or., N. 46321 HARTFORD CITY Bonham, Joa M. lnd 350 R.R. #3, The 0 1b 47348 Frazier, Dr. Aogtr lnd 596 State Rd.#3 No. 47348 Frviar, John H. lnd 261 R.R. 347348 Johnson, Albtrt Eugene lnd 426 815 N. Jafftr10n St. 47348 D-21


Maddox, James 8. lnd 366 R.R . #3 47348

Maddox, John Richard lnd 334 47348

Mills, Edgar E. lnd 3B2 716 S. Jefftrson47348 HAU8STA OT

M~g~nheimar ,

Robert Clarence Evans4

47539 HEBRON

Petry, Franklin, Jr. lnd180 46341


Baum, David S. lnd767 8928 Cottage Grovt 46322 Ganinger, Hal Albert Pur 310 2256 Oekdale 46322 MKPherson, William M. Pur 371 3727 Bl. Drivl 46322 Parker, Andr1wJ., Sr. Pur411 8906 Cottage Grove Pl. 46322 ANd, Ronald R., M.D. lnd 583 2100 Kenilworth 46322, Robert l. lnd 764 893B Hook 46322 Stnn, Or. Lowell H. lnd 414 8840 Parkway Drive 46322 Ulrich, Mmdith D. Pur 473 8841 Woodward Ave. 46322 H0 8ART

Carison, JamaW. lnd 690 R.R. 2 46342

Carlson, Milton Ross lnd 607 R.R. 2 46342

Me Kesson, JamesT. PennSt667 105Wilson46342 Moon, Roben A. lnd 582 14 Beverly Blvd. 46342 Tabbert, Harold E. Pur 222 37 E. Jrd St. 46342 Toering, Francis E. Pur 792 237 N. California St. 46342 HOWE

Fenninq, Robert C. Pur 858 Route 346746 HUDSON

Sparks, Ward F, Pur 62 Rtlute 1 46747 HU NTE RTOWN Keii, WalterV. 111137 Rt. 146748 HU NTINGTON

Beckman, A. Ronald lnd568 639 Lafontaine St. 46750 Tyler, larry K. Pur 611 1535 Hanry Street46750 Walker, James P. Pur 907 216 Stadium Drive 46750 IN DIANAPOLIS Allen, J. lloyd W1St237 5699 W. Oelawan 46220 Alvis, Edmond Dells lnd38 320 Hume Mansur Bldg. 46204 Arnholter, Richard H. Pur 585 6706 Crieklewood Rd. 46220 Arvidson, Douglas Edgard lnd 567 48 S. Ro•mere 46229 Ayton, Thomas Wm. Wrs 208 2155 Wilshir1 Rd. 46208 Beuer, JohnT. lnd 657 4519 las1ey Avenut 46226 Barnett, Charles H. SCat 15B 8232 Rumford Road 46219 Beckett, Robert 8., Jr. Pur 812 7202·A, Twin Deb Or. 46226 Beiswanger, Br1dley B. lnd 802 1301 W. Michigan St46202 Bettga, Htnry M1x Pur 318 50 Sadler Drive 46219 Birch, Robert l. Ohio 27 6619 Marn .ount Circle 46220 Birt, GeorgeW. Pur 232 6115 E. St. Joseph St. 46219 Birk, Henry Andrew Pur 663 6115 e. SL Joseph St. 46219 Bracken, lawson E. NU 196 1731 W. 53rd St. 46200 Brehob, PauiW. Pur915 4310 Bluff Road 46217 Brown, Eugene Winifred lnd 292 2239 S. Rendolph St. 46203 Cepehart, Sen. Homer E. lnd 702 Cire/e Tower Building 46204 Cener, Ronald E. lnd 804 5550 Chalen Court 46227 Cerwinsky, Edmund W. Cel 566 1243 Nonh Cecil Ave. 46219 Champ, Herry Ray lnd 99 5106 Winthrop Ave. 46205 Clayton, Charles B. Evans 75 611 Holiday lane46260 Clayton, Clarence R. lnd 52 628 E. 58th St. 46220 Cleyton, Laurel l. Pur 364 5340 Fanmore Road 46219 Clwenger, Vietor R. Pur 872 4422 E. 62ndSL, Apt. C 46220 Clingman, David l. Pur 71B 2627 E. 58 Street 46220 Cloud, Michael H. Miami 206 2650 Nonh Kessler Btvd. 46220 Cody, Paul T. F\lr 779 3224 North Arlington Ave. 462 18 Confer, Suphen H. lnd 737 1144 E. 58th St. 46220 Cullum, Kanntth H. Pur 780 616 1 E. 43rd St. 46226 Curry, Rodney Eerl lnd 214 5263 Pleasant Run Pkwy. 46219 Darling, Major Allan l. Pur 660 1222 Peyton Roed 46219 Oevis, Edward R. Pur 716 731 4 South Ro.d 31 46227 De111min, Robert Mason lnd 56 3233 N. Meridien 4620B D1 Armond, Or. Albert M. lnd 75 1815 N. Capitol(2) Room 207 46202 Denis:on,JukD. lnd435 3381 W. 42nd St. 46208 Ell11. V'ICtor A. Mo 522 5936 Kissler le,.. 46220 D-22

Flris, Ro bert P. Pur 391 B1 12 Shottery Tarrace46208 Faik, Roy W. Il l 209 5877 N. PtnnsyMnia 46220 Fulmer, l. Craig lnd773 7951 Lantern Road 46256 Funkhouser, Albert Wallace Pur 293 84B Eastam Ava. 46201 Garten, William F. Pur 400 5360 Central St. 46220 Gn, Sherm1n A. Pur 721 3307 Motter Road 46224 Gill , Georve Evann Colum 98 5908 University 46219 Gordner, leroy Georve Pur 192 4460 1\trtc Ave. 46205

Gr1oger, Merlin A. Pur 209 2222 E. Kessler Btvd. 46220 Guthrie, Richard W. lnd 4S8 344 N. Bolton Ava. 46219 Guthrie, Wayne Chi 152 820 N. Audubon Rd. 46219 Hadley, Herschel R. Pur 675 8615 W. 46 St. 46234

Harris, Harry l. Pur 373 657 W. 44th St. 46208

Hatfield, Robert Coll ins lnd 1 24 North Chester 46201 Harrold, Dennis Edward lnd 916 2845 Ouestend Dr. 46222 Hevilend , Devid Kay lnd 605 340 Southpon Road 46227 Heynes, John T. NW 438 4616 Cherry lane 46208 Hedberg, Robert C. Cin 358 4350 Carrollton Avt. 46205 Held, John G. lnd4B7 r.Jo Indiana Nat'l. Bank 46220 Hald, Robin C. lnd 647 5760 Brockton Ct., Apt. 2 46220 Henderson, Dr. Francis G. lnd 260 319 Ridgeview Dr. 46219 Hardrich, Staphan S. lnd 742 7945 Lieber Rd. 46260 Hodel , Walter G. lnd 544 6246 Colebrook Drive 46220 Honh, Donald A. Pur 459 5114 Gr1ndview Dr. 46208 Horth, Douglas R. Pur 498 135 E. 47th St. 46205

Horth, RobertJ. Pur426 6208 N. Delaware 46220 Huffer, James E. lnd488 6349 Avalon l ane E. Dr. 46220 Huffman, Charles D., Jr. Pur 480 4927 lincoln Road 46208 Jackson, Phltip R. Jnd324 225 E. NorthStmt, Apt. 2004 46204

Jona, lee H. lnd 743 4629 Rockwood Ave. 46208 Kahn, John Syr301 3375 Melbourne Rd. 4ti208 Kentner, Cerl F. WIS 639 5942 Hillside West Or. 46220 Kelly, larryJ. lnd 625 1222 North Shortridge Rd. 46200 Kirtland, Hugh C., Jr. Pur 830 6285 N. Tuxedo 46220 Knachel, F.F. lnd 37 7111 Steven l ane46260 Kountz, Gordon 0. Ill 733 9040 Hibben Ava. 46229 Lacey, Jamu V. Pur 763 1818 N. 8aneroft4621B LaFollena, Adr1in l. lnd 153 5853 Centr1l Ave. 46220 Lautzenheiser, Arthur D. lnd 229 1040 W. Michigan AV11. 46202 l.Jtforge, John B. Pur 648 8148 Lieber Rd. 46260 leisure, Edgar Curless Pur 352 109 Woodside Ave. 46219 lewis, Steven C. lnd 812 3900 N. Shedeland, Apt. 254 46226

linkart, Howard W. Pur 153 791BWindeombe Blvd. 45220 Linell, Dwid W. Mich 641 3740 Chwoit P1ace46205 loomis, Norman Squin lnd 111 5230 Kenwood Ave. 46208 Lones, Terry D. lnd 669 811 Chadborne 46224 lowes, Donald R. Pur 861 4516 Northeastern Ave. 46239 lyon, William A. Pur 833 1111 Southwood Drive 46227 Mann, Donald e. lnd 354 4211 South Woleon St. 46227 Mann, Onn W. Pur 834 910 W. Southport Rd. 4621 7 Marbaker, William C. Nebr 506 7351 Steinmeier Dr. 46250 Matkin, Paul V. Cor 142 5878 Ralston Dr. 46220 McCracken, Fleteher S. lnd 571 4139 Ver1 Or. 46220 MeDonald, Jack Edward Evans 88 1709 l udlow Ava. 46201 McFetly, Sttphen K. SS 19 6071 Riverview Dr. 46208 McGowan , James E. lnd 475 2739W. t646222

Mees, Do111ld H. Wis 462 6415 Knyghton Rd. 46220 Melvin, John R. Pll r 271 204B N. Moreland Ave. 462 15 Miller, David C. lnd 599 6106 Hythe Rd. 46220 Miller, Lorin B. Pur 376 MillerToun Maron Hou l 46208 Millar, Williem Russall Pur 154 6048 College Ave. 46220 Minx. LIQ P. lnd 232 744 Sherwood Dr. 46220 MontflOmery, Hlrben W. lnd 401 7022 N. Park Avt. 46220 MontgomlfY, J. R. lnd 392 R. #19, Box 230 46240 Moort, John M. Pur 330 40 Highland Menor Ct., No. Dr. 462 18 Moor~, Paul H. Ind 38 625 Kasler Blvd.- East Orive 46Z2 Mounay, Claude J. Pur 494 4430 N. Fr1nklin Rd. 46226 Nastl, Cla~de C. Pur 512 5905 Carrollton Aw. 46220

Nation, Roben D. Pur 684 5013 W. 15th St46224

Nelson; H. H. Pur 929 355 N. Mitchner Avt. 46219 Nicholson, Llny W. lnd 891 4995 Nonh LoSollo 46205

Plrvis, Willard J. Pur 2BB 5875 Winthrop AVL 46220 Pearcy, Donald Pur 582 9301 Kerwood Dr. 46240 Ponenger, Richard L., Jr. Pur 901 412DW. 34th St. 46222

Pock, John B. Pur 752 3913 Rue Cezanne 46220 Proctor, Ted G. Pur 84B 6801 Chapel Hill Rd. 46224 Rapp, George F., M.D. lnd 563 650 E. 80th St. 46240

Reifeis, Otto F., Jr. Pur 61 5 5312 N. Kenmore St. 46226 Reifeis, Robert l. Pur 708 5245 E. 73rd Court 46250 Reitz, Uwrenee A., M.D. Pur 753 5250 Roland Dr. 46208 Rhamy, Or. Donald E. lnd 505 8448 Spring Mlll Ct. 46260 Riehards, J. G. Pur425 101 10 Carrollton 46280 Risk, J. Fr1d lnd 443 7801 N. Pennsylvanie St. 46240 Risley, Or. H. T. lnd 404 B935 Holiday Drive 46260 Roll, William C. Pu r 547 4440 Manning Rd. 46208 Rowland, Richard H. Pur 741 5768 N. DeliJWilre 46220 Saiter, Daniel H. Pu r 867 5119Winston Dr. 46226 Sc:haetfer, Max l. lnd 584 6015 B. Jamestown Apb. 4500 N. Arlington 46226 Scott. Williem I. Pur 303 4912 Whinon Pl., Apt. H46220 Schmidt, Dr. Marvin G. Pu r 689 4021 Cranbrook Drive 46240 Schneider, Walter L. Cin 288 10369 Valley Rd. 4628(1 Scholl, Booth John lnd 306 1640 Allison Ave. 46224 Shuel, Conald A. lnd 631 4553 CJamestown Ct. 46226 Shrw, Stan SCal 194 4657 Englewood Dr. 46226 Shockley, Quentin 0. lnd 326 3416 Kenilworth Dr. 46208 Silenee, Jeny l. lnd 712 3904 Brill Road 46227 Smith, Glenn G. lnd 302 6146 Wexford Rd. 46220 Smith, Robert A., II lnd B22 51 15 N. Ptnn!ylvania St. 46205 Stamm, James E. Pur 730 6 Zion Ct. 46222 Thompson, Bernard C., Jr. lnd265 5614 Beauport Rd. 46224 Thompson, Elton L. Pur 570 3065 Green Hitls l ane 46222 Thompson, John C. lnd 526 7801 Susan Dr. So. 46219 Tiltema, Dr. David A. Ill 828 3203 Columbine Ct. 46222 Tolman, Warren R. Colo 507 Box 190 1346219 Turpin, Kenneth S. lnd 823 210 North Mount St. 46222 Van Nest, Roben D. lnd 834 5269 Cornelius Avt. 46208 Vickery, Austin G. lnd 946 6490 Nonh Oxford 46220 Vogel. Norman H. lnd 654 326 E. Bangor 46227 Vos, Paul M. Pur 580 716 Spring Mill l ane 46260 Wagner, l erry l. Pur 793 7702 Mary Lane 46217 Welker, Galvin l. Chi 270 440 W. 44th St. 46208

Walker, Wallace l. Pur 904 7950Sargent Road 46256 Walsh, Donald l . Evans 127 2975 North Tibbs 46222 Watson, William Henry Pu r 594 343 North Irvington Ave. 46219 Wilson, H. Verle Ill 400 9073 Rockville 46234 Wilson, Harold K. lnd 311 3815 Haverhill Drive 46240 Wilson, Harold K. lnd 311 5823 N. Oakland 46220 Williams, Duane H. Pur 517 5401 Primrose Ave. 46220 Williams, Grover M. Pur 13 5859 N. New Jeney St. 46220 Wright, Wilbur Donald Pur 302 216 Arden Drive 46220 Yort, Cerl D. lnd 507 10006 Heather Hill Dr. 46229 Young, Georve F. Pur 297 7254 Audubon Rd . 46250 JEF FERSONVIL LE Cr1ndalt, Dtvid V. Pur 313 939 E. 7th Street 47130 Reazin. George H., Jr. NW 364 1544 Cliffwood Drive 47130 JON ES8D RO

Daubenspeck, Or. J.W. Evans 107 502 S. Water Street 46938 KEMPTON

Sim mons, John E. Pur602 A.A. 1 46049

KENDALLVILLE Allen, lawnnee N. Pur 855 R. 3, Fieneman Trail Ct. 46755 AU, laur1n D. lnd 508 218 S. Perk Ave. 46755 Bolenbaugh, Phillip W. Pur 8(19 Shalley Drive, R.R. #1 46755 Fischer, Cr1ig W. F\lr 682 308Yt S. Stell 46755 Hanes, Hal D. lnd 84{) 641 Riley St. 46755 Hena, Harold Bowar, Jr. Pu r 605 641 North Riley 46755 Hanes, Howard Henry Pur 624 641 N, Riley 46755 Miller, lao Dmus Pur 214 515 Riehmond46755

Probst, Ralph Wiant lnd 88 1 32~ S. Main

St. 46755

Wright, Charta N. lnd 204 513 Mathews St 46755


Ruddell, William J. lnd B1 9 707 North Grant St 46052 LINTON


Ro•. Charla Albert Pur 412 46939

8aaslay, Kam Grant Harv 302 Box 3 47441 Oonaghar, Homer F. Pur 243 Rt. 147441


Metzglf, Grovtr E., Il l Pur 111

Kramer, Gerald R. lnd 570 110 'C' St., ~ . E . 47441

R.R. 1 46939 LIZTON

Landrith, James R. lnd 91


Hiatt, Cassius Eugene Frk 85 46050 KNIGHTSTOWII

Foxworthy, Theodorv E. Pur 357 R.R. #1 46148

RatJiff, Jama Chlf1as Pur 565 321 N. Jefferson St. 46148 Wertz, Ger1ld M. Mieh 316 126 E. Jackson 46148


Bulmer, Robeft lnd 310 2530 Broadway 46947 Young, Joa Oaan lnd 594 217 Cochise Court 46947 LOWELL

Melntirtl, Michael R. TriSt 17 R.R. 1, Box 290 463 56


Smith, Oscar Bertram, Jr. lnd 39 1 208 South Main St. 46534 Str1dley, Michael P. lnd 920 501 South Heaton St. 46534 Briningham, l ouis W. Mo 302 208 N. Heaton 46534 Johnson, Homer R. lnd 226 2 N. 1\to~ 46534


ChenoMth, George F. lnd 45B Box38 47355 Coati, Charles E. lnd 295 105 N. Main St 47355 LYNNVILLE

Klusmeier, Conr~d P. Evans 121 47619


Adams, Warren M. Pu r 300 303 Edgewater Line 46901 Baughman, Don W. Pur 479 2109 Elva Drive 46901 Beety, Arthur E. Pur299 17 15 W. Walnut 46901 Coles, Jerry L. lnd 736 301 Edgewater lane 46901 Fulwider, Richard B. lnd 483 P.O. Box 229 46901 Guy, John A. NW135 1407 W. Jeffeoon 46901 Hunt, Clifford E. lnd 554 1408 Cadillac Drive West46901 Kiefer, Rene G. lnd402 209 Orchard Una 46901 MeCain, William R. Pur 661 311 5 Orleans Drive 46901 Robison, Mau rice A. lnd 327 Route 2 46901 Stevens, Warnn B. lnd 397 121 8 W. Superior 46901 Williams, Relph H. lnd 73 1 1704 Pleasant Dr. 46901


Field, OonaldJ . PlJ rB76 R.R. 5 47250

Schienblin, Edward l. lnd 347 2515 Taylor 47250 MARENGO

Poe, Ralph Stewart Pur 522 47140 MARION

Beckort, Paul D. lnd B71 47 135

4620 S. Landess 46952

Soller, Ernest RuSSBtl Pur 273 R.f .0. 6 46952

Soller, Ernest R. Pur710 R.R. I6. Greenbush Farm 46952 Graham, James G. Pur 667 603 laneelot 46952 Graham, Robert B. Pur 771 603 laocelot 46952 Hufstedler, Michael F. lnd 907 1414 Glendale Dr. 46952 Wallace, Donald M. Evans 86 Wilson, Ned A. lnd 538 317 N. Wastarn 46952 Yount. James V. Pur 724 707 E. 50th St. 46952

LAFAYETTE Biery, Max K. Pur 871 Route 547904 Bnnner, Elliott H. Cal 427 3601 Cypress 47904 Harold, David K. Evans 108 2913 Algonquin Drive 47905 Hunt, HeRC:hel lnd 186 R.R. 2 47906

Jordan, Homer G. NW 92 R.R. Il 47905

landis, C. Byron, M.D. Pur 571 505 S. 7th St. 47901

Meade, Byron J. Pu r 743 Box911 47902 Menke, Arthur W. Pur 257 R.R. 6 47905

Mertz, ChrisJ . Pur 122 1511 Durango Ave. 47905 Murphy, Harry R. Pur 195 1021 N. 9th 47905

Pfendler, DIYid F. Pur8(13 R.R. #9 47906

Poner, Andrty A. KansSt 84 Pu rdue Univenity 47907 Raymond, Maee E. Pur 354 R.R. 12, Box 181 Robertson, Hugh l. lnd 651 1609 North 15th St. 47904 Robertson, Jack V. Pur 886 Cordate Tr1il Ct.l72 47904 Smock. John R. lnd 194 3311 Cedar lane 47904 Stahl , Banton M. laSt 173 300

s. 9th 47901

Stevanson, Martin J. Syr 440 2135 Monon Avenue 47094 Tracer, l eonard A. Pur 674 2205 Dakota Avenue 47905 Wendling, George C. Pur 69 316 S. 30th St. 47904


Bain, WallaceB . 111 181 R.R. #1 46151

Bray, Wi lliam Gilmer !nd 147

R. 146151

Retord, William J., Jr. Pur 650 R.R. 6, Wooderest Addn . 461 51 MEDARYVILLE

Homer, Owen Fr1neis Mieh 70 Medaryville State Bank 4795 7 MENTONE

46051 LA PO RTE

Applegarth, l. William lnd 70 180 Gardan Street 46350 Hedstrom, Alan R. lnd 809 350 Grayson Roed 46350 Kabetin,JefTIId T. lnd 68 1 2427 Beechwood Dr. 46350 Kesler, KendatiJ. lnd863 60 1 ·o· Street 46350 Mayes, Jerry l. lnd744 2107 Monroe St. 46350 MeDol\lld, Jemes l., Jr. lnd 725 P.O. Box 273 46250 Palmer, James A. lnd 762 908 GreenWIY St. 46350 Showley, JKk E. lnd 729 1527 Michigan Ave. 46350 lAWRENCE Alaxender, Gala J. lnd 850 4301 Ff'lnklin Roac:l46226 LAWRENCEB UR G FfGIIY, Wilt &am J. Cin 22 57 Oakey Avt. 47025


Leuenberger, Walter Austin lnd 208 46773

Webster, Donald Winfield Mieh 318 46773

Wabstar, Wilmer Edwin Mieh 256 46773 MONTICELLO

Amott, Lawrtnce F. Pur 350 610 W. Harrison 47960 Manley, Paul E., Jr. Pu r 882 1247 Lookout Drivt47960 Metzgar, Robert E. Pur41 3 525 W. Marion 46970 Mill, Joe D. Pur 635 72 1 S. Sluff St roet 47960

Rnd, James D. Colo 71 8 525 Boyd Court 46360 Van Sickle, Joseph 0. Pur 247 Tioga Park, R.R. 2 47960 MOORESVILLE

Bright, Philip G. Pur 856 R.R. 1, Box68 46153 Su ndling, Thomas C. Pur 881 24 S. Jefferson 46153 MT. VERNON

Cerr, Cullen W. Evans 12 P.O. Box 149 47620 Jonas, Raymond H., Jr. Pu r 527 R.R. #347620

Springer, H. Max lnd 436 1330 Fairview 47620 Uhde, Jerry L. Evans 100 R.R. #347620 MUNCIE

8r1nam. Dr. Geo. E. 1nd 527 38 Warwick Rd. 47304

Coati, David R. lnd 735 2412 1\ttty Rood 47304

Forttntr, Fr1nkl.lnd205 1015 Brentwood 47304 Hu rtt, laWrtlnee Colo 100 Pittenger Student Center 47303 Miller, Merlin R. PtnnSt423 R. 6 47302

Potter, George R. lnd 799 1001 N. Tillotson Ave. 47304 Risk, Paul 8., D.D.S. Pur 630 3515 Puehtree lane 47304 Sparks, Guy Shennan lnd 32 301 N. Tillotson Ave. 47304 Walker, JohnS. lnd 129 308 N. Tillotson 47304 Weitz, Homer W. Mich 269 rJo J. A. Klingenamith Rd. 7, Brewington Woods 47302 MU NSTER

Allen, OavidJ. lnd675 1511 Park Drive 46321 Ander10n, Edward J. Pur 778 8424 Northeote Avenue 46321 Anderson, Maxwel l G. lnd 642 8424 Northeota Ave. 46321 Cornwall, Thomas C. lnd 860 8046 Hohman Ave. 46321 Ferner, Clinton 0. Wts 525 8608 Moraine 46321 Floumey, J. Richard lnd 772 7744 Forest Avenue 46321 Rnd, Robert C. lnd 421 8810 Baring Avenue46321

Clark, George Fom lnd 106 46539 MI CHIGAN CITY

Brown, Devid B. lnd 71 8 Indiana State Prison Box 41 , 46360 Forney, Roben H. lnd 754 Eut Coolspring Ave., Box. 28 46360 Gaskins, James E. lnd 828 555 Boyd Circle 46360 Hughes, Rtv. John C. Mieh 504 St. Andrew's Episcopal Churth long Beach 46360 l ubs, Jema W. lnd 531 R.R. 2, Box 222 l 46360 Merrim1n, Rodger P. lnd 795 2 ShadowTreil Miehial\l Shores 46360 Miller, Or. Herbert D. lnd 581 80 1-11th 46360

lAPEl Kluth, Robert G. lnd 317

214 North Sbte St. 46544 MITCHELL Sllorwood, R~ ph Edward Pur 611 R.R. 1 47446

46 151

Hill, Wallace C. lnd 12B r.Jo Public Service Co. of lndiana 46151 Kixmiller, John H. lnd 722 r.Jo Rac:ords, R.R. 6 46151 l ehman, Joseph C. Evans&


Pullen, John P. lnd 709 R.R. 1 46941

WithlrT\ Clarinet Arthur lnd 197

Beinbridge, RuDell E. Pur 551

520 E. 38th St 46952 LACONIA

MISHAWAKA 1\trkty, R,_ll C. Pur 506 586651 rwllnd Troil 46544


Robinson, Jack l. Pur705 A.A.#247356

MILAN Driek, WalterA. lnd193 47031

Hartman, Kenton S. lnd 679 Box 303 47031 Jorden, Will&am C. lnd 648 Nonh Main St. 47031 Kohlmeier, Jon Wm. lnd 569 4703 1

Kohlmeier, Robert Christien lnd 389 47031

Kohlmeier, Thomas W. lnd 490 47031, Elmer Thom• lnd 134 47031

Scott, Jemes E. lnd 71 1 Main Street 47031 Thompson, Thom• Will &am lnd 375 47031

Turner, James l. lnd 672 t703t

Wintlrt, Lrvon lnd 566 R.R. #2 47031 MILF ORD

Hub, Howard H. lnd 450 46542


Malott, lloyd A. Pur 197 P.O. Box 403 47448 Partifield, Richard G. lnd 728 47448 NEWBUR GH

Irick, Lorin D. lnd 466 R.R. 3, Box 461 47630 Scholl, Thomas C. Evans 39 R.R. 1 47630

Westfall, Thomas Guthrie lnd 156 47630 NEWCASTLE

Bums, Devid C. Pur 495 1106 Church47362 Catron, Willard E. TriSt 11 1424 S. 19th St47362

Connolly, Orvid M. Pur 873 35 1 Plaasantview Dr. 47362 Fields, Floyd l ogan Ill 216 909 Wast Plum St. 47362 Hendricks, Thomas lloyd Pur 328 707 S. 14th St47362 NEW HARMON Y

Happel, Roy John, Jr. Evans 94 47631

Repp, Ernest W. lnd 746 Eest Church Stfftt 47631 Wilson, John T. Evans 67 P.O. Box 303 47631 NEW HAVEN

Ponman, larry W. Pur 828 1725 Richfield Drive 46774 N. JU DS ON

Pttry, JohnW. Pur402 222 N. uno 46366


Clem, Thomas D. TriSt 25 Box 487 465S3 NEW RICHMOND

Risk, Ralph A. Pur 265 Routt 147967 NEW ROSS Devidson, Ktith Erie Pu r 814 47968

IOILESVILLE Thoma A. lnd 87B 1305 Monon St4ll060


Slmmon1, C"-i• A. Ill 409

Rt.24ll060 NORTH LIBERTY Homlhon, J-h E. lnd 486 Box 503 46554 NORTH MANCHESTER Nobtr, Mu E. Pur 791 R.R.1 461162 NORTH VERNON Hull, Oovld W. lnd 777 450 8th Strwtt 47265 NORTH WEBSTER Boatick, Robin G. Pur 680 Sox 253 46555 OAKLAND CITY Batb'lm, John Commodorw Pur 322 316 N. Main Stl'llt 47560 Rlnohort, Will~m R._,l Cin 205 230 N. Glboon St 47560 Splllmon, Corl Pur 33 47560 Tooley, Marion V. Cin 203 323 Gibson St47560 OOON Ooormin, Wlhor Fr..t Ill 387 Whol•la Product 47562 ORLEANS Himtblogh, Willilm K. lnd 190 47452

RENaELAER Tullis. Ct.i• 0Mn lnd 152 607 Flomlng Blvd. 4797B W.rdtn, Gtofll Nhcon Pur 253

524 Elu St 4797B RICHMOND Oinglo, Paul Ellsworth lnd 202 Modical81dg. 47374 Eby, Edwin L. Milmi 41 R.R. 13, Sox 232 47374 Evtrwn, Thomas S. lnd 771 528 s. 5th 47374 Focht, William A. Pur 761 216 S. 32 St47374 HiU)goa, Jeny R. lnd 810

1033 Boyer St ...t 47375 Klohloth, Joy G. lnd 927 5 N. W. Tenth St. 47374 Koger, Chart• E. lnd 556 21 Su- Blvd. 47374 Marshall, Robert L Miami 2 2523 S. 8. St 47374 Riley, Jama Hubban:l Miami 55 414 Collogo Avo. 47374 Rogtrt, James S. Pur 607 103 North 34th 47374 Wlgflar, Howtrd R. Pur 2B6 635% South E. St47374 Wilson, James l . Pur 842 R.l2, Sox 70 47374 ROANN Bidwell, Loon M. lnd 388 46974 Vrooman, Stwan K. Pur 755 R.R.II 46974

OSGOOD Ecktrt, John C. Cin 13 222 Cardinal lent 47037 Funk, Austin Trurren lnd 165 47037

ROCHESTER McGuirt, Mich•l C. lnd 855 1409 S. Main St. 46975 McMilltn, Bill D. lnd 758 422 Cloyton St,.t46975 PlttBOn, Robert E. lnd 831 1204 Jockson Blvd. 46975

OXFORD Johnson, Michaet W. Pur 859 210 S. HoMrd St. 47971

ROCKPORT Nichols, James A. Evans 31 P.O. Sox 83 47635

OWENSVILLE Ptgr.m, Winfrtd Eugene lnd 203 47565

ROCKVILLE Lietzke, Randolph C. lnd 696 215E. Ohio St47872 Noblitt, John R. lnd 628 RR 12, Box 167 47B72

PAOLI Frank, RichardS. Pur919 R.R. 247454 Kib'-r, H.l. lnd 192 114 N. W. Socond 47454 PENDLETON Craig, Au M. Pur 727 R.R . II , Box 133 46064 Taylor, FrederickS. Pur 295 Routo 3 46064 PERU PIIIB,layman Robert Pur 332 47 Albert St46970 Pullrbaugh, Don G. lnd 534 331 W. Main 46970 PETERSBURG Kinman, Wandell Jasper lnd 1B1 703 E. Moln St47567 PIERCETON Schuldt, WilliamS. lnd434 Box 3646562 PLAINFIELD Regtr, Raymond Pur 347 240 MOIIIn 46168 PLYMOUTH Cripe, James A. Pur 826 813 S. Michigan St. 46563 Eddy, Glann H. Pur 93 308 Morlou Ploce 46563 Hindman, Harold M. lnd 776 R.R.I4 46563 PORTAGE Fun key, Willilm J., IV Cor 639 Box 632, 107 Short Dr. 46368 Jones, G en~l d A. Pur 341 Box 329, Ogden Dunes 46368 Milach, Mark Walsh Ia 506 Box 1152, Ogden Dunes 46368 Moore, Hugh l. lnd 727 811 Odgon Ou'* 46368 PRINCETON Boren, Jack Ronald Evans 48 R.R. 1 4750 Crooks, J. . C. Pur 388 328 Fourth Avt. 47570 Goodman, John C. lnd 903 430 S. S.min1ry 47570 Hart, William N. Evtns 21 217 S. RICO St ... t47570 laGrange, Allen Jonah Evans 28 R.f.O. 1 47570 Morrow, Donald L. Evtns 61 525 N. Race 47570 Schurmtier, Kannath Galvin Enns 40 47570 Wallis, James M. EVIns 45 511 N. RKI47510 Willilms, Randall A. Evans 46 Loki Rood, RFO 12 47570 QUINCY Brown, JtrTV K. Pur 698 R. 147456 REO KEY Appenza\ler, Hany Homer lnd 342 22 E. High St 41373 REMINGTON Biddle, Chester BartH Pur 229 47971 Biddle, Chlrill Jeromt Pur 370 47977 Biddle, Dtniel W. Pur 823 R.R. II 47977

ROME CITY Doggett, Denzil Pur 167 P.O. Sox 142 46784 Spacht, Charta A. Nebr 239 46784 ROMNEY Kellerman, James Stewart Pur 254 479B1 ROSSVILLE Ketcham, Dr. JohnS. lnd 22 46065 ROYAL CENTER BlicktnsttH, Eugene Frederick Pur 414 46918 SALEM Wright, Andrew H. lnd 870 R.R. 15 47167 SCHERERVILLE Protsman , Roscoe E. Chi 230 46375 SHARPSVILLE Eastman, Chlfles G. Pur 694 Sox 236 46088 Eutman, Hiram J. Pur 289 4606B SHELBYVILLE Arbuckle, Lt. Col. Robert B. lnd 297 c/o Earl T. Arbuckle 905 E. Michigan Road 46176 Beman. Charles A. lnd 733 R.IJ. Box 44 46176 Barnett, Daniell. lnd 881 R.R.IJ 46176 Cawood, Keith C. Pur 335 R.R. 5 46176 King, Canon H. lnd 276 Routa 2 46176 Marshall, Robert E. lnd 545 Routt 11 46116 Tucker, Mich•l D. lnd 859 R.R. 4 48178 SHIRLEY Judge, Max David Pur 656 A.R. 2 47364 SHOALS Wood,J.,..Aibtrt Pur137 Martin County 47581 SILVER LAKE Frey, Bruet M. lnd 827 Box 336 46982 SOLSBERRY Hendricks, Larry G. lnd 905 Rll 47459 SOUTH BEND Borden, George Robt lnd 914 2910 Sampson St 46614 Bradamas, David J. Ill 764 750 leland 466l6 a,._.r, Albert J., Jr. lnd 884 140 North Vanity Drive 46615 Brewer, John Wm., Jr. NW 391 1340 E. Wayne St. So 46615 Buechner, Fraderick W. lnd 126 603 W. Marion 46601 Callum, G. Allen lnd 873 414 N. lronwood Drivt 46615 Callum , Hugh R. lnd 851 414 N. lronwood Dr. 46615 C.mpbtll, Wdbur E., Jr. Pur 516 1662 E. Ewing A". 46615 Cole, Chlrtes W. Pur 57 1502 E . t..Sol~ 46617

Cummi19. William w•La


Ohio 51436 1347 E• Fox St. 46613 Epn, Richonl F. Ind. B52 1319 St. 46617 Finf'lln, John B. lnd 887 638 Marqulttl Aw. 46617 Gibson, Cha. T. lnd 305 53070 lltjor l.o111 46600 Jtn~ , Thto. J. lnd 706 110 W. CoHu A". 46601 Ktndis, Andrww N. Pur 502 2225 lltvorly Place 46616 Kinman, Maftin H. Aril. 31 2113 Hollywood Ploco 46616 Kllno, Gmld 0. lnd 707 16364 Modilon Rd. 46614 O'Htlr, Willlrd S. lnd 244 1356 Sunnymtdl Ave. 46615 Poola, Conley V. lnd 374 2706 S. Loer St. 46814 Snydtr, Arthur E. Pur 441 57509 Moytl""r Rd . 46619

S. WHITLEY laBrun, Don D. lnd 638 606 Moplo 46737 SPEEDWAY Fandar, Thomas M. Pur 746 1921 Ei•nhowtr Dr. 46224 Parta, Robert L Miami 175 6933 Conwlot Ct. 46224 Parrish, Aroyl Clyde Pur 18 1661 lincoln Rd. 46224 Paynt, Timothy Wm. lhd 892 5550 West 25th St. 46224 Riddla, James E. lnd 817 1922 Winton Avt. 46224 Shaw, Charles F. Evtns 81 5626 Hollister Dr. 46224 SPENCER lltbt., Robin W. lnd 474 705 East Indiana Avt. 47460 Cantwell, John l. lnd 769 640 E. Morven St. 47460 Childr111, Austin Bruce GW 238 368 Eost Morven St47460 Dyar, John W. lnd 806 310 North Will Street47460 Fulk, Gary R. lnd 740 520 Fletcher Avt. 47460 Meguschar, Allan lnd 726 358 Hillside Avt. 47460 Maguschar, Walter Otto lnd 212 47460 Parks, Rector Pur 346 47460 SULLIVAN Asbury, Bill P. lnd 787 327 W. Wolfe St. 47882 Franks, Larry C. lnd 755 332 W011 Giles 47882 SUNMAN Herbert, David J. lnd 720 P.O. Box 47041 Zimmerman, Harold EdMrd lnd 451 47041 SPENCER White, Denver L lnd 786 60 Wast Wayne St. 47460 SWITZ CITY Aldridge, Relle Tibbet lnd 87 47465 Hinas, Charles E. Pur 642 R.R. 1 47465 Wakefield, Ronald W. lnd 714 R.R. II 47485 Wakefield, Wayne W. lnd 252 R.R. 1 47465 SYRACUSE Scurca, Donald G. Pur 616 R.R.I3, Box 305 46567 Yoder, Eugena F., D.D.S. lnd 254 P.O. Sox 245 46567 TERRE HAUTE Bauer, Frederick T. lnd 606 525 Ohio Stmt47801 Bauer, L Eric lnd 836 1604 S. Sixth St. 4802 Eberly, la'M1nta E. Ia 316 468 l.oo Lone 47802 Kincade, Uonard Preston lnd 163 525 Ohio St47805 Kirk&:latriek, Richard Lee lnd 609 1447 Chtstnut St. 47807 Marks, John W. Pur 835 49 Ferndale Drivt 47803 Richardson, PhillipS. lnd 523 1924 N. 7th St. 47804 Rider, Paul R. Chi 55 100 Berktlay Dr. 47803 Rupp, Fnnk M. PtnnSt392 915Wood Una 47802 Rupp, Frank, Jr. Syr254 915Wood Lane47802 Sigler, Georva M. lnd 846 136 South 20th 47803 Smit, Hartman W. lnd 848 201 Potomac Aw. 47803 Stipp, Stephen W. lnd 784 1850 N. 6%St., Apt H 47604 Thompson, John W. lnd 380 2029 N. lOth St47604 THORNTON Mangus, Henry 0. Pur436 R1247819 THORNTOWN Sklnn11, Char1ts Hanry lnd 409 RR 1 46071 TIPTON Clary, Waltlr Melvin Pur 387 Court HoUSI47801 Guaothtr, John R. Pur 892 737 North East StiWt 4602 Huno, Troy N. lnd 114 124 N. Main StrNt 46072 Rogt11, Dorman Pur 606 R.R. 11 46072

Surt>or, F - H . lnd 211 206 G"'" s- 4«172 You,., Stanley L Pur 700 R.R.II 4«172 TOCSIN Bhlt, Mllol Clllr lnd 222 46790 UNION CITY Chlrnbor1, Or. CoRII R. lnd 542 1000 N. Columbia St. 47390 Sodgobury, Dwight K. lnd 220 47390 VALPARAISO Bhlm, Frtnk C. EV8R1103 705 N. long Run Rd. 46383 Bowmen, Chart• F. Pur 427 557 Chortnut St 48383 Coons, Dl'lid J. NW 674 1207 Chi-. Apt 7 46383 Nyt, Milo A. Wn 247 167 Mclntyro Ct. 46383 Trusburg, Arthur C. Pur 476 1152 Coolwood Or. 46383 WaUman, Willard F. lnd 473 758 Part. 46383 Whitt, Howard l . Pur 797 110 Brown SL 46383 VAN BUREN

U~~'R~~i!S':A. lnd841 VEEDERSBURG M...n. Fradtrick S. lnd 697 Rt. 3479B7 VINCENNES Brown, Herman Vane• Evtns 11 923 Buntin SL 47591 Carttr, Gr1g0ry Smith lnd 915 1503 Overlook Or. 47691 Giltner, Emmett E. Colo 34 c/o Remwll Horre 47591 Newton, John P. lnd 196 1002 s. 15th 41591 Sptnctr, Frtderic lnd 238 429 South 6th St 47591 Shroyer, Joseph Mark lnd 565 708 Sroodwoy St 47591 Titttrington, Clifford Ward lnd 247 215 N. 4th St. 47591 WABASH Ford, David Jeup Pur 608 540 North Wabash St46992 Ford, Stanley W. Pur 601 857 N. Miami St. 46992 Halderman, Robert R. Pur713 Sox 297 46992 Garrison, Ronald C. lnd 902 R.R. 2 46992 Jones, Clifford R. lnd 428 563 Harrison Avt., R. 1 46992 Mclaughlin, William G. Cin 264 1005 Combridgo Or. 46992 Mym, Grog lnd 761 184 Canal St 46992 Nixon, Don M. lnd 179 Sox 338 46992 Pany, James T. leSt464 255 North c.. St. 46992 Simons, Max E. lnd 455 1118 Vtmon St46992 WADESVILLE Montgomtry, Malcolm Georva Evans 96 R. 11 47838 WARSAW


Fin~:R~'/f:6~ g. KanSt 108 Harvuot, William C. lnd 236 P.O. Sox 368 48580 Mayer, 0. Kent Pur B10 R.R. 15, Mtlody Acm 46580 Miner, Russall W. Harv 318 1210 E. Ft Woyno 46560 Rttct, R. J. Pur 932 319 N. Washington 46580

St~~~·o~i3 ~S~~-0 lnd 442 WASHINGTON Moore, James A. Pur 865 R.R. 1247501 Murray, George R. Pur 194 29 lynwood Dr. 47501 Murny, G1orga R., Jr. Pur 613 29 lynwood Or. 47501 Mym. Flavia:n E. lnd 256 Citizens loan & Trust Co. 47501 Sh•hev. MuS. KansSt 305 P.O. Box 251 47501 WESTFIELD Ackeoon, Harry Elmer Pur 143 46074 Jasup,ParkaM. lnd9 R.R. II 46074 WEST LAFAYETIE Alexander, Fred L.Mie Miami 97 1000 Ravinll Rd. 47906 Banks, Roy H. Pur 846 120 Andi'IW Pl~e~47906 Barter, lany l. Ohio 232 1333 Palmer Drive 47906 Chamben, Shtrmln D. OhioSt S3 340 Wat Ook 47906 Clack, Ronald J. Pur 738 222·14 Arnold 47906 Collings, Cl111nce Smilay Pur 162 1010 Northwlsttm Avt. 47906 Eyer, l n W. Pur 728 2361 Y"'l'r Rd. 47906 Fortar, Gtorvt H. Pur 420 2130 Nouhan GroYO Rd. 47906 Griffin, DIYid Pur 683 927 N. Solisbury St. 47906 Gusttflon, Or. R. D. NU 53B 400 North Rivtr A·902 47906 Huth, Roger C. Colo 495 2225 Mtami Tr. Dr. 47906 HoHman, leroy Wis 233 515 Stadium Awnue 47906

HOtaton,-Guy lnd5n 1903 Thompoon St4790& Hu.... -in M. Pur 801 123 An- Ploco 4906 Hunt, Ttd C. Pur 747 Rt. 1247906 Jocobo, Horry C. Pur 179 124Su. .t47906 Jlllloo, Rolph H. Pur 707 Coddington Mobilt Pk., Lot 161 47906 Jobn10n, ICIMith W. laSt 432 2520- Rd.47906 Komm.., Uoyd H. Pur 374 Rt147906 K...,, Jorry R. Pur 860 226 Uncoln St47906 Knu, Kenneth R. Pur 878 226 Lincoln St 47906 Kohlmoyw, Jolin Pur 250 1661 Ravinia 47906 Urowt, Robert D. Pur 702 469 Stilly St. 47906 l.efllor, Horry R. I.St815 Agronomy Dept Purdua Univtnity 47907 · l.ourol C. Pur 575 1B21 Happy Hollow Rotd 47906 Monol11, EdMr<l R. Pur 217 318 Jotfmon Or. 47906 Parbr, Francb Bl~ekmtr Pur 200 136 Andnow PIICI 4906 Rteck, Cllude C., Jr. lnd 816 1721 Woodland Avt. 47906 Rilay, Chrirlophtr A. Pur 955 2104 Indian Trai147906 Ro~eh, Gtorga W. Pur 677 2060 N. Rivot' Rood 47906 RogeB, Gary L Pur 956 143·9 Holsey Or. 47906 SirTW, Vlt. John E. Pur 909 901 Vlno St 47906 Wood, Laon~rd E. KansSt 298 m Allen St.. Apt 1 47906 WEST LEBANON Day, John A. Pur 874 R.R. 147991 WHEATLAND Wilson, Raymond C. lnd 471 47597 WHITING Bangert, Oelmond G. Ill 566 1502 Parl.vitw Aw. 46394 Kenyon, Charles B. PennSt381 P.O. Sox 71048394 WILLIAMSPORT Gillapit, Walter Belcher lnd 171 47993 WINAMAC Haxby, John W. leSt 209 R.R. I , Sox 21346996 Homer, Ralph Emer10n Mlch 60 320 South Marklt 46996 Thompson, Robert Earle Mich 75 421 S. Montlctllo 46996 WINDFALL RIHa, louis Ntlson lnd 210 46078 WINGATE Rbk, Gor>ld P. Pur 691 47994 WINSLOW Dearing, JohnJ. Pur242 Rt. 347598 WOLCOTI Baynu, Dr. Frank l., M.D. Pur 463 47995 Downing, Henry Balttr Pur 161 47995 WOLCOTIVILLE Schinblckler, Dlla D. Pur423 Box 92 46195 WORTHINGTON Baynes, Jamas E. Pur 467 506 N. Jefferson St. 47471 Mcintosh, Lorin Commodort Pur 208 Wen Main St. 47471

lltMI, a..... u 1.. 11o 294 221 South Htll St50511 Frillldt, Horold F. lo 217 P.O. Box 575 50511 Sllu.-y, Goytord OMcl lo 204 50511

ALTA Hlx, Jt!Told Womn loSt 481 51002 Wolfa, o.,;d E. laSt 656 51002 AllES Andlnon, Arthur L Mlnn 196

428 Pinon Awtnlll 50010 Atltlns, R-E. lo416 2213 J.... 50010 a-n, Oouglos L I.St558 R.R. 13 50010 a.... Chort• w. loSt &3 1 225 Mridgo Cirt~ 50010 Soottthor, OllfTIII R. I.St655 1038 Pammol Coun 50010 B,.tdic, Gtorvt A Ariz 127 7162 Birhantn Hill IOWl Statt Untvtnity 50010 Bryan, Dr. Ray J. laSt 547 918 Gorliold 50010 Buchanan, Robert &rlt I.St9 503 Wll<h 50010 Comp, R- C. Oki.St 330 2046 c.... 50010 Ctrr, .lima D. laSt 575 819 E9!th Strwtt 50010 C.nttns, Robtrt l. laSt 354 1503·20th St 50010 C.Mr, LoMII L laSt 522 1003 Hording50010 Dolo, Selwyn E. I.St51B 1526 Harding 50010 Fo011, CIW~nce N., Jr., M.D. Frk 455 11241oM Avanua50010 Frtneh, DMd L. laSt 661 3521 Ro• Road 50010 Funk, Miles KSt 455 1421 Arthur Drivt 50010 Gammell, Jimmy l. la412 2206 Cl"" 50010 Harrison, AI cleo laSt 657 Box 450 50010 Hibbs, James G. laSt 595 L-Woy & Elm 500t0 Hippaka, Tholllll A. laSt443 2131 Country Club 50010 Hug, John I.St 19 Iowa Stitt Coll~g~~ 50010 Kild•, Henry Herbert laSt 160 CtmpiJI50010 bgomarcino, VIrgil I.St 574 2130 Duff AVI. 50010 Mlninsan, John L laSt 593 211811Ch 50010 Norman, Strven R. Mo 587 316 N, Frenklin Avt. 50010 Nugent, Ramon E. laSt 703 3627 L-Way 500t0 Pattarson, Ralph E., Ill I.St612 2111 Jlf'llln Avenue 60010 Robinson, Georga A. laSt 505 304 S. Rivetside Drive 50010 Robinson, JKk M. laSt 651 Collega Trailer Park 50010 Roy , Arthur P. laSt 588 3242 Woodland 50010 Roy, ChalmtrJ. Mo 375 Gtology Dept. Iowa St111 College50010 Roy, Orvid C. I.St 562 3242 Woodland 50010 Seholta, Wayne H. laSt 526 Agronomy Dept. Iowa Still Univtnity 50010 Schwen.e, louis Harold laSt 232 1103 Roo.velt Rd. 50010 Strtnd, Cartar A. Wis361 215Filth St.!i0010 Wtbtr, Oalt William I.St436 2316 Knapp Strttt50010 Weigle, Jack L. Pur 595 Dept. of Horticulturt Iowa Stall University 50010 Welden, Nail laSt 190 118 Otlora Apts. 50010 Westerlund, Dr. Roger L. Ia 362 1504 Mamin Avenue 50010 Young, John E. laSt 239 1202 NorthWISiam An. 50010

YORKTOWN Gernand, Orville E. KansSt 309 R. 247396

ANITA McLutn, Thomas M. laSt 647 311 Ch.-tnut St. 50020

ZJONSVILLE Faulkner, C. C., Jr. lnd 853 R. R. 2, Kartn Drive 46077 K~ ly , Charlos K. lnd B54 R.R. 1, Sox 162·12 46077 Timothy, Thoma L Pur 627 510 E~gloviow Ct. 46071 Weber, Michael D. Pur 905 R.R.Il 46071

ANKENY Zir'lgler, Edward W. NW 149 53{1 Kenworthy Dr. 50021

Iowa AOEL Tatrick, James L. 111877 317 15th Strllt 50003 ALBIA Robb, George Logtn, Jr. Minn 236 1~ Clinton St 52531 ALDEN HarrTa, Ottn M. laSt 630 R.F.O. I150006 Wall, Rob«t E. laSt 580 Rural Routt 12 50006 Well, R-1 L I.St644 R.R. 2 50006 ALGONA Bouma, MeMn Goodwin Ia 247 50511

ARMSTRONG Henriksan, Ronald D. 50514 R.R. 1 50514 ATLANTIC Borde, Robart I. laSt396 907 Olivo!i0022 Good, Oontld L laSI 653 707 Ctdar Street 50022 Hartor, GII'Y D. loSt 538 R.R.IJ 50022 Hi! bum, Charta 0. laSt 582 1503 Bryn MIWf Btvd. 50022 Mertdith, Merrin M. Harv 115 200 Chertnut 50022 Shotman, John DIYid laSt216 50022 Wilcox, JtrTY D. laSt 654 1313 Chatnut 50022 AUDUBON Mlrtinsan, William E. laSt 626 206 Third Awnue 50025 AURELIA Brinkman, Richard J. la356 51005 Millo<, Lll'ry D. loSt 671 Fourth StiWt 51005 Rabhuhn, Owld P. laSt 696 5tDD!i D-D




W.mock, Jtma A. 11 67 51006 BEDFORD

Dinwiddie, Arthur Chl166 608 Coun St 50833 Maze, George E. laSt 240 R.R. 3 50833 BETIENDORF

Cooplf,Wm. T. la511 2707 Hmnony OrWa 52722 Cribbs, JI!ICk A. Ia 420 111 Cumr Ttll'ltl52722 Gn>11, Goor;o W. loSt343

1224 Meadow Line Drive 52722 Mlltr, JonW. lt452 1033 Mississippi Btvd. 52722 Ottens. Nathtn D. Ia 343 1620 Brot<hlew Drive 52722, John L. 111593

405 ~Mns Manor 52722 Williams, Jema G. Karw 711 2117 Gr.nt Smet 52722 BONDURANT McK11n, John D. KSt 178 Box 1 50035

Shultkt, Gtorge Richard laSt 444 50035 BOONE

Nystrom, Gail H. laSt 642 1412 Fim 60036 BRANDON

Winegar, Wallect Aulis laSt 142 52210 BRIGHTON Smltll, OOYid B. CMS 145 R.R. I 52540 BROOKLYN

Ttlbott, John Edwin Ia 32 52211 BUCKINGHAM

Owen, George W. Kans319 50612 Speer, Howard V. laSt 606 R.R.II50612 BUFFALO CENTER Olson, Jerrald B. laSt 589 50424 BURLINGTON Calhoun, John Nelson Ia 279 515 S. Ttnth St. 52601 Vinson, Donald A. I.St 498

2020 Sunnyside 52601 CARLISLE Andtnon, Gany R. CMS 151 R.R. #1, Anon uko Rd. 50047

Burton, Fr1nk E. laSt 491 50047

Outr:her,John l . NU 259 R.R. 1 50047 Kline, Ooneld A. CMS 110 50047

CARROLL Fister, Jon C. la450 1701 PikiAvt. 51401 Kitnapfel, BructJ. la474 1813 Cmtview51401 Neu , Arthur A. NW 490 Box 269 51401 Neu, Charla E. NW 525 530W. 18th St. 51401 Sundtrmann, Ronald P. Ia 440 706 N. Maple St. 51401 CEDAR FALLS Armstrong, Osw J. Colo 675 2620 McCI1in Drivt 50613 EYiru, Anhut H. laSt 147 1B03 Grand Blvd. 50613 CEDAR RAPIDS Brthfl\ Glen W. 11 459 1222 Mi1ml Ct. N.E. 52402 Buroker, Geylt E. Evens 124 2148 CeroliNI Or. N.E. 52402 Cemeru, John Edward I1St 37 1732 6th Avenue S.E. 52401 Cook , Gordon A. leSt 390 1104 Crestview 52403 Coutts:, R1y C. Mich 258 Box 4363 52407 Cummins, lawson T. l1 305 1430 Milmi Drive, N.E. 52402 Danklrt, Oernll M. I.St 543 Colliru Radio Co. 52403 Ellion, Owen N. Ia 14 1120 Merchants Bank Bldg. 52401 Fairbanks, Oon~ld R. Was 602 2100 Knollshire Rd ., N.E. 52402 Farmer, Gto'\11 E. Mlch 109 2084 Eutam Blvd. 52403 Fruahling, Conrad 0 . It 449 42 St. S.E. 52403 Kohlman, Ellsworth F. laSt 389 440.32nd SE 52403 llrtin,J1ma B. Was 521 e/o Cot Colltge 52402 Lawrence, Ora Walttr 11 235 Johnson & l.Jwnnct Attoll\I'VS 522 Ht,loy Bldg. 52401 livin, Robtrt M. I.St463 1728 Ttxu Avt. N.E. 52402 McC!tughry, Rot.rt W. Mo 153 21J.23rd St. Or. S.E. 52403 NOVIk, David R. Ia 442 R.R. #Z 52401 Oppenhtimtf, Edwin Adlm I.St193 2414 Madowbrook Or. 52403 Pltet10n, Frank R.. M.D. Ia 137 1026 'A' Ave .• NE 52402 Raley, JamesA. 11471 2301 B Awnue, N.E. 52402 Swinthart, Frank J. Ia 520 IllS 29th St., N.E. 52402 Voth, Ja~NS W. Ill 773 2442 Kiliman;.ro 52402

Wylie, C. C. Mo 130 MathW'~tkManor

1224-IJth St N.W. 52405 CENTERVILLE Johnston, Charla LH la324 52544 CHARLES CITY Egerd1l, Marvin James laSt 368 1309 Missouri AY'I. 50616 H1gut, Mervin D. laSt462 300 Charla St. 50616 Heinnrllng,John F. 11383 507 M Slrtlt50616 Miller, Plul C. laSt 210 Apt. 3-100 7th A". 50616 VonServ, leonard E. Minn 149 108 FlriJUSOn St. 50616 Weinber;tr, James Wm. Ia 371 301 FifthAvenut50616 CHARTER OAK W1i:a:, Clarence E. laSt 520 51439 W1i:a:, James E. laSt 474 51439 CHEROKEE Clabaugh, J1ma E. Ia 392 e/o Foshlonette 51012 Fuchs, Osroe C. laSt 22 604 West Main St. 51012 Sage, Harold A. Ia 198 Box 533 51012 Smith, Jo•ph G. Ia 483 R.R. 2 51012 CLARENCE Sheldon, John William laSt453 52216 CLARINDA Haxby, Robert James I.St222 51632 Johnson, Charla E. I.St482 201- W- State 51632 CLARION S.nkey, Clauda Wilson Chi 173 Supt. of Schools 50525 CLEAR LAKE Replogle, Ralph R. Ia 274 1620 Highland Or. 50428 Stillman, E. B. Ia 77 301% Main AY'I. 50428 CLINTON Ewing, Foster G. Ohio 39 208 S. 7th St. 52171 Hartmann , C. S. laSt 293 1626 No. 4th St. 52732 Jessen, Oou!l(as V. laSt 687 110 So. lOlii St. 52732 Johnson, Htnry D. PtnnSt426 724 Millcreek Lent 52771 Smith, Harvay E. laSt 292 511·5th Ave., So. 52732 Wheelar, Jerry 0. WashSt 276 e/oJeHJohnson 850 In Avo. #60 52732 COLUMBUS JUNCTION Ellion , Harold Frank 11St139 52738 MtrriU, Robart Wright laSt124 Box 146 52738 NWRII, Russell Robert laSt 338 52738 COMANCHE Shatf,JohnOstrander W'as19 612 8th Avo. 52730 CORALVILLE Johnson, M. Richerd laSt 600 207~6th St., Apt. 6 52240 Pete110n, Robt. A. I1St 663 935-D Westhampton 52240 Thom•, Allen N. Ia 369 Village Pharmacy 52240 CONESVILLE Coffin, John Frederick Ia 272 52739 CORNING Olive, Kenneth l. CMS 25 R. 4a, Sox 102 50841 Roland, Ktnneth P. Coi.SU 192 607·7th St. 50B41 CRESCO Elwood, Francis D. 11214 Box 371 52136

Seerta, John N. Minn 249 125 Forost Rd. 52803 Sl.lndell, Georve H. Minn 365 2763 Scott St 52B03

Th~;3s ~~i~t!~~;:J.

Troxe•. leon S. MSM 5 1920 No1111 Ohio 52804 Vickrtrom, Dun R. It 462 Box 233 52623 Wellact, Llwnoc::e W. Pur 126 413 E. 15tll 52B03 Wllller, Wtldo M. l1 289 301 Omnport Btnk Bldg. 52801 Wood, W1rnn K. Ia 353 2706 Feithmn 52803 DECORAH RIIYII, Kenneth Wis 394 307 John Stmt 52101 DES MOINES Adams, John D. Mo 215 6115 Harwood 50312 Berton, Gary F. I.St 673 3310 Kingman 50311 Collier, John l. I.St617 5200 lngemll Ave. 50312 Cratner, Robert A. laSt 666 1089 44th St 50313 George W. Mo 300 3817 E. 8th St. 50316 Drukar, S. M. Ctlif 628 5729 NorthWatarbury Rd. 50312 Ftulkntr, Byron D. Pur 224 209 To""' Rd. 50312 Hansen, William Minn 743 7236 Wilshirt Blvd. 50322 Harrick, Allan A. Ia 159 ZBO 49th St. 50311 Hoffman, Edgar P. la184 1604 29th St. 50311 Kttch, Robert A. laSt 648 3118 Cornell 50313 Langdon, Herschel G. Ia 284 6711-49thSt. 50312 lanon, Dr. Hardy Wm. Col 177 1416 Thompson Ava. 50316 MacNaughton, J. Robert Minn 491 Central National Bank Bldg. 12th Floor 50309 Moort, G. G. laSt 509 4223 2nd m. 50313 Needham, Dring D. Harv 148 418 SINings & loan Bldg. 50309 Pete110n, John N. laSt381 2733 S. W. 30th 50321 Shelky, John De W1ne Mo 448 Radio Station WHO 50310 Terrell, Harry E. Yale 159 P.O. Box 522 50311 V1n Slyke, Martin Bronck GW 144 1410Buver50311 Webb, Harry E. Ia 100 1407 Penn Ave. e/o Standard Oil Co. 50311 Whitten, Ralph Andmv NW 193 389Hi8th St. 50322 Witchlr, Ronald E. KansSt 533 2312 59th Strwet50322 DUBUQUE Berzins, Aivan T. I.St 634 2608 Mlnarac 52002 Higley, Henry P~rker Was 244 Box 358 52001 Jones, John W. It 500 Rural Routel2 52001 Thoma, Elmer M. Ia 317 555 Fischer Building 52001 DYSART Lama, Harry Stwtns laSt192 52224 EARLY Jennett, RUS1111 N. I.St 451 50535 EDGEWOOD Kahrti, Dam! I A. Ia 519 52042 ELDORA Barnard, Riehen:l B. laSt 649 1404 Tenth Stmt 50627 ltttow, Gary J. Ia 407 1407 lOth St. 50627 ESTHERVILLE Hacktn, JohnS. Ia 476 1409 Second Ave. North 51334 Criger, James D. 11 505 R.R. I 51334

CRESTON Andlt10n , Oar E. 1•318 1005 Crest Drive 50801 Beatty , Bruce H. Ia 460 1000 N. Sycamore 50801

FAIRFIELD McKinzie, John A. Nabr 422 SO Fomst Or. 52556 Simmons, Jama McCord Ia 201 Iowa State Bank & Truat Co. Bldg. 52556

CRYSTAL LAKE Rasmuson, R. Thomas Ia 404 50432

FAYETIE Porter, Chas. Allan I.St 700 R.R. I 52142

DALLAS CENTER Prulitt, Neil E. laSt 438 Brtnton Stitt B~nk 50063

FT. DODGE Srotr, Rlchan:l N. Ia 400 2010 N. 24th P\.:e 50501 Ericson, Otnton W. laSt 504 135 Avenut G 50501 Kialhom, Donald R. laSt 423 1421 N. 28th 50501 Moothart, Richud W. laSt 563 1239 North 10th St. 50501

DAVENPORT Boget, Plul J. Ohio 237 1315 East 39tll St., #Z 52807 Bredbttk , Walter C. laSt 419 2228Wastlrn 52803 Clint, Terry B. laSt 6!10 3721 Sunnyside 52802 Hoerxh, Harold Wimam Ia 223 Socurity8ldg. 52801 lles, MalvtrnWtfls, Jr. Hlrv157 2404 Ptnhing Avt. 52803 McFar1in , Max M. NW 636 3015 Arlington AY'I. 52803 Mayer, Urry C. Ia 485 776 W. 44th StTW~t52806 Reynolds, John A. 11 490 1032 Sp1lding Blvd. 52804 Schlng. John J. NU 495 . 2703 Gao. Wllltlington Blvd. 52803

FORT MADISON Durflam, Ronald Edwin I.St 433 2135 Avenue G 52627

GALVA Grubb, Georva A. Ia 55 tlo Or. M. W. Grubb 51020 Grubb, Mlfrill W. l1 40 51020 GARNER C.tJido, o.., L 11 422 R.R. 3 50438

GARWIN Elwtll, Gtorgt l . Ntbr 308 50632 GLADBROOK Thom•n, lloyd Henry laSt 291 50635 GLIDDEN Shaner, Jo•ph N. I.St 339 51443 GOLDFIELD Anderson, Ronald R. laSt 602 50542 GRANO JUNCTION Ntidlch, William ltonerd laSt 332 50107 GREENE BurrougM, Cr1ig E. laSt 607 510 N. Fihh St. 50636 GRINNELL BtiNtt, Or. Elrt S. KansSt 313 R.F.D. 2 50112 Btwtr, Dr. Floyd E. KtnsSt 306 R.F.D. 2 50112 Boeke, Dr. Ptttr R. It 376 835BroadSt.50112 Et11, Robert H. Mo 563 1414 R11d St. 50112 Smith, Glen W. laSt 189 802~5th Avenue 50112 Ttdfonl, Jam• E. lnd 332 602 Tenth Avenue 50112 GUTIENBERG Abrahamson, lylt M. laSt 2S4 52052 HAMPTON Kotmer,WelterO . le357 115 South Fedaral 50441 HAWARDEN Thompson, Robert E. Ia 480 1117 Avenua N 51023 HINTON Fr11, Franca l. Nebr418 P.O . Box 17 51024 HOPKINTON Carter, Samuel Smith laSt 226 52237 Miring, Dennis E. Ia 478 R.R. 2 52237 HORNICK Fugatl, leonard H. Ca1392 P.O. box 55 51026 HUMBOLDT Andtn1n, Paul G. laSt 618 407 Fourth St. N. 50548 Lent, Cl&rt A. Ia 394 1002-Sth Ava., North 50548 Rank, louis laSt 238 211 ·Sth Ave., North 50548 lOA GROVE Bird, Albert Rhule laSt 108 F. S. A. 51445 Bird, William Rk:h1nlson Minn 645 201 Bums Street 51445 Graham, leoRtn:llowry It 268 51445 IMOGENE Hunt, James E. laSt 628 R.F.D. 51645 INDIANOLA Ftyarflarm, Robert W. Chl260 e/o Simpson College50125 IOWA CITY Anderson, Charla V. Nebr 524 600 Manor Or. 52240 Betbet, Frtdtric Scripp.s Ia 303 400 Brookland P\ace 52240 Bigalk, lestar C. Ia 391 228 West Benton 52240 Burney, William James la1S4 309 Fairview Avt. 52240 Ctrtw, DIVid P. l1 470 1524 Muatfne Ave. 52240 Carlson, Oougla laSt 592 2918 Brooklida Drive 52240 Gilchrist, Dwid M. Ia 451 S.I02P,rldown52240 Hasan, Cl1ranet A. laSt 605 933 River StrMt 52240 Hills, ElmtrWalker Chi 86 629 Mtfroll AYI. 52240 Knapp, Bany E. laSt 529 933 River Strtet 52240 Knepp, l. W., Jr. Cor 509 815 N. linn St. 52240 Kringol, Cori S. lo 220 P.O. Box 143 52240 lindqubt, Evartt Franklin Ia 266 1012 Highwood 52240 Millsap, Kenneth F. LBS 53 1605 Rochester Avt. 52240 Mitchell, Cttvin M. Art 110 3111 Alpine Court 52240 Morrls, WoodrowW. 11433 230 Hutchinson Ave. 52240 Pownall, FrHtrick Miller Ia 86 W. S. East Holt 52240 Roberts, J. H. laSt 636 lOB Wllllown P,ri< 52241 Shafftf, Dan A. Was 123 11103 Jrd A,., 52240 Showan, Chtria H. Ia 44 R.R. #4 52240 ~. Rolph E., Jr. loSt458 Civic Ctntar 52240 VandtGarde, l. D. I.St 603 Univarsity Ho~pltal 52241 Wegmulltr, Jttob Paul 11290 802 Summit St. 52240 IOWA FALLS Bitdt, James l. Ia 405 RR#I 50126

Marl<, Jony L. loSt 546 R.R. 3 50126 Wtldtn,Emat laSt 55 50126 JEFFERSON Bowley, Burdlttt Arthit laSt 257 50129 JEWELL Nelson, Douglas R. laSt 652 50130 Wilker, Micht~l D. I.St 665 50130 KANAWHA H1rlt, Richard A. laSt 688 R.R. I 50447 Howlett, Robert D. I.St 672

50447 KEOKUK Otnmirt, ltwnnce,Jr. laSt228 RR #2 52632 Hotmar, Richard Norris Her 287 1321 Grand Ave. 52632 Wtdtl, Victor T..t Ia 309 1220 High St. 52632 KINGSLEY Page, Brutt 0. laSt 616 51028 Thomson, Avery leroy laSt 249 R.F.D. 3 5102B LANSING Underwood, David W. laSt 705 52151 LAURENS Ball, louis R. laSt 662 202 Sadie Str11t 505S4 Johnson, lowtll Banjamin laSt 526 50554 ludwig, Dick Oscar laSt 460 50554 Votttler, Vinctnt A. laSt 452 50554 LEIGHTON Browtr,lldie Frank la411 50143 LIME SPRINGS lyon, Donald G. laSt 461 52155 LINN GROVE Sundberg, Gon:lon N. laSt 501 RFD I 51033 LONE TREE Mossman, Roblrt R. Ia 465 52755 LORIMOR Porter, Jack A. Ia 482 50149 MALVERN Sktnitt, Harold lton I.St421 R.F.O. 2 51551 MAPLETON Perrin, Richan:l K. laSt 541 R.R. 3 51034 Rice, Gaorge Anhur It 21 51034 MAQUOKETA Shrivtr, T. A., II Ia 456 lOB%N. Olivo 52060 MARION Brown, Thoma J. R.F.D. 3 52302 Goodlove, Gerol laSt 490 R.R. 2 52302 Hodge, Rich1n:l M. Miami 73 1340 ·o· Avenu• 52302 Wogehn, Larry A. laSt 594 995 Perbitw Drive 52302 MARBLE ROCK Gos, Bruce Spilman It 123 50653 MARSHALL TOWill Chadderdon, Neil Thompson Ntbr238 805 Jtfomt St. 50158 Gerwin, John M. Ia 492 1606 Wert Main St. 50158 Knudson, Ktith Allyn Ia 504 R.R. 2 50158 McComber, Dennis G. leSt 556 506 Anson St. 50158 McComber, t..ny J. loSt525 410 New Sttem Rd. 50158 Milltr, Micht~l l. Pur 888 611 South St, Apt 8-8 50158 Prls:ton, Ru•ll J. I.St 154 126 W. M1in St. 50158 V1na, Rudolph Ia 281 303 S. 8th St50158 MASON CITY Andresen, Fred M. Mlnn 405 Rt. #Z 50401 Bahr, John Phillip laSt 545 369 Willowbrook Drive 50401 Bttth, George 0. laSt 246 919 North Monrot Ave. 50401 Boonl, Hollon! W., M.O. Mich 536 510 S. Vtrmont Ave. 56401 Htrmanson, Paul C. laSt 676 lOB ukmow Drive 50401 Dl;m, John A. Oki1325 R. #4 50401 Olson, Marion E. laSt 97 202 South Virginia 50401 Schroeder, Gtorge E. Ia 458 BJQ.IItll N.E. 50401

.. LFORD Mutin, John Kenneth laSt 146 51351 Wollwoy, Douglos C. loSt625 51351

MISSOURI VALLEY Henderson, Robert B. Ia 423 113 N. Bth St 51555 MONONA Abo!, Robort L. lo 434 52159 MONTICELLO Baty, John W. laSt 623 Box 269 52310 &yen, Eugene M. laSt 109 309 S. Chestnut St52310 Fraser, John Howden laSt 76 Box 416 52310 MORAVIA Sendiftr, Charta R. laSt 104 52511

MT. PLEASANT Chrirttnsen, larry 0. laSt 666 507 So. Jeffenon 52641 MUSCATINE Dunton, AJien H., III Ia 481 719 leroy St. 52761 Flynn, Dennis Edward Ia 508 312 Myrtle unt 52761 Mull, Willi1m I. Ia 163 P.O. Box 430 52761 NEVADA Vogel, William A. laSt 620 P.O. Box 356 50201 NEWELL Movell, Edward I. laSt 674 R.R. I 50568 NEWHALL Figga, PluiK. H., Jr. laSt 664 Box 238 52315 NEW LONDON Collins, MIX Alfrtd Syr 172 52645 NORWALK Obley, Will1rd L KSt316 4365 Oxford Or. 50211 OAKLAND Johra, Homer P. 11 139 51560 OELWEIN

Ziootor, Wm. J. Ill 611 R.R. #2, Box IS.A 50662 OLIN Kru•. Gerald D. laSt 224 52320 ONAWA Prichard, Elblrt M. Ia 182 1002 6th St. 51040 ORIENT Strong, Floyd l. leSt 197 50858 OSAGE Biedermann, William H. Ia 169

50461 Borchen:lt, Plul D. Okle 752 Routl 2, Box 80 50461 OSCEOLA Fisher, Gary la28 405 Mcf'hor10n 50213 OSKALOOSA Farmer, Gtnld E. It 468 816 0 Annue West 52571 OTIUMWA Bock, Donald C. Wis 589 2402 N. Court St 52501 Bunker, Cherlal. Ia 229 Ottumwa Couritt 52501 Wera, Staey Ia 457 209 W. Golf Ave. 52501 PALMER Bthrans, George Gard Albtrt Colo 326 50571 PAULLINA Kracht, Jerry D. It 429 P.O. Box 232 51046 PERCIVAL Sonner, Orville R. laSt 243 5164B PERRY Win., Emili Ctrl Ia 230 50220 PERSIA H1mann, Donald E. laSt 355 51563 PETERSON Anklfttjeme, Craig A. It 447 Box 203 51047 PRIMGHAR Schultz, Hugh M. Ia 491 1880 Elm Avenue 51245 RANDALIA Cluton, Clair ltVtnt laSt 329 52164 REDFIELD MIXWIII, Albert K. Ia 430 R.R. #I 50233 RED OAK Fifltld, DIYid H. laSt ill 1311 BirthSt., Rt.l251566 lilthtf, 0-'tl. laSt 650 R#J, Box 18051566 Tunte, Jtrry L laSt 646 1301 Summit 51566

REINBECK N-.,wnnomJ. lo441 302 Bloc- 60669

URBANA Cr. ., WIHonl J. 1151149 52345


URBANDALE KlrJos, C. W., Jr. E""' 70 3509 Mory Lynn Orivo 50322, Oowlcl C.

loSt 610


ALMENA MtCubbln, Gllnn D. KSt 545 R.R. II B7B22 MtCubbin, Hwold T. KonsSt 534 R.R.II 67622 ALTAMONT Nlll, Wllliom G. S. KlniSt 336 67330

RII'PEY Lind, M. .in G. loSt 675 Box 93 50235

VAIL Bokor, Pllilllp L. loSt 540 51465

ROCK RAI'IOS Hinch, HIM'/ H1111'f lo155 51246 Muldor, Doll• H. loSt 621 1006 Fint Avo. 51246 Smltti,FrodKtllw IolBI 51246

VAN HORNE Krwwson, lylt R. It 453 Bo• 94 52346

ALTON Bolend, Gerlld F. ColoSt 27 Rt 2 67623 Bnnt, lanny R. KensSt 492 67623

VILLISCA Bitkford, M. H.-old Nabr 27B Box 297 50864

ALTOONA Hyde, 0110 Fnncil Ka,..St412 R.R. 166710

SAC CITY Loo, D1111lrwln loSt 408 50583

WAPELLO Hook, Albtn A. 1151157 52653

AMES Mogow, Mo~t Lylo KonsSt 195 66931

SANBORN K'-, Robin M. ColoStC 96 60611 Pr_. St. 51248

WASHINGTON Compboll, Bruca M. loSt 502 Rurtl Rout:a 52353


WATERLOO Collins, Jam~~ D. Nabr 511 Alltn Mamoritl Hotpit:al 50703 Hoffman, Char1es l. It 227 107 Pr-t Avo. 50703 Platt, A. D11n loSt 321 c./oPiatts Highwly 21BWIS150702 Shannon, Htny E. la158 B16 Westtm Avtnut 50702 Stolt, Stanley R. Ntbr 597 314 W. 7th 50702

ARKANSAS CITY Hill, Dr. James E. Kan 41B A. C. OffQ Building 67005 Pixloy,H.-J. Dklt295 P.O. Bo• 321 67005 Schilltr, Goorvo W. KSt 286 301 Higllltnd 67005 Stanley, Kanneth E. Kans 589 325 No. 3rd 67005

Ponons, Morit M. Ill 363 R.R. 1 52588

SHEFFIELD Sch11lbor, SIIVIn W. lo 487 727 S....,..n Avo. 50475 SHELBY M....:hmldt, Dtn C. I.St668

Box1B 51570 SHENANDOAH Get, Elmer Chlries Ntbr 116 51001 SIBLEY Martin, Irving Wentworth laSt 137 51249 SIGOURNEY Schlmm~lpftnnig,

H. E. Ia 341 41B Nonh Jlfftnon St. 52591 Sloan, Stanlty S. 11344 416 S. Jofftnon 52591 Snoklnborg, HilTY L. lo 66 Box 26 52591 UpdogiiH, Curtis G. Chl39 Box 286 52591


WEBSTER CITY Elkin, Randy I 0 . loSt 670 1048 w~nut St. 50595 RMn, Mich11l laSt 632 917 Bank St 50595 Swinson, Carrolll. Ia 486 738 Boona SL 50595

AUGUSTA Lunger, Lloyd Goorvo Oklo A&M 211 67010 Watson, Uonard Erbit Kans 475 67010

WELLSBURG Paxton, Peny A. Ia 498 50680

WEST DES MOINES Gilliland, Alan D. laSt 669 513 Val High Rd. 50265 lmus, Hany A. laSt 406 2506 Woodland 50265 Kambarg, Lawranct l. Kan 655 2201 Maldowbrook Dr. 50265 Keater, Clifton l. laSt 548 1909 Buffalo Rd. 50265 Ntllan, Marvin C. Ntbr 479 909·13th St. 50265 Sc:hertz, Chtr1as J. Ia 418 533 8th St 50265 TOMrS, Gtorga W. DhioSt 575 907·32nd Str~tt 50265


Bi,.1~,s~P:~~~s~~ 511~~393

Oirtr.s, Dietrick M. Ntbr 318 4217 C. C. Blvd. 51104 Holllndtr, Dr. W. R. le 379 2105 S. Polmotto 51106 Jtnkins. Ronald L. laSt 170 4545 Anhur St 5110B WeiiM, Everett Ia 364 2916Jo1101St51104 Wtir,Joe Erwin Nebr 348 3439 Oouglos St. 51104 SPENCER

WEST LIBERTY Ntbon, Jim W. Ia 388 52716 Ohlvtr, ArthurV. la409 RR 2 52776

CaMr, Gwttnd KIY le 347

618WIS14th Stmt 51301 H~~tk, Robtn L. loSt 468 528 E. 18th 51301 Morton, Jtmes P. It 365 P.O. Bo• 269 51301

WEmiDE Compbtll, John P. loSt 559 Bo• 292 51467

SI'IRIT LAKE Botkt, Dr. Thom• H. It 395 Roulll151360 Redington, Bryce C. laSt 570 R.R. 12, Bo• 319 51360

WEST UNION Boeke, larry H., M.D. Ia 399 110 Jeff1n0n St. 52175 GJW~neman , Gary A. laSt 584 lilac lanes 52115 Gr1nneman, Jamts P. laSt 497 Bo• 88 52115

STANTON Anderson, Wayne H. laSt 645 R.F.D.I151573 Hultm1n, C.tvin 0. laSt 638 51573

WHITTEMORE Pettit, Ronald G. laSt 503 50598

STATE CENTER Ethington, Alva C. It 212 50247

WILLIAMSBURG Blythe, Fradtrick Robert Colum 86 52361

STEAMBOAT ROCK Gtllhom, Ooneld H. laSt 44fl 50672

WIOTA MaybtrTY, Mer1in l . Ia 397 50274

STORM LAKE BINkly, Edwlrd W. II 406 20511 w. 6th 50588 Klin1, lortn E., Jr. PtnnSt 305 Box 364 50588 Sievers, Randtl H. laSt 641 R.F.O. 13 50588 Stem, Ellis R. Ia 270 50588 Yon, Wyatt Schaller NW 461 315 Loki Avo. 50588 Yon, Wyatt LIStie NW 141 P.O. Bo• 313 50588

WOODBINE Finbn, Dwight H. Ia 426 51579 YALE Mallory , Or. Victor A. Kans 351 50277

Jimmy Junior Colo A&M 2B 67730


la~o;.·p~o~f!!~rn:. 52~7 2

ABBYVILLE Bachus, Ntbon Eugana Kans 603 67510


COLBY Boster, F11nklln J. KSt 564 180South lincoln 61701 Criss, Blaint E. KSt 435 SBOW., ChlfTY 67101 Gamtt, Gary A. KSt 577 765 South Rango 67701 McCialland, lynn A. KanSt 499 155 S. School67701 Underwood, Robert Dewey 635 W. 4th St. 67701 Wolf, J1m11 L KSt 633 925 EIS18th St 67701 Wooftar, Donald l. KanSt496 RFO S11r 67701 Wooftar, Frankl. KSt 568 790 w. 5th 67701

BAVARIA McCormick, Gtorva l. KensSt 438 67419

CONCORDIA Yost, Gto(JI KSt 390 717 W. 7th 66901

BELLEVILLE Munger, Eugana F. Kans 338 R.F.D. 66935 RoiMen, Joseph Raymond KansSt 294 11D2·20th 66935 Ward, NalsonJ011ph Kans20 66935

CONWAY SPRINGS Enervr1n, John Hanry Kans 577 R.R. 11 67031 Small, Robert Chalmtr, Jr. Kans 502 67031

BELOIT Mean, Char1es 0. KSt 560 R.R. I3 67420 BELPRE HoMII, Jan Jerome Kans 633 67519 BELVUE Stegner, I. Frtd CMS 104 66407 BENTON Chappla, Gordon R. Bod467017


BERRYTON Fo~er, Robart R. Cor 481 Rt. 1 66409 BETHEL Hitt,Ward Kans307 7115 Lafoytttt 66009 BIRO CITY Senden, W1ynt K. KSt 333 67731 BREWSTER 01wes, Donald W. KansSt 524 67732 Eicher, Jonathan W. KanSt 610 R.R.II 67732 Ktck, Pflilip R. KansSt 621 R.R. 1 67732 BROUGHTON Chapman, Mtrt A. KSt 559 67426 BURLINGTON Sheets, Willis Ardtn KSt 383 R.R. 13 66839


CENTERVILLE Breutf, JtrTV Faaldon KansSt415 RR 2 66014 CHANUTE Blughn, Robert E. Kans 692 Routt 4, Box 21 66720 Johnson, Carroll F. Kans 124 417 W. 6th St 66720

TRII'OLI Wwntr, William H. It 200 50676

ABILENE Akins, Howard 0. KansSt 341 Box 11167410 Helltr, Stmoel Raymond Harv 220 67410 Royer, '-.11 H. IC.ans 146 67410

CHERRYVALE OakJuf, lovtU Randall Kans 191 67335

TRURO Jordan, John R. laSt 581 50257

ADA Wllloy, Albin Eu,... K...St 351 67414

CLAFLIN Schaffer, Raymond C. KSt 575 Bo• 5267525

TOLEDO Sti91r. Co~ 8. Chi 30 52342

COFFEYVILLE Chowning, Oltlr C., Jr. lora 605 1310 W. 8th St 67337 Cloan, Roy H. Kans 271 335 67337 Otvil, Elbert Fay Okla 545 311 fiS111th St 67337 Hottman, Anthony N. OklaSt484 R. 3 67337 Je011n, K.-.ttn Ray K....St 323 1110 W. Filth 67337 Rotaltr, Ramon 0. KSt 466 1407 Colllinl 67337

BALDWIN Robbins, James W. MSM 3B P.O. Box 391 66006



CLEARWATER Griof,JohnW. 111641 RFD II 67026 Hlggira, R. G., D.D.S. KSt 489 Bo• 276 67026

COLUMBUS Krugar, John H. KansSt 506 429 S. Minnesota 66725 Pyne, Char1es L KansSt 515 R.R. 166725


SUTHERLAND Hilton, Raymond R. It 509 301 Moson 51058 1


CALDWHL Dierking, Clar1nca H. Kans 247 66009 Dltiking, loMII C. Kans 708 67022 Johnson, Richard William

STORY CITY Wiggin, Arthur Verna laSt 199 50248


ATCHISON S.uta, Robart M. KanSt 525 R.R. 2 66002

WAUCOMA JKk, Claranc:e James laStl86 52171

WELLMAN Ruagseggar, Garv l. laSt 613 52356

SIOUX CENTER S.ndbultt, Wilbur G. laSt 639 110 Founh Avo., N.E. 51260

ASHLAND Fox, loyd Otis Kans 573 67831

CLAY CENTER Bon1ott. Lany E. KonSt 495 221 Frodorick 87432 Lard, GoA A. KSt 600 Box 215 67432 Nobon, D~.. KSt 368 739 Dum St. B7432 ~. Horvld Loo Kwo 360 72111 Filth 67432 Wnner, W'lllilm Kar.St 86 Box18 67432

CORNING Jtffary, Gilbert Cl1rt KansSt 350 66417 COTTONWOOD FALLS Dodgt, Staphen A. Kan~674 Routa 1 66845 CUMMINGS Ande110n, Frad E. CoiSU 24 R. F. 0. 66016 DANVILLE Ptdtn, Ronald K. Kans 734 67036 DERBY Sturm, Wallat:t L Kans 495 122 Morv~nd 67037 DIGHTON Churth, Gerald M. KansSt 537 67839 Honeyman, William Allen KansSt 362 67839 MeLlish, Stephen CoiSU 209 Box 143 67839 DODGE CITY Caughron, Raymond 0. KanSt204 904 Conllll Avo. 67801 Cau~ron , Slmutl M. KansSt 240 904 Cantral Ave. 67801 Wilson, John S. Dan 38 A&A OrugSton W. Wyatt Ea., Blvd. & ht 67801 DOUGLASS Britton, Roy Okla 646 508 Willow Rd. 67039 DOWNS Yost, larry Martin KIOSSt 420 67437 DUQUOIN Elmofl, Donald L Kw649 RR 1 67040 EDSON Hou•. Hattan 0. KSt 544 67733 ELDORADO Braman, Stanlay Wtldon KansSt 410 Rt4 67042 Otrsttin, Robert L KansSt 458 409 Fraz itf 67042 loyd, Arthil R. KSt 157 116 North Summit 67042 Nuttfe, J1mes R., Jr. KSt 408 R.R. II 67042 Rltthey, ctar\: L KansSt 574 1018 Porit Avo. 67042 Rucktrt, Henry C. KansSt 449 Rt. 4 67042 ELLIS Homier, Robert Keith K...St 331 200 R. . St. 67637 Sttbbiris, John R. KSt 177 205 W'dliams SL 67637


Wonn, Curtis M., 11 KonSt 501 402 W. 12th St. 67801 W., Muwoll P. KoooSt 243 402W. 12thSt67601

Collinga, Or.I.Wn J. KSt 388 711 Pnlril Avo. 66101 F'onnoy, SolomonM. KSt138 1111-nic 66101 Mondo, Conoll W. KlniSt 212 -SIIIOI66801


M64 407- F'rlth 67060

ESKRIDGE McWIHiom&, Eorf J. KlniSt 100

HEALY Comelilon, Klrnth R. Kn 741 67850

86423 EUREKA Agrolius, CioirT- Kwo308

c./0 Je,_n a So01 Produce 61045 Podrojo, E.,_d Emil Kons 170 Bo• 206 67045 Wiggins, Willilm E. K..St 514 R.R. 3 67045 Wiggir., William Henry KaOISt 263 R01111 3 87045 EVEREST · Eorf Them. KonsSt 105 66424

HERINGTON Th=n, Frod M. Kwo 55 HIAWATHA Nk:hols, Arthur l., Jr. Kn 462 410 Nonh 7th Mo. 66434 ra, ChiNs l . Kans 599 86434 ra, Oonlld C. 1(.,. 594

66434 Whlll, .._A. K...St 81 R.R. 5 66434

FAIRVIEW Eiltnbila, Ct.t. Warrtn Kens 643 86425 Shoffor, GIO(JI 8. KIIW 726 86425

HIGHLAND Strunk, Hert.n Rankin Kans 602 66035

FALL RIVER Brown, llwftnee Edwin K....St 236 67047

HOISINGTON Rico, Lany L KIIW 660 Rice Drug Co., Box 29 67544 Willson, Thom~~ D. DkJa 732 219 E. Silnh St 67544

FT. LEAVENWORTH Hoffmoisllr, LTC R. A. Col522 38 Hancick Avtnue 66027

HOLYROD Seitz, Gaorga K. Kans 725 67450

FT. SCOTT Comstock, Gary l . Kn 786 202 N. Eddy St. 66701 Sonnaman, Btft E. Kn 169 1209 Burt.o St. 66701

HOWARD Alexander, Car1 B. Okla 54 67349 Martley, Dr. John R. KaOISt 430 67349 Pertins, Glenn 0. Karw322 67349

FREDONIA Gilstrap, Dick A. Karw 646 P.O. Box 69 66736 Gilstrap, Jamas W. Kerw 676 P.O. Bo• 69 66736 Holland, Ralph A. Kans 673 R.R. 12 66736 Muaatt, Jamec Rav KensSt 343 815 Waofllngton 66736 Ru.II, LH Sloan KansSt 317 R.R. 4 66736 RuaaU, Or1in V. KensSt 299 508 N. 9th St 66736

HOXIE Johns.on, Darryl! R. KaOISt 540 67140 Moa, Max R. KSt 546 67140 Pntt, Frod L. CoiSU 190 1400 E. Shtridln 67740 HUDSON Chrinl,..., Sllnloy E. KSt 561 67545

FULTON lyons, lauranca E. Kans 679 R.R . 11 66738

HUGOTON Schmidt, Jama:s Henry Colo 42B 610 Harrison St. 67951

GARDEN CITY Bur1in, Robart Oamll Mo 567 302 N. 11th St,..t 67846 Oonntlly, Jtrrt L KSt 547 1608 N. 10th 67846 McClung, Ralph W. Kan 542

HUMBOLDT Annal, Nathaniel Amos Kans 224 1106 Ctnllll66748 Willi1ms, Claraoc:e St1nley, Jr. KansSt 312 1002Eim St. 66748


c/o McClung &Payne Pflarmacy 67846 Schradar, Milwlrd C. Kans373 1602 Did Minor Rd. 67846 V-. Alfnd E. CMS 19 606 Nonh 12th St. 67846 Whipps, loran E. KSt 288 Garden City Exp. Station 67846 GARNETI Fanis, Richard Willi1m Kans 440 66032 GAYLORD CoS~~;btn D. CMS 26 GEM Rttd, Marshall l. KansSt 522 R.R. 67734 GODDARD Grwne, Larry E. KSt 581 R.R. II 67052 Lamp , Roa L. KSt 556 R.R. 167052 GOODLAND Amtrinct, Tommy B. KansSt 457 1503 ChtrTV Strttt 61735 Harding, llny F. KIOSSt 454 1121 Walnut SL 67735 Hou•. Norman K. KansSt 468 R. 2, Bo• 72 67735 Ihrig, larry L. KSt 461 Rt. 2, Box 54 67135 Jamtt, Rodnty R. KSt 523 Box 263 61735 Poling, Cleo T. KtnsSt 483 1510 ChlfTY St. 67735 TNter, Elddtn J. Mlch 277 Bo• 444 67735 Thompson, HaMY D. KSt 596 416 East 10th StrMt 67135 Zitl kt, Arthur T. KSt 557 1005 An:ade St. 67135 GREATBEND Pftiftr, Norman I. KansSt 529 1301 Harding 67530 GREENLEAF Bemar, lortn R. KSt 163 66943 HALSTEAD Wtbsttr, Georga M. Kn 362 402 Main St 67056 HARPER Brown, Owid T. Kans 753 1602 South P'in1 6705B Hunter, William R. Kans 696 116E. 11th67058 HAYS Bnthour, John R. K...St 394 Experiment Station 67601


HUTCHINSON Blodgett, Ktnntth R. Kans417 716 Wolcott Building 67501 Burt, Clarence l . Kans17 211 Hyde Part. Dr. 67301 Gf'llntrt. Wayne E. KSt 549 300 w. 13th 67501 Haxton, William R. NW 62B 805 Loo St- 67501 Hodgson , Kaith 0 . KansSt 300 66 Cirt:lt Orivt 67501 leslie, Ron~ld L. Kans 710 3000 A Tul1nt Place 67501 M1nney, Charles H. Okla 234 l11 ·29th Coun 67501 Pattinson, OII'Win G. Kans233 P.O. Boll: 95 67501 Smith, Robart L Kan~487 311 Curtis 67501 Tipton, Don E. laSt 415 27 w. 23nl67501


.... I

INDEPENDENCE Borklung, Maurita K. 111584 601 N. 9th 67301 FIUrt, Gtorvt K. KansSt 256 910 Cr1:1Ctnt OriYt 67301 ShlfWOod, laon Art:hibald S. Kans 227 717 E. Poplar67301 lOLA Stohr, John W. KSt345 R.R. 12 66749 JOHNSON JOSIIf'lnd, EmtfV Fr1nklin Kans 485 67855 Josserand, lvan l • K101 513 67855 JUNCTION CITY McClusby, Ktith E. KansSt 471 R.R. I3 66441 Pbole, John Garmann K1nsSt 282 Routt 2 66441 Simpson, Robert l . KST 548 117£. 4th 66441 KANSAS CITY Cranston, St19htn D. Kans 746 3728 Booth, Apt. 766103 Dey, Harry Ellsworth KanSt 162 11 11 N. 19th 66102 Fishburn, Albert M. Wyo 49 1105 N. 22nd St. 66102 Grwy, Ho uston~ Kan 446 4700 u-nwonh Rd. 66104 Hanis, Curtis C. Kans 731 1821 s. 32nd 661 06 Heda:rom. Fr.nk L, Jr. Kana7 11 760 Osaga Awrwe 66105 L.osllo, Goorgo S. KonsSt 543 2601Wost 40th 66103 Mc labh, Jomos D. CoiSU 168 3110 s. 10th I'IICI66103 Ricord, Dorian Paul K.nSt 50 4318 Adorns 661 03 1>--25

Soawy, Thomas B., Jr. CMS 59

3920 Stetelint 66103 Taylor, John A., Jr. Kan 792



Dixon, Will Gill Kaos 217 67074

!;47WtstValtBivd. 66102

Watkins, Thomas Eugene Kens 450 1605 Wood 66104 Wttmore, Atvin Virvil Kens 97 1914 W. 43nl St. A. 66 103 KECHI

Sholtus. Daniel H. Okle 223 Box 3867067 KINCAID

Rogier, l.awffnct G. KanSt 500 66039

Rogier, Thom• K. KansSt 442 66039

Waddell, Ro nald G. Kens 680 66039


Washington, HallChel lawrence Kans218 67B61 LtRDY

Birkbeck, James S. KansSt 511 R.R. 266B57 LIBERAL

Baughman, Robert W. Kens 389 Box 1178 67901

Boles, Aeymond A. KensSt 225 R.R. 11 67901

Bondurant. EartH. Kans 324

Kabler, l evi L Kens 104 67068

Roger D. KansSt 486 411 North Beltimora 67864 Hiii,' Aicherd Hastings Kens 498 67864

324 West 7th St67901 Martz, Roy Marion KansSt 202

515 N. Jordon67901 Moora, Harold D. OklaSt 387 620 N. Tulane 67901

Moore, Thomas K. Kens 760 8613 Glenwood 66212 Neff, Franklin W. lnd 403 902BWodd66212

Osborne, Gary C. lnd 613 9726 Eby 66212


Eggleston, Joseph Raymond Kans 399 67104

Werrtn, Jimmy D. KtnsSt 611 816 North Main 67104

Ailey, Lt. Col. Harold B. Cor 273 6715W. BB 66212

Seibert, Edwin A. Evens 38 10401 Outlook Or. 66207 Sherpe, William E. Kens 556

Milllf, Stanley H. Kens 507 B810W. 66th St66203

Plttus, l arry T. Ktns 697 5133 Lowoll 66203 MILTONVALE

Palmer, Welter G. Nebr 487 P.O. Box 152 67106 MINNEAPOLIS

McMillen, Benedick l. Kens 205

Shepherd, Don l . CoiSU 105 9B05 W. 99th Ttrract 66212

Steinman, Gordon N. KansSt 623 5901 W. 94th Terrace 66212

Stout, louis E. Kens635 5507 W. 9B Ttrr. 66207

Stretcher, John H. KensSt 388 7133 Conser 66204 Teet, larry l . Kens 763 10131 Roe Ave. 66207 Wilken, Arnold A. UCLA 113 9224 Somerset Or. 66207 Wilken, Arnold A., Jr. UCLA 84 9224 Somerwt Or. 66207

67467 KIOWA

Hughes, Glen E. Okla 239 67070


Walters, Alvin E. Kans 435 LA CROSSE


leonard, Daniel A. Kens 740 P.O. Box 1 67880 LARNED


Browning, Omar Olin KansSt 38 66052 LITTLE RIVER

Buchanan, Bruce l eRoy KansSt 302 67457

Buchanan, Guy Ray KansSt 205

Haas, John C. KSt 509 306West 15th 67550

Fry, leRoy Frank KensSt 278

Reed, Hany D. KensSt 48 604 W. 7th Strut 67550

Hodgson, Charles W. KSt 283

Abrahamson, D. F. Ill Wes 23 944 l e'M"'nct Ave. 66044 BeisKklr, Thomas D.. Kans 714 2564 Cedarwood 66044

Bradshaw,GeorgeWatson Kens326 1641 Mississippi St. 66044 Branson, Guy B. LBS 79 1734 Engel Rd ., 1325 66044

Collier, Creighton C. Okla 466 616 Country Club Terrace 66044 Craig, Herold l. Kens517 1322 Mas:sachu•tts 66044 Crown, Robert Ahtn Ken 793 403 Homestaad Or. 66044 Donnelly, William A. Kens 665 1520 Stratford Road 66044 Heussner, John C. NU 643 902 w. 25th 66044

Hedrick, Georye G. KSU BO 735 Sunset Or. 66044 Hoover, Kelvin V. Kens 273 2240 Vermont 66044 Howe, Oevid J. Kens 703 1322 W. 19 Tarrace 66044 Hu nsinger, Wilfred Christian Kans 349 1136TenntssH66044 Jones, Jacob 0. Kans 54 1642 Mississippi 66045 Kemb, Alan H. Syr 366 2005 Mitchell Road 66044 Kyner, DavidS. Kens 719 1224 Wast 19th 66044 Leasure, Thomas J. KansSt 20B 809 Vermont St. 66044 Montgomary , Fred Samuel Kans 298 2033 Tennessee 66044 Nelson, John H. Cor217 Dept. of English University of Kansas 66044 Nichols, Landon Ariz45 1812 Brook St. 66044 Osborn, Lynn A. Kens 579 3033 Steven Drive 66044 Ryther. Thomas C. Kens 296 1914 Maine St. 66044 Santet, Wn Kans612 1123 Indiana 66044 Storer, OavidW. Kens 735 1724 Mississippi 66044 Stubeck, John F. Kans 490 936 Kentucky 66044

ver1 ~irN:~c~~~k ~Sg:143

Wt!inaug, Cart 0 . Kens 748 1643 Stratford Ad. 66044 Young, John Baxter Kens 393 601 Louisiana St. 66044 LEAVENWORTH Dr8$$8r, Herold Guy Kans 441 902·6th Ave. 66048 James, Elrt A. Pur 557 210 Broadway Terrace 66048 LEAWOOD Alt, Eugene E. 111602 10322 lea Ad. 66206 Bailty, Ktith E. KSt 363 3505 w. 97th Pl. 66206 Gininger, JessaN. Mo295 10319 High Drive 66206 Johnson, lowell A. Mo 278 4120W. 95St.66206 Kipfer, Howard L KSt 229 9526 ln Blvd. 66206 Norby, Duane A. Minn 495 10304 lee Blvd. 66206 Ross, Walter R. Kens 765 9018 Mohawk Rd. 66206 Strope, Maxwell L. Kens 260 8025 Loe Blvd. 66206

Wilson, Chari• E. OklaSt 138 9200 Betindar Ad. 662tl6 LEBANON

Regan, Bill Calvin Netw 480 66952

LENEXA Womack, louis C. Tex 144 I 19th 6 Antioch Road 66210 0-20

Moody, Relph leland Kens 627

67457 67457 67457

Hodgson, Irvin George KansSt 275 67457 LOUISBURG

Plaisted, larry D. Kans744 c/o C. Pritchard, R. 2 66053 LYNDON

Hughes, Robert leroy Kel'l!i 534 66451 LYONS

Benefiel, lloyd John NW205

Bltckmen, Eert A. Ktns 305 6104 Buena Vista 66222 Frashier, Kenneth M. KSt 513 5816HoMDr. 66222 Granger, Edward l. Kens 488



Hapgood, lany L KSt 580 923 S. Maple 67460 Johnson, Ralph Fred Kens 387 419 South Astl67460 Kubin, Edison T. KSt 624 Box 628 67460 Ruppenthal, lloyd H. Kens 274 Bo11 657 67460 MANHATTAN

Andrews, Arthur Clinton KensSt 338 902 Aatone 66502 Dnyar, l ester H. KensSt 11 2208 CedarAcres66502 Foltz, Vernon Daniel KansSt 183 1210NorthJuliene 66502 Ford, Kennay l. KSt 139 B21 Wildcat Ridge 66502 Frey, lester R. KSt 148 R.R. 4 66502

Frey, John C. KansSt 173 2211 College Ave. 66502 Gingrich, Randolph Forney Nebr 264 1731 Hu mbolt 66502 Griffing, Ward C. KSt 103 820 Northfield 66502 Griffing, Willis G. KSt 104 820 Northfield 66502 Harwood, Dr. Nathan KensSt71 1300 NorthJuliette66502 Klein, D. K. KSt 504 1913AndenonAve. Apt 106 66502 McNeil, Elbtrt 0 . Colo 308 2020 Hunting Ave.66502 Mulan1.11 , Roger l. KSt 595 2222 College Heights Ad. 66502 O' Fallon, Dr. 0 . K. KansSt 425 232 Summet66502 Pu!Jdey, Alban l. Harv 398 DeanofAdminist11tion Kans. Stell College 66502 Ransopher, Silas M. KensSt4 74 700 Ehler Rd. 66502 Sandell, Herbert W. Karu 409 2345 Grandview 66502 Seaton, Ray Andrew KensSt 99 731 leavenworth 66502 Shanline, Rix D. Kens 528 2406 Rebecca Rd. 66502 Unger, Samuel G. KSt485 5009 Wayne Dr. 66502 WISdom, Lawrence l. KSt 250 1733 Ander10n 66502 MANKATO Rogtrt, Dennis R. KansSt 429 66956

MAPLE Hill Adams, Warner KensSt 125 66507

MARIENTHAL Kalbach, Galen l. KSt573 67863

MARYSVILLE Wolgast, Onwy E. KtnsSt 101 1504 Elm St. 66503

Elliott, Plul M. Kens 683 12 Overtaill Drive 66071 PHILLIPSBURG

Childs, Robert M. KSt 587 107F. Street 67661

5B24 El Monm 66222

Kally, Ferrtl C. Kans691 5122 Rosewood Drive 66222 lyons, MarshallS. Ken 794 5501 Barklll'l 66222

Masser, Anthony OkleSt 542 6006 W. 57th St. 66222

Rick, Herold S.D. Kans 396 4922 W. 58th St 66222

Sewrson, Wayne E. laSt 411 63 18 Beverly Or. 66200 Thies, Jerome H. KensSt 433 4806 West 66th St. 66222

Thies, Wayne E. KensSt 402 4806 w. 66th 66222

Welker, Fomt K. Kans 672 5624 Ash Orive 66222

White, William l. KensSt 520 4913 Canterbury 66205 Willdermood, lynn D. Kens 705 5532lamar66222 MOUND CITY

Dey, Richard Eugene KensSt 423 66056


Wahl, Edward Kens 406

67119 PAD LA


Brooks, Robyn O.G. KSt 588 4{)2 S. Douglas 67554 Tobias, Ansel Welter KansSt 249

Jater, Thomas Homer Kens 625


Haas, Chester W. KanSt 194 1207 Kansas Ave. 67550




Bizek, Clifford Charta KensSt 404 67!;48



Panzer, Herman A.. KansSt 406


Hendrax, layman E. ColoStU 710 Jackson 67871 Rats, Howell T. Kens 261 67871 SEDGWICK

Caliendo, Daniel J. Kens 716 407 W. Seventh St. 67135 Shoger, Billy J. OklaSt 347 67135


Humbu111. Gene ColoSU 51 Route 11 , Box 74 67560 linn, ThomasA. Kans721 222 North Penn 67560


Eakin, Terry C. Den 131 316 W. Washington 66762 McKee, Dick B. Kens 240 3rd Fir., Nat'! Bank Bldg. 66762 Rati, Robert 0. Kens 701 406 E. Jackson 66762 Ruswll, Gene E. OklaSt 266 505WestFim66762 PLEASANTON

Hoag, Harshall Kitch Kans375 66075 PRAIRIE VILLAGE

Amos, Frederick C. Kens356 7415 Roe Ave. 6620B

Ferguson, George W. Mo 524 5225 W. 70th St. 6620B

Gibson, Pat E. KensSt 436 5002 West 71 Ternee 66208 Kennedy, Elbert S. Mich 453 2304 W. 103 Terr. 66206 Morris, Kenneth l. Kens 455 4134 West 72nd Temce 66208 Nivens, Frank A. Kens 335 4234 W. 94th Terr., Apt. Z11 6620 Smith, Horace A.. 111512 4610W. 82nd Terr. 66208 PRATT


Eberle, Cecil H. KansSt 274

Cooley, larry Norton Kans 626 415 S, High Street 67124


Hetzel, Emat V. NW 194 Box 36 67114 Sizemore, Petrick A. Kens 742 2Ambleside67114 Willis, Jack Raymond Kens 570 16 Circle Drive 67114 NORTH TOPEKA

Bolz, George Adam KensSt 40 R.F.O. 3 66608


Gentle,lre J. Kans666 P.O. Box 2166767 QUINTER

Pickett, He11Chel A. KensSt 507 BoK191 67752 RANDOLPH

Byartay,AtfredW. KensSt 15 665!;4


Hicks, Theron Wright KansSt 175 Stete Highway Dept. 67654 NORTONVILLE

Mauzey, Stephen Edward KenSt 616


Hodges, Gerold E. KensSt 441 66B6B

Hodges, Russell E. KansSt 469 A.A. 2 6686B


Johnson, lynn R. KSt 589

Keefer, Robert leroy Kans 582 67753


lothm, John E. Cor 262 1004 E. Elm St. 66061 lothe11, John E., Jr. OkleSt 292 1004 E. Elm St . 66061 lothen, William T. OklaSt 249

Riederer, Howard Henry Kans 410 67574 RULETDN

Nelson, larry A. KansSt 464 677!;4

1004 E. Elm St. 66061 RUSSELL OSAGE CITY

Machamer. Roger J. KSt 481 66523

OSAWATOMIE Clerico , Joe T. Kans 733 1114 Main St. 66064 Flint, David l. Kans 757 721 Brown Avtnue 66064 OTTAWA Bowen, Benjamin Franklin Kens 46 66067

Christie, Rex West Kens 436 66067

Kelly, Ray B. Okla 225 916 N. Cedar 66067 OVERLAND PARK Frey , Robert C. Mo 532 9709 W. 105th Temu 66212 Grayson, Roy David Kens 134 Box 87 66204 Hoffman,John Kans568 5900 West 88th Ternce 66207 Jones, Ronald D. OkltSt 317 10706 West 96th Place66214 King, James W. Ark 47 7515 Kesslar66204 Kuasnicka, Allan J. KSt 554 9611 West91st St. 66212 McCool, Wilbur P. Kens 509 7504 N. 80th St. 66204 Mnn. Jerome 8. OklaSt 293 8814 Newton Drivt 66212

McCobb, Allan P. KSt 590 243 S. Kansas 67665 Steinle, John David Kans220 67665

SABETHA Wempe, Donald lee KansSt 369 66534 ST. JOHN

Cole, Clelland Kans 339 East3rd Road 67576 SA LINA Bellard, Manhall P., Jr. KSt 470 824 Plaza Drive 67401 Brent , Roger H. KanSt 531 671 South 3rd 67401 Dodge, Allan W. Kens 60 104 East Iron Ave. 67401 Duckers, Keith Grafton KensSt 355 StJohn's Military School 67401 Dugger, Vietor B. Calif 332 849 Pearl Avenue674{)1 Goucher, Joel L P. Nebr 600 638 Max Suwet 67401 Jennings, Stephen l. Kens662 521 Wayne Strttt67401 langei, Evtran Adam OhioSt 343 c/o Jo Mar Dairies Co. 67401 Rauh, Joe Russell KansSt 417 417 Country Club Ad. 67401 Riley. William M. KSt 527 844 Kennison Rd. 67401 Sellers, Ben A. KtnsSt 248 349 Sunset Drive 67401

Green, W. O., Jr. Okll718 3635 Windsor Court 66604 Graen, William 0. Okll 720 3635 Windsor Court 66604 Hawkinson, Kanneth C. KansSt 141 3233 Westowr Ad. 66604 Johnson, Marvin Emil Kans413 1405 Burnett Road 66606 Johnson, Richard l. Kens 749 731 Partview 66606 Jona, William A. Mo 618 1243 W. 32nd 66611

5711 W. 84th St. 66207 MERRIAM Hoywanl, Robert W. NH 19B 8614 W. 56 Torr. 66203

807 N. CIIIY 67901

Davis, Charles Edward Colo 420 KINGMAN Cox, Mervin Metvin Kens 464 670GB

Br~nnan ,


Kntuss, lyle McKinley Kan:s 235 923 lane St. 66606 Litter, Donald 0 . KSt 432


McGinness, Charla S. Kens 720


Carter, Ralph Marlin Colo 472 Ouphome, Calvin F. KansSt 310

1115 Bllliord 66604

Stone, Ralph Allen Kans 617 67758

P.O. Box 1217 66601

McKenzie, Clyde 0. KSt 451

Taylor, James Edward Kens 623 6775B SHAWNEE

Noble, Gilbert G10111e KensSt 245 12208 Wast 64th St. Tarr. 66216 Ranfrow, Keith E. CentMoSt 44 11824Johns:on Or. 66203 Swarner, William E. Kans 253 11107 Johnson Or. 66203 SHAWNEE MISSION

Abouhelkeh, T. A. Tex 337 9705 Blue Jacket 66214 Ahlenius, Rev. Robt. 0. IW 8 6108 W. 76th Tomeo 6620B

Altvater, Thomas S. CMSC 179 3613 W. 47th St. 66205

Archer, Rex D. KSt 324 3606 w. 50th 66205

Ash, Robert M. Minn 423 5356 Buena Vista 66205 Bassett, James 0 . KSt 452 7124 Grandview Dr. 66204 Carter, John E. Okla 279 9829 lee Blvd. 66206 Chatburn, George R. Nebr 273 5306 Aberdeen Road 66205 Coble, MuW. KSt203 8711 High Drive 66206 Cochran, Claude V. Kans 263 5620 Cherokee Circle 66205 Cox, Charles C. Kens 314 2120W. 50th Terr. 66205 Davidson, Harry L KensSt 151

R.R. B 66604

Peterson, Kenny l. Kens 722 1708 Huntoon 66604 Pfuetze, Robert E. KansSt 226 1800 Westwood Dr. 66606 Phelps, Daniel F. Kans 747 1604 Wobsttr 66604

Prieken, David E. KSt 330 At. B 66604

Rector, Kenneth E. KSt 182 1900 Medford 66604 Aoberts, Jemes T. KenSt 184 c/o Norman Roberts 1304 McAllister 66604 Roberts, Norman l., Jr. KensSt 147 1304 McAlester 66604 Robinson, Georye A. KSt 315 3605 Crestwater Drive 66606 Shnb, Donald E. KSt 393 5524 Wast 27th Terrm 66614

Shideler, Donald Ira KenSt 379 Route 866604 Shideler, Philip E. KSt 378 Route 866604 Showalter, Dennis E. KSt 385 4320 w. 10th 66604

Singleton, James M. Mo 658 5619 W. 17th St. Terrace 66604 Stutz, John Godfrey Chi 157 1321 lakeside 66604 Thiel, Justice Walter G. Kens 65 1828 Oakley 66604 Ukele, Clifford H. KSt 327 2312 Medilane lane 66614 Vernon, Glenn E. Kens 529

2533W. 89th St. 66206

Fischer, Wm. R. KSt 550 7348 Royalty Way, Apt. 201 66203 Fosmire, Robert 0 . KSt 269 4830 Belinder 66205 Frangkiser, MichaeiJ . KSt 572 9815Aberdeen 66206 Getchell, Dale Colo 396 B105W. 91n 66212

Granger, Milton l. NU 742 5824 El Monte Or. 66205 Gray, Frank C. CMS 43 5808 West 61st Terraee66202 Howell, Artan N. Kans 756 10415 Woodson Drive 66207 Kincaid, Hinm E. 111329 5350 Norwood Road 66205 love, William H., Jr. Kans 550 5422 Aberdeen Rd. 66205 Moora, KennethW. lnd 115 5307 Falmouth 66205 Morgen, Joseph V. KST 354 8422 Beverly Drive 66207 Pinder, Samuel H. Kans 473 4937 Parrish66205 Rice, Clarence T. Kens 102 lakaview Village, Apb. 512A 66217 Rush, David 0 . Kans 668 9531 Beverly 66212 Sheldon, Floyd A. le 168 2318W. 79Terrece 66208 Sheldon, Joseph G. Kens545 2318 W. 79th Terrace 66208 Smith, Rollin J. KSt 110


Wilke, Kenneth M. Kans 732 1218 Garfield 66604 Woody, John A. KSt 558 5008 Brentwood Ad. 66606 Zinn, James M. KSt 444 R. 12 N.W. 70th St 66608 TOWANDA

Meyers, Robert l. KSt 427 425 N. 9th Street 67144 Wilson, Richard K. KensSt 456 Box37 67144 TRIBUNE

Firner, HenryW., Jr. Kans511 67B79 TRDY

Calnan, Char1es Kens 644 660B7

Twombly, Thomes R. KSt 562 66087

Van Bebber, George T. Kens 563 660B7 UTICA

McBee, Gary E. Kens 729 67584 VALLEY FALLS

Anderson. l ewis K. KansSt 213 66088

Hefty, Donald G. K1nSt 498

2625W. 50th66205

Stewart, Charta A. Kens 752 1900Wat 48th Terr. 66205 Wann , WilfredC. Herv192 2201 W. 49th Terr. 66205 Wann, Wilfred C., Jr. Kans 520 2201 West 49th T&mce 66205 Wetzel, Eugene G. Kans 536 9419Wenonga 66207 Wilhelmsen, Roy A. Mo 518 9120 Delmar 66207 Wood, FrancisS. Kens411 212DW. 51n66205

SPRINGHILL Henderson, John l yman KensSt 232 66083 STOCKTON

Griebel, John P. KansSt 460 67669


Moore, Hugh Isaac KensSt222 66546 WAKEENEY

Daines, Gany l ee KeruSt 615 R.R. #2, Box 83 67672 WALLACE Pearce, Cecil W. KensSt 541 67761 WALNUT

Fugate, Thomes Wayne Colo 505 667BO WALTON

Ten Eyck, George Robert KansSt 367 Box 122 67151

STRAWN Bolin, Clyde L KSt 508 Box 87 66839




Boy, Gordon F. KSt 291 Box 645 67878 TOPEKA Ash , Elliott A. lnd 76

2815 Virgini• 66605 Cerlet, Gary K. KSt 478 RR#7 66604

Carman, F. J. Ken 499 2315

w. 13th 66604

Chapman, Forrest Merle Ktn 443 South'M!stern Btll Telephone Co. 66604 Clark, Robart L KansSt 439 4751 West 11th Terrect66604 Cox , Billy A. KensSt 418 3400 Oakley 66814 Edson, Donald P. KtnsSt 440 R.R. I166605

Fortmeyer, Charles R. KSt 563 1101 Orluns 66604 Frtitnmuth, Emil J. Kan 352 1642 Withdun 66611 Ginter, Marvin louis KansSt 422 Rt. 7 66604

Schowengerdt, Maury Neal Mo 284 63383

Pugh, Marcel Richard Kens 457 BoK 51 66547 WEBER

Vtle,Sterr Cedric KensSt 12 66970 WEIR

BHn, Roy A. CMS 16 c/o A. l. Green 667B1 WElliNGTON HoH, Eryll Fremont Kens 437 The Monitor Press67152 Prather, Kirt l. Kens 686 1407 No. Perk 671 52 WETMORE

Z..btt, Kenneth P. Kem695 86550 WICHITA

Alttn, Jtck H. Ktm575 460 Pamela 67212 Berchtold, Donald V. Pur 535 9901

w. 3rd 672 12

Block, Ouono W. KSt 555 133 S. Pinocrat 61218 Blollln, U.Onco M. Mo 683 924 North Glondolo 67208 Brodloy, EVIfllll. Kons 234 5 CrwMow lokos 67220 Bn~dley , OMII Ktns 242 1495 HoiiiOSllld 61214 Brown, Chotla S. Oklo 724 1600 N. Ridgewood Or. 67208 Colovon, Loub M. Oklo A&M 54 1500 E. Douslos 67207 C.rr, Wilmot D. Kn346 475 S. Blor:kloy Or. 67208 Cole, Virgil B. Mo 259 207 N. Parkwood Lono 67208 Co Ioney , Robert A. Kan 386 6628 Zimmerly Ct. 67207 Consolvlr, George P. Mo 456 443 S. CIII!My 6720B Crta, Allan M. Ill 547 1517 Floberti6720B Dnies, James D. Mo 460 201 N. Br01dview 67208 DMes, Robert M. Kens 736 201 N. Broadview 67208 DIVis, John W., Jr. Ktns 738 1550 N. TerrKe Or. 67208 Orxhenbtrg, DIIYid A. MSM 50 5803 Belleire67218 Duphome, Ronald D. Ktns 601 1609 So. Yale 67218 Fletcher, Worth Alben lnd 124 Municiptl Univ. of Wichitt 67208 Folk.IB, Richard D. Kans 759 340 Jotnn 67203 Gibson, Johnny Robert Kans 638 715 Hirem 67213 Grandle, Robert l. KtnsSt 349 4938 Sullivan Rd. 67204 GriYIS, John l., Jr. Okla 525 9100 Beklmeyer lane 67212 Hammel, Otvid W. Minn 597 3401 Mt. Vernon 67218 Hodges, George A. Kans 284 226 S. Pinecrest 67218 Hook, Darwin 0. laSt 414 2326 Rodbud 67204 Hulbert, Richard C. NU 467 555 Fourth National Bk. Bldg. 67201 Johnson, Everett Walltce Mo 127 106 West Douglas 67202 Kinzit, Ray W. Kans 718 P.O. Box 56 67201 lHndertse, Peter H. KansSt 268 4001 W. 39th St. So. 67217 lester,AllenV. Mo366 1461 Parry 67203 ltwis, Clay W. Mo 126 108 S. Hillside 67211 lindwall, Allan B. Kans 667 612 S. Sycemore 67213 long, Fnmk W. Kens 408 942 N. Mission Rd. 67206 Loseke, Fred W. KSt 473 1010 Wicker lane 67207 lovtndahl. Warren D. KansSt 329 2246 South Ridgewood 67218 McCool. Kent l. Colo 681 7500 W. lOth 67212 McGinnis, William Okla 56 524 South Crestway 67217 Male, Walter N. KansSt 416 1626 Gentry Drive 67208 Male, Welter Ntwton, Jr. KansSt 421 1626 Gentry Drive 67208 Maxwell, Or. J. D. Colo498 841 North Broadway 67200 Miller, lowell A. Nebr 358 2601 N. Bluff St. 67220 Miller, Stanley R. KansSt 490 2002 N. Madison 67214 Mooney, W. H. Frk 348 1453 Burns St. 67203 Moore, James A. KSt 584 3814 E. English 67218 Morgan, louis S. Okla 461 530 Edgewater 67230 Oblinger,WarrenJ. I.St418 2316 Red Bud lane 67204 Plttinson, John W. Kans 583 300 W. Douglas, Rm . 750 67202 Paynter, John Augustus Okla 120 Hillcrest Homes, Apt. #7C 67218 Ridgway, Glen E. Cin 158 102 South Robin Rd . 67209 Rodgers, Floren A. Kan 709 6202 E. 9th St. 67208 Scholle, Joel 0 . Kant 634 1609 S. Yale 67218 Shane, ThomasW. KSt 551 1747 North Sabin 67212 Slagle, Charles I. Nebr 470 1306 Gardner Or. 67208 Syfert, Ervin Wesfay KansSt 320 3141 N. Hillside 67219 Taylor, James E., Jr. Kans 564 3809W. 18th 67203 Tripp, Devid H. Kens 431 6601 East 14th 67206 Turner, Norton K. Kans595 1015 Brown Building67202 Unruh, David M. KensSt 536 3425 E. Pine 67208 Unruh, JamaW. KSt521 3425 E. Pine 67208 Wamer, Rev. JamesD. NU382 751 Rutland Rd . 67206 Yewger, Jacob G. KSt 142 2313 S. Green 67211 WlLUAMSBURG 8ennett, FrancisW. KSt3B9 66095 WINFIELD Bonfy, Richard 0. OklaSt 391 Route 2 67156 Caton, William Ntwton KansSt 58 1011 Mound 67156 Grosjean, Wendell A. Kans 378 Box 804 67156 Hartley, Robert E. Kens654 R.R. 5 67156 Heyden, Danny M. Kans 750 1304 Alennder 67156 Keller, Warren D. Kans 730 1319 John Strut 67156 Ao•rans, Vincent Judson Ytle 143 812 East 12th St. 67156


Luebkl, FrecMrick Wm. Mieh 379 490 Twritorill Rd . 49022

ADRIAN Townand, John W. Colo 769 165 So. McKenzie St. 49221


ALBION Borthwick, Bruce M. Syr 381 601 Burr Oak Street 49224 Oillerv. Or. Dun OhioSt S40 Dept. Biology·Aibion College 49224 Ke..v. Robert George NW 86 421 Brockway Aace 49224

BIRMINGHAM BDI'MII, Robert B. Mich 422 5674 Watwood Ct. 48010 Boynton, ThomiS l. Mich 676 1273 Yorbhire48008 Fisk, Rodney Vt 101 230 linden Rotd 48009 Fournier, John A. Ill 517 630 HeH Moon 48010 Graham, MacKellar K. Mich 376 7215 Spring Ridge Rd. 48010 Jones, Blythe R. 111385 863 Southfield 48009 Kic., John D. P\Jr 536 1279 Villa 48008 littleton, Dtvid B. Ariz110 6755 Inkster Rd . 48009 MacQu•n, Kenneth l. Mich 270 3949 Oakhills Drrvt 48010 Malsom, Frederick A. Mich 490 6767 White Pina 4B010 Mikulu, R. W. Mich 715 6742 Wood bank Dr. 48010 Miller, Geo(91 Wm. Mich 198 B50 Glan111rrv Rd . 48010 Manis, Charles D. ltSt 384 5560 Wlld·Ridgt lane 48010 Nicholls, Daniel A. Mich 693 135 Overhill Rd . 4B010 Roger~, Eart E. lnd 387 5659 Kingsmith Road 48010 Rogers, RobertS. Cln 192 6660 Franklin Rd. 48010 Sweet, lawrtnce C. Mlch 546 999 P\Jtney Drive 48008 Valpey, Grant R. Mich 407 851 Woodlea 48009 Wunch,John E. Mich456 31178 Churchi1148008

ALGONAC Mallon, W. G. Mich 713 184 Butterfield lane 48001 ALLEN PARK Cernak, Frank J. Mich 724 9100 Allon Rd. 48101 ALPENA Fuller,Welbiel. 101 Potter St. 49707 ALTO Watu, Ronald Alan Mich 528 49302 Watts, Valda louis Mich 195 49302 ANN ARBOR Aupperie, Eric M. Mich 594 1306 Chatham Way 48105 Barnard, Hawley N. Nebr 260 1640 Arbordale 48103 Brown , Gordon K. Mlch 690 2550 Devonshire 48104 Christman, lewis G. Mlch 139 3085 Hill Top Road 48103 Christman, W. l. Mich 165 816 Huuhins48103 Churchill, Stuart W. Mich 427 939 Forest Rot d 48105 Cooper, Dan H. NU 224 School of Education Univmity of Michigan 48103 Danforth, Malcolm A. Mich 671 1856 Joseph St. 48104 Eastman, Raye Claus Mich 165 233 Crest Avt. 48103 Elliott, Joseph A. LBS 10 646 Duane Ct. 48103 Elliott, William D. Miami 140 2204 Needham 48104 Fisthtr, C.rl H. Ia 312 1706 Morton Avtnue 48104 Fox, Bruce R. Cor 690 642 Hampstead lane 43103 Franson, Robert T. Cor 636 2016 Pauline Btvd. 48103 Gines, James P. la4 14 2736 Page 48104 Hammett, Ralph W. Harv 252 485 Riverview Drive 48104 Johnson, Murray C. Minn 529 2516 Manchester Rd . 48104 Johnston, Clarence Thomas Mich 135 1335 Hill St. 4BI04 Kin!fSbury, Stewart A. Mich 458 1235 Olivia Avenue 48104 lowell, Dean J. Dkla 227 School of Music University of Michigan 48104 Mann, Richard J. Mich 396 1606 Granger Ave. 48104 Manning, Paul J. 111446 616 Pauline Blvd. 48103 Morton, Hobart, C. Mich 283 1315 Washtenaw Ave. 48104 Niehuss, Marvin l. Mich 295 1220 Fair Oab48104 Norris, Robert Mich 72 1703 Baldwin Pl . 48104 Nystuen, John 0. Cal 440 1016 Olivia 48104 Pahl, Kurt Gardner Mich &59 2915 Oakdale Drive 48104 Paul, John P. Mich 411 1602 Cherokee 84104 Pryce, Charles R. Mich 307 1120MillerSt.48103 Rohr, Bennie A. LAS 57 1120 Oakland Avenue 48104 Sergeant, F. A. Mich 248 2220 Wuhtenaw 48104 Seyfried, Ralph H. Mich 438 2025 Carhart 48104 Sink, Charles A. Mich Founder 1325 Olivia Ave. 48104 Snow, Robert B. Ill 723 116 Glen lwtn 48103 Stevenson, Russell Alger Ia 143 2308 Brackman 48104 Tapping, T. Hewiey Mich 180 2037 Mtdford Rd ., Apt. M99 48104 Thorne, George, Jr. Ohio 142 1540 Wathan Or. 48103 Velker, Gltn G. Mich 664 802 Edgewood 48103 Wagner, Herbert Phillip Mich 435 8 Ridgeway 48104 Wagner, Herbert P., Jr. Mich 563 8 Ridgeway 48104 Westfell, Terry T. OklaSt 540 905 Sunnyside 48104 BATILE CREEK Hoffhines, Glenn D. Kall$St 78 127 Minges Circle 49040 Murphy, J. W. Mich 61 94 Elizabeth St. 49017 Tapley , David R. NW 588 57 Birch Hill Drive 49015 Vandervoort, Peter M. Mich 632 242 Bradley St. 49017 BAY CITY Mainey, John K. Ill 703 3170 C.nterbury Or. 48707 Stalker, Edward Archibald Mich 293 406 N. F11,..t St. 48706 BENTON HARBOR Barnhart, Vernon T. TriSt 27 208 Baltvtew 49022 Gro•. Mark Herbert Den 43 994 McAllister 49022

Lindblom, Andrrw C. Wyo 80

701 Chorry Avo. 49307

BLOOMFIELD Coffee, lawrence E. Ill 789 2620 Rambling Way 48013 Gallentine, William D. Cin 129 2941 Acorn Rd . R.F.O. #348013 Harvie, Wm. H. Mich 260 458 Fo1t Hill , Apt. 5 48013 Maynard, Horace S. Mich 111 2805 Woodward Ave., Apt. 8 48013 Murray, James F. Colo455 475 Henley Dr. 48013 Supple, Graeme 8. Ill 392 1355 Club Drive 48013 BRONSON Scribner, Cass Jerrold Pur 41 130 S. Walkar 49028 BYRON CENTER Towner, Robert Gordon Stan 102 49315 CADILLAC Donnelly, William J. Mich 276 R.F.O. 3 49601 CASSOPOLIS Molle, Richard R. CMS 20 Box 49, Route 1 49031 CEDARVILLE Moyer, Ronald H. OhioSt 604 R.R. #I, Box 173 49719 CHARLOTIE Rudolph, Foster PennSt 103 Route 348813 CHEBOYGAN Herzog, Chartes R. Ill 649 P.O. Box 246 49721 CHESANING Smith, Carl Francis Ill 501 48616 CLARE Gershon, Gary N. Mich 710 701 South Reinbow Orive48617 CLAWSON Schultz , Robert W. Mich 661 675 langley Blvd. 48017 CLIO Partridge, David B. Mich 655 315 South Mill St. 48420 COLEMAN Mason, Clarence C. Mich 549 Supt. of Sthools48618 COLOMA Robinson, Richard F. NW 428 Rt. 1, Box 396 49038 DAVISON livingston, Ralph l. Pur 762 2164 Hermitage Or. 484 23 SWett, G. D. Mich 719 1090 South Vassar Road 48423 DEARBORN Berry, Dennis l. Mich 657 3544 Mayfair 48124 Depprieh, OIVid J. Mich 685 1101 Kingsbury 48128 Daykin, Theodore W. Mich 548 331 S. Highland 481 24 OetlefJ, Jay l. LSU 98 P.O. Bolt 644 48121 Hosmer, Henry Stonebumtf Mich 179 22112 Gregory 48124 laird, Albert N. Mich 168 24168 Rockford Dr. 48124 McCormick, Dr. Colin Campbell Mich 236 24352 Rockford Ave. 48124 McDoupl, Dwid R. Cor 607 1762 N. Gulley Rd. 48128 O'Neil, Jerry E. Miami 54 2200 West Circle 48127

Pienon, Patrick Mich 689 R.R . #34~

Rhoda, James C. Pur 456 1330 Robincllle 48128 Wttttr, Robert E. Mieh 706 1400 Nowtin 48124 Leng, Daniel R. NU 601 26884 Rochelle Orlvt 48127

DETROIT Allen, Charles Easton Cin 11 9797 Wm Outer Drive 48223 BHr, Robert C. Mich 495 7293 Evtrgreen 48228 Brown, ltwrtnct S. Mich 680 18207 Pinon 48219 Chalfent, HoWird Duane lnd 133 113121nkllor Rd. 48239 Cook, lome E., Jr. TriSt 35 14874 Greenview R01d 48223 CrwAord, Mathrw Oliver I.St 16 7027 Chatfield Avt. 48209 Crowell, HoWird E. Mich 285 8925 E. Jefferson 48214 Droll , Alfred S. Kens 354 8900 E. Jefferson 48214 Elliott, Norton Braden Ill 405 15025 Artesian 48223 Gehring, Philip E. Mich 639 9560 Abington Rd. 48227 Greenfield, Arthur Wm. Mich 253 3245 Chicago 4B206 Hell, Arch H. Mich 452 16818 Glastonbury 48219 Htll, Richard W. Mich 477 9146 Berwyn 4B239 Hay, Del01: Royal Syr 29 3493 Devonshire Road 48224 Hombacher, Bernd Mich 726 15700 Oakfield An. 48227 larson, Bruce R. Mlch 696 141 W. Ptrkhurtt48203 lunn, Harry Hyatt, Jr. Mich 559 4350 WMrly Ava. 4B238 Martin, James David Mich 543 18331 lancashire 48223 Matthews, George W. Mich 415 9355 louis 48239 Maurer, Robert Helmut Cin 30 14410 Woodrow Wilson 48203 McDonald, FrancisW., Jr. Mich 397 946Anita Gro:ssePts. Br. 48236 Mclelland, Robert A. Mich 627 19411 Hershey 48203 Morrison , John H., Jr. Mich 697 14646 Artesian 48223 Mulvey, Richord K. Pur 449 552 E. Boston Blvd. 48202 Neal, Herbert R., Jr. Mich 560 1632 Alter Rd. 48215 Neil, A. K. Mich 603 16819 Cranford l ane 48230 Opdyke, Robert H. Mich 463 19913 Fairway 48236 Rhaesa, Roy W. Mich 660 16100 Rosemont 48219 Robertson, Paull. Mich 701 19334 Bretton Or. 48223 Routh, Richard l. lnd 602 14430 Stahelin Road 48223 Simpson, Robtrt l. Mich 717 9557 Lauder Avt. 48227 Strobel. Otto F. Mich 480 9066 Bract 48228 Wattertlolt, Roy Neil Mich 587 10006 Abington 48227 Widrig, Francis Smith Cor 225 15819 Vaughan Ave . 48223 Williams, Norm~n R. Mich 317 11091 Cloverlawn 48204 Wylie, D. A. KansSt 319 4127 Bishop Rd. 48224 EASTLANSING Arundate, Robert B. Rens 171 Oept.ofCommunicalion Michi111n State U. 48823 Hendenon, Earl Wilton Mo 194 Poultry Department Michigan State College 48823 Huff, William J. LAS 92 703·106 Cherry lallfl48823 Kn&Uff, Michael Mich 704 14 23 D Spartan Village 48823 Moort, Russel H. Mich 336 620 Glenhaven 48823 Near, Malvin K. Mich 534 6110 Coleman Rd. 48823 Pomeroy, Richard W. Mich 370 775 Collingwood 48823 Reynolds, M. leroy Ohio 59 16270-Sputan Village 48823 EASTTAWAS Deacon, Eu!iJtne l. laSt 53 P.O. Box 254 48730 FARMINGTON Eckel , Robert B. Colo 379 30231 Barwell Rd. 48024 Shoemaker, Charles H. Frk 383 3244 No«ingwood 48024 FENNVILLE Hutchinson, Jesse Edwtrd Mich 365 49408 FERNDALE Ahlquist, Edward A. Ia 370 831 Pearson 43220 Hagaman, Gerald Stuart Cln 132 268 le Roy 48220 Keller, leonard,Jr. Mich 666 553 W. Woodland 48220 Pinons, Roy Madison Mlch 141 446 Maplehurn Ave., W. 48220 FLINT Boyer, Donald C. OhioSt 607 6814 Colonial 48505 Brownell, Edmond B. Mich 482 1105 South Drive 48503 Buchanan, Charles C. Mich 658 932 :Johnson Avtnue 48504 Budai, Robert M. Mic:h 623 4447 Ro•thom Circle 48506 Colvin, Frank l. Pur 854 1506 Williamsburg Rd. 48507

C(!, Wdliam P. Syr 276 Flint Com. Music AJs'n, Cor. Kwdry tnd Crappo St. 48501 Johnson, WtlkM B. Mich 182 2008 C..umet 48503 Kmchmer, Richerd H. Mich 667 1150 Moplo KIIS! Or. 48504

FLUSHING DMne, Richard Glen Mich 484 5088 Ctdardale lane 48433 FRANKFORT Gullett, Dontld D. Colo 477 rJo Collin~ 011Jg Store49635 FRANKLIN Faulkner, John l. Colo 761 26705 lrving48025 McManus, Nathan R. P\Jr 445 32954 Chothom Lone 48025 GARDEN CITY Glenn, Kar1 J. Mo 582 32321 Mart~uene 48135 GLADSTONE Schoch, H. H. Ill 739 518 Minneapolis Ave. 49837 GRANO RAPIDS Bristol, Robert S. Mich 669 4543 Burgis Avt. SE 49508 Chadbourne, Edw. H. NH 37 301 Founllin N. E. 49503 Dexter, louis M. Mlch 282 800 Pfymouth Rd., S.E. 49506 Friend, William Keith Mich 320 31 Mayfair Drive, N.E. 49503 Hand, Henry F. Cor 126 IB65 Ptrkins Avo. N.E . 49505 Hatch, Sherman R. Mich 357 85 Manila St., S.E. 49508 Hecht, David M. Mich 601 1528 Forrester Ave., S.E. 49508 lett, Max Allen leSt 263 1111 Walrh St., S.E. 49507 Lundstrom, Charles C. NW 386 2610 Robinson Rd., S.E. 49506 Masselink, George H. Ia 300 1618 Winick S.E. 49506 McCoy, Thomas F. Mich 142 142 GI"ICtland, N.E. 49505 Ntchmeister, leonard A. NU 459 831 Oakcmt S.W. 49509 Parr, Nevin F. lnd 97 1331 Loko Or. S.E. 49506 Pyle, Carteon H. Ia 267 1322 Hurd St., S.E. 49506 Sawyer, Wm. D. Ia 518 2718 Borton S.E. 495{16 Tasker, Clinton W. Syr 220 2029 Hall St. S.E. 49506 Vinkemulder, JohnGerald Mich262 1650 Alexander St ., S.E. 49506 Volkel, James S. Pur 621 3101 Hampshire 49506 Wenger, Ralph W. OhloSt 506 1011 San lucia S.E. 49506 GROSSE POINTE Mitchell, Garrie A. Frk 594 15135 Charlevoix 48230 Nelson , Heldamer E. Minn 417 1178AtJdubon48230 GROSSE POINT FARMS Amerson, Andrew 0. Mich 698 136 Moran Road 48236 Brown, Cecil Hugh Mich 315 261 Kerby Road 48236 DeFriu, William F. Mich 391 174 Morass Rd. 48236 Jackson, Richard Willet Yale 226 124 Merriweather Ad . 48236 Stevtnson, Herbert A. Mich 100 286 lothrop Rd. 48236 Strwan, M.G. Mich 510 415 Bournemouth 48236 GROSSE POINTE PARK Thompson, Paul Wheeler Cor 59 1119 Devonshire Rd. 48231 GROSSE POINTE SHORES Nolte, C.rl A. lnd 206 84 Cleireview Road 48236 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Matthews, W. Mason Ia 287 1708 lochmoor Blvd , 48236 Smith, Herbert E. Mich 465 768 Fairford Rd. 48236 HARBOR BEACH Walton, J. Frederick, D.V.M. Pur 767 8445 Sand B~~th Rd . 48441 HARPER WOODS Gould, Ralph W., Jr. Ill 608 2043-4 Country Club Drivt 48236 HASTINGS Mitchell, Philip G. Mich 684 521 W. Walnut St. 49058 HOLLAND Hills, Arthur Charla Mich 419 rJo High School 49423 HUNTINGTON WOODS Oanz, Harry 0. 111167 8816 Borgmen 48070

ISHI'EIING Solond, Orlo E. 737 310 Oek Str.t 49849 .IACKSON Bilekin, Ct\lt1a T. Mich 576 556 Bin:.hwood 49203 Broughton, B!'Vta We. Midl433

314 N. Jor:kson St 49201 Denton, JohnS., Jr. Midl600 1041 S. Thompson 49203 ltfflrtl, Om1N OeBruct Mic:h 353 1013 Chittod:; Avt. 49203 lutt, Hlf'Oid W. Pur 569 4998 Country Mtnor Dr. 49201 Metthews, lloyd P. Ntbf 342 155 w.. Mansion St. 49203 Sornpson , Pator F. Midl634 115 Fourth49201 KALAMAZOO Buxton, Charles E. OreSt 267 4509W. Moin St, Aot C-16 49007 Christit, JohnG . P\Jr216 2617 Winche1149001 Fox,J. WtrTtn lnd 309 3714 Groco Rood 49007 Gary, Mitthlll Jattph Mlnn 359 Wtsttm Sttte TNChiB College 49001 Glidden, Jtmes l. Mich 520 2917 Wincha!l 49003 GOlshan, Richlrd H. Miami 107 1309 Miles Av.nue 49001 Johr.on, Richlrd F. Minn 588 1504 Forest Dr. 49002 Scon, o. N. 111 426 Univtrlity Center Western Michigan Univmity 49001 LAKE ODESSA Paulson, William H. Mich 535 Lokt OdiSSI High Schooi4BB49 LANSING Altenburu. J.., HoWird Mil:h 196 1512 James St. 48906 Hubbard, Harry Dow Nebr 262 1106 Olds TOWI!r Bldg. 4B906 Pfotenhauar, David E. Mo 501 U.S.F. &G . 48906 Reynolds, David Bishop Mich 573 1444 Combridgo Rd. 48910 LAPEER Bahls, Richard J. Mich 501 Box 7 48446 LATHRUP VILLAGE Kemmish,Jemes V. laSt 367 27660 Rtlnbow Cirtlt 48075 LELAND Thomsen, Eric P. Ariz 119 49654 LIVONIA Beato, C. Dwid Ohio 127 15504 livtrpool48154 Bechthold, George NU 631 33010 Wast Chicago 4BI50 Gough , Ronald l. Colo 625 29501 Curtis Rd. 48152 liang, Alexander C. Mich687 36531 Sunnydale 4a154 Marek, George E. Ohio 65 30128 Acacia 48154 Talbott, Edmond l., Jr. Ohio 206 18794 Westbrook Drive 48152 Trenkle, Howard R. Pur 632 31206 W. Chicago Rd . 48150 Waldner, John F. Mich 656 32805 Scone 48154 LUDINGTON Strickler, William H. Mlch 562 1658 N. lakeshore Or., Rt. 3 49431 MADISON HEIGHTS Allen , Gamtr H., Jr. Mlch 679 29164 Mark 48071 MANCHESTER Wynn , Stanley M. Mich 556 309 E. Duncan 48158 MANISTIQUE Gauthier, William C. OhioSt 662 119 S. 2nd St. 49854 MARINE CITY Bowden, William S., M.D. Mich 417 130 Washington St 48039 MARQUETIE Otvis, Forest E. W'rs 549 1202 North 3rd Street 49855 Wall, David A., M.D. Kens 430 rJo Adult Mental Hulth Clinic 49855 MARSHALL Fox, C.rl Saymour laSt 195 723 East Mtnsion 49068 MASON Hanna, Dr. RogerJ. lnd 70 117 E. Maple 48854 MENOMINEE Ander10n, OIVid H. lnd 880 1304 7th Suwt 48858 FulbBOn, John R. I.St410 225 Firrt Street 49858 Naduo, HoWII"d Eugene Mleh 79 1712 Sovwnth St. 49B5B

IRON MTN. Williems, R. T. Kt ns 661 P.O. Box 61 49801

MIDlAND l udwig, Pettr J. P\Jr 889 1318 Union Sttett 48640

IRONWOOD Cloom, Willilm G. Mich 530 125W. Fr~ncis 49 93 8 Collick, Orvil.. Yilt 114 224 E. Aurore49938 Sheridan, Philip J. NW 624 616 E. Melton Ave. 49938 Truisl, Arthur Hocking NW 88 709 Sutflertand 49938 Udd, Ktnnit W. Minn 424 733 E. Pobrt St 49938

MILF ORD Hagonborth, G. L. Mloml 52 7073 Coori Or. 48042 MONROE Cat, R- 0. NW 231 1030 Hollywood 48161 EVII"'tt, &win Burva: MIM 407 5822 Elmwood Or. 48161 Kutlthtf, Robert E. Ohlo 110 980 Winston Dr. 48161 0-2'7

• •

• I



Bames, JamesW., M.D. Cin 180 49437

MT. CLEMENS Wright, JohnW. Pur393

Schneider, Michael J. Mich 645 1670 Sauk Lane 48603 Sprac:klin, Howard L. Mich 460 3508 Unger lane 48601 Wistehutf, Wm. E. MSM 32 1146 Artlair Pl. 48603


Poest, Vernon Glenn Mich 400 103 W. lawrente St. 49464

1470 Warrington 48043 MT. PLEASANT

Cerwn, John F. lnd 885 Route/248858 MUSKEGON HTS. Hodson, Richerd K. Mich 581 3240 Getty - lot #110 49444 NEW BALTIMORE Dunlap, Duane F. Mich 599 51280 County Line Rd . 48047

ST. CLAIR Holcombe, Drayton F. Mich 223 30030 Champine Or. 48082 Honkanen. Clarence 0. Minn 669 22484 Maner Rd. 48080 lewis, Sanford A. Wise 325 22548 Shorewood Or. 48081 Magary , JamesF . Mich584 631 N. 3n! St. 48079 Zink, Charles l. la427 22975 Gary lane 48080 ST. JOSEPH

NILES Buckley, leo F. Mo 535

1310 Grant St. 49120 Georges, lawrence E. NU 504 1648 Cedar Street 49120 Martin, W. Warner Ia 342 5161akStreet49120 Parkin, Walter H. 11181 do Nat. Sllndard Co. 49120 Welton , J. Richard Wist522 533 North Philip49120

Spink, Roben Francis Pur 314 1129 OrthardAve. 49085 Taylor, John P. Pur 406 2618LakeviewAve. 49085 SALINE Clark, H. Ken Mich 497 3306 E. Surry Dr. 48176 Stimpson, Theodore Osborne NW 167 101 N. Lewis 48176 SCHOOLCRAFT

NORTHVILLE Baldwin, Howard A. Pur 327 37955 Rhon.swood Or. 48167 OAK PARK

losh,StephenM. Mich653

Mongreig, Louis Morgan 111219 40S W. Grand 49087 SHELSEA McCalla, leonard Mich 591 481 S!einback Rd. 48118

13101 Northfield Blvd. 48237 SOUTHFIELD OKEMOS Woodford, JohnP. Cor435

2161 Seminole Drive 48864

ORCHARD LAKE Kroesing, George B. Kans 522 658 1 Commerce Road 48034

owosso Campbell, George W. Mich 287 ArgusPress48867 Campbell, John E. Mich 203 Owosso ArgusPress48867 Douglas, James E., Jr. Mich 540 P.O. 6oll459 48867 PETOSKEY

Cherba, Raben B. Mich 636 634 E. Mitche1149770 Christopherson, Anhur J. Wis 446 816 Spruce St. 49710 PLEASANT RIDGE Barr, Daniel A. Mich 650 121 Maplefield48069 SurTI$idt, Howard 8., M.D. Mich 311 33 Oakland Park48069 PLYMOUTH Dostie, Cameron V. Kans 572 11192 Amherst Coun48170 Fetner, Graham U. PennSt 257 40600 Plymouth Rd . 48170 Kelly,.Oonn K. Rens212 1103 PennimanAvenue48170 Stephenson, John L. Mich 694 11737 Amher~t Coun48170 Stirling, Oliver, Jr. Mich 309 41244 CrestwtJod Or. 48170 Weathers, Leland Clay Colo 273 40274-5 Mile Rd., A.A. 2 48170 PONTIAC Brewster, Harry G. Syr 217 2616 McClintock 48053 Hoard, Capt. 0 . H. Mich 359 6824 BrightwtJod Coun (WilliamsLake)48054 Hunt, Gerald Grant Mich 364 419W. Iroquois48054 Matt, Harold R. Wash 385 4770 Linwood Or. 48053 RAVENNA Moore, Alben Howard Pur 358 49451

REED CITY Nesbitt , CliflordW. Mich362 238W. Todd49677 ROCHESTER Brosius, William L.,Jr. Mo150 1823 Fair Oak Ct. University Hills48063 ROYAL OAK Freeman , Gerald G. Mich 580 4137 Colonial Dr. 48072 Gilben,HerbenW. Wyo67 4020 Yarba l inda Blvd. 48072 Hardin, Roben B.. Jr. DreSt 280 1870 Chester Rd., Apt.l4 48073 Hoyt, John H. Mich 533 2449 Galpin 48073 livermore, James Nonhrup Cor 203 5 Hanover Rd ., Pleasant Ridge 48069 Opdyke, William W. Mich 475 1916 HoustoniaAve. 48073 Tennant, Ernest M. Colo 207 2716 Glenview 48073 Willson ,Stuan 0 . lnd412 4008 Edglland 48073 Wirtz , Paul B. Wise 58 1 1024 Edgewood 48067 SAGINAW Barley , Ivan S. Pur97 4745 PinehMn Or. 48603 C.rlson , Ono C. NW 419 619 Follboro 48603 McKee, Dunun Mich 386 320 Superior 48602 Petry, Basil E. Pur404 1141 WashburnPI. W. 48602 Pimon, Wilmer G. Mich 464 200 Eddy Bldg. 4B604

Rowe, Paul A. Syr 296 4973 FontJine Blvd. 48603 0 -28

Henning, Robert l. NU 384 18489 Kesh Ave. 48075 Howell, Richard N. lnd 637 21720 S. FullerCt.48015 SOUTH HAVEN Gaston , Harold Paul KansSt 93 62 South Haven St. 49090 Reichan, Ernest l. KansSt 126 Boll128, RR 549090 SPRING LAKE Oamm , Thomas A. NW 353 18148 lovell Rd. 49456 STANDISH O'Brien, James H. Mich 621 205S. Grove48658 STEVENSVILLE Conner, David E. lnd 805 R.R. #2- Boll 895 49127 STURGIS

Haner, Franklin C. Mith 592 R.R. 1249091

Tisdel, Donald E. Miami 189 512S . Centerville, R.R. 249091 Wait , J. Paul Cor 51 Room 1, Wait81dg . 49091 THREE RIVERS

Miracle, Roger 0. Mich 663 114 South HookerAve. 49093

Minnesota ALBERT LEA

Lund, HerbenA. Minn585 311 Willamor Rd. 56007 ALEXANDRIA

Hewett, Leland M. Minn 388 122-Jrd Ave. E. 56308

Hauge, Webster Alben Minn 356 56531 ELK RIVER

Byson , Herbert Bruce Minn 624 55330

Meyer, Or. G. William Minn 629 309 King Avenue 55330



Strong, Jtck W. PennSt 321 Boll247 55913 Thatcher, RobertJ. Okla 599 304-19th Street, N.W. 55912 BAUDETTE Dickinson, Charles Anhur Minn 584 56623

BAYPORT Hagen, Clifford Roben Minn 434 55003

BEMIDJI Dukes, Charles D. 111925 1121 Birchmont Or. 56601 BLOOMINGTON

Watlien, Roben A. Minn 634 8328 Haig Drive 55431

Mathison, Tom B. Minn 459 755Hidden Une55331 Peritz , WalterJohn Oen82 429 Fayal Ave. 55734 FARIBAULT Searl, Richard H., M.D. Kans 620 513 Tatepaha 55021 FERGUS FALLS

Quist, Paul Peter Minn 462 422 Cleveland Ave. 56537 GILBERT

Naubauer, August Minn 170 Boll 44, R.F.0. 55741 Neubauer, Donald J. Minn 541 Box 44, R.F.0. 55741 GLEN LAKE

Lindquist, Roger G. Minn 657 15123 Lynn Terrace 55422

BLUE EARTH Woods, Lynnl. la467 314 E. lOth Street 56013


BUFFALO Thompson , Charles P. Minn 748 508 Lake Blvd. 55313


BUHL Satterfield, Kenneth Charles laSt 183

HIBBING Butchart, Canal. Minn 294 3014 Fourth Ave., W. 55746 Diehl, Alfred S., Jr. Minn 625 2128 lOth Ave., E. 55746 Rough, James H., Jr. Mich 207 2019路2nd Ave. E 55746


BURNSVILLE Bandt, Carl Minn 695 1539 Circle Drive55378 Johnson, RobenW. Minn745 13205 Highview Dr. 55378 Rounds, Michael D. Minn759 10700-27 Ave. So . 55378 Thompson, Bruce l. Den 151 712 E. 151 ~St .. At . 2 55378 CAMBRIDGE Dablow, John Frederick Minn542 55008

TRENTON Kersh, Jerome W. lnd 429 1760 Boxford Rd. 48183

CHICAGO CITY Johnson, Klein l. Minn574

TROY Doan, Brian P. TriSt 26 3730 N. Adams 48084 Mmiman, Marcus A. laSt 446 2543 Town Hill Dr. 48084

CLOQUET Oinham, David E. Minn 609 322 Avenue D 55720 Fahlsuom, Paul Gerin Minn 631 1511 Selmser Ave. 55720 Johnson, Kenneth F. Car76 P.O. Boll435 55720

WALLOON LAKE Beadell , Henry A. Pur 733 Boll 374 49796




Churchill, James P. Mich 449 224 Washington St. 48768

Dorek, Gary R. Minn 776 6128 Ridgeway Rd. 55424 IYIIlOn, Roll David Ia 493 6613 Perkwood Road 55424 larlCin, EmestJ., Jr. Nebr490 7408 West Shore Drive 55435 Nyberg, Richard P. Mich 565 4405 Morningside Rd. 55416 Witts, Seth N. Minn 375 5T131ndianola 55424 Wurder, OonaldA. Minn712 4729 School Rd. 55424

ANOKA Hagen, ChristopherJ. NU 701 1533 Third Avenue South 55303

TRAVERSE CITY Ohrenberger, JohnT . Mich615 341 W. Ninth St. 49634



Black , Beryl A. 111248 Boll607 56633



Mitchell. Clifford Dock Minn 233 234 Houston Ave. 55716 Watts,SheldonJ . Minn660 602 Elm Street 56716

Thorbetk, Duane E. Minn 673 56644

Thyseii, WillardAiben Minn508 56549


Drill. Herman Ernst Minn 360 55343

Smetana, Harold Wm. Minn 332 12909 Burwell Or. 55343 Willis, lraS. Pur418 19 Hawthorne Rd. 55343 HUTCHINSON Chernausek, Dwight Samuel Minn 537 24WashingtonAvenue, West55350 Christopher, leslie Ben Ia 176 55350

Popp , Harold R. Wise 352 35 Glen Street North 55350 INVER GROVE HTS. Miche, Harold W. Minn 612 3259 Bi118uc lane 55039 JACKSON

Grottum, Bjarne Edgar Minn 241 56143

KENYON Fogelson, Leonard S. Minn 718 608-8th St. 55946 LAKE CITY

Johnson, logan P. Minn 408 1118S. Oak St. 55041

WARREN Davis, Glen M. Harv331 29012 Cunningham Or . 48092

DASSEL Oster, Donald C. Minn 746 Route 3 55325

LAKE CRYSTAL Thomas, John Roben Minn 378

WAYNE Conner, Orval M., Jr. Nebr499 34536 Birchwood 48184 Nilsson, James W. Mich 703 32338Woodbrook 48184

DEERWOOD Kean, Napoleon Dudley, Jr. Minn 292 Star Route 56444

LEWISVILLE Barickman, Earl Dean Minn 534

DULUTH Amundson, Dr. Dale W. Minn 587 1017 East First St. 55805 Amhony, Richard Wayne Minn517 Radio Station KOAL 55802 Boyd, RobertW. Minn635 711 Old Howard Mill55804 Cooley , Kenneth John Minn 410 1914 E. 9th Street 55812 Fisher, Harry E. Minn 703 2605 Hagberg Street 55811 Galer. lawrence A. Cat 600 1610 Minnesota Ave. #2 55802 Joppa, Everett L. Wis272 225 N. 36th Avenue E. 55804 Kinetz, JamesV . Minn711 621 N. 43rd Ave., W. 55807 LeVasseur, Dr. John A. Minn 663 1214 Hilton St. 55806 LeVasseur, Robert 0 . Minn 679 613 N. 22nd Ave. W. 55806 Osllund, Benil R. Minn 701 817 23rd Ave., West 55806 Paine, Veijo K. Minn 694 24W. JrdSt.55806 Rolla, Carl Minn 412 4614 W. 5th St. 55807 Rude, Ro111ld Duane Minn 654 1231 E. 8th Street 55805 Young, Thomas 0 ., M.D. Minn 221 2616 E. 5th St. 55812

LITCHFIELD Macklin , William E., Jr. laSt 69 P.O. Boll780 55355

WEST BRANCH Philbrick, Alle'n Richard Syr 189 State Forest Headquaners48661 WESTLAND Weii , Oavidl. Frk566 34027 Fountain Blvd. WILLIAMSTON Behreru, Raben Griffiths Ill 334 Boll11 48895 WVANOOTIE

Fauser. Kun H. Mich 681 2248 21st St . 48192 Frostic , Dennis L. Mich 682 3363 21st St. 48192 Riedel, Roben T. Mich 674 11 2 Emmoru Blvd. 48192 YPSILANTI Bjornstad, Anton Harold Mich 352 700 Ferris St. 48197 Rasmussen. Rill T. Kam 628 964 Juneau 48197 Sanler, JohnW. Mich 350 1440 Collegewood 48197 Sayles, Ashley 0 . laSt 324 801 Charles 48197 Seyfried, Frederick John, Jr. Mich401 1208 Sherman 48197

EDEN PRAIRIE Johnson, James E. Ia 355 6700 Kingston Drive 55343



LITTLE FALLS Ryan. loiel S., Jr. NW 274 307 Riverwood 56345 LONG LAKE

Pettys, Ray A. OhioSt 513 P.O. Boll 334 55356 MADALIA McKibben, Jacob H. laSt 256 56062

Zimmerman , Harry Francis Wis 227 Boll9556062 MANKATO Kvamme, John P. Minn 522 Langness Heights 56001 Nitzkowski, Norman H. Minn 393 La Salle Bldg. 56001 MAPLETON Muench, Witter Paul laSt 290 56065

MARSHALL Hand, Dtan P. Minn 756 206 E. Main St. 56258 MCGREGOR

Btegen, Oanitl R. Minn 763 55760


Alexander, John G. Cor 119 1200 2nd Ave., So. 55403 Armstrong, Oliver T. Minn 707 2118 Highland Pl. 55421 Ball, Jerald D. laSt 633 6424 Ryan Avenue 55435 Sames, Richard Blackstone Minn 477 5049 Windson Ave. 55424 Baumgartner, Howard M. Minn 648 8031 Thomas Avenue, So. 55431 Bechthold, George W. NW 631 5309-40 Ave. So. 55417

Belk, Russell W. Minn 772 2934 Cedar Ave., ApL 306 55407 Berndt, Richard A. Minn 717 1801 Westwood Hills Or. 55426 Bjorklund, Robert H., Jr. Minn 706 5600 Southwood Drive 55431 Blomberg, David J. Minn 720 6015路12th Avenue So. 55417 Bloomquist, Ronald C. Minn 732 2706 West 55th Street 55410 Bolton , Jay A. NW 84 1005 G11in Exchange Bldg. 55415 Bowers, William F. KSt 281 919 Foshay Tower 55402 Boyd, lloyd E. Minn 514 81B W. Minnehaha Pkwy. 55419 Carlson , JohnO . Minn757 7320 Sheridan Ave. S. 55423 Chapman, Kin Martus Yale 142 5344 Ewing Avenue S. 55410 Clark, Elmer R. Wise 211 2509 Robbins 55410 Coffin, John R. Minn 760 5360 Dawnview Terrace 55422 Crow, John M. Minn 440 2205 Unity Ave. No. 55422 Doeringsfeld, Kart H. Minn 562 5804 West 61st St. 55436

Ooerscher, WillisH . 111250 5601 Glenwood Nonh 55422 Drage, CharlesW. Minn683 1262 Cirtle Terrace 55421 Drage, Joseph Selmer Minn 644 2211 Roosevelt, N.E. 55418 Dudley, William H. Minn 658 7316 Wooddele Ave. 55424 Englund , Lawrence Erick Minn 523 1823 Spring Valley Cirtle 55422 Erickson, Stephan W. Minn 758 2444 Harriet Avenue South 55405 Farrington. Carl C. Okla A&M 97 4836 W. Sunny Slope Rd. 55424 Fanog, Frederick R. Minn 740 5517 Wentwonh Ave. So. 55419 Finlayson , James Minn 622 1630 James Ave., No . 55411 Forlland, larry B. Minn 727 9 Washburn Ave. So. 55405 Fowler,John R. lnd 575 4006 Cedarwood Road 55416 Glover, Gary H. Minn 733 7438 Emerson Ave., So. 55423 Gluesing, Kenneth lloyd Minn 575 7617 W. lake St. 55426 Greenley , KunisA. Minn 724 9-Washburn 55405 Hammarstrom, Everett J. GW 265 10WinnetkaAvenueSo. 55427 Hansen, Phillip T. Minn 754 2717 Blaisdell Ave. So., Apt. 201 55408

Hanson, Clifford J. Minn 38 I 230 Oak Grove 55402 Hanson, HartowJ. Minn 172 4105 Overlook Drive 55431 Hanson, William F. Minn 347 2958 Johnson St., N.E. 55418 Harmala, Wayne l. 430 Oak Grove 55403 Harris, J. John Cer34 The Towers, Apt. 2201 -B 19 So. 1st Street 55401 Harrison, WilliamS. Minn 450 4312 Ewing So. 55410 Haugen, Orrin Millard Minn578 66121ndian Hills Rd. 55424 Henrena, Henry Wash 39 120So. 6th 55l02 Holtan, James R. Minn 682 5537 Pillsbury Ava., S. 55419 Holverson, Donald M. Minn 435 711 E. lake St. 55407 Howie, Raben B. Mo 457 5925 Columbus Ave. 55417 Hunt, Charles l. Minn 598 5600 Hillside Court 55435 Jensen, James l. Minn550 3944 Joppa So. 55416 Jepson, Robert E. KSt 414 6208 Parkwood Road 65436 Johnson. Douglas C. Minn 690 3129 Central Avenue N. E. 55418 Johnson, Ge11ld W. Pur 687 3507 Cleveland St., N. E. 55418 Johnson, RobertA. Minn601 4435 Parklawn Ct. 55424 ' Johnson , Stephen E. Minn 735 6345 Morgan Ave., So. 55423 Johnston, George Henry Minn 336 4510 Wooddale Ave. 55410 Kellett, John Bruce Minn 640 2927 Clinton Ave., So . 55408 Knutson, Albert, Jr. Minn 643 3200 Taylor St., N.E. 55418 Kuhn, 01Vid L. 111902 3061 Covell South 55426 larson, Charles Minn 709 115 E. 59th Stmt 55419 lloyd, John A. Minn 729 217路111th lane. N.E. 55433 Maland, Clarence 0 . Minn 30 51091ndianola Ava. 55430 Meisten, Wayne E. Wis 565 4134 Vincent Avenue, S. 55410 Merrifield, Edgar Eugene Wash8 107 Cecil St., S.E. 55414 Mayer, Michael D. Minn 753 4250 14th Ave. S. 55408 Miller, Paul I( _ Minn 569 91 Anhur A'll., S.E. 55414 Mills, HarueU Clayton Minn 317 4137路10th Ave., S. 55407 Moo11, Perry Randolph Minn 270 2309 Nrwton Ave., S. 55405 Morgan, Glen F. Minn 374 4011 Monterty Ave., S. 55416

Myell, J. A., M.D. Minn 323 48 Clarence S.E. 55414 Nelson, Floyd E. Minn 399 5420 Clinton Ave. 55419 Norby, Darryl Minn 700 7908-50 Avo. N. 55427

Pease, levi B. Minn 7 321 - E- 25th Street 55404 Perti , Jerry H. Minn 677 6106 Oliver Ave., S. 55419 Pontinen, Ronald W. Minn 614 2110W. 53St55429

Por1er, Herbert M. Minn 106 6220 Parkwood Rd. 55424 Preston, WelterJ . 111655 Ill W. 90th 55420

Reuper, James A. Minn 734 2104 451h Ave. N.E. 55421

Ridlington, Kern Sherwood Minn 616 4120 Webster Ave. 55416 Rudolph , Charles E. Minn 90 3205 Rankin Rd. 55418 Sandefur, John R. Minn 566 c/o American Hdw. Mutual Box 435 55440 Sather, FrankS. Minn 288 5518 Edgewater Blvd. 55417 Sawyer, Glen T., M.D. Minn 636 10631 Utica Rd. 55431 Schaller, Franklin R. Minn 428 806 E. Lake St 55407

Siwek, Paul R., Jr. Minn 725 3211J.61h St. N. 55412

Sorensen, Sheldon D. Minn 653 5832 Elliot Avenue South 55417 Squires, Kenneth C. Minn 755 784044th Avenue Nonh 55428 Starr, Gordon l. Minn 480 5843 Portland Ave., So. 55417 Stuther~ , George G. Minn 100 4138 Xerxes Ave., So. 55410 Sutherland, Wm. J. Minn 5M 3926 West 49 ~ Street 55424 Swall$0n, Wallace R. Minn 646 3716-2~ Street N.E. 55421 Tadlock, l.O . Okla 592 P.O. 8" 9705 554lll

Teasdale, Woodrow Wilson Minn 421 4904-34th Ave., S. 55411 Thiele, Edward H. NW 683 4217lynn Ave. 55416 Thomas, A. le Roy Minn 228 915 Medical Arts Bldg. 55402 Thorn , Hany D. Mich 231 4815 Garfield Ave., S. 55409 Turnbull, Douglas C. Minn 749 4053 Bryant Ave. So. 55409 Ulvestad, Reuben A. Minn 231 6450 York Avenue, S. 55435 Victor, Lyle D. Minn 441 9457 Stevens Ave. So. 55420 VonOmhek , Stanley C. Minn 548 6625 Brittany Rd. 55435 Wallschlaeger, JohnO . Wis553 6105 Westridge Blvd . 55424 Warhol. Richard M. Minn 693 5428 46th St. So . 55417 Warren. Edward R. Pur 164 5720 Oliver Ave. South 55419 Warren, John B. Minn 771 7031 Knox Avenue South 55423 Whitaker, PhilipS. Minn 595 4216 Salem Ave . 55416 Wilson, Ivan Edward Minn 391 5212 Dupont Ave., S. 55419 Witzigman, FredrickS. Ia 320 3842 Hackmann Ave., N.E. 55421 Zemke, Or. David W. Minn 638 2510 West Broadway 55411 MINETONKA

Carlson, George L. Minn 697 5744 Cedar lane 55343 Jensen, Reynold A. Minn 429 16424 lake St., Ext. 55343 Ramsey, Charles M. Ohio 33 4445 Banbury Lane 55343 Uebter, John R. 111705 1916 Timberline Spur 55343 MOORHEAD

Sherwin, Duane 0 ., M.D. Minn 659 1222-10th St. No . 56560 NEW BRIGHTON

Gates, Dr. Tad G. Minn 680 7(}4 Forest Dale Rd. 55112 NEW PRAGUE

Vollmar, Warren William laSt 368 56071

NEW ULM Hagg, Roben T. laSt 337 31 Circuit Or. 56073 Mewhinney , David H. Minn 666 KNUJ Radio 56073 NORTHFIELD lacy, Chester 0 . Minn 479 RR 3 55057

NORTH ST. PAUL Grapp , DateS. Minn 688 2239 Mapleview Ave. 55109 ORR

Stageberg, Mark N. Minn 761 8oll128 55771 PAYNESVILLE Grellong, Bruce A. Minn 742 56362 PELICAN RAPIDS

Herrick, Edwin K. Ill 412 Spring Creek Rd. 56572 PERHAM Johll$0n, Or. Russell J. Minn 474 Box 309 56573 PIPESTONE Stone. William R. NU 347 1005 Founh Ave. 56164 REO LAKE FALLS

Robertson, Ellsworth G. Minn 240 56750

Ughthizer, Robert E. CMS 47 11400E. 6564133 Mclaughlin, Dwid W.laSt 611 4209 N. Asbw 64117 Macf~ae. Kenneth l. laSt 427 8100 E. 90th Temtee 64138 Main, luster G. Kans 541 7105Washington 64114 Meiu, Jase G. Mo 584 3235 Quincy Dr. 64128 Martin, John M., Jr. CMS 42 4221 East 67 64132 Mendenhall, LH R. Kens 519 5519 Michigan 64130 Miller, Peter J. CMS 182 8849 Rainbow Lane 64114 Mitthell, DIIYid A. MSM 53 625 Porte Cimi Pas 64131 Morris, Gary R. Ark 109 2110 East 69th St. 64130 Murray, Kenneth L. Mo 675 9319 E. 84th Terr. 64138 Neibel, OliverJ. C./if 171 1100 Commerce Trust Bullding 64106 Orrison, Gerald K. MSM 62 8626 East 63rd St. 64129 Ramey, James L. CMS 74 11815 Grandvltw Rd . 64137 Ramey, William K. CMS 102 9605 Freemont 64134 Rapp, H. Forest Mo 593 650B Ook 64113 Rhoads, AivaT. Mo357 Box 71463501 Richter, Clervnce H. Kens 203 426W. 46thSt. Terr.64112 Rinehart, Dr. frtd J. LSU 26 4412 Chouteau Tfwy . 64117 Robison , Emmin M. Kans 249 7123GrandAve. 64114 Singleton, William A. Mo 709 8500 Leeds Road 64129 Stauffer, Robert B. Mo 508 5230 Brookwood 64130 Talbert, Roy F. Mo 561 11 East 69thTerr.64 113 Webb , Samuel C. Mo 633 3004 De Groff Way 64108 Williams, Clyde A. Ken 574 2302 Shady Lane Dr. 64116 Wilson, Henry W. KansSt 353 5904 N. Howard 64118 Wilson, Kenneth G. KSt 552 2409 Red Bridge Terr. 64131 Wilson , Ronald L. KSt 576 6904-E·2B 64129 Wiltse, James L. Kens 546 9826 Harrison Circle 64131 KINGSVILLE Jarvis, W. R. CMS 64061 KIRKSVILLE Cross, Lorin A. Mo 556 1802 South Orchard 63507 Hunt, Bruce H. CMS 64 63501 KIRKWOOD Allen, John F. NU455 670 Scott Avenue 63122 Hamilton, Lanny R. Mo 685 8728 A Rankin Avenue 63144 ltschnar. Dale H. Ariz 122 35 W. Glenwood Lane 64122 K1'8US, Samuel C., Jr. Mo 530 816 Edlin 63122 McMthan , Russell Samuel, Jr. NW 508 701 East Essex 63122 Posegate, William H. NU 389 609 Woodrush Drive 63122 SteveJUon, Curtis W. MSM 28 730 Simmons 63122 KNOX CITY Goodson , Donald Everett Mo 540 63446

LtRUSSEl Neumeyer, Wendell 0 . MSM 92 Box 55 64848 lEES SUMMIT Feller, D~id J. CMS 189 304 Mil Mar 64063 LEMAY Oilthe:y, Maylllrd l. MSM 84 3334 Maryalan Court 63129 LEXINGTON . Cook, Philip Hailer Kans 401 64067

LIBERTY Kelley , DBVid H. 1112Skyline 64068 McDaniel, James G. MSM 90 1311 N. Hiway 69 64068 Spainhower, Larry R. CMS 135 805 Nesham Rd. 64068 LINCOLN Brady, Weldon R. CMS 92 6633B LOUISIANA Denney, H. Robtn I&St358 104 Dolbeane Dr. 63353 LONE JACK Beam, Billy R. CM 6B 64070

MACON Briggs, Frank P. Mo 653 1132 N. Jeckson 63552 MANCHESTER Agricola, Richard J. MSM 7 678 Henry 63011 Gwinner, George M. Mo 350 Rt. 1, Henry Rd. 63011 Ramsey, Owen l. Mo 541 812 Brookvale Ttrr. 63062 0-30

MARCELINE Murray, Robert Byert Mo 308 203 w. Chicago Ave. 64658 MARSHALL Earty, ThomasJ. CMS 181 358 W. Summit 65340 Deer, Denny C. CMS 183 835 N. Od~I6S340 Edwards, Claude Mo 253 66340 Harris, Henry H., Jr. Mo 380 231 E. Highlands 65340 Smithson, Royce M. Mo 559 603 E. Yerby 66340 MATIHEWS Nance, Willard S. Mo 680 Route 12 63867 Senln, William R. Mo 678 Route #2 63867 MISSOURI CITY linn, 8. T. CMS 162 Box 185 64072 MOBERLY Keller, Calvin M. Mo 602 Box 14565270 MONETI Auffen, Edward l. Art~; 215 901 Broadwoy 6570B Monroe, Elmus lewis Mo 505 6570B MONROE CITY Luyster, Roy M. Mo 328 63456 MORRISVILLE Cox, John Mays 111371 65710 MOUND CITY Steele, James E. Kans 463 64470

MT. VERNON Baugh, Billy Gene Okla A&M 239 65712 Colley, Gary l. Mo 650 Spring Part~; Blvd. 65712 Spratt, Robert Cleveland KansSt 90 65712 NAPOLEON Soendker,Jen~ldW.

CMS 139

64074 NEVADA Scon, Jimmit l. CMS 45 310 W. Pitcher 64772 NEW HAVEN Gooch, Kaye Wendell Mo 553 6306B NORBORNE Arterburn, Howard G. Mo 332 6466B White, T. ChBSter Mo 123 R.F.O. 2 6466B NORMANDY Hoffman, Glen 0 . Mo 621 3012 Kemp Drive 63121 NORTH KANSAS Davis, Hamil Clyde Mo 387 2614 Swih 64116 ODESSA McEwen, Jimmy R. CMS 109 Box 33, 406 So. Third 64{176 O'FALLON Zimmerman, LeMoyne KSt 380 701 Pernque Drive 63366

OliVEnE Schowengerdt, Paul F. Mo 182 73 Stoneyside Lane 63132 OREGON Bailey , Max Hunter Nebr438 64473 OSCEOLA Foster, Vernon C. CMS 81 64776

PAnONSBURG Todd, Richard l. Mo 620 6467D PECULIAR Dobson, Donald R. CMS 90 6407B PILOT GROVE Ry bak, FrankJ. CMS 157 65176

PLATO Tanner, R. Wesley Mem 36 General DelivefV 65552 PLEASANT Hill CIMnger, Claton F., Jr. CMS 124 225 N. Jeffrtyl 64080 PORTAGEVILLE Ellington, R. D., Jr. MissSU 3 R. 1, Box 31 63873 Morgan, E. K. WIS 103 Rt.ll. Box 15 63873 Swilley , AlbertA. 11136B 801 Huffman St. 63873 RAYTOWN Crumlry, Richud E. Kans 675 5328 Hunter 64133 fe11on, Rtlph L. NH 287 9305 E. B2nd St.64t3B long, leltnd E. CMS 87 5212 Woodson Road 64133 Willilms, Theo. Jos., Jr. Mo 710 7906 Elm 64138

RICHLAND Ktlllr, llldort P., Jr. laSt 49 65556 RICHMOND Mansager, Mer¥in E. Mo 360 410 W. Main St 64085 ROCK HILL Stnd, Douglas A. Mo 677 1051 " 0" Dry Rood 63119 ROCKPORT Hedgpeth, Jimmie Nebr 380 644B2 ROLLA A/com, Harbert R. MSM 104 Hobson Star Route 65401 Bloch , Melra. A. MSM 33 12D5 Powell 65401 Eshbaugh, Clifford W. MSM 34 668 West 10th Stnet 65401 Feind, Eart E. MSM 57 1000 Wast 12th Street 65401 Fellows, Larry D. laSt 534 204 Adrian 65401 Fuller, Or. Harold 0. MSM 35 Route 4, Box B65401 Lemmon, George MSM 89 508 West Ninth Strut 65401 Maggi, Gerald G. MSM 36 Rt. 12 65401 Nelson, Ivan E. MSM 37 1204 Wost E~hth 65401 Rankin, Rolfe N. MSM 4S 16 Summit Avenue 65401 Routh, Dewey Arthur Mo 343 920 W. 10th St. 65401 Schrtnk, Walter Theodora Wis 217 1110 Olivo St. 65401 Spindler, Herb MSM 68 508 West Ninth Street 65401 Valle, Del MSM 42 914 East 9th Straet 65401 ST. CHARLES Rohlfing, Cart T. Mo 679 103 N. Droste Road 63301 Davis, Theodort E. Mo 554 33 Floyd Or. 63301 Sandridge, Jack R. CMS 95 708 N. Duchesne 63301 Stacey, Hadley F. MSM 54 2214 Boulton 63301 ST. JOSEPH Buffum, James Ted Mo 407 2103 Mulberry 64501 Haden , Ron l. MSM 67 2805 Jute Street 64501 Henze, Jack R. Mo 5B1 3116 Mitchell Ava. 64507 Muench, Albert Harry Mo 321 215 Phys. & Surg. Bldg. 64501 Roush, Eber V. KansSt 167 2605 Parallel65406 Utz , William H., Jr. Mo 373 2424 Faraon St. 64501

ST. LOUIS AroJUon, Robert L. Mo 662 Civil Court Bldg. 63101 Ballman, Thomas l. NW 474 222 Marilyn Estate Or. 63123 Barbush, Joseph Mo 644 400 Bellwiew Ave. 63119 Barnes, Ward E. Mo 391 7634 N. Sunset Drive 63121 BoSau , Marvin E. Mo 100 6625 Pershing 63109 Browne, Anthony P. J. Ill Wes 59 3634-A Hydraulic 63116 Bruyene, Gerald W. Syr 280 609 Plantmore 63121 Buschmann, William Henry H. Ill 262 P.O. Box 436 63166 Carlock, M. F. 111415 10071 Briarwood Or. 63124 Christ, Arthur Ia 330 6434 Scanlon Ave. 63109 Clark, Russell Mo 438 511WesleyAve. 63121 Coates, Arthur E. Mich 247 8Country Estate63131 Colin, Mich&el C. Mo 698 6 Marwood Lane 63141 Crook, Robert T. Rens 107 7820 Cornell Avenue 63130 Delkesbmp, Harry R. Mo 583 4009 Delor 63116 Oiltner, Kenneth E. ColoSt 6 2208 Cleek Coun 63131 Ellis, Andrew R. Mo 629 1432 Grant Rd. 63119 Ellis, Thomas H. lnd 453 11680 Rossmoor Lane 63128 Eoff, Sherman Hinkle Tax 125 8409 Colonial 63105 Ernst, C. M. Mo 452 1 York Hills 63144 Gleason, Albert I. 111681 1800 Firethom Drive 63131 Gould, Harold E., Jr. Mo 646 10011 Banbury l allt63 128 Graham, Kyle Theodore Mo 346 3027 Gary Drive 63120 Grimm, Thomas C. Ill 300 7720 Shirley Dr. 63105 Halley, Thomas P. Mo 264 7479 Kingsbury 63130 Henley, James T. Pur 714 11130 Stonayview 63141 Hunsaker, David J. Ill 849 348 Em Bodlry 63122 Johnson, Wayne Pfost Mo 461 2115locunStreet63103 Ktnnedy , Arthur L. OklaSt 233 2633 Hadden Or. 63136 Klein, William R. Mo 615 7018 Holly Hills 63123 Koch, Richard l. NU 675 7344 Fernbrook Or. 63123 McKean, Gilbert R. MSM 4 4216 Hedglmont Lane 6312B Mayer, Alvin A., Jr. MSM 21 5715 Holly HilbAvenue 63109 Merryfield, Robtrt M. MSM 22 4535lindeii, Apt. 11l63108

Mi~~M:,:~o ~i~=~~r c:~ch 366 1100 S. Stcond St63104 Monagan, Roget'1 Thomas Mo 348 36141ron St. 63116 North, Gilbert B. Ill 572 12956 Wallingshire Court 63141 Oliver, Willitm Hendarmn Mo 291 633B lansd0W111 63109 Paxton, Later H. Mo 427 3B63 Flora 63110 Paasa, James 0. Ohio 18 28WI'Ifl'ton0rive63124 Rabensbtl'lJ, Bill V. Mo 413 13 log Cabin Lane 63117 Schmidt, Reed A. Mo 486 8805 Pa~on Circle 63123 Schroeder, W. J., l/1 Ariz 155 11600 Doris Drive 63138 Schoene, John R. MSM 75 10915 lesson Ferry 63123 Schuster, George A. R. Mich 238 4950 Lindell Blvd . 6310B Simpson, Harry G. Mo 2B2 202 MerchantJ Exth. Bldg. 5100 Oakland 63110 Smith, Robert E. Mo 512 731 Westwood Dr. 63105 Strid, Ralph H. Syr 218 273 Partland 63122 Tarde, Walter C. Mo 596 3828 A Humphrey 63104 Tan:lt, Walter C., Jr. Mo 597 3828 A Humphrty 63104 Vrooman, John Bleck CMS 106 Box 402 63166 Weber, William G. MSM 31 1237 Enderbury Dr., Apt. 7 63125 Wilson, J. R. GW 80 3 Robin Hill Lane 63124 SALIS BURG Farr, Frank Vail laSt 65 St11 Route 65281 SAN ANTONIO McAdoo, David E. Colo 748 550 Woodcrest Dr. 78209 SARCOXIE Petenon, Jimmie R. MSM 97 709 Franklin St. 64862 SEDALIA Allen, Frank P. Nebr507 2306 Kay Avenue 65301 Defoe, Bill R. CMS 127 R.R. 12 65301 Gray, James C. MSM 80 1004 So. Kentucky 65301 Wollery , William l. MSM 87 220BWest 2nd 65301 SIKESTON Childress, John R. MSM 10 716 Allen Blvd . 63801 SMITHTON Monsees, James E. Mo 616 RR I 66350 Monsees, Ned E. Mo 682 65350

Monsees, Olen F. Mo 643 65350 Monsees, Olen F. Mo 691 66350 SPRINGFIELD Atwater, Bennett L. MSM 48 t347 N. Pork 65602 Carson, John M. Mo 418 1533 S. Clay St. 65804 Craig, lee A. Mo227 2254 S. Cloy 65B04 Garringer, Hall., Jr. MSM 76 1445 S. Campbell 65804 McCollum, William V. Ark 22 800 W. Penhing 65806 Maddox, Donald P. Mo 666 1433 S. Barnes 65804 Poarch, JamesW. MSM 6 1902 Collimon 65804 Robertson, F. Gordon NW 210 1057 South Gltnstone Ave. 65804 STEELVILLE Uchius, David J. Mo 632 65565

TIPTON Carter, Robert E. Mo 706 206 Gravois Straet 65081 lang, Eugene L. CMS 197 460 W. Cooper 65081 long, Jon 0. Mo 590 Box 249 65081

Hall, Kent Douglas Mo 604 North Monroe St. 65084 Hell, Ruaell Pritchen Ill 170 65084 Marr, George L. Mo 333 65084 Marr, George L. Mo 617 313 North Fisher St. 65084 Rand , Herry J. Mo 613 65084 Rand, Walter L. Mo 614 65084 StNia, Heny B. Mo 147 c/o E. J. McNair 65084 WAMEGO Sulliven, James Kens 376 66547 WARDELL Donahue, Larry A. Kans 755 P.O. Box 263 63B79 WARRENSBURG Atwell, Theodore V. CMS 4fi 342 E. Goy St. 64093 Brewington, Wm.l . CMS 143 306 Jonn Avenue 64093 Burgess, Charla 0 . CMS 133 413WestNorth64093 Conway, Cart L. CMS 125 Box 0 64093 Day, Lelend D. CMS 153 105 East South 64093 Evans, Ronald K. CMS 117 511 HancockAvenue64093 Hemphil, Donald R. CMS 107 319 Brood 64093 Hout, George W. CMS 136 216 E. Gay St. 64093 Kurtz, John P. CMS 112 Box 208 64093 Miller, Rotert B. KSt 392 127 W. Culton 64093 Nash, Nathan J. CMS 48 117 W. South St. 64093 Parks, Kennit M. CentMoSt SO RR 5 64093 Pearce, Clarena R. CMS 33 Rt. 5, Fernhill Rd. 64093 Pinman, Riley H. CentMoSt 40 R.F .0. 5, Fern Hill Rd. 64093 Sill, John S. CMS 96 905 Vest Drive 64093 Taylor, Stephen 0. CMS t75 316 ~ W. North 64093 Teatar, Roben E. CMS 120 321 %. E. Market 64093 Volentine, laster E., Jr. CentMoSt 52 409 E. Marll;et St. 64093 Wilhelm, K. F. le451 Apt.l2, Ponhing Ct. 15 64093 WARRENTON Gerdeman, George H. Mo 611 501 E. Binner Ave. 63383 Gerdeman, George J. Mo 608 510 East Banner St 63383 Turner, George E. Mo 664 c/oTumtrT. V.63383 Wessel, George K. Mo 647 63383 WASHINGTON Elsea, Harold D. Mo 318 1624 E. 5th 63090 WEATHERBY Reynolds, Everene L. Mo 376 64407 WEBB CITY Hatcher, Era Price Mo 260 1315 Wast Austin St. 64870 WEBSTER GROVES Birbn, Jerry L. Mo 676 456 Foraston Place 63119 Brown, George E. Mo 513 637 Foote Ave. 63119 Hanson, James R. Mo 453 114 Helfenstein 63119 WELLINGTON Baker, Ronald L. CMS 89 RFO 1 64097 WELLSVILLE Swarthout, Ned T. CMS 10 63384 WENTWORTH Knowles, Dale E. MSM 96 R.R. 1 64B73

Hannah, Leny K. Klns 651 1124 N. 31st 59101 Hudgoro, Clyde 0. Mo 356 16D5 Rimrock Rood 69102 Ol10n, Chortos F. NW 37B P.O . Box 1916 59103 lindberg, Ha11an Colo 703 942 Ru 69103 McGH, Boyd J. Wash 440 2331 Ash St. 69103 Rubick, Wallace F. Ohio 160 2312 Y~lowstono 69101


BOZEMAN Mear, Doneld W. laSt 447 B16 North 17th Avo. No. 54 69715 Scanlan, Jack A., Jr. Tu 285 ME. Dept. M S U 59716 BUTIE Hooper,

ft~nk W. Kans 3S3 1034 Caledonil59701 Scon, Walttr Todd Herv 85 Montane Stet• School of Mints UnivefSity of Montane 59701

EMIGRANT Story, Ptter R. Colo 581 Story Ranch 59027 FORT BENTON Shirley, Willilm J. le 61 59442 GLENDIVE McPherson, David A. Minn 723 611 North M11d1 49330 GREAT FALLS Allrad, lvan A., M.D. Colo 189 Medical Arts Bldg. 59401 Eller, Lerry D. Co/StCo/111 1503-Jrd Avo., N.W. 59401 Figel, Lt. Walter, Jr. Frk 568 5134 B. Welnut St. 59401 Talley, Kenneth A. CMS 86 4032 Ello Or. 59401 Wenzel, WiUiek Julius Cln 45 Box 2091 Cin 45 Wiens, Dewey L. Nabr 574 1501·3rd AVI., South 59401 HARDIN Robinson, Robert L. Wyo 44 Box 243 59034 HELENA Baumgart, Norman D. Nebr 494 1500 H~hlond 69601 Peacock, Frenk J. NW 284 5270 No. Montena 59601 Shore, Chester K. Kens 292 Box B2 - Capitol Station 59601 Wilson, Myron R. Wash 107 c/o Helena Hardware Co . 59601 KALISPELL Beeman, Rex W. OraSt 113 409 Crestview Rd. 59901 Nelson, Ven Kirke SoCel 116 7B1 · ht Ave . EN 59901 Walls, Atth Mich 229 116 Crestline Or. 59901 LAUREL Johnston, Paul Alfrtd Nebr 171 501 3rd Ave. 59044 LIMA Montgomart. W.W., Jr. SoC.I28 Box 1620 59735 MISSOULA locke, Thomas P. WashSt 288 2251 Briggs St. 59801 Rahm, Gary N. CoiStU 237 1B52 35th St. 59B01 Wilkinson, Dan Wyo 195 102 Wapikiye 59801 NEIHART Alcock, Gerald W. DklaSt 426 Belt Cr11k Renger Station 59465 POLSON Cramer, Wilsie M. Dan 142 West Sho11 59860 SHELBY Wilcox, Donald Burvess Wah 289 59474 WOLF POINT Appe/gren, Atfr.d Robert Minn 571 69201

TOPEKA Petr, Winzer J. KansSt 277 231 Edgewood 66606

WEST PLAINS Raines, William D. Mo 673 P.O. Box 711 65775 Taylor, Roland Dale Mo 549 Rover Routs 3065775

TRENTON Branham , Don A. Mo 565 922 McPhenon 64683 Shields, Theodore R. Mo 381 409 W. Crowder Rd. 64683

WILLIAMSVILLE Henson, Chester A., Jr. MSM 81 Route 1 63907 Henson, Chester A., Sr. MSM 99 Rt.163967

TURNEY Martin , Robert J. CMS 53 c/o Frances Barna 64493

WINDSOR Merryfield, Witliam L. Mo 684 307 E. Colorado 65360 Port, John L. Mo 657 707 S. Main 65360

BISMARK Burbn, Walttr R. CoiSC 87 216 Hill SL 58501 Carrick, Ronald W. NU 702 B27·14th Strllt 58501 laftlln, Jama A. NU 705 116 EastOwtnsAwnue58501 Taylor, E. J., Jr. Ohio 36 929 N. FimSt., P.O. Box 214 58501


FARGO Benson, Georg~ E., Jr. Minn 623 910 South Drivt 58102 Drayton, Tom ColoSt 109 1529·9th St. South 58101 Herding, Alphonso Parley Pur 148 1415 9th St,..t S. 58102 Swinson, Donald D. Minn 596 45 Woodland 58102 Zimmermen, Honce G. MiM 354 1210 4th St. N. 58102

UNION Jervis, William 0. CMS 115 114 Reinhard 63084 UNION STAR Schnitker, David G. MSM 47 64494 UNIVERSITY CITY Metz, John Irving Mo 149 8001 Gannon Ave. 63130 Sparling, Victor Edward Mo 525 400 Mission Coun 63130 VERSAILLES Hall, Charles Robert Mo 574 303 N. Van Bun~n 65{184 Hell, Jtma G. Mo 573 304 N. VenBurtn 65084

BILLINGS Doolen, Robert B. Minn 704 2827 E. lyndele Ln. 59102 Field, James A. UCLA 126 1031 Maier Road, Rou11 2, 59102 Garrett. Roy S., Jr. Colo 486 420 Nelson Dr. 59102

North Dakota

JAMESTOWN Amundson, Oscar A. Minn 195 602 3rd St. N.E. 68401

llomabucci, Dovid C. Frk 598 504 2nd Avo. S.E. 584ll 1

MUiburgtr, lloyd Emert Mlnn 31 4 584ll 1


Balcomb, Philip R. Colo 760 1621 N. Nicholas ~91 1 Btngs, Donald C. Wist 375 524 E. 8yrd St. 54911


Rolttd, Denitl Post Wah 181


Brtwtr, John V. CoiSU 16 2625 North Union Street 54911 BARA800


Haas, HoMrd Jemes KansSt 255 U.S. Fi.. d Stttion 58554

Holaday, Frank Maxwell Pur 218 1415 Oak Street 53913 BARRO N


Bonack, Ktrt Kaptar WIS 176 39 S. Main St. 54935 Mtllenthien, L. H. W'IS 587 91 S. Reyal 54935 Newell, Lynn Fiehts Wis 226 54 W. 11th St. 54935

Whelen, Allen Wis 197 312 Forest An. 54935 FO NTANA

Peterson, Chlrles K. laSt 568 519 South Shore Or. 53125

Wester, Karl laSt 274 325 S. 3rd 54811 BAYFIELD

South Dakota A8ERDEEN

Allen, Walter J. Minn 40 511 N. Main 5740 1

Wells, Richard 0 . Ia 390 1415 N. lincoln St. 57401 8ELLE FOURCHE

Baird, Robert Alfred Colo 514 823 Herding 57717 8RDO KINGS Kershner, Catvin M. Frk 36 1 1216·7th St. 57006

lagerstrom, John E. laSt 614 310 Uocoln l aneS. 57006

Beebe, Ed mer Wis 382 Box 231 54814 BELOIT

Garrigan, George Arthur Wis279 Turtle Ridge 53511 Magill , William F. Colo 779 1921 Totem Road 53511 Mc f erren, Michael J. NU 651 430 Harrison St. 535 11 Opdyke, James E. Wise 437 769 Oaffodil53511 Wahlberg, Gilbert George Wis 342

Estebo, Orrin S. Minn 731 Route 2 57226


Christiansen, Rolf E. Wis 609 22B N. \Vash St. 54923 BLUE MOUNDS 53517 BRILLIO N

Ariens, Mando Steven Wis 316


Clark, Georve C. ColoSt 29 56 Taylor Ave. 57732 GARRETSON Wiae, Owen Peter Mo 547 57030 GREGOR Y

Serr,larry C. ColoSI 127 57533 HOT SPRI NGS

Eibert, Donald W. KansSt 77 137 South 5th 57747 LE AD Pinman, Theodore L. Wyo 159

414 South Main Strnt 577 54 Stormo, Kenneth A. Colo 663 500 Ridgeroad 57754 MADI SON

HoS1rup, Clarence C. Mich 292 710 N. E. Fifth St. 57042 MI TCH EL L Shoemaker, Robert H. Nebr 478 Box 112 5730 1 MO NTROSE

Vasgurd, Julian Eugene laSt 352


Anden;on , OonatdA. Wis379 425 No. Beaumont 53005 Baker, Or. John B. Syr 319 2440 North I31st Street 53005 Carlson, Dave Minn 661 18170 Hoffmann Ave. 53005 Heuer, J. A. Ill 736 25 10 Rockury lane East 53005 Narrin , Elgin E. NU 158 17840 Mierow Court 53005 Newland , Coleman A., Jr. Colo 290 1235 S. Pon Rd. 53005

Ohlsen , larry D. Wis 564 145 North Eastmoor 53005 Roberu, lee W. Okla 704 16600 Brooklawn Or. 53005 Ruenzel , Norman Wis 413 2560 Carson Cl. 53005 Smith, Philip M. Mich 525 15515 Springwood Court 53305 Tuscany , William G. Pur 520 1780 Hickory Hill lane 53005 Whisner, Donald A. OklaSt 147 4235 No. 133rd St. 53005

Armstrong, Richard W. Ohio 184 6318 South 122 Strett53132 Manhews, Ralph W. Vt 96 B211 So. 100th St. 53132 FREDER IC K

FOGJm,Arthur Minn438 54837 GRAFTON

Laubenstein, Harold J. Wist 329 R. 2, 8ox 100 - Hy. 0 53074 GREEN BAY

Bouche. David l. Pur914 1061 Kellogg St. 54303 Fry, Donald E. Wise 548 538 S. Madison Street 5430 1 Green, William Carl Wis 129 1200 South Monroe St. 54301 Hartnig, Richard E. Wis6 14 1096 Morris 54304 Howlen, George Frederick Mich 343 1003 S. Webster Ave. 54301 James, Evan William Wis 406 116B KeiiO!l'J 54303

La Chapelle, Harris AndrtW Wis 403 1030 - 12th St. 54304

Monfils, Owen F. Wls 569 986 Hickery Hill Drive ~304 Roberts, CharlesJ. Wisc625 549 larscheid 54301 HARTF ORD

Gifford , JohnM. Wisc611 Route 2, Waterford Rd. 53027 HATLEY

Benton , John K. Harv 146 R.R. #1 54440 HI XTON

Oorrance, JamesM. Wis612 Route 1, Box 8 54635 Oorrance, MichaeiJ . Wisc621 54635

Sindelar, James C. Wis 634 54635 HO LLAN DALE

Mors.e,HarryArthur Wis398 53544


Wheaton , Robert C., M.D. Wis 550 373 S. Kane St. 53105



Nagel, Frederick E. NU 299 915 Kinnickinnic St. ~016



Carl, Charles E. Mo 463 11 2N.Adams57501 Cone, Richard A. laSt 557 200 South Tyler 57501 Schu lu , Philo Howard Wis 319 118 N. Yankton Ava. 57501 RAPID CITY

McCroskey, Robert C., Jr. Wyo 182 728 St. Charles 57701 REDFIELD

Schleher, Arthur Frederick Minn 95 57469

Henderson, Robert K. Wise 630 629 Plelsure 54728 Scherz , James P. Wis 615 Box 321 , Route I 54728 CHIPPEWA FALLS

Roush , Maurice 0. laSt429 720 Coleman St. 54729


Kesling, Jack 0. Kens 641 57656

Noble, Jack l. Colo 390 ~7069


Williams, Ward Trebor Minn 223 Box 156 57201 Zellmer, James N. Minn 469 20.6th Ave. 57201

Koula, Wenzel James Wis 388 Route 2 54623 CU DAH Y Zoerb, Howard McKinley Wis 256 4031 E. Allerton Ave. 53110 DA LTON


Pierce, Solon Wesley Wis 401 53531 DeF OREST

Lund, David B. Wise 526 53532


Hei•. Nyles N. Wis 652 Route 11 53001

DELAVAN Beuer, RobertG . IIIWes87 566 laurel Heights Or. 53115 Gardner, Henry , Jr. Wls 443 524 McDowell St. 53115 DE PERE

Trewyn, Ben Wis 376 719 N. Michigan 54115 EA U CLA IRE


Schlomein, Hon . Gary B. w-rsc 497 Chamben; of the County Judge BuHalo County Court 54610 ALTOO NA

Erickson, Gertld K. Wu; 617 1628 Brighton Street 54720 ANTI GO

Meleurd, William leverne NW 236 327 Clermont 54-409

Anderson. Arthur lloyd Wis 253 1022 Fifth Avtnue 54701 Kappm, lloyd S. Wis266 1204 State Street 54701 ECHO

Kelly, William F. Ohio 62 c/o Roy AI men Box 97 54428


Ihlenfeldt , Stanley W. Wise 461 Sox 89 53121

5309 R.,.nt St. 53705

Greeg, Rusell T. Ill 391 Ed. Dept. - Unrvtrsity of Wisconsin 53706 Grimstad , Paul C. Minn 344 2224 Fox Avenue 53711 Hanes, Donald K. Ill 776 4806 Academy Drive 53716 Hansen, Norlllln E. Wis 563 Rt. 2. Gammon Rd. 53711 Hoesly , Henry Chester Wis 204 95 Spooner St. 53705 Hoopes, John A. Cat 516 1133 Edgehill Dr. 53705

Hunt, Henry J. Wis 26 6010 So. Highland Road 53705 Johnson, Donald F. NU 672 210 S. Kenosha Drive 53705 Jones, Thomas Edward w-rs 135 2027 Chadbourne Ava. 53705 Josephson, Richard J. Wis 570 226 Van Oeusen St. 53715 Kelley, Russelll. PennSt 627 1820 Summit Ave . 53705 lan;on , Clayton B. Wis 419 4505 TravisTerr. 53705 Lippert, Eugene C. Wis 531 1319 Farwell Or. 53704 Lippert, Roderick J. Wise 530 1319 Farwell Dr. 53704 Macalady, Donald l. PennSt 589 II Sherman Terrace Apt2 53704

Maloney, Norris Emmett Wis 373 2726 Chamberlin Ave. 53705 Massey, Dean T. Wis 540 5101 HoHday Or. 53711 Massey, Richard W. Wls 542 405 Palomino Lane 53705 Maxfield, Jack H. Wi11C426 4206 St. Clair 53705 May , Arthur L. Wise 485 2523Van HiseAve. 53705 Minor, Or. J. l. Nebr555 2201 Prairie Rd. 53711 Moore, John Quain PennSt 290 3533 Heather Cr8$t 53705 Mueller, Herbert W. Wis405 1053 Rutledge St. 53 703 Nedrebo, Kristoffer 0. Wis 595 4010 Manitou Way 53711 Owen , RayS. Wis 6 5807 Winnequah Road 53704 Paugh, Russell Harry lnd 148 3706 Hillcrest Drive 53705 Putnam, Tom Colo 777 667 Witte Hall 53706 Schaffer, Erwin l. Wis607 610 Frederick lane 53711 Smith, David l. WashSt 284 621 N. lake St. 53703 Steuber, WilHam F. Wls 359 705 Schiller Ct. 53704 Wallgren, Donald W. Minn 739 4510 Armistice lane 53704 Winkler, Dean A. NU 529 1026 Hathaway 53711 Woods, W. H. Wise 495 14 North Henry 53703 Yale, Charles E. 11 1628 2305 Manor Green Drive 5371 1 MANIT OWOC

Gaterman, William Charles Wis 458 1130 lincoln Blvd. 54220 Kugler, Harold A. Wis397 P.O. Box 352 54220

R.R. 2, Box 17 53039

Theis, Clarence G. Wis 360 Box 148 54130 Theis, Roger A. Wis 600 116 East 4th St. 54130

Dahlquist, Raymond Arthur Wis 345 835 Gladstone St. 54143 Jabas, F. H. Wis 591 P.O. Box 194 54143 Remora, H. H. la 147 Box 230, Route 1 54143


Johnson, Albion Wise 334 303·304 Dale Bldg. 53140 Kullman, David E. NW 594 7525 21st Ave . 53140 Morrow, Cecil Alfred, M.D. Wis 290 6336 Sheridan Rd. 53140 Shtrer, Conrad John Wis416 Schwartz Bldg. 53140 KING

Booth, Charles H. Wis 432 Box 26 54946 laCR OSS E Eversole, Peter J. laSt 635 2300 Valley Road 54601 Gansen, Edward Frank Kaerwer Wis354 213 Rivoli Bldg. 54601 Hetherington, George Merriman Chi 263 426 North 22ndSt. 54601 Pappus, Peter G. Wis 456 2522 State St. 54601 Robinson, James C. Wis 515 424 South 23rd St. 5460 I


Byen, Francis Robert Wis 476 54950

Schroeder, Vernon Clarence Wis 472 54950

Bakken, Henry Harrison WtS 222 2218 Chadbourne Ava. 53705 Bennen, Jacob Roderick Wis 364 4122 N.Sunset Court 53705 Bowers, Warren 0. Wis 603 904 Nichols Rd. 53704 Bremer, FrederickJ. Minn475 6016 Queens Way 53716 Caray, Or. John Wis572 5110 Barton Rd. 53711 Conrad, Robert B. Wis 505 Route 11 53704 Cooper, Delmer Cleir Wis346 2749 Kendall Avt. 53705 Dick Elliot C. Minn 597 sin S. Midvale, Apt. 108 53711

2531J.N . 90th St. 53210

C.rpenter, Everen N. Wisc 236 325 E. Ac.cia Ra~d 53217 Cieri{, Lyle J. NU 170 1805 N. 72 St. 53213 Cook , Guy Thomas lnd 41


Nelson, John Eric !111065 510 N. Apple 54449 MANASHA

Christianson, Alden H. Wis 449 cJo Marathon Corp . ~952 Lee, Clifford M. Wis 590 733 Carver Lane ~952

Co1tello,M. A. Wis351 9700 W. Capitol Drive 11 53222 Fa t, Wamn R. w-rsc 500 2346 N. 68th St. 53213

Fiedler, Albert Charll$ Wis 161 5109 N. Cumberland 53217 Fuller, Henry C. Wis 188 4214 N. Maryland Ave. Shorrwood 53211 Fuller, Henry C., Jr. Wrsc 588 7476 N. lombardy Rd. 53217 Gillet, JamesJ. Wise 475 3148 N. 89th Street 53216 Grayson, Herbert F. NW 381 1452 Nonh B3rd St. 53210 5273 N. 108 53225

Hansen, Donald H. Wise 507 4328 North 41st Street 53216 Harrison, Otwayne 0. Nebr 636 3888 S. Miner StrHt 53221 Haugen, Ernest K. Wise 385 4109 N. 40th St. 53216 3246 N. 84th St. 53222

Jones, E. Morris Wis 194 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. Suite 7006 53203 Jones, Jack B. Wise 527 161W. Wisconsin, Suite 7006 53203 Kosalos, James G. Wise 632 3424 N. 45 Street 53216 Lippert, Carl Henry Colo 297 3432West Center 53210 little, George M. Wis 302 1609 N. Prospect, Apt. 505 53202 lockwood, George J. Syr 318 2934 N. Prospect 532 11 Meinecke, Benjamin F. Wis 400 710 N. Plankington Suite332 53203 Miller, James C. Wis 230 2631 S. 50th St. 53215

Miller, Roger Lee Mo 342 5015 Larkin 53217 Nicora, Edward S. Wis 506 514 N. 107th 53226

Norgord, Karl Andrew Wis 278 8845 Stickney Ave. 53226 Parkinson, Daniel Smith Wis 516 28 18 N. 69th St. 53210

Park inson, George A., Oir. Milwaukee Vocational & Adult Sch. 1015 N. 6yh St. 53210

Patzke, Allan E. Wis514 7113N.97th53224

Praelke, Gordon E. ColoStU 11 7717 N. 43rd St. 53209

Redeen, Byron Chester Wis 368 2955 North 78th Street 53222 Reinke, John A. NW 534 1535 W. Walker St. 53204 Reistad, Earl C. Wis 509 3933 N. Farwell Ave. 53211 Ristow, WilliamJ . Wise 616 2454 S. Green links Drive 53219 Ritter, William A. Wis 464 313 E. Henry Clay 53211 Roozen, Kenneth J. NW 647 4124 N. 79th St. 53222

Ruemelin, Robert J. NW 682 4843 N. Woodburn St. 53217 Salin, Roland V. Wis 606 Schier, leon Charles Wis465 1505 E. Rivenidt Place 53211 Sproule, Or. Ralph P, Wis 163 1024 E. State St. 53202 Tilley, John C. CentSt 21 169 E. Feirmount53217 Voss, Theodore A. Wis 641 1725 E. Kane Pt. 53202 Winkle, Robert NW 406 550Nor1h 104th St. 53213 Wulliman, James C. NW 327 3932 N. Farwell Ave. 5321 1 James, Charlton H. Wise 292 53565 MONFORT

Turntr, Harry 0. Wise 633 53569 MONTELLO

Oirnbauer, Frank A. Wisc 643 MOUNT HOREB

Beat, John Wis7 53572

Podolske, Warren H. Wise 504 9653 N. Greenview Une17W 5309 Schmitz, James S. ColoSU 198 12552 N. lake Shore Rd. 53092 Sell, Gustav A. Wis 155 504 E. 3rd St. 54452 MERRILLAN Porter, Robert Henry Wis 370 54754 MIDDLETON

Oivm:, Llngdon P. WIS 303 2217 Middleton Beach Rd. 53562 MILWAUKEE

Albright, Rali Cin 179 865W. Mont Clair Ave. 53217 Arnold, Elliott J. Wls 496 4257 N. OlstnAve. 53211 Amotd, Suel Orr Wis 276 2208 E. Menlo Blvd. 53211


Maoloras, Christ Nick WIS 529 At . 1 M6SO OREG ON

Burckl\ardt, Llrry P. W'IS 567 438Lincoln 53575 OSHKOSH

Brooks, John B. NH 86 814 Hermel Ave. 54901 Hinder~kar, Hugt!itt H. Minn 486 810 E. Ntw York 54901 Lamb, Frtntis S. WIIIC 139 1702 Ontario St 54901 PEWA UKEE LA KE

Nelson, l arry A. Wis 638 N28W26872Woodland Or. 53072 Schwede, Joseph P. Wis 145 cJo E. A. Schallin 329 Park Ave. 53072 PLATEVI LLE

Balliette, Relph E. Wise 162 638 Wattr Street 53818 PLYM OUTH G~S~ert,

George W. WiJc 305

P.O. 80> 83 53073

Heckel, John M. Ia 516

R. R. #2 53949


Orr, John P. Cin 253 520 Bonill Drive 53154

Hall, Dwid la349


S.lyer, Guy Mo 378 401 2nd St. West ~751


3352 N. 48th St. 53216



Birch, Frank V. Wis 174 1696 N. Astor Stf11t 53202 Blair, Walter Agnew Wn 455 2519 N. uke On.. 53211 Blehy, Mtrtus A. Colo 4

5B15S. 15th Pl. 53221 MARINETIE


DELAFIEL D Nesbilt, JamesW. Wis 556 615 Milwaukee St. 53018


Schwantes, Stanley H. Wise628 KA UKAUNA


Hunter, OennisJ. Wise 645 Rou111 53926


Bergh, lnqvald G. Minn 219 1908 Sl. Mary's Avenue 53545 Ruesch, Stanley V. Wise 647 407 North Pearl Street 53545 Sweney, Roy E., Jr. GW 272 1022 N. lexington Or. 53545

Gingery , Nelson W. Wise 642 Route 1, Box 292 53017


Peasley. John A. Colo 524 2304 South Willow 57105 Robinson, William F. Wash 364 Box 89757101 WeiYtr, Richard J. Pur 523 35 Riverview Hts. 57105



Fallen, Kenyon Wis 428


611 E. Lewis St.


1051 ·10th St. 53511

Hobson, Asher Kans 145


FT. ATKINSON Southworth , Horace H. NU 296 314 Hilltop Trail53538

Ellis, John C., M.C. W'11 552 1014 Beloit Ct 53705 Fiuchen, John A. NU 148 3420 Viburnum Or. 53705 Frank, Milton H. Pur 68 302 West Walnut Avenue 53705 Frazier, Wm. C. WIS 261 231 WHtmorlend Blvd. 53705 Green, Jemes E. lnd 390


Birltey, Herold E. Ill 894 W191 S7156 Luehring Or. 53150


Morrison, EitonJ. Wis149 526 Pr0$pect 53901 RACINE

Bixler, A. 0 ., Ill lnd 635 3023 Story Book Drive 53406 By bet, Norbert A., Jr. Wise 623 1629 Maple Street 53404 Oenzig, LIWfence H. NU 530 501 Hollow Creek Rd . Wind Point 53402 Dixon , Arthur George Ill 350 401 Cros:s Creek Aold 53402 Eckllllnn, Clarence W. Wis 438 238 Cherry Hill Or. 53406 Feiker, William Winfield Wis 340 520 Main Sl. 53403 Frteman, John W. NU 609 430 East 3 Mile Rd. 53402 Higby , William M. OreSt4 710 Echo lane 53406 Lanning, Norman V. Ohio 147 2514 Rosalind Ave. 53403 Myer, Raymond Philip NW 101 610 Wisconsin St. 53402 Myen, Samuet P. Wise 306 P.O. Box426 53401


• Lw

Wis 523

Rou le 2 54501 RIVE R FALLS

Mosher, John G., Jr. 111495

Nel~:.~~:,slt. ~~~~


R.R. 2, Box 145 ~022 ROTHSCHILD

RuiTISiy , Fred l. KSt280 737 Birch St. 54474 ST. FRANCIS

Krieger, Roland l. Rens2 18 1621 East Eden Place 53207 SCH OFIELD

Greason, Alvin A. Wis 566 54476 SHEB OYGAN

Huebner, John l. NW 670 738 North 28th St. 53081 Nix, Harvey W., Jr. Wise 583 P.O. Box 51 53081 Peter$0n, Marvin M. Wis 407 1125MainAve. 53081 Worthing, Hugh Otis Wis 134 2330 Nor1h 6th StrHt 53081 SHOREWOOD

Kerur.:hoke, Robtn P. Wise 624 4534 N. WoodruffAve. 53211 Teylor, Russell Rayette W"IS 164 4001 N. Prospect Ava. 53211 SO. MILWAUKEE Han•n, James: E. Wise 622 617 Nicholson 53172 SPARTA

Ambelang, C. 0. Wise 430 Box 215 54656 STEVENS POINT

Amundson , Donald K. Wts 524 332 Peck St. 54481 Anderson, Hiram Dunfield Wis 468 Box 255 54481 Chenault, Paul G. GW 282 508 Park St 54481 Curwen, Oevid M. Vt 44 3708 Simonis St. 54481


Cogger, William l. Mich 374 662 Stevens St. 54956 Hewilt, Dean J. Mo 534 525 Pembrook Court ~936


Amundson, Bumhard Clerantt Wrs 313 211 N. Fihh Street 53589 Hough, Ralph G. 111787 R. 3, Box 198 53589


Hanson , RusseU V. WIS 577 13604 Robin Tr.il53 151 NEILLSVILLE Johnson, Donald W. Wrs 541 161 E. 5th St. ~56 NEW BERLIN

Knutson, Norvin A. Wis 539 5247 Guerin Pus 53151 Rose, James l. Wll533 1625 South Shorewood Or. 63151


McPherson, ll Roy Wi1 78

m n10..., Bldg . 5488ll


Prosser, Frtderick H. Wist 327 Rt. 2, Box 1578 53092 TOMAH

Bunis, Carl C. lnd 160 1005 01k Str11t M660 D-31


Lembcke, louts William Wis 320 S«87 TWO RIVERS Ahrens, Frederic William Wis 534

R.R. 254241 VERONA Wilson, Joseph 0. WIS 200


Ouinn , ltoydJ. W1S650 Route IS 53094 Reed, William H. NW 398 306 Sou th Washington 53094 WAUKESHA · Klan, Ne:sley Evans Wis 348

333 Greenfield Ave. 53186 Stine, Thomas Young Wis 337 Carroll College 53186 WAUSAU

Eggebrecht, Gordon C. Den 102 3031-&th St. 54401 Fehlhablr, OrvilleW. Wis312 1109 Grand Ave. 54401 Fo ~~:, Fred l. Wis332 1037 Wmon Ave. 54401 Klang, Donald Evaren Wis 479 212 So. 6th Ave. 54401 Rothman, Ntal P. WIS 418 Routt 1 54401 Schuhz, AogerJ. Wts417 1406 Grand Ave. 54401 Swazee, Carl W. WtSC 427 915 Broadway 54401 WAUWATOSA Blakly, JohnWarren Colo39 1

2530 N. 901hSt. 532 13 Bunerfield, Merton Weiss Wis 295 2618 N. 88!hSt. 53212 Ericsen, Arnold J. Wise 483 1823 - N, Blst St. 53213

Gard, R. l. CMS 1 6323 W. Wisconsin Avenue 53213 Heidel, Robert 0. WtSC 644 11018 W. Ruby Awnue 53131 Hoeppner, Donald J. Wis 537 427 N. 104th St 53213 Joswick, Richard 8. Ill 1063 1B10 ludington Avenue 53213 Kabat, Frederick N. Wis 637 2636 N. 96th St 53213 Pease, Harlow Heath Wis 206 7416 Milwaukee Ave. 53213 Ralph , Howard Thoburn Wis 304 8920 Stickney Avenue 53213 Ramsey, Paul W., Jr. NW 671 3125 No. Menomonee River Pkwy. 53213 Schmidt, Herbert W. Wis 260 32BO No. Colonial Or. 53213 Watson, Robert C. Wist 519

1430 N. 64!h 53213 West, Robert James Ill 462 SB29 Wlleuer Drive 53213 WEST BEND Klinka, John V. NU 595 526S. 15thAve. 53095 Murny, Marcus S. Wis 366 420 Vine St . 53095 Simester, Theodore T. Wis 636 844 Highland View Or. 53095 Simester, Theodore w. Wis 328 lock Box 20B 53095 WHITEFISH BAY Ballam, Horace V. Wis 274 5556 N. Shore Orive53217 Plautz, Edgar Gottlieb WIS 277 607 E. Day Ave. 53217 WHITEWATER Ounwiddie, leon Foster Wis 229 53190 Johnson, Easton Wis93 53190 WISCONSIN DELLS

Jax , Jemes R. Wis635 519 Capita/St. 53965 WISCONSIN RAPIDS

Benntn, Glenn Minn 274 541 Winer Strret 54494 laChappllle, HarvtyJ. Wis425 Box 230 54494 Schneider, Richard F. Wis655 52(). 16th Avenue South 54494



tc D-32

HOUSTON C,OLONY GROWTH RATES COUNCIL RECOGNITION By Jeff Young Past Colony President To the 27,000 students who attend the University of Houston, their school is fast coming into the limelight of the collegiate world, due mostly to the tremendous success of their football and basketball teams in the Astrodome. Within this body of students who are making this emergence, there is another body of students who likewise are making an emergence. These are the men of the Acacia Colony of the University of Houston. Long a commuter school suffering from perennial student apathy, the Greek system was likewise affected. But an increased interest and pride followed when the school began to excell not only in athletics, but also in every realm of collegiate success. The University of Texas, which boasted the Lone Star State's only Acacia chapter and was on of that school's best fraternities, noticed the growth of the campus in the sixthlargest city in the nation. National sent two actives from Texas to see if the campus had the potential for another Acacia chapter in January of 1967. It would not be until February, 1968, over one year later, that the Interfraternity Council would formally accept the petition from the young fraternity. The year was a long one. The newly-formed Houston Alumni Association gave immeasurable help. Under Mr. Tom Primm, the Colony Advisor, they began to make progress. September came. and with it came the lean remnants of the Acacia Houston colony. Military obligations and further involved interests for the membership left little with which to form an Acacia chapter. One by one, the group grew. Held together by meetings and anyone-

Members of the new Houston Colony of Acacia gather on the steps of the new University of Houston student center as an unidentified coed adds a little glamour to the scene. First row, left to right, [Jrian Ballard, junior; Mark Staples, junior; Tommy Thompson, colonizer from the University of Texas and Jeff Young, junior, past president and current IFC representative. Second row, left to right, Chip Abbort, sop homore; Tim Redding, junior and colonizer from the Universit y of Colorado; Bob Wilmer, junior, Chapter Coordinator from LSU; Carl Flanagan, sophomore; Ste ve Lassister, junior and IFC representative; Keith Crow, soph omore and rush chairman; Jerry Dupuy, freshman; Dr. Don Domm, Faculty Advisor; Gary Swearengin, sophomore . and Colony President and Mike Howell, LSU junior and Chapter Coordinator. Other members were not present when this photo was taken.

can-come parties, the men began to obtain a semblance of a fraternity. The first semester was over, and with nine members they turned to national for help. An apartment was leased by National and two actives were sent from Louisiana State to further aid the colony's growth. Occasional visits by field secretary Barry Lyerly injected new pep into our often-frustrating rush program. The apartment and the five actives, Tommy Thompson and Bill Mart:n from Texas, Tim Redding from Colorado, and Mike Howell and Bob Wilmer from Louisiana State University, provided the timber to build the colony. With 15 members and an eventful year behind them, they appeared before the IFC Expansion Committee. On February 21, almost one year to the day after the first man was pledged at the Uniyersity of Houston, the colony accepted the congratulations of the 12 other fraternities on campus after formal approval was given. The weeks to follow were filled with rushing and trying to tell the formerly "non-student student" why Acacia was good for him. The University of Texas came down for pledging ceremonies, and weekly Sunday meetings were followed each

week by parties. A bet was made, and lost, between the colony and the UCLA chapter on the National Championship Basketball game. An able group of men now form this Acacia colony. They are determined to see their fraternity and their school flourish. And though most are pledges, looking forward to the day they will be charter members of Acacia at the University of Houston, the colony has fast discovered that ¡ pride and trust in brotherhood will yield the goal for which they have dedicated themselves. With help from area alumni, the colony is now in the market for a house in which to expand the fraternal idea. And with the added assistance of faculty advisor Dr. Don Domm they all look forward to a successful "first year." The ¡colony is fast constructing relationships with nearby chapters. Austin is the site of many parties and L.S.U. was the scene of the last fraternity trip. The membership welcomes all Acacians to visit Houston and meet the men of the colony. The University of Houston is making a lot of new noise in the collegiate world, and one does not have to look too hard to see that the Acacia Colony is doing its share. JULY, 19ti8



Sometimes called "the Rome of Mid-America," Kansas City boasts hundreds of beautiful fountains on its thoroughfares and in parks and shopping areas. The]. C. Nichols Fountain on the Country Club Plaza is a visitors' favorite.



AUGUST 18-22


By Chuck Stewart Conclave Coordinator The great response received so far from Acacia undergraduates and alumni promises that Conclave 68 will be the largest and most successful convention in Acacia history! Five days of activity-August 18 through 22will include events planned to acquaint Acacians with their Fraternity and brothers across the United States. The spacious and famous Hotel Muehlebach in downtown Kansas City will be the site of this 35th biennial Conclave. Among the events highlighting Conclave 68 will be workshop sessions in which Acacians will have the opportunity to participate in roundtable discussions of various areas of chapter endeavor. Six workshops will be presented covering social programs, pledge training, alumni relations, leadership, The Scout, a famous Kansas. City monument, surueys the .site of Conclaue 68 from Penn Valley Park.

.JULY, 1968


Plaza Street Scenes. The famous Country Club Plaza area of Kansas City contains more than 100 stores plus restaurants, theaters and night spots-all situated in a separate district resplendent of Old Spain .

Truman Library attracts thousands of visitors annually. Only twenty minutes from downtown Kansas City. it can be reached by public transportation. In the summer regular sightseeing tours to the Library are scheduled.

rush, and finance. In the past these meetings have provided challenging discussions of the many common areas of interest to fraternity men. In addition, the actual legislative and l;msiness sessions of the Conclave will be important in aiding delegates and guests to view Acacia in operation as a national fraternity. It is at these business sessions that the delegates of each chapter vote on issues affecting Acacia. Here, too, is the opportunity for individual chapters to address every other chapter and to propose any new business as may come before the Conclave. Displays from every chapter, a special chapter secretary workshop, and meetings with province governors and chapter advisors provide more opportunity to learn about Acacia. But beyond these events nothing has been overlooked to assure you of a varied and exciting schedule of social activities. Conclave begins, for example, with a Sunday evening poolside reception for alumni, undergraduates, and guests. Monday evening features a stag barbe32


que hosted by the Kansas City Acacia Alumni Association. Later events will include the entertainment luncheon the awards luncheon at which individual chapter ' awards are presented, and the main Conclave banquet. Included in these activities is an entire Acacia ladies program. Starting with a brunch in the presidential suite, the ladies program will include various cultural and social events. Highlighting the plans will be a "ladies' night out" during which Acacia ladies will enjoy the opening night of South Pacific starring Vikki Carr at Kansas City's well-known Starlight Theatre. But beyond the planned convention events, Conclave 68 is the experience and enjoyment of meeting brothers from every state and chapter. Brothers who have come together to share in strengthening "the ties of friendship." Conclave 68 meets August 18-22 in Kansas City. See you there!

fhe National Perspective Dear Brothers: In the past I have used an open letter approach to acquaint you with some of the activities of your Fraternity. Although an open letter is quite infor.mal, I feel that it is an excellent means of communication, for it is as though I were writing to you personally. In the past several months many significant steps have been taken; steps that will further insure the progress of Acacia. One of these was the decision of your National Council to move the Fraternity's headquarters to Boulder, Colorado. Acacia has been located in the Chicago area for the past 30 years, and although we enjoy this area, it is more economically desirable to move. The new headquarters will provide much needed facilities, such as office space, work room, extra storage, conference room and archives. Contracts for the building were let the last of June and construction began within a week. We hope to move into the new headquarters on the 15th of December and plans have been made accordingly. In spite of the rapid development of the headquarters, we are confident that it will be something that all Acacians can take pride in. Probably one of the most important links in any Fraternity is its staff. This past year Acacia has been very fortunate in having the dedicated services of Brothers Lyerly, Hill and Bolman. All of these Brothers have added immeasurably to Acacia's progress and I am happy to report that they will all be with us next year. Two years ago I was appointed Actiig Executive Secretary. At the time of my appointment at the 1966 Conclave, I asked each of you for your assistance, guidance and cooperation. All of you have given me those requests and now that I have been promoted to Excuti ve Secretary, I need your help even more than before. As Roy Clark said many times, "We are but custodians of the Fraternity," and therefore any comments, critic isms or suggestions that you may have, please do not hesitate to let me know. Another step recently taken was the promotion of Barry J. Lyerly from Field Secretary to Assistant Executive Secretary. This promotion, in and of itself, demonstrates clearly the progress of your Fraternity. Barry has been and continues to be, a mainstay in Acacia. Although Barry will continue to have some Chapter visitations, his principal activity will be expansion. A totally new expansion program was adopted by your National Council and under Barry's supervision Acacia has new Colonies at the University of Houston, University of Northern Iowa and Northeast Louisiana State College. It is the intent of the program to foster four Colonies at one time and have at least one chartered every year . At this point I feel it is appropriate to salute Acacia's Province Governors, for under their guidance Acacia has seen one of its most active years. More Province retreats were held, more Brothers were involved and more information was disseminated. Your Fraternity is on the move. Unfortunately there is not time nor space to tell the whole story in this article, and so I urge each and every Brother to attend the Na tional Conclave this summer. The Conclave is scheduled for August 18th through the 22nd at the Hotel Muehle bach in Kansas City, Missouri. From all indications this well could be one of our best. The Conclave provides the setting and atmosphere whe r e the future of Acacia is charted. It gives the National Council and staff of the Fraternity an opportunity to understand and implement your directions and suggestions, and it gives you an opportunity to become more fully informed of the objectives and goals as a ll of us determine them. In closing, I would like to reiterate my sincere appreciation for your help and assistance and I look forward to seeing you all at the Conclave . ' Sincerely and fraternally, Harvey L. Logan Executive Secretary JULY, 1968


Pledge Class President Named Kansas State Top Frosh Debater Bill Gaughan, president of the Acacia pledge class at Kansas State University, has been selected the outstanding freshman debater at Kansas State. He went undefeated in debate at the Kansas State tournament. He has also won trophies at five other Big Eight tournaments and was recently named the outstanding orator at the Oklahoma State tournament. Gaughan was in competition with fifty-one other colleges, junior colleges and universities.


Buffalo Alums To Gather For Social Event



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Larry Green


Engineers and Architects Open House at Kansas St.


Saturday, April Ist was the 44th annual Engineers and Architects Open House at Kansas State Uni-

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versity. Chosen to reign over the festivities as St. Patrick was Acacian Larry Green, a senior in mechanical engineering. Nominated on the basis of grades and personality, he was then chosen as St. Pat by the engineering and architecture students from among

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Acacians Head ~& Musical Production At Rennsslaer


Bill Gaughan

Penn Staters Lead Varsity Cross Country Team Three members of the Penn State Chapter are currently competing as members of the University Cross Country team. One of the men, Albie Shaeffer, is the captain of the team and recently won top honors at the United States Track and Field Federation meet in Madison Square Garden. He led a field of 47 competitors to the tape. Also members of the team are seniors Barry Rounds and Terry Engelder.

A member of the Rennsselaer Chapter, George Loyer, played the male romantic lead, Sir Harry, in the RPI Players' production of the musical "Once Upon a Mattress." Loyer's acting, singing and backstage experience in a summer stock production of the same production prepared him for his role. The chapter was also represented on stage by a Pledge, Bob Zurek, who played the role of Sir Studley. Supporting the cast in the orchestra pit were members Benny Blum, Denny Ciul and Vince Guida. Also Ray Burleigh, a pledge, was a member of the stage crew.

The Cornet! Chapter is planning to hold a picnic for Buffalo, New York, area alumni. It will be held August 24 at Ellicott Creek Park on Niagara Falls Blvd. in the town of Tonawanda, a suburb of Buffalo. Purpose of the picnic is for the approximately 75 Acacia alumni from various chapters located in the area to gather for a social occasion and possibly to begin planning for organization of a Buffalo Alumni Association. All area alumni are invited and those who have not yet received any information concerning this event are asked to contact Jeffrey W. Wood, Cornell 733, 110 Sherwin Drive, Tonawanda, New York.

Phi Mu Member Selected As Arizona Sweetheart Current Sweetheart of the Arizona Chapter is Paula Fletcher, a senior English major and a member of Phi Mu Sorority. The lovely youne1 lady was also fourth runner-up in the Miss University of Arizona Pageant and won first place in the State of Arizona amateur singing contest. Crowned at the annua1 Black and Gold Formal, she is the pinmate of Past Venerable Dean John Rosso.

John W. Kolbe Named Campaign Press Secretary John W. Kolbe, son of past National President Walter Kolbe and an alumnus of the Northwestern Chapter, has been named campaign press secretary for Richard B. Ogilvie, a Republican candidate for governor in Illinois. Until his appointment, Kolbe was a reporter for the Rockford, Illinois "Register-Republic." As campaign press secretary, he will be traveling with the candidate (who is currently Cook County Board President) and handling his press relations. A 1961 graduate of the Northwestern School of Journalism, he received his Master's Degree in Political Science from Notre Dame University.


Sweetheart Elected ~~ Oregon State









Although the tradition of many fraternities is to select a coed to reign over their annual formal dance, Oregon State Acacia chooses as its "Sweetheart" a handicapped girl who exhibits warmth, friendliness, courage and the desire to serve. Miss Marsha Kay Wellman, this year's sweetheart, displays these and other traits to the greatest extent.

Serving as a vo'lunteer at the Fairview Home for the mentally retarded, she truly depicts the qualities of an Acacia Sweetheart. The court of five O.S.U. coeds, chosen for their beauty, poise, and desire to serve Acacia, included Bobbie Mikkelson, Patty Cacy, Marnie Agerter, Susie Noelle and Ann Yoder. The Crystal Ballroom of the Benson Hotel in Portland, Oregon, was the setting for the successful dance.


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I Ohio State Buildings Named For Acacians Recently seven buildings of the College of Engineering at Ohio State University were dedicated in ceremonies at that school. Of the seven, two were named for deceased Acacians and one for the father of an alumnus of the Ohio State Chapter The first building, MacQuigg Laboratory, was named for Charles Ellison MacQuigg,



1885-1952. He was a 1909 graduate of Ohio State and was Dean of the College of Engineering at the time of his retirement. The building was built at a cost of $2,300,000 and contains 32,500 square feet of floor space. The second building, Watts Hall, was named for Arthur Simeon Watts, 1876-1962, who was a 190 I graduate of Ohio State. He was Chapter Advisor for the

Ohio State Chapter for many years and was known as "Mr. Acacia" for his service to that chapter. He was a Professor in the College of Engineering. Watts Hall contains 32,500 square feet of floor space and the cost was included in that of MacQuigg Laboratory. Named for the father of Orton W. Boyd, Ohio State No. 227, was Boyd Laboratory. His father, James Ellsworth Boyd ( 1863-1950}, headed the Department of Mechanics from its establishment in 1906 to 1934, and continued to teach there until his retirement in 1936. Boyd Laboratory was built at a cost of $380,000 and contains 22,756 square feet of floor space.

Eli Lilly Post Filled By Wisconsin Alumnus Donald H. Mees, an alumnus of the Wisconsin Chapter, has been promoted by Eli Lilly and Company to manager of promotion materials coordination. He had been chief of regulatory information since May, 1967. From Marion, Wisconsin, Mees was graduated from high school there in 1936. After serving almost five years in the U.S. Army, he

Oregon State Sweeps Campus Elections was discharged in 1946 with the rank of captain in the Medical Administration Corps. The University of Wisconsin granted him a Bache'lor of Science degree in pharmacy in 1947. .Mees is registered as a pharmacist in Wisconsin and Arizona and is a member of the Arizona Pharmaceutical Association. Before joining Eli Lilly and Company in 1948, Mees was employed by a pharmacy in Madison, Wisconsin. He served as a sales representative in Rockford, Illinois, until 1952, when he was transferred to Eli Lilly lnternationa'l Corporation. He held several positions in International before his transfer to the advertising services division of the parent company, located in Indianapolis, in 1963.

Campus elections held recently at Oregon State resulted in the election of eight members to offices in campus organizations. Elected first vice president of the study body was Dave Zier. In a close contest, the chapter supported him by car rallies and demonstrations. Elected to the Student Senate were three members and one member's wife. The three were Steve Downs, Jerry Burgess and Haro'ld Britton. Britton's wife, Judy, was also elected. Other offices won by the chapter include Science Council Chairman, Jim Bigej: Humanities and Socia1 Science Chairman, Jack Wolcott; Agriculture Council, Frank Miller, and Senior Class Treasurer, Mike McGee. The amazing point of the elections is that all Acacians who ran for office won.

Donald H. Mees

Engineering Groups Tap Acacians At Washington State Frank Teague and John Devereaux, members of the Washington State Chapter, were recently honored by two of the top national engineering fraternities. They were tapped by Sigma Tau, national scholastic honorary for engineers, and Tau Beta Pi. Tau Beta Pi takes the top two undergraduates from each field of engineering offered at Washington State University. Deverea~x majors in Electrical Engineering and Teague in Civil Engineering. Frank Teague is also a member of Phi Eta Sigma Fraternity, a freshman scholastic honorary. Besides their outstanding scho'l astic achievement they are officers of

John Devereaux and Frank Teague

JULY, 1968


Washington State Prof Awarded Order of Pythagoras Jack T. Kimbre'll, Professo/ of Mechanical Engineering at Washington State University and alumnus of Purdue University, has been awarded the "Order of Pythagoras." Brother Kimbrell received the award from Irving M. Field, Acacia National Second Vice President, atthe Washington

K-State Acacian Selected For Senior Who's Who

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State Chapter's Founder's Day Banquet on April 28 of this year. Other officers and alumni members at the banquet were, Herbert Jenkins, a founder of the W.S.U. chapter and principal speaker; Grant DeVoe, also a founder of the chapter; Les Liebel, the chapter's advisor and alumnus of W.S.U., and Bob Paine, Venerab'le Dean. Brothers Irving Field and Bob Paine are also holders of "The Order of

Les Liebel, Irving Field, Jack Kimbrell, Herbert Jenkens, Grant



Elected Vice President of Student Senate


Kent Mathers, a sophomore and member of the Central Oklahoma


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for the 1968-69 school year. In the doses+ race of all offices up for elections, the Central State Chapter supported Mathers fully as he gaind support of the majority of the campus fraternities and sororities along with a large vote from independents. Mathers is currently Secretary of the Chapter and has previously served as Chaplain. Winner of Outstanding Pledge Scholarship Award, he has a 3.42 GPA based on the 4.0 system.

Reading Room Named For Penn State Alum A reading room for the department of accounting at Pennsylvania State University has been established in memory of the late Arthur R. Englehart, a member of the Penn State Chapter and the c'lass of 1926, by his widow, Kathryn W. Englehart, of Pittsburgh. The collection will include reference books, periodicals, and accounting books and indexes for the use of faculty and students

of the department of accounting. Mr. Englehart, who earned his d egree ¡rn commerce an dfirnance, was a certified public accountan

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and Co., Pittsburgh. After his retirement from that position, he served as consultant to Union Electric Stee'l Corporation. A son, R ic h ard w. Engi h e art, w ho received his master of science degree from Penn State in 1963, is at present a graduate assistant in the department of nuclear. engineering.


Top Varsity Athletes Honored At Central Oklahoma



! Robert Burns 11% ~

Robert E. Burns, a member of the Tri-State Chapter, has been selected Mr. Tri-State for 1968. The .Mr. Tri-State award is based on leadership, scholarship and citizenship. Burns is a me mber of Alpha Beta Alpha scholastic society, Delta Nu Alpha transportation fraternity and is a recipient of a Silver Key scholastic award. He has served as treasurer, vice president and Charter Venerable Dean of the chapter. Burns a'lso served as vice president of the Student Senate. A senior from Stow, Ohio, he will graduate this spring, majoring in Transportation.


Two Central State Acacians have received the top awards given to varsity athletes by the athletic department. Named Outstanding Senior Athlete was Allen England and named Outstanding Freshman Athlete was Keni Ray. Eng'land, who will graduate with a degree in Physical Education, is a member of the Broncho track team which he served as Captain for two years. He holds the school record in the 880-yd. dash and was Oklahoma Collegiate Conference title holder in that event one year and placed second two years. He was also a member of the mile relay team and



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Elected President Student Senate

@ Jeff Szilage, a member of the ffi Tri-State Chapter, has been


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Allen England

Honored As "Mr. Tri-State"

elected president of the Student Senate at Tri-State College. The newly elected president has held the offices of vice president and president of the Inter-Fraternity Council, and is currently serving as Venerable Dean of the chapter. Szilage is from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, and is majoring in businf!ss administration.

Keni Ray

JULY, 1968


NATIONAL OFFICERS J. B. Beaird, 1811 Liberty Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102 Phone-Area 405 236-4309

National Judge Advocate:

ACACIA NATIONAL COUNCIL President: George F. Patterson, Jr.,

2624 Bremont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Phone-Area 513 631-5421 First VIce President: Marvin Logan, 2614 Flossmoor St., Apt. 4, Flossmoor, Ill. 60422 Second VIce President: Irving M. Field, P.O. Box 495 Pullman, Wash. 99163 Phone-Area 509 567-8611 Treasurer: L. W. Knapp, Jr., 815 N. Linn, Iowa City, Ia. 52240 Phone-Area 319 338-4112 CouMelor: Raymond E. Bivert, 234 N. Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. 74074 Phone-Area 405 372-6963

HEADQUARTERS STAFF: Executive Secretary: Harvey L. Logan Assistant Executive Secretary: Barry J. Lyerly Field Secretaries:

Ron Hill, Tom Bolman OHlce Manager: Mrs. Audra B. Eikost

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Finance: William Krieger,

1st National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Ill. 61602 Scholarship: Willard L. Fuller,

Chapel Apartments-Apt. 1 Rt. 4, Athens, Ohio 45701

ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC.: Post Office Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 President: W roe Owens VIce President: Oliver N. Bruck Secretary-Treasurer: Lamar Tims

ALUMNI CHAPTERS: Kansas City Alumni Association

Houston Alumni Association

President: Frank Gray

President: Fletcher S. Hicks, Jr. 3718 Las Palmas, Houston, Texas Phone-Area 713 665-2515 Meetings-Second Tuesday of every odd numbered month, 7: 30 P.M., Geo Club, 3130 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas

5808 W. 61st Terrace Shawnee Mission, Kansas Phone-Area 913 432-0101 Meetings-Every Tuesday at noon, Advertising & Sales Exec. Club, 913 Baltimore, K.C., Mo. and · every third Wed., 6:30 P.M., Twin Oaks Restaurant, 5050 Oak St., K.C., Mo.


AREA Texas: Oliver N. Bruck

P.O . Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 Phone- HO 5-8551 , Area 512 Pennsylvania, Cornell, Syracuse: To be appointed



Georgia, Alabama, Unlv. Tennessee: Edwin P. Kohler, II 61'6 Williams, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30'313 Phone-Area 404 875-5780 Michigan, Ohio: To be appointed Kansas, Missouri: Robert B. Miller

Washington, Oregon: Irving M. Field

P.O . Box 495, Pullman, Washington 99163 Phone-Area 509 567-8611 New England States, Rensselaer: G. David Hubbard

164 Nahant Avenue, Winthrop, Mass. 02152 Phone-VI 6-2901, Area 617 Illinois, Indiana: H. L. Kibler

114 N.W. Second St., Paoli, Indiana 47454 Phone-Area 812 723-2260

127 W. Culton, Warrensburg, Mo. 64093 Phone-Area 816 747-9161 Colorado, Wyoming: Roy F. Miller

217 Dietrich Bldg. Box 1090, Pocatello, Idaho Phone-232-1731 Iowa, Nebraska: Jacob Wegmuller 802 Summit Street, Iowa City, Iowa Phone: Area 319 337-9627

J. Willig, Jr. 1465 Southdown Road, Hillsborough, Calif. 94010

Northern California: Edward Louisiana, Mississippi State, Luther A. Smith: C. Lenton Sartain

9757 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, La. 70809 Phone: Area 504 921-2820 Wisconsin, Minnesota: Robert E. Jepson

6208 Parkwood Rd., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424 40


Southern California, Arizona: Bradford C. Ayers

13937 Hawes Street, Whittier, Calif. 90605 Oklahoma, Arkansas: William P. Adams 3424 N. Utah, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73112

THE TRIAD DIRECTORY ALABAMA-P.O . 3497 University, Alabama 35486. Phone Area 205 752-4530. Venerable Dean-Leo~ard J. Jowers, Rush Chairman-William A. Howell, Chapter Adviser-Wm. M. Terrill, 3109 Freemont Drive, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401. ARIZONA-1450 N . Cherry, Tucson , Arizona 85719, Phone Area 602 793-1181. Venerable D ean-William Welter, Rush Chairman-Bruce Safriet, Chapter Adviser-Or. Darrell Metcalf, 5811 E. 9th, Tucson , Arizona 87511 . ARKANSA5-240 Stadium Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703, Phone 501 442-6276, Venerable Dean-Harry K . Bjornberg, Rush Chairman-Patrick W. Segraves , Chapter Adviser-Or. Arthur E. Spooner, 2272 Briarwood Lane, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. BOSTON-1 97 Baystate Rd. , Boston , Ma'5 . 02215 , Phone Area 617 247-8487, Venerable Dean-Robert Roseman , Rush Chairman-Arnold Croft, Chapter Adviser-G . David Hubbard, 164 Nahant Ave., Winthrop , Mass. 02152 . CALIFORNIA-2340 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, California 94704, Phone 415 845-9220, Venerable Dean-Richard A. Juarez, Rush Chairman-Robert C. Brehm, Chapter Adviser-Otto Schraeder, 92 O rchard Road, Orinda, California 94563 . CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AT LONG BEACH-51 LaVerne Long Beach California 90803, Phone Area 213 433-9039 Venerable D ea'n- Robert N : Jones, Rush Chairman-Nick Jabuka , Chapt~ r Adviser-Joseph Reed 6101 Luplow, Garden Grove, California 92641. ' CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE-North Ellis Hall--439 C .M.S .C ., Warrensburg, Mo. 64093, Phone Area 816 1808, Venerable Dean-R ichard W . Blowers Rush · Chairman-Mike Reeser, Chapter adviser-Clarence R . Pearce, Rt: 5, Warrensburg. Mo . 73034 CENT.RAL STATE COLLEGE-230 East Main, Edmond , Oklahoma 73034, Phone Area 405 754-9834, Venerable Dean-Charles Musson, Rush Chairman-Mark Mades , Chapter Adviser-Aris Prewitt Rt . I Box 16A Edmond, Okla. 73034 . ' ' ' CINCINNATI-2623 University Court, Cin<:innati, Ohio 45219, Phone Area 513 961-7898, Venerable Dean-John Le1dner, Rush Chairman- Willi 3 m Montgomery, Chapter Adviser-John R. Rice 4508 Erie Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45219. ' ' ' COLORAD0-955 Broadway, B?ulder, Colorado 80304, Phone Area 303 44~-9410, Ve!'erable Dean- Calvm Gableman, Rush Chairman- David Ary, C apter AdviSe~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... COLORADO STATE CO.LLEGE-1715 lith Avenue Greeley Colorado 80631 Phone Area 30~ 352-9840, Venerable Dean-C. L~nny Mu.:.Son, Rush Chair: man-James W1lson, Chapter Advise~]. Max Lubbers 2010 21st Avenue Greeley, Colo. 80631. ' ' COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY-601 South Howes St. Fort Collins Colo ~0521 , Vener~ble Dean-David ]. Henckel, Rush Chai:.rnan-Dave Ritchie: hapter AdviSer-Or. Deane M. Carter 136 Yale Ave Fort Collins ' ., ' C olorado 80521.

~~~~~M~18 Highland Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, Phone Area 607 ·

4 7


enerablc; Dean-Paul A Donovan, Rush Chairman-John C

~~.e.1 ~~ ~ter AdviSer-0. Earnest Bangs, 731 Cayuga Heights Rd. ,.Ithaca:

~ ~~ ~~A~25 ~j M illedge Ave., Ath~ns, Georgia 30602, Phone Area 404 • enera e 0 ,ean-C . .Kent W1emeyer, Rush Chairman-Jose h H. Porter, Chapter AdviSe~Ma)or B. Rice C & S Ba k Bid Aph Georg~a 30601. ' n g ·, t ens, ILLINOI5-501 E. Daniel , Champaign , Dlinois 61822 Phone Area 217 344-1510, Venerabl!' Dean- -Randall J . Stiles, Rush Ch~irman-Richard Luhtz, ChaApdte; AdviSer~Haldean Bean, 209 W. High, Urbana Illinois 6180{' C apter v1ser Ementus-Dr. George Ekblaw. ' ' ~LINObiSI W ESLEYAN-915 North Main Street, Bloomington Illinois 61701 enera e 0 !'an-Guy Gebhardt, Rush Chairman-Robert 'M. Houghton ' Chapter AdviSer-Broo!<' Beaman, 15 Brookwood Drive, Normal, Ill. 61761: ~~DI~~: [~2 Th1brd Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47403, Phone Area • Aden~ra 1e Dean-Gregg Carter, Rush Chairman-Craig T rees, C-h apter vuer. ~O.WA-202 Ellis Aven'!e, Iowa City, Iowa 52241 , Phone Area 319 337-3101 enerab!e Dean-Den!'IS Severson, Rush Chairman-James Walbolt. Chap: ~z t.dv1Ser-Dr. Dav1d P . Carew, 1524 Muscatine Ave. , Iowa City, Ia .




~~~STATE -

142 Gray Avenue , Ames, Iowa 50012, Phone Area 515 , Venerable D ean-.John T. Lynch, Rush Chairman-James R. AIshpole, Jr. , Chapter AdviSer-John L. Martinsen 211 Beach Ames owa 50010. ' ' ' KANSAS-11 00 Indiana , Lawrence, Kans . 66004, Phone Area 913 843-7810 Venerable ~ean-Davi d F .. Flora, Rush Chairman-Larry S. Chance; Chapter AdviSe~Landon N1chols, 1812 Brook, Lawrence , Kansas 66044. KANSAS STATE-2005 Hunting Avenue , Manhattan , Kansas 66504, Phone Area 913 539-2369, Venerable Dean-Ken Mula nax . Rush ChairmanDick Marshall , Chapter Adviser- A. E. Mulanax , 2222 College H eights, Manhattan , Kansas 66502 . LOUISIANA STATE-Box AF, University Station , Baton Rouge, La. 70803 , Venerable Dean-John A. Fairbanks , Rush Chairman-Dale Redman Chapter Adviser- Or. Mark Guidry, 5821 Hyacinth Ave., Baton Rouge, La: MEMPHIS STATE-595 S. Graham , Memphis, Tennessee 38111. MIAMI-110 S. Campus, Oxford, Ohio 45056 , Phone Area 513 523-5944, Venerable Dean- -Brian C. Montgomery, Rush Chairman- Roger E . Rathburn , Chapter · Adviser-Robert Graham, 4 Wooster Place, Oxford, Ohio 45056. MICHIGAN-350 Thompson St. , #217, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, Phone Area 313-1541 , Venerable Dean-Kenneth B. Davis, Rush ChairmanThomas H. Redder, Chapter Adviser-Malcolm A. Danforth , 1856 Joseph Street, Ann Arbor , Mich1gan 48104. MINNESOTA-1206 Fifth Street, S.E. , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55044, Phone Area 612 331-5941 , Venerable Dean- Glenn H . Korfhage , Rush Cha irmanGrady Newman, Chapter Adviser. MISSISSIPPI STATE-P.O. Box CF, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi 39726, Venerable Dean-Gaston J . Jones , Jr. , Rush Chairman-Leonard Rin~, Jr. , Chapter Adviser-Frank Sekyra, 100 Hogan Street, Starkville, Mississ1ppi 39759.

MISSOURI AT COLUMBIA-Columbia, Missouri. MISSOURI AT ROLLA-508 West 9th Street, Rolla, Missouri 65401 , Phone Area 314 364-1 217 , Venerable Dean-Wendell D . Neumeyer, Rush Chairman-Robert Stanfill , Chapter Adviser-Herbert Alcorn, Hobson Star Rt., Rolla, Mo. 65401. NEB.RASKA-410 North 17th St. , Lincoln, Nebraska 68508, Phone Area 402 435-2500, Venerable Dean-Brad Baltensperger, Rush Chairman-Craig Hinrichs , Chapter Adviser-Keith Sawyers , 3233 S. 14th, Lincoln , Nebraska 68504. NEW HAMPSHIRE-1 0-20 Mill Road , Durham, New Hampshire, 68504, Phone Area 603 868-2428, Venerable Dean-Wm. G . Newcomb, Rush Chairman- Rick Rust, Chapter Adviser-Raymond E. M atheson, Box 393 Durham, New Hampshire 03824. NORTHWESTERN-610 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201 , Phone Area 312 475-9566, Venerable Dean-Richard Kenny, Rush Chairman- Robert Dickson, Chapter Adviser--M el Verni, 112 Linden , Oak Park Illinois 60203 . OHI0-107 E. State, Athens, Ohio 45701 , Phone 614 593-1 850, Venerable D ean-Lance T eaman , Rush Chairman- Richard Ellis. Chapter AdviserOr. Calvin Baloun , 11 Cable L ane, Athens, Ohio 45701. O.HIO STATE-275 E. 15th Avenue , Columbus , Ohio 43201, Phone Area 614 299-7552 , Venerable Dean- Albert L. Knicely, Rush Chairman-David E. Ozvat, Chapter Adviser-Steven E. Smith, 275 E. 15th Ave. , Columbus, Ohio 43201. OKLAHOMA-823 Chautauqua, Norman , Oklahoma 73069, Phone Area 405 534-9246, Venerable Dean-Patrick C . Connor, Rush Chairman-Larry Naylor, Chapter Adviser-Edwin K . Greene, 715 Highland Pkwy, Norman , Oklahoma 73069. OKLAHOMA STATE-1 215 University Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075 , Phone Area 405 372-4920, Venerable Dean-Bill Burnett, Rush ChairmanJim Gro<sbeck, Chapter Adviser-Raymond E . Bivert, 234 N . Duncan , Stillwater , Okla. 74074. OREGON STATE-2857 Van Buren , Corvallis , Oregon 97331, Phone Area 503 752-9329, Venerable Dean-Tom L. Unternahrer, Rush ChairmanGreg Bowma n, Chapter Adviser-Delmer M. Goode, 225 N. 31st St., Corvallis , Oregon 97330. PENN STATE-234 Locust Lane , State College, Pennsylvania 16801, Phone Area 814 238-3083 , Venerable Dean-Thomas J. Haley, Rush ChairmanDavid S. Rhoads, Jr ., Chapter Adviser- Or. G. Kenneth Nelson , 501 Westview Avenue , State College, Pa. 16801. PURDUE-609 Waldron Street , West Lafayette, Indiana 47906, Phone Area 312 7-t3-1883 Venerable D ean- Cary D . Riggs, Rush Chairman- Breck F. Hanson , Ch~pter Adviser-Leonard E. Wood , 725 Allen , W . Lafayette, Indiana 47906. RENSSELAER-4 Sunset Terrace, Troy, New York 12181 , Phone Area 518 272-9765, Venerable Dean-Robert L . Cudworth, Rush Chairman- Roger W. Heinig, Chapter Adviser-James E . Brown, 16 Paul-Art Lane, Troy, N.Y. 12180. SAN JOSE STATE-201 South 13th Street, San Jose , California 95112 , Phone 293-9611 , Venerable Dean-Gary Lefmann. Rush Chairman- Alan F. Forrest, Chapter Adviser-Robert Morgan , 300 W. Hedding, San Jose, California 95110. SHIPPENSBURG STATE-Box 279 Old Main , Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa . 17257, Phone Area 717 532-9953, Venerable DeanJohn Burgoon , Rush Chairman-Frank Reeder, Chanter Adviser-C . Robert Jacohy, 26 S. Penn Street, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257. LUTHER A. SMITH-Box 417, Southern Station , Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39101. SYRACUSE-756 Comstock Avenue, SyractiSe, New York 13210, Phone Area 315 476-8110 , Venerable Dean-Kenton L. Meredith . Rush ChairmanJoseph E. Peter, Chapter Adviser-Roger E. McFarland, 319 Glenwood Ave ., Syracuse. N.Y. 13207. TENNESSEE-1800 Melrose Avenue. Knoxville, Tennessee 37916, Phone Area 615 523-9649. Venerable Dean-Robert M . · Birkholz. Rush ChairmanDewey H. Hodges. Chapter Adviser-McKinley G. Braden , 5604 Marilyn Drive. Knoxville , Tenn. 37914. TEXA5-2614 Rio Grande Street, Austin , Texas 78705 . Phone Area 512 472-7255, Venerable Dean-C. Richard Watson . Rush Chainnan- Richard A. Gump , Chapter Advise~Wroe Owens, 2517 Pecos, Austin , Texas 78703. TRI-STATE COLLEGE-506 S. College, Angola , Indiana 46703, Phone 219 665-6318. Venerable Dean-Edward W . Bouma, Rush Chairman-Vincent J . Arizzi, Chapter Adviser-Leon VanderCreek, 415 S. College, Angola, Ind. UCLA-720 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024, Phone Area 213 474-9025 . Venerable Dean- Douglas Zimmerman . Rush ChairmanD .. w Rusnak, Chapter Adviser-Jay L . Jorban , 7133 Cozy Croft Dr. , Canoga Pa rk, Calif. 91306. VERMONT-404 College. Street, Burlington . Vermont 05401 , Phone Area 802 864-7007 , Venerable Dean-K eith Hiiiiker, Rush Cha irma n- Richard RactiSen , Chapter Adviser- Or. George C . Crooks , 74 Spear Street, S. Burlington ,


WASHINGTON-5004 17th Avenue , N .E., Seattle, Washington 98105. Phone Area 206 524-0200, Venerable Dean- Dennis Dormaier. Rush ChairmanDon Hall , Chapter Adviser-Donald P . Hall, Apt . F-12, 623 South 248th, K ent, Washington 98031. WASHINGTON STATE-1 607 Ruby Street, Pullma n, Washington 99163, Phone Area 509 332-2607, Venerable Dean-Robert Paine, Rush ChairmanT erry Guisinger, Chapter Adviser-Les Liebel, Star Route, Box 3, Pullman , Washington 99163 . . WISCONSIN-222 Langdon , Madison , Wisconsin 53703, Phone Area 608 255-2965, Venerable Dean- J oel Giese , Rush Chairman- Gerald Hanau er, Chapter Adviser- Wiiiiam Watson , 222 Langdon . Madison , Wisconsin 53703. WYOMING-Fraternity Park, Laramie , Wyoming 82071 , Phone Ar ea 307 745-5354, Venerable Dean-Woodrow W . Hipsher, Jr., Rush ChairmanStephen C . Snow, Chapter Adviser- Stanley K. Brown , 608 Curtis, Laramie, Wyoming 82070. COLONIES University of Houston. 6815 Rustic Lane, Apt. 302, Houston , Texas 77017. University of Northern Iowa. 1905 University Dr. , Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613.

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