Acacia Triad - October 1968 - Vol. 64, No. 1

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Anther school year begins . . . Time for the undergraduate chapters to begin another year. To aid the chapters in rush activities, The Triad includes a rush information blank at the bottom of this page. It is self-explanatory and I urge alumn i everywhere to take time to fill it out if they know of a prospective ru shee who will attend a college where an Acacia Chapter is present ... Conversely, I urge each chapter to make use of this information as it arrives. The men who fill them out will be Acacians who know what it takes to become a member. This blank will be reprinted next summer at an earlier date so that it can be used to its fullest extent . . . Good luck to all the chapters as the year unfolds . . . Triad correspondents , submit a lot of articles. They will be considered for publication. Fraternally, John W. Hartman

ACACIA FRATERNITY National Headquarters P.O. Box 1477, Evanston, Illinois 60204

I want to recommend the following candidate for membership in Acacia: Name ___________________________________________________________ Age (if known) _ __

Home Address ______________________________________________________________________

College he will attend ____________________ High or prep school attended


-----------------Relatives or friends in Acacia ------------------------------------Other fraternities interested in him --------------------------------------------

Scholarship Standing _______________________ Honors or letters won

OTHER PERTINENT FACTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Recommended by _______________________~~--------------~----------------------Name Chapter Address



A D 0 F A C A C




Emphasis I : Washington State ... . .......... . .... Page





John Hartman, Editor 205 NE 28th, Apt. B-41 2 O klahoma City, Oklahoma 73 105


VER: shington State Chapter H ouse


Emphasis II : Brotherhood ... . ... ....... ......... Page 8 J udge Homer Thornberry Nominated . ........ .. . Page 10 T hird Annual Midwest Basketball Tournament .... . Page 12 Visit to Nicaraugua ............... . ........... . Page 22 Triad Essay . . . . . .... . ..... . ... .... .... . . . .. . .. . Page 24 Triad Times . . .......................... . ...... Page 29 Triad Directory . ... . . .... .. ...... . ..... . . .. . . .. Page 32

Second class postage paid at Evanston, Ill. , and at additional mailing offices. Fifty cents per copy, $20.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere. Published quarterly by Acacia Fraternity, © a college social fraternity, founded at the University of Michigan on May 12 , 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference. Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters P.O. Box 1477 or 1611 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60204. Printed by Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee


UPI UPI AND AWAYI Introduction By Bob Paine Venerable Dean


"Up, up and away," lyrics to a popular song sum up the spirit and direction of Acacia at Washington State. The growth and improvement of the chapter is at an unprecedented stage of development and the "sky's the limit" in the future. We are still feeling some of the effects of the transition from a small to a large house. But, now that the number of men in the house is leveling off at around sixty, I feel confident that a stabilizing process will take effect in this transitional stage and we can direct our energies toward other areas and activities. Throughout this period of change from a smaller house to one of increased manpower, much attention has been given to the constant evolution of meaningful programs. In all that we do (i.e. scholastically, socially, intramurally, externally, etc.) , we strive to foster in every individual qualities which will make him the best individual he can be. Our programs are expressions of the things we like to do as a group. But what is more, they are extentions of ourselves and what we are and want to be. It is this extention, an outreach by each man THE TRIAD


THE BROTHERS OF WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY ACACIA to every other man, that creates the quality so necessary in our fraternity. This intangible, the Brotherhood, is the tread that is woven into all we do at Acacia. Brotherhood ... friendship . . . these are truly the ties that bind us. In short, then, Acacia at WSU is on the move. We're constantly setting new goals and striving toward their accomplishment, attempting always to remain conscious of where we are headed and why. What follows is a sampled picture of programs that now exist at Acacia at Washington State. These are not the work of five or six men but are, rather, the cumulative effort of all those brothers who have come before us. The point is not to note whether they failed or succeeded in their particular endeavors, for us it is enough that they tried and that they cared enough to pass on to us an Acacia heritage. They tried, as do we to make better the things they did as a group. They strove to make their activities more expressive of the things they liked to do as a group. We, too, have the same goal. It'll be different a semester from now because a different group of men will make different demands. The programs will be modified, what was good OCTOBER, 1968

before will become inferior in the light of a new idea, and on it goes-the cycle of change. So, in a simple analysis, what follows IS some of the ideas we are using now .

In tramurals

In the rustic confines of Pullman, Washington, recreation and entertainment are somewhat scarce commodities. Many Acacians release their frustrations on the intramural fields, courts and mats in order to allocate these scarce resources. To begin our athletic endeavors this year we fielded two fine football teams and one went into a playoff for its league championship, losing a close one 6-0. Many of the minor sports received minimal attention, but we produced an excellent wrestling team which would have won the campus championship but unbeknown to us was one man short of the required team limit. Basketball at Acacia has been one of our mainstays in intramurals since the days of Gene Conley. This year was no ex3

Acacia Intramural Team in action.

ception as we came up with three teams, one of which entered championship play only to be eliminated in the early rounds by a one-point defeat. A loss of morale and participation as a result of many close setbacks and disappointments greeted our intramural program at the onset of the second school semester. A challenge was issued to the members of the chapter. The response surpassed expectations. Joe McNallan, a fine freshman athlete, reacted first with fourth place finishes in the 100-yard dash and javelin, and a fifth-place finish in the 220-yard dash in the intramural track and field meet. Much to our dismay the finals of this event were held on the same day as our annual Spring Picnic. Being typical college fraternity men, the Picnic received priority from most of our entrants. We followed with the formation of three softball teams. With a great deal of team spirit and good luck all three teams managed a share of their league title. Many Acacians found that this thing called baseball was a heck of a lot of fun even if they didn't know the difference between a base hit and an error. All three teams were eliminated in the playoffs but there was 4

JOY in Mudville that night. Already the men are looking enthusiastically toward next year. We are confident that our attitudes will remain favorable and, interacted with a high level of cooperation and brotherhood, our new trophy case will be filled next year and for many years to come.

Scholarship Our scholarship committee is made up of the scholarship chairman and four to six other members. It sets most of the house policies on scholarship and discusses various problems relating to scholarships, and also talks to pledges and members who are getting low grades to find ways of helping them improve their grades. The committee uses various methods to emphasize scholarship throughout the year. To keep the importance of studying constantly in mind, grade cards are put on study room doors and grade predictions are made. Grade cards show test grades a person receives in each class. These cards make the chapter THE TRIAD

more aware of how each brother is doing and where he needs help. Grade predictions are made by each person at the beginning of the semester, and progress predictions are made every four weeks of the semester. These predictions set a goal for each individual as well as for the chapter, and they also help us predict how well we are doing scholastically. Each semester a scholarship dinner is held. At this dinner those brothers with above average grades eat steak and those with lower grades eat beans. The purpose of this is to honor those with high grades and to increase the incentive to get high grades. Also, at the dinner, awards are given to the big and little brother with the highest grades, and the person with the most improved grades. Study aids include a test file, course and instructor critique and tutorials. The test file includes tests and sample compositions from the past few years. The critique is a short questionnaire which covers the teaching ability of the instructor and the value of the course. The critique and the test file are continuously updated and added to by the members of the chapter. Tutorials are often organized for freshman and sophomore courses which many people are taking. They are usually headed by an upper classman who is taking the course or a person who has already had the course. 'We do not believe in forcing anyone to study unless he shows that he cannot study effectively on his own. Therefore, pledges do not have a mandatory study table, but they are encouraged to study on week nights. The pledge's study program is supervised mainly by the pledge's roommate, who is constantly around him and knows how well he is studying. Through this individual guidance a pledge's progress may be closely watched while he still has the freedom to use his time as he wishes. If a pledge cannot study on his own, he is put on a supervised study table. Along with promoting study and good grades, the scholarship committee promotes other educational activities. Faculty members are invited to dinner to speak on subjects of general interest. OCTOBER, 1968

lFC Vice President Lew Jorgenson

They usually give a 20 to 30-minute talk followed by questions and informal discussi<?n. The scholarship chairman also informs the chapter of educational television programs that may be watched. Through a widely varied program of incentives and guidance, we can maintain a great emphasis on scholarship. At the same time we can let everyone, including pledges, plan their own time and develop study habits that will fit them best.

Social Program The social program at Washington State has grown tremendously in the last few years. Many factors have contributed to this large growth. The past Junior Deans and the current Junior Dean have instigated many new advancements in the various programs and have tried to improve upon them each semester. We have been building a strong program based on involve5

ment and participation where each member of the house feels he is contributing socially. To involve people, you must have programs that appeal to them. This is sometimes hard because no two people are alike. Placing new emphasis on areas such as cultural and planning involves people of all interests. Our house has a strong committee system because of its ability to build strong participation. The Social Committee is made up of five members, including the Junior Dean, who are of different year levels. One of the members is a pledge and serves as the coordinator between the chapter and the pledge class concerning the social program. His function is one of learning and also of relaying back to the pledge class what the chapter and the committee has decided. The function as a committee is to plan each month's social calendar from guest speakers to major dances. Each delegate on the committee has specific responsibility. For example, one member takes care of the social bulletin board. He must keep the house posted as to what is happening on campus, and also within the house. Another member may be assigned the job of hiring a band for a function, and another put in charge of decoration. In turn, each member of the committee receives help from the chapter in carrying out this function. Responsibilities are changed often to give each member experience and variety, and to bring new ideas to the positions. The program consists of everything from serenades to formal dances. The Song Leader has the responsibility of organizing both formal and informal serenades which are a major portion of the WSU social program. Exchanges with the campus sororities are many, and are organized by one member of the Social Committee. A variety of activities are included with the exchanges to make them more interesting and spontaneous. Examples are relay games, dancing, banana split refreshments and fingerpain ting. Theme parties also play a big role. These pro ide not only more interest bu t also more atmo phere. They have included pajama dances 6

and Halloween costume parties. Each year, a formal dance is held and a Spring Week picnic. The formal last year was an overnight affair held at a lakeshore lodge. The final part of the social program is one of Human Service. This includes parties for ophans, serenading rest homes and community betterment projects. This part brings the most satisfaction and interest and is becoming increasingly important.

Pledge Education The development of the pledge education program at Washington State represents a slow revitalization of what must have been the goal of the men who founded our fraternity so solidly on ideals of character growth as a positive learning experience. This type of progress has required unselfish thinking on the part of the whole brotherhood, and pledge trainers with open minds and the ability to correct mistakes. Each part of the program has to be constantly tested to be sure it helps the prospective member to recognize and accept the responsibilities to himself, his university and his fraternity. The brotherhood must realize that by challenging the pledge to improve himself as an individual, they can stimulate his desire to join and improve the chapter.

Six new m em bers of the fresh m an honorary scholastic fraternity, I owa Ka ppa, are a t ribute to th e chapter's S ch olarsh ip Program .


Tom Curry, newly elected Editor-in-chief of "The Daily Evergreen", the campus newspaper.

The program, as a whole, is flexible enough to satisfy different types of men with the same general goal. The type of man wanted is one who is a thinking individual who wants the most rewarding college experience possible. To be sure this kind of person is pledged, our pledge program starts during rush week. During this week, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the flexible scholarship program and the generally liberal attitude toward pledges. The person with balanced interest who wants to improve himself by finding his own way to study in a good atmosphere is an example of what is looked for. Another critical part of our pledge program is general orientation immediately after pledging. It is a period of acceptance which involves a number of ways to introduce Acacia to the pledge. The pledge manual, the pledge pin and an Acacia T-shirt contribute greatly to a feeling of pride that can begin the first day at Acacia. The local pledge book is also presented with a careful explanation of the section on house policy and pledge responsibility. During school registration, each pledge meets with the Scholarship Committee for a counseling session to discuss the conflicts or difficulties which often anse. OCTOBER, 1968

A guest speaker program is an important part of introducing the pledge to college life. Examples of speakers are Assistant Deans, Reinstatement Board Chairman, sorority pinmate, campus leaders and the house mother. The pledge meeting and the business presented is left as much as possible to the pledge class. The pledge Home Improvement Project and their dance teaches them the need for organized effort and planning. The Big Brother program is given careful study before assigning the members to the pledges. Both the member and the pledge are each aware of the responsibility involved in this relationship and are expected to carry it out. Pride in Acacia Fraternity and the desire to better the organization is developed by a thorough study of the life of Pythagoras and the Laws of Acacia. The real thinking required by pledge class discussion and research as a group is much more effective for us than strictly memory work that will cause a bright individual to ask why study it. If the pledge trainer can not answer this question, a change is necessary. This test is especially important during initiation when each brother must be careful to not damage the initiate's desire to become a member by learning about Acacia and its requirements. Only then can he appreciate that we can give him real help in his own search for his own "Acacian's Code" to live by.

Field Secretary Tom Bolman is the center of attention and enjoying it during a visit to WSU.


Brotherhood: A fraternity's house, its queen, its pin . . . , these never made a fraternity. These are the tangible things, they are easily observed but last only for a short time. The intangible elements, friendship, integrity, fairness, honor, devotion, loyalty, brotherhood - these are eternal. They are difficult to see. Their presence varies from fraternity to fraternity, but these elements and the fraternity which displays them to the highest degree are, in my opinion the most worthwhile. These intangible and unseen qualities are the lasting impressions that the fraternity can leave with an individual. The make the fraternity and the man. In short, then, the element of brotherhood makes the fraternity and, in turn, individuals. Fraternity is the understanding hetween men who share your misfortunes and triumphs. You cannot see fraternity and brotherhood, but you can feel it 100 times a day. It is a pat on the back when things look gloomy. It is a smile of encouragement when the way seems hard. It is a helping hand when the burden becomes unbearable. Fraternity . . . Brotherhood, are human inv.:>lvement. "Brotherhood is having a genuine concern for each and every other brother." "Brotherhood is not being 8

By Bob Paine Washington State Venerable Dean

a nice guy at all costs to every other guy." Concern for each other brother and for his welfare is the important point. It's not always easy, it's not always what you feel like doing. It takes time. Often people won't understand what you're trying to do. Often it means you'll have to take time to decide what is the fairest thing for all those concerned. In an attempt to get across what I mean, picture yourself in this hypothetical situation. You've just got out of your one o'clock class and have wandered over to the student union building. Upon entering you see a group of your brothers on one side of the room with a number of other classmates holding protest signs advocating a stand on a controversial campus issue. Now your first impulse might be to walk over and join your brothers under the grand and glorious guise of "being a Brother." As I see it this is not actually a brotherly mode of behavior. This would be "being nice" at the cost of your individualism. A better way to act might be to analyze the entire situation to ascertain for yourself what the issues are about which your brothers and the group of students are protesting. After finding the factors which surround this total experience you'd be in a better THE TRIAD

II position to judge your course of behavior. If you honestly feel that it would be "ethically right" for you to aline yourself with your brothers then go ahead. If, however, your feelings do not lie with their's, attempt to persuade them or, at least, discuss with them the issues (the way you see them) , to seek the most meaningful resolution of the problem. This to me is an example of brotherly concern. A man who is really genuinely concerned for others should act like this. If all submitted to this simple measure our actions would be more meaningfully linked to the things we as Acacians profess to stand for. If we have for a stated aim to "seek the truth . . ." and, "to give the light," and if we mean to stand for our motto of "Human Service" then we'd better live a life that reflects a genuine concern for those with whom we come in contact. These ends will logically result from involved and aware approaches. A man who strives to live up to the ideal of fraternalism and brotherin his dealings with his brothers and others now and later will achieve an individualism and meaning for life. His life will be purposeful and will abound with a vital concern . . . labeled brotherhood. The "magic" of brotherhood is not achieved easily, but as we learn OCTOBER, 1968


from our experience with the fraternity, nothing of value is achieved with ease. To be a brother takes an effort. To be understanding, fair, patient (the whole list of the Boy Scout qualities), etc., all these things which are tied up with being the genuinely concerned individual are difficult qualities to achieve and maintain through the days and years of ones life. But if one has the sincere desire to be concerned as a goal he can strive toward this end in his daily action by trying to achieve these attributes in his dealings with others. A conscious effort will lend itself to a realization of a concerned individual. In a fraternity this concerned individual is called a brother. In later life he could be called a fool. Some feel that it is not necessary to be concerned or to care about others. I fail to see how anyone who calls himself a True Acacian could feel this way. In the fraternal environment of Acacia many a man has been helped to further develope a philosophy of life. Acacia has offered a "fine frateral opportunity" to many and it will continue to do so. But the greatest thing it can teach, the brightest flame it can kindle in the future, and the most indespensible quality it can foster is that of brotherly love. For it is this which allows young men to learn to live and learn

with others. To learn from others. And, them from him. It expands an outlook. It instills a pride. It's more than a clique. It's a song when you're sad. It's . . more than you can write down. In short, then, brotherhood "makes the whole bag cool." Without it Acacia would be very little. With it, it makes the man and the fraternity. It teaches fairness in a time when we need it. It offers a hope and it fosters a charity for everyone. So, it seems, to be a brother, this paper makes clear, requires no special combination of time, circumstance or talent. There is no magical formula that creates the brotherly environment. But no matter what arena in life one is confronted with situations in which concern for others and fairness toward them is required, each man must decide for himself how he will respond. Life at Acacia is just a laboratory ex.perience of what is to follow. To be alert, to be aware, to be genuinely concerned-this is not applicable to brotherly living in a frat house. It transfers to the living experience beyond the campus life. It will extend to your dealings with people throughout your life. To be a good brother now and " the good neighbor later" -this is the message. Because of Acacia, because of what it stands for, to do less would be hypocritical. 9

Judge Homer Thornberry



By John W. Hartman, Editor

Judge Homer Thornberry Nominated for Supreme Court Position When the Chief Justice of Supreme Court Earl Warren, announced his intention to resign, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Justice Abe Fortas as his successor. He also named Homer Thornberry to replace Fortas, although the appointments were not confirmed by the U. S. Senate, THE TRIAD feels that Homer Thornberry, a member of the Texas Chapter, deserves recognition for his last and current achievements. Therefore, the following article IS presented on that basis. A member of Congress in the House of Representatives for fifteen years, he succeeded Lyndon B. Johnson when he was elected to the U.S. Senate. First elected in 1948, he ended his career as the ranking member of the powerful House Rules Committee. Thornberry resigned in 1963 to accept an appointment by President John F. Kennedy as United States District Judge for the Western District of Texas. In 1965, President OCTOBER, 1968

Johnson appointed him to the bench of the Circuit Court. When notified of his appointment, he commented, "No greater honor could come to a citizen and a lawyer in this nation. My family and I are grateful. If the Senate consents to my appointment, I will be presented with a serious challenge and a grave responsibility. I will do my best to justify the confidence shown in me." Brother Thornberry received bpth B.B.A. and LL.B. Degrees from the University of Texas. He was initiated into the Texas Chapter October 12, 1930 as Roll Number 194. While still in school, 1936, he was elected to the Texas Legislature. Always a strong Acacian, he is the recipient of the Award of Merit. He also was chosen a Distinguished Alumnus of the University of Texas in 1965. Born in Austin, Texas, January 9, 1909, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Thornberry. Themselves deaf they were teachers at the Texas State School for the Deaf. Currently, Judge Thornberry

is a member of the Board of Directors of Gallaudet College, Washington, D.C., the only senior college for the deaf in the world. He received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Gallaudet in 1954. A strong segregation fighter, he has rarely dissented from the historic decisions in which the 5th Circuit Court helped carry out the U .S. Supreme Court's anti-segregation doctrine in much of the South. Thornberry was in the majority when the circuit court ruled in 1966 that tokenism in public school integration could no longer be tolerated. He recently wrote an opinion knocking down a Louisiana law that restricted picketing. "There is no doubt that the protection of the First Amendment is not limited to 'pure speech'," Thornberry wrote, "but extends instead to the peaceful expression of views by marchers, demonstrations or assemblies." A fine man, and a fine citizen, Judge Homer Thornberry certainly deserves the best wishes and backing from his Brothers in Acacia Fraternity. 11

ter reported significant progress in scholarship, social events, pledge programs, and rush. The Championship trophy was then presented to the Purdue team. The most valuable player, selected by the votes of each of the participating teams, was Jerry McElwee also of Purdue.

The horn sounds and Purdue and Illinois congratulate each other on a good game.

spmts as they neared their destinqtion and the start of the third annual Acacia Midwest Basketball Tournament.

Third Annual M;idwest Basketbal~l

In the past three years this event has attracted brothers from chapters extending from Ohio to Iowa. This year s:x chapter teams competed for honors: Ohio State, Cincinnati, Indiana, host Purdue, Illinois and Illinois Wesleyan. Tri-State was also expected, but was snowed in only hours before the opening of the event.

Illinois Wesleyan # 100

The 1968 tournament followed the format established at past events with playoffs Saturday morning and afternoon, the championship game in the early evening, and a dance thrown by the host chapter for the visiting brothers and their datesbrought along for the weekend or rounded up by the Purdue host.

The first weekend of spring was marked in the Midwest by one of the worst snowstorms of the year, but throughout the early predawn hours of Saturday, March 23, automobiles drove through freezing rain and snow flurries, converging on West Lafayette, Indiana. Each car was packed with Acacians, but the grey and dismal dawn that greeted them as they approached the Purdue chapter house hardly reflected their

Trophies for winning team and most valuable player are usually presented at the dance, but this year were handed out at a banquet Sunday, which combined the annual Indiana State Day get-together with the close of the tournament. Emceed by Purdue Chapter Advisor Leonard Wood, sizzling steaks were followed by reports on recent chapter successes by the Venerable Deans present-Guy Gebhardt for Illinois Wesleyan, Greg Carter for Indiana and Cary Riggs for Purdue. Each chap-

Tournament Held By David B. Williams


Although the visible theme of these annual events is basketball, the actual purpose and effect of the Midwest Tournaments is not just a run-off to determine which chapter is best at the sport, but a meeting ground for Acacians to get together with brothers from neighboring chapters, to see what they are like, and to exchange news and ideas on chapter operations, rush and social programs. The main "events" of the tournaments are the innumerable conversations between brothers, normally separated by hundreds of miles, around the piano at the host chapter's house, over refreshments at the dance and in bull sessions lasting late into the night. Of the nine chapters that have fielded teams in three tournaments (Iowa State and Tri-State in addition to this year's six) only Purdue and Illinois have made it to first place-Purdue in 1966, Illinois in 1967, and Purdue in 1968. The other area chapters have little prospect of upsetting these two big chapters, but they keep coming back, not to win, but to play, and to meet their brothers. The Midwest Tournament was originally conceived and launched by the Illinois Wesleyan chapter. One of the smaller chapters of Acacia, and a relative newcomer to the national roll (its tenth anniversary was celebrated last November), Illinois Wesleyan has always had a strong feeling of national existence and an eagerness to meet brothers from other chapters. So in late winter 1966, sparkplugged by Venerable Dean John Miller, the university gym was reserved, refs hired, a good band and a hotel ballroom booked and invitations sent to all area chapters. Four other chapters responded- Iowa State, Illinois, Purdue, and Indiana-and the Midwest THE TRIAD

ACACIA FRATERNITY DIRECTORY Geographical Listing for the States of AriZona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, .New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Utah as of January, 1968. As a further serv ice to you , the TRIAD is provid ing a directory containing a geographical l ist ing of members of the frater n ity. Several states will be carried in each supplement until the d irectory is complete. We recommend t hat you detach and file t hese individual sections in a rin g binder, thereby compi l i ng your own per sonal directory. Ali regular subscribers to t he TRIAD will automaticall y rece ive the subsequent sections of t he direct ory. Ali non-subscri ber s may receive the remain ing sections of the directory by pay ing the annual alumni dues of $7.50. The listing in each issue will contain the most recent addr esses as r ecorded at the National Headquarters. Should there be any corrections, please let us know. Please use the following key to identify the members. The code for the member's chapter and h is roll number follow h is name. The code letters used for the chapters are as follows :

Ala Ariz Ark Bos Cal CMS CantS Chi Cln Col Colo


Alabama Arizona Arkansas Boston California

Central Missouri State Central State College Chicago Cincinnati Columbia Colorado Colorado State College

ARIZONA BISBEE Jay, Norman K. Ariz 109 Box 4003 San Jose Branch 85603 CASAGRAN DE Fahs, Rodney l. Frk 476 625 E. Manor Or. 85222 Fahs, Theodore H. Ariz 135 625 E. Manor Or. 85222 CHANDLE R Rowe, Clyde R. Okla A&M 6 Rt. 2, Box 142 85224 DOUGLAS Field, Charles H.• Jr. Cor 614 Cochise College 85607 FlAGSTAFF Blaser, Robert A. Ia St 313 504 Havasupai Road 85001 Sechrist, Carl Stanley Ariz 18 310 E. Dolo B6001 GL OBE Mnwell, George 0 . Ariz 115 609 N. Hill St. 85501 Parker, FrankS. Ariz79 Route 1, Box 26 A 85501 HIGLEY Sanden, George H. Ariz 106 Route 1, Box 3 85236 KEARNY Sharrah,John l. Ariz 62 85237 KINGMAN Poling, Cleo T. Kans St 483 111 Stowell 86401 MESA Hakanson , Donald A. CoiSU 36 551 South Hobson 85201 Johns, Conrad J. Mo 557 504 S. Holl #0 B5201 PHO EN IX Baily, Robert K. Ind . 132 1428 E. Dobbins 85040 Baker, Ralph W. Nebr 281 150 East Virginia Avenue Apt. 202 B51104 Betz , Cart R. NW 260 525 W. Vernon 85003 Bolan, William R. Kans St 41 514 Wnt Cypress 85003 Briggl, Samuel J., Jr. Ariz 100 1422 N. 5th St. #29 85004 Brodersen, Henry E. Okla 344 2225 E. Solano Or. 85016 Chason, JamesW. Co lo. 172 1020 N. 2nd Street 85004 Cllfk, Allen James Ariz 147 5833 West Heatherbree 85031 Collins, Richard E. Calif 584 8239 N. 7th St., Apt. 20 B5020 Cummings, William 0 . NU 227 9841 N. 35th PIKe B5028

csu Cor CAR Dart Den Evans Frk Ga GW Harv Ill

IW lnd Ia

Illinois Wesleyan Indiana Iowa

Minn Minnesota MissSU Mississippi State

Carnegie Tech Dartmouth


Iowa State


Kans KSt LBS LSU Mem


Missouri Sch . of Mines N. Car North Carol ina Nebr Nebraska NH New Hampshire

Colorado State University Cornell


Frankl in Georgia George Washington Harvard Illinois

Davis, David B. So Cal. 93 715 W. Kater Or. 85021 Oavis, JohnW. Okla512 4525 N. 30th Place 85016 Dresser, Col. W. L. (Ret.) Kans 328 823W. Vista Ave. 85021 Efland, Philip H. Ohio 67 4229 E. Mitchell 85018 Fish, NormanJ . Ariz153 5614 N. 22 Ave. 85016 Fox, A/ten V. 111473 3122 E. Yucca St . 85034 Gentry , Donald E. lnd 553 c/o Equitable Life ASStJrance Soc . 1807 North Central Ave . 85004 Geyler , TedA . Ariz39 1309 W. Washington St. 85007 Fisher, Richard E. Ariz 68 4336 E. Vernon Ave. 85008 Gilt, Joe F. Ia 121 1735 East Palm lane85006 Gunder , leRoy E. Pur 203 4615 N. 43 St. 85018 Hurni. Robert l. Ohio St. 635 310W. Hedtock Drive 85013 Jefferies, James C. Colo 729 105 E. laMar Road 85012 JOhR$0n , Michael A. Ariz 108 3626 N. 5th Ave., Apt. B·2 85013 Kolbe, Walter Ia St 527 6641 North 30th Drive 85017 Linton, ClairS. Ia St 185 7707 N. 1st Ave. 85021 logan. Hubert 0. Colo 680 3714 W. Echo lane 85021 Long, Harry N., Jr. Ohio St 538 1530W. Golden lane 85012 lunsiord, John C. Colo 497 6646 N. 30 Or. 85016 Meister , William R. CoiSU 22 7619 South 14th Street85040 Nelson. Victor A. Okla St 221 General Electric Supply 85007 Prchal , Charles J. Kans St 239 1722 E. Almeria Rd. 85006 Rathjen, George W. WashSt 75 1930W. Vermont85015 Sandenon. E. W. CoiSU 142 4411 N40St. , l2985018 Schar( Albert 111574 4818 N. 43rd St. 85018 Simonton. Wendell A. Ala 35601 1946 West Meadow Or. 85023 Stefanos, Steven S. Calif . 195 4019 N. 32nd Pl. 85001 Wilson, Richard W. Wyo 46 3030 N. 53rd St. 85001 Winemiller . Artyn F. CoiSU 55 5418 E. Cherrylynn Rd . 85018 Youngberg, A. F. Wis 239 120W. Oregon Ave. 85013

PRESC OTI Knapp, Carl 8. KS! 431 Groom Creek Route 85301 SC OTS OALE Bailey, Walter 0 ., Jr. 8237 E. Coolidge 85251 Sames, Barnard P. lnd 548 8330 E. lewit St. 85257 Garratt, John E. Ariz30 8713 E. Keim Oriva 85251 Grey , Ralph E.. Jr. Pur 521 4408 N. 87th P1oce 85251

Kansas State Long Beach State Louisiana State University Memphis State Miami Miami Mich Michigan

Griggs, Warren Ariz 50 2623 N. BOth Pl . 85251 Gunther, Wm. C., Jr. 0111St 128 8249 E Rancho Vista OrWe 85251 LeMarr, Robert P. Colo 466 4716 Sparkling lane 85251 Reed, Howard C. Kans 340 6734 E. Cheney Ad. 85251 Sortor, Robert 0 . Ariz 3 7847 E. Monte Vesta Ad. 85257 Weldin, FrankS. WashSt 203 8502 E. Montebello Ave . 85251 White, William l. Syr 400 10824 N. 82nd Pl . 85251 Wright, John N. Kan St 318 4725 No . 70th St. 85251

SE DO NA Wetmore, AtvinV ., Jr. Kans458 85636 SEllS Richardson , Thomas Ariz 120 Box 75 85634 SIER RA VISTA Mac Collum , David V. CreSt 129 1515 Hummingbird Lane 85635 STAN FIELD lane, Clyde B. Ariz 136 P.O. Bo• 7 85272 SUN CITY Coldwell, C. T. Ill 359 10447 Wininger Cirtle 85351 TEMPE Burthett, O'Neill J. OklaSt 47 3031 S. Rural Road , l44 85281 Buzzard, Charles E. la373 229 East Geneva Drive 85281 Buzzard, Or. Robert G. Chg 118 320 Broadmor Or. 85281 Merrill, Archie S. Chi 68 2130 Ventura Drive 85281 Young, Otis E. lnd 393 603 Saguard Or. 85281 TUBA CITY Bowman, Vernon H. IIIW 24 Box 873 , 2932 Peach lam~ 86045

TUCSON Aamodt, A. W. Minn 151 2323E . WaterSt ., lot3185719 Allen, Albert A. laSt 168 643 N. Erin Btvd. 85711 Austin , HubertW. OreSt173 1516 N. Cr1ycrol1 Road 85716 Belt, John E. Colo 559 3842 E. Edison Pl. 85716 Bies:emeyer, Baarentl. Ari 14 Oracle Star AI. , Box SA 85705 Carter, Paul Milton , Jr. NW 241 4570 East 5th Street85711 Cham ben, John C. Ariz 60 3326 E. Patricia 85716 Chamben, Metvitte B. Ariz 92 4302 E. Elmwgod 85711 Cross, Banon K. UCLA 3 913W. LosAlomos85704 Davidson, Johney A. Ariz 154 4410 E. Presidio Pt 85716


NU Ohio OhioSt Okta


Northwestern Ohio Ohio State Oklahoma State

Denker, Russell E. Ariz 19 8939 E. Harborage Or. 85702 Denning. Merle A. Ariz 7 4422 E. BrynMaM Rd. 85711 OiCosola , Richard 0 . Ariz 59 6421 Camino Arthuro 85718 Oyer . John 0 . Ariz 137 3509 N. Forgeus Ave. 85716 Evett , Arthur A. Wash St 72 At. #5, Bo• 828 B5702 Fork . Allan C. Ariz 69 7120 Via Ponte 85704 Franz, Stewart 0 . Wist 573 Rt. 8, Box 740 85702 Guthrie, Ralph Reno Ariz 13 317 Nonh Park Ave. 85719 Headrick , Robt . A. Ariz 162 3212 N. ErmaAve. 85705 Hibbs, Harold R. Col 198 3844 E. Calle Barcelona 85716 Hooper, Ronald S. Ariz 103 1366 Aveinda Polar Apt . G·208 85710 Hughes , James C. Ariz 43 2031 East Glenn 85719 Keahey , George J. Ari 64 3919 E. Whitier St . 85711 Kolbe, Walter W. NU 168 5855 North Vista Valverde 85701 Kutscher, Walter l. , Jr. Oh io 145 Indian Arms Apts. 1717 N. Catalina Apt. 114 85716 lange , Robert E. Wis 395 4910 E. Cooper St. 85711 Laubscher , OliverJ . Ariz47 8935 E. 20th 85710 luby , ll. Paul W. Cot 6704 5402 East 30th St .. Ap t. f ·9 85711 lytle, JoshuaW. lnd243 1024 W. Terneros85704 Marcoux , Heliodore Aime Ariz 21 College ol Engineering Univenity of Arizona 85721 Metcalfe , Darrel S. Ia St 455 5811 East 9th 85711 Meyer ,J ohn l. Pur 241 132W. River Road Route 4, Bo x 8 85704 Moore, JamesC . Ariz82 1140 N. Fint St . 85719 Muller , GeorgeW. lnd411 2860 N. Wilson Ave. 85719 Nash, GeorgeW. Kans553 4800Winged Foot Drive 85718 Perkins, David C. Ariz 28 612 N. Texas Circle 85711 Pfllttlm, R. J. Ariz65 6731 E. Scarlett 85710 Philabaum, Noble P. Ariz 168 5325 East 27th St . 85711 Quick , Jay 0. laSt 535 1000 W. River Rd. 85704 Rambat , Bradley Kansas 713 610 Tudas Place 85710 Robmette, 0. G., Jr. Ariz 5 4801 E. Cooper 85711 Rombach, lionel England Ariz 12 4018E . KilmerSt.85711 Segerwom , R. E. CoiSC 32 1626 N. Belvedere Ave. 85716 Smith , Br1nson. 0 . lnd 330 1944 Ea:st 3rd 85719 Staplaton, Herbert N. KSt 215 6666 East Cooptr StrHt 85710



CreSt Oregon State PennSt Penn State


Tex TriSt

Tennessee Texas



Tri ·State UCLA Univ. of Calif. at


Rensselaer Southern California Shippensburg State San Jose State Stanford Luther A. Smith Syracuse

Los Angeles Vt Vermont Wash Washington WashSt Washington State Wis Wisconsin Wyo Wyoming Yale Yale



SJSt Stan LAS Syr

Stroud , Randolph M. Ariz 152 5743 East Hawthorne 85711 Thomas, Boyd A. Minn 322 6851 No. Wade Road 85704 Tranmat, H. Wis 369 S.U. P.O. 8" 20838 85720 Walters, Onno V. Ill 335 6540 Cibota Ave. 85701 Weber, Winton E. la St422 1531 East Waverly St. 85719 Wild, Clifford 0. Chil47 5038 East Third St. 85704 Willins, Donald C. Ariz 4 7419 Calle La Vega 85710 Zeller, Norman R. Ariz 23 Route 9, Box 962B 85705

WA RREN White, lonnie l. Ariz123 407 Powell Street 8.5642 WEll TON Baldwin, Thane H., Jr. Wyo 31 Route 1, Box 5 85356 YUMA Gillmore. George G. Ariz 63 P.O. Box 602 85364 Slos:ser, Paul 0. AriZ90 701 8th Avenue 85364

BE NTON Boyd , Morris E. Ark 144 814 W. Crou 72015 Bragg, David R. Ark 155 132 FirttSt . (P.O. B" 325172015 Corbin, Rei B. Ark 161 817 Denton Street 72015 Creighton, Warren E.. Jr Ark 168 206 E. Smi th 72015 Gibson , Sam E Ark 263 421 A1chards 72015 little , JohnM. Ark 127 P 0 . Box 267 72015 Manm , W11Jiam M. LSU 165 407 Ashley 72015 Nelson . Ro nald H. Ark 200 P.O. Box 382 72015 Nobles, Howard A Ark 217 524 West Conway 72015 O' Kelley , John S. Ark 133 1402 Alcoa Road 720 15 Rickard , Curtis E. Ark 150 324 W. Nonh Street 72015 BENTONV IllE Knott. JosephJ Ark 174 401 W. Central72712 Walters, Thomas F. Ark 9 335 Crestview Or . 72712

BlACK OAK Henry , Troy l Art 198 Box 145 72414 BOONEVILLE l•ppard, Charles R Ark 248 7 R1viera Circle 72927

ARKANSAS AMITY Taylor, Larry E. Ark 208 Route 2 71921 AUGUSTA Wiley, RobF ., Jr Mem76 718 Spruce St . 72006 BEEBE Cardin, OavidW. Ark 132 Rt 2 72012 BELLEVILLE Halt, Oav•d l. Ark 123 Rou te 1 72824

BENTON Wells, JamtsW KSt 238 Rt . 2, Box 739 72015 BERRYVILLE Holland, John W., Jr . Ark 210 P.O. Box 67 72616 Jones, JereJ . Ark 87 clo A W. Squires Rt 14 72616 S9urlin, Robert M. Ark 107 901 N. Spnnglield St . So• 232 72616

BRADFORD McDougal , James B. Ark 117 Box 92 72020 BR YANT Russell, Charles F. Ark 172 P 0 . Bo x 128 72022

BUll SHOALS Sarber. Bruce B. Colo 606 Box 169 72619 Barber, Harry C Mo 354 P.O. Box 169 726 19 BONO Carney , George R Ark 178 72416 Camry , James R Ark 185 Routt 1 72416 BUX ITE Harrison , KirbyM Aru102 So• 398 72011

CAMDEN Hayden , Thomas C., Jr. OklaSt 285 P.O. Box 758 71701 Thatcher. Herbert K. Mo 125 923 W8Jhi0910n , S.W. 71701 CARLISLE Zimmerman, Charles R Ar1<20 72024 D-JJ

CLARENDON Morgan, William H. Ark 95 72029


CLARKSVILLE Gaa, Edward W. Ark 153


221 Johnson Street 72830

Hamilton, Htnnan l., Jr. Art 55 Attorney-at· law 71646 Brown, Carl H. Ark 99 P.O. Box 864 72601

Case, larry Roberts Den 136 CONWAY

Adams, B. F., Jr. Mo 397 1228 Davis St. 72032 Hart, John W. Kans. St. 346 72032 CORNING

Cochran, Franklin H. Ark 184 909 Herb Avt. 72422 Steinberg , Joseph Ark 159 1010 Herb Street 72422


Hamilton, Henry A. Ark 93 Box459 72601 Millard, ThomesT., III Ark 106 825 West Ridge 72601 HAVANA

Shelby, Fayne l. OklaSt 65 At. 1 72842 HELENA C~roft ,


Cartar, Vaskell N., Jr. Ark 226 711 Maple Street 71635 Keene, Or. R. Bruce Ark 112

clo Crossett Animal Clinic 71635 Patrick, Robert G. Ark 189 P.O. Bolt 362 71635

George Knox Harv 139 Solomon Building 72342


Hagler, Curtis Rigney Ark 23 72:147 HOT SPRINGS

Breland, Bradley K. Ark 249 DAISY

Kimball, G. l., M.D. Mo 382 71939

Williams, Claude P. LSU 30 71939 DANVILLE Miller, James K. Ark 146

Star Route West 72833 Sanders, Orner P. Art< 193 P.O. BD> JOB 72833 Sanders, Paul T. Ark 176 Box JOB 72833 ELDORADO Hammond, JosephP. Ark 258 BOO Wost Elm St. 71730 Munday , Ralph l. Ark 225

Route 6, Box 320 71732 Poole, M. L. Ark 275 1308 East Block St. 71730 EMMET

Allen, MicheeiP. Ark265 Route 171835 EUDORA

Griffith , Curtis B. Ark 181 Box 267 7164{) FAYETTEVILLE Al~~e ender, Georgt B. Ark 119

456 W. PrOJpect72701 Amis, Edward S., Jr. Ark 164 Sycamore & Woolsey Streets 72701 Boll, E. J. Ark 4{) P.O. Box 567 72701

Baxter, l 1onardladall Tex 126 318 lla 72701

Bowman, T. F. lll Ark 238 2215 Hatfield 12701 Byrd, G1orge S. Art 145 34 East Rock 12701 Courtnay, A. H. Ark 243 .1408 Rockwood Trail 72701 Flonman, Arnold louis Geo Wash 243 Bo • 326 12701 Howard, Russell M. Okla St 92 1143 West lak!ridge 72701 lsgrig, Charles D. Ark 246 430 Htghland 72701 Johnson, Thurston L Kans 199 954 Crest Orive 72701 Keith, Jesse E. Art 57 At. 1, Hwy 45 East 72701 Kellar, James B. Art 15 1634 Sawyer lane 72701 Kerr, Frederick laird NW 74 University of Artansas 72701 laner, Julius A. Art 96 231 E. Davidson 72701 Loftin, Billy G. Art 197 1505 Oakland 72701 McGuire, Or. James M. Art 76 601 East Ash Street 72701 Meriwether, Edward B. Chi 180 1445 Cordwell72701

Morris, Robert l. Ark 67 521 Olive Street72701 Paddock, Russell Gurney Pur 149 1400 Clevtland Ave. 72701 Ponder, Oane 0. Art 284 Bo• 4211 72701 Richardson, David P. Chi 259 524leverltt 72701 Spooner, Or. Arthur E. Ark 287 2272 Briarwood Lan1 72701 Swartz, D1lbert Ark 73 607 Razorback Ad. 72701 Redfield , John E. Ark 214 1911 lawson 72701 Aoberu, Randall E. Ark 192 362 N. Fl1tcher St. 72701 Ross, David P. Ark 138 P.O. Box 732 72701 FORT SMITH

Beatti1, G. A. Ill Ark 75 1806 So. Tulsa 72901 Fitch, William 8. Ark 191 800 Belle Ave. 72901 G1urin. Jack W. Ark 142 2323 S. N Street 72901 Geurin, 0 . S. Ark 151 2323 South ' N' Street 72901 Hobson, W. Neol Ark 43 2020 South 0. St. 72901 Hornberger, Evans Z., Jr. N1b 439 Sta. A., Box 3267 72901 Jones, Ro bert l. Ark 65 2511 South Cliff 72901 Mc Bride, Alston K. OklaSt151 P.O. Box 6 72901 Owensby. Paul C. Art 183 1901 S. Utia Pl. 72901 Sh a~t, Harold A., Jr. Ark 267 3501 South Carthage 72901 Squirt, Arthur E. lnd 267 614 N. 18th St. 72901 TrHt, To mmy F. Ark 102 3306 So. 41 7290 I D-34

At 671919

Oockery, J. lee, M.D. Ark 24 Route 2, Box 240 71901 Greenberg, Arthur A. Ark 255 105 Crestwood 71919 Greenwood, Edwin l. Ark 52 4323 Malvern Rd. 71901

James, William E. Art 171 318 Pinewood St. 71919 HUNTSVILLE

Shustar, Charles F. Art 219 7274{)

Shuster, Frnman Ark 194 7274{) JACKSONVILLE

Gardner, Danny R. Ark 211 908 Thompson 72076


latta,J . A. Ark 237 72749

Biggers, Calvin 0. Ark 213 2501 Montreal72204 Bilheimar, John M. Ark 227 315 N. Woodrow 72205 Brown, Charles A. Ark 11 Attorney At l ew 217 Nationallnvtstoi1Bldg. 72201 Brown, Noel E. Art 66 8411 l tawood Blvd. 72205 Curry, Owen H., Jr. Art 136 7206 Twin Oaks 72204 Dittrich, George A. lnd 270 2824 N. Fillmore 72207 Dover, Oarrall 0. Ark 54 22 AivtrValley 72207 Galloway, Ktnntth l. Ark 134 2816 S. Harrison 72204 Gentry, ThomasJ . Ark 154 5607 Country Club 72207 Harrison, Frank M. Ark 38 8 Brook ridge Cove 72205 Hart, G. E., Jr. Ark 241 4507 Kenyon Ad . 72205 Hill, Charles C., Jr. Art 250 3801 W. 13th St. 72204

Hutchinson, Ronald W. Ark 280 5006 Manor Avenue 72204 Jemtgan. George E. Art 98 No. 2, Broadview 72207 EdwardS. Jatsr Ark 103 2900 Oalewood 72207 Johnson, Allen E. Ark 124 12 Del Ray Or. 72207 Keene , Donald W. Ark 247 2423 Ourwood Rd. 72207 lacy , JamesA. Ark 213 28-06 Fair Park Blvd. 72204 l ay,JohnD . Den 133 2908 Crouchwood 72207 Leath , Jack OklaAM 156 924Commerce Park Place Apt. 13 72202 McKinney, James A. Art 69 60 Glenmere 72204 Morton , Thomas G., Jr. Ark 209 600 Ivory Drive 72205 Naylor, Dowell , Jr. lex 282 #3 Thad lane 72207 Owen, Wayne W. Mo 398 25 River Ridge Rd. 72207 Parker, John E. Ark 125 3929 North lookout 72205 Ritgerod, Henry A., Jr. Mo 449 3 Beckwood 72205 Shepherd , Jo~ua K. Ark 126 336 River Cliff 72202 Stubbs, William R. Ark 233 11226 Gila Valley Or. 72207 Wassell, John A., Jr. Ark 182 6401 Ridgecrest Or. 72205 Worsham , l. Gene Ark 7 c/o Price , Howell & WoBham Rector Bldg , 72201 Young, Jack Ark 36 1409 North Mellon 72207 MABELVALE

Felker, Gary V. Ark 185 At. 1, Bo• 450-E 72103 MAGAZINE Cooper, James N. Ark 167 72943 MARVEL

Collins, Jesse M. MissSt U 10 c/o M. G. Reed 72366

Aleunder. John William Mo 385 72562

Henley , CharlesW. Art 278 Box 14171759


Criner,John H. MemStU 19 Box 458 72301


Garrett, Kenneth E. Okla St 531 605 East Kiehl 72116 Jackson, sterman K. Dkla 698 4801 Northhills Road 12116 Nutt,J. W. (Jack) Ark 41 72114

Phillips, Harold H. Ark 220 4526 Greenway Drive 72116 Roten , Daniel 0. Ark 79 1708Waterside Or. 72116 Sikes, Jamts B. Ark 223 114Sunsetlane72118 Suddreth, James H. Ark 121 5320 Camp Robinson Ad. 72118 Taylor, AifredW. Ark63 3508 Dlivt Street 72114


Holbrook, Mike CentS! 13 Box 369 73801 YELLVILLE

Evans, l arry K. Ark 116 72687


Petty , Jim G. Ark 199 711 Short Mountain St. 72855 PRESCOTT

Mclelland, John M. Kans St 488 Route 1 71857 PINE BLUFF

Cornell , Chester Ark 92 Box 1492 71601

Kush maul, RichardT. Ark 148 411 Whitehall Rd. 71601 Kushmaul, AonaldJ . Ark 173 411 White Hall Rd. 71601 Treglown,EdwardJ .,Jr. Wyo71 2611 Bay 71601

Ballew, Thomas James Dkle 559 922W. Walnut72756 Grim, HughS. Art 97 314 Nonh 5lh St. 72756 Frtd 111427

Kn~ht, J.

1305West Birth Drive 72756 Russell, Carl M. Ark 158 1210 North 8th Strllt 72756 Smith, Chatlr l., Jr. Ar'K 163 421WntPocon72756 ROSE BUD

Maddox, John Edgar Dkla A&M 272 Box 121 72137 RUSSELLVILLE

McCurry,John A. Kans 156 612 S. Commerce 72801 SILOAM SPRINGS

Coe, HoW8rd S. Ark 77 Rt. 2, Box 33-B 72761 Gilbert, Dean B. OklaSt 562 At 272761

Greene, leslieM. Ark 105 826 S. Mt. Ol ive 72761 Jameson, Roy Robert Ark 78 Rt. 2 72761

Shannon, Ralph T. Ark 130 Rt . 5 72761 SMACKOVER

He nley, Edgar F., Jr. Ark 129 1102 Dogwood 71762 SOUTH FT. SMITH

McBride, Alston K. OklaSt 151 So• 6224 72953 SPRINGDALE

Blari, James B. Ark 70 c/o Crouch, Blair, & Cypert lawyers 72764 Davn, Charles E. Ark 16 P.O. Bo• 284 72764 Jackson, James P. Col 669 2100 Oak Hill Or. 72764 lovell, Donald C. Ark 6 1016 Cheatham St. 72764 lovell, Ulys A. Har 256 P.O. Box 28 72764 Parker, Jerry l. Ark 188

1011 Parker St. 72764 Tavlor, Alfred W. Ark 74 801 Shipley St. 72764 Underhill, George, Jr. Ark 26 R. 5 72764 SUCCESS

Robinson, Stanley M. Ark 187 72470 STAMPS

Black, HenryT. Ark 196 409lewisville Road 71860 Harris, MurrayT. Ark 169 610 Highway Strnt 71860 Harris, Thomas S. Ark 140 610 N. Highway St. 71860 Teague, Jarrell H. Ark 141 North Thomas Strtet 71860 STEPHENS

Pannell, Ch&rles K. Ark 147 Sox 147 71764 STUTTGART

Maynard, Neil Ark 157 1511 SouthPoner72160


Alleo, leroy, Jr. Ark 234 P.O. Box 426 72473 Edwards, David C. Ark 131 P.O. Sox 23 72169 VAN BUREN

Cox. Danny J. Ark 206 4{)7 N. 121h St 72956

Wells, J1mes William Colo 32


Ahlborn, Richard Eighme Colo 537 2002 Grove St. 80302 Alexander, Grant Colo 288 2331 Broadway 80302 Beaver, James 0. K St 348 740 Toedtli 80302 Bergheim, Robert M. Colo 434 1995 Cartmouth 80302 Bitn, William J. Colo 732 2048 Balsam Drive 80302 Bowman, Herbert E. Colo 529 400 Kiowa Place 80302 Bridgtord, Clay W. Colo 644 International Educ. TB #1 Univmity of Colorado 80304 Britt, Frank W. Colo 502 :1475 · 17th St. 80302

Britt, Robert D. Colo 584 3475 · 17th Street 80302 Collom, Jack Aldridge Colo A&M 4 c/o H. H. Collom, Sitver Spruce Nedlfland Star Route 80302 Daum , Claude Richard Colo 286


Burnell, Jack A. Colo 513 210 Emerald 80020 Aodet"ick l. Colo 249 805 Beryl St. 80020

Downi ~.

Knill, Thoma J. Den 147 2361rit 80020

Palmer, Donald A. Colo 173 «OW. 4th Ave. Or. 80020 Shaw, Gene l. Colo 463 590 Midway 80020 West, Jerre l. Colo 77B

165 M1in Sttnt 80020 BUENA VISTA

Pe111ter,JamesM. Colo715 Box 57 81211 BURLINGTON

lewis,Juhn Henry Kans St 134 Box 544 80807

2112 Bluff St. 80302



Hawkins, Douglas Edward 401 Br1nth Stm t 72110

Swett, H. B. Ark 45




WEST FORK R.R . 2 72774

MIDWAY Hawkins, Sharlett D. Ark 114 At. No. 1 72651 Curry, Charles l. Ark 207 Box 454

411 Fayetteville St. 72956



Myen, James A. Art 224 615 Fayetteville St. 72956 Pork, Sam H. Ark 202

Davies, Ronald Watson Colo 323 961 lincoln Place 80302 Dean, Paul Marshall Colo 68 525 Highland Ave. 80302 Dow, Paul F. Colo 536 1705 Arapahoe 80302 Duff, Gary G. Colo 740


lynch , Elwood Bert Colo 57 921 Harrison 8l212 Short , Robert G. Colo 526 621 Sheridan 81212 Zimmerman, Clyde leslie Den 141 704 Harrison Ave. 81212

355 · 32nd 80302 AKRON

Schafer, Aollie Randolph Colo 329 80720

Starlin, Owane l. Colo 728 80720 ALAMOSA

Hurley , Dr. James Roy Colo 92 402SanJuan81101 Moulton, Wilson C. Colo 425 c/o Mt . Blanca Drug 81101 Shaffer, Clyde N. Colo 255 81101

Towsley, Oren l. Den 114 Route 1 - 719 Berkeley 81101 ANTON

Jones, Ausse!IW. Colo 821 80801 ARVADA

Beaven, Dovle 0. Nebr 519 6034 Moo" St. 80002

Bergmtn , Roy H. Colo 346 6461 Yarrow St. 80002 Beuthel, Robart E. CoiSC 155 6120 CarrB0002

Corey,lrwin S. CoiSU 121 6101 Ammons St. 80002 Cox, James l. Colo 708 5710 Estes St 80002

Oougharty, Ronald G. Cin 233 6360 Jay 80002 Elzaa, William 0 . Mo 542

6473 Vrain St. 80002 Fry , Myron J. Ark 19 6120 Routt St. 80002 Harder, OonaldW. Colo 371 7034 Carr 80002

Hurrell, Robert 0 . Wvo 79 6138 Nelsen St. 80002 Konrad, G. Fred CoiSU 208 6803 Grandview 80002 lane, Ronald E. Colo St U 148 5107 Independence St. 80002 leusink , Wayne A. CoiSU 172 6130 Benton St. 80002 lewis, John l. ColoStCot 84 8220 Wan 50th 80002

Logsdon, Robert l. ColoSC 89 6122 Fielo St. 80002 Mayfield, Delmar H. Colo 657 7711 W. 52nd Ava. 80002 Moritz, John A. Colo 572 6122 Oudtev Ct. 80002 Reifsteck , C. R. llt483 10256 W. 59 Place 80002 Rieder, Donald l. Kans 592 7025 W. 62 Aw. 80002

Aiethmann, David R. Colo 764 5430 Hoyt Drive 80002 Smith , Ch&rles 0 . Colo 776 7809 Robinson Wav 80002 Spencer, Charles D. Colo 815 5450 Garrison St. 80002 Stewart, William E., Jr. Colo 763 8725 West 60th Ave. 80002 Tuggle , James l. OklaSt 526 6778 S. 70th Place 80002 Williams, Bruce J. Nebr 589 6040 Everett 80002 AULT

Emry , John Owen Colo A&M 23 80610

Nelson , Sam Eds. CoiSC 172 Bo• 275 80610 AURORA

Bjorkman, Emil A. Minn 509 418TitanCt.80010 Edmundson, William K. Colo 360 1117 OuentinStrtet 80011 Fennig , Robert W., Jr. ColSU 243 479 Oswego St. 80011 McCauley , Melvin E. ColoSU 2 469 Kingston 80010 Parker, Carl F. NW 201 2241 Oswego 80011

Pennington, Wm. A. Den 81 428 S. Wheeling Way 80011 Stephens, Seth H., Jr. CoiSU 44 14470 E. 13th Ave. 80010 Warmouth , Robert l. Ariz 163 9990 East 5th Ave. 80010 BAYFIELD

Sitton ,James Harvey Colo A&M 15 81122 BERTHOUD

Waggener, John Milton Colo 381 80513 BEULAH

Wheeler, Howard William Colo 349 81023

Elliott, Jerry A. Colo 649 2325 Forest Street 80302 Engelman, Frederick C., Jr. Colo 747 1224 Mariposa Ave. 80302 Frost, Alexander G., lll Colo 624


Sewell, Robert P. CoiSU 217 81623

Stono, Frank 0. Ill P.O. Box 306 81623

P.O . Box 1532 80301

Gretb, Marvin E. ColoStU 74 3895 Carlock 80302 Hahn , David l. Colo 794


Ayars, Kenneth Roy Colo 331 81125

1350 • 201h Sl. #A31 80302

Hanna, William J. Colo 365 Silver Spruce Nederland Star At. 80302 Hughes, Robert 0. Wyo 68 1970 Grape Ave. 80302 Hultquist, Martin E. Colo 300 2847 4th St. 80302

Hutchinson, James Douglas Colo 423 B37151hStreetB0302

lngfaham, Arthur E. Cor 484 1960 Grape Ave. 80301 Okla 502 Boulder Heights Jamestown Star At. B0302 Jones, leonard Colo 136 Jalfar~on , Joe

802 • 17th St. 80302

Jordan, Jonathen A. NU 749 2480 Balsam Or. 80301 Kleinholz, Kenneth 0. Colo 496 909 Evergreen 80302 lantry, Ronald H. Colo 593 950 . 28th 80302

lines, John C. Colo 546 clo M8SII Vista Sanitarium 2122 Mesa Or. 80302 little, John A., Jr. Colo 523 360 S. 41st Street 80302 Lunsford, OavidW. Colo 570 BOO Grant Place 80302 Lu nsford, John A. Colo 198 800 Grant Place 80302 McCabe, Fordyce Gordon, Jr. Colo 462 644 · 14th St. 80302

McCollum, George Armond Colo 534 2433 • 5th St. 80302

McMillan, Paul C. Mo 470 2031 Broadway 80302 Morrison , larry J. ColoSU 196 2B5·291h St 80302

Murray, Oswell F. Colo 641 2007 Columbine Ave. 80302 Nathan, Joseph B., Jr. KSt 307 4380 Butler Circle 80302 Nesbit, Norman l. Colo 618 1075·1Dih St 80302

Neilsen, Wayne 0. Kans 557 3655 Berkley Ave. 80302 Novak , leo C., Jr. Colo 738 745 Univeflity Ave. 80302 Olson, Ronald A. ColoSC 141 3125 Kittrell Ct. 80302 Overholser, John W. Colo 629 P.O . Box 338 13090 · 51h St. I 80301

Parcell. Otey W., Jr. Colo 792 2035 ~

Bth St. 80302

Pakan, John J. NW 303 4080 Pinon Drive 80302 Patman, Dwayne G. Colo 673 727 Ithaca Drive 80302 Pet1110n, Dwight Colo 737 1500 Balsam 80302 Quinn, John M., Jr. Colo 409 2130 Dartmouth 80302 Remington, Paul E. Colo 509 Box 889 80302 Rica, Charles A. Syr 279 2050 Hillsdale Circle 80302 Sandford, Alan H. Kans 559 10 So. 38th St. 80301 Schoenbeck, Eric l. Colo 685 3000 Dartmouth 80302 Stocker, Roger Scott Col 826 333 Arapahoe 15 80301 Strecker, George E. Colo 664 740 Tenth St. 80302 Timmerhaus, Klaus D. Ill 677 905 Brooklawn 80302 Tobey, Sidney C. Colo 264 951 University Ave. 80302 Wait, David F. ColoSU 42 740 Yale 80302 Wallace, Richard W. Colo 666 1039 Sycamore 80302 Wasson, Char~ D. Colo 686 738 Ithaca Drive 80302 Wilson, William A. Colo 355 3820 Berkley 80302 Witt, Norman Frank Colo 318 1101 Grandview 80302 BRIGHTON

Case, Dale Wm., Jr. Corse 163 Route 1, Box 3780601 HarshbufV!f, Douglas 0. Colo St 15 433 South Third Rd. 80601 Justice, Richard A. CoiSC 5 1238 Brighton Orivt 80601


Abrahams, Neil 0. CoiStC 132 1215 North Franklin 80903 Ache, Warnn F. Colo 722 2018 Eagle View 80909 Adair, John K.,Jr. Tax 446 3121 Water St. 80904 Antons, Kenneth l. CoiSC 150 2804 Tremont 80907 Baggs, Charles Harrison Den 160 1911 N. Nevada Avenue 80907 Barnes, Victor G., Jr. CoiStU 161 136 Peirce Or. 80906 Basktn, lyle M. Colo StU 151 2026 S. Corona Ave. 80906 Bogren, Keith M. Colo St Cot 80 1604 E. Kiowa 80909

Boitos, James A. CoiSU 251 830 Sunse1 Rd. 80909 Boyack, Gary l. ColoSU 174 At. 1, Box 1813 80907

Boyack, W. Kent ColSU 212 Rt. 1, Box 1818 80907

Charles, larry D. CoiStC 134 1351 North Union 80909 Coombes, J. Edward NW 133 2836 Country Club Drive 80909 Crabb, Major Gen. J, V. Pur 256 17 Upland Rd . 80906 Dawson, Or. Donald l. Colo 533 2010 Carlton 80909 Dennen, Rowland l. KSt 91 1614 Happiness Or. 80909 Dewell, David K. Colo 611 1631 Culebra Place 80907 Frakes, Glenn KSt 322 1200W. Cumberland 80900 Green, Ralph J. Kans 293 1830 W. Colorado Ave. 80904 Hagedorn , Alfred A. Cor 372 13 loma linda Drive 80906 Higham, James l. Pur 829 1134 Wakita Drive 80915 Higman, Darrell E. Colo 627 1423 Server Drive 80910 Hillman, James C. CoiSC 146 512 S. Prospect 80903 Holman,loy D. Colo 451 636 Bridger Place 80909 Kemper, Albert C. CoiSU 226 2205 Parkview Blvd. 80906 Kliewer, Harry Colo 200 821 Panarama Drive 80904 Mesec, Ronald A. NW 519 P.O. Box 818 80901 Niehans, Oeward R. Colo 439 19 Arrawanna 80909 Notestine, Mark Edward Colo 619 2828 W. Kiowa St. 80904 Pavne, Bruce E. Colo 833 815 North Institute 80903 Pennington , G. E., M.D. Den 80 1414 N. Hancock Ave. 80903 Peten:on.JohnW. CoiSC 143 5102 Galley Ad., Parkwav 5 80909 Ramsay, G. Chester Tex 109 P.O. Box 585 80901 Reed, James 0 . Colo 531 Box 394 80901 Rorabaugh, Guy 0. Colo 304 20 E. Oet None 80907 Schuelke, John P. Wyo 128 2438 Virgo Drive 80906 Vande! , William Kan 403 21 16 lark Or. 80909 Weightman, lionel F. ColSU 98 315 E. Cucharras 80903 Wester, James A. CentMoSt 149 3902 Meadow land Blvd. 80907 WM:Jhtman, Richard I. Cin 116 1530 Diana lane 80909 Williams, Ross A. Yale 166 2029 McArthur Ave. 80909 Wilson, Donald F. NW 522 1406 Hollyhock 80907 Yager, Albert R. lnd 44 102 Easy Street Stcurity Village 80911 CORTEZ

Moore, SamueiJ., Jr. CoiSC 151 Rt. 1, Box 64 81321 Rusk, Willard W., Jr. Colo 369 Box 981 81321

Wilson, Kenneth A. Colo 527 214 NorthWIIhington 81321


lrwis, John F. Colo 341 P.O. Box 401 B1223 CRAIG Thompson, Oa!Win R. CoiSC 136


615 School Strttt81625 Vaughn, Tommy A. ColoSU 134 441 Roso B1625 OHRTRAIL

Davis, Chatles R. Colo St 12 Box 223 80105 DEL NORTE

Caswlman, Frank D. Nebr 345 81132 DELTA

Brown, Arthur Allen Colo 268 81416

KeHell, Maurice R. CoiSC 165 636 Garnet Avenue 81416 DENVER

Allerheiligen, R. P. Co\SU 231 160 Everelt Street 80206 Arnold, Vern B. Nebr 350 710 Cook St 80206

Arterburn, Larry Evans Colo 470 2250 E. Wesley Ave. 80210 Bailey, James B. Co\St C 133 2856 Jasmine 80207 Baker, Harold Kans 345

1970 So. Clayton 80210 Balderston, Herbert George Den 156

3325 Stuart 80212 Baldwin, Arthur L. Den 1 1720 California St. 80202 Barnard, Hamilton Isham Colo 301 2805 E. Ninth Avenue 80206

Barnett, Thomas Arden Colo 583 4534 West 32nd Ave . 80212 Bartholic , ArthurWilding Oen2

2373 Fairfax 88207 Bartholic, C. L. Den 3 414 Equ itable Bldg. 80202 Benedicl. Charles E. Den 4 1089 S. Elizabeth St. 80209 Benedict, Harton E. Den 5 611 E. 11th Ave. 80209 Bennett, Keith S. Okle 499 2680 South Jasmine 80222 Blomberg, Conrad A. Minn 532 2728 S. Marshall Street 80227 Bolton, Harry B. Kan 257 3400 E. Kentucky Ave. 80209 Borman, Arthur Paul Colo 386 1660 Garfield 80206 Bouslog, Or. John Samuel Colo 110 6210 E. 11th Ave. 80220

Brack , Gary l. Kans St 409 6860 W. Oregon 80226 Breckenridge, George H., Jr. Den 87 7196

w. 4th 80215

Brown, Robert G. Wyo 64 10979 Murray Rd . 80229 Bryant , Ralph H. Wash 261 1310 Magnolia 80220 Burttholder, Stephen A. Col724 2180 South Estes Suett 80227 Burnett , Paul E. Colo 295 1495 S. Milwaukee St. 80210 Burruss. Edward Charles Colo 445 1212 Garfield 80206 Buschy, Joseph J. CoiSU 238 5036 Newton St. 80221 Bu zick, George H., Ill Colo 797 1946 So . Newton St. 80219 Campbell, Alex B. Den 124 460 So . Simms 80228 Carhart, Arthur H. Ia St 98 2591 Eudora St. 80207 Casey , Ralph W. Kens 329 2565 So. Univ. Blvd., Apt . 510, Carriage House80210 Clark, Walter A. Colo 429 330 So . Gaylord St. 80209 Cline. Foster W. Kens 101 1929 Ivy Strett 80220 Coulson, Herbert M. Okla A&M 213 1526 Blake 80202 Counts, Oakley F. Den 11 920 Monaco Partway 80220 Cox , Roy leonard Colo 560 1244 Grant 80203 Cronin, Mikel F. ColoSU 175 3298 Hudson 80207 Culwell, Marvin J., Jr. CoiSC 147 1370 S. Zephy,80226

Cummings, Howard French Colo 314 2632 South lafayette 80210 Danielson. Ralph W. Colo 192 5770 E. Third Ave. 80220 Davis, Richard C. CoiSU 122 23G4So. Holly 80222 Deeter, John H. Den 146 865 So. Josephine St. 80209 Delapp, Robert A. CoiSU 245 2814 S. Willow Court 80222 DeVeny, lyle K. ColoSt C 36 1431% Holly St. 80220 Dickason, lyle E. SCS 191 5601 N. Federal IliA 80221 Oimler , Charles Den 13 1730 S. Ogden 80210 Oobrovolny , Ptter Colo 749 2210 So. Corona 80210 Ooerges, Norman l. CoiStC 126 1711 South Adams 80206 Echelmeyer, W. H., Jr. Penn St 380 2695 Newfand 80215 Evans, M. l. Ia 445 1260 S. Bellaire, Apt . 305 80222 Fislte, Henry 0., Jr. CoiSC 14 1801 So. Qu itman 80219 Forney, Hubert K1ns 313 3192 S. Fillmore 80210 Friend , J. Borden NU 134 3390 S. locust St. 80222 Froese. Erhard Albert Colo 133 1922locust St. 80220 Gardner, Thomas A. la260 6902 Mon~ i ew Blvd. B0220 Garuel, CharlesW. Ia 57 9340 E. Center , 1113 80222 Ge~e. Arthur H. Dan 92 10435 Frankl in 80233 George, PriCe J. Wis 312 7620 W. 24th Ave. 80215

Gersten, John M. CoiSU 223 3862 So . Grape Sl. 80237 Gilmore, Harold M. NW 83 1638 Clermont 80220 Ginn, C~rllyle Den 18 2729 West 35th St. 80211

Green, Irving B. Den 183 5055 Vale Or. 80222 Green , William Samuel, Jr. Pur 236 1133 Hudson St. 80207 GrHne, lawrence W. Colo 190 5325 EISI 11th Ave. 80220

Griffith, William M. Kens 562 1296 South Drew Way 80226 Gunderson, William Norwood Den 103 1811 Cherry 80220 Gustafson , Adolph louis Colo 292 2938 Depew St. 80214 Gustafson, Relph A. ColoStU 143 1230 S. Sherman 80210 Hartley, Ward Oelew Kens 330 526 S. Williams 80209 Hartman, William P. CoiSC 175 4358 West 6th Avenue 80204 Hay , Charles C. Colo 284 12247 W. Ohio Or. 80228 Henderson, Eugene W. Colo 250 790 Columbine St. 80206 Hoffman, Edgar J. Colo 450 1788 S. Jasmine 80222 Holmes, James C. ColoSC 161 2665 So. Raleigh 80219 Howe, Guy Forbes Kens 90 325 E. 18th Ave . 80203

lnselman, Oarryle F. ColoSC 120 2985 Clermont 80207 Janitschke , Robert P. NW 271 Republic Bldg.- Suite 606 80202 Jester, T. K. MSM 52 375 S. Pierce, Apt . I 80226 Johnson , Calvin F. Colo 591 2055 Cody 80215

Jurcheck , John C. Rens 211 3905 West 32nd Ave. 80212 Justus, Philip K. CoiSU 236 1993 S. Tennyson 80219 Kelley , JamesW. OreSt 292 2475 s. v;ne #303 80210

Kelly , John Burton Colo A&M 14 54 S. Knox Ct. 80219 Kesling , Jack 0 . Kens 641 c/o Seal Furniture , Int . 80S. Santa Fe Drive 80223 Kingery , Hugh E. Cor 573 4629 E. Cedar 80222 Kobayashi, T. Kenji Colo 694 455 Forest St. 80220 Kopecky , Paul J., Jr. ColoStC 167 881 S. Williams 80209 Krening, Richard H. CoiStC 122 1966 South Yates 80219 Kress, Wm . Edw., Jr. Colo 805 2982 South Fillmore Way 80210 Krieger, Clarence J. Colo 395 835 Fenton 80214 Kuhn, William E. Colo 592 431 Elm 80220

larson , Harris W. Nebr 435 3052 S. Steele 80210

leave!, Willard H. Den Ill 2037 S. Milwaukee 80210 lent , James R. Den 57 823 Ellipse Way 80209 lewis, Robert C. Colo 182 444 Fairfax St. 80220 l indsay, Richard Wander Colo 76 1730 leyden St. 80220 lommastsch. lynn Den 149 9989 Dodge Drive 80221 Manary , Howard 0 . Den 76 9079 E. Nas:sau 80237 Matchen , Or. Foster Nebr 306 1044 Olive Street 80220 Mahan, Ronald R. Wyo 148 10521 West 7th Place , Apt . 3 80215 Malleu, Gavin R. Den 95 1510So. Elizabeth S1. 80210 Manuel , Stanley G. Colo 758 1016 Stearns 80302 McGahey , Jack M. Colo 594 4150 E. Eastman Ave. 80222 Mclean, Gary 0 . CoiSC 156 771 So. Downing 80209 Means, Alan l. Den 150 7101 E. Arkansas 80222 Metcalf, EarleS ., Jr. Wis452 1774 S. Ivy Street 80222 Miller , Pastor Arthur l. lnd 48 Montview Presbyterian Church 2232 Albion 80207 Mills, Glen Everett Colo 152 2349 Dexter St. 80207 Mitchell , Ronald A. Colo 683 1660 S. Marion St. 80210 Montgomery , Fred 0 . Colo 261 4560 WoiH 80212

Morgan, Harry J. ColoStC 142 2191 S. Wolcott Court 80219 Moritz, Richard R. CotSC 153 2440 So. Columbine 80210 Monell , James E. Colo 756 2002 S. lafayette 80210 Morsog, Carl H. Cor 711 Humble Oil & Refining Co. Box 120 80201 Neeptr, Cmd A. Den 28 753 Madison 80206 Nffiflam , Marion A. Den 62 510 Monroe St. 80206 Niemann , Harold E. Neb 440 2690 So. Josephine St. 80210 Nordby , Walter S. Den 96 10500W. 22nd Pl. 80215

Norris, Raymond W. Den 78 1111 Jamaica 80208 O'Brien, Edward T., Jr. Colo 672 1201 Race Strttt- Apt. 8 80206 Oman , Barry M. Corse 177 6699 West 13th Ave. 80215 Palmer , lewis B. Mich 561 2022 S. Tennyson 80219 Parker, John A. Colo 746 4310 W. 39th Avenue 80212 Ptabody, Elmer C. Colo 299 4620 W. 30th Ave. 80212 Petsch , Herold Eugene , Jr . Colo 435 634 South Clarkson St. 80209 Plett, J1mes Henry Geo Wa$11 44 390 Hudson 80212

Ratkovich, Daniel R. CoiSC 82 1330 Race 80206

Reed, Floyd K. Nebr 263 3427 W. 45th Avenue 80221 Richie, leonard l. Den 84 4525 Montana Place 80222 Rinehart , David E. Colo 639 4770 Elm Court 80211 Ritchie, James David Den 140 2720 So . Gilpin Street 80210 Robertson, Michael E. ColoStU 140 1250 S. H;gh St. 80210

Ptterson, lyle 0. Wyo 171 3720 East Quincy Avenue 80110 Robinette, Ross A. Colo StU 146 4765 S. Kalamath 80110 Snowbarger, Ronald l. Col St Col 104 1220West Oxford 80110 Williams, Guy H., Jr. Neb 450 16 Vista Road 80110 ESTES PARK

Graham, Donovan l. 111972 Box 953 80517

Robinson, David C. Colo 720 660 Holly 80220

Roose, Rodney E. CSC 212 5481 W. Mexico 80226 Rose, Clarence J. Colo 226 545 Monroe 80206 Rosnik, John C., D.D.S. CoiSU 94 3233 So. Niagara St. 80222 Rubel, Robert Oscar Den 108 2692 Clermont St. 80207 Schmoll, Robert R. Colo 550 890 S. Leyden St. 80222

Shearer, leslie S. OreSt 308 General Delivery 80802 Shupe, Donald E. CoiSC 9 1455 S. Jersey Way 80222 Sinclair, larry A. Colo 697 3131 E. Alameda 80209 Smith , Feay B., Jr. Colo 389 801 South Columbine 80209 Smith, Richard W. Colo 782 137 Dahlia 80220 Smith, Wayne E. Colo A&M 27 1010 Sheridan 80214 Sommers, Fred E. Colo 698 120 So. Ingalls 80226 Spangler, Henry R. Colo 65 801lafayette 80218 Spaulding, Mortimer Weston Mich 74 1165 Milwaukee 80206 Squitanti. Richard G. Cin 229 1111 Ash Street 80220 Steffens, Richard A. CoiSC 129 2740 Meade 80211 Stringer, C. Pleas, Jr. Okla494 5575 E. Bates Ave . 80222 Sundine, Albert R. CoiSC 157 1224 So. Pennsylvania 80210 Swearingen , Jay W. CoiSU 242 8031 E. Hampden Cit . 80237 Swinney, Robert l. Okla 166 3131 East Alamada Ave. 80209 Taylor, Edward E. Colo 85 3906 E. Evans 80210 Thompson, Joseph Arthur Den 34 2263 Bellaire St. 80207 Thwaites, Robert W. Ill 738 2530 S. lowell Blvd. 80219 Tomlinson, Warren l. Den 85 2065 Miller Court 80215 Truscott, Or. Robert W. Colo 337 501 Birch St. 80220 Vail, Allan P. Colo 230 900 Kearney St. 80220 Vallance, Chad Y. Okla 435 2865 S. Yo'k 80210

Wallace, John H. Oen36 2333 Eudora St. 80207 Wallace, Jo hn Herbert Colo A&M 43 2333 Eudora St. 80207 Wallbank, Stanley T. Colo 95 825 South Adams 80209 Watson, OavidM. lnd588 Suite 1210, 1700 Broadway 80202 Walls, Charles R. Colo 706 712 ClaytonStreet80206 Weaver , Robert H. Pur 409 5303 W. Kentucky 80214 White, Raymond G. Den 86 363 Albion Ave. 80220 Willis, Charles A. NU 264 1860 lincoln St ., Am. 101 80203 Willis, Charles B. CoiStU 103 9962 Bedding Or. 80229 Wills, Billy G. TEX 452 1837 S. Monroe 80210 White, Orris H., Jr. Den 167 2704 S. Ames Way 80227 Whitehead, Richard Wilson Colo 208 1746 Cherry St. 80220 Woreest:er. John l. Colo StUn 160 9015 E. Nassau Ave. 80237 Yamamoto, Denn is ColoSC 118 3849 Vallejo St. B0211 Younce, James 0. lnd 364 Box 8814 Univmity Park Station 80210 Young, Richard A. Colo 687 5301 W. lOth Ave. 80214 Young, Frederick Ho rsburgh Den 59 1255 Steele St. 80206 Young, William R. Colo 324 2242 S. Raleigh 80219 DERBY

Meyen, Edward l. Colo St 8 6340 E. 71st Place 80022 Scholl. Or. Wm. T., Jr. lnd 406 6660 East 72nd Place 80022 DILLON

Wauon, Thomas R. Den 112 P.O. Box 218 80435 DURANGO

Cummins, Michael 0 . CoiSC 180 Box 672 81301 ENGLEWOOD

Beitel, James E. Col St Col 28 4821 So. lipan 80110 Bowting, Or . Franklin l. Colo 303 1001 E. Oxford lane 80110 Brown, Albert A. Den 145 200 W. Sanford 20110 Cooke, Ralph W. Colo 351 8338 East: Costilla80110 Graves, GeraldJ . Wyo 151 195 W. Bellaire 80110 Hansen . Donald W. Colo 567 3650 So . Federal Blvd.

1114 80110 Henry, Clitlord A. Colo 345 2736 S. Penn 80110 Horn. Roger B. CoiStC 124 3040 South Corona 80110 Milsom, Clark J. Colo St 49 4190 S. Elat• 80110


Betchart, Will B. Colo 745 Box 446 80439

Eads, David W., Jr. Ken 350 Marshdale lodge 80439 Frey , William B. ColoStU 136 Box 725 RR 1 80439 FLEMING

Brownell, Raymond B. Colo 609 RR 13 80728

Rowan . Arlyn Dean Colo A&M 46 Box 156 80728 FLORISSANT

Mclain, Jerome R. Colo 671 SanbornWasternCamps80816 FT. COLLINS

Alyea, Fred H. Wis 629 Rt . 2, Box 65·A6 80521

Andrews, Wm. R. CoiSU 205 2332 S. College Ave. 80521 Asmus, Robert 0. CoiSC 68 1504 West lake Street 80521 Bennett , Chester A. Colo 229 Bo x 305 80522

Besack. larry R. ColoStU 137 204S. Grant 80521 Bowen, Gordon H. CoiSU 258 741 Cherokee Or . 80521 Carter, Deane M. Colo 465 136 Yale Ava. 80521 Clark , Dwight 0. Kans 269 2300 Matthews 80521 Cr8M, Thomas C. ColSU 117 1204 Westward Or. 80521 Finn. Calvin l. CotoSU 106 1921 Navajo 80521 Fischer , Albert Philo Colo 242 1242 West Mountain Ave. 80521 Follett. Roy H. CoiSU 83 1408 Briarwood 80521 Frisinger , H. Howard II Mich568 155 Fairway lane , R 1 80521 Fuller, Charles M. CoiSU 77 1108W. Mountain 80521 Gustafson, Ronald H. Colo A&M 118 605 East Coy Drive 80521 Hendricks, James 0. ColoSU 219 80521

Hillman,J . Richard CoiStU 166 1713 Springfield 80521 Kearney , Philip 0 . Mich 570 1729 West lake 80521 Kessler . Timothy 0. ColoSt U 154 605S. ShieldsSt. 80521 King, Justin 0. ColoSU 182 526 E. Elizabeth 80521 lindberg , Bill Colo 733 1032 East lake, Apt. 2 B0521 Meikel , Edward J., Jr . Colo 343 212 Tulane St. 80521 Miller, Mark Warner Colo A&M 45 1019 Remington St. 80521 Moffitt , Clyde Elbert Ia 292 Express Courier 80521 Nelson , Do n 0 . ColoSU 135 3136leMay 80521 Nicol . John C. Colo 838 610 South Washington 80521 Oakleaf, S. Kenneth laSt 373 Room 120 - Agriculture Hall80521 Payne, Robert E. CoiSU 85 1017 Glenmoor Or. 80521 Ravenscroft , Royal M. Nebr 105 1732 Hillside 80521 Rickard, Charles P. Colo 759 1001 Whedbee 80521 Riffenburgh , Waldo Oen 31 At. 4. 1424 Meeker Or. 80521 Shepherd, Harold C. ColoSU 183 1301 Lo"' 80521

Skin ner, Kenneth l. Colo 500 1116 W. Mt. Ave . 80521 Underwood , James A. Ill CoiSU 222 1800 Sheely Drive 80521 Viets, John G. CoiSU 216 102 YaleWay80521 Wachtmann , Lt. Ronald F. OhioSt 620 1029 Cragmore Or. 80521 Wooding, William l. Colo StU 150 206 W. Myrtle 80521 FORT LUPTON

Aichelman , James F. Colo 730 110 Pacific Ave . 80621 FORT MORGAN

Gaskill , Robert A. Okla A&M 394 Rt. 2 80701 Green, MarshaiiJamn, Jr. Colo A&M 66 R.R. I2 80101

Rockwell, Dean A. ColoSC 119 1123 Simpson St. 80701 Viers, Oelance ColoSC 76 1109 Prospect St. 80701 Vien:. Virgil V. CoiStCol 103 1109 Pr ospect St. 80701 FOUNTIAN

Martinez , Moses C. CoiSC 178 203 East Missouri 80817 FOWLER

Munson, Arthur l. Cor 204 Bo• 386 81039 FRASER

Selle , Robert l. CoiSC 181 Box 6 80442 GILCREST

Rust , H~rry E Colo St 48 Box 413 80623

GLENWOOD SPRINGS Mincer, lawrence M. Colo 798


Allen, Harvry R. CoiSC 128

3126 So . Grand Ave. 81601 GOLDEN

Campbell , Howard Wyo 6 1716 West 16th Placo 80401

Choun , Joseph M. Colo 373 Choun Constr. Co. Inc. 13300 Braun Rd . 80401 Frandsen, Frank H. Ill 661 14101 Eld"b""' Rd. 80401

Mohr, Cifford lamont Colo 155 2020 Ford Street 80401 Pings, Wilbur B. Ill 448 13245 Braun Road 80401 Roe, Richard F. Ill 541 Rt. 3, Bo• 848 80402 GRANBY

Cress, luther M. ColoStU 34 80446

Holman, lloyd B. Colo 640

80446 Ogden, Jon S. Colo A&M 65 80446 GRANO JUNCTION

Becker,John Frederick, Jr. Den 65 2785Webster Rd. 81501 Hopkins, Joseph E., Ill Colo 780 1235 Ouray Avenue Colo 81501 Lemoine, Clarence I. Colo 340 1460 Ouray Avt. 81501 Martin, Gilbert l. CoiSU 250 2814 Collum lane 81501 Pollard, JosephS., Jr. Colo 414

RR 1, Box 90 80735 JULESBURG

Campbell, Ernest E. Colo 515 200 West 5th Street 80737 Johnson, Alvin Joseph Colo 569 80737

Rundall, Stanley R. Colo St U 147 414 W. Third St. 80737 KIM

Goode, Frank M. Col StU 157 81049 KIRK

Idler , David Keith Colo A&M 79 80824

Moellenbtrg , Francis William Colo A&M 49 80824

Moellenberg , Roland Dean Colo A&M 80 80824 KITIREOGE Keen, Ed I. Den 94

P.O. Box 207 80457 Shaeffer, Charles F. CoiSC 182 Box 66 80457 LAFAYETIE

Hart, William J. CoiSC 33 407 E. Cleveland 80026

Box 207 81501

Sawtelle, Douglas C. CoiSU 144 1605 Poplar 81501 Senn, Canoll S. Colo 783 Box 1026 81507 Whisler. Donald Wyman Colo 562 1307 N. 7th St. 81501 GREELEY

Anderson, l oren Elmo Colo 469 1101 19th Avenue 80631 Baab, John Carl Colo St C 188 718 17th St. 80631

Benton, Douglas A. Colo 667 1224- 23rd Ave. 80031 Blair, William H., Jr. Colo 676 2443 10th Ave . Ct. 80631 Blue, Fermin K. Colo St 9 1326 8th Street 80631 Cannon, Irving M. Col St C 25 2415 - 20th St. Rd. 80631

Carpenter, Francis M. Colo St 22 161 2 15th Ava. 80631 Collins, James A. Colo St 19 1810 14th Ave. 80631 Corkran, John E. Colo St C 24 P.O. Box 271 80631 David, Dwayne B. Colo St Col 116 1712-lllhAve. 80631 Dennis, Ervin A. Colo St C 46 2333- 8th St. 80631

Eiginer, larry F. Colo St Col97 2506 - 6th Sueet 80631 Foster. Merit A. Ariz 176 3410West4St. 80631 Frazier, Kendrick C. Colo 727 2338 - 51st Avenue 80631 Gary, Benjamin l. CoiSC 125 716 - 21st Street 80631 Gunther, Clarence H. ColoStU 93 1217 - 8th Strett 80631 Hayes, Charles K. CoiStCol. 73 1208 5th St. 80631

Kadlecek , JamesM. ColoSt39 1611 Sixth Ave. 80531 Koenig, Gene A. Colo 654 1608- 15th Avenue.80631 lubbers, J. Max Colo St C 144 2010 - 21st: Ave. 80631 Magnuson, l awrence F. Cot St Col 66 2BOOW. 11 St . Rd. 80631

McCarthy. John T. CoiSU 240 2100 14th St. 80631

Menge, John 0. Den 118 1410 - 29th Ave . Ct. 80631 Millet, Gary CoiSC 1 2428 W. 14th St. 80631

Otto, Monte l. Colo St College 59 1214 19th St. 80631

Peddycord, Clyde A. Colo 808 1720 12th Ave. 80631 Raney , Jim F. ColoSC 110 1527 - 28th Ave. Ct. 80631 Sarchet, Robert A. ColoStU 71 1458 - 10th St. 80631

Smith, Bruce E. ColoSC 17 2407 25th St . 80631 Smith, Roy l. ColoSI 23

1535 7th Avenue 80631 Steffens, Jerry l. CoiSC 149 1732 Fairacres Drive 8063 1 Turnquist. E. Reed Colo 601 1518 - 27th St. 80631 Wallace, Clarence E. Colo St 20 1545 12th Ave. 80631 Warren, Frank Hiram Okla A&M 119 1629 14th Ave. 80631 Wisdom . Robert L Col S C 113 2421 10th Avenue80631 HARTSEL

locke, George Robert Colo 282 80449 HAXTUN

Strait, James V. CoiSC 135 80731

HAYDEN Breshean, lyle l CoiStU 165 P.O. Box 269 81639 HOLLY

Hixsoh. James C. Colo St College 72 731 W. Colorado St. 81G47 HOLYOKE

Kunkle, l eslie l. Nebr 225 80734 HOTCHKISS

Mcintyre, larry Rich.ard Colo A&M 68 81419


Blatt, Robert Clarence Den 66 1675 Hoyt St. 80215

Braun, lawrence A. CoiSU 257 2290 Carr St. 80215 Bryan, Gerald E. Colo 800 7204 W. 9th Ave. 80215

Davies, Brent Wm. CoiSC 170 2460 Miller Street80215 Emmot, Douglas W. CSC 207 2517 Jellison St. 80215 Oman, Gary 0 . CoiSC 154 6699West 13th Ave. 80215 Overholt, leonard Edgar Den 97 8203 West Alameda 80215 Poling, Or. C. Tad KanSt 483 205 S. Garrison 80226 Prose, ThomasA. Colo A&M 120 1351 ReedSt.80215 Rogers, Jon A. CoiSC 184 10590W. 22nd Place 80215 Smith, Ronald E. Colo 674 10145West2SthStreet #7080215

Werner, Gerald C. CoiStU 188 2410 lrwis80215 LAMAR

Johnson , Harlan 0 . Okla358 65 Mayhew Drive 81052 LA SALLE

Croissant, Robert lee Colo A&M 63 R.R. 1, Box 9 80645 lorenz, Ivan l. ColoA&M 37 Rt . 2, Box 220 80645 love, Noble M. ColoSU 21 R.F.O. 2 80645

Noel , JackS. Colo A&M 179 Rt . 2. Box 304 80645 LEADVILLE

Blair, E. H. CoiSt C 74 1617 Mt . lincoln Or. 80461 LIMON

Statton, James Donald Colo 483 80828 LITILETON

Allen. Wm. J., Jr. Colo 538 6579 South lafayette 80120 Bradley. Robert C. Cor 365 5070 Bow Mar Or. 80120 8r8ndebery, David K. ColoSC 10 2338W. Maplewood 80120 DeHner, Clard 0. ColoSC 160 5614 So. Prince St. 80120 Duncan, Carl M. Colo 494 5527 South Knox Court 80120 Dungan, Gmld K.. II Colo 506 3370 W. Akoerben 80120 Ferguson , larry R. Colo 795 5940 So. Nixon Ct. 80120 Htnrich•n . Kar1 0 . laSt 6449 South Marion Pl. 80120 Holman , Erwin W. Colo 233 3953 E. Briarwood Ave . 80120 Hubbs, John B. Colo 742 5029 S. Michigan Ct. 80120 Hughes, Thom&t C., Jr. Colo 437 5900 W. Rowland Ave. 80120 Kirkpatrick, Jerry B. Okla 637 7643 So. Franklin Way 80120 ·Marwin , Donald W. CStU 225 5880 South logan 80120 Nagel, John K., Jr. Colo 768 5858 So . Louthan 80120 Newton. Normao A. KSt 465 6291 So. lakeview 80120 Saemisch , F. C. laSt 398 5290 So. Meade St. 80120 Scheolo, Gordon B. ColoSC 54 6250 S. logan Coun 80120 Williamson. James A. CoiSC 145 6932 South Clermont80120 Worth, WilliamS. Ohio 54 2855 East Maplewood 80201 Yale, Oon~ld A. Ill 740 7821 So. H;gh St. 80120 LONGMONT

Cr8wford , John A. Colo 823 431 Martin St. 80501 Cr8wford , William Colo 781 431 Martin St, 80501 Evans, Oon1ld W. CoiSU 261 824 Hillside Court 80501 Heisermah, Ttrrelll. CoiStC 139 827 Sherman Suret 80501 Treasure, Robert l. Colo 553 1003 Car1y St. 80501


LOUISVILLE Hogg, Michael David Colo 806 1337 Grant Avtnue 80027 LOVELAND

RYE Coffey, Ray R. Co1StCol114 81069 Houghton, John D. Colo 717 Box 103 81069

Amen, Charles Richerd Colo 492 Route 1, Box 209 80537 BellSOn, Kenneth l. Wyo 135 1105W. Soh 80537, Ronald K. Nebr S40 At. 2, Box 200E 80537 Kiely. Dan R. Colo 765 1535W. 15th St. 80537 Meister, James M. Col St U 39 1309 Harlow Lane80537 Salas. Dergio A. CoiSC 171 325 South Lincoln 80537 Stout, Roy C. Col S C 69 Rt. 2, Box 333, A4 80537 Unrich, J. Byron Colo St Col 94 Roule 1. Box 199 80537 LYONS Hockenhuii , Jamesl. 111892 Box 464 80540 MANC OS Linderholm, Walter Edward Colo 263 81328 MANITOU SPRINGS Pitcock, Earl Colo 320 c/o Pitcocks Drug Store 734 Manitou Ave. 80829 MILLI KEN Page, Brent Elwood CoiSC 164 Route 1 80543 Page, Philip L Colo SC 65 R.F.D. 80543 MONTE VISTA Oiel, Jacob E. Colo St 30 1030 Park Ave. 81144 Still. Theodore R. KansSt 128 81144 MONTROSE Hardy, Carel W. Col St C 86 Route 1, Box 212 81401 Nichols, Kenneth E. CoiSC 71 102 North Lot 81401 Yocum, Gilbert l. ColoSC 117 R 12. Box 3S1 81401 NDRTHGLAN Adams, Michael David Colo 804 10554 Kalamath 80233 NUCLA Staata,MelvynW. CoiSU 248 Sox 337 81424 Wilson,MalcolmW. Colo 620 Sox 38 81424

OLATHE McLaughlin , Williaml. Colo A&M 88 81425 OLNEY SPRINGS Earley,StephenT. CoiSC 166 ~10S2


SALIDA Frost, Alan C. Colo 566 S02F. St. 81201 Glenn, Charles C. Colo 376 At. 1, Box 330 81201 SILVERTON Nix, Gerald E. Colo 638 Box 127 81433 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Hoot, Alfred M. CoiStC 80477

STRATION McLean, Charles F. CoiSU 227 8083S

KELLOGG HopkillS, Howard D. Wash St 45 631 S. Division 83837

THORNTON Hinman , William T., Jr. CoiStCol 99 990 E. 92nd Ave . 80229

KIMBERLY Irwin, Richard Gardner Colo 452 Route 183341

TRINIDAD Sanders, R. 0. Colo 535 232 Saddle Road 81082

LEWI STON Hulbert, HaroldW. Ia St 123 P.O. Box 532 83801

USAF ACADEMY Mueller, Don D. NU 475 Quarterl '6455 G 80840

MOSCOW Andros, Dee Gus Okla 517 University of Idaho 83844

WAL DEN Dunaway , Uoyd l. Colo A&M 101 80480 Manville, Robert E. Colo St U 84 S.R. Box 230 80480

MT. HOME AF8 Fraru, Robert P. Vt 109 4433B Larch St. 83648 Aitter, JohnE . Wash 165 8SO E. 17th Nonh 83S47

WELLINGTON McNally,MarvinP. Colo StU 102 Route I 80549

POCATELLO Baker, J. larsenWyo 222 538 Moreland 83202 Featherstone, JamesO . NW598 334 Fairmont 83202 Harrison, C. F., Sr. Wyo 248 506 Sou th Sixth Street 83201 Ungren, Herbert G. laSt 528 1418 LosAitosWay83201 Miller, Roy R., Jr. Wash 264 Box 1090 83201 Shipley, Steven 0. CoiSC 169 10038 East lander 8320 1

WESTMINSTER Burton, Wilson E. Geo Wash 113 3924 W. 72nd A,.. 80030 Melville, Edward W. Den 49 7g01 lowell 80030 Sullivan , Mart E. Colo 775 3528 W. 80th A,. . 80030 WilliaiT\$, Charles G. CoiStU 20 7410 Newton 80030

PALMER LAKE Harman, Jerry B. Colo StU 70 80133

WESTON Ham ilton, John Richens Den 143 81091

PEETZ Meier, AIIenl. CoiStU 170 80747

WHEATRIOGE Bigler, Craig C. ColoStU 152 4500 Brentwood St. 80033 Bonner, JohnW. Oen67 4080 Upham St. 80033 Brogan, W. H. ColoSU 175 4420 Brentwood 80033 Clemens, Milton A. Kans St 328 3285 Moore Coun 80033 Fairchild , StephenJ. Colo 713 8030 W. 44th Avenue 80033 Fushimi, Patrick D. CoiSC 168 8469 Princeton 80030 Kelley , Robert E. Wyo2 7460 Ntwton 80030 O'Connell, Michael J. Colo 548 10335W. 35th Ave. 80033 Scheideman, Jack L ColoStCol70 4280 Upham St. 80033 Tabor, Frank C., Jr. Den 99 4725Saulsbury 80033 Watson, Jerald E. Colo St Col90 3401 Garland Street 80033

PUEBLO Abram , Do nald E. Colo 604 1S07 W. 32nd So . 81003 Anderson , Warren G. CoiSC 78 815West Evans81005 Bateman , Stanley B. Co!StU 162 1220 Longwood 81005 Cauble, Vance G. Kans 454 53 Du ndee lane 81001 Craig, William James Den 152 2134 Pine Street 81004 Oiggs, JohnW. Colo 813 427 Van Buren B1002 Edson, William Miles Den 158 414 W. Adams 81005 Finch, William R. CoiStCol 101 617 Broadway 81005 Gerhard, Let C. Syr370 4036 Hillside Drive81003 Hastings, JamesH . Kans 715 1216 Horseshoe81001 HurltV, Dr. Grant W. Colo 385 1824 Bonforte 81001 Jones, Leonerd F. Colo StU 153 825 E. Ninth St. 81001 MeHaffey, D. R. Ia St 128 1218 E. 12th St. 81001 MeHaffey, Dwid George Colo A&M 38 1218 E. 12th 81001 Mulay,Johnny Lee Colo St C 187 626Scranton Avt. 81105 Shtw, Dr. Dwi;ht Okla 91 3101 Royal Ave. B1005 Stallard , James E. Co!StC 127 282 1 MorrisAvt. 81003 Takaki, Alan M. Colo 731 1926 E. Routt 81004 Wallner, F. E. CoiSU 116 322 1 Northridge 81003 REO CLIFF Trezi•, Robert C., Jr. CoiSC 37 Box 135 81649 ROCKY FORO Mullins, Donald l. Colo St 50 R.R. I2 810S7

0 - 36

CALDWELL Smith, Laurence N. Nebr 355 P.O. 8" 57S 83S05 Tatum , Harry Alonzo Dkla A&M 3 Canyon Abstract & Title Co. 1808 Blaine St. 83605

IDAHO FALLS Byers, Norman P. KanSt 593 2350 Baltic Ave. 83401 Byers, Norman R. KSt 340 2350 Baltic Ave. 83401 lechelt, Ronald K. la354 9th & Oxford 83401 Peters, Kermit R. Colo 630 780 Stimson 83402 Porter, NormanJ. Den 119 S35 E. 17th St. 83401 Schmunk, Richard E. Miami 35 814 Raymond Drive 83402

WEST RIDGE Gearhart , William H. II CoiSU 234 4210 Newland St. 80033

PlATIEVILlE Mcleod, Bruce R. Colo St 132 Rt. 1, Bo x 163 80651 Peralez, Rudolf Colo St U 133 At. 1, Bo x 145 80651

BOISE Jones,WilfredRosc:oeWash193 901 N. Soh 83702 Pierce, Conway Pur 191 1607W. Jefferson, Apt S 83702 Skinner, Donald D. NU 561 704S. Latah 83705

STER LING Ansdell, George H. Kans St 43 210 Logan St. 80751 Bennett, Ervine L. Nebr 362 Box 141480751 Davis, Joseph Abner Mich 98 219lincoln80751 Gaii, Walter, Jr. CoiSU 204 Route l280751 Huffman, Morris D. CoiSU 202 620 Delmar St. 80751 Rewerts, Larry D. CoiSC 92 201 California80751 Sanders. William R. CoiS U 220 221 OenverStreet80751 Smith, Donald Keith CoiSU 50 P.O. Box 352 80751

Ray ColoSt C 183 608 Saunders Ave. 80744

Sc ~s. Joel

BLACKFOOT Kinney, H1rrison B. leSt 73 157 So. Mapla 83221

HOPE Colwell, Brian Thomas Wyo 93 P.O. B" 254 8383S

TWIN FALLS Harder, Fred D. Colo 467 561 AlturasDrivs83301 Petersen, Max 8. Wash St 102 406 Rose 83301 Pettygrove, Edward N. Nebr 214 WEISER Fields, J. Burford, Jr. CoiSU 8 1015West First 83672

LOUISIANA ABBEVILLE Kirkpatrick, Elijah N., Jr. louisianaSt54 Box 364 70510 ALBANY Kinchen, CharlesW. LaSt 4 70711

WIN DSOR Casten, Thomas R. Colo 735 512 Oak S1reet 80550

ALEXANDRIA Powers, Henry W., Jr. las 13 1410 Debbie Street71301

WOODLAND PAR K Jackman , Regina! P. Kans91 80863 Roberts, Merle E. CoiStU 26 P.O. Box 224 80863

AMITE Freiler, Herbert C. LSU 124 108 W. Palmetto Street 70422

YOOER Bohan. FieldW. CoiStU 164 808S4 Tiffany, Kenneth l. CoiSt Col60 80864

IDAHO ABERDEEN Stevens, David H. Wyo 281 Box 221 83210

BATON ROUGE Alexander, Frederick B., Jr. LaSt 63 4022 South Ramsey Dr. 70808 Barr, Thomas H. Mo 262 409 Cornell 70808 Banels, Shelby H. LSU 61 6950 Boone Or. 70808 Blackwell, Leighton J. LSU 144 4935 Newcomb Or. 70808 Brame, Joe A. LSU 143 1132 Aster St . 70802 Braun, Ralph F. LSU 8 2740 Morning Glory 70808 Burch , Aubrey W. LaSt 22 8225 Menlo 70808 Clark , Joseph L. LSU 65 425 Stanford Ave. 70808 Clynch, Robert F. l aStU 198 7065 Annabelle Ave. 70806 Cox , Tom 0. LSU 1 2155 Myrtledale Ave. 70808 Daniels, George A. Kans 609 4781 Highland Ro-.1, Apt. 2 70808 Dunbar, Chester R., Jr. LSU 109 2821 Sherwood Driv170805

Eggers, Statie P., Jr. LaStU 201

1823 Marilyn Dr. 70815 Glass, George K. LSU 69 360 Ardenwood Drivt 70806 Graham, W. Barry LSU 63 375 W. Roosevelt St. 70802 Gu idry, Mark R., Jr. LSU 39 5821 Hyacinth 70808

Haas, Arthur J ., Ill LSU 70 540 Magnolia Woods 70808 Hanagriff, Walter E. LSU 134 2826 Jackson Ave. 70802 Hattox , Thomas M. LSU 145 867 E. l akeview Or. 70810 Heilgler, Arthur M. Ark 42 725 Rothmer Drive 70808 Hennigen, Henry W., Jr. LSU 86 8825Meadowood 70815 Higginbotham , Julius B. laSt 33 3430 0SW8'jO So. 70805 Hinger, Charles J. Ill 484 660 Carol Marie Drive 70806 Jeu , WillisW., Ill LSU 12 9555 Corinth Street 70809 Klein, Earl E. LaSt 25 2278 Stanford Ave. 70808 Lewis, W. Jim LSU 147 375W. Roosevelt St., Apt. 2228 70802 lindsay , Kenneth l.lll658 744 Frances Harriet Drive 70815 lipscomb,JohnW. LSU 128 Box 14514 70808 Lipscomb, Richard l. LSU 188 8" 14514 70808 loudon , Gordon M. LSU 110 1408 Stephei\S Ave. 70808 Madd"· A. C. LSU 111 2006 Cloverdale Ave. 70808 Meeks, John l. LSU 166 1038 Boyd Ave. 70802 Merrill, Ronald l. LSU 82 2487 Flannery Rd . 70814 O'Neal , George M., Jr. LaSt 56 517 St. l andry St. 70806 Paine,A. S. IILSU 113 2027 Richland Ave . 70808 Price, JosephW. LSU 115 6539 Vineyard 70812 Prophit, Brian l. LSU 149 7475 Seven Oaks 70808 Pyron, Timothy W. LSU 92 970W. Johnson Street 70802 Quirk , Thomas LSU 59 2761 Dayton Or. 70805 Randall , Carl 0., Jr. LSU 119 3744 Evangeline 70805 Redman , Jon F. LSU 167 1348 Stephens Ave. 70808 Roberts, Jesse E. LSU 7 9620 Jeffeflon Hwy . 70809 Roehm , Carl L. , Jr. LSU 116 777 South Burgess 70815 Sartain, C. Lenton, Jr. LSU 27 9757 Jefferson Highway 70809 Simon, Larry S. LSU 130 520 River Oaks 70815 Smith, James A., II LSU 156 At. 4, Box 316, Sullivan Rd. 70805 Snuggs, John L laSt 50 6312 Casper St . 70805 Stephenson, Claude l. LSU 120 2948 Hollywood 70805 Taylor, James F. LSU 121 3650 Nicholson Dr. 70802 Thompson. Bob A. LSU 18 9142 Cetalu 70802 Watts, Carroll N. LSU 76 Ro.l4, Sullivan Rd . 70805 Weinmeister, Carl J. GA 9 1066 Chevelle Dr. 70806 West, James E. lSU 132 648 Sunset Btvd . 70808 Wiksell, Wesley A. Ia 299 Dept . of Speech Louisiana State University 70803 Woodin, Martin D. LSU 172 745 Leeward OrNe 70808 Worrell , J. D. LSU 79 10445 Ridgely Drive 70809

FINEVILLE Sexton, Raymond G. LSU 117

1108 lakeshore Orivt 71360 FORT ALLEN Anderson, Kenneth D. LSU 123 710 Gladiolus 70767 Smith, ThomasW. LSU 151 251 Sixth Street 70767 GILBERT Marczak, S. A., Jr. LAS 13 Box 745 71336 GONZALES Cavnar, Maruice E. OklaSt 412 P.O. B" 1025 70737 Cavnar, Maurice H. OklaSt 437 P.O. B" 1025 70737 Gillentine, Jewell J. LSU 38 At. 2, Box 447·A2 70737 GRETNA Davis, Or. John R. NU 517 2244 Mink Street 70053 Shambra, Martin C., Jr. LSU 229 615 Carricox St. 70053 HAMMOND Jones, lyman l., Jr. LSU 87 600 South Olive Street 70401 HARAHAN Burton, Herbert E. LSU 2 205 Riverdale Or. 70121 HARRISONBURG Gibson, Elmer!. LaSt31 71 340 HAYNESVILLE James, Louis M. LaSt 28 Box 14 71038 HEFLIN Beatty , Joseph R. LSU 97 71039 HOOGE Mann, Gray A. LSU 112 Box 473 71247 IOWA Bouquet, Edward R. LSU 171 P.O. Sox 145 70647 JENNINGS Oommert, Thomas H. laSt 10 Box 130S 7054S JONESBORO Bufo rd, Robert 0 . LSU 118 818 So. Pol k Ave. 71251 LAFAYETIE Reneau, George H. Okla 423 109 Glynwood 70501 Wilson, Richard G. KaSt 409 Box 3101 70501 LAKE CHARLES Buckley, Richard F. LSU 173 1801 Seventh St. 70601 Reames, Louis E. LSU 136 1428 Watkins St. 70601 LULING Carr, Charles H. NH 14 Route #1, Box 137 70070 Hightshoe, Arthur, Jr. LSU 157 Box 249 70070 Robinette, Charles Garland LSU 155 Route 1 70070 Smith, Clark 0. LSU 100 Box 193 70070 Steinmetz, Charles 0. Ohio 57 20 EimPiace Lakewood Park 70070 MAPLEWOOD Charles, Frederick E. Colo 283 71 Horseshoe l ane 70663

BOGALUSA Sibley , Frank R., Jr. USoMiss 67 P.O. Box 177 70427

MARRERO Tillinghast, Arthur J. LSU 193 5224 Randolph Street 70072

BOSSIER CITY Adams, GeorgeB., Jr. LaStS! 111 Adair 71010 Gay,John R. LaSt 15 2521 Triche! St. 71010 Hambrick , GeorgeM. 1912 Bren t71010 Klein, KirbyJ . LaSt43 1264 Schtx Drive 71010 Stephens, Robert M. LSU 95 2605 Plantation Drive 71010 Swint, Jerry 8. laSt 60 2812 Old Minden Road 71010

McDADE Connell, Walter E., Ill LSU 66 P.O. Box 47 71051

BOURG Hudson, ClaudeW. LSU 71 70343 CHAMLETIE Metzler, John Albert LAS 110 2800 Ivy Palace 70043 COVINGTON Howson, John LC - Non·mem. Military Road 70433 CUT OFF Skeen, James C. laSt 45 Box 126 70345

DENHAM Durnin, John A., Jr. LaSt 37 Rt. 27072S lltRIO DER Holliday, Rodney S. LSU 127 1208 Merryville Road 70634 DUBACH Holstead, Paul W. LSU 101 Route 271235

METAIRIE Brooks, William T. NU 549 1401 Lakt E·S 70005 Capell, Melvin l. LSU 162 154 Glenwood Dr. 70005 Coatnay, Or. Robert Nebr 331 307 Gatehouse Dr. Wen Gatehouse Apts.. Apt. A 70001 Dupree, Robert A. LSU 212 416 Airlina Park Blvd . 70003 Farley, Ernest A. Mich 341 2112 Green Acres 70003 Howell, Michael!. LSU 202 1000 Airline Park Blvd. 70003 Edkins, Wm. H.,Jr.LAS 115 2726 Manley Avenue 70001 Hughes, Thomas P. LSU 164 705 Cynthia Ave. 70003 lee, Richard E. LSU 88 221 Hesptr 70005 Lowe, Robert F. lnd 865 8725 251h St 70003 Moore, Shelby H., Jr. LSU 178 1616 Brockenbraugh St. 70005 Ptnigrew, Vernon E., Jr. LSU 148 218 Maple Ridge Or. 70001 Pusch, William H., Jr. LSU 179 844 Brockenbraugh Ct. 70005 VanZandt, C. M., Ill LSU 169 4905 Henican Place 70003 Westbrook, John A. LSU 192 412 Green Acres Road 70003 Will mer, Robert M. LSU 228 102 Holly Drive 70005 MONROE Johnson, John W. l<anSt 411 608ArkJnsasSt71201

Malone, M. Linwood USoMiss 3

Purchasing Office N. E. louisiana State Col. 71201 Nee!, Walttr Irwin Pur 117 100S N. 2nd St. 71201 MORGAN CITY Domino, Donald Jude LSU 211 503Terrebonne St. St. Mary Parish 70380 Graham, David B. LSU 125 1200 McOermon Ave. 70380 Hamer, Gregory J. LSU 186 3021 Lake Palorinde 70380 NATCHITOCHES Morrison. Noble Brewer Ia 313 8" 1S55 N. S. 71 457 NEW ORLEANS Campos, Glenn T. LSU 161 13501-thet Menteur Hwy. Naison Michous Apts. 133270129 Cray, Joel B., M.D. Tax 311 4212 St. Charles Ave., Apt . 3 70115 Davis, l ee T., Ill LAS 114 5420 Vermillion Blvd . 70122 Hendricks, William Mem 71 Jung Hotel 1500 Canal St. 70112 Hinman , Edward J., M.D. Olda 527 210StateSt. 70118 Humphreys, 8uel H. Okla 542 1100 o;o & Gas Bldg. 70112 lebus, John Michael LSU 187 401little Farms Ave. 70123 l egett, l ouis A. laSt 34 20 Snipe St. 701 24 Orlash, Joseph M.,Jr. LSU 72 213 Norland Ave . 70114 Pendry, lynn R. laSt 469 r/o Standard Fru it& Steamship Co., 944 St. Charles Ave . 70150 Pickell, Charles 8. LSU 73 605 Celeste 70130 Pizzeck, Eugene X. LSU 16 741 Ashlawn Drive 70123 Taylor, Donald H., III Tex 425 6235 Chef Menteur, Apl. 109 7012S NEW ROADS Dedon, Fred L , Jr. LSU 175 110 Morning Side 70760 OPELOUSAS long, Daniel A. l aSt 35 1105South Union St. 70570 PARADIS Porter, Donald L l aSt 58 Box 152 70080 Porter, James R. LSU 74 Box 152 70080 Sumners, Alvie C. LSU 131 Sox 157 70080 Sumnefl, OeWin l. lSU 96 Box 3443 70080 RUSTON Fernholz, Donald Lastie Wis 367 Sox 512, Tech. Sta. 71270 Hewins, Kenneth F. lnd 109 Box 387306 E. Arizona Ave. 71270 SHREVEPORT Broussard, l aurence 0. LSU 183 109 Carroll71105 Bruner, Russel l E. Wash 401 815 Sattery Blvd. 71104 Clemm, David H. lSU 170 3646 Del Rio 71 109 Elkins, John W. LSU 176 239 E. McCormick 71104 Joyner, Russell M. Ok/a St. 386 825 Sewanee OrNe 71105 Lankford, Rithlll'd 0. LSU 224 Box 417 71101 Pardue, Cleveland, IIILSU 114 112 Normandy Village 71104 Reed , Carson R., IIILSU 177 3999 Baltimore 71105 Talbot, Claude Porter Mo 143 Box 345 71102 Weil, Albert Henry P\Jr 320 610 Monrovia 71106 Willis, Crawford W. LSU 7B 6305 Creswell Dr. 71106 SHONGALOO lee, Thomas Wilda Okla A&M 263 Route 1, Box 248 71072 SULPHUR Bertrand, Barney J. LSU 80 Rt . 1, Box 435 70663 Edwards, Jerry C. LSU 8 Route 2, Box 329 70663 THIBDDAX Pledger, Teddy M. LaSt 57 914 Caroline 70301 WASHINGTON SaUers, William R. LaSt 44 Box 216 70589 WEST MONROE Luck, John C., Jr. Okla 560 1000 Meadowbrook 71291 WINNFI ELD Brook.s, Richard l. LSU 108 403 First Street 71483



AINSWORTH Hoagland, Robert V. Nebr 352 69210 ALBI ON Hare, Samuel G. Nebr 377

c/o Mrs. Arthur Hare 6B620 Smith, Roy James Nebr 473 6B620 Al liANCE HiH, Charles J. Nebr 545 927 Laramie Ave. 69301 Meyer, Earl Luther Nebr 158 1012 Cheyenne Ave. 69301 ALMA fteSI , Roger Neal Colo A&M 32

6B920 AR LI NGTON Reckmeyer, William G. laSt 544 6B002 AXTEl l

Foote, Frank 0. Nebr 602 R.R. II 6B924 BANCRO FT

Meyer, William Dart Nebr 527 6B004 BEATRI CE Carlson, Wayne H. Nebr 608 B23 N. 6th St, Apl. 106 6B310 Clay, lawrence E. Nebr 528 1712 Hoyt68310 Cole, lerrv 0 . Nebr 591 1122 Doney 6B310 Moore, Rodney A. Nebr 596 1323 s. 4 6B310 BEAVER CITY Hollinger, Merlin B. Nebr 598 Box 475 6B926 Kelley , Clarke Wilson Nebr 366 Postmaster 68926 BEL LEVUE Newton, Robert l. OreSt 266 606 No. 4 6B005

Peterson,Jemes F., Jr. laSt 399 1311 Franklin 68005 Richardson, Staph en A. Nebr 607 27 12 Mod;,on 6B005 Tondt, Donn L. CoiSU 228 1226 Sl. AndrOW$ Rd. 6B005 BELLWOOD

Bell, Col. Jesse 0. 0 29441 Neb 356 6B624 Bell, Robert M. Nebr 374 6B624 BENKELMAN Besh, Donald C. KSt 57B 69021 McDonald, Robert A. CoiSU 206 Box 402 69021 BLAIR Cornelius, Keith l. laSt 495 FRO #3 SBOOB BOSTWI CK Keifer, Joseph William Nebr 99 6B931 BRIDGEPORT Siefker, Date NW 469 Box 433 69336 BRO KEN BOW Simonson , Rae L. Nebr 420 Box BS 6BB22 BR ULE Anderson , Harold lloyd Den 64 69127 Frales, Wayne Darrell Nebr 536 69127 BU RCHARD Bodie, Thomas M. Nebr 445 6B323 BU RWEll Pelton , Keith 0 . Nebr 5B6 P.O. Box 695 6BB23 CAMBRI DG E Minick, Hervey E., Jr. Nebr 469 69022 CHADRON Mym, G. Richard Colo 603 Box 111069337 CHAPPEll Hayes, William D. Nebr 61B Rt . 2, Box 11B 69129 Munson, Charles l. CoiSC 176 Box 203 69129 COLUMBUS Ztllen, George G. Nebr 296 2619- 21st St . 68601

OeWITI Metcalf, Elmer l. KansSt 246 6B341 OI X James, Gordon La Neal Wyo BB 69 133 DU NNING Roseberry, James l. Nebr 569 6BB33 EL KHORN Bruhn, Roger A. Nebr 606 6B022 EDISO N Milligan, Charles G. Nebr 46B RFD II 6B936 ELWOOD Bellamy, Willard F. NU 573 Rt. 2, Box 61 6B937 FAIRMONT Brown, Alva l. Nebr 44 6B354 FALL S CITY Rieschick. Delmar I. Nebr 612 R.R. I2 6B355 Yoesel, Willis G. Nebr 62B 412 E. 20th 6B355 FREMO NT Andenon , Paul A. Nebr 235 1149 No . H Strut 6B025 Campbell, Clifford W. Nebr 367 230 W. 19th St. 6B025 Goff, Floyd Nebr 516 342 Mym Street 6B025 Griffith , Douglas K. Wyo 160 1632 Mayfair St. 6B025 Jenkins. William G. Nebr 25 429 West 21st St. 6B025 Soderberg , Gordon laSt 237 1140 N. I Street6B025 GE NEVA Biba , William A. Nebr 194 610 N. 11th Street6B361 GE NOA Mahood , Robert A., Jr. Nebr 599 Box #452 6B640 GERIN G Borden. John W. Wyo B73 Rd2 69341 Hoke , Anton 0 . NU 507 1060 13th Street69341 Scriven, Jernld E. ColoStU 114 R.R.I2 69341 Schriven, Robert M. CoiSU B1 1740 Nelson Avenue 69341 Walnuh, Duane E. Nebr 219 Route 12 69341 GRANO ISLAND Francis, Gordon 0 ., M.D. Neb 504 1743 ldlewood lane 6BB01 Yost, Howard Nebr 233 803 West Division 6BB01 GRANT Holaway , Jack Allen Wyo 42 69140 GRE ENWOO D leadabrand , Jerry A. Nebr 565 Box 126 6B366 GURLEY Hinrichs, Ward lane Colo 543 6914 1 HASTINGS Driml , Richard l. CoiSC 13 1700 E. 7th 6B901 Ewing , John H. Nebr 503 2325West 9th St. 6B901 Haried, leonard Olai NW 99 BOO West 14th Ave. 6B901 Kvasnicka, William G. KenSt 3B2 1220 Apache Ave. 6B901 Peek , Charles A. Nebr 594 1927 Home St. 6B901 HAY SPRINGS Christoffersen, Wayne l. Nebr 557 69347 Cilek , Clark Allen Nebr 570 69347 HENRY Middleswarth, EdwardS. Wyo 109 Middleswarth Hereford Ranch 69349 HI CKMAN Evm, Herbert A. Neb 549 6B372 HOLDREGE Chadderon, Norris Nebr 346 417 W. Avenye 6B949 Cole , Ralph H. Nebr 357 1120 Sheridan 6B949 Schroeder, Howard F. Nebr 304 119 W. Bth 6B949 HOOPER Cunningham , Dean Nebr 577 Box 212 68031

COZA D Douglas, Robert N. Nebr 472 RFO 3, Box 15 69130

KEA RNEY Beck , Eugene E. Nebr 446 Physical Education Dept. Kearney State Teachers Col. 6B847 Celven, JerryW. Wyo210 3010 4th Ave . 68847 Morris, George L., Jr . Nebr 551 3711 Avenue C 6B847

DAVID CITY Sabata, Ray Edwin Nebr 260 6B632

KIMBAl l Eatmon, Jamt5 K. Kens 521 Box 141 69145

DAWSON Kuehner, John P. K St 445 Box 6768337

LE IGH Rosicky, Robert J. Nebr 621

COMSTOCK Heller, David G. Nebr 190 6BB2B


LEXINGTON Brown, Eric F. Nebr 631 1513 No. Jackson 6BB50 Johnson, Frank M. Nebr 290 4ll0 East Bth 6BB50 Ernst, Swayne D. Nebr 432 P.O. Box 591 6BB50 McConnell, Harten 0. Colo 658 P.O. Box 535 6BB50 ' LI NCOL N Andersen. Glenn E. Nebr 550 3401 OTDB 6B506 Andersen, Paul E. Nebr 572 3401 OIOe 6B506 Arrasmith, Winfred W. Ia 134 715 S. 56th St 6B510 Ash, Pat Nebr 548 2705 So. 24th St 6B502 Bell, Beuford E. Nebr 293 1500 Arapahoe 68502 Blackman, James S., Jr. Nebr 383 2344 s.... u 6B502 Blankenship, l. M. Nebr 257 2900 Sherman 68502 Bodie, Fred Edward , Jr. Nebr 437 605 First Nalional Bank Bldg. 6B502 Boyer, Franklin A. Nebr 40B 31 11 Prescott 68002 Boykin.J. Melvin. M.D. Tex 170 Veterans Administration Hospital 68501 Burnett, Judson 0 . Ia 164 2910 S. 27th St 6B502 Childress, Marion E. Nebr 492 1525 No. 71 6B505 Colville, William l. laSt 445 8033 Sa nborn Drive 6B505 Dally, George V. Nebr 253 2526 'A' Street6B502 Dalton, Warren K. Nebr 464 2611 Ryans 6B502 Dayton, Frank T. Nebr 75 1805 Perkins Ave. 68502 Eskijian, Gregory J. NH 453 4629 Stockwell St ., Apt . 13 6B506 Ganz, Carl Donald Nebr 169 1313 Piedmont Drive 68510 Gil ben, Stephen R. Nebr 280 4344 B Sl. 6B510 Good, Harry Carleton lnd 430 University of Nebraska 685DB Goodding, Thomas Homer Nebr 202 1430 North 38th 6B503 Groth, F. Wendell Nebr 389 2224lake 6B502 Groth, John Nebr 402 lBJO Surfside 68528 Hastings, William C. Nebr 462 1544 South 58th Street 68506 Hattan. Robert l. Nebr 501 2161 So. 57th 68506 Higginbotham, Edward C. Nebr 559 4300 B. Street 68510 Hillegass, C. K. Nebr 448 3B20 So . 42 6B506 Joy, Oliver T. Nebr 323 3443 ' l ' Street 68510 Kelly. Philip l. Nebr 5B3 3101 N Street 68510 Kleppinger, Val 0 . Nebr 474 4525 'A' Atreet 68510 laase, leroy Yale 221 743 S. 34th St . 6B5 10 luebs, AugustA. Nebr 1B5 3265 0 St 6B503 luethje,John R. Nebr 522 1952Washington 68502 Mann , Hubert R. Nebr 292 3123 s. 25th 6B502 Marti, Jesse L. Nebr322 3600 So. 40 6B506 McDole, Jerry J. Nebr 617 5038 loring Circle 6B524 Meier, Otto F. Nebr 396 2601 S. 35th St 6B506 Monon, WilliamS. Nebr 459 2010 s. 24th 6B502 Muffly , Harold B. Nebr 1B3 4903 leighton 6B504 Olson. lowell 0. Nebr 579 7731 Holdrege 6B505 Patterson , George R. Nebr 209 13B No. 30th 6B503 Place, George Nebr 433 4940 Valley Road 68510 Rosenlof , GeorqeWaher Nebr 510 2301 Smith Street 6B502 Rothenberger, Bernard R. Minn 277 1045 E Street 6B508 Sawyerl, H. Keith laSt 542 3233 So. 14 Apt 2 6B502 Schmidt , Elbert H. Nebr 463 1509 W. Manor Or. 6B506 Scott, Paul R. Nebr 51B B08 Driftwood 68510 Segrist, Edward l., Jr. Rens 177 1130 H 68803 Shreve. Or. leo 8. Nebr 229 2535 '8' Street68502 Siefford, Dennis Nebr 592 1730 Pawnti!6B502 Snowden, John R. Nebr 622 2139 So . 22nd St. 6B502 Spencer, Harry A. Nebr 375 1500 Crestview Drive 6B506 Spencer, Richard K. Nebr 563 1740 S. 45th Street 68506 Stephenson, Gerald 0 . Nebr 339 4521 Meadow lane 68506 Stricker, Gereld G. Neb 624 4540 Meredeth 6B506 Tempera . Howard E. KansSt 220 2924 Jackson Drive 68502 Vanderslitt, Robert 0. Nebr 491 1948 Harwood St. 68502 VanNute, Robert P. Nebr 481 2836 Cedar 68502 Walker , William l. Nebr 581 1550 Ridgeway Rd. 6B506 Wedner, Robert J., Sr . Nebr 558 2340 S. 18th St. 68502 Wedner , RobertJ. Nebr 531 2340 S. 18th St . 6B502 Weir, Ed Nebr326 4815 C Street 68510 White, Richard l. Nebr 434 1615 Circle Or. 68506

Wiles, Charles C. Nebr 256 3000 So . 46111 6B506 Zieg, Robert R. Neb 625 2B26 s. 25th 6B502 MADI SON long, Donald Prince Den 109 6B74B McCOO K Stevens. Wade Nebr 252 Box #2B6 6900 I Wagner, John C. ColoStC 140 1410 West 3rd Street 69001 MERRIMAN Cobb , Gary Donald ColoSt 129 6921B MERNA Clay, RichardW. Nebr 585 P.O. Box 146 6BB56 MILF ORO Matzke, Stanley A. Nebr 243 Route 2 68405 MIN OE N Chappell , Chas. A. Nebr 534 P.O. Box 269 6B959 Chappell, John C. Nebr 529 P.O. Box 269 6B959 MITCHEl l Hilyard, Gary l. Colo A&M 111 RR 1 69357 Walrath, Marion Neb 240 69357 MORRi l l larson, Glen l eonard Wyo 132 6935B MULLE N Cox , MaN in A. Nebr 57B 69 152 NELIGH Krohn. Kenneth A. Nebr 566 6B756 NIOBRARA May, Michael lynn Neb642 Box 206 68760 NORFO LK Orda , larry Nebr 526 1203 S. 5th Street 6B701 Ritchey, Ralph F. ColoStU 7 106 - 20th Drive 68701 NORTH PLATTE Craig, JohnS. Nebr616 1605W. First St. 69 101 Henry , Bill J. CoiStU 107 Route 4 69101 Kindig, MilforeJ . KSt187 612So. Carr 69101 Wiethman, Nerton l. Okla St 573 Box 502 69101 OG ALL ALA Buenz , Harold R. Nebr 337 Buenz Orugs69153 OMAHA Aller, Dudley 0. Har 231 4927 Evans6B 104 Auebery, Robert R. Nebr 567 3623 No . 77th St. 68134 Baldwin , Willis l. Cin 115 2604 Forbes 6B123 Beac hler, Donald lloyd laSt 376 5644 Pierce St. 6B I06 Bowen, Gary R. Nebr 590 611 3 Pratt 6B104 Bredenkamp, Lt. Barton C. Nebr 561 5114 Arrowrock Or. 6B157 Clark , Douglas Allen Nebr 63B 58 11 Briggs St. 68106 Cook, Roger P. laSt 513 2614 N. 66th Ave. 6B104 Cunningham, Don R. Nebr 509 2412 N. 51st Street 68104 Davidson, Keith B. K St 156 1205 So. 44th St. 68105 Oecker, Jay F. Nebr 554 3708 Dewey 6B105 Dillman , louis Nebr 455 1301 S. BOth 6B124 Ordla, Edwin George laSt 377 4315 Hickory 6B105 Eastlack , Ned B. Nebr 477 P.O. Box 745 68131 Fischbach, Eugene G., Jr . Nebr 502 B203 Bowie Dr. 6B114 Fitch , Richard 0 . Nebr 605 4019 Davenport . Apt . 3 6B13 1 Francis, Donald B. Neb 623 1035 Turner Blvd. 68105 Griffith , Frank Ralph laSt 3B8 2507 North 70th 68104 Grobeck , OonaldJ . laSt 346 5BSB So . 13th Street 68017 Grobeck . Jack l. Nebr 49B 604 South 22nd 180 10 68102 Hanson , Oscar W. Nebr 236 I039 South 30th 6BI 05 Harlan , Neal E. Nebr 520 1505 So. 122nd St. 6B144 Harris, Thomas l. Ala 7 5724 S. 13th St., Apt. 19 68107 Hill , MaNm F. Ore St122 3406 S. 91 St. 6BI24 Hofmann , FredW. Nebr 91 5717 Grand Ave. 68104 Keltner, Harold E. KSt 287 3000 Farnam 68131 Koch , Howard F. Cor 59B 370B Dewey St. 68105 Larvn, Arthur 111247 9405 Davenport 6B114 lund!Jien , Oenni$ H. NW 612 31B N. 96th St. 6B114 lytle, John A. GW 264 10312 Elm Street 68124 McCann. Richard Home Neb 661 5109 Rees Street68106

Mooberry , Franklin M. T. Frk 290 9169 Pine Street 68114 Oehlerking, Richard H. Neb 580 5025 S. 93 Street6BI27 Duren , louis H. Nebr 458 2877 Titus Ave. 6B112 Pardee, George Clark Nebr 320 5177 Jones Street 6BI06 Perkins, Richard R. Ohio 84 1725 N. 90th 6BII4 Peterson, Norman A. CoiSU 214 8526 Cumings 68114 Peycke, Tracy J. Minn 262 3801 Jones Street, #4 6B I 05 Pospisil. Paul F. Mich 459 5806 Northwest Drive 68104 Rasmussen , Charles A. Nebr 646 5039 Evans 68104 Reese, Herber! S. Nebr 1B1 930S. 41SISI.6BI05 Reichel, Robert T. Ill 388 lt4 S. 93rd Sl. 6BI03 Rosenquist , Edward M. Nebr 313 509 s. 51n St . 6Bt06 Sealey, James H. K St 289 7701 Pine 68124 Smith , Donald Chester Nebr 286 2437VaneSt.68112 Taylor, John W. Nebr 369 3132 N. 55th 6BI04 Thompson, William H. laSt 196 306 S. 57th Sueet 6B132 Weeks, JamesA. Nebr51'f 12735 'B' st SBt44 Zacek . Thomas Mich 147 415S. 39th St 6B13t ORCHARD Holliday, Holly H. Colo A&M 112 RR II 6B764 OSCEOL A Anderson, Elmer August laSt 233 6B65 1

Sander, Dale F. Nebr 543 RFD #I 69044 Wertz, Wendell Ray Nebr 53B 69044 Williams, Jarry 0. Nebr 593 A.F.D. 69044 Ul YSSES Moore, Byron K. Nebr 630 68669 WAHOO Hunter, Howard J. Nebr 307 6B066 WALTHill Phillips, Roy A. Nebr 274 6B067 WA USA Petmon , Duane Kenneth Nebr 3B5 6B7B6 WAYN E Ell is, leslie Will iam Nebr 221 20B West 6th St 6B7B7 Jech , Keith H. Okla A&M 2B9 Box 222 6B7B7 Parke, Kenneth Nelson Chi 187 115W. 9th St . 6B7B7 WEST POINT Andersen, Robert C. Nebr 533 6B788 WILBER Travnicek , Robert G. Kans 704 68465 WINNETOO N Ganz , Robert E. Nebr 192 6B7B9 YORK Greenberg, Ben Norton Neb 671 McCloud Hotel 68467

OXFO RD Sherwood , Edward Clarence Nebr 452 6B967 Stafford, Bill Worth Nebr 460 6B967 PA LI SADE Jackman, Melvin F. Nebr361 69040 Troutman, Stanton Allred Nebr 277 69040

PLATISMOUTH Cole, Neil R. Nebr 603 FRO 11 6B046 RA LSTON Bogard, Robert l. , Jr. Nebr 610 99 Country Club Rd. 68051 RAND OL PH Preston, Douglas N. laSt560 RR 6B111 RE O CL OUD Letson , l. Ronald Neb 575 707West7th68970 ST. PA UL Jacobs. SamueiJ . ColoSU 179 6BB73 SHEL BY Scott, Thomas William Nebr 500 R.D 2 68662 SCHUY LE R Stibal. ThomasJ. Nebr 562 Box 146 6B66 1 · SCOTTSBLUFF Heilig, William 8. Nebr 404 1717 First Ave. 69361 Numon , James NW 26B Box 770 69361 SEN ECA Jeffords, Carl Pr•ce Nebr 83 69161 SEWARil Bowles. MaNin Nebr 261 68434 SHELTON Th1enel , Robertl Nebr 635 908 Railroad 6BB76 SI ONEEY Elwell , John A Nebr 103 Box 1119 69162 STANTON Pohlman, Neal Edward Nebr 523 68779 STERLING Zmk , Walter Earl Nebr 442 68443

NEVADA BOULDER CI TY Steeves, Bill A. Colo 661 635 Avenue F B9005 Webb, RichardS. Pur 255 664 California B9005 Willoughby. Richard J. Colo 633 620 Ave. 0 B9005 CA RSON CITY James, Alvin A. CMS IB 61 Shadytree lane B9701 E. El Y

Ulrich , Andrew, Jr So Cal 52 P.O. Bo x 353 89315 LAS VEGAS leVoie, Allan l. UCLA 25B 220 Tonopah H1ghway B9106 Nicholls, George C. Colo 456 2556 Emerald Ave . B9109 Ripps, Ronald S. Tex 532 2500Sherman PlaceB9102 Schneider. Stephen P. Nebr 627 34B1 El Camino Road 89109 Sheets, leslie l.lll646 P.O. Box 14400 89101 Zagortz, leonard A., Jr. So Calif 111 816 Bracken 89104 REN O Bolstad , OW!n C , M.D. Minn 572 2450 Piping Rock Or 89502 Sutler , Roy 0 . Wyo 117 100 Boynton l ane 89502 Harrison. F W Okla 740 3449 Ned Road B9502 Hamson, William W. Okta 731 140 North Virg1011 St . Suite 204 89501 Hess, RussellS. Penn St 166 P.O. Box 931 B9504 Hilts. Walter Harold Kans St 42 619 Sinclair Ave. 89502 Pierson, Charles A. UCLA 57 1180 Dartmouth Or. 89502 Tapscon , Clarence B. Wash 210 150 N. Center St. B9501 WA DSWORTH James. Alvin A. Cent MoSt 18 P.O. Box 52 B9442

SUPERIOR Ayhd, Teitel Hetland Nebr 349 6B97B SUTHERLAND leu, ArchW. Nebr378 69165

SYRACUSE Coulter, Victor Young Nebr 284 68446 TECUMSEH McDougal , Owen James, Jr. Nebr 453 68450 Miner , C Arnold Nebr 295 P.O. Bo x 103 6B450 Miner , Or C. A., D.V.M. Neb 515 68450 TRENTON Hu dson, Roger A. Nebr 619 69044

NEW ME XICO ALAMOGOR DO Langham , StanG Am 107 2404 Yale Ave 88310 StemhoU. Roben G Nebt 484 lmco1n National For est 88310 Stohler. Robertl Pur 659 1306 18th Sueet 88310

D- 37


Beuder, Donald W. Colo 512


514 Oakwood PL N.E. 87111

Bently , Jackson C. OhioSt 467 914 Toro Street 87110 Bruton, Freddie N. Tax 455 6100 Alta Monte N.E. 87110 Burnett, RobertJ. Wyo 83 9730 Morrow N.E. 87112

Chase, John A. 111151 1517 Roma N.E. 87106 Christman , Karl R. lnd 437 School of Business University of New Me11ico 87106

Cooper, James B. Kans493 3820 Anderson Ave., S.E. 87108 Davenport, Donald A. Colo 258 3409 Calle del Ranchero , N.E. B1106

deVasty, Malcolm W. Syr 298 7205 Pickard , N.E. 87110 Ford, lawrence M. NSM 15 420 Rhode Island, S.E. 87108 Kimbrell , Robert C. Ill 538 10512 Towner Ave. 87112 lund, Jan P. Colo 771 437 Graceland SE 87108 Miller, Frank H. OklaSt 535 1113 louisiannaS.E., Apt. C B110B

Moulton. Victor C. Colo 18 1041 Jefferson St ., S.E. 87108 Rise, Carl H., Jr. Ia St 305 6419 - 6thN.W. B7101

Schumaker, Gary F. CMS 21 304% Dartmouth, S.E. 87106 Spears, Robert G. Pur 188 1420 Los lomas Rd. N.E. 87106 Starkey , Harry J. Okla 553 9025- 4th St., NW 87114 Bamer , A. Mount Valiancy ColoSU 59 9012 lagrima De Oro N.E. 87111 Wilsey,John G. NW 278 9324 Shoshone N.E. 87111 Wolfe, Charles W. Mo 414 716 Cardenas Drive N.E. 87108 AZTEC

Pool, Charles ColoSU 197 706lovers lane87410 CARLSBAD

Donaldson . Thomas E. Colo 519 1421 N. Countf'/ Club Circle 88220 CARR1ZOZO

Duggar, Waverly A. Ariz 142 Bo x 15688301 CLAYTON

Beck, Kenneth E. Kans 597 607 Walnut St. 88415 FARMINGTON Allee, James D. OklaSt 588 1616 Camino Rio 87401 Bartley, Ronald C. OreSt156 Box 1200, c/o Shell Oil87401 Coats, Jack l. Okla 539 3500 Crescent 87401 Dixon , B. G. Colo 504 1200 E. Cooper 87401 Holcomb , leroy D. Wash St 49 P.O. Box 1200 87401 HOBBS

Bell , David l. LA 438 10000almont88240 Bullen. Glenn A. Colo 412 920 E. Highland 88240 LOS ALAMOS

Baker, Richard 0. laSt 310 1999 Juniper St. 87544 Peck , Robert C. Ca\362 111 El Rayo 87544 Wilson, Mahlon T. Colo 557 5 Erie lane 87544 LOS CRUCES

Jones, Quane l. Col SU 141 1666 Cole Village 88011 PORTALES

lewis, Don E. la 401 252 Oklahoma Or. 88130 ROSWELL

Blauw, Fred S. Colo 734 609 W. Country Club Road 88201 Samson, Henf'l E. Kans 178 BO> B39 BB201 SAND1A BOSE

White, Daniel A. MSM41 1017 10th loop 87116 SANTA FE

Bentley, Walter Joseph Okla A&M 17 321 E. Coronado 87501 G1mand , Bruce F. K St 357 • 227 Spruce 87501 Jooes, Grant R. Wist 381 1396 Santa Rosa Or. 87501 Sellers, Ovid A. Chi 54 793 Cameno Poncente 87501 SILVER CITY Mitchell, John C. Colo 135 Box 469 86061 TIGERAS McCampbell, C. B.. Jr. Colo 400 Zamora 63 87059 Young, Robert A. Mo 690 Box 897 87059 TUCUMCARI Barnard , Howatd S. Kans 166 B840 1

Turner, Joseph H. OklaSt388 4404 North Rockwell Ave. 73008 Wehrenberg, Albert C. Okla ~56 6736 NW 39th Exprasway 1300B


England , James C. OlttaSt 141 619 W. 24th St 14B20

England , John N. Okla St 454 621 W. 24th St. 74B20 Howland , Donald l. OklaSt 344

801 Scenic Drive 74820 Smith, Byron T. Cor 241 701 S. Rennie 74820 Spears, Sid S. Oltla A&M 139 831 W. 24th St 74B20

Thomas, Churchill Colo 265 221 E. 11th St. 74B20

Williams, George W. Okla 538 8ox15773008

lack , David E. Okla 735 Box 73 73002 Voss, Wade Werner Okla 783 Star Route 73002 ALTUS

Bullard, Hubert C. Oltla St 587 142lakeside Drive 73521 McAskill, WilHam D. Okla A&M 129 116 East livt Oak 73521 Smith, Steve E. OklaSt 626 142lakeside Drive 73521 Stanifer, Rom 0. Okla 272 73521

Borland , Roy Fred Okla 158 BLACKWELL

Rogers, Mac E. Okla 401

Hill. Don Omar Okla 657 726 Flynn Ave. 73717 Hill, George 0. Okla 672 726 Flynn Ave. 73717 Hill, Warner Bf'/ce Okla 650 726 Flynn 73711

Siddle, John 0. Wash 505 1038 W. Blackwell St. 74631 BLANCHARD Ok1a504 73010 B01SE C1TY

James, Frank N. Okla St 460

McMasten:, leonard A. CentSt 16 Box 109 74632 BROKEN ARROW

Woolfolk, Clay D., Jr. KSt 528 2305 S. Juniper74012 Bruton, Will E. Okla St 449 Box 1311412B Cavender, Melvin l. Okla St 483 Box 30B14128

Date, Donald W. DklaSt 580 409 South McClure 74728 Parker, Billy F. Okla St 500

Of'/ den, Bert L Dkla A&M 136

Mantz , leonard A. OklaSt 601 Box 15573719 Mantz, Terry l. OltlaSt 581 Box 155 73719

Morford, Jim E. Okla St 536 13119

Morford, James Frank DklaA&M 109 13719 ANADARKO

Dugger, Harry A. Okla 306 13005

Osborn, Phillip C. Kans 580 c/oJ. Smith Route 273005 ARDMORE

Goins, JamesL Okla 129 Box 86973401 Gray , Earl Quincy Chi 61 401 0. Street, S.W. 73401 Marley, Perry John Okla A&M 143 Turner Printing Co. 73401 Rewlle, Harf'l H. Okla 109 1516 Stanley 73401 Shilling, Kenneth Okla St 208 Box21173401 Spring, Jess, Jr. Okla 563 Box 183 73401 Tempera, Floyd l. Kan St 223 425 locust St. 73401 Thomas, Melvin Okla St 188 128 10th N.W. 73401 ATOKA

Mayfield , lynn C. Okla St 486 Box 211 , Route 5 74525 BARTlESVIllE Barnes, larry l. Okla St 447 418West10th 74003 Elliott, Sam D. KSt 251 2310 Skyline Or. 74003 Gordon, Donald Kans 280 1848 Hillcrest Drive 74003 HaigH, Robert A. Okla St 459 112 W. 15th St. 14003 Ham. Jerry 0. Tex 372 3112lincoln 74003 Hensley, William A. Okta 751 1411 Valley Road 74003 Holt. Robert D. Okla 784 1861 Arms1rong74003 Johnson, Robert l. OklaSt652 3612 Velma Drive 74003 McGregor, James W. Okla 679 2105 South 0 74003 Okla693 3 OklaSt 520 4738 Dartmouth Drive 74003 Roush, Gale S. K St 358 5620 S. E. Sayler Place 74003 Scott, Jon M. OklaSt502 2224 Venus Ct. 74003 Wegner, Gene H. Wist 498 1509 Harris Drive 74003 Weirich, Eugene Okla20 1308 Rockdale 74003 BEGGS

Bivins, Harry OklaSt419 Box 8774421 Harwy , Paul R. OklaSt 630 Sox 448 74421 Thomas, Don Pinknry Okla A&M 321 Box 6774421 BESSIE

Bose, Edward J. Okla St 467 13622

Boa, James E. Okla St448 73622

Boa, Robert E. Oklahoma St Univ. 427 13622

FuiiQrabe, Floy d I. Okla St455


Goode, William E. Okla St 422 73124

Miller, l oum Ray Oltla 594 2921 Shannon 13008

0 -38


EdWBrds, Tommy Wayne CentSt 68 419 North 21st 73533 HoMrd, larry D. Okla St 499 Route 1, Box 30 73533 Hunt, Gaytan Eugene CS 83 1003 Washington 73533 lyons, Clellon J. CentSt 58 1115 Woodlawn 73533 Smith, Casper H., Jr. Tex 236 1520 Pm113533 DURANT

Peterson, Richard P. Okla 497 Durrant Democrat 74701 Peterson, Robert H. Okla 507 Durrant Democrat 74701 EDMOND

Blair, Billy J. OklaSt 466 1712 South Rankin 73034 Clark, Howard D. CentS! 22 23 East 21st 73034

Clarkson. Harlan E. CentSt 38 19 E. 13th 73034


Maples, Horace Calvin Okla A&M Box B011343B

Pickering, CharlasJ. OklaSt462 513 Franklin 73438 Pickering, Harvey D. Okla St 481 513 Franklin 73438 HEAVENER

Bateman, Robert B. Okla St 402 Box 134 74937 HELENE

DeVaughn, Richard l. OklaSt 510 General Delivery 73741 HENRYETIA

DeVaughn , Walter A. Okla St 541 SlOWest Moore 74437 Garbart, Andy P., Jr. Okla St 530 707 W. Ragan 74437 Glenn, Joe M. Okla St 498 1403 W. Gentry 74437 Hardgrave, Newt l. Okla St 513 712 W. Ragan 74431

Harkins, Donald L OklaSt 593 1102W. Division 74437 Parker, Jerry D. Dkla St 487 At. 2, Box 419 74437 Scott, James V. Okla St 506 611 N. 71h 74431

Sheward, Howard N., Jr. OklaSt 598 900 lake Drive 74437 Siegenthaler, Ronald l. Okla St 551 710 West Gentry 74437

Davis, Max O' Neil CentSt 47 217 East 4 13034

Douglas, James E. Okla 739 R. 3, Box 261 73034 Hill, John A. CentSt 34 Hussey, Michael Duane CS 84 3112 Beverly Drive 73034 lindsey, CharlesS. CantSt 63 612 Redstone 73034 Pr~itt, Aris T. CentSt 26


Piersall , Donald Okle A&M 258 73B31

Piersall, Earl Dean Okla A&M 319 13B37


McKinney , Garland Y., M.D. OklaSt526 Box 706 74439 HOLDENV1LLE

Brown, John G. Colo 310 P.O. Box 91574848 lof1is, Bob L Okla 551 209 N. Bullitt 74848

P.O. Box 165 73034

Thompson, Wm. 8. CentSt 29 1625 Kings Road 73034 Whorton, Ronald E. OklaSt 362 2000 S. Blvd. 13034


Lynch , Russell Hugh Okla 80 Box 245 73550 Pickens, Paul Woodson Okla 595 40B East Eula 73550


MoHer, EddieJ., Jr. Okla St 417 East FirstSt.74838 CHEROKEE

Hill , Joseph Wilford Kans 139 516 South Kansas 73728


Bullard, James Pat Okla St 559 Box 436 73644 Hewlett, Coleman J. 0 klaSt 123 Box 16773644 Lemley, PauiJ . OklaSt 237 Box 2BO 73644


Rogen:, Earl Dean Okla A&M 230 13145 HOM1NY

Taylor, Kenneth M.• Col. Okla 430 Box 53114035


Allen, Walton S. GW 148 1204 Chickasha Ave. 73018 Brooks, Michael A. Okla St 529 1027 Missouri 73018 Gibson , Grant C. Okla St 100 Box BB3 1301B

Kirkpatrick, Jay W. Okla St 234 1028 Kansas Ave. 73018 long, RusseliJ . Okla 263 415So. 12thSt.1301B

Osborn , Robert W. Okla 746 1301B

Worrell, Frank H. Dkla 205 142B s. 20th 7301B


Gillespie, JamesW. Dkla St 468 Route 273020 CLAREMORE

McGregor, Michael E. OklaSt 616 208 Chambers Trai174011 Ramsey, Jimmie l. OklaSt 582 411 North Cherokee 74017 CLEVELAND

Crosier, John l. OklaSt 495 Route 174020 Heard, Charles Monroe Okla 460 512W. Cherokee 74020 Heard, John Edward Okla 489 512 W. Cherokee St. 74020 Kenyon, Rex Elmer Okla 447 801 West Cherokee 74020 CL1NTDN

Kelly, Roy Oliver Okla 121 Box 223 73601 COLL1NSV1LLE

Welsh, Thomas J. OklaSt 518 Route 1 74021 CORDELL

Wesner, Rolllld l. Okla 483 Box 20913632 COV1NGTON

Reed, Carl A. Okla 734 Box 1673730 COWETA

Geneva, Dennis C. Okla St 457 R.R. 12 74429 CUSH1NG

Deacon, Erl E. Okla39 Box 66 74023 Stonecipher, Donald W. Okla St 477 507 So. Wilson 74023 DAVIS Hottel, Charles Lindy Okla A&M 305 13030

Witcher, Chatles Dutho Okla A&M 322 Box 61373030 DEL C1TY

l ambert, Donald R. CentSt 93 2700 Del Road 73115


Oeonilf, Christian C. Okla A&M 146

323 E. 41h St 13034


Manning, Johnny lee Okla St 523 cJo l. R. Brewster Box 406 74030

13933 BRAMAN

Box 5221412B



Box 63B 74631



Box 292 13128

B1LL1NGS 14630



Routh, Duane C. Okla A&M 251

Clardy, Monroe Franklin "Speed"


Ebray, Glenn 0. Okla A&M 83 Route 174029 Keller, Edward F. Okla St 485 Box 142 74029


Farris, Howard Hollis Okla 472 534 South Miles Avenue 73036 Pazoureck , Jean l. Okla393 Box 244 73036 Welden, Wetzel S. Okla 153 1319 S. Hadden 73036

Dooley, J. David Dkla St 511 401 Seminole

Cotulla, Ernest Roy Tex 171 Route 1, Box 7674743 HULBERT

Andrews, Daniel N. OklaSt 154 Route 174441


Blaine, Thomas A. Okla 18 Box 1343 73701 Bolene, E. G. Okta 365 1103 E. Maple 13101

Collin, John M.,Jr. 2617Whiporwill RR 12 73701 Crowe, William E. Mo 228 Box 486 73701 Geurkink, Donald G. Okla A&M 396 Rt.l413101

Hock meyer, Paul Edward Okla 264 cJo Don Paul Cafeteria 228 W. Rand 73701 Kretlow, louis H. Centr St 24 3213 West Main Avenue 73701 Mitchell, Earl B. Okla 180 Sox 1029 73701 Morgan, Elmer T. Kan 381 40B West Elm 13101

Scheffe, Walter Phillip Okla375 113 E. Randolph 73701 Tresner, Jack Norman Okla 399 1005N. Waba$h13101

Wilson, George H. Okla 237 Broadway Tower 73701 EVA

Beaman, Carroll Deane Colo 528 13936 FA1RV1EW

Wilkinson, James A. Okla613 702 E. Centra173737 FAY


Faulkner, William R. Okla St 480 Box 226 74745

Goolsby , Oudley, Jr. Okla St 546 501 S. E. Avenue G 74745 Smith, Jesse l. OklaSt 517 912 N. W. lndian 74745 Smith, Richard l. Okla St 577 912 N. W. Indian 74745 Thweatt, R. F.,lll Okla 709 1104 S. E. Jefferson 74745 Ticknor, Jerry lloyd Okla A&M 348 P.O. Sox 151 74745 K1LDARE

Gusting, William L Okla A&M 195 14642 K1NGF1SHER

Boeckman, Robert George Okla A&M 26B

907 S. Eighth St. 73750 Calwan, Spencer Okla A&M 311 621 S. Ninth 73750 Cochran, Ralph Paul Box344 73750 Neurgberger, Wilfred R. Nebr 303 Okla A&M 110

423 S. Eighth St. 73750 Waren, JamesR . Okla719 814 South Sevtnth 73750


Bumnas, J. Frank Okla 444 13542

Hobbs, Joe D. Okla 696 412 s. 15th 13542


long, lloyd l. Okla A&M 85 1373B

long, William H. OklaSt 25 Box 98 75738 GEARY

Stough , Daniel Freeman Okla 138 73040 GOULD

Alexander, lvan 0. OklaSt 267 13544 GUTHR1E

Harrison, Jon W. CentS! 12 105 s. 201h 13044

Anderson, Ross C., Jr. OklaSt 604 Box 9373942 Erhart, Aubrey R. Okla 747 Box 46773942

Gibson, Earf S. Dkla 127 Bank of locust Grove 74352 LONG WOLF

Garrison,ArchieV. OklaSt420 Box 2613655

Garrison, Vernon L OklaSt 357 Box 26 73655 MANGUM

Holley , Donald lloyd Okla 570 Vinson Star Route 73554 Sanger, Paul Donham Okla 621 702 N. OkiJho""' 73554

Steele, Bill Fred Dkla 584 521 W. Jefferson 73554 MANNFORD

Greenwood, Clayton D. Okla 444 Box 25B 74044

GrHTiwood, Randall C. Okla St 442 Box 258 74044 Jones, l. Richard OklaSt 316 Mannford State Bank 74044 MARLAND

lee, Wallace A. Okla St 302 R.R. 11 74644 MARLOW

Couch , Conrad N. Okla 5B2 Route 173055 MARTHA

Doughty, Nelson Okla 390 73556 MAUD

Acree, Stanley C. Okla St 441 Route 12 74854 McALESTER

Blackbird , RalphJ. OklaSt 167 1103 E. Comanche 74501 McLOUD

lisle, Howard Bonnett Okta 459 Box 166 74851 Verity, George Luther Okla 305 Box 45 74851 MEDFORD

Eddy , Ellis Wesley Okla 252 13159

Taylor, Robert J. Okla St 586 321 N. Fifth Street 73759 M1AMI

Bamber\, lewis J., Jr. Okla 712 32 A Street, S. E. 74354 Brown, Jack C. Okla 450 1104 McKinley 74354 Reed, Donald R. Dkla 58 B20 H N.W. 14354

Sayles, Rodney J. Okla725 328 'B' N.W. 14354 Skinner, Harry B. KansSt 137 P.O. Box 565 74354 Ml OWEST C1TY

Brunson, D811id D. Okla 699 514 E. Rickenbacker 73110 Dutton, Ronald J. CS 80 2706 Dimick lane 73110 MOORE

Pierce, Floyd Okla 714

901 s. w. F;m 13060


Greer, Homer K. Okla St 378 Box38 74445 MUSKOGEE

Borum , Albert D. Okla St 158 A.F.D. 4, Box 15674401 Dandridge, W. S., M.D. Okta 341 Rt. 5. Box 180-l74401 Finley, C. Richard Okla St 560 2615 Court St. 74401 Horn, Millard Gene Okla A&M 165 Horn Deif'/74401 Johnson, Samuel Wm. Okla 569 P.O. Box 163 74401 Tiegreen, Donald A. Pur 757 2620 Irving St. 74401 White,J. T. Arl239 2501\rving 74401 Wilkins, Gerald W. Okla683 1010 E. Aberdeen 74401


Shutler, Robert Norman

Widney, Wilford l. Okla A&M 400





Bowman, Phillip D. OklaS 631 312

w. 7th 74647

Hays, Everett R. Okla 529 c/o Rexall Pharmacy 74647 N1NNETAH


O'Mealry, Gerald D. OklaSt597

Thoma, George W. Okla St 171 13067


Bas:sel, James A. Okla 760 Box 344 73502 Crosby , James H. Okla 89 1336 Chany St. 13501

Fer9Json, Richard A. Cent St 3 2918 Tomlin Circle 73201 Holcomb, larry A. Okla 753 406 Euclid 73501 Pamplin, Roy L, Jr. CentSt 88 416 North Railroad 73501 Porter, Roa H. Okla 235 27 North 35th 73501 Smith , Elaine, Jr. Okl1 710 4205 Elmhum73501 Smith, Second Lt. Jan B. PennSt 653 1920 Cache Road, Apt. C 73501 White, Kenneth R., Jr. Okla 588 P.O. Box 511473505 UNOSEY

Boyer, Forrest L CentSt 53 Sox 193 73052 Hooker, NoelliYOY CentraiSt 71 405 S. E. 2nd 73052

Andrews, J. Wendell Okla 564 1212 Benson Drive 73069 Bender, John Frederick Kans 21 716 Chautauqua 73069 Bone. Harold K. Okla526 1500 Ro•mont Or. 73069 Borchardt, Charln A. Okla729 1311 Garfield 73069 Braden , Clint Okla 254 1227 Camden Way 73069 Brita, Cecil Hoshaw Okla 222 917 Chautauqua Ave. 73069 Burgett, Williim S. Okla 691 304 South Btvd. 73069 Chatman, Connie J. Okla 119 Box 2097 73069 Chita, Walter D. Miami 11 1810 Wntbrooke Terr. 73069 Cooksey, Harold Smith Dkla 148 Security National Bank 73069 Dale, Edward Everett Harv 180 University of Oklahome73069 Dunn . John Wa\l~c.e Okla 605 1400 Garfield 73069 Finnerty, Thoma C. Okla779 200 Univtrsity Platt 73069


Fermer, James luther Okla 371 532 College Street73069 Fulllf, MarcusW. Okla 412 1809 Won Boyd 73069 Gay, Harold M., Jr. Okla 743

409 Terrace Place 73069 Gay,JamesN., II Okle738 213 E. Hughbert 73069 Green, Charles Price Okla 64 University of Oklahoma 73069 Gr11ne, Edwin K. Okla 596 715 Highland Parkway 73069

Ham, William E. Okla 754 933 South Flood 73069 Ham, William E. Okla771 933 South Flood Ave. 73069 Harris, Henry E. Okla St 178 1209 Barbour 73069 Heug, Leonerd H. Okla 616 School of Music Faculty Exchange 73069 Heath, William E., Jr. Okla 555 306 E. Mosier 73069 Hervey,J ohn Gaines Okla 99

5185 lahoma 73069 Herter, Ted W. Okla 603 2525 Osborn Drive 70369 Huey, Benjamin Okla193 445 South Flood 73069 Iorio, Richard Okla 769 531 Congress, f ·6 73069 Jain, Gilbert A. Okla 727 1626 Chatauque 73069 Jones, Ralph E. Okta 801 1709 Denison Dr. 73069 Kaser, Raymond V. CreSt 225 1113 Canterburv 73069 Kidder, lee W. Arit 25 2609 Acacia 73069 Kraettti, Emit Rudolph Okla88 UniveRity of Oklahoma 73069 luster, Dewey W. Okle 49 332 Emelyn 73069 Mayfield , James Cleo Okla 181 Univarsity Book Exchange 73069 McDonald , Edward H. Oki.St 98 111 Crestmont 73069 Moore, Preston l. Okla 514 College of Engineering Faculty Exchange 73069 Morris, Joel Okla 804 403 Trenton Road 73069 Morris, JoeiO ., Jr. Okla7:J3 403 Trenton Rd. 73069 Morris, Roneld l. Okla 782 403 Trenton Road 73069 Ovlan , Philip R. Okla 761 1521 Coddelllene 73069 Pttrv , Robert F. lnd 630 1603 Avondale 73069 Preble, JohnW. Okla741 R.F.O. #I 73069 Price, William D. Okla701 1318 Sunset Drive 73069 Reed , Jeen R. Okla 283 1503 Sunset Or. 73069 Rinsland , Henrv Daniel Okla 167 434 Keith Street 73069 Sayre, Robert Okla 706 1231 Camden Way 73069 Scribner, Edward Okla 717 1603 Crown Point 73069 Smith, Blaine H., Jr. Okla 710 1017 e. louisiana 73069 Swearingen, Lloyd E. Okla 23 1519 S. Pickard St . 73069 Tarter, George louis Dkla 335 822 W. Brooks 73069 Thomes. Billy Okla 770 1226 Caddell lane 73069 Todd . John Doyle Okla324 8" 833 73069 Warren, Jerry A. Okla 737 218 Beat 73069 Welty , Steven len Okla 781 927 Woods Avenue 73069 Williamson, Ervin K. Okl.St 215 2138 Crestmont 73069 Wilson, Pender H. Okla St 20 731 W. Nebradl.a73069 NOWATA Johnson , Davtd Paul Dkla A&M 193 74048 landrs, Phil Okla 705 717 W. Shawnee 74048 Painter, Chas. 0. Okla 160 Box 48 74048 OILTON Anderson , Oscar S. Okla 377 74052 OKEENE Miller, Maurice B. Okla 184 73763 OKEMAH Bloss, Claude Marion Okla313 325 S. Seventh St . 74859 Miracle, Jess Ira Okla128 74859 Scoulos, Harry George, Jr . Okla 436 602 North 4th St . 74859 OKLAHOMA CITY Adams. William P. OklaSt 425 3424 N. Utah 73112 Aleunder,Joe , Jr. Okla636 3729 N.W. 24th 73107 Allen, John E. OklaSt 379 5407 N.W. 41stSt . 73112 Armstrong, William Judson Okla 17 1005 E. 14thSt . 73111 Bailey, Roy Okla St 661 9600 N. Georgia73120 Beaird, J. 8. Okla 585 2769 N. W. 17th St. 73t07 Bell, John Hudson CentrSt 65 3105 N. Windwur Blvd. 73122 Btrgman , Erwin C. Okla St 231 4209 N. W. 43•d 73112 Bernardy , John M. OklaSt 605 704 N.E. B1st 73114 Btthel , George R. OkleSt 377 Rt . 3, Box 329 -B 73127 Bethel , Roben E. OklaSt 354 Rt. 3, Box 329·B 73127 Biggins, Kenneth l. Okla 531 5224 N. Walker73118

Born, Firmer Ray lnd 43 3328W. lin St. 73107 Boswell, Steven D. OklaSt 612 5811 South Broadway 73109 Bowen, Robert M. NU 713 10916 Maple Grove 73120 Brown, Cecil P. Okla 156 1507 Dorchester Or. 73116 Brunson, David D. Okla 686 514 East Rickenbacker 73118 Bullis, Glenn E. Ok.ll149 2508 N.W. 25th St. 73107 Burger, ThomasS. Okla 767 3600 Greenway Terrace 73115 Burton , Garv D. CentSt 31 2120 Gladnone Tr. 73120 Caldwell , !. M. Okla St 130 1933 N.W. 56th St. 73118 Cannon , larry l. Okla St 591 47a. North libby 73122 Carson, lamoine S. Okla 145 2545 N. W. 13th 73107 Cartwright, Wilburn Okla 9 801 N.E. lin 73105 Cheatham , Wm. M. Okla 722 706 N.E. 18th St. 73105 Clemens, T. R. Mo 266 6214 Riviera Or. 73112 Conger, James H. Okla 151 104 N.W. 32nd St . 73118 Cook, ByronJ. Okla228 3300 NW 26th 73107 Cooper, Bobby J. Okla 649 2328 N.W. 56th Terr. 73112 Copeland . John 0 . Okla St 544 2425 Ashlov a•. 73120 Cordray , A. E. Okla441 2953 lakeside Drive 73120 Cowden , James J. Okla St 579 4604 N. W. 34th St. 73122 Crowe, Raymond lloyd Mo 340 608 N.W. 46th St. 73111 Crowe, Roben 0. Mo 312 1702 Camden Way 73118 Crowe, Vineil Penny Mo 231 249 Wtst35th St . 73118 David, David Geo. CentSt 66 2605 S. W. 31st St. 73119 DeArmtn, Floyd H. CentSt 48 2833 S. W. Murrey Drive 73110 DeArman, Jimmie F. CentSt 10 2833 S. W. Murray Or. 73119 Oorr, Alben E. Okla St 199 1408 N.E. 52 73111 Dulaney , luther T. Okle 100 100 N.W. 44th 73118 Ounkelberg,Ja n E. CantSt 7 2010 N. W. 37th 73118 Dunkin , leon S. lnd 363 2809 N. G•ovo St. 73127 Echols, Semuel E., Jr. Okla 2!l4 4405 N. W. 47th St. 73118 Edelman, Htrold Jack CentSt 67 4408 N. W. 14th St. 73107 Elderkin,lawrenceW. Okla316 3016 Chapel Hill Road 73120 Emanuel Robert F. CentSt 27 225 N.W. 4th 73102 Emenhiser. Or. leeK . Okla 217 630 Osler Bldg . 73103 Enlow, Ralph V., Jr . Okla 631 4208 NW 15th 73107 Faris, Brunei 0 . Okla 680 2544 N. W. 26th 73107 Fitzgerald. Roy E. Okla 748 3129 N. W. 60th 73tl2 Fogarty , John Samuel Okla 333 2733 N.W. 26th Street 73107 Forrer, charles E. Kans 548 5616 N.W. 66th St. 73131 Forrester , Frank 0. Okla 247 2709 Pembroke Terrace 73116 Forth. Michael K. Okla St 512 8010 N. McKinley 73114 Fraley , C. Ford CentSt11 1739 N. E. 18th 73111 Freeman. Franklin C. Okla 470 3200 Quail Creek Ad . 73120 Galpin , Floyd l. Okla 654 170t N.W. 20th 73107 Galptn , Homer 0 Okla 675 2701 N.W. 20th St. 73107 Gentry , Earll. Okla St 532 841 S. W. 47th 73109 Gentry, Ernest N. Okla St555 841 s.w. 47th 73109 Gentry, William N. Okla St 533 841 s. w 47th 73109 Gillespie, Thomas E. Okla St 458 1616S. Webster 73110 Gossard, Halbert E. Pur 773 4628 Eastman Drive 73122 Greer , Kenneth G. OklaSt 358 4601 N. W. 57th Street73122 Griffy , Elbridge Ill Okla 608 6800 North St Clair 73116 Grigsby, James Oonm Okla 467 3309 N.W. 22ndSt. 73107 Hallmark. Roben S. CentSt 63 3421 S. Sh11lds Ave. 73129 Rammitt , Harold l. CentS! 57 315S. W. 3473109 Hargis, Mark Hanna Okla92 1411 Classen 73106 Hargis, Richard N. Okla 575 1411 Classen 73106 Harnden, Roger l Okla 244 6409 N Htrvard 73132 Harris, Or Clyde E. Okla 410 2419 North Welker 73106 Harrison, CharlesJ Okla 736 1609 Westminster Pl . 73120 Hartman , Don Allen Okla456 1920 North Indiana 73106 Hartman, John W. CSC 33 2112 N.W. 47th - Apt. 40673112 Hathaway. William E. Okla 479 4611 N. Sillen 73112 Hodgson , larry M. OklaSt 623 5111 N. Cross 73112 Hoyt, lester D. Okla 298 215 Cmens Building 73102 Johnson, Cloise E.. Jr. CentSt 14 1408 N. W. 105 Terrace 73014 Jones, Alben CentSt 15 1208 Carter Or. 73129 Jones, Jerry C. Okla St 405 10309 lyndon Rd . 73120 Jones, Rey B. Okla 558 470t N.W. 65 St. 731 32

Jorgensen , Dwight l. Okla 359 2828 N. W. 13th 73107 Joy, MaRhall R. Nebr 295 1712 Coventry lane 73116 Kaser, Richard lee Okla 788 2408 s. w. 80 73159 Keel, James l. CentSt 50 3002 N. Kentucky 73106 Keel, Roger E. CentSt 6 5809 N. lonie 73111 laird, Ralph M. Okla 576 1322 N.W. 85th 73114 lambert, Harrv 0. Okla 326 1501 N.W. 88th 73114 langford, Cecil T. Okla 36 3622 N.W. 42nd S1. Apt. 113 73112 Larsson, Charlas Eldon Oklo A&M 304 1717 N.W. 33•d St. 73118 larason, George Eldon Oklo A&M 303 1717 N.W. 33rd St. 73118 larason. Robert C. Okla 587 1717 N.W. 33•d St. 73118 larkin, Carl T. Okla St 431 10801 S. E. 29 73130 larkin. Robert J. Okla St 397 624 E. Towry 73110 long , lindsey l. Okla 349 3026 Harvey Parkway 73103 lott, Charles l. OklaSt 606 5800 N. W. 33•d 73122 lowe, Norman Darrow Okla A&M 59 2647 N.W. 12th St. 73107 Mackey , Arthur K. Pur 166 2615 N. Warren 73107 Mackty , John R. OklaSt372 2615 N. Warren 73107 McAfee, Kenneth E. Okla 189 2020 First National Bldg . 73102 McClain, Orin E. Mo 132 215 NE 28 73105 McDowall. George E. Okla 284 7427 Country Club DriveN . 73116 McDowell, John E. Okla 620 2825 Carlton Way 73120 Mcfarland, Harry OklaSt 264 1312 Kincaid 73119 Mcfarland, Howard Byron , Jr. Okla 511 707 N.E. 18th St. 73119 McGee, John l. Okla 713 3813 N.W. 33•d 73112 Mitts, Wayne C. CentSt 45 900 N. E. 69 73105 Mills, Clarence M. Okla 84 218 N.W. 18th St. 73103 Minton, CharlesW . OklaSt 336 440 S.W. 52nd Street 73109 Mock, 81try 0. Okle St 346 1910 Huntington 73116 Mooney, Orviall. CentSt 59 2112 North MacArthur73110 Moore, Ellis N. Colo 130 117 N. Broadway 73102 Moore, James R.. Jr. CentrSt 35 4533 N. W. 34th St. 73112 Moyer . Ray A. CentSt 2 Box 2606873126 Mullfgan, Michael P CentSt 36 3037 West Park 73119 Murphy , Monty C. Okla St 398 9417 Mahler Place 73120 Murray , Edward C. Okla 146 1500 Kincaid Or. 73119 Neuffer , Harry leonard Okla 216 3137 N. W. 21n St. 73107 Nichols, C. R. CentSt 25 815 North West 6 73106 Ogle. Paul A.. Jr. CentS! 37 824 N.E. 29th 73105 Olson , James Oliver Okla 366 4136 N. West 22nd 73107 O'Neal . Cetil T. Okla 6 932 North East 19th St. 73105 Osborn, lester C. Okla 772 123 N. W. 15th Street 73103 Payne,Sam J., Jr . Okla 211 1310 NW 20th 73106 Phinney , William Stephen Wyo 26 2504 N.W. 25th St. 873107 Pierce. Richard 0 . Okla St 618 3216 Venice Blvd . 73112 Plemmons. larry W. Okla 682 3125N. W. 14th 73107 Price. ClaytonJ . KansSt210 1311S.W. 67th73tl9 Protzman, Robert A. Okla 742 5505 N. Billen 73112 Purdin, Ron CentS! 18 2613 N. W. 34th 73112 Purdin , Roy 0 . CentS! 28 2613 N. W. 34th St. 73112 Quillin, Paul Clifton CentSt 74 3741 S. W. 29th St 73119 Quine, Michael E. CentSt 19 2916N . W. 33rd 73112 Rhoads, PhilipJ . Okla 55 2104 N.W. 60th 731t2 Rogers, Moses T. Okla A&M 32 1900 N.E. 52nd 73111 Rose, Oran C. Okla St 228 1222 N.W. 83•d 731t4 Rumley . Johnny R. Ark 152 2528 N W. 45th 7311 2 Russell, Conrad l. Geo Wash 283 104 N. W. 26th St. 73103 Sellaskas, Jack Okla 540 2608 N. W. lll 73120 Sanders. leo C. Okla 10 631 N.E. 17th St. 73105 Savage, Or. William l. Okla 610 402 Medical Arts Bldg. 73101 Schneider. Denn1s l. OklaSt607 2608 Cashion Place 73112 Schnorrenberg, Harold Okla A&M 142 1830 linwood 73106 Scott, lrderle J. OklaSt 602 4616 N.W. 30th 73112 Scott, William R. OklaSt 584 4616 N.W. 30th 7311 2 Slayter,JackieA . CentSt 61 5015 S. Sage 73109 Smith. James C. CentSt 99 2724 Abbey Road 73120 Snelson, Paul A. OklaSt73 1423 N.W. 49th 73118 Snipes, larry CrntSt5 1516 S W. 77th Pl . 73159

Snodgrass, Beat Kennedy Oklo A&M 273 216 N.E. 16th St . 73104 Spradling, David K. Okla 200 1020NW41n73118 Stewart, R. T., Jr. OklaSt 571 1328 s. w. 67th St .... 73159 Stover, Charles Edward Okla 4B8 3229 N.W. lin St. 73107 Stringer, Pleas Okla82 1215 N.W. 23•d 73106 Swain, James Eugene Okla 586 1207 Tedford Way 73116 Taylor, George R. Okla81 2230NW 13th 73118 Taylor, Kenneth C. Mo 336 Travtlar's Insurance Co. 1716 NW 31st St . 73118 Taylor, Richard 0. CentSt 20 2225 N. W. 27th 73107 Thedford, Tollie 0. Okla St 497 248 N. W. 34th 73118 Thedford , William A. Okla St 463 248 N.W. 34th 73118 Walker , lonnie CentSt 4 3115 N. W. 68th 73116 Walter, Henrv 8. Kan St 200 3500 N. W. 36th St. 73112 Wasson. Richerd S. Okla 755 2724 Berkshire Way 73120 Watson, Godon E. Okla St 539 1305 N. E. 54th St. 7311 I Wells. Dale W. OklaSt 627 1408 N.W. 106 St . 73120 Wiley, Frank James Okla A&M 67 1801 N.W. 38th St. 73106 Wilson, Paul A. Okla 321 104NW31st73118 Wornom, Michael J. Okla St 553 4700 N. W. 46 Court 73122 Yoder. Bradford E. CentS! 46 9909 Ridgeview Drive 73120 Zwick, John C. Okla 300 2925 Orakestone 73120 OKMULGEE Bogie, Charlas P., Jr. OkSt 611 1513 Woodland Orivt174447 Bogie, Charlss P. Okla 629 1513 Woodland Or . 74447 Canfield. Darrell 0 . OkSt 283 613 S. Okmulgee 74447 Crooch . Gary M. OkleSt 628 1901 East Tenth 74447 logan, JamesWilllem Okla221 1615 East 8th St. 74447 Orr, Glen Earl Okla A&M 203 424 W. 5th St. 74447 Stetle, Charln 8. Okl1 14 80< 2107 74447 Stnle, lee Okla 108 C. B. Steele Co. 1311 E. St. 74447 Stone, David J. Okla St 572 P.O. Box 1234 74447 OPTIMA Sarchet, James l. ColSU 86 Route 173948 PAULS VALLEY Clark , Audley Evert Okla 16 73075 Goss, Roger R. OklaSt 592 1416 Denson 73075 Murray, Ronald S. Okla St 569 1409 Denson Or. 73075 Smith , David E. OklaSt 585 100 E. Charles 73075 PAWHUSKA McCain, Frank G. Kans 344 403 E. 6th Street 74056 PERRY Eby , Dan Carroll CS 81 1011 Jackson St. 73077 Hirschman, Raymond Noel CentS! 70 206 locust St . 73077 Johnson, Jesse G. DklaSt 209 Box 346 73077 Smith, Steve E OklaSt 626 626% Fit 73077 PONCA Barkley. Homer E. Okla 749 913 N. 7th 74601 Brown. Robert C. OklaSt 645 529 North 11th St. 74601 Fender. Boyd E., Jr . Okla 695 Box 96174601 Green , Tommy A Okla St647 316S. Perry 74601 Hazlett , Benjamin A. OklaSt 594 312 North 12th St 74601 long, l arry G. Okla St 567 1112 N. Oak St. 74601 McCord, loyd Nieman Okla 260 809 S. 4th St. 74601 Miller, Wm. J. Pur562 127 Monument 74601 Moore. Carl W. OklaSt 596 1408 Donahoe 74601 Nuckolls, Charles E. Ollis St496 503 N 8th 74601 Robins, R. Danny OklaSt 583 1101 E Highland Ave. 74601 Sherrod, Emra Neal Okla 192 7460t Short, James C. OklaSt 599 420 N. 9th 74601 Thompson, lloyd OklaSt 120 70S Sugar Maple 74601 Va n Griethuysen, Theodore Andre OkiB143 Continental Oil Co. 74601 PRYOR Beattie, Jemes F OklaSt 504 Boa 65274361 Garner, Bob L Okla St 456 107 N Rowe74361 Hedrick. Guy Blake Okla A&M 27 1 6 S Coo-y-yah 74361 Langley, Joe M Okle State Univ430 Box 13574361 Moore, Ralph G. Okla 516 903 K11tn St. 74361

PURCELL Ctrr , larry 8. CentSt 55 300 W. Monroe 73080 Niehaus, Joe Bernard CentSt 73 616 Nonh 3rd St. 73080 SALLISAW Payne, Wilbur Wright Okla A&M 149 74955 SAND CREEK Payne, John Newton Den 29 73769 SAND SPRINGS Arnold, larry P. OklaSt 589 811 Cedar Ave. 74063 Johnson, S. Neal Okla 744 17 E. Seddlerock Rd . 74063 Jones, l. Farell Okla 334 P.O. 80< 1028 74063 SAPULPA Brook , Joe F. OklaSt 382 748 N. Moccasin St . 74066 Davis, Don Okla A&M 384 1322 E. Jackson 74066 SAYRE Heise, Donald H. OklaSt 595 1501 N. 5th St . 73662 Ross, David l. CentSt 108 1306 N. Broadway 73662 SELMAN Miller, JackA . Okla634 Rt 2 73856 SEMINOLE flanagan , Jerry P. Okla A&M 404 833 College 74868 McCullough , lloyd E. Okle A&M 19 324 West Oak 74868 McElhaney , James P. Okla A&M 408 1006 McKinley 74868 Mitchell, Don Michael Okla591 Box 128574868 Patterson, William A. Okla 147 Route #3 74868 White. Clardie Arlie Okla A&M 299 Sox 1293. 6 Timmons St. 74868 SHAWNEE Maxfield, Ronald M. CentSt 94 Route 2, 8011 100 74801 McCroskey, 0. Earl Okla 745 1930 N. Union 74801 Mcintire, Ruby l. Okla124 705 North louisa 74801 Smith, 0 . Dele Okla St 476 627 North Perk 74801 Winter ringer , Orrin K. Okla 207 503 Federal Nat'l Bonk Bldg . 74801 SKIATOOK Berry , George l. Okla 44 26 West Ash 74070 STILLWATER Anderson, Nicolaus A. OklaSt 608 229 N. Knoblock. Apt . 315. Scholars inn 74074 Bandelier, George E Okla St 41 418 Blakeley 74074 Beckman. W. Douglas OklaSt 557 R.R. 4, lot 15 74074 Bivert , Raymond Ernest Okla A&M 12 234 N. Duncan 74074 Blecha, Allrt!d M Okla St 162 1111 S. Gray 74074 Breedlove, Clarence Henry OklaA&M Oep 670 A.F. R.O.T.C. 74074 Campbell, Harry M. OklaSt 575 126 Duck 74074 Denny , Charlie Glen , Jr. Okle A&M 241 R.F.0. No . 1 74074 Geis, Howard T. Okla St U 438 2222W. Sixth 74074 Grtmstey , John Austin Okla A&M 179 200 N Main 74074 Grimsley , Norman V Okla St 102 200 N Mam 74074 Harnden , Lloyd W Okla A&M 351 515lewlsSt. 74074 Hel1er , Victor G. Okla A&M 66 2213W. 7th 74074 Hesser, Abel. OklaSt 439 1112 Graham Dr. 74074 Hinrichs, Hays T. Okla A&M 385 RL 4 74074 Hinrichs, Herman A. Okla St U 440 Rt. 4 74074 Horton, leRoy OklaSt423 713West4th74074 Howarth, JohnS. Ark 156 2013 Admiral Road 74074 lves,JohnM. OklaSt58 1121 Brown Drive 74074 McCullum , Paul A. Okla A&M 214 2203 Arrowhead 74074 McDonald , Fred J Okla St S19 1108 McDonald 74074 Moore, Lt . Col. Jack E. Okla 384 1801 W 9th Ave. 74074 Naeter , Albrecht Cor 227 419Stanley 74074 Nelson, Jim C. OklaSt 353 522 Gray St . 74074 Newlon , James Okla 726 139 South Main 74074 Penny, MurlL awrence Okla A&M 60 1715West 4th St 74074 Phdhps, George M CentS! 60 1702W. Adm1ral Rd 74074 Purcell, Earl E.. Jr. OklaSt 624 2132 Arrowhead Or 74074 Purcell, Earl E., Sr. OklaSt 678 2132 Wast Arrowhead 74074 Rea, Wil liam 0 Wis 410 Box 96 74074 Reed , Solomon Luthtr Okla A&M 103 15 College Cin:le 74074 Sax ton. Ren G Okla A&M 71 405 S_Stallard Ave 74074 Schmtdt, Arlo A Okla St 320 919 Skyline Or. 74074

Suits, Marvin V. Okla 140 1417 E. Willhlm Orivt 74074 Thayer, Rollin Harold Okla AI:M 212 105 N. Stllon! 74074 Walker, Nathaniel Okla A&M 411 1906 W. Admiral Rd . 74074 Wise, Paul C. OklaSt 125 305 S. Monroe St. 74074 STROUD Allen, Benny J. Oklt A&M 389 103 North 10th Ave. 74079 TAHLEQUAH lewis, Marvin 0. Penn St 276 U.S.P.H.S.. Indian Hospital74074 TALIHINA Owens, Ronald Keith Okla 652 Box 96 74571 TEMPLE Colman, Richard Arthur Okla 513 73568 TISHOMINGO Bauman, Evertt J. Okla A&M 135 73460 Hodges, Eldon l. OklaSt343 RR It 73460 TONKAWA Conaghan. Brian F. Okla 574 Box 40274653 McCarter, louis E. Okla 172 74653 Querry, Jaime leon Okla 544 600 N. 7th St . 74653 TULSA Allison. William E. OklaSt 508 4919 E. 38th Pl. 74135 Alston, Wm. G.. Jr. Okle318 2504 E. 20th St. 74104 Barth , John F. Okla 242 4732 S. Evanston Pl. 74105 Bennett. 0. B. Okla 496 1750 E. 59 Place 74105 Sergdorf , Glenn 0 . OklaSt 558 2433 S. 126 E. A,.. 74129 Blancett, Kenneth S. Okla 612 6024 E. 57 St. 74135 Bryant , Floyd C. Okla St 493 4180 E. 44th 74t06 Bryant , Frenk C. Okla St 450 Box 371 74101 Bundy , Henly C. Oklt 8 5660 S. Delawara 74105 Carrithers, lowell Ark 108 8309 E. 23•d 74129 Chandler, lou is Cent St 32 Riviera Apt . 41 1611 Riverside Or. 74119 Cheadle, Frank R. OklaSt622 4142 E. 28th Pl. 74114 Childress. Edward l. OklaSt 613 4917 South Madison 74105 Cla~t , Ronn11 E CentSt 9 4111 East 51, Apt. 143 74135 Cogdll, Isham B.. Jr Ok 480 5340 S. 76th E. Ave. 74 105 Cook , E. Allen , Jr . Mich389 1343 E. 37th Place 74105 Cottrell. lloyd R. Wvo 52 Box 1979 741 02 Cox. Jack C OklaSt331 309 Kennedy Building 74103 Cox, Kenneth N. OklaSt 240 1230 N. Phoenix 74121 Craun, leo B Okla 406 3823 S 92 E. Ave 74145 Crowder , Wilham E. CentSt41 18105 East 11th Street 74108 Crump,leonardW Wash 159 5330 So. Yorktown 74105 OaVfnport , Bill G Okla 386 6782 E. 26th Place 74109 Oav1s, William I. Okta St 104 2232 E. 19th St. 74104 Ellis, Harvey l Okla St Unlv429 48 N. Florence 74110 Fast, Clarence Mortimer 111148 1303 East 20th Sueet 74120 Fauch1er , Everett EIIIM'Orth KansSt 197 1149 South l OUINille 74112 Fertig , TerryJ Mo 693 1623 S. 128 E Ave. 74128 Forbes. Cec1l Charles Okla 188 1830 East 32nd St 74105 Garrison , Joseph H. Kan St 150 5318So. lew•sPiace74105 Gibbs, lloyd T Nebr 269 2460 E 22 St 74114 Gittinger , Clement 0 . Okla 107 2744 East 5th 74104 Glasgow. Clarence 0 Okla A&M 112 2620S York town 74114 Good, Fred T Okla St 40 2417 East 19th 74 104 Goolsby , Oscar K Okla St421 1240S. IndianapohsAve . H112 Harris. Will iam l Okla St 414 1747 S Knoxville 7411 2 Hayes, Donald G. OklaSt 327 2212 South 83 East Ave. 74129 Hayes. Donald G , Jr OklaSt 564 2212 So 83 E. Ave 74129 Heard , Edward F. Okla 454 5358 East 21 Place 74114 Hemph1tl, John 0 Tex 599 1325 East 48th Place 74105 Johnson, JohnJ. Ia 277 4016 S Columbte Place 74105 Johnson, Z OklaSt471 2504 W 48th St 74107 Jones, Edward F_ Mo 379 3431 E 57th St 74106 Kilby. Hubert St Cla1r Ill 162 2814S Gary 74114 l1sle, Kennllh Eugene Okla476 Box 16614151 looney . OonW. OklaSt473 4534E 56th 74135 Markwardt William C Okla 768 4141 S 24thWtst Ave 74107 Manm, Robert 0 . Pur 460 3531 S ZunisPtace74105 0 -39

McKenna, Robert P. OklaSt 568 7506 E. 171h 74119 Miller, James G. Okla St 527 7919 E. 4!h 74111 Van Ogle, Artaban Pur 272 1343 East 35th Place 74105 Ptrry, lewis leslie Okla A&M 10 1327 S. Winston 74112 Peters, David E. Okla St 4BB Rt. 13, Box 371 A. 74107 Phelps, Rex V. Okla 379 5525 E. 65th Place 74135 Poyer, Joe lee Okla641 1647 S. Evanston 74104 Rankin, Charles A. Tex 181 3161 E. 34!hSt 74105 Reynolds, le$1 ie B. Okla A&M 36 4020S. Toledo 74105 Rhodes, George R. Okla 105 1925W. Haskell Place 74107 Riley,James E. Okla 777 4871 s. B51h 74145 Rose, Ward A. OklaSt 250 9189 E. l atimer Ct . 74115 Rosenberger, C. P. Okla 750 1619 E. 36!hSt 74105 Rutherford, Floyd B. Okla 123 B315 E. 111h 74111 Rutherford , John l. Okla 583 8325 E. 12th St. 74112 Saddoris, James A. Okla 482 6062 E. 55th Street 74135 Scott, David A. Ohio 223 5919 E. 161h S!. 74114 Shutt, Roscoe E. Nebr 207 2609 S. Owasso 74114 Simpson, William Okla St 552 3934South Detroit 74105 Stanley,Mr. F. E. Okla212 Stanley -Bledsoe Corp . 612 Daniel Bldg. 74103 Stich, Roger l. OklaSt 528 1516 E. 59!hSt 74105 Sturdevant, William M. KSt 335 455S. 94th EAve. 74112 Subitia, Maurice H., Jr. NH 532 6505 E. 56th Place 74101 Swaze, Jesse E. Okta 24 1407 E. 19 74104 Thopson, Gary G. Nebr 584 11560W. 71h 74118 Todd , Byron Dana Okla A&M 297 27 S. Urbana St. 74112 VanNoy, leslie N. Okta 669 1202S. Marion Ave. 74112 VanNoy , Raymond Neil Okta64S 1202 S. Marion Avanua 74112 Watker, Gery P. OklaSt658 1B39 E. 63rd St 74105 Waltars, Paul Josephus Okla A&M 31 1306S. Atlanta Pl. 74104 Weaver, Rual H. OklaSt 521 4714 EutKing74115 Willey, Roscoe C. OklaSt 445 916S. Erie 74112 Willey, William J. OktaSt 435 916S. Erie 74112 Winter, Richard G. Okta 703 7221 N. Peoria 74126 Winter, Or. Robert l. Okla 692 1582 E. 54th St. N. 74126 Woodson, FredE. Okla 185 13075 Main 74119 VELMA Anderson, l arry 0. CentSt39 Box 62 73091 Simmons, Jimmie l. Okta577 73091 VINITA Moore, Carus R. Okta 671 448S. Scraper74301 Moore, Jimmie Dale Okla 653 281 Sunset Orive 74301 Rafferty, CharlesW. B. OklaSt Univ433 Rt.4 74301 Raschen, Edward F. Okla St 501 235S. Smith 74301 White , Wayne Carl Okta 572 403 S. Thompson 74301

WAGONER Grimm, Jack F. Okla 469 515 N. Jefferson 74467 WARNER Catevan, Wayman Okla St 279 Rt. 1, Box 55 74469 WAURIKA Anderson, Edward B. Okla 689 911WISI E 73573 tvy , J&mesH . Okla388 Attorney At law P.O. Box 248 73573 WAYNOKA Devinney , Wil1iam Okla201 502 South Church Street 73B60 WEATHERFORD King, Ool"'lld L Okta 723 615 N. Bradley 73096 WEWOKA Davis, Eerl And,. Okla 230 Aldrich Bldg. 74884 Matheny, Jerry Wi11iam Okta546 Box 675 74884 Rupe, GeorgeW. Okla665 100 S. Ocheese Ave. 74884 WI COMA Sptnur, Silty R. OklaSt 278 Box 393 73066 WILSON Cltrk, Norman W. Oki.St 578 Bn 455 73463 WIRT Chipman , Alton B. Okla673 Box 177 73464 Chtpman, Charles W. Oklo666 So• 17173464 0-40

WOODWARD Hanson, Jarellee Okla St 636 912 21st St. 73801 Holbrook, David E. Cent St 49 Box 369 73801 Phillips, Robt. Chas. Okla St 641 1914111hSt 73B01 Young, Samuel Dixon, Jr. CentSt 77 1425 22nd 73801 WYNNEWOOD Oilier, Merlin R. OklaSt 393 Box 681 73098 VALE Jones, Hugh Farell Okta A&M 333 316 N. lull Place 74085 YUKON Braziel. Elmer CentSt62 P.O. Box 56 73099 Braziot, Jerry W. CentSt 54 Box 56 73099 Hanska, Ronald J. Okta 598 Rt. 3, Box 123 73099 Moseley, Donald D. CentSt 95 704 South Second 73099 Smrcka, Hubert J. Okta 359 At. 3, Box 75 73099

TEXAS ABILENE Barker, Barrett H. Tex 521 2202Amaritto79602 Barker, William C. Tex 591 2202Amarilto79602 Caffey, Wiley luther Tax 142 941 Grand 79605 Crutchfield, F. 0. Tex 331 633 Beech 79601 Ferguson, Carlos M. Okla 233 2126 lvanhoa 79601 Foote, Donald l. 111620 1350Amarillo 79602 Greathouse, Myrta E. Okta632 a., 1D5B 79604 Hiner, David Alton Tex 255 1133 ElmS!. 79601 Walton, William T. Tax 91 Hardin Simmons Univarsity 79601 AlPINE Barter, Francis M. Tex 197 Box 794 79831 Deal, Dwight H. Rens 128 Geology Dept. Sui Ross State College 79830 AMARillO Birge, W. S. Tex 6 P.O. Box 2007 79105 Branson , Robert Emery lex 355 3403 lometa Drive 79109 Draper , Ronald E. Ill 8B2 3602Western 79109 Hatton , George E. Kans420 1821 Carolina St. 79102 McConnell . William H. Colo 334 3402 Hawthorne 79109 Meier. Jan B. CotoSU 181 7005 Euclid 79110 Minter, John l. Okla685 4801 Rose 79108 Nelson, Elijah Clem mens, Jr. Tex 23 P.O. Box 2007 79105 Northcutt, Ernest 0. Okta 52 Box 334 79105 Richards, Floyd, Jr. lex 502 1515 Bonham 79102 Savage, RobertW. 3504 Carlton Drive 79109 Smith , Scott C.. Jr. Okla 501 3502 Hawthorne 79109 VanBebber, William G. Kans 551 4208 Emit Ave. 79016 VanDoren, Gary L Mo 655 1303 Beverly 79106 Wagner, Ellsworth G. Ohio St 275 1613A. Madison79102 Wilson, Samuel P., Jr. Kans 611 4B10 Erik St. 79106 ANGLETON Holmes, Wesley E., Jr. KSt 342 316 South Farrer 17515 ANTHONY Moulder. Mauriet M. Mo 304 At. 1, Box 673 88021 ARLINGTON Barnett, James H.• Jr. Tex 674 2701 Buena Vista17008 Bender, Daryl 0. KanSt 553 430W. Park Row Or., Apt. 128 76010 Bumpass, Dudley Ark 113 1705 E. Tucker 76010 Carlson, Edwin Ray Ia 372 1313Willowbrook Strell 76010 Foose , Jerry G. lex 3B7 1610W. Tucker Btvd. 76010 Smith , John N. Minn 565 901 Oak Vitw Court 76010 Whitesel, Theodofl L. ttl 472 Dept. of Bus. & Econ. Arlington State College 76010 ARP Rossman, Roy S. PtnnSt 512 P.O. Box 372 75750 AUBREY Hight, Roben l. Tex 1B7 Route 1 76227

AUSTIN Anglin, Ross, Jr. Tex 310 1908 Barton Pkwy. 78704 Ash, Herbert Tex 86 1201 Woodland 7B704 Barnes,JayW.,J r. Tex 254 1813Morrow7B757 Bell, Bryan M. Tu 246 1117 Won 1D1h 78703 Blachly, William 0. Okla A&M 14B 2809 Carlton Rd . 78703 Bland, Thurston J. Tex 538 1515 Pecos 7B703 Bobbitt, Philip C. Tu 627 3405 Barranca Circle 78731 Bourland, Bradley Tex 408 3906 N. lamar78756 Bown,J. Michael Te• 582 1410 Red Bud Traii7B746 Brown, Rev. lawrence L Tex 145 2301 Greenlee Or. 78703 Bruck, Oliver N. Tex 169 4803 Valley Oak Or. 78703 Burlage, Henry Manhers Pur 234 702 East 43rd St. 78751 Campbell, Thomas R. Tex 405 3805Kennelwood 78703 Cary,Judson Franklin, Jr. Tax 659 2503 Indian Trait 7B703 Clark , M. A. Tex 639 2606Jefferson 78703 Oallenbach, Kart M. Cor 94 2106 Meadowbrook Drive 7B703 Dean, Eugene A. Tex 2B7 4700 Rue Street 78731 Oellefs, J. loyd lSU 152 P.O. Box 1991 7B767 Edwards, Robert E. Tex 444 804 West 28~ Street 78705 Evans, Tom L Mich 368 2214 W. 49th Street 7B756 Fistoe, Horatio M. Tex 13 2003 Indian Trail 78703 Goodman, Jack C. lex 260 6604 Vine 78705 Gray , PauiF . Ark86 1407 Corona 7B723 Grayson, Thomas 0 . OhioSt 606 Box 1B6B 7B767 Grove, Vernon E., Jr. Te• 395 5700 Felix Avenue 78741 Harris, Albert leslie, Jr. Tax 297 2406 lake Austin Blvd. 78703 Harris, Robert B. Tax 556 116 OI!Orl78704 Harris, Steve W. Tex 472 1300 Hancock 11017B756 Hiitchett, Aurtin l. Tu 445 1400 Elton lena 78703 Hatchell, Michael A. Texas 421 1400 Elton lane 7B703 Hearn, leslia G. Tex 298 5704 Duval St. 78705 Hennebergar, Wayne Tax 684 2803 Townes lane 78703 Hinsley, J. Carroll Tex 471 5906 Shoat Creek Blvd. 78705 Holloway , Frank M. Te• 207 2911 Bowman Avenue 78703 Holuman, Wayne H. NW 287 3300 Foothill Or. 78703 Hornaday,Jon R. Tex406 Texas Medical Association 1801 N. lamar Btvd. 73701 Johnson, Thomas E. Tex 108 Route 7, Bo x 928 78703 Jones, Hubert B. lex 19 2415Jarratt7B703 Kent , Harry l., Jr. KansSt 211 Univof lexDept. of Mech Engr7B712 Kinney, Dexter Cleveland Tex 139 4801 Parkcrtst Drive 78703 Kirkpatrick , E. Ray Tex 237 324 Perry Brooks Bldg. 78701 Kreisle. leonard Ferdinand Tex 2B4 3207 Meredith 78703 Kroll, Helmuth C. Tex 231 6309 Cary Drive 78759 louderback, lsaac N.,l ll Tex 227 Capitol Sta., Box 20B1 78711 lo\W, Gerald A.. 11 Tex 431 4 Margranita Crescent 78703 Mackey. John R. Tex 347 B10 West 30%St. 7B705 Mathis, Jack C. Tex 320 2205 la~ford Cove 78723 McCarty, William B. Tex 178 1206 Bentwood Rd. 70702 McConachie, Charles R. Tex 500 5704 Highland Hills Or. 7B703 McConachie. lawrence W. lex 539 5704 Highland Hills Or. 78703 McConntll , Ftoy C. Tex 438 Bo• 8003 Univ. Station 78712 MacDonald, George G. Tex 296 5204 Ridgeoak 78731 McDonald , Stanley C. Tex 517 4903 Nauert Cr. 78746 McKibbin, Harry C. Kans236 3216Windsor Road 78703 Melee, Arlie Ray Tex 82 716WestAve. 78701 Merchant, Arthur H. lex 143 2104 San Antonio 78705 Menitt, Kerry G. Tex 221 5302 Western Hilts Or. 7B703 Murphy, JamesC. Tex 522 2303 West 12th Street 7B703 Owens, Wroe W. Tu 526 2517 Pecos 78703 Poinier, David N. Tax 458 5507 Caprice Dr. 78731 Price, DavidS. Ttx 400 1504 Ashberry Drive cJo Daniel Price78723 Rather, Edmond C. Tex 525 1904 Mount"ainview Rd. 78703 Rodman, Roy S., Jr. 7B703 3907 Pttas Path 78703 Rogers, Fred W. lex 264 ~:~ South lnerregionat Hwy.


ShMn, Allan Tuas 440 #6 Niles Rd. 78703 Simpson, John 0. Tex 436 3405 Mountlin Top Circle 78703 Smtltey, Mart in E. Tex 437 1904 Kenwood Ave. 78704

Smith, Ellis L. Tex 562 1711 W. 34th Street 7B703 Snidtr, Or. Bruce W. Tex 479 2702 MI. laurel Drive 78703 Starkey, Joseph S. Tex 402 1106 Folts78704 Steele, Jack G. Tu 273 5905 Rickey Or. 78703 Suarez, Norman V. Tex344 B700 Mountain Circle 78767 Talkington, Freddy M. Tex 459 5939 Highland Hills 78731 Teten, Robert P. Nebr 411 1401 Possum Trot 78703 Thornberry, W. Homer Tax 194 100WB U.S. Courthouse 78701 Vaughn, Joseph E. Te• 77 1106 Claire Ave. 7B703 Wardlow, W. Bernie Tex 146 1312 Elton l ane 78703 Wenig, Harold E. OklaSt 309 B707 Willowick Oriva 7B759 White, John A. Tex 596 1522 West 32nd St. 78703 Williams, James M. Tex 509 4715 Harmon Ave.l211 78751 Williams, lloyd C. Tex 272 2307 Bowman Avenue 78703 BAY CITY Allen, James M. Tex 551 2600 Oak Drive 71414 Kelly, Robert B. Okla478 P.O. Box 151171414 BAYTOWN Clevenger, larry 0. Tex 567 Box 3832 77520 Fayle, Robert W. Tu 580 Rt. 2, Bo• 90 77520 Givens, Gary 0 . Tex 576 715 E. Alford St. 77520 lawless, Michael R. Tex 541 3414 Michigan 77520 Mackert, Edmund M. Cor 579 206 N. Burnett Or. 77520 McCune,JohnS. Okla261 902 Rosewood Or. 77520 Robinson, Charles Canfield Miami 80 110 Crow Road 77520 BEAUMONT Archer, Oscar Buford Tu 56 590 Palm Drive 77705 Baird, Jeff W. LSU 64 1135 Hazol77711 Sallis, John A. LSU 249 4710 Maddox 77105 Chapman, William T. Tex 240 2616 Hazel Streat77102 Hay, lee Etm1r Tex 232 1430 Aohley 77701 Jones, Melvin E., Jr. OklaSt 406 750 Randolph Circlt 77706 leNoir, Ammie Willie Tex 242 1480 Cartwright 77101 Mallahan,John R. 111530 c/o American Bureau, Goodhue Bldg. 77101 BEllAIRE Broesche, Gerald W. Tex 666 4705 Maples 71401 Mckea, Samuel M. Minn 426 4629 Holt 71401 Nichols, William E. Tex 579 1111 Sheffield 77401 Price, Or. William P. Kans St 261 5108 Valerie 77401 BOERNE Lehmann, Maurice John Tex B4 Box 7B 78006 BONHAM Francis, William B. Okla 687 604 E. 12th St. 75418 BORGER Bates, WarrenJack Okla395 c/o Jim Huber Corp., Bo• 831 79007 Bennett, Earl OklaSt 329 326 North Harvey 79007 Kirk, Joseph W. Evans 95 909 EV8rgreen 79007 BAVSTOWN Mueller, George l. Cor 574 Box 3543 77520 BRECKENRIDGE Machen, Gerald M. Te• 529 1312West Elm 76024 BROWNSVIllE Ounkelberg, Ralph C. Ia 28 Box 771 7B520 Faxon, Julian K. Chi 191 P.O. Box 806 78520 Ferguson, Henry N. Okla 290 14 Poinsettia Place 78520 BROWNWOOD Edmondson, James E. Tex 222 311 Center Street 76801 Hass, David C. Wise 490 612 Oak Park Drive 76801 BRYAN Montgomery,John M. Tex 606 1107 West 26th Street 71B01 BUllARD Hill, Ronald 0. WashSt 2B7 Rt. 2, Box 1Q.C 75757 BURNET ltry , M. R. lex 638 Box 10078611 CANUTillO Gillett, Ronald E. Colo 651 P.O. Box 128 79835 CHILDRESS Whittnton, Otwty Okl1 74 OJVis Auto Co. 79201

CLAUDE Ballard, Reginald Curtis Tu 95 79019 CLEBURNE Scott, Edwin G., Jr. Tex 469 301 W. Hendenon 76031 CLEVELAND McAdams, Billy James Te• 300 Bo• 1 77227 Tanner, levy Cornelous Tu 104 77317 COLEMAN McDaniel, John E., Jr. Tex 66B 501 Wast Hillside 76834 COllEGE STATION Baty, JamesBernard Cor 296 Civil Engineering Dept. Texas A & M 77840 Brown, Frank B., Jr. Tex 590 404 Fairview 71840 Cofer, David 8. Chi 124 Box 325 77840 Covan, Jack Phillip Ohio St 420 Texas A & M 71840 Haii , Or. CharlesF.KSt303 511 NagleStreet71840 Jones, luther G. Cor 259 Box 15B8 71840 Mamliga, Paul A. Tex 614 300 Highland Street 77840 Sumpter,J1mes R. PannSt629 407 Nagle, Apt 51 77840 Turk, Richard 0. Kans St 224 Dept. of Vet Parasitology Texas A & M77840 COLORADO CITY Ratliff, Robert H. Tex 101 79511 Ratliff, Robert Harry,Jr. Tax 303 1109locustSt. 79512 COLUMBUS Moore, Preston 0. Tex 620 Box 458 7B934 COMMERCE Taylor, J. Edward Mem 37 P.O. Box 3399 Eut Tuu Station 7542B CONROE Childs, Ralph OIWIY Kens 372 Cemp Strake 77301 CORPUS CHRISTl Box, Roy Edgar Tu 173 345 Colo St 78404 Britton, Charles H. Ttx 462 350 Bartlett Drive 78408 Grau, Fred Herman Tex 180 333 Texas Avanut 78404 Hutchinson, C. A., Jr. Colo 430 347 Troy Drive 7B412 Ingram, Burley G. Tex 374 Bod011 78415 McDonald, Benjamin F.,Jr. Tex 263 518 Texas 78404 Porter. Donald A. Okla 297 341 Merrill Orivs 78408 Reed, John A. Evans 130 610 Voky 78404 Rogers, James F. Tex 313 1639 IO!h St 78404 Townsend, R. Marvin Cor 555 4013 Dublin 78413 Travis, FtoydJ. Tex 371 3129llnier Or. 78415 Wenzelt,louisP.,I II Tex571 217 leming 78404 Willis, Michaell. lex 429 725 Elizabeth, Apt. 12 78404 CORSICANA Red. Theodore P. Okla 601 P.O. Box 155B 75110 COTUllA Cotulla, William l. Tex 3B5 P.O. Box 459 7B014 Cotulla, William Paul Tex 195 78014 CREVE COEUR Tucker, John 0., 111 Pur 841 111 S. JaoeSt. 71511 CROCKETI Turner, James W. Tex 604 P.O. Box 811 75835 CRYSTAL CITY Carr, Ronnie G. Tax 552 710 N. 111h S!. 78B39 Smith, Frank F.• Jr. Tex 527 420 E. Crockett 7B839 DALHART Pigman, James William, Jr. Tex 230 822 Denver Ave. P.O. Box 950 79022 DAllAS Ate.. nder, William J. Colo 442 3851 Whitehall75229 Barbour,JosephW. Tex248 9409 Estate line 7523B Beck, Merrill E. lnd 280 12017 Orujon lane 75229 Brooks, Charles Henry, Jr. Tax 40 380B Stanford 75225 Brown, MaNin lee Tex 103 432B Sttnhopl St. 75205 Bullock, Mark W. Nebr 387 6517 Roy1l Crest 75230 Carr, Arnold Plack Yale 8 6800 Hunters Glen Rd. 75205 Ceerley, GeorgeW. Tex 1B6 6417 Park l ane 75225 ChiPman, Cr~ig B. Kans 690 10612 ltthrop Drive 75229 Chernosty, Joe M. Tax 588 2720 Bonnywood 75233 Clardy , Bruce C. Tu 79 4012 Gtenwick 75205

Clark, Wesley G. Colo 539 Dept. of Pflarmacology 5323 Harry Hines 75239 Clerk, William B. Tex 226 2533 Turtle Creek 75219 Clintsmith, Frank C. Ken 524 B939 Boundbrook 75231 Collins, LCD A Millford E. USN RET TriSI14 7233 Westbrook l 1nt 75214 Crafton, Robert l. Art 21 7017 East G,.od 75113 Cullum, K1nneth H. Pur 7BO 3624 Princess lane 75229 Davis, Wesley C. Val• 144 Southern Methodist Univ. 75222 Eaton, lyndon 0. Okla St 2B1 2615 Andrea 7522B Ensey , Or. James E. Okla1 22 310 Preston-Royal Med. Ctr. 75230 Foote, RobertS. Ill 579 7619 Indian Spring Rd. 75240 Forraster, Terry N. Te• 398 11222 Fernald Ave. 75218 Georges, William Wis 437 4915Wedgewood 75119 Gibson,JamesW. Tax 498 4112 Bowser, Apt. 210 75219 Goodman, Robert H. PennSt 416 4921 Millcreek Circle 75234 Gratigny , BelmontW. Nebr 373 3529 S. Western Blvd. 75230 Grindell , Donald 0. Wis 47 4301 Armstrong Parkway 75205 Harper, Philip C. Nebr 364 6326 Glendora 75230 Hart, Raymond M. Okta 289 6467 Orchid Lin• 75230 Hoffer, Frank C. Tex 543 4131 Melisa 75119 Hutchinson , Thomas S. Colo 424 3981 Cobblestone 75229 Irion. Jack E. Tu 270 7657 La Balsa75240 Johnson, Bruce 0 . Ia St 348 11575 E. Ricks Circle 75230 Jones, David l. Tex 563 181B S.arty 75111 Kellogg, Erie E. Okla 67B 5638 Monticello 75206 Kilby, JackS. Ill 601 7713 Midbury 75130 Kletz, Dural M. OklaSt 335 1710 S. Doughlos 75119 leMey ,Sonley R. Ttx43 4605 Wert lover's lent 75209 ley , Roa H. Ken 494 4617 Alii Visto 75119 lund, Fredrick C. Minn 416 4315 Wiod10r Pl<wy 75105 McCarthy, Chu. l. Ark 90 7017 Eost G,.od 76113 MacDonald, James l . Tex 688 1906 Kesslor 75108 Maciver, Ernest D. Minn512 551 North lake Drive 75218 Matoan, Walter T. Tex 338 11406 Crest Brook 78230 Mathey, Fabyan C. Ark 89 6429 Orchid lane 75230 McMahon, Frank Byerly Tex 158 4320 West Potomac 75205 Mayer,FrederickMilltr Harv276 a., 359 75111 Meyer, Willis G. Nebr 368 1400 Rep . Bank Bldg. 75101 Misicka, Jay A. Ill 694 4718 Thunder Rd . 75234 Nelson, Ronald W. Okta 708 4319 Buena Vista, Apt 3 75105 Noble, W. G., Jr. lex 924 241B Club Manor 75224 Patterson, Tommy H. CentSt 51 3736Weeburn 75229 Plattner, John W. Syr 396 12635 High Meadow 75234 Porcher, louis lex 53 3624 Greenbrier75225 Quinn, lester H. lnd 2 4020Junius 75210 Roark, V. Eldridge. Jr. lSU 168 9853 Shoreview Rd. 75238 Roe, Michael E. Colo 752 9112 Shoreview Rd . 7521B Rohrbaugh, 0. E. E. Pur452 4640 Fairfax 75209 Ro•, Horace B. Oh ioSt 322 9706 Forest Ridge 7523B Rothermel , Paul Tex 253 1401 Elm 75101 Scon, John M. Tex 573 3112 Caruth 75225 Shapland, Robert C. Rens 28 10936 Scotsmeadow Or. 75218 Smith, Blaine H., Sr. Okla 714 4017 Travis St. 75204 Smith, Kirkland G. Tu 471 4114 Normandy 75205 Steele, lendelt E. Okla 432 9922 Donegal Drive 7521B Stewart, Charles L Tex 466 2800 Republic Bank Bldg. 75201 Swutt, George G. Tex 176 • 1301 MainS!. Dallas Title Co. 75202 Town•nd, Robert B. lnd 653 3415 Chaparral Or. 75234 Tripp, larry E.• M.D. Colo 600 821 N. Plymouth 75211 Van Wincket, Richard H. Tu 473 1143 Nolte Drive 75208 Vaupel, Edwin A. Kans St 1B1 3744 Merrell Road 75229 Vottellf, Theodort Wis 259 6B19 Robin Rd. 75209 Wt:st, Ron~ld M. Pur 768 9778 Maptehill 75238 Yerborough, Oontld V. Tex 215 4625 N. lindhurst 75229 Yarborough, Harvey J~ekson Tex 105 3932 Centenary 75225 Young, Rutll. CentSt 52 8141 Woodhue Aold 75202 Yowell, Howard A. Tax 524 2206 Gilford 75235 DEl RIO Mtnhall, Gilbert Cathell W'as 95 Bo• 93B 78840

TEXAS to be continued in next issue.

Ohio State team makes some halftime tactics changes.

Tournament was launched. Whether due to the Illinois Wesleyan brothers' hospitality, the success of their pinmates in rounding up their sharper sorority sisters to entertain the visiting brothers, the remarkable properties of the local version of "purple passion" punch or the indefiable spark that is generated whenever a hundred Acacians get together for a good time, the brothers returned to their home chapters with such a favorable impression of the tournament that at the Illinois-Indiana province meeting at the New Orleans Conclave it was decided to continue the tournament as an annual, traveling event. The 1967 host was Illinois, with six other chapters participating. In addition to the first year's teams, newly chartered Tri-State made its Acacia debut, and the Miami brothlers arrived from distant Oxford, 'I Ohio. Focus of the tournament in 1Champaign was Kam's, a laissez 'I faire watering hole renowned for its ;informal atmosphere, plumbing and 1outstanding graffiti collection. The gratifying experiences of the Midwest chapters recommend a similar annual event to Acacia chapters in other parts of the nation as a builder and strengthener of fraternal feeling. Could an annual tournament work in your area? Basketball recommends itself because as an indoor sport it can be played reOCTOBER, 1968

I. W. U. team, non playing brothers, and pinmates.

gardless of the weather. Late winter is usually a slack time in other activities, making it easier for chapters to work a tournament into their calendar, though of course the danger of adverse travel conditions hangs over every tournament. Midwest experience has taught that gettoge thers should be one-day affairs; visiting brothers are always anxious about getting started on the long drive back and hitting the books for Monday morning classes. Although the idea of holding a province retreat in conjunction with the tournament, with meetings and workshops, has occurred each year, the large number of teams in the Midwest Tournament has necessitated a full day of play-offs, leaving little time for formal meetings. Such a format might be practicable in areas

with fewer chapters, however. The most important factor in success is a willingness on the part of each chapter's member to fit the tournament into their personal schedules, setting aside some other activity on a certain weekend or talking a recalcitrant pinmate into going along. But too often a chapter can go on year after year, knowing only its own traditions and experiences, missing the opportunity to share a common experience with those who share a common heritage. Acacia becomes a badge on a blazer pocket instead of a national brotherhood. If there are several chapters within reasonable traveling distance of some common center, the only real requirement for success is a willingness to "put out" for the benefit of Acacians you have never met.

Purdue, Indiana, and Illinois Wesleyan brothers line up for steaks at Sunday noon banquet.


Walter Desmond leaving for a meeting of th e H ouse of Delegates.

The national government secretly participates in campus elections in Nicaragua, Walter Demond, an Acacian at The University of Texas, discovered last summer. The Nicaraguan government sometimes gives a favorable student candidate free printed material for his campaign, and scholarships to lessen financial bu rdens. Demond knew campus politicians who received such support, because the existing regime believed it was advantageous to have proGovernment student leaders. "We aren't as politically active as they are," Acacia's representative in the university's House of Delegates said. U niversity students there participate more in both campus and national politics than their North American counterpar ts. Typical Nicaraguan students are not university-oriented, though, like college students in the United States. Life in this Cen tral American Country centers around the family. "T hey were surprised about all the time I spent with my university friends-studying together, and eating together, and running around.'' Latin Americans enjoy parties similar to fraternity parties. Bands 22

play, and people dance, but the music is dated. "A Hard Day's Night," for example. At their parties, parents usually attend to insure "everything's above the table." Demond taught English at the Nicaraguan-American Cultural Center in Managua last summer. The international studies major used the opportunity to learn about Nicaraguan customs, and to spread understanding of the American way of life. The skills he learned in rush, as assistant rush chairman, and as a freshman orientation advisor at T exas, helped him sell American mores, which is the main purpose of the Cultural Center. Demond taught Nicaraguans how to read and speak English. In the introductory course, he read English sentences to the class, they repeated the sentences imitating his native tongue and he criticized their attempts. Fluency in Spanish was necessary to conduct this introductory class.

English words and sentences had to be explained in Spanish. Knowledge of Spanish proved less important in his¡ advanced class. In this class, advanced students and the teacher discussed assigned English prose in English. The Texan and his students often digressed to compare the two cultures, Nicaraguan and American. H ere he learned what he considered to be more than he could hope to experience in one summer. The Cultural Center gave Demond a job, and a Nicaraguan family gave him a home. Last year, the Acacian met a Nicaraguan through a mutual friend, a Pi Beta Phi at Texas. When Francisco Jose Arias, Jr. learned Demond might work in Managua the coming summer, he invited him to stay with his family. The college student had earlier written the Nicaraguan Embassy about summer employment. His qualifications included a major in international studies and a minor in Spanish.

Th e A cacian, right, and Fran cisco Jos e Arias, Jr ., his Nicarauguan friend, converse in S panish in the Latin American's Austin dorm. Th e Life Magazine is printed in Spanish.



Texas Member By John G. Edwards Texas Chapter

Demond has always been active in school activities, also. President of the student body in high school, Demond was elected president of his pledge class and is now the chapter's vice president. While in high school at Del Valle, Texas, he was voted "Mr. Del Valle." The embassy referred his letter to the Cultural Center who hired him at $1.50 an hour. Demond was notified he had been accepted the day before he was to leave. Luckily, he had already filed for a Visa; it came the day he left for Central America. But his trip south was a wild and unorganized rush. Even a telegram takes a day to reach Nicaragua from the States. So the Arias family was not expecting him when he did arrive. Lost and helpless in the midst of Spanish speaking natives, he called the Cultural Center and an employee took Demond to the Arias home. Francisco was out, and his father, Fran, was the only one home. His

chauffeur stayed a few minutes to translate and then left. Demond's broken Spanish embarrassed him so much he didn't even try to start conversation. "We just sat and watched TV," he explained. " He would occasionally look up and we'd smile at each other." Gradually, the rest of the family arrived at home. When they took Demond as a son, the family already was rearing Francisco, his sister ( Azucena), an orphan, and their cook's daughter. His father is by Nicaraguan standards wealthy. Like a hero out of Horatio Alger, Francisco Jose Arias worked his way from poverty to middle class. The Acacian listened to popular American music on the radio, or watched television after breakfast. O!d American cartoons came on TV at 12. Betty Boop still speaks English, but Wally Gator and all the Hanna Barbara cartoons are dubbed in Spanish. Demond said a

Desmond, left, his little brother m the fraternity David Dunlap, and dates at an Acacia party.

large part of the population spoke English in addition to Spanish. All Nicaraguan businesses closed an hour for lunch, and the father came home to eat with his family. Proud of his humble beginnings, Fran usually ate Nicaraguan foods, a poor man's diet. The rest of the family preferred American foods. Only the rich can afford American goods, which sell at twice their prices in the States. The businessman's meal included thick hot buttered tortillas, a native stew that tastes like "a New England boiled dinner," a cheese that looks like "solidified sour cream," fruit juice, and ice cream. He also ate cow tongues, and sucked on raw turtle eggs occasionally, but these are considered delicacies. Chico Che (which is to Francisco as Bill is to William) said that Demond was afraid Nicaraguan food wouldn't be nutritious, and brought vitamin pills. "By the end of his stay, he was eating as a pig." About 3 p.m. every day, the English teacher arrived at the Cultural Center to prepare for classes. His classes cut a broad cross section from Nicaraguan social strata. One of his students was the nephew of the President of Nicaragua. Others were lower class boys who wanted to get ahead and still others were probably prostitutes who needed to speak English for more immediate purposes. During the summer, the Acacian became good friends with the Nicaraguans he met. "We hope that you'll be laughing when you receive this card," two female students wrote in a Christmas message. "These two devils" want to cut up in his class again next summer. Demond would like to return, but as a member of a special seminar class in international communications, he may be offered a chance to work in Chile, or Peru.


TRIAD ESSAY IT'S TIME TO ¡GET INVOLVED EDITOR'S NOTE: The following essay is actually an address given at the Founder's Day Banquet held at the University of New Hampshire on April 30, 1967, and is by Richard F. Stevens who is a Charter Member of the New Hampshire Chapter and currently Dean of Students at Rhode Island University. Because of the nature of the address and the thought-provoking content, it was decided to run this address at this issue's Triad Essay.

I never expected to be guest speaker at a Founders' Day Banquet for the New Hampshire Chapter of Acacia, when we were installed as a chapter almost 18 years ago. However, I do appreciate the invitation and I hope my comments may be somewhat helpful. They are intended to be constructive but perhaps not complimentary. I will not direct my remarks solely to you as Acacians but rather to you as fraternity men-members of a fraternity system-perhaps on occasion to you as my own fraternity brothers. As some of you know I do not consider myself a "rah-rah," "gungho" fraternity alumnus. Perhaps it's because those of us who initially started Acacia Fraternity at UNH saw something in it which we didn't feel other chapters on campus were offering to some of the men who wished to join fraternities. We were serious about our efforts and our interests. For almost two years after our installation we had no house-no place to live and no place to call our own. We had problems and we worked hard to overcome them because we honestly felt we were working for something that was really worthwhile and something that would be of value to the men who followed us. Perhaps these problems and difficulties provided us with the necessary impetus to work that much harder for the chapter-an impetus and a motivation that is not as evident today. Neither am I here today to "pat you on the head" and complement you on a job well done. You know individually, and I hope as a group, whether or not you are doing a good job. Conversely, I sincerely hope you realize if you are not doing what you expect of yourselves as individuals or a chapter. Nor do I feel it necessary today to talk with you about the fraternalism, the principles and the ideals of Acacia Fraternity. Your ceremonies of this past weekend should make all of these more meaningful to you than I possibly could do.



However, I would like to give you some of my personal comments and reactions to fraternities as a system and at UNH in particular. During the past three years of my work in the Dean of Students Office I have become increasingly aware of many students here and across the country who have become more active, more interested and more involved in the affairs of their world. I'm not referring to just the ones often described as the "long-hairs"-the "beatniks"-the "pacificists"-the "activitists"-but, more the large percentage of responsible young adults who demonstrate a sincere, active role in those affairs which concern them and their fellow men. I am convinced that a fairly large segment of our own student body is more interested, more involved and more concerned with the overall University environment as well as national and international affairs; but, I am not at all certain that these feelings are prevalent to any great degree within the fraternity system or its membership. An article in Time Magazine last year quoted an Amherst College fraternity report as indicating that fraternities have become out of place in our present day. The report stated that the "possibilities for their reform have been exhausted, and they now stand directly in the way of exciting new possibilities". This committee of deans, faculty members and alumni urged a shift to more broadly based residential societies to "wean the students into more mature forms of independent expression." I have read many study reports about fraternities, magazine articles, campus newspapers editorials and various fraternity publications, relating to today's role of the fraternity. But, in reviewing the reality of fraternities today, I cannot help but be reminded of a Biblical quotation, "be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, , deceiving your own selves." In my opinion, the real challenge facing us in fraternities today is that of doing those things about which we seem to be taking years in just writing and talking. If we truly believe that our fraternities are sound and valuable organizations on our University campus: -then WHY is the percentage of students who join Greek Societies shrinking steadily, in spite of the tremendous increase in undergraduate men? -then WHY do so many fraternities consider themselves beyond the scope of University administration and assistance, except when it's to the fraternity's advantage to seek such help? -then WHY has the fraternity system remained in its own isolated



sphere where too often the primary concern and interest is only on the social life? -then WHY do the fraternity leaders lack the initiative or concern needed to make fraternities "an integral part of the University," whose function is to provide the student with a sound formal education? -then WHY are fraternities unable or unwilling to accept theresponsibility for their group actions as well as the responsibility for the conduct of individual members? -then WHY do so many of our chapter houses have such poor fi. nancial structure, weak advisory programs and in some cases even weaker alumni relationships? I could continue asking WHY about several other vital areas of fraternity life and structure. However, it is too easy for me to merely ask such questions. I think we all talk a lot, write a great deal, and read extensively about the fraternity issue. Isn't it really about time we were doing something about it? University life is moving too fast for us to just wait-hoping and praying that somehow fraternities will remain untouched and unspoiled by the changing campus. Let's not kid ourselves-we may be in real trouble-in danger of being lost and forgotten along the roadside because we were only "hearers of the word and not doers." Every one of our chapters is founded upon basic ideals and principles. These are important. They need not and probably should not be changed. However, they must be supplemented and broadened by a positive and aggressive program within the fraternity devoted to the individual, academic and social development of each fraternity member and the entire fraternity system. This cannot be a haphazard effort -every chapter, every officer, every member and every advisor must assume an active, working role. I am convinced that at the University of New Hampshire the fraternities will find willing and capable support and assistance from the administration and faculty and even alumni-providing the fraternities are genuinely interested and actively willing to be a positive, constructive segment of the University community. Today's college student is coming to us better prepared, more inquisitive, more demanding and more free in his thinking and beliefs. The task on our rapidly expanding and sometimes impersonal campus is to meet this young man with an organization and a program which will attract him and sustain him throughout his college career and his later life. As leaders in the fraternity system, we must stop deceiving ourselves. We should be willing to defend our beliefs through positive thought and action; but also be willing to admit to ourselves and to others that we do make mistakes, and then be willing to take action to avoid repetition of the same mistakes. I doubt if any



of us would be present here today if we did not believe in fraternities and feel they can be an important part of the University. This belief and feeling must be transmitted into active planning and programmining if we want the fraternity system to continue in existence-to say nothing of its making any progress. In my opinion, this activity needs to be aimed at several areas of fraternity life: First-A definite need for improvements and changes in fraternity rushing and pledging programs. The Rah-rah, pledge-or-die appeal and the "fun and games" approach to fraternity membership is on the way out. To me this may well be a benefit. From my observation too much time is spent in our pledge activities on those things which have a detrimental effect on the academic and personal conditions of the individual pledges. At a time when many pledges need to devote more time and effort to their studies, the fraternity too often creates projects which are void of any academic endeavors. My comments at the last IFC meeting and at the IFC Banquet this week should leave no questions in the minds of fraternity leaders about the problem of pledging activities. My question is-What, if anything, will you do about it? Second-A careful and basic evaluation of the scholastic and academic achievements of the fraternity members, individually and as a group. Does a fraternity allow its members to take full advantage of their own abilities as well as the educational program being offered by the University? Although most chapters manage to achieve group averages above the All Men's Average, the difference is usually only slight. With our present problems of inadequate space and study conditions in University housing, fraternities are in an enviable position to provide facilities and the environment for conductive study conditions. How many of you know fraternity men who move out of the house to avoid the confusion and distractions which may have contributed to a slump in grades? Third-Full consideration of the advantages and / or values to be derived by the leadership opportunities within the chapter house and the fraternity system. Do we, as adult leaders and administrators, provide the necessary guidance for these student leaders? We all know that many of the outstanding leaders of the student body are members of fraternities. However, are some of these leaders the same men who are too busy with other organizations to contribute a portion of their time and abilities to the leadership of their own chapter? OR-did these men not find the opportunity or the challenge for leadership within their fraternity? One of the basic responsibilities of a fraternity man is to accept leadership within the chapter. It should not be too difficult for him to achieve a suitable balance between his own house and other organizations.



Fourth-A better understanding and use of the potential of a small, group-living unit in fostering improved student-faculty relationships, as well as closer ties between the members. This is a grossly under-developed area. In the eyes of many students it is becoming more and more difficult for students to get to know their professors. In some cases our classes may be too l"arge; or it may be a conflict between the schedules of the student and professor. In the fraternity living unit there is an ideal opportunity for both students and faculty to satisfy the need for closer, more personal relationships and informal education. To accomplish this the initiative and invitation must come from the students and the fraternity. I have commented upon only a few areas which I feel should be seriously considered by each fraternity and IFC. The possibilities are unlimited in what fraternities can accomplish if they so desire. The fraternity system will always be open to question and criticism from many areas. How we react to this criticism and what we do about it could well be the deciding factor in the future of our fraternity systems. The basic question remains as to whether or not the fraternities and their members are willing to accept responsibility and then are they willing to do something with that responsibility? I would like to close with a quotation which has special meaning for me and hopefully for each Acacian here today. To me it expresses very clearly the sentiments I have tried to express. Acacia credo: "I am an Acacian. I hold a trust for all good Americans-those who were Acacians before me, those who are now, and those who will become Acacians in the future. In the Acacia spirit I charge myself with responsibilities; to better my fraternity's record. I am an Acacian wherever I may happen to be. I gladly contribute my honest share of effort, and wish to serve Acacia to the best of my ability. I will always think of Acacia as one of the best fraternities; its rich heritage of principles having been fostered so that I might enjoy a fine fraternal opportunity. I am an Acacian .. I am proud of it." I am an Acacian. I am proud of it. Are you?



Cornell Alumni Heads Committee Robert T. Snowdon, an alumnus of the Cornell Chapter, has been named chairman of the Labor Relations Committee for Empire State Chamber of Commerce (New York). The Empire State Chamber has a membership of I000 business firms and over 180 loca'l Chambers of Commerce and statewide trade associations with an underlying membership of more than 80,000 business firms. The Labor Relations Committee is composed of representatives from business and industry, and specialists in the labor relations field from all parts of the state. It develops legislative recommendations and po1icy positions in its field for

Charles W. Cole Dies in Indiana

Robert T. Snowdon

business and residents of the state of New York. Snowdon is Director of Industrial Relations for the Motor Components Division of the Bendix Corporation, located in Elmira. Active in civic events and community programs, he headed the Community Chest-Red Cross Campaign and Christmas

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:~~:~~~ l:~~~~~i;~~~~::ives



and takes action on proposed legislation that would not be in the best interest of both

County Committee on Alcoholism and a member of the Elmira YMCA Board.


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chapter first won the basketball trophy in a playoff, but was dropped to fifth when the IFC dedared a player inelgible. This disqualification meant that the chapter had to finish no lower than first place in track to retain the championship. Spurred into making their best effort, the chapter won the track meet by some 40 points over their nearest rival.







Charles W. Cole, an alumnus of the Purdue Chapter, died recently in South Bend, Indiana. At the time of his death, he was the president of the Charles W. Cole & Son engineering firm, listed as one of the top 500 design firms in the United S·tates in the Engineering News Record. Cole began his own business as a consulting engineer, and was joined by his son in 1939 and both served as engineers a·nd architects for three of the War Department's largest ordinance p'lants in Indiana and Illinois. He was a founder of the Jefferson National Life Insurance Co. of Indianapolis and the Ready~Mix Concrete Co., Indianapolis. He was also president of the School Planning Corp. of South Bend. A member of the Purdue University Board of Trustees from 1944 to 1949, he also served on the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors . Cole was a member of the National and Indiana Societies of Professional Engineers and the American Public Works Association. He a'lso belonged to South Bend Country Club, the Indiana Club, the Junto Club, the Chamber of Commerce and the First Presbyterian Church. He graduated from Purdue in 1912, and while there, was a member of Acacia and Iron Key, and was treasurer of the class of 1912.



Former Illinois Engineer Dies Walter B. Worsham, an alumnus of the Illinois Chapter, died recently at his home in Springfield, 111inois. He was a former engineer for the state of Illinois and a former physics instructor at the University of ltlinois. An active alumnus, he recently presented the chapter with a new set of encyclopedia books. Worsham was a member of the National Society of Profes~ional Engineers, l'llinois Society of Professional Engineers, Illinois Association of Highway Engineers, Paris Lodge 268 AF & AM (past commander for 55 years), member of the Flower City Chapter I 52, Springfield Council 2, Ansar Temple, Royal Order of Jesters, Senior Patrol Association, Springfield Consistory, Society of Sigma Xi, past president of the Patrol Association, past patron of the Palestine Commandery No. 27 Knights Temp'lar, and received the Recipient of Super Excellent Degree in I927.

Alabama Members Head IFC Publication Four members of the Alabama Chapter are on the staff of "Greek Columns," the publication of the Interfraternity Council at Alabama. Edward Law, who is Chapter Treasurer, is Co-Editor, and Charles Langham, Chapter Secretary, is Copy Editor. Also on the staff are Bill Howell, Chapter Rush Chairman, who is Photo Editor, and John McAdams, Past Venerabfe Dean, who is Typographer. OCTOBER, 1968

Truman E. Hienton: Captain of Achievement Truman E. Hienton, an alumnus of the Iowa State Chapter, recently received the Golden Plate Award naming one of fifty National Captains of Achievement by the American Academy of Achievement. Brother Hienton is head of the Farm Electrification Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This award is further recognition for an award received earlier, the Cyrus Hall McCormick Medal for "exceptiona1 and meritorious engineering achievement in agriculture." The first award was given by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Dr. Hienton directs a staff of 31 engineers working with agricultural engineering departments in I8 state Agricultural Experiment Stations. He has been a pioneer in the uses of electricity in agriculture, developing ways to save human energy, increase food production, provide environmental control, advance farm income and improve 1iving conditions. He received his B.S. in

Truman E. Hienton

agriculture from Ohio State University in 1921 and his B.S. in agricultural engineering from Iowa State University in 1926, where he became a member of Acacia as Iowa State No. 202. In 1938, Ohio State granted him the Professional Agricultural Engineering degree and, in 1950, he received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Purdue University. During World War II, he was an officer in the Army Ordinance Reserve and retired as a Colonel in 1958. Hienton is a Fellow in the American Society of Agriculturaf Engineers and was chairman of the Washington, D.C.-Maryland Chapter in 1963-64. 31

NATIONAL OFFICERS J. B. Beaird, 1811 Liberty Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102 Phone-Area 405 236-4309

National Judge Advocate:

ACACIA NATIONAL COUNCIL President: George F. Patterson, Jr.,

2624 Bremont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Phone-Area 513 631-5421 First VIce President: Marvin Logan, 2614 Flossmoor St. , Apt. 4, Flossmoor, Ill. 60422 Second VIce President: Irving M. Field, P.O . Box 495 Pullman, Wash. 99163 Phone-Area 509 567-8611 Treasurer: L . W . Knapp, .Jr., 815 N. Linn, Iowa City, Ia. 52240 Phone-Area 319 338-4112 Coumelor: Raymond E. Bivert, 234 N. Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. 74074 Phone-Area 405 372-6963

HEADQUARTERS STAFF: Executive Secretary: Harvey L. Logan Assistant Executive Secretary: Barry J. Lyerly Field Secretaries:

Ron Hill, Tom Bolman Office Manager: Mrs. Audra B. Eikost Area 312 328-4915

COMMinEE CHAIRMEN: Finance: William Krieger,

1st National Bank Bldg. , Peoria, Ill. 61602 Scholarship: Willard L. Fuller,

22 Arden Place, Athens, Ohio 45701

ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC.: Post Office Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 President: W roe Owens VIce President: Oliver N. Bruck Secretary-Treasurer: Lamar Tims

ALUMNI CHAPTERS: Kansas City Alumni Association President: Marion E. R amsey

1121 West 77th St. Kansas City, Mo. 64114 Area 816 523-6234 Meetings-Every Tuesday at noon, Advertising & Sales Exec. Club, 913 Baltimore, K.C., Mo. and every third Wed., 6 :30 P.M., Twin Oaks Restaurant, 5050 Oak St., K .C., Mo. Houston Alumni Association President: Woodrow W. Mann, Jr. Woodrow Mann & Co.

American Building Houston, Texas

Meetings-Second Tuesday of every odd numbered month, 7: 30 P.M., Geo Club, 3130 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas Seattle Alumni Association President: Charles E. Perry

8017 Stroud Avenue, N. Seattle, Wash. 98103 Phone-Area 206 La 3-1580 Meetings-Second Thursday, Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar., June Founders' Day Banquet 2nd Saturday of May Contact-W. Dexter, Secy 503 N. 42nd St. Seattle, Wash. 98103 Phone : Me 3-5749





Texas: Oliver N. Bruck

Michigan, Ohio: To be appointed

P.O. Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 Phone-HO 5-8551 , Area 512 Pennsylvania, Cornell, Syracuse: To be appointed

Kansas, Missouri: Robert B. Miller 127 W. Culton, Warrensburg, Mo. 64093 Phone-Area 816 747-9161

Washington, Oregon: John L. Martinsen

Colorado, Wyoming: Roy F . Miller

New England States, Rensselaer: Richard F. Stevens

21 7 Dietrich Bldg. Box 1090, Pocatello, Idaho Phone-232 -1731

36 Dendron Rd., Peace Dale, R .I. 02883 Illinois, Indiana: H. L. Kibler

114 N.W. Second St., Paoli, Indiana 47454 Phone-Area 812 723-2260

Iowa, Nebraska: .Jacob Wegmuller 802 Summit Street, Iowa City, Iowa Phone: Area 319 337-9627

Louisiana, Mississippi State: To be appointed

Northern California: Edward

Wisconsin, Minnesota: Robert E. Jepson

J. Willig, Jr. 1465 Southdown Road, Hillsborough, Calif. 94010

6208 Parkwood Rd., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424

Southern California, Arizona: Bradford C. Ayers

Georgia, Alabama, Unlv. Tennessee: Edwin P. Kohler, II

13937 Hawes Street, Whittier, Calif. 90605

616 Williams, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Phone-Area 404 875-5780

Oklahoma, Arkansas: William P. Adams 3424 N. Utah, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73112



THE TRIAD DIRECTORY ALABAMA-P.O. 3497, University, Alabama 35486. Phone Area 205 752-4530. Venerable D~an-L eo nard J . Jowers, Rush Chairman-William A. Howell , Chapter Adviscr-Wm. M. Terrill , 3109 Freemon! Drive, Tuscaloosa , Alabama 35401. ARIZONA-1450 N . Cherry, Tucson , Arizona 85719, Phone Area 602 793-1181 . Venerable Dean--William Welter , Rush Chairman-Bruce Safriet , Chapter Adviser- Or. Darrell Metcalf , 5811 E . 9th , Tucson, Arizona 87511 . ARKANSAs-240 Stadium Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 , Phone 501 442-6276, Venerable Dean-Harry K . Bjornberg, Rush Chairman- Patrick W. Segraves , Chapter Adviser- Or . Arthur E . Spooner, 2272 Briarwood Lane, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. BOSTON-197 Baysta te Rd ., Boston , Mass. 02215 , Phone Area 617 247-8487 , Venerable Dean- ·Robert Roseman , Rush Chairman-Arnold Croft , Chapter Adviser-G. David Hubbard , 164 Nahant Ave ., Winthrop , Mass. 02152. CALIFORNIA-2340 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, California 94704, Phone 415 845-9220, Venerable D ean- Richard A. Juarez, Rush Chairma n- R obert C. Brehm , Chapter Adviser-Otto Schrader, 90 Overhill Rd ., Orinda , Calif. 94563 CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AT LONG BEACH-51 LaVerne , Long Beach , California 90803 , Phone Area 213 433-9039, Venerable Dea n- Robert N. Jones , Rush Chairman-Nick J abuka, Chapter Adviser-Joseph Reed , 6101 Luplow , Garden Grove, California 92641. CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE-North Ellis Hall- Rm I. North Ellis Hall - C .M .S.C. Warrensburg. Mo . 64093 , Phon e Area 816 1808, Venerable D eanRichard W. Blowers , Rush Chairma n- Mike Reeser, Chapter adviserClarence R . Pearce, Rt. 5, Warrensburg, Mo . 73034 CENT,RAL STATE COLLEGE-230 East Main , Edmond , Oklahoma 73034, Phone Area 405 754-9834, Venerable Dean- Charles Musson , Rush Chairman- Mark Mades, Chapter Adviser- Aris Prewitt, Rt. I , Box 16A, Edmond , Okla. 73034. CINCINNATI-2623 University Court, Cincinnati , Ohio 45219, Phone Area 513 961-7898, Venerable Dean- John Leidner , Rush Chairman- William Montgomery, Chapter Adviser-John R . Hice, 4508 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati , Ohio 45219 . COLORAD0-955 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80304, Phone Area 303 442-9410, Venerable Dean-Calvin Gableman, Rush Chairman-David Ary, Chapter Adviser-COLORADO STATE COlLEGE-1715 lith Avenue, Greeley, Colorado 80631, Phone Area 303 352-9840, Venerable Dean-C. Lanny Munson, Rush Chairman-James Wilson , Chapter Adviser-] . Max Lubben, 2010 21st Avenue , Greeley , Colo. 80631. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY-1510 South College, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521 , Venerable Dean-David J. Henckel, Rush Chairman- Dave Ritchie , Chapter Adviser-Or. Deane M. Carter, 136 Yale Ave., Fort Collins , Colorado 80521. CORNEU--318 Highland Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, Phone Area 607 272-15617. Venerable Dean-Paul A D onovan , Rush Chairman-John C . Toole , Chapter Adviser-0. Earnest Bangs, 731 Cayuga Heights Rd. , Ithaca. N.Y. 14850. GEORGI 25 N. Milledge Ave. , Athens, Georgia 30602, Phone Area 404 548-7093, Venerable Dean-C. Kent Wiemeyer, Rush Chairman-Joseph H . Porter_, Ghapter Adviser-Major B. Rice, C & S Bank Bldg., Atheru , Georgia 30601. ILLINOIS-50! E. Daniel, Chamfaign, lllinois 61822, Phone Area 217 344-1510, Venerable Dean-·Randal J . Stiles , Rush Chairman-Richard J . Lutz, Chapter Adviser-Haldean Bean, 209 W. High , Urbana, Illinois 61801 Chapter Adv.iser Emeritus- Or. George Ekblaw. ' ILLINOIS WESLEYAN-915 North Main Street, Bloomington , Illinois 61701 Venerable Dean-Guy Gebhardt, Rush Chairman-- Robert M . Houghton ' Chapter Adviser-Brooks Beaman, 15 Brookwood Drive, Normal , Ill . 61761 : INDIANA-702 E . Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47403, Phone Area 812 339-9716, Venerable Dean-Gregg Carter, Rush Chairman- Craig Trees, Chapter Adviser. IO.W A-202 Ellis Avenue, Iowa City Iowa 52241 , Phone Area 319 337-3101 Venerable Dean-Dennis Severson , Rush Ch;oirman-James Walbolt, Chap: ter Adviser-Or. David P . Carew, 1524 Muscatine Ave., Iowa City, Ia. 52241. 142 Gray Avenue , Ames, Iowa 50012, Phone Area 515 IOWA STATE 232-6410, Venerable Dean- John T . Lynch , Rush Chairman- J ames R . Ashpole. Jr., Chapter Adviser-John L . Martinsen , 211 Beach, Ames , Iowa 50010. KANSA$-1100 Indiana, Lawrence, Kans . 66004, Phone Area 913 843-7810, Venerable Dean- David F . Flora, Rush Chairma n- Robert E. Warner Chapter Adviser-Harold L. Craig, 1322 Massachusetts, Lawrence, Kansa 66044. KANSAS STATE-2005 Hunting Avenue , Manhattan , Kansas 66504, Phone Area 913 539-2369, Venerable Dean-Ken Mulanax . Rush Chairma nDick Marshall , Chapter Adviser- A. E . Mulanax , 2222 College H eights, Manhattan , Kansas 66502 . LOUISIANA STATE-Box AF , University Station , Baton Rouge , La . 70803 , Venerable Dean- John A. Fairbanks , Rush Chairma n- Dale Redma n, Chapter Adviser- Or. Mark Guidry, 5821 H yacinth Ave. , Baton Rouge. La. MEMPHIS STATE-595 S. Graham , Memphis , T ennessee 38111. Venerable Dean-Kenyon J. Hull , Rush Chairma n- Chapter Adviser-Herbert Butl er , 1862 Bartlett Rd ., Memphis Tenn. MIAMI-110 S. Campus. Oxford, Ohio 45056 , Phone Area 513 523-5944, Venerable Dcan- ·Brian C. Mont~~:omery , Rush Chairman-Roger E. Rathburn , Chapter Adviser- Robert Graham , 4 Wooster Place, Oxford , Ohio 450.'ili. MICHIGAN-Ann Arbor . Mich. MINNESOTA-1206 Fifth Street. S.E ., Minneapolis . Minnesota 55644. Phon e Area 612 331-5941 , Venerable Dean-Glenn H . Korfhage. Rush ChairmanGrady Newman , Chapter Adviser . Fred Faxvog, 5517 South Wentworth , Minneapolis . Minn . MISSISSIPPI STATE-P.O . Box CF, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi 39726, Venerable Dean-Gaston J . Jones, Jr.. Rush Chairman- Leonard Ring, Jr .. Chapter Adviser- Frank Sekyra, 100 Hogan Street, Starkville, Mississippi 39759.

MISSOURI AT COLUMBIA-Columbia, Missouri. MISSOURI AT ROLLA-508 West 9th Street, Rolla, Missouri 65401 , Phone Area 314 364-1217, Venerable Dean- Wendell D. Neumeyer, Rush Chairman- Robert Sta nfill , Chapter Adviser-Herbert Alcorn , Hobson Star Rt. , Rolla , Mo . 65401. NEB.R A'SKA-2255 Vine St. , Lincoln . Nebraska 68503 , Phone Area 402 435-2500 , Venerable D ean- Brad Baltensperger, Rush Chairma n- Craig Hinrichs , Chap ter Adviser-Keith Sawyers, 3233 S. 14th, Lincoln , Nebraska 68504. NEW HAMPSHIRE-10-20 Mill Road , Durham , New Hampshire, 68504 Phone Area 603 868-7762 , Venerable Dean- Wm. G . Newcomb, Rush Chairman- Rick Rust, Chap ter Adviser- Raymond E. M a theson , Box 393 Durham, New Hampshire 03824. NORTHWESTERN-61 0 Lincoln Street, Evanston , Illinois 60201, Phone Area 312 475-9566, Venerable Dean- Richa rd K enny, Rush Chairma n- Robert D ickson , Chapter Adviser--M el Verni , 112 L inden, Oa k Park Illinois 60203 . OHI0-1 07 E. State, Athens, Ohio 45701 , Phone 614 593-1850, Venerable Dean- Lance T eama n, Rush Cha irma n- Richard Ellis, Chapter AdviserOr . Calvin Baloun , II Cable Lane, Athens, Ohio 45701 . OHIO STATE-275 E. 15th Avenue , Columbus, Ohio 43201 , Phone Area 614 299-7552 , Venerable Dean- Albert L. Knicely, Rush Chairman- David E. Ozvat , Chapter Adviser- Steven E. Smith, 275 E. 15th Ave. , Columbus , Ohio 43201 . OKLAHOMA-823 Chautauqua , Norman , Okla homa 73069 , Phone Area 405 534-9246, Venerable Dean- Patrick C . Connor, Rush Chairman- Larry Naylor, Chapter Adviser-Edwin K . Greene, 71 5 Highland Pkwy, Norman , Oklahoma 73069. OKLAHOMA STATE-1215 University Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075, Phone Area 405 372-4920, Venerable Dean- Bill Burnett, Rush ChairmanJim Gro<sbcck, Chapter Adviser-Raymond E . Bivert, 234 N. Duncan, Stillwater, Okla . 74074. OREGON STATE-2857 Van Buren , Corvallis, Oregon 97331, Phone Area 503 752-9329, Venerable Dean- Tom L . Untcrnahrer, Rush Chairma nGreg Bowman, Cha pter Adviser- Delmer M . Goode, 225 N. 31st St., Corvallis, Oregon 97330. PENN STATE-234 Locust Lan e, Sta te College, Pennsylvania 16801 , Phone Area 814 238-3083, Venerable Dean- Thomas J . Haky, Rush Cha irma nDavid S. Rhoads , Jr ., Chapter Adviser-Or. G Kenneth Nelson , 501 Westvicw _Avenue , State College, Pa. 16801. PURDUE-609 Waldron Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906, Phone Area 312 H3-1883, Venerable Dean- Cary D . Riggs, Rush Chairman-J!reck F . Hanson , Chapter Adviser-Leonard E . Wood, 725 Allen , W . Lafayette, Indiana -1790€. RENSSELAER-4 Sunset Terrace , Troy, New Vork 12181 , Phone /\rea 518 272-9765, Venerable De~n-Robert L. Cudworth, Rush Chairma n- Roger W. Heinig, Chapter Adviser-James E. Brown, 16 Paul-'(\rt Lane, Troy, N.Y. 12180. SAN JOSE STATE-201 South 13th Street, San Jose , California 95112 , Phone 293-9611, Venerable Dean-Gary Lefmann . Rush Chairman- Alan F . Forrest, Chapter Adviser-Robert Morgan, 300 W. H edding, San Jose, California 95110. SHIPPENSBURG STATE-Box 279 Old Main , Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa . 17257, Phone Area 717 532-9953, Venerable DeanJohn Burgoon , Rush Chairman-Frank Reeder, Chapter Adviser-C. Robert Jacohy, 26 S. Penn Street, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257. SYRACUSE-756 Comstock Avenue , Syracuse, New York 13210, Phone Area 31j 476-8110, Venerable Dean- Kenton L . Meredith , Rush Cha irma nJoseph E. Peter, Chapter Adviser-Roger E. McFarland , 319 Glenwood Ave ., Syracuse , N.Y . 13207. TENNESSEE-1800 M elrose Avenue , Knoxville, Ten nessee 37916, Phone Area 615 523-9649. Venerable Dean-Robert M . Birkholz. Rush ChairmanDewey H. Hodges . Chapter Adviser-McKinley G. Braden, 5604 Marilyn · Drive. Knoxville . Tenn. 37914. TEXAS-2614 Rio Grande Street1 Austin , Texas 78705, Phone Area 512 472-7255 , Venerable Dean- C . Rtchard Watson. Rush Chairman- Richard A. Gump, Chapter Adviser-Wro Owens 2517 P ecos , Austin , T exas 78703. TRI-STATE COLLEGE-5 S. College, Angola , Indiana 46703, Phone 219 665-6318 . Venerable Dea n- Edward W. Bouma, Rush Chairman- Vincent J . Arizzi , Chapter Adviser- Leon VanderCreek , 415 S. College, Angola , Ind . UCLA-720 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024, Phone Area 213 474-9025 , Venerable Dean- Douglas Zimmerman . Rush ChairmanDrew Rusna k, Chapter Adviser-J ay L. Jorban , 71 33 Cozy Croft Dr ., Canoga Pa rk , Calif. 91306 . VERMONT-404 Collegr Street, Burlington . Vermont 05401 , Phone Area 802 864-7007, Venerable Dean-K eith Hilliker, Rush Chairman- Richard Racusen, Chapter Adviser- Or . George C. Crooks, 74 Spear Street, S. Burling to n ,

Venuon t.

WASHINGTON-5004 17th Avenue , N.E ., Seat tle , Wash ington 98105. Phone Area 206 524-0200. Venerable Dean- Dennis Dormaier . Rush ChairmanDon Hall . Chapter Arlviser-Donald P . H all , Apt. F-1 2, 623 South 248th , K en t , Washington 98031. WASHINGTON STATE-1 607 Ruby Street , Pullman . Washington 99163 , Phon e Area 509 332-2607, Venerable Dean- Robert Paine, Rush ChairmanT erry Guisinger . Chap ter Adviser- Les Liebel, Star Route, Box 3, Pullman , Washington 99163 . WISCONSIN-222 La ngdon . Madison, Wisconsin 53703, Phone Area 608 255-2965 Venerable Dean- Kcneth Van Dyke. Rush Chairman- Gerald H ana ue;, Chapter Adviser- William Watson , 222 La ngdon , Mad ison, Wisconsin 53703. WYOMING-Fra tern ity Park . Laramie. Wyoming 82071 , Phone Area 307 745-5354 Venerable D ean- Woodrow W . Hipsher, Jr., Rush ChairmanStephen ' C. Snow, Chapter Adviser- Stanley K . Brown , 608 Curtis , Laramie, Wyoming 82070. COLONIES University of Houston. 4223 Southwest Freeway, H ouston , T exas 77027. University of Northern Iowa. 355 Rider Hall , Univ. of No . Iowa . Northeast Louisiana State College, P .O . Box 4484 , Monroe, La. 71201

Second class postage paid at Evanston, Ill. and at additional mailing offices.

The Triad of ACACIA P.O. Box 1477, Evanston, Ill. 60204 Postma ster: Please send notice of Undeliverable cooies on For m 3579 to above address.

give to the

Acacia Educational Foundation

Inc. gifts devises Insurance legacies transfers Receive a tax deduction from the governmentReceive the gratifying feeling of giving to a needy Acacian to further his college

educationReceive the knowledge-that you have strengthened your own chapter by specifying it as the beneficiaryContributions and Inquiries should be sent to WROE OWENS, President P.O. Box 263 Austin, Texas 78767 Please make checks payable to


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