Acacia Triad - January 1969 - Vol. 65, No. 1

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This issue of The TRIAD features Conclave 68, held in Kansas City, last August 18-22. Conclave 68 was a successful and productive gathering of Brothers from across the nation. Those in attendance will agree that it was an unforgettable experience. The Kansas City Alumni Association did an outstanding job of assisting National Headquarters in making the local arrangements and acting as host to the delegates ..... Great changes are in store in the near future for the Fraternity as a result of Conclave action and as the new expansion program picks up steam ..... It has become apparent to this writer that the fraternity system must make a greater effort to become a more integral part of the campus community. This must be accomplished for the fraternity man to remain a leader and important voice in campus affairs. The last issue of The TRiAD (October) featured an article by Richard Stevens designed to provoke thought along this line. The address to the Conclave by Jerry A. Lilly, Theta Xi and Advisor to Fraternities at Kansas State University, is included in this issue not only because of its connection with activities at Kansas City, but also because it cites the need for change and involvment by the fraternity system. Your comments and suggestions concerning these articles are welcome. Fraternally,

New National Headquarters Address (effective December, 1968) 910 Twenty-Eighth Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone: Area 303/449-3323




John W. Hartman, Editor 4300 North Barnes, Apt. 100 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112

COVER: Conclave '68 Opens in Kansas City

TRIAD FEATURES Changes Needed in the Fraternity System

Page 2

Conclave '68

Page 8

"Tiny" Foltz

Page 17

Marvin Logan Appointed Alumni Director

Page 18

N.E. Louisiana Colony Formally Pledged

Page 20

National Perspective .

Page 21

Triad Times

Page 22

Triad Directory

Page 28

Second class postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Fifty cents per copy, $20.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere. Published quarterly by Acacia Fraternity,Š a college social fraternity , founded at the University of Michigan on May 12, 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference. Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters 910 Twenty-Eighth Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Printed by G. P. Gundlach & Co., General Printing Div., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jerry A. Lilly addresses 35th Biennial Conclave, Kansas City, August

18-22, 1968.

CHANGES NEEDED IN THE FRATERNITY SYSTE~ BY JERRY A. LILLY, THETA XI, Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Advisor to Fraternities, Kansas State University 2


There are probably present here today men who were undergraduates 32 years ago in 1936 when war movements began in the Rhineland, Ethopia was annexed by Italy and the Literary Digest predicted Alf Landon would beat Roosevelt in the latter's bid for a second term. (Some of these same men probably attended the 21st Biennial Conclave of Acacia Fraternity at Ann Arbor in 1937 and participated in bull sessions which were the predecessors to .leadership workshops such as you have on an organized basis today.) We also believe that there are present here today young men who will be active alumni 32 years hence and will be attending the 51st Biennial Conclave of Acacia held in the year 2000. This is actually a very short span of time when one stops to think about it. But given the benefit of those 32 years' age - - - how will you look back on your college fraternity years? What will you tell the young undergraduates it was like in the "good old year of 1968?" Certain things will stand out in your minds in the year 2000 as being stark contrasts to the way they were in 1968. By the year 2000 they will have passed into history and be remembered only as characteristics of a by-gone generation - - - just as those 1936 undergraduates can tell you today it was in their "good old days." First you will have to tell how we get our new members - - - through a maze of senseless and purposeless rules and regulations ---with a lot of third-party interference from deans, the college or university, the national fraternity and the IFC judicial or rushing committee. The term rush is very appropriate. Every undergraduate fraternity publication should contain this definition: "Rushing is that process conceived by deranged men to recruit more men to the ranks of the deranged. Its purpose is to

subvert the free-selection concepts fraternities say they stand for. And rushing is further designed to prevent the young men who might want to join a fraternity from making an honest decision based upon legitimate facts." Fraternities and IFC's operate from one big inferiority complex. We are afraid to have a rushee honestly compare our members with the others on our campuses. Therefore, we construct elaborate procedures of rules and regulations to try and " even the competition." We try to get them to judge and select on the basis of our scholarship record , intramural ranking, physical facilities, singing ability or collection of false-brass trophies - - - all things which are not, and cannot make, a fraternity. Because we started tricking new men into joining our ranks under these false pretenses, it became necessary a few decades ago to invent pledge training. That's when we stopped pledging men and started pledging hunks of clay so we could fit them into our own mold . So looking ahead, in the year 2000, we will describe how our fraternity operated in 1968: The pledges had to do as they were told - - - and certainly not as they saw fullfledged members act. If they memorized their lessons, attended study hall, appeared at all intramural games and song practices, dated the right girls, cleaned the house, escourted the housemother, sat up nicely at the dinner table, never talked back and above all, never uttered an idea or comment - - - in general just learned to kiss - - - - - - - we condescended to allow them to be initiated. The program was very much like the training for the house mascot. We were, of course, very modern. That is, we didn't actually physically mistreat the pledges. But we never mistreated "Old Rover"



either. We just did everything we could to mentally harass the dickens out of them. As for grades, we were very good at squeezing through. We had a compulsory study hall; everyone studies from 7 till 11 - - - that is, the pledges did. If that didn't work to improve their grades, we sent them to the library, believing, of course, that the academic environment would be absorbed by osmosis while they dreamed of the girl in the micro-mini-skirt at the next table. We didn't worry much about actives' grades because we felt that any man who had endured PLEDGE TRAINING had enough good study habits to carry him on for life. So, most of the actives ran around the house from one bull session or card game to another, played records, watched T.V. or called their girls. At about 11 or 12 o'clock they would take a break from these serious study activities and go out for a beer. When they got back at about midnight or one o'clock, there was still time to harass the pledges - - - before trying to memorize an old test out of the chapter's out-dated file system in preparation for the next day's examination. Our social program was one great big bore. We tried to out-do the neighbors by getting a louder rock band - - - which cost more money and sent the treasurer and alumni into orbit. We were too tired after the parties to clean-up; so we let the pledges do that. Several nights a week we had COMPUI.r SORY song practices, COMPULSORY intramural games, and COMPULSORY social mixers. We had a "social black-ball system," so that we dated only the right girls or invited only the right sorority to enter the sacred portals of our chapter house.



Our members ran for all sorts of campus political offices, participated in numerous activities and even created new ones when they had ten seconds on their hands. All these things were very important because they won for us greater prestige and more brass trophies - - - the better to hoodwink new rushees with. And if we had prestige, and a good showing on the ranking charts, and plenty of trophies, no one seemed to notice that the house was really hollow - - - empty - - - void - - - there were no men in our fraternity! Well, enough for the year 2000 and talking in the past tense. Some of you are already thinking that I have departed the world of the real. But if you think I have, let me assure you that what you have just heard is an accurate description of fraternities in 1968 . I have as no less an authority the hundreds of campuses I have visited since 1963. And for a refresher course, in current happenings, I read last year's issues of your Triad with great interest. These were the things you reported- - -as your strongest points -- - to your national magazine. Of course, you're not alone. All the other 60 nationals are with you. True also, you didn't report from the same perspective as I did , and you didn't use my language. Each of you here today is a leader of men or you wouldn't be in Kansas City. This means you are honest, sensitive and extremely perceptive. And the longer you ponder what I have described as the typical 1968 fraternity chapter program , the more you will agree that something is drastically wrong. Our shallowness is sticking out all over. Why have I spent the time to outline this description of our current fraternity system? Simply because our fraternities are engulfed in a large system of rules, regulations and traditional trivia completely void of the "personal touch." We preach individualism in our rituals and consitutions, and we cry for individual rights and responsibilities. But we have placed the group over the individual. We have left no room for the individual to think, mature and grow--- as our founding fathers intended it to be within the framework of that very liberal institution called a "fraternity." What has happened? Why have these conditions evolved in the great American College Fraternity System? Quite simply: we have stray ed from our founding principles! Fraternities can be called the first free universities in They were created as liberal institutions to satisfy student needs not being met by the state

and religious-oriented colleges of the day. They were the innovators, the sources of change, the challengers. Yes, even the protesters and the rebellious movement on their own campuses. But, somewhere along the way, we lost this unique quality which made the fraternity a viable part of higher education. I won't go into a historical analysis at this time. This subject has been adequately treated by many scholars. The point that we have strayed from our founding principles and no longer serve our stated purposes has been well established. And for some years now, the battle cries have been "What can we do?" "What is the future of fraternities?" "Where will we go from here?" "Is there a place for fraternities?" "Are fraternities dying?" I see the problem very simply. If we have, strayed from our founding principles, then why not return to what the fraternity was originally created to be and quit wasting all this time and money seeking and search unfounded answers in unusual places. The question is not "Will fraternities continue?", but "How and in what form?" Fraternities were an outgrowth of the very fact that students desire to get together and experiment with the ideas they have learned in the classroom and to test old theories on new minds. In other words, fraternities are for students. They are for individuals. They are not for groups. They are not for alumni. They are not for nationals. They are not for deans. The role of alumni counselors, nationals, interfraternity councils and deans should be that of contributors - - - not controllers. There are three paramount philosophies existent today among various national fraternities. One is simply COMMERCIAL. That national fraternity supplies the local chapter with all of its wants and desires and makes a profit while doing so. It seeks to serve society by taking some of that profit and turning it into housing funds and national educational scholarships. The second type of national philosophy is REGULATORY. Nationals operating under this philosophy believe simply that they may pass a rule or regulation and set a standard whereby all chapters and all undergraduates wearing their badges will fall into line and come out "uniformly good." Such nationals are characterized by strong alumni control and a very mediocre membership. The third philosophy which I see too little of, I call DEVELOPMENTAL. This is the philosophy of the national organiza-

tion which believes what its founders said. Since fraternities were founded to meet the needs of individual men, these national fraternities develop programs for this purpose. Their work is service-oriented in that they provide programs, literature and activities which are meant to challenge the human mind into thinking and acting on its own - - - not being told how to act. This is the so-called "liberal fraternity." But, then fraternities were created as liberal institutions. Why shouldn't they be LIBERAL in the truest sense of the word's meaning to education, which is, according to Webster, "suitable for a freeman." In the beginning fraternities had no pledges, because fraternity men were not interested in creating a second-class membership of subservients. They played sports when they felt like it because they wished to participate athletically as gentlemen - - - not as competitors striving for another quantity of brass. They sang when they pleased , usually over a stein, because they enjoyed each others' company as men and as individuals. They discussed the issues of the day and from these sessions developed the great minds of America. Over the years we have reversed this principle of the freeman and substituted therefore a straight-jacket of conformity which involves our present concepts of regulated membership selection (or rush if you still use that vulgar term), national and alumni control instead of advice and counsel, capitulation before insignificant deans, still operating in loco parentis and IFCs inflated with false pride and delusions of wisdom instead of a dedication to duty. It is my opinion that fraternities would be better disposed, stronger, and more viable organizations if they operated more separated from colleges and universities. On any given campus the fraternity system would be better served if alumni were organized together in an Alumni



Interfraternity Council which adopted the Chamber-of-Commerce approach and then proceeded to employ a local fraternity advisor to serve the needs of fraternity people in a given geographical area. On those campuses where there are fewer than a dozen fraternities, a local businessman could serve in this capacity on a part-time basis. Contract organizational management is coming of age in this country and in many cities you will find men who take their livelihood by administering several different organizations out of one office. This concept could easily be applied by a businessman to a small college fraternity system. These fraternity systems would receive far better advisement and counseling, and much better and more professional business advice and service, then they are now receiving from the so-called "professionals" on the various deans' staffs. This is a far-reaching proposal and will not come about overnight. But then fraternities only started requiring college and university recognition about the 1920's. Then we started requesting colleges to supply fraternity advisors and deans. Now it appears high time to reconsider for the future. And about that same time, national fraternity offices began developing into "national control centers" - --.sort of Victorian protectors of the status quo. I do not propose the abolition of national fraternities, or the erosion of national fraternity offices; but I believe that they need to be understood in the light of why they were created and the services they can really provide - - - not the control they can place upon an uncontrollable age group of young Americans. The only alternative to change is stagnation. The good years of the twenties, the depression years of the thirties, the war years of the forties and the complacent years of the fifties have simply left us straight in the fomenting years of the sixties. Progressive change will have to come about. We must progress to the



point that we serve the needs of the individuals in our charge. We must become facilitors--- in other words we must create an environment in which we allow each person to become ... to become that which he wants to be . . . that which he can be ... that which he has the potential to be. We have been too busy shaping the mold into which everyone must fit. We have become too pre-occupied with the details of dayto-day activities versus the long range, creative programs which we need. As only one example, what have you done in your local chapter during the preceeding year, or what do you have planned for the coming year, to facilitate human relations? And here I am not talking about civil rights or relations with the races, as much as I am about the human relations that everyone of us encounters 24 hours of every day. What have you done in your fraternity programs to help each one of your members know and understand himself more fully? What have you done to help him be a part of and contribute more fully to his family? What have you done to improve relationships among roommates beyond the conversation about tomorrow's academic requirements, last night's date, drinking and who you are going to date at the next party? What have you done in your chapters to promote true human understanding, one man to another, and therefore produce a brotherhood out of that conglomerate mish-mash of men you tricked into pledging your chapter? What have you done in your chapter programs to facilitate human relations among students, faculty and administration on your own campus; and I am not talking about teas, and receptions, and inviting the faculty to dinner, and having them present as chaperons (that ungodly idea) at your parties. I am talking about what do wedo everyday to understand everyone we come into contact with as a real human being - --something other than the relationship in which we must understand him, that of a professor, that of a businessman, that of a dean, that of a roommate. Only at this point will we be able to tackle racial, ethnic and nationality problems. Fraternities can contribute much to these latter areas; but fraternities have a lot of house-cleaning and program rebuilding to do before they will be able to accept the greater challenges of the world. Parties, rushing and pledging activities, intramurals and singing as we now have them are all vestiges of a by-gone society. These are no longer necessary , they serve no purpose, and they are the mill-stone hanging around fra-

ternities today. Now someone is sitting out there in the audience saying that I propose the abolition of all these activities. Not necessarily, I believe they must be replaced or redefined and if they are not replaced soon, they will replace the American College Fraternity. There is a place for college fraternities in this country, and there will be throughout the years to come. But the test of which ones survive and which ones will be successful will simply be which ones win the race to return to the founders' principles and create and administer programs for the mind--and not programs that occupy time, create physical activity and build up barriers between one man and another. Let the chapter house become a place where we enjoy the benefits of our culture, test ideas on our fellow freemen and even take some old ideas and put them in new minds. Within the next few years, and I hope long before the year 2000, we will see the change; and that change can only mean that we: 1. Simplify membership selection proced.ures by adopting a totally free-enterprise system; 2. Recognize that we select MEN for our membership which will mean the concepts of having pledges and pledge training will disappear. 3. Provide these men with a CONTINUING environment meant to challenge their minds and develop a brotherhood because they know each other as true human beings - - - not because they were all pressed into a mold for one semester; 4. Eradicate academic criteria for membership - - - and the accompanying scholarship reports, charts and ratings because they say, prove and tell nothing about the true worth of our members as real human beings.

5. 6.


Sponsor and participate in social and athletic events for their own worth and not for prestige and trophies; Redefine our relationships within college and university communities - - hopefully toward accepting greater responsibility for our own affairs and requiring less dependence upon college approvals, deans and advisors; Do everything in our power to find, know and understand our true selves and that of our fellow freemen as opposed to the continual propogations of false criteria for human friendship.

I see great hope in an organization such as Acacia. You have already stated that: "We, students, faculty, and alumni of various universities and colleges, do hereby adopt this Constitution ; to strengthen the ties of friendship , one with another; to prepare ourselves as educated men to take a more active part and to have a greater influence in the affairs of the community in which we may reside; and, above all , to seek the truth and , knowing it , to give light to those with whom we may be associated as we travel along life's pathway." (Preamble, '28 , '31.) This is a liberal philosophy. The challenge is present - --here and now! What are you going to do about it

? •



Conclave '68 Message: A Week to Remember! By John W. Hartman, Editor

The 35th Conclave, held in Kansas City August 18¡23, was a memorable week for all Acacians who attended. Not only an educational and legislative gathering, the social contact between the brothers provided each with a realiza¡ tion of Acacia as a National Fraternity, and the different types of individuals who are a part of it. All Acacians who have not attended a National Conclave have not completed their fraternity experience. It was a week to remember!

Starting the week was a reception held Sunday night by the pool of the Hotel Muehlebach , headquarters of Conclave '68 . In the reception line were Founder, Charles A. Sink, the National Officers , the headquarters staff, members of the host chapter, Kansas and members of the Kansas City Alumni Association. Every member who attended had the opportunity to personally meet each one of these men and their wives.

At the poolside reception, Chuck Stewart, left, Kansas Chapter and Conclave Coordinator; Harv ey Logan, Execu tive Secretary; Mel Verni, Northwestern Chapter Advisor, and John Fairbank s, L.S. U Chapter, take a f ew moments to discuss the Conclave.



The Stag Barbeque, sponsored by the Kansas City Alumni Association and held at Lake Latawanna, was one of the highlights of Conclave '68. Here the brothers gather to sing a few traditional (and some not-so-traditional) songs.

Stag Barbeque Monday night, the Kansas City Alumni Association hosted a stag barbeque at Lake Latawana outside Kansas City. With plenty of good food, refreshments and entertainment, the evening was enjoyed by all. The ladies in attendance at the Conclave were treated to an evening at Kansas City's outdoor theatre, Starlight, where they watched the opening performance of "South Pacific." Workshops were held all day Tuesday in various meeting rooms in the hotel. The six areas the workshops emphasized were: rush, leadership, social, financial, pledge education and scholarship. Breaking the work atmosphere of the day was an entertainment luncheon where a local Barbershop Quartet sang several songs. Two speakers were also heard, Lloyd Ruppenthal, Past National President, and Jerry Lilly, Advisor to Fraternities at Kansas State University. Lilly's speech is presented elsewhere in this issue.

National Council Election The election of National Council officers was held Thursday afternoon. The three offices up for election were First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Judge Advocate, Re-elected were Dr. Irving M. Field, Missouri, as Second Vice-President, and J . B. Beaird, Oklahoma, as Judge Advocate. A new First Vice President, Calvin 0 . Hultman, Iowa State, was elected. Brother Hultman replaced Marvin Logan, Iowa, who was then named by President George F. Patterson, Jr. , as National Alumni Director. Hultman, a former Field Secretary and Venerable Dean of his Iowa State Chapter while in school, is currently Iowa Congressman William J. Scherle's District Representative in Red Oak, Iowa. First serving as Scherle's Campaign Manager, he now serves as a liason between the people of the district and the Congressman. Thursday night, the Main Banquet was held with Wes Santee, world-famed miler of the 1950's and a member of the Kansas Chapter, as the principal speaker. After Brother Santee's speech, the main Conclave awards were presented to individuals and chapters.



Conclave Opening The Conclave officially opened Monday morning with a ritual ceremony in the hotel ballroom. Following the opening, welcoming speeches were heard from the Mayor of Kansas City, President Zeke Ramsey of the Kansas City Alumni Association, Venerable Dean David Flora of the Kansas Chapter and the Manager of the Hotel Muehlebach. Also on the agenda Monday were reports from the National President, Executive Secretary, President of the Acacia Educational Foundation, The Triad Editor, the Jurisprudence Committee and the National Expansion Director.

The head table is introduced at the Main Banquet.

Wes Santee, Kansas Chapter and world-famed miler of the 1950's, was the principal Speaker at the Main Banquet.

Founder Charles A. Sink addresses the Main Banquet. Highlight of the day was the naming of Charles A. Sink as Honorary President by unamimous vote of the Conclave. Brother Sink was the hit of the Conclave as far as the undergraduates were concerned. His comments on the beginning of the Fraternity were heard with complete attention. Approaching ninety years of age, his alertness and activity would put many a younger man to shame. He took time to visit with all who approached him, which was practically the entire attendance of the Conclave. Talking to him and listening to his comments gave each member pride in the fact that he belonged to the fraternity that was started by this man and others. Brother Sink was also given a key to the City of Kansas City and made a honorary citizen.



Charles A. Sink is given the key to the City of Kansas City and made a honorary citizen by the Mayor of Kansas City, as National President, George F. Patterson, Jr., also a recipient looks on.

Order of Pythagoras Winners. Thirty-three men received the Order of Pythagoras , the second highest award an alumni may receive and the highest award an undergraduate may receive . Included were : Albert Berger, Patrick Brooks, J . Toby Brown, William Burnett, David P. Carew , Deane M. Carter, Gerald C. Cook , George C. Crooks, Dwayne B. David , Dennis K. Dormaier, Edwin K. Greene, John W. Hartman , Mike Howell , Thomas R. Koter , J. Max Lubbers, John A. Lunsford, Raymond E. Matheson, William E. Montgomery , A. E. Mulanax, Thomas C. Primm, Joseph F. Reed , Herbert W. Sandell , Otto W. Schrader, Joseph G. Smith, Richard F . Stevens, Frank G. Teague, Thomas L. Unternahrer , Melvin Verni , Lloyd C. Williams, Robert M. Willmer , Laurence L. Wisdom, Leonard 11J

Pledge Education - Oregon State University - Tom Unternahrer and Darrel Metcalfe.

Financial Efficiency and Chapter - National Relationship Washington State University - Bob Paine and Darrel Metcalfe.

Alumni Relations- Nebraska -Brad Baltensperger and Darrel Metcalfe.

Bob Paine, Washington State Venerable Dean, is presented the Attendance Award by President Patterson at the Main Banquet.

William Wolford, Iowa State, receives the Roy C Clark Outstanding Acacion A ward from Founder Charles A. Sink at the Main Banquet.

ACACIA FRATERNITY DIRECTORY L.lltine tor ttw s..- ot


Alaa, c.llfornia, Hewell, Oregon, TeUI. u..h, Wlllhintton. WVomint • of ..,_,.-y, 1168. AI a further wrvlc:e to you , the TRIAD is provtding a dtre<:tory containing a ~tea hst ng of members of the fratemt Several IU will be carried in each supplement until the dtrectory is complete. We recommend that ou d txh end ftl t indtvldual IICttons in a ring binder, thereby comptllng your own pe1110nal directory. All regular sublcribers to the TRIAD w•ll automatically receive the subeequent IICttons of the dtrectory All non-tubect rs may recerve the remalntng IICttons of the directory by paying the annual alumni dues of $7 .50. The I stJng in eech iesue will contain the most recent addreaes 11 recorded at the National HNdqu Should there be any corrections pl .... let us know. Pl . . . uw the following key to identify the members. The code for the member-'s chapter and h s ·roll num follow ht name . Tha code letters uled for the chapters ara 11 follows :

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Smyw, GtoiVI Htrdtman Tu241 Tikltn Rovtt 7802S Smyer, Joe Pttl Tu 249 Tilden Rovtt7802&

Wtrtlw, Edwlrd L Ill 599 4701 29th St. 79410 lUFKIN Ftnity, Curtil Willilm Tu 120 114 Wen Grew St. 75901

Koch, V~ttor Gtotvt Mo 234


Htndtrson, W. OM Oklt 232

Box 86 76649

1308 Wamn St. 75901 Wilt, Ric.lwd M. Ttx 592 Boa 654 75901


Abbon, Willitm Gordon Tu 252 7B11B

KENE DY Eithtlbt'lllf, Htrm~n L Tax 117 Box425 78119 KERENS

Oubo•. Frtd A., Jr. Tax 618


Crosby, Hugh A. Tu 537 Box75775670 Otputy, Robin L MSM 39 209 C.rol Anne Blvd. 7!'»670 Shaa,JamaF., Jr. KSt387 600Wamn0r. 75670 Tomkins, Q..,id B. PtnnSt 620 504 Shirley SL 75670 McALLEN

KERMIT C.llfWIY, Samutl C. Oklt A&M 62 Box202 79745

tahoun, Raben F. Tax 166 SOB Nysa 78501 Molfin, HoWIIrd F. la129

KILGORE Apptlgtt, H""ld A.

Whwton, Cl\trtaW. Mo 383 P.O. Boll696 7850t Z.Chman, Dwight H. Mo 212

1205N. lOth St. 7B501 47

RtCJil Mtn:htnt Association 75662

3517 t.dtnl Or. 77504 hlc.oner, William A. lSU 68 907 AMn Sl*t 77502 Gtllwllth, Owid C. Ttx 577 1203 77502 l.xy, Jotf"'' L Okll St 56'


1312 Potomac 77502 ""-· Frank R. Tu 581 807 W. Ellailw17502 PERRYTON

Bell, Frank L Wast! 530 1009 Loyola Driw 79070 Bell, Orlan L 1009 Loyola Oriwl 79070 Waklt, Ronnit L Tax 401 71BS.W. 1511179070 PETERSBURG

R. R. ll 75144


PASADENA Brandt, Ropr L Tu 549

RobtBOn, Ktnl'llth A., Jr. ltll 550 Box 30679250 PITISBURG

Wt"ick, M. E. Tax 63t Box 143 75686, Chwles Milton Tu 83 75686


GtiTIIr, Fr1nk Den 16 336 N. Fr1nklin 78945


Hering, Johnnie J. lex 523 153 Bowit Stmt 76657



Robtruon, Ooneld E. Tex409 Box 114 75065


An:l\lr, Cltrtnce Fulton Tu 127 7B570


Kahler, DonS. OkJt 484 112 Persimmon 77566 LaMARQUE

Otnitl, Thomu M. Tex SIS 1411 Goliad 77568 Floyd , Burtis F. Tex 533 1901 Evtrgrttn 77568 lo~ , lowtll E. Tex 534 1410 Colorado 77568 Westtrlagt, Charles H., III Ttx 363 825 Shady l ane 77568 LAMESA

Harris, Jasa O., Jr. Ttx 561 401 North 15th 79331 LAMPASAS Wachendorttr, Charles Ttx 38 76550 LaPORTE

Booth, Eugene Allison LSU 181 526 Brywood Strnt 77571 Trask, Robtrt L Ttx 628 77571 LAREDO

McMu"l'f· Cttvin K., Jr. LSU 15 Rt. 1, Box 263c 78040


Burkhttd, B. W. Okla182 c/o The Superior Oil Co.

LEVELLAND Gutttnloh, Ronnie M. Tu 496 1213Avtnut E 79336 Tathtm, Ronald l . Tex 499 Box 1088 79336 LEWISVILLE

Kiricptttick, Robtn T. Okla St 57 Boa 357 75067 LIVINGSTON

Ptace, Cecil R. Colo 272 77351

llANO Watkins, Willitm ~tdtn Tax 198 7B643 LOHN

Smith, Floyd Chi 88 Box 181 76852 LONGVIEW

Buit, Ja!TIII EdWird lex 657 510SouthJttn Or. 75604 Cobb, ChwMIF.,Jr. Te•553 Box 2421 7S601 Htuk, Oo ntld B. Ttx 595 1000 Mockingbird 75601 Hollis, M. T. KtnsSt 253 206 S. Frtdonit 75601 Roberts, Mmdith E. Tex 213 1901 C.nttntry 75601 LORAINE Bruce, Chartes Mtrtyn Tu 289 79543 LUBBOCK

Cobb, Chtrtn l. Oklt 373 4704W. 1911179416 C~I . Rogt<l.l\l981

5401 4th Strt~t, ViiiiWutApts.l118 79416 Edwwds, Cltddit Fartin Tu: 228 3518 - 30th Sl.79410

Gillispit, Samutl E. Oklt St 37 2112 15111 St. 7940 1 HutthiNon, Baniamln B. Mo 399 312120thSt. 79410 L..tndtrs,Williamf. Ttx442 2613- 27111 S!ntt79410

Uwhom, lt. Wm. S. Colo 72 1 5512161111'1aco79416 LH, Jan.H .. Jr. lSU '"'

2l31nctitn1Avt .. Apt.11779415

Mc.Culloutft,JanwA. Colo 579 tlo E. K. Hatw 4519 - 22nd St. 79407

Me"VMn, Edwin E. Tu 206 320143td St 79413 Ridgt, E-' S. Mo 347

lSOI- 45th Su.t 7!M 13 Thomton,P. R.. Jr. Kll"'l637 J&n 56tn Stnel79413 ~2

Aktsan, Nils H. Ttx 216 907 Joliet Street 79072 Ctw, Frank A. Tu 416 300 N. E. Alpine 79072 Farvnon. Corwin R. lex 554 Olton Routt79072 Graham, Douglas C., Jr. Ttx 485 204 Astl79072


C.BOn, HaM"{ A. Wyo 48 4309 West Harvard 7970t CtuSSI'f, Oontld E. Tu 278 2409Sincltir79701 Golf, Caroll l. Nebr 537 3513BaumannAvtnue79701 Nordeman, Kenneth W. lex 422 1618Venturt 79701 Wood, John W. NU 70 1407 Wtst Kansas Strtet79704 MINERAL SPRINGS

Ouprtt, Ivy C. laSt 36 803 N. E. 4th A111nue 76067 MT. VERNON

Bolger, David J. lex 468 P.O. Box 6175457 MULESHOE

Crow, JohnT. lex 314 Box 71179347 MUNDAY Eiltnd , David Ch .. , Jr. lex 379 Box 15176371


Robinson, J. E. Olr.laSt 399 2017LIY1nnt77573

PLAINS Thompson, C. Mu"'ll Okla St 210 P. 0 . Box 1045 79355


Ard, Harold 0. Tu 449 1110 Raguet 75961 NEW BRAUFELS

Bauknight, Emmen l. Tu 391 Edg!Water 244 78130 ODESSA

Armstrong, Weldon T. Kans 289 13000ouglas79762 Armstrong, Wtldon T., Jr. Kens 518 1300 Oougla79760 Autry, Walter 0 . Ttx 110 2731 Custtr79760 Gibson, OwenS. Okla 702 1601 Patton Drive 79760 Hardtn, Jack A., Jr. Ttx 274 2225East11thSt79762

Mitchell, Harry l. lex 233 1500 !;non Or. 79760 Newman, OWiin l . Ttx 501 Box 2322 79760 Tidwell, Jack a. Ttx 319 D. A. Office- Court Hou• 79760

Hooptr, William H. Ttx 448 1200 South Broadway 79072 LaFont, Harold M. GW 78 79072

McWilliams, Alonzo P. Ttx 480 207 S. W. Tenth St. 79072 R~glt, Gtorgt A. Tu 557 512Tn1Yis79072 PO RT ARTHUR Ba", Harold A. Colo 124 3833 Procter Strttt 71642 Dunlay, Edward E. Ttx 37 2638 - 25th Street 77640 PORT NECHES

Eychner, Robtn Clifton KansSt231 821 Avenue 0 77651 QUANAH Jeffrey, Douglas Mich 409 79252 RICHARDSON

Cr11te, Robert P. Tu 360 1214 Glen Cove 75080 Oixon ,Jtrry V. Okla635 403 Cmtovtr Cin:lt 75080 Forgy, R. A. lex 229 50S Worcester 75080 Francis, Riet\trd E. Okla668 916 Gmnbrian 75080 Harvty.HaiH. Tu348 1916Provincetown75080 Johns, Robtn l. lex 467 622 Arrowhud Or. 75080 littlt, Robtrt l. Kans327 306 Huffhina St. 75080 RIO HONDO

Brouman, Richard D. Ttx418 Box 471 78583 ROBSTOWN

Dugger, Richtrd l. lex 633 Rt . Z 7B3BO

ROSENBURG CriWford, Tmis R. Ttx 414 808Walgtr17471 Holmes, P. H., Jr. Tu 564 1126 San Jteinto 77471 RUSK

MeC.rroll, lrwis R. Ttx 156


Atchley, Glenn How.d Oklt 426



Thornton, Ernest Grady Ttx 32 76374

ORANGE Dunn, David A. Tu 490 19 Etds 77630 PALACIOS

CriWford, Ctrtton Wn'ty Tu 160 77465

Arkman, Cltud E. Okla 48 1016 Altlloma Cin:lt 76901 Dickson, Samutf Brytn lex 116 723 Preu•r 76901 Eritson, John E. CoiSU 52 2312 Rutatn 76901 Graft, H. Clart Ttx 55 2214 Chestnut 7690t JohlnRn, Vaun L. Ttx 267 P. 0 . Box 1605 76901

21B W. Lubbock 7B224


Htmilton, W. 8.111 Tu 632 538 Kir9 Court 78212 Harbtf, Col. Willilm H. OkJtSt&l 223 E. Ttrn Alt178209 Hartman, luther E. Tu 225 11BSunfiOWti Ba~n Hill Station 78201 Hingtr,JtHrty W. LSU 126 7134 Blonco Rd. #223 78216

Johnson, B. W. Jot Tn 219 10214 Oraamland Or. 78213 Johnson, Robtrt E. Cti1B3 820 Momingsidt Or. 78209 Kury,ArthurE. NU244 1818 Candltlight Lint 78213 Mtdray,GilaHayts,Jr. Tu430 1722AihambraSt. 78201 Mtlon, Car1 G. Pur 83 515 BUJby Orivt 78209 Martin, Htnry Ralph Tu 21 389 Meredith Or. 78201 Mayne, William H. Tu 218 2061 DI"'Wtf 78206 Moll, Mar\ J. Rtns198 508 Frott 78201 Moore, 0 . l., Jr. lex 369 2911 llrkwood 78209 Moort, Wttson l. Ttx 600 125 Camtllia Way 78209 Muehltisen, J. F. Colo 705 106 Etstridge 78227 Munson, Col . M. E., Rtt. Oklt 209 158lltlrel Heights Pl . 78212 Robbins, Edward T. Ttx 136 235 Oakview 78209 Russell, Gto. B. Oklt St 128 Rt. 6, Box33ZM78210 Schimmel. Glen R. Okla 137 608 Oontldson 78201 Schoolfield, Rty F. Oklt 72 120 Gatewood Court 78209 Shaddox, Charles R. Aft 104 3737


Smyth , G. W. Tex 277 130 West Melrow Plaee, Apt. 1106 78212

SttvtS, EmestJackson Fit 151 270 Geneaeo Rd. 78209 Surber, John l. W., Jr. lex 420 911 West Mistletoe 78201 Ward, Col. William R. Kans 433 111 Downing 78209 Wilson, Carl C. Okla139 942 W. Cra~ 78201

SAN BENITO Bennen, DavidS. Tex 361 745 Ga"iKln 78586 SAN HARCOS

Geer, Nathan B. Kens St 206 615Conwty Or. 78666 SEABR OOK

Crow, Edwin l. MSM 12 t606 loch lakt 77586 Ntlson, Leonerd D. Minn 651 418 Bayou Virw Dr. 77586 We.solic, Rogtr F. Cel575 Rt. 1, Box 630 77586 SEGU IN

Benton, Thomas H. leSt 1 tO P. 0. Boa70B 7BI55

SHERMAN ltiendteker, Elmer H. Pur 198 1213 Preston Or. 75090 Roberts, Wtyne I. laSt 508 2328 No. Rickets 75090 SO. HOUSTON

Han, E. Eugtne LSU 21 541 Ptun Or. 77687 Swanson, R. Joel, Jr. Ttx 566 702 Washington 77537


Atkinson, William T. Ttx 428 P. 0. Boa 2021 79065

Bttr, Marvin L Ttx 357 1608 Mtty Elltn 79065 Colwell, W1htr L Tu 397

1315 Hamilton Str11t79065 Hu.ll, Willis D. Ttx 465 638 Nonh Sumner 79065 lmtl, Robtrt E. S97 1701 C-79065

LaFon, Robert W. Okll 611 22t8 N. Ounun 79065 D••· Anthony B. Tu 450 417 N. WatSt. 79065 VanSitklt. Ht,m1n A. Tu 358 530 N. D.... t 79065 PARIS ....,.,, lluW. Okll707 1538 N. Mtln 75460

Mooring. Ben F. Okit 133

C'"Y Htll75460 Midllll J. Olr.ll 716

3575 Audubon 75460 Rudy, Ridwd A. Okla AAM 409

507 Eat Houston 75460

Abshfi, Ktnntth B. Okla 142 801 Miltm Bldg. 78205 AJutndllf, Gtylllf 0 , Ktns 532 tlo M. TtnY Andenon 133 Rilll Vim Or. 78216 Arnold, Ricl\wd S. Tu 605 318 Cantlfbury Hill78209 Ball, W. B. Jack lex 72 613 Frost Ntt1 Btnk Bldg. 78205 8wd:Ny, Gtotgt H. Ctlif 83 314 C1nttbury Hill 78209 Budd, B•mtM Budllf Tu 138 2943 W. frtrw:h 78228 Cocb, Arthur l . Ok11194 too Mice. Oriv'178232 Coffin, GIOI"ff B. Ktnf 368 202 "• 7B209

CUihmtn, Willi.- H. CriSt 3l3 6211S. NewB,..,ftls #26C 71223

Dt'IWirt, T. A. Ttx461 135WtyWOOd78216

Durwwd, Robert Hlrilnd Colo 154 1431 Wilt ROIIWOOd Aw. 78201 Ertencbon, RIV S. W"• 195 401 Sllook71204

Ru... J-0. T•419 619- ZZnd A..,. No. 17590 Stone, Wwner E. Tn: 512 2514 16 Awnut 77590 TROUP LMtlon,John Y. Tu74 Box41175789

Coywood, Glt'f E. Tu 503 tlo w.ldon Kikllf Rl1 79038 Jenning~,

Hai'J)Ir, Rober1 T. Tu 464 608 Pltno 75482 Hai'Jitr, Wm.J . Ttx451 516Pllno 75482 SWEETWATER

Nebltn, BMrlty M. Ttx 89 906 Piot19556 No"td, Willitm R. Ttx 265 1610 Bris1ol Orivt 79556

GaorgeJ. Tax115


Ptnin, GIOfJI T. OklaSt 611 Routtl1 79562


Bown, John KtMI1h Chi 253 1401 North 4th St. 76S01 Phillips. Guthrie Wtsfl 108 1316 So. 29111 St 76501

Wilson, JemaD., Jr. Tex411 Box 946 76501 TEXARKANA Bltuchlmp, Houston W. Olli 557

1310 locustSL 75501 Ctrut, William G., Jr. M 205 2807lOQ.Ist SL 75501 Httwy, John N. Tn 377 2320 Wood Stntt75501 Willianw. Thom. N. Tu 345 1222 Pil'll Srr.t 75501 TEXAS CITY

Barth, Albtrt HolrMI toto 199 223 Ninth Avt. n590 JIWOI'1ki, JoMMichlll Tn651 1102 2nd Avt.. North n590 Jotwon, Jtrry D. Tn 615 1218 - 141ft A't'lftUI Nontl 77590

PROVO No,.m11, Andlw UCLA 177

509 E11t In So. 84601

Clwt, Willilm Bryan Mo 261 1846 Michigen Ave. 84108 Johrwon, Lntw Bryan Colo 141 1544 llird Aw. 84105 Rieken. Eart G. Cat 468 83(1 Coetwillt 84105 SAN OY

Goldbnruon, Phil F. Calif 233 9356 S. Statt 84070


Blfurwal, Staphtn c. It 389 Rt. 775701 Btnntn, Richtrd B., Jr. Tax 259 200 s. j)qth Aw. 75703 Burford, StJwyn 0. Tu 133 Rt 2, Bo• 637 75701 Cook, RobtrtJ. Tu 251 Box 3098 75702 DIVis. Richard L Ttx 317 3529 Ct,...on 75706 Henson,WtlttrT. Tex4t5 P.O. Box 62975701 Hokomb, Wildon G. Ttx 256 Box 114 75702 Hydt, Jerry Mack Ttx 350 Box 188 75702 M.rtin, Virgil 0. Okla 136 2031 Btklf Or. 75701 McMurry, Robtrt 0. Pur591 3519 McMillian Orivt75701 Points, Btnjamin B. GW 168 1105 Barbara 75106 UNIVERSAL CITY

Clark, Willitm J. Syr 272 233 Caris Drivt 78149 Jacobs, Michael F. Colo711 157 Stge Orrvt 78148 lindlty, William c., 111 Ariz 132 225 Byrd Blvd. 78148 VICTORIA

Box, Edward 0 . Tu 474 2107 Bon Airo 77901 Hunt, Robert A. Tax 362 Rt. 3, Box 6617901 WAC O

Adams, Htrman lynn Tu 193 200 Orientll Rd. 76710 Hutherford, Donald C. Tu 495 2604 Shelton 76705 WELLMAN Bruening, Ctrl G. Colo A&M 99 Box 2679378 WHARTON

Koons, PMJI 0. Tex 293 1112 Kelvingwty 17488 WICHITA FALLS

Lollar, Roland F. Pur353 2812 Btrrywood Drive 76309 McAiisttr, A. lttndtr Okla370 2015 Btrkley 76308 Warhurst, Htrry P. Okla A&M 52 1631 Ardtth 76301 WIM BERLEY

Ooma::h, U. A. K St 36 78676 WINGATE

Michatlis, Ptul Ark 120 P. O. Boa 2127956' WINONA

Wells, Cone J. Tu 607 Routti1 , Box 75 75792


Hart, RoltndW. Wyo41 B2322 BANNER

Harper, Georg~ Floyd Wyo 53 B2832

Mathtr, AndrtWJOIIPh Wyo 57 B2832 BASIN

Stilson, JtHr.y R. Wyo 213 602 s . 7th 82410 CASPER Banling, 1'1u1 S. Wyo 232 842 W. 21st St. B2601

Benham, D. 0 . Wyo 250 H!:32 South Durbin Stntt82601 Billt, Ralph J. Wyo 186 4t5 South 5th Avt. 82601 Brittlin, Kenneth R. Wyo tOS 1515W.12th82601

Brown , Stanley K. Wyo 150 1230Wtst23rdSt.B2601

Bush, Jtmes R. Wyo 227 1143 So. Durbin 82601 Cockif11, RodntY R. Bos 16 105 So. McKinlay St. 82601 Colvin,Man:Jay, Jr. Wyo86 104 N. Watlington St. 82601 Oonaldmn, John A. Okla 446 253 So. Socony Pt 82601 Dr1kt, Shennan H. Wyo 184 t665 Birth Strttt 82601 Dunltp, larry E. Wyo 17 851 Counuy Club Rotd 82601 Gish , lyle R. Wyo 175 2241 So. MittheU 82601 Gish, Robtrt N. Wyo 156 2241 So. Mitehtll82601 Htmogol, Floyd 0 . Wyo 10B

3713 Alpine 82601 Hedickt, Edwenl E. Wyo 239 1836 Ftnermtn Aw. 82601 Hedickl. Robtrt E. Wyo 221 t836 Fttttmltn 82601 Kazltr,lawrlntt W. Wyo 14J 2111W. Ddtll82601 Kinion, Edwlrd F. Wyo 116 1141 So. BMrly 82601 Kiltttr, louis Wm., Jr. Wyo 29 905 South Gr1nt Stmt82601 Larsen, Reymond M. Minn 318 Box 3 82601 lumb, Walltte E. Kans391 409 EISI 13th Strwt82601 ~Irs, Htrold l. lnd 409 1124 Grtnada82601 Mok..,, John Alfred Wyo 1 Bn 1 82601 Mokler, Verne W. Wyo 240 701 South Bttch StrHt 82601 Moort, Gerald 8. Wyo 209 3730 VIlifY Rold 82601 Nichols, Roltnd E. Okla 561 3601 Soulll Poplar B2601


Bright, Don E. Col St U 56 471 E. 1, So. 84010

TAYLOR Goo, Ctr1 A., Jr. Ttx 196 715 Brown St. 76574

OREII -lof.llakolm B. SCol235 1471 So. 280 E• 84057




Middl•ton, Chtrla Buford Colum 195




FundlrbetJ, 011"1 l. Tn 356 Goll, Moxie F. OklaSt133 7127 N. VtndMr 78209 Griffith,Ho11Ctl., Jr. ArtS tlo Mr~. DuPnt Johl"'llon

Lab, Thoma 0 . Cln 206 288 Wtst 650 Sou Ill 84010 BRIGHAM CITY

Jones:, William E. NW 333 651 E. 5 North 84306 FORT DUCHESNE Jenning~, Thoma, Jr.

Ariz 101

Box 7184026 HYDE PARK

Brown, Owkt F. WlllhSt 240 Box 344 8431B

Nitbln, c...t 0 . R. Den 77 3049 Alptn Oriw 82601 Nunn, Ronnie M. Colo 597 725W. 21st St. 82601 On, M. Gdd Wyo 219 1004 So. Jadlon 83601 Pflillips, Thoma A. CoiSU 232 2907 Ridgtcml Driw B2601 RHd , Frtdtri< C. Wyo 208 1014 So. Owid B2601

Trtglown, Oonlld M. Wyo 149 1441 No«ingham Or. 82601 Cllgltr, Ch& H., Jr. Nebf 403 852 Stlly L.tnt 12601 CHEYENNE

Boudw, John R. Wyo 241 3020 Rlld AYtnUI 82001


Bt~K::n'd.!no1 1 Brown, OoNIId A. Syr 436 8oxl53 F.E. Warnn AFB 82003 Collin~. Rogw S. Co1StCol100 1215 t 24111 St82001

FtPWiu, JMWJ C. Wil 392 LAYTON

Btmblum, Akl'llfd A. Cin 230 1401 N. 350Wt1184041

Cromwell, Rot.t F. Pur 819 1905 W• Gregory Dr.l4041 LOGAN

Ro•, Bill HorKt Ort St 180 686 OIM'in Aft. l4321 MORGAI c,...., Chlrttlw., Jr. Wyo 11 8ox35114050 OGOEI HlllowiQ, DtMie F., Jr. Cal 360 664 Httly 51.14403

B51 E.....,. 82001 G""'lkh, Rtlph C. IIebl 126 2605 Ctpilll A... B2001 Htltl, Htny 0, 63


At. 12, Box 41812001

Hu;Tt~·:::t:;. :OOi Huglw, Richord W. Wyo 47 172tiltlii!Dn o,. 12001 Jofln10n, Allph S. "'' 328 907 Frontitf AYL 12001 ~John T. Wyo 21 1926- Dr. l2001 - . n, R.r,r.C. -560

4431 E. 17th St. 12001 -

. DMdG. Jr. Wyo35 3427 """""-1 Rd.l200 1

CODY Rltd. Jmy A. Wyo 156 1809 - 22nd Sttltt 82414 Rltd, Wally W. Wyo 133 1B09 - 22nd Str101 B2414


Ftusnlf,LIRoy C. Wyo 235 509 South Bent Street 82435 RAWLINS

McMicken, Andrew R. HtrY 140 DOUGLAS BtMr, Wayne Wyo 16 1002 S. Fifth St. B2633

Box 625 B2301 Piinter, Do,..d L. Wyo 205

Ptarmn, Warren W. Wyo 114

Box 353 82301 Painter, James E. Ariz 130 Box 353 82301 Pitman, Albin C. Wyo 117

916 Soull> 5th St. B2633

B29- lith St. B230 1

Henry, Willltm Mk:h•l. Jr. Wyo 8 Rouh 3 82633


Henthorne, Edward Tid Wyo 99 B2513 EDEN

Stanford, Dennis J. Wyo 214 201 laPaloma 82301 Stanford, William E. Wyo 237 201 ll Paloma Or;ve 82301 Wald, Rich1rd 0. PtnnSt 376 1320 Weaver St. 82301

Nelson, Cerl Earl Wyo 71 B2926 FORTLARAIIIE

Stndtrtoc:k., Ruaetl Warren Wyo 45 B2212 GILLETE

Jacobs, John Edward Wyo 11 B2116

Mankin, Charlet Dean Wyo 36 Box 6 82716 Moort, laurtnt Weyne Wyo 9 B2716

Swenson, Durward Andrew Kens 359 Corner Drug 82716 GLENROCK

Hershey, Remon Clare Wyo 111 Bo x 82 82637 Plaster, Dale Stew~n Wyo 110 Box 225 82637 GREEN RIVER

Clark, D11n W. Wyo 78 P.O. Box 211 82935

Reeling, Charles Wyo 217 850 Wilkes Or. 82935 JEFFREY CITY

Romek, Donald E. Wyo 220 Box 385 82310 KEMMERER

Reed, John A. Wyo 247 1021 Ced11 Avenue 83101 LA BARGE

Scheffer, Richard A. Wyo110 B3123 LA GRANGE

Mercer, Clarence Milford Wyo 82 82221 LANDER

Browall, Richard K. Wyo 23 1 175 Custer, Apt 11 B2520 Carlson, William E. Wyo 243 P.O. Box 201 82520 Hallam, Bleir S. Wyo 74 381lincoln82520 Paterson, Floyd H. Wyo200 1123 South Second 82520 LARAMIE

Bearley, William l. Wyo 90 1001 Gibbon 82070 Bell, lyndon H. 111854 Geology Dept. University of Wyoming 82071 Conover, Roy Wallace Wyo 5 609South 12th 82070 Davis, Howard Prenon Wyo 21 501 South 11th St. 82070 Duke, William E. Wyo 226 1210 Grand B2070

Freytag, Frederick Clark la327 1413 Kearney St. 82070 Freytag, George Frederick Wyo 1 1413 Kearney 82070 Freytag, John Edward Wyo 69 1413 Kearney St. 82070 Gilbert, Carl S. Colo 246 University of Wyoming 82070 Keaton, Francis l. Wyo 261 P.O. Box 603 82070

Kolp, Btrnard J. Ia St 466 1BOB O<d B2070

Mtyer, lee G. Wyo242 1441 Bonneville 82070 Middleton, John R. OklaSt 549 1118 Flint 82070 MoiTis, J. C. Wyo225 1411 Park 82070 Piki , I. James Wyo13 1015 Sandet182070 Raitt, Keith K. Wyo 40 309 Corthell Road 82070 Rehmeier, lyman F. Wyo 380 l108W. Hill Road 82070 Riedl, GaryW. Wyo 107 1432 Bonneville 82070 Riedl, William A. Wyo 106 1432 Bonn~Nille 82070 Trilety, Otto E. GW 81 1712 Custer Stn!et B2070


Coleman, Thomas H. Wyo 264 Broadltres .82501 Colva, James M. Wyo 157 501 Wett Parle: 82501 Eggen, Werren l. Wyo 207 416 N. 2nd Ean 82501 Hunter, James Monroe, Jr. Wyo 84 202 East Bell Avenue 82501 Raymond, John D. Wyo 163 615South 2nd St. 82501 Satterlield, Thomas R. Wyo 154 c/o Soil Conservation 82501 Sinner, leRoy V. Wyo 162 Rural Route 1, Box 133 82501 Smith, Robert W. Wyo 278 934 Moose or;ve 8250 1 Tonkin, Albert Chas. Wyo 258 216 S. 6th Street 82501 York,StevenW. wyo 166 Parad i•Valley82501 Bird, George W. Wyo 81 810Wyoming St. 82901 Blacker, William Wyo 66 417 Powell St. 82901 Overy, Thomas 0. Wyo 61 709 Gobel82901 SHERIDAN

Bent, Roger R. Colo 82 756 Adair 82801 SHOSH ONI

Clark, Rolland l. Wyo 189 P. 0. Box 152 82649 SIN CLAIR

larson, l ee G. Wyo 11 5 Box42 82334 STOR Y

Cormany , Charles E. Cor 162 B2B42 SUNDANCE

Gilbert, Theodore l. Wyo 131 Box 355 82729 THERMOPOLIS

KeiT, HartanC., Jr. Wyo218 Box 1142 82443 TORRINGTON

Croghan, Roland D. Colo 616 Box 1002 82240 Kindler, David l. Wyo 201 Wyo 82240 2333~ West A Street 82240 Peanon, DaleT. Wyo 244 1402 Main St. 82240 Skelton, Raben E. Wyo 120 Box 446 82240 Warren, Michael E. CoiSU 244 2826 Ean BStrut 82240 WHATLANO

Baitey, Steven C. Wyo 229 101 - 12th Street 82201 Bryant, EdwardW., Jr. Wyo 230 300 Perk Avenue 82201 liams, JohnE. Wyo73 Box 55282201 Small, Milton William Wyo 102 Bosler Route82201 WORLAN D

Cemeron, Jack D. CoiSU 82 743 Ean 14th Street 82401 Ernn, Joseph P., Jr. Den 162 Box 409 82401 Gallinger, James E. Wyo 191 1612 Coburm 82401 Iversen, John Wyo 196 515 ObieSueAvenue Box 276 82401 Iversen, John R. Wyo215 Box 276 82401



Shira, Donald lee Wyo 15B Box 58 82644 MO UNTAIN VIEW

Bertlttt, Kenneth l. CoiSC 193 Box 153 82939 NEWCASTLE

Smith, Charles W., Jr. leSt 407 Box 835 82701

Chipman, Robin M. NW281 Box 580 99735 Swerdfegtf, P.M. Colo 552 OriWtr Y 99701 FAIRBANKS Burdue, Wm. 8. Wah 367

1028 Gilmore Str•t 99701 Canon, KennethW. WIShSt 165 2026 Airport Wey 99701 Johnson, Harold W. KSt 171 21 Herritt St. 99701

Bruce, Jemes B. Wash 490 505 2nd Ave., 201 99501 Brue, Jerry H. Wyo 188 936 David Way 99501 Dunn, WaltacaW., M.D. CreSt 174 825 L St. 1205 99501

Stover, C. 0. Wash 362 P.O. Box 2019 99501 Taylor, Kenneth M., B/Gen 1620 Hidden l ene 99501 Werubaugher, Jerry Wash 605 P.O. Box 1028 99501


Jones, Gaorg~~ S. UCLA 146 4181 Goodm1n Stl'llt 92503 ATHERTON

Boeke, Robtn H. SoCII 29 51 Magnola Or. 94025 ATWATER

Bruce, Donald W. PennSt 553 202 E. Fir Avt. 95301

MacKinnon, D. l., Jr. CreSt 112 Box 8 99829 JUNEAU

Day, John E. OreSt 162 Box 1253 99801 Faris, Richard l. KanSt 361 101 Main St. 99801 KODIAK

Fenner, Don M., O.D. OreSt 118 Box 82799615

Herbert R. Ptu 534 160 Sunrise Ave. 9561)3

2519 Ett\1 StrNt 94704 Stauff, John H. UCLA 8

890 Spruce St. 94707 Talley, l. Rtynor UCLA 112 51 M.ryllnd An. 94707 Tippen, Roxot Brtnton t.li1 377 2348 MMin Avt. 94708 Wahlgren,John ltSt391

2218 Gr~nt 94703 Weber, Adolph G. Celif 92 Woodruff, Mtnill F. Minn 230 1440 Welnut Stmt 94709 Woodruff, Robert James Minn 442 67 Oak.vele Avenue 94705


Muwell, JamesW. UClA 110 1024 Old Mill Rd. 91102 BAKERSFIELD

Balch, Thomas A. CreSt 310 3207 Purdue 93306 Kinzey, Howard G. OreSt 137 6200 Eucl id 93308 Reed, Walter E. Cal 550 901 Monterey 93305 Waltrip, Martin R. OreSt 307 1831 Chevy Chase Way 93306 Worthington, Hal K. Pur 794 2520 Bishop Or;ve Apt.l93306 BAL80A ISLAND

Allin, Ralph W. Cal 234 115B Cora1Ave. 92662 BALDWIN PARK


Schlyltf, Dwid 384

2321 Webs11< 94705 AUBU RN H~tk.ett,


Bogue, Robbins P. SoCal 237 4943 N. Cutler Ave. 91706


Williams, Raymond H. SoCal150 157 South lapetr Drive 90212 Smith, Richard G. UCLA 33 1438 North 8rmly Drive 90210 BONITA

Greife, John l. Calif 493 P.O. Box 74 92002


Carlson, Richard lee San Jose 21 1404 Fernside Blvd. 94501 Christensen, Ronald leSt 531 2394YlWebsterStreet94502

Crawford , Dave E. Ark 166 910 lance 0rive923 11 Retzlaff, James R. UClA 79 1221W. MainSt.92311 BEll GARDENS Hodges, Everett l. SoCalif 152 6854 Carwell Ave. 90202


Wilcox, Carl S. CreSt 114 255 l ansda lane94507 AlBANY Abed, George T. CreSt 287 991 Ninth94206 Collins, Richard l. Box 2 905 Evelyn Ave.- Apt.#2 94706

AlHAMB RA Brink. Jack. R. 111600 905 North Cordova Street 91801 Clements, DanielS. So Calif 228 15 Halstead Circle 91801 Frye, R. J. Cal393 999 E. Vattey Blvd. 91801 Heacock, Carroll W., Jr. LBS 100 532 So. Elm St. 981 08 l ongthorne,James E. lBS 105 1100W. GiendonWay, Apt. 1191803 ALTADENA

lmpey, Robert W. Il l 549 2270 Minrock 91001 Riise, Harold N. Pur421 4301 El Prieto 91002 Wagner, Thomas E. SCal 167 2512 North l ake 91001 ANAHEIM

Armstrong, Henry M., Ill ColoSU IBS 206B So. loara 92802 Dizney, James B. SCa 34 1799 Greenleaf 92801 Engelhorn, John R. lBS 82 863 Reseda 92805 Frazier. Harry E. Ca1376 515PiymouthPiace92805 Huber, George B. Ore Still 159 Evelyn Or. 92805 Schneider, Will iam G. SoCalif 184 417 N. Janss St. 92805 ANTIOCH

Ehrlich, Robert Jerrell Calif 438 107·7thSt. 94509

Parachini, VictorM. Frk. 264 30 E. 15th St. 94509 APTOS

Conti, PeterS. Rens 89 233AptosSchool Rd. 95003 Thomsen, John E. UClA 160 865 Day Valley Road 95003 ARCADIA

Bell, Dr. Robt. E. Pur 796 424 N. Winnie Way 91006 Boice, Calvin W., Jr. laSt 382 1934South 6th Ave. 91006 Bonscak, Raben A. Pur 706 606Santa Rosa Rd. 91006 Caner, Arlington C. SCal 10 443 Sharon Road 91006 Chapel, Dan G. Mich 624 235 W. l as Tunos Dr. 91006 Day, Gary H. Minn 721 620 C Sunset Blvd. 91006 Foster, Michael A. UClA 291 1230 Oakgten Ave. 91006 Fraser, Donald E. SCalif 97 2550 Doolittle 91006 Kennedy, William George Ill 348 420 los Altos Ave. 91006 Kingsley, Richard G. SCal191 225 Highland Vine 91006 Palmisano, J. V. SoCa1210 69 E. Grandview 91006 Place, Daniel B. Syr348 1016 S. Fifth Ave. 91006 Platner, Eldon Colo 275 926 5th Ave., S.W. 91006 Tiedge, William C. Pur 597 1810 Anita Crut Or. 91006 Walbert, William A. So Cal 53 1925Tulip l ane 91006 Wilaman, Richard E. SoCal l213 2211 So. 5th 91006


Barc.low, Charles W. UClS 9 10527 OuBarry 90706 Brandon, Dale E. lBS 88 15343 Woodruff Pl. Apt. 46 90706

Chapman, John H. Kans297 16334 Cornuta 90706 Haskell, David E. CSClB 139 15235 Cornuta 90706 Holmes, Roy A. lBS 111 9315 E. Anesia Blvd . 90706 Jensen,Normanl. Wash368 10117Walnut90706 Schmoker, Alan E. LBS 98 16220 California 90706 Tierney, Dennis lBS 75 13727 Corvata Avenue 90705 BELMONT

Berridge, Ronald C. Cal517 2664 Comofock Dr. 94002 Ratcliff, Ralph Anderson Pur351 1300 SunnyslopeAve., Box 54394002 Sims, G. K. Calif 520 1149 Valley View Drive 94002 Sterry, Steven C. UCLA 214 2045 Monroe Avenue 94002 Tingley, W. R. Calif 448 3906 Christian Or. 94002 Wagner. Richard, Jr. NW417 1938 Oak Knoll Or. 94002 BEN LOMOND

Hirschfeld, Richard Cal 354 Box 2011 Alba Rd. 95005 BERKELEY

Andres, lloyd Arthur UCLA 19 401 YaleAvenue 94708 Askins. Arthur l. UClA 137 Dept. of Spanish Univ. of Cal ifornia 94704 Beck, J. A., Jr. Calif 579 2427 Hitgard 94720 Coffman, John D. Cor 16 1759 Spruce St. 94709 Oelius, Herbert A. Calif 174 979 Overlook Road 94708 Oruker,S. M. Calif 628 2521 Regent Street, 119 94704

Ellman, J. P. Calil946 2437 Dur1nt,l206 94704

Fleming, James H. OreSt276 1047 Crenon Rd. 94708 Fulr.tth, Richard M. 111662 1156 Stuling 94708 Gitchell, Gregory A. Calif 525 46 Highland Blvd. 94707 Gormly, Horace J. Cat 507 97 Tunnel Rd . 94705 Hay, Or. Richard l. NW 362 c/o Geology Dept. UnivenityofCalifornia 94720

Hitler, Herman Franklin, Jr. Calif 54 2840 Russell St. 94705 Kislitzin, Richard 0. Calif 589 62 Northhampton Ave. 94707 l ee, Neville C. Calif 369 128 Vicenu Rd. 94705 Martin, Edward Atherton Calif 156 Bank of America Bldg. 94704 Melvin, Byron H. 111381 1850ArchSt., Apt. 4 94709 Moore, Carlisle M. Celif 349 SO Rock l ane 94708 Myer, ArthurH . Stan75 25 El Camino Real 94705 Orlica, Kerl A. OreSt 331 1802 Arch 13 94709 Patty, Frank A. OreSt3 174 Spruce St. 94707 Porter, Jesse Cartlege 111319 455 Boynton Avenue 94707

CARMICHAEL Gracey, J•m•E. Calif485 ~32 Engle Rold 95608 Grimltllw, Robin J. Cltif 378 6550 Pinocrat 9560B Htnkins, Ronltd A. Colo 541 3116 Teny Wty 95608 Htthtw~y , Wm. Ntil SoCai iOO 3518 lynm• 95608 Hoffelt, Richard H. CaJ 416

5448 Shelley Wey 95608 Huffman, William E. leSt 450 1204 lynnbrook. Ct. 95608 Martill$0n, Theodore V. Calif 397 6424 Stanley Avt. 95608 Pugh, Roben A. Cll 449 1430 Mtaion Avt. 95608 Speer, Robert E. WashSt 128 2301 VanUfford lane 95608 CASTRO VALLEY Green, Floyd l. WashSt 73

20881 Wilbam Ave. 94546 Hummtf, JamtsW. Den 105 18398 Centlf St. 94546 Tibbs, Richard lBS 1 26495 Palamare:s Canyon Road 94546


lowe, Gerald A.• Sr. lex 460 P.O. Box 225 95006 BREA

Fletcher, James D. Colo 586 1430 La Canada Or. 9262 1 Voigt, Ronald F. Rens 24 333SequoiaAve. 92621 BRENTWOOD

Pomeroy, Irwin Brent Calif 472 Rt. 2, Box 209 94513




Morris, Francis l. Wyo 126 Box 631 82643 Thompson, ChartesW. Wyo 146 Box 722 82643 Thompson, William l. Wyo 147 Box 722 82643


BUENA PAR K Beall, CharlesW. Ill 997 7270 Eighth St., Apt. 40 90620

Fredericks, Robert G. lBS 109 5718 l os Arcos Way 90620 l owry, Keith A. UClA 226 6131 Marshall Avenue 90620 Reaves, GeneW. lBS 21 P.O. Box 524 90620


Monroe, OIVid R. NH 392 18811 Alexandr1 Avtnut 90701 CHATSWORTH

Milligan, OaleW. OklaSt 416 10444 Vassar Ave. 9131 1 Shaw, Walter 0. UClA 186 21000 Chatsworth 91311 CHICA

Hepplawhite, James G., M.D. Colo 156 936 Karen95926 CHULA VISTA

Gove, James F. Cel 533 262 Elm Avenut 92010 Gravts, James B. UClA 141 1332 Hilltop92011 link, RichardJ. lnd 514 865 Fairway Ct. 920 10 Millar, J. W. 1111042 681 F St., Apt. 106 92010


Kile, Manindale, Jr. SoCal 278 2623 N. lamer St. 91504 Kosnik, Kenneth G. UClA 289 1412 North Keystone St. 91506 Onorio, Frank C. UClA 2592800 Nonh Buena Vista Street 91504

Rathun, Homer E. UClA 212 718 E. Angeleno Ave., Apt. C 91501

Siscoe, Eugene l. UCLA 209 111 3rdStreet 91504 Wessel, l awrence E. Calif 574 123 E. Walnut Ave. 91501 BURliNGAME Brew, Richard D. Colo 819 1469 Bellevue Ave. 94010 Galley, John H., Jr. lAS 100 15 15 ArcWay, Apt.30294010 Gunther, lester C. SoCa148 333 Chapin lane94010 Key, Edwin A. Pur 850 1557Meadowlane94010 Kindig, Everett K. KansSt 145 704 Vernon Way 94010

Skinner, Morgan E. Wise 322 709 Third Avenue 92010 lice, lt. G. 0., Jr. PennSt 482 153 Cypress Strtet 92010 Vanderveen, J. T. Calif 498 399 'G' St. 92010 CITRUS HGTS.

Houk, Richard A. UClA 68 6130 Westbrook Drive 95610 CLAREMONT

Arnold, Steven C. Colo 836 374 Notre Dame Rd. 91711 Bailey, WilliamS. 111791 1861 Salem Court 9171 1 Baker, James C. Ill 349 676W. HarrisonAve. 91711 Hansen, Th orwald A. Wash 102 1145 Baughman Or. 91711 Spaulding, Robert M. Wyo 121 1060 lake Forest Orive9 1711 Whitaker, Ritchie W. So Call71 1076 Harding Court91112 CLIO

Folsom, leonT. Calif 253 P.O. Box 110 96106 COLMA


Hansen, Kenneth E. Colo 448 25674 Whittemore Drive 91302

Zimmerman, Gary W. San Jose 22 752 Thornhill Drive 94015 COLTON


Remington, Thomas M. Calif 425 P.O. Box 75292231 Solomon, Gerald R. CoiSU 30 P.O. Box686 92231 CANOGA PARK Annis, Ronald M. UClA 131 7066 Middlesbury Ridge Circle 913 Bain, T. Bruce NW 340 201751ngomarSt. 91306 Benson, Robert C. UCLA 15 21520 Sherman Way 91303 Deter, Raben N. UClA 24 22309 Baltar SL 91304 Dillon, Jack C. Den 126 22936 81ythe 91304

Golubics, William G. Mich 625 23320 Haynes 91303 Grill, David W. UCLA 262 7902 Sausalito Avenue 91304 Harvey, David l. Cor578 22116 Elkwood 91304 Jorban, Jay l. UClA 223 7133 Cozycroft 91306 Markl , Robert H. Pur 863 6667 Sheltondale 91304 McColloch, C. William SoCal74 6521 Sausalito 91304 McKittrick, Robert 0. OreSt 212 23226 Hartland Street 9131)3 Phalen, Frank W. NU 282 23414 Justice St. 91304 Romer, Richard P., Ill Colo 817 8858 Oso 91306 Schwartz, Duane Wash 463 22215 Cantara Street 91304 Segersten, Russell H. Wash 382 22700 Napa Street 91304 CARLSBAD

Hill, William H. WashSt 157 3255 Meadow1ark 92008 Williams, Knox UClA 40 2030 Karren l ene 92008 CARMEL Elliott, Clayton Cal 110 Haciende Carmel 93921 Henderson, J. C., Jr. OreSt 273 P.O. Box 2792 93921

Hudson, JohnJ. Calif 501 R. 1, Box 60 93921

Rogers, Percy G. Cai55B 116 N. 8th 92324 COMPTON

Parrish, ChartesM., Jr. Pur633 1718Fernrock90220 Perkins, Kenneth W., Jr. LBS 93 1517 S. Mayo Avenue 90221 CONCORD

Boissonou , Joseph C. Calif 240 P.O. Box 269 94522 Chedzoy, Otvid C. WashSt 91 620 Gref!nwich St. 94520 Grobeck, Milton K. Ia St 401 1782 Thornwood Dr. 94521 Herdt, Alan A. Rens 103 527 Bermuda Orivt 94520 Holleman, John J. Cal480 4291 Baywood Circle 94521 lansc:he, Oral A. 1111 49 c/o Jameslenche 2425 East St. 94520

McGough, Charles P. Cal 58 I 1864lynwood Or. 94521 lindsey, Alan Mollison CreSt 204 2973 Knoll Drive 94520 Murphy, Thomas E. Wash 308 1792 Glazier Avt. 94520 Ward, Kenneth P. Colo 555 1784 San Ardo Court 94520 CORONA

Man, Harold R. Wash 385 2010 Pine Crest Dr;ve 91720 Schoenherr, Allen A. SoCel180 Rt. 2, Box 388 91120 Watts, Edwin H., Jr. CSClB 145 904 Alta lorna Or. 91720 CORONADO

Scruggs, Monty H. OklaSt 570 1027 Encino Row 92118 Turner, GlennWm. Ariz 160 1060 Coronado Avenue 92118 CORTE MADERA

Foster, Frederick 0., Jr. Cal470 207 Golden Hind Pass 94925 Howard, Bernard lnd 348 100 Walnut Ave. 94925 Husen, Or. Herbert R. NW 392 69 Sonora Way 94925 0-43

Hu.., Dr. H. R. NU 392 69 Sonon Wly 94925

Joh.,.,n, John W. Cll456 138 C....t Driwi9Q25 COSTA MESA

EltlrmNr, V.Uiilm D. KSt 311 2115 RoglsTr. 92G2G

s.t, Plom Rons 96

28-45 Europ~ Driwl92626

Roitk, awt. R. UCLA 35 1927 Bemlrdo AVL 92025 W.tontl, JMnes N. Ariz 9 At. 3, Box 605A 92025 Wotlftr, Rudolph C. l1 187 Aoutl 3, Box 855 92025 EUREKA


Bfickmln, Rlchlfd UCLA 206 685 E. Hum St 91122, R. W. UCLA 269 At 12, Box1362 95531 CRESTLINE

Utbmlnn, T1d W. CoiSC 106 Box 809 92325 CULVER CITY

Bria,ArttlurA.,Jr. LBS120 10764 Fluton Stntt 90230 Jutnglf, Willilm 0 . SoC.Iif 71 10814 Molony RGid 91123 Un*y, Roblft Arthur UCLA 27 5231 Dobson Wty 90230 CUPERTINO Brodlrry,Jock Cll495

7911 A1lnbow DrM 95014 Cilia, John A. UCLA 237 21456 Hollyo1k Driw 95014 CYPRESS £ugtn~

OIJon, John C. Ore St 144 6397loma AWL 95501 FAIRFAX



Hof'*. R - A. UCLA 25 242 E• 3rd Awenue 92025 fltlip, John L Ariz 20 110 Mills SL 92025

E. LBS 115

5062 Myro 90830 DALY CITY

Evins, John H. Wah 301 58 Glenwood 94015 Mitchell, H. H., Jr. PennS I 462 23 S.ntl Eltn194014 Wu, Willi1m G. Ort St 195 635 M1nila Wrv 94015 DANVIllE Fonyth, John C. lnd 329 249 No. HirtZ A11t. 94526 Gibb&,WaltwM., Jr. NW311 300 Oak Vitw TII'Titl94526 Gibmn, WiiiC.m B. Cor 437 112 Glen Court 94526 DAVIS Myon, R. J. C.lff 500

14 Almond lane 956 16 l'ltk, N10l F. C.l453

4 01ksid1 Drive 95616 Ptilttt, Dwid E. K1ns 671 1805 E. Bth 95616

Alstrom, AifrtdJ. ~if250 383 Caadl Drive 94930 FAIRFIELD Aldridge, GlOri!' M. GW 260 886 811nsford Court 94S33 Koch, Ru•ll M. C.l4n2 P.O . Box943 94533 N1il, Michie! E. LBS 85 2306 Plnnsylvlnia Avtnul 94533 FAIR OAKS

Hlllidey, Richlrd A. Ohio St 574 P.O. Box 148 95628 Linkous, Bruce E. OrtSt 168 7800 Jutru W1y 95628 Midltl, Roy W. Atns 166 8644 Pmhing AWL 95628 Ntwm~n, leontrd C. OrtSt 63 8012 Dorian W1y 95628 Newm~n, Phil W. OrtSt 290 8072 Ooriln Wrr 95628 Own, E. A. C.lif 437 7209 Palm Avtnue 94628 Seely, J1ma H. Colo 632 4951 Richwood Court 95628 FALLBRDDK

Ault, WiiiC.m J. Colo 796 1451 Gr11n C.nyon Rd. 92028 Harrison, Kermrt l. Alit 161 103 S. M1in 92022 FERNDALE

Brown, l t. Larry J. SCal 202 U.S. NMI flcility C.ntmille BrerKh 95536 Rogen, Edward K. Ca/82 Box 203 95629


Weia, Gene 0. Ore St 210 365 Fo nu n~Bivd. 95540 FOSTER CITY

Mrvthller, Howard A. Ia 385 633 Camel 94404 FOUNTAIN VALLEY


Wilson, D1n A. Colo SU 173 226 1.> BonttJ Rd. 91166 DDWNEY

Connon, R. T., Jr. C.lif 390 10909 Lakewood Blvd. 90241 McOtrmott, Pattr 0. SoC.! 140 12121 Hor1on 90242 Whiley, Al1n J. lBS 131 7532 Souze 90240 Wilson, Ronlld R. LBS 27 8531 Smollwood 90240 DUBLIN

Schneider, HIMY Rens 81 11656 Bttlen Drive 94539 Scott, OoMd H. C.l 523 682B Hyde Ct. 94566 El CAJON Ball, Or. A1lph T. NU 29 1364 East Wllhington Ave. 92020 K1ttham, Or. J1maS.O. lnd 386 1117 H~e itnd1 Or. 92020 Lip,, Dennis S. M 143 1258 Redwood Avtnut92021 Stamblck, Donald H. KlnSt 334 224 N. lMt 92020

Thornu. WIIUam C. Tu305 2083 Flying Hills Unt 92020 El CERRITO

C.nnon, Robert R. Cll514 805 Kensington Roed 94630 El DDRA DO HILLS

B1iley, Wrtnt G. Cal 540 922 King Henry Wrv 95630 EL SEGUNDO

Comb&, Robert E. Pur 668 424 W. AuMI St. 90245 Ktuppi, Ktnntth W. UCLA 227 211 W. Walnu1 AVL 90245 McCormick, Michatt A. UCLA 219 124 lorna VIsta 10 90245 EMERYVILU

Schatchtlthntidtr, Or. Jtny W'll535 Slltll DMiopo Co. 94508 ENCINO Hook, Jo11911f. UCLA 5

3106 TlfTIICI V'IIW Or. 91316 Joh1110n, Morril C. Sot.! 49 5122 Geviotl Ave. 91316 Malone, Edwwd C. SoC. 182 5100 ..,_oy 91316 Mlnnlfl, Roblrt L UCLA 87 3101 S..,plliro Dr. 91316 ESCONDIDO eo., L Ectwin O...St 208

1615 Boylt AlltiM 92025

F -. I.WrryC.It302 1380 Otkhill Dr. SP 2ti 92025 044

Allen, John F. lBS 101 11951 Mllody l'lrk 92640 Bl.,.,...,,.,.1L Ennt84

9002 Imperii~ AvtnUI 92641 Bloch, JOttph s . SoCal 57 12261 St. Mlrk St 92641 Butttrf•ld, V.lllct D. S Calif 9 12051 Jennifw L11119264D C.llah.n, Pltrick D. UCLA 189 10232 DIWIY OriYt 9264{1 DKUrd, Ch•l• E. lnd 603 8762 Elm• Lane 92641 Fixhlf, DIYI SC.I61 12582 Tunstlll92641 G1ry, Kenneth E. lBSt 30 12B22 Volonclo Woy 92641 Koril!lin, John B. UCLA 105 5685 C.ruiNn 92641 Milltr, Frw1kJin P. SoCII219 5362 Anthony Av111u1 92640 Niles, W1lt1r D. l 8S 45 5492 Trinettl Avenue 92641 Altd, Jo~h F. L8S 1 6101 Ludlow 92641 Aomiti, J1y G. Ort St 212 12902VIItncia"*'t 92641 T11111ey,John J. 12332 Wnton 92641 Tumtr, Tom A. LBS 70 13482 Ashwood 92640

Willilms, Fred C. Wash St 81 8712 Ad1h St 92641 Worden, OIVid LBS 129 5421 Vll'lgUifd 92641 GARDENA

Bell, Albert E. S Calif 38 241 E. Oliva St 90247 Clabaugh, Robert G. Ore St 205 13616 Casimitr 90249 Evatt, Arthur A. WashSt 12 19202 Champ.tign Avenue 90247 laacs, lali1 S. UCLA 215 15506 Lemoli St. 90249 Morris, Roblf't A. UCLA 187 14914 Denbr Ave. 90247 Y1mtto, Lince Rens 145 11301 Denklr #1 90247 GEYSERVILLE

McCutth1n, William A., Jr. Cll338 8895 H...n Line 95441


Flennigan, MichltiF. Nebr587 220 Anzio 93941

Bo* . Glynn G. SoCII 58 18636 Cottonwood 92708 Moss, Robert J. Pur 579 11454 Santa Luci1 St. 92708 Tate, W1lt1r A. SoCt11 02 9225TtiblrtAvt. 92708 ra, Howard 0 . I.St 512 18937 S.n Bta 92708 FREMONT

Hus, Mtrle E. KSt 384 40444 laJolla Ct. 94538 Pimantel. Jack A. Ore St 147 31732 Gr~nville 94536 Vedder, M. l. C.lif 426 3692 Sutton Loop 94531 FRESNO

Duvall, Jam11 A. NU 553 2333 E. Richer1 93728 Gibson, John 0 . UCLA 261 1412 East Comell93704 Gipe, Kenneth H. Colo 709 5481 East Heaton Avtnut 93702 Hitchcock, RichardT. lnd 121 4875 E. Tyllf 93702 Kirk, H1ny W. Cal 594 215 S. lind Ava. 93702 Martin, Gtorge W. C.lif 339 2147 N. Jackson 93703 Mtngshol, John G. Cal512 4144 East Platt 97302 Olson, Richtrd L. C.l435 4919 N. Moroa 93704 Spancar, LH Minn 613 3352 W. D ian~ 93126 W1re, Chlrla StiMOS Calif 246 547 Lansing 93704 FULLERTON

Baillie, AJIIn S. Ohto 112 2612 E. !Wrson 92631 Drummond, Ch.t• R. UCLA 185 2535 E. S.nta Fe Ave. 92631 Fot1Ch, Burdette W. Wyo 100 1401 Shldow Ln. 92631 tbrtm1t1, Hlftey A. SoC.I107 513 S. Euelid AV'I. 92632 H1rtman, John W. So Cal186 1565 Johnston Knoll92632 HI"-Y, Bort K. UCLA 15

1510 VifVinia Road 92631 H...tiN. AMn 0. c.t 444 800 E. Gl~nwood Avt. 92632 Htbdfn, Mlrc:ella J. Midi 442


Goodwin, OoMd Cal 333 114 So. Forat 95020 GlENDAlE Andenon, Donald R. K1ns 540 1066 Spazltr Avenu1 91201 Barna, Capt. R1y A. H1rv 239 P.O. 8ox 1589 91209 Feutz, William E1mest NW 80 614 South Centrtl Avenue 91204 Fortner, Cl1rence B. lnd 184 1225 Highl1nd Avt. 91202 H1nkins, Marvin 0 . Colo 626 1411 El Mirldor9 1201 Meythaler, Howard A. le 385 1111 Verdugo Road Apt. 214 91208

Miller, J1ma E. UCLA 78 1121 N. Center St.Apt. 2291202

Moore, Robert L., Jr. Cllif587 1404 Shady Glen Road 91208 Pettrick, John Heuil Mo 110 934 N. JK!uon St. 91207 Smith, Herbert W. UCLA 295 202 0 . Wat Chevy Chat Or. 91204

Thorson, Roblft A. UCLA 239 1425 LH Driva 91201 Ullm1rlt, Willi1m A. UCLA 140 429 N. Br1nd Blvd. 91203 Vaussi, Fr~nk 0 . Kin 484 1288 Los Angeia StrNt 91204 GLENDORA

Lundstrom , John W. UCLA 95 603 N. Crestview Or. 91140 Roblf'ts, Thoma G. Cal611 7735 N. C.irnorove91140 Smothtn, 0 . M. Ill 554 2360 Valcourt lllll9114n Wttkma.n, Cl\wla R. Mich 575 2338 E. Valcourt llne91140 GOLETA Hutchinson, Bruce T. IW 85 6510 S.bado Twdt, Apt. B 93011 GRANADA HILLS

Eke, John N. WashSt180 11314 Gerald Avenue 91344 Frye, John A. NH3 12 10923 Babbitt 91344 Htmpstud, Dtvid W. UCLA 218 16332 Jontin St. 91344 T1rttr, Thoma A. UCLA 254 11546 Aldet Avt. 91344 Voortt-. L. W. Colo 461 17411 Hilwltha 91344 GRASS VALLEY

Mlnhlws, Arthur P. c.t 190 184 Ai...n W1y 95945

119 .... PI«t92632

Hudlon, .Ita M. LBS 59 501-N Commonwllllth, I26A 92631


Krummer.hft, V. H. Pur 507 American EIIC1tonla 1600 E11t V.-.cil Drive

Howard, Jam11 R. UCLA 69 3212 RidMIWOrM-91745 llnon, Milts M. LBS 11 14424 PMm 91145

92631 L...a, Gory D. Syr 124

Rlgltr, Gonld F. UCLA 218

2312 E. Common...tth, Aj!LG92631

Patroc:eUi, louil R. LBS 48 1855 El ._ lMt 92632

Purdy, Shtldon P. Colo 24 l21 N. Flonntt 92633


Huntlr, Mlkolm R., Jr. Vt 50 24200 Amb...:lor Pl. 90710 HAWTHORNE




Jones, Robert E. SoCall14 2041BIIbotAvt. 92014 Kellogg, Richard E. C.l 509 1896 StiYitw 92014

Romit. Aichlrd A., M.D. Colo 427 301 w.a Blltlnehury 93632 Samulllon, Glflld D. UCLA 70 3246 La Lom1 Pl. 92632

3210 Ric.hvitw DriV'I91745 Wtdttl, N... P. UCLA S3 1826 S. Otympia Aw. 91145

Cook, J011ph E. Cal 499 14001 Chadron Alit. 90250 Thom~~n, John E. UCLA 160 3100-11811>51.90250



P.O. Bu1011 - C o. 95642

LAR. .UR - J. S.CIIII411 Rood 114139



Ullii, Dr. T.W. lnd420

JOSHUA TREE Mcllughlln, R. P. llo 218 60630 U!hom Trail 92252

32G2 lloln 92045 l'lrthur11. Nlgol E. Oro St 2S3 1130 Woi1o Rd., Ajlt. 36 92045


a.rt.sdlle, Dr. Robert W. Cal264 765 Sorenaon Rd. 94544 Colt, Robert J., Jr. S.nJ011 28 727BirtltttA11t. Apt. 9 94541 H1n'llf, T. l. PtnnSt 561 30251 V1ndtrbih St. 94544 Mldltn, Robert C. SC 4n 1137WIIplftStrttt 105 94541

Pltrick, Gto1'91 C. Den 79 250 W. JICkaln 94544 Whitt, Thom• J. WashSt 295 768·7 W. Sunstt 94541 HEMET Clwk, Cetil S. Colo 58 2G200 Sobobo Sr. 92343

Luc:e, HNold W. Ill 280 661 Ptlom• Drive 92343 Luce, Robtft C. Pur 638 661 Palomar Drive 92343 HERMOSA BEACH

H1worth, Robert F. C.lif 566 P.O. Box667 90254, 01n P. SoCII147 640 11th 90254

Troutm1n, J. Robert L8S 2 645 3rd St.. IS 90254 HIGHLAND PARK

Huyett, Ernest N. Or.St 295 222 North Avt.,#66 90042 HILLSBOROUGH

Stho1lts, Jo119h E. Ia 286 10 M<Crotry 94010

Willig, Ed, Jr. C.l 450 1465 Southdown Ad. 94010 HOLLYWOOD

Clements, Thomes USC 1 2171 Vistl Del Mu Avenue 90028 Schuyler, Rob R. So Cal148 1127 N. Ogden Or. 90046 Smith, Thomes A. K1ns 737 5733 Virgini1 Ave., Apt. 1 90028 HUNTINGTON BEACH

Armstrong, OIVid J. LBS 155 11092 Edgewater Lane 92647 Bl ia, JackM. LBS 138 21511 th St. 92646 FIIWS. Gtrtld W. LBS 69 612 C.lifornil92646 Frye, Geor1111 A. Colo 678 81 45 Foxh1ll Or. 92646 Funke, Greg R. LBS 104 8022 Ebb Tide 92646

Goolsby, Oscar K., Jr. OkleAM 371 16191 Marien Lant92647 Hint, lCOR Plul M., Jr. LBS 6 15631 Ptlic1n Lint 92647 Mallory, George A. Cal4n7 6302 Flint Or. 92646 Montgomery, Robert H. Cal443 19352 Worchester Lane 92647 Pldgat, Gerald E. LBS 35 11212 Almelo 92647 Partin, Jerry LBS 108 9712 Blutrttf Or. 92645 PlatH, Ch1rlu A. SoCII 232 9152 Mlholo Drivl92646 P'lrklns. Ch1rles A. LBS 99 457 Pacific Plrk 92647 Rtnnl, Aichwd R. LBS 96 5942 Mt1dowt1rk Or. 92647 R i~g~l, H1rry 1., Jr. Ctl 394 4112 Calhoun 92647 Simpson, Don R. LBS 13 8191 M1ry Cirtlt 92646 St1rr, Thomes A. LBS 57 1622Volgo, Apt.l 92641 Sttw~rt, Don1ld A. UCLA 122 11291 Vo•rrita Circle 92646 Sttwwt, N. A. UCLA 109 9]12 u CriSta Clrtlo 92641


Moo,, c.t A., Jr. Colo 333 3881 Finintrfl Dr. 92647

HUNTINGTON PAR K Osborn, William J. UCLA 245 6252 Btnaon St. 90255 Robinson, Pierce H. Mtch 244 7023 Te~Mton St. 90256 Wibon, Domlld A. LBSt 26 6321 Gentry St. 90257 Woods. Aobtrt G. Colo 158 3102 E. Grend AVL 90257



Dixon, Dwid A. 111121 1 Anoyo Or. 94904 KIN& CITY

INGLEWDDD Choonwn, Sorvont Col 210 129 Cory Dri¥t 90302

Doughty, Gltnn H. MD 158

109 G,_ Aw. 90301 Giuliano, Brua S. UCLA 224 10237 V1n N• AYI. 90303, Owitn E. Cll604 33216Wtst 110th90303 Sitvw, Roy Anthony sc.r 118 9509~90301

433% North Prtiril AVL 90301 ~~

Robtrt M. UCLA 240

10942 Chalw1 AWL 90303

lllclliol, Ronoid J. UCLA 230 23062 G._;llt BIW. 93245 LINDSAY

Doyle, John R. Calif 99 Box 126 93930

Fultlfton, Roblrt C. UCLA 17 21206 Rood 21G 93241 LIVERMORE


S.rton, Gila Eugene Cin 63 905 Milmedt 91011 McKolwy, Torry So Col161 4516 D ~orldgo 91011 LA CRESCENTA

Bahlu , Arthur J. Cin 250 3245 AJ1ilMnl Street 91014 B..n, A. l. CoiSC 42

3832 Los Amigos 91214 McC.rty, Wm. A., Jr. Den 107 5115 Cloud Ave. 91014 Sttuw, Kt.Js..Ptttr A. LBS 23 2843 Mlnhtttln 91214 LAFAYEnE V~loy


Denham, Jerome H. C.l 504 3443 St. Miry's Road 94549 Foa, Richerd L. NW 374 3966 RtrKho Rd. 94549 Mu.,hrry, 1\111 B. UCLA 41 3422 MtEIItn 94549

Willilms, Llieattr H. eam 154 11 40 V1lltcito Ct. 94549 LAGUNA BEACH

Alvold, Donlld H. Minn 449 124 RivMr1 lrvintCo~~t92651

H1b«:k, Gtrlld F. SoCII117 1063 V1n Oykt 92651 H1rtm1n, Gtof'll' L So Cll106 909 Canyon View Dr. 92651 Sykes, Arthur G. Wah 340 790 S. CoiS1 Btvd. 92651 LAGUNA HILLS Gr~l\lm ,

Thom. L. UCLA 18 118-C Via Ettnda 92653 Jacob W. Car 31 461 ·8 Avtnidt Stvill1 92653 Korb, Lawnnce J. Ft•ns 38 748 Avendl M1joril, Apt. A Kauffm~n,


Megathan, Wallace C. Kens 132 782 N. Vii Los Altos 92653 Orville, Harold Curtis Cin 14 766 Q C.ll1 A11g0n 92653 Wilson, Harold E. Ill 336 220 B Avenidl M1jore1 llisurt Worid 92653 LA HABRA

Fuqua, W1rr1n F. NU 481 1321 N. W1lnutSt. 90631 Hunt, GtOrgt L., Jr. LBS 91 500 Plrtwood 90631 lynn, J1mn F. SoCal131 2181 Chort190631 StiWirt, Ro"'r K. S Celif 66 2115 La Paloma Or. 90631 LA JOLLA

Gthmtn, Bruct l. Mich 638 9331 Dilc:ovtry V.y, Apt. E 92031

Hendershott, lynn R. Wyo 216 121 Colimt St. 92037 Huddell, George W. Frk 328 Etds 92037

King, Morrill W. Minn 169 849 Coat BIW . clo CaSI Dt Mll"'lf'll 92037 McCosh, Richard E. Colo 383 5798 Btllvut AVI. 92037 Sh~rfey, RobinS. Frk 509 611 Kirkwood Ad. 92037 LAKESIDE Clmp,

LDDI Hkks, Gnld 0. Colo 619

1004 South L• 9524n



Rd. 94549

Otltlt, Htny Calif 646 950 Mount View -

1508 ~

4215 Comoll Wrry 94550

Woodworth, Aoblrt J. Colo 411 914 W1g0ner Or. 94550

Cunninghlm, DougJ. H. UCLA 220

Ayw, Plul E. Calff 226 3192 Hoppy

Bodgor, R~ph E. llo 580 442 El Camlnito 94550 GJ110, Aithlrd l. Mo 700 165 El Clminfto 94550 MKGI'IfOI", M.kolm H. Mich 498 4651 Almond Circle 94550 Teytor, ChlrtiiJ., Jr. 111539


D. C.l 662

9759 Pint Drive 92040 LAKEWOOD

Carl, Morley Jry Frk 561 4181 Bouton DrWt90712 Curtis, Arthur B., Ill LBS 80 2502 Gratntop Strwt 90712 Rldor, Jim C. Atiz 61 6323 T1ngltwood St. 90713 Warner, Rex E. S C.lif 88 3207 Silva 90712 LA MESA

IMPEA1Al8EACH Cutwr, Yrtmyr M. WllhSt 299 H 510, NAAS, R11m Filld 92033 Evtnolt, Pltar J. II St 635 HC 1 R11m Field 92032

Sttubtn, R. A. LBS 121

HANFORD F~. Jonethan D. Cal 100 1422 Btnp1on 93230

.lA COOI RyM, At!Dmly -

Matthews.JohnW. Dr.St 193 1240 VISII Avt. 92041 Dn, Kodh M. Oklo 100 6315 s..titro Rood 92042

LA MIRACLE Brady, Jamea H. Ore St 303 14627 La Plume Dr. l'l638 LA MIRA DA

Andlnon, N-' E. W'll596 14920 Ptmbtrton 90638 DM, H,_d D. So Col 224 14828 S. Spri,.tOtd Or. 90638 lindgnn, John S. S Calif 85

14302 Ml'*ill Or. 90638

WHdritk, DMI M. UCLA 2S1

15936 Gllztlwook Dri¥190638 LA PUENTE St-BryMW. SoCol51

17247 E. Autum Oriwl91144


Ad1ms, Jtck Cal447 2030 B-yl'lozo1229 90815

Arrington, .llmtl So C.l172 3046 Klrtn Ava. 90808, Don M. Penn St 468 4243 E. 5th St.,l3 90814

Blkw, Richlrd G. UCLA 71 480 Ptmtl Ave. 90814 Btnstn, Paul L. UCLA 144

4&1 Wost 2511> St. 90806 8 rt~V::hley,

Robert A. SC.I 59

1106 Eat 45th Wrry 90801

Brooks, John W. Cal 255 Box 7447 90807 Cordts. ,.llaeo LBS 1B

3411 Juliln El Orldo Plirt 90808

Cox, Henry C., II SoCtlif 204 3050 Coolidgl90805 Dixon, L. Arthur LBS 29 1036 Ridgewood St. 90807 Drew, Oo l"'lld A. LBS 14 1932 flnwo od Avt. 90815 Dumostti, John S. LBS 73 1221 E. 53rd St 90805 Fisher, Thom11 Au.ll Mo 467 2857 Monognm Alit. 90815 H1ll, Ro• Emenon Herv 109 150 ROMtil Aw. 90803

Ermttt, Ctrl LBS 83 3719 Lewis Avenue 90807 Hoffm1n, Or. Robert l. LBSt 16 3736 Atl1ntlc Ave. 90807 Kaminsty, Michie! G. Rens 134 5387 Appiln W1y 90803 KifliiY, Leon B. 11116 455 E. Otwn Btvd. Cooper Arms 90802 l, Glenn E. UCLA 20 1118 E. 45th Wrv 90807 Ly dtrs, Kenneth o. seam 110 653 ProaptCt A11t. 90814 Mlys, JohnS. UCLA 73 6321 Mlriquitl St 90814 McBridge, Oonlld U. Pur 704 7881 Roper St 90808 Milllf, H1rold E., Jr. LBS 133 6241 Oaym1n St 90815 Mit11r, J1m11 E. 111563 3605 Long SIKh BIYd. Suitt 225 90807 N11ton, D11t LSB 64 1333 Huding 90805 R1ndolph, Mid\111 F. leSt 530 444 Wat Oceen Bfvd . 90802 Robinson, Thom~~W. LBS 32 2627 Chatnut Avenue 90806 Robinson, Willilm J. lBS 47 2627 Chtslnut Avenue 90806 Lowe, J. Mu Sdlottm1n Ctl 182 2505 E. 2nd Strwt 90803 Schrotdtr, H. H. C.lif 290 274 St. JOIIPh Avenue 90803 ShoHus. Echwrd T. Alk 2 3598 lime AVIOUI 90801 Silknittlf, Jama A. SoCII128 108M Xlmeno Ave. 90803 Sprague, J1mes A. LB 15 121 L1 V1m1 Ave. 90803 S()urr, B•ttv A., IV LBS 143 1615 Ajlpltron 90802

StiVInl, Chlrta A., Jr. LBS 54 1524 Armlndo Dr. 90807 Stod.l\lm, John C. LBS 74 336 Cherry AWL 90812 TayiOf', Rict.d A. LBS 111 6357 St. louis AVI. 90805 Troutman, JOttphC. lBS41 3227 Dlftl Awnue 90810 Tunw, Gtnld A. UCLA 202 3184 Euctlypt~ Ave. 90806 Vamtr, Din E. L8S 4S 3252 Killin 9081)8 Walker, G""' LBS 16 3242 Rounn1 90808 Witton, Jem• N. lBSt 8 4820 Arbor Rood 90808 LOS ALAMITOS a..,.. D - So Col189

11812 MwtN Ann Drive 90720

Btst. Robtrt E. Cin 143 11348


Gildvilt. Jam. R., Jr. LBS 19 2691 Main W.y Or. 90720 o-.,"""'M. Nollr532

3222 Kempton Or. 90720

Si'1i'iNo'= ~rt!:,as~s:.,


a..-. Robor1 H. Colo 353 510- Woy 94022

lloby, F - G. Colo 344 825Tnol LIM 94022 Cllooloy, Gilmon D. NH 201 22431 Stirling Dr. 94022 H~l. Konntth II. WoohSt 158 29 Son Juon Coun 94022 Horr,J-h R. Cor482 13480 Mondoli Dri¥1 94022 Robon E. Col605 522 Pl<o Dr. 94022 I.Moo, GIOrJI L. St 96 119 AWIIon Dr. 94022 l.oM, J-hA. Col~266 211 Llvo 08 LIM 94022 Prllrlon,VmrL. OrtSt189 484 . _ Woy 94022 Sdnehetftr, JonlthtnJ. ColoStCol 61 B9B S.ntl Ritl Avtnut 94022 Tharp, Bobble V. Wlllh 335 1574 Vlnoyord Dr. 94022 Towll.~ondH . NH98 11270 Pogo Mill Rood 94022 W'ICkmln, John F. Celtf 535 P.O. 703 94022 W'ICkmln, Raymond H. Calif 553 P.O. Box 703 94022


LOS ANGELES Abdo; J-h C. UCLA 213 644 N. Rosanort 90005 ~ Goorp Wm. Chi 99 265B Glond- 90027 Aleundor, B. B. CoiK 541 400 South HaUitr, ISB

90036 Alwortll, Donold Ed-11 S Colif 91 5916 S. Montliold A,.. 90043 Andonon,IMng Ill 129 2121 West Minth Strwt 90006 Baldwin, F. l., II Ktns593 9279 Sitrrt Mtr Dr. 90069 Bllltntynt, Verne WISh 215 P.O. Box 75703 90005 Barber, Jtm• A., Jr. SoC.I121 1234 Oek Grovt Drive 90041 Bouer, Eclword F. Col368 5239 Hartwick 90041 Bunyan, William 8939 S. Sapulvodo Blvd. 90045, Frederick A. C.! 531 3244 Sowtolle 90024 C..bier, Allan F. UCLA 130 3113 Sowttllo Blvd. 90034 Courson, Mich•l W. UCLA 263 722 South St. Andrews Place 90005 Cox, Jerry Tt x 505 363 N. Drongo 90036 Crtig, Robtrt F. Nebr 341 160 S. Windsor Blvd. 90004 Cros:sett, Jerry W. leSt 577 7852 Kenyon Ave. 90045 Crum, Donald W. UCLA 148 7B7 Mt. Washington Dr. 90065 Culty, RoyTracole C.lif 173 3025 M"'woll 90027 Damask, Thorn• V. Calif 603 6520 Wast 83rd St. 90045 David, Ralph R. GW 247 6001 Temce Drive 90042 Otvis, Robert H. SoCal36 11363 Wattfford St. 90049 Ookovnt, Allen M. LBS 102 2012 W. Imperial Hwy. 90047 Oominetta, Richard J. 111683 8405 Georgetown 90045 Eiaer, Keith A. Cin 211 12902 Dowoy St. 90066 Ellis, H. I, Col 608 5117 Lt Mirodo 90038 Gandrud, Sam G. SCalif 98 834 W. Jtffmon 90007 Gapard, Oontld J., M.D. SoCal151 4114 Sea View lane 90065 Gml , Kenneth N. SC.Iif 62 6543 W. B2nd St. 90045 Gibson, Donald A. So Cal 234 365 S. Virgil Ave. 90005 Glenney, lynn H. Calif 478 760 S. Barfington Avt. 90048 Gordon, Hugh T., Jr. Cel 31 Knapp, Gill, Hibbert & Sttvtns 625 City Not'l Bk. Bldg. 606 S. Olivo Stnot 90014 Grent, Bill Genne Colo 410 623 Chestnut Avtnut 90042 HNCk, Clnnc::t C. UCLA 60 21t2linda Flora Drivt 90024 Hamilton, Dennis C. UCLA 204 1446}S, S. Blllllf1y Glen Blvd. 90024 Heyler, John B. UCLA 37 10436 Tenneae Avenue 90064 Hostttltr, Clint Wash 446 10633 Kinnard 90024 Hurdle, Stuart A. Wyo 101 3250 Sawttlle Blvd ., Apt. 2 90066 Jamie, Wt llace N• SoCalif 136 406 S. Orange Gr0111 Avt. 90036 Jensen, Will ilm H. LBS 113 520 Dow Dr. 90065 Jones,..te.eAIIen KansSt164 5655 Whittier Blvd. 90022 J-h. ""I J. UCLA 228 154B Grtnville Awnue 90069 Kaub, Gtorgt H., Jr. NW 587 10929 v.llworth 90024 Knutson, Ernest W. NW B5 1957 N. Kenmort 90027 Kvtmme, Jule N. Minn 5-9-9 7936 Dunbarton 90045 ltdochy, StM UCLA 272 2616 Hollyridge Drive 90028 Unon, Dale L. UCLA 171 3605 Military Ave. 90034 llnt·Koop, Benjamin M. Mich 434 6532 W. 85th Pl. 90045 Lewin, Willilm F. 111150 903 S. Ktnmort 90006 little, Stephtn J. Ktns 687 3222 Sowbllo, ApL 3 90066 l ivengood, Wtmn J. Kan 497 6220 South Feirfax Avenue 90056 Lokka, L. M. UCLA 39 7813 Mulholltnd Orivt 90046

Lo,..,.., Konntth A. lo 348 An DopL, UnN. of Celif. 90024

Lullow, Frodorio:k 0., 11 Wyo 199 117341MIIhn Blvd. 90025 Lyon, John 8., Jr. UCLA 11 10501 Willhn Blvd., l23ll7 90024 Mlnoil, Robert So Cal 238 230 S. Luc:emo Blvd. 90004 McAnally, JohnS. lnd 273 1824 Campus Rd. 90041 Milllrd, LI'Vi R. UCLA 72 308 N. Rosano,. 90004 Mitdlell, Earl F. S Col~ 3ll 2420 Hyperion 90027 Moo,., Rict..d W. UCLA 147 2422 Pilqum Dri¥1 90049 NtthtfWtt, Jack B. SoCalif 201 221 South Rockinghtm Alii. 90049 Nothonutt, J. B., II So Coi 1B2 841 Ltontrd Road 90049 Ntthtreutt, Robert C. So Cal 220 221 S. Rockingham Avtnut 90049 Obtrtloltz, lattr Colo 217 2500 w... 6th s..., 90005 Dgg.JornesW. UCLA 292 3668 W. 61st St. 90043 Olmsted, Ro1toe T. 111193 570 N. Rossmort Avt. 90004 OSitr, George Ray Frk 217 143 North Van Nm 90004 Pwson, Rogtr W. le 374 2332 Mtndtvillt Cyn. Dr. 90049 Ptila, Jimmiel. UCLA 81 2706 LockJiey Piece 90039 Pritt, Dnid A. UCLA 255 5361 Ru-'190027 Prost, Jack H. NW 485 c/o Otpt. AnthropologySociology UCLA 90024 ReiYII, Gordon l. Ia St 383 5174 Lolett Alfl. 90041 Rtin.::h, Frank Hennen UCLA 2 1322 No. Gardner St. 90048 Riddle, JamaH . UCLA 128 3352 Oak Glen Drive 9002B Roberts, Alan M. Ariz 121 12026 Coshin Ave., Apt. 6 90049 Ro•, Kenneth E. CSCLB 149 5339 Raynter Ave. 90056 Rowles, William l., Jr. Wai\St 121 1445 Mumy DrM 90026 S.atjian, Normtn C. LBS 37 3957 Cloverdale Avenut 90008 Schwartz, Donald R. UCLA 195 11 914 Darlington Ave. 90049 Stffens, Martin J. Cal 586 4744 Don Zaremba 90008 Shaw, Robert M. UCLA 21 1622 Comstock Avtnue 90024 Sloat, John B. UC LA 191 1210 Roscomara Road 90024 Spagon, James A. Ariz 35 8334 Fordham Rotd 90045 Vivian, Robert Evans S Calif 2 862 Victoria Ave. 90066 Walsh, Oanial J. UCLA 97 2403 No. Alvarado St. 90039 Weber, Ernest Max UCLA 85 3730W..,Bivd. 90016 Weber, Otto R. S Calif 199 127·Burlingeme Ave. 90057 Webster, Geo. M. Kans 362 3062 w. 4th 90050 Welles, Roger M. UCLA 115 10271 Crtsta OrM 90064 Weverka, Dennis A. UCLA 244 3128 w. 76th s..... 90043 Wilder, William J. Kens 67 611 North Mansfield 90036 Woerner, Fred W., Jr. SoCal 227 1017 W. 35th St. 90007 LOS GATOS fuke, Lawrence E. SJSt 34 220 Highland Oaks Or. 95030 Hastings, AndrewS. Calif 147 25065 Skyland Road 95030 l~t~nen, H. B. Wash 486 107 Broodway 95030 Justi, William H. Ill 675 16200 Metilde 95030 King, RichardJ. WashSt 127 16700 Marchmont Or. 95030 McPherson, Ouocan, IV Cal 610 15799 Skyline Blvd. 95030 Newcomb, Alan K. Wash 493 15485 One Oak lane 95030 Shewbridge, Ronald Calif 490 22015 Old Santa Cruz Hwy. 95030 LOS MOLINOS Allen, Dante! L Cal 598 P.O. Box 124 96055 LYNWOOD logan, HarvtY l. lBS 66 10831 Sampson Awnue 90263 MAMMOTH LAKES Bumstrom, JohnS. Ia St 470 P.O. Box 24 93514 MANHATIAN BEACH Andet'SOn, fredW. Calif329 719 19th St. 90266 Barbour, l eo H. Mich 502 528 Fim90266 Bowman, GeorgeW. Cin 187 1764 Voortlees 90267 Green, Kelvin 0. Pur 639 1014 Duncan Pl. 90266 Kamptr, Brian A. LBS 130 1101 Elm 90266 Pray, Thomos R. Col352 524 12th St. 90266 Siegel, Gilbtrt Byron SoC.I103 1521 6th Stmt 90266 Summers. Donald M. SoCal165 801 Pock A,.. 90266 MARINA Brown, Jereld E. SJSt 39 P.O. Box 547 93933 lucas, Paul A. Ohio 207 492 Jton Circle

MARINA DEL REY Mohon, Honold R. Wyo 148 4250 V"• MoriM 90291 - o h, ..,_ M. UCLA 124 13928 W. Tohili Woy, Apt 126 90291 MENLO PARK 8ry10n, Stulft A. Ariz 96

175 StoM Pine 94025 Dtrby.. irt, R. L Rtns 83 398 Menlo Deb Dr. 94025 Grnn, MihonW. Pur531

440 Shorwoodwoy 94025 Guich1rd, Douglas E. C.lif 341 21B Ltlond 94025 Harmon, Jeffrey Ounttn S.nJose12 657 CoHogo A... 94025 Haxit, Gordon G. Vt 51 800 B Ct mbridgl A111. 94025 Kooktr, Robert A. NU 641 2140 Cltyton Drivt 94025 O'l Nry, ThomaS. NW 294 1230 Shtrmtn Aw. 94026 Mullen, Thoma R. Wash 480 350 August Circle 94025 Riley, ChwlaW. UCLA 6 570 Berbley Awnue 94025 Sanden, v.m. H., Jr. SJJ 1015 Ht nderson Awnue 94025 Sunntrgren, Edwin C. Wyo 60 219 Santa Margarita Ave. 94025 MERCED Reymer, Mtj. John C. WashSt 69 845 Brockdale Orivt 9SJ.40 MI DWAY CITY Bailey, Thomas F. LBS 136 15341 Ctdtrwood Ave. 92655 C.rtiste, James W., Jr. LBS 122 14651 Harper Street 92655 Kamholz, Keith D. lBS 63 14651 Van Buren 92655 MILLBRAE Keiter, Herry l. Mich 281 Amtrican Book Company 399 Adrian Road 94030 MILL VALLEY Griffin, Robert E. Colo 693 55 Park Aw. 94941 Harding, louis G. WashSt 133 443 laVerna A111nue 94941 Harman, John R. Mo 572 303 Reed BIVII . 94941 Merritt, FrtnkJ. Pur641 25 Keats DrM 94943 MIRALESTE Metfessel , NIW'ton S. SoCal41 2532 Cok Rd. 90731 MISSION VIEJO Cooper, John l. Il l UCLA 233 24632 Chrisanta Cr. 92675 Jones, Donald l. Pur 688 26712Mttits92675 MODESTA Connd, Paul E. lnd 459 3105 Nottingham Dr. 95350 Haa, Or. D. Kendall YAs 517 3412 Langashire 95350 Howard , Edwin l. Kans 642 2204 Vera Cruz Dr. 95359 MONTEREY Reutter, Altn G. Cal 556 234 Mar Vista 93940 Smith , Donald H. Calif 405 Box 1008 93940 MONTEREY PARK In kster, George l. Wyo 54 1866 Verde Vista 91754 O'Brien, Keith G. So Calif 214 400 N. lincoln Ave. 91754 Richert, Ray W. So Calif 77 592 Taylor Orive 91754 MORAGA Jollymour, Arthur P., Jr. Ca1445 7 Camelford Court 94556 MOUNTAIN VIEW lttr, Jerry G. OreSt 274 448 Oeii94B40 Olsen, Gregory Ora St 342 1765 C Ednamery Way 94040 Pfost, R. Fred Cal 446 1855lime Tree ln. 94040 NAPA Backman, Jama C. WashSt 201 3031 linda Viste 94558 Jensen, Jack M. Calif 396 19 Forest. Orive 94558 Polzin, Donald A. Ore St 165 1100 Plaza Avenue 94558 NATIONAL CITY James, W. Robert, Jr. Colo 670 136 South Belmont 92050 NEVADA CITY Bamickol, Harvey J. OreSt 11 2 132 E. Cement Hill Rd. 95959 Beeson, A. W. Calif 479 2{)8 Evergreen Or. 95959 Frtsbie, Harry E. Cal221 Rt. 1, Box 192 A2 95959 Robinson, B. P. Calif 528 115 Walrath Ave. 95959 NEWBURY PARK Do nnelly, Richard M. lBS 154 427 Wtndy OrM 91320 NEWHALL Williams, Relph A. SoCal156 24275 San fernando Rd. 91321 NEWPORT BEACH Ambrose, Richard l. UCLA 190 340B Mtrcus 92660 Cartton, John C. USC 16 2040 Ocean Blvd. Balboa Stn. 92661

Hira1111, Alln Cal 585 1300 Coni Pl. 92fi60 Murphy, 'MIIilm D. SoCII192 1506 Linc:oln Une92660 Taylor, HIMy S., Jr. UCLA 112 5005 Bruce C..:.nt 92660 Tyrrell, Rrymond G. Ariz 56 2341 IMnt 92660 NORTH HIGHLANDS Ptngbom, Jon B. Syr 409 3642 Milton Wry 95660 NORTH HOLL YWDDD Anderson, Oon.. d V. UCLA 201 5142 Tuiung~ Avt. 91601 Funston, Richard Y. Ttx 513 11150 Aqua Vistl91602 Holgatt, Ch.ta G. Wasfl24B 6251 Btkman A111. 91606 MeGan', Lowtll J. Oklt 565 6047 St. Clair 91606 McCr.cktn, Norm.-a l. UCLA 102 5645 Rtdford Ave. 91607 Stttlemytr, George B. Ariz 54 4848 LtdQo St. 91601 Twombly, Aaron F. ColoSC 53 11922 Kling 1302 91607 NORTHRIDGE Anderson, James C. UCLA 76 11310 Amigo Ave. 91324 Clemens, William E. SoC.I 45 18361 Oonmetz St 91324 GoSling, Richard E. Okla 205 1B137 Ltbrtdor, S. 91324 lohl, Ronald E. UCLA 155 19130 Nordhoff St , IJ 91324 Krogseng, Donald 0. UCLA JB 1B622 lassen St 91325 Rickert, Gary C. UCLA 221 19610 Mayoll91325 Weinbtrger, Howard P. Cal 561 18210 Tribune St. 91324 NORWALK l oplon, Heywood S. LBS 62 12019 Sycamore St. 1190651 NOVATO Craig, Or. Charta W. G. Mo 359 P.O. Box 635 94947 Jones, D111id P. Cal 489 2 Jackson Ct 94947 Ravicz, Arthur E. Colo 530 29 Mendocino Lane 94947

OAKLAND Arnberg, Clr1 0 . OreSt 125 3420 Chatnut Stl'llt 94S08 Centntr, R. l., Jr. Cal 621 1714 Trestfe Glen 9461 0 Close, Jostph B. Cal 388 411 EuclidAve. 94610 Fair, George H. Kens 190 4033 laCrasta Ave. 94602 Faris, W. G. Calif 546 6686 Pineneedle Orive 94611 Fawke, William R. Cal651 3153 Sheffield Ave. 94602 Fox, Robert l. SoCal13 3843 Howe St., Apt. 16 94SI1 Grosshans, Terry Calif 578 354 Vernon St., #106 94610 Hyerle, Robert A. Calif 403 50 Larry lane 94611 Jaques, John R. Cal224 424 Staten Ave., 1201 94610 Keane, JohnT. Cal465 2800 Modesto St. 94619 Kellogg, C. A., Jr. Calif 635 339 lester Avt. 94606 Klirtger, leslie S. Cal 634 420Beii111Ut, Apt. 1108 94610 Kon, Kermit K. KansSt321 6435 Colby 94618 Koue, A. lewis Calif 251 901 Paramount Ave. 94610 McDowell, Richard l. LBS 84 263 Euclid Ave. 94611 Mills, J. Howard SoCal 75 1330 Broadway 94612 Niemand , John W., II Cal617 4263 Wilshire Blvd. 94602 Selwig, George F. Calif 270 652Terr><a94611 Taylor, Cedric G., Jr. Ca1463 6451 Colton Blvd. 94611 Welch, Thomas A. UCLA 181 5552 Golden Gate 94618 Zirker, Malvin Ralph, Jr. Calif 460 3420 Guido St. 94602 OCEANSIDE Ounn, Thomas I. Calif 564 326 South Clementine 92054 DILDALE Payton , l aiTY l ee SanJose 27 1009 Oildale Or. 93308 DJAI Haskell, Edwin H. Colo 834 963 Rice Rd. 93023 lyon, luther H. 111353 701 N. Mo ntgomery St. 93023 ORANGE Cathey, Wm. K. LBS 90 2702 Hartman 90620 Daniels, Donald l. SoCal46 627 East Chapmen 92667 Emerich, George F. Cal 309 2204 E. White l antern l ane 92667 Gentry, Grovtr C. UCLA 386 2195 N. Harwood 92667 lembert, Billy l. Pur 653 2012 Apt. 2 E. Fairway Or. 92667 Shettuck, Forrest E. UCLA 175 2605 EIS1 Chestnut 92667 Titus, Richard G. Colo 770 BBD Fern St. 92667 Zeller, Theodore D. Colo 688 964 N. Sacramento St 92667

ORINDA Atherton, Don F. UCLA 93

111 Di.ttlo Vilw Dr. 94563 Schnclof, Otto W. Col275 90 Dm~l Rood 94563 Sigwortll, Dwight L DroSt 440 10 C.. Vitjo 94563 Wingrwn, W. Mlrtin Cal622 603 Morp Woy 94563 OROVILLE 8uf1'111111"'•. J. A. Stan 31 4391 FootMI Blvd. 95965 OX NAR D Brtlih, William Cin 242 c/o Vitro lab 3471 SevieR Rd. 93031 Elliot, Ttny C.l 588 545 Elst Ktmtlt93031 lton«d, Dr. Joy l. Yalt 4B 3341 Oce~n0rivt93030 Wt tts, Richtrd S. OklaSt 643 P.O. Box 1343 93030 PACIFICA Ball, Gary l. Wash 521 1484 Flam Or. 94044 PACIFIC GROVE Aamodt, Oltf S. Minn 171 C.nterbury WoodsJ113 651 Sinex Aw. 93950 PACIFIC PALISADES Emrich, Robert B. CentSt 91 1700 San Remo Orivt 90272 Hoeffding, Harald 0. It 444 16786 Marqutz Alii. 90272 PACOIMA Willilms, l n B. WashSt 153 11082 Chivw A~t~nue 91331 PATIERSDN Bammlln, Antranik Or.St 177 P.O. Box 1388 95363 PALM DESERT Amos, Harvey R. SCal 11 72-830 Homatud Rd. 92260 PLACERVILLE Nicholson, James E. Calif 467 2575 Rontld loop 95667 PALM SPRINGS Kendall, R. W. Cll328 68-457 H~hwoy 111 92262 Kleimer, John B. OrtSt 339 2155 Bob-o -link l ane 92262 PALO ALTO Bailey, Gary l. USU 106 c/o Watkins Johnson Co. 3333 Hill View Ave. 94304 Bishop, Richard W. SJ 5 220 Emerson St. 94301 Blair, William B. Calif 551 913 Waverty Street 94301 Chang, Curtis M. SanJost 32 3642 South Court 94306 Christianstn, J. C. Cal 567 1003 Cerfho Way 94306 Christiansen, Richard Calif 626 14{) Tennyson Ave. 94301 Clarke, Robtrt B. NW 425 855 Rorke Wey 94303 Eaton, James R., Jr. Pur 722 Tan Plaza Apt. 217 535 Arastradero Rd. 94306 Evans, Thomas C. Tex 649 1184 Palo Alto Ave. 94301 Friend, Hubert E. Cal357 671 Josina 94306 Griffith, Chartes G. Mo 537 1664 Waverly 94301 Hammond, David J. Cal 469 1062 Metro Circle 94303 Hollar, Marvin E. OreSt 196 556 Alger OrM 94306 Holman, Merritt C. lnd 457 2115 Edgewt~o d Or. 94303 Keyes, William R., Jr. Cal 335 955 Moreno Avenue 94303 Lawrence, Donald C. Wash 416 4062 Fabian Way 94303 lingwood, David A: Wash 544 239 Kippling 94301 Marshall, James G. Stan 66 560 W. Crescent Dr. 94301 Moyer, BaxterW. Wash 475 2195Aima 94301 Wilson, Ervin F. Nebr 146 1832 Mark Twain St. 94303 PALOS VERDES lee, Robert K. SoCII181 26615 Oeepbrook 90274 Tootelian, Aram l. UCLA 101 28855 Geronimo Drive 90274 PALOS VERDES ESTATES Downey, Shelton C. Cal 337 1824 Via Ol ivera 90274 Forrest, Allan Frank SanJose 15 577 Via AI mar 90274 Hazelwood, John N. WashSt 98 2709 Via Pacheco 90274 Jani, Robert SoCal 137 4232 Via Alondrt 90275 lund, Victor G. Oen 139 26630 Shadow Wood Dr. 90274 Menah, John H. SCal 142 6910 Charry Drivo 90214 Rue, Arthur K. Wyo 85 26401 S. Ashfork Place 90275 Ruemmler, Waldemar P. Cal 615 1741 Addison Road 90274 Webb, Howard M. Mich 511 1025 Via Nogales 90275 Wilkinson, E. S., Jr. So Cal132 2233 Via Anacapa 90275 Ziegler, Jemes A. Pann St373 Zero Open Brand Hills Rolling Hills 90274 PALOS VERDES PENINSULA Ansel, Donald R. NU 366 5515 Eau Clairt Or. 90274

Comoboll, H. .ld D. SColl13 28004 S.ntone OrM 90274 Ling. D1niet R. NU 601 6409 Rio Linde DrM 90274 S.dok, Cl1otlos H. Pur 880 28060 S.ntone Dr. 90274 PARADISE Faurt, GurtiYI B., Jr. Cal630 P.O. Box 266 95969 PASADENA Briggs, bft C. Midi 360 606 Michigln Btvd. 91107 Ctnillo, Robtft S. SC.Iif 68 597 No. Hill91106 CS.t, Etrt KlnsSt 266 3541 South l'aqu~ 91107 Cork, Mtx J. Pur 750 1210 Corontt Altl. 91107 Ellll'll, l to M., Jr. SC.Iif 176 801 Woodward Blvd. 91107 Fortmtn, SMidon l. SoCtl 96 900 S. Modison 91106 Frizzell, Rex Rusall Cor 17 65 North Madison Av.nue 91101 Hoopes,. Willllm P. c.m 534 130 N. Ot klend 94605 Jtllo, Michael E. UCLA 260 1390 N. Herding 91104 Jona, lincoln D. Mich 268 535 So. C.tal ina An. 91106 Kerf, ly .. L. UCLA 232 2430 E. Mountain St. 91104 Knudan, Larry SoC.I 179 Calif. Institute of Tech. 91109 Laing, Donald Rtid Mich 298 65 N. Mtdison 91101 leigh, Robbin G. UCLA 135 1734 Pasadena Glll'l Road 91107 leland, l orenzo SCalif 208 832 Highland Or. 91104 Pfeff, William A. UCLA 61 2188 E. Washington 91104 Rice, JarresK. lnd 763 376 So. Oaklend 91106 Smiley, Oontld Scan Colo 811 1449 Lida Street 91103 Stone, WilliamJ. Harv267 1001 Stoneridge Dr. 91105 Sunter, Robert A. SoCalif 170 2276 Monte Vlsta91107 Syfert, Ervin W. Kt nSt 320 630 Vallombroa Rd . 91107 Undarwood, Charla P. C.lif 3B7 1405 Ruford 91107 Warran, Clyde K., Jr. SoCII I55 100 N. Hitl91106 PERMANENTE Dow, Oalmar W. Wash St 55 c/o Metals Research Kaiser Alum . & Chem . Corp. 95014 PI EDMONT Soehnichstn, Henry R. Oen 144 224 Ricardo Avenue 94611 Taber, Fred l. Calif 262 249 Scenic Way 94611 Wakefield, Kinbalt R. Cal 51 22BRamonaAve. 94611 Wolfenden, William James Calif 236 260 La Salle St. 94611 PINOLE Samson, Stu art A. Ca1442 3791 Brazil Court 94564 Schaal, R. E. Calif 51! 1460 Wallace Court 94564 PLACENTIA Betts, Frank C. Mich 609 1108 Chtrry Hills St. 92670 linsenbard, W. E. Calif 458 454 Kiolstad Drive 92670 Smith, William B. LBS 107 207 Hannah Way 92670 PLAYA DEL REY Linscott, Philip Malcolm Mich 479 8320 Oelgarey Ave. 90291 Mmitt, J. W. Ariz 44 8336 W. Manchester Ave., Apt. 590291 Richard, Connie Wash 482 7828 Manchester, Apt. 490291 Sowa, Peter, Ill Rens 221 B701 Village Rd. 90292 PLEASANT HILL Baerrestn, Richard C. SoCal 42 23 Dellwood Ct. 94523 Granqu ist, Harold E. Cal 365 140 Oak Vue Road 94523 loring, C. John Cal 484 610 Maureen l ane 94523 Richard$, JohnS. Wash 371 25 Hamilton Court94523 PLEASANTON Flowers, Wallar E. Tex 41 8 5191 Northway Rd. 94566 Vaughn, Oavid l. OklaSt 603 4067 Vineyard Ave. #3 94 566 POMONA Engstrom, Patrick G. CoiSU 215 1864 N. Cordova Street, 11 91167 Gilbert, George N. Miami 3 991 Barbara l ane 91767 Henry, Robert E. UCLA 26 2523 Wilkte Orive 91767 PORT HUENEME Pugh, Richard l. Oregon St 255 708 Third St. 93041 PORTUGUESE BEND Gram, Irving F., Ill LBS 121 4327 Admir1ble Orive 902 74 POWAY Lippman, Rick E. Wis 6S3 13024 Via Oel Taro 92064 QUINCY Bailey, B. E. Calif 482 Box 1107 95971 D-45


Furlong, WIIiamA ., Jr. SoCII 206 Rt. 1 - BBC 92065

RANCHO CORDOVA Atherton, Etf9ar E., Jr. Ill 533

2305 Pinturo V.y 95670 RED BLUFF Berridoe. Roy D. C.l457 Route 3, Bo!C 3081 96080 REOOING

Casttr, P. B., Jr. Calif 476 2297 Athens Ave. 96001 Day, R. J. Ct lif 478 2065Merlt Orive96001 Lance, Edwin V. OreSt192 3938 Roesner Ave. 96001 Phillips, David W. OreSt311 3872 Alma Avenue 96001 Robathan, Or. Erie F. OreSt136 P.O. Bo!C 915 96001 REO LAN OS

RuH, Robtrt W. LBS 114 109 Hillside 92373 REDONDO BEACH Johnson, John W. UCLA 7 309AvenidaAtizada 90261 Katherman, Robert E., Jr. LBS 116 131 Via Ses~o 90277 Metfas:sel, Miles H. SoCa1143 907 S. Catalina Ave., Apt. E 90277 Steiner, Richard, D.D.S. SoCal154 418 Calle de Arboles 90261 Swindalls, Richard Rens 170 523 Via Monde de de Une 90277 Lewis, Cart Philip UCLA 100 2022 Huntington Lane90278 REDWOOO CITY

Fredrickson, David Allen Catif370 2308 Cheshire Wsy 94061 MacWilliamson, Ramon F. MiS$SU 58 964 Durlston Road 94062 RESEOA

Ellsworth M. Bitgood UCLA 150 179571ngomar91335 Rutter, Jared J. UCLA 188 6539Tampa91335 RIALTO

Belt. Delbert F. Pur 342 19426 CromW!U Avenue 92376 King, Ralph E., Jr~ lnd 301 277W. Jackson92376 Rogers, Johnl. Mich552 1058 Date St. 92376 Vind, Richard B. LBS 34 5837 Magnolia 92376 RICHMOND Williams, PeterS. Ore St 230 2910 Stephen Drive 94903 RIOGECREST

Haubrock, larry D. la368 208 Forest Knoll 93555 RIVERSIDE

Bullock, David W. UCLA 117 1160 Le Conte Dr. 92507 Finnigan, Jerome W. NU 329 5267 Coventry 92506 Leeder, William E. Mich 410 2423 Oawntry Rd. 92506 McNeill, Harold E. Wash 147 6979Palm Court Apt. 204A 92506 Neuman, Robert C., Jr. UCLA 156 Dept. of Chemistry University of California 92502

Sargent, Andy J. KSt252 West Riverside Vet. Hospital 5488 Mission Blvd. 92509 Sizer, Jame:sW. ColSC 115 3515 Dixie Lane 92503 TanigOlhi, Lynell K. LBS 55 3467 Central Avenue 92506 Tylar, GeraldJ. Minn351 Box 240792506 Webster, NealA. lnd408 5916 Dickens St. 92506 ROLLING HILLS Aldrich, Samuel E. UCLA 22 5530Shortl/iew0rive90274 Hooper, Henry A. LBS 135 I I Palomino Lane90274 Jurisich, Robert H. LBS 123 4623 Rollando Drive 90274 Klokke, Karl SoCal 50 43 Strawberry lane 90274 Swift, Chati!S H. Mo 5 20Saddleback Road 90274 Trost, Jack E. UCLA 67 2407 Su nnyside- Ridge Rd. 90274 SACRAMENTO Abrahams, Eugene D. Colo 642 5249 Hackberry 95841 Anderson, Frank M. Calif452 2071 - 63rdAvenue 95822 Auerbach, G. G. KansSt 347 3110 Ameritan River Drive 94825 Bice. Blair B. PennSt 559 1136 Cavanaugh Way 95822 Burkholdtr,W.S. Cal562 2633 Fulton Ave. 95821 Campbell, Donald K. Calif 464 3133 Oetwood Wty 95821 Conover, Thomas A. Cal 552 1210-40thStreet95806 Davis, Kenneth F. SoCal124 4531 Porkridge 95802 Ellis, O. A. Cal66 632Shangri Lane95825 Fink, William J. OraSt 104 1332 Wyant Way 94825 Fraser, Alex I. 2816 Norctde Circle 95826 HoHelt, Merrill M., Jr. Ca1454 3065 Yellowstone Lane 95821 Hopkins, William Hewes Calif 1 251 1 - 5thAvenue95818 0--46

Hom, Wm. E. S Calif 37

4116 Putnte wrv 95825

Knapp, Rl'fmond L. Cal 506 4004 HiiiiWOOd 95821 lopez, Chuttr E., Jr. Cal 544

1911 Woodstock Wey 95825 ludt, John B. Cal570 3611 Winding Creek Rd. 95825

MacKenzie, John 0. C.lif 346 3600 Ridgewood 95B21 Macklin, Theodore Ia St 66 3127 Hampshire Dr. 95821 M.aiVin, LIWflnce W., Jr. Cat if 41 3866 West Land Park Drive 95822 Meisenholder, Stephen G. Cal 582 5437 Tiburon Y*ft 95841 Millin, Richard 8.,Jr. ~09 Sandburg Or. 95819 Manbeck, Roy R. Ntbr 131 415PStreet95814 Muck, Gilbert P. Cal462 1751 Rollings Hills. Road 95825 Page, B. I. Calif 193 RFD 12, Box 1644 95945 Parker, OalaW. Dan 168 9515 Folsom Blvd. 95827 Poppe, Charles R., Jr. Cal 430 4985 Virginia Way 95822 Randles, Howard M. Kens 448 2312lansingWay 95825 Williams, Lt. Col. Rowland Ia 250 USAF , Ret. 3171 Del Paso Blvd. 95815 Shulman, Marvin A. Calif 431 4436 Morpheus lane 95825 SIUmbos, John 0., Jr. Cal411 6161 Colgate Court 95831 Whitn!y, Donald C. Pur 564 3908JStreet95819 Winter, Wm. H. lll SanJose Ill 2808 Kino St. 95821 SALINAS Chezem, Yt&yne A. OreSt 152 114 Live Oak Way 93901 Garton, Ronald R. UCLA 168 816 Padre Driva93901 McArthur, James A. laSt 371 505 East Ramie Lane93901 McNamee, Dr. Philip I. NU 498 22480 Ferdinand Dr. 93901 Penfield, JackAIIen Calif474 121 Eucalyptus0rive93905 SAN ANDREAS Snyder, Peter L. Calif 232 8ox 66595249 SAN BERNARDINO Jackson, Rowland Mo 551 3745 Cameltia 93404 McGregor, Archibald D. Mich 469 1304 E. Orchid Drive 92404 Somers, Thomas W. Pur 546 773 Val Mar 93404 SAN BRUNO

Bruce, Donald J. UCLA 194 100Triniry Ct. 94066 SAN CARLOS Boehme, Martin L. OreSt 257 470 Emerald Ave. 94070 Elder, Kenneth Clark So Calif 133 687 Knoll Drive 94070 Friday, Robert E. Cal424 80 Amber Ct. 94070 Gatley, Richard H., Ill SoCal125 SAN OIEGO

Allender, James Edward Cin 222 2561 Worden Street 92110 Bauer, Roger A. Pur745 2348 Amity 92109 Boyle, Richard R. Colo 643 3953 Marlesta Drive 92111 Brink, Norman 0 . Mich 590 4376Mt.JetfersAve. 92117 Brucker, Donald Calit496 2686 PenroseStreet92110 Bruner, Richard J. Colo 384 4256 Mt. Hukee92117 Buck, Louis A. Kans 616 6951 Biddle Street92111 Carton, Wilbur A. Wash 347 1262 UpasSt. 92103 Chenoweth, Dr. J. W., Jr. NU 184 17086Tesoro Drive92128 Coffin, John R. Minn 760 4452%Kansas St. 92116 Coulter, Kenneth R. UCLA 82 4038 Kenosha Ave. 92117 Cowart, Richard L. 111793 6252 Charinq Street92117 Davis, Harold R. OhioSt 509 Conm. Etec. Bn.- MCRO 92140 Dunlap, M. Richard PennSt 579 2512MeadowLarkDrive92123 Farris, DavidA. 1nd463 Dept. of Zoology San Diego State College92115 Frost, John W. CreSt 203 3368 Talbot92 106 Gartner, FredW. 111402 382 Rosecrans 92106 Gregory , Thomas E. Cin 188 4684 W. Pt. Lama Blvd. 92107 Hallward, Peter M. NH 341 3071 Evergreen St. 92110 Hippaka, William H. It 361 6869 Belle G1ade92119 Hoelck, Arthur C. NU 285 6202 Capri Drive92120 Jezek , GeorgeM. 111709 6444 Lance Court 92120 Justice,AnhurG. UCLA 159 6749 CasselberryWay92119 Kellogg, William K. So Call 59 4814 Sparks Aw. 92110 Kahn, Michael J. UCLA 247 6729 Radcliffe Drive 92122 Lavelle, John Syr401 302 Arbor Dr. 92103 lundy, Victor R. Calif 167 Box 772 92112 Makinson, Hugh D. Kans429 1585 Venice Stmt 92107 McCumber, Harry L., Jr. LBS 43 2526Willow Street92106

McDonald, L• A. laSt 551 5778 Fontaine 92120 Norris, Gerald Colo 479 6169 Rtdbrook Road 92117

Oventrttt, Macy E. OrtSt 242 1603 Minden Drive 92111 Pmnon, William A. Minn 539

OentaiOtpartment U.S. Naval Air St11ion North Island 92133 Reynard, Gerard K. Colo 788 1959 Abba« Stmt 92107 Sthwtin, Ralph E. Colo 599 6275 Sprun Lake Ave. 92119 Shaw, Richtrd PennSt 587 6473 Gr8C11 Court 92111 Smith, Alan J. CoiSC 93 5266 C.nning Pltee 92111 Thudium, William H. Ktns 400 4559 Hamilton 92116 Tisda~. John 8. WashSt102 3760 SuHolk Dr. 92115 Tracy, Harold H., Jr. Ariz 36 9518 Fermi Ave. 92123 Tsirimokos, George X. NH 90 5255 C...St.92109

Ways, Raymond A. Cor 538 4845 Jelitt St. 92110 Yates, Michael K. 111901 5803 Bakewell St. 92117 SAN FRANCISCO

Achtenhagen, S. H. Colo 491 760 Bacon Street 94134 Alton, Clifford E. Wash 487 1072 Dolores St. 9411 0 Anderson, P. B. Wash 326 c/o Bechtol Corporation 220 Bush Street 94104 Brown, Ralph D. Geo WiiSh 67 1067 Lombard941 33 Dandridge, James R. Cal 602 337 Gonzelez Dr. 94132 Outtle, Robt. F. CallOS 516A Oak St. 94102 Duty. Wm. B., Jr. LAS 79 6750 Farrell, Apt. 20 94109

Eners:en, Burnham Harv 354 40 Arguello Blvd. 94118 Gurhart, William E. Ia 92 335 Hayes St., Room 204 94102 Gysels, Paul A., Jr. Cal 632 600 CambridgeSt.94134 Halverson, Guy Wash 511 1895JacksonSt. 94109 Harrah, Marvin 0 . CoiSTU 78 177 Laidley 94131 Hoffman, Jacob H. Harv 169 111 Sutter Bldg. 94104 Hughes, William L. Cal475 3073 Clay Street94115 Hurst, Edgar A. Kans 571 2982PineSt. 94115 Johnson, Willard C. Cal 74 Apt. 10-E, 8 Locksley Ave. 94122

Landrum, Francis Harold OhioSt 90 1909 Sacramento Ave. 94109 Levison, Thomas S. Colo 656 39 Shore View Ave. 94121 Madden, Cot. John B. USAR Ret'd Pur 138 845 Portola Or. 94127 Mar, PeterJ . Kans669 232 21st St. 94121

Reed, Dr. Thomas W. Mich 673 23 Behr Drive94131 Reiskind, Oavid L. Rens213 1890 Clay, Apt. 701 94109 Stockfleth, George M. Ca1if459 451 lansdale Ave. 94127 Takeda, Hiko laSt 554 1767 Union St. , Apt. 206 94123

Thomas, Terry Calif 547 14 Wildes Avenue 941 10 Turnbull , R. J. Colo 247 969PineSt., Apt. 694108 Weinberger, Herman Colo 62 60MercedAve. 94127 Wergin, James R., Cot. Pur 386 1709 16th Ave. 94122

Johnson, Daryll. UCLA 52

808 K~m~irmn Drive 95123 Kamr, Robm F. Atiz 85

2842 Richland Avtnue 95125 Karr,John D.

Box 12 5814 Artpaho Dr. 95123 Kline, Merle C. Cal 248 997 WISI Hedding Strett95126 Knatis,Jtmesf. Wash499 4905 Alu Orive95130 Korn. Dennis L. Pur 789 7079 8trk hne95129 McCtusland, Kerth W. SJSt 24 2245 Ltnai Ave. 147 95122 McKee, Raben H. Cal429 5047 Wilma Way 95124 Mor;~n, Robert Dklt455 300 W. Hedding 95110 Nelson, Raben R. Cal 599 1923 Laurinda Drivl95124 Rasmumn, Lewis K. SJSt 30 945 Gordon Ave. 95127 Reed, John R. Evans 130 1183 Leigh St., Apt.695126

Schwarzer, Capt. T. C. Cal 536 1474 San Marcus Dr. 95132 Strain, Thomas L. IW 80 1783 FrobisherWay95124 Surber, Gene L. Wyo 134 1973 Stonewood lane 95132 Sweet, William L. SC 104 1345 Bretmoor Way 95129 Tu el, William Rens 169 6042 Montevrde Dr. 95120 Valle, Mervin E. 111469 1650 Hanchett Ave. 95128 Wedgwood, John W. Pur 806 770 Widget Dr. 95117 Weinhardt, JohnW. Co1o532 3828 Sterview Dr. 95124 Whitaker, Murray M. Miami 83 3621Woodford0r.951 24 Wilson, John T. ColoSI 57 1510 Santa Maria Ave. 95125 SAN LEANORO

Dram, Robert Calif563 724 Lewelling 811/d., 1314 94579 SAN LUIS OBISPO

Miller, Allen 0 . laSt 378 377 Albert Drive 93401 Robson, Carl D. 11141 364 Buchan, Apt. 4 93401 Stillman, Alfred W., Jr. UMiss 64 263 North Chorro, Apt. 7 93401

SAN MARINO Frazier, Edward N. UCLA 173 1645 Bedford Road 91108 Lillevick, Robert H. SoCa172 2670 Lombardy Rd. 91108 Lynn, Wm. M. UCLA 45 2100 El MolinoAw. 91108 McAloney, Howard G., Jr. So Cal 73 1700 Warwick Rd. 91108 McCutchan, Thomas D. Cal 401 1830 Twin Pa1ms91108 Stevens, David V. Cal312 475 Huntington Drive91 108 SAN MATEO

Dorrance, Richard T. Ariz 41 1495 Laurel Hill Drive 94402 Durnell, Phillip R. Ohio 177 1144 Hawthorne Orivt 94402 Gibbs, Donald B. SoCal47 3044 Gretnoak Ct. 94403 Goehler, David J. Pur 898 2837 Sunset Terr. 94403 Lucus, James D. lnd 794 460 Wisham 13 94401 Proske, T. A. Den 123 126 Elm St., Apt. 106 94401

Stallman, Carlton 0 . Calif 212 235 W. Hillsdale Blvd . 94403 SAN PABLO

Benson, Philip A. UCLA 142 5005 Montoya Ave., Apt. 23 94B06


Doornbos, Myron W. SoCa14 1104 Anderson Way 91776 Erickson, Perry D. SCal215 317 North Rosemont Blvd. 91775 Hutchinson, Marvin E. SCat 230 9062 Fairview 91775 Kaylor, David Alan So Calif 138 1136 Lafayette St. 91776 Olsen,larryJ. Colo 741 9047 Fairview Avt. 91775 Roper, Frank R., Jr. SoCal 164 7017 N. Encinita 91775 Wright, Robertl. WashSt6B 726 W. Roses Road 91775 SAN JOSE

Batchelder, Douglas L. OreSt 382 1153 Pine Aw. 95125 Bentson, James E. SJ38 416 Ardis Aw. 95117 Billin, R. L. Calif~2 1295Sandra Dr. 95125 Brannon, Carl E. UCLA 274 903JansenAve.95125 Carter, Nick Ellis San Jose 10 1199 South 9th St. 95112 Dreher, William C. Minn 558 2251 BroksinAw. 95125 Erlenbusth, Peter M. San J~»e 16 1980 Dorrance Court 95125 Fischer, David L. Cal415 6834 Hampton Dr. 95120 fletcher, B. Oren Cal 590 49 N. 26th St., Apt. 195116 Gilben, Larry L. Wash 503 1228 Dresden Wsy 95129 Gough, James L San Jose 26 2085 Case Mia Driv195124 Hannah, V. H. W'IS562 4059 Retdhurst Road 95118 Johnson, larry Brian San Jose 8 1598 Hilldale95118

SAN PEDRO Hylton, Carroll G. S CallOS 568W. 13th St.90731 Keenan, Eugene l. Colo 436 1841 Valleta Drive 90732 Weaver, John E. UCLA 145 2267 Warmouth 90732 Williams, Thomas G. SoCa190 2262 Paseo Del Mar 90732 SAN RAFAEL

Bolton, M. J. Calif629 177 Cane, Apt. 6 94901 Dalbey, Homer lnd 427 33 Dominican Drive 94901 Hall, Ross E. NH 81 377 Locust94901 Osborn, Geo. M. Ore St 124 275 Center St. 94901 Rinehart, Clifford F. NU 415 32 Esmeyer Or. 94903 Schell, FarrelL. Kans59 1 652 Cedarberry 94903 Tanem, Robert M. Cal434 275B N. San Pedro Rd. 94903 Wachsman, Edward K. Cal 483 50PalmAve. 94901 Yarling, Edsel P. Pur 500 12 Oakmont 94901 SAN RAMON

Ernest, David G. PenrlSt 503 9546 Broadmoor Dr. 94583 SANTA ANA Fov.ier, AIIan R. Okla573 18981 Castlagate Lane92705 Heckert, Robert t in 144 12842 Eveningside Or. 92705 Holman, William F. Minn 275 1346 Fairway 92706 Jeffs, Wallace E. So Cal 22 121B1 Skywoy 92705


D1nill 8., Jr. SoC.I139

2011 N. Alon~92706

Neill, Mervin W. Cal593 8603 S.ipan Plltl 92709 Oakins,John l. LBS 112 1404 N. Tustin 92701 Ovtrblck, Thom11 A. SCat 209 5409 W. Cryst1l L1ne 92704 PreMo, Dr. Paul SoCII 56 1226 N. Broadwly 92701 Rood, Leontrd F. lnd 601 10~2 Mira Vim OriY192705 Slttr, Kelley Cat 481 12582 Singing Wood Or. 92705 StiYins, Vtn SoCal129 1114 Eutside92701 Timmerman, Merlyn B. Minn 610 18752 Oak Ridge Dr. 92705 Tosh, David A. LBS 24 1631 North Bristol, STE 300 92706

Tubach, Leonard D. SoCII 33 P.O. Box 88 c/o Trust Dept. 92702 Weber, R. A. Cal 353 P.O. Box 1023492711 SANTA BARBARA Allen, William A. Minn 518 835 E. Canon Perdido 93103 Carlin, Stephen R. Pur 991 865 Cambridge Ave. 93105 Curtis, Or. francis D. Ora9 1623 Garden St.- Apt. 7 93101

Dodd, Ooylt D. Cal 537 581 Pintura Or. 93105 Fowler,l. W. Calif 107 10148 Anacapa Strut 93101 Gillum, Duane 1. lnd385 4834 Via Los Santos 93105 Masthler, Or. Paul A. Frk 542 356 Lama Media Rd. 93103 Peterson, HoWIId C., Jr. NW 288 827 Grove Lana 93105 Sommers, ThomasW. Cor510 231 Salida Del Sol93105 Steinmett, William H. Cal412 150SantaAnaAvenue93105 Stieglitt, Thomas Pur 568 5535 Sammet Dr. 93105 Teare, Robert C. Harv 214 446 Las Alturas Road 93103 Walch. Robert F. Ca1612 120 No. LaCumbre Rd., Apt. 1193105 Woolsey, G. C. Calif288 4572 Naeces Drive 93105 SANTA CLARA

Armstrong, Vernon I. Wash St 113 3613 Londonderry Dr. 95050 Cutts, Rollin E. Wash 395 3335 Mauricia Ave. 95051 Fitsemons, David W. SJSt 35 2204 Monterey Ave. 95051 Krakauer, John L. Cor 642 1901 Halford, Apt.9295051 McBee, Gary E. Kens 729 1901 Halford, Apt. 28 95051 Molash, Michael T. SJST 48 1783 Briarwood Dr. 95051 Thysen, David SJSt 4 c/o A. K. Lacey 128 Crown Dr. 95051 SANTA CRUZ

Rinta, Ronald 1. Cal492 2580 Bean Creek-Rd. 95062 Scott, R. W. Calif 513 115 Ponderosa Drive 95060 Sellers, U. R. Wash 123 140041 Ave., Space 88 95060 Wood, John A., Jr. San Jose 6 903 Seabright Ave. 95062 SANTAMARIA Green, Wilfred M. Ill 697 1277 Via Del Carmel 93455 Sohrbeck, Jack N. ColoStU 6 630 E. Sunset 93454 SANTA MONICA

Carter, Kenneth C. UCLA 98 2501 Pica Bldg. 90405 Dayton. Dorsey Sco« Ill 355 727-25th St. 90402 Oillen, Richard M. Cal413 1001 19th St. 90403

George, John M. UCLA 104 401 23rd St. 90402 Mason, William J. Cal 428 469 25th Street 90402 Millikin, John P. Ariz 105 416 San Vicente Blvd. 90402 Pugh, James A. UCLA 210 918-4th St. 90403 Ryberg, J. R. Calif 486 1959 Cloverfie1d, l 122 90404 Wright, Harold L. UCLA 158 123s-10th Street 90404 SANTA PAULA Staley, James B. Colo 387 1317 Mariposa93060 SANTA ROSA

Bowman, Michael J. San Jose 7 912 Pacific Ave. 95404 Hamann, Richard A. NU 596 1520 St. Francis Road 95405 Pate, James A. Tax 555 1704 San Ramon Way 95405 Walters, Dean E. Ca1619 1061 Stwtnson St. 95404 SAUQUS

BOJChtn, Henry C. 22549 Paraquay Or. 91350 Seward , Allan E. UCLA 167 27601 N. Glasser 91350 SARATOGA Collins. Richard E. Cal 584 12564 Scully Ava. 95070 Fowler, David R. SanJo• 33 18708 OIWnAve. 95070 Pohle, Edwin W. Calif 214 14466 Oak Pitt:t95070

WilliamJ.JohnJ. 111647 15000 Spri..... 95070

Windus, W1htr 8. Wllf\St 212 12SB1 S.mop Crwk Oriw 95070 SAUSAUTO

Millll', Htnry C. Call 51 35 Lower Creant 94965 Dlde, John P. lnd 708

120 Burkotoy I 303 94965


Evens, George C. Wllh 378 221-Bth St. 90740

Simmons, Charles B. US 22 610 Coatline 90740 SEPULVEDA

Boehnlein, John J. UCLA 54 16524 Haltt•d 91343 Heidsiek, Ralph UCLA 51 10142 Valjean Avenue 91343 SHERMAN OAKS

Botkin, Perry L., Jr. SoCal112 14155 M~gnolia 91403 Bradford, Willitm T. LBS 89 13622 Morrison St. 91403 Cot, Robert E. Calif 441 3538 Cody Rd. 91403 Kern, Pitrrt A. UCLA 36 13804 Ventura Blvd . 91403 Rawdon, John D. UCLA 207 4332 Sunnyslopt Ave. 91403 Rhoades, Richard A. UCLA 178 5002 Vamt Ave. 91403 Sandberg, David R. SoCal 193 4850 Matilija 91403 White, James 0 ., Jr. NU 275 15429 Sutton Str"t 91403 Wills,Frenk 11180 14448 Valley Vista Blvd . 91403 Zerbel, David W. Mich 593 13060 o._ st. 91403 SIERRA MAORE

Gardner, Dr. John K. Ariz 10 232 Ramona Awnue 91024 Ihrig, Robert L. SoCa1127 651 Woodland Or. 91024 Kudsk, RuSIIItll A. NU 225 166 East Highland 91024 Wagner, Howard D. SoCaiS 517 W. Highland Ave. 91024 SIHI

Kelle, Jerry G. 1613 North Darcy 93065 SIMI

8mver, Jack W. UCLA 121 3024Galena 93065 SOMIS

Harris, Ralph E. Pur 150 Box 13493066 SONOMA

Clements, Richard Van G., Jr.

C.l 411 380 E. McArthur 95476 Touraine, EdgarJ. Calif 258 757 Donner Ave. 95476 SONORA

Pland, Richard H. Cal 421 Rt. 1, Box 923 95370 SOQUEL

Conway, Craig L. Cal 348 3575 Seville Or. 95073 SOUTH PASADENA Barton, Harold A. Ore St 187 1424 Stratford Ave. 91030 Colliau, Edmond H., Jr. Mich537 809 Flores De Oro 91030 Hobart, David C. S Calif 218 2004 Fair Oaks Ave. 91030 Irvine, Ben Malcolm Colo 545 1517 Marengo 91030 McCracken, RobertS. lnd 352 1256 Via Oal Rey 91030 Romberger, Warren D. UCLA 184 1919 Marengo Ave. 91030 STANFORO

Brown, Keith E. OreSt 330 106 A Crothers Hall 94305 STANTON

Burton, Robert B. ColoSU 76 11802 Santa Maria Avenua 90680 Dancy, Raymond H. Ariz 117 P.O. Box 303 90680 STOCKTON

Blinn, Dr. John F. 11192 1441 Argone Drive 95203 Fletcher, William F.,Jr. Cal555 8142 Arroyo Way 95207 STUOIO CITY

Augspurger, Wayne SCal14 4258 Bellaire 91604 Garabedian, Rorllld L. UCLA 59 3222 Dona Raguel Pl. 91604 SUN CITY

Blanchard, Fred H. UCLA 136 29180 Carmel 92381 SUNNYVALE

Cook, James F. NW 468 829 Duncardlne 94087 Deform, Richard C. Ct lif 374 1129 Bernardo 94087 Essman, James F. CoiSTC 130 445 Acatanes 18 94086 Fischer, Marshall K. WISSt 164 1193 Kelsey Orive 94087 Monroe, George A. Cal 548 781 Remington Drivt 94087 Morris, Dennis E. SJ25 434 Rican Ave. 94087 Newton, Oouglts E., Jr. 1379 Bi«ern 94087 Proctor, William B. WISh 436 1036 Huckleberry94087

Spqlor, Qlllonl E. KSt 314 121-H..-Rotdll4086 Whltnoy, Th. . . ll. loSt 572 1547 Sondplpor Ct. 94087


Brown, Mlrvtn W. EVIM 1 RL 1, Bo1 211 94581

lUI VALLEY Connolty, JIIMI K. St 155 8347Broodlctt 91352 Shonnon, Rolph W., Jr. KSt 414 8454 Shorp Aw. 91352 Simon, Rot.1 L. 111722 10246 Filum Drlvl 91352 Spenc:~, Jam• Robert S.nJ011 11 10534 Crockm St. 91352 SUSANVILLE Aikin, E.._d D. Col 359 Rt. 2, Box 43 96130 SYLMAR Prophl1:, Byron E. UCLA 83 12835Wheoltf91342

TAFT Danntr, ArthurS. S C./196 2 Cyprea Ltne 93268 TARZANA Btdworth, Wilfrid J. UCLA 44 5534 Melvin 91356 Broadston, J. A. Cin 56 19111 Sp~ut St. 91356 TEMPLE CITY Hemlin, Gar1th W. SC.Iif 70 5564 Robinhood Ave. 91780 Schroeder, Cha L. SoCa/117 5711 North Temple City Blvd. Apt. 2 91180 TH OUSAN D OAKS Gr•n. John A. Cin 209 1697 LIJolla Or. 91360 H8oll, Borry S. So Col 1GB 360 Ctmino Manzenas 91360 Kind, Or. Robert K St 398 1543 El Oor~do Or. 91360 nBURON Frwr, Ernest 0. SoC./83 114 Howard Or. 94920 Simpson, J. Calvin Mtch 508 107 Bl.::kfitld Dr. 94920 TORRENCE Branch, Lewis A. Colo 608 4201 Wilt 230 PIICI 90505 Colven, Jorry W. Wyo 210 5266 Bridowold 90505 Ciborowski, William J. LBS 106 2114WIIt 182ndSt.#6 90504 Dulin, Gerald F. Cor 516 1613 Wilt 229 St. 90501 Henn, G. W. LBS 119 17801 S. Crenshaw, Apt. 1 990504 Heddt, James D. Pur 696 1115 Cranbrook An. 90503 Hicks, Byron A., Jr. UCLA 12 2545 Date Circle 90505 Kice, Charles J. UC LA 250 20110 Anza #26 90503 Luning, Ernest A. UCLA 164 22657 Nadine Circle 90505 Pilkington, Steve C. Co loSt 200 23011 Kent An. 90505 TRU CKEE Wilkins, E. E. Calif 420 Box 845 95734 TUJUNGA Tansley, John A. LBS 38 9989 Amonite Ave. 91042 TUSTIN Batchelor, James LBS 4 123B2 Z~ Zog Woy 92680 Chapel, Franklin G., Jr. UCLA 62 1692 Lance Drive 92680 Oicktr10n, Ronald J. LBS 12 12972 Woodlawn Avtnut 92680 Fleeg~r, Kenneth 0. LBS 3 1921 River Ford Rd. 92680 Haselton, Bruce Edwin NU 473 1352 Lur1int Lane92680 Kelso, LeeW., Jr. UCLA4 6932 Running Br1nch Way 92680 Maurath,StMWyo211 16522 Alliance, Apt. C 92690 Morrison, Robert T. UCLA 166 14521 Acacia Or. 92680 Rogen, William C. SoCel 65 13512 Epping Way 92680 UPLAN D Bloom, Kenneth F. Ohio St516 2467 Mesa Tert'ICt 91786 VACAVILLE Richardson, Elmer K. NH 159 810 Camellia Way 95688 VALINDA Blink, AIIan J. Wis532 15728 E. Dubesor 91744 VALLEJO Co!Htr, Curtis A. CreSt 250 1005 Porter St., Apt. 304 94590 Huss, Ethan B. Cal 505 492 Banning Way 94590 little, Kenneth J., Jr. Cel 649 318 Central Alii. 94590 Robbins, James H. Colo A&M 9 300 lndilna94590 VAN DEN BERG AFB Curtis, Maj. Ptul P. Cor 463 617 N. Cherry St. 93437

VAN NUYS Andonan, Arion Box 221 91408


Coraut, Thom• E. Mich 538

4107 Von N..,. 91403 Fairty, Roneld R. SCaltf 205 13221 Alben PIICI 91 4111 Hugh•. Williom E. UC LA 134 7340 V1ntura C.nyon Ave., ApL 1914115 McTam~n, Hugh A., Ill UCLA 28 13545 Hortancl 9t4115 Nlllilf, Philip UCLA 56 5737 Costello St. 914111 Norby, Stu1rt P. Minn 538 15221 MortinPI. 914115 Schroeder, Htrold E. SoC.1 187 15925 Shormon Woy 91406 Stotltr, John R. Wah St 142 7934 Amatoy 91401 VENICE Mturath, Wilson P. Wyo 212 29ll Ave., 26 90291 Llwis, Glenn E. Cal 380 24 Br•z• Ave. 90291 VENTURA Ellison, Devid R. Colo 585 6278 Sutter 93003 Hacktn, Owen F. UCLA 30 4286 Vanity 93003 Lyde11, Kenntth D. SoC./110 3809 Paloma Drivl93001 Sp•r. Ronald M. Colo 575 343 Virvinia Or. 93003 VI SALIA And1110n, Edward Dan Okla 688 2644 Chis93017 VISTA Bu rton, Robert L. Wyo 14 129 Bellerive Dr. 92083 . WA LNUT Carrry, J•n E. SoCal 216 P.O. Box 161 91789 WALNUT CREEK B11l , Thornton Colo 245 1532 Canyonwood Court #5 94595 Cupp, Nelson Ohio 94 3415 Ptachwiltow Lane 94598 Fritsth, Frederick N. OraSt 243 56 Norman Court 94596 Gitchell, G. 0. Calif 522 284 Marshall Drive 94596 Kimball, Lawrne A. Calif 4{16 243 Santa Fe Or. 94598 WALNUT GR OVE McCormtck, Malcolm Calif 400 Box 1494597 Orcun, William W. Colo 419 872 Autumn 94596 Pimm, Ted C. CreSt 115 240 La Lomas Way 94598 Tunle, Donald C. Pur 786 2495 Warren Rd. 94529 Yeaman, Martin D. Ca1350 15 Lama Vista 94596 WEST COVINA Armstront~ . Robert J. UCLA 234 719 Dawley Ave. 91790 Metcalf, Frank H. UC LA 266 902 East Cameron 91790 Overholt, John M. UCLA 267 1112 East Thacktry 91790 Roberu, Michael Frencis UCLA 276 743 North Foxdale Ave. 91791

Will, R-1 L. loSt 644 8121 • .........,. Apt. 18 90602 Willonl, 1.oo M. UCLA 151 1110 o._ om 90606 Willon, Roy S. lnd 131 14228 Chriltint Or. 90605 WOLFORD Kiwn, HlllfY J. SoCol 197 P.O. Bo1 472 932B5 WOOD LAND Bonnry, Oren V. WISh 372 1426 Auburn WJV 95695 Berven, Arthur R. UCLA 42

4323 Canoga Dr. 91364 Cox, Dolllld H. UCLA 65 5440 Oueklrtown Avt., Apt. 209 91364 DuBois, Or. Oon•d F. Cor 528 5510 S.dring Avt. 91364 En~. George C. UCLA 123 5736 McSonil AVI. 91364 Htkt, Riehtrd R. Colo 447 24245 Hetttm 91364 ll'lttns, Tyge E. Ohio St 581 21817 Providencia St. 91364 Jey, Harman l. UCLA 86 20100 Haneras St. 91364 Knacke, Roger F. Ca1577 5801 Winnttk191364 Laubach, Peter B. UCLA 64 22440 Philiprimms 91364 Marx, Howard B. Cin 155 24255 H1tttr11Strttt 91364 McKenzie, Donald E. So Qalif 21 23319 Oxnard St. 91364 Mur1ey, H. Gordon UCLA 7~ 4128 Morro Drive 91364 Murphy, John M. UCLA 243 23940 Nomar StrHt91364 Roginson, Dr. D. L. So Cal 183 22554 Venturi Blvd., Suite A 91364 Sayles, Dr. Char1esW. Okla 677 6174 Dalecrat 91634 Swanson,JohnT. SoC./ 12 23330 Victory Blvd. 91436 VanValkenburg, George l. Syr 342 5060 Hood Orivl91364 Wilson, Jo A. Ohio 24 20556 Calija 91364 WOODSIDE Thayer, Peter A. Ca1526 216 Comstock Rd. 94062 YORBA LIN DA Ludwig, Don E. Wyo 103 5282 Stonehedge 92686 Swellow,WilliamJ.,Jr. SoCal130 17362 Marda Ave. 92686 YREKA Kearney, Leonerd W. CreSt 263 920 S. Oregon 96097 YUBA CITY DeWin, Frank G. Calif 363 49 Michigan St. 95991 Larimer, John T., Jr. Ca1487 390 McRu Way 95991 Wolcon, Richard C. Cal4 19 5660arrough Or. 95991 YUCAEPA Kelly, James R. Colo 339 35055 Comberton 92399

WEST HDLL YWOOD Gordon, Mark 0. Frk 583 939 N. Ogden Or. 90046 W. LOS ANGELES Btl/, James 0. KSt 453 12046 Sylvester St. 90066


WESTMINISTER Erbt, Frederick B. Ariz 83 13202 Hoovar #27 92683 Henry, Robert C. LBS 124 13372 OannBWay 92683 Lyons, Raben L. UCLA 94 BB52 S. Andr1W 92683 Rose, J. W. LBS 126 13556Williemene92683

FT. SHAFTER Lynge, Morgan J., Jr. Ill 941 846B Heriln Place 96558

WILL OWS Hert, William C. KSt 311 235 South Plumu 95988


WILMINGTON Agan, James E. LBS 78 1647 Neptune 90744 WHiniE R AyeB, Bradford C. LBS 49 13937 HIWOS90605 Bartleln, J. W. Ariz 157 15342 Starbuck Street 90603 Clemons, Craig 0., D.D.S. NW 269 802 Worsham Or. 90602 Dixon, Roy E. Calif 343 15302 Jupiter 90603 Evans, Praton A. So Cal 6 16121 Landmark Dr. 90604 Gregg, Roger C. UCLA 152 16431 Amber Velley Drive 90604 Headon, Kenneth L. UCLA 182 9122 Gunn Ave. 90605 Hess, Jemesl. Mich239 13511 East Broadway 90601 Jonas, Robert N. LBS 125 908 Howard Street 90601 Lubs, JamaW. lnd531 16142 E. Woodbrier 90604 Rader, Roland 0. Nebr 576 1513 Gemwood 90601 Robinson, Wm. F. lnd 338 15434 Condaa 90603 Salemi, John Vincent LBS 52 15826 Gerydale Or. 9061)4 · Till , Edward J. leSt 342 clo Kemmertr Eng. Co. 8113S.ColmoaAve.

HILO Brazier, Neil lnd 644 P.O. 8o1 492 96120 Belt, Richard M. Renslll 1416-5 Hunabi St. 96816 Belt, William E. Or1St 28 1617 Kttaumoku St. #1204 96822 Bradley, Gordon W. Wash St 94 4408 Aukai Avenue 96815 C.mens, C. Tom Wash 170 3849 Kaimuki Ave. 96816 Deck, M. C. Ill 380 1617 Keeaumoku St. 96822 Darrow, Van 0. Pur 481 5520 Opihi Stteet 96821 Furuya, Clarence 0. Nebr 497 c/o /stand Lumber Co., Ltd. 2B75 S. King SL 96914 Holz, Wm. A. NU 267 244 Mahimlhi 96821 IWID, Ronald T. Rens 133 2311 Ftrn96814 Kerr, Richard A. laSt 483 6607 KaunaSt. 96821 Kono, FredrickS. Mich 727 2072 Akaikti Loop 96816 Lum, Kenneth T. G. Ohio St553 5637 Haleola Street 96821 Nishi, Lynden K. lnd 796 55 Old Pil i Place 96817 SchHrer, E. W., D.D.S. Pur 657 427 Dillingham Bldg. 96813 Snyder, llurenct H. Oklt 567 2111 Brown Wey 96822 Tang, Michlfi K. K. WtshSt 278 3353 Herding Annut 96816 Will, E. G., Jr. OhioSt 489 3226-AI Ahinahina Pltce 96816

KAHULUI Hi._, l.IWiton H. OroSI 366 30 Wilt HIWiii Strllt 16732 KAI LUA Andua. lMry P. Oklo 697 616 Mllunlu Awnue 96734 Kong. Qilfonl Y. J. NW 426 495 1.,. Stnot 96734 McCool, Jerry UCLA t53 28 Kalpuni Drift 96734 Wnww, John L. Plnn St 515 1619 Uluoo 96734 KANEOH E C.nfttld, Grant W. Soc.l44 ~91

Ktnt0ht Bey DrM 96744

LIH UE KAUAI Hence, John C. Cor 493 P.O. Box 1663 96766 MAKAWAO Llttwick, Dr. K. C. Calif 58 RR 11 , Box 514 96768 HAIKN, MAUl Tanakt, Edwin K. ColoSU 64 9670B Tanner, Edwin P. ColoSU 128 P.O. 9ol 502, T.H. 9670B WA IPIO Roy, Capt. Jtma H. Syr 383 95-151 Wtimakua Pltt~96786

OREGON ALBANY Ball, Chancy E. Oregon State 251 1655 G11ry St. 97321 Blunk, Richard P. Nebr 489 220 Picardy Lane 97321 Herrick, Charles E. OreSt 361 719 E. 19th, Apt. 222, 801 27 97B75 Mithycombt, Donald A. CreSt 385 1730 South Maple 97321 AS HLAN D Andmon, Edward B. CreSt 409 10B Bush St. 97520 ASTORIA Olson, Robert W. CreSt 294 919 Denver Place 97103 BAKE R Brinon, Harold J. Ore 425 22053rd St. S. E. #C 97814 Brinon, Howard 0. OreSt 344 2536 Sixth Street 97814 Smith, Oallu M. OrtSt 367 rio Medical Sprin~ Stage 97814 BEAVERTON Hercher, W. E. OreSt138 15095 N.W. Oakmont loop 97005 Htrchtf, Wm. C. OreSt 186 13170 s. W. Oakwood 97005 Schroeder, Abraham OreSt 121 2900 N.W. Forest Avenue 97005 BIRKENFELD Johnston, Gery T. CreSt 376 97016 BORING Gissel, Donald A. Ia 337 Rt. 3, Box 1046 97009 Sakauye, Steva Michael OreSTU 3920 At. 28, 9o• 212 97009 Nishikawa, Ewrtn I. OreSt 389 Route 3, Box 844 97009 CENTRAL POINT Dumas, Murrey A. Or.St 143 2622 Eric Ave. 97501 CDDS BAY Barton, George C. CreSt 215 At. 2, Box 722A 97421 Crews, Thoma C. CoiSU 117 1065 Elm Avenue 97420 COQUILLE Cross, William W. Or.St 132 200 N. D•n 97423 CORVALLIS Boditn, Danforth G. Minn 713 3237 Orchard 97330 Brown, Bobb F. NW 258 Rt. 3, Box 535 97330 Brown, Norris W. O...St 355 3211 McKinley 97330 Carnegie, John W. OrtSt 317 2240 W. Gr~nt 97330 Davis. Donald C. OreSt190 7175 Somenet OrM 97330 Decker, Frtd Wm. CreSt 247 B27 N. 31st St. 97330 Dick, John R. laSt587 2515 Fillmore St. 97330 Orliu, PaulS. OraSt 391 180 Country Club Way 97330 Duncan, len A. O...St 377 1019 Buchanan St. 97330 Franklin, Jerry F. OrtSt 258 178 Joy Drive 97330

Gllllohor, llorion C. OroSI 340 271 t Joh..... St. 97330 Goodt, 011""' Monilon Mlnn 208 225 Nonh 31st 97330 Goode, KRv W. O..St 306 2115 Clrdo Orivt 97330 Goodwin, c.t R. NH 434 1100 N. 13th 97330 Ho"-'1, II. J. D..St 22B 960 _ . , 97330 Htintlllnn, OIMr H. w.h 369 Or.,on Stitt Univtnity 97331 lhghsmith, Riclwd 11:, Ji. D..St223 3024 Firwood Woy 97330 l.eMoy, Morris L O..St 424 303 N. 31 97330 lindquist, Rog~rW. O...St167 1439 N. 12th 97330 Magnuson, Bruce B. O...St 309 2535 Hov- su.. 97330 MI!1Y, J-hA. O..St358 911 S. Lo9733ll Moltm1nn, It H. OrtSt 332 1164 N. W. 19th 97330 Par1tin10n, Htrofd N. O...St 249 643 N. 12th St. 97330 Ptwcy, Wm. G. laSt 420 2215 N. 29th St97330 Plankinton, J. C., Jr. DrtSt284 799%Country Club Way 97330 Rarick, Theodort M. Nebr 483 2245 N. 29th SL 97330 Kenig, Rithard H. OrtSt 378 3155 McKinley SL 97330 Shinn, Dr. John V. Okla 593 2925 Mulkey SL 97330

LA BRANDE -_Jock L - t 119 1804 2ncl St. 97850 F - Rot.1 T. l'lnnSt 400 P.O. Bo1 544 97150 Huntlr, DIVid B. PtnnSt 387 4ll8 3rtl St. 97B50 LAKE CREEK Croyle, &..,.. W. Col 321 Bo• 330 91524 McDonold, G. T. CoiK 319 Box 325 97524 LAKE Dswt&O Burbonk, R. E. SoCII 60 11101 Compus Woy 97034 Cult., Ralph e.._.,n Ill 281 1317 Hoflllhoe Curve 97034 Dmmilh, John F. Ill 326 271 Gltnmonil ROid 97034 Kina. Htrry R. NU 511 750 S.W. 1st Avtnut 97034 Reubtndllt, RobL W., M.D. Colo 321 11512 S.W. Lab H~Wn Dr. 97034 Roberts, Wl'fnt V. OrtSt 265 17541 S.W. DMmln Wty 97034 Smrth, Andrtw V. OrtSt 116 1250 We/b StrNI 97034 LEBANON Btin, Willilm D. Or.St 264 891 Wat Gr1nt Strllt 97355 EVIrtJ,. Clrtford P. OrtSt373 Route 2, Box 117 AA 97355

COTIAGE GR OVE Dahl, Otvid W. Or.St 281 910 s 11 Stnet 97424

LINCOLN CITY Sumpter, Cla utl R. OrtSt 149 6517 South Gallery Ave. 97367

CRESSWELL Bothmt, l.Jrry H. CreSt 31)4 35917 E. Enttrpria Rd. 97426

LYONS Mink, Roger A. OrtSt 315 RL 1, 801 195 9735B

ENTERPRISE Wh•ler, Gene WashSt 197 General Delivery 97828

MCMINNVILLE Grttnlurid, Herbert C. OraSt 148 621 E. 19th 9112B Hickerson, Hugh J. Or.St 154 1300 E. 16th 9112B Mnk, Stephen A. 0. Or.St 139 1841 N. Thomsen lane 97128 Penrt, Col. Frank A.• Ret'd Calif 25S Route 2, Box 309 0 97128

ESTACADA Eyck, RoM/ A. Ten CreSt 141 c/o Watern Timbtt' Setvice Timber Lak197023 EUGENE Berd, James E. OreSt 422 325 Watlt St. 97402 Barron, Stevtn J. OreSt 420 1540 Hughen SL 97402 BoMr, Harry Ora 54 2620 Elinor Str•t 97403 Follmer, Mack R. Ill 712 37 Elwood Ct. 97401 Gabriel, Richard J. CreSt 254 1683 Orchard St. 97403 Haddad , Denitl C. CreSt 171 1490 Queen's Way 97401 Harris, L. H. Ca/367 1255PearlSt. P.O. Box 31 97401 lvenen, Duane B. OreSt 435 2571 Haig SL 974{12 Kearney, Henry L. CreSt 362 400 Howard Annue 97402 McEvoy, Frtderick 0. Nebr 539 Dept. Anthropology University of Ort. 97403 McReynolds, Larry A. CreSt 388 730 Walnut Ave. 97402 Neal, John l ., Jr. KansSt 450 855 Howard Ave. 97402 Veltman, Thomas C. Or.St 282 1174 Melvina97402 GASTON Gary W. OreSt384 Route 1, Box 129·H 97119

ME DFORD Oettring, Dennis S. CreSt 240 211 Genessee At. 97501 Herther, Walter E. DreSt 138 1608 Stratford 97501 Kaiser, Col. Clifford A. Ill 365 1806 E. Main 97501 Kennedy, William E. Wyo 140 737 Stevens Street97501 Kjack, Dale A. Wash St 230 Box 94 97501 Merdith, Craig L CoiStllO 1232 Stewon 97501 MILL CITY Kimmel, Jesse Car1 Or.St 74 P.O. 801 276 97360 MILWAUKIE Hartnell, Larry A. OreSt 407 8001 S.E. Janruen Roed 97222 Kargtl, Garry W. CreSt 402 7427 S.E. Webster Lana 97222 Kirich, Rodney L. Or.St 357 10125 S. E. Hollywood Aw. 97222 Peruuo, Peter A. CreSt 364 15710 S. E. Oatfitld Road 97222 Saulsbury, John D. Or.St 246 8703 S. E. 43•d A". 91222


GRANTS PASS Haii, John, Jr. Ce/211 Meadowoods Ranch 5750 RivMbanks Road 9752S

MONM OUTH Blair, Douglas H. OreSt 133 347 N. Cman 97361 MYRTLE CREEK Briggs, Webster E. OrtSt 127 97457

HARRISBURG Strada, Richard E. OreSt 220 Rt. 1, Box 291 ·A 97446

MYRTLE POINT Lund, Louis M. OrtSt 201 Gaylord Ru rJI Stetion 97458

HERMISTON Kipsher, J. M. Wyo 253 865 E. Highland 97838

NEWBERG Anderson, A. Reinold Wash St 106 1806 Llurel Drive 97132

HILLSBORO Carnahan, Richard E. OreSt 159 1133 S. E. 37th Awnue 97123 Dubose, PaulA. Wash585 1940 N. Conne11971 23 McKown, Donald D. Ill 644 825 N.E. Arrin~ton 97123

NEWPORT Johi'LSOn, Lynn A. WashSt 217 346 N.E. 7th 97365

HOOD RIVER Moe, Frtd E. CreSt 107 Rt. 2, Box 338 97031 Raasch, Kenneth W. Colo 454 Routt197031 HUBBARD Merrill, Ralph L. CreSt 222 At. 1, Box 255 97032 INDEPENDENCE Titus, John 0. OraSt191 Route1 , Box 2T 97351 lONE Martin, Mttvin E. OreSt 299 Box 142 97843 KERBY McGn, John M. Wdl 22 P.O. Box 86 97531 KLAMATH 8/oompn, D. N. UCLA 114 1111 Washburn Way 97601 Osborn, Phillip C. Kens 580 3223 Crost SL 97601

OREGON CITY Croyle, Georve S. Kans St 37 t601 ·15th 97045 Ingram, David C. Ort St 277 Rt. 1, Box 568 97045 PENDLETON Cox, Kent W. Ore St 298 At. 1, Box 116 97801 Jackson, James A. OreSt 429 1308 S.W. Goodwin Place 97801 PHILOMATH Turner, William 0. Wash 496 370 S. I Street 97370 PORTLAND Bas, Gifford E. Nebr 343 6515 S.W. Barna Rd. 97225 Beadle, Htfbert G. CoiSU 163 S827 S.E. DMsion 91266 Bjorgan, Clifford 0. WISh 394 7645 S. W. Maple Or. 97225 Bollig, Don W. CreSt 179 4707 S. E. Tibbetts 97206 Brown, Duncan 8. CreSt 380 5211 N. E. 36 Avt. 91221 Syers, Harry H. Ore St 10 13707 N.E. Fremont St. 97230 Chamberlain, Jimmie 0. WashSt 183 4213 N. E. 28th Ave. 97211 0-47

Clwk, Roy Ros Com 83 2646 S. W. Owtnport Court 97201 Oany, Mwion G. 0,. St 118 1925 N. E. 140th Avt. 9723{1 Desmond, J~m~~ C. Milmi 191 Porttlnd C.nm 4 255 S.W. Harrison 97201 Dewry, William J. Wadl 448 7006-S.E. 31st St. 97202 Erwin, John Frw:is Wtltl 263 2009 N. E. 79th Avt. 97213 Glbritl, Chris1ophtr K. Ort St 55 3027 N.E. Alamtdl Or. 97212 Gila. ROflf F. OreSt 163 4§4.3 s.w. 42nd Plitt 97221 Gunther, EarlJ. Wah65 6636 S. W. Htinn 97219 Han, Rtymond M. Ort St 106 Rt. t, Boll 83, BB 97231 Hodam, Robert P. Ill 758 Uof 0. Medial School 31B1 SoN S.m J.ckson 97201 Hoff!Nfl, Frank E. Or.St 151 6855 N.E. AIIIT'Itda St. 97213 HO'Mflt, MichHI A. Or.St 351 11 11 SoN Geina. Apt. 5 97201 Howland, HHold M. OrtSt 157 1728 N.E. StJnton St. 97212 Hutmn, Ktnntth E. Ohio 134 8825 N.E. s. . - y 97220

Kuhn, W. E. Cor 288 1840 N. W. Rtmsty Orivt 97229 Udd, M. Irvin OrtSt 271 1535 N.W. 138th St. 97229 Ltshtr, Jtmts M. CriSt 291 21l34 N.E. 19th Ave. 97212 McAllister, Altn B. Wash 414 6736 Htmilton Ct. SW 97225 Murny, Willitm A. Minn 667 8802 S. E. Brooklyn 97266 PlttnOn, Ctrlton R. NU 479 1810 N. W. 138th Strttt 97229 Ploense, H. William Or.St 153 2654 S.W. Mitchell Ct. 97206 Rict\lrdson, George A. Or.St 248 3000 N.W. Corntll Rd. 9721 0 RosenNum, Frtd M. Ore St 238 5359 S.W. Dovtf 97225 Sampson, Jem• L. Ort St 126 14055 N. W. EVII'gl'len 97229 Schuele, George E. Stan 22 514 N. Holland 97211 Shields, Henry D. Mich 193 901 S. W. King, Apt. 406 97205 Smith, Timothy W. Wash 592 255 S. W. Htrrison, Apt. 8 H 91201

Spray, Or. Chtrlts C., Jr. Minn 650 4034 S.W. Htmilton 97221 Suthtrtend, Thomas H. Minn 590 5105 N. Ytlt 97203 Vtnt~~, Thlddtus W. Colum 54 612 Portl1nd Bldg. 97204 Wlgfltr, JICk A. Minn 605 11 90 S.W. Skyline Blvd. 97221 Wegner, Wtsfl'( W. WashSt 248 2638 S.W. Miles 97219 Websttr, JohnS. OriSt 328 3933 S.E. Fnncis 97202 Whttler, Gtorgt H. UClA 66 1422 S.E. Htrrison 97233 Wheeltr, H. Todd OrtSt 337 3615 NE 11 91212

Wilkinson, John C. Or.St 211 2418 S'N Troy St. 97219 Winenblrg, Rtlph S. Wash 55 1806 N. Witlilms St. 97212 Woodside, Jon L. OrtSt 232 309 SoN 4th #520 97204 RAI NI ER

Btek, lawrtntt Frtdrick OrtSt 185 Bo• 67 97048 REDMOND

Bill, Chancy E. OrtSt 251 High School 97156 REEDSPORT

Conger, Dennis C. Or.St 239 2149 Dogwood Avt. 97467 ROSE BURG

Harris, Willitm C. OreSt 166 1681 N. W. Moort 97470 Jones, Dr. Otlltn H. Wast! St 25 575 N. E. Stephens St. 97470 Kattr, Philip B. Ore St 161 231 W. Berdine St. 97470 SA LEM

Avrit, Roger W. Or.St 314 1615 S.vogo Rd. N.E. 97301 Davis. Daryl Or.St 142 797 Apple Blossom N. E. 97303 Denny, Drvid L. Ore 323 1455 Mtllhall Dr. 97302 OtVot, Gtry S. Or.St 334 1072 Elm St11tt N.W. 97304 Fortnw, Btnitmin H. OrtSt 123 1560 Still StiWt 97301 Gtiblt, Willilm W., Jr. OreSt 34 1338 N.W. Jrd Strttt 97302 Gordon, Lton F. Ore St 169 1885 Churth St., S.E. 97302 Hill, Thom11 F. Or.St 359 920 Lalit St. 97301 Howt, Wiltilm R. OriSt 175 4656 2nd Pt~ee S.E. 97302 Jones, Donald L NU 460 355 Lincoln St. So. 97302 Ktvs-r, Sblnley G. OriSt 354 2190 Tnde St. S.E. 9730 1

H•. Robtft G.

Ort St 1t7 3859 PringM Rd., S.E. 97302 Nichols, William E. Or.St 368 4108 Htntt Drive 97302 Nottboom, Jama D. Or.St 383 Routt 1, Bo• 714 97304 R~~vt~, JohnW . DrtSt176 1845 Church Str•t S.E. 97302 Tindlll, J~m~~ W. OrtSt 99 1120 Columbit N.E. 97303 SCI D

Schrunk, D11n Dwaynt Ort St 200 P.O. Bo• 35 97374 0--48

Htidtr, Otto W. Sun 104 H~d«

Miller, K1nneth E. Wah 464


SHERIDAN Bldg. 97378

SPRINGFIEL D Ruff, Gtorvt S. IW 72 3440 C Strttt 97477 STAYTON

Boehme, Theodort E. OrtSt 259 B78 N. Ftm Avt. 97383 SWEET HDME

lngnm, Paul OreSt 2B5 1037 Pl ... nt Vtlley Rd. 97386

Andm:on, Gm ld L. Wash St 250 261 2 Henry Strttt 98225 Btighlt, Otn Wash 237 2965 Lo,.int Ellis 98225 Capstick, Oontld 0. Wah 561 3109 Eldridge Ave. 98225 Cronkhitt, Jay Ktnl WISh St 229 2135 Erit 98225 Grahlm, Norm1n N. Wah 413 506-15th St. 98225 McKeller, Jema Wah 424 2902 Victor St. 98225 BIC KLETO N Cltrk, Ktnntth J. WadlSt 101 Rt 2 99322


HIWin, Gtry 0. Ore St 360 rJo Ktufmtn Rt. 2, Bo• 58 97141 THE DALLES Ucy, Jtmes V., Jr. Or.St 182 1912 Dry Hollow Rd. 97058 Mints, Brtnton L. Mich 614 325 East 111h 9705B

Jtl"ddn, Sherman Christiln WISh Sl64

Routt 1 99322 BOTHELL

Benton, Dwight Wesh61 8833 NE Bothell Wey 9801 1 Johnson, Tom E. Wah 51 0 12033Woodinville, #58 980 11


Kotley, Patrick L. OrtSt 313 P.O. Box 507 97391 TROUTDALE

Rickert, Lloyd R. UCLA 49 Routt I, Bo• 275 97060 WOODBURN Winkler, RossW. ltl 290 799 Oregon Way 97071

BR IDGEPORT Cousins, Willitm H. WahSt 239 P.O. Bo• 11951 98813 BURLINGTON

Stowe, Outne let WISh St t14 11 1 Victoria St. 98233 Swtnland, William Vern P.O. Bo• 464 98322 CASHMERE Babcock, Melvin Leroy, Jr. Wash St 137 Routt 1 98815 Lowen, Htrbtrt Allan WISh St 93 321 Elberta Ave. 98815 Schell, Robert Eugent WtshSt 156 Rt. 11 98815 CASTLE ROCK


Hill, Alfred C. Wash St 234 Box 188 98611 CENTRALI A


Erickson, Leigh H. W""570 302 Pionttr Rd. cJo Murphy 98520 Kopalt, Robert J. Wash 547 700 Third Ave. 98520 Rickey, R. Rty Ort St 130 81 4 Sycamort 98520 Swanson, Richard N. Wash 552 2506 Pacific Avt. 98520 ALOERWOOD MANOR


E d~r

S. Wah 472

2525-202od Pl. S.W. 98036

Robertson, Daniel R. WashSt 213 3507·205th Pl. S.W. 98001 Shtfner, David E. WtshSt 290 3105 MStrttt, S. E. 98002 BATTLE GROUND Htyts, David G. WashSt 244 Routt 1, Bo• 66 98604 Lahti, Richard C. WISh St 262 Rt. 2, Bo• 22 98604 Wedin, David E. Wash St 266 P.O. Bo• 264 98604 BAIN BRIDGE

Robinson, Cltudt D. Wash 573 Route 2, Bo• 2501 9811 0 Andtnon, Wtmn L., Ill W"" S1 286

P.O. Bo• 876 98004 Black, John C. Wash St 42 14312 N.E. 161h Pl. 98004

Cairns, Jam• G. Wash 491 1701 126th Avt. S.E. 98004 C.rpenter, Daniel W. Wah 576 2B18-1081h S.E. 98004

Christian, Lawrtnce N. OrtSt 134 10-100 N.E. 98004

Cornish, Brucel. Wash 410 11026 N. E. 19th 98004

Craig, Robert K. Colo 493 13302 S. E. 41st Place 98004 Dinkins, Byron R. Wash 481 417 12Bth Ave. S.E. 98004 Dow, Daniel G. Mich 541 9620 N.E. 31st St 98004

fetTin, JOStphl. Wash575 45JQ.13Bth Avt. SE 98004 Ftsk, Delbert L. Wash St 154 210S.146th Pl., SE 98004 Friet, Or. James E. Wash 442 916-1291h Pl., NE 98004

Gibbs, Tom C. Wash 430 1870 1271h, S.E. 98004

Htgbtrg, Charles P. Pur 716 44-99th St., NE 98004 Htlling, Dean E. WashSt 116 12519 S. E. 15th 98004

Hill, Jerry E. WahSt 178 3019-16B A"-· N.E. 98004 Holsapple, Keith A. Wah 514

1SJO 125th S. E. 98004 Johnson, M. RichHd laSt 600 1445 1501h SE 98004

Knestis, Willitm Wash 456 1635 S. E. 152nd 98004 Utwtllyn, Gtnt M. lnd 467 643-131 N.E. 98004

Pltnm, Donald J. Wah 429 2442-129 St 98004

Picard, Jtck H. Wash 355 12436 N. E. 6th P1xt 98004 Rtndtll, Terry Wash St 343 10416 N.E. 16th PIICt 98004 Seybert, Jtma 0. KtnSt 446 14810 N.E. 15th Pl. 98004 Sloutftr, John F. WllhSt 90 15411 N.E. JPI. 98004

Teylor, Brooks M. Okl1 656

s_E. !hh 98004

Stoffer, Mturicl H. Wllh 374 527-&th Avt. S. 98020 ELLENSBURG

Andtmn, AJtn 8. Wah 580 1105 E. 41h

P.O. Bo• 618 98926 Whitfield, Jty A. Wast! 16 1012 Cr~ig Avtnut 98926 ELMA

Rtntalt, Victor W. Wah St 151 Rt. 1, Bo• 112A 98§4.1

Mills, Boyd C. WashSt 52 1418 6th Street 99004 Rowles, William L. NU 111

Mitttn, Paul L., II Wah 468 1108 Garfitld St. 98022 Nicholson, Dor\lld P. Wash 489 P.O. Bo• 217 93022 Pickles, William R., Jr. Wah 556 1958 Clovtrtrut 98022 Knudson, EricJ. Wah 569 614-5th St. 98550 EVERETT Conon, Kenneth P. Wah 143 Rt. 1, Bo• 669 98202 Hilma, Per WashSt 243 713 Crown Drivt 98201 Russman, Mark W. Wash 403 4531 78th Place S. W. 98201 Johnson, Howard C. Wash 407 3222 S2nd Pltct S. W. 98201 King, Richard A. Wash 461 309 17th Pltce s.w. 98201 Mack, David A. OrtSt 387 9208 Holly Or. 9820 1 Taylor, William F. Wash 578 6802 8evtfly Blvd. 98201 Wted, Robert 0. Or.St 219 506 100 Place98201 Yoder, Elmer C., Jr. Wash St 87 7332 Highlend Drivt 98201 FALL CITY

McClymont, John D. Wash 508 FEDERAL WAY Grttf, Gtry R. OrtSt 326 1825

s. 3101h, #4 9B002


Knowles. Oontld C. Wash St 223 920 Blvd. 99403 Lupinacci, Pete W. WISh St. 232 Rt. 1, Bo• 603 99403 CLE ELUM R.R. #2 98922 COLFAX

McNeilly, Raymond Mtx WashSt 140 Rt. 2 9911 1 CONCRETE livit, George H. Wash St 138 Box 275 98237 COSMOPOLIS

Berglund, Walter R. West. 565 117 J Street 98537 COUPEVILLE 98239

S.ckttt, Verlain H. Wash St 209 P.O. Box 98 9833 1 GIG HA RBOR

Conan, Edwwd J. Wash 509 Rt. 2, Bo• 2610 98335 Ouistorff, Kirk Wash 531 Rt. 6, Bo• 6722 98335 Ouistorff, Ralph E., Jr. Wah 52B Rt. 6, Bo• 6122 98335 Stewart, Mike Wash St 214 Rt. 1, Boll 1276·A 98335 GOLDEN DALE Powall, Michael R. Wash St 342 437 Brashear Way 98620 Powell, Ronald G. Wash St 339 437 Brashear Wey 98620 GRAN ITE FALLS

Craggs, Jeffery B. Wash St 235 Route 1 98252 HOUGHTON


Zellmer, Willerd A. WISh Sill Bo• 264 99122 DAYTDN

Shtrp, Cecil A. Wash 404 112 S. 6th St. 99328 DEER PARK Like, John E. Colo 375 Bo• 333 99006 DUPONT Schinnell, H. P. Wash 211 211 Brandywine AYI. 98327

Co•, Welter E., Jr. Cor 491 10104 N. E. 62nd Street 98037 ISSAQU AH Ouistorff, ElmH Wash 250 Rt. 2, Bo• 6114 98027 Shearer, Jack E. OrtSt 135 Route 1, Bo• 2865 98027 KELSO

Andrews, Mark F., Jr. Wash 449 1207 Bthshel Hghts. Road 98626 C.intS, David M. Wash 622 1600 Burcham Strttt 98626 KEN NEWIC K


lindsay, Russell H. Colo 165 P.O. Bo• 68 9B245 EAST WENATCHEE

Htmmans, B. G. Wash 421 1289 6th Plact N. E. 98801 Tipler, Ronald W. Wash St 196 588A Rolf Place 98301 EATONVILLE

Vtn Etton, Ttrry Wash 502 Rt. 1, Boll 349 98328 EOMDNDS

Btrklow, D. L. OreSt 164 19911 Mtplewood Dr. 98020 Bennett, C. Richtrd WahSt 79 843 Btll 9B020 BirkJ, Willitm R. Wash 45 1 9109-2J8th


Brook, John R. Wash 484 BOD-10th No. 98020 Gtrberson, Richard E. Wash 601 934 Gltn 98ll20 Gr•n. Sttnley E. SoCII 126 10414 226 Plact s.w. 98020 Grjffin, William K. WashStiB 23815·113th PIICI, W 98020 Htll, Jtrtld C. Wash 418 529-ln! N. 98020

King. Geo. Wash 506 5224 152nd S. W. 98020 Ling~ , Jack H. Wah 380 6970-160

s. w_98020

Boyd, Thomas J. Wah St 86 1617 Clearwattr 99336 Curtts, Evtfett A. Wah St 104 Bo• 641 99336 Oonahut, Bernard Alfred WashSt 129 806 Albany Avt. 99336 Gramling, Vernon C. WashSt 135 707 W 22nd 99336 Kimbol, Paul S. Frk 599 2602 West Deschutes 99336 Liebel . Ctlvin Robert Wash St 85 727 E. 5th Avt. 99336 Mowary, Cecil E. Wah St 176 R. 1, Box 17 99336 Mueller, Oich A. Wash St 200 1931 S. Htrtford P.O. Box 553 99336 Stringer, John T. 111492 612

w_24th Pl. 99336


Boyer, Rodney R. Wash 553 1309 So. 261st Pl.:e 98631 Othl, Edgar M. Wash 537 21213·97 Ave., South 98ll31 Davis, Dtrral B. Wtsh 432 25633 104th s_E. 98031

Fournitr, John L. Wash 239 P.O. Bo• 130 98031 Gunderson, Frtd B. Wah 562 22421 lOth Avt., S. 98031 KETTLE FA LLS Buckley, Sidney R. Wash 358 Bo• 396 99441

211 N. Lyblrgof St 98501

Browning, B. Michttl Wah St 2&8 P.O. Box 3 99340 KIRKLAND

Arthur, William K. Wllh 533 234·7th Avenue 98033 Blondtn, Ricttn L WtltiSt 175 1616- IOth Strttt Wat 98033 Byt, Gtnld M. Wast! 465 10051 N.E. 116 St 98003 O on~n,

WiiUtm A. Wah 523 10705 N.E. 52nd St. 98003 Flowtn, Floyd F. MiiiSU 62 13833 115 N.E. 9BD33

McKibben, MichHI C. Or.St 370 4605- 105 N.E. 98033

Ntlson, Robert D. WatiSt 293 SIS. 14th Avenue Wtst 98033 Roquet, Jtrry A. Colo 487 9803 NE 139th Str11t 98033 LA CON NER Mttcalf, Roneld L. WahSt 289 Rt. #1, Bo• 276 98257 LEAVENWORTH

Ztdiktr, Rontfd F. WashSt 171 Rt 1 98826


80Hih St 99004 CLARKSTON

Wold, KtM l. Willi St 191




Smith, K1rl K. WISh St249


m o-2Ji st, s_w_9Bo2o


Olson, Gordon B. Wash 539



Groshong, Gent E. WashSt 123 Rt. 3, Boll 612 A 9853 1 Osttr, John F. Wash 393 1308 St. Helens 98531

199 11-BSth PI" ' Wost 98020

Murphy, Thorn• F. Wllh 9 1024-9th Ave. South 98020 Norm1n. Byron E. Wash 316 18625 Olympic Vitw Dr. 98020 Olson, Paul H. WadlSt 215

LONGVIEW Otuttrman, Oontld W. Ore St 245 130!J..21st Avt. 98632 Hallberg, Bruce 0. Ill 841 2636 Mtplewood 98SJ2 Hinkel, Gtorgt A. OrtSt 253 2221 CtdH StiHt 98632 Prtston, James E. Wash 620 2843 Mtrylend 98632 Prtston, Melvin E. WISh 406 2843 Mtrylt nd 98632 Schwartz, GtorQI E. Wah 377 2330 W. Lynnwood Dr. 98632 Woods, Richard A. WISh 522 1535 7th Ave. 98632 MANSON

Schmitten, Edward L. WtshSt 89 Bo• 362 98831 MAPLE VALLEY Richuds, John G. 21440 197 SE 98038 MEDI CAL LAKE

Hanson, Edward H. Wash St 270 Rt. 1 99022


Blina. Bo• Blin-. Bo•

G ~.

Joe M. W""SI 2116

Routl1 , Box 60 98841 Zulauf, Allin S. OreSt 226 Routt 1, Box 11 0 98841 OROVILLE

SyiYtsttr, Arthur Gordon WahSt 125 Rt. 2 98844 OTHELLO

Menin, Melvin E. OreSt 299 942 Otk 99344 OYSTERVILLE

Holwly, Thtodore Woodruff

w.... 243 9864 1


DIYis. Dtnitl R. Wat!St 324 98845 PASCO

Allen, Albtrt A. Wuh 154 Bo• 232 99301 Jernigtn, Jmy P. Wah St 163 1305 W. Washington 99301 KOYIITII, David l. WtshSt 291 P.O. Bo• 689 99301 Mitchell, Jlma S. Wah St 255 915 Wat Octave St. 99301 Mitchell, John E. WashSt 231 915 Octavt Strttt 99301 Rty, John H. Wah St 118 1719 W. Mtrprtt 99301 Salvadalena, Douglas WtshSt JQ() Routt 1, Bo• 1B6 99301 Smith, Rtlph F. WISh St 53 1120 Margam 99301 PATERO

Neff, George William Pur 31 6 98846 PIN ECR EST

England, Timothy L. WashSt 279 325 Golden Gate Ave. 98466 PO RT ANGELES Pettn~n ,


Dotson, Btn F. Wash 363 P.O. B o~tll 98039 ME RCER ISLAND DIYidson, George J. WISh 383 9108 S.E. 72 Place 98040 Engle, Outnt G. Minn 576 4B16-91 S.E. 98040

Gowing, Burton, M.D. Wah 444 4821 84th, S.E. 98040

Hurtburt, Eric F. OrtSt 430 8909 S.E. 48th 98040

Nowak, Michttl E. WISh 606 7616 S.E. 37th Pltct 98040 Rouzit, Richard L. Pur 298 33 15-971h Ave., SE 98040

Shrtder, John E. Ia St 539 4020 82od St S. E. 9B004

Witmer, Daniel R. Colo 707 8206 S. E. 41st 98040 ME RCURY

SltMOn, D. Boyd Ort St 65 rJo Holmes & Ntrver Box 1 98023 MIDWAY Thompson, Dennis L. Wyo 259 Bo• 3092 98031 MDNRDE

Cul/och, Stephen M. Ort St 256 Bo• 127 98272 Wilcoxen, Roger M. W""164 Bo• 126 9B272 MOSES LAKE

Bennion, Richard J. WashSt 267 1028 S. Othlia 98837 Skinner, Oontld H. Wash St 59 418 W. Ridge Rd. 98837 MOUNTLA KE TERR ACE

Schubert, DIYid C. Wash 538 4207 227th Pltce s. w. 98043

Otle R. WashSt 186 1116Wtst 11 th 98362


Studtbtktr, Irving Ariz 55 R. 3, Box 41 9 9B366 PULLMAN

Crtin, Richard W. PDH Wash 415 1500 Charlotte Avt. 99163 Crosby, James Winfield Ill Celif 355 rJo Mine Experiment Station State College of Wah. 991SJ Field, Irving Mo 570 P.O. Bo• 495 991SJ Finch, Gerald R. WISh St 258 1505 Bryant St., Bo• 256 99163 Grima, David W. Wah St 261 502 Sttte Stmt 991SJ Hower, Gltn lamar WashSt 181 11 02 Williams Drivt 99163 Johnson, Allen N. WashSt 283 200 H;gh S""l 99 163

Miller, Harvey Mich 515 Scitnce Htll 99163 Mitchell, Patrick C. WashSt 260 Bo• 281 C.S. 99163 PU YALLUP

ChastHn, Robert W, Wah 459 1325-4th Avenue N. W. 98371 Jervis, Micha.. B. Wah 478 BOO So. Meridian 98371 Johnson, Howud A. Wash 315 952HD3rd St., Eat 98371 RAYMOND Gould, Gerald Lynn Wah 462 1231 Duryea St. 98571 REDMDND

Buckley, Roy W. Wast! 345 Bo• 662 98052 RENTON

Christopherson, Johnnie M. W""627 12452 1551h SE 98065


Whitil'lglr, Gt ry Normtn WtshSt 136 Rt. 3, Bo• 28 98273 OAK HAR BOR Burcham, Lt. OM KSt 471 4486 4001h Aw. SW 9B271

Ewing, John R. WtshSt 21 0 1203 Thomos u #221 98055

Moran, Ptul Wah428 18425-1201h A,.., S.E. 9B055

Wutff, Lylt M. WtshSt 204 15825 S.E. 132od Pl. 99336

Davis, R. E. I.St 511 8112 B501h Ave. E. 98271 OAKVILLE Stwytr, Cherlts F. NH 521

Bo• 129 98568 OCE AN PARK

Wiagardt, GustM Adolph Wah St 120 9B640 OLYMPIA

Box, Menon D. Wash 360 Rt. 6, So• 355 M98501 Britt, Theodore V. WashSt 58 5019 Brentwood 98502 Bush, Wm. A. Or.St 207 5412 Melody Lane 98502 Gilbert, G tr~ld L., Jr. WashSt 184 1040 MidMy Drivt 98501 Gloyd, Chtrlts S. WahSt 160 2702 Buker 98501 Jonn, John H1mpton Wah St 105 2411

GIIY A. WashSt 169 24 98641 Paul F. Wtltl St 199 24 98841

Coon.! w., 9B501

Hazelrigg. T. Roy It 72 122 Griffith 98501 KISihtra, Albtrt S. OrtSt 305 2608 SE 461h 98501

RICHLAND Conley, Donald E. Wash St 122 2013 Turntr 99352 Purctll. Robert H. Colo 457 1915 Howa/1 99352 Schwenk, Earl B., Jr. Wah 512 1332 Sacrtmtnto Blvd. 98020 Tvtfberg, John C. Ariz 26 1324 Cottonwood 99352 RID GEF IEL D Stout, Allen L. WtltiSt 173 Rt. 2, Bo• 447 98642 ROY

Kirsten, Richard Alfred WashSt 74 Rou11 1, Bo• 39 98580 SEATILE Abr~ms,

Ridwd C. Wllh 554

4663 N.E. 11Bih St 9B155

Abtd, E• T. Ort St 348 925 Chtrry #106 9B104

Akishin, Craig G. Wah St 219 1230 E. 891h 9B115

- . - E. -312 321·1•A--81119

-.T-...R.,Jr. -113

4010- Avo. S.W. 81118

=:.. ~A~.~::15 ~m:=

C-1 81119

Alllloy,l'luiP. 158 Zlllllllnlld._ Dr. 81102 llloy, Dowlcl E. Pllr 795

Rm. 102, B.., Hill Unlvonily ol_i..,.n 81105 Blrtunan, Lt. Col. Wm. E.


1410 Dllridgo WI'/ S. W. Ajlt 28 81108 Bonodlct, John W. Wlllh 529 13139 30111 N.E. 81155 llondodi-WIIIhSI273 3835 S.W. Konyon Sr. 81118 Bomon, Dudley J. -142 1018 G-ad Avo. 81103 Burduo, l. Wlllh 366 831 N. W. B1n 98107 Congor, l'lul A. 618 20400 9111 Soull1 98148 Connolly, Dtvid M. Pur 873 3425 s. 176111, Ajlt 164 98118 Cook, o..... l. Wllh 208 6827 49111 St N. E. 98115 Courur>, lMTy J. Wlllh 557 471181h Avo., N. E. 98105

~5 lfE~ ~.'t's~~8115

Crockor, Alfrod, Jr. Wlllh 379 1829 10111 Avo., W. 98119 Cunis, Jock l. Wllfl 445 6703 37111 Avt. , S. W. 98126 Dohl, E. Monll'/ Wllfl 537 19012 151h Avt., N. E. 98155 Dtmmann, Frtncis Henry WISh St 70 9548 71h, N.W. 98107 Damu:s. Htnry H. Wllh 455 16037 Burko N. 98133 0....1, Friend A. Wllfl 208 1921 Ttnth Aw., bll: 98102 OWl, Roy D. Wyo 19 2203 N. W. 87rh 98107 Dtxtfi, Williem 8. Wah 329

503 N. 42nd St 98103 Dickty, Stlnley E. Wah 387 4027 W. Tnnton Strwt 98116 Diehl, Wolloco G. PtnnSI 557 1912 5111 Avt. N. 98109 Doupt, Robert N. Wah 536 5509 ZOih Avt., N. E. 98105 Dudley, John Willey Wash 357

8019·371h, N.E. 98105 DuMwl, Willtam C. Wllh St 256 7754-llllh sw 81106 DuM, F. Clyde Wllh 86 4835 Celifornie S.W. Apt-40498116 Ekins, Rithard W. Wah 391 991f>.261h Avt. N.E. 98115 EJiion, Garry Wllh 598 4230 121~ Avt. NE, B·l 98105 Ellison, John R. Att 18 20036 Burtt Avt. No. 98133 Ftnton, Dl'lid B. W.,.. 359

115 W. 117 S1rw1 98177 Freund, Terry R. On St 301 653 W. Nic:kenon 98119 GIOYtf, Dol\lld C. Colo 475 312 Wh Strttt 98109 Gordon, Mlet.t H. WllhSt 320

15827 71h Sl. S.W. 99166 Gny, Oon~ld L. Wlllh 583 7323·581h Avt., N.E. 98115 Gribbl1, Mtlvin L. Wah 417 2309 Franklin Ave., E 1201 98102 Gundtnon, Richlrd H. Wllh 588 9518-451h N.E. 98105 Guthri1, G1ne E. Wllh 365 3541 N.E. 166111 98155 Hallway, W1yn11 W. Wyo 70 13737 2nd Avo., N.E. 98104 Holl, Donold E. Wllfl 610 458 s.w. 174 9B166 Hall, Dr. Gao. M. Wah 396 19841 F,.,ont N. 98133 Hollldoy, John J. Wllfl 236 411 Nonh 491h 98103 Halliday, S.mutl L Pur 629 1629 Summit A111., Alit 403 98122 Hammond, H. L. Ill OrtSt 363 5212 18th An. N.E., Ajll 2 9B105 Hampton, Wayne P. Wah St 269 3351J.581h S.W. 9B116 Hanlin, lortn A. Wash 373 1613 Nonh 52nd 98103 Harrison, B•n Wah 515 6254 ZOih Avo., N.E. 99105 Holfitld, Eorl, Ill WolflSI 280 10477-171h So. 99168 Hawt.ins, William T., Jr. Wash 571 20024 Mlt'idian Placa Nonh 98133 H1ndrickson, Ein~r H. Wlllh St 100 7209-26 Avo. N.E. 9B115 H•nrik.son, Gordon F. Wash 397 2136 N.W. 9111h 99107 Hunt, Mllvln B. Ill 429 3841-44rh N.E. 98105 Hunt. Robert E. Wah 586 6011 ·5101 St, N.E. 98105 Jackson, Robert W. Wash 290 1000 Fillf A111., Wat 98119 Jardine, Charta A. Wah 426 18784 Ridgofitld Rd. 98177 Jtn~~n, Gaorg~ All Wllh 63 Smith ToMr 98104 Jor•n. Rkhoo"d L. Wolfl 497 19201 Aithmond 8NCh Or. N.W. 98177 Joneson, Kinplry P. Midi 558 917 Allison St. 98102 Johnson, loran P. Wash 609 10534 lnt•rtakl N. 98133 Johnson, W. l . Chart. W.,.. 344 1203 Norua. w.., 98177 Jordan, AndrM A. Wah 173 11 DO Uniwnity St. Alit lOJ 98101

Julich, Jock C. Wlllh 545 8230 v- N. E. 81115 ~1. Gory T. DhloSI 803 7425 So. 129 81171 -....,, Llononf W. OroSI 283 5922 17th AVI. S.W. 81106 Ki_., Sbofoy G. 184 10588 14111 A,._, S.W. 81146 Knudtlon, K.. Wllh 510 5210 R-1 AVI. N. W. Ajlt 308 88107 Kolvt, Don 577 4210 Brooklyn 98105 Kolvt, Horold A. Wllfl 551 20051-lOih N.W. 98177 t.rro>on, W'dliom K. Wolfl 412 n21 zsrh Avt., s.w. 98108 lancdtr, Arthur L W.,.. St 84 835 S.W. 193rd 98188 u,.,n, Jamn Wllh 474 P.O. Box 8041, Norlhgoll Sial. 98125 Laun, Anthony S. S,yr 302 J909.5Dih Avt., NE 81105 MoenutOn, J. M. Ill 451 2205 N.E. 117111 Sr. 88155 Mcllelh, Michool C. 550 3320 Fuhrmon 98102 McCollom, lortn W. Wash 568 4235 Brooklyn 1301 98105 McGohH, Bob L. DkloSI 284 4503 So. 16111h 98188 McQu..n, William l. WlllhSt 130 11202·3<d N.W. 98177 Mif!oll, Jomos l. Wllfl 473 18009 Sunnysidl N. 98133 Millw, Terr.. / E. Wah 589 2916 N.E. 1171h 81125 l4onroe, Guy 0. OrtSt 335 6334 Rainier, S., l205 98118 Montfort, St1111n A. Ohio 270 5703 Fiflh N. E. 98105 Nilson, Robert 8., Jr. Wah 526 2415 Clan• Dr. W. 98199 N1lson, Roy W. Wah St 224 1304 Bigllow Alii., N. 98109 Nial•n, Walt11 0 . SJ 2 7401 Rainilt' A111. So., 1112 98118 Nowek, Ed'IIIIWd J., Ill Wash 566 3021 Wtsl HI'/• 98199 O' K•IIy, Ron~ld V. Wah St 222 1812 So. 104111 98108 Potty, Emili N. Wllfl 73 6025 K1ldln Platt 98105 Poery, Ch.. E. Wolfl 441 8017 Stroud N. 98103 Prica, William H. Wah 166 2861i-32nd SlrOII, W. 98199 Plln:oll. Piorro J. WllflSI 259 1911 N. E. 107th St,..t 98125 Rumu•n. Walluf W. Wah 500 19228-37rh Avt. N.E. 98155 Rasp, Waltar F. Pur 340 162J..45th An., S.W. 98106 Richlrdson, Oio Colo 54 1414 E. 52nd 98105 Robinson, Fallx Wah 542 5939 441h Aw., S. W. 98116 Ro1, Jerry Wah 579 4017 Whitman N. l203 98103 S.ok, Ron~ld l. Minn 670 7019 47rh Avt. N. E. 98115 Schein, Ed\Q'd W. Wah 516 737 North 90th St. 98103 Sc:hr019Ptl, Jam11 F. Wah SOl 17020 Brooksido Blvd. N.E. 98155 Scon, Frank W., Jr. Wah 400 17710 22nd Avt. NE 98155 s..tiger, Clnnce F. Wah 527 4519 14111 Avt., So. 99109 S.Oiigor, Mkhool H. Wolfl 583 4519 14th South 98108 Shipe, lesttr K. OhioSt ~3 5000 N.E. 193rd 98155 Stariha, Plul l. Wah St 225 4040 Fortieth Alii. ~ 9BI16 Stmns, John C. Wah 3BB 9314 California Dr. S. W. 98116 Stont, Clifford A. Wash 504 3120 Harris Plac• 98144 Stan•, Jan.s M. Wash 555 2520 s. w. 12111 98146 Storwick, Richard A. WashSt 265 7615 S. 115111 Sr. 98178 Strong, Donald R. Wyo 112 2561 2111h WISI 9B199 SurTIIri, AJax Wah 548 221 ·13rh Em 98102 Sulllr, Edword G.. D.D.S. Wllf1454 1214 Boylston 98101 Sutter, Jama A. Wah 469 3632 451h, s.w. 99116 Swi:sh1r, Donald P. Wash 458 clo Wm. Wilson 4543-lllh Avo., N.E. 98105 Thornton, Ralph E. Wash 408 1707 Boylston Apt. 303 98101 Town•, Vlfnon W. Wash St 242 10514-llth A111., N.W. 98177 Turnbow, Donald E. Wash 425 6837 541h Avo., N.E. 99115 Tyrw, Richerd T. Wash 559 224 sw 1441h 98166 Valiton, Arthur P. Colo 358 322S.33rd A111nu1 Wert 98199 Walthar, Boyd V. Wash 532 717 N. 1381h 99133 Walum, St19h1n E. WashSt 233 20228-1280 98148 Wolls, l. W. Wllfl 399 6857-44rh NE 98115 W1illnbKh, Robtrt G. Cin 292 419 McGraw St. 9B1D9 W1/din, K1nn1th R. WllhSt 221 2324% Yale Alii. E. 98102 West, Gmld W. Wash 3~ 910J.Z71h, N.W. 98107 Whoolor, Vort o. -S• 202 clo Radio Slltion KJA P.O. Box 3726 98124 WhW1r, Wilton M. wm 370 121 s. 16111h 98188 Williams, David E. NW 454 16614 32nd St N. E. 99155 Williams, David Jemes Wash 146 2801 S. W. 17Znd Sr. 98188 Williamson, Esta J. Wllh 134 715f>.551h Avt., S. 99118

Wilhraw, Joct F. W0.. 574 4811).17111 A - So. 81106 Worroll, D.... R. 517 4914 Burtt Ave. 98130

SEDRO WOOLEY Wilburn, Willilm E. w.tiSt 227 121 Viftinill 9rilll 98284 SEQUIM G-~V .

-SI252 269 W. Boll Sr. 98382

GUIIIflon, Vamon A. WahSt 245 3BD8 N.W. McConn Rd. 98885 Muon, John A. WMh 399 113 Eoll 26111 St 98683 - 3806 · Phiilo Sr 172 C1orkKom s.....- 98881 Tomplnon, Morfo E. WllflSI 152 10108 N.E. Hozoldofl AVI. 98885 Will*'*n. Robert W. w.tiSt 286 4911 N.E. 44111 AVI. 98881 VASHON Lo .lombo, .lorry R. Wolfl 411

SHELTON Rogenon, Roblrt W. Wash 381 1519 Turner 98584 SNDDUALIIlE Opltld, Edwin Raymond Wah 213 98065 SOUTH lEND Edwafds, Malcolm llurtn WoshSr149 P.O. Box 252 98586 M1rila, John E. Wah 540 P.O. Box 876 98586 SPOKANE Brown, G10rga Elmer Hlt'Y 292 5202 N. Morkn St 99207 EMit. John P. WllhSt 6Q Rr. l5, 8ox 365E 99208 Harvnw, Terry C. Wah St 251 E. 10415 BaHour Ct. 99206 H~~~~tktr, llrry G. N1br 556 728 D.N.B. Bldg. 99201 Ho,_n, R-1 D. WllflSI 103 N 8422 NorttwMw Rold 992~ Hinkle, Raylon K. CoiSC 69 11216 E. 7rh s•.... 99206 lH, RobertS. Wash St 193 Nonh 2303 Pork Rd. 99206 M1rrick, Harry G. Col St U 5 8009 E. Gloss 99206 Vntch, John W. Wash St 56 525 E. 25111 Avo. 99235 Walmsll'/, J. T. NU 354 LT29·8805 M Division St. 99218 Williams, Wilho E. Wash St 71 So. 5428 Arthur·RFD 13 99207 Yates, Clinton 0. WllhSt 99 At. IJ, Box 509 99203 SPRAGUE Arthtr, James N. Wash St 147 9ox 202 99032 STEILACOOM Burg, G1rald Glann Wah 433 Box 361 98388

Rt 2, Box 428 (EIIi...,on) 98070

St>onct• .1om• T. Wllfl 453 P.O. Box 362 98070

WALLA WALLA Ellis, Frank E. WlllhSt182 925 Univtnily 99362 Gilman, Aichlrd E. Wah St 187 Rt 3 99362 Gundlnon, Rithlrd G. Wah St 218 217 N, Madison Avt. 99362 Hanifin, Tim WahSt 277 1203 Modoc S1r>11 99362 Haigh, Fnnk l. Yale 60 833 Wasflington St. 99362 Harmon, Jtml R. Wllt!St 275 1048 Univtnily 99362 WAPATO C. in, Estill V. Wah 269 Box 896 98951 WASHOUGAL H1ight, ErN: J. C. Ora St 244 R. 1, Box 544 98671 WENATCHEE D•nnis, Jack WashSt 82 1618 Madison 98801 flit. Jack o. wm 422 Rout• 3, Box 3143 98801 McDougall, Douglas J. Wad!St 311 Rout• 2, Box 2001 98801 McDougall, Stual1 D. Wash St 345 Rout• 12, Box 2001 98801 Mann, Jam• E., Jr. Wash 354 1522 No. Ptnhing Alii. 98801 WINSLOW Olaostn, Magnu1 Wash 348 Rt. 2, Box 2795 98110 YAKIMA Andlnon, Robllrt T. WllhSt 65 219 N. 32nd Avt. 96902 Bronson, Sttphln R. Wasil St 247 609 S. Ninth Aw. 98902 Hartman, Dwight A. Wash 582 218 No. 27th AYIOUI 98902

SUMNER Barber, Mark John Ort St 372 Roull 1, Box 49 A.B. 98390 SUNNYSIDE FloMr, Camillus F. Wah 93 Box 27 98944 Molintfo, Dr. Don Wah 435 305 Pnc:h Alii. 98944 Rowtand, Owid E. Wah 591 Eut 1404 Edison Avt. 98944 TACOMA Andlnon, laiTy Wah St 159 8406 War 341h Sr. 98465 Austin, John V. WnhSt 78 224 E_, 126 Sr. 98444 8illinPtY. Jan.s G., Jr. Okla 550 4209 N. Muon 98407 Blogg, Ctcil F. Wolfl 60 . 4022 N. 27111 St 98407 BrobKk, Barry A. WllhSt 317 3761 Bridgeport Way 98466 C..bolt, G1orge C. Wash St B7 2401 N. Orchard 98406 fallows, Alblrt M,'" Ia St 475 412 S. 55rh Sr. 98408 Hart, James Frederick WashSt 292 906 South 116 98444 Geroux, Gary G. WashSt 318 9710 Washington 811/d. SW. 98498 Hav11, Donald E. WasllSt 281 121 E. 58rh St 98408 H11ly, Thomes E. WasllSt 328 213 South 59th St. 98408 Hendry, Ronald l. Wash 417 1101 D~epwood Or. 98498 Humphrey, Richard l. Wah 398 3400 Taylor Way 98421 Kenn1dy, Or. H•rbtrt C. lnd 368 1146 N. Jama 98406 Lown, Dl"'id E. Syr 398 11018 E. Polk Strwet 98445 May, llwrtnce W. Wash 560 9420 Soo~th Park A111nu• 98444 McCann, Curtis E. O...St 188 491B 31SI Sl. N. E. 98443 Mon~~n , Raben M. Wash 479 324 G1rfi1ld St. 98444 N•lson, T•d W. Cal 471 3223 Olympic Blvd. 98466 Pttmon, Thomes A. Colo 399 43 W. Shot~ Alii. 98498 Schatz, H1nry T. Wash 534 7410 Turquoia Court S.W.· 98498 Simpson, Sttwlrt l. Wasil 4S 320 H. Tac: Avenue 98403 Stahl1, Howwd l• Wash 447 221 S. 57111 Sr. 98408 SPt, lester E. Wast! 438 4923 No. 27111 Sr. 98407 Van Osdtl, lewis A. Ill Wast! 607 7701 76111 Avt., S.W. 98498 Vincant, Don SoCII 166 235 Bn>NMy 98402 Whitl, lloyd E. Wah 405 Rt. 5, Box 1336 98423 VALLEYFORD l'llri$, Midlool WllflSI 209 AI. 1 99036 VANCOUVER Bata, William C. Wllh 15 212 WISt 36th Stmt 98660 0 -49

Acacia Educational Foundation Award of Honor- Wroe Owens, President, and Province Governor, Oliver N Bruck, Texas recipient.

Scholarship Improvement, Class I - Iowa State -Bill Fuller and John Lynch.

Scholarship Improvement, Class II - Miami - Brian Montgomery and Bill Fuller, National Scholarship Chairman.

Mrs. Audra B. ' Eikost, retiring Office Manager, receives roses from the Long Beach Chapter, a color television from the Fraternity and a hug from President Patterson for her twenty-one years of service.

"Abie" Honored Singled out for a special presentation was Audra B. Eikost, the National Office Manager for twenty-one years, who is retiring when the headquarters moves to Boulder, Colorado. "Abie" was presented with a color television by the Fraternity and a dozen long-stemmed roses by the Long Beach Chapter. She received a standing ovation as tribute to her long years of service and love for Acacia Fraternity. She will be missed, but not forgotten, by all Acacians who have come in contact with her over the years . Her efficiency and knowledge of the Fraternity were noted by all who visited the Conclave offices in the hotel.

Also presented were two additional Order of Pythagoras awards. Recipients were: Art King and Hiram Kincaid of the Kansas City Alumni Association. Five Award of Merit winners were announced. Receiving the Fraternity's highest award for alumni were Bertram Thomas, Washington ; William Walker, Nebraska; Wroe Owens, Texas; Frank Mendell, Iowa State and George Frazier, Illinois. The winner of the Roy C. Clark Outstanding Acacian Award was William Wolford of the Iowa State Chapter, who had earlier been named the recipient of the Roy C. Clark Scholarship. Receiving the attendance award for having the most members who came the longest distance to the Conclave was the Washington State University Chapter. A special guest at the banquet, Mrs. George A. Malcom, who is the widow of our Founder, presented the Founder's Achievement Award that was established by her husband. Named the Chapter most outstanding in scholarship, activities and tradition was the Oregon State University Chaper. The award was received by Tom Unternahrer, Venerable Dean; Delmer Goode, Chapter Advisor and Dave Zier, a member. The banquet was then concluded, and with it, the final activities of Conclave '68. Friday was devoted to the guests and delegates checking out and heading for home. The 35th Conclave of Acacia Fraternity is now history, but it will never be forgotten by the Brothers md guests who attended it. The real spirit and traditions of our Fraternity is emboded in the gathering together and discussions held at a Conclave. Every Acacian should make plans now to attend the next Conclave to be held in 1970.

''Abie" receives a standing ovation as a tribute to her long years of service for Acacia.

An Alumni Profile

"Tiny" Foltz: Fraternity Advisor, Bacteriologist

By John W. Hartman, Editor

V. D. "Tiny" Foltz, long-time Kansas State University Interfraternity Council advisor and Professor, recently retired as Secretary-Treasurer of the Kansas State Acacia Alumni Association after almost 40 years of service. A nationally-known bacteriologist, "Tiny" has been a full Professor at Kansas State since 1946. His area of research has been in the field of salmonellae and its various forms. He has published some 30 articles covering his findings of salmonellae in various products. (Salmonellae are small microscopic plants one-25,000th of an inch in length capable of causing severe intestinal upset and death in both the elderly and very young.) In 1964, Foltz completed 20 years as advisor to the fraternity system and Interfraternity Council when responsibility for advising the fraternity system was undertaken by the Office of the Dean of Students. At that time, the Dean, Dr. Chester Peters, said, "Tiny Foltz has given 20 years of devoted and unselfish service to the cause of better fraternity relations and practices at Kansas State Univer-

sity. The coming shift will relieve him of responsibility which no single individual should have to bear." The IFC honored him by establishing a Foltz Scholarship Fund through the K-State Endowment Association by contributing $1 ,000.00. Tiny remains as a consultant to the Dean's office, but now concentrates more fully on his work in research. In 1966, Foltz was chosen by the Graduate School for recognition as an outstanding member of the K-State faculty. He was honored with a faculty lectureship dinner. He became one of the first two Acacia alumni to receive the "Honored Alumnus Award", instigated by the K-State Chapter at the Founder's Day banquet held in May, 1968. He is also the recipient of the Acacia Award of Merit, presented to him in 1959 by the President of Kansas State, James A. McCain, and Bob Jepson, Assistant Executive Secretary at that time. "Three things stand out as responsibilities of a college professor, "McCain said . " These are teaching ability, experience in research and the ability to become a

friend and counselor to students. A college professor usually has one of these characteristics, occasionally an instructor will have two. Tiny is one of those rare cases in which all three are present." A few of the many honorary and professional societies Foltz belongs to include: Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, American Public Health Association, Society of American Microbiologists, U.S . Livestock Sanitary Association, International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians, Missouri Valley Branch S.A.M. (former President), Kansas Public Health Association, American Society of Professional Biologists and the Kansas Association of Milk Sanitarians. His list of professional publications is too long to publish here, but it is a long and very distinguished list that causes " Tiny" Foltz to be a sought after speaker on the national scene. An outstanding man, and an outstanding Acacian, THE TRIAD adds its voice to the many who have praised the work of Vernon D. "Tiny" Foltz.



MARVIN LOGAN APPOINTED ALUMNI DIRECTOR: ALUMNI CHAPTERS UNDERWAY~~~~~ President George F. Patterson, Jr., at the 1968 Conclave, appointed retiring First Vice President Marvin Logan as the Fraternity's first Alumni Director. In conjunction with Logan's appointment, the Conclave adopted the following legislation providing for the reactivation and activation of Alumni Chapters: Article 22 - Alumni Chapters 1-2201 Name. An alumni chapter shall be known by the name of the town, city, or locality wherein it is situated; such name shall be subject to the approval of the National Council. 1-2202 Members and Constituency. Eligibility to membership in an alumni chapter shall be confined to alumni of the Acacia Fraternity. 1-2203 Chartering Alumni Chapter. An alumni chapter may be chartered and established by the National Council of Acacia Fraternity in any town, city, or locality, upon the written application of at least fifteen resident alumni. 1-2204 Alumni Constitution and By-laws. Each alumni chapter shall adopt such constitution and by-laws as the members thereof shall see fit, provided however, that said constitution and by-laws shall not negate or contravene any Article, Bylaw, or Section of the Constitution or By-laws of Acacia. It shall file with the National Judge Advocate and the Executive Secretary, respectively , a copy thereof and all amendments thereto, certified by the President and Secretary of the alumni chapter. 1-2205 Officers. The officers of an alumni chapter shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and such other officers as shall be deemed necessary to effectively promote the best interests of the alumni chapter . 1-2206 Election of Alumni Chapter Officers. The officers of the alumni chapter shall be elected by a majority of those dues paying alumni present and voting at a regularly established annual meeting of the chapter. 1-2207 Duties of the Alumni Chapter Officers. The officers of an alumni chapter, shall, in addition to such other duties as may be prescribed and required by their Constitution, perform the following duties: Clause I. The President shall be the presiding officer of the alumni chapter, the official representative thereof, and shall have all the powers and duties usually pertaining to such office. Clause 2. The Vice-President shall discharge the powers and duties of the President in the latter's absence. Clause 3. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the alumni chapter. Clause 4 . The Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the alumni chapter and shall report to the Executive Secretary of Acacia Fraternity upon such matters as may be required of him; he shall keep a book of minutes wherein he shall record an accurate digest of all alumni chapter proceedings, and he shall be the custodian of the records and archives of the alumni chapter. Oause 5. The duties of all other officers, if any, shall be prescribed by the Constitution of the alumni chapter. 1-2208 Authority of Alumni Chapters. Clause I. An alumni chapter shall have jurisdiction over the conduct of its members, except that is right to suspend, or expel an alumni member shall be limited to suspension or expulsion from membership in its alumni chapter. Clause 2. An alumni chapter may adopt and modify or repeal articles and provisions of its Constitution and By-laws not inconsistent , however, with the Constitution, By-laws and Code of Procedure of the Acacia Fraternity, but same shall



not be valid until approved by the National Council. Clause 3. The official acts of the alumni chapter shall be dated and signed by its President and Secretary. 1-2209 Meetings. Clause 1. An alumni chapter shall hold at least one regularly established and stated meeting a year, at which an election of officers of the alumni chapter shall be held , together with such other business as the alumni chapter shall deem proper. Oause 2. A special meeting of the alumni chapter shall be held at the call of the President or upon a written request to the President, signed by at least five members, and notice thereof stating the date, time, and place shall be communicated or mailed to each dues paying member of the alumni chapter, at his last known address, at least three days before the time appointed for such meeting. Clause 3. The dues paying members present at a regularly stated or special meeting shall constitute a quorum. 1-2210 Committees. An alumni chapter shall have at least one standing committee, which said committee shall be the Governing Committee, and shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, and at least two other members appointed by the President, one of whom may be named as chairman; and it shall be the duty of this Governing Committee to exercise general supervision over the conduct of alumni chapter affairs and over the individual conduct of the members of the alumni chapter, and to promote the welfare of the chapter. 1-2211 Alumni Chapter Dues. The Constitution and By-laws of each alumni chapter may fix an amount of local alumni dues to be paid by its members to the Treasurer thereof. 1-2212 Alumni Chapter Delegate to National Conclave. An alumni chapter which maintains its membership in such numbers as shall meet the requirements for chartering, as hereinabove provided, shall be entitled to send, at alumni chapter expense, a non-voting delegate, the alumni chapter President, to the National Conclave. In the event of the inability of the alumni chapter President to attend, the chapter shall elect an alternate. 1-2213 Dissolution. In case of the dissolution of an alumni chapter, the President or other presiding officer shall transmit all records and other property of such alumni chapter to the Executive Secretary of Acacia Fraternity.

In addition to existing alumni chapters at Kansas City, Mo., Houston and Seattle, Alumni Director Logan announced the formation of two more, San Francisco and Greater Los Angeles. At the alumni meetings in California, Logan presented the following twelve objectives of an Alumni Chapter: 1. Assist active chapters - advisory, rush, finances, etc. 2. Assist in the forming of new chapters. 3. Assist in the development of the Acacia Educational Foundation. 4. Assist in improving the fraternity image, especially Acacia. 5. Assist Acacia graduates in job placement. 6. Provide contacts for Acacia alumni being transferred into the area. 7. Help each other. 8. Assist in Masonic relationships. 9. Assistance in organizing area rush parties. 10. Provide recommendations for Province Governors, Chapter Advisors, Scholarships and Awards. 11. Provide interesting and informative speakers at their meetings. 12. Promote attendance at Regional and National Conclaves. In subsequent issue of the TRIAD, Alumni Director Logan will write a special page dealing with Alumni news and notes. THE TRIAD


Northeast Louisiana Colony Formally Pledged Northeast Louisiana State College, Monroe , Louisiana, became the second ¡college in Louisiana to have an Acacia organization on their campus. On Saturday, October 12, 1968, thirtyeight men pledged Acacia and officially formed the Northeast Colony of Acacia Fraternity. Officers of the new Colony are Samuel Smith, Venerable Dean; Marshall Halbrook, Senior ' Dean ; Glen Richardson, Junior Dean; Claude Fuller, Jr. , Treasurer; Richard Blake, Rush Chairman; Charles Machen, Corresponding Secretary ; John Smith, Recording Secretary ; Kendall Hanson, Parliamentarian ; Bruce Cain, Historian and Kirby Price, Reporter. Mr. Claude Fuller, Sr., serves Acacia as Faculty Advisor. The pledging, which took place at the West Monroe , Louisiana, Masonic Lodge, was officiated over by members of the Louisiana State University Chapter of Acacia. The pledging was especially meaningful to the pledges as it was their first real introduction to the brotherhood. Following the pledging ceremony, which took place in the afternoon, the Northeast Colony hosted a party for ..the L.S.U. brothers at the Northeast Louisiana Shriner's Camp on Cheniere Lake. Hamburgers, snacks and refrestunents were served to the guests as greater friendship was developed between the future brothers.



A member of the L.S.U. Chapter pins the pledge pin on the coat of Samuel Smith, Venerable Dean of the N.L.S.C. Colony . In the background is Dr. Mark Guidry , the L.S.U . chapter advisor.

Following the pledging, Northeast Colony resumed their work of becoming a vital part of the almost eight thousand student body of N.L.S.C. Projects that have been undertaken and accomplished so far by the Colony are the erecting of an Acacia sign reserving seats for Acacians at athletic events, the placing of spirit signs on the campus, the purchase of gold blazers bearing the Acacia crest and the building of a homecoming display. The display featured a covered wagon and carried a theme of "Get on the Victory Wagon with Acacia." Other projects include a Christmas party held for under privileged children and Christmas caroling to conva-

lescent homes in the Monroe area. Acacia also offered its services to the Shriners as they sponsored a circus in the benefit of crippled children. The Northeast Colony is working hard and diligently, with their sights set on obtaining a chapter charter in February. N.L.S.C. Colony, having grown from a handful of men into a strongly functioning organization encompassing some forty men, is a major asset to the University. With so many evidences of Acacia's presence on the campus, faculty and students alike listen impressively as the future brothers of Northeast Chapter of Acacia Fraternity say - - - "We are We are proud of it." Acacians.

A small group of the men who attended the party after the pledging ceremony at the Shriner's camp. The group includes members of both the L.S.U. Chapter and the N.L.S.C. Colony.

National Perspective By Harvey L. Logan, Executive Secretary

Conclave amendments ratified Final votes were received ratifying the Conclave amendments dealing with membership, balloting and alumni chapters. Alumni Chapters Since the adoption of legislation providing Alumni Chapters, two new groups are under way. Marvin Logan, newly appointed Alumni Director, has attended alumni meetings in San Francisco and Southern California. Del~y in headquarters building A delay in the shipment of beams has caused an estimated one month delay in Acacia 1,s new headquarters. Office space on the lower floor of the building wil 1 be completed on time and we will occupy that area until the entire building is finished . It might be a 1 ittle rough for a month or so , but we hope everything will be done by the 31st of January.

Province Governor Appointments The National Council has appointed Richard F. Stevens, Dean of Men at the University of Rhode Island, Province Governor for New England and John Martinsen, Past Chapter Advisor of Iowa State , Province Governor for WashingtonOregon . Colonies approach installation Two of AcaciD 1 s colonies, the University of Houston and Northeast Louisiana State Col lege, Have been progressing at an extremely good rate and should soon be in a position to petition for acceptance as Chapters of Acacia. Our third colony , the University of Northern Iowa , is also making a good head-way and might also be in a position to petition sometime next spring . Acacia Educational Foundation , Inc. Foundation President, Wroe Owens, announced that they are preparing for a large drive this spring to increase the assets of the Foundat i on . Purdue Chapter initiates lOOOth member. About two years ago 111 inois became the first Chapter in Acacia to initia te 1000 members and last week Purdue became the second . Pro Football player becomes honorary initiate. Last month the Houston Alumni Association proposed four honora r y initia tes, one of who~ is James Patrick Holmes, defensive left end for the Hous t on Oi lers. All of the initiates have been approved and wil 1 be initiated by the Te xas Chap ter in October. First Roy c ~ Clark Scholarship given. At the 1968 Conclave, Foundation President , Wroe Owens , pr e sent e d the f irst Roy C. Clark Scholarship to Bill Wolford , Iowa St ate Chapter .

PROMINENT JURIST DIES IN FLORIDA Harold Leon "Tom" Sebring, Dean of the Stetson University College of Law and an alumnus of the Kansas State Chapter, died recently at the age of 70 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Former Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court, he had a distinguished career as an educator, jurist, attorney and athlete. At Kansas State, where he graduated in 1923, he held all-conference football honors and membership in several college honorary societies. Following graduation, he was named head football, boxing and track coach at the University of Florida. Elected to the Florida Supreme Court in 1943 after receiving his law degree and serving nine years as Judge of the 8th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, Sebring was Chief Justice from

GEORGIA NAMES DELTA ZETA SWEETHEART The Georgia Chapter has elected Miss Ann Ellis, Delta Zeta, as Chapter Sweetheart. She is currently Recommendations Chairman of her sorority, and President of Phi Upsilon Omicron Honorary Economics Fraternity. A senior, she is twenty-one years old and majoring in Home Economics. Other activities include being Women's Editor of the "Georgia Agriculturalist". The men of the Georgia Chapter have a right to be proud of Miss Ellis, a welcome addition to the ranks of Acacia Sweethearts.

Miss Ann Ellis

ALUMNUS AUTHOR OF NEW BOOK 1951-1953. He spent the year of 1946 in Germany serving as a presiding judge at the Nazi war crimes trials in Nuremberg. He was appointed by President Truman to this position. As Chief Justice, he attracted attention by dissenting from a court majority opinion to bar the first Negro to apply for entrance to the University of Florida Law School. He retired from the Supreme Court in 1955 to become Dean of the Stetson University College of Law. A member of more than 20 State, civic and professional societies, he held many offices from local to national level. Sebring also received five honorary degrees. A distinguished Acacian, Tom Sebring exemplified the qualities and principles of our fraternity.

J. Mel Hickerson, an alumnus of the Iowa Chapter, is the author of the newly released book, "Ernie Breech". This book is the story of the remarkable career of Ernie Breech at General Motors, Ford and TWA. It contains a foreword by Henry Ford II, and is a wellwritten, interesting and complete book that can be recommended to all Acacians to read. Meredith Press, New York, is the publisher. Hickerson has been active in publicity and advertising for more than forty years, with General Electric, Lord and Thomas, Albert Frank-Guenther Law and his own agency. His fourth book, he now devotes much of his time to a private non-profit loan program for needy and deserving college students.


The men of the Illinois Chapter recently originated an unusual social event of that campus. Called the First Annual Invitational Acacia Composite Scramble, the event featured skits by eleven sororities whose composites (chapter membership photos) had been "acquired" by three members of the chapter. Winner of the skit competition was Delta Delta Delta, whose members not only received

their composite back, but also a trophy presented by the chapter. Judges for the event included three Acacians, two Deans and a proprietor of a local student hangout. After the skits were over, a dance featuring a house combo was held, the composites given back and the girls driven home. Providing the composites can be had again, the event will be continued next year.




OHIO STATE MEMBER NAMED SOCCER CAPTAIN Roger B. Noll, a member of the Ohio State Chapter, was elected Varsity Soccer Captain at the conclusion of the 1967 season. Becoming the first sophomore to be elected Captain, he played defensive fullback and led the Buckeye Soccer T earn to a 7-2 record, the best in the team's history. Also chosen as the Most Outstanding Sophomore by the coaching staff, he is currently treasurer of the Ohio State Chapter.

Major Jerry Leadabrand

NEBRASKA ALUMUS PRESENTED SERVICE MEDALS Major Jerry Leadabrand, Nebraska alumnus, was recently presented the Air Medal (with two Oak Leaf clusters) and the U.S. Army Commendation Medal (with one Oak Leaf cluster) for heroism and service in South Vietnam . Other medals the Acacian has received include, the Purple Heart, National Defense Medal, Vietnamese Service Medal, Vietnamese Campaign Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Valorous Unit Citation and the Cross of Gallantry Unit Citation.

Charles Stubblefield, a member of the Arkansas Chapter, has been elected Vice-President of Associated Students at the University of Arkansas. He won the election on the primary ballot by the largest majority that has ever been polled in a VicePresidential race. Stubblefield was also elected to Who's Who on American College Campuses. He was also a member of Cardinal XX and Phi Eta Sigma, honorary freshman organizations. He is currently a member of ODK, honorary service fraternity, and Scabbard & Blade, honorary military organization. He has served on the Student Senate for three years, has worked actively with IF C and has served as Venerable Dean of the Arkansas Chapter.

ILLINOIS MEMBER LEADS SCHOOL SPIRIT AS CHIEF ILLINIWEK MIAMI GRADES MOVE TOWARD TOP*** Hitting the books around the Miami Chapter apparently has become a popular avocation. Moving from twenty-second, two years ago, to fifth in scholarship the past term, the chapter has now won the I.F.C. Scholarship Improvement Trophy three times in the past five terms. Also adding a shining touch to the trophy case is the Acacia National Scholarship Improvement Trophy, won at the National Conclave this past August. These recent awards have not made the men of the Miami Chapter sit back and take a rest. On the contrary, they are now aiming at the Outstanding Scholarship Award.



The University of Illinois Chapter is proud to announce that Brother Gary Simpson, '69, is filling the role of Chief llliniwek this year. Chief llliniwek (pronounced 11-li-ni-wek) is the symbol of all lllini school and team spirit. The Chief regularly appears with the Marching lllini Football Band and does an authentic Indian war dance at half time. Perhaps no greater shout comes from the crowd then when the Chief, dressed in full Indian regalia complete with war bonnet, bursts forth from the band and begins his dance as the climax of each half time show. The tradition of Chief llliniwek began in 1926 when an Illinois student did a dance to elicit enthusiasm from the team . After experiment-

ing with various styles of the dance, the entire sequence of band performance and Chief's dance took its final form in 1934 and has remained unchanged since. Simpson, a senior in Microbiology from Fairfield, Illinois, became Chief when he was chosen by a panel of judges over approximately twenty other applicants last May. The men of the Illinois Chapter are particularly happy to have Simpson as Chief, because his appointment ends an eleven-year dynasty of Chiefs from Phi Delta Theta.

Elgin E. Narrin

MASONIC DEGREE ¡AWARDED TO ELGIN E. NARRIN Among the 189 candidates awarded with the Honorary 33rd Degree, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, at the annual meeting of the Supreme Council, N.M.J., on September 25, 1968, in Atlantic

City, N.J., was Elgin E. Narrin, Northwestern No.1 58, of Brookfield, Wisconsin. This honor is awarded sparingly for outstanding contributions to Freemasonry, or for dedicated service to humanity reflecting credit on the Craft. This last and highest degree is held by some 3,100 members of the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, of a total membership of some 510,000 in the fifteen States North of the Ohio River and East of the Mississippi River, which comprise the jurisdiction. Since graduation from Northwestern in 1929 with a commerce degree in finance and accounting, Narrin has been engaged largely in investment counsel and management, and is now associated with the Kyle family interests of Milwaukee as President of the Marietta Research & Investment Company, as well as officer and director of a number of related corporations and funds.

HOMECOMING FLOAT TAKES HONORS In this year's annual Homecoming Float competition, Miami Acacia was presented the third place ribbon . Working with Sigma Kappa sorority, the Acacians devoted the better part of two weeks working on the float. Depicting the theme

of the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof", the float featured an opposing football player being bowed by a Miami player. Preceding the day of Homecoming, the Acacians and Sigma Kappas celebrated completion of the float.

He is a Past Thrice Potent Master of Wisconsin Lodge of Perfection, 14°, of Milwaukee, and President of the Board of Grand Trustees, Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Wisconsin. He also serves as advisor to other Masonic grand bodies of the State and to a number of local financial institutions. While at Northwestern, Narrin was successively Secretary, Treasurer, Triad and newsletter editor and Venerable Dean. He also held numberous campus offices in the Y.M.C.A., Student Council, Interfraternity Council and a number of professional fraternities. He was a member of Purple Key (Juniors) and Deru Society (Senior honorary). Professionally, he is a Chartered Financial Analyst ( No.133-1963). and a past president of the Investment Analysts of Milwaukee, as well as holding dual membership in the Chicago Analysts.

Miss Kay Cathey, center, front row, was recently named Pledge Class Sweetheart at Tennessee. Presented at the annual pledge dance, she is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. Surrounding her are members of the Tennessee Chapter women's auxilary, the Little Sisters of Pythagoras.




COMMENDATION MEDAL PRESENTED OSU ALUMNUS Captain Richard B. Risk, Jr., was recently presented the Air Force Commendation Medal by Brig. Gen. Earl L. Johnson, Vice Commander, 3rd Air Division, headquartered at Andersen AFB, Guam. Captain Risk is a member of the Oklahoma State Chapter, graduating in 1963 as a distinguished military graduate and receiving a regular commission. He returned to OSU last fall and spoke to ROTC classes on his previous experiences with the B-52 bombing operation in Southeast Asia as Director of Information for the bomber task force AugustNovember,1965 when this operation first began. The division directs all SAC B-52 Stratofortress and

KC-135 Stratotanker activity in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia. He was cited for meritorious service while assigned to the Directorate of Information at Strategic Air Command headquarters near Omaha, Nebraska, from Feb. 8, 1966 to April 11, 1968, serving as Chief of the Editorial Branch and later as Chief of the Command Support Branch. The citation reads in part, "Captain Risk's outstanding leadership, professional knowledge and skill, and initiative were reflected .. : in improved capability and mission accomplishment." Captain Risk was recently selected to be General Johnson's aide.

Ellsworth C. Dent

A. L. Blinder, President of Esquire, Inc., announced the appointment of officers of the company's recently-formed Education Group. Ellsworth C. Dent, Kansas Chapter Alumnus and Esquire, Inc. Vice President and Director of Distribution for Coronet, was appointed Executive Vice President. Esquire's Education Group consists of Coronet Instructional Films, Globe Book Company, Inc., and Rapid Film Technique, Inc. Dent, who joined Coronet in 1946, is an author and educator. He was Director of Visual Instruction at the University of Kansas and Director of the Motion Picture Division of the Department of Interior. He's Chairman of the Education Committee of the National Audio-Visual Association. He lives with his family in Evanston, Illinois. Blinder said formation of the Education Group will lead to greater coordination and allow Esquire, Inc. to move more strenuously into the educational market.



Left to right: General Earl J. Johnson, Captain Richard B. Risk, Jr. and his wife, Carroll.

NORTHWESTERN GRAD NOW UNITED PILOT Dan Lang, 1962 graduate of Northwestern and member of Acacia, recently completed his first year as a pilot for United Air Lines. After spending five years as Traffic Manager for a Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant, he joined United in August, 1967 as a DC-6 prop pilot. Now based at Los Angeles and flying to Honolulu and major East Coast cities, he has been promoted to Second Flight Officer on DC-8 jet aircraft. While at Northwestern, Lang served the active chapter as treasurer.

Dan Lang


Charles W. Jarrett


The October, 1968 meeting of the Kansas City Alumni Association featured members of the Kansas Chapter whose actives presented the program in the form of a portion of the initiation ceremony. Members of the Kansas City Alumni Association come from the following chapters: Central Missouri, Colorado, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, Purdue, Nebraska, Oklahoma State and Wisconsin. Acacia Alumni in or near the Kansas City area who are not members of the Association are invited to attend the meetings which are held each third Wednesday of the month at 6:30P.M. at the Twin Oaks Restaurant.

Charles W. Jarrett, Indiana Chapter Alumnus, has been named Controller lir""'-.--.o.:.o-......~-------...... of the Faultless Caster Co. The announcement was made by Bernard Noelting, Vice President and General Manager of Fautless, a division of Bliss & Laughlin Industries, Inc., located in Evansville, Indiana. Jarrett had been General Accounting and Internal Audit Manager at Mead Johnson and Company, Evansville, and served as Director of Financial Services for Mead Johnson International. He is a member of the National Association of Accountants Washington State Acacians, and of the Institute of Internal Steve Amundson, sitting, Auditors. A native of Princeton, and Larry Anderson, standing. Indiana, Jarrett attended Indiana CAMPUS CRUSADE University for his BS degree in LED BY ACACIANS Business Administration. Active in civic affairs, he has served as President Two Washington State Acacians are of Town and Country Club, and of taking roles in the national Campus the Indiana Chapter Alumni Crusade for Christ Movement. Larry Association. He is past President and Anderson, a senior, has reached the currently Treasurer of the Evansville highest undergraduate position in Association for the Blind, is the Crusade. He is serving as President committeeman for the Boy Scouts and Student Mobilization¡ Leader for of America, Troop 36, board member the Washington State University of Tri-State Epilepsy Legue and branch of the Crusade. member of the Masonic Lodge. He Steve Amundson, a junior, spent last was an Acacia Field Secretary from summer working and studying at the 1946 to 1948. National Campus Crusade for Christ Headquarters in Arrowhead Springs, California.

WILLIAM J. GREER ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT Ell LILLY INTERNATIONAL William J. Greer, an alumnus of the Purdue Chapter, has been elected Vice-President of Eli Lilly International Corporation, with responsibility for operations in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Okinawa, Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. Greer formerly was Area Director for Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Okinawa, a position he assumed in January. He also has been Vice-President and Representative Director of Japan Elanco Company Limited in Osaka, a joint venture with Shionogi and Company Limited for the manufacture of gelatin capsules. Since joining the company in 1948, Greer has had a varied career in production and administration in the United States, Brazil and Venezuela, as well as Japan.




OHIO STATE MEMBER NAMED SOCCER CAPTAIN Roger B. Noll, a member of the Ohio State Chapter, was elected Varsity Soccer Captain at the conclusion of the 1967 season. Becoming the first sophomore to be elected Captain, he played defensive fullback and led the Buckeye Soccer Team to a 7-2 record, the best in the team's history. Also chosen as the Most Outstanding Sophomore by the coaching staff, he is currently treasurer of the Ohio State Chapter.

Major Jerry Leadabrand

NEBRASKA ALUMUS PRESENTED SERVICE MEDALS Major Jerry Leadabrand, Nebraska alumnus, was recently presented the Air Medal (with two Oak Leaf clusters) and the U. S. Army Commendation Medal (with one Oak Leaf cluster) for heroism and service in South Vietnam. Other medals the Acacian has received include, the Purple Heart, National Defense Medal, Vietnamese Service Medal, Vietnamese Campaign Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Valorous Unit Citation and the Cross of Gallantry Unit Citation.

Charles Stubblefield, a member of the Arkansas Chapter, has been elected Vice-President of Associated Students at the University of Arkansas. He won the election on the primary ballot by the largest majority that has ever been po_lled in a VicePresidential race. Stubblefield was also elected to Who's Who on American College Campuses. He was also a member of Cardinal XX and Phi Eta Sigma, honorary freshman organizations. He is currently a member of ODK, honorary service fraternity, and Scabbard & Blade, honorary military organization. He has served on the Student Senate for three years, has worked actively with IFC and has served as Venerable Dean of the Arkansas Chapter.

ILLINOIS MEMBER LEADS SCHOOL SPIRIT AS CHIEF ILLINIWEK MIAMI GRADES MOVE TOWARD TOP*** Hitting the books around the Miami Chapter apparently has become a popular avocation. Moving from twenty-second, two years ago, to fifth in scholarship the past term, the chapter has now won the I.F.C. Scholarship Improvement Trophy three times in the past five terms. Also adding a shining touch to the trophy case is the Acacia National Scholarship Improvement Trophy, won at the National Conclave this past August. These recent awards have not made the men of the Miami Chapter sit back and take a rest. On the contrary, they are now aiming at the Outstanding Scholarship Award.



The University of Illinois Chapter is proud to announce that Brother Gary Simpson, '69, is filling the role of Chief llliniwek this year. Chief llliniwek {pronounced 11-li-ni-wek) is the symbol of all lllini school and team spirit. The Chief regularly appears with the Marching lllini Football Band and does an authentic Indian war dance at half time. Perhaps no greater shout comes from the crowd then when the Chief, dressed in full Indian regalia complete with war bonnet, bursts forth from the band and begins his dance as the climax of each half time show. The tradition of Chief llliniwek began in 1926 when an Illinois student did a dance to elicit enthusiasm from the team . After experiment-

ing with various styles of the dance, the entire sequence of band performance and Chief's dance took its final form in 1934 and has remained unchanged since. Simpson, a senior in Microbiology from Fairfield, Illinois, became Chief when he was chosen by a panel of judges over approximately twenty other applicants last May. The men of the Illino is Chapter . are particularly happy to have Simpson as Chief, because his appointment ends an eleven-year dynasty of Chiefs from Phi Delta Theta.

Elgin E. Narrin

MASONIC DEGREE ¡AWARDED TO ELGIN E. NARRIN Among the 189 candidates awarded with the Honorary 33rd Degree, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, at the annual meeting of the Supreme Council, N.M.J., on September 25, 1968, in Atlantic

City, N.J., was Elgin E. Narrin, Northwestern No.1 58, of Brookfield, Wisconsin. This honor is awarded sparingly for outstanding contributions to Freemasonry, or for dedicated service to humanity reflecting credit on the Craft. This last and highest degree is held by some 3,100 members of the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, of a total membership of some 510,000 in the fifteen States North of the Ohio River and East of the Mississippi River, which comprise the jurisdiction. Since graduation from Northwestern in 1929 with a commerce degree in finance and accounting, Narrin has been engaged largely in investment counsel and management, and is now associated with the Kyle family interests of Milwaukee as President of the Marietta Research & Investment Company, as well as officer and director of a number of related corporations and funds.

HOMECOMING FLOAT TAKES HONORS In this year's annual Homecoming Float competition, Miami Acacia was presented the third place ribbon. Working with Sigma Kappa sorority, the Acacians devoted the better part of two weeks working on the float. Depicting the theme

of the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof", the float featured an opposing football player being bowed by a Miami player. Preceding the day of Homecoming, the Acacians and Sigma Kappas celebrated completion of the float.

He is a Past Thrice Potent Master of Wisconsin Lodge of Perfection, 14°, of Milwaukee, and President of the Board of Grand Trustees, Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Wisconsin. He also serves as advisor to other Masonic grand bodies of the State and to a number of local financial institutions. While at Northwestern, Narrin was successively Secretary, Treasurer, Triad and newsletter editor and Venerable Dean. He also held numberous campus offices in the Y.M.C.A., Student Council, Interfraternity Council and a number of professional fraternities. He was a member of Purple Key (Juniors) and Deru Society (Senior honorary). Professionally, he is a Chartered Financial Analyst (No.133-1963), and a past president of the Investment Analysts of Milwaukee, as well as holding dual membership in the Chicago Analysts.

Miss Kay Cathey, center, front row, was recently named Pledge Class Sweetheart at Tennessee. Presented at the annual pledge dance, she is a member of Alpha Xi Delta. Surrounding her are members of the Tennessee Chapter women's auxilary, the Little Sisters of Pythagoras.




COMMENDATION MEDAL PRESENTED OSU ALUMNUS Captain Richard B. Risk, Jr., was recently presented the Air Force Commendation Medal by Brig. Gen. Earl L. Johnson, Vice Commander, 3rd Air Division, headquartered at Andersen AFB, Guam. Captain Risk is a member of the Oklahoma State Chapter, graduating in 1963 as a distinguished military graduate and receiving a regular commission. He returned to OSU last fall and spoke to ROTC classes on his previous experiences with the B-52 bombing operation in Southeast Asia as Director of Information for the bomber task force AugustNovember,1965 when this operation first began. The division directs all SAC B-52 Stratofortress and

KC-135 Stratotanker activity in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia. He was cited for meritorious service while assigned to the Directorate of Information at Strategic Air Command headquarters near Omaha, Nebraska, from Feb. 8, 1966 to April 11, 1968, serving as Chief of the Editorial Branch and later as Chief of the Command Support Branch. The citation reads in part, "Captain Risk's outstanding leadership, professional knowledge and skill, and initiative were reflected .. : in improved capability and mission accomplishment." Captain Risk was recently selected to be General Johnson's aide.

Ellsworth C. Dent

A. L. Blinder, President of Esquire, Inc., announced the appointment of officers of the company's recently-formed Education Group. Ellsworth C. Dent, Kansas Chapter Alumnus and Esquire, Inc. Vice President and Director of Distribution for Coronet, was appointed Executive Vice President. Esquire's Education Group consists of Coronet Instructional Films, Globe Book Company, Inc., and Rapid Film Technique, Inc. Dent, who joined Coronet in 1946, is an author and educator. He was Director of Visual Instruction at the University of Kansas and Director of the Motion Picture Division of the Department of Interior. He's Chairman of the Education Committee of the National Audio-Visual Association. He lives with his family in Evanston, Illinois. Blinder said formation of the Education Group will lead to greater coordination and allow Esquire, Inc. to move more strenuously into the educational market.



Left to right: General Earl J. Johnson, Captain Richard B. Risk, Jr. and his wife, Carroll.

NORTHWESTERN GRAD NOW UNITED PILOT Dan Lang, 1962 graduate of Northwestern and member of Acacia, recently completed his first year as a pilot for United Air Lines. After spending five years as Traffic Manager for a Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant, he joined United in August, 1967 as a DC-6 prop pilot. Now based at Los Angeles and flying to Honolulu and major East Coast cities, he has been promoted to Second Flight Officer on DC-8 jet aircraft. While at Northwestern, Lang served the active chapter as treasurer.

Dan Lang


Charles W. Jarrett

FORMER FIELD SECRETARY ATTAINS NEW POSITION Charles W. Jarrett, Indiana Chapter Alumnus, has been named Controller of the Faultless Caster Co. The announcement was made by Bernard Noelting, Vice President and General Manager of Fautless, a division of Bliss & Laughlin Industries, Inc., located in Evansville, Indiana. Jarrett had been General Accounting and Internal Audit Manager at Mead Johnson and Company, Evansville, and served as Director of Financial Services for Mead Johnson International. He is a member of the National Association of Accountants and ofthe Institute of Internal Auditors. A native of Princeton, Indiana, Jarrett attended Indiana University for his BS degree in Business Administration. Active in civic affairs, he has served as President of Town and Country Club, and of the Indiana Chapter Alumni Association. He is past President and currently Treasu~er of the Evansville Association for the Blind, is committeeman for the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 36, board member of Tri-State Epilepsy Legue and member of the Masonic Lodge. He was an Acacia Field Secretary from 1946 to 1948.

The October, 1968 meeting of the Kansas City Alumni Association featured members of the Kansas Chapter whose actives presented the program in the form of a portion of the initiation ceremony. Members of the Kansas City Alumni Association come from the following chapters: Central Missouri, Colorado, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, Purdue, Nebraska, Oklahoma State and Wisconsin. Acacia Alumni in or near the Kansas City area who are not members of the Association are invited to attend the meetings which are held each third Wednesday of the month at 6:30P.M. at the Twin Oaks Restaurant.

Steve Amundson, sitting, and Larry Anderson, standing.

CAMPUS CRUSADE LED BY ACACIANS Two Washington State Acacians are taking roles in the national Campus Crusade for Christ Movement. Larry Anderson, a senior, has reached the highest undergraduate position in the Crusade. He is serving as President and Student Mobilization¡ Leader for the Washington State University branch of the Crusade. Steve Amundson, a junior, spent last summer working and studying at the National Campus Crusade for Christ Headquarters in Arrowhead Springs, California.

WILLIAM J. GREER ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT Ell LILLY INTERNATIONAL William J. Greer, an alumnus of the Purdue Chapter, has been elected Vice-President of Eli Lilly International Corporation, with responsibility for operations in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Okinawa, Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. Greer formerly was Area Director for Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Okinawa, a position he assumed in January. He also has been Vice-President and Representative Director of-Japan Elanco Company Limited in Osaka, a joint venture with Shionogi and Company Limited for the manufacture of gelatin capsules. Since joining the company in 1948, Greer has had a varied career in production and administration in the United States, Brazil and Venezuela, as well as Japan.





President: George F. Patterson, Jr. 2624 Bremont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Phone- Area 513 631-5421 First Vice President: Marvin Logan, 2614 Flossmoor St. , Apt. 4, Flossmoor, Ill. 60422 Second Vice President : Irving M. Field, P. 0 . Box 495, Pullman, Washington 99163 Phone- Area 509 567-8611 Treasurer: L. W. Knapp , Jr. 815 N. Linn, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Phone- Area 319 338-4112 Counselor: Raymond E. Bivert, 234 N. Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. 74074 Phone- Area 405 372-6963 National Judge Advocate : J. B. Beaird, 181 1 Liberty Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73102 Phone- Area 405 236-4309

910 Twenty-Eighth Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone- Area 303 449-3323 Executive Secretary: Harvey L. Logan Assistant Executive Secretary: Barry J . Lyerly Field Secretaries: Ron Hill, Tom Belman

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Finance : William Krieger, 1st National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Ill. ยง1602 Scholarship: Willard L. Fuller, 22 Arden Place, Athens, Ohio 45701

ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. P. 0. Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 President: Wroe Owens Vice President: Oliver N. Bruck Secretary-Treasurer: Lamar Tims

ALUMNI CHAPTERS: Kansas City Alumni Association President: Marion E. Ramsey 1121 West77thSt. Kansas Cit y, Mo. 64114 Phone-Area 816 523-6234 Meetings- Every Tues. at noon, Advertising & Sales Exec. Club , 913 Baltimore, K.C., Mo. and every third Wed ., 6:30P.M. , Twin Oaks Restaurant , 5050 Oak St. , K.C., Mo. Houston Alumni Associat.ion President: Woodrow W. Mann, Jr. Woodrow Mann & Co . American Building Houston, Texas

Meetings- Second Tuesday of every odd numbered month, 7 :30 P.M., Geo Club, 3130 Southwest Freeway, Houston , Texas Seattle Alumni Association President : Charles E. Perry 8017 Stroud Avenue, N. Seattle, Washington 98103 Phone- Area 206 La 3-1580 Meetings- Second Thurs., Oct. , Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar. , June Founders' Day Banquet 2nd Sat. of May Contact- W. Dexter, Sec'y ., 503 N. 42nd St., Seattle, Washington 98103 Phone- Me 3-574 9



Texas: Oliver N. Bruck P. 0. Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 Phone- Area 512 HO 5-8551 Pennsylvania, Cornell, Syracuse: To be appointed. Washington, Oregon: John L. Martinsen 1221 Taylor Ave., N., Apt. 201, Seattle, Wash. 98109 New England States, Rensslaer: Richard F. Stevens 36 Dendron Rd. , Peace Dale, Rhode Island 02883 Illinois, Indiana : H. L. Kibler 114 N. W. Second St. , Paoli, Indiana 47454 Phone- Area 812 723-2260 Louisiana, Mississippi State: To be appointed. Wisconsin, Minnesota: Robert E. Jepson 6208 Parkwood Rd ., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424 Georgia, Alabama, Univ . Tennessee: Edwin P. Kohler, II 616 Williams, N.W. , Atlanta , Georgia 30313 Pho ne- Area 404 875-5780





Michigan, Ohio : To be appointed. Kansas, Missouri: Robert B. Miller 127 W. Culton , Warrensburg, Mo. 64093 Phone - Area 816 747-9161 Colorado, Wyoming : Roy F. Miller 217 Dietrich Bldg. , Box 1090 , Pocatello , Idaho Phone- 232-1791 Iowa, Nebraska: Jacob Wegmuller 802 Summit Street , Iowa City, Iowa Phone - Area 319 337-9627 Northern California : Edward J. Willig, Jr. 1465 Southdown Rd. , Hillborough , Calif. 940 I 0 Southern California, Arizong : Bradford C. Ayers 13937 Hawes Street, Whittier , Calif. 90605 Oklahoma, Arkansas: William P. Adams 3424 N. Utah , Oklahoma City, Okla. 73112

THE TRIAD DIRECTORY ALABAMA-P.O. 3497, University, Alabama 35486, Phone Area 205 752-4530, Venerable Dean-Lenoard J. Jowers, Rush Chairman-William A. Howell, Chapter Adviser-Wm. M. Terrill, 3109 Freemon! Drive, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401. ARIZONA-,1450 N. Cherry, Tuscon, Arizona 85719, Phone Area 602 793-1181, Venerable Dean-Wm. Welter, Rush Chairman-Bruce Safriet, Chapter AdviserOr. Darrell Metcalf, 5811 E. 9th, Tuscon, Arizona 87511. ARKANSAS-240 Stadium Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703, Phone Area 501 442-6276, Venerable Dean-Harry K. Bjornberg, Rush Chairman-Patrick W. Segraves, Chapter Adviser-Or. Arthur E. Spooner, 2272 Briarwood Lane, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. BOSTON-197 Baystate Rd., Boston, Mass. 02215, Phone Area 617 247-8487, Venerable Dean-Robert Roseman, Rush Chairman-Arnold Croft, Chapter Adviser-G. David Hubbard, 164 Nahant Ave., Winthrop, Mass. 02152. CALIFORNIA-2340 Piedmont AVenue, Berkeley, California 94704, Phone Area 415 845-9220, Venerable Dean-Richard A. Juarez, Rush ChairmanRobert C. Brehm, Chapter Adviser-Otto Schrader, 90 Overhill Rd., Orinda, California 94563. CALIFORNIA STATE AT LONG BEACH-1801 Josie, Long Beach, Calif. 90815, Phone Area 213 433-9039, Venerable Dean-William Mawhorter, Rush Chairman-Nick Jabuka, Chapter Adviser- Joseph Reed, 6101 Ludlow, Garden Grove, Calif. 92641. CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE-North Ellis Hall-Rm. 1, North Ellis HallC.M.S.C. Warrensburg, Mo. 64093, Phone Area 816 1808, Venerable Dean Richard W. Blowers, Ruch Chairman-Mike Reeser, Chapter Adviser-Oarence R. Pearce, Rt. 5, Warrensburg, Mo. 73034. CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE-230 East Main, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034, Phone Area 405 754-9834, Venerable Dean-Charles Musson, Rush ChairmanMark Mades, Chapter Adviser - John W. Hartman, 205 N.E. 28th, Apt. B-412, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. CINCINNATI-2623 University Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219, Phone Area 513 961-7898, Venerable Dean-John Leidner, Rush Chairman- William Montgomery, Chapter Adviser-John R. Hice, 4508 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227. COLORAD0-955 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80304, Phone Area 303 442-9410, Venerable Dean- Calvin Gableman, Ru sh Chairman-David Ary, Chapter Adviser - Donald L. Rieder, 3145 Zinnia Ct., Golden, Colorado 80401. COLORADO STATE COLLEGE-1715 lith Avenue,Greeley,Colorado 80631 , Phone Area 303 352-9840, Venerable Dean- C. Lanny Munson, Rush ChairmanJames Wilson, Chapter Adviser - J. Max Lubbers, 2010 21st Avenue, Greeley, Colorado 80631. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY-1510 South College, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521, Venerable Dean- David J. Henckel, Rush Chairman- Dave Ritchie, Chapter Adviser - Richard F. Allen, 1300 Adams, Denver, Colorado 80206. CORNELL-318 Highland Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, Phone Area 607 272-1567 , Venerable Dean- Paul A. Donovan, Rush Chairman- John C. Toole, Chapter Adviser- 0. Earnest Bangs, 731 Cayuga Heights Rd ., Ithaca, N.Y.l4850. GEORGIA-325 N. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia 30602, Phone Area 404 548-7093, Venerable Dean- C. Kent Wiemeyer, Rush Chairman- Parker Owen, Chapter Adviser - Major B. Rice, C & S Bank Bldg., Athens, Georgia 30601. ILLINOIS-50! E. Daniel, Champaign, lllinois 61822, Phone Area 217 3441510, Venerable Dean- Randall J. Stiles, Rush Chairman - Richard J. Lutz, Chapter Adviser Emertius- Dr. George Ekblaw. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN-915 North Main Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61701 , Phone Area 309 822-5160, Venerable Dean- Howard McNier, Ru sh ChairmanJeff Olson, Chapter Adviser- Clifford J. Sichta , Jr., 524 W. Ridge St., Lanark, lllinois 61046. INDIANA-702 E. Third Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47403, Phone Area 812 339-9716, Venerable Dean- Gregg Carter, Rush Chairman - Craig Trees, Chapter Adviser-Ernie L. Wilhoit, 4171 Broadway, Bloomington, Indiana 47401. IOWA-202 Ellis AVenue, Iowa City , Iowa 52241 , Phone Area 319 337-3101 , Venerable Dean-Dennis Severson, Rush Chairman- James Walbolt , Chapter Adviser-Or. David P. Carew, 1524 Muscatine Av., Iowa City , Ia. 52241. IOWA STATE-142 Gray Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50012, Phone Area 515 232-6440, Venerable Dean - John T. Lynch, Ru sh Chairman- James R. Ashpole, Jr., Chapter Adviser-David W. Smith, 1450 Hawthorn Apts., Ames, Iowa 50010. KANSAS-1100 Indiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66004, Phone Area 91 3 843-7810, Venerable Dean-David F. Flora, Rush Chairman- Robert E. Warner, Chapter Adviser- Harold L. Craig, 1322 Massachusetts, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. KANSAS STATE-2005 Hunting Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas 66504 , Phone Area 913 539-2369, Venerable Dean - Ken Mulanax , Rush Chairman- LeeRoy Kiefer, Chapter Adviser-A. E. Mulanax, 2222 College Heights, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. LOUISIANA STATE-Box AF, University Station, Baton Rouge, La. 70803, Venerable Dean - Robert M. Willmer, Rush Chairman - Dale Redman, Chapter Adviser- Or. Mark Guidry, 5821 Hyacinth Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70808. MEMPHIS STATE-595 S. Graham, Memphis, Tennessee 38111, Venerable Dean- Charles D. Smithers, Rush Chairman - Donald Wilder, Chapter AdviserHerbert Butler, 1862 Bartlett Rd ., Memphis, Tennessee 38107. MIAMI-llO S. Campus, Oxford, Ohio 45056, Phone Area 513 523-5944, Venerable Dean - Brian C. Montgomery, Rush Chairman- Rober E. Rathburn, Chapter Adviser- Robert Graham, 4 Wooster Place, Oxford , Ohio 45056. MICHIGAN-Ann Arbor, Michigan. MINNESOTA-1206 Fifth Street, S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55044, Phone Area 612 331-5941, Venerable Dean-Glenn H. Korfhage, Rush Chairman- Grady Newman, Chapter Adviser, Fred Faxvog, 5517 South Wentworth, Minneapolis, Minn. MISSISSIPPI STATE-P. 0. Box CF, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi 39726, Venerable Dean - Gaston J. Jones, Jr., Rush ChairmanLeonard Ring, Jr., Chapter Adviser- Frank Sekyra, 100 Hogan Street, Starkville, Mississippi 39759. MISSOURI AT COLUMBIA-Columbia, Missouri.

.MISSOURI AT ROLLA-508 West 9th Street, Rolla, Missouri 65401, Phone Area 314 364-1217, Venerable Dean-Wendell D. Neumeyer, Rush Chairman-Robert Stanhill, Chapter Adviser-Herbert Alcorn, Hobson Star Rt., Rolla, Missouri 65401. NEBRASKA-2255 Vine St., Lincoln, Nebraska 68503, Phone Area 402 4352500, Venerable Dean-Brad Baltensperger, Rush Chairman-John Gleason, Chapter Adviser-Keith Sawyers, 3233 S. 14th, Lincoln, Nebraska 68504. NEW HAMPSHIRE-10-20 Mill Road , Durham, New Hampshire 68504, Phone Area 603 868-7762, Venerable Dean-Richard B. Davis, Rush Chairman - Paul Monica, Chapter Adviser- Raymond E. Matheson, Box 393, Durham, New Hampshire 03824. NORTHWESTERN- 610 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201 , Phone Area 312 475-9566 , Venerable Dean-Richard Kenny, Rush Chairman-Robert Dickson, Chapter Adviser - Mel Verni, 112 Linden , Oak Park, Illinois 60203 . OHI0-107 E. State, Athens, Ohio 45701, Phone 614 593-1850, Venerable Dean-Lance Teaman, Rush Chairman - Richard Ellis, Chapter Adviser- Or. Calvin Baloun, 11 Cable Lane, Athens, Ohio 45701. OHIO STATE-275 E. 15th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201 , Phone Area 614 299-7552, Venerable Dean - Albert L. Knicely, Rush Chairman-David E. Ozvat, Chapter Adviser - James A. Lopresti, 46 E. 8th, Apt. F, Columbus, Ohio 43201. OKLAHOMA-82 3 Chautauqua, Norman, Oklahoma 73069 , Phone Area 405 534-9246, Venerable Dean- Patrick C. Connor, Rush Chairman- Larry Naylor, Chapter Adviser- Edwin K. Greene, 715 Highland Pkwy., Norman, Oklahoma 73069. OKLAHOMA STATE-1215 University Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075, Phone Area 405 372-4920, Venerable Dean-Bill Burnett, Rush Chairman - Jim Groesbeck, Chapter Adviser- Raymond E. Bivert, 234 N. Duncan, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. OREGON STATE-2857 Van Buren, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 , Phone Area 503 752-9329, Venerable Dean- Tom L. Unternahrer, Rush Chairman-Greg Bowman, Chapter Adviser-Delmer M. Goode, 225 N. 31st St., Corvallis, Oregon 97330. PENN STATE-234 Locust Lane, State College, Pennsylvania 16801, Phone Area 814 238-3083, Venerable Dean - Thomas J. Haley, Rush Chairman-David S. Rhoads, Jr., Chapter Adviser- Or. G. Kenneth Nelson , 501 Westview Avenue, State College, Pa. 16801. PURDUE-609 Waldron Street, West Lafayette, indiana 47906 , Phone Area 312 743-1883 , Venerable Dean- Cary D. Riggs, Rush Chairman- Breck F. Hanson, Chapter Adviser- Leonard E. Wood, 725 Allen, W. Lafayette, Indiana 47906. RENSSELAER-4 Sunset Terrace, Troy, New York 12181 , Phone Area 518 272-9765 , Venerable Dean - Robert L. Cudworth, Ru sh Chairman- Warren Silberstein, Chapter Adviser - James E. Brown, 16 Paul-Art Lane, Troy,N.Y. 12180 . SAN JOSE STATE-125 South 14th Street, San Jose, California 95112, Phone 293-9611, Venerable Dean - Ken Olevson, Rush Chairman- William Walston, Chapter Adviser - Robert Morgan, 300 W. Hedding , San Jose, California 95110. SHIPPENSBURG STATE-Box 279 Old Main , Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257 , Phone Area 717 532-9953, Venerable Dean- John Burgoon, Ru sh Chairman- Walter Quint, Chapter Adviser - C. Robert Jacoby , 26 S. Penn Street, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257 . SYRACUSE-756 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13210, Phone Area 315 476-8110 , Venerable Dean-Kenton L. Meredith, Ru sh Chairman-Joseph E. Peter, Chapter Adviser- Robert E. McFarland, 319 Glenwood Ave. , Syracuse, N.Y.l3207. TENNESSEE-1800 Melrose Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916, Phone Area 615 523-9649, Venerable Dean- Robert M. Birkholz, Rush Chairman - Horace M. McGuire, Chapter Adviser- McKinley G. Brad.en, 5604 Marilyn Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37914. TEXAS-2614 Rio Grande Street, Austin, Texas 78705, Phone Area 512 4727255 , Venerable Dean - C. Richard Watson, Rush Chairman - Richard A. Gump, Chapter Adviser- Wroe Owens, 2517 Pecos, Au stin, Texas 78703. TRI-STATE COLLEGE-506 S. College, Angola, Indiana 46703 , Phone 219 665-6318, Venerable Dean - Jeffery Szilage, Rush Chairman - Michael Donovan, Chapter Adviser- Leon VanderCreek, 415 S. College, Angola, Indiana 46703. UCLA-720 Holgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024, Phone Area 213 474-9025 , Venerable Dean- Douglas Zimmerman, Rush Chairman - Steve Adair , Chapter Adviser- Jay L. Jorban, 7133 Cozy Croft Dr., Canoga Park, California 91306. VERMONT -404 College Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401, Phone Area 802 864-7007, Venerable Dean - Keith Hilliker, Rush Chairman - Richard Racusen, Chapter Adviser - Or. George C. Crooks, 74 Spear Street, S. Burlington, Vermont. WASHINGTON-5004 17th Avenue, N.E., Seattle, Washington 98105 , Phone Area 206 524.{)200, Venerable Dean - Dennis Dormaier, Rush Chairman - Frank Elrod, Chapter Adviser - Donald P. Hall, Apt. F-12, 9623 South 248th , Kent , Washington 98031. WASHINGTON STATE-1 607 Ruby Street, Pullman, Washington 99163 , Phone Area 509 332-2607 , Venerable Dean - Robert Paine, Rush Chairman - Terry Guisinger, Chapter Adviser- Les Liebel, Star Route, Box 3, Pullman, Washington 99163 . WISCONSIN-222 Langdon, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, Phone Area 608 2552965 , Venerable Dean-Keneth Van Dyke, Rush Chairman - Gerald Hanauer, Chapter Adviser- William Watson, 1473 Carver, Madison, Wisconsin 53713. WYOMING-Fraternity Park, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, Phone Area 307 7455354, Venerable Dean - Woodrow W. Hipsher, Jr. , Rush Chairman - Stephen C. Snow, Chapter Adviser-Stanley K. Brown, 608 Curtis, Laramie, Wyoming 82070. COLONIES University of Houston, 4223 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027 . University of Northern Iowa, 355 Rider Hall , Univ. of No. Iowa. Northeast louisiana State College, P. 0. Box 4484 , Monroe, La. 71201.

The Triad of ACACIA 910 28th St.,Boulder, Co.80302

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Dear Fellow Acacians: During Thanksgiving Week, my Father gave me a copy of the Acacia Journal of December, 1916, the predecessor of our TRIAD which was published during the time he was an active member at the Iowa Chapter. The title of this journal was "Border Issue" and covered problems our active chapters faced during the Mexican Border Incident. Similar problems were faced by my chapter and most of the other chapters during World War II when we were forced to close active houses because our members were in the service of our country. It has become increasingly apparent to all of us with World Wars I and II, the Korean War and now Vietnam, that our undergraduates have met the responsibilities of education and military requirements and yet have continued to improve the organizations of which they were members. After reading through the Acacia Journal of 52 years ago, seeing and knowing our active chapters today, I am convinced that Acacians have always tried to justify the reasons for their existence and the continual improvement of the fraternity. Our conclave this past summer, like many conclaves of the past, was faced with several problems; namely, the question of membership selection to meet the many college requirements and the improvement of our alumni relations. In the usual Acacia spirit of understanding, after sincere discussion by all actives and alumni representatives , the conclave unanimously adopted a new constitutional provision which will meet the needs of today's college education while maintaining the ideals and traditions of our founding fathers . The adopted legislation on Alumni relations is already showing progress with the dedicated devotion of Marvin Logan, retiring Vice President, who has already assumed the duties of the Alumni Director. We are most fortunate to have Marv to give his time and talent to make this new challenge a success. Your national council is proud to be able to serve our fraternity who has actives and alumni with vision to work for and live by our motto of "Human Service". With the hope that all of you will have a happy and wccessful New Year, individually and for the fraternity , I am

George F. Patterson, Jr. National President

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