Acacia Triad - Summer 1970 - Vol. 68, No. 3

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As this issue goes to press, the time is fast approaching for the opening of Conclave '70 in Estes P<!rk, Colorado. Dates for the biennial event are August 23-28, and all Acacians, both undergraduates and alumni, are invited to attend. It is an experience not to be missed, if at all possible. Elsewhere in this issue are complete details concerning the speakers, workshops, entertainment and other activities that will take place during the week . . . This issue could be considered the most volatile in quite a while . It contains several articles guaranteed to arouse comment and interest, whether pro or con. While many would debate the appropriateness of some of the viewpoints expressed, the articles simply are an indication of some of the main problems, attitudes and subjects discussed among many of our undergraduate members today. While your headquarters and TRIAD staff do not necessarily hold the same viewpoints, we do agree on the right of each member or chapter to express such ideas. If you have an opposite opinion to express, you are more than welcome to do so. You can be sure that any letters or articles will be printed . . . Changes in the National Staff are also announced in this issue. I would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Assistant Executive Secretary Barry J . Lyerly for all his valuable assistance and cooperation over the past few years. Brother Lyerly, as both a past Field Secretary and TRIAD Editor, has served our fraternity in an outstanding and dedicated manner at all times. Since the new Assistant Executive Secretary, Tom Bolman, has worked with Barry for over three years as a Field Secretary, he is well equipped to step into his new and demanding position . . . When someone around the National Headquarters forgets and calls for "Tom" nowadays, they're liable to be caught in a stampede! Joining Tom Bolman on the staff are new Field Secretaries Tom Nelson of Purdue and Tom Unternahrer of Oregon State. Do you suppose Harvey Logan just couldn't remember everyones' name and tried to make it easier on himself? . .. It would be helpful to your fraternity if you, as an alumni, would take the time to fill out the rush blank below and forward it to the Headquarters - if you know of an outstanding candidate who will attend a college or university where there is an Acacia chapter this year . . . Come to Conclave '70! Your National Officers and Staff will all be waiting to "meet and greet" you- and show off the new Headquarters building!

John W. Hartman ACACIA FRATERNTIY National Headquarters

910 Twenty-Eighth Street

Boulder, Colorado 80302

I want to recommend the following candidate for membership in Acacia: Age (if known)

Name Home Address College he will attend

High or prep school attended

Scholarship Standing

Honors or letters won

Relatives or friends in Acacia Other fraternities interested in him OTHERPERTINENTFACTS __________________________________________ Recommended by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Chapter Address

Summer, 1970



318 East Lincoln Edmond, Oklahoma 73034

COVER: Northwestern Chapter House TRIAD FEATURES "Direction" Theme of Conclave '70

. Page 2

Heinemann Appointed V .P. by NBC-TV

. Page 6

Acacia at Northwestern


. . . . . .

. Page 8

National Affiliation and Traditions Restrictive? .

. Page 11

Missing Members

. Page 12

Alumni News 50 year Masonic Pin Presented to Meriwether

. Page 22

National Staff Changes Announced

. Page 24

Alumni Proftl: Knapp

. Page 25

Coed Fraternities Advocated .

. Page 26

Triad Times

. Page 28

Triad Directory

. Page 32

. Page 23

Second class postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Fifty cents per copy, $20.00 for life in the United States and Canada. Seventy-five cents per copy elsewhere.

College Fraternity Editors Association

Published quarterly by Acacia Fraternity ,Š a college social fraternity , founded at the University of Michigan on May 12 , 1904. Acacia is a charter member of the National Interfraternity Conference.

Member of International Council of Industrial Editors

Notice of Change of Address (Form 3579) should be sent to Acacia Fraternity Headquarters 910 Twenty-Eighth Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Printed by G. P. Gundlach & Co., General Printing Div., Cincinnati, Ohio.

The 1970 Conclave is only a few weeks away. If your plans to attend have not been made, do so immediately. Remember to make your reservations directly with the Y.M.C.A. of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. Some of Acacia's most important Conclaves have been held in Estes Park, Colorado, and this one will not be an ex-

ception. Several interesting legislative proposals are likely to be introduced and many financial decisions will be made. If a single word were to be selected to represent the Conciave theme it would be "direction". Direction, however, can only be obtained through your participation.


Wednesday- August 19: Thursday - Augu~t 20: Friday -August 21: Saturday- August 22: Sunday- August 23: 7:30P.M. Monday- August 24: 8:00A.M.

12:15 P.M. 1:15 P.M. 6:00P.M. 7:00P.M.

Tuesday - August 25: 8:00A.M. 9:00A.M.



Council Meeting- National Headquarters Council Meeting- National Headquarters Council Meeting- National Headquarters Council Meeting - Nebraska Room, Estes Park Council Meeting - Nebraska Room Reception -Hyde Hall

12:15 P.M. 2:00P.M. 6:00P.M. 7:45P.M. Wednesday- August 26: 8:00A.M. 9:00A.M. 12:15 P.M. 1:15 P.M. 9:00P.M.

Breakfast- Walnut Room Opening Session of Conclave -Hyde Hall Lunch -Walnut Room Reconvene - Hyde Hall Dinner- Walnut Room Province Governor Meeting - Colorado Room

Breakfast- Walnut Room Workshops (Each workshop will run four times for an hour and a half each.) Pledge Education- Texas Room. Rush- Womens Bldg. Social - Colorado Room Scholarship -Arkansas Room Direction 70- Missouri Room

Thursday- August 27: 10:00 A.M.

12:15 P.M. 1:15P.M. 5:00P.M. 7:00P.M. Friday -August 28:

Luncheon- Walnut Room (Speaker) Workshops reconvene Dinner - Barbeque Pit Area Assemble for Stag Breakfast- Walnut Room Business Session - Hyde Hall Awards Luncheon- Walnut Room Business Session reconvenes -Hyde Hall Free time

Bonus Workshops Publications- Womens Bldg. Foundation- Texas Optional - Texas Optional - Colorado Lunch -Walnut Room Business Session - Hyde Hall Formal Closing Main Banquet- Walnut Room Checkout and Pay offRegistration area.

As you can see by the above agenda an interesting program of events has been planned. A program designed to encourage rap sessions, legislative planning and direction.

A part of every Conclave is devoted to workshops. Although these sessions are designed primarily as leadership training sessions for undergraduates, alumni are encouraged to attend. Besides formal presentations of programs by the workshop instructors, opportunities will be provided for the sharing of ideas among those participating in the sessions. Six workshops will be run beginning at 9:00A.M. and ending at 5:00 P.M. Each workshop will be conducted four times - two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon. Sessions will last one and a half hours. Overall co-ordination for the workshop program has been developed by former Assistant Executive Secretary , Barry Lyerly. This will be the second time Brother Lyerly has directed the workshop segment of the Conclave. Below is a brief description of each workshop, as outlined by the workshop leaders: "Direction '70"- Executive Secretary Harvey Logan is leading his newly created workshop. Brother Logan, formerly serving as a Field Secretary and Assistant Executive Secretary - presents this opportunity for frank and open discussion of the direction members feel Acacia should be headed during this decade. Bring your own ideas and suggestions to this exciting and challenging forum - a chance to "rap" with Acacia's Executive Secretary.

FINANCE - Bringing a wt¡alth of experience in the financial area, National Second Vice President Irving M. Field repeats the highly successful workshop he conducted at the 1968 Conclave. Dr. Field, Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Washington State University, will review the basic principles and methods needed to insure successful chapter financial management. Topics likely to be covered include budgeting, collection of house bills, methods for controlling cash flow and proper procedures of bookkeeping. RUSH- Newly appointed Assistant Executive Secretary, Tom Bolman, has planned an interesting program based upon his three years of experience on Acacia's staff. During this period Tom has had the unique opportunity of visiting every chapter of Acacia and in the process has viewed many rush systems and problems. Tom indicates that, "This year's workshop will focus on a consideration of various approaches to rush in a rapidly changing student environment. Particular emphasis will be placed on current methods and principles in the phases of organization , motivation and actual oncampus rushing. The workshop will be designed to deal with the problems of both the large and the small chapter in separate discussion groups."





SCHOLARSHIP - Recently appointed National Scholarship Chairman Norman Saatjian's background includes roles as a former Field Secretary and today he is involved in the educational field as a Field Representative for the United Classroom Teachers Association in the Los Angeles area. Brother Saatjian's fraternal and educational background is reflected, in his ideas for a "Scholarship Action Program for the 1970's. Using a brainstorming, small group discussion approach, he has listed the following agenda for his workshop: How important is scholarship to the Acacia 1. Fraternity of the 1970's? Responsibilities of a chapter scholarship chair2. man. Successful techniques to promote scholarship 3. in your chapter among pledges and actives. How can alumni and the National Council more 4. effectively assist your scholarship program? 5. Retention vs. G.P.A. Theory.

PLEDGE EDUCATION- Tom Unternahrer, past Venerable Dean and Senior Dean of the Oregon State Chapter, combines this experience with his new role as a Field Secretary beginning next fall. Tom helped develop many progressive programs in this area while an undergraduate at Corvallis. Below he outlines his workshop format : "In the last few years a number of our chapters have experienced notable success with the advancement of new progressive ideas and techniques in Pledge Education. However, such success has not always been attained by some chapters after they have attempted to implement these procedures into their own existing programs. The Pledge Education Workshop offers an excellent opportunity for person to person confrontation with those





having similar problems together with those of relating achievements. Also, the occasion will afford those who attend the chance to obtain completely new thought provoking concepts which should offer some detailed and interesting discussion. The workshop itself will be arranged in such a manner that the group will be first presented with short summaries of two pledge programs; one traditional, the other contemporary. This is to be followed by organized discussion concerning the contents of the write-ups in conjunction with the group's own experience and ideas. The overall objective of the Pledge Education Workshop is to explore ideas of the past versus those of the present and future. Hopefully it will provide for those in attendance a greater familiarization and more complete understanding of the direction Pledge Education dictates to us as members of the Acacia Fraternity."

SOCIAL -Another new member of Acacia's staff, Tom Nelson, will lead this workshop. Brother Nelson joins Acacia as a Field Secretary next fall. As a past Venerable Dean of the Purdue Chapter, his social workshop promises to be more than a discussion of party ideas, as his description indicates: "The purpose of the social workshop is to re-evaluate the philosophy of social programing. The fraternity, as a social organization, represents an expansive medium for providing its members with social interaction. Unfortunately, the social agenda of many chapters is limited mainly to only as many dances, trade parties and keggers as the budget allows. We hope to demonstrate that this approach is inadequate, in that many other valuable social opportunities are excluded. An alternative conceptualization of programing will be presented which aims the chapter towards a total social involvement; i.e., a program which utilizes many forms



of social activity and offers the individual brother a more diversified, constructive, and interesting social experience. The exact format of the workshop remains undecided. However, within the framework of a "total social involvement", the following topics are likely to be covered: community services and projects, development of social graces, cultural programs, public relations and interfraternity relations. New ideas for traditionai social functions will also be presented. Emphasis will be placed upon those ideas which are creative and inexpensive. Finally, an attempt will be made to differentiate and deal with the special problems encountered in social programing by both larger and smaller chapters.

LUNCHEON SPEAKER This year's luncheon speaker is well known to Acacians throughout the country. C. Lenton Sartain, known by many as "chief', was initiated on February 11, 1956 as a Founder member of the Louisiana State University Chapter. In 1960 he was awarded the fraternity's highest honor, the Award of Merit and in the same year was appointed to the National Council as Judge Advocate. Brother Sartain served as Province Governor from 1963 - 1968. He graduated from L.S.U. with a B.A. in 1942 and with a Juris Doctorate in 1948. He practiced law until 1960 at which time he was appointed Judge of the Family Court, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1966 he was appointed to the First Circuit Court- State of Louisiana in which position he is currently serving. Brother Sartain is very active in Masonic¡ circles being a 32nd degree Mason KCCH, Past Master St. James Lodge No. 47, Past Venerable Master Lodge of Perfection - Baton Rouge Scottish Rite Bodies, Royal Order of Scotland, and many other distinctions. C. Lenton Sartain will easily prove to be an interesting speaker for Acacia's luncheon.



MAIN SPEAKER The main banquet speaker will be Brother George A. Heinemann. He is a member of the Northwestern Chapter of Acacia where he was initiated on February 13, 1938. Brother Heinemann is featured in another section of this TRIAD. The Program of activities, the workshops, and the speakers have been arranged to make the 1970 Conclave one of the best. All of these arrangements, however, will be of little importance unless you attend and you participate. In addition to the regularly scheduled workshops on Tuesday, four "bonus" workshops will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a. m. Two of these will be left untitled - those in attendance at the Conclave will be asked to select the topics. John Hartman, TRIAD Editor since 1967, has agreed to share his knowledge as a professional journalist (John was Editor of his college newspaper and Vice President of the Oklahoma Collegiate Press Association) with those interested in improving their chapter publications. His "Publications Workshop" should be invaluable for those who are concerned with better alumni communications. The fourth bonus workshop relates to scholarship support. Acacia Educational Foundation President Wroe Owens and Foundation Trustee Steve Harris will discuss the various avenues open for tax deductible gifts through the Foundation. Since its inception as a National Educational Foundation in 1966, the assets of the Foundation have continued to grow. Brothers Owens and Harris, both practicing attorneys in Austin, Texas, will offer their suggestions and solicit your comments for continued growth. Wroe Owens, a well-known developer in Austin and prominent Mason, has served as Foundation President since its organization in 1966. Steve Harris is a recent graduate of St. Mary's University Law School and is the current Chapter Advisor at Texas.m





GEORGE A. HEINEMANN Appointed Vice President, Children's Programs NBC-TV Network Editor's Note:

George A. Heinemann, an alumnus of the Northwestern Chapter, will be the main speaker at the 1970 Conclave to be held in Estes Park, Colorado, August 23 - 28.

The appointment of George A. Heinemann to the newly created position of Vice President, Children's Programs, NBC TelevisiQn-Network, was recently announced by Don Durgin, President, NBC-TV. He will report to Lawrence R. White, Vice President, Programs, East Coast. Heinemann, NBC's Director of Public Affairs since February, 1968 and executive producer of "NBC Children's Theatre," is the recipient of numerous broadcasting awards, including two George Foster Peabody Awards (one for the "NBC Children's Theatre" production of "The World of Stuart Little") and an Emmy Award for "Ding Dong School," which he originated in 1952. In making the announcement, Durgin said: "NBC is fortunate to have a man of George Heinemann's qualifications to assume this important and unique position. His background in children's programming is ¡Well-documented, and the recognition he has received from leaders in both broadcasting and education indicates his role as an innovator in the field." White said: "NBC has committed itself to advances in the area of children's programming, and we feel that in George Heinemann, we have an individual who will set the industry pace for children's programming in the 1970's." As NBC's Director of Public Affairs, Heinemann has been responsible for all religious broadcasting, discussion programs, "Meet the Press" (for which he is executive supervisor) and educational programs on the NBC-TV Network. He has long been developing new ideas in television programming, and he has created and produced many successful series of educational, cultural and entertainment programs for children, teen-agers and adults alike. One recent project for NBC News was a series of four live, hour-long conversations with prominent Americans entitled "What's Happening to America?" The series, colorcast July-August, 1968, featured discussions dealing with the current prevailing uneasiness in the nation. In April, 1968, Mr. Heinemann produced a 2*-hour memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for NBC News, and two months later he was one of the producers of NBC News' special coverage devoted to the death of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and its aftermath. He also produced the NBC News coverage of such state occasions as a memorial mass for President Kennedy and the funerals of President Hoover and General MacArthur. As executive producer of "NBC Children's Theatre," Mr. Heinemann has been the recipient of several major awards. The most recent was the Brotherhood Award of the National Conference _of Christians and Jews which was awarded to "The Reluctant Dragon," the live-on-tape adaptation of Kenneth

Grahame's classic story performed by Burt Tillstrom's "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" troupe. Other programs in the series won the 1964 Ohio State Award ; the 1964 Monte Meacham Award, given by the Children's Theatre Conference ; and a 1966 Prix Jeunesse (youth prize) for the "NBC Children's Theatre" production of "The World of Stuart Little." It was the first time the Prix Jeunesse, awarded biennially, had been given to an American program and to a commercial broadcaster. Heinemann's " An Evening at Tanglewood," a two-hour color special presenting a Summer evening concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Erick Leinsdorf, won both the 1968 Peabody Award and the Sigma Alpha Iota Award. The previous year his "An Afternoon at Tanglewood," the first network telecast of a Tanglewood concert, won the Sigma Alpha Iota Award. But awards are a familiar story to Heinemann. " Ding Dong School," the popular network program for very young children, which he originated in 1952, won 35 top awards, including an Emmy Award. Heinemann is a native of Chicago and a graduate of Northwestern University. He joined CBS as a special events editor and when World War II began, he enlisted in the Naval Air Corps. He now holds the permanent rank of lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserve. He joined NBC in Chicago in 1948 as Operations Manager, Television Programs. In June , 1950, he was named Supervisor of Operations for WNBQ (now WMAQ-TV), NBC-owned TV station in Chicago, and in February , 195 2, he was promoted to Program Manager for WNBQ. When radio and television operations were combined in 1953, he became Director of Programming for WMAQ, QMAQ-FM and WNBQ. Heinemann came to New York in September, 1956, as Program Manager for WRCA-TV (now WNBC-TV) and was promoted to Director of Programs three months later. In 1957 he was assigned additional duties as Director of Program Planning and Development for NBC Owned Stations. The shows he created and produced for WRCA-TV included the daily "Hi, Mom" show with Shari Lewis, which won him an Emmy Award , and a daily program featuring frank counsel on love, sex and marriage by Dr. Joyce Brothers. He was appointed NBC Manager of Public Affairs in March, 19 59. His assignments during the foil owing year included being an executive producer of "World Wide 60," a series of documentaries covering varied subjects. That same year he also developed the format for - and produced - "Update," the first network news program for teen-agers. ~



ACACIA AT NORTHWESTERN: By John McCormick and Ted Perl

Photos by Mike Smith

This space is normally reserved for a rather bland, selfcongratulatory view of the featured chapter, blown far out of proportion and repetitive of all those before it We will try a different approach , beginning with the things we've been asked to write about , and hopefully moving on to a more meaningful look at the chapter. At this writing, Acacia stands first among the approximately eighty organizations vying for Intramural Sweepstakes honors for the en tire academic year. In scholarship, the chapter cumulative grade point is well above the all-mens' average. The pledge program is designed to help people become good actives, rather than good pledges. Many members of our own Province have told us that this program is entirely too liberal , and that it can result in a lack of appreciation on the part of pledges after they activate . However, by placing responsibility on pledges, and allowing them a say in everyday house functions , we have eliminated a great amount of factionalism and distrust within the chapter. In the last year , we have moved to a more informal method of house operations. Officers are expected to carry their responsibilities, but it is no longer reasonable to expect them to carry the responsibility for the entire chapter.



~volvEMENT ANd RELEVANcy Northwestern has always been a quiet sort of place to go to school, where life revolved around fraternity parties and where last Fall's Vietnam Moratoriums turned into free days to play football. Northwestern has often been referred to as the Country Club of Chicago's plush North Shore, full of people who could afford the tuition and wanted to have a good time. In the past few years , however , there has been a trend away from this situation. Admission standards and financial aid regulations have been changed to attract a more diversified student body from across the nation . This has hurt the Greek System on the campus, which manages to maintain about thirty fraternities and twenty sororities from a student body of only 6,500. Greek memberships have been declining, and some houses will be forced to close down within a few years. Whereas most campus organizations were dominated by Greeks three or four years ago, most are now headed by persons outside the Greek System. These conditions have polarized the campus, with Greeks becoming very defensive about their existence, and

with Independents and the school newspaper campaigning for the elimination of fraternities and sororities. Each year during Rush Week, freshmen reading the "Daily Northwestern" see stories and editorials intended to drive them away from the 1930's type Greek System, which is still maintained by a few houses on campus. But what many critics fail to realize is that the system has changed, and that it can no longer be said that half the campus is satisfied with isolating itself from the world. The move away from this isolation began with individuals getting involved in traditionally Independent organizations, and fraternities and sororities only got into the act with the National Student Strike this Spring. The day after four students were slain at Kent State University , two mass rallies were held at Northwestern to decide upon a course of action. The only thing all parties could agree upon was to stay away from violence as a form of protest. At first our "radical fringe" tried to sway the crowd, but Associated Student Government leaders prevailed. The University then shut down the school for a week to allow students to proceed with peaceful social protest. This action made the activity a strike of the University , not against the University. One thing stressed by some members of the news media was that the Northwestern strike was composed predominately of moderate and liberal students who had never participated in any type of demonstration. It was not a case of poor, innocent students being led like lambs to the slaughter. The initial response from the Greek System was one of agreement with the strike. One fraternity became a co¡ ordinating center for all men's living units on the campus. Others donated food and facilities to the Central Strike Committee. Giant strike banners flew from houses on "fraternity row ," and many houses hosted discussion and planning sessions. At Acacia there was near-unanimity of participation in the strike, and many members went door-to-door in the community distributing leaflets and obtaining signatures for petitions. The point of all this is to convey our feeling that "participation" or "involvement" for a fraternity does not consist of having fifty-eight brothers on the varsity football team , to be prominently displayed during rush dates. Rather, we are striving for participation as a unit , while encouraging individuals to take part in campus events and organizations. Isolation is no longer the answer , and trophies can only be dusted off so many times. If the superficiality of the Greek System continues much longer, the system will die for lack of interest. College freshmen can no longer be enthralled with the rah-rah days. We have found that a progressive attitude pays off and does not result in fracture within the chapter. Many persons feared this would happen if members turned their eyes toward the outside world rather than staying locked up in their rooms all day. We hope we will be able to continue in the fashion described, and we encourage others to abandon many of the anachronistic traditions which spell death for the Greek System. ~


By Ted Perl Northwestern Venerable Deall

I, as a member of the Northwestern Chapter, feel restricted by Acacia's National Establishment. I oppose many of the traditional aspects of Acacia. I am sick of the time, money and effort wasted in volumes of paperwork and lengthy questionnaires which take hours to answer adequately, when this is the type of thing people find irrelevant. I am tired of an outdated and lengthy Initiation which forces people to look at the ritual as a rare form of the Bubonic plague. I am displeased with the ties our National Fraternity maintains with Masonry. This is exemplified in the Fall, 1969 issue of the TRIAD, our national magazine, which depicts the new Acacia Headquarters cornerstone featuring a Masonic crest. Province meetings have proven themselves unproductive, and I see no need to waste more weekends on tradition. Some alumni have demonstrated a totally hypocritical attitude by promoting the beer, broads, and stripper syndrome under the table while throwing up their arms in horror at the U.C.L.A. Chapter's attempt to institute coeducational housing. These problems indicate the lethargy I feel exists in the structure of Acacia, so we at Northwestern have tried to correct the situation on our own initiative. Acacia at Northwestern is a group of men who try to help each other without hindering each other. A person pledges Acacia to increase his social, athletic, or intellectual potential, as well as to have a friendly place to live. "Brotherhood" fosters itself, and does not descend from the sky during initiation. Don't misunderstand me. We have not degenerated into a boarding house. We do take pride in our reputation as a group on the campus and in the community. Under these conditions, I find no need to burden my chapter with outdated policies. It is fine for an organization to reflect on its beginnings, but it is inexcusable to remain frozen in time. I am not knocking the concept of a National Fraternity, but I feel that the potential of each individual chapter is restricted by the narrowmindedness of an alumni-oriented structure. I remain optimistic; we are Acacians. And we are proud of it. ~

Editors Note: This article reflects only the opinion of the writer and should be received in that light. It is not the viewpoint or policy of the National Council or THE TRIAD. It does reflect the right of a member to be heard before the rest of the fraternity. Comments¡ are welcome.



PLEASE HELP find these membersl

Following is a numerical listing by Chapters of members for which the Triad Directory has no present address. The list is complete as of May, 1970. Please help us locate these lost brothers by filling in one of the accompanying forms with the member's present address. Should there be any of these members which are deceased, please check the form accordingly.

~··························································································································· Harry P. Seith, Jr. Cal 389 Jon R. Busse Ark 82 John O.A. Daniels Cal 149 ARIZONA l. S. Newham CMS 31 Elmer S. Hunt Az 1 Winfield C. Frank Az 6 John C. Frank Az 8 W. Dickinson Ackley Az 17 Jeff D. Jones Az 24 Lee H. Hickerson Az 25 Robert L. Greely Az 27 Carl J. Berninger Az 29 R. Kelly Hocker Az 32 Peter E. DeGraff Az 37 Richard G. Stapp Az 40 RichardT. Dorrance Az 41 Harry L. Holmes Az 51 Raymond G. Tyrrell Az 56 George A . Cabat Az 67 Jeremy J. Millett Az 70 Ronald L. Briggs Az 72 Thomas B. Mills Az 74 Allan R. Coulson Az 75 Aubrey F. Mills Az 76 Michael J. Leo Az 77 Tom A . Hazen Az 84 James H. Lumpkin Az 87 Gregg A. Payne Az 88 Hugh R. Pittock Az 89 Marvin D. Burkett Az 94 Rodney B. Southworth Az 97 Richard A. Akin Az 99 Leonard G. Bower Az 111 Robert R. Reid Az 144 Robert A. Headrick Az 162 John R. Haas Az 171

ARKANSAS Harry E. Buckley Ark 1 Charles W. Stewart Ark 3 Donald C. Lovell Ark 6 Joe E. Goble Ark 8 Benjamin F. Love Ark 10 Jack D. Connell Ark 12 Kenneth E. Walden Ark 17 John M. Cooper Ark 28 Edwin L. Stuart Ark 30 Thomas W. Fancher Ark 32 Will D. Sweet Ark 33 Douglas E. Hawkins Ark 34 Charles E. Crawford Ark 35 Raymond N. Shaw Ark 46 Jerry F. Buehre Ark 50 Merlin H. Kvaal Ark 51 Ferrell D. Moore Ark 56 James A . Swartz .Ark 58 Charl es W. Francis Ark 59 Jim F. Harp Ark 61 Earl A . Rippey , Jr. Ark 68 Ji m B. Davidson Ar k 71 Richard H. Wollery Ark 81

Reynolds Griffith Ark 84 Collin J. Hightower Ark 85 J. W. McLendon , Jr. Ark 91 Dudley Bumpass Ark 113 Lester L. Schwarz Ark 122 Harry G. Gray Ark 137 DavidP. Ross Ark 138 David A. Sisemore Ark 139 John S. Howarth Ark 156 Dave E. Crawford Ark 166 Murrey L. Grider Ark 170 Ray M. Shaddox Ark 177 Jerry L. Parker Ark 188 Dale G. Cosgrove Ark 195 D, R. Gardner Ark 211 Willis G. Larsen Ark 212 William E. Titus Ark 221 Richard R. Reynolds Ark 245 Bradley K. Breland Ark 249 William M. Knarr Ark 259 Michael R. McQueen Ark 273 John L. Wilson Ark 310 William E. Housley Ark 330

BOSTON Richard H. Donnell Bos 9 Albert H. Gamache Bos 15 William C. Anderson Bos 21 Richard W. Heavner Bos 60 John C. Rockett Bos 86

CALIFORNIA William H. Matlock Cal 15 George B. Gordon Cal 30 Leonard T. Jenkins Cal 34 Edgar H. Cline Cal 35 James G. Morgan Cal 38 Neal Harris Cal 48 Lee A. Sarter Cal 51 Harry G. Hansell Cal 53 Lawrence R. Fiock Cal 70 Harold P. Wood Cal 71 William D. Hiney Cal 84 William W. Johnson Cal 106 Philip B. Taylor Cal 108 Clayton Ell iott Cal 110 Gerhart H. Danielson Cal 111 Merton J. Minkler Cal 112 Jesse A. Rasor Cal 115 Mason A. Johnston Cal 121 George W. Staton Cal 123 Leo H. Barton Cal 132 Follett F. Morris Cal 133 Rolland A. Vandergri ft Cal 134 Arch ibald S. Billingsley Cal 138 L. Seaver Hamilton Cal 140 Chandos E. Bush Cal 141

Thomas L. Knight Cal 153 D. M. Holmes Cal 161 WalterS. Ferguson Cal 162 Wells F. Graham Cal 165 Vernon B. Smith ley Cal 172 Herbert A. Del ius Cal 174 Jay E. Mayer Cal 176 Keith McKane Cal 179 1 Edward W. Grenfell Cal 187 Robert T . Ingram Cal 191 GeorgeS. Martin Cal 192 Byron Lesley Cal 195 Andrew P. Larsen Cal 204 John J. Morton Cal 209 Paul T. Jones Cal 215 H. S. Luske Cal 219 Lloyd L. Reibel Cal 223 Gerald H. Blagborne Cal 227 Egbert V .A. James Cal 229 Gilbert C. Lamb Cal 231 F. W. Rice Cal 237 Edgar A. Whitehead Cal 241 Robert W. Tharp Cal 243 Alfred J. Alstrom Cal 250 Clayton T. Cochran Cal 254 Theodore D. Murphey Cal 259 George F. Selwig Cal 270 Hiram N. Bishop Cal 274 Roy K. McPhail Cal 278 R. A. Noonan Cal 279 A . Lacey Piper Cal 282 Frank Lewis Cal 284 Mackay B. Bryan Cal 286 Orin B. Phillips Cal 296 Richmond G. Wilson Cal 297 James R. Hanhart Cal 301 Robert W. Maloy Cal 303 Robert E. Symmes Cal 304 F. M. Worcester Cal 311 Thomas M. Eby Cal 314 Harley A. Waterfall Cal 315 Richard 0. Moore Cal 318 Kenneth M. Moore Cal 324 Bruce G. Dwelley Cal 326 Clifford A. Misener Cal 327 Lee B. Williams Cal 331 R. A. Buchanan Cal 336 Kenyon H. Hook Cal 345 Robert E. Thomas Cal 347 Stanton R. Smith Cal 356 Clark L. Smith Cal 358 C. Bob Lewis Cal 364 D. E. Nelson Cal 373 Robert E. Howard Cal 380 Glenn E. Lewis Cal 381 Richard F. Burns Cal 382 Cecil W. Thomas Cal 383 Robert L. Church Cal 384 William G. Hiney Cal 386


James G. Campbell Cal 391 Theodore V. Martinson Cal 397 James B. Herndon Cal 398 William R. Arsenault Cal 399 Reece R. Clark Cal 404 Richard M. Peekema Cal 408 Thomas R. Eliason Cal 409 William L. Smith Cal 418 Ronald J. Kilgore Cal 422 Douglas C. Wolcott Cal 433 James R. Kidder Cal 451 Frank M. Anderson Cal 452 Richard P. Evans Cal 455 Richard E. Lawyer Cal 461 William J. Walker Cal 466 John K. Millner Cal 473 Rudolph B. Young Cal 477 R. J. Day Cal 478 J. R. Ryberg Cal 486 Talmadge G. Bullock Cal 488 R. Shewbridge Cal 490 Richard L . Ott Cal 519 Willis M. Piper Cal 524 Russell M. Horton Cal 529 W. P. Hoopes Cal 534 Richard J. Story Cal 539 James L. Weinberger Cal 543 Terry Thomas Cal 547 Walter E. Reed Cal 550 Robert W. Schmidt Cal 554 GeorgeS. Emerson Cal 557 Lorence L. Timm Cal 560 Robert Orem Cal 563 Chas. R. Hewitt Cal 565 Alfred S. Hopkins Cal 569 Lawrence W. Graham Cal 571 Charles B. Weinberger Cal 573 I Lawrence E. Wessel Cal 574 David C. Short Cal 580 S. G. Meisenholder Cal 582 H. J. Seffens Cal 586 ' Shahrokh Moaveni Cal 591 Jack L. Lewis Cal 592 Paul J. Newman Cal 597 Richard E. Carsner Cal 607 Jack C. Isaacs Cal 613 Jim L. Olsen Cal 618 Richard A . Juarez Cal 639



Lolan E. Edwards CMS 2 Robert L. Mill bern CMS 3 Albert C. Kimbrough CMS 4 John W. Hollar CMS 5 Arvin A . Briggs CMS 15 Mike Z. Teravskis CMS 17 Fred L. Wood CMS 29 Ronald G. Goold CMS 30

George E. St. Ores CMS 32 Paul D. Hines CMS 35 Hilton E. Hodges CMS 38 Parviz Pezeshgpour CMS 65 Larry E. Busch CMS 66 I raj K . Shahidi CMS 83 Mark W. Johnson CMS 94 Hugh E. Smith CMS 100 James E. David CMS 105 Donald G. Cheever CMS 110 Michael H. Bell CMS 128 Philip H. Lee CMS 142 William I. Brewington CMS 143 Leland D. Day CMS 153

CENTRAL STATE- (OKLAI Albert Jones CS 15 Curtis E. Minnis CS 17 Darrell K. Hays CS 23 David G. David CS 66 John R. Taylor CS 76 Ronald J. Dutton CS 80 Orville M. Sanders CS 86

CHICAGO Harry M. Jones Ch 46 James F. Groves Ch 62 John T. Browning Ch 209 Augustus F. Adams Ch 21 0 Davis P. Richardson Ch 259

CINCINNATI William P. Fegley Cn 4 Walter A . Baude Cn 16 Raymond E. Fair Cn 23 Norwood C. Geis Cn 24 Stephen N. Hunter Cn 26 George N. Kibler Cn 27 Robert H. Maurer Cn 30 Elbert W. Proctor Cn 32 J. Henry Smith Cn 37 William J. Wuest Cn 39 Kenneth W. Vittetoe Cn 40 Marzy V. Harrington Cn 55 Taylor R. Barbee Cn 57 Raymond J. Groth Cn 59 Melvin A . Wilson Cn 65 William C. Wilson Cn 66 Edward C. Tufts Cn 68 Maurice A . Embertson Cn 74 Noah M. Horst Cn 76 Willard A . Sanger Cn 77 Robert E. Thompson Cn 84 James W. Gould Cn 86 Howard W. Rike Cn 90 John R. Newman Cn 94

Elmer J. Faust Cn 95 George A. Cottrell Cn 99 Charles J. Hostetter Cn 101 Harry W. Morlatt Cn 108 Donald A. Schmalz! Cn 109 John E. Sigler Cn 110 ,Carl I. Bertsche Cn 119 Elmer R. Mook Cn 120 Charles R. Borders Cn 121 Charles T. Mitchell Cn 122 James E. Miller Cn 125 Allen H. McNay Cn 126 Melvin 0 . Johnson Cn 127 Pau I Z. Azary Cn 128 Edmond R. Colaianni Cn 136 Ollie T. Robinson Cn 137 Cecil W. Carleton Cn 138 Randall G. Gilliss Cn 139 Joseph L. Mustard Cn 142 John A. Brown Cn 147 G. E. Ridgway Cn 158 Whittaker R. Hill Cn 161 Joseph S. Keenan Cn 164 Frank A. Mudgett Cn 174 Richard E. Brown Cn 175 John G. Larson Cn 176 Robert E. Boni Cn 200 John R. Schroder Cn 208 Paul A. Wert Cn 212 Chester Thompson Cn 219 Thomas A. Kirk Cn 221 Martin S. Berteau Cn 225 Hugh A. Lockhart Cn 226 Howard E. Tefft Cn 231 Bruce C. Edmonds Cn 234 Charles V. George Cn 243 Charles F. Leach Cn 259 James H . McGill Cn 269 Jack D. Michaels Cn 276 Donald C. Bryant Cn 277 Frederick M. Albers Cn 278 Edward S. Perzei _Cn _295 Robert M. Honeycu~ Cn 300 Claude M. McGhee Cn 303 Robert H. Rakel Cn 307 James W. Burdette Cn 316 Joseph E. Fotherfill Cn 317 Chari es H. Smith Cn 330 V. A. Steingrube Cn 335 Harold F. Chambers Cn 336 R. W. Staubach Cn 361

COLORADO Albert A. Heinrod Co 1 Russell D. George Co 13 Ralph G. Grabill Co 14 Harry S. Stocker Co 27 George P. Unsaid Co 29 DuFay R. Rice Co 34 Thomas A. Stancliff Co 38 Roy M. Butters Co 46 Victor A. Montgomery Co 47 Ray C. Davidson Co 48 Homer C. Washburn Co 56 Dana W. Aughenbaugh Co. 63 Temple H. Cornelius Co 64 Henry R. Spangler Co 65 Harry R. Beard Co 71 Clarence L. Eckel Co 72 Carl W. Husted Co 80 Cranston B. Rader Co 83 Karl S. Earp 87 Hugh N. Orr Co 90 Harold C. Duggan Co 91 Laurence J. Bernard Co 96 William D. Hayes Co 103 Wilbur E. Brooks Co 104 Ora S. Fowler Co 105 Howard R. DeRose Co 112 Walter D. Ross Co 114 Herman M. Eschenburg Co 122 Jacob J. Brown Co 123 George E. Sumner Co 128 Armon D. Miller Co 129 Enoch R. Vicklund Co 132 Erhard A. Froese Co 133 Ralph N. Traxler Co 138 Clifford C. Rathburn Co 140 Anthony J. Killgore Co 144 William E. Cox Co 146 Ivan L. Hiler Co 148 Emile G. Hertert Co 149

Glen E. Mills Co 152 Bernard 0. Smetzer Co 160 Roy D. Metz Co 162 Ernest R. Saegart Co 164 George E. Blackstone Co 167 Rolla K. Cooper Co 173 George B. Devenish Co 174 Harry Buhl Co 175 Harry A. Morgan Co 180 Edgar E. Evans Co 191 Melvin C. Sutton Co 193 Neil P. Bailey Co 195 John M. Addington Co 196 Carl D. Evans Co 201 James T . Mayall Co 202 Clarence Eliason Co 204 William Johnson Co 205 Ernest M. Tennant Co 207 WilliamS. Mitchell Co 209 Donald W. Bowman Co 210 Walter R. McBrayer Co 211 William J. Greene Co 212 John C. McRae Co 213 Floyd H. Stout Co 216 Walter T . Moore Co 222 Walter W. Purdy Co 224 John P. Cooney Co 227 Frank H. Miller Co 231 Arnold L. Condron Co 232 George A. Taft Co 234 William H. Thoman Co 235 Lionel J. Brunton Co 248 Charles F. Johnson Co 251 Elmer K. Hansen Co 252 Rolland W. McCanna Co. 254 John F. Beeler Co 257 Fred D. Montgomery Co 261 Roy H. Mackay Co 267 William F. Schropp Co 269 Glen W. Strickler Co 274 Norman A . Parker Co 279 George R. Wagner Co 280 Richard McKinley Co 281 Grant Alexander Co 288 Norris J. Anderson Co 289 A. L . Gustafson Co 292 Wilfred J. Deckard Co 294 Earl L.R. Hoard Co 295 Joseph R. Gooch Co 296 Robert H. Wendling Co. 298 Earl McKinley Co 307 Robert G. Akin Co 308 Charles B. Stevenson Co 313 Milton L . Coverston Co 317 William B. Davies Co 319 William H. Jones-Burdick Co 322 Will. E. Smith Co 325 George N. Brock Co 327 John Chesnick Co 328 Frederick G. Drommond Co 330 Edwin L . Smith Co 332 Ralph C. Moore Co 335 Harold 0 . Bergman Co 336 Andrew J. Johnson Co 348 John R. Seem Co 352 Robert F. Noble Co. 356 Lycurgus W. Johnson Co 359 John D. Davidson Co 361 John G. Walker Co 364 David F. Rush Co 366 William A. Blakey Co 367 James M. Hurley Co 370 Richard G. Harder Co 372 Harold C. Wich Co 377 William F. Utlaut Co 382 Jon D. Sucher Co 388 Jim Girley Co 393 Charles H. Asgian Co 397 George E. Seely Co 401 Sydney W. Fa I k Co 402 Robert B. Loper Co 403 Richard H. Matthews Co 404 Frederick G. Bonfils Co 407 Donald C. Cieber Co 413 Lislie R. Hinds Co 416 Robert W. Gray Co 431 John R. Thorndyke Co 433 Eugene S. Jackson Co 438 Wm. D.O. Eaton Co 441 Eonald E. Becker Co 443 Maurice A . Brull Co 444 Robert G. Finke Co 446 Robert C. Hinsey Co 449

Robert L. Smith Co 459 Gene E. Tipton Co 460 Jack M. Bowman Co 464 Robert P. Lamarr Co 466 Robert T. Frost Co 4 74 LeRoy C. Graham Co 476 Dean S. Johnson Co 478 JackS. Rice Co 481 Robert H. Riffenburgh Co 482 Dale 0. Watkin s Co 484 Gerald D . Cunningham Co 4B5 Larry C. Tripp Co 490 Robert L. Colwell Co 503 Eugene C. Wicks Co 508 Robert D. Albertson Co 510 Jack M . Angevwne Co 511 William L. Cox Co 518 Lysle A. Gust Co 520 William A . Barker Co 521 Kenneth W. Schlater Co 525 John S. Copley Co 540 Robert L. Hartsfield Co 542 Neil E. Humburg Co 544 John C. Lines Co 546 Richard B. Myers Co 547 Charles A. Weinrott Co 556 John W. Langley Co 558 Lynn A. Hammond Co 561 William R. Eager Co 565 Alan C. Frost Co 566 Thomas D. Hill Co 568 Howard F. Sauer Co 574 Charles P. Hooks Co 577 James W. Hall Co 588 J. H. Higman Co 589 Paul L. McMath Co 595 Neal W. Olsen Co 598 Richard C. Speer Co 614 Malcolm W. Wil son Co 620 H. Martin Cox Co 623 Dick A . Cable Co 634 Robert W. LeVewu Co 636 Edward L. Lord Co 637 Gerald E. Ni x Co 638 Charles N . Christensen Co. 645 Halil I. Gerger Co 650 Kenneth H. Hinkle Co 652 Jack G. Johnson Co 653 Marshall E. Shupe Co 660 Kenneth E. Stone Co 662 Richard 0 . Walker Co 665 Maurice H. Oshima Co 684 Larry E. Anderson Co 689 James A . Barker Co 690 Monte R. Bradshaw Co 691 Curtis E. Chitwood Co 692 Barney F. LeVeau Co 695 Richard E. Minor Co 696 P. David Emery Co 700 John L. Herzog Co 702 James L. Cox Co 708 Lewi s C. Smith Co 716 James E. McCarron Co 723 John G. Hopkins Co 726 Fred S. Blauw Co 734 K. Gene Waugh Co 750 William M. Maynard Co 772 Mar k E. Sullivan Co 775 Tom Putham Co 777 Henry W. McCarty Co 784 Russell C. Bowie Co 786 Carl F. Cranor Co 790 L. D. Thomso n Co 807 Wm. D. Bremer Co 812 R. D. Brew Co 819 RichardT. Alejandre Co 825

COLORADO STATE COLLEGE Alvin W. Ryden CSC 3 William G. Pollock CSC 4 William L. Broderick CSC 11 Jacob E. Diel CSC 30 Bob J. McKee CSC 34 Kenneth Cook CSC 35 Joseph H. Luppens CSC 38 Alan D. Hyslop CSC 47 Don C. Colbe CSC 51 James L. Phillips CSC 55 John J. MacNeill CSC 56 John T . Wilson CSC 57 Newall A. Dickey CSC 58 Robert N. Cruzan esc 63

Russell M. Eacker CSC 64 Robert M. Schroeder CSC 67 Behrooz B. Meftah CSC 81 Roy R. Betz esc B3 Lewis E. Nichols CSC 91 J. Byron Uhrich CSC 94 W. H. Behrens CSC 95 Richard L. Robinson CSC 9B Quentin E. Dahm CSC 107 Robert C. Anderson CSC 108 John G. Boyd esc 112 William R. Fullerton CSC 148 Samuel J. Moore CSC 151 Donald B. Middleton CSC 152 Gary D. McLean CSC 156 Andrew E. Hertneky CSC 178 Joseph A. Jakopic CSC 179 Lyle E. Dickason CSC 179

COLORADO STATE UNIV. Lowell D. Houser CSU 3 Arthur L. Foster CSU 12 Keith D. Kirchhoff CSU 13 Donald C. Osborne CSU 26 Woodrow W.S. Yoder CSU 29 Will iam M. Oxford CSU 35 Thomas Baskett CSU 44 Merlyn C. Snavely CSU 47 Gordon R. Johnson CSU 48 Franklin A. Schumacher CSU 54 Bruce L. Smith CSU 58 Alvi e W. Rothe CSU 67 Jerry B. Harmin CSU 70 Elmer E. Rothman CSU 72 Paul L. Swearingen CSU 75 Kozaburo Miyakawa CSU 87 William T . Dishman CSU 92 E. B. Watson CSU 97 John N. Lohn CSU 104 Frederick L. Elsesser CSU 110 Edward B. Poser CSU 126 Tommy A. Vaughn CSU 134 Philip D. Kessler CSU 139 Edward J. Farmer CSU 145 James R. Weller CSU 186 John G. Propp CSU 191 Ray W. Blinde CSU 194 Arvin R. Mosier CSU 201 James T . Sorensen CSU 203 RobertS. Hays CSU 207 James o, Hendricks CSU 211

COLUMBIA Ray P. Smith Col 68 Carl F. Bauman Col 133 Hollis L. Caswell Col 206

CORNELL Sidney B. Smith Cor 31 Melvern F. Thomas Cor 37 Wayne H. Rothenberger Cor 60 Ru ssell C. Booth Cor 73 R. Y . Winters Cor 81 Carl R. Couch Cor 91 Llewellyn H. Edwards Cor 108 Millard J. Edsall Cor 110 John E. Jenkins Cor 113 Robert B. Downing Cor 135 Park E. Young Cor 147 A . L. Hobart Cor154 Wells H. Ashley Cor 178 Adrain L. Spencer Cor 193 George M. Benson Cor 194 Carroll E. Griffin Cor 202 Willard F. Dodson Cor 206 Byron T . Smith Cor 241 Alfred H. Rishoi Cor 242 Leland E. Weaver Cor 243 Lytle H. Norton Cor 250 Milo E. Thompson Cor 252 Addis V . Adams Cor 263 Harold M. De Volt Cor 281 Derrill M. Daniel Cor 299 Clyde I. Millard Cor 306 James T. Culbertson Cor 310 Burch H. Schneider Cor 312 Aldol ph H.A. Huttar Cor 316 Stacey F. Howell Cor 317 Delos S. Calkins Cor 319 Lyle G. Durham Cor 321 E. J. Sunderville Cor 326

Charles M. Clark Cor 335 Ralph H. Wheeler Cor 338 Charles H. MacQuigg Cor 350 David E. MacQuigg Cor 352 Eugene R. MacKenzie Cor 353 Leon E. Seddon Cor 360 Merle S. Robie Cor 367 Burtt D. Dutcher Cor 377 David L . Johnson Cor 379 Ralph P. Cline Cor 382 Gustave F. Heuser Cor 383 Robert N. Blazey Cor 384 Men nick T. Fossum Cor 393 Ronald E. Stillman Cor 397 Richard C. Bonser Cor 399 Jarman G. Kennard Cor 400 Richard W. Melville Cor 402 Edward F. Corwith Cor 415 George L. Ful ler Cor 417 Charles W. Albert Cor 423 Herbert B. Win keller Cor 424 Robert G. Keir Cor 425 Royal A. Halladay Cor 438 Emerson Hibbard Cor 453 R. D. Hoagland Cor 470 Jamie H. Kerr Cor 485 Walter E. Cox Cor 491 John S. Gordon Cor 505 Thomas P. Hanzas Cor 507 Gerald F. Dulin Cor 516 Kenneth A. Lawrence Cor 517 Robert J. Cipperly Cor 529 John B. Frisbie Cor 542 Ri chard L. Hanks Cor 549 W. L. Stevens Cor 553 David P. Williams Cor 556 Thomas Burrows Cor 5~5 C. W. Fletcher Cor 596 Frank F. Walsh Cor 602 Paul C. James Cor 606 William B. Powell Cor 608 William B. Easton Cor 620 Robert G. Mayer Cor 622 Arthur T . Mosher Cor 623 Alan L. Baker Cor 628 Henry J. Romersa Cor 644 Thea. F. Swift Cor 645 Peter B. Sun Cor 680 Sam. L. Roberts Cor 722 Robert H. Lightfoote Cor 731

DENVER Robert E. Gentry Den 17 James G. Holland Den 21 Andrew J. Percival Den 30 George E. Roesch Den 32 John D. Brew Den 48 Paul F. Jensen Den 74 Kenneth E. Walden Den 89 Abner R. Harlow Den 93 Richard L. Sheppard Den 98 Gust W. Thomas Den 101 Peter A. Morstad Den 113 Douglas L. Miller Den 120 Carl Dovel Den 134 Howard W. Spute Den 135 John F. Denson Den 137 Robert L. Johnson Den 138 Albert A. Brown Den 145 Charles B. Boydstun Den 157 Gordon E. Bueling Den 161 Glenn Fritts Den 165 James V. Pollock Den 166

EVANS Robert A. Wil kinson Ev 2 Thomas C. Carter Ev 13 Robert E. Niedermeier Ev 32

Orian F. Beumer Ev 47 James E. Grimwood Ev 50 Earl R. Kennedy Ev 51 John Kronsbein Ev 52 August H. Burgdorf Ev 54 Roandl F. Christian Ev 56 Frederick E. Wittman Ev 66 Alfred E. Colvin Ev 69 Jerry L. Reynolds Ev 72 William N. Pickle Ev 80 Paul L. Bingham Ev 84 Robert Egan Ev 87 David Ingle Ev 104



Elmo F. Clapp Ev 106 Ronald L. Jackson Ev 110 Robert W. McKnight Ev 113 Charles E. Levell Ev 126 Wm . D. Young Ev 133 John M. Horrom Ev 137 Gene R. Lucas Ev 138

FRANKLIN John M. Ashton Frk 11 Robert F. For mas Frk 16 Samuel W. Harrison Frk 22 Charles T . Patton Frk 26 Joseph C. Shields Frk 46 Abram W. Smith Frk 49 Fred E. Patchell Frk 67 Lawrence E. Kocher Frk 83 Frederick R. Schweitzer Frk 93 Simeon A. Steeves Frk 95 Gael G. Wilson Frk 101 Milton F. Graver Frk 109 Edward Glass Frk 113 Guy Cook Frk 115 Clarence G. Hinman Frk 116 Cyrus C. Meyer Frk 132 Joseph S. Hughes Frk 136 Eli F. Wismer Frk 138 Charles H. Ostertag Frk 155 Ernest C. Drew Frk 164 Morgan L. Hannahs Frk 170 J. Jacob Hillsley Frk 171 Howard P. Benjamin Frk 179 William B. Harer Frk 211 Jacob W. Rhine Frk 219 Edwin L . Harer Frk 224 Carl E. Belles Frk 225 West E. Blain Frk 237 George E. James Frk 240 Leonard C. Hamblock Frk 242 R . W. Thomson Frk 250 Henry W. Faucett Frk 252 James L.G. Parsons Frk 259 Donald B. Keat Frk 274 Harry W. Wilco x Frk 277 Norman W. Clemens Frk 287 Harry R. Tully Frk 288 Charles A. Kelley Frk 194 .Samuel S. Diehl Frk 296 Dennis B. Stollings Frk 298 Theodore S. Miller Frk 299 John K. Patterson Frk 300 H. Warden Wilson Frk 302 Orville E. Oommick Frk 304 T . Foye Shumaker Frk 306 Benjamin Sparks Frk 308 Walter J. Rosser Frk 319 George G. Parke Frk 326 Joseph R. McFate Frk 327 R. B. Mahany Frk 337 Samuel R. Garber Frk 340 George W. Altenburg Frk 344 Murray H . Shrenk Frk 349 Earl B. Unger Frk 353 C. Seeben Frk 366 Edward 8. Hawley Frk 369 Frederick W. Falk Frk 371 Robert J. Bynon Frk 375 James A. Hockenberry Frk 378 Donald H. Warren Frk 379 Robert U . Burch Frk 387 Thomas B. Brunt Frk 391 Benjamin M. Chandler Frk 394 Roland N. Pri ce Frk 395 Stewart I. Adam Frk 396 John S. Southwick Frk 400 William E. Meyer Frk 402 William K. Ealy Frk 414 George W. Gilbert Frk 415 Robert H. Sakers Frk 416 Emery K. Stoner Frk 421 Charles L. Dusenbery Frk 423 Charles E. Eby Frk 424 Morrette L . Rider Frk 426 Theodore A. Evans Frk 430 Claude G. Horton Frk 433 Norval S. Miller Fr k 441 Joseph A. Wintz Frk 448 Edwin R. Watkins Frk 449 Karl W. Wendel Frk 453 Ducan C. Bennett Frk 457 Donald L. Neff Frk 460 D. W. Griffiths Frk 463 John D. Beierle Frk 473



James D. Witte Frk 483 Edward 8 . Armstrong Frk 489 Walter R. Lewis Frk 490 Theron J. McClure Frk 491 Stevens Nemish Frk 492 John H. Johl Frk 498 Robert B. Reeder Frk 499 John B. Bechtel Frk 513 Hugh V. DiPretore Frk 518 Leighton W. Jones Frk 519 Raymond G. Mecca Frk 521 John 0. Allin Frk 523 Siegfried S. Kagawa Frk 531 Joseph F. Weiss Frk 534 Walter Danchak Frk 535 Gordon K. Bohn Frk 537 James A. Walker Frk 541 Robert D. Sandman Frk 546 Frank R . Early Frk 548 William M. Anderson Frk 549 Edward J. Rand Frk 553 Bruce J . Pierce Frk 555 Denzil F. Garteiz Frk 560 Robert J. Shank Frk 563 Ronald H. Humer Frk 572 Walter W. Snyder Frk 588 Robert L. Book Frk 590 Richard J. Hourahan Frk 601

GEORGE WASHINGTON Harry C. Duh GW 5 Robert E. Eddins GW6 Joe N . Petty GW 17 Dan C. Reid GW 18 Raymond E. Scharfenberg GW 21 John P. Sorenson GW 24 Robert H. Wendt GW 26 Clinton F. Stanley GW 26 Robert E. White GW 29 Clarence M. Updegraff GW 31 Elmer R. Helferich GW 36 Alan D. Rou sh GW 40 Carl C. Anderson GW 42 Guy R. Berryhill GW 52 Paul M. Phillips GW 53 Donald H . Warren GW 54 George L. Bi x by GW 56 Ernest L. Elsberry GW 74 Harold L. Schilz GW 82 Emory W. Clapper GW 86 Ralph G. Corbin GW 91 John A. Hicks GW 92 Charles V. Laughlin GW 97 Harry 0. Wright GW 99 Charle s N. Gibb GW 100 James M. McQueen GW 101 Thomas S. Graves GW 108 Arthur D. Kriemelmeyer GW 110 Perrin H. Lowrey GW 121 James G. Bennett GW 122 Frederic C. Stevenson GW 123 Everitt L. Strandell GW 124 Christian R. Kennell GW 125 Calvin Gri ffith GW 131 Eldred C. Cavett CW 134 Eli S. Grubiv GW 136 Frank K . Woolley GW 139 Andrew F. Freeman GW 140 Fran k L. Wood GW 142 Jack H. Chipps GW 149 Morris R. Short GW 153 Paul T . Vanness GW 156 William G. Carver GW 158 Frank T. Humphrey GW 159 Harden Anderson GW 163 Harry S. Miller GW 164 William D . Jefferson GW 179 Herbert F. Lindsay GW 202 William H. Snyder GW 203 Samuel G. Holderman GW 204 Alfred T . Bronaugh GW 205 Geoffrey B. Kn utson GW 206 Keith E. Adamson GW 209 Robert A. Dearth GW 210 Robert I. Carter GW 211 William L. Balestri GW 212 Robert G. Howie GW 215 Forrest E. Slinkard GW 218 George D. Beveridge GW 219 Weldon L. Maddox GW 221 William H. Seabrooke GW 224 Harry B. Boatright GW 226 Herman E. Conyers GW 231

Richard E. Hurdle GW 233 Wallace L. Ashby GW 235 Stanley I. Mague GW 237 Richard S. Wilkinson GW 239 Harry P. McNaughton GW 240 John M. Ledbetter GW 241 James M. Sparks GW 244 Robert G. Pierce GW 245 Garabad Arkoian GW 249 William W. Lesn iak GW 250 Harry C. Jones GW 261 Harry H. Thayer GW 262 David F. Vick GW 266 Lee C. Bramlette GW 267 Myron L. Loe GW 269 · Robert B. Iverson GW 274 Richard P. North GW 275 John C. Cherry GW 278 Robert R. Smith GW 281 Richard W. Hansen GW 284 John S. Thach GW 289 Robert H. Dutton GW 291 Howard R. Roberts GW 293 Edward M . Huff GW 297 William T. Butl er GW 299 Thomas H . Beechyn GW 300 Edward M. Felegy WG 301 William H . Godwin GW 305 Wailey L. Wing GW 306 David R. Arnold GW 307 James J. Dunlap GW 309 Mohammed Akbarian GW 312 Gary F. Banks GW 313 Clarence P. Plumb GW 317

GEORGIA Herschel Lester Ga 1 R. G. Elm Ga 38 Jay H. Osborne Ga 77

HARVARD Walter T. Scott Har 85 John N. Penick Har 213 Dudl ey 0. Aller Har 231 Clive W. Johnson Har 277 John D. Neuman Har 333

ILLINOIS Fred E. Hilton II 46 Walter H. Parken II 81 Herbert M. Jones II 103 Richard Dunham II 182 Henry D . Robinson II 194 Ralph R . Root II 208 George W. Unger II 238 Glenn K. Wetzell II 260 Harry 0. Moore II 291 G. Russell White II 318 Presley W. Melton II 330 L . W. Better II 339 Walter R. Stafford II 357 Royal H . Kuehnel II 362 Clarence E. Roe II 373 Reno W. Huehnel II 379 David G. Moyer II 382 Paul W. Wright II 397 Lester T . Davi s II 435 George H . Milkwick 11478 Frederic K. Powell II 491 Laurel N. Jackson II 497 Clyde D. Segner II 510 Rob ert W. Sap ora II 522 Harry L. Plunkett II 523 John R. Mallahan II 530 John H. Seippel II 542 John R. Davis II 561 Robert E. Davis II 581 Davi d A. Monson II 598 Jack R. Miller II 604 Roy J. Lechner II 607 Donald L. Grieme II 632 Kenneth A. Bunch man II 645 Goorge L. Frandsen II 650 Raymon E. Meliza II 654 John R. Graham II 656 Jay K. Hackleman II 670 Charles A. Compton II 674 Richard L. Cook II 682 George E. Brinkerhoff II 686 W. David Beckenholdt II 692 Bruce G. Radel iffe II 696

Robert D. Walker II 701 Gerald L . Chalcraft II 708 John A. Frazier II 714 Robert W. McMackin II 716 Donald Funk II 718 Thomas B. Brademas II 725 Ralph R. Herrick II 741 Roe E. Walker II 743 J. M . Ruffner II 745 Rolf A. Cederwall II 747 Vernon K. Zimmerman II 751 Richard Searcy II 752 Kemal S. Aksel II 755 Ben W. Pugsley II 756 Howard G. Pratt II 757 Charles E. Rockwood II 765 David L. Fishel II 785 Frank L. Falley II 795 John C. Hostrup II 798 Richard C. Ewan II 802 Robert M. Brush II 824 Robert B. Smith II 827 Douglas L. Sparks II 830 Edward A. Schmidt II 831 Rurl P. Baker II 832 Robert K. Rogers II 835 James N . Pinkerton II 837 K. A . Wagner II 838 Robert F. Drabik II 842 Clifford M. Nelson II 846 David R. Banner II 851 Charles Wolven II 857 Roger K . Gulick II 884 S. L. Norton II 887 Wade H. Carll II 913 Jurgen H. Seyer II 916 James L. Wilson II 935 John D. Midgard II 943 J. C. Whitmire II 944 lan C. Bowers II 956 Richard W. Barton II 998 D. B. Dedic II 1036 Richard Price II 1058 James D. Taborn II 1069 Bruce G. Blair II 1086

ILLINOIS WESLEYAN Robert C. Andruczk IW 2 Paul J. Beggs IW 9 Gerald L. Shriver IW 19 William E. Zai ss IW 34 David L. Hull IW 40 Dennis E. Groh IW 43 Donald J. Kreibich IW 44 Richard C. Mitchell IW 47 Carl N . Carter IW 51 George L. Littlefield IW 60 Lynn Philyaw IW 63 Richard F. Baxa IW 73 James L. Bonick IW 76 Rail and E. Sutphin IW 79 James M. Elgin IW 91 Stanley L. Dewalt IW 92 John F. York IW 94 Douglas M. Black IW 118

INDIANA Markham C. Wakefield In 8 Harrell W. Sims In 10 Olaf J. Gheen In 40 Oscar D. Robertson In 4 7 Arthur L. Miller In 48 Rob ert E. Bitner In 55 James R. Fran kes In 63 Charles W. Butler In 79 Melvin L . Hindman In 100 Hoard J. Rife In 104 NormanS. Loomis In 111 Lowell T . Coggeshall In 112 K. B. Doan In 138 V . Gordon Kern In 139 Eul iss V. Kennedy In 141 John W. Rush In 151 John Q, Kirkpatrick In 178 Krank B. Overturf In 185 Joe R. Campbell In 209 Robert M . Hazelet In 216 Ledford H . Day In 233 Lew Warring In 234 Richard P. Vogel san g In 237 Benjamin F. Stephenson In 242 WillardS. O' Hair In 244

Oscar L. Atteberry In 259 Francis G. Henderson In 260 Frank M. Bass In 277 Robert B. Straesser In 281 David J. Purner In 282 James E. Armstrong In 286 Harry W. Foster In 296 Louis C. Culmann In 300 Swift E. Wunker In 313 Guy L. Wellman In 316 Robert B. Place In 321 James A. Myers In 325 Donald W. Anderson In 331 David C. Black In 336 Donald W. McMurtry In 340 James M. Howard In 349 H. Robert Gemmer In 351 John T . Harbaugh In 356 Frank L. Johnson In 376 Bill G. Shanks In 396 William E. Crane In 399 Robert 0 . Williams In 416 Leslie E. Howell In 431 Leston S. Beisel In 433 Donald C. Goins In 446 Richard G Edwards In 482 John G. Held In 487 Earl E. Sheets In 494 Jack L. Squier In 506 Keith H. Street In 517 RobertJ. Vass In 518 David R. Robertson In 524 Bill G. Eastham In 529 R. H . Squier In 536 Robert E. Dedmon In 543 James A. Nevins In 546 Richard E. Whinery In 547 Donell D. Moor In 562 Lou A. Scott In 564 Kenneth J. Goodall In 576 Bryant B. Kingsbury Roy S. Whiteman In 589 James A. Nagel In 592 David L . Porter In 600 Barrett A. Marchant In 611 DeVon A. Simon In 614 Gordon L. Kester In 616 Ronald C. Risk In 617 Russell W. Simon In 618 Dwain J. Bass In 643 Thomas H. Gullion I n 646 Bi II Jordan In 648 J. C. Gillen In 660 Larry C. Risk In 671 Thomas E. Weaver In 674 James I. Wright In 682 David A . F igg In 704 Kenneth L. Hollingsworth In 705 John P. Olde In 708 Robert D . Lu cus In 723 Wm. Rhyn erson In 747 W. W. Herman In 756 John W. Morgan In 760 D. A. Young In 766 Harold G. Shane In 782 Bradl ey B. Beiswanger In 8 02 Ernst R. Nims In 814 Paul J. Goralski In 829 Lyle T. Dickes In 839 Michael F. Hufstedl er In 907

IOWA Franci s E. Allen Ia 1 Clarke F. An sley Ia 2 Frederick E. Belton Ia 6 Frank R. Smith Ia 23 William B. Coleman Ia 35 Bert R. Stiles Ia 58 Carl A. Greenawalt Ia 62 Norman P. Will iams Ia 80 Claude F. Peters Ia 85 Harry E. Webb Ia 100 Moulton Hartness Ia 102 Clarence H. Schwartz Ia 108 Joseph H . Lake Ia 112 lver N. Madsen Ia 120 Charles L . Wright Ia 128 Howard F. Moffitt Ia 129 Glen A . Woolford Ia 151 Wayne C. Martin Ia 161 Calvin R. Gfeller Ia 167

Harold C. Aillaud Ia 178 Lee V. Roberts Ia 180 Hal McCann Ia 192 Anthony V. Sebolt Ia 193 Lloyd W. Garrison Ia 194 Robert M. Smoot Ia 196 Robert L. Wittman Ia 197 Loren D. Upton Ia 199 Edward L. Simmons Ia 206 Harry S. Bunker Ia 211 Harold H. McCart Ia 221 Erman A . Meyers Ia 228 Wendell H. Krull Ia 232 Linus P. Stillman Ia 236 0. H. Smith Ia 258 Jess C. Petersen Ia 261 Harold 0. Anderson Ia 276 Paul F .A. Chandler Ia 278 Joseph R. Gerberich Ia 282 Elmer E. Orr Ia 291 Henry G. Hackintosh Ia 297 Ralph C. Thompson Ia 304 Walter T . Hanson Ia 306 Huron L. Boyle Ia 310 Noble B. Morrison Ia 313 Roy B. Tozier Ia 322 Kermit F. Johnson Ia 325 Ray J. Allen Ia 328 Walter L. Byers Ia 329 Raymond C. Buckner Ia 333 Kenneth F. Walton Ia 335 Herbert E. Miller Ia 336 Donald H. Wallace Ia 338 David R. Darrah Ia 345 Robert J. Chase Ia 346 Thomas A. Brown Ia 351 Richard A. Coulson Ia 358 Robert C. Klaus Ia 359 Richard W. Boss Ia 377 Nick G. Papadekes Ia 378 William M. Henderson Ia 380 Frank L. Denz Ia 381 Richard L. Rubottom Ia 382 Robert C. Day Ia 384 John X. Vallassiades Ia 386 Marshall N. Lovrien Ia 387 Dean L. Knight Ia. 393 Thomas K . Helgeson Ia 408 Ronald L. Gibson Ia 413 James S. Young Ia 424 Jerry D. Kracht Ia 429 Robert L. Abel Ia 434 Joseph H. Bohr Ia 461 Aaron E. Coe Ia 464 James R. Stuart Ia 488 David M. Merrifield Ia 512 Samuel E. Smith Ia 524

IOWA STATE Dale B. Stewart IS 20 Mark G. Thornburg IS 38 N. Louis Nelson IS 40 Chester A . Peterson IS 48 Howard C. Pierce IS 72 Chari L.A. DeWet IS 84 John E. Brindley IS 87 Merrell Mulliunix IS 93 John L. Lane IS 100 Lloyd G. Crouch IS 103 Charles A. Martini IS 115 Frank R. Johnson IS 140 Forbey K . Merkley IS 145 William K. Taylor IS 152 Clarence C. Schide IS 165 Allen B. Hird IS 166 James H. Rust IS 177 Floyd L. Strong IS 197 C. D. Haxby IS 200 S. H. Wilson IS 201 Charles H. Earhart IS 205 FrankL. Seymour IS 212 John W. B. Millar IS 213 Charles B. Page IS 244 Ira L. Merritt IS 251 William P. Wood IS 255 Richard W. Welden IS 282 Leslie H. Shropshire IS 286 Daniel F. Roll IS 287 Ralph L . Binning IS 295 Paul M. Phillippe IS 302 Arthur C. Wade IS 304 Chester W. Thompson IS 319

John G. Ewan IS 322 Allen V. Collister IS 333 John H. Wessman IS 340 Robert A. Muschamp IS 341 Harry F. Zimmerman IS 361 John W. Tschantz IS 385 Robert W. Griese IS 386 John Wahlgren IS 391 Victor M. Denis IS 394 Wilbert C. Olsen IS 395 R. G. Wilson IS 409 W. J. Waugh IS 424 Kenneth W. Johnson IS 432 Donald G. Larson IS 437 James E. Widdel IS 459 George Kreps IS 476 Keith L. Cornelius IS 495 Bernard W. Wilcox IS 499 RichardT. Barck IS 500 Richard M. Smith IS 516 Barry Knapp IS 529 Wayne W. Nowlan IS 597 Paul R. Johansen IS 599 Wayne H. Anderson IS 645 Richard B. Barnard IS 649 D. R. Nel son IS 652 Takenori Aso IS 660 Thomas H. Elitharp IS 719

KANSAS D. L. Allen Ks 24 Karl P. Schiller Ks 26 J. A . Woodruff Ks 27 LeRoy Martin Ks 49 George A. Elledge Ks 51 Frank A . Wetmore Ks 72 Robert D. Landrum Ks 79 Richard C. Smith Ks 81 Leslie E. Claypool Ks 92 Foster W. Cline Ks 101 Ralph S. Johnson Is 109 Ralph S. Johnson Ks 109 Walter W. Stark Ks 119 Phil H. Halleck Ks 121 Samuel R. Ingalls Ks 141 Forest G. Joss Ks 151 Cletus J. Weygandt Ks 157 Carl T . Baer Ks 162 E. J. Sorensen Ks 174 J. Edgar Madden Ks 175 Charles C. Marlowe Ks 180 Floyd G. Hart Ks 181 Silas A . McCormac Ks 211 Floyd E. Potter Ks 212 F. M . Ziegler Ks 213 Cecil T. Hough Ks 222 William E. Kennedy Ks 223 Samuel C. Johnson Ks 225 Herman C. Hangen Ks 229 Fredric R. All en Ks 255 Marion Ramsey Ks 285 John H. Ri chardson Ks 287 Frederick D. Espenlaub Ks 295 James 0 . Ruhl Ks 299 Walter J. Shannon Ks 316 George W. Bradshaw Ks 326 D . Bellmont Rising Ks 336 Harold W. Bowen Ks 341 Floyd H. McElhaney Ks 358 Merele R. Jud kins Ks 365 Alonzo C. Sluss Ks 371 Schiller F. Shore Ks 385 Julius R. Bell Ks 405 George H. Hazen Ks 419 Gene B. Erwin Ks 427 Edward 0 . Willeford Ks 439 Jacob B. Harri son Ks 442 Donovan West Ks 449 Harold K. Hawley Ks 452 Ri chard H . Martin Ks 453 John M. Hagan Ks 456 Montgomery P. Wood Ks 465 John P. Bondeson Ks 467 Donald D. Dannenberg Ks 472 Robert L. Burns Ks 478 Allan D. McCoy Ks 479 Max L. Cole Ks 483 Dwayne E. Adams Ks 503 Charles W. Rohl er Ks 504 Walter H. Lucas Ks 50 7 Williamson T. Hough Ks 506 Maurice W. Russ Ks 512

Ural E. Horton Ks 515 Robert V. Ford Ks 526 George L. Kraft Ks 527 Edward E. Galven Ks 530 Richard B. Garnand Ks 537 Charles W. Hall Ks 538 D. R. Anderson Ks 540 Clinton R. Carrier Ks 552 William M. Lindstrom K s 565 Sam R. Willcoxon Ks 566 Lawrence R. Parton Ks 569 Edgar A. Hurst Ks 571 George E. Claunch Ks 584 William J. Schell Ks 590 Gary G. Hammer Ks 607 Walter V . Weber Ks 610 Alfred R. Ferguson Ks 614 Clement D. Bla keslee Ks 619 Boyd Mayberry Ks 632 William G. Kamberg Ks 636 Larry D. Welch Ks 653 Robert R. Blackburn Ks 656 Leon G. Matassarin Ks 657 Robert H. Masterson Ks 658 Stephen A. Dodge Ks 674 Gary L. Wil ey Ks 677 Rance S. Makuch Ks 681 Gerald R. Straf Ks 682 James H. Wood Ks 688 Kenn eth P. Zabl e Ks 695 David J. Rowe Ks 703 Gary C. Vail Ks 707 Bradley Rambat Ks 71 3 George K. Seitz Ks 725 Ronald L. Dagget Ks 727 Joseph S. Hermon Ks 728 Kenneth M. Wil ke Ks 732 Joe T. Cieri co Ks 733 Thomas A. Smi th Ks 737 Robert M. Warren Ks 739 Steven C. Klein Ks 751 Alan F. Burcham Ks 807

KANSAS STATE Edgar A . Vaughn Kst 8 Eli L. Vale Kst 20 Harry E. Barstow Kst 23 Fred E. Woodward Kst 27 Rayburn S. Potter Kst 33 John E. Jenkins Kst 34 Herbert L. Freese Kst 45 Elbert L. Smith Kst 54 Fred S. Merrill Kst 56 Norman A. Gil es Kst 59 Lawrence C. Bern ard Kst 61 George M. Hedges Kst 65 Edwin T . Wheatley Kst 66 Chauncey D. Yeoman Kst 69 Harold A . Hoffman Kst 102 Hec tor W. Harris Kst 107 Ralph J. Hutch man Kst 119 Charles W. Jones Kst 130 Joh n H. Lewis Kst 134 Clay Brion Kst 135 Forest N. Erwin Kst 140 George H. Strickenfin ger Kst 146 James E. McWilliams Kerney R. Bun ker Kst 158 Emmery D. Nash Kst 159 Ezra G. Rasmussen Kst 160 James G. Evan s Kst 161 Harold W. Henny Kst 174 John D. McKean Kst 178 Paul H. Larson Kst 180 Howard C. Beeler Kst 189 Wesley A . Thomp son Kst 191 Kenneth M. Hall Kst 196 Edward H. Schneider Kst 199 Carlton E. Logan Kst 205 Harold L. Sturdevant Kst 207 Oliver K. Brandon Kst 2 18 James W. Caughron Kst 219 JackS. McCorkle Kst 221 W. B. Smith Kst 227 Henry M. Brown Kst 235 James E. Hemphill Kst 244 Euane E. Kratzer Kst 254 Robert J. Anderson Kst 257 Thomas R. Collins Kst 262 Maurice A. Schooley Kst 265 Arthur A . Smedley Kst 270 James M. Thomas Kst 271

Bill B. Sellers Kst 272 Kenneth W. Webb Kst 276 William F. Bowers Kst 281 Phil E. Pierce Kst 290 William J. Peyd ke Kst 292 Paul Andree Kst 301 Lawrence A . Hill Kst 308 Ralph L. Adams Kst 326 Howard N. Wood Kst 352 Dwaine E. Clark Kst 360 Paul R. Curry Kst 365 Charles L. Smith Kst 370 Gayl e L. Vernon Kst 373 Harry J. Warren Kst 391 Herbert B. Funk Kst 399 Delbert D. Jepsen Kst 401 Don Tillotson Kst 405 G. L. Brack Kst 409 Norman D . Kastner Kst 413 Donald L . Pohlman Kst 424 Robert Hedrick Kst 426 V ern A. Nelson Kst 428 Gerald D. Leonard Kst 434 Richard K. Wil son Kst 456 Larry L. Figgs Kst 472 James D. Wilson Kst 475 Roger W. Sherman Kst 476 Larry E. Pierce Kst 482 Ralph W. Sherman Kst 484 Robert L . Wilderson Kst 494 Eldon V. Nicklaus Kst 502 Travi s J. Bo wie kst 505 W. R. Burcham Kst 512 Robert D. Brougham Kst 517 Robert M. Bosler Kst 530 Benjamin J. Neill Kst 566 Michael C. Rosness Kst 571 John W. Ragland Kst 640 John R. Heritage Kst 644

LONG BEACH STATE Richard E. Porter LBS 5 James D. Barlau LBS 17 Fran k N. Herendeen LBS 20 Surton A. Noel LBS 44 Harvey E. Morr iss LBS 58 Robert C. Attwater LBS 61 James S. White LBS 67 Ira Gwin LBS 68 Gary C. Bowen LBS 71 Jimmie Thompson LBS 72 John S. Dumoski LBS 73 Guy B. Branson LBS 79 Th eodore Mohrland LBS 92 Jeff Strutzel LBS 94 Trevor J. Swanson LBS 95 Ronald Odama LBS 110 E. E. Kluter LBS 11 5 Robert S. Wood LBS 118

LOUISIANA STATE Billy R. Gay LSU 3 William L. Foil LSU 11 Richard D . Maus LSU 13 J. P. Miller LSU 14 Minns S. Robertson LSU 17 Sam W. Streeter LSU 29 Don W. Johnson LSU 41 Donald R. Smith LSU 46 Gordon A . Guy LSU 47 James J. Chancellor LSU 52 Claude W. Hudson LSU 71 Jimmy C. Williams LSU 77 Robert M. Morgan LSU 81 C. A. Rausch LSU 93 Paul W. Holstead LSU 101 George W. Hutchinson LSU 104 Carl D. Randall LSU 1 19 William E. Diamond LSU 122 Louis E. Reames LSU 136 Gerald E. Eggbert LSU 153 Robert J. Alleman LSU 174 Allan W. Phillips LSU 180 Robert H. Swaim LSU 191 J. A. Brown LSU 200 Kyle H. Morris LSU 226

LUTHER A . SMITH David E. Foster LAS 17 Alfred M. Coke LAS 25

Eddie A. Lockamy LAS 42 Kim K. Butler LAS 53 Emory M. Barger LAS 55 Thomas M. Haynes LAS 61 Warren B. Bradberry LAS 66 Lawrence B. McGee LAS 78 Wm . B. Duty LAS 79 William F . Elmore LAS 85 Jerry E. Townsend LAS 88 Thomas E. Stricklin LAS 91

MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Michael T. Dri scoll Mem 21 Stephen F. Guarr Mem 24 Paul C. Vaillan court Mem 40 Philip A. Carman Mem 68 Billy S. Nelton Mem 77 Gerald V . Saunders Mem 88

MIAMI Robert M. McClain Miami 9 Paul E. Morrow Miami 13 Kenneth A . Umbach Miami 15

Thomas W. Bonser Miami 17 Joseph T . Suhr Miami 21 John E. Lu cas Miami 23 Duane F. Cogswell Miami 25 James W. Haffner Miami 27 John A. Humphries Mia:-ni 28 William H. Shade Miami 30 Edward A . Watkins Miami 36 Ralph L . Guernsey Miami 42 Charles J. Laughlin Miami 46 Don W. Seiling Miami 47 Henry R. Stefanik Miami 48 Leroy S. Collins Miami 50 Jerry E. O'Neil Miami 54 Bruce W. Ronald Miami 56 David G. Bell Miami 58 David N . Burt Miami 64 Conrad M. Curtis Miami 71 Richard E. Hockenberry Richard M. Jones Miami 74 Louis A . Perna Miami 76 Stanley E. Stephenson Miami 82 Rikki S. Rutledge Miami 86 Bruce R. George Miami 94 Ronald W. McReynolds Miami 95 Robert P. Krebs Miami 104 Gerald A. Smith Miami 119 Glen C. Stayer Miami 122 Roger W. Brown Miami 129 Ralph W. Rogers Miami 135 John J. Dorsey Miami 143 Richard E. Curp Miami 146 WilliamS. Cox Miami 158 Ri chard A. Frundt Miami 167 Richard H. Ru tz Miami 176 William A . Martin Miami 178 William B. Byers Miami 180 J. C. Desmond Miami 191 Ronald Harps Mia mi 203 John R. Noyes Miami 220 Steven R. Goldman Miami 239

MICHIGAN James B. Gray Mich 51 Harry M. Gilbert Mich 67 Bert G. McCarthy Mich 78 Horace L. Davis Mich 97 William M. Perrett Mich 106 William V . Sickle Mich 114 Arthur R. Smith Mich 137 Edwin G. Brown Mich 145 Charles J. Conover Mich 148 George A. Barnes Mich 154 Joseph H. Bridges Mich 164 Wil liam G. Brownrigg Mich 191 James E. Hayes, Jr. Mich 199 Carlos Zanelli Mich 204 Floyd T. Ph il lips Mich 205 Harold L. Heakin Mich 206 Edward L. Griffin Mich 208 Clarence W. Banwell Mich 211 Thomas F. Carson Mich 233 Howard I. Shaw Mich 243 Charles E. Wilson Mich 245 A. W. Greenfield Mich 253 Victor H. Method Mich 257 Leon E. Osmer Mich 261



William C. Crawforth Mich 264 Fred D. Taylor Mich 273 Charles R. Webb Mich 278 Harold Blinco Mich 284 FrankS. Roberts Mich 286 Clarence C. Hostrup Mich 292 Delmar H. Hurd Mich 301 Charles Wells Mich 314 Harry C. Thompson Mich 319 Vinal 0 . Taylor Mich 323 John R. Elliott Mich 329 Joseph R. Dunwell Mich 338 Francis E. Jac kson Mich 346 Edward L. Evans Mich 349 Dwight R. Abrams Mich 361 Charles W. Swartout Mich 367 John D. Reed Mich 371 Donald D. Graham Mich 375 Frederick W. Lu ebke Mich 379 Thomas G. Reed Mich 380 Roy W. Whiteley Mich 382 Alva D . Rush Mich 384 Thomas H. Ke lley Mich 387 John H. Farrens Mich 393 John M. Mulkey Mich 398 Maurice R. Denny Mich 413 D . Ford Mich 418 Paul R. Williams Mich 421 Paul R. Williams Mich 421 Walter J. Roberts Mich 424 Stuart W. Churchill Mich 427 Charles S. Hann Mich 430 John S. Pierson Mich 431 Jacob F. Fahrner Mich 432 Kenneth P. Jones Mich 436 John H. Moehlman Mich 443 Robert G. Smellie Mich 445 Allen J. Grieger Mich 451 Stewart A. Kingsbury Mich 458 Arlie R. Trahern Mich 466 WilliamS. Wunch Mich 467 Robert D. Wood Mich 473 Thomas E. Clough Mich 474 Kenneth L. Smith Mich 481 Robert A . Hughes Mich 488 Henry L. Jones Mich 489 David D. Olson Mich 506 Alan T . Schoerger Mich 507 William A. Wilcox Mich 512 Lenhard A . Forsberg Mich 513 Donald G. Lubeck Mich 514 Richard G. Osborne Mich 516 William G. Zabrosky Mich 517 Halil C. Saka Mich 524 Charles R. Wall i Mich 527 Peter T. Hall Mich 532 Richard J. Merrill Mich 550 Curtiss T. Atkisson Mich 566 DavidS. Dow Mich 567 John R. Galbreath Mich 569 Rolf R. Scharenberg Mich 574 William F. Bos Mich 579 Robert H. Kany Mich 582 Theodore L. Ploughman Mich 585 Harold T . Platt Mich 592 John B. Hickman Mich 596 Donald Walker Mich 598 H. K. Neil Mich 603 William C. Hall Mich 611 Carl F. Jordan Mich 612 Wm. K . Penpraze Mich 616 Stuart W. Porter Mich 618 Martin E. Amundson Mich 622 Alan H. Parkman Mich 628 John S. Stewart Mich 629 Nicolaas Wiese Mich 630 Jerry L . DesJardins Mich 638 Joel L. Baum Mich 651 Carl W. Maves Mich 654 Richard H. Kretchmar Mich 667 Edward M.V. Plater Mich 668 Gayle T . Helf Mich 672 Andrew D. Amersonn Mich 698

MINNESOTA Olaf J. Hagan Minn 12 Edwin L. Carlsen Min 19 William C. L. Schaefer Min 21 George J . Brown Min 28 R. W. Vanderhoff Min 33 Alfred J. Rasmussen Min 41 William H. Crawford Min 56



Mark D . Yager Min 437 Lyle D . Victor Min 441 Philip A. Brandt Min 445 Henry S. Patterson Min 446 Dale H. Smith Min 452 Donald R. Lincoln Min 453 Robert A . Starkey Min 454 Charles W. Colby Min 457 Thaxter H. Miller Minn 461 Frederick G. Carlson Min 464 Roy 0. Laaksonen Min 465 Gordon A. Harstad Min 467 George C. Felton Min 468 Robert F. Sumerwell Min 470 Harold E. Ostdahl Min 471 Harvey C. Woodruff Min 476 Richard B. Barnes Min 477 Wallace W. Wilcox Min 484 WilliamS. Roberts Min 485 Merle R. Morris Min 489 Jean H. Fossum Min 497 Laton A. Smith Min 499 Charles D . Simpson Min 502 Robert H. Shober Min 503 Wm. J. Sutherland Min 504 George E. Larsen Min 505 Eilwood R. Peterson Min 507 Lynn Fenstermacher Min 510 Linton R. Lehrer Min 513 Sigurd A. Sjoberg Min 515 Gordon C. Harrison Min 516 Ru ssell 0. Larson Min 519 Allan M. Harrington Min 520 Gerald F. Oppel Min 521 Earl R. Wangerin Min 524 Robert H. Ram in Min 525 Donald B. Johnson Min 528 Norman C. Ostberg Min 533 Albert D. Jurgens Min 544 Thomas D . Clareson Min 545 John P. Storrs Min 547 Eldridge C. Dreher Min 549 Theodore R. Anderson Min 552 James A . Walstrom Min 271 Clarence M. Hammett Min 553 Bernard R. Rothernberger Min 277 Robert Fulton Min 556 Carl V. Cassell Min 287 Arthur E. Davis Min 563 J. Withers Clay Min 289 Rob R. Cerney Min 568 George E. Swift Min 290 Allen L. Moe Min 577 John C. Beach Min 301 Neil C. Jenkins Min 580 Adolph L. Foss Min 302 Bruce W. Frye Min 581 Raynal C. Hammelton Min 305 Lloyd 0. Haskins Min 591 Edwin D . Hartman Min 312 PhilipS. Whitaker Min 595 Valentine C. Holmer Min 315 David F. Newman Min 600 Harold E. Nee Min 321 Norman B. Talsoe Min 603 Fred G. Damuth Min 324 John B. Schroeder Min 615 John H . Munroe Min 327 Glaydon R. Kern Min 618 Lee J. Seymour Min 329 Arnold W. Hed Min 632 Rufu s W. Hanson路 Min 331 Charles W. Whitehead Min 641 Leslie E ~ Krueger Min 333 Edward H. Murphy Min 647 Clifford K . Lu sh Min 334 Leonard A. Nelson Min 649 William F. Peel Min 335 Paul Wagner Min 652 Hugh D . Phillips 路 Min 338 John A . Grover Min 655 Lloyd L . Vye Min 339 Hartley J. Erickson Min 672 Richard E. Mathes Min 340 Joe L . Cowell Min 674 Harold W. Lindberg Min 341 Veijo K. Paine Min 694 Edward D . McCluskey Min 342 Peter P. Ou ist Min 699 Howard A. Halvorson路 Min 349 Kurtis A . Greenley Min 724 Lyle E. Simons Min 352 Jay W. Pallatt Mi n 744 Fred T . Edler Min 355 Theodore L . Hyde Min 362 MISSISSIPPI STATE Richard M. Davison Min 363 Maurice J. Anderson Min 366 Wm . B. Baker MSU 14 Earl E. Shane Min 369 Joe T. Bilbro MSU 15 Albert P. Herschler Min 370 Scotchie M. Cochran MSU 16 Harry G . Townsend Min 377 James T. Davis MSU 36 Richard G. Madden Min 379 Bobby E. Farmer MSU 37 Burton T . Collins Min 383 Osceola W. Gatliff MSU 38 Warren N . Lindamood Min 386 George 8. Farr MSU 55 Roland Beagle Min 389 Michael A. Stockstill MSU 59 Verner C. Forsman Min 390 Malcolm H . Moody MSU 60 John L . Eide Min 392 Lewis L. Jac kson MSU 64 Truman H. Johnson Min 394 Jerry W. Dallas MSU 71 Edward L. Johnson Min 403 Richard D. Morani MSU 72 Erwin B. Everett Min 407 Wm. R. Pfeiffer MSU 74 Walter R. Myers Min 411 T. B. McCallister MSU 77 Kenneth P. Malvey Min 414 A . F. Newhall MSU 79 Walter A. Anderson Min 415 Cloyd C. Cannon MSU 80 Carl 0 . Linnee Min 419 David W. Mattson Min 420 MISSOURI George J. Matt Minn 427 Alvin W. Pearson Minn 430 Charl es H. Swift Mo 5 WalterS. Beadell Minn 433 Edward W. Porter Mo 6 Wayne Hopkins Min 436 Frank L. Williams Mo 10

Francis A. Brown Min 61 Lloyd L. Duxbury Min 62 Howard L. Jones Min 67 Robert C.D. Higgins Min 76 Earl W. Stewart Min 81 Orian D. La Grange Min 94 Charles P. Stanley Min 98 Hubert A. Swain Min 101 Halsey W. Wilson Min 114 Earl Pettijohn Min 117 Paul Vandereike Min 120 Byron L . Sheppard Min 122 Lemuel Lei sh Min 123 Ernest G. Reynolds Min 129 William H. Cartwright Min 135 Lynn U. Martin Min 142 Harold H. Thurston Min 147 Loui s E. Willey Min 152 Lawrence M. Winters Min 154 Benjamin Cole Min 162 Ralph R. Wheaton Min 164 Philip A. Anderson Min 176 Thomas P. Cooper Min 179 William F. Lusk Min 182 John H. Gammell Min 185 Victor E. Sandberg Min 186 Ralph H. Shoemaker Min 191 LeRoy S. Scott Min 193 Arthur E. Emerson Min 203 Paul H. Stucky Min 211 Allan P. Snody Min 214 Samuel T. Forsythe Min 215 Minos A. Smith Mi n 216 Harry A. Miller Min 220 Ward T . Williams Min 223 Julien A.S. Kvam Min 237 Silas G. Mallory Min 245 Ralph E. Waldron Min 246 James W. Thompson Min 256 Clayton E. Plummer Min 258 Herbert J. Kessel Min 261 Lyle H . McCray Min 265 Gerald D . Guilbert Min 268

Hepsem M. Hoffman Mo 20 Frederick H. Crone Mo 41 Henry S. Gove Mo 50 Walter H. Geery Mo 53 Charles H. Sherrick Mo 56 Leander C. Dryden Mo 61 DuFay R. Rice Mo 69 Clarence F. Sapper Mo 76 George T. Sasse Mo 108 Ellery Farmer Mo 114 Wallace W. Chapman Mo 117 Clay W. Lewis Mo 126 Harlan L. Shrader Mo 136 Edgar T . Walters Mo 156 Stanley G. Goodman Mo 159 James T . Laten Mo 168 Frederick 0. Ockerblad Mo 174 Knowles C. Sullivan Mo 176 George W. Hervey Mo 178 Loui s McCutchen Mo 184 Edward C. Blom Mo 185 Garold L. Knight Mo 186 A . Flem Baker Mo 187 Lattie C. Ray Mo 189 Walter W. VanCremp Mo 193 Paul Griffith Mo 198 Leroy H. Treadway Mo 199 James M. Allton Mo 203 Cheste H . Lundt Mo 209 Leo J. Harned Mo 220 Jesse I. Keith Mo 223 John B. Drake Mo 232 Stanley Andrews Mo 235 John Crosser Mo 236 Wesley W. Moore Mo 241 William G. Craig Mo 246 Jud W. Moody Mo 252 John A. Buchanan Mo 274 Justin Carlock Mo 276 Forre st Harfield Mo 277 Charl es R. Johnston Mo 179 Howard E. schulze Mo 285 Paul T . Truitt Mo 287 Allen T. Arn Mo 303 Walter T . Carpenter Mo 307 Charles W. Ikenberry Mo 317 Andrew W. Roth Mo 320 William L. Johnson Mo 327 Randolph E. Bell Mo 331 Frank B . Harper Mo 335 Rolland A. Sharp Mo 337 Robert K. Reid Mo 338 Wilbur E. Fisher Mo 339 Nathania! N. Allen Mo 341 Jack C. Miller Mo 345 George M. Gwinner Mo 350 H. 0 . DeGrafe Mo 351 Harold G. Garner Mo 353 William T. Danbury Mo 358 Claude A. Hanesn Mo 363 Wilmer N. McKibben Mo 355 Harry T. Dornan Mo 370 Jesse M. Young Mo 374 Chalmer J . Roy Mo 375 Clayton C. Carroll Mo 386 Jack H . Turner Mo 390 John E. Blaney Mo 394 Leonard S. Carroll Mo 395 Donald S. Thornton Mo 396 Walter W. Joyner Mo 401 Elwood W. Frederick Mo 402 Wilfred C. Ziegler Mo 404 Bernhart Hogan Mo 406 James T. Puffun Mo 407 Andrew J. Hawkins Mo 410 Leslie M . Lenaker Mo 412 John G. Waugh Mo 419 A . R. Volk Mo 420 Hobart C. Carter Mo 421 Glen R. Dickerson Mo 423 Ri chard M . Bowman Mo 428 Norval F. Prugh Mo 429 Basil L. Bybee Mo 436 Robert N . Owens Mo 443 Chester G. Starr Mo 444 Ralph E. Hughes Mo 446 Arthur P. Schulze Mo 447 John D . Shelley Mo 448 Willard M . Vranek Mo 451 Ted 0 . Lloyd Mo 458 John S. Williams Mo 459 Wayne P. Johnson Mo 461 E. C. Hyde Mo 465

Roy L. Griggs Mo 468 Paul C. McMillan Mo 470 Robert E. Emmons Mo 472 Jack W. Gregg Mo 473 William W. Davis Mo 477 Homer C. Goble Mo 479 Samuel R. Tedford Mo 480 John A. White Mo 492 Frederick L. Howard Mo 493 路 Clarence J. Busick Mo 495 Edmund C. Betz Mo 497 Elmer H. Beltzig Mo 500 Estal C. Cloud Mo 504 C. V . Schmidt Mo 507 Frederick A. Brown Mo 511 Donald B. Lowery Mo 520 Loui s E. Reid Mo 521 Ross 0 . Nichols Mo 523 Garrett W. Ingle Mo 539 John J. Eynon Mo 543 Ernest S. Turner Mo 544 Franklin Talbert Mo 561 Charles H. Bobo Mo 562 Kenneth H. Dale Mo 564 William D . Hallahan Mo 568 John P. Knoche Mo 575 Robert E. Williams Mo 579 Carl E. Prather Mo 585 Donald L. Barnett Mo 588 Robert S. Stewart Mo 589 Donald E. Lay Mo 601 Richard A. Sti rling Mo 603 William R . Jones Mo 618 Richard L. Odgers Mo 622 Earl W. Vehling Mo 627 Robert W. Seney Mo 628 Nicholas R . Holler Mo 630 Nolan T . Scroggs Mo 635 Robert K. McQuarrie Mo 638 Lowell T . Moore Mo 648 Gordon S. Collins Mo 669 Wm. H . Murphy Mo 704

MISSOURI AT ROLLA John W. Rudolph MSM 3 Echol Cook MSM 11 Richard M. Dodson MSM 14 Arthur R. Kessler MSM 20 Robert M. Merryfield MSM 22 John F. Mullins MSM 24 Billy M . Huff MSM 40 J. W. Church MSM 43 Conley Harmon MSM 55 Leonard L. Roth MSM 63 J. C. Thornton MSM 64 Herb Spindler MSM 68 Bruce H . Schremp MSM 74 Jay Kall er MSM 78 John B. Nelson MSM 82 George Lemmon MSM 89

NEBRASKA Neil G. Fitchpatrick Neb 5 Charles K . Payne Neb 8 George S. Wilson Neb 28 James P. Growden Neb 29 Theodore R. Cooper Neb 37 Frank Stockton Neb 38 Geroge D. Ayers Neb 40 George F. Cowan Neb 49 Ernest B. Conant Neb 50 Robert 0. Bell Neb 57 Millard A . Klein Neb 67 Ernest A. Stacks Neb 70 Jesse E. Rasmussen Neb 80 Albert T . Peters Neb 81 Harry S. Villard Neb 82 Albert W. Dann Neb 93 Robert W. Patterson Neb 109 John T . Dirks Neb 121 Paul H. Kanaga Neb 132 James E. Pike Neb 133 Frederick C. Sturmer Neb 134 George L. Vlasnik Neb 144 Joshua M. Lamb Neb 148 Blaine A. Young Neb 152 Talmage E. Miller Neb 153 Guy H. Williams Neb 162 Milford F. Deets Neb 168 Herbert S. Reese Deb 181 Lester L . Westling Neb 186

Truman G. Guncker Neb 188 William P. Warner Neb 196 Carl J. Tienken Neb 201 Harold F. Holtz Neb 213 J. Sterling Kelley Neb 217 Benjamin F. Silsbee Neb 223 Glenheim Foe Neb 227 Homer B. Thompson Neb 246 Hubert W. Ward Neb 259 Julian E. Applegate Neb 270 Lawrence W. Kemmer Neb 271 Donald Kelly Neb 275 Gaylord Toft Neb 289 Leonard T. Mathews Neb 291 Walter E. Branson Neb 29B Wendell Brown Neb 302 Herbert F. McCulla Neb 311 Cleo W. Bates Neb 317 Paul T. Bolen Neb 321 Herbert A. Venne Neb 325 Ed Weir Neb 326 David A . McDonald Neb 32B Harold 0. Smedley Neb 332 Kenneth K . Wilson Neb JJB Floyd K . Johnston Neb 365 Vernon L . Clement Neb 370 Karl L. Koch Neb 382 Warner W. Carlson Neb 390 Richard S. Smith Neb 398 Lawrence J. Beckmann Neb 399 S.D. Cosgrove Neb 407 Eugene P. All en Neb 410 Fred F. Kotyza Neb 412 Edward H . Petersen Neb 414 Jean L. Gallant Neb 415 Marcus A. Roby Neb 417 Darrell G. Chadderdon Neb 419 Jacob Krieg Neb 424 William C. Miller Neb 425 Charles G . Adelseck Neb 430 Robert J. Gutru Neb 436 Lynn C. Peyton Neb 441 Elton R. Wiley Neb 447 James S. Minnick Neb 449 Omer O . .Oualset Neb 451 Richard L. Morse Neb 457 David H. Cramer Neb 465 Richard A . Leverton Neb 466 Richard W. Bloomingdale Neb 471 Clarence D . James Neb 475 Donald L. Loy Neb 4B5 Gayle L. Hattan Neb 486 Walter G . Pal mer Neb 487 Alfred Z . States Neb 493 Will iam Lippstreu Neb 495 Howell D . Boyd Neb 530 Robert C. Andersen Neb 533 R . H . Nickel Neb 535 Edwin G. Snyder Neb 541 Newell E. Kollath Neb 542 Eldon L . Beavers Neb 544 Clyde A. Wiles Neb 552 Robert L. Whartman Neb 553 John C. Wright Neb 56B Walter H.F. Wilson Neb 5B2 G . G . Thopson Neb 5B4 Larry J. Middleton Neb 58B Larry J. Edwards Neb 609 John C. Jen sen Neb 615 William A . Lindsay Neb 620 Stephen P. Schneider Neb 627 Robert L . Thienel Neb 635 Douglas A. Clark Neb 63B

RayS. Cragin NH 110 Paul B. Evans NH 121 David L. Johnson NH 131 Richard E. Thomas NH 132 Melvin Moul NH 135 Eugene D. Levy NH 136 Donald E. Jamieson NH 144 Richard A. Wheeler NH 145 Joel E. Scroggins NH 146 Leslie J. Swetland NH 152 Stuart T . Murphy NH 15B Gerald B. Sawyer NH 162 Luciu s E. Thomas NH 163 Gene D. Murphy NH 166 Bradford W. Noy es NH 169 Alden L. Lovell NH 175 William B. Nelson NH 177 Jesse E. Trow NH 179 Myron C. Hartford NH 188 George E. Holbrook NH 199 Paul R. Oeser NH 203 John 0 . Everson NH 213 DeWald Merriam NH 215 James D. Merritt NH 222 Warren C. Lyon NH 229 Th eodore B. Lund NH 234 Robert B. McEwen NH 241 Donald H. Rosendahl NH 243 Donald G. Vedeler NH 249 Orien J. Walker NH 250 Richard H. Field NH 251 Lawrence A. Wh ite NH 264 Auguste J. Planchon NH 265 Irving S. Gilman NH 270 Ri chard I. Knapp NH 271 Howard P. Ro ss NH 2B1 Joseph W. Lewi s NH 2B2 Maurice C. Carter NH 284 Calvin R. Williamson NH 2BB Robert D. Wil son NH 297 Herbert D . Holmes NH 301 William D. Paine NH 303 Robert B. Davi s NH 306 Robert E. Dustin NH 311 Thay er C. Shafer NH 320 Edward L. Mossman NH 327 Guy F . Chapman NH 335 Robert A. Earle NH 337 Clifford F. Engelhardt NH 338 Bradl ey W. Wilkins NH 352 Robert A. Duffy NH 355 Rob ert S. Black NH 360 Everett L. Ross NH 375 F . G. Bossert NH JB5 Timothy J. Morrill NH 393 Malcolm D. Groves NH 407 Paul J. Silbergerger NH 413 Donald E. Per kins NH 419 Richard 0 . Ross NH 420 Lewis W. Latremore NH 438 John A. Wells NH 451 Douglas W. Heineman NH 463 Rolland E. Desco teau NH 4BB Allan W. Keener NH 496 A. W. Homa NH 505 Richard J. Femino NH 538 Robert A. Clement NH 593 Joel S. Gemmell NH 597 Gerald R. Bergeron NH 636 J.K . Miles Joses NH 645

NORTH CAROLINA Charles P. Eldridge NC 58

NEW HAMPSHIRE Paul W. Pennock NH 39 Richard F. Shelley NH 45 Maurice W. Moul NH 54 Howard R. Flanders NH 71 Charles A. Bottorff NH 74 Clarence M. Nealey NH 78 Richard P. Shapleigh NH 79 Richard H. Dewing NH 80 Robert S. Barrows NH B2 Charles E. Connelly NH 83 William M . Croft NH 84 Olof C. Trul son NH BB William W. Lothrop NH 89 Alan B. Stephens NH 94 Arthur W. White NH 95 Edward A . Cheney NH 96 Bruce R. Dreher NH 109

NORTHWESTERN Ira L. Baughman NW 2 Alexander Freundlich NW 5 Clyde C. Goldthorpe NW 6 William A. Mowry NW 10 John W. Myers NW 11 Warren R. Rainey NW 12 LeeR. Walston NW 13 Joel Osgood Wilder NW 14 Graham W. Nesbit NW 15 Herbert W. Gray NW 20 C. Ril ey Laraway NW 21 Carl A . Breitling NW 22 George N. Beatty NW 23 Francis E. Bacon NW 27 Herbert L .T . Frazier NW 2B Geoffrey P. Brown NW 30

Merrick A . Whipple NW 33 Glen W. Millard NW 34 Axel W. Akeson NW 35 Percy A. Hill NW 36 Richard C. McCloskey NW 41 Charles F. Wilson NW 42 Leland P. Broehl NW 44 Robert T . Gilmore NW 47 Floyd E. Best NW 52 Everett W. Maechtle NW 53 Arthur W. Carnduff NW 54 Thomas M. McKinney NW 56 Fred W. Kappelman NW 59 H. Kahn NW 62 Ralph H. Valadin NW B2 Robert W. Weir NW B9 Edward N. Phelan NW 91 FrankL. Rand NW 100 Christophal L. Grebneaire NW 114 LaFrance R. Clark NW 117 Arthur M. Griswold NW 11B Charles W. Parsons NW 129 William H. McGrew NW 140 John H. Goldthorpe NW 14 7 Frank Hi ll NW 162 Alfred S. Odegard NW 163 Walter E. Lundberg NW 169 John P. Fran ke NW 174 John 0. Weaver NW 1B9 William E. Mahaffey NW 221 Thoma s P. Davies NW 217 Roy G. Palm NW 21B Hugh E. McMillen NW 219 Herbert P. Johnson NW 222 Frank T. Cheesman NW 226 Otho L. Riner NW 230 Edward E. Edmondson NW 233 Gail N. Grieger NW 235 John R. Adams NW 2JB Harry C. Perry NW 240 Charles J. Nelson NW 243 John E. Ortmeyer NW 247 William K. Absher NW 248 Walter Kowalski NW 251 James C. Higgins NW 252 Archie Hazen NW 262 Ralph D. Odell NW 266 Craig D. Clemens NW 269 Jack G. Schafer NW 276 Fred T. Woods NW 291 William W. Martin NW 302 Roland H. Bolyard NW 307 Thomas R. Howett NW 310 Newell Mecartney NW 314 Douglas R. Strong NW 322 Charles F. Brockman NW 331 Warren G. Ball NW 332 John A. Moorhead NW 334 Robert A. Hayes NW 335 Walter T . Mara NW 346 Wardwell M. Montgomery NW 349 Donald M. Stokes NW 356 William F. Olson NW 361 Edward H. Spee NW 370 Robert R. Feuerstein NW 37 1 John A. Rogas NW 375 Charles F. Olson NW 378 Harold R. Schwappach NW 379 Stuart W. Russell NW 394 Robert F. Staples NW 403 Donald W. Gieschen NW 405 Charles R. Dorn NW 407 George G. Gilbert NW 40B LeRoy A. Hamilton NW 411 Fred K. Viren NW 414 Donald J. MacIntosh NW 416 Lloyd L. Littler NW 418 Elwin W. Donnelly NW 420 Raymond Mannoni NW 421 Paul Doebler NW 424 L. James Struif NW 430 Donn L. Mills NW 431 Robert J. Baraban NW 436 Wendell C. Cantwell NW 437 H. DeViney NW 442 Richard Bain NW 445 Loren H. Brown NW 446 Donald S. Lund NW 44 7 Charles E. Thompson NW 44B Robert 0. Bernhardt NW 451 Spencer F. Dunham NW 452 Vaughn E. Hill NW 453 Robert H. Corcoran NW 456 Elmer A. Holmgren NW 470

James J. Stack NW 483 Neal E. Bertrand NW 491 James F. Neal NW 496 Kenneth W. Resur NW 497 Robert M. Bright NW 499 J. 0. Lowe NW 503 Richard G. Nelson NW 510 Robert W. Lester NW 514 Bruno Feige NW 521 Peter R. Ri chards NW 526 John 0. Thies NW 535 A. P. Geuss NW 541 Paul L. Borvig NW 542 Rolland J. Thomas NW 550 James W. DeMik NW 556 David S. Lindsay NW 560 Charles E.W. Ward NW 567 John D. Cummins NW 570 James G. Gibson NW 574 James A. Perry NW 586 G. Gene Frederick NW 5B9 Edward M. Kimbrell NW 606 Edward W. Nicholson NW 607 Vance Jefferis NW 621 John M. Wilson NW 630 J. W. Phillip NW 63B James A. Pearro NW 652 David L. Dreier NW 707 David C. Swaddling NW 719 W. E. Sims NW 720

OHIO Glendon Arthur Oh 9 John M. McCarty Oh 15 George M. Otto Oh 23 Jo A. Wilson Oh 24 Donald E. Wood Oh 46 Lowell F. Kidinger Oh 49 J. Donald Pollitt Oh 52 Milan Mihal Oh 61 Jack A. Pore Oh 76 Chester L. Gibson Oh B5 Henry T . Fill mer Oh B9 Franklin D. Lee Oh 107 Kamal M. Kahn Oh 111 Allan S. Baillie Oh 112 Richard D. Randall Oh 113 James L. Crowle Oh 11B Eldon H. Remy Oh 126 Charles R. Lahr Oh 12B Rucolph H. Steinmeyer Oh 130 William A. Bowman Oh 131 Robert McCune Oh 141 Arthur G. Vermillion Oh 153 M. D. Vanderbilt Oh 157 Nevin R. Williams Oh 159 William M. Hannen Oh 161 Don R. Clark Oh 164 Ronald F. Rockwell Oh 16B Don K. Seward Qh 174 Robert P. Emerick Oh 187 Harold K. Berry Oh 194 Will iam Archbold Oh 196 Harold R. Rathburn Oh 201 William G. Bullock Oh 213 William D. Jacoby Oh 235 Thomas M. Hadley Oh 246 Lloyd K . Dennis Oh 250 Irvin A. Curtin Oh 267 Steven A. Montfort Oh 270 Andres Lukjanczuk Oh 280

OHIO STATE Frederick B. Hadley OST 1 LoUis R. Williams OST 4 Allen T. Howser OST 5 Carl D. Shoemaker OST 19 Ambos M. Harris OST 24 Louis A. Daerr OST 25 Morrison W. Rus sell OST 36 Charles B. Hodges OST 41 Arthur B. Coover OST 43 Richard H. Williams OST 45 Walter 0. Sanzenbacher OST 50 Fred W. Kappelman OST 55 Lemer J. Warrick OST 57 Francis H. Shaffer OST 61 Herbert C. Sherman OST 62 Granville C. Showhill OST 66 Carl Rigdon OST 71 John P. Hutton OST 80 Hilton L. Longenecker OST B5

Cuy C. Finley OST B7 Ralph L. Barr OST 95 Paul H. Brunning OST 99 Lee A. Strickland OST 119 Miles L. Wright OST 120 Thomas B. Jacobs OST 121 Earl Chenault OST 122 Karl J. Heilman OST 127 Welsey G. Worcester OST 134 John A. Griffin OST 144 Carleton S. Nicholson OST 145 Louis H. Smith OST 146 Harold D. Barger OST 153 Harry J. Curtis OST 15B Henry W. Clark OST 159 John M. Strait OST 166 Benjamin S. Cole OST 176 Norman W. Scherer OST 181 Clyde 0. Ruggles OST 184 Porter J. McNutt OST 192 Leo G. Sch Iegel OST 199 Innis I. Stamm OST 202 William G. Owens OST 207 Ernest F. Schaefer OST 211 Marion I. Voorhes OST 221 Robert W. Copelan OST 223 Lawrence H. Brown OST 229 William F. Bloor OST 232 Christopher H. O"Brien OST 223 Ralph B. Clugh OST 234 Harry D. Baldwin OST 235 Clarence D. Bucher OST 23B Carl B. Marquant OST 239 James W. Hepplewhite OST 242 Elvadore R. Shedden OST 243 Robert E. Mueller OST 244 Harry W. Scannell OST 24B Oscar W. Heimberger OST 249 Joseph K. Baur OST 250 Joseph E. Balmer OST 251 Foster Hoffman OST 252 W. Dayton Axtell OST 255 Waltz W. Norris OST 259 Ernest H. Huston OST 262 Herman C. Davis OST 265 Cecil A. Bennett OST 267 Merrill E. Fortney OST 273 Theodore G. Mohney OST 274 Erwin K. Young OST 278 Carl L. Green OST 2B2 John B. Copenhefer OST 2B4 Galen F. Basinger OST 285 Wilford C. Wood OST 2B8 Mahlon G. Barnes OST 293 Theodore H. Wallace OST 29B AI L. Grosjean OST 302 Frank A . Petrie OST 303 Glenn H. Pittenger OST 304 Lloyd E. Vogelsang OST 306 Alfred L. Marshall OST 312 Francis L. Mills OST 313 Francis L. Mills OST 313 George E. Weigant OST 314 Paul E. Jones OST 315 Emmett L. Corwin OST 319 Edward F. Simes OST 323 Russell W. Thomas OST 324 Paul M. Ellis OST 325 Clinton B. Downs OST 328 Eugene H. Sloan OST 331 James A. Smith OST 332 John T. Barrett OST 335 Wayne M. Achor OST 340 V ladimir F. Ratay OST 34B Thomas L. Jenkins OST 349 Richard E. Jones OST 350 Floyd H. Gilliland OST 353 Harold Haney OST 355 Wilbur M. Tidd OST 357 Jay E. Green OST 359 Charles E. Lehman OST 365 Roy K. McDaniel OST 367 John G. Fenton OST 371 Hubert L. Masser OST 372 Arthur M. Howard OST 374 Edwin H. Williams OST 375 Raymond C. Gauch OST 380 Clifford W. Kiracofe OST 3B2 G. A . Petti t OST 3B9 Everette W. Travis OST 390 Harry K. Koeppel OST 392 Frank C. Morgret OST 394 Nelson W. Zilch OST 403 William H. Kn ight OST 406



Sidney M. Mason OST 40B William J. Cutter OST 413 Ellsworth G. Wolfsperger OST 414 Mark 0. Boyd OST 415 Earl R. Correll OST 417 William G. Tinkler OST 41B Richard M. Godfrey OST 420 Bennett B. Quillen OST 423 Oorral 0. Berry OST 424 Robert N. Spandau OST 427 Walter M. Ktoetzer OST 42B Merton H. Farnsworth OST 429 Jack P. Covan OST 430 Leonard 0. Sells OST 437 Donald F. Rowles OST 440 Ray Woodgeard OST 441 Louis W. Barnard OST 442 Jack R. Schrickler OST 446 Paul L. Weaver OST 450 Gordon G. McMahon OST 451 John C. VanMeter OST 453 Orville K. Knight OST 454 Jack M . Beals OST 45B Mack W. Gwinn OST 459 Gilbert J. Sturrock OST 460 Myron S. McKelvey OST 461 James M. Stitt OST 465 Emil E. Christensen OST 466 Allwin S. Klein OST 470 Warren E. Edwards OST 472 John R. Greene OST 475 Otto A . Jiskra OST 479 Curtis H . Porter OST 4BO Lee W. VanDervort OST 4B1 Carleton E. Rice OST 4B3 Robert B. Gates OST 4B6 Ka•l F. Buck OST 490 Donald J. Haxton OST 491 Donald E. Hoeffel OST 494 Perry C. Hosmer OST 496 Ralph C. Leever OST 497 John H. Skinner OST 49B Donald G. Rader OST 499 Loren E. Senn OST 500 Robert C. Barnard OST 50B Harold R. Davis OST 509 Howard A. Longfellow OST 514 Frank Gregg OST 517 Charles E. Stoner OST 51B J. W. Duckworth OST 519 Raymond S. Gilmore OST 522 Charles T. Phillips OST 523 Ray R. Miller OST 525 Byron K. Hoffman OST 529 Edward R. Maxton OST 531 William C. Prinz OST 537 Robert A. Blume OST 541 Robert E. Davis OST 542 Paul L. Brown OST 544 Paul A . Feeger OST 54B Warren H. Lewis OST 549 Herbert S. Taylor OST 550 James E. Stauffer OST 551 T . Y. Korsgren OST 563 Richard C. Puch OST 564 James J. Walker OST 567 Scott H. Wholaver OST 569 G. Paul Utley OST 570 Judson E. Capell OST 572 Robert M. Evans OST 5B4 Edward G. Spitz OST 5B5 Robert A . Purdy OST 591 Guy A. Crossley OST 596 Jasse E. Rupert OST 59B Donald G. Zuspan OST 600 Robert L. Sears OST 60B Jerry E. Kenefake OST 611 James R. Miles OST 626 Richard A. Burke OST 636 Hal W. Peters OST 63B M. G. Stanley OST 670 Karl F. Schmitt OST 677 Ted A. Soptetean OST 6B5 D. L. Daniels OST 711

OKLAHOMA Robert C. T errell Okla 5 Grover G. Rumley Okla 7 Raymond E. Selders Okla 11 Earl Woodson Okla 19 Floyd E. Waterfield Okla 21 Nona C. Thomas Okla 22 Finis R. Pope Okla 29



John C. Perry Okla 30 Jay Norris Okla 31 Webster B. Majors Okla 33 Earl E. Cary Okla 43 Lawrence H . Stone Okla 50 Frank M. Reutfrow Okla 51 Ernest 0. Northcutt Okla 52 Finis B. Selby Okla 53 Perry H. Hettel Okla 57 Holly E. Cunningham Okla 59 Charles P. Green Okla 54 Charles F. Cameron Okla 67 Byron S. Griffith Okla 6B Harold H . Turnham Okla 73 Donald L. Plagmann Okla 75 Russell H. Lynch Okla BO Dwight M. Young Okla B3 Harold V . Yerby Okla B7 John F. Brookes Okla 94 John C. Ratliff Okla 95 Raymond F. McMillen Okla 96 Erie G. Bewley Okla 97 Nathan W. Brelsford Okla 102 Leland Davison Okla 103 Eugene A . Barnes Okla 105 Will is A. Murray 0 kla 11 0 Robert L. Wilson Okla 114 Carroll A. Reeves Okla 115 Clifford Maxwell Okla 116 Harold W. Sullivan Okla 117 Heber Harris Okla 11B Elmer G. Hathaway Okla 125 Joe G. Hemphill Okla 131 Chesley A. Morgan Okla 132 Maurice R. Howell Okla 135 Joel H. Siler Okla 144 Lawrence E. Martin Okla 150 James C. Roan Okla 154 John A. Smith Okla 157 William W. Church Okla 159 Henry M. Doughty Okla 161 Ernest F. Reed Okla 162 Lawrence R. Maxwell Okla 165 Robert J. Stillwell Okla 170 Cecil Edgar Okla 171 Roy A. Huckaby Okla 173 Stelma L. McLellan Okla 175 Walter Taylor Okla 177 Roy McClelland Okla 17B Harry Murphy Okla 1B3 Maurice B. Miller Okla 184 Fred C. Woodson Okla 1B5 Andrew H. Weber Okla 1B7 Corwin Quinn Okla 190 Emra N. Sherrod Okla 192 Alexander M. Wilson Okla 195 Manly M. Moore Okla 199 Glendon H. Walker Okla 106 Roy H. Steele Okla 202 Clarence B. Round Okla 220 Ralph P. Cochran Okla 229 Haskell B. Pugh Okla 236 Glen E. Hughes Okla 239 John F. Barth Okta 242 Clarence R. Unruh Okla 249 Murray J. Wells Okla 250 C. K. Ittner Okla 25B Durward F. Mathis Okla 259 Lee M. Leike Okta 265 Kenneth C. Ankrom Okla 266 Leonard T. Jent Okla 269 Robert L. Barrone Okla 270 James R. Bollinger Okla 271 JohnS. Bailey Okla 273 Joseph W. Morris Okla 277 John E. Carter Okla 279 Claraden L. Holmes Okla 2BO Carl W. Stevens Okla 2B1 Jack Sutherland Okla 2B2 John W. Quade Okla 2B5 John P. Stewart Okla 2B6 George C. Howard Okla 2B7 Cecil A. Pettit Okla 2BB Harry E. Beekman Okla 301 Leon V . Davis Okla 302 Louis Bond Okla 303 Robert E. Blase Okla 304 John C. Breedlove Okla 307 James L. Ray Okla 30B Ed G. Bartley Okla 310 Joy R. Blanchard Okla 314 Paul R. Battenberg Okla 315 Robert T. Pollard Okla ;!17 Thomas Munson Okla 319

Leslie T, Hamm Okla 320 Jack M. Campbell Okla 523 Floyd D . Shults Okla 323 Bill J. Gallaher Okla 524 Harry 0. Lambert Okla 326 Eugene Fisher Okla 52B Glenn R. Manning Okla 327 AlbertS. Bailey Okla 530 Irwi n W. Tucker Okla 329 Boardman G. Barby Okla 532 Murrell Holbert Okla 330 Edward D. Parker Okla 533 Lawrence B. Swansberger Okla 331 Lloyd E. Crutchfield Okla 534 Ernest E. Ervin Okla 332 Ralph L. Schneider Okla 535 ReaP . McKinney Okla 334 Gerald W. Trapnell Okla 536 Harry A . Schwartz Okla 337 Philipp R. Young Okla 537 Don Gilkison Okla 340 George W. Williams Okla 53B Freeman F. Paschall Okla 342 Dean Seaton Okla 541 Kenneth J. Factor Okla 547 Roger A. Paynter Okla 346 Herman D. Hager Okla 54B Harrell McCullough Okla 34B Ctarren A. Brandenburgh Okla 549 Wilbur J. Morter Okla 350 Paul S. Shillings Okla 552 Paul L. Crawford Okla 352 Harry J. Starkey Okla 553 Henry 0. Easterwood Okla 354 David C. Loveland Okla 554 John D. Bradley Okla 355 Lon R. Argabright Okla 556 W. Kenneth Swann Okla 357 William D. Peters Okla 566 John V. Morgan Okla 360 Glenn B. Kezer Okla 571 John L. Morgan Okla 361 Don D. Cohlmia Okla 579 William R. Jersak Okla 362 Bob J. Herrin Okla 5B9 Herman A. Bizzell Okla 363 Charles N. York Okla 602 Victor W. Lange Okla 364 Fred C. Smith Okla 604 Yorel Harris Okla 367 Jerry R. Langekamp Okla 606 J. I. Luckett Okla 36B Harry M. Owen Okla 607 Kenneth W. Jeremiah Okla 369 Bill E. Covin Okla 611 James L. Farmer Okla 371 Joel M. Siler Okla 614 Eugene L. Mitcham Okla 374 James F. Newcomb Okla 617 George Satrapa Okla 376 Robert W. Miracle Okla 619 Carl B. Zimmerman Okla 37B Roger D. Nelson Okla 622 Harry Allsman Okla 3B1 Richard A. Jones Okla 623 Norman J. Sandusky Okla 3B2 Paul R. David Okla 624 Henry H. Kidd Okla 3B3 Robert G. McCollum Okla 625 Guy E. Elliot Okla 3B5 Charles S. Liegerot Okla 62B Kenneth L. Kraettli Okla 3B7 C. Glen Smith Okla 629 John F. Mason Okla 3B9 Larry B. Flood Okla 633 William H. Lewis Okla 392 Joe Alexander Okla 636 Jerry B. Morgan Okla 394 Charles E. Delhotal Okla 396 Ibrahim A . Et-Dib Okla 639 Paul P. McBride Okta 640 NeilS. Woodard Okla 397 Homer L. Brem Okla 642 Ben L. Young Okla 39B William G. Gtitsch Okla 644 Harold G. Evatt Okla 400 David C. Chance Okla 647 Frank M. Mitcham Okla 402 Paul H. Coates Okla 64B Nicholas A. Schuler Okla 403 William F. Huskey Okla 655 Eugene C. Stevens Okla 404 Harry D. Crouse Okla 65B Raymond L. Ditson Okla 405 Chaunce A. Beans Okla 659 Leburn R. Lynn Okla 407 Ronald P. Armstrong Okla 660 Howard N. McCoy Okla 40B Delbert R. Blakeley Okla 409 Richard M. Lindsay Okla 661 Ernest L. Mcintyre Okla 411 Norman W. Minter Okla 674 G. B. Johnson Okla 415 Daniel F. Alcock Okla 684 James R. Burgett Okla 690 Bob G. White Okla 419 Blaine H. Smith Okla 710 Winston A. Spoonts Okla 421 Charles S. Brown Okla 724 Gleau G. Rice Okla 422 Charles A . Borchardt Okla 729 George H. Reneau Okla 423 Charles L. Harrison Okla 736 Clarence B. Gregg Okla 425 J. A. Warren Okla 737 Walter N . Johnson Okla 427 John W. Carpenter Okla 756 Clark A. Roach Okla 42B Philip A, Oviatt Okla 761 Lawrence W. Johnson Okla 429 M. J. Ransom Okla 7B6 Kenneth M. Taylor Okla 430 D. Lingle Okta 794 William A. Hessin Okla 431 Michael Sawyer Okla 796 Louis G. Powell Okla 434 Marvin P. Moran Okla 437 OKLAHOMA STATE Jerry D. Jarratt Okla 43B Doyle A . Walker Okla 439 Robert G. Gillespie Okla 440 James D. Markland 0 KS 9 W. E. Cordray Okla 441 William D. Campbell OKS 12 Robert G. Loggie Okla 442 Eugene F. Soule OKS 14 Alfred D. Brown Okla 443 Alden C. Sturgis OKS 1B Forest N . Simon Okla 445 Lee C. Turner OKS 21 Odell E. Stone Okla 449 PaulS. Tabor OKS 27 Walter L. Finley Okla 451 Joe M . Knight OKS 2B James K. Samara Okla 453 Con C. Davis OKS 34 Lloyd C. Lane Okla 457 Orville R. Walker OKS 35 Forrest K . Whitworth Okla 462 John M. Hagens OKS 39 Wilton N. Jones Okla 464 B. F. Ellis OKS 4B Lester B. Brown Okla 465 Roy A . Nolen OKS 56 Clarke Hudson Okla 46B Robert T . Kirkpatrick OKS 57 John C. Shea Okla 473 Jack Barrett 0 KS 6B John L. Hendricks Okla 474 Albert V. Martin OKS 70 Leslie J. Steen Okla 475 Charles F. Sutherland OKS 74 Alfred G. Swenson Okla 477 Ira Fore OKS 79 Jim B. Snodgrass Okla 4B6 Maurice H. Howard OKS BO RobertS. Silverthorn Okla 4B7 John B. Zuck OKS B1 Elmer L. Phipps Okla 492 Ira A. Bowman 0 KS B7 Walter B. Noakes Okla 493 John M. Cassidy OKS B9 Robert B. Malcomb Okla 49B Leander D. Howell OKS 90 Johnston Murry Okla 500 Horace A. McNabb OKS 91 Thomas P. Stewart Okla 505 Alvin W. Willoughby OKS 93 Donald A. Mehl Okla 506 Ocil W. Phipps OKS 95 Paul C. Smith Okla 515 Warren S. Peterson OKS 99 Robert E. Bland Okla 520 Ray C. Robertson OKS 101 Thomas B. Maclin Okla 522 Clifford J. Hatcher OKS 106

Carl W. Zuck OKS 107 Ernest J. Phillips OKS 10B Henry C. Wolsey OKS 114 Otway T. Mabray OKS 116 Robert L. Staples 0 KS 11B William H. Clendenin OKS 121 James W. Walker OKS 127 Alton E. Harmon OKS 132 Otho 0 . Johnson OKS 145 Wilber W. Payne OKS 149 JohnS. Hacker OKS 150 Joseph W. Ley OKS 153 Emery E. Jacobs OKS 155 Doyle Grace OKS 157 J. B. Bowers OKS 159 Thaddeus W. Wilson OKS 161 Philip A. Alexander OKS 163 Harold E. Hartley OKS 166 Baxter E. Burris OKS 16B James B. McBride OKS 173 Lee W. Moore OKS 175 Charles L. Steel 0 KS 176 Henry E. Harris OKS 17B John J. Perkins OKS 1BO Richard C. Wilson OKS 1B2 William A. Walker OKS 1B3 Norman M. Ward OKS 1B5 Herbert W, Ancell 0 KS 1B6 Herbert V. Shrook OKS 1B7 William F. Sharp OKS 1B9 Norman W. Lacy OKS 190 David P. Johnson OKS 193 Joseph Murray 0 KS 194 Gerald T. Shannon OKS 196 Clenton E. Crain OKS 197 Jacob T. Cupp OKS 19B Richard J. Stead OKS 200 Kenneth L. Sharkey OKS 201 Donald E. Thornhill OKS 204 Marion D. Lackey OKS 206 John C. Muerman OKS 207 Kaye D . Dawson OKS 21B Elwin H. Jackson OKS 219 Lauren E. Fagg OKS 220 Charles E. Foster OKS 223 Charles J. Engle OKS 224 James L. Green OKS 225 Ora T. Dawson OKS 227 James E. Hudgens OKS 232 Arthur L. Kennedy OKS 233 Jack T. Elliot OKS 235 Harvey C. Abrams 0 KS 238 William Goudeket OKS 243 John A. Howell OKS 245 John T. tves OKS 246 Ezra 0. Lancaster OKS 24B John W. Yunker OKS 253 Orland D. Fine OKS 255 Logan E. Gorman OKS 256 Edgar L . Ball OKS 261 J. J. Jordan OKS 262 Joe E. Grimsley OKS 269 Kenneth D. Harris OKS 270 Loren D. Eaton OKS 275 Donald K. Clark OKS 2BO Louis A. Lininger OKS 2B2 Roy G. Kiser OKS 2B6 Lyle D. Canfield OKS 2B7 Thomas P. Keys OKS 290 Glen D. Knight OKS 291 A.M . Schmidt OKS 296 Carl L. Wettig OKS 29B Richard G. Burk OKS 301 Robert D. Miller OKS 307 Billie D. Smith OKS 30B Dal E. Branstetter OKS 310 Coy D . Dowty OKS 312 Donald D. Honeyman OKS 315 Donald A. Barchus OKS 323 Harry L. Gearhart 0 KS 326 T. L. Barnett OKS 337 Sadri A, Hamady OKS 338 Billy D. Nelson OKS 339 Mickey Dawson OKS 341 Monty J. Gist OKS 342 Marvin V . Jones OKS 352 Preston L. Brady OKS 355 William L. Chapel OKS 356 Tala AI Ali Sabbah OKS 361 Robert K. Brownfield OKS 364 Carl W. Foster OKS 365 Thomas E. Criswell OKS 386 James L. Dial OKS 367 Gary C. Dose 0 KS 368

Stanley Garoutte OKS 369 Stanley A. Garrison OKS 370 James W. Powers OKS 374 Hussein Ahmed Rizk OKS 375 Bruce P. Tyree OKS 376 Jimmy A. Fletcher OKS 380 Rue I E. Blackley OKS 381 Jimmie 0. Brown OKS 383 Gene W. Allen OKS 390 Richard A . Courtri!t>t OKS 392 James A. Gosting OKS 395 Hoyal B. Moore OKS 401 Bob D. Bivins OKS 403 Donald F. Lee OKS 407 DavidS. Russell OKS 410 T. H. Geis OKS 413 Garry l. Pigg OKS 418 William A . Howard OKS 424 Carrol l. Dlugosch OKS 428 Val W. Mitchell OKS 432 William W. Yeandle OKS 436 Wilburn E. McAbee OKS 461 William l. Camill e OKS 469 Kenneth M. Johnson OKS 470 Donald F. Kirkland OKS 472 Jack W. Walters OKS 476 Wayne A . Rogers OKS 490 lyle D. Howe OKS 491 George F. Walters OKS 492 Olden l. Burchett OKS 494 Richard B. Ri sk OKS 505 James I. Alcock 0 KS 507 Richard l. DeVaugh OKS 510 Pedro Hernandez OKS 514 John l . Manning OKS 523 A . l . Null OKS 537 Roger B. Gladden OKS 545 Harry F. Miller OKS 556 Gerald l. Gailey OKS 561 larry D . Hackler OKS 563 Wm. A. Howard OKS 565 J. l. Ramsey 0 KS 582 Hubert C. Bullard OKS 587 Richard 0. Pierce OKS 618 Clifford A. Phelps OKS 640 A. C. Phillips OKS 641 louis J. Bodnar OKS 644 Robert l. Johnson OKS 652 Patrick J. Morrison OKS 673

OREGON STATE John A. McDonald Ore St 1 Percy H. Dunlap Ore St 13 Darwin T. Ph i llips Ore St 20 Sam N. Peterson Ore St 2 1 George F. Pe ttengi II Ore St 23 Farra l. Read Ore St 24 Garfield 0 . lewis Ora St 27 Walter C. Barton Ore St 29 Guy R. McG innis Ore St 37 lee J. Roberts Ore St 38 Herschel H. Shreve Ore St 44 Elwood F. Shoemaker Ore St 49 leland W. Matlock Ore St 50 Elmer T . Forsling Ore St 53 Charley D. Thompson Ore St 56 Emmett G . Hendricks Ore St 62 Ri chard S. Di xon Ore St 67 Martin l. Paul Ore St 68 Jay B. Hann Ore St 70 Floyd F. Ford Ore St 76 lowell B. Morgan Ore St 85 Clair D. Keltner Ore St 87 Leslie B. Riggins Ore St 88 Charles K. Gravley Ore St 89 Burton 0. Bush Ore St 9 1 James A . Griffith Ore St 97 Charles T . Gouglas Ore St 102 Alexander J. Lerch Ore St 103 Samuel A. Warg Ore St 1 05 Paul E. Rowe Ore St 108 Warren G. Myllenbeck Ore St 119 Ronald C. Bartley Ore St 156 Ol iver J. Allen Ore St 158 William C. Keep Ore St 160 James A . Minton Ore St 181 Ormond A . Steele Ore St 183 Lewis W. Southmayd Ore St 184 E. Stephenson Ore St 194 l . M. Lund Ore St 20 1 John P. Sims Ore St 202 James B. Faulkner Ore St 209 Nicholas A. Wiltz Ore St 213

Ronald A. Kilburg Ore St 214 Heinz G. Buschfort Ore St 217 Norman D . Burgess Ore St 218 Robert H. Lawrie Ore St 221 Robert G. Richardson Ore St 227 Daniel 0. Oldfather Ore St 236 larry C. Coate Ore St 237 Richard l. Pugh Ore St 255 Elvin K. Stratton Ore St 260 J. D. Davenport Ore St 261 Dale M. Gallaher Ore St 268 J. E. Grouter Ore St 275 D. C. Ingram Ore St 277 Douglas J. Hirte Ore St 286 Robert F. Marquardt Ore St 288 Allan A. Math any Ore St 289 Ernest N. Huyett Ore St 295 Albert S. Kasahara Ore St 305 leslie S. Shearer Ore St 308 Richard W. Marosck Ore St 312 Keith E. Brown Ore St 330 Steven B. Reese Ore St 343 A. A. Rohde Ore St 345 larry W. Talbert Ore St 346 Michael A. Howard Ore St 351 D. F. Patella Ore St. 353 W. H. Chase Ore St. 356 Chas. E. Herrick Ore St 361 Stephen N. Proebstel Ore St. 365 Harold J. Britton Ore St 425

PENN STATE Walter H. Mac Intire PS 4 John B. Shatzer PS 5 Richard M. Pennock PS 11 Harry M. Van Gorder PS 15 Adelbert C. Andrews PS 20 J. Bailey Kendlehart PS 36 Nugent H. Slaugher PS 40 Maynard C. Reynolds PS 49 Charles E. Swab PS 63 Joy T. Jamieson PS 66 Charles M. Helwig PS 67 J. Martin Fry PS 72 John W. Young PS 98 John A. Murtland PS 106 George H. Mills PS 109 Wilbur E. Benfer PS 115 Cecil B. Hamilton PS 121 Robert H. Engle PS 124 Harry A . Wrigl ey PS 126 Willard J. Wrigley PS 136 Clarence C. Morgan PS 139 James l. Martin PS 140 Wm. H. Landenberger PS 155 Earle H. White PS 159 Chalmer C. Henderson PS 176 Elton S. Eike PS 181 Lewi s F. Kleckner PS 191 Harl ey H. Barnes PS 196 Albert B. Young PS 198 Ormond W. Claypool PS 200 Samuel M. Gahagen PS 205 William W. l ewis PS 207 George A. Krupp PS 208 Martin H. MacDowell PS 213 Leonard M. Moore PS 219 Harry C. Campbell PS 227 Walter A. Fortune PS 235 Burtis l. Robertson PS 239 Charles A. Snitger PS 241 Clifton K. Hassler PS 250 leslie 8. Miller PS 251 Wilbur E. Disney PS 253 Clarence H. Kent PS 264 Stewart J. Painter PS 267 David Y. Keirn PS 271 Carl l . McVicker PS 272 Robert l. Johnson PS 273 Marvin 0. l ewis PS 176 Randall Jacobs PS 279 Floyd D. Alten burg PS 281 James H. Turney PS 282 Albert I. Ingham PS 283 Ri chardT. Agster PS 286 Oliver l. Smith PS 289 John D. Garber PS 296 0 . Frank Tuttle PS 297 Laurence H. McCully PS 301 Robert C. Campbell PS 306 C.H.J . Breeding PS 310 Robert E. Jones PS 313

George K. Schubert PS 315 John P. Thomas PS 319 Gates Shull PS 326 Harve S. Bair PS 330 Charles H. Seitz PS 333 Robert l. Meyer PS 339 John I. Jaffurs PS 346 John H. McVey PS 351 Donald T. Jones PS 360 James E. Atherton PS 363 John M. Rolin PS 367 Harold G. Martin PS 370 Edwin A. Walter PS 372 Willard C. lutz PS 375 Rolf E. Wald PS 377 James l . Faux PS 378 David B. Hunter PS 387 Norman K. Emerick PS 391 Richard C. Gesser PS 393 William D.S. Copenhaver PS 396 Marvin A . Yaeger PS 397 George A. Frycklund PS 408 Robert E. Calder PS 411 Alfred M. Wilson PS 413 Dan iel l . Babcock PS 415 Earl G. James PS 449 JohnS. Kitzmiller PS 451 John G. Chillrud PS 466 Ard ell H. Nelson PS 475 Neal J. Spatz PS 483 Ronald A. Hartman PS 488 Orvi lie H. L erch PS 496 Charles T. Lechner PS 497 A. Kenneth Houp PS 501 Clarence W. Dennis PS 538 John W. Bai ley PS 544 Richard W. White PS 551 John W. Black PS 555 Harold J. Zook PS 566 l. C. Millhouse PS 567 Gerald l. Logue PS 571 Wm. W. Campbell PS 575 Frederick B. Sin PS 590 G. E. McElhattan PS 591 John T. Malone PS 596 B. W. Coleman PS 617 B. E. Ban kard PS 621 Clayton D. Charles PS 622 W. E. Pelton PS 664 D. C. Baer PS 682 John W. Crates PS 760

PURDUE Theodore B. Fl eming Pur 4 Everett W. Green Pur 7 Edward C. Hitze Pur 27 Clinton lutterback Pur 32 Roy T. Wakefield Pur 49 Forrest A. Polk Pur 65 Wilford S. Hassen miller Pur 66 Will S. Harrah Pur 82 James F. Peters Pur 95 Elaz E. Price Pur 116 George C. Wright Pur 128 Clinton G. Bartlett Pur 175 Conway Pierce Pur 191 Frank G . Steinebach Pur 204 John G. Christie Pur 216 Noah C. Pearcy Pur 220 Donald B. Thomas Pur 223 Wayne K. Miller Pur 226 Paul H. Nelson Pur 235 Howard Ayers Pur 237 W. M. Carlson Pur 252 Arthur M. Hose k Pur 267 James R. Eaton Pur 268 Forrest B. Tra xler Pur 270 Beuford W. Shook Pur 275 Clarence V. Badger Pur 281 Robert F. Hamke Pur 301 Joseph W. Negley Pur 304 John A . Diehl Pur 307 Harvey l. Hire Pur 331 William E. Heltzel Pur 333 Fred A. Krintz Pur 339 Max T . Johnson Pur 343 Calvin F. Powers Pur 363 John C. Padgett Pur 366 Jesse C. Crooks Pur 388 Norman J. Putnam Pur 395 Edwin H. Howard Pur 396 Roy H. Tweedle Pur 399

H. D. Elijah Pur 403 Ralph l . Morris Pur 405 Robert N. Whiting Pur 408 Robert E. Johnson Pur 416 Wayne l . Shedd Pur 422 Paul C. Hardy Pur 428 Coleman D. Kuhn Pur 430 George E. Metzger PUr 431 A. B. Robertson Pur 438 Perry A . Clark Pur 440 Edwin F. Reddick Pur 444 George J. Hopkins Pur 448 James A . Wetzel Pur 461 Roger E. Bro wn Pur 465 Wayne K. Price Pur 467 Richard l . Tucker Pur 483 Anders S. Platou Pur 485 Paul T. Hamsher Pur 488 George M. Palmer Pur 491 F. J. Nelson Pur 496 Jaurice J. Boots Pur 497 Jack W. Copher Pur 504 lawrence M. Neilsen Pur 511 Richard J. Wheaton Pur 518 Rob ert A. Ballard Pur 534 Richard B. Shumaker Pur 529 Richard E. Smoker Pur 539 Tredwell A. Harrison Pur 542 Raymond F. Biedron Pur 550 Elton A . Clodfelter Pur 576 Paul l . Baynes Pur 581 Robt. D. McMurry Pur 591 Byron H. Leverenz Pur 596 Thomas D. Eubank Pur 609 Gene A . Egler Pur 610 Virgil G. Ewer Pur 619 Joseph l. Hostetler Pur 625 Keith D. Scearce Pur 562 C. Bruce Howland Pur 655 Kenneth E. Clausen Pur 685 Roger l. Johnson Pur 690 larry M. Ebel Pur 699 C. 0. Eyer Pur 701 Donald W. Wetzell Pur 715 Charles P. Hagberg Pur 716 Ronald I. Klootwyk Pur 729 James D. Snyder Pur 732 Robert C. Nugent Pur 740 Art Stein Pur 754 John A. Nierste Pur 756 Paul Householder Pur 769 Charles Bailey Pur 787 Robert E. Bell Pur 796 E. H . Barreau Pur 798 Ronald T. Toyofuku Pur 807 Wm. E. Disque Pur 814 William A. lyon Pur 833 William J. Sawdon Pur 838 Walter J. Potts Pur 844 Francis M. Clark Pur 882 Michael l. Jones Pur 899 S. A. Floodberg Pur 917 W. A . Richardson Pur 934 Carl W. Ritchie Pur 935 James A. Caldwell Pur 970

RENSSELAER Robert S. Dav is Rens 19 Edgar Simmons Rens 26 John Do wn Rens 37 Elbert W. Phill ips Rens 45 John T. Bartram Aens 57 Edward S. Chen Rens 58 C. Carter litchfield Rens 59 lawrence S. Bloom Rens 68 Arthur B. Corte Rens 75 Richard H. Dutton A ens 92 Fred M. Robinson A ens 102 Donald C. Flemming Rens 114 Edward J. Fritz Ren s 116 William S. Knight Rens 118 Hollis D. McBride Rens 120 Doublas Mitchell Ren s 137 Robert Naismith Rens 138 Robert Even Rens 139 Millard 0. Hulse Rens 141 Verne Costich Rens 147 Neal A. Dougherty Rens 151 Daniel l. Brandel Rens 158 William Chin Rens 162 John Jorgensen Rens 164 Richard Swindells Rens 170

Robert S. Barton Rens 172 Edward l . Segrist Rens 177 Gary Derman Rens 183 David W. DeHaven Rens 196 John Koleszar Rens 197 Richard A. Wolfson Rens 203 Edward J. Bentz Rens 208 Peter Sowa Rens 221 lawrence S. Sovell Rens 228

SAN JOSE STATE Roger M. Davenport SJS 45 Steven l. DeiSesto SJS 51

SHIPPENSBURG STATE COLLEGE Richard C. Roth SS 24 Kenneth W. Sharp SS 52

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Robert E. Vivian SoC 2 Donald A. Morgan SoC 7 George J. Mattes SoC 8 Vi c Basile SoC 15 Robert l. Smith SoC 17 William M. Diller SoC 19 Robert M. Baker SoC 26 Donald I. Blomberg SoC 32 John G. locke SoC 35 Stanley T . Boggess SoC 39 Nel son S. Brooks SoC 43 Donald M. Wil son SoC 54 Paul Prasow SoC 56 Thomas E. Hurley SoC 63 Richard A . Nethercott SoC 64 Donald D. Brammer SoC 67 David Dial SoC 69 Virgil A . Pinkley SoC 76 Roy W. Shaw SoC 78 Richard E. Webb SoC 80 Willard G. Bastron SoC 81 Denny J. Brake SoC 82 Robert l. Kirkland SoC 84 Bobby A. Ragsdale SoC 87 Leonard A. Warren SoC 89 Hubert S. Craig SoC 92 Thomas E. Depew SoC 94 Dal e E. Johnson SoC 101 Alvin l . Artz SoC 105 Howard H. Love SoC 109 Everrett H. Eddy SoC 113 James J. Kamp SoC 115 Richard H. Stewart SoC 119 Clarence A . Bailey SoC 120 James D. Blackmer SoC 122 Claude D. Culbertson SoC 123 Kenneth F. Davis SoC 124 Jerry W. Wenzel SoC 131 Don G. Hinsvar k SoC 135 Richard W. Pond SoC 144 Henry C. Hopkins SoC 153 Jay B. Walter SoC 157 Philip J. Quinn SoC 163 Keith F. Shirey SoC 169 larry Knudsen SoC 179 James F. Andrews SoC 188 Winston C. Fuller SoC 190 RichardS. Platt SoC 198 larry J. Brown SoC 220 Harry D. Jones SoC 207 Joyn Webb SoC 211 Jerry T. White SoC 212 Don C. Wh iaker SoC 223 Edward l. Kunzman SoC 226 Ronald C. Graupmann SoC 229 Ri chard V . Badalamente SoC 233

SYRACUSE Cl inton W. Perry Syr 22 Robert Middlemass Syr 24 Daniel F. Waugh Syr 65 Burt D. Hawks Syr 84 Frederick Glahn Syr 88 Alfred L . Hoban Syr 101 Linu s E. Pearson Syr 104 Everett J. Eliason Syr 128 Wilford Swift Syr 143 Harry G . Custance Syr 144 Paul B. Carr Syr 158



Thomas G. Swales Syr 168 Earl 0. Knapp Syr 169 Otis C. lngebritsen Syr 177 George H. Haines Syr 193 John 0 . Close Syr 197 Alonzo B. Coon Syr 201 William G. Foster Syr 204 Jerrold H. Moyer Syr 209 Gorden H. Henderson Syr 246 Dale 0. Hackett Syr 250 Malcolm A . Bump Syr 285 David Y. Brou se Syr 288 Edwin F . Prach Syr 291 Elmer F. Juneau Syr 305 Donald E. Wanslr Syr 317 V. A. Pincheck Syr 320 Donald C. Ingram Syr 328 Arthur D. Staple Syr 340 Arthur K. Katch Syr 346 Reinhold E. Tomek Syr 373 Ernest L. Meggs Syr 376 Jonathan Taylor Syr 385 Alan C. Eachus Syr 386 Ronald A. Westervelt Syr 402 Gregory E. Woodruff Syr 402 Edward R. Root Syr 433 Keith A . Jackson Syr 450 George A. Smith Syr 458

TENNESSEE David W. Lusk Tenn 13 James E. Arnold Tenn 42

TEXAS John M. Bryant Tex 3 Daniel M. Cook Tex 8 James B. Ford Tex 12 George D. McJimsey Tex 22 Eugene E. Pre ssler Tex 25 Julius Smith Tex 27 Charles B. Stewart Tex 30 Frank L . Tiller Tex 33 John A. Blohm Te x 48 WilliamS. Hendrix Tex 50 George D. Huff Tex 51 Dudley B. Jones Tex 54 John F. Sutton Tex 57 Lloyd W. Taylor Te x 59 Carey E. Bowles Te x 60 Wallace L. Finlay Tex 64 James N. Spangler Te x 70 John W. Bailey Tex 73 James A. Hendri x Te x 76 Horace 0 . Young Tex 78 George I. Lewi s Te x 96 Tom P. Reese Te x 99 Oma Stanley Te x 114 Louis P. Kirkpatrick Tex 117 Wm. S. Highsmith Tex 131 CharlieR. Frampton Te x 137 Bernell B. Budd Te x 138 Neut Fagg Tex 149 William A. Dav is Te x 150 Robert L. Peurifoy Tex 157 William H. Baldwin Tex 161 Clarence H. Ervin Te x 168 John H. Stewart Tex 174 Oscar J. Coltharp Te x 175 Ben jamin F . Runyan Tex 179 Clyde V. Shuford Te x 182 Robert M. Payne T ex 185 Garner Surginer Tex 188

Homer A. Cox Tex 199 Ral ston P. Scott T ex 205 James D. Hazelwood Tex 208 Thomas E. Owen Tex 217 William B. Clark T ex 226

Stuart S. Nemir Tex 234 Earl U. Conley Te x 235 Richard C. Giles Te x 236 George T. Jones Tex 243 WilliamS. Bu ssey Tex 269 Burt S. Koons T ex 275 Oran W. Mitchell T ex 276 Donald E. Judd T ex 279 Henry H. Moore T ex 281 Carl S. Nisbet Tex 283 Robert D. Belser T ex 288 Joe M. Jackson Tex 290 Serle E. Bridges T ex 291



William F . Johnson Tex 292 Charles E. Nemir Tex 302 Fred A. Steiner Tex 304 John R. Wylie Tex 306 Norman S. Spencer Tex 309 Robert H. Wood Tex 315 Frank W. Cross Tex 323 Leo H. Dorfman Tex 324 David S. Ferguson Tex 325 Stephen H. Dalrymple Tex 327 William B. Blalock Tex 328 Daon W. Davi s Tex 329 Jackie G. Weatherred Te x 333 Frank W. Zimmerman Tex 336 T. A. Abouhalkah Tex 337 Creighton N. White Tex 339 William R. Campbell Tex 342 L. Brent Carruth Tex 343 Ben S. Henry Te x 351 Frank W. Zimmerman Tex 352 Joe E. Hawkins Tex 355 James T. Powell Tex 366 Roy E. LeMond Tex 373 Robert K . Berg Tex 376 Dick A. Foose Tex 381 Jack Norwood Tex 384 Samuel A. Ball Tex 386 Lane Parker Tex 389 Emmett L. Bauknight Tex 391 Benjamin R. Byers Te x 393 J. B. Victery Tex 394 Donald G. Irvine Tex 399 John T. Irick Tex 407 Terry Smalley Tex 413 Larry L. Womble Tex 417 John W. Dale Tex 423 William H . Smith T ex 435 James D. Bryan Tex 443 Koye E. McElroy Te x 457 C, Richard Newberry Tex 470 David Standridge Tex 481 Gary 0. Todd Tex 482 Charles C. Weyer man Tex 483 Joe L. Sims Te x 484 Jerry Cox Te x 505 James G. Drawert Tex 507 Jack 0 . Herrington Tex 520 Daniel A. Taylor T ex 530 George W. Eiband Te x 559 Thomas E. Thomason Tex 574 David G. Galbreath Tex 577

Joe Jennings Tex 587 John V . Peet Tex 589 Cone J. Wells Tex 607 Simon E. Ford Tex 625 M. E. Warrick Tex 631 A. P. Brandimarte Tex 662

Eugene F. Karson UCLA 127 Joseph W. Michels UCLA 132 W. 0. Gabrielson UCLA 138 Bernard R. Cash UCLA 143 James D . Edwards UC L A 149 Robert G. Leigh UCLA 161 Robert H. Paddleford UCLA 162 William E. Sproul UCLA 163 William H. Well UCLA 165 James M. Smith UCLA 174 Donald A. PReston UCLA 176 Joe F. Elliott UCLA 180 Thomas A. Logan UCLA 183 Malcolm E. Williams UCLA 192 John D. Rhoades UCLA 193 Alton E. Knight UCLA 198 Frederick E. Spinelli UCLA 200 Dennis C. Hamilton UCLA 204 Philip L . Norton UCLA 205 E. L. Siscoe UCLA 209 Joseph C. Abdo UCLA 213 Donald R. Dill UCLA 216 Damuel D. Allman UCLA 241 Ronald L. Noble UCLA 242 Wm. J. Osborn UCLA 249 Steve Ladochy UCLA 272 Gerald F . Rigler UCLA 278 Ralph E. Sykes UCLA 290 James W. Ogg UCLA 292

VERMONT Orson C. Loveland Vt 15 Charles P. Spalding Vt 18 Walter D. Sweeney Vt 19 Henry N . Orner Vt 26 Ovid A . Boni Vt 27 Gerald W. Cunningham Vt 30 Albert G. Story Vt 33 Robert C. Stetson Vt 35 Theodore W. Engel Vt 38 Lawrence Will iams Vt 45 Terry L. Scribner Vt 57 Edward A . Dudley Vt 62 John B. Lane Vt 68 John E. Cook Vt 79 S. 0. Maynard Vt 82 Neil H. Pel sue Vt 98 S. Gordon Potter Vt 104 Richard A. Smith Vt 111 Roger C. Lyman Vt 132 Richard J. Jndrieri Vt 136 Robert B. Costine Vt 142 Peter H. Larsen Vt 147

WASHINGTON Alvin R. Campbell Wash 2


Levi Clark Wash 3

Jay H. Sigworth Wash 13 Willard E. Eatron StiSt 11 Brian P. Doan TriSt 26

UCLA E. J. Sullivan UCLA 10 Cletu s R. Stirewalt UCLA 32 Richard G. Smitl] UCLA 33 Allen M . Granda UCLA 34 Charles D. Connett UCLA 43 Jack W. Dopp UCLA 46 Harley Broyles UCLA 48 Ralph Heidsiek UCLA 51 Robert G. Armstrong UCLA 55 William E. Bennett UCLA 58 W. G. Chapel UCLA 63 John E. Nicholson UCLA 77 Ru ssell R. Shannon UCLA 80 Stephen D . Hornick UCLA 88 Laurence M. Conell UCLA 90 David L. Moore UCLA 96 Chester A. Bean UCLA 99 Earl W. Rose UCLA 103 Ri chard F. Wolbert UCLA 106 John J . Klee UCLA 107 Donald T. Brock UCLA 108 Don C. Worren UCLA 11 0 Stephen R. Kinsinger UCLA 111 Norman B. Follette UCLA 116 Jerry L. Holm UCLA 118 James H. Hilton UCLA 119 Donald A. Powell UCLA 120 George S. Porter UCLA 125

Gordon McGauvran Wash 17

L. Jefferson Davis Wash 19 Ernest C. Carr Wash 25 David H. Christoe Wash 28 Arthur E. Williams Wash 29 Clarence M. Coffonberry Wash 34 Benjamin H. Daly Wash 35 Robert S. Schar Wash 36 John T. Robbin s Wash 40 Harold D . Stetson Wash 41 paul H. Breuning Wash 45 Charles P. Suman Wash 4 7

Leroy E. Hayes Wash 177 James H. Bonell Wash 184 Guy H. Stalker Wash 185 William A .E. Bishop Wash 188 Carl R. Flodin Wash 196 R. Kenneth Stanford Wash 212 Verne Ballantyne Wash 215 George B. Isenhart Wash 218 Clyde W. Linville Wash 221 Marl in J. Crown Wash 224 Henry H . Grieff Wash 227 Paul I. McCabe Wash 242 Charles H. Abell Wash 244 Frank M. Hermann Wash 249 Leo K. Prather Wash 255 Kenneth E. Peterson Wash 256 George H. Beisse Wash 262 Paul D. Bond Wash 267 Edward Q. Naghel Wash 268 Ralph R. Yeaman Wash 270 Charles R . Lewis Wash 271 Kenneth R. Williams Wash 281 Qren B. Johnston Wash 284 Donald A. Anderson Wash 288 Charles A. Sherman Wash 296 Kenneth P. Kingston Wash 297 James W. Watson Wash 303 Raymond A . Beman Wash 309 Ashley E. Fuller Wash 311 Kenneth J. Macleod Wash 318 Francis P. Lefroy Wash 319 John H. Horn Wash 320 Robert D. Abernethy Wash 321 P. B. Anderson Wash 326 George N. Barker Wash 331 Wilbert W. Squire Wash 332 Jack B. Stark Wash 333 David H. Pfeiffer Wash 338 W. C. Grayum Wash 339 Edward C. Baxter Wash 341 Dean Nicholson Wash 342 Perry Coburn Wash 349 Sam Weems Wash 351 Wm . B. Burdue Wash 367 George A. Berry Wa sh 376 Gordon T . Wood Wash 386 Charles F. Randall Wash 420 Dwayne H. Payne Wash 423 Donald J. Petram Wash 429 Geo . Lavenson Wash 431 R. J. Swanson Wash 434 Loyde L. Alton Wash 437 Thoma s C. Adams Wash 460 Duane Schwartz Wash 463 Stanley A. Bergemen Wash 466 David L. lbea Wash 476 C. B. Col e Wash 485 C. E. AI ton Wash 487 William F. David Wash 492 James S. Landberg Wash 494 C. R. Farmer Wash 507 Ralph R. Miller Wash 518 Gary L . Ball Wash 521 Richard Stoner Wash 524 Duane Hopp Wash 541 Richard Biggersta ff Wash 543 Jack Haley Wash 567 Don Kolve Wash 577 Ken Knudtson Wash 581 Peter P. Chevis Wash 584 Stephen L. Schmidt Wash 661 James E . Preston Wash 620

John B. Sonner Wash St 92 Frank R . Ames Wash St 95 Wallace D. Green Wash St. 109 George A . Gillette Wash St 111 Don L. Hinkson Wash St 115 Gerhard E; Eberhardt Wash St 117 Carl L. Long Wash St 134 Hugh J. Alfaro Wash St 139 Ronald S. McHugh Wash St 141 Winston R. Saimons Wash St 143 Dale D. Hardy Wash St 144 Edwin D. Thompson Wash St 145 William A. Madison Wash St 146 Robert E. Willard Wash St 148 Marvin L . Wheeler Wash St 150 Michael M. Smith Wash St 162 Dan M . Rowley Wash St 170 Donald A. Stoebner Wash St 177 James R. Cowan Wash St 179 Arthur N . Evans Wash St 189 Wiffler B. Oakes Wash St 190 Pierre L. Doucet Wash St 195 Martin E. Larson Wash St 198 Anders G. Henriksson Wash St 205 Donald R. Gilman Wash St 223 Dennis H . Hill Wash St 226 Norio Kumanomidoh Wash St 228 Alfred C. Hill Wash St 234 Gregg C. Nelson Wash St 236 Robert R. Anderson Wash St 241 James R. Hadley Wash St 246 Stephen R. Bronson Wash St 247 Lawrence W. Grant Wash St 252 John R. James Wash St 263 Edward H. Hanson Wash St 270 F . I. Frost Wash St 271 Clair R. Kinney Wash St 274 Timothy L. Egland Wash St 279 Terence M. Culver Wash St 299

WISCONSIN Allen T. Kirk Wis 11 Guy A. Benedict Wis 23 Samuel R. Hatch Wi s 25 Robert lakisch Wis 31 Hubert A. Stecker Wi s 33 John R. lakisch Wis 34 Hilman Solsrud Wis 35 Jesse L. Rodabaugh Wis 40 Lewis L. Rupert Wis 41 George G. Crowell Wis 45 Otto C. Berry Wis 65 Thomas S. Engler Wis 79 Fleetwood E. Schrunk Wis 85 Wallace B. Liverance Wi s 98

Elmer B. Blake Wis 102 Paul W. Black Wis 112 Samuel E. Evans Wis 113 Merle C. Hale Wis 117 Edward E. McGinney Wi s 121 Walter F . Blair Wis 132 RalphS . Dunwiddie Wis 133 Thomas E. Jones Wi s 135 George A. Johnson Wis 148 Harry E . Benedict Wi s 157 Roy A. Brendel Wi s 158 Lawrence E . Meyer Wis 167 Wells K. Gregg Wis 173 Welton E. Johnson Wi s 180 G eo rge H . Jenkins Wi s 181 M eade M. Morri s Wis 183 Morgan T. Binney W1s 187 DeWitt E. Yates Wis 193

Aubrey R. Archer Wash 52 Arthur Y. Boyce Wash 54

Gordon B. Olson Wa sh 539

William E. Hendricks Wash 59 James A. Andersen Wash 68


Walter E . Freund W1s 209

Rolla W. Moore Wash 70 Clifford G. Solverson Wash 75 Charles R . Coffman Wa sh 77 Oscar B. Werner Wash 88 Edward Kongsle Wash 90

Arthur K. Warner Wash St 7

Otto H. Behrendt Wis 210 Oscar Z . Remsbe rg Wis 2 12

James G. Fl etche r Wash 92

T . Allen Mardon Wash 98 Thorwald A. Hansen Wa sh 102

Phillips S. Hunt Wash 104 Harold Lester Turpin Wash 110 Edgar S. Mehan Wash 118 Herbert W . Ellison Wash 127 George Bul mer Wash 137 James M . McConahey Wash 144 Dougla s W. Adams Wash 157 C. Tom Carstens Wash 170 Jesse E . Champers Wash 175

Richard M. Boyd Wash St 12 Carl Kosene Wash St 24 Ernest E. Nolte Wash St 30

James N. Shepard Wash St 31 George F. Fenton Wash St 36 Ben L. Harri s Wash St 40 Elver F. Huntley Wa sh St 51 Ri cha rd D. Ellett Wash St 57 Bruce A. Beasley Wa sh St 61 Donald R. Faul kne r Wash St 63 George W. Warner Wash St 66 FrankS. Doherty Wash St 76 Fred C. Will iams Wash St 81 Willi am J. Gammie Wash St 83 George M. Hjelm Wash St 88 David C. Ch edzoy Wash St 91

T. D . Jones WIS 232 Alfred E. Bergman Wis 235 Carl A. Upson WIS 242 Gordon S. Meyrick W1s 248 Frank B. Leit z Wis 249 Port B. Summer Wis 251 Lou•s E . Nelson W1s 255 Truman G. Glenn Wis 257

Howard E. Willey Wis 267 Adolph G. Thorsen Wi s 271 Gilbert J. Schultz WIS 273 Allen W. Wh ite Wis 283 Kenneth W. Youngs Wis 289

Charles A . Copp Wos 297 Joseph B. Torvick Wis 298

Hal mond P. Huddleston Wis 299 Adrian M. Hobbs Wis 307 Sidney J. French Wis 315 Lawrence W. Tice Wis 318 Jack C. Whereatt Wis 321 Leonard E. Benedict Wis 326 Frederick H . Prosser Wis 327 Harold J. Laubenstein Wis 329

Lawrence C. Davis Wis 331 Kenneth W. Whereatt Wis 339 Eugene E. Wil son Wis 343 Del mer C. Cooper Wis 346 Nesley E . Klatt Wi s 348 Ralph E . Olsen Wis 349 Reinhold C. Moe Wi s 357 George V. Bowers Wis 378 Harold C. Larsen Wi s 389 WalterS. Zuzuly Wis 391 John H. Althen Wis 409 Walter H.A. Brunow Wis 414 Robert C. Putnam Wis 415 Arthur F. Sperling Wis 420 Charles A . Murdaugh Wis 421 Robert J. Polan Wis 431 J.E.H . Liebmann Wis 434

Wayne C. Davison Wis 436 John W. Baum Wis 440 Harold W. Koepsell Wis 441 Floyd H . Guttermsen Wis 442 Robert A. Baum Wi s 457 William C. Gaterman Wis 458 Robert G. Jewson Wis 459 Romain C. Grandt Wis 463 John F. Kotick Wis 466 James S. Storey Wis 467 Vernon C. Schroeder Wis 472 Robert A. Holmes Wis 473 Robert L. Turner Wis 477 Donald R. Olson Wis 478 Roger P. Evans Wis 480 John R. Snyder Wis 482 Richard 0 . Ke slin Wi s 488 William E. Gallagher Wi s 492 George L . Hauan Wi s 494 John J. Kutil Wis 510 Guy G. Messing Wis 538 Marvin G. Jumes Wis 545 Richard D. Cyr Wis 546 Mostafa S. Mameesh Wis 557 Wayne E. Meisters Wis 565

William H. Schulz Wis 571 Richard F. Bonsack Wis 578 Robert K . Rose Wis 580 Donald A . Schuler Wi s 582 Jonathan D . Brodie Wis 586 T .C.M . Donhauser Wi s 598 WilliamS . Nelson Wis 613


Herbert J. Ki ng Wy 59 Robert D . Vaughan Wy 62 Merryll M. Bailey Wy 63 Lawrence J. Hawkins Wy 72 John M. Cooper Wy 75 Paul D . Joslin Wy 87 Bruce L . Masse y Wy 91 Morris R. Massey Wy 92 James F. Boland Wy 94 Elroy G. Wirt z Wy 98

John C. Lambert Wy 3 Dale U. Fuehrer Wy 10 Wallace L. Moon Wy 15 Fred B. Morgan Wy 25 Hugh A. MacKinnon Wy 32 Warren W. Gonder Wy 33 Wayne D. Anderson Wy 37 Doy V . Whitlock Wy 43 Albert M. Fi shburn Wy 49 Melvin D . Johnson Wy 50 James E. Hawkins Wy 51 Kenneth 0. Madsen Wy 55 Clifford C. Jacobs Wy 56 Phil ip M. Woods Wy 58

Carlos G. Rodriqu es-Lopez Wy 104 V ernon R. Proper Wy 113 Dennis L. Thompson Wy 259 Thoma s A . Fenner Wy 114 Leslie R. Graham Wy 118 YALE Melvin Schnei derman Wy 119 Ronald L. Tuley Wy 122 M ilton T . Stauffer Yal e 105 John B. Dunnewald Wy 124 Ri chard Li ef Yal e 171 Rob ert F. Peterson Wy 125 Jess H. Norenberg Yal e 173 Larry F. Moore Wy 127 George B. Wei si ger Yal e 185 Ronald W. Rogers Wy 129 James F. Mc Ki nl ey Y al e 219 Lonny J. Moore Wy 136 Andrew Montgomery Wy 137 Robert B. Hami lton Wy 139 Herbert W. Hami lton Wy 141 David E. Fowl er Wy 144

John A . Cochran Wy 152 Al ec Guild Wy 153 Douglas W. Pinegar Wy 167 David M . Jones Wy 176 Russell E. Johnson Wy 178 William K . Wi mpenney Wy 185 Larry L. Bush Wy 202 Warren L. Eggers Wy 207 Gary P. Romberg Wy 234 Tom H. Crowl Wy 236 David R. Paul es Wy 246

........................................................................................................................... NAME:









···································································································~························ NAME:










······················· ~











UGaGIUNE atumn1


By Marvin Logan, Alumni .Director

Every two years, there are 10 days that are all important to the Acacia Fraternity. This is to remind you that those days are: OUTGOING COUNCIL CONVENES - Aug. 19 to Aug. 23 - Estes Park, Colorado. These national officers as listed on page of this issue of the TRIAD are elected for terms of four years by delegates to the Acacia Conclave. They appoint Province Governors, approve chapter advisers, and form committees as needed to assist in the improvement of Acacia both in numbers and quality. Half of the members carry over for two years and half will be elected at the 1970 National Conclave for four year terms. ACACIA CONCLAVE CONVENES - Aug 23 to Aug. 28 - Estes Park, Colorado. Every two years, delegates of the active chapters and Chapter advisors meet to conduct and participate in training sessions, discussion groups, review of by-laws and elect officers. Here the future ofthe fraternity is projected for two more years and far-reaching programs formed to meet the ever envolving problems of the campus, the students, fraternities, education in general, but more specifically what Acacia will do to meet the challenges of the future. CONCERNING ALUMNI INVOLVEMENT: At the last National Conclave in Kansas City in August, 1968, the position of National Alumni Director was created to foster better communications and co-operation between alumni and actives. At this time it seems appropriate to review the past two years and give some thought to the future years. This can best be accomplished by going over past issues of the TRIAD and contemplating future actions. JAN. 1969

The new article 22, 1-2001 to 1-2213, published as an addition to the By-laws of Acacia prov!ding for the formulation of Alumni Chapters of Acacia. A suggested list of 12 functions these chapters . could perform in the strengthening of Acacia.

APRIL, 1969

A review of what some existing alumni groups have done in the past and a tribute to the Kansas City Alumni Association for hosting the 1968 National Conclave. The formation of Club 65 - a program on our 65th anniversary for alumni to donate $65.00 or more to raise $30,000 to finance our archive section to the new national headquarter building at Boulder, Colo.

SUMMER, 1969 Placque suggested to list donors to archive fund, to be placed in archive section of National headquarters. No mention of dollars involved but listings to be made as follows: SPONSORS - those who donate $10,000 or more, CO-SPONSORS - those who donate $1,000 or more, CLUB 65 - those who donate $65 or more. Donations to be tax deductable thru Acacia Educational Foundation. FALL, 1969

To stimulate donations for the National Archives, it was suggested that living Acacians give $65. or more to provide the listing on the placque of a deceased Acacian. Active members urged to contribute along with alumni. Active chapters donate $65 or more to secure listing of active chapters. Alumni groups contribute to get troup listed on the placque. One sponsor, two co-sponsors, and 64 members of Club 65listed as the first ones to send in donations to the Archives. There were also ten donations received to honor deceased Acacians.

WINTER, 1970 More about Alumni groups- discussion about present groups of alumni, primarily building corporations, expanding thru a by-law and becoming an Alumni Chapter. Groups too small to qualify as qualified by By-laws, as Alumni Chapters to be listed as Alumni Clubs. SPRING, 1970

Thirty-three more listings of Club 65 donors. Five more donations in honor of deceased Acacians. A surprise donation from the Kansas Masonic Digest. More discussion on over-lapping of past alumni groups and new groups being formed to include alumni moving into a geographic area.


Conclave time will be the cut off dates to donors who wish to contribute to the Archives thru the Acacia Educational Foundation and having their names on the commemoration placque. At the Conclave, Article 22 will be reviewed and possibly changed to provide more flexibility for forming alumni groups.

SUGGESTION If you are willing to pay your own expenses, you need not be a delegate to attend all or part of the National Conclave sessions. The rates are right so why not join your brothers in Estes Park Aug. 23 to Aug. 28. Write the National Headquarters for room and meal reservations , and plan on seeing the new National Headquarters building at Boulder , Colorado and browsing thru the Archive section. ~ 22


Fifty-Year Masonic Pin Prese¡nted to Acacian

Editor's Note: Edward Baylor Meriwether, alumnus of the University of Chicago Chapter and the man for whom the Arkansas Chapter ;s named, recently received his 50-year Masonic pin. Active in his church, Masonic Lodge, Fraternity and Demolay, "Uncle Ed" was at one time dean of the Arkansas Law School during his thirty-three years of teaching. Meriwether received the Fraternity's Award of Merit. His remarks in accepting the pin are reflective of his life-long philosophy and are reprinted below to be shared with TRIAD readers: "I hope I may be permitted to say a very few words regarding this presentation that has just been made. Please let me refer to these notes, otherwise, you might be here a very long time ." "Most Worshipful Sir, although I really prefer to call you Brother Jack, I thank you for the kind and generous things you have said about me. I thank the Grand Master for making you his personal representative for this ceremony. And I thank the Grand Lodge for awarding this pin to me. It is, and will ever be , a landmark in my life." "I am grateful for the presence of my Brother Masons, the young gentlemen of the Acacia Fraternity and the young gentlemen of the Order of DeMolay, and also the ladies here present. To all of you I am most grateful." "In my seventy-one and a half years , I have been in several groups and organizations , each one has made a contribution to me and I hope I made a contribution to them. Tonight there are four groups or organizations that stand out in my mind. They are, in the order in which I became a part of them; my Church, Freemasonry, the Acacia Fraternity and the Order of DeMolay ." "Each one has made a significant contribution to my personal philosophy, and I have found nothing in the teachings of any one of them that is not in close agreement with and very similar to the others. They use different methods of teaching, but to me , their basic purposes are the same. They all seek to assist the member to grow, to develop, to serve, and eventually to develop his own philosophy of life." "One of the principal teachings is the concept "Brotherhood". Can any of you define Brotherhood? I cannot define it, but can tell you a few of its characteristics. Brotherhood cannot be exported because it is not a commodity. To be "Brotherhood" two or more individuals

necessarily have to be involved. It cannot be purchased- as a bag of potatoes. It cannot even be given away.. No individual can give it to another and no individual can receive it from another. True Brotherhood can only be shared between two or more persons who have made a commitment and who very much desire this relationship to come into existance." The Church, the Lodge and the Chapters of Acacia and DeMolay have each showed me the way I must travel in order to attain my goal of "Brotherhood," with one or more individuals. They have taught me that while I may be kind to another, I cannot be a brother if I hate any other person or group. Nor can I be a brother if I d.o not have com¡ passion for another's problems and for his pain. I must learn to share his joy without envy. And I must work endlessly at my own philosophy in order that I may be able to change strangers into acquaintances , acquaintances into friends and finally friends into brothers." "I do not claim any great success in this quest. I can only say that I have tried and am still trying. The little success I have had has been most rewarding and I commend this quest to you." "These are some of the things that the four most significant organizations in my life have given me. There is just one more part to this picture and it is a very important part. They gave me inspiration, and all of us need inspiration. They have given me a FAITH - a strong, abiding faith in the progress of man and in the progress of the world - faith that meaningful relationships may be created between individuals for the benefit of those individuals and also for the benefit of mankind." "I am grateful for my organizations. Not mine in the sense of possession, but mine because they are an important part of me. I am thankful for their teachings, for the thousands that worked in them in the past, and I know they will continue to give strength to those who seek it in the future." "Tonight we have celebrated an event in the past. It was right to have this celebration, and it has been wonderful for me. But now, having paid our respects to the beauties of the past and to its wonderful teachings, let us all , without fear, in strength and harmony, face the world again - in peace ; let us bring real "Brotherhood" into our lives and into the lives of others . In this manner we shall come a little closer and gain some further understanding of the pur¡ poses of the Supreme Architect of the Universe." ....



National Staff Changes By Harvey L. Logan, Executive Secretary

At the March council meeting of Acacia Fraternity, Barry J. Lyerly, Assistant Executive Secretary, submitted his resignation effective July 1, 1970. Barry has for some time desired to return to higher education and pursue a master's degree. Barry has served in the capacity of Assistant Executive Secretary in charge of expansion since April of 1968 and has done a very excellent job since that time. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincerest appreciation to Barry for his outstanding work with Acacia and wish him every success in his future endeavors as Counselor to Fraternities at the University of Iowa. To replace Barry, the National Council has asked Thomas E. Belman, presently Field Secretary for Acacia, to accept the position of Assistant Executive Secretary. Tom has accepted and will assume his new position this summer. Tom, as you know, has been a Field Secretary for Acacia for two and one half years and comes to this new position with a great deal of experience and zeal behind him. In addition to the administrative changes in the Assistant Executive Secretary position, we will be adding two new Field Secretaries this summer. Thomas Unternahrer, past Venerable Dean of the Oregon State Chapter, and William Thomas Nelson, past Venerable Dean of the Purdue Chapter, have both been selected as staff members. Both brothers will report to the National Headquarters July 1, 1970 and will be visiting chapters of Acacia for the year 1970-71. Although several changes have taken place in the staff, I am extremely optimistic about the coming school year. I feel certain that with your assistance, direction, guidance and involvement coupled with the new staff members, Acacia will see some of its greatest progress. ~



an Alumni Profile

L. W. "Pete" Knapp, National Treasurer, Receives Kellogg Foundation Grant

L. W. "Pete" Knapp, National Treasurer, recently was awarded, as project director, a $890,000 grant by theW. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan, to enlarge the Accident Prevention Laboratory of the Institute of Agricultural Medicine of the University of Iowa. Chief of the Accident Prevention Laboratory since 1965, it was also the result of a grant at that time by the Kellogg Foundation. The new construction will increase the laboratory four times and will constitute a million dollar structure when completed in 1971. Brother Knapp and the other members of the Institute will be able to greatly expand their research into the environmental and ecological problems of rural Iowa and the world at large. This past fall Knapp made an around the world trip which provided him with new insights into the needs of the world as related to his work. In his letter to the Kellogg Foundation in regard to the grant, he stated, in part, "The Institute is in a unique position to provide such insights into the problems of manmachine, man-animal, man-chemicals which are confronting our changing world. One has only to participate in a lecture situation with those who are striving so hard to bring their countries into the 20th century to see how a few seeds appropriately sown give rise to waves of grain in a very short time. I personally found it exciting and rewarding to lecture to such groups in the Philippines and India, among others, and to see the eagerness with which such newconcepts of their basic problems elicited immediate brain-

storming capable of dealing with the broader aspects of their needs." The University of Iowa Institute of Agricultural Medicine - an institution unique in the Western Hemisphere - was founded in 1955. The Accident Prevention Section came into being in 1959 with a three-year support grant from the Kellogg Foundation. It came into its own with the 1965 grant that allowed construction of the Laboratory. The importance of accident prevention among farmers can be emphasized by these facts: (1) The number of farmers killed on the job each year exceeds that of any other occupational group. (2) While farmers make up only six or seven per cent of the nation's work force , they account for 25 per cent of the on-the-job fatal accidents. (3) Only two other occupations - mining and construction - are more hazardous than farming. (4) Tractor accidents alone account for nearly 1,000 agricultural deaths annually. Despite his time-consuming and demanding position, Brother Knapp has always found time to devote to his fraternity. A member of the Cornell Chapter, he received his degree in Agricultural Engineering from that school. After joining the University of Iowa faculty , he was active in the re-activation of Acacia's Iowa Chapter and became Chapter Advisor in 1960. He was elected to his present post as National Treasurer at the 1962 Conclave. He is also the recipient of the Order of Pythagoras and the Award of Merit.



By Dennis Hall Secretary, Minnesota Chapter

Recently, the UCLA chapter of Acacia Fraternity broke with proud tradition and allowed a number of coeds to live in their chapter house. The event, of course, rece ived ' some national attention. Self-styled conservatives viewed the happenings as scandalous, conjuring visions ol all-night orgies, orgasms and unwed mothers. Younger and more liberally-oriented peopl!. saw the move of the Los Angeles chapter as progressive and in keeping with the times ' It was inevitable that the Acacia National Headquarters would ultimately step in t ' resolve the issue. A subsequent ruling found the chapter in violation of existing fraternity by-laws and the Los Angeles organization was forbidden to pledge female members. Thi~ decision demonstrated that the Greek system is currently operating under hopelessly out¡ dated rules and regulations, and are failing to take into account the changing attitudes ol ' college students living in a liberal environment. The national fraternity organizations fail to see that college students are living in a! society that has become increasingly open and frank on matters pertaining to sex and sexual relations. The progressive college student, for example, no longer views sexual intercourse as an evil magically transformed into an act of good and beauty by a marriage license. This attitude toward sex can be seen reflected in our society in a number of obvious ways, and also in ways that are subtle and less obvious. Opponents of the new liberalism point with increasing alarm to the precipitous rise in reported cases of venereal disease and in babies born out of wedlock. Advocates of the new freedom, unfortunately, have no such concrete statistics on which to base their arguments. Their arguments are, however, very real and very tangible to those willing to see them. Their plea is for a relationship that goes deeper than the act of intercourse - getting to know and dig each others minds. Developing an appreciation of each other as thinking, feeling and loving human beings as well as sex partners. This feeling can only be developed in the fullest sense by living and communicatinf with each other in a day-to-day setting - a feeling that should be developed prior to riage. A man-woman relationship is an everyday part of human life. How we as individuail cultivate this relationship depends on how we were raised; the influence of friends and through values acquired through personal experiences and experimentation. Most individuals were raised in a setting that discouraged boy-girl relati of any sort until the middle or late teens . If we were taught anything about sex, we were taught that it constituted a biological necessity for reproduction and that to dra" pleasure from the act was wrong. These attitudes were further reinforced through our physical upbringing. We taught to dress differently, to use different rest rooms and locker rooms and to hide "private" body organs from the view of the "opposite" sex.



From a male point of view, such attitudes make the female into something other han a living human being. To us the female body becomes a source of curiosity and chalnge. To have sexual intercourse with a girl friend or one-night acquaintance is regarded s a conquest, a victory, and all too often, a goal in itself. In short, a girl is frequently ~oked upon as a mindless body, built for the pleasure and satisfaction of the male. his attitude can be seen permeating our society in the popularity of erotic literature and ilms. The liberalizing effect of college and the freedom from traditional societal values and norms found on the campus are causing an ever-increasing number of male and female students to question their roles in relationship to one another. This questioning and seeking has lead to the growing popularity of courses on the dynamics of dating, courtship and marriage, coeducational dormitories and in some instances, communal living. The Greek system today is hotly criticised for its conservatism, or alleged conserva-

tism. Fraternities in general have been hotly condemned for harsh initiations and wild parties. These, and other charges , in all honesty, are frequently valid. As any sorority girl can testify, on matters of sex, fraternity men are frequently the most liberally-oriented and progressive members of society. Unfortunately , one-hundredyear-old guidelines from the national organizations have blocked open progressivism in the Greek system. Progressivism is thus forced to find outlets through the deviance of wild parties, orgies , and casual, unrestricted, meaningless sex. The time has come for the Greek system to change. The actions of the Los Angeles Acacia chapter clearly indicates a desire for "change. College dormjtories are increasingly going coeducational, so why not fraternities? In such a setting, a man and a woman could learn to live with each other as human beings in a flexible , informal relationship , developing their appreciation of each other as human beings rather than as two objects that show each other a good time in a Friday or

Saturday night ritual. A codeucational fraternity could break down the myths that are built around this weekend ritual. Through the dating ritual , males see coeds at their glorified best. We often , and often unconsciously, fail to appreciate that this creature can sweat, get dirty, has to use the john and has 8.0. just like any other human being. By realizing this and other things, males can become more sensitive to a girl's problems and needs . I believe fraternities can play an invaluable role by creating this needed awareness of females. The value would possibly be reflected in the lowering of the divorce rate. Divorces frequently stem from the failure of a couple to realize before marriage that they are incompatible - a situation that perhaps hinges around the present ritualization of the courtship process. Coeducational fraternities .would have a number of side advantages as well. They would lessen many of our present physical hangups, discomforts and embarrassments with coeds. They would remove the foolish embarrassment felt by men and women seeing each other in some state of undress. Unquestionably, there would be some problems of adjustment. Most of them based on hangups instilled by tradition. But, that is just what they are ; hangups , and hangups can be disposed of like the garbage that they are, and be replaced by positive , more realistic values and outlooks.

Editor's Note:

This article is simply the opinion of one member of the fraterruty and does not reflect the viewpoint or policy of either THE TRIAD or the National Council. It is the TRIAD's viewpoint that members have the right to express their beliefs and ideas to the rest of the fraternity. Equal space is offered for opposing viewpoints.



H. L. HOLDEN NAMED GATF DIRECTOR Harold L. Holden, an alumnus of the Minnesota Chapter and president, Holden Industries, Inc., Minneapolis, has been elected to the board of directors of the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, Pittsburgh, Pa. Holden was named to complete the unexpired term of John Worrell, vice president, Western Publishing Co., Inc., Racine, Wis., during the Foundation's annual member meeting in Pittsburgh recently. He will serve on the board until March, 1972. Active


in graphic communications activities, Holden is a member of the board of directors and past president of the Printing Industry of the Twin Cities and a member of the board of directors of the Printing Industries of America, Inc. Holden, a resident of Wayzata, Minn., is also active in civic affairs, serving on the board of directors of Goodwill Industries, Safety Council, Methodist Hospital and Walker Methodist Home. He is a past director of the Washburn Y.M.C.A. and Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce.


Roger Kidd, a member of the Kansas State Chapter, has been elected president of the Sports Parachute Club at Kansas State. Kidd holds a pilots license and has been sky diving for three years. He participated in the National Parachute Meet last November and won two trophies. He has also won trophies in competition at local parachute meets. Leon Wolfe, a pledge, was elected vice-president of the club, and another pledge, Max Philippi, is also in the Sports Parachute Club.

CHEERLEADERS NAMED AT KANSAS STATE Fred Petersen and Sidney Thurston, members of the Kansas State Chapter, were elected to the 1970 cheerleading squad at Kansas State. Petersen will serve on the six man regular squad that cheers at all football and basketball games. Thurston is one of two alternates who cheer at all of the football games and at the basketball games if one of the regulars is absent. A select group of twelve semi-finalists performed at the annual K-State spring intrasquad football game. Afterwards, the K-State student body voted to determine who would be the eight male cheerleaders for 1970. Both Petersen and Thurston were coached by former cheerleader, Tim Wigger, past Venerable Dean of the K::ms::~s State Chaoter.

Members of the newly established Colony at Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia, Kansas, are shown shortly after their official recognition on that campus. Members of the Colony are : Back Row : John Scott, Greg Claeys, Steven Bremer, Art Raine, Randy Waters, Martin Helm. Second Row: Randy Robertson , John Rowland, Don Shaw, Rick White, Larry McNown, Richard Ekholm, Dan Smith . Front Row : Ron Chance, Joe Bosiljevac, Kim Jacobs, Randy Cottingham.

ACACIAN HONORS ACACIAN George F. Sharrard, an alumnus of the Michigan Chapter and President of the Commercial Chemical Association (also Chairman of the Honor Award Committee). presents Dr. Wayne E. Kuhn, an alumnus of the Cornell Chapter, with the Association 's Annual Honor Award. Sharrard is Director of Marketing Research for Kennecott Copper Corporation and Dr. Kuhn is retired from duties as Manager of the Technical and Research Division of Texaco, Inc. Quite an honor for both individuals- and Acacia.


The retirement of Ellsworth C. Dent, an alumnus of the Kansas Chapter, from his responsibilities as Senior Vice President of Cor¡ onet Films, Executive Vice President of the Esquire Education Group, Vice President of Esquire, Inc. and a Director of the Jack C. Coffey Company, has been announced by A. L. Blinder, President of Esquire, Inc. Dent will continue to serve as a consultant for a couple of years, chiefly concerned with foreign sales activities. He also expects to devote some of his time to travel, writing, hunting,

fishing, golf and photographyall of which have been hobbies for years. Dent's career in the audio-visual field started in the early '20's, when he was a student at the Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia. He assisted Dr. M. L. Smith, Professor of Rural Education, in the production of films and slides to promote school consolidation in Kansas. The first major consolidation project was at Holcomb, Kansas, which recently became more famous for other reasons. His full-time audio-visual activity started in 1923, when he went to the University of Kansas to direct the Bureau of Visual Instruction, which served the schools of Kansas. He later established a similar service at the Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Next, he became Director of the Division of Motion Pictures, U.S. Department of the Interior, and moved from there to Educational Director of RCA-Victor in Camden, New Jersey. His next move was to Chicago during World War II to become General Manager of the Society for Visual Education, Inc. He came with Esquire, Inc., in January, 1946, to develop the distribution program of the Coronet Instructional Films Division.

CHARLES CHAMBERS DIES AT AGE 79 Charles Chambers, a member of the Missouri Chapter who was initiated in 1914, died recently at the age of 79 in Houston. A native of Eldorado Springs, Missouri. he had lived in Houston for a number of years where he was a member of the Houston Alumni Association. Still actively employed, he was

ACACIAN NAMED OUTSTANDING SUPPLY OFFICER OF THE YEAR U.S. Air Force First Lieutenant Robert 0. Freeman of Brighton, Colo., has been honored as an Outstanding Supply Officer of the Year. Lieutenant Freeman, an alumnus of the Colorado State College Chapter, was selected in recognition of his exceptional individual duty

Public Relations Director for the Miner-Dederick Construction Company. Chambers was active in the Masonic Lodge and Shrine and had been awarded a fifty-year certificate. His cheerful personality and words of counsel were a source of great value to the Houston Alumni Association.

Fl FTH ANNUAL ACACIA MIDWEST BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The fifth annual Acacia Midwest Basketball Tournament was hosted by the Illinois Wesleyan Chapter on March 21, and was marked by two unusual happenings. For the first time in tournament history, announcements were ¡sent to all Acacia chapter~ and the soonsors were surprised to receive interest from chapters as far removed as Texas and Pennsylvania. Most of the distant chapters could not field teams in the short time available, but to the delight of all the attending brothers, Louisiana State sent a strong contingent of brothers and competed in the tourney for the first time. The Illinois and Purdue chapters have dominated competition in the past, but this year Wisconsin, the smallest chapter represented, pushed past two challengers to the championship playoff, where it finished in second place against Purdue. Wisconsin pledge Jim Cartwright was voted the tournament's most valuable player. Teams were also sent by Iowa, Iowa State, Indiana and Illinois Wesleyan. Between the playoffs an exchange was held with all the campus sororities, and following the championship game a highly successful party capped the evening. In response to the interest shown by chapters outside the immediate Iowa-Illinois-Indiana area, announcements of next year's tournament will be mailed in plenty of time for more distant chapters to make plans to participate.

performance. He is assigned at Ubon Royal Thai AFB, Thailand, with a unit of the Pacific Air ) Forces, headquarters for air operations in Southeast Asia, the Far East and the Pacific area. The lieutenant earned his B.A. degree from Colorado State College where he was commissioned through the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps. _program.

NEW ACACIA COLONY AT ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Thirteen undergraduates at Illinois State University were formally pledged as Acacia's newest colony on May 17 by the Illinois Wesleyan chapter. National Treasurer L. W. Knapp, Jr., represented the national fraternity at the event. The ISU colony is the result of an organized expansion effort by the Illinois Wesleyan chapter. Since the ISU campus is only a mile from IWU, the IWU expansion committee was able to work with the pre-colony nucleus of men in building a strong, selective group on a day-to-day basis. The pledges of the ISU colony are all freshmen and sophomores with a well-diversified record of academic, social and athletic achievement. Greek houses are new to the ISU campus, and with no organized rush system and over 5,000 potential rushees to choose from, the ISU Acacians anticipate rapid growth as they work toward official chartering. In petitioning the national council for colony status, the ISU men stated that, in addition to the usual social and organizational benefits of national Greek affiliation, they wanted to establish a fraternity on their campus that could, by participation and example, provide the mature and constructive leadership that they feel both their campus and growing Greek system need. In the history and ideals of Acacia, they recognized the type of leadership they wanted to exemplify. This is now their goal as they work toward chapter status.

CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE CHAPTER WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Called "Thugateras", which means "loyal women" in Greek, the group represents almost all sororities and living groups on campus. Officers, seated, include Donna Hall, at the far right, who is President of the group as well as Chapter Sweetheart and a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority.


Lt. James L. Kanelakos Currently stationed in Viet Nam, Lt. Kanelakos is a 1969 graduate of Oklahoma State University and a member of that chapter. The Acacian's address is Co. C, 2nd Bn ., 12th lnf., 25th Div., APO San Francisco, California 96225

First Lt. Michael E. Fowley A 1968 graduate of Purdue University and a member of that chapter, Lt. Fawley is currently stationed in Viet Nam. His address is HOS MACV J-237, APO San Francisco, California 96222, for those who wish to write him.

Jack St. Clair Kilby, an alumnus of the Illinois Chapter, recently received one of six National Medal of Science Awards presented by President Richard Nixon. Currently a resident of Dallas, he won the award for his in~ention of integrated circuits. The discovery was made by Kilby in 1958 shortly after joining Texas Instruments in Dallas. His first semiconductor circuit, a simple phase-shift oscillator led to a concept of integrated circuitry which some say has revolutionized solid-state technology with a force second only to the invention of the transistor in 1947. Currently Assistant Vice President for Customer Requirements, he works on ¡special electronics problems. He graduated from Illinois in 1947 after an interupted period when he served in Burma during World War II.



President: George F. Patterson, Jr. 2624 Bremont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Phone-Area 513 631-5421 First Vice President: Calvin 0 . Hultman, 1501 Miller, Red Oak, Iowa 51566 Phone- 712-2776 Second Vice President: Irving M. Field, P. 0. Box 495, Pullman, Washington 99163 Phone-Area 509 567-8611 Treasurer: L. W. Knapp , Jr. 815 N. Linn, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Phone-Area 319 3384112 Counselor: Raymond E. Bivert, 234 N. Duncan St., Stillwater, Okla. 74074 Phone-Area 405 372-6963 Judge Advocate: J. B. Beaird, 2769 N.W. 17th, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107 Phone - Area 405 236-4309

910 Twenty-Eighth Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone-Area 303 449-3323 Executive Secretary: Harvey L. Logan Assistant Executive Secretary: Tom Bolman Field Secretaries: Tom Nelson and Tom Unternahrer

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Investment & Finance: L. W. Knapp, Jr., 815 N. Linn, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Scholarship: Norman Saatjian 3957 Cloverdale Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90008 National Alumni Director: Marvin Logan, 2614 Flossmoor St. , Apt. 4, Flossmoor, Illinois 60422

ACACIA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC.: P. 0. Box 263, Austin, Texas 78762 President: Wroe Owens Vice President: Oliver N. Bruck Secretary-Treasurer: Lamar Tims

ALUMNI CHAPTERS: Bloomington Alumni Association President: Blaine Johnson 800 North Smith Road 1-G Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Meetings-Second Wed. of each month at the chapter house 702 East Third St., Bloomington, Indiana 47401

Houston Alumni Association President: Robert Waggett Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 700 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Houston, Texas Meetings- Second Tuesday of every odd numbered month, 7 :30 P.M., Geo Club, 3130 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas

George Washington Alumni Association Treasurer: Joseph G. Motyka 10307 Cheshire Terrace, Bethesda, Md. 20014 Meetings-Last Tues. of every month 12:00 noon for lunch at Almas Temple 1315 K St., NW, Washington DC 20005

Kansas City Alumni Association President: Wayne Vanderpol 4201 W. 98th Terrace Overland Park, Kansas 66207

Meetings- Every Tues. at noon, Advertising & Sales Exec. Club, 913 Baltimore, K.C., Mo . and every third Wed., 6:30P.M., Twin Oaks Restaurant, 5050 Oak St., K.C., Mo. Seattle Alumni Association President: Charles E. Perry 8017 Stroud Avenue, N. Seattle, Washington 98103 Phone-Area 206 La 3-1580 Meetings-Second Thurs., Oct. , Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar., June Founders' Day Banquet 2nd Sat. of May Contact-W. Dexter, Sec'y. , 503 N. 42nd St., Seattle, Washington 98103 Phone-Me 3-5749



Texas: Oliver N. Bruck P.O. Box 263 , Austin, Texas 78767 Phone - Area 512 HO 5-8551 Pennsylvania, Cornell, Syracuse: To be appointed. Washington, Oregon: John L. Martinsen 13328 SE 44th Place, Bellevue, Wash. 98109 Phone-Area 206 SH 7-8624 New England States, Rensselaer: Richard F. Stevens 21 Woodridge Rd., Durham, N.H. 03824 Phone- Area 603 868-5206 Illinois, Indiana: H. L. Kibler 114 N.W. Second St., Paoli, Indiana 47454 Phone-Area 812 723-2260 Louisiana, Mississippi State: William J. Lewis 5927 Boone Dr., Baton Rouge, La. 70808 Phone-Area S04 343-9848 Wisconsin, Minnesota: Robert E. Jepson 6208 Parkwood Rd. , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424 Phone- Area 612 935-1654 Georgia, Alabama, Univ. Tennessee: Edwin P. Kohler, II 479 Danube Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30304 Phone-Area 404 252-8206





Oklahoma, Arkansas: Bob Ford 1800 N.W. 32nd, Apt. 6, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73118 Kansas, Missouri : Robert B. Miller 526 W. Clark, Warrensburg, Mo. 64093 Phone-Area 816 747-9161 Colorado, Wyoming: Roy F. Miller 217 Dietrich Bldg., Box 1090, Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Phone-232-1791 Iowa, Nebraska: Jacob Wegmuller 802 Summit St., Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Phone -Area 319 337-9627 Northern California : Edward J. Willig, Jr. 1465 Southdown Rd. , Hillsborough, Calif. 94010 Phone- Area 415 342-0507 Michigan, Ohio: Harvey Miller 903 McHenry Street, Urbana, Ill. 61801 Southern California, Arizona: Joe Reed 15951 Villa Nova Circle, Westminster, Calif. 92683 Assistant Province Governor for Michigan, Ohio: Bill Fuller 22 Arden Place, Athens, Ohio 45701 Assistant Province Governor for Illinois: Melvin Verni 1112 Linden Ave., Oak Park, ill. 60302 Assistant Province Governor for Indiana: Donald LaRue 427 N. Salisbury, W. Lafayette, Ind. 47906

THE TRIAD DIRECTORY ALABAMA-University, Alabama ARIZONA-14 50 North Cherry, Tucson, Arizona 85 71 9, Ph one Area 602, 622-91 21, Venerable Dea n-WtlUam Chessell , Rush Chairman-Chapter AdvisorOr. Darrel Metcalfe, 5 811 E. 9th , Tucson, Arizona 87511. ARKANSAS-240 Stadium , Faye tteville, Arkansas 72 703 , Ph one Area 50 1, Hl-2-6276, Venerable Dean-John Geelan , Ru sh Chairman-Mi ke Russ, Chap ter Advtsor-Dr. Arthur E. Spooner, Jr. 2272 Briarwood, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. BOSTON-197 Baystate Roa d , Bos tno , Mass. 02215, Venerable Dean-Stu art Goldstein, Rush Chail man-A ndrew Schwartz, Chapter Advisor-Steph en Blampied 19 Densmore St. , Quincy, Mass. 02 17 1. ' CALl FORNIA-Berkeley, California. CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE-Warrensburg, Missouri. CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE-230 East Main , Edmo nd , Oklaho ma 73034 , Phone Area 4 05 34 1-9839 , Venerable Dean-Dallas Gand y, Ru sh Cha irman-Richard Blowers o r Dave Violas, Chapt er Advisor-John Hartman , 318 E. Lincoln , Edm ond , Oklaho ma. CINCINNATI- 2603 University Court , Cinci nnati , Ohio 452 19 , Ph one Area 513 96 1-94 06 , Venerable Dea n-Ed Noe, Ru sh Chairma n-Jim Ku rre, Chap ter Advisor-J ohn Hice, 4508 Erie, Ci nci nnati, Ohio 4522 7. COLORADO-Boulder, Colorado . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY-1 5 10 South College, Ft. Collins, Colorado 805 2 1, Phone Area 303 484-7 130, Venerable Dea n-Bru ce Kemp, Rush ChairmanGary Giordano, Chapter Advisor-Dick All en, 1300 Adams No. 306, Denver , Colo. 80206. CORNELL-318 Highland Road , Ithaca, New York 14 850, Ph one Area 607 272-1 56 7, Venerable Dean-Stephen Baumgartner, Rush Chairman-A. Richard Grubbs, Chapter Advisor-0. Ernest Bangs, Ill Statler Hall , Ithaca, New York 14850. EAST TEXAS-P. 0. Box 3073, East Texa s Sta tion , Commerce, Texas 75428 , Venerable Dean-David Basye, Rush Chairman-Fred Jones, Chapter Advisor-J.B. Wilson, 152 Royal Lane, Commerce, Texas 7542 8. GEORGIA-325 N. Milledge Ave., Athens, Georgia 30601 , Phone Area 404 , 548-7093 , Venerable Dean-Samuel R. Heys, II , Ru sh Chairman-Jan Gillespie, Chapter Advisor-Joseph Boyett, 108 Donna St. , Athens, Ga. 30602. HOUSTON - 3315 N. McGregor, Houston , Texas 77004 , Venerable Dea n-Tom Vezey, Rush Chairman-Steve Weeks, Chapter AdvisorILLINO IS-50! East Daniel, Champaign, Ill. 61 820, Phone Area 217 , 344-1510, Venerable Dean-Frederick Garrott, Rush Chairman-Don Clark , Chapter AdvisorHaldane Bean, 209 West High, Urbana, tmnois 61 801. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN-915 N. Main St., Bloomington, Illinois 61701 , Pho ne Area 309, 828-1473 , Venerable Dean-To m Neis, Ru sh Chairman-J ames Graehling, Chapter Advisor-Cliff Sichta, 524 W. Ridge St., Lanark , Ill. 61046 . INDIANA-702 E. 3rd St., Bloomington, Indiana 47401 , Phone Area 812 339-971 6 , Venerable Dean-Roy Johnson , Ru sh Chairmen-Dave Waszak and Tom Hein s, Chapter Advisor-Alan B. Johnson , 800 N. Smith Rd ., Apt. G-1 , Bloomingto n, Indiana 47401. IOWA-202 Ellis Avenue, Iowa City , Iowa 52241 , Phone Area 319, 337-3101 , Venerallle Dean-Doug Hoelscher, Rush Chairman-Glen Sutherland, Chapter Advisor-Or. David Carew-1524 Muscatine Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. IOWA STATE-142 Gray Avenue, Ames, Iowa 60010, Phone Area 515 , 232-6440 Venerable Dean-David Arnburg, Rush Chairman-Mark Woldruff, Chapter AdvtsorDavid Smith ,13 29 Grand Ave nue, Ames, Iowa 50010. KANSAS-1100 India na, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 , Phone Area 913 84 3-7810, Venerable Dea n-Lee Polson, Ru sh Chairman-Jeff Easterday, Chapter Advisor-Harold Craig, 1322 Massachuse tt s, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. KANSAS STATE - 2005 Hunting Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas, Phone Area 923, 5 39-2369 , Venerable Dean-Ala n Buster, Ru sh Chairman-Jerry Tiemeyer, Chapter Advisor-Bill Riley 2014 Bre wning, Manha ttan, Kansas 66502. LONG BEACH- J8 31 East lOth St., Long Beach, California 90804, Ph one Area 2 13 4 33-9661 , Venerable Dean-Dave Worden, Ru sh Chairman-Geo rge DeVIne, Chapter Advisor-Kay Fujimura, 9405 Talbert Avenue, Fountam Valley , Caltf. 9270 8. .. 70803 LOUISIANA STATE-Box AF-University Station, Ba ton Rouge, LouiSiana , Phone Area 504 , 348-0576, Venerable Dean-Do nald Sulanas, Jr. , Ru sh Chairm anRobert Squires, Chapter Advisor-Ji m Lewis, 5927 Boone Dr., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7080 8. MEMPHIS STATE-595 S. Graham, Memphis, Tenn. 38 111 , Phone Area 901. 323-1774 Venerable Dean-Jerry Murdock, Ru sh Chairman-Jerry Murdock , Chapter Advisor-Herb Butler, 1862 Bar telt Rd., Memphis, Tennessee 38 128. MIAMI-110 South Campus St. , Oxford, Ohio 45056, Phone Area 513, 523-5944 , Venerable Dean-Robert Monroe, Rush Chairman-Rory Hermann , Chapter Advisor-Or. Orval Conner, 63 14 Fairfield Rd ., Oxford , Ohto 45056. MICHIGAN-Ann Arbo r, Michigan. MINNESOTA-1 206-Sth St. , SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota554 14 , Ph one Area612 33 1-5941 Venerable Dean-Daniel Blegen, Ru sh Chau man-Chap ter AdvtsorFred Fax~og 55 17 Wentworth , South Mineapolis. Minnesota 55419. MISSISSIPPI' STATE-P. 0 . Box CF , State College, Mississi ppi 39762, Phone Area 60 1, 323-9813 , Venerable Dean-Barry Hurt, Ru sh Chauman-Vernon HalJ , Chapter Advisor-Frank Sekyra, Ponderosa Dnve, Starkvtlle-, Mtsstsstppt 39759. MISSOURI AT ROLLA-508 W. 9th St., Rolla, Mo. 65401, Phone Area 314, 364-1217, Venerable Dean-Richard Carver , Rush Chairman-James Waltrip, Chapter Advisor-Herbert Alcorn , Hobson Star Route, Rolla, Mo . 65 401.

NEBRASKA-2255 Vine Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 , Phone Area 402, 4 32-5308, Venerable Dean-Raymond Jacobs Rush Chairman-John Gleason Chap ter Advisor-Keith Sawyers, 3233 S. l4 th, Lincoln, Nebraska 68502: NEW HAMPSHIRE-1 0-12 Mill Rd., Durham , New Hampshire 03824 Ph one Area 603 868-7762 , Venerable Dean-WiWam R. Stokes, Rush Chairman-Raymond Me Cubrey, Chap ter AdVIsor-Raymond Matheso n 32 Mill Pond Road Durham New Hampshire 03824. ' ' ' NORTHEAST LOUISIANA STATE - P. 0 . Box 1807, Mo nroe , Louisia na 7120 1, Ph one Area 318, 373-2109 , Venerable Dean-Ronnie Fuller Rush ChairmanRandy Fuller, Chapter Advisor-Claude Fuller 405 Beasley Monroe Louisiana 71 201. ' ' ' UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORAD0- 1715- llth Ave., Greeley, Colorado 8063 1, Phone Area 303 352-9840, Venerable Dean-Sam Kaaha nui Rush Chairman-Peter Quinby , Chapter Advisor-Dennis Warnem unde, 1628-9th Ave., Greeley , Colorado 8063 1. NORTHWESTERN-610 Li ncoln Ave., Evanston, Ill . 6020 1, Ph one Area 312, 47 5 ~9666, Venerable Dean-TI1eodore Perl, Rush Chairman-James Ward , Chapter Adv1sor-Donald Wilson, 250 Hickory Rd. , Northbrook , Illinois 60062. OHIO STATE -275 E. 15th Ave. , Columbu s, Ohio 43201, Phone Area 614, 299-7552 , Venerable Dean-Marvin Gray, Rush Chair ma n-Robert Baird , Chapter Advisor-Don Leake, 54 7 Melrose Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43202 . OKLAHOMA-823 Chau taugua, Norman, Oklahoma 73069, Phone Area 405, 32 1-9246, Venerable Dean-James Manzelman , Rush Chairman-Chap ter AdvisorPeter M. Auer, 1020 College Ave., Norman, Okla. 73069. OKLAHOMA STATE-1 215 University Ave., Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074, Phone Area 405 372-9639 , Venerable Dean-Rich Riefe, Rush Chairman-Dennis Boyd , Chapter Advisor-Ray Bivert, 234 Nort h Duncan , Stillwa ter, Oklahoma 74074. OREGON STATE-2857 Van Buren, CorvalUs, Oregon 9733 1, Phone Area 503, 752-9329 , Venera ble Dean-Gary Zimmerman, Ru h Chairmen-Don Tsukamald and Ed Traux, Chapter Advisor-Delmer Goode, 225 N.W. 31st, Corvams, Oregon 97330. PENN STATE-234 Locust Lane, State College, Pa. 16801, Ph one Area 814, 23 8-30 83, Venerable Dean-David Cur tis, Rush Chairman-Joe Olszewski, Chapter Advisor-Or. G. Kenneth Nelson, 50 1 Westview Ave., State College , Penn. 1680 1. PURDUE-60 8 Waldron St., W. Lafaye tte, Indiana 47906, Phone Area 317, 74 3-1 883, Venerable Dean-Gary Duff, Ru sh Chairman-Douglas Gormley, Chapter Advisor-Leonard Wood. 725 Allen St .. West Lafayette. Indiana 47906. RENSSELAER-4 Sunset Terrace, Troy, New York 12 181, Phone Area 518, 272-97 65 , Venerable Dean-Mitchell Johnso n, Rush Chairman-Daryl Maddox, Chapter Advisor-Chu ck Phelan, 7-25 th St., Troy, New York 12180. SAN JOSE - 634 Curtner, Campbell , California 95008, Venerable Dean-Robert Foss, Rush Chairman-Steve Del Sesto, Chap ter Advisor-Robert Morgan 300 W. Hedding, San Jose, Caljf, 95110 SHIPPENSBURG- Box 198 Old Main , Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257 , Ph one Area 717 532-5249 , Venerable Dean-Peter Budn yk, Rush Chairman-Bradley Sell , Chapter Advisor-C. Robert Jacoby, 26 N. Penn St. , Shtppensburg, Pa. 17257. SYRACUSE-75 6 Comstock Avenue, Sy racuse, N.Y. 132 10, Phone Area 315, 476-811 0, Venerable Dean-Eric Hansen, Rush Chairman-James Dispenza, Chapter Advisor-John P. Howe, 304 Deerfield Road, Ap t. I, E. Syracuse, N.Y. 13057. TENNESSEE-1 800 Melrose Avenue, Kn oxville, Tenn. 279 16, Phone Area 6 I 5, 523-9649 Venerable Dean-Jim Ble tner, Rush Chairman-John Erpenbach, Chap ter Advisor-McK;nley Braden, 5604 Marilyn Dr. , Knoxville, Tenn. 37914. TEXAS-2614 Rio Grande St. , Austi n, Texas 78705 , Phone Area 512,472-7255, Venerable Dean-David Dunlap, Rush Chairman-Victor Harris, Chap ter AdvisorSteve Harris 2905 Townes Lane, Austin, Texas 7 8703. TRI-STATE~ 822 W. Park , Angola, Indiana 46703, Venerable Dean-J ames Doran, Rush Chairman-Rick Rammon, Chapter Advisor-Harry McGurk, c/o Tn-State College, Ango la, Ind. 46703. UCLA-720 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, California 90024 , Phone Area 213, 4749025 , Venerable Dean-Barry Schreiber, Rush Chairman: Bill Oxley , Chapter Advisor·Rich Rhoades, 5002 Varna Ave., Sherman Oaks, Cal tforma 91403. VERMONT - 404 College St. , Burlington, Vermont 05401 , Phone Area 802, 864-7007 Venerable Dean-Edward Janik , Ru sh Chairman-Ed Lamouraux, Chapter Advi s~r- Dr. George Crooks, 74 Spear, Burlington , Vermont 0540 1. WASHINGTON-5004-17th Avenue, NE, Seattle, Washington 98 105 , Phone Area 206 524-0220 Venerable Dean-Dale Cavanaugh , Rush Chairman-James Hawley, Chap ter Ad,vtsor·Gene Guthrie, 354 1 NE !66th, Seattle, Washington 8

~ 1~~·1NGTON STATE - 1607 Ruby Street, Pullman, Washington 99163, Phone Area 509 332-1607, Venerable Dean-Bob Dragoo, Rush Chairman-Wke Warr, Chap ter Advisor-David Grimes 502 State St., Pullman, Wasrungton 99163. WISCONSIN- 222 Langdon, Mad ison, Wisconsin 53703, Phone Area 608 2569303 , Venerable Dean-Greg Mamula, Rush Chai rman-Ken Van Dyke , Chapter Advisor-Carl Kantner, 2227 Wood view Ct. , Madtson, Wtsconstn 53713. WYOMt NG- FraternHy Park , Laramie, Wyoming 8207 1, Phone Area 307 7664050 , Venerable Dean-Terr y Eittreim , Ru sh Chairman-Fred Ockers, Chapt er Advisor-Bob Burnett , 1067 Bonita Road , P. 0. Box 11 23, Laramte, Wyommg 82070. ACACIA COLONIES KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE -111 5 Merchant , Emporia, Kansas 66801, President-Greg Claeys, Rush Chai rman-Randy Cottingham, Chapter Advtsor-Gary Robmson, c/o Admissions, KSTC, Empon a, Kansas 66801. ILLINOIS STATE -104 North Cottage, Normal, Illinois 61761, PresidentSteve Klasing.

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