Acacia Journal - May 1910 - Vol. 5, No. 3

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Aleph Chapter, Univeraity of Mi chiaan

Beth Chapter, Leland Standford Uo ivenit y

Gimel Chapter, Un iveraity of Kan sas

Daleth Chapter, Universit y of Nebras ka

• He Chapter, Universi ty of California

Waw Cha pter, Ohio State Un iversit y

T eth Chapt er , Harvard University

Heth Chapter, University of Illinois

C LI NTON P Me O RD • Yodh Chapter , Univenity of P ennoylvan ia

Kaph Chapter, Uni versi ty of Minnesota

H A RR Y C. N O R T HROP Lamedth Chapter, Un iversity of Wisconoin


Mem Chapter. Univeraity of Miuouri

C W W OLL E NWEBER Nun Chapter. Corn ell Un iveraity





Samehk Chapter, Purdu e Uni rsity

Ayin Chapt er, Uni ve n ity of Chicaao

P e Chapt er, Y ale Univerait y

Toadhe Chapter, Columbia Univerait y

Koph Chapter, Iowa State Colleae

Reoh Chapter, Uni venit y of Iowa

WILLIAM S. D Y E , JR Shin Chapter, The P ennsylvan ia State Colleae

F E. D U NT ON Tav Chapter, Univen ity of Or eacn

E. E. M E RRI F IE LD Aleph-Aleph Chapter, University of Waohinaton


Aleph-Beth, Northwes tern Univers ity

T he Acacia Journal io publi shed on the lot day of November, February and May, at St Louis , Mo Subocription pri ce, O ne D ol lar pe r yea r in advan ce , Sina le Copies, Fifty Cents. or Thirty-five Cents where ordered throuah the Chapter secre taries . R emitta ncea should be made by check , expre ll or money order, payable to the Grand Se cretary, 728 Rialto Blda • S t L ouis, M o.

All co ntributi ons for th e Journal should be se nt to the Grand Secretary, 728 Ri a lto Blda., St. Lou is, Mo. VOL. V.




T h is number o f th e J o RNAL comp let es v o lum e V 'vVe tnt t that the JOl R AL h a s kept pace w ith th e pr og r e s o f th e F r a t e rn ity The p r e se nt p la n o f edi ti ng t h e J o u RNA L ha s bee n tri e d f o r tw o ye ar a n I we do n ot bel ieve that an y ot h e r p lan will pr o du co a be tt e r J o u RNA L. \\ e hav e nev e r had s o m u c h mate ri a l o n hand an d o good m a t e ri a l. T h e br o t her s ar e int e r e s te d in t h e J o HNA L, and we b el ieve thi bec au s e th e J o R '. \ L is fill ing a p lace in o ur F ra tr: rnit y lif e . vVe h av e h ad inquiri e fr o m g ran d lodges, libr a ri es l\ [aso n s co n ce rnin g th e J ou RNA L. Thi s is a h o peful ig n . a n d pro m in ent Th e J o u RN AL

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I S our to the world. It is also the forum for the discussion o f our problems. Let us as chapters and individuals see to it that the J ouRNAL continues to k ee p step with the onward march of the Fraternity ; that it truly r epre se nt s the ideals and aspiration s , as well as, the actual acco mpli shment s of the individual chapter s; that within its co lumn s every broth e r ma y expre ss hi s opinions upon the work of the Fraternity; and that the s um of it all shall be to make us know one another better and appreciate our fellowsh ip more.

Th e editors have cl one their b es t and we h ope their work will meet with app r ova l. Most of th em have been prompt and the chapter letter s show their desire to make th e Jou RNAL worth while . 'vVe take thi s opportunity to thank th em for their -co - opera tion and s upp o rt , and beli eve that through th eir united efforts, the F raternity is t o have th e b es t JO URNAL to date.


It ha s be e n our desire to issue a directory for a year o r m o re and we are g lad, through the co-ope ration of the ch apte r e ditor s, to accomplish this task The chapter editors have well and we hav e tried to clas s if y their work and arrange the materia l so that the director y w o uld be serviceable. Vve have compared o ur r eco rd s and gone ove r eve ry name in the h ope of m a kin g it accurate. W e have realized that an inaccurate and illa rran ged directory would b e of n o u se and a waste o f effo rt. 'vVe tru s t that o ur effo rt s hav e r es ult ed in sa ti sfy in g th e wants o f the br oth ers.

There will be mistakes, no doubt, and this offic e s h o uld be g lad to h ea r from any brother pointing out th e error. You will not e a lso that th ose who do n o t hav e membership r eco rd s on fil e are n ot ified of the fac t b y an asterisk pr ece din g the nam e. In some- cases we hav e been unabl e to ge t the add r ess. \N e trust that any o n e whose re cord is n ot o n fil e or whose address h as n ot been g iv e n w ill write thi s office .


\Ale ope n ed th e edito rial co lu mn of th e Jovember JOURNAL with an expression of h ope that the yea r was t o b e o n e of pr og r ess. We beli eve that t h e year's work w ill s h ow that there h as been a r ea li za ti on o f that hop e . In th e g r ow th o f membership th ere ha s bee n marked advancement, and this too wit h out any sac rifi ce of the quality of membership . Everyw h ere our members are t a kin g hi g h rank sc h o las ticall y, and th e positions of honor held by our members in th e st ud en t bo dy sh ows th ey are h eld in high es te em by th e ir fellow s tud ents . There i s a g r ow in g sp irit of proper pride in our chap t er s in the Fraternity. The men are proud of their Fraternity. The y app r ec iate its oppo rtunit y for service and its purpose. V.l e may co nfidentl y expect a s till g r eate r g r owt h of F rat e rnit y spirit. A sp irit not of caste but of democracy, a sp irit which r ecog ni zes th e tru e worth of the in div idual measured by accomp li s hm e nt , se rvic e, and character; a spirit born o f th e conv icti o n that o ur Fraternity co nt a in s s uch m e n. and s uch a sp irit sh o uld g r ow among u s. Let us do n othing as individuals o r chapters t o impair the pride we tak e in th e Fraternity, o r to hind er it s future g r ow th .




Three new c hapt er hav e been added to th e r oll. Tav at re on promise s _ to be one of the tr o ng chapter of the F rat ern it y A leph-Aleph at \Va s tmgton wa in tailed by Brother He inrich o n Feb ruar y sth, and lep h -Bet h at Ko rth we te rn wa in tailed on larch 5th. The e n ,,. c hap ter s are added link in the chain of chapters and will add materially to o ur strength. Seve ral petitions are in the cour e of preparation and i f they s h ould be ubm itted this yea r the chapters s h o uld act promptly, favorably or unfavorably , . o that those chapter admitted may get fairly tarted before the clo s e of the yea r. v e may s ay for the work o f thi s office that it ha s been most ati fac t or y. The s ercetarie h ave been pr ompt in nearl y eve r y ca e. O ur lette r s t o man y of the s ecretarie s is to the effect that yo ur work is in fine hap e and we have no s ugge s tion to make. The work of ome of th e sec retari e ha been little le ss than remarkable. Brother Duxbury of Teth ha advanced the work o abl · beg un la s t ye ar b y Brothe r Dewey . Daleth C hapt er ha in the per on of 13 r ot her V illars one of the bes t chapter ecretarie in the Frate rnit y. There are a number of th e ot h er sec retarie s who are d o in g work whic h le erves commendat io n , espe ciall y B r o th e r Longenecker of vVaw hapter. lf we are pr o ud o f n o thin g el e we are pr o ud of o ur progress in keeping cl ose to the chapters and their work. It ha h e lp ed u s and we trust h as been of benefit to them .

T h e wo rk o n th e members hi p rec o rd ha s co ntinued t o cut down the numb er of mi s s in g membership record s. Th e r e are o m e mi s in g ye t as y o u will . ec from the directory, We h o pe that a number of rec o rd s will be s ent in before the clo s e of the yea r . O ur chapters are in ge neral attending to their clue s a nd f ees prom ptly. We s ubmit that an examination of the wo rk done during th e yea r will ati s fy the mo s t keptical. There ha s b ee n progres s .


In a few more weeks we will be in Jun e and o me o f the brothers will be o ff f o r t h eir vaca ti o n. Fo r some it will be a r o und of plea s ur e and r ec r eation, to ot h ers il will be a time of hu s tlin g to get the wherewithal to r e turn to co ll ege next yea r . We tru s t that all will hav e a pleasant vacation; that t h ose w h o are out for r es t and recreati on ma y find it and that th e man who hustles may s ucceed in ga thering in e n o u g h s heck e l t o tid e him ove r ne x t vear.

• T h en from all the chapters there will be the brot h e r. w h o are go in g {)Ut to comme n ce. We are s ure 'the y will succeed . T h ey are good m e n a n I true or th y wo uld n o t hav e come thu s far on th e r oad and we confidently expect them to be men of worth in whatever walk of life the y cast their lot. Vi/ e wis h th m well. Their chapter will miss their presence and coun s el. It i s to be h oped that in these remainin g days of the year that t h e o lder men will ee to it that , in so far as they can, the affairs of the -c h apter are adjusted for s mo o th sailing next ye ar.

We trust that vacation days will close and find the men who are r etu rnin O' to the c hapt e r re olved t o make another yea r o f progre ss We l1 ope that the brothers who are go in g out will n o t lose in the Frat e rnit y. Keep in t o uch with yo ur chap t e r. Let th e Fraternity h ea r from yo n thr o ugh the Jo u R AL.



We shall soo n have new officers in the chapters. The retiring officers should see to it that the incoming officers are starte·d right. Do not drop everything, but take a little time to help your successor so he may av?id yo ur failures and mi stakes. To the new officers, especially the s ec:etanes, we would suggest that they give attention to our laws and also get 111 touch with this office befor e the close of the year.


Grand President Wilson has notified thi s office that the next Grand Conclave will be he ld at Columbia, Missouri. , We trust that every chapter will be represented in the conclave. There are a number of important matters to come up for consideration . The ritual should be in shape to pas s upon finally at th<J.t time if not before. Delegates should be cho se n and the men elected should make preparation for the work of the conclave. The time for the meeting of the conclave is short and plans have to be worked out beforehand in order to accomplish the most.

Blanks from this office will be sent to the chapter secretaries and these should be returned before the clo se of the year filled out. The brothers at Mem Chapter are planing to show the visitors an enjoyable time. We are sure that the delegate who is fortunate enough to attend will not soon forget the Conclave of 1910.


This i s not a discussion on high finance, a much di s cussed subject at this time. It i s rather a plain talk to the chapters which should be made. Our financial obligations have been met promptly during the year. This has been due to the fact that the chapters as a rule paid their clues and fees on time . All debts have been paid and our balance shows up very favorably . The general expenses of the Fraternity will not be as high as they were last year. The Jo u RNAL account will be heavier than it was last year. The cost of the last Conclave was $1,467.59· This item s hows that conclaves are very expensive. There is no hope of reducing our expenses unless we make the period between conclaves longer. This matter should be gone over carefully. If you believe that the conclaves are worth the money they •cost, then tliere is nothing to do but to pay for them.

Of course , we know nothing of the local expenses of the chapters . They vary widely. Before the year clo ses all accounts should be closed not only with this office but with your local creditors. Of course yo'u may not be able to meet all your demand s where you have gone in debt for furniture and houses but be sure to have a settlement and know where you stand. The sure way to have credit is to know what you owe and make definite s ion for meeting it. Report yo ur active members on May 1st and make it possible for the books of this office to be written up. We are glad to report a good financial showing on the part of nearly every chapter in the Fraternity. Not a single chapter is in s traightened circumstances. This is a good showing and one in which we should take pride.



\V e feel compelled again t o call the attention of the borther to the matter of h onorary member hip. The method provided for the election of honorary members is a impl e o n e but it s implicit y eem to baffle ome of th e officers. Tn the fir t place the chapter ballot o n the propo ed member am! if carried un an im o u sly a petition h o ulcl be prepared and ubmitted to the G rand ouncil. T hi s petition hould be in about th e followin form: "To the o un cil of th e Acac ia F raternity :

Gen tl emen :-You are h e reb y n o tifieu that at a tated meeting of .. ... . h apter, held on the .. .... cla y o f .. . ....... , 1 9 1 .. , it was unanim o u ly voted to etxend an invitation to . ...... . ... (g iv e full name) ........... . to become an h onora r y member o f thi s chapter. We re pectfully ubmit the pet iti on for your approva l. "

T h en give the position of h o n o r held in th e community b y th e propo eel member, his lodge, c hapte r , commandry, etc ., member hip and hi addre

T h i petition s h o uld b e f o rwarded t o thi s office. It will then be ubmitted to the ou n c il and their action reported t o the chapter secretary. If the Co un ci l approve the petition then the br o ther should be initiated , or if a l ready a member, he s h o uld be notifi ed and up on hi acceptance, hi s membership record s h ou ld be se nt to thi s office, and hi s name will then be entered as a member o f yo ur chapter. , In all ca ses where yo u elect a member to ho n o r ary membership yo u should provide him with a certificate of membership and the fee in thi case is one Dollar. \life have gone into this matter at length for the reason that in some cas es the honorary member a sk this office if he ha s been e lected, and he s hould know thi s from the chapter sec r etary. It a l o com plicate s the record s of thi s office for we do n o t kn ow w h ther after th e approval of the Council the member has be e n initiat ed, o r notified and accepted, as the case ma y be , and until we do know we do n o t entei· the name o n th e c hapter roll in thi s office.


Reference t o the con stitution will s how that there are only thre e classes of members enume rated In making up the directory it was evident that o m e of the sec r etari es were not aware that the active , alumni and h o n o rary m e mb e r s exhau t ed the li st . It is provided that after a member has been initiated h e ma y in certain case s become an alumnu s. The con s tituti on i s n ot a clear as it might b e on who are active members but we think that the s tatu s of a member o ught not to cau se the secretarie much tr o uble. If th e member t a k es part in the active work of the chapter, h o ld s o ffic e, votes o n the questions s ubmitted to the chapter, he i s an active member and houlcl be reported as s uch On May Ist a list of the active members in each chapter sh o uld be e nt in at once. This hould be clone whether th e dues are sent o r n o t. The lis t mu s t be in so the books can be written up. Take care of thi s matter promptly and please remember that on member s initiat ed during the yea r yo u are liable for the per tax, a s it i clear int e nti o n of the constitution that a member imttated shall be active for the year h e was initiated.




There has been some inquiry about the ritual from time to time and our Brother Keith has spoken. The ritual-mak ing process is a slow one. We fully believe that the ritual finally s ubmitted by the committee will be one welf worth waiting for and one that we all shall take great pride in. No doubt before it ha s gone many years some enlightened brother , who has just been initiated, will propose to the Conclave that improvements should be made and the Conclave will -hasten to s how that it is open to conviction. Now we h ope that the ritual will be a good one, and when finally adopted, that we will be slow to make changes. We ought, at lea st , to give the ritual a thorough trial before we listen to any suggestion of change.


There will be no vacation in the work of this office . We hope that the members who do not hav e membership records on file will let us hear from them, for they may expect to hear from u s .. If there are any questions during vacation do not fail to write 'N e will attend to your letter promptly. If you pass through our city do not fail to call. We shall be glad to see you. This office is maintained for the service of the Fraternity as a whole and we are here to serve at all tin1es. So do not fail to write u s or to call.


The J OURNAL may not reach you until a day or so after the elate se t. This is because of the great amount of work the directory has caused us. It had to be clone carefully and we have worked night and clay to get the Jo uRNA L out on time . A few of the chapter editors were late as usual. They will b e late when Ga briel t oo t s his horn, unle ss he has a police ambulance along with him and gathers them in. We trust that the result of the work of thi s office and th e chapter editors ha s produced a Jo uRNA L which will be creditable t o the Fraternity .



A few yea r s ago as I was returning home to Philadelphia from Buffalo. the train st opped at Bethlehem, where I purchased a new spa per. On the front page, in bold type, there appeared the announcement of the dea-th of one of th e foremost capitalists in the United States, whose name was sy nonym o u s with that ·of Wall Street. U nf o rtunately, there was no honor connected with that riame in the newspaper reference, nothing but reflections , o n one who during his lif e tim e, had manipulated the market to the ruin of thou sa nd s of little s peculators and room traders, and the beggary of their families. It was a sad commentary on a man who had every opportu!1ity to prove to the world that the ten talent s were not given to him 111 vam.

As the train sta rted out of the station I glanced up at the st ar s and thought of how that cla y, thi s man had passed beyond th e Great Divide to



meet hi and give an account of hi teward ·hip. The tar never looked brighter t me than they did that ni g ht , and a th o u ht came into my h eart which I have often b een tempted to pu bli h, but have never clone so. I t may be, however, that thi is an oppo rtune moment, a nd I will let it tell you it s own sto r y :

v\ ith eye up ta t t o the g litterin g tar ' F ull of a st range mysteri o u awe; I watc h the lights o n the heavenly bar, And think of the hip s that are ailing in Cargo le . , e mr ty, th e ir voyage in va in.

Let me expre s the h ope that all who r ead thi thoucrht may profit by it, o that when we eros . th e bar it will n ot be with vain r eg r et for what might have been.

Sincere ly yo ur friend and brother.

Philadelphia , April sth, I 9 f0.



Hrother John J. Mu ll own'ey, a charter m ember o f Yod h C h apte r , a nd a graduate of the U niv e r sit y o f Pen n y lvania , la ss of 190 Medicine, a medical missionary at the li.Je th ocl is t Epi copal Hospital Mis io n in Pe kin. 'hina, at a Faculty !feetin g of the U ni o n Med ical choo l of Pe kin , wa recently elected to t eac h Ne rv o u s and l\1ental Diseases. !though he ha s been e n craged in thi s work o nl y a s h o rt time , Brot h e r Mu ll owney is s uffi c ie ntl y convinced that the m ost n eg lig e nt s t a t e of affair exists in Ch in a in the tr eatmen t of th e insane. ' 'T h ey tr eat th ei r affli 'ted," he wr ites, ' 'm o r e as prisoners than as patients; h o ldin g them in iron chains, and givi n g th e m n o proper care o r tr ea tm ent. " There is o nl y one in s titution for the treatment of the in ane in a ll of C hina , with a population of 40o,ooo,ooo, and thi in stituti o n , w hi ch is in the o uth of C hina , is o limited that its utm os t capacity is 180 pati e nt s It i s th e purpose of our Acacia brother to es tabli h a s imilar in tituti o n for th e n or th of C hina. by ra is in g a fund fo r the eq uipm e nt of an instituti o n wh e r e a man of any creed, or of no c r ee d at all, may co m e and ge t th e b est medi ca l treatment fo r the in sane. \ iV h y s h o uld n o t the Acacians g iv e Brother Mullowney a s ub sta nti a l nucleus towards the fund n ecessa ry for thi noble purpo se?

Contributions from Acac ians and their fri e n Is, n o matter h ow sma ll. may be ent to George E. Nitzsc h e, Franklin C hapt e r House, Un i ve r sity of Pen n sylvania, P hil ade lp hia , Pa

Brother l\1u ll ow n ey i s a whole-souled, good natur ed fellow. a n d an ideal Acacia n , and o n e o f tho se Christian mi ss io nari es who are doing such effect ive wo rk tmvards b e ttering the co nditi o n of the poor in C hin a. Let eve r y cac ian g ive s uch a ss istanc e as he ma y feel di spo eel .

It i not the man who reache s th e corner fir t who wins, but the man who kn ows exactly what he is going to d o when he rea che the corne r . - Charl es E Hughes.



B rother Drefs has made an enviable record, and for the benefit of the brothers we are giving a brief re s ume of his career. We should all take pride in having fell ows hip with such men. He entered Colgate University, 1906, on scho larship from Masten Park High School of Buffalo, and the following year entered the University of Pennsylvania, department of Finance, Industry, Transportation and Commerce, 1907.

He belongs to the following organizations: Acacia, Sigma Pi (Delta Chapter) ; Scalp and Blade ( 1 ational society composed of college men from Buffalo) ; New York State Club; Philomathean Literary Society; charter membe r of Patten's Economic Club; charter member of Delta Sigma Rho (Intercollegiate Debating Fraternity); Fencing C lub ; Fencing Scrub.

He ha s won the following honor s in debating and oratory: Philo, N. Carolina, Philo-Zelo, Philo- Philo lexian (twice) ; Class: Sophomore- Freshman, Coach of Senior-Juni or; Varsity; Corne ll- Pennsylvania (tw ice) . (Six victories out of eight contests). Second prize in Philomathean Society Oratorical Contest; fir st prize in Philo S. 0 . C.; rst prize in Annual Public Speaking Contest.

He ha s been elected Moderator (president) of Philoma th ean Literary Society ; Secretary of Scalp and Blade ; Secretary of Delta Sigma Rho ;



Pr sident of Delta Sigma Rho; Trea ur e r o f cac ta ; \'ice-Pr iclent then Pre ident of Hou ton C lub and Iv y O rat o r.

Beside: attending to all the e cluti he ha ha d time to contribute to Penn (weekly new paper) and Red and Blue (mo nthl y lit era r y magazme) and one of t h e ed ito r o f th e 1910 Record and i \ aledictorian of the P hil omathean Society.

Hrot h er l e ith ha s erved the Fraternity lo ya ll y in man y ways. He wa a member of the Grand Co nclave he ld in 1908 at Champaign, Illinoi s. t th at o ncla ve h e took hi s place wit h Ward of Waw and Gordon of He , which is ufficient r eco mmendati on . He was an active and aggre ss ive memb r and s h owed that he could pi lo t the Fraternity to a better ritua l. The res ult was that h e was ch os en by the Conclave as Chairman of a Committee to revi e th e ritual. He has worked faithfully and together with the other member of the o mmittee wi11 give us a ritual satisfactory in every way, ""e are ur .

Brothe r I eit h attended the la st Conclave and as usual was the ce nt e r of attract ion. He ha tories that fit every case. Our Conclaves are of inesti m ab le value in en a bling u t o meet s uch men. B rother Keith i a fit representative of cacia anywhere and the Conclave did well in placing him in his pre ent po iti o n.

He i a married man and ha s received the d eg ree of ' ·Pa." vVe kn ow "Pa" Ke ith , as a faithful and loya l brother , and we wi h it were po sible for eve r y Acacian to meet him.

Good intentio n s are, at lea s t, the seed of good acti on s; and every man o u g ht to ow them , and leave it to th e so il a n d the season whether they come up or no, and whether he or any gat her t h e fruit.-Si? - W . T em pl e.


This charming prima donna has delighted western audiences, and is soon to invade the boards of the great metropolis. Her friends are quite s ure that she is soo n to be a star of the first magnitude. Her success is assured, they feel, since Messrs. Klaw & Erlanger have become interested. The brother s are especially concerned in the career of Madam Yelba, because of her sincere friend s hip and good will. We regret that space prevents a m o re extended notice of this remarkable young lady. For further particulars writ e Bro. F. D Curtis of Tav Chapter.


Our illu s tr o u s Brother William Homan ma y take exception to our familiar salutation, U ncle Billy. This, however, expresses the feeling of th e brothers who have met him 'vVe have in our bro therhood no more lo ya l and enthusiastic worker. It speaks well for this Fraternity to have its be st intere sts held clo se at heart by William Homan. Four chapters have been h o nored, and h on o red him b y electing him to honorary membership.



Brother lloman ha been an active ::\Ia on for twenty-two year and a review of the hon or he ha held make one wonder if he ever did anything else short acquaintance with the man will convince you that he i ne of tho. e favore I few who can do many thing well. He has not only been an active :r..f ason but he ha participated in bu ine s ucce fully, edited and published a Magazine, made valuable invention s, and till had time to <Yive in behalf of public educatio n and variou civic activitie .

We hav e not the space to give all the honor held by Brother Homan . The "Ma onic Standard" of January 29th give an entire page to a review of the work of ou r honored £rater. The occa ion of thi notice being the re s ume of "l<ifty Active Year ." The article say among othe r O'OOci thing'>: "Although I ro. lloman ha been an active and prominent figure in ew York Masonry for more than a score of yea r , his very activity has seemed to indicate yout h and energy, and he has alway been cia eel with the younger element. Endowed with ability and enthu iasm, he ha achieved a high degree of succes . Vv'ith the passing of the year there has heen no diminution of intere t, and, equipped with a varied and unu ual experience, it is probab le that B r o. Homan, at the age of fifty , sta nd on the thre . hold of a caree r of till greater ucce s and u efulne s. He has discovered the sec ret of enjoying life as he goe along, and that, with ·Bro. 1loman at lea. t, is the secret of perennial youth."

We join with all o ur brother in expres ing the h ope that many more yea r s sha ll be awarded our distinguished member. The world need men with his courage, gentle ne ss and go d cheer. They are an in piration and a so urce o { strength. They kn ow the thing worth while and kn owi n g they toil and de spair not.



I sing the song of him who wa l ks a lone And !mows no trodden paths nor guards nor guides, Save his will and firm resolve and faith In the Eternal that in Right abides.

He wall's alone and bids for no man's aid, He gives a lift and hand-clasp where he may, His lips ne ' er utt er curses; he asl\s not Blind Chance nor Fortune, fair, to smooth the way.

Whal of his comfort, physical-his pains? For him there is no pain, his soul fast l eads, Since trials were evH made to fright the weak, ln his strength triumph over them he reads.

What of the hiss, which Scorn to Malice bears? He hears it not , or hearing does no t care, The doubter's sneer, the narrow bigot's cry, The unrewarded work-breed not despair.

When darkly scowls the world and breathes a threat, He calm l y pushes forward, frEle from fear , Careless of wha't they a ll may say or think, Content to !mow his way from sham is c lear.

0:: L.tJ f0.. <( :r: u z z


What task is this at which he daily strains?

Some labor that has ever crushed man's life! What load is this he bears without a sigh?

The burden dropped by thousands in the strife!

When some great truth seeks for a champion, Some mighty work pleads for a master hand, His is the voice, decisive, his the touch That shapes the crude-helps man to understand.

About his person hangs a mystic power, His eye, his voice tell of the hidd en flame Which animales and moves to things most strangeThe leaping soul which hardships n ever tame.

Is he rewarded, is he feted, praised?

Ah, no! content to see his prophecies Fulfilled, must be this worker's payThus for her truest sons the World decrees.

The greatest things, the truths that thr ill with power, Are ever those the world is slow to see, And only by the man who walks alone The race is; lifted and the soul made free.

What are his thoughts, his dreams? Ah, who shall know!

Those few who strive to follow in his way? No! they but stimulate the strange, calm force,They never !mow the sun that makes his day.

His cr itics walk in corridors that pulse

With ec hoes of the steps that now have gained Some inner· shrine, some secret place of peace, Some lofty joy by strong desire attained. Who is this traveller without sign to guide, Who asks no one to lead , who scorns to groan?

Beneath a world of storm we see him, calm,Yes, it is he-the man who walks alone.


DIED JA VARY 24, 1910.

He ' hapter was called upon to mourn the lo s of one of her charter member s when Brother Clark answered the last summo n s . Art hur Louis Clark wa s born in ew York C ity, April 10, r877. He prepared for college in vVashington, D . C., and e ntered Columbia University. He then went we s t for hi health and entered the University of Cal if orn ia , as a freshman in mining.

During the year 1904-5 the Square and Campa s Club was formed in which he look an active part. In the spr ing of 1905 the charter was granted and on April 15th he was initiated into the Acacia Fraternity. It wa clming the e trying time when disappointments were many and succe s doubtful that Brother C lark help ed so much with his ready wit, never-giveup spirit, and open pocket-book. He was elected trea ur er of the chapter and the delegate to the first Conclave, but wa unable to attend.

His health improved and the n ext year he entered Co lumbi a Gniver ity. much to the regret of hi s brothers at California. He did n ot forg et them, however. His health again gave way and he returned to California and opened a metalurgy office at Los Angeles. He battled cheerfully and bravely until the end came, as was fitting for a noble son of Acacia.



(Recited by him at the Annual Banquet of Mem Chapter, March 28, 1910 . )

The legends of Masonry tell us; Way back in the days of yore, That Tubal Cain was a Mason Who smelted and worked the ore, And the mighty blows of his hammer Rang the whole day long And its handle was made of Acacia, Because it is tough and strong.

And Nimrod, the mighty hunter, A brother too was he, Who slew the beasts of the forest And caught the fish in the sea. His arrows struck the Eagle At the topmost pitch of its flight. And his bow and spear were Acacia, Because it is strong and light.

And when our ancient brethren Determined to climb on high , To visit the God of Nations Who dwells beyond the sky; They builded the Tower of Babel Far reaching above the plain And they used the wood of Acacia, Because of its beautiful grain.

And when the floods descended To wash the sin from the land Our ancient brother Noah Built, by the Lord ' s command , A staunch and commodious vessel To ride through the flood and storm. And the Ark was built of Acacia, To keep them safe from harm.

And the Master of All made ·order To Israel out in his tent, To build him another Arll:, The Ark of the Covenant. As a sign of Jehovah's greatness , A reminder of human duty, And this Ark was made of Acacia , Because of its fineness and beauty.

And Solomon, building his temple, Of marvelous beauty and grace, Imported woods for his purpose From every clime and place, He brought the cedar from Lebanon And olive and palm and pine; And Acacia was used here also, Because of its texture fine.



To our Lord and Master kneeling, Alone in the garden, to pray,

To ask of his Heavenly Father Strength for the coming day, Comfort and peace descended, As a message from above.

The shade of Acacia fe ll o'er h i m, As a token of b less i ng and love. And thus in the years that have vanished 'J'o memory's uttermost length

The Acacia bas been a symbo l Of Beauty and Love a n d St r e n gth. Homes from its wood have bee n builded, The weary have sought i ts shade, And objects of use and beauty Out of its wood have been made. Our ancient brethre n used it In every conceivab l e way

Anti havo handed to us the lesson That we sho ul d learn to-day, The more nob le and g lo ri o u s p ur pose

To be of use to ot h ers,

To bring he l p a n d love to a ll men, But most of a ll to o ur b r ot h e r s.

And our Acacia sh all fl o uri s h Till its shadow g r o w s so w id e It touches the Po l e an d t h e Tr op ics And stretches from tide to ti de.

Anu under ils spread in g b r a nch es That sweep the heavens above Our strife sha ll be that of b r ot h ers \'\Tho best can se r ve a n d l ove.

a n d B r o. R aymo n d vV.
Koph have distinguish d themse l ves a n d t h e ir c h apte r b y h av in g bee n c h o e n o n the
1\ 1 G. Thornburg
Cassady of


team composed of' five men, to represent the Iowa State College in · the students competitive stock-judging contests held at the Kansas City Royal and the Chicago International Stock Expositions. In individual honors Bro. Cassady stood in third place and Bro. Thornburg tenth among 35 men competing at Kansas City. At Chicago Bro. Thornburg stood third and Bro. Cassady fifth among the same number of contestants. Koph feels justly proud of her representative in this team, and we all do.


Brother Villars is one of the best secretaries ·in the Fraternity. Vve were about to say the best, but we are reminded of the splendid work of Duxbury, Longenecker and about fifteen others, who have so loyally cooperated with us. No secretary has clone more actual work than Brother Villars. At the beginning of the year Daleth was 37 membership records short; there were no addresses of the alumni kept, and the records were in very bad shape. He has reduced the missing records until we are hopeful of having a clean sheet from Daleth; he has located all but three of the alumni; sent out several chapter letters, and compi led a complete set of chapter records which we wish could be fully explained to ·the borthers. It is a pleasure to work with such men. We sha ll count it a lways one of the blessings of our life to have known such men and labored with them. They are the sa lt of the earth. May Daleth Chapter and every othe r chapter be served by such men as officers.

The soul's clark cottage, battered and decayed, Lets in new light through chinks that time has made. Stronger by weakness, wiser men become As they draw near to their eternal home.-£. liflaller.



Pursuant to th e resolution of th e la st co n cia ve o ur Gra nd Pre ident app intecl a co mmitt ee composed of Wm. F Hitchen s, Yodh , Chairma n , J o hn E. Trc leve n , Lamedt h , and R. B. Co lt o n, 'vVaw, t o prepare a s uitable coat-of-arms for the Frate rnit y. The above cut repre se nt s the design agreed up o n by the com mittee. It is hardly n ece ary t o sta t e that n o de s ign can be m ade which will be ati s facory to all. The committee invites any s u ggest ions that a ny member ma y hav e o n the matter. Comm uni ca ti o ns h ou lcl be sent to \ V. F. Hit c h e ns, 3719 P owe lt on Ave nu e, Philadelphia. Th e committee i-; anxious to ge t eve r y thing in proper s hape for final acti o n at the n ext co ncla ve.

Some of the m embe r s ma y conf u s e thi s with the design f o r th e sea l w hi ch h as a lre a d y been adop ted. Thi s coa t- of-a rm s i to serve an e ntir ely diff ere nt 1 urp osc; t h at of being duplicated o n s t at ion e r y and ca t in br onze for an o rnam e nt a nd the lik e .

We ar c told that the design is in accordance w ith th e trict rul es o f h e raldry which limit o ne to a n arro w fi eld. No t being ver eel in h e r aldry w ca n-u ot g iv e, as w e wou ld lik e, a full description of the coat- of -arm , but. as we un derstand it, the helmet is steel color. surm o unt ed with cacia sprig-s in g r ee n. the thre e fl owe rs bein g in ye ll o w : th e s hield in go cl wi t h

JO UR L. 19

black band through the center ; the croll in black and gold, and th ribbon on the bottom in blue, emb lematic of the blue lodge work, and the I tter in black giving the Ilebrew word for Morality, Education and Truth, reading from right to left. The literal interpretation however , of the e Hebre\\' character!'. w uld be Character, \ i dom and Truth, there bein<Y no word in the Hebrew lan guage for forality.

Th thank of the Frate rnity are due the e brother for their good work. If you have any sugge tion , feel free to make it, as the brother invite it. You may be able to help them and at least you will have given them the benefit of your op ini on.


If you mu s t tell yo ur tale of grief to mortal ear , o h , friend be brief! \t\'e all have care and woes to burn, and find some more where'er we turn. and a. we padcllecl clown the years, we had our share of sca ldin g tears

W<' di scove red lo ng ago: The more we talked about our woe, the le ss we knew of joy and peace; and folks would call for the p o li ce when th y b held u s on their trail, or heard u s letting o ut a wail. And o at last , with queenly grace, we ceased to haunt the wailing place; we dried our tear s and wore a gr in that reached from either ear to chin, and when we had a grief or care, we sma bed the blamed thing with a chair, and went around and tolcl the boys lo ng tories of our humble j oy , and chortled all the da y o f bliss-and pretty oo n we noticed this: Folk greeted u s with fac es gay, and threw n o cabbages our way. Don ' t bind yo ur so rr ow in a s heaf, and pack around a load of grief; the wi e man tell how good he feel , throws up hi s hat , ki c k s up hi s heels !-/if/alt ..Mason.


A little over a yea r ago the revi s ion of the ritual of our Fraternity was placed in the h ands of three men, who are authorized to make s uch changes and revision · as they considered wise and essential in order that a more dignified and satisfac t o r y form for work might be had .

From the beginning the task proved a mo s t difficult one, and while assitance was so ught from the various chapters enrolled previous to the fall of 1908, there seemed to be a genera l lack of intere t in thi s most imp rtant matter which ha s re ulted, therefore , in the committee havin g to do its work practically alone.

The building of a ritual for a fraternity such as ours need s a g r eat :amount of study and thought, and the work involved i exceedingly trying. Being 1\Iasons, perhap the most difficu l t problem . i to avoid with one or mor of the numerous degree found m Masonry. In th1 respect cacia mu st always fee l that she o.wes a debt of gratitude to Brother Albert K. Wilson of Topeka, Kansas, not only because he prepared the greater part of the revised work as it when presented the conclave at Philadelphia last September, but havmg been closely a soctated for over thirty years with the r i tualistic ceremonies of the variou Ma o nic



UPPER Row- 0. W. Yo erg, L . .Knox, Vv. ;r Trogn er , H. A. Swain, J . A. Handy, A . D. Smith, T. C. Selv ig, 111IDDLE Row- J. C. Poucher, H . 111 . Berry, E. W. Stewart, A. F. Sc hi eber, G. Bachman , G. Struthers , LowEn Row - J. S. Young , H. A. Wel ch, F. W. Anderson, E. H . Comstock, J. Struth er s , C. E. Rudo lph, E. 111. Lambert.


degree s, he "a , therefore, able, when the few ugge tion receiv ed from of the chapters were eli cu ed, to tate whether or not they paralleled 111 a general way with wo rk u eel in the confer rin g of variou :.\Ia o nic degrees. eliminati n g work of thi nature, it wa oo n n oticed, e pecially where the JOurney of our I atron aint are exemplified, that there wa left little material to u e a a foundation. Thi need n ot be urpri ing, for no <.l0ubt many of us have been told that practically all ec r et orrranizatio n s 0 111 ex1s t ence at the pre e nt time are more o r le ba ed upon :.\Ia o nic principle .

As pr ese nted at th e o nclav e Ia t yea r in Philadelphia , the report of the Revision ommittee was n o t wholly accepted, for there were eve ral chang s which the Co ncl ave wi he el to hav e made. This ha cau eel a revi sio n of the revort in places and the add iti on of orne ceremo n y T hi work the Committee i n ow e ndea vo rin g to comp lete and if all goe wel l, they expect to have the ritual in it s fini h eel form and in the h and of the Nat ional 'ounci l before the close of the pre ent college yea r .

'Vhile it ca n hardl y be expec ted that th e work will meet with un a nim o u s approval from th e ent ir e F raternity, ye t it i h oped that it will be sat i factory to suc h a majority of the member s that there will be no demand for fu rth er change. 1-<:very point the Co mmitt ee ha tri ed to provide for, u ch a paraphenalia and fl oo r move ment , for th ey rec o mmend that even to the mallest detail the work s h a ll be a like in all th e chapters.

' 'I n ritual building so m e have in mind th e preparation o nl y of ce r emony which will plea se the h ea rer and employ platitudes that will o nl y am u e or please the fane; and affo rd a gi ldin g to an o therwi e valueless production.

"Other ru h merely to the h o rs e pla y, which is n o t eve n entertaining b y reason of it s totally inappr op riate character. Still o th e r s, and with commendab le purpo se, see k to pr o duc e form and ceremonies fill ed with so-ca lled mora l trut h s that ofte n leave but littl e impr ess io n , be ca u se of th e i ll ogical method in which they are presented.

"The ideal ritual sho uld ha ve for it s purpose the presentation of ce remonie s that wi ll enterta in and attract member s and offe r n o indi g ni ty to the neoph yte, t hu s affo rdin g in the practic e there of a common meeting ground for men. Suc h a ritual will more strongly draw it s m em bers t ogether in the bo nd s of compa ni o n s hip and a soc iati o n than any ot h er human impul. e.

"As ':\ 11 work and n o play makes Jack a dull boy,' so a ritual within r easo nable and proper limit s ma y contain harml e s features that w ill afford mirthful r elaxa ti o n to those who witne ss th e performance, and yet not incense the ca ndid ate through any personal indignity.

" 1\ ritu a l shou ld prese nt some truth that will appea l to the finer e lem ents of hunian nature. T h e ceremony s h o uld log icall y and synthetica ll y approach a d ecla rati o n of th at truth. The lan g ua ge s ho uld be a s forceful and carefully phrased as a bilit y can make it. It s h o uld be pure Eng li sh, c hoice diction and emp loy rh et o ric pr o p e rl y t o illuminat e it s lin es." u c h :1 ritual the Com mitt ee o n Revi i o n is working to prepare, and w h en the member s of th e Fraternity kn ow that at present o n e of the ommittee-me n is Dean Sta nley Coulter, head o f th e College of Science at Purdue Un iver_ it\' , a nd another Professor Fran cis vV. heparcl o n , of the Department of \ m e ri ca n Hi t ory at th e U niver sit y o f C hica go, it i the


g e r,
e r
e r,
b ri c
C. P etzin H. F. Hill , F M Hof N. Harri , L A. Sarte , J . M. Stcp hes on. MID DLE Row - H. G. Han ll, J. H . ll! a tte A. B. Da ly, K. C. L ee
L. T. J e nkin . LOWER Row- W . R. Key es , C. M. Staples.


feeling that a work well worthy of uch an organization a our will b proclucecl.


_h_igh place that members of the Acacia Fraternity are taking in auttv1t1e of the various niver itie and College in this country wa by an unusual coincidence during the Ia t college year. Four ·dtt ors of the college papers at three niver ities were member s of the cacia Fraternity.

J I. J. Stevens, of Samehk Chapter, is editor of the Purdue Exponent, the co ll ege paper at Pur Iue niversity ; J. B. Powell, of Iem Chapter, i editor of the lTniversity Ii ourian, the college paper at the niver itv of 1\Jissouri; and \\. Elmer Ekblaw, of Heth Chapter, i editor of the Daily JIlini, th • college paper at the niver s ity of Illinoi . In addition, L. \'. Stigall also a member of Iem Chapter i editor of The Oven, the "funny'' paper at the niversity of Mi souri.

l\"ot on ly are th ese men editors of their college papers, but they are prominent in ot her activities of their niver ities. Bro. Stevens i al o husines manager of the 1910 Dc;!bris, the Purdue annual, Pre ident of the J: ur lu e Press Iub, and Pre ident of the Indiana Intercollegiate Pres oc tatt on. Hro. Powell is a member of two honorarv se nior soc ietie President of the l\[is ouri Intercollegiate Press Association, ec retary of the nivcrsity of Missouri Ad Club, and \ice-Pre i lent of the senior c lass at the - niver s ity of Mi ouri. Bro. Ekblaw is in addition to b ing editor of his college paper a member of enior honorary societies and a leader in student activities at Illinoi s . Bro. Stigall at Misouri in addition to editing The Oven, is leader of ma s-meetinO' , the hi O' he st honor in the gift of the s tudent body at Missouri. He is a member of se ni or h onorary societie , former President of the st u lent in the chool of Law, and one of the brighte t men at Iis so uri.


Fl<Ol\1 THE TYLER KEYSTONE., i\IAR H 5, 1910.

In giv in g space in our column to the review of the February number of the JoPRNM, of the cacia Fraternity, we are prompted by two motives: ne, that the journal con tains much of interest to the Craft at large; and second, that every Iason ought to feel a per onal interest in this Fraternity. lts me111bership is comprised of Master Masons, for the most part in the formative period of life, who are finding in Acacia the connecting link between the unrealities of University atmosphere and the real world which they are soo n to enter. The value of the association in thus keepin g in mind the real issues while preserving the glamour of the ideal can scarcely be overe. timatecl. It is the master hand upon the rudder which teer the unfound craft among the shoals of temptation to the afe anchora ge of sturdy character and a purposefu l life.

The Jo uRNA L recounts much of the accomplished work of the Annual Co uncil , which was held in Philadelphia, begim1ing Sept. 15. The Council officer s are alumni member s of the s everal chapters , s uccessful men, who are well qualified by past association and present interest to fill the offices they hold . The delegates are , of course, men engagecl. at the present time in college work, th o ugh a large proportion hold from two to five college de g ree s.

Yodh Chapter and the prominent Masons of Philadelpl;ia made the occasion a memorable one for the delegates. They were entertained by G rand President Jo se ph R. Wilson, Mayor Re y burn, Brother George W E lkins , and had the pleasure of meeting Grand Master George B. Orlady, J a me s S. Benn, and other di s tingui shed Masons of Philadelphia. In all the meeting was an interesting and instructive one .

Besides th ese details of imm ed iate jnterest to Acacia,. the Jo uRNA L contains several articles of not e. The Address o f Welcome, by Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith, Vice- Provost of the U niver sity of Pennsylvania, is a thoughtful talk on th e influence o f Masonry. The College Man and the State, by C. A. Dref s, Jr ., and The Enchanted Palace, by C. P. McCord are well worth r eadin g.

Last but not least are the Chapter letters telling of the past, the present, and the future o f the individual chapters o f the fraternity. Every letter is optimistic and s how s what a vital place the fraternity ha s taken in the few yea r s of its existence in the affairs of the college world. . Th e influence o f o ur colleges on the life of the nation is so great that we cannot but feel that this organization, made up of our younger brothers who by virtue of their Masonic life will reap the fulle s t of these years of harvest , will effect not only individual character, but will be reflected in the life of the community and in the great fraternity of which we are a part. We will loo k to them as th e leader s of the future , and a s s uch th ey de se rve o ur heartie st support.

A g reat deal o f th e j oy of lif e consists in doing p erfec tl y, or at lea st to the be st of one's ability, eve rything whith he attempts to do. There i s a se n se of sa tisfa c tion, a pride in surveying s uch a work.L-a work which is round ed, full, exact, complet e in all it s part s- which the s uperfi cia l man, w h o leaves hi s work in a slovenly, sl ipsh o d , half-fini s hed condition, can never kn ow. It is thi s co n sc ientious completene ss which turn s wo rk int o art. The smallest thing , well . clone, become s arti s tic . - M at hews.

Bad will be the clay f o r every man when he becomes absolutely cont ent ed with the lif e h e i s livin g, with the thou g ht s that he i s thinking, with th e d eeds he i s d o in g, when th ere is not forever beating at the door s of hi s so ul some grea t d es ire t o d o something larger, which h e kn ows he was meant and made to do because he i s still, in spite of all, the child of God. -Phillips B1'ooks.

I w ill n eve r presume, b eca u se I am a man; I will nev er despair, becau se I have a Go cl.-F e ltha 111 .





•\notlt r yea r is almo t fini heel and with leph , a well a with the Fraternity as a w h o le, it ee m that each year is b e tter than the prec ding o n At 1\lichigan it h a b ee n possible to see cacia · rapidly growing in stre n gt h and influence, so that it is but a qu e tion o f a h ort time until this Fraternity wi ll be placed by a ll in rank with fraternitie of evera l tim e it s agP ( lur remarkab le rr r o wth a nd tability mu t be ere lited for the m o t part to th principles up o n w hi ch it is f o u;1d ed .

•\t th e present time A lep h ha thre e pledge who are to b e initi ated immediately after spr ing vacatio n , which begins Apri l 8th; th e n we have severa l m o r e exce ll e nt men in view whom it is h oped we h all have bef o r e n ext yea r . \ V, wi ll graduate nin e m e n thi yea r . o now it b eco mes a matt e r for o ur attentio n to begin to es timat e up o n th e numb er that wi ll b e h e re next fa ll. \ Ve hav . ugge t ed t o o ur A lumni that a s soo n a eac h one tak es upon him s elf to asce rt ain eve r y Maso n that is co ming to the U ni vers it y the following yea r a nd t hen n ot ifi es th e c hapt e r of it , the problem of " ru s hin g" will be g r ea tl y si mplified . vVe would s u gges t th at thi s w o uld be a goo d plan for ac h o n e (A lumnu ) t o adopt, eve n if t h e c h oo l is n o t th e o n e wh Jre hi s particular chapter i loca ted. O ft e n with u o ur h o u se is n o t fill ed before the middle of the yea r when it s h o uld b e at t h e be g innin g o r soo n a (ter.

It would see m that A le ph s h o u ld n o t wa nt for id ea in th e initi a ting l in fo r Homer l' ea r ce, '' J ac k " Carruther . Ho ra ce and J oe Davi r ece ntly r ecei vecl the S hrin e at D et r o it.

R fore vacatio n we intend t o hav a h o u se dance . T hi s wi ll b e the third o n e thi yea r T h ese are a lway very en j oyab le affa ir We h ope to h ave a week e nd h o u se part y befor e the clo e of th e yea r .

The a nnu a l banquet will b e h e ld ea rl y in Ma y, at which tim e we are planning to h ave eve r y lumnu s r eprese nt ed. If it i abso lut ely imp os ibl e for him to be h ere in pe r so n , we s h a ll in s ist that he se n d a letter t o be read a t that time a nd thus m a k e it a ge nuine h o m e- coming.

\\'e have h ad the p lea ur e o f enterta inin g Bro. G . A. Kenclerdine of R es h , and l lro . Keith of N un . Bes id e eve r a l o f o ur A lu mni, wh o li ve n ea r, a nd Bro. C. . B rinkle y a n d bride , o f pokane , \ iVa h. , and Bro. Louis Stone of l o la, J an., h ave v i it ecl u s.

Iow while A lep h has d ne n ot hin g de e r ving of e pecial menti on, yet it h a s been co n tant ly working towards the welfare of cacia and Ia son r y. L et all Acac ian s when within rea c h of A leph f ee l it their duty to make u s a vis it. You are alway s welcome.

w z:. . .., •.. ·. ...f .• , ,,'1 ,, .,.. ,.,.·, . ·" :,-; f!; ,, ,., '' .. •
s t e ttl er,
UPPER Row- W. N. White, R . R. Rankin, R. C. Fay. MIDDLE Row- H . C. W a r ren, B. L. Ho B. R. Belsley, R. J. Farr. LowER Row- G. E. Schu ele , K D. L>tk in, A. W. Burgren.



'f.\:\!FORD t.::\11\ ' ER JTY, CALIFORNI.\.

The fact that many of ou r active member are uppercla men and post-graduates, with the r e pon ibilitie and work that fall to th Jot f fourth-year men, has made the cacia Hou e at tanford niv er. ity a bu y place thi pring. But with aiJ of thi we have endeavored t keep in touch wit h the social ide of college life , and the dramatic , athletic and ther collegiate events a well a . the local 1\Ia onic bodie have received our liberal patronage.

This semester finds u with two of our men no longer with u . Brother Hurgren completed hi work in lining Engineering in February and left for the northern part of the tate to begin active work in hi cho en profes . ion. Hro. H Isley was the other member to leave, he having tran ferred to the l Tniv rsity of Illinoi . to pur ue the tudy of architecture in that instituti n.

Tn }' ebruary we had the pleasure of entertaininng Bro. John D. offman, a member of N un and Pe Chapters. Bro. Coffman is in the U. Forestry Service in this state and we urely enjoyed having him pend a few days with us.

Of our alumni members we have been pleased to ee Arthur Shutts and Alex. 'uthbertson, who had each returned from a long journey-Bro Shutts coming from Alaska and Bro. Cuthbert on from Europe where h e had been studying and touring the continent.

In February we gave a farewell dinner to Prof. W. F. Durand, one of our faculty members, who left hortly afterward to spend hi s ebatical leave together with Mrs. Durand in Europe. We were orry to have Bro. Durand le ave u for he is a very popular man in the University and a leader in his work-he being the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

A popular means o£ entertaining this seme ter ha s been accompli s hed by givi ng dinner partie. everal s uch gatherings were held on evening prior to college r< ., tunt s" the whole company going to the play in a body.

On Saturday, 1arch r9th, we had the pleasure of entertaining at lunch Hrothers Adams, Hall. Mo es, Baker, Felmer and Allen of the Grand Lodg of California F.' apd ' l\11. The occasion was the dedication of the new Masonic Temple in Palo Alto. Beth Chapter attended the ceremonie in a body and in the evening we were all in attendance at the reception and ball.

The G rand Lodge 1i1ember s were a merry party and we will long remember their visit with plea ure

On Apri l 8th Beth hapter gives it s annual formal dancing party at the ''Playhouse" in Palo Ito. A number of the Brothers of He Chapter will be with us on thi occa ion and judging from the acceptance that are coming in daily we will have a goodly crowd.

We were pleased to receive the announcement of the marriage of our alumnus Paul 1. Davis, 'o8. to ![iss Helen Bli h of Los ngele s. Bro. Davis was a Va r sity track man while in college, making hi "S'' in the 4-fO.

We hav just completed the plans for an ideal Chapter hou se to co t about $Io,ooo.oo. 'vVe have incorporated as a s tock company and hope to soo n hav e eno ug h stoc k sold to justify active building operations.

Most of our men are contemplating returning in the fall and with a new h o u se, prospects will be brighter than ever before.



UPPER Row -G . F. H owe , L. E Claypoo l, M. A . Gr a ham, G. C. Magatag a n, A . V. Wetmor e, E. W. Tillo tson, W. J . J se, E. W. G iege r,. MIDDLE Row- J. F. B a rnhill , .. Bond , Z. W e tmore, C. C. Cur t is , J . 0 . J on es, I. N . Willi ams, G . 0. Foste r,. B. Jon es, W. G . Thi el e , L o wEn Row- B . R . Stoc ks , A. J . W ei t h, F. P . Brock , R. D . Landrum, F. M. Thomp so n, J. H. Dads , J. H . B a rl ey, L. B. Robe r ts, A. W etmore.




\Ve began the year with twenty- ix active member , three of whom are Iacully members. Since then five have left chool. During thi tim e we have initiated J. II. Dod and Fo ter lin e tudent , F. 0 . .:\!arvin Dean of th e Engineering Schoo l, and H. F. l\Ia on, Judge of the Supreme urt of Kansas, an honorary member. Nine of our number will be graduated with this yea r 's cla ss and will doubtle leave chooi to be in active work.

Bro. l:!:. 'vV . Tillotson of Yale Chapter , a fellow in chemi try, ha been with u this year. He SI eak well for the Yale Chapter and we are glad to have him with u s.

Bro s. l.lrock and Vhith , holder of fellowships in chemi try, are now in Roch ste r N. Y., putting into effect the fruit of their research work her e.

VVe have always encouraged hi gh tanclards of cholar hip, and to the li st of men already belonging to h o norar y fraternitie the following have be n e lected : J. F. Barnhill to Sigma Xi; Z. Wetmore, F. l\1. Thomp on. I. N. Williams, and W. J. Ise to Phi Delta; Fo ter C lin e to] hi Alp ha Delta. l\lat ,raham is chief composer and director of the Juni o r Farce, a mu ical comedy, to be pre se nted by the class this sp ring. Fo ter lin e took fir t pri ze of $25 in the tryout for the interstate debate with Colo rad o.

L. D. R obert s is one of the most promising men of the track team a nd ran almost abreast with Haddock at Kansas C ity who made the fifty year in 5 I-S seconds. t y ing the record.

\f\Te are pleased to note the interest taken by the Masons ove r the state in Acacia. 'vVe have had the pleasure of entertaining severa l of the Masons from different parts of the sta t e and they always s h ow much interest in the fraternity and the work clone by it. The two b lu e lodges of the city are very cordial and have exte nd ed u s many favors. The Scottish Rite Reunion will be held her pril 25t h to 28th. Ou r boys expect to put on one degree of the work as a fraternity affair.

'vVe wish to expre s o ur g ratitude to D. L. Rowlands, one of the active ma so ns of the city and an honorary m ember, for his int ere t and assistance. He ha always taken a keen intere st in the chapter, hi s counsel is good and hi s assistance generous.

During the past few months more intere t has been taken in socia l affairs. Several informal house parties have been g iven, all of which proved to be very enjoyab le affa ir s. 'vVe feel that s uch gatherings increase the circle of acq uaintanc e, make sc hool life more enjoyable and furni s h a mean s of cultivating the socia l side of life that is often ne g lected by the c harter where a group of fellows are h o u sed together with little opportunity to become acquainted except among them se lve s and in the class room.

l\1arch 5th we gave ur annual banquet. The intere t of the occasion was increased by the initiation of J uclge Iason, h o n ora r y member, Dean l\Iarvin , faculty member, and Foster Cline, a student. Afte r the initiati o n which was held in the lodge r oom all repair ed to the Eldridge Hou e where a seven course banquet was se rved. Geo. 0. Foster acted as toastmaster and the following toasts were re spo nded to : Our C hapter , by J. 0. Jones; The Nat ional Gra nd Conclave, by Geo. Magatagan; Acac ia and the University, by Prof. Sluss; Our Broth ers, by J. S. A mick: The Ma onic

Fraternity , by Judge Mason; The Future of Acacia, by D. L. Rowlands. The new initiates and the ever ready speechmaker Prof. Burdick gave interesting impromptu talks . A large number of alumni added greatly to the pleasure of the occasion

We are comfortab ly situated both as to house and location but feel that the rent being paid could better be applied to paying for a house that would in time become o ur own. A specia l meeting was held March 23d to discuss plans for building. Many of the faculty were present and two of the honorary members. No definite action was taken but committees we re appointed to arrange mean s and look up a site. They hope to report to the chapter in time to take definite action before the end of the year.

We have always striven to keep a good record in scho larship. A committee has been appoined to get monthly report s of the work done by each member. If the work of any has been unsati s factory he is informed of the

L. B. ROBERTS, GIMEL. Won A. A. U. 50 Yard. Dash iri 5 2-5 seconds. A ·c . HAMEL, DALETH. Member University of Kansas Track Team . High jumper

fact and given . uch assi . tance a i nece ary to help him make up the work. In thi s way we hope t o eliminate entirely failure . in cour e . It h a been the aim of our chapter to keep the credit of the fraternity good, as well as that of the individual member . Our office r s have conducted the affairs in a bu iness like manner and have alway been able to meet all obligations. It has given u a reputation among the bu ine men of the city that is not e nj oyed by all the sc hool organization . \Ve acknowle lge plea ant calls from a number of o ur alumni. \ e hope they will favor us oftene r with their presence in the future. \Ve are alway glad to ha\'e them with u . VIe wish them to feel that they hav e built up the chapter, that they are till a part of it and that the pre ent member have a deep interest in them and their work. \V. J. I E.



This has been a very prospe r o u year for Daleth. Twenty- o ne men have heen initiated so far thi year and we still have everal pledge to be initiated before sc h ool clo es. Our Ia t initiation was held :March 18th , at which time five new members were added to our rank s . They are C. \ . Williams, c;. VI. Frenc h , H. C. Currier, 0. L. Span Ier, E. C. Gee.

Bro. G. . Lamb, left us the fir st of February to accept a government po sition in forestry. He is connected with the basket willow indu try with headquarters at \Va sh ingt on, D. C. Bro. S. T. Frum, one of our old football men, has been spe nding the winter with u s. He wa operated on a few weeks ago for appendicitis, but is now a s well as ever. Bro. Hinman we und erstand was married this winter. He is with the Santa Fe at C lovis, New 1\f exico. Bro. S. S. Whiting one of our honorary member . visits the chapter house nearly every week, giving u s Masonic instruction Daleth now ha s a s iste r fraternity. The Eastern Star girls of the school having founded a new sorority called Achoth with fourteen charter members.

The chapter has given two parties at the U niver ity Temple, both of which were very enjoyable events. During the h o liday the boys who their vacat ion in Lincoln. gave a house party. Last week the chapter was ent rtained by Bro. Yates. o ne of our pledges, at his home in South Lincoln. A number o f o ur alumni have been present at our partie . During February a maker was given at the chapter h o u e for univer s ity l\Iasons , at which about fifty s tudent and faculty Ma ons were present. The chapter ce lebrated its fifth anniversary February 14th by a feed at the chapte r h ouse. Our seco nd annual banquet at which we try to have all our alumni pre se nt will be h eld at the Lindell Hotel on June rrth. VIe extend to members of ot her chapter a cordial invitation to be present. The night before the chapter is planning t o have a party, which they h ope all the alumni will at tend.

Thi year the chapter has had but few men who ha taken any part in athletic . 1-lro . Yillars broke the state record in the fence vault. Bro. Elwell made a good rec o rd on the football team although not eligible to the var ity team.

Consfclera ll e work has been clone on putting the chapter on a firmer


31:1 .:

basis. · The treasurer, Bro von Forell, ha s adopted an elaborate · system of books, of which any one could well be proud. A card index system: of keeping check on the members has instituted. . These cards conta,m all the data contained on the membership records, besides the addre ss, records of letter s r eceived and mailed each man, and also hi s ch apter visits. In s tead of assigning each active member a number of brothers with whom_ is to keep up corre s pondence , the chapter mimographs a letter, contammg all o f th'e chapfer news, which is mailed each member. ·

The chapter alwa ys has a good repre sentati o n at the different lodges of the city wh en they have work in the degrees. Six of our men took the Scottish Rite thi s spring . The y are Brothers I. G. von Forel l 32 ° , C. T. Moore J2 ° , S.. T. Frum 32 ° , E. Maxey 32 ° , A. Bunting 14° , and W . D. Steckelberg I4 ° Brothers I. G. von Forell, S. T. Frum, and R. V. Pepperberg took the Shrine. HARRY S. VILLARS.



The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the University of Cali- · fornia will be celebrated by a Jubilee Week early in May These fifty years have.' witnessed the growth of U C. from a small denominational college to the great liberal in s titution it now is.

At almost the same time , He Chapter of Acacia will have lived out its fifth yea r of life at Ca li fornia. These five ye ars have been satisfactory ones a ncL have been marked by events, of which we, a s members of Acacia, may well· be proud.

.. O tT the whole, -the past year ha s· ab ly kept apace with the former years in thi s progress

We deemed it no s mall h o n o r to have had our . delegate to the last Grand Concbive, J. ·F. · Pullen, elected to the Grand Vice Presidency. i s · earnest and is always · f o r the good of A cacia.

V\Te have had several v isits from brothers of eastern chapter s during the pa st year. Among our visiting brethren may be named: of . G imel , Coffman of Nun, Marx of Yodh, and McQu igg of We are pr o ud ·of our near n e ighbors at Beth Cha-pter, Stanford, and have had severa l enjoyable vi s its with them. We are proud , too., of our . two new wes tern neighbors ·at the -U niver s ities of Oregon and Washington and hope t o see much _ of them in the future. The se vis.its are highl y appreciated by · u s; h e re in th e west, f o r the y are pleasant reminder s of the ever increa s in g univ en >a lity of Acacia. · · · .· . , · _ Shortly'. after the installation of Tav Chapter we \¥ere vi sited by Dr. Campbell, t:he presid e nt · of the U niver s it y of Oregon, who i s a : br o ther Mason ·and who- i s greatly intere s ted in A cacia, although n o t a memb er 'Tbi s - year's football seaso n was marked by California's victory ove r Stanford -after several years defeat. Mr. Jenkin so n , the foremost Rugby . expe rt o f th e Pacific coast was br o ught h e re fr o m Va n co u ver, B. C., to r efe r ee the ·game. Mr. Jenkin so n ls a br o th e r Mason and we had th e h o nor of entertaini-ng - him while here.

Our · s m oker s· and other so cial functiotis have be e n counted s ucce sses . Foremost, h oweve r, among our eve nt s of the yea r was the reception g ive n t o o ur chapter b y the Maso n s of thi s city . Thi s r ecep ti o n was


given on the even ing of January 2 th , by Durant Lod e, who gave thi even in r that we, a a 1 ody of college ).Ia on and part, of a reat nati nal college fraternity, might come to kn o w and be known by the ).I a on f thi s city. \V keep in clo e touch with l\Ia onic affair here and have profited by so doing.

s regard ou r chapter it elf, the future i a bright a the pre ent is auspiciou \Ve have a very enthu ia tic alumni. The active member arc al. o rnthu ia s tic and busy in the affair both of AcaCia and of the niversit y. Our active member hip i 13 . During thi college y ar we have held 5 initiations and have had 8 initiate s . To the e ne\V men ha he n impart d the proper spirit. Staple ha recentl y been elected to Tau Deta Pi ami two of the freshmen, HilJer and tephen on have promi ing future s in ath letics. We have taken some mea ure s with the ultimate view of obtaining a home of our own and have ever in mind the time when we will posse s thi . new home.

As I have sa id, the future looks bright for us. The tie of good fellowship grows tighter. We incerely wish prosperity and happiness to all our cacia brothers and shou ld they visit us, we wilJ alwa ys give them a hearty western welcome.




The . February i ss ue of the JouRNAL caught us just starting in on our econcl 1trm' work. That term is now ended and we are about to tart on the third and final term of the school year. .

W started the la st term off in good hape by put!ing on third degree work for As hl ey Lodge at Ash ley, Ohio. The work went. very we ll , much better, in fact, than it did two years ago when we visited Asj1ley I.:.odge for the fir s t time.

We were in A hle y o n Friday and held an initiation here in. Columbus on the next nig ht, Sat urday, Jan. 22 At this initiation four men were received, namely: Bro . Darr, Lukens , Guillaudeu and Killian. They will all be with us next year with the pos ible exception of Bro. Guillaudeu, who graduates this year. Should he not be here, however , it is more than likely that h e will be in sc hool ome where, as he expect to do po tgTaduate worl Bro. Lukens is a Freshman, Barr a Sophomore and Killian a Junior. We are ur e that the y are going to work hard next year to make Waw Chapt er g row

It will be like turning the hou e over to a new bunch of felJows next year, for outside of Bros. 1 otts, vVard and Longenecker, alJ of the older member s in the hou'ie wi ll be gone. Twelve men will be graduated this y ar and out of the e, five will leave the hou e. Those gradua.ting are Hro s Ynight. I•in ley, 1\lcCune, Harden, Bovic. Hawkins, Hick ;on, Seidel. Guillaudeu, Landrum. Rus el all(! Shaffer. Vve expect to hav J room for two of the newer members in the house at the beginning of next term and hope by gett in g th em in to have a little nucleu of membe-r s stai-tecl ' in the h ouse so as to break up the trangenes s for other members movfng in next year. elate ha s been set early in April for another initiation at which time we expect to have four more candidates.

A number of o ur men. are as oc iatecl wit h the Iilitary 0. Association



ToP Row- J . F. B li nn, J. S. McEvoy, C. H. Wa lker, S. W. Cleave, L. D. UP s on, H. J. Reige r, 1\i. S. Han es , A . W . Hay es , H. 0. Saunders . MIDDLE Row- L. V. Jam es , C. M. Walker , C. H. Brewer, 0. L. Ga s ton, W. B . Ro s e, G . W. McCuen, B. T. Abbott, E, Eoff. LOWER Row- R. Anderson, J. C. McLean, F. Wi ll s, W . E. Ekb law, C. V. Tyler, R. F. Le h man, G. V. Wood .


of thi Cniver ity; Bro Pott , Guillaudeu and Me une being captain , while Longenecker i a lieutenant and tebbin a fir t ergeant. \\ ' feel rather confident that the Prize word. awarded each year to the captain of the be t drilled compa n y on Prize Drill day, will come to the Acacia house thi year. t lea t Pott and Guillaudeu are working hard en u h to bring it t hat way. They both have ophomore companie to work with and it would be mos t unprecedented for a Freshman company to win the sword, it is quite a tos up a s to which of these two captain will win the prize .

One week after the initiation spoken of above, we gave an info rmal dancing party. Twenty-three coup les were pre se nt and the general op ini n wa s that it was o ur mo t ucce ful party. For one thing , we were indebted to the ocia l co mmittee,-Bros. Finley, v\ ard and Colton,-in providing an exce ll ent place for the dance and als o fo r the good mu s ic . O n the other ham!, mo t o f the gue ts had been with u bef o re o that there wa not such a n air of ex treme re traint about it.

vVe attended both the Girl's Gfee Club concert and the Pan Hellenic l\Iinstre l how in a body Ia t term. Both affair s were very enjoyable. !\" e . ·t term we intend to give one dancing party and hold our annual picnic.

T h e of finding a permanent home for the chapter i progres ing and intere t i being taken in it by every member , especially now since the weat h er permits us to get o ut more. Bro . Co lton de erves a g r eat deal of credit for the goo d work he is doing in this directi o n. \Ve place a lot of confidence in hi good judgment.

Dro. Stewa rt , a charter member of Koph (Iowa State Co ll ege) ha been with us all year and ha s con se nted to affi liat e with us.

\i\Tith so many of u o ld member s pas ing out thi s year there ha s come t h e fee lin g that nex t yea r the men who repre se nt the Acac ia Fraternit y at hi o State are go in g to do more towa rd rai s ino- it to that p o iti o n which it oug h t to ho ld in the U niversity than we ever could have done. \ i\Te have picked o ur s ucc cs o r s wisely and well and we do n o t fear to leave the wellfare of the chapt er in their hands. 30.


l ' 1\ ' ERSITY


Heth C h apt r ha s been exceptionally fortunate during the past year in the number and quality o f men who have accepted her invitati o n to join. S h e started o ut la s t fall with fourteen men, for e ight of whom thi would be the last yea r in c ho o l. The li st of se nior s has been increa sed, makin g a pre ent number who leave us in June o f fifteen. but at the . ame time the active member hip ha s been increa se d to thirty. O n e of the new nam es added to the chapter roll this spring was that of I saac C utter, G rand ec r etary of the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinoi s, who wa s our third ho n ora r y member a nd our o n e hundredth initiate . In as much as a complete li s t of active members i - g iv e n in the directory , o ther name s will be om itt ed here. En terta inm e nt and sc hool work hav e required m ost of our time this yea r Besides e nt e rtaining a g reat man y 1\Iason s and friend s fr o m the niv ers it y and community at o ur table and in o ur home , \\·e ha ve had a delightful serie of dances and dinner parties. More than ever befo r e our fellows ha ve attended club dance s and U niv ersity function s, parti cu la rl y


UPPER Row- D. D ; Grind e ll , J.·R: lakisch , F. JenJi:s , R. I a ki sch, b. 1.· N el sini R .. E .. McGowan, i.E. Tr eleven. ' ' l\1ID D.LE H. CJ;. Frost, E. L. L eas man, F. E. Willi,ttm.s, , W. D · . .H ase ltine, H. N.• Sutherland, A. J. Lobb, H. C. Northrop, L . S. Davis, W . W. Clark. ' · , LowER Row- E . J. Fi s h er, A . :a. ll1iyhalson,' .J. X. N euman, A. F. Winter, R. L. Hatch, G. G. Crowell, H. A. Loftsgo rdan, E. B . Tourt ell ot.

THE A CI. \ J R X A L.

f o rmal s. . \ uni q ue e n tertainment in w h ic h we figu r ed a gu e. t wa a '->oc ial e ve nin g at the Loyo la Hou e n ext d oo r L oyo la being a ath o lic s tud en t o r g anizati o n . O ur f ri en ds p r oved admi r ab le h o t . In th e near futur e w e expect t o extend to th e m o ur ho pi ta lit y a a fratern it y , in the me anwhi le exc epti o na l go od fe ll ow hi p p r eva il s. .

Our pa s t pract ice of v i itin g, by co mmi t t ee , every r eg ul ar co mmunicati o n o f ea c h lodg e h as be en ca r ef ull y ma int a in ed .-mo r e ca r ef ull y , pro babl y, than ev er I cfo re. The chap te r h a a l o ta k en p a rt in a :i\Ia o nic mo ker g iv en by U niv er s ity 1a so n s at t h e C hampa ig n T emp le. A n in v it a ti o n to danc e with • ame h k at Pu r d u e wa a ccep t ed by eve r a l, in pit e o f tren uo u s days h e re, and t h ey repo rt ed t h e welco m e a n d good ti me wh ich a lway · see m s t o he w aitin g f o r u s at Lafaye tt e.

Whil e th e ac ti ve bo d y h a s h ad t ime t o do but l itt le of w h at wa p lan ned r egar lin g a lumn i, a be t ter sp irit h as n eve r p r eva il ed amo n g th o e w h o have left t he ch a pt e r h o m e a nd r etir e d f r o m ac ti ve li fe in th e f r a t e rni ty. I n t he e n d eav o r t o co me int o t u ch with t h e m in a mo r e pe r o n a l wa y , w e a ss ig n e d c e rtai n n a m e to eac h ac ti ve m e mb e r fo r co rr e po n de n ce A l t hourr h t h e p lan ha s n o t s u cceeded a w e h a d ho p ed, n e ith e r h a s it fa il ed, if t h e exce l le nt r es u lt s i n so me case s m ea n an y thin g, a n d th e effor t was ce r tai nl y wo rt h w h il e. no t h e r t hin g w hi ch h a h el pe d t o h o ld th e m is t h e n u mbe r o f o pp o rtuniti es we h ave h a d fo r ent e rt a inin g t h em-a g r eat m a ny h ave been ba ck at d i ffere nt t ime a n d th ey h ave alw ay fo un d th e " O ld Guard, " a s S hilt o n call. th e h o u se me n , g lad t o see th em . A n in d icat io n o f t h e entiment a mo ng t h e o ld men is t o b e fo un d in th e B uildin g F und movem ent t o whi ch so ma n y s ub scr ibed , w h e r e, in mos t cases , th e p ay me n ts a r e be in g kept right up t o Jate . W h e n it wa s prop ose d that a p prop r ia t e ly e n g r ave d s poo n . b e g iv en a s we d d in g g ift s , ev e ral o f th e a lumni a s k ed t o be pe rmi tteJ to a ss is t. A ll t h e ba c h elo r s we r e th e n g i ve n a chan ce a nd th ey ha ve re sp n led in fin e s h ape. T h e ir int e r es t in ge ne r a l is sh ow n by tH e f ac t t h at t h ey w ill freq u entl y se n d in a d oze n le tt e r s in o n e wee k , eve r y o n e of whi ch is le ft o n the ma n tle in th e club r oo m until a ll ha ve h ad a ch a n ce to r ea d it ,- in thi s case t hi m ea n until a ll ha ve r ead it. Th e e a n d o t h er s s h o w that fo r t h e m os t pa rt o ur a lumni ar e w illin g a n d g lad to 11l ee t u s half wa y in k ee p ing t h e chapt e r t oge th er and in fir s t cl ass co n d it io p, a v e r y d es irab le s t a te of aff air s beca u e o f in cr ea s in g duti es a t Illin o is a s w e ll a s a n increa . i ng numb e r of m e mb e r s t o loo k a ft e r .

\Vit h o u t t ry in g t o ca rr y eve r y thin g, H e th h as bee n ge ttin g h e r s ha r e in p ol iti cs a nd p o li t ica l p r o min e n ce. E kblaw 's ph e n o min a l run a n d v ict o r y in t h e Tll in i ed itors hi p r ace la s t s prin g pl a ced him in a se at of p owe r :in wh ich h e h a s r idde n g r ace full y a nd w e ll o ve r m a ny diffi culti es. Th e ch ap t e r a s a w h o le h a s been act ive a n d a le rt a nd is reapin g w e ll a s is ev idenced , f o r one thing by t h e co mm it tee a pp o intm ent s in th e se ni o r cl ass . Th e co ming C o n clave is berr innin g t o de mand at te nti o n , a ma n capable o f s uitably r epre sent in g t h e ch ap t e r w ill soo n be ch o e n a nd fr om th e n on in s truction s wi ll be t h e o r de r . Thi s cha p t e r ha s d ecl a r ed i t elf in re so l uti o n s as very m u ch in f avo r of h o ldin g t h e co ncla ve a t M isso uri , acceptin g t h e in vitati o n a s t en de r ed t h e frat e rnit y a t P hilad e lphi a . De lega t es to that co n clave w ill be int e r es te d in learnin g that B r o . T. H . mrin e, dele g ate from Het h , h a s left th e E n g in ee rin g Experim ent Stati o n at Illin o is to accep t a re s po n s ible en g in e erin g p o iti on with the Gen e ral E lec tri c Co. a t th eir Harr iso n. N. J. , Lamp W o rk s. Br o. and Mr s A mrin e w ill locate in


Newark. To say that we will g r eat ly mi ss them is putting it li g htly , w hile the Station is finding it difficult to repl ace him who ha s se rv ed th em so well for the past four yea r s .

O n :rviarch JISt the one hundredth member was initiated int o Heth, on Apr il 28 th the fourth anniversary o f her installation was celebrated. A backward g lanc e over the f o ur years completed reveals the fact that , while everyt hin g ha s not alway s seemed t o be for the best at th e time , the t endenc y ha s eve r been onward and upward and the final r es ult s are ve r y e nc o ura g in g. In the li g ht of the se yea rs we have every reason t o be opt imi s tic in o ur predictions for th e future. We complete this yea r wit h over one hundred member s, an active bod y of thirty with twenty in the h ouse a nd an active alumnu s body of seventy -t wo. T h ese o n e hundr ed men have o r ga nized the chapter and have see n it through it s har dest days of development. Solutions f or m os t of the big problems h ave been worked o ut , from n ow o n m ore tim e and attention can be given to the fin e r points. Probably th e m ost imp o rtant of these new problems is t o bring the alumnus and active m emb e r s hip s into c1o se r relati o n with and knowledge of eac h other. This may be so lv ed through an o r gan izati o n o f the a lumni. However that may be , we believe that thi s problem and many ot h ers will be so lved and solved ri g ht a nd as Acac ian s and member s o f Heth we look forward to the days wh ic h are t o bring both our fraternit y and o ur c h apter n ea rer t o th e ir id ea ls.




The s n ows have left ou r c it y s tr ee t s, the s ki es are o nc e m o re blue and th e birds hav e co m e aga in.

As F ranklin C hapter mak es her be s t spr in g bow and gree t s the o ther chapter s in Acacia with fraternal warm th , we feel that it is wi th a thrill of ju s tifiable prid e th a t we ca n point t o the good thing s the lo n g winter month s have brought u s. M an y of the se ble ss in gs are bl ess ing s which were enjoyed by the members of a ll c hapt e r s throughout the land ,-wher ever "goo d m en and true " " bre a k bread " together , while awa y the after-dinner h o ur , o r be hincl g uard ed door s exemplify th e degrees-our h e rita ge f r om the re so lut e Py tha go ra s vVho ca n r o b u s of th e m emo ri es of co ld winter e venin gs w h e n the window s of the F r ate rnity h o u se g lowe d a welcome a s we r e turn ed from o ur aftern oo n 's work, and th e h o t dinne r and cozy dining r oo m and cordial g r eet in g from assemb led brothers gladdened the heart and c hased away the ca re s and un satisfied lo nging s of th e da y ! \i\ 'h a t ca n lose t o u s th e in sp irati o n that came from th e soc ial co ntact with trained men , wit h th e aristoc r acy o f F r eemaso nr y-Acac ia n F rat e rnali sm! \ iV hat it mean s



to belong to a fra t e rnit y o unique in the college \\" Oriel ca n be fully appreciated only by one \\"ho ha s felt the utter lonel in e of a reat city. ( .\nd who ha not at so me time kn ow n thi ?) In the Acacia h o u e o n e i alway · amo n g men, not boys who are trugglin g with th e problem of dawninomanhood.

There i a · much difference between the atm o phere of the average co ll ege fraternit y and that o f a chapter in Acacia, a there i bet\\"e n the self - important co ll ege F r es hman after hi fre hne ha g iven place to s ublime egotism, a nd the plain una ss uming student ab o ut t o receive hi degree in o n e of the profe ional ch oo l s of the niver s it y. In ot h e r words , a member of cac ia mingle dail y with men who have e n co mpa ssed ome of life's m o re v ital truth and have enshrined in their h eart ideal fas h ioned during cycle of experience and endeavor. B ut , n ot o nly of the se benefit have we been s harer . The past few mo nth hav e o-iven to Franklin Chapter a wholesome increa se o f twent y initiat es and o n e affili ated member. O ur t ot al member s hip t o elate being one hundr ed o n e, thirty-six of w h om are undergraduate s and thirteen o f wh o m liv e in the fraternity hou se. Twenty men eat at the hou se, making dinner the o n e meal of the day that find men o f all departm e nt s gathered f o r relaxati o n at the same hour. A n idea which we fe el ma y appeal t o o th e r c hapt e r iheing initi ated in ou r body with con s iderable enthu ia 111. The pl ate rail in o ur dinin g room is being gradually filled with what pr o mi ses t o be a n hi s t o ric co ll ection of Ma o nic and Acacian plate s. o m e are so uv e nir s of banquet s w hi c h followed lodge vi . itati o ns , other se rv e t o r em ind u of past banq u ets of thi s f r a t e rnit y. We n ow have about twenty beautiful pi ces of c hin a in the co ll ec tion and the y invariabl y attract th e attention of vis itors to the h o u se. During th e month of Februar y a delegation of Colum b ia men paid u s a fraternal visit and brought with them a candidate. The eve nin g proved m os t enjoyable and the Co lumbia cacian m ost ag r eeab le guests. O ur annual banquet thi s ye ar will b e held early in April.

\ Vhe n Fra nklin hapt e r considers h e r memb e r individuall y th e plea s ant fact i developed. that, from th e h o n o r s ever awaiting the m a n who exce ll s in the va ri o u s avenues of endeavor in a great univ e r s ity , man y have fal len thi s wi nt e r up o n men wh o wear the j ewe led right triangle.

VI. T. Ke l s h was r e-e lec t ed President of the Penn y lvania State Leagu e of Co ll ege Republican C lub s . G . \V. Rockwell, who h o ld s hi s A. B . from a weste rn college, t oo k hiP h. D. ·ome e ig ht yea r s ago at Penn ylvania and wh o is n ow a m e mber of the c lass of 1912 in l\Iedicine. was re- e lected Tr eas urer o f th e P ie r o l A nat o mi ca l Soc iet \' .

Dr. Co lli er F: l\ [artin i in s truct o r in P r oc t o logy in Temple ::\J ed ical Sc h ool

Dr. E. A. L od h o l z, o ne of o ur w o rth y charter memb e r s a nd a m ember of the faculty of both the Medical and Ve terinary School , h o ld s a place o n the Com mitt ee of ?--Jo n - thletic Organizations. Dr. Lodholz. who a a p h v!' io logist h as done co n s iderable w o rk in f o rei g n lab o rat o ri es, \\"ill travel ab r oad thi s s umm er.

Dr. Samue l t ou t. another charter member of Franklin Chapter , is o n e of the mo t s u cces ful and skillful practiti o ner s in \ !\fes t Philadelphia and i s a lwa ys a welco m e and j o vial vi s itor t o th e fraternity h o u e .

Dr ]. G. Lane. wh o ha s since r8go been an in s truct o r in th e Dental

UPPER Row-W. J. Gu ilf oy l e , C. L. Hobson, R. D. Graham, H. J. Mull er, G. W . , Oest re ich, L. E. Koch er, J. B . Hard enberg h , G. W. Rockwe ll, L . B. Sykes, F. B. Baird, S : B.1 Locke, ·G. S. Green. SECOND Row-W. R. Marriot, S. A. Steeves, D . · P. Dear, J. R. Fitzpatrick, W. r. Cowdrick, J. iVI. Hofstetter, G . . G . Wil son, C. E. ' Davis, C. A . Drefs, L . G. Thomp son E. E. Gibbs, L. R. White. THIRD R9w...:...F. E. Patche_ll , D. · W . Thomas •. l\L J. Wa lter, J. W. Hems, C. l\L Shallenberger, E. F. McSherry, F. R .. Schwe1tzer, R. A. Wh 1te, C. ·R, , Pendleton, W .• F. H1tchens. LowER Row-C. F. Matrin, C. P. McCord, S. Chernausek, Treas., P. C. Pulver, V. ·Pres'i; F. L. Van Wert, Pres. E M. Foa el. Sec' v G ...H ..Hallett G J L Nitzsche. W ..T.J<elsh

... :e .. .-.- .....::. "' .., t ... ( \41 .,. ... 1..· '-:L-t. ·.l . ... . l:''/ ,( .. ,1 \f . " ",. ... -t .. .. 'f ·t \ .... - 4!. ... C1 I ...... "' .,..J1 ..... ,. . -:1 .,;. 1 . - ""' t ·.• ,· ... ,. I 'it .. , ·" . I l ,...., .. . ·. L""• ,;; lf l/ - ' - -e . \ •: • .· . : 'c( , I r , . . . . !.., .. ... ... YODH CHAPTER. . J.• ... .... ., '· .."' L .......... 't 1 . ' J ;,. L l ; . . tit' f • !I ·'

1) e par tm e nt is P r e id e nt o f th e D e ntal lumni ociati o n a nd :\ i ta nt

Ed it or o f th P en n y lv ania Denta l J o urnal.

D r . N ich ol is a me mb e r o f th e Ex ecutiv e Co m m itt ee of t h e De n ta l A I umni Assoc ia ti o n . _

II. T. Ho rn , w h o ha s be en ill fo r o me wee k in th e h os pital , .fs a me mb r of th e As hhur st S ur g ica l S o ciet y .

E F. 1\f cS h e rr y is a lso a member o f t h e same o r g an izati o n.

Sa mu e l h c rnau se k who i a l o a memb e r o f · u ig ma r u , i a t

pre e n t Trea u re r o f th e F rank lin C hapt e r of cacia


. M e mber Uni vers ity of P enn syl vania 1910 Wrestling Team . .

P . L. Va n \1\Te rt , ou r Ch ap t e r P r es ide nt , is V ice-P r es ide nt o f t h e Mill s "N" e ur o l9g i ca l ·Soc ie t y and is on e of th e . h o n o r men of. t h e 1 9 10 .Cla ss in Med icin e. · · ' · · · · .

H o rn ,. M cSh e rr y and C h erna u se k a r e a lso memb er s of t h e ab o ve cl ass.

P. C. Pu l ve r wh o is P r e!) ide n t o f th e K ir k Den t a l Soci ety w i ll thi s yea r fr o m th e Depart1i1e nt of De nti str y . We sh a ll a ! o lo e E. E. G ib s, wh o is a memb e r of th e Vete rin a r y MediCa l Soc iety.> Ou r ch apter wi ll lose nin et ee n m en t h is yea r th i·o u g h g radu a ti o n. Amo n g t h ese me n is C. A .

THE A CA CI A JO R L. -:1:3


Drefs, of the Wharton Sc ho o l, who has attained t o a list of h o nor s se ldom sec ur ed by one man. He recently has been elected Ivy Orator.

C. E. Hiatt leave s th e U niversit y t o take a po s ition with the Western Electric Co., Patterson, N. J.

G. S. Greene who is taking graduate work in Latin at the U niversity, is an instruct or in English and Latin at Pennsylvania M ilitary Co llege, C h este r , Pa.

H. C. Hausman is V ice-Pr es id ent o f the Robert Mo rri s Club.

J. B. Hard enbergh who is Secretary of the Class of 1911, Veterinary Sc h oo l, is a candidate for the V ar s ity Crew .

Harry J. Haa s, is Ass istant Cas hier o f the Me rchant s' Na ti o nal Bank o f Philadelphia, Pa.

W. C. Kerr is Mechanical Engineer for th e Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co

L . E. Kocher is V ice - President o f the Kirk Dental Society.

H. J . M uell e r is a member of the University Glee Club and also a member o f the Plumb a nd Bob Senior Civil Engineering Society.

G . Vv. Oes tri ec h was made a member of Delta Sigma Delta and is a ca ndidate f o r the Freshman C rew.

Charles M. Shallenberger, a jovial member o f the 1910 Class R eco rd Co mmitte e, is a member of the Target Senior Civil Engineering S oc iety.

A W. Smith is a member o f Phi Beta Kappa.

Lucius R. White, who is a popular member of the Maryland C lub and of the A rchitectural Society , is an in s truct o r in Architecture.

G. C. Wilson is a member o f the Hare Law Club.

M. J. Walter was re- elected se cretar y o f the Philadelphia Branch o f the U ni on of O ld German Students in A merica , fo r 1910, and was also e lected t o repre se nt the P ier so l Anatomical Society in the Unde r g raduate Medica l Asso ciati on o f Pe nn sy lvania.

Dr . E. I. Fogel, o ur faithful sec retar y, is als o sec retar y o f th e Ge rman Assoc iati on and is o n the Parietal Co mmitt ee of Dormitorie s.

Geo r ge E Ni tz sc he , who wa s the prim e m ove r in the organization of Franklin Chapter, hold s a number of offic es in co nnecti o n with various soc ial , reli g iou s, educational and fraternal o r ga nizati o n s, n o t o nly ab o ut the U niv e r s ity but in Philadelphia and in other part s of the s tate He is a life member o f Franklin Chapter, and was married last May to Elsa Koenig , daughter of George A. Koenig, a former professor of chemistry at the U niv e r s it y o f Pennsylvania.

In A thletic s we hav e :

Reginald D. Graham who is V ice- P re sident o f the M innes o ta Club a nd Cap tain of the U niv ers it y Wrestling- Team. M r . Graham ha s had a brilliant A thl e tic care e r and is popular thr o ugh o ut University circles

F red E. Pa tchell was also a member o f the Wrestling Team for 1910, and attracted m os t fav o rable attenti o n by hi s ag g re ss iven ess.

L. H. Burdick won hi s Va rsit y P. o n the Football Team, and al so is a member o f the track team.

Brother Eagle left college in the winter to go t o Mex ic o but is n ow in Ca lifo rnia. We h ope t o have him with u s next fall.

M ull ow n ey sen t u s as a Chri tmas g ift fr o m far o ff China a hand some s dk pennant. B r o th er Mullowney is doing a n obl e work as a


medical mi ionar) and o m be t wi he go o ut t o bini and hi family in th tr c h osen field of work.

from the Fir. t N a tiona! Dank Building of Duluth , :\linn . came a letter from our most able P re ident of Franklin hapter during Ia t year. E rn est ·. Carma n , who took h o n o r in the Law Department here Ia t . p rin . and who is now practising law in the great o rthw e t.

lt is with pride and k ee ne t plea ure t o every member of F r anklin ' h apter of .'-\cacia Frate rnity t o ee up o n o ur li t of h o n o rar y member t h e n a m e f l\ J r. Geo r ge \V. Elkin , Freema o n and philanthropi t.

La tly, we want t o tell the ot h e r chapt r o f cacia what a r oya l od fellow Franklin hapter h as in the per. o n of ::\Ir. A. P. C lime. ::\lr. lim e ' s wide acquaintance in hu in e and oc ial circl es in Philadelphia ha proved of ine s timabl va lu e to o ur chapter and to the individual memb e r of the sa me. He ha s the data of Freemasonry in thi U niv e r s ity at hi s fin gers ' e nd s, and i · ever watchfu l in th e intere t s of Acacia. \ i\f ith hi keen bu ine ss in s ight and his cou rte sy and unfailn g tact he ha s r epeatedly pulled o ur c hapt er quietly and sa fely through what might have proved an unp leasant combination of c ircumstance s . A n y chapter has rea so n to feel good if it can co u nt a m ongs t it vitally interes ted m em ber eve n o n e s u c h worker.

And n ow, as thi s is t o be th e la s t me ss a ge that Franklin Chapter will thi s yea r give to the pages of th e Ac.\CIA J ouRN. \L. the Chapter Editor wi h es to take thi s o pportunity to thank the Editor-in-chief f o r th e kind a n d g r ac iou treatment that ha ever be e n acco rded Franklin Chapter. and to express keene s t appreciation o f the able and sc holarl y manner in which the publication has been exec ut ed. C LINT ON P. McCORD.


l'Nl\'EHSlTY OF WJSCO. SJ , ::lf \DI SON, \VIS.

Duri n g- the se wa rm pring clays as the cl ose of th e sc h oo l Yea r draw n ea r , the mind of the tuclent pe ecls ah ea d int o the future . · Some are looki n g forward to the happy care fre e clays o f vacation. O th e r s a r e p lanning for the more s erious burdens of lif e which th ey mu s t oo n face. l l ut a ll , whet h er grad uat e o r under-graduat e. will leave with a tinge of regret th ose month s of cl ose companionship in Acacia.

Thi s year h as ind eed been a bu y o n e f o r Lameclth C hapt e r. In the last two month eve ral s teps hav e been taken which it is th o u g ht will m ea n much f o r t h e future. This year betw ee n se m e t e r s Lam ecl th C hapt e r h e ld it s first Pro m party, t e n men attendin g. Thi s is the bi g soc ial eve nt of the sc h o l _rear. T hr o u g h the kindne ss o f th e chapter , th e u se of the frate rnit y h ouse was grante d t o the memb e r o f th e part y, and for three day it wa s the sce ne of a m e rr y h o u se party. In the n ewspape r acco unt s of the fraternity partie s attending. lo ! Acacia' nam e led all th e r est. \ most important in st ituti o n has been inaugurat ed at \ 1Vi co n in thi s yea r. It co n i ts of a n Inter-Fraternity Co uncil. which ha control over all Int er-f rat e rnit y matters. Through it s effort a cup is o ffer ed to that f r ate rnity h o ldin g th e highest g rade o f cholar hip for the se m e ter. Acac ia expects to make a s trong bid f o r thi s cup. Thi council also s tart ed a movement which re s ulted in seve ral hundred fraternity men s ig nin g an agreem e nt n ot t o treat o r t o be treated by an o ther s tudent t o any int o xi cat in g


liquors while jn th e __Uni_vers.ity. This has be_en taken up_ with a great deal of seriousness and its wholeson:e bemg fel t., March I:?, ·we held our third1mtiatwn this ye_ar. At this time we ii1itiated Professors Mack and J:horkelson of Department ; an d _ Miller of the Medical Department in afternoon, and Brothers Berry, Berg, Higson and Kunze in the evening. We were agairi : happily to have Bro. MacFarland of Heth Chapter walk in duri ng the ceremony, and to listen to his inspiring rendition of the charge. We were . fortunate in having with us Brothers . Miller of A yin Chapter, Ray of Tav, Law of Yodh and Charters of . latter playing with the Purdue basket ball team the first part of evemng, but was able to attend the banquet which followed the ceremon.y.

A new feature was tried in the last two initiations and were found to work very satisfactorily. It consisted in putting two candidates through the ritual work together, thus saving considerab le time.

Lamedth Chapter bas had four of her members elected to membership in various honorary and professional fraternities during the past year. These are Brothers Crowell into Tai..t Beta Pi, the honorary engineering .Lobb into Phi Alpha Delta, the Law fraternity, Treleven into Beta Gamma Sigma, the Commercial fraternity, and Northrop into Delta Alpha ,- jhe · organized Journalistic· frat.ernity. ·

The social side is by no means neglected. Two informal dancing parties have held, one on Feb. 25, and the other on April 8, both of which formed agreeable diversions from the ordinary routine of scholastic life The coming of spring has already had its effect, and "fussing" is the order of the day.

Among the visitors we have . been. happy to enter-tain during -the last two months are Grand Treasurer Comstock of Kaph Chapter, who called at the house while on his way to and from the installation of Aleph-Aleph Chapter, and Brothers Charters of Samehk, Jones of A yin, and Abbott and Catron of Heth. H. C NORTHROP.



Mem Chapter is looking forward with great pleasure to the Grand Conclave of the Acacia fraternity which is to be held at the University of Missouri next falL Nothing could have brought more pleasure to the members of Mem than the notification that Missouri would get the next conclave. The occasion will be all the more important for this chapter, because t.he occasion will be in a sense the dedication of the new Mem Chapter house which will be completed in time for the conclave.

The new home of Acacia at Missouri will accommodate from twentv to twenty five men, and will b'e one the best chapter .houses at Missouri. It be a typical fraternity house with large roomy parlors and lounging down stairs which may also be used for chapter meetings or moot lodge purposes.

Chapter indeed had a banner year at ·Missouri during I909I o_ Sixteen new members were initiated during the year. They include in addition to those mentioned in the former journals this year, Bro. W. W. Charters, clean of the School of Education; Captain Hershel Tupes,



commandant of Cadets; Dr. J. 'vV. Co nnaw·ay, P r ofe or of Y terina ry Science in the Co ll ege of griculture; D. E. \ Vhite a enio r in the cho I of Engineer in g, F: I. Kemp, a fre hman in th e c hoo l of Enginee(ing . T ho se ment10ned tn the foregoing were initiat ed at the annual banquet of whic!1 was h e ld March 28. The foll ow ing account from the mver s tt y l\It ss ouna n , the college paper at Ii o uri , g iv e an id ea of the succe ss of the banquet:

"T h e initiation was fo llowed by a nine cour e dinner. Place were lai I for thirty -s ix. Walter William , Dean o f th e School o f J o urnali sm was toastma s ter. peeches were made by Dr. J. W. onnaway, Dr. W. \V . C h arter , Dr. S idn ey Ca lvert, Prof. J. A. Gib on, Dr. J o hn P ickard , R. Warren Roberts, harle s H. Swift, Charles Arnold, and Harry E. Yi lmer . The room wa d eco rated in fraternity pennant and bunting in go ld and black, the fraternity colors. The menu s were printed in triangular form with an impres s ion of the Acacia s hield 011 the back."

In th e s tudent ac tivitie s at the U niver s ity o f Missouri th e memb e r of Acacia h ave been leade r s in all line s . Some of th e hon o r captured by Mem Chaper this yea r include: The presidency of the all- se ni o r cla s , pre s idency of th e se ni o rs and in the ·School o f Eng in eering, pr es idency of the st ud e nt se nate the s tudent governing bod y, editorship of b oth the college papers and the "F unny " magazine , cabinet member s of th e Y. M . C. A ., two members 011 the Missouri Va ll ey champi o n ship football team , one of w h om wa s the only man on the team w ho pla ye d in every minut e of every ga m e throughout the season, three members o f the tra c k sq uad. In addition to thi s t h e c h apter ha s members in honorar y frat erniti es and senior societie in departments of the U niver s it y of Missouri.

I n truth th e mem1Jers of Mem pride themselves upon being very mu ch a li ve in every thin g worth while at Missouri. The y intend to ex hibit a great dea l of thi . spirit when the y "s how " the delegate s "t o . the . Grand Conclave at the Un iversity of M isso uri n ex t fa.Jl. · - ·



The pa s t year ha s proven Acacia' bariner yea r at Co rn e ll, bein g mark ed by_ th e acqui s ition of a permanent Home, a m o re th o r o ugh organization and a g ratif yi n g in crea se in m ember s hip. ··

O n Feb. 5th Brothers Morrow, Robin so n , Wils o n , Wilder, Rathm aso n , a nd Pelton were initiate d , after which the customary. wa s h e ld with Uro. Wait acting as toa s tmaster in a most plea sin g manner. -

In Un ive r s it y circles th e Masonic spirit making it se lf m o r e s tr o n g ly _ felt by a closer acquaintance with Facu lty and s tud ent body . At i! S m oke r for Maso n s "O n the Hill ," th e re 9 5 present , man y qew m e n a·ppearing. A t this ga thering committees , ,iei·e appoirited · (o prep a r e for the A nnual Masonic Banq u et. On even in g Qf Ma rch r 8, nin ety five ]\ ra s tud e nt s :1 nd fa culty ' including a r epre se ntativ e from eac h . of the To ,.Yt'i Lod ges, were sea te d at a mo t excelle nt Banquet in th e ifasonjc C lub Rooms. This exceeded all expectations and showed th e po ss ibilit y for future rr r o wth in th e It I1as proved the most sa ti s fact o ry m et h od of in touch with College Maso n s, for but few of them wear th ei r e mblem s 0 here. We look forvvard to the time when Acacia will b e so well

known that the Lodges will inform us that one of it s members i s in our midst. This has happened in a few cases in re sponse to a circular letter to all lodges of 1 ew York State. If all of the Chapters would spread the name of Acacia to the Lodges of their State, the effect would be for the ue neral uood of the Fraternity. Each of the answers to our circular letter "' "' . . s tated that lodge "so and so" was plea se d to hear of such an orgamzatJOn as Acacia and that we could feel sure of their support if the occasion offered itself. Nun Chapter thinks that a little advertising, in the way of an article now and then to a few of the most broadly circulated magazines, would further this purpo se to a great extent . A word in Grand Lodge by some of our more prominent Brethren would be well placed. A great future for the Fraternity lies with the Lodges and their hearty support, so the soo ner they become acquainted with Acacia the better.

During the yea! seve ral enjoyable Card Parties were given, generally ending with a dance , all of which proved to be very successful affairs. An Acacia Dance is now being planned which will be our last social affair of the y ear. We will inform our alumni of its elate and hope to see as many of them with u s as po ss ible ·

All o f our exi s tence here has not been socially by any means, for Nun Chapter is still proud to boa st of no "B usts " as we term it.

Several of our men have acquired College hon o r s, all of which help to give the Fraternity it s standing. President Bradlee has given the Cornell Countryman a very able management this year and wa s presented with a handsome gold medal in appreciation of hi s work; he ha s also figured very prominently in the affairs of his college as well a s presiding over Acacia in a most judiciou s manner.

Murray Howes, Cornell's veteran pitcher and "C" man, is now training for another season's work. All who are po s ted on Cornell's doings know of lVI urray ' s fine work last year . He bids fair to fill the box again thi s yea r and is developing in fine s tyle.

Brother Steelquist repre se nt s u s in the Glee C lub and in the :Musical circles of the City.

Brother Rame y is now acting Major of the Cadet corps and was h o no red thi s year by being elected to Tau Beta Phi.

Brother Jones is al so inclined toward Military work and sti 1l defends the medal for fine mark s manship which he captured last year.

Nun Chapter is particularl y proud of having by far the large st man in the U niver s it y. Brother Paul Wilder hail s from near Boston and i s a Freshman thi s yea r. In a recent ru sh he demon s trated that he had strenuth in size by actually walking away with seven clm g mg to hm1 ltke barnacle s. He s uffered a sprained shoulder, however , for too many were anxious of the h onor of capturinu the bigue s t man "o n the hill. " 0 o

During the year seve ral of our alumni have visited with u s and we hope they will keep_ up the good work. Rec e ntly Brothers Cameron, Thomas, McCa rtne y, Pierce and Smith have been with u s.

Th!s yea r we s hall lo se b y graduation Brothers Jayne , Thompson , Steelql11st. Overton, Robinson , Ra s mas o n, Ramey, and Howes . Brother Robmson ha s already completed hi s work and i s now with the Standard Oil Co. down in West V irginia. Brothers Munsell Overton, and Howes will g raduate in Ve terinar y; Ja y ne, Thomp so n , Steel-



qui. t and Ramey in l\lechan ica l and E le ct ri cal Engineering; and l3r . Robinson in 'ivil Engineer in g.

During the year Dro Ra mason wa married but till ha time for :\.cacia, as is the case with our ot h er married brother . B r other Keith wa rai "ed to the . ublime degree of ''Pa,'' being pre e nt ed with a baby girl.

Again Chapter exte n d invitation to all Acacia n t be w ith u when at 'ornell.



h. 1-L\PTER, PURDUE UNJ \ ' ERSITY, L. \ F.\\'ETTE, I:'\0.

Just at thi s period, w h e n the end of th e ch oo l year i d r awing near, we begin to look back ove r o ur pa s t ca r ee r , a nd record all we h ave accomplished as an organizatio n

Samc hk C h apt r i. alma t three years o ld and with th is year · gradu ating class w lose th e Ia t of o ur charter m em be r s. S ix of o ur twelve 11)1 o men ha v been ardent workers in th e developement of the Frate rnit y si n ce its o rg·anizati o n a nd o ur s u ccess ha s b ee n clue mu ch to their ingenuity.

Our sta nd ar d at prese nt i s up t o a nd beyond the expectat io n . of a ll those who helped in ga inina a for the o r ganiza ti on in the realm s of Purdue. The succe s is clue much t o th e m otto we h ave a lwa ys borne in mincl-" \Vhat do we, as an individual chapter of th e Acac i a F r atern it y, stand for?" And it is a questio n we think a ll c hapter s h o uld a k themse lv es. The answer wi ll designate ju st h ow mu ch eac h is co ntributin g to th general fund of th e Frate rnit y's r ep ut a ti o n . l\J any c hapter s h ave, in their s h o rt career . g iv e n ev id e n ce of s imilar ide a ls and the u ·e of compa r ab le methods, as is s hown by their r ecords. Howcv<:'r, we feel that so me h ave been lax in thi s r es pec t a nd h o ulcl be reminded, by th ose m o re ucce ss ful, what is expected of th em pon our ) ou n ge r c h apte r s we would lik e t o forcibly impr e the high s tand ard already manife s t in those o nl y a few yea r s their e ni o r. Th<' Fraternit;, as a national o r ga niz at io n , is yet in its infancy and o far ha s made remarkable st rid es. O ur preliminary e li g ibilit y for in li v iclu a l membership demand that we s h a ll be o n the leve l. Likewi e a ll c h apter organizations s h ou ld sec k the s ame plane of It is n ot ri g ht that the Acacia Fraternity h o u lcl be known as a leade r in loca l act i vit ies at so me Tni ve r sitie and a dead-one at ot h ers. We realize that co nditi o n ., as they ex is t some places, are much h a rd e r to ove rc ome than at oth e r s a nd it is n ot our intention lo issue a r epr imand to th o e who h ave not been so s ucc esfnl. but to appea l to them to u .e eve r y e ff o rt po ss ible t o forge t o the fr o nt.

The recognition g ive n u s by ot h e r fraternal o r gan izat io n is n ot merely comp lim entary. It is beca u se they see k adva nta ge of o ur fav o r in return. The compet iti on is h ea rtl ess a nd it take hard wo rk to s ub due it . but ucc ss i compe n . a li on for a ll the effo rts required to obta in it. \'fl,f e a ll kn ow thi s, vet we feel 't is n ot a wa s te of time t o elebo r ate up o n the n ece it y of it.

The writer, a c hart e r m embe r of Same hk C hapt e r , ha experienced . \ cac ia fral rn a li s m bot h as an active an I a lumnu member . He feel apprec iati on of the s ucce which hi s c hapt e r h as acquired. 'Cpon returnin g, after two yea r a bse n ce, t o again tak e up act ive lif e in t h e U ni ver it y,



UPPER R ow - .J . \V . Sc h a ffn er, A. ,V , Nc e l , D. B. Chnrt e rs , D. C . S m ith , R. R. M<·Now n. MIDDLE Row - .J. H H ollin gswo r t h , .J. Co nn e r , E. H. .Ja c ka, C. B R i Lt.c r, C. R.. Y,Ji·e r , H J. Steve n '. L o wEn H o w- R.. T. Wak e fie ld, P.R. B.-own, S B. K e rlin, J. T. H. L. Kre ige r, C .T. Sc ri bner.

. \ .-\ C l:\ J

hl: find hi ch ap t e r in full d e ,·e lo p e m nt o f all th ·e thin gs, n ece in the s tn fe f u r ex rs t e n c.:e. fo r whi c h th e o riginal m e mber : had o nl y a c h a n ce to pl a nt th e see d a n d f e rtiliz e the li e kn o w s a l o th humiliati o n fe lt when o f o th e r L' ni,·e r ie . w h ere th e r e ex is t e d a c h a pt e r o f Aca c ia, d clar e the\· h a d n e ver h ea rd of th e o r ga n iza ti o n. lt wo uld n o t have bee n o amazing had the e s am e p eople n o t !we n p a rti c ularl y int e r e t e d in fr a t e rnali s m and placed in p os iti ons t o acq u a int t he m ..,e l v s w ith all the active o rganizati o n s o f th ir sc hoo l. \ \' e h a v<. f o ll o ,, ·ed as n ea rly a s p o . ible th e activity o f o ur i t er c h ap t r s . thr o u g h th e .-\ C.\ C J.\ J oc r<N . \L, our co rr es p o nd e nc e and th e co lu m n -. o f a ll th e LTnive r s it y da ili es. lt i gratifying ind e ed t o n o t e th e pr og r e s some h ave m a d e Th e fac t that fo ur o f th e be t co lle ge daili es a r e e dit ed b y . \ cac ia m e n is qui te a ppr e ciabl e. The fact that many hav e m a d e g oo d in a thl e t ics. i n sc ho la r s hip a nd in o btaining imp o rtant a nd re p o n s ible in L' ni ve r s it y ac ti v iti es a r c e qually appr e ciat d. \V e r e ali ze th a t th e c ffic i n cy 1 f eac h indi Yidu a l m e mb e r is the ba is f o r th e ir chapter r e put a ti on. R ece nt! .\ , wh e n o ur r e pH·sentativ e t o th e in tallati o n o f : \l e ph - ll e th C h a p te r a t :\o rthw es t e rn. e xplained o ur m e thod o f o btainin g and r o utin e o f d e t e rminin g th e e li g ibility o f pr os pectiv e candidat es . we w e re criti c iz ed. t og l'th e r with ll e th ' hapt e r o f Illin o is , wh o us e d ab o ut the am e m e th o d s. b y th e m e mb e r -. of .-\yin C hapter o f Chicago , f o r n o t bein g m o r e co nse r va tiY e. ln w e can r e adily say. that w e ha ve nev e r had an occa . io n t o r eg r e t th e a cce ptan ce of a ingle memb e r. Furth e rm o r e. w e d o u se but n o t t o the extent that it i faulty On the co ntrar y we co mbin e it \\ ith ac ti v ity. a s o ur chapt e r hi s t o ry will pro ve. In th e sa m e n·sp ec t we ca n vo u c h f o r Heth Chapter. f o r our intimate as s ciati o n with th e ]llin o is agg r ega ti o n ha s pr o ven t o u that the y are "live wir es \\' e wo uld lik e t o s u g g-e s t t o "\yin Chapter , a s w e ll as all o ther chapt e r s wh o ha ve n ' t a h o m e , t o pr oc ur e o ne at o nce, and g e t int o L· niver s ity pr min e nce e n o u g h t o pr ove th e ir e xi s t e nc e o n th e co ll eg e map. C h a pt er h as a hi g h s tandin g am o ng: the s ev e nteen frat e rn a l o r g-a ni za t io n s o f runlu e and is kn o wn a s a frat e rnity in c o unt e r-di s tin cti o n t o a club . , \t pr ese nt w e co ntr o l m o r e student activitie than any o th e r t\\ o org ani za ti o n :- in sc h oo l. Our representati o n in athletic s is far a bo ve p a r . " D a v e " C ha r t e r , , th three "P" man in s ch oo l, captain e d th e v ar :- ity b as k e t ba ll s qu a d thi s year ancl ch ose n ''all-we s tern c enter. " TT e is th e nu c le u s f o r th e pit c hing taff o f thi s year' s baseball team and h as alr ea dl · m a d e g-oo d in w e ight f o r the track and fi e ld team. P. R. Br o \\ n h a s b ee n ass i g- n cl p o siti o n o n thi s year' var s ity team. J. \\ ' . Sc h a ffn e r a nd o ur f r e hman pl e d g e. Ra y \\'ak e fi e lcl, are makin g a r e putati o n f o r th e m se l ves o n th e cla ss team s and loo k g oo d f o r next y e ar . m a t e rial. D. C. S mith w o n and defended clas s numeral s f o r f o m co ns ec uti ve y ea r s in foo tb a ll. Th e la s t tw o wer e played o n the var s ity squ a d . Ch a ; t c r s i s p r es id e nt o f th e athletic as so ciati o n : P. R. lh o wn· s t e rm as v ice pr es id e nt ex pir e d thi s ye ar: C. R. Yater is s tud e nt tre a. ur e r o f th e s am e o r g- ani za ti o n a nd ha s pr o ven m o r e a ti s fact o ry than any o f hi s pr cd ece:-so r s in handlin g th e finance s of the a sso ciati o n. Harry L es li e a f o rm e r f oo tb a ll t a r a ncl a ltunm1 s r e pre s entative o n the athletic b o ard o f co ntr o l i s an \ c a c ia alunnnr s. 1-Te ha s l::een as s i ting in coa chin g athl e tic s h e r e fo r thr ee y e ar s.

T-:f. J. S t eve n s . the natmal b e rn e dit o r. is fearle . s in hi . edit o rial co lumn s



of the Exponent and has voiced the student sentiments regardless of consequences . His fame has been extended recently by the wit of a series of his "Co llege Widow " editorials. He has also proven a most competent bu s iness manager of the 19ro Debris and has been honored with the presidency of the Indiana Intercollegiate Press Club.

C. B. Ritter, as chairman of the "M echanic's Burning" Committee , has plans for the most elaborate celebration for years . He is also connected with the business management of the Harlequin Club. This dramatic club presents George Acle's "The City Chap" this season and H. L. Kreiger has the feature comedy P R. Brown will have full charge of athletic day of the gala week exercises. 0. E. Gallup is representing us on the Exponent and Debris staffs. T . C. Kroeger one of our last pledges has been elected a member of the honorary Tau Beta Pi fraternity. Jay Hollingsworth has led our bowling team through a s uccessful season, winning the inter-fraternity contest championship cup. Our fellows alternatingly have charge of the gates on athletic days. There are a few not mentioned who have minor positions which are preliminary steps to the bigger things. We have already been campaigning and feel sure of a bountiful portion of next year's "P lum-tree " crop.

Our faculty members remain enthusiastic and are always interested in our welfare . The standing of the organization in the minds ot authorities of the school is readily shown by the request made of us by the president of the University recently- "S ince your organization control so many s tudent activities and are looked up to as examples, I would appreciate your help in holding within the bounds of morality , the outburst of enthu s iasm by the student body , following athletic victories and, etc."

Socially our ventures have not been so numerous, but elaborate enough to make up for time lost between acts. The social standing of the members is of the highest, many are well qualified for professional " fusserism." "B unch ," our bull-dog, is quite a favonte of the co- eels.

Our ·Sunday dinners are devoted to the entertainment of guests and certain evenings of the week prospective candidates are entertained. A St. Patrick's dinner was given for a number of Masons in the school. At the culmination of the ba s ket ball season the varsity team was entertained one . evening at our chapter hou se .

The event of the year was .when a delegation of Heth Chapter was entertained with a dance and a week's end series of festivities. Heth Chapter boys are royal entertainers themselve s and we look forward to our se mi-annual vi s its to Illinoi s.

Bro. A. R. Keith, Chairman of the ritual committee, was with us April rst and we initiated two candidates upon that elate. Dr. Stanly Coulter of thi s chapter accompanied him to Chicago where they were joined by Bro. Shepardson of Ayin . They expect to give us a new ritual in the near future .

Our relations with Masonry in Lafayette are very close. We are represented at every m ee ting. Many of our number are at present taking aclvantecl degrees.

The work of the Purdue Acacia Building Association is progre ss ing nic e ly and we expect within a year or so to have one of the finest at Purdue . ·

Our greetings and best wishes are extended to all our s is ter chapters ORRIE E. GALLUP.

52 THE




L N J \"E RSJTY OF C IIl C. \ l;O, ('Ill \GO, ILL.

.\yin C hapt er is having a pro s per o us year. \ Me went s low, a nd t oo k in no new members dur in g t h e a utumn quarter, but took in e ig ht fine men during the winter. Jt was a g r eat pleasure t o as is t in the in tallation of , \1 ph-Ueth and to meet the in s t al lin g brethren from th e n e ig hb oring c hapt ers. Tt nabled our w h o le chapt e r to see the wo rk of the ot h e r chapter-;. It gave u many new id ea . and we h ope we contributed something. A in ha s had o n e dance a nd another is clue oo n . The mo t of our m e mber s are graduate s tudents a nd hav e littl e tim e fo r o ut s id e thing , but Brother Edwards ha s been s t a rrin g o n th e ba k et ba ll team . Dy the way. some of o ur new members a r e from t h e yo un ge r men a nd we find them a great addition to the frate rnit y. The fraternal sp irit is exce ll ent.

We have lost a number of o ur valued m e mb e r . Drot h e r Frank ·wetzel i teaching manual training in Tampa, F lorida. B r ot h e r E. A. \\' reiclt is traveling in the ea tern sta t es at present, co ll ect in g material for an e tensive rep o rt o n the present stat u of indu st ri a l ed u cat io n in behalf of the City Club of C hi cago. Brot h e r I arl T. Wa u g h is n ow Profes or of Psychology in Beloit a ll ege He goes to Ge rman y in the summer to meet hi s mother and si. ter from Indi a. Brother v\ \ M. Iill e r is s tud ying in \Viscon s in l'niver ity but will b e with u s again in th e s umm e r q u arter.

UPPE!l Row - M. E . Jon es , H. I. McCu ll oc h , B . L. Pa l mer , N. L. Ne lso n , R. S. Po r te r fi eld, B . J. Ste war t, L. M. 'V ins low, MIDDLE Row - R . E. Ky n e r , M.G . T hornburg, R. E. Buc ha n a n, C. G. T il den, W. G. Mann, E. G. Cort . LowEn Row - B. L. Park e r, F. S. Ball ard, S. A. Beac h , E. M. Ca ss ady, Il.. E. Smilh, F. E. Co lbum, W. H.. La ird.

TH E A \ I.\ J ' RXAL.

llr o th c r l' rof. S h e pard -,o n and Ur th r Pr o f. P o und , Dal e th , a r e a c nta n t h e lp t o u ·

\'in "h a pt e r ex t e nd g re e tin gs t o her is ter c h a pt e r s, a nd wi h e s u cces, a nd pro.., p e rit y fo r a ll.


\"\ I E L"\' 1\"E J< :-i JT\". X E W 11.\\ "E:"\'. CO :\ X.

( )n b e h a l f o f Jl e C h a pter w e gr e et the br o th e r s o f A ca ci a a s w e b eg in o u r "('Cnn d yea r as a ch a pt e r .-\t thi s writin g Pe ha s n o t a h o u e f it · own C >ur mem b e r s. wh o ar e in v ari o u s departm e nt s a g r a duat e a n d un der-gra du a t es, liv e in diff e r e nt ecti o n o f th e l: niv e r !3 ity c ircl e. \ ce n t r a ll y l!Jca t ecl a nd s uit a b 'e h o u e . th e r e f o r e, i hard t o find , but by th e b eg innin g of ano th e r yea r w e h o pe t o greet all bro th e r in a h o m e o f o ur own. T h e g lowi ng r e po rt s paid t o the h os pitalit y o f o th e r Aca c ia C h a pt e rh uuo.;L.., v i-., it e d by o ur m e mb e r s , and th e pictur es o f th ese pl ea a nt h o m e!', m ake u s r ea li ze o ur p oo r and d es titute situati o n . \V e b eg indul ge n ce fo r t h pre:-e n t, but w e g iv e n o tice o f ambiti o n s f o r th e futur e.

( l u r ro ll co nt a in thirt y tw o h o n o rary , and thr ee pl e d ge d , m e mb ers . \\ ' e a r e r e pr se nt e d in se veral Greek-lette r fraterniti es , and fi ve o f o ur n wn a r c m e m bers o f th e h o n o rarr fraterniti es . Th e ex tr a-c urri c ulum activi t ie-. ex t e nd t o m a n\ · fi e ld s. and wo uld b e increa e el in certain lin es, did n ot o ur gra du a t e m e mb e r s cea se t o tak e part in und e r-graduat e affair s.

( lf o ur r es id e nt m e mb e r s . }.lacD o nalcl is the c o rn e ti s t o n th e U niver ity ( hc h e s t r a. a nd a m e mb e r o f th e champion s hip gun club; ch o le is pr es id e nt of t h e Y a le C lub . in which we tak e an activ e int e re t as a c h a pt e r : \ ·a n . \l s t y n e r e pr ese nt e d hi s d e partm e nt in the inter-d e partm e nt d e bate; ex- pres id e nt ::.IacKay, f o rm e r secretar y o f the 1aso ni c C lub , i s we ll - kn o wn a m o n g Y al e and Haven Ias o n : C ampbell is e li g ibl e nh n cl e s sc h o la r fro m l\ Ii sso uri : Gru e n e r, o n e o f th e be s t - kn o wn o n s in th e s t a t e, i s h e ad a ss is tant in Yale Library; B oo th is Pa t Ma st e r o f \\ ' uos t er Lo d ge, in th e city: O bernau e r had a part in thi y ear 's pla y b y th e Dr a m a ti c Assoc ia ti o n , and is president o f th e Debatin g ni o n ; C hild pl ays tr o mb o n e in th e O rche s tra. made guard o n the s eco nd f oo tball team , a nd \\'r est lcs f o r Y al e at h e avy - w e ight. l\I o re o f o ur activiti es mi g ht b e rec it e d . if s p ace pe rmitt e d . It may be year befo re the inAu e nce o f ca c ia is st r o n gly f e lt in s tud e nt affair s here: neverth e le s, we hav e a spirit o f in o ur chapt e r that i s distinctly w o rth while , and w e a r e br o u g ht in to fra t e rn a l r e lati o n s with so m e o f th e be s t men in o th e r U niv e r s iti es \ \ ' ith a h o m e w ill co m e cl ose r br o therh o d tie s . and a s till b e tt e r appr ec ia ti o n of t h e r ea l wo rth o f . \ca c ia.

ln concl u s io n I w o uld sa y that we w o uld b e glad t o w e lc o me an r Acac ia n w h o s h o uld c h a n ce to b e in Xew Haven. aod will see t o it that th e w o nd e r s o f th e pl ace a r e pto p e rly e xhibit ed t o him. s catt e red, it n ee d s n o d e l c ti ve to find a t lea: t so m e o f us. The A c.acia tabl e at the Co mm o n a nd t h e so - fo rth s a nd so- f o rth s a bundant ar o und mak e it wo rt.h a n yo n e's w h ile to v i'i it P e. · · · '



UPPER Row-R. L. Faux, J. H. Yoder, F. Taylor, W. L. M<:Coy, S . J . McNary, Mmor"E Row-vV. S. Dye, .Jr. , G. B. Wharen, G. Morri son, H. De i mer, W. H. Mc intyr e, V. L. Logo. LowER R.ow- .J. , V. Fortenbaup;h, H. E. A s h enfe lte r , E . W . Hughes, N. B. R.osenb<·rger, W . Y. Pnyne.

THE A A L\ J "CRX:\L. ;)(


COLL':\Jill.\ l'NI\ 'E W'iiTY, :\1-:\\' lTY.

The age of T adhe 'hapte r may at Ia t be re ckoned in year , as ::\I arch .:oth completed the 12th month f her exi tence. The two month · which have elapsed the Ia t chapter letter have been pro perou , and con:e quentl y happy ones . The . pirit of brotherly love between Yodh and was increased, a was al. o the en e of the "Xationality of . \cacia .. by a trip to Franklin C hapter, in February. \Va hington Lodge . ·o. 21 entertained u s at their 1 Joth anniversary o n ::\larch 3rcl. and at their . \nniver sa r ,. Entertainment and Ball at the Palm Garden on l\Jarch th ; tw o m os t enjnyaul affairs, and by the kinclne of the ch apte r of Ro e ' roix of .\cw York ' ity, \ncient , cottish Rite of Free l\Ia nry, we were permitted t o partak e of the so lemn ceremonial Fea s t of the I aschal Lamb o n :\[arch

\<\ 'e have had visits from Brother Sm ith of Xun. Thatcher of \\ aw and Liming of T th Soo n we h ope to hav e a h ouse, when we h pc that no . \ cac ian will escape from New York City without meeting the member · of Tsadhe ' hapter.

( )n l'e h. unci five new Acacians were initiated: .r\. E. Sinclair, G . ' rawf o rcl , C. \V . I Lunt , and \N. F. 1\Iaul as active member , and Ill. T . :\I. Ch esman 33 ' , a Trustee of o lumbia U niv e r s ity , as an hon o rar y member. The initiati o n was followed by a banqu et and a theatre party. Then t o mak e the o casion complete the rest of the evening wa spe nt a s gue t s of La Sincerite Lodge No. 373 at a ba ll at the Hote l l\Iartinique.

On , \pril 4th we initiated m o r e active .r\cacian and \ ' .E. Arthur MacArthur , G. c;enera li ss im o of the Grand Encampment K. T. a an h ono rar y member . Thi s will make an active membership of 35 for thi year, our fir s t year. Our plan s for n ext year are for a c h apter h o u se and m o re •\cacian s.



T I IE I'I ':N NS\'L \ ' , \ NI.\ ST. \TE COLLEGE, ST \TE COLLEGE, PE:-.1 N.

Shin C ha pter is n ow about comp leting its first yea r , and it is cong ratulating it se lf on the s ucce ss that ha · attended it work. A number o f new men. all enthusiastic about Acacia, have been added to it s members hip and the outloo l for 1910-191 I is bright. On l\Iarch 14, Rev. John JT ew itt, our tlrst h o n o rary m embe r , wa entrusted with the secret of the fraternit y ; and two days later. D r. Meye r. one of our charter members. who wa s n o t able t o be present when the chapter wa in tailed, took up o n him s elf the title of a brother .r\cac ian. The same even in g that Dr. :\Iey e r wa s with us. L. l\I. Fishe r trave led toward perfection. as we und e r tand it. Horace A h e nfelter was also made a member o n 1\Iarch 1. At pr ese nt, therefore , our membership numbers 32, 18 of wh om are active member s . \Ve are unfortunate, h o \\·ever , in that we shall lose even of o ur active members thi s year.

T h e se ni o r s thi s yea r a r e loo kin g f o r w ard with g r eat _anti c ip a ti o n to the house pa rt y w hi c h w e expec t t o h o ld at_

ra ti o n for t h a t eve nt. e lect ri c li g ht s

a nd ot he r cha n ges a r e be in g br ou g ht a bo ut. . \ Ale a r e loo kin g f orw a r d, al

h as g r a n ted u s th e lease,

of g r o un d on th e ca m p u s P


attract ive h o u se t o b e built on th e land , and n ow w e are e n g a ge d 111 a ca mpa ig n f o r fun ds t o carr y o ur dr eam s int o th e r ea lm o f r ealit y . If an y o f o u r br oth e r s in th e o th e r c h ap t e r s can t ell u s wh e r e seve ral th o u sa nd s o f

REV. JOHN HEWITT, GEORGE BUSH, 32 o First Honorary Member Shin Chapter. A Loyal Brother of Shin Chapter .

d ollar s a r e ly in g a r o und loose, w e s h o uld b e g lad t o ha ve th e m acq u a int u s o f t h e localit y

B r o th e r Geo r ge T. B u sh i s at pr ese nt o n a trip ar o und th e w o rld . \ Ve h ea r fr o m him oc ca s io nall y and h e is e nj oy in g th e ex peri e n ce immen se ly. O ur b es t wi s h es go w ith thi s le tt e r t o eve r y c h a pter o f Ac acia. \ Ve . t r u st th at t h e co min g ye ar ma y be f r a u g ht with s uc cess f o r th e m all.




O ur hi sto r y t h o u g h s h o rt is b ubblin g w ith lif e. O n Fe bru a r y e ig h tee n t h we ini t ia t ed , a s a n h o n oi·ar y m e mb e r , H o n o rabl e C. A . D o lp h , ·w h o is a n ex -U nit ed S t a t es Se n a t o r , cine o f th e m os t influ e nti a l m e n of th e s t a t e, a thirt y -third deg r ee M a so n , a nd a r ege nt o f th e U niver s it y o f O r ego n , Af t er th e initi a t ion a ba n q u e t w a s se r ved at w hi c h B r ot h e r D o lph exp r essed h imse lf as deep ly in sy m pat h y w ith o ur o r cra ni zat io n \ Ve fee l that we h ave in him a wort h y f ri e n d.

co m me n_ce m e nt t1m e. In pr epa -
o r a n ex t e nd ed p e ri o d. o f a ve r y d es irabl e p la
r o fe sso r 1 e bb e r h as p r epa r e d u s
o r
a r e be m
p ut 111 th e h o u se,
so, t o sec unn g a n e w h o m
Th e co ll ege

\\ '. \ t . our la. t reg ul a r mee tin g we pl e d ged . Pa in e a n d 11 ar ld uu. Jglt) w h o. are taki n g th e ir :\I a o ni c w o rk in t h e loca l lodge. \\' e have g" Jvcn t h :ee 1nf o r ma l d a n ce . a n d a co u p le o f ca r d partie . a ll of which were very e nJ oya bl e occa. i n , < )ur in co ll ege a c ti v iti e. is n ot unw r th y f m e nti


E. Spe n ce r , o n ' o f o u r f r es hm e n , wo n

de ba t e r in th e u n iver. it y. H e wa . n th e t eam

twe nt y a n d I da h o l\Ia r c h twe nt y- fifth . F l vnn i a m e m be r of t h e :\l a ndo lin ' lub. a n d \ n·tis an d \ \ e lch a re in G lee lub . T h e tw cl u b. tge th cr make an an nu a l to ur o f th e le adin g t o wn of t h e sta t . On t h e recent trip ·urt is wa t h e lea din g t unt m a n Dr e e el in lady ' s at ti re. he


,... Wi nner - A lumn i of Or egc n, fo r best ind ividual debater, and of th e D e ba ting T earn that defeated Utah a nd Idaho . m a d e a g r ea t h it. app e arin g a s l\J a da m Y e lba in a fal setto o'o. Ridd e ll is o ur half - mil e a nd m il e man w h o h a s n o t fai led in a n y m ee t in th e la s t t w o \'ea r s t o w in la ur e ls f o r hi s c h oo l.

D r Lowe m a k es u s occ a s io n a l vi s it s vVe h o n o r him a lm o t a a fa th e r. h e b in g t h e o n e w h o fir s t s u gges t e d t h e id ea o f h a vin g a ch ap t e r of th e .-\ cac ia r• r ate rnit y at th e U niv e r s it y of O r ego n. O ur d oo r is a lw ays ope n to h im , n ot a l n e, b eca u se h e is a br o th e r . hut b eca u se o f th e good word: of a d v ice h a lway h as t o o ff e r.

\\ ' elc h h a . had t o le av e c h oo l o n a c co unt o f s ic kn e . a n d , we are so rr y t o a y , h e- will. pr o ba b ly . n o t b e a b le t o r e turn th i emester.

Tav ' h apte r ex t e nd s g r e eti n g t o h e r s i te r ch a pt e r in Acac ia. \\ e h o p e f o r g r ea t thin gs , a nd tr u s t t h at a ll s ha ll · e nj oy a .m eas ur e of prospe rit y.

T H E A ' L\ J C R:\ L.
a th best in d i,·id u a l
e d
th e alumni m e dal
th a t d e f e at
L'ta h J a n
r y




A lep h- A lep h C hap te r is taking eac h step quietly but cau ti o u s ly as we cons i der that policy best. T hi s h as caused u s t o be misunderstood and brotwht abo ut so m e unpl easant thing s, but o ur policy was eq u al t o the tria ]s 0 of inve s tio·ation and we are more t h a n g lad to find ourse lv es enjoyina the rio-hts benefit s of the Acacia F rat e rnit y, w hi ch is no less s in ce r e we, 1's Masons, had a right to expect. vVe are exceeding ly well p leased with Acac ia and receive it s honors wit h g r eat pride.

The Gauge and Gave l Club of the U niver s it y of Washington was o ro·anized May I 5, I908, w ith the aim of fu rth e rin g Masonic intere s t s and Master Masons of the in s titution into a closer fe ll owship. Short ly after th e club was organ ized the quest ion of petition in g Acacia was di scussed but th e petit ion was not s ubmitted until Apr il 6, I909. A reply was not received unti l after the co ll egiate yea r had end ed so the matter had to be left e ntir ely un settled until co ll ege opened in the fall. Eve n after that considerab le time elapsed before we cou ld get in t ou ch with the proper parties, owing to the change of officers in both o r gan i zat ions. Feb. 5th was finally fixed as the elate f o r in s tallati on and E. 0. Heinrich of He Chapter chosen as insta llin g offi ce r. The U niversity Maso ni c Lodge building was secu r ed f o r the occasion. Those who assisted B r ot h er Heinrich were: Broth e r s Little of He, More, Bartells, Meu ll er and Dehn of Het h , N ig h of Samehk, Dick of Lamed th a n d Wi l so n of Daleth. After initiation a merr y gathering was held in the banquet , room. To comp lete th e evening's wo rk each of ou r n ew ly acq uir ed brother s offe r ed so me kin d wo rd s of advice and encouragement, and made known his e ntir e w illin g n ess to lend us any assistance wit hin the leng th of hi s cable - tow.

Si n ce the in s tallation we ha ve been holding r eg ular meeti n gs and fam iliari zing our se lves w ith the F r a t ernity's way of doing things. We h ope our delegate will not be a member of the committee, w h o before coming to the conclave " h ave g i ve n n o time t o a consideration of the const itution."

We hav e considerab le material in s ight to take th e place of tho se who leave college this year a n d think the p r ospects f o r having a house next yea r are bright.

The officers a nd members of A leph -A lep h are as follow : Ja y H. S 1gworth, Pres.; Thomas F. Murphy, V ice Pres . ; Edgar E . Me rrifi e ld , Sec'y. ; Tho mas K . S ide y, Trea s. ; Levi Clark , Stewa rd ; Hiram B. Conibear, E u gene Ha n coc k , A lvin Campbell , A le xa nd e r Ja ckso n , Ca rl G Be n so n , Vi la s R. Rathbun , J ohn C. Rathbun, and Ira L. Co lli er E . E. MERRIFIELD.



It is the !11ost s incere t hat the A l ep h- Beth Chapte r makes its debut 111 the Circle of Acac ia, the intellectual aristocracy of Freema so nr y."

The A leph - Be th C h ap t e r , o r the "Ba by of Acac ia " as it is better kn own at present, was born on Ma r ch 5th, and a ri gh t h ea lth y · baby it was too.


This newly-born doe not expect to "blu h un een'' but expect to ain uch and prestige in the near future, that cacia may well .be proud of Its offspring.

The enthusia m pre ent among the fourteen who were initiated a charter members ce rtainl y augers a pro perous future for our new chapter. Several of our new member overcame ome rather in urmountable difficulties in order to be with u , one man came all of the way from the I acific coast in orde r t o be with u s . another rode twenty mile through a blinding • outh Dakota blizzard to the railroad tati o n , and another came from a distance to the n ort h of u s, and it i uch men as the e. that go to make up a roster of charter members, wh ich Acacia generally and the \leph - Beth hapter especially may well be proud to loo k back upon in the future. At present whereas our chapter h o u e is n ot an actuallity, it is s u ch a probability that we can almost promi e the J OURN. \L that we will be able to tell them a ll abo ut it within a yea r ' time.

Our thanks is due the Grand ouncil for appointing s u ch an able man as Bro. Com tock to take care of our initiation and in tallation. The initiation and in s tallation took place in the '0/oo llawn l\Ia onic Temple which is located at 64t h St. and Lexington ve., in thi s city. Bro . omstock wa ably assisted by Bro. Wood, of the Illinois niversity; Bro. Connor, of Purdue Un iversit y; Bro. Iaki ch, o f the niver ity of \ isco n s in ; and Bros. Bell and Co1eber I, of the Chicago niver it y Afte r the initiation which was an unu s ually successful one by r easo n of the fact that the severa l delegate s were able to offer num e r o us ugge tions a t o the methods employed in the initiation s in their home chapters, all of which suggestions were tried o ut at our initiation , hence it was a gloriou and howling success. After the initiation the following officers were duly instal led: J. 0. \ i\T ild er, as President; L. Foster, a V ice-Pres ident; L. A. Dain, as Secretary; and C. Z. Graf, a Treasurer.

After the installation, the inner man received attention. by a banquet at llut c hin son Hall. of the University of Chicago, which was voted very much of a success. The evening's program included seve ral contributions from the silvery tongued orators present, Dro. Hill, of the new chapter. acting as toastma ter f or the occasion. Bro. Comstock gave us a declamatory treat entit l ed "The Hi tory o f Acacia.' which commanded the rapt attention of all present; hepard so n , of the Ayin Chapter, favored us with a speec h upon "Immortality and the earch for Truth. " which was n o l ess than a clas ic. and it would be impo s ible for o ne to hear such a talk without having higher id ea ls by rea so n of it , and becomin<Y a better man; Bro. Bell also of y in C hapt e r, gave the new Acacians so me m ost valuable advice and information which cannot help , if carried o ut , but a sis t a nd promote the successful ca r ee r of the Aleph-Beth Chapter. Following this the delegate and assisting brethren were heard from, much to the plea ure of those present.

The vcning wa s o ne long to be r eme mbered and l\Iarch sth wil a lways be held clear to the heart s of the A leph-Beth's at tern Un-iversity, and it wa s re olved that it s h ou ld alway be held a reel letter clay in o ur ca len Jar and as s uch be suitably celebrated.

\ i\Te of , \J ep h-D et h C hapter by a certain. table, and consi tent cour e of management expect to put o ur chapter o n a firm financial basi in the n ear future. These expectations and a ! o the o ne with reference to the


c hapt e r h o u se ma y see m s li g htly idea li s ti c but a s Edward Young put it , "T oo low they build wh o build the sta r s " ·



Captain Purdue Basketball Team, All-Western Center 1910. Winner of the "P" in Baseball as Varsity Pitcher and in Track as Weight Man. Pre sident of the Purdue Athletic Association.

The men whom I have s een s uc cee d be s t in lif e ha ve always b ee n cheerf ul a nd h ope ful m e n , vvho went about their bu s ines s with a s mil e o n th e ir fac es and t oo k th e c han ges and chance s o f thi s m o rtal life like men , facing r o ug h and s m oo th alike as it came.-Charlcs Kin g sley.

Habit and imitati o n-ther e i n ot hing m o re p e r e nnial in u s than th ese tw o . They are th e source o f all "working and all appr e nti ces hip , of all p r ac ti ce, and all lea rning , in thi s \rorlci.-Carlylc.

62 THE


(;rand Pr eside n t \\ ' il so n c o ntinue . , a \\" e ho ulcl e xp ec t. to be ree lec t cl t o p o!-. iti o n s of h o n o r and tru s t. H e ha . bee n r e-elec t ed c h ai rman o f th e a d v iso n · board o f th e -:\Lill e r La\\" C lub o (th e l"ni, e r si t , · of P e nn sy lva ni a. Durin g- .th e y e ar he ha al o cau . e el c n s id e rabl e di sc u o n hi s pl a n of a h a p e l in v e ry h o u. e, which ha r e ce iv e d th e fa yo r a bl e co m me nt of th e pr e s n o table divine . He ha co llect e d th e 1 tt ers f a numb e r of t oge ther with a bri e f e xp os iti o n o f hi s pl a n a nd th e littl e h oo k let is int e r es tin g and a m o d e l o f xqui : ite ta t e . Our G r a n d Pres id e nt is a lways d o in g . ancl d o in.,., wel l.

C r am! \ ' ice - Pr es ide n t Pullen is makin g goo d a s a lawyer. H e see m s to be ad va n c in g- in hi s c h o e n pro f e . io n. Thi s o ffic e ha . h e ard fr o m him r eg- ul a rl y.

C r a ne! T r eas ur e r Co m s t oc k ca rrie s th e p ocket - b oo k and th e co nt e n t. t h e r eo f earn int r es t \\"hil e h e at-rie s it He rep o rt s that h e is t oo bu sy t o w rit e b ut w n eve r ha ve t o wait o n him . H e i o n tim e all th e tim e.

H r th e r \\' li. J fo pkin s He , o ne o f o ur m os t loy al br o th e r s d oe n o t f o r ge t th e J u t ' R :\ \1.. \\ ' h e n matter s o f int e re t t o th e Frate rnity happ e n h e h as a h a bit of dr o ppin g thi s o ffice a lin e . \\ 'e h o pe o th e r. will ca t ch th e h a bit.

Th e br o th e r s of S hin C hapt'er wish t o s ugge s t that th e fr a t e rnity fl o w e r s h o uld b e th e y e ll o w dai s y , o r "Black-e y ed Su s an.'' s in ce o f all th e rl o w e r s, it m o s t n ea rl y a ppr oache s t o o ur c o lo r s . \tV hat a y yo u t o thi s s u gg-e s ti o n ?

Br o th e r E. 0. 1 fe inri c h . He . wh o i cit, · chemi t o f Tac o ma. \\ .as h .. w as th e in s ta llin g o ffi ce r at th e A le ph-Alep h in s tallati o n . He is a lso c hi ef c h e mi s t a nd ch e mi ca l E n g in ee r f o r the l\Ia s hell Paint Co mpan y .

Th e C rand Sec r e t a ry . p e nt a pleasant cla y with hi s chapt e r r ece ntly . T h e occ as io n wa s th e annual banquet. r\b o ut f o rty were pr es ent. It is n ee cl 'ess t o say th a t a ll enj o y e d them s elv es and le ft w ith th e firm r e o lv e that I Ill C h a pt e r s h o uld b e s ec o nd to n o ne.

Br o th e r E. \\ '. (; r ee n. am e hk. is a travelin g sal es man f o r th e Indian a R o ad l\ fac hin e Co mpany . He s till ha s a few t o rie . which ma,· be had. if h e is pro p e rl y ur g-e d . He is making g oo cl a s a sal es man. H e ha s n o t bo rr o w e d a h a t s in ce h e left Philad e lphia.

Br o th e r Geo \. Ri ce R es h. ha s graduated in law ancl is n o w a pr act ic in g lawye r at :.\f a pl e t o n . I o wa.

Th e Ritu a l Co mmitt ee ha s re ce ntly held a m ee tin g in C hica go . \\ h e r e th ey h o p d t o put th e ritual in final form. The memb e r s o f thi s co mmitt ee a r e: H ro. A. R K e ith. :\un, C hairman; tan ley Co ult e r. Sa m e hk. f r a n c is \1\ '. S h e p a rd so n. Ayin. and A. K. \ Vil so n. G imel. 'vV e m a y ex p ect goc d wo rk f r o m thi s c o mmittee.

Dr o th e r J. D . Co ffm a n. :\un. is in the S. F o r es try se rvi ce an d h as b ee n tran s f e rr e d r ece nth · t o th e Sha s ta F o r e t reservati o n.

Br o th e r Fl. C. Pi e r ce. ex-Grand \ ' ice-Pre . ident. is n o w in th e go , ·e r nm e nt se r v ice. h av in g a plac e in the bureau o f f ood in s p ecti o n.

Fr o m a r e p o rt. it app ear s . that the Ea s tern St a r girl s o f the 1..' ni,·e r :--ity o f Ne bra s ka hav e o r o·ani ze cl a s o r o rit\ . which is so mewhat in th e n a tur e of o ur o wn F'r a t e rnit/ The name o f ne\\ · o rganizati o n is . ch o th.

-\ ..\. I.\ J CR:\ . \L.
E .
(.•) ).)


brothers of Daleth should not be lonely with s isters so near at hand, and in fact the y have not intimated that the y were.

Bro. Geo. Vv. Elkins, Jr. , Yodh , has proposed to the authorities of Philadelphia to erect a memorial in honor of his father , the late William L. Elkins. Thi s propo sed memorial is to take the form of a public beneficence, in that it is to be a building containing free bath s and resting places , and a hall is to be provided for lectures and music.

Brother De Forest E. Baird, Heth, is a J ouRNAL s ub s criber.

B rother M. E. Cornelius, Daleth , is an in structor in the Nebraska M ilitar y Acade my , Lincoln . He i s a lo y al alumnus , and we should expect as much , f or no one labored more than he ha s f o r the welfare o f Daleth Chapter.

Brother Fred M . Eagleton, Heth , is a member of the firm of Eagleton & Mo untj oy, Architects, Denver, Colo rado. He is a Jo u RN AL subscriber.

Brother D. W. Mumaw, Ayin, is s uperintendent of the Public Schools at L owe llville , Ohio.

Brother 'vV . J. McFarland, Heth , i s the traveling repre se ntative of Sanborn & Co., with h eadquarter s at Chicago, Illinoi s .

Oliver A. Robert s, Librarian , Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Massachusetts, ha s received from thi s office a complete file o f the Jo uRNALS.

Brother Vernon ]. Willey , Aleph, is an X - ray expert to St. Mary's Hospital and director of an X-ray Laboratory , lo cated at Rochester , Minne so ta.

Th e Acacia Club of Washington U niversit y continues to grow in number s. They have arranged to meet at the Odeon, and have invited prominent Masons t o talk to them on topics of interest to Masons. Brother R. F. Stephenson d el ivered a lecture on the Mysteries, which we wish could be heard by every br other o f the Fraternit y.

The annual banquet of Teth Chapter wa s held April 29th. A number o f prominent Masons of Massachusetts were in attendance and al so Grand President Wilson.

Brother J. H. Pohlman, Pe, is a law ye r in St. L o ui s.

Gimel Chapter is r e pre se nted in St. Louis by Bros Petite, Smith and Hansen.

The man who h es itates to utter that which h e think s the highe s t truth, les t it s hould be too much in advance of the tim e, ma y rea ss ure him se lf by lookin g at his acts from an imp e rsonal point of view. L e t him duly realiz e the fact that opi ni on i s the agency through which character adapts external arran geme nt s t o it se lf-that hi s op ini on s ri g htly form part of hi s agencyi s a unit o f fo r ce, constituting, with other s uch units , the general power ( th e wo rld proces s) which work & out social changes, and h e will perceive that h e may properly g iv e full utt e ran ce to hi s innerm ost co nvicti o n , leavi n g it to p r od uc e what effect it ma y .-H crbe1't Spencer.

Lif e i s a leaf of p ape r white Whereon eac h o n e of u s may w rit e Hi s word or two , and then co m es ni g ht.-L owell.




"Dunrh,'' the English-bu ll ma cot of Samehk Chapter has won the fri ndship of every student in Purdue University. He was adopted by the chapter al the time of it installation and since ha s become indisp ensabl e to the household. His presence has become essentia l to all University cveuts anti he is a privileged character.

In the pa t thr e sc hool years he has attended classes in every department of the niver sit y and has never been required to take a flunk test. His picture appears annually with the grad uating class in the Debris, but as yet no tlegree s have been conferred up on him. However, he i well qualified for B. S.-l\ r. S.-and Doctor in Good Pellowship. He is known at large throughout Lafayette as "Bunc h Acac ia of the Acacia Bunch."

"Bunch" has the pirit of Samehk Chapter. He is lookino- forward and a glance satisfies us that he ha grit and determination.

Four things a man must l ea rn to do l f he would make his r ecord true; To think without confusion clearly; To love his fellow men s inc erely; To act from honest motives purely; To tru st in God and Heaven sec urel y.-Henr:v Van DJ'lu.

Self-love, my liege, 1s n ot so vile a sin as se lf-ne g lectin g. -Shakespeare.



Acacia Fraternity, April I, 1910


Acacia House, Ann Arbor , Michigan.


Bryen, J no. F . Ca rruthers, John A. Crotser, J . Merle

Davi s, Jo seph A. D av is, Horace L. Drumeler, Merl e C. Granville, Robt Gree n, Geo. Rex *Hopkin , WalterS . Kingsbury, RalphS. Lambert, Ceci l R. McDavid, J. Russell

Maciver, J ohn A. Mercer, LaFayette S. *Nelson, Ca rl ton No rri s, R obert Pearce, Homer U. Roberts, Wm. E. Seaver, Jay J . Shiner, Delos A. Stevenson, Herbert A *Thompson, H erbe r t L. Th ompson, Wm. Royal



Conover, Cha rl es A


. Eng r ave r

.. Co ldwater, Mich. Gilbert , Frank 0 Grand Lecturer F & A. M Bay City, 11ich. Homan, Wm

.... Astor Hotel, New York City, N Y Lodge, Frank T. Lawyer Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

McGrego r, J as. F .

Barnard, Wm. F

. .. Mgr . Ihhng Bros .


Lawy e r

.. 302 Elks Tern ., Detroit, Mich

5 Mech. Bk. Bld g , South Bend, Ind.

B ebout, G N Vinita, Okla.

Bens on, Earl W .......... Lawy e r .. . ..

. ......... 14 E. Main st., Walla W a ll a, Wash.

B oehm, P au l W Law yer H ett ing er, N Dak. Bowma n , Harry S Lawyer Clovis, N.Mex.

*Bird, C. A . ...........

. .. 200 N. Mich. st., Saginaw, Mich

Brackett, Anthony F Lawye r Norway, Mich.

Brinkley, Ch a rles A ..... . Spec. Agt. G. L . 0 . .. . ...... : 220 Fed. Bldg ., Spokane, W ash.

Bunting, Dr. R. W Dentist

Ann Arbor, Mich.

*Carrier, Augustus 634 S. Weadrock st., Saginaw, Mich.

Clawson, A. B Wi t h Bur of Plant Indu s Wa sh ington , D. C. Coo ley , Dr. M. E ...... . .. Dea n Eng. D ept ., U. of Mich .. Ann Arbor, Mich .

*Cooper, Dr. J. M Physician Fine Arts Bldg , Detroit, Mich

DeCamp, Frederick E Lavvyer. Lansin g, Mich

NoTE :-Th e editor ha s tried to make this directory cor r ect and complete. Kindly notify the Grand Secretary, 728 Ri a l to B ldg., St. Louis, Mo., o f any om iss i ons or corrections . T he asterisk (*) precedin g the name indicates that no membership record i s on file in this o ffice.

..... . ......... ..
.. . .. . ....... .... ...... . ....
. .
. .. . . .. . ..
.. . . ..
.. ... . ........... .. ... . ....

DeRoy, Benj. E Philippines I s land. Fee, Lewis JI ... .. ....... Phys1cs D ept., . of Wa sh . .. attle, Wash . Prcund, Dr. Hugo A Physician Wa sh. Arcade, Detroit, Mich.

Gallup, E. E ............ Supt of Schools . . ........... Adria n , Mich . Gill•e rt, If. M 922 McKinley ave., Bay City, Mich

Gray, Jas. B ........... .. Landscape Gardener ......... 1101 Beuna ave. , Chicago Ill.

Goodwin, Irvin: D ...... With Bri dge Wks . ........ .. . 1123 , th st . , D e Moines, I a. Grear, r. K 66 Br oadway, i'\ew York City, 1 Y.

Gregory, Dr E. P Phy s ician Orrs I s land , Me. H a ll, IV . •\ . . ............... . . ..... . ............ .. 99 Union st., J amacia, Long I s!., N.Y. * !1awkins, J. \\' .......... Lawyer 1\lodesta, Ca l. Jlill, Clan·nce (; . . . . ... Lawyer ...... . ......... .. ... Bldg., D et roit, Mch. Horner, Owen F Ranker Jedaryvi ll e, In d. Il orner, Ral hE Lawyer Winn amac, Ind II oward,li.J .......... . Phys i cia n .......... . ........ 2nd Ave. a nd l!'lth st., Te w York City, N. Y *Hubbard, \V. Scotl ... . .. Instructor, U. of Wi s ......... Madison, Wi s. Lanmg, Geu. l\1 . . . . ... U. of Mi ch. Hospita l. . . ...... Ann Arbor, Mich. Laning, Dr. Richard H .. . Physician, Pi e r ce H osp it a l. ... Tacoma, Wash. Leighton, F. I . Braddoc k, P a. Lightfoot, A. B Eureka, ev. Malcolm, G. A ....... ... With Burea u of Ju st ice ...... . Manila, P. I. lV!arsha ll , Wm . J .... ............. . : .. ........ . .. . .. B oze m a n , Mont. McArthur, Reuben LaPeer, Mich. Me 'a r thy, Bert G Sault Ste. Marie, Mich Michclsoi1, Frederick E .. . Lumber Mnfr . ..... .. ..... . . Grayling, Mi ch . Miggetl, Prof. W. L .. . . .. Prof. U. of Mich .. .... . .. . ... Ann Arbor, Mi ch . Murphy, Jr ., Hugh Spec Agt. G. L 0 E. & C. Bldg , D e n ve r, Co l. !I I urphy, Je sse W 5 E. Ma in st , B at tl e Creek, Mi ch . Nadeau, Howard E ..... Lawyer .... . . ... ... ... . ..... Nadea u, Mich.

*Norris, J ohn F Anna, Ill. Pe et, Prof. G. W

Prof. St. Normal Ypsi la nti, Mi ch Pierce, Dr. A. B Prof. U. of Mich.. Ann Arb o r, Mich. Preston, Loomis K .. . L awyer ...... .. ......... .. .. St. J osep h, Mich. *Read, L. C.] ...

. Lucky Boy, Nev. Ringo, Ernest R Lawyer Papillion, Neb. Rowe, Harlan P Merchant B a d Axe, Mich Sa lzman, Riley L With Edgar R ea lty Co Ed ga r, Wi s. *Scatterday, R. B ........ . Lawyer ... . ... . ............. Caldwell, Idaho. Scott, Dr . Blaine W . . .... Physician . .... .. ............ G lobe, Ariz. Sibbett, D. H Lawyer Bur. of Po s ts , Manil a, P. I. *S1gnor, Dr. Wales M Physician Ke lso, Wash. SJnk, C. A .... ..... .... .. Secy. School of Mu s ic . ..... . . Ann Arbor, Mich. Sobel, E. C ... .... ...... . L awyer ....... . . . .. .... . . . .. Undenvood, N.Dak. Spaulding, Mo rtimer Vv Lawyer Kittredge Bldg., Den ve r, Colo.

Stark, G. W Lumber Mnfg r R ose City, Mich. Slegath, F. II .. . . .... ... Merchant ... ............ . ... E sca nab a , Mich.

Stone, Louis L ........... With Hun t Engineering Co ... l o la , K a n.

Thomps o n, Robt. E ..... Lawye r ........ . . . ... . ...... Gary, Ind.

Vallanc e, Chas. A 604 N. J e r sey st , Indianapolis, Ind .

VanValkenburgh, Jr ., C C Civi l Eng First Nat. Bk. Bld g., Coa lin ga, Cal. Washburn, H . B ....... .. Lawyer ..... ....... . ....... . !'140 Wilcox Bld g . , Lo s Ange les, Cal.

Weaver H . C ............... ........ ..... . .. . .. . ... . Charl otte, Mi ch. W W L aw yer Ann Arbor, Mich.

Wheeler IV alter S. .. . La,v yer ... ... .... . . . . ....... Pen obscott B ldg. , D et r oit , ' Mich.

. ........... . . ... . ... .. ..... . ...

White, Geo .T Chemical Eng

Kalamazoo, Mich. White, James A ""'• ' • i Willey, Dr. V . J ... . ..... care Mayo Hospital.. ........ Rochester, Minn.


Acacia House, Stanford University, California.


Belsley, B. R.

Lakin, E. D. Burgren, A. W.

Rankin, R. R. (He) Farr, R. ]. Schuele, Geo. E. Fay, R. C. (Gimel)

Warren, H C. Hostettler, B. L. White, W. N


NAME Occt:PATION ADDRESS. Roller, Josiah Wickerd .. . .... . .... .. ............... . . Palo Alto, Calif.


Durand, Wm. F ... . ... . . Head Mech. Eng. Dept . .... . . Stanford Univ., Calif. Griffiin, James 0 .... . .. . . German Dept ......... . ... . . Stanford Univ., Calif.


Atterbury, Chas. D . . .Civil Engineer ..... .. . . . .. .. .......... . Blodget, Rush M . . . Attorney at Law. . . . . . . . . . . L os Angeles, Calif. Blodget, Percy L Mechanical Engineer Cobalt, Ontario, Canada

*Blodget, Claud R Secy. Cosmo Oil Co Coalinga, Cahf. Boyd, John D Electrical Eng.... Exeter, Calif.

*Britton, L ewis H . . . . . . . Philippine Constabulary . . . . Philippine Islands.

Bumgarner, Jesse A. . . . Electrical Eng .

Oroville, Calif.

Co llin s, W. A U. S Forrestry Service Chico, Calif. Co l well, M. R. . .... . Board of Fire Underw rit ers .. . Portland, Oregon. Cuthbertson, A. M ... . .. . Chemist .. . .. ... ........... . Palo Alto, Ca lif . Davis, Paul M.. Fruit Grower Banning, Ca lif. Dillon, Isaac Dramatic Student .San Francisco, Calif. Dillon, James R. . .Medica l Student ... . .. . . . . ... San Francisco, Calif. Dysart, James Attorney at Law Elko, Nevada. Gardner, Dian R .. . ..... . Attorney at Law . . ...... .. . . Los Angeles, Calif. Greenwood, H. V ... .· . ... Law Student . . . . . . . . .. San Francisco, Calif.

Gun thorpe, H. Prof. in Southwestern Co ll ege Winfield, Kansas. Herold, S. C.... Mining Engineer Tonopah, Nevada. Herrmann, F. A. .

Ci vi l Engineer Hermosillo, Mexic o Jones, C. A. (Deceased) .. . ..................

Keesling, H. G. . .... Electrical Salesman. . . . . San Jose, Calif . Lemming, G.. . . . . ... Prof . Ellsworth College . . . ... Iowa Falls, Iowa.

*Miller, Earl E. Vinton, Iowa. Milliken, R. L Accountant. Nimshew, Calif.

Monzingo, J . J

. Ci vil Engineer

New land, Lloyd . .. . . ..... High School Teacher .

. Sacramento, Calif.

. ... Philippine Island s . Pierce, Sam'! H Attorney at Law Portland, Oregon. Ross, Geo. R. Mechanical Draftsman Sacra men 'to, Calif.

*Rowe, Geo. H

Saunders, A. B

Mechanical Engineer ..

Saunders, B. R .'M inin g Engineer

...... San Francisco, Calif.

Schrader, Gu s ta v e .Min in g Engineer Sutter Creek, Calif.

Shutts, A. B Mining Engineer Zacata cos, Mexico.

Shutts, F. 0. . Civil Engineer ......

.. . .... San Francisco, Calif.

Taylor, C. M. Civi l Engineer Menlo Park, Calif

Thompson, J. H Entomologist

Van Sickle, True . ... .... Attorney at Law ........

... Oakland, Calif.

. . . . . . .
. . . . ... . . ... . .... . .
.... .
...... .
. . . . . .. . . . .. . ........ . . ..... . ...... . .. . ........ .
. ....... .
. . .


Wheeler, iN. H Attorney at Law Xorth Yakima Wash. Womack, R R Palo Alto, Cati'f. ".Vors le y, R . II High School Teacher. .. . . . . . . . P . I.


1541 Tenn St , Lawrence, Kansas


Ba rl e y, J. H.

Barnhill, J. T.

Brock, Fra nk

C la yp oo l, Le s lie E. * lin e , Fos ter

Curti s , C.

D a d s, J. H * F os ter, Ue o . 0. Ge iger, Ed

Grah a m, M A. Il o wc, Guy F. I se , W. J. J a ckman, R. P.

J o ne s , B L J o n es , Jac o b 0

Landrum, Robt. D. Magatagan, Geo. C. *Marvin, F. 0.

Robert s, L. B. Sluss, Alfred H. Stocks, B . R. Thiele, Walter G . Thompson, F. l\1 . Weith, A. J Wetmore, Alvin V. Wetmore, Alex Wetmore, Z. Williams, I. N. Wright, Cow les



1\I a r ch, W. F .. . . . ...... ashier Merchants' B ank. ... . Lawrence, Kan. Mas on, H F Judge Supreme Court of Ka.n. Garden City. R ow la nd s , D L Book Dealer Lawrence, Kan. \Vil so n, K Grand Sec. Kansas Grand Lodge A. F. & A . M ..... .. Topeka, K an .


"* All e n, D . L

. Amick, J. S . . . . . . . .. . La,v yer ..... . .. .... .. ... . ... Kansas City, Mo. B a il ey , '. A Lawyer Topeka, Ka.n. Bender, J. F. Lawyer Arkansas City, K a n. B o w r s, B. F . .. . . ... . . . Clerk of Court. . . . . . . . . . . Otta\va, Kan. Brown, W


With Swift & Co

.. Kansas City, Kan. Burdick , W. L .

. . ... . Professor of Law, U. of Kan . . Lawrence, Ka.n. Burt , C. L Engineer. Kingman, Kan. Bu shon g , F W Pro[. of Chem., U. of K an. as Lawrence, Kan. *Chihlress , J. fl! Lawyer. Amethyst, Colorado. C la Ain, 0 . Q Lawyer ...

Kansas City, Kan *Co ok, P . . (D ece ase d)

Co s ton, A T . Engineer Nome, Al aska. Crowell, G. F Grain D ea ler Higgens, T exas. D a vi s , ha s. IT ..

Lawyer .... .. .............. . Marysville, Kan . Dodge, Allan W ... . ...

. Real Estate & Loan ......

.. Salina, Kan. Duke, E. 1\'f . Clerk, Cement Co Blue Rapids, Kan. Dunn, F S County Atty Garden City, Kan. Elder, W . H . (De cea se d)

Elledge, G. A ...


Wilburton, Okla. Emerson, H. W Prof. of Pharmacy, U. of Kan.Lawrence, Kan. Emley, S C Prof. of Medicine, U. of Kan Lawrence , Kan. English, A



Wichita, Kan. Fay, R. C .

. Student, Standford U ........ Palo Alto, Cal. Feagle, R L Engineer Kansas City, Mo. Ford, S. C Lawyer Helena, Montana. '*Frazier, E. G Prof. of Elo., U. of Roche ste r Rochester, Y. Gibbens, L T Bureau of Justice Manila, P. I. Gr a nt, F. R

Real Estate

Kansas City, Mo., 1213 Comm. Bldg.

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*Gray, F A Advertising Agent Kansas City, Mo., Reliance Bldg.

*Groesbeck, A. J . ......... Engineer .

Cordova, Alaska. _

Hansen, G T Engineer St. Louis, Mo., 1302 Third Nationa l Bank Bldg.

Hartley, 0 B Lawyer Lyndon, Kan

Higgins, W E Prof of Law, U. of Kansas Lawrence, Kan

Hixson, A. W

*Horkman, D. M

. Professor, U. of I a

. Post Office Dept

. Iowa City, l a.

. Lawrence, Kan.

*Horton, C. W Engineer. Wichita, Kan

Hull, 0. C


Winfield, Kan.

Humble, H. W Prof. of Law, U. of Kansas Lawrence, Kan

Ise, C. D Lawyer Coffeyville, Kan.

Johnson, H. L. ( Deceased

Linton, T. E Engineer

20 Park Pl., N. Y. Martin, Leroy

Mgr. Alfalfa Mill

Garden City, Kan. Mason, L E Mgr. Telephone Co Law r ence, Kan. Mavity, J W Contractor Lyndon, Kan

*McCollum, Burton

Bureau of Standard s

.. Washington, D. C. McCormick, R. C


Wichita, Kan. Merwin, Ray E Anthropo logist with Peabody Mus. Exp. to Central Am Cambridge, Mass, 16 Prescott St. Petit, J. C Student, Medicine, Wa s h. U St. Louis,4544MciVIillanAve. Pierson, J V With Underwood& UnderwoodFrankfort, Kan. Pingry, C. 0

Pittsburg, Kan.

*Powell , F. C Student 431 S. W. blvd., Rosedale, K an Pratt, W. E Bu. of Sci , Dept of Mines Manila, P. I. Raymond, F. N ..

. ... Prof. of Eng . , U. of Kan sas . . .. Lawrence, Kan.

*Reid, C. L Engineer Schenectady, N. Y Reynolds, W. W. A


*Royer, J. C

Go ve City, Kan. Russel, L. E Engineer Willows, California Scheller, Carl. Engineer Schenectady, N.Y. Sherwood, N. P

... Supt. of Schools .... . ........ Wakeeny, Kan. Smi th, Cecil..

St u dent Washington U ni

St. Louis, 4544 McMill<Jn . Thiele, E J Engineer Schenectady, N Y.

*Thomas , E. E ........... Clerk, U. P.R. R

. 2613 Park, K an. City, Kan. Tripp, Ray ..

.. Engineer, R.I. & P. Ry ... ... Tnpeka. Kan. Ward, N.J Lawyer Belleville, Kan. Wilder, W J Engineer Salina. Kan.

*Woodruff, J. A .' Wright, Nea le .. ..... . ... Student, Wa s hburn College ... Topeka, Kan .


12.28 R St., Lincoln, Neb.


Burke, F. C.

Currie r , E. L.

Dann, A. N. E lwell , J. A. French, G . W.

*Gee , E. C. Gri swold, W. R. Hofmann, F. W. Keifer, J . W. Knoll, L J. Kunkel, C. D. Maxwell, J. T Meier, G. E

Modesett, C. L.

Moore, C. T. Patterson, R. W. Ravenscroft, R. M. Scott, W. J. Slagle, E. F

*Sponsler, 0. L

*Taylor, C. H. Tucker, J. C. Villars, H. S. von Forell, I. G.

*Willi ams, C. V.

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ADDR ESS. Bell, R. 0 Merchant Gibson, ebr Br yan, W. J ........... .. Politician and Editor ... . ..... Lincoln, ebr. Sheldon, G W. (ex-Gov.) Nehawka, 'ebr. Whiting . S S . . .. . .. . .... Insurancy Agoncy . . .... . . . . . Linc o ln, _ ebr.


Abel, G . . ... ..... . . ..... Contractor . . . . .............. 1229 L . st ., Lin co ln . Alden, C. L . .... . . .... .. Supt. chools .... . . . .. . . .... Overton, Neb r. Ayers , G. D Capitalist 116 S . 29 st. , Lincoln. Baker, 1. V Electrician 751 Franklin ave. , Wilkinsbur g , Pa

Ballard, J F R a n c her Nucla, Colo. Barber, C. E ............ Throop Polytechnic In st i t ut e Prin. of Academy P asa d e na, Cal. Barbour, E. If Prof. of Geo logy, U. of N Lincoln, Ne br Br own, A. L. Auto buswess Fairmont, ebr. Bunting, A .........• Pr of. Mech. Eng U ni. of Nebr., Lincoln Butler, B F L awyer Cam bridge, lebr. *Caley , J. R .............. ..........

Chat burn, G. R ... . .... .. Prof. of App lied Mec h .. ... .. Uni. of Nebr., Lin co ln . Cheney, G. W Agricu l tura list Union, ebr Co lli er, N. M Civil Eng F a irbury, Nebr. Cona n t, E. B ..

.... Prof . L aw ...

.. Uni. of ebr. Co ndra, G. E ..... ...... Prof. Geo graphy . ... .

. . ..... Uni. of ebr ., Lin co ln Corne liu s, M. E Lawyer 1803 R st., Lincoln Cooper, T R Forestry Service Briggs Cal., Bo x 77 Co rnell, C. B ........... . Pr of ......... . . ... .

. P e ru, Nebr. Cowan, G . F ......


.. . .. 207 Empi r e State Bldg ., Sp okane , Was h. Crites, E D L awye r Shadron, Nebr. Currier, H C B e ll Tel e phone Co Y M. C. A. B ld g., Om a ha, Nebr . Davi s , E. W .. . ....... .. Prof. Math ..... .. . ...... . . . . Uni . of Nebr., Lin co ln . Dayton, F .............. B a nk er .... ............ . . . . . 12 & J. s ts ., Lincoln.

*Dcison, II. C

El li ot, R . I ............ . . Supt. Schools ... .. ....... .. . Broke n Bow, Nebr . Fee, 0. J .......... . ..... Eva n s Laundry Co .. . . ....... 2059 Euclid ave . , Lincoln.

*Fritzpatrick, N. G - Twin Falls , Idah o F n tm , S. T L awye r Winn ebag o, N eb r. Gibson, B. J ... . ......... Lawyer .... . ......... ... .... Corning, Ia . Grone, E .. .. . ........ . .. Dra ft s man, Burl ington ... . ... Linc oln, Nebr.

*Growden, J P

Hamel, A. G F orest ry Servi ce Ma jest ic Bldg , Denver, Colo .

Hartsough , G . H .. . . . .. . . We s tin ghou se Elec. Co ....... 40 3 Pittst .,Wilkin sburg,P a . Harvey, J . B ..... . .... .. Elec . Eng .... . . . .... . . . . . . . . Y . M. C. A. Bldg ., Omaha, Nebr .

H ast in gs, W G Pr of. Law Uni of Nebr. , Lincoln. Hinman, II . W .. . ...... Mec h . Eng ., Sa n ta Fe ....... Clovis, N. Mexico,'Bo x 191. Hrubeshy, C. G .... . .. . . .. Div. En g. of White & Co .. ... Sho shoni , Idaho. * Ir ela nd , G ............... D e nti st ............ . .... . .. . . 1105 0 . s t . , Lincoln . Jeffords , C. J Rancher Broken Bow, Nebr J e n ktns, W. G ........... Civil Eng ... . .... . .. . .... .. . San Acacio, Colo. , Costilla Co.

J en nin gs, A G L awye r . 31 N 1st st , Council Bluff, I a .

J ewe tt, W. K Librarian U n i of Lincoln. Keyser, Alvin Prof Soils F?rt Colhns, Co1o. *K lein , M A In s uran ce Agent Lmcoln, ebr Kotouc, Otto Bank Cashier Hum bolt, Nebr Lamb, G . N . . . . . . .. ... .. Forestry Se r vi<'e ...... . ..... Washington, D . C.

L cg r o L . S .. .. .......... Lawyer . . .. ... . ..... ... ... .. Sp e ncer, Nebr. Maxey, Ed Prof. Law Uni of 1ebr., L i ncoln

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Mc N amara, C. J . .. Ass. Eng., U. P. R. R . . . ... . . 1502 S . 29th st., Omaha, Nebr.

Meier, A. C. Collector 320 N. 13th, Lincoln.

Moore, B. E. . . .. Prof. Physics .• . .. . ....... Uni. of Nebr., Lincoln. Neilson, A. A.. .E lectrician Corliss, Wis., Orchard H'tl. *Nicholson, H. H Mining Eng 1426 D. st., Lincoln.

*Palen, A. E . . . . . . . . . . Supt ............. . ..... . .. . Manila, P. I., care Public Works Bureau .

Payne, C. K.

Pelster, E. R.

Pepperberg, L J.

Pepperberg, R. V.

*Peters, A. T.

Petterson, P. H

Pope, D. I. ....

Posey, W. A

*Pound, R ...... .

*Poynter, C. W. M

Rasmusen, J. E.

*Rawson, F P.

. . Western Elec. Co .... . ....... 223 W. 23rd st., N.Y. City. Electrician 37 Church st., Wilkinsburg, Pa

. . U.S. G. S......... . .. Washington, D. C. . . Cigar business.. . .... 2035 S. 1st, Lincoln. Prof. Veternary Surgery Springfield, Ills.

La:vlyer.. :. Wausa, Nebr. . .... Student U. of C.. .

. . . 28 North Hall U. of C. ,

County Supt. Schools . . Prof. Law ....... . Physician Surgeon. Chicago, Ills . Hebron, Nebr . . U . of Chicago, Chicago, Ills . . . 319 S. 30th, Lincoln .

Prof. Applied Mech ." Uni of Nebr., Lincoln Elec. Eng 420 Henry Bldg., Portland, Oregon.

Reed, A. A. . ... . . State High School Insp. . . Un i . of Nebr., Lincoln . Richardson, C. B. Bell Telephone Co. Denison, Ia Robertson, W. A. . .. Lawyer..... . ... . .. . .. Plattsmouth, Nebr. Sampson, A. W. . .. . . . Forestry Service. . .. Washington, D. C. Smith, L. C. Instructor. Enid, Okla. Spear, G. E.. Physician 308 Little Bldg., Lincoln Stacks, E. A

Student .......

. ... 5201 Ravenswood Park, Chicago.

Stockton, F. Stat_e .Agr. Co l Messa lla Park, N. Mexico Steckelberg, C.. . ....... Mus1c1an. . . . . . . . . . . .. Schoo l of Music, Lincoln. Steckelberg, W . D. . .. Deputy City Eng . ...... . . ... 1925 Est., Lincoln. Stull, D. D. Lawyer.... Lahoma, Okla. Vance, M E. Dentist. 1724 Euclid, Lincoln. Wasson, M. F ...

... Real Estate.

.. Sidney, Nebr. Weeks, C. R ....

. .... Prof . Agric

. ........ Peru, Nebr. Westover, John Structral Steel Works 920 N st , Lincoln. Whit e , E. E Civil Eng Ft. Morgan, Co lo., Box 186 Wilson, C. S . ..

.. . . .. Lawyer . ..... . ...... .. .. .. .. Montgomery Blk., Lincoln. Wilson, G. S ....... . . . ... Prof. Engineering ............ Seattle, Wash., care Uni. of Wash. Wilson, H. H .. . . . . . . . ... Prof. Law. . . . . .. Fraternity Bldg., Lincoln. Woods, H. C ...... . .. . . Prof. Eng .

. . . .... Boulder, Co lo., car e U. of Col o

HE CHAPTER. 2634 Bancroft Way, Be rk eley, Cal. ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Bendel, R o land Bittenbender, Lloyd Daly, Arthur B. Hansell, Harry G. Harris, Nea l Hiller, H ermann F. Hofer, Fred M Jenkins, Leonard T.

Keyes, William R. Le ebrick, Karl C Mattern, John H. Petzinger, William C. Sarter, Lee A. Staples, Cha rr on M. Stephenson, John M.


NAME • • .,, , OccrPA TI ON ADDREss. Barnes, Harry ..... .. .... Civi l Engineer ...... .. . . . . .. . Berkeley, Cal., 1642 Dwight Way. Bauer, George W Hop Dealer San Francisco, Cal., 660 Sacramento st.

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Berringer, Edwin John High School Teacher. San Luis Obispo, Cal., B ox 47

Carpenter, Edwin E . . .... Mining Engineer ............. Syracuse, {\. Y., 111 1'\. Franklin st.

Clark, Arthur (Deceased)

Cline, Edgar H

Studying m Europe Los Angeles, Cal., 661 Union ave.

Coggins, Clifford E Garage Foreman I mperial, Cal., care Imp eri al Hotel.

Crawford, Russel T ....... Prof. of Ast r onomy, . C ..... Berkeley, Cal., 2HO Elmwood ave.

Crites, George S Ci v ii Eng ine e r Lo s Angeles, Cal., Arcade Depot.

*Dickson, Edward A ....... J ourna li st ... . ..... ....... .. Los Angele s , Cal., ca r e Los Angeles Express.

Dysart, James (Beth) .. ... Lawyer .... . .......... .. ... . Elko, Nev., Do tta Bldg. Elliot, Che !> tcr 1\1 Ci vi i Engineer Covina, Ca l.

Freyer, John Prof. of Orienta l Lang., C Berkeley, Cal., Cloyne Cou r t.

*Fryer, George B Teacher Shanghai, China.

Gordon, George B .. .. . ... Lawye r .......... .. ......... Glendora, Cal.

Gordon, Hugh T Stude nt Cambridge, Mass., 40 Kirkland st.

Hardenbrook, Charles K . . Lawyer ... . ................. San Francisco, Cal., 315 Mi ll s Building.

Harvey, Frederick A Prof. of Phy sics Grinne ll , Ia., 1022 Park st. Heinrich, Edward 0 Chemica l Engineer ... . ....... Tacoma, Wa sh ., 407 City Hall .

Holser, Raymond F Civ il Enginee r Coalinga, Cal.

Hopkins, William II Merchant Sacramento, Cal., 2826 K st. Killian, Ernest W . Farmer El Monte, Cal. Kitchen, Henry B Civ il Eng in eer W atson vi ll e, Ca l. Little, Ernest. H . . ..... .. ontractor ...... . ........... Tacoma, Wa sh., 704 S. D st . Mat lock, William H . ..... Teacher .. . .. . ... . ......... . Whittier, Ca l.

Mattern, Adelbert F Mining Engineer I ewcastle, Cal. l\fcMahon, Bernard S . . . . . Student of Osteopathy ...... . Kirksville, Mo ., B ox 222. Meyer, Charles C .. . . . .. .. High Schoo l T eacher . ........ Eureka, Cal.

Morgan, James G ... . ..... Civil Engineer ....... . ... . . .. Los Angeles, Ca l. , 136 E. 28th st. Pardee, George C Physician Oakla nd , Cal. , 672 11th st. Pullen, John F Lawyer Sacramento , Ca l., Gerb e r Buildin g

Rankin, Robert R .. .. . . .. Student ...

. .. . Stanfo rd Univers ity , Cal., Ac ac ia Hous e. Reynolus , Herman W Pr of in Mech , U. C Berkeley, Ca l., Laf ayette A. Aptmts.

Robson, Frederick T Civi l Engineer San Francisco, Ca l. , 802 Union Tru st Bldg. Seevers, Marion B Lawyer Des Moine s, Iowa, Suite 511 Crocker Bldg. ::>harwood, William J . .... Chemical Engineer ..... . .... . Lead, S. Dak., H omestake Min. Co.

Shuman, John F L a \\"yer Berkeley, Ca l. , 2341 Chann in g Way .

Smith, SumnerS .. . . ..... Mining Engineer ........... .. Berkeley, Ca l., Lafayette Aptmt s.

*Stevens, Henry M Pr of. of Hi story, U. C B erke ley, Cal., F acu l ty Club. Stubenrauch, Arnold V D ep t. of Agric Washington, D. C. Vaughan, Ray C ....... . . Insurance . ...... . . .... ...... San Francisco, Cal., 1114 Pine st.

Watkins, Wilbur K Chemical Engineer Halleck, Ca l., Golden State Cement Co.

\Vhi te, Carlos G ...... . ... La\\"yer .. . ........... . . . .... Oak la nd, Ca l., 44 1 G!"ith st. Wythe, Will so n J A rchit ect Oak la nd, Ca l., 4231 T errace st

. ...... . ..
. ..


145 4 Neil Ave n ue , Columbus , Oh i o . ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Barr, Ralph L.

Bouie, Fred V.

Finley, Guy C.

Guillaudeu, Arthur

Harden, John F.

Hawkins, Floyd L.

Hickson, Dean M.

Hutton, John P.

Hyde, David C

Killian, Bertram S.

Knight, John S .

Landrum, Fmncis H.

Leighninger, Wm. B

Longenecker, Hilton L.

Lukens, Byron, L .

McCune, Chas. N.

Potts, Amos P.

Russel, Morrison W. Seide l , John F

Shaffer, Francis H.

Stebbms, Carl R .



Benham, Wm. George Columbus, Ohio.

Kin s man, David N

Rickly, Ralph R


. Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus . Ohio.

Eisenlohr, B e rthold A Germanic Languages 0 S U Columbus, Ohio (Absent on Leave)

Hadley, Frederick W .. . .. Asst . Prof. Vet . Med. 0. S . U . Columbus, Ohio . Lazenby, William R Prof Forestry, 0. S. U Columbus, Ohio. Plumb, Cha s. S .. ... . .... Prof. Animal Hus., 0. S . U ... Columbus, Ohio. Ward , Kenneth B ... . . . . . Asst. Prof. Civil Eng., 0 . S. U .. Co l umbu s , Ohio.


Bleininger, Albert V . . ........... . . .....'i717 Ca ll owhill st., Pittsburg, Pa. Boss a rt, Carl D Charleston Navy Yard. Brower, Har old Ozi as Brookville, Ohio. Bryant, Harry H Pine Island, Minn. Chambe rs, Sherman D ...........

.. Orono, Maine. Che st er, W a lt e r D Columbus, Ohio. Cobe rly, E


. U. S. Weather Bureau, New Orleans, L a . Colton, Ray B

Highland Park, Ill.,care Northw es tern Military Academy.

Co o per, Sheldo n D Youngstown, 0

Coo v er, Arthur B

Co va n, John P

Roxabell, 0

Columbus, 0. Co x , Lewis C Cornell Union., Jthica, N.Y. Crow, F


Pomeroy, 0. Denman, C


Hanover, 0. Erwin, Edgar Pomeroy, 0 E v an s , Perry Pains ville, 0 Evenson, Harry Kassow, Minn. Gard , In·ing R Seattle, Wash. Gron e r, C. S

1454 Nei l Ave., Columbu s , Ohio . Hamilton, Victor H

East Liberty, 0 . Harri s , Ambo s M Columbus, 0. Hodges, Chas. B

Tiffin, 0. Howser, Allen T

Zanesville, 0. Hugger, Wm. F

Second Lieut., Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Humphrey, Dwight E Deckman Duty Brick Co., Cleveland, 0. Kappelman, Fred W

568 Fifth st., Milwaukee, Wi s . Kiler, A. W Columbus, 0. Knisely, Clyde J New Philadelphia, 0. Lawrence, Gerald P Columbus, 0 Long, Frank C

Columbus, 0. McQui gg, Ch as. E

Santa Fe Eng. Corps . , San Angelo, Te x .

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Main, Jo sep h A


Ostrander, 0. Marker, Jame s R Greenville, 0. Per.lll, R Washington C. H., 0. Re1f s mder, LeeR Akron, 0. Rigdon, Carl. Columbus, 0. Sanzenbacher, Walter 0 P. C. C. St. L. R. R Cambridge City, Ind Seeds, Karl B ...

Columbus, 0. Shaw, Arthur H . C

Coshocton, 0. Shawhan, Sylvan H Sherman, HerberL C Columbus, 0. Shoemaker, Carl D Canton, 0. Shoemaker, Clifford State Highway Dept , Columbus, 0. Snow hill , G. C .......

Fayetteville, 0. Stauffer, Clinton R

Western Reserve Univ ., Cleveland, Th atche r , Harvey S 277 Elizabeth ave., Elizabeth,:\. J. Thomas, J oh n F Sharon, Pa. Tilt on, J. II .............

Columbus , 0. Trone, Winston 0

Turnbull, Wm. D 136 Lusard st., P a insvill e , 0. Vallence, Harvard F Columbus, 0. Warrick, Elmer J Co l umbu s, 0. Werner, Ry. G ...........

Parkersbur g, W.Va . Williams, Richard I-I.

Univ. Illinois, Champaign, Ill. Williams, Wm. S Gen Elect. Co., Schenectady , N.Y. Whitmer, Horn er C Tho r nville, 0. Withgott, J ames D Chillicothe, 0. Worcester, Wood F Columbus, 0.

NoTE :-A ll men whose addresses, have been given as Co l umbu s, 0. ca n be reached by addressing them in care of the Acacia Fraternity, Ohio State University, Co lumbu s, 0.


16 Prescott st.,· Cambridge, Mass. ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Adair, E. D. Alcuzar, I. (Lamedth) Behimer, Otto Blair, L. G. Boyden, Edward A. Brown, G. C

*Burns, William, Delana, E. S. Dewey, J. E. Doane, Lewis, Duxburg, L. L . ( K aph)

*Elmore, S. D . Green, G. H. B Jr. Green, L. L Hamburger, L S.

Hapgood, L. S. Hoar, R. S. Howard, H. H. Jenkin s , A A. Jennison, A. C. Jones, J. G. B. Ke ll y. W. W Kennedy, P. B Liming, M. D Lyding, 0. L . M. H . Reynolds, H. A. Roya l , W. K.

*Rowland, E. LeF Smart, W. H. Th aye r, A. L. White, E. S.



ADDRESS. Abbott, Leon M Lawyer

Tremont Building, Boston, Mass.

Guild Curtis Jr. ....

. . Pub. The Commercial Bulletin. 41 India St., Bosto n, i\Ias · . Wrn

Astor Hotel, New York ' City.

Lawren ce, Samuel C .

Medforp, Mass. Wilson Jo seph R


Commonwealth Bldg. , ' Philadelphia, P e nn.

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*Babcock, H. H ... . ...... . . ........ .. ...... Auburn, N.Y.

Bacon , L. M L aw y e r.

60 State st., Boston, Mass.

*Benton, J. R Student, Boston Univ. Law - School 7 5 Oakley Road, Belmont, Mass

B est, W. H ... .. . Ropes, Gray & Gorham ,

Bowm a n, W. L. L aw yers

60 State st., Bo ston, Ma ss. . . Wait, & Fo ste r, Lavlyers ..... 38 P ark Row, New York, N.Y

Bro w n , J. F Hamlin & Conklin, L awye rs 59 Wall st., New York, N Y

*Brown, Fra n ces . . .............. . ... .. ..... . .. Salem, Mass.

Buchanan, J. E ...... . . . . Prof. State Norma l School. .. . Cheney, W as hington.

Co nner, M. V Salesman

106 O x ford s t ., Cambridge, Mass.

Dickey, W. P ... . ........ Prof . La tin, Richmond Co l . . . 816 W. Grace st. , Richmono, Va.

Dodge, F. F . E. M Dodge & Co., Clothiers Westerly, R I.

Estes, B. E

Estes & Fopi a no, Lawye r s 53 State st , Bo s ton, Ma ss

Gano, S. T .... . . . Private Sec'y to Henry L. Higginson

44 State st., Bo sto n, Mass. Gordon, C la r ence 544 W. 11 3th st., New York, N.Y.

Granger, L D .. Iron Business . . . ....... ... . . 3 Midland st., Wor ceste r, Mass

* H o llin gshead , R. E . H o rn e, H. W Mas s .

Lawye r J op lin, Mi sso uri . L owe ll Elec. Light Co . .. .. . .. 1.50 We st ford st., Low e ll ,

J ense n, W. B Lawyer 96 Bennington st., East Bo s ton, Mass.

Merwin, R. E. (G im e l) . . . . Anthropologist with the Peabody Mu seu m Expedition [Ma ss • to Central America . . . .. ... . 16 Prescott st . , Cambridge , Mi ll er, G. H . . ... . ..........

. . . . .. .. .. .. Cobden, Ill.

Mi ll er, H. L H age rstown T a ble Work s . 43 E. Anti e t am st., Ha ge r stown,....Md.

M ill er, P . F. : ... H age r stown T ab le Works . .... 43 E. Antiet a m st . , H age r stown, Md.

Myers, A. I.. A. L Murphy Co , R eal Est Ca l dwe ll, Idaho. Myers, E. F Th e Myers R a nch Broken Bow, Neb r

Parlette, Snowdon . .. . ..... .. ... .. . .. . . ... . ... . . .... . Guthrie, Okla.

P errow , E. C Ins. Eng , U. of Wi sco n s in Madison, Wi s ., care U. of W

Quinham, B H Civ. Eng., A. T. & S. F. Ry Co.Fresno, Cal., care Di v Eng Off. A. T & S. F Ry

Schaefer, A. A Gle eso & Hi gg in s, Law y e r s 60 Sta te st. , Boston, Ma ss. Scott, W a lt e r . L aw yer... 78 Hammond st., Cam. bridge, Ma ss . Shuman, J . F. (H e) ...... Lawyer ...

... . ...... Rer'keley, California. Snow, W W., 2nd R ama po Ir o n Co 3 0 Chu r ch st. , New York, N.Y.

Snyder , F. A ... ... . ..... Real Estate ........ . ... .... . Ackley, Iowa . *Summers, F. P . ...

Philadelphia, Pa.

T ooke r, DuBoi s . . . . .. . ... Prof. Staten Island Ac a d . .. .. New N. Y . Trav ers, L. B . .... . ... . .. F a irvie w Banking Co .

. .. .. . Fairview, Ill. Tucker , J V. Lawyer Sa nford , Maine.

* Vin ey, J. I .. ..... . . ... . . Off . Am. Consu lat e Ge n e r a l. .. Shanghai, China .

Willin g, M H

Principal High School. Faribault, Minne sota Wil s on , G. L Real Est. & Mort. Broker 121 8 Ta coma Bldg, Ch icago, Ill.

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505 E . Green st., Champaign , Ill . ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Abbott, Baird T.

Albrecht, W. A.

Mathis, V. A.

McCuen, Glenn W. Anderson, R. A. M. McLean, John Crocker Brewer, Claude Harold Nye, Chas. A. Catt ron, K1e Reiger, Harry J. Cleave, Scott Wm. Ro se , Webster B . Ekblaw, W. Elmer Saunders, Harry 0. Eoff, Earl Stull, Ray T. Frederick, Otto Tyler, C. V Gaston, Orner L. D. Goben, L. W. W a lker, Chas. M. Han es, Murray S. Walker, Clyde H. H ayes, Augustus W. West, James A James, Leonard V. Wills, Frank Lehman, Rue! F. Wo o d, Geo. V.




Berks, H e nry W Trevett Mattis Banking Co 506 W. White st., Champaign, Ill.

Cutter, I saac ........ .... Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge A. F. & A.M .. ........... Camp Point, Ill. Read, Tra .......... .. . Perciva l & Moorhead, Furn ... 1310 W. Springfield ave., Urbana, IlL



ADDRESS. Agg, T ansy Radford Exp. Eng., State Highway Commissioner ' s Office Springfield, Ill. Amrinc, Thomas H .. . . ... Engineer, ca r e General Electric Lamp Works . . .. .. . ....... Harrison, New Jer sey. Baird, DeForest Elliott Farmer Bethany, Ill. Barger, Thomas M Instr. Township High School Clyde, Ill. Bartells, J. .............. Chemist, Denny Renton Clay & Coa l Co 701 Lowman Bldg., Seattle, Barlells, Geo. Jr ...... . .. Chemist, Amer . Smelting & Refining Co ... . .. . ........ Murray, Utah. Becker, Arthur B Surveyor, U. S. Eng. Dept., [Ill. at Large 108 Parkside Drive, Peori a, Black, C. W Address Unknown Blinn, John F A mer. Smelter & Refining Co El P as o, Tex., care Smelter. Brasfield, Bryant L este r Farmer Harristown, Ill. Buerkin, Edwin G. C Contra -·tor 1234 Broadway, Quincy, Ill. Clark, Samuel ......... U. S. Exp. Sta. Chemist ...... Washington, D. C. Cope, C . E .......... .... Busines s .. . . ... . ........... Malden, Wash. rane, Fred Rand a lL ..... Prin ., Dunn Co unty School of Ag. and Dom. Economy Menomonee, Wis. Cross, Wallace J L ea der Iron Works Decatur, Ill. D av id so n, Benjamin F Foreman Printing Room, Commercial News ..... .. .. . Danville, Ill. Dehn, Wm. M ........... A sst . Prof. Physologica l Chern. and Toxicology, U. of Wash . Seattle, Wash. Dewey, H e rschel H ... .... Stewart Bros. Bank. ......... Plano , Ill. Dobbins, John A Farmer Pleasant Plains, Ill. Eag leton, Fred M Architect 2905 York s t., Den ver, Co l Elliott, Hiram W Asst Supt. on N. W. T erminal..Geo. A. Fuller Co., [Ill. 1141 Ainslee st., Chicago, Ellis, A . J. .......... .. .. In s tr. Township High Schoo1..119! S . Eastern ave., J o liet, IlL



Ellis, Frederick .Instr. Wood Shop, U of I. 511 W. Ill st., Urba n a, Ill. Erlbacher, Frederic L With Wagner Grain Comm iss ion [ville, In d. Co. Business .... . ......... 212 Upper 2nd st . , EvansPrink, F. G ............. Prof. Ry. Eng .. . .... .. .. . . . . 44Hilyard st . , Eugene, Ore. Gardner, Thomas M Prof. of Elec. Eng. ' 79 , O r ego n Ag. Co llege Co r va lis, Oregon.

Gearhart, Orva l Lee City Engineer. 107 W Springfield ave , Champa ign, Ill.

H eaney , Arth ur Nob le... Mendop., Ill. Hilton, Fred E In Bank. Paris, Ill. Rite, Joseph Ewing Director Agr. Exp. Station, State Agr. Co llege Ce n t ury Club , Athen s, Ga.

Hoff, Charles E Engine e ring Department Muskogee, Oklahoma Holmquist , Fred M..... .

. . 366 N. 2nd ave ., Phoenix, Arizona.

Hook, H e nry Hudson Mining Engineer Nome, Ala ska. Hubbard, W S Fellow in Chern., U of Wi s Acacia House, 901 Uni ave., Madison, Wis.

Hur sh , R a lph K

Junior Ce r am i c Chemist, U. S. Geol. Survey .... . ..... . .. . 32!) Fi sk st . , Pittsburg, Pa.

Kincaid, J ohn Kennedy . . . Farmer ........ . .......... . . Athens, Illinois . Kinsey, L. B City Engineer Mu s kogee, Oklahoma. Long, J oe Ay r es E n gi n eer Amboy, Ill. Lo v m s, Foy Otto Principal o f Schools Coa l V a lley , Illinoi s. Maca li ster, Robert N ..... Con. Eng . for R. W. Hunt Co .. l713 L e land ave . , R ookery Bldg , Chi cago , Illin ois.

McEvoy, J. S Stu , J ames Millik e n Uni D ecat ur, Illinoi s. McF a rl and , W. J. . . Salesman, B en j . H . Sanborn & Co. 378 W abash ave., Ch i cago. McMill a n, J. W F a rmer. Ca r t h age, Illinoi s.

Mowd e r, C L Inve s tment Co.. 2608 W. Fi co st., L os

Mo ore , Jo seph K .. . Mgr . Pac. Clay Pro. Pub. Bur. , Ce r am i c Eng. & Chemist, D en ny Renton Cla y & Coa l

An ge l es , Ca l. Co .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Seattle, Wa sh.

Morrow, J osep h A. . . Supt of Bldgs ., U. of 1.. .. .... 601 E . Springfield Champaign, Ill.

Muehler, Louis H

Wi t h D en ny R e n to n Clay a nd Coal Co ............... .. . S eatt le, Washingt on.

Ne um an, J ohn A. Trave ling Salesman

Parkin, Walter H

32 1 So D o u g las st., Springfield, Illinoi s

Asst. Tr eas., Nat' l Cable & Mfg Co , Nat' l Wire Cloth Co . . .. .. ..... . . . .... . .... Niles, Mich .

Pau l, H. G .......... . .. . Prof. of Eng., U. of Ill 907 W. California

Pi e r ce, Chas. H .... . . .... Asst. Prof R . R. a nd Mechanics Urbana, Ill. st., ave., U ni . of V e rm o nt .... . . . .. . . Burlin gto n, Vermont . Potter, Cu rri e E U. of Ill., D a1ry Dep a rtm e nt 208 E Green st., Champaign, Ill.

Redenbaugh, Wm A.

Head of Sience D ep t., Lin col n High S ch oo l Seattle, W ashingto n R eyno ld s , E. H. . . F arme r ... .... ...... . ...... Tiskilwa , Ill.

Ricker, N. C ...... . .. . ... Head of Architecture D epartment, U. of Ill. 612 W Green st , Urbana Ill.

Robson, Ca rl D

Supt. a nd Chi e f Estimator, Harves & D odd , Til e Contrs. 6621 L afayette ave., Ch icago, Ill . Shilton, Paul A . . . . . The Galveston, H arn i shing & San Antonio Ry. Co Y. M. C. A , El Paso, T exas. Asst. Prof. of M. E , Eng. Exp.

Snodgrass, J. M . ... Station, U . of Ill. .. . 30 6 D avidson st. ,

Snow, L. F Champa i gn, Ill. Chemist 3334 H. st., San Di ego, Ca lif

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. .
. . . . . . .


Spit ler, J. C F a r me r :Mo n t r ose, llli no i tan ley, . A . . . . . . . . . . 1a n age r, Au t om ob il e a les Co. a nd G a r age .... . . . ..... . .. 1006 . 5 th st., hampaign , Ill.

T anf]uary, :\ [auricc C

Walcott, L V.

Asst. Zoo logy & En ty m o logy, . of Ill. ........ . .... . ... 1207 W . llf a in st . , rbana, Ill.

Asst. Sta t e ' s A tt'y Be ll ev ill e , Ill. WeLhcr, I .... .... ... . A sst. Prof. o f S t ru c tura !En g . . . State Co ll ege, P a. Vvengcr, hdgar I Asst. Prof. El e c t ri ca l E n g i- ( anada. n ee rin g , Mc Gill Uni .45 Uni o n st., l\l ontrea l, WJ llt ams, Gco. A E lect ri ca l En g in ee r G a l va , Illi no is. Wnght, J. M ... .... . .... J . A . Sp e n ce H ay Press F ac'y . . Dwi g h t, Ill i n ois.

Wyatt, D ......... L cga I D e pt . o f Inte ri o r, Ce nt r a l L a nd O ffice ...... .. . . .. Little R oc k , Ark. Zeigler, .f. F F am1e r , Map le L a wn F a rm lin to n, Illin o is.


21 0 S. 36th st., Philadelphia, Penn A CTIVE MEMBERS.

Brnwn, Creed H ay m o nd

Burd ick, L e r oy H a lsey

Chernausek, Sam u e l, A B

Cowurick , W a l te r D. Davis, Cla r ence E .

Dear , Dav id P hili p

D refs, Charles Ad a m Jr .

Fogt! l, Edw i n Mill e r

Cibhs, Ernest Emery

G r a l13111, Regi n a ld D a vi d

c;rec n , Gasto n Spe n ce

*' H aas, Har r y J o hn

II arde n be r g, J ames B a ll

H assric k, R oma in e

* H obson, Ca rl L ys le

Hofstetter, Juliu s Ma nn

H orn, H a r ry T ay lo r

H uebne r , So lomo n S.

Kc lsh, W ill iam Th o m as

Kocher, Lawre n ce Ed wa rd

\ l cCon l , C linto n Presto n

McSherry, Em o ry F o rd

Mulle r, H e nry J ohn

:\Titz sch e, Geo r ge Eras mu s

Oes tr e ich, Geo r ge W as hin g t on

P ac k a rd, William Th o rn to n

P at ch e ll, Fre d e ri c k E.

Pend le t o n , Ch a rl es Ri t t e nh o u se

Pu lv e r, P ete r Ca rv ey

Rapp, Ir a Mill e r

R o b b, J ohn W es ley

R oc k ' w e ll , G eo rge W a rd

Sc hweit ze r, Fre d e ri c k R a ym o nd

Sha ll e n be r ge r, Ch a rl es Moo r e

St e e ves , Sime o n Aa ron

Sy k es , L e wi s Bl a ir

Th o ma s, D av id W e sl ey

Th o mp so n, Ll o yd LeGran d

V a n W e rt, Floyd L ee

W a l t e r, Ma x J oh a nn es

White, Raymond Alph o n so

Wil s on, G a el G a rfi e ld



Elkins, George W L a nd Title Bldg. , Phila d e l p hi a, P a

Or lady, Iro n . Genr"c B . , A . B ., M. D . , LL.

D .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ...... . ... Ma so nic T e mpl e, Philade lphi a, P a.

Ta lbot , Rt. Rev. Ethe l be rt D. D , S. T D ., L L. D So B e th leh e m, Pa


Ashto n , J ohn Milton, B .S . . . ... . ... . .. . J o hnsto wn , P a .

Austin, Wi ll iam Horace Long B e a ch, Ca l.

B a i rd, F r a n k Bennett, M D 5759 Cedar av e ., Phil a d e lphi a , P a.

B en n , Tames Stee le ......... . . . ..... . . ..5001 Ha ze l a v e ., Phil a d e lphia , P a.

B lair, W Ji liam J ames .............. .... 2448 N . 20th s t . , Philadelphi a , P a.

Ca r ma n , Ernest Clarke, LL. B R o om306, 1s t Na t. Bk. Bldg , Duluth , Min n. C lime, A l bert P ea r so n .491 3 Warrin g t o n a v e ., Phila., P a

D o lby, J o hn W es ley, LL B 318 Co l m a n Bid ., Sea ttle, Wa sh. Eag le, Ste p hen Haro ld 2040 N. 19th s t. , Phila d e lphi a, P a.

Eves, Frank C leo ...... . ... . . .. . . . . .. . . 3825 B a ring st., Phil a d e l phi a, P a . F i tzpat ri ck, J use] h R ay m o nd, A. M . . . .. :U24 Lo c u st s t. , Phil a d e lpJ:i a , P a . *Fo r mad, R obe r t J oh n, M.D ., V . JVL D . .. 719 12th st., N . W ., W ashm gto n , D . C. F r a n ce, Willi a m B ax t e r , A B , LL.B 1521 15th ave , Sea t t le , W a sh.


Gilfillan, Joseph, LL.B


509 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

*Guilfoyle, William F., M. D ...... . ...... 3722 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa.

Hallett, George Harvey, A.M., Ph.D 120 Wycombe ave., Lansdowne, Pa.

Hanson, Leonard Edwin, M D 1615 Dillmore st., Wallace, Idaho. Harrison, Samuel William.. 3829 Brown st., Philadelphia, Pa. Hausman, Harry Craig......... . .. 704 N. 20th st . , Philadelphia, Pa. Heilman, Marlin Webster, M D. Leechburg, Pa.

Heins, John Wesley .. .. ........ . ....... 5017 Walton ave . , Philadelphia, Pa.

Herst, Nelson Day 7956 B st., Philadelphia. Pa

Hiatt, Cassius Eugene, A. M , Ph. D Palmer House, East Orange, N ]. Hitchens, William Frank, B.S .. . . . . .. .. 3719 Powelton ave . , Philadelphia, Pa. Howard, Harvey James, A. B., M.D .... Churchville, N.Y.

Howorth, John, M. D Wilkesbarre, Pa.

Hudson, Frederick Edward, B. S., M . D .. Anson, Texas . Kerr, William Campbell, B. S., M. E 3322 N. 17th st., Philade l phia, Pa.

La Motte, William Oscar, M.D Riverside, N.]. Lane, James Grant, D. D S 763 N. 40th st., Philadelphia, Pa.

Law, James Richard ............ . ...... Madison, Wis.

Leonard, Richard Dunlop 4255 Leidy ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Le wis, Edwin Owen, LL.B 401 West End Tr. B ldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

Locke, Samuel Baron . .. . ......... . . ... Dormitories U. of P. Philadel phia, Pa. Lodholz, Edward, M. D 3103 Diamond st., Phi ladelphia, Pa. Marriott, Walter Ross, A. M Swarthmore, Pa. Martin, Collier Ford, M. D .... . .... . .. . 1831 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Marx, Ralph Seward Madera, Mexico. McGrew, Carl A . 3434 Boquet st , Pittsburg, Pa Mi lam, Clarence Kent, D. D. S ........ . . 529 Broadway, Paducah, Ky. Milton, John Bly, A. B .. . . .. . .. . . . . ... 1645 Fillmore st., Denver, Col. Mullowney, John James, M. D Christian College, Pekin, China. Nichol, James Pollock, D. D. S .. . ....... 1516 Locust st . , Philadel phia, Pa . Patton, Charles Taylor, Jr . .. . ... ... .... N . E. Cor. 3rd & Chestnut, Phila., Pa. Rearick, Bertram Delroy, LL. B 405 B ull etin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Rothermel, Daniel Raymond, LL. B Franklin Bank Bldg., Phi ladelphia, Pa. Schaffhauser, Charles.... 3029 Girard ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Shields, Joseph Cramer, B. S Washington, N.]. Singleton, Daniel Richmond, D.D.S . ... 1417 75th st., New York City. Smith, Abram Walter, B. S 1125 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa. *Stephens, Morton, Wesley , LL B Nicholson, Pa. Stout, Ph il ip Samuel, Ph. D. M.D. . .4625 Woodland ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Wahl, Richard, A. B. S ................ 139 S. Linden st., Bethlehem, Pa. White, Lucius Read, Jr., B. S 377 Hopkinson Dors., U P , Phila., Pa. Wilson, Joseph Robert, B. S. LL. B Commonwealth Tr. Bldg., Phila., Pa Woelfel, Herbert E l mer, B. S., M. D Bellevue , Pa. Cowdbrick. Walter, '11 W ............. .429 Richmond st., Philadelphia, Pa.


700 15th Ave n ue , S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn . ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Anderson, F. W. Berry, H . M.

Higgins, R. C. Knox, L F.

*Porter, H. M. Poucher, J. C.

*Robinson, Dr . E. V. Rudolph, C. E .

*Schefcik, Dr. G. T.

*Schieber, A. F.


Adams, Samuel E ..

*Selvig, T. C . Smith, A. D. Stewart, E. W. Struthers, G. G. Struthers, ]. A

*Swain, H. A. Trogner, W J. Welch, H. A. Yoerg, 0 W.


*Young, Dr. ]. S.




55 Cedar Lake Road, Minneapol is, Minn.


*A ll en, W. J


Andri s t, Prof. C' ;\[ Asst. Prof. R o m a n ce Lan g - Minn ' 1 u ages , U. o f l\1 ..... . ....... 706 D e lawa r e st., E, , Minn eapo li s , !\linn .

AL '\L 1 :\1EMBER

OCCUPATION A DDRESS. . . ... With J\1. ·St. L. Ry . . ... . ... 2011 Lyn da le a\'e., :Minneapo li s, J\linn .

Bachman, G . .\ ....... .. . In s. of Ph a r ., U. of M 2026 Dup ont ave . , Minn eapo li s, !\linn

* B aker, C . R. C . . . . . . . . . Ed it o r ... . .... ... ....... . . . Red Lake F a ll s, Minn .

Baker, Dr . E . L ...... ... Int ern . U. of M . Ho sp it a l. .. . . 303 Wa s hingt o n ave., S. E ., Minn eapo lis, 1inn

Brown, F A Student Urbana. Ill.

Brown, G . J .. . ... . . . . . With Ele ct ri ct o n st. Co . . . . . 144 E. 6th st. , St. P au l, Minn

R.)r c banlt, C . C . .. . .... R eal E s tat e ............. . ... 433 Andru s Bld g ., Minn eapo li s , Minn

Burrell, T. R ashie r First State B a nk Onamia, 1\linn

*Campbe ll , D r. A A Physician

740 Grand ave., St. P a ul, Minn .

* a nfi e lu, Dr. H . E . . . . .. Physician . . . ... . . . .. . ... . ... H a tton, ?\. Dakota . Carbo n, Dr . E. L ....... . . ] hysician and Surgeon .. ... .. California Bank Bld g., Ta coma , W ash.

Chernausek, Samue l. Student , U. of P e nn

21:3 DeKalh st ., W., Philadelphia, P a Co leman, Dr. F. B Phy s i ci a n Carlos, Minn. Comstock , Pr o f. E H Pr o f Math & Mech., U .o f M 214 Beacon s t. , S. E , Minneap o li s , Minn. Cr awford, W . II With D es Mo ines Elec. Co .. . . 905 W. 18th s t., De s ;vroines, Iowa.

Deutsch, H emy Atto rn e y 605 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Drake, Dr. C R Intern e , St. Paul C ity a nd Co unty Hospital. . .... . . . .. City H osp' l, St. Paul, Duxbury, L L St ud e nt, Harvard B ' dway, Cambridge, Mass.

Ee nk cma, A Attorney a nd R ea l E s tate 1014 Security Bank Bld g ., Minneapolis, Minn.

*Ek lund, Dr. E . J .. . . . Phy si c ian . .. . .. ..... . . .... . . Young Ameri ca , 1inn. Erdmann, Dr. C A Prof. Anatomy, U. of M 1612 !lth a Ye ., S. E ., Minneapoli s , 1inn Frclin, Prof. J. T

Asst. Pr of. R o mance Lan g. U [Minn eapo lis. U. of M 30 1 5th ave., S. E., Fulkerson, J. E . . . ........... ... . .. . .... . . .. ..... .. . . C le Elum, Wa sh. Fulton, D L Attorney Crookston, Minn. Garber, G. E Minneapoli s , Minn. Grea v es, D r. Jay Ph ys i c i a n . Glenco, Minn. Green, Dr. G H . .... . . Physician and Surgeon . . ..... Reardon, Washingt o n .

* H Rgan, Dr. 0. J . . . . . . ... Physic i a n .... ... . . .. ...... . . Moorehead, Minn.

H a ll , Prof. C. W. .. . .... Prof. G eo logy, U. of M ... .. . . 803 Univer s ity ave., S. E., Minneapoli s , Minn. H andy, ]. A In s. in Chem., U. of l\1. 700 15th ave ., S. E ., Minneapolis, Minn.

H an s o n , H . S . .... ...... Attorney . ... . . ... . . . . .. . ... Minne a poli s , Minn. H rrm ann, W . . . . . .... S upt. of Schoo ls ...... .... . . . Redwood Fall s , Minn . ' Hi ckma n, Prof. A . C . .. . . Prof. o f Law, U. of M . . ... . .. 1229 7th t . , S. E., Minneap o li s , Minn.

H o rn ibr ok, J . W WithMinn. Gen. Elec Co 15 5th st., S.,Minn eapo li s. ' Bu y k, E. C.

J ohnso n , A..... .. . .... Attorney ..... . . . . .. . . . ..... Fobes Bldg ., Ev e r ett, Wash.

J o n es, H L Philippine Service Tacloban Leyte, P. I. Kutn ews k y, W K Daily American Aberdeen, S. Dakot a. L a dd, J B A t torney Nat'l German Amer. B a nk Bldg. , St. Paul, Minn . Bank Cashier D eer in g , :\ D. LaGrange, 0. D ..


L ambe rt , E. M ..... .. ... Instructor of Mech. and Math .. U. of M

700 15th ave., S. E ., Minn.

*Lambert, F. T .... .. ..... With S. P. & S. Ry . ......... 34N. 8th st., Portland, Ore.

*Landon, C G Rep. for Anchor Line 618 Metropolitan Life Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn .

*L ee, Dr. T. G . . . . Head of Dept., of Anatomy, U. of M 509 River Road, S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.

Lukk ason , Dr. J Dentist Rushford, Minn.

*MacMillan, Conway .............. . .......... . ....... Birchwood Flats, Minneapolis, Minn. Maland, Dr. C Physician and Surgeon 1211 East Franklin ave , Minneapolis, Minn.

Malmgren, Dr. R. V .. .. . Dentist . .. . . ......... . .... . . Tucson, Arizona. Magnuson, F. A .. . ...... Student . . ... . ...... ... .... . Mayo, C. A........ St. Johns, Oregon. Melin, Dr. M. R ...... . ... Dentist ....... . ............. 331 14th ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Meyerding, Dr. H W Interne, St. Paul City and . County Hospital. . . ........ 193 W. 6th st. , St . Paul, Minn.

Moore, Prof. J. G Prof of German, U. of M 2810 University ave.,S. E , Minneapolis, Minn Morse, D. L Attorney Wells, Minn. Moskau, Dr. G Dentist Mayville, N. Dakota. Murfin, W . H ....... ... .. Attorney . ...... .. .... . .. . .. Williston, N. Dakota . Nicholson, Prof. E. E ... . . Asst. Prof. Chern., U. of M .... 914 7th st., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn Ins. P sychology, U. of M 1609 University ave., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Norton, W. W ..

Oberg, A. C . ..... . . . ... . Engineer Great Northern Ore Properties Hibbing, Minn. P ease , L. B . Mines Faculty, U. of M Faculty Box No.3, Minneapolis, Minn. Persinger, F. T .. . .. . .... Attorney ................... Minneapolis, Minn. Pickler, A. A Editor, Daily American Aberdeen, S. D akota.

*Rasmussen, A. J ....... . . Civil Engineer, So. Ry .. ... .. 213 Walnut st., Grand Forks, N. Dakota.

*Reed, A. L Sec'y Reed & Sherwood Mfg. Co Anoka, Minn.

Reynolds, Dr . H. M .... .. Prof. Vet . Med. and Surgery, U. of M ................ . . 2145 Knapp st., St. Paul, Minn. Rice, Dr C. P Physician and Surgeon Breckenridge, Minn Robitshek, Dr. E. C Physician and Surgeon Syndicate Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. Rosendahl, Prof. C. 0 Asst . Prof. Botany, U . of M .. . 152 3 7th st., S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn . Saari, John ..


. .... .... . Sparta, Minn. Schaefer, W C

Supt. of Schools Glencoe, Minn.

Supt. of Schools Dundas, Minn. Selvig, C G

Sidener , Prof. C. F Asst. Prof. Chern., U. of M 1320 5th st., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Sigmund, L . E ..... . ..... Attorney .... .... ... : ....... Ru shford, Minn . Smith, Dr F. L Physician Chatfield, Minn. Smith, Geo. H Stanley, C. P .... . ...

.. Supt. of School s

Olivia, Minn. Stewart, F. A


........ 3413 Park ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

*Steele, H. H , Banker Mohall, N. Dakota.

*Tate, J. M.

Portland, Oregon . Tubby, 0 . G ..

...... . With Panama R. R. Co ....... Co lon, Panama .

*Vanderhoof, R. W Principal of Sumne r School. Minneapolis, Minn. Whited, 0. 0 .

. R eal Estate

1206 5th st., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Widell, G. F Eng. Construction 205 Cass st., Ch icago, Ill. Wildes, F. A ............. Inspector of Mines .... .. ..... Hibbing, Minn. Wilson, Dr. E. 0 ........ Dentist ..

Parkers Prairi e, Minn.

,, I I
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901lUniversity Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin


B e r g h, Otto I.

B e rr y , tto C.

l'l a rk, Warren W

Cr o we ll, Ge o. G .

Dav is, Loui s S

Fi sh e r , Jas. E

F ros t, H a rold G

Grinde ll , Dona ld D .

H a t c h, R o bt . L .

H a ze l tin e , W. D

Hig s on, h as. R.

I a ki s ch, J no . R.

l a ki s ch, R o b e rt

J e nk s , Frank

Kun ze, J oseph E.

L o b b, Alb e rt].


Lo ft s go r don, H . A.

Mack , J G D

Mc G owa n, R . E .

Mi c h e lso n , A l be r t G .

Mill e r, W m

Ne lso n, Caspe r I.

·e um ann, Jn o . X .

No r th r op, H a rry C.

Spe n ce , A . D.

S u t h e rl a n d, H N.

T ho r ke lso n, J B.

T o urt e ll ot , E. B .

Tre leve n , J no. E .

Willi a m s, Fra nk E

W i n te r , A r th ur L .



Adam s on , !fr e d B St ud e n t , N W. L aw Sc h oo l ,


Chi cago ...... . ... . .. . . . .. 6529 Kim ba rk ave . , Chic ago .

And e r s , Fra nk L Co n s ul t in g En g in ee r . F a r go , D

A lcu za r, I saa St ud e nt Me di Ci n e, H a r va rd 43 F e nwo o d Rd , B osto n, Mass.

Bean, Enlf's t F .......... Pro fesso r Phy s ica l Geo gr ap hy , [1521 Hugh et t av e . Supe ri o r Hi g h Sc h oo l Superi o r, Wis.,

Ben e di c t, Gu y A E lect ri ca l Engin ee r.

Cryst a l F a lls, Mi c h

B e nner, R :1. ym o nd .... .. Pr of . Ch e m ., U . of Ariz o n a . .. . Tus co n , Ariz o na.

Crocke r , Fra nk A ..... .. . Sta t e T ax Co mmi ss io n . . . . . . . N ull sv ill e, Wis .

De a mp, Fred e ri k E L a nsing, Mich

D i k, Roy I E lec tri ca l Engineer

Seattle, Was h , 3 23 3 1st ave. Eg elh o ff , R obert F ....... Eng in ee r . .. . . . . . . .... . .... . 644 K e n s ingt o n ave. , Buffa lo, N Y

F e nneman, Nevin l\1 Prof o f G eo lo gy, U. o f Ohi o Cincinn a ti, Ohi o. Froeh lic h , Frank R W it h A lli s Ch a lm e r s 464 64th ave , Milwauk ee, Wi s . Gri s, ]noM Gove rnm e nt Se rvic e 1469Ir v ing s t ., W as hingt o n, D C.

H o witt, H a rv e y M .. . ... . In . Seey. St a t e Office . . . . . . . . 121 N. H a milto n, Ma di so n, Wi s .

H a tch, S a mue l R Sta t e R R. R a te Com 123 W e b ster, Ma di so n, Wi s .

H o tchki ss, W. 0 . . ... . . .. Ch a irman Goo d Ro a d Co m ... . 1635 Ma di son st . , Ma di so n , Wis .

Hunt, H enry J W i t h D W Me ad e , Co n. Eng Gree n B a y, Wis

K etc h um, Haro ld E ... . . . Ci v il Engine e r . .. . ...... . . . . . 1719 R a v e nna Bl v 'd , Sea ttl e , W a sh

K irk, A ll en T . ........ . .. W it h Ill. Steel Co . ... . . . . . . .. J o li e t, Ill . K oe nig , Robt F . Fu rni t ure S t o re Freeport, IllL amp h er e , R o tl ney 0 Dr u gg is t 41 3 West D ay ton, Mad iso n , Wi s.

L ea sman, Em il L . Mg r Fre n c h B a ttery Co 901 Univ e rsity av e. , Madi son , Wis.

L e i t h Ch as. K .. . ... . .... Pr of . of Geo logy, U . of Wi s .. . 240 L a ngd o n, Ma di so n , Wi s . Vi Lor . . . . .... . .. Pr of. of Ch e m ., U . o f Wi s . . ... 15 Summit ave . , Madi s on , Wi s.

Longbothem, Ly le V P r incip a l of High Scho ol. Cuba City, Wi s L otte s , W G In s. in Forge W'k, U of Wi s 21 3 L a k e s t., Mad1 so n , W1s McBr ide Be rn ard R With D W. Meade, Con. Eng .3 11 N Ch a rter s st., ' Madi son, Wi s .



Meyer, Arthur J. Agriculturalist Howell, Mich , (R. F. D. 7.) Owen, RayS .. .. ....... Ins. in Surveying, U. of Wis . . Mad ison, Wis. Penn, Wm. C With D. W. Meade, Cons Eng .401 State st., Madison, Wis. Petura, Frank J. Elec Eng., with Henry L. Dohe r ty & Co 60 Wall st ., New York, N.Y. Rodabaugh, Jessie L . .. ... Trave ling Salesman ........... Williamstown, Ohio. Rupert, Lewis L I ns. -in Mi litary Schoo l. Arlington , Texas. Shaff, J. Ostrander .... ... Agricultura li st .............. Comanche, Iowa . Solsrude, Hilman With Solsrude Mercanti le Co Whitehall, Wis Stecker, Hubert A. Land Surveyor and Engr Farmvi ll e, Va Stoops, Ch as . W. . . . With Vinegar H ill Lead & Zinc Co.. P lattevi ll e, Wis. Suydam, Vernon A .Fellow at Princeton Univ 5 Nass u a st., Princeton, N.J.

Thayer, Benjamin S Civil Engineer Ripon, Wis.


Acacia House , University of Missouri, Columbia , Mo .


Allen, Leonard A.

Ax li ne, Guy A. Carter, E. Kemper

Chamberlain, John M.

*Charters, Dr. W. W.

*Connaway, John W.

Da i ly, Her ley Davidson, Wm. C Elsea, Ear le N. Evans , Harry E . Geery, Walter N. Gove, H. Shimer

Haenssler, Osmund Harrington, Ert le L. Leedy, Charles M. Lu c as, Boyd W. Lucas, Reuben E. McRey n o l ds, Ralph

*Kemp, Francis I. Powell, John B. Prew itt, Montie T. Putney , F S. Ream, R. Jack Roberts, R. warren Ross, Blair A. Sapper, C. F loyd Sherrick, Chas. H

Sneed , Geo. W. St i ga ll , Louis V. Swift, Chas H. *Tupes, Capt. Herschel V anatta, E . E.

*White, D. Ear le Wi lli ams, Ben. R Wi ll iams, O l iver D.




Carson , Dr Gibbon W P. G. C. K. T. of Mo., Physician and Surgeon .. . .... . . . 4104 W. Pine st., St . Louis, Mo.

Jesse, Dr. R ichard H Ex-Pres. U. of M Co lumbia, Mo. Kuhn, Dr. Wm. F . . . . . . P . G. M. A. F. & A. M., Mo., Physician St. Joseph, Mo. McLachlan, J ohn R Grand L ecturer , A F. & A. M., Mo.. Kahoka, Mo.

Parson, John R P. G M. of Mo., G. Sec. A. F. & A. M. of Mo 5 10 Pine st., St Loui s , Mo. Porter, Judge V irg il R .... Lawyer Sov. St . Josep h Conclave, Red Cr oss of Constant ine..... Lathrop, Mo.

Short, John T. .P. G M A. F. & A.M., Mo J efferson, City Mo Stephens, E. W.... . Pub l isher .. , ..... . ..... . ... . Co lumb ia, Mo. Wi lson, Dav id M

P. G M.A. F.&. A M., Mo Milan, Mo.


Anderson, 0 . E .. Arno l d, Charles .. Ash, Ara R

MEMBERS . . . . Editor. . . . Cape Girardeau, Mo . . . . . . . Lawyer ..... . .. . ........ . . . . Cordell, Okl a .


B augh r, A J! Bek, Dr. Wm G


. Phy sic ian . . . .. ..............

6a 7 J ackson Blvd ., Chicago . ,\ ss t. Prof Germanic Lang ., U. of Mo .................. Columbia, )f o. Brooking, J. II ivil Engineer Frisco Ry ., :M emphis, Tenn. Calvert, r r. Sidney .. . ... Pr o f . rganic Chem., U . of :\f.. o lu mbia, Mo . Cowan, R. D . . . . . . . .... Supt. of Sc h oo l ........ . ... . Everton, Crone, F Jl L awyer. Ti pton, Denslow, R V . . ...... Erlitor . .. ........ .. ........ Tr enton, :\1 o Dr yd ·n, Lc a nd r C Teacher Larned, Kan as. Evans, 'has \V Lawyer H a r tvi lle, 1o. Frazier, 'apt. J oseph ..... U.S. A ................... . . Ft . Lincoln, Bi sma rck, N. Dakota.

Gil> so n , Dr J a m s II

Prof. Chern., U. of Mo o lum bia, Mo. li ofTman, H . . ...... R anc hman ... .. .... . ... . .... Pin e Bluff , Ark . Il <Jsforrl, Gro ver ' L awye r

177 3E. l9th st, leve la nd, Hill , l! ('.

Prof. L aw Dept ., of Mo Co lumbi a, Mo Kavanaugh , R. E La wye r Hampt o n, ro. L'i lm c r, J larry E ......... L awye r ..................... 72 Rialto Bld g . , 't. L ouis. Lcf cnc·, Dl'. Cenrgc...

Prof. Zoology, U of J\l o Co lu mbia, [o l\ l anly , D r. \V G ....... Pr of. Greek, U. of Mo ........ Co lu mbia, l o. 11-lillcr, Dr . \V:1lter Me •... Pr of. Patho logy & Bactereol. ogy , U. of M Co lumb1 a, Mo. , 'icho ls, 0. ;\[ El. Eng in ee r 1ex ico, Mo. ()'Bannon, Walter A. . '. E. & Co ntr actor .. . .. ... . .. Blackwell , Ok la. O z ment, B II Director of B a nd, U. o f Mo o lum bia, Mo Pickard, Dr. John Prof Archeo logy & Hi sto ry of Art., U . o f Mo ........... Co lumbi a, Porter , Ed ward W Lawy e r L a throp, Mo. Rice, Dr. Fay R T eac her • :\Tixa, Mo. Rohcrt s, Vas co H L awye r :\Tat' ! B 3. nk o f Commerce Bl dg. , St. Louis, J\Io. Se d wick, II. F'. U . S. Quat·termaster Dept . .. . . . Ca n a l Z o n e, Panam a. Seitz, Wm . K . " .... . ... Asst. ity Engineer ... . . .. .. . St. J osep h , Mo . rs, John F Grad. St ud e n t, H a rv a rd U Ca m b ridg e , 1ass Terrill, A. \ .... , ....... Student, Agr . D ept.,U. o f Mo . . Co lumbi a , Mo . Tr ow bridge, E A Pr of U. of Mo Co lumbi a, Mo. Tup es, E. E C i v il Engineer Kansas City, Mo. \ Valcrs , Dr. R cnt-y J .... . Pres K ansas Agri c ul. Co l. Manhattan , K ansas. Wat so n, E M Edito r Tribun e Co lumbi a, Mo. \V aison, M. . .. . ............. ....... ... .. .

\\ ilb o n , Prof. C. A Pro f. U. of Mo Co lumb ia, Mo Willi ams, F L St ud e nt, Ru s h Medical Co ll ege.C hi cago, Ill William s, W a ll er. D ea n, Dept. o f J ourna li s m, U. of Mo Co lum bia, Mo. Z oo k, E. E Fir s t Lt Co n stab u l a r y . Ma n ila, P I.


708 E Senec a St ., Ithaca , N Y ACTIVE MEMBERS.

Bowman, Ralph McL a n e

Bradlee, Thoma s Farn s worth, J a me s A.

IT •de, Thoma s Bru ce H o we s, l\[urr ay J ayne, Allen jo ne s , Paul Webster

iCeith, Arthur Raymond K ss ler , Armin George

Lewis, Georg e M att ick , \i\Ta l ter Lester Morr ow, Le ste r W. W Mun se ll , Warren Adsit Overton, Floyd Carte r Pelton, Cleveland

*Ramey, Bla in But ler R as ma so n, H. L ewis Re ed, Cliff o rd R o bin so n, Jr ., H B

*Rothenb e rge r , Wayne H . Rums ey , L aw r e nc e C. Smith, Sidney D Steelquist, R e u ben U.

*Thompson, P a ul Wh ee l er Wait, ]. Paul Wigl ey , R Willi am Wilder, Paul l i\ ilso n , L e R oy Al o nw W o ll enwebe r, Gay





Homan, W m .... . ....................... ... ... . . .. . . Astor Hotel, New York City. Sawyer, Samuel N Palmyra, N.Y.

Alden, Fred Newman

Bigelow, Ormel H


Electrical Engineer 1707Dodgest.,Oma ha,Neb

Brahmer, Leland F ... . ... Electr i cal Engineer .... . ..... Lowville, N. Y .

Brinton, Charles C . ...... Electrical Engineer .......... 420 Todd st., Wilkinsburg, Pa.

Blume, Lewis F .......... Electrical Engineer .. . ....... 1001Chestnutst ., Phi la.,Pa. Burnett, Samuel H Doctor 410 Univ. Pl., Ithaca, N.Y. Cameron, James R Mech. Engineer 305 2nd ave , Irwin, Pa. Canaga, G. B ... ... . . ... . Engineer ...... ..... . ....... Gov. Eng. Corps., Manila, P.I.

Coffman, John D

U.S. Forest Service Sisson, California

Coffman, Herbert Agriculture Riverside, California. Con lee, George D Chem ist 71 Carroll st., Binghamton, N.Y.

Darlington, Chas. C . Agriculture Concordville, Pa

Davies, L. R : Agriculture 437 Francis st., Madison, Wis.

Frizzell, R. R Student, U. of Chicago 137 Ashl and Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Gill, Hermit H Architect Quartermaster 's Dept. at ,J · • 'r.l f".!t Large, Philipine I. Gridley, Sidney D Civi l Eng Gallitzin, Pa. Hall, Arthur G Veterinary Canton, New York. Hollister, S. P . .. .... ... . Agriculture . .......... ..

Jennings, H .


.. Hampton, Va.

.......... Southold, N . Y.

Jessup, George P Mech. Engineer 150 E 36th st.., N .Y. City. McCartney, John Veterinary 167 Clymer st., Broo klyn, N.Y.

McDermott, G. R .... . ... Prof. Naval Architecture at C. U Ithaca, N Y Niven, Chas. C Agriculture Dahlenoga, Ga. Niven, L.A Agriculture Rock Hill, S C. Nuffort, Walter Business · 900 South 16th st., Newark, N.J.

Palmer, E. A . . ... . ...... Electrical Eng .. . ... . .... . ... Montcla i r, N. J. P eaJ:.ce , C. D Veterinary Walton, N.Y. Pierce, H C U S Food Washington, D. C. Smith, Albert N . . . . ... . . Mech. Engineer ... . .. . . .·. . . . . 201 S . Elmer ave . , Sayre, Pa. Thomas, M. F Mech Engineer Vanderhoef, James E Instructor, M. E Ithaca, N. Y.


Acac ia House, La Fayette , Ind

ACTIVE MEMBERS . Brown, P R. Charters, D. B. Conner, J. Ferry, E. S. Jocka, E. B. Kerlin, S. B. Hollingsworth, J H. Krieger, H . L . Kroeger, F. C. Mills, J. L .

McNown, R R. Neel, A. W Ritter, C. B. Schaoffner, J. W. Scribner, C. B. Smith, D. C. Stevens, H. J. Wakefield, R. T. Yater, C. R.

. . .. ... . ....
·. . .. .



OccunATION. AooREss. Alford, L . G ....... .... .. Prof. of Mathmatics, Purdue . . 220 Waldron st., \V. La Fayette, Ind. Coulter, Stanley. Prof. of Biology, Purdue 213 S. 9th st., L a Fayette, Ind.

Fleming, T. B

Telluride Power Co Olmsted, Utah. Gallup, 0. E Speocer, Ind. Garman, H. 0

Prof. of Civil Eng., Purdue Indianapolis, Ind. Gilmore, E. C B & 0. R. R. Civil Eng 226 Lawrence st., Kewark, Ohio.

Green, E. W .... . . . ... . .. alesman, Ind. Road Mach . Co. 13 Morgan st., Ru shvi lle, Ind.

Hitze, E . C .. .. .......... Electrical Eng ............ ... Georgetown, Ky .

Jackson, A. T . ........ . . P . R. R. Civil Eng . ... ....... 1714 E. Elm st., l ew Albany, Ind. John son, 0. D Ele trical Eng Fairbanks, Ind. Kane, D . ' . . . .. . ................ ................... Noblesville, Ind . Lawrence, S. E

Mechanical Eng ., U. S. Eng Dept Galveston, Texa s. Leech, J. R ............. Farmer .. . .... . .... . ........ St. Paul, Ind.

Leslie, H G Lawyer W. La Fayette, Ind ierril, l I. E

Electrical Eng., Denver Light Denver, Colo. & Power Co 59 Irvington Place, Nigh , E. R .............. Electrical Eng . ... .. ......... 1734 13th ave., South, Seattle, Wash . Nye, W N

Prof. of Agriculture, Purdue 323 Salisbury st., W. La Fayette, Ind. Parish, A. C Pharmacist' Farmersburg, Ind Pettigrew, C. B . Missouri Pacific R R Osawatom ie, Kan. Philpott, 0. A ... . ...... Electrical Eng ..... ... . . . .... 163 :V2 N. 1st W. st., Salt Lake City, tah. Prakken, N ............. . Designing Engineer . . .. . ..... care Western Ele ct ric Co., Chicago, Ill.

Sen our, D G

Sales. Eng., West. Elec Co 6033 Drexel ave. , Chicago. Skinner, J. H ............

Prof . Agriculture, Purdue ..... Purdue Farm, W. La Fayette, Ind. Spillman, Carl Pharmacist Oakland City, Ind Stater, S. F ... ... . . , . . .. B. & 0. R. R ... . . ... . ...... 226 Lawrence st., Newark, Ohio. Troop, James Prof. Agriculture, Purdue 127 Sheetz st., W. La Fayette, Ind. Utterba ck, C. L Electrical Engineer Cl overdal e, Ind. Widman, E . J ..... .. . ... Penn. R. R. Civil Eng ..... . .. 1501 Charters st., New Albany, Ind. Williams , G. M Electrical Eng care Indianapolis Light &

AYIN CHAPTER. Heat Co., Indianapolis, Ind

E. A. Wreidt, Secretary, 118 Maroon Heights, U. of Chicago , Chicago , Ill

Bell, J. E Chapman, E. K Church, Irving W Coleberd, John W. Coulson, H A. Drake, J . R Edwards, J. S. Elwell, R. T. Fargo, M. C.


Fuller, Geo. D. Givens, H. C. Gould, Chester N. Jones, R. W. Lewis, W. J. Linderho lm, E. A. Shepardson, Francis W. Wreidt, E. A.




Baumgartner, J. W Sturgis, S. Dakota. Earl, James G ....... . ................... . .......... Fairfield, Iowa . Frizzell, R. R. (Nun) Student, Rush Medical Co llege 137 Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Jones, Walter R ....... . . Student, Harvard U ... ..... . 10 Appian Way, Cambridge. Mass.

McDonald M. T..... Strong City, Kansas. Miller, w.'w Student, U. of Wisconsin ..... Madison, Wis . Milton berger, R. E Student, Rush Medical College.1924 W. Adams st., Chicago, Ill

Mumaw, Daniel W.. . . . . Supt. of Schools ............. Lowellville, Ohio. Waugh, Karl T Prof. of Psychology Beloit Col. Beloit, Wis. Wetzel, Frank S Teacher Manual Training 2211 Florida ave., Tampa, Fla.



R Scholes, Secretary, 51 Prospect st ., New Haven , Con n.


Campbell, G. W. *Childs, C. C. Downs, C R. Gruener, H. R. Jones, G. C.

Jones, J. L. MacDonald, S R.

MacKay, J. D Obernauer, H. Rolofson, J. J. Jr. Scholes, S. R. Stelter, B. F. Van Alstyne, W. T. Welch, J. W . Williams, J. P.


NAME. OccuPATION. ADDRESs. Homan, Wm........... Astor H'tl, New York City Wilson, Joseph R. .Lawyer.. .Commonwealth Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.


Booth, J. R. Lawyer 15 3 Church st., New Haven, Conn. Carr, A. P ......... . .... Lawyer..... . .... . ... .. Trenton, Ill . Dole, G S. Physical Director Wilmington, Del. Fegley, H E U S. Forestry Se r vice Camp Crook, S. Dakota. Hall, C. W ..... . . . ...... Prof. History, Wash. Co ll ege . . Chestertown, Md. Hauck, J. F .... . ........ Lawyer .... .... . ............ 546 W. 22d st., N.Y. City. Heath, F. H Ins. Chemistry, M. I. T 8 St. J ames ave., Boston, Mass

Hilditch, W. ·w ...... . ... Asst. Prof. Physiological Chern. Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse U ................ 620 Irving ave., Hunter, R. B. D. and E. Co ll ege Elkins, W Va. Lohmann, A. W. Jr Lawyer 5880 S. Park ave., Chicago, Ill.

Musgrave, W. M ...... . .. Grad. Stu., HarvardLawSch .. 15 Remington st., Cambridge, Mass.

Pohlman, J. H.. Lawyer 3815 Washington Blvd., St. Loui s, Mo. Rowland .. .. . . . . . . . .... L awyer..... . . . . . . . . . . Libby, Mont.

Tillotson, E. W. Jr.. . . Fellow in Chern., U. of Kan ... 1541 Tenn. st . , Lawrence, Kansas. Waterbury, E. M. Editor. Corning, N Y.

88 THE

, •



E. F. Humphrey, Secretary, 1120 Amsterdam a ve. , Ne w Yor k City, N. Y.

Blan , L . B . B oyce, \V S. BuiTett, B . R. Campbell, Wm . C r aw f o rd, G. C Dri ehmts, I. Y\' Elliot , l' . II. Friedg n, h as. l.chlke, E Giltner, E . E. H amilton, T. :. 1. I l cimrod, A. A. ll o lm es, 11 11. Jl unt, l'. \\'Humphr ef, E. F. J essup, \\ A K emp, \\'. C. B



K ern, E. F . Ki ng, L A L awr ence, G A Me astline, \V. H Ma ul , \V . F . 1ott, J. \ V. I oe!ler , H. N. Oliver, J. M P oteat, H Me:\. P ate r son, R W Remington, H . W. Ri c h a rd s, G . i\1. Robbin s, C. L. *Sm ith, J. G. St. Cl a ir, A. E . Whi ttaker, \ Y . A .




Chee. man, T. [. D Garri so n o n Hud so n, l\. Y H oman, \-\' m ..... . A s t o r H ote l, 1 ew Y o rk Van rl e W ater, G . R . Wil snn, ] osep h R . D

. 7 \V. 122 st., :\ . Y. . Atty ........ . . . . . . Co mm o nw ea lth Bldg. , Philadelphia, P a. A L Ui\ l N I MEMBER .

, A \ I Ii: OccuPATrON

ADDRE ss. K o k cn, \\'. T l\ l c D avicl, H \\'

E l ect ri ca l Engineer. t. L o ui s, 1o . Student , Chi cago U ni v Coffie n Ill.


2818 We s t s t , Ames , Io w a A TIVE MEi\IBERS.

B a ll anl, F ::'\'el s on, X. L Ca ssady, E M., J r. P a rk e r , B. L Cort, E G. P a l mer B L. J ones, l\f. E. Porterfi e ld , R. S . K ync r , R. E S c hum acher, C h as L a ird, W R Stewart, B J ! a nn , W Th o rnburg, M G. McC ullo ch , fT I. Whit a k e r , W S


Oc cu PATION .

ADDRE ss. Pi rce, H oward . . .. . ... G v' t F oo d In specto r ... . .... ·w as hingt o n , D . C.

Beach , S. A


Vi ce- Dean Agr'J. Ames, I owa.

*Beyer, S \V. Vice-Dean Eng Am es, I ow a Berni ck, F. Jr E l ectr ica l Eng . Chi cago Height s, Ill. Bowman , l\1. L Implement Dealer Waterl oo , I owa. Buch an n a n, R E Pr o f. of Ba cte ri o logy

Ames , I o wa Bu s h, C. C . R In st ru ctor in Dairy Am es , I owa. Ca ssa d y, R . \V .. ... . . . . FarmeL .. .. . . .. . . . . Whiting, I owa.

Co l bu rn, F E. Co llege Photographer

Ames, I o w a. Coover, W F Pr of. Agr ' l Chemistry Ames, Iowa. Cmwf ot·d, 1\L 0 Automobile Works Primrose, Pa

.. . .... .... ..... . ...
. D

Drennen, R E Farmer Canora, Sask., Canada. French, L. R Lumber Dealer Hawarden, Ia.

Fuchs, 0 . C . . . . . . . . . . ... Farmer .... . ..... . .. . .... . .. Odebolt, Iowa . Gordon, B E . Principal High School. Hedrick, Iowa.

Greene, L .... . . ...... . .. Horticultura l Experimenter . . . Ames, Iowa.

Griffith, W. A . Farmer West Point, Iowa. Hall, A. G City Engineer Mankato, Minn. Hug, John Ins. in Machine Shops Ames, Iowa.

Keeney, L . D .... ........ Farmer .................. . .. Woodburn, Iowa.

*Marston, A Dean of Engineering Ames, Iowa

S chaub, I. 0 ... ... . . . ... Instructor in Soils . .. .. . . .... West Raleigh, N. C. Shannon, C. W Mechanical Engineer Gary, Ind. Smith, R. E Instructor in Soi l s Ames, Iowa. Snyder, A . H Instructor in Soils .. . ..... . .. Ames, Iowa .

Stange, C. H .. . .. . ... . .. . Dean Med. Vet .... .. .. .. .. . . . Ames, Iowa.

Stewart, D. B University, Ohio Columbus, Ohio. Storms, A. B ....... .. ... President of College . ..... . ... Ames, Iowa.

Tilden, C. G College Physician Ames, Iowa.

Trullinger, C. B Dairy Farragut, Iowa

Winslow, L M Farmer Ames, Iowa


126 N. Clinton st. , Iowa City, Io w a .


Allen, E. A.

*Allen, W J. Bammer, S. G.

*Beck, Robt. Clark, J. G .

*Coleman, W. B. Cornell, Corwin S. Dean, H. H . I Ehret, James Gearhart, G . W.

*Grubb, Merrill


Herrick, C. E.

*Kinne, R. U.

*Neidig, M. H

*Osburne, Dean

Osmundson, G. E. Shipley, J. C.

*Story, W. M. Smith, M. H. Talbot, J. E .

*Wilkinson, C. W.



An sl ey, C. F ...... . .. . ... Dean Eng . Dept . , S. U. I . .... Iowa City, Iowa. Beatty, E. B Lawyer Tipton, Iowa

Bolto n, F. E . . .... . ..... Dean Dept. of Edu., S. U. I ... Iowa City, Iowa . Buckner, C. A ...... . . .. . Pr of . Math., High School. ... . Clinton, Iowa. Coburn, J. W Lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Cunningham, F. J Lawyer Asotin, Wash. Dunkelberg, R



Waterloo, Iowa .

Dutcher, C. M Lawyer Iowa City, Iowa. Ensign, F C . State High School Inspector Iowa City, Iowa. Elliott, 0. N Lawyer Marion, Iowa. Hickenlooper, F G Lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa. Hull, F . A

Kelley, J. M . Jr

Kenderdine, G . A

Prof. in Chemistry


Schenectady, N.Y.

Omaha, Neb.

State Agt., Michigan, West Pub. Co Iowa City, Iowa.

Luxfo rd, G. A Lawyer Omaha, Neb. Morton, A Dentist Laurens, Iowa.

Osgood, S. J Bank Cashier Iowa Falls, Iowa

Ottesen, R Lawyer Davenport, Iowa. Rice, G. A


Mapleton, Iowa. Smith, F. R


Seattle, Wash.

*Towner, Judge H. M Lawyer Corning, Iowa Walker, H. G L a wyer Iowa City, Iowa.

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Acacia House , State Colle ge , Pa


*Ashenfelter, Horace Bush, Ceo. T.

*Diemer, Hugo Dye, Wm. S., Jr. Faux, Richard L.

*Fisher, L. l\1. Fortcnbaugh, J Warren Hughes, Edwin W. Lozo, Victor L.

McCoy, Wm. L Macintyre, Wm. H. 1\IcNary, amuel T. Morrison, Gilbert Payne, Wm. Y . Rosenberger, i oah B. *Taylor, Floyd D. Wharen, J. B. Yoder, Jacob H.


AME. OccuPATION. AnDRES H witt, Rev. John Bellefonte, Pa.


Andrews, A. C' ....

Ariel, Pa.

nihony, T. J ......... . . DuPont Powder Co Landing, N J. *Baker, H. P .. ... . . .. .... Abroad for the Year ......... Seistrasse 4Yz/o, 1\Iuni ch, Germany. Beyer, F. II By Products Coke Co lOG E. 76th st., Chicago. Ill. Gleason, F. 1916 Capouse ave., Scranton, Pa Higgins, N. B ........ . .. . . .... ...... , ....... . ....... 6th ave . and 34th st., • Beaver Falls, Pa Madden, W. j 7474 McClure ave., Swissvale, Pa. *l\leyer, Dr . J. F ... ....... Westinghouse L amp Co ....... Bloomfield, 1. J. *Pennell, '. ll Aetna Powder Works Aetna, Ind. Pennock, R .l\f ..• • 418 Main st., Coatesville, Pa .

Phillips, E. B .......... .. Gulf Refining Co ....... . ..... 311 Lake Shore Drive, Port Arthur, Texas hatzer, J. B 275 S. 2d st., Chambers, Pa. Van Gorter, H M Sayre, Pa.


Acaci a Ho u se, Eugene, Ore gon. ACTIVE MEMBERS.

, Brownell, P. A. Cunning, Chauncey Curtis, F . D. Dunton, F. E. Eastham, B C McDaniel, D L. Ostcrholm, C. A. Rankin, Ormund

Riddell, G. X. Rueter, Wm . Smith, E. J. *Spencer, C. E. Strang, F . L. Welch, C. L. Zacharias, C. R


NAME. OCCUPATION. ADDRESS. *Dolph, yrus A Lawyer Portland, Oregon. FACULTY MEMBERS.

Alderman, L. R Education, U. of 0 Eugene, Oregon. Bovard, J. F Biology, U. of 0 Eugene, Oregon.

.. .. .... ...... ..................

Dunn, F. S Latin, U. of 0. Eugene, O r egon. Leonard, H. B. . .. . Math., U. of 0. . .. . . .. . .. .. . Eugene, Oregon. St r aub, John. Greek, Dea n , Co l!. Lit Sci. & Arts, U. of 0. . . . . . . . Eugene, Oregon. Tiffany, A. R ... . . .. . .... Registrar, U . o f 0 . . .... . .... Eugene, Oregon . Young, F . G . .Eco n . & Soc., Dea n Grad. School. Eugene, Oregon.


Bond, Paul G Asst. Physics, U. o f 0 - Eugene, Oregon. B o oth, Fl oyd W .... .. . .. Farmer . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Yon colla, Oregon. Bristow, Darwin. Asst. Cashi e r First Nat Bank. Eugene, Oregon Cunning, James Teacher. Eugene, Oregon. Friendly, Sampso n H Regent, U. o f Oregon... Eugene, O r egon. Kincaid, W. C... . . ... R ea l Estate. . . . . . . . . . . . Eugene, Oregon. Pre scott, R. W. Sec. to Pres., U of 0 Eugene, O r egon. Ray, Ward L.... . . . . . . . Student, U . of Wisconsin... . Madison, Wis. Travi s , Lee M. L awyer. Eugene , Oregon.


E. E. Merrifield, Secretary, 546 E. 55th St . , Seattle, Wash .


Ben son, Carl G. Campbe ll, Alvin R . Co lli er, I ra L. Con ib ear, H iram B Hancock, Eugene A. Jackson, A lexander G. Merr ifi eld , Edgar E.

Murphy , Thoma s F. Rathbun, J ohn C . Rathbun, Vilas R. Sidey, Th omas K. Sigworth, J ay H. Steward, Levi C.


L. A . Bain, Secretary, 1656 W. Madison St., Chicago , lll .


Bain, L. A. Baughman, I. L. Brunner, W. J. Fo ster, L. N. Freundlich, A. Go ld tho rp e, C . C. Graf, C.Z

Hill, R. W. Lacey, M. J. Myers, J . W. Mowry, W. A. R a in ey , W. R. W a lston, L. R Wilder, J. 0.

T h e n ex t dreadf ul thing to a battle lost is a battl e won. - W ellington.

Look a t things as th ey a r e and yo u will see that the clever unju st are in the place of runners, who run well from th e s tarting p lace t o the goa l but n o t back aga in fr om th e goa l ; the y go off at a g reat pace but in the end on ly l oo k foolish, slinkin g away wit h their ears clown o n their s h o ulders , and without a crown; but th e true runn e r comes to the fini s h and receives the prize and is crowned. A nd this is the way w ith t h e ju st ; he who endures t o th e end of ever y action and oc casi on of hi s entire lif e has a goo d rep o rt and carrie s off the prize which men bestow.-Plato.

92 THE


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