ท่าเตียน : กรุงเทพฯบทที่ 1 | THA TIAN : Where Bangkok City Was Born

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THA TIAN : Where Bangkok City Was Born

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Tha Tian : Where Bangkok City Was Born 1

Tha Tian Exhibition The exhibition is presented throuGh an assiGnment report by Grade 2 students. The topic oF the assiGnment, “Tha Tian: How Can We Love Without Knowing?â€?, is a part oF 3ocial 3tudies course reQuirement, aimed to study the historical bacKGround oF the Tha Tian community as a place existinG beFore the present Ĺ‹"anGKoKĹŒ so that the studentsĹŒ understandinG oF "anGKoK will be much enhanced. ThereFore, throuGh preparinG this report, those students have an opportunity to Know the past, understand the present time, and ready For any chanGes in the Future.

Short &iLm ĂžThe /rigin of Bangkok The /rigin of ,oveĂž !n adventure oF three Grade 2 students who search For the oriGin oF "anGKoK a mission that need devotion with all their hearts, not their smart phonesĂż Synopsis Tao, 7an and Song had sUBMitted their report on _(istorical "acKgroUnd of the #oMMUnitY SUrroUnd oUr SchoolĹŒ to -iss 0aew, their teacher, who retUrned it with UnfavoraBle coMMents that their report was a copYcat fUll of 'oogle inforMation So, theY need to rewrite this report and MaKe the Best of it BecaUse it is not onlY the last reQUireMent Before gradUation, BUt also it MUst Be a Masterpiece prepared BY Tha Tian descendants who cannot love withoUt Knowing their own coMMUnitY

Characters Tao : Living with a grandpa, he was a son of dice seLLers (e is cUrioUs and hard to BeLieve in things, withoUt proving "esides preparing the report in QUestion, another iMportant Mission is to MaKe his chiLdhood Best friend LiKe 7an BecoMe his girLfriend Wan : She is a sweetheart girl who loves Tha Tian and thUs hopes to fUrther her stUdY at the &acUltY of !rchaeologY, SilpaKorn 5niversitY (er father is a creative BUsinessMan who wants to tUrn his sUgar factorY into a BoUtiQUe hotel Song : Song is froM a well to do faMilY $espite his interest in stocK eXchanges, he is happY to Join his friends in search for the origin of "angKoK (e is so helpfUl, and Yet troUBlesoMe soMetiMes, that everYthing gets done verY well, inclUding those things liKe the report Mission and heart Mission

3 Tha Tian Maps

A2 for ExtenDeD Dimensions 12 CoDe for TeLLing Story of Tha Tian in ,earning about the 0ast WaLking Map to Know in the 0resent WorLD ,earn about Tha Tian in the past the major areas and and the transition For the Future. places oF Tha Tian 7ith the Ĺ‹6irtual 7orldĹŒ x The &irst BTS technoloGies applied to the Bangkok Tram System MinD Map to Know physical world, this exhibition x 0Lays B++ĹŒs &irst Theatre what maKes Tha Tian presents the !2 to enhance x BangkokĹŒs &irst Shopping MaLL an oriGin oF "anGKoK the learninG oF Tha TianĹŒs x ,egenDary Coconut TraDe interestinG history. x The ,ast Generation of WhoLesaLers x Where is the &ort x Wat 0ho Heritage x Chinese's Giant x _Inn a Day ` a Time of x The &irst University Transition x Court ,aDiesĹŒs Market x Secret Recipe of Tha Tian: x Now & Then SaLteD EggsĂż x SeLLing SeafooD by the River x Museum of Siam ‘Šp ¼ }¢ Š ¡£}i‰h Â’h¸£ 5

£og g g· h« ½hg ¨o« Bang kok Before Bangkok

£ ~·£ £o £g£ ¡ £ £r ¢o £ ­| ¥ « i ¢h » iÆ £: p| £ « }¨ ¬ ·or£}¥ An aerial photograph of the 'rand 0alace, ca , taKen BY 0eter 7illiaMs (Unt SoUrce: .ational Archives of Thailand

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Tha Tian, situated on the banK oF Chao 0hraya 2iver in the inner area oF 2attanaKosin Island, is the site oF historical siGniĹľcance with temple, palace and the FoundinG oF cities that can be traced bacK to the !yutthaya %ra. ThrouGh the reiGns oF +inG TrailoKKanat and +inG 2amathibodi II, the +inGdom oF !yutthaya was prosperous and wealthy due mainly to international sea trade. The Chao 0hraya 2iver was its major route in tradinG. There were more canal diGGinGs and restorations to serve larGe vessels. In the reiGn oF +inG Chairacha Thirat, +lonG ,ad or Chao 0hraya 2iver "ypass was duG between the "anGKoK Noi and "anGKoK 9ai estuaries and 3amronG and Tab NanG canals were restored. This led to chanGes in waterway paths. That is, canals turned into rivers while the river became shoal. ThereFore, the riverside communities were instead resettled at the end oF +lonG ,ad, which became a rest area For international ships and junKs and Grown into a centre oF tradinG and, eventually, an urban community called Ĺ‹Bang kokĹŒ. "anG KoK was even more siGniĹľcant in its role durinG the reiGn oF +inG Maha ChaKKraphat when it was elevated as a major border town where all junKs were reQuired to be anchored and to report related details oF Goods and passenGers, and to pay both entrance and exit taxes. This continued For more than 3 years. %ntitled as _Thonburi Srimahasamut`, "anG KoK was in perFect location, where the 0alace was at the heart, and it contributed to Growth and prosperity oF two eras Ăą Thonburi and 2attanaKosin.

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The Thonburi +inGdom was mostly in politically critical situation, resultinG in Forts and bulwarKs alonG the Chao 0hraya 2iver. ! majority oF people lived on the western side oF the river presently Known as Thonburi side . Most people livinG in Tha Tian, on the eastern side oF the river, were ForeiGn miGrants and displaced people From wars, especially the loyal Chinese people who Followed +inG TaKsin From !yutthaya. 3ettled down alonG the Chao 0hraya 2iver, the Chinese miGrants played a vital role in terms oF economic system. Their capabilities encompassed a diverse ranGe oF sKilled labor e.G. ironworKers, carpenters, paint worKers and masons and manual labor e.G. those in junK buildinG, salt FarminG, tin mininG, plantations oF suGar cane, pepper, cardamom, tobacco and spices In the early 2attanaKosin %ra, "anGKoKian way oF liFe was closely related to water and waterside areas. !lonG the shores, the Chao 0hraya 2iver was crowded with ŶoatinG homes and raFts, and a wide variety oF water vehicles liKe junKs, sailboats, cutters and rowboats. "anGKoK was Known amonG ForeiGners at that time as ŋ6enice oF the %astŌ because oF its dependence on the river and crisscrossed canals as its source For way oF liFe, trades and transports. /ver the years From !yutthaya to 2attanaKosin, the river and riverside trades has remained unchanGed as a heart oF prosperity and Growth.

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!Fter the establishment oF the ChaKri Dynasty in 782, +inG 2ama the st issued a royal command to move the 0alace From Thonburi, the previous capital on the west side oF the river, to the spot where it now stands in the vicinity oF Tha Tian, which were the Chinese and !nnam settlements at that time. !s a result, the capital was reestablished. Thonburi city walls were removed and then were rebuilt on the east. Fourteen FortiĹľcations were built and moats were created around the city area. 'overnment oFĹľces were also moved to the new capital. There was also a major renovation oF 7at 0ho 0ho Temple , a royal temple established in the reiGn oF +inG TaKsin. In addition, several palaces were built in the area at the bacK oF 7at 0ho. In the reiGn oF +inG MonGKut, Thais were still considered as the social members oF ‘water communityĹŒ due mainly to their settlements alonG the shores oF Chao 0hraya 2iver, canals and waterways. Their homes and shops were scattered around the shores or on land connected to waterways. On the other hand, temple, palaces, Government oFĹľces and residents oF noblemen were situated on plots oF land, most oF which were Granted by (is Majesty the +inG. Major marKets, with both Fresh and dried Food available, were unQuestionably those located alonG the canals and river, and around estuary. 3ellers, either retailers or wholesalers, were on raFts and in vendinG boats in the communities such as Tha Tian and 0aK +hlonG Talat. (owever, althouGh those marKets on land were available, they were Quite relatively smaller. 3ometimes, this Kind oF marKets, such as Thai 7anG marKet, were only stalls, placed in the areas rented From the members oF the royal Family, noblemen or temple, resellinG Foods and Goods bouGht From ĹśoatinG marKets. The customers were city dwellers. ,ater, aFter the "owrinG Treaty 855 , 3iam enGaGed more in international trade. ! chanGe in economic Forms resulted in that oF urban development in which the Ĺ‹landĹŒ community was more emphasized than the Ĺ‹waterĹŒ one.

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!Fterwards, in the reiGn oF +inG ChulalonGKorn, with new more roads, more and more people lived on land. 2oads, instead oF waterways, became a major route oF trades. The +inG orderd to build shop houses with their Fronts FacinG the streets. These shop houses were For rent so that people were able to trade. There were only a Few palaces Found in the vicinity oF the 'rand 0alace. 3o were those oF the noblemen. Tha Tian was still considered as the larGest marKet in the early 2attanaKosin %ra. ,ocated near the 'rand 0alace, it encompassed the area up to 0aK +hlonG +hu MuanG Derm, which was another larGe marKet, opposite to 6ichai 0rasit Fort at the Former 0alace on the Thonburi side. This marKet was previously Known as ŋTalat 0aK +hlonGŌ, but it has been somehow called ŋ0aK +hlonG TalatŌ up to the present time. "oth marKets were centre For Goods From major towns in the northern and southern reGions, includinG those imported From China. (owever, not only those two larGe marKets, but also a neiGhbourinG small marKet named MoraKot that were enGraved in local peopleŌs memories. !monG people in Forties, this marKet was better Known as Talat +ao literally, old marKet or lao toK loK in Teochew dialect. Owned by the (ouse oF "enbadhana and located between Tha Tian marKet and 7at 0ho, the marKet was named aFter the 2oyal Concubine MoraKot, 0rince oF 0ichai s mother, as both the "enbadhana 0alace and the marKet were built in the same year oF 9 . "uilt in parallel with Tha Tian marKet, the MoraKot marKet included a bricK and mortar shop house, winGed with wooden shop houses. It was an open marKet. !lonG the riverside in the marKet was the 3uphan pier or 3i ,ued Moo pier, one oF the larGest and most active piers in the Tha Tian area. 0rior to the 7orld 7ar II, the MoraKot marKet was reGarded as 3iamŌs most prosperous marKet with every product available 24 hours. 7ith Fully occupied space, there were shops distributinG both wholesale and retail Goods which included Fresh Foods and items For daily liFe that were taKen From the 3uphan pier. In 963, the marKet was unFortunately on ŵre. It was then replaced by shop houses and a small marKet in the area connected to Maha 2at 2oad. (owever, the marKet was later pulled down and nowadays it s an branch oFŵce oF +runG Thai "anK, Tha Tian branch.

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Æ i £: p| £ « }¨¬ ·or£}¥ Stallls BY the walls of 7at 0ho SSoUUrcce: .atioonal Archives of Thailand

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·£«}} i h Æ i £: p| £ « }¨¬ ·or£}¥ Traddingg in Soi Tha 2ongmo, Thaa Tian SSoUUrcce: .atioonal Archives of Thailand

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g£ l h£l £ohËÇ£¬ ¡« § « » Waterway Communications anD 0assenger Boats

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OriGinally, people From the countryside usually tooK a passenGer boat in GoinG places. The passenGer boat was a larGe double decKer one. On the upper decK there were benchliKe seats with bacKs arranGed in rows For passenGers and the baGGaGe area at the bacK. On the lower decK the enGine chamber was placed in the middle, with FreiGht on the available space. The passport boat service was provided For trips alonG Chao 0hraya 2iver between Tha Tian and provinces. From Tha Tian 0ier, passenGer boats served diFFerent routes with destinations as Follows ReD Boat Ăą Terminal at Tha Tian 0ier. 3tops included 0hra 0adaenG, Nonthaburi, 0haK (ai, 3ena, !yutthaya, Chainat, 3inGburi, 0aK Nam 0ho. The reGular Goods on board were salted Ĺľsh. The pier oF 2ed "oat service has been Known amonG local people as ‘Soi Tharue Dang’ up to the present time althouGh the service is not available any more. Crimson Boat Ăą Terminal at Crimson "oat 0ier, or 3uphan 0ier. It is actually the Former MoraKot marKet, or 3oi Tharue 3uphan in the present time. The boat Goes to destinations between Tha Tian and 0aK Nam 0ho. The stops included provincial piers liKe Nonthaburi, 3inGburi, !nG ThonG and 0athum Thani. 2eGular customers were merchants From the north who purchased Goods From the capital and tooK them home For sale. Green Boat Ăą Terminal at 'reen "oat 0ier, 3oi 0ratu NoKyunG, which is still Known amonG local people as ‘Soi Tharue Khiaw’. 3tops included "an 0haen, ,ad "ua ,uanG, !yutthaya, Chainat with the last stop at 3inGburi. The route was taKen throuGh 0hai ,om Temple in 3uphanburi. In addition, other boat services were also provided at +hao 0hod 0ier, or (in 0ier with destinations between Tha Tian and "anG 3ai and 3uphaburi "anG "ua ThonG 0ier, located in the 3ab 3in marKet, which was supervised by the Crown 0roperty "ureau, with stops between Tha Tian and "anG "ua ThonG and 2onG Mo 0ier, with destinations between Tha Tian and 0hra 0adaenG. Nowadays, 2onG Mo 0ier is a pier For Ferries and express boats.

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~ £o Trams

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It was not until the year 887, in the reiGn oF +inG ChulalonGKorn that tram was introduced in "anGKoK by a Danish company. !t that time, the tram was Ĺľrst drawn by horses. ,ater, the tramway system service started in May 894. !pproximately, Ĺľve years aFter the end oF 7orld 7ar II, tram concession was terminated on the 3 th oF December 949. Then, on the st oF *anuary 95 , the Government continued its operation on behalF oF "anGKoK %lectricity Co., ,td., under the Department oF 0ublic 7orKs, the Ministry oF Interior. (owever, accordinG to the countryĹŒs massive development scheme initiated by Field Marshal 3arit Thanarat, tramway system service and cycle ricKshaws were banned in 0hra NaKhon and Thonburi areas. ConseQuently, trams became scaled down and totally discontinued in the capital on the th oF October 968, leavinG the 8 year experience with trams only in the memories oF "anGKoK citizens.

Š~Š£olŠ¢Ă‡oŠgr¢gÂŒÂŁg|¸ÂŽÂ‰ÂŹÂŠoˆ¸£ }¡Â”ÂˆÂŁpÂŚo ÂŤÂŠÂĽĂ†Âˆj¢ lÂŒ§Â”Æ h|¸ÂŽÂ‰ÂŻÂ†Â†³£Žh‚c Â… Â? ˜š™Â? The Ĺľrst tram was drawn BY horses Later, it was electricallY operated in g¡Â”h Â… Â? ˜šš– }¢Ă‰ÂŽÂŠ~Š£oˆiŠ£l£‘Šo~ÂŚo ž ”¢x ÂŤ i‰ g¢ ÂŠÂŁlÂŁgºŽ‰}iɉŽ rÂŁÂˆÂŒÂĄ — ”¢xÂŽh‘ˆ¢Â‰ÂŠ¢rgÂŁÂŒ iÆ › 0rior to , a tram fare cost as mUch as at if compared to how a Bowl of noodle soUp was priced onlY at at in the reign of +ing 2ama 6

‘Šp ¼ }¢ Š ¡£}i‰h Â’h¸£ 9

£ ¥ £ ¢ ¬ ·o¬ g The &irst University

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©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 2

7at 0ho or 7at 0hotharam is situated at the south oF the 'rand 0alace. It was believed that it was built around 688 7 3 in the reiGn oF +inG 0hetracha durinG the late !yutthaya period the builder was unKnown . Its major restoration, mostly with space enlarGement and renovation, tooK place durinG the reiGn oF +inG 2ama III. New structures built durinG his reiGn included the conGreGation hall, viharas, and the 2eclininG "uddha (all. This restoration was praised as the ŵrst establishment oF ŋuniversityŌ For ordinary people, accordinG to the 0reFace by 0rince DamronG in his booK on the collected inscriptions at 7at 0ho }Ë£ £ £­ £{ {¬ ¡g£ h |¬ h¯ ¥« { ¡« i o ¡ £«p|i » Tradittionaal Thai pharrmacopoeia and inscriptioons of Thai stYle massage on the wallled cloister aroUnd 0hraa -aha #hedi Si 2aJaKarn _... 3ince 0hra NaKhon had been Founded as a capital oF 3iam, the last +inGs ardently and continuously devoted themselves to establishinG, supportinG, developinG, improvinG and renovatinG so many places, antiQuities, and related aFFairs. 7hen it came to the reiGn oF +inG 2ama III, ethical prosperity and the Growth oF KnowledGe were emphasized and enhanced with "uddhist temples as the centre oF academic ŵelds. í OF all temples and monasteries our +inGs Founded, 7at 0ho, built by +inG 2ama I, is the larGest one. Nevertheless, the temple had been in a state oF decay durinG the reiGn oF +inG 2ama III, who then had it restored For a special intention. That is, 7at 0ho would become the centre oF many ŵelds oF academy For all ñ the centre For eQuality in education. To put it praGmatically, it was meant to be the ŋuniversityŌ which provided elementary education or General education For all, whereas secondary education that will contribute to Future proFessions remained available within Families. Those who are non Family members or those common citizens are not Given any opportunities to obtain this Kind oF education. íThereFore, (is Majesty the +inG Graciously had any textbooKs appropriate For secondary education revised and written, and then inscribed on stones placed around the 7at 0ho area. í`

£ ~·£ ¨ ©o ¢|¢ ­ ¥Ê iÆ £: p| £ « }¨¬ ·or£}¥ A Bird ss vieww of 7at 0hoo SoUrce: .ational Achieves of Thailand ©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 2

¥r£}·£o± j o ¢|­ ¥Ê Wat 0ho HoListic +nowLeDge

¢ ¢rg£ iÆ o­ |«g ¸£ ® ¸ }Ë£ £ £¬ ¡ ¼h¿ ·£ ° i|¢|}h¯ ¸ iÆ ¢|­ £ £ « §Æ . . ¯ · £gwr¢| ·£ ig£ ¸£o« ½hpË£h h« ·£®| ¡g g¢ © ¼¿h ° i|¢|}h |¢og ·£ Ë£|¸ |¥h b| o p¦orË£ ¨|« §Æ £ o·£ }· £ ¡ £ «|Åp ¡h¢Æo«g ¸£«p¸£ © · ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ ­ |«g ¸£ ® ¸g §Æh{ ol» ¥ ¢g »« ½h ©¸gË£g¢ r·£o · ®hg£ ¸£o © · ° i||¢ }h ·£ ¸ lË£­l o « §Æ . . ¬}· |« § £ph~¦o ¼pp¨ h¢ « i o ·£ «h§Æ op£g ig£ «l §Æ h ¸£ ¬ ¡ ¢g hË£ © ¼h¿ ¯ j£ £o · h © · ° i|¢|}h iÆ ¸£oj¦hÇ ®h ¢rg£ iÆ Ë£|¸ ¢og¡ i |i g¨ § iÆ« i g ·£ _r¥h` « § Æ ¼¿h« Åp¬ ¸ hË£¯ }¢oÇ ¯ ¸}£ £ £ £ ­| i ¥ £p£ ¦g­l o i Æ ¨ £ £ l¨{ ·£ ·£®| ¢g £ £g£ ®| ­l o £ ° i||¢ }h i Ço¢ ¥Çh ¡ £ «|Åp ¡h¢Æo«g ¸£«p¸£ © · ¢ o ¡ £rh¥ h » · g¢ ¡«p¸£h¸ o £« ¡«p¸£ ©g £« j¨hh£o ¡ ¥g ¨ } |~¦o £ ¢urh ·£h ¸ g¢ g£ p¢| ¸£o © ¼h¿ ° i|¢|}h ¢rg£ iÆ ¢o¯|¸ o­ |«g ¸£ ® ¸p£ ¦g ¬ h £ h |­ £{ £ h h¢oj o £ £ £ ¢|­ ¥Ê « §Æ « ½hg£ « ¬ ·l £ ©|¸ £¸ h g£ h |¬ ¡« ¸h}·£o± ¬g· ¡r£rh­| ¢Æ ¯ ®h|¸£hg£ ¬ »¬ h­ £{ o­ | ® ¸«ji h £ ¬ ¡ ¼h¿ ° i||¢ }h« ¥Æ «}¥ j¦Çh igphl ·£ ¬ ¡p£ ¦g ¥r£ ¢}~ £ } » o h¬ ·h ¥h · h ig l©· ¬}· ¡l©¬· |op¨| Ë£l¢u®h ·£og£ h¨ » Æ®i r¸ £Ë ¢ g£ h |« £¯ ¸ ·£o ¡« i | ­| ¡|¢ p£ ¦g« ·£hi«Ç £¯ ¸ h« £¬ ¡ h¢o £ £ £ ¥ £p£ ¦g ¢|­ ¥Ê £ £ ~¬ ·o ¡« g h¯|¸ £ | ©· ¯|¸¬g· {l|i | ¨ £ ¥} | Ë£«hi | h£ ¢ ®hj{¡ iÆg£ p¢| Ë£ ¥ £p£ ¦g« ·£hiÇ £p o¯|¸ £· « ½hg£ « ¬ ·l £ ©¸¬g· ¨ll ¢Æ ¯ « b|­ g£ ® ¸r£ ¸£h«j¸£¯ l¢| gl £ ©¸ iÆ ¢|¯|¸ ·£o iƯ ·«l £gw £g· h ¬ ¡« i « i ·£ ¢|­ ¥Ê« ½h« § h £ ¥ £ ¢ « b|¬ ·o¬ g®h« § o¯

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 22

+inG 2ama I had the traditional Thai pharmacopoeia collected and statues oF contorted hermit exercises moulded in 788. No exact number identiŵed. 7orst oF all, the statues were moulded by Gold plated clay so their condition was easily deteriorated. ,ater, in 832 durinG the reiGn oF +inG 2ama III commissioned 0rince NaronG (ariraK to supervise the mouldinGs oF 8 contorted hermit exercise postures with verse inscriptions. 5nFortunately, only 24 statues survived because some were dam aGed durinG relocation, and some were stolen. The materials For the statues built in the reiGn oF +inG 2ama III were made From pewter. They were placed at the walled cloisters, FeaturinG the verses describinG the postures and healinG eFFects. There were 85 verses , collaboratively created by 35 persons, namely (is Majesty the +inG, his brothers and sisters, his sons, noblemen, monKs, and laymen. Furthermore, (is Majesty the +inG also had the 6 ancient drawinGs oF Thai massaGe inscribed on 7at 0hoŌs cloister walls so as to disseminate KnowledGe about massaGinG For the beneŵt oF all. 6erse inscriptions can be cateGorized into literary worKs, proverbs, sanitation, etc. This manaGement oF inscriptions available and easily accessible at the temple was deemed as establishment oF ThailandŌs First Open 5niversity. 2eGardinG the traditional medical science, (is Majesty not only had the drawinGs and mouldinGs oF 8 contorted hermit exercise postures, but also 3 pairs oF marble inscriptions about palmistry made. %ach pair demonstrated, in minute detail, bodily important spots For massaGinG. These inscriptions were placed on columns and walls oF cloisters.

© h¿¼ ° i||¢ }h¬ |o ·£ g£ ¢g £ £gg£ j « §Æ The sttatUes of contorted herm mitt exerccises, showing howw too heal stifŵng p£ ¦g¦ ¥r£ ¢}~ £ } »¬ |op¨| Ë£l¢u®h ·£og£ The innscriptiions of palmisttrY, pressennting BodilY importannt spots

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 23

Æh¢ ~h¢ ¡}¥ £g phi } ¢ ® u· Æ i g¢ ~g© «j£¸ ®p |¥ ·£l§ g¢ » ¢|­ ¥Ê The Chhinese rock statUee originaallY Used as Ballaast onn shipp annd UsUaallY misstakken as Wat Pho giiants

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 24

}Ă‹ÂŁhÂŁh‰¢ g Â?Âť ÂŽ | ¢ ­Â…€¼ ĂŠ The ,egenD of TempLe GuarDians

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/, the gUardians at the glorioUs Wat ArUn, are, at once, ĹśYing over the Chao PhraYa 2iver to a pier at the Back of Wat Pho, where varioUs kinds of trees are to mUch avail, in a silent BattleĹľeld withoUt anY monks Being ailed 'Uardians against gUardiansĂż )n a gUardian waYĂż After series of Battles, after hoUrs of hassles, those trees torn from the groUnd, all ripped down .othing left Behind BUt all the emptY groUnd Whether for or against the Ĺľght, Their friends prefer solUtion in sight Therefore, the gUardians sign the peace treatY and to their temples theY retUrn and readY That is how the Tha Tian groUnd Became emptY

‘Šp ¼ }¢ Š ¡£}i‰h Â’h¸£ 25

¥hs»« i «} » ¥hs»« i «} » « ½h­ o ¡l j o«p¸£ ¡ £ ¥h ¢g|¥Ê £Ë o « Åo « Åug¨ « §Æ ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ ·£h¯|¸« ½h ¨ ©}¯ ¢og ¬ ¡¯|¸ ¢ ¥ ¥ p£g h| h« i «} »po¦ hË£ ¬ ¡l ¨­ £ ¢ ¨o ¡l h g® ¸ i¬h £o iƬ g g¯ g £ « ½hg£ ¬ |o ¡l ¬h ® · p¢|« ½h þ ¡l ¢h £oþ iÆp ¢ « £«h§Ç « §Æ o {l|i¯ }·£o± £ g¢h l{¡ ¡l hiÇ«|¥ r§Æ 3iamese Theatre « ½h ¡l iÆ« ·h ©g· ¢ ¸£h}£ l £ ®p j o«p¸£j o « £ i¬jg« § o £gÅ« ·h® ¸¬jg« § o|© r£ ¸£hgÅ ¯|¸|©| ¸ ph« §Æ o£h q og ¨o c . . «p¸£ ¡ £ ¥h ¯|¸h£Ë ¡l ¯ · ¬ |o { ¸ o h£ o ¬ ¡ ¥« ¥Æ ¬ |o ¡l «gÅ «o¥h }i}É ¢ iÆ­ o ¡l « ½hl ¢Ço¬ g g£ ¬ |oj o ·£hg· ® ¸«g¥|lË£j¦ÇhlË£ h¦Æo l§ þ ¥gþ « }¨ Æ«i g¥|lË£hiÇl§ ¡l j o ·£h «|¥ ¬ |o« £«|§ h o£ «|§ h ¡ ¢ |£ » § il r£ ¸£h ¢gp¡ ©|g¢h ·£¯ ¥g l§ ¯ ¨| ¢ |£ »| ¸ g£ ¯ |© ¡l j o ·£h«p¸£ ¡ £ « §Æ o iƬ |o £ ¥ |£ ¢o £r£ ¥ £r ¬ ¡ §hÆ ± g£ ¬}·o}¢ ¡{i} «r·h « ·h« §Æ opihgŬ}·or¨|pih « ·h« §Æ o ·£gŬ}·or¨| ·£ Ë£® ¸ i r¸© Æh§ r g¢h £g

© · £l£ ¬ ¡­ o ¡l ¥hs»« i «} »j o «p¸£ ¡ £ ¥h ¢g|¥Ê £Ë o iÆ £: £ ¨ g ¸£oj o g ¨o« £hl ®h ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ g ¨o« : « § o­ £{, "Uildings and the Prince Theatre foUnded BY Chao PhraYa -ahinthon SoUrce: Panoramic 6iew of "angkok Under the 2eign of +ing 2ama )6 "angkok: -Uang "oran, £ ®h­ o ¡l ¥hs»« i «} » iÆ £: p| £ « }¨ ¬ ·or£}¥ )nside the Prince Theatre SoUrce: .ational Archives of Thailand

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 26

0rince Theatre The 0rince Theatre was owned by Chao 0hraya Mahinthon, who was commissioned by +inG MonGKut as a charGe d aFFaires to %nGland and thus inspired by the ,ondon Theatre. (e applied %uropean theatrical styles to improve laKhon noK, a Kind oF Thai play perFormed only by males. !s a conseQuence, the play was developed into a new Kind called laKhon phan thanG which inteGrated details From diFFerent Thai literary worKs. OriGinally, 0rince Theatre would perForm at will. 7hen there were any special occasions liKe a state visit by ForeiGn Guests, The theatre entertained them and, Fortunately, other 3iamese people were able to enjoy their shows Free oF charGe. It was not until the year 882 that the 0rince Theatre had perFormed at the 2oyal Field on occasion oF the "anGKoK centennial celebration and sold ticKets For the ŵrst time. ‘WikŌ is a newly coined Thai word oriGinated From the perFormance run by Chao 0hraya Mahinthon. It was derived From the %nGlish word, ŋweeKŌ, because its perFormance was weeKly scheduled and the audience Kept usinG ŋweeKŌ as a Key word to represent this activity. The popular literary worKs used in perFormance included DalanG and 2ajathiraj and their costume was so accurate and realistic that they received a warm welcome From the audience.

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 27

b ¥ |»|¥Ço ¬ ·o¬ gj o £ SiamŌs &irst /fŵce BuiLDings

l £ Ë£l¢uj o §Çh iÆ £· «}i hh¢Çh i £ ¡g£ ®h¬}· ¡ ¨l ¢ ·£«}i h ¯ ·« i o i o¢Ç ¢o ¢| ¬ ¡} £| ¡g j¦Çh« ½hr¨ rh iÆ ir i ¥}ri £ £g ¢o i ~£h iÆ £rg£ Ë£l¢u®h ¨l ¢ ® · £ ¬ ·o«g¥|j¦Çh iÆhÆi The role oF Tha Tian varied over time. They were not only palace, temple and marKets, but also several important modern Government oFŵces that have shaped its own community as a lively one. Those Government oFŵces are as Follows InternationaL Court of *ustice !Fter the ŵre disaster in Tha Tian, +inG MonGKut had 0hraya 0hetphichai supervised buildinG the International court oF *ustice For cases involvinG both 3iamese and subjects oF the treaty powers and !mbassador s 2esidence at the bacK oF 7at 0ho. The court was established to help protect the riGhts oF 3iamese people who became deFendants in any cases involvinG ForeiGners in 3iam.

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¢o¯ ¯ ¸® u· Æ i £· «}i h r¢ g£ Æi ­ |«g ¸£ ® ¸ £¸ o £ r£Ë ¡ll £ }·£o ¡« iÆ £:: £ ¨ g ¸£oj og ¨o« £hl ®hh ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ g ¨o« : « § o­ £{ , Afteer thhe grreat ŵre of Thaa Tian in , +ing -ongkUt estaBBlished thee CoUUrt for 2ight Protectionn of Thais SSoUrrce: Paanoramic 6iew of "anngkkok Under the 2eign of +ing 2aama )66 "angkokk: -Uang "orann,

¢o« }¨g£ {»¯ ¯ ¸ £· «}i h ¡ £ «|Åp ¡p «g ¸£«p¸£ © · ¢ ­ |«g ¸£ ® ¸ ¡ £« r ¥¯r « ½h¬ ·g o ¸£o _}¦g £ rË£ ¡l £ }·£o ¡« ` ¬ ¡ _}¦g i Æ ¢g £ ¢ j oj¸£ £rg£ ` j¦Çh ¥« { ¢o ¢| ¡«r}¨ h « §Æ ®r¸ ·£l £ g {ilh¯ « ½hpË£« ®hl|il £ g¢ r£ }·£or£}¥ iÆ«j¸£ £}¢Ço ¢g¬ ·o § £ }¥|}· l¸£j£ ®h« § o¯

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­ o ¥ »¬ h iÆ ®h ¢ ¢r g£ i Æ « § Æ «|Åp ¡ b ¾ h «g ¸ £ «p¸ £ © · ¢ o £r£ ¥ « g ¸£ p£g ¡ £r ¢o«|¥ « |Åp¯ ¡ ¢ iÆ ¡ £r ¢o ~£h ol ¢o h¸£ ¬ ¸ p¦o ¡ £r £h ¡ £r ¢o«|¥ ® ¸« ½h i Æ ¡ ¢ j og o o £ ¥ £r · h _ ¢o ¥ ¬ ·h£ÇË ` hiÇ ¯|¸ ¡ £r £h® ¸«p¸£ ¡ £ ¨ h} i ¨u i }¸h g¨ ¨ { ¥ ¥ s¦oÆ i £¸ h«|¥ ©«· h§ ¢ohiÇ « §Æ §Çh iÆ ¥« {|¢og ·£ }g« ½hj o o¬ ¸ p¦o¯|¸ ig£ ¸£o­ o ¥ »¬ h i Æ £ g ¬ ¡g £ £« ½h “ ¸£h £hi” j o £ l|i«|Åg¬ ¡« £ rhg £oj¦Çh®h ¥« {|¢og ·£ The RoyaL Survey Department !Fter his investiture, +inG 0inKlao, who was the second KinG In the reiGn oF +inG MonGKut, moved From the Former 0alace to reside at the 7anG Na 0alace. "anGKoK National Museum nowadays Then he Granted the Former 0alace to 0rince 7onGsa Dhiraj 3nid and another palace to Chao 0hraya 3utham Montri "unsri, the ŵrst Generation oF "uranasiri Family whose Former home was in the vicinity oF this palace. !Fterwards, when this plot oF land became 2oyal property, the 2oyal 3urvey Department was built there, and later replaced with "an 0ranee TraininG Center oF the Central *uvenile and Family Court.

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Ministry of Commerce !t the bacK oF 7at 0ho, +inG 2ama III had these Four palaces built For his Four princes, namely 0rince Chettha Thiben, 0rince !mmarenbodin, 0rince NGon rot and 0rince "humin "haKdi and the ĹľFth palace For the 2oyal Mother MattayaphithaK. There existed a cluster oF Ĺľve palaces, were later transFerred to the Government and became the Ministry oF Commerce oFĹľces durinG the reiGn oF +inG 6ajiravudh and 0hra 2atchawanG 0olice 3tation.

ӣl£ŠgŠŠ¥ ŠŽŽoÂ…Â…ÂŁ{ÂĽr‰ Â… Â?Â? ˜šœš ””g  ­|Â‰ÂˆÂŁÂŠ¼­Â” }ÂŁÂˆÂŁÂŁh­u¡ Thee maiin BUUilldiing of the -inistrY of Commerce, in , designed BY -ario Tamagno ‘Šp ¼ }¢ Š ¡£}i‰h Â’h¸£ 3

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1 years oLD Shophouses anD Tha Tian Market ¢r ¢ j o ¡ £ «|Åp ¡p¨ p «g ¸£«p¸£ © · ¢ g ¨o« ¯|¸«j¸£ ©g· £ « ½h« § o ¢ ® ·| ¸ ~hh h £o¬ ¡ £ £ {© ­ l® ·± ®h |i} ¥« { ± ¡ £ £r ¢o«l « ½h iÆ}o¢Ç j o ¢og ¨· ¸£ ¢| ¡«r}¨ h¬ ¡ ¸£h ¢gj¸£ £r ¥ £ } |phj¸£ £rg£ r£ }·£o ¡« }· £®h c . . o­ |«g ¸ £ ® ¸ § Ç £ }· £ o ¡« ¬ ¡ ¸ £ h ¢ g j¸ £ £rg£ r£ }·£or£}¥ g ¬ ¡ ¸£o}¦g¬ hi­ l £ ¥g ¸ £l£ } £|« §Æ ¢ ¨o © ¥ ¢ h» ­| ¡ £ £r ¢o® ¸« ½h ¡« i o£ g ¨· }¦g¬~ ·£«}i hp¦oh¢ « ½hg ¨· £l£ £{¥r »®h ¨l¬ gj o £ iƯ|¸ ¢ ¥ ¥ }¡ ¢h}g ¬ ¡ ¡ ¸ hg£ £o ¡ ¢o« § o®h ¨l¬ g± iÆ« ¥Æ « iÆ hp£gg£ l¸£j£ ¥ hËÇ£ £« ½hg£ l¸£j£ h g¬ ¡g ¡p£ }¢ ¯ }£ « ¸h £o~hh

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DurinG the reiGn oF +inG ChulalonGKorn, "anGKoKŌs rapid Growth with its modern urban planninG resulted in new roads and inFrastructures. !t that time, the 'rand 0alace was situated amidst the palaces at the bacK oF 7at 0ho and residences For Thai and ForeiGn oFŵcials and noblemen. ,ater, in 9 9, to undertaKe "anGKoKŌs townscape improvement worKs, those places were replaced with Neoclassic shophouses, reŶectinG both the ŵrst time %uropean inŶuence on 3iamese commercial buildinG and the early period oF urban planninG in which riverside tradinG became that on land and even on the street.

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l £ « i Æ h¬ oj o ·£«}i h Changes about Tha Tian

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g£ j £ }¢ j o §Çh iÆ £rg£ ¬ ¡ ¢o Ë£® ¸ i¬ oo£h ¯ · r·£o iÆ«j¸£ £ o ¢ «p¸£h£ ¬ ¡ © h£ ®h §Çh iÆ Ë£® ¸ ¥« {hiÇ« ½h §hÇ iÆ iÆ Ë£l¢uj o« § o ¢oÇ ®h¬o·g£ « ½h ©h »g £og£ gl o g£ « ½h §Çh iÆ £o £ h£ iÆ £Ë l¢u ¬ ¡g£ « ½h ·£h ¢ ®pj og£ l¸£ iÆ o¢ l £ «}¥ ­} £o« xg¥p® ¸g ¢ « § o}· £ igr¸£h£h ¬ ¸®h ¨l ¢ j og£ « iÆ h¬ o ®h ¢rg£ iÆ ¬ ¡ s¦Æo ig£ l¸£j£ g¢ }·£or£}¥ ig£ }¢|~hh g£ ®r¸ ~ h}» ~ £o «j¸£ £¬ h iÆg£ l h£l £oh裂 ig£ ¢zh£}¦g¬~ } £|h裂 « iÆ h¬ o £« ½h} £| g ¬}· h§Ç iÆ ¥« { ·£«}i h ¢olo ¢g £l £ « ½h ©h »g £o £og£ l¸£ ·£ g £o ¨l ¢ ¬ ·og£ « iÆ h¬ o¯ ¸¯|¸ph~¦o ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ 3pace enlarGement oF the palace and Government oFŵces brouGht about a Greater number oF peasants and labourers who worKed For their superiors in the area. ThereFore, Tha Tian played a more vital role as a centre oF administration, reliGious Faith, and commerce, which contributed to "anGKoKŌs lonG lastinG economic Growth. 7ith rapid chanGes and improvements in the reiGns oF +inG MonGKut and +inG ChulalonGKorn, durinG which international trade was more active, more roads were available, automobiles replaced trams, waterway communication was replaced with land transportation, and shophouses and marKets on land replaced riverside marKets. Nevertheless, Tha Tian remained siGniŵcant as a centre oF commerce up to the present reiGn oF +inG "humibol. £ ~·£ ¨ ©o ¥« { ·£«}i h¬ |og£ ¢zh£p£g} £|hËÇ£ £ ©}· £| g iÆ £ : p| £ « }}¬¨ ·or£}¥ A Bird s vieww of the Tha Tiaan area, showing development chaanges from riverside marrket into marketpllace on land SoUrcce: .ational Archives of Thailand

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Tha Tian anD Its 9ears /LD Community ¢g {¡g£ }¢oÇ ~¥Æhx£hj or¨ rh ·£«}i h¬ |o~¦og£ « iÆ h¬ o £og£ £ ¢Ço®h « §Æ o¬h l¥|g£ ®r¸ Æ|i ¥h £l£ ¡« }·£o± ¬ ¡g£ j £ }¢ j or¨ rh }£ Ë£|¢ « £ }¢Ço¬}· ¢ h ¨ i }¸h ¢}h­g ¥h »ph £~¦o ¼pp¨ ¢h r· ® ¸«j¸£®p~¦o ¥ z ¢ h£g£ j og ¨o ¢}h­g ¥h » s¦oÆ i §hÇ i Æ ·£«}i h « ½h §hÇ irÆ ¨ rh Ë£l¢u il £ «gi Æ j¸ og¢ ¡ ¢} ¥ £ } »j or¨ rh ·£«}i h h¢ « ½h · h h¦Æoj og£ Ë£l £ «j¸£®p ¡ ¢}¥ £ } »g ¨o« The characteristics oF Tha Tian community settlement siGniŵed chanGes, both physically, conceptually, chronoloGically and historically, in terms oF utilisation oF land, variety oF buildinGs and other structures, and community expansion. From the +inGdom oF Thonburi, the early period oF 2attanaKosin up to the present reiGn, this helps identiFy evolutionary chanGes in the 2attanaKosin Island area in which Tha Tian has remained its core community, and more siGniŵcantly, this contributes to understandinG oF "anGKoK history.

. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

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h ¥hÇ piÆ ,ychee Farm ¢o h ¢ol¨| 0alace oF a 0rince ¢|g¨v i h 7at +udibon ¬ h· £ËÇ « ¢|¬p¸o 7at ChaenG p£¸ ¡ £r ¢o h ¨ i Thonburi 0alace ¡ ³ ¥¯r ¡ ¥ ¥Ê 6ichai 0rasit Fort £ } £|hËÇ£}£ Coconut suGar MarKet r¨ rhpih Chinese Community r¨ rh u Mon Community ­ o« § u "oat 1uay ¡ £­rv¦g £r£« xi Minister oF CommerceŌs 2esidence «p¸£ ¡ £ ¢}h£ ¥ ¥ h 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman «p¸£ ¡ £ £« h£ ¨ g £­ 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman ¸£hg §Æhh ¥h ¥ ¢g » ·£h ¨g 0alace oF a 0rince ¢|­ £ £ 7at 0ho ²£r¸£¯ Cemetery g£ ®r¸ Çh§ iÆ £· h ·£«}i h ¢ h ¨ i ²£r¸£ ¢Æo Cemetery ³ ¥¯r« h » 6ichaiyen Fort ,anD Use of Tha Tian: Thonburi 1 1 } £| £ Fish MarKet

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. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2 .

h ¥hÇ piÆ ,ychee Farm ¢o h ¢ol¨| 0alace oF a 0rince ¢|g¨v i h 7at +udibon ¢|¬p¸o 7at ChaenG ¡ £r ¢o h ¨ i Thonburi 0alace ³ ¥¯r ¡ ¥ ¥Ê 6ichai 0rasit Fort } £|hËÇ£}£ Coconut suGar MarKet ¡ £ £r ¢o 'rand 0alace ­ o«gÅ ­ os· « § ¡ £r ¥ i 2oyal "arGe DocK ¢ol ¢o ¥hl¸£ 2oyal 3toraGe ¢og j¨h ¥ £h¨ ¢g » 0alace oF a 0rince ¸£h«p¸£ ¡ £ ¢}h£ ¥« g¨h 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman iÆ o 2oyal 0roperty ³ £ ¢g » MahayaK Fort ¢| ¡«r}¨ h ¥ ¢ol £ £ 7at 0ho iÆp |« § Ë£« £ 3ampan 3hip DocK ¸£h«p¸£ ¡ £ ¡l ¢o h 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman ³ £ g » MaharoeK Fort ²£r¸£ ¢Æo Cemetery } £| £ Fish MarKet

g£ ®r¸ Çh§ iÆ £· h ·£«}i h ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ ,anD Use of Tha Tian: +ing Rama I 1 1

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¬ h· £ËÇ « p£¸ ¡ £ . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2 . 2 . 22.

¢| ¨{ £r £ £ 7at !run ¡ £r ¢o«|¥ Former 0alace ³ ¥¯r ¡ ¥ ¥Ê 6ichai 0rasit Fort } £|hËÇ£}£ Coconut suGar MarKet ¡ £ £r ¢o 'rand 0alace ¸£h ¡ £r ¨} 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman ¸£h ¡ £r ¥h 2esidence oF a hiGh ranKinG nobleman ­ o­ · ¥ £ 3tone Mill ¸£h ¡ ¥ £l © | *ames McCarthyŌs 2esidence The First Director 'eneral oF the 2oyal Thai 3urvey Department ¢| ¡«r}¨ h ¥ ¢ol £ £ 7at 0hra Chetuphon } £| ·£«}i h Tha Tian MarKet } £| gv MoraKot MarKet ¢og §Æh ¥¯r ¥h ­ | 0rince "enbadhanabonGseŌs palace ­ o« i h« £ £ 3aovabha 3chool ¢oj o«p¸£h£ ¡ ol» Complex oF 5 0alaces ­ o ¥ »¬ h iÆ £ g 0rintinG (ouse oF the 2oyal Thai 3urvey Department b g ¬ h i Æ £ OFŵce oF the 2oyal Thai 3urvey Department g ¡ o«g } £ ¥g£ Ministry oF !Griculture g ¡ o g£ Ministry oF %ducation ­ o« i h ¨h¢h £ ¢ 3unandhalai 3chool l ¢o ¥hl¸£ ig ¥ ¬ h|» ­g ". 'rimm CoŌs 7arehouse } £| £ Fish MarKet

g£ ®r¸ Çh§ iÆ £· h ·£«}i h ¢ ¢rg£ iÆ ,anD Use of Tha Tian: +ing Rama 6 1 1 1

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¬ h· £ËÇ « p£¸ ¡ £

. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

g o ¢ « § The 2oyal Thai Navy ¢| ¨{ £r £ £ 7at !run ¡ £r ¢o«|¥ Former 0alace ³ ¥¯r ¡ ¥ ¥Ê 6ichai 0rasit Fort ¡ £ £r ¢o 'rand 0alace ¸£h ¢g¬ ¡ ­ j¸£ £r ¥ £ Courtier lodGe Club hh£l £ ¥ » NaGaraphirom 0arK ¢| ¡«r}¨ h ¥ ¢ol £ £ 7at 0hra Chetuphon } £| ·£«}i h Tha Tian MarKet £l£ £{¥r » 3hophouses iÆ|h¥ ¢| ¡«r}¨ h 7at 0ho 0roperty ­ o« i h £{¥r g£ }¢Ço} op¥} TanGtronGchit ColleGe ¢op¢g o » ChaKrabonGse 6illas iÆ £r ¢ |¨ 2oyal 0roperty ¥ «si £ Museum oF 3iam ~£hi}£Ë phl £ ¡ £r ¢o 0hraratchawanG 0olice 3tation ­ o« i h £r¥hi 2ajini 3chool ·£« § £r¥hi 2ajini 0ier

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,anD Use of Tha Tian: +ing Rama I8 1 ñ 0resent

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Shrines in the Tha Tian Community £ «p¸£ ·£«}i h« ½h §Çh iÆ Æ i ¡r£g · h® u·« ½hr£ pih¬}¸pÉ ¥ ¬}· ¡ cp¡ i ¡« {i Æ i |¦ ~§ ¢Ço®h ¡|¢ l l ¢ £ } ¡g© £ ¥ ¡« {i} ¨ pih «ro« ¸o ¯ ¸ ¡p¢h » h gp£ghiÇ o¢ i ¥ gi iÆ lh®hr¨ rh}¸ o i · h · ®hx£h¡r¨ rhr£ pih l§ o£h¯ ¸«p¸£ ¡pË£ c c ¡ ol ¢Çol§ }¸h c¬ ¡ £ c £ «p¸£®h ¥« { ·£«}i h i~o¦ £ |¸ g¢h l§ £ «p¸£ · }¸h¯ do«~·£go ©g· £o s ¡}©hg ©o £ «p¸£ · ¡ © ¥ § £ ¡ © ¥«p¸£ iÆ g {» s « Åu ¢zh» irÆ § « i g®h £ £¬}¸pÉ ¥ ·£ «pi }iÆ« ·£« iÈ ¡ £ «p¸£ · ³£ £o s ·£ ¨ { £ «p¸£ · g h © © · Æ}i £| ·£«}i h ¬ ¡ £ «p¸£ · £ |i ¡ ·£os ·£« § ¬|o¬ ¡} £| ¢ » ¥h o£h¯ ¸«p¸£}¸h c~ § « ½h « g£ ® u·j or¨ rh il £ Ë£l¢u¬ ¡ i £ ¡« i | £g¬ ¡g¥h ¡ ¡« £~¦o ol§h

}¡g ¸£® «· l §Æ o¯ ¸«p¸£ A BaamBoo container for sacrriŵcial offering

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 4

Most oF the Tha Tian community members were Chinese with Teochew roots. !nnual traditions and rites celebrated and perFormed within Families included New 9ear Festival, 1inGminG Festival Chinese Memorial Day and !ncestors Day , Moon Festival mid autumn Festival and so on. In addition, there was a semiannual ceremony perFormed by all Chinese community members. That is, at the beGinninG and the end oF every year, they made a sacriŵce to Gods. In particular, the ceremony at the beGinninG oF the year, which tooK as lonG as two niGhts, was more important and Full oF ceremonial details. In the Tha Tian community, there were ŵve shrines, namely Chao 0ho Tonsai 3hrine 0uenG Thao +onG , located in 3oi 0ratu NoKyunG, Chao 0ho 0hraphum 3hrine 3hrine oF the household God or Jiaw Ti Lao Iea in Chinese , situated in 3oi "enbadhana, Chao 0ho FasanG 3hrine, in 3oi Tharue 3uphan, 'uan 9u 3hrine, at the Tha Tian marKet and Chao 0ho 3atsadi 3hrine, located between the 2ed "oat 0ier and Tha Tian marKet.

££ «pp£¸ }·£o± iÆr£ r¨ rh ·£«}i h«l£ ¢ ££ PictUrres of shriness in the Tha Tian commUUnitY

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0rofessions of Tha Tian Community Members

iÆ À¼ ¬ ¡­r · ·£«}i h« ½h¬ ·ol¸£ ·o § iÆ« i g ·£ _ iÆ ¼À ` s¦Æo £ ~¦o · l¸£lhg £o § l§ lh iƯ ·¯|¸ ¥} ¥hl¸£« o ¬}· ¢ ¥hl¸£ £p£g © ¸ ¥}¬ ¸ hË£¯ j£ ® ¸g ¢ _s£ ¼ À ` l§ · l¸£ ig ig}· h¦Æo s£ ¼À « ½h ©¸ iÆj£ ¥hl¸£}· ® ¸g¢ ©¸ ¥­ l­| } o ­r · £ ~¦o ¸£h iÆ i ¥hl¸£ £grh¥| h« g¢h ¸£ h­r · ®hl £ £ « ¥ Æ }¸ h « ½hg£ l¸£j£ j orË£pË£ gj og¥h «r·h ¥} £og£ «g } ¢Ço iƬ © ¬ ¸ ¬ ¡ ¢o¯ · £· h g£ ¬ © ¥hl¸£®h ¸£h­r · £p£g © ¸ ¥}­| } o s¦Æo £p« ½hg£ s§Ç j£| § « ½hg£ £gj£ ­| «p¸£j o ¸£h ¢g« »«sÅh}» · l¸£p£g}·£op¢o ¢|p¡hË£j o £ £gj£ i ¡ £g± ¬ ¡ © ¸ ¥} igg ¨ · h¦oÆ £« § g ¢}~¨| ¥ « ·£hi¯Ç ¬ © ig}· h¦oÆ «r·h ©¸ ¥} ¨¸h« ¸h £s§ Ç ~¢ Æ «ji p£g­r · iÆ ·£«}i h « ½h}¸h ¢op£g¬ © ¬ ¸ gÅhË£ £j£ }· ®h ¸£hrË£ § ­r · i}Æ hs§Ç £ ig i h¦Æo ·£«}i hp¦og £ « ½h¬ ·o­r · iÆ® u· Æ i ¨| iÆ Ço¢ iÆ À¼ ¬ ¡s£ ¼ À p£g iÆ}£· o± }¸ o £s§Ç ¥hl¸£p£g ­r · ®h ·£«}i h ¥hl¸£«|·h± iÆ iÆ À¼ ¬ ¡­r · ®h ·£«}i hj£ ¯|¸¬g· g ¡« i ¡ ¸£ £ £ ¡« ¬ ¸o ~¢ Æ o£ ¢}~¨|¥ }·£o± pË£ g g ¡« £¡ £ «l §Æ o« ¬ ¸o h裂 }£ c À h gp£gg£ j£ ·o ¢}~¨|¥ ¬ ¸ ¢o i ¥hl¸£p£gg£ ¬ © £ rh¥| iÆ ¥}®h ·£«}i h« o ¯|¸¬g· c¾ ¬ ¡ ¯j·«lÅ

©p ¥ }¢ ·£«}i h h¸£ 42

MiDDLeman anD Grocery Tha Tian was a centre For supply chain throuGh which Goods passed intermediates liKe distributors, middlemen, and then dealers who dealt with consumers directly. !t Grocery, FoodstuFFs liKe Fresh produces and processed Farm products, and various household supplies were primarily sold. The Grocery items were directly delivered by the manuFacturers, either as consiGnment or outriGht sale. Merchants From provinces usually delivered a larGe number oF Goods For consiGnment sale. Then, manuFacturers would purchase these raw materials For processinG their products. For example, a Glass noodle maKer came to a Tha Tian Grocery to buy munG beans For his Glass noodle production. Then he would deliver his Glass noodles to the Grocery For Further sale. This chain made Tha Tian the larGest Grocery, a Famous destination attractinG distributors and dealers From diFFerent places. 7ith a wide ranGe oF products available, Key raw materials included shallots, Garlic, coconut, dried sea Food, nuts, sesame seeds, ŵsh maw, dry spices and palm suGar. !lso, Tha Tian made products were toFFees and salted eGGs.

·£«}i h ¢olo« ½h¬ ·op¢ p·£ s§Ç j o iÆ Ë£l¢uj or£ ¡hl $ried foods, Tha Tian famoUs goods

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lÂŽÂŁÂˆÂŤÂ‚ÂŒiƉhÂŹÂ‚ÂŒoj”o ¡£}i‰h Changes in the Tha Tian Community

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It is not only the travellers, who Get to Know "anGKoK with Tha Tian as its Ĺľrst destination, but also the Ĺ‹drinkersĹŒ who come to Tha Tian For both business and pleasure. Day : More than ten caFes available For chillinG out in a weeKend and, For Freelancers worKinG on weeKdays. Night : 3uitable For relaxation in a rare atmosphere with easy listeninG music and a view oF the Chao 0hraya 2iver alonG with palace and temples From rooFtop bars.


ChaKrabonGse 6illas is Tha TianĹŒs Ĺľrst boutiQue hotel. This private palace was built in a western architectural style, and later became a Guesthouse For Friends oF the Family. %xistence oF ChaKrabonGse 6illas as a boutiQue hotel is considered a turninG point For accommodation services in the area. !s a conseQuence, houses and old buildinGs hidden in the Quiet alleys oF the old community have been chanGed, modiĹľed and renovated into hotels, hostels and places For travellers and tourists, encompassinG the riverside areas oF 3oi Tha Tian and 3oi 0ratu NoKyunG, to 3oi 0ansuK and ChaKrabonGse 6illas.


"esides Fresh and dried Foods, Tha Tian is also a perFect place For dininG with a wide ranGe oF cuisine available, to name a Few Ăą authentic Thai, %uropean and Fusion Food. The best part is that the Foods are cooKed oF homemade style Ăą the Ĺśavours and atmosphere you can Ĺľnd only in Tha Tian. Savory Dishes : Tha Tian assorted sea Food spicy deep Fried chicKen with Garlic Grilled salmon salad Fried crab in yellow curry ChaKrabonGse 6illasĹŒs 0rivate DininG and Massaman eGG benedict Desserts : 9aKult 0epo *elly caKe Fresh Coconut CaKe Tiramisu 2olls and Chocolate Mousse

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‘i‰opÂŁglh ¡£}i‰h 6oices from Tha Tian 0eopLe

_gÂŁÂŠÂˆirˆ¨ rhhiĂ‡ÂŻÂˆ¡Žr¡Â‚u Âź Â’ÂŁ ‚ŸuÂ’ÂŁl§Â”Š£pÂĄp¢|g£ŠŽ’¸j£”‰ŠÂ”¡ ‰¡£o ˆiÂ’h¸£Âˆi}ÂŁÂŻ|¸Â”‰¡£o¯Š Ë£‰¢oÂŻoÂŽÂ’¸Â”‰Š|¡ ÂŽ¸ ‰ g¢hÂŻ|¸ p¢|‡ŠÂˆ ÂĽ Â?¢ hŽÂ’¸jÂŁÂ‘ÂŁÂˆÂŁÂŠ~|ŠÂŒ Â…§Ă‡h iƯ|¸` _ItĹŒs not about Ĺ‹havinGĹŒ or Ĺ‹not havinGĹŒ this community. The point is how to manaGe it in a very honourable manner how to live toGether and how to manaGe the landscape that local people can taKe care oF.`

_~¸£Â”‰£gÂŽÂ’¸|Ă…gqÂŒÂŁ| ƒŠŽ¸ Â’u¡¯Âˆ¡lŽŠ”¢|ÂŹ}¡Â’£¸ o ˆ¢hlŽŠˆiÂ”ÂĄÂŻÂŠÂˆÂŁggÂŽ¡£Â’¸£o ÂŤg‘}Â•¸£Â‘Âť Š¸£hg£† ÂŽhÂŤÂˆ§Ă†Â”}ŠohiÇ ‚½hÂ…§Ă‡h iƂŠ¥Ž¢}ÂĽÂ?£‘}Š` _IF we want our children to Get smarter, we should not dump them with department stores. There must be some places other than those malls, Guesthouses and caFes because this is the place oF history.`

_ ÂĽÂ? ÂŁoj”o ¡£}i‰h ”‰£gÂŽÂ’¸Â‚½hg£Š…¢zhÂŁÂŤrÂĽo ”h¨ÂŠg¢ Â?Â’ˆ§Â”hÂŽh„Š¢Ă†oÂŤÂ?‘ ÂŤÂ‰Â”ÂŠÂˆ¢h ’Š§Â”ui‚Æ h²¨ ` _”hÂŁl} ”‰£gÂŽÂ’¸g£Š…¢zhÂŁ ‚½h¯‚  ‚½h€ŠŠˆrÂŁ}ÂĽ ‚½h}¢ÂŽj”o}¢ÂŽÂŤÂ”o ÂŤgÂĽ|pÂŁg g£Š}¡Â”‰”|pÂŁgŠ£gÂŤÂ’o¸£Â‚½h ‘¼Æo ilÆ hÂŽhr¨Âˆrhˆi”‰Š`¡ _Future I want natural development as it is as it should be, as oriGinated From the roots and From what the community people have From the outset.`

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_In terms oF Tha Tian direction, I would liKe the place be developed liKe ecotourism in France, 'ermany and *apan.`

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/bJects on DispLay CoLLection of The 2oyal Thai 3urvey Department 0oompat Thanarojpiyataj 0odtawan Chinnaswasd 0asumon 3antiwipanont 0attana 0itiwattalai 9atiwat *irataiphat 3uchat 3uphanichvatin 3uthee and 0attaya TiloKrueanGchai 3upattra *iraponGjaroenlab 3upaporn !sadamonGKoln 0hotographs Courtesy of Mass 2apid Transit !uthority oF Thailand Naval Transportation Department, The 2oyal Thai Navy Conservation 0roject Division, The Crown 0roperty "ureau 3ahamonGKol Film International Co., ,td. %sso Thailand 0ublic Co., ,td, The OFĹľce oF (is Majesty s 0rincipal 0rivate 3ecretary National !rchive, Fine !rt Department National Films !rchive 0ublic OrGanization 0antipa Chayapirad

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