American History Connecting with the Past 15e (Volume 2) Alan Brinkley (Test Bank All Chapters, 100% Original Verified, A+ Grade) Chapter 16 The Conquest of the Far West Multiple-Choice Questions 1. By the mid-1840s, the American West A. contained few migrants from the United States. B. was extensively populated. C. had seen the elimination of nearly all Indian tribes. D. closely resembled its popular image. E. was still an empty, desolate land. Answer: B Page: 431 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 2. Which of the following Indian tribes was NOT found on the Pacific coast of the Far West? A. Chumash B. Chinook C. Pomo D. Creek E. Serrano Answer: D Page: 431 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 3. In the mid-nineteenth century, the Plains Indians were A. usually able to unite against white aggression. B. not as vulnerable to disease as eastern tribes. C. among the least aggressive of all American Indians. D. mostly sedentary farmers. E. the most widespread Indian groups in the West. Answer: E Page: 432 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 4. Which tribe should NOT be included among the Plains Indians? A. Yurok B. Sioux C. Arapaho D. Pawnee E. Cheyenne Answer: A Page: 431 Topic: The Societies of the Far West
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5. Which of the following statements regarding Hispanic New Mexico is FALSE? A. At the time of the Mexican War, Hispanics greatly outnumbered Anglo-Americans. B. The Spanish had had settlements in the area since the seventeenth century. C. Taos Indians, allied with Navajos and Apaches, forced out Anglo-Americans until 1847. D. By the 1870s, the government of New Mexico was dominated by “territorial rings” of Anglo business people and politicians. E. Descendants of the original settlers engaged primarily in cattle and sheep ranching. Answer: C Page: 433 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 6. During the mid-nineteenth century, Hispanics living in California A. lost ownership of large areas of lands. B. saw an expansion in the power of californios. C. attempted to revive the Spanish mission society. D. joined with white Americans to drive out Indians. E. increasingly became part of the state’s middle class. Answer: A Page: 434 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 7. During the nineteenth century, in the Far West the term “coolie” A. was a description for all Asian immigrants. B. was an epithet used by whites to describe members of Chinese tongs. C. applied to all non-Indians who came to the Far West before the California gold rush. D. was a slang term for prostitutes in mining towns. E. referred to Chinese indentured servants. Answer: E Page: 435 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 8. In the 1840s and 1850s, in the Far West, the response by white Americans to the Chinese A. moved from initial hostility to gradual acceptance. B. was one of consistent acceptance. C. was one of consistent hostility. D. moved from initial acceptance to gradual hostility. E. depended mainly on whether the white American was pro-slavery or antislavery. Answer: D Page: 435 Topic: The Societies of the Far West
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9. The Chinese from California became the major source of labor for the transcontinental railroad in part because A. they had no other employment prospects. B. they worked for lower wages than what whites would accept. C. most were experienced in railroad construction. D. most were forced into working for the railroads. E. their more well-established unions won the railroad contracts. Answer: B Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 10. In the 1870s in the Far West, the largest single Chinese community was located in A. Seattle. B. Sacramento. C. San Diego. D. Los Angeles. E. San Francisco. Answer: E Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 11. Chinese tongs were A. secret societies. B. prostitutes. C. community officials. D. merchants. E. indentured servants. Answer: A Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 12. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 A. resulted in the deportation of half of the Chinese in the United States. B. was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. C. banned Chinese in the United States from becoming naturalized citizens. D. was only applied in California. E. had little effect on the size of the Chinese population in America. Answer: C Page: 437 Topic: The Societies of the Far West
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13. The Homestead Act of 1862 A. gave without condition 160 acres to all settlers who would move to the West. B. only applied to public lands within the borders of an organized state. C. saw settlers on the Plains complain the claims were too large for grain farming. D. proved to be enormously popular with western ranchers. E. was expanded by the Timber Culture Act. Answer: E Page: 438 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 14. By 1900, one of the three American territories in the contiguous United States that had NOT been granted statehood was A. Arizona. B. Utah. C. Colorado. D. Nebraska. E. South Dakota. Answer: A Page: 438 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 15. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the working class in the western economy was A. highly multiracial. B. highly stratified along racial lines. C. paid higher wages than workers in the East. D. both highly multiracial and paid higher wages than workers in the East. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 16. In the late nineteenth century, which of the following was NOT a major western industry that relied on the East for markets and capital? A. mining B. fur trading C. ranching D. commercial farming E. timbering Answer: B Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy
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17. Mining in the West A. did not see any great mineral strikes until after the Civil War. B. flourished until the 1930s. C. saw corporations move in first, followed by individual prospectors. D. kept ranchers and farmers from establishing their own economic base. E. saw individual prospectors move in first, followed by corporations. Answer: E Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 18. The Comstock Lode primarily produced A. copper. B. silver. C. gold. D. lead. E. zinc. Answer: B Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 19. Women in nineteenth-century western mining towns A. were nearly all single when they first arrived. B. had few economic opportunities outside of prostitution. C. often found work doing domestic tasks. D. generally worked as miners. E. often greatly outnumbered the men. Answer: C Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 20. The western cattle industry saw Mexican ranchers first develop A. saddles. B. spurs. C. lariats. D. leather chaps. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy
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21. Early in 1866, a massive joint cattle drive from Texas to Missouri A. saw the herds suffer heavy losses. B. proved that cattle could be driven to distant markets. C. established a link to the booming urban markets of the East. D. both proved that cattle could be driven to distant markets, and established a link to the booming urban markets of the East. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 441-442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 22. The town that reigned as the railhead of the cattle kingdom for many years was A. Sedalia, Missouri. B. Abilene, Kansas. C. Dallas, Texas. D. Omaha, Nebraska. E. Deadwood, South Dakota. Answer: B Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 23. In the late nineteenth century, “range wars” in the West were often between A. white Americans and Indians. B. white American ranchers and Mexican ranchers. C. white American ranchers and Chinese ranchers. D. individual white American ranchers and large American ranching corporations. E. white American ranchers and farmers. Answer: E Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 24. In the mid-1880s, the open-range cattle industry declined as a result of A. Indian wars. B. severe weather. C. disease. D. competition from Mexico. E. changing consumer habits in the East. Answer: B Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy
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25. In the late nineteenth century, the popular image of the American West A. presented a heroic image of cowboys. B. perceived the region to be a place offering true freedom. C. was promoted by the Rocky Mountain School. D. both presented a heroic image of cowboys, and was promoted by the Rocky Mountain School. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 443 Topic: The Romance of the West 26. The Rocky Mountain School of painting A. marked a sharp departure from the artistic style of the Hudson River Valley painters. B. helped inspire the growth of tourism in the West. C. emphasized the primitive art of Indians and other indigenous peoples. D. first gained popular acceptance in the early twentieth century. E. was a significant influence on the abstract art that would soon flourish in Europe. Answer: B Page: 443 Topic: The Romance of the West 27. In Owen Wister’s novel, The Virginian (1902), the American cowboy was A. castigated for his poor relations with Indians, Mexicans, and Chinese. B. lamented as having lost his innocence and decency. C. seen as fast disappearing, as urbanization spread west. D. criticized for being too quick to use violence. E. portrayed as a simple and virtuous frontiersman. Answer: E Page: 443 Topic: The Romance of the West 28. William Cody’s Wild West shows A. showed the realities of life on the frontier. B. proved to be popular in Europe as well as the United States. C. did not include representations of Indians. D. ignored the fact that Cody had never actually lived in the West himself. E. often competed against those of sharpshooter Annie Oakley. Answer: B Page: 444-445 Topic: The Romance of the West
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29. All of the following writers and artists made significant contributions to the romanticizing of the American West EXCEPT A. Frederic Remington. B. Mark Twain. C. Theodore Roosevelt. D. James Whistler. E. Frederick Jackson Turner. Answer: D Page: 444-445 Topic: The Romance of the West 30. In “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” Frederick Jackson Turner claimed A. that the end of the “frontier” also marked the end of one of the most important democratizing forces in American life. B. the United States should expand its northern and southern borders into Canada and Mexico to create new frontier land. C. the western wars between whites and Indians were a national disgrace. D. most of the frontier land was of little practical use for Americans. E. the frontier had repressed individualism, nationalism, and democracy in America. Answer: A Page: 445 Topic: The Romance of the West 31. Before 1860, the traditional policy of the federal government was to regard Indians partly as A. members of dependent states. B. a natural enemy of the United States. C. wards of the president of the United States. D. non-humans. E. citizens of the United States. Answer: C Page: 447 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 32. In the 1850s, the U.S. policy of “concentration” for Indians A. set the basis for Indian policy for the rest of the century. B. affirmed and continued the previous federal treatment of Indians. C. had many benefits for both whites and Indians. D. reduced conflicts between whites and Indians. E. assigned all tribes to their own defined reservations. Answer: E Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians
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33. The decimation of American buffalo herds in the late nineteenth century A. destroyed the ability of Plains Indians to resist the advance of white settlers. B. was accelerated by the eastern fad of owning a buffalo robe. C. happened almost entirely in the space of a single decade. D. was fostered by the railroad companies. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 34. The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 A. involved the killing of Indian women and children. B. saw the death of Chief Black Kettle. C. was carried out by George Custer. D. moved Colonel J. M. Chivington to denounce the U.S. Army. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 449 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 35. The 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn A. took place in Wyoming. B. saw the destruction of the entire Seventh Cavalry. C. was a short-lived Indian victory. D. marked the start of prolonged warfare in the Dakotas. E. saw the Sioux united under Sitting Bull and Geronimo. Answer: C Page: 451 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 36. The Indian leader who said, “I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever,” was A. Black Kettle. B. Sitting Bull. C. Chief Joseph. D. Crazy Horse. E. Cochise. Answer: C Page: 451 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians
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37. In 1886, the end of formal warfare between the United States and American Indians was marked by the surrender of A. Cochise. B. Wovoka. C. Mangas Colorados. D. Sitting Bull. E. Geronimo. Answer: E Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 38. In 1890, the “Ghost Dance” A. was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians. B. honored all the Indians who had died in battle with white Americans. C. marked the resumption of hostilities by Plains Indians. D. was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians, inspired by the Paiute prophet Chief Joseph. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 39. In 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, A. Plains Indians mounted their last major attack on white Americans. B. the U.S. Seventh Cavalry massacred more than 300 Indians. C. the Sioux attempted to leave the reservation for Canada. D. the U.S. Seventh Cavalry suffered no casualties. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 40. The Dawes Act of 1887 A. was intended to preserve traditional Indian culture. B. denied U.S. citizenship to landowning Indian adults. C. was designed to force Indians to become landowners and farmers. D. ended the U.S. government’s effort to assimilate Indian tribes. E. reaffirmed tribal ownership of western lands in the face of white claims to it. Answer: C Page: 453 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians
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41. In the late nineteenth century, the surge of farming settlement in the West A. was composed of mostly settlers who had little to no experience with farming. B. was brought to a dramatic halt by a major drought during the 1870s. C. was primarily the result of federal subsidies for land ownership. D. spurred the development of massive irrigation projects. E. was a result of many factors, but the most important was the railroad. Answer: E Page: 453 Topic: Farming in the West 42. In the late nineteenth century, fences for Plains farms were usually made from A. barbed wire. B. stones. C. wood. D. sod. E. brick. Answer: A Page: 454 Topic: Farming in the West 43. In the late nineteenth century, regarding western agriculture, A. the prices paid for American farm goods rose after the 1880s. B. the reality of farming was very much like its popular image with the public. C. commercial farmers were not self-sufficient and made little effort to become so. D. farmers increasingly owned the land on which they worked. E. American farm families were relatively unaffected by the effects of world production. Answer: C Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West 44. The western farmers’ first and most burning grievance was against A. the railroads. B. state governments. C. the banks. D. eastern manufacturers. E. crop speculators. Answer: A Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West
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45. During the late nineteenth century, Plains farm life A. was marked by active community life. B. became increasingly profitable for most. C. was generally admired by the growing urban public. D. often lacked any access to the outside world. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West 46. In his writings during the late 1800s, the popular author Hamlin Garland A. romanticized agrarian life in the West. B. criticized western farmers for failing to develop a stable industry. C. reflected the growing disillusionment of western farmers. D. argued the Plains should be abandoned by Americans. F. suggested the trials of rural life refined and enlarged the human spirit. Answer: C Page: 455-456 Topic: Farming in the West
True/False Questions 47. The real West of the mid-nineteenth century bore little resemblance to its popular image. Answer: True Page: 431 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 48. More than 300,000 Indians lived on the Pacific coast before the arrival of Spanish settlers. Answer: True Page: 431 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 49. Permanent settlements were somewhat rare among the Plains Indians. Answer: True Page: 432 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 50. Plains Indians were formidable foes of white settlers because they were usually able to present a united front. Answer: False Page: 432 Topic: The Societies of the Far West
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51. Plains Indians were not particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases brought from the eastern United States. Answer: False Page: 433 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 52. In the mid-nineteenth century, Hispanic society in the Southwest grew, despite the increasing Anglo-American settlement in that area. Answer: True Page: 433 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 53. The power of the Navajo and Apache tribes in the Southwest was broken by Hispanic settlers before the arrival of the U.S. Army. Answer: False Page: 433 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 54. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Hispanic presence in California was concentrated in the working class. Answer: True Page: 434 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 55. By 1880, more than 200,000 Chinese had settled in the United States. Answer: True Page: 435 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 56. White hostility to Chinese immigrants was rooted in the perception that they were lazy. Answer: False Page: 435 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 57. A number of Chinese immigrants worked in the mines of California before turning to the railroad for employment. Answer: True Page: 435-436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 58. A homestead unit of 160 acres was too small for grain farming on the Great Plains. Answer: True Page: 438 Topic: The Societies of the Far West
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59. The Timber Culture Act and the Desert Land Act were both designed to limit individual homesteaders in the American West. Answer: False Page: 438 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 60. By the end of the nineteenth century, the American West was firmly tied to the increasingly powerful industrial economy of the East. Answer: True Page: 438-439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 61. The western working class was highly multiracial and stratified along racial lines. Answer: True Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 62. The most valuable mineral in the great Comstock Lode was gold. Answer: False Page: 439 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 63. Women in western mining towns were almost always prostitutes. Answer: False Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 64. In the 1870s, nearly one out of every eighty miners was killed on the job. Answer: True Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 65. The number of men in mining towns greatly outnumbered the number of women. Answer: True Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 66. In the long run, natural resources such as copper, tin, lead, and zinc proved more important to the development of the West than did gold or silver. Answer: False Page: 440 Topic: The Changing Western Economy
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67. By ancestry, the western cattle industry was Mexican and Texan. Answer: True Page: 441 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 68. The 1866 attempt to create a “long drive” between Texas and Missouri ended in failure. Answer: False Page: 441-442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 69. During the latter half of the nineteenth century, the structure of the cattle industry became increasingly corporate. Answer: True Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 70. The federal government reservation policy known as “concentration” had few benefits for either whites or Indians. Answer: False Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 71. Management of Indian affairs by the federal government was in the hands of the army. Answer: False Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 72. Between 1865 and 1875, the number of buffalo in the American West declined from 15 million to under 1,000. Answer: True Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 73. The Sand Creek Massacre was a rare story of Indians killing whites. Answer: False Page: 449 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 74. At the end of the Civil War, whites stepped up their wars against the western Indians on several fronts. Answer: True Page: 449 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians
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75. Custer’s defeat at Little Bighorn in 1876 was made possible in part by an unusually large gathering of tribal warriors. Answer: True Page: 451 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 76. The story of the Nez Percé Indians is of a peaceful tribe forced to turn terribly violent. Answer: False Page: 451 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 77. White agents who observed the Indian “Ghost Dance” often did not understand it. Answer: True Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 78. The Dawes Severalty Act sought the gradual elimination of most tribal ownership of land. Answer: True Page: 453 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 79. American Indians were generally accepting and supportive of the terms of the Dawes Act. Answer: False Page: 453 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 80. Commercial farmers in the Midwest and West were forced to become self-sufficient. Answer: False Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West 81. Late nineteenth-century American farmers increasingly sold their produce in competitive international markets and bought their supplies in a domestic market protected by tariffs. Answer: True Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West 82. Hamlin Garland wrote novels celebrating the hope and spirit of the American West. Answer: False Page: 455-456 Topic: Farming in the West
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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 83. The most widespread Indian groups in the West were the ________. Answer: Plains Indians Page: 432 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 84. Many of the Plains Indians subsisted largely through hunting ________. Answer: buffalo Page: 432 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 85. Beginning in 1865, more than 12,000 Chinese found work building the ________. Answer: transcontinental railroad Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 86. Secret societies, known as ________, were organized by Chinese Americans. Answer: tongs Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 87. The Workingmen’s Party of California was created in 1878 by Irish immigrant ________ to capitalize on hostility to the Chinese. Answer: Denis Kearney Page: 436 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 88. In 1882, Congress responded to anti-Chinese political pressure by passing the Chinese ________ Act. Answer: Exclusion Page: 437 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 89. Hispanic societies survived in the ________ in part because they were so far from the centers of English-speaking society. Page: Southwest Page: 434 Topic: The Societies of the Far West 90. The ________ established the first tentative links between Texas cattle breeders and eastern markets. Answer: long drives Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy
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91. Range wars in the West were often fought between ranchers and ________. Answer: farmers Page: 442 Topic: The Changing Western Economy 92. Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Moran were painters from the “________ School” who celebrated the West in their art. Answer: Rocky Mountain Page: 443 Topic: The Romance of the West 93. Buffalo Bill Cody headed the most popular ________ shows in the late nineteenth century. Answer: Wild West Page: 444 Topic: The Romance of the West 94. Frederick Jackson Turner wrote of the significance of the ________ in American history. Answer: frontier Page: 445 Topic: The Romance of the West 95. The ________ Act of 1887 sought to assimilate Native Americans into the larger white culture. Answer: Dawes Severalty Page: 453 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 96. In 1851, a new reservation policy known as “________” replaced the idea that large numbers of tribes could live in one great enclave. Answer: concentration Page: 448 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 97. The last Indian tribe to maintain organized resistance against whites was the Chiricahua ________. Answer: Apaches Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 98. A Paiute prophet named Wovoka was responsible for the “________.” Answer: Ghost Dance Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians
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99. The defeat of Apache leader ________ marked the end of formal warfare between Indians and whites. Answer: Geronimo Page: 452 Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 100. The western farmers’ first and most burning grievance was directed against the ________. Answer: railroads Page: 455 Topic: Farming in the West
Essay Questions 101. From the time of initial colonial contact to the close of the nineteenth century, the relationship between Native Americans and white Americans was marked by a high degree of violence by whites toward Natives. What were the popular ideas and cultural beliefs found in white American society that motivated this violence? Topic: The Romance of the West Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 102. In the late nineteenth century, why was assimilation between the peoples of the United States and Indian tribes difficult to attain? Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 103. Assess the Chinese experience in the West during the second half of the nineteenth century. Despite strong discrimination, why did they stay in the United States and how did they manage to support themselves? Topic: The Societies of the Far West 104. What economic factors would motivate someone to move to the West during the second half of the nineteenth century? Topic: The Societies of the Far West Topic: The Changing Western Economy Topic: Farming in the West 105. What deep-rooted American ideals and beliefs are found in the mythic status of western cowboys? Topic: The Romance of the West 106. Compare the myths and the realities of the American cowboy. Topic: The Romance of the West
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107. In what ways did the American West not conform to its popular image? Topic: The Societies of the Far West Topic: The Changing Western Economy Topic: The Romance of the West Topic: Farming in the West 108. Describe the origins and development of the Texas cattle industry. Topic: The Changing Western Economy 109. What was Frederick Jackson Turner’s “frontier thesis,” and what are the criticisms of it? Topic: The Changing Western Economy 110. Describe and assess the evolution of white American attitudes and policy toward American Indian groups in the last half of the nineteenth century. Topic: The Societies of the Far West Topic: The Romance of the West Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 111. How did Native Americans respond to federal government policies—and to military actions against them? Topic: The Fate of Western Indians 112. Describe the rise and decline of the western Plains farmer in the late nineteenth century. Topic: The Changing Western Economy Topic: Farming in the West
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Chapter 17 Industrial Supremacy Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In the late nineteenth century, industry in the United States A. obtained the bulk of its raw materials from Central and South America. B. faced a growing shortage of laborers. C. saw the federal government eager to assist in its growth. D. lacked adequate capital to expand the domestic market. E. suffered from an entrepreneurial deficit. Answer: C Page: 459 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 2. Who among the following began to develop an oil empire by taking control of competing oil companies in Ohio? A. Cyrus Field B. J. P. Morgan C. John D. Rockefeller D. Andrew Carnegie E. Samuel Morse Answer: C Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 3. Prior to the Civil War, the steel industry in the United States A. boomed as a result of the expanding U.S. Navy. B. emerged as an important supplier for railroad construction. C. largely replaced the iron industry. D. resulted in the construction of large commercial ocean freighters. E. barely developed at all. Answer: E Page: 459 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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4. The process of making steel developed by Henry Bessemer A. included blowing air through molten iron. B. involved adding ingredients to molten iron. C. was also developed by an American, William Kelly. D. included both blowing air through and adding ingredients to molten iron. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 459 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 5. The open-hearth process of making steel A. was replaced by the Bessemer process. B. was first done in the United States. C. produced small quantities of high-grade steel. D. made the production of large-dimension pieces possible. E. was ridiculed by established steelmakers such as Abram Hewitt. Answer: D Page: 459-460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 6. In the United States, the steel industry first emerged in A. Pennsylvania and Ohio. B. Vermont and Massachusetts. C. Illinois and Indiana. D. New Jersey and New York. E. Alabama and Mississippi. Answer: A Page: 460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 7. The Pennsylvania Railroad was created by A. the state government of Pennsylvania. B. steam engine manufacturers in the region. C. the Pennsylvania Steel Company. D. the Pennsylvania Steel Workers Union. E. the United States military. Answer: C Page: 460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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8. In the late nineteenth century, the needs of the American steel industry directly contributed to the further development of all of the following EXCEPT A. the automobile industry. B. steam engine technology. C. freighters on the Great Lakes. D. the Pennsylvania Railroad. E. the oil industry. Answer: A Page: 460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 9. The first significant oil production in the United States occurred in A. Ohio. B. Texas. C. California. D. Michigan. E. Pennsylvania. Answer: E Page: 460-461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 10. In the 1870s, the “internal combustion engine” was developed in A. Europe. B. the United States. C. Asia. D. Africa. E. Australia. Answer: A Page: 461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 11. In 1917, automobile production in the United States A. was the nation’s largest industry. B. saw Charles and Frank Duryea build the first practical gasoline-powered car. C. saw nearly five million cars on American roads. D. was almost nonexistent. E. finally became feasible thanks to the innovations of Henry Ford. Answer: C Page: 461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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12. Orville and Wilbur Wright’s first successful airplane flight in 1903 A. took place near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. B. lasted just over one minute. C. did not in fact take off by itself. D. took place near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and did not in fact take off by itself. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 13. In 1900, the emergence of research laboratories in American corporations A. occurred as federal funding for research greatly expanded. B. led to a diversification of research interests. C. developed similar research goals as in Europe. D. was deemed unnecessary, since so many American university laboratories existed. E. centralized the sources of research funding. Answer: B Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 14. In the early twentieth century, a principle goal of “Taylorism” was to A. make industrial workers more independent in carrying out their jobs. B. emphasize the importance of craft and quality in the workplace. C. encourage industrial workers to act creatively to solve production problems. D. create a large labor force of highly skilled workers. E. reorganize industrial production by subdividing it into many simple tasks. Answer: E Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 15. A key to Henry Ford’s success in the mass production of automobiles was A. the use of welds instead of rivets to speed production. B. a reduction in the size of his labor force. C. the moving assembly line. D. the training of highly skilled workers. E. his encouragement of labor unions in organizing his factories. Answer: C Page: 463 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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16. In 1929, the base price of a Ford Model T was A. $290. B. $470. C. $630. D. $950. E. $1120. Answer: A Page: 463 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 17. Which of the following statements about the American railroad industry in the late nineteenth century is FALSE? A. It included the nation’s largest businesses. B. It saw Congress outlaw railroad combinations. C. It relied partially on government subsidies for its growth. D. It was among the first to adopt new corporate form of organization. E. It became a national symbol of concentrated economic power. Answer: B Page: 463-464 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 18. During the late nineteenth century, the growth of large corporations was helped by A. sales of company stock to the public. B. “limited liability” laws. C. the realization that great ventures could not be financed by any single person. D. both sales of company stock to the public and “limited liability” laws. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 464 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 19. Who among the following was NOT significantly associated with the steel industry? A. Henry Bessemer B. Andrew Carnegie C. J. Pierpont Morgan D. Henry Clay Frick E. James J. Hill Answer: E Page: 459, 463-464 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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20. The business structure of Carnegie Steel was a good example of A. vertical integration. B. horizontal integration. C. diagonal integration. D. central integration. E. vertical and horizontal integration. Answer: A Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 21. The business structure of Standard Oil was a good example of A. vertical integration. B. horizontal integration. C. diagonal integration. D. central integration. E. vertical and horizontal integration. Answer: E Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 22. To John D. Rockefeller, the great “curse” of business in the late nineteenth century was A. government regulation. B. cutthroat competition. C. the income tax. D. the corporate tax. E. the chronic labor shortage. Answer: B Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 23. In the American business community at the end of the nineteenth century, A. one percent of corporations controlled one-third of all manufacturing. B. almost all corporations had achieved stability through “pool” arrangements. C. federal reforms of corporations had ended the most predatory business practices. D. most states had made it illegal for one corporation to buy another one. E. rampant competitiveness and labor shortages helped to keep prices down and wages up. Answer: A Page: 467 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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24. In the late nineteenth century, most American business millionaires A. railed against the implications of Social Darwinism. B. came from financially humble origins. C. were living examples of “self-made men.” D. had made their fortunes in the railroad industry. E. began their careers from positions of wealth and privilege. Answer: E Page: 467 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 25. The theory of Social Darwinism A. argued the new industrial economy was limiting the potential for individual wealth. B. contended that ruthless corruption may be necessary in the attainment of wealth. C. was created by Charles Darwin to explain industrial economies. D. was used to justify the social consequences of industrial capitalism. E. argued that it behooved industrial titans to spread their wealth to the lower classes. Answer: D Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 26. In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists argued that people who failed economically in the United States did so because A. they had not received a college education. B. racism and other prejudices held them back. C. they were not fit enough to survive in the market. D. business wealth was concentrated into the hands of a few. E. they were not members of “the elect.” Answer: C Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 27. In the late nineteenth century, the first and most important promoter of Social Darwinism was A. Henry George. B. Horatio Alger. C. Russell Conwell. D. Jacob Riis. E. Herbert Spencer. Answer: E Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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28. According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in his The Gospel of Wealth, A. successful businessmen had every right to live as they pleased. B. only pious Americans would prosper. C. it was the “Christian duty” of every American to become wealthy. D. the rich had great responsibilities to society. E. the wealthy had earned their money through God’s blessing alone. Answer: D Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 29. In his books, Horatio Alger A. offered true accounts of poor Americans who had become wealthy. B. took critical issue with the ideas of Social Darwinism. C. emphasized the value of personal character in business. D. criticized child labor in American industry. E. argued that wealth and privilege were ultimately hollow achievements. Answer: C Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 30. The late-nineteenth-century sociologist Lester Frank Ward A. suggested that industrialism was creating “organization men.” B. believed that government intervention in society would be harmful. C. sought to apply Darwinian laws to human society. D. argued that people could do little to alter the economic stratification of society. E. believed that human intelligence, not natural selection, shaped society. Answer: E Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 31. In the late nineteenth century, Daniel De Leon A. created the ideas of laissez-faire capitalism. B. led the Socialist Labor Party in the United States. C. argued that large corporations were ultimately of benefit to American workers. D. led the American Federation of Labor. E. became a strong advocate of Taylorism. Answer: B Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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32. In the late nineteenth century, the social writer Henry George argued in favor of A. taxing only the richest Americans. B. a single land tax to replace all other taxes. C. government efforts to increase land values. D. heavier taxes on the raw materials of industry. E. abolishing all taxes. Answer: B Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 33. Edward Bellamy’s 1888 book, Looking Backward, A. described an America engaged in a second civil war due to concentrated wealth. B. promoted the virtues of economic competition. C. depicted a world presided over by an industrialist-king modeled on J. P. Morgan. D. accepted the necessity of class divisions in a capitalist economy. E. imagined an ideal future in which all corporations were combined into one great trust. Answer: E Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 34. In the late nineteenth century, due to the growth of industrial capitalism, American workers A. saw a rise in their standard of living. B. experienced a loss in their control over their own work. C. were forced to contend with arduous and dangerous working conditions. D. both saw a rise in their standard of living, and experienced a loss in their control over their own work. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 475-476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 35. During the 1870s and 1880s, most of the immigrants to the United States came from A. Italy and the Slavic countries. B. England, Ireland, and northern Europe. C. Poland, Hungary, and Russia. D. Japan and China. E. Mexico. Answer: B Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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36. Until its repeal in 1885, the Labor Contract Law A. discouraged immigration from non-European countries. B. prevented the formation of labor unions. C. put many new immigrants in debt to American businessmen. D. was an attempt to reform American business practices. E. mandated that each worker sign an individual contract with a company. Answer: C Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 37. By 1900, the average yearly income of American workers A. was about $600. B. allowed most workers to maintain a reasonably comfortable standard of living. C. remained generally unaffected by economic boom-and-bust cycles. D. both allowed most workers to maintain a reasonably comfortable standard of living and remained generally unaffected by economic boom-and-bust cycles. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 38. In 1900, regarding work conditions in American factories, A. workers generally controlled the pace of production. B. laborers could expect to work at least ten hours a day, six days a week. C. job security for industrial workers had significantly increased since 1865. D. while safety conditions were poor, mechanization reduced the overall rate of accidents. E. first-generation workers generally had little trouble adjusting to the nature of industrial labor. Answer: B Page: 477 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 39. During the late nineteenth century, child labor in the United States A. increased significantly. B. was unregulated by laws in most states. C. saw more children working in factories than in agriculture. D. both increased significantly and saw more children working in factories than in agriculture. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 478 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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40. The Molly Maguires were a militant A. offshoot of the Knights of Labor. B. anti-immigration organization. C. woman suffrage organization. D. anarchist group. E. labor union in the coal industry. Answer: E Page: 479 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 41. The great railroad strike of 1877 A. began in the West and spread east. B. saw the federal government refuse to intervene. C. was launched in response to a wage cut. D. saw organized labor gain its first major victory in the United States. E. resulted in only two deaths around the country. Answer: C Page: 479 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 42. The Knights of Labor A. was primarily a trade union. B. did not allow women to join. C. began as a secret fraternal organization. D. focused its efforts on improving wages and reducing hours. E. tried in particular to enlist support for their cause from lawyers. Answer: C Page: 480 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 43. At its height in 1886, the Knights of Labor were led by A. Uriah S. Stephens. B. Eugene V. Debs. C. Henry Clay Frick. D. Terence V. Powderly. E. John Peter Altgeld. Answer: D Page: 480 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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44. Samuel Gompers was the leader of the A. American Federation of Labor. B. Molly Maguires. C. Knights of Labor. D. Congress of Industrial Organization. E. American Railway Union. Answer: A Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 45. The Haymarket Square riot of 1886 A. l public outrage over the police firing into a crowd of workers. B. resulted in the conviction and execution of several anarchists. C. took place in Indianapolis. D. resulted in a strike at the McCormick Harvester Company. E. was the catalyst for several wide-ranging labor reforms. Answer: B Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 46. During the late nineteenth century, anarchists in the United States A. were blamed for the Haymarket bombing. B. were linked with violence and terrorism in the public mind. C. became tied to the labor movement in the public mind. D. were both blamed for the Haymarket bombing and linked with violence and terrorism in the public mind. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 47. In what industry did the Homestead strike of 1892 occur? A. steel B. railroad C. meatpacking D. coal E. oil Answer: A Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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48. Which of the following events did NOT occur during the Homestead strike of 1892? A. Henry Frick shut down the plant in an attempt to destroy the Amalgamated union. B. The entire Pennsylvania National Guard was ordered to protect strikebreakers. C. Hundreds of guards hired by Homestead were defeated in a deadly battle with strikers. D. One radical made a failed attempt to assassinate Henry Clay Frick. E. The Amalgamated trade union won the strike. Answer: E Page: 481-482 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 49. The Pullman strike of 1894 began when George Pullman, owner of the company, A. ordered rail workers to move into company-owned housing. B. referred to workers as his “children.” C. cut wages by twenty-five percent due to a slumping economy. D. refused to implement an eight-hour work day. E. began hiring African American workers in his factories. Answer: C Page: 482 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 50. The Pullman strike of 1894 A. saw the president of the United States order federal troops to break the strike. B. was ultimately successful for the strikers. C. had little effect on rail transportation throughout the nation. D. ended when George Pullman dropped his demand that workers live in company housing. E. ended when Governor John Peter Altgeld called out the militia to protect employers. Answer: A Page: 482 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 51. Eugene V. Debs played a leading role in what labor event? A. Homestead strike B. Pullman strike C. Haymarket Square riot D. Railroad strike of 1877 E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 482 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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52. In the late nineteenth century, organized labor failed to make great gains for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A. tensions between ethnic and racial groups, which divided the work force. B. the opposition of powerful and wealthy corporations. C. the constantly shifting nature of the workforce. D. the relatively small membership of the major labor organizations when compared to the total workforce. E. the total failure of state and federal governments to pass legislation that would protect the rights of workers. Answer: E Page: 483 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
True/False Questions 53. America’s rise to industrial supremacy was not as sudden as has been suggested. Answer: True Page: 459 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 54. The American oil industry emerged in the late nineteenth century largely in response to the needs of the steel industry. Answer: True Page: 460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 55. The open-hearth process made possible the production of steel in great quantities and large dimensions. Answer: True Page: 459-460 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 56. Henry Ford built the first gasoline-driven motor vehicle in America. Answer: False Page: 461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 57. There was significant use of air power in World War I, but commercial air flights did not seem like a possibility until Charles Lindbergh’s flight in the 1920s. Answer: True Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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58. “Scientific management” was seen as a way to increase the decision-making abilities of employees in the workplace. Answer: False Page: 462-463 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 59. Carnegie Steel was a good example of vertical integration. Answer: True Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 60. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company was an example of a combination of horizontal and vertical integration. Answer: True Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 61. The history of American business organization saw the “pool” replace the “trust.” Answer: False Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 62. The new rationale for capitalism in the late nineteenth century rested on an older ideology of individualism. Answer: True Page: 467 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 63. Most of the late nineteenth-century business tycoons began their careers in poverty or lowerclass circumstances. Answer: False Page: 4867 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 64. Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner could both be called Social Darwinists. Answer: True Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 65. Social Darwinism was an ideology that had its critics, but it did have a lot to do with the realities of the late nineteenth-century corporate economy. Answer: False Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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66. Social Darwinism was designed to eliminate competition in the marketplace. Answer: False Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 67. Andrew Carnegie’s The Gospel of Wealth promoted philanthropy by the rich. Answer: True Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 68. Horatio Alger spoke out against child labor in his novels. Answer: False Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 69. Lester Frank Ward was a sociologist who rejected applying Darwinian laws to human society. Answer: True Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 70. Henry George sought to do away with social ills by levying a “single tax” on corporate profits. Answer: False Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 71. Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward discovered a utopian world in eighteenth-century America. Answer: False Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 72. Around the turn of the century, relatively few Americans shared the views of those who questioned capitalism itself. Answer: True Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 73. The economy began to fluctuate erratically beginning in 1873. Answer: True Page: 475 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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74. In the 1870s, most immigrants to the United States came from southern Europe. Answer: False Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 75. At the end of the nineteenth century, the average income of an American worker was somewhat higher than the minimum required to maintain a reasonable level of comfort. Answer: False Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 76. By 1900, factory work in the United States required ever-increasing levels of skill. Answer: False Page: 477 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 77. The great railroad strike of 1877 was put down by both state militias and federal troops. Answer: True Page: 479 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 78. Congress abolished the Labor Contract Law in 1885. Answer: True Page: 476 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 79. The Knights of Labor accepted both the eight-hour day and the wage system. Answer: False Page: 480 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 80. The Knights of Labor were followed by the American Federation of Labor as the most significant national labor union. Answer: True Page: 480 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 81. Both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor favored the concept of one big union. Answer: False Page: 480 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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82. Originally, the American Federation of Labor was not willing to engage in strikes. Answer: False Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 83. In the Homestead strike of 1892, the Pinkertons were brought in on the side of labor. Answer: False Page: 481 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 84. Governor John Peter Altgeld and Grover Cleveland found themselves on the same side in the Pullman strike. Answer: False Page: 482 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 85. By 1900, some workers had the legal right to compensation for injuries suffered on the job. Answer: True Page: 483 Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 86. ________ invented the incandescent or electric lightbulb. Answer: Thomas Edison Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 87. The ________ process involves blowing air through molten iron to burn out the impurities. Answer: Bessemer Page: 459 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 88. The first oil well was drilled in 1859 in western Pennsylvania by ________. Answer: Edwin Drake Page: 461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 89. Charles and Frank Duryea built the first gasoline-driven ________ in America in 1893. Answer: motor vehicle Page: 461 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth
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90. One of the first corporate laboratories in the United States was opened by ________ in 1900. Answer: General Electric Page: 462 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 91. The principal agent of industrial progress in the late nineteenth century was the ________. Answer: railroad Page: 463 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 92. In steel, the central figure adopting the new corporate form of organization in the industry was ________. Answer: Andrew Carnegie Page: 464 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 93. The combining of a number of firms engaged in the same enterprise into a single corporation is called ________. Answer: horizontal integration Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 94. The taking over of all the different businesses on which a company relies to produce its primary product is called ________. Answer: vertical integration Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 95. A central corporate body that would buy up the stock of various members of a trust and establish direct formal ownership of those corporations was called a(n) ________. Answer: holding company Page: 466 Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 96. The first and most important proponent of Social Darwinism was the English philosopher ________. Answer: Herbert Spencer Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 97. Andrew Carnegie elaborated his philosophy in a 1901 book titled ________. Answer: The Gospel of Wealth Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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98. Russell Conwell became prominent in the late nineteenth century by delivering his “________” lecture more than 6,000 times. Answer: Acres of Diamonds Page: 471 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 99. The most famous writer of the success story in the late nineteenth century was ________. Answer: Horatio Alger Page: 472 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 100. The author made famous by her 1869 book Little Women was ________. Answer: Louisa May Alcott Page: 474 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 101. Henry George expounded on the virtues of his “________” in a book titled Progress and Poverty. Answer: single tax Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 102. Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward promoted a philosophy he called ________. Answer: nationalism Page: 473 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 103. Members of a militant labor organization that used harsh tactics against coal operators in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania called themselves the ________. Answer: Molly Maguires Page: 479 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 104. The first major national labor conflict was the ________ of 1877. Answer: great railroad strike Page: 479 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 105. The most important leader of the Knights of Labor was ________. Answer: Terence V. Powderly Page: 480 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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106. The Haymarket Square riot, which occurred in the city of Chicago, raised American fears of ________. Answer: anarchism Page: 481 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 107. In the Homestead strike of 1892, Andrew Carnegie’s chief lieutenant was ________. Answer: Henry Clay Frick Page: 481 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 108. The 1894 strike against the Pullman Company was led in part by ________, the head of the American Railway Union. Answer: Eugene V. Debs Page: 482 Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
Essay Questions 109. Describe the key technological developments that account for American industrial growth in the late nineteenth century. Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 110. What technological advances made in the first half of the nineteenth century continued to be of great benefit to businesses during the late nineteenth century? Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 111. Cite some specific examples in which the rise of corporations both benefited and hurt working-class Americans. Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 112. Why were railroads such an important factor in the growth of industrial strength in America? Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth 113. What developments occurred within emerging corporations that resulted in a concentration of wealth and power? Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences
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114. What factors in society and the business community during the late nineteenth century that would likely determine an individual’s prospects for economic success were not considered in the ideal of the “self-made man”? Topic: Sources of Industrial Growth Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 115. Which aspects of Social Darwinism do you believe are true and which are false? Why? Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 116. In the late nineteenth century, proponents of the “self-made man” argued that the growing industrial economy was compatible with traditional American individualism. Agree or disagree. Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 117. Compare the ideas and practices of “self-made man” proponents with the ideas and practices of the utopian communities of earlier in the nineteenth century. Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences 118. What were the factors that led many corporations to treat their workers so poorly? Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 119. In the late nineteenth century, what benefits did the growth of corporate industrialism offer to the American working class? Topic: Capitalism and Its Consequences Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 120. Why were labor unions not more successful during the late nineteenth century? Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 121. Why was there no sustained commitment to labor radicalism in the late nineteenth century? Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy 122. Describe the participation of women and children in the industrial economy around the turn of the century. What sorts of laws or regulations were passed to protect children in particular? Were they effective? Topic: Industrial Workers in the New Economy
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Chapter 18 The Age of the City Multiple-Choice Questions 1. The 1920 census of the United States revealed that A. the western frontier had ended. B. a majority of Americans lived in “urban” areas. C. for the first time since 1790, American women outnumbered men. D. the majority of the nation’s population had arrived as immigrants since 1880. E. California was now the most populous state. Answer: B Page: 487 Topic: American Urbanization 2. By 1890, populations in the biggest urban areas A. increased mainly as a result of longer life expectancy. B. experienced massive growth even where there was little immigration. C. rose as the number of children born into urban families doubled. D. soared as the rates of infant mortality and disease significantly declined. E. consisted mostly of foreign-born immigrants and their children. Answer: E Page: 487, 490 Topic: American Urbanization 3. By the 1890s, the largest number of immigrants to the United States came from A. southern and eastern Europe. B. Mexico and Central America. C. Great Britain and Germany. D. China and Japan. E. Ireland and Italy. Answer: A Page: 489 Topic: American Urbanization 4. In the late nineteenth century, immigrants in the United States A. were generally better educated than immigrants who arrived a generation before. B. took up semi-skilled craft jobs. C. avoided ports like Ellis Island for fear they would be denied entry. D. generally lacked the capital to buy farmland. E. settled overwhelmingly in the relatively empty Northwest. Answer: D Page: 490 Topic: American Urbanization
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5. Roughly what percentage of the populations of Chicago, New York, and Detroit was made up of immigrants by 1890? A. 20–30 percent B. 40–50 percent C. 50–60 percent D. 60–70 percent E. 80–90 percent Answer: E Page: 490 Topic: American Urbanization 6. In the late nineteenth century, many immigrants to the United States A. were already experienced as urban-dwelling, industrial workers. B. found the transition to their new country to be fairly easy. C. formed close-knit ethnic communities within cities. D. totally cut their links to their native countries. E. read English-language newspapers and frequented chain stores. Answer: C Page: 490 Topic: American Urbanization 7. Compared to most other immigrant ethnic groups in the late nineteenth century, Jewish immigrants A. advanced rapidly economically. B. placed a high value on education. C. huddled together in ethnic neighborhoods. D. both advanced rapidly economically, and huddled together in ethnic neighborhoods. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 491 Topic: American Urbanization 8. Compared with the first generation, second-generation immigrants were more likely to A. hold on to their old ethnic habits. B. lose faith in the United States due to the hardships they experienced. C. break from their traditional culture. D. resist external social pressures to assimilate. E. return to the Old World for good. Answer: C Page: 492 Topic: American Urbanization
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9. In the late nineteenth century, the assimilation of immigrants was encouraged by A. the sale of American products. B. public education. C. church leaders. D. religious reform. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 492 Topic: American Urbanization 10. The primary goal of the American Protective Association was to A. require immigrants to sign loyalty oaths to the United States government. B. limit immigration to those who already had relatives living in the United States. C. give “native” Americans preference over immigrants in employment opportunities. D. stop immigrants from entering the United States. E. make English the official language of the United States. Answer: D Page: 492 Topic: American Urbanization 11. In 1894, the Immigration Restriction League A. sought a ban on all immigration to the United States for fifteen years. B. proposed screening immigrants to allow only the “desirable” ones to enter. C. sought a ban on immigrants from Europe, but not Asia. D. called for the establishment of a tax on all immigrants. E. pushed strongly for the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Answer: B Page: 492-493 Topic: American Urbanization 12. In 1882, the first group of immigrants to be excluded from the United States on the basis of nationality were A. Chinese. B. Japanese. C. Mexicans. D. Slavs. E. Irish. Answer: A Page: 493 Topic: American Urbanization
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13. The designers of New York City’s Central Park A. tried to make it a meeting place for immigrant leaders. B. deliberately created a public space that would look as little like the city as possible. C. thought of the park as a place where city government could meet in the open air. D. were hoping that the park could be a source of local agriculture and food production. E. initially wanted it to be exclusively accessible to the wealthy of the city. Answer: B Page: 494 Topic: The Urban Landscape 14. The principle force behind the creation of great public buildings in the late nineteenth century was A. wealthy residents. B. community service organizations. C. state governments. D. the federal government. E. ethnic political machines. Answer: A Page: 494 Topic: The Urban Landscape 15. The “city beautiful” movement in the United States was inspired, in part, by A. the economic depression of 1893. B. the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. C. the new technology of skyscrapers. D. both the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and the new technology of skyscrapers. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 494-495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 16. In the late nineteenth century, suburbs on the edges of American cities were largely populated by A. very poor people. B. the working class. C. moderately well-to-do people. D. people from all income backgrounds. E. very wealthy people. Answer: C Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape
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17. In 1894, the population density of Manhattan in New York was A. significantly lower than the density of New York today. B. equal to the density of Paris. C. significantly lower than that of most major European cities. D. greater than in all major American cities except Boston. E. greater than the most crowded European cities. Answer: E Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 18. Tenement buildings in urban America were A. first constructed in Chicago in the 1880s. B. intended to be occupied as single-family dwellings. C. initially praised as an improvement in housing for the poor. D. subsidized by city governments. E. considered luxury housing by most urban residents. Answer: C Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 19. In the 1890s, Jacob Riis A. favored stopping immigration as a way to improve urban American cities. B. crusaded to expose political corruption in major American cities. C. documented the stories of wealthy Americans who came from humble origins. D. reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements. E. pushed for the creation of mass transit systems and outlying suburbs in America’s cities. Answer: D Page: 495-496 Topic: The Urban Landscape 20. By 1900, the transportation systems of American cities included A. elevated railroads. B. subways. C. electric trolleys and cable cars. D. suspension bridges. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 496-497 Topic: The Urban Landscape
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21. The Equitable Building in New York City, completed in 1870, was the first in the United States to A. be built with an elevator. B. be called a skyscraper. C. be constructed with steel girders. D. be connected underground to the subway. E. reach twenty stories. Answer: A Page: 497 Topic: The Urban Landscape 22. In the early twentieth century, efforts to improve environmental problems in American cities A. were nonexistent. B. focused on the wealthy and ignored the urban poor. C. included a new federal environmental regulatory agency. D. led many cities to ban horses from their streets. E. did not yet include the construction of sewage disposal systems. Answer: C Page: 498 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 23. In the late nineteenth century, efforts to reduce poverty in America A. saw the Salvation Army focus primarily on establishing shelters for the homeless. B. saw charitable organizations try to limit aid to only those deemed “deserving poor.” C. included federally-funded studies attempting to identify the causes of poverty. D. generally were led by reformers who had grown up in impoverished communities. E. included public works programs funded by municipal property taxes. Answer: B Page: 498-499 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 24. In the late nineteenth century, crime in large American urban centers A. led many city governments to create professional public police departments. B. swelled in the twenty years between 1880 and 1900. C. was often blamed on the violent proclivities of immigrant groups. D. was often blamed on the violent proclivities of immigrant groups, and led many city governments to create professional public police departments. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 499 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life
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25. Theodore Dreiser’s 1893 novel, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, dealt with A. his belief that religious organizations were perverting society. B. the qualities of the upper class. C. the need to return to a more rural and natural life. D. the dehumanization of mass communications. E. social dislocations and injustices of the present. Answer: E Page: 508 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 26. In the late nineteenth century, political “machines” in cities owed their existence to A. the rapid growth of urban America. B. the influx of millions of immigrants. C. disillusionment with heavy-handed and powerful city governments. D. the rapid growth of urban America and the influx of millions of immigrants. E. the influx of millions of immigrants and disillusionment with powerful city governments. Answer: D Page: 499-500 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 27. In the late nineteenth century, urban political bosses did all of the following EXCEPT A. reward followers with patronage. B. win votes for their political organization. C. provide material assistance to the poor. D. enrich themselves through graft and corruption. E. reduce the costs of city services. Answer: E Page: 499-500 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 28. In the late nineteenth century, the Tammany Hall political machine A. saw its most famous boss, William M. Tweed, sent to prison. B. was one of the few machines that did not engage in graft and corruption. C. operated out of Chicago. D. operated out of Chicago and saw its most famous boss, William M. Tweed, sent to prison. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 500 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life
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29. Between 1890 and 1910, incomes in the United States A. rose for almost all Americans. B. declined for most unskilled workers. C. remained the same for most Americans. D. increased for white Americans, but decreased for most other ethnic groups. E. grew more unequal, while the middle class shrunk. Answer: A Page: 500 Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy 30. During the late nineteenth century, all of the following innovations occurred in consumer goods EXCEPT the A. emergence of ready-made clothing. B. formation of credit card companies. C. ability to refrigerate foods artificially. D. opening of large department stores. E. development and mass production of tin cans. Answer: B Page: 501 Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy 31. The national network of grocery stores that started in the 1850s was A. A & P. B. Food Lion. C. Seven-Eleven. D. Piggly Wiggly. E. Harris Teeter. Answer: A Page: 501 Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy 32. In the 1890s, Florence Kelley and the National Consumers League sought to A. encourage immigrants to become greater consumers. B. improve the safety and quality of consumer products. C. protect family businesses from the competition of corporate retailers. D. force retailers and manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for women workers. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 502 Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy
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33. During the early decades of the twentieth century, most Americans began to view leisure time as A. the province solely of children and the elderly. B. the equivalent of laziness. C. something not attainable for the average worker. D. something reserved for the extremely wealthy. E. increasingly desirable. Answer: E Page: 502 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 34. In the late nineteenth century, leisure activities tended to be divided by A. gender. B. class. C. race. D. both race and gender. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 35. The nineteenth-century game of “rounders” became the modern sport of A. basketball. B. baseball. C. golf. D. football. E. soccer. Answer: B Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 36. In 1869, Princeton and Rutgers played the first intercollegiate game in America of A. baseball. B. boxing. C. football. D. basketball. E. soccer. Answer: C Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society
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37. In the nineteenth century, vaudeville theater A. consisted of a variety of stage acts. B. only employed white performers. C. had been created in the United States. D. both consisted of a variety of stage acts, and only employed white performers. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 506 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 38. At the turn of the twentieth century, motion pictures A. had been invented by D. W. Griffith. B. were the first true mass entertainment medium. C. operated under strict morality codes. D. both were the first true mass entertainment medium, and operated under strict morality codes. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 507 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 39. Which of the following statements regarding Coney Island is FALSE? A. The average daily attendance at Luna Park in 1904 was 90,000 people. B. Many visitors relaxed their conventions of Victorian social behavior. C. The park developed a reputation for wholesome family attractions. D. The park experienced phenomenal popularity until after World War I. E. The park provided lavish reproductions of exotic places and spectacular adventures. Answer: C Page: 504-505 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 40. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the growth of newspapers A. resulted in most large cities being serviced by one dominant paper. B. led to a significant decline in the telegraph industry. C. was largely due to national population growth. D. saw circulation increase much more rapidly than the general population. E. did not coincide with a rise in journalists’ salaries. Answer: D Page: 508 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society
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41. Which American writer is LEAST associated with the trend toward social realism in literature in the late nineteenth century? A. Mark Twain B. Upton Sinclair C. Frank Norris D. Stephen Crane E. Theodore Dreiser Answer: A Page: 508 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 42. The American artistic movement known as the “Ashcan school” A. portrayed an idealized image of rural life. B. was strongly influenced by Old World masters. C. included the painter Edward Hopper. D. was most identified with the work of John Singer Sargent. E. rejected expressionism and abstraction as artistic fads. Answer: C Page: 509 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 43. Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution met initial resistance from A. theologians. B. scientists. C. educators. D. both theologians and educators. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 509 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 44. According to the philosophy of pragmatism, society should be guided by A. scientific inquiry. B. inherited ideals. C. democratic tradition. D. moral principles. E. religious faith. Answer: A Page: 510 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
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45. Which American thinker is LEAST associated with study using scientific methods? A. Henry James B. William Graham Sumner C. Charles Darwin D. John Dewey E. Edward A. Ross Answer: A Page: 510 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 46. Which statement about education in the late nineteenth century is FALSE? A. It was a period of rapid expansion for public schools. B. By 1900, most states required compulsory school attendance. C. Educational opportunities extended to Indian tribes as well. D. Southern blacks had far less access to education than southern whites. E. Funding for public education was highest in rural areas. Answer: E Page: 510 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 47. In the late nineteenth century, American universities A. significantly grew in number due to the Morrill Land Grant Act. B. were sometimes started by philanthropists that wanted to perpetuate their family names. C. began to form relationships with the private sector and the government. D. significantly grew in number due to the Morrill Land Grant Act, and began to form relationships with the private sector and government. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 511 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 48. During the late nineteenth century, college education for American women A. did not exist. B. had expanded significantly. C. offered no coeducational opportunities. D. allowed women to be schooled only by male faculty. E. had no real effect on the marrying age of nineteenth-century women. Answer: B Page: 511 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
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True/False Questions 49. The great movement of people from rural to urban areas was unique to the United States. Answer: False Page: 487 Topic: American Urbanization 50. Without immigration, American cities would have grown relatively slowly. Answer: True Page: 487 Topic: American Urbanization 51. Among the new immigrant arrivals to late nineteenth-century America, no single national group could be said to have dominated the scene. Answer: True Page: 489 Topic: American Urbanization 52. Most of the new immigrants were rural people, and their adjustment to city life was often painful. Answer: False Page: 490 Topic: American Urbanization 53. The assimilation process of the late nineteenth century was aided by the public schools. Answer: True Page: 492 Topic: American Urbanization 54. Efforts to restrict the numbers of immigrants coming into the United States had met with little success by the end of the nineteenth century. Answer: True Page: 494 Topic: American Urbanization 55. In the late nineteenth century, most city parks were simply lands between houses and other buildings that had yet to be developed. Answer: False Page: 494 Topic: The Urban Landscape
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56. In the late nineteenth century, construction of the majority of great public buildings was paid for by wealthy residents. Answer: True Page: 494 Topic: The Urban Landscape 57. As a result of the “city beautiful” movement, most major American cities were largely rebuilt during the late nineteenth century. Answer: False Page: 494-495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 58. In late-nineteenth-century cities, it was not uncommon for the very wealthy to live in the heart of the city. Answer: True Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 59. At the end of the nineteenth century, the population density of Manhattan was higher than that of the most crowded cities of Europe. Answer: True Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 60. When the first tenements were built in 1850, they were viewed as a great improvement in housing for the poor. Answer: True Page: 495 Topic: The Urban Landscape 61. Electric trolleys were in use in American cities before World War I. Answer: True Page: 496-497 Topic: The Urban Landscape 62. The first American subway system came into use in Boston in 1897. Answer: True Page: 497 Topic: The Urban Landscape 63. The Chrysler Building in New York City is considered the first modern American skyscraper. Answer: False Page: 497 Topic: The Urban Landscape
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64. Although the plight of poor children in cities often drew the most attention of late-nineteenthcentury reformers, little was done to improve the children’s situations. Answer: True Page: 499 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 65. Immigrant Americans were more likely to commit crimes than were native-born Americans. Answer: False Page: 499 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 66. Reform organizations of the late nineteenth century proved to be more permanent than the urban political machines. Answer: False Page: 500 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 67. The new consumer economy appealed to women as consumers and hired women as sales clerks. Answer: True Page: 502 Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy 68. Both baseball and football appealed primarily to working-class males. Answer: False Page: 503-504 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 69. Prior to the late nineteenth century, few Americans placed much value in leisure. Answer: True Page: 502 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 70. By the turn of the century, professional baseball and collegiate football were both important spectator sports. Answer: False Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 71. At the end of the nineteenth century, the participation of women in sports was nearly nonexistent. Answer: False Page: 506 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society
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72. When the Anti-Saloon League and other temperance organizations attacked the saloon, one of the reasons they cited was that eliminating saloons would weaken political machines. Answer: True Page: 507 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 73. Coney Island provided a way of experiencing mass American culture on an equal footing with people from different backgrounds. Answer: True Page: 505 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 74. Both Theodore Dreiser and Stephen Crane found a market by writing novels that painted grim pictures of life in the city to their readers. Answer: True Page: 508 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 75. It can be said that Darwinism helped spawn the philosophy of pragmatism. Answer: True Page: 510 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 76. The Fourth of July celebrations were typically used by working-class Americans to publically demonstrate how well they had assimilated into American society. Answer: False Page: 508 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 77. By the turn of the century, primary and secondary education were nearly universal in the United States. Answer: False Page: 510 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 78. By the end of the nineteenth century, most public high schools readily accepted women. Answer: True Page: 511 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 79. The census of 1920 revealed that for the first time in American history, a majority of Americans lived in ________ areas. Answer: urban Page: 487 Topic: American Urbanization 80. Henry Bowers’s hatred of immigration led him to found the American ________. Answer: Protective Association Page: 492 Topic: American Urbanization 81. Frederick Olmsted and Calvert Vaux designed New York City’s ________. Answer: Central Park Page: 494 Topic: The Urban Landscape 82. Danish immigrant Jacob Riis is most noted for his book on slum conditions entitled ________. Answer: How the Other Half Lives Page: 495-496 Topic: The Urban Landscape 83. In the 1880s, John A. Roebling completed the ________, a great technological transportation marvel in New York City. Answer: Brooklyn Bridge Page: 497 Topic: The Urban Landscape 84. Into the power vacuum in America’s cities swept the ________, one of America’s most distinctive political institutions. Answer: urban machine Page: 499 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 85. The most famously corrupt city boss, who presided over New York City’s ________, was William M. Tweed. Answer: Tammany Hall Page: 500 Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life
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86. Baseball was much like a game called “rounders,” which was derived from the British game of ________. Answer: cricket Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 87. In 1876, baseball teams banded together to form the ________. Answer: National League Page: 503 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 88. The nation’s most popular amusement park at the turn of the century was ________. Answer: Coney Island Page: 505 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 89. ________ was one of the few entertainment media open to black performers at the turn of the century. Answer: Vaudeville Page: 506 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 90. Of the mass entertainment available at the turn of the century, the ________ was/were the most important. Answer: movies Page: 507 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 91. D. W. Griffith is noted for his 1915 film, ________. Answer: The Birth of a Nation Page: 507 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 92. The most powerful newspaper chain in the country was owned by ________. Answer: William Randolph Hearst Page: 508 Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 93. Kate Chopin’s shocking novel, ________, described a young wife and mother who abandoned her family in search of personal fulfillment. Answer: The Awakening Page: 508 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
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94. The ________ school of artists was among the first in America to appreciate expressionism and abstraction. Answer: Ashcan Page: 509 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 95. The artist ________, part of the Ashcan school, portrayed the dreariness of American urban slums. Answer: John Sloan Page: 509 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 96. The most profound intellectual development of the late nineteenth century was the widespread acceptance of the theory of ________. Answer: evolution Page: 509 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 97. Colleges and universities of the late nineteenth century benefited particularly from the ________ Act. Answer: Morrill Land Grant Page: 511 Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
Essay Questions 98. How had the demographics of immigrants and the patterns of immigration shifted between the 1860s and the 1890s? Topic: American Urbanization 99. In what ways did the traditional cultural beliefs and values practiced by new immigrants both help and hinder their adjustment to life in America? Topic: American Urbanization 100. Discuss the efforts to restrict immigration in the late nineteenth century. Topic: American Urbanization 101. Describe the key features one would find in a large urban American city at the end of the nineteenth century. Topic: American Urbanization Topic: The Urban Landscape Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life
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102. What major problems or needs of large urban centers were improved or eliminated by new technology and science during the late nineteenth century? Topic: The Urban Landscape Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life 103. What attitudes and beliefs found in America resulted in little being done to improve urban poverty during the late nineteenth century? Topic: The Hazards of Urban Life Topic: The Rise of the Consumer Economy 104. How and why did American attitudes change during the nineteenth century regarding leisure activities? Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 105. In what ways did mass entertainment in the late nineteenth century perpetuate racial, class, and gender distinctions? In what ways did it break down these distinctions? Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society 106. How did high culture and popular culture differ at the turn of the century? Topic: Leisure in the Consumer Society Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite 107. What was the status of American education by the end of the nineteenth century? Topic: The Emergence of a New Cultural Elite
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Chapter 19 From Crisis to Empire Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In the late nineteenth century, the most striking feature of the American party system was its A. ideological divisions. B. general activism. C. lack of corruption. D. remarkable stability. E. multiple parties. Answer: D Page: 515 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 2. An examination of American voters in the late nineteenth century reveals A. voter turnout for both presidential and nonpresidential elections was very high. B. there was greater voter interest in local elections than in national elections. C. southern white males voted Republican as a matter of unquestioned faith. D. voters did not strongly identify with either the Republican or Democratic Party. E. voter turnout was lower than it has been in recent decades. Answer: A Page: 515 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 3. In the late nineteenth century, Democrats tended to attract greater numbers of A. Catholics. B. citizens of old American stock. C. the middle class. D. Protestants. E. northern blacks. Answer: A Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 4. Throughout the late nineteenth century, the federal government A. developed a prominent role in international relations. B. shrank in size in terms of employees and budget expenditures. C. had no meaningful responsibilities. D. funded large public-works projects to alleviate unemployment. E. was relatively inactive. Answer: E Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s
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5. In the late nineteenth century, as veterans of the Civil War retired, A. the federal government created a pension system for all retired Americans. B. they were paid pensions by individual states, but not by the federal government. C. the federal government gave pensions to both Union and Confederate veterans. D. a majority of the black and white male population in the North received federal pensions. E. they were forced to do without military pensions of any kind. Answer: D Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 6. The political battles between Stalwarts and Half-Breeds constituted a fight A. within the Democratic Party. B. that ultimately redefined national political practices. C. between Republican traditionalists and reformers. D. that revolved around the temperance movement. E. over the legacy of Reconstruction. Answer: C Page: 516-517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 7. Chester A. Arthur A. supported the Pendleton Act as part of civil service reform. B. upset reformers by supporting the political “spoils system.” C. quickly replaced most of James Garfield’s appointees. D. was a political novice when he assumed the presidency. E. had long been a fierce opponent of Roscoe Conkling. Answer: A Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 8. Samuel Burchard’s “rum, Romanism, and rebellion” speech during the election of 1884 most hurt A. Grover Cleveland. B. Benjamin Harrison. C. Chester A. Arthur. D. Roscoe Conkling. E. James G. Blaine. Answer: E Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s
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9. The election of 1888 A. involved clear differences on tariff issues between the major parties. B. was one of the few elections during this era to escape charges of corruption. C. produced a clear mandate from the voters for political reform. D. was decided by Congress. E. saw the Democrats take back the White House. Answer: A Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 10. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 A. was strongly opposed by congressional Republicans. B. signified that the era of trusts was ending. C. was indifferently enforced and weakened by the courts. D. was strengthened by the courts over the next decade. E. mirrored legislation passed earlier in New Jersey and Delaware. Answer: C Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 11. In the 1888 election, the position of primary importance to the Republican Party was A. restrictions on immigration. B. reductions in taxation. C. a prohibition on alcohol. D. support for public education. E. support for high tariffs. Answer: E Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 12. In his second term, President Grover Cleveland A. grew more active in social reform. B. followed policies similar to those of his first term. C. faced a Republican-controlled Congress. D. changed his position on tariffs. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s
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13. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 A. put in place a series of regulations for railroad companies. B. had little practical effect for decades. C. created a five-person commission to oversee the act. D. both created a five-person commission to oversee the act, and had little practical effect for decades. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 519-520 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 14. What statement regarding the national Grange movement is FALSE? A. At their peak, Grange supporters controlled the legislatures of most Midwest states. B. It attempted to teach new scientific farming techniques to its members. C. It sought to regulate the power and practices of railroads and warehouses. D. It was greatly strengthened by the end of the economic depression in the late 1870s. E. The political inexperience of many Grange leaders hurt the movement. Answer: D Page: 520-521 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 15. The Farmers’ Alliances A. were far more widespread than the Grange movement. B. were created to replace Grange associations. C. had more effective and better-managed cooperatives than the Grange movement. D. sought a closer working relationship with banks than had the Grange movement. E. shunned the political system, emphasizing instead education and organization. Answer: A Page: 521 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 16. The election of 1892 A. saw Populism do well at the local level but fail to elect anyone to Congress. B. exposed the declining political power of farmers. C. saw the Republicans sweep into dominant power. D. saw few Populist-backed candidates get elected. E. saw the debut of the People’s Party. Answer: E Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins
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17. In 1892, the People’s Party called for A. government subsidies of water for agricultural use. B. the federal government to purchase surplus crops. C. a flat income tax for all rural businesses. D. a government network of crop warehouses. E. government subsidies of wheat, corn, and cotton. Answer: D Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 18. The Panic of 1893 A. grew out of a political scandal in the Cleveland administration. B. triggered the nation’s most severe depression up to that point. C. began with a drought in the Midwest. D. was blamed largely on Populist politics. E. grew out of the Cleveland administration’s attempts at monetary reform. Answer: B Page: 524 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 19. In 1894, Jacob Coxey and his supporters A. demanded that Congress establish a program of unemployment insurance. B. called for a public works program for the unemployed. C. organized a march on Washington as part of plans to overthrow the government. D. were arrested by police, with many later deported as anarchists. E. demanded that Congress nationalize the railroads. Answer: B Page: 525 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 20. To many middle-class Americans, the major labor upheavals of the late nineteenth century A. were evidence that the inequalities of capitalism needed to be addressed. B. drew little interest outside of large urban cities. C. were clear indications of the excessive power of monopolies. D. suggested that a Labor Party, if founded, might eventually capture the presidency. E. were dangerous signs of social instability. Answer: E Page: 525 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s
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21. The congressional law of 1873 that officially discontinued silver coinage A. was passed to benefit international trade merchants. B. was passed over the strong objections of farmers. C. became known to critics as the “Crime of ‘73.” D. was hotly debated at the time. E. was passed because the value of silver had fallen to an all-time low. Answer: C Page: 526 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 22. The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 called for the federal government to A. purchase and coin silver. B. expand the nation’s currency supply. C. change the ratio of silver to gold to 20:1. D. abandon the gold standard. E. purchase silver but not coin it. Answer: E Page: 526 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 23. As the Republican Party approached the 1896 election, they were A. deeply divided over their candidate. B. confident of victory. C. in agreement that unemployment would be the major issue. D. deeply divided over their candidate, but confident of victory. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 528 Topic: The 1896 Election 24. The “Cross of Gold” speech was given in 1896 by A. William McKinley. B. Grover Cleveland. C. Mark Hanna. D. William Jennings Bryan. E. James Weaver. Answer: D Page: 528 Topic: The 1896 Election
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25. William Jennings Bryan was nominated for president in the 1896 election by the A. Farmers’ Alliance. B. Democrats. C. Populists. D. Republicans. E. Grangers. Answer: C Page: 528 Topic: The 1896 Election 26. In the campaign of 1896, William McKinley A. alienated Protestants by reaching out to Catholics. B. campaigned largely from his house. C. was significantly outspent by his opponent. D. appealed to the interests of urban industrial workers. E. embarked on an unprecedented public-speaking tour. Answer: B Page: 529 Topic: The 1896 Election 27. In 1896, the major economic issue for William McKinley’s administration was A. the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. B. the restoration of “bimetallism.” C. the need for higher tariff rates. D. labor unrest. E. the repeal of the Specie Resumption Act. Answer: C Page: 530 Topic: The 1896 Election 28. American agriculture at the turn of the century benefited from A. foreign crop failures. B. new discoveries of silver. C. a new silver agreement with Great Britain and France. D. new federal crop subsidies. E. free trade agreements negotiated by William McKinley. Answer: A Page: 531 Topic: The 1896 Election
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29. Arguments used by Social Darwinists in the United States to justify expansionism A. included the belief that weak nations should be left room to develop. B. contended that all nations were engaged in a constant struggle to survive. C. were created and first promoted by Charles Darwin himself. D. differed sharply from arguments used for domestic economic affairs. E. suggested that harmony among “races” depended on open markets and free trade. Answer: B Page: 532 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 30. The author who called on the United States to increase its naval forces in his book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, was A. William McKinley. B. Richard Olney. C. James G. Blaine. D. Alfred T. Mahan. E. Leonard Wood. Answer: D Page: 533 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 31. The author of The Influence of Sea Power upon History believed the United States A. should take possession of the Hawaiian Islands. B. should go to war with England to destroy its navy. C. had too cumbersome a navy and should streamline it by decommissioning capital ships. D. should both take possession of the Hawaiian Islands and go to war with England to destroy its navy. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 533 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 32. Prior to its annexation by the United States in 1898, Hawaii A. did not have a sugar industry. B. was largely governed by a representative assembly. C. had a native population of under ten thousand inhabitants. D. had little contact with the United States. E. had witnessed a revolution staged by American planters. Answer: E Page: 535 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism
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33. The leader of Hawaii who was forced to yield authority to the American government upon annexation was A. King Kamehameha I. B. G. P. Judd. C. William Hooper. D. Queen Liliuokalani. E. King Kamehameha III. Answer: D Page: 535-536 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 34. In the late nineteenth century, the United States’ interest in Samoa saw competition from A. Russia. B. Germany. C. Japan. D. Australia. E. Spain. Answer: B Page: 537 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 35. The Spanish-American War began primarily because of events in A. Cuba. B. the Philippines. C. Puerto Rico. D. Mexico. E. Guatemala. Answer: A Page: 538 Topic: The Spanish-American War 36. The letter stolen in 1898 from Dupuy de Lôme, Spain’s minister to Washington, was controversial because it A. included praise for the destruction of the battleship Maine. B. discussed the use of Spanish spies in Washington, D.C. C. described William McKinley as a weak president. D. mocked the military capabilities of the United States. E. argued that Mexico should attack the U.S. to regain California and Texas. Answer: C Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War
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37. The American politician who referred to the Spanish-American conflict as “a splendid little war” was A. William McKinley. B. Elihu Root. C. Theodore Roosevelt. D. William Jennings Bryan. E. John Hay. Answer: E Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 38. Which of the following statements regarding the Spanish-American War is FALSE? A. The war lasted only a few months, with fewer than 500 American battle casualties. B. U.S. Army soldiers were well-equipped and supplied. C. More than 5,000 U.S. soldiers died from disease during the war. D. Cuban rebels did most of the fighting even after the Americans joined in the war. E. Most Americans shared the opinion that it was a “splendid little war.” Answer: B Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 39. The bulk of U.S. soldiers in the Spanish-American War came from A. National Guard units. B. volunteers. C. a draft. D. the federal professional army. E. hired mercenaries. Answer: A Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 40. In the early stage of the Spanish-American War, Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in A. Puerto Rico. B. Havana Harbor. C. Manila Harbor. D. Port-au-Prince. E. the Gulf of Mexico. Answer: C Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War
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41. Theodore Roosevelt’s famous charge in the battle of San Juan Hill, in the Spanish-American War, A. has been considered bold and reckless. B. was a minor part of the battle. C. actually took place on Kettle Hill. D. resulted in nearly a hundred American dead or wounded. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 542 Topic: The Spanish-American War 42. The Foraker Act of 1900 A. made all Puerto Ricans citizens of the United States. B. established an American colonial government over Puerto Rico. C. put Puerto Rico under American military rule. D. called for Puerto Rico to be considered for statehood. E. abolished slavery in Puerto Rico. Answer: B Page: 543 Topic: The Spanish-American War 43. The Treaty of Paris concluding the Spanish-American War A. required Spain to pay the United States $20 million for its military costs. B. was quickly ratified by the United States Senate. C. transferred the Philippines and Puerto Rico to the United States. D. was rejected by Spain and was never implemented. E. rejected most of the terms of the earlier armistice. Answer: C Page: 544 Topic: The Spanish-American War 44. Criticisms within the United States regarding American colonialism included all the following major arguments EXCEPT that A. the financial costs of administering colonies would require burdensome taxes. B. imperialism was immoral and contrary to the nation’s commitment to human freedom. C. foreign obligations and entangling alliances would threaten American liberties. D. the nation’s population would be “polluted” by “inferior” races. E. imperialism would mean a flood of cheap laborers and unwelcome competition. Answer: A Page: 544 Topic: The Spanish-American War
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45. In 1899, supporters of the annexation of the Philippines argued the United States had set a precedent for taking land while treating its inhabitants as dependents with the case of the A. North’s occupation of the South following the Civil War. B. federal government’s treatment of American Indians. C. nation’s claiming of Florida from Spain in 1819. D. United States’ taking of Hawaii in 1898. E. United States’ claiming of California and Texas after the Mexican War. Answer: B Page: 545 Topic: The Spanish-American War 46. In the early 1900s, which American dependency did NOT receive territorial status? A. Cuba B. Alaska C. Puerto Rico D. Hawaii E. None of these answers is correct, as all received territorial status. Answer: A Page: 545 Topic: U.S. Imperialism’s Supporters and Critics 47. According to the terms of the 1901 Platt Amendment, A. Cuba could only form treaties with nations that were allied with the United States. B. the United States had the right to intervene in Cuba to protect life and property. C. Cuba was to be made a demilitarized region. D. the U.S. Congress had to approve each member of the Cuban legislature. E. Cuba was to be granted full political independence. Answer: B Page: 545 Topic: U.S. Imperialism’s Supporters and Critics 48. In the early twentieth century, Cuba A. attracted little investment by American businesses. B. won a large measure of political independence from the United States. C. developed a stable economy through its sugar industry. D. was occupied by troops from the United States for years at a time. E. saw intermittent resistance against “Yankee imperialism.” Answer: D Page: 545 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
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49. Beginning in 1898, the American war in the Philippines A. lasted for years and resulted in thousands of American deaths. B. saw close to 10,000 Filipinos die in the conflict. C. was led by General George Pershing. D. saw the United States withdraw its military and negotiate a diplomatic end to the conflict. E. went much more smoothly than the recent Spanish-American War. Answer: A Page: 546 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 50. The first civilian governor of the Philippines, who gave Filipinos broad local autonomy, was A. Emilio Aguinaldo. B. Arthur MacArthur. C. Elihu Root. D. Theodore Roosevelt. E. William Howard Taft. Answer: E Page: 547 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 51. The “Open Door notes” A. sought to give the United States a monopoly on trade with China. B. gave the United States a reason to be militarily involved in China. C. were directed to imperial powers in Europe and Asia. D. were written by Theodore Roosevelt. E. argued that Japan should open its borders to free trade. Answer: C Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 52. The Chinese Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was directed at A. the Chinese government. B. all foreigners in China. C. Americans in China. D. Japanese in China. E. the growing Chinese communist movement. Answer: B Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
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53. The Spanish-American War revealed to American military planners A. the need to improve glaring deficiencies in the army. B. that they should never fight another war in the malaria-infested Caribbean. C. the necessity of maintaining a military draft. D. that National Guard troops were less reliable than federal troops. E. the need to desegregate the armed forces. Answer: A Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 54. The man appointed to supervise a major overhaul of the armed forces was A. William Howard Taft. B. Leonard Wood. C. William Shafter. D. Arthur MacArthur. E. Elihu Root. Answer: E Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
True/False Questions 55. The two-party system of the late nineteenth century was remarkably stable. Answer: True Page: 515 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 56. Voter turnout for presidential elections in the late nineteenth century was much higher in terms of percentages than is the case today. Answer: True Page: 515 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 57. Party identification in the late nineteenth century was usually a reflection more of cultural and geographic identity than of economic calculation. Answer: True Page: 515-516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 58. The Republican Party of the late nineteenth century appealed primarily to Protestants, in both the North and the South. Answer: False Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s
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59. President Cleveland generally questioned the wisdom of protective tariffs. Answer: True Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 60. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was used largely against labor unions. Answer: True Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 61. Democratic President Grover Cleveland was fairly consistent in his belief in and commitment to minimal government. Answer: True Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 62. Like the Granges, the Farmers’ Alliances formed cooperatives and other marketing mechanisms. Answer: True Page: 521 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 63. The new People’s Party sought to build a broad coalition but appealed mostly to farmers. Answer: True Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 64. During its short life, Populism was able to attract significant industrial labor support. Answer: False Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 65. Bigotry was the dominant force behind the Populist movement. Answer: False Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 66. The economic collapse triggered by the Panic of 1893 was the worst to that point in American history. Answer: True Page: 524 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s
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67. President Cleveland damaged the Democratic Party when he moved to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. Answer: True Page: 526 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 68. The Democratic National Convention of 1896 saw the party attempt to incorporate some Populist demands into its platform. Answer: True Page: 528 Topic: The 1896 Election 69. In 1896, the Populists refused to join with the Democrats. Answer: False Page: 529 Topic: The 1896 Election 70. During the late nineteenth century, the supply of money did not keep pace with economic progress. Answer: True Page: 531 Topic: The 1896 Election 71. The United States led Europe in establishing an empire in the late nineteenth century. Answer: False Page: 532 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 72. Some American sugar growers in Hawaii deliberately sought to create a mixed-race workforce. Answer: True Page: 535 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 73. For the ten years before 1899, America jockeyed over dominance of Samoa with Spain and France. Answer: False Page: 537 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 74. American interest in a war with Cuba was spurred by the 1895 death of Valeriano Weyler, head of the Cuban Revolutionary Party. Answer: False Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War
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75. A naval court of inquiry reported that the Maine had been blown up by an external explosion. Answer: True Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 76. In the last few months leading up to war with Spain, President McKinley sought to involve the United States in the conflict in Cuba. Answer: False Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 77. The United States was forced to rely on the regular army and a military draft in fighting the Spanish-American War. Answer: False Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 78. The fact that black Cuban soldiers fought alongside whites as equals gave black American soldiers a stronger sense of the injustices they faced. Answer: True Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 79. Early in the Spanish-American War, Commodore George Dewey managed to completely destroy the Spanish fleet in the Pacific at Manila Bay. Answer: True Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 80. The American annexation of Puerto Rico produced a storm of protest in the United States. Answer: False Page: 543 Topic: The Spanish-American War 81. The Treaty of Paris of 1898 required Spain to cede Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam to American control, without any compensation. Answer: False Page: 544 Topic: The Spanish-American War 82. American imperialists were racists; American anti-imperialists were not. Answer: False Page: 544 Topic: The Spanish-American War
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83. The Platt Amendment left the Philippines only nominally independent, politically. Answer: False Page: 545 Topic: The Spanish-American War 84. In the decade following the Spanish-American War, American troops could be found in both Cuba and the Philippines. Answer: True Page: 545-546 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 85. American troops were sent to China to help subdue the Boxer Rebellion. Answer: True Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 86. The Spanish-American War revealed glaring deficiencies in the American military. Answer: True Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 87. The federal government in the late nineteenth century was not an activist government; a major exception to this was its ________ program for Union Civil War veterans. Answer: pension Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 88. Stalwarts and Half-Breeds competed for control of the ________ Party. Answer: Republican Page: 516 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 89. The president who was assassinated between Lincoln and McKinley was ________. Answer: James Garfield Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 90. “Liberal Republicans” were known derisively by their critics as “________.” Answer: mugwumps Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s
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91. By the end of Benjamin Harrison’s administration, public sentiment in America was rising to curb the power of ________. Answer: trusts Page: 517 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 92. Prior to becoming president, William McKinley was most interested in the issue of the ________. Answer: tariff Page: 518 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 93. Congress established the ________ to regulate railroad rates. Answer: Interstate Commerce Act Page: 519 Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 94. No occupational group watched the performance of the federal government in the 1880s with more dismay than American ________. Answer: farmers Page: 520 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 95. The People’s Party movement is more commonly referred to as ________. Answer: Populism Page: 523 Topic: Populism and Its Origins 96. The critics of the decision to discontinue the coinage of silver called that decision the “________ of ‘73.” Answer: Crime Page: 526 Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 97. The speech that included the line “You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” was made by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 ________. Answer: Democratic convention Page: 528 Topic: The 1896 Election 98. William McKinley waged a(n) “________” campaign in 1896. Answer: front-porch Page: 529 Topic: The 1896 Election
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99. The most outspoken advocate of American naval expansion and author of ________ was Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan. Answer: The Influence of Sea Power upon History Page: 533 Topic: The 1896 Election 100. During the second Cleveland administration, the United States sided with Venezuela over ________ in a boundary dispute. Answer: Great Britain Page: 534 Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism 101. The Spanish-American War emerged out of events in the country of ________. Answer: Cuba Page: 538 Topic: The Spanish-American War 102. A letter critical of ________, written by Spain’s minister Dupuy de Lôme, sparked a controversy in the United States in 1898. Answer: William McKinley Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 103. Secretary of State ________ referred to the Spanish-American War as a “splendid little war.” Answer: John Hay Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 104. Theodore Roosevelt instructed Commodore ________ to attack Spanish forces in the Philippines. Answer: George Dewey Page: 539 Topic: The Spanish-American War 105. Opponents of the American acquisition of the Philippines organized themselves into the ________. Answer: Anti-Imperialist League Page: 544 Topic: The Spanish-American War 106. Informal American control of Cuba was sanctioned by the ________ Amendment. Answer: Platt Page: 545 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
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107. The primary author of the “Open Door notes” was Secretary of State ________. Answer: John Hay Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 108. A Chinese revolt against foreigners, the ________, led the United States to join an international expeditionary force to put it down. Answer: Boxer Rebellion Page: 548 Topic: Administering a New American Empire 109. One of the military reforms of Elihu Root, in 1903, established a general staff called the ________ to act as military advisers to the secretary of war. Answer: Joint Chiefs of Staff Page: 548-549 Topic: Administering a New American Empire
Essay Questions 110. Why were presidential administrations from both major political parties in the late nineteenth century generally inactive and engaged in few responsibilities? Topic: Parties and Presidents of the 1880s 111. What drew the anger of disgruntled farmers in the late nineteenth century, and why? Topic: Populism and Its Origins 112. Describe which Populist ideas of the late nineteenth century differed from those of the Republican or Democratic Parties. Topic: Populism and Its Origins 113. How does Populism fit into the traditions of American democracy both before and since the late nineteenth century? Topic: Populism and Its Origins 114. What was the “silver question” in the 1890s, and why was it such a prominent issue? Topic: Financial Crises of the 1890s 115. How did the campaigns of William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan differ in 1896, and why did McKinley win? Topic: The 1896 Election 116. What factors motivated the United States to adopt an expansionist view in international affairs in the 1890s? Topic: Sources and Manifestations of Imperialism
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117. Trace the technological developments in communication that affected newspapers between the age of the “penny press” and the rise of “yellow journalism.” Topic: The Spanish-American War 118. What was “yellow journalism” and how significant was it in the events of 1898? Topic: The Spanish-American War 119. Why did the United States go to war against Spain in 1898? Topic: The Spanish-American War 120. What were the major consequences of the Spanish-American War for Cuba? Topic: The Spanish-American War Topic: Administering a New American Empire 121. Who had the stronger arguments, critics or supporters of imperialism, and why? Topic: The Spanish-American War Topic: Administering a New American Empire 122. Alan Brinkley characterizes the war in the Philippines as the “least remembered of all American wars.” Why would this be the case for this war? Topic: The Spanish-American War Topic: Administering a New American Empire 123. Why may one say the Spanish-American War marked the “birth” of the United States as an international power? Topic: The Spanish-American War Topic: Administering a New American Empire 124. What evidence suggests that the United States between 1898 and 1902 was not yet ready to be a leading world power? Topic: The Spanish-American War Topic: Administering a New American Empire
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Chapter 20 The Progressives Multiple-Choice Questions 1. While progressivism has many meanings, it tended in this period to be based on the central assumption that A. American society was capable of improvement. B. Social Darwinism could create social order and stability. C. urbanization was harmful to the United States. D. the laissez-faire philosophy should be embraced in American politics. E. individual rights should be expanded as widely as possible. Answer: A Page: 552 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 2. At the turn of the twentieth century, progressive activists A. believed that organizations stunted individual growth and stifled creativity. B. asserted that it was the right of individuals to act as they chose. C. held a strong commitment to improving racial justice. D. believed in the importance of social cohesion. E. believed that people’s character was hardwired at birth. Answer: D Page: 552 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 3. The term “muckrakers” referred to A. western progressives. B. Social Darwinists. C. socialists. D. critics of imperialism. E. journalists. Answer: E Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism
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4. In 1904, Ida Tarbell published a highly critical study on A. the Carnegie Steel Company. B. child industrial labor. C. urban “boss rule.” D. the Standard Oil trust. E. Congress. Answer: D Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 5. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the “Social Gospel” was A. a reform movement guided by the American Catholic Church. B. first described by Andrew Carnegie. C. chiefly concerned with redeeming the nation’s cities. D. intended to offer spiritual, not material, assistance to the poor. E. a belief that God had chosen the rich to be rich and the poor to be poor. Answer: C Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 6. At the turn of the twentieth century, the leaders of the settlement house movement A. eventually saw their ideas and institutions take hold in England. B. generally expressed moral disapproval of the behavior of immigrants. C. thought assimilation robbed immigrants of the best parts of their culture. D. were generally first-generation immigrants who helped second-generation immigrants. E. directed their attention to improving urban living conditions. Answer: E Page: 553-554 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 7. The settlement house movement of the early twentieth century helped spawn the profession of A. charitable foundations. B. community service. C. psychological therapy. D. social work. E. comparative sociology. Answer: D Page: 554 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism
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8. Thorstein Veblen argued that A. only the wealthy leisure class had adequate time and money to help the needy. B. modern societies should rely on a handful of experts to govern the economy. C. true social reform would only occur if the nation’s wealth were redistributed. D. the leaders of corporations were the natural choice to create social reform. E. the philanthropy of industrial tycoons had subverted the natural workings of society. Answer: B Page: 554 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 9. Regarding organizing the professions during the Progressive Era, A. most professions attempted to expand the ranks of Americans in their fields. B. by 1916, all states had established professional bar associations. C. the medical field remained largely unorganized. D. there was little organized activity in rural America. E. state and local governments generally impeded attempts to professionalize. Answer: B Page: 555 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 10. Regarding women and the professions during the Progressive Era, A. almost no women were able to have professional careers. B. the majority of professional women were nurses. C. social work was generally thought to be an appropriate career for women. D. educated black women were barred from all professional opportunities. E. women were forced out of nursing as the occupation gained distinction. Answer: C Page: 555 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 11. A distinctive characteristic of women in professional work during the progressive era was that A. women did not dominate any single profession. B. women could not attain advanced degrees from American universities. C. women did not generally create their own professional organizations. D. “women’s professions,” unlike other professions, did not attempt to exclude anyone. E. women were concentrated in the “helping” professions. Answer: E Page: 555-556 Topic: Women and Reform
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12. During the progressive era, the “new woman” was a product of A. a lower birth rate. B. the movement to work outside the home. C. increased schooling for children. D. higher levels of education. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 556-557 Topic: Women and Reform 13. Regarding divorce in the United States during the progressive era, by 1916 A. the majority of divorces were initiated by men. B. more than ten percent of all marriages ended in divorce. C. divorce rates declined. D. few states allowed divorce. E. women began gaining the right to divorce in many states. Answer: B Page: 557 Topic: Women and Reform 14. During the progressive era, the women’s club movement A. had a national organization to coordinate club activities. B. consistently avoided controversial social reforms. C. became increasingly concerned with cultural activities. D. both had a national organization to coordinate club activities, and became increasingly concerned with cultural activities. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 558 Topic: Women and Reform 15. During the progressive era, clubs for African American women A. differed sharply from white women’s clubs in their structure. B. often took anti-lynching and anti-segregation positions. C. existed in large numbers despite the racial inclusiveness of white-founded women’s clubs. D. tried to ignore overtly racial issues such as segregation. E. did not exist. Answer: B Page: 558 Topic: Women and Reform
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16. During the Progressive Era, some supporters of woman suffrage argued that female voters A. would end future political scandals. B. would ensure fair elections. C. deserved the vote because of their unique traits as women. D. were unlikely ever to vote for a woman running for national office. E. would help to defeat the growing movement for temperance. Answer: C Page: 559-560 Topic: Women and Reform 17. During the progressive era, significant voting rights for women were first won in A. the mid-Atlantic states. B. the South. C. New England. D. the Midwest. E. the Far West. Answer: E Page: 560 Topic: Women and Reform 18. In the years prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, A. a large majority of states gave some voting rights to women. B. many states gave full voting rights to women. C. New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California all granted women the right to vote. D. a majority of states gave some voting rights to women, including New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 560 Topic: Women and Reform 19. Prior to the adoption of the secret ballot, voter ballots were printed and distributed by A. the political parties. B. the federal government. C. private contractors. D. state governments. E. philanthropic organizations. Answer: A Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence
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20. Many progressives, such as Lincoln Steffens, believed that the first target of reform should be A. Congress. B. state governments. C. municipal governments. D. the judicial system. E. the federal bureaucracy. Answer: C Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 21. During the progressive era, opponents of political reform generally included many members of all of the following EXCEPT A. the urban middle class. B. the business community. C. the urban working class. D. saloon owners. E. recent immigrants. Answer: A Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 22. During the progressive era, reformers of city government frequently tried to A. require city council members to run by district rather than at-large. B. hire professionally trained business managers or engineers as city managers. C. make all city government positions appointive. D. strengthen the power of city councils at the expense of mayors. E. move city elections to presidential years in order to increase turnout. Answer: B Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 23. The initiative and referendum were progressive-era political reforms primarily designed to weaken the power of A. the federal government. B. municipal governments C. state governors. D. state legislatures. E. the courts. Answer: D Page: 562 Topic: Declining Party Influence
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24. The recall and the direct primary were progressive-era political reforms designed to weaken A. the federal government. B. political parties. C. state governors. D. state legislatures. E. the courts. Answer: B Page: 562 Topic: Declining Party Influence 25. As governor of Wisconsin, the progressive reformer Robert La Follette helped win approval for A. campaign finance reform. B. mandatory health insurance. C. a repeal of the income tax. D. employee profit sharing in large corporations. E. the direct primary, initiative, and referendum. Answer: E Page: 563 Topic: Declining Party Influence 26. During the progressive era, political “interest groups” A. rose to replace the declining power centers of the parties. B. were attacked by progressive reformers. C. gradually became less powerful as time went on. D. were attacked by progressive reformers, and gradually became less powerful as time went on. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 564 Topic: Declining Party Influence 27. During the progressive era, important vehicles for social reform included A. the American Federation of Labor. B. New York’s Tammany Hall. C. the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. D. both New York’s Tammany Hall and the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 564 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform
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28. In the aftermath of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire in New York City, A. New York State barred factories from employing women under the age of sixteen. B. factories taller than ten stories could only use the upper floors for storage of materials. C. few true reforms of industry were made. D. strict regulations were imposed on factory owners. E. Tammany Democrats attempted to thwart the New York State commission examining the fire. Answer: D Page: 564-565 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 29. All of the following were progressive reformers from western states EXCEPT A. William Borah. B. George Norris. C. Hiram Johnson. D. Alfred E. Smith. E. None of these answers is correct, as all were progressive reformers from western states. Answer: D Page: 564-565 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 30. For western states, the most important target of reform energies was A. state government agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management. B. the federal government, because it exerted great power in the western states. C. political parties. D. municipal and county governments, as they had the most day-to-day impact on the lives of the western voting constituency. E. the prison system. Answer: B Page: 565 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 31. During the progressive era, W. E. B. Du Bois asserted all of the following EXCEPT that A. Booker T. Washington’s ideas were unnecessarily limiting to blacks. B. talented blacks should accept nothing less than a full university education. C. blacks should fight for immediate civil rights. D. seeking legal challenges to civil injustice through white-dominated courts was a pointless exercise. E. blacks should aspire to the professions. Answer: D Page: 566 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform
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32. The temperance crusade A. first began to take shape during the progressive era. B. was supported by business employers. C. sought to curb prostitution. D. found its greatest support among immigrants. E. was wholeheartedly supported by urban political machines. Answer: B Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 33. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union A. was, at one time, the largest women’s organization in American history. B. called for an end to saloons, not for a full prohibition on alcoholic beverages. C. was later replaced by the Anti-Saloon League. D. was headed by a male president. E. was founded during the progressive era. Answer: A Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 34. The temperance movement between 1914 and 1919 A. gained momentum as a result of World War I. B. was opposed by most conservative Christians. C. saw the Women’s Christian Temperance Union peak at 125,000 members. D. resulted in the unanimous passage by states of the Eighteenth Amendment. E. gained the support of most Catholic immigrants. Answer: A Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 35. In the early twentieth century, eugenics A. contended that inequalities between humans were rooted in education. B. aimed to subvert and oppose the rising tide of nativism. C. was exposed by a federal commission as a fraudulent science. D. asserted that the root of many urban problems was overcrowded cities. E. supported the restriction of immigration by nationality. Answer: E Page: 568 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades
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36. During the progressive era, the Socialist Party of America A. grew weaker. B. grew stronger. C. renamed itself the Progressive Party. D. virtually disappeared. E. continued as it had in the past. Answer: B Page: 568 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 37. During the progressive era, the acknowledged leader of American socialism was A. Lincoln Steffens. B. William Haywood. C. Florence Kelley. D. Eugene V. Debs. E. A. Mitchell Palmer. Answer: D Page: 568 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 38. During the early twentieth century, the Industrial Workers of the World A. advocated a single union for all workers. B. was dominated by anarchists. C. emphasized education for the working class. D. rejected the economic principles of both capitalism and Marxism. E. was a more violent organization than the public recognized at the time. Answer: A Page: 569 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 39. World War I hurt the socialist movement in the United States A. because the war generated anti-radical feelings in the country. B. because the Socialist Party supported Germany. C. because the Socialist Party had dynamited key railroad lines to prevent troop movement. D. both because the war generated anti-radical feelings in the country, and because the Socialist Party supported Germany. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 570 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order
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40. The brilliant lawyer Louis D. Brandies, who later became a Supreme Court justice, argued that the federal government should work to break up the largest corporations because the “curse of bigness” A. limited competition. B. was inefficient. C. was a threat to freedom. D. encouraged abuses of power E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 570 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 41. When he assumed the presidency in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt A. had no previous political experience. B. was the youngest American ever to hold the office. C. had little faith in the power of public opinion. D. both was the youngest American ever to hold the office and had no previous political experience. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 42. During Theodore Roosevelt’s first three years as president, A. he was a champion of labor unions. B. he made the breaking-up of business combinations his highest priority. C. he desired to win for government the power to investigate corporate activities. D. his primary accomplishment was to reform the meatpacking industry. E. he deeply antagonized the conservative Old Guard wing of his party. Answer: C Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 43. In the 1902 strike by the United Mine Workers, President Theodore Roosevelt A. sided with the miners. B. sided with the mine owners. C. ordered in federal troops to keep the peace. D. ordered federal arbitration. E. ordered in federal troops to break the strike. Answer: D Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency
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44. All of the following legislation was passed during Theodore Roosevelt’s administration EXCEPT the A. Meat Inspection Act. B. Pure Food and Drug Act. C. Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act. D. National Reclamation Act. E. Interstate Commerce Act. Answer: E Page: 574-575 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 45. Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel, The Jungle, encouraged the federal government to regulate the A. railroad industry. B. steel industry. C. housing industry. D. meatpacking industry. E. oil industry. Answer: D Page: 574 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 46. As an environmental conservationist, President Theodore Roosevelt A. opposed hunting on all federal lands. B. added extensive areas of land to the national forest system. C. opposed new dam construction on major rivers. D. opposed the growing preservationist movement as impractical. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 574 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 47. The first director of the National Forest Service was A. Gifford Pinchot. B. William Howard Taft. C. John Muir. D. Richard Ballinger. E. Louis Glavis. Answer: A Page: 574 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency
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48. The Sierra Club was founded by A. Gifford Pinchot. B. Theodore Roosevelt. C. John Muir. D. Richard Ballinger. E. Louis Glavis. Answer: C Page: 575 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 49. Which statement regarding the controversy over Hetch Hetchy Valley is FALSE? A. Hetch Hetchy was a spectacular high-walled valley within Yosemite National Park. B. The fight against the dam helped mobilize a new coalition of preservationists. C. In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. D. John Muir devoted the last years of his life to opposing a dam at Hetch Hetchy. E. Theodore Roosevelt led the fight in favor of building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. Answer: E Page: 576 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 50. Theodore Roosevelt did not run for another term as president in 1908 because A. the Constitution prevented him from doing so. B. he had lost much of his public popularity. C. in 1904 he had promised not to run again. D. he was denied the nomination of his party. E. he felt he had accomplished everything he wanted to do as president. Answer: C Page: 577 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 51. In the election of 1908, William Howard Taft A. was hand-picked by Theodore Roosevelt to succeed him. B. narrowly defeated his opponent, William Jennings Bryan. C. was opposed by progressives and conservatives. D. had a public image very much like that of Theodore Roosevelt. E. decisively defeated his Republican opponent in the general election. Answer: A Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt
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52. As president, William Howard Taft A. angered many conservatives with his activism. B. generally pleased progressives. C. managed to match Roosevelt’s personal dynamism. D. angered many conservatives with his activism, but generally pleased progressives. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 53. In 1909, a controversy involving Richard Ballinger and Gifford Pinchot saw A. President William H. Taft fire Ballinger, due to a conflict of interest. B. President William H. Taft fire Pinchot for insubordination. C. conservative Republicans turn against President Taft. D. progressives come to oppose Pinchot. E. former supporters of Roosevelt rally behind Taft. Answer: B Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 54. In 1910, in Osawatomie, Kansas, Theodore Roosevelt announced a set of political principles that called for A. greater activism by the federal government. B. limiting the authority of President William H. Taft. C. an end to legal racial discrimination. D. equal pay for male and female workers who performed the same jobs. E. a return to the laissez-faire policies of his two administrations. Answer: A Page: 578 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 55. In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was reluctant to become a candidate for president because A. the 1910 elections seemed to illustrate that progressivism was on the wane. B. Robert La Follette had been working to secure the nomination for himself. C. President William H. Taft announced he would seek reelection. D. many conservative Republicans asked him to seek the nomination of the party. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 578 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt
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56. The 1912 Republican convention was an ideological contest between A. the Old Guard and what was to become the “Bull Moose.” B. La Follette and Taft. C. the “New Freedom” and the “New Nationalism.” D. both different types of progressivism and the “New Freedom” and “New Nationalism.” E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 579 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 57. In the 1912 presidential election results, A. President William H. Taft came in last of the four major candidates. B. Theodore Roosevelt won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. C. Eugene Debs offered his electoral votes to Theodore Roosevelt. D. Theodore Roosevelt finished third in the popular vote. E. Woodrow Wilson won only a plurality of the popular vote. Answer: E Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 58. In his political program known as the “New Freedom,” Woodrow Wilson believed trusts A. needed to be tightly regulated by the federal government. B. should be destroyed. C. should exist only if they benefited the middle class. D. should have the right to expand. E. should exist only if they recognized labor’s right to organize. Answer: B Page: 579-580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 59. During President Woodrow Wilson’s first term, Colonel Edward House A. was secretary of state. B. was one of Wilson’s closest advisors. C. became the locus of opposition to Wilson in the cabinet. D. was both secretary of state and one of Wilson’s closest advisors. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
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60. The 1913 Underwood-Simmons Tariff A. represented a political setback for President Wilson. B. reduced foreign competition in the United States’ domestic markets. C. was intended to weaken the power of business trusts. D. passed despite opposition from congressional Democrats. E. raised tariff rates to a new high. Answer: C Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 61. In 1913, to offset the loss of revenues from other legislation, Congress A. passed a graduated income tax. B. decided to inflate the currency. C. increased business regulatory fees. D. raised the tariff on agricultural goods. E. passed heavy excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco. Answer: A Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 62. The Federal Reserve Act A. created a new type of paper currency. B. helped to reduce loans to private banks. C. was designed to push troubled banks out of business. D. was regulated by a board whose members were elected by Congress. E. created sixteen regional banks. Answer: A Page: 580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 63. The Federal Trade Commission Act A. defined the standard for “unfair trade practices.” B. helped businesses increase their trade markets. C. failed to give the government new powers to investigate corporate behavior. D. encouraged industries to write basic “codes” governing prices, hours, and wages across the board. E. created an agency to determine whether business practices were acceptable to the government. Answer: E Page: 580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
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64. By the fall of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson A. decided to expand his progressive reform efforts. B. concluded he could not achieve meaningful reform of the economy. C. believed his reform program had largely been accomplished. D. had succeeded in breaking up most business trusts. E. had created the mechanisms for a vigorous legal pursuit of monopoly. Answer: C Page: 580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 65. After the elections of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson A. held steady to his existing course of action. B. moved away from progressivism. C. began another round of progressive legislation. D. encouraged the United States to enter the war in Europe. E. refused to nominate any progressives to the Supreme Court. Answer: C Page: 581 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 66. The 1916 Keating-Owen Act was the first federal law regulating A. child labor. B. industrial safety. C. tenant agriculture. D. the garment industry. E. information about contraceptives. Answer: A Page: 581 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 67. The Supreme Court, in two rulings related to the 1916 Keating-Owen Act, A. demonstrated its support for President Wilson’s political agenda. B. validated an expansion of congressional authority. C. struck down reform legislation. D. displayed support for using federal authority to create social change. E. illustrated how quickly Justice Louis Brandeis had changed the Court. Answer: C Page: 581 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
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True/False Questions 68. Progressives tended to believe that the doctrine of Social Darwinism was the correct starting point for creating a better world. Answer: False Page: 552 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 69. Many progressives believed that knowledge was more important than anything else as a vehicle for reforming human society. Answer: True Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 70. Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens could both be called muckrakers. Answer: True Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 71. Settlement houses were typically built and staffed by middle-class reformers to help innercity residents. Answer: True Page: 554 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 72. The new middle class of the turn of the century placed a high value on moral values, but not on formal education. Answer: False Page: 555 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 73. During the progressive era, some professionals used their entrance requirements to exclude blacks, women, immigrants, and other “undesirables” from their ranks. Answer: True Page: 555 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 74. The “new woman” was less likely to marry and more likely to divorce. Answer: True Page: 557 Topic: Women and Reform
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75. The middle-class women’s club movement confined itself to working on middle-class issues. Answer: False Page: 558 Topic: Women and Reform 76. Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt were among the most prominent leaders of the anti-suffrage movement. Answer: False Page: 559 Topic: Women and Reform 77. Former “mugwumps” became important supporters of progressive political reform activity. Answer: True Page: 560 Topic: Declining Party Influence 78. The secret ballot enhanced the power of the two-party system over the average voter. Answer: False Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 79. The urban political machine was a good source of jobs for newer immigrants. Answer: True Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 80. Progressive reformers tried to strengthen the power of the mayor over the city council. Answer: True Page: 561 Topic: Declining Party Influence 81. The direct primary and the recall were both reforms designed to enhance the power of political parties in the United States. Answer: False Page: 562 Topic: Declining Party Influence 82. Progressive reforms tended to increase voter turnout in presidential elections. Answer: False Page: 563 Topic: Declining Party Influence
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83. The urban political machine Tammany Hall grew increasingly interested in progressive reform during the progressive era. Answer: True Page: 564 Topic: Declining Party Influence 84. W. E. B. Du Bois was highly critical of Booker T. Washington’s philosophy. Answer: True Page: 566 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 85. During the progressive era, employers were generally unconcerned about the problem of alcohol. Answer: False Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 86. The temperance movement was strengthened by World War I. Answer: True Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 87. Political reformers correctly regarded the saloon as in league with the urban political machine. Answer: True Page: 567 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 88. Many progressive reformers agreed that the growth of immigration had created social problems in American cities. Answer: True Page: 568 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 89. By the beginning of World War I, the nativist tide in America had peaked and was falling. Answer: False Page: 568 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 90. The political popularity of the Socialist Party peaked shortly after the end of World War I. Answer: False Page: 570 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order
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91. Louis Brandeis and Herbert Croly agreed that bigness in business had to be eradicated. Answer: False Page: 570 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 92. Theodore Roosevelt was both a progressive reformer and decidedly conservative. Answer: True Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 93. As president, Theodore Roosevelt quickly rebelled against the leaders of his party. Answer: False Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 94. Theodore Roosevelt cooperated with J. P. Morgan during the Panic of 1907 to attempt to stabilize the economy. Answer: True Page: 576 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 95. During his first three years in office, President Theodore Roosevelt was less concerned with reform than he was with not upsetting the conservative wing of his party. Answer: True Page: 574 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 96. As president, William Howard Taft found himself pleasing the progressives and alienating the conservatives within his own party. Answer: False Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 97. In the controversy between Gifford Pinchot and Richard Ballinger, President Taft supported Ballinger. Answer: True Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 98. Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism called for the elevation of “the public welfare” over the rights of property. Answer: True Page: 578 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt
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99. In 1913, the first modern income tax imposed a 10 percent tax on individuals earning over $4,000 a year. Answer: False Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 100. Woodrow Wilson helped create the Federal Reserve system as part of his effort to end trusts. Answer: False Page: 579-580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 101. In 1916, President Wilson appointed Louis Brandeis, a Jew, to the Supreme Court. Answer: True Page: 581 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 102. Unlike Roosevelt, who wanted to destroy the major trusts, Wilson sought to accept their existence but use the federal government to regulate them. Answer: False Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 103. Muckraker Lincoln Steffens wrote an expose titled ________. Answer: The Shame of the Cities Page: 553 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 104. Social work and ________ houses provided two “appropriate” professional outlets for women of the progressive era. Answer: settlement Page: 555 Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 105. In the twentieth century, ________ was the first state to extend to women the right to vote. Answer: Washington Page: 560 Topic: Women and Reform
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106. The leader of the National Woman’s Party, ________, did not think that the Nineteenth Amendment would be sufficient to protect women. Answer: Alice Paul Page: 560 Topic: Women and Reform 107. Robert La Follette wanted to make the state of ________ into a “laboratory of progressivism.” Answer: Wisconsin Page: 563 Topic: Declining Party Influence 108. New York’s major political machine, ________, eventually helped advance progressive reform. Answer: Tammany Hall Page: 564 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 109. W. E. B. Du Bois was instrumental in founding both the Niagara Movement and the ________. Answer: NAACP Page: 566 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 110. By 1911, the Women’s Christian ________ Union had 245,000 members and had become the single largest women’s organization in American history to that point. Answer: Temperance Page: 567 Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 111. During the progressive era, the spurious “science” of ________ spread the belief that human inequalities were hereditary. Answer: eugenics Page: 568 Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades 112. “Big Bill” Haywood of the ________ called for the abolition of the “wage slave” system. Answer: Industrial Workers of the World Page: 569 Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 113. In 1902, President Roosevelt intervened in a strike involving the ________ industry. Answer: coal Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency
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114. President Roosevelt showed that he could occasionally take on the role of a trustbuster in his action against the Northern ________ Company. Answer: Securities Page: 571 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 115. President Roosevelt claimed his domestic policies would bring a(n) “________ deal” to Americans. Answer: square Page: 574 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 116. President Roosevelt moved to ease the Panic of 1907 by agreeing to the purchase of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company by ________. Answer: U.S. Steel Page: 576 Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 117. President Roosevelt’s handpicked successor was ________. Answer: William Howard Taft Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 118. The ________ Tariff made progressives resentful of President Taft’s passivity in challenging the congressional Old Guard. Answer: Payne-Aldrich Page: 577 Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 119. While running for the presidency in 1912, Woodrow Wilson presented a progressive program that came to be called the “New ________.” Answer: Freedom Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 120. The presidential candidate who was the victim of an assassination attempt in 1912 was ________. Answer: Theodore Roosevelt Page: 579 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 121. The major reform of the American banking system passed by Wilson was the ________. Answer: Federal Reserve Act Page: 579-580 Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
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Essay Questions 122. How would you define progressivism and describe its major characteristics? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 123. What were the significant divisions within the progressive movement? What impact did these divisions have on the movement? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 124. What social factors motivated progressivism to develop as a reform movement when it did? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism 125. Why were both the middle class and women so interested in reform causes at the turn of the century? Topic: Women and Reform 126. How do the attitudes and actions of late nineteenth-century progressive reformers compare with the attitudes and actions found in the utopian communities of the early nineteenth century? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism Topic: Women and Reform 127. In what ways was the reform era not progressive? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism Topic: Women and Reform Topic: Declining Party Influence Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 128. Why were western states often on the leading edge of political reform and women’s voting rights? Topic: Women and Reform 129. What social attitudes in America worked for and against the concept of women having the right to vote? Topic: Women and Reform 130. Describe and evaluate the ideas of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. In your opinion, which of these two men had the better plan, and why? Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform 131. Describe the ebb and flow of nativism during the first few decades of the twentieth century. How did nativists win support from some of the nation’s leading progressives? Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades
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132. What were the differences between a progressive and a radical reformer from 1890 to 1920? Topic: Varieties of Progressivism Topic: Women and Reform Topic: Declining Party Influence Topic: Sources of Progressive Reform Topic: Social Reformers’ Major Crusades Topic: Challenging the Capitalist Order 133. In what ways was Theodore Roosevelt a progressive reformer, consistent with the progressivism of his time? Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 134. What accounted for the great public popularity of Theodore Roosevelt? Do you think he would be popular with today’s voters? Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 135. What was Theodore Roosevelt’s conception of the presidency, and how did his actions conform to that conception? Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency 136. What were the similarities and differences between Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as progressive presidents? Topic: Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 137. Why was William Howard Taft an unpopular president? Why did Roosevelt challenge him in 1912? Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt 138. Analyze and assess the presidential election results of 1912. Topic: Taft and the Progressive Revolt Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom” 139. What major progressive reforms were enacted by the federal government between 1912 and 1915? Topic: Wilson’s “New Freedom”
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Chapter 21 America and the Great War Multiple-Choice Questions 1. President Theodore Roosevelt defined “civilized” and “uncivilized” nations on the basis of A. race. B. literary achievements. C. economic development. D. both race and economic development. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 584 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 2. President Theodore Roosevelt’s policies, in regard to Asia, were intended A. to favor Japan. B. to favor Russia. C. to favor China. D. to secure American dominance there. E. to prevent both China and Russia from becoming dominant there. Answer: E Page: 584-585 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 3. After the Russo-Japanese War in 1904–1905, A. relations between Japan and the Roosevelt administration steadily improved. B. President Roosevelt sent a fleet of ships around the world, including to Japan, as a show of force. C. the Japanese military presence in the Pacific declined. D. the Russian government collapsed. E. President Roosevelt negotiated a secret free trade agreement with Russia. Answer: B Page: 585 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy
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4. As part of his Asian diplomacy, President Theodore Roosevelt A. signed a secret agreement with Japan to ensure continued American trade in Asia. B. sent a fleet of battleships to Japan as a show of American military power. C. extracted from Russia a recognition of Japan’s territorial gains in the Russo-Japanese War. D. both signed a secret agreement with Japan to ensure continued American trade in Asia, and sent a fleet of battleships to Japan as a show of American military power. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 585 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 5. The 1904 “Roosevelt Corollary” A. was invalidated by the Supreme Court during the Wilson administration. B. stated that neighboring countries had to adhere to U.S. policy in times of war. C. was created as a result of a military crisis in Cuba. D. stated that the U.S. had a right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring countries. E. stated that England and England alone was exempted from the Monroe Doctrine. Answer: D Page: 585-586 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 6. Prior to the United States’ construction of the Panama Canal, A. the French had tried but failed to build a canal at the same site. B. the United States had failed to build a canal across Nicaragua. C. the British had failed to build a canal across Costa Rica. D. the Germans had failed to build a canal at the same site. E. no country had attempted to build a canal connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific. Answer: A Page: 586 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 7. In order to secure control of the Panama Canal zone, the United States A. carried out the overthrow of the president of Panama. B. organized a trade embargo against Colombia. C. assisted a revolution in Panama. D. purchased the land for the canal from Colombia. E. surrounded the canal site with a “Great White Fleet.” Answer: C Page: 587 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy
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8. “Dollar Diplomacy” is associated primarily with the administration of A. William McKinley. B. William Howard Taft. C. Theodore Roosevelt. D. Woodrow Wilson. E. Warren Harding. Answer: B Page: 587 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 9. The policy idea behind “Dollar Diplomacy” was to A. create stable governments in less-developed nations. B. reduce the deployment of troops from the United States to other nations. C. encourage other nations to peg their currency to the U.S. dollar. D. financially reward Latin nations that supported the interests of the United States. E. extend investments and influence of the United States in less-developed regions. Answer: E Page: 587 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 10. The diplomatic efforts of President Woodrow Wilson toward Latin America A. were decidedly non-expansionist. B. curtailed the use of the military as a tool of diplomacy. C. became known as the “good neighbor” policy. D. were similar to those of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. E. were the product of considerable interest and experience in international affairs. Answer: D Page: 587 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 11. In the early twentieth century, the United States’ actions toward Mexico included A. encouraging an overthrow of the Madero government. B. a refusal to formally recognize the Huerta government. C. sending an American expeditionary force across the border into Mexico. D. both encouraging an overthrow of the Madero government and refusing to formally recognize the Huerta government. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 588 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy
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12. In his dealings with Pancho Villa, President Woodrow Wilson A. ordered a military expedition into Mexico to capture Villa. B. saw American troops capture Villa and bring him to the United States. C. eventually released Villa in order to smooth relations with the Carranza government. D. both ordered a military expedition into Mexico to capture Villa, and eventually released Villa in order to smooth relations with the Carranza government. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 589 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 13. In 1914, the “Triple Entente” consisted of A. Italy, France, and Russia. B. Great Britain, France, and the United States. C. Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy. D. Great Britain, France, and Russia. E. Germany, Italy, and Japan. Answer: D Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 14. On the eve of the Great War, the chief rivalry in Europe was between A. Germany and Great Britain. B. Austro-Hungary and Russia. C. Germany and France. D. France and Russia. E. France and Great Britain. Answer: A Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 15. The immediate spark for hostilities in Europe in 1914 was A. a struggle between European powers for control of the international diamond trade. B. the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania. C. the death of Otto von Bismarck in Germany. D. the German invasion of Poland. E. the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Answer: E Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I
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16. In 1914, when war erupted in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson A. called on the American public to be completely impartial. B. expressed sympathy for Germany. C. declared that the “Triple Alliance” must be defeated. D. held secret diplomatic meetings with Great Britain. E. brokered separate peace treaties with both sides of the conflict. Answer: A Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 17. In 1914–1915, the United States responded to a British naval blockade of Germany by A. ending trade with all of Europe to maintain its neutrality. B. ending trade with Great Britain to pressure it to lift the blockade. C. defying the blockade and continuing to trade with Germany. D. ending trade with Germany but continuing trade with Great Britain. E. rerouting all trade with Germany through the Mediterranean. Answer: D Page: 589-590 Topic: The Road to World War I 18. In the aftermath of the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania, A. the United States declared war on Germany. B. Germany pledged to the United States it would not repeat such an action. C. President Wilson prohibited Americans from traveling to Europe. D. Great Britain began an intensive campaign to build a submarine fleet. E. the United States began leasing its submarines to Great Britain. Answer: B Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 19. In the fall of 1915, President Woodrow Wilson A. stated that the United States was likely to enter the war within a year. B. ordered American troops to staging camps in England. C. began to support a rapid increase of the nation’s armed forces. D. was firmly rooted within the peace faction of the Democratic Party. E. sent Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to broker a peace settlement. Answer: C Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I
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20. In the election of 1916, supporters of Woodrow Wilson A. helped the president easily beat his Republican opponent. B. called his Republican opponent a pacifist who would not act to save England. C. felt betrayed when the president stated that the nation’s entrance into the war was inevitable. D. were anxious for the president to declare war before election day. E. hinted that his Republican opponent would lead the nation into war. Answer: E Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 21. In January 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress, A. suggested the creation of the League of Nations in the postwar period. B. insisted that the nation’s financial interests had to be protected from a German victory. C. asked for a declaration of war against Germany. D. said Britain and France could not win the war without the United States. E. argued that entering the war would be a tragic mistake under any circumstances. Answer: A Page: 591 Topic: The Road to World War I 22. The so-called “Zimmermann telegram” A. was intercepted by agents working for the United States. B. included a proposal for the return of the American Southwest to Mexico. C. helped weaken public support in the United States for war. D. revealed plans by Germany to expand the use of its submarine fleet. E. revealed that Germans were attempting to foment a race riot in the American South. Answer: B Page: 591 Topic: The Road to World War I 23. In March 1917, the United States moved closer to entering the Great War when A. the czarist government of Russia was overthrown. B. the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. C. Russia asked the Allies to call for an armistice. D. a German offensive threatened to capture Moscow. E. Russia and Germany negotiated a separate peace. Answer: A Page: 591 Topic: The Road to World War I
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24. President Woodrow Wilson’s request to Congress for a declaration of war A. was passed without a dissenting vote. B. was nearly voted down in the Senate. C. came before Germany took any military action against the United States. D. took place two weeks after German submarines had torpedoed three Americans ships. E. was supported by Republicans but opposed by most in Wilson’s own party. Answer: D Page: 591 Topic: The Great War 25. As the United States entered World War I, its most immediate military effect was in A. western Europe. B. the Far East. C. north Africa. D. eastern Europe. E. the Atlantic Ocean. Answer: E Page: 591-592 Topic: The Great War 26. As the United States entered World War I, A. President Woodrow Wilson declared U.S. ground troops would not be used. B. Britain and France had few reserves of combat-age men. C. Russia decided to re-enter the war. D. Germany made plans to surrender. E. Germany was threatening an invasion of Great Britain. Answer: B Page: 592 Topic: The Great War 27. The Selective Service Act in the United States A. was enacted during the last months of World War I. B. gave the government, for the first time, the authority to draft citizens for military duty. C. was supported by President Woodrow Wilson. D. drafted far fewer men than those who volunteered for military duty. E. brought nearly 300,000 men into the army. Answer: C Page: 593 Topic: The Great War
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28. During World War I, American ground troops A. saw combat that was relatively brief but intense. B. were assigned to serve under the command of foreign officers. C. were not available for battle in significant numbers until the fall of 1918. D. both saw combat that was relatively brief but intense, and were assigned to serve under the command of foreign officers. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 593 Topic: The Great War 29. In World War I, the American Expeditionary Force was commanded by A. George Marshall. B. Arthur MacArthur. C. George Patton. D. John Pershing. E. Leonard Wood. Answer: D Page: 593-594 Topic: The Great War 30. During World War I, the United States military effort in Europe A. saw American soldiers engage solely in light skirmishes. B. saw U.S. forces carry the fighting into Germany. C. lasted only a few months but suffered light casualties compared to the other combatants. D. saw American combat troops kept separate from Allied forces. E. took place mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. Answer: C Page: 594, 596 Topic: The Great War 31. During World War I, extensive systems of trenches were used by both sides A. because the destructive power of weapons made conventional field battles too destructive. B. because trenches prevented tanks from reaching the soldiers’ positions. C. because soldiers were safer from poisonous mustard gas closer to the ground. D. both because the destructive power of weapons meant soldiers could not live in the open field, and because trenches prevented tanks from reaching the soldiers’ positions. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 594 Topic: The Great War
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32. During World War I, the new technology of warfare A. created logistical supply problems, which slowed many offensives. B. allowed the attack of the enemy without direct combat. C. were largely responsible for the appalling level of casualties. D. both created logistical problems, which slowed many offensives, and allowed the attack of the enemy without direct combat. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 594-595 Topic: The Great War 33. During World War I, airplanes were used for all of the following EXCEPT A. bombing the enemy. B. transporting troops. C. attacking other aircraft. D. reconnaissance. E. “dogfights.” Answer: B Page: 595 Topic: The Great War 34. During World War I, technologically-advanced submarines used engines powered by A. diesel. B. gasoline. C. steam. D. electricity. E. coal. Answer: A Page: 595 Topic: The Great War 35. The country that lost the greatest number of lives in World War I was A. Russia. B. Great Britain. C. France. D. Germany. E. Italy. Answer: D Page: 595 Topic: The Great War
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36. American casualties in World War I A. numbered approximately 350,000. B. numbered approximately 60,000. C. were as likely to be from disease as from combat. D. were very low in all battles that U.S. troops participated in. E. were comparable in number to those of the European powers. Answer: C Page: 596 Topic: The Great War 37. During World War I, the United States government primarily financed the war through A. deficit spending and currency manipulation. B. foreign loans and the printing of new currency. C. private business and banking loans. D. currency inflation and the sale of gold reserves. E. public bond sales and new taxes. Answer: E Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society 38. During World War I, the Council of National Defense eventually organized the national economy by creating A. state militias. B. local defense councils. C. nonprofit donation organizations. D. congressional district war tax zones. E. volunteer donation centers. Answer: B Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society 39. During World War I, the War Industries Board (WIB) A. was seen as a model for rational organization when led by Herbert Hoover. B. was plagued by mismanagement and inefficiencies under Bernard Baruch. C. coordinated government purchases of military supplies. D. saw itself as an adversary of individual businesses. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society
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40. Which of the following did the National War Labor Board, established in 1918, NOT grant to American workers? A. an eight-hour work day B. equal pay to women for equal work C. collective bargaining rights D. maintenance of minimal living standards E. recognition of the right to strike Answer: E Page: 596-597 Topic: The Great War and American Society 41. In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information (CPI) A. established strict rules of censorship for journalists reporting on the war. B. became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign. C. criticized the federal government’s reporting of the war. D. was led by a panel of American military officers. E. became a haven for pacifists and conscientious objectors. Answer: B Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 42. The Sabotage Act and the Sedition Act of 1918 A. eliminated jury trials for anyone charged under these laws. B. were most frequently directed at German Americans. C. were created after the Supreme Court invalidated the Espionage Act of 1917. D. made illegal any public expression opposing the war. E. were rarely if ever enforced by the Wilson administration. Answer: D Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 43. After the United States entered World War I, A. most German Americans supported the American war effort. B. German books were removed from many American schools and libraries. C. the playing of German music was banned in many American communities. D. sauerkraut in the U.S. was renamed “liberty cabbage.” E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 602-603 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction
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44. President Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” included A. a ban on the production of armaments. B. an end to secret treaties. C. an international agreement to “outlaw war.” D. the division of postwar Germany into two countries. E. recognition of independence for all imperial colonies. Answer: B Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 45. In 1918, President Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” received significant political support from A. the British government. B. the United States Senate. C. the French government. D. both the British and French governments. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 46. In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson antagonized many Republicans A. when he pushed for the election of Democrats to Congress. B. when he refused to put prominent Republicans on the peace conference negotiating team. C. when he tied support of his peace plans to the midterm elections. D. both when he tied support of his peace plans to the midterm elections and when he pushed for the election of Democrats to Congress. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 47. In 1919, all of the following figures were at the Paris Peace Conference EXCEPT A. Alexander Kerensky of Russia. B. Georges Clemenceau of France. C. David Lloyd George of Great Britain. D. Vittorio Orlando of Italy. E. Woodrow Wilson of the United States. Answer: A Page: 604 Topic: The Search for a New World Order
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48. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson believed the Paris Peace Conference treaty A. should have placed large reparations on the defeated Central Powers. B. agreed with most of his Fourteen Points. C. had ended colonialism. D. was a success because of the acceptance of the League of Nations. E. was a complete and utter failure. Answer: D Page: 605 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 49. During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency A. his mental health was stable but his physical health was very poor. B. he was essentially an invalid. C. there was growing public sentiment for Wilson to step down from power. D. his vice president, Thomas Marshall, essentially ran the White House. E. he became more pragmatic and willing to compromise. Answer: B Page: 606 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 50. When President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate, A. the American public clearly supported its ratification. B. most so-called “irreconcilable” senators favored it in principle. C. he was willing to compromise on the language of the treaty but not its major points. D. he found a close ally in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Henry Cabot Lodge. E. he refused to appeal to the public, believing the treaty should stand on its merits alone. Answer: A Page: 605 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 51. Regarding the Treaty of Versailles, the United States Senate decided in 1919 to A. ratify it without change. B. ratify it after Democrats accepted the Republican “reservations.” C. ratify it with the change that the United States would not join the League of Nations. D. ratify it only after Article X was struck from the treaty. E. not ratify it. Answer: E Page: 606 Topic: The Search for a New World Order
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52. Immediately following World War I, the American economy A. saw prices plunge. B. fell into a protracted recession. C. was marked by a continuing labor shortage. D. boomed for many months. E. fell into a deflationary spiral. Answer: D Page: 606 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 53. In 1919, American labor unrest saw A. the public generally support unions. B. a general strike in Seattle that brought the city to a standstill. C. a major steel strike resolved in favor of the workers. D. Governor Calvin Coolidge attract national acclaim for his support of labor. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 607 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 54. As a result of the service of African American soldiers in World War I, A. activism by blacks for their rights increased. B. public attitudes on race were significantly altered. C. the country saw a general improvement in race relations. D. the federal government integrated the armed forces. E. northern black factory workers were able to keep their jobs when white veterans returned. Answer: A Page: 608 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 55. In 1919, the racial climate in the United States A. worsened in both the North and South. B. worsened in the South but not in the North. C. improved in both the North and South. D. improved in the North but not in the South. E. generally stayed the same as it had been before the war. Answer: A Page: 608 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
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56. The most prominent exponent of black nationalism following World War I was A. Claude McKay. B. Booker T. Washington. C. Marcus Garvey. D. W. E. B. Du Bois. E. Malcolm X. Answer: C Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 57. Marcus Garvey A. encouraged African Americans to reject assimilation into white society. B. argued that America, not Africa, was now the blacks’ true home. C. urged African Americans to move out of the South. D. called on African Americans to reject capitalism. E. saw his movement and influence decline in the early 1920s. Answer: A Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 58. In 1919, the Red Scare in the United States A. led to government raids that uncovered large caches of weapons. B. saw more than 6,000 people deported from the country. C. saw the arrest of several major government figures. D. was generally opposed by universities and other academic institutions. E. was partly motivated by a series of bombings. Answer: E Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 59. During the Red Scare of 1919, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer A. oversaw the deportation of 6,000 people. B. founded the Federal Bureau of Investigation. C. argued for moderation and a cooling-off period. D. argued for moderation and a cooling-off period, but at the same time oversaw the deportation of 6,000 people. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 610 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
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60. In 1920, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti A. admitted they were anarchists. B. were convicted of murder. C. drew widespread support from the public. D. both admitted they were anarchists and drew widespread support from the public. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 610 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 61. In 1920, passage of the Nineteenth Amendment A. marked the beginning of a new era in progressive reform. B. outlawed the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol. C. gave women the right to vote. D. required the direct election of senators. E. disallowed Woodrow Wilson from running for a third term. Answer: C Page: 611 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 62. The election of 1920 saw A. voters turn away from idealism and toward “normalcy.” B. Warren G. Harding narrowly defeat Al Smith. C. the Democratic Party distance itself from the politics of Woodrow Wilson. D. Republicans maintain their two decades of control of the White House. E. Franklin D. Roosevelt serve as vice president on the Republican ticket. Answer: A Page: 611 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
True/False Questions 63. President Roosevelt did not believe that Japan could be considered among the ranks of the “civilized” countries. Answer: False Page: 584 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 64. President Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” brought stability to Latin America. Answer: False Page: 587-588 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy
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65. In his diplomacy, President Wilson approached Latin America in a way that was very similar to the approach of presidents Roosevelt and Taft. Answer: True Page: 587-588 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 66. In his dealings with Mexico, President Wilson often ignored Mexican sovereignty. Answer: True Page: 588 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 67. In early 1915, virtually the entire European continent was at war after the assassination of an Austrian archduke provided the spark to hostilities on the continent. Answer: True Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 68. The American response to the war in Europe was to accept the British blockade of Germany and continue trading with Great Britain. Answer: True Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 69. The German submarine attack on the British liner the Lusitania resulted in the death of more than 100 Americans. Answer: True Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 70. Between 1914 and 1916, the United States gradually transformed itself from a neutral country into an arsenal of the Allies. Answer: True Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 71. President Wilson refused to endorse American military rearmament until he was reelected in 1916. Answer: False Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I
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72. The Zimmermann telegram proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany against the United States. Answer: True Page: 591 Topic: The Road to World War I 73. When the United States entered World War I, Germany was near defeat. Answer: False Page: 591 Topic: The Great War 74. The entrance of the American military into World War I had its most immediate impact on the naval war in the Atlantic Ocean. Answer: True Page: 591-592 Topic: The Great War 75. The majority of American soldiers who fought in World War I were volunteers. Answer: False Page: 592-593 Topic: The Great War 76. The most “modern” applications of new technology during World War I were in sea warfare. Answer: True Page: 595 Topic: The Great War 77. Britain lost more men in World War I then either France or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Answer: False Page: 595 Topic: The Great War 78. The United States financed World War I solely through public bond sales. Answer: False Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society 79. The War Industries Board, which coordinated government purchases of military supplies, was headed by Herbert Hoover. Answer: False Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society
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80. Most industrial laborers were required to work longer hours during World War I. Answer: False Page: 596 Topic: The Great War and American Society 81. One of the most important social changes of the war years was the migration of hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the rural South to California to work in defense plants and shipyards. This became known as the “Great Migration.” Answer: False Page: 598 Topic: The Great War and American Society 82. By 1917 the American decision to go to war was almost universally supported throughout the country. Answer: False Page: 599 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 83. The Sedition Act made criticism of the war effort a crime. Answer: True Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 84. In 1918, more than 1,500 people were arrested for criticizing the government. Answer: True Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 85. President Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” did not at first include a call for a League of Nations. Answer: False Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 86. The wild acclaim given by the European public to President Wilson allowed him to dominate the terms of the Paris Peace Conference. Answer: False Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 87. Republicans scored major victories in both houses of Congress in the elections of 1918. Answer: True Page: 603 Topic: The Search for a New World Order
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88. The new Bolshevik government of Russia was not a participant in the Paris Peace Conference. Answer: True Page: 604 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 89. President Wilson was unable to win British and French support for his ideas of free trade and freedom of the seas. Answer: True Page: 604 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 90. During the ratification debate on the Treaty of Versailles, it was clear the Republicans would not compromise with President Wilson. Answer: False Page: 605-606 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 91. President Wilson refused to consider any Republican amendments or reservations to the Treaty of Versailles. Answer: True Page: 605 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 92. The participation of blacks in the American army in World War I led to widespread calls for integration of the military. Answer: False Page: 608 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 93. The race riots of 1919 did not just involve white people attacking black people; they also saw blacks retaliate against these attacks. Answer: True Page: 608 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 94. Marcus Garvey called for blacks to reject capitalism. Answer: False Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 95. The Red Scare was primarily the result of anti-radical actions by various state governments. Answer: False Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
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96. The Sacco and Vanzetti case is in part a story of the lingering effects of the Red Scare on post-World War I American society. Answer: True Page: 610-611 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 97. Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, granting women the right to vote, marked the beginning of a new era of progressive reform. Answer: False Page: 611 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 98. The decision to send the “Great White Fleet” around the world was directed primarily at the country of ________. Answer: Japan Page: 585 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 99. The “Roosevelt Corollary” to the ________ gave the United States greater power in Latin America. Answer: Monroe Doctrine Page: 585-586 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 100. The most celebrated foreign policy accomplishment of Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency was the construction of the ________. Answer: Panama Canal Page: 586 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 101. At first, President Roosevelt favored a canal route across ________. Answer: Nicaragua Page: 586 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 102. President Taft’s foreign policy was called “________ Diplomacy” by its critics. Answer: Dollar Page: 587 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy
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103. President Wilson refused to recognize the government of Victoriano ________, though American business interests supported the regime. Answer: Huerta Page: 588 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 104. President Wilson ordered General ________ to lead an American expeditionary force across Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa. Answer: John J. Pershing Page: 589 Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 105. World War I involved many nations, but the chief rivalry was between ________ and Germany. Answer: Great Britain Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 106. The assassination of ________ triggered World War I in Europe. Answer: Archduke Franz Ferdinand Page: 589 Topic: The Road to World War I 107. The May 1915 German attack on the ________ led to the death of over 1,200 passengers. Answer: Lusitania Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 108. In 1916, Wilson’s reelection campaign slogan regarding World War I was “He ________.” Answer: kept us out of war Page: 590 Topic: The Road to World War I 109. In January 1917, President Wilson gave an important speech in which he called for a permanent league of nations and a “peace without ________.” Answer: victory Page: 591 Topic: The Road to World War I 110. The American Expeditionary Force was commanded by General ________. Answer: John J. Pershing Page: 593-594 Topic: The Great War
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111. Soldiers on both sides carried gas masks at all times in case of a chemical attack of poisonous ________. Answer: mustard gas Page: 594 Topic: The Great War 112. During World War I, the United States suffered ________ casualties. Answer: 112,000 Page: 596 Topic: The Great War 113. During World War I, Denver journalist George Creel led the Committee on ________. Answer: Public Information Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 114. The Espionage Act primarily targeted anti-capitalist groups, such as the Socialist Party and the ________. Answer: Industrial Workers of the World Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 115. President Harding pardoned ________, the leader of the Socialist Party that had been imprisoned under new legislation like the Sedition Act. Answer: Eugene V. Debs Page: 602 Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction 116. The “Big Four” at Versailles included David Lloyd George, the prime minister of England, and ________, the president of France. Answer: Georges Clemenceau Page: 604 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 117. Those senators who opposed the Treaty of Versailles on principle—many of whom were western isolationists—were called ________. Answer: irreconcilables Page: 605 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 118. President Wilson’s major enemy in the fight over the League of Nations was ________. Answer: Henry Cabot Lodge Page: 605 Topic: The Search for a New World Order
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119. President Wilson believed that the presidential election of 1920 would serve as a “solemn referendum” on the ________. Answer: League of Nations Page: 606 Topic: The Search for a New World Order 120. The greatest strike of 1919 took place in the ________ industry. Answer: steel Page: 607 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 121. The United Negro Improvement Association was led by ________. Answer: Marcus Garvey Page: 609 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 122. Attorney General ________’s heavy-handed response to the Red Scare of 1919 ultimately ruined his career. Answer: A. Mitchell Palmer Page: 610-611 Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S.
Essay Questions 123. Why was Theodore Roosevelt so suited to be an activist foreign policy president? How did he carry out that activism, and what were the results? Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 124. Would the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt be effective today? Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 125. What does Woodrow Wilson’s Mexican foreign policy tell you about his conceptions of government and leadership? Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy 126. Why did the United States stay out of World War I between 1914 and 1917? Topic: The Road to World War I 127. Trace the events between 1914 and 1917 that led President Woodrow Wilson to ask for a declaration of war against Germany. Topic: The Road to World War I 128. What were the problems with American neutrality between 1914 and 1917? Topic: The Road to World War I
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129. How had the technology of warfare changed between the American Civil War and World War I? What effects did these changes have on tactics and strategy? Topic: The Great War 130. Why was trench warfare so common during World War I? What effect did it have on the course of the war? Topic: The Great War 131. How did the very early American involvement in World War I change the course of the war? What effect did American forces have over the long run? Topic: The Great War 132. Trace the course of government efforts to create domestic support of the war. To what degree were these efforts justified by the war? Topic: The Great War and American Society 133. Define and analyze President Woodrow Wilson’s “New World Order.” Topic: The Search for a New World Order 134. Assess President Woodrow Wilson’s efforts at the Paris Peace Conference by noting both the historical praise and historical criticism made of him. Topic: The Search for a New World Order 135. How might President Woodrow Wilson have been more successful with his postwar diplomacy? Topic: The Search for a New World Order 136. Why did the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment mark an end to a period of serious reform and idealism in the United States? Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 137. How did World War I affect African Americans and race relations? Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 138. How did African Americans begin to assert their desire for rights in new ways after World War I? What effect did Marcus Garvey’s movement have on African American culture in the U.S.? Topic: Repression and Reaction in the Postwar U.S. 139. Assess the changes in U.S. foreign policy between 1898 and 1919. Where had American interests changed, and where did they remain the same? Topic: Roosevelt’s and Wilson’s Approaches to Foreign Policy Topic: The Road to World War I Topic: Opposition to War and Government Reaction Topic: The Search for a New World Order
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Chapter 22 The “New Era” Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the U.S. economy A. saw ten straight years of continuous growth. B. struggled with a persistently high rate of inflation. C. saw per capita income flatten while manufacturing output soared. D. saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities. E. experienced a severe recession in 1923 that lasted two years. Answer: D Page: 615 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 2. In the 1920s, the development of practical radio communication was furthered by A. the theory of modulation. B. the use of vacuum tubes. C. its ability to receive more than just simple pulses. D. both the theory of modulation and the use of vacuum tubes. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 615-616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 3. During the 1920s, airplanes A. experienced a great increase in commercial travel. B. had no practical use. C. were used almost exclusively for military purposes. D. saw the development of the first experimental jet engines. E. were largely a source of entertainment. Answer: E Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 4. During the 1920s, products that grew dramatically in use in the United States included A. synthetic fibers. B. plastics. C. home appliances. D. electronics. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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5. During the 1920s, Thomas Hunt Morgan was one of the American pioneers in A. analog computers. B. genetic research. C. automation. D. robotics. E. relativistic physics. Answer: B Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 6. During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation A. was most pronounced in industries dependent on large-scale mass-production. B. slowed considerably throughout the decade. C. encouraged new competition. D. emerged most rapidly in industries that were less dependent on technology. E. bypassed the steel and automobile industries. Answer: A Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 7. During the 1920s, a great worry for industrialists was the fear of A. the overproduction of goods. B. a shortage in the number of skilled workers. C. the rising bargaining power of labor unions. D. a shortage of consumer credit. E. inflation. Answer: A Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 8. During the 1920s, most American industrial workers experienced all of the following EXCEPT A. a rise in wages. B. income levels at the “minimum comfort level.” C. little control over their economic fate. D. few opportunities to join a company union. E. employers trying to keep their labor costs low. Answer: D Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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9. In the 1920s, “welfare capitalism” A. encouraged employees to form single-industry labor unions. B. was a paternalistic approach used by corporate leaders on their workers. C. gave workers a measure of control over their industry. D. required corporations to provide some relief for unemployed workers. E. forced workers to donate much of their salaries to the less fortunate. Answer: B Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 10. During the 1920s, wages for American workers A. generally enabled a working-class family to thrive on a single income. B. rose most quickly for unskilled workers. C. generally rose at a rate far below increases in production and profits. D. equaled or exceeded the rate of production growth. E. generally decreased as the labor market became tighter. Answer: C Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 11. During the 1920s, when $1,800 was considered the minimum annual income for a decent standard of living, the average annual income of a worker was approximately A. $700. B. $1,100. C. $1,500. D. $1,900. E. $2,400. Answer: C Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 12. During the 1920s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) A. decided to shift away from craft unions. B. created a partner organization, the Congress of Industrial Organizations. C. used strikes in an attempt to organize unskilled workers. D. became more radical after the death of Samuel Gompers. E. believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills. Answer: E Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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13. In the workplace, the “open shop” meant A. no worker was required to join a union. B. skilled workers were required to join a craft union. C. labor unions had the right to organize that particular industry. D. workers had no right to join a union. E. workers would be allowed to come and go as they pleased. Answer: A Page: 621 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 14. During the 1920s, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters A. was formed by the American Federation of Labor. B. was one of the few unions led by an African American. C. organized against sleeping car manufacturer A. Philip Randolph. D. was one of the few unions led by African Americans, and it was formed by the American Federation of Labor. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 620 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 15. During the 1920s, all of the following immigrant groups were increasing their presence in the labor force in the West and Southwest EXCEPT the A. Filipinos. B. Chinese. C. Japanese. D. Mexicans. E. Issei. Answer: B Page: 620 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 16. During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States saw A. a large decrease in the area of cultivated land. B. demand for farm goods rise faster than production. C. a sharp decline in farmers’ incomes. D. farmers oppose using hybrid plants and chemical fertilizers. E. the need for a larger labor supply. Answer: C Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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17. In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural “parity” was A. to match crop production with demand. B. to ensure farmers would at least financially break even. C. strongly opposed by Congress. D. to equalize the average farmer income with the average industrial worker income. E. invalidated by the passage of the McNary-Haugen Bill. Answer: B Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 18. In the 1920s bestseller, The Man Nobody Knows, Jesus Christ was portrayed as A. embodying Republican values. B. a 100% American. C. a capitalist. D. a prophet who would oppose consumerism. E. a salesman. Answer: E Page: 623 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 19. In 1920, the first commercial radio station to broadcast in the United States was in A. Cleveland. B. New York City. C. Philadelphia. D. Pittsburgh. E. Chicago. Answer: D Page: 624 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 20. In the 1920s, “behavioral” psychologists argued A. maternal affection was sufficient for successful child-rearing. B. mothers who sent their children to nursery school and kindergarten hurt their development. C. mothers should rely on trained experts for advice in raising children. D. women had an instinctive capacity for being mothers. E. midwives rather than doctors should aid in childbirth, for the emotional health of the child. Answer: C Page: 625 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s
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21. In the 1920s, a growing interest in birth control among middle-class women resulted from A. the desire to delay childbirth to pursue a career outside of the home. B. the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only. C. the desire to maintain a rigid, Victorian female “respectability.” D. both the desire to delay childbirth to pursue a career outside of the home, and the attitude that sexual activity should not be for procreation only. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 625 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 22. During the 1920s, birth control in the U.S. A. was limited to physical methods such as abstinence and withdrawal. B. included legal abortion in most states. C. was strongly opposed by moralists such as Margaret Sanger. D. was among the major causes of poverty and distress in poor communities. E. was illegal, in some form, in many states. Answer: E Page: 625 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 23. In the 1920s, the “flapper” lifestyle A. had a particular impact on lower-middle-class single women. B. was largely reserved for upper-class women. C. was largely rejected by upper-class women. D. was simply a clothing fad. E. was applauded by most progressive suffragists. Answer: A Page: 626 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 24. During the 1920s, the National Woman’s Party campaigned primarily for the A. Nineteenth Amendment. B. Prohibition Amendment. C. Equal Rights Amendment. D. Balanced Budget Amendment. E. Disarmament Amendment. Answer: C Page: 626 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s
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25. The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921 A. promoted the establishment of daycare centers for the children of working women. B. provided federal funds for child health-care programs. C. was criticized for its promotion of birth control. D. was promoted by the American Medical Association. E. was promoted by the National Women’s Party. Answer: B Page: 627 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 26. Enrollment in colleges and universities increased threefold between 1900 and 1930, with much of that increase occurring after A. the passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act. B. the GI Bill of Rights became law. C. World War I. D. “Black Thursday.” E. the economy began the period of steady growth and expansion that marked the “roaring 20s.” Answer: C Page: 627 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 27. The infamous Baltimore journalist of the 1920s who delighted in ridiculing religion, politics, the arts, and even democracy itself, was A. John Dos Passos. B. F. Scott Fitzgerald. C. Sinclair Lewis. D. Thomas Wolfe. E. H. L. Mencken. Answer: E Page: 629-630 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 28. In his 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald A. glorified wealthy Americans as examples of the “success ethic.” B. ridiculed the hypocritical behavior of some in evangelical religion. C. satirized the inequalities in American politics. D. criticized the American obsession with material wealth. E. dramatized the plight of midwestern farmers. Answer: D Page: 630 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s
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29. In the 1920s, artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance A. sought to inspire civil disobedience to further racial justice. B. drew heavily from their African heritage. C. included writers Edna Ferber and Ezra Pound. D. both drew heavily from their African heritage and included writers Edna Ferber and Ezra Pound. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 630 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 30. In the 1920s, the “noble experiment” referred to A. the Equal Rights Amendment for women. B. laws to restrict child labor. C. political isolationism. D. female suffrage. E. the prohibition of alcohol. Answer: E Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 31. Which of the following is true of the passage and application of the Eighteenth Amendment? A. It reduced drinking in some areas of the country. B. The federal government did not commission enough agents to effectively enforce the law. C. Organized crime gained exclusive access to an enormous, lucrative industry. D. Many of the middle-class progressives who had originally supported prohibition began to oppose the experiment. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 32. The National Origins Act of 1924 A. entirely banned immigration from East Asia to the United States. B. discriminated against northwestern Europeans. C. was designed to alter the sources but not the overall number of immigrants. D. included a quota system for the first time. E. set a rigid limit of 150,000 immigrants a year. Answer: A Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s
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33. After World War I, the new Ku Klux Klan A. was largely centered in the South. B. focused primarily on intimidating African Americans. C. became primarily concerned about Catholics, Jews, and foreigners. D. officially renounced the use of violence. E. was a males-only organization. Answer: C Page: 633 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 34. The Scopes trial of 1925 was a legal battle concerning the conflict between A. blacks and whites. B. urban and rural society. C. nativists and immigrants. D. U.S. Steel and the Amalgamated Steelworkers’ Union. E. creationism and evolution. Answer: E Page: 634 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 35. As a result of the Scopes trial of 1925, A. John Scopes was found innocent. B. fundamentalists reduced their political activism. C. the conflict between fundamentalists and modernists subsided. D. anti-evolution laws were repealed in most other states. E. William Jennings Bryan decided to run one more time for president. Answer: B Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 36. In the election of 1924, among the political parties, A. the Democratic Party was seriously divided. B. the Republican Party was seriously divided. C. the Progressive Party was seriously divided. D. both the Democratic Party and the Progressive Party were seriously divided. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s
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37. All the following statements regarding Al Smith are true EXCEPT that he A. was a progressive Democratic governor. B. was supported by Tammany Hall. C. lost the 1924 nomination to William McAdoo. D. was an Irish Catholic. E. won the 1928 Democratic nomination. Answer: C Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 38. Al Smith lost the 1928 presidential election, in part, because A. he failed to carry the South. B. of a financial scandal within his campaign. C. of his close connections to the oil industry. D. he both failed to carry the South and maintained close connections to the oil industry. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 39. As president, Warren Harding A. never abandoned the party hacks who had brought him to success. B. sought a revival of progressive reform. C. proposed the United States join the League of Nations. D. saw his administration end with his defeat in a bid for reelection in 1924. E. had no sense of his own intellectual limits. Answer: A Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 40. During the Harding administration, the Teapot Dome scandal involved A. the illegal sale of timber rights. B. transfers of national oil reserves. C. graft in federal construction contracts. D. political blackmail. E. the secret sale of armaments to Nicaragua. Answer: B Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
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41. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge were similar in A. their passive approach to the presidency. B. ethics. C. their personalities. D. both their personalities and their passive approach to the presidency. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 42. Calvin Coolidge A. claimed that Theodore Roosevelt was his political role model. B. believed the federal government should actively promote the social welfare of Americans. C. lost his party’s bid for another nomination in the election of 1928. D. had no political experience prior to becoming vice president in 1920. E. was less active a president than Warren Harding. Answer: E Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 43. Throughout the 1920s, the federal government A. isolated itself from the business community. B. supported the right of workers to organize as unions. C. experienced a budget decrease, yet an increase in debt. D. saw leaders of business take prominent positions in the federal government. E. saw an increase in the budget and the national debt. Answer: D Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 44. In the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon succeeded in A. cutting taxes on corporate profits and personal incomes. B. eliminating half of the WWI debt. C. dramatically trimming the federal budget. D. both eliminating half of the federal debt, and dramatically trimming the federal budget. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
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45. As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover considered himself A. a champion of business cooperation. B. a believer in passive government. C. a paragon of conservative America. D. an internationalist in the tradition of Woodrow Wilson. E. an enemy of wealth and privilege. Answer: A Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 46. To Herbert Hoover, “associationalism” meant A. states and the federal government working together to restrain business. B. Congress and the president working together on economic legislation. C. the formation of federal boards to oversee various aspects of industry. D. businesses being run by a governing board of management and labor representatives. E. the creation of national organizations of businessmen in particular industries. Answer: E Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
True/False Questions 47. To be most effective, the trade associations of the 1920s worked best in small industries. Answer: False Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 48. The theory of modulation was pioneered by Canadian scientist Reginald Fessenden. Answer: True Page: 615 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 49. In the 1920s, airplanes were largely curiosities and a source of entertainment. Answer: True Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 50. Most working-class Americans saw their wages decline during the 1920s. Answer: False Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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51. The practice of “welfare capitalism” in the 1920s involved most industrial workers. Answer: False Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 52. The American Federation of Labor began turning away from the idea of craft unions. Answer: False Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 53. During the 1920s, union membership fell from over 5 million to under 3 million. Answer: True Page: 621 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 54. In the 1920s, as agriculture brought millions of acres of new land under cultivation, three million people left the farm sector. Answer: True Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 55. Champions of parity for farmers urged high tariffs against foreign agricultural competition. Answer: True Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 56. By the end of the 1920s, there were 60 million automobiles in the United States. Answer: False Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 57. The majority of the 25 percent of married women who worked outside the home in the 1920s were working class. Answer: True Page: 624 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 58. Feminists such as Alice Paul championed the Sheppard-Towner Act because it provided federal funds for child health-care. Answer: False Page: 627 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s
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59. H. L. Mencken, Sinclair Lewis, and F. Scott Fitzgerald are all examples of writers who promoted a return of the progressive reform spirit in American society. Answer: False Page: 629-630 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 60. When prohibition went into effect in 1920, it had the support of not only most middle-class Americans, but most progressives as well. Answer: True Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 61. Prohibition did substantially reduce drinking in some parts of the United States. Answer: True Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 62. Nativist sentiment had not been sufficient in the first years of the century to win passage of curbs on immigration, but after World War I it increased substantially. Answer: False Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 63. The film The Birth of a Nation glorified the early Ku Klux Klan. Answer: True Page: 632-633 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 64. During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan grew increasingly focused on southern segregation. Answer: False Page: 633 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 65. To the great alarm of modernists, fundamentalism was gaining political power during the middle of the 1920s. Answer: True Page: 634 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 66. The Scopes trial of 1925 resulted in a guilty verdict, but it also put fundamentalists on the defensive. Answer: True Page: 634-635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s
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67. More so than the Republicans, the Democrats of the 1920s consisted of a diverse coalition of interest groups. Answer: True Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 68. In 1928, Democratic candidate Al Smith did quite well in large cities, but he was the first Democrat since the Civil War not to carry the entire South. Answer: True Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 69. During the 1920s, the federal government enjoyed a supportive relationship with the American business community. Answer: True Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 70. Both Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge took essentially passive approaches to the presidency. Answer: True Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 71. Both Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge failed to serve out their presidential terms. Answer: False Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 72. The election of Herbert Hoover in 1928 was seen as a blow to the interests of progressives. Answer: False Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 73. Contemporaries referred to the 1920s as the “New ________.” Answer: Era Page: 615 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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74. Researchers at MIT in the early 1930s, led by ________, created the first analog computer. Answer: Vannevar Bush Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 75. Thomas Morgan’s experiments with ________ revealed how genes were arranged along the chromosome and could be transmitted together. Answer: fruit flies Page: 616 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 76. Some employers in the 1920s, eager to avoid disruptive labor unrest and the growth of independent trade unions, adopted paternalistic techniques that came to be known as ________. Answer: welfare capitalism Page: 617 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 77. A business in which no worker would be required to join a union was referred to as a(n) ________. Answer: open shop Page: 621 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 78. ________ immigrants increasingly took the place of the Chinese in low-paying jobs on the West Coast. Answer: Japanese Page: 620 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 79. American-born children of Japanese immigrants were called ________. Answer: Nisei Page: 620 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 80. Genetic research led to the introduction of hybrid ________ in 1921. Answer: corn Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 81. President Coolidge vetoed the ________ Bill, which was designed to achieve parity for the American farmer. Answer: McNary-Haugen Page: 622 Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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82. Advertising executive Bruce Barton’s best-selling book, ________, described Jesus Christ as a “super salesman.” Answer: The Man Nobody Knows Page: 623 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 83. The pioneer of the American birth-control movement was ________. Answer: Margaret Sanger Page: 625 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 84. During the 1920s, Alice Paul of the National Woman’s Party pressed a campaign for the ________. Answer: Equal Rights Amendment Page: 626 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 85. F. Scott Fitzgerald attacked the American obsession with material success in his 1925 novel, ________. Answer: The Great Gatsby Page: 626 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 86. The poet ________ captured the spirit of the Harlem Renaissance in his sentence, “I am a Negro—and beautiful.” Answer: Langston Hughes Page: 630-631 Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 87. The National Origins Act of 1924 banned immigrants from ________ entirely. Answer: East Asia Page: 631 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 88. D. W. Griffith’s 1915 film The Birth of a Nation glorified the ________. Answer: Ku Klux Klan Page: 633 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 89. The fledgling American ________ Union sided with defendant John Scopes in 1925. Answer: Civil Liberties Page: 634 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s
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90. The contending attorneys at the Scopes trial in 1925 were William Jennings Bryan and ________. Answer: Clarence Darrow Page: 634 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 91. The Democratic candidate for president in 1928 was ________. Answer: Al Smith Page: 635 Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 92. The most spectacular scandal of the Harding administration concerned oil reserves at ________ Dome. Answer: Teapot Page: 636 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 93. The most energetic member of the cabinets of Harding and Coolidge was ________. Answer: Herbert Hoover Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 94. As commerce secretary during the 1920s, Herbert Hoover championed the idea of business ________. Answer: associationalism Page: 637 Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
Essay Questions 95. Why was American economic production and growth so successful during the 1920s? What were its strengths and weaknesses? Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 96. What were the major achievements in technology and science during the 1920s, and how were they applied to society? Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 97. In what ways were working Americans of the 1920s better off? How were they worse off? Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 98. How did the status of organized labor change between 1919 and 1929? Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s
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99. Describe the many factors that resulted in America becoming more of a consumer society during the 1920s. Topic: The New Economy of the 1920s 100. What were the psychological effects on both individuals and society at large that resulted from increasing consumerism in the 1920s? Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 101. Compare the ideas and social commentary of artists and writers in the 1920s with the artists and writers of the 1820s-1850s. Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 102. Who were the prominent American writers in the 1920s? Why did a number of these writers express negative views of society? Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 103. Describe the status of women in the 1920s. What aspects of their activities and behavior showed significant change, and what remained the same? Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 104. What did the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance mean for African American culture? What were the contributions of some of its leading figures? Topic: The New Culture of the 1920s 105. Compare the political philosophies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson with those of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government 106. How did the federal government go about implementing prohibition? Why was prohibition ultimately a failure? Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 107. Why did nativism reemerge with new strength after World War I? What cultural and legal effects did it have? Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 108. Why did the Democrats fall apart and concede control to a series of Republican presidents in the 1920s? Topic: The Cultural Conflicts of the 1920s 109. What was Hoover’s “associationalism” and why did he champion it? Topic: The Era of Republican Control of Government
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Chapter 23 The Great Depression Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Beginning in February 1928 and lasting through most of 1929, the American stock market A. saw the number of shares traded daily soar. B. saw the average price of stocks rise slightly. C. slowly declined in value. D. rapidly lost value. E. saw brokerage firms restrict credit to those buying stocks. Answer: A Page: 640 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 2. All the following factors contributed to the Great Depression EXCEPT A. an unstable European economy. B. a lack of diversification in the United States economy. C. a maldistribution of purchasing power. D. conservative banking policies that restricted the availability of loans. E. weak consumer demand. Answer: D Page: 641-642 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 3. In the late 1920s, the European demand for agricultural and manufacturing goods from the United States was A. rising. B. steady. C. declining. D. chronically unstable. E. essentially nonexistent. Answer: C Page: 642 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression
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4. After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the United States A. reduced the debts owed by European nations to America. B. forgave the debts owed by European nations to America. C. demanded immediate payment of all debts owed by European nations to America. D. refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America. E. forgave the debts owed by former allies during the War, and reduced the debts of other nations. Answer: D Page: 642 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 5. The severity of the Depression increased in 1931 when the Federal Reserve Board A. closed all financially-ailing banks. B. declared bankruptcy. C. weakened the value of the dollar. D. expanded the money supply. E. raised interest rates. Answer: E Page: 643 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 6. In 1932, the unemployment rate in Toledo, Ohio was one of the worst in the nation, at A. 40 percent. B. 60 percent. C. 70 percent. D. 80 percent. E. 95 percent. Answer: D Page: 644 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 7. During the Great Depression in the rural United States, A. one-third of all farmers lost their land. B. farm income dropped by twenty-five percent. C. economic conditions were slightly better than in industrial cities. D. the farm economy could not keep up with consumer demand. E. farmers enjoyed several unusually fertile growing seasons. Answer: A Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times
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8. The “Dust Bowl” in the 1930s A. was created by the national economic collapse. B. stretched from Kansas to California. C. experienced years of heavy rainfall. D. was created by grasshoppers. E. was a product of changing environmental conditions. Answer: E Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 9. During the 1930s, southern rural blacks who moved to northern urban areas A. faced blatant discrimination, much as they had in the South. B. generally experienced conditions that were in most respects little better than in the South. C. could easily find domestic service jobs that no whites wanted. D. joined the NAACP in large numbers. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 10. In the 1931 Scottsboro court case, A. black teenagers were accused of rape by two white women. B. a Georgia jury convicted all of the black youths. C. the Supreme Court reaffirmed the death penalty convictions. D. eight of the convicted youths were executed for crimes they did not commit. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 11. In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans A. migrated to the South. B. left the United States entirely. C. moved into California. D. successfully organized agricultural unions. E. migrated into rural areas, where work was more available. Answer: B Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times
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12. In the 1930s, the largest Japanese American and Chinese American populations were found in A. Oregon. B. Arizona. C. Washington. D. Hawaii. E. California. Answer: E Page: 648 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 13. During the Great Depression, Asian Americans A. were generally able, unlike African Americans, to keep from losing their jobs to white Americans. B. who were college educated generally weathered the crisis fairly well. C. had trouble competing for jobs with poor white migrants from the Midwest. D. were limited by law to low-paying jobs such as salesclerks and food servers. E. found it easier to move into mainstream professions. Answer: C Page: 648 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 14. The economic pressures caused by the Great Depression A. weakened the notion that a woman’s proper place was in the home. B. saw men move into jobs traditionally held by professional women. C. forced most women out of the labor force. D. led the federal government to make it illegal for married women to work outside the home. E. affected service and clerical positions held by women more than they affected jobs in heavy industry. Answer: B Page: 648 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 15. During the Great Depression, A. the divorce rate declined. B. the marriage rate increased. C. the birth rate increased. D. both the marriage rate and the birth rate increased. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 649 Topic: The American People in Hard Times
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16. As a result of the Great Depression, social values in the United States A. saw Americans embrace nearly any idea that was new or nontraditional. B. saw a majority of Americans question the future of democracy. C. seemed to change relatively little. D. saw most Americans turn against the traditional “success ethic.” E. saw the idea of individual initiative fall into disrepute. Answer: C Page: 649 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 17. In the 1930s, Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People A. claimed community togetherness was the best way to combat hard times. B. argued the best way to end the Depression was to have working-class men and women run for office. C. asserted that a strong faith in Christianity would best help one through hard times. D. gave financial advice and offered tips for when going to a job interview. E. taught that individual initiative could help people to restore themselves financially. Answer: E Page: 650 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 18. During the 1930s, regarding radio, A. the largest proportion of programming was devoted to news. B. most programs were increasingly prerecorded. C. around half of all American homes owned a radio. D. listening was often a community experience. E. radio sets were basically unusable in rural areas without electricity. Answer: D Page: 650 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 19. Erskine Caldwell’s ________, which later became a long-running Broadway play, was an exposé of poverty in the rural South. A. Native Son B. Tobacco Road C. Waiting for Lefty D. The Grapes of Wrath E. How to Win Friends and Influence People Answer: B Page: 650 Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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20. The long-time censor of Hollywood films in the 1920s and 1930s was A. Frank Capra. B. Pare Lorentz. C. King Vidor. D. James Agee. E. Will Hays. Answer: E Page: 651 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 21. In the 1930s, all of the following films offered social commentary on the United States and the Great Depression, EXCEPT A. Our Daily Bread. B. It Happened One Night. C. The Grapes of Wrath. D. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. E. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Answer: B Page: 651-652 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 22. The 1930s films of director Frank Capra typically displayed A. a populist admiration for ordinary Americans. B. the cultural backwardness of small towns in America. C. praise for the “rugged individualism” of American business. D. the grasping materialism of most Americans. E. a harsh critique of the heartlessness of capitalism. Answer: A Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 23. During the 1930s, American literature A. offered a greater degree of social commentary than did either radio or movies. B. saw most popular books and magazines focus on the Great Depression. C. saw photographic magazines lose much of their readership due to the high cost of each issue. D. faced censorship laws that suppressed criticisms of American politics and culture. E. adopted a more pessimistic, although no less radical, approach to society in the later 1930s. Answer: A Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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24. In the 1930s, all the following books offered criticism of American society EXCEPT A. U.S.A. by John Dos Passos. B. Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaniel West. C. Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell. D. The Disinherited by Jack Conroy. E. Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen. Answer: E Page: 650, 653-654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 25. During the 1930s, the most important group within the Popular Front was A. the Socialist Party. B. the Federation of Labor. C. the Communist Party. D. the Progressive Party. E. Americans for Democratic Action. Answer: C Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 26. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade is associated with A. the radical right. B. the Spanish Civil War. C. veterans of World War I. D. the “bonus marchers.” E. the Civilian Conservation Corps. Answer: B Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 27. During the 1930s, the American Communist Party A. distanced itself from the Soviet Union. B. excluded most minorities from its ranks. C. supported Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. D. both distanced itself from the Soviet Union and excluded most minorities from its ranks. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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28. In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party A. reduced its criticism of the United States. B. formed an American Nazi Party. C. broke from the Soviet Union. D. lost a significant portion of its membership. E. disbanded. Answer: D Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 29. During the 1930s, the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union A. sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines. B. was formed by the American Communist Party. C. concerned the federal government as a powerful force of rural radicalism. D. both sought to organize the rural poor across racial lines, and concerned the federal government as a powerful force of rural radicalism. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 30. During the 1930s, the left in the United States A. found broad acceptance among both the working class and intellectuals. B. experienced intense government hostility. C. saw a widening of the ideological range of mainstream art and politics. D. both experienced intense government hostility and saw a widening of the ideological range of mainstream art and politics. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 655 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 31. As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he A. considered the country’s economic future bright. B. assumed the economy might suffer a mild recession. C. feared a depression. D. called for voluntary guidelines to stabilize the stock market. E. renounced his earlier policy of associationalism. Answer: A Page: 655 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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32. President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by A. proposing a series of economic reform programs. B. shutting down the bank system until confidence in it could be restored. C. urging a program of voluntary cooperation from business leaders. D. calling for a tax increase to prevent a federal deficit. E. calling for a system of social security to alleviate individual suffering. Answer: C Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 33. As the depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover A. encouraged businessmen to reduce their industrial production. B. grew less willing to increase federal spending. C. began to experiment with untried economic principles. D. called for a reduction in taxes. E. stopped worrying about trying to balance the budget. Answer: B Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 34. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 A. gave incentives to Europeans to sell their goods in the United States. B. was designed to stimulate U.S. exports. C. increased tariffs on industrial products, but left farm products’ rates unchanged. D. both gave incentives to Europeans to sell their goods in the U.S., and was designed to stimulate U.S. exports. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 35. The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with the A. Agricultural Marketing Act. B. Soil Conservation Act. C. Agricultural Adjustment Act. D. Farm Security Administration. E. Rural Electrification Administration. Answer: A Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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36. After Democrats won control of Congress in the 1930 elections, President Herbert Hoover A. criticized voters for abandoning the economic principles of the Republican Party. B. told reporters that his economic recovery policies had not been successful. C. urged the new Congress to construct “Hoovervilles” to shelter the unemployed. D. refused to support a more vigorous public spending program for relief. E. deferred to their economic agenda of relief and public spending programs. Answer: D Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 37. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) A. was created to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses. B. was created in the first year of Herbert Hoover’s administration. C. included a $1.5 billion public works budget. D. included a $1.5 billion public works budget, and was created to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 38. In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation A. lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral. B. was created by Congress over President Herbert Hoover’s veto. C. focused most of its spending on large urban cities in the Northeast. D. was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. E. spent most of its money trying to prop up unstable local banks. Answer: A Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 39. In 1932, the Farmers’ Holiday Association A. began and spread throughout the South. B. was essentially a farmers’ strike. C. led to more public money being sent to rural areas. D. called on farmers to leave their lands unplanted. E. argued that farmers should also reap the benefits of welfare capitalism. Answer: B Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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40. All of the following statements regarding the 1932 “Bonus Army” are true EXCEPT that A. Hoover called some marchers’ behavior evidence of uncontrolled violence and radicalism. B. several thousand American veterans camped out in Washington, D.C. C. Congress refused to formally consider the demands of the “Army.” D. many Americans viewed President Hoover as unsympathetic to the veterans. E. the “Army” demanded Congress create relief programs for World War I veterans. Answer: E Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 41. The federal government’s response to the “Bonus Army” included A. the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington. B. General Jack Pershing exceeding his orders to remove the veterans. C. the injuring of over 100 marchers. D. both the use of six tanks to rout the veterans from Washington, and the injuring of over 100 marchers. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 42. Prior to 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had been all of the following EXCEPT A. assistant secretary of the navy. B. vice president of the United States. C. governor of New York. D. a state legislator. E. a Hudson Valley aristocrat. Answer: B Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 43. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt’s promise of a “new deal” for America included a commitment to A. spending billions of dollars to assist in economic recovery. B. providing relief jobs to millions of unemployed Americans. C. passing legislation establishing a nationwide program of social security. D. both spending billions of dollars to assist in economic recovery, and providing relief jobs to millions of unemployed Americans. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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44. Franklin Roosevelt’s victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932 A. saw Roosevelt carry every state. B. was disputed in several states. C. was a convincing mandate. D. was decided only in the final days of the election. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 45. Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt A. declared he would dramatically increase government spending. B. promised to maintain a balanced federal budget. C. made no public statements. D. refused to make any agreements on the economic direction of the country with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover. E. established the Works Progress Administration. Answer: D Page: 659 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
True/False Questions 46. In 1928, Herbert Hoover predicted an end to poverty in America was near. Answer: True Page: 640 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 47. In the year prior to its crash, the stock market had been soaring upward. Answer: True Page: 640 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 48. The Great Depression was caused by the stock market crash of October 1929. Answer: False Page: 641 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 49. The automobile and construction industries were both experiencing economic declines prior to the stock market crash. Answer: True Page: 641 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression
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50. During the 1920s, most American banks were quite conservative, but some major banks were quite reckless in their stock market investments. Answer: True Page: 642 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 51. In order to ease economic problems in Europe, the U.S. government reduced Europe’s debts to America stemming from World War I. Answer: False Page: 642 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 52. Following the “great crash,” the Federal Reserve system lowered interest rates in an effort to revive the American economy. Answer: False Page: 643 Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 53. Farm income declined by 60 percent between 1929 and 1932. Answer: True Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 54. As the Depression began, more than half of all black Americans still lived in the South. Answer: True Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 55. Those blacks who migrated to northern cities during the Great Depression found conditions little better than in the South. Answer: True Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 56. Traditional patterns of segregation and disenfranchisement in the South were not significantly challenged during the Great Depression. Answer: True Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 57. In 1932, the Supreme Court overturned the convictions of the “Scottsboro boys.” Answer: True Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times
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58. The last of the Scottsboro defendants was not freed until 1950. Answer: True Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 59. Despite hard economic times in the United States, few Hispanics left for Mexico during the Great Depression. Answer: False Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 60. Popular culture in the 1930s held that married women should not work outside the home. Answer: True Page: 648 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 61. At the end of the 1930s, a higher percentage of black women were employed than were white women. Answer: True Page: 649 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 62. During the Great Depression, both the marriage rate and the divorce rate declined. Answer: True Page: 649 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 63. American social values were changed dramatically by the Great Depression. Answer: False Page: 649 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 64. The staple of radio broadcasting during the 1930s was news. Answer: False Page: 651 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 65. In the 1930s, listening to the radio was often a family or community experience. Answer: True Page: 650 Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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66. The power of censors in the film industry declined as the Depression progressed. Answer: False Page: 651 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 67. It is accurate to state that filmmaker Frank Capra admired the American people and praised the capitalist marketplace. Answer: False Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 68. As the Depression progressed, popular literature and journalism came to be dominated by a group of writers who openly challenged the American way of life. Answer: False Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 69. Under the Popular Front, American Communists softened their criticism of capitalism. Answer: True Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 70. During the 1930s, the American Communist Party was always under the close supervision of the Soviet Union. Answer: True Page: 645 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 71. Although it was a segregated organization, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union sought to improve the lives of all sharecroppers. Answer: False Page: 645 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 72. President Hoover did attempt to use federal spending to fight the Great Depression. Answer: True Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 73. Both the Agricultural Marketing Act and the Hawley-Smoot Tariff provided significant help to American farmers. Answer: False Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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74. Much of the money lent by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation went to large banks and corporations. Answer: True Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 75. Farm strikes in the Midwest during the Great Depression were initially successful. Answer: False Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 76. The “Bonus Army” of 1932 demanded that Congress make an early payment of a promised “bonus” for World War I veterans. Answer: True Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 77. Prior to 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had never held elective office. Answer: False Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 78. In national politics, Franklin Roosevelt had generally avoided divisive cultural issues. Answer: True Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 79. Franklin Roosevelt won in a landslide in 1932, but it was not clear what he would do as president. Answer: True Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 80. Prior to his inauguration, Franklin Roosevelt promised outgoing President Hoover that he would not create more debt in the federal budget. Answer: False Page: 659 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 81. The ________ Tariff of 1930 dramatically raised tariff rates. Answer: Hawley-Smoot Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 82. During the drought of the 1930s, the Great Plains were called the “________.” Answer: Dust Bowl Page: 645 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 83. The infamous ________ case saw the arrest and conviction of nine likely innocent black teenagers in Alabama in 1931. Answer: Scottsboro Page: 646 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 84. During the Depression, probably because it was too expensive in those troubled times, the ________ rate declined. Answer: divorce Page: 649 Topic: The American People in Hard Times 85. One of the best-selling books of the 1930s was How to Win Friends and Influence People, by ________. Answer: Dale Carnegie Page: 650 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 86. The Grapes of Wrath was written by ________. Answer: John Steinbeck Page: 655 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 87. When a live radio broadcaster, overcome with emotion, cried out “Oh the humanity!” on the air in 1937, he was referring to the crash of the ________. Answer: Hindenburg Page: 651 Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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88. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, two films that provided romanticized depictions of small town American people and values, were directed by ________. Answer: Frank Capra Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 89. ________ magazine was the leading photographic journal in the 1930s. Answer: Life Page: 653 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 90. Those Americans who went to Spain to fight against General Franco and fascism created the ________ Brigade. Answer: Abraham Lincoln Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 91. The ________ was an alliance between the American Communist Party and other “antifascist” groups in the 1930s. Answer: Popular Front Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 92. The Socialist Party of America in the 1930s was led by ________. Answer: Norman Thomas Page: 654 Topic: The Depression and American Culture 93. Many Americans, angry at their government, began calling shanty towns built by the unemployed on the outskirts of cities “________.” Answer: Hoovervilles Page: 656 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 94. In 1932, President Hoover sought to lift business out of the Depression through the ________ Corporation. Answer: Reconstruction Finance Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 95. Farm strikes in the Midwest were organized by the Farmers’ ________ Association. Answer: Holiday Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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96. General ________ led the military mission to eject the “Bonus Army” from Washington, D.C., in 1932. Answer: Douglas MacArthur Page: 657 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 97. In the 1932 election, Democratic candidate Franklin Roosevelt faced off against the Republican nominee, ________. Answer: Herbert Hoover Page: 678 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 98. In 1921, Franklin Roosevelt was stricken with ________, and as a result, he lost the use of his legs. Answer: polio Page: 658 Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
Essay Questions 99. What caused the stock market to crash in October 1929? Could this crash have been avoided? Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 100. Prior to the stock market crash in October 1929, what were the major weaknesses in the economy of the late 1920s? Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 101. What are the major interpretations regarding the causes of the Great Depression? Why is there little historical consensus regarding the causes? Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression 102. Accurately characterize the depth and breadth of the Great Depression. Topic: The Coming of the Great Depression Topic: The American People in Hard Times 103. How did the American people—men, women, minorities—generally respond to the Great Depression? Topic: The American People in Hard Times Topic: The Depression and American Culture 104. How was the American family affected by the Great Depression? Topic: The American People in Hard Times Topic: The Depression and American Culture
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105. What were the popular cultural similarities and differences in the 1930s among radio programs, the movies, and literature? Topic: The Depression and American Culture 106. Why did the radical left enjoy growing popularity in America during the 1930s? Why did this popularity prove to be largely temporary? Topic: The Depression and American Culture 107. What did President Hoover offer in the fight against the Great Depression? Why was he ineffective in this fight? Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 108. Characterize Herbert Hoover’s personality during his presidency. How did his personal image with the American public change between 1928 and 1932? Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency 109. Why was Franklin Roosevelt elected president in 1932? What was his campaign platform? Topic: Herbert Hoover’s Presidency
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Chapter 24 The New Deal Multiple-Choice Questions 1. During President Franklin Roosevelt’s early days in office, A. he believed the Depression was largely over. B. he promised to take drastic, even warlike, action against economic conditions. C. the American people concluded the economy was not as bad off as they once had believed. D. he attempted to hold the Hoover administration accountable for the economic crisis. E. he showed a relative lack of interest in taking on the economic crisis directly. Answer: B Page: 662 Topic: Launching the New Deal 2. In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt A. took the country off the gold standard. B. ended prohibition. C. sent the National Industrial Recovery Act to Congress. D. presented to Congress a relief plan for the unemployed. E. closed all banks for a short period. Answer: E Page: 662 Topic: Launching the New Deal 3. The Economy Act of 1933 A. proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers’ salaries. B. ordered all federal agencies to cut their workforce by ten percent. C. gave immediate pensions to retired war veterans. D. provided an infusion of cash into the economy. E. gave the government authority to curb irresponsible speculation by banks. Answer: A Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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4. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established A. the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. B. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. the Securities and Exchange Commission. D. both the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 5. Beginning in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A. offered financial protection for stock investors. B. gave the government authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks. C. protected the assets of bank depositors. D. protected banks from failing. E. prevented banks from speculating irresponsibly. Answer: C Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 6. To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934 Congress established the A. Securities and Exchange Commission. B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. Federal Reserve Board. D. Glass-Steagall Act. E. Federal Emergency Relief Association. Answer: A Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 7. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 A. sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant. B. set minimum prices for retailers purchasing farm products. C. provided farmers with free seed and fertilizer. D. offered financial incentives to farmers who improved their production yields. E. created government warehouses where farmers could store their crops and use them as collateral. Answer: A Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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8. The Agricultural Adjustment Act A. favored small farm operations over large ones. B. fostered further instability in the agricultural economy. C. protected tenant farmers. D. failed to improve farm prices. E. was declared unconstitutional in large part by the Supreme Court. Answer: E Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 9. The New Deal program that created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the A. Resettlement Administration. B. Farm Security Administration. C. Rural Electrification Administration. D. Civilian Conservation Corps. E. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. Answer: C Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 10. The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following EXCEPT A. establish a minimum wage for labor. B. make child industrial labor illegal. C. set a standard for the maximum hours one could work in a week. D. increase competition between companies. E. set price and wage floors for most major industries. Answer: D Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 11. During the first year of the National Recovery Administration, A. industry saw prices decline. B. industrial production rose. C. large producers consistently dominated the code-writing process. D. both of these occurred: industry saw prices decline, and industrial production rose. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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12. The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933 A. saw private farmers and business leaders dominate its planning process. B. was the most controversial program of the early New Deal. C. was one of the costliest failures of the Roosevelt administration. D. was headed by former electricity magnate Samuel Insull. E. was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government. Answer: E Page: 667 Topic: Launching the New Deal 13. All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT A. flooding being almost entirely eliminated in the affected region. B. a decline in the cost of power from private companies. C. significant reduction in poverty in the region. D. improvements to water transportation. E. electricity being provided to thousands of new users. Answer: C Page: 667 Topic: Launching the New Deal 14. During its first year, the Civil Works Administration A. put four million people to work. B. provided relief funds but not relief work. C. planned for major building projects such as dams, airports, and power plants. D. made little progress in helping the jobless. E. was soon replaced by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Answer: A Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 15. The Civilian Conservation Corps A. was racially integrated. B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas. C. included women. D. mostly employed the jobless rural poor. E. passed Congress despite Roosevelt’s ambivalence about the project. Answer: B Page: 669 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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16. In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from A. the political far right. B. the political far left. C. dissident populists such as Huey Long. D. both the political far right and the political far left. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 669-670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 17. In 1934, the American Liberty League was formed A. to help win public support for the more controversial New Deal programs. B. by western business leaders who felt ignored by the New Deal. C. to unite southerners who opposed the New Deal’s support of unions. D. by a coalition of radical and semi-radical organizations, including the Socialist Party. E. by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal. Answer: E Page: 669 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 18. In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that A. offered medical insurance for the poor and elderly. B. was strongly supported by Congress. C. helped pave the way for the Social Security system. D. guaranteed all able-bodied Americans over age 21 a full-time job. E. provided below-cost health care to children and pregnant women. Answer: C Page: 669 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 19. Much of Father Charles Coughlin’s outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of A. the right of labor to organize in unions. B. giving public relief jobs to women with children. C. the repeal of prohibition. D. changing the banking and currency system. E. taxing excess corporate profits and surplus riches. Answer: D Page: 669 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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20. In 1935, Senator Huey Long A. advocated a “flat tax” plan. B. had proposed a national wealth-sharing plan that involved heavily taxing the wealthiest Americans. C. had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls. D. declared he would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1936. E. advocated a $200 monthly pension for all Americans over the age of 60. Answer: B Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 21. The “Second New Deal” was launched partly in response to the A. president’s sympathy toward the ideas of Senator Long. B. persistence of the Great Depression. C. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the National Industrial Recovery Act. D. political challenges of Senator Long and the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the National Industrial Recovery Act. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 22. All of the following programs were part of the Second New Deal EXCEPT A. the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. B. the Wagner Act. C. the Holding Company Act. D. higher tax rates for the wealthy. E. the National Labor Relations Act. Answer: A Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 23. During the Second New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt A. moved away from altering the income tax. B. called for greater civil rights for American minority groups. C. introduced government-funded unemployment checks. D. rejected legislative attempts by Senator Robert Wagner to strengthen labor. E. became more willing to attack corporate interests openly. Answer: E Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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24. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 A. ended the labor practice of a “closed shop.” B. gave government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions. C. enforced the labor practice of an “open shop.” D. resulted in the Supreme Court’s striking down of the Wagner Act. E. invalidated Section 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act. Answer: B Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 25. In the 1930s, industrial unionism was A. strengthened, partly, by New Deal legislation. B. supported by the American Federation of Labor. C. opposed by labor leaders such as John L. Lewis. D. generally hostile to blacks and women. E. losing support among unskilled laborers. Answer: A Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 26. In the 1930s, the industrial union movement A. was most interested in attracting skilled laborers. B. decided it was better to organize by companies than by entire industries. C. grew more militant and powerful. D. saw many of its leaders take top executive jobs in major companies. E. became the dominant force in the American Federation of Labor. Answer: C Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 27. In the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organization A. grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor. B. was less militant than the American Federation of Labor. C. would not accept women or blacks as members. D. confined its organizing to the steel and coal industries. E. refused to get involved in organizing the automobile industry. Answer: A Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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28. During the 1930s, the sit-down strike A. was first used in the steel industry. B. was a new and controversial labor tactic. C. was upheld by the courts and state governments. D. was eventually broken by the Michigan National Guard. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 29. During the 1937 sit-down strike of General Motors, the federal government A. actively sided with the strikers. B. actively sided with the company. C. assumed control of the plant. D. negotiated a settlement through federal arbitration. E. refused to intervene in the dispute. Answer: E Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 30. In 1937, regarding the organizing of industrial labor, A. small steel companies more quickly unionized than did large steel companies. B. the effort to organize the steel industry proved easier than organizing in the auto industry. C. the “Memorial Day Massacre” saw striking U.S. Steel employees killed by police. D. the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions. E. a key strike against Republic Steel of Chicago succeeded in winning union recognition. Answer: D Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 31. The Social Security Act of 1935 A. initially only offered a pension for retired workers. B. did not begin making payments to participants for years. C. covered all full-time working American citizens. D. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt as being too costly. E. originally included a program for universal health-care. Answer: B Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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32. The Works Progress Administration of 1935 A. gave federal relief money to those deemed “unemployable.” B. displayed very little flexibility or imagination. C. provided mostly “make-work” jobs to the unemployed. D. was under the direction of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. E. was much larger than previous programs of its kind. Answer: E Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 33. The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to A. artists and sculptors. B. grooms and jockeys. C. writers and musicians. D. artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 34. The principle New Deal government aid to women during the 1930s was in the form of A. industrial work relief. B. free health care. C. free child care. D. cash assistance. E. secretarial work relief. Answer: D Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 35. The election of 1936 A. saw Franklin Roosevelt opposed by the Republican, William Lemke. B. was considered “too close to call” by opinion polls in the weeks prior to the vote. C. produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party. D. saw third-party challengers play a major role in the outcome. E. saw the Republican challenger pick up considerable gains in the formerly “Solid South.” Answer: C Page: 675 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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36. All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition EXCEPT A. big-business owners. B. the working class. C. urban blacks. D. western and southern farmers. E. liberals and progressives. Answer: A Page: 675 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 37. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt’s call to expand the Supreme Court came from A. complaints by several justices that they were being overworked. B. a desire not to have to choose between two different popular candidates for chief justice. C. a Democratic plan to gain the for the party permanent control of the federal government. D. his opinion that the Court needed to review a larger number of cases. E. his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court. Answer: E Page: 675 Topic: The End of the New Deal 38. President Franklin Roosevelt’s proposal to expand the Supreme Court A. had little effect on future rulings by the Court. B. did little political damage to his administration. C. drew significant support from conservatives. D. was eventually defeated in Congress. E. gained Roosevelt the support of southern Democrats. Answer: D Page: 675 Topic: The End of the New Deal 39. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt decided A. that there should be a sharp increase in New Deal spending. B. the federal government would never be able to end the Depression. C. the federal work programs would have to be continued indefinitely. D. that he should try to balance the federal budget. E. that Social Security should be expanded to include agricultural and domestic laborers. Answer: D Page: 676 Topic: The End of the New Deal
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40. During the recession of 1937, A. Congressional Republicans took most of the blame. B. the economy was almost as bad as during the worst economic period of the Hoover administration. C. industrial production faltered but employment remained steady. D. it became apparent that New Deal programs had made little impact on economic conditions. E. Roosevelt tried to mitigate the damage by reducing spending. Answer: B Page: 677 Topic: The End of the New Deal 41. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 A. signaled the start of a new round of New Deal legislation. B. sought to eliminate hiring discrimination based on race, but not on gender. C. did not include a provision regarding working hours. D. established a national minimum wage. E. created an enforcement mechanism to protect unions’ right to organize. Answer: D Page: 678 Topic: The End of the New Deal 42. By the end of 1938, A. the nation had largely emerged from the Depression. B. President Roosevelt began what became known as the “Third New Deal.” C. Congress had come to accept the need for further reforms. D. the American public had come to strongly oppose the New Deal. E. the New Deal had largely come to an end. Answer: E Page: 678 Topic: The End of the New Deal 43. Under the New Deal, African Americans A. were generally treated equally with other races. B. received no significant appointments in the Roosevelt White House. C. received more sympathy than under most previous administrations. D. were able to challenge many patterns of race discrimination effectively. E. found the government hostile to black aspirations. Answer: C Page: 679-680 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
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44. The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was A. Frances Perkins. B. Harold Ickes. C. Harry Hopkins. D. Eleanor Roosevelt. E. Mary McLeod Bethune. Answer: D Page: 680 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 45. African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs A. were paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs. B. were among the first to be released when funds ran out. C. saw existing patterns of discrimination dismantled. D. were both paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs, and among the first to be released when funds ran out. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 681 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 46. New Deal policy toward American Indians, as led by John Collier, A. continued past government policies. B. favored Indian assimilation into the larger white culture. C. was grounded in a commitment to cultural relativism. D. encouraged Indians to own land as individuals, rather than collectively. E. led to a considerable decrease in tribal lands. Answer: C Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 47. John Collier is associated with New Deal A. Indian policies. B. programs for African Americans. C. health programs for children. D. initiatives for the working class. E. administration of public works. Answer: A Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
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48. Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of A. commerce. B. agriculture. C. labor. D. health and human services. E. education. Answer: C Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 49. All the following statements regarding the New Deal and women are true EXCEPT that A. the New Deal sanctioned sexually discriminatory wage rates. B. New Deal relief agencies offered relatively little employment for women. C. women were encouraged to leave the workplace to help men get jobs. D. many occupations dominated by women were excluded from Social Security. E. in general, women were major critics of the New Deal. Answer: E Page: 682-683 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 50. In the American West, New Deal programs A. were limited and had a minimal impact on life. B. focused on the few large cities. C. led to a change in existing racial relations. D. disproportionately benefited the region, with more funding than any other part of the country. E. drew considerable opposition for their environmentalist bias. Answer: D Page: 683 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 51. One of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States was that it A. fostered stronger and more varied interest groups. B. created a unified, government-controlled economy. C. created a harmonious, ordered economy. D. created laws that provided equal economic opportunity for all American workers. E. ended the Depression. Answer: A Page: 679 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
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52. One long-term consequence of the New Deal was that A. the government effectively redistributed the wealth among the American people. B. it brought about a massive, long-term increase in federal power. C. the national government assumed responsibility for the basic welfare of the people. D. the influence of the government on the economy became greater than that of private businesses. E. the government substantially transformed the distribution of power within American capitalism. Answer: C Page: 684 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
True/False Questions 53. Much of Franklin Roosevelt’s early success as president was a result of his personality. Answer: True Page: 662 Topic: Launching the New Deal 54. Early into his first term, President Roosevelt let it be known that balancing the federal budget was a high priority of his administration. Answer: True Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 55. The Agricultural Adjustment Act did not bring about a rise in farm prices in the years immediately following its passage in 1933. Answer: False Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 56. The Supreme Court declared both the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act to be unconstitutional. Answer: True Page: 663, 670 Topic: Launching the New Deal 57. The Rural Electrification Administration was more effective and affected more people than did the Resettlement Administration. Answer: True Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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58. The National Industrial Recovery Act sought to tighten antitrust provisions and make important concessions to labor. Answer: False Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 59. The industrial codes set up under the National Recovery Administration set floors below which no company could lower prices or wages. Answer: True Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 60. The provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act included a promise to workers that they could participate in collective bargaining, but there were no enforcement mechanisms in the legislation. Answer: True Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 61. Under the National Industrial Recovery Act, the code writing was to be done by Congress. Answer: False Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 62. During his first term, President Roosevelt preferred work relief programs to those that simply provided cash assistance. Answer: True Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 63. The Home Owners Loan Corporation provided funds for refinancing home mortgages. Answer: True Page: 669 Topic: Launching the New Deal 64. President Roosevelt had misgivings about establishing a federal “dole” for the jobless. Answer: True Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal 65. The Social Security Act was part of what has been called the Second New Deal. Answer: True Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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66. Charles Coughlin quickly moved from supporting to opposing President Roosevelt. Answer: True Page: 669 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 67. A series of 1935 Roosevelt proposals for higher tax rates on the wealthy was likely designed to undercut Senator Huey Long’s Share-Our-Wealth Plan. Answer: True Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 68. During his first term, President Roosevelt grew increasingly willing to openly attack corporate interests. Answer: True Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 69. President Roosevelt was dissatisfied with the National Labor Relations Act, but he did sign it. Answer: True Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 70. The Congress of Industrial Organizations was more receptive to women and blacks than the American Federation of Labor had been. Answer: True Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 71. Despite the challenge of the CIO, the AFL remained committed to the craft union idea. Answer: True Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 72. In general, the CIO was a more militant labor organization than the AFL. Answer: True Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 73. The sit-down strike was an effective way to prevent companies from using strikebreakers. Answer: True Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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74. During the 1930s, the smaller steel companies were more willing to accommodate unions than were the large steel companies. Answer: False Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 75. The original Social Security Act included a system of unemployment insurance. Answer: True Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 76. The New Deal had moved far enough to the left by 1935 that the poorest of workers, including domestic servants and agricultural laborers, were covered by the Social Security Act. Answer: False Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 77. New Deal Social Security was primarily designed to provide assistance to those who had earned it, but it also provided considerable direct assistance based on need. Answer: True Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 78. The principal government aid to women was not work relief, but cash assistance. Answer: True Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 79. President Roosevelt’s 1936 reelection was the greatest landslide victory to that point in the history of American presidential elections. Answer: True Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 80. Roosevelt’s “Court-packing plan” called for replacing conservative justices with liberal ones. Answer: False Page: 675 Topic: The End of the New Deal 81. Roosevelt’s Court-packing plan came to be considered unnecessary by Congress once the Supreme Court began supporting New Deal legislation. Answer: True Page: 675 Topic: The End of the New Deal
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82. The recession of 1937 seemed to many observers at the time, including the president, to be the result of reductions in federal spending. Answer: True Page: 677 Topic: The End of the New Deal 83. By 1936, the black vote had become evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. Answer: False Page: 680 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 84. The New Deal was not hostile to black Americans, but it did not give the issue of race a high priority. Answer: True Page: 679-681 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 85. On the prompting of Eleanor Roosevelt, New Deal agencies tried to eliminate racial segregation in their programs. Answer: False Page: 680-681 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 86. Theories of cultural relativism fed into New Deal plans to assimilate the American Indian into the larger white society. Answer: False Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 87. The New Deal generally supported the notion that in hard economic times, women should leave the workplace in order to open up jobs for men. Answer: True Page: 683 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 88. During the New Deal, the federal government maintained a much greater and more visible bureaucratic presence in the West than in any other region of the country. Answer: True Page: 683 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 89. The New Deal substantially altered the distribution of power within American capitalism. Answer: False Page: 683 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
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90. Largely as a result of the New Deal, the Democratic Party grew massively in size and power. Answer: True Page: 684 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 91. One of Franklin Roosevelt’s first acts as president was to close all ________. Answer: banks Page: 662 Topic: Launching the New Deal 92. The ________ Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment which made alcohol production and sale illegal, in 1933. Answer: Twenty-first Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 93. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was to be financed by a tax on ________. Answer: food processing Page: 663 Topic: Launching the New Deal 94. The primary new federal agency for industrial recovery during the early New Deal was the ________. Answer: National Recovery Administration Page: 666 Topic: Launching the New Deal 95. The creation of the ________ represented an unprecedented New Deal experiment in regional planning. Answer: Tennessee Valley Authority Page: 667 Topic: Launching the New Deal 96. The ________ was a work relief program established in parks, forests, and rural settings. Answer: Civilian Conservation Corps Page: 668 Topic: Launching the New Deal
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97. Conservatives and corporate leaders organized the ________ League to arouse public opposition to the New Deal. Answer: American Liberty Page: 669 Topic: Launching the New Deal 98. The ________ Plan represented a pre-Social Security Act scheme to provide for federal pensions for senior citizens. Answer: Townsend Page: 669 Topic: Launching the New Deal 99. By 1935, President Roosevelt was most alarmed by the growing popularity of Senator ________. Answer: Huey Long Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 100. The National Labor Relations Act, popularly known as the ________ Act, provided workers with greater assurance that their collective bargaining rights would be honored. Answer: Wagner Page: 670 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 101. John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers was one of the leaders of the fledgling ________, established in 1936. Answer: Congress of Industrial Organizations Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 102. The United Auto Workers pioneered the use of the sit-down strike in its dealings with the ________ company. Answer: General Motors Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 103. In 1937, the ________ company unexpectedly recognized the major union of steel workers. Answer: U.S. Steel Page: 671 Topic: The New Deal in Transition
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104. The ________ Act of 1935 was arguably the nation’s most important social program for the elderly. Answer: Social Security Page: 672 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 105. The Works ________ Administration under Harry Hopkins was notable in terms of both dollars spent and new ideas generated. Answer: Progress Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 106. In 1936, ________ was the Republican candidate for president. Answer: Alf Landon Page: 673 Topic: The New Deal in Transition 107. In 1937, the Supreme Court declared both the Wagner Act and the ________ Act to be constitutional. Answer: Social Security Page: 675 Topic: The End of the New Deal 108. The severe 1937 economic downturn is known as the “________.” Answer: Roosevelt recession Page: 677 Topic: The End of the New Deal 109. The commissioner of Indian affairs in the 1930s was ________. Answer: John Collier Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 110. Secretary of Labor ________ was the first female member of a president’s cabinet. Answer: Frances Perkins Page: 682 Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
Essay Questions 111. How was Franklin Roosevelt able to quickly restore the public’s confidence in government and the economy in 1933? Topic: Launching the New Deal
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112. Compare the efforts of both Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt in fighting the Depression. How did their efforts fare in combating the economic crisis? Topic: Launching the New Deal Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal 113. Was Franklin Roosevelt a progressive president in the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson? What similarities and differences did he share with these two men? Topic: Launching the New Deal Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 114. What major programs did the Roosevelt administration establish in its first term of office? Which programs were considered the most successful, even if they did little to change the overall economic situation of the country? Topic: Launching the New Deal 115. How was the African American experience with the New Deal different than that of poor whites? Describe both the social and economic dimensions of the African American experience. Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 116. Describe how the New Deal affected the evolution of organized labor during the 1930s. What changes did industrial labor organizations go through on their own? Topic: The New Deal in Transition 117. How did New Deal programs evolve between 1933 and 1935? Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal 118. Who were the major critics of the New Deal and what were their complaints? What effect did these complaints have on the New Deal? Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal 119. Describe the differences in the arguments of right-leaning New Deal critics with those critics from the political left. Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal 120. What was the significance of the result of the 1936 elections? Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal
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121. Why was the New Deal in disarray by 1937–1938? Why were there no additional New Deal programs after 1938? Topic: The End of the New Deal 122. What impact did the New Deal have on women and minorities? Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 123. What did the New Deal accomplish in the 1930s? What did it not accomplish? Why did it fail to end the Depression? Topic: Launching the New Deal Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 124. How might the New Deal have been more successful? Topic: Launching the New Deal Topic: The New Deal in Transition Topic: The End of the New Deal Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 125. What have been the long-term legacies of the New Deal? What major historical assessments have been made of it? Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal 126. Discuss the fundamental shift that took place in the 1930s regarding the role of the federal government to help people in economic hardship. How would you assess this shift? Has it been useful or not? How does it relate to you personally today? Topic: Limits and Legacies of the New Deal
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Chapter 25 The Global Crisis, 1921–1941 Multiple-Choice Questions 1. The secretary of state of the Harding administration was A. Charles Evans Hughes. B. Charles Dawes. C. Henry Cabot Lodge. D. Henry Stimson. E. Cordell Hull. Answer: A Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 2. During the Harding administration, the United States A. eventually joined the League of Nations. B. threatened to blockade Japan if it did not stop its military aggression. C. largely retired from international diplomacy. D. proposed a dramatic reduction in the fleets of the United States, Britain, and Japan. E. forgave the international debts of the former European allies. Answer: D Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 3. The Washington Conference of 1921 A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. B. saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. C. sought to expand the global markets of the United States. D. ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. E. attempted to create a world court. Answer: A Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 4. The Five-Power Pact of 1922 dealt with A. restructuring Germany’s war debt. B. the League of Nations. C. the civil war in Russia. D. Japanese aggression toward China. E. armament limitations. Answer: E Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era
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5. All of the following nations were signatories to the Five-Power Pact of 1922 EXCEPT A. Britain. B. Russia. C. France. D. Italy. E. Japan. Answer: B Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 6. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 A. was an alliance between France and the United States against Germany. B. was to be enforced with multinational trade embargoes. C. was signed with wide international acclaim. D. stated that an attack on one nation was an attack on all nations. E. was an alliance between France and the United States against Japan. Answer: C Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 7. The Dawes Plan of 1924 A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 8. In his foreign policy for Latin America, President Herbert Hoover A. repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. B. repeatedly ordered troops into various Central American nations. C. canceled Latin American war debts owed to the United States. D. closely followed the policies of the two previous administrations. E. declared America would henceforth only recognize democratically-elected regimes. Answer: A Page: 689 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era
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9. As part of his foreign policy, President Herbert Hoover moved to withdraw American troops from A. Mexico. B. Cuba. C. Venezuela. D. Colombia. E. Haiti. Answer: E Page: 689 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 10. In 1929, a fascist-led government was in power in A. Germany. B. Spain. C. Italy. D. Japan. E. France. Answer: C Page: 689 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 11. Which of the following statements about the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany is FALSE? A. His rise was partially precipitated by ruinous inflation. B. Hitler displayed a pathological anti-Semitism and a passionate militarism. C. Hitler believed in the genetic superiority of the Aryan people. D. Hitler argued in favor of extending German territory for the purpose of Lebensraum. E. Upon coming to power in 1933, Hitler called his new government “the Weimar Republic.” Answer: E Page: 689 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 12. In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, A. issued warnings to the Japanese government. B. imposed economic sanctions against Japan. C. sent financial aid to Chiang Kai-shek’s government in China. D. sent Americans to Manchuria to train Chinese pilots. E. called for Japanese recognition of the Open Door policy. Answer: A Page: 690 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era
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13. President Franklin Roosevelt’s sharpest foreign policy break with Herbert Hoover concerned A. Latin America. B. Europe. C. Asia. D. Russia. E. Mexico. Answer: B Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 14. In what became known as the 1933 “bombshell” message, Franklin Roosevelt declared that A. all foreign war debts would be forgiven. B. America would no longer recognize fascist governments. C. the Monroe Doctrine was now null and void. D. further Japanese aggression against China would be met with force. E. America would reject any international agreement on currency stabilization. Answer: E Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 15. In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt carried out international policies that A. kept the United States on the gold standard. B. preserved the circular loan system of the Dawes Plan. C. established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. D. allowed American banks to make loans to nations in default to the United States. E. further soured relations with Latin America. Answer: C Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 16. In 1934, U.S.-Soviet relations soured in part because the United States demonstrated little interest in stopping the expansion of A. Germany. B. Italy. C. China. D. Japan. E. Great Britain. Answer: D Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism
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17. President Franklin Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor Policy” A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover. B. was designed to keep the peace in western Europe. C. limited land purchases by U.S. companies in neighboring countries. D. was abandoned by the United States at the start of World War II. E. gave nations allied against fascism preferential loan rates. Answer: A Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 18. During the 1920s and 1930s, interest in pursuing an isolationist foreign policy A. led the United States to give up its membership in the World Court. B. seemed to grow in the U.S. as it became apparent that Italy would invade Ethiopia. C. led the U.S. Senate to assert that no single nation was a threat to world peace. D. was strongly supported by President Franklin Roosevelt. E. declined after the investigations chaired by Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota. Answer: B Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 19. The Neutrality Act of 1935 A. sought to protect America’s international trade agreements. B. prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. C. did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia. D. was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind. E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict. Answer: E Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 20. The Neutrality Act of 1937 A. stripped the president of many of his powers as commander-in-chief. B. allowed warring nations to purchase nonmilitary goods in the United States if they paid cash. C. loosened the trade policy for England, while tightening it for Germany and Japan. D. banned the sale of all goods from the United States to any nation at war. E. exempted Asian nations from the provisions of the 1935 Neutrality Act. Answer: B Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism
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21. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt’s “quarantine” speech A. saw the president call for further isolation from the nation’s enemies. B. warned Japan it faced a U.S. embargo if it continued to be aggressive. C. saw Roosevelt challenge England and France to limit the aggression of Germany. D. received a decidedly hostile response by the American people. E. was given in response to the Japanese sinking of the Panay. Answer: D Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 22. In response to the breakout of the civil war in Spain, the U.S. government joined with Britain and France in an agreement to A. support the republican side. B. support Franco’s regime. C. offer no help to either side. D. use the conflict as a means of establishing military positions in Spain. E. offer help to whichever side would repudiate any diplomatic contact with Hitler’s regime. Answer: C Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 23. In 1938, Anschluss A. was proclaimed by Hitler. B. caused an uproar in the United States. C. was created at the Munich Conference. D. led France to put its military on alert. E. came to be identified with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Answer: A Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 24. The Munich Conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over A. Austria. B. Poland. C. Hungary. D. Belgium. E. Czechoslovakia. Answer: E Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism
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25. The Munich agreement of 1938 A. was the result of negotiations involving the League of Nations. B. put most of Poland under German control. C. ended further German aggression until World War II began. D. was supported by President Franklin Roosevelt. E. was signed by Joseph Stalin despite misgivings about German intent. Answer: D Page: 695 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 26. Germany began World War II in Europe days after A. Germany’s occupation of additional areas of Czechoslovakia. B. a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia. C. France promised Poland it would provide military support if attacked. D. Germany and Austria were unified. E. Hitler’s violation of the Munich agreement. Answer: B Page: 695 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 27. Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt A. declared the United States would remain neutral. B. declared the United States would be the “arsenal of democracy.” C. sent American military advisers to England. D. ordered a “preparedness” campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916. E. was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany. Answer: A Page: 695 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 28. By the middle of 1940, Germany had defeated A. Norway. B. Denmark. C. France. D. the Netherlands. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 697 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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29. The American ambassador to London who insisted in 1940 that the British plight was already hopeless was A. Neville Chamberlain. B. Joseph Kennedy. C. Gerald Nye. D. Burton Wheeler. E. Wendell Willkie. Answer: B Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 30. President Franklin Roosevelt’s decision in 1940 to give fifty American destroyers to England A. was cancelled by Congress. B. circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts. C. was in response to requests by the U.S. ambassador to London. D. both circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts and was in response to requests by the U.S. ambassador to London. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 31. In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. B. were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war. C. thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany. D. believed it would be a waste to aid England, as that nation would soon fall to Germany. E. believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe. Answer: A Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 32. The Burke-Wadsworth Act of 1940 A. reaffirmed the desires of isolationists to stay out of the war. B. approved sending U.S. weapons to England. C. approved the first peacetime draft in American history. D. saw the United States end all trade with any nation allied with Nazi Germany. E. repealed the 1935 and 1937 Neutrality Acts. Answer: C Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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33. The America First Committee A. was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war. B. was strongly opposed by both major political parties. C. called for increased U.S. assistance to England without any actual intervention. D. was made up largely of Democrats who favored diplomacy to end the war. E. tried and failed to enlist the support of Charles Lindbergh. Answer: A Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 34. In the election of 1940, Franklin Roosevelt A. selected Henry Wallace as his new running mate. B. won a closely contested electoral college victory for his third term. C. removed Harry Truman from the ticket at the request of conservatives. D. both selected Henry Wallace as his new running mate, and won a closely contested electoral college victory for his third term. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 35. In 1940, the “lend-lease” plan A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England, to be returned or paid for when the war was over. B. saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. C. saw England allow the construction of American military bases in British territory. D. saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S. E. was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate. Answer: A Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 36. By September 1941, A. Germany had agreed with Japan to fight against the United States. B. the United States extended lend-lease privileges to the Soviet Union. C. President Roosevelt made a secret agreement to send American troops to England. D. Germany claimed it had no interest in engaging America in war. E. the German navy had begun to sink American destroyers, including the Reuben James. Answer: B Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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37. The German sinking of the American ship Reuben James A. essentially triggered an American naval war against Germany. B. led Congress to approve the arming of American merchant ships. C. led Congress to approve American ships sailing into belligerent ports. D. led Congress to approve both the arming of American merchant ships and the sailing of American ships into belligerent ports. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 38. In 1941, the Atlantic Charter A. was signed in Washington, D.C. B. was completed by senior military officials in the United States and England. C. saw President Roosevelt agree to an eventual invasion of Europe to drive out the Nazis. D. saw the United States and England claim to share common principles. E. gave American merchant ships the authority to fire on German submarines. Answer: D Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 39. The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance among A. the United States, England, and Russia. B. the United States, England, and France. C. Japan, Germany, and Italy. D. Japan, Germany, and Austria. E. England, France, and Italy. Answer: C Page: 699-700 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 40. In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, A. Japanese troops attacked the Philippines. B. the Japanese developed a new, unbreakable communication code. C. Japan tried to repair relations with the United States in order to restore their flow of supplies. D. President Franklin Roosevelt ordered Japan’s diplomats to leave Washington. E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States. Answer: E Page: 700 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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41. Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE? A. The State Department assumed the Japanese would never attack American interests. B. The American aircraft carriers escaped the attack. C. Few American authorities believed Japan was capable of an attack on Pearl Harbor. D. The Japanese suffered light losses in the attack. E. More than 2,000 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack. Answer: A Page: 701 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 42. In 1941, Germany’s declaration of war against the United States A. occurred after the United States declared war on Germany. B. came the same day that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. C. did not occur until two months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. D. occurred before the United States declared war on Germany. E. was never reciprocated by Congress. Answer: D Page: 702 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
True/False Questions 43. The United States failed to join the League of Nations. Answer: True Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 44. During the 1920s, the United States played a more active role in global politics than it ever had in its history. Answer: True Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 45. In 1921, Charles Evans Hughes feared an arms race would develop on the world’s oceans. Answer: True Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 46. The Kellogg-Briand Pact declared war illegal. Answer: True Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era
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47. During the 1920s, U.S. banks and corporations were becoming deeply embedded in the daily economic life of Europe. Answer: True Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 48. Under the Dawes Plan, the United States lent money to European countries to repay war debts owed to the United States. Answer: True Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 49. President Hoover upheld the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Answer: False Page: 689 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 50. The Hoover administration imposed economic sanctions against Japan for its takeover of Manchuria in the early 1930s. Answer: False Page: 690 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 51. The Good Neighbor Policy of the Roosevelt administration expanded on earlier changes in foreign policy made by the Hoover administration. Answer: True Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 52. The Neutrality Acts of the mid-1930s established the U.S. right to use military action to defend any violation of its neutrality. Answer: False Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 53. The American preference for neutrality increased in popularity in October 1935 when Mussolini finally launched his anticipated attack on Ethiopia. Answer: True Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism
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54. President Franklin Roosevelt made his “quarantine” speech in an effort to block Hitler’s takeover of Austria. Answer: False Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 55. At the time of its announcement, President Roosevelt approved of the Munich agreement. Answer: True Page: 695 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 56. Stalin’s nonaggression pact with Hitler was signed before the start of World War II in Europe. Answer: True Page: 695 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 57. Like Woodrow Wilson before him, President Roosevelt asked the American people to be neutral in thought when war erupted in Europe in 1939. Answer: False Page: 695 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 58. President Roosevelt’s first response to the war in Europe was to request that Congress extend lend-lease to the Allies. Answer: False Page: 695 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 59. By 1940 the American ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph Kennedy, thought that the British cause was hopeless. Answer: True Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 60. President Roosevelt’s decision to give American destroyers to Great Britain was consistent with the “cash-and-carry” provisions of the Neutrality Acts. Answer: False Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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61. By the time President Roosevelt ran for a third term, a significant majority of the American people believed that Nazi Germany posed a direct military threat to the United States. Answer: True Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 62. On foreign policy matters, President Roosevelt and his Republican challenger, Wendell Willkie, were in essential agreement. Answer: True Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 63. Lend-lease to Great Britain led directly to an American decision to escort convoys of goods across parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Answer: True Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 64. President Roosevelt responded to the Nazi invasion of Russia by extending lend-lease to Russia. Answer: True Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 65. President Roosevelt’s August 1941 meeting with Winston Churchill off the coast of Newfoundland led to a private commitment to use the American military in the war against Hitler. Answer: False Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 66. The Roosevelt administration refused to issue economic sanctions against Japan prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Answer: False Page: 700 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 67. Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States knew that a Japanese attack was imminent, but it did not know where the attack would take place. Answer: True Page: 700 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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68. In December of 1941, Germany declared war on the United States before the United States declared war on Germany. Answer: True Page: 702 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 69. The ________ of 1921 was an attempt to prevent a naval arms race among the United States, Great Britain, and Japan. Answer: Washington Conference Page: 687 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 70. The 1928 ________ was a multilateral treaty to outlaw war. Answer: Kellogg-Briand Pact Page: 688 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 71. The 1931 invasion of Manchuria by ________ was cause for concern on the part of the Hoover administration. Answer: Japan Page: 690 Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 72. In 1933, the Roosevelt administration extended diplomatic recognition to ________. Answer: the Soviet Union Page: 691 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 73. A Senate committee headed by Senator _______ of North Dakota investigated the reasons behind the American entry into World War I. Answer: Gerald Nye Page: 693 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 74. Roosevelt’s 1937 “quarantine” speech was directed at ________. Answer: Japan Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism
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75. The Anschluss of 1938 was between Germany and ________. Answer: Austria Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 76. The Munich Conference of 1938 dealt with German designs on the country of ________. Answer: Czechoslovakia Page: 694 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 77. After Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1939, Britain and France gave assurances to the country of ________ that they would come to its assistance if it were invaded. Answer: Poland Page: 695 Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 78. During the winter and early spring of 1939–1940, Europe settled into what some called “the ________ war.” Answer: phony Page: 696 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 79. In September of 1940, Congress passed the ________ Act, inaugurating the first peacetime draft in American history. Answer: Burke-Wadsworth Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 80. In 1940, Charles Lindbergh and Senator Gerald Nye took leading roles in the ________ Committee. Answer: America First Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 81. Franklin Roosevelt’s Republican opponent in 1940 was ________. Answer: Wendell Willkie Page: 698 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 82. Following his reelection in 1940, President Roosevelt asked Congress to establish the ________ program with Great Britain. Answer: lend-lease Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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83. The sinking of the ________ in the fall of 1941 led Congress to arm American merchant ships. Answer: Reuben James Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 84. In August 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill met off the coast of Newfoundland to agree to the ________. Answer: Atlantic Charter Page: 699 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 85. In September 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan entered into a defensive alliance called the ________. Answer: Tripartite Pact Page: 699-700 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 86. By late November of 1941, American officials assumed that the next Japanese move would be directed not against American territory, but against British or ________ possessions to the south. Answer: Dutch Page: 701 Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
Essay Questions 87. During the 1920s, what were the primary objectives of U.S. foreign policy? How did the United States go about achieving these objectives? Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 88. Describe American foreign policy objectives with Europe during the 1920s. Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 89. What were the weaknesses of U.S. foreign policy during the 1920s? Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 90. In what ways did the Hoover administration continue past foreign policy? In what way did it break from the past? Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era 91. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Hoover administration’s foreign policy? Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era
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92. Why did the events surrounding World War I encourage the growth of isolationism in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s? Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 93. Were American isolationists in the 1920s and 1930s a recent phenomenon, or did their thinking fit into traditional American ideas regarding foreign policy? Justify your response. Topic: The Diplomacy of the New Era Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 94. How were the activities of other nations affected by American isolationism in the 1930s? Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism 95. How might the Roosevelt administration be labeled isolationist? How and why might it be labeled internationalist? Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 96. What steps were taken during the 1930s to reinforce the American retreat from Europe? What steps did the Roosevelt administration take to lead the United States away from isolationism? Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 97. Explain the evolution of American diplomacy toward Japan between 1921 and 1941. Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention 98. Was war between the United States and Japan inevitable? Could it have been avoided? Topic: Isolationism and Internationalism Topic: From Neutrality to Intervention
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Chapter 26 America in a World at War Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In World War II, the main American strategy to fight Japan was to A. mount two offensive campaigns to attack the Japanese from two directions. B. concentrate U.S. forces into one large offensive moving west from the Marshall Islands. C. quickly recapture the Midway Islands from the Japanese. D. establish a strong defensive position in the Solomon Islands to lure in the Japanese. E. encourage the Japanese navy to overextend itself past the Gilbert Islands, then attack from behind. Answer: A Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 2. In World War II, one of the primary American commanders in the Pacific was A. Dwight Eisenhower. B. Omar Bradley. C. Chester Nimitz. D. George Marshall. E. George Patton. Answer: C Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 3. The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942 A. saw the Americans take the offensive for the first time. B. saw the United States forced to withdraw its naval forces. C. marked the major turning point of the war in the Pacific. D. saw the Japanese lose most of its aircraft carriers. E. marked the first important victory by the United States against Japan. Answer: E Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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4. The Battle of Midway in 1942 A. saw the United States suffer great losses. B. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. C. lasted four days. D. both lasted four days and was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 5. After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from A. England and France. B. the Soviet Union and China. C. the Dutch and the Soviet Union. D. England and the Soviet Union. E. Australia and New Zealand. Answer: E Page: 706 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 6. During World War II, the United States Army chief of staff was A. Douglas MacArthur. B. George Marshall. C. Omar Bradley. D. Dwight Eisenhower. E. George Patton. Answer: B Page: 706 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 7. In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was A. the Soviet Union. B. China. C. Great Britain. D. the United States. E. Canada. Answer: A Page: 706 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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8. In 1942–1943, the British and American war effort against the Nazis concentrated on A. freeing France from German control. B. supporting the Russians. C. fighting in North Africa and southern Europe. D. protecting England. E. stopping the Holocaust. Answer: C Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 9. In 1942, in the North African campaign against the Nazis, the A. Americans advanced under the command of Omar Bradley. B. Americans successfully regrouped from a defeat at Kasserine Pass. C. Germans suffered a major defeat at Stalingrad. D. Americans pushed the Germans out of Egypt. E. British lost a key early battle at El Alamein. Answer: B Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 10. In 1943, in a meeting in Casablanca, the Allies decided they would next invade A. Cyprus. B. France. C. Sicily. D. Corsica. E. Greece. Answer: C Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 11. During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was A. Germany. B. Spain. C. Austria. D. Japan. E. Italy. Answer: E Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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12. The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France A. left the Soviet Union deeply embittered. B. put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe. C. occurred after the Soviet Union had won a significant victory in Stalingrad. D. both put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe, and left the Soviet Union deeply embittered. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 707-708 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 13. The U.S. government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust A. prior to World War II beginning in Europe. B. before the U.S. had entered the war. C. as early as 1942. D. only in the last year of the war. E. only after the war was over. Answer: C Page: 708 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 14. During World War II, Allied bombers targeted A. the crematoria at Auschwitz. B. the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. C. the guard towers and Nazi bunkers at Auschwitz. D. both the crematories at Auschwitz and the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 708-709 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 15. Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees. B. won an agreement by England to accept several thousand refugees. C. made many efforts to help refugees escape the Nazis but not have them enter the United States. D. denied the Nazis were targeting Jews for murder. E. rescinded the provisions of the 1924 National Origins Act dealing with Jewish immigrants. Answer: A Page: 709 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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16. Between 1939 and 1945, the federal budget of the United States A. halved. B. doubled. C. tripled. D. rose over five-fold. E. rose over ten-fold. Answer: E Page: 709 Topic: The American People in Wartime 17. During World War II, the regional impact of government spending was the greatest in the A. Northeast. B. Midwest. C. South. D. East. E. West. Answer: E Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 18. During World War II, the labor force of the United States A. saw 15 million people leave civilian labor for the armed forces. B. saw the supply of civilian labor decline by 25 percent. C. was forced to contend with a large labor surplus. D. saw both 15 million people leave civilian labor for the armed forces and the supply of civilian labor decline by 25 percent. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 19. During World War II, organized labor in the United States A. lost membership as wages rose across most industries. B. frequently used the threats of strikes to obtain higher wages. C. agreed to freeze union membership and wages until the war was over. D. won automatic union memberships for new defense-plant workers. E. won a significant victory with the passage of the Smith-Connally Act. Answer: D Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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20. Which of the following is true of organized American labor during World War II? A. No major union went on strike. B. “Wildcat” strikes were the most common. C. Unions accepted a freeze on wages until the war ended. D. Many states passed laws expanding the influence of unions. E. Opposition to strikes was led by the influential United Mine Workers. Answer: B Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 21. The Smith-Connally Act of 1943 A. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt. B. authorized the president to seize a war factory where workers had gone on strike. C. passed as a result of actions taken by the United Mine Workers. D. both was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt and passed as a result of actions taken by the United Mine Workers. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 22. Over the course of World War II, inflation in the United States A. remained low before 1941. B. was much less serious a problem than it had been during World War I. C. was largely uncontrolled by the federal government. D. was at its highest in the last year of the war. E. was less a concern than fears of deflation. Answer: B Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 23. In 1943, to simplify tax collections, Congress enacted A. automatic payroll deductions. B. a short form for paying income taxes. C. a sales tax. D. a flat tax. E. an earned income tax credit. Answer: A Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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24. During World War II, the War Production Board A. was maintained under the auspices of the Department of Labor. B. was directed by Roosevelt ally Leon Henderson. C. had complete control over military purchases. D. favored large over small contractors. E. won the support of small business. Answer: D Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime 25. During World War II, the National Defense Research Committee A. had, by 1941, pushed the U.S. into a position of technological superiority over Germany. B. funded less research than its predecessor had during World War I. C. was headed by a scientist who was a pioneer in the development of the computer. D. concentrated its work on developing an atomic bomb. E. received more private funding than government money. Answer: C Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime 26. During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats and underwater mines was greatly reduced by the development of A. acoustic countermeasures. B. sonar. C. centimetric radar. D. advanced cavity magnetron valves. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime 27. During World War II, Germany held the technological edge over the Allies in A. centimetric radar. B. rocket-propelled bombs. C. ocean mine detection. D. aircraft bombers. E. intelligence gathering. Answer: B Page: 714 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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28. During World War II, the Allied development of the Gee navigation system A. was first used in the last months of the war. B. sent a sonic message telling pilots they were in range of their targets. C. used electronic pulses to plot course locations. D. proved ineffective at sea. E. raised the accuracy rate of night-bombing raids to 30 percent. Answer: C Page: 714 Topic: The American People in Wartime 29. All of the following were Allied advances in intelligence-gathering in World War II EXCEPT the A. creation of the Purple machine for coded communications. B. capturing of an Enigma machine. C. creation of the first programmable, digital computer. D. breaking of the German codes early in the war. E. breaking of Japanese codes before American entry into the war. Answer: A Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 30. During World War II, the Fair Employment Practices Commission was created A. to help southern African Americans move to northern cities to take war jobs. B. by President Roosevelt to stop black protesters from marching on the capital. C. after serious racial rioting broke out in several northern industrial cities. D. and led by A. Philip Randolph. E. in response to significant protests led by the Congress of Racial Equality. Answer: B Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 31. During World War II, the U.S. military A. used quotas to limit the number of black servicemen in the military. B. excluded blacks from combat duty. C. began to relax its practices of racial segregation. D. allowed blacks into all branches of the military for the first time. E. doubled the number of black servicemen to 200,000. Answer: C Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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32. During World War II, American Indians A. saw government war contracts bring a higher standard of living to many reservations. B. were excluded from military service. C. were pushed out of white society and back onto the reservations. D. saw war work spread to almost every Indian reservation in the United States. E. saw the war effort undermine efforts to revitalize tribal traditions. Answer: E Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime 33. In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program, which A. increased the number of Mexican immigrants the United States would accept as new citizens. B. allowed U.S. businesses to establish war production factories in Mexico. C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time. D. accepted Mexican citizens into the U.S. armed forces. E. eliminated the tariff on goods produced in Mexico. Answer: C Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime 34. The 1943 “zoot-suit riots” in Los Angeles A. resulted from tensions between the African American and Mexican American communities. B. led the city to prohibit the wearing of zoot suits. C. began when off-duty Mexican American soldiers refused to wear their military uniforms. D. both began when off-duty Mexican American soldiers refused to wear their military uniforms, and led the city to prohibit the wearing of zoot suits. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime 35. In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in “relocation centers,” A. all of the affected Japanese were American citizens. B. a powerful popular movement sprung up to protest the internments. C. all of those affected were first-generation Japanese immigrants. D. the move was protested by California Attorney General Earl Warren. E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk. Answer: E Page: 720-721 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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36. All of the following statements regarding the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II are true EXCEPT that A. the United States government has never admitted wrongdoing. B. the order for internment was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1944. C. most of those interned lost all their property and possessions. D. the internment camps were essentially prisons. E. government officials claimed the camps were places where the Japanese could be socialized and “Americanized.” Answer: A Page: 721 Topic: The American People in Wartime 37. During World War II, Chinese Americans A. were drafted in a higher proportion than any other national group. B. received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda. C. saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. D. both received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda and saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 721 Topic: The American People in Wartime 38. During World War II, American women who worked outside the home A. tended to be older than women who worked in the past. B. were barred from unions. C. were not allowed to have children under the age of three in their care. D. both tended to be older than women who worked in the past, and were not allowed to have children under the age of three in their care. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 717 Topic: The American People in Wartime 39. During World War II, in the United States, all of the following social indicators experienced a rise in their rate of occurrence EXCEPT A. the marriage rate. B. high school enrollment. C. the divorce rate. D. the juvenile crime rate. E. the birth rate. Answer: B Page: 717 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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40. During World War II, American shoppers A. faced many shortages of consumer goods. B. did not buy as many magazines, as part of the war effort. C. had less money to spend than they had had the decade before. D. had less money to spend than they had had the decade before, but did not buy as many magazines, as part of the war effort. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 718 Topic: The American People in Wartime 41. Most employed women during the war worked in A. the service sector. B. industrial jobs. C. the factory. D. military support positions E. child care. Answer: A Page: 717 Topic: The American People in Wartime 42. During World War II, the United States military services A. saw the major purpose of the USO as bringing new recruits into the armed forces. B. tolerated homosexuality. C. quietly tolerated illicit heterosexual relationships. D. encouraged USO women to form relationships with servicemen. E. banned the practice of painting bathing beauties on the nosecones of fighter planes. Answer: C Page: 743 Topic: The American People in Wartime 43. During World War II, Congress abolished the A. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). B. Works Progress Administration (WPA). C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). D. CCC and WPA. E. WPA and FDIC. Answer: D Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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44. A significant issue in the 1944 election was A. America’s relationship with the Soviet Union. B. corruption charges involving the White House. C. the strategy of the war. D. civil rights. E. the domestic economy. Answer: E Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime 45. In the 1944 elections, A. Republicans gained control of the Senate. B. President Franklin Roosevelt was too ill to campaign. C. Democrats increased their control of the House. D. Thomas Dewey nearly won the electoral vote. E. Henry Wallace was elected vice president. Answer: C Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime 46. All of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT that A. the attack involved perhaps the largest number of naval vessels and armaments ever assembled in one place. B. the landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel. C. Allied paratroopers were dropped behind German lines prior to the beach landings. D. within a week, German forces had been dislodged from most of the Normandy coast. E. American, British, and Canadian forces stormed the beaches on June 6, 1944. Answer: B Page: 722 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 47. In August 1944, the Allies liberated from German occupation the city of A. Rome. B. Warsaw. C. Stockholm. D. Paris. E. Amsterdam. Answer: D Page: 722 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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48. In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany A. destroyed 75 percent of the previously undamaged city. B. killed approximately 135,000 people. C. resulted in mostly civilian casualties. D. both killed approximately 135,000 people and resulted in mostly civilian casualties. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 722 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 49. The Battle of the Bulge A. began in the spring of 1945. B. saw the American army drive deep into Germany. C. ended serious German resistance in the west. D. both saw the American army drive deep into Germany and was the last major battle on the western front. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: C Page: 723 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 50. In April 1945, American and British forces halted their advance on Germany at the Elbe River A. because their supply lines had become overextended. B. to wait for the Russian army to arrive. C. due to fierce German resistance. D. at the announcement that President Franklin Roosevelt had died. E. because all bridges over the river had been destroyed. Answer: B Page: 724 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 51. In February 1944, American naval forces won a series of victories in the Marshall Islands, under the command of A. Dwight Eisenhower. B. Douglas MacArthur. C. Omar Bradley. D. Joseph Stilwell. E. Chester Nimitz. Answer: E Page: 724 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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52. The 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf A. was the largest naval engagement in history. B. saw Japanese forces sink four American aircraft carriers. C. was the only time German and Japanese naval forces fought together. D. included the American capture of Okinawa. E. resulted in the American capture of Tinian, Guam, and Saipan. Answer: A Page: 725 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 53. The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was the Battle of A. Iwo Jima. B. Leyte Gulf. C. Okinawa. D. Midway. E. Guadalcanal. Answer: A Page: 725 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 54. In mid-1945, evidence of Japan’s desperation to continue the war included A. the sending of thousands of pilots on suicide missions. B. nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines. C. the loss of over 100,000 Japanese lives at Okinawa. D. both the sending of thousands of pilots on suicide missions, and nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 725 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 55. In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of an atomic bomb were taken by A. the Soviet Union. B. Great Britain. C. the United States. D. Japan. E. Nazi Germany. Answer: E Page: 726 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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56. All of the following statements regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II are true EXCEPT that A. the program was code-named the Manhattan Project. B. plutonium was a practical fuel for the bomb. C. the program proceeded at a faster pace than had been expected. D. the government secretly poured nearly $2 billion into the project. E. Albert Einstein was in charge of the development program. Answer: E Page: 727 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 57. The first atomic explosion in history took place in 1945 in A. Hiroshima, Japan. B. the Bikini Islands. C. Alamogordo, New Mexico. D. the Salt Lake desert in Utah. E. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Answer: C Page: 727 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 58. Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman A. sent evidence of a test explosion to the Japanese government. B. issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation. C. warned the Japanese about the atomic bomb but sent no evidence of its effect. D. told Japan to evacuate Hiroshima or face the consequences. E. did not send any kind of message to Japan. Answer: B Page: 727 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 59. The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan in August 1945 after A. the Japanese failed to provide a response to the first bomb. B. the Soviet Union announced it would not enter into war against Japan. C. the Japanese government announced that the United States had only one atomic bomb. D. the emperor of Japan asked the United States for more time to consider surrendering. E. the emperor of Japan declared that his country would fight to the death. Answer: A Page: 729 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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60. The Japanese surrender to the United States A. was announced a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped. B. was formally signed on the American battleship Missouri. C. occurred on September 2, 1945. D. was both formally signed on the American battleship Missouri and announced a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 729 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 61. Which of the following is true of casualties in World War II? A. Fourteen million combatants died. B. More than a million Americans were killed or wounded. C. Casualties were relatively light in the United States, compared to those of other countries. D. The war had cost the lives of 322,000 Americans. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 730 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
True/False Questions 62. Despite the power of prewar isolationism, there was a large degree of unity once the United States was involved in World War II. Answer: True Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 63. In June 1942, the United States gained control of the central Pacific with the Battle of Midway. Answer: True Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 64. Britain and the Soviet Union were not in agreement on where to strike at the Nazis. Answer: True Page: 706-707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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65. The Soviet Union favored the Allied African campaign as a way to divert German resources from the eastern front. Answer: False Page: 706-707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 66. The Allied invasion of Sicily led to the collapse of the Mussolini government. Answer: True Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 67. The U.S. government consistently resisted calls to make an Allied effort to save Jews caught in the Holocaust. Answer: True Page: 708 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 68. The federal government’s budget in 1945 had increased more than ten-fold from 1939. Answer: True Page: 709 Topic: The American People in Wartime 69. During World War II, around 6 million Americans joined the armed forces. Answer: False Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 70. World War II gave a great boost to union membership, even though the government extracted “no-strike” pledges from unions for the duration of the war. Answer: True Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 71. Congress enacted a system of automatic tax withholding through payroll deductions as a wartime measure. Answer: True Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 72. By the end of 1942, Allied technology had caught up with that of Germany and Japan. Answer: True Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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73. The Allied introduction of an “acoustic” mine was a major advance in naval warfare. Answer: False Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime 74. Germany’s rocket-propelled bombs caused more psychological harm than actual damage in England. Answer: True Page: 714 Topic: The American People in Wartime 75. American intelligence broke the Japanese coding system prior to Pearl Harbor. Answer: True Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 76. African Americans’ strategy for social and economic improvement during World War II was to gain favor with the Roosevelt administration rather than make demands of it. Answer: False Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 77. At the start of World War II, black leaders carried out a massive march on Washington to call attention to racial discrimination. Answer: False Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 78. Native American languages were useful in American military communications. Answer: True Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime 79. The braceros program allowed Mexicans to enter the United States and become citizens if they agreed to work in war plants for the duration of the war. Answer: False Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime 80. The repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts in 1943 resulted in a flood of Chinese immigrants into the United States. Answer: False Page: 721 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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81. Many employers used domestic analogies to recruit women for industrial labor. Answer: True Page: 717 Topic: The American People in Wartime 82. Working mothers during World War II usually relied on private child-care facilities. Answer: False Page: 717 Topic: The American People in Wartime 83. The war effort led military leaders to largely ignore the presence of homosexual men and women serving in the ranks. Answer: False Page: 720 Topic: The American People in Wartime 84. The 1944 presidential campaign revolved primarily around domestic, rather than foreign, policy issues. Answer: True Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime 85. During the 1944 presidential campaign, Franklin Roosevelt was gravely ill. Answer: True Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime 86. Congress abolished both the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Association during World War II. Answer: True Page: 722 Topic: The American People in Wartime 87. Near the end of World War II, American, British, and Russian troops battled Nazi troops in the streets of Berlin. Answer: False Page: 724 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 88. Harry Truman did not know of the existence of the Manhattan Project at the time that he became president. Answer: True Page: 728 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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89. The United States was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Germany when it surrendered. Answer: False Page: 727-728 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 90. The dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was followed by the firebombing of Tokyo. Answer: False Page: 726, 729 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 91. When President Truman ordered the use of the atomic bomb he believed he was making a simple military decision. Answer: True Page: 728 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 92. The first important Allied victory against Japan was during the Battle of ________. Answer: the Coral Sea Page: 705 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 93. During the winter of 1942–1943, the Red Army had successfully held off a major German assault at ________, though the victory had come at a terrible cost, decimating the civilian population of the city. Answer: Stalingrad Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 94. During the early part of the war, the ________ campaign tied up a considerable proportion of Allied resources and contributed to the postponement of the planned May 1943 cross-channel invasion of France. Answer: North African Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 95. At a January 1943 meeting in ________, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to a British plan for the invasion of Sicily. Answer: Casablanca Page: 707 Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II
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96. By the end of World War II, the Pacific Coast had become the center of the American ________ industry. Answer: aircraft Page: 712 Topic: The American People in Wartime 97. Rapid technological advances by American and British scientists in ________ and sonar greatly assisted the Allied air and sea war efforts. Answer: radar Page: 713 Topic: The American People in Wartime 98. Intelligence efforts through the British Ultra project and the United States’ ________ operation broke the code systems of Germany and Japan during World War II. Answer: Magic Page: 714-715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 99. ________, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, planned a march on Washington in 1941 for the rights of black war plant workers. Answer: A. Philip Randolph Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 100. A new civil rights organization to mobilize mass resistance to racial discrimination, the ________, came into existence during World War II. Answer: Congress of Racial Equality Page: 715 Topic: The American People in Wartime 101. Non-naturalized, first-generation Japanese immigrants and naturalized or native-born Japanese American citizens were called ________ and Nisei, respectively. Answer: Issei Page: 720 Topic: The American People in Wartime 102. The American and Mexican governments agreed in 1942 to a program by which ________, or contract laborers, would be admitted to the United States for a limited time to work at specific jobs. Answer: braceros Page: 716 Topic: The American People in Wartime
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103. The ________ recruited thousands of women to be hostesses in their clubs for American servicemen. Answer: USO Page: 720 Topic: The American People in Wartime 104. In 1943, President Roosevelt publicly suggested that “Dr. New Deal,” as he called it, had served its purpose and should give way to “Dr. ________.” Answer: Win-the-War Page: 721 Topic: The American People in Wartime 105. The D-Day invasion of France took place along the ________ coast. Answer: Normandy Page: 722 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 106. In the Battle of the Bulge, the German offensive was stopped at the town of ________. Answer: Bastogne Page: 723 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 107. The ________ Project, concentrated in New Mexico and Tennessee, moved at a faster pace than expected during World War II. Answer: Manhattan Page: 727 Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
Essay Questions 108. Trace the significant battles and events in the Pacific between the United States and Japan during World War II. Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 109. What strategic concerns and desires divided the Americans, the British, and the Soviets during World War II? Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 110. What were the short- and long-term consequences of the Allied decision in 1942 to engage in an African campaign against Germany? Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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111. What steps did the federal government take to mobilize the nation for World War II? Topic: The American People in Wartime 112. Describe the key technological developments by the Allies during World War II. Why were the Allies able to quickly move ahead of Germany and Japan in this area? Topic: The American People in Wartime 113. In which area—intelligence or strategic use—were the technological advances by the Allies more important to their winning the war? Explain. Topic: The American People in Wartime 114. Consider racial minorities and women in the United States during World War II. Which groups made notable gains from the war and which did not? Explain. Topic: The American People in Wartime 115. Describe American society (the home front) during World War II. What were its pleasures and what were its pains? Topic: The American People in Wartime 116. How did the war affect the American economy? How did it affect the New Deal? What economic factors of the war would fuel a post-war boom of material prosperity in the United States? Topic: The American People in Wartime 117. How was the defeat of Nazi Germany organized and orchestrated? What critical reasons can be advanced to account for the Allied victory in Europe? Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 118. What were the reasons, strategic and otherwise, for a lack of action by the Allies toward the Holocaust in Europe during World War II? Were these reasons justified by the need to win the war? What do you think the Allies could have done? Topic: The U.S. Enters World War II 119. Describe the development and making of the atomic bomb. Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 120. Critics have charged the United States was morally irresponsible in using atomic weapons against Japan during World War II. What are their arguments? What are the arguments in support of dropping the bombs? Was the United States’ action moral or not? Topic: The Defeat of the Axis 121. Do you agree or disagree with President Harry Truman’s decision to drop atomic bombs in 1945? Topic: The Defeat of the Axis
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Chapter 27 The Cold War Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In 1945, Joseph Stalin’s vision of a postwar world in which great powers would control strategic areas of interest was largely shared by A. Charles de Gaulle. B. Winston Churchill. C. Franklin Roosevelt. D. Mao Zedong. E. Harry Truman. Answer: B Page: 733 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 2. In early 1943 at a meeting in Casablanca, A. Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt agreed the Axis powers must surrender unconditionally. B. Joseph Stalin had refused to attend. C. Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to follow Stalin’s strategy to defeat Germany. D. Stalin threatened to make a separate peace with Germany. E. Stalin argued against the Allies opening a second front in western Europe. Answer: A Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 3. At the Teheran Conference in late 1943, A. Franklin Roosevelt knew Joseph Stalin urgently needed American aid in fighting Germany. B. Winston Churchill agreed to enter the war in the Pacific as soon as Germany was defeated. C. Franklin Roosevelt urged Joseph Stalin to postpone his westward offensive. D. it was agreed that Poland should be put under Soviet control after the war. E. Franklin Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months. Answer: E Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War
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4. In early 1945 at the Yalta Conference, A. Franklin Roosevelt was too ill to attend. B. Joseph Stalin withdrew a promise to enter the Pacific war. C. Winston Churchill left early in a dispute with Stalin. D. it was agreed that the Soviet Union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War. E. Joseph Stalin refused to agree to Roosevelt and Churchill’s plans for the United Nations. Answer: D Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 5. In designing the structure of the new United Nations, planners called for A. each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others. B. a General Assembly in which select nations would have voting rights. C. the president of the UN to be selected from one of the five major powers. D. membership to be limited to one hundred nations. E. Germany and Japan to be added to the Security Council after 25 years. Answer: A Page: 734-735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 6. In 1945, when the United States Senate considered the proposed United Nations, it A. initially rejected American membership. B. quickly ratified the agreement by a large majority. C. refused to vote on the charter for nearly a year. D. made major changes to its charter. E. put the question to a national referendum. Answer: B Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 7. At the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in 1945, basic disagreements remained on A. the government of Poland. B. the unification of Germany. C. war reparations to the Soviet Union. D. both the government of Poland and the unification of Germany. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War
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8. All the following statements regarding the “zones of occupation” of Germany in 1945 are true EXCEPT that A. there were a total of four zones, each controlled by a different nation. B. the zones were to be determined by the position of troops at the end of the war. C. all of Berlin was to be placed under Soviet control. D. at an unspecified date, Germany would be reunited. E. Roosevelt preferred a reconstructed and reunited Germany. Answer: C Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 9. Between the Yalta Conference and his death, President Franklin Roosevelt A. saw no evidence that Stalin would not live up to his promises at Yalta. B. concluded that diplomacy would not settle American differences with Stalin. C. began to push for major reparations to the Soviet Union in hopes that it would bring Stalin on board with the Yalta agreements. D. began to coordinate a military strike on the Soviet zone of occupation in Berlin. E. became increasingly concerned, though not without hope, that Stalin was not going to fulfill conference agreements. Answer: E Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 10. In 1945, when Harry Truman became president, he A. had almost no familiarity with foreign affairs. B. believed Joseph Stalin could be trusted. C. was already drawing up plans for his “Truman Doctrine.” D. looked to Great Britain to contain the Soviet Union. E. renounced the Yalta accords signed by Roosevelt. Answer: A Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 11. President Harry Truman initially decided to “get tough” with the Soviet Union A. following the end of the war in the Pacific. B. once the United States had successfully used the atomic bomb. C. at the Potsdam Conference. D. after his first few days in office. E. after it became clear Stalin was supporting communist forces in China. Answer: D Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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12. In 1945, President Harry Truman conceded to communist authority in A. China. B. Poland. C. Berlin. D. Hungary. E. Yugoslavia. Answer: B Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 13. By 1945, the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek had A. grown antagonistic toward the United States. B. designs on taking over conquered Japan. C. little popular support. D. drifted toward communism. E. willingly ceded authority to Mao Zedong. Answer: C Page: 735-736 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 14. In the years immediately following World War II, the United States policy toward Asia led A. to U.S. military intervention in China to fight communist advances there. B. President Harry Truman to place restrictions on industrial development in Japan. C. President Truman to threaten communists in China with atomic bombs. D. the United States to provide financial support to Mao Zedong for reasons of stability. E. the Truman administration to encourage the rapid economic growth of Japan. Answer: E Page: 736 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 15. Beginning in 1947, the United States’ policy of “containment” was A. the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years. B. first applied in Poland. C. an extension of the Atlantic Charter. D. both the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years, and an extension of the Atlantic Charter. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 736-737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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16. In 1947, the Truman Doctrine A. asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world. B. assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. C. was initially invoked to provide aid to Greece and Turkey. D. both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 17. The United States was motivated to develop the Marshall Plan in 1947 due to A. a humanitarian concern for the European people. B. a desire to roll back communism from East Asia. C. a desire to create strong European markets for American goods. D. both a humanitarian concern for the European people, and a desire to create strong European markets for American goods. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: D Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 18. U.S. aid through the Marshall Plan A. was offered to the Soviet Union. B. failed to significantly revive European industrial production. C. had little impact on communist influence within nations that accepted aid. D. was opposed by many Republicans in Congress. E. grew more controversial, after a Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948. Answer: A Page: 737-738 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 19. The National Security Act of 1947 A. created the National Security Council. B. created the Central Intelligence Agency. C. created the Department of Defense. D. combined the functions previously performed separately by the War and Navy Departments. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 738 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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20. The Soviet Union’s 1948 blockade of West Berlin was primarily a response to the A. Marshall Plan. B. United States putting nuclear missiles in Turkey. C. establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. D. Truman Doctrine. E. creation of a unified West Germany. Answer: E Page: 739 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 21. In 1948, President Harry Truman responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by A. sending American paratroopers into West Berlin. B. airlifting supplies to West Berlin. C. threatening war with the Soviet Union. D. encouraging the United Nations to pass economic sanctions. E. creating a blockade of East Berlin. Answer: B Page: 739-740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 22. In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization A. was created in response to the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact. B. called for a de-militarized zone across Western Europe. C. declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all. D. both was created in response to the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact, and declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 23. In the last months of 1949, events in the Soviet Union and China included A. Russia’s successful test of an atomic weapon. B. the collapse of Mao Zedong’s government to communist forces. C. the death of Joseph Stalin. D. both the collapse of Mao Zedong’s government to communist forces, and the death of Joseph Stalin. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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24. The 1950 National Security Council report known as NSC-68 stated A. Western allies must take the initiative in resisting communism in their region. B. the United States must resist communism anywhere it developed in the world. C. the defense of Western Europe was the key to winning the fight against communism. D. the United States must gradually increase its level of defense spending. E. that Chinese aggression against Taiwan would result in war. Answer: B Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 25. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 A. was limited to servicemen who had been wounded in combat. B. mainly provided counseling for emotionally troubled veterans. C. helped to reduce government spending. D. gave economic and education subsidies to veterans. E. explicitly discriminated against African Americans. Answer: D Page: 741 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 26. During the mid-1940s, the American economy A. was plagued by serious inflation. B. experienced few labor strikes. C. fell back to depression conditions. D. witnessed a significant tax increase. E. confronted a wave of unexpected bank failures. Answer: A Page: 741 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 27. Following World War II, the great majority of working American women A. kept the same jobs they had had during the war. B. voluntarily left the labor force. C. moved to jobs outside the service sector. D. found themselves excluded from nearly all employment. E. wanted to keep working. Answer: E Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War
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28. President Harry Truman’s Fair Deal called for A. a retraction of many New Deal programs. B. an end to public housing. C. a freeze on the minimum wage to combat inflation. D. the creation of national health insurance. E. an end to the Fair Employment Practices Act and other wartime measures. Answer: D Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 29. The 1946 elections A. revealed growing public support for President Harry Truman’s domestic agenda. B. saw the Democrats retain control of the House, but lose the Senate. C. saw Republicans win control of both houses of Congress. D. saw President Truman chastise Republican critics with the slogan “Had Enough?” E. saw Republicans argue that Truman aimed to roll back the New Deal. Answer: C Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 30. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 A. permitted the “union shop.” B. expanded the Wagner Act. C. permitted the “closed shop.” D. prohibited states from passing “right-to-work” laws. E. was supported by President Truman. Answer: A Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 31. President Harry Truman’s actions after the 1946 election included A. deciding not to run for office in 1948. B. becoming more conservative. C. proposing a major civil rights bill. D. abandoning his Fair Deal. E. calling his opponents “soft on communism.” Answer: C Page: 742-743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War
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32. In 1948, the Americans for Democratic Action A. formed as a coalition of conservative Democrats. B. supported Henry Wallace for president. C. was the major support group for President Harry Truman. D. supported Strom Thurmond for president. E. tried to draft Dwight Eisenhower for president. Answer: E Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 33. In the 1948 presidential election, A. early polls had seemed to indicate that Harry Truman would lose. B. President Truman refrained from attacking Republicans, for fear of alienating voters. C. the Progressive and “Dixiecrat” candidates combined for 20 percent of the popular vote. D. both of these were the case: early polls had seemed to indicate that Harry Truman would lose, and President Truman refrained from attacking Republicans for fear of alienating voters. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 34. In 1949, President Harry Truman succeeded in getting Congress to pass A. civil rights legislation. B. nationalized health care. C. federal aid to education. D. aid for public housing. E. significant tax cuts. Answer: D Page: 744 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 35. In 1949, the Truman administration made progress in civil rights by A. making lynching a federal crime. B. abolishing the poll tax. C. ordering an end to discrimination in the hiring of government employees. D. establishing the Fair Employment Practices Commission. E. ordering the desegregation of public transportation. Answer: C Page: 744 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War
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36. The Supreme Court case of Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) dealt a blow to A. voter discrimination. B. housing discrimination. C. communism in the United States. D. labor unions. E. Truman’s plans for national health care. Answer: B Page: 744 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 37. A 1948 public opinion poll revealed that a majority of Americans believed atomic power would A. cause significant harm to the environment if used as an energy source. B. likely result in the destruction of much of human civilization in the next few decades. C. be used in war within the next five years. D. have few practical applications in the foreseeable future. E. in the long run, do more good than harm. Answer: E Page: 744 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 38. The immediate cause of the Korean War, in 1950, was the A. decision by the United States to send troops to South Korea. B. triumph of communism in China. C. military invasion by North Korea into South Korea. D. division of Korea into northern and southern halves. E. military invasion of North Korea by China. Answer: C Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 39. All of the following statements regarding Korea are true EXCEPT that A. in 1945, both the United States and the Soviet Union had troops in Korea. B. the Soviet Union established a communist government in the north. C. the United States left Korea in 1946. D. the Soviet Union left Korea in 1949. E. the country was divided along the 38th parallel. Answer: C Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War
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40. The government of Syngman Rhee in Korea after World War II A. was pro-Western. B. had a powerful military. C. was supported by the Soviet Union. D. was backed by communists in China. E. was remarkably democratic. Answer: A Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 41. The Truman administration responded in 1950 to the onset of fighting in Korea by A. declaring war on North Korea. B. calling on the United Nations to intervene. C. warning China not to intervene. D. threatening the use of atomic weapons. E. telling South Korea to stand down. Answer: B Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 42. The American invasion at Inchon during the Korean War A. was aimed at preventing Chinese communists from entering the war. B. was a military debacle. C. led to a fight between General Douglas MacArthur and President Harry Truman. D. prompted President Truman to try to push communists out of North Korea. E. was ultimately thwarted due to the surprise intervention of the Chinese navy. Answer: D Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 43. In 1951, President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of command because MacArthur A. publicly stated that an invasion of China would be a military disaster. B. publicly criticized President Truman’s policy in Korea. C. refused to support Truman’s plan to use atomic weapons in Korea. D. both publicly criticized Truman’s policy in Korea and refused to support Truman’s plan to use atomic weapons in Korea. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War
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44. The initial response by the American public to the dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur was A. anger at the United Nations. B. criticism of MacArthur. C. relief that nuclear war had been avoided. D. anger at China. E. criticism of President Truman. Answer: E Page: 746 Topic: The Korean War 45. During the Korean War, the Truman administration faced major strikes in the industries of A. rail and steel. B. steel and textiles. C. textiles and coal. D. coal and rail. E. rail and textiles. Answer: A Page: 746 Topic: The Korean War 46. As a result of the Korean War, the A. American economy was dragged into a recession. B. American public felt reassured that communism was being contained. C. stature of the American military increased. D. American public believed there was something wrong with the United States. E. government reduced the amount of money it was pumping into the economy. Answer: D Page: 746 Topic: The Korean War 47. In 1947, the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was A. labor unions. B. the Democratic Party. C. the State Department. D. the American Communist Party. E. the movie industry. Answer: E Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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48. All of the following statements regarding the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers are true EXCEPT that A. Chambers was a former communist agent. B. classified documents allegedly stolen by Hiss were kept hidden by Chambers in a pumpkin. C. the case cast suspicion on a generation of liberal Democrats. D. Hiss was convicted of espionage. E. Hiss served several years in prison. Answer: D Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 49. Of the following, the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss primarily helped the political career of A. Richard Nixon. B. Joseph McCarthy. C. John Kennedy. D. Ronald Reagan. E. Lyndon B. Johnson. Answer: A Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 50. In 1947, the Truman administration responded to Republican attacks that it was weak on communism by A. ignoring them. B. charging the Republicans with harboring communists within their own party. C. beginning an investigation into the loyalty of federal employees. D. blaming lax security on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. E. supporting passage of the McCarran Internal Security Act. Answer: C Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 51. The McCarran Internal Security Act A. outlawed all communist organizations in the United States. B. created the Federal Bureau of Investigation. C. was strongly supported by the Truman administration. D. stripped American citizenship from all known communists. E. required communist organizations to register with the government. Answer: E Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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52. In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of spying for A. the Soviet Union. B. North Korea. C. China. D. Poland. E. Israel. Answer: A Page: 748-749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 53. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were A. not members of the Communist Party. B. accused of passing American secrets to its enemies. C. convicted and sentenced to life in prison. D. both accused of passing American secrets to its enemies, and convicted and sentenced to life in prison. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 748-749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 54. When Joseph McCarthy first leveled charges of communist infiltration in the government, he was a A. member of the State Department. B. private citizen. C. first-term Republican senator. D. member of the Defense Department. E. Democratic member of the House. Answer: C Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 55. Joseph McCarthy burst into national prominence by charging that there were known communists in the A. State Department. B. Defense Department. C. Truman Cabinet. D. Central Intelligence Agency. E. United States Senate. Answer: A Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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56. During Joseph McCarthy’s investigation into alleged subversion in government, A. Republicans criticized his broad attacks on the Democratic Party. B. Dwight Eisenhower spoke against him, after McCarthy attacked George Marshall in 1952. C. he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist. D. much of the public criticized his blunt tactics and coarse behavior. E. he drew particularly strong support from the “eastern establishment.” Answer: C Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 57. The election of 1952 saw A. a contest between two war heroes, neither of whom had ever held elective office. B. President Harry Truman run for another term. C. Richard Nixon forced to step down from the Republican ticket. D. Joseph McCarthy run for president. E. television play a role in the campaign. Answer: E Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 58. The results of the election of 1952 saw A. the Republicans take control of the White House but not the Congress. B. the end to a long period of Democratic dominance. C. a close outcome between the two major parties. D. all of these: the Republicans take control of the White House but not the Congress; the end to a long period of Democratic dominance; and a close outcome between the two major parties. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
True/False Questions 59. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were in general agreement that the post-World War II world should not return to the traditional European balance of power. Answer: False Page: 733 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 60. At Casablanca, Roosevelt and Churchill announced that they would accept nothing less than the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. Answer: True Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War
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61. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met together for the first time at Teheran. Answer: True Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 62. At Teheran, Stalin made it clear that he urgently needed a second front against Nazi Germany. Answer: False Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 63. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin avoided bitterness by coming to a final settlement on the future of Poland. Answer: False Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 64. At the Yalta Conference, Stalin agreed again to enter the war in the Pacific against Japan. Answer: True Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 65. At Yalta, the Big Three agreed to create a United Nations with a Security Council in which the major powers would have the power to veto proposed action. Answer: True Page: 734-735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 66. The Yalta accords were less a settlement of postwar issues than a set of loose principles. Answer: True Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 67. The “zones of occupation” for postwar Germany left Berlin well inside the Soviet zone. Answer: True Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 68. At Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin agreed that Germany should be permanently divided. Answer: False Page: 735 Topic: Origins of the Cold War
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69. At the time that he became president, Harry Truman shared former President Roosevelt’s faith that Stalin would be reasonable and flexible. Answer: False Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 70. President Truman waited until after the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan to “get tough” with the Soviets. Answer: False Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 71. President Truman’s China policy was based on continued support of Chiang Kai-shek, but without a commitment to intervene militarily to save his regime. Answer: True Page: 735-736 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 72. The decision to lend aid to Greece and Turkey in 1947 was consistent with the Truman Doctrine. Answer: False Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 73. An integral part of the American policy of Cold War containment was to extend American economic aid to the rebuilding of Western Europe. Answer: True Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 74. The Soviet Union was invited to participate in the Marshall Plan. Answer: True Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 75. Marshall Plan assistance was eventually accepted by sixteen nations. Answer: True Page: 737-738 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 76. The National Security Act represented an attempt by Congress to gain a measure of control over the making of American foreign policy. Answer: False Page: 738-739 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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77. President Truman was not willing to risk war with the Soviets by undertaking an American military response to Stalin’s 1948 decision to blockade Berlin. Answer: True Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 78. All members of NATO were required to maintain a standing military force in Europe to defend against a possible Soviet move into Western Europe. Answer: True Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 79. The Soviets responded to the creation of NATO by forming an alliance with communist governments, called the Warsaw Pact. Answer: True Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 80. NSC-68 presumed that the United States could not necessarily rely on other nations to take the initiative in resisting communism. Answer: True Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 81. In 1945, a small percentage of working women wanted to continue working after the war. Answer: False Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 82. The end of the war in 1945 saw the onset of serious inflation, but no serious labor strife. Answer: False Page: 741 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 83. The results of the 1946 midterm elections showed that the American people were still solidly behind the ideals of the New Deal. Answer: False Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 84. Liberals who founded the Americans for Democratic Action were so unhappy with President Truman in 1948 that they were ready to leave the Democratic Party. Answer: False Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War
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85. In mid-1948, President Truman called the Republican-controlled Congress into special session, with the expectation they would do very little. Answer: True Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 86. President Truman understood that his reelection in 1948 required that he fashion a coalition very different from the New Deal coalition that had worked for Franklin Roosevelt. Answer: False Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 87. President Truman was the first president in the twentieth century to propose significant civil rights legislation. Answer: True Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 88. President Truman made great progress on federal aid to education, but not on national health insurance. Answer: False Page: 744 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 89. While the Soviet Union likely never ordered North Korea to attack South Korea, Stalin did support the North Korean offensive once it was under way. Answer: True Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 90. When war erupted in Korea in 1950, both the United States and the Soviet Union had withdrawn their troops. Answer: True Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 91. American military action in Korea was approved by the United Nations. Answer: True Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 92. The American military response in Korea began with an invasion at Pyongyang. Answer: False Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War
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93. General Douglas MacArthur pursued North Koreans beyond the 38th parallel in direct violation of President Truman’s orders. Answer: False Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 94. President Truman’s decision to fire General Douglas MacArthur was supported by many prominent American military leaders. Answer: True Page: 746 Topic: The Korean War 95. President Truman’s seizure of the steel mills was sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Answer: False Page: 746 Topic: The Korean War 96. In 1950, Alger Hiss was convicted of spying on the United States. Answer: False Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 97. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed as spies despite two years of protests and appeals by sympathizers. Answer: True Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 98. Senator Joseph McCarthy’s investigations proved there were 205 communists in the State Department. Answer: False Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 99. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, nominally in charge of carrying out Truman’s employee loyalty program, opposed the initiative through lax enforcement. Answer: False Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 100. When he ran for president in 1952, Dwight Eisenhower failed to speak out against Senator Joseph McCarthy. Answer: True Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 101. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met together for the first time at ________. Answer: Teheran Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 102. The most important question at the Teheran Conference concerned the future of ________. Answer: Poland Page: 734 Topic: Origins of the Cold War 103. Truman met in July 1945 at ________, in Russian-occupied Germany, with Churchill and Stalin. Answer: Potsdam Page: 735 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 104. The intellectual architect of the containment doctrine was American diplomat ________. Answer: George Kennan Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 105. The Truman Doctrine was announced in part to garner support for American aid to two countries, ________ and Turkey. Answer: Greece Page: 737 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 106. Domestic American opposition to the Marshall Plan virtually ended with the communist coup in ________. Answer: Czechoslovakia Page: 738 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 107. America’s major military and diplomatic institutions were reshaped by the ________ Act of 1947. Answer: National Security Page: 738 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 108. Stalin’s 1948 decision to blockade ________ intensified the Cold War. Answer: Berlin Page: 739-740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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109. NATO stands for ________. Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Page: 740 Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 110. In 1946, the Republicans used the simple slogan, “________” to capture both houses of Congress. Answer: Had Enough? Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 111. States were given permission to pass “right-to-work” laws by the ________ Act of 1947. Answer: Taft-Hartley Page: 742 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 112. The splinter candidacies of Strom Thurmond and ________ seemed to imperil President Truman’s election in 1948. Answer: Henry Wallace Page: 743 Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 113. In 1951, General ________ was relieved of his command by President Truman. Answer: Douglas MacArthur Page: 745 Topic: The Korean War 114. Beginning in 1947, the House ________ Committee instituted a serious investigation of internal subversion. Answer: Un-American Activities Page: 747-748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 115. Some writers were barred from employment in the movie industry when Hollywood adopted a(n) ________ of those of “suspicious loyalty.” Answer: blacklist Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 116. Alger Hiss was in part convicted by Whittaker Chambers’s “________ papers.” Answer: pumpkin Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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117. A freshman congressman from California named ________ helped convict Alger Hiss. Answer: Richard Nixon Page: 748 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 118. Senator Joseph McCarthy routinely accused the Democrats of committing “twenty years of ________.” Answer: treason Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 119. Dwight Eisenhower’s Democratic opponent in 1952 was ________. Answer: Adlai Stevenson Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 120. During the 1952 campaign, Richard Nixon kept his place on the Republican ticket with his televised “________ speech.” Answer: Checkers Page: 749 Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
Essay Questions 121. Describe the origins of the Cold War, 1945–1947. Topic: Origins of the Cold War Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 122. In assessing the origins of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, was one country or one leader more responsible for it than the other? Topic: Origins of the Cold War Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 123. What role did wartime diplomacy, personalities, and tensions play in the coming of the Cold War? Topic: Origins of the Cold War Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 124. How and why did President Truman alter Franklin Roosevelt’s foreign policy toward the Soviet Union? Topic: The Collapse of the Peace
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125. Describe the major goals of the Truman administration in the Cold War, and explain how they sought to achieve those goals. Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 126. Describe the Truman Doctrine, noting whether or not it contributed to world peace and security. Topic: The Collapse of the Peace Topic: American Society and Politics after the War Topic: The Korean War 127. Describe the Marshall Plan and assess its importance in the postwar world. Topic: The Collapse of the Peace 128. What was President Truman’s “Fair Deal,” and to what degree was it successful? Topic: American Society and Politics after the War 129. Place the Korean War in the context of the Cold War. How and why did President Truman respond as he did? How and why did he change American war aims? Topic: The Korean War 130. What were the major events related to communism between 1949 and 1953 that alarmed the American public? Topic: American Society and Politics after the War Topic: The Korean War Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 131. To what degree was communism a genuine threat to the interests and security of the United States in the early 1950s? Was the American reaction to this threat reasonable? Topic: American Society and Politics after the War Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 132. Why did communism cause such fear in the United States in the postwar period? Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 133. What are the similarities and differences between the rising fear of communism in the United States after World War II and the Red Scare that had followed World War I? Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S. 134. How do you account for the rise of Joseph McCarthy? Why were his tactics successful? What did he accomplish? Topic: The Crusade Against Subversion in the U.S.
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Chapter 28 The Affluent Society Multiple-Choice Questions 1. During the 1950s, the general economic conditions of the United States included A. stagnant economic growth. B. high inflation. C. low federal government spending. D. a slowly rising gross national product. E. low unemployment. Answer: E Page: 754 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. 2. Between 1945 and 1960, the birth rate in the United States A. reversed a long pattern of decline. B. peaked in 1949. C. led to a doubling of the nation’s population in this period. D. led to shortages of many consumer goods. E. fell precipitously from its World War II highs. Answer: A Page: 754 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. 3. Following World War II, the American economy A. gave the average American 50 percent more purchasing power in 1960 than in 1945. B. gave Americans the highest standard of living in 1960, after Switzerland and Sweden. C. grew, between 1945 and 1975, nearly ten times faster than the population. D. produced wealth that was equally distributed throughout the nation’s population. E. gave the average American 10 percent more purchasing power than during the 1920s. Answer: C Page: 755 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S.
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4. During the 1950s, the region of the United States that experienced the most dramatic change as a result of economic growth was A. the North. B. the South. C. the East. D. the West. E. Alaska and Hawaii. Answer: D Page: 755 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. 5. During the 1950s, the American Federation of Labor in the United States A. was intimidated by powerful and wealthy corporations. B. made significant concessions in benefits in order to gain higher wages. C. merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. D. represented nearly half of all working Americans. E. saw its president, David Beck, charged with the misappropriation of union funds. Answer: C Page: 757 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. 6. All of the following researchers made important contributions to the development of antibiotics EXCEPT A. Louis Pasteur. B. Paul Muller. C. Joseph Lister. D. Alexander Fleming. E. Howard Florey. Answer: B Page: 758-759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 7. Following World War II, American scientists made a critical contribution to the development of penicillin by A. demonstrating the value of antiseptic solutions to prevent infection. B. first using the antibacterial agent known as sulfanilamide. C. developing methods for its mass production and commercial distribution. D. discovering the antibacterial properties for which the drug was named. E. discovering it could be used to treat streptococcal blood infections. Answer: C Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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8. In the early twentieth century, the vaccine that raised the most safety concerns in the United States was for the prevention of A. typhoid. B. tetanus. C. small pox. D. rubella. E. tuberculosis. Answer: E Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 9. In 1954, the American scientist Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for the prevention of A. polio. B. tuberculosis. C. influenza. D. yellow fever. E. typhoid. Answer: A Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 10. All the following statements regarding the use of DDT are true EXCEPT that A. the pesticide likely saved the lives of thousands of soldiers during World War II. B. the pesticide was recognized to be extremely toxic to insects. C. after its introduction, it quickly gained a positive reputation for its effectiveness. D. scientists during WWII knew the pesticide had a long-term toxic effect on humans and animals. E. it was first used on a large scale in Italy in 1943–1944, during a typhus outbreak. Answer: D Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 11. The correct chronological order for developments in electronic technology, from earliest to latest, is A. vacuum tube, integrated circuit, transistor. B. transistor, vacuum tube, integrated circuit. C. vacuum tube, transistor, integrated circuit. D. integrated circuit, transistor, vacuum tube. E. transistor, integrated circuit, vacuum tube. Answer: C Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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12. The first significant public awareness of computers in the United States came during the A. 1961 Mercury space flight. B. 1957 launch of Sputnik. C. 1958 launch of the first American satellite. D. 1950 Bureau of Census tabulations. E. 1952 election tabulations. Answer: E Page: 760 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 13. During the 1950s, the U.S. government’s primary motive for the development of rocket and missile technology was A. exploration of outer space. B. the establishment of communication and spy satellites around the earth. C. the quest to land a man on the moon. D. the long-range delivery of weapons. E. to catch up with German knowledge of rocketry. Answer: D Page: 760-761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 14. The United States first successfully launched a missile from a submarine in 1960, with the A. Polaris. B. Minuteman. C. Titan. D. Atlas. E. Mercury. Answer: A Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 15. The first American to be launched into space, in 1961, was A. Yuri Gagarin. B. John Glenn. C. Alan Shepard. D. Edwin Aldrin. E. Neil Armstrong. Answer: C Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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16. The primary goal of the American Apollo program was to A. launch manned vehicles into space to orbit the earth. B. land men on the moon. C. build an orbiting space station. D. send men to Mars. E. develop a reusable spaceship. Answer: B Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 17. Between 1945 and 1957, the growth of American consumerism was aided by A. an 800-percent increase in consumer credit. B. the development of credit cards. C. low-payment credit plans. D. revolving charge accounts. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 762 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 18. With highways, travel by automobile, truck, and bus was as fast or faster than by trains and contributed to the decline of A. drive-in restaurants. B. downtowns. C. supermarkets. D. drive-in movies. E. None of these choices is correct. Answer: B Page: 763 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 19. During the 1950s, the popularity in the United States of suburban living was partly explained by A. the social importance placed on the family. B. a desire for racial segregation. C. a desire for larger homes. D. both the social importance placed on the family, and a desire for racial segregation. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 763-764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
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20. In 1946, Dr. Benjamin Spock’s best-selling Baby and Child Care contended that A. fathers needed to spend as much time as mothers in the care and raising of their children. B. mothers should subordinate their physical and emotional needs to those of their children. C. families should not have more than three children. D. the ages of children in a family should not be spaced out over more than five years. E. children should not be breast-fed or allowed to sleep with their parents. Answer: B Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 21. During the 1950s in the United States, married women who worked outside the home A. faced social pressures to continue working. B. decreased in number throughout the decade. C. accounted for only one-third of all married women. D. both decreased in number throughout the decade, and accounted for only one-third of all married women. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 22. All of the following statements regarding early television are true EXCEPT that A. in the 1920s there were experiments in broadcasting pictures and sound. B. in 1946 there were 17,000 television sets in the United States. C. the federal government largely kept big business sponsorship out of television advertising. D. all three major television networks had started as radio companies. E. television quickly became the most powerful medium of mass communication in history. Answer: C Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 23. During the 1950s, television networks A. refused to show how the lower classes lived in America. B. generally sought to convey an idealized image of a homogeneous America. C. created conditions that helped to ameliorate social conflict. D. both refused to show how the lower classes lived in America and generally conveyed an idealized image of America. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 765 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
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24. During the 1950s, the American environmental preservation movement was mobilized by A. a proposed dam on the Green River in Echo Park, Utah. B. the construction of a dam in the Hetch Hetchy Valley at Yosemite National Park. C. the diverting of water from Owens Valley to Los Angeles, California. D. the growing proliferation of nuclear power plants. E. the nuclear incident at Three Mile Island. Answer: A Page: 766 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 25. In his 1956 book on corporate America, The Organization Man, William Whyte Jr. contended A. the ideal of rugged individualism had been reestablished in the business community. B. women and minorities had little chance for advancement in American corporations. C. corporate wealth was not being fairly shared with workers. D. the “inner-directed man” had become “other-directed.” E. a worker’s most valuable trait in the corporate work setting was to get along. Answer: E Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 26. The popular “beat” novel On the Road (1957) was written by A. Allen Ginsberg. B. J. D. Salinger. C. Jack Kerouac. D. William Burroughs. E. Saul Bellow. Answer: C Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 27. In his 1950 book, The Lonely Crowd, sociologist David Riesman argued that Americans were A. increasingly more likely to judge themselves on the basis of their own values. B. increasingly interested in winning approval in their jobs and from their family. C. increasingly more likely to be “other-directed.” D. both increasingly more likely to judge themselves on the basis of their own values, and increasingly interested in winning approval in their jobs and from their family. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
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28. In the 1950s, crimes committed by juveniles A. were the most visible evidence of widespread restiveness among young Americans. B. did not receive much public attention. C. soared, particularly in categories of violent crimes. D. resulted in widespread social unrest during the decade. E. did not dramatically increase. Answer: E Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 29. Like many early white rock musicians, Elvis Presley drew heavily from black traditions in A. jazz. B. rhythm and blues. C. country western. D. gospel. E. folk. Answer: B Page: 768 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 30. The rapid rise in the popularity of rock music was partly due to A. innovations in radio programming. B. innovations in television programming. C. the success of American Bandstand. D. jukeboxes. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 769-770 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 31. Michael Harrington’s 1962 book, The Other America, focused on the problems of A. sexism. B. racism. C. poverty. D. the alienation of youth. E. McCarthyism. Answer: C Page: 770 Topic: The “Other America”
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32. All of the following statements regarding poverty in America between 1950 and 1960 are true EXCEPT that A. more than 30 million Americans lived in poverty at any given time during the year 1960. B. the percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade. C. Native Americans were the single poorest group in the country. D. most of the poor experienced poverty only temporarily. E. many rural Americans lived on the margins of the affluent society. Answer: B Page: 770 Topic: The “Other America” 33. Rural America A. lost 10 percent of its population in 1956 alone. B. saw its percentage of the national income drop to less than 2 percent in the 1950s. C. saw the South increase plantings of cotton as a cash crop in the 1950s. D. both lost 10 percent of its population in 1956 alone, and saw its percentage of the national income drop to less than two percent within the decade of the 1950s. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 770 Topic: The “Other America” 34. In 1960, the city in the United States with the largest Mexican American population was A. New York. B. San Antonio. C. Chicago. D. San Diego. E. Los Angeles. Answer: E Page: 771 Topic: The “Other America” 35. All of the following were factors in rising poverty rates in inner cities in the 1950s, EXCEPT A. large numbers of poor people migrating into these areas. B. increasing automation. C. a growth of unskilled industrial jobs in these areas. D. persistent racial discrimination. E. the movement of factories and mills to new locations. Answer: C Page: 771 Topic: The “Other America”
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36. The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) A. reaffirmed the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision. B. passed by a narrow 5–4 vote. C. set specific timetables for enactment. D. declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful. E. arose from a case involving segregation in Mississippi. Answer: D Page: 772 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 37. In the civil rights movement, the spirit of “massive resistance” is associated with the actions of A. northern blacks. B. southern blacks. C. northern whites. D. progressive liberals. E. southern whites. Answer: E Page: 772 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 38. In 1957, the effort to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, required A. President Dwight Eisenhower to remove the governor of Arkansas from office. B. the presence of federal troops to enforce court orders. C. the replacement of many of the school’s teachers. D. the arrest of hundreds of whites protesting at the school. E. the Supreme Court to issue another decision, Brown II. Answer: B Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 39. The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955–1956 A. failed to end the segregation policies on public city buses. B. was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court. C. was sparked by a beating of an African American woman. D. marked the emergence of an effective form of racial protest. E. led to the creation of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Answer: D Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement
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40. Martin Luther King Jr. was leader of the A. Southern Christian Leadership Conference. B. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. C. United Negro Improvement Association. D. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. E. Congress of Racial Equality. Answer: A Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 41. Factors in the rise of the civil rights movement included A. the events of World War II. B. the growth of the urban middle class. C. the rapid spread of television. D. Cold War politics. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 774 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 42. As part of his economic agenda, President Dwight Eisenhower A. cut back public welfare programs. B. lowered federal support for farm prices. C. generally followed the lead of the right wing of his party. D. allowed the federal deficit to rise due to high military spending. E. maintained the wage and price controls of the Truman administration. Answer: B Page: 774 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 43. The most significant and largest public works project of the federal government under President Dwight Eisenhower involved A. a nuclear energy program. B. the space program. C. a federal highway system. D. a national healthcare system. E. a large tax cut. Answer: C Page: 774 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism
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44. The political decline of Senator Joseph McCarthy began when he investigated A. the United States Senate. B. the Central Intelligence Agency. C. Dwight Eisenhower’s family. D. the civil rights movement. E. the army. Answer: E Page: 775 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 45. In 1954, the United States Senate voted to A. expel Joseph McCarthy from the Senate. B. censure Joseph McCarthy for “conduct unbecoming a senator.” C. charge Senator McCarthy with slander and libel. D. fine Senator McCarthy. E. convict Senator McCarthy of perjury. Answer: B Page: 775 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 46. Under John Foster Dulles’s policy of “massive retaliation,” announced in 1954, the United States would A. counter any Soviet military move with a larger American force. B. win the Cold War regardless of the financial cost. C. use nuclear weapons against communist aggression. D. use military force before diplomacy in dealing with the Soviet Union. E. rely primarily on large conventional forces in local conflicts to defeat communism. Answer: C Page: 775-776 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 47. Until the early 1950s, the country the United States assisted in trying to control Vietnam was A. France. B. Taiwan. C. Japan. D. England. E. China. Answer: A Page: 776 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
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48. Between 1945 and 1959, U.S. policy in the Middle East saw A. the Eisenhower administration assist in the construction of the Aswan Dam. B. the Truman administration refuse to recognize the state of Israel. C. President Eisenhower seek to end the rule of Egyptian leader Gamal Nasser during the Suez crisis. D. the CIA engineer a coup that brought the shah of Iran to power. E. the U.S. refuse to join in a UN resolution denouncing British and French actions during the Suez crisis. Answer: D Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 49. In 1954, the Eisenhower administration ordered the CIA to help overthrow the government of A. Panama. B. Colombia. C. Guatemala. D. Cuba. E. Haiti. Answer: C Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 50. The Eisenhower administration responded to Fidel Castro’s coming to power in Cuba by A. ending diplomatic relations. B. blockading Cuban ports. C. establishing a military presence in Guantanamo Bay. D. ending diplomatic relations, blockading Cuban ports, and establishing a military presence in Guantanamo Bay. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 778 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 51. The Soviet Union’s announcement in 1960 that it had shot down an American U-2 spy plane A. proved to be false. B. occurred at the close of an important summit conference in Paris. C. compelled President Dwight Eisenhower to apologize for invading Soviet airspace. D. resulted in a UN proclamation that criticized the United States. E. led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to withdraw his invitation to Eisenhower to visit Moscow. Answer: E Page: 779 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
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52. In his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the dangers of A. global nuclear war. B. excessive consumer materialism. C. “brinkmanship” diplomacy. D. the “military-industrial complex.” E. the growing communist threat. Answer: D Page: 779 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
True/False Questions 53. The prosperity of the 1950s occurred with relatively low inflation. Answer: True Page: 754 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S 54. Economic growth was at its peak in the early 1950s, when military spending was at its highest. Answer: True Page: 754 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S 55. Between 1945 and 1950, 10 percent of all the new businesses in the United States began in Los Angeles. Answer: True Page: 755 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S 56. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization resolved their differences during the 1950s. Answer: True Page: 757 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S 57. Since World War II, the developments in antibiotics have made bacterial infections one of the most successfully treated of all human illnesses. Answer: True Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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58. The first large-scale use of the pesticide DDT was to improve American crop production. Answer: False Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 59. The development of the transistor was an electronic breakthrough that helped lead to the development of computers. Answer: False Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 60. By the late 1950s, the Remington Rand Company was the largest American maker of business computers. Answer: False Page: 760 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 61. Early missile research in the United States was conducted almost entirely by the Air Force. Answer: True Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 62. By the late 1950s, the United States could send a guided missile several thousand miles. Answer: True Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 63. The first American space satellite went into orbit shortly before the Soviet Union achieved the same feat. Answer: False Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 64. John Glenn was the first American launched into space. Answer: False Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 65. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon. Answer: True Page: 762 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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66. Consumer credit cards were developed in the years following World War II. Answer: True Page: 762 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 67. In the 1950s, Disney was able to effectively market entertainment as a tool to sell consumer goods. Answer: True Page: 762 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 68. Dr. Benjamin Spock made a career of helping women have professional careers and be mothers at the same time. Answer: False Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 69. The number of women working outside the home declined between 1945 and 1960. Answer: False Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 70. In the 1950s, advertisers played an enormously important role in television programming. Answer: True Page: 764-765 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 71. During the 1950s, television created a uniform image of American life, even as it showed conditions that could well accentuate social conflict. Answer: True Page: 765 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 72. In his book, The Organization Man, William Whyte Jr. praised modern corporations. Answer: False Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 73. In the 1951 novel, The Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield, was disaffected with American society. Answer: True Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
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74. To the “beat” writers, American society in the 1950s was sterile and meaningless. Answer: True Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 75. Rising prosperity in the 1950s was accompanied by restlessness among American youth. Answer: True Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 76. The crime rate of American youths soared during the 1950s. Answer: False Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 77. The rise of rock musicians such as Elvis Presley is an example of the limited willingness of white audiences at the time to accept black musicians. Answer: True Page: 769 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 78. While radio made an enormous contribution to the popularity of rock music in the 1950s, television tended to limit its appeal. Answer: False Page: 769 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 79. In the 1950s, the great majority of American poor people lived in a permanent state of “hardcore” poverty. Answer: False Page: 770 Topic: The “Other America” 80. Eastern and Midwestern industrial cities experienced a major expansion of their black populations between 1940 and 1960. Answer: True Page: 771 Topic: The “Other America” 81. The Supreme Court set no specific timetable for the desegregation of schools. Answer: True Page: 772 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement
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82. The Eisenhower administration was eager to join the battle over desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas. Answer: False Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 83. The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955–1956 was essentially successful. Answer: True Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 84. The experiences of World War II were among the major factors leading to the rise of the civil rights movement in the 1950s. Answer: True Page: 774 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 85. As president, Dwight Eisenhower eventually managed to balance the federal budget, while making significant additions to the Social Security system. Answer: True Page: 774 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 86. The Eisenhower administration is responsible for the largest public works project in American history. Answer: True Page: 774 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 87. Senator Joseph McCarthy was eventually expelled from the United States Senate. Answer: False Page: 775 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 88. As secretary of state, John Foster Dulles believed the containment policy practices of the Truman administration had been too moderate. Answer: True Page: 775 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 89. The doctrine of “massive retaliation” called for greater American reliance on nuclear weapons. Answer: True Page: 775-776 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
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90. President Eisenhower wanted to get the United States militarily involved in Vietnam. Answer: False Page: 776 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 91. Given mounting American dependence on foreign oil, the Truman administration was reluctant to recognize the new state of Israel. Answer: False Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 92. The Eisenhower administration used the CIA to put friendly governments in place in Iran and Egypt. Answer: False Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 93. Fulgencio Batista came to power in Cuba with American help. Answer: True Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 94. One of the last acts of the Eisenhower administration was to cut off diplomatic relations with Castro’s Cuba. Answer: True Page: 778 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 95. The Soviet-American Paris summit in 1960 was ended by the downing of a Soviet spy plane over United States airspace. Answer: False Page: 779 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 96. In 1955, the labor unions AFL and ________ merged. Answer: CIO Page: 757 Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S.
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97. Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial properties of an organism he named ________. Answer: penicillin Page: 758 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 98. The work of Jonas Salk and ________ helped to virtually eliminate polio from much of the world by the early 1960s. Answer: Albert Sabin Page: 759 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 99. The first significant computer of the 1950s was the ________. Answer: UNIVAC Page: 760 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 100. In the early 1960s, the basis of the American atomic weapons arsenal was the ________ missile. Answer: Minuteman Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 101. The first American satellite, ________, was launched in January 1958. Answer: Explorer I Page: 761 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 102. The first two people to walk on the surface of the moon were Neil Armstrong and ________. Answer: Edwin Aldrin Page: 761-762 Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 103. In the post-World War II era, ________ brought mass-production techniques to the housing industry. Answer: William Levitt Page: 763 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 104. The three major television networks in the 1950s had all started as ________ companies. Answer: radio Page: 764 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class
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105. The central character in J. D. Salinger’s 1951 book, The Catcher in the Rye, was the alienated prep-school student ________. Answer: Holden Caulfield Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 106. The 1955 “beat” poem “Howl” was written by ________. Answer: Allen Ginsberg Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 107. James Dean starred as an alienated youth in the 1955 film, Rebel ________. Answer: Without a Cause Page: 767 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 108. In the 1950s, African American record producer Berry Gordy founded ________ in Detroit. Answer: Motown Records Page: 769 Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 109. Michael Harrington’s 1962 book, The Other America, dealt with the problem of ________ in America. Answer: poverty Page: 770 Topic: The “Other America” 110. Strong local opposition by southern whites to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka became known as “________.” Answer: massive resistance Page: 772 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 111. During the Montgomery bus boycott, Martin Luther King Jr. made his first appearance on the national scene, and soon founded the Southern ________ Conference. Answer: Christian Leadership Page: 773 Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 112. President Eisenhower’s secretary of defense, Charles Wilson, stated his belief that “what was good for ________ was good for the country.” Answer: General Motors Page: 774 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism
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113. The rapid decline in authority for Senator Joseph McCarthy came with the televised ________-McCarthy hearings. Answer: Army Page: 775 Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism 114. On July 27, 1953, negotiators at ________ finally signed an agreement ending the hostilities between North and South Korea and established a cease-fire line at roughly the 38th parallel. Answer: Panmunjom Page: 776 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 115. The Eisenhower administration used the CIA to topple the leftist government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in ________. Answer: Guatemala Page: 777 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 116. Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union worsened during and after a failed revolution in ________, where Soviet tanks and troops crushed the uprising and restored a pro-Soviet regime. Answer: Hungary Page: 778 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 117. In his farewell address to the nation, President Eisenhower warned against the “unwarranted influence” of the “________ complex.” Answer: military-industrial Page: 779 Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
Essay Questions 118. How do you account for the prosperity of America during the late 1940s and 1950s? How was this prosperity similar to and different from that of the 1920s? Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. 119. What factors account for the broad-based and rapid progress of science and technology following World War II? Why did this progress not occur sooner? Topic: The Postwar Economic Boom in the U.S. Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology
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120. Examine earlier periods of medical advancement covered in the text. Explain why the development of antibiotics was of such profound importance to medical science. Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 121. What were the various technological advances brought together to develop the American space program in the late 1950s and the 1960s? Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 122. How and why has the primary focus of the American space program changed since its founding to the present day? Topic: The Postwar Explosion of Science and Technology 123. What were the major changes in America as a result of the growing availability and reliance on private automobiles? Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 124. Consider the automobile and television. Which of these two products had the most influence in changing American society during the 1950s? Why? Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 125. In what ways did television during the 1950s both encourage conformity and spark desires for rebellion and change? Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 126. Who were the leading domestic critics of the America of the 1950s? What were their major criticisms? Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 127. What was the appeal of rock music in the 1950s, and what accounts for its popularity? Topic: The Rapidly Expanding Middle Class 128. Where would one most likely find the poor in America in the 1950s? Why did they remain poor? Topic: The “Other America” 129. How do you account for the rise of the civil rights movement? Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 130. What were the various strategies used by supporters and opponents of desegregation? Topic: The Rise of the Civil Rights Movement 131. How do you define Eisenhower republicanism? How did it differ from Hoover republicanism and New Deal or Fair Deal liberalism? Topic: Eisenhower Republicanism
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132. How did the Eisenhower administration criticize Truman’s foreign policy? How did Eisenhower’s foreign policy differ from Truman’s? How and why was it similar? Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War 133. Discuss the evolution of Eisenhower’s dealings with the Soviet Union. Why did the Cold War persist? By the end of his presidency, had Eisenhower improved or worsened the Cold War? Topic: Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Cold War
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Chapter 29 Civil Rights, Vietnam, and the Ordeal of Liberalism Multiple-Choice Questions 1. One of the chief obstacles in John Kennedy’s presidential bid in 1960 was his A. religion. B. public image. C. wealth. D. womanizing. E. lack of resources. Answer: A Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 2. In the 1960 presidential election, A. John Kennedy narrowly won the popular vote but fared slightly better in the electoral vote. B. Richard Nixon was soundly defeated. C. Richard Nixon won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote and the election. D. Dixiecrat Harry F. Byrd swept the Deep South. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 3. In 1961, President John Kennedy saw legislative success in A. a major civil rights bill. B. tariff reductions. C. improved Soviet-American relations. D. a major tax increase. E. a reduction of Social Security. Answer: B Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 4. Which of the following is true of the assassination of President John Kennedy? A. Vice President Lyndon Johnson had made a last-minute decision not to accompany Kennedy. B. The president died instantly. C. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed while in police custody. D. Kennedy was struck by three bullets. E. The president was shot while in a motorcade in downtown Houston. Answer: C Page: 783 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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5. The Warren Commission investigation of the assassination of President John Kennedy concluded A. Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy. B. Jack Ruby killed Oswald on the orders of an unknown third party. C. An unknown second gunman shot from a “grassy knoll” behind the motorcade. D. both that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy, and that Jack Ruby killed Oswald on the orders of an unknown third party. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 783 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 6. Lyndon Johnson was similar to John Kennedy in his A. political career. B. family background. C. active use of power. D. personality. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 783-784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 7. The 1964 election saw A. Lyndon Johnson distance himself from the memory of John Kennedy. B. Lyndon Johnson win a decisive victory over Richard Nixon. C. Republicans gain control of the Senate, but not the House. D. Lyndon Johnson receive a larger plurality than any candidate before or since. E. Lyndon Johnson carry the entire South. Answer: D Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 8. President Lyndon Johnson’s Medicare program A. was broadly unpopular in the form in which it was enacted. B. provided benefits to all seniors regardless of need. C. appealed mainly to poor and working-class Americans. D. built on the success of his Medicaid program. E. angered doctors by forcing them to lower their fees. Answer: B Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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9. Only weeks after taking office, President Lyndon Johnson declared a “war” on A. racism. B. crime. C. intolerance. D. illiteracy. E. poverty. Answer: E Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 10. The Johnson administration’s Office of Economic Opportunity A. eliminated poverty in many regions of the nation. B. called for the relocation of many of the nation’s urban poor. C. was criticized for its absence of minority appointments. D. included a controversial community action program. E. spent less than $500 million in its first two years of existence. Answer: D Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 11. The Housing Act of 1961 provided federal funds for all of the following EXCEPT the A. construction of low-income public housing. B. preservation of open space in cities. C. development of mass-transit systems. D. subsidization of middle-income housing. E. revitalization of decaying cities. Answer: A Page: 784-785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 12. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and subsequent related measures A. offered aid to both public and private schools. B. based aid on student need rather than school need. C. managed to circumvent objections that the Kennedy administration had faced. D. both offered aid to public and private schools, and based aid on student rather than school need. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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13. The Immigration Act of 1965 A. ended the strict limits on the total number of immigrants to be admitted each year. B. allowed people from all parts of Latin America to enter the United States on an equal basis. C. had little impact on the character of the American population. D. maintained strict restrictions on immigrants from Africa. E. eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrants from northern Europe. Answer: E Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 14. Great Society reforms A. were generally proven to be cost-effective. B. improved the lives of whites far more than blacks. C. contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history. D. grew in popularity over the next decade and a half. E. made no dent in reducing hunger in America. Answer: C Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 15. In February 1960, the first “sit-in” demonstration protesting segregation was held at a A. church. B. swimming pool. C. movie theater. D. lunch counter. E. bus station. Answer: D Page: 786 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 16. In the early 1960s, the SNCC was formed primarily by A. college students. B. Republicans. C. rural blacks. D. the urban poor. E. Catholics. Answer: A Page: 786 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s
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17. In 1961, the “freedom rides” sponsored by CORE attempted to A. bring northern civil rights activists into the South to register black voters. B. transport black children to formerly all-white schools. C. force the desegregation of bus stations. D. help move poor blacks out of the South. E. transport black workers to white-only businesses. Answer: C Page: 786 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 18. In 1963, civil rights activist Medgar Evers was murdered the same day A. a black church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama. B. a federal court ruled James Meredith could attend the University of Mississippi. C. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I have a dream” speech. D. George Wallace tried to prevent black students from enrolling in the University of Alabama. E. Attorney General Robert Kennedy mandated the integration of bus and train stations. Answer: D Page: 787 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 19. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech A. was given during the greatest civil rights demonstration in the nation’s history. B. was made shortly after Lyndon Johnson become president. C. saw King call for a significant shift in tactics in the quest of civil rights. D. was made before a joint session of Congress and the Senate. E. was given to commemorate passage of the Voting Rights Act. Answer: A Page: 787 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 20. Legislation to prohibit segregation in all public accommodations was proposed A. and approved during the Kennedy administration. B. and approved during the Johnson administration. C. by Eisenhower and approved during the Kennedy administration. D. by Johnson and approved during the Nixon administration. E. by Kennedy and approved during the Johnson administration. Answer: E Page: 787 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s
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21. The 1964 murder of civil rights activists Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney A. was supported by local police. B. took place in Montgomery, Alabama. C. prompted Congress to pass legislation to end segregation in public accommodations. D. never resulted in anyone being convicted for the crimes. E. led to the formation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Answer: A Page: 788 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 22. The 1965 civil rights march in Selma, Alabama, involved all of the following EXCEPT the A. call for voting rights for blacks. B. involvement of Martin Luther King Jr. C. televised attack on demonstrators by local police. D. resignation of Governor George Wallace. E. murder of two northern whites. Answer: D Page: 788 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 23. The Civil Rights Act of 1965 primarily focused on the issue of A. desegregation of public accommodations. B. voting rights. C. fair employment practices. D. housing discrimination. E. violence directed against civil rights workers. Answer: B Page: 788 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 24. In 1965, the first major race riot in the United States since World War II took place in A. Detroit. B. Chicago. C. Los Angeles. D. Cleveland. E. Memphis. Answer: C Page: 790 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s
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25. In the summer of 1967, racial conflicts in the United States A. resulted in more than a hundred major disorders. B. saw 43 people die in a riot in Detroit. C. went ignored by the Johnson administration. D. both resulted in more than a hundred major disorders, and went ignored by the Johnson administration. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 790 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 26. In the 1960s, the philosophy of “black power” A. called for an increased awareness of racial differences. B. helped to unite the many different black civil rights groups. C. encouraged greater racial assimilation. D. disavowed the use of violence in the civil rights movement. E. was rejected by groups such as SNCC and CORE. Answer: A Page: 790-791 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 27. In 1965, Malcolm X A. denounced the Black Panthers. B. was assassinated by white racists. C. advocated nonviolence to end segregation. D. belonged to the Nation of Islam for a time. E. argued in favor of integration. Answer: D Page: 791 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 28. In 1961, President John Kennedy believed the major struggle against communism in the future would be waged in A. the Baltic. B. Western Europe. C. China. D. Eastern Europe. E. the Third World. Answer: E Page: 792 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War
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29. All of the following actions were initiated by President John Kennedy EXCEPT A. an expansion of the Green Berets. B. the creation of the “Alliance for Progress.” C. the CIA plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. D. the creation of the Peace Corps. E. the creation of the Agency for International Development. Answer: C Page: 792 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 30. During the Bay of Pigs operation, President John Kennedy decided to withhold A. American ground troops. B. participation by CIA agents. C. military air support. D. the participation of Cuban exiles. E. a planned rocket bombardment. Answer: C Page: 792-793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 31. The 1961 Vienna summit between the United States and the Soviet Union A. was canceled in the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs. B. saw Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev make a veiled threat of war. C. saw President John Kennedy agree not to invade Cuba. D. saw President Kennedy criticize the construction of the Berlin Wall. E. saw the United States and the Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty. Answer: B Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 32. In the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the A. Cubans attempted to install defensive nuclear weapons. B. United States ordered a naval and air blockade of Cuba. C. United States made an air attack on Cuban missile sites. D. Soviet Union launched a missile at an American naval destroyer. E. Soviet Union attempted to invade Cuba. Answer: B Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War
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33. The Cuban missile crisis ended after President John Kennedy agreed to A. remove American missiles from West Germany. B. restore diplomatic ties with Cuba. C. provide economic aid to Cuba. D. not invade Cuba. E. withdraw American troops from West Berlin. Answer: D Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 34. The correct chronological order of the following events is A. Vienna summit, Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban missile crisis. B. Cuban missile crisis, Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs, Vienna summit. C. Berlin Wall, Vienna summit, Cuban missile crisis, Bay of Pigs. D. Bay of Pigs, Vienna summit, Cuban missile crisis, Berlin Wall. E. Bay of Pigs, Vienna summit, Berlin Wall, Cuban missile crisis. Answer: E Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 35. President Lyndon Johnson’s first major foreign policy test came in 1961 during a crisis in A. Singapore. B. the Middle East. C. the Dominican Republic. D. Brazil. E. Laos. Answer: C Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 36. George Kennan stated the “most disastrous” undertaking in the United States’ history involved A. Vietnam. B. Haiti. C. Cuba. D. Somalia. E. Korea. Answer: A Page: 793-794 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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37. Under the terms of the Geneva Conference accords, Vietnam was A. permanently divided into two parts along the 17th parallel. B. to hold elections in 1956. C. to receive military aid from the United States. D. to be controlled by France. E. to unify with nearby Laos and Cambodia. Answer: B Page: 795 Topic: The War in Vietnam 38. In 1956, scheduled national elections for Vietnam were cancelled because A. the communist government in North Vietnam refused to participate. B. a leading presidential candidate was assassinated. C. the pro-Western government in South Vietnam refused to hold them. D. the United Nations asserted it would be impossible to prevent election fraud. E. actions by the National Liberation Front (NLF) prevented free and open elections. Answer: C Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 39. In 1956, the United States’ interest in South Vietnam A. was nearly nonexistent. B. was mainly in replacing the corrupt Ngo Dinh Diem government. C. had made the country a recipient of large amounts of American aid. D. was purely commercial. E. was predicated on Diem agreeing to hold free and open elections. Answer: C Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 40. The National Liberation Front was A. created by Ngo Dinh Diem. B. also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. C. an organization attempting to overthrow the North Vietnamese government. D. both created by Ngo Dinh Diem and also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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41. The overthrow of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963 A. resulted in Diem’s imprisonment and eventual exile. B. was carried out by Soviet KGB operatives. C. brought short-term political stability to South Vietnam. D. was carried out by the National Liberation Front. E. was supported by the Kennedy administration. Answer: E Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 42. The Johnson administration A. sent the first American military advisers to South Vietnam. B. sent the first American combat troops to South Vietnam. C. inherited a substantial American commitment to maintain South Vietnam. D. believed all of Vietnam should be restored to French control. E. began removing military advisers from South Vietnam. Answer: C Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 43. The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was in response to A. alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers. B. a Vietminh attack on an American-occupied air base in South Vietnam. C. mortar attacks on the American embassy in Saigon. D. the decision by North Vietnam to arm its allies in the South. E. the so-called “Tet Offensive” by North Vietnamese soldiers. Answer: A Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 44. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution A. resulted in a U.S. declaration of war on North Vietnam. B. gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict. C. called for 250,000 U.S. combat troops to be sent to Vietnam. D. both gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict, and called for 250,000 U.S. combat troops to be sent to Vietnam. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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45. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson responded to an attack on Pleiku by A. sending 250,000 American troops to Vietnam. B. warning China and the Soviet Union not to be involved in Vietnam. C. organizing the Tet Offensive. D. mining the harbor of Haiphong. E. bombing North Vietnam. Answer: E Page: 797 Topic: The War in Vietnam 46. By the end of 1967, the number of American troops in Vietnam had surpassed A. 200,000. B. 500,000. C. 750,000. D. 1,000,000. E. 1,250,000. Answer: B Page: 797 Topic: The War in Vietnam 47. In Vietnam, the American military “attrition” strategy A. prevented North Vietnam from sufficiently resupplying their soldiers. B. led the United States to abandon its air bombardment campaign. C. eventually broke the resolve of North Vietnam. D. both prevented North Vietnam from sufficiently resupplying their soldiers, and led the United States to abandon its air bombardment campaign. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 798 Topic: The War in Vietnam 48. In the Vietnam War, the “Ho Chi Minh Trail” was A. eventually destroyed by American bombing raids. B. continually moved by the North Vietnamese. C. used by American troops to stage attacks on North Vietnam. D. both continually moved by the North Vietnamese and eventually destroyed by American bombing raids. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 798 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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49. In Vietnam, the American “pacification” strategy A. called for a peaceful settlement with the North Vietnamese. B. eliminated the Viet Cong’s ability to attack American patrols. C. was successful in the South, but not in the North. D. was replaced by the more heavy-handed “relocation” strategy. E. included giving Vietnamese villages significant economic aid. Answer: D Page: 799 Topic: The War in Vietnam 50. In January 1966, highly publicized hearings airing criticisms of the war were staged by A. Senator William Fulbright. B. Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford. C. General William Westmoreland. D. Senator Robert Kennedy. E. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Answer: A Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam 51. In 1967, President Lyndon Johnson responded to mounting inflation at home by A. raising the Federal Reserve interest rate. B. increasing taxes while agreeing to large funding reductions in Great Society programs. C. reducing the American troops in Vietnam. D. calling for a tax reduction. E. reinstalling the wartime wage and price controls of the Truman administration. Answer: B Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam 52. All of the following statements regarding the 1968 Tet offensive are true EXCEPT that it A. began on a Vietnamese holiday. B. saw the communists fighting on the grounds of the American embassy in Saigon. C. saw American troops inflict enormous casualties on the communists. D. suggested to the American public something of the brutality of the fighting in Vietnam. E. involved the fall of Saigon to the communists. Answer: E Page: 801 Topic: The Traumas of 1968
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53. The 1968 Tet offensive A. was a major political defeat for President Lyndon Johnson. B. was a military victory, in terms of the physical battles, for the United States. C. permanently depleted the ranks of the NLF. D. both was a major political defeat for President Lyndon Johnson, and was a substantial military victory for the United States. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 801-802 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 54. Which of the following individuals was NOT at one point a candidate in the 1968 Democratic primaries? A. Hubert Humphrey B. George McGovern C. Lyndon Johnson D. Eugene McCarthy E. Robert Kennedy Answer: B Page: 802-804 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 55. Robert Kennedy’s assassin had apparently been angered by Kennedy’s A. association with the civil rights movement. B. statements in favor of Israel. C. attacks on corruption in organized labor. D. criticism of the nation’s wealthy elite. E. opposition to the war in Vietnam. Answer: B Page: 803 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 56. In 1968, antiwar protesters at the Democratic convention in Chicago A. invaded the convention hall. B. forced significant changes to the party platform. C. were attacked by police in a bloody riot. D. went on a destructive rampage through city streets. E. organized a massive hunger strike that drew worldwide notice. Answer: C Page: 804 Topic: The Traumas of 1968
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57. In 1968, George Wallace ran for president A. based on a variety of conservative grievances. B. as a critic of the war in Vietnam. C. as a Democrat. D. until he was wounded in an assassination attempt. E. to draw attention to his opposition to segregation. Answer: A Page: 804 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 58. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for A. an end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union. B. an immediate withdrawal of American military forces in Vietnam. C. a new commitment to effective social reform. D. stability and national law and order. E. the diplomatic recognition of China. Answer: D Page: 805 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 59. The 1968 presidential election results A. were extremely close. B. saw Hubert Humphrey win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. C. saw George Wallace carry the entire South. D. saw both George Wallace carry the entire South, and Hubert Humphrey win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 805 Topic: The Traumas of 1968
True/False Questions 60. As the presidential campaign of 1960 got under way, Richard Nixon won the Republican nomination almost uncontested. Answer: True Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 61. In the 1960 presidential election, Richard Nixon lost the popular vote by a wide margin. Answer: False Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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62. President Kennedy called for a significant tax cut to promote economic growth early in his presidency. Answer: True Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 63. When the Warren Commission issued its findings on the assassination of President Kennedy, most Americans did not agree with its conclusions. Answer: False Page: 783 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 64. For a time, President Johnson was successful both as a social reformer and a coalition builder. Answer: True Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 65. Both Medicare and Medicaid were enacted during the Kennedy administration. Answer: False Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 66. President Johnson based his proposals for federal aid to education on the needs of the schools themselves rather than on the needs of their students. Answer: False Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 67. The Immigration Act of 1965 maintained a strict limit on the number of immigrants to be admitted to the United States, even as it eliminated much of the “national origins” system of the 1920s. Answer: True Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 68. President Johnson managed to pass Kennedy’s proposed tax cut in 1964. Answer: True Page: 785 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 69. In the 1960s, the percentage of Americans living in poverty was nearly cut in half. Answer: True Page: 785-786 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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70. Prior to 1960, John Kennedy had not proven himself a committed crusader for civil rights. Answer: True Page: 786 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 71. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech was part of a civil rights march on Washington to celebrate the passage of major civil rights legislation by Congress. Answer: False Page: 787 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 72. In the mid-1960s, the battle against school desegregation had moved beyond the initial assault on de jure segregation to an attack on de facto segregation. Answer: True Page: 789 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 73. President Johnson supported civil rights legislation but opposed affirmative action. Answer: False Page: 789 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 74. Martin Luther King Jr. confined his civil rights campaigns to the South. Answer: False Page: 789 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 75. The first major race riot of the post-World War II period took place outside the South. Answer: True Page: 790 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 76. “Black power” moved the civil rights movement away from the goal of assimilation and created a schism within the movement. Answer: True Page: 791 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 77. President Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress was designed to be a complement to NATO by improving the military security of the Caribbean. Answer: False Page: 792 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War
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78. The Kennedy administration created the plan to oust Castro from Cuba that became the Bay of Pigs operation. Answer: False Page: 792 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 79. President Kennedy canceled military air support for the Bay of Pigs operation. Answer: True Page: 792-793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 80. The Vienna summit meeting between Kennedy and Khrushchev took place shortly after the Bay of Pigs disaster. Answer: True Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 81. The Vienna summit meeting represented an attempt by President Kennedy to convince Moscow to stop construction of the Berlin Wall. Answer: False Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 82. The Cuban missile crisis ended with President Kennedy’s pledge to recognize Cuba. Answer: False Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 83. Lyndon Johnson came into the presidency with little prior experience in foreign affairs. Answer: True Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 84. President Johnson dispatched troops to the Dominican Republic to support a democratic government that was holding out against supporters of Fidel Castro. Answer: False Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 85. Vietnam had a long history both as an independent kingdom and a major power in its region, as well as a subjugated province of Japan. Answer: False Page: 794 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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86. Ngo Dinh Diem was a Buddhist who had turned against his fellow Buddhists in order to fight the communists in Vietnam. Answer: False Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 87. Ngo Dinh Diem and John F. Kennedy were both assassinated in November of 1963. Answer: True Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 88. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was hotly debated in Congress before its narrow approval. Answer: False Page: 796 Topic: The War in Vietnam 89. In 1965, President Johnson enlarged the air war and the ground war in Vietnam. Answer: True Page: 797 Topic: The War in Vietnam 90. In Vietnam, the American relocation policy had produced by 1967 more than 3 million refugees. Answer: True Page: 799 Topic: The War in Vietnam 91. By 1967, no major American politician had publicly criticized the U.S. policy in Vietnam. Answer: False Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam 92. In January 1966, Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, began to hold highly publicized hearings about the war in Vietnam. Answer: False Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam 93. Before the end of his presidency, Lyndon Johnson had to accept a tax increase and a reduction in his Great Society programs because of the war in Vietnam. Answer: True Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam
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94. The Tet offensive of 1968 was a rare American victory and briefly revived the American public’s support for the war. Answer: False Page: 801 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 95. The first Democrat to officially challenge Lyndon Johnson for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination was Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota. Answer: True Page: 802 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 96. Senator Eugene McCarthy won the 1968 New Hampshire primary. Answer: False Page: 802 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 97. The eventual presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in 1968 was a member of the Johnson administration. Answer: True Page: 803-804 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 98. In 1968, Richard Nixon won a strong personal mandate to lead the country. Answer: False Page: 805 Topic: The Traumas of 1968
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 99. John Kennedy was elected president despite public concern over his religious identity as a(n) _________. Answer: Catholic Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 100. In 1960, John Kennedy called his domestic reform agenda the “New ________.” Answer: Frontier Page: 782 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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101. President Lyndon Johnson compiled the most impressive legislative record of any American president since President ________. Answer: Franklin Roosevelt Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 102. The centerpiece of President Johnson’s “war on poverty” was the Office of ________. Answer: Economic Opportunity Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 103. President Johnson increased popular support for the ________ program by making it available to all elderly Americans. Answer: Medicare Page: 784 Topic: Expanding the Liberal State 104. In 1961, CORE organized the “________ rides” into the South. Answer: freedom Page: 786 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 105. In 1965 Martin Luther King Jr. organized a major demonstration in ________ to press the demand for the right of blacks to register to vote. Answer: Selma Page: 788 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 106. The first major post-World War II race riot occurred in the ________ section of Los Angeles. Answer: Watts Page: 790 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 107. The radical philosophy within the civil rights movement known as “________” favored racial distinctiveness over assimilation. Answer: black power Page: 790 Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 108. President Kennedy was an enthusiastic supporter of the Special Forces, otherwise called the ________. Answer: Green Berets Page: 792 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War
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109. The building of the ________ in 1961 heightened East-West tension. Answer: Berlin Wall Page: 793 Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 110. Within the later Johnson administration, the most powerful voice for scaling down the war in Vietnam was that of ________. Answer: Clark Clifford Page: 800 Topic: The War in Vietnam 111. The ________ offensive of 1968 cost the North Vietnamese dearly, even as it further weakened American support for the war in Vietnam. Answer: Tet Page: 801 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 112. In 1968, the most visible sign of a conservative backlash was the third-party presidential campaign of ________. Answer: George Wallace Page: 804 Topic: The Traumas of 1968 113. The election of 1968 saw Richard Nixon narrowly defeat ________. Answer: Hubert Humphrey Page: 805 Topic: The Traumas of 1968
Essay Questions 114. Consider the presidencies of John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Why was Kennedy more popular with the public, and why was Johnson more successful in passing legislation? Topic: Expanding the Liberal State Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 115. In what areas of presidential leadership did John Kennedy most excel? Where was he most limited or unsuccessful? Topic: Expanding the Liberal State Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 116. What steps did Lyndon Johnson take to expand the liberal state? Which steps seemed to be successful, and why? Which did not seem to be successful, and why? Topic: Expanding the Liberal State
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117. How did Lyndon Johnson’s view of social reform compare with Franklin Roosevelt’s? Woodrow Wilson’s? Theodore Roosevelt’s? Topic: Expanding the Liberal State Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 118. Regarding foreign policy, was Lyndon Johnson more in line with Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, or Theodore Roosevelt? Explain your choice. Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War Topic: The War in Vietnam Topic: The Traumas of 1968 119. Discuss the evolution of the civil rights movement. Did the federal government lead or follow in the movement? What forces most often initiated change? What divides could be found within the movement? Why did they exist? Topic: The Battle for Racial Equality in the 1960s 120. What was the Kennedy strategy for fighting the Cold War? How did Vietnam fit into this overall strategy? Topic: “Flexible Response” and the Cold War 121. When Lyndon Johnson became president was he, in essence, already committed to following a policy of escalating involvement in Vietnam? Why or why not? Topic: The War in Vietnam 122. Describe the various arguments made in the historical assessment for American’s entry into Vietnam. Which one would you subscribe to, and why? Topic: The War in Vietnam 123. Why did the military superiority held by the United States fail to achieve victory in Vietnam? Topic: The War in Vietnam 124. Was the American failure in Vietnam a political or a military one? Could any changes have been made in either area that would have more likely led to an American success? Topic: The War in Vietnam 125. Describe the multiple traumas of 1968. How did the country respond to them? Topic: The Traumas of 1968
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Chapter 30 The Crisis of Authority Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is true of the “New Left” that sprang up in the 1960s and 1970s? A. The New Left showed little interest in the plight of African Americans. B. It was formed mainly by middle-aged white individuals who had been disillusioned by the Vietnam War. C. The New Left was relatively racially diverse. D. The New Left was generally uninterested in the Vietnam War. E. Relatively few members of the New Left were communists. Answer: E Page: 808-809 Topic: The Youth Culture 2. Students for a Democratic Society was formed A. primarily by college students from prestigious universities. B. to protest the Vietnam War. C. in reaction to the Kennedy assassination. D. as a branch of the Democratic Party. E. to support civil rights efforts in the South. Answer: A Page: 809 Topic: The Youth Culture 3. In 1964, a dispute broke out at the University of California at Berkeley over A. the cost of tuition and student housing. B. the military draft. C. the rights of students to engage in free speech. D. corporate influence on the university’s military research projects. E. the question of graduate student unionization. Answer: C Page: 809 Topic: The Youth Culture
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4. In the 1960s, the radical group known as “Weathermen” A. expressed their ideas in a manifesto known as the Port Huron Statement. B. seized administration offices at Columbia University. C. reflected the attitudes of a majority of college students at major universities. D. were involved in college bombings that claimed several lives. E. targeted SDS meetings as sites of un-American activity. Answer: D Page: 810 Topic: The Youth Culture 5. Throughout the late 1960s, A. deferments for the military draft increased. B. opposition in the United States to the Vietnam War intensified. C. no American refused induction; instead, thousands fled to Canada and Sweden. D. both deferments for the military draft increased, and opposition in the United States to the Vietnam War intensified. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 810 Topic: The Youth Culture 6. In the 1960s, the youth counterculture A. rejected the complaints of the “beats” of the 1950s. B. was really little more than a change in clothing styles. C. sought to overthrow the U.S. government through an armed revolution. D. was openly scornful of the values and conventions of American middle-class society. E. attempted to differentiate itself from the stereotype of the “hippie.” Answer: D Page: 811 Topic: The Youth Culture 7. In the 1960s, the aspect of popular culture most strongly embraced by the counterculture was A. television. B. music. C. movies. D. literature. E. sports. Answer: B Page: 812 Topic: The Youth Culture
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8. The 1969 Woodstock music festival was A. held to establish cooperatives based on the principles of communal living. B. organized as a rally in protest to the Vietnam War. C. designed make amends for the events of Altamont four months earlier. D. formed to help heal the cultural divisions within American society. E. a powerful symbol of the ideals of the counterculture philosophy. Answer: E Page: 813 Topic: The Youth Culture 9. In the 1950s, the federal “termination” policy as applied to American Indians sought to A. withdraw all official recognition of the tribes as legal entities. B. keep American Indians largely confined to rural areas. C. enforce the tribal reservation system. D. break up militant tribes. E. restore tribal autonomy. Answer: A Page: 813-814 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 10. The 1961 Declaration of Indian Purpose called for A. a reassessment of current assimilation practices. B. “affirmative action” for Native Americans. C. the removal of whites from Indian reservations. D. a complete separation from the society of the United States. E. the right of Indians to choose their own way of life. Answer: E Page: 815 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 11. In the late 1960s and early 1970s all of the following occurred due to American Indian activism, EXCEPT A. Congress granting to reservations “independent nation” status within the United States. B. Indians fighting for old treaty fishing rights in Washington State. C. Indians occupying Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay. D. Congress passing an Indian Civil Rights Act. E. the appointment of a Mohawk-Sioux as Nixon’s commissioner of Indian affairs. Answer: A Page: 815 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities
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12. Founded in 1968, the American Indian Movement (AIM) A. drew all of its support from tribal reservations. B. disbanded after the passage of the Indian Civil Rights Act. C. focused on militant action. D. vehemently opposed the idea of intertribal action. E. emphasized assimilation into larger American society. Answer: C Page: 815 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 13. In 1973, American Indian activists occupied the old Indian battle site of A. Wounded Knee. B. Little Bighorn. C. Horseshoe Bend. D. Fallen Timbers. E. Sand Creek. Answer: A Page: 815 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 14. Between 1960 and 1970, the Latino population of the United States A. rose by 25 percent. B. rose by 50 percent. C. doubled. D. tripled. E. sextupled. Answer: D Page: 816 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 15. All of the following statements regarding Latinos in the United States are true EXCEPT that A. by the late 1960s, Mexican Americans were one of the largest population groups in the West. B. large numbers of Central American immigrants arrived in the U.S. in the 1980s. C. Cuban immigrants in the 1980s were more well-to-do than their counterparts in the 1960s. D. in 1953, the government launched what it called Operation Wetback to deport illegals. E. Puerto Rican migrants established a large community in New York City. Answer: C Page: 816 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities
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16. The 1969 “Stonewall Riot” is associated with the civil rights movement for A. women. B. homosexuals. C. African Americans. D. Hispanic Americans. E. Native Americans. Answer: B Page: 817 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 17. By the early 1990s, gay men and lesbians in the United States A. were experiencing a powerful backlash from within American society. B. achieved many of the same milestones that other minority groups had attained in earlier decades. C. saw some openly gay politicians win election to public office. D. were making slow, halting progress in achieving laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual preference. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 818 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 18. Betty Friedan’s 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, A. described why women had found success and satisfaction in postwar America. B. detailed the many problems confronting single mothers. C. argued against women placing children before their careers. D. encouraged women to remain single in order to maintain their independence. E. gave a voice to a reemerging women’s rights movement. Answer: E Page: 819 Topic: The New Feminism 19. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 A. gave women equal pay for equal work. B. led to the creation of the National Organization of Women. C. resulted in the creation of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women. D. was amended for the benefit of women. E. made no mention of gender discrimination in its final form. Answer: D Page: 819 Topic: The New Feminism
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20. Early during the feminist movement, the National Organization of Women focused its efforts on A. changing the traditional concepts of women in the home. B. addressing the needs of women in the workplace. C. abortion rights. D. helping poor and minority women. E. passing the Equal Rights Amendment. Answer: B Page: 819 Topic: The New Feminism 21. Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female Supreme Court justice, was named to the court by A. Jimmy Carter. B. Ronald Reagan. C. George H. W. Bush. D. Bill Clinton. E. George W. Bush. Answer: B Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism 22. In 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment A. was strongly opposed by some women. B. was passed by Congress and submitted to the states for ratification. C. seemed almost certain to be ratified. D. had been promoted since the 1920s by some feminists. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism 23. The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) A. made abortion legal for the first time in the history of the United States. B. enabled women to obtain an abortion during any point of a pregnancy. C. initially applied only to pregnancies resulting from rape or abuse. D. invalidated all laws prohibiting abortion during the second trimester. E. was based on a new legal interpretation of privacy rights. Answer: E Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism
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24. Ecology rests primarily on the assumption that nature should be preserved A. for its beauty. B. because it was divinely created. C. because humans need to maintain the interrelated balance of life. D. because humans need a spiritual connection with the natural world. E. because American democracy flourishes when the land is plentiful and healthy. Answer: C Page: 821 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 25. Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring helped launch the modern environmental movement by focusing on problems concerning A. nuclear energy. B. pesticides. C. pollution in the oceans. D. the destruction of forests. E. global warming. Answer: B Page: 822 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 26. “Earth Day” in 1970 was A. an effort to protect the environment from commercial development. B. organized by American manufacturers of garden supplies. C. an example of the popularization of environmentalism. D. characterized by protests and confrontations between opposing sides. E. only celebrated by members of the radical counterculture. Answer: C Page: 823 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 27. The Environmental Protection Agency was created in ________ when ________ signed the National Environmental Protection Act into law. A. 1963; John F. Kennedy B. 1966; Lyndon Johnson C. 1970; Richard Nixon D. 1974; Gerald Ford E. 1977; Jimmy Carter Answer: C Page: 823 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism
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28. The intent of President Richard Nixon’s “Vietnamization” policy was to A. expand the war effort to all parts of Vietnam. B. have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting. C. declare an immediate end to the conflict. D. expand the war effort to all parts of Indochina. E. concentrate American military power on destroying the NLF. Answer: B Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 29. By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in America’s favor was to A. install a pro-American regime under General Lon Diem. B. destroy military bases in Cambodia. C. have the Congress repeal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. D. “surge” 30,000 additional ground combat forces in the Mekong Delta. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 30. In April 1970, the antiwar movement was recharged by A. the U.S. invasion of Cambodia. B. the shooting deaths of students at Kent State. C. revelations regarding the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. D. the newspaper publication of the My Lai massacre. E. the publication of the Pentagon Papers. Answer: A Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 31. The so-called Pentagon Papers A. were suppressed by the Nixon administration until after the Vietnam War. B. revealed the government had misled the public regarding the progress of the war. C. indicated President Nixon had used the IRS to harass leaders of the antiwar movement. D. showed that American operatives in Vietnam had carried out political assassinations. E. revealed that the government had tried to cover up American involvement in the My Lai massacre. Answer: B Page: 825-826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam
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32. The killing of South Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers in the village of My Lai A. was not learned about until years after the war had ended. B. did not result in any convictions of Americans who took part. C. attracted little public attention in the wake of the Cambodian invasion and the Pentagon Papers. D. was not learned about until years after the war had ended, and did not result in any convictions of Americans who took part. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 33. In 1969, President Richard Nixon believed an American withdrawal from Vietnam would A. harm America’s honor and “credibility.” B. enhance his public standing in the United States and the world. C. silence his critics. D. allow the nation to have “peace with honor.” E. force North Vietnam to live up to its promises regarding South Vietnam. Answer: A Page: 824 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 34. After the 1972 election, President Richard Nixon, to prompt a peace settlement with North Vietnam, A. allowed the opening of North Vietnamese harbors. B. withdrew American forces as North Vietnamese troops left from the South. C. ordered an increase in the aerial bombing of North Vietnam. D. broke off diplomatic negotiations with North Vietnam. E. evacuated the American embassy in Saigon. Answer: C Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 35. In 1972, diplomat Henry Kissinger announced that “peace is at hand” A. after a failed North Vietnamese offensive. B. right before the American presidential election. C. after the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam. D. before the final American ground troops were pulled out of Vietnam. E. right before American troops embarked on the Easter offensive. Answer: B Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam
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36. In 1972, the United States’ “Christmas bombing” of North Vietnam A. saw the United States suffer, by far, its greatest loss of bombers in the war. B. resulted in a collapse of the peace talks. C. dramatically altered the terms of the final peace agreement. D. later drew an apology from President Richard Nixon. E. avoided Hanoi for the sake of continuing peace talks. Answer: A Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 37. As a result of the Vietnam War, A. Vietnam became one of the world’s richest nations. B. more than 1.2 million Vietnamese soldiers died. C. the United States suffered more than 500,000 killed and wounded. D. Laos fell to the murderous communists of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 38. President Richard Nixon believed U.S. foreign policy should work toward A. a bipolar world dominated by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. B. improving governments in less-developed nations. C. a multipolar international structure. D. destruction of the government in the Soviet Union. E. encouraging Europe to take up its own defense against the Soviet Union. Answer: C Page: 827 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 39. President Richard Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 A. was designed to bring the United States closer to Chiang Kai-shek. B. was opposed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. C. moved the United States into a deeper conflict with the Soviet Union. D. came after Taiwan was expelled from the United Nations. E. aroused deep animosity from the majority of Chinese communists. Answer: D Page: 827 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure
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40. In 1972, the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty A. was signed by all of the world’s nuclear powers. B. called for the suspension of all new nuclear weapons systems. C. froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels. D. both called for the suspension of all new nuclear weapons systems, and froze the arsenals of some nuclear missiles at their current levels. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: C Page: 827 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 41. In the 1970s, the Nixon administration believed the world’s most volatile region to be A. the Middle East. B. Eastern Europe. C. the so-called Third World. D. China. E. sub-Saharan Africa. Answer: C Page: 827 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 42. According to policies that came to be called the Nixon Doctrine, the United States would A. assist in the development of friendly nations. B. assume a basic responsibility for the future of friendly nations. C. increase Third World contributions to shake up the status quo. D. both assist in the development of friendly nations, and assume a basic responsibility for the future of friendly nations. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 827-828 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 43. As part of his domestic agenda, President Richard Nixon A. tried to end the forced busing of students to desegregate schools. B. dismantled many Great Society programs. C. abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity. D. tried to overhaul the nation’s welfare system by creating a guaranteed annual income. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 828 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies
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44. President Richard Nixon’s proposed Family Assistance Plan included A. a maximum six-year participation in the federal welfare system. B. federal support for parental leave following the birth of a child. C. free medical care to all Americans over the age of seventy. D. a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. E. a program to replace Social Security with private retirement vouchers. Answer: D Page: 828 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 45. In Engel v. Vitale (1962), the Supreme Court A. ruled that limits on campaign funding violated the right to free speech. B. sharply limited government curbs on pornography. C. ruled that forced busing to integrate public schools was constitutional. D. declared that the application procedure for federal jobs must be open to the public. E. ruled prayers in public schools were unconstitutional. Answer: E Page: 828-829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 46. In Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), the Supreme Court A. limited the appeals process for state convictions. B. established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. C. ruled that all felony defendants were entitled to a lawyer, regardless of their ability to pay. D. ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police. E. sharply limited government curbs on pornography. Answer: C Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 47. In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court A. ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police. B. required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights. C. established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. D. did all of these: ruled that a defendant must have access to a lawyer before being questioned by police; required authorities to inform a criminal suspect of his or her legal rights; and established new guidelines for capital punishment cases. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies
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48. President Richard Nixon’s appointments to the Supreme Court A. were twice rejected by the Senate. B. included the first nomination of a female justice. C. culminated in the successful appointment of G. Harrold Carswell to the Court. D. both included the first nomination of a female justice, and were twice rejected by the Senate. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 49. After President Richard Nixon had appointed four new justices, the Supreme Court A. became decidedly more conservative in its rulings. B. became decidedly less active. C. more closely reflected the president’s own political beliefs. D. attempted to overturn the Warren Court decision in Roe v. Wade. E. actually increased its commitment to social reform. Answer: E Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 50. The Supreme Court ruling in the case of Furman v. Georgia (1972) A. overturned existing capital punishment statutes. B. was upheld in the case of Gregg v. Georgia (1976.) C. redefined the appeals process in death penalty convictions. D. ruled that execution by hanging was unconstitutional. E. favored the use of forced busing to achieve racial balance in schools. Answer: A Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 51. In the Supreme Court case of Milliken v. Bradley (1974), the Court A. handed down a decision that delighted both liberals and conservatives. B. eliminated all restrictions on performing abortions. C. upheld the principle of affirmative action. D. struck down a plan to transfer students across district lines to achieve racial balance. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: D Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies
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52. In Bakke v. Board of Regents of California (1978), the Supreme Court A. limited the ability of defendants to appeal state convictions. B. stopped a plan to transfer students across district lines to achieve racial integration. C. ruled in favor of using forced busing to achieve racial balance in schools. D. upheld the principle of affirmative action, with restrictions. E. argued that limits on campaign funding violated the right to free speech. Answer: D Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 53. In the 1972 presidential election, A. Richard Nixon won a narrow victory in the Electoral College. B. George Wallace only carried California and the District of Columbia. C. Richard Nixon won over 60 percent of the popular vote. D. Richard Nixon won a narrow victory in the Electoral College and won over 60 percent of the popular vote. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 54. In 1973, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries A. refused to ship oil to all nations that supported Israel. B. raised the price of oil by 400 percent. C. helped to precipitate a fuel shortage in the United States. D. both refused to ship oil to all nations that supported Israel, and raised the price of oil by 500 percent. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 831 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 55. In 1971, President Richard Nixon responded to mounting economic problems by A. lowering interest rates to spur consumption. B. lowering corporate taxes to spur investment. C. sharply reducing the rate of inflation. D. expanding the money supply. E. imposing a freeze on all wages and prices. Answer: E Page: 832 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies
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56. “Stagflation” refers to A. falling prices and a falling inventory. B. deflation and rising inventory. C. flat prices, wages, and inventory. D. rising prices and economic stagnation. E. high taxes and large budget deficits. Answer: D Page: 832 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 57. In 1972, the Watergate scandal began with a break-in at the A. Washington Post newspaper building. B. headquarters of the George McGovern campaign. C. House of Representatives. D. office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist. E. offices of the Democratic National Committee. Answer: E Page: 832-833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 58. In 1972, two Washington Post reporters uncovered evidence linking the Watergate break-in to A. the Committee for the Reelection of the President. B. a former employee of the Nixon White House. C. a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff. D. both the Committee for the Re-Election of the President, and a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 59. In early 1973, allegations of misconduct by Richard Nixon were made by White House counsel A. John Dean. B. John Mitchell. C. H. R. Haldeman. D. Spiro Agnew. E. John Ehrlichman. Answer: A Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
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60. The “Saturday night massacre” refers to an event that included A. the decision by the Supreme Court that forced Nixon to hand over incriminating audio recordings. B. the confessions of the Watergate burglars. C. the resignation of two key Nixon administration officials. D. the departure of Spiro Agnew. E. the testimony of James McCord and John Dean. Answer: C Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 61. The key evidence in the determination of President Richard Nixon’s guilt or innocence in the Watergate scandal was A. audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office. B. eyewitness testimony from Nixon confidants in the White House. C. phone records kept by Nixon’s personal secretary. D. Nixon’s personal diaries. E. journals kept by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Answer: A Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 62. In 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because A. of his involvement in the Watergate break-in. B. of his involvement in the Watergate cover-up. C. of his refusal to testify against Richard Nixon. D. evidence surfaced that he had accepted bribes. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: D Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 63. The Supreme Court in the case United States v. Richard M. Nixon (1974) ruled that Nixon must A. no longer tape conversations in the Oval Office. B. turn over evidence to the special prosecutor. C. be held in contempt of court. D. be impeached. E. resign. Answer: B Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
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64. In 1974, Richard Nixon left the presidency A. through impeachment. B. through resignation. C. when he was convicted of obstructing justice. D. by official arrest. E. when he lost a special election by huge margins. Answer: B Page: 833-834 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
True/False Questions 65. The political New Left emerged out of opposition to the military draft in the 1960s. Answer: False Page: 808-809 Topic: The Youth Culture 66. The Free Speech Movement was born on a college campus. Answer: True Page: 809 Topic: The Youth Culture 67. The founders of Students for a Democratic Society could accurately be described as hippies. Answer: False Page: 809-811 Topic: The Youth Culture 68. Throughout the Vietnam War, deferments from the military draft were increasingly easy to obtain for those in college. Answer: False Page: 811 Topic: The Youth Culture 69. An important and controversial aspect of the counterculture was its more permissive view of sex and drugs. Answer: True Page: 812 Topic: The Youth Culture 70. The federal government’s “termination” policy toward Native Americans contributed to a generation of Indian militancy. Answer: True Page: 813-814 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities
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71. The United Farm Workers union was founded and first led by César Chávez. Answer: True Page: 816 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 72. The gay rights movement had been gaining strength since at least the 1950s. Answer: True Page: 817-818 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 73. The AIDS epidemic weakened the gay rights movement in the early 1980s. Answer: False Page: 818 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 74. Betty Friedan’s book, The Feminine Mystique, concerned the difficulties facing poor and working-class women. Answer: False Page: 819 Topic: The New Feminism 75. When it was founded, the National Organization of Women was concerned primarily with the rights of women in marriage and in the home. Answer: False Page: 819 Topic: The New Feminism 76. By the early 1970s, a significant change was visible in the tone and direction of the women’s movement. New books by younger feminists expressed a milder critique of American society than Friedan had offered. Answer: False Page: 820 Topic: The New Feminism 77. By the mid-1970s, affirmative-action guidelines included women, and the vast majority of women with college degrees were in the workforce. Answer: True Page: 820 Topic: The New Feminism 78. During the 1970s, Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. Answer: True Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism
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79. When the Supreme Court handed down the Roe v. Wade decision, abortion became legal for the first time in American history. Answer: False Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism 80. Aldo Leopold’s sensational 1962 book, Silent Spring, helped introduce the new science of ecology. Answer: False Page: 822 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 81. The Wilderness Society, the Sierra Club, the National Audubon Society, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation, and the National Parks and Conservation Association all predated the rise of modern ecological science. Answer: True Page: 822 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 82. The release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere directly affects the earth’s capacity to replenish its oxygen supply. Answer: False Page: 823 Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 83. In order to avoid losing public support, President Nixon informed the American people of his decision to begin bombing Cambodia before he did so. Answer: False Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 84. The tragedies of Kent State and Jackson State occurred during protests over the American expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia by the Nixon administration. Answer: True Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 85. The so-called Pentagon Papers revealed the government had misled the public in explaining its motives for American involvement in Vietnam. Answer: True Page: 825-826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam
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86. To secure a peace agreement in Vietnam in 1972, President Nixon dropped his demand that North Vietnam withdraw its troops from South Vietnam before American troops would be removed. Answer: True Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 87. Weeks after Henry Kissinger announced that “peace is at hand” in the Vietnam War, President Nixon ordered the heaviest air raids on North Vietnam of the entire war. Answer: True Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 88. Shortly after the last Americans had left South Vietnam, Cambodia came under the control of a brutal and repressive government. Answer: True Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 89. During the Nixon administration, relations with communist China were greatly improved. Answer: True Page: 827 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 90. The 1973 Yom Kippur War saw the United States pressure Israel to accept a cease-fire rather than push for more territory. Answer: True Page: 828 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 91. The lesson of the Yom Kippur War was that the United States could continue to expect cheap, easy access to raw materials from its “client states.” Answer: False Page: 828 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure 92. The Nixon administration abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity and created the Environmental Protection Agency. Answer: True Page: 823 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies
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93. Conservative Americans, by and large, supported the decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren. Answer: False Page: 828-829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 94. Despite President Nixon’s desire for a more conservative Supreme Court and his appointment of several new justices, the Court actually moved further toward social reform. Answer: True Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 95. The 1972 Democratic nominee George McGovern could most accurately be described as a strong critic of the Vietnam War who was a moderate on social issues. Answer: False Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 96. Richard Nixon was reelected in 1972 by a much greater margin than he had received in 1968. Answer: True Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 97. In the early 1970s, the United States suffered its first fuel shortage since World War II. Answer: True Page: 831 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 98. The political demise of Richard Nixon was largely a result of his own personality and leadership style. Answer: True Page: 832-834 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 99. The Nixon administration responded to the mounting economic problems of the country by focusing on the one thing they thought they could control: inflation. Answer: True Page: 832 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 100. What came to be called the Watergate scandal began when five men broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Answer: True Page: 832-833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
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101. Both John Sirica and John Dean were part of the White House cover-up of the Watergate scandal. Answer: False Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 102. There was never any conclusive evidence that President Nixon had planned or approved the Watergate burglary. Answer: True Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 103. Spiro Agnew resigned from the vice presidency before Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency. Answer: True Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 104. The tapes of conversations in the Oval Office contained incontrovertible evidence that President Nixon was involved in the Watergate cover-up. Answer: True Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 105. The House Judiciary Committee was debating whether or not to recommend articles of impeachment when President Nixon announced his resignation from office. Answer: False Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 106. One of the early and major organizations of the New Left was the Students for a ________. Answer: Democratic Society Page: 809 Topic: The Youth Culture 107. In the early 1960s, the Free Speech Movement came into being at the ________ to help secure the political rights of students. Answer: University of California at Berkeley Page: 809 Topic: The Youth Culture
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108. In 1969, four months after the great music festival at Woodstock, a rock concert at ________ resulted in the deaths of four people, including one from injuries sustained from security guards. Answer: Altamont Page: 811 Topic: The Youth Culture 109. In 1973, Indian activists seized the town of ________, the site of an 1890 massacre of Sioux by federal troops. Answer: Wounded Knee Page: 815 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 110. In the 1960s, the ________ was founded and led by César Chávez. Answer: United Farm Workers Page: 816 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 111. The beginning of the gay liberation movement was marked by a violent disturbance known as the “________.” Answer: Stonewall Riot Page: 817 Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities 112. The first female Supreme Court justice was ________. Answer: Sandra Day O’Connor Page: 821 Topic: The New Feminism 113. President Nixon expanded the Vietnam War, and also reinvigorated the American antiwar movement, by moving the fighting into neighboring ________. Answer: Cambodia Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 114. In 1971 the so-called Pentagon Papers were leaked to the press by ________. Answer: Daniel Ellsberg Page: 825 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 115. The 1973 ________ War demonstrated American dependence on Arab oil. Answer: Yom Kippur Page: 828 Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure
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116. Led by Lieutenant William Calley, American soldiers massacred more than 300 South Vietnamese civilians near the village of ________. Answer: My Lai Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 117. The Vietnam War caused the deaths of 1.2 million Vietnamese soldiers, countless additional civilians, and more than ________ Americans. Answer: 55,000 Page: 826 Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 118. When Earl Warren retired, President Nixon appointed ________ to replace him on the Supreme Court. Answer: Warren Burger Page: 829 Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 119. ________ was the Watergate burglar who agreed to cooperate with the grand jury and Senate investigating committee looking into the Watergate break-in. Answer: James W. McCord Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis 120. What became known as the “________ massacre” included President Richard Nixon ordering the firing of Archibald Cox. Answer: Saturday night Page: 833 Topic: The Watergate Crisis
Essay Questions 121. What were the differences between social reform in the 1930s and social reform in the 1960s? Topic: The Youth Culture Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities Topic: The New Feminism Topic: The Powerful Emergence of Environmentalism 122. What type of individual was attracted to the counterculture, and why? Topic: The Youth Culture
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123. What was the essential philosophy of the counterculture, and why did it so upset many Americans? Topic: The Youth Culture 124. Was the new youth culture truly a “revolution” in America? What were its limits? Topic: The Youth Culture 125. Explain which rights movement enjoyed the greatest success and which faced the greatest obstacles. Topic: The Youth Culture Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities Topic: The New Feminism 126. What were the major Supreme Court rulings during the late 1950s and 1960s? What are the arguments of the supporters and critics of these rulings? Topic: The Mobilization of Minorities Topic: The New Feminism Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 127. Characterize the intent of the major Supreme Court rulings during the late 1960s and 1970s. How did they compare to decisions made by the Warren Court? Topic: Mobilization of Minorities Topic: The New Feminism Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 128. How did President Nixon go about bringing an end to the Vietnam War? What effect did his methods have on the war and on the American public mood? Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 129. Why is American participation in the Vietnam War so rarely described as a “good war,” as was the case for World War II? Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 130. Nothing since the American Civil War divided the United States public as much as the Vietnam War. Why? Topic: Nixon and Vietnam 131. How did Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger view the world and America’s place in it? Explain their strategies toward the Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Latin America. Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure
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132. Compare Richard Nixon as a foreign policy president and as a domestic policy president. In what area was he more effective, and why? Topic: Nixon and Vietnam Topic: Nixon’s Shift to a Multipolar Structure Topic: Nixon’s Domestic Policies 133. How do you explain the Watergate scandal and President Nixon’s role in it? Topic: The Watergate Crisis
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Chapter 31 From the “Age of Limits” to the Age of Reagan Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In 1974, former President Richard Nixon was pardoned by A. the Supreme Court. B. the Federal Court of Appeals. C. the attorney general. D. Congress. E. the president. Answer: E Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 2. During the Ford administration, A. the cost of oil rose dramatically. B. the dependence of the United States on foreign oil lessened. C. the national inflation rate declined after the end of the 1973 oil embargo. D. the United States became the world’s largest oil producer. E. government spending increased and taxes decreased. Answer: A Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 3. President Gerald Ford’s foreign policy actions included A. replacing Henry Kissinger as secretary of state. B. the signing of an arms control agreement with the Soviet Union. C. shifting away from the Nixon policies of engaging China in diplomacy. D. helping Israel obtain control of a large portion of the Sinai from Egypt. E. attempting to secure the release of American hostages in Iran. Answer: B Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 4. In the 1976 presidential election, A. the Democratic Party nominated the almost entirely unknown governor of Arkansas. B. President Gerald Ford faced his stiffest opposition from moderate Republicans. C. the Democrats nominated a political novice. D. Ronald Reagan mounted a powerful challenge against President Ford. E. Gerald Ford won the popular vote but lost the election. Answer: D Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate
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5. In 1976, Jimmy Carter appealed to voters by emphasizing A. his personal honesty. B. his lack of experience in federal government. C. his religious piety. D. both his personal honesty and his religious piety. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 6. Early in his presidency, Jimmy Carter gave priority attention to A. federal spending and Soviet-American relations. B. reform of government and education. C. conservation and the environment. D. passing civil rights legislation. E. energy and the economy. Answer: E Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 7. On the economic front, during the Carter administration, A. interest rates rose to their highest level in American history. B. unemployment rose sharply. C. President Carter broke from the tight money policy of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. D. energy prices leveled off. E. retail prices fell at a 10 percent annual rate. Answer: A Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 8. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter A. fired his cabinet. B. gave a national address in which he criticized the spirit of the nation. C. went to Camp David for a month in the midst of an OPEC oil crisis. D. fired his cabinet and gave a national address in which he criticized the spirit of the nation. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: B Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate
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9. As president, Jimmy Carter called for a foreign policy that stressed the importance of A. human rights. B. the environment. C. democracy. D. American business interests. E. free trade and open markets. Answer: A Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 10. In 1977, President Jimmy Carter supported treaties in which the United States gave up control of A. military bases in Okinawa. B. sugar plantations in the Philippines. C. the Panama Canal. D. the island of Guam. E. the UN Security Council. Answer: C Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 11. All of the following foreign policy events occurred during the Carter administration EXCEPT the A. establishment of formal diplomatic relations with communist China. B. ratification of a new SALT II arms agreement with the Soviet Union. C. ratification of the Panama Canal treaty. D. signing of a formal peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. E. beginning of a Soviet war in Afghanistan. Answer: B Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 12. In 1979, Iranians who took American hostages demanded, in return for their release, A. a large ransom payment. B. the removal of all westerners from Iran. C. an end to the United States’ support of Israel. D. the United States’ return of the shah of Iran. E. the removal of all American troops from Saudi Arabia. Answer: D Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate
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13. The crisis of American hostages being held in Iran A. lasted over one year. B. ended with a successful rescue operation by American troops. C. was resolved before the 1980 elections. D. both lasted over one year and was resolved before the 1980 election. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 14. In 1979, the Carter administration responded to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan by A. convincing most of its Western European allies to boycott the 1980 summer Olympic Games. B. mobilizing NATO airstrikes. C. cutting off all diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. D. withdrawing the SALT I treaty from Senate consideration. E. imposing economic sanctions on the Soviet Union. Answer: E Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 15. In 1980, the “Sunbelt” region of the nation A. contained a strong populist tradition. B. included both the Southeast and Southwest. C. continued to grow dramatically. D. both was the most populous area of the country and contained a strong populist tradition. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 842 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 16. In the late 1970s, members of the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion A. complained the federal government ignored the American West. B. favored restrictions on new commercial development in the West. C. were inclined to support liberal politicians. D. portrayed the West as a victim of government control. E. mobilized in favor of stricter immigration controls in the West. Answer: D Page: 842 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right
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17. In the late 1970s, the “Christian right” A. opposed the intertwining of religion and politics. B. supported the goals of feminism. C. feared aggressive American military actions. D. were alarmed by many Supreme Court rulings. E. were losing ground as a political force. Answer: D Page: 843 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 18. As president, Gerald Ford angered many right-wing conservatives by A. breaking from Richard Nixon’s détente policies. B. praising the ideals of draft resistors in a speech. C. choosing Robert Dole as his running mate in 1976. D. criticizing the American military leadership in Vietnam. E. appointing Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. Answer: E Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 19. Proposition 13 in California, in 1978, dealt with A. criminal sentencing. B. property taxes. C. affirmative action. D. illegal immigration. E. gay marriage. Answer: B Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 20. Supporters of the 1978 Proposition 13 in California successfully A. played on the personal security fears of voters. B. played on the racial fears of voters. C. focused white male voter resentment on affirmative action. D. separated the issue of taxes from the issue of what the taxes supported. E. mobilized thousands of voters against funding for parochial schools. Answer: D Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right
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21. In the 1980 presidential campaign, A. Jimmy Carter promised to make substantial tax cuts. B. Ronald Reagan asserted that the power of the federal government needed to be increased. C. an independent candidate determined the outcome of the election. D. the Iranian hostages were released on the day of the last debate. E. Jimmy Carter had to hold off a strong challenge to his re-nomination. Answer: E Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 22. In the 1980 presidential election, Ronald Reagan A. won a very slight popular vote margin over Carter. B. captured an overwhelming majority of electoral votes. C. won primarily as a result of third-party candidate John Anderson. D. did all of these: captured an overwhelming majority of electoral votes; won a very slight popular vote margin over Carter; and won primarily as a result of third-party candidate John Anderson. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: B Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 23. As president, Ronald Reagan A. had major success in redefining public policy. B. succeeded in making his personality a central feature of his presidency. C. faced strong opposition from a majority of policy-makers in government. D. initially pledged to serve only one term. E. was very involved in the day-to-day affairs of running the government. Answer: B Page: 846 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 24. During the Reagan presidency, “neo-conservatives” A. were a small but disproportionately influential group of intellectuals. B. made up the majority of supporters of Reagan. C. were largely concerned with the government’s progressive tax structure. D. were unable to effectively unite with other Reagan supporters. E. believed the Vietnam War had illustrated the limits of American intervention. Answer: A Page: 846 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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25. The “supply-side” economic theory embraced by President Ronald Reagan called for A. balancing the federal budget. B. the privatization of Social Security. C. greater federal assistance to poor Americans. D. a reduction of defense spending. E. a reduction of personal and corporate taxes. Answer: E Page: 846 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 26. During President Ronald Reagan’s first term, the course of the American economy A. moved from being relatively strong into a long, mild recession. B. went through a severe recession that gave way to a strong recovery. C. experienced a mild recession that turned into a slow and steady recovery. D. remained mired in “stagflation.” E. experienced explosive economic growth from the start. Answer: B Page: 847 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 27. Which of the following statements about Reagan’s domestic policies and their effects is accurate? A. He strengthened the enforcement of civil rights laws. B. He managed to maintain domestic spending cuts that equaled increases in military spending. C. He cut corporate taxes but maintained Carter-level tax rates on the wealthy. D. The federal deficit grew in the first six months of his presidency, then began a long decline. E. Under his direction, the Department of Transportation slowed the imposition of new safety standards on cars and trucks. Answer: E Page: 847-848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 28. In the 1980s, record national budget deficits resulted from A. increased military spending. B. increased entitlement spending on programs such as Social Security. C. increased health care costs. D. large tax cuts. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 847-848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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29. The country President Ronald Reagan described as an “evil empire” in the early 1980s was A. China. B. Iran. C. the Soviet Union. D. Iraq. E. North Korea. Answer: C Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 30. In his foreign policy, President Ronald Reagan A. accused the Soviet Union of sponsoring world terrorism. B. honored the provisions of SALT II. C. argued that armaments negotiations must be linked to good Soviet behavior in other areas. D. both denounced the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT II) and honored its provisions. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 31. President Ronald Reagan argued that the Strategic Defense Initiative would A. make nuclear war obsolete. B. enable the United States to make a successful “first strike” anywhere in the world. C. protect all of the United States’ allies. D. bring an end to communism. E. bridge the “missile gap” with the Soviet Union. Answer: A Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 32. The Reagan Doctrine of opposing communism A. resulted in a relatively passive American foreign policy. B. was most frequently applied in Asia. C. led the United States to intervene in several Latin American nations. D. centered on weakening the Soviet Union’s hold on Eastern Europe. E. was substantially reworked after the 1983 Beirut bombing. Answer: C Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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33. Of the following, the Reagan Doctrine was most actively applied in the nation of A. Grenada. B. Cuba. C. Venezuela. D. Hungary. E. Czechoslovakia. Answer: A Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 34. In 1983, the Reagan administration responded to a terrorist bombing of American military barracks in Beirut by A. launching cruise missiles against the suspected perpetrators. B. enlarging the U.S. Marines force in the city. C. supporting an invasion by Israel into southern Lebanon. D. establishing a special military force to fight terrorism. E. withdrawing the remaining Marines. Answer: E Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 35. All of the following were part of the 1984 election EXCEPT A. the Republicans making large gains in the Senate and House. B. the Democratic Party choosing Walter Mondale as the presidential nominee. C. President Ronald Reagan winning all but one state. D. the first woman, Geraldine Ferraro, appearing on a major party national ticket. E. Jesse Jackson making a bid for the Democratic nomination. Answer: A Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 36. The weakening of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s was encouraged by the Soviet policy of A. glasnost. B. perestroika. C. apartheid. D. glasnost and perestroika. E. perestroika and apartheid. Answer: D Page: 850 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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37. In the late 1980s, challenges to communist rule were LEAST successful in A. Poland. B. China. C. Romania. D. Czechoslovakia. E. Hungary. Answer: B Page: 850 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 38. Regarding his view of Mikhail Gorbachev, President Ronald Reagan was A. initially skeptical, but gradually concluded that Gorbachev was a sincere reformer. B. consistently skeptical of Gorbachev. C. always of the belief that Gorbachev was a sincere reformer. D. initially optimistic, but gradually concluded he could not work with Gorbachev. E. initially skeptical, but gradually became more openly hostile to Gorbachev. Answer: A Page: 851 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 39. In 1988, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signaled his desire to change past policies by A. renouncing his own communism. B. ordering a military coup against communist hard-liners within his government. C. giving the republics within the Soviet Union their independence. D. releasing political prisoner Nelson Mandela after 27 years. E. agreeing to a significant nuclear arms reduction treaty. Answer: E Page: 851 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 40. In 1986, the Reagan administration suffered a serious political scandal after the White House admitted it had A. secretly sold weapons to the revolutionary government of Iran. B. secretly helped finance anti-government rebels in Nicaragua. C. illegally funneled money from arms sales. D. both illegally funneled money from arms sales and secretly helped finance anti-government rebels in Nicaragua. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 851 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War
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41. George H. W. Bush’s 1988 presidential victory was primarily the result of A. the public’s disapproval of negative political advertising. B. his repeated attack on his opponent as a liberal. C. an overly aggressive Democratic strategy. D. damaging personal revelations regarding Michael Dukakis. E. public ebullience over the fall of communism. Answer: B Page: 851 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 42. In the late 1980s, in foreign affairs, President George H. W. Bush A. developed a cool and distrustful relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev. B. moved quickly to take advantage of the collapse of communism in Europe. C. expressed little interest in international activities. D. moved toward far-reaching arms reduction agreements with the former Soviet Union. E. rejected most arms treaties in favor of increased weapons testing. Answer: D Page: 852 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 43. The recession of 1990–1992 A. was relatively mild but prolonged. B. was blamed on President George H. W. Bush’s broken pledge not to raise taxes. C. was helped by the government’s debt reduction policies in the late 1980s. D. went mostly unnoticed by middle- and working-class Americans. E. caused an unusually high number of bankruptcies. Answer: E Page: 852 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 44. The Gulf War of 1991 had its origins in an Iraqi decision to A. invade Kuwait. B. declare war on Iran. C. fire SCUD missiles into Israel. D. form a military alliance with Saudi Arabia. E. build weapons of mass destruction. Answer: A Page: 853 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War
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45. All of the following statements regarding the Gulf War of 1991 are true EXCEPT that A. the United States suffered relatively few casualties in the war. B. the Allied ground offensive focused on dislodging Iraqi forces dug-in along the Kuwait border. C. almost all Islamic and Arab nations joined a trade embargo against Iraq. D. the United Nations voted in favor of American policies toward Iraq. E. the Allied forces ultimately numbered 690,000 troops. Answer: B Page: 853 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 46. After the Gulf War, President George H. W. Bush’s high popularity quickly faded because of his A. inability to contain a worsening recession. B. invasion of Panama. C. decision to lower taxes. D. admission of corruption within the White House staff. E. decision not to topple Saddam Hussein’s regime. Answer: A Page: 853 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 47. During the maneuvering for the Democratic Party’s choice of a candidate, Bill Clinton’s primary campaign benefitted from A. his ability to draw on long experience in the Senate. B. a collapse in campaign funding on the part of the Republicans. C. the decision by many leading Democrats not to run. D. President Bush’s extreme unpopularity. E. Ross Perot’s third party candidacy. Answer: C Page: 853-854 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 48. In 1992, Ross Perot made the best third-party showing in American politics since A. John Anderson in 1980. B. George Wallace in 1968. C. Henry Wallace in 1948. D. Robert La Follette in 1924. E. Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. Answer: E Page: 854 Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War
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True/False Questions 49. Richard Nixon was never charged for his involvement in the Watergate scandal. Answer: True Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 50. The American public came to regard Gerald Ford as being as untrustworthy as Richard Nixon. Answer: False Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 51. In 1974, OPEC raised the price it charged for oil by 400 percent. Answer: True Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 52. In 1976, Jimmy Carter easily won election over Gerald Ford. Answer: False Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 53. Under President Carter, unemployment declined but inflation soared. Answer: True Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 54. Like Nixon and Ford before him, President Carter responded to economic problems with a combination of tight money and calls for voluntary restraint. Answer: True Page: 839 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 55. Carter’s greatest foreign policy success was in arranging a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Answer: True Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 56. Under President Carter, the United States and the People’s Republic of China resumed full diplomatic relations. Answer: True Page: 840 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate
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57. At the time that Iranian radicals seized the American embassy in Teheran, the shah of Iran was in the United States. Answer: True Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 58. President Carter responded to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by declaring the Carter Doctrine. Answer: False Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 59. The United States did not participate in the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow. Answer: True Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 60. Historically, there has been a strong populist tradition in the American South and West. Answer: True Page: 842 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 61. Near the end of his first term, Jimmy Carter’s standing in popularity polls was the lowest of any president in American history. Answer: True Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 62. In 1981, Ronald Reagan was the oldest American ever to serve as president. Answer: True Page: 846 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 63. The 1981 tax cuts were the largest to that point in American history. Answer: True Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 64. The Reagan administration accumulated more debt in eight years than the American government had accumulated in its entire history. Answer: True Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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65. President Ronald Reagan claimed that the U.S. SDI program could essentially make nuclear war obsolete. Answer: True Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 66. President Reagan denounced SALT II but continued to honor its provisions. Answer: True Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 67. The Reagan Doctrine produced a smaller American role in the Third World. Answer: False Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 68. The Iran-contra scandal did serious damage to Reagan’s presidency. Answer: True Page: 851 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 69. The 1988 election results gave the Republican Party control of the presidency and both houses of Congress. Answer: False Page: 851 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 70. Richard Nixon was given a full pardon by President ________ for any criminal role he may have played in the Watergate scandals. Answer: Gerald Ford Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 71. In 1976, President Ford faced a strong primary challenge from ________. Answer: Ronald Reagan Page: 838 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate
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72. Following the seizure of Americans in Iran, the Soviet invasion of ________ worsened relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Answer: Afghanistan Page: 841 Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 73. The so-called ________ Rebellion mobilized conservative opposition to environmental laws in the West. Answer: Sagebrush Page: 842 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 74. President Ford angered the right wing of his party by appointing ________ to be his vice president. Answer: Nelson Rockefeller Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 75. In 1978, Proposition 13 in California dealt with cutting ________ taxes. Answer: property Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 76. In 1980, ________ challenged President Carter for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. Answer: Senator Edward Kennedy Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 77. The third-party candidate in 1980 was ________. Answer: John B. Anderson Page: 845 Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 78. “Reaganomics” presumed that the American economy was burdened with excessive ________. Answer: taxation Page: 846 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 79. President Reagan preferred his ________ Initiative to the SALT II arms control treaty. Answer: Strategic Defense Page: 848 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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80. In 1982, President Reagan sent American soldiers to the Caribbean island of ________. Answer: Grenada Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 81. President Reagan opposed the “Sandinistas” in ________. Answer: Nicaragua Page: 849 Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
Essay Questions 82. Make a case for the positive changes in the American political process that resulted from the Watergate scandal. Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 83. What were the assets and liabilities faced by Gerald Ford’s presidency? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 84. Why was President Ford challenged from both political extremes in his party in 1976? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate 85. On what well-received political themes did Jimmy Carter run for the presidency in 1976, and how did these became liabilities once he was in office? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 86. What were President Carter’s major political successes and failures? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 87. What were the sources of the nation’s economic troubles during the Carter administration? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 88. Why did Jimmy Carter end up being one of the least popular presidents in American history? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 89. How do you account for the rise of the American right? What was its agenda? Topic: The Rise of the New American Right 90. What constituted the “Reagan Revolution”? Was it successful or not? Why or why not? Topic: The “Reagan Revolution”
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91. How did President Carter and President Reagan differ in their handling of foreign policy? Topic: Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate Topic: The Rise of the New American Right Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 92. Why did communist governments rapidly collapse throughout Europe during the late 1980s and early 1990s? Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 93. What was the effect of “Reaganomics”? Was it a sound economic plan? Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 94. Describe the Reagan administration’s efforts with respect to deregulation. How did those efforts fit in with the administration’s larger economic philosophy? Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” 95. What factors caused the fading of the “Reagan Revolution”? Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 96. Why was Ronald Reagan able to maintain his personal popularity and political support despite serious scandals within his administration? Topic: The Rise of the New American Right Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 97. Some Americans consider Ronald Reagan to be one of the nation’s “great” presidents. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. Topic: The Rise of the New American Right Topic: The “Reagan Revolution” Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 98. What were George H. W. Bush’s motivations for pursuing the Gulf War? Describe the U.S. involvement in the war and the overall war aims. Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War 99. Describe the political gridlock that plagued the George H. W. Bush administration’s relations with Congress. How did Bush fare in getting his domestic policy initiatives passed? Topic: America and the Waning of the Cold War
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Chapter 32 The Age of Globalization Multiple-Choice Questions 1. When Bill Clinton assumed the presidency in 1993, he A. enjoyed a powerful mandate from the American voters. B. faced an adversarial Republican majority in Congress. C. brought a highly ambitious domestic political agenda. D. had few perceived political weaknesses. E. benefited from strong and resilient Democratic majorities in Congress. Answer: C Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 2. After a difficult battle, Clinton won approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement (or NAFTA), which eliminated most trade barriers among A. the United States and Mexico. B. the United States and most of the countries of Western Europe. C. the United States and Canada. D. the United States and the Latin American Countries of South America. E. the United States, Canada, and Mexico Answer: E Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 3. In his first year as president, Bill Clinton secured from Congress all of the following EXCEPT A. a significant reduction in many areas of government spending. B. an international free-trade agreement. C. a national health reform plan. D. a large tax increase on the wealthy. E. an expansion of tax credits to low-income working people. Answer: C Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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4. A pressing foreign policy issue of the first years of the Clinton administration concerned a civil war in A. Bosnia. B. Taiwan. C. Egypt. D. Panama. E. the Ukraine. Answer: A Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 5. As a result of the 1994 elections, A. President Clinton moved toward the political left. B. Republicans won majorities in both houses of Congress. C. President Clinton proposed a national health care plan. D. Republicans in Congress moved toward the political center. E. President Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to big government. Answer: B Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 6. In 1995, the Clinton administration and Congress A. could not agree on whether or not to cut taxes. B. had a smooth political relationship. C. were both moving to the political left. D. both favored reductions in federal spending. E. passed a dramatic welfare reform bill. Answer: D Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 7. In late 1995 and early 1996, the public largely blamed a budget impasse that shut down the federal government on A. congressional Republicans. B. congressional Democrats. C. President Bill Clinton. D. First Lady Hillary Clinton. E. both Democrats and Republicans equally. Answer: A Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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8. In 1996, significant reform legislation was passed by Congress concerning A. primary school education. B. rising health care costs. C. occupational health care. D. the criminal appeals process. E. welfare programs. Answer: E Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 9. The 1996 presidential election saw A. Bob Dole appear to take a commanding lead in the early public opinion polls. B. President Bill Clinton shift to the political left to gain support among his party. C. President Clinton find his greatest campaign strength in a strong economy. D. Ross Perot nearly double the number of votes he received in 1992. E. President Clinton’s campaign gain momentum in the final weeks. Answer: C Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 10. In the 1996 election, A. the Reform Party emerged as a powerful third political party. B. President Bill Clinton failed to receive 50 percent of the popular vote. C. Democrats regained control of the House but not the Senate. D. Bob Dole placed third in the race. E. President Clinton barely eked out a victory in the electoral vote. Answer: B Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 11. Bill Clinton was the first Democrat to win two terms as president since A. Lyndon Johnson. B. Harry Truman. C. Woodrow Wilson. D. Grover Cleveland. E. Franklin Roosevelt. Answer: E Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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12. In 1998, the federal budget A. set a record for deficit spending. B. was one-third smaller than it had been six years earlier. C. saw its first surplus in thirty years. D. had paid off the national debt. E. had cut military spending in half from its Cold War peak. Answer: C Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 13. Regarding scandals surrounding President Bill Clinton, A. charges of impropriety had existed throughout his term in office. B. Clinton admitted to corruption during his first weeks in office. C. the Lewinsky affair marked the first in a series of scandals to plague the president. D. the public seemed ready to condemn Clinton based on his previous reputation when allegations of sexual impropriety were leveled against him. E. few charges of impropriety were leveled at the president until his 1996 reelection. Answer: A Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 14. In 1998, following charges that President Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with a White House intern, his public approval rating A. immediately dropped to historic lows. B. gradually dropped more precipitously as details emerged. C. remained largely unchanged. D. rose slightly and then dropped sharply. E. rose to record levels and remained high throughout the year that followed. Answer: E Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 15. On December 19, 1998, the House voted to impeach President Clinton for A. lying to a grand jury. B. obstructing justice. C. engaging in an illicit affair. D. corrupting America’s youth. E. lying to a grand jury and obstructing justice. Answer: E Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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16. Which of the following is true of the 1999 conflict in Kosovo? A. Most of the United States’ western European allies opposed any intervention in the conflict. B. The Serbian leader agreed to a cease-fire after little more than a week of bombing. C. The U.S. committed more ground troops to the conflict than it did for the first Iraq War. D. President Clinton showed little interest in working through international bodies like NATO or the UN to deal with the conflict. E. The U.S. bombed the separatist groups in Kosovo to try to force them to reunite with Serbia. Answer: B Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 17. In 1999, nearing the end of his presidency, Bill Clinton A. had endured many scandals and setbacks throughout his administration. B. saw his personal popularity higher than when he took office. C. faced another crisis in the Balkans. D. both saw his personal popularity higher than when he took office, and faced another crisis in the Balkans. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 18. The 2000 election campaign was characterized in part by the A. extreme policy positions taken by the major party candidates. B. opinion polls that indicated the election would be very close. C. difficulty George W. Bush had in gaining the Republican nomination. D. presence of a strong third political party. E. failed Senate bid by former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Answer: B Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 19. On the day of the 2000 election, A. George W. Bush won the electoral college. B. Ralph Nader urged his supporters to vote for Al Gore. C. Al Gore won popular vote. D. Pat Buchanan gave up his votes to George W. Bush. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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20. The 2000 election results were decided A. after a national recount showed that George W. Bush had won a narrow victory. B. when Al Gore dropped his efforts to have further recounts in Florida. C. after the Republican secretary of state of Florida certified Bush as the winner. D. when the Supreme Court ended all efforts to recount the votes in Florida. E. after the House of Representatives voted to choose George W. Bush as the winner. Answer: D Page: 859-860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 21. In its first year in office, the Bush administration A. worked hard to build coalitions across party lines. B. passed the largest tax cut in American history. C. liberalized scientific restrictions on stem-cell research. D. reduced federal budget deficits considerably. E. primarily relied on Republican moderates for support. Answer: B Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 22. During the 1980s and 1990s, American corporations sought to become more competitive by reducing A. labor costs. B. investments in technology. C. mergers. D. both labor costs and mergers. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: A Page: 861 Topic: The Economic Boom 23. Between 1980 and 2000, the United States’ economy saw A. its gross national product (GNP) nearly double. B. its rate of inflation average 4 percent per year. C. the Dow Jones Industrial Average almost quintuple. D. all of these occur: its gross national product (GNP) nearly double, its rate of inflation average 4 percent per year, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average almost quintuple. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 861-862 Topic: The Economic Boom
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24. Between 1994 and 2000, economic growth in the United States A. was at times very substantial. B. experienced its longest continual peacetime rise in the nation’s history. C. recorded growth in every quarter of every year. D. both was at times very substantial, and recorded growth in every quarter of every year. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 862 Topic: The Economic Boom 25. In the U.S. economy, the year 1971 marked the first postwar A. federal deficit. B. trade imbalance. C. balanced budget. D. export surplus. E. agricultural surplus. Answer: B Page: 862 Topic: The Economic Boom 26. How did the poverty level change in the U.S. from the end of the 1970s to 2013? A. It remained at a constant 20 percent, which it had since World War II. B. It continued to drop, as it had since World War II. C. It rose from about 12 percent of the population to 15 percent. D. It nearly doubled, from 10 percent to 20 percent. E. It fluctuated wildly based on economic strength, constantly rising and falling during that period. Answer: C Page: 862 Topic: The Economic Boom 27. The great prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s in the U.S. had rested on A. insulation of the United States from the pressures of international competition. B. the rapid growth of industrial labor organization. C. industrial production for military needs. D. the tight money policy of the federal reserve. E. the growth of the agricultural sector due to technological advancements. Answer: A Page: 862 Topic: The Economic Boom
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28. The microprocessor was first introduced in 1971 by A. Intel. B. IBM. C. Apple. D. Compaq. E. Microsoft. Answer: A Page: 862 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 29. The first personal computer to be widely available to the public was introduced in 1977 by A. Intel. B. IBM. C. Apple. D. Compaq. E. Microsoft. Answer: C Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 30. Regarding the development of the personal computer, A. Macintosh software was developed years before DOS software. B. initially DOS and Macintosh software were quite similar. C. Macintosh dominated the market for personal computers in the late 1980s. D. IBM hired Microsoft in the late 1970s to design an operating system for its computers. E. as PCs came to dominate the computer market, IBM was the principal beneficiary. Answer: D Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 31. The Internet grew out of A. a federal government program called ARPA. B. experimental work by Apple computers. C. the Microsoft operating system. D. attempts by private entrepreneurs to communicate with computer users overseas. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy
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32. By 2013, well over ________ computers were in use around the world. A. 250 million. B. 500 million. C. 700 million. D. 1 billion. E. 2 billion Answer: E Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 33. The World Wide Web, which helped establish an orderly system for both the distribution and retrieval of electronic information on the Internet, was introduced by British scientist A. Francis Crick. B. J. C. R. Licklider. C. Bill Gates. D. Colin MacLeod. E. Tim Berners-Lee. Answer: E Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 34. All of the following persons are directly associated with the discovery of DNA and its properties EXCEPT A. Oswald Avery. B. Gregor Mendel. C. Colin MacLeod. D. Maclyn McCarty. E. Francis Crick. Answer: B Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 35. The Human Genome Project A. originally hoped to identify all the specific genes in humans by 2015. B. was opposed by the Bush administration on ethical grounds. C. was created during the Clinton administration. D. had identified 3 billion genes by 2013. E. was funded solely by private sources. Answer: D Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy
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36. Which of the following is true of DNA? A. The structure of DNA is unique in every individual. B. DNA can be used to identify individuals through their blood, semen, skin, or hair. C. DNA can be used in criminal investigations. D. DNA can both be used to identify individuals through their blood, semen, skin, or hair; and can be used in criminal investigations. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 37. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, A. half of all African Americans were members of the middle class. B. African Americans constituted three percent of the nation’s college population. C. there was little-to-no economic disparity between black and white professionals. D. half of all African Americans lived in poverty as members of the “underclass.” E. the percentage of black high school graduates going to college still lagged significantly behind that of white high school graduates. Answer: A Page: 865 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 38. Which of the following was true of poor inner-city African Americans in the first decade of the twenty-first century? A. In 2006, less than half of inner-city blacks completed high school. B. 60 percent of young, inner-city blacks were unemployed in 2006. C. In 2010, only 35 percent of black children lived with both their parents. D. The number of black children living with both their parents had been steadily declining since before the 1970s. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: E Page: 865 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 39. In the late 1980s, drug use began to decline significantly among A. middle-class Americans. B. poor inner-city Americans. C. rural Americans. D. southern Americans. E. white Americans. Answer: A Page: 866 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization
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40. In the late 1980s, the spread of AIDS in the United States A. remained largely confined to gay communities in large cities. B. was concentrated in the Northeast. C. was transmitted almost exclusively through sexual contact. D. began to level off and then decline. E. occurred most rapidly among heterosexuals. Answer: E Page: 866 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 41. In the 1990s, medical treatment for AIDS in the United States A. failed to significantly improve the health of most patients. B. was unavailable for many poor victims. C. had made few advances since the mid-1980s. D. led researchers to claim they had found a cure. E. completely eradicated the virus in infected patients. Answer: B Page: 866 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 42. In the 1980s and 1990s, the most divisive cultural issue in the United States was A. abortion. B. racial relations. C. prayer in schools. D. gun control. E. gay marriage. Answer: A Page: 866 Topic: New Controversies at the End of the Twentieth Century 43. In 2001, regarding an international treaty signed in Kyoto, Japan, to reduce emissions in the atmosphere, President George W. Bush A. wanted stronger controls on greenhouse emissions than the treaty provided for. B. refused to participate in the agreement. C. sent the treaty to Congress but was defeated by Republican opposition. D. reluctantly agreed to abide by the treaty. E. wholeheartedly endorsed the treaty. Answer: B Page: 867 Topic: New Controversies at the End of the Twentieth Century
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44. In the 1990s and 2000s, opponents of globalization on the left charged the nation was A. using its military to advance its economic interests. B. allowing itself to be swayed by the interests of other nations. C. ceding too much power to international organizations. D. wrongly getting involved in places like Somalia and the Balkans. E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 868 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 45. The most impassioned opposition to globalization in the West A. favored free-trade agreements. B. claimed it was an economic threat. C. argued it was turning American workers into poorly-paid “slave laborers.” D. asserted it weakened the profitability of large corporations. E. argued it gave too much freedom to individuals and communities abroad. Answer: B Page: 868 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 46. Since the 1970s, the primary goal of Islamic fundamentalists in the world has been to A. modernize their economies. B. reduce the levels of poverty within their societies. C. encourage international funding and development in their home nations. D. improve the political status of women. E. defend their traditional cultures from the West. Answer: E Page: 870 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 47. The term “terrorism” was first used in A. Palestine during the 1940s. B. Germany in the 1870s. C. Ireland in the 1960s. D. France in the 1790s. E. America in the 1860s. Answer: D Page: 870 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World
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48. Before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States had never experienced A. terrorism within its borders. B. terrorism anywhere. C. terrorism enacted by Islamic fundamentalists. D. any of these: terrorism caused by Islamic fundamentalists, or terrorism within its borders or anywhere. E. None of these answers is correct. Answer: E Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 49. In April 1995, former Marine Timothy McVeigh, who had become part of a militant antigovernment movement, killed 168 people when he blew up a van in front of a federal building in A. Chicago. B. Topeka. C. Charlotte. D. Oklahoma City. E. New Orleans. Answer: D Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 50. In 2001, convinced that it harbored Al Qaeda terrorists, the United States attacked A. Syria. B. Iraq. C. Afghanistan. D. Libya. E. Iran. Answer: C Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 51. In 2002, President George W. Bush described an “axis of evil” made up of Iraq, Iran, and A. Syria. B. Libya. C. North Korea. D. Lebanon. E. Somalia. Answer: C Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World
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52. All of the following are true of the Iraq War EXCEPT that A. George W. Bush declared victory in the Iraq war in May 2003. B. Saddam Hussein was captured in December 2003. C. as many as 3,600 American soldiers died in Iraq after Bush’s “mission accomplished” speech. D. support for the war steadily declined in the years after the first claim of victory. E. Iraq’s rumored supply of “weapons of mass destruction” was uncovered by American troops in 2005. Answer: E Page: 874 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 53. Other than tax cuts, one of President George W. Bush’s most significant domestic accomplishments was the A. Iraq War. B. appointment of a more conservative Supreme Court. C. rejection of the Kyoto Protocol. D. passage of the “No Child Left Behind” Act. E. banning of stem-cell research. Answer: D Page: 876 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 54. Which presidential administration(s) supported and won congressional support for the Troubled Asset Relief Program? A. Obama B. Bush C. Bush and Obama D. Clinton and Bush E. All these answers are correct. Answer: C Page: 877 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 55. President Obama’s main policy initiative to shore up the faltering economy was A. a massive drop in interest rates. B. a sweeping program of deregulation. C. huge tax cuts. D. a massive stimulus package. E. an increase in the minimum wage. Answer: D Page: 878 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
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56. Which of the following was among the failures of President Obama’s first two years in office that led to disappointment among many Democrats? A. failure to close the prison at Guantanamo B. failure to pass a significant financial reform bill C. failure to pass a health-care reform bill D. failure to cooperate with Republican leaders E. All these answers are correct. Answer: A Page: 878 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
True/False Questions 57. In 1993, President Clinton enjoyed no powerful mandate to govern. Answer: True Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 58. In his first year in office, President Clinton won a tax increase on the wealthy and tax credits for the working poor. Answer: True Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 59. By 1994, President Clinton had dispatched American troops to keep the peace in the Middle East and in Haiti. Answer: False Page: 857-858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 60. The 1994 elections saw the Republicans win control of both houses of Congress. Answer: True Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 61. President Clinton responded to the 1994 election results by moving to the left. Answer: False Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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62. Like Reagan in 1984, President Clinton was able to campaign in 1996 as the champion of peace, prosperity, and national well-being. Answer: True Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 63. The 1996 welfare reform bill ended a fifty-year federal guarantee of assistance to families with dependent children. Answer: True Page: 858 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 64. President Clinton’s first year following his reelection marked the low point in his popularity. Answer: False Page: 858-859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 65. Independent counsel Kenneth Starr was hired to investigate allegations of financial impropriety by President Clinton. Answer: False Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 66. During the investigation looking into allegations of his sexual misconduct, President Clinton’s public approval rating soared to record levels. Answer: True Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 67. Bill Clinton became the third president, after Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon, to have an impeachment trial. Answer: False Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 68. The 2000 presidential election was one of the most controversial in American history. Answer: True Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 69. George W. Bush clearly won the popular vote in the election of 2000, but the electoral vote remained in dispute. Answer: False Page: 859-860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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70. In the election of 2000, when a court-ordered deadline for the Florida recount arrived, the Florida secretary of state certified Bush the winner in Florida by a little more than 500 votes, even though the recount was not complete. Answer: True Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 71. In the Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore, the Court voted 5–4 to confirm Bush as president. Answer: True Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 72. George W. Bush spent his first term governing as a moderate and trying to build coalitions across party lines. Answer: False Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 73. With help from Republicans in Congress, George W. Bush won passage of the largest tax cut in American history. Answer: True Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 74. A large part of the Bush administration’s election strategy in 2004 was to appeal to the large community of conservative, evangelical Christians and mobilize them to vote. Answer: True Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 75. In the election of 2004, George W. Bush won a wide victory over Democrat John Kerry, winning a popular vote margin of 58 percent to Kerry’s 40 percent. Answer: False Page: 860 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 76. Though its influence began to decline in the first decade of the twenty-first century, “globalization” of the economy had been the driving force in the great prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s. Answer: False Page: 862 Topic: The Economic Boom
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77. Many of the features in the operating system used for the first Apple computers were borrowed from Microsoft Windows. Answer: False Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 78. In the mid-1980s, Apple dominated the personal computer market. Answer: False Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 79. The Internet originated with a group of college-student computer “hackers” spread across the country. Answer: False Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 80. The World Wide Web, the first system to provide for the orderly sharing of information on the Internet, was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee. Answer: True Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 81. Since the 1960s, the number of middle-class African Americans has sharply increased. Answer: True Page: 865 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 82. By the early twenty-first century, the percentage of black high-school graduates going on to college was virtually the same as that of white high-school graduates. Answer: True Page: 865 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 83. In 2010, 35 percent of black children under 18 lived with both their parents. Answer: True Page: 865 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 84. The year 1981 marked the first documentation of the AIDS virus. Answer: True Page: 866 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization
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85. Beginning in the late 1980s, drug use declined significantly among middle-class people, but much more slowly among poor people. Answer: True Page: 866 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 86. The Reagan and the two Bush administrations were generally hostile to the pro-choice position, but they did not reduce federal funding for abortion. Answer: False Page: 867 Topic: New Controversies at the End of the Twentieth Century 87. Without the participation of the United States and China, both of which have not signed the Kyoto Protocol, most environmentalists consider the treaty to be dead. Answer: True Page: 867 Topic: New Controversies at the End of the Twentieth Century 88. Well before September 2001, America had witnessed home-grown terrorism in the actions of militants on the American left and Timothy McVeigh, among others. Answer: True Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 89. Soon after the September 2001 attacks, it became clear that Saddam Hussein’s government in Iraq was sheltering and supporting Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda organization. Answer: False Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 90. George Bush’s “mission accomplished” speech aboard an American aircraft carrier marked the end of major U.S. military personnel losses in Iraq. Answer: False Page: 874 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 91. In January 2002, President Bush spoke of an “axis of evil” that included Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Answer: True Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World
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92. Part of the Bush administration’s public case for invading Iraq in 2003 involved removing “weapons of mass destruction” from Saddam Hussein’s arsenal. Answer: True Page: 873 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 93. Saddam Hussein himself was captured in December 2003 and executed in 2006. Answer: True Page: 874 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 94. Public support for the Iraq War remained steady in the years after the initial March 2003 invasion. Answer: False Page: 874 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 95. The Bush administration’s poor response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina contributed to the loss of the Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. Answer: True Page: 876 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 96. The most severe impact of Hurricane Katrina was on the city of Pensacola, Florida. Answer: False Page: 876 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 97. As his running mate in the election of 2008, Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin, the experienced and well-known governor of Alaska. Answer: False Page: 877 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 98. In the election of 2008, Obama won the popular vote 53 percent to 46 percent and the electoral vote by an even larger margin. Answer: True Page: 877 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 99. In 1993, President Clinton appointed a task force on health care to be chaired by ________. Answer: Hillary Rodham Clinton Page: 857 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 100. The major candidates who opposed Bill Clinton in 1996 were Bob Dole and ________. Answer: Ross Perot Page: 858-859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 101. The U.S. dominated and led the ________ forces that began a bombing campaign against the Serbians in 1999. Answer: NATO Page: 859 Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 102. The first system to provide for the orderly sharing of information on the Internet was called the World Wide Web, invented by British scientist ________. Answer: Tim Berners-Lee Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 103. In 1989, the federal government appropriated $3 billion to fund the ________ Project, to accelerate the mapping of human genes. Answer: Human Genome Page: 863 Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 104. In 2010, the number of foreign-born residents of the United States was at the highest in American history—more than 36 million, or ________ percent of the total population. Answer: 12 Page: 864 Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 105. In April 1995, a federal building in Oklahoma City was blown up by a former Marine named ________, killing 168 people. Answer: Timothy McVeigh Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World
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106. The terrorist organization responsible for the September 2001 attacks is called ________ and was led by Osama Bin Laden. Answer: Al Qaeda Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 107. In 2002, George W. Bush referred to an “axis of evil” made up of Iraq, Iran, and ________. Answer: North Korea Page: 872 Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 108. President Bush faced an enormous political setback in his second term with the natural disaster of ________, which devastated the city of New Orleans in particular. Answer: Hurricane Katrina Page: 876 Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
Essay Questions 109. What agenda did Bill Clinton bring to the presidency in 1992? What were his successes and failures in enacting that agenda? Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 110. Describe the key differences among the post-Cold War foreign policies of the first Bush, Clinton, and second Bush administrations. Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 111. What accounted for the Republican resurgence in 1994? How did President Clinton respond to this and how successful was his response? Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 112. Was Bill Clinton a Democrat in the New Deal tradition, or the Great Society tradition, or something else? Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 113. What accounted for the high degree of public support for President Clinton? Why did scandals and the impeachment trial fail to erode his support? Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies 114. Characterize the controversies in the 2000 presidential election. Do you agree or disagree with the manner in which the final result was determined? Why? Topic: The Clinton and George W. Bush Presidencies
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115. Describe the effect of Hurricane Katrina on public perception of the Bush administration. Do you think this perception was fair? How could the administration have handled events differently? Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 116. Other than Katrina, what else accounted for the political woes faced by the Bush administration in its second term? How might they have ameliorated or even avoided these political problems? Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 117. Consider television and the personal computer: Which product has been of more significance in altering American society? Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 118. How has the Internet changed American society and the American economy? Do you believe these change are permanent? Topic: Science and Technology in the New Economy 119. What economic changes have highlighted the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries? How have those changes altered American society? Topic: The Economic Boom Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 120. How has globalization changed the nature of the U.S. economy since World War II? What effects has it had on U.S. foreign policy? Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 121. Discuss America’s relationship with terrorism before and after the September 2001 attacks. In what ways had the nation confronted terrorism before then? How were the September 2001 attacks distinctive? Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World 122. How was America transformed by the events of September 11, 2001? How did the events of that day impact the second Bush administration? How did they transform American foreign policy? How did they alter the daily lives of Americans? Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 123. Evaluate the Bush administration’s rationale and handling of the Iraq War. How does it compare to the first Bush administration’s handling of the 1991 Gulf War? What would you have done differently? Topic: America’s Changing Role in the World Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
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124. Evaluate the role of immigrants and immigration in the U.S. How and why did the U.S. population look different in 2010 than it had looked in 1965? Topic: A Changing U.S. Society in the Age of Globalization 125. Briefly explain the series of financial problems that beset the U.S. beginning in mid-2007. What triggered the problems and what has been the outcome? Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 126. With a bit of hindsight, how would you characterize the 2008 presidential and congressional elections? Were they a “referendum” on the Bush administration or is it perhaps better described another way? Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies 127. What factors limited President Obama’s success in achieving his agenda in his first few years as president? Topic: The George W. Bush and Obama Presidencies
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