Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience 5th Edition. TEST BANK

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Attention, perception, memory, and decision making are all different types of mental processes in which the mind engages. These are known as different types of A : models. B : cognition. C : reaction times. D : savings. Correct Answer : B 2 : The branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of the mind is called A : cognitive psychology. B : introspection. C : behaviorism. D : memory consolidation. Correct Answer : A 3 : Donderss main reason for doing his choice reaction time experiment was to study A : sensation. B : childhood attachment styles. C : decision making. D : personality development. Correct Answer : C 4 : By comparing reaction times across different tasks, Donders was able to conclude how long the mind needs to perform a certain cognitive task. Donders interpreted the difference in reaction time between the simple and choice conditions of his experiment as indicating how long it took to A : perceive the stimulus. B : process the stimulus. C : attend to the stimulus. D : make a decision about the stimulus. Correct Answer : D 5 : The main point of the Donderss reaction time experiments was to A : show that reaction times can be measured accurately. B : measure the amount of time it takes to make a decision. C : determine differences in the way people react to stimuli. D : show that our cognitions are often based on unconscious inferences. Correct Answer : B 6 : In Donderss experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press a button upon presentation of a light, they were engaged in a A : sensory memory task. B : simple reaction time task. C : choice reaction time task. D : classical conditioning task. 1 / 11

Correct Answer : B 7 : Reaction time refers to the time between the _______ of a stimulus and a persons response to it. A : sensation B : transduction C : change in intensity D : presentation Correct Answer : D 8 : In Donderss experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press one button if the light on the left was illuminated and another button if the light on the right was illuminated, they were engaged in a A : memory recall task. B : simple reaction time task. C : choice reaction time task. D : operant conditioning task. Correct Answer : C 9 : How is the term mind used in this statement: If you put your mind to it, Im sure you can solve that math problem? A : The mind as involved in memory B : The mind as problem solver C : The mind as used to make decisions or consider possibilities D : The mind as valuable, something that should be used Correct Answer : B 10 : In Donderss research on human decision making, he found that it took ____________ to decide which of two buttons to push in response to a stimulus. A : less than one second B : between one and two seconds C : two to five seconds D : more than five seconds Correct Answer : A 11 : The first experiments in cognitive psychology were based on the idea that mental responses can be A : measured directly. B : inferred from the participants behavior. C : measured by comparing the presentation of the stimulus and the participants response. D : measured by comparing responses among different participants. Correct Answer : B 12 : The relationship between the ____________ is NOT measured directly by cognitive psychologists. A : physiological response and the behavioral outcome B : cognitive task and the behavioral outcome 2 / 11

C : cognitive task and the physiological response D : cognitive task and the mental response Correct Answer : D 13 : How is the term mind used in this statement: When he talks about his encounter with aliens, it sounds like he is out of his mind? A : The mind as involved in memory B : The mind as problem solver C : The mind as a healthy mind being associated with normal functioning, a nonfunctioning mind with abnormal functioning. D : The mind as valuable, something that should be used Correct Answer : C 14 : According to Ebbinghauss research on memory, savings is a function of A : word familiarity. B : sensory modality. C : elapsed time. D : reaction time. Correct Answer : C 15 : Ebbinghauss memory experiments were important because they A : described complex decision making. B : plotted functions that described the operation of the mind. C : were the first to combine basic elements of experience called sensations. D : showed how positive reinforcers strengthen behavior. Correct Answer : B 16 : Consider the following definition of the mind: The mind is a system that creates representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve our goals. Which element of the mind does this definition emphasize? A : Functioning and survival B : Attention C : Routine D : Cognition Correct Answer : A 17 : With which of the following sentences would the author disagree? A : The mind creates and controls mental processes such as language and emotions. B : The mind can create representations of the world. C : The mind is a problem solver. D : We can consider the mind extraordinary if it is used for extraordinary purposes. Correct Answer : D 18 : Which of the following methods, often associated with structuralism, was used in the psychology laboratory established by Wilhelm Wundt? A : Analytic introspection B : Measuring reaction times 3 / 11

C : Operant conditioning D : Classical conditioning Correct Answer : A 19 : Wundts procedure in which trained participants describe their experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli presented under controlled conditions is known as A : information processing. B : analytic introspection. C : functional analysis. D : behavioral analysis. Correct Answer : B 20 : What is the study of mental processes that includes determining the characteristics and properties of the mind and how it operates? A : Psychology B : Cognitive psychology C : Sociology D : Psychopathology Correct Answer : B 21 : Which of the following is a criticism of analytic introspection? A : It infers mental processes based on objective data. B : It produces results that are too easy to verify. C : It produces variable results from person to person. D : It requires no training. Correct Answer : C 22 : John Watson believed that psychology should focus on the study of A : observable behavior. B : mental processes. C : consciousness. D : attention. Correct Answer : A 23 : Who founded the first laboratory of scientific psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany? A : Erik Erikson B : Sigmund Freud C : Wilhelm Wundt D : Ivan Pavlov Correct Answer : C 24 : The Little Albert experiment involving the rat and the loud noise is an example of which of the following types of experiments? A : Reaction time B : Unconscious inference C : Classical conditioning 4 / 11

D : Operant conditioning Correct Answer : C 25 : Behaviorists believe that the presentation of ____________ increases the frequency of behavior. A : positive reinforcers B : discriminative stimuli C : backward conditioning D : inhibitory neurotransmitters Correct Answer : A 26 : Which of the following psychologists is known for research on operant conditioning? A : Franciscus Donders B : Wilhelm Wundt C : John Watson D : B. F. Skinner Correct Answer : D 27 : The investigation of how behavior is strengthened by presentation of positive reinforcers (e.g., food) or withdrawal of negative reinforcers (e.g., shock) is best known as A : classical conditioning. B : the method of savings. C : choice reaction time. D : operant conditioning. Correct Answer : D 28 : Who developed the concept of the cognitive map? A : Raynor B : Sanders C : James D : Tolman Correct Answer : D 29 : A mental conception of the layout of a physical space is known as a(n) A : cognitive map. B : mental model. C : artificial intelligence. D : memory consolidation. Correct Answer : A 30 : Regarding childrens language development, Noam Chomsky noted that children generate many sentences they have never heard before. From this, he concluded that language development is driven largely by A : an inborn biological program. B : cultural influences. C : classical conditioning. D : operant conditioning. 5 / 11

Correct Answer : A 31 : Who proposed that childrens language development was caused by imitation and reinforcement? A : Noam Chomsky B : John Watson C : Keller Breland D : B. F. Skinner Correct Answer : D 32 : Which of the following events is most closely associated with a resurgence in interest in the mind within the study of psychology? A : Watsons Little Albert experiment B : Skinners publication of the book, Verbal Behavior C : Development of the technique of analytic introspection D : Tolmans proposal of cognitive maps Correct Answer : B 33 : Which of the following does NOT characterize the information processing (IP) approach to the study of cognition? A : IP depicts the mind as processing information in a sequence of stages. B : IP emphasizes stimulusresponse relationships in cognitive processes. C : IP involves the use of computers as a metaphor to understand human cognition. D : IP traces the sequence of mental operations involved in cognition. Correct Answer : B 34 : Your text describes the occurrence of a cognitive revolution during which dramatic changes took place in the way psychology was studied. This so-called revolution occurred parallel to (and, in part, because of) the introduction of A : cognitive psychology textbooks. B : analytic introspection. C : Skinner boxes. D : computers. Correct Answer : D 35 : Wundts approach, which dominated psychology in the late 1800s and early 1900s, was known as A : structuralism. B : analytic introspection. C : sensations. D : cognitive psychology. Correct Answer : A 36 : Colin Cherrys experiment in which participants listen to two messages simultaneously, one in each ear, found all but which of the following? A : People can focus on one message and ignore the other one. B : People can focus on the message they were repeating. 6 / 11

C : People take in very little information about the ignored message. D : People who are deaf process auditory information on a nonconscious level. Correct Answer : D 37 : Donald Broadbent was the first person to develop which of the following? A : A flow diagram depicting the mind as processing information in a sequence of stages B : A computer program for solving logic problems C : An experimental procedure for studying the way people process information D : The first textbook of cognitive psychology Correct Answer : A 38 : Who introduced the flow diagram to represent what is happening in the mind? A : Donald Broadbent B : Colin Cherry C : Newell and Simon D : Wilhelm Wundt Correct Answer : A 39 : A technique in which trained participants described their experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli is known as A : structuralism. B : analytic introspection. C : sensations. D : cognitive psychology. Correct Answer : B 40 : Watson became dissatisfied with the method of analytic introspection in which context? A : Behaviorism B : Results were interpreted in terms of invisible inner mental processes C : It produced same results from person to person D : Results were easy to verify Correct Answer : B 41 : The use of the term artificial intelligence was coined by A : B. F. Skinner. B : Colin Cherry. C : Edward Tolman. D : John McCarthy. Correct Answer : D 42 : Newell and Simon were among the first to use computers for artificial intelligence. Their computer program A : simulated human attention. B : created proofs for problems in logic. C : controlled presentation of visual stimuli. D : produced the first flow diagram. 7 / 11

Correct Answer : B 43 : At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Symposium on Information Theory, George Miller presented a paper suggesting that A : the human ability to process information is unlimited. B : there are limits to the human ability to process information. C : intelligent machines can be successfully created. D : memory consolidation is enhanced by REM sleep. Correct Answer : B 44 : Why can we consider Tolman one of the early cognitive psychologists? A : Because he used behavior to infer mental processes B : Because of his focus on measuring behavior C : Because he focused on the stimulusresponse connections in the rats mind during his maze experiment D : Because of his interest in operant conditioning Correct Answer : A 45 : The cognitive revolution A : occurred rapidly, within a period of a few years, in response to the attacks on Skinner and the development of computers. B : extended over a long period of time, beginning in the early part of the century, in reaction to Wundts introspection experiments. C : was a gradual process that occurred over a few decades. D : was not really necessary because the study of the mind has been a constant part of experimental psychology since the founding of the first psychology laboratory. Correct Answer : C 46 : Verbal Behavior was written by A : Noam Chomsky. B : Watson. C : Tolman. D : B. F. Skinner. Correct Answer : D 47 : Which book was written by Thomas Kuhn? A : Verbal Behavior B : The Structure of Scientific Revolutions C : Cognitive Psychology D : Sensory Memory Correct Answer : B 48 : Which of the following terms is correct in context with Pairing one stimulus with another? A : Cognitive mapping B : Paradigm shift C : Classical conditioning D : Behaviorism 8 / 11

Correct Answer : C 49 : Which of the following terms is correct in context with conception within the rats mind of the mazes layout? A : Cognitive mapping B : Paradigm shift C : Classical conditioning D : Behaviorism Correct Answer : A 50 : As a result of gaps in the behaviorist paradigm, the new cognitive paradigm began to emerge in which decade? A : 1950s B : 1930s C : 1940s D : 1920s Correct Answer : A 51 : What does the field of neuropsychology study? A : Behavior of people with brain damage B : Electrical responses of the nervous system C : Higher mental processes D : Sequences of mental operations involved in cognition Correct Answer : A 52 : In which year was positron emission tomography (PET) introduced and made it possible to see which areas of the human brain are activated during cognitive activity? A : 1969 B : 1984 C : 1991 D : 1976 Correct Answer : D 53 : Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrins (1968) model of memory, which was introduced a year after the publication of Neissers book, described the flow of information in the memory system as progressing through three stages. Which memory holds incoming information for a fraction of a second and then passes most of this information to short-term memory? A : Long-term memory B : Sensory memory C : Episodic memory D : Semantic memory Correct Answer : B 54 : Which of the following is NOT true of positron emission tomography (PET)? A : It replaced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) because it was less expensive. B : It shows which areas of the human brain are activated during cognitive activity. C : It provides a lower-resolution image than fMRI. D : It involved injecting radioactive tracers into a persons bloodstream. 9 / 11

Correct Answer : A 55 : Neuroimage, a journal devoted solely to reporting neuroimaging research, was founded in which year? A : 1975 B : 1984 C : 1992 D : 2000 Correct Answer : C 56 : Endel Tulving, one of the most prominent early memory researchers, proposed that longterm memory is subdivided into all of the following components EXCEPT A : Short-term memory. B : Procedural memory. C : Episodic memory. D : Semantic memory. Correct Answer : A 57 : Which memory is used for physical actions? A : Long-term memory B : Procedural memory C : Episodic memory D : Semantic memory Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 58 : Explain how Donderss and Ebbinghauss pioneering methods, though very different from each other, allowed for behavior to determine a property of the mind. Correct Answer : Answer not provided. 59 : Describe analytic introspection and explain two limitations to this method. Correct Answer : Answer not provided. 60 : How does classical conditioning differ from operant conditioning? How might cognition play a role in the process of operant conditioning? Give an example to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided. 61 : Describe how Tolmans maze experiment worked. What concept was developed based on the results of this research, and how is it connected to the broader theme of cognitive psychology? Correct Answer : Answer not provided.

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62 : Describe Atkinson and Shiffrins model of memory and how it works. Also, describe Tulvings components of memory and give an example of each component. Correct Answer : Answer not provided.

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : The study of the physiological basis of cognition is known as A : cognitive psychology. B : neuroscience. C : cognitive neuroscience. D : neuropsychology. Correct Answer : C 2 : Barbara has recently been diagnosed with abdominal cancer. Her oncologist wants to determine the best treatment method to eliminate the tumors. Her gastroenterologist is focused on relieving her symptoms and restoring normal digestive functioning. Barbaras psychologist works to help minimize her anxiety and keep her spirits up. The fact that these doctors are considering Barbaras situation with different goals and from different perspectives is similar to the idea of __________ presented in your textbook. A : the dynamics of cognition B : idiographic evaluation C : nomothetic examination D : levels of analysis Correct Answer : D 3 : Your author points out that studying the mind requires both __________ and __________ experiments. A : nomothetic; idiographic B : behavioral; physiological C : brain; body D : observational; correlational Correct Answer : B 4 : Early studies of brain tissue that used staining techniques and microscopes from the 19th century described the nerve net. These early understandings were in error in the sense that the nerve net was believed to be A : continuous. B : composed of discrete individual units. C : composed of cell bodies, axons, and dendrites. D : composed of neurotransmitters rather than neurons. Correct Answer : A 5 : The key structural components of neurons are the A : cell body, cellular membrane, and transmitters. B : axon, dendrites, and glands. C : cell body, dendrites, and axons. D : transmitters, dendrites, and nodes of Ranvier. Correct Answer : C 6 : In the mid-20th century, the study of the mind began using which technique or model inspired by digital computers? 1 / 10

A : Information processing model B : Genetic processing model C : Data processing model D : Signal processing model Correct Answer : A 7 : A synapse is A : a tube filled with fluid that conducts electrical signals. B : the structure that contains mechanisms to keep a neuron alive. C : the structure that receives electrical signals from other neurons. D : the gap that separates two different neurons. Correct Answer : D 8 : Groups of interconnected neurons are referred to as A : myelin sheaths. B : potentiated somas. C : neural circuits. D : spreading activations. Correct Answer : C 9 : Action potentials occur in the A : cell body. B : synapse. C : neurotransmitters. D : axon. Correct Answer : D 10 : If the intensity of a stimulus that is presented to a touch receptor is increased, this tends to increase the __________ in the receptors axon. A : rate of nerve firing B : size of the nerve impulses C : speed of nerve conduction D : All of these are correct. Correct Answer : A 11 : When recording from a single neuron, stimulus intensity is represented by the A : size of the action potentials. B : size of the synapse. C : firing rate of the neurotransmitters. D : firing rate of the action potentials. Correct Answer : D 12 : Which of the following statements best describes how neurons communicate with one another? A : Dendrites make direct contact with each other. B : A chemical process takes place in the synapse. C : An electrical process takes place in the receptors. 2 / 10

D : Action potentials travel across the synapse. Correct Answer : B 13 : You are walking down the street and see a nice car drive by. You notice its color, movement, and shape. All of these features are processed A : in one localized area of the brain. B : by a specific object neuron. C : in different parts of the brain. D : through fMRI potentials. Correct Answer : C 14 : When the axon is at rest, the inside of the neuron has a charge that is 70 millivolts more negative than the outside. This difference will continue as long as A : the neurons receptor continues to be stimulated. B : the impulse is past the recording electrode. C : signals remain in the neuron. D : the neuron is at rest. Correct Answer : D 15 : Neurons that respond to specific qualities of objects, such as orientation, movement, and length, are called A : retinal cells. B : feature detectors. C : dendrites. D : receptors. Correct Answer : B 16 : If kittens are raised in an environment that contains only verticals, you would predict that most of the neurons in their visual cortex would respond best to the visual presentation of a A : brick wall. B : chain link fence. C : solid wall. D : picket fence. Correct Answer : D 17 : Which organ is unique in that it appears to be static tissue? A : Heart B : Brain C : Lungs D : Kidney Correct Answer : B 18 : Edgar Adrian studied the relationship between nerve firing and sensory experience by measuring how the firing of a neuron from a receptor in the skin changed as he applied more pressure to the skin. He found that A : the shape and height of the action potential increased as he increased the pressure. B : the shape and height of the action potential decreased as he increased the pressure. 3 / 10

C : the rate of nerve firing increased as he increased the pressure. D : the rate of nerve firing decreased as he increased the pressure. Correct Answer : C 19 : When conducting an experiment on how stimuli are represented by the firing of neurons, you notice that neurons respond differently to different faces. For example, Arthurs face causes three neurons to fire, with neuron 1 responding the most and neuron 3 responding the least. Rogers face causes three different neurons to fire, with neuron 7 responding the least and neuron 9 responding the most. Your results support __________ coding. A : specificity B : distributed C : sparse D : divergence Correct Answer : C 20 : Why is it easier to study brain tissue from newborn animals than brain tissue from adults? A : The density of cells in a newborn brain is small compared with the density in an adult brain. B : The density of cells in a newborn brain is higher compared with the density in an adult brain. C : The nerve net system in newborn animals is less developed. D : The nerve net system in newborn animals is more developed. Correct Answer : A 21 : Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to specificity coding? A : It is probably accurate, which explains why the human nervous system contains over one hundred billion neurons. B : Research has found that specificity encoding does occur for lower animals, such as dogs and cats, but has not found this phenomenon to exist in human beings. C : It is unlikely to be correct because there are too many stimuli in the world to have a separate neuron for each. D : Specificity coding is one of the areas that is only theoretical and not applied, and thus there is no way to know if it truly exists in human beings. Correct Answer : C 22 : Which of the following is consistent with the idea of localization of function? A : Specific areas of the brain serve different functions. B : Neurons in different areas of the brain respond best to different stimuli. C : Brain areas are specialized for specific functions. D : All of these are correct. Correct Answer : D 23 : Recording from single neurons in the brain has shown that neurons responding to specific types of stimuli are often clustered in specific areas. These results support the idea of A : cortical association. B : dissociation. C : localization of function. D : the information processing approach. Correct Answer : C 4 / 10

24 : Paul Brocas and Carl Wernickes research provided early evidence for A : distributed processing. B : localization of function. C : prosopagnosia. D : neural net theory. Correct Answer : B 25 : What is the metabolic center of an individual neuron? A : Nerve B : Connectome C : Axon D : Cell body Correct Answer : D 26 : The __________ lobe of the cortex receives information from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher cognitive functions such as thinking and problem solving. A : subcortical B : frontal C : occipital D : parietal Correct Answer : B 27 : Which part of a neuron transmits signals to other neurons? A : Dendrites B : Axons C : Cell body D : Nerve net Correct Answer : B 28 : A 10-month-old baby is interested in discovering different textures, comparing the touch sensations between a soft blanket and a hard wooden block. Tactile signals such as these are received by the __________ lobe. A : parietal B : occipital C : frontal D : temporal Correct Answer : A 29 : Josiah is trying to speak to his wife, but his speech is very slow and labored, often with jumbled sentence structure.Josiah may have damage to which area of the brain? A : Brocas area B : Parahippocampal place area (PPA) C : Extrastriate body area (EBA) D : Wernickes area Correct Answer : A 5 / 10

30 : Which parts of neurons are also known as a nerve fiber? A : Touch receptor B : Receptor C : Axons D : Dendrites Correct Answer : C 31 : What is the gap between the end of a neurons axon and the dendrites or cell body of another neuron known as? A : Doctrine B : Synapse C : Axon D : Dendrite Correct Answer : B 32 : Brain imaging has made it possible to A : determine which areas of the brain are involved in different cognitive processes. B : view individual neurons in the brain. C : show how environmental energy is transformed into neural energy. D : view propagation of action potentials. Correct Answer : A 33 : In which of the following body parts are neurons NOT present? A : Eyes B : Ears C : Skin D : Arteries Correct Answer : D 34 : Which part of the nervous system picks up information from the outside environment? A : Dendrites B : Axons C : Synapses D : Receptors Correct Answer : D 35 : The fusiform face area (FFA) in the brain is often damaged in patients with A : Brocas aphasia. B : Wernickes aphasia. C : prosopagnosia. D : Alzheimers disease. Correct Answer : C 36 : Sarah has experienced brain damage making it difficult for her to understand spatial layout. Which area of her brain has most likely sustained damage? A : Fusiform face area (FFA) 6 / 10

B : Parahippocampal place area (PPA) C : Extrastriate body area (EBA) D : Functional magnetic area (FMA) Correct Answer : B 37 : Ramon is looking at photos of athletes in a sports magazine. He is focusing on their body parts, particularly their chest and legs. Which part of Ramons brain is activated by this viewing? A : Fusiform face area (FFA) B : Parahippocampal place area (PPA) C : Extrastriate body area (EBA) D : Functional magnetic area (FMA) Correct Answer : C 38 : The idea that specific cognitive functions activate many areas of the brain is known as A : localization of function. B : distributed representation. C : modularity. D : aphasia. Correct Answer : B 39 : Groups of neurons or structures that are connected within the nervous system are called__________. A : synaptic vesicles B : neuronal bridges C : neural networks D : fused conduits Correct Answer : C 40 : Which of the following is similar to early ideas scientists had about the brains physical properties? A : A tree B : A web C : A pipe D : A river Correct Answer : B 41 : What is a key difference between dendrites and axons? A : One is internally activated and the other is externally activated. B : One has physical form and the other lacks physical form. C : One sends information and the other receives information. D : One has a positive charge and the other has a negative charge. Correct Answer : C 42 : Its often said that life doesnt exist in a vacuum. However, the emptiness of ________ is critical for brain functioning. A : nerves B : receptors 7 / 10

C : dendrites D : synapses Correct Answer : D 43 : Taking clay and sand to create bricks, which are then used to build modular wall panels, which are then assembled to construct tall buildings, is similar to which of the following neural concepts? A : Specificity coding B : Localization of function C : Hierarchical processing D : Distributed representation Correct Answer : C 44 : Before the advent of intercoms, old mansions had a sash in each room. Each sash was connected to a bell on a master board in the servants office. When someone pulled a sash in a particular room, a bell corresponding to the room would ring on the master board, informing a servant where to go to provide assistance.This system is similar to which of the following? A : Sparse coding B : Localization coding C : Population coding D : Specificity coding Correct Answer : D 45 : Which of the following could be considered as always taking a working vacation? A : Temporal lobe B : Default mode network C : Brocas area D : Neural networks Correct Answer : B 46 : Which of the following terms does NOT reflect functional network activity in the brain? A : Responsive B : Conditional C : Consistent D : Variable Correct Answer : C 47 : Determining the sequence of DNA in humans was a major scientific advance that opened the door to new ideas about illness and approaches to treatment. An individuals unique DNA sequence is similar to which of the following? A : Salience B : Voxel C : Connectome D : Aphasia Correct Answer : C 48 : The value that stays the same as long as there are no signals in the neuron is known as 8 / 10

A : nerve impulse. B : resting potential. C : action potential. D : nerve transmission. Correct Answer : B 49 : Which substance is released when signals reach the synapse at the end of the axon? A : Axon B : Receptors C : Dendrites D : Neurotransmitters Correct Answer : D 50 : What does the principal of neural representation state? A : Everything a person experiences is based on representations in the persons nervous system. B : Everything a person experiences is based on the position of neurotransmitters in the persons nervous system. C : Everything a person experiences is based on position of synapses in the persons nervous system. D : Everything a person experiences is based on the capacity of receptors in the persons nervous system. Correct Answer : A 51 : The idea that an object could be represented by the firing of a specialized neuron that responds only to that object is called _____________. A : specificity coding B : population coding C : sparse coding D : hierarchical coding Correct Answer : A

ESSAY 52 : Describe how neurons communicate. Mention the key components of the neurons that are involved. Explain the process whereby the electrical signal (the information) is transferred from one neuron to another. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : Explain how action potentials change in response to stimulus intensity. Use an example from the human visual system to illustrate this process. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Explain the concept of experience-dependent plasticity in the brain. Provide a hypothetical example of how this might occur in a young child. 9 / 10

Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : List the three perspectives on the problem of sensory coding and provide an example of each. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : Why are memories represented in the brain differently than sensory stimuli? Give an example comparing how the brain would process a visual stimulus and a memory, and explain your reasoning. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 57 : Explain the difference between functional connectivity and structural connectivity. Provide an example to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : According to your textbook, perception goes beyond the simple receipt of sensory information. It is involved in many different cognitive skills. Which of the following is NOT one of those skills as noted by the chapter? A : Solving problems B : Experiencing neuromodulation C : Communicating with other people D : Answering questions Correct Answer : B 2 : Perception is NOT essential for A : creating memories. B : acquiring knowledge. C : solving problems. D : improving empathy. Correct Answer : D 3 : The task of determining the object responsible for a particular image on ones retina is called the A : radiated wavelength paradox. B : inverse projection problem. C : serial location task. D : fusiform face role. Correct Answer : B 4 : Members of a security team are stationed on rooftops surrounding a large city plaza before a scheduled rally. Suddenly, three team members in different locations radio in to the command center, each stating that they have spotted a suspicious box on the ground with a pipe coming from the top. What enables the security team members to report seeing the same object despite being stationed on different rooftops? A : Semantic regularity B : Viewpoint invariance C : Bottom-up processing D : Principle of similarity Correct Answer : B 5 : Viewpoint ________ is the ability to recognize the same object even if it is seen from different perspectives. A : consistency B : resistance C : constancy D : invariance Correct Answer : D 6 : The sequence of steps that includes the image on the retina, changing the image into electrical signals, and neural processing is an example of _____ processing. 1 / 10

A : bottom-up B : top-down C : Gestalt D : serial Correct Answer : A 7 : If a word is identified more easily when it is in a sentence than when it is presented alone, this would be an example of _____ processing. A : top-down B : bottom-up C : serial D : sequential Correct Answer : A 8 : Maria took a drink from a container marked milk. Surprised, she quickly spit out the liquid because it turned out that the container was filled with orange juice instead. Maria likes orange juice, so why did she have such a negative reaction to it? Her response was most affected by A : reception of the stimulus. B : bottom-up processing. C : top-down processing. D : focused attention. Correct Answer : C 9 : Perceiving machines are used by the U.S. Postal Service to read the addresses on letters and sort them quickly to their correct destinations. Sometimes, these machines cannot read an address because the writing on the envelope is not sufficiently clear for the machine to match the writing to an example it has stored in memory. Human postal workers are much more successful at reading unclear addresses, most likely because of A : bottom-up processing. B : top-down processing. C : their in-depth understanding of principles of perception. D : repeated practice at the task. Correct Answer : B 10 : Which of the following is an example of an effect of top-down processing? A : Recognizing a crying friends sounds as words in a sentence B : Seeing a flash of lightning in a thunderstorm C : Walking all around a car and always knowing its a car D : Perceiving all of the birds in a flock as belonging together Correct Answer : A 11 : Speech segmentation is defined as A : creating a sentence from a series of spoken words. B : ignoring the spaces between the spoken words of a sentence. C : organizing the sounds of speech into individual words. D : recognizing a few words out of many when hearing a largely unfamiliar language. Correct Answer : C 2 / 10

12 : When Carlos moved to the United States, he did not understand any English. Phrases like Anna Mary Can Pi and I Scream Class Hick didnt make any sense to him. Now that Carlos has been learning English, he recognizes this phrase as An American Pie and Ice Cream Classic. This example illustrates that Carlos was not capable of ____ in English. A : speech segmentation B : the likelihood principle C : bottom-up processing D : algorithms Correct Answer : A 13 : Evidence for the role of top-down processing in perception is shown by which of the following examples? A : When someone can easily select a target that has a feature distinct from distracters B : When someone cannot read an illegible word in a written sentence C : When someone easily identifies an object even though that object is unexpected in that context (e.g., identifying a telephone inside a refrigerator) D : When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception Correct Answer : D 14 : Which of the following is true about perception? A : It occurs separately from action. B : It is mostly automatic. C : It involves rapid processes. D : It is the result of many cognitions such as creating memories, acquiring knowledge, and solving problems. Correct Answer : C 15 : The theory of unconscious inference includes the A : oblique effect. B : likelihood principle. C : principle of componential recovery. D : principle of speech segmentation. Correct Answer : B 16 : The likelihood principle states that A : we perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received. B : we perceive size to remain the same size even when objects move to different distances. C : it is easier to perceive vertical and horizontal orientations. D : feature detectors are likely to create a clear perception of an object. Correct Answer : A 17 : The process by which small objects become perceptually grouped to form larger objects is the principle of perceptual A : conjunction. B : organization. 3 / 10

C : discriminability. D : fusion. Correct Answer : B 18 : You look at a rope coiled on a beach and are able to perceive it as a single strand because of the law of A : good continuation. B : simplicity. C : familiarity. D : good figure. Correct Answer : A 19 : You are at a parade where there are a number of marching bands. You perceive the bands that are all in the same uniforms as being grouped together. The red uniforms are one band, the green uniforms another, and so forth. You have this perceptual experience because of the law of A : simplicity. B : similarity. C : pragnanz. D : familiarity. Correct Answer : B 20 : The notion that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible is called the law of A : common fate. B : similarity. C : pragnanz. D : continuity. Correct Answer : C 21 : Entering a church service and seeing someone selling hot dogs and cotton candy from a cart near the altar would be perceived as a violation of A : mirror neurons. B : natural selection. C : scene schema. D : pragnanz. Correct Answer : C 22 : In the texts use of the Olympic Rings example, which Gestalt law contributes to the correct perception of five interlocking circles rather than nine separate segments? A : Simplicity B : Contiguity C : Figure-ground D : Common fate Correct Answer : A 23 : Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical regularity in your text? 4 / 10

A : The oblique effect B : The light-from-above assumption C : Angled orientation D : Having one object that is partially covered by another come out the other side Correct Answer : C 24 : People perceive vertical and horizontal orientations more easily than other orientations according to the A : principle of size constancy. B : oblique effect. C : law of pragnanz. D : law of good continuation. Correct Answer : B 25 : When does bottom-up processing start? A : When environmental energy stimulates the receptors B : When an electrical signal is passed to the brain C : When motor neurons at the extremities are activated D : When the brain encodes information received by the receptors Correct Answer : A 26 : The demonstration in your text that asks you to visualize scenes such as an office, a department store clothing section, a lion, and a microscope often results in more details in the scene of the office or department store than the scene with the lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of _____ in those scenes. A : physical regularities B : semantic regularities C : pragnanz D : double dissociation Correct Answer : B 27 : The results of Gauthiers Greeble experiment illustrate A : that neurons specialized to respond to faces are present in our brains when we are born. B : that training a monkey to recognize the difference between common objects can influence how the monkeys neurons fire to these objects. C : an effect of experience-dependent plasticity. D : that our nervous systems remain fairly stable in different environments. Correct Answer : C 28 : Amhad is doing an experiment in which he has to choose between the object he has been shown previously (the target object) and another object. Choosing the target object will result in a reward. What sort of task is Amhad doing? A : Landmark discrimination problem B : Dissociation task C : Greeble recognition task D : Object discrimination problem 5 / 10

Correct Answer : D 29 : The landmark discrimination problem is more difficult to do if you have damage to your _____ lobe. A : frontal B : temporal C : parietal D : occipital Correct Answer : C 30 : The term semantics, when applied to perception, means the A : meaning of a scene, often related to what is happening within the scene. B : regularly occurring physical properties of an environment. C : inferences made based on the likelihood of a particular stimulus. D : statistical probabilities of one particular sound following another in language. Correct Answer : A 31 : What is the process of unconscious inference? A : When our subconscious mind interferes with our conscience B : When our unconscious perceptions align with our conscious perceptions C : When our perceptions are the result of inferences that we make about the environment D : When our subconscious interferes with what we perceive from our retinas Correct Answer : C 32 : The perception pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway, while the action pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway. A : where; what B : what; where C : size; distance D : distance; size Correct Answer : B 33 : Which of the following is NOT considered a starting point for perception? A : feeling B : hearing C : seeing D : thinking Correct Answer : D 34 : Which of the following adjectives has the LEAST connection to perception? A : interactive B : conscious C : supportive D : complex Correct Answer : B 35 : Which term best reflects what we do with an image projected onto our retina? 6 / 10

A : We infer it. B : We confirm it. C : We interpret it. D : We reverse it. Correct Answer : C 36 : What differentiates bottom-up processing from top-down processing? A : the direction of scanning B : the pattern of organization C : the source of information D : the pathway of action Correct Answer : C 37 : The existence of transitional probabilities adds a(n) ________ quality to learning and using language. A : cultural B : anticipatory C : reductive D : intellectual Correct Answer : B 38 : The saying, If youve seen one, youve seen em all best reflects which of the following? A : principle of similarity B : law of pragnanz C : semantic regularities D : likelihood principle Correct Answer : D 39 : If a Gestalt psychologist was baking a cake for an event, what would they be most focused on? A : the oven B : the cake C : the flour D : the flavor Correct Answer : B 40 : Which of the following would have the most semantic regularities? A : a forest B : a skyscraper C : a shopping mall D : a toll booth Correct Answer : C 41 : A person with strong ________ would likely have a deeper experience of Bayesian influence. A : principles B : eyesight 7 / 10

C : sensation D : beliefs Correct Answer : D 42 : Which of the following word strings all refer to the same pathway? A : what, action, dorsal B : where, ventral, perception C : dorsal, where, action D : perception, dorsal, what Correct Answer : C 43 : Which of the following is an example of unconscious inference? A : Perceiving that a partially covered automobile continues beneath the cover B : Perceiving the transitional probability of a language C : Perceiving the ringing of an alarm clock while sleeping D : Perceiving the length of an unfamiliar object by using a familiar object Correct Answer : A 44 : How does the phenomenon of apparent movement work? A : The perceptual system creates the perception of movement from stationary images. B : The perceptual system detects stationary images more slowly than motion is perceived. C : The retina sends overlapping electrical signals to the brain when motion is perceived. D : The perceptual system slows when flashing objects are introduced. Correct Answer : A 45 : Which of the following is a basic principle of Gestalt psychology? A : Many parts make up a whole. B : Truth is relative. C : Apparent motion is due to sensation. D : The whole is different from the sum of its parts. Correct Answer : D 46 : The fact that trees are more likely to be vertical or horizontal than slanted is an example of ____. A : semantic regularity B : physical regularity C : perceptual regularity D : orientation regularity Correct Answer : B 47 : Semantic regularity refers to the _____. A : regularity between locations B : idea that regularities in the environment provide information we can use to resolve ambiguities C : meaning between properties of an object D : consistency between situations 8 / 10

Correct Answer : C 48 : What is a scene schema? A : Knowledge of what a scene typically contains B : Knowledge of the meaning of a scene C : Knowledge of the events leading to a scene D : Knowledge of why a scene should be visualized Correct Answer : A 49 : Which of the following is true about Bayesian inference? A : The probability of an outcome is determined by chance. B : The probability of an outcome is determined solely by the likelihood of the outcome. C : The probability of an outcome is determined by the prior probability and the likelihood of the outcome. D : The probability of an outcome is determined solely by our initial belief about the probability of an outcome. Correct Answer : C 50 : The Gestalt psychologists believe that _____. A : we use data about the environment to determine what is out there B : perception is affected by experience, but built-in principles can override experience C : top-down processing is central to perception D : experience has no effect on perception, only sensation Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 51 : Explain how perception is invisible to us but it is not automatic. Give at least two examples to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 52 : What two types of information are used by the human perceptual system? Give an example of an act of perception and identify each of the two types in the example. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : Compare and contrast the four conceptions of object perception (unconscious inference, Gestalt laws, environmental regularities, and Bayesian inference). How do these ideas differ? In what ways are they similar? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Describe the function of mirror neurons. Why do you think intention plays a role in the mirroring process? Give an example to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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55 : Explain how the object discrimination problem and the landmark discrimination problem help show which pathways in the brain are responsible for different cognitive abilities. How does damage to different lobes of the brain make these tasks more difficult, and what pathways are involved? Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : When Sam listens to his girlfriend Susan in the restaurant and ignores other peoples conversations, he is engaged in the process of __________ attention. A : low load B : divided C : cocktail party D : selective Correct Answer : D 2 : Which of the following is an experimental procedure used to study how attention affects the processing of competing stimuli? A : Early selection B : Filtering C : Channeling D : Dichotic listening Correct Answer : D 3 : The technique where the participants task is to focus on the message in one ear, called the attended ear, and to repeat what he or she is hearing out loud is known as A : filter model attention. B : shadowing. C : dichotic listening. D : detector listening. Correct Answer : C 4 : The ability to focus on one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli is called A : sensory memory. B : cocktail party effect. C : detection. D : filtering. Correct Answer : B 5 : Colin Cherrys experiment in which participants listened to two different messages, one presented to each ear, found that people A : could focus on a message only if they are repeating it. B : could focus on a message only if they rehearsed it. C : could focus on one message and ignore the other one at the same time. D : could not focus on a message presented to only one ear. Correct Answer : C 6 : The cocktail party effect is A : the ability to pay attention to one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli. B : the inability to pay attention to one stimulus in the presence of competing stimuli. C : the diminished awareness of information in a crowd. D : the equal division of attention between competing stimuli.

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Correct Answer : A 7 : The filter model proposes that the filter identifies the attended message based on A : meaning. B : modality. C : physical characteristics. D : higher order characteristics. Correct Answer : C 8 : Broadbents model is called the early selection model because A : sensory memory holds all of the information for fraction of second and then transfers all of it to filter. B : the output is sent to short-term memory, which holds the information for 1015 seconds and also transfer the information to long-term memory. C : the attended information has been let through the filter, the detector processes all information that enters it. D : the filter eliminates the unattended information right at the beginning of the flow of information. Correct Answer : D 9 : Anne Treismans attenuator analyzes the incoming message in terms of all of the following EXCEPT A : how sequences of words create meaningful phrases. B : how the message groups into syllables or words. C : whether the message is fast or slow. D : whether the perceptual load is low or high. Correct Answer : D 10 : Broadbents model is called an early selection model because A : the filter eliminates unattended information at the beginning of the information flow. B : the filtering step occurs before the information enters the sensory memory. C : only a select set of environmental information enters the system. D : incoming information is selected by the detector. Correct Answer : A 11 : What contains the words, stored in memory, each of which has a threshold for being activated? A : Attenuator B : Dictionary unit C : Detector D : Filter Correct Answer : B 12 : Suppose twin teenagers are vying for their mothers attention. The mother is trying to pay attention to one of her daughters, though both girls are talking (one about her boyfriend, one about a school project). According to the operating characteristics of Treismans attenuator, it is most likely the attenuator is analyzing the incoming messages in terms of A : physical characteristics. 2 / 10

B : language. C : meaning. D : direction. Correct Answer : C 13 : Which of the following is most closely associated with Treismans attenuation theory of selective attention? A : Late selection B : Stroop experiments C : Precueing D : Dictionary unit Correct Answer : D 14 : According to Treismans attenuation model, which of the following would you expect to have the highest threshold for most people? A : The word money B : Their childs first name C : The word home D : The word platypus Correct Answer : D 15 : Which stage in Treismans attenuation model has a threshold component? A : The attenuator B : The dictionary unit C : The filter D : The leaky filter Correct Answer : B 16 : A high threshold in Treismans model of attention implies that A : weak signals can cause activation. B : it takes a strong signal to cause activation. C : all signals cause activation. D : no signals cause activation. Correct Answer : B 17 : Which of the following is the process by which features such as color, form motion, and location are combined to create our perception of a coherent object? A : Change blindness B : Change detection C : Illusory conjunctions D : Binding Correct Answer : D 18 : Suppose you are in your kitchen writing a grocery list, while your roommate is watching TV in the next room. A commercial for spaghetti sauce comes on TV. Although you are not paying attention to the TV, you suddenly remember that you need to pick up spaghetti sauce and add it to the list. Your behavior is best predicted by which of the following models of attention? 3 / 10

A : Object-based B : Early selection C : Spotlight D : Late selection Correct Answer : D 19 : If you are folding towels while watching television, you may find that you dont have to pay much attention to the act of folding while keeping up with the storyline on the TV show. Folding the towels would be an example of a(n) ________ task. A : attenuated B : high-load C : low-load D : filtered Correct Answer : C 20 : The Stroop effect demonstrates peoples inability to ignore the __________ of words. A : meaning B : color C : size D : font Correct Answer : A 21 : With the Stroop effect, you would expect to find longest response times when A : the color and the name matched. B : the color and the name differed. C : the shape and the name matched. D : the shape and the name differed. Correct Answer : B 22 : The Stroop effect occurs when participants A : are told to divide their attention between colors and shapes. B : try to name colors and ignore words. C : try to select some incoming information based on meaning. D : are told to shadow two messages simultaneously. Correct Answer : B 23 : The use of a machine that tracks the movement of ones eyes can help reveal the shifting of ones __________ attention. A : overt B : covert C : divided D : dichotic Correct Answer : A 24 : A bottom-up process is involved in fixating on an area of a scene that A : has high stimulus salience. B : fits with the observers interests. 4 / 10

C : is familiar. D : carries meaning for the observer. Correct Answer : A 25 : When we search a scene, initial fixations are most likely to occur on __________ areas. A : high-load B : low-load C : high-saliency D : low-saliency Correct Answer : C 26 : Eye tracking studies investigating attention as we carry out actions such as making a peanut butter sandwich found that a persons eye movements A : usually follow a motor action by a fraction of a second. B : are influenced by unusual objects placed in the scene. C : are determined primarily by the task. D : continually scan all objects and areas of the scene. Correct Answer : C 27 : Which of the following illustrates how we can miss things even if they are clearly visible? A : Inattentional blindness B : Change blindness C : Binding D : Illusory conjunctions Correct Answer : A 28 : The notion that faster responding occurs when enhancement spreads within an object is called A : high-load detraction. B : divided attention. C : location-based potentiation. D : same-object advantage. Correct Answer : D 29 : According to your text, the ability to divide attention depends on all of the following EXCEPT A : practice. B : the type of processing being used. C : the difficulty of the tasks. D : task cueing. Correct Answer : D 30 : Imagine that lawmakers are considering changing the driving laws and that you have been consulted as an attention expert. Given the principles of divided attention, in which of the following conditions would a person have the most difficulty with driving and therefore pose the biggest safety risk on the road? A : When the person has to drive to work early in the morning. 5 / 10

B : When the driver is stuck in stop-and-go traffic. C : When the driver has to park in a crowded parking garage. D : When the person is driving an unfamiliar vehicle that is more difficult to operate. Correct Answer : D 31 : In Schneider and Shiffrins experiment, in which participants were asked to indicate whether a target stimulus was present in a series of rapidly presented frames, divided attention was easier A : once processing had become automatic. B : when processing was done verbally. C : when verbal processing was prohibited by the experimenters. D : when processing was more controlled. Correct Answer : A 32 : Which of the following statements is correct? A : Peripheral vision is the area you are looking at. B : Central vision is everything off to the side. C : Objects in central vision fall on the small area called the fovea. D : Everything to the right is outside your vision. Correct Answer : C 33 : Each time you briefly pause on one face, you are making a(n) ______________. A : fixation B : saccadic eye movement C : overt attention D : stimulus salience Correct Answer : A 34 : Which of the following options would NOT be an important factor in automatic processing? A : Close attention B : Ease in performing parallel tasks C : Tasks that are well-practiced D : The use of few cognitive resources Correct Answer : A 35 : Saccadic eye movement is a ______________. A : rapid, jerky movement from one fixation to the next B : shifting of attention from one place to another by moving the eyes C : reaction to physical properties of stimulus D : brief pause on another persons face Correct Answer : C 36 : Research on the use of cell phones while driving indicates that A : the negative effect can be decreased by using hands-free units. B : the problem with cell phones is that attention is distracted from the task of driving by the need to hold the phone and drive with one hand. C : the main effect of cell phone use on driving safety can be attributed to the fact that attention 6 / 10

is used up by the cognitive task of talking on the phone. D : the public perception that using a cell phone while driving poses a significant risk to drivers safety is, in fact, incorrect. Correct Answer : C 37 : Strayer and Johnstons (2001) experiment involving simulated driving and the use of handsfree versus handheld cell phones found that A : talking on either kind of phone impairs driving performance significantly and to the same extent. B : driving performance was impaired only with the handheld cell phones. C : driving performance was impaired less with the hands-free phones than with the handheld phones. D : divided attention (driving and talking on the phone) did not affect performance. Correct Answer : A 38 : The difficulty we have in recognizing even an obvious alteration in a scene is called __________ blindness. A : covert B : exogenous C : endogenous D : change Correct Answer : D 39 : Scene schema is A : rapid movements of the eyes from one place to another in a scene. B : short pauses of the eyes on points of interest in a scene. C : how attention is distributed throughout a static scene. D : knowledge about what is contained in a typical scene. Correct Answer : D 40 : Lan has no idea what she just read in her text because she was thinking about how hungry she is and what she is going to have for dinner. This is a real-world example of A : the late-selection model of attention. B : an object-based attentional failure. C : mind wandering. D : the cocktail party phenomenon. Correct Answer : C 41 : According to Treismans feature integration theory, the first stage of perception is called the __________ stage. A : feature analysis B : focused attention C : preattentive D : letter analysis Correct Answer : C 42 : Illusory conjunctions are 7 / 10

A : combinations of features from different stimuli. B : misidentified objects using the context of the scene. C : combinations of features from the masking field and the stimuli. D : features that are consistent across different stimuli. Correct Answer : A 43 : __________ is the process by which features such as color, form, motion, and location are combined to create our perception of a coherent object. A : Binding B : Integration C : Assimilation D : Equilibration Correct Answer : A 44 : During a visit to the local museum, you appreciate the incredible beauty of the paintings displayed. Your ability to see the paintings as complete pictures rather than individual, disconnected dots of color, texture, and location occurs through a process called __________. A : contiguity B : proximity C : accommodation D : binding Correct Answer : D 45 : Proponents of multitasking would note ________ to support their opinion, whereas opponents of multitasking would point to ________ to justify their perspective. A : selective attention; divided attention B : distraction; selective attention C : divided attention; distraction D : attentional capture; divided attention Correct Answer : C 46 : Which of the following attention model components produces two levels of output? A : Treismans filter B : Treismans attenuator C : MacKays dictionary unit D : Broadbents detector Correct Answer : B 47 : How does perceptual load differ from processing capacity? A : Perceptual load is static and processing capacity is variable. B : Perceptual load is genetic and processing capacity is learned. C : Perceptual load is sensory and processing capacity is cognitive. D : Perceptual load is individual and processing capacity is universal. Correct Answer : D 48 : As the ________ of a stimulus increases, ________ tends to ________. A : sampling; warping; decrease 8 / 10

B : warping; salience; decrease C : schema; sampling; increase D : salience; fixation; increase Correct Answer : D 49 : In which concept is an individuals knowledge most important? A : schema B : precueing C : salience D : binding Correct Answer : A 50 : Which of the following best describes the result of attention in the context of perception? A : warping B : enhancement C : accuracy D : filtration Correct Answer : B 51 : If you stand very close to a pointillist painting, all you will see are tiny colored dots. But as you step away from the painting, larger areas of color become noticeable and eventually become recognizable objects such as flowers or clouds. This is similar to which of the following? A : sampling B : scanning C : synchronizing D : binding Correct Answer : D 52 : Placing tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, and lime juice into a blender and turning it on to produce salsa is similar to which of the following? A : the detector of Broadbents filter model B : the focused attention stage of feature integration theory C : the dictionary unit of Treismans attenuation model D : the synchronization stage of the executive attention network Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 53 : Compare and contrast Broadbents and Treismans models of attention. How are they similar? How do they differ? Which model is considered leaky and why? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Compare and contrast stimulus salience and scene schemas. Give an example using one visual stimulus to identify elements that fit each category.

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Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : Explain how operant conditioning plays a role in peoples use of cell phones, even in situations where they should not. What strategies could be employed to minimize this process? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : Explain the difference between inattentional blindness and change blindness. Give an example of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 57 : Define selective attention, divided attention, and attentional capture. Give an example of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 58 : Compare and contrast processing capacity and perceptual load. Give an example of a lowload and a high-load task that you experienced today. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Remembering that a tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable is an example of ___________ memory. A : semantic B : acoustic C : visual D : iconic Correct Answer : A 2 : Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new results. Which of the following exemplifies this concept based on the results presented in your text? A : Replacing the short-term memory component of the modal model with working memory B : Replacing the sensory memory component of the modal model with the episodic buffer C : Replacing the short-term memory component of the modal model with iconic memory D : Replacing the sensory memory component of the modal model with working memory Correct Answer : A 3 : The three structural components of the modal model of memory are A : receptors, occipital lobe, temporal lobe. B : receptors, temporal lobe, frontal lobe. C : sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory. D : sensory memory, iconic memory, rehearsal. Correct Answer : C 4 : A property of control processes in the modal model of memory is that they A : do not require attention. B : may differ from one task to another. C : are performed without conscious awareness. D : are difficult to modify. Correct Answer : B 5 : Information remains in sensory memory for A : seconds or a fraction of a second. B : 1530 seconds. C : one to three minutes. D : as long as it is rehearsed. Correct Answer : A 6 : Imagine you are driving to a friends new house. In your mind, you say the address repeatedly until you arrive. To remember the address, you used a(n)___________process in short-term memory. A : control B : automatic C : coding D : iconic 1 / 10

Correct Answer : A 7 : When light from a flashlight is moved quickly back and forth on a wall in a darkened room, it can appear to observers that there is a trail of light moving across the wall, even though physically the light is only in one place at any given time. This experience is an effect of memory that occurs because of A : a visual delay effect. B : echoic memory. C : persistence of vision. D : top-down processing. Correct Answer : C 8 : When a sparkler is twirled rapidly, people perceive a circle of light. This occurs because A : the trail you see is caused by sparks left behind from the sparkler. B : longer light wavelengths from the sparkler produce a visual echoic effect. C : the length of iconic memory is about a fraction of a second. D : Gestalt principles work to complete the circle in our minds. Correct Answer : C 9 : Compared to the whole report technique, the partial report procedure involves A : a smaller stimulus set. B : a smaller response set. C : a smaller stimulus set and a smaller response set. D : a shorter rehearsal period. Correct Answer : B 10 : Brief sensory memory for sound is known as A : iconic memory. B : primary auditory memory. C : echoic memory. D : pre-perceptual auditory memory. Correct Answer : C 11 : Sperlings delayed partial report procedure provided evidence that A : short-term and long-term memory are the independent components of memory. B : information in sensory memory fades within one or two seconds. C : information in short-term memory must be rehearsed to transfer into long-term memory. D : short-term memory has a limited capacity. Correct Answer : B 12 : Peterson and Peterson studied how well participants can remember groups of three letters (like BRT, QSD) after various delays. They found that participants remembered an average of 80 percent of the groups after 3 seconds but only 10 percent after 18 seconds. They hypothesized that this decrease in performance was due to ___________, but later research showed that it was actually due to ___________. A : interference; decay B : priming; interference 2 / 10

C : decay; interference D : decay; lack of rehearsal Correct Answer : C 13 : Before going to the grocery store, Jamal quickly made a list in his head of the few items he needed to cook dinner. Driving to the store, he repeated the list over and over to himself so that he wouldnt forget anything. How would Broadbent describe Jamals actions in the car? A : Chunking in sensory memory B : Buffering in the central executive C : Rehearsal in short-term memory D : Rotation in the phonological loop Correct Answer : C 14 : Which of the following stimuli will last longer in the receivers sensory memory? A : A red bird in the snow B : A lions roar at the zoo C : An infants first smile D : A striped top on a mannequin Correct Answer : B 15 : The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is A : just under a fraction of a second. B : 1520 seconds or less. C : one to three minutes or more. D : indefinite. Correct Answer : B 16 : A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with ___________ memory. A : short-term B : long-term C : sensory D : autobiographical Correct Answer : A 17 : Which of the following is not a stage in the information processing model of memory? A : Sensory memory B : Short-term memory C : Long-term memory D : Episodic memory Correct Answer : D 18 : Suppose youre on the phone with a customer support representative who gives you a ticket number for your records. Youre later transferred to a different representative who asks for your ticket number, but youve forgotten it. This probably occurred because the number was only temporarily stored in your A : sensory memory. 3 / 10

B : short-term memory. C : long-term memory. D : episodic memory. Correct Answer : B 19 : Which of the following represents the most effective chunking of the digit sequence 14929111776? A : 14 929 111 776 B : 149 29111 776 C : 14 92 91 117 76 D : 1492 911 1776 Correct Answer : D 20 : The primary effect of chunking is to A : maximize the recency effect. B : increase memory for items by grouping them together based on sound. C : develop a visual code to supplement a phonological code for the information. D : increase the efficiency of short-term memory. Correct Answer : D 21 : The research by Ericsson and colleagues (1980) examined the ability of a college student to achieve amazing feats of memory by having him remember strings of random digits that were recited to him. They found that this student used his experience with running times to help him retain these strings of numbers. The significance of this finding was that A : experts show larger primacy and recency effects than beginners. B : knowledge in an area of expertise increases a persons digit span. C : expertise with some material reduces susceptibility to proactive interference with that material. D : chunking requires knowledge of familiar patterns or concepts. Correct Answer : D 22 : Robin lost the softball game for her team when she ran toward home and was thrown out at the plate. The coach asked her, Why did you run? You knew it was a risky move. Robin replied, But I heard you yell, Go! Go! The coach replied, I was saying, No! No! Robins ill-fated run was the result of a ________ error. A : visuospatial B : control C : suppressive D : phonological Correct Answer : D 23 : Jason quickly scanned the map on his phone to get to his job interview, then took a left and ran down the block so he wouldnt be late. According to Stokes, Jasons ability to recall the directions as hes running is the result of ________. A : a buffering process followed by an activity process B : an activity state followed by a synaptic state C : a buffering process followed by an executive process D : a synaptic state followed by a buffering state 4 / 10

Correct Answer : B 24 : Research suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is A : somewhat small, holding only about seven items at one time. B : quite large, holding a large number of items simultaneously. C : equivalent to sensory memory, holding about a hundred items at one time. D : larger than the capacity of long-term memory among young people. Correct Answer : A 25 : Observations that people may actually process and manipulate information rather than simply store it for brief periods of time challenged the conceptualization of A : the phonological similarity effect. B : short-term memory. C : the persistence of vision. D : the physiological approach to coding. Correct Answer : B 26 : Working memory differs from short-term memory in that A : short-term memory consists of a number of components. B : short-term memory has a central executive function. C : working memory is engaged in processing information. D : working memory has unlimited capacity. Correct Answer : C 27 : Rehearsal is important for transferring information from A : sensory memory to long-term memory. B : sensory memory to short-term memory. C : long-term memory to sensory memory. D : short-term memory to long-term memory. Correct Answer : D 28 : Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on which of the following components of working memory? A : The STM recency effect B : Delayed response coding C : The phonological loop D : The visuospatial sketch pad Correct Answer : D 29 : Given what we know about the operation of the phonological loop, which of the following word lists would be most difficult for people to retain for 15 seconds? A : BIP, TEK, LIN, MOD, REY B : SAY, BET, PIN, COW, RUG C : MAC, CAN, CAP, MAN, MAP D : PIG, DOG, RAT, FOX, HEN 5 / 10

Correct Answer : C 30 : Which of the following represents the correct progression of information as it moves through the primary memory stores? A : Short-term, long-term, episodic B : Sensory, short-term, long-term C : Episodic, short-term, sensory D : Sensory, episodic, long-term Correct Answer : B 31 : Which of the following statements about short-term memory is FALSE? A : Short-term memory has a relatively small capacity for information. B : Retention of information in short-term memory is brief. C : Short-term memory stores an exact replica of sensory stimuli. D : Short-term memory provides meaning to information. Correct Answer : C 32 : A task with the instructions Read the following words while repeating the, the, the out loud, look away, and then write down the words you remember would most likely be studying A : articulatory suppression. B : the visuospatial sketch pad. C : echoic memory. D : the central executive. Correct Answer : A 33 : Have you ever tried to think of the words and hum the melody of one song while the radio is playing a different song? People have often noted that this is very difficult to do. This difficulty can be understood as A : articulatory suppression. B : an overload of sensory memory. C : rehearsal interference. D : an LTM recency effect. Correct Answer : A 34 : What is the typical duration of short-term memory? A : 15 to 50 seconds B : 15 to 20 seconds C : 5 to 7 seconds D : 7 to 15 seconds Correct Answer : B 35 : Digit span is one measure of capacity of A : short-term memory. B : long-term memory. C : sensory memory. D : long-term semantic memory. Correct Answer : A 6 / 10

36 : According to the model of working memory, which of the following mental tasks should LEAST adversely affect peoples driving performance while operating a car along an unfamiliar, winding road? A : Trying to imagine how many cabinets are in their kitchen B : Trying to remember a map of the area C : Trying to remember the definition of a word they just learned D : Trying to imagine a portrait from a recent museum exhibit Correct Answer : C 37 : It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if A : one is handled by the visuospatial sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop. B : both are handled by the visuospatial sketch pad. C : both are handled by the phonological loop. D : the central executive is deactivated during the dual task time period. Correct Answer : A 38 : One function of ___________ is to pull information out of long-term memory. A : sensory memory B : the phonological loop C : articulatory suppression D : the central executive Correct Answer : D 39 : Chantal has frontal lobe damage. She is doing a problem-solving task in which she has to choose the red object out of many choices. She can easily complete this repeatedly, but when the experimenter asks her to choose the blue object on a new trial of the task, she continues to choose the red one, even when the experimenter gives her feedback that she is incorrect. Chantal is displaying A : sensory memory. B : decay. C : perseveration. D : agnosia. Correct Answer : C 40 : The episodic buffer directly connects to which two components in Baddeleys model of memory? A : The phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad B : The central executive and long-term memory C : The central executive and the phonological loop D : The phonological loop and long-term memory Correct Answer : B 41 : Funahashis work on monkeys doing a delayed response task examined the role of neurons in the A : nucleus accumbens. B : prefrontal cortex. C : diencephalon. 7 / 10

D : cingulate gyrus. Correct Answer : B 42 : Physiological studies indicate that damage to the brains___________can disrupt behaviors that depend on working memory. A : Prefrontal cortex B : Amygdala C : Hippocampus D : Occipital lobe Correct Answer : A 43 : Funahashi and coworkers recorded neurons in the PF cortex of monkeys during a delayed response task. These neurons showed the most intense firing during A : stimulus presentation. B : delay. C : response. D : encoding. Correct Answer : B 44 : The ability to manipulate information in memory temporarily while remembering something else is called A : working memory. B : semantic memory. C : short-term memory. D : episodic memory. Correct Answer : A 45 : On what factor do working memory and short-term memory most differ? A : velocity B : activity C : location D : stimuli Correct Answer : B 46 : Which term best reflects the core concept of echoic memory? A : repetition B : buffer C : access D : time Correct Answer : D 47 : The staff working in the air traffic control tower at a busy airport can be considered a suitable metaphor for which of the following? A : episodic buffer B : central executive C : working memory D : articulatory rehearsal 8 / 10

Correct Answer : B 48 : If working memory were an actual workplace, which of the following best describes the members of Baddeleys model? A : independent consultants B : equal team members C : competing employees D : workers and manager Correct Answer : D 49 : A person who is activating their visuospatial sketch pad is likely to say which of the following? A : Lets walk down memory lane. B : I can see it in my minds eye. C : Its right on the tip of my tongue. D : I can remember like it was yesterday. Correct Answer : B 50 : Which of the following stimulus characteristics most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory? A : frequency B : color C : complexity D : source Correct Answer : C 51 : If the brain can be considered a busy factory that takes in and processes information, which of the following would occur during the synaptic state in Stokess working memory concept? A : The factory machines would consume electricity. B : The factory machines would produce electricity. C : Machines would shut down for material resupply. D : An alarm would sound signaling system overload. Correct Answer : C 52 : Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of control processes? A : sensory B : conscious C : proactive D : variable Correct Answer : A

ESSAY 53 : Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new experimental results. Using the research from this chapter, discuss this idea by 9 / 10

describing an old theory, the new or revised theory, and the data that brought about the refinements to models of memory. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Describe Atkinson and Shiffrins concept of control processes. Then give two examples of control processes to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : Compare and contrast the concepts of short-term memory and working memory. How do the models of each concept differ and why? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : What is the relationship between digit span and chunking? Give an example of how both concepts apply in a single memory task. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 57 : Explain Stokess concept of activity-silent working memory. Describe what brain scans would look like in a task of gathering and then remembering information. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : The primacy effect is attributed to A : recall of information stored in long-term memory. B : a type of rehearsal that improves memory for all items in a list. C : recall of information still active in short-term memory. D : forgetting of early items in a list as they are replaced by later items. Correct Answer : A 2 : The primacy effect (from the serial position curve experiment) is associated with ___________ memory. A : long-term B : short-term C : sensory D : implicit Correct Answer : A 3 : Murdochs remembering a list experiment described the serial position curve and found that memory is best for ___________ of a list. A : the first words B : the middle words C : the last words D : both the first and last words Correct Answer : D 4 : When investigating the serial position curve, delaying the memory test for 30 seconds A : has no effect on the curve. B : increases the primacy effect. C : decreases the recency effect. D : increases both the primacy and the recency effects. Correct Answer : C 5 : Regarding free recall of a list of items, which of the following will most likely cause the recency effect to disappear by preventing rehearsal? A : Inserting a 30-second delay before recall B : Presenting the stimulus list at a slower pace C : Counting backward for 30 seconds before recall D : Using a very long list (greater than 30 items at one item per second) Correct Answer : C 6 : The recency effect occurs when participants are asked to recall a list of words. One way to eliminate the recency effect is to A : have participants say la, la, la while studying the list. B : present the list more slowly. C : have participants count backwards for 30 seconds after hearing the last word of the list. D : have participants see the words on a screen, rather than hear them.

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Correct Answer : C 7 : The predominant type of coding in long-term memory is A : phonological. B : concrete. C : semantic. D : visual. Correct Answer : C 8 : This multiple-choice question is an example of a ___________ test. A : recall B : recognition C : word-completion D : personal semantic memory Correct Answer : B 9 : Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he will meet his colleagues for the first time. His boss escorts him around to small groups to introduce him. At the first group, Lamar meets four people and is told only their first names. The same thing happens with a second group and a third group. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of the women in the group is the company accountant. A little while later, Lamar realizes that he only remembers the names of the people in the first group, though he also remembers the profession of the last woman he met (the accountant). Lamars experience demonstrates A : the phonological similarity effect. B : a build-up and release of proactive interference. C : the cocktail party phenomenon. D : a partial-report procedure. Correct Answer : B 10 : Wickens et al.s fruit, meat, and professions experiment failed to show a release from proactive interference in the fruit group because A : the stimulus category changed. B : the stimulus category remained the same. C : the response task changed. D : the response task remained the same. Correct Answer : B 11 : In which of the following examples of two different brain-injured patients (Tom and Tim) is a double dissociation demonstrated? A : Both Tom and Tim have good episodic memory but poor semantic memory. B : Tom and Tim both show deficits in episodic and semantic memory. C : Tom has good semantic memory and poor episodic memory, while Tim has good episodic memory but poor semantic memory. D : Both Tom and Tim have good semantic memory but poor episodic memory. Correct Answer : C 12 : The dramatic case of patient H.M. clearly illustrates that ___________ is crucial for the 2 / 10

formation of long-term memories. A : the hippocampus B : synaptic consolidation C : vitamin B1 D : deep processing Correct Answer : A 13 : Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that A : long-term memory can operate normally while short-term memory is impaired. B : impairment of one memory system (long-term or short-term) necessarily leads to deficits in the functioning of the other. C : a double dissociation exists for short-term and long-term memory. D : short-term memory can operate normally while long-term memory is impaired. Correct Answer : D 14 : Which of the following is NOT a conclusion from the case of H.M., who had an operation to help alleviate his epileptic seizures? A : The hippocampus is necessary for forming new long-term memories. B : Short-term and long-term memories are controlled by different mechanisms. C : Short-term and long-term memories can operate independently of each other. D : Long-term memories are unaffected by damage to the hippocampus. Correct Answer : D 15 : Neuropsychological evidence indicates that short- and long-term memories probably A : represent different aspects of the same mechanism. B : are caused by different mechanisms that depend upon each other. C : both rely most heavily on a semantic coding mechanism. D : are caused by different mechanisms that act independently. Correct Answer : D 16 : ___________ memories are those that we are not aware of. A : Implicit B : Explicit C : Declarative D : All of these are correct Correct Answer : A 17 : Explicit memory is to ___________ as implicit memory is to ___________. A : aware; unaware B : self; others C : primacy; recency D : episodic; semantic Correct Answer : A 18 : Which of the following is NOT an example of an implicit memory? 3 / 10

A : Classical conditioning B : Repetition priming C : Procedural memory D : Semantic memory Correct Answer : D 19 : ___________ memories are to experiences as ___________ memories are to facts. A : Semantic; implicit B : Implicit; episodic C : Episodic; semantic D : Procedural; episodic Correct Answer : C 20 : According to Tulving, the defining property of the experience of episodic memory is that A : it involves mental time travel. B : it always corresponds to events from our past that actually happened. C : it accesses knowledge about the world that does not have to be tied to any specific personal experience. D : it involves both explicit and implicit memories. Correct Answer : A 21 : Which of the following is an example of a semantic memory? A : I remember my earth science teacher telling me how volcanoes erupt. B : I remember seeing a volcano erupt in Hawaii last summer. C : I remember the big island of Hawaii has many active volcanoes. D : I remember volcano was the first word on the list Juan read to me. Correct Answer : C 22 : The following statement represents what kind of memory? The Beatles stopped making music together as a group in the early 1970s. A : Episodic B : Semantic C : Procedural D : Implicit Correct Answer : B 23 : I remember being really excited last year, when my college team won the national championship in basketball. This statement is an example of ___________ memory. A : episodic B : implicit C : semantic D : procedural Correct Answer : A 24 : K.C., who was injured in a motorcycle accident, remembers facts like the difference between a strike and a spare in bowling, but he is unaware of experiencing things like hearing about the circumstances of his brothers death, which occurred two years before the accident. 4 / 10

His memory behavior suggests A : intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory. B : intact procedural memory but defective semantic memory. C : intact episodic memory but defective semantic memory. D : intact episodic memory but defective procedural memory. Correct Answer : A 25 : Your text describes an Italian woman who, after an attack of encephalitis, had difficulty remembering people or facts she knew before. She could, however, remember her life events and daily tasks. Her memory behavior reflects A : intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory. B : intact procedural memory but defective episodic memory. C : intact episodic memory but defective semantic memory. D : intact episodic memory but defective procedural memory. Correct Answer : C 26 : A patient with impaired episodic memory would most likely have the greatest difficulty in A : recognizing famous people. B : remembering the meaning of some words. C : recalling where to find eating utensils in the kitchen. D : remembering graduating from college. Correct Answer : D 27 : Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to autobiographical memories? A : When autobiographical memories are impaired, their episodic content will block access to related semantic content. B : Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content. C : Autobiographical memories are highly accurate from as early as 3 years of age. D : It is not possible to have an autobiographical memory that has only semantic or episodic content. Correct Answer : B 28 : Your text discusses how episodic and semantic memories are interconnected. This discussion revealed that when we experience events, A : episodic memory for events lasts longer than semantic memory for the events. B : the knowledge that makes up semantic memories is initially attained through a personal experience based in episodic memory. C : semantic and episodic memories about events tend to last about the same length of time in our memory. D : semantic memory of events is enhanced when it is not interfered with by associated episodic memories. Correct Answer : B 29 : Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had A : just read about the singer in a magazine. B : just seen the singer on TV. 5 / 10

C : recently seen the singer on TV and read about the singer in a magazine. D : attended the singers concert last year with her boyfriend. Correct Answer : D 30 : One of the defining characteristics of implicit memory is that A : it always leads to episodic memory for events. B : it is enhanced by the self-reference effect. C : people are not conscious they are using it. D : people use it strategically to enhance memory for events. Correct Answer : C 31 : Lucille is teaching Kendra how to play racquetball. She explains how to hold the racquet, how to stand, and how to make effective shots. These learned skills that Lucille has acquired are an example of ___________ memory. A : working B : semantic C : procedural D : autobiographical Correct Answer : C 32 : A man suffering from Korsakoffs syndrome would be able to perform which of the following activities without difficulty? A : Following a story in a book B : Remembering what he needs to buy when he gets to the grocery store C : Recognizing people he has recently met D : Identifying a photograph of his childhood home Correct Answer : D 33 : Memory enhancement due to repetition priming is a result of the test stimulus being A : the same as or resembling the priming stimulus. B : different from the priming stimulus. C : similar in meaning to the priming stimulus. D : different in meaning from the priming stimulus. Correct Answer : A 34 : Work with brain-injured patients reveals that ___________ memory does not depend on conscious memory. A : declarative and non-declarative B : personal semantic and remote C : semantic and episodic D : implicit and procedural Correct Answer : D 35 : Which of the following involves procedural memory? A : Knowing how it feels to be scared B : Recalling a childhood memory C : Knowing how an automobile engine works 6 / 10

D : Reading a sentence in a book Correct Answer : D 36 : The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true A : only when we are aware weve seen them before. B : simply because we have been exposed to them before. C : only when we agree with them. D : unless we are told explicitly that the statements are false. Correct Answer : B 37 : Which of the following is most closely associated with implicit memory? A : The self-reference effect B : The propaganda effect C : Release from proactive inhibition D : Encoding specificity Correct Answer : B 38 : Why is classical conditioning considered a form of implicit memory? A : Because learning the association between the neutral and conditioned stimulus requires effort. B : Because it is based on motor skills similar to procedural memory. C : Because it involves learning an association without being aware of the reasons behind it. D : Because it usually involves memory for the episode in which it occurred. Correct Answer : C 39 : According to your text, which of the following movies is LEAST accurate in its portrayal of a memory problem? A : The Bourne Identity B : Memento C : The Long Kiss Goodnight D : 50 First Dates Correct Answer : D 40 : Semantic memory is to ________ as episodic memory is to ________. A : images; sounds B : implicit; explicit C : knowing; remembering D : fragile; permanent Correct Answer : C 41 : Which of the following correctly lists types of memory from least to most complex? A : Semantic, episodic, visual B : Visual, semantic, episodic C : Episodic, visual, semantic D : Semantic, visual, episodic Correct Answer : B 7 / 10

42 : The coding of a stimulus into memory refers to which of the following? A : Consciousness B : Location C : Process D : Form Correct Answer : D 43 : The type of coding that occurs in a particular situation primarily depends on the ________. A : neurons B : source C : task D : stimulus Correct Answer : C 44 : As people get older, their memories of past experiences tend to have an emphasis on ________. A : facts B : feelings C : episodes D : procedures Correct Answer : A 45 : The constructive episodic stimulation hypothesis describes how our memories are connected to our ________. A : knowledge B : emotions C : future D : neural networks Correct Answer : C 46 : Researchers understood that KF had experienced a decline in short-term memory capacity because he had a digit span of ________ . A : one B : two C : four D : six Correct Answer : B 47 : According to Tulving, an episodic memory is distinguished by the process of ________ it. A : semanticizing B : knowing C : reliving D : coding Correct Answer : C 48 : From a cognitive psychology perspective, memories from specific experiences in our life 8 / 10

are defined as being ________. A : reflective B : subjective C : personal D : autobiographical Correct Answer : D 49 : Procedural memories are also known as ________ memories. A : static B : skill C : explicit D : task Correct Answer : B 50 : Believing that a particular statement is true simply because you have seen the statement in previous instances is known as the ________ effect. A : conditioning B : primacy C : recency D : propaganda Correct Answer : D

ESSAY 51 : Explain how research on brain-damaged individuals informs our understanding of priming in implicit memory. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 52 : Explain the difference between knowing and remembering from Tulvings perspective. Give an example of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : Explain how our episodic memories are linked to the future. Give an example that illustrates the adaptive role of memory in this context. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : In one or two sentences, write an autobiographical memory of something you recently experienced. Then identify the episodic and semantic components of that memory. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : For years, propaganda has been deployed by political leaders and systems in a variety of contexts. From a cognitive psychology perspective, explain why such efforts are often effective. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 9 / 10

56 : Describe the concept of semanticization of remote memories. Give examples across time to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Acquiring information and transforming it into long-term memory is A : state-dependent learning. B : encoding. C : memory consolidation. D : transfer-appropriate processing. Correct Answer : B 2 : Elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by A : repeating it over and over. B : linking the new word to a previously learned concept. C : using it in a sentence. D : thinking of its synonyms and antonyms. Correct Answer : A 3 : How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories? A : Elaborative is more effective than maintenance. B : Maintenance is more effective than elaborative. C : Both are equally effective in all learning circumstances. D : Each one is sometimes more effective, depending on the learning circumstances. Correct Answer : A 4 : Elementary school students in the United States are often taught to use the very familiar word HOMES as a cue for remembering the names of the Great Lakes (each letter in HOMES provides a first-letter cue for one of the lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior). This memory procedure usually works better than repeating the names over and over. The use of this familiar word provides an example of A : a self-reference effect. B : repetition priming. C : implicit memory. D : elaborative rehearsal. Correct Answer : D 5 : Which of the following scenarios best illustrates how effective or ineffective maintenance rehearsal is in transferring information into long-term memory? A : Sanjay recalls his grandmothers house where he grew up, even though he hasnt been there for 22 years. B : Ben learned his martial arts moves by making up short stories and mental images to describe each movement. C : Renee starred in the lead role of her high school play a few years ago. Although she helped write the play and based her character on her own life, she cannot remember many of the actual lines of dialogue anymore. D : Serenas keys were stolen from her purse. She cannot give a detailed description of her keychain to the police, even though she used it every day for three years. Correct Answer : D 1 / 10

6 : The maintenance rehearsal task of learning a word by repeating it over and over again is most likely to A : lead to immediate decay due to retroactive interference. B : produce some short-term remembering, but fail to produce longer-term memories. C : cause sensory memories to interfere with consolidation in working memory. D : lead to effective autobiographical memories. Correct Answer : B 7 : According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is A : encoded. B : stored. C : retrieved. D : consolidated. Correct Answer : A 8 : According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words? A : Making a connection between each word and something youve previously learned B : Deciding how many vowels each word has C : Generating a rhyming word for each word to be remembered D : Repeating the words over and over in your mind Correct Answer : A 9 : Which statement below is most closely associated with levels of processing theory? A : Information enters memory by passing through a number of levels, beginning with sensory memory, then short-term memory, then long-term memory. B : Events that are repeated enough can influence our behavior, even after we have forgotten the original events. C : Deep processing involves paying closer attention to a stimulus than shallow processing and results in better processing. D : People who were sad when they studied did better when they were sad during testing. Correct Answer : C 10 : Which of the following learning techniques is LEAST likely to lead to deep processing of the information? A : Terrell is trying to understand how to use statistics by drawing associations between a set of data describing how adolescents respond to peer pressure and the theories he learned last semester in developmental psychology. B : Maggie is trying to learn new vocabulary words because she is taking the SAT next month. Each day, she selects one word. Throughout the day, she repeats the definition over and over to herself and generates sentences using it in her conversations that day. C : Thuy has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up. D : For his history course, Jorge is trying to learn the order of the U.S. presidents by creating a silly sentence where each consecutive word starts with the same letter of the next president to be remembered. 2 / 10

Correct Answer : C 11 : According to your text, imagery enhances memory because A : research shows people like pictures better than words, so there is an enhanced emotional response. B : the brain processes images more easily than the meanings of words. C : imagery can be used to create connections between items to be remembered. D : pictures fit better with our basic instincts because children learn pictures before reading words. Correct Answer : C 12 : Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many years. She is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as a dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on A : the self-reference effect. B : a mass practice effect. C : the integrative experience effect. D : semantic memory. Correct Answer : A 13 : In Slameka and Grafs (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the A : spacing effect. B : generation effect. C : cued recall effect. D : multiple trace hypothesis. Correct Answer : B 14 : ___________ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory. A : Retrograde B : Encoding C : Retrieval D : Processing Correct Answer : C 15 : Free recall of the stimulus list apple, desk, shoe, sofa, plum, chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants will most likely yield which of these response patterns? A : apple, desk, shoe, coat, lamp, pants B : apple, desk, shoe, sofa, plum, chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants C : apple, cherry, plum, shoe, coat, pants, lamp, chair D : apple, chair, cherry, coat, desk, lamp, plum, shoe, sofa Correct Answer : C 16 : Jenkins and Russell (1952) presented a list of words like chair, apple, dish, shoe, cherry, sofa to participants. In a test, participants recalled the words in a different order than the order in which they were originally presented. This result occurred because of the 3 / 10

A : tendency of objects in the same category to become organized. B : effect of proactive interference. C : way objects like dishes and shoes are encoded visually. D : way the phonological loop reorganizes information based on sound during rehearsal. Correct Answer : A 17 : Bransford and Johnsons study had participants hear a passage, which turned out to be about a man on the street serenading his girlfriend in a tall building. The wording of the passage made it difficult to understand, but looking at a picture made it easier to understand. The results of this study illustrated the importance of ___________ in forming reliable long-term memories. A : implicit memory B : organizational context C : reconsolidation D : imagery Correct Answer : B 18 : The story in the text about the balloons that were used to suspend a speaker in mid-air was used to illustrate the role of ___________ in memory. A : rehearsal B : organization C : depth of processing D : forming connections with other information Correct Answer : B 19 : Examples from your book describing real experiences of how memories, even ones from a long time ago, can be stimulated by locations, songs, and smells highlight the importance of ___________ in long-term memory. A : long-term potentiation B : retrieval cues C : elaborative rehearsal D : mass practice Correct Answer : B 20 : Mantylas banana/yellow, bunches, edible experiment demonstrates that for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created A : by agreement among many people, thus providing proof they are effective. B : by a memory expert who understands what makes cues effective. C : using visual images. D : by the person whose memory will be tested. Correct Answer : D 21 : People often report an annoying memory failure when they walk from one end of the house to the other for something and then forget what they wanted when they reach their destination. As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of A : the self-reference effect. B : maintenance rehearsal. C : levels of processing theory. 4 / 10

D : encoding specificity. Correct Answer : D 22 : The principle that we encode information together with its context is known as encoding A : consolidation. B : priming. C : specificity. D : transcription. Correct Answer : C 23 : Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning? A : Last night, at the grocery store, DeShaun ran into a psychology professor he took a class with three semesters ago. He recognized her right away. B : Even though Walt hasnt been to the beach cottage his parents owned since he was a child, he still has many fond memories of time spent there as a family. C : Although Emily doesnt very often think about her first love, Steve, she cant help getting caught up in happy memories when their song (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio. D : Carmen always suffers test anxiety in her classes. To combat this, she tries to relax when she studies. She thinks its best to study while lying in bed, reading by candlelight with soft music playing. Correct Answer : C 24 : You have been studying for weeks for a nursing school entrance exam. You love the idea of becoming a nurse, and you have been enjoying learning about the material for your exam. Each night, you put on comfortable clothes and study in the quiet of your lovely home. Memory research suggests you should take your test with a(n) ________ mindset. A : excited B : relaxed C : nervous D : neutral Correct Answer : B 25 : Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval. This is called A : transfer-appropriate processing. B : episodic-based processing. C : elaborative rehearsal. D : personal semantic memory. Correct Answer : A 26 : Transfer-appropriate processing is likely to occur if A : the person remembering generates their own retrieval cues. B : the type of encoding task matches the type of retrieval task. C : there is deep processing during acquisition of the new material. D : imagery is used to create connections among items to be transferred into long-term memory. Correct Answer : B 5 / 10

27 : ___________ transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption. A : Amnesia B : Encoding specificity C : Cued-recall D : Consolidation Correct Answer : D 28 : ___________ consolidation involves the gradual reorganization of circuits within brain regions and takes place on a fairly long time scale. A : Remote B : Standard C : Systems D : Synaptic Correct Answer : C 29 : The standard model of consolidation proposes that the hippocampus is A : strongly active for both new memories as they are being consolidated and memories for events that occurred long ago and are already consolidated. B : strongly active for long-ago memories that are already consolidated but becomes less active when memories are first formed and being consolidated. C : strongly active when memories are first formed and being consolidated but becomes less active when retrieving older memories that are already consolidated. D : uninvolved in memory consolidation. Correct Answer : C 30 : Hebbs idea of long-term potentiation, which provides a physiological mechanism for the long-term storage of memories, includes the idea of A : an increase in the size of cell bodies of neurons. B : increased firing in the neurons. C : larger electrical impulses in the synapse. D : the growth of new dendrites in neurons. Correct Answer : B 31 : Your book explains that brief episodes of retrograde amnesia (e.g., the traumatic disruption of newly formed memories when a football player takes a hit to the head and cant recall the last play before the hit) reflect A : a failure of memory consolidation. B : disrupted long-term potentiation. C : temporary post-traumatic stress disorder. D : Korsakoffs syndrome. Correct Answer : A 32 : Retrograde amnesia is usually less severe for ______ memories. A : remote B : recent C : anterograde D : emotional 6 / 10

Correct Answer : A 33 : Lakeisha and Kim have been studying for two hours for their chemistry exam. Both girls are tired of studying. Lakeisha decides to watch a two-hour movie on DVD, while Kim decides to go to bed. What would you predict about their performance on the chemistry exam? A : Lakeisha performs better because of consolidation. B : Kim performs better because of consolidation. C : Lakeisha performs better because of encoding specificity. D : Kim performs better because of encoding specificity. Correct Answer : B 34 : Experimental evidence suggesting that the standard model of consolidation needs to be revised are data that show that the hippocampus was activated during retrieval of ___________ memories. A : recent and remote episodic B : recent and remote semantic C : recent episodic D : remote semantic Correct Answer : A 35 : Recent research on memory, based largely on fear conditioning in rats, indicates that A : fear conditioning is the most effective kind of conditioning for forming durable memories. B : memories are not susceptible to disruption once consolidation has occurred. C : when a memory is reactivated, it becomes capable of being changed or altered, just as it was immediately after it was formed. D : memory consolidation does not occur when animals are afraid of a stimulus. Correct Answer : C 36 : Treatment of PTSD has benefitted from recent research on A : levels of processing. B : depth of processing. C : transfer-appropriate processing. D : reconsolidation. Correct Answer : D 37 : According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are A : short but all on a single day. B : long and all on a single day. C : short and across several days. D : long and across several days. Correct Answer : C 38 : Katie and Alana are roommates taking the same psychology class. They have a test in four days during a 10:0011:00 AM class period. Both women intend to study for three hours, but because of different work schedules, Katie will study one hour for each of the next three days, while Alana will study three hours the day before the exam. What could you predict about their performances? 7 / 10

A : Katie and Alana should perform equally well, because each studied the same time overall (supporting the equal-time hypothesis). B : Alana will perform better because of a long-term memory recency effect. C : Katie should perform better because of the spacing effect. D : State-dependent learning predicts that Katie should perform better, because the exam takes place during a one-hour class period. Correct Answer : C 39 : Research shows that ___________ does not improve reading comprehension because it does not encourage elaborative processing of the material. A : organization B : highlighting C : making up questions about the material D : feedback Correct Answer : B 40 : Research into reconsolidation of memories in people who have PTSD has focused on the ________ aspects of memory. A : episodic B : visual C : emotional D : systemic Correct Answer : C 41 : James Nairne would say that effective encoding of memory is based on which of the following? A : Rehearsal B : Survival C : Specificity D : Mood Correct Answer : B 42 : Dr. Leung is leading a research team to explore the retrieval practice effect. Which of the following will likely be a key component of her teams research protocol? A : Sleeping B : Elaborating C : Organizing D : Testing Correct Answer : D 43 : Within the context of studying, which of the following would be related to an illusion? A : Encoding B : Highlighting C : Spacing D : Sleeping Correct Answer : B 8 / 10

44 : Which of the following provides the key benefit to the generate-and-test study strategy? A : Classification B : Elaboration C : Rehearsal D : Engagement Correct Answer : D 45 : The concept of encoding specificity is grounded in which of the following? A : Task B : Structure C : Mood D : Location Correct Answer : D 46 : Which of the following is a key factor in the memory-enhancing capacity of sleep? A : Classification B : Elaboration C : Distraction D : Reconsolidation Correct Answer : C 47 : The concept of reconsolidation is based on the ________ of retrieved memories. A : classification B : emotionality C : potentiation D : fragility Correct Answer : D 48 : In the experiment conducted by Viskontas and coworkers using picture pairs, a participants later experience of familiarity with a particular pair was coded as ________. A : sense. B : know. C : think. D : remember. Correct Answer : B 49 : When the methods used to encode and retrieve information are the same, this is called ________ processing. A : state-dependent B : stimulus-fluency C : transfer-appropriate D : recall-potentiation Correct Answer : C 50 : What is the key difference between synaptic consolidation and systems consolidation? A : Content B : Scale 9 / 10

C : State D : Consciousness Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 51 : Mantylas banana/yellow, bunches, edible experiment employed three conditions, which yielded quite different results. Describe the three conditions as well as the results of each. What do these results predict about students studying from their own notebooks versus studying from notes borrowed from a classmate? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 52 : Most teachers commonly give their students short quizzes on material learned, before later giving a larger test on a full chapter or unit. From a cognitive psychology perspective, explain why this strategy is beneficial to student learning and test performance. Cite research to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : Compare and contrast the concepts of fluency and familiarity, and explain their role in the context of studying and learning. Give examples of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Explain the logic behind the statement that the pen is mightier than the keyboard. Be sure to include concepts related to long-term memory in your response. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : Explain the concepts of encoding specificity, state-dependent learning, and transferappropriate processing. Give an example of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : Compare and contrast the concepts of synaptic consolidation and systems consolidation. Be sure to refer to specific models as appropriate. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 57 : Describe the principle and process underlying the memory work conducted with people who have PTSD. Be sure to use core concepts from the chapter in your response. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Autobiographical memory research shows that a persons brain is more extensively activated when viewing photos A : the person has seen before. B : of familiar places. C : the person took himself or herself. D : the person has never seen before. Correct Answer : C 2 : For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for A : childhood and adolescence. B : adolescence and young adulthood. C : young adulthood and middle age. D : childhood and middle age. Correct Answer : B 3 : Asking people to recall the most influential events that happened during their college careers shows that __________ in peoples lives appear to be particularly memorable. A : trauma-based experiences B : family-centered challenges C : the freshman year D : transition points Correct Answer : D 4 : The observation that older adults often become nostalgic for the good old days reflects the self-image hypothesis, which states that A : life in a society gets more complicated and difficult as generations pass. B : memory for life events is enhanced during the time we assume our life identities. C : people tend to remember more of the positive events in their lives than negative ones. D : our memories change as we live longer and have more lifetime periods to draw events from. Correct Answer : B 5 : Schrauf and Rubins two groups of immigrants study found that the reminiscence bump coincided with periods of rapid change, occurring at a normal age for people emigrating early in life but shifting to 15 years later for those who emigrated later. These results support the A : cognitive hypothesis. B : self-image hypothesis. C : narrative rehearsal hypothesis. D : autobiographical hypothesis. Correct Answer : A 6 : Extrapolating from the cultural life script hypothesis, which of the following events would be easiest to recall? A : Retiring from work at age 40 B : Marrying at age 60 C : Graduating from college at age 22 1 / 11

D : Having a child at age 45 Correct Answer : C 7 : Stanny and Johnsons weapons focus experiment, investigating memory for crime scenes, found that A : the presence of a weapon enhances memory for all parts of the event. B : the presence of a weapon has no effect on memory for the event. C : the threat of a weapon causes people to focus their attention away from the weapon itself. D : the presence of a weapon hinders memory for other parts of the event. Correct Answer : D 8 : Flashbulb memory is best represented by which of the following statements? A : It is vivid memory for emotional events. B : It is vivid, highly accurate memory for the circumstances surrounding how a person heard about an emotional event. C : It is memory for the circumstances surrounding how a person heard about an emotional event that remains especially vivid but not necessarily accurate over time. D : It is vivid, highly accurate memory for emotional events. Correct Answer : C 9 : A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that A : rehearsal cannot account for them. B : peoples confidence in a memory predicts its accuracy (high confidence = high accuracy). C : extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate. D : they are permanent and resist forgetting. Correct Answer : C 10 : Experiments that argue against a special flashbulb memory mechanism find that as time increases since the occurrence of the flashbulb event, participants A : remember more details about the event. B : make more errors in their recollections. C : report less confidence about their recollections. D : report less vivid recollections of the event. Correct Answer : B 11 : Your text describes an experiment by Talarico and Rubin (2003) that measured peoples memories of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Which of the following was the primary result of that research? A : Participants had very little confidence in the accuracy of their memories of the events 32 weeks after they occurred. B : Participants had a very high level of confidence of the terrorist events and also had high confidence in their present everyday memories 32 weeks later. C : Participants had high confidence in the accuracy of their memories of the terrorist events 32 weeks later, but when actually tested made significant errors when asked what they were doing on the day of the attacks. D : After 32 weeks, participants had a high level of confidence in their memories of the terrorist events, but lower belief in their memories of everyday events. 2 / 11

Correct Answer : D 12 : The idea that we remember life events better because we encounter the information over and over in what we read, see on TV, and talk about with other people is called the A : narrative rehearsal hypothesis. B : cognitive hypothesis. C : life-narrative hypothesis. D : reminiscence hypothesis. Correct Answer : A 13 : According to the ______ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations. A : event-specific B : source C : constructive D : misinformation Correct Answer : C 14 : The telephone game is often played by children. One child creates a story and whispers it to a second child, who does the same to a third child, and so on. When the last child recites the story to the group, his or her reproduction of the story is generally shorter than the original and contains many omissions and inaccuracies. This game shows how memory is a __________ process. A : life-narrative B : narrative-rehearsal C : consequentiality based D : constructive Correct Answer : D 15 : In the War of the Ghosts experiment, participants reproductions contained inaccuracies based on A : narrative rehearsal. B : source misattributions. C : cultural expectations. D : shallow processing. Correct Answer : C 16 : Bartletts experiment in which English participants were asked to recall the War of the Ghosts story that was taken from the French Indian culture illustrated the A : misinformation effect. B : familiarity effect. C : constructive nature of memory. D : reminiscence bump. Correct Answer : C 17 : The repeated reproduction technique used in memory studies involves A : the same participants remembering some information at longer and longer intervals after 3 / 11

learning the information. B : different groups of participants remembering some information across different periods of time after learning the information. C : the same participants remembering some information for as many trials as it takes to recall all of the information correctly. D : the same participants recalling some information many times but, each time, receiving different retrieval cues to assist their recall. Correct Answer : A 18 : Wei has allergy symptoms. He has gone to his regular doctor and an allergy specialist, but he wasnt given a prescription by either doctor. Instead, he was advised to buy an over-thecounter medicine. While he was in the specialists waiting area, he read a magazine where he saw three ads for an allergy medicine called SneezeLess. A week later, in a drug store, Wei says to his brother, My doctor says SneezeLess works great. Ill buy that one. Wei and his doctor never discussed SneezeLess. Wei has fallen victim to which of the following errors? A : MPI B : Recovered memory C : Schema confusion D : Source monitoring Correct Answer : D 19 : Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as A : narrative rehearsal. B : cryptoamnesia. C : repeated reproduction. D : repeated recall. Correct Answer : B 20 : Jacobys experiment, in which participants made judgments about whether they had previously seen the names of famous and non-famous people, found that inaccurate memories based on source misattributions occurred after a delay of A : one week. B : 24 hours. C : one hour. D : one month. Correct Answer : B 21 : The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of __________ on memory. A : repeated rehearsal of distinctive names B : source misattributions C : encoding specificity D : schemas Correct Answer : B 22 : __________ occurs when reading a sentence leads a person to expect something that is not explicitly stated or necessarily implied by the sentence. 4 / 11

A : Observer perspective B : Pragmatic inference C : Prospective memory D : Automatic narrative Correct Answer : B 23 : The experiment in which participants first read sentences about a baseball game and were then asked to identify sentences they had seen before, illustrated that memory A : is better for vivid descriptions. B : is like a tape recording. C : depends on the participants mood. D : involves making inferences. Correct Answer : D 24 : Arkes and Freedmans baseball game experiment asked participants to indicate whether the following sentence was present in a passage they had previously read about events in a game: The batter was safe at first. Their findings showed inaccurate memories involved A : omissions of information that was presented. B : participants who did not understand baseball and assumed more information was presented than actually was. C : creations from inferences based on baseball knowledge. D : confusions about presented information when it was ambiguous. Correct Answer : C 25 : Your friend has been sick for several days, so you go over to her home to make her some chicken soup. Searching for a spoon, you first reach in a top drawer beside the dishwasher. Then, you turn to the big cupboard beside the stove to search for a pan. In your search, you have relied on a kitchen A : source memory. B : script. C : schema. D : scan technique. Correct Answer : C 26 : In the experiment in which participants sat in an office and then were asked to remember what they saw in the office, participants remembered some things, like books, that werent actually there. This experiment illustrates the effect of __________ on memory. A : schemas B : scripts C : confabulation D : bias Correct Answer : A 27 : A script is a type of schema that also includes knowledge of A : a sequence of actions. B : what is involved in a particular experience. C : information stored in both semantic and episodic memory. D : items appropriate to a particular setting. 5 / 11

Correct Answer : A 28 : Jackie went to the grocery store to pick up yogurt, bread, and apples. First, she picked up a hand basket for carrying her groceries, and then she searched the store. After finding what she needed, she stood in a check-out line. Then, the cashier put her items in a plastic bag, and soon after, Jackie left the store. As readers of this event, we understand that Jackie paid for the groceries, even though it wasnt mentioned, because we are relying on a grocery store _____. A : misattribution B : script C : narrative D : schema Correct Answer : B 29 : In the word list false memory experiment where several students incorrectly remembered hearing the word sleep, false memory occurs because of A : constructive memory processes. B : verbatim recall. C : the effect of scripts. D : cryptoamnesia Correct Answer : A 30 : Your texts discussion of false memories leads to the conclusion that false memories A : arise from the same constructive processes that produce true memories. B : occur for details but not for entire events. C : occur in laboratory settings but do not occur in real-world circumstances. D : do not occur for all people but rather are experienced by suggestible or inattentive people. Correct Answer : A 31 : The conclusion to be drawn from the man named Shereshevskii whose abnormal brain functioning gave him virtually limitless word-for-word memory is that having memory like a video recorder A : is largely a blessing because no event would be erased. B : is an advantage because it eliminates selective recording (remembering some events and forgetting others), which provides no useful service to humans. C : helped him draw powerful inferences and intelligent conclusions from his vast knowledge base. D : can seriously disrupt functioning in ones personal life Correct Answer : D 32 : S, who had a photographic memory that was described as virtually limitless, was able to achieve many feats of memory. According to the discussion in your text, Ss memory system operated A : in a manner that bypassed normal neurological blocks. B : less efficiently than normal. C : using more visual encoding than normal. D : using stronger semantic connections than normal. Correct Answer : B 6 / 11

33 : The misinformation effect occurs when a persons memory for an event is modified by misleading information presented A : before the event. B : during the event. C : after the event. D : all of the above Correct Answer : C 34 : Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding post-event information and the misinformation effect? A : The misinformation effect does not occur when people are told explicitly that the post-event information may be incorrect B : Even when participants are told that the post-event information is incorrect, the misinformation effect can still occur. C : Misinformation effects are significantly reduced when post-event information is provided, but only if that information is given within just a few minutes of the initial event. D : The provision of accurate post-event information provided a paradoxical (and as of yet unexplained) increase in the misinformation effect Correct Answer : B 35 : In Lindsays misinformation effect experiment, participants saw a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer. This slide presentation included narration by a female speaker who described what was happening in the slides as they were shown. Results showed that the misinformation effect was greatest when presentation of misleading post-event information was A : visual. B : auditory, regardless of the gender of the speaker. C : auditory from a female speaker. D : auditory from a male speaker. Correct Answer : C 36 : Lindsays misinformation effect experiment, in which participants were given a memory test about a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, showed that participants are influenced by misleading post-event information A : if they believe the post-event information is correct. B : only if the misleading post-event information is presented immediately after viewing the event. C : even if they are told to ignore the post-event information. D : if the misleading post-event information is consistent with social stereotypes. Correct Answer : C 37 : Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research? A : Suggestion can create false memories for events that occurred when a person was a young child. B : Suggestion can create false memories for an event that a person has experienced just recently. C : Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the perpetrator from a lineup. 7 / 11

D : Many miscarriages of justice have occurred based on faulty eyewitness testimony. Correct Answer : C 38 : Your texts discussion of eyewitness testimony illustrates that this type of memory is frequently influenced by all of the following EXCEPT A : failing to elaboratively rehearse these kinds of events due to fear. B : inattention to relevant information due to the emotional nature of these events. C : source-monitoring errors due to familiarity. D : increased confidence due to post-event questioning. Correct Answer : A 39 : Research on eyewitness testimony reveals that A : highly confident eyewitnesses are usually accurate. B : it is unnecessary to warn an eyewitness that a suspect may or may not be in a lineup. C : when viewing a lineup, an eyewitnesss confidence in his or her choice of the suspect can be increased by an authoritys confirmation of his or her choice, even when the choice is wrong. D : despite public misconception, eyewitnesses are usually very accurate when selecting a perpetrator from a lineup. Correct Answer : C 40 : Much research has been dedicated to improving the reliability of eyewitness testimony. One finding reveals that when constructing a lineup, A : increasing similarity between fillers and a suspect leads to an increased level of erroneous identification of innocent people. B : increasing similarity between fillers and a suspect leads to an increased level of missed identification of some guilty suspects. C : increasing the number of fillers from 5 to 7 actually decreases the rate of false positive identifications. D : decreasing the number of fillers from 6 to 3 actually increases the rate of false positive identifications. Correct Answer : B 41 : Which of the following statements is true of the cognitive interview technique? A : Police ask witnesses questions and have them rate their confidence level in their recollections. B : Police offer positive reinforcement to witnesses (e.g., Good, that makes sense.) when the witnesses give information consistent with what is in the police file. C : Police allow witnesses to talk with a minimum of interruption from the officer. D : Police start their interview with simple filler questions to make the witnesses feel comfortable. Correct Answer : C 42 : The wedding reception false memory experiment shows that false memories can be explained as a product of familiarity and A : retroactive interference. B : consequentiality. C : source misattribution. D : confabulation. 8 / 11

Correct Answer : C 43 : Latoya is remembering a fun day at the beach that she had with her dad when she was a little girl. Which region of brain will have the LEAST connection to the more personal aspects of Latoyas memory? A : Amygdala B : Parietal cortex C : Hippocampus D : Prefrontal cortex Correct Answer : D 44 : Ellen is 52 years old. Which of the following experiences has most likely faded from her memory? A : Winning the first grade spelling bee B : Going to her high school prom C : Moving into her first apartment D : Getting her drivers license Correct Answer : A 45 : According to the cognitive hypothesis, experiences that occur during periods of rapid personal development followed by periods of stability tend to be easier to remember due to which of the following? A : Narrative rehearsing B : Cultural scripts C : Strong encoding D : Youth bias Correct Answer : C 46 : Which of the following has been shown to play a role in the strength of memories that are associated with emotion? A : Androgen B : Cholesterol C : Acetylcholine D : Cortisol Correct Answer : D 47 : Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of flashbulb memories? A : Circumstantial B : Accurate C : Intense D : Malleable Correct Answer : B 48 : Which of the following is key to the illusory truth effect? A : Culture B : Source C : Repetition 9 / 11

D : Stress Correct Answer : C 49 : Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, Harry believes that drinking dandelion tea would improve his long-term memory because he saw several news stories and articles about it online. What is Harry experiencing? A : Pragmatic inference B : Misinformation effect C : Illusory truth effect D : Source monitoring error Correct Answer : C 50 : Memories of the past that have been pushed out of a persons consciousness are considered to be ________. A : repressed B : false C : illusory D : flashbulbs Correct Answer : A 51 : After witnessing a bank robbery downtown, Javier completed a cognitive interview at the police station. What term would Javier likely use to describe his interview experience? A : Structured B : Autobiographical C : Suggestible D : Multidimensional Correct Answer : D 52 : The other day, Thuy experienced a Proustian effect memory. What did Thuy likely do to trigger this experience? A : Recall abuse B : Hear a song C : See a weapon D : Smell perfume Correct Answer : D 53 : Which of the following is most commonly associated with music-enhanced autobiographical memories (MEAMS)? A : Repression B : Trauma C : Culture D : Emotion Correct Answer : D

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54 : Define source monitoring errors and describe some research that illustrates them. Then explain why these errors reinforce the characterization of memory as being constructive. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : An important application of memory research has been in understanding the nature of eyewitness testimony. Citing the research in your text, explain why people make errors in eyewitness testimony. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : Explain why a flashbulb memory is both special and ordinary. Provide an example of a flashbulb memory from your own experience to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 57 : Explain why it is better that we cannot remember every single thing that we experience. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 58 : In the discussion of the case of Robert Cotton, the text states that Jennifer Thompson remembered Cotton as being the man who attacked her in 1984. Explain why the word remembered was in quotes, both in the context of the case and in a broader context of overall memory. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 59 : Provide an example of when you experienced the Proustian effect. What was your response to the experience? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 60 : Define the illusory truth effect. What are some potential dangers or risks associated with this phenomenon? Give an example to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Two different definitions of ___________ offered by your book include (a) the mental representation of a class or individual, and (b) categories of objects, events, and abstract ideas. A : exemplars B : concepts C : units D : prototypes Correct Answer : B 2 : Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the ___________ approach to categorization. A : prototype B : exemplar C : definitional D : family resemblance Correct Answer : C 3 : The definitional approach to categorization A : is not well suited for geometrical objects but works for familiar everyday objects. B : sets definite criteria called family resemblances that all category members must have. C : doesnt work well for most natural objects like birds, trees, and plants. D : was proposed to replace the prototype approach. Correct Answer : C 4 : The principle illustrated when most people are able to recognize a variety of examples of chairs even though no one category member may have all of the characteristic properties of chairs (e.g., most chairs have four legs but not all do) is A : family resemblance. B : prototypicality. C : graded membership. D : instance theory. Correct Answer : A 5 : ___________is a typical member of a category. A : A prototype B : An exemplar C : A unit D : A component Correct Answer : A 6 : The prototype approach to categorization states that a standard representation of a category is based on A : the definition of the category. B : a universal set of category members. C : a defined set of category members. 1 / 12

D : category members that have been encountered in the past. Correct Answer : D 7 : Which approach to categorization involves forming a standard representation based on an average of category members that a person has encountered in the past? A : Exemplar B : Network C : Typicality D : Prototype Correct Answer : D 8 : Jorge and Bob are neighbors. Jorge loves birds and his father works for the zoo. He has been to a dozen bird sanctuaries, and he and his dad go on bird watching hikes once a month. In contrast, Bob doesnt think much about birds. His only contact with them is in his backyard. It would be correct to say that Jorges standard probably involves A : more prototypes than Bobs. B : more exemplars than Bobs. C : more prototypes and more exemplars than Bobs. D : the same prototypes and exemplars as Bobs. Correct Answer : B 9 : A task for determining how prototypical an object is would be A : a fill in the blank task where participants generate paired members within a category. B : a task where participants rate the extent to which each member represents the category title. C : a task where participants rate the extent to which category members resemble one another. D : a fill in the blank task where participants generate the category classification for a list of members. Correct Answer : B 10 : Items high on prototypicality have ___________ family resemblances. A : no B : weak C : moderate D : strong Correct Answer : D 11 : Which of the following reaction time data sets illustrates the typicality effect for the bird category, given the following three trials?(NOTE: Read data sets as RTs for Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3)Trial 1: An owl is a bird.Trial 2: A penguin is a bird.Trial 3: A sparrow is a bird. A : 583: 518: 653 ms B : 518: 583: 653 ms C : 583: 653: 518 ms D : 653: 583: 518 ms Correct Answer : C 12 : According to the typicality effect A : objects in a category have a family resemblance to one another. 2 / 12

B : objects that are not typical stand out and so are more easily remembered. C : items that are high in prototypicality are judged more rapidly as being in a group. D : we remember typical objects better than nontypical objects. Correct Answer : C 13 : For the category fruit, people give a higher typicality rating to banana than to kiwi. Knowing that, we can also reason that A : the word fruit will lead to a larger priming effect for banana than for kiwi. B : when people are asked to list all the fruits they can think of, kiwi will usually appear on their list before banana. C : neither kiwi nor banana is likely to be the fruit closest to the prototype of the fruit category. D : people will have a similar number of exemplars for kiwi and banana. Correct Answer : A 14 : Priming occurs when presentation of one stimulus A : disrupts the processing of another stimulus. B : acts as a cue that tells the participant when his or her response was correct. C : facilitates the response to another stimulus that usually follows closely in time. D : relates to a prototype in a way that is unrelated to associated exemplars. Correct Answer : C 15 : Rosch found that participants respond more rapidly in a samedifferent task when presented with good examples of colors such as red and green than when they are presented with poor examples such as pink and light green. The result of this experiment was interpreted as supporting the ___________ approach to categorization. A : exemplar B : prototype C : network D : parallel processing Correct Answer : B 16 : If you say that a Labrador retriever is my idea of a typical dog, you would be using the ___________ approach to categorization. A : exemplar B : definitional C : family resemblance D : prototype Correct Answer : A 17 : ___________ are actual members of a category that a person has encountered in the past. A : Icons B : Prototypes C : Units D : Exemplars Correct Answer : D 18 : An advantage of the exemplar approach over the prototype approach is that the exemplar 3 / 12

approach provides a better explanation of the ___________ effect. A : resemblance B : typicality C : priming D : reaction time Correct Answer : B 19 : Which approach to categorization can more easily take into account atypical cases such as flightless birds? A : Exemplar B : Prototype C : Definitional D : Network Correct Answer : A 20 : Imagine that a young child is just learning about the category dog. Thus far, she has experienced only two dogs, one a poodle and the other a German shepherd. On her third encounter with a dog, she will be LEAST likely to correctly categorize the animal as a dog if that animal A : matches the size of the poodle but is of a different breed. B : is a breed of dog that is hairless and teacup-sized. C : matches an exemplar of one of the dogs she has experienced. D : is similar to an average for the dogs she has encountered. Correct Answer : B 21 : Research suggests that the ___________ approach to categorization works best for small categories (e.g., U.S. presidents). A : semantic network B : definitional C : prototype D : exemplar Correct Answer : D 22 : According to Rosch, the ___________ level of categories reflects peoples everyday experience. A : exemplary B : prototypical C : basic D : subordinate Correct Answer : C 23 : Which of the following would be in a basic level category? A : Truck B : Vehicle C : Pickup truck D : Transportation Correct Answer : A 4 / 12

24 : Based on the information your textbook provided about different category types, jumping from ___________ categories results in the largest gain in information. A : superordinate level to basic level B : basic level to subordinate level C : subordinate level to basic level D : basic level to superordinate level Correct Answer : A 25 : Which of the following represents a basic level item? A : Musical instrument B : Guitar C : Rock guitar D : Paul McCartneys bass guitar Correct Answer : B 26 : Rosch and coworkers conducted an experiment in which participants were shown a category label, like a car or vehicle, and then, after a brief delay, saw a picture. The participants task was to indicate as rapidly as possible whether the picture was a member of the category. Their results showed A : the priming effect was most robust for superordinate level categories. B : the priming effect was most robust for basic level categories. C : no measurable priming effect. D : the priming effect was the same for superordinate and basic level categories. Correct Answer : B 27 : Your text describes cross-cultural studies of categorization with U.S. and Itzaj participants. Given the results of these studies, we know that if asked to name basic level objects for a category, U.S. participants would answer ___________ and Itzaj participants would answer ___________. A : tree; tree B : tree; oak C : oak; tree D : oak; oak Correct Answer : B 28 : In the semantic network model, a specific category or concept is represented at a A : link. B : input unit. C : node. D : output unit. Correct Answer : C 29 : The ___________ model includes associations between concepts and the property of spreading activation. A : parallel distributed processing B : connectionist network C : neural network 5 / 12

D : semantic network Correct Answer : D 30 : Which of the following terms is most closely associated with semantic networks? A : Distributed processing B : Cognitive economy C : Prototype formation D : Serial processing Correct Answer : B 31 : Which of the choices best represents cognitive economy in the following sentence? The property _______is stored at the _______node. A : can fly; bird B : can fly; canary C : has feathers; ostrich D : bird; penguin Correct Answer : A 32 : The semantic network model predicts that the time it takes for a person to retrieve information about a concept should be determined by A : the amount of information contained in each concept. B : the distance that must be traveled through the network. C : the typicality of the information contained in each concept. D : the representativeness of the information contained in each concept. Correct Answer : B 33 : In evaluating retrieval rates for category information for a concept, Collins and Quillians semantic network approach would predict the slowest reaction times for which of the following statements using a sentence verification technique? A : A field sparrow is a bird. B : A field sparrow is a sparrow. C : A field sparrow is an animal. D : A field sparrow is a field sparrow. Correct Answer : C 34 : Which of the following is NOT associated with the semantic network model? A : Family resemblance B : Hierarchical organization C : Cognitive economy D : Spreading activation Correct Answer : A 35 : According to Collins and Quillians semantic network model, it should take longest to verify which statement below? A : Turtles are turtles. B : A turtle is an animal. C : A turtle is related to a fish. 6 / 12

D : A turtle is an amphibian. Correct Answer : B 36 : Collins and Quillian explained the results of priming experiments by introducing the concept of ___________ into their network model. A : spreading activation B : cognitive economy C : typicality D : back propagation Correct Answer : A 37 : Spreading activation A : primes associated concepts. B : inhibits unrelated concepts. C : creates new links between associated concepts. D : weakens the link between unrelated concepts. Correct Answer : A 38 : In a lexical decision task, participants have to decide whether A : a statement is true. B : a presented stimulus is a word. C : a stimulus is presented. D : two stimuli are associated. Correct Answer : B 39 : Collins and Quillians semantic network model predicts that the reaction time to verify a canary is a bird is ___________ the reaction time to verify an ostrich is a bird. A : interfered with by B : faster than C : the same as D : slower than Correct Answer : C 40 : Which of the following is a connectionist model proposing that concepts are represented by activity that is spread across a network? A : Semantic network theory B : The prototype approach C : Parallel distributed processing theory D : Enhancement due to priming Correct Answer : C 41 : Which of the following is NOT one of the types of units found within a parallel distributed processing model? A : Hidden units B : Input units C : Working units D : Output units 7 / 12

Correct Answer : C 42 : One of the key properties of the ___________ approach is that a specific concept is represented by activity that is distributed over many units in the network. A : semantic network B : hierarchical C : spreading activation D : connectionist Correct Answer : D 43 : Which of the following is NOT a property of the connectionist approach? A : The operation of connectionist networks is not totally disrupted by damage. B : Connectionist networks can explain generalization of learning. C : Before any learning has occurred in the network, the weights in the network all equal zero. D : The connectionist model is rather complex, and involves components like units, links, and connection weights. Correct Answer : C 44 : Learning takes place in a connectionist network through a process of ___________ in which an error signal is transmitted starting from the property units. A : graceful degradation B : error verification C : spreading activation D : back propagation Correct Answer : D 45 : The process of back propagation is most closely associated with A : semantic networks. B : connectionist networks. C : reasoning about categories. D : spreading activation. Correct Answer : B 46 : Learning in the connectionist network is represented by adjustments to network A : connection weights. B : nodes. C : hidden units. D : output units. Correct Answer : A 47 : The connectionist network has learned the correct pattern for a concept when A : the connection weights add up to exactly +1.00. B : the output pattern matches the initial input pattern and this symmetry becomes locked into the system. C : the error signals are reduced to nearly none and the correct properties are assigned. D : the output unit response is greater than zero and the input signal has to compensate. 8 / 12

Correct Answer : C 48 : One beneficial property of connectionist networks is graceful degradation, which refers to the property that A : these networks learn by a process that is analogous to the way a child learns about the world by making mistakes and being corrected. B : learning a new concept does not interfere with remembering a previously learned concept. C : damage to the system does not completely disrupt its operation. D : learning can be generalized between similar concepts to facilitate future learning. Correct Answer : C 49 : According to the sensory-functional hypothesis, our ability to differentiate living things and artifacts depends on a semantic memory system that distinguishes _____ and one that distinguishes _____. A : sensations; facts B : sensory attributes; function C : serial nodes; familiar concepts D : sequential networks; familial resemblance Correct Answer : B 50 : According to the ___________ approach, there are certain types of concepts that have specific neural circuits in the brain. A : semantic category B : neuronal limitation C : multiple-factor D : sensory-functional Correct Answer : A 51 : It may be difficult for young Matthew, who is only 4 years of age, to understand the difference between the iPad that his mother uses, the Kindle that his brother uses, and the Galaxy tablet that his sister uses. After all, all of them are tablets, have touch screens, are electronic technology, and run apps that include games and educational programs. These similarities remind us of the concept of ___________, which refers to the fact that animals tend to share many different properties. A : obstruction B : convergence C : crowding D : overlapping Correct Answer : C 52 : The four proposals addressing the representation of concepts in the brain all agree that the information is ________. A : subordinate B : graded C : distributed D : fragile Correct Answer : C 9 / 12

53 : According to the connectionist model, which of the following is impacted by connection weight? A : Category priming B : Storage capacity C : Sensory reactivation D : Synapse activity Correct Answer : D 54 : Which of the following lies at the foundation of a connectionist network? A : Crowding B : Learning C : Prototyping D : Mirroring Correct Answer : B 55 : In the context of cognitive psychology and conceptual models, a tool would be classified as a(n) ________. A : example B : spoke C : artifact D : node Correct Answer : C 56 : In the multiple-factor approach, the fact that people exhibit physical attributes, actions, and emotions is known as ________. A : weighting B : stacking C : loading D : crowding Correct Answer : D 57 : Which of the following theories on conceptual representation combines both sensory and motor experiences? A : The sensory-functional hypothesis B : The embodied approach C : The multiple-factor approach D : The hub and spoke model Correct Answer : B 58 : One criticism of the embodied approach is that it doesnt explain how humans can recognize ________. A : colors B : abstractions C : actions D : artifacts Correct Answer : B 10 / 12

59 : A person who has been diagnosed with ________ dementia has difficulty recognizing both living things and artifacts. A : semantic B : symbiotic C : parallel D : superordinate Correct Answer : A 60 : According to the hub and spoke model, which area of the brain serves as the hub? A : Medial thalamus B : Anterior temporal lobe C : Parietal lobe D : Occipital lobe Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 61 : Describe the prototype approach to categorization. Define prototype and give examples for the category of clothing. Mention one item that is high and one that is low on prototypicality in the clothing category. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 62 : Explain how learning occurs in a connectionist network. Describe the process of back propagation. How is the pattern of output activity in a network adjusted so that the output signal matches the correct signal for a given stimulus? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 63 : Explain what is meant by the statement: The concept cat is the answer to the question What is a cat? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 64 : Explain how personal knowledge impacts the basic level of categorization under Roschs approach. Give examples comparing two individuals knowledge of a concept to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 65 : Present a hierarchical model for a living thing or artifact, moving from specific to general. Include at least three levels and be sure to include both sensory and functional properties. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 66 : Choose two of the following approaches to compare and contrast: sensory-functional hypothesis, multiple-factor approach, semantic category approach, and embodied approach. Indicate which proposal you think is strongest and which is weakest, providing information to support your opinion. 11 / 12

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Mental imagery involves A : experiencing a sensory impression in the absence of sensory input. B : mental representations of the current sensory inputs. C : sensory representations of a stimulus. D : the misrepresentation of a stimulus as possessing physical attributes that are, in fact, absent. Correct Answer : A 2 : Ira and his sister are playing Name that Tune, the object of which is to name the title of the song when given the songs first line. Ira suggests the line Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? His sister cant come up with the answer at first, but realizing that the title is often embedded in the lyrics, she tries to sing them silently to herself. She then bursts out Ah! Its Winter Wonderland! It is most likely that Iras sister used ___________ in playing the game. A : mental chronometry B : mental synthesis C : visual imagery D : inner audition Correct Answer : D 3 : Behaviorists branded the study of imagery as being unproductive because A : some people have great difficulty forming visual images. B : visual images vary in detail. C : visual images are invisible to everyone except the person experiencing them. D : the imageless thought debate was unresolved. Correct Answer : C 4 : Early researchers of imagery (beginning with Aristotle until just prior to the dominance of behaviorism) proposed all of the following ideas EXCEPT A : studying images was a way of studying thinking. B : images are one of the three basic elements of consciousness. C : imagery requires a special mechanism. D : thought is impossible without an image. Correct Answer : C 5 : Which statement below is most closely associated with the early history of the study of imagery? A : Imagery is based on spatial mechanisms like those involved in perception. B : Thought is always accompanied by imagery. C : People can rotate images of objects in their heads. D : Imagery is closely related to language. Correct Answer : B 6 : Paivio (1963) proposed the conceptual peg hypothesis. His work suggests which of the following would be most difficult to remember? A : Baseball 1 / 10

B : America C : Apple pie D : Freedom Correct Answer : D 7 : Peggy is participating in a paired-associate learning experiment. During the study period, she is presented with pairs of words such as boathat and carhouse. While taking the test, she would be presented with A : b___ h___. B : boat _______ car ________. C : house. D : a blank piece of paper for free recall. Correct Answer : B 8 : The conceptual peg hypothesis would predict enhanced memory for which word pair? A : True lies B : Amazing grace C : Cake mug D : Mission impossible Correct Answer : C 9 : Shepard and Metzler measured the time it took for participants to decide whether two objects were the same (two different views of the same object) or different (two different objects). These researchers inferred cognitive processes by using A : image scanning. B : mental chronometry. C : epiphenomena. D : propositional representations. Correct Answer : B 10 : Shepard and Metzlers image rotation experiment was so influential and important to the study of cognition because it demonstrated A : how easy mental rotation is for humans. B : that humans cannot successfully rotate mental images beyond 90 degrees. C : that humans can only perform mental rotation on real-world objects. D : imagery and perception may share the same mechanisms. Correct Answer : D 11 : The scanning task used by Kosslyn involves A : visual icons. B : mental images. C : perceptual images. D : echoic schemas Correct Answer : B 12 : Mental scanning experiments found A : a direct relationship between scanning time and distance on the image. 2 / 10

B : an absence of mental scanning when processing a mental geometric image. C : a constant scanning time for all locations on an image. D : that imagery does not represent spatial relations in the same way perceptual information does. Correct Answer : A 13 : Luis is taking his girlfriend, Rosa, to a resort town neither one of them has visited. Luis wants to make a good impression on Rosa, so he spends the week before the trip reading about fun places to go while they are there. He also memorizes a map of the small resort town, so he can lead her around without bothering to ask for directions. When they arrive, they first visit a botanical garden. When Rosa says, Where to next? Luis conjures a mental image of the map and says, art museum. Lets assume the garden was six inches due south on the map and that it took Luis four seconds to scan the map image between the two. After they visit the museum, Luis takes Rosa to a fancy restaurant. On the map, the restaurant was three inches northwest of the museum, so it is most likely that when Luis scanned the image to find the restaurant, the scan took approximately ___________ seconds. A : two B : three C : four D : six Correct Answer : A 14 : The imagery debate is concerned with whether imagery A : actually exists. B : can be used to inform nonvisual sensory systems. C : is identical for all people. D : is based on spatial or language mechanisms. Correct Answer : D 15 : Kosslyns island experiment used the ___________ procedure. A : mental scanning B : categorization C : priming D : mental walk Correct Answer : A 16 : Kosslyn interpreted the results of his research on imagery (such as the island experiment) as supporting the idea that the mechanism responsible for imagery involves ___________ representations. A : epiphenomenal B : propositional C : spatial D : unilateral Correct Answer : C 17 : 3x + 9 = 16 is a___________representation. A : depictive B : spatial 3 / 10

C : propositional D : descriptive Correct Answer : C 18 : The propositional approach may use any of the following EXCEPT A : abstract symbols. B : an equation. C : a spatial layout. D : a statement. Correct Answer : C 19 : Monique is an interior design student. As part of her internship, she is redesigning a small kitchen for a client. She would like to expand the kitchen and add a dining area. Before creating sketches for the client, she imagines the new layout in her mind, most likely using A : tacit knowledge. B : a proposition. C : the method of loci. D : a depictive representation. Correct Answer : D 20 : Suppose we asked people to form simultaneous images of two or more animals such as a rabbit alongside an elephant. Then, we ask them basic questions about the animals. For example, we might ask if the rabbit has whiskers. Given our knowledge of imagery research, we would expect the fastest response to this question when the rabbit is imagined alongside A : a wolf. B : an anteater. C : a rhinoceros. D : a bumblebee. Correct Answer : D 21 : Kosslyn concluded that the image field is limited in size. This conclusion was drawn from the ___________ experiment. A : image scanning B : mental walk C : mental synthesis D : mental set Correct Answer : B 22 : Suppose that, as a participant in an imagery study, you are asked to memorize the four outside walls of a three-story rectangular house. Later, you are asked to report how many windows are on the front of the house. You will probably be fastest to answer this question if you create an image as though you were standing A : right at the front door. B : two feet from the front door. C : at the far side of the front yard, away from the house. D : one mile away from the house. Correct Answer : C 4 / 10

23 : Perkys imagery study (1910) had participants describe images of objects that were dimly projected onto a screen.The significance of Perkys results was that A : screen images interfered with peoples ability to form mental images. B : people were influenced by the projected images when forming their mental images, even when they were unaware that the projected images were present. C : the screen images had no effect on peoples mental images. D : people used the screen images to create their mental images but only when the objects were unfamiliar. Correct Answer : B 24 : Perkys experiment, in which participants were asked to project visual images of common objects onto a screen, showed that A : imagery and perception are two different phenomena. B : imagery and perception can interact with one another. C : there are large individual differences in peoples ability to create visual images. D : creating a visual image can interfere with a perceptual judgment task. Correct Answer : B 25 : Imagery neurons respond to A : all visual images. B : only visual images in a specific category. C : an actual visual image as well as imagining that same image. D : concrete mental images but not abstract mental images. Correct Answer : C 26 : Suppose we ask people to perform the following cognitive tasks. Which is LEAST likely to strongly activate the visual cortex? A : Imagine the meaning of the word ethics. B : Imagine your car first from far away and then how it looks as you walk closer to it. C : Imagine a typical unsharpened pencil. Approximate its length in inches. D : Imagine a tic-tac-toe game proceeding from start to finish. Correct Answer : A 27 : Ganis and coworkers (2004) used fMRI to measure brain activation for perception and imagery of objects. Their results showed that A : there is no difference between the activation caused by perception and by imagery. B : perception and imagery activate the same areas near the back of the brain, but imagery activates more of the frontal lobe than does perception. C : perception and imagery activate the same areas of the frontal lobe, but imagery activates more of the back of the brain than perception does. D : perception and imagery activate the same areas of the frontal lobe, but perception activates more of the back of the brain than imagery does. Correct Answer : D 28 : Amedi and coworkers (2005) used fMRI to investigate the differences between brain activation for perception and imagery. Their findings showed that when participants were ___________, some areas associated with nonvisual sensation (such as hearing and touch) 5 / 10

were ___________. A : using visual images; activated B : using visual images; deactivated C : perceiving stimuli; activated D : perceiving stimuli; deactivated Correct Answer : B 29 : Kosslyns transcranial magnetic stimulation experiment on brain activation that occurs in response to imagery found that the brain activity in the visual cortex A : is an epiphenomenon. B : can be inferred using mental chronometry. C : supports the idea that the mechanism responsible for imagery involves propositional representations. D : plays a causal role in both perception and imagery. Correct Answer : D 30 : Your text describes the case of M.G.S. who underwent brain surgery as treatment for severe epilepsy. Testing of M.G.S. pre- and post-surgery revealed that the right visual cortex is involved in the A : size of the field of view. B : recognition of objects in the left side of space. C : ability to visually recognize objects. D : ability to draw objects from memory. Correct Answer : A 31 : Your text describes imagery performance of a patient with unilateral neglect. This patient was asked to imagine himself standing at one end of a familiar plaza and to report the objects he saw. His behavior shows A : neglect manifests itself in perception only, not in imagery. B : neglect occurred in imagery such that some objects in the plaza were never reported. C : neglect involved both the left and right sides of the visual field, with an apparently random agnosia of different components of the fields. D : neglect always occurred on the left side of the image, with left side being determined by the direction in which the patient imagined he was positioned. Correct Answer : D 32 : In drawing conclusions about the relationship between imagery and perception, a notable difference between them is that A : perception and imagery processes do not share the same brain mechanisms. B : it is harder to manipulate mental images than perceptual images. C : imagery is more stable than perception. D : imagery occurs more automatically than perception. Correct Answer : B 33 : The technique in which things to be remembered are placed at different locations in a mental image of a spatial layout is known as A : the pegword technique. B : the method of loci. 6 / 10

C : paired-associate learning. D : a propositional representation. Correct Answer : B 34 : Trinh is a famous chef. Since she does not like to share her secret family recipes, she does not write down her special creations, which makes it difficult to remember their ingredients. To aid her memory, she has created a unique mental walk that she takes to recall each recipe. For each one, she has a familiar route she can imagine walking through (e.g., from the end of her driveway to her living room) where she places each item in the recipe somewhere along the way (e.g., fish sauce splattered on the front door). By doing so, Trinh is using ___________ to organize her memories. A : mental synthesis B : paired-associate learning C : the pegword technique D : the method of loci Correct Answer : D 35 : The pegword technique is particularly suitable for use when you need to remember items based on their A : order. B : importance. C : concreteness. D : bizarreness. Correct Answer : A 36 : As described in your text, the pegword technique relies on all of the following EXCEPT A : associations. B : propositions. C : rhymes. D : visualizations. Correct Answer : B 37 : The lesson to be learned from the imagery techniques for memory enhancement (e.g.,, the pegword technique) is that these techniques work because A : distinctive images tend to provide easy magical improvements in memory. B : they tap into reliable ways to develop photographic memory. C : their flexible, undefined structures allow rememberers to spontaneously organize information in any way they want. D : they showcase the fact that memory improvement requires a great deal of practice and perseverance. Correct Answer : D 38 : Measuring the amount of time a person requires to complete different cognitive tasks is the goal of mental ________. A : topography B : chronometry C : imagery D : scanning 7 / 10

Correct Answer : B 39 : Which of the following representation types is associated with abstract concepts? A : Spatial B : Hypothetical C : Propositional D : Depictive Correct Answer : C 40 : Leaving a footprint in the wet sandwith a deep indentation for the heel, a rise for the arch, and each toe clearly identifiedis similar to which concept? A : Pegword B : Mental walk C : Depictive representation D : Topographic map Correct Answer : D 41 : The key difference between depictive representation and propositional representation is based on which of the following? A : Longevity B : Neural response C : Validity D : Content Correct Answer : D 42 : Which type of research employed a train on perception, test on perception method to demonstrate imagery/perception overlap? A : Paired-associate learning B : Method of loci C : Multivoxel pattern analysis D : Transcranial magnetic stimulation Correct Answer : D 43 : What is likely to occur if a person sustains damage to the parietal lobe of the brain? A : Complex images will appear one-dimensional. B : Images will be perceived as being smaller. C : Topographic maps will be mostly abstract. D : Image processing will be reduced by half. Correct Answer : D 44 : Complete the following analogy: Perception is to ________ as imagery is to ________. A : gold; lead B : stone; smoke C : wave; droplet D : spark; flame Correct Answer : B 8 / 10

45 : A spatial imagery test measures a persons capacity with imaging which of the following? A : Texture B : Distance C : Layout D : Detail Correct Answer : C 46 : A mental rotation task is focused on the ________ aspect of imagery. A : spatial B : propositional C : abstract D : detail Correct Answer : A 47 : According to the concept of topographical mapping, which of the following stimuli encountered on a beach trip will activate the farthest forward in the visual cortex? A : A yellow kite in the sky B : A white sailboat on the horizon C : A pink beachball on your towel D : A green popsicle in your hand Correct Answer : C

ESSAY 48 : Describe the conceptual peg hypothesis. Explain the paired-associate learning task, and provide examples of stimuli that had high recall in the task. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 49 : Describe in detail two techniques that use imagery to improve memory. Explain the underlying principles that define why imagery works successfully as a memory enhancer. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 50 : Compare and contrast spatial and propositional representation. Give an example of each based on the same stimulus. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 51 : Explain how imagery neurons are similar to mirror neurons. Provide examples for each type of neuron to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 52 : What is the consensus on neural overlap in perception and imagery? Provide descriptions of at least two research efforts to support your answer.

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Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : Describe the paper folding test and explain how it is useful for measuring a persons spatial imagery capacity. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Outline a multivoxel pattern analysis experiment that you would use to explore overlaps in perception and imagery. Be sure to note key concepts of this method in your response. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Language consists of smaller components, like words, that can be combined to form larger ones, like phrases, to create sentences, which themselves can be components of a larger story. This demonstrates the ____________________ property of language. A : hierarchical B : relational C : parallel D : propositional Correct Answer : A 2 : Which property below is NOT one of the characteristics that makes human language unique? A : Hierarchical structure B : Communication C : Governed by rules D : It involves arrangement of a sequence of symbols Correct Answer : B 3 : Yoda, a central character of the Star Wars movies created by George Lucas, has a distinctive way of speaking. His statement, Afraid you will be, violates which property of the English language? A : Language involves the use of a lexicon. B : Coding is required for language. C : Language symbols must have high discriminability. D : Language has a structure that is governed by rules. Correct Answer : D 4 : Evidence that language is a social process that must be learned comes from the fact that when deaf children find themselves in an environment where there are no people who speak or use sign language, they A : lose the ability to communicate in any way. B : invent a sign language themselves. C : start speaking out loud even though they cannot hear themselves. D : demonstrate compensatory regeneration of lost auditory neural pathways. Correct Answer : B 5 : In New Guinea, tribes that had been isolated for centuries were found that they A : had a large number of sophisticated language systems. B : had languages that were more primitive than languages of most non-isolated societies. C : communicated by hand signals but not verbal language as we know it. D : had just a few language systems that were all governed by similar rules. Correct Answer : A 6 : B.F. Skinner, the modern champion of behaviorism, proposed that language is learned through A : parsing. B : genetic coding. 1 / 10

C : syntactic framing. D : reinforcement. Correct Answer : D 7 : Noam Chomsky proposed that A : humans are genetically programmed to acquire and use language. B : language is learned through the mechanism of reinforcement. C : as children learn language, they produce only sentences they have heard before. D : the underlying basis of language is different across cultures. Correct Answer : A 8 : One of Chomskys most persuasive arguments for refuting Skinners theory of language acquisition was his observation that children A : produce sentences they have never heard. B : show similar language development across cultures. C : are rewarded for using correct language. D : learn to follow complex language rules, even though they are not aware of doing so. Correct Answer : A 9 : Ty has finished work on his doctoral dissertation. He studied how most adults understand words, specifically the priming effects of categorically related words, and submitted a proposal to be included in a psychological conference to present his work to his peers. Presentations at the conference are grouped based on the particular topic in psychology under consideration. It is most likely that Tys work will be presented in a conference session on A : psychophysics. B : psychoacoustics. C : neuropsychology. D : psycholinguistics. Correct Answer : D 10 : Lilo cant wait for school to start. This year is the first time she gets to take a foreign language class, and she is taking Japanese. Dr. Nabuto is a professor interested in studying how people learn additional languages later in life, and he is including Lilos class in his research. Dr. Nabuto is most likely studying A : language comprehension. B : language acquisition. C : speech production. D : speech parsing. Correct Answer : B 11 : Ron is an avid reader. He has a large vocabulary because every time he comes across a word he doesnt know, he looks it up in the dictionary. Ron encounters wanderlust in a novel, reaches for the dictionary, and finds out this word means desire to travel. The process of looking up unfamiliar words increases Rons A : lexicon. B : parser. C : syntactical capacity. D : mental set. 2 / 10

Correct Answer : A 12 : Pollack and Picketts experiment on understanding speech found that when participants were presented with individual words taken out of conversations (single words presented alone with no context), they could identify A : 100 percent of the words spoken by their own voices. B : 50 percent of the words spoken by their own voices. C : 50 percent of the words spoken by others with an accent similar to theirs. D : none of the words spoken by others. Correct Answer : B 13 : When the front part of a sentence can be interpreted more than one way, but the end of the sentence clarifies which meaning is correct, we say that the sentence is an example of A : parsing. B : temporary ambiguity. C : speech segmentation. D : lexical priming. Correct Answer : C 14 : The word frequency effect refers to the fact that we respond more A : slowly to low-frequency words than high-frequency words. B : slowly to letters appearing in nonwords than letters appearing in words. C : quickly to letters that appear multiple times in a word than just once in a word. D : quickly to phonemes that appear multiple times in a word than just once in a word. Correct Answer : A 15 : Which set of stimuli would be the best selection for having people perform a lexical decision task? A : Common words cat, boat and uncommon words peon, furtive B : Concrete words window, monkey and abstract words doubt, energy C : Words pizza, history and nonwords pibble, girk D : Correctly spelled words speech, potato and misspelled words speach, potatoe Correct Answer : C 16 : In the lexical decision task, participants are asked to A : separate a sentence into individual words. B : decide which meaning of an ambiguous sentence is correct in a specific situation. C : identify words that are contained in sentences. D : decide whether a string of letters is a word or a nonword. Correct Answer : D 17 : A researcher had participants read each of the sentences below and measured the time it took to read each sentence.Trial 1: The lamb ran past the cottage into the pasture.Trial 2: The dog ran past the house into the yard.The participants response times were longer for ____________________ because of the ____________________ effect. A : trial 2; word frequency B : trial 1; word frequency 3 / 10

C : trial 2; word superiority D : trial 1; word superiority Correct Answer : B 18 : Within the realm of conversational speech, knowledge refers to the A : meaning of a conversation. B : rules for combining spoken words into sentences. C : tendency to see relationships between spoken concepts even when those relationships do not exist. D : previously understood information that we bring into the conversation. Correct Answer : D 19 : Lexical ambiguity studies show that people access ambiguous words based on A : the identification of a single meaning for that word. B : the meaning dominance of each definition of the word. C : the word that comes immediately before and the word that comes immediately after the ambiguous word in the sentence. D : a bottom-up progression of meaning comprehension. Correct Answer : B 20 : In a study, participants listened to the following tape recording:Rumor had it that, for years, the government building had been plagued with problems. The man was not surprised when he found several spiders, roaches, and other bugs in the corner of the room.As participants heard the word bugs, they completed a lexical decision task to a test stimulus flashed on a screen. To which of the following words would you expect participants to take the longest to respond to? A : ANT B : SPY C : SKY D : ROACH Correct Answer : C 21 : Syntax is the A : rules for combining words into sentences. B : meanings of words. C : way people pronounce words in conversational speech. D : mental grouping of words in a sentence into phrases. Correct Answer : A 22 : Brain imaging studies reveal that semantics and syntax are associated with which two lobes of the cerebral cortex? A : The parietal and occipital lobes B : The frontal and temporal lobes C : The temporal and parietal lobes D : The frontal and parietal lobes Correct Answer : B 23 : The idea that the rules governing the grouping of words in a sentence is the primary 4 / 10

determinant of the way a sentence is parsed is part of the ____________________ approach to parsing. A : semantic B : temporary ambiguity C : garden path D : interactionist Correct Answer : C 24 : Which of the following is the best example of a garden path sentence? A : Before the police stopped, the Toyota disappeared into the night. B : The man was not surprised when he found several spiders, roaches, and other bugs in the room. C : The cats wont bake. D : The Eskimos were frightened by the walrus. Correct Answer : A 25 : Consider the sentence, Because he always jogs a mile seems like a short distance to him.The principle of late closure states that this sentence would first be parsed into which of the following phrases? A : Because he always jogs B : Because he always jogs a mile C : he always jogs D : a mile seems Correct Answer : B 26 : The constraint-based approach to parsing states that A : semantics is activated only at the end of a sentence. B : semantics is activated as a sentence is being read. C : the grammatical structure of a sentence determines the initial parsing. D : semantics is only activated to clear up ambiguity. Correct Answer : B 27 : The crucial question in comparing garden path and constrain-based approaches to parsing is ____________________ is involved. A : whether semantics B : whether syntax C : when semantics D : when syntax Correct Answer : C 28 : Tanenhaus and coworkers eye movement study presented participants with different pictures for interpreting the sentence, Put the apple on the towel in the box. Their results showed the importance of ____________________ in how we understand sentences in real-life situations. A : the cooperative principle B : local connections C : environmental context D : instrumental inferences 5 / 10

Correct Answer : C 29 : Coherence refers to the A : mental process by which readers create information during reading that is not explicitly stated in the text. B : principle that we process information in isolation before we link it to its context. C : mental process whereby ambiguity is resolved online during sentence reading. D : representation of the text in a readers mind so that information in one part of the text is related to information in another part of the text. Correct Answer : D 30 : Most of the coherence in text is created by A : inference. B : syntax. C : parsing. D : phoneme restoration. Correct Answer : A 31 : Consider the following sentences: Captain Ahab wanted to kill the whale. He cursed at it. These two sentences taken together provide an example of a(n) A : instrument inference. B : garden path sequence. C : global connection. D : anaphoric inference. Correct Answer : D 32 : Boxing champion George Foreman recently described his family vacations with the statement, At our ranch in Marshall, Texas, there are lots of ponds and I take the kids out and we fish. And then of course, we grill them. That a reader understands them appropriately (George grills fish, not his kids!) is the result of a(n) ____________________ inference. A : narrative B : instrument C : analogic D : anaphoric Correct Answer : D 33 : Chaz is listening to his grandma reminisce about the first time she danced with his grandpa 60 years ago. When his grandma says, It seemed like the song would play forever, Chaz understands that it is more likely his grandma was listening to a radio playing and not a CD. This understanding requires Chaz use a(n) A : garden path model. B : given-new contract. C : instrument inference. D : age-appropriate principle. Correct Answer : C 34 : Imagine you are interpreting a pair of sentences such as The sidewalk was covered with ice 6 / 10

and Ramona fell down. The kind of inference we use to link these sentences together would most likely be a(n) ____________________ inference. A : causal B : coherent C : anaphoric D : instrument Correct Answer : A 35 : According to the situation model of text processing, A : people create a mental representation of what the text is about in terms of information about phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. B : people create a mental representation of what the text is about in terms of people, objects, locations, and events. C : it will take longer to understand a story that involves a complex series of situations. D : people draw inferences about what is happening in a story by considering both local and global connections. Correct Answer : B 36 : According to the concept of ________, when we read a sentence like, Jorge grabbed his coat from his bedroom and his backpack from the living room, walked downstairs, and called his friend Gerry, we create a simulation of Jorges apartment and keep track of his location as he moves throughout the apartment. A : global connections B : situation models C : causal inference D : speech continuity Correct Answer : B 37 : The given-new contract is a method for creating A : comprehension between a speaker and a listener in a conversation. B : childrens mastery of syntax. C : resolution of a lexically ambiguous sentence. D : anaphoric inferences between consecutive sentences. Correct Answer : A 38 : When two people engage in a conversation, if one person produces a specific grammatical construction in his or her speech and then the other person does the same, this phenomenon is referred to as A : anaphoric inferencing. B : phonemic restoration. C : garden pathing. D : syntactic priming. Correct Answer : D 39 : The concept of language can best be thought of as a ________. A : process B : dialogue C : cognition 7 / 10

D : system Correct Answer : D 40 : Which of the following statements is NOT accurate? A : Lexicon is smaller in scope than semantics. B : Semantics are multidimensional in scope. C : The scope of lexical semantics is variable. D : Semantics and lexicons are equal in scope. Correct Answer : D 41 : If human speech is represented as a string of taffy on a candy-making assembly line, then what function does speech segmentation serve at the candy factory? A : It mixes the taffy ingredients. B : It adds flavors to the taffy. C : It puts the taffy in packages. D : It cuts the taffy into pieces. Correct Answer : D 42 : Dictionaries commonly list the multiple definitions of a particular word in a numbered list, with the first definition as #1, the next definition as #2, and so on. Which concept does this reflect? A : Lexical priming B : Object-relative construction C : Meaning dominance D : Positional inference Correct Answer : C 43 : In written English, which punctuation mark has the most parsing power? A : Hyphen B : Exclamation point C : Period D : Comma Correct Answer : D 44 : In the context of language, another term for heuristics is ________. A : phrases B : rules C : meanings D : turns Correct Answer : B 45 : Which of the following terms best describes the concept of entrainment? A : Isolation B : Similarity C : Cooperation D : Understanding 8 / 10

Correct Answer : B 46 : From the perspective of the listener, as a person speaks, each sentence often is characterized by ________ until the sentence is completed. A : tonics B : heuristics C : entrainment D : ambiguity Correct Answer : D 47 : Which term best reflects the process of reading and understanding sentences in a story? A : Dynamic B : Rigid C : Sequential D : Conscious Correct Answer : A 48 : Which of the following is a nonverbal component of communication? A : Anaphoric inference B : Causal inference C : Theory of mind D : Syntactic priming Correct Answer : C 49 : Which of the following is NOT a factor in prosody? A : Rhythm B : Semantics C : Sound D : Structure Correct Answer : B 50 : Which term best reflects a musical composer who writes a film score in the key of E? A : Prosody B : Tonic C : Heuristics D : Entrainment Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 51 : Define inference as it applies to text processing. Write a sample narrative paragraph that includes examples of anaphoric inference, instrument inference, and causal inference. Identify and describe each occurrence. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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52 : Compare and contrast Skinners and Chomskys views on language acquisition. Give examples of each perspective to support your ideas. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 53 : If human speech is just an ongoing stream of sounds, how are computerized voice recognition systems able to function effectively? What human capabilities and qualities do they need to be programmed with? Give examples to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 54 : Identify the types of meaning dominance in language. Give examples of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 55 : Conversation is often described as a give and take that is generally more effective when people are on the same page. Explain these concepts from the perspective of cognitive psychology. Provide examples to support your ideas. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 56 : Explain how language and music are both similar and different. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Janet is alone in a room that contains a chair and a shelf with a book resting on top. She attempts to retrieve the book, but the shelf is a foot above her reach. How will Janet retrieve the book? Psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a problem because A : the solution is immediately obvious. B : there is an obstacle between the present state and the goal state. C : the initial state is not clearly defined. D : the goal state is not clearly defined. Correct Answer : A 2 : Which of the following is not part of a complete definition of a problem? A : Is difficult B : Involves obstacles between ones current state and a desired goal C : Has one correct answer D : The solution is not obvious Correct Answer : C 3 : Gestalt psychologists consider problem solving as a process involving A : reorganization or restructuring. B : multiple goal states. C : sensory operators. D : continuity and form. Correct Answer : A 4 : The circle problem, in which the task is to determine the length of a line inside a circle, was proposed to illustrate A : how analogies can be used to solve problems. B : means-end analysis. C : representation and restructuring. D : the problem space. Correct Answer : C 5 : Insight refers to A : prior learning facilitating problem solving. B : prior learning hindering problem solving. C : the tendency to respond in a certain manner, based on past experience. D : the sudden realization of a problems solution. Correct Answer : D 6 : Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make warmth judgments every 15 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. The purpose of this experiment was to A : demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems. B : show how people progress through the problem space as they solve a problem. C : show that some problems are easier to solve than others. D : measure the time-course of solving well-defined versus ill-defined problems. 1 / 11

Correct Answer : A 7 : Warmth judgments on nearness to a solution _________________ prior to the solution of an insight problem and _________________prior to the solution of a non-insight problem. A : gradually rise; gradually rise B : gradually rise; rise suddenly just C : rise suddenly just; gradually rise D : vary unpredictably; vary unpredictably Correct Answer : C 8 : Functional fixedness would be LOWEST for a(n) A : novel object. B : familiar object. C : frequently used object. D : object with a specific function. Correct Answer : A 9 : Holly was in her mother-in-laws kitchen preparing lunch for the family. When she was ready to dish up the soup, she searched all the cupboards and drawers for a ladle but couldnt find one. She decided to wait until her mother-in-law returned to ask her where the ladle was, leaving the soup in the stove pot. Her mother-in-law later explained that the ladle had been broken, so she told Holly to use a coffee mug to spoon the soup into bowls. Hollys ability to solve the dish up the soup problem was hindered by which of the following obstacles? A : Discriminability B : Perseveration C : Divergent thinking D : Functional fixedness Correct Answer : D 10 : Which of the following provides the best example of functional fixedness? A : Using a pair of pliers as a paperweight B : Using a tire as a football practice target C : Using a juice glass as a container for orange juice D : Using a wine bottle as a vase Correct Answer : C 11 : Illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem if A : fewer tacks are provided. B : pliers are also presented. C : the box is empty. D : the candle is already lit. Correct Answer : C 12 : Which problem provides an example of how functional fixedness can hinder solution of a problem? A : Tower of Hanoi problem B : Two-string problem 2 / 11

C : Mutilated checkerboard problem D : The radiation problem Correct Answer : B 13 : In the two-string problem, tying the pliers to one of the strings best represents a(n) _________________ state. A : functional fixedness B : goal C : intermediate D : initial Correct Answer : C 14 : The water-jug problem demonstrates that one consequence of having a procedure that does provide a solution to a problem is that, if well-learned, it may prevent us from A : seeing more efficient solutions to the problem. B : being able to solve other problems at all. C : understanding why the procedure works successfully. D : discriminating between well- and ill-defined problems. Correct Answer : A 15 : Amber lives in a housing development between two parallel streets that both connect to a freeway. She usually takes the street to the south when heading southbound on the freeway to work, but that street is closed for repairs for three months. Amber takes the street to the north during that time. After the street to the south is re-opened, she continues to take the street to the north, even though it is a slightly longer route. Continuing to take the street to the north represents A : a single dissociation. B : a source problem. C : a mental set. D : convergent thinking. Correct Answer : C 16 : Newell and Simon were early pioneers in designing computer programs that could solve problems. Their research program was based on the idea that problem solving is a process that involves A : insight. B : algorithms. C : parity. D : search. Correct Answer : D 17 : In the Tower of Hanoi problem, the _________________ state involves having three discs stacked on the left peg, with the middle and right pegs empty. A : transitory B : goal C : intermediate D : initial 3 / 11

Correct Answer : D 18 : Actions that take the problem from one state to another are known as A : intermediate states. B : subgoals. C : operators. D : mental sets. Correct Answer : C 19 : The elements of the problem space include all of the following EXCEPT A : initial state. B : operators. C : goal state. D : intermediate states. Correct Answer : B 20 : The typical purpose of subgoals is to A : solve insight problems. B : move the solver directly from the initial state to the goal state. C : bring the problem solver closer and closer to the goal state. D : avoid the need to perform means-end analysis. Correct Answer : C 21 : Intermediate states can be created by A : restructuring initial states. B : restructuring goal states. C : creating operators. D : creating subgoals. Correct Answer : D 22 : In Kaplan and Simons experiment, they presented different versions of the mutilated checkerboard problem. Participants in the _________________ group had the fastest response time. A : blank B : color C : black and pink D : bread and butter Correct Answer : D 23 : Kaplan and Simons experiment presented different versions of the mutilated checkerboard problem. The main purpose of their experiment was to demonstrate that A : people arrive at the solution to an insight problem suddenly, but proceed more methodically toward the solution of a non-insight problem. B : a persons mental set can hinder finding a solution to a problem. C : people often have to backtrack within the problem space to arrive at an answer to a problem. D : the way the problem is represented can influence the ease of problem solving. 4 / 11

Correct Answer : D 24 : The best description of the purpose of think-aloud protocols is that they are used to determine A : what information a person is attending to while solving a problem. B : which people can be considered more creative in ability to solve problems. C : how to develop computer programs that best mimic human problem solving. D : how a persons expertise increases his or her likelihood of solving a problem, relative to a beginner. Correct Answer : A 25 : The analogy that makes the solution to the mutilated checkerboard problem obvious is the _________________ problem. A : light bulb B : Tower of Hanoi C : radiation D : Russian marriage Correct Answer : D 26 : Dr. Chan is doing a follow-up study to the mutilated checkerboard problem experiment. In this new study, participants solve the following shoe problem before tackling the checkerboard problem. By doing this, Dr. Chan is studying the effect of _________________ on problem solving.The shoe problem: A first-grade class is using a trampoline in gym class, so all the children have removed their shoes, which are all jumbled in a large pile. One of the students, Miguel, is leaving early, so the teacher tells him to grab his shoes and report to the lobby. In his hurry, Miguel grabs two identical left-footed, size 6 red sneakers and runs to his mother still sock-footed. Will the remaining students be able to shoe-up with the remaining shoes without getting a foot-ache? A : analogies B : anaphoric interference C : perceptual segregation D : divergent thinking Correct Answer : A 27 : In analogical problem solving, the _________________ problem is the problem that an individual is trying to solve, and the _________________ problem, which has been solved in the past, is used as a guide for reaching that solution. A : source; target B : target; source C : prototype; target D : exemplar; source Correct Answer : B 28 : The ability to shift experience from one problem-solving situation to a similar problem is known as A : analogical encoding. B : analogical transfer. C : insight. D : in vivo problem solving. 5 / 11

Correct Answer : B 29 : The radiation problem can be solved using A : representation and restructuring. B : means-end analysis. C : warmth judgments. D : mental set. Correct Answer : A 30 : The radiation problem was used in your text to illustrate the role of _________________ in problem solving. A : means-end analysis B : functional fixedness C : analogy D : mental set Correct Answer : C 31 : When the process of analogical problem solving was applied to the fortress and radiation problems, which of the following represented the mapping step of this process? A : Likening the dangerous mines to the dangerous tumor B : Developing schemas for each individual problem C : Connecting the fortress with the tumor D : Generalizing from groups of soldiers to using many rays to solve the problem Correct Answer : C 32 : Considering the fortress and the radiation problems together, the fortress problem represents the _________________ problem. A : source B : target C : exemplar D : prototype Correct Answer : A 33 : Gick and Holyoak consider which of the following to be the most difficult step to achieve in the process of analogical problem solving? A : Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection B : Mapping corresponding parts between the problems because the elements are difficult to identify C : Applying the mapping to generate a parallel solution because of the difficulty in generalizing from one problem to another D : Solving the problem through reorganization because past experience can make it more difficult to reorganize a problem Correct Answer : A 34 : Gick and Holyoak proposed that analogical problem solving involves the following three steps: 6 / 11

A : restructuring, searching, and simulating. B : noticing, mapping, and applying. C : surfacing, structuring, and generalizing. D : well-defining, insighting, and means-end analysis. Correct Answer : B 35 : The analogical paradox refers to problem-solving differences between A : experts and novices. B : laboratory and real-world settings. C : experimental groups and control groups. D : well- and ill-defined problems. Correct Answer : B 36 : A researcher records a brainstorming session in an industrial research and development department rather than in an artificial laboratory setting. Later, she analyzes the recorded discussions, identifying certain problem-solving techniques. This research is an example of_________________ research. A : Think-aloud protocol B : Situationally produced mental set C : Environmental functional fixedness D : In vivo problem solving Correct Answer : D 37 : The texts discussion of the research on in vivo problem solving highlighted that _________________ play(s) an important role in solving scientific problems. A : analogies B : insight C : flexibility D : subgoals Correct Answer : A 38 : Experts categorize problems based on A : how similar the objects in the problem are. B : general principles that problems share. C : surface and deep structures. D : event-specific knowledge. Correct Answer : B 39 : Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the results of research on differences between how experts and novices solve problems? A : Experts possess more knowledge about their fields than novices. B : Experts often organize problems differently than novices, based on principles. C : Experts often spend more time analyzing problems than novices. D : Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field. Correct Answer : D 40 : Experts _________________ than novices. 7 / 11

A : spend less time analyzing problems B : are better at reasoning in general C : are more likely to be open to new ways of looking at problems D : take a more effective approach to organizing the solution to a problem Correct Answer : D 41 : In its discussion of expertise and problem solving, your text identifies the kind of scientists who are most likely to make revolutionary discoveries in their fields. This particular discussion suggests that _________________ may be more important than _________________ in creative thinking. A : experience; structure B : structure; experience C : flexibility; experience D : experience; flexibility Correct Answer : C 42 : Which of the following is not true about divergent thinking? A : It is open-ended. B : It has a large number of potential solutions. C : It is the cornerstone of creativity. D : It has a single correct answer. Correct Answer : D 43 : Ali works for Citrus Squeeze, a company that makes orange juice. Sales of their calciumenhanced OJ have been poor, and the product was cancelled. His factory still had three cases of cartons, and Ali was told he could take them if he wanted them. With the cartons, Ali made several birdfeeders for his backyard and also planted tree seedlings in some of them; he used the remaining ones to build a fort for his four-year-old son. Alis use of the cartons represents A : convergent thinking. B : divergent thinking. C : insight. D : hierarchical organization. Correct Answer : B 44 : Phoenix Decorating Company is responsible for designing and building many of the floral floats seen in the Tournament of Roses Parade every New Years Day. Phoenixs designers start preparing the floats for the next years parade soon after the first of the year. For each corporate sponsor, Phoenix gets their best advertising team members, and they sit in a room for several hours throwing out every idea they can come up with, no matter how good or bad it is. After a substantial list has been created, they then go through every idea and rate its merits or deficits, until they come up with the best idea to pitch to the corporate sponsor. This process demonstrates A : creative cognition. B : group brainstorming. C : convergent thinking. D : structural analyses. Correct Answer : B 8 / 11

45 : In the movie Apollo 13, astronauts aboard a damaged spacecraft have to build a carbon dioxide filter out of random items that are aboard the ship with them. If they do not, they will all die rapidly of carbon dioxide poisoning. The fact that they are able to do so with the help of experts on Earth is similar to the _________________ approach developed by Ronald Finke. A : convergent thinking B : creative cognition C : divergent thinking D : the means-end analysis Correct Answer : C 46 : Finkes creating an object experiment had participants create a novel object by combining parts. Once they created an object, they were given the name of an object category and instructed to interpret their creation as a practical object or device within that category. Finke used the term preinventive forms to describe the A : object parts. B : novel objects before a function was described. C : practical objects within the category. D : inventions rated high in both practicality and originality. Correct Answer : B 47 : Finkes creating an object studies show that people were more likely to come up with creative uses for preinventive objects if they A : made the objects themselves. B : had received training in creative thinking. C : had been preselected as creative individuals. D : were told they were expected to be creative. Correct Answer : A 48 : Which of the following is the core concept underlying the Gestalt perspective on problems? A : Analogy B : Search C : Insight D : Representation Correct Answer : D 49 : Which term best describes the task of factoring the equation 9x2 + 5x 7 = 4x2 2x + 8? A : Divergent B : Functional C : Analytical D : Analogical Correct Answer : C 50 : In the information-processing approach to problem solving, an operator is most closely associated with ________. A : analysis B : progress C : transfer D : insight 9 / 11

Correct Answer : B 51 : Subgoals serve a key role in which of the following? A : Creative cognition B : Means-end analysis C : Functional fixedness D : Volitional daydreaming Correct Answer : B 52 : The process of analogical encoding is focused on ________. A : finding similarity B : generating ideas C : fostering insight D : creating value Correct Answer : A 53 : Which term best describes the process of brainstorming? A : Compound B : Divergent C : Preinventive D : Mindful Correct Answer : B 54 : Which of the following correctly pairs a problem-solving stage with a process under Basadurs model? A : Problem Formulation: Fact Finding B : Solution Implementation: Idea Finding C : Problem Generation: Evaluation and Selection D : Problem Solving: Planning Correct Answer : D 55 : Which of the following is NOT commonly associated with people who are considered highly creative? A : Daydreaming B : Analysis C : Mindfulness D : Solitude Correct Answer : B 56 : Research conducted by Chi and Snyder demonstrated that the Gestalt-style perceptual grouping of items occurs in which region of the brain? A : Parietal lobe B : Prefrontal cortex C : Temporal lobe D : Cingulate gyrus Correct Answer : C 10 / 11

57 : ________ occurs when a person gives up trying to solve a tough problem and then suddenly comes up with the answer while doing something else. A : Mindfulness B : Insight C : Incubation D : Daydreaming Correct Answer : C

ESSAY 58 : Describe the three steps involved in analogical problem solving. Which step is the most difficult to achieve, and what is the evidence that this is the most difficult step? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 59 : Describe in detail the differences between the way experts and nonexperts go about solving problems. In your answer, highlight the advantages and disadvantages to being an expert in a field. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 60 : Compare and contrast functional fixedness and mental set. Give examples of each in the context of problem solving to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 61 : What did Newell and Simon mean when stating that problem solving is a search? Be sure to use concepts and terms from the text to support your answer. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 62 : From a cognitive psychology perspective, explain why it might be beneficial for a company to hire recent graduates rather than people who have lengthy experience in the companys field of business. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 63 : What are potential drawbacks to group brainstorming? What strategies could be used to address these issues? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 64 : Describe methods a person can use to increase his or her creativity. If you use any of these methods, give an example of how it has been helpful. If not, which method do you think would be most useful for you and why? Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Making probable conclusions based on evidence involves_________________reasoning. A : deductive B : syllogistic C : inductive D : connective Correct Answer : C 2 : Consider the following argument:Observation: Here in Nashville, the sun has risen every morning. Conclusion: The sun is going to rise in Nashville tomorrow. A : The argument is weak because there is only one specific case. B : The argument is strong because the premise includes scientific evidence. C : The argument is weak because the observation does not consider other cities. D : The argument is strong because there are a large number of observations. Correct Answer : D 3 : At a lunch meeting with a client, the CEO of Gossip Polls, Inc., was asked to determine Americas favorite day of the week. Hundreds of Gossip employees across the U.S. started collecting data immediately, calling people at their residences. One hour later, the attitudes from 10,000 Americans, across all 50 states, were collected. A staff member called the CEO, still at her lunch meeting, to tell her the results of the poll: Americas favorite day of the week is Monday. Given your texts discussion of inductive reasoning in science, we might suspect that the observations in this poll are not representative because A : the participants were only asked one question for this poll. B : the participants were not sufficiently geographically diverse. C : the people who are home to answer the phone in the early afternoon are not an appropriate cross-section of the U.S. population. D : everyone in America was not asked their opinion. Correct Answer : C 4 : Bonnie has ordered her monthly supply of medicines through the mail for the past five years. Except for one order, all orders have arrived within two business days. Bonnie placed an order yesterday, and she expects to receive her order tomorrow. Bonnie is using A : an omission bias. B : inductive reasoning. C : the conjunction rule. D : the similarity-coverage model. Correct Answer : B 5 : Donte purchased a new car, a Ford Mustang, less than a month ago. While sitting in traffic, Donte says to his girlfriend, Mustangs must be the best-selling car now. I cant remember seeing as many on the road as I have recently. Dontes judgment is most likely biased by a(n) A : representativeness heuristic. B : availability heuristic. C : illusory correlation. D : permission schema.

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Correct Answer : B 6 : Wally and Shamika are out on a date. When Shamika asks where they should go for dinner, Wally says, My coworkers keep telling me about that new Japanese place downtown, so it must be a great place to eat. Wallys response illustrates the use of a(n) A : availability heuristic. B : confirmation bias. C : conjunction rule. D : permission schema. Correct Answer : A 7 : The finding that people tend to incorrectly conclude that more people die from tornados than from asthma has been explained in terms of the A : representativeness heuristic. B : availability heuristic. C : falsification principle. D : belief bias. Correct Answer : B 8 : Mia has lived in New York City all her life. She has noticed that people from upper Manhattan walk really fast, but people from lower Manhattan tend to walk slowly. Mias observations are likely influenced from a judgment error based on her using A : the law of large numbers. B : an atmosphere effect. C : an illusory correlation. D : the falsification principle. Correct Answer : C 9 : Tuan bought a new leather jacket after saving for many months for the luxury purchase. On the first day he went out wearing the new garment, he found a $50 bill on the sidewalk outside of his office. He now refers to the jacket as his lucky jacket and believes that it has some magical power to give him good fortune. Tuans belief in the jackets cosmic ability is an example of A : the availability heuristic. B : an illusory correlation. C : selective attention. D : the falsification principle. Correct Answer : B 10 : Stereotypes are reinforced by all of the following EXCEPT A : the availability heuristic. B : illusory correlations. C : selective attention. D : the falsification principle. Correct Answer : D 11 : Gabrielle is blonde, extremely attractive, and lives in an expensive condo. If we judge the probability of Gabrielles being a model quite high because she resembles our stereotype of a 2 / 12

model, we are using A : the representativeness heuristic. B : the availability heuristic. C : framing. D : the law of small numbers. Correct Answer : A 12 : One hundred students are enrolled in State Universitys course on introductory physics for math and science majors. In the group, 60 students are math majors and 40 are science majors. Sarah is in the class. She got all As in her high school science courses, and she would like to be a chemist someday. She lives on campus. Her boyfriend is also in the class. There is a _________________ chance that Sarah is a science major. A : 40 percent B : 50 percent C : 60 percent D : 100 percent Correct Answer : A 13 : Lydia is 48 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy as an undergraduate. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and she participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations. Which of the following alternatives is most probable? A : Lydia is a U.S. Congresswoman. B : Lydia is a U.S. Congresswoman and active in the feminist movement. C : Lydia is a state governor. D : Lydia is a state governor and active in the feminist movement. Correct Answer : A 14 : The conjunction rule states that A : the probability of two events co-occurring is the sum of the probabilities of each event occurring. B : the probability of two events co-occurring is equal to or less than the probability of either event occurring alone. C : people make decisions based upon both the costs and benefits of the choices. D : people make decisions based upon possible benefits when the choices are framed positively and based upon possible costs when the choices are framed negatively. Correct Answer : B 15 : Imagine that your friend James has just taken up the habit of smoking cigars because he thinks it makes him look cool. You are concerned about the detrimental effects of smoking on his health, and you raise that concern to him. James gets a bit annoyed with your criticism and says, My grandfather smoked cigars, and he lived to be 100! You might point out that a major problem with his argument involves A : framing. B : the conjunction rule. C : sample size. D : none of these Correct Answer : C 3 / 12

16 : There are two gumball machines outside the local grocery store, one large machine and one small machine. Both machines have only yellow and orange gumballs, and each machine contains 50 percent of each color. For each coin, the large gumball machine dispenses 15 gumballs, while the small machine dispenses 5. Tim is a young genius whose interests include probability and sound decision-making. His probability project of the day is to get a greater percentage of either of the colors, but not an equal amount of each color. Given this, and presuming Tim has only one coin, A : he should use his coin in the large machine. B : he should use his coin in the small machine. C : it doesnt make a difference which machine he uses. D : he should wait for other people to use the machines and see what they get. Correct Answer : B 17 : Failing to consider the law of large numbers most likely results in errors concerning A : confirmation bias. B : utility. C : the falsification principle. D : the representativeness heuristic. Correct Answer : D 18 : Of the following real-world phenomena, the confirmation bias best explains the observation that people A : do not always make decisions that maximize their monetary outcome. B : are more likely to purchase meat advertised as 80 percent fat free than 20 percent fat. C : misjudge homicide as more prevalent in the U.S. than suicide. D : can cite several reasons for their position on a controversial issue but none for the opposing side. Correct Answer : D 19 : If a motorcycle cop believes that young female drivers speed more than other drivers, he will likely notice young female drivers speeding in the fast lane but fail to notice young male or older drivers doing the same. In this case, the police officers judgments are skewed by the operation of the A : permission schema. B : confirmation bias. C : falsification principle. D : typicality principle. Correct Answer : B 20 : Terrell volunteers his time to campaign for Joel Goodman. He spent all afternoon putting up Goodman for Congress signs around his town and arrived back at headquarters just in time to watch the Goodman- Hernandez debate on TV. Terrell was eager to watch the candidates debate each other, even though he was 100 percent sure he was going to vote for Goodman. Terrells first response to the debate will most likely be A : I noticed that Goodman and Hernandez agreed on the new environmental policy. B : Goodman answered the question on job creation very well. C : I wonder why Goodman was vague on the school tax issue when I know he has a clear idea about that. 4 / 12

D : Hernandez is really going to make this a tight race. Correct Answer : B 21 : Given its definition, expected utility theory is most applicable to deciding whether to A : break up or stay involved with a current girlfriend. B : go out for junior varsity hockey or junior varsity basketball. C : buy first-class or coach tickets for a spring break trip. D : take astronomy or geology as a physical science elective course. Correct Answer : C 22 : Utility refers to A : outcomes that achieve a persons goals. B : how useful a reasoning process is. C : the validity of a syllogism. D : degree of risk aversion one has. Correct Answer : A 23 : Ling is sure that if her boyfriend proposes, she will feel elation. This is an example of an A : expected emotion. B : immediate emotion. C : integral immediate emotion. D : incidental immediate emotion. Correct Answer : A 24 : Josiah is trying to decide whether to take a new job in a new city. He is worried that if he takes the job and fails, he will suffer from intense anxiety and depression. This is an example of A : expected emotion. B : immediate emotion. C : integral immediate emotion. D : incidental immediate emotion. Correct Answer : A 25 : People tend to overestimate A : what negative feelings will occur following a decision more so than positive feelings. B : what positive feelings will occur following a decision more so than negative feelings. C : what positive and negative feelings will occur following a decision to the same degree. D : subjective utility values following a decision. Correct Answer : A 26 : Sandeep is a generally anxious person. His anxiety sometimes gets in the way when he tries to make decisions. The anxiety Sandeep feels is an example of an __________ emotion. A : expected B : immediate C : integral D : incidental Correct Answer : D 5 / 12

27 : Rosa is in a convenience store considering which soda to buy. She recalls a commercial for BigFizz she saw on TV last night. BigFizz is running a promotion where you look under the bottle cap, and one in five bottles has a voucher for a free soda. If Rosa decides to purchase a BigFizz based on this promotion, which is framed in terms of _________________ , she will use a _________________ strategy. A : losses; risk-taking B : gains; risk-taking C : losses; risk-aversion D : gains; risk-aversion Correct Answer : D 28 : Many people receive unsolicited calls from telemarketers or unwanted junk mailers advertising offers for products such as cable or Internet services or cellular phone companies. Most people do not consider these offers and do not make a change to the plans or services that they receive because they do not want to make a decision that requires serious consideration or thought. This is an example of the _________________ bias. A : actor-observer B : dual systems C : self-serving D : status quo Correct Answer : D 29 : Cecile has dreamed of owning her own home for years, and she can finally afford a small cottage in an older neighborhood. She notices that she feels more positive about her home when she takes a route on her drive home that goes past the abandoned shacks, but she feels more negative when she takes a route that goes past the mansions with large lawns. Ceciles emotions are influenced by A : the principle of diversity. B : confirmation bias. C : the framing effect. D : the law of large numbers. Correct Answer : C 30 : Research in neuroeconomics has found that the function of the _________________ may be to deal with the cognitive demands of a given task, while the _________________ is responsible for handling emotional goals such as resenting an unfair outcome. A : basal ganglia; corpus callosum B : striate nucleus; locus coeruleus C : prefrontal cortex; insula D : diencephalon; putamen Correct Answer : C 31 : Sanfey and coworkers ultimatum game experiment revealed that people tended to make the _________________ decision of ____. A : irrational; accepting any offer B : irrational; accepting only high offers C : rational; accepting any offer D : rational; accepting only high offers 6 / 12

Correct Answer : B 32 : In an experiment that combined both physiological and behavioral approaches to the study of decision making, prefrontal cortex activity was recorded while participants accepted or rejected proposals to split a sum of money ($10). Prefrontal cortex activation was A : greatest for accepted offers. B : greatest for rejected offers. C : the same for accepted and rejected offers. D : dependent on how much money the responder was offered. Correct Answer : C 33 : If you are given the information that in order to vote in a presidential election, you must be at least 18 years of age, and that Will voted in the last presidential election, you can logically conclude that Will is at least 18 years old. This is an example of using _________________ reasoning. A : inductive B : deductive C : conjunctive D : descriptive Correct Answer : B 34 : An experiment measures participants performance in judging syllogisms. Two premises and a conclusion are presented as stimuli, and participants are asked to indicate (yes or no) if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. Error rates are then calculated for each syllogism. This experiment studies _________________ reasoning. A : deductive B : intuitive C : falsification D : inductive Correct Answer : A 35 : The validity of a syllogism depends on A : the truth of its premises. B : the truth of its conclusion. C : its form. D : both the truth of its premises and the truth of its conclusion. Correct Answer : C 36 : Consider the following syllogism: If its a robin then it is a bird.It is a bird.Therefore, it is a robin.In the example above, Therefore, it is a robin is a _________________ of a _________________ syllogism. A : premise; categorical B : conclusion; categorical C : premise; conditional D : conclusion; conditional Correct Answer : D 7 / 12

37 : Consider the following syllogism:All cats are birds. All birds have wings. All cats have wings.This syllogism is A : valid. B : invalid. C : true. D : both valid and true. Correct Answer : A 38 : Consider the following syllogism:Premise 1: All dogs are cats.Premise 2: All cats say meow.Conclusion: Therefore, all dogs say meow.Which statement below describes this syllogism? A : Both premises are valid. B : The conclusion is valid. C : The conclusion is not valid. D : The conclusion is true. Correct Answer : B 39 : A syllogism is valid if A : the conclusion follows logically from the two premises. B : the two premises and the conclusion are true. C : there is evidence to support the two premises. D : there is no more than one exception to the conclusion. Correct Answer : A 40 : The tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable is called the _________________. A : availability heuristic B : confirmatory bias C : belief bias D : mental set Correct Answer : C 41 : Consider the following conditional syllogism:Premise 1: If I dont eat lunch today, I will be hungry tonight.Premise 2: I ate lunch today.Conclusion: Therefore, I wasnt hungry tonight.This syllogism is A : valid. B : invalid. C : biased. D : abstract. Correct Answer : B 42 : Consider the following conditional syllogism:Premise 1: If I study, then Ill get a good grade.Premise 2: I got a good grade.Conclusion: Therefore, I studied.This syllogism is A : valid. B : skewed. C : invalid. D : robust. 8 / 12

Correct Answer : C 43 : According to your text, the key to solving the Wason four-card problem is A : a mental model. B : a categorical syllogism. C : the law of large numbers. D : the falsification principle. Correct Answer : D 44 : One reason that most people do not easily solve the original (abstract) version of the Wason four-card problem is that they A : ignore the falsification principle. B : are influenced by the atmosphere effect. C : confuse the ideas of validity and truth. D : incorrectly apply the permission schema. Correct Answer : A 45 : The rule of the Wason four-card problem is, If there is a vowel on one side, then there is an even number on the other side. Lets say you are presented with A, 8, M, and 13, each showing on one of four cards. To see if the rule is valid, you would have to turn over the cards showing A : 8 and M. B : A and M. C : A and 13. D : 8 and 13. Correct Answer : C 46 : When the abstract version of the Wason four-card problem is compared to a concrete version of the problem (in which beer, soda, and ages are substituted for the letters and numbers), A : performance is better for the concrete task. B : performance is better for the abstract task. C : performance is the same for both tasks. D : performing the abstract task improves performance of the concrete task. Correct Answer : A 47 : You cant have any pudding unless you eat your meat, says a man to his son at the dinner table. This is an example of A : inductive reasoning. B : a self-serving bias. C : a permission schema. D : the illusory correlation. Correct Answer : C 48 : Which of the following statements would most likely invoke the operation of a permission schema? A : No artists can be beekeepers, but some of the beekeepers must be chemists. B : All A are B. All B are C. Therefore, all A are C. C : I forgot to charge my cell phone last night; therefore, I missed an important call today. 9 / 12

D : If I get an A on my cognitive psychology exam, I can go out with my friends on Saturday night. Correct Answer : D 49 : The application of a(n) _________________ makes it easier to solve the drinking beer version of the Wason problem. A : conjunction rule B : permission schema C : atmosphere effect D : availability heuristic Correct Answer : B 50 : The evolutionary approach proposes that the Wason problem can be understood in terms of peoples A : innate language abilities. B : ability to work well with a group of others. C : innate reasoning abilities. D : tendency to detect when others are cheating. Correct Answer : D 51 : The phrase You just hear what you want to hear best reflects which of the following concepts? A : Belief bias B : Expected emotion C : Myside bias D : Availability heuristic Correct Answer : C 52 : In an effort to get his sister Sharon to vaccinate her young children, Frank compiled the results from many scientific research studies that show the long-term health benefits of childhood vaccines. Yet when Frank presented the information to Sharon, she refused to believe him, stating that the research was clearly faked by large pharmaceutical companies. Sharon not only said that vaccines are risky but also now claims they are poisonous.What occurred in the conversation between Frank and Sharon? A : Falsification principle B : Belief bias C : Mental modeling D : Backfire effect Correct Answer : D 53 : Use of the word If is a good way to identify a(n) ________ syllogism. A : categorical B : conditional C : irrational D : invalid Correct Answer : B 10 / 12

54 : The expected utility theory of decision making is grounded in which of the following? A : Emotion B : Rationality C : Context D : Evidence Correct Answer : B 55 : Which of the following activities would require Type 2 cognitive processing? A : Zipping your jacket when its cold B : Choosing an entree from a menu C : Making a left turn on a green light D : Turning the lights off at bedtime Correct Answer : B 56 : From a thinking perspective, when faced with making a decision, the suggestion to Go with your gut would emphasize ________, while the suggestion Take your time would place emphasis on ________. A : System 2; System 1 B : Type 2; Type 1 C : System 1; Type 1 D : Type 1; System 2 Correct Answer : D 57 : Which of the following does NOT reflect the System 1 approach to thinking as proposed by Kahneman? A : Passive B : Deliberate C : Rapid D : Automatic Correct Answer : B

ESSAY 58 : Define both deductive and inductive reasoning, and explain how they are different. Give examples of each to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 59 : Discuss how a persons judgments are affected by the way choices are framed. Give an example of a choice framed in terms of gains and an example of a choice framed in terms of losses. Which decision-making strategy is likely to be used in each case? Why? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 60 : Explain the difference between validity and truth in deductive reasoning. Provide examples of each concept to support your thinking.

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Correct Answer : Answer not provided 61 : Compare and contrast myside bias and confirmation bias. Give an example of each concept to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 62 : Why might training in media literacy be important for young people? Ground your argument in cognitive psychology concepts, and provide examples from the current media landscape to support your opinion. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 63 : What is the backfire effect? What cognitive factors are at work in this process? Describe a time when you have experienced the backfire effect with someone elseeither exhibiting it or receiving it. Correct Answer : Answer not provided 64 : Explain the meaning of the statement, Justice is what the judge had for breakfast. What cognitive factors are implicated in this perspective? How might this impact our legal system, and what strategies could be employed to address it? Correct Answer : Answer not provided 65 : Compare and contrast the system and type approaches to thinking. Why do professionals generally favor one perspective over the other? Give examples of situations from each perspective to support your thinking. Correct Answer : Answer not provided

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