TEST BANK Communication Matters, 4th Edition, by Test Bank For Communication Matters, 4th Edition, Kory Floyd Kory Floyd Chapter 1-18 Chapter 1-18 Answer are at the End of Each Chapter
Chapter 1 Student name:__________ 1) Which term best describes the process by which signs, symbols, and behaviors are used to exchange information and create meaning?
A) interaction B) communication C) talking D) feedback
2) Solitary confinement often results in the quickly deteriorating health of prisoners. Such punishment therefore deprives prisoners of which type of basic need?
A) physical B) spiritual C) identity D) instrumental
3) Robert is recently homeless and is suffering from mental illness. As a result, he feels increasingly socially isolated. Although he used to be physically healthy, he is now sick quite often. Which aspect of Robert's health is directly affected by his lack of contact with others?
A) relational B) spiritual C) instrumental D) physical
4) The essential elements that we look for in our interactions with others are _______________ needs.
A) relational B) spiritual C) instrumental D) physical
Which of the following is NOT a relational need?
A) affection B) conflict C) escape D) companionship
6) Julio is a recent immigrant from Nicaragua. He cannot afford the technology, such as a smartphone or a computer, that would allow him to communicate with his friends and family at home, and he has yet to make friends in the United States because he is still learning English. Julio feels lonely and often ignored in his new country. Which of his needs is NOT being met?
A) physical B) spiritual C) relational D) instrumental
7) Research shows that marital happiness is more important than income, job status, or education in accounting for how happy people are overall. In the case of a happy marriage, which type of need is being met?
A) spiritual B) instrumental C) physical D) relational
Which of the following plays a critical role in the process of identity development?
A) adaptability B) noise C) communication D) decoding
9) Kara views herself as a shy, introverted person, unlike her more outgoing friends. At social gatherings, Kara's friends often speak and answer questions on her behalf. Kara's shyness is based on beliefs she has about herself, but it affects the way her friends view her as well. Her social habits play an important role in establishing which aspect of Kara's sense of self?
A) identity B) level of confidence C) overall happiness D) spirituality
10) Which of the following statements does NOT reflect one's orientation toward spirituality, according to the text?
A) "I believe in loyalty and honesty." B) "I believe in God." C) "I never think about the meaning of life." D) "It's never okay to steal, no matter what."
11) Kyle enjoys having philosophical discussions about the meaning of life in which he often touches upon his own sense of purpose. These discussions meet which needs for Kyle?
A) physical needs B) instrumental needs C) relational needs D) spiritual needs
12) Most of the communication we engage in daily is routine and not emotionally charged, thus helping us to meet _______________ needs.
A) physical B) instrumental C) spiritual D) relational
13) When Laura calls the salon to schedule a haircut, she is using communication to fill what type of need?
A) relational B) spiritual C) instrumental D) physical
What term is used for the formal description of a process such as communication?
A) model B) definition C) analysis D) channel
Which of the following is NOT a model of communication?
A) interaction B) action C) reaction D) transaction
16) If you mail an annual family newsletter to update your loved ones and you don't expect a response, you are using which model of communication?
A) action B) interaction C) reaction D) transaction
Which of the following is NOT a component of the action model of communication?
A) source B) receiver C) noise D) feedback
18) Miles sends an instant message to his brother. According to the action model of communication, which term best describes Miles's role in the communication?
A) decoder B) receiver C) communicator D) source
19) When you put your idea in the form of language or a gesture that the receiver can understand, you are ____________ the message.
A) decoding B) channeling C) encoding D) interpreting
20) Yani is on the phone with her mother, who is explaining how to go about preparing dinner for the family later. Yani is distracted by a humorous Twitter post by one of her friends. As dinnertime nears, Yani realizes she has no idea how to cook the family meal as her mother instructed her to do. During the conversation with her mother, Yani was experiencing which type of noise?
A) physical B) psychological C) physiological D) practical
Fatigue and hunger are examples of ______________ noise.
A) physical B) practical C) psychological D) physiological
22) Wayne and Lindsay go on a blind date, and they both enjoy themselves. At the end of the evening, Wayne tells Lindsay he will call her "soon." Lindsay expects to hear from Wayne by the next day, as that is what "soon" means to her, but he does not call for three weeks. Lindsay most likely made an error during which stage of the communication process?
A) noise B) decoding C) encoding D) channeling
23) Which two elements does the interaction model of communication add to the action model?
A) feedback and context B) message and feedback C) channel and noise D) encoding and decoding
24) When Liz asks her father if he minds her borrowing the car, she notices he frowns and shakes his head. What is Liz observing in her father?
A) context B) noise C) feedback D) decoding
25) According to the interaction model of communication, receivers are not passive. Instead, receivers offer various verbal and nonverbal responses to messages. What are these responses called?
A) noise B) feedback C) context D) channels
26) As you tell your brother about your first assignment in speech class, he nods his head and says, "Uh huh," and even smiles when he hears you got an A. Which of the following terms best describes your brother's reaction to your story?
A) feedback B) noise C) messages D) context
27) Ralph went to a party over the weekend. Excited to share stories of his antics at the party with his friend Sarah, he invites her to his house after school. While Ralph is telling his story, his mother enters the room. Ralph immediately changes his loud, boisterous tone and stops using profanity. According to the interaction model, Ralph is reacting to a change in what?
A) channel B) noise C) feedback D) context
One limitation of the interaction model of communication is that it doesn't account for
A) the fact that communication occurs in both directions. B) feedback from the receiver. C) the simultaneous exchange of messages and feedback. D) the interference of noise.
29) The ____________ model of communication maintains that both people in a conversation are simultaneously sources and receivers.
A) action B) transaction C) reaction D) interaction
30) As Professor Li lectures during class, she notices several students yawning. Only one student makes direct eye contact with her; the rest of the class is looking around the room. Professor Li interprets these nonverbal cues as messages that she is boring, reflecting the simultaneous nature of which model of communication?
A) action B) reaction C) interaction D) transaction
31) Susan observes that her new classmate, Lupe, is having some difficulty keeping up in class. Because Lupe has just learned the English language and has not yet adapted to the nonverbal codes many Americans use, it takes her longer to decode messages that she receives. Susan makes sure to stay after every class to share her notes with Lupe and to answer any questions she has. According to the transaction model of communication, Susan has identified which aspect of context as affecting how Lupe receives messages?
A) culture B) gender C) psychological environment D) social environment
32) Submitting a written report to your supervisor for feedback best represents which model of communication?
A) action B) interaction C) transaction D) construction
Which model of communication best describes complex face-to-face communication?
A) interaction B) transaction C) action D) construction
34) How would you categorize the context of a tweet, which relies on text alone, without the benefit of the sender's voice or gestures? 10
A) channel-less B) channel-rich C) channel-lean D) channel-neutral
Which of the following is NOT an example of a perceptual filter in communication?
A) intelligence B) gender C) religious beliefs D) All of the above are examples of perceptual filters.
36) Frances and Jean are watching the president give a speech on television. Frances is a big supporter of the president and identifies politically with his party. Jean did not vote for the president and does not agree with his policies. While listening to the address, Frances is delighted with the president's message and thinks he is on point, whereas Jean thinks the president is not addressing the issue at hand. Which characteristic of communication does this scenario illustrate?
A) Communication passes through perceptual filters. B) Communication has relational implications. C) Communication sends messages, whether intentional or unintentional. D) Communication is governed by rules.
Where does the meaning of a word come from?
A) the symbol B) the object being discussed C) the people using it D) the referent
38) Riley wants to play music during lunch and tells her visiting granddaughter to pick out her favorite record. Her granddaughter is confused because all her music is digital, so she says, "You mean, like a sports record?" What assumption did Riley make about her granddaughter?
A) Her granddaughter would have the same musical tastes as she does. B) Her granddaughter understands the meaning she intended to communicate simply because Riley understood it. C) Her granddaughter understood the relational dimension to the message. D) Her granddaughter is old enough to understand her use of symbols because she is old enough to visit her.
39) Robert is driving Samantha, his girlfriend, home from a party. He notices she is quiet and withdrawn. Robert asks Samantha if she is okay. She replies, "I'm fine," in a snide tone while rolling her eyes. Robert becomes angry and asks what her problem is. Robert is responding to what dimension of Samantha's message?
A) relational B) content C) symbolic D) literal
40) If your roommate tells you that you're out of cereal and you interpret the statement as also meaning, "I'm irritated you never replace food items when they are gone," you are interpreting which dimension of your roommate's message?
A) content B) symbolic C) underlying D) relational
What do we call it when we communicate about how we communicate?
A) higher communication B) metacommunication C) intercommunication D) interpersonal communication
42) Carolyn and Maxine are shopping for prom dresses. Carolyn asks Maxine's opinion on a particular dress and tells her to be honest. When Maxine laughs and says the dress makes Carolyn look ridiculous, she is surprised to see Carolyn get upset. When Carolyn explains to Maxine that it is not the opinion, but the way in which it was stated, that hurt her feelings, Carolyn is engaging in what type of communication?
A) intercommunication B) higher communication C) metacommunication D) interpersonal communication
43) When you choose a specific suit to wear to a job interview because you want to communicate professionalism, what type of message are you sending?
A) intentional B) unintentional C) content D) relational
Which of these exemplifies following an explicit rule?
A) not making eye contact on an elevator B) not cutting in line at the bank C) abiding by your school's weapons ban D) keeping your voice down at a funeral
What are the two types of rules that govern communication?
A) content and relational B) internal and external C) norms and values D) explicit and implicit
46) Stan mentally rehearses what he will say to break up with his girlfriend later in the day. Stan is engaging in what kind of communication?
A) intrapersonal B) interpersonal C) unintentional D) public
Which of the following is NOT an example of interpersonal communication?
A) exchanging instant messages with a friend B) talking on the phone with a relative C) visiting face-to-face with a co-worker D) reminding yourself to call a friend later
What is the most common form of communication we engage in?
A) intrapersonal B) interpersonal C) small group D) public
49) Lynn likes interacting with the members of her soccer team, especially engaging with them to make decisions and working together to win. What type of communication does Lynn seem to most enjoy?
A) interpersonal B) public C) small group D) mass
50) Jeremiah has a speech to deliver in two weeks. He spends a lot of time researching and organizing his presentation. He asks his friends to listen as he practices the speech. Jeremiah may be spending so much time preparing and practicing his remarks because he is anticipating engaging in what type of communication?
A) mass B) interpersonal C) public D) small group
Mass media includes all of the following, EXCEPT
A) blogs. B) magazines. C) instant messaging. D) television.
52) Because its audience is so large, which type of communication works well for distributing news, commentary, and entertainment?
A) public B) mass C) small group D) electronic
53) In a nationwide survey of U.S. adults conducted by the National Communication Association, 91 percent of respondents rated their communication skills as above average. This finding reflects what common myth?
A) Everyone is a communication expert. B) Communication will solve any problem. C) Communication can break down. D) Communication is inherently good.
54) Kareem and Haidy have been engaged for two years, but they have been arguing a lot for the past six months because they have different long-term goals. When Haidy tries to break off the engagement, Kareem insists they try couples' counseling first. He is sure that if they just work on their communication skills, they can stay together. After a few weeks of counseling, Haidy still chooses to end the engagement, despite the open communication they experienced in the counseling sessions. Kareem is surprised, thus showing he most likely believes which communication myth?
A) Everyone is a communication expert. B) Communication is inherently good. C) Communication can break down. D) Communication will solve any problem.
55) The idea that communication can "break down" is a myth. Which of the following statements best explains why?
A) Communication is inherently good. B) Our progress is halted because communication has halted. C) The problem lies not with the communication itself but how we are using it. D) Communication is not a process, so therefore it can be compared to a journey.
56) How we use communication determines whether it will have positive or negative effects. This fact dispels what myth?
A) Everyone is a communication expert. B) Communication is inherently good. C) Communication will solve any problem. D) More communication is always better.
57) Lulu disagrees with her friends' position on the war in Afghanistan. She thinks her friends simply aren't informed of the nuances of the situation. Lulu talks at length about her understanding of the conflict, and whenever her friends try to state their opinion, she simply speaks over them. She is sure if they would just listen, they would come to understand and agree with her point of view. Lulu probably believes which communication myth?
A) More communication is always better. B) Communication will solve any problem. C) Communication is inherently good. D) Everyone is a communication expert.
58) According to a 2014 National Association of Colleges and Employers survey, which of the following is one of the most important qualities employers look for in college graduates?
A) high grades B) communication competence C) personal connections D) volunteer experience
59) Someone with communication competence is able to communicate in ways that are __________________ in a given situation.
A) literal and relational B) symbolic and appropriate C) effective and literal D) effective and appropriate
60) In June 2010, President Obama went on NBC's Today show to discuss the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. During the interview, the president told host Matt Lauer he was holding discussions with BP executives so he would know "whose [obscenity] to kick." In the following days, there was much discussion and debate in the media over the use of obscenity in that situation. What does this controversy demonstrate with regard to the communication decisions of the president and other high-ranking officials?
A) It is important to communicate appropriately for the social and cultural context. B) Communication should be objective, not emotional. C) It is important to communicate effectively for the Today show audience. D) A public figure should always be honest about his or her opinions.
Which of the following is NOT a trait of competent communicators?
A) adaptable B) self-aware C) cognitively simple D) empathic
62) Fred does not notice that he tends to dominate conversations because he is a(n) __________ self-monitor.
A) experienced B) high C) low D) objective
63) Which of the following can make someone a more competent communicator by enabling that person to see how his or her behavior fits, or doesn't fit, in a given social situation?
A) self-monitoring B) adaptation C) empathy D) cognitive complexity
64) Tom Cruise has appeared in various interviews to defend his views on Scientology and medication. In these interviews, he appears earnest, focused, and serious. This is in sharp contrast to his appearance on MTV's Movie Awards in 2010, where he appeared as a crude character named Les Grossman and did a suggestive dance with Jennifer Lopez. The appearance was widely viewed in a positive light by its intended audience. By assessing what would be appropriate in different contexts and modifying his behavior accordingly, Tom Cruise demonstrates the idea that competent communicators are which of the following?
A) self-aware B) empathic C) ethical D) adaptable
65) Melanie wants to go with her friends on a class trip to Mexico, but her mother refuses to let her go. Melanie is frustrated, as she thinks her mother is too protective and won't let her have any fun. However, Melanie's mother is worried that something will happen to Melanie, a fear based on her own experiences at Melanie's age. Which of the following traits would help Melanie to understand her mother's perspective and thus become a more competent communicator?
A) adaptability B) empathy C) self-awareness D) ethical foresight
66) If you ask someone to "put yourself in my shoes," you are asking that person to practice which of the following?
A) empathy B) sympathy C) understanding D) awareness
67) If Chelsea looks for only one explanation for the behavior of her friend, then she most likely lacks ___________ as a communicator.
A) empathy B) ethics C) cognitive complexity D) self-awareness
68) Which of the following approaches to communication generally dictates that we treat people fairly and communicate honestly?
A) sympathetic B) empathic C) self-aware D) ethical
69) Chrissie is the owner of a small photocopying business. When her daughter participates in a fundraiser for a cheerleading competition, Chrissie asks her employees to contribute to the fundraiser, even though she pays most of them only the minimum wage. Most of her employees feel obligated to contribute, and they are upset by what they see as an unfair demand from someone who has power over them. Which of the following practices of a competent communicator might Chrissie keep in mind to understand her coworkers' feelings better?
A) practicing self-awareness B) behaving ethically C) thinking with cognitive complexity D) adaptability
Answer Key Test name: chapter 1 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) A 5) B 6) C 7) D 8) C 9) A 10) C 11) D 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) C 16) A 17) D 18) D 19) C 20) B 21) D 22) B 23) A 24) C 25) B 26) A 23
27) D 28) C 29) B 30) D 31) A 32) B 33) B 34) C 35) D 36) A 37) C 38) B 39) A 40) D 41) B 42) C 43) A 44) C 45) D 46) A 47) D 48) B 49) C 50) C 51) C 52) B 53) A 54) D 55) C 56) B 24
57) A 58) B 59) D 60) A 61) C 62) C 63) A 64) D 65) B 66) A 67) C 68) D 69) B
Student name:__________ 1) that
The statement that "culture is a powerful influence on communication behaviour" means
A) traditions have little influence on how we make sense of communication. B) culture distinguishes one group of people from another. C) which society we identify with has little effect on us. D) culture affects how we express ourselves and how we interpret and react to others.
2) Which term describes the totality of learned, shared symbols, language, values, and norms that distinguish one group of people from another?
A) Nationality B) Society C) Culture D) Ethnicity
3) Which term describes a group of people who share common symbols, languages, values, and norms?
A) Nation B) Culture C) Co-culture D) Society
All of the following have been identified as cultural universals, except
Version 1
A) prioritizing the needs of individuals over groups. B) enforcing a sense of fairness and punishing cheaters. C) deferring to legitimate authority. D) sharing gossip.
Which classification best fits the individuals on your "friend" list on Facebook?
A) In-group B) Culture C) Out-group D) Society
6) During the years of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many Muslim students reported feeling excluded at the U.S. colleges and universities they attended. Their experience exemplifies how sometimes we mistreat people we perceive as part of
A) an in-group. B) a co-culture. C) a society. D) an out-group.
7) Research shows that many immigrants experience abnormally high levels of stress during their first year in their new homeland because they identify as belonging to which of the following?
A) In-group B) Out-group C) Ethnicity D) Co-culture
Version 1
8) Many countries struggle with the issue of immigration, illustrating a strongly perceived ______ distinction.
A) ethnocentric B) in-group/out-group C) cultural/societal D) nationalistic
9) At school, Cara likes to spend time with other cheerleaders and athletes, the "jocks" of the school. In biology class, Cara is partnered with Levi, a quiet male student who likes to dress in black and wear eyeliner. Cara is angry, as all of her friends have been paired with others of her social group. Which of the following might be contributing to Cara's difficulty in working with Levi?
A) Her in-group/out-group distinction B) Pressure from friends C) Her opinion of Levi D) Enculturation
10) Jorge's mother, father, and aunt are Hispanic. Jorge and his cousins show pride in their Hispanic ______ by wearing traditional clothing and preparing traditional dishes.
A) nationality B) ethnicity C) citizenship D) society
11) Which of the following terms refers to a person's status as a citizen of a particular country? Version 1
A) Nationality B) Ethnicity C) Enculturation D) Culture
What term best describes the process of acquiring a culture?
A) Nationalization B) Enculturation C) Culturization D) Normalization
Which of the following statements best describes how culture is acquired?
A) Culture is based on our perception of our ancestry or heritage. B) Culture is based on our status as a citizen of a particular country. C) Culture is determined by the traditions and values of the people who raised us. D) Culture is determined by our genetically inherited characteristics.
Communicating effectively in a culture other than our own often involves a period of
A) adaptation. B) ethnocentrism. C) instruction. D) enculturation.
Version 1
15) In 2018, Prince Harry of Great Britain married his girlfriend Meghan Markle, a nonroyal, who became Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, following her marriage. According to reports, Markle took lessons before her wedding to learn about royal etiquette. If these reports were true, Markle was trying to become ______ to her future role in the royal family before the wedding.
A) enculturated B) acclimated C) socialized D) accustomed
What do Bobby and Carrie share if they are both avid fans of the same football team?
A) A language B) A social custom C) A co-culture D) A belief system
17) Groups of people who share values, customs, and norms related to mutual interests or characteristics besides their national citizenship belong to which of the following group distinctions?
A) Co-culture B) Culture C) Society D) Group
Identify which factor would NOT help create a co-culture.
Version 1
A) Religion B) Political activism C) Physical abilities D) National citizenship
19) Many deaf populations have certain values and customs, including social customs, that differ from those of hearing populations, thus making them members of the same
A) co-culture. B) culture. C) society. D) community.
Which statement does NOT accurately describe the Internet's role in creating co-cultures?
A) People can use Internet search engines to join co-cultures outside the online world. B) Online co-cultures often develop their own terminology, values, and communication practices. C) Co-cultures developed through the Internet are always specific to the online world. D) Members of co-cultures developed through the Internet may be geographically dispersed.
21) Bruce is a very active individual while he goes to college. He is a baseball player, vice president of an honor society, and a bassist in a band. Bruce seems to identify with multiple
A) societies. B) cultures. C) communities. D) co-cultures.
Version 1
Which term best classifies the role of the U.S. flag and the bald eagle in U.S. culture?
A) norms B) values C) symbols D) idioms
23) According to the New York State Comptroller's office, 138 languages are spoken in Queens, New York. What does this fact illustrate?
A) Languages can vary in and among cultures. B) Symbols may be interpreted in different ways by people of the same culture. C) Values are often determined by the languages people speak. D) Norms depend on how many cultures are represented in a community.
24) Which term best describes the standards by which a culture judges what is good, desirable, or beautiful?
A) Symbols B) Values C) Norms D) Language
25) Which of the following describes the rules or expectations that guide people's behavior within a culture?
Version 1
A) Norms B) Values C) Symbols D) Morals
26) Elena is used to kissing her friends on both cheeks as a form of greeting in her native country. She notices that her new friends in the United States are uncomfortable with this practice. Elena and her friends have different cultural
A) values. B) protocols. C) norms. D) standards.
27) Which of the following is NOT a cultural difference that influences how people communicate with one other?
A) Orientation toward time B) Power distance C) Communicative context D) Ethnocentrism
28) Research shows that the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia are the most highly ______ cultures.
A) feminine B) collectivistic C) polychronic D) individualistic
Version 1
29) In class, Mark frequently interrupts Professor Chang, asking direct questions and sometimes challenging her statements. Mark believes that it is his right to question an instructor to accommodate his learning style. Professor Chang also calls on Mark frequently in class, as she knows he will have a comment or observation related to the lecture. This style of classroom interaction represents what type of culture?
A) Collectivistic B) Individualistic C) Masculine D) Feminine
30) Chin believes that her primary responsibility is to her family, community, and employer. She considers the needs of her in-groups more important than her own needs. This example illustrates what type of culture?
A) Collectivistic B) Low-context C) Low-power-distance D) Monochronic
31) The motto "I am my family and my family is me" is representative of what type of culture?
A) Collectivistic B) Individualistic C) Low-power-distance D) High-power-distance
Version 1
32) People in a(n) ______ culture are taught that their primary responsibility is to their families, their communities, and their employer.
A) low-power-distance B) collectivistic C) high-power-distance D) individualistic
33) Which term best describes cultures that emphasize the importance of knowing oneself, being self-sufficient, and being true to what one wants in life?
A) High-context B) Low-context C) Individualistic D) Collectivistic
34) Which term best describes a culture in which people are expected to be direct, to say what they mean, and to avoid "beating around the bush"?
A) High-context B) Low-context C) Monochronic D) Polychronic
35) Sue has an issue with her best friend. Rather than state the problem directly, Sue talks indirectly about the issue so her friend won't be embarrassed. With which type of cultural affiliation does Sue most likely identify?
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A) Collectivistic B) High-context C) Polychronic D) Low-context
36) In what type of culture would a supervisor publicly reprimand an employee, directly stating the employee's shortcomings in front of others?
A) Collectivistic culture B) High-context culture C) High-power-distance culture D) Low-context culture
37) The belief that all people are created equal and that no one person or group should have excessive power is characteristic of what type of culture?
A) Low-power-distance B) Low context C) High-power-distance D) High context
In which instance is Mia most likely functioning in a low-power-distance culture?
A) Mia believes that her employer should make all decisions, which she follows without question. B) Mia faces pressure to choose her mate from within her social class. C) Mia feels that it is her right to question her professor in class if she does not agree. D) Mia uses direct language with her friends and tells them what she thinks; she does not "beat around the bush."
Version 1
39) Maricel is from the Philippines, where she has been taught that certain people or groups deserve more power than others and that respecting power is more important than equality. Maricel is from a ______ culture.
A) collectivistic B) high-context C) high-power-distance D) low-context
40) Because the United States tends to value sex-differentiated roles and values such qualities as achievement and the acquisition of resources, the United States could be considered a moderately ______ culture.
A) high-power-distance B) low-power-distance C) masculine D) feminine
Which of the following scenarios reflects a feminine culture?
A) Ally is the primary wage earner, whereas her husband stays home to care for their children. B) Ally stays at home and cares for the children while her husband goes to work. C) Ally believes that she should be direct and to the point while speaking. D) Ally values her autonomy and freedom of choice in how she does her job.
42) Anika, a new mother in Sweden, gets 450 days of paid maternity leave, a practice most common in what type of culture?
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A) Collectivistic B) Individualistic C) Masculine D) Feminine
43) Which type of culture values sex-specific roles for men and women, preferring that men hold the wage-earning and decision-making positions while women occupy the nurturing positions, such as mother and homemaker?
A) Low-power distance B) High-power-distance C) Feminine D) Masculine
44) Which of the following categories is LEAST accurate in describing culture in the United States?
A) Low-power-distance B) Feminine C) Individualistic D) Low-context
Which of the following statements exemplifies a polychronic culture?
A) Time is a finite commodity. B) Time must be properly managed. C) Time is fluid and flexible. D) Time is valuable.
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46) Sara decides to host a party for her new American friends. She tells them that the party will begin at 8 p.m. She is shocked when most of her guests arrive at or near 8 p.m., as in her culture an 8 p.m. start time means that guests will arrive around 9 p.m., if not later. Sara hasn't even put food out for the party yet. Sara most likely comes from which type of culture?
A) Polychronic B) Monochronic C) Low-context D) High-context
47) If you expect class to begin promptly on time, you are most likely from which type of culture?
A) Low-context B) Polychronic C) Monochronic D) High-context
48) If Jamaica takes a "live and let live" approach, preferring as few rules as possible that restrict behavior, we would consider Jamaica to be which type of culture?
A) Low-context B) Uncertainty-accepting C) Feminine D) Low-power-distance
49) What term is used to describe the extent to which people try to avoid situations that are unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable?
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A) Communication apprehension B) Power distance C) Uncertainty avoidance D) Awareness
50) Amish communities in the United States adhere to strict guidelines regarding dress, behavior, and the use of modern technology. This co-culture has a(n) ______ tolerance for uncertainty.
A) high B) low C) average D) conditional
51) The statement "be mindful about cultural differences" is equivalent to which of the following statements?
A) Operate on similarity assumptions. B) Assume that other cultures are inferior to your own. C) Avoid the tendency to judge all differences negatively. D) Don't question cultural assumptions.
52) Upon his return from vacation in France, Matt tells his friends how rude and backward French people are. What is Matt illustrating in his response?
A) American values B) Ethnocentrism C) A superiority complex D) Similarity assumptions
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Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism?
A) Nadia thinks that Americans are rude and too outspoken. B) Nadia doesn't understand why Americans shake hands upon meeting. C) Nadia enjoys learning new American norms because they are different from hers. D) Nadia is homesick and wants to return to her own country.
54) Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to judge other cultures' practices as inferior to one's own?
A) Uncertainty avoidance B) Ignorance C) Similarity assumption D) Ethnocentrism
55) Jenny, born and raised in the United States, is visiting her father's family in Brazil. She has only a very basic understanding of the language because her father speaks English at home. As she is taking her leave of her cousin, he says, "Lavar a egua," an expression used in his culture to wish someone success. Jenny is confused, interpreting her cousin as telling her to "wash the horse." Jenny's confusion demonstrates a breakdown in which communication code?
A) Values B) Norms C) Symbols D) Idioms
Which of the following is NOT an example of a communication code?
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A) Gesture B) Idiom C) Metaphor D) Jargon
57) Jane, an American student, tells her Brazilian friend Lucia that it is "raining cats and dogs." Lucia is confused when she looks outside to see only rain falling from the sky. This is an example of a breakdown of which type of communication code?
A) Gestures B) Language C) Jargon D) Idioms
58) Language whose technical meaning is understood by people within a given co-culture but not necessarily by those outside it is what type of communication code?
A) Jargon B) Symbols C) Idioms D) Norms
59) In 2007, the actor Richard Gere sparked massive protests in India after kissing the Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty at a rally in New Delhi. Later, an Indian court even issued an arrest warrant for Gere. The actor was possibly unaware of
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A) communication codes. B) legal codes. C) gender codes. D) moral codes.
60) In December 2008, President George W. Bush was giving a news conference in Iraq when the Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi shouted an insult and threw his shoe at Bush, nearly hitting the president. Because showing the soles of one's shoes is a sign of disrespect in many Arab cultures, al-Zaidi was using which of the following as a code to communicate his insult?
A) Language B) Symbols C) Idioms D) Values
61) In 2008, the then presidential candidate Barack Obama bumped his fist against his wife Michelle Obama's fist before going onstage to accept the Democratic nomination. The Washington Post went on to call the gesture "the fist bump heard 'round the world.'" Many media outlets and pundits weighed in on the meaning and appropriateness of this fist bump in the following days, thus illustrating the ______ nature of this action.
A) symbolic B) odd C) ethnocentric D) controversial
62) The fact that putting a thumb between the index and middle finger means good luck in Brazil but is an obscene expression in Russia shows that cultures can differ a great deal in their use of
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A) gestures. B) idioms. C) mindfulness. D) values.
63) Which of the following statements is important to remember when interacting with people from other cultures?
A) Expect consistency. B) Adapt to the behavior patterns you observe. C) Be aware of similarities in access to communication technology. D) Anticipate that others will imitate your behavior patterns.
64) Marissa travels to Israel as part of her study abroad program. Because she knows little about the culture and the language, she feels unsure and not certain of what to do. It is important for Marissa to remember that such ______ is common when people interact cross-culturally.
A) adaptation B) ambiguity C) ethnocentrism D) tolerance
65) Because cultures can differ substantially in communication patterns, it is common to experience a lack of certainty when communicating with someone from another culture. This lack of certainty is called
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A) uncertainty avoidance. B) disorientation. C) flexibility. D) ambiguity.
66) Atsuko is from Japan, and Mahek is from Pakistan. They meet as exchange students in Australia. At the end of the semester, they return to their native countries. Atsuko has regular access to a computer and e-mails Mahek regularly. She grows frustrated as Mahek, instead of emailing back, sends letters via traditional mail, which can take weeks. What term would a social scientist use to describe what Atsuko and Mahek are experiencing?
A) Digital divide B) Culture clash C) Ethnocentrism D) Values
67) Kyle, an Australian student, uses the Internet regularly to do research for projects. His Bolivian friend, Diego, instead goes to a local library to use books because he does not have reliable Internet access where he lives. Social scientists refer to this difference in access to communication technology as
A) ethnocentrism. B) low-power-distance. C) the digital divide. D) norms.
To ______ means to change your behavior to accommodate what others are doing.
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A) alter B) overcome C) be respectful D) adapt
69) The musician Madonna, although born and raised in the United States, has been filmed by media speaking with a British accent after having lived in England for several years. In fact, her publicist once e-mailed a major newspaper saying that Madonna naturally picks up on the languages and sounds of people around her. This behavior could be seen as an example of which of the following?
A) Ethnocentrism B) Adaptation C) Values D) Norms
Adaptation is likely to be most effective when it appears
A) deliberate. B) natural. C) deferential. D) exaggerated.
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Answer Key Test name: chapter 2 1) D 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) A 6) D 7) B 8) B 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) B 13) C 14) D 15) A 16) C 17) A 18) D 19) A 20) C 21) D 22) C 23) A 24) B 25) A 26) C Version 1
27) D 28) D 29) B 30) A 31) A 32) B 33) C 34) B 35) B 36) D 37) A 38) C 39) C 40) C 41) A 42) D 43) D 44) B 45) C 46) A 47) C 48) B 49) C 50) B 51) C 52) B 53) A 54) D 55) D 56) C Version 1
57) D 58) A 59) A 60) B 61) A 62) A 63) B 64) B 65) D 66) A 67) C 68) D 69) B 70) B Student name:__________ 1)
Which statement about perception is NOT true?
A) We often perceive others accurately, even with minimal information. B) Our evaluations of others can be more accurate if we have less, rather than more, information. C) When we form our perception of others, our first impression is always accurate. D) More information does not necessarily make our perception of someone more accurate.
2) The process of making meaning from what we experience in the world around us is called
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A) selection. B) perception. C) interpretation. D) organization.
3) Which type of perception do you use when you try to decide if your best friend is angry, based on his behavior?
A) Interpersonal B) Physiological C) Environmental D) Intrapersonal
4) Arianna has an argument with her boyfriend and storms out of the house. He does not call or text her all morning, and Arianna is convinced that he is ignoring her. In this example, Arianna's realization that her boyfriend is not contacting her exemplifies which stage of the perceptual process?
A) Intention B) Interpretation C) Organization D) Selection
5) In class, you notice a classmate smiling at you. In which stage of the perceptual process are you engaged?
Version 1
A) Selection B) Interpretation C) Evaluation D) Organization
6) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that makes a given stimulus more likely to be selected for attention?
A) Repetition B) Intensity C) Unexpectedness D) Familiarity
7) The ______ stage of the perceptual process helps you make sense of information by allowing you to see its similarities to and differences from other things you know about.
A) application B) organization C) selection D) interpretation
8) In the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, several main characters, who were acclaimed and successful scientists, tried unsuccessfully to approach attractive women for dates. In the perceptual process, which stage is likely contributing to the characters' lack of success, given that the women perceived them as "geeky," unattractive, socially awkward men?
Version 1
A) Organization B) Selection C) Interpretation D) Application
What types of constructs emphasize people's social or professional position?
A) Physical B) Interaction C) Role D) Psychological
10) When Cy meets his best friend's father, Cy admires the man's confidence and selfassuredness. Later, when Cy learns that his friend's father is a top attorney with a prominent law firm, he is not surprised. When Cy readily accepts the father's profession as appropriate based on Cy's first impression, Cy is relying on ______ constructs.
A) role B) physical C) psychological D) interaction
11) Wendy decides that Dale, the new guy at work, must be romantically interested in her because he brings her coffee every morning. By assigning meaning to Dale's behavior, Wendy is in which stage of perception?
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A) Organization B) Evaluation C) Selection D) Interpretation
12) When your best friend does you an unexpected favor, you interpret it as a sincere sign of friendship, but if a coworker does you the same favor, you are more likely to wonder whether he or she has an ulterior motive. This difference in interpretation is due to what influencing factor on interpretation?
A) Interaction construct B) Knowledge of the individual C) Closeness of the relationship D) Personal experience
Which statement about the perceptual process is most accurate?
A) The perceptual process is linear. B) The three stages of the perceptual process overlap. C) The three stages of the perceptual process always follow the same order. D) The perceptual process varies from one person to another.
14) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the order in which perceptual stages occur?
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A) In the perceptual process, we usually notice only one construct at a time. B) Even though perception happens in stages, the stages don't always take place in the same order. C) The perceptual process is always logical and linear. D) Selection depends on personal experience, knowledge, and the closeness of the relationship.
15) Perry, an American student, and Sun Yi, his girlfriend from Taiwan, are arguing. While Perry expresses himself loudly, Sun Yi tries a less aggressive approach. They both grow increasingly frustrated because Perry thinks that Sun Yi won't address the conflict directly, and Sun Yi thinks that Perry is behaving selfishly. What perceptual influence could be at work in this situation?
A) Primacy B) Stereotypes C) Culture D) Perceptual sets
16) A ______ is a generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive other people and their communicative behavior.
A) stereotype B) perceptual set C) construct D) characteristic
17) Identify the concept best represented by the following thought process: (1) He is a man. (2) Men don't know how to express their feelings. (3) Therefore, he must not know how to express his feelings.
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A) Construct B) Interpretation C) Stereotype D) Recency
The belief that all homeless people are lazy is an example of which perceptual influence?
A) Generalization B) Construct C) Perceptual set D) Stereotype
19) We have a tendency to remember information that supports our stereotypes while forgetting information that doesn't. Which of the following best describes this tendency?
A) Self-serving bias B) Self-fulfilling prophecy C) Selective memory bias D) Fundamental attribution error
20) According to a principle known as ______, our first impressions of someone's communicative behaviors seem to stick in our minds more than second or third impressions do.
A) the recency effect B) perceptual sets C) stereotypes D) the primacy effect
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21) A stand-up comedian's last joke during a performance is one of the most important jokes because of which principle?
A) Perceptual effect B) Recency effect C) Primacy effect D) Construct effect
22) When giving a speech, you must offer strong opening and closing statements because of which influence on perception?
A) Primacy/Recency B) Stereotyping C) Culture/Co-culture D) Selective memory bias
A ______ is a predisposition to perceive only what we want or expect to perceive.
A) stereotype B) memory bias C) perceptual set D) context
24) At the mall, Miles sees a friend he hasn't spoken to in a few years. She is pushing a baby in a stroller. Because of the yellow blanket in the stroller, Miles assumes that the baby is a girl and exclaims, "She is beautiful!" When Miles's friend informs him that the baby is a boy, Miles says, "Oh, of course. Just look at how strong he is!" Which of the following terms best describes Miles's apparent change in perception with regard to the baby's sex?
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A) Bias B) Stereotype C) Context D) Perceptual set
25) When someone undergoes chemotherapy and his or her cancer goes into remission, some individuals in that person's life will believe that the remission is an answer to their prayers, whereas others will believe that the remission is a natural response to the chemotherapy. Which of the following factors might account for this difference in beliefs about the cancer remission?
A) Perceptual set B) Memory bias C) Self-serving bias D) Selection
26) You notice that your cousin is ignoring her fiancé. When you begin to wonder why she is behaving the way she is, you are looking for ______ in relation to her behavior.
A) Context B) Interpretation C) Attribution D) Perceptual set
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of an attribution?
A) Focus B) Stability C) Controllability D) Locus
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28) Which term refers to the location of our behavior, whether within ourselves or outside ourselves?
A) Stability B) Controllability C) Locus D) Context
29) If you assign an external attribution to your professor's late arrival to class, thinking, "She must have hit heavy traffic on the way to campus," what are you examining in order to understand the behavior?
A) Reason B) Locus C) Cause D) Explanation
30) If you perceive that your boss is late for your appointment because she has chosen to socialize with other coworkers beforehand, you are making a(n) ______ attribution.
A) stable B) external C) controllable D) internal
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31) Roommates Meliah and Jean have an argument before going to bed. Meliah is so upset by the conflict that she forgets to load the dishwasher, as she has agreed to do every night. Jean is sure that Meliah deliberately avoided doing the dishes to get back at her. As a result, rather than apologize in the morning as she had planned to do, Jean continues the argument. What has Jean erroneously evaluated in this instance?
A) Locus B) Controllability C) Attribution D) Stability
32) What term refers to our tendency to attribute our successes to stable, internal causes while attributing our failures to unstable, external causes?
A) Attribution B) Self-serving bias C) Fundamental attribution error D) Selfishness
33) If you do really well on a test, you credit your preparation, but if you do poorly, you blame the noise in the classroom. This is an example of which attribution error?
A) Fundamental attribution B) External locus C) Controllability D) Self-serving bias
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34) Nicole's husband forgets their wedding anniversary. Nicole knows that her husband has been distracted by clients at work, so she isn't angry. When Nicole's husband brings her flowers the next day, she believes that he is a thoughtful husband. This tendency for Nicole to attribute negative behaviors to external factors and positive behaviors to internal factors most likely reflects which attribution error?
A) Self-serving bias B) Fundamental attribution C) Locus D) Stability
35) Which term refers to the tendency to attribute other people's behaviors to internal rather than external causes?
A) Fundamental attribution error B) Locus C) Self-serving bias D) Stability
36) Good communicators bear in mind that others' behaviors are often responses to external forces, thus avoiding what problem?
A) Stability B) Self-serving bias C) Fundamental attribution error D) Controllability
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37) Wanda is annoyed because her waiter keeps getting her order wrong and doesn't seem to be listening to her. Wanda informs her companions that she will not leave a tip for such a lazy, incompetent waiter. Wanda is unaware that two other waiters have called in sick, leaving her waiter with twice the workload. Wanda's lack of consideration of external forces to explain the waiter's behavior is an example of a(n)
A) uncontrollable attribution. B) fundamental attribution error. C) self-serving bias. D) external attribution.
Effective communication depends on your ability to perceive others as well as to perceive
A) others' intentions. B) others' actions. C) yourself. D) circumstances.
Your self-concept, or ______, is composed of stable ideas about who you are.
A) perception B) Johari window C) stability D) identity
40) If you define yourself as a male, an uncle, and someone who is fun and honest, you are defining different aspects of your self-concept or
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A) locus. B) organization. C) identity. D) culture.
Which of the following is NOT an area represented in the Johari window?
A) Known B) Blind C) Open D) Unknown
42) If Rebecca chooses not to share her history of childhood abuse with friends, in which area of Rebecca's Johari window would that information be located?
A) Open B) Blind C) Unknown D) Hidden
43) Which area of the Johari window would most likely include characteristics such as your name, sex, academic major, and hobbies?
A) Open B) Blind C) Unknown D) Hidden
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44) In 2009, a popular game show aired called The Moment of Truth. On this show, contestants chose to disclose secrets to their friends, family, and the viewing audience in order to win money. In other words, the contestants were moving information from the ______ area of their Johari window to the open area.
A) blind B) unknown C) open D) hidden
45) When the College Board asked almost 1 million high school seniors in the United States to rate their ability to get along with others, every single student responded that he or she was "above average." Which of the following statements best reflects the results of this survey?
A) It is often difficult to judge ourselves objectively or accurately. B) Many aspects of our self-concept are objective. C) Most of us are optimistic in our self-concept. D) It is important to recognize the many dimensions of self-concept.
46) Some of what we know about ourselves is based on ______ facts, such as details regarding height, weight, and hair color.
A) subjective B) obvious C) accurate D) objective
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47) Johanna suffers from depression and has low self-esteem. When she receives a low grade on her informative speech, she believes that the grade is a reflection of her self-worth. Which statement best illustrates Johanna's experience?
A) The tendency toward self-monitoring ranges along a continuum from high to low. B) Many aspects of our self-concept are objective. C) Sometimes our judgments of ourselves are unreasonably negative. D) Others' perceptions of us are usually accurate.
48) Someone who is a(n) ______ pays attention to how others are reacting to his or her behaviors and adjusts communication as needed.
A) high self-monitor B) effective leader C) competent communicator D) adaptable listener
49) Tyce doesn't spend a lot of energy worrying about his appearance; he just wears whatever is at hand in the morning. Likewise, he always says what is on his mind and isn't concerned with what other people think about him. Tyce's behavior suggests that Tyce is a(n) ______ selfmonitor.
A) high B) average C) low D) honest
50) Lissa hates math. She knows that she will not do well in her math class. As her first math exam approaches, Lissa doesn't really study for it because she believes that she won't do well on it anyway. When she receives a "D" on the exam, Lissa tells her father, "See? I told you I wasn't good at this!" Which phenomenon is Lissa likely experiencing? Version 1
A) Self-fulfilling prophecy B) Self-monitoring C) Self-esteem D) Self-concept
51) People may experience ______ because their expectations of a situation influence their behavior, thus influencing the outcome.
A) controllability B) fundamental attribution error C) self-serving bias D) self-fulfilling prophecy
52) Which of the following most directly reflects your degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your self-concept?
A) Childhood B) Stability C) Self-esteem D) Self-fulfilling prophecy
53) Individuals with ______ self-esteem tend to be more outgoing and communicative and therefore build stronger relationships with others.
A) high B) confident C) low D) average
Version 1
54) Because of an abusive childhood, Luis is pessimistic about his abilities at work and school and wishes he were a better person. He rarely initiates relationships and has a hard time believing in a partner's expression of love and affection. Luis has low ______.
A) stability B) self-concept C) constructs D) self-esteem
55) When you wear a suit to an interview and communicate in an articulate, professional manner, what behavioral adjustment are you engaging in?
A) Self-fulfilling prophecy B) Fundamental attribution error C) Self-serving bias D) Identity management
56) Ann has a date after work. She rushes home and changes out of her business suit into jeans and a nice shirt. She applies additional makeup and puts on perfume, something she never does for work. Ann is engaging in what communication behavior?
A) Self-serving bias B) Identity management C) Self-fulfilling prophecy D) Organization
57) Psychologist Dan McAdams has suggested that we all develop a(n) ______, a way of presenting ourselves to others that is based on our self-concept but that is also influenced by other people. Version 1
A) life story B) identity C) face D) image
58) In the film The Mask, the bank teller Stanley Ipkiss (played by Jim Carrey) tries to be friendly and outgoing, but others, including his own friends, treat him with disrespect and scorn. They clearly do not accept the image of himself that Stanley portrays because
A) Stanley manages multiple identities. B) image management is complex. C) Stanley tries to project an image that accurately reflects his self-concept. D) image management is collaborative.
59) In your circle of friends, you are known as a friend, but in your place of employment, you are known as an employee. Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes this concept?
A) Image management is collaborative. B) We manage multiple identities. C) Managing an image is complex. D) We try to project an image that accurately reflects our self-concept.
60) Patrick has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Although his condition is in its early stages, Patrick notices that he completes tasks at work much more slowly than he used to. Patrick is having trouble deciding if he will reveal his medical condition to his supervisor because Patrick doesn't want his boss's perception of him to change. Like many others with "invisible" medical conditions, Patrick is trying to
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A) manage multiple identities. B) lie about his situation. C) be someone he is not. D) avoid image management.
61) Which of the following is NOT among the typical reasons why someone who is HIVpositive would choose to conceal the condition?
A) Fear of rejection B) Privacy C) Self-blame D) Disbelief
62) Lola has two e-mail addresses, one for school and another for her personal use. She also enjoys going to a virtual gaming website, where her user name is Xena. Lola is ______ online.
A) projecting one image about herself to multiple users B) identifying herself in a cohesive way C) managing multiple identities D) avoiding image management
63) Research shows that when we ask others for favors, we often create narratives that help us maintain our image while still being persuasive because
A) we manage multiple identities. B) image management is complex. C) we like to tell stories about our self-concept. D) our self-esteem informs everything we do.
Version 1
64) Rashid has been asked to be the best man at his brother's wedding. Unfortunately, the wedding is in another state, and in order to arrive on time, Rashid would need to miss his final exam for his algebra class. Rashid meets with the professor and explains the situation. He knows that he must appear dedicated to class while at the same time asking to be allowed to finish the course early. Rashid's narrative reflects the concept that
A) we like to tell others stories. B) we manage multiple identities. C) our self-esteem informs at the narratives we tell. D) image management is complex.
65) Sociologist Erving Goffman coined the term ______ to describe the behaviors we use to project our desired public image to others.
A) image management B) context C) facework D) identity
66) Margaret is angry that her mother insists on doing everything for her, even though Margaret began college a few months ago. Her mother schedules her doctors' appointments for her, tells Margaret when her car needs to be taken in for maintenance, and even insists on going shopping with Margaret for new clothes. Her mother must also see all of Margaret's grades and feedback from her professors. Margaret's mother is imposing on which face need?
A) Autonomy B) Competence C) Fellowship D) Separation
Version 1
67) Your desire to avoid an embarrassing situation that will make you appear foolish is related to your ______ face.
A) fellowship B) competence C) relational D) autonomy
68) When Stefan's mother hands him a rejection letter from the college he had been dreaming of attending for four years, Stefan shrugs and says that he didn't really want to go to that college anyway. He asserts that he had already decided to go to his second-choice school, which had accepted him a week earlier. Stefan is most likely employing a defense mechanism because he views the rejection letter as a
A) face-threatening act. B) face need. C) face-saving act. D) threat to his self-esteem.
69) Individuals with certain disabilities may perceive threats to their ______ face if they are unable to do activities that others can do, such as driving a car.
A) fellowship B) relational C) competence D) autonomy
70) Each of us is constantly ______ our public image, hoping that others will perceive us the way we want them to. Version 1
A) changing B) finding C) managing D) hiding behind
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 3 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) A 6) D 7) B 8) A 9) C 10) A 11) D 12) C 13) B 14) B 15) C 16) A 17) C 18) D 19) C 20) D 21) B 22) A 23) C 24) D 25) A 26) C Version 1
27) A 28) C 29) B 30) C 31) C 32) B 33) D 34) A 35) A 36) C 37) B 38) C 39) D 40) C 41) A 42) D 43) A 44) D 45) A 46) D 47) C 48) A 49) C 50) A 51) D 52) C 53) A 54) D 55) D 56) B Version 1
57) A 58) D 59) B 60) A 61) D 62) C 63) B 64) D 65) C 66) A 67) B 68) A 69) D 70) C Student name:__________ 1) Whether retailers such as Walmart and Target use the phrase "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" is a decision about what form of communication?
A) Nonverbal communication B) Symbolism C) Language D) Emotional communication
2) Using the right words in a job interview or a marriage proposal may determine failure or success because being a competent communicator requires us to use ______ in a deliberate and informed way.
Version 1
A) language B) nonverbal communication C) grammatical rules D) symbols
3) Which of the following could be described as a structured system of symbols used for communicating meaning?
A) Symbolic collection B) Nonverbal communication C) Metaphor D) Language
4) Language is characterized by the use of words, which represent ideas, observations, feelings, and thoughts. In other words, words are a type of
A) language. B) symbol. C) rule. D) idea.
5) The word five is a(n) ______ because it represents an idea of quantity but does not constitute the quantity itself.
A) idea B) number C) symbol D) rule
Version 1
6) Talking to her grandmother about her new computer, Reina uses such words as "web" and "tweet." Reina's grandmother wonders what spiders and birds have to do with Reina's computer. Based on the grandmother's confusion, what can we conclude about the nature of language?
A) Words are unstable. B) All language is symbolic. C) Computer language is static. D) Misunderstandings are humorous.
7) English speakers use the word dog, even though that word doesn't actually look or sound like a dog, because speakers of the language have agreed to give the word dog a particular meaning, thus showing the ______ nature of language.
A) static B) fixed C) rule-governed D) arbitrary
Which of the following is NOT a rule that governs language?
A) Syntactic B) Symbolic C) Phonological D) Semantic
Version 1
9) The character of Yoda is a favorite of many Star Wars fans, both for his odd looks and his unique use of the English language. Changing the conventional order of words in a sentence, Yoda might say, "My friend he is" instead of "He is my friend." The uniqueness of Yoda's speech is an example of what type of deviation from English language rules?
A) Syntactic B) Phonological C) Semantic D) Symbolic
10) When you learn a new language, you must also learn new ______ rules so that you know the correct pronunciation of words.
A) semantic B) syntactic C) phonological D) pragmatic
11) When you hear the word doctor, you might think of either a physician or a person with a PhD. Which linguistic rules pertain to the context by which doctor might be more precisely understood?
A) Syntactic B) Pragmatic C) Phonological D) Semantic
______ rules deal with the implications or interpretations of statements.
Version 1
A) Semantic B) Pragmatic C) Syntactic D) Phonological
13) In the hallway at school, Felipe's girlfriend says to him, "I'd like to see you later." Soon after, Felipe's economics professor also says, "I'd like to see you later." Although Felipe is looking forward to the meeting with his girlfriend, he is not as excited about the meeting with his professor, in whose class he is struggling. Which rules allow Felipe to draw a conclusion about the two different meanings of the same statement?
A) Phonological B) Syntactic C) Pragmatic D) Semantic
14) Ross and Emma have been dating for a few months. One evening, Ross tells Emma he loves her, by which he means that he likes spending time with her and enjoys her company. Emma understands this word to mean that Ross is going to stay with her forever and that she can plan on a long-term commitment. Which term refers to a difference in emotional meaning, as in the case of the word love?
A) Definition B) Arbitrariness C) Denotation D) Connotation
15) The Merriam- Webster Dictionary defines the word persuasion as "an opinion held with complete assurance." This definition is the ______ meaning of the word.
Version 1
A) arbitrary B) denotative C) connotative D) fixed
Which of the following is NOT an element of the semantic triangle?
A) Referent B) Symbol C) Word D) Reference
Which statement does NOT apply to the semantic triangle?
A) The semantic triangle illustrates the relationship between words and their denotative and connotative meanings. B) If several listeners hear the same word, they might attribute the same denotative meaning to it but attribute different connotative meanings. C) In its three corners, the semantic triangle portrays three necessary elements for identifying the meaning in language. D) The differences in interpretation lie in a word's denotative rather than connotative meaning.
18) Marek tells his friend Alicia that his dog bit him over the weekend. Horrified, Alicia pictures a large, aggressive dog. At the same time, she is surprised that Marek has no visible injuries. Marek is amused by the misunderstanding, as he was referring to his three-pound Pomeranian. According to the semantic triangle, which element led to the miscommunication?
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A) Reference B) Referent C) Symbol D) Denotation
19) Because of its negative historical connotation, the word Nazi is an example of which of the following?
A) Ambiguous language B) Loaded language C) Controversial language D) Provocative language
20) Even if the denotative meanings of the words family and values are emotionally neutral, when the terms are put together, the connotation of the phrase family values becomes ______ in U.S. politics.
A) symbolic B) ambiguous C) loaded language D) emotionally charged
21) Kelly asks her mother for "some" money before she goes on a trip with friends. Kelly is disappointed when her mother gives her twenty dollars because by "some" money Kelly was expecting about one hundred dollars. Kelly's language lacked clarity and was therefore
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A) ambiguous. B) concrete. C) loaded. D) semantic.
22) According to the English professor Samuel Hayakawa, words can be arrayed along a ladder of ______ that shows their progression from more abstract to more concrete.
A) ambiguity B) semantics C) abstraction D) concreteness
23) If you can trace the progression of an idea from living creatures, to animals, to mammals, to canines, to cocker spaniels, to your dog named Lucy, what are you following?
A) Semantics B) Ambiguity C) The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis D) The ladder of abstraction
24) The Ashanti tribe in Africa has a proverb that says, "The poor man and the rich man do not play together." This proverb not only influences the ways tribal members see the world but also reflects the attitudes and behaviors of the tribe's people. This example illustrates which concept?
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A) Ladder of abstraction B) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis C) Ambiguity of language D) Complexity of language
25) Peter Gordon, a psycholinguist at Columbia University, studied Brazil's Pirahas tribe and their use of language. He found that they had very few words for time and no words for numbers or numerical ideas. Gordon's study, published in the journal Science, found that the Pirahas were incapable of doing basic math, and in fact, they were incapable of learning even the concept of numbers, despite eight months of tutoring. The fact that this tribe of people could not conceive of something for which they had no vocabulary reflects what principle?
A) Linguistic relativity B) Ambiguous language C) Ladder of abstraction D) Linguistic determinism
26) Linguistic ______ suggests that because language determines our perceptions of reality, people see the world differently depending on what language they speak.
A) ambiguity B) abstraction C) relativity D) determinism
You might think that Rocky is stronger than Percy simply based on his name because
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A) names can suggest information about disposition and a sense of self. B) a person's name can suggest information about that person's characteristics. C) a person's name can reveal that person's age group. D) names can provide clues about someone's ethnicity.
28) Although William's parents name him William, he grows up being called Billy. When he goes away to college, he introduces himself to his new friends as Will. He becomes frustrated when, returning home for the holidays, his family continues to call him Billy. Which statement about language best applies to his frustration?
A) Language connects us to others. B) Language motivates action. C) Language expresses who we are. D) Language controls our relationships.
______ is the extent to which others perceive us to be competent and trustworthy.
A) Relativity B) Likability C) Ambiguity D) Credibility
"Money doesn't grow on trees" is an example of what?
A) Cliché B) Dialect C) Weasel words D) Equivocal language
Version 1
Which of the following uses of language is LEAST likely to diminish your credibility?
A) Clichés B) Concrete words C) Weasel words D) Equivocation
32) Marissa is from New York. She is sent to Georgia by her company to supervise a new division. While there, Marissa notices a difference in the way language is used. For example, she uses words like "schlep" when describing her commute, while the people from Georgia use "y'all" frequently. Marissa tries to be friendly with her new employees and coworkers, but they seem to question her credibility. What might be contributing to their lack of confidence in her?
A) Her use of a different dialect B) Her New Yorker clichés C) Her use of weasel words D) Her frequent equivocation
33) If you speak in a dialect familiar to your audience because you know that doing so enhances your credibility, you are practicing ______ theory.
A) equivocation B) communication enactment C) enhancement D) communication accommodation
______ is language that disguises a speaker's true intentions.
Version 1
A) Dialect B) Equivocation C) Accommodation D) Ambiguity
35) Your mother asks you if she looks good in a particular outfit, and you feel that the dress does not flatter her. You don't want to hurt her feelings, so you use ______ by saying, "How do you feel about that color?"
A) weasel words B) ambiguous words C) equivocation D) equalization
36) Carl interviews five students about his persuasive speech topic on the legalization of marijuana. Of the five, three support legalization. During his speech, Carl states, "Three out of five college students believe that marijuana should be legalized." Carl's dubious research skills lead him to state the misleading data that 60 percent of students support the legalization of marijuana. Carl is using which type of language?
A) Weasel words B) Abstract words C) Clichés D) Equivocation
37) Many people use social networking sites such as Facebook to meet new people and stay in contact with those they already know. That behavior demonstrates which social and linguistic function of sites such as Facebook?
Version 1
A) Such sites connect us to others. B) Such sites motivate action. C) Such sites help us express who we are. D) Such sites help us control contact with others.
38) When Juan tells his girlfriend, "I hope to marry you one day" or "You are the most important person in the world to me," Juan using language to express
A) credibility. B) affection. C) inclusion. D) comfort.
39) Some websites and organizations organize card drives, sending thousands of cards to U.S. troops overseas. Besides the support these cards express, what else do they provide through the power of language?
A) Inclusion B) Identity C) Comfort D) Credibility
40) ______ is a common communication behavior in social group settings because people frequently talk about others who are not present.
A) Conversation B) Talking C) Equivocation D) Gossip
Version 1
41) Although we sometimes discuss an absent person's positive qualities with others, research shows that we are far more likely to ______ a person's negative features or behaviors.
A) defend B) overlook C) gossip about D) relate to
When you say what you dislike about your brother's new girlfriend, you are expressing
A) criticism. B) gossip. C) threats. D) jargon.
43) When an instructor writes comments on an assignment to help students improve, the comments are considered ______ criticism.
A) verbal B) constructive C) destructive D) professional
A declaration of the intention to harm someone is called
Version 1
A) a criticism. B) jargon. C) weasel words. D) a threat.
45) A parent's saying to a child, "If you want to cry, I'll give you something to cry about" is an example of a
A) threat. B) fact. C) cliché. D) criticism.
"Subway—Eat Fresh" is an example of
A) persuasive language. B) a slogan. C) commercial language. D) a cliché.
47) Every time we watch a television commercial, read a pop-up ad on the Internet, or listen to a political speech, someone is using ______ to try to influence what we believe or how we will behave.
A) coercion B) slogans C) persuasion D) weasel words
Version 1
48) A booster club at a local high school needs to raise money for the football team's trip to the state championship. The club mails out a flyer offering potential sponsors different levels of sponsorship: $1,000 (diamond), $500 (platinum), $250 (gold), $100 (silver), and $50 (bronze). The boosters were afraid that if they asked for $50 outright, many supporters would balk at the cost. The boosters hoped that using the ______ approach would make the sponsors think that $50 was reasonable.
A) anchor-and-contrast B) reciprocity C) scarcity D) cause-and-effect
49) According to the ______, we feel a sense of duty to help individuals who have helped us in the past.
A) anchor-and-contrast theory B) payback theory C) norm of reciprocity D) norm of scarcity
50) When McDonald's puts on its roadside signs the phrase "billions and billions served," the company is hoping that you will want to eat where so many other consumers have eaten, based on which principle?
A) Cause-and-effect B) Social validation C) Scarcity D) Reciprocity
Version 1
51) The ______ principle maintains that people will comply with requests if they believe that others are also complying.
A) reciprocity B) cause-and-effect C) anchor-and-contrast D) social validation
52) What is a way in which humor does NOT enhance our communication and associations with others?
A) It can bring us closer to people. B) It can undermine feelings of intimacy. C) It can make social interaction more pleasant and enjoyable. D) It can defuse stress.
53) Celine asks her professor if she can give a speech on "friends with benefits." The professor agrees, thinking that the speech will focus on the benefits of friendship. Much to the professor's surprise, the speech is about friends who have sex with each another. Celine's professor did not realize that Celine was using a(n) ______ to make the topic sound less explicit.
A) euphemism B) slang word C) jargon term D) metaphor
54) Some topics, such as death or sex, are difficult or impolite to talk about directly, so people tend to use ______ instead.
Version 1
A) jargon B) slang C) euphemisms D) profanity
55) Seth works with computers for a large company. He is asked to give a presentation to the top executives on current issues in technology. Halfway through his speech—which addresses topics such as adware, biometrics, and dongles—Seth realizes that he has lost his audience because of his frequent use of
A) jargon. B) slang. C) profanity. D) euphemisms.
Excessive use of ______ can make someone feel like an outsider.
A) clichés B) defamation C) jargon D) euphemisms
Libel and slander are two types of what misuse of language?
A) Jargon B) Defamation C) Hate speech D) Profanity
Version 1
58) The celebrity Kim Kardashian was sued by the Cookie Diet when she wrote negative comments about the diet and its founder on a Twitter post. The company claimed that Kardashian's negative comments had caused tens of millions of dollars in damages to its business and harm to its reputation. The Cookie Diet company was accusing Kardashian of what misuse of language?
A) Profanity B) Hate speech C) Jargon D) Defamation
59) What is a term for language that is considered vulgar, rude, or obscene in the context in which it is used?
A) Hate speech B) Profanity C) Jargon D) Defamation
60) To call a female dog a "bitch" is considered appropriate, but to call your math professor the same word would be considered ______ because of the context in which the term was used.
A) profanity B) jargon C) hate speech D) defamation
61) Calling people derogatory names, intimidating people, and advocating violence against groups of individuals all might qualify as what type of language? Version 1
A) Defamation B) Hate speech C) Profane speech D) Hurtful speech
62) In 2010 a high school student named Phoebe Prince hanged herself after weeks of bullying during which classmates allegedly called her "Irish whore" and used Facebook posts to encourage Prince to kill herself. Prince is a tragic example of a person victimized by what kind of language?
A) Hate speech B) Slang C) Equivocation D) Jargon
63) A(n) ______ is a personal judgment or preference that we can agree or disagree with but that is not true or false in an absolute sense.
A) factual claim B) implication C) opinion D) inference
64) If someone says, "The governor has been ineffective in this crisis," that person is making what type of statement?
Version 1
A) Factual B) Objective C) Opinion D) Profane
65) In a discussion with classmates, Helen declares, "Abortion should be illegal in the United States." A classmate points out that her statement is not a fact, angering Helen. Having expressed an evaluation of what "should be," Helen has made what kind of statement?
A) Opinion B) Objective C) Factual claim D) Complex statement
66) An instructor who simplifies his or her language when teaching an introductory level course is doing what?
A) Owning his or her thoughts and feelings B) Separating opinions from factual claims C) Avoiding hate speech D) Speaking at an appropriate level
67) This principle of Civil Dialogue calls for communicators to be mindful of the past and future as well as the present.
A) Care with language B) Honesty C) Openness to change D) Multipresence
Version 1
68) You are arguing with your cousin and becoming frustrated because she does not seem to understand what you are saying. Instead of saying, "You are not listening to me," you state, "I don't think I'm being clear." You have used what principle of effective use of language?
A) Separating fact from opinion B) Owning your own thoughts or feelings C) Speaking at an appropriate level D) Avoiding hate speech
"My feelings are hurt" is an example of what kind of statement?
A) I-statement B) We-statement C) You-statement D) They-statement
What kind of statement shifts responsibility from the communicator to another person?
A) I-statement B) You-statement C) Responsibility statement D) Opinion statement
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 4 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) D 8) B 9) A 10) C 11) D 12) B 13) C 14) D 15) B 16) C 17) D 18) A 19) B 20) C 21) A 22) C 23) D 24) B 25) D 26) C Version 1
27) B 28) C 29) D 30) A 31) B 32) A 33) D 34) B 35) C 36) A 37) A 38) B 39) C 40) D 41) C 42) A 43) B 44) D 45) A 46) B 47) C 48) A 49) C 50) B 51) D 52) B 53) A 54) C 55) A 56) C Version 1
57) B 58) D 59) B 60) A 61) B 62) A 63) C 64) C 65) A 66) D 67) D 68) B 69) A 70) B Student name:__________ 1) Much of what we learn about people's thoughts or feelings comes not through listening to their words but through observing their body language and other behaviors. Body language is an example of what kind of communication?
A) Verbal B) Symbolic C) Gesture D) Nonverbal
2) _____ communication refers to those behaviors and characteristics that convey meaning without the use of words.
Version 1
A) Nonverbal B) Unspoken C) Kinesic D) Verbal
Which statement about nonverbal communication is NOT true?
A) Nonverbal behaviors can reflect someone's state of mind. B) Nonverbal behaviors often clarify or reinforce verbal messages. C) Nonverbal behaviors constitute only a small portion of our messages. D) Nonverbal behaviors can convey meaning on their own.
4) Susan meets Bryant on an online dating website. They e-mail back and forth until Susan feels comfortable with Bryant; she especially enjoys his use of emoji. She agrees to speak with him on the phone, and she finds herself liking him more and more. Bryant is soft-spoken and quick to laugh, and he gives Susan plenty of time to state her opinions without interrupting. Even though Susan and Bryant have yet to meet, they have discovered which principle of nonverbal communication?
A) Nonverbal communication is usually trusted over verbal communication. B) Nonverbal communication is present in most communication contexts. C) Nonverbal communication metacommunicates. D) Nonverbal communication serves multiple functions.
5) In electronically mediated communication, such as e-mail or instant messaging, we can introduce nonverbal cues through textual representations of facial expressions called
Version 1
A) smiley faces. B) images. C) emoji. D) clip art.
Cartoon depictions of facial expressions and other objects are called
A) claymations. B) emoji. C) animations. D) caricatures.
7) The various behavioral forms that nonverbal communication takes are referred to as nonverbal
A) formats. B) methods. C) means. D) channels.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a nonverbal channel?
A) Hearing B) Facial expressions C) Vocal characteristics D) Touch
Version 1
9) Rita's boyfriend can be moody after a particularly bad day at work. Before trying to speak to him, Rita has learned to observe him for a few moments, paying attention to his tone of voice, facial expressions, and willingness to kiss her hello. Rita is using multiple _____ to help her determine her boyfriend's mood.
A) verbal cues B) methods C) unspoken words D) nonverbal channels
10) Patricia is in the car with her niece Cara and notices that Cara is quiet and not participating in the conversation. Patricia asks Cara what's wrong, and Cara says, while rolling her eyes, "Nothing, everything is perfectly fine." Despite what Cara says, Patricia is sure that something is wrong and decides to speak with Cara privately when they get to their destination. What principle of nonverbal communication is at play?
A) Nonverbal communication is usually believed over verbal communication. B) Nonverbal communication is present in most communication contexts. C) Nonverbal communication metacommunicates. D) Nonverbal communication serves multiple functions.
11) Your preference for believing nonverbal signals even when they conflict with spoken words is especially critical for detecting _____, when someone is leading you to believe something that he or she knows to be untrue.
A) emotion B) deception C) truth D) metacommunication
Version 1
12) Which statement best reflects why experts believe we put our trust in nonverbal communication over verbal communication?
A) People have a harder time controlling nonverbal signals than verbal ones. B) People don't care about what nonverbal signals they are sending out. C) We receive fewer nonverbal messages than verbal ones. D) We can ignore a conflict between nonverbal and verbal messages.
13) John is able to tell when his mother is annoyed with his behavior just by the look she gives him, because nonverbal communication
A) serves multiple functions. B) is present in most communication situations. C) is the primary means of expressing emotion. D) is present in most communication contexts.
14) What are two channels of nonverbal behavior that are particularly important in the communication of emotion?
A) Posture and facial expressions B) Gestures and vocal behaviors C) Physical appearance and gestures D) Facial expressions and vocal behaviors
15) Out of all forms of communication, research shows that _____ of our most basic emotions are interpreted similarly around the world.
Version 1
A) gestures B) facial expressions C) movement D) vocal expression
16) Lawrence and Sophia are on a double date with Sophia's cousin and his girlfriend. As the discussion turns to Sophia's mother, Lawrence gets a bit nervous because he knows that Sophia's mother does not approve of his dating her daughter. When Sophia's cousin asks how the situation is going, Sophia says, "Oh, Mom adores Lawrence and wants to know when the wedding is." She pats Lawrence's leg and winks at him as she says this to let him know that she is joking. Lawrence understands how Sophia wants him to interpret her message because nonverbal communication
A) serves multiple functions. B) is present in most communication situations. C) is the primary means of expressing emotion. D) metacommunicates.
Which of the following is NOT a function of nonverbal communication?
A) Managing conversations B) Maintaining relationships C) Avoiding impressions D) Influencing other people
18) When you deceive others, making your voice higher than normal and using fewer gestures, what is the purpose of your nonverbal communication?
Version 1
A) To manage conversations B) To conceal information C) To maintain relationships D) To form an impression
19) We can use nonverbal signals, such as raising a hand in class to indicate that we wish to speak, because nonverbal communication helps us to
A) maintain relationships. B) influence other people. C) manage conversations. D) form impressions.
20) AJ sees a group of teenagers outside a local mall. They are dressed in all black, and even the boys in the group are wearing heavy eyeliner. He decides that the teens must be into Twilight and vampires and are not the kind of people he would want to know. AJ is relying on nonverbal communication to do what?
A) Form impressions B) Help conceal information C) Influence other people D) Manage conversations
There are _____ primary channels of nonverbal communication.
A) three B) four C) ten D) twenty
Version 1
22) Your face communicates more information than any other channel of nonverbal behavior because of the principle of facial
A) expressions. B) importance. C) function. D) primacy.
Which of the following is NOT an important function of facial display?
A) Attractiveness B) Primacy C) Identity D) Emotion
Researchers identify symmetry and proportionality as primary contributors to facial
A) identity. B) expressions. C) attractiveness. D) emotions.
25) Dalia has just learned American Sign Language and finds that she concentrates on the communicator's hand signals, usually ignoring all other nonverbal cues. Her friend Miguel signs to her, but she can't figure out if he is signing, "It's you!" or "Did you?" What other type of nonverbal communication would best assist Dalia in determining Miguel's meaning?
Version 1
A) Gestures B) Physical appearance C) Touch D) Facial expressions
26) What type of nonverbal communication is our primary means of communicating emotion?
A) Gestures B) Movement C) Facial behavior D) Proxemics
27) Because the eyes communicate more than any other part of the face, scholars study _____ as a separate nonverbal channel from facial behavior.
A) oculesics B) kinesics C) optometrics D) proxemics
28) Which of the following can be used to signal attraction, to gain credibility, to intimidate someone, and to signal that we are paying attention?
A) Tone of voice B) Gesticulation C) Posture D) Eye contact
Version 1
29) Sandy has a job interview with a top company in her field. She makes sure to walk into the room confidently, with her head held high. When she sits down for the interview, she makes sure to keep her posture strong and her body still. Which of the following is Sandy paying special attention to?
A) Proxemics B) Gesticulation C) Kinesics D) Haptics
30) Holding up two fingers in a "peace" symbol at an antiwar rally is an example of what type of nonverbal behavior?
A) Kinesics B) Gesticulation C) Haptics D) Proxemics
31) When they are arguing, Jill notices that her mother uses gestures to try to control the conflict. Jill's mother raises her hand to get Jill's attention and makes a "zipping" motion across her mouth when she wants Jill to be quiet. Jill's mother also waves slightly when she thinks that Jill should say something. Jill's mother is using gestures as _____ during conflict.
A) regulators B) emblems C) affect displays D) illustrators
Version 1
32) If you see someone waving as he or she drives away in a car, you are able to translate the movement into the specific message of "good-bye" because that gesture is a(n)
A) illustrator. B) affect display. C) emblem. D) regulator.
33) Brianna notices that her classmate Joel wrings his hands during his speech in front of the class. He also uses his hands to fidget and play with his visual aid. Brianna is noticing how Joel is using gestures as
A) emblems. B) regulators. C) illustrators. D) affect displays.
34) If you hold up your hands a certain distance apart when you say the fish you caught was "this big," your gesture serves as a(n)
A) illustrator. B) emblem. C) affect display. D) regulator.
35) Because touch is the only sense without which we cannot survive, _____ is a particularly important field of study in nonverbal communication.
Version 1
A) proxemics B) haptics C) kinesics D) gesticulation
For which of the following does touch play a critical role in conveying meaning?
A) Conflict B) Boredom C) Happiness D) Affection
37) Misha takes his daughter Tatiana to the mall. He notices a group of rough-looking youths who are swearing and wrestling in front of one store, but Tatiana does not see them. Misha puts his hand on Tatiana's shoulder and gently guides her to the other side of the walkway so as to avoid the group. Misha is using _____ touch to protect his daughter.
A) power and control B) aggressive C) affectionate D) caregiving
38) Shaking hands with people upon meeting them is an example of _____ touch in North America.
A) aggressive B) affectionate C) ritualistic D) power and control
Version 1
39) Behaviors such as punching, pushing, kicking, and slapping are examples of what type of touch?
A) Power B) Ritualistic C) Control D) Aggressive
Which of the following is NOT an example of paralanguage?
A) Words B) Inflection C) Accent D) Pitch
41) Farah is nervous about her introductory speech but doesn't want anyone to notice. She carefully moderates her rate, keeping it at an even pace. She avoids vocal fillers, and she makes sure to use inflection. Farah is controlling her _____ to give the impression to her audience that she is not nervous.
A) inflection B) paralanguage C) kinesics D) articulation
42) Although everyone speaks with _____, we typically notice only those that are different than ours.
Version 1
A) inflection B) articulation C) filler words D) an accent
43) Although the term hors d'oeuvres looks as if it should sound like "horse de ovres," it actually sounds like "or durve." This is an example of what characteristic of paralanguage?
A) Articulation B) Accent C) Pronunciation D) Inflection
44) In his job interview, Jerry is very careful about how clearly he speaks. He takes care not to mumble and to ensure that his words are clear and easily understandable. Jerry knows that clear _____ is an important way to convey professionalism and competency.
A) articulation B) pronunciation C) inflection D) pitch
45) Paige is very excited about her first date with Vince, someone she met online. They've been talking on the phone every day for a week, and Paige is sure she and Vince will hit it off in person. When they meet, they hug hello, and Paige notices that Vince wears the same cologne her ex-boyfriend used to wear. Although Vince is charming and funny, Paige can't seem to enjoy herself because she is continually reminded of her ex. Paige's memory is influencing her communication with Vince because of
Version 1
A) haptics. B) proxemics. C) kinesics. D) olfactics.
46) When looking for opposite-sex romantic partners, we are drawn to people whose natural body scent is the most different from our own. This finding is related to which of the following fields of study?
A) Proxemics B) Olfactics C) Haptics D) Kinesics
Which of the following is the scientific study of spatial use?
A) Olfactics B) Haptics C) Proxemics D) Kinesics
Which of the following is NOT one of Hall's spatial zones?
A) Social B) Public C) Relational D) Intimate
Version 1
49) At work, Les tends to keep his customers at a _____ distance, from about 4 to 12 feet, to convey a more formal, impersonal interaction.
A) social B) public C) personal D) friendly
50) Hayden is viewed as attractive by most people who meet her. In class, her professors tend to call on her frequently, and her classmates think of her as outgoing and competent. Hayden could be experiencing the _____ effect.
A) evaluation B) stereotyping C) halo D) bias
Which of the following terms refers to the way we use time?
A) Chronemics B) Proxemics C) Kinesics D) Olfactics
Version 1
52) Rodney has a job interview scheduled for 9:00 a.m. with an important organization. He considers himself to be a punctual person, so he makes sure to arrive at 9:00 a.m. exactly. He is kept waiting for twenty minutes. Unfortunately, he does not get the job, and when Rodney asks a friend who works in human resources for her opinion, she informs him that he was "late" to the interview by showing up at 9:00 am.; she tells him that he should have arrived no later than 8:45 a.m. The interviewer's time was perceived as more valuable than Rodney's. This situation illustrates that the use of time sends messages about
A) social norms. B) how we feel about others. C) what we value. D) power.
Refusing to spend time with a friend you are angry with is an example of
A) proxemics. B) haptics. C) chronemics. D) kinesics.
54) What term describes the objects and visual features within an environment that reflect who we are and what we like?
A) Decor B) Artifacts C) Kinesics D) Chronemics
Version 1
55) Tetsuya has to speak with her physics professor about a grade. When she arrives at his office, she notices his many degrees from prestigious universities displayed on the wall and his shelves full of thick textbooks. Her professor sits behind a large desk and indicates that she should sit in a small, low chair across from him. The professor's use of _____ proves intimidating to Tetsuya, who finds it difficult to communicate her purpose clearly in that environment.
A) kinesics B) chronemics C) artifacts D) paralanguage
56) Gestures such as A-OK, thumbs up, and crossed fingers have sexual or obscene meanings in many parts of the world because of _____ influences on nonverbal communication.
A) worldly B) social C) ethnic D) cultural
57) One study found that because of differences in their preferred conversational distance, Arab college students regarded those from the United States as aloof, whereas the American students regarded Arab students as overbearing. This research illustrates the influence culture can have on
A) kinesics. B) haptics. C) paralanguage. D) proxemics.
Version 1
58) Mariko is from Japan, so she bows upon meeting or saying hello to someone. Joe is from the United States, so he offers to shake hands upon meeting someone. Mariko's and Joe's actions differ because of cultural influence on _____ behaviors.
A) greeting B) haptic C) vocal D) proxemic
59) In countries such as France and Greece, individuals touch each other significantly more than in other countries because France and Greece are _____-contact cultures.
A) low B) medium C) average D) high
60) Parents in every known culture use _____, which consists of a soft, high-pitched vocal tone and highly simplified language, with their infants.
A) paralanguage B) inflection C) baby talk D) cooing
61) Research has found that _____ are more expressive with regard to a variety of emotional states, engage in more eye contact, and stand and sit closer to one another.
Version 1
A) women B) children C) men D) adults
62) According to current research, during opposite-sex communication, who is more likely to violate the other's personal space and more likely to touch?
A) Elderly people B) Adults C) Women D) Men
63) Logan and Abigail met online. They've been e-mailing and instant messaging back and forth, trying to get to know one another. Abigail uses a lot of emoji to convey her emotions, whereas Logan likes to insert images and replace profanity with random punctuation. These interactions illustrate the influence of nonverbal communication on _____ communication.
A) gender B) cross-cultural C) computer-mediated D) romantic
64) Scott is excited to take his teenage son, Nathan, to a baseball game. As they drive to the game, Scott talks extensively about the local team, citing batting averages and gauging the team's chances at making the playoffs. Scott does not seem to notice that Nathan rolls his eyes frequently, texts his friends during much of the drive, and does not seem interested in the upcoming game at all. To be more in tune with what Nathan wants to do, Scott needs to
Version 1
A) be sensitive to nonverbal messages. B) decipher the meaning of nonverbal messages. C) consider the social situation a person is in. D) express nonverbal messages.
65) _____ nonverbal messages is essential because we can't interpret messages unless we first take note of them.
A) Deciphering B) Expressing C) Adherence to D) Sensitivity to
If you want to be more sensitive to nonverbal messages, you can
A) pay only moderate attention to a person's body movements. B) pay no attention to tone of voice. C) pay particular attention to facial expressions. D) pay particular attention to artifacts.
67) Because nonverbal communication can sometimes carry multiple messages, it is important to learn how to
A) be sensitive to nonverbal messages. B) decipher the meaning of nonverbal messages. C) pay attention to nonverbal messages. D) learn all the types of nonverbal messages.
Version 1
68) Gabe meets with his boss at the end of a busy day at work. He notices that his boss keeps frowning as she reviews his report. Gabe thought he did a particularly good job on the report, so he can't understand why she would be displeased. Therefore, Gabe asks his boss, "Is the report what you were wanting?" His boss nods and explains that she has a headache because of the busy day; the report is fine. Gabe was able to decipher his boss's nonverbal message because of what strategy?
A) Considering the social situation someone is in B) Keeping in mind that cultural differences sometimes influence the meaning of a nonverbal message C) Asking a person as a way to check an interpretation of his or her nonverbal message D) Expressing nonverbal messages
69) Which of the following is NOT a way to improve your skills at expressing nonverbal messages?
A) Engaging in role playing B) Playing a game of charades C) Spending time with highly expressive people D) Watching television
70) Chloe wants to be a broadcast journalist when she graduates from college, as she's been told that she's well spoken and highly expressive. She wants to continue to improve herself nonverbally so that she can convey many emotions to her future viewers. Chloe makes sure to observe and interview customer service representatives, counselors, members of the clergy, and local politicians because she understands that to improve her own nonverbal skills, she should
Version 1
A) engage in role playing. B) spend time with highly expressive people. C) make contacts in various industries. D) consider the social situation someone is in.
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 5 1) D 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) A 11) B 12) A 13) C 14) D 15) B 16) D 17) C 18) B 19) C 20) A 21) C 22) D 23) B 24) C 25) D 26) C Version 1
27) A 28) D 29) C 30) B 31) A 32) C 33) D 34) A 35) B 36) D 37) A 38) C 39) D 40) A 41) B 42) D 43) C 44) A 45) D 46) B 47) C 48) C 49) A 50) C 51) A 52) D 53) C 54) B 55) C 56) D Version 1
57) D 58) A 59) D 60) C 61) A 62) D 63) C 64) A 65) D 66) C 67) B 68) C 69) D 70) B Student name:__________ 1) Most people spend more time _____________ than they do speaking, writing, or engaging in other communicative behaviors.
A) hearing B) thinking C) interpreting D) listening
2) Which of the following refers to the active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message?
Version 1
A) hearing B) listening C) attending D) interpreting
3) Lilah and her friend Janet attend the same history class. One day after class, Lilah wants to talk with Janet about a particular point in the lecture, but Janet has no idea what Lilah is asking her about. Even though they are in the same class, it is clear that Janet is only ___________ the message while Lilah is attending to the message.
A) interpreting B) listening C) hearing D) selecting
4) If you are paying attention well enough to understand what a person is trying to communicate, you are ______________ the message.
A) attending to B) hearing C) participating in D) interpreting
5) Mika's supervisor is running a meeting at work. The supervisor starts the slideshow but does not begin speaking right away, as he is busy flipping through his notes. Although Mika is picking up a lot of information from both the slideshow and his supervisor's nonverbal behaviors, the act of ____________ cannot begin for Mika until someone actually speaks.
Version 1
A) hearing B) attending C) interpreting D) listening
6) In speech class, Faraj finds that he enjoys the persuasive speeches best. His favorite speeches involve controversial topics, such as abortion and same-sex marriage, because he enjoys identifying inconsistencies and logical errors while others speak. What style of listening best applies to Faraj?
A) analytical B) task-oriented C) critical D) relational
7) Someone who likes presentations that are neat and concise most likely has which type of listening style?
A) relational B) analytical C) critical D) task-oriented
8) ________________ listening requires the conscious and explicit goal of understanding what the speaker intends to communicate.
Version 1
A) Effective B) Active C) Deliberate D) Normal
Which of the following is NOT a reason it is important to listen effectively?
A) Good listening skills are essential in the workplace. B) College students spend less than half their time listening. C) Good listening skills top the list of most important communication skills in personal relationships. D) Being a good listener is vital to almost every social and personal bond we have.
______________ is merely the perception of sound.
A) Listening B) Selecting C) Hearing D) Interpreting
11) If you play music in the background as you study, chances are you are only _________ the music.
A) hearing B) listening to C) attending to D) interpreting
Version 1
12) Pilar's best friend calls her about an issue he is having at work, and they speak for about twenty minutes. The next day, Pilar's friend asks her a specific question, but she has no idea what he is talking about. Though Pilar swears to her angry friend that she heard him, Pilar has disproven what myth about listening?
A) Listening is effortless. B) Hearing is the same as listening. C) Listening takes effort. D) Attending to the message is necessary for listening.
13) Individuals who are willing to be trained in effective listening do not subscribe to what myth about listening?
A) Hearing is the same as listening. B) Listening is natural and effortless. C) People vary in their listening abilities. D) Good listeners are common.
14) Patrick, who was raised in an Irish American family in New York City, is troubled by his relationship with Pahana, who has grown up in a Native American family. Patrick becomes frustrated because he thinks that Pahana does not listen to him. Whenever Patrick speaks, Pahana looks down or away from him instead of making eye contact. Patrick does not seem to realize that culture affects
A) understanding of language. B) listeners' expectations for directness. C) nonverbal listening responses. D) all forms of verbal communication.
Version 1
15) If someone from Boston uses the term "wicked good" in a conversation with someone whose first language is not English, there might be a misunderstanding because culture affects
A) understanding of language. B) all forms of nonverbal communication. C) nonverbal listening responses. D) listeners' expectations for directness.
Which statement is true about the HURIER model of listening?
A) There are five stages to effective listening. B) Sometimes listening effectively requires us to go back and forth among the stages. C) The stages of listening must always follow the same order. D) Redirecting is one of the stages of effective listening.
17) __________ without listening is common when we're tired or uninterested in what the person is saying or when there are multiple voices speaking at once.
A) Understanding B) Interpreting C) Responding D) Hearing
18) Cal is listening to speeches on famous playwrights in his English composition class. During one speech, a student uses terms that are unfamiliar to Cal, such as "iambic pentameter" and "rhyme royal." Cal has trouble following this speech because he is not able to complete what stage of the HURIER method?
Version 1
A) interpreting B) responding C) understanding D) hearing
19) You are asked on a test to name the colors of the rainbow, and you are able to remember them by using the ____________ of ROY G. BIV as an acronym for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
A) memory B) mnemonic C) trick D) skill
Which of the following is NOT a means of interpretation?
A) withholding your interpretation until the speaker is done speaking B) signaling your interpretation of the message to the speaker C) paying attention to all the speaker's verbal behaviors D) paying attention to all the speaker's nonverbal behaviors
21) During which stage of listening do you judge whether the speaker's statements are accurate, separate fact from opinion, and consider the speaker's actions or previous statements?
A) interpreting B) responding C) evaluating D) hearing
Version 1
What is the last stage of listening, according to the HURIER model?
A) interpreting B) evaluating C) remembering D) responding
Which of the following is NOT a form of feedback people provide while listening?
A) supporting B) advising C) backchanneling D) summarizing
Which of the following is the most active listening response?
A) advising B) backchanneling C) paraphrasing D) supporting
When you restate something into your own words, you are doing what?
A) responding B) advising C) paraphrasing D) analyzing
Version 1
26) Beth is listening to her friend Melissa talk about a recent breakup. Beth wants to give an appropriate listening response, to convey to Melissa that she stands by her friend and shares her point of view. Beth's best listening response would be which of the following?
A) analyzing B) supporting C) advising D) paraphrasing
Which of the following is NOT a type of listening?
A) informational B) critical C) empathic D) persuasive
Much of the listening you do in class is ________________ listening.
A) critical B) empathic C) informational D) educational
Which of the following is the most passive form of listening?
Version 1
A) hearing B) critical C) educational D) informational
30) When our goal is to evaluate or analyze what we're hearing, we are engaged in ____________ listening.
A) critical B) informational C) empathic D) effective
31) When you are asked to write a review of another student's speech, what type of listening should you use during the student's presentation?
A) informational B) empathic C) critical D) persuasive
What is considered the most challenging form of listening?
A) critical B) supporting C) informational D) empathic
Version 1
33) What term would you use to describe the ability to understand a situation from another's point of view?
A) empathic concern B) perspective taking C) sympathetic listening D) personal analysis
34) Mariah, Joe's girlfriend, is sad because her dog has just died. That evening, while Joe listens to Mariah talk about the dog, he remembers losing his own cat three years earlier, and he becomes sad as well. He conveys to Mariah that he truly understands her grief. Joe is employing what type of listening?
A) sympathetic B) relational C) empathic D) inspirational
35) Listening to a minister deliver a sermon to his congregation would be considered ________________ listening.
A) empathic B) appreciative C) informational D) inspirational
36) When you listen to a funny story or a favorite song, you are engaged in ____________ listening.
Version 1
A) appreciative B) inspirational C) empathic D) critical
37) If you are hungry or tired, or if you are in an especially hot or cold environment, you might find it difficult to listen because of what is generally termed
A) distractions. B) noise. C) tiredness. D) annoyance.
38) Nadine's boyfriend Rory is telling her about his day while the television is on in the background. Halfway through his story, Nadine's phone beeps to signal that she has just received a text message. Nadine also notices how hot the house is and is wondering whether the air conditioning has been turned on yet. Nadine, who understands how distracting __________ can be, asks Rory to wait while she turns off her television and phone and turns on the air conditioner. Once these tasks have been taken care of, Nadine knows that she will listen much more effectively.
A) people B) problems C) technology D) noise
39) When you are _________________, you use feedback behaviors that make it seem as though you are paying attention, even though your mind is elsewhere.
Version 1
A) selectively listening B) distracted C) pseudolistening D) hearing
________________ means listening only to what you want to hear and ignoring the rest.
A) Selective attention B) Information overload C) Rebuttal tendency D) Noise
41) Ava is not confident about giving speeches. Though she works hard on her speech, by the time she sits down, she knows that she did not give the speech she had planned. When she meets with her professor to listen to feedback, Ava focuses on the critical comments, such as that she used too many vocal fillers and that she forgot to state her thesis. However, Ava does not pay much attention to her professor's positive comments on her research and closure. Because of her preconceived notions about her speech, Ava is engaging in what poor listening habit?
A) pseudolistening B) rebuttal tendency C) selective attention D) information overload
42) Derrick thinks that his grandfather is boring when he tells stories about growing up on a farm. Derrick doesn't want to be rude, so he nods his head and says "uh huh" and "wow" a lot. His grandfather is hurt by Derrick's ______________, as he can tell that Derrick is not truly listening.
Version 1
A) pseudolistening B) selective attention C) interpretation D) rebuttal tendency
43) Because we talk to people, watch television, listen to the radio, surf the Internet, and read textbooks, among other things, it is easy to suffer from
A) selective attention. B) glazing over. C) information overload. D) pseudolistening.
44) Because of an impaired ability to focus and a tendency to become easily distracted, individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may have an especially difficult time dealing with what barrier to effective listening?
A) pseudolistening B) information overload C) selective attention D) rebuttal tendency
45) While working at a busy law firm, Bruce is using Skype to meet with a client in another state. Although Bruce is trying to concentrate, he is also replying to an important text on his phone and is handed an incoming fax by his assistant. Bruce takes notes on the meeting, but he notices later that several important details are missing. Bruce probably missed those details as a result of __________________ during his client meeting.
Version 1
A) selective attention B) glazing over C) pseudolistening D) information overload
46) Silencing your cell phone during meetings, setting filters on your e-mail system to reduce spam, and using your digital video recorder to record and watch your television shows later without commercials are all examples of avoiding which of the following?
A) information overload B) technology C) advertisers' influences using media D) glazing over while listening
47) Most of us are capable of understanding up to 600 words per minute, but the average person speaks fewer than 150 words per minute. That gap leaves a lot of spare time for mind to wander or daydream, also called
A) pseudolistening. B) glazing over. C) selective listening. D) close mindedness.
48) Mateo enjoys his philosophy class, and he likes listening to his professor lecture. However, Mateo tends to glaze over when the professor gives the class directions, and he allows his mind to drift while the professor explains the requirements for an upcoming test. As a result, Mateo completes the test incorrectly but is surprised to receive a low grade. What of the following best describes the problem caused by his glazing over?
Version 1
A) Mateo listened less critically than he normally would. B) Mateo gave the professor the impression that he wasn't listening. C) Mateo missed important details in what he was hearing. D) Mateo was an ineffective listener.
49) _________________ is the propensity to debate a speaker's point and formulate a reply while that person is still speaking.
A) Response tendency B) Selective listening C) Rebuttal tendency D) Pseudolistening
50) Because Jerry is an attorney, he is used to formulating replies to a speaker's comments before the speaker has finished, and Jerry is always ready to debate a speaker's point. This _________________ frustrates Jerry's wife, who feels that Jerry doesn't pay attention to her as she speaks because he is too busy thinking of his response and anticipating her comments.
A) rebuttal tendency B) pseudolistening C) closed-mindedness D) competitive interrupting
The tendency not to listen to anything with which one disagrees is known as
A) selective listening. B) rebuttal tendency. C) glazing over. D) closed-mindedness.
Version 1
52) People who refuse to consider the merits of a speaker's point if it conflicts with their own and who tend to overreact to certain forms of language, such as profanity, usually have what barrier to effective listening?
A) rebuttal tendency B) closed-mindedness C) selective listening D) glazing over
53) When the Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it," he was arguing against
A) glazing over. B) selective listening. C) closed-mindedness. D) rebuttal tendency.
Which of the following is NOT a common reason people interrupt others?
A) to stop the speaker and ask for clarification B) to stop the speaker because of selective listening C) to express support or enthusiasm for what the speaker is saying D) to warn the speaker of impending danger
Version 1
55) Five students are placed in a group to complete a project in anatomy class. Because Freddy's father is a doctor, Freddy feels that he has a stronger grasp of the content than his teammates and should therefore guide the project. When other group members speak, Freddy frequently breaks into the conversation, making sure that his perspective takes priority. Freddy's group members probably find his ________________ to be distracting and frustrating, as they can tell that Freddy thinks he knows more than they do.
A) competitive interrupting B) rebuttal tendency C) closed-mindedness D) pseudolistening
56) _________________ interrupting describes the practice of using interruptions to take control of the conversation.
A) Frequent B) Dominant C) Competitive D) Critical
57) Research suggests that women tend to focus more on listening to make connections with others, making them ___________-oriented listeners.
A) content B) relationship C) empathy D) people
Version 1
58) Elena has an argument with her boyfriend. When discussing the conflict with her girlfriends, she focuses on her emotions. However, when she discusses the situation with her brothers to get the male perspective, she feels that they won't want to hear about her emotions. Because men tend to be more ____________-oriented listeners, Elena highlights the issues that came up in the conflict and what each person's position on the problem was.
A) content B) people C) time D) action
What is one way to become a better informational listener?
A) understand probability B) listen for substance more than style C) be a skeptic D) acknowledge feelings
60) Crystal's best friend Kerry complains about her boyfriend all the time, noting how he was late for their date and how he never brings her flowers, for example. Because Kerry feels that she can vent to Crystal, Kerry uses their time together to work out her frustration with her boyfriend. Consequently, when Crystal meets Kerry's boyfriend for the first time, Crystal focuses on what she doesn't like about him rather than listen to him discuss the surprise party he is planning for Kerry or how crazy he is about Kerry. In this situation, to become a better informational listener, Crystal needs to
A) avoid the confirmation bias. B) separate what is and isn't said. C) listen for substance more than style. D) be a skeptic.
Version 1
61) Which term describes the tendency of dramatic, shocking events to distort our perceptions of reality?
A) halo effect B) backchanneling effect C) vividness effect D) shock value
62) Isa's parents went through a rather traumatic divorce. Isa witnessed a lot of brutal arguments and name calling and was at the center of a years-long custody battle. Because of the _______________ effect, Isa believes that most marriages are destined to end in divorce and that finding love that can last is difficult, if not impossible.
A) lasting B) vividness C) traumatic D) halo
63) ________________ isn't about being cynical or finding fault; it's about evaluating the evidence for a claim.
A) Skepticism B) Sarcasm C) Criticism D) Evaluation
Which of the following is NOT a tip for becoming a better critical listener?
Version 1
A) Be a skeptic. B) Evaluate a speaker's credibility. C) Understand probability. D) Listen nonjudgmentally.
65) If you were listening to a speech on breast cancer survival rates, which speaker would have the most credibility?
A) Susan, a breast cancer survivor B) Dr. Lee, a psychologist who works with cancer survivors C) Tyson, a lab technician in an oncology clinic D) Dr. Compson, a leading oncologist in the field
66) For a statement to be ____________, it has to have a greater than 50 percent chance of being true.
A) possible B) probable C) certain D) true
During his speech, Vince says, "I will get married one day." What type of claim is this?
A) certain B) true C) possible D) probable
Version 1
68) Barb is angry that her daughter, Kelly, has received an "F" in a class. Barb is sure that Kelly has slacked off, so she brushes off Kelly's claim that the teacher made an error, thinking that Kelly is just making an excuse. Kelly wants to discuss how upset she is over the mistake, but Barb is making what error in her empathic listening?
A) Barb is not acknowledging Kelly's feelings. B) Barb is not considering Kelly's credibility. C) Barb is passing judgment rather than listening. D) Barb is not separating what is and isn't being said.
69) An important strategy for good empathic listening is to acknowledge a speaker's feelings and allow him or her to continue to express them. We can do so by using what kinds of statements?
A) continuer statements B) terminator statements C) positive statements D) empathic statements
70) Amanda is telling her father about a recent conflict with her boyfriend. She is afraid that she and her boyfriend are nearing the end of their relationship, and she is very upset. Amanda has a lot to say and really needs someone to listen, but her father keeps making __________________ statements, such as "It's okay," "There are other fish in the sea," and "Don't worry; you'll find someone better." Amanda becomes frustrated and ends the conversation because she feels that her father doesn't think her emotions are important.
A) continuer B) insensitive C) negative D) terminator
Version 1
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 6 1) D 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) D 6) C 7) D 8) A 9) B 10) C 11) A 12) B 13) B 14) C 15) A 16) B 17) D 18) C 19) B 20) A 21) C 22) D 23) D 24) A 25) C 26) B Version 1
27) D 28) C 29) D 30) A 31) C 32) D 33) B 34) C 35) D 36) A 37) B 38) D 39) C 40) A 41) C 42) A 43) C 44) B 45) D 46) A 47) B 48) C 49) C 50) A 51) D 52) B 53) C 54) B 55) A 56) C Version 1
57) D 58) A 59) B 60) A 61) C 62) B 63) A 64) D 65) D 66) B 67) D 68) C 69) A 70) D Student name:__________ 1) Having strong ______________ ties with friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others improves the quality of our life in multiple ways.
A) instrumental B) social C) task-oriented D) professional
2) Which theory says that each of us is born with a drive to seek, form, maintain, and protect strong social relationships?
Version 1
A) need to belong theory B) social relationship theory C) social exchange theory D) interaction theory
3) Which of the following is one of the reasons why solitary confinement is considered a harsh punishment for prisoners?
A) Interacting only with people for whom we have no real feelings is unrewarding. B) Most of us aren't satisfied if we have emotionally close relationships with people we don't get to see. C) Being cut off from social interaction can be physically and psychologically devastating. D) We develop many of our important relationships in face-to-face contexts.
4) People in a ___________ relationship initially meet each other face-to-face but later maintain their relationship primarily or exclusively online.
A) virtual B) real-world C) Pinocchio D) cyber emigrant
5) Lydia maintains her Facebook page, posting updates regularly and commenting on her friends' posts. She also IMs and texts the same group of friends. She maintains her most important friendships not only in person but also online. What motivates Lydia's use of communication technology?
Version 1
A) relational wants B) need to belong C) interaction needs D) social skills
Which of the following is NOT a major reason that people use instant messaging?
A) Breaking up with someone B) Making plans with friends C) Meeting someone new D) Playing a trick on someone
7) People who share ___________ information with online friends are more likely to experience stronger ties than those who don't.
A) confidential B) interesting C) impersonal D) personal
Which of the following is NOT a way to protect your privacy online?
A) Enable the auto upload feature on smartphones and other devices. B) Delete sensitive materials regularly. C) Think twice before giving online information to others. D) Use a complex set of characters in your passwords.
Version 1
Social relationships bring us what three types of rewards?
A) emotional, material, and relational B) relational, material, and health C) emotional, psychological, and health D) emotional, material, and health
10) Sydney is getting ready to have a baby. Although she is very excited, she is also a bit nervous and doesn't know what to expect. Sydney's friends throw her a surprise baby shower to celebrate her upcoming arrival and to reassure her that all will go well. Sydney's friends are providing what kinds of rewards by supporting and celebrating with her?
A) emotional B) health C) financial D) physiological
Examples of ___________ rewards include support and happiness.
A) health B) relational C) emotional D) material
12) Tara is moving to a new apartment across town. Several of her friends come with their trucks and help her move her belongings to her new place. They stay to help her unpack and get settled as well. Tara is experiencing what type of rewards from her friendships?
Version 1
A) Health B) Material C) Emotional D) Task
13) When we experience _______________ rewards, our needs for items such as money, food, and shelter are being met by our social relationships.
A) material B) health C) basic D) task
14) Research suggests that close relationships help people manage the negative effects of stress because social relationships bring ______________ rewards.
A) material B) basic C) health D) personal
Social relationships carry ___________ as well as benefits.
A) needs B) problems C) wants D) costs
Version 1
Which of the following is NOT an example of a cost in a social relationship?
A) the expense involved in going on a road trip with friends B) having friends listen to you talk about what's going on in your life C) the time spent with a friend D) helping a friend move to his new apartment
Which theory explains why individuals are drawn to others?
A) social exchange theory B) relational maintenance theory C) attraction theory D) uncertainty reduction theory
18) If you like your new classmate because of her funny and bright personality, you are experiencing ________ attraction.
A) social B) task C) physical D) interpersonal
19) Cameron really likes his new roommate, Tom. Tom is clean, always picks up after himself, and pitches in when it is time to cook dinner. Cameron also appreciates that Tom is a great karaoke partner when they go to the karaoke bar on Tuesday nights. Cameron is experiencing which type of attraction to Tom?
Version 1
A) social B) physical C) interpersonal D) task
20) Because humans are visually oriented, we are attracted by _______________, which often motivates us to get to know someone better.
A) appearance B) similarity C) complementarity D) proximity
21) We're more likely to form attraction, particularly social and task attraction, with people we see often because we are attracted by
A) appearance. B) similarity. C) complementarity. D) proximity.
22) Amy's daughter has been attending a particular preschool for two years. Amy has formed bonds with many of the other mothers in her daughter's class. They have regular play dates and even a few "ladies' nights" without the children. Amy genuinely enjoys the time she spends with the other mothers. What most likely attracts her to the other mothers?
Version 1
A) complementarity B) proximity C) appearance D) lifestyle
Which word best encompasses the idea that we are attracted to others who are like us?
A) appearance B) complementarity C) similarity D) proximity
The saying "opposites attract" might seem true because we are attracted by
A) proximity. B) appearance. C) complementarity. D) similarity.
25) Numerous studies have shown that in general we find ______________ to be more attractive than complementarities.
A) proximity B) appearance C) task orientations D) similarities
Version 1
26) Culture has the strongest influence on how we define ___________________ attractiveness.
A) social B) physical C) interpersonal D) task
27) In 2006, the pop star Ashlee Simpson underwent rhinoplasty to have the size and shape of her nose reduced. Though she denied having surgery for a while, Simpson ultimately told Us Weekly in 2008, "I used to look at a beautiful girl on the cover of a magazine and think I could never be that. … I like to get dressed up now, and that's something I've never been into before." Simpson appeared to have believed that a smaller nose improved her ____________ attractiveness.
A) social B) interpersonal C) physical D) task
28) When you first meet someone, ____________________ theory suggests that you will find your lack of information about that person to be unpleasant, so you'll be motivated to find out more information.
A) uncertainty reduction B) attraction C) relational maintenance D) social exchange
Version 1
29) Arwan thinks that his classmate Jasmine is attractive. He invites her for coffee after class, and they discuss basic information, such as what they like to do and where they live. They spend more time together over a period of several months, and Arwan learns more personal information about Jasmine. He also gets to know what she is thinking or feeling simply by observing her nonverbal cues, such as the tone of her voice or her facial expressions. Arwan likes Jasmine more as he learns more about her. Which theory best represents Arwan's experience?
A) attraction theory B) uncertainty reduction theory C) social exchange theory D) relational maintenance theory
30) Liking your brother's best friend the more you get to know him is predicted by ______________ theory.
A) social exchange B) relational maintenance C) uncertainty reduction D) attraction
31) The guiding principle of ______________ theory is that people seek to maintain relationships in which the benefits outweigh the costs.
A) social exchange B) equity C) uncertainty reduction D) relational maintenance
32) If you believe that friends should always be there for you and support you even if they disagree with your decisions, that is your _______________ for friendship.
Version 1
A) social exchange rate B) equity expectation C) comparison level for alternatives D) comparison level
33) Shannon and Emilio have been dating for three months. Although Shannon is happy with Emilio and feels that he treats her well, she is excited to hear through the grapevine that Travis is also interested in her. Shannon finds Travis to be more attractive and exciting than Emilio, and after some thought, she breaks up with Emilio to date Travis. Shannon most likely used her _____________ to make the decision.
A) comparison level B) conscience C) comparison level for alternatives D) equity theory
34) Your _____________ for a particular relationship can strongly influence how satisfied you are in that relationship.
A) happiness B) comparison level C) comparison level for alternatives D) social exchange
35) Gia's best friend Michelle can be very critical. More often than not, Michelle is angry with Gia or ignores her. Despite her other friends' repeated pleas to end the abusive relationship, Gia sticks it out. Although she finds Michelle's behavior hurtful, Gia can't reconcile this behavior with the fact that Michelle can be kind and thoughtful as well. Gia also believes that Michelle understands her better than anyone else does. Which theory provides an explanation for why Gia maintains a relationship that appears to others to be too costly?
Version 1
A) social exchange theory B) attraction theory C) equity theory D) uncertainty reduction theory
36) Which theory maintains that a good relationship is one in which your ratio of costs and rewards is equal to your partner's?
A) social exchange theory B) attraction theory C) equity theory D) uncertainty reduction theory
37) Stavros and Craig have been friends and roommates for many years. Lately, Stavros has been feeling dissatisfied in the relationship. He notices that Craig discusses his own personal problems but never seems to have time to listen to Stavros's problems. Craig has a tendency not to clean up after himself. He's also quick to borrow "a few bucks" but never seems to repay the money. According to equity theory, Stavros is feeling dissatisfied in the relationship because he is
A) over-benefited. B) overwhelmed. C) underappreciated. D) under-benefited.
38) Once you've formed a relationship with someone and you are both satisfied with its longterm balance of costs and rewards, you'll want to keep the relationship strong so it can grow and thrive, according to ______________ theory.
Version 1
A) social exchange B) relational maintenance C) attraction D) equity
39) Lucie and Sophie have been best friends for so many years that they know one another's families, coworkers, and other friends. The two are equally welcome in all circles. Lucie and Sophie have used what relational maintenance behavior?
A) convergence of social networks B) sharing tasks C) assurance D) openness
40) If you don't hesitate to give your friend a ride to school when her car breaks down because you know that she would do the same for you, you are engaging in what relational maintenance behavior?
A) convergence B) assurance C) social networking D) sharing tasks
Which of the following is NOT one of the five relational maintenance behaviors?
A) positivity B) assurances C) support D) openness
Version 1
42) Which of the following describes the act of intentionally giving others information about ourselves that we believe to be true but that we think they don't already have?
A) social penetration B) self-disclosure C) social disclosure D) self-revelation
43) If during your speech you reveal to the class that your mother died of cancer, you have used which of the following?
A) self-disclosure B) openness C) trust D) revelation
44) When McKenzie has a glass of wine, she has a tendency to share information with her friends she does not mean to share. The last time they went out, McKenzie told her friends some embarrassing details of her teenage years, and she was mortified when they teased her the next day. Why doesn't McKenzie's sharing of this information constitute self-disclosure?
A) It varies in breadth and depth. B) It is not intentional. C) It is not truthful. D) It varies among relationships.
45) ___________ theory is a good illustration of how self-disclosure over time is like peeling away the layers of an onion: Each self-disclosure helps us to learn more about the person.
Version 1
A) Equity B) Relational maintenance C) Social exchange D) Social penetration
46) Kevin and Lily are classmates and have known each other for a few semesters. They meet frequently for lunch after classes, and they talk about a wide range of topics. However, Kevin has noticed that Lily likes to gossip, sharing others' secrets with him. He is guarded with how much information he shares with her, for fear that she will share it with others. According to social penetration theory, Kevin's self-disclosure has ___________ but not depth.
A) variety B) range C) breadth D) difference
Breadth and depth are two important components of _______________ theory.
A) social penetration B) relational maintenance C) attraction D) social exchange
48) Acquaintanceships with casual friends at work or school could be characterized by breadth of disclosure but very little depth; however, close friendships involve a higher degree of both breadth and depth. Which statement best explains why this is?
Version 1
A) Self-disclosure is usually reciprocal. B) Self-disclosure is influenced by cultural and gender roles. C) Self-disclosure is intentional. D) Self-disclosure varies among relationships.
49) Zach discloses very personal medical information to his therapist, yet Zach does not expect the therapist to confide in him. However, when Zach discloses to his friends, he does expect them to share information with him in exchange for his disclosures. What norm do Zach's expectations about disclosure reflect?
A) norm of return B) norm of reciprocity C) norm of social exchange D) norm of sharing
50) Li Ming is sometimes offended by her American friends' easy and open self-disclosure. In her family in China, discretion is valued, and Li Ming wouldn't be comfortable disclosing personal information to anyone except a family member or a romantic partner. Li Ming is discovering that self-disclosure
A) is influenced by cultural roles. B) varies among relationships. C) varies in breadth and depth. D) is intentional.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of self-disclosure?
Version 1
A) emotional release B) reciprocity C) professional development D) assistance to others
52) Sometimes the best part of self-disclosing is just the feeling of "getting something off your chest," which could be described as what kind of benefit?
A) reciprocity B) emotional release C) enhancement of trust D) assistance to others
53) When Mason's father dies, Mason feels alone, despite being surrounded by family and friends. He thinks that no one understands how he feels, being without a father. After the funeral, Mason's friend Jayden pulls Mason aside to tell Mason that his own father died two years ago. Mason feels reassured that he is not alone and that Jayden can truly understand how he feels. In this instance, Jayden used self-disclosure as __________ Mason.
A) enhancement to his relationship with B) reciprocity with C) emotional release for D) assistance to
Which of the following is a risk of self-disclosure?
Version 1
A) reciprocity B) emotional release C) obligations in others D) assistance to others
55) Rejection, obligations in others, hurt to others, and violation of other people's privacy are all _____________ of self-disclosure.
A) benefits B) side-effects C) results D) risks
56) When Helen had lunch with her brother, Gavin, on Tuesday, he confided in her that he was considering getting a divorce from his husband. The next day, when Helen was speaking to her best friend, Tanya, on the phone, she accidentally let slip that Gavin's marriage was in trouble. This demonstrates which of the following negative aspects of self-disclosure?
A) violation of other people's privacy B) hurt to others C) obligations in others D) rejection
Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of friendships?
A) Friendships are positive. B) Friendships are voluntary. C) Friendships are open. D) Friendships are contextual.
Version 1
58) Because friendships are ______________, we not only have to interact with a person to form the friendship but also have to use relational maintenance behaviors, such as openness, positivity, and network convergence, to maintain the relationship.
A) lifelong B) challenging C) social exchanges D) voluntary
A friends-with-benefits relationship is an exception to the rule that friendships are usually
A) governed by rules. B) voluntary. C) platonic. D) between peers.
60) By being someone's friend, you acknowledge (at least implicitly) that you expect certain things from that person and that he or she can expect certain things from you because
A) friends are usually peers. B) friendships are governed by rules. C) friendships are influenced by expectations. D) friendships differ by sex.
61) Reilly and Karissa have been friends for years. When they are together, they spend a lot of time catching up and sharing their feelings about recent events in their lives. However, when Reilly spends time with another friend, Andrew, she notices that they spend more time bonding through activities such as mini-golfing and surfing, and they often flirt and make jokes of a sexual nature. These differences in Reilly's friendships illustrate the concept that Version 1
A) friendships differ by culture. B) friendships are influenced by expectations. C) friendships are usually stronger with peers. D) friendships differ by sex.
Which statement is NOT true about other-sex friendships?
A) Other-sex friendships closely mirror same-sex friendships. B) Many other-sex friends feel some degree of physical or romantic attraction toward each other. C) Many other-sex friends have specific reasons for not wanting their friendship to evolve into a romantic relationship. D) Research suggests that both men and women value other-sex friendships as a chance to see things from each other's perspective.
63) Many public agencies and private corporations expect specific communication behaviors from their employees. These might include all of the following, EXCEPT
A) being open to others' opinions. B) listening attentively. C) limiting discussion of controversial topics. D) treating people with dignity.
Workplace friendships are usually ____________ than regular friendships.
A) easier to maintain B) more challenging to control C) more interesting D) less difficult to end
Version 1
The most likely opportunity for forming friendships at work arises with respect to whom?
A) superiors B) subordinates C) clients D) coworkers
66) Stephen and Tim are coworkers with a strong friendship outside the workplace. They hold positions at the same level, and when a supervisory position becomes available, they both apply. Stephen is disappointed when he finds out that Tim got the promotion because Stephen feels that he is more qualified and has been at the company longer. However, because of the ________________ dimension of their relationship, Stephen acts happy and voices his support for Stephen.
A) social B) task C) friendship D) professional
67) Friendships between _______________________ are considerably more complicated than other workplace relationships because they include a power difference.
A) coworkers B) employees and clients C) superiors and subordinates D) superiors and clients
68) In superior-subordinate relationships in the workplace, it is best if the parties do all of the following EXCEPT Version 1
A) acknowledge that their friendship and their work relationship might conflict. B) agree to keep their friendship and their work relationship as separate as they can. C) acknowledge the possibility of conflicts. D) establish their expectations for how to address clashes of interest only after such clashes occur.
69) In the workplace, your _____________ may be your friends, but they still expect you to furnish a high-quality service or product, and you still expect them to provide full and prompt payment.
A) coworkers B) customers C) subordinates D) employees
70) A personal friendship with customers can be successful if the friends agree that their ________________ relationship is separate and should be treated accordingly.
A) professional B) coworker C) subordinate D) social
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 7 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) C 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) A 11) C 12) B 13) A 14) C 15) D 16) B 17) C 18) A 19) D 20) A 21) D 22) B 23) C 24) C 25) D 26) B Version 1
27) C 28) A 29) B 30) C 31) A 32) D 33) C 34) B 35) A 36) C 37) D 38) D 39) A 40) D 41) C 42) B 43) A 44) B 45) D 46) C 47) A 48) D 49) B 50) A 51) C 52) B 53) D 54) C 55) D 56) A Version 1
57) B 58) D 59) C 60) B 61) D 62) A 63) C 64) B 65) D 66) A 67) C 68) D 69) B 70) A Student name:__________ 1) ___________ relationships are characterized by significant emotional closeness and may or may not be romantic.
A) Social B) Intimate C) Friendly D) Familial
With which of the following groups do we have the most intimate relationships?
A) close friends B) coworkers C) acquaintances D) romantic partners
Version 1
3) Which of the following terms refers to the desire to stay in a relationship no matter what happens?
A) closeness B) intimacy C) commitment D) interdependence
4) Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett had an almost 30-year relationship that, despite its ups and downs, did not end until Fawcett's death in 2009. O'Neal was by Fawcett's side through her long battle with cancer and was with her when she died. Despite their many difficulties, this couple had a deep level of ___________ toward one another.
A) intimacy B) interdependence C) closeness D) commitment
5) Which of the following is NOT a form of commitment that is common in intimate relationships?
A) psychic commitment B) emotional commitment C) social commitment D) legal commitment
6) When you listen to your sister's problems, even when they seem trivial to you, you are exhibiting what kind of commitment to her?
Version 1
A) personal B) social C) emotional D) legal
7) Caroline does not enjoy spending time with her husband's family at all. She finds them to be overbearing and pretentious, and she's sure that her mother-in-law does not like her. However, because of her __________ commitment to her husband, Caroline spends holidays and some vacations with her in-laws.
A) legal B) financial C) emotional D) social
8) Which of the following describes engaging in specific behaviors aimed at increasing intimacy with the target of a person's affection, including spying, sending the target unwelcome expressions of attraction or love, and engaging in sexually harassing behaviors?
A) relationship compulsion B) obsessive relational intrusion C) stalking D) obsessive-compulsive disorder
9) Which term describes the dynamic, common in families and close relationships, in which one person's actions influence the lives of others?
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A) commitment B) investment C) interdependence D) intimacy
10) If your best friend gets a job in another city, you would most likely not sell your home and follow him or her. However, if your spouse or partner got a job in another city, you would seriously consider the possibility of moving. Your different reactions to the same situation, but in relation to different people, correspond to which of the following?
A) investment B) interdependence C) intimacy D) commitment
11) Compared to other relationships, intimate relationships usually involve a higher degree of ___________, or commitment of our energies and other resources.
A) investment B) interdependence C) dialects D) costs
12) If you think you are putting more into your relationship than your partner is, it's easy to feel resentful that there isn't an equal level of
Version 1
A) interdependence. B) dialect. C) investment. D) intimacy.
13) Which term describes conflicts between two important but opposing needs or desires in relationships?
A) fights B) dialectical tensions C) conflicts of interest D) emotional tensions
Which of the following is NOT a common dialectical tension in intimate relationships?
A) autonomy versus connection B) openness versus closedness C) predictability versus novelty D) commitment versus insecurity
15) James has always been close to his mother, but as he enters adolescence, he wants to spend less and less time with her. He finds her to be overbearing and overprotective. However, at times he finds himself craving the security of the relationship he used to have with his mother and wants to connect again emotionally with her. James is experiencing which dialectical tension?
Version 1
A) commitment versus insecurity B) openness versus closedness C) autonomy versus connection D) predictability versus novelty
Self-disclosure is most closely connected to which dialectical tension?
A) predictability versus novelty B) commitment versus insecurity C) openness versus closedness D) autonomy versus connection
17) Partners who have been together for ten years should not only appreciate the orderliness and certainty of the relationship but also make sure to incorporate different activities to provide change and newness. By balancing these two needs, a couple can successfully navigate which dialectical tension?
A) commitment versus insecurity B) openness versus closedness C) autonomy versus connection D) predictability versus novelty
18) Which of the following statements is NOT true about marriages and long-term romantic relationships?
Version 1
A) Being married raises a person's likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors. B) Married people live longer and healthier lives than do those who never marry. C) Married people are less likely to suffer from psychological disorders, such as depression, than are never-married people. D) Single people are more likely than married people to use an illicit drug such as marijuana.
19) Which of the following terms can be defined as participation in only one romantic relationship at a time and avoidance of romantic or sexual involvement with others outside of that relationship?
A) infidelity B) monogamy C) loyalty D) commitment
20) Lucas and Chloe have been together for two years. They are fully committed to each another and their relationship. However, they have chosen to have an "open" relationship, wherein romantic or sexual involvement with others outside the relationship is accepted. Although their family and friends don't understand the relationship, Lucas and Chloe feel that what they have is strong. This relationship illustrates the idea that some romantic relationships
A) are voluntary, and some are not. B) are based on love, and some are not. C) are exclusive, and some are not. D) involve same-sex partners, and some do not.
If a couple stays together "for the kids," they do so because some romantic relationships
Version 1
A) involve same-sex partners, and some do not. B) are affected by culture, and some are not. C) are voluntary, and some are not. D) are exclusive, and some are not.
22) People in same-sex relationships report levels of relationship satisfaction ________ those of other-sex dating, engaged, and married couples.
A) different from B) lower than C) greater than D) equal to
23) Some people in _____________ relationships report that they appreciate the closeness and intimacy they share with multiple partners, whereas others indicate feelings of jealousy and resentment that lead to increased conflict.
A) polyamorous B) multiple C) monogamous D) committed
24) In some cultures, the practice of arranged marriages is common and accepted because of the effect that culture has on expectations for which of the following?
A) exclusivity B) voluntariness C) sexuality D) love
Version 1
25) According to the text, culture affects all of the following expectations for intimate relationships EXCEPT
A) sexuality. B) love. C) exclusivity. D) fulfillment.
26) Chaman is introduced to Hakesh by her family. They are both originally from India, and both are still very involved and immersed in their culture, even though they now live in Washington, D.C. Chaman likes Hakesh, and when he asks her to marry him, she agrees, even though she doesn't feel that she is in love with him. Chaman knows that the match will please her family. Because Chaman gets along well with Hakesh, Chaman thinks that the marriage will be successful. Chaman's attitude reflects the fact that culture affects expectations for
A) love. B) exclusivity. C) voluntariness. D) sexuality.
27) Same-sex partners can marry with full legal recognition in several countries, and many other countries recognize civil unions or domestic partnerships. These countries can be contrasted with those that prohibit people of the same sex from being romantically or sexually involved at all. There are even countries that impose the death penalty for those who violate such laws. What accounts for these extreme differences between countries?
A) Culture affects expectations for love. B) Culture affects expectations for exclusivity. C) Culture affects expectations for sexuality. D) Culture affects expectations for voluntariness.
Version 1
28) During the _________ stage of relationship development, you might ask such questions as "What movies do you like?" and "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" to gain more information about a potential partner.
A) initiating B) integrating C) experimenting D) bonding
29) Alex and Madison have been on a few dates and really like each other. They decide to have a picnic in the park with all of their friends so they can meet each other's social circles. After the picnic, they sit on the beach and talk about their fears and secrets about the past. At the end of the date, Alex tells Madison, "You are really special to me." Alex and Madison are in the _________ stage of relationship development.
A) bonding B) intensifying C) integrating D) experimenting
30) The ____________ stage of relationship development occurs when a deep commitment has formed and the partners share a strong sense that the relationship has its own identity.
A) integrating B) intensifying C) bonding D) initiating
Version 1
31) Beyond serving as a public expression of a couple's commitment, which stage of relationship development also allows individuals to gain support and approval of people in their social networks?
A) intensifying B) integrating C) experimenting D) bonding
32) "Winking" at someone on an online dating service would be an example of which of the following?
A) Experimenting B) Intensifying C) Initiating D) Bonding
Which of the following statements is the most accurate about relationship formation?
A) The stages of relational development are exclusive to other-sex romantic couples. B) Relationships develop quite differently online than they do in real life. C) Relationship formation is not the same in all cultures. D) Most couples go through the stages of relationship development in the same way.
34) Which of the following terms describes an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals?
Version 1
A) arguing B) conflict C) disagreeing D) differentiating
35) Saria and Emily have been together for several years and are raising two children together. Lately, their relationship has had some conflict because they disagree about where to send their children to school. Saria wants an exclusive private school, but Emily is concerned about the cost. She doesn't think they can afford Saria's plan, so Emily wants the children to attend public school. Saria thinks that if they gave up vacations and dinners out, they could afford the private school. What is this conflict about?
A) scarce resources B) interference from another party C) incompatible goals D) unrealistic expectations
36) It is often the way couples handle _______________, rather than how much of it they experience, that influences the success of their relationships.
A) commitment B) intimacy C) problems D) conflict
37) Which word best describes romantic partners who talk about their disagreements openly and cooperatively?
Version 1
A) volatile B) hostile C) validating D) conflict-avoiding
38) During conflicts that arise in their relationship, Gavin and Mia tend to be very negative and quick to express anger and disappointment. They have a hard time listening to each another and instead spend arguments trying to persuade the other person to agree with a particular point of view. Although their arguments are heated, intense periods of affection and "making up" often follow. Which term best applies to Gavin and Mia as a couple?
A) volatile B) hostile C) conflict-avoiding D) validating
39) Leah and Matt find out that they are expecting a baby. Matt wants to tell their family and friends right away, but Leah wants to wait three months before sharing the information. According to __________________ theory, Leah and Matt jointly own the information about Leah's pregnancy and must both decide when and how to share it.
A) privacy B) self-disclosure C) communication privacy management D) self-disclosure agreement
40) In keeping with the idea that romantic relationships vary in how they handle _____________, studies show that people in satisfying marriages maintain a ratio of approximately five positive behaviors for every one negative behavior. In contrast, unhappy couples are more likely to reciprocate expressions of negative emotion.
Version 1
A) privacy B) emotional communication C) conflict D) instrumental communication
What is the most common form of communication among romantic partners?
A) emotional B) factual C) conflict D) instrumental
42) ___________ communication can be one of the most contentious issues couples face, as romantic partners often disagree over the division of responsibilities for daily tasks.
A) Physical B) Instrumental C) Emotional D) Factual
43) If Jamie begins to view his girlfriend's differences as annoying, he is most likely in the ________ stage of relationship deterioration.
A) differentiating B) avoiding C) circumscribing D) stagnating
Version 1
44) When romantic partners enter the ___________ stage of relationship deterioration, they begin to decrease the quality and quantity of their communication with each other.
A) differentiating B) stagnating C) circumscribing D) avoiding
45) After many years, it is not uncommon for relationships to come into which stage, when partners feel as if they are "going through the motions" and the relationship stops growing?
A) stagnating B) differentiating C) circumscribing D) avoiding
46) Ben and Sasha have not been happy in their relationship for a few months. Sasha finds herself making excuses when Ben goes to kiss or hug her, claiming a migraine or an illness. Ben finds reasons not to be home at night; he likes to work late or go out with his friends. Ben and Sasha are most likely in which stage of relationship deterioration?
A) circumscribing B) terminating C) stagnating D) avoiding
47) Our relationships with which of the following groups are distinguished by the depth of our engagement, as well as the fact that they can be both positive and negative forces in our lives? Version 1
A) families B) friends C) coworkers D) romantic partners
Which of the following is NOT considered a defining characteristic of families?
A) legal obligations B) role behaviors C) proximity behaviors D) genetic ties
49) Ruby's father has never been around. He left her mother shortly after Ruby's birth and calls to check in on Ruby only once or twice a year. He has never sent a birthday card or come to see Ruby in a school show. When Ruby is asked about her father, she simply tells people she doesn't have a father. Ruby probably believes that although sharing a __________ makes two people biological relatives, it does not necessarily make them family.
A) legal obligation B) genetic tie C) role D) last name
50) In the film Precious, the title character is physically, sexually, and mentally abused by her mother. In addition to throwing pans at Precious and calling her names, Precious's mother either starves her daughter or forces her to overeat and berates her for going to school. It is clear early in the film that Precious's mother has failed in her _______________ toward her daughter, neglecting her responsibilities to house, feed, educate, and care for her child.
Version 1
A) legal obligations B) genetic ties C) role behaviors D) psychological responsibilities
51) ________ behaviors may include a family living together, taking care of each other, loving each other, and representing themselves as a family to outsiders.
A) Familial B) Relational C) Social D) Role
52) Your family of ___________ is the family you grew up in, typically consisting of your parents or stepparents and any siblings you have.
A) genetics B) origin C) procreation D) derivation
53) One family type that is becoming increasingly common is the ________ family, with two adult partners raising children who are not the biological offspring of both partners.
A) nuclear B) origin C) blended D) single-parent
Version 1
54) Family _________ are based on the social and emotional functions that your behaviors serve within your family.
A) norms B) rituals C) roles D) positions
55) The Jones family is having conflict over where to go for vacation next summer. Mac, the father, is annoyed, blaming his wife, Jen, for the conflict because she insists that the decision be based on a vote. Jen is placating everyone, trying to keep the family calm. Meanwhile, Mac and Jen's son Jett is trying to use logic and reason to persuade everyone to agree to his point of view. His twin Jade is uncomfortable with the entire situation, so she is trying to distract everyone with jokes and offhand comments. This scenario is typical of how most conflicts unfold in the Jones household because the Jones family members typically fall into these _________ during conflict episodes.
A) roles B) rituals C) stories D) secrets
56) Spending every Halloween scaring trick-or-treaters who come to the door would be an example of a family
A) story. B) secret. C) habit. D) ritual.
Version 1
57) Jamila loves how every time she brings a new friend by her grandparents' house, her grandfather insists on showing pictures of Jamila as a young ballerina. He tells humorous details about how she couldn't keep time and could never remember the steps. Despite its numerous retellings, this family _________ still makes Jamila and her grandfather laugh as they share their history.
A) secret B) role C) story D) ritual
58) Family _________ often contain information the family considers private and not appropriate for sharing with outsiders.
A) roles B) secrets C) rituals D) stories
Which of the following is considered a confirming message?
A) control B) strategy C) spontaneity D) certainty
Version 1
60) Your brother asks what you think of his term paper. You don't think it is very good, but you decide to go with a more confirming response, saying, "I'm not sure, but then again I never was very good in English." By using a(n) ______________ message, you convey your point of view while inviting alternative views so as not to hurt your brother's feelings.
A) provisional B) descriptive C) empathy D) equality
61) If your friend is telling you about a particularly emotional issue she is having and your response is simply "It'll be fine," your message is
A) appropriate. B) confirming. C) empathic. D) disconfirming.
62) Lily likes her classmate Beth but finds her to be disingenuous at times. After class, Beth asks, "What are you doing right now?" If Lily says nothing or says that she is going home, Beth then asks for a ride home. Lily wishes that Beth would use the ______________ message of spontaneity and just ask directly for a ride home instead of "trapping" Lily into it.
A) confirming B) disconfirming C) honest D) positive
63) Which of the following is NOT one of John Gottman's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"?
Version 1
A) contempt B) stonewalling C) criticism D) disapproval
64) One of the first warning signs of distress in a relationship happens when partners engage in _________, or complaints about each other.
A) contempt B) stonewalling C) criticism D) defensiveness
65) Natalie and Xavier have been having difficulties in their relationship for a long time. They've stopped being kind to each another and do not treat each other respectfully. In one particular argument, Xavier accuses Natalie of spending too much time with her friends, but she fires back that he ignores her when they are home. He says that he ignores her because she is always nagging him. Natalie and Xavier's portrayal of themselves as victims and their denial of responsibility for their own behavior are examples of which of the following?
A) contempt B) defensiveness C) criticism D) stonewalling
66) People who engage in _______________ stop looking at their partners, stop speaking, and stop responding to what their partners are saying.
Version 1
A) defensiveness B) contempt C) criticism D) stonewalling
67) After Tyrese and Ryan move in together, Ryan finds himself disappointed. He thought they'd spend all their time together, but Tyrese still spends time with his other friends. Ryan also discovers that Tyrese is messy, even though Ryan expected him to be immaculate. To avoid this type of disappointment, Ryan could have used what strategy?
A) Have realistic expectations. B) Emphasize excitement and positivity. C) Handle conflict constructively. D) Manage dialectical tensions.
Which of the following is NOT a strategy for managing dialectical tensions?
A) segmentation B) alternation C) orientation D) recalibration
69) Abby is feeling frustrated with her boyfriend, Noah. He likes to play online games, and Abby feels that Noah spends too much time playing and not enough time being with her. Noah loves playing online and doesn't want to give it up, but he also loves Abby and wants her to be happy. They finally agree to compromise: Abby brings over her homework and sits with Noah while he plays. They can talk about what is happening and spend time together, while both get something accomplished. Abby and Noah have incorporated what strategy to manage a dialectical tension?
Version 1
A) segmentation B) integration C) reaffirmation D) alternation
70) Tamika had to miss her nephew's college graduation ceremony because of an out-of-town work commitment, so she bought him tickets to a concert he wanted to attend. Which form of relational repair does Tamika's gift constitute?
A) appeasement B) explanation C) denial D) apology
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 8 1) B 2) D 3) C 4) D 5) A 6) C 7) D 8) B 9) C 10) B 11) A 12) C 13) B 14) D 15) C 16) C 17) D 18) A 19) B 20) C 21) C 22) D 23) A 24) B 25) D 26) A Version 1
27) C 28) C 29) B 30) A 31) D 32) C 33) C 34) B 35) A 36) D 37) C 38) A 39) C 40) B 41) D 42) B 43) A 44) C 45) A 46) D 47) A 48) C 49) B 50) A 51) D 52) B 53) C 54) C 55) A 56) D Version 1
57) C 58) B 59) C 60) A 61) D 62) A 63) D 64) C 65) B 66) D 67) A 68) C 69) B 70) A Student name:__________ 1) A _____________ can be defined as a collection 3 to 20 people working interdependently to accomplish a task.
A) small group B) task group C) working group D) cohesive group
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of small groups?
A) Small groups are interdependent. B) Small groups are cohesive. C) Small groups avoid rules and norms. D) Small groups include individual roles.
Version 1
3) According to communication scholars, a small group is composed of at least _____ members but no more than 15 to 20 members.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
4) The size of a small group matters because most of us _____________ differently in larger and smaller collections of people.
A) make friends B) integrate C) work D) communicate
5) What term describes the scenario in which each group member influences, and is influenced by, every other group member?
A) independence B) interdependence C) codependence D) dependence
6) Jack and Kate are working on a small group project for their political science class. They disagree on how to complete part of the assignment, and the disagreement soon escalates to a full-scale argument. Afterward, they find it difficult to work together, and the entire group is affected. Jack and Kate are demonstrating ____________, meaning that their moods and behaviors influenced, and were influenced by, each another's in a way that affected the group. Version 1
A) interdependence B) conflict C) codependence D) escalation
7) Groups are interdependent if the members all influence one other, but groups are ____________ only if the members work together in the service of a common goal.
A) successful B) effective C) cohesive D) influential
8) In your algebra class, you are assigned to work in a small group. Most group members know their specific tasks and follow through on them, but two members neglect their responsibilities. As a result, your group's _________ cohesion is low.
A) social B) overall C) collective D) task
9) Which of the following is NOT a behavior that can cause a group to become dysfunctional?
A) parasitism B) cohesion C) interpersonal aggression D) misuse of resources
Version 1
10) A group's _________ are its explicitly stated principles for governing what its members can and cannot do.
A) norms B) standards C) rules D) guidelines
11) Genevieve and her friends sit together every day at lunch. It is understood that they will meet and sit in the same spot. Genevieve would never dream of bringing her lunch from home; in her group everyone buys lunch at the cafeteria. If Genevieve wants to bring someone new to join the group, she knows that she should consult her friends first. Even though these ______ were never explicitly stated, Genevieve knows how to manage her behavior based on observing how her friends behave in the group.
A) rules B) norms C) guidelines D) principles
12) Although the matter has never been discussed, it is understood that when someone in your study group is going to be late, that person should send a text message. What term best describes your study group's unspoken understanding?
A) norm B) rule C) guideline D) principle
Version 1
13) What is your supervisor establishing when she tells your committee that your meetings will begin at 10 a.m. on the last Tuesday of each month?
A) a norm B) a guideline C) a rule D) a suggestion
Patterns of behavior that define a person's function within a group are called
A) positions. B) norms. C) functions. D) roles.
If a committee has a designated chairperson and note-taker, these are what types of roles?
A) assigned B) formal C) informal D) unassigned
16) What types of roles most frequently reflect how well or poorly the group functions while carrying out its mission?
A) formal B) assigned C) informal D) unassigned
Version 1
17) Someone who is always making jokes in a group and trying to lighten the mood is taking on what type of role?
A) assigned B) unassigned C) formal D) informal
18) Ethan is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society of two-year colleges. He wears his lapel pin to all meetings and puts on his chapter shirt when the group goes into the community for a project. At the start of each meeting, Ethan hugs other members instead of offering a handshake or just saying hello. What do all of these actions serve to reinforce with regard to Ethan's Phi Theta Kappa group?
A) cohesion B) identity C) interdependence D) communication practices
Which practice is central to accomplishing any group's mission?
A) communication B) independence C) identity D) interdependence
Version 1
20) In the film Remember the Titans, Coach Herman Boone (played by Denzel Washington) must deal with racial issues on his football team. At one point, he wakes up his players at 3:00 a.m. to go to Gettysburg, the site of a well-known Civil War battle. There, the coach gives a speech, in which he concludes, "If we don't come together, right now, on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed just like they were. I don't care if you like each other or not. But you will respect each other." What communication strategy is Boone using to bring his team together?
A) role communication B) problem-solving communication C) consciousness-raising communication D) encounter communication
21) When two group members gossip about their weekend before a group meeting, they are engaging in _____________ communication.
A) consciousness-raising B) encounter C) problem-solving D) role
22) Some small groups communicate _________ because their members are located in different cities or countries, so face-to-face communication is impractical.
A) infrequently B) synchronously C) online D) offline
Which of the following is TRUE about small groups interacting online?
Version 1
A) Group members feel more confident in virtual rather than in face-to-face groups, in terms of their ability to be productive. B) Because e-mail allows group members to interact in real time, members feel engaged and involved in dialogue with other members. C) Individuals who interact with other group members online report being more committed to the group and happier while working in it. D) Technologies such as e-mail, texting, and videoconferencing allow online group members to interact whenever and wherever they choose.
Which of the following is NOT a function of a small group?
A) providing services and support B) discouraging social networking C) competing D) creating art and ideas
25) In response to the worst oil spill in U.S. history in 2010, President Barack Obama set up a task force charged with determining the rate of oil leakage and the appropriate response. The group included leading industry experts, officials from BP (the company responsible for the spill), and top government representatives. Because this group had a specific list of goals, it was formed to
A) focus on discrete tasks. B) create art and ideas. C) help us to learn. D) promote social networking.
Version 1
26) When Tina Wells was a high school student, she wrote product reviews for a local newspaper. Soon, so many companies started sending her products that she assembled a group of friends to help her test the products. By the time she graduated from college, Wells had 250 teenagers reviewing products. Today, Wells is CEO of Buzz Marketing Group, a teen-focused market research firm with nationally known clients. Wells recognized the power that small groups had to do which of the following?
A) focus on discrete tasks B) compete C) evaluate and advise D) create art and ideas
27) A string quartet and the cast of Saturday Night Live are both examples of how small groups can effectively work together to do which of the following?
A) promote social networking B) create art and ideas C) help us to learn D) compete
28) Many companies and organizations use __________ groups, which are small groups of people assembled to generate innovative ways of thinking.
A) task B) support C) target D) brainstorming
Alcoholics Anonymous is an example of a __________ group.
Version 1
A) support B) task C) relational D) maintenance
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a support group?
A) You can find people who understand your issue or problem because they have the same experience. B) Listening to others' stories may help you feel less alone. C) Listening to others' problems may cause you to feel depressed or discouraged. D) Taking part in support groups for health conditions can improve health.
31) An online chat room where people converse about their favorite television show is an example of a small group that
A) provides service and support. B) creates art and ideas. C) helps us to learn. D) promotes social networking.
Most collegiate athletic teams are formed for what purpose?
A) creating art and ideas B) competing C) promoting social networking D) providing support
Version 1
We join study groups because small groups can
A) help us to learn. B) create art and ideas. C) promote social networking. D) provide support.
The first group most of us belong to is
A) peers. B) friends. C) family. D) society.
35) Caleb is feeling insecure in his new school. He doesn't know anyone and feels like an outsider. Because he has always enjoyed writing, he joins the yearbook staff. Within a few days of joining the group, Caleb feels more confident and sure of himself. Which need has Caleb fulfilled by joining this group?
A) his need for protection B) his need to belong C) his need to improve D) his need to learn
36) Owen is very active in his church. When his wife dies, he loses interest in eating and taking care of himself, so the church forms a group to help care for Owen. Group members bring him food, make sure that he is sleeping, and spend time with him so that he knows he is not alone. Owen's church group understands what about their role as a small group?
Version 1
A) They can improve someone's effectiveness. B) They can pressure someone. C) They can fulfill a need to belong. D) They can provide protection.
Which of the following is NOT a reason people might join a small group?
A) need to belong B) need for protection C) pressure to join D) need to be alone
38) The fact that research has shown that people who join weight loss groups do a better job of losing weight than do people who try to lose weight on their own demonstrates that small groups can
A) improve effectiveness. B) fulfill a need to belong. C) provide protection. D) pressure someone to join.
39) Logan is assigned to a task committee at work. He is annoyed, as he feels _______________ the group. However, Logan soon makes some good friends within the committee, and the work goes much faster than it would have if he had done it by himself.
A) the need to belong to B) his effectiveness is improved by C) pressured to join D) protected by
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40) At which phase of socialization do you apply preexisting beliefs, attitudes, and expectations to the new group you are joining?
A) exit B) encounter C) antecedent D) anticipatory
41) Claire has had negative group experiences in college. She always seems to get stuck doing the bulk of the work, and her group members have always had terrible communication skills. Therefore, at work, when her boss proposes putting her on a task force, she is immediately apprehensive and fearful during the _____________ phase of socialization.
A) encounter B) antecedent C) anticipatory D) assimilation
42) Research has found that which phase of socialization can be stressful if you have unrealistic expectations for a group?
A) encounter B) antecedent C) assimilation D) anticipatory
43) The ________________ phase of socialization occurs the first time you meet with others as a group.
Version 1
A) encounter B) assimilation C) exit D) anticipatory
44) Which of the following is NOT an important task typically addressed during the encounter phase of socialization?
A) establishing the group's mission and define goals B) assigning specific roles C) deciding on group norms D) reminding members of expectations for behaviors
45) In which phase of socialization does a group acquire its own identity, when members think of themselves not as "you and I" but as "we"?
A) anticipatory B) antecedent C) assimilation D) encounter
46) Isabella is new to her high school. She meets a group of girls who call themselves the Girlie Crew. They always dress in purple or pink and refer to one another as "princess" or "diva." After a few weeks, Isabella tends to speak about her school experiences to her parents not in terms of "I" but in terms of "we," and she always dresses in the group's colors. Isabella is most likely in what phase of socialization?
Version 1
A) assimilation B) encounter C) anticipatory D) antecedent
47) Lee is on the executive board of the homeowners' association for his neighborhood. Although he believes that there should be a governing board to enforce appropriate rules and regulations, lately he feels that the association has been looking for easy ways to make money, instigating and enforcing unfair rules. As Lee begins doubting the effectiveness of the group, he will most likely enter which phase of socialization?
A) encounter B) antecedent C) exit D) assimilation
The final phase of small group socialization is the ________ phase.
A) antecedent B) exit C) assimilation D) encounter
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of small groups?
A) sacrifices B) resources C) diversity D) synergy
Version 1
50) Accomplishing almost any task requires the availability of ___________, which are assets that enable us to be productive.
A) resources B) diversity C) sacrifices D) synergy
51) The Means and Ways Committee at Temple Shalom has been very successful in its fundraising efforts. Some members are very effective at convincing local businesses to donate goods for an auction. Some members have many community contacts that enable them to turn out many people for events. Still other members have strong organizational skills to make sure that fundraising events such as auctions are efficient and successful. This group is using its __________ to find success.
A) synergy B) resources C) diversity D) skills
52) Which word best describes the idea that group members can accomplish more by working together than they could by working individually?
A) diversity B) resources C) conflict D) synergy
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53) Which word best describes the belief that each member in a group brings a different set of ideas, experiences, insights, and values to a discussion?
A) synergy B) personalities C) diversity D) uniqueness
54) A shoe company isn't sure if the ad campaign for its newest sneaker will be appealing to its customers. The company puts together a focus group made up of individuals of different ages, genders, sexual orientations, and ethnicities. The company knows that it might be more difficult for this type of group to come to a consensus but hopes that given enough time, the group can provide valuable information based on which of its attributes?
A) diversity B) synergy C) resources D) uniqueness
55) By campaigning together as a group for the state legislature, Paul, James, and Colin are able to attract more votes for each of them than they could have gotten by campaigning separately. This outcome illustrates which principle of small group behavior?
A) diversity B) conflict C) synergy D) resources
56) When group members contribute less to the group than the average member, particularly as the group grows in size, those group members are engaged in
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A) conflict. B) social loafing. C) laziness. D) social sacrifice.
57) Rory is becoming frustrated with Andrew's lack of participation in their club. As more and more new members join, Andrew does less and less and eventually contributes almost nothing. Which of the following is the MOST effective way to deal with this social loafer?
A) Rory should not name names, as doing so will only put Andrew on the defensive. B) Rory should keep the group's goal ambiguous to reduce pressure. C) Rory should make the consequences clear so that Andrew understands how his behavior contributes to the group's goal. D) Rory should make sure to keep all conflict in the open with all the group members involved.
58) Whenever small groups have to make decisions, they are likely to experience some measure of ___________ if goals are incompatible or resources are limited.
A) social loafing B) conflict C) arguments D) frustration
59) Rose's sister is getting married, and Rose been put in charge of collecting money from all of her sister's friends and buying a nice gift for the couple. Rose is running into difficulty, as the friends can't agree on an amount to give, and some don't want to give as much as others. The friends also continue to debate about which type of gift is most appropriate, a humorous one or a sentimental one. For the group's effort to be successful, Rose should find an effective way to deal with the group's
Version 1
A) conflict. B) diversity. C) synergy. D) opinions.
Which of the following is NOT true about larger small groups (15 or more members)?
A) They can be difficult to coordinate. B) Members can find it difficult to communicate efficiently with one another. C) Larger groups tend to communicate more about their tasks than smaller groups do. D) Larger groups may find it necessary to divide their work, assigning specific tasks to pairs of people who can more easily coordinate their schedules.
61) Becoming part of a small group requires more than signing one's name to a membership roster. New members must also be ______________ into the group.
A) hazed B) welcomed C) socialized D) instructed
Which of the following is NOT a way to socialize a new member into a group?
A) Be a mentor. B) Limit new members' participation in activities. C) Create a group orientation. D) Recruit good members.
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63) Opal is the president of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) at her son's elementary school. She makes a concerted effort to _________ new members to the group by offering new member orientations twice a year, calling new members personally to invite them to upcoming activities, and setting up a mentor program between new members and those in their final year of service.
A) acclimate B) pressure C) welcome D) socialize
64) If you've made the effort to join a small group, you probably already support that group's goals, norms, values, and behaviors, because you are
A) learning what matters. B) contributing to the group. C) embracing the group's culture. D) acquiring appropriate skills.
65) Sienna joins a sorority on her campus. The group has many goals, including upholding strong scholarship, embracing diversity, and helping in the community. Sienna studies a lot to make sure that she can meet the first goal but finds that she still isn't quite fitting in. After observing her sorority sisters for a few days, she realizes that this group is particularly focused on helping in the community. Sienna could have socialized herself to the group more easily had she first
A) learned what matters to the sorority. B) contributed to the sorority. C) acquired appropriate skills to fulfill the sorority's goals. D) embraced the sorority's culture.
Version 1
66) If you are to become an active member of a group, you'll need to __________________ so you can carry out your role and responsibilities.
A) learn what matters B) embrace the group's culture C) contribute to the group D) acquire appropriate skills
67) If someone in your group receives good news or achieves a goal, you should ask if you can share the news with the group. In doing so, you are contributing to a constructive group environment by
A) building group cohesion. B) celebrating success. C) defusing stress. D) respecting others.
68) Danielle is in a small group with Vern in their sociology class. Danielle finds Vern to be abrasive, and she completely disagrees with Vern on a lot of what he says. Danielle decides that to keep the group environment constructive, she will find the positive aspects in what Vern says and celebrate the diversity in the group. What method is Danielle using to keep group communication positive?
A) respecting others B) celebrating success C) defusing stress D) building group cohesion
Version 1
69) When group members concentrate on their shared objectives, group cohesiveness increases because the group is
A) keeping track of progress. B) celebrating success. C) emphasizing collective goals. D) reminding others of their value to the group.
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Answer Key Test name: chapter 9 1) A 2) C 3) B 4) D 5) B 6) A 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) C 11) B 12) A 13) C 14) D 15) B 16) C 17) D 18) B 19) A 20) C 21) B 22) C 23) D 24) B 25) A 26) C Version 1
27) B 28) D 29) A 30) C 31) D 32) B 33) A 34) C 35) B 36) D 37) D 38) A 39) C 40) C 41) B 42) D 43) A 44) C 45) C 46) A 47) C 48) B 49) A 50) A 51) B 52) D 53) C 54) A 55) C 56) B Version 1
57) C 58) B 59) A 60) C 61) C 62) B 63) D 64) C 65) A 66) D 67) B 68) A 69) C Student name:__________ 1)
Which of the following is NOT an example of a group decision?
A) a faculty committee choosing what textbook to use B) a jury determining if a defendant is guilty C) a fraternity hazing a new member D) a parent-teacher organization selecting a new president
2) Which of the following is NOT a common way for a group to generate ideas that help them make decisions?
A) engaging in conflict resolution B) using the nominal group technique C) brainstorming D) ideawriting
Version 1
3) Which of the following techniques allows group members to offer any ideas they wish and to create a list of all the proposed ideas before any of the ideas are debated?
A) ideawriting B) using the nominal group technique C) mapping D) brainstorming
4) Navajo is in a small group working on a project for his literature class. No one is willing to offer ideas, as the group members don't know one other, and Navajo suspects that they are afraid of being ridiculed. Because ___________ allows members to generate ideas on a master list before any are debated, Navajo thinks that this might be the best way for his group to generate ideas.
A) the nominal group technique B) brainstorming C) consensus D) ideawriting
5) In his hospitality and tourism course, Henry and his study group are charged with doing an ad campaign on a destination of their choosing. Henry suggests that they think about a destination in a colder climate, as he is sure that the rest of the groups will choose tropical locations. Hannah, another group member, is reminded of Canada's Hôtel de Glace, a hotel made entirely of ice and snow. The group loves the creative and unusual idea that came from ______________ during brainstorming.
A) piggybacking B) encouraging creativity C) focusing on quantity D) not criticizing
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6) ____________ calls for group members to generate their initial ideas silently and independently and then to combine them and consider them as a group.
A) Brainstorming B) Consensus C) The nominal group technique D) Ideawriting
7) The major advantage of _______________ over brainstorming is that it can encourage participation from members who might be uncomfortable contributing their ideas aloud.
A) ideawriting B) the nominal group technique C) achieving a consensus D) collaborating
8) Which of the following methods encourages members to generate and evaluate ideas in writing while working independently?
A) nominal group technique B) brainstorming C) consensus D) ideawriting
9) What is the LEAST collaborative idea-generation method, in which group members accomplish most of the steps while working individually?
Version 1
A) ideawriting B) nominal group technique C) brainstorming D) consensus
10) Liam's group is trying to come up with ideas for their group project, so each group member creates a list of ideas and notes why each idea has merit. Group members read one another's lists, offering comments about the strengths and weaknesses of each idea. Once Liam gets his list back with the others' comments, he writes his own reactions to those comments, and then the list goes back into the pile so the group can finally make a master list of ideas worthy of additional discussion. Liam's group is using what method of idea generation?
A) nominal group technique B) ideawriting C) brainstorming D) consensus
Which of the following is NOT a group decision-making method?
A) brainstorming B) majority rule C) unanimous consensus D) authority rule
When a group reaches a(n) ____________, there is uncontested support for a decision.
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A) majority agreement B) vote C) stalemate D) unanimous consensus
13) Omar's group wants to come to a unanimous consensus on an ad campaign for a new product. Although the group is committed, after many long, frustrating discussions, they reach a ___________, so they must resort to some other form of decision making.
A) conclusion B) stalemate C) false consensus D) nominal group technique
14) If someone says, "Let's take a vote" when a group decision is looming, he or she is probably recommending what decision-making strategy?
A) stalemate B) expert opinion C) majority rule D) consensus
15) When Keiko's bank merges with another bank, her group, composed of 11 people, is charged with choosing the new company logo. The group finds it impossible to come to consensus, so they take a vote. Six vote in favor of one logo, and Keiko and four others vote in favor of another, making the vote 6 to 5. Keiko and the others in the minority are upset, as they feel that such a close vote warrants further discussion. Keiko and the rest of the minority should remember that when using _______________ to make decisions, everyone in a group implicitly agrees to support the decision.
Version 1
A) minority rule B) majority rule C) consensus D) voting
16) BioTech University has a large biology department, with 38 faculty members teaching, 25 of whom are adjuncts (part-time professors). For the sake of efficiency, every three years a committee of 10 full-time faculty members decides what textbook will be used in the basic biology foundation course. By using ____________ decision making, the BioTech biology department saves the faculty's time for other pursuits for the department.
A) minority rule B) majority rule C) consensus D) expert opinion
17) ______________ works on the principle that some people have better judgment or greater knowledge regarding specific topics or matters than others have.
A) Minority rule B) Unanimous consensus C) Authority rule D) Expert opinion
18) In the Toy Story movies, a child's favorite toy, Woody, tends to make the decisions for the group of toys that live in his room. Although he does try to look out for the best interests of all the toys, his ____________ approach to decision making can leave the other toys feeling frustrated and questioning Woody's right to make decisions on behalf of the group.
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A) minority rule B) expert opinion C) authority rule D) majority opinion
19) Which of the following is usually NOT a factor in determining the method a group uses to make decisions?
A) how important the decision is B) how quickly the decision must be made C) whether the decision requires expert knowledge D) whether the group wants everyone to be content
20) When working in groups, Lani is very concerned with reaching unanimous consensus, and she always values what is best for the group over what she personally wants. Which cultural influence is at work when Lani is in a group?
A) Individualism affects decision making. B) Power distance affects decision making. C) Time orientation affects decision making. D) Context affects decision making.
21) Groups from monochronic cultures may opt for majority rule, minority rule, or authority rule because those methods use time efficiently, while groups from polychronic cultures may try achieving consensus if they believe that method will produce a better decision. These differences exist because _______________ affects decision making.
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A) power distance B) time orientation C) context D) individualism
22) In _______________ cultures, certain groups of people hold great power, whereas the average citizen has much less.
A) high-power-distance B) low-power-distance C) no-power-distance D) equal-power-distance
23) A _________ is a distinguishing personal characteristic that is relatively enduring and not easily changeable.
A) personality B) feature C) trait D) quality
24) Which of the following is NOT a physical trait that tends to influence 1) who is likely to become a leader and 2) how effective that leader is perceived to be?
A) sex B) height C) physical appearance D) hair color
Version 1
25) Twenty-nine U.S. presidents have been taller than the average U.S. adult man, and since 1990, the taller candidate for president has won the popular vote 66 percent of the time. This trend could be related to our perception that which physical trait contributes to effective leadership?
A) ethnicity B) sex C) height D) physical appearance
26) Studies have shown that leaders with masculine-looking faces are judged as more competent than are leaders with feminine-looking faces because _____________ plays a role in people's perception of effective leadership.
A) physical appearance B) sex C) height D) ethnicity
27) Many effective leaders share particular ___________ traits, which are characteristics of their personality and ways of relating to others.
A) physical B) psychosocial C) physiological D) cultural
Version 1
28) Some researchers have suggested that people who are high ___________ are able to perceive the needs of others in a group and adapt their own behavior to meet those needs, skills that can lead to leadership emergence.
A) group monitors B) self-monitors C) face-workers D) extroverts
29) Although Anna is shy and reserved in her study groups, she applies to be a study group leader at her college student instruction center. She feels that she would be very helpful to others in her major of mathematics and could lead students to success in a challenging subject area. The other applicant for the job, Olena, is more assertive and outgoing. Although Olena is not as strong in math, she ends up getting the position. It is likely that Anna's ____________ made her appear to be a less effective leader to the student instruction center.
A) communication apprehension B) extroversion C) introversion D) personality
30) Leadership is inherently social, so ________ tend to excel at leadership because they are friendly, assertive, and outgoing with others.
A) introverts B) extroverts C) loud people D) high self-monitors
31) Group leaders who enact a(n) ___________ leadership style reflect the principle that every citizen has the right to participate in decision making. Version 1
A) democratic B) autocratic C) laissez-faire D) strong
32) Marcos is the chairperson of an executive board for a pharmaceutical company. The decisions his board makes have far-reaching consequences for how the company is run. Marcos thinks it is important that all members of his committee be given the chance to speak and that all ideas be considered equally, regardless of controversy. When the time comes to vote, Marcos counts everyone's votes equally, and he supports the will of the majority, even if it doesn't reflect his own preferences. What style of leadership does Marcos have?
A) autocratic B) democratic C) fair D) laissez-faire
33) If a leader takes charge of a group and controls how each meeting progresses and how each decision is made, that leader is
A) controlling. B) democratic. C) laissez-faire. D) autocratic.
34) A _____________ leader believes that group members should work independently, with little direction or personal involvement from him or her.
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A) laissez-faire B) liberal C) autocratic D) democratic
35) Juan runs the sociology department at a major university, and 14 faculty members teach in his department. Juan believes that all faculty members understand their function at the school, so he does not interfere with their day-to-day work. Juan views the faculty members as professionals who understand how best to do their jobs. When a conflict arises with a student or another faculty member, Juan will sit in on a meeting only if specifically invited, and he rarely offers his opinion or tells the faculty how to resolve the issue. Juan exhibits a _______________ style of leadership.
A) laid-back B) laissez-faire C) relaxed D) autocratic
36) If a group's priority is to accomplish its task quickly, which style of leadership would most likely be most effective?
A) autocratic B) democratic C) consensus D) laissez-faire
37) Which leadership approach is likely to backfire when group members lack the skills or training to work autonomously?
Version 1
A) consensus B) democratic C) laissez-faire D) autocratic
______________ gives one the ability to influence or control people or events.
A) Power B) Authority C) Command D) Dominance
39) Alice teaches an interpersonal communication course. She finds that when she exercises ________ power by giving extra credit or bringing her class treats, her students are more motivated to participate in class.
A) coercive B) referent C) reward D) expert
40) A judge has ____________ power because he or she can punish people with fines or imprisonment for not doing as he or she says.
A) expert B) referent C) legitimate D) coercive
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41) Although she knows that the action is wrong, Sarah decides to copy her English term paper from an online source because she has heard from friends at her college that there isn't a strong policy against plagiarism. She knows that if she gets caught, the most severe punishment she will receive is a warning not to cheat again. Because the college lacks a policy that inflicts a sufficient punishment, Sarah is not concerned with the college's _____________ power.
A) coercive B) expert C) legitimate D) reward
Which type of power is most likely to become emotionally abusive if misused?
A) expert B) legitimate C) referent D) coercive
43) The power of attraction-the idea that we tend to comply with requests made by people we like, admire, or find attractive in some way-is also called _________ power.
A) coercive B) referent C) expert D) legitimate
44) In a study group, you might work harder for a group leader you like and admire than for one you dislike because of what type of power?
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A) referent B) legitimate C) reward D) expert
45) Proactiv, an acne treatment, has been endorsed by many celebrity spokespeople, including Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan. Proactiv is hoping it will sell more of its products because it believes that these and other celebrities have __________ power that will influence consumers to want to be like them.
A) expert B) referent C) reward D) legitimate
46) When the president of the United States meets with his cabinet, members of that group follow the president's directives because he has what type of power?
A) expert B) referent C) coercive D) legitimate
47) Alita is appointed to a temporary supervisory position at work when her boss goes on medical leave. Alita is in charge of answering employees' questions, settling conflicts, and approving sick and vacation days. When Alita's supervisor returns, Alita can no longer perform those functions because she has lost her ________ power.
Version 1
A) legitimate B) coercive C) expert D) reward
_________ power stems from having proficiency in a particular area.
A) Coercive B) Legitimate C) Expert D) Referent
49) Many socialist and communist governments exercise _________ power over their populations by controlling all of the media in their countries.
A) coercive B) expert C) referent D) informational
50) In his sociology class, Jean is working on a group project related to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Because Jean has family in Haiti, his group has asked him to interview family members about their experiences during the event. Because Jean is the only one in his group with access to those data, Jean now has ______________ in his group.
A) informational power B) expert power C) referent power D) coercive power
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51) Regardless of what forms of power we possess, each of us exercises power that is limited to particular people in particular situations because power
A) requires recognition. B) is coercive. C) is relative. D) requires followers.
52) In the early 1990s, David Koresh was the leader of a Branch Davidian religious sect, believing himself to be its final prophet. The U.S. government raided his compound in 1993, a move that ended in the death of Koresh and his followers. The fact that Koresh's followers believed him to be their prophet and were therefore willing to stand with him shows that power
A) is coercive. B) is relative. C) is corruptive. D) requires recognition.
Which of the following is NOT a major strategy for engaging in group conflict?
A) avoiding B) competing C) collaborating D) opposing
54) If you have a(n) ___________ style during conflict, your goal is to win the conflict while the other party loses.
Version 1
A) avoiding B) opposing C) competing D) collaborating
55) Ignoring conflict while hoping it will go away is an example of which approach to conflict?
A) avoiding B) competing C) compromising D) collaborating
56) Which approach to conflict reflects a high concern for the other party but a low concern for the self?
A) avoiding B) accommodating C) compromising D) collaborating
57) Tyler has applied for a job at a local radio station. The station manager likes Tyler and thinks he would do well at the station but doesn't have the money in his budget to pay Tyler's asking salary. Tyler cannot afford to take an unpaid internship. Tyler and the station manager come to an agreement on a modest salary. It is far less than Tyler had hoped to make, but by __________________, Tyler is able to secure the position he really wants at the radio station.
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A) collaborating B) debating C) competing D) compromising
58) If your goal is to arrive at a win-win situation that maximizes both parties' gains, you are _________________ during conflict.
A) collaborating B) avoiding C) competing D) compromising
59) When group members engage in ____________, they seek unanimous agreement despite their individual doubts.
A) collaboration B) compromise C) groupthink D) avoidance
Which of the following is a warning sign of groupthink?
A) individual rationalization B) pressure for individualism C) illusion of morality D) illusion of vulnerability
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61) When group members are overly confident in their position, ignoring obvious problems, they suffer from which of the following?
A) collective rationalization B) excessive stereotyping C) pressure for conformity D) illusion of invulnerability
62) If you feel pressure to agree with your group's decision and fear being branded as disloyal if you do not, you are feeling the pressure
A) for conformity. B) to placate. C) of unanimity. D) to mindguard.
63) Some group members actively prevent the group from hearing about arguments or evidence against the group's position because of
A) self-censorship. B) mindguards. C) pressure for conformity. D) excessive stereotyping.
64) ____________ is particularly likely to occur when a group has a strong, authoritarian leader, is composed of members with similar backgrounds, and is isolated from outside influence.
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A) Groupthink B) Creativity C) Disagreement D) Obedience
65) On the reality television show Survivor, the contestant Russell Hantz made the comment, "I don't know, this might be the worst group in history and I might be the best. I'm gonna have them under control, all like zombies walking around." Hantz seems to be planning on ____________ to help him get ahead in the game.
A) conformity B) obedience C) conflict D) groupthink
66) Which of the following is NOT a step that group members can take to prevent groupthink?
A) Be aware of the potential for groupthink. B) Limit time for the group to make decisions. C) Encourage dissenting viewpoints. D) Give important decisions a second chance.
Noise, boredom, and information overload are all examples of barriers to effective
A) leadership in groups. B) individuality in groups. C) listening in groups. D) conflict resolution in groups.
Version 1
68) Christian is in a study group for his physics class. As the group prepares for the final exam, Christian has trouble keeping track of all of the information being called out by the group. Christian most likely won't find the study session useful because of
A) information overload. B) boredom. C) rebuttal tendency. D) noise.
69) ____________ can be a particularly common barrier to effective listening in groups that evaluate or analyze because members of such groups may disagree on the merits of the various ideas they're discussing.
A) Noise B) Boredom C) Information overload D) Rebuttal tendency
70) Which type of listening skill is particularly significant in groups that have to make important decisions, such as a state legislature or a corporate board of directors?
A) informational B) effective C) critical D) empathic
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 10 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) A 6) C 7) B 8) D 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) D 13) B 14) C 15) B 16) A 17) D 18) C 19) D 20) A 21) B 22) A 23) C 24) D 25) C 26) A Version 1
27) B 28) B 29) C 30) B 31) A 32) B 33) D 34) A 35) B 36) A 37) C 38) A 39) C 40) D 41) A 42) D 43) B 44) A 45) B 46) D 47) A 48) C 49) D 50) A 51) C 52) D 53) D 54) C 55) A 56) B Version 1
57) D 58) A 59) C 60) C 61) D 62) A 63) B 64) A 65) D 66) B 67) C 68) A 69) D 70) C Student name:__________ 1)
What is the first step to preparing an effective speech?
A) analyzing the audience for your speech B) choosing a topic for your speech C) identifying the goals you want to accomplish in your speech D) gathering information to support your speech
Which of the following is NOT a goal of public speaking?
A) to socialize B) to inform C) to give honor D) to entertain
Version 1
3) Jordan is responsible for training new employees at the restaurant where she works. She must let them know how to greet customers correctly, where to find the specials for each day, and how to ensure repeat business. What is Jordan's goal during these training sessions?
A) to entertain B) to persuade C) to introduce D) to inform
4) When we speak to __________________, we are appealing to our listeners to think or act in a certain way.
A) give honor B) persuade C) introduce D) inform
5) Before his death in 2009, Billy Mays was a famous television pitchman for household products such as Mighty Putty and Grater Plater. He was best known for his opening line, "Hi, Billy Mays here." By attempting to sell whatever product he was pitching, Mays was pursuing which goal in his commercials?
A) to inform B) to persuade C) to introduce D) to entertain
6) Wanda Sykes, a stand-up comedian and actress, has the goal to ______________ her audiences during a stand-up routine. Version 1
A) entertain B) inform C) persuade D) give honor to
7) To be effective, speakers who _______________ must be keenly aware of who their listeners are and what they are likely to find amusing.
A) inform B) introduce C) entertain D) persuade
8) In March 2012, the Hall of Fame quarterback and team vice president John Elway of the Denver Broncos spoke at a press conference in which he announced that Peyton Manning would be the new starting quarterback for the team. Elway spoke of Manning's past successes as well as his future potential with the team. After his remarks, Elway welcomed Manning to the stage. Elway's goal in giving the speech was to
A) introduce. B) inform. C) give honor. D) entertain.
9) In his speech class, Gavin's first speech assignment is to interview a classmate and tell the class about the classmate's past, as well as his or her current activities and hopes for the future. Gavin's goal for the speech is
Version 1
A) to inform. B) to give honor. C) to introduce. D) to entertain.
10) At the 2015 funeral of Beau Biden, former Delaware attorney general and son of Vice President Joe Biden, Beau's younger brother Hunter Biden gave a eulogy, stating in part, "We will always be one family. You are at the center of the greatest love." The younger Biden's goal during his eulogy was to
A) introduce. B) give honor. C) entertain. D) persuade.
A speech of ___________ honors someone who is receiving an award.
A) dedication B) commemoration C) toast D) recognition
12) On the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, President Barack Obama gave a speech of ____________________ in which he honored the memory of victims and rescue workers who lost their lives.
Version 1
A) dedication B) recognition C) commemoration D) evaluation
13) To select an appropriate speech topic when none has been specified, you can start by ___________ to generate a list of potential topics.
A) researching B) suggesting C) creating D) brainstorming
14) Which of the following strategies encourages you to identify as many ideas as possible without stopping to evaluate them?
A) brainstorming B) ideawriting C) innovating D) listing
15) Pace is asked to give a speech to a local youth group. He considers his experience, hobbies, beliefs, values, and attitudes, how he enjoys spending his time, and what issues are important to him. What question is Pace answering as he brainstorms?
A) What topics are in the news? B) What does my audience know about? C) What topics do you care about? D) What topics are relevant?
Version 1
16) Julia is asked to speak at a university conference, so she reads the university's website and its student newspaper to find out what students and faculty are talking about these days. Which question is she most likely trying to answer?
A) What topics are interesting? B) What topics do you care about? C) What topics are relevant? D) What topics are in the news?
17) Answering questions such as "What do you talk about the most with your friends and family?" and "What is your fantasy career?" relates to what brainstorming technique?
A) finding topics that you care about B) finding topics that are in the news C) finding topics that are current D) finding topics that are relevant
18) If you read Time magazine or visit a website such as CNN.com to find ideas for a speech topic, you are answering what question for brainstorming?
A) What topics are interesting? B) What topics are relevant? C) What topics are in the news? D) What topics do you care about?
19) Read the following list of potential speech topics: the U.S. economy, same-sex marriage laws, the upcoming election, immigration policy. What question did the speaker most likely answer to generate this list?
Version 1
A) What topics are interesting? B) What topics do you care about? C) What topics are relevant? D) What topics are in the news?
20) When choosing a topic, which question will allow you to speak with credibility and confidence?
A) How much to I care about this topic? B) What do I already know about this topic? C) How much do I need to learn about this topic? D) How valuable is this topic?
21) Eliza is assigned a persuasive speech in her communication course. When brainstorming, she knows it is important to pick a topic ____________ because it will make preparing her speech more enjoyable, and her presentation will be more engaging for the audience.
A) she cares about B) she knows about C) that is valuable D) she doesn't need to learn about
22) To give an effective speech, you need to select a topic that is right not only for yourself but also for your
A) assignment. B) audience. C) interests. D) experience.
Version 1
23) Asking yourself which of the following questions will help you to consider whether the topic will be suitable for your listeners?
A) How much will my audience care about this topic? B) How much do I know about this topic? C) How much do I care about this topic? D) How appropriate is this topic for my audience?
24) To give an effective speech, you need a topic that is right for the _______________, meaning that it is appropriate for the situation.
A) audience B) occasion C) assignment D) juncture
When identifying a topic that is right for the occasion, you should ask yourself,
A) What do I know about this topic? B) How much will my audience care about this topic? C) How much do I know about this topic? D) Why am I speaking?
26) Jocelyn is a dynamic, humorous speaker. When she is asked to give a eulogy for her former biology professor, she prepares a somber, serious speech commemorating the educator's contribution to his field. In order to give a speech appropriate for the occasion, Jocelyn most likely asked herself,
Version 1
A) "What is the emotional tone of the event?" B) "How much do I know about this topic?" C) "How appropriate is this topic for my audience?" D) "How much do I care about this topic?"
27) If you start with a broad list of potential topics, you can narrow it down by considering which topics are right for you, for the audience, and for the
A) demographic. B) assignment. C) occasion. D) speech.
28) Good public speakers engage in ______________, which means thinking carefully about the characteristics of their listeners in order to address their listeners in the most effective way.
A) self-analysis B) topic analysis C) psychoanalysis D) audience analysis
29) Carrie is giving a speech to her political science class. To make her topic interesting and engaging to her audience, Carrie looks at her audience's ____________ characteristics, such as sex and sexual orientation, culture, and political orientation.
A) demographic B) social C) psychological D) general
Version 1
Which of the following is NOT a demographic characteristic?
A) age and facility with computer-mediated communication B) socioeconomic status C) attitude toward a topic D) education level
31) As the president of his college honor society, Quincy has been asked to give a speech to a local senior citizens' organization. Quincy spends a lot of time working on his presentation aids, thinking that they will help his audience follow his topic more easily. He uses many PowerPoint slides and video clips. About halfway through his speech, Quincy notices that his audience members seem distracted, and he even sees some of them walk out. In considering demographic characteristics, it seems that Quincy did not carefully consider his listeners'
A) sex and sexual orientation. B) occasion. C) age and facility with computer-mediated communication. D) physical and mental characteristics.
32) Diana, a nontraditional student who is returning to college after raising her children, has not kept up with technology. Therefore, when she is required to have a presentation aid for her persuasive speech, she decides to use a poster. As she watches the other speakers with their PowerPoint slides and YouTube videos, Diana realizes that she probably should have given more careful consideration to what demographic characteristic?
A) socioeconomic status B) political orientation C) physical and mental characteristics D) age and facility with computer-mediated communication
Version 1
33) Tori is giving a speech in her economics class on health care reform. One of her main focuses is on insurance coverage for families. As she discusses that issue, she uses such terms as "spouse," "husband," and "wife" rather than the more general term "family." Several members of her audience feel dismissed and overlooked, as Tori's speech does not fully consider the demographic characteristic of
A) sex and sexual orientation. B) physical and mental characteristics. C) age and facility with computer-mediated communication. D) political orientation.
34) Effective speakers take into account the _______________ of the audience, as women and men differ from each other in their attitudes about particular topics.
A) sexual orientation B) sex composition C) physical characteristics D) political orientation
35) _________ sensitive speakers recognize that many minorities have histories of social, economic, or political oppression.
A) Rhetorically B) Culturally C) Ethnically D) Minority
Version 1
36) In 2012, ESPN.com fired a staff writer for referring to the Taiwanese American basketball player Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks with the headline "Chink in the Armor" following a team loss. Many readers took offense at the word chink, which has been used as a racial slur to demean Asian Americans. The staff writer neglected to consider the demographic characteristic of __________ when writing the headline.
A) sexual orientation B) political orientation C) economic status D) culture
37) Speakers who are insensitive to how listeners might interpret their remarks risk offending or alienating ___________ groups in their audiences, even if their intentions were honorable.
A) political B) cultural C) sociological D) economic
38) When considering the demographic characteristic of ___________________, you can evaluate whether you think a less wealthy audience might be more liberal and more open to new ways of thinking.
A) economic status B) culture C) age D) political orientation
39) Veronica knows that in her speech class there is a student with a visual impairment and another with high-functioning autism. Veronica plans to take extra time during her speech to explain her presentation aids, as a result of her analysis of which demographic characteristic? Version 1
A) intelligence B) physical and mental capabilities C) culture D) age
40) You should always evaluate the ___________ of your audience, as some members may face cognitive limitations or learning disabilities.
A) culture B) mental capabilities C) age D) physical capabilities
41) Knowing whether your audience is primarily conservative, primarily liberal, or a mix of the two can help you tailor your message accordingly. Therefore, it is useful to consider the demographic characteristic of
A) culture. B) economic status. C) mental capabilities. D) political orientation.
42) During the 2000 U.S. presidential election, journalist Tim Russert devised the method of dividing the country into "red states" (primarily Republican) and "blue states" (primarily Democrat), which represents differences in the states'
Version 1
A) political orientation. B) color. C) culture. D) economic status.
43) To consider the context or situation of your speaking engagement, which of the following would you evaluate about your audience?
A) political orientation B) culture C) existing knowledge D) age
44) To maximize your effectiveness as a speaker, consider the ___________ your speech, which reflects why your audience will come together to hear you.
A) size of B) prior knowledge about C) time available for D) purpose of
45) When asking yourself questions such as "Will my listeners be required to attend, or will they assemble by choice?" and "Is the occasion joyous or somber?" you are considering your audience's
A) size. B) knowledge. C) purpose. D) time.
Version 1
46) When considering your audience's size, in general it is important to remember that the ____________ the group, the more formally structured your presentation should be.
A) smaller B) larger C) more educated D) less conservative
47) When deciding on activities and tone, you should be concerned with audience ________, as a speech to a dozen people is different than a speech to 200.
A) size B) makeup C) demographics D) attitude
Listeners have only a finite amount of __________ to spend listening to a speaker.
A) time B) focus C) comprehension D) understanding
49) If you are allotted 30 minutes to speak but use only 25 minutes, audiences usually appreciate your efficient use of
Version 1
A) space. B) time. C) purpose. D) knowledge.
50) Davin has been hired to give a motivational speech to a local youth group. His speech is scheduled for early in the morning, and as he begins, he notices several audience members nodding off. He also notices that several other audience members are texting on their phones. Because Davin had analyzed his audience's potential ________________ prior to his speech, he is ready with a few jokes about the morning and texting. He is able to break the ice with his audience and continue on successfully.
A) lack of interest B) attitude C) distractions D) prior knowledge
51) If you analyze your audience's __________________, you can avoid talking down to your audience or talking over their heads.
A) purpose B) prior knowledge C) distractions D) patience
52) Professor Galeran is teaching an advanced public speaking class for the first time. She stops to define terms such as demographic characteristics and audience analysis, much to the annoyance of her audience. Professor Galeran failed to consider what about her audience?
Version 1
A) purpose B) prior knowledge C) distractions D) age
Which of the following is NOT a potential source of supporting material?
A) personal opinions B) surveys C) websites D) databases
54) Because it would be nearly impossible to read and evaluate the thousands of potential sources it can produce, you might find that which of the following research techniques yields too much information on your topic?
A) library research B) Internet search C) personal observation D) interview
55) Which of the following is a website that allows you to search other websites containing information on a topic you specify?
A) specific engine B) source C) general search engine D) research site
Version 1
56) A _________________ doesn't scan the Internet as broadly as general search engines do but rather looks only for research that has been published in books, academic journals, and other periodicals.
A) research search engine B) news search engine C) general search engine D) specific search engine
57) Rhiannon is doing research for her speech on whaling. When using a search engine such as Yahoo, Rhiannon becomes frustrated, as all she can seem to pull up are websites without research or credibility. Upon her professor's suggestion, she tries a ______________ and discovers that now she can easily find published journal and periodical articles on her topic.
A) general search engine B) news search engine C) specific website D) research search engine
58) Which of the following allows you to explore a variety of resources and offers the assistance of trained professionals who can help you navigate all of the available assets?
A) Internet research B) library research C) a personal observation D) an interview
59) Which of the following can be divided into books, periodicals, nonprint materials, and electronic print materials? Version 1
A) Internet resources B) personal collections C) library resources D) fiction
60) What is another term for materials that are published on a regular basis, such as magazines, newspapers, and scientific journals?
A) websites B) papers C) quarterlies D) periodicals
Sound recordings, movies, and photographs are examples of which of the following?
A) periodicals B) books C) nonprint materials D) electronic print materials
62) Rafe is doing research for his informative speech and has not been happy with the quality of information he's been finding through online search engines. He goes to his university library, where he searches PsycInfo, a(n) _________________ focused on the discipline of psychology.
A) search engine B) database C) nonprint material D) online retailer
Version 1
63) For her informative speech on nonverbal leave-taking behaviors, Harper goes to a local airport when she knows that a group of Marines is being deployed overseas. She observes the different ways families and friends say good-bye to the departing troops. In her speech, Harper then discusses this __________________ as a form of support.
A) nonprint material B) research C) experience D) personal observation
64) When using ___________________ as supporting material, it is vital to remember that your study may not accurately reflect the behaviors of the population at large.
A) personal observation B) nonprint materials C) databases D) online resources
65) If you want to learn about people's attitudes, beliefs, or histories, which of the following is usually the best form of research?
A) personal observations B) databases C) surveys D) periodicals
66) Which of the following is a structured conversation in which one person poses questions to which another person responds?
Version 1
A) survey B) interview C) questionnaire D) observation
67) Penny is doing a speech on breast cancer survivors. She decides that it would be helpful for the audience to know firsthand, from someone who has survived the disease, what the struggle for survival was like. She meets with Cathy, who has been in remission for five years, to ask questions about the experience. Penny thinks this __________ will help make this topic more personal and emotional for the audience.
A) interview B) questionnaire C) observation D) survey
68) Compared to interviews, __________________ allow you to collect data from a large number of people relatively efficiently.
A) surveys B) observations C) questionnaires D) polls
69) Ben is doing a speech on communication apprehension in college students. He decides that a(n) _______________ would be the most efficient way to see how a large number of speech students feel about communication apprehension.
Version 1
A) observation B) survey C) poll D) questionnaire
70) Because sources differ in the information they provide, it's often to your advantage to use _______________ when you're preparing a speech.
A) more than one source B) older sources C) well-known sources D) library sources
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 11 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) C 8) A 9) C 10) B 11) D 12) C 13) D 14) A 15) C 16) D 17) A 18) C 19) D 20) B 21) A 22) B 23) D 24) B 25) D 26) A Version 1
27) C 28) D 29) A 30) C 31) C 32) D 33) A 34) B 35) B 36) D 37) B 38) A 39) B 40) B 41) D 42) A 43) C 44) D 45) C 46) B 47) A 48) A 49) B 50) C 51) B 52) B 53) A 54) B 55) C 56) A Version 1
57) D 58) B 59) C 60) D 61) C 62) B 63) D 64) A 65) C 66) B 67) A 68) C 69) D 70) A Student name:__________ 1)
A ___________ is a declaration of the specific goal of your speech.
A) thesis statement B) speech goal C) purpose statement D) preview statement
What is the first step in crafting a purpose statement?
A) Consider exactly what you want to inform or persuade your listeners about. B) Decide on your main point. C) Identify your thesis. D) Identify your topic and your general goal.
Version 1
3) Maeve has been assigned an informative speech in her speech class. After brainstorming, Maeve decides that she wants to talk about pizza. Which of the following would be the best purpose statement for Maeve's speech?
A) Teach listeners the differences between pizza in the United States and Italy. B) Persuade listeners to eat less pizza. C) Convince listeners to try a specific brand of pizza. D) Demonstrate why Pizza Hut's crust is better than Papa John 's.
4) Harrison is giving a persuasive speech for his political science class. He has decided to speak on the topic of the Libertarian Party. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective purpose statement?
A) Persuade listeners to donate money to the Libertarian Party. B) Show why the Libertarian Party is better than the Republican and Democratic parties. C) Convince listeners to vote for a Libertarian Party candidate in the next election. D) Teach listeners about the evolution of the Libertarian Party.
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for crafting a strong purpose statement?
A) Be specific. B) Be informative. C) Be concise. D) Be declarative.
6) Hayden crafts a purpose statement for her informative speech on organic gardening. She states her purpose as, "How does one go about starting an organic garden?" What guideline did Hayden fail to follow when writing her purpose statement?
Version 1
A) Be clear. B) Be specific. C) Be concise. D) Be declarative.
A ____________ is a one-sentence version of your thesis.
A) thesis statement B) purpose statement C) topic statement D) main idea
8) With a strong ________________, you'll find it much easier to construct the rest of your speech because you'll know exactly what you want to say to your audience.
A) purpose statement B) main idea C) thesis statement D) preview statement
9) Brandon is giving a persuasive speech on the legalization of marijuana. He has written his purpose statement as "Persuade listeners to support the legalization of medical marijuana." Which of the following would be an effective thesis statement for Brandon's speech?
Version 1
A) Marijuana is not a "gateway" drug as many who are opposed to its legalization claim. B) Medical marijuana can alleviate suffering for millions of Americans with specific health conditions. C) California has successfully legalized medicinal marijuana; the next logical step is to legalize marijuana use for everyone with no limitations. D) Marijuana has many uses and could ease everyday life.
Which of the following is NOT a guideline for crafting a strong thesis statement?
A) Make a statement. B) Tell the truth. C) Be concrete. D) Include all main points.
11) Valerie is giving an informative speech on New York City. Her purpose statement is "Inform listeners of the top ten things to see when visiting New York City." For her thesis, she writes, "The city has a lot to do." What mistake did Valerie make when crafting her thesis?
A) She didn't tell the truth. B) She didn't make a statement. C) She wasn't concrete. D) She wasn't sincere.
12) Kenny is writing a persuasive speech on the existence of extraterrestrial or alien life. His thesis is "Extraterrestrial life is a fact, backed up by extensive scientific study and government involvement." After doing his research, however, Kenny feels that he cannot support his original thesis, so he rewrites it to state, "Extraterrestrial life has been a hot topic of debate for decades, with a lot of speculation and very little proof." Kenny is following what guideline for crafting his thesis?
Version 1
A) Make a statement. B) Keep it exciting. C) Be concrete. D) Tell the truth.
13) Even if you have a fascinating topic and a compelling thesis statement, listeners will quickly lose interest if your presentation lacks coherence and
A) closure. B) organization. C) transitions. D) visual aids.
14) Which of the following aspects of a speech, if well crafted, will capture your listeners' interest in your topic and preview the points you plan to make?
A) body B) transition C) introduction D) conclusion
15) Levi is giving a persuasive speech on drunk driving. He knows that he must generate interest in the topic during his introduction, so he wants to make an impact with his opening statement. Which of the following opening statements would be the LEAST effective for Levi's speech?
Version 1
A) Every 39 minutes, one person dies as a result of drunk driving. That means that by the end of our class today, two people will have lost their lives because of drunk drivers. B) Ever been at a party? Had a drink, maybe two, three? But you're fine to drive, right? We've all done it. And yet … did you know that it takes only three martinis to reach the legal limit? Or two frozen daiquiris? That's not much, is it? C) I'd like to show you a picture of Suzanne. At three years old, Suzanne was vivacious, full of life, and ready to take on the world-until, that is, her mother decided to drive drunk with Suzanne in the car. Now Suzanne is in a coma, and doctors are not optimistic she will ever wake up. D) Drunk driving is a serious problem in our country. I will share some stories with you today, some statistics, and some ways we can all work on this issue.
Which of the following is NOT a way to generate interest in a topic?
A) State your thesis. B) Pose a question. C) Cite an opinion. D) Identify something familiar.
17) What technique does this statement use to generate interest? "What an amazing day it has been, sharing in Eduardo and Kennedy's joy as they celebrate their marriage."
A) Citing an opinion B) Identifying something familiar C) Telling a joke D) Noting the occasion
Version 1
18) Annalucia is giving a speech on behalf of her company, which is based in Los Angeles, California. Her speech is in Miami, Florida, at a stockholder's meeting. Annalucia decides to open her speech with, "I was nervous about coming so far from home, but once I saw your amazing beaches here in Miami, I felt right at home!" What technique is Annalucia using to generate interest in her speech?
A) Identifying something familiar B) Noting the occasion C) Citing an opinion D) Telling a joke
19) Which of the following will help your listeners pay attention to the body of your speech by identifying ahead of time what they should listen for?
A) thesis B) review C) preview D) purpose
20) "Today, I'd like to share with you the top three islands to visit in Hawaii. First, we'll start off on the Big Island. Then, we'll move on to Maui. We'll end our tour on the island of Oahu." This is an example of which of the following?
A) a preview B) a thesis C) a purpose D) an opening statement
The ___________ will be the longest part of your speech.
Version 1
A) introduction B) body C) transitions D) conclusion
22) A __________ is a statement expressing a specific idea or theme related to the speech topic.
A) thesis B) purpose C) main point D) title
Most speeches have between two and _____ main points.
A) three B) four C) five D) six
24) Main points should be _________ because you don't want any of your points to seem out of place.
A) distinct B) equally important C) arranged D) related
Version 1
25) Tanner is doing his informative speech on aerobic exercise. He wants to have three main points for his presentation. Which of the following main points would NOT be related to the others?
A) There are many forms of aerobic exercise: biking, swimming, hiking, and jogging, to name a few. B) You should also consider lifting weights to build muscle mass. C) Aerobic exercise can burn 200-500 calories every half hour. D) Aerobic exercise can be done indoors at the gym if you don't want to head outdoors.
26) Although every main point in a speech addresses the same topic, each main point must still be ______ and express a different idea.
A) relevant B) interesting C) important D) distinct
27) Kyra has decided to do her speech on trends in vampire fiction. Her two main points are as follows: (1) Many vampire series have introduced werewolves into the mix. (2) The Twilight series introduced Jacob, a werewolf, into the series. What is the problem with these statements as Kyra's main points?
A) They are not distinct. B) They are not important. C) They are not related. D) They are not on topic.
Version 1
28) Ideally, you want to give approximately the same amount of time to each of your main points, as your main points should be
A) distinct. B) interesting. C) equally important. D) related.
29) When you adopt a __________ pattern, you organize your main points to represent different categories.
A) time B) space C) topic D) cause-and-effect
30) Which pattern of organization is particularly useful when you are describing the steps of a process?
A) cause-and-effect B) time C) space D) topic
31) In a speech about the earth's atmosphere, you might describe the various atmospheric layers as they exist from the ground up, using what pattern of organization?
Version 1
A) space B) time C) topic D) levels
32) If your main points are (1) reasons global warming exists and (2) the consequences of global warming, then you are using which pattern of organization?
A) topic B) space C) problem-solution D) cause-effect
33) Margot is giving a persuasive speech in her health class. Her topic is obesity in kids. Her first main point is, "Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States." Her second main point is, "Teaching our children healthier eating habits at schools and promoting a healthier menu in school cafeterias are good ways to start battling this issue." What pattern of organization is Margot using?
A) cause-effect B) motivated sequence C) problem-solution D) topic
Good public speakers use what to link the different sections of a speech?
Version 1
A) signposts B) transitions C) markers D) signals
35) The statement "Next, I'd like to discuss why the government should not negotiate with terrorists" is an example of what type of transition?
A) summary B) signpost C) nonverbal D) preview
"First" and "on the other hand" are examples of what type of transition?
A) signposts B) summaries C) previews D) nonverbal
37) Arjen is giving a speech on euthanasia. He is giving a lot of information, so he is careful to use transitions. Therefore, when he comes to his final main point, he uses the signpost "Most significant" to
A) indicate a sequence of events. B) emphasize importance. C) compare or contrast points. D) give additional examples.
Version 1
Which of the following is NOT an example of a nonverbal transition?
A) gesturing B) pausing C) saying "Finally" D) using vocal inflection
39) During her speech, Yolanda incorporates many transitions into her presentation. In addition to using signposts and summaries, Yolanda also drops her pitch as she concludes a point and then lets it rise again on the next point, and she pauses before she concludes. Yolanda seems to understand the power of which type of transition?
A) numerous B) nonverbal C) dramatic D) effective
40) What type of transitions are generally effective only to the extent that they seem natural rather than staged?
A) signpost B) preview C) summary D) nonverbal
41) Which part of a speech reinforces the central message of the speech and creates a memorable moment for listeners?
Version 1
A) conclusion B) transition C) introduction D) body
42) Good speakers often _____________ by reiterating the thesis statement and summarizing the main points of the speech.
A) create a memorable moment for listeners B) reinforce the central message C) review the speech D) lead to closure
43) A ___________ is something your listeners will remember about your speech even if they no longer recall all of your specific points.
A) review B) transition C) quotation D) memorable moment
44) Which of the following is NOT a particularly effective way to make your speech memorable?
A) humor B) surprise C) review D) drama
Version 1
45) Summer is wrapping up her speech on marathons. She wants to close with impact and make sure that her speech is memorable for her audience. Which of the following is the LEAST effective way for Summer to end her speech?
A) The great explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes once ran seven marathons on seven continents in seven days, all while recovering from a massive heart attack. So, the next time you groan when it is time to strap on your jogging shoes, think of Sir Fiennes! B) And you know it's time to take up running if you get on the scale and it says, "Come back later when you are alone." C) I hope I've inspired all of you to try marathons like me. You'll love it. D) Fred Lebow, a New York City Marathon cofounder, once said, "The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism. Every jogger can't dream of being an Olympic champion, but he can dream of finishing a marathon."
46) When a speaker is building a speech, which of the following reflects the speech's design and helps the speaker decide what materials will be needed?
A) thesis B) outline C) organizational pattern D) blueprint
47) The rule of _______________ specifies that some concepts in your speech are more important than others.
A) subordination B) parallel structure C) outlining D) division
Version 1
48) When a speech is organized using the rule of subordination, the most important concepts are the main points, and the less important concepts are
A) eliminated. B) de-emphasized. C) subpoints. D) support.
49) According to the rule of division, in an outline, if you divide a point into subpoints, you must create at least ________ subpoints.
A) two B) three C) four D) five
50) Cira is outlining her speech on poodles. Her first main point is that there are many popular breeds of poodles in the United States. She plans to support this with one subpoint: (a) The toy poodle is the most popular breed of poodle. What rule of outlining is Cira breaking?
A) subordination B) division C) clarity D) parallel structure
51) These three main points follow what rule of outlining? (1) The 2010 World Cup was held in South Africa. (2) The 2010 World Cup was sponsored by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). (3) The 2010 World Cup was more highly attended than the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Version 1
A) subordination B) division C) parallel structure D) clarity
52) Aisha has been working on an informative speech about her native country. She wants to make sure that she is covering all the points she wants to make and that all of her points are fully supported. Aisha is ready to write which of the following?
A) a working outline B) a preparation outline C) a preliminary outline D) a final outline
Which of the following would NOT be found in a working outline?
A) title B) purpose statement C) speaking notes D) bibliography of sources
54) "Making the best choices at fast-food restaurants" is an example of a ___________ in a working outline.
A) purpose statement B) title C) thesis D) conclusion
Version 1
55) Your working outline should include a list of the sources you used in preparing your speech. That list is otherwise known as a(n)
A) footnote. B) citation. C) annotation. D) bibliography.
Which statement is NOT true about a bibliography for a working speech outline?
A) The bibliography should include only those sources used directly in your speech. B) The bibliography should follow a specific format, such as APA or MLA format. C) The bibliography should include sources used as a source of background information. D) The bibliography is a list of sources used in preparing the speech.
57) Jean-Paul is ready to begin practicing his speech for his literature class. He finds that the working outline he wrote to submit is too long and detailed to help him remember his speech. What might he decide to convert his outline into, to aid in his delivery by reminding him of his points and subpoints?
A) a script B) verbal cues C) speaking notes D) speech annotations
58) Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for gathering supporting material for a speech?
Version 1
A) Evaluate the quality of supporting material. B) Determine the type of support you require. C) Remember that taking something from the Internet is not plagiarism. D) Identify places in your speech where you need support.
Which of the following is an opinion?
A) Learning a second language can make you smarter. B) Learning a second language will increase job prospects. C) It is easier to learn a second language as a child than as an adult. D) Every child should be required to learn a second language.
60) When your speech focuses on a concept that may be unfamiliar to your audience, you can support your use of that concept by _____________ it explicitly.
A) explaining B) defining C) illuminating D) discussing
61) In his sociology class, Eric is giving a persuasive speech on gun control. He wants to make sure that he supports what he is saying, so he makes statements such as "According to the Task Force on Community Preventive Services, in 1994, the estimated lifetime medical cost of all firearms injuries in the United States was $2.3 billion" and "According to a 2007 poll by CNN, about 65 percent of Americans believe the constitution guarantees the right to own guns." Eric is relying on what type of support?
Version 1
A) statistics B) examples C) narratives D) quotations
62) During her speech on conspiratorial organizations, Sasha lists the Illuminati and the New World Order as ____________ of her topic because she knows that her audience will benefit from hearing these illustrations.
A) statistics B) narratives C) quotations D) examples
Information has ___________ if it is believable and trustworthy.
A) power B) credibility C) reliability D) responsibility
Which of the following statements has the MOST credibility?
A) According to www.smokingstatistics.org, smoking causes 87% of lung cancer death. B) According to an online guide to quitting smoking, figures show that expectant mothers who smoke cause the deaths of over 600 baby boys and 400 baby girls each year. C) According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 27 percent of high school students have smoked in the last 30 days. D) According to www.readytoquit.com, about 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily.
Version 1
65) Elton is preparing a speech on health care reform in the United States. He plans to use Michael Moore's documentary Sicko and an editorial from the New York Times. What is the problem with Elton's sources?
A) They are objective. B) They are credible. C) They current. D) They are subjective.
66) Using _________ supporting material is particularly important when a speaker is discussing issues that change rapidly, such as technology and world politics.
A) objective B) current C) credible D) subjective
67) Which of the following terms means knowingly using information from another source without giving proper credit to that source?
A) plagiarism B) illegal use C) bootlegging D) copying
68) If you steal your entire speech from another source and present it as if it was your own, you are committing what kind of plagiarism?
Version 1
A) patchwork B) incremental C) major D) global
69) Although it is acceptable to quote other people's words in your speech, it is essential you use a
A) bibliography. B) footnote. C) verbal footnote. D) nonverbal citation.
70) Gillian is working on her speech and finds some great information on a website. She decides to use the information and doesn't worry about a verbal footnote, as she knows anyone can put anything on the Internet, so the information doesn't actually belong to anyone. Which of the following statements about Gillian and her speech is NOT true?
A) Using words from the Internet does not constitute plagiarism. B) Gillian can use words from any source, including the Internet, but she must identify her source verbally. C) If she changes what she found on the Internet into her own words, it is still plagiarism. D) The rules are no different for the Internet than for any other source.
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 12 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) D 5) B 6) D 7) A 8) C 9) B 10) D 11) C 12) D 13) B 14) C 15) D 16) A 17) D 18) A 19) C 20) A 21) B 22) C 23) C 24) D 25) B 26) D Version 1
27) A 28) C 29) C 30) B 31) A 32) D 33) C 34) B 35) D 36) A 37) B 38) C 39) B 40) D 41) A 42) B 43) D 44) C 45) C 46) B 47) A 48) C 49) A 50) B 51) C 52) A 53) C 54) B 55) D 56) A Version 1
57) C 58) C 59) D 60) B 61) A 62) D 63) B 64) C 65) D 66) B 67) A 68) D 69) C 70) A Student name:__________ 1)
Which of the following is NOT a basic style of delivery?
A) extemporaneous B) memorized C) spoken D) impromptu
2) Iris is assigned to a small group to do some research on another culture. At the end of class, Iris is asked by the professor to give a quick report on her group's findings for the day. Iris is being asked to give what kind of speech?
Version 1
A) impromptu B) scripted C) memorized D) extemporaneous
Which of the following is good to remember during an impromptu speech?
A) Think in fives. B) Say only what you think the audience wants to hear. C) Draw it out. D) Take a deep breath to deal with nerves.
4) Which type of speech is one that is carefully prepared to sound as though it is being delivered spontaneously?
A) impromptu B) extemporaneous C) memorized D) scripted
Which of the following is NOT a way to prepare for an extemporaneous speech?
A) Write a draft without using an outline. B) Construct a purpose and thesis. C) Identify main points and subpoints. D) Choose how to introduce and conclude the speech.
Version 1
As an extemporaneous speaker, your goal is to communicate in what manner?
A) formal B) conversational C) casual D) informal
7) Dax has been working on his speech for several weeks. After carefully crafting his purpose and thesis, Dax did extensive research and organized his main points and subpoints. He has a strong introduction and conclusion and is very proud of his working outline. A few days before his speech, Dax prepares informal speaking notes and begins to practice. Although he has put much work into his speech, he doesn't want to appear stiff or formal. He wants to give which type of speech so that he can appear natural and relaxed?
A) extemporaneous B) impromptu C) scripted D) memorized
8) Which type of speech is given in situations when the exact wording of the speech is crucial or when the speech must fit within a predetermined time frame?
A) read B) scripted C) memorized D) extemporaneous
Version 1
9) The State of the Union address is an annual report given by the president of the United States to Congress regarding the condition of the country and the president's legislative and policy plans for the upcoming year. Although by law the president has the option of sending a written report, most presidents, especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, have chosen to give a speech. The State of the Union address typically lasts for an hour, and the president must be very careful to deliver a well-planned message. What mode of delivery works best for this situation?
A) extemporaneous B) impromptu C) memorized D) scripted
Which type of delivery style would work best if you are nervous about speaking?
A) impromptu B) memorized C) scripted D) extemporaneous
11) Which type of speech is composed word for word and then delivered without the use of speaking notes?
A) scripted B) memorized C) extemporaneous D) impromptu
12) A _____________ speech allows people to speak without having to handle a script or set of notes.
Version 1
A) memorized B) read C) scripted D) extemporaneous
13) Daniel is nervous about his speech, so he decides to memorize it. He has a strong memory, and he spends days learning his speech word for word. When he gives the speech, it starts off very well, but midway through, someone's cell phone rings, and Daniel gets distracted. He cannot get back on track and must sit down with the speech unfinished. What disadvantage to a memorized speech did Daniel encounter?
A) Memorized speeches take a good deal of time and energy to prepare. B) They can come across as excessively prepared. C) They can seem overly formal. D) They can fail if a speaker's memory fails.
14) In a Gallup survey of over a thousand people, the second-most commonly cited fear was what?
A) snakes B) death C) public speaking D) conflict
15) Which term best describes the anxiety or fear that is brought on by performing in front of an audience?
Version 1
A) apprehension B) public speaking anxiety C) nervousness D) performance fear
16) Even though the singer and songwriter Adele has performed in hundreds of venues across the world, she suffers from debilitating _______________. In an interview for Rolling Stone, she said, "I'm scared of audiences."
A) fear B) phobia C) emotional illness D) stage fright
17) Although public speaking does not threaten a person's physical, academic, or financial well-being, many people feel that public speaking threatens their emotional well-being, so they therefore identify giving a speech as a(n)
A) stressor. B) problem. C) fear. D) impossibility.
18) If someone is nervous while getting ready to give a speech, he or she is experiencing what kind of anxiety?
Version 1
A) normal B) reactionary C) anticipatory D) preview
19) Wendy has never enjoyed giving speeches, so when she is assigned an informative speech in her communication course, she immediately feels worried and stressed. As she begins working on the speech, her anxiety starts to decrease because she feels more in control of the situation. However, immediately before her speech, Wendy feels the pressure to perform and is very stressed once again. Wendy has been experiencing what type of anxiety?
A) speech B) anticipatory C) normal D) reactionary
Which of the following is NOT an influencing factor on public speaking anxiety?
A) how well the speaker knows the topic B) what delivery style is expected C) whether the speaker ate a good lunch D) what the speaker's personality is like
21) Kieran is very nervous about a big presentation at work. During his speech, Kieran notices his heart is racing, and he can't seem to catch his breath. He begins to sweat profusely as well. Because of his public speaking anxiety, Kieran's body is experiencing what kind of response?
Version 1
A) faint-or-fight B) psychological C) anxious D) fight-or-flight
22) During a speech, stress ___________ can reduce blood flow to the extremities, elevate blood sugar, and activate the immune system.
A) reactors B) hormones C) reducers D) responders
Which of the following behaviors is generally NOT affected by public speaking anxiety?
A) stance B) general movement C) verbal behavior D) voice
24) During her speech, Riley notices that her voice has become monotone and that she is stuttering more than she usually does. She has to swallow and clear her throat repeatedly, and she can't seem to stop fidgeting with her notecards. Riley is experiencing _____________ effects of her public speaking anxiety.
A) residual B) physical C) behavioral D) psychological
Version 1
25) Someone experiencing public speaking anxiety might increase his or her use of filler words, such as "um" and "uh." In these cases, which of the following is being affected by anxiety?
A) verbal behavior B) mouth and throat C) voice D) memory
26) Troy is terrified of giving speeches. Although he prepares extensively for a major presentation at work, once it begins, he keeps forgetting what he wants to say next. When it comes time for him to speak, he is so nervous that he sweats through his shirt. Once, he even called in sick instead of showing up for his presentation. Troy seems to be experiencing ______________ public speaking anxiety.
A) psychological B) debilitating C) physiological D) reasonable
Which of the following is NOT a way to deal with public speaking anxiety?
A) Understand that public speaking anxiety is an abnormal response. B) Focus your nervous energy. C) Desensitize yourself. D) Visualize yourself giving a successful performance.
Version 1
28) Cai has always had public speaking anxiety, but her new job will require her to be in front of large audiences on a regular basis. To deal with her public speaking anxiety, Cai begins offering her opinion at staff meetings and speaking at small group gatherings at her church. What method is Cai using to overcome her public speaking anxiety?
A) accepting that public speaking anxiety is a normal response B) visualizing a successful performance C) desensitizing herself D) practicing in virtual reality
29) A technique that often helps individuals perform well, even if they are experiencing public speaking anxiety, is __________________: developing a mental image of oneself giving a successful performance.
A) desensitization B) imagination C) memorization D) visualization
30) It is important to _____________ when dealing with public speaking anxiety, because if you don't, a self-fulfilling prophecy can cause you to have a poor performance simply because you expect that you will.
A) focus your nervous energy B) stay positive C) accept public speaking anxiety as normal D) desensitize yourself
Which of the following is NOT a visual element of delivery?
Version 1
A) facial expressions B) eye contact C) articulation D) gestures
Which statement about facial expressions during a speech is most accurate?
A) They should stay consistent throughout the course of a speech. B) They should always be formal and serious. C) They have little effect on your credibility. D) They should match the tone of your words.
33) Avoiding ___________ during a speech is a response to fear that makes the speaker feel hidden and protected; having it can make the speaker feel vulnerable because it acknowledges that the audience is evaluating the speaker.
A) good posture B) eye contact C) facial expressions D) gestures
34) During a presentation at her company's board of directors, Aiyana does not want to acknowledge that the board is evaluating her speech; she prefers to feel hidden and protected by looking at her notes. Unfortunately, as a result of her delivery, most of the board feels that Aiyana isn't being honest about her proposal, and therefore the board votes against her. What aspect of delivery did Aiyana most likely neglect?
Version 1
A) eye contact B) facial expressions C) body position D) personal appearance
When giving a speech, it's important to adopt a __________ that is relaxed but confident.
A) gesture B) facial expression C) posture D) personal appearance
36) A particularly good time to incorporate ________ into your delivery is during a transition in your speech because your change in position will correspond to a change in your remarks.
A) gestures B) movement C) posture D) eye contact
37) Desmond has worked very hard on his PowerPoint presentation, so during his speech he spends a lot of time talking about what is on the screen. Afterward, he gets feedback from several audience members who said that, although the PowerPoint was a good visual aid, they felt Desmond was ignoring them, and at times it was hard to hear him. When using his visual aid, Desmond most likely forgot about what aspect of his delivery?
Version 1
A) gestures B) appearance C) body position D) facial expressions
____________ are movements of the hands, arms, or head that express meaning.
A) Gestures B) Expressions C) Gesticulations D) Signals
Which of the following is NOT an important factor in using gestures during a speech?
A) Gestures should be appropriate in size for the proximity of your audience. B) Gestures should be appropriate in number. C) Gestures should be spontaneous but look planned. D) Gestures should look spontaneous rather than planned.
40) Julia practices her persuasive speech extensively, including every nuance of her delivery. During her speech, she seems stiff, and later on, her friend tells her that her gestures especially seemed contrived and insincere. Julia did not consider what factor when practicing her delivery?
A) the appearance of spontaneity B) the appropriateness of the size of her gestures C) the number of gestures she used D) the appearance of control
Version 1
41) You want your clothing, accessories, and grooming to be appropriate for the audience and for the occasion on which you're speaking, so ____________ is an important aspect of delivery.
A) accessorizing B) appearance C) physicality D) preparing
Which of the following is NOT a vocal element of effective delivery?
A) rate B) pitch C) vocabulary D) articulation
43) Studies find that speaking with a __________ makes a speech more persuasive and more credible.
A) neutral pitch B) higher volume C) greater fluency D) faster rate
44) Kuan-yin has a background in collegiate debate, so she knows that it is important to express as much information as possible in the allotted time. She is hired by a local public relations firm to do community outreach. During her first speech at a local senior citizens' home, she notices that her listeners quickly lose interest, and many of them seem to tune her out. Given her background, it is likely that Kuan-yin's ___________ was not appropriate for her audience. Version 1
A) volume B) rate C) pitch D) inflection
Your vocal ___________ is the loudness or softness of your voice.
A) volume B) pitch C) rate D) fluency
46) The appropriate __________ for a speech depends on the size of the audience, the size of the room, and whether the speaker is using a microphone.
A) pitch B) rate C) articulation D) volume
When speakers are nervous, their vocal _______________ becomes higher than normal.
A) rate B) variety C) volume D) pitch
Version 1
48) Price finds his history professor to be tiring and annoying. Although Price loves history, this professor's monotone voice fails to hold Price's attention. What vocal element does Price find to be lacking in his professor's voice?
A) rate B) pitch C) volume D) fluency
Which of the following is NOT a common articulation problem?
A) transposition B) substitution C) substantiation D) addition
50) If someone says "real-ah-tor" rather than "realtor," he or she has what articulation problem?
A) substitution B) addition C) slurring D) deletion
51) Children often __________ sounds when articulating, for example saying "pa-sghetti" rather than "spaghetti."
Version 1
A) transpose B) substitute C) delete D) add
Which of the following refers to the relative smoothness of vocal delivery?
A) articulation B) stuttering C) fluency D) flow
53) Evan was stricken with ____________ early in life, and it has always inhibited his ability to communicate. He dreams of being a sportscaster one day, so he undergoes intensive speech therapy in the hope of improving the fluency of his speech.
A) stuttering B) public speaking anxiety C) transposition D) substitution
Which of the following comprises anything that stimulates listeners' senses?
A) visuals B) delivery skills C) PowerPoints D) presentation aids
Version 1
55) Zoe is charged with training the new group of interns at her bank for the summer. She knows there is a lot of information they need to have to be effective. She therefore designs a presentation aid with graphics and videos. Because Zoe needs the interns to be able to remember this information quickly, she hopes her presentation aid will improve the interns'
A) learning. B) recall. C) attention. D) attitudes.
56) Research shows that if you incorporate materials into your presentations that involve your listeners' sense of sight, hearing, touch, or smell, your listeners' _________ will be improved.
A) attention B) education C) learning D) memory
57) Amanda is giving a speech on how the vocal cords work. Because her audience can't actually see their own vocal cords, she thinks a ____________, or representation of the vocal cords, would effectively assist the audience in understanding her topic.
A) video B) picture C) model D) chart
Version 1
58) Dante is giving his informative speech on how to make penne alla vodka. He wants to share with the audience the history of the dish and his favorite restaurant's recipe. What type of presentation aid would be most useful for Dante's speech?
A) one they can visualize B) one they can touch C) one they can smell D) one they can taste
59) Most ____________ are copies of written material that your listeners keep after your speech is over.
A) graphics B) flyers C) handouts D) brochures
60) Jackie is giving a speech on line dancing. She knows that videos or pictures won't really bring the topic alive, so she decides that teaching her audience to line dance is the best presentation aid. Jackie is using what type of aid?
A) graphics B) people C) dancing D) fun
61) __________ slides often take the form of bulleted lists of words or phrases that are relevant to the presenter's topic.
Version 1
A) Text B) Graphic C) Video D) PowerPoint
Which of the following would NOT appear on a graphic slide?
A) picture B) chart C) table D) video
63) Which of the following is the display of words or numbers in a format of columns and rows?
A) table B) chart C) picture D) graphic
A _______________ is a graphic display of numeric information.
A) table B) chart C) picture D) graphic
Version 1
65) Blake is giving a persuasive speech against product testing on animals. Although his facts and figures are compelling, he knows images of the abused animals will be more effective. Therefore, Blake prepares a slideshow presentation with many ___________ slides featuring pictures of animals used in product testing.
A) graphic B) text C) video D) pictorial
66) If your presentation aids overpower your speech instead of embellish it, you probably did not follow which guideline for effective aids?
A) Consider the context. B) Remember your goal. C) Have a backup plan. D) Practice with your presentation aids.
Which of the following is NOT a factor in considering the context for presentation aids?
A) the number of speeches you have given B) the size and arrangement of the room C) the time available for the speech D) the resources available
68) Trish loves using PowerPoint during presentations at work. She enjoys incorporating sound effects, fancy slide transitions, and moving graphics. However, she never seems to get good reviews on her speeches from her boss. Instead, he complains that he finds her presentations to be distracting and that he has a hard time learning during her speeches. What guideline should Trish consider before preparing her next slideshow presentation?
Version 1
A) Remember the goal. B) Consider the context. C) Strive for simplicity. D) Have a backup plan.
69) If you perceive that you must use a potentially harmful aid in your speech and you explicitly warn your audience at the start of your speech, and again before you introduce it, you are following what guideline for presentation aids?
A) Remember your goal. B) Have a backup plan. C) Practice with your presentation aids. D) Be ethical.
70) Before using any presentation aid, it is crucial to think through everything that might go wrong and to
A) practice with your presentation aid. B) consider the context. C) have a backup plan. D) remember the goal.
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 13 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) D 10) C 11) B 12) A 13) D 14) C 15) B 16) D 17) A 18) C 19) B 20) C 21) D 22) B 23) A 24) C 25) A 26) B Version 1
27) A 28) C 29) D 30) B 31) C 32) D 33) B 34) A 35) C 36) B 37) C 38) A 39) C 40) A 41) B 42) C 43) D 44) B 45) A 46) D 47) D 48) B 49) C 50) B 51) A 52) C 53) A 54) D 55) B 56) C Version 1
57) C 58) D 59) C 60) B 61) A 62) D 63) A 64) B 65) A 66) B 67) A 68) C 69) D 70) C Student name:__________ 1) We rely on accurate ____________ from websites, newspapers, interpersonal encounters, and many other sources to make decisions in our personal and professional lives.
A) speech B) feedback C) input D) information
2) Which of the following types of speech publicly addresses others to increase their knowledge, understanding, or skills?
Version 1
A) persuasive B) demonstrative C) informative D) narrative
Which of the following is NOT a method used strictly to inform?
A) defining B) editorializing C) describing D) explaining
If a speaker _________, he or she is providing the meaning of a word or concept.
A) defines B) describes C) explains D) demonstrates
5) Abby is giving a speech on invasive species, but she isn't sure that her audience will understand what the term means. She decides that her first main point should provide a(n) ___________ of invasive species so her listeners can more easily follow her other points.
A) explanation B) definition C) description D) demonstration
Version 1
6) In an informative speech about ecosystems, Roxanne says, "According to the dictionary, an ecosystem is all living organisms within a specific physical environment." Roxanne is defining the term by providing its ____________ meaning.
A) connotative B) denotative C) synonymous D) antonymous
7) Gustav is giving a speech on abortion. He feels it is important to define the word life, as it is central to his speech. Gustav says, "Life is defined as the moment a heart starts beating, which is just 22 days after conception." Because this is not a dictionary definition, but is instead a meaning often cited by one side of the abortion debate, Gustav is using a ______________ meaning for life.
A) denotative B) symbolic C) connotative D) synonymous
The _____________ of a term is its origin or history.
A) etymology B) synonym C) history D) denotation
Adore, worship, and care for are ____________ for the word love.
Version 1
A) connotations B) synonyms C) antonyms D) denotations
Exciting, thrilling, and stimulating are _____________ for the word boring.
A) antonyms B) synonyms C) denotations D) connotations
11) Dennis is giving a speech on pandemics. Dennis thinks that he can help define the concept by using ____________. Therefore, he references the influenza pandemic of 1918 and the coronavirus pandemic of 2020.
A) connotations B) examples C) synonyms and antonyms D) comparison and contrast
12) When you give an informative speech in which you define a term by discussing similarities and differences between two or more definitions of a term, which method are you using?
A) compare-and-contrast B) connotative C) etymology D) example
Version 1
13) "To some people, the definition of family is limited to legal and biological relationships, whereas to others, it includes anyone to whom they feel emotionally close." This statement is an example of defining by
A) example. B) connotation. C) compare-and-contrast. D) denotation.
14) Which of the following terms means using words to depict or portray a person, a place, an object, or an experience?
A) describing B) defining C) explaining D) demonstrating
What are two forms of description?
A) interpretation and illustration B) representation and narration C) comparison and narration D) recitation and symbolism
16) When you describe by _____________, you are helping your listeners to imagine the physical or emotional experiences they would have if they were to encounter what you are describing.
Version 1
A) narration B) illustration C) comparison D) representation
17) Kaili is giving an informative speech about the Willis Tower in Chicago, the tallest building in the city. As she describes the Skydeck, one of the upper levels of the Willis Tower open to visitors, she says, "Imagine standing on the ‘Ledge,' a clear glass balcony. Look straight down. What a thrill! Now, look out into the city. Not only do you see the city, you can even see other states like Michigan!" Kaili is using which of the following to help her audience imagine the physical and emotional experience of visiting the tower?
A) narration B) definition C) representation D) illustration
18) If you use _____________ in your speech, you are incorporating storytelling to help your topic to come alive.
A) narration B) illustration C) representation D) description
19) Olivia's informative speech focuses on diabetes. After she finishes defining the disease, she discusses her own journey in dealing with diabetes as a child. In doing so, Olivia is using _______________ to create a richer mental image for her audience.
Version 1
A) explanation B) representation C) illustration D) narration
20) Which of the following terms means revealing why something occurred or how something works?
A) defining B) explaining C) describing D) demonstrating
If your topic is how tsunamis form, you would most likely __________ the process.
A) demonstrate B) define C) explain D) illustrate
Which of the following is NOT true about explaining in an informative speech?
A) A speaker must use clear, concrete language. B) A speaker must avoid jargon. C) A speaker should assess how much listeners already know about the topic. D) A speaker should be subjective.
Version 1
23) Of all the techniques speakers can use to inform an audience, _____________ often comes closest to crossing the line from informing to persuading.
A) defining B) explaining C) demonstrating D) describing
24) You can avoid crossing the line from informative to persuasive speaking by keeping your remarks ______________, meaning based on facts rather than opinions.
A) objective B) subjective C) realistic D) accurate
25) Tony is giving an informative speech on tattooing. Although he is a big fan of tattoos and has several himself, Tony wants to make sure that his speech remains _______________. He therefore discusses the history of tattooing in different cultures instead of discussing why he thinks his classmates should get tattoos.
A) relevant B) objective C) subjective D) topical
Which of the following terms means showing how to do something as you explain it?
Version 1
A) explaining B) describing C) defining D) demonstrating
When you are ____________ a process, it's important to describe each step as you do it.
A) demonstrating B) defining C) finishing D) devising
28) Which method of informing would you most likely use while teaching your audience how to make a pizza?
A) definition B) narration C) demonstration D) representation
29) Charlana is doing her informative speech on yoga. She wants to teach her audience the sun salutation, a common series of yoga poses. Charlana plans to ____________ each of the ten poses so her audience can try them when they get home.
A) define B) demonstrate C) describe D) narrate
Version 1
30) Studies show that students who encounter both visual and auditory stimuli accurately recall more of what they learn than those with just one type of stimuli. Thus, of the four informative methods, _______________ might lead to higher retention in your audience.
A) demonstration B) explanation C) description D) definition
Of the following topics, which is least likely to work well for an informative speech?
A) people B) events C) controversies D) concepts
32) A speech about the unemployment rate or cyberbullying would reflect which category of informative topic?
A) events B) concepts C) policies D) issues
What word refers to occurrences that are noteworthy for the meanings they represent?
Version 1
A) policies B) concepts C) events D) issues
34) Niamh lived in New York City in 2001, so she remembers in detail what the city was like during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11 of that year. She decides to give a speech about September 11 and its meaning to her. Niamh is giving an informative speech that fits into what category?
A) issues B) events C) people D) concepts
35) Wyatt wants to focus his informative speech on ____________, so he decides to talk about the former vice president Al Gore. He focuses on Gore's efforts on behalf of the environment and his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
A) people B) events C) issues D) objects
36) A speech about California during the Gold Rush of the 1800s would fall into what category of informative speaking?
Version 1
A) people B) objects C) places D) events
37) Effective speeches about ____________ often educate listeners about their evolution and development or their significance in history, culture, politics, or ecology.
A) places B) concepts C) issues D) objects
38) Charlie gives an informative speech on the Barbie doll. She focuses on the history of the doll and its influence on pop culture. Charlie's informative speech focuses on a(n)
A) object. B) concept. C) event. D) person.
39) Oppression and forgiveness are examples of ___________ because each is a notion or idea rather than a concrete object.
A) events B) concepts C) issues D) thoughts
Version 1
40) José decides to give his informative speech on homophobia. Although it isn't something tangible, José feels it is a complex idea that affects millions of lives as a social
A) suggestion. B) concept. C) thought. D) idea.
41) If you give an informative speech describing how a hurricane forms, you are focusing on which kind of informative speech topic?
A) event B) concept C) issue D) process
42) If a speaker is focusing his or informative speech on a(n) _________, the speaker will be examining a program that aims to guide decision making or to achieve some goal.
A) policy B) issue C) concept D) organization
43) Jay's informative speech is on the United States' ____________ during the Cold War era. Jay plans to discuss how the United States utilized "containment" abroad and McCarthyism at home to respond to the real and perceived spread of communism.
Version 1
A) issues B) policies C) concepts D) events
44) Because Najiba wants to give an informative speech on a topic she knows and can get excited about, she decides to discuss her native country of Afghanistan. She is not sure if her classmates know where she is from, so to begin her speech, Najiba says, "Salaam. That is how you say hello in my native country of Afghanistan. Today, I want to share with you all that I love about this amazing place." To frame her topic in a compelling way for the audience, Najiba has related the topic to
A) the audience. B) a current event. C) herself. D) something familiar.
Which of the following is NOT a reason to relate yourself to your topic?
A) It establishes that you have credibility. B) Your listeners will care more about your topic. C) It ensures you have both the knowledge and the enthusiasm to engage the audience. D) You won't have to do as much research.
46) If listeners have a(n) _______________ your speech, they have an inherent motivation to pay attention.
Version 1
A) vested interest in B) awareness of C) curiosity about D) concentration on
47) College students will most likely have a(n) ______________ a speech on scholarships because many of them would like extra financial assistance to attend college.
A) awareness of B) curiosity about C) vested interest in D) need for
48) Lorna is giving a speech on 3D technology. In her introduction, she states, "Just a few years ago, 3D technology was relegated to the back shelf because of its expense to produce. Now, many of our top-grossing movies can be found in 3D format, and I'm sure most of you have seen at least one movie in 3D in the past six months." With this opening, what is Lorna trying to establish?
A) Her listeners' vested interest in the topic B) The currency of her topic C) Her listeners' doubts about the topic D) The relevance of her topic to the listeners
49) Even if your audience doesn't have direct experience with your topic, you can make it relevant by asking your listeners to imagine themselves in a(n) ______________ situation.
Version 1
A) similar B) hypothetical C) relevant D) unfamiliar
50) Which of the following is NOT a strategy for delivering an informative speech more effectively?
A) making learning challenging B) creating information hunger C) being ethical D) involving the audience
51) An informative speaker should create _____________ by sparking listeners' curiosity and giving them a reason to want the information he or she has.
A) excitement B) information hunger C) inquisitiveness D) information need
52) Shanika wants to create information hunger in her audience about her speech on child abuse. She discusses how crucial positive messages are for young children as they develop their self-concept, and she talks about the effect verbal and emotional abuse can have on self-esteem. Shanika is appealing to what type of needs in her audience?
Version 1
A) relational B) instrumental C) identity D) physical
53) Teaching an audience how to do an exercise that is easy and beneficial is a way of appealing to which type of need?
A) relational B) spiritual C) instrumental D) physical
54) In the popular book Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert explores three countries in terms of their cuisine and religious and sacred rituals. Gilbert uses the book to connect food to which type of need?
A) physical B) spiritual C) identity D) instrumental
A speech explaining how to find coupons and deals online appeals to which type of need?
A) instrumental B) physical C) spiritual D) relational
Version 1
56) It is important to be _____________ during a speech because most people process information best in a limited number of segments at a time.
A) detailed B) cohesive C) practical D) organized
57) Mongkut wants to make it easy for his audience to listen to his informative speech on physics. He therefore decides to analyze the physics of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, discussing how fast reindeer can fly relative to the number of children needing gifts. Which of the following is Mongkut doing to increase his chances of keeping his audience engaged?
A) Keep it simple. B) Keep it short. C) Make it fun. D) Repeat key points.
58) Because many listeners feel uneasy when they are asked to learn a new skill or understand new information, it is a good idea to do which of the following?
A) Keep it short. B) Make it fun. C) Repeat key points. D) Start with what's familiar.
59) Individuals pay more attention to stimuli that are repeated than to those they encounter only once, so an effective informative speaker should repeat which of the following?
Version 1
A) main points B) subpoints C) important citations D) transitions
60) Because many of us learn better by doing rather than just seeing or listening, which of the following is useful to keep in mind when building a speech?
A) Use demonstrations. B) Involve your audience. C) Have strong presentation aids. D) Use humor.
61) During Latoya's informative speech on palm reading, she asks her audience to examine their own palms. On a PowerPoint slide, Latoya shows the audience the different lines on the palm and explains how the length influences different aspects of life. By having listeners read their own palms, how did Latoya involve her audience?
A) by polling B) by posing a hypothetical situation C) by inviting questions D) by inviting direct participation
62) When teaching something that may be too complex for the entire audience to participate in, how else might a speaker encourage involvement?
Version 1
A) Poll the audience. B) Invite questions. C) Ask for volunteers. D) Pose a hypothetical situation.
63) If you say, "Raise your hand if you've ever considered skydiving," you are using what method to involve the audience?
A) inviting questions B) polling the audience C) asking for volunteers D) referring to individual listeners
Referring to individual listeners in your audience works best when the audience is
A) large. B) interested. C) small. D) familiar.
65) Which of the following is NOT a way to ensure that the information you give in your speech is true and accurate?
A) Be clear about when you are speculating. B) Incorporate written footnotes. C) Use information only from reputable sources. D) Understand the information you are reporting.
Version 1
66) While researching his informative speech on Nostradamus, Matias thinks the information he finds on Wikipedia will be more interesting for his listeners than the information he finds in periodicals. Since his topic isn't that serious anyway, Matias figures it would keep the audience more engaged if he uses the information from Wikipedia. Matias is not following which guideline for ensuring the accuracy of his information?
A) Be clear about what he is speculating. B) Understand the information he is reporting. C) Use information from reputable sources. D) Incorporate verbal footnotes.
67) If you refer to a source of information that allows you to infer ideas or speculate about possibilities, you should
A) make it clear that you are speculating. B) invite listeners to offer their opinions. C) understand the information you're reporting. D) conceal the fact that you are speculating.
68) Some speakers use informative speeches to disguise their attempts to persuade or coerce their listeners, meaning they are no longer simply informing but are engaging in which of the following?
A) bullying B) intimidation C) misinformation D) propaganda
Version 1
69) Which of the following is a form of propaganda in which speakers use terms with negative connotations to refer to their opponents?
A) moral labeling B) false dichotomy C) ordinary folk D) glowing generalization
70) In an interview with the journalist Katie Couric, the vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was unable to name Supreme Court decisions with which she disagreed. An adviser to presidential candidate John McCain said to Newsweek, "I wonder how many Americans would be able to name decisions they disagree with. The court is very important, but Palin is on the ticket because she connects with everyday Americans." Which form of propaganda does this statement use?
A) moral labeling B) ordinary folk C) glowing generalization D) false dichotomy
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 14 1) D 2) C 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) B 7) C 8) A 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) A 13) C 14) A 15) B 16) D 17) C 18) A 19) D 20) B 21) C 22) D 23) B 24) A 25) B 26) D Version 1
27) A 28) C 29) B 30) A 31) C 32) D 33) C 34) B 35) A 36) C 37) D 38) A 39) B 40) B 41) D 42) A 43) B 44) C 45) D 46) A 47) C 48) D 49) B 50) A 51) B 52) C 53) D 54) B 55) A 56) D Version 1
57) C 58) D 59) A 60) B 61) D 62) C 63) B 64) C 65) B 66) C 67) A 68) D 69) A 70) B Student name:__________ 1)
Which of the following is NOT an example of persuasion?
A) convincing someone to buy a car you wish to sell B) supporting a political cause you care about C) sharing how relaxing your vacation was D) rallying support for a local charity
What type of speaking aims to influence listeners' beliefs, attitudes, and actions?
A) persuasive B) informative C) coercive D) public
Version 1
3) We can think of _______________ as communicating in an attempt to motivate others to adopt a specific manner of thinking or doing.
A) coercion B) persuasion C) public speaking D) propaganda
Which of the following is NOT a realistic goal for most persuasive speeches?
A) to get an audience to do something B) to persuade an audience to believe that a claim we're making is true C) to convince an audience to believe an opinion about a particular issue D) to convince listeners to alter their lives drastically
5) Kim is giving a persuasive talk about organ donation. She wants to communicate the benefits of organ donation, and she hopes that some audience members will be persuaded to fill out the organ donor card she brought with her. What persuasive goal is Kim trying to achieve?
A) to persuade her audience to believe that the claim she's making is true B) to motivate her audience to do something C) to convince an audience to believe her opinion about a particular issue D) to convince her audience to become involved in a social cause
6) Phil is giving his persuasive speech about legalizing stem cell research. He knows that some of his audience members might have an issue with whether stem cells are taken from viable fetuses, so he knows that his first job as a persuasive speaker is to influence their __________ about where stem cells come from.
Version 1
A) thoughts B) actions C) beliefs D) values
7) Which term best describes our perceptions about what is true or false, accurate or inaccurate?
A) beliefs B) opinions C) actions D) values
8) An attorney arguing his or her side of a case before a judge is trying to influence the judge's ________ about the case, or what the judge trusts to be true or false.
A) opinions B) actions C) ruling D) beliefs
9) Tyrone has always been opposed to the idea that students should be allowed to carry guns on campus. He's always thought that even persons who are licensed to carry weapons should not be allowed to do so at educational institutions. Other students at Tyrone's school support efforts to allow guns on campus, arguing that they are needed for the protection of everyone. Tyrone decides to give a speech about the issue at an open forum, hoping to use his persuasive skills to influence other students' ____________ about the presence of guns on college campuses.
Version 1
A) beliefs B) feelings C) opinions D) actions
A(n) __________ is an evaluation about what's good and bad.
A) opinion B) action C) belief D) value
Opinions reflect what we think __________, not necessarily what is.
A) used to be B) could be C) should be D) might have been
12) If you see an infomercial on a product late one night and are persuaded to order that product, the infomercial has succeeded in influencing what?
A) B) C) D)
Version 1
your opinions your actions your beliefs the way you spend your time
13) Liza is surfing the Internet when she sees an ad for a weight-loss product. Although she usually ignores such ads, this one is a large ad that specifically states what the product can do. Liza is intrigued, so she "clicks through" the ad to get the details of the advertised weight-loss product. Liza's _________ have been influenced by the online ad.
A) behaviors B) beliefs C) opinions D) norms
14) In his Treatise on Rhetoric, which Greek philosopher described three forms of rhetorical proof?
A) Socrates B) Thales C) Aristotle D) Plato
Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical proof that can support persuasive messages?
A) mythos B) logos C) pathos D) ethos
Which proof refers to a speaker's respectability, trustworthiness, and moral character?
Version 1
A) pathos B) mythos C) logos D) ethos
17) Relief organizations frequently enlist the aid of celebrities to raise funds to support their causes. The actress Alyssa Milano has promoted the cause of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and Angelina Jolie was named as a special envoy to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. These celebrities' successful efforts reflect the persuasive power that __________ can have.
A) pathos B) ethos C) mythos D) logos
Which of the following is NOT a quality a speaker should display for ethos?
A) integrity B) goodwill toward the audience C) a false sense of humility D) knowledge with the topic
19) Tia is very passionate about raising money for a Haitian relief fund. She e-mails her family and friends soliciting donations after a major earthquake in Haiti, encouraging them to send money to the organization. When Tia's brother asks about how much money goes to the cause versus how much is kept for administration costs, Tia ignores his concerns and again urges him to donate. Tia's brother feels that Tia is just using him for the donation and decides to donate his money elsewhere. What could Tia have done to better establish her ethos?
Version 1
A) Tia could have had more goodwill toward her audience. B) Tia could have demonstrated more integrity. C) Tia could have had more virtue. D) Tia could have displayed more experience with the topic.
Judgments about ethos belong to whom?
A) the speaker B) everyone C) the orator D) the audience
Aristotle used which term to refer to listeners' emotions?
A) ethos B) pathos C) logos D) mythos
22) Appeals to positive _____________ are often most effective at persuading people to change their attitudes or opinions, whereas appeals to negative ones are frequently most effective at inducing behavioral change.
A) thoughts B) beliefs C) emotions D) values
Version 1
23) Pathos appeals are usually focused on generating _____________ emotions because people generally dislike them and are motivated to respond to the appeal to reduce those feelings.
A) positive B) ambivalent C) uncomfortable D) negative
24) Maggie is giving a persuasive speech on vegetarianism. In her pathos appeals, Maggie decides to appeal to ___________ by showing a graphic video of a cow being slaughtered. As the audience watches the cow suffer and struggle before it dies, Maggie can see they are appalled, and she is sure her pathos appeal was effective.
A) irritation B) disgust C) shame D) frustration
25) Brent knows that his persuasive speech on helping flood victims from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has to be emotional to motivate his audience to assist. Brent shows pictures of several homes that were destroyed, and he quotes several residents talking about how difficult their lives have become and how they have suffered since the massive floods in 2016. Brent is hoping to use these images and words to appeal to ______________ as part of his use of pathos.
A) sadness B) disgust C) fear D) anger
Version 1
26) The sale of blood diamonds-diamonds that are mined in a war zone and then sold to support an insurgency or warlord's activities-is an issue that Owen has long fought against. He is asked to speak at a bridal show, where he knows his audience is composed not only of brides but jewelers as well. Owen uses the opportunity to discuss how children are often used in the mining of blood diamonds. At the conclusion of his speech, Owen shows a picture of a child missing a hand and says, "Next time someone tells you a diamond cost an arm and a leg, ask yourself if there might be some truth to that. Don't support this horrific practice just so you can have something sparkly on your hand." Which type of pathos appeal is Owen using?
A) fear B) humor C) sadness D) guilt
27) If you are appealing to your listeners' sense of reason, you are using which type of appeal?
A) ethos B) pathos C) logos D) mythos
28) To ________________ means to make judgments about the world based on evidence rather than emotion or intuition.
A) examine B) reason C) analyze D) deduce
What are the two types of reasoning?
Version 1
A) inductive and productive B) reductive and deductive C) reductive and productive D) inductive and deductive
30) When a doctor listens to a patient's symptoms, analyzes blood tests, and then provides a diagnosis, the doctor has used ____________________ reasoning.
A) deductive B) inductive C) productive D) logical
31) Tonya tries to persuade her listeners that all swans in the world are white because no one has ever seen a swan that wasn't white. By offering this evidence to support her conclusion, Tonya uses ___________________ reasoning.
A) practical B) deductive C) inductive D) logical
32) In his speech, Jason attempts to persuade listeners that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy. Jason begins by establishing that a conspiracy is any occurrence of two or more people acting together to commit a crime. He then presents evidence that several people acted together to kill President Kennedy. He concludes by stating, "Therefore, the assassination was the result of a conspiracy." Jason's argument represents which form of reasoning?
Version 1
A) inductive B) productive C) practical D) deductive
33) Deductive claims often make use of a three-line argument, consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. What is this type of argument called?
A) syllogism B) enthymeme C) hypothesis D) line of reasoning
34) _______________ can be just as persuasive as full syllogisms, but only if listeners accept the validity of both the omitted premise and the premise that is stated.
A) Lines of reasoning B) Ethymemes C) Arguments D) Hypotheses
35) When we ask people to believe some statement, we are asserting that the statement is true, so we are using a proposition of what?
A) policy B) value C) fact D) norms
Version 1
36) When a speaker asserts a proposition of __________, the persuasive goal isn't to make someone believe the speaker; rather, it is to make someone agree with him or her.
A) value B) fact C) opinion D) policy
37) Nima is giving a speech against allowing polygamy, or marriage to more than one person at a time. She decides to argue a proposition of ___________ by saying, "It is immoral for someone to be married to more than one person at a time."
A) policy B) fact C) value D) morals
38) What type of proposition is based on a judgment that reflects the speaker's opinions about what is important, moral, and right?
A) fact B) value C) policy D) ethics
39) If a speaker makes a claim about what we "should do," what type of proposition is he or she making?
Version 1
A) fact B) policy C) value D) action
40) Andy is asked to give a speech in his political science class on a current issue in the criminal justice system. He decides to discuss the death penalty. As his thesis, Andy states, "The death penalty should be made illegal in the United States." Andy has decided to base his presentation on a proposition of
A) policy. B) law. C) value. D) fact.
A persuasive speech can be made even more powerful when the speaker uses
A) logic-based propositions. B) emotionally charged propositions. C) the same type of proposition multiple times. D) more than one type of proposition.
Which of the following is NOT a good option for organizing a persuasive speech?
A) refutational approach B) comparative advantage method C) space-time method D) Monroe's motivated sequence
Version 1
43) Vito is organizing his persuasive speech on bottled water. His first main point will cover the extensive amount of time it takes for a plastic water bottle to decompose in a landfill and how many millions of plastic water bottles are thrown away each year. Vito's second point will cover reusable water bottles or containers, how easy and inexpensive they are to use, and how their use will decrease plastic bottles in landfills. Vito has organized his speech using what pattern of organization?
A) Monroe's motivated sequence B) refutational approach C) comparative advantage method D) problem-solving pattern
44) If you organize your persuasive speech using _________________, you present and then immediately refute the main points against the position you plan to advocate.
A) a comparative advantage approach B) a problem-solving pattern C) a refutational approach D) Monroe's motivated sequence
45) During her persuasive speech on stopping illegal music downloading on the Internet, Danica brings up an argument from the opposition. She says that those who support unauthorized downloading have argued that it isn't hurting anyone. Danica disproves that argument, offering statistics and testimony from artists whose finances have been hurt by illegal downloading. Danica has organized her speech using which of the following?
A) refutational approach B) problem-solving pattern C) Monroe's motivated sequence D) comparative advantage
Version 1
46) For which of the following does a speaker explain why his or her point of view is superior to others on the same topic?
A) refutational approach B) problem-solving method C) Monroe's motivated sequence D) comparative advantage
47) Attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action are all stages of what method of organization?
A) Monroe's motivated sequence B) comparative advantage C) problem-solving method D) refutational approach
48) Frances is organizing a persuasive speech on organ donation. She plans on starting with a picture of a little girl and telling the audience about Connie, a four-year-old who died two years ago because she needed a new heart and no donor could be found. If Frances is using Monroe's motivated sequence, what stage would this statement be found in?
A) visualization B) satisfaction C) attention D) action
Version 1
49) Jacek's persuasive speech on increasing the minimum wage has been organized using Monroe's motivated sequence. At what stage would Jacek say, "I've prepared a handout with the name, e-mail address, and telephone number of our state representative so you can contact her about voting in favor of a minimum wage increase"?
A) need B) action C) attention D) visualization
50) A logical ______________ is a line of reasoning that, even if it makes sense, doesn't genuinely support a speaker's point.
A) error B) mistake C) misnomer D) fallacy
51) A common but illogical way to counter arguments is to criticize the people who make them. This type of fallacy is called
A) slippery slope. B) bandwagon appeal. C) false-cause. D) ad hominem.
52) In his speech on gun control, Mike says, "The right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. If you allow our government to take that right away, it won't be long before they'll be taking away your freedom of speech or your right to vote!" Mike is committing what type of fallacy?
Version 1
A) bandwagon appeal B) false-cause C) slippery slope D) red herring
53) If a speaker makes the claim, "Since prayer was banned in public schools in 1963, violent crimes have increased dramatically," that speaker is committing what type of fallacy?
A) false-cause B) slippery slope C) bandwagon appeal D) ad hominem
Which of the following is a broad claim that is based on insufficient evidence?
A) red herring B) slippery slope C) straw man fallacy D) hasty generalization
55) Roger is giving a persuasive speech against school uniforms. One of his arguments is, "There are many significant issues in our public schools today, such as violence and drugs, so why are we so focused on what kids are wearing?" What fallacy does Roger's speech contain?
A) straw man B) red herring C) slippery slope D) bandwagon appeal
Version 1
56) In Heather's speech against breastfeeding in public, she says, "These women are angry because we won't let them flash their breasts at strangers in public! What decent person wants to see that?" Because Heather is trying to refute an argument that supporters of breastfeeding in public never actually made, Heather is engaging what type of fallacy?
A) appeal to false authority B) red herring fallacy C) slippery slope D) straw man fallacy
57) If you say, "The actress Alicia Silverstone verifies that a vegetarian lifestyle is the healthiest way to live," you are using what type of fallacy?
A) begging the question B) straw man C) appeal to false authority D) bandwagon appeal
58) Which of the following means supporting an argument with claims whose truth is taken for granted but never verified?
A) begging the question B) appeal to false authority C) slippery slope D) bandwagon appeal
59) Speakers commit this logical fallacy when they offer a premise and then draw a conclusion that is not logically supported by it.
Version 1
A) non sequitur B) red herring C) slippery slope D) ad hominem
60) The phrase "preaching to the choir" could be used to describe speaking to what type of audience?
A) neutral B) hostile C) receptive D) disengaged
61) Because an issue doesn't seem relevant to a ___________ audience, it is helpful to inform listeners why your topic matters to them and why they should care about it.
A) neutral B) hostile C) receptive D) normal
The most difficult audience to persuade is a ____________ audience.
A) neutral B) hostile C) bored D) receptive
Version 1
What is the best strategy to use in dealing with a hostile audience?
A) Stress points on which you and your listeners disagree. B) Ignore the hostility. C) Acknowledge the listeners' negative feelings. D) Make listeners feel maligned rather than respected.
64) To build __________ is to create the perception that your listeners see things similarly to the way you do.
A) credibility B) ethos C) pathos D) rapport
Which of the following is NOT a way to build rapport with your audience?
A) Open with a story. B) Avoid using humor. C) Interact with listeners before your speech. D) Maintain eye contact.
66) Becky has been asked by a local high school to speak to the environmental club. She's a bit nervous, as she doesn't know the audience. She wants to get some information about who the students are and what matters to them, and she also wants to signal that she cares about them. What is the best way for Becky to build this type of rapport?
Version 1
A) opening with a story B) maintaining eye contact while she speaks C) interacting with her listeners before she speaks D) using humor when appropriate
67) If a speaker has a good deal of ____________, an audience will take his or her words seriously and be open to new ideas.
A) credibility B) pathos C) charisma D) knowledge
Which of the following is a component of credibility?
A) wisdom B) humor C) charisma D) vitality
69) If a professor seems organized, prepared, and professional, what is he or she demonstrating?
A) charisma B) character C) wisdom D) competence
Version 1
If you are considering someone's ______________, you are evaluating his or her honesty.
A) charisma B) character C) morals D) competence
71) When Barack Obama ran for the U.S. presidency in 2008, unprecedented crowds gathered to hear him speak. He was well known for slogans such as, "Yes, we can" and "Change we can believe in." When Obama rallied crowds with such statements, he was relying on which of the following to increase his credibility?
A) competence B) charisma C) character D) enthusiasm
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 15 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) D 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) D 9) C 10) A 11) C 12) B 13) A 14) C 15) A 16) D 17) B 18) C 19) B 20) D 21) B 22) C 23) D 24) B 25) A 26) D Version 1
27) C 28) B 29) D 30) B 31) C 32) D 33) A 34) B 35) C 36) A 37) C 38) B 39) B 40) A 41) D 42) C 43) D 44) C 45) A 46) D 47) A 48) C 49) B 50) D 51) D 52) C 53) A 54) D 55) B 56) D Version 1
57) C 58) A 59) A 60) C 61) A 62) B 63) C 64) D 65) B 66) C 67) A 68) C 69) D 70) B 71) B Student name:__________ 1) ____________ communication refers to the interactions that occur within structured groups.
A) Small group B) Organizational C) Interpersonal D) Cultural
2) Communication that occurs within groups such as colleges, companies, sports teams, religious institutions, or neighborhood watch groups would be considered
Version 1
A) intercommunal. B) intrapersonal. C) small group. D) organizational.
3) Kyle works for a large biotechnology firm. He knows that he is expected to work more than 60 hours per week, to take minimal lunch breaks, and to work most nights and weekends. In the lunchroom, there is very little interaction between employees, and Kyle does not fraternize with his coworkers outside of the workplace. Although Kyle normally is an easygoing and friendly person, he would most likely feel pressure to conform to the organizational _________________ of the firm.
A) culture B) values C) system D) power structure
Which of the following is generally NOT a way to understand an organization's culture?
A) stories B) rules C) regulations D) structure
5) Which of the following is NOT a question you can use to understand an organization's structure?
Version 1
A) How does the organization interact with its environment? B) How hierarchical is the organization? C) How friendly are the participants in the organization? D) How centralized is the power in the organization?
6) Josh works for a large, multinational corporation. He has some new ideas for the product his department markets. To share his ideas, he must first share it with his assistant manager, who then meets with the department head. The department head in turn will have to meet with the division chair, who can take it to the marketing committee for a decision. Josh's company, like many organizations, is a
A) hierarchy. B) closed system. C) bureaucracy. D) diffused power structure.
7) Grand Bank has a company president and board of directors that hold the majority of power and decision-making ability, so Grand Bank has a(n) ____________ power structure.
A) open B) closed C) centralized D) hierarchical
8) Liselle works for her city's Chamber of Commerce. As part of her job, she works with other city agencies, local businesses, media outlets, and benefactors. She is expected to communicate and share information with these individuals and groups because the Chamber of Commerce's organizational system is
Version 1
A) closed. B) centralized. C) diffused. D) open.
9) Organizational ___________ are ceremonial acts and practices that convey characteristics of an organization's culture.
A) rituals B) rites C) norms D) values
Which of the following is NOT a type of organizational rite?
A) conflict resolution B) passage C) interaction D) blaming
11) Lisa's synagogue was not able to raise enough revenue during the fiscal year and has had to cut many staff positions and activities for the congregation. Several families have left the close-knit community as well because of financial issues. In order to revitalize its members, the synagogue plans a weekend retreat to help congregants brainstorm ways to boost membership. This retreat would be best described as a(n) ___________ rite.
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A) renewal B) conflict resolution C) blaming D) enhancement
12) When you participate in a commencement ceremony at your college, you are participating in a(n)
A) rite of integration. B) renewal rite. C) rite of passage. D) enhancement rite.
13) Organizational _________ are repeated behaviors that provide a familiar routine to an organization's experiences.
A) rites B) roles C) rules D) rituals
14) Grayson works in the technology department at a large nonprofit agency. Every Friday night, he participates in a company softball league, and after every game, he and his coworkers go out for drinks. Grayson and his coworkers are participating in what type of organizational ritual?
Version 1
A) task B) social C) personal D) collegial
15) If you engage in a series of ritualized activities that enhances your ability to do your job, you are using what type of organizational rituals?
A) social B) personal C) integration D) task
16) Seriah has been a member of the honor society at her college for one year. She's always participated in the club's service projects, but at a local road clean-up, she notices that the other students seem close to one another. She feels left out, especially when they keep referencing the Saturday night study group that she usually skips. When she realizes that this study group is what is drawing the other members closer to one another, what type of ritual does Seriah most likely need to evaluate if she wants to feel included?
A) social B) interpersonal C) integration D) personal
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17) In November 2009, Tareq and Michaele Salahi were able to sneak into an official state dinner at the White House, even though they were not invited. The government agency charged with the event's security was the Secret Service, and it was later determined that an official had let the couple though an initial checkpoint despite the lack of an invitation and a proper screening. In this case, it seems that the official did not follow that agency's explicit organizational _________ for the situation.
A) rituals B) standards C) rules D) rites
18) Even if employees claim to understand an __________ organizational rule, they may not necessarily respond positively to it, as evidenced by employees' negative perception of managers that closely monitor e-mail in the workplace.
A) explicit B) implicit C) implied D) elicit
19) An employee who signs a nondisclosure agreement with a company in a highly competitive field is agreeing to abide by an organizational
A) standard. B) rite. C) ritual. D) rule.
20) An ________ organizational rule is understood and followed even though it isn't formally articulated. Version 1
A) explicit B) implicit C) implied D) unspoken
_________ roles involve functions prescribed by the organization itself.
A) Informal B) Functional C) Formal D) Personnel
An organizational chart specifies the _________ connection between roles in a company.
A) formal B) explicit C) informal D) implicit
Which of the following is a type of informal role in an organization?
A) company comedian B) quality control technician C) director of marketing D) assistant manager
Version 1
24) Tyrese believes that his job is much easier if he gets along with his coworkers. To that end, he organizes frequent game nights at his house for his colleagues, and he is sure to eat lunch with different coworkers every day. Over time, Tyrese's colleagues will most likely come to depend on his _______ role as a social event organizer.
A) implicit B) explicit C) formal D) informal
Which of the following is NOT a type of story used to affirm organizational identity?
A) collegial B) integral C) personal D) corporate
26) Most fans of Apple products know the ________ story of how the cofounders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak assembled the first Apple computer in Jobs's garage.
A) collegial B) anecdotal C) corporate D) personal
27) ________________ stories reflect both how people see themselves and how they want others to see them.
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A) Collegial B) Personal C) Humorous D) Self-concept
28) To highlight your creativity, you tell your coworkers about the time you won first prize in a poetry contest; you are telling a ________________ story.
A) corporate B) collegial C) workplace D) personal
29) __________ stories aren't merely gossip; they help identify organizational members' positive and negative attributes to others in the organization.
A) Corporate B) Personal C) Collegial D) Informative
30) Chris is transferred to another location for the party supply chain that employs him. He is unsure of his new manager and doesn't know how she feels about her sales staff. What type of stories would most likely help Chris get ideas about how to interact with his new manager?
A) collegial B) corporate C) gossip D) personal
Version 1
31) Because many organizations are complex systems that simultaneously engage in multiple tasks and pursue multiple goals, one approach to organizational ___________ won't necessarily fit every organization or situation.
A) rituals B) rites C) communication D) information
32) According to the _________________ model, organizational communication is seen as a pipeline through which information flows from one source to another.
A) transactional B) information-transfer C) strategic control D) structure
33) The information-transfer approach to organizational communication most closely resembles which model of communication?
A) transaction B) reaction C) interaction D) action
Version 1
34) At a college located on the coast of North Carolina, the president e-mails his 528 employees with instructions about hurricane warnings and watches. He feels that he is very specific as to when his employees should come to campus and when they should stay home. To his surprise, he notices that during the first hurricane watch, many employees do not report to work, even though the president thought he had clearly explained that they should come to work in that event. Because he sent the information out to his employees with the understanding that he was not open to feedback or questions, this _________ approach to organizational communication was not effective.
A) strategic B) transactional C) information-transfer D) interactional
35) If you nod, smile, and offer other positive nonverbal feedback while your club president is outlining plans for an upcoming fund-raiser, you are engaging in what approach to organizational communication?
A) transactional B) information-transfer C) strategic control D) interactional
36) When using the ____________ approach to communication, communicators can adjust their messages based on the feedback they receive.
A) interactional B) transactional C) action D) strategic control
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37) Hasim's public relations firm has been asked to create a public relations campaign for a local nonprofit organization. Because Hasim is not sure what type of approach would work to represent the client appropriately, he wants to test the reaction of his coworkers to his campaign and get immediate feedback. Which type of organizational communication would be most effective for the success of Hasim's project?
A) strategic control B) information-transfer C) transactional D) strategic ambiguity
38) The _____________ approach to organizational communication recognizes that people in an organization can use communication to control their environments.
A) structuration B) strategic control C) strategic D) information-transfer
39) As a supervisor, your primary goal is not that your employees understand one another but that they act in an organized and mutually satisfied way. This means you employ a ___________ approach to organizational communication.
A) strategic ambiguity B) strategic structuration C) strategic control D) strategic manipulation
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40) General Electric's corporate slogan is Imagination at Work, rather than the more specific Power Generation at Work. This company is engaging in strategic _______________ to allow both employees and consumers to interpret the slogan in ways that best suit them.
A) structure B) control C) ambiguity D) creativity
41) According to the theory of _____________, all human behavior, including communication behavior, is influenced by a tension between creativity and constraint.
A) information transfer B) transaction C) strategic control D) structuration
42) If your professor tells you the format, length, and topics to be included in a report, these represent the ________________ of the assignment.
A) limitations B) constraints C) rules D) rituals
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43) Mel wants to create a profile on the social networking site LinkedIn so that he can make connections in his profession. He notices that there are many professionals in his area, so using creativity in his photos, audiovisual elements, and profile will be necessary if Mel wishes to stand out. However, he must also provide the information people in his profession expect to see so he appears to be competent and successful. Mel's attempt to balance these two needs is best represented by which theory?
A) structuration B) expectation C) transactional D) information-transfer
44) Which approach to organizational communication would work best if you needed to convey a message to a large audience quickly?
A) transactional B) information-transfer C) structuration D) strategic control
45) Which of the following is NOT a type of formal communication found in an organization?
A) lateral B) downward C) diagonal D) upward
46) Messages to immediate supervisors, higher-level personnel, and your college president are considered _____________ communication.
Version 1
A) downward B) straightforward C) bureaucratic D) upward
47) Carolina is the vice president of the environmental club at her high school. She is in charge of e-mailing members about upcoming events, answering questions from new members about enrollment, and explaining club guidelines to club members. As a part of her position, Carolina employs a lot of _______________ communication.
A) downward B) enthusiastic C) lateral D) grapevine
48) ___________________ communication involves the messages we share with peers or anyone who occupies the same position as we do in an organizational hierarchy.
A) Collegial B) Lateral C) Formal D) Tangential
49) Effective lateral communication with our peers contributes to a positive work environment and makes our experiences in an organization more satisfying because it focuses on treating people as
Version 1
A) clients. B) superiors. C) equals. D) subordinates.
50) Many people say that informal communication travels along an organizational _________, meaning that messages are often conveyed in upward, downward, and lateral directions simultaneously.
A) grapevine B) gossip C) transaction D) pattern
51) Because of the faltering economy, Jackson's company is forced to lay off nearly one-third of its employees. In the days leading up to the announcement of who will be laid off, Jackson spends most of his time at work discussing the situation, trying to find reassurance that his job is safe. What statement about organizational grapevines applies to Jackson's situation?
A) Communication along the grapevine can be remarkably accurate. B) Grapevines use multiple communication channels. C) Grapevines are erratic and unpredictable. D) People rely heavily on the grapevine during a crisis.
Which of the following statements is true about organizational grapevines?
Version 1
A) Grapevines are erratic and unpredictable. B) Communication along the grapevine can be remarkably accurate. C) Grapevines use only one or two communication channels. D) People tend to ignore a grapevine in favor of more direct communication in times of crisis.
53) __________ communication can significantly enhance an organization's reputation, productivity, community support, and economic success.
A) Grapevine B) Formal C) External D) Internal
54) Which of the following is NOT a potential external audience for organizational communication?
A) media B) potential personnel C) former employees D) consumers
55) Rebecca works for a rapidly growing nonprofit organization. The organization is in desperate need of volunteers. Part of Rebecca's job requires the use of external communication to find these volunteers, which she does largely through campus and community recruitment fairs. What type of external audience is Rebecca targeting?
Version 1
A) potential personnel B) consumers C) general public D) media
56) If an organization advertises its services using television and radio commercials, which external audience is it most likely targeting?
A) general public B) media C) stockholders D) consumers
57) The term ____________________ describes the increasing connectedness of societies and their economies as a result of developments in transportation and communication.
A) culturization B) globalization C) connectedness D) diversity
58) If you buy a toy that was manufactured and assembled in another country and then shipped here, you are affecting and being affected by
A) organizations. B) the economy. C) globalization. D) culture.
Version 1
59) A _________________ culture sees time as a fluid, unbroken, and relatively unstructured whole.
A) monochronic B) polychronic C) multichronic D) chronic
60) Martin runs a small dry cleaning business. He expects his employees to be on time, and he gets annoyed when employees take an extended lunch break. He values efficiency above all else, and he makes sure that his staff meetings take no longer than necessary. Martin is most likely from a _________________ culture.
A) low-context B) high-context C) monochronic D) polychronic
61) Which of the following is NOT a challenge that new technology presents to organizations?
A) avoiding channel-lean contexts B) choosing a communication channel C) understanding cross-cultural communication D) ensuring security
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62) Reyshelle's company has satellite offices all over the state. The office managers rely primarily on e-mail, instant messaging, and texting to stay in contact throughout the day. Reyshelle notices many miscommunications occurring because of problems interpreting one another's meanings. Reyshelle's company most likely needs to move toward ___________ forms of communication to lessen the number of misunderstandings.
A) channel-lean B) channel-free C) channel-full D) channel-rich
63) The Electronic Communications Privacy Act helps organizations contend with which challenge posed by technology?
A) choosing a communication channel B) dealing with globalization C) ensuring security D) adapting diversity
64) Ramona works at a construction firm where she is the only woman. The men she works with think it is funny to make sexually suggestive jokes in front of her, make derogatory comments about her gender, and put sexually suggestive pictures in her locker. Ramona is experiencing which type of sexual harassment?
A) hostile work environment B) gender-based C) quid pro quo D) work-based
65) The pressure of balancing the demands of work with those of nonwork activities results in ___________ conflict for many people. Version 1
A) balancing B) work/life C) unmanageable D) work/personal
66) Frank has a demanding job at a law firm, and his wife just gave birth to twin boys. Frank's job requires him to work at least 60 hours a week, but he feels his wife needs him at home. He is concerned that he is not doing enough for his family, and his wife is frustrated that Frank does not help more with the children. Frank is experiencing
A) life interference with work. B) work interference with life. C) professional conflict. D) personal conflict.
Which of the following is a form of stress caused by work/life conflict?
A) culture-based stress B) relational-based stress C) action-based stress D) strain-based stress
68) Exercising caution when using e-mail, using face-to-face communication when possible, and not letting technology become distracting are all ways to
A) avoid or reduce burnout. B) adapt to diversity. C) keep yourself happy at the work. D) use communication technology effectively.
Version 1
69) Which of the following is NOT a way to improve adaptability to diversity in an organization?
A) Check your assumptions. B) Help others to adapt. C) Avoid burnout. D) Remember that being different doesn't mean being wrong.
70) Allison is the CEO of a rapidly growing, online blogging website and the mother of three children. While the children are playing, Allison checks e-mail on her phone, and she takes her laptop with her everywhere on the weekends. Allison begins to feel burned out, as if she never has time off. What should Allison do to reduce burnout?
A) Solidify her boundaries. B) Clarify her values. C) Ask for support. D) Stay away from toxic emotions.
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Answer Key Test name: chapter 16 1) B 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) C 6) A 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) C 11) A 12) C 13) D 14) B 15) D 16) A 17) C 18) A 19) D 20) B 21) C 22) A 23) A 24) D 25) B 26) C Version 1
27) B 28) D 29) C 30) A 31) C 32) B 33) D 34) C 35) A 36) B 37) C 38) B 39) C 40) C 41) D 42) B 43) A 44) B 45) C 46) D 47) A 48) B 49) C 50) A 51) D 52) B 53) C 54) C 55) A 56) D Version 1
57) B 58) C 59) B 60) C 61) A 62) D 63) C 64) A 65) B 66) B 67) D 68) D 69) C 70) A Student name:__________ 1) Oprah Winfrey hosted a television talk show, starred in motion pictures, and launched her own cable network. Winfrey has had great success in many areas of
A) celebrity. B) media. C) fortune. D) fame.
Which is NOT one of the major forms of media?
A) print B) sound C) phone D) image
Version 1
3) The increasing interconnection of media content and communication technology is called media
A) convergence. B) integration. C) interdependence. D) merger.
One of the first printed media to reach a large audience was the
A) magazine. B) book. C) newspaper. D) brochure.
Who invented the printing press in the 1440s?
A) Thomas Edison B) Alexander Graham Bell C) Eli Whitney D) Johannes Gutenberg
6) In the 1930s, the _________ emerged as the first daily newspaper to appeal to mass audiences in the United States, with stories of common interest and a cost of just one penny.
Version 1
A) New York Times B) New York Herald C) New York Sun D) Chicago Sun
Which of these options is NOT a form of print media?
A) newspapers B) Internet C) magazines D) books
8) Imagine Media wants to create weekly a publication that targets a specific audience made up of high-level executives at Fortune 500 companies. Which form of media would best serve Imagine Media's needs?
A) e-book B) digital quarterly C) print newspaper D) online magazine
Most of the sound media industry's sales come from
A) audio books. B) recorded music. C) live events. D) compact discs.
Version 1
Which of the following is NOT a form of sound media?
A) daily newspapers B) ambient noises C) audio books D) live events
11) Conservative Rush Limbaugh, libertarian Dennis Miller, and liberal Rachel Maddow are all examples of current and former talk _________ moderators.
A) television B) film C) newspaper D) radio
What is a limitation of traditional radio?
A) It is available online. B) Listeners can hear the same programming regardless of where they are. C) Radio waves can reach radio receivers only within a certain range. D) Listeners have to download it and listen to it later.
13) Braden recently moved to Portland, and he misses the radio station from his hometown. He knows that he can find his former local radio station on the Internet. Which form of media would best serve his needs?
Version 1
A) traditional B) streaming C) image D) social
Which of the following is an example of image media?
A) movies B) radio C) photography D) Internet
15) Jurassic World, The Avengers, and the Harry Potter movies are all examples of movie
A) animations. B) images. C) diversity. D) blockbusters.
Disney is best known for ________________ films.
A) action B) animated C) blockbuster D) romantic comedy
Version 1
17) Which form of media has entrenched itself as a dominant communication medium since its emergence in the early twentieth century?
A) television B) newspaper C) radio D) Internet
18) Sue is assigned a presentation on Thomas Edison for her history class. She needs to present basic information from three Internet websites. Which form of Internet media would best serve her on this project?
A) search engines B) social media C) Wikipedia D) computer-mediated messaging
One of the earliest mass uses of the Internet was
A) websites. B) e-mail. C) search engines. D) social media.
20) Although e-mail provides an inexpensive and efficient way of communicating with large audiences at once, its convenience gave rise to what issue?
Version 1
A) microblogging B) overstimulation C) texting D) spam
Texting is most similar to what form of computer-mediated communication?
A) social networking B) blogging C) instant messaging D) spamming
22) Ginger works for a weight-loss company. Once a week, she provides a personal diary detailing her own weight-loss journey on the company's website. Her posts have more than 200,000 followers who offer feedback. Ginger is utilizing the form of social media called _______________ to promote her company.
A) microblogging B) social networking C) blogging D) media sites
What is the most popular social networking site?
A) Facebook B) MySpace C) Twitter D) LinkedIn
Version 1
24) Kyle and José are making a video of their skateboarding tricks to attract sponsors for competitions. In one such video, José falls and bangs his head. Kyle posts the video on YouTube, and within weeks, the video has more than 2 million views. Which form of social media did Kyle use?
A) blog B) social network site C) microblog D) media site
Twitter is an example of what type of social media?
A) blog B) social network site C) microblog D) media site
26) Nadya works for a nonprofit organization that wants to spread awareness about climate change. She uses Twitter to update followers on local environmental efforts, maintains a Facebook page for the organization, and blogs daily on a website. Nadya is using ____________ media to promote her organization's message.
A) print B) sound C) image D) social
Version 1
27) Mohammed considers himself to be politically liberal. He enjoys watching MSNBC, particularly Rachel Maddow's show. He finds it gratifying to listen to others with his viewpoint because he is engaging in
A) selective gratification. B) selective retention. C) selective exposure. D) selective listening.
28) Because we are uncomfortable with managing conflicting ideas, we tend to use ____________ when using media.
A) selective exposure B) selective retention C) selective gratification D) selective viewing
Which of these options is NOT a general need fulfilled by media?
A) information B) personal identity C) education D) entertainment
30) Stan is a gay college student. He loves reading the publication The Advocate and watching the television show Modern Family because of their positive representations of sexual minorities. What need is Stan most likely fulfilling with his use of media?
Version 1
A) entertainment B) personal identity C) information D) social integration
31) When you listen to music or watch television as a way to "escape," you are using media to fulfill your need for
A) entertainment. B) personal identity. C) information. D) social integration.
32) The term ________________________ refers to the influences media have on people's everyday lives.
A) media impact B) media effects C) media impressions D) media power
33) According to ________________ theory, media tell people what to think about by determining what they watch, read, or hear.
A) cultivation B) economic C) gratification D) agenda-setting
Version 1
34) Kristi never thought much about bullying while in middle school. She figured getting teased was just part of growing up. However, once she saw several media reports about teens committing suicide because of bullying, she decided it was a serious issue that had to be addressed. Kristi mounted an anti-bullying campaign at her school designed to stop teasing and bullying. ______________ theory would suggest that by giving the topic attention, the media made the issue relevant to teens such as Kristi.
A) Cultivation B) Agenda-setting C) Social influence D) Propaganda
35) Paola loves watching shows about "real" housewives, and the Kardashian sisters are her role models. Paola expects to live the same sort of lifestyle once she graduates from college, even though she has little money and no job experience. The disconnection between Paola's expectations and her probable reality reflects which theory about media?
A) agenda-setting B) expectation C) social integration D) cultivation
Which of the following shows how media impact economics?
A) political ads B) health campaigns C) coupons D) books
Version 1
Why do companies advertise?
A) to get their message out B) to promote the purchase of a product C) to catch the attention of competitors D) to increase consumer knowledge
38) The Geico gecko, Flo from Progressive Insurance, and the Aflac duck are all recognized characters today because of
A) advertising. B) radio. C) billboards. D) word of mouth.
39) Isabella wants to advertise her company's new smart phone application that plays like a video game. She needs to target the most likely audience, as her budget is limited. Which would be the best method for Isabella to use?
A) roadside billboards B) commercials in prime time C) virtual billboards in online games D) newspaper ads
40) ___________ involves featuring particular brands in the storyline of a movie, television show, or book.
Version 1
A) Commercialization B) Couponing C) Advertising D) Product placement
41) Before radio and television, Americans typically got second-hand and politically biased information about politicians because ___________ were the primary media source for politics.
A) magazines B) commercials C) books D) newspapers
42) Which of the following was NOT a limitation of political reporting by newspapers before radio and television?
A) The information was first-hand and directly sourced. B) Newspapers were accessible only to people who could afford them. C) The news was often reported with extreme political bias. D) Newspapers were read only by people who were educated enough to read them.
43) President Franklin D. Roosevelt was famous for his _______________, which were evening radio speeches he made to the country between 1933 and 1944.
A) speeches B) commentaries C) advertisements D) fireside chats
Version 1
44) What most likely led television viewers of the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate to believe Kennedy was the clear winner, when most radio listeners thought Nixon won?
A) Nixon looked pale and tired on television. B) Nixon wore makeup. C) Kennedy looked haggard after a busy day. D) Kennedy did not wear makeup.
45) Political candidate Jones is falling behind his opponent in the polls. When one of his campaign workers uncovers a scandal buried in the opponent's past, Jones must rush to make this information public so as to hurt his opponent's reputation. What type of political advertisement would best serve Jones's purpose?
A) a fear campaign B) an exposure ad C) an attack ad D) a tell-all ad
46) Although many voters claim to disapprove of _______________________, research has shown that negative messages about a candidate have a greater effect on voting behavior than do positive messages.
A) attack ads B) political commercials C) campaign speeches D) political debates
Version 1
47) In January 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporate funding of political broadcasts is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Which of the following is an argument made by opponents of the ruling?
A) Corporate funding of political broadcasts cannot be limited. B) Only candidates who represent the interests of corporations will be able to have their voices heard. C) Unions and corporations would not have equal time in sponsorship. D) Politics and commercialization have always gone hand-in-hand.
48) ____________ campaigns are coordinated media messages that encourage the audience to take specific steps to increase or protect themselves physically and mentally.
A) Media B) Political C) Safety D) Health
49) The "Got Milk?" campaign promoted the physical and mental benefits of drinking milk daily because it was a(n) _______________ campaign.
A) advertising B) safety C) health D) media
50) Talia hears a report on the news that there is an outbreak of meningitis in her area. The local media report that one victim is a student at her school. Talia skips her classes for a week, and when she does return, she sits away from other students. Since Talia never worried about meningitis before seeing the news coverage, she has most likely been influenced by a health _____________ in the media. Version 1
A) scare B) dramatization C) campaign D) message
51) The idea that watchers of high-violence television programming may be more likely than others to justify violent behavior and objectify the victims of violence reflects which theory?
A) catalytic B) equal time C) violence action D) desensitization
52) Research suggests that the ________________________ effect is stronger for violence depicted in video games than in other media, perhaps because video-game players are engaged in generating the violent acts that are depicted.
A) desensitization B) violence C) catalytic D) negative
53) According to _________________ theory, watching violence in the media can encourage real-life violence, but only if other influences are present.
A) desensitization B) Gerbner C) catalytic D) media violence
Version 1
54) Studies by media researchers have indicated that people are particularly influenced by media-depicted violence if the violence depicted in the media
A) is portrayed in a dull manner. B) is rewarded and glorified rather than punished. C) portrays characters or situations as different than a viewer's experience. D) occurs infrequently in a program or movie.
55) In the United States, the ______________________ is the government agency charged with regulating all nongovernmental use of television and radio.
A) Supreme Court B) Federal Trade Commission C) Parental Advisory Council D) Federal Communications Commission
56) Which of the following is NOT an FCC regulation aimed at reducing the potentially negative effects of media messages?
A) equal time rule B) V-chip C) media activism D) fairness doctrine
57) According to the _____________________, a station that carries the president's State of the Union address is required to broadcast a response from the opposing political party immediately after the speech.
Version 1
A) equal time rule B) political time rule C) V-chip D) fairness doctrine
58) With the _______________, parents can limit their children's exposure to media messages that they consider harmful on television.
A) equal time rule B) V-chip C) fairness doctrine D) FCC
59) Joy's daughter suffers from an addiction to prescription painkillers. Because Joy feels that television shows treat this addiction too casually, she mounts a campaign on local television news programs to get the stations to incorporate more sensitivity to prescription drug abuse. Joy is making her voice heard through
A) complaining. B) social action. C) media activism. D) news coverage.
60) Bill watches a lot of local television news and crime dramas. He thinks that crime is a major societal issue and that ethnic minorities are the root of the problem because he sees minorities commit the most crimes during his television viewing. Bill's misconceptions about crime and minorities stem from which issue in media?
Version 1
A) inequality in minority representation B) minority opinions being silenced C) public pressure to regulate minorities on television D) stereotypical portrayal of minorities on television
61) In an effort to avoid government regulations of their content, the movie and television industries have each imposed ____________________ on themselves.
A) restrictions B) monitors C) broadcast delays D) consultants
62) The Motion Picture Association of America uses the _______________________, a means of evaluating a film's suitability for various audiences.
A) parental guidelines B) motion picture rating system C) film suggestions D) motion picture evaluation system
63) Brittney drops her ten-year-old twins off at the movies for the afternoon. She is outraged when she discovers they saw a PG-13 movie and doesn't understand why they were allowed into the theater. What did Brittney most likely misunderstand about movie ratings?
A) the movie theater was not following the rating systems B) the ratings have the force of law, the motion picture rating system C) the ratings serve as a consumer suggestion D) the ratings influence young audience members' choices
Version 1
Which of the following is a parental guideline for television viewers?
A) R B) NC-17 C) TV-G D) PG
If you use media properly to get the effects you want, you are using good media
A) potency. B) literacy. C) ethics. D) moderation.
66) Rita wants to improve her media literacy. She recognizes that an e-mail from the vice president is not actually an interpersonal message, she learns to stop resenting journalists who report on topics she dislikes, and she begins to think more carefully about the sources of her information. Rita is improving her media literacy by
A) recognizing the message form. B) considering the source. C) separating the message from the source. D) practicing media awareness.
67) Josh sees a commercial on television detailing a politician's opposition to student financial aid. Josh is outraged and vows to stop watching any channel that would show such a message. Before making this decision, what should Josh consider?
Version 1
A) separating the message from the messenger B) recognizing the message form C) considering the source D) practicing media awareness
68) If you are angry that the Twilight films did not incorporate all of the plot elements of the books, what step of media awareness are you ignoring?
A) considering the source B) recognizing the message form C) being aware of media limitations D) separating the message from the messenger
69) Filipe is a political conservative and loves Tucker Carlson's television show. Filipe watches only the Fox News Channel, as he feels other news stations are too liberal. What would best improve Filipe's media literacy?
A) becoming aware of media limitations B) guarding against bias C) becoming a media activist D) practicing media awareness
70) If you are unhappy with the content of media messages and you convey your dissatisfaction to the people who produce them, you are
A) guarding against bias. B) practicing media awareness. C) becoming a media activist. D) improving your media literacy.
Version 1
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 17 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) C 7) B 8) D 9) B 10) A 11) D 12) C 13) B 14) A 15) D 16) B 17) A 18) A 19) B 20) D 21) C 22) C 23) A 24) D 25) C 26) D Version 1
27) C 28) A 29) C 30) B 31) A 32) B 33) D 34) B 35) D 36) C 37) B 38) A 39) C 40) D 41) D 42) A 43) D 44) A 45) C 46) A 47) B 48) D 49) C 50) A 51) D 52) A 53) C 54) B 55) D 56) C Version 1
57) A 58) B 59) C 60) D 61) A 62) B 63) C 64) C 65) B 66) D 67) A 68) C 69) B 70) C Student name:__________ 1)
Your health is a product of all of the following EXCEPT
A) family history of illness. B) environmental safety. C) number of Twitter followers. D) access to medical care.
2) _______________ are people with the responsibility of tending to the mental and physical health needs of others.
A) Caregivers B) Doctors C) Nurses D) Physicians
Version 1
3) Most professional caregivers must complete years of formal training and _____________________ before they can work in the health care field.
A) practice with patients B) obtain a government-issued license C) find patients D) take a caregiver course
4) William's grandfather has dementia. William, his mother, and his cousin take turns staying with the elderly man. They feed him, bathe him, and care for his daily needs. William and his family are serving as ___________ caregivers.
A) paid B) family C) professional D) volunteer
5) After you notice some type of symptom of an illness, you are likely to engage in ________________ behavior.
A) managing B) information-seeking C) anxiety-related D) medical
Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage to information-seeking behavior?
Version 1
A) overwhelming amount of information B) conflicting advice C) learning more D) finding untrustworthy information
7) Gabrielle has been very tired and having heart palpitations. She is worried about a possible illness, so she uses Google to investigate her symptoms. She also calls her aunt, who is a trauma nurse. Gabrielle is engaging in what type of behavior?
A) anxiety-related B) medical research C) conflict-management D) information-seeking
8) A _________________ is a determination of the medical problems causing a patient's symptoms.
A) prognosis B) diagnosis C) solution D) prescription
The ____________ answers the question, "Will I get better?"
A) prognosis B) diagnosis C) solution D) prescription
Version 1
10) If your doctor identifies an illness but isn't sure the diagnosis covers the extent of the problem, the diagnosis is
A) incomplete. B) incompetent. C) relative. D) conditional.
11) Priya is diagnosed with breast cancer, and she is determined to fight it aggressively. She is offered a variety of treatment options, some more invasive than others. According to problematic integration theory, what is Priya most likely to do?
A) Find a treatment that does not intrude on her daily life. B) Keep her daily routine at all costs. C) Agree on an aggressive but effective treatment, despite strong side effects. D) Maintain her quality of life no matter what.
12) What is the largest professional association of physicians and medical students in the United States?
A) American Psychological Association B) American Medical Association C) U.S. Physicians Association D) American Health Care Association
13) Curt is an orthopedist. One of his patients is involved in a lawsuit. Curt is subpoenaed to give health information about the patient, but he refuses, citing
Version 1
A) privacy issues. B) professional courtesy. C) doctor-patient privilege. D) confidentiality.
14) You can dictate the manner in which a health care provider contacts you about a medical condition because of which law?
A) Family Medical Leave Act B) Americans With Disabilities Act C) Privacy Act D) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The privacy rule covers all forms of medical information EXCEPT
A) past, present, and future health conditions. B) de-identified health information. C) medical care you have received. D) payments you have made.
Which of the following is NOT a caregiver need?
A) information B) cooperation C) efficiency D) affection
Version 1
17) Gabe is obese and decides to start taking diet pills he sees advertised on television. He decides not to tell anyone. He starts having shortness of breath and dizziness, so he goes to see his doctor. Because Gabe is embarrassed about taking the pills, he is likely to withhold ________________ from his doctor.
A) efficiency B) cooperation C) information D) respect
18) If you withhold details from your health care provider, what is a potentially harmful consequence?
A) incorrect diagnosis B) quicker course of treatment C) doctor anger D) hurt feelings
19) Telling a receptionist your health concerns when calling, completing paperwork at the doctor's office, and answering your physician's questions are all examples of meeting what caregiver need?
A) inclusion B) efficiency C) cooperation D) information
20) Caregivers are often severely limited on time, so they need communication practices that maximize
Version 1
A) information. B) time-management. C) efficiency. D) cooperation.
21) Peggy is a pharmacist. Part of her job involves deciphering notations from doctors, such as prn ("as needed") and tid ("three times a day"). By being able to decipher these medical abbreviations, Peggy is contributing to caregiver
A) ease. B) cooperation. C) efficiency. D) laziness.
22) Competent caregivers practice ____________________, the ability to understand other people's thoughts and feelings.
A) empathy B) sympathy C) cooperation D) listening
23) According to _______________________ theory, a doctor's sex makes a difference because people expect men and women to communicate differently.
A) gender reinforcement B) reinforcement expectancy C) patient-provider D) gender bias
Version 1
24) According to reinforcement expectancy theory, male doctors will gain the most cooperation by using
A) only positive regard. B) only negative regard. C) a combination of negative and neutral regard. D) a combination of positive and neutral regard.
25) Walter has been feeling ill and goes to his doctor. He begins to detail his symptoms, and the doctor interrupts him to ask additional questions. The doctor does a physical examination and then provides his diagnosis and prescribed course of treatment. What model of patient-provider communication does Walter's doctor seem to be using?
A) physician-centered B) collaborative C) patient-centered D) competitive
26) In ____________________ communication, medical professionals dictate the duration and scope of communication with patients.
A) collaborative B) competitive C) patient-centered D) physician-centered
Which of the following factors indicates a collaborative model?
Version 1
A) The doctor asks more than 90 percent of the questions. B) The patient's experience is validated. C) The physician interrupts the patient the majority of the time. D) Patients tent to allow the doctor to control the duration of the meeting.
What is a major disadvantage to physician-centered communication?
A) It can be productive to most patients. B) It encourages patients to disclose information. C) It is efficient in its use of time. D) It can cause a patient to feel intimidated.
29) Although it recognizes the caregiver's expertise, the ____________ model also validates the patient's experience and expertise with his or her own body.
A) collaborative B) patient-centered C) coercive D) physician-centered
30) If you view your doctor as a peer and feel empowered as an equal, you are most likely participating in a __________________ model of communication.
A) coercive B) competitive C) cooperative D) collaborative
Version 1
31) Coreen is in medical school as she works toward her goal of becoming an oncologist. She is required to take communication courses and learn interviewing techniques as part of her training. What model of physician-patient communication is Coreen most likely studying?
A) physician-centered B) illness-centered C) collaborative D) competitive
32) Which field is LEAST likely to need to reduce anxiety through collaborative communication?
A) dentistry B) podiatry C) oncology D) internal medicine
What is a weakness of the collaborative approach to health communication?
A) Patients are less nervous. B) Patients feel like equals to doctors. C) It recognizes a patient's expertise. D) It requires more time.
_________________ is the use of communication technology for health consultation.
Version 1
A) E-therapy B) Telecommuting C) Telemedicine D) E-medicine
35) Trenton is a radiologist, but he does not actually meet face to face with patients. Instead, using e-mail, he receives X-ray images taken at clinics from across his state. Trenton then emails his interpretations to the clinics. Trenton is using ______________________ to assist him in his profession.
A) social media B) telemedicine C) e-therapy D) websites
36) Less time, reduction in costly office visits, and increased access to specialists are all patient advantages using
A) doctors. B) e-therapy. C) telecommuting. D) telemedicine.
37) Using ______________, a psychologist or mental health professional can provide individual therapy to a client via instant messaging or chat, e-mail, or FaceTime.
Version 1
A) telemedicine B) therapy C) e-therapy D) telecommuting
38) Carl wishes to begin treatment for his agoraphobia, a mental health condition that makes him fearful of being in public places. Because he is afraid to leave his home, Carl would most likely benefit from
A) e-therapy. B) traditional therapy. C) telecommuting. D) tele-therapy.
____________ is the body's reaction to any type of perceived threat.
A) Stress B) Pressure C) Anxiety D) Tension
Fighting with a friend or receiving an unexpected bill are examples of events that cause
A) annoyance. B) phobias. C) stress. D) social support.
Version 1
41) Eve has had a very stressful day. After getting very little sleep, she gives a huge presentation at work and loses her favorite earring. To top it all off, Eve's car breaks down on the way home. As she looks at her flat tire, Eve notices that she is breathing heavily and that her heart is racing. Eve is most likely experiencing a(n) ___________________ response.
A) hysterical B) anxiety C) social D) fight-or-flight
Which of the following is NOT true about stress?
A) The stress response has no long-term impact. B) The stress response protects us from immediate harm. C) The stress response helps us respond to a specific threat. D) The stress response can take a toll on our health.
43) If you listen to and offer advice to your friend after she breaks up with her boyfriend, you are offering ___________ support.
A) friendly B) social C) peer D) empathic
44) Fahima feels strongly about helping homeless children. She wants to volunteer at a shelter in her town. The shelter already provides food, clothing, and career counseling to its patrons. What additional type of support could Fahima offer the shelter's patrons that they aren't already getting? Version 1
A) emotional B) instrumental C) informational D) physical
45) We offer ___________ support when we help a person in distress feel that his or her problems are legitimate rather than trivial.
A) emotional B) instrumental C) esteem D) informational
What is the basic difference between instrumental and informational support?
A) One legitimizes feelings while the other provides tangible forms of support. B) One provides tangible forms of assistance while the other shares useful information or advice. C) One shares useful information or advice while the other offers time and support. D) One offers time and support while the other provides tangible forms of assistance.
47) Guy and his wife of twelve years have filed for divorce. Guy's family members all pitch in to assist him. His cousin lets Guy live with him until he can find a new apartment. His brother calls him daily, and his mother cooks his favorite foods for dinner most nights. Guy's family will most likely have a(n) ____________ effect that will help to protect Guy's health in the future.
Version 1
A) coping B) emotion-focused C) stress-buffering D) social support
48) ____________ consists of efforts to eliminate or reduce the effects of a stressful situation.
A) Social support B) Relaxation C) Coping D) Empathy
Which of the following is a coping strategy?
A) avoidance-focused B) empathy-focused C) solution-focused D) action-focused
_____________ coping does the most to reduce stress and support health.
A) Emotion-focused B) Problem-focused C) Avoidance-focused D) Solution-focused
Version 1
A grieving widow would probably find which statement the most helpful?
A) "I know exactly how you feel." B) "Things really aren't as bad as they seem." C) "I am sorry for your loss." D) "Tell me your bank password, and I'll go ahead and get your bills paid for you."
52) Dev is very concerned about health care in the United States. He follows news coverage on ___________ so that he can keep track of lawmakers' and the president's stances on issues and their most likely actions.
A) health policy B) public health threats C) medical screening D) medical treatments
53) ________________ is the tendency of media personnel to favor dramatic health stories and exaggerate their importance.
A) Yellow journalism B) Overstating C) Amplification D) Sensationalism
54) Research has found that newspapers have a tendency to give significantly more coverage to health risks such as reckless driving than their actual mortality rates would warrant while underreporting health risks of much higher consequences such as tobacco use, thus exhibiting
Version 1
A) sensationalism. B) tabloid journalism. C) reverse sensationalism. D) yellow journalism.
55) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of being exposed to medical information and practices via entertainment?
A) Watching shows such as Grey's Anatomy has been shown to make women more likely to obtain a cancer screening. B) Exposure to the dramatization of drug overdoses can increase knowledge about the dangers of self-poisoning. C) Watching medical dramas enables viewers to do CPR appropriately. D) Medical students improved communication skills with patients after viewing medical dramas.
56) Vito's favorite shows are The Resident and Chicago Med. Because he wants to be a doctor, he listens carefully and observes how things like performing CPR and checking vital signs are done. Because most of Vito's health messages come from _______________, he most likely will not be successful if he attempts to take these actions in his real life.
A) advertising B) entertainment C) realistic programming D) medical shows
Version 1
57) Robin has always exercised regularly and eaten a healthy, well-rounded diet. However, Robin begins to watch more television and read fashion magazines when she moves away from home to attend college. Even though she has never worried about her body before, Robin suddenly begins to think she is fat and is dissatisfied with her body. This demonstrates how media can impact
A) body image. B) emotions. C) perception. D) image.
58) Multiple studies have shown that people act more aggressively than usual after witnessing __________ on television shows or in video games.
A) violence B) aggression C) anger D) fighting
59) ______________ theory proposes that people base their behavioral decisions on the interaction of cognitive and environmental factors.
A) Health belief B) Reasoned action C) Social cognitive D) Action
60) According to the theory of ____________, even if you intend to take a certain action, you must also have self-efficacy to find success.
Version 1
A) social cognition B) reasoned action C) planned behavior D) health belief
61) Anika has had high blood pressure for several years. Though her friends, family, and doctor have all expressed concerns about her health, Anika does not see a need to change her behavior. According to the transtheoretical model, what stage of behavior is Anika exhibiting?
A) action B) maintenance C) contemplation D) precontemplation
62) As you research various diet plans to see which one works best, you are ___________, according to the transtheoretical model.
A) contemplating B) preparing C) acting D) maintaining
Which of the following is NOT part of planning a successful health campaign?
A) defining the goal B) identifying the communication channels C) understanding the audience D) interpreting feedback
Version 1
64) Hashim has been asked by his school's student government association to plan a health campaign targeting incoming freshman. He notices that many new students drink even though they are underage. Hashim therefore ________________ to be reducing underage and binge drinking.
A) defines his goal B) indentifies his channels C) targets his audience D) conducts his campaign
65) Danielle's PR firm is involved in a health campaign aimed at encouraging families to eat more organic produce. As she works on print ads for the campaign, Danielle realizes that she should put these ads into several different languages to have a larger impact. What factor is Danielle taking into consideration?
A) How large is the population to be reached? B) How diverse is the population to be reached? C) Does the audience need repeated exposure? D) What communication channels will the audience be using?
66) When you consider the time, money, materials, help, and personal connections you have at your disposal, you are answering what question?
A) How large is the population I want to reach? B) How diverse is the population I want to reach? C) Do I need repeated exposure for success? D) What resources do I have?
Version 1
67) ________________ appeals aim to educate people by pointing out cause-and-effect relationships between behaviors and health outcomes.
A) Negative-affect B) Emotional C) Logical D) Positive-affect
68) _________________ appeals might make a message entertaining or pleasant, such as with humor or exhilarating music.
A) Emotional B) Positive-affect C) Logical D) Negative-affect
69) Sam is assisting the student life department at his university with its campaign to get students to exercise more. Sam isn't sure how students will respond to the current format of the message and would like some feedback before launching the full campaign. What would best help Sam evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign?
A) a pilot test B) surveys C) interviews D) a test run
What is the final step in planning a health campaign?
Version 1
A) to understand the audience B) to define the goal C) to evaluate the outcomes D) to implement the campaign
Version 1
Answer Key Test name: chapter 18 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) D 5) B 6) C 7) D 8) B 9) A 10) D 11) C 12) B 13) C 14) D 15) B 16) D 17) C 18) A 19) D 20) C 21) C 22) A 23) B 24) D 25) A 26) D Version 1
27) B 28) D 29) A 30) D 31) C 32) B 33) D 34) C 35) B 36) D 37) C 38) A 39) A 40) C 41) D 42) A 43) B 44) A 45) C 46) B 47) C 48) C 49) A 50) B 51) C 52) A 53) D 54) C 55) C 56) B Version 1
57) A 58) A 59) C 60) C 61) D 62) B 63) D 64) A 65) B 66) D 67) C 68) B 69) A 70) C
Version 1