Test Bank For Criminal Investigation 12th Editionby Kären Hess, Christine Orthmann, Henry Cho

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Test Bank For Criminal Investigation 12th Edition Kären M. Hess, Christine Hess Orthmann, Henry Lim Cho Chapter 1-21 Chapter 1 - Criminal Investigation: An Overview 1. What term is used to describe a legislative act relating to prohibited conduct, and attaching a penalty or punishment to that conduct? a. criminal statute b. ordinance c. elements of the crime d. certiorari ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Define criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:22 AM 2. On the scene of a criminal investigation, what should always be protected from the elements by being covered, until photographing and measuring can be done? a. evidence b. minutiae c. testimony d. latent investigation ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:37 AM 3. Investigators that are working in what division often have more lenient standards of physical appearance and are allowed to have things such as having tattoos or body piercings? a. undercover b. patrol c. Crime scene investigations d. victim advocacy ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:45 AM 4. The preferred method that a criminal uses when they are committing a crime is known as __________: a. modus operandi. b. mens rea. c. ex parte. d. Amicus curiae. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Primary Goals of Criminal Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:44 AM 5. A fact is: a. an action, an event, a circumstance, or an actual thing done. b. a process of reasoning. c. an action based on the known facts. d. a personal belief ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Characteristics of an Effective Investigator QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:44 AM 6. An inference is a(n): a. form of probability error b. process of reasoning by which a fact may be deduced. c. coincidence and meaningless to investigators. d. expectation of guilt. ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Characteristics of an Effective Investigator QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:48 AM 7. Securing the crime scene is a major responsibility of the: a. dispatchers. b. forensic specialists. c. first officer(s) on the scene. d. field supervisor. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:51 AM 8. Spontaneous statements uttered by individuals at the time of a crime, concerning and closely related to actions involved in the crime, are referred to as what type of statements? a. in flagrante delicto b. exculpatory c. res gestae d. mediating ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:54 AM 9. At a death scene, what is of immediate concern? a. relocating the body b. identifying the body c. preserving the scene d. determining the cause of death Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 12:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 12:56 AM 10. Crime mapping focuses on: a. hot spots, or the location, where crime occurs. b. factors. c. the use of maps to direct officers to the scene. d. the individual criminal and their subsequent activity. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:28 AM 11. Which statement is one of the four basic principles of CompStat? a. a clear and concise focus on exculpatory evidence. b. disposition of information c. the use of intuition to increase solvability factors. d. relentless follow-up and assessment ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:37 AM 12. The act of sifting through a plethora of available, and often overwhelming information to find the data that pertains to an investigator’s case is referred to as: a. data dumping. b. data diving c. data banking. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. data mining. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:39 AM 13. The initial contact with a police agency is usually made between a citizen and a(n): a. patrol officer. b. detective c. dispatcher. d. investigator. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:47 AM 14. The initial response by law enforcement crucial to as most cases are lost within how many hours of the start of the investigation? a. Within the first hour b. Within the first 24 hours c. Within the first 48 hours d. Within the first 72 hours ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:51 AM 15. What type of response time from law enforcement is necessary to increase the probability of arrest at the scene? a. one minute or less b. three to five minutes Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. 5 to 10 minutes d. law enforcement response time is not correlated with probability of arrest. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:53 AM 16. Whose staff can provide information and advice to investigators about legal issues, search and seizure, warrants, confessions, and admissibility of evidence? a. defense counsel b. ACLU c. prosecutor d. federal task force ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:54 AM 17. Medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) have the authority to investigate deaths and determine whether they were: a. natural b. accidental c. the result of a criminal act d. all of these choices ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:56 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. Which approach to case investigation involves using specialists in various fields from within a particular jurisdiction? a. multijurisdictional b. multidisciplinary c. multipredictory d. multicriminalistic ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major-Case Task Forces QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 1:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 1:59 AM 19. According to the National Institute of Justice, a case is considered “backlogged” after a case has been submitted to the lab and sat untested for how many days? a. 7 days b. 30 days c. 60 days d. 90 days ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Forensic Labatory QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:04 AM 20. What type of crime is considered the most serious type of crime, and is punishable by a sentence of more than one year in prison, and in some states, even death? a. Misdemeanor b. Felony c. Ordinance Violation d. Civil Liability ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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21. Experiments have shown that the initial investigations by patrol officers can be as effective as those conducted by specialists, like detectives. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Investigative Functions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:16 AM 22. Investigators must remain detached and uninvolved, otherwise the problems of those with whom they are in contact, will decrease their ability to remain objective. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Psychological Characteristics QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:17 AM 23. The first goal of the investigator is to assess whether the evidence corroborates a specific offense. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Investigative Functions: The Responsibility of All Police Personnel QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.02 - Describe the basic functions performed by investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:19 AM 24. A fact is an action, an event, a circumstance, or an actual thing done. In contrast, an inference is a process of reasoning by which a fact may be deduced. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Characteristics of an Effective Investigator QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:20 AM 25. It is more difficult to expand the perimeter of a crime scene than it is to make the crime scene smaller. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:21 AM 26. Locard’s principle of exchange states that when objects come in contact with one another, there is always a transfer of material (however small) between those two objects. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:22 AM 27. The media has a constitutional right to enter any crime scene to which the general public does not have access. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:36 AM 28. It is common for crime victims to misclassify what has occurred. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:38 AM 29. Today the majority of law enforcement agencies use some degree of geographic information systems (GISs) or mapping technology to locate callers and to provide first responders with critical information before arriving on the scene. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:39 AM 30. Before any in-custody interrogation, an officer must read the Miranda warning to a suspect. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:42 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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31. In a community policing paradigm, investigators rely heavily on assistance from numerous other individuals, agencies, and liaisons. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:44 AM 32. Community policing is best defined as philosophy that addresses public safety issues (such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime) by working through organizational strategies to support the systematic use of partnerships and problemsolving techniques to proactively respond to public safety issues a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:45 AM 33. If a suspect is known, or has confessed, an investigator is not required to prove the elements of the crime nor establish evidence connecting the suspect with the criminal act. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Follow Up Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:47 AM 34. Scientific evidence supports a belief that eyewitness identification is very credible and reliable. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.05 - Explain how investigators decide whether or not to pursue a criminal investigation and what information they consider in this process. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:48 AM 35. What is the name of the world’s largest police organization, consisting of 194 member countries, providing investigators in agencies worldwide with current crime trend information? a. INTERPOL b. DHS c. ATF d. DEA ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major-Case Task Forces QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:50 AM 36. What member of the investigative team is usually the first to arrive at a crime scene and often has the unique opportunity to observe the crime scene before it is disturbed? a. Patrol Officer b. Detective c. Crime Scene Investigator/Criminalist d. Assistant District Attorney ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:51 AM 37. Probation and parole officers might be good sources of information for investigators for which of the following reasons? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. They may be able to provide valuable information on repeat offenders b. They often have advanced photography training and can assist with crime scene investigation c. They often have advanced degrees in criminal psychology and can provide insight as to an offender’s psychological profile. d. None of these because probation and parole officers are rarely sought as sources of information. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:53 AM 38. Rossmo (2009) identified the reasons behind criminal investigative failure, and grouped faulty thinking into three general categories. Which category attempts to explain mental errors, such as the investigator having “tunnel vision?” a. Cognitive Bias b. Organizational Traps c. Probability Errors d. Organizational Failures ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 2:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 2:58 AM 39. Investigators learn to recognize when a case is unsolvable, but only after all the _______ (or avenues bearing clues of potential sources of information relevant to solving the crime), have been exhausted. leads ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Define criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 12:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 12:49 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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40. Determining the _______________ is more important than obtaining a conviction or closing a case. truth ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Primary Goals of Criminal Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 12:52 AM 41. Effective investigators are also ________, which means they are skilled at interacting across gender, ethnic, generational, social and political group lines. culturally adroit ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember | Intellectual Characteristics DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 12:55 AM 42. What is the name, or title, given to the specialist who scientifically develops, processes, and packages all physical evidence found at the crime scene? Crime Scene Investigator or CSI ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.02 - Describe the basic functions performed by investigators. KEYWORDS: Basic Functions | Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 12:59 AM 43. Life threatening situations, such as downed power lines, chemical spills, or detonated explosives are all examples of ________that investigators may encounter on a scene. environmental hazards ANSWER: POINTS: 1 QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 12:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:01 AM 44. For investigators who specialize or work on family, domestic, or child related crimes, ________can be valuable partners in helping elicit relevant information from suspects and victims alike. social services ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Various individuals with whom investigators interrelate. QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:03 AM 45. Shrinking police budgets and the complications of modern day crime have resulted in __________becoming necessary to solve many crimes. task forces/major task forces ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:05 AM 46. Criminals often leave __________, which is less visible evidence such as fingerprints, small particles of glass or dirt, body hairs, or clothing fibers. trace evidence ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Primary Goals of Criminal Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:06 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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47. Investigators can use _______________ tests to develop and lift fingerprints; discover flammable substances through vapor and fluid examination; detect drugs, explosive substances on hands or clothing, imprints of firearms on hands or bullet-hole residue; and conduct many other tests. field ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:09 AM 48. Res gestae statements are generally an exception to the _______________ rule because they are usually very closely related to facts and are therefore admissible in court. hearsay ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:10 AM 49. A persons degree of risk being sued is also called their __________ civil liability ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Civil Liability QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:19 AM 50. What is the definition of an “investigation”? An investigation is a patient, step-by-step inquiry or observation, a careful examination, a ANSWER: recording of evidence, or a legal inquiry. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions Pertinent to Criminal Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:40 AM 51. What are the primary goals of a criminal investigation? The major goals of a criminal investigation are to determine whether a crime has been ANSWER: committed, legally obtain sufficient information and evidence to identify the responsible person, locate and arrest the suspect, recover stolen property, and present the best possible case to the prosecutor. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Primary Goals of Criminal Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.01 - Summarize the primary goals of the criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:21 AM 52. What are some physical characteristics of effective investigators? Effective investigators obtain and retain information, apply technical knowledge, and ANSWER: remain open-minded, objective, and logical. They are emotionally well-balanced, detached, inquisitive, suspecting, discerning, self-disciplined, and persevering. Furthermore, they are physically fit and have good vision and hearing. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Characteristics of an Effective Investigator QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.03 - Understand the intellectual, psychological, and physical characteristics possessed by an effective investigator. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:22 AM 53. After having dealt with any emergency, what is the first and most important function of a first responder? The first and most important function of a first responder is to protect the crime scene and ANSWER: evidence. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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54. What are the officer’s responsibilities during the preliminary investigation? ANSWER: Responsibilities during the preliminary investigation include questioning victims, witnesses, and suspects; conducting a neighborhood canvass; measuring, photographing, videotaping, and sketching the scene; searching for evidence; identifying, collecting, examining, and processing physical evidence; and recording all statements and observations in notes. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:24 AM 55. What is the difference between crime mapping and location intelligence? ANSWER: Using computers such as CompStat, crime mapping gives analysts and policymakers a graphic representation of crime and its related issues. Location intelligence solutions consist of a combination of software, data, and expert services that help organizations leverage spatial capabilities without the need for a GIS expert. Location intelligence includes automatic vehicle location (AVL) and global positioning systems (GPSs). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:25 AM 56. Discuss the advantage of geographic profiling in a criminal investigation. Include a definition of the phrase “least effort” principle in your discussion. ANSWER: Geographic profiling is an advancement in mapping that is based on the theory that all people, including criminals, have a pattern to their lives. This pattern involves, among other things, a limited geographical area that encompasses the bulk of a person’s daily activities. According to the “least effort” principle of human behavior, people travel only as far as necessary to accomplish their goals, so the most likely area for a crime is where an offender’s desire for anonymity intersects with the offender’s desire to stay within his or her comfort zone. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:27 AM 57. What are several ways to implement AVL/GPS technology in police work? In your answer, define AVL and GPS and describe their use. The definition of AVL is automatic vehicle location and GPS is global positioning system. ANSWER: Three ways to implement AVL/GPS technology are: (1) to place a unit inside or on a police vehicle, (2) to install a unit into a laptop computer, or (3) to equip the officer’s portable radio with a built-in GPS transceiver. Note: Automated vehicle location is a class of technologies designed to locate vehicles for fleet management purposes and f o r stolen vehicle recovery. Infrastructure can be land-based radio towers or satellites. Global positioning systems were originally designed by the Department of Defense, and are now used in a myriad of functions, including driving locations and locating lost pets or children. Police now can place locators on suspects’ vehicles to track their movements. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computer-Aided Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:28 AM 58. Clarify the role and relationship investigators should have with the media, and explain why this role is necessary. A healthy relationship with the media fosters a positive relationship with the general ANSWER: public. Dealing with the media is inevitable, and investigators should keep those dealings positive and professional. They depend on one another and have a mutual need for cooperation. Police rely on the media to disseminate news about wanted suspects, to seek witnesses, and to convey important information quickly to the public. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Investigation and Police Contact QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:29 AM 59. What is the purpose of case screening? Case screening is used to help determine solvability factors and whether to continue with ANSWER: an investigation. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Incident Review and Solvability Factors: A Critical Step in Managing Criminal Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.05 - Explain how investigators decide whether or not to pursue a criminal investigation and what information they consider in this process. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:31 AM 60. What is the role of medical examiners and coroners? Medical examiners and coroners’ offices provide death investigation services. These ANSWER: officers are responsible for the medicolegal investigation of deaths. They may conduct death scene investigations, perform autopsies, and determine the cause and manner of death when a person has died as a result of violence, under suspicious circumstances, without a physician in attendance, or for other reasons. Medical examiners and coroners’ offices provide death investigation services. These RATIONALE: officers are responsible for the medicolegal investigation of deaths. They may conduct death scene investigations, perform autopsies, and determine the cause and manner of death when a person has died as a result of violence, under suspicious circumstances, without a physician in attendance, or for other reasons. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Liaisons Within a Community Policing Paradigm QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.06 - Identify the various individuals and entities with whom successful investigators interrelate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:43 AM 61. What four elements are included in protection against lawsuits? Protection against lawsuits includes effective policies and procedures clearly ANSWER: communicated to all, thorough and continuous training, proper supervision and discipline, and accurate, thorough police reports. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:33 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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62. What legal statute states that anyone who acts under the authority of law and who violates another person’s constitutional rights can be sued? ANSWER: Most civil lawsuits brought against law enforcement officers are based on Statute 42 of the U.S. Code, Section 1983, also called the Civil Rights Act. This Act, passed in 1871, was designed to prevent the abuse of constitutional rights by officers who “under color of state law” denied defendants those rights. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:37 AM 63. Define the term exculpatory evidence. Exculpatory evidence is evidence that may be favorable to the accused. ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:38 AM 64. As a police investigator, what is one of the best ways to avoid lawsuits or to defend oneself if sued? The police investigator should keep complete, accurate records of all official actions he or ANSWER: she takes. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.07 - Describe some of the ways investigators can protect against civil lawsuits. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 1:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 1:38 AM

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Chapter 2 - Documenting the Crime Scene: Note Taking, Photo, and Sketch 1. Which are permanent written records of the facts of a case to be used in further investigation, in writing reports, and in prosecuting the case? a. field notes b. tape recordings c. investigative notes d. stenographer notes ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 4:36 AM 2. One of the disadvantages of photographs is that they: a. can be taken immediately and thus the crime scene processors have not prepared the scene. b. do not show actual distances. c. are not admissible into court. d. are only allowed in court if black and white. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 4:39 AM 3. The amount of notes taken is determined by: a. the conditions of each case. b. whether the crime is a felony or not. c. department policy and procedure. d. calls for service. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:39 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. When taking notes, the investigator should: a. ignore unimportant items. b. write only the important items. c. learn to select key facts and record them in abbreviated form. d. never take notes but always memorize things verbatim and record them later. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 4:50 AM 5. The Handbook of Forensic Services recommends when taking photographs/videotape, the investigator should: a. take the primary points of concern or interest. b. take only those shots wanted by the prosecutor. c. examine the scene from all sides and take only the sides of the crime scene that show the best view. d. take sufficient photographs and/or videotape to reconstruct the entire scene. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:02 AM 6. Who takes most crime scene photographs? a. investigators b. attorneys c. news media d. coroner’s staff ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Crime scene photographs are: a. substitutes for sketches. b. substitutes for notes. c. better than sketches. d. effective visual aids. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:02 AM 8. Which type of camera is most likely to cause privacy issues? a. Polaroid b. dash camera c. point-and-shoot camera d. body camera ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:02 AM 9. These cameras are specially constructed to take pictures of fingerprints without distortion. They provide their own light through four bulbs, one in each corner. Removing a bulb from any corner provides slanted lighting to show fingerprint ridge detail. They are: a. tripod cameras. b. fingerprint cameras. c. backlit cameras. d. blacklight cameras. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:01 AM 10. Which of the following is the most expensive type of photographic equipment used in criminal investigations? a. body-worn cameras b. fingerprint cameras c. video cameras d. instant-print cameras ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:05 AM 11. A major advance is the ability of computer software to stitch together digital photos of 180 degrees or more to create one 360-degree photo—a panoramic view of a crime scene that is interactive, allowing viewers, including jury members, to walk through it as though they were there. This type of 360-degree photographic view is called: a. an aerial view. b. an exploded view. c. immersive imaging. d. walkthrough imaging. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:11 AM 12. Photographs should be taken: a. before officers leave the scene. b. only after the investigators complete a crime scene sketch. c. before tending to emergencies, to show the “true” scene as officers found it. d. before anything is disturbed. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:21 AM 13. Photographs should be taken in the following order: a. specific objects, specific area, and general area b. specific area, general area, and specific objects c. general area, specific area, and specific objects d. micro to macro in all cases ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:53 AM 14. What should be photographed first? a. the deceased b. weapons c. fragile areas d. witnesses ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:26 AM 15. Surveillance photography is often called: a. crime scene photography. b. trap photography. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. lineup photography. d. geographical photography. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:32 AM 16. What system includes a written description, complete measurements, and a photograph of a person? a. The Bertillon System b. The Dees System c. The Dutelle System d. The Forensic System ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:32 AM 17. The photographic technique in which a scene is photographed clockwise, with the first picture showing a specific object on one side of the photograph and the next picture showing the same object on the opposite side of the photograph, is called: a. scoping. b. cross-projection-photography. c. overlapping. d. triangulation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:35 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. Which type of photography may be best used for extensive, large-scale, outside areas? a. flash photography b. aerial photography c. painting with light d. walking flash ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:37 AM 19. Which type of photography is often used to establish the identity of a subject, a location, and in some cases criminal behavior? a. surveillance b. infra-red c. digital d. mobile ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 5:39 AM 20. Which process would enlarge the evidence to be viewed? a. microphotography b. macrophotography c. paleontology d. odontology ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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21. Which of the following statements about photographic resolution is true? a. Resolution is commonly quantified by pixels. b. An image photographed with a high-resolution camera, if printed on a low-resolution printer, will show fine detail clearly. c. A megapixel is roughly equivalent to 2,000 dots. d. A low-resolution image, if enlarged too much, will not lose quality. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:05 AM 22. Which type of photograph would best capture the immediate crime scene and the location of objects in the area or room? a. long-range shot b. medium-range shot c. close-range shot d. none of these choices ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:07 AM 23. What is a frequent objection when photographs are used in court? a. color distortion b. image preservation c. copy distortion d. tampering ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:14 AM 24. Admissible photographs must be: a. inflammatory. b. material. c. irrelevant. d. extraneous. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:16 AM 25. What type of photograph helps explain testimony? a. a relevant photograph b. a material photograph c. a competent photograph d. a complete photograph ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:23 AM 26. A sketch drawn or personally witnessed by an investigator that accurately portrays a crime scene and that is allowed into evidence is referred to as: a. freehand. b. exculpatory. c. admissible. d. courtroom. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Sketches and Drawings in Court QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.09 - Describe the requirements for a sketch or a scale drawing to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:36 AM 27. Showing the relationship between evidence on the walls and the floors of a room, by flattening out the walls on the sketch, allowing the viewer to look straight down into the sketch, is best done using which of the following methods? a. compass-point b. cross-projection c. rectangular-coordination d. doll-house ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:35 AM 28. Which of the following does a crime scene sketch accomplish? a. accurately portrays the measurable facts b. relates to the disarray of events at the scene c. establishes the precise location and relationship of objects and evidence at the scene d. finds perspective witnesses ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Sketches: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:32 AM 29. Which plotting method establishes a straight line from one fixed point to another fixed point from which measurements are taken at right angles? a. baseline b. rectangular-coordinate Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. triangulation d. cross-projection ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:35 AM 30. In which direction should the top of a sketch be oriented? a. west b. north c. south d. east ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:38 AM 31. Digital recorders are rapidly replacing notebooks in law enforcement note taking. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:42 AM 32. Note taking should never, under any circumstance, be delayed or postponed. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:44 AM 33. The basic purpose of note taking is to convict and punish offenders. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Notes in Court QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 7:54 AM 34. Notes are not admissible in court. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Notes in Court QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 8:01 AM 35. A notebook is only a temporary report to record facts and has no real evidentiary value in itself. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Retaining Notes Admissibility of Notes in Court QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:53 PM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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36. One of the advantages of videos is accurate representation of a crime scene a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:55 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 11:57 PM 37. The basic purpose of crime scene photography is to record the entire crime scene permanently. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:57 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 11:58 PM 38. Photographs and videotapes reproduce the crime scene in detail, primarily for presentation to the media. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:04 AM 39. Cameras may be stored wherever they are most readily available for use. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:58 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 11:59 PM 40. The purpose of a marker in a photograph is to show accurate or relative size. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:06 AM 41. If an item of evidence has been moved before being photographed, do not put it back. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:08 AM 42. Checklists are a critical aspect of the law enforcement function, especially when it comes to crime scene photography. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:09 AM 43. It is important to take crime scene photographs from eye level. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM 44. Microphotography is useful in criminal investigations because it renders bruises and injuries visible long after their actual occurrence. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:15 AM 45. Ultraviolet-light photography is used to document bite marks, neck strangulation marks, and other impressions left from intentional injuries. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM 46. All investigative photography is done in the field. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:17 AM 47. Evidence not discernible to the naked eye can be detected by laser-beam photography. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:19 AM 48. Most digital cameras record technical information about each photograph. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:19 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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49. To be admissible in court, photographs must be material, relevant, competent, accurate, free of distortion, and noninflammatory. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM 50. An investigator’s scene sketch is often an extremely important investigative aid. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Sketches: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:24 AM 51. It is best to include every possible detail in a crime scene sketch. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Rough Sketch QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:28 AM 52. The first step in sketching a crime scene is to outline the area and the crime. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:29 AM 53. The rough sketch must always be drawn to scale. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Rough Sketch QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:32 AM 54. When rechecking measurements, if an error is made, cross it out, make the correction and _______________. initial ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Characteristics of Effective Notes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:45 AM 55. Specialized cameras such as binocular cameras and trip cameras are helpful in _______________. surveillance ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:45 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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56. Take _______________ shots first because they are the most subject to alteration by weather and security violations. exterior ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:48 AM 57. The technique in which a scene is photographed clockwise, with the first picture showing an object on the right side of the photograph and the next picture showing the same object on the left side of the photograph, is called ______________. overlapping ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:49 AM 58. ______________ originated in 19th century France when Alphonse Bertillon developed a method of identification. mug shots ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:51 AM 59. To overcome defense challenges that a digital image was altered or otherwise tampered with, investigators must rigorously maintain the _______________. chain of custody ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:52 AM 60. _______________ is commonly used in outdoor scenes but can also be used indoors. This process of locating evidence or other items uses straight-line measures from two fixed objects. Triangulation ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:53 AM 61. The plotting method restricted to square or rectangular areas is the ________________-coordinate method. rectangular ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:54 AM 62. A crime scene sketch contains, among other things, the scale of the sketch, the direction of north, and the name of the person making the sketch. This is referred to as the ________________. legend ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:54 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. A sketch that is drawn or personally witnessed by an investigator, that accurately portrays a crime scene, and that is introduced as evidence is referred to as a(n) ________________ sketch. admissible ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Sketches and Drawings in Court QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.09 - Describe the requirements for a sketch or a scale drawing to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:58 AM 64. What typically determines where and how notes are to be filed? Department policy usually determines where and how notes are filed. ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.01 - Explain why notes are important in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:02 AM 65. Replace When should the investigator start taking notes? The investigator should start taking notes as soon as possible after receiving a call to ANSWER: respond and continue recording information as it is received throughout the investigation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Field Notes: The Basics QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.02 - Identify the characteristics of effective notes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:00 AM 66. What are some of the advantages of videos? Some advantages of videos are: they accurately represent the crime scene and evidence; ANSWER: they are able to show distance more clearly than photos; and they have sound capability to document more fully what is being seen. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:01 AM 67. What are some of the disadvantages of videos? A disadvantage of videos is that many people mistakenly believe that no training in ANSWER: videotaping is necessary. Some common mistakes include shooting without planning ahead, shooting too much, poor focusing, zooming too much, jerky camera movements, including unintentional audio, and failing to use a tripod. These errors can lead to poor video quality and a diminished value in the video’s documentation of the crime scene. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Photography: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.03 - Summarize the purposes served by crime scene photography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:02 AM 68. What is immersive imaging? Immersive imaging is a type of 360-degree photographic view. Crime Scene Virtual Tour ANSWER: (CSVT) software lets jurors virtually step into a crime scene. The software allows the scene to be viewed from any angle with zoom, pan, tilt, and rotate features. If a witness claims to have been standing at a certain place, an investigator can virtually go there to view that perspective. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:03 AM 69. What kind of camera is useful for photographing trace evidence such as bloodstains and tool marks? Fingerprint cameras are specially constructed to take pictures of fingerprints without ANSWER: distortion. This camera can also photograph trace evidence such as bloodstains and tool marks. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Basic Photographic Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.04 - Describe the minimum photographic equipment an investigator should have available and be skilled in using. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:04 AM 70. Imagine you are at the scene of a homicide. The victim was murdered on the sidewalk in front of a public building on a busy street. Briefly record the photographs you need to take and in what order they should be taken. First, photograph the general area. This would include the street scene, the sidewalk, the ANSWER: front of the building, and any other general areas in the vicinity of the crime scene. Then photograph specific areas, which would include the placement of the body, from all views. Specific areas might also include the entrance to the building, if the victim was shot going into or coming out of the building, or a nearby parked car, and if the victim was getting out of or into the car. Finally, photograph specific objects of evidence such as the weapon, any bullet casing or shells, blood stains or spatter, articles of clothing, or any other type of physical evidence. Exterior shots should be taken first because they are the most subject to alteration by weather and security violations. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Training in and Using Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.05 - Understand what should be photographed at a crime scene and in what sequence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:04 AM 71. When would it be appropriate to use surveillance photography? Surveillance photography establishes the identity of a subject or records criminal behavior ANSWER: without the photographer’s presence being known to the subject. The photographs or video can help identify a suspect’s associates, destroy an alibi, plan a raid, or develop a surveillance plan. With a well-thought-out plan, surveillance tapes can potentially be a “real force multiplier for law enforcement agencies of any size.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:05 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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72. What type of items would one photograph in a laboratory? Not all investigative photography is done in the field. Sometimes objects are ANSWER: photographed in a laboratory with special equipment that is too large, delicate, or expensive to use in the field. For example, infrared film photographs can reveal the contents of unopened envelopes, bloodstains, alterations to documents, variations in types of ink, and residue near where a bullet has passed through clothing. X-ray cameras can detect loaded dice. Microphotography takes pictures through a microscope and can help identify minute particles of evidence such as hairs or fibers. In contrast, macrophotography enlarges a subject. For example, a fingerprint or a tool mark can be greatly enlarged to show the details of ridges or striations. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Investigative Photography QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.06 - Identify the various types of photography used in criminal investigations and the circumstances in which they are applied. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:06 AM 73. Explain what conditions a photograph needs to satisfy in order to be admitted as evidence in court. Photographs must be material, relevant, competent, accurate, free of distortion, and ANSWER: noninflammatory to be admissible in court. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Photographs in Court QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.07 - Explain the specific criteria photographs must meet to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:07 AM 74. Imagine you are at the scene of a car accident involving two vehicles and a pedestrian. What evidence would you sketch? All crash scenes should be sketched after photographs are taken and before anything is ANSWER: moved. Sketch the entire scene, the objects, and the evidence. For a car accident with two vehicles and a pedestrian, a sketch should include the following, at a minimum: placement of the vehicles, the pedestrian, the stoplight or stop sign, the lanes and direction of traffic, any obstacles (visual or physical) in the area, and all permanent fixtures such as buildings, benches, planters, etc. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Rough Sketch QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:08 AM 75. Briefly outline the six steps in making a sketch of a crime scene. To sketch a crime scene, the six steps are: ANSWER: • • • • • •

observe and plan measure distances and outline the area plot objects and evidence within outline take notes and record details identify the sketch with a legend and a scale reassess the sketch.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Steps in Sketching the Crime Scene QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.08 - List the steps involved in making a rough sketch. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:10 AM 76. When creating a scale drawing of a crime scene, what does an officer need to consider in order for the drawing to be admissible in court? An admissible sketch is drawn or personally witnessed by an investigator and accurately ANSWER: portrays a crime scene. A scale drawing also is admissible if the investigating officer drew it or approved it after it was drawn and if it accurately represents the rough sketch. The rough sketch must remain available as evidence. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Admissibility of Sketches and Drawings in Court QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.02.09 - Describe the requirements for a sketch or a scale drawing to be admissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 3:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 3:10 AM

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Chapter 3 - Writing Effective Reports 1. Other than writing reports, first responders spend a majority of their time: a. speaking to citizens. b. driving around, patrolling their zones. c. investigating crimes. d. speaking to victims. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Importance of Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.01 - Explain why reports are important to an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:40 AM 2. Citizen Online Report Writing is appropriate for: a. discovery crimes. b. involvement crimes. c. both discovery crimes and involvement crimes. d. neither discovery crimes nor involvement crimes. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Citizen Online Report Writing QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:43 AM 3. Who is most likely to read an investigative report? a. the suspect b. the victim c. the judge d. the victim’s family ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Audience QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.03 - Identify the various individuals who comprise your audience and may read your reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:43 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Which is associated with some of the common problems with police reports? a. inability to type b. inability to communicate with victims c. completed information d. misspelled words ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Common Problems with Many Police Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.04 - List the common problems that occur in many police reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:48 AM 5. When organizing notes for a police report, officers should: a. use a table of contents. b. place the notes in concurrent order. c. use headings to guide the reader. d. prepare an exhibit list. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.04 - List the common problems that occur in many police reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:50 AM 6. The disposition of the case is stated in the______________ paragraph of a report narrative. a. opening b. final c. narrative d. summary ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.04 - List the common problems that occur in many police reports. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Which of the following statements is a concise statement? a. She drove a black 2006 Chevrolet Tahoe. b. She drove an SUV. c. She drove a car that was a 2006 Chevrolet Tahoe that was black in color. d. She drove a vehicle that was black. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM 8. Which of the following is true of writing completed in the active voice? a. The subject does not take any action. b. The subject of the sentence performs the actions. c. The sentences are active in terms of the reader. d. Exact quotations are always used. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:17 AM 9. Officers should write reports in the: a. present tense. b. passive voice. c. third person. d. first person. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:20 AM 10. Which of the following statements is in the first person? a. “This officer made the arrest.” b. “The arrest was made by this officer.” c. “Previously this officer made this arrest.” d. “I made the arrest.” ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:22 AM 11. Words that have little emotional effect, for example, cried, are called: a. emotive. b. psychological. c. denotative. d. corroborating. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:25 AM 12. Words that have an emotional effect, such as wept or blubbered, are called: a. denotative. b. connotative. c. exculpatory. d. exclusionary. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:27 AM 13. Due process disclosure of what type of evidence must be determined and made by the prosecutor? a. informal b. attitudinal c. exculpatory d. hearsay ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:35 AM 14. The statement “the man could not walk a straight line” is an example of: a. a fact. b. a conclusionary statement. c. an observation. d. a false statement. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:37 AM 15. A common mistake often found in police reports is using the phrase: a. “the PC for the stop.” b. “the PT for the stop.” c. “he saw what happened.” d. “he heard what happened.” ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:39 AM 16. Being concise means to: a. leave out details. b. limit yourself to one paragraph. c. make every word count. d. be subjective. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:41 AM 17. Slanting, that is, including only one side of a story or only facts that tend to prove or support the officer’s theory, can make a report: a. objective. b. exclusionary. c. subjective. d. exculpatory. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:07 AM 18. Presynct field-based reporting system: a. uses paper. b. combines voice, text, and audio in one application. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. requires minimal training. d. combines voice and text in one application. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evaluating Your Report QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:54 AM 19. In a police report, the majority of statements should be: a. facts. b. inferences. c. opinions. d. conclusionary. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:08 AM 20. What term refers to the ease with which handwritten or type-printed character is recognizable based on its appearance? a. legibility. b. content. c. mechanics. d. slanting. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:59 AM 21. The words apparently or appeared can be used to: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. justify expressing an opinion. b. make an inference stand out clearly as an inference. c. turn an inference into an objective statement. d. describe a fact. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:06 AM 22. What term means to be unopinionated, fair, and impartial? a. objective. b. concise. c. narrative. d. jargon. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:08 AM 23. One benefit of a well-written report is that it can: a. reduce legal liability for the officer and the department. b. enhance an officer’s case solving ability. c. have an adverse impact on a prosecutor’s case. d. compromise credibility. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: A Final Note on the Importance of Well-Written Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:12 AM 24. Which of the following is a benefit of a well-written report? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. It prevents the criminal justice system from operating efficiently and effectively. b. It reduces liability for the department and the officer. c. It reflects negatively on the investigator who wrote it. d. It is geared subjectively to enhance prosecution. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: A Final Note on the Importance of Well-Written Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:22 AM 25. Once a report is written, the writer should: a. file it and forget it. b. proofread it. c. immediately present it to the prosecution. d. prepare for the appeal. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evaluating Your Report QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:34 AM 26. Reports are permanent written records of important facts in a case to be used in the future. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Importance of Reports QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.01 - Explain why reports are important to an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:37 AM 27. The computer-assisted report entry (CARE) system has reduced report writing times. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computerized Report Writing QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:38 AM 28. One component of writing a report is to remember that many people will be reading the report, and it is important to impress the audience with your writing skills. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Audience QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.03 - Identify the various individuals who comprise your audience and may read your reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:40 AM 29. The first person to evaluate your written report should be the judge. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evaluating Your Report QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.03 - Identify the various individuals who comprise your audience and may read your reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:43 AM 30. Reporters are never permitted to read or see police reports. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Audience QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.03 - Identify the various individuals who comprise your audience and may read your reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:45 AM 31. Jargon is the shorthand vocabulary and technical terminology specific to a particular profession or trade that allows colleagues within that area of work to communicate quickly and concisely. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Audience QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.03 - Identify the various individuals who comprise your audience and may read your reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:47 AM 32. Officers should review their reports to make certain they are well organized. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:51 AM 33. An inference is a conclusion based on reasoning. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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34. When writing a report, you should start a new paragraph when you change speakers, locations, time, or ideas. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:59 AM 35. Being objective means eliminating those facts from the report that may appear damaging to your case. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:02 AM 36. The length of a report is the single most important factor in ensuring quality. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:04 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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37. Officers should include all the facts in a report, even those facts that may appear to weaken the case against the charged individual. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:07 AM 38. Words that have little emotional effect are called denotative words. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:09 AM 39. The statement “he saw what happened” is an objective statement based on fact. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:42 AM 40. Recording or dictating reports is common in some departments. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Recording and Dictating Reports QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:44 AM 41. Officers should not use derogatory, biased terms referring to a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual preference in police reports. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:46 AM 42. It doesn’t matter whether a report is typed, written, or printed, provided others can read it easily. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM 43. An effective report needs to be subjective for effective prosecution. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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44. A minor error on a report will get a case thrown out. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:52 AM 45. Good report writing is a learned skill. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Common Problems with Many Police Reports QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM 46. When organizing notes for a report, list the facts of the investigation in _______________ order. chronological ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:46 AM 47. Being _______________ means making every word count, without leaving out important facts. concise ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:47 AM 48. An effective report uses the ____________ tense, the ____________ person, and the ____________ voice. past, first, active ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:48 AM 49. In the ____________ voice, the subject of the sentence performs the actions. active ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:49 AM 50. Verbs in the ____________ tense refer to events that have already occurred. past ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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51. CARE stands for ____________. computer-assisted report entry ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Computerized Report Writing QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:52 AM 52. Once you have written your report, you should always ____________ it. evaluate review proofread ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evaluating Your Report QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:51 AM 53. A way to increase clarity in reports is to include sketches and _______________. diagrams ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:53 AM 54. Inferences are also referred to as _______________ language. conclusionary ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:13 AM 55. A well-written report helps the criminal justice system operate more efficiently and _______________. effectively ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.08 - Understand the benefits of well-written reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:55 AM 56. Briefly describe how citizen online reporting works. By accessing the local department’s Web site and pulling up the page with the crime ANSWER: report form, citizens are able to complete an online report with such required fields as name, address, type of incident or loss experienced, and so on. Before the citizen can submit the report, a warning appears stating the penalties for filing a false report. It should be noted, however, that such reporting is used only for discovery crimes, not involvement crimes, and is most appropriate for property crimes where no suspect information is available. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Citizen Online Report Writing QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:57 AM 57. How might a report be used to refresh a witness’s memory? If a witness originally gave specific details about a person of interest at the scene of a ANSWER: crime—details such as the color of the suspect’s shoes or the belt buckle they were wearing—the officer’s report could later be used to refresh the witness’s memory of these details. For example, several months later the witness might not remember exactly what they had observed, but a prompt from the officer or a leading question based on the report might help the witness recall their own observations. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Uses of Reports QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:58 AM 58. List four benefits of citizen online reporting. Allowing citizens to file crime reports online has the potential to increase caseload ANSWER: processing efficiency, increase patrol office effectiveness, and ease reporting delays for those jurisdictions suffering from staffing shortages or unmanageable caseloads. An additional benefit is a reduction in time and resources spent responding to and writing reports for minor incidents that often lack a suspect and are usually filed only for insurance purposes. These systems often allow the police department to e-mail a copy of the report, once approved by the agency, back to the citizen for easier, more timely submission to their insurance company. Furthermore, such systems often meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and can receive reports in multiple languages, features that help agencies overcome communication barriers and better serve segments of the population that have traditionally been less likely to report crime and victimization. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Citizen Online Report Writing QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 4:58 AM 59. How might a law enforcement report be used in the future? Consider the case of an officer called to the scene of a hit-and- run. The initial accident ANSWER: report will be used to continue the investigation of the offense. If the offender is apprehended, the report will be used by the prosecuting attorneys in preparing the case, by the responding police officer when testifying in court, by the judge in determining the facts of the case, and by the jury if a trial results. The report might also be used by the department in determining where dangerous intersections exist and in making future plans. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Uses of Reports QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.02 - List the ways in which reports are used. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:16 AM 60. Give a one-sentence example of an opinion, and then rewrite the statement as a fact. Answers will vary. Here is one example: ANSWER: Opinion: The child was so terrified they didn’t look for cars before they tried to dash across the street. Fact: The child ran out of the house, down the brick steps, and directly out into the street Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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without looking to either side. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Common Problems with Many Police Reports QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.04 - List the common problems that occur in many police reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:00 AM 61. Describe how the report narrative should be structured and what to include in each part of the narrative. Usually the narrative, the “story,” of the case in chronological order, is structured as ANSWER: follows: 1. The opening paragraph of a police report states the time, date, type of incident, and how you became involved. 2. The next paragraph contains what you were told by the victim or witness. For each person talked to, use a separate paragraph. 3. The next records what you did based on the information you received. 4. The final paragraph states the disposition of the case. Steps 2 and 3 may be repeated several times in a report on a case where you talk to several witnesses and victims. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:01 AM 62. Explain the importance of form and content in an effective report. The effective report writer attends to both content and form because they are equally ANSWER: important in a well-written report. Thecontentof an effective report is factual, accurate, objective, and complete. Theformof a well-written report is concise, clear, grammatically and mechanically correct, and written in Standard English. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.05 - Explain the difference between content and form in the context of report writing. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. How would the writing of a report be different if a box-style format was used instead of the traditional narrative report? Many departments use box-style law enforcement report forms for certain offenses and ANSWER: incidents. “Report forms . . . contain boxes or separate category sections, e.g., property loss section, for placement of descriptive information, addresses and phone numbers of those involved. It is unnecessary to repeat this information in the narrative unless it is needed for clarity because it tends to interrupt the flow of words and clutter the narrative” (Hess and Orthmann, 2008). In contrast, narrative reports that do not use the box-style format include descriptive information, addresses, and phone numbers within the body of the narrative. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:03 AM 64. List the characteristics of effective reports. In addition to a well-structured narrative, an effective report exhibits several other ANSWER: characteristics, which generally fall into one of two areas: content or what is said; and form, or how it is written, including being factual, accurate, objective, complete, concise, clear, grammatically and mechanically correct, written in Standard English, organized into paragraphs, and written in the past tense, uses the first person and active voice, and is audience-focused and legible, leaving the reader with a positive impression of the writer’s competence. An effective report is also submitted on time. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:04 AM 65. What types of abbreviations should you avoid using in a report? Some abbreviations (such as Mr., Dr., Ave., St., Feb., Aug., NY, CA) are so commonly used ANSWER: that they require no explanation. Other abbreviations, however, are commonly used only in law enforcement. Do not use these in your reports because not all readers will understand them. Consider the following example as information that can be written in your notes but should not appear, as such, in a report: Unk/W/F/, nfd, driving Fd/4DRed, nfd. Instead, write out, “I saw an unknown white female (no further description available) driving a red Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Ford 4-door (no further description available).” Use only abbreviations common to everyone. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:05 AM 66. What is the difference between an officer’s notes and a report? Notes are written by the officer to help them recall observations, statements, dates, times, ANSWER: etc. Notes are then used as a foundation for the official report. Reports are permanent written records of important facts of a case to be used in the future and are a crucial and necessary cog in the wheel of justice. While it is important to keep notes, the report is the permanent record of all important facts in a case. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:06 AM 67. Discuss the difference between inculpatory and exculpatory evidence and the role of the police report toward both. Inculpatory evidence is evidence that supports a prosecution, whereas exculpatory ANSWER: evidence supports a defense. Officers should include all known material, statements, and evidence in reports. Doing so supports the criminal justice system and the carriage of justice. It also helps avoid civil liability and the reversal of convictions. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:07 AM 68. Explain why it is necessary for officers to write clear reports. Reports are permanent records of all important facts in a case. They are a stockpile of ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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information to be drawn on by all members of a law enforcement team. They are an aid to individual law enforcement officers and investigators, supervisors, administrators, the courts, other governmental agencies, reporters, and private individuals. Further, a department’s efficiency is directly related to the quality of its reports and reporting procedures. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.06 - Identify the characteristics of effective investigative reports. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:08 AM 69. Describe the difference between connotative and denotative language. Words that have little emotional effect, for example, cried, are called denotative words. ANSWER: The denotative meaning of a word is its objective meaning. In contrast, words that do have an emotional effect are called connotative words, for example, wept, blubbered. The connotative meaning of a word comprises its positive or negative overtones. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:09 AM 70. Give a one-sentence example of an inference, and then rewrite the statement as a fact. Answers will vary. Here is an example: ANSWER: Inference: The child was probably frightened by seeing a stranger in the house, and their reaction could explain why they forgot to look for cars before they ran across the street. Fact: The child did not know the person in the house. They ran outside, down the brick steps, and directly out into the street without looking to either side. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Well-Written Report: From Start to Finish QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.03.07 - Differentiate between a fact, an inference, and an opinion. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:10 AM

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Chapter 4 - Searches 1. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbids what type of searches and seizures? a. invasive b. unsupervised c. unreasonable d. undercover ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.01 - Identify the constitutional amendment and the two key terms contained therein that restrict investigative searches and seizures. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:04 AM 2. In which 1984 case did the Supreme Court define a search as “a governmental infringement of a legitimate expectation of privacy”? a. United States v. Ross b. United States v. Jacobsen c. Mapp v. Ohio d. Terry v. Ohio ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.01 - Identify the constitutional amendment and the two key terms contained therein that restrict investigative searches and seizures. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:08 AM 3. What level of proof, during the criminal investigative process, is required to stop a person? a. reasonable suspicion b. probable cause c. beyond a reasonable doubt d. more likely than not ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.02 - Illustrate the progression of the common levels of proof required during various stages of the criminal investigative process. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. What is the current test used to determine if probable cause exists? a. plain-view test b. totality-of-the-circumstances test c. voice stress test d. truth-in-evidence test ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:15 AM 5. In what case did the Supreme Court adopt a two-pronged test for determining probable cause? a. Aguilar v. Texas b. Spinelli v. United States c. Illinois v. Gates d. Katz v. United States ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.02 - Illustrate the progression of the common levels of proof required during various stages of the criminal investigative process. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM 6. A police officer has stopped a person for violating the speed limit. The officer has a reasonable suspicion that the individual is intoxicated. What type of search is appropriate? a. frisk b. body search c. inventory search d. trunk search ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.08 - Compare how a search of an arrested suspect differs from a search of a suspect who has not been arrested. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:22 AM 7. A search conducted with a warrant must be limited to: a. only the specific room in the house. b. cars that are present on the property. c. only the specific area and items named in the warrant. d. only those items within the arm’s -length rule. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 8. What type of search may be conducted only after an arrest and when the prisoner is in a secure facility? a. strip search b. frisk c. consent search d. complete body search ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.08 - Compare how a search of an arrested suspect differs from a search of a suspect who has not been arrested. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:28 AM 9. Consent to search is valid only if given: a. under duress. b. by a person who is not in control of the property. c. voluntarily. d. unknowingly. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM 10. The Fourth Amendment requires that all searches and seizures must be based on what level of proof? a. probable cause. b. reasonable suspicion. c. beyond a reasonable doubt. d. more likely than not. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.01 - Identify the constitutional amendment and the two key terms contained therein that restrict investigative searches and seizures. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM 11. Wyoming v. Houghton (1999) held that an officer may search an automobile passenger’s belongings simply because the officer suspects the driver has done something wrong. This ruling, which was intended to prevent drivers from claiming that illegal drugs or other contraband belong to passengers rather than themselves, is referred to as the a. jump-seat exception. b. passenger patdown. c. passenger property exception. d. shotgun-seat exception. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:41 AM 12. In what case did the Supreme Court create the “totality of the circumstances” principle, related to probable cause? a. Smith v. United States b. Illinois v. Gates c. Locke v. United States d. Stanford v. Texas ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.02 - Illustrate the progression of the common levels of proof required during various stages of the criminal investigative process. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:43 AM 13. Terry v. Ohio supported officers’ right to: a. question suspects with an attorney present. b. conduct a patdown or a frisk if they believe the person might be armed and dangerous. c. conduct a full-body cavity search of an individual who is not in custody. d. search vehicles upon probable cause to do so. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:45 AM 14. Every lawful arrest is accompanied by a search of the arrested person to protect the arresting officers and to prevent: a. harm to the arrested person. b. destruction of evidence. c. a violation of rights. d. harm to the officer. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:50 AM 15. The Chimel decision established that a search incidental to a lawful arrest must be made simultaneously with the arrest. A search incidental to arrest must be confined to the: a. arrested person’s body. b. arrested person’s body and car. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. area within the suspect’s immediate control. d. general area. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:04 AM 16. Emergency circumstances (such as officers hearing shots fired or screams) that allow officers to enter a home without a warrant are referred to as: a. no-knock entries. b. high-risk entries. c. exigent circumstances. d. warrantless emergencies. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:06 AM 17. The Carroll decision established that with probable cause: a. automobiles may not be searched unless consent is given. b. houses may be searched if the person was arrested in the house. c. individuals associated with an arrested person may be searched. d. automobiles may be searched based on their obvious mobility. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. The courts have ruled that when police take custody of a vehicle or other property, the police: a. may not inventory the property without a court order. b. may not inventory the property without probable cause. c. may inventory the property. d. may search the property regardless of circumstances. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:11 AM 19. Which rule states that courts will not accept evidence obtained by unreasonable search and seizure? a. silver-platter rule b. exclusionary rule c. roots-of-the-tree rule d. rule of thumb ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:14 AM 20. In Nix v. Williams, the Court said that if illegally obtained evidence (a statement, in this case, which led to a little girl’s body) would, in all likelihood, eventually have been discovered, legally it may be used. This is referred to as what exception to the exclusionary rule? a. the inevitable-discovery doctrine b. the plain-view rule c. the public safety rule d. the eyes-on rule ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:16 AM 21. In United States v. Leon, the Court established that illegally obtained evidence may be admissible if the police were truly not aware they were violating a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights. In this case, the police were following up on a tip from an unreliable informant, which later invalidated the warrant. This exception is called the: a. sidewalk exception. b. good-faith doctrine. c. public safety exception. d. just-in-time exception. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:19 AM 22. In California v. Greenwood, the Supreme Court ruled that: a. searches of homes are illegal. b. searches of cars are legal if part of an inventory. c. the curtilage rule applies to all evidence. d. containers left on public property are open to search by police without a warrant. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:21 AM 23. A lane search, or partitioning the area into lanes: a. can be adapted to any number of police personnel. b. is intended to be used only with one officer. c. works well inside. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. must always be used with a traffic director. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:24 AM 24. What do investigators need to search for in order to conduct an effective search? a. physical evidence b. the identity of the offender c. the type of crime that was committed d. the items being searched for ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.07 - Explain how interior crime scene searches are typically conducted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:26 AM 25. Which of the following is a goal of a search during an investigation? a. to locate victims b. to ensure evidence is permissible c. to identify who committed the crime d. to punish the offender ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.07 - Explain how interior crime scene searches are typically conducted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:27 AM 26. In Wyoming v. Houghton, the court ruled that an officer may search the belongings of an automobile passenger simply because the officer suspects the driver has done something wrong. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:29 AM 27. Officers may use thermal-scanning devices without a warrant. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Technology in a Search QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:30 AM 28. A search with consent must be voluntary. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:33 AM 29. Under the consent once removed exception, officers cannot make a warrantless entry to arrest a suspect if consent to enter was given earlier to an undercover officer or informant. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:39 AM 30. A search warrant can be issued to search for and seize property that indicates a crime has been committed. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:40 AM 31. The consent to search must be in response to an officer’s claim of lawful authority or in response to a command or threat by an officer. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:41 AM 32. Property owners can consent to police entry or search even though a tenant has lawful right of possession of the premises. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:44 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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33. Every lawful arrest is accompanied by a search of the arrested person to protect the arresting officers and others and to prevent destruction of evidence. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:45 AM 34. During a stop of a moving vehicle, officers may search the vehicle and any closed containers in it without probable cause or consent. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:47 AM 35. In Georgia v. Randolph (2006), the Supreme Court said, “If any party who is present and has authority to object to the search does object to the search, the police may not conduct the search on the authority of that party who gave consent.” a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:47 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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36. The search of a vehicle does not require probable cause because vehicles are mobile. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:49 AM 37. When police take custody of a vehicle, the courts have upheld their right to inventory the vehicle to protect the owner’s property. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:53 AM 38. Plain-view evidence is admissible in court if the officer is engaged in lawful activity. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:55 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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39. Officers may not seize contraband they discover during a legal search, but must ask consent. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:57 AM 40. Dogs can be trained to search for explosives. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Dogs in a Search QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:00 AM 41. The common denominator of all search patterns is that they are designed to locate systematically any evidence at a crime scene or any other area where evidence might be found. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:06 AM 42. There are some instances in which evidence may not exist at the crime scene. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:01 AM 43. Interior searches go from the general to the specific, usually in a circular pattern, covering all surfaces of a search area. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.07 - Explain how interior crime scene searches are typically conducted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:03 AM 44. __________ searches are prohibited by the Fourth Amendment. Unreasonable ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.01 - Identify the constitutional amendment and the two key terms contained therein that restrict investigative searches and seizures. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:15 AM 45. The Supreme Court has ruled that probable cause should be based on a totality-of-the-__________ test. circumstances ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Fourth Amendment: An Overview of Search and Seizure QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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46. In a unanimous ruling in United States v. Banks (2003), the Supreme Court upheld the __________ entry into a suspected drug dealer’s apartment 15 to 20 seconds after police knocked and announced themselves. forced ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:15 AM 47. A search conducted with a warrant must be limited to the specific area and specific items named in the warrant, in accordance with the __________ requirement. particularity ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:16 AM 48. When asking for consent to search, a genuine __________ reply must be given before conducting a search; an even better practice is to obtain a written consent to search. affirmative ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:18 AM 49. In order to obtain a valid search warrant, officers must appear before a judge and establish probable cause to believe that the location contains evidence of a crime, and they must __________ describe that evidence. specifically ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:19 AM 50. When probable cause exists but there is no time to obtain a search warrant, the officer may conduct a search. This is an example of an emergency, or __________ circumstance. exigent ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:20 AM 51. The Carroll decision established that automobiles may be searched without a warrant, largely based on the __________ of vehicles. mobility ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:21 AM 52. The landmark decision in Terry v. Ohio established police officers’ right to patdown or frisk a person they have stopped to question if they have reasonable suspicion that the person might be __________ and __________. armed, dangerous dangerous, armed ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:23 AM 53. __________ can be another factor that compromises the thoroughness of a search. Weather ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:24 AM 54. Describe a situation in which an officer might use an anticipatory warrant. In United States v. Grubbs (2006), the Supreme Court defined an anticipatory warrant as ANSWER: one “based upon an affidavit showing probable cause that at some future time (but not presently) certain evidence of crime will be located at a specified place.” An example of this might be a situation in which the police know exactly when a suspect will buy drugs and exactly where he will bring them—say, to his home. The police can ask a judge to issue an anticipatory search warrant. This will allow the police to search the suspect’s home immediately after he brings the drugs home, instead of waiting for a normal search warrant. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:26 AM 55. Discuss whether dogs are subject to the same legal limitations on searches as officers. As agents of the police, dogs are subject to the same legal limitations on searches that ANSWER: officers are. In United States v. Place (1983), the Supreme Court ruled that exposing luggage located in a public place to a police K-9 sniff was not a search within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. In essence, such a ruling concedes that the use of dogs may lead to the same end via less intrusive means, thus sparing law enforcement other timeconsuming steps required to effect a legal search. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Dogs in a Search Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.03 - Explain the conditions that justify a legal search. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:28 AM 56. Define curtilage. ANSWER:

The Supreme Court has described curtilage as “the area to which extends the intimate activity associated with the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of life.” In other words, curtilage is that portion of a residence that is not open to the public. It is reserved for private owner or family use, and an expectation of privacy exists. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:29 AM 57. What are the recognized exceptions in which investigators are permitted to conduct a search without obtaining a warrant? Investigators are permitted to conduct a warrantless search if one of the following ANSWER: recognized exceptions is present: • Independent justification (consent, probation or parole, incident to arrest, officer safety, booking search, inventory) • Exigent circumstances (rescue, protection of property, imminent destruction of evidence, fresh pursuit, escape prevention, public safety) • Fleeing target (car, van, truck, RV, bus, boat, aircraft, etc.) with PC and lawful access • No search (plain sense, open fields, abandoned property, private-party delivery, controlled delivery, exposed characteristics) POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Search Warrant Checklist QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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58. What is the plain-view doctrine? The plain-view doctrine permits the warrantless seizure of contraband or evidence of a ANSWER: crime, and allows its admissibility in court, provided the officers are legally allowed to be where they are. This doctrine puts few constraints on officers and often yields very productive results. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:32 AM 59. Discuss the landmark decision in Terry v. Ohio that established a police officer’s right to a patdown. A stop and a frisk are two separate actions, and each must be separately justified: “Just ANSWER: because a stop is permissible doesn’t mean a frisk is permissible. In fact, in most stops, a non-consensual frisk would not be permitted because of the absence of reasonable suspicion of the presence of weapons” (Means, 2008, p. 23). The landmark decision in Terry v. Ohio (1968) established police officers’ right to patdown or frisk a person they have stopped to question if they believe the person might be armed and dangerous. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Technology in a Search QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:34 AM 60. When is trash subject to search without a warrant? Trash and garbage cans in alleys and on public sidewalks are often the depository for ANSWER: evidence of thefts, drug possession, and even homicides. In California v. Greenwood (1988), the Supreme Court ruled that containers left on public property are open to search by police without a warrant and that such a search does not constitute a violation of the Fourth Amendment or a reasonable expectation of privacy: “It is common knowledge that plastic garbage bags left on a public street are readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops and other members of the public,” and therefore “no reasonable expectation of privacy” is violated by such a search. Searches of trash may also extend to the local landfill. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.04 - Summarize the warrantless search precedents established by the Randolph, Terry, Chimel, Riley, Carroll, Chambers, Quarles, King, Hester, Weeks, and Mapp decisions. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:35 AM 61. Describe the “fruit--of--the--poisonous--tree” doctrine. The exclusionary rule affects illegally seized evidence as well as evidence obtained as a ANSWER: result of the illegally seized evidence, referred to as fruit of the poisonous tree. The “fruitof-the-poisonous-tree” doctrine established that evidence obtained as a result of an earlier illegality must be excluded from trial. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:37 AM 62. Describe the “plain-feel/touch” exception to the exclusionary rule. The “plain--feel/touch” exception is an extension of the plain-view exception. If a police ANSWER: officer lawfully pats down a suspect’s outer clothing and feels an object that he immediately identifies as contraband, a warrantless seizure is justified because there is no invasion of the suspect’s privacy beyond that already authorized by the officer’s search for weapons. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.05 - Understand what the exclusionary rule is, how it affects investigators, and which cases made it applicable at the federal and state levels. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:38 AM 63. How would you organize a search for a murder weapon in an open field? Any of the following exterior search patterns could be used. ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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The lane-search pattern partitions the area into lanes, or narrow strips, using stakes and string. If only one officer is available for the search, the lane pattern can be adapted to what is commonly called the strip-search pattern. For an extensive search, the lane pattern is often modified to form a grid, and the area is crisscrossed. Another commonly used pattern is the circle search, which begins at the center of an area to be searched and spreads out in ever-widening concentric circles. In the zone or sector search, an area is divided into equal squares on a map of the area and each square is numbered. Search personnel are assigned to specific squares. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:39 AM 64. Which tasks are the primary responsibilities of the search team leader? The search team leader determines the number of personnel needed, assigns those ANSWER: personnel, determines the type of search best suited for the area, and determines the items most likely to be found. The search leader also determines whether anyone other than the person who committed the crime has entered the scene. Evidence should never be removed from the scene without the search leader’s permission. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:40 AM 65. What are the limits on a “dog- sniff” search for narcotics at a traffic stop? In Illinois v. Caballes (2005), the Supreme Court confirmed that a dog sniff was not a ANSWER: search under the Fourth Amendment. This ruling reinforced law enforcement’s ability to identify drug traffickers and users by using police K-9s in walk-around searches of vehicles stopped for traffic offenses. If, however, use of a drug-sniffing canine prolongs a stop, the dog sniff may become an illegal search. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Dogs in a Search QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:41 AM 66. How would you proceed with the search of a dead body at a crime scene? What issues must be considered? Searching a dead body should be done only after the coroner or medical examiner has ANSWER: arrived or given permission. Search a dead body systematically and completely. Include the immediate area around and under the body. The search usually begins with the clothing, which is likely to reveal a wallet or personal identification papers as well as trace evidence. If the body is not fingerprinted at the scene, tie paper bags securely on the hands so that fingerprinting can be done at the coroner’s laboratory. If possible, place the body in a body bag to ensure that no physical evidence is lost while it is being transported. Search the area around and beneath where the body lay immediately after it is removed. A bullet may have passed through part of the body and lodged in the floor or the dirt beneath it. Trace evidence may have fallen from the body or clothing as the body was removed. Inventory and describe all items removed from the deceased. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.06 - Diagram the different types of exterior search patterns commonly used at crime scenes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:42 AM 67. Define an uncontaminated crime scene. If no one has entered the scene between the time the crime was committed and when the ANSWER: police arrived, and if the scene was immediately secured, the scene is considered to be a true, or uncontaminated, scene; that is, no evidence has been introduced into it or taken from it except by the person or persons who committed the crime. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.07 - Explain how interior crime scene searches are typically conducted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:43 AM 68. How would you organize a search for a murder weapon inside an apartment? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Interior searches go from the general to the specific, usually in a circular pattern, covering all surfaces of a search area. The floor should be searched first. The search patterns used for exterior searches can be adapted for an interior crime scene: lane search; strip search; grid search; circle search; or zone/sector search. Of prime concern is searching thoroughly without destroying evidence.

An interior room search usually starts at the point of entry. The floor is searched first so no evidence is inadvertently destroyed during the remainder of the search. After the floor search, the walls—including doors and windows—and then the ceiling are searched, normally using a clockwise or counterclockwise pattern around the room. After a room is searched in one direction, it is often searched in the opposite direction because lighting is different from different angles. The same general procedures are followed in searching closets, halls, or other rooms off the main room. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Conducting Investigatory Searches QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.04.07 - Explain how interior crime scene searches are typically conducted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 2:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 2:44 AM

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Chapter 5 - Forensics and Physical Evidence 1. When evidence is no longer needed, it is: a. typically auctioned off. b. destroyed under all circumstances. c. always returned to the owner. d. auctioned off, returned to the owner, or destroyed. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM 2. What are fingerprints left in soft substances called? a. plastic fingerprints b. latent fingerprints c. visible fingerprints d. overt fingerprints ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:22 AM 3. What type of evidence forms a substantive part of the case or has a legitimate and effective influence on the decision of the case? a. circumstantial b. material c. exculpatory d. in flagrante delicto ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. Bloom’s: Understand 3/24/2022 5:22 AM 3/24/2022 5:23 AM

4. What type of evidence has been properly collected, identified, filed, and continuously secured? a. relevant b. competent c. material d. exculpatory ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM 5. Indirect evidence is also called: a. circumstantial evidence. b. relevant evidence. c. material evidence. d. competent evidence. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:15 AM 6. The types of prints taken of persons with reason to be at the crime scene location are referred to as: a. illusionary fingerprints. b. expectoratory fingerprints. c. elimination fingerprints. d. illuminating fingerprints. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:27 AM 7. What is often caused by those who are investigating the crime scene? a. contamination b. physical evidence c. primary transfer d. circumstantial evidence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Integrity and Contamination of Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:28 AM 8. Ultraviolet light is good for finding: a. body fluids. b. bullet trajectories. c. paint or glass. d. tire tracks. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM 9. The number one mistake officers make in processing fingerprints with powder is: a. overprocessing fingerprints. b. misidentifying fingerprints. c. sneezing and destroying the print. d. selecting the wrong powder. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.02 - Identify the common errors in collecting evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:31 AM 10. revise When evidence is collected, an officer should record in their notes the: a. time the item was found and the disposition. b. time and date the item was found. c. time, date, and location the item was found. d. time, date, and location the item was found; the individual who found it; the case number; a description of the item; and who took it into custody. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.03 - Understand the criteria required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM 11. AFIS stands for: a. automated fingerprint issuing society. b. automatic fingerprint intake system. c. automatic fiber identification system. d. automated fingerprint identification system. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Frequently Examined Evidence REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM 12. Laboratory examination of what evidence under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is still considered a reliable Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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analysis method, although enhancements in technology have been necessary ? a. gunshot residue (GSR) b. DNA c. fingerprints d. retinal scans ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:37 AM 13. What evidence can indicate whether a person is running, lost, or carrying something heavy? a. fingerprints b. DNA c. shoe prints d. blood spatter ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM 14. In the examination of objects of physical evidence, class characteristics are important because they can: a. place an item into a specific category. b. distinguish one item from another. c. be used to trace the item to its manufacturer. d. define how the object was used by an individual. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM 15. The size and shape of chips and wear patterns in the blade of a screwdriver are what type of characteristics? a. individual b. group c. class d. unidentifiable ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:42 AM 16. A genetic fingerprint is obtained from a suspect’s: a. finger. b. DNA. c. hair. d. eye color. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:43 AM 17. The most frequently located type of microscopic evidence is: a. skin cells. b. hair. c. saliva droplets. d. fibers. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:45 AM 18. What is a form of evidence contamination where DNA from the original object is moved to another object by an intermediate agent? a. secondary transfer b. primary transfer c. proxy transfer d. integrity transfer ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:46 AM 19. Hair analysis can reveal all but which of the following? a. which part of the body the hair came from b. the presence of drugs or poisons and consumer chemicals c. age and gender d. whether it belongs to an animal or human ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:48 AM 20. Powders, Magnabrush techniques, laser technology, gelatin lifters, and cyanoacrylate are all used to process which type of evidence? a. petechiae b. adipocere Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. fingerprints d. cadavers ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:49 AM 21. What name is given to the evidence analyzed by forensic scientists to uncover the relationships among people, places, and objects? a. proxy data b. data exchange c. tech effect d. circumstantial evidence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:51 AM 22. Fingerprints indicate: a. age. b. race. c. gender. d. identity. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:56 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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23. Which term refers to the spiral pattern cut down the length of a firearm’s barrel? a. rifling b. bore c. lands d. caliber markings ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:58 AM 24. Which of the following are not readily seen but can be developed through powders or chemicals? a. ten-print fingerprints b. latent prints c. ID-match prints d. comparison prints ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:59 AM 25. Which technique is recommended for developing latent fingerprints on unpainted wood, paper, cardboard, or other absorbent surfaces? a. iodine fuming b. sakaguchi method c. powders d. thermal potassium ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:00 AM 26. Evidence must be legally disposed of to prevent major storage problems. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:01 AM 27. A mobile crime lab is usually a commercially customized office that provides compartments to hold equipment and countertops for processing evidence. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Equipment QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:02 AM 28. Locard’s exchange principle states that whenever two objects come in contact with each other there is always a transfer of information between them. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Crime Scene Integrity and Contamination of Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:03 AM 29. Corpus delicti evidence establishes that a crime has been committed. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:16 AM 30. During the search of a crime scene, it is easy to tell which items are evidence. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:17 AM 31. Evidence may be placed in any type of container, as long as it does not touch other evidence. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:55 AM 32. A fingerprint at a crime scene must be matched with a known print to be of value. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.02 - Identify the common errors in collecting evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:56 AM 33. To simplify testimony in court, it is practical to have one officer collect the item of evidence and another take notes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.03 - Understand the criteria required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:57 AM 34. Before, during, and after its examination, evidence must be securely protected and properly stored. However, once it is ready for court, there are no issues regarding how it is stored. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.03 - Understand the criteria required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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35. Automated evidence storage can prevent many problems. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.03 - Understand the criteria required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 6:59 AM 36. Fingerprints require a standard of comparison. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 6:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:00 AM 37. Investigators should powder and lift every fingerprint they discover. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:00 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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38. Investigators have used lip prints and lip impressions to solve cases. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:02 AM 39. Latent prints have been collected from human skin. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:03 AM 40. Different-colored fingerprint powder can be used when dusting for prints. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:03 AM 41. Deoxyribonucleic acid is an organic substance contained in a cell’s nucleus. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:04 AM 42. Hairs are far more distinguishable than fibers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:05 AM 43. Adherence to a strict protocol is essential to ensure that evidence may be used during a trial. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:06 AM 44. Blood can be identified as animal or human. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:07 AM 45. Typewritten materials are not as traceable as handwritten ones. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:08 AM 46. __________evidence links a suspect with a crime. associative ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:10 AM 47. The largest failure in gathering evidence is not the equipment available, but the lack of __________ in using it effectively. training ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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48. To determine what the evidence is, first consider the apparent _____________. crime ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:14 AM 49. A(n) _____________ of comparison is an object, measure, or model with which evidence is compared to determine whether both came from the same source. standard ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:15 AM 50. When collecting evidence, take extreme care to prevent different pieces of evidence from touching each other, which can lead to __________ contamination. cross ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Integrity and Contamination of Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.02 - Identify the common errors in collecting evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:16 AM 51. The small lines on the palm side at the end of every human finger, which provide just enough roughness to help fingers retain objects, are known as _____________ ridges. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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friction ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:17 AM 52. A tool _____________ provides leads to the size and type of tool that made it. mark ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:18 AM 53. Fingerprints are _____________ evidence of a person’s identity. positive ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:18 AM 54. For laboratories to process DNA evidence, the evidence must be _____________; that is, tending to prove guilt or innocence. probative ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:19 AM 55. In collecting hair samples, attempt to obtain 25 to 50 full hairs from the appropriate part of the suspect’s body for _____________ purposes. comparison ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:20 AM 56. Describe the basic types of equipment that a department would need to process a crime scene. Cameras and film; chalk and chalk line; compass; containers (boxes, bags of all sizes and ANSWER: shapes, lightweight plastic or paper; telescoping or collapsible glass bottles, and new paint containers); crayon or magic marker; envelopes, all sizes; fingerprint kit; first-aid kit; flashlight and batteries; knife; labels, all sizes; magnifier; measuring tape, steel; mirror with collapsible handle; money; notebook; paper; pencils, pens; picks; plaster; pliers; protractor; rope; ruler, carpenter-type; ruler, straightedge; scissors; screwdrivers, standard and Phillips; scribe; sketching supplies; spatula; string; tags; templates; tongue depressors, wooden; tubes, glass, with stoppers; tweezers; wrecking bar. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigative Equipment QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:21 AM 57. Explain the difference between competent, material, and relevant evidence. Material evidence forms a substantive part of the case or has a legitimate and effective ANSWER: influence on the decision of the case. Relevant evidence applies to the matter in question. Competent evidence has been properly collected, identified, filed, and continuously secured. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Essay Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:22 AM 58. When would an investigator make use of an ultraviolet light? An investigator should use an ultraviolet (UV) light for some kinds of hard-to-see ANSWER: evidence—small amounts of semen, for instance, or fibers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.01 - Explain the requisite steps involved in processing physical evidence correctly, from its discovery to final disposition. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:24 AM 59. Once evidence is discovered, photographed, and sketched, it is ready for collecting. How could you collect several different items in order to avoid cross-contamination most effectively? Make sure items of evidence do not touch one another. When using the same tool for ANSWER: several tasks, thoroughly clean the tool after each use to prevent cross-contamination. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Integrity and Contamination of Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.02 - Identify the common errors in collecting evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:25 AM 60. How should an investigator avoid contaminating evidence? To minimize contamination of a crime scene and the evidence within, cordon off the area ANSWER: and keep all unnecessary people, including police officers, outside the scene perimeter. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Crime Scene Integrity and Contamination of Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.02 - Identify the common errors in collecting evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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61. What is the CSI Effect? ANSWER:

Hollywood’s depiction of CSI has created a glamorized, impractical image of this field in the public’s mind. This phenomenon has been called the CSI effect, which describes “the perception in the criminal justice system, popular media, and general population that consumption of crime-based television programming focusing on the forensic sciences has created a juror bias toward the requirement of forensic evidence at trial to justify a conviction” (Eatley, Hueston, & Price, 2016). In turn, these unreasonable expectations by the jurors increase the burden of proof faced by prosecutors and increase the chance of acquittal, allowing guilty defendants to go free in the absence of overwhelmingly supportive forensic evidence (Chin & Workewych, 2016). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.03 - Understand the criteria required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:31 AM 62. How is it possible to collect scent from a crime scene? An article of clothing can be used as a scent article, or scent evidence can be collected by ANSWER: placing a sterile gauze pad on an item of evidence. A Scent Transfer Unit uses a vacuum system to trap scent on the gauze. If no scent article is available, the Scent Transfer Unit can be put in a closed room to vacuum the air for five minutes to try to capture a scent. These scent pads can be presented to a tracking dog or placed in a freezer for preservation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:32 AM 63. Discuss the difference between individual and class characteristics. Class characteristics are the features that place an item into a specific category. For ANSWER: example, the size and shape of a tool mark may indicate that the tool used was a screwdriver rather than a pry bar. Individual characteristics are the features that distinguish one item from another of the same type. For example, chips and wear patterns in the blade of a screwdriver may leave marks that are distinguishable from those of any other screwdriver. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:33 AM 64. Describe the three different types of fingerprints and explain the process of identifying and preserving each type. Latent fingerprints are impressions transferred to a surface, either by sweat on the ridges ANSWER: of the fingers or because the fingers carry residue of oil, dirt, blood, or other substances. Latent prints are not readily seen but can be developed through powders or chemicals. They are normally left on nonporous surfaces. Visible fingerprints are made when fingers are dirty or stained. They occur primarily on glossy or light-colored surfaces and can be dusted and lifted. Plastic fingerprints, one form of visible print, are impressions left in soft substances such as putty, grease, tar, butter, or soft soap. These prints are photographed, not dusted. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:38 AM 65. Discuss how language analysis can contribute to an investigation. An individual’s communication, whether written or spoken, may provide clues about ANSWER: their gender, age, race or ethnicity, or what part of the country (or world) the person grew up in or has spent time in recently. Language analysis may also provide insight into a person’s educational level, political views, and religious orientation, which may in turn provide further evidence regarding a criminal motive. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.04 - List the types of evidence most commonly found in criminal investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:39 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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66. List and describe the evidence that would be most helpful in showing that a specific person was at a scene. Probabilities play a large role in determining the value of evidence. Fingerprints and DNA, ANSWER: for example, provide positive identification. In contrast, blood type does not provide positive identification, but it can help eliminate a person as a suspect. An object’s individuality is also important. For example, a heel mark’s value is directly proportional to the number of its specific features, such as brand name, number of nails, and individual wear patterns that can be identified. Some objects have identification marks on them. Other evidence requires a comparison to be of value—a tire impression matching a tire, a bullet matching a specific revolver, or a torn piece of clothing matching a shirt. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Processing Evidence: Maintaining the Chain of Custody from Discovery to Disposal QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:52 AM 67. Why is the quality of a rolled fingerprint important? Smudges and distortions reduce the print’s usefulness, so quality is extremely important. ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.05 - Compare and contrast the determinations that can and cannot be made from fingerprint, DNA, blood, and hair evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:53 AM 68. What can the examination of human skeletal remains contribute to an investigation? If adequate human skeletal remains are available, the sex, race, approximate age at death, ANSWER: approximate height, and approximate time since death can be determined. Dental comparisons and X-rays of old fractures are other important identifying features or individual characteristics. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. Bloom’s: Apply 3/26/2022 5:53 AM 3/26/2022 5:54 AM

69. Describe the type of evidence that might be found at the scene of a hit-and-run. How should this evidence be collected? In hit-and-run cases, collect paint samples from any area of the vehicle that had contact ANSWER: with the victim. Take paint samples down to the original metal to show the layer composition. Use small boxes for submitting paint samples to the crime lab, putting samples from different parts of the vehicle in separate small boxes. If paint chips are on the clothing of the victim or suspect, send the entire article of clothing in a paper bag to the laboratory, properly labeled and identified. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Frequently Examined Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.05.06 - Describe special collection and processing considerations for the following types of evidence: shoe and tire prints and impressions, tools and tool marks, firearms and ammunition, glass, soils and minerals, safe insulation, ropes, strings, tapes, drugs, documents, laundry and dry-cleaning marks, paint, and skeletal remains. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 5:55 AM

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Chapter 6 - Obtaining Information and Intelligence 1. In addition to physical evidence, three primary sources of information are available: a. dispatchers; first responders; and records clerks. b. reports, records, and databases; people who are not suspects in a crime but know something of the crime; and suspects in the crime. c. reports, records, and databases; first responders; and only people who are suspects in a crime. d. snitches; rats; and informants. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:11 AM 2. Preliminary questioning by an officer which occurs spontaneously on the street is called a: a. field interview. b. cite interview. c. site interrogation. d. field citation. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.01.04 - Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:13 AM 3. Which statement about witnesses is false? a. Witnesses are often more confident in their knowledge of what happened than they are accurate. b. Witnesses rarely withhold information or provide it for ulterior motives, which is why officers can trust them as a source of information. c. What witnesses think they see is a function of what they expected to see, what they wanted to see, and what they actually saw. d. Many witnesses see only a part of the commission of a crime but may testify as though they witnessed the entire event. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:14 AM 4. Which of the following devices can be used to monitor call activity on several lines simultaneously? a. a pen register b. a dialed number recorder c. an inventory tracking system d. a caller ID ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:15 AM 5. The ultimate goal of conducting interviews and interrogations is to: a. uncover the motives of the suspect. b. identify those responsible for a crime and eliminate the innocent from suspicion. c. ensure proper punishment. d. get the suspect to confess. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:16 AM 6. What term is used to describe a technique used by investigators to question people who are not suspects in a crime, but who know something about it, or the people involved? a. interview b. interrogation c. admission d. confession ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:17 AM 7. To improve communication: a. ask complex questions that will confuse the suspect and make them more likely to tell the truth. b. stand so that the suspect can see more of you. c. use a public setting. d. prepare your questions and tactics in advance. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:19 AM 8. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective interviewer/interrogator? a. pessimistic b. confident c. suspicious d. adversarial ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:20 AM 9. Which of the following questions is a direct question? a. “Were you around the area of the corner of 5th and Main last night?” b. “Where were you last night?” c. “What time did you leave the party last night?” d. “Why did you assault George?” ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Interviewing and Interrogating Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.03 - Explain the different types of questions used during interviews and interrogations and how much reliance should be placed on each type. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:25 AM 10. Which type of interview tries to get the interviewee to recall the scene mentally by using mnemonic techniques aimed at encouraging focused retrieval with minimal loss in accuracy? a. reflective memory lead b. suppressed memory trap c. cognitive interview d. subliminal inflection ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.03 - Explain the different types of questions used during interviews and interrogations and how much reliance should be placed on each type. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:31 AM 11. When conducting interviews or interrogations, investigators should recognize the importance of silence, and should aim to speak the suspect approximately what percentage of the time? a. 50 % b. 75% c. 5% d. 20% ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.03 - Explain the different types of questions used during interviews and interrogations and how much reliance should be placed on each type. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:33 AM 12. What type of question gives the victim, witness, or suspect the ability to provide a much fuller response, allowing the Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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investigator to get greater insight into the person’s knowledge and feelings? a. leading question b. open ended question c. direct question d. indirect question ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.03 - Explain the different types of questions used during interviews and interrogations and how much reliance should be placed on each type. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:35 AM 13. When conducting an interview, you should: a. interview all witnesses at once. b. give first consideration to eyewitnesses. c. give the Miranda warning first. d. interview the victim or complainant first. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.05 - Describe how to conduct interviews when multiple people are at the scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:37 AM 14. What term is used to describe an understanding between individuals created by genuine interest and concern that also requires empathy? a. rapport b. microaggressions c. beachheading d. leading questions ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.05 - Describe how to conduct interviews when multiple people are at the scene. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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15. The best place to interrogate a suspect is usually: a. in the police vehicle. b. in the suspect’s home. c. at the police department. d. at the suspect's job. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.05 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:41 AM 16. Once a confession has been obtained, investigators should: a. corroborate the confession using independent evidence. b. stop the investigation. c. let the confession prove the case. d. submit the case for prosecution based on the confession. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:44 AM 17. The Fifth Amendment right to counsel during interrogation hinges on the issue of: a. exigency. b. guilt. c. privacy. d. custody. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:01 AM 18. Which case highlighted the issue of the public safety exception to the Miranda warning requirement? a. New York v. Quarles b. Mapp v. Ohio c. Lawson v. Kolender d. Arizona v. Mincey ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:56 AM 19. In Miranda v. Arizona, who won the final appeal and why? a. Miranda, because he had been beaten to confess b. Miranda, because his rights had not been explained to him properly c. Arizona, because the police had cautioned Miranda properly d. Arizona, because Miranda voluntarily confessed ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 7:57 AM 20. Which of the following is not considered admissible evidence in criminal cases? a. thermal imaging b. fingerprints c. DNA d. a polygraph the results of a polygraph test ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 7:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:25 AM 21. What are some of the best practices for obtaining testimony using hypnosis? a. the number of people present in the room during the session should be restricted b. the individual conducting the session should be responsible to the prosecutor c. the session should be conducted by a professional with specialized training (such as psychologist) d. the process should only be used with crime victims or witnesses, not suspects ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:03 AM 22. To be valid in court, a confession must always be: a. written. b. voluntary. c. signed by the judge overseeing the case. d. witnessed by two or more people. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:04 AM 23. Under the Bruton rule, which resulted from Bruton v. United States (1968), a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to confront and cross-examine witnesses against him or her is violated if: a. the defendant recants a confession. b. the defendant waives Miranda rights. c. a confessing defendant’s statement is used against a non-confessing defendant at their joint trial. d. the witnesses recant. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:11 AM 24. Some research has found that the incidence of false confessions is: a. far less common than most people think. b. due to the incorrect use of the Miranda warning. c. lower when the suspect has no accomplices in the crime. d. higher than many believe and exacerbated by certain interrogation tactics. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:13 AM 25. Information needs which component to become intelligence? a. statistics b. computers c. analysis d. data ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Information Versus Intelligence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.10 - Differentiate between information and intelligence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:14 AM 26. Since eyewitness testimony is not always reliable, it is generally regarded as irrelevant to investigating and prosecuting a case. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:15 AM 27. It is best practice for officers to question someone suspected of involvement in a crime right after the crime has occurred. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:16 AM 28. The ultimate goals of interviewing and interrogating are to identify those responsible for a crime and to eliminate the innocent from suspicion. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:17 AM 29. In most states, oral confessions are admissible in court, but written confessions carry more weight. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.03 - Explain the different types of questions used during interviews and interrogations and how much reliance should be placed on each type. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:19 AM 30. During a criminal investigation, witnesses should be separated so they are unable to compare information. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.05 - Describe how to conduct interviews when multiple people are at the scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:20 AM 31. Emotional barriers to communication can include fear, anger, ingrained attitudes and prejudices, and the instinct for self-preservation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:21 AM 32. Sympathy and empathy are different. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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33. The Miranda warning advises suspects of their Fourth Amendment rights. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:23 AM 34. The Sixth Amendment right to counsel applies to anyone who is questioned by the police. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:25 AM 35. The Miranda warning is required during questioning that occurs between one private citizen and another. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:26 AM 36. When conducting an interrogation, officers should seek a place where the individual being questioned will likely feel the least amount of stress. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:28 AM 37. Interrogatory deception includes claiming to possess evidence that does not really exist, or misrepresenting the seriousness of the crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:29 AM 38. During interrogation, it is permissible for investigators to tell a suspect that an accomplice has already confessed when they actually have not. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:30 AM 39. Officers may use deception legally during interviews. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:30 AM 40. Once a suspect has confessed, the investigation should be ended and all of the facts presented to the prosecuting attorney. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:31 AM 41. Information obtained through the use of truth serums is recognized by the courts as reliable and is admissible, provided a court order was obtained before the suspect received the serum. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:32 AM 42. Polygraph results are admissible in court under some specific conditions. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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the acceptability of its results in court. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 8:32 AM 3/24/2022 8:33 AM

43. Hypnosis has been universally accepted by the courts. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:33 AM 44. Truth serums are commonly used in criminal cases by the police. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:34 AM 45. Profilers are frequently used by law enforcement. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Use of Psychics and Profilers QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 8:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 8:35 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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46. A(n) _______________ is a term used to describe a person who can provide information about a case but who is not a complainant, witness, victim, or suspect. informant ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:45 AM 47. A(n) _______________ is the process of questioning those suspected of direct or indirect involvement in a crime. interrogation ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.02 - Explain what the goal of interviewing and interrogation is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:46 AM 48. The _______________ interview method is especially effective for obtaining information from victims and witnesses who have difficulty remembering an event. cognitive ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:47 AM 49. _______________ is the capacity to perceive accurately and respond to another person’s thoughts and feelings. It is an active process rather than a passive experience. Empathy ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Completion Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:48 AM 50. The _______________ Amendment states that “[N]o person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” Fifth ANSWER: 5th POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:49 AM 51. The Miranda warning informs suspects of their _______________ Amendment rights. Fifth ANSWER: 5th POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:50 AM 52. The “question first” technique is also known as _______________. beachheading ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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53. Belittling a suspect is often effective, and is referred to as _______________ their ego. deflating ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:51 AM 54. A(n) _______________ question is to the point and limits the possibility of misinterpretation. direct ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing and Interrogating QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:52 AM 55. The _______________ measures respiration and depth of breathing, changes in the skin’s electrical resistance, and blood pressure and pulse. polygraph ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:53 AM 56. What is the value of the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to investigators? The NCIC is of great value to investigators. It contains: online databases on wanted and ANSWER: missing persons; stolen guns, securities, articles, boats, license plates, and vehicles; criminal histories; foreign fugitives and deported felons; gang and terrorist members; and persons subject to protection orders. The newest generation, NCIC 2000, includes mug shots and other personal identifying images, such as: scars and tattoos; images of vehicles; Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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an enhanced name search; automated single-finger fingerprint matching; and information linking. The information in the online databases NCIC and NCIC 2000 can help investigators associate logically related records across NCIC files for the same criminal or crime. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:53 AM 57. What are pen registers and how are they useful to investigators? Pen registers are electronic devices or programs that record all numbers dialed from a ANSWER: specific phone line. Title 18 of the U.S. Code defines a pen register as “a device or process, which records or decodes dialing, routing, addressing, or signaling information transmitted by an instrument or facility from which a wire or electronic communication is transmitted…” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sources of Information QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.01 - Identify the sources of information that are available to investigators. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:54 AM 58. Describe a cognitive interview. The interviewer tries to get the interviewee to recall the scene mentally by using simple ANSWER: mnemonic techniques aimed at encouraging focused retrieval. These techniques include: allowing interviewees to do most of the talking; asking open-ended questions; allowing ample time for answers; avoiding interruptions; and encouraging the person to report all details, no matter how trivial. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.04 - Compare and contrast the approaches used to appeal to reluctant interviewees. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:55 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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59. How are foreign nationals to be treated when under detention or arrest, and why? Officers who want to interrogate a person claiming diplomatic immunity should request ANSWER: the diplomatic identification and check the reverse of the card. A general guideline is to treat foreign nationals and diplomats as you would want Americans to be treated under similar circumstances abroad. Partly because of concern that foreign nationals charged with crimes in the United States will not fully understand their rights within the complex U.S. legal system, the Vienna Convention Treaty, signed in 1963, gives foreign nationals the right to contact their consulate in the event of their detention or arrest. Another treaty signed in 1972 provides diplomatic immunity for certain individuals. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.06 - State what the Miranda warning is and when it must be given. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:56 AM 60. What are some special considerations when interviewing juveniles? Strive to build rapport, perhaps offer a tour of the building, and show the juvenile where ANSWER: his or her parents will be waiting. In sex crimes, you should establish what words a child uses to refer to the private parts of the body. Obtain parental permission before questioning a juvenile, unless the situation warrants immediate questioning at the scene. Parents usually permit their juveniles to be questioned separately if the purpose is explained and you have valid reasons for doing so. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Questioning Children and Juveniles QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:57 AM 61. Briefly discuss some of the approaches an officer can use in an interrogation. Interrogation techniques include inquiring directly or indirectly, forcing responses, ANSWER: deflating or inflating the ego, minimizing or maximizing the crime, projecting the blame, rationalizing, and combining approaches. Indirect inquiry draws out information without mentioning the main subject. A forced response is elicited by asking a question that will implicate the suspect, regardless of the answer given. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Deflating suspects’ egos is often effective. Question the suspect’s skill in committing a crime known to be his specialty. The suspect may attempt—out of pride—to prove that it was a professional job. The same results can be obtained by inflating suspects’ egos, praising the skill shown in pulling off the job. Suspects may want to take the credit and admit their role in the crime. Overstating the severity of an offense can be as effective as understating it. Making the offense more serious than it actually is can induce suspects to provide facts implicating them in lesser offenses. Projecting blame onto others is another effective way to get suspects talking. When suspects feel as if others are at fault, they may be more willing to share information that will ultimately incriminate them. Rationalizing is another technique that shifts fault away from a suspect. Even though the suspect committed the act, there was a good reason to justify it. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:58 AM 62. Describe/define the term “third degree tactics” as used in police interrogations and discuss the legality of its use. Third-degree is the use of physical force, the threat of force, or other physical, mental, or ANSWER: psychological abuse to induce a suspect to confess to a crime. Third-degree tactics, which are illegal, include striking or hitting a suspect, denying food or water or sleep for abnormal time periods, not allowing a suspect to go to the restroom, having a number of officers ask questions in shifts for prolonged periods, and refusing normal privileges. Obtaining information using these methods is inexcusable, and any information so obtained, including confessions, is inadmissible in court. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 7:59 AM 63. Select one of the approaches to interrogation outlined in the text, and describe how it might be used by an officer in dealing with a suspect. Answers will vary. Here is one example: ANSWER: Belittling a suspect is often effective. For example, you may tell a suspect, “We know you couldn’t be directly involved in the burglary because you aren’t smart enough to pull off a job like that. We thought you might know who did, though.” Question the suspect’s Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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skill in committing a crime known to be his specialty. Suggest that the suspect’s reputation is suffering because his latest burglaries have been bungled. The suspect may attempt—out of pride—to prove that it was a professional job. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 7:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:00 AM 64. Discuss the importance of rapport when interviewing a witness or interrogating a suspect. Rapport is probably the most critical factor in any interview. Rapport is an understanding ANSWER: between individuals created by genuine interest and concern. It requires empathy. The techniques for establishing rapport during an interview also apply in an interrogation. People who are approached civilly may provide a surprising amount of information. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.07 - Describe the various techniques used in an interrogation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:00 AM 65. How should an investigator evaluate and corroborate information learned in interviews or interrogations? To cross-check a story, review the report and the details of the offense. Determine the past ANSWER: record, family status, hobbies, and special interests of those questioned. If a person has a criminal record, determine his or her prior modus operandi. With such information, you can ask questions in a way that indicates you know what you are talking about and that deceptive answers will be found out. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:02 AM 66. Describe the difference between an admission, a confession, and an adoptive admission. An admission contains some information concerning the elements of a crime but falls ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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short of a full confession. A confession is information supporting the elements of a crime given by a person involved in committing it. It can be oral or written and must be voluntary and not given in response to threats, promises, or rewards. It can be taken in question and answer form or in a narrative handwritten by the suspect or the interrogator. A confession, oral or handwritten, must be given of the suspect’s free will and not in response to fear, threats, promises, or rewards. An adoptive admission occurs when someone else makes a statement in a person’s presence and under circumstances where it would be logical to expect the person to make a denial if the statement falsely implicated him, but he does not deny the allegations. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:02 AM 67. Describe the circumstances that must accompany a legally obtained confession. A confession, oral or handwritten, must be given of the suspect’s free will and not in ANSWER: response to fear, threats, promises, or rewards. The voluntary nature of the confession is essential. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.08 - Explain what significance a confession has in an investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:03 AM 68. Outline the various scientific aids available to law enforcement for obtaining and evaluating information. Science and technology have provided aids to help determine the reliability of ANSWER: information voice stress analyzer (CVSA), hypnosis, and truth serums. The polygraph scientifically measures respiration and depth of breathing, as well as cha changes in the skins electrical resistance, blood pressure, and pulse rate. It is important to note, however, that the polygraph is an instrument used in questioning. Although the results are not presently admissible in court, any confession obtained as a result of a polygraph test is admissible in court. Hypnosis and truth serums are supplementary tools to investigation. .They are not used as a shortcut, but rather in specific cases where their criteria for use have been determined Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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for thorough review. Cases that meet these criteria are normally cases involving violence or when loss of memory or ability to recall is involved and all other investigative efforts have been exhausted. Hypnosis psychically induces a trance like condition in which the person loses consciousness, but responds to the hypnotists suggestions. Courts have established guidelines for this, including that a trained professional perform the session and that that person is independent of the prosecution. Truth serums are fast acting Truth serums are fast-acting barbiturates of the type used to produce sleep at the approximate level of surgical anesthesia. The theory is that the drug removes people’s inhibitions so that they are more likely to tell the truth. In the past, scopolamine and hyoscine were the most used drugs, but sodium amatol and sodium pentothal are more commonly used today. Truth serums are not used extensively by the police because the accuracy of the information obtained with them is questionable. Truth serum is administered by a physician, preferably a psychiatrist, who remains to monitor the person’s condition while the questions are asked. The courts do not officially recognize truth serums or their reliability, nor do they admit the results as evidence. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Scientific Aids to Obtaining and Evaluating Information QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.09 - Describe what a polygraph is, its role in investigation, and the acceptability of its results in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:04 AM 69. What is a fusion center? ANSWER:

Fusion centers are another effective means to transform information into intelligence and have been a worthy avenue to implement elements of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Information Versus Intelligence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.10 - Differentiate between information and intelligence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:05 AM 70. Under what conditions is a juvenile permitted to be used as an informant? Just as it is crucial to obtain parental permission before questioning a youth, officers ANSWER: should not use a youth as an informant unless the parents know the situation. However, regardless of parental permission, it is an unwise decision. Most jurisdictions have policies on the use of juvenile informants, specifying a minimum age for the informant and requiring parental consent prior to using the juvenile as an informant. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Questioning Children and Juveniles QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.06.10 - Differentiate between information and intelligence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/26/2022 8:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/26/2022 8:06 AM

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Chapter 7 - Identifying and Arresting Suspects 1. Field or show-up identification is on-the-scene identification of a suspect by a victim or witness of a crime. The showup must be: a. shortly after the incident. b. close in location to the incident. c. based on a warrant. d. in conjunction with an attorney’s consent. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects at the Scene QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.01 - Explain what field identification is, when it is used, and the rights a suspect has during such an event. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 11:55 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 11:57 PM 2. A field identification is also called a: a. show-up. b. follow-up. c. shake-down. d. hot stops. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects at the Scene QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.01 - Explain what field identification is, when it is used, and the rights a suspect has during such an event. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 11:58 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:01 AM 3. Which method is used to identify suspects? a. field or show-up identification b. family empathy c. grand jury indictment hearings d. hearsay evidence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. In Whren v. United States (1996), the Supreme Court affirmed that officers could stop vehicles to allay any suspicions even though they have no evidence of criminal behavior. This type of stop is referred to as a: a. pretextual stop. b. silver platter stop. c. Terry stop. d. racial profiling stop. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:04 AM 5. Which of the following can be created using Identi-Kit? a. composite drawings and sketches b. physical evidence left at the crime scene c. unknown latent fingerprints d. booking photos ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:06 AM 6. Psychological profiling: a. can help eliminate and develop suspects. b. is used only in conjunction with a psychic. c. is 95 percent accurate in all criminal cases. d. is no longer used in police work. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:08 AM 7. In the DEA smuggling case, United States v. Weaver (1992), what did the Court rule? a. Race can be considered among other factors to use in developing suspects. b. Only agents of the same race as a suspect can work undercover to avoid racism charges. c. Race can never be used as a factor in developing suspects. d. Racial profiling is always illegal. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:10 AM 8. Live lineups generally contain: a. two to four individuals. b. four to six individuals. c. six to ten individuals. d. four to 12 individuals. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:12 AM 9. In United States v. Wade, the Court said that a suspect must be informed of his or her right to have a lawyer present during what type of process? a. booking b. Terry stops c. invasive searches d. lineups Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:14 AM 10. The objective of surveillance in criminal investigations is to: a. make a suspect aware that they are being watched. b. obtain information about people, their associates, and their activities that may help solve a criminal case or protect a witness. c. obtain information about anyone or anything. d. punish the offenders. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:16 AM 11. Wiretaps are legal when there is probable cause and they are: a. ordered by the chief of police or sheriff. b. authorized by the investigating officer. c. reviewed by a grand jury. d. authorized by a court. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:19 AM 12. In United States v. Knotts (1983), the Court ruled that installing and monitoring a bird dog tracking device in a public location: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. violates a suspect’s rights. b. is illegal. c. does not violate a suspect’s rights. d. is inadmissible. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:20 AM 13. Florida v. Riley (1989) approved warrantless aerial surveillance, noting that: a. there had to be at least 10,000 feet between the police airplane and the suspects. b. there should be no reasonable expectation of privacy from the skies above. c. this was a test case and was only approved once and therefore is not widely applicable in investigation. d. it must be in conjunction with a simultaneous ground-level surveillance. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:22 AM 14. Making a legal arrest, gaining information for warrants, or even preventing crime can all be the result of: a. criminal profiling. b. surveillance. c. entrapment. d. pretextual traffic stops. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:43 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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15. Surveillance, undercover assignments, and raids are used only when: a. the case involves narcotics. b. the case is a felony. c. normal methods of continuing the investigation fail to produce results. d. terrorist activity is suspected. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance, Undercover Assignments, and Raids: The Last Resort QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:27 AM 16. What is one precaution specifically for an undercover agent to keep in mind? a. Write notes that the subject can read. b. Carry professional identification in case they need to make an arrest. c. Ensure that communication with headquarters is covert. d. Use drugs and alcohol to get in with the suspect. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:43 AM 17. What must be established before an arrest can be made? a. occurrence of a crime b. finding of a victim c. probable cause d. notification of suspect’s lawyer ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.07 - List the circumstances under which police officers are authorized to make an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. The requirement of providing counsel to a suspect in a lineup that occurs after indictment or arraignment is known as the: a. Miranda rule. b. Wade-Gilbert rule. c. exclusionary rule. d. “fruits of the poisoned tree” rule. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.08 - Identify the elements that constitute an arrest having been made. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:40 AM 19. On a linear use-of-force continuum, where do “hard empty hand techniques/impact weapon” fall in relation to the use of a TASER or chemical agent? a. They fall to the left (i.e., they are less forceful). b. They fall to the right (i.e., they are more forceful). c. They are equivalent. d. They are not on the same use-of-force continuum. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:42 AM 20. What term is used to describe bizarre and aggressive behavior, paranoia, panic, violence, hyperthermia, and unexpected physical strength? a. excited delirium b. use of deadly force c. de facto arrest d. nightcap provision ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:43 AM 21. Which 2007 case defined the use of “ramming” in pursuit as a use-of-force tactic that the police use today? a. Mapp v. Ohio b. Kim Wong Ark v. United States c. Scott v. Harris d. United States v. Weeks ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:46 AM 22. Which non-lethal weapon uses projectiles specially designed to cause non-lethal trauma and incapacitation when it comes into contact with a suspect’s body? a. restraints b. conducted energy devices (CEDs) c. impact munitions d. aerosols ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:44 AM 23. Force necessary to overcome resistance offered during an arrest is referred to as: a. extraneous force. b. reasonable force. c. the Blue Hammer. d. extralegal force. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:49 AM 24. Which 1985 court case eliminated the “fleeing- felon rule,” banning law enforcement officers from shooting to kill a fleeing felon unless an imminent danger to life exists? a. Argersinger v. Hamlin b. Brown v. Mississippi c. Terry v. Ohio d. Tennessee v. Garner ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:51 AM 25. In Saucier v. Katz (2001), the Supreme Court held that the guide for use of excessive force is that the: a. officer fears for his or her safety. b. force is objectively reasonable under Fourth Amendment excessive force analysis. c. suspect is armed. d. suspect presents a dangerous risk to the public. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:54 AM 26. The time it takes to identify a suspect is directly correlated to the time it takes to solve that crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects at the Scene QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.01 - Explain what field identification is, when it is used, and the Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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rights a suspect has during such an event. Bloom’s: Remember 3/25/2022 12:54 AM 3/25/2022 12:56 AM

27. Because race is part of a suspect’s general description, racial profiling has been upheld by the courts as legal and constitutional. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - List the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:58 AM 28. Investigators should keep in mind that eyewitness identification is highly infallible. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:04 AM 29. A suspect has the right to a lawyer if a photographic lineup is used. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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30. In Schmerber v. California (1966), the Court ruled that suspects may refuse to participate in a lineup, and such refusal may not be used against them in court. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:31 AM 31. In addition to including the suspect, investigators should use at least ten people of comparable race, height, weight, age, and general appearance in police lineups. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:32 AM 32. In Katz v. United States, the Supreme Court reversed the California decision, saying: “The Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. . . .” a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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33. Stakeout surveillance is used when you know or suspect that a person is at or will come to a known location. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:35 AM 34. Electronic surveillance and wiretapping are considered forms of search and therefore do not require probable cause and court order. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:36 AM 35. As far back as Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the courts authorized courtordered electronic surveillance of organized crime figures. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:38 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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36. Pen registers and trap-and-trace devices are not considered forms of searches and do not need probable cause and a court order because subscribers waive their rights to privacy when using devices such as cell phones or telephones. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:40 AM 37. Through-the-wall surveillance (TWS) technology helps officers to determine if someone is in a room before putting themselves in harm’s way and to save lives by using motion and images to differentiate between a hostage and a hostage taker. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:50 AM 38. The Supreme Court defined entrapment in Sorrells v. United States (1932) as essentially resting on whether or not the conception and planning of an offense was by an officer, not a suspect. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:51 AM 39. Police officers are not authorized to make an arrest for any criminal activity of which they are suspicious. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Raids QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.07 - List the circumstances under which police officers are authorized to make an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:52 AM 40. Gordon v. Warren Consolidated Board of Education (1983) ruled that using undercover officers in high schools was reasonable and therefore legal. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:53 AM 41. Officers working undercover should keep their real first name and date of birth. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:55 AM 42. Planning, organizing, and executing a raid are somewhat similar to undertaking a small military attack on a specific target. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Raids QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.06 - Summarize the objectives of raids, what to consider before conducting a raid, and precautions to take when conducting a raid. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:56 AM 43. Facts gathered after an arrest to justify probable cause are legally admissible as evidence of probable cause. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Arrests QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.08 - Identify the elements that constitute an arrest having been made. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:01 AM 44. Some officers carry insurance to protect themselves against lawsuits. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:03 AM 45. Research has found that officers were significantly more likely to use higher levels of force with suspects they encountered in disadvantaged neighborhoods. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:09 AM 46. ______________ identification is on-the-scene identification of a suspect by a victim or witness to a crime. Field ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects at the Scene QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.01 - Explain what field identification is, when it is used, and the rights a suspect has during such an event. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:01 AM 47. ______________ profiling can be helpful in developing and identifying suspects who commit multiple crimes. Geographical ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:02 AM 48. Suspects may ______________ to participate in a lineup, but this decision can be used against them in court. refuse ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:03 AM 49. In ________________ profiling, also known as criminal profiling, an attempt is made to identify an individual’s mental, emotional, and psychological characteristics. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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psychological ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:05 AM 50. ______________ profiling takes place when an officer focuses on an individual as a suspect based solely on that person’s race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious appearance, to the exclusion of legitimate factors, to decide which people are suspicious enough to warrant police stops. Racial ANSWER: Developing Suspects RATIONALE: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:08 AM 51. Victims and witnesses should view ______________ shots, as this may help identify a suspect believed to have a record. mug ANSWER: POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Identifying Suspects REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:07 AM 52. In moving surveillance, the surveillant may be referred to as a ______________. tail ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:09 AM 53. Police powers to arrest or search are restricted by the ________________ Amendment. Fourth ANSWER: 4th POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.07 - List the circumstances under which police officers are authorized to make an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:11 AM 54. Graham v. Connor held that plaintiffs alleging excessive use of force need only show that the officer’s actions were __________ under the standards of the Fourth Amendment. unreasonable ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.07 - List the circumstances under which police officers are authorized to make an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:14 AM 55. Identifying a weapon as less-lethal does not imply that it is ________________ lethal. never/not ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:20 AM 56. If a suspect is at the scene of a crime, what methods can an officer use to identify the suspect on the scene? If a suspect is on the scene, an officer can use the person’s driver’s license, mobile ANSWER: identification technology, or field or show-up identification. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects at the Scene QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.01 - Explain what field identification is, when it is used, and the rights a suspect has during such an event. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:22 AM 57. Describe the uses and value of psychological profiling. The psychological profile is determined by examining all data and evidence from a specific ANSWER: crime scene, including, but not limited to, crime scene photographs, detailed photos of bodily injuries to victims, photos of any mutilation evidence, information related to the condition of the victim’s clothing or absence thereof, information regarding whether the crime scene was altered or unaltered, photos of the area beyond the immediate crime scene, available maps of the area, the medical examiner’s report and opinion, and any other relevant information concerning the crime, particularly abnormalities such as multiple slashings, disembowelment, or dismembering of the body. Specific information is then categorized to produce predictive information regarding the suspect’s likely age, sex, race, weight, and height; physical, mental, and psychological condition; area of residence; whether known to the victim; whether the suspect has a criminal record; and other details. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:23 AM 58. Compile a list of some of the key items to ask about when helping a witness describe a suspect. Rather than simply asking a witness to describe a suspect, ask specific questions about the ANSWER: suspect’s physical characteristics, such as gender, height, weight, build, age, race, shape of face, complexion, hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, mustache, mouth, lips, teeth, beard, chin, neck, distinctive marks, peculiarities, clothing, weapon (if any), and jewelry. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:24 AM 59. Explain how geographic profiling can be used in criminal investigations. Geographic profiling can also be helpful in identifying suspects who commit multiple ANSWER: crimes (serial criminals). Geographic profiling is based on the fact that everyone has a pattern to their lives, particularly in relation to the geographical areas they frequent. The serial criminal operates within a comfort zone—near to where they live but far enough away to remain anonymous and still feel comfortable because they know the area. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Developing Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.02 - Identify the various sources commonly accessed for help in developing a suspect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:25 AM 60. How does an officer determine whether photographic identification or lineup identification should be used to identify a suspect? Often the victims or witnesses get a good look at the suspect and can make a positive ANSWER: identification. Use photographic identification when you have a good idea of who committed a crime but the suspect is not in custody or when a fair lineup cannot be conducted. Tell witnesses they need not identify anyone from the photographs. Lineup identification is commonly used when the suspect is in custody and there were witnesses to the crime. Use lineup identification when the suspect is in custody. Use at least six individuals of comparable race, height, weight, age, and general appearance. Ask all to perform the same actions or speak the same words. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.03 - Describe the basic techniques used to identify a suspect, including what each requires, when they are used, and what rights a suspect has during each. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:25 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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61. Briefly outline some of the ways that surveillance can aid an investigation. Surveillance can aid an investigation in many ways: ANSWER: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Gain information required for building a criminal complaint Determine an informant’s loyalty Verify a witness’s statement about a crime Gain information required for obtaining and executing a search or arrest warrant, such as who lives at a property, how many people are there, what the layout of the property is, etc. Gain information necessary for interrogating a suspect Identify a suspect’s associates Observe members of terrorist organizations Find a person wanted for a crime Observe criminal activities in progress Make a legal arrest Apprehend a criminal in the act of committing a crime Prevent a crime Recover stolen property Protect witnesses

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Surveillance QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.04 - Explain when surveillance is used, what its objectives are, and the basic types of surveillance commonly deployed in criminal investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:26 AM 62. Define entrapment. ANSWER:

The Supreme Court defined entrapment in Sorrells v. United States (1932) as “the conception and planning of an offense by an officer, and his procurement of its commission by one who would not have perpetrated it except for the trickery, persuasion or fraud of the officer.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:27 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. Outline some of the suggestions discussed in the text for officers who are preparing to go undercover. Recommendations and precautions for undercover agents include: ANSWER: • • • • • •

Adopt credible aliases. Keep your real first name and date of birth. Whether you’re going to “carry” or not may be a matter of personal preference or an issue your agency addresses. Choose your “garb” based on your assignment. The primary objective is to fit in with your target group. Avoid the draw of the street, which can be overwhelming and even addicting. Although many undercover operations require you to appear alone, always have backup within eye or earshot, either via wire or through direct visual contact. Remember who you are. Nothing is worth compromising your integrity as a police officer (Grossi, 2009).

Additional precautions include: • • • •

Write no notes the subject can read. It is vital that undercover investigators keep accurate notes during their investigation, yet they must not allow the subject to be aware of such documentation. Carry no identification other than the cover ID. Ensure that any communication with headquarters is covert. Do not suggest, plan, initiate, or participate in criminal activity.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Undercover Assignments QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.05 - List the objectives of undercover assignments and the precautions officers working undercover should take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM 64. What precautions should be taken by officers when conducting raids? Precautions to take when conducting a raid: ANSWER: • • • • •


Ensure that the raid is legal (for example, that warrants are signed and legal). Plan carefully (know escape routes, suspect’s history of violence, possible weapons at the site, suspect’s gang connections, etc.). Assign adequate personnel and equipment. Thoroughly brief every member of the raiding party. Be aware of the possibility of surreptitious surveillance devices or booby traps at the raid site.

In addition, make sure you have the correct location, that the right people you are after are present at the location, and that you have established a tight perimeter, allowing a safe and secure zone to conduct the raid. Many agencies use their local SWAT units to make the initial entry as raids are inherently dangerous. Medical units may be on standby. Remember that any use of force will have to be justified and documented. 1 Raids

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.06 - Summarize the objectives of raids, what to consider before conducting a raid, and precautions to take when conducting a raid. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:42 AM 65. How do the police establish the legal requirements for staging a raid? A raid must be the result of a hot pursuit or be under the authority of a no-knock arrest or ANSWER: search warrant. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Raids QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.06 - Summarize the objectives of raids, what to consider before conducting a raid, and precautions to take when conducting a raid. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:43 AM 66. After arresting a suspect, under what conditions are officers allowed to search the arrestee’s home? Consider including a discussion of relevant Supreme Court rulings in your answer. The Supreme Court has ruled on the conditions in three cases: ANSWER: James v. Louisiana (1965): “A search can be ‘incident to an arrest’ only if it is substantially contemporaneous with the arrest and is confined to the immediate vicinity of the arrest.” Shipley v. California (1969): “The Constitution has never been construed by this Court to allow the police in the absence of an emergency to arrest a person outside his home and then take him inside for the purpose of conducting a warrantless search.” Vale v. Louisiana (1970): “If a search of a house is to be upheld as incident to arrest, that arrest must take place inside the house. We decline to hold that an arrest on the street can provide its own exigent circumstance so as to justify a warrantless search of the arrestee’s house.”


Police do, however, have a right to maintain control over a suspect once he is arrested. If the suspect is arrested outside his home and requests an opportunity to go back inside temporarily (such as to obtain bail money or ID, to get a jacket, or tell his family of his predicament), he is giving police implied consent to accompany him inside. If officers then see contraband or evidence in plain view, they have a right to seize it. 1 Legal Arrests Essay False

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.08 - Identify the elements that constitute an arrest having been made. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:46 AM 67. At what point should an arrested individual be advised of his or her constitutional rights? Arrested individuals should be advised of their constitutional rights when they are in a ANSWER: custodial setting, that is, not free to leave, and when they are being interrogated about a specific crime where their answers may incriminate them. Note that just because individuals are arrested, they need not always be Mirandized. They only need to be Mirandized if the police want to question them while they are in a custodial setting and when their answers could be incriminating. In other words, a person arrested for committing a crime in an officer’s presence, such as driving while intoxicated, would not have to be necessarily Mirandized. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.08 - Identify the elements that constitute an arrest having been made. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:47 AM 68. Define the term de facto arrest. In some departments, it is common practice to take a suspect who is not under arrest to ANSWER: the department for questioning. If bringing someone in for questioning appears to be an arrest without probable cause, even if the suspect is not told they are under arrest, and even if the officers do not personally consider them to be under arrest, the courts are likely to rule that the officers have, in effect, made an illegal de facto arrest. As a result, the courts will suppress any evidence so obtained. At minimum, the Supreme Court has ruled four times that if police take someone involuntarily to a police facility for investigation, this will be considered a de facto arrest. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.08 - Identify the elements that constitute an arrest having been made. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:47 AM 69. Define reasonable force in its application to police work. Reasonable force is the amount of force used by police measured by what a prudent ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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individual would accept or use themselves in a similar situation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:48 AM 70. Briefly outline some of the options available to an officer for controlling someone using nonlethal force. Whether they are called less-than-lethal, less-lethal, or nonlethal weapons, their intent is ANSWER: to avoid the use of deadly force. The most commonly used restraint is handcuffs. Aerosols can also be used; pepper spray is considered by many to be the single most significant resistance-control and injury-reduction tool in law enforcement history. Impact munitions are specially designed projectiles that are made to strike a subject’s body causing nonlethal blunt trauma and incapacitation. Controlled Electronic Devices (CEDs) are also called ECDs. These handheld devices operate by causing neuro-muscular incapacitation (NMI) resulting in a subject’s loss of motor function and, usually, consequent collapse to the ground. Perhaps the best-known and most controversial lesslethal weapon is the TASER. Other less-lethal options include capture nets, which have been an alternative for subduing combative suspects for decades. A modern version of such a capture net is the Super Talon™ net gun. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Avoiding Civil Liability When Making Arrests QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.07.09 - Explain how much force is justified when making an arrest. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:49 AM

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Chapter 8 - Death Investigations 1. Deaths are classified by manner as: a. natural, accidental, suicide, homicide (noncriminal and criminal), and undetermined. b. natural, accidental, suicide, and murder. c. accidental, suicide, murder, and voluntary. d. either by accident or by the hands of another. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.02 - Describe the five categories of death. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:23 AM 2. Noncriminal homicide includes: a. justifiable homicide. b. suicide. c. voluntary manslaughter. d. involuntary manslaughter. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:26 AM 3. Murder is classified as: a. excusable homicide. b. i n v o l u n t a r y homicide. c. criminal homicide. d. justifiable homicide. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:29 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. The criminal or noncriminal, felonious or non-felonious taking of life by another human or by an agency, such as a government, is called: a. murder. b. homicide. c. manslaughter. d. Premeditated homicide. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:53 AM 5. Premeditation is a requirement in which type of case? a. first-degree murder b. second-degree murder c. excusable homicide d. justifiable homicide ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.04 - Compare and contrast murder and manslaughter, including the different classifications of each and the different elements that must be proven. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:32 AM 6. What term is used to describe a criminal act that was committed when the suspect suddenly became emotional, thus precluding premeditation? a. heat of passion b. culpable negligence c. equivocal death d. lust murder ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.06 - Explain the significance of premeditation in a death Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. The first priority in a preliminary homicide investigation is to: a. collect any potential physical evidence on scene. b. keep the media away from the area. c. identify the suspect. d. assess the safety of the scene. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preliminary Investigation of Homicide QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:39 AM 8. Staging refers to: a. the removal of the victim’s body and the cleaning up of the scene to evidence. b. disguising the victim’s body to avoid positive identification. c. both the positioning of the victim’s body and the manipulation of the scene around the victim’s body. d. placing information about the victim on social media platforms to attract media attention. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Equivocal Death QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:41 AM 9. A study of 800 homicide cases found that investigators are more likely to clear a homicide if: a. there is at least one witness to the crime. b. they arrive at the scene within 30 minutes of being notified. c. the incident is reported within 30 minutes to a 911 dispatcher. d. at least one detective/investigator attended the postmortem examination. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preliminary Investigation of Homicide QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:43 AM 10. Which of the following characteristics can assist in establishing time of death? a. mitochondrial DNA b. presence of weapons c. rigor mortis d. hair color ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:44 AM 11. Rigor mortis, a Latin term, literally translate to: a. desiccation. b. stiffness of death. c. adipocere. d. loss of lividity. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:47 AM 12. Typically rigor mortis in a decedent reaches its maximum stage of rigor approximately how many hours after death? a. six to eight b. eight to nine c. 12 to 24 d. 36 to 48 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:49 AM 13. Which of the following statements is true with regard to death investigations? a. Body temperature drops 5 to10 degrees in the first hour after death. b. Rigor mortis appears first in the smaller muscles, such as those of the face. c. After about 24 hours, rigor mortis usually disappears in the same sequence as it appeared. d. Maximum lividity occurs within 15 to 20 hours after death. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:50 AM 14. If death is caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, lividity will appear: a. white. b. dark blue or purple. c. absent. d. cherry red or strong pink. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:57 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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15. Which of the following is most likely to occur if a body is exposed to an extremely hot and dry climate? a. decomposition b. disarticulation c. mummification d. skeletonization within 24 hours ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, the eyes, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 3:04 AM 16. The postmortem cooling process of the body is called: a. adipocere. b. lividity. c. rigor mortis. d. algor mortis. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 3:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 3:06 AM 17. When a decedent sinks in water, their body usually remains immersed for: a. five to seven days in warm water and three to four weeks in cold water. b. eight to ten days in warm water and two to three weeks in cold water. c. two to three weeks in warm water and five to six weeks in cold water. d. four to five hours in warm water and 12 to 14 hours in cold water. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.10 - Explain the effect water has on a dead body. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. It can be assumed that a victim has died on land if: a. the victim’s eyes glisten when the body is brought out of the water. b. diatoms are found on the body. c. part of the victim’s eye looks dry immediately following the time when the body is brought out of the water. d. the body is curled in a semi-fetal position. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.10 - Explain the effect water has on a dead body. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 3:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 3:15 AM 19. The main purpose of a coroners or medical examiner’s office is to: a. prepare the body for burial. b. determine the deceased’s identity. c. determine the cause and manner of death. d. conduct medical research. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Medical Examination or Autopsy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.11 - Describe the purpose of the medical examination or autopsy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:29 AM 20. A common indicator of suicide using a knife is: a. no weapon present. b. the presence defensive wounds on the hands and forearms. c. wounds made through clothing. d. hesitation wounds. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:31 AM 21. A weapon found to be tightly clutched in the hands of a decedent on scene may be an indicator of what type of death? a. suicide b. homicide c. accidental blunt force trauma d. noncriminal homicide ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:40 AM 22. Most death investigation cases involving hanging are: a. homicides. b. accidents. c. suicides. d. accidental homicides. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:59 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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23. Shotgun wounds involving pellets are different from single bullets in that they produce: a. smaller exit wounds. b. smaller entry wounds. c. a discernible pellet pattern at close range/contact. d. a discernible pellet pattern at far range. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:44 AM 24. The study of poisons can determine the type of poison, the amount ingested, the approximate time ingested, and the effect on the body. This field is referred to as: a. toxicology. b. odontology. c. homeopathy. d. entomology. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:49 AM 25. Which of the below are the most common methods of homicidal poisoning? a. arsenic and cyanide b. strychnine and anthrax c. cyanide and strychnine d. anthrax and cyanide ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:52 AM 26. In assessing victim–offender relationships (VOR), violence that is goal-directed predatory behavior used to exert control—such as a carjacker who shoots his victim before stealing the vehicle—is referred as what type of violence? a. expressive violence b. instrumental violence c. constructive violence d. cognitive violence ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:56 AM 27. The type of “lust murderer” who is usually of above-average intelligence, methodical and cunning, and socially skilled, and who tricks victims into situations in which they can torture and then murder them, is called a(n): a. narcissistic offender . b. organized offender. c. disorganized offender. d. mass murderer. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.13 - Explain why determining a motive is important in homicide investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:58 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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28. What type of murder usually includes the killing of three or more separate victims with a “cooling off” period between the homicides ? a. mass murder b. spree murder c. serial murder d. disorganized killing ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:00 AM 29. All murders are homicides. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:02 AM 30. Examples of involuntary manslaughter may include handling a firearm negligently, leaving poison where children may ingest it, and operating an automobile, boat, or aircraft in a criminally negligent manner. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.04 - Compare and contrast murder and manslaughter, including the different classifications of each and the different elements that must be proven. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:03 AM 31. The key element distinguishing manslaughter from murder is premeditation. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.06 - Explain the significance of premeditation in a death investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:06 AM 32. In Flippo v. West Virginia, the Supreme Court determined that there is a general “murder scene exception” to the search warrant requirements of the Fourth Amendment. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preliminary Investigation of Homicide QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.06 - Explain the significance of premeditation in a death investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM 33. First-degree murder requires premeditation and the intent to cause death. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.06 - Explain the significance of premeditation in a death investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:08 AM 34. More Americans every year die by suicide than by homicide. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suicide QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:13 AM 35. More police officers lose their lives annually to suicide than homicide. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suicide QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:14 AM 36. Investigators have noted that chronic crack users often develop a characteristic callous on the pad of their thumb, which is sometimes called a “crack thumb.” a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Equivocal Death QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:15 AM 37. Equivocal death investigations are those inquiries that are open to interpretation as to the cause of death. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Equivocal Death QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:17 AM 38. Lack of a note is common in suicide cases. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suicide QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:18 AM 39. Two of the more difficult kinds of cases for a criminal investigator to investigate are those related to missing persons and those involving unidentified human remains. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Homicide Victim QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:19 AM 40. Researchers have identified more than 300 biological compounds called volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) found in the human body that are linked to decomposition in buried bodies. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Homicide Victim QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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41. Unfortunately, the U.S. Justice Department does not have a national program to help law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and others identify missing persons who have been murdered or have died of other causes. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Homicide Victim QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:22 AM 42. In general, decomposition is increased by lower temperatures and decreased by higher temperatures. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:23 AM 43. The cornea clouds more rapidly if the eyes remain closed after death. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, the eyes, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:23 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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44. Insects can offer valuable clues as to the time a body was abandoned or buried. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eyes appearance, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:25 AM 45. It is common procedure to exhume a body for medical examination. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Medical Examination or Autopsy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.11 - Describe the purpose of the medical examination or autopsy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:29 AM 46. Investigators are more likely to clear a homicide if they arrive on scene within 30 minutes of being notified of the incident. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Declining Clearance Rate QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.13 - Explain why determining a motive is important in homicide investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:31 AM 47. A serial murder is defined as sex-related homicide involving a sadistic, deviant assault. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:32 AM 48. Profiles of serial killers commonly show that they are often quite intelligent and very much in touch with reality. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:32 AM 49. Unlike workplace violence, school violence usually occurs without previous warning or hints from the offender. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:35 AM 50. _______________ is the killing of one person by another. Homicide ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.02 - Describe the five categories of death. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM 51. Criminal _______________ involves creating a situation that results in an unreasonable risk of death or great bodily harm. negligence ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM 52. Killing an individual as part of a legally ordered execution is considered _______________ homicide. justifiable ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.03 - Explain the various classifications of homicides. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM 53. “Heat of passion” is the alternative to premeditation and assumes an act was committed when the suspect suddenly became extremely emotional. It is commonly referred to as _______________ rather than murder. voluntary manslaughter ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.04 - Compare and contrast murder and manslaughter, including the different classifications of each and the different elements that must be proven. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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54. A key difference between first- and second-degree murder is the element of _______________. premeditation ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.06 - Explain the significance of premeditation in a death investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:19 AM 55. A forensic _______________ can examine various types of insects to assist in estimating the time of death. entomologist ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM 56. After 9/11, _______________ analysis became the preferred method of identification of human remains located in mass disasters scenes. DNA ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Homicide Victim QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:02 AM 57. Postmortem lividity, also referred to as _______________, is a dark blue or purple discoloration that can be seen on a dead body. livor mortis ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, the eyes, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM 58. Violence that stems from hurt feelings, anger, or rage is called _______________ violence. expressive ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM 59. In _______________ asphyxiation, sexual gratification is sought by placing a rope around the neck and causing just enough restriction to result in semiconsciousness. autoerotic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM 60. Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Andrew Cunanan were well-known _______________ offenders. serial ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM 61. Compare the key difference between murder and involuntary manslaughter or criminal negligence. What are two key elements that are missing from the latter two items? ANSWER: The key elements that are missing are criminal intent to kill and premeditation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Deaths QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.04 - Compare and contrast murder and manslaughter, including the different classifications of each and the different elements that must be proven. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM 62. What are some examples of an equivocal death situation? ANSWER: Equivocal death investigations are situations that are open to interpretation. The case may present as homicide, suicide, or accidental death, and the facts may be intentionally vague or misleading. Examples might include a man found hanging in his garage, a dead woman in the bathtub with slit wrists, sudden unexplained infant death syndrome (SUID), or a sudden in-custody death (SICD). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Equivocal Death QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM 63. Describe some of the signs of death that officers can use to determine if a victim is deceased when they arrive at the scene. ANSWER: Medically, death is determined by the cessation of three vital functions: heartbeat; respiration; and brain activity. The first two signs are observable. Signs of death include lack of breathing, lack of heartbeat, lack of flushing of the fingernail bed when pressure is applied to the nail and then released, and failure of the eyelids to close after being gently lifted. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preliminary Investigation of Homicide QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:30 AM 64. What are some of the factors that contribute to the high rates of suicide among police? Contributing factors in police suicides, as with other victims of suicide, are alcohol, family ANSWER: issues, and the breakup of relationships. The public’s image of the police, and indeed officers’ image of themselves, is that of the strong protector of society. Yet police work forces officers to confront the dark side of human nature daily and may eventually cause officers to lose their faith in the goodness of humanity or in their abilities to make a positive impact on the lives of others. This sense of weakness and failure is so contradictory to the image of the police that some officers may simply see no other choice than to “take themselves out of the game.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suicide QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.07 - List the signs commonly looked for during the preliminary investigation of a homicide to determine that death has occurred. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:31 AM 65. Discuss the importance of the case of Flippo v. West Virginia (1999), and how it relates to searches at homicide scenes. ANSWER: In Flippo v. West Virginia (1999), the Supreme Court held that police may make warrantless entries onto premises where they reasonably believe a person is in need of immediate aid, or police may make a prompt warrantless search of a homicide scene for other victims or a killer on the premises. However, the Court specifically rejected the idea that there is any general “murder scene exception” to the search warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment. In effect, without exigent circumstances, the police would have to get a search warrant to search for evidence after the emergency is over. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preliminary Investigation of Homicide QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.08 - List the various resources used to identify an unknown homicide victim. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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66. What are some factors that can help in determining time of death? ANSWER: Factors that help in estimating the time of death are body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, eye appearance, stomach contents, stage of decomposition, and evidence suggesting a change in the victim’s normal routine. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Estimating the Time of Death (ToD) QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.09 - Explain how these specific factors are used to estimate the ToD: body temperature, rigor mortis, postmortem lividity, the eyes, and stomach contents. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:33 AM 67. Explain the purpose of the medical examiner’s or coroner’s office and what types of deaths must be investigated. The main purpose of the coroner’s or medical examiner’s office is to determine the cause ANSWER: and manner of death. If no unnatural cause is found, no crime exists. Certain types of death must be investigated. These include: all violent deaths, whether homicide, suicide, or an accident; sudden deaths not caused by a recognizable disease; deaths under suspicious circumstances, including those of persons whose bodies will be cremated, dissected, buried at sea, or otherwise made unavailable for further examination; deaths (other than from disease) of inmates in prisons or public institutions; deaths caused by disease that may constitute a public threat; and deaths resulting from hazardous employment. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Medical Examination or Autopsy QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.11 - Describe the purpose of the medical examination or autopsy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:34 AM 68. Compare the different indicators in gunshot wounds in an apparent suicide versus a homicide. Suicide indicators: ANSWER: • • • •

gun held against skin wound in mouth or in right temple if victim is right-handed and left temple if lefthanded not shot through clothing, unless shot in the chest weapon present, especially if tightly held in hand

Homicide indicators: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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• • • •

gun fired from more than a few inches away angle or location that rules out self-infliction shot through clothing no weapon present

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:37 AM 69. Describe the difference between expressive violence and instrumental violence. The victim–offender relationship (VOR) requires an understanding of the difference ANSWER: between expressive and instrumental violence. Expressive violence is that stemming from hurt feelings, anger, or rage, such as when the jealous lover stabs her ex- boyfriend while he’s on a date with his new girlfriend. In these cases, the VOR is close and established. Instrumental violence is goal-directed predatory behavior used to exert control; for example, a carjacker shoots his victim before stealing the vehicle. The VOR in events involving instrumental violence may or may not be close, with such events commonly occurring between strangers who have no preestablished relationship. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:38 AM 70. How is investigating a murder committed by a serial killer different from investigating any other type of homicide? Investigating a murder committed by a serial killer may initially seem the same as ANSWER: investigating any other homicide. As a case is investigated, however, and if no suspect can be developed, the investigator should consider reporting the crime to the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at Quantico, Virginia. Other cases with similar modus operandi submitted by other agencies can then be compared, and information is furnished to the submitting agencies. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:39 AM 71. Discuss the difference between defense wounds and hesitation wounds. ANSWER: In homicides, defense wounds—cuts on the hands, arms, and legs—result when the victim attempts to ward off the attacker. Cutting wounds are frequently the result of suicide. It is common in such cases to observe hesitation wounds in areas where the main wound occurs. These less severe, superficial cutting marks are caused by attempts to build up enough nerve to make the fatal wound. Suicidal cutting wounds are made at an angle related to the hand that held the weapon, generally in a downward direction because of the natural pull of the arm as it is brought across the body. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:40 AM 72. Describe autoerotic asphyxiation. In autoerotic asphyxiation, the victim seeks to intensify sexual gratification by placing a ANSWER: rope or other ligature around the neck, causing just enough constriction to create hypoxia, or a deficiency of oxygen in the bloodstream that results in semiconsciousness. Unfortunately for many, it results in total unconsciousness rather than semiconsciousness. As a result, they are strangled by their own autoerotic devices. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Unnatural Causes of Death and Method Used QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.12 - List the indicators investigators use to determine whether the following causes of unnatural death most likely indicate that the death was Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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accidental, a suicide, or a homicide: gunshot wounds; stabbing and cutting wounds; blows from blunt objects; asphyxia; poisoning; burning; explosions, electrocution, and lightning; drugs; and vehicles. Bloom’s: Apply 3/28/2022 1:40 AM 3/28/2022 1:41 AM

73. How can police departments address homicide proactively? More and more, homicide is viewed as part of a larger, more general problem— violence. ANSWER: Results of numerous studies of police departments across the country that have implemented community policing support the theory that greater community involvement and a shift in policing philosophy to one that emphasizes proactive problem solving can reduce overall levels of violence within a community. One strategy being used is CompStat, which uses computer software to perform statistical analysis of crime data and target geographic areas throughout the city that have high levels of violent crime. By focusing law resources and efforts on those areas, law enforcement is able to effect greater change and have a more positive impact. Other departments are implementing early intervention programs to keep small issues from growing into bigger, more violent events. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Strategies for Reducing Homicide QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.13 - Explain why determining a motive is important in homicide investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:41 AM 74. What were the lessons learned by the Miami-Dade homicide unit in their investigation of the “Moonberry Pond Murder”? ANSWER: • Work as a team: Having two interviews going at the same time led to success. • Avoid gender prejudice: Women can kill too. • Stay attuned to subtle clues: Ruth’s outburst at Muffin was a telltale clue. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: A Case Study QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.13 - Explain why determining a motive is important in homicide investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:43 AM 75. What similarities exist regarding the perpetrators in both school and workplace mass murders? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Similarities between school and workplace murders include the perpetrators’ profiles, the targets, the means, and the motivation. The perpetrators in both school and workplace mass murders are frequently loners with poor social skills, often obsessed with violence and weapons. The targets in both cases include authority figures and peers who are in conflict with them. The perpetrators often bring an arsenal of weapons and kill all who get in their way. The violence may sometimes be anticipated by noting personality changes in the potential shooter as well as the occurrence of certain precipitating events. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Suspects QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.08.14 - Identify the similarities that exist between school and workplace mass murders. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:44 AM ANSWER:

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Chapter 9 - Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Elder Abuse 1. What type of crime has been proven by studies to be a predictor of abusive or violent behavior? a. property crimes b. abuse or cruelty to animals c. internecine rivalry d. fraud and embezzlement ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:13 AM 2. The type of weapon used most frequently in domestic violence cases is: a. a firearm. b. motor vehicles. c. a blunt object. d. a knife or sharp object. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:12 AM 3. Current or former spouses, opposite-sex cohabiting partners, same-sex cohabiting partners, and even dating relationships may all be described using which of the following terms? a. intimate partners b. cycle of intimacy c. offender-partner cycle d. life partner cycle ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:13 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. On average, how many attempts are made by victims of domestic violence to leave their abusive relationships before finally leaving for good? a. seven b. two c. twelve d. three ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09. 05 - Definethe categories of assault that are identified as separate crimes to aid in data collection. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:17 AM 5. Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) have found that batterer rehabilitation is significantly affected by what the offender actually has to lose – for example, home ownership, employment, and marriage. These variables are referred to as the offender’s: a. stake in conformity. b. natural selection. c. family code model. d. cycle of recovery. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:18 AM 6. Which of the following has proved to be effective and best suited to deal with the continuous cycle of domestic violence? a. long sentences b. specialized units within police departments and prosecutors’ offices c. large fines d. mandatory GPS tracking ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:21 AM 7. Historically, officers are more likely to be assaulted while responding to what type of calls? a. robbery b. domestic violence c. sexual assault investigations d. homicide ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:23 AM 8. The dynamics of same-sex domestic violence are similar to those of opposite-sex domestic violence in many respects. Which of the following statements is true? a. The cause is cyclical, escalates over time, and maintains a commonality in characteristics of batterers. b. When the law enforcement response to domestic violence incidents involving heterosexual and same-sex couples is compared, it is noted that the couples receive different treatment. c. Same-sex victims do not receive any protection from their abuser. d. Same-sex victims are always afforded the same protection as heterosexuals. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:24 AM 9. Over time, the three-stage cycle of abuse (or violence) typically: a. increases in frequency. b. increases in severity. c. increases in both severity and frequency. d. decreases in both severity and frequency. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:29 AM 10. Which of the following statements is true about “battered-woman syndrome”? a. It is based on the concept of duress. b. It results from a family member. c. It is not permissible as defense in court for women who are accused of murdering their abusers. d. It is a myth. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Define assault. DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:31 AM 11. Which of the following are examples of indicator crimes? a. hit-and-run offenses, but not harassing phone calls b. harassing phone calls, but not hit-and-run offenses c. only prior offenses, and only those involving the same victim and suspect d. hit-and-run offenses, harassing phone calls, and prior offenses involving the same victim and suspect ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:33 AM 12. The cycle of violence involves: a. intimacy, arguments, and making up. b. tension-building, the battering episode, and the honeymoon. c. premarital sex, alcohol, and the honeymoon period. d. threats, battering, and compliance. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:38 AM 13. An unlawful attack by one person on another in order to inflict severe bodily injury, which often involves use of a dangerous weapon and is a felony is commonly called: a. aggravated assault. b. mayhem. c. attempted murder. d. assault with a deadly weapon. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:44 AM 14. Which of the following can be type of stalker? a. voyeur b. stranger c. loved one d. autoerotic ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:45 AM 15. The term in loco parentis refers to the concept that: a. one form of domestic violence is when parents abuse their children. b. some abusers are victims of abuse at the hands of their own parents. c. teachers, in some states, are allowed to use force to maintain discipline. d. teachers are not allowed to discipline children in their care. ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:51 AM 16. Intentionally causing another person to fear immediate bodily harm or death, or intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm on the person is commonly called: a. mayhem. b. simple assault. c. aggravated assault. d. assault with a deadly weapon. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:54 AM 17. Of the three elements included in the crime of aggravated assault, investigators must prove: a. two of the three. b. all three. c. only one. d. all three, plus intent. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 12:56 AM 18. Which of the following is a form of elder abuse? a. stalking b. self-neglect Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. assault d. failure to resuscitate ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:01 AM 19. Aggravated assault requires: a. a threat made to the victim. b. attempted bodily injury to the victim. c. severe bodily injury to the victim. d. a weapon. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:07 AM 20. An act toward the commission of a crime that is more complete than a threat or gesture is referred to as what type of act? a. overt b. subversive c. covert d. preliminary ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:08 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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21. Healed injuries that not visible to the naked eye may be revealed through the use of: a. microphotography. b. limited or restricted wavelength photography. c. specific, refined wavelength photography. d. reflective ultraviolet photography. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.04 - List the factors investigators must address to prove the elements of both simple and aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:09 AM 22. Physical evidence that indicates the severity of an assault may include which of the following? a. crying b. overturned furniture c. the mental state of the victim d. the mental state of the offender ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.04 - List the factors investigators must address to prove the elements of both simple and aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:12 AM 23. One-third of the women killed in the United States are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends, and as many as 90 percent of women are stalked before the murder. These statistics are a clear example of: a. mass murder. b. target hardening. c. femicide. d. fratricide. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.05 - Define the categories of assault that are identified as separate crimes to aid in data collection. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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24. The majority of stalking cases are categorized as: a. acquaintance stalking. b. stranger stalking. c. cyberstalking. d. intimate or former intimate partner stalking. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.05 - Define the categories of assault that are identified as separate crimes to aid in data collection. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:31 AM 25. Elder abuse is: a. almost always reported. b. reported about half the time. c. severely underreported. d. always a social service concern, not a law enforcement issue. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.05 - Define the categories of assault that are identified as separate crimes to aid in data collection. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:32 AM 26. Although the majority of abuse victims are women, women may also perpetrate domestic violence. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:33 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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27. Research has shown that law enforcement agencies do not place a high priority on responding to domestic violence calls. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:37 AM 28. Officers should not disregard the victim as a potential attacker in a domestic violence case. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:38 AM 29. Some states are now using global positioning systems (GPS) to monitor domestic violence offenders. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:39 AM 30. Women constitute the offenders in nearly one quarter of all family violence incidents. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:40 AM 31. A restraining order issued in one county may not be valid in the next county. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:41 AM 32. Research has found that children who witness abuse or are abused themselves are less likely to abuse a spouse or child when they become adults. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:42 AM 33. Research supports a connection between animal cruelty as a child and domestic violence as an adult. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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34. Police themselves can issue an emergency protective order in domestic violence cases. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:46 AM 35. Full faith and credit is a provision of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM 36. In some defined instances, teachers and bus drivers are allowed to use reasonable physical force. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM 37. More men than women are victims of stalking. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:49 AM 38. An assault committed in self-defense is often legal and justifiable. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM 39. The first anti-stalking laws were passed in Massachusetts in 2005. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:52 AM 40. Some stalking laws are more prohibitive and require that specific, or credible threats, must be made to the victim. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:53 AM 41. Computer technology is used to harass approximately 50 percent of all stalking victims. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:54 AM 42. The use of restraining orders are very effective at stopping stalkers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 1:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 1:59 AM 43. Self-neglect is a form of elder abuse in many states. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Bloom’s: Remember 3/25/2022 1:59 AM 3/25/2022 2:00 AM

44. Establishing that an act was an attempted assault requires proof of intent along with some overt act toward committing the crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:01 AM 45. The term elder abuse applies to the physical and emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and general neglect of the elderly. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 2:02 AM 46. When responding to cases of domestic violence, officers should attempt to wait for _______________ prior to entering the scene. backup ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:03 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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47. Cruelty toward _______________ is often a predictor of abuse or violent behavior. animals ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:05 AM 48. For an act to be considered an assault, _______________ to do bodily harm to another must be proved. intent ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Assault: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:06 AM 49. _______________ violence is a pattern of behavior involving physical, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse, alone or in combination, by an intimate partner, often to establish and maintain power and control over the other partner. Domestic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:07 AM 50. In general, any _______________ that would lead an officer to make an arrest in any other situation also applies to domestic situations. evidence ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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51. The initial phase of the three-phase cycle of violence is referred to as the _______________ phase. tension-building ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:09 AM 52. Love _______________ stalkers have no prior relationship with their victim but become fixated on that person, often a celebrity, believing they belong together. obsessional ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:10 AM 53. Simple assault must involve the commission of a(n) _______________ act toward carrying out the intention. overt ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:17 AM 54. The _______________ of assault include the intent to cause injury, the severity of the injury inflicted, and whether a dangerous weapon was used. elements ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:18 AM 55. When investigating assault, the investigator should _______________ the victim’s information with physical evidence, if present. corroborate ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.04 - List the factors investigators must address to prove the elements of both simple and aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:20 AM 56. Compare and contrast the use of mandatory arrest policies for domestic abuse with alternatives to arrest policies. What have studies found in comparing the two issues? Studies have found that alternatives to arrest may be better in specific circumstances. ANSWER: Arrest can backfire, and mandatory arrest laws can actually compound the domestic violence problem rather than alleviate it. One study found that although households in states with mandatory arrest laws are less likely to experience spousal violence, police in these same states are also less likely to discover such abuse. Mandatory arrest laws may keep people from calling the police. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:22 AM 57. Where did the term rule of thumb originate, and what effect did it have on early domestic violence cases? The Rule of Thumb standard, adopted by most state courts across the nation during the ANSWER: colonial period, was derived from English common law and permitted men to use any instrument to enforce family obedience physically as long as the object was no larger than the thickness of the man’s thumb. The use of force was an acceptable male privilege, and Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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domestic violence was considered a family matter to be handled privately. The police were rarely, if ever, summoned to intervene. During the 1970s and 1980s, police made arrests in only 7 to 15 percent of the intimate partner violence cases to which they were called; however, by 2000, approximately 50 percent of domestic violence cases resulted in arrests. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:23 AM 58. Describe the relation between the terms battery and assault. Assault is unlawfully threatening to harm another person, actually harming another person ANSWER: or attempting unsuccessfully to do so. In many states, the term assault formerly referred to threats of or attempts to cause bodily harm, whereas battery referred to the actual carrying out of such threats. In most revised state statutes, the term assault is synonymous with battery, or the two terms have been joined in a single crime termed assault. Some states, however, still have separate statutory offenses of assault and battery. Where one statute remains, battery includes the lesser crime of assault. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Assault: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:13 AM 59. Describe how GPS technology is being used to enforce restraining orders in domestic violence case. In Massachusetts, a new law requires an offender who violates a domestic order of ANSWER: protection to wear a global positioning system (GPS) monitoring device. “The GPS helps enforce the restraining order by preventing the batterer from entering ‘liberty zones,’ such as the battered partner’s domicile and place of work, their children’s schools and the residences of extended family members. Probation agents will monitor offenders to ensure that they do not breach these zones. If they do, a record of a restraining order violation will be made, thus making stalking and further violent attacks more difficult. Further, police and the victim are automatically phoned if the offender breaches the battered partner’s liberty zone, thus minimizing the victim’s fears of an unexpected confrontation” (Healy & Barrios, 2007). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:28 AM 60. Define domestic violence. Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors involving physical, sexual, economic, and ANSWER: emotional abuse, alone or in combination, often by an intimate partner and often to establish and maintain power and control over the other partner. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM 61. Discuss the impact of a poor response or no-response policy to domestic violence cases. What happened in the Tracy Thurman case that highlighted the need for mandated responses? Failure to respond appropriately to domestic violence can result in serious financial ANSWER: liability to local governments. More and more, victims of domestic violence are suing local governments for failure to protect them. Perhaps the most well-known case is that of Tracy Thurman in Torrington, Connecticut. The police department was ordered to pay almost $1 million because they failed to protect Tracy from her husband, who had a history of battering her (Thurman v. City of Torrington, 1984). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Domestic Violence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.01 - Define assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:31 AM 62. Define cyberstalking and how it has grown exponentially in the last few years. The Department of Justice defines cyberstalking as the repeated use of the Internet, e-mail, ANSWER: or other digital electronic communications devices to stalk another person. The increased use of digital communication and the perception of anonymity it affords have made this an increasing problem. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. Describe the differences between simple and aggravated assault. ANSWER: Assaults are classified as either simple or aggravated (felonious). Simple assault is intentionally causing another person to fear immediate bodily harm or death or intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm on the person. Aggravated or felonious assault is an unlawful attack by one person on another to inflict severe bodily injury. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM 64. What makes stalking such a unique crime for officers assigned to the investigation? Law enforcement faces a unique challenge in addressing and investigating stalking ANSWER: incidents because of the lack of clear definitions of stalking or of the elements constituting the offense. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Stalking QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.02 - Explain how simple assault differs from aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM 65. What are some of the indicators of financial abuse of the elderly? Some of the indicators of financial abuse of the elderly are: ANSWER: • • • • •

A recent acquaintance expresses an interest in finances, promises to provide care, or ingratiates himself or herself with the elder. A relative or caregiver has no visible means of support and is overtly interested in the elder’s financial affairs. A relative or caregiver expresses concern over the cost of caring for the elder, or is reluctant to spend money for needed medical treatment. The utility and other bills are not being paid. The elder’s placement, care, or possessions are inconsistent with the size of his or

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her estate. A relative or caregiver isolates the elder, makes excuses when friends or family call or visit, and does not give the elder messages. A relative or caregiver gives implausible explanations about finances, and the elder is unaware of or unable to explain the arrangements made. Checking account and credit card statements are sent to a relative or caregiver and are not accessible to the elder. At the bank, the elder is accompanied by a relative or caregiver who refuses to let the elder speak for himself or herself, and/or the elder appears nervous or afraid of the person accompanying him or her. The elder is concerned or confused about “missing money.” There are suspicious signatures on the elder’s checks, or the elder signs checks and another party fills in the payee and amount sections. There is an unusual amount of banking activity, particularly just after joint accounts are set up or someone new starts helping with the elder’s finances. A will, power of attorney, or other legal document is drafted, but the elder does not understand its implications.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:42 AM 66. How would you recognize abuse indicators, known as forensic markers, on an elderly abuse victim who is a resident in a long-term care facility? Researchers funded by the National Institute of Justice examined data from the deaths of ANSWER: elderly residents in long- term care facilities to identify potential markers of abuse. The researchers identified four categories of markers: physical condition/quality of care; facility characteristics; inconsistencies; and staff behaviors. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:43 AM 67. List five signs of physical abuse of the elderly and five questions law enforcement officers might ask to determine whether a person is the victim of such abuse. Signs of physical abuse include: ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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injury incompatible with the given explanation burns (possibly caused by cigarettes, acids, or friction from ropes) cuts, pinch marks, scratches, lacerations, or puncture wounds bruises, welts, or discolorations dehydration and/or other malnourishment without illness-related causes; unexplained loss of weight pallor; sunken eyes or cheeks eye injury soiled clothing or bedding lack of bandages on injuries or stitches where needed, or evidence of unset bone fractures injuries hidden under the breasts or on other areas of the body normally covered by clothing frequent use of the emergency room and/or clinic

• • • • • • •

The American Medical Association (Aravanis, 1992) has provided a series of questions to ask related to elder abuse: Has anyone at home ever hurt you? Has anyone ever scolded or threatened you? Have you ever signed any documents that you didn’t understand? Are you often alone? Are you afraid of anyone at home? Has anyone ever touched you without your consent? Has anyone ever made you do things you didn’t want to?

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:34 AM 68. Describe the special challenges posed by elder abuse or dependent adult investigations. ANSWER: First of all, determining the prevalence of elder abuse is a challenge because of the lack of data, a problem compounded by a reluctance to report the crime. Some elderly individuals are physically incapable of providing information or may be suffering from conditions such as senility or Alzheimer’s disease that might cause others not to believe their statements. In other cases, victims may fear further abuse or loss of the care of the only provider they have, or they may be embarrassed that their child could mistreat them. Persons of older generations and from other cultures often consider such abuse to be a private family matter, something that is not talked about and is certainly never reported to the police. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Elder Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.03 - Identify the elements of simple assault, aggravated (felonious) assault, and attempted assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:48 AM 69. What are the first actions that an officer should take upon arriving at the scene of an assault? At a minimum, an officer arriving on the scene of an assault should: ANSWER: • • • • • • • • • •

have backup either with them or on the way until the scene is secure control and disarm those involved in the altercation provide medical aid to injured people separate suspects and victims protect the crime scene give the Miranda warning if applicable obtain preliminary statements photograph evidence collect and preserve evidence reconstruct the crime

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.04 - List the factors investigators must address to prove the elements of both simple and aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:35 AM 70. Describe some of the special challenges in investigating assaults. ANSWER: Special challenges in assault investigations include distinguishing the victim from the suspect, determining whether the matter is civil or criminal, and determining whether the act was intentional or accidental. Obtaining a complaint against a simple assault is also sometimes difficult. Moreover, such calls may be dangerous for responding officers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Special Challenges in Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.09.04 - List the factors investigators must address to prove the elements of both simple and aggravated assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:51 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10 - Sex Offenses 1. The key distinction between human trafficking and smuggling lies in: a. the international implications. b. the need for labor. c. the individual’s freedom of choice. d. government collusion. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Human Trafficking QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:36 AM 2. The largest number of people illegally trafficked into the United States are from: a. Mexico and Central America. b. Eastern Europe and Russia. c. East Asia and the Pacific. d. South America. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Human Trafficking QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:38 AM 3. Which of the following is a sex offense? a. murder b. bigamy c. stalking d. exhibitionism ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. A particularly difficult type of sexual assault to investigate is date rape, which sometimes called: a. acquaintance rape. b. social rape. c. fraternal rape. d. sexual battery. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:41 AM 5. Sexual intercourse between family members or close relatives is known as: a. incest. b. sodomy. c. molestation. d. bigamy. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:43 AM 6. Penetration, no matter how slight, of any part of a person’s body or any object manipulated or inserted by a person into the genital or anal openings of another’s body, including sexual intercourse without consent from the victim is called: a. digital penetration. b. oral copulation. c. fellatio. d. rape. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:44 AM 7. Rapists are often divided into which two categories of motivation? a. Anger rapists; pleasure rapists b. Anger rapists; power rapists c. Pain rapists; pleasure rapists d. Aggravated rapists; simple rapists ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offenders QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 4:57 AM 8. The element of sexual assault that is most difficult to prove in court is: a. where the act was committed. b. that the act was committed with a person other than a spouse. c. that the act was committed without the consent of the victim. d. the act of sexual intercourse. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.03 - List the elements of sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:01 AM 9. Statutory rape is: a. sexual intercourse under threat of force. b. the rape of a spouse. c. any sex act that violates a state statute. d. sexual intercourse with a minor. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.03 - List the elements of sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:05 AM 10. When arriving at the scene of a rape investigation, officers should look for: a. the suspect. b. stained or torn clothing. c. broken windows. d. witnesses to the crime. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:06 AM 11. The pleasure of complete domination over another person is what drives the: a. masochist. b. exhibitionist. c. sadist. d. voyeur. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offenders QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM 12. Certain offenders are likely to be obsessed with keeping trophies and recordings of their assaults, and therefore any search warrant applications in such cases should include provisions for searching for photographs, records, scripts, letters, diaries, audiotapes, videotapes, and newspaper reports of the crime. These types offenders are called: a. serial killers. b. sexual sadists. c. mass murderers. d. lone wolf killers. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offenders QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:08 AM 13. A “date rape” drug that is found in a white powder form and that can cause hallucinations, lost sense of time and identity, distorted perceptions of sight and sound, feeling out of control, impaired motor function, breathing problems, convulsions, vomiting, out-of-body experiences, memory problems, a dream-like feeling, numbness, and loss of coordination is: a. Ecstasy. b. peyote. c. alpha-omega. d. ketamine. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:09 AM 14. A “date rape” drug that can be found in an odorless, colorless liquid form or as a pill or white powder and that has psychological effects including confusion, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, drug craving, and paranoia is called MDMA or a. marijuana. b. heroin. c. Ecstasy. d. mescaline. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:09 AM 15. A common “date rape” drug is: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. aspirin. b. morphine. c. Rohypnol. d. mescaline. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:10 AM 16. The main side effect of Rohypnol is: a. nausea. b. amnesia. c. drowsiness. d. aggression. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:11 AM 17. In what type of interview does the investigator carefully question the victim about the rapist’s behavior, analyze the behavior to ascertain the motivation underlying the assault, and then compile a profile of the individual likely to have committed the crime? a. sexual predator profile b. victim’s behavioral interview c. latent sexuality probe d. behavior-oriented interview ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing the Victim QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. The success of blind reporting hinges on: a. whether trust can be established between the victim and the investigator. b. whether the victim is willing to prosecute. c. the investigator’s willingness to accept a blind report. d. whether the victim is willing to commit immediately to an investigation. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Blind Reporting QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:12 AM 19. What type of reporting allows sexual assault victims to retain their anonymity and confidentiality while sharing critical information with law enforcement, and also permits victims to gather legal information from law enforcement without having to commit immediately to an investigation? a. third-party reporting b. ex parte reporting c. blind reporting d. self-reporting ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Blind Reporting QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:13 AM 20. In a sexual assault case, it is best that the interviewer of the victim: a. always be a male officer. b. be an officer who is the same sex as the victim. c. always be a female officer. d. be a police officer with proper training and attitude. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing the Victim QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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are in sexual assault investigations. Bloom’s: Remember 3/25/2022 5:13 AM 3/25/2022 5:14 AM

21. Acknowledging the severe and dangerous nature of drug-assisted sexual assaults, the Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act allows courts to impose prison sentences on anyone who distributes an illicit drug to someone intending to commit sexual assault for up to: a. five years. b. 20 years. c. ten years. d. life. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:39 AM 22. What method has been used with sexual offenders in 20 states amid widespread controversy? a. medical castration b. chemical castration c. civil commitment d. death penalty ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders After Sentences Served QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:40 AM 23. The Supreme Court has clarified its limitation on civil commitments, saying that there must be: a. proof of physical or chemical castration. b. proof of an offender’s serious difficulty in controlling his behavior. c. a statement under oath that the offender promises not to reoffend. d. concurrent registration for life of any sex offender. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders After Sentences Served QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM 24. Which law finally required states to release any relevant information about registered sex offenders necessary to maintain and protect public safety, and allowed disclosure of information collected under a state registration program for any purpose permitted under the laws of the state? a. Jacob’s Law b. Megan’s Law c. Jon Benet Ramsey Law d. Little Lindbergh Law ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:42 AM 25. In April 1998, what did the Supreme Court decide about the constitutional challenges that claimed that the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act’s notification requirements represented an unconstitutional added punishment? a. They agreed and overturned them. b. They rejected the argument and retained the laws. c. They decided to compromise and only register those offenders who voluntarily agreed to be listed as a term of their parole. d. They disagreed and resentenced all sex offenders to a “life” parole. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM 26. Recent research has shown that some victims of human trafficking were also used for commercial sex acts. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Human Trafficking QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM 27. The only difference between single and serial murderers of prostitutes is the number of victims they have killed. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Obscene Telephone Calls and Texts QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM 28. Sexual penetration occurs with any intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person’s body or when any object is manipulated or inserted in the victim’s body. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM 29. Digital penetration is a form of sexual penetration. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM 30. A victim who consents to a sexual act but who has an emotional disturbance, mental illness, or retardation, or who is attacked while on drugs or unconscious, cannot provide “true consent.” a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.03 - List the elements of sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM 31. When investigating the scene of a sexual assault, it is best to set up a command center away from the scene of the crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.04 - List what modus operandi factors are important in investigating a sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:51 AM 32. Pre-assaultive behavior of rapists may include having fantasies about successful sexual relationships and the planning of an attack. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Taking a Suspect into Custody and Interrogation QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.04 - List what modus operandi factors are important in investigating a sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:55 AM 33. Many rapists are opportunistic sexual predators who rape not because they are driven by anger or power issues but simply because they _________. can ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offenders QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.04 - List what modus operandi factors are important in investigating a sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:35 AM 34. Sexual assaults are among the easiest cases to investigate because victims usually know their attackers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM 35. As a safety feature, newly produced Rohypnol pills turn blue when added to liquids, but older pills, which are still available, have no color. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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36. All victims of sexual assault can receive a forensic medical examination at no cost, even if they are unwilling to report the crime to police or participate in the investigation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing the Victim QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM 37. Emergency medical personnel are frequently the earliest responders to the scene of a sex crime and are only there to provide medical attention to the victim. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM 38. In most sex offenses, victims know their attackers. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing Witnesses QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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39. Making obscene phone calls is a crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Obscene Telephone Calls and Texts QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM 40. Rohypnol is one of the newest drugs to be used in date rape crimes and its effects are still not fully understood by scientists. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM 41. Police should not accept blind reporting because it limits their investigation of the crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Blind Reporting QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM 42. The civil commitment of sex offenders has been found to be constitutional. a. True b. False ANSWER: True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders After Sentences Served QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM 43. Today, all states have enacted laws requiring sex offenders to register within their states to help law enforcement agencies manage offenders released from secure confinement. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:31 AM 44. GPS technology is now being used to protect victims of sexual assault by providing information as to the victim’s Whereabouts to law enforcement in the event that the attacker attempts another assault. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:32 AM 45. Because of right-to-privacy issues, the Supreme Court has rejected legislation by states that adopted policies of flagging driver’s license and vehicle registration files of registered sex offenders as a means of keeping law enforcement authorities informed of address changes, vehicle information, and personal data. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:34 AM 46. The police may use _______________ and traces if given a signed affidavit from the victim stating the facts related to obscene calls. traps ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Obscene Telephone Calls and Texts QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:35 AM 47. Sex _______________ means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion. trafficking ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Human Trafficking QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:37 AM 48. ________________ abuse involves fettering, binding or otherwise physically restraining, whipping, or torturing for sexual gratification. Sadomasochistic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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49. ______________ exposure is the act of revealing one’s genitals to another person to such an extent as to shock the other’s sense of decency. Indecent ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:40 AM 50. Rape is often classified as either forcible or ________________. statutory ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:48 AM 51. Additional evidence in date rape cases may include the presence of in the victim’s system. alcohol and/or drugs ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:50 AM 52. Ketamine is classified as a Schedule III non-narcotic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

drug under the Controlled Substances Act.

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REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:51 AM 53. The three most common date rape drugs are Rohypnol, GHB, and ________________. ketamine ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:53 AM 54. ________________ reporting allows victims to gather information from law enforcement without having to commit to an investigation. Blind ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Blind Reporting QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:55 AM 55. Discuss the issue of human trafficking and how it differs from smuggling. Smuggling occurs when someone is paid to assist another in the illegal crossing of borders. ANSWER: This relationship typically ends after the border has been crossed and the individual has paid the smuggler a fee for assistance. If the smuggler sells or “brokers” the smuggled individual into a condition of servitude, or if the smuggled individual cannot pay the smuggler and is then forced to work that debt off, the crime has now turned from smuggling into human trafficking. A person may choose and arrange to be smuggled into a country, but when an individual is forced into a situation of exploitation where their freedom is taken way, the person is then a victim of human trafficking. Central to the distinction is the denial of the victim’s liberty. An individual’s willingness to be smuggled into another country does not minimize the victimization he or she may experience at the hands of a trafficker. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Human Trafficking QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:56 AM 56. Discuss how investigators can trace obscene telephone calls and texts, and what barriers exist in identifying some callers. Caller ID may discourage obscene calls, although a caller may still be able to block his or ANSWER: her name, phone number, or both. The police may use traps and traces if given a signed affidavit from the victim stating the facts related to the obscene calls. Police also have resources to identify service providers to a certain phone number, information that can be used to retrieve further suspect information. Phone numbers that are not assigned to certain individuals, such as pay-as-you-go phones, cannot necessarily be traced to a specific person. Furthermore, “phone spoofing,” in which suspects cover or alter the source of their phone number information by using other existing ones, can provide even more challenges in locating a suspect in police investigations. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Obscene Telephone Calls and Texts QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.01 - Identify the key distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:57 AM 57. Discuss how national estimates of sexual assault victimization, using data sources such as the UCR and NCVS, fail to capture sexual assault victimization fully in the US. National estimates present a murky view of the number of sexual assault victims. The ANSWER: victimization figures reported by different sources seldom concur, a situation that is recognized as occurring with other types of offenses besides rape. Specifically, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) capture only those incidents reported to police, whereas the National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) captures both reported and unreported events. A more troublesome complication is that some of the reporting instruments capture data pertaining only to sexual assaults of females. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Sex Offenses QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.02 - Differentiate between the two typical classifications of rape. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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58. Describe the role of medical personnel in the process of investigating a sexual assault. Sexual assault victims must be encouraged to seek prompt medical attention and to allow ANSWER: for the collection of evidence at a medical examination in case they later decide to proceed with an investigation. The medical examination can establish injuries, determine whether intercourse occurred, and protect against venereal disease and pregnancy. Ideally, the hospital or health care professional should obtain medical-legal evidence that includes a detailed report of an examination of the victim for trauma, injuries, and intercourse. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.04 - List what modus operandi factors are important in investigating a sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:00 AM 59. What type of information should officers attempt to gain when interviewing the victim of a sexual offense? Officers should obtain all information and evidence required to apprehend and prosecute ANSWER: the offender. They should obtain a detailed account of the crime, including the suspect’s actions and statements, special characteristics or oddities, and any unusual sexual behaviors. They should also determine exactly where and how the attack occurred, what happened before and after the attack, and whether the victim can give any motive for the attack. Investigators should also make a complete report of the victim’s appearance and behavior: presence of liquor or drugs; bruises, scratches or marks; manner of speech; emotional condition; appearance of clothes or hair; color of face; smeared makeup; torn clothes; and stains. Officers should take photographs to supplement their notes. At the initial interview, the needed information includes the victim’s name, age, home address, work address, telephone number(s), and any prior relationship with the offender, if the offender is known. At a later interview, investigators should obtain additional information about the victim. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.04 - List what modus operandi factors are important in investigating a sexual assault. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:01 AM 60. What special considerations should be made in dealing with the victim of a sexual assault? Special challenges to investigating rape include the sensitive nature of the offense, social ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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attitudes, and the victim’s horror or embarrassment. A rape investigation requires great sensitivity. For example, the first officer arriving at the scene should announce himself clearly to allay fears the victim may have that the suspect is returning. The officer should also explain to the victim what is being done for her safety. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Rape/Sexual Assault QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:03 AM 61. How does fantasy play a part in the decision of what to list in the search warrant when searching the home of a suspected rapist or sexual assault suspect? Because fantasy is strongly associated with sexual assault, search warrant applications ANSWER: should include a list of the materials they would expect to recover from an offender who indulged in sexual fantasies, such as sadistic pornography, drawings, videotapes, women’s lingerie and clothing, and fantasy stories featuring sexual sadism. Sexual sadists may be obsessed with keeping trophies and recordings of the assaults. Therefore, any search warrant applications in such cases should include photographs, records, scripts, letters, diaries, audiotapes, videotapes, and newspaper reports of the crimes as possible evidence to be seized. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offenders QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.05 - Identify the type of evidence often obtained in sex offense investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:04 AM 62. What type of information should officers attempt to gain when interviewing the victim of a date rape? Officers should obtain all information and evidence required to apprehend and prosecute ANSWER: the offender. This includes a detailed account of the crime, including the suspect’s actions and statements, special characteristics or oddities, and any unusual sexual behaviors. They should also determine exactly where and how the attack occurred, what happened before and after the attack, and whether the victim can give any motive for the attack. Investigators should also make a complete report of the victim’s appearance and behavior, but most important in date rape cases is to determine the presence of alcohol, drugs, or both in the victim’s system. Officers investigating a sexual assault where the victim cannot give much information about the crime should suspect a date rape drug is involved. Officers should inform emergency medical technicians and emergency room (ER) personnel that a date rape drug is suspected. Blood and urine tests may show the presence of a specific drug. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Interviewing the Victim QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:05 AM 63. What important steps should responding officers carry out when they first arrive at the scene of a sexual assault? The first officer arriving at the scene should announce himself clearly to allay fears the ANSWER: victim may have that the suspect is returning. The officer should also explain to the victim what is being done for her safety. At a minimum, officers on the scene should also: • • • • • • •

record their arrival time; determine the victim’s location and condition, request an ambulance if needed; obtain identification of the suspect if possible; determine whether the suspect is at the scene; protect the crime scene; identify and separate witnesses, obtain valid identification from them and then obtain preliminary statements; and initiate crime broadcast if applicable.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.06 - Identify what evidence to seek in date rape investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:40 AM 64. Explain the procedure called blind reporting. Why is it used, and how effective or ineffective has it been? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this procedure? Blind reporting allows sexual assault victims to retain their anonymity and confidentiality ANSWER: while sharing critical information with law enforcement. It also permits victims to gather legal information from law enforcement without having to commit immediately to an investigation. Not all jurisdictions allow it, as the legal acceptability of blind reporting varies from state to state, and even from county to county. In jurisdictions where prosecutors accept blind report records, such records become the “founding document” in the formal sexual assault investigation should the victim decide to file a complaint and proceed with a full investigation. However, it can cause problems because of the anonymity of the victim, and because it must be maintained separate and confidential from other cases. Obviously, eventually the victim will have to be identified if prosecution continues. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Blind Reporting Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.07 - Explain what blind reporting is and what its advantages are in sexual assault investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:07 AM 65. What are some of the concerns that victims of sexual assault have in facing a jury? Defendants usually want a jury trial because of present laws and attitudes regarding rape ANSWER: and because the defendant is not required to testify. However, the victim must relate a very difficult ordeal and be subjected to cross-examination that can make them appear to be the one on trial. Juries tend to be unsympathetic with a victim who was drinking heavily, hitchhiking or using drugs, or who left a bar with a stranger or engaged in other socially “unacceptable” actions. Some victims decide not to prosecute because of pressure from family or friends, fear of reprisal, shame, fear of going to court, or emotional or mental disturbance. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecution of Rape and Statutory Charges QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:08 AM 66. Explain the concept of civil commitment of sex offenders following sentences served. What is the rationale behind such legislation? Have the courts generally upheld such measures? Sex offender civil commitment (SOCC) has been enacted in 20 states. Such legislation ANSWER: acknowledges that although sex offenders may have paid a debt to society by spending time behind bars, often little if anything is accomplished during this incarceration to address and treat the disorders that lead offenders to commit sexual assault. Although many contend that these acts violate offenders’ civil rights, the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of at least one state’s civil commitment law. In Kansas v. Hendricks (1997), the Court upheld Kansas’s Sexually Violent Predator Act, which establishes procedures by which that state may civilly commit to a mental hospital people likely to commit predatory acts of sexual violence due to a mental abnormality or personality disorder. In Kansas v. Crane (2002), it refined the limitations in Hendricks, adding a new limitation on such civil commitments, saying that there must be “proof of [an offender’s] serious difficulty in controlling [his] behavior.” Still, many feel it is controversial, especially offenders, who believe they have served their debt to society after being incarcerated. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders After Sentences Served QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:10 AM 67. How have laws regarding sexual assault crimes changed over the past 25 years? Many newer laws make it very explicit that the victim’s behavior (drinking heavily, ANSWER: hitchhiking or using drugs, leaving a bar with a stranger or engaging on other socially “unacceptable” actions) is not to be considered during the trial. Newer laws also state that the victim’s testimony need not be corroborated and that testimony about the degree of resistance—although it may be admitted—is not required. Moreover, testimony about the victim’s previous sexual conduct is inadmissible except in certain situations. Many recent laws have reduced the penalties for sexual assault, which should lead to more convictions. Former penalties were so severe that many juries hesitated to convict. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecution of Rape and Statutory Charges QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:11 AM 68. Describe the elements that strengthen the likelihood of obtaining a conviction in a sexual assault case. ANSWER: Medical evidence, physical evidence such as torn clothing, evidence of injuries, and a complaint reported reasonably close to the time of the assault are the elements that strengthen the likelihood of obtaining a conviction in a sexual assault case. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecution of Rape and Statutory Charges QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:12 AM 69. In addition to the police, which agencies play a role in the investigation of a sexual assault, and how are they involved? A number of other agencies and individuals assist in handling rape cases. A rape case ANSWER: often involves cooperation with medical personnel, social workers, rape crisis center personnel, and the news media. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Coordination with Other Agencies QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis of sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:13 AM 70. What are the arguments for and against sex offender registries and notification laws? ANSWER: It is increasingly difficult to keep tabs on sex offenders as they move from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, changing their names and appearances along the way. People who advocate sex offender registration and notification cite the significant number of sex offenders under community supervision, the fear of recidivism, and the protection of children and their families. The challenge is to balance the communities’ rights to access public information with the protections provided to convicted offenders. The three basic objections to notification laws center around punishment, privacy, and due process issues. Some offenders claim that registering subjects them to additional punishment. However, in April 1998, the Supreme Court rejected constitutional challenges that claimed that the laws’ notification requirements represented an unconstitutional added punishment. Another concern of opponents is that notification will lead to harassment of offenders and increased acts of vigilantism. However, Internet access is quickly revolutionizing the way the public keeps informed of the whereabouts of convicted sex offenders. In many jurisdictions residents are now able to access a registry online, enter their zip codes, and obtain information on sex offenders living in their area. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Registry and Notification QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.10.08 - Identify the three federal statutes that form the basis for sex offender registries. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:15 AM

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Chapter 11 - Crimes against Children 1. Constantly belittling a child is a form of: a. emotional abuse. b. physical abuse. c. sexual abuse. d. institutional abuse. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:05 AM 2. What term means touching a minor to arouse, appeal to, or gratify the perpetrator’s sexual desires? a. lewdness b. sexual seduction c. bullying d. exploitation ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:06 AM 3. Failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, love, attention, or proper supervision can be construed as child ________. a. neglect b. pedophilia c. trolling d. incest ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:06 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. What term refers to the intentional infliction of pain or injury? a. corporal punishment. b. molestation. c. neglect. d. maltreatment. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:08 AM 5. Which of the following is a risk factor contributing to increased chance of child maltreatment? a. children older than six years of age b. nonbiological, transient caregivers in the home c. outgoing personality d. community passion ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Risk Factors for Child Maltreatment QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:10 AM 6. Which three law enforcement approaches have emerged as models to combat child sexual exploitation? a. protecting children online, developing a reporting mechanism for child sexual exploitation, and imposing tougher penalties for sex crimes against children b. special task forces, strike forces, and law enforcement networks c. stiffer penalties for offenders, special task forces, and increased budgets for programs that investigate crimes against children d. protecting children online, stiffer penalties for offenders, and strike forces ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.04 - Identify the three components typically included in child abuse/neglect laws. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. When children talk about a sexual assault, they: a. often exaggerate the details. b. generally relay the truth. c. often lie for revenge. d. will never lie. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Challenges in Investigating Child Maltreatment Cases QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:13 AM 8. Which of the following is a critical step in interviewing children in a sexual abuse case? a. talking in terms of positives and negatives b. asking the child to promise to testify in court c. building rapport with the child d. discussing which parent the child loves more ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Challenges in Investigating Child Maltreatment Cases QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:14 AM 9. When interviewing children in a sexual abuse investigation, which of the following is a consideration? a. the child’s gender b. the child’s reputation for being truthful c. the child’s maturity level d. the child’s ability to describe what happened ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Challenges in Investigating Child Maltreatment Cases QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:15 AM 10. When interviewing children, interrogators should avoid asking the question , because it tends to sound accusatory. a. “What?” b. “Where?” c. “Why?” d. “When?” ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:16 AM 11. Most reports of child abuse are made by: a. third parties. b. the victim. c. the family. d. the offender. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Report QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.07 - Identify the sources that generally report most cases of child neglect or abuse. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:17 AM 12. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has a congressionally mandated program that is a reporting mechanism for child sexual exploitation. What is it called? a. Kid’s Law b. CyberTipline c. To Catch a Crook d. CyberCops Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.07 - Identify the sources that generally report most cases of child neglect or abuse. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:18 AM 13. Physical indicators of child neglect may include: a. sleep disorders. b. begging and stealing food. c. being wary of adults. d. frequent hunger and poor hygiene. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:20 AM 14. What type of perpetrator selects high school–age youths as sex victims? a. hebephile. b. mesomorph. c. pedophile. d. pederast. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:21 AM 15. The most common habitual child sexual abuser is the: a. mesomorph. b. hebephile. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. pedophile. d. pederast. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:22 AM 16. Behavioral indicators of child sexual abuse include: a. withdrawal. b. abrasions. c. concealment of an injury. d. unreasonable discipline. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:23 AM 17. What type of child sexual abuse ring is a well-structured organization that recruits children, produces pornography, and delivers sexual services? a. syndicated b. solo c. transition d. group ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:24 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. Babysitters should: a. never believe children when they talk about abuse in their home. b. avoid taking care of children when a questionable relative is staying in the house. c. always request and check references of families that they don’t know. d. be interviewed by investigators. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:25 AM 19. MBPS stands for: a. Multiple Biological Perversion Statistic. b. Maladjusted Biological Predatory Sociopath. c. Multipolar by Phase Syndrome. d. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:26 AM 20. Sex offenders, particularly those who abuse young children, are referred to as: a. vultures. b. chicken hawks. c. buzzards. d. robins. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:26 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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21. Using children in pornography is an example of: a. neglect. b. kidnapping. c. abandonment. d. exploitation. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:28 AM 22. The Child Protection Act prohibits: a. child kidnapping. b. child pornography. c. child neglect and abandonment. d. child photography. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.09 - Name the 1984 federal act that prohibits child pornography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:29 AM 23. The most frequent type of child abduction is committed by: a. someone who intends to kidnap the child. b. one of the child’s parents. c. someone who is not related to the child. d. a complete stranger. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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24. Which of the following is least likely to report a case of child neglect or abuse? a. victims. b. teachers. c. neighbors. d. parents. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Report QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.07 - Identify the sources that generally report most cases of child neglect or abuse. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:31 AM 25. The acronym CART stands for: a. Community Alert and Respond Tactics. b. Child Abuse Rescue Team. c. Child Abuse and Runaway Tracking. d. Child Abduction Response Team. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.11 - Describe the AMBER Alert program. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:32 AM 26. Physical abuse is the most common form of child maltreatment. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.02 - Identify the most common form of child maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:33 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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27. A history of sexual abuse and neglect is a significant predictor of violent delinquency. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:34 AM 28. A child’s history of physical abuse predisposes the child to violence in later years. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:35 AM 29. A significant number of child sex crimes are committed by other children. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:36 AM 30. CAPTA and the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act set forth a minimum definition of child abuse and neglect. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Child Abuse and Neglect Laws QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.04 - Identify the three components typically included in child abuse/neglect laws. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:37 AM 31. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, or Laci and Conner’s Law, allows separate punishment for the harming of a child in utero. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Child Abuse and Neglect Laws QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.04 - Identify the three components typically included in child abuse/neglect laws. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:37 AM 32. In the vast majority of child abuse cases, children tell the truth to the best of their ability. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Challenges in Investigating Child Maltreatment Cases QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:38 AM 33. Investigators should never make use of the “cognitive interview technique” with children. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:39 AM 34. There is controversy over the use of anatomical dolls in the interview process. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.06 - List the factors investigators should consider when interviewing child victims. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:40 AM 35. Photographs may be the best way to document child abuse. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM 36. Pictures of children’s injuries should be taken quickly because children heal faster than adults. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:41 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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37. Physical indicators of sexual abuse include frequent urinating. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM 38. Children who are afflicted with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) may display some of the telltale symptoms of child abuse. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM 39. Studies have found that sexual abuse and neglect to be a significant predictor of violent delinquency. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:44 AM 40. An offender’s computer can be a good source of information when arresting an individual for child pornography. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.09 - Name the 1984 federal act that prohibits child pornography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM 41. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is most common from two to four months of age. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:46 AM 42. Most pedophiles use force to gain control over their victims. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:47 AM 43. Child pornography is a highly organized, multimillion-dollar industry. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.09 - Name the 1984 federal act that prohibits child pornography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:48 AM 44. Once an abducted child is taken to a foreign country, there is no way to get that child back. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:49 AM 45. The AMBER Alert plan was enacted in response to the sexual assault of a young girl in Minnesota in 1989. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.11 - Describe the AMBER Alert program. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/25/2022 5:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/25/2022 5:50 AM 46. Constantly belittling a child is a form of _______________ abuse. emotional ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/27/2022 11:59 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/27/2022 11:59 PM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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47. _______________ has been identified as the biggest single cause of death of young children. Physical abuse ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:56 AM 48. According to the Administration for Children and Families (2020), _______________ child(ren) is/are abused or neglected every 46.5 seconds. one ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Extent of the Problem QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM 49. Emotional damage from child abuse may include impaired self-concept as well as increased levels of aggression, anxiety, and tendency toward _______________. self-destructiveness ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.03 - List the possible effects of child abuse and neglect. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:59 AM 50. Solo sex rings are primarily organized by the _______________ of the child age ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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common in neglect and abuse cases. Bloom’s: Remember 3/28/2022 12:59 AM 3/28/2022 1:03 AM

51. Some groups that use rituals or ceremonial acts to draw their members into a certain belief system, also known as _______________, occasionally include child sexual abuse in their rituals. cults ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:04 AM 52. A misoped is someone who _______________ children. hates ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM 53. Usually a sex offender’s first reaction to discovery is complete _______________. denial ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Sex Offender Reactions to Being Caught QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.09 - Name the 1984 federal act that prohibits child pornography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM 54. Children who are reported missing by their parents are often _______________. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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runaways ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM 55. _______________ Alert is an early-warning network that law enforcement can use to convey key information quickly to the general public via television and radio soon after a child has been abducted. AMBER ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.11 - Describe the AMBER Alert program. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM 56. Describe the four common types of maltreatment, and give an example for each. Literally, maltreatment means to treat roughly or abuse. Maltreatment exists in many forms ANSWER: and along a continuum of severity and chronicity. The four common types of maltreatment are neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. Neglect is the failure to meet a child’s basic needs, including housing, food, clothing, education, and access to medical care. Physical abuse refers to beating, whipping, burning, or otherwise inflicting physical harm upon a child. Emotional abuse refers to causing fear or feelings of unworthiness in children by such means as locking them in closets, ignoring them, or constantly belittling them. Sexual abuse includes sexually molesting a child, performing sexual acts with a child, and statutory rape and seduction. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM 57. Discuss why child abuse has not historically been considered a crime. As one scholar has noted, “For centuries, parents were permitted to beat their children as ANSWER: they saw fit in the name of imposing discipline. Legal notions of progeny as the property Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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of their parents, as well as religious and legal traditions (of ‘honor thy father and mother’ and ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’) legitimized parental violence toward youngsters as a necessary, even essential, technique of child rearing. Only if permanent injury or death resulted were adults in danger of being held responsible for going too far, a problem labeled cruelty to children” (Karmen, 2007). Just as domestic violence used to be considered a family matter, so was mistreating children considered a family matter. Now both are considered crimes. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.01 - Define the four common types of maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM 58. List and discuss the various indicators of child neglect. Physical indicators of child neglect may include frequent hunger, poor hygiene, ANSWER: inappropriate dress, consistent lack of supervision (especially in dangerous activities or for long time periods), unattended physical problems or medical needs, and abandonment. Such indicators often appear in families where the parents are drug addicts. Behavioral indicators of child neglect may include begging, stealing (e.g., food), extending school days by arriving early and/or leaving late, constant fatigue, listlessness or falling asleep in school, poor performance in school, truancy, alcohol or drug abuse, aggressive behavior, delinquency, and stating that no one is at home to care for them. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Maltreatment of Children: Neglect and Abuse QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.02 - Identify the most common form of child maltreatment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM 59. Discuss the three components that are included in child abuse/neglect laws. Typically child abuse and neglect laws have three components: (1) criminal definitions and ANSWER: penalties; (2) a mandate to report suspected cases; and (3) a civil process for removing the child from the abusive or neglectful environment. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Child Abuse and Neglect Laws QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.04 - Identify the three components typically included in child abuse/neglect laws. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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60. What conditions would have to be present to consider moving a child from the home into protective custody without a hearing? Under welfare regulations and codes, an officer may take a child into temporary custody ANSWER: without a warrant if there is an emergency or if the officer has reason to believe that leaving the child in the present situation would subject the child to further abuse or harm. Temporary custody without hearing usually means for 48 hours. Conditions that would justify placing a child in protective custody include: • • • • • •

The child’s age or physical or mental condition makes the child incapable of selfprotection. The home’s physical environment poses an immediate threat to the child. The child needs immediate medical or psychiatric care, and the parents refuse to get it. The parents cannot or will not provide for the child’s basic needs. Maltreatment in the home could permanently damage the child physically or emotionally. The parents may abandon the child.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Challenges in Investigating Child Maltreatment Cases QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.05 - Explain when a child should be taken into protective custody. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:16 AM 61. Discuss the rationale for mandated reporters, and describe who is given the role of a mandated reporter. ANSWER: In most states, certain individuals who work with or treat children are required by law to report cases of suspected neglect or abuse. These mandated reporters include teachers, school authorities, childcare personnel, camp personnel, clergy, physicians, dentists, chiropractors, nurses, psychologists, medical assistants, attorneys, and social workers. Such a report may be made to social services or CPS, the juvenile court, or the local police or sheriff’s department. It may be made verbally, but it should also be put in writing as soon as possible after the initial verbal report is made. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Initial Report QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.07 - Identify the sources that generally report most cases of child neglect or abuse. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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62. Describe a “transition sex ring” and how someone might get involved. Pedophiles have a strong need to communicate with others about their interest in children. ANSWER: In transition sex rings experiences are exchanged, whereas in solo rings the pedophile keeps his or her activities and photographs totally secret. In transition rings, photographs of children as well as sexual services may be traded and sold. The trading of pornography appears to be the first move of the newcomer into the “possession” of other pedophiles. The photographs are traded, and the newcomers may be tested by other offenders and eventually traded for their sexual services. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM 63. Describe the Amber Alert program. The National AMBER Alert Network Act of 2002 encouraged development of a ANSWER: nationwide alert system for abducted children. In 2019, DOJ issued a second edition of a guide on best practices for law enforcement and its partners in preparing for, and responding to, AMBER alerts. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:21 AM 64. How does a pedophile normally react when discovered? Pedophiles’ reactions to being discovered usually begin with complete denial and then ANSWER: progress to minimizing the acts, justifying the acts, and blaming the victims. If all else fails, they may claim to be sick. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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common in neglect and abuse cases. Bloom’s: Apply 3/28/2022 1:21 AM 3/28/2022 1:22 AM

65. Discuss the differences between a misoped, hebephile, and pedophile. Habitual child sex abusers, whether they operate as loners or as part of a sex ring, have ANSWER: been classified into three types. First is the misoped, the person who hates children, has sex with them, and then brutally destroys them. The second type is the hebephile, a person who selects high school-age youths as his or her sex victims. The third and most common habitual child sex abuser is the pedophile, sometimes referred to as a chicken hawk, an adult who has either heterosexual or homosexual preferences for young boys or girls of a specific, limited age range. Although pedophiles are typically male, this is not always the case. Women are also involved in the sexual abuse of children. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Child Abuse Suspect QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.08 - Identify the various physical and behavioral indicators common in neglect and abuse cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM 66. What criteria should officers consider to determine whether a runaway child is endangered? Investigators should also consider several criteria to determine whether the runaway child ANSWER: is endangered: • • • • • • • • •


Is the missing child younger than 13 years of age? Is the missing child believed to be out of the physical or geographic zone of safety for his or her age and developmental stage? Is the missing child mentally incapacitated? Is the missing child drug dependent—on a prescribed medication or an illegal substance—and is the dependency life-threatening? Was the missing child absent from home for more than 24 hours before being reported to police? Is the missing child believed to be in a life-threatening situation? Is the missing child believed to be in the company of adults who could endanger his or her welfare? Is the child’s absence inconsistent with his or her established patterns of behavior and the deviation not readily explained? Are there other circumstances involved in the disappearance that would cause a reasonable person to conclude that the child should be considered at risk?

Any child who fits any of these criteria should be categorized as an endangered runaway, and efforts to locate the child should be immediately put into effect. 1

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REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:25 AM 67. What is NCMEC and what does it do? The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has a congressionally ANSWER: mandated CyberTipline (www.cybertipline.com), a reporting mechanism for child sexual exploitation that serves as the national clearinghouse for child pornography cases across the country. The CyberTipline maintains a 24-hour-a-day number (1-800-THE-LOST) that receives leads in five basic areas: (1) possession, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography; (2) online enticement of children for sexual acts; (3) child prostitution; (4) child sex tourism; and (5) child sexual molestation outside the family. In 2019, the CyberTipline received 16.9 million reports which included 69.1 million images, videos, and other files related to child sexual exploitation (NCMEC, 2020a). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.09 - Name the 1984 federal act that prohibits child pornography. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:26 AM 68. What are some of the reasons that children run away from their families? ANSWER: Many runaways are insecure, depressed, unhappy, and impulsive with low self-esteem. Typical runaways report conflict with and alienation from parents, rejection and hostile control, and lack of warmth, affection, and parental support. For 21 percent of the 1.7 million runaway/thrownaway youths, their episode involved physical or sexual abuse at home before leaving or fear of such abuse upon their return. Other problems reported included parental drug or alcohol abuse, mental health problems within the family, and domestic violence between the parents. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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69. What kinds of questions are pertinent for officers considering criminal charges against a parent who has abducted his or her child? For officers considering criminal charges against a parent who has abducted his or her ANSWER: child, several questions are pertinent: • • • • • • • •

Is there sufficient documentation to demonstrate parentage and the individual’s right to physical custody or access? Can the suspect-parent actually be identified as the abductor? A vacation or change of address is not necessarily illegal. Can it be clearly established that the intent of the move was to deny access to the complainant unlawfully? If removal from the state is an element of the offense, can it be proven that the child has been physically taken across the state line? Can it be demonstrated that the suspect-parent is responsible for the removal? Have mitigating factors (such as domestic violence and abuse) been evaluated that, by statute, could undermine the filing of a charge? If an accomplice was involved, can it be proven that they had sufficient personal knowledge of the legal custody issues to form criminal intent? If the accomplice was the abductor, can the suspect-parent’s complicity be demonstrated? How can they be directly implicated?

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Missing Children: Runaway or Abducted? QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:28 AM 70. Describe the rules and procedures that the courts have changed in order to resolve some of the problems associated with children providing testimony in court. Court procedures and legal practices that benefit the child witness may not be balanced ANSWER: with the rights of the accused, and vice versa. To resolve some of these problems, the courts have changed a number of rules and procedures: • • • •

Some courts give preference to these cases by placing them ahead of other cases on the docket. Some courts permit videotaping child interviews and then providing access to the tapes to numerous individuals to spare the child the added trauma of multiple interviews. Courts are limiting privileges for repeated medical and psychological examinations of children. To reduce the number of times the child must face the accused, the courts are allowing testimony concerning observations of the child by another person who is not a witness, allowing the child to remain in another room during the trial, or using a videotape of the child’s testimony as evidence.

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Some courts remove the accused from the courtroom during the child’s testimony.

It should be noted that many of these changes in rules and procedures are being challenged. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Children as Witnesses in Court QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.11.10 - Identify the most common type of child abduction. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:30 AM

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Chapter 12 - Robbery 1. When do commercial robberies most frequently occur? a. toward the end of the week b. toward the beginning of the week c. on the weekend d. at night ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:54 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 11:55 PM 2. Which one of the following is a characteristic of robberies? a. They are committed by acquaintances rather than by strangers. b. The offender lives within a few miles (five to ten) of the robbery. c. Youths committing them tend to operate as individuals and to use strong-arm tactics more frequently than do adults. d. Middle-aged and older people tend to be the victims. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:57 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/23/2022 11:58 PM 3. In most robberies, the robber: a. makes an oral demand. b. makes a written demand. c. uses gestures. d. uses a firearm. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:59 PM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Robberies committed by a lone robber tend to: a. be crimes of opportunity. b. involve younger victims. c. include firearms. d. involve injuring the victim. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:36 AM 5. Which of the following is one of the actions recommended by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to deter workplace violence? a. keep the cash register balance low b. cover windows with signs c. reduce lighting d. lower the cash register ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:37 AM 6. A robbery occurring in a parking lot or alley would be classified as a: a. residential robbery. b. street robbery. c. commercial robbery. d. vehicle-driver robbery. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:37 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Which of the following categories are used to define robbery? a. residential, commercial, street, and personal b. residential, commercial, street, and vehicle driver c. personal, commercial, street, and vehicle d. street, home, and business ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:41 AM 8. Most residential robberies occur: a. in the early morning. b. around noon. c. in the early evening. d. around midnight. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:42 AM 9. What term refers to the crime of snatching a mobile device directly from the user? a. apple picking b. baiting c. mugging d. dying ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:42 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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10. What type of robbery is commonly portrayed in the movies? a. takeover robbery b. closing robbery c. morning glory robbery d. robbery-by-appointment ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:45 AM 11. What is U.S. currency with recorded serial numbers placed at each teller position called? a. bait money b. dye packs c. easy money d. traceable packs ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:46 AM 12. Amateur bank robbers usually wait in line and pass a note to the teller or give a simple verbal demand. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:46 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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13. Generally, the three elements of robbery are: a. the wrongful taking of another person’s property, through the use of force, against the person’s will. b. theft with a gun, by a person, against another person. c. the wrongful taking of personal property, from a person or in the person’s presence, against the person’s will by force or threat of force. d. the intentional theft, of personal property, from another against their will. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery Versus Burglary Versus Larceny QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.06 - List the elements of the crime of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:52 AM 14. One of the main elements of robbery is: a. using weapons. b. force or fear. c. physical harm to the victim. d. any loss over $200. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.06 - List the elements of the crime of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:53 AM 15. This psychological effect may occur when hostages report that they have no ill feelings toward the hostage takers and, further, that they feared the police more than they feared their captors: a. Seattle syndrome b. bait-and-switch c. Stockholm syndrome d. butterfly effect ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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16. There are three priorities in a hostage situation. What is the third? a. recover property b. apprehend the hostage taker c. preserve life d. rescue the victim ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:55 AM 17. Which one of the following items is negotiable in dealing with a hostage taker? a. food b. alcohol c. transportation d. friends and family ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:57 AM 18. The first priority in hostage situations is to: a. recover or protect property. b. apprehend the hostage taker. c. preserve life. d. none of these choices. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:58 AM 19. Which system may be of great assistance in identifying a stolen vehicle that might be serving as a getaway car, even as robbers speed away at 100 mph? a. facial recognition systems b. automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) c. GPS locaters d. spike strips ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:59 AM 20. What may be one of the advantages of the passage of time in a hostage situation? a. allow for intelligence gathering b. increase emotionalism c. increase rapport with the hostages d. reduce rapport with the hostage taker ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM 21. Which of the following is a true statement? a. Amateur, solitary offenders tend to rob banks at the end of the day. b. Professionals prefer to operate when there are fewer customers, such as at opening time. c. Gangs of robbers always rob at midday. d. Note passers only enter the bank at closing. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM 22. Today, officers have the advantage of using Global Information Software (GIS) to: a. map all incidents of robberies. b. identify all robbers. c. track all known vehicles. d. map potential victims. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM 23. False robbery reports may be identified by: a. reporting the offense promptly. b. the physical evidence. c. improbable events. d. attesting to the report under oath. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: False Robbery Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM 24. Physical evidence at the scene of a robbery is usually: a. hard to find. b. extensive. c. easy to see. d. minimal. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM 25. An indicator of a false robbery report is: a. an exceptionally detailed description of the offender. b. consistent accounts of the event. c. probable events. d. total cooperation. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: False Robbery Reports QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM 26. Why would clothing and disguises discarded by the robber upon leaving the scene be valuable evidence if discovered? a. They may have identifying marks on them. b. They may have an ID that the robber left behind. c. The victim may recognize the owner. d. They may provide DNA evidence. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM 27. Officers should assume that a robber is at the scene. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call.. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 28. Most robbers carry a weapon or other threatening item, or may indicate to the victim that they are armed. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 29. Convenience stores that have already been robbed are more likely to be robbed again. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM 30. Most street robberies involve large sums of money. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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31. Street robberies are usually better planned than commercial robberies. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:16 AM 32. The FBI may investigate carjacking crimes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.04 - Define carjacking. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:17 AM 33. In hostage situations, bait money is often used to lure bank robbers out of the building. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM 34. Amateur bank robbers seek the same targets as professionals. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM 35. As an essential element of robbery, the robber must have no legal right to the property. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Robbery QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.06 - List the elements of the crime of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM 36. A robbery must occur “in the presence of a person,” but this does not always mean that the victim sees the robbery occur. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Robbery QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.06 - List the elements of the crime of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:20 AM 37. Officers should rush hostage takers in order to catch them off guard. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:57 AM 38. The Stockholm syndrome refers to a situation in which hostages attack the hostage takers because they know they are about to be killed. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:58 AM 39. Robbery victims are the least likely of all victims of violent crime to face an armed offender. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.08 - Explain what special challenges are posed by a robbery investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:01 AM 40. The speed of robbery poses special challenges for investigators. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation and Special Challenges QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.08 - Explain what special challenges are posed by a robbery investigation. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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41. In a robbery situation, use of force must be directly aimed against the victim or it will not hold up in the courts of law. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Robbery QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.09 - Explain how to prove each element of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:10 AM 42. Finding a modus operandi that matches a previous robbery is a strong indicator that the same robber committed the crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:11 AM 43. Robbers may use various types of disguises to keep from being identified, including ski masks, paper sacks, and other types of clothing. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:14 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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44. Lack of cooperation in the investigation of a robbery is absolute proof that the robbery was staged. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: False Robbery Reports QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:15 AM 45. Because robbery is inherently serial, mapping it has proven successful. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:16 AM 46. Robbery is the _______________ taking of another’s property through force or intimidation. felonious ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:26 AM 47. Most robbers are visibly armed with a weapon or dangerous device and make a(n) ________________ demand of the victim. oral ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Robbery: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Completion Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.01 - Define robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:28 AM 48. robbery is both a federal and a state offense. Bank ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:29 AM 49. A robbery occurring at a loan company is classified as a(n) ______________ robbery. commercial ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM 50. Convenience stores that are robbed once are to be robbed again. likely ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.02 - Explain how robberies are classified. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:32 AM 51. Home invaders often target women, senior citizens, _________________, or drug dealers. immigrants ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.03 - Describe what a home invasion is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:33 AM 52. The first priority in a hostage situation is to preserve ________________. life ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:34 AM 53. A _______ _________ is a forced entry into an occupied dwelling to commit a violent crime, whether robbery, sexual assault, murder, or some combination of violent offenses. home invasion ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.03 - Describe what a home invasion is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM 54. What are some of the advantages of the passage of time with regard to hostage scenarios? The passage of time can: ANSWER: • • • • • • • •

provide the opportunity for face-to-face contact with the hostage taker. allow the negotiator to attempt to establish a trustful rapport. permit mental, emotional, and physical fatigue to operate against the hostage taker. increase the hostage taker’s needs for food, water, sleep, and elimination. increase the possibility of the hostage taker’s reducing demands to reasonable compliance levels. allow hostage escape possibilities to occur. provide for more rational thinking, in contrast to the emotionalism usually present during the initial stage of the crime. lessen the hostage taker’s anxiety and reduce his or her adrenalin flow, allowing

Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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more rational negotiations. allow for important intelligence gathering concerning the hostage taker, hostages, layout, protection barriers, and needed police reinforcement.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM 55. The phenomenon in which hostages begin to identify with and sympathize with their captors is known as the _______________ syndrome. Stockholm ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:38 AM 56. When responding to a robbery in progress, it is often best to arrive quietly to prevent the taking of _______________. hostages ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:59 AM 57. Many commercial robberies are committed by individuals with criminal records; therefore, their ________________ should be compared with those of past robberies. modus operandi ANSWER: MO Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 7:23 AM 58. Describe some of the components that would contribute to an ideal negotiation scenario with a hostage taker. In reality, to resolve a hostage situation successfully, both teams—special weapons and ANSWER: tactics (SWAT) teams and crisis negotiation teams (CNTs)—must often work together. A successful hostage-incident outcome is not possible without a well-coordinated strategy. The negotiator should have street knowledge and experience with hostage incidents. Faceto-face negotiations are ideal because they provide the best opportunity for gathering knowledge about and personally observing the hostage taker’s reactions. An alternative is telephone contact, allowing for personal conversation and establishing rapport without the dangers of face-to-face contact. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:03 AM 59. What are some of the strategies that have been developed in order to deter bank robberies? The number of bank robberies has increased with the number of branch banks, many of ANSWER: which are housed in storefront offices and outlying shopping centers, thus providing quick entrance to and exit from the robbery scene. Most banks have surveillance cameras that might catch a robbery on tape. However, the video quality is often substandard and can be rendered useless by improper placement of equipment. Adding clerks is not necessarily a deterrent because a person with a gun has the advantage regardless of the number of clerks. Adding bulletproof glass around the cashier may increase the incidence of hostage taking. This problem has been reduced in some banks by enclosing and securing the bank’s administrative areas. Other deterrents to bank robberies involve the use of bait money and dye packs, required by federal banking regulations for federally insured financial institutions. Bait money is U.S. currency with recorded serial numbers placed at each teller position. A dye pack is a bundle of currency containing a colored dye and tear gas. Taken during a robbery, it is activated when the robber crosses an electromagnetic field at the facility’s exit, releasing the brightly colored dye that stains the money and emits a cloud of colored smoke. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:04 AM 60. Explain the differences among robbery, burglary, and larceny. The general public tends to use the term robbery interchangeably with burglary, larceny, ANSWER: and theft. However, robbery, burglary, and larceny/theft are three distinct crimes, with specific elements that distinguish them from each other. Robbery is the felonious taking of another’s property, either directly from the person or in that person’s presence, through force or intimidation. A burglary, by contrast, is an unlawful entry of a structure to commit a crime. Robbery differs from burglary in that robbers confront their victims, whereas burglars seek to remain unseen. Robbery is a crime against a person, burglary is a crime against property. Larceny/theft is the unlawful taking of property from the possession of another. Like burglary, it is a crime against property but it does not require unlawful entry. In other words, the thief can be on the premises legally, such as an employee at work or a shopper in a store, but then unlawfully takes something that does not belong to them. Although there may be contact between the victim and the suspect, larceny/theft differs from robbery in that no force or threat of force is involved. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.0 - Identify the elements of the crime of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM 61. Describe some of the main distinguishing characteristics between professional and amateur bank robbers. Because of the large sums of money involved, bank robberies are committed by rank ANSWER: amateurs as well as by habitual criminals. Characteristics of professional bank robbers include: • • • •

Offender: multiple offenders with division of labor; shows evidence of planning; may be older; prior bank robbery convictions; travels further to rob banks Violence: aggressive takeover, with loud verbal demands; visible weapons, especially guns; intimidation, physical or verbal threats Defeat security: uses a disguise; disables or obscures surveillance cameras; demands that dye packs be left out, alarms not be activated or police not be called Robbery success: multiple teller windows; larger amounts stolen; lower percentage of money recovered; more successful robberies; fewer cases directly cleared; longer time from offense to case clearance

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Robbery timing: targets banks when few customers are present, such as at opening time; targets banks early in the week Target selection: previous robbery; busy road near intersection; multidirectional traffic; corner locations, multiple vehicle exits Getaway: via car Characteristics of amateur bank robbers include: Offender: solitary offender; drug or alcohol use likely; no prior bank crime; lives near bank target Violence: note passed to teller or simple verbal demand; waits in line; no weapon Defeat security: N/A Robbery success: single teller window victimized; lower amounts stolen; higher percentage of money recovered; more failed robberies; shorter time from offense to case clearance, including more same-day arrests; direct case clearance more likely Robbery timing: targets banks when numerous customers are present, such as around midday; targets banks near closing or on Friday Target selection: previous robbery; heavy pedestrian traffic or adjacent to dense multifamily residences; parcels without barriers; parcels with egress obscured Getaway: on foot or bicycle

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.05 - Identify with what types of robbery the FBI and state officials become involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM 62. What conflicts between tactics may occur when deciding whether to use a direct assault by SWAT officers or a CNT? In general, direct assault should be considered only if there has already been a killing or if ANSWER: further negotiations would be useless. Hostage situations may last for less than an hour or for more than 40 hours; the average length is approximately 12 hours. However, this approach may result in conflict within the department between SWAT teams and CNTs. SWAT is action-oriented, whereas CNTs are communication-oriented. Both types of team have a common goal but use a different approach. In reality, to resolve a hostage situation successfully, both teams often must work together. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Hostage Situations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. Why is the technology of ALPR so important in the investigation of robbery cases? ALPR can be of great assistance in identifying a stolen vehicle that might be serving as a ANSWER: getaway car. According to Molnar (2007), “As the system reads a license plate, it compares the plate to the database. If it makes a hit, it alerts the operator. The addition of a separate color camera allows the capture of vehicle description, make, model, color, damage, unique characteristics, etc. to the database. In other words, ALPR can provide a complete picture of the vehicle, not just the plate.” If police could check every license plate within the containment circle to see whether it was on a stolen car, and then accumulate that information, they might identify serial robbers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM 64. What are the first steps that an officer should take when responding to a robbery-in-progress call? Officers should observe all vehicles as they approach a robbery scene. ANSWER: When responding to a robbery-in-progress call, officers should: • • • • • •

proceed as rapidly as possible, but use extreme caution. assume that the robber is at the scene, unless otherwise advised. be prepared for gunfire. look for and immobilize any getaway vehicle that is discovered. avoid a hostage situation if possible. make an immediate arrest if the suspect is at the scene.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Robbery-in-Progress Call QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.07 - Identify what factors to consider in responding to a robbery-in-progress call. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM 65. Explain some of the special challenges that are posed by a robbery investigation. Special challenges in a robbery investigation include (1) the lag time in reporting a ANSWER: robbery, (2) the speed of its occurrence, and (3) the traumatizing effect on victims and Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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witnesses. It is also difficult to identify what was taken, since usually it is currency. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation and Special Challenges QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.08 - Explain what special challenges are posed by a robbery investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM 66. What issues should officers consider when dealing with the victims or witnesses of a robbery? Robbery usually leaves victims and witnesses feeling vulnerable and fearful, making it ANSWER: difficult for them to give accurate descriptions and details of what occurred. Officers should be patient. Witnesses to a robbery suffer varying degrees of trauma even though they have not lost any property. They may have had to lie on the floor or have been placed in a locked room or a bank vault, possibly fearing that the robber would return and kill them. Their ability to recall precise details is further impaired by the suddenness of the crime. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation and Special Challenges QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.08 - Explain what special challenges are posed by a robbery investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM 67. What are the three main elements for the crime of robbery? For each element, provide examples of one or two questions that investigators should ask when interviewing the victim. The elements of the crime of robbery are (1) the wrongful taking of personal property, ANSWER: (2) from the person or in the person’s presence, (3) against the person’s will by force or threat of force. Taking of property necessitates proving that it was carried away from the lawful owner or possessor to deprive the owner of the property permanently. The officer must prove that the robber had no legal right to the property taken. Some questions to ask might be: Who is the legal owner? Was property taken or intended to be taken? From the person or in the presence of the person necessitates proving that the property was under the victim’s control before the robbery and was removed from the victim’s control by the robber’s direct actions. Some questions to ask might be: Where was the property before it was taken? Where was the victim? By force or the threat of force may be the most difficult element to establish. If the victim perceived a threat, it is real. If nothing was said, find out what gestures, motions or other actions compelled the victim to give up the property. Some questions to ask might be: Did Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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the robber have a weapon? Did the robber threaten you or another individual? What gestures or motions did the robber make? POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Proving the Elements of the Offense QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.09 - Explain how to prove each element of robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM 68. How is the concept of MO applied in robbery investigations? List some MO information that is important in such investigations. Even if the suspect is apprehended at the scene, the MO can help link the suspect with ANSWER: other robberies. Important MO information includes: • • • • • • • • •

type of robbery time (day and hour) method of attack (real or threatened) weapon number of robbers voice and words vehicle used peculiarities object sought

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.10 - List what modus operandi information to obtain in a robbery case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:16 AM 69. What indicators might an investigator look for to determine whether a robbery is being falsely reported? Investigators need to rule out the probability that a robbery report is false. Among the ANSWER: indicators of a false robbery report are: • • • • • •

an unusual delay in reporting the offense. an amount of the loss not fitting the victim’s apparent financial status. a lack of correspondence with the physical evidence. improbable events. an exceptionally detailed or exceptionally vague description of the offender. a lack of cooperation.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: False Robbery Reports QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:15 AM 70. Provide five to six examples of physical evidence that might be found at a robbery scene. Physical evidence that can connect a suspect with a robbery includes fingerprints, DNA, ANSWER: shoe prints, tire prints, restraining devices, discarded garments, fibers and hairs, a note, and the stolen property. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Complete Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.12.11 - Identify the types of physical evidence that can link a suspect with a robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:16 AM

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Chapter 13 - Burglary 1. The national burglary clearance rate is: a. less than 13 percent. b. over 30 percent. c. nearly 66 percent. d. usually around 82 percent. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:26 AM 2. Burglars seek to: a. confront their victims directly and immediately. b. hide until they can safely confront their victims. c. avoid contact with victims. d. quickly subdue victims with a blitz attack. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Burglary Versus Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.02 - Explain the basic differences between burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:28 AM 3. The main difference between burglary and robbery is that: a. robbery is committed in the daytime. b. robbery is a crime against property. c. burglary is a crime against property. d. burglary is a crime against a person. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Burglary Versus Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.02 - Explain the basic differences between burglary and robbery. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Most burglaries occur in: a. occupied homes. b. occupied businesses. c. unoccupied homes and businesses. d. unoccupied businesses. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Burglary Versus Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.02 - Explain the basic differences between burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:32 AM 5. In some states, which of the following can be considered structures in a commercial burglary? a. cell phone towers b. railroad cars c. oil rigs d. water towers ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:35 AM 6. If a weapon is obtained connected to a burglary, the officer should check with what to see if it has been used in another crime? a. NCIC b. CPTED c. UCR d. ATF ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Establishing the Severity of the Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.06 - Explain how the severity of a burglary is determined. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:36 AM 7. What method of entering a safe requires drilling a hole near the locking bar area? a. blowing b. pulling c. dragging d. burning ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Safes and Vaults QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.11 - Describe the various methods used to break into safes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:14 AM 8. Which of the following is an element of burglary under the routine activity theory? a. the presence of likely or motivated offenders b. poor economic conditions c. the presence of inadequate targets d. the presence of guardians to inhibit the crime ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.04 - List the three elements generally present in laws defining burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:15 AM 9. Common law specifies that a burglary occurs: a. during the nighttime. b. at the dwelling of another. c. by breaking or entering. d. in a public space. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.05 - Identify what additional elements can be included in burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM 10. Most burglary laws increase the severity of the crime of burglary if the burglar possesses: a. burglary tools. b. explosives or a weapon. c. gloves. d. police radio scanners. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Establishing the Severity of the Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.06 - Explain how the severity of a burglary is determined. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:18 AM 11. A primary element of the crime of possession of burglary tools is: a. actual use of the tools in at least one verified burglary. b. a history of using similar tools in the commission or burglary. c. possession of any tool that could be used to commit burglary. d. an intent to use a tool or permit its use to commit burglary. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.07 - List what the elements of the crime of possession of burglary tools are. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:19 AM 12. Most amateur burglars are between the ages of: a. 10 and 15 years. b. 15 and 25 years. c. 25 and 35 years. d. 35 and 45 years. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Burglar QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:20 AM 13. According to data from the Urban Institute, what percent of all burglar alarm activations are false? a. 90-99 percent b. 80-89 percent c. 70-79 percent d. 60-69 percent ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Burglary Call QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:29 AM 14. Which acronym refers to an aggressive form of verified response policy? a. ECV b. NCIC c. RxPATROL d. CPTED ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Burglary Call QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:30 AM 15. The most common method of entrance in burglary is: a. jimmying a door. b. breaking a side or rear window. c. entering through the roof. d. tunneling in under walls. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Structures QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.10 - Identify what the most frequent means of entry to commit burglary is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:31 AM 16. Which is a common way of entering a safe? a. beating b. peeling c. pounding d. hammering ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Safes and Vaults QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.11 - Describe the various methods used to break into safes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:33 AM 17. Most burglars are convicted on circumstantial evidence. For this reason: a. any physical evidence at the burglary scene is of the utmost importance. b. officers should collect only the most critical evidence. c. officers should determine if fingerprints are available before working to process the crime scene. d. officers should collect only that evidence that might be damaged if allowed to stay. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:34 AM 18. An investigator should make sure to process the scene for prints, particularly at the: a. back door. b. front door. c. windows. d. entry point. ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:35 AM 19. Most burglars are convicted on what type of evidence? a. ex parte b. direct c. dissociate d. circumstantial ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:47 AM 20. Effective modus operandi (MO) files are essential in investigating burglary cases because: a. burglary suspects are typically in organized gangs. b. most burglars commit a series of burglaries. c. they can help estimate the value of the goods. d. they help to verify if weapons were used. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Modus Operandi Factors QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.13 - Identify the modus operandi factors to consider when investigating a burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:48 AM 21. Which of the following is suggested as a strategy to prevent burglaries? a. Know where the nearest police department is located. b. Program all telephones in the building to speed dial 911. c. Provide clearly visible addresses on stores and homes. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. Always have a cell phone on your person. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:50 AM 22. In the case of property being sold to pawnshops or left for consignment sale, most states require: a. independent verification of ownership. b. clearance through a stolen property database before sale. c. a permanent record of the transaction. d. a notarized affidavit attesting to ownership. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recovering Stolen Property QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:55 AM 23. The term target hardening refers to: a. accepting that fact that burglaries happen in all parts of the world. b. altering physical characteristics of a property to make it less vulnerable. c. taking out additional insurance to cover losses in the event of a burglary. d. helping people understand that they will eventually get over being victimized. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM 24. CPTED stands for: a. crime prohibition through economical design. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. crime prevention through economical design. c. crime prevention through environmental design. d. crime prohibition through environmental design. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:58 AM 25. A go-between who knowingly receives stolen goods for resale is called a: a. broker. b. dealer. c. fence. d. pawn broker. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.15 - Identify the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM 26. An attempt to enter a structure unlawfully to commit a theft, even if unsuccessful, still counts as a burglary. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.01 - Define burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM 27. Burglary is a crime against a person. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM 28. Commercial burglaries are often committed by two or more people. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM 29. Residential burglaries are often committed by one or more juveniles or young adults who live in the same community. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:04 AM 30. Vehicles, trailers, and railroad cars cannot be considered commercial structures. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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31. Lock bumping is an easy, quiet method used by thieves to commit burglaries and other crimes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.08 - List the common burglary tools. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:15 AM 32. Explosives are a common burglary tool. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.08 - List the common burglary tools. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:16 AM 33. Some burglars steal just for the excitement of committing the crime and evading detection. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.07 - List what the elements of the crime of possession of burglary tools are. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:17 AM 34. Many people, such as mechanics and carpenters, possess tools that might be used in a burglary, but use them for legitimate means. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.08 - List the common burglary tools. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM 35. A “slam puller” is a tool commonly used to pull a safe. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Possession of Burglary Tools QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.08 - List the common burglary tools. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM 36. Burglars prefer corner homes that allow them to see people approaching from a variety of directions. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Burglary Call QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM 37. Breaking a window is the most common method of entry to commit burglary. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Structures QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.10 - Identify what the most frequent means of entry to commit burglary is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM 38. A hit-and-run burglary is the same as a smash-and-grab burglary. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Structures QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.10 - Identify what the most frequent means of entry to commit burglary is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM 39. Entering a safe using a sledge and chisel or other instrument to create a hole in the bottom of a safe is called chopping. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Safes and Vaults QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.11 - Describe the various methods used to break into safes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM 40. DNA is becoming important in burglary investigations. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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41. Mapping has proven to be ineffective in aiding burglary investigations. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Effective Case Management QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.13 - Identify the modus operandi factors to consider when investigating a burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 42. The competent, professional burglar will wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:27 AM 43. Research shows that premises that have previously been burglarized are unlikely to be burglarized again. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM 44. It is difficult to prove that a buyer knew the purchased goods were stolen. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.15 - Identify the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM 45. The charge of receiving stolen goods can be used when possession of stolen items can be demonstrated but insufficient evidence exists to prove actual theft. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.15 - Identify the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM 46. _______________ is the unlawful entry into a structure to commit a crime. Burglary ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.01 - Define burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:56 AM 47. A(n) _______________ burglary is one that occurs in buildings, structures, or attachments that are used as or are suitable for dwellings. residential ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:57 AM 48. Burglary of a market would be considered a(n) _______________ burglary. commercial ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.03 - Identify the two basic classifications of burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:58 AM 49. The type of burglary in which a window is broken and items taken from the other side is known as a(n) _______________ and grab burglary. smash ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.04 - List the three elements generally present in laws defining burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:59 AM 50. Breaking and entering is strong _______________ evidence that a crime is intended, meaning that it provides a reasonable basis for belief that the crime was intended. presumptive ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.05 - Identify what additional elements can be included in burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:00 AM 51. The _______________ of the stolen property, the possession of a dangerous device by the burglar, and whether the Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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premise is occupied determine the severity of a burglary. value ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Establishing the Severity of the Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.06 - Explain how the severity of a burglary is determined. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:01 AM 52. Burglars can use a code _______________ to duplicate the electronic signal emitted from an automatic garage door opener. grabber ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Structures QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.10 - Identify what the most frequent means of entry to commit burglary is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:06 AM 53. In the dial is sheared from the safe door by a downward blow with a sledge or by holding a chisel to the dial and using a sledge to knock it off, exposing the safe mechanism spindle. punching ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Safes and Vaults QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.11 - Describe the various methods used to break into safes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:06 AM 54. A pattern of burglaries appearing in a cluster, such as a particular location or day of the week, is one element of a(n) _______________ that may indicate that the same burglar is responsible for the crimes. modus operandi ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Modus Operandi Factors QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.13 - Identify the modus operandi factors to consider when investigating a burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:07 AM 55. Many cities have established operations in which the police legally establish a fencing operation. sting ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.15 - Identify the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:08 AM 56. Explain how burglary differs from robbery. Burglary differs from robbery in that burglars are covert, seeking to remain unseen, ANSWER: whereas robbers confront their victims directly. Burglary is a crime against property; robbery is a crime against a person. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Burglary Versus Robbery QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.02 - Explain the basic differences between burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:09 AM 57. Define what it means to “enter a structure” in relation to burglary. Paths of entry may be through: an open door, window, or transom; a ventilation shaft; a ANSWER: hole in a wall; or a tunnel. Means of entry can be by jimmying a door or window, reaching through an open door or window with a long stick or pole, using a celluloid strip to open a door lock, climbing a ladder or stairs outside a building, descending through a skylight, hiding in an entryway, or breaking a window and taking items from the window display (called smash and grab). Entry also includes remaining in a store until after closing time and then committing a burglary. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.04 - List the three elements generally present in laws defining burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:10 AM 58. Outline the elements of the crime of burglary. Although burglary laws vary from state to state, statutes of all states include three key ANSWER: elements. Elements of the crime of burglary include (1) entering a structure, (2) without the consent of the person in possession, (3) with the intent to commit a crime therein. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.04 - List the three elements generally present in laws defining burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM 59. What do officers mean when they refer to a burglary as a “combination” safe job? So-called combination safe jobs, in which the safe is opened by the combination without ANSWER: the use of external force, are usually the result of the combination being found on the premises, the safe being carelessly left open or improperly locked, a dishonest present or former employee using the combination or selling it to the burglar, or the employer faking a burglary to cover a shortage of funds. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:12 AM 60. Which areas of the crime scene should investigators process in a residential burglary? Provide examples. When processing the crime scene in a residential burglary, process the exit as well as the ANSWER: entry area. When looking for fingerprints, check the inside of drawers that have been ransacked, smooth glass objects, papers strewn on the floor, countertops, and clocks. The same procedures are followed if the burglary has occurred in a multiple-dwelling or a commercial-lodging establishment such as an apartment building or a hotel. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:15 AM 61. How does Enhanced Call Verification work? Why might some departments choose to adopt this program? The growing problem of false alarms has led many departments to implement policies on ANSWER: how to handle such nuisance calls. Some law enforcement agencies have implemented a verified response policy, meaning that they will not respond to a burglary alarm unless criminal activity is first confirmed through either an onsite security officer, verbal communication with a resident or employee onsite, or some other method of electronic surveillance. An aggressive form of verified response is Enhanced Call Verification (ECV), which requires that a minimum of two phone calls be made from the alarm monitoring center, to assess whether user error activated the alarm. Only then will a law enforcement response be activated. According to one source, “Those departments who have adopted verified response policies have seen their police dispatch rates drop an average of 72 percent, freeing officers’ time for higher priority duties” (Careless, 2007b). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Burglary Call QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:39 AM 62. What should officers do when they are responding to a burglary call? Officers should proceed to a burglary scene quietly. They should be observant and cautious ANSWER: at the scene. The first two officers arriving place themselves at diagonally opposed corners of the building. This places each out of the other’s line of fire but in position to protect each other. Officers should search the premises inside and outside for the burglar, using maximum cover and caution in going around corners. In a dark room, they should use a flashlight rather than room lights to prevent silhouettes, holding the flashlight in front of the body at a 45-degree angle. Guns should be drawn but not cocked. And finally, officers should be alert for the possible presence of explosives at a burglary scene. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Burglar QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.09 - Describe how to proceed to a burglary scene and what to do on arrival. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:40 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. Choose two methods of entering a safe and describe the process and tools involved. Safes and vaults can be entered illegally by various means, including punching, peeling, ANSWER: chopping, pulling or dragging, blowing, and burning. Sometimes burglars simply haul the safes away. In punching, the dial is sheared from the safe door by a downward blow with a sledge or by holding a chisel to the dial and using a sledge to knock it off, exposing the safe mechanism spindle. In peeling, the burglar drills a hole in a corner of the safe and then makes this hole successively larger by using other drills until the narrow end of a jimmy can be inserted in the hole to pry the door partially open. In chopping, the burglar uses a sledge and chisels or a heavy chopping instrument, such as an axe, to chop a hole in the bottom of the safe large enough to remove the contents. In pulling, also called dragging, the burglar inserts a V plate over the dial, with the V in place behind the dial. The burglar then tightens the screw bolts one at a time until the dial and the spindle are pulled out. In blowing, the burglar drills a hole in the safe near the locking bar area or pushes cotton into an area of the safe door crack and puts nitroglycerin on the cotton. The burglar then places a primer cap against the cotton, tapes it in place, and runs a wire to a protected area. Mattresses and blankets are often used to soften the blast. The burglar ignites the nitroglycerin, which blows the safe open. The process of burning often uses a “burning bar,” a portable safecracking tool that burns a hole into the safe to gain entry. This hole may be burned near the safe’s locking mechanism, or the safe may be tipped over and the hole burned through the bottom. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Determining Entry into Safes and Vaults QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.11 - Describe the various methods used to break into safes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:44 AM 64. What are the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods? The elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods are receiving, buying, or concealing ANSWER: stolen or illegally obtained goods, knowing them to be stolen or otherwise illegally obtained. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.15 - Identify the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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65. Identify methods used by burglars to gain entry into structures. Burglary is a crime of opportunity and concealment. Entry is made in areas of a structure ANSWER: not normally observed, under the cover of darkness, in covered entryways, through windows screened by shrubbery or trees, or through ruse and trickery. Sometimes, however, the burglar breaks a shop window, removes some items on display, and rapidly escapes by jumping into a nearby vehicle driven by an accomplice. Almost every means imaginable has been used by burglars to gain entry, including tunneling, chopping holes in walls, floors, and ceilings, and using fire escapes. Tool marks, disturbed paint, footprints and fingerprints, broken glass, or forced locks help determine how the burglar gained entry. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:45 AM 66. Why is the collection of DNA at burglary scenes an increasing priority for law enforcement? DNA is becoming important in burglary investigations. If a burglar gets cut breaking into a ANSWER: structure, he or she may leave blood behind that can be analyzed for DNA, perhaps linking the burglary to others. Noting the high recidivism rates of property crime offenders, that their crimes and violence often escalate, and that many property crime cases go unsolved, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has advocated collecting DNA evidence in “minor” crime investigations as a way to yield major public safety benefits. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Obtaining Physical Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.12 - List the types of physical evidence often found at a burglary scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:46 AM 67. Why is it important to record and describe the modus operandi of a burglary? Effective MO files are essential in investigating burglaries because most burglars commit a ANSWER: series of burglaries. Look for patterns in the location, day of week, time of day, type of property stolen, and method of entry and exit. The burglar may commit vandalism, ransack, write with lipstick on mirrors, take only cash or jewelry, drink liquor from the scene, or eat from the refrigerator. Such peculiarities can tie several burglaries to one Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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suspect. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Modus Operandi Factors QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.13 - Identify the modus operandi factors to consider when investigating a burglary. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:47 AM 68. Describe what is involved in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Target hardening, also called crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), ANSWER: involves altering physical characteristics of the property to make it less attractive to criminals. CPTED measures include removing dense shrubbery next to windows and doors because this provides concealment to burglars and increases the attractiveness of the target. High privacy fences around homes also give cover to people attempting to break in. Inadequate lighting increases the attractiveness of a property to burglars. Open garages and unlocked service doors from the home to the garage are other ways burglars gain entry. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:54 AM 69. What are the elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods? The elements of the offense of receiving stolen goods are (1) receiving, buying, or ANSWER: concealing stolen or illegally obtained goods and (2) knowing them to be stolen or otherwise illegally obtained. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Receiving Stolen Goods QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:55 AM 70. What are some measures to enhance security in order to prevent burglary? Measures that deter burglaries include: ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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installing adequate locks, striker plates, and doorframes. installing adequate indoor and outdoor lighting. providing clearly visible addresses. eliminating bushes or other obstructions to windows. securing any skylights or air vents larger than 96 square inches. installing burglarproof sidelight window glass beside doors. installing a burglar alarm and placing exterior signage to indicate visibly the presence of such an alarm. keeping dogs on the premises.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Burglary QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.13.14 - List the sources investigators should check when searching for stolen property. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:03 AM

Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 14 - Larceny/Theft, Fraud, and White-Collar Crime.. 1. Larceny differs from robbery in that larceny: a. is a misdemeanor. b. involves no force or threat of force. c. involves illegally entering a structure. d. has a monetary limit. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Larceny/Theft: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.01 - Explain how larceny differs from burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/23/2022 11:59 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:02 AM 2. The primary difference between larceny and burglary is that: a. burglary does not involve entering a structure. b. larceny does not involve entering a structure. c. burglary is a crime against a person. d. larceny is a crime against a person. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.01 - Explain how larceny differs from burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:07 AM 3. The primary motive for all types of larceny is usually: a. spite. b. revenge. c. monetary gain. d. the excitement of stealing. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Larceny/Theft: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.01 - Explain how larceny differs from burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:09 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. In larceny/theft, what determines whether the offense is grand or petty? a. the value of the property b. a judge c. a jury d. the physical evidence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.02 - Explain the two major categories of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:13 AM 5. Thieves who go around neighborhoods targeting mailboxes with their flags up, searching for envelopes containing checks and other forms of payment, are referred to as: a. taggers. b. flaggers. c. flagellators. d. grabbers. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM 6. What are professional shoplifters called? a. boosters b. flaggers c. holders d. poachers ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:18 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. What term refers to the unexplained or unauthorized loss of inventory, merchandise, cash, or any other asset from a retail establishment due to employee theft, shoplifting, organized retail crime, administrative errors, and vendor fraud? a. stop loss b. shrinkage c. skimming d. dark figure of inventory ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:20 AM 8. Altering the price on a garment in a store is considered: a. embezzlement. b. fraud. c. larceny. d. a gray-collar crime. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.05 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by shoplifting. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:22 AM 9. The umbrella term used to describe large-scale retail theft and fraud activity by groups such as professional shoplifters is: a. organized retail crime (ORC). b. “shop till you drop” groups. c. commercial robbery program (CRP). d. theft and robbery gangs (TRG). ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:23 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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10. Which of the following statements regarding jurisdictional issues is true? a. The monetary value of the loss rarely plays a role in determining whether the case is handled by state or federal prosecutors. b. The monetary threshold for jewelry theft is $15,000. c. The monetary threshold for art theft is $25,000. d. Some crimes have no monetary threshold that must be exceeded before the federal government gains jurisdiction. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: A Final Note About Jurisdiction QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:27 AM 11. What term refers to the maximum dollar amount that may be paid with a charge card without getting authorization from the central office unless the business assumes liability for any loss? a. floor-release limit b. zero floor release c. identity limit d. maximum floor release ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.09 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:30 AM 12. In most states, keeping or selling property lost by the owner is: a. a form of theft. b. legal. c. equivalent to burglary. d. the same as shoplifting. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Found Property QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:32 AM 13. Jewelry is most often stolen by: a. juvenile amateurs. b. adult amateurs. c. professionals. d. gang members. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.06 - Explain the elements of ORC and how it differs from shoplifting. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:34 AM 14. What provides a computerized index of stolen art and cultural property as reported to the FBI by law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and internationally? a. Cultural Objects Registry b. International Art Tracking System c. Cooperative Art Recovery Project d. National Stolen Art File ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.06 - Explain the elements of ORC and how it differs from shoplifting. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:52 AM 15. Which section of the FBI is responsible for investigating Ponzi schemes? a. JAG b. DNR c. NFCF d. FCS ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:56 AM 16. The number one consumer fraud complaint to the Federal Trade Commission in 2019 was: a. insurance fraud. b. telemarketing fraud. c. identify theft. d. copyright violation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:59 AM 17. In the United States, the insurance industry collects close to what amount in premiums every year? a. $100 million b. $25 billion c. $1 trillion d. $2 trillion ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:01 AM 18. What telephone scam occurs when rates are increased without notification? a. cramming b. fluffing c. gouging d. slamming ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:03 AM 19. The telephone scam in which consumers are billed for unauthorized or misleading charges is: a. cramming b. fluffing c. gouging d. slamming ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM 20. What type of check fraud scheme occurs when the perpetrator first deposits a fictitious check that appears to be genuinely drawn on a real account into a checking or credit card account at a financial institution? a. a bustout b. a long con c. a layering d. a smurf ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM 21. Victims of telemarketing fraud are most commonly: a. middle-class. b. recently married. c. elderly. d. immigrants. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM 22. Confidence people are known to take money from others using which of these schemes? a. phony home repairs b. poaching c. property flipping d. e-mail hacking ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM 23. The telephone scam in which companies charge undisclosed fees for calls made from pay phones or hotel rooms is called: a. cramming. b. fluffing. c. gouging. d. slamming. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 24. Which of the following statements is true? a. Kiting is form of embezzlement. b. Leakage and shrinkage are interchangeable terms. c. Poachers who harvest cactus plants illegally are called burls. d. Looping is a method used in credit card scams. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM 25. The third and final step of the money laundering cycle is: a. integration. b. placement. c. structuring. d. layering. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:21 AM 26. Purse snatching is a common form of larceny. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:23 AM 27. To the experienced livestock person, brands are a readable language. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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28. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) has become a standard security tool to curb shoplifting and help in the apprehension and prosecution processes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM 29. The term numismatic theft refers specifically to the theft of valuable ancient coins. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM 30. The U.S. Forestry Service estimates $100 million in lumber is stolen annually through illegal logging. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:53 AM 31. Boosting is the same thing as shoplifting. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:54 AM 32. Altering the price of an item is considered shrinkage. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:59 AM 33. Pocket picking is a type of larceny/theft. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:00 AM 34. Identification of bicycles is difficult because of failure to have a registration system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:01 AM 35. Farmers create a market for stolen pesticides and herbicides by purchasing them at reduced rates. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:03 AM 36. Shrinkage refers to the unexplained loss of inventory, merchandise, cash, or any other asset from a retail establishment. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:11 AM 37. Shoplifting accounts for fewer store losses than employee theft. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.05 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by shoplifting. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:13 AM 38. Forgery is signing someone else’s name to a document with the intent to defraud. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:15 AM 39. Jamming is the unauthorized switch of a long-distance carrier. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:19 AM 40. Theft of art objects is considered to be, at most, a minor international criminal activity. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:21 AM 41. In confidence games, the mark refers to the victim. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:24 AM 42. The most common type of insurance fraud is premium diversion by insurance agents and brokers. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:29 AM 43. Common equity skimming schemes involve use of shell companies, corporate identity theft, and use of bankruptcy/foreclosure to dupe homeowners and investors. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:30 AM 44. Embezzlement is the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been entrusted. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:31 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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45. Investigators should routinely monitor the anti–money laundering initiatives of other countries. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.11 - Explain the FBI’s two-pronged approach to investigating money laundering. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:33 AM 46. The phrase “goods or property” refers to all forms of _______________ property, real or personal. tangible ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.03 - Identify the elements of larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:31 AM 47. Shoplifting, also known as _______________, involves taking items from retail stores without paying for them. boosting ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:34 AM 48. Cattle are ear marked and _______________ marked, commonly with a knife, according to branding protocol. wattle ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:36 AM 49. _______________ is a term used to describe the activity of individuals who pretend to be what they are not. Fraud ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:38 AM 50. The _______________-release limit is the maximum dollar amount that may be paid with a charge or credit card without getting authorization from the central office. floor ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.09 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:41 AM 51. A ______________ obtains money or property by a trick, device, or swindle that takes advantage of a victim’s trust in the swindler. confidence game ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:51 AM 52. In_______________ , the offender buys a property near its estimated market value, artificially inflates the property value through a false appraisal, and then resells the property. property flipping ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:52 AM 53. When any credit card transaction must be checked, regardless of the amount of the purchase, the policy is called _______________. zero floor release ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.09 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:55 AM 54. Structuring, or _______________, is a method of avoiding federal reporting requirements by breaking large amounts of cash into increments of less than $10,000. smurfing ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:57 AM 55. Prosecution tactics in which civil and criminal sanctions are pursued at the same time are known as _______________ proceedings. parallel ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:59 AM 56. How does larceny differ from burglary and robbery? Both larceny and burglary are crimes against property, but larceny, unlike burglary, does ANSWER: not involve illegally entering a structure. Larceny differs from robbery in that no force or threat of force is involved. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Larceny/Theft: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.01 - Explain how larceny differs from burglary and robbery. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:01 AM 57. Compare the two major categories of larceny and theft, and describe how to determine them, giving an example for each category. Most statutes have two major categories of larceny/theft based on the total value of the ANSWER: property stolen. The categories of larceny/theft are: grand larceny, a felony; and petty larceny, a misdemeanor. Which category the crime falls under is based on the value of the property stolen. In many states, the amount of theft that predicates grand larceny is $100 or more; any lesser amount is petty (petit) larceny. An example of grand larceny would be stealing a car; an example of petty larceny would be stealing a kitchen chair. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.02 - Explain the two major categories of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:06 AM 58. What are the elements of crime for larceny/theft? The elements include the felonious stealing, taking, carrying, leading, or driving away of ANSWER: another’s personal goods, property, or services valued above (grand) or below (petty) a specified amount with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of the property or goods. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.03 - Identify the elements of larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM 59. Describe the law concerning found property. Although the finder has possession of the property, it is not legal possession. Thieves ANSWER: apprehended with stolen property often claim to have found it—an invalid excuse. A reasonable effort must be made to find the owner of the property—for example, by making inquiries or advertising in a newspaper. The owner, if located, must pay the cost of such inquiries before the property is returned. If the owner is not located after reasonable attempts are made to do so and after a time specified by law, the finder of the property can legally retain possession of it. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Found Property QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.03 - Identify the elements of larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM 60. Outline the three main criteria for an object to be eligible for entry into the National Stolen Art File (NSAF). To cope with the problems resulting from the interstate and international nature of these ANSWER: thefts, the FBI created the NSAF in 1979. For an object to be eligible for entry into the NSAF, it must meet these criteria: •

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The object must be of artistic or historical significance; this includes fine arts, decorative arts, antiquities, Asian art, Islamic art, ethnographic objects (Native American, African, Aboriginal), archaeological material, textiles, books and manuscripts, clocks and watches, coins, stamps, musical instruments, and scientific instruments. The object must be valued at $2,000 or more, or less if associated with a major crime. The request must come through a law enforcement agency accompanied by a physical description of the object, a photograph of the object, if available, and a copy of any police reports or other information relevant to the investigation.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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61. Describe some of the investigative challenges of cargo thefts and “leakage.” One challenge is the mobile nature of the crime. Numerous jurisdictions around the ANSWER: country, particularly those close to major seaports and cargo distribution hubs, have developed cargo theft task forces to increase their effectiveness in conducting investigations. In the absence of a task force, experts recommend that an investigator work a cargo theft case backward, from the point of recovery to the initial loading of the product. The success of these units has demonstrated that the surveillance and investigative abilities of a multijurisdictional team surpass those of any single agency. Provisions in the law reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act may help overcome this challenge by designating a Uniform Crime Report code specifically for cargo theft and requiring the establishment of a national cargo theft database. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Larceny/Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.04 - List the common types of larceny. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM 62. Define fraud. How does it differ from theft? Fraud is a general term used for deceit, trickery, and cheating as well as to describe the ANSWER: activity of individuals who pretend to be what they are not. Legally, fraud has a narrower meaning. The legal definition of fraud is an intentional deception to cause a person to give up property or some lawful right. It differs from theft in that fraud uses deceit rather than stealth to obtain goods illegally. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.07 - Explain how fraud differs from larceny/theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:16 AM 63. Explain the difference between short-con games and long-con games, and give examples of each. A confidence game obtains money or property by a trick, device, or swindle that takes ANSWER: advantage of a victim’s trust in the swindler. Two basic approaches are used in con games: the short con and the long con. Short-con games take the victims for whatever money they have with them at the time of the action. For example, three-card monte, similar to the old shell game, entices victims to bet on whether they can select one card from among three. “Huge Duke” involves betting on a stacked poker hand, with the victim dealing the final hand. “The Wipe” involves tying money into a handkerchief for safekeeping and then switching it with one containing newspaper bits. Long-con games are usually for higher stakes. For example, in “The Wire,” the original Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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long-con game, the victim is enticed to bet on horse races, convinced through an elaborate telegraph office setup that the manager can beat the bookmaker by delaying the results of the race long enough to let the victim and other cohorts in the scheme make bets. After allowing the victim to win a few games at low stakes, the “big bet” is made in which the victim may lose thousands of dollars. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM 64. What legislation made identify theft a federal crime, and why? The passage of the Identity Theft Assumption and Deterrence Act in 1998 made identity ANSWER: theft a federal crime. Prior to this act, no nationally accepted definition of identity theft existed, a factor that complicated the investigation and prosecution of these offenses. However, this act defines identity theft broadly, making it easier for prosecutors to conduct their cases. The majority of states have passed identity theft legislation, but the laws vary from state to state. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM 65. What is identity theft and how can it become identity fraud? A type of theft that can wreak enormous havoc on a person’s credit and financial security, ANSWER: as well as their emotional well-being, is identity theft, the stealing of personal, private, or financial information, data collectively referred to as personally identifiable information (PII). Identity theft is what happens when a data breach occurs and consumers’ PII is illegally obtained. If this stolen information is used fraudulently, the theft becomes identity fraud, the unauthorized use or attempted use of PII to commit theft or fraud. Identity fraud is more damaging than identity theft (Skiba, 2020). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.08 - List the common means of committing fraud. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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66. What are the elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card? The elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card include (1) use of any ANSWER: counterfeit, fictitious, altered, forged, lost, stolen, or fraudulently obtained credit or debit card, or card number and (2) to intentionally obtain money, goods, or services. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Fraud QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.09 - Identify the elements of the crime of larceny by debit or credit card. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:56 AM 67. Describe the three steps of the money laundering cycle. The basic process of laundering money begins with placement of the funds into the ANSWER: legitimate U.S. market. Common methods of placement include creating shell corporations or fake cash-intensive businesses and smurfing, more technically known as structuring, whereby large amounts of cash are broken into increments less than $10,000, to avoid federal reporting requirements, and deposited into various bank accounts. The second step in the laundering process is layering, through which the money is cleaned by moving it around through a series of elaborate transactions, often involving offshore bank accounts and international business companies (IBCs). These multiple, complex transactions aim to obscure the connection between the money and the criminal group and to continue until the organization feels confident the money is adequately clean. The third and final step in the money laundering cycle is integration, where criminals repatriate their money through seemingly legitimate business transactions. For example, the launderer creates a bogus export company in a free trade zone and a bogus import company owned through an IBC in a different country. A trading relationship is established where the exporter sends nonexistent goods or goods invoiced at greatly inflated prices to the importer, who pays the exporter in cleaned money, thus completing the laundry cycle. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:58 AM 68. What are the main problems in investigating environmental crimes? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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The main problems in investigating environmental crimes are (1) understanding the numerous laws regarding what constitutes environmental crime, (2) the fact that it is often considered a civil matter, and (3) collaborating with civil regulatory agencies. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:01 AM 69. Outline five forms of white-collar or economic crime. White-collar or economic crime includes: (1) securities and commodities fraud; (2) ANSWER: insurance fraud; (3) health care and medical fraud; (4) telemarketing fraud; (5) credit card and check fraud; (6) consumer fraud, illegal competition, and deceptive practices; (7) bankruptcy fraud; (8) computer-related fraud; (9) bank fraud, embezzlement, and pilferage; (10) bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs; (11) money laundering; (12) election law violations; (13) corruption of public officials; (14) copyright violations; (15) computer crimes; (16) environmental crimes; and (17) receiving stolen property. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: White-Collar Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.10 - List the offenses that are often included in this crime category of white-collar or economic crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:02 AM 70. Outline the FBI’s two-pronged approach to investigating money laundering. The FBI’s proactive, two-pronged approach to investigating money laundering includes: ANSWER: • •


Prong 1: investigating the underlying criminal activity. If there is no criminal activity, or specified unlawful activity that generates illicit proceeds, then there can be no money laundering. Prong 2: a parallel financial investigation to uncover the financial infrastructure of the criminal organization. This involves following the money, discerning how it flows through an organization, and what steps are taken to conceal, disguise, or hide the proceeds.

1 White-Collar Crime Essay False

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.14.11 - Explain the FBI’s two-pronged approach to investigating money laundering. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:06 AM

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Chapter 15 - Motor Vehicle Theft 1. What term refers to a list of stolen vehicles? a. hot sheet b. check sheet c. car sheet d. stolen sheet ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:43 AM 2. The most important means of identifying an automobile is its: a. title and registration. b. license plates. c. VIN. d. make and model. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:46 AM 3. The Vehicle Identification Number of an automobile is: a. always the same as the EN number. b. the registration number. c. chosen by the owner as a personal identifying feature. d. an nonduplicated number assigned by the manufacturer. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:46 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Which agency cooperates with the police in motor vehicle theft? a. FTA b. NICB c. GMC d. AOPA ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Auto Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:51 AM 5. Motor vehicle thefts are often associated with: a. organized crime rings. b. stripping vehicles for parts and accessories or reselling vehicles for profit. c. cars, trucks, construction equipment, and even recreational equipment. d. carjacking, robbery, getaway cars, and car bombings. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:53 AM 6. A business that takes stolen cars apart to sell the parts for a profit is known as a: a. strip-and-peel shop. b. chop shop. c. midnight auto supply. d. shake and bake. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:54 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. The profit on stripped auto parts and accessories is: a. extremely low. b. fairly low. c. moderate. d. extremely high. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM 8. The Dyer Act made which of the following a federal crime? a. transporting a stolen vehicle across state lines b. joyriding across state lines c. cloning across state lines d. carjacking a vehicle across state lines ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:59 AM 9. Which of the following makes embezzlement of a motor vehicle different from theft of motor vehicle? a. original consent b. lack of consent c. taking with the intent to sell d. joyriding for pleasure ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Embezzlement QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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10. For purposes of theft, the definition of a motor vehicle includes which of the following? a. homemade motor vehicles b. hang-gliders c. sailboats d. remote-controlled vehicles ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.03 - Identify the elements of the crime of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:19 AM 11. Bait cars can be enhanced using what technology, which transfers data between a remote vehicle and a host computer? a. telematic b. automatic license plate reader c. LoJack d. camera ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.03 - Identify the elements of the crime of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:21 AM 12. Transporting a stolen vehicle across state lines is a violation of what act? a. Harrison Act b. Wickersham Act c. Mann Act d. Dyer Act ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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13. What agency do police most frequently use when checking owner registrations? a. state DMV b. federal DMV c. city DMV d. county DMV ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Cooperating Agencies in Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:25 AM 14. In order to rule out the possibility of a false report of vehicle theft, officers should check to see if: a. there is organized gang activity in the area. b. someone wanted to provide an alibi for crashing the car. c. the vehicle was intentionally misplaced in a parking lot. d. there are multiple individuals on the title of the vehicle. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:28 AM 15. Someone who needs an alibi or a cover-up for an accident or even for misplacing the car may: a. call the police and confess. b. steal a car. c. deface their own car. d. file a false police report. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:30 AM 16. With this type of system, the engine recognizes only the preprogrammed key(s) assigned to the car. a. immobilizer system b. panic alarm c. stop-and-go system d. GPS system ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Auto Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:34 AM 17. A crime in which a stolen vehicle assumes the identity of a legally owned, or non-stolen, vehicle of a similar make and model is called: a. counterfeiting. b. vehicle cloning. c. strip and ship. d. invisible theft. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Vehicle Cloning QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:36 AM 18. What does NCIC stand for? a. National Criminal Information Commission b. National Cooperative Information Commission c. National Crime Information Center d. National Car and Identity Center ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Cooperating Agencies in Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:40 AM 19. What term refers to a car that police use to trap a car theft suspect by placing it in a high crime area? a. hot b. decoy c. bait d. gotcha ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:42 AM 20. Which of the following is recommended as a way to improve an officer’s ability to recognize stolen vehicles? a. Keep a “cold sheet” in the car. b. Run the plate of every vehicle that passes by. c. Frequently drive through the poorest neighborhoods. d. Take time to check suspicious persons and vehicles. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:55 AM 21. What required that manufacturers place the VIN on 14 parts of a car? a. The Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act b. The Anti Car Theft Act of c. The Dyer Act d. The Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles Act Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM 22. If an officer stops a vehicle, what might suggest that the car is stolen? a. hesitation in pulling over b. cannot find the vehicle registration c. wearing gloves in hot weather d. immediately asking why they were stopped ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM 23. What is the name of the program instituted in New York City that gives the police permission to stop any vehicle being driven between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. if the vehicle has a sticker indicating that the owner of the vehicle participates in this program? a. HEAT b. CAT c. ATTF d. NVIP ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM 24. The National Insurance Crime Bureau website suggests a four-layered approach to combat auto theft: common sense; visible and audible warning devices; immobilizing devices; and: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. slide-lock devices. b. tinted windows. c. tracing devices. d. self-deflating tires. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Auto Theft QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM 25. According to data from the FBI, what is the approximate percentage of stolen vehicles recovered? a. 57 b. 62 c. 67 d. 72 ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recovering an Abandoned or Stolen Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:05 AM 26. The NICB serves as a clearinghouse for information on stolen cars. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Cooperating Agencies in Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:07 AM 27. The VIN for each vehicle contains information on the location of the owner’s residence. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:09 AM 28. In 2019, the Honda Accord was the most stolen auto in the United States. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:11 AM 29. Beyond its use to identify specific vehicles, the VIN also conveys other information such as nation of origin, manufacturer, and model year. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:12 AM 30. Airbags are a primary accessory on the black market for stolen vehicle parts. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:14 AM 31. A vehicle stolen for joyriding is generally kept longer than one stolen for transportation. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM 32. A stolen motor vehicle driven by a criminal is 150–200 times more likely to be in an accident than is a vehicle driven by a noncriminal. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 33. A motor vehicle includes any self-propelled devices for moving people or property or for pulling implements, whether operated on land, in the water or in the air. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.03 - Identify the elements of the crime of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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34. The Dyer Act made vehicle theft a federal crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM 35. Installing brighter lights in areas where cars are parked has been successfully used to combat auto theft. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM 36. Vehicle insurance fraud is a minor economic crime that has little effect on insurance rates. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Insurance Fraud QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM 37. High-end luxury cars are not usually the targets of cloning. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Vehicle Cloning QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM 38. K-9 vehicles are less likely to be stolen than other police vehicles. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:37 AM 39. Snowmobiles are difficult to steal because they require a vehicle to transport them. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Thefts of Trucks, Construction Vehicles, Aircraft, and Other Motorized Vehicles QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM 40. Snowmobiles do not generally have specific identification numbers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Thefts of Trucks, Construction Vehicles, Aircraft, and Other Motorized Vehicles QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM 41. One method of improving an officer’s ability to find stolen motor vehicles is to develop a checking system to determine rapidly whether a suspicious vehicle is stolen. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:41 AM 42. One characteristic of a stolen vehicle is that it has only one license plate when two are required. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:42 AM 43. Recovering a vehicle stolen by professionals requires a specialized knowledge of investigative techniques. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recovering an Abandoned or Stolen Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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44. The secure-idle system is a means of preventing the theft of construction vehicles. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:44 AM 45. Trucks and trailers are generally stolen by professional thieves. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Thefts of Trucks, Construction Vehicles, Aircraft, and Other Motorized Vehicles QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:46 AM 46. VIN stands for _______________. vehicle identification number ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:41 AM 47. NICB stands for National_______________Crime Bureau. Insurance ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:51 AM 48. No two VINs are _______________. identical the same alike ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:51 AM 49. A(n)_______________ shop may help vehicle owners dispose of a car for insurance fraud purposes. chop ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:53 AM 50. A(n) _______________ is generally a youth who takes a motor vehicle for only temporary use. joyrider ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:55 AM 51. The National Motor Vehicle Theft Act is also known as the _______________ Act. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Dyer ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:56 AM 52. The Dyer Act was amended in 1945 to include _______________. aircraft ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:58 AM 53. Motor vehicle _______________ exists if the person who took the vehicle initially had consent and then exceeded the terms of that consent. embezzlement ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:59 AM 54. Setting up a(n) _______________ operation is one method of combating motor vehicle theft. sting bait car ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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vehicles. Bloom’s: Remember 3/28/2022 3:00 AM 3/28/2022 3:01 AM

55. What types of information can you learn from a VIN, and how would this information verify that the VIN on the car belongs to the car you are examining? The most important means of vehicle identification is the vehicle identification number ANSWER: (VIN). The VIN is the primary nonduplicated, serialized number assigned by a manufacturer to each vehicle made. This number—critical in motor vehicle theft investigation—identifies the specific vehicle in question. Each digit in a VIN tells specific information, such as nation of origin, manufacturer symbol, make, restraint, car line, body type, engine symbol, check digit, model year, assembly plant, and sequential production number. The information given in the VIN’s digits can be compared to the car you are examining. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motor Vehicle Identification QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.01 - Explain what a VIN is and why it is important. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:03 AM 56. Some _______________ cars are equipped with telematic technology, which enables the transfer of information between the car and a remote computer. bait ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:12 AM 57. What are the six major categories of motor vehicle theft? Classifications of motor vehicle theft based on the offenders’ motive include: ANSWER: • • • • •

joyriding transportation commission of another crime gang initiation stripping for parts and accessories

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reselling for profit

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.02 - List the major categories of motor vehicle theft. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:54 AM 58. What is the purpose of the Dyer Act? In 1919 the need for federal control of motor vehicle theft was recognized, and Congress ANSWER: approved the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act, commonly known as the Dyer Act. The Dyer Act made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime and allowed for federal help in prosecuting such cases. The act was amended in 1945 to include aircraft and is now called the Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles Act. Since the Dyer Act was passed, more than 300,000 vehicles have been recovered and more than 100,000 criminals have been convicted in interstate car theft cases. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:09 AM 59. Describe the elements of the crime of interstate transportation of a motor vehicle. The elements of the crime of interstate transportation of a motor vehicle are: ANSWER: • • • •

The motor vehicle was stolen. It was transported in interstate or foreign commerce. The person transporting or causing it to be transported knew it was stolen. The person receiving, concealing, selling, or bartering it knew it was stolen.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.04 - Name the act that made interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle a federal crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:10 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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60. Explain how vehicle cloning is carried out, who the typical perpetrators are, and how this crime may be linked to other crimes. The NICB describes vehicle cloning as a crime in which stolen vehicles assume the ANSWER: identity of legally owned, or “non-stolen,” vehicles of a similar make and model. Criminals apply counterfeit labels, plates, stickers, and titles to these stolen cars, making them appear legitimate. The non-stolen vehicles can be actively registered or titled in another state or country, resulting in multiple vehicles having the same VIN being simultaneously registered or titled—but, of course, only the non-stolen vehicles are legitimate. The rest are fakes, or clones. The first step in the cloning process is to copy a VIN from a legally owned car. Then the criminal steals a vehicle similar to the one from which the VIN had been lifted. The stolen vehicle’s legitimate VIN is replaced with a counterfeit one, making the stolen vehicle a clone of the legally owned original vehicle. The criminal then creates counterfeit ownership documents and sells the stolen vehicle to an innocent buyer. High-end luxury cars are the usual targets of cloning. Cadillac Escalades, Lexus RX 300s, and BMW 5 Series are among the models most widely reported by local detectives. Vehicle cloning is typically committed by organized rings of professional vehicle thieves and fraud artists. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Vehicle Cloning QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:15 AM 61. Why would someone file a false vehicle theft report? False motor vehicle theft reports are often filed when a car has been taken by a family ANSWER: member or misplaced in a parking lot, when the driver wants to cover up for an accident or crime committed with the vehicle, or when the driver wants to provide an alibi for being late for some commitment. It is also possible that the vehicle has been re-claimed by a loan company—which is a civil matter. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:21 AM 62. What two agencies can help investigate motor vehicle theft, and what does each agency offer in terms of assistance? When vehicle registration and driver’s registration checks are completed in the ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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investigation of a motor vehicle theft, further checks can be made in the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) files to determine whether the vehicle is stolen and whether the driver has a criminal record. The FBI and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) provide valuable help in investigating motor vehicle thefts. The FBI assists local and state authorities who notify the bureau that a stolen motor vehicle or aircraft has been transported interstate—which places it within the provisions of the Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles Act. The National Auto Theft Bureau was incorporated into the NICB, and this organization helps law enforcement agencies reduce and prevent auto thefts and investigate questionable or fraudulent vehicle fires and thefts. The NICB also disseminates reports on stolen vehicles to law enforcement agencies and serves as a clearinghouse for information on stolen vehicles. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Cooperating Agencies in Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.05 - Explain what embezzlement of a motor vehicle is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:22 AM 63. Explain why most motor vehicle theft crimes are prosecuted as unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. How does this relate to the elements of the crime? Although referred to as “motor vehicle theft,” most of these crimes are prosecuted as ANSWER: “unauthorized use of a motor vehicle” because a charge of theft requires proof that the thief intended to deprive the owner of the vehicle permanently, which is often difficult to establish. The elements of the crime of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle are (1) intentionally taking or driving away (2) a motor vehicle (3) without the consent of the owner or the owner’s authorized agent. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:25 AM 64. What are some of the red flags that might indicate theft of construction and agricultural vehicles? Give an example from each of the following categories outlined by the National Equipment Register (NER): transport; use and location; equipment and markings; and price. The NER offers the following “red flags” as theft indicators, cautioning that legitimate ANSWER: explanations might exist for any of the indicators. Transport: • •

Equipment being transported late at night or on weekends or holidays Equipment theft most often happens at those times Hauled equipment that is being moved in a hurry and therefore lacks the proper

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• • • •

tie-downs, over-width/over-weight signs, or lights Equipment being hauled on trucks not designed to haul such equipment Equipment being hauled with buckets in the up position or booms not lowered New equipment on old transport The labels/markings on a piece of equipment do not match those of the unit carrying or hauling it

Use and Location: • •

Equipment in an unsecured location that has not been moved for some time— either by repeat observation or the age of the tracks leading to the equipment The type of equipment does not suit the location or use—such as construction equipment on a farm or in a residential area with no building activity

Equipment and Markings: • • • •

Equipment with missing Product Identification Number (PIN) plates Manufacturers generally use mounting techniques that make it unlikely for a PIN plate to fall off during normal use. Equipment that has been entirely repainted or that has decals removed or painted over Manufacturer decals or model number stickers do not match the piece of equipment to which they are affixed. A commercially manufactured trailer with registration plates reflecting a homemade trailer (certain states only)

Price: •

Equipment that is being offered, or has been purchased, at a price well below market value

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Thefts of Trucks, Construction Vehicles, Aircraft, and Other Motorized Vehicles QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:29 AM 65. Discuss the vulnerability of police cars to theft. What are some of the primary concerns, and what technological innovations have been employed to prevent the theft of patrol cars? Police vehicles are also vulnerable to thieves. About the only police vehicle that appears to ANSWER: be immune from theft is a K-9 vehicle. A stolen unit driven by a fleeing felon might run down civilians, practically guaranteeing that the department will be sued. In addition, police cars grant the drivers access to high-security areas, so terrorists would jump at the chance to obtain one. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Technology offers some solutions to prevent the theft of police cars. One solution is a brake-light kill switch. With the brake lights cut off, the car will not come out of park even when running. Another solution is a secure-idle system in which an officer presses a button, places the transmission in park, turns the key to the normal off position, and removes the key. The engine keeps running and all accessories remain on, but any unauthorized attempt to step on the brake or move the shift lever out of park cuts all electrical power. This system can also trigger an optional alarm. The system is deactivated by putting the key back into the ignition and turning it to the on position. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:31 AM 66. What are some of the characteristics of the driver of a stolen vehicle? A driver of a stolen vehicle may make sudden jerks or stops while driving, drive without ANSWER: lights, drive excessively fast or slow, wear gloves in hot weather, and attempt to avoid or outrun a squad car. Any unusual or inappropriate driving behavior may be suspicious. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:32 AM 67. Why are trucks, trailers, construction vehicles, and construction equipment stolen? What are some of the most commonly stolen pieces of equipment in these categories? Usually trucks and trailers are stolen by professional thieves, although they are also stolen ANSWER: for parts. Truck trailers are usually stolen by simply backing up a tractor to the trailer and hauling it away. The trailer’s cargo is generally the target.


The National Equipment Register (NER) notes that heavy equipment theft is a growing problem, with approximately 11,493 heavy equipment thefts reported in 2015, including backhoes, bulldozers, and dump trucks. Most of the thefts were committed by organized crime rings, which often had targeted equipment shopping lists. Many of the rings are international, filling equipment needs in underdeveloped countries. The NER website notes that rubber-tired equipment is most likely to be stolen because it can be driven away under its own power. The most popular targets are skid steers, backhoes, and dump trucks. 1 Thefts of Trucks, Construction Vehicles, Aircraft, and Other Motorized Vehicles

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:34 AM 68. List and explain the steps you would take and the questions you would ask when questioning the driver of a vehicle you suspect is stolen. When questioning drivers and any occupants of cars stopped on suspicion of motor vehicle ANSWER: theft, officers should: • • • • • • • • •

observe their behavior. Watch for signs of nervousness, hesitancy in answers, extreme politeness, and indications that the driver does not know the vehicle. request the driver’s license and the vehicle registration papers for identification. examine the driver’s license and ask for the driver’s birth date. The driver will probably not know the correct date unless it is his or her license. compare the description on the license with the person. compare the state of issuance of the license with the car’s license plates. ask the driver to sign his or her name and compare the signature with that on the driver’s license. ask the driver the year, make, and model of the car and compare the answers with the registration papers. ask the mileage. The driver of a stolen car rarely knows the mileage, whereas the owner or regular driver knows within a reasonable number of miles. ask the driver to describe the contents of the car’s trunk and glove compartment.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Stolen Motor Vehicle or an Unauthorized Driver QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:37 AM 69. How is the routine activity approach applied to motor vehicle theft? The routine activity approach to crime suggests that the daily, routine activities of ANSWER: populations influence the availability of targets of crime. The existence of potential offenders, suitable targets, and lack of guardianship explains variation in the rate of motor vehicle theft. For example, research indicates that city blocks with bars have almost twice as many auto thefts as do city blocks without bars and that blocks adjacent to high schools have higher levels of auto theft than do blocks that are not near high schools. In addition, parking lots with attendants have lower rates of auto theft than do similar lots with no attendants on duty. Such findings might be used in designing auto theft prevention programs such as using bait cars. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:39 AM 70. What kinds of strategies have police departments developed to combat auto theft? Police departments are using several strategies to combat rising auto theft levels: ANSWER: • • • • •

setting up sting operations—for example, a body shop that buys stolen vehicles— and using bait cars providing officers with auto theft training coordinating efforts across jurisdictional lines instituting anti-car theft campaigns increasing penalties for stealing vehicles

New York City has instituted the Combat Auto Theft (CAT) program, which has been highly successful. Participating car owners sign a form indicating that they do not normally operate their automobiles between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M., the peak auto-theft hours. They also sign a consent form that authorizes the police to stop their vehicle during these hours without probable cause. Owners are given a CAT program decal to affix prominently on the inside of the car’s rear window. Officers may stop any car having the decal, without probable cause, if they see it traveling on city streets between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. Virginia’s Help Eliminate Auto Theft (HEAT) program offers as much as $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and trial of suspected auto theft, theft of vehicle parts, or chop shop operations. Tips called in to the program’s toll-free number or submitted online are monitored by the Virginia State Police Criminal Investigation Section. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Combating Motor Vehicle Theft QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.15.06 - List ways to improve effectiveness in recognizing stolen vehicles. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:42 AM

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Chapter 16 - Arson, Bombs, and Explosives 1. Arson is a: a. Part One Index crime. b. Part Two Index crime. c. Part Three Index crime. d. misdemeanor. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.01 - Define the various classifications of fires. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:10 AM 2. What term conveys a low level of intent to inflict harm and an absence of malice? a. fireplay b. firesetting c. spree arson d. spalling ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM 3. Female arsonists usually burn: a. the property of strangers. b. the property of someone known to them. c. their own property. d. another female’s property. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. If a person dies in a fire set by an arsonist, the death is: a. involuntary manslaughter. b. voluntary manslaughter. c. second-degree murder. d. first-degree murder. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.03 - Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM 5. According to the Model Arson Law, what degree is burning buildings other than dwellings? a. second b. first c. third d. fourth ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.03 - Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:29 AM 6. Insurance investigators: a. interfere with fire investigations and should be kept away. b. are supportive but not helpful. c. can assist fire and police efforts in investigating fire losses. d. can offer bounties on arsonists. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Police and Fire Department Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Who is the first point of contact between the fire witness and the arson investigator? a. the dispatcher b. the fire department c. the news media d. the insurance company ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Other Sources of Assistance in Investigating Arson QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:32 AM 8. Which is one of the fire department’s basic roles? a. fire investigation b. identifying the arsonist c. arson investigation d. arson prosecution ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Police and Fire Department Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:34 AM 9. What term refers to three or more fires set by the same offender, with an emotional cooling-off period between fires? a. serial arson b. mass arson c. simple arson d. spree arson ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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statutes. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 12:50 AM 3/24/2022 12:52 AM

10. The fire triangle consists of which of the following three elements? a. oxygen, fire, and heat b. fuel, heat, and ignition c. wood, warmth, and fire d. air, fuel, and heat ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.06 - Explain what the fire triangle is and why it is important in arson investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM 11. Which of the following statements is true? a. More than one point of origin indicates arson. b. Fires normally burn outward. c. The point of origin is established by finding the area with the lowest char. d. Fires are drawn toward ventilation but do not follow fuel paths. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:57 AM 12. Crazing is: a. the checking of charred wood. b. irregular cracks in glass. c. how deeply the wood is burned. d. burnt glass. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:00 AM 13. Catalytic combustion detectors are: a. flammable vapor detectors used by arson investigators. b. recently developed instruments for detecting the presence of an explosive bomb. c. a remote-controlled instrument for approaching and analyzing unknown explosive devices. d. a device that can be repurposed by technologically sophisticated arsonists to start fires. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM 14. A path of flammable liquid in which a fire will follow is known as a: a. striker. b. torch. c. trailer. d. flashover. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM 15. The appearance of alligatoring at a fire scene: a. has no investigative significance. b. helps identify chemicals used to start fires. c. is an indicator of mass arson. d. is a sure sign of arson. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM 16. What term refers to a professional arsonist? a. torch b. trailer c. igniter d. striker ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Arson QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM 17. What type of arson is it where three or more fires are set at the same site or location by the same offender during a limited period of time? a. mass arson b. serial arson c. simple arson d. spree arson ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM 18. If a bomb is found, the most important rule in handling the suspect package is: a. to get the package submerged in water as quickly as possible. b. to wear bomb-proof gloves when removing the package from the scene. c. not to touch the package. d. to have at least three officers surround the package. ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Bomb Threat QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM 19. What resource has become increasingly useful in bomb detection and in searches for evidence following explosions and has been in constant demand since 9/11? a. field deployable electronic sensors b. K-9s c. electronic “sniffers” d. robots ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 20. Which of the following is one of the five classes of explosive incidents in the United States? a. fireworks accidents b. emotionally disturbed persons c. revenge d. residential explosives ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bombings and Explosions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM 21. A disrupter is: a. another term used to describe an arsonist. b. someone who accidentally disturbs the scene of an arson fire. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. a device that fires a jet of water into an explosive to make it safe. d. a common type of igniter used to start fires. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Bomb Threat QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:16 AM 22. Which of the following is part of the initial procedure that officers should take when responding to an explosion? a. Ensure that a search for perpetrator has been conducted. b. Establish procedures to document personnel entering and exiting the scene. c. Ensure that the scene has been protected. d. Ensure that a search warrant has been procured in order to search the scene. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Bomb Scene Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM 23. A sniffer is a detection device that: a. uses air temperature and the presence of off-gassing to determine whether a scene is safe to enter. b. takes a sample of air and identifies the approximate quantities of explosive material in the sample. c. takes a sample of air and identifies the quality of the smoke and what type of igniter was used to set the fire. d. uses gun powder to fire a jet of water or a projectile at a particular component of an explosive to make it safe. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Bomb Threat QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM 24. Pipe bombs, nail bombs, and other bombs disguised to escape detection are referred to as: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. local explosive devices (LEDs). b. disguised explosive devices (DEDs). c. improvised explosive devices (IEDs). d. dangerous explosive devices (DEDs). ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bombings and Explosions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:21 AM 25. The homemade explosive that Richard Reid, the “shoe bomber,” carried aboard American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami in 2001 was made from: a. dynamite. b. triacetone triperoxide (TATP). c. C-4 military explosive. d. 2-methyloctane. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bombings and Explosions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:23 AM 26. A fire caused by faulty wiring is classified as a natural fire. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Fires QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.01 - Define the various classifications of fires. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:25 AM 27. Arson is only a crime against property. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Fires QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.01 - Define the various classifications of fires. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:28 AM 28. The basic difference between aggravated and simple arson is that aggravated arson involves malicious intent. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.03 - Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:29 AM 29. Motives for vehicle arson include the desire to collect insurance. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Vehicle Arson QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.10 - Identify the key factors to consider when investigating suspected arson of a vehicle. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:31 AM 30. Among children, fireplay almost always involves malice and the intent to harm. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:32 AM 31. The typical male arsonist has an extensive criminal history. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:46 AM 32. Juveniles have a higher rate of involvement in arson crimes than any other Index crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:47 AM 33. In arson, the victim is often the prime suspect. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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34. Arson investigations are usually joint investigations involving both law enforcement and fire officers. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Police and Fire Department Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM 35. Terrorists use cell phones to trigger IEDs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bombings and Explosions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM 36. Fire marshals have extralegal powers to summon witnesses, subpoena records, and take statements under oath that police officers do not have. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Police and Fire Department Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:53 AM 37. Arson has the highest clearance rate by arrest of all Index crimes. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Other Sources of Assistance in Investigating Arson QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:55 AM 38. Evidence of accelerants is a primary form of physical evidence at an arson scene. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:57 AM 39. Profit is a common motive for arson. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.06 - Explain what the fire triangle is and why it is important in arson investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:58 AM 40. Matches, candles, lighters, or chemical devices can all be used as accelerants. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:00 AM 41. Arson fires usually show the same burn patterns as regular fires. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:02 AM 42. The more extensive the destruction, the more difficult it is to determine the fire’s point of origin. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:03 AM 43. Rapid and intense heat development from an ignitable liquid fire may cause spalling on adjacent surfaces. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:04 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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44. The presence of large shiny blisters (alligator char) occurs when a fire spreads rapidly or burns with great intensity and is evidence that a liquid accelerant was present during the fire. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:08 AM 45. The National Counterterrorism Center has developed detailed bomb threat instructions to be kept near telephones where such a threat might be received. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Bomb Threat QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:10 AM 46. A fire in which there is no evidence to indicate whether the fire was natural, accidental, or incendiary is classified as a fire of _______________. undetermined origin ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Fires QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.01 - Define the various classifications of fires. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:32 AM 47. Burning of buildings other than dwellings is second-degree ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

arson under the Model Arson Law. Page 15

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.03 - Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:34 AM 48. The burning of one’s own property is almost always to . defraud ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Arson QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:36 AM 49. In arson cases, _______________ is the prime element in the corpus delicti. burning ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Arson QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:37 AM 50. _______________ cocktails are a type of explosive device. Molotov ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Arson QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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51. When responding to a fire scene, what should an officer observe, note, and record? While approaching a fire scene, first responders should observe, mentally note and, when ANSWER: time permits, record in notes: • • • • • •

the presence, location, and conditions of victims and witnesses vehicles leaving the scene, bystanders or unusual activities near the scene flame and smoke conditions (e.g., the volume of flames and smoke; the color, height, and location of flames; and the direction in which the flames and smoke are moving) the type of occupancy, use, and condition of the structure conditions surrounding the scene weather conditions fire-suppression techniques used, including ventilation, forcible entry, and utility shutoff measures status of fire alarms, security alarms, and sprinklers

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to the Scene QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:53 AM 52. Describe three special challenges to arson investigation. Special challenges in investigating arson include: coordinating efforts with the fire ANSWER: department and others; determining whether a crime has been committed; finding physical evidence, most of which is destroyed by the fire; finding witnesses; and determining whether the victim is a suspect. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Special Challenges in Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.05 - Explain how the fire department and police department cooperate in handling arson cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:55 AM 53. A common and accurate type of flammable vapor detector used by arson investigators is a _______________ combustion detector. catalytic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM 54. The breaking off of surface pieces of concrete or brick due to intense heat is referred to as . spalling ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.06 - Describe the various indicators of arson.. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:59 AM 55. The fire triangle consists of three elements necessary for a substance to burn: air; fuel; and . heat ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.06 - Explain what the fire triangle is and why it is important in arson investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:01 AM 56. Gasoline, kerosene, and other add sufficient heat to the fire to cause the desired destruction after it has been ignited. accelerants ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.1606 - Explain what the fire triangle is and why it is important in arson investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:01 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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57. A(n) warrant is issued when it is necessary for a government agent to search a property to determine a fire’s cause and origin. administrative ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Search Warrants and Fire Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.09 - Explain the different types of warrants that may be involved in a fire investigation and when they are issued. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM 58. Summarize the Model Arson Law. The Model Arson Law was written and promoted in the 1920s by the National Fire ANSWER: Protection Association (NFPA). Many states do not classify fires as aggravated or simple but instead have adopted the Model Arson Law, which specifies four degrees of arson. The Model Arson Law divides arson into the following degrees: • • • •

First-degree: burning of dwellings Second-degree: burning of buildings other than dwellings Third-degree: burning of other property Fourth-degree: attempting to burn buildings or property

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Arson QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.03 - Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM 59. Outline the elements of the crime of arson. As in other crimes, arson laws vary from state to state but share some common elements. ANSWER: The elements of the crime of arson include: (1) willful, malicious burning of a building or property; (2) of another or of one’s own to defraud; (3) or causing to be burned; (4) or aiding, counseling, or procuring such burning. Attempted arson is also a crime in most states. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Elements of the Crime: Arson QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM 60. Describe the various classifications of arson. Fires are classified as natural, accidental, incendiary (arson), or of undetermined origin. A ANSWER: natural fire is one caused without direct human action or intervention, such as fires caused by lightning, earthquakes, and other natural events. This category may also include fires set intentionally to destroy refuse, weeds, or waste products in industrial processes or to provide warmth. It is easy to determine that such fires are natural. An accidental fire, as the name implies, is not intentional. Fires can be accidentally ignited by faulty wiring, leaking gas, a carelessly tossed cigarette, overheated Christmas tree lights, children playing with matches, and many other causes. An incendiary fire (arson) is ignited intentionally and maliciously under circumstances in which the person knows that the fire should not be set. Such fires are often started to destroy property or buildings. A fire of undetermined origin is one in which there is no evidence to indicate whether the fire was natural, accidental, or incendiary. The cause simply cannot be proven to an acceptable level of certainty. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM 61. List the common motives for arson and explain how they help investigators locate suspects. Common motives include: revenge, spite, or jealousy; vandalism and malicious mischief; ANSWER: crime concealment and diversionary tactics; profit and insurance fraud; intimidation, extortion, and sabotage; and psychiatric afflictions, pyromania, alcoholism, and mental retardation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Arsonist QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.04 - Identify the criminal elements commonly included in arson statutes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM 62. Describe the difference between accelerants and igniters, and give three examples of each. Accelerants are substances that promote combustion. Evidence of accelerants is a primary ANSWER: form of physical evidence at an arson scene. Most arson cases involve a flammable liquid, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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such as gasoline, kerosene, charcoal lighter, paint thinner, lacquer solvent, acetone, or isopropyl alcohol. Igniters are substances or devices used to start fires. The most common igniters are matches. Other common igniters include: candles; cigars; cigarettes; cigarette lighters; electrical, mechanical, and chemical devices; and explosives. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16. 07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM 63. Explain the concept of the fire triangle. The fire triangle is a basic concept critical to an arson investigation. The fire triangle ANSWER: consists of three elements necessary for a substance to burn: air; fuel; and heat. In arson, one or more of these elements is usually present in abnormal amounts for the structure. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.06 - Explain what the fire triangle is and why it is important in arson investigations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM 64. Describe how to find the point of origin in a fire and what it can reveal to the investigator. Areas of uneven burning can indicate the presence of an incendiary or that a great amount ANSWER: of flammable material was present at the scene. While burn patterns may be the most readily available data for determining a fire’s point of origin, investigators are cautioned to not assume that the fire at the origin burned the longest and that, therefore, a fire pattern showing the greatest damage must be at the area of origin. Nearly all structural fires will produce charring – the cracked and blistered remnants of when various materials, such as vinyl, gypsum wallboard, and wood, are exposed to elevated temperatures. The depth of char, or how deeply wood is burned, may, in limited circumstances, be useful in determining the fire’s point of origin. The extent of the depth of char is more reliable for establishing the burn spread rather than length or duration of burn.


Determination of the origin of a fire involves the combined interpretation of information derived from one or more of the following: (1) witness statements; (2) fire and burn patterns; (3) arc mapping; and (4) fire dynamics (the physics and chemistry of the fire) (NFPA 18.1.1). Multiple points of origin might indicate arson. 1 The Preliminary Investigation

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.08 - Identify the factors to consider when determining a fire’s point of origin. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:15 AM 65. Why would an investigator use a K-9 in an arson investigation? Dogs can be of great assistance in arson investigation. A lab-certified ANSWER: accelerant-detection canine can detect accelerants at fire scenes and can also search a crowd for possible suspects, search a suspect’s clothing and vehicle for the presence of accelerants, and search areas for accelerant containers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:19 AM 66. Why is it important to photograph and videotape an arson fire? Pictures of a fire in progress show the smoke’s color and its origination as well as the size ANSWER: of the fire at different points and times. Pictures are especially useful if there appears to be acceleration of the fire at a specific time that would indicate arson or the presence of highly combustible substances. Many fire departments take such in- progress photographs. Smaller departments may seek help from television or newspaper photographers who may take pictures that can be of immense help. Photographs or videotapes of the fire scene are also ideal to show the judge and jury. Pictures taken of people at the fire scene might reveal the presence of a known arsonist or show a person who repeatedly appears in photos taken at fires and is therefore an arson suspect. Also, people familiar with the structure can review the pictures for anything out of the ordinary. Photos and videos taken inside to show the extent of burning will prove the corpus delicti. Officers can take close-up videos of extra papers, rags, gas cans, or other suspicious substances, as well as examples of alligatoring and deep charring. By videotaping at each stage of the search, officers can show the point of origin, the nature of the burning, and the direction and speed of the fire’s spread. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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67. Why would an arson investigator interview a firefighter as part of the arson investigation? Since the firefighter was initially on scene, the investigator could reasonably ask questions ANSWER: such as: How was the fire discovered? Who discovered it? Who were witnesses? What did they see? What color was the smoke, and where was it coming from? What direction was the wind? Did the fire appear to accelerate suddenly? Did anything out of the ordinary occur before the fire? Were there unusual odors? Were the shades up or down? Did obstructions prevent anyone seeing into the building? Were suspicious persons or vehicles observed at the scene before, during, or after the fire? In addition, the investigator may suspect the firefighter of being a “vanity” arsonist or “striker,” or one who starts fires even though he or she may be in the public safety field or may be aspiring to be hired as a police officer or firefighter. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM 68. Explain how the Model Arson Law classifies arson. The Model Arson Law divides arson into the following degrees: ANSWER: first-degree: burning of dwellings; second-degree: burning of buildings other than dwellings; third-degree: burning of other property; and fourth-degree: attempting to burn buildings or property. The Model Arson Law includes within each degree the actual act and anyone who aids, counsels, or procures the act. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.07 - Describe the various indicators of arson. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:24 AM 69. Describe the two-step warrant process that is required by the U.S. Supreme Court for investigating fires involving Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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crimes. ANSWER:

The U.S. Supreme Court requires a two-step warrant process for investigating fires involving crimes. The initial search may require an administrative warrant for searching the premises for cause of fire and origin determination and a criminal warrant when evidence of a crime is discovered. Both require probable cause for issuance. An administrative warrant is issued when it is necessary for a government agent to search the premises to determine the fire’s cause and origin. A criminal warrant is issued on probable cause when the premises yield evidence of a crime. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Search Warrants and Fire Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.09 - Explain the different types of warrants that may be involved in a fire investigation and when they are issued. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:25 AM 70. How should an officer investigate a vehicle fire? Although vehicle fires can be caused by accident, vehicles usually do not burn readily. ANSWER: Accelerants are used on many vehicles to accomplish arson. A quart to a half-gallon of flammable liquid is required to cause a major vehicle fire. When investigating vehicle fires, officers should look for evidence of accelerants and determine whether the vehicle was insured. It is seldom arson if there was no insurance. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Vehicle Arson QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.10 - Identify the key factors to consider when investigating suspected arson of a vehicle. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM 71. Describe some of the recent technological innovations in bomb detection. Often, additional tools are needed to help responding officers determine if an explosive ANSWER: threat truly exists. Some of the methods are low-tech, such as using dogs to sniff out compounds used to build bombs. Dogs have become increasingly useful in bomb detection and in searches for evidence following explosions. Other techniques employ highly advanced equipment and technology to detect explosive material. Sometimes law enforcement relies on what is referred to as “sniffer” technology—the use of a portable device that pulls in an air sample and passes it through a chemical analyzer to calculate a profile of the elements and compounds, including explosives that are present in the ambient environment. Bomb squads in larger departments are using robots to approach and detonate suspected packages. Robots can be equipped with disrupters, devices that use gunpowder to fire a jet of water or a projectile at a particular component of an explosive to make it safe. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Responding to a Bomb Threat QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.16.11 - Identify what investigators should pay special attention to when working explosion and bombing cases. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:30 AM

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Chapter 17 - Computer Crime and Digital Evidence 1. Which process is often considered synonymous with phishing? a. snarking b. spoofing c. sniping d. shadowing ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:32 AM 2. The biggest difference between traditional evidence and computer evidence is the latter’s: a. electronic nature. b. lack of availability. c. storage on discs. d. fragility. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Special Challenges in Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.02 - List the steps taken in following a common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:45 AM 3. Publicly releasing a person’s personal and sensitive identifying information online without authorization is: a. doxing. b. click-jacking. c. sniffing. d. piracy. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. What is an Internet currency used in online payment programs? a. bitcoin b. malware c. script d. encryption ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:47 AM 5. A malicious program hidden inside an apparently harmless, legitimate program, intended to carry out unauthorized or illegal functions, is called a: a. salami slice. b. logic bomb. c. super-zapper. d. Trojan horse. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:49 AM 6. What generally decreases the amount of resistance investigators face at the scene of a computer crime investigation? a. a search warrant b. a high level of internal security c. a firewall d. increased education for managers ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.04 - Summarize the benefits of getting a search warrant in a computer crime investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:50 AM 7. What agency does the IC3 partner with? a. The Federal Bureau of Investigation b. The Department of Justice c. The Department of Homeland Security d. The U.S. Secret Service ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Scope and Cost of the Problem QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:52 AM 8. Skimming is defined as: a. monitoring data traveling along a data network. b. scavenging through a business’s garbage looking for useful information. c. exploiting the telephone system’s vulnerabilities to acquire free access to Internet provider systems. d. a method in which a device is placed in a card reader to record sensitive information. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:53 AM 9. Which of the following statements is true? a. A static IP address does not fluctuate and is thus more secure. b. A dynamic IP address fluctuates and is thus more secure. c. An ISP is a unique number, analogous to a phone number. d. An IP address is directly linked to the location of the building where the computer can be found. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM 10. What encrypted network is designed specifically for anonymity and accessible only through specific software and browsers? a. the dark web b. the deep web c. the surface web d. the internet ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM 11. What term refers to individuals who use cyberspace to harass or sabotage sites that conduct activities or advocate philosophies that they find unacceptable? a. hacktivists b. crackers c. script kiddies d. pirates ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:00 AM 12. What term refers to a computer that has been taken over by another computer? a. zombie b. virus Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. malware d. Trojan horse ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:01 AM 13. A secretly attached program that monitors a computer system and waits for an error to occur so that the weakness may be exploited is called a: a. shadow bomb. b. logic bomb. c. super-program. d. turtle. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:14 AM 14. A virus attack may replace or destroy data on the computer’s hard drive and: a. identify bank accounts and financial records. b. leave a “back door” open for later entry. c. obtain one’s access codes. d. defraud the end user. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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15. Port scanning is: a. looking for access into a computer. b. scanning for a portable computer that is using a wireless system. c. removing data. d. linking access codes. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:18 AM 16. Which of the following is one of the three general categories of cybercriminals? a. pharmer b. hacker c. white hat d. IT professionals ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:50 AM 17. What offense involves the pirating of proprietary information and copyrighted material? a. theft of intellectual property b. spoofing c. theft by keystroking d. steganography ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:51 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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18. What is the unique name of a computer system on the Internet that distinguishes it from all other online systems? a. domain name b. firewall c. IP address d. web address ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17. 01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:55 AM 19. Computer evidence is: a. next to impossible to destroy. b. destroyed only by fire or intense heat. c. easy to destroy. d. preserved by magnetic fields. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM 20. Digital evidence is often contained on: a. printers and scanners. b. VCRs and GPS devices. c. hard drives or CDs. d. telephones and fax machines. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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21. What type of material should be used when packaging electronic evidence? a. cellophane b. aluminum c. plastic materials d. paper bags ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.06 - Describe how electronic evidence should be stored. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM 22. Computer disks should be stored away from: a. magnetic fields. b. metal. c. partials. d. light. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.06 - Describe how electronic evidence should be stored. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM 23. The USA PATRIOT Act, signed by President George W. Bush in 2001, granted: a. roving authority to the FBI and other law enforcement agents to serve orders on communications carriers. b. total authority to the FBI for wiretapping the communication lines of any U.S. citizen. c. total authority to the FBI to arrest any noncitizen who is under suspicion of using communication lines to plan a terrorist attack. d. roving authority to the FBI for wiretapping the communication lines of any American. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legislation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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prevented. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 5:03 AM 3/24/2022 5:04 AM

24. What is a device designed to ensure a self-destruct sequence of any potential evidence? a. hardware disabler b. keystroke logger c. zombie d. data remanence ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 25. Which of the following specialists are frequently consulted in the team approach to investigating computer crime? a. mathematicians b. auditors c. social media specialists d. logicians ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Investigative Team QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:07 AM 26. Most cybercriminals work alone. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Follow-Up Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Determine how cybercriminals may be categorized, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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including their differing motivations. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 5:08 AM 3/24/2022 5:09 AM

27. Phishing is a method in which criminals misrepresent themselves as a trustworthy source to get victims to disclose personal and sensitive information. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:10 AM 28. Investigators should turn off a computer at a crime scene if it is on. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.03 - Explain the basic on/off tenet for first responders at a computer crime scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:12 AM 29. A worm is a self-contained program that travels from machine to machine across network connections. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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30. Computer-related crimes may be categorized as computer as target, computer as tool, or computer as _______________ to the offense. incidental ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:21 AM 31. Keystroke logging is used in espionage to bypass security measures and obtain passwords. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:23 AM 32. Adware is a covert way to advertise on websites without having to pay a fee. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:24 AM 33. The suffixes “.com,” “.gov,” and “.int” are common examples of ISPs. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:25 AM 34. The terms Internet and Web are basically interchangeable. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:25 AM 35. Hackers are motivated to cause damage and as much harm as possible. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Follow-Up Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Determine how cybercriminals may be categorized, including their differing motivations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:27 AM 36. Cyberterrorism is a premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:28 AM 37. Some spyware programs can track which websites a user visits. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:29 AM 38. The PATRIOT Act changed key features of existing National Security Letter (NSL) protocol. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legislation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:30 AM 39. If a computer is left on at crime scene, the first responder should leave the computer on. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.03 - Explain the basic on/off tenet for first responders at a computer crime scene. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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40. Getting consent is useful if investigators do not have enough information to support a warrant. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.04 - Summarize the benefits of getting a search warrant in a computer crime investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:33 AM 41. Investigators do not need to be concerned that digital evidence may also contain physical evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, or serology. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:34 AM 42. It may be possible to retrieve electronic memory devices within cell phones. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:35 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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43. Prevention of death is an exception to the protections of the Privacy Protection Act. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Considerations in Collecting and Analyzing Computer Evidence QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.06 - Describe how electronic evidence should be stored. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:36 AM 44. Most computer crimes against businesses and organizations are committed by outsiders. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Follow-Up Investigation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Determine how cybercriminals may be categorized, including their differing motivations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:38 AM 45. Well-defined statutes are critical to investigating and prosecuting computer crimes successfully. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legislation QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:39 AM 46. Using mules puts distance between the criminal organization and their victims. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Scope and Cost of the Problem QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:40 AM 47. _______________ is unsolicited bulk email messages, similar to junk mail and commonly commercial. Spam ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:41 AM 48. An effective tactic being used to apprehend organized cybercrime networks is undercover investigation and _______________. surveillance ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:42 AM 49. Child pornography, fraud, and gambling are examples of crimes in which the computer is used as a(n) _______________. tool ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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50. The Cyber Division and the Intellectual Property Rights Division were created by the _______________ to investigate intellectual property theft and fraud. FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 2:45 AM 51. A computer program that accesses and displays data from the Internet or other networks is called a(n) ______________. browser ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 2:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:00 AM 52. _______________ involves the hijacking of a domain name in order to redirect online traffic toward a bogus website. Pharming ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:02 AM 53. _______________ is any procedure used in cryptography to convert plain text into cipher-text to prevent anyone but the intended recipient from reading the data. Encryption ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.03 - Explain the basic on/off tenet for first responders at a computer crime scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:04 AM 54. _______________ involves hiding data within another digital message, medium, or file. Steganography ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:05 AM 55. Data_______________is the residual physical representation of data that have been erased. remanence ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Forensic Examination of Computer Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17. 05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:09 AM 56. Describe the basic elements of a “reshipper scheme.” Scam artists lure unsuspecting job seekers into reshipping schemes, transforming these ANSWER: citizens into “mules” who unwittingly help their “employers” commit international crime. Victims are attracted to the scheme through ads posted on popular employment Web sites seeking “correspondence managers,” “freight-forwarding coordinators,” or other respectable-sounding titles and are guaranteed to earn money by working from home. After applicants are informed they have been hired—and nearly everyone who applies is hired—they begin receiving parcels at home with instructions on how to forward this merchandise to the company’s home office abroad. The reshippers are compensated well, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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with one correspondence manager earning $24 for every package he reshipped. Thus, employee complaints, at this stage, are few. What employees do not know, however, is that the products they are reshipping are actually goods ordered online, purchased with fraudulent credit cards and sent overseas to be sold on the black market, or that they (the mules) have become part of a high-end fencing operation that converts stolen personal and financial data into tangible goods and cash. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:10 AM 57. Discuss some of the difficulties in reporting, investigating, and prosecuting Internet crimes that are transnational in scope. The global reach of the Internet poses another challenge in computer crime cases by ANSWER: introducing jurisdictional complications on top of an already complex area of criminal investigation. Difficulties exist in determining jurisdiction when the equipment being employed criminally is located in one community and the computer that is illegally entered electronically is in another state or even another country. The traditional concept of jurisdiction focuses almost exclusively on the territorial aspect of “where did the act take place?” However, traditional territorial boundaries are often complicated in cybercrime cases, as the location of the acts must take into account the location of the defendant and where the material originated (was uploaded from), any servers this information passed through, the location of computers where material was downloaded, and the location of any effects this material may have set in motion. In cases of international scope, it is necessary to determine whether the act is illegal in all of the countries involved. For example, the Love Bug virus that spread across the globe in two hours in May 2000, affecting over 45 million users in more than 20 countries, was developed in and distributed from the Philippines, where the act of virus dissemination was not illegal at the time. The location of the defendant in such a country meant he could not be extradited to the United States, where his acts were considered illegal, because of a treaty-established requirement of double criminality in cases involving international jurisdiction, meaning the act would have needed to be criminal in both countries. This requirement of double criminality presents numerous problems for law enforcement and prosecutors trying to stem the rising tide of international cybercrime. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Special Challenges in Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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58. What is the 2018 U.S. State of Cybercrime Survey and what were its results? The U.S. State of Cybercrime Survey (CSO Magazine, 2018) reports that the most common ANSWER: strategies used by organizations to address cyber-risks and prevent attacks are adding new technologies (46%), conducting audits and assessments (34%), adding new skills and capabilities (32%), redesigning their cybersecurity system (24%), redesigning processes (18%), and participating in knowledge sharing (11%). Survey respondents also report that the majority of their employees receive cybersecurity training at least once a year. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Scope and Cost of the Problem QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.01 - Define the three basic ways computer crime can be categorized. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:13 AM 59. What did the Supreme Court decide in the case of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002) where the issue involved the use of “virtual” child pornography? How did Congress deal with the ruling by the Court? Virtual child pornography, illegal in Canada and the European Union, was declared illegal ANSWER: in the United States under the Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) of 1996. However, the Supreme Court ruled in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002) that the portion of the CPPA prohibiting the production or distribution of such virtual pornography was overly broad and an unconstitutional infringement on the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. In effect, it’s not illegal in the United States. Shortly thereafter, Congress set to work crafting legislation with more narrow language, per the Court’s mandate, and passed the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act), a compilation of three statutes (18 U.S.C. § 2252, 18 U.S.C. § 2252A, and 18 U.S.C. § 2256). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification and Types of Computer Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:15 AM 60. What are the elements of common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence? A common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence is as ANSWER: follows: •

Secure and evaluate the crime scene.

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• • • • • • •

Obtain a search warrant. Recognize and identify the evidence. Document the crime scene. Collect and preserve evidence. Package, transport, and store evidence. Submit digital evidence (such as hard drives) for analysis and data recovery. Document the investigation in an incident report.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.02 - List the steps taken in following a common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:19 AM 61. Define the “ON/OFF rule” and explain why it is imperative in any cybercrime investigation. A basic tenet for first responders at computer crime scenes is to observe the ON/OFF rule: ANSWER: If it’s on, leave it on; if it’s off, leave it off. It is imperative that all investigators follow this rule, because digital evidence can be altered, damaged, or destroyed simply by turning the computer on or off at the wrong time. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.03 - Explain the basic on/off tenet for first responders at a computer crime scene. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:21 AM 62. What are some of the essential questions that investigators should ask when interviewing employees and staff at a business or organization that has been the victim of computer crime? The NIJ recommends the following information be obtained in the preliminary interviews: ANSWER: • • • • • • • • • •

names of all users of the computers and devices all computer and Internet user information all log-in names and user account names purpose and uses of computers and devices all passwords any automated applications in use types of Internet access any offsite storage installed software documentation all email accounts

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• • • • • •

security provisions in use web mail account information data access restrictions in place all instant message screen names all destructive devices or software in use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or other online social networking site account information

Also during this time, the investigator should attempt to assess the skill levels of the computer users involved because proficient users may conceal or destroy evidence by employing sophisticated techniques such as encryption, which puts information in code and thus obscures a normally comprehensible message. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.02 - List the steps taken in following a common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:23 AM 63. Discuss some of the challenges of investigating a business environment versus a stand-alone computer. In a business environment, multiple computers may be connected to each other or to a ANSWER: central server. As one source noted, “Securing and processing a crime scene where the computer systems are networked poses special problems, as improper shutdown may destroy data. This can result in loss of evidence and potential severe civil liability” (National Institute of Justice, 2008, p. 32). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.04 - Summarize the benefits of getting a search warrant in a computer crime investigation. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:24 AM 64. Describe the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. Digital evidence is often: contained on disks, CDs or hard drives, or on any number of ANSWER: peripheral electronic devices; not readily discernible; and highly susceptible to destruction. Other computer crime evidence may exist in the form of data reports, logs, programming, or other printed information run from information in the computer. Latent prints may be found on the keyboard, mouse, power button, or any other peripheral equipment near the computer. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:26 AM 65. What are some of the guidelines investigators must adhere to when dealing with physical evidence in a computer crime case? • According to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), “First responders must avoid… using ANSWER: any tools or materials that may produce or emit static electricity or a magnetic field as they may damage or destroy the evidence.” Further, the NIJ recommends that “First responders should also have radio frequency-shielding material such as faraday isolation bags or aluminum foil to wrap cell phones, smart phones, and other mobile communication devices after they have been seized” (National Institute of Justice, 2008, pp. 13–14). • The NIJ also cautions that “Without having the necessary skills and training, no responder should attempt to explore the contents or recover data from a computer (e.g., do not touch the keyboard or click the mouse) or other electronic device other than to record what is visible on its display” (National Institute of Justice, 2008, p. 6). First responders and investigators must be aware that destruction of the program or of information files may be programmed in so that any attempt to access the information or to print it will cause it to self-destruct. Officers should also check for a hardware disabler. • Because chemicals used in processing fingerprints can damage electronic equipment and data, latent prints should be collected after electronic evidence recovery is complete. • A backup of the hard disk contents should be made as quickly as possible. A portable hard drive duplication tool is available that lets investigators quickly create a mirror image of one or more hard drives in the field without removing the original to a remote site. • Investigators should avoid contact with the recording surfaces of computer tapes and disks. They should never write on disk labels with a ballpoint pen or pencil or use paper clips or rubber bands with disks, because to do so may destroy the data they contain. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Preliminary Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.05 - Identify the various forms electronic evidence and other computer crime evidence may take. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:29 AM 66. Describe the three general categories of cybercriminals and their respective motivations. According to the FBI, a cybercriminal will likely fall into one of three categories: ANSWER: • •

Crackers (hackers): motivated by achieving prohibited access; inspired by boredom and the desire for intellectual challenge; no real damage done Vandals: motivated to cause damage and as much harm as possible; are often disgruntled, either with their employer or with life and society in general

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Criminals: motivated by economic gain; use espionage and fraud, among other tactics, to accomplish their goals

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Follow-Up Investigation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Determine how cybercriminals may be categorized, including their differing motivations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:31 AM 67. How could the Privacy Protection Act (PPA) impact a computer crime investigation? What issues should be considered? Investigators must be alert to situations where the PPA may be implicated. Under this act, ANSWER: with certain exceptions, it is considered unlawful for a government agent to search for or seize materials possessed by a person reasonably believed to have a legitimate purpose for disseminating information to the public. For example, seizure of First Amendment materials such as drafts of newsletters or Web pages may implicate the PPA. The PPA prohibition on use of a search warrant does not apply in the following circumstances: • • •

Materials searched for or seized are contraband, fruits, or instrumentalities of the crime. There is reason to believe that the immediate seizure of such materials is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury. Probable cause exists to believe that the person possessing the materials has committed or is committing a criminal offense to which the materials relate.

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Considerations in Collecting and Analyzing Computer Evidence QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.07 - Determine how cybercriminals may be categorized, including their differing motivations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:33 AM 68. How can computer crimes be prevented? Who is primarily responsible for putting new policies into place? Computer crimes can be prevented by educating top management and employees and by ANSWER: instituting internal security precautions. Top management must make a commitment to defend against computer crime. As part of its cyber strategy, the FBI recommends that computer users take several key steps to avoid becoming a computer crime victim (n.d.): keep the firewall turned on; install or update antivirus software; install or update antispyware technology; keep the operating system up to date; use caution when downloading files or other content; and turn off the computer when not in use. One of the most important, yet most frequently overlooked, security measures is to use a paper Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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shredder for all sensitive documents once they are no longer needed. Another technique gaining momentum in the effort to increase computer security is biometrics, using physical characteristics the user cannot lose or give away, including facial, voice, and fingerprint recognition. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Computer Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:34 AM 69. List and briefly describe some of the various resources (agencies or organizations) available to help law enforcement investigate computer crimes. Investigating computer crime often requires a team approach. ANSWER: •


The FBI’s Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) helps state and local law enforcement as well as federal agents. CART helps write and execute search warrants, seize and catalog evidence, and perform routine examinations of digital evidence. The U.S. DOJ has developed the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) which, as one of its many functions, provides training to state, local, tribal, territorial, and international law enforcement agencies on how to collect electronic evidence properly and strengthen the prosecution of cybercrime cases. Another resource to help law enforcement handle computer crimes is the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The IC3 provides cybercrime victims a convenient, user-friendly reporting mechanism that notifies authorities of suspected violations. One mandate of the USA PATRIOT Act was that the Secret Service establish a nationwide network of Electronic Crimes Task Forces, which were merged in 2020 with the Cyber and Financial Crimes Task Forces to form the Cyber Fraud Task Forces (CFTFs). The CFTF network brings together federal, state, and local law enforcement, as well as prosecutors, private industry, and academia. The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the DOJ maintains a Web resource for law enforcement and is a one-stop resource for everything related to computer crime. The site offers a collection of documents and links to other sites and agencies that may help prevent, detect, investigate, and prosecute cybercrime. For the special challenge of handling cases of cybercrimes involving children, investigators may tap the resources of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program, a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 4,500 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. Members of the ICAC program, which is funded by the U.S. DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, assist with proactive investigations, forensic investigations, and criminal prosecutions.


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REFERENCES: Resources Available QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:36 AM 70. Outline the NetSmartz program, including its mission and how it has been implemented. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® (NCMEC) has created an ANSWER: Internet safety and awareness program called NetSmartz, available to the public at no cost. The program offers age-appropriate resources to help make children more aware of potential online risks and empower them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on- and offline. The program “is designed for children ages 5–17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, downloadable activities, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates.” Two 6-episode seasons follow brother and sister, Webster and Nettie, through a series of adventures as they learn about various safety topics, such as dealing with cyberbullying, maintaining online privacy, checking misleading information, reporting unsafe behavior, livestreaming safety, talking to trusted adults, and reporting and removing inappropriate content: Nettie and Webster live in the NetSmartz Neighborhood in “the cloud,” and along with their trusted adult, Clicky, they learn and share about ways to keep the internet safer while fighting off the evil plots of the Webville Outlaws. After falling through an abandoned transport tube, Nettie and Webster find themselves stranded in the strange cloud realm of Badromeda. As they venture deeper into these unknown realms of the cloud, they’ll have to rely on each other, some new friends, and everything they’ve learned about internet safety to make it home and stop the Webville Outlaws! The notorious Outlaws include Wanta-Know Wally, who tries to trick people into giving up their personal information; Meet-Me Mack, who tries to get kids he talks to online to meet him face-to-face; and Potty-Mouth Pete, the biggest cyberbully around, who tries to get people to be rude and mean to each other online. Helping Webster and Nettie navigate through these issues is Officer Armstrong, a new recruit to the Badromeda Police Department. She specializes in cybercrime and uses computers and technology to catch those using the internet for illegal purposes. In her free time she likes to travel and is a recreational extreme hoverboard enthusiast. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Computer Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.17.08 - Understand ways in which computer crimes can be prevented. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 3:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 3:37 AM

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Chapter 18 - A Dual Threat: Drug-Related Crime and Organized Crime 1. What act did the federal government pass in 1914 that made the sale or use of certain drugs illegal? a. the Sullivan Illegal Substances Act b. the Mann Act c. the Harrison Narcotics Act d. the Little Lindbergh Law ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Drugs QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.01 - Name the act that made it illegal to sell or use certain narcotics and dangerous drugs and the year it was passed. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:03 AM 2. Barbiturates are classified as: a. narcotics. b. depressants. c. hallucinogens. d. stimulants. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.03 - List the classes of drugs that are regulated by the CSA and provide at least two examples of each group. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:09 AM 3. What are the main drug classes regulated by the CSA? a. depressants, stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens, cannabis, and inhalants b. narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids c. uppers, downers, and everything in between d. depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.03 - List the classes of drugs that are regulated by the CSA and provide at least two examples of each group. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Rohypnol is a: a. narcotic. b. depressant. c. hallucinogen. d. stimulant. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18. 03 - List the classes of drugs that are regulated by the CSA and provide at least two examples of each group. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:13 AM 5. Designer drugs are created by adding to or omitting something from an existing drug. What are designer drugs called? a. analogs b. parasites c. lemurs d. bonding agents ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:15 AM 6. Some teens are turning to over-the-counter drugs to get high. One way they do this is by mixing drugs from the medicine cabinet, taking a handful and waiting to see what happens. What is this called? a. pharming b. robotripping c. skittling d. sniffing ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identification of Controlled Substances Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:17 AM 7. What drug is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine? a. fentanyl b. heroin c. Percocet d. opium ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:19 AM 8. Designer drugs are: a. created by mixing three or more drugs. b. created by modifying an existing drug. c. low-profit drugs for dealers. d. legal if purchased by a prescription. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM 9. Which of the following is classified as a Schedule I drug, with a high risk of abuse? a. marijuana b. cocaine c. morphine Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. ketamine ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.03 - List the classes of drugs that are regulated by the CSA and provide at least two examples of each group. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:24 AM 10. What terms refers to the large-scale removal of funds or capital from a country? a. capital flight b. money laundering c. bookmaking d. loan-sharking ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Specific Organized Crime Groups QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:27 AM 11. According to the U.S. Congress, which of the following is “any person who both habitually uses any habitforming narcotic drug so as to endanger the public morals, health, safety or welfare, and …. (who has) lost the power of self-control with reference to the (drug)?” a. a drug user b. a drug abuser c. a drug addict d. a drug criminal ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Possession or Use of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.05 - Summarize the major legal evidence to seek in prosecuting drug use and possession. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:29 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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12. Using restrictive restraint devices and procedures, such as handcuffing subjects behind their back and placing them facedown, can lead to: a. pulmonary hypertension. b. vasovagal reflex activation. c. positional asphyxia. d. portal-systemic hypotension. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.06 - Identify the major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale and distribution. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:31 AM 13. Drug addiction is: a. a relatively brief disease. b. a progressive disease. c. fairly easy to cure. d. not considered a disease. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.06 - Identify the major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale and distribution. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:33 AM 14. The major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale cases is: a. identification of a known user with their substance of choice. b. identification of a known seller in an area in which sales occur. c. the transfer of the drug from the seller to the buyer. d. actual possession of the drug, regardless of the amount. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.06 - Identify the major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale and distribution. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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15. If an officer observes what appears to be a drug buy, the officer: a. can make a warrantless arrest if there is probable cause. b. needs to gather physical evidence from the scene before making an arrest. c. must set up a buy in order to prove that a transfer of drugs has taken place. d. should call for reinforcements immediately. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.07 - Discuss the circumstances under which an on-sight arrest can be made for a drug buy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:36 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:38 AM 16. When it comes to surveillance related to illegal drug sales, it is often best to: a. make sure potentially helpful neighbors know you are there. b. initially just watch and obtain information. c. avoid high traffic areas where you are likely to be noticed. d. respond quickly and decisively to stop all buys. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.07 - Discuss the circumstances under which an on-sight arrest can be made for a drug buy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:47 AM 17. Which of the following, initiated by the federal Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, provides revenue to law enforcement for antidrug efforts? a. fine b. asset forfeiture c. prosecution d. incarceration ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Drug Asset Forfeitures QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:48 AM 18. The primary emphasis of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration is to: a. stop the flow of drugs. b. apprehend users. c. rehabilitate addicts. d. educate the public about drug abuse. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Agency Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:53 AM 19. What is another term for a sting? a. reverse buy b. mule c. criminal enterprise d. victimless crime ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:55 AM 20. In a drug investigation, officers can avoid charges of entrapment by: a. having a third party buy the drugs. b. making two or more buys. c. making an immediate arrest that is witnessed. d. using marked buy money. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:57 AM 21. Which of the following is a distinctive characteristic of organized crime? a. low-profit and continued-profit crimes b. chaotic control c. strong ideological foundation d. protection through corruption ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Organized Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.10 - Recognize the distinctive characteristics of organized crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:59 AM 22. The RICO Act of 1970 is one of the major federal acts that: a. makes it permissible to use circumstantial rather than direct evidence to enforce conspiracy violations. b. aims to stop the flow of drugs by imposing severe penalties for possession. c. makes it easier for prosecutors to charge and convict those apprehended in the sale of illegal drugs. d. makes the use of pen registers legal in the investigation of criminal networks. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Applicable Laws Against Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.11 - List the three activities that can be prosecuted under Title 18 of the U.S. Code, Section 1962, as they relate to organized crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM 23. Organized crime is often involved in which of the following so-called victimless crimes? a. mail fraud b. suicide c. second-degree murder d. employment of illegal aliens ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major Activities of Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM 24. Which gangs have been called the fastest-growing criminal organization in the United States? a. Latin American b. Russian c. Asian d. African ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Specific Organized Crime Groups QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM 25. Which of the following is one of the four groups that make up the Mafia? a. the Metropolitan Camorra b. the Sacra Corona Unita c. the Fratelli Gambino d. the Wilkes Mafia ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major Activities of Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM 26. In terms of their potential for addiction, the most dangerous drugs are Schedule II drugs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Definitions QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.02 - Explain when it is illegal to use or sell narcotics or dangerous drugs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM 27. Ecstasy is a commonly used name for phencyclidine (PCP). a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Seriousness and Extent of the Drug Problem QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM 28. Many opponents of legalization of marijuana argue that it is a gateway drug. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 29. LSD is derived from lysergic acid, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM 30. Ecstasy is a synthetic stimulant that looks like cocaine but is made from toxic chemicals and easily obtained OTC products. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:20 AM 31. Mescaline and peyote are stimulants. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:21 AM 32. Crack is a derivative of cocaine. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:25 AM 33. Ketamine has hallucinogenic effects similar to LSD. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:27 AM 34. A pupilometer allows police to check if someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs by measuring the pupils in their eyes when subjected to light. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Possession or Use of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.05 - Summarize the major legal evidence to seek in prosecuting drug use and possession. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:33 AM 35. The rising cost of prescription drugs has enticed some senior citizens to sell their prescriptions. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 1:33 AM 3/24/2022 1:35 AM

36. Many visitors to a residence or place of business, particularly at odd hours, who stay for a limited amount of time, may be an indication of drug sales. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.07 - Discuss the circumstances under which an on-sight arrest can be made for a drug buy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:37 AM 37. A sting is the same as a reverse buy. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:57 AM 38. A flashroll is a device used by a mule to smuggle drugs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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39. “Head shops” sell products that help the end user ingest drugs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:06 AM 40. Water lines or electrical cords running to a basement or outbuilding are a possible indication of a large-scale methamphetamine lab. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Indoor Marijuana Growing Operations QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:07 AM 41. Organized crime often seeks to create a singular control over specific goods and services. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Organized Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.10 - Recognize the distinctive characteristics of organized crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:09 AM 42. Prison gangs are rarely connected to organized crime or drug manufacture or sale. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Decline of Organized Crime? QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:10 AM 43. Capital flight and money laundering are the same. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Specific Organized Crime Groups QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:13 AM 44. A victimless crime is an illegal activity in which all involved are willing participants. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major Activities of Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:14 AM 45. Local patrol officers can provide, at best, very limited information concerning organized crime. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.13 - Explain what the investigator’s primary role is in dealing with the organized crime problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:17 AM 46. It is illegal to possess or use narcotics or other dangerous drugs without a(n) _______________. prescription ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.02 - Explain when it is illegal to use or sell narcotics or dangerous drugs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:29 AM 47. The illegal trade is an essential source of revenue for organized crime. drug ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.02 - Explain when it is illegal to use or sell narcotics or dangerous drugs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:33 AM 48. The daily observations of _______________ law enforcement officers provide vital information for investigating organized crime. local ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.13 - Explain what the investigator’s primary role is in dealing with the organized crime problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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49. In 1914, the federal government passed the Act, which made the sale or use of certain drugs illegal. Harrison Narcotics ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Drugs QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.01 - Name the act that made it illegal to sell or use certain narcotics and dangerous drugs and the year it was passed. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:38 AM 50. _______________ is produced by mixing cocaine with baking soda and water. Crack ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:44 AM 51. _______________, also known as “roofie,” is 10 times more potent than Valium. Rohypnol ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:46 AM 52. Organized crime investigations in the United States increasingly involve agencies from other _______________. countries ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.13 - Explain what the investigator’s primary role is in dealing with the organized crime problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:47 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:48 AM 53. People under the influence of illicit stimulants such as cocaine may exhibit extremely agitated and incoherent behavior, a condition known as excited _______________. delirium ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Possession or Use of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.05 - Summarize the major legal evidence to seek in prosecuting drug use and possession. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:54 AM 54. Concealing drugs in any opening of a human or animal is called _______________. body packing ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Possession or Use of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.05 - Summarize the major legal evidence to seek in prosecuting drug use and possession. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 12:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 12:58 AM 55. A major indication of indoor marijuana growing operations is excessive use of _______________. electricity ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Indoor Marijuana Growing Operations QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.06 - Identify the major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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and distribution. Bloom’s: Remember 3/28/2022 12:58 AM 3/28/2022 12:59 AM

56. How are club drugs and designer drugs similar? How are they different? Club drugs are those drugs commonly found at raves, dance parties that feature fast- paced, ANSWER: repetitive electronic music and light shows. Example of club drugs include Ecstasy, Rohypnol, GHB, LSD, and even meth. Designer drugs are created by adding to or omitting something from an existing drug. In many instances, the primary drug is not illegal. The illicit drugs are called analogs of the drug from which they are created—for example, mescaline analog. Because designer drugs are difficult for amateurs to manufacture, they are high-profit drugs for dealers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.04 - Understand what drugs are most commonly observed on the street, in the possession of users, and seized in drug raids, and what the most frequent drug arrest is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM 57. Describe the various types of physical evidence of possession or use of controlled substances, giving examples of each type. Physical evidence of possession or use of controlled substances includes the actual drugs, ANSWER: apparatus associated with their use, the suspect’s appearance and behavior, and urine and blood tests. Often found along with drugs are various types of pipes, syringes, grinders, cotton, spoons, medicine droppers, safety pins, razor blades, hypodermic needles, and other drug paraphernalia. A suspect’s general appearance and signs such as dilated pupils, needle marks or razor cuts in the veins, confusion, aggressiveness, watery eyes, runny nose, and profuse perspiration provide additional evidence of drug use. To establish that an arrested person is under the influence of drugs, urine and blood tests, a medical examination, and a report of personal observations are used along with an alcoholic or drug-influence test form and an admission form signed by the subject. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Possession or Use of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.05 - Summarize the major legal evidence to seek in prosecuting drug use and possession. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:08 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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58. What are some of the precautions that officers should take in undercover drug buys? Undercover drug buys must be carefully planned, witnessed, and conducted so that no ANSWER: charge of entrapment can be made. Some recommended precautions are: If working undercover, be thoroughly conversant with the language of the user and the seller, know the street prices of drugs, and have a tight cover. Devise an excuse to avoid using the drugs. Plan to work within the seller’s system. Drug pushers, like other criminals, tend to develop certain methods for making their sales. Asking them to change their method can cause suspicion, whereas going along with the system establishes credibility for subsequent buys. Make careful plans before making a drug buy. Select a surveillance group and fully brief group members on the signals to use and their specific assignments. Small transmitters are important communications devices for surveillance team members. Have alternative plans in case the original plan fails. Prepare the buy money in advance. It must be marked, identified, counted, and recorded by serial number, date, time, and denomination. Have this procedure witnessed by one or more people. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.07 - Discuss the circumstances under which an on-sight arrest can be made for a drug buy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM 59. Describe the conditions that must be met in order for an officer to make an on-sight arrest for a drug buy. If an officer observes what appears to be a drug buy, he can make a warrantless arrest if he ANSWER: has probable cause. Probable cause is established through knowledge of the suspect’s criminal record, by observing other people making contact with the suspect and finding drugs on them, by knowing of the suspect’s past relationships with other drug users or sellers, and through observing actions of the suspect that indicate a drug buy. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Sale and Distribution of Controlled Substances QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.07 - Discuss the circumstances under which an on-sight arrest can be made for a drug buy. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:11 AM 60. What are some safety concerns investigators should have when entering a clandestine (clan) drug lab? What should investigators do to address those safety concerns? Clan labs pose serious physical, chemical, and toxic hazards to law enforcement agencies ANSWER: conducting raids on the premises, including booby traps and assaults from attack dogs or violent drug “cooks” under the influence of their products. In addition, many of the substances, often unidentified or misidentified, are explosive and extremely flammable. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Irritants and corrosives, asphyxiants, and nerve toxins also may be encountered. When encountering a drug lab or its components, do not use matches, lighters, or items that could ignite fumes. Do not turn switches on or off, because the electric connection could produce sparks and cause an explosion. Do not taste, smell, or touch any substance, and check for booby traps before moving or touching containers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Clandestine Drug Laboratories QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:14 AM 61. What are some indicators of a clandestine meth lab that an investigator could detect from the outside of a building? Drug labs can be set up almost anywhere. Clandestine or “clan” labs tend to share some ANSWER: common characteristics. From the outside of a structure, investigators may observe blacked out or boarded up windows, hoses sticking out through windows and doors, dead vegetation from dumped chemical wastes and strong chemical odors, all of which may indicate a clan lab is operating inside. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Clandestine Drug Laboratories QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.08 - Describe the precautions to take in undercover drug buys, including how to avoid a charge of entrapment. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:16 AM 62. What is the purpose of asset forfeitures? How does it help law enforcement? Asset forfeiture is a tool that allows agencies investigating various types of crimes, ANSWER: including drug trafficking, to seize items used in or acquired through committing that crime. Confiscating drug dealers’ cash and property has been effective in reducing drug trafficking and is providing local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies with assets they need for their fight against drugs. Asset forfeiture laws provide for the confiscation of cash and other property in the possession of a drug dealer at the time of the arrest. Seized vehicles, boats, or airplanes may be used directly by the agency or sold at auction to generate funds. Monetary assets may be used to purchase police equipment, to hire additional law enforcement personnel, or to provide training in drug investigation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Drug Asset Forfeitures QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:17 AM 63. Which is more effective – intervention of partnerships with third parties, or law-enforcement-only approaches? Why? Any successful law-enforcement effort to address drug-related crime and drug addiction ANSWER: must also necessarily involve partnerships with the community. Businesses, schools, public health departments, and individual citizens are invaluable components of an effective response. A summary of the findings from all rigorous academic studies evaluating a range of street-level drug law enforcement interventions found that strategic crime-control partnerships with a range of third parties are more effective at disrupting drug problems than are law enforcement-only. Thousands of volunteers, groups, and agencies have joined the fight against illegal drugs. Programs like Operation Weed and Seed marshal the resources of a number of federal, state, and local agencies to strengthen law enforcement and revitalize communities. Some communities are developing specific programs to address the drug problem and are recognizing the need for innovative approaches. For example, in jurisdictions facing high incidence of youths abusing OTC drugs, law enforcement can take steps to educate business owners and operators who sell these products about the risks involved. Clerks can be trained to recognize common signs of drug abuse and to understand why they should not sell a dozen packages of Coricidin® Cough and Cold medicine to a group of teenagers. Some businesses may voluntarily move the drugs behind the counter, limit the number of packages a customer may purchase at one time, or require customers to be over age 18. Although many states have passed legislation banning OTC sales of certain products deemed threats to public safety, law enforcement is limited in its ability to restrict OTC drug sales. Indeed, strategic crime-control partnerships with a range of third parties are more effective at disrupting drug problems than are law enforcement–only approaches. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preventing Problems with Illegal Drugs: Community Partnerships QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM 64. Describe the National Drug Control Strategy. In the 2020 National Drug Control Strategy, the annual blueprint published by the Office ANSWER: of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Director James Carroll states: “This Strategy focuses Federal government efforts along three complementary lines of effort. First, we must continue to prevent initiates to drug use through education and evidence-based prevention programs. Second, we must continue to reduce barriers to treatment services so that access to long-term recovery is available for those suffering from substance use disorder. And finally, we must continue our work to drastically reduce the availability of these drugs in the United States through law enforcement and cooperation with international partners to eliminate the negative effects that drug trafficking has on the Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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safety of our communities and the well-being of our citizens. . . . The President’s top priority [is] to address the current opioid crisis and reduce the number of Americans dying from these dangerous drugs.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The National Drug Control Strategy QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:21 AM 65. Describe the Controlled Substances Act and explain when it is illegal to use or sell narcotics or dangerous drugs. The Controlled Substances Act (CSA), signed into law in 1970 by President Nixon, placed ANSWER: all substances which were in some manner regulated under existing federal law into one of five schedules based on the substance’s accepted medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability (DEA, 2020a). The five schedules contain the official, common, usual, chemical, and brand names of the drugs. Schedule I drugs are considered the most dangerous, in part because of their highly addictive qualities; Schedule V drugs, in contrast, present a very low chance of addiction. Under this act, if a drug does not have a potential for abuse, it cannot be controlled. The act also provides a mechanism for substances to be controlled (added to or transferred between schedules) or decontrolled (removed from control). Laws establish prohibited acts concerning the controlled substances and assign penalties in proportion to the drug’s danger. Basically, these laws state that no person, firm, or corporation may manufacture, sell, give away, barter or deliver, exchange, distribute, or possess these substances with intent to do any of the prohibited acts. Possession of controlled substances is probably the most frequent charge in narcotics arrests. Actual or constructive possession and knowledge by a suspect that a drug was illegal must be shown. If the evidence is not on the person, it must be shown to be under the suspect’s control. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Legal Definitions QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.02 - Explain when it is illegal to use or sell narcotics or dangerous drugs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:23 AM 66. Outline the role of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in attacking illegal drug activities. The federal DEA provides unified leadership in attacking narcotics trafficking and drug ANSWER: abuse. The DEA’s emphasis is on the source and distribution of illicit drugs rather than on arresting abusers. The DEA focus is on stopping the flow of drugs at their foreign sources, disrupting illicit domestic commerce at the highest levels of distribution, and helping state and local police prevent the entry of illegal drugs into their communities. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Agency Cooperation QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.09 - Identify the agency responsible for providing unified leadership in combating illegal drug activities and what its primary emphasis is. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:25 AM 67. What is a victimless crime? What are the arguments for and against legalizing these types of crimes? A victimless crime is an illegal activity in which all involved are willing participants. ANSWER: Among the crimes categorized as “victimless” are gambling, drug use, pornography, and prostitution. Because there is no complainant, these crimes are difficult to investigate and prosecute. Arguments for legalizing so-called victimless crimes have been made periodically over the years, with varying degrees of success. Proponents for legalizing so-called victimless crimes argue that it is not the government’s function to regulate morality, that the laws are ineffective as well as hypocritical and unenforceable. Further, the laws have created a whole class of “criminals” who would not otherwise be considered such. Perhaps most important, the laws create the conditions under which organized crime can thrive. Opponents of legalizing these activities argue that it is the government’s proper function to protect its citizens, even if from themselves. As long as the activities are illegal, law enforcement is obligated to enforce the laws. Among the most difficult laws to enforce are those making gambling illegal in some instances but not others. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major Activities of Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:27 AM 68. Describe the four distinctive characteristics of organized crime. Distinctive characteristics of organized crime include the following: definite organization ANSWER: and control; high-profit and continued-profit crimes; singular control through force and threats; and protection through corruption. The organization provides direct control, leadership, and discipline. The leaders are isolated from the general operations through field or area leaders, who in turn control the everyday activities that bring in the profits. Organized crime deals primarily in high-profit crimes that are susceptible to organizational control and that can be developed into larger operations that provide the continued profit necessary for future existence. Organized crime functions through many forms of corruption and intimidation, often through strong arm tactics, to create a singular control over specific goods and services that ultimately results in a monopoly. Organized crime flourishes most where protection from interference and prosecution exists. The first line of Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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immunity is the indifference of the general public and their knowing or unknowing use of the services or purchase of the goods offered by organized crime. Through such activities, citizens provide the financial power that gives organized crime immunity from legal authorities. Moreover, organized crime uses enforcement tactics to ensure compliance with its decrees. Members or paid enforcers intimidate, brutalize, and even murder those who fail to obey the dictates of organized crime bosses. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Organized Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.10 - Recognize the distinctive characteristics of organized crime. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:32 AM 69. Describe the connection between bookmaking and loan-sharking, explaining why organized crime groups are perfectly poised to engage in both of these enterprises. Bookmaking—soliciting and accepting bets on any type of sporting event—is the most ANSWER: prevalent gambling operation. Loan-sharking—lending money at exorbitant interest rates—is supported initially by the profits from gambling operations. The upper hierarchy lends money to lower echelon members of the organization, charging them one to two percent interest on large sums. These members in turn lend the money to customers at rates of 20 to 30 percent or more. The most likely customers are people who cannot obtain loans through legitimate sources, often to pay off illegal gambling debts or debts made through bookmakers. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Major Activities of Organized Crime QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:35 AM 70. Choose one of the organized crime groups detailed in the text and describe some of its elements, including the origin of the group, the typical crimes the group engages in, and what special challenges the organization creates for investigators. Italian organized crime in the United States actually comprises four separate groups: the ANSWER: Sicilian Mafia; the Neapolitan Camorra; the ’Ndrangheta, or Calabrian Mafia; and Sacra Corona Unita, or “United Sacred Crown.” These four groups have thousands of members and affiliates throughout the United States, but the largest percentage of them operate out of New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. Italian organized crime groups are heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering, as well as illegal gambling, political corruption, extortion, fraud, counterfeiting, weapons trafficking, infiltration of legitimate businesses, bombings, kidnappings, and murders. Italian criminal groups persist as the stereotypical organized crime threat to American society and are indeed the most Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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organized criminal presence in America, making the criminal system that much more difficult to crack. Asian organized crime groups, referred to as Asian criminal enterprises by the FBI, are involved in murder, kidnapping, extortion, prostitution, pornography, loan-sharking, gambling, money laundering, alien smuggling, trafficking in heroin and methamphetamine, counterfeiting of computer and clothing products, and various protection schemes. Asian organized crime is often well run and hard to crack, using very fluid, mobile global networks of criminal associates. Asian criminal enterprises are classified as either traditional, such as the Yakuza and Triads, or nontraditional, such as ethnic Asian street gangs. Asian organized crime investigations present some unique challenges, primarily because of cultural and social differences. Many Asians are suspicious of the police and the U.S. criminal justice system. Asian criminals exploit this distrust by preying on other Asians, secure in the knowledge that their crimes will most likely go unreported. Another challenge is that many Asian groups are very mobile and have associates or family scattered throughout the United States. Latin American organized crime groups within the United States include Cubans, Colombians, Mexicans, Dominicans, and El Salvadorians. These criminal enterprises are heavily involved in drug trafficking, typically bringing their criminal organization into this country along with the drugs they sell. In the United States, cartel representatives serve as brokers to coordinate cocaine deliveries to various drug networks. Because of Mexico’s proximity to the United States, its organized crime groups are becoming an increasing threat to the United States and are among the fastest-growing gangs in the country. Mexican drug trafficking has had an enormous impact on the United States, as organizations smuggle heroin, cocaine, marijuana and, most recently, meth. The Mexican Mafia is a prison-based gang that has been growing within the U.S. correctional system for nearly 50 years and is found in several state prison systems. The Mexican Mafia also has links to Hispanic street gangs and controls, to varying degrees, their drug trafficking activities. African criminal enterprises, an emerging criminal threat facing law enforcement agencies worldwide and known to be operating in at least 80 other countries, have proliferated in the United States since the 1980s. Although some groups comprise members originating in Ghana, Liberia and Somalia, by far the predominant nationality in African organized crime is Nigerian. Financial frauds and advance fee schemes, often perpetrated over the Internet, are common methods used by Nigerian organized crime groups. Known as “4-1-9 scams,” after Section 4-1-9 of the Nigerian Penal Code relating to fraudulent schemes, these scams prey on victims’ sympathy, naïveté and, often, greed, promising a handsome monetary reward in exchange for help making a financial transaction. Eurasian/Russian organized crime has gone international since the collapse of the Soviet Union and poses a great threat to and challenge for U.S. justice. The FBI refers to these groups as EOC. Former FBI director Louis Freeh has called the Russian Mafia the fastestgrowing criminal organization in the United States. Unlike members of organized crime groups originating from economically and educationally disadvantaged areas, EOC members tend to be well educated. EOC has had little to no involvement in some of the more traditional organized crime activities, choosing instead to focus on a wide range of frauds and scams, including insurance scams, securities and investment fraud, and fuel oil scams. In the United States, EOC has become the primary purveyor of credit card scams. Contract murders, kidnappings, and business arson are also common. In addition to transnational money laundering, Russian organized crime is known to traffic in women and children. EOC members also traffic in such hazardous commodities as weapons and nuclear material smuggled out of their homeland. Investigating Russian organized crime is complicated by several factors. First, the EOC Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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consists of hundreds of groups, all acting independently. Russian crime groups in the United States are loosely structured, lacking any formal hierarchy. They tend to be fluid with membership fluctuating between five and 20 people, depending on the operation. Most members are already hardened criminals, have military experience, and are highly educated. As with cases involving other immigrant organized crime groups, language barriers present a challenge to investigators. Another problem lies in the cooperation among and pooling of resources between Russian and other organized crime groups. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Threat of Specific Organized Crime Groups QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.18.12 - Understand the crimes organized crime is typically involved in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 1:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 1:40 AM

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Chapter 19 - Criminal Gangs and Other Dangerous Groups 1. What is the first step in dealing with a crime problem? a. recognizing the problem b. identifying the gang members c. creating an effective record-keeping system d. designing prevention strategies ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Gang Problem QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.03 - Outline the first step in dealing with a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:39 AM 2. Gangs typically engage in all of the following crimes except a. identity theft. b. shoplifting. c. extortion. d. trafficking. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Illegal Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:44 AM 3. Outlaw motorcycle gangs make up what percent of the nation’s total gang population? a. 2.5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 43% ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:44 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. Which of the following is a characteristic of hate-based incidents? a. involve an average of four assailants for each victim b. in most property crimes, something of value is taken c. occur in locations without significance d. attacker settles a score or profits from the crime ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motivation for Hate Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:48 AM 5. Which model has been used to explain the relationship between gangs and crime? a. enhancement model b. aggravation model c. criminal model d. professional model ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:50 AM 6. One hypothesis to explain the relationship between gangs and crime is the facilitation model, which posits that: a. gang membership promotes drug involvement, which in turn facilitates violence. b. gangs attract members who are already delinquent or criminally involved, and their antisocial behaviors facilitate their acceptance into the gang. c. gangs attract those who are already delinquent or criminally involved, and membership further facilitates their preexisting antisocial behavior. d. gang membership promotes a way of life that promotes social stability. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Incidents in which a large number of gang members rapidly congregate in a small area to commit crimes such as robberies are sometimes referred to as: a. acts of intimidation. b. mass migrations. c. display crimes. d. flash mobs. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:54 AM 8. Which of the following is a sign that a youth may be in a gang? a. uses unusual hand signals to communicate with friends. b. claims to be very fearful of youth known to be in gangs. c. is particularly careful to avoid trouble with the police. d. wears baggy jeans with underwear showing. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Gang Members QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.04 - Understand the criteria or characteristics used to identify gang members. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:55 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM 9. The Crips are associated with: a. green and yellow shirts. b. blue or purple bandannas. c. red or green colors. d. black and gold scarves or rags. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Gang Members QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.04 - Understand the criteria or characteristics used to identify gang members. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:57 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 2:59 AM 10. What file cross-references the names of suspected gang members with the gang file? a. pointer b. indicator c. role d. preference ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Records to Keep QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.05 - Describe the types of records to keep on gangs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:02 AM 11. Gangs may use which of the following to memorialize a deceased gang member? a. graffiti b. flagging c. colors d. mobbing ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Culture, Membership, and Organization QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:04 AM 12. One of the special problems in investigating illegal activities of gangs is: a. witnesses are often unreliable or fearful. b. most gang members are juveniles. c. courts have not upheld gang statutes. d. gangs are interracial. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Gang Activity QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.06 - Explain the special challenges that may be involved in investigating illegal activities of gangs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:11 AM 13. Which of the following is a common purpose of graffiti as used by gangs? a. marking a gang’s turf b. disrespecting a family member c. teaching new members hand signals d. informing the general public that they exist ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:13 AM 14. The three-pronged approach to address the gang problem uses a balance of which three strategies? a. intervention, motivation, and suppression b. prevention, intervention, and suppression c. intervention, transition, and motivation d. penetration, suppression, and prevention ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Approaches to the Gang Problem QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.07 - Summarize what strategies have been used to combat a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:14 AM 15. Information technology staff can assist patrol officials in giving accurate, timely information on gang activity to patrol officers using: a. CAD b. Facebook c. CVADA d. NRMs ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Records to Keep QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.057 - Describe the types of records to keep on gangs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:17 AM 16. What are the two most common defenses cited for gang members in court? a. self-defense and following the orders of gang leadership b. self-defense and diminished capacity c. being under the influence of alcohol/drugs and racial discrimination on the part of the police d. following the orders of gang leadership and racial discrimination on the part of the police ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecuting Gang-Related Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.08 - Explain what two defense strategies are commonly used by gang members’ lawyers in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:20 AM 17. In 2019, approximately what percentage of known offenders involved in hate crimes was white? a. 52 percent b. 24 percent c. 35 percent d. 84 percent ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motivation for Hate Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:22 AM 18. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a(n): a. watchdog organization for bias and hate crimes. b. law group that lobbies for hate crime legislation. c. law group that lobbies to protect freedom of speech. d. antipolice advocacy and activism group. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bias and Hate Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:27 AM 19. The majority of hate crimes are based on: a. social class. b. religion. c. race. d. sexual orientation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motivation for Hate Crime QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:29 AM 20. What term refers to urban artists unaffiliated with gangs replicating graffiti as a type of artistic expression? a. tagging b. rituals c. swarming d. monikers ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Culture, Membership, and Organization QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:31 AM 21. Which of the following is an example of a cult discussed in the text? a. Crips b. 666 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. Bloods d. Branch Davidians ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Ritualistic Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:33 AM 22. Which group may be associated with mutilated animals, grave robbery, and desecration of churches and human remains? a. motorcycle gangs b. stoner gangs c. MS-13 d. Aryan Brotherhood ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Nature of Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:37 AM 23. What hypothesis regarding the relationship between gangs and crime states that gangs attract members who are already delinquent or criminally involved, and that antisocial behaviors precede joining the gang? a. the selection model b. the facilitation model c. the enhancement model d. the embracement model ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Illegal Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:40 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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24. Investigators dealing with youths they suspect may be engaging in cult-related activities should inquire into which of the following? a. the movies the youths watch b. whether the youths have dabbled in astrology c. whether the youths play with board games d. whether the youths play with other children ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:45 AM 25. Which of the following would be one of the signs of a ritualistic homicide? a. missing personal items such as a wallet or watch b. urine or human or animal feces smeared on body c. handcuffs or other forms of restraint devices d. missing clothing including shoes, socks, and underwear ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:47 AM 26. Hybrid gangs, a new generation of gangs, are singularly focused on making money from drugs, robberies, and prostitution. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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27. High-ranking gang members are often able to exert their influence on the street from within prison. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Extent of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:51 AM 28. The number of gangs in large cities ranges from 1,500 to 2,000. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Extent of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:52 AM 29. Street gangs vary widely in their size, duration of existence, level of territoriality, and criminal involvement . a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Type of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:23 AM 30. The most important definitional criterion used by law enforcement agencies to identify gangs is the display of colors or other symbols. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Gang Problem QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.03 - Outline the first step in dealing with a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:57 AM 31. Neighborhood disadvantage is one of the themes regarding why men and women join gangs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Why People Join Gangs QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM 32. The threat of federal prison is an important deterrent of gang violence and is recognized as a valuable strategy for law enforcement to use in the war against gangs. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecuting Gang-Related Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.07 - Summarize what strategies have been used to combat a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM 33. A three-pronged approach to address the gang problem uses a balance of prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Approaches to the Gang Problem Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.07 - Summarize what strategies have been used to combat a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM 34. Gang members often refuse to use pleas of diminished capacity and self-defense because this runs counter to the value placed on masculinity and strength in most gangs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecuting Gang-Related Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.08 - Explain what two defense strategies are commonly used by gang members’ lawyers in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:23 AM 35. The defense of “diminished capacity” is one of the most common defense strategies used by gang members. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecuting Gang-Related Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.08 - Explain what two defense strategies are commonly used by gang members’ lawyers in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM 36. A group often overlooked in discussions of hate crime is the homeless. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Motivation for Hate Crime QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. Bloom’s: Remember 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 3/24/2022 5:27 AM

37. Gangs are reducing their association with organized crime entities. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Illegal Gang Activities QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.02 - Identify the types of crimes gangs typically engage in. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM 38. Since 2000, the number of hate groups in the United States has increased by 30 percent. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Bias and Hate Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM 39. Research has found minimal public support for harsher penalties for offenders who commit hate crimes in comparison to offenders who commit identical crimes with no biased motivation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Efforts to Combat Bias and Hate Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:32 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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40. Occult groups have four levels of activity. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Nature of Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM 41. Individuals involved in the occult are typically overachievers. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Ritualistic Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:36 AM 42. Magick can be described as a prescribed form of religious or mystical ceremony. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Symbols of Cults QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:38 AM 43. Charles Manson and David Berkowitz, both serial murderers, have been shown to have had links to Satanism. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM 44. Ritualistic murders are usually stabbings or cuttings. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:42 AM 45. Cases of ritualistic homicide may be dismissed in court because juries disbelieve seemingly outlandish charges of Satanism and human sacrifice. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:59 AM 46. A new breed of increasingly violent street gangs appearing through the country is _______________ gangs, whose members are generally young and particularly profit driven. hybrid ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Intelligence Center. Bloom’s: Remember 3/28/2022 4:25 AM 3/28/2022 4:27 AM

47. _______________ is often highly artistic and very detailed. Graffiti ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Culture, Membership, and Organization QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:39 AM 48. Various sources estimate that at the national level, only about 10% of all _______________ is gang-related. graffiti ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Gang Culture, Membership, and Organization QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:40 AM 49. Gangs are now sending members across the country and into the nation’s heartland to take advantage of new territory, diminished from other gangs, and law enforcement agencies with less experience in dealing with gang activity. competition ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Extent of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:42 AM 50. The gang member file should include both the individual’s moniker ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

or street name and the individual’s legal name. Page 16

POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Records to Keep QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.05 - Describe the types of records to keep on gangs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:43 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:45 AM 51. A(n) _______________ involves behaviors that, although motivated by bias, are not criminal acts. hate incident ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:48 AM 52. A(n) _______________ crime is a crime committed within the context of a ceremony. ritualistic ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Nature of Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:49 AM 53. A Black Mass mocks the Christian ritual of _______________. communion ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Nature of Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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54. A(n) is a verbal spell. incantation ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Symbols of Cults QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:54 AM 55. In a cult, the color _______________ may stand for energy, sexuality, or physical life. red ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terminology and Symbols of Cults QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 4:58 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 4:59 AM 56. The first step in dealing with a gang problem is to recognize it. Explain why this is important and how to recognize if a community has a gang problem. Failure to recognize or acknowledge the existence of gang activity, whether willingly or ANSWER: through the lack of gang identification training, dramatically increases a gang’s ability to thrive and develop a power base. Many communities begin to address gang issues only after a high-profile gang-related incident occurs. Recognizing a gang can be challenging, but law enforcement, schools, and communities can be aware of warning signs such as graffiti, obvious colors of clothing, tattoos, initiations, hand signals or handshakes, uncommon terms or phrases, and a sudden change in behavior. Communities and law enforcement may not know when a group of misbehaving youths crosses the line into becoming a bona fide gang. To answer the question, “Does our community have a gang problem?” or “Is there gang activity occurring in our jurisdiction?” agencies may use a list of criteria. These criteria may include committing crimes together, having a name, displaying colors or symbols, hanging out together, claiming turf or territory, and having a leader. In general, law enforcement agencies regard group criminality as the most important criterion and the presence of leadership as the least important criterion in defining a gang. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Recognizing a Gang Problem QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.03 - Outline the first step in dealing with a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:03 AM 57. List and describe the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. The National Gang Intelligence Center has identified three general types of gangs: street ANSWER: gangs; prison gangs; and outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs). The Eurogang consensus nominal definition of a street gang is “any durable, streetoriented youth group whose involvement in illegal activity is part of its group identity” (Weerman et al., 2009, p. 20). The NGIC’s definition differs slightly: “Street gangs are criminal organizations that formed on the street and operate in neighborhoods throughout the United States” (2015, p. 11). Klein (2007, p. 54) states simply, “There is no one form of street gang.” The NGIC and U.S. DOJ define a prison gang as “a criminal organization that originates in the penal system and continues to operate within correctional facilities throughout the United States. Prison gangs are self-perpetuating criminal entities that also continue their operations outside of prison” (NGIC, 2015; U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ], 2015b). The NGIC defines an OMG as an ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons with a common interest or activity characterized by the commission of, or involvement in, a pattern of criminal conduct. Members must possess and be able to operate a motorcycle to achieve and maintain membership within the group (NGIC, 2015). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Types of Gangs QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.01 - List the types of gangs identified by the National Gang Intelligence Center. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:06 AM 58. How can officers identify gang members? What are some of the indicators? There are no consistent national criteria used to identify individual gang members. The ANSWER: National Gang Center defines a gang member as one who admits gang membership or meets any two of the following criteria: has been identified as a gang member by an individual of proven reliability has been identified as a gang member by an individual of unknown reliability, and that information has been corroborated in significant respects has been observed by law enforcement members to frequent a known gang’s area, associate with known gang members, or affect that gang’s style of dress, tattoos, hand signals, or symbols has been arrested on more than one occasion with known gang members consistent with gang activity has admitted membership in a gang at any time other than at the time of current arrest/incarceration Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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“For larger and smaller cities and suburban counties, a majority of agencies emphasize the display of gang symbols compared with other criteria (e.g., arrested or associates with known gang members; self-nomination; identified by a reliable source) in identifying and documenting individuals as gang members in their jurisdictions” (National Gang Center, 2012b). Gang members may thus also be identified by their names, symbols (clothing and tattoos), and communication styles, including graffiti and sign language. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Identifying Gang Members QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.04 - Understand the criteria or characteristics used to identify gang members. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:09 AM 59. List and briefly discuss the kinds of records investigators should keep on gangs and gang members. Information is an essential tool for law enforcement, and an effective records system is ANSWER: critical in dealing with any gang problem. A gang file should be maintained with the following information: type of gang (street, motorcycle, etc.); ethnic composition; number of active and associate members; territory; hideouts; types of crimes usually committed; method of operation; choice of targets or victims; leadership; and members known to be violent. Officers should maintain records on gangs, gang members, monikers, photographs, vehicles, and illegal activities. Cross-reference the records. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Records to Keep QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.05 - Describe the types of records to keep on gangs. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:11 AM 60. What are some of the special challenges involved in investigating illegal activities of gangs? Illegal activities of gangs usually involve multiple suspects, which makes investigation ANSWER: much more difficult. Evidence may link only a few of the suspects with the crime, and, as with organized crime figures, gang members maintain fierce loyalty to each other and are often unwilling to “rat.” Special challenges in investigating the illegal activities of gangs include the multitude of suspects, the potential mobility of the members, and the unreliability or fear of witnesses. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Illegal Gang Activity QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.06 - Explain the special challenges that may be involved in Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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investigating illegal activities of gangs. Bloom’s: Apply 3/28/2022 5:11 AM 3/28/2022 5:12 AM

61. Discuss the various strategies currently in use by communities that are working to suppress gang activity and violence. A straightforward three-pronged approach to addressing the gang problem is to apply a ANSWER: balance of prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies. The first strategy —prevention—aims at keeping youths from becoming gang members in the first place and is divided into two tiers: primary prevention, directed at all youths living in communities where gangs are present; and secondary prevention, targeting at-risk youths. The second strategy—intervention—is directed at youths already involved in gangs—either as active members or close associates—and provides sanctions and services designed to push these juveniles out of and away from gangs. The third strategy—suppression—targets serious and chronic offenders, those hard-core members most embedded in the gang culture, who comprise a relatively small proportion of the population but who commit a disproportionately large share of crime and violence. Suppression involves both formal and informal social control procedures, such as close supervision and monitoring of ganginvolved youth by agencies of the juvenile/criminal justice system and also by communitybased agencies, schools, and grassroots groups. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Approaches to the Gang Problem QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.07 - Summarize what strategies have been used to combat a gang problem. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:14 AM 62. Describe the two defense strategies that are commonly used by gang members. What specifically should investigators document to aid the prosecution, and why? ANSWER: Throughout the investigation of illegal gang activities, investigators should remain aware of the most common defenses gang members use in court: pleas of diminished capacity and self-defense. Although some states have eliminated “diminished capacity” as a defense, many have not. Therefore, officers should document whether the suspect was under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time of the crime. Likewise, officers should document whether the suspect was threatened by the victim and could possibly have been acting in self-defense. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Prosecuting Gang-Related Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.08 - Explain what two defense strategies are commonly used by gang members’ lawyers in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:15 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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63. Describe the difference between a hate crime and a hate incident. A hate crime is a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in ANSWER: part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. Hate incidents involve behaviors that, though motivated by bias against a victim’s race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation, are not criminal acts. Hostile or hateful speech or other disrespectful/discriminatory behavior may be motivated by bias but is not illegal. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:18 AM 64. Describe bias and hate crimes and what motivates the offenders. A bias crime or a hate crime is a traditional criminal act, such as murder, arson, or ANSWER: vandalism with the added element of bias—that is, it is committed because of someone’s actual or perceived membership in a particular group. For the purposes of data collection, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.” Bias or hate crimes are motivated by bigotry and hatred against a specific group of people. Race is usually the primary motivation for hate crimes, and African Americans are most often the victims. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Ritualistic Crime: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:20 AM 65. Give some examples of variables that affect whether agencies report hate crimes. Some factors that would encourage an agency to report hate crimes include: ANSWER: ability to assess intergroup tensions in community desire to give support to communities belief that hate crime reporting will improve police/community relations belief that police help set level of acceptable behavior understanding that community wants police to report need to know extent of problem as first step to developing solutions informs community that department takes hate crimes seriously a belief that victims will get help Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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will help diffuse racial tensions within the police department the right thing to do politically the right thing to do morally will help maintain department’s good relationship with diverse groups consistent with values of department a belief that identifying problem will keep others safe citizens appreciate the hate crime reporting efforts of police Some factors that would discourage an agency to report hate crimes include: not deemed important by department perception on part of police that no problem exists insufficient support staff to process, record, and submit hate crime data perceived as not being real police work in the community a belief that reporting hate crimes will make things worse for hate violence victims a belief that reporting hate crimes will make things worse for communities perception that some minority groups complain unnecessarily not a priority of local government a belief that identifying a crime as a hate crime will have no effect on the outcome a belief that it is wrong to make these types of crimes special a belief that hate crime reporting will result in negative publicity for the community a belief that hate crime reporting supports the political agendas of gay and minority groups (which is seen as a negative outcome) it creates too much additional work hate crimes are not as serious as other crimes (i.e., lower priority) agency does not have the adequate technological resources POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Police Response QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:23 AM 66. What are some of the legislative challenges to hate or bias crimes? No national consensus exists about whether hate crimes should be a separate crime, and ANSWER: those supporting hate crime statutes disagree about what should be included. States vary greatly in legislation related to hate crimes. The most common elements of hate crime legislation include (1) enhanced penalties, (2) criminal penalties for vandalism of religious institutions, and (3) collection of data. Legislation must keep up with the technology used to spread messages of hate. Despite such legislation, those who propagate messages of bigotry, intolerance, and hatred claim they have a constitutionally protected right to do so, citing free speech, due process, and equal protection challenges. Although state courts have repeatedly upheld the constitutionality of legislation that enhances penalties for hate-motivated violence, in 2003 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Virginia law banning cross burning, saying the statute violated the First Amendment (Virginia v. Black). Furthermore, research has found minimal public support for harsher penalties for offenders Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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who commit hate crimes than for offenders who commit identical crimes with no biased motivation. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Efforts to Combat Bias and Hate Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.09 - Recognize what the primary motivation for bias or hate crimes is and who is most frequently targeted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:26 AM 67. List the types of ritualistic crimes that investigators should be aware of. A ritualistic crime is an unlawful act committed within the context of a ceremony. ANSWER: Investigate the crime, not the belief system. Ritualistic crimes include: vandalism, destruction, or theft of religious artifacts; desecration of cemeteries; maiming, torturing, or killing of animals and people; and sexual abuse of children. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Nature of Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:28 AM 68. Outline what a cult is and what factors to be aware of when investigating cult activities. A cult is a system of religious beliefs and rituals. It also refers to those who practice such ANSWER: beliefs. Most cults involve some form of worship and followers dedicated to the concepts promoted by the leader. Cults range in size from a few followers to worldwide organizations directed by a complex chain of command. A number of factors may lead an individual to occult involvement, including family alienation, insecurity and a quest for personal power, unfulfilled ambitions, a spiritual search for answers, idealism, nonconformity, adolescent rebellion, a desire for adventure and excitement, a need for attention and recognition, and a need to escape reality or the circumstances of his or her own birth. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Ritualistic Crime: An Overview Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.10 - Define what a ritualistic crime is and identify what to investigate. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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69. Describe possible signs that a homicide is ritualistic. At the scene of a homicide investigation, the following may suggest a ritualistic death: ANSWER: missing body parts—heart, genitals, left hand, tongue, index finger scarring between index finger and thumb or inside the wrist from past rituals involving members’ blood blood drained from body ritualistic symbols such as a pentagram associated with satanic worshipers carved on the body or surrounding area tattoos on armpits or the bottom of feet wax drippings, oils, incense, or powders of ritual on the body urine or human or animal feces smeared on body or found in body cavities semen inside, on, or near body cavities or smeared on the body victim undressed body painted or tied up neck wounds, branding iron marks, or burn marks on body colored strings near the body Investigators should also remember that occult murders are usually stabbings or cuttings— seldom are they gunshot wounds—and many victims are cult members or former members. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Ritualistic Crimes QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.11 - List the indicators of ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:32 AM 70. What are the special challenges involved in investigating ritualistic crimes? Law enforcement officers may have difficulty relating to those who engage in ritualistic ANSWER: activity. This is also true of the general public and the media, which frequently sensationalize cases involving ritualistic or cult-related crimes, particularly sexual abuse of children and homicides. Special challenges involved in investigating ritualistic or cultrelated crimes include separating the belief system from the illegal acts, the sensationalism that frequently accompanies such crimes, and the “abnormal” personalities of some victims and suspects. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Special Challenges in Ritualistic Crime Investigations QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.19.12 - Identify what special challenges are involved in investigating ritualistic crimes. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:34 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 20 - Terrorism, Extremism, and Homeland Security 1. Which incident was a case of domestic terrorism? a. first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 b. bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon in 1982 c. bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1985 d. the 9/11 attacks ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:02 AM 2. Biological weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been used since the: a. 1300s. b. 1700s. c. 1500s. d. 1900s. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:04 AM 3. The FBI categorizes terrorism in the United States as either: a. domestic or international. b. local or national. c. local or international. d. domestic or foreign. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.01 - Identify what most definitions of terrorism have in common. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. A common tactic that enables a weaker state or nonstate entity, such as a terrorist group, to achieve an advantage over a stronger adversary is known as: a. asymmetric warfare. b. apathetic contagion. c. antiparallel deconfliction. d. antithetical engagement. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:07 AM 5. Which of the following is one of the four categories of chemical weapons? a. nerve agents b. baking agents c. immune agents d. “knockout” agents ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:09 AM 6. What is a slang term for a future civil war? a. contract killing b. embezzlement c. identity theft d. document forging ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. The four common types of chemical weapons include: a. radiological agents. b. immunosuppressant agents. c. nuclear agents. d. nerve agents. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM 8. What groups have been the predominant domestic threat for more than two decades? a. far right terrorist groups b. far left terrorist groups c. religious terrorist groups d. ethnonationalist terrorist groups ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM 9. What term is defined as “any incident of violence that implicates homeland security and/or U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) activities, and in which a known or knowable attacker selects a particular target prior to the violent attack” (U.S. Department of Homeland Security [DHS], 2019c)? a. targeted violence b. asymmetric warfare c. extremism d. intifada ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.01 - Identify what most definitions of terrorism have in common. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:18 AM 10. The method most likely to be used by terrorists is: a. nuclear weapons. b. toxic chemicals. c. explosives. d. armed attack. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:21 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:22 AM 11. What is a radical mental attitude or ideology, a main driving idea or purpose, that one holds internally? a. extremism b. terrorism c. hawala d. contagion ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.01 - Identify what most definitions of terrorism have in common. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:28 AM 12. It is believed that the most destruction and disruption from a dirty bomb detonation will be caused by: a. radiation. b. public panic. c. nerve damage. d. widespread fire. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:29 AM 13. Certain experts believe that because of the difficulty in obtaining materials, the least likely type of terrorism to occur is: a. domestic terrorism. b. bioterrorism. c. nuclear terrorism. d. street terrorism. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:31 AM 14. What is the lead federal agency for dealing with the consequences after a terrorist attack? a. Federal Emergency Management Agency b. Federal Bureau of Investigation c. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention d. U.S. Department of Homeland Security ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.06 - Identify the two lead agencies in combating terrorism and how they are involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:33 AM 15. The group HAMAS is: a. literally the Party of God, a political party that first emerged as a faction in Lebanon in 1982. b. a militant Palestinian Islamic movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. c. a broad-based Islamic militant organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s. d. a group formed in the refugee camps in the West Bank of Israel. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.03 - List the groups commonly identified as Islamic terrorist organizations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:35 AM 16. The term intifada means: a. holy war. b. uprising. c. martyr. d. secret army. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.03 - List the groups commonly identified as Islamic terrorist organizations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:37 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:39 AM 17. Which clandestine, decentralized extremist group has the acronym ALF? a. al-Qa’ida Liberation Front b. Animal Liberation Front c. Anti-Liberation Front d. Anarchists Liberation Front ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:39 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:40 AM 18. Which of the following is a decentralized, leaderless network of far-left militants who vehemently oppose fascists, racists, and anyone else supporting the far-right agenda? a. Antifa b. QAnon c. Army of God Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. Proud Boys ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:42 AM 19. The Army of God is: a. a group out of the Middle East operating in the United States. b. a pro-life, antiabortion group in the United States. c. a group in Lebanon that has threatened the United States. d. white supremacists who seek to split the United States by racial divides. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:43 AM 20. At the federal level, what is the acronym of the lead agency for responding to acts of domestic terrorism? a. OSHA b. INS c. DHS d. FBI ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.06 - Identify the two lead agencies in combating terrorism and how they are involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:45 AM 21. What philosophy and social movement is based on a core belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary and is grounded in moral assertions about the importance of individual liberty? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. anarchism b. extremism c. hawala d. ecoterrorism ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:51 AM 22. What group of small cells of highly trained individuals are the nation’s front line on terrorism? a. Joint Terrorism Task Forces b. National Incident Management System c. Customs and Border Protection d. Community Vulnerability Assessment Institutes ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Initiatives to Assist in the Fight Against Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:52 AM 23. One of the ways in which the USA PATRIOT Act significantly improved the nation’s counterterrorism efforts is by: a. allowing investigators to use only the tools available to investigate terrorism. b. obstructing information sharing and cooperation among government agencies. c. updating the law to reflect new technologies and new threats. d. allowing for political assassinations with presidential approval. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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24. A sleeper cell is: a. a group of terrorists who are in training in Afghanistan. b. a group of terrorists who blend into a community until called to action. c. a group of individuals who only plan terrorist activities. d. a group of terrorist recruits who are awaiting weapons and explosives. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 12:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 12:56 AM 25. The “contagion effect” refers to the: a. way terror spreads after a terrorist act. b. use of infectious disease as a weapon by terrorists. c. fact that the coverage of terrorism inspires more terrorism. d. spread of biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Media in the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:00 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM 26. Terrorism is difficult to define. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.01 - Identify what most definitions of terrorism have in common. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:03 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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27. Homegrown violent extremists (HVEs), U.S.-based individuals who have been radicalized primarily in the United States and are inspired by global jihadists. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:04 AM 28. Terrorist groups commonly collaborate with organized criminal groups to deal drugs, arms and, in some instances, people. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM 29. Intelligence is raw, unanalyzed data. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Information Gathering and Intelligence Sharing QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM 30. Biological agents are not considered to be a type of WMD. a. True b. False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:07 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM 31. One approach to identifying potential terrorists is to use behavior pattern recognition. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM 32. One way to address terrorism is to modify laws that deal with white-collar crimes. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM 33. There is little reason for law enforcement to keep a close eye on domestic terrorists. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Domestic Terrorist Groups in the United States QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:11 AM 34. Federal officials are the most important resource for combating terrorism. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Community Policing, Hometown Security, and Homeland Security QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.05 - Name the federal office that was established as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:13 AM 35. A crucial component of homeland security is hometown security. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Community Policing, Hometown Security, and Homeland Security QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.05 - Name the federal office that was established as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:38 AM 36. It is a federal crime to commit an act of terrorism against a mass transit system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.05 - Name the federal office that was established as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:39 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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37. The terrorism cycle begins with knowing the intelligence requirements needed for an investigation. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:41 AM 38. Terrorist targets are typically random. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:42 AM 39. As of 2011, there are three levels of threat in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) security advisory system: low; elevated; and imminent threat. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:42 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:44 AM 40. Guidelines used to avoid conflict between different law enforcement agencies are called de-escalation protocols. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Initiatives to Assist in the Fight Against Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.08 - Describe two major concerns related to the war on terrorism. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:47 AM 41. In Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004), the Supreme Court ruled that a citizen detained in the United States as an enemy combatant must be afforded the opportunity to rebut such a designation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Concerns Related to the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:49 AM 42. In general, law enforcement experiences from the war on drugs are not applicable to the war on terrorism. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Community Policing, Hometown Security, and Homeland Security QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:50 AM 43. The aftereffects of biological terrorism are known as “contagion effects.” a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Initiatives to Assist in the Fight Against Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM 44. Civil liberties are a major concern in the war on terrorism. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Concerns Related to the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM 45. Studies suggest that the relationship between Arab Americans and local law enforcement is generally negative. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Concerns Related to the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 1:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 1:53 AM 46. The informal banking system based on trust and bartering in the Middle East is called _______________. hawala ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Funding Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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47. The FBI classifies terrorist acts as either domestic or . international ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 11:49 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 11:52 PM 48. Most terrorist acts result from _______________ with a religious, political, or social system, or policy, and frustration resulting from an inability to change it through acceptable, nonviolent means. dissatisfaction ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 11:53 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 11:55 PM 49. Many terrorist operations are financed by _______________ groups and wealthy individuals sympathetic to the group’s cause. charitable ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Funding Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 11:55 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 11:56 PM 50. A _______________ protocol provides guidelines to avoid conflict. deconfliction ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Information Gathering and Intelligence Sharing QUESTION TYPE: Completion Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 11:57 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 11:58 PM 51. The first spontaneous Palestinian revolt in Gaza and the West Bank was called the _______________. intifada ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.03 - List the groups commonly identified as Islamic terrorist organizations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 11:58 PM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 11:59 PM 52. The Party of God, or _______________, is a militia group and political party that first emerged in Lebanon following the Israeli invasion of that country in 1982. Hezbollah ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.03 - List the groups commonly identified as Islamic terrorist organizations. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:02 AM 53. A critical difference in approach exists between dealing with a terrorist and a street criminal: when fighting terrorists, it’s kill or be killed, not capture and ______ . convict ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorists as Criminals QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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54. In general, extremists subscribe to a Marxist-Leninist point of view. left-wing ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Classification of Terrorist Acts QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.04 - Recognize the domestic terrorist groups that exist in the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:17 AM 55. The _______________, a new development in the war against terrorism, is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange information and intelligence. fusion center ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remember DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:18 AM 56. Identify and provide a brief description of the groups commonly identified as Islamic terrorist organizations. Islamic terrorist groups include Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), core al-Qa’ida ANSWER: (AQ) groups and their affiliates, ISIS/ISIL, and the Taliban. Hezbollah, literally the Party of God, is a militia group and political party that first emerged in Lebanon following the Israeli invasion of that country in 1982 and was named an FTO on October 8, 1997. Hezbollah began with a group of Lebanese Shi’ite clerics determined to drive Israel from their homeland. Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was formed by militant Palestinians in Gaza during the 1970s and was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. PIJ is committed to the destruction of Israel and to the creation of an Islamic state in historic Palestine, including present-day Israel. Al-Qa’ida (AQ) was founded in 1988 and designated as an FTO on October 8, 1999, nearly two years before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Al-Qa’ida is a broad-based Islamic militant organization. Although al-Qa’ida has been considered by many in the United States to be the greatest threat since 9/11, other jihadist groups are gaining prominence and challenging the global leadership of alQa’ida’s Core. One in particular, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, often referred to as ISIL, was the third deadliest terrorist organization in 2019 (Institute for Economics & Peace, 2020). But before ISIL, there was ISIS. The Taliban became relevant to the United States in 2001 when it was found to have offered Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida a safe refuge in which to plan their attack on the United States. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.01 - Identify what most definitions of terrorism have in common. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:20 AM 57. Describe what motivates most terrorist attacks. Briefly discuss motivations for both international and domestic terrorism. Many people see terrorism as irrational attacks by individuals from one ANSWER: country against innocent civilians from another country. Terrorism experts, however, note that many terrorist attacks involve relatively rational motivations or disputes. Most terrorist acts result from dissatisfaction with a religious, political, or social system or policy and frustration resulting from an inability to change it through acceptable, nonviolent means. Religious motives are seen in Islamic extremism. Political motives are seen in such elements as the Red Army Faction. Social motives are seen in single-issue groups such as those against abortion or active in animalrights or environmentalist movements. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Terrorism: An Overview QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:21 AM 58. Outline the different categories of methods that terrorists use in an attack. Give an example of each type of attack. Terrorists have employed a variety of techniques in furtherance of their cause. In addition ANSWER: to armed attacks, terrorists use: arson, explosives, and bombs; weapons of mass destruction (biological, chemical, or nuclear agents); or technology. Examples of explosives and bombs include an improvised explosive device (IED), a car/large vehicle bomb, a pipe bomb, and suicide bombers. Examples of WMDs include the use of nuclear agents (any type of device carrying radioactive material), biological agents (anthrax, botulism, smallpox), and chemical agents (sarin gas, chlorine gas, nerve gas). Examples of technological terrorism include attacks on our technology as well as by technology: an attack on the U.S. energy supply or an attack on the computer systems and networks critical to the functioning of businesses, health care facilities, educational institutions, the military, and all governmental agencies POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Methods Used by Terrorists QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.02 - Understand the motivations for terrorist attacks. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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59. Discuss whether community policing can be effective in the post-9/11 era, in terms of guarding against further terrorist attacks. Community policing is an important concept to adopt in efforts to prepare for and respond ANSWER: to acts of terrorism. Officers in departments that fully embrace community policing will have an advantage in recognizing potential terrorist threats and targets in their jurisdictions because their daily work requires and imparts an intimate familiarity with their regularly assigned patrol area. Officers must keep their ears to the ground and establish a rapport with the various sources of information in their community, including storage facilities, religious groups, real estate agents, hotels and motels, colleges and universities, transportation centers, and tourist attractions. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Community Policing, Hometown Security, and Homeland Security QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:46 AM 60. President Obama signed a four-year sunset extension of the USA PATRIOT Act on May 26, 2011, which included three key provisions. What were those provisions? The four-year sunset extension of the USA PATRIOT Act included the following three key ANSWER: provisions: Use of roving wiretaps—allows monitoring of a person rather than a specific device, to defeat suspected terrorists who constantly switch out electronic communication devices such as cellphones; Surveillance of “lone wolf ” terror suspects—allows U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies to target surveillance at suspected terrorists even in the absence of any direct connection to a terrorist group. This provision specifically states that it does not apply to U.S. citizens and, during its four-year tenure, was never used; and Searches of business records—permits the government to obtain a wide array of records on an individual as long as such records are relevant to an investigation involving foreign terrorism or espionage. Section 215 of this provision expanded government access to records and other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and gave the National Security Agency (NSA) authority to collect bulk telephone data on millions of Americans and retain that data for five years. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.05 - Name the federal office that was established as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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61. What are the two lead agencies that work to combat terrorism? How do their roles differ? At the federal level, the FBI is the lead agency for responding to acts of domestic ANSWER: terrorism. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the lead agency for consequence management (after an attack). POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.06 - Identify the two lead agencies in combating terrorism and how they are involved. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:48 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:50 AM 62. How does the patrol officer in the field participate in the prevention of terrorism? The first line of defense against terrorism is the patrol officer in the field. The International ANSWER: Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), in recognizing that terrorism, violent extremism, and precursor crimes are problems that begin at the local level, advocates for law enforcement to apply the principles of community policing in their efforts to detect and prevent future attacks (2014). The IACP calls community members “an important force multiplier,” because their proximity to those who are becoming radicalized into violent terrorist extremists can help law enforcement identify, prevent, and eliminate terrorist ideologies and behaviors before they turn into violence. Homeland security depends on alert, aware, vigilant citizens. Information they provide officers on their beat can be invaluable to investigators. The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) encourages individual citizens to take an active role in reporting any type of suspicious or criminal activity, including extremist behavior, to authorities. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Community Policing, Hometown Security, and Homeland Security QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:51 AM 63. What new technologies are being used to increase border security and contribute to homeland security? The U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) was ANSWER: implemented in January 2005 to capture biometric data, such as inkless finger scans and digital photographs, as a tool to help Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers to determine whether the person applying for entry at our nation’s border was the same one who was issued a visa by the State Department. In March 2013, the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) replaced the US-VISIT program as the technology source Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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for collecting and storing biometric data, providing analysis, updating the terrorist watchlist, and ensuring the integrity of the data. OBIM supports the DHS’s responsibility to protect the nation by providing biometric identification services that help federal, state, and local government decision makers accurately identify the people they encounter and determine whether those people pose a risk to the United States. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Initiatives to Assist in the Fight Against Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:52 AM 64. Outline the main elements of the USA PATRIOT Act. The USA PATRIOT Act significantly improves the nation’s counterterrorism efforts by: ANSWER: allowing investigators to use the tools already available to investigate organized crime and drug trafficking facilitating information sharing and cooperation among government agencies so they can better “connect the dots” updating the law to reflect new technologies and new threats increasing the penalties for those who commit or support terrorist crimes POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 12:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 12:55 AM 65. How is white-collar crime linked to terrorism? White-collar crimes include credit card fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft, money ANSWER: laundering, immigration fraud, and tax evasion. Terrorist activities require funding for weaponry, training, travel, and living expenses. In addition, terrorists create and use false identifications to enter the country, gain employment, acquire equipment, and accumulate money. Cases involving money laundering should be looked at as not only a white-collar crime but also as potentially linked to terrorism. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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66. Describe how the intelligence cycle works, and how it is affected by the operational style of law enforcement. One way to conceptualize the difference between information and intelligence is to think ANSWER: of information as raw data; once those data have been placed through various filters, sieves, and other analytical processes, the more meaningful or useful bits of data that are extracted are referred to as intelligence. The process of extracting intelligence from raw data is referred to as the intelligence cycle. The cycle begins with knowing the intelligence requirements needed for an investigation. The second step—planning and direction—is a function of the FBI and is led by the executive assistant director of the National Security Branch. The third step is collecting raw information from local, state, and federal investigations. The fourth step is processing and exploiting the raw information into a form usable by analysts. The fifth step is analysis and production, which converts the raw information into intelligence. The final step is dissemination of intelligence to consumers, who make decisions based on the intelligence. The difficult tasks of counterterrorism and antiterrorism are made even harder by the operational style that pervades law enforcement—that of withholding, rather than sharing, intelligence. A major step in improving the sharing of information is the appointment of a new assistant secretary in DHS to serve as a liaison between state and local law enforcement and DHS policymakers—an important position in the policy directorate. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Information Gathering and Intelligence Sharing QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 1:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 2:15 AM 67. Discuss the changes to the threat advisory program that were enacted in 2011, and describe the main difference in the new program. In April 2011, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the five-tiered color- coded ANSWER: security advisory system that had been used since 2002 would be replaced by a two-level threat advisory: Elevated threat: warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States Imminent threat: warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States The basic difference between the two levels is that “elevated” applies when “we have no specific information about the timing or location” of a credible threat. “Imminent” applies when “we believe the threat is impending or very soon.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Federal Response to Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 1:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 2:17 AM 68. How can local law enforcement officers serve the counterterrorism effort in the first two stages of al-Qa’ida terrorist attacks? Terrorist attacks typically have three stages. The first stage is research, including ANSWER: surveillance, stakeouts, and local inquiries. Local law enforcement officers can best serve the counterterrorism effort at this stage because the terrorists are out in public, watching us, studying our habits, discovering our vulnerabilities, and reporting back to their handlers with prospective targeting data to begin the planning stage. The second stage is planning, usually conducted behind closed doors. The average planning cycle for international terrorists is 92 days, compared with 14 days for environmental terrorists. It is crucial that investigators identify members of sleeper cells within their community; tools available to officers are profiling, behavior pattern recognition, and the most basic tool of all—staying on the local beat, regularly visiting businesses that offer services related to terrorist methods and noticing when a tenant or group of tenants is showing less than the usual amount of daily activity. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Investigating Possible Terrorist Activities QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 1:11 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 2:19 AM 69. Explain the role of the media in the war on terrorism. The Terrorism Research Center suggests that terrorism and the media have a symbiotic ANSWER: relationship, both benefitting from the actions of the other. For the media, stories about terrorism generate high viewer ratings. For terrorist, the media provides publicity—a way to spread the word about their cause and generate public fear. Indeed, terrorism is futile if no one knows about it. White (2012) raises the question of the contagion effect; that is, coverage of terrorism inspires more terrorism, thus making terrorism, in effect, contagious. This controversial issue leads to discussions about censorship in the war on terrorism. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Media in the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Explain how the USA PATRIOT Act and USA FREEDOM Act enhance counterterrorism efforts by the United States. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 1:12 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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70. What are the two main concerns related to the war on terrorism? Explain each one briefly. Two pressing concerns related to the “war on terrorism” are that civil liberties may be ANSWER: jeopardized and that people of Middle Eastern descent may be discriminated against or become victims of hate crimes. Civil libertarians are concerned that valued American freedoms will be sacrificed in the interest of national safety. For example, the Justice Department has issued a regulation giving itself the authority to monitor inmate- attorney communications if “reasonable suspicion” exists that inmates are using such communications to further or facilitate acts of terrorism. However, criminal defense lawyers and members of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have protested the regulation, saying that it effectively eliminates the Sixth Amendment right to counsel because, under codes of professional responsibility, attorneys cannot communicate with clients if confidentiality is not ensured. The government must preserve the rights and freedoms guaranteed by America’s democracy, but, at the same time, ensure that the fight against terrorism is vigorous and effective. Another concern is that some Americans may retaliate against innocent people of Middle Eastern descent, many of whom were either born in the United States or are naturalized citizens, or that police may unlawfully profile Arab Americans. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Concerns Related to the War on Terrorism QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.20.07 - Concerns Related to the War on Terrorism KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/29/2022 1:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/29/2022 1:16 AM

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Chapter 21 - Preparing for and Presenting Cases in Court 1. The most important rule for eradicating fear of testifying in court is to always: a. assist the prosecutor. b. plan your testimony. c. understand the case’s problems. d. tell the truth. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Introduction QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.01 - Identify the most important rule to eradicate fear of testifying in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 2:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:13 AM 2. Which of the following is contained in a final report? a. the officer’s final conclusion b. photographs and sketches c. summary of positive evidence d. the officer’s recommendation to the jury ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Final Report QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.02 - List the items to include in the final report. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 3:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 3:21 AM 3. What term is sometimes used to describe the prosecutor? a. arbitrator. b. gatekeeper of the court system. c. mediator. d. trier of facts. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.03 - Explain the relative importance of the prosecutor in the court system. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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4. If a case is exceptionally cleared, this means that: a. no charges are being filed because the prosecutor did not share evidence with the defender. b. the testimony of the officer was exceptional. c. no charges are being filed because of something that happened outside the investigation. d. the motion in limine was not upheld. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.04 - Understand the reasons why some cases are not prosecuted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:25 AM 5. Estimation of age, weight or distance should be stated using brackets. What are brackets? ? a. a range b. a comparison c. an example d. a rank ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.11 - List the guidelines for effective testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:25 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:28 AM 6. In order to be prosecuted, a case requires that the prosecutor is able to present: a. a confession. b. proof beyond a reasonable doubt. c. proof of probable cause. d. motive, means, and opportunity. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.05 - Outline the necessary steps to take to prepare a case for court. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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7. Once a report is written, the writer should: a. file it. b. review it. c. get prosecutorial approval. d. give it to the prosecution and defense. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:38 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:40 AM 8. The Brady rule grew out of a landmark Supreme Court case that relates to the: a. well of evidence. b. discovery process. c. rule on witnesses. d. cross-examination. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:40 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:41 AM 9. What term refers to information an individual heard from someone else? a. hearsay. b. deposition. c. rebuttal. d. discovery. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.10 - Describe the kinds of statements that are inadmissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:41 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:42 AM 10. Roles are clearly defined for both the prosecution and the defense because in the United States we have what type of legal system? a. adversarial b. contentious c. federalist d. accusatory ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM 11. What is the area between the judge and attorneys’ tables? ? a. the well. b. the docket. c. the bench. d. the box. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial.. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:51 AM 12. What comes first in the usual sequence of a criminal trial? a. jury selection. b. opening statements. c. direct examination. d. presentation of the case. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM 13. What is an oral statement given under oath that is recorded and transcribed word-for-word? a. deposition. b. rebuttal. c. subpoena. d. discovery. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.05 - Outline the necessary steps to take to prepare a case for court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:56 AM 14. Direct examination of witnesses is done by: a. prosecution counsel only. b. defense counsel only. c. both prosecution and defense counsel. d. the judge. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:56 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM 15. Which of the following takes place last in a criminal trial? a. opening statements b. instructions to the jury c. jury selection d. presentation of the defense’s case ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 4:59 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:00 AM 16. Redirect examination follows: a. direct examination. b. re-cross-examination. c. cross-examination. d. surrebuttal. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:01 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM 17. Which of the following terms refers to witnesses called by the prosecution to contradict testimony or evidence provided by the defense? a. subpoena b. exculpatory c. surrebuttal d. rebuttal ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM 18. Officers who are waiting to testify may speak to jurors or other witnesses as long as the communication is: a. de minimus b. exculpatory c. veneer d. de facto ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:04 AM 19. What standard must a prosecutor meet in the courtroom? ? a. beyond a reasonable doubt. b. preponderance of the evidence. c. reasonable suspicion. d. probable cause ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.04 - Understand the reasons why some cases are not prosecuted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:06 AM 20. What process requires the prosecution and defense to disclose certain evidence to each other? ? a. discovery. b. review c. suppression d. subpoena ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:07 AM 21. What term refers to when defense attorneys try to discredit the testimony of prosecution witness? ? a. impeach. b. hearsay. c. rebuttal. d. cross. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:08 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:09 AM 22. When officers testify, it is advisable for them to admit: a. any biases. b. when they do not understand a question. c. when they feel the question is inappropriate. d. when they do not want to answer the question. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.11 - List the guidelines for effective testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:10 AM 23. Who issues instructions to the jury at the end of the trial? a. the judge. b. the prosecutor. c. the defense attorney. d. the court recorder. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:10 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:12 AM 24. Who is the most powerful official in the court system? a. the prosecutor. b. the judge. c. the defense attorney. d. the bailiff. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.03 - Explain the relative importance of the prosecutor in the court system. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:12 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:13 AM 25. When officers are finished testifying, they should: a. leave the stand. b. leave the stand when dismissed. c. conclude with a statement. d. thank the jury. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.15 - Identify the ways to avoid objections to your testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:13 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:14 AM 26. The prosecutor is the gatekeeper of the court system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.03 - Explain the relative importance of the prosecutor in the court system. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:15 AM 27. The judge is the most powerful official in the court system. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.04 - Understand the reasons why some cases are not Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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prosecuted. Bloom’s: Understand 3/24/2022 5:15 AM 3/24/2022 5:16 AM

28. The prosecutor may choose not to prosecute if the complainant refuses to prosecute. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.04 - Understand the reasons why some cases are not prosecuted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:16 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:17 AM 29. Videotaped testimony is never allowed, so trials must be postponed until all witnesses are able to appear in court. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:17 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM 30. Officers and investigators should review all reports on the case prior to going to trial. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.05 - Outline the necessary steps to take to prepare a case for court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:18 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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31. The law is interpreted for the jurors by the bailiff. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.12 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:19 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM 32. A motion that requests the judge to issue a protective order against prejudicial questions or statements is called a motion to suppress. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:20 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:21 AM 33. A trial before a judge without a jury is referred to as a bench trial. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:22 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:23 AM 34. The case should not be discussed with any witnesses while waiting to testify at trial. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:23 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM 35. In a criminal trial, the prosecution presents its case first. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:24 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:25 AM 36. The “win” for an investigator who testifies is to have established credibility. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.09 - Explain what the “win” is for an investigator who testifies in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:26 AM 37. Statements about the defendant’s criminal record and reputation as a law-breaker are inadmissible before a jury. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.10 - Describe the kinds of statements that are inadmissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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38. It is acceptable for law enforcement officers to offer opinions and conclusions when testifying. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.10 - Describe the kinds of statements that are inadmissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:28 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM 39. Officers testifying during cross-examination should volunteer information whenever they have the opportunity to contribute. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.11 - List the guidelines for effective testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:29 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM 40. Officers must provide a deposition before trial as part of the discovery. . a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.05 - Outline the necessary steps to take to prepare a case for court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:31 AM 41. Phrases such as “I believe” or “to the best of my recollection” may leave a negative impression on the jury. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.12 - Determine when to use notes while testifying. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:32 AM 42. While testifying, an investigator should only refer to their notes to ensure consistency. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.12 - Determine when to use notes while testifying. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM 43. Nonverbal factors are important when a person testifies in court. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.13 - Recognize what nonverbal elements can influence courtroom testimony positively and negatively. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:33 AM 44. A motion in limine is a request to the judge to issue a protective order against prejudicial questions or statements. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: True / False Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:34 AM 45. Law enforcement officers should embellish testimony in many cases. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.15 - Identify the ways to avoid objections to your testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/24/2022 5:35 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/24/2022 5:36 AM 46. The _______________ process requires that the prosecution and the defense disclose to each other certain evidence they intend to use at trial. discovery ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:27 AM 47. The ________________ Amendment protects defendants against self-incrimination. Fifth ANSWER: 5th POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:30 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 7:11 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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48. The quality and content of a report influences its . credibilty ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:31 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 7:13 AM 49. Witnesses can be from the courtroom during a trial to prevent one witness from hearing another witness’s testimony. sequestered ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:32 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:33 AM 50. _______________ examination is the initial questioning of a witness or defendant by the lawyer who is using the person’s testimony to further their case. Direct ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:33 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:34 AM 51. _______________ communication, such as saying hello or giving directions, is permissible while waiting to testify. De minimus ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Bloom’s: Understand 3/28/2022 5:43 AM 3/28/2022 5:43 AM

52. _______________ witnesses are used by the defense to contradict the testimony or evidence presented by the prosecution. Surrebuttal ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:44 AM 53. The main goal for an officer who testifies is to establish _______________. credibility ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.09 - Explain what the “win” is for an investigator who testifies in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:44 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:45 AM 54. Gestures, eye movement, and facial expressions are all forms of communication. nonverbal ANSWER: POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.12 - Determine when to use notes while testifying. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:45 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:48 AM 55. To avoid objections to an officer’s testimony, they should avoid drawing answers. conclusions ANSWER: POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

and making nonresponsive

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REFERENCES: Handling Objections QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.15 - Identify the ways to avoid objections to your testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:46 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:49 AM 56. Identify the purpose of the final report and the items that should be included in it. The final report presents the facts of the case, a criminal history of the person charged, the ANSWER: types of evidence available, the names of those who can support such evidence by testimony in court, the names of people the prosecutor can talk to for further information, and a chronological account of the crime and subsequent investigation. The final report contains: the complaint; the preliminary investigation report; all follow-up, supplemental and progress reports; statements, admissions and confessions; laboratory reports; photographs, sketches and drawings; and a summary of all negative (exculpatory) evidence. The quality of the content and writing of the report influences its credibility. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Final Report QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.02 - List the items to include in the final report. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:49 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:50 AM 57. What are some reasons that a case may not be prosecuted? It is ultimately the prosecutor’s decision. Investigators should follow prosecutors’ advice ANSWER: even if they disagree, for it is best to work out the issues of cases together. Investigators should listen to and learn from prosecutors. There may be valid reasons for not prosecuting a case. These reasons include: the complaint is invalid; the prosecutor declines after reviewing the case; the complainant refuses to prosecute; the offender dies; the offender is in prison or out of the country and cannot be returned; or no evidence or leads exist. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Role of the Prosecutor QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.04 - Understand the reasons why some cases are not prosecuted. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:50 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:50 AM 58. Discuss the Brady rule and how it relates to evidence in a criminal trial. In Brady v. Maryland (1963) the Supreme Court held, “The suppression by the ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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prosecution of evidence favorable to the accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.” The Brady rule, as it is now called, says that exculpatory evidence—evidence that tends to show innocence of the accused—must be disclosed by the prosecution. Investigators who are aware of such evidence are obligated to bring it to the prosecutor’s attention. When officers intentionally withhold exculpatory material from the prosecution, they leave themselves open to personal liability for violating a defendant’s due process rights. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.06 - Summarize what to concentrate on when reviewing a case. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:51 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:51 AM 59. What should an officer plan to discuss with the prosecutor at a pretrial conference? Before testifying in court and after making the final case preparation, officers should ANSWER: arrange for a pretrial conference with the prosecuting attorney. At the pretrial conference with the prosecutor, officers should: review all the evidence; discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the case; discuss the probable line of questioning by the prosecutor and the defense; discuss complicated or detailed information fully to avoid misunderstanding; and discuss any legal questions concerning admissibility of evidence or testimony. Also, the prosecutor may be able to offer insights into the style of the defense attorney as well as the judge hearing the case. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Preparing a Case for Prosecution QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.07 - Discuss what occurs during the pretrial conference. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:52 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:52 AM 60. Briefly outline the usual sequence of events in a criminal trial. A trial begins with a case being called from the court docket. If both the prosecution and ANSWER: the defense are ready, the case is presented before the court. The sequence in a criminal trial is as follows: jury selection, opening statements by the prosecution and the defense, presentation of the prosecution’s case; cross-examination by the defense, presentation of the defense’s case; cross-examination by the prosecution, rebuttal and surrebuttal testimony, closing statements by the prosecution and the defense, instructions to the jury, jury deliberation to reach a verdict, reading of the verdict, and acquittal or passing of sentence. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.08 - Diagram the usual sequence of a criminal trial. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:53 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:53 AM 61. Describe the kinds of statements that are inadmissible in court. The witness chair in all courtrooms is positioned so you the witness can face the judge, ANSWER: legal counsel, jury, or the audience, depending on to whom your answers are directed. In most instances, if the judge asks you a question, look directly at the judge to answer. If either the prosecutor or defense counsel asks you a question, look either at them or the jury to give your answer. The prosecutor will ask you to state your name, department, and position. As you respond, keep in mind the types of statements that are not admissible. Inadmissible statements include: opinions and conclusions (unless the witness is qualified as an expert); hearsay; privileged communication; and statements about character and reputation, including the defendant’s criminal record. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: Testifying Under Direct Examination QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.10 - Describe the kinds of statements that are inadmissible in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 5:54 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 5:54 AM 62. Discuss the impact of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., for expert witness testimony. Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993) established standards for the ANSWER: admission of expert testimony in federal courts. Under Daubert, an expert’s testimony must be specialized and relate directly to some fact at issue in the case: “Expert testimony which does not relate to any issue in the case is not relevant and, ergo, non-helpful.” The Supreme Court also noted that expert testimony must fit the case. Fitness is determined by examining how helpful the testimony is. This “helpfulness” standard requires a valid connection between the expert testimony and the inquiry. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.11 - List the guidelines for effective testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:02 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:03 AM 63. Explain what a “win” is for an investigator who testifies in court. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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As you enter the courtroom, keep in mind your goal, which is similar to that sought on the street—to win. However, this does not mean winning the case with a conviction but, instead, winning the trust of the court and the jury. You are on trial. The way you treated the suspect, how you followed policies and procedures, and your professional demeanor and knowledge are all on trial. They all factor into whether the jury trusts and believes you. To win, the jury must find you credible. Your success as an investigator depends not only on conducting a thorough investigation, making a good arrest, and producing a wellwritten, well-documented report, but also on presenting yourself on the stand as a competent and credible witness. As Van Brocklin (2020) states succinctly, “The win for an officer in court—whether in a criminal prosecution or civil litigation—is that at the end of testimony, the jury or judge must believe you. That’s it.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.09 - Explain what the “win” is for an investigator who testifies in court. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:03 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:04 AM 64. The text details eight guidelines for effective testimony in court, the first of which is to “speak clearly, firmly, and with expression.” List the other seven guidelines for effective testimony. Preparation is the key to being a good witness. After a review of personal notes and all ANSWER: relevant reports, an officer will be familiar with the case and can “tell it like it is.” This will come across well to the jury and establish an officer’s credibility. The other seven guidelines for effective testimony are: answer questions directly, do not volunteer information; pause briefly before answering; refer to your notes if you do not recall exact details; admit calmly when you do not know an answer; admit any mistakes you make in testifying; avoid police jargon, sarcasm, and humor; and tell the complete truth as you know it. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.11 - List the guidelines for effective testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:04 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:05 AM 65. When should an investigator refer to their notes? Use notes to help avoid contradictions and inconsistencies. An extemporaneous answer is ANSWER: better received by the judge and jury than one that sounds rehearsed. Refer to your notes if you are uncertain of specific facts, but do not rely on them excessively. Using notes too much detracts from your testimony, weakens your presentation, and gives the impression you have not adequately prepared for the case. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.12 - Determine when to use notes while testifying. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:05 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:05 AM 66. Describe nonverbal factors connected with testimony. Do not underestimate the power of nonverbal factors as you testify. Communication is ANSWER: made up of several components consisting of: what is said—the actual words spoken, how it is said—tone of voice, pitch, modulation, and the like, and nonverbal factors—body language, gestures, demeanor. Never overlook the importance of how you present information and nonverbal factors when testifying. Important nonverbal elements include dress, eye contact, posture, gestures, mannerisms, and facial expressions. Make eye contact with the jury often while testifying. Be aware of facial expressions that might indicate indifference, disgust, displeasure, or arrogance. Avoid actions associated with deception such as putting a hand over your mouth, rubbing your nose, straightening your hair, buttoning your coat, picking lint off your clothing, or tugging at your shirt or a pant leg. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.13 - Recognize what nonverbal elements can influence courtroom testimony positively and negatively. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:06 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:06 AM 67. What are some of the tactics a defense attorney might use to cross-examine a prosecution witness? The defense attorney will attempt to cast doubt on your direct testimony in an effort to win ANSWER: an acquittal for the defendant. Know the methods of attack for cross-examination to avoid being trapped. During cross-examination the defense attorney may: be disarmingly friendly or intimidatingly rude, attack your credibility and impartiality, attack your investigative skill, attempt to force contradictions or inconsistencies, ask leading questions or deliberately misquote you, ask for a simple answer to a complex question, use rapid fire questioning, and use the silent treatment. Another tactic frequently used by defense attorneys is to mispronounce officers’ names intentionally or address them by the wrong rank. This is an attempt to rile or distract the officer. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.14 - Know the defense attorney tactics to anticipate during Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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cross-examination. Bloom’s: Apply 3/28/2022 6:07 AM 3/28/2022 6:09 AM

68. When being cross-examined, how can an officer enhance their credibility in the eyes of the jury? Briefly outline some behaviors to avoid as well as some behaviors to display. Posttrial interviews of jurors reveal some body language or behaviors that can weaken a ANSWER: witness’s credibility: appears ill at ease or nervous, uses a defensive or evasive tone of voice, avoids eye contact, crosses arms defensively across chest, quibbles over common terms, sits stiffly, looks to attorney for assistance during cross-examination, cracks jokes inappropriately, and uses lots of “ah’s” or “uh’s.” In contrast, jurors have noted that several behaviors enhance credibility: displays an even temperament on direct and cross, doesn’t become angry or defensive when pressed, appears relaxed and at ease, is likeable and polite, maintains eye contact with attorney and jury, and is not affected by interruptions or objections. POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.14 - Know the defense attorney tactics to anticipate during cross-examination. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:09 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:10 AM 69. Captain Asha Mohammed emphasizes three major areas to focus on when giving courtroom testimony. What are these three areas, and which do you think would be most challenging for you? Captain Asha Mohammed emphasizes three major areas to focus on when giving ANSWER: courtroom testimony. 1. Preparation. While testifying, an investigator should not use their report as a crutch or a script. It should be a safety net—seldom used. Constantly referring to a report gives the jury the impression that you do not know the case. Officers should study their reports and the reports of fellow officers before testifying. 2. Communication. Understand that words are a small part of communicating. Expressions, demeanor, personality, appearance, and more are what jurors use to form an opinion. If you remind them of the obstinate cop who wrote them a ticket for going two miles over the speed limit, they’re going to sympathize with the defendant. 3. Credibility. If jurors question your credibility, the case is in big trouble. If you are caught in a lie, an embellishment, or an obvious omission, why should a juror believe anything you say? In the O. J. Simpson murder trial, a detective lied about whether he had ever used racial slurs. Even though it had nothing to do with the evidence he was presenting, once he lost his credibility, his testimony lost its value and, indeed, severely damaged the prosecution’s case. POINTS:


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REFERENCES: Final Lessons from a Seasoned Investigator’s Experience QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.15 - Identify the ways to avoid objections to your testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:14 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:15 AM 70. How can an officer avoid objections to their testimony in court? Three general types of objections common during trials are: objections to the form of the ANSWER: question, objections to the substance of the question, and objections to the answer. An officer can avoid objections to their testimony in court by: avoiding conclusions, avoiding nonresponsive answers, and answering yes-or-no questions with “yes” or “no.” POINTS: 1 REFERENCES: The Trial QUESTION TYPE: Essay HAS VARIABLES: False STUDENT ENTRY MODE: Basic LEARNING OBJECTIVES: CRIM.HESS.17.21.15 - Identify the ways to avoid objections to your testimony. KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply DATE CREATED: 3/28/2022 6:15 AM DATE MODIFIED: 3/28/2022 6:16 AM

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