Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank Chapter 01: Introduction to Sectional Anatomy Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A vertical plane that passes through the body, dividing it into anterior and posterior portions,
is the plane. a. Sagittal b. Coronal c. Axial d. Oblique ANS: B
OBJ: Define the four anatomic planes.
2. The directional term contralateral refers to which of the following? a. On the same side b. On the opposite side c. Toward the midsagittal plane d. Away from the midsagittal plane ANS: B OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 3. The directional term rostral refers to which of the following? a. The front or palm of the hand b. The sole of the foot c. Toward the feet d. Toward the nose ANS: D OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 4. The term popliteal refers to the area of the: a. Upper portion of the leg b. Back of the knee c. Lower portion of the leg d. Sole of the foot ANS: B OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 5. The term flank refers to the area of the: a. Upper chest or breast b. Lower back between the ribs and hips c. Side of the trunk adjoining the lumbar region d. Abdomen ANS: C OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and
regional terminology. 6. The aortic arch is located: a. 2.5 cm below the jugular notch b. At T4-T5, sternal angle c. 4 cm above the transpyloric plane d. 2 cm above the transpyloric plane ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the location of commonly used internal landmarks.
7. The carotid bifurcation is located: a. 4 cm above the pyloric plane b. 4 cm above bifurcation of the abdominal aorta c. At the upper border of the thyroid cartilage d. At the upper margin of the sacroiliac joint ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the location of commonly used internal landmarks.
8. The inferior mesenteric artery is located: a. 2 cm above the transpyloric plane b. 4 cm above the transpyloric plane c. 2.5 cm below the jugular notch d. 4 cm above the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the location of commonly used internal landmarks.
9. Most of the small intestine is located in which of the abdominal quadrants? a. Right upper quadrant (RUQ) N R b. Right lower quadrant (RLQU) c. Left upper quadrant (LUQ) d. Left lower quadrant (LLQ) ANS: D
OBJ: List the structures located within the four abdominal quadrants.
10. Which of the body cavities is the largest? a. Dorsal b. Ventral c. Abdominal d. Pelvic ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the dorsal and ventral cavities of the body.
11. The plane that passes diagonally between the axes of two other planes is the a. Sagittal b. Coronal c. Axial d. Oblique ANS: D
OBJ: Define the four anatomic planes.
12. The directional term caudal refers to which of the following? a. On the same side b. On the opposite side
c. Toward the feet d. Toward the head ANS: C OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 13. The directional term proximal refers to which of the following? a. On the same side b. On the opposite side c. Away from a reference point d. Toward a reference point ANS: D OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 14. The term axillary refers to the area of the: a. Armpit b. Forearm c. Front of elbow d. Upper arm ANS: A OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 15. The term cubital refers to the area of the: a. Lower posterior portion oNf U thR eS leI g b. Posterior surface of elbow area of the arm c. Lower back between the ribs and hips d. Upper portion of the leg ANS: B OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 16. The term antebrachial refers to the area of the: a. Armpit b. Ribs c. Forearm d. Upper arm ANS: C OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 17. The term inguinal refers to the area of the: a. Spine b. Naval c. Sternum d. Groin
ANS: D OBJ: Describe the relative position of specific structures within the body using directional and regional terminology. 18. The carina is located at: a. L4 to L5. b. T4 to T5, sternal angle. c. L1 to L2. d. T1 to T2, sternal angle. ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the location of commonly used internal landmarks.
19. The dorsal cavity can be further subdivided into which of the following cavities? a. Cranial and spinal b. Thoracic and abdominopelvic c. Two lateral pleural d. Abdominal and pelvic ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the dorsal and ventral cavities of the body.
20. The stomach and tail of the pancreas are located in which of the following abdominal
quadrants? a. Right upper b. Left upper c. Right lower d. Left lower ANS: B
OBJ: List the structures found within the four abdominal quadrants.
21. Which of the following is a parameter that allows for the adjustment of the gray scale? a. CT number b. Hounsfield unit c. Window width d. Window level ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the gray scale used in CT and MR imaging.
22. Images reconstructed from data obtained along any projection through the cube that result in a
sagittal, coronal, transverse, or oblique image are termed: a. Multiplanar reformation b. Shaded surface display c. Maximum intensity projection d. Volume rendering ANS: A
OBJ: Describe MPR, CPR, SSD, MIP, and VR.
23. Which of the following techniques can be described as a ray from the camera’s view point that
is directed to stop at a particular user-defined threshold value? a. Multiplanar reformation b. Shaded surface display c. Maximum intensity projection d. Volume rendering
OBJ: Describe MPR, CPR, SSD, MIP, and VR.
24. Water is used as a reference tissue and is given the CT number of: a. –1000 b. –500 c. 0 d. +1000 ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the gray scale used in CT and MR imaging.
25. The transpyloric plane is found midway between the: a. Xiphosternal joint and the pubic symphysis b. Xiphosternal joint and umbilicus c. Tubercles of the iliac crests d. Tubercles of the iliac crests and L3 ANS: B
OBJ: List the nine regions of the abdomen.
26. Which of the following is a midline point at the anterior nasal spine where the upper lip and
nasal septum meet? a. Nasion b. Gonion c. Mastoid tip d. Acanthion ANS: D
OBJ: Identify commonly used external landmarks.
27. The crest of the ilium is located at what vertebral level? N R I G B.C M a. L2 b. L3 c. L4 d. L5 ANS: D
OBJ: Identify commonly used external landmarks.
28. The figure below illustrates which of the following imaging planes?
a. Axial b. Coronal c. Sagittal
d. Oblique ANS: B
OBJ: Define the four anatomic planes.
29. The figure below illustrates which of the following imaging planes?
a. b. c. d.
Axial Coronal Sagittal Oblique
OBJ: DefiU ne tS he foNur aT natomicOplanes.
30. The figure below illustrates which of the following imaging planes?
a. b. c. d.
Axial Coronal Sagittal Oblique
OBJ: Define the four anatomic planes.
31. The figure below illustrates which of the following imaging planes?
a. b. c. d.
Axial Coronal Sagittal Oblique
OBJ: Define the four anatomic planes.
32. The figure below is an example of which of the following?
a. Multiplanar reformation b. Shaded surface display c. Maximum intensity projection
d. Volume rendering ANS: B
OBJ: Describe MPR, CPR, SSD, MIP, and VR.
33. The figure below is an example of which of the following?
a. b. c. d.
Multiplanar reformation Shaded surface display Maximum intensity projection Volume rendering
OBJ: Describe MPR, CPR, SSD, MIP, and VR.
34. All of the following image algorithms use the principle of ray-tracing, except: a. Shaded surface display (SSD) b. Maximum intensity projeN IINPG ctU ioR nS (M ) c. 2D imaging d. Volume rendering (VR) ANS: C
OBJ: Differentiate between 2D and 3D images.
Chapter 02: Cranium and Facial Bones Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following is a foramen contained within the sphenoid bone? a. Foramen lacerum b. Foramen ovale c. Jugular foramen d. Mental foramen ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 2. The cribriform plate is part of which cranial bone? a. Sphenoid b. Temporal c. Ethmoid d. Occipital ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 3. The lower portion of the bony nasal septum is formed by which facial bone? a. Maxilla b. Vomer c. Palatine bone d. Lacrimal bone ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 4. The zygomatic arch is formed by the zygoma and the: a. Maxilla b. Parietal bone c. Temporal bone d. Mandible ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 5. The anterior surface of the temporomandibular articular disk attaches to which muscle? a. Temporalis b. Medial pterygoid c. Lateral pterygoid d. Masseter ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the structures that constitute the temporomandibular joint.
6. The osteomeatal unit is located in which portion of the maxillary sinus? a. Superior medial
b. Superior lateral c. Inferior medial d. Inferior lateral ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the osteomeatal unit.
7. Which of the following is a structure of the osteomeatal unit? a. Vestibule b. Oval window c. Uncinate process d. Condyloid process ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the osteomeatal unit.
8. Which of the following are the structures of the inner ear? a. Semicircular canals, malleus, vestibule b. Cochlea, incus, oval window c. Vestibule, cochlea, malleus d. Semicircular canals, cochlea, vestibule ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 9. Which opening is located between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone? a. Superior orbital fissure b. Optic canal c. Inferior orbital fissure d. Optic foramen ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bones that form the orbit and their associated openings.
10. Which of the following is not a muscle of the eye? a. Superior rectus b. Lateral rectus c. Superior oblique d. Lateral oblique ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles of the eye and describe their functions and locations.
11. Which of the following cranial bones form the largest portion of the sides of the cranium? a. Parietal bones b. Temporal bones c. Occipital bones d. Sphenoid bones ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 12. The parietal bones articulate with the a. Ethmoid, frontal, occipital b. Sphenoid, occipital, frontal c. Ethmoid, frontal, maxillary d. Sphenoid, frontal, maxillary
, and temporal bones.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 13. The lateral masses and the superior and middle nasal conchae are part of which cranial bone? a. Ethmoid b. Sphenoid c. Temporal d. Frontal ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 14. Which structure of the sphenoid bone houses the pituitary gland? a. Foramen ovale b. Pterygoid process c. Sella turcica d. Anterior clinoid process ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 15. The petrosal nerve passes through the: a. Foramen rotundum b. Foramen spinosum c. Optic canal d. Pterygoid canal ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 16. The foramen magnum is a structure of which cranial bone? a. Sphenoid b. Ethmoid c. Frontal d. Occipital ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 17. The hypoglossal canals are located within which cranial bone? a. Sphenoid b. Ethmoid c. Frontal d. Occipital ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 18. Cranial nerve XII passes through the a. Vidian b. Pterygoid c. Hypoglossal
d. Optic ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 19. The basilar portion of the occipital bone forms the anterior margin of the foramen magnum
and slopes superiorly and anteriorly to meet with the dorsum sella to form which structure? a. Clivus b. Lateral condyle c. Internal occipital protuberance d. Sella turcica ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 20. Which portion of the temporal bone is pyramidal in shape and situated at an angle between the
sphenoid and occipital bones? a. Squamous b. Tympanic c. Mastoid d. Petrous ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 21. The internal auditory canal transmits cranial nerves: a. VI and VII b. VII and VIII c. VIII and IX d. IX and X ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 22. The stylomastoid foramen constitutes the end of the a. Optic b. Pterygoid c. Facial nerve d. Hypoglossal
ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 23. The middle ear, or tympanic cavity, communicates with a. The mastoid antrum b. The frontal sinus c. The sphenoid sinus d. Meckel’s cave
and the nasopharynx.
ANS: A OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 24. Which structure of the inner ear is responsible for hearing?
a. b. c. d.
Vestibule Semicircular canal Incus Cochlea
ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 25. Two openings of the vestibule are the: a. Round window and internal auditory canal b. Oval window and internal auditory canal c. Oval window and vestibular aqueduct d. Round window and vestibular aqueduct ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 26. Which suture is located posterior in the cranium and joins the occipital and parietal bones? a. Squamous b. Coronal c. Sagittal d. Lambdoidal ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the cranial sutures.
27. Which of the following is a point on the skull that corresponds to the posterior end of the
parietomastoid suture? a. Asterion b. Pterion c. Bregma d. Lambda ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the cranial sutures.
28. The term for the anterior fontanel is the: a. Asterion b. Pterion c. Bregma d. Lambda ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the six fontanels within the infant cranium.
29. Which fontanel is located at the junction of the parietal and occipital bones? a. Asterion b. Pterion c. Bregma d. Lambda ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the six fontanels within the infant cranium.
30. The infraorbital foramen is part of which facial bone? a. Mandible b. Maxillary
c. Zygomatic d. Nasal ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 31. The ethmoid sinuses are contained in which portion of the ethmoid bone? a. Body b. Vertical portion c. Horizontal portion d. Lateral masses ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 32. The frontal sinuses drain into the: a. Sphenoethmoidal recess b. Superior nasal meatus c. Middle nasal meatus d. Inferior nasal meatus ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 33. Which cranial fossa is formed primarily by the body of the sphenoid and temporal bones and
houses the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and temporal lobes of the brain? a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Middle d. Lateral ANS: C
OBJ: Differentiate between the three cranial fossae.
34. Which cranial fossa is formed by the occipital and temporal bones and contains the
cerebellum and brainstem? a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Middle d. Lateral ANS: B
OBJ: Differentiate between the three cranial fossae.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT of the ethmoid bone.
35. Which line points to the ethmoid sinuses? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 36. Which line points to the vomN er? a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 37. Which line points to the cribriform plate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 38. Which line points to the middle nasal meatus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of the osteomeatal unit.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the orbit.
39. Which line points to the dorsum sellae? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 40. Which line points to the optic canal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bones that form the orbit and their associated openings.
41. Which line points to the anterior clinoid process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 42. Which line points to the zygoma? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bones that form the orbit and their associated openings.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the temporal bone.
43. Which line points to the carotid canal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 44. Which line points to the jugular foramen? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 45. Which line points to the sphenoid sinus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 46. Which line points to the inferior orbital fissure? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bones that form the orbit and their associated openings.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT of the orbit.
47. Which line points to the temporalis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the muscles of the eye and describe their functions and locations.
48. Which line points to the inferior rectus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List the muscles of the eye and describe their functions and locations.
49. Which line points to the superior oblique muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List the muscles of the eye and describe their functions and locations.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal CT reformat of the cranium.
50. Which line points to the frontal sinus? a. A b. B c. C
d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 51. Which line points to the sphenoid sinus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location of each paranasal sinus and the meatus into which it drains. 52. Which line points to the clivus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 53. Which line points to the occipital bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
The following questions refer to the figure below of the coronal CT of the dorsum sella.
54. Which line points to the temporal bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
55. Which line points to the posterior clinoid process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 56. Which line points to the condyloid process of the mandible? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the structures that comprise the temporomandibular joint.
57. Which line points to the foramen lacerum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the inner ear.
58. Which line points to the mastoid antrum? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 59. Which line points to the incus? a. A
b. c. d. e.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 60. Which line points to the malleus? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 61. Which line points to the vestibule? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 62. Which line points to the interN naUl R auSdI itoNrG yT caB na.l C (IO AM C)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the inner ear.
63. Which line points to the external auditory meatus (EAM)?
a. b. c. d.
ANS: A OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 64. Which line points to the malleus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 65. Which line points to the cochlea (basal turn)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 66. Which line points to the carotid canal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the inner ear.
67. Which line points to the external auditory meatus (EAM)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 68.6 Which line points to the incus? 8 a. A . b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 69. Which line points to the superior semicircular canal? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 70. Which line points to the cochlea (basal turn)? a. A b. B c. C
d. D e. E ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions. 71. Which line points to the internal auditory canal (IAC)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E OBJ: Identify the structures of the external, middle, and inner ear and describe their functions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the cranium.
72. Which line points to the mastoid air cells? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 73. Which line points to the frontal bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 74. Which line points to the occipital bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 75. Which line points to the lambdoidal suture? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the cranial sutures.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the oblique aspect of the facial bones.
76. Which line points to the zygomatic arch? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 77. Which line points to the ramus of mandible? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 78. Which line points to the zygoma? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 79. Which line points to the mental foramen? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 80. Which line points to the frontal process of maxilla? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT of the cranium.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
81. Which line points to the optic canal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bones that form the orbit and their associated openings.
82. Which line points to the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 83. Which line points to the anterior clinoid process of sphenoid bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone. 84. Which line points to the foramen rotundum? a. b. c. d.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D OBJ: Identify the location and unique structures of each cranial and facial bone.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the orbit.
85. Which of the following lines is pointing to the lens? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the structures that constitute the globe of the eye.
86. Which of the following lines is pointing to the lacrimal sac? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the structures that constitute the globe of the eye.
87. Which of the following lines is pointing to the anterior chamber? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the structures that constitute the globe of the eye.
88. Which of the following lines is pointing to the posterior chamber? a. b. c. d.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the structures that constitute the globe of the eye.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 03: Brain Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The primary visual cortex is located in the a. Temporal b. Frontal c. Parietal d. Occipital
ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 2. The insula is considered part of the: a. Cerebral cortex b. Basal ganglia c. Brainstem d. Cerebellum ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 3. The layer of meninges closely adhering to the brain tissue is the: a. Dura mater b. Pia mater c. Arachnoid d. Choroid plexus ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the meninges.
4. The passage of cerebrospinal fluid between the third and lateral ventricles is accomplished via
the: a. b. c. d.
Median aperture (foramen of Magendie) Cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius) Lateral aperture (foramen of Luschka) Interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro)
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
5. A network of blood vessels located within the ventricular system that produces cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) is the: a. Arachnoid villi b. Basal cisterns c. Choroid plexus d. Basal nuclei ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 6. Which basal cistern courses around the lateral surface of the midbrain? a. Cistern magna b. Interpeduncular cistern c. Prepontine cistern d. Ambient cistern ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
7. The cerebral hemispheres contain neural tissue arranged in numerous folds called: a. Gyri b. Sulci c. Fissures d. Lobes ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 8. Which is the most posterior portion of the corpus callosum? a. Genu b. Body c. Rostrum d. Splenium ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
9. Including the midbrain, the other major segments of the brainstem are the: a. Pons and medulla oblongata N b. Pons and cerebellum c. Medulla oblongata and cerebellum d. Medulla oblongata and thalamus ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 10. Which of the following is composed primarily of massive bundles of nerve fiber tracts and
can be divided into two major segments: cerebral peduncles and tectum? a. Pons b. Medulla oblongata c. Midbrain d. Cerebellum ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 11. The superior cerebellar peduncles connect the cerebellum to the: a. Pons b. Midbrain c. Medulla oblongata d. Cerebral cortex
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 12. As the transverse sinuses pass through the tentorium cerebelli, they become which sinus? a. Sigmoid b. Superior sagittal c. Inferior sagittal d. Straight ANS: A OBJ: Identify the superficial cortical veins, deep veins, and dural sinuses of the cerebrum. 13. Which of the following has a strong role in the transition of short-term memory to long-term
memory? a. Hippocampus b. Amygdala c. Cingulate gyrus d. Mammillary bodies ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
14. Which of the following is considered to be the brain’s emotional control center? a. Hippocampus b. Amygdala c. Cingulate gyrus d. Mammillary bodies ANS: C
OBJ: IdN enU tifR yS thI eN strG ucTtuB re. sC ofOthM e limbic system and describe their function.
15. Which of the following is an almond-shaped mass of gray matter located deep within the
parahippocampal gyrus anterior to the hippocampus? a. Hippocampus b. Amygdala c. Cingulate gyrus d. Mammillary bodies ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
16. A partition between the cerebrum and cerebellum is formed by which dural fold? a. Falx cerebri b. Falx cerebelli c. Tentorium cerebelli d. Tentorial notch ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the meninges.
17. The space that separates the pia matter from the arachnoid mater and contains cerebrospinal
fluid is which of the following? a. Epidural space b. Extradural space c. Subdural space
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. Subarachnoid space ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the meninges.
18. Which of the following produces cerebrospinal fluid? a. Choroid plexus b. Arachnoid villi c. Arachnoid granulations d. Pia mater ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid.
19. As the transverse sinuses pass through the tentorium cerebelli, they become which sinus? a. Superior sagittal sinus b. Inferior sagittal sinuses c. Cavernous sinuses d. Sigmoid sinuses ANS: D OBJ: Identify the superficial cortical veins, deep veins, and dural sinuses of the cerebrum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MR of the brain.
20. Which line points to the head of the caudate nucleus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 21. Which line points to the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
22. Which line points to thalamus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the brain.
23. Which line points to the cerebral aqueduct? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
24. Which line points to the pineal gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
25. Which line points to the medullary olive? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a midsagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the brain.
26. Which line points to the pons? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 27. Which line points to the corpus callosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
28. Which line points to the suprasellar cistern? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
29. Which line points to the infundibulum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
taU ryRgSlaI nN d? 30. Which line points to the pituiN a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
31. Which line points to the internal carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the arteries that constitute the circle of Willis.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a midsagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the brainstem.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
32. Which line points to the splenium of corpus callosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 33. Which line points to the quadrigeminal plate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 34. Which line points to the fornix? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
35. Which line points to the optic chiasm? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the brain.
36. Which line points to the trigeminal nerve? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
37. Which line points to the fourth ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
38. Which line points to the superior cerebellar peduncle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 39. Which line points to the pons? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the brain.
40. Which line points to the tempNoraR l horn of lateral ventricle? U SINGTB.COM a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
41. Which line points to the basilar artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 42. Which line points to the third ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
43. Which line points to the corpus callosum?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the brain.
44. Which line points to the cerebellum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 45. Which line points to the fourth ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the components of the ventricular system.
46. Which line points to calcified choroid plexus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid.
47. Which line points to tentorium cerebelli? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the meninges.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a lateral CTA of the cerebral arteries.
48. Which line points to the anterioUr ceSrebN ral aTrtery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E
ANS: A OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 49. Which line points to the internal carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 50. Which line points to the middle cerebral artery? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D e. E ANS: C OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 51. Which line points to the basilar artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 52. Which line points to the vertebral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal oblique MRA of the cerebral arteries.
53. Which line points to the middle cerebral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 54. Which line points to the anterior cerebral artery?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 55. Which line points to the anterior communicating artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the arteries that constitute the circle of Willis.
56. Which line points to the carotid siphon of the internal carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the cavernous sinus with contrast enhancement.
57. Which line points to the trigeminal nerve, maxillary division (CN V2)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 58. Which line points to the cavernous sinus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the superficial cortical veins, deep veins, and dural sinuses of the cerebrum. 59. Which line points to the internal carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 60. Which line points to oculomotor nerve (CN III)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the brain.
61. Which line points to cerebellum? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 62. Which line points to vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
63. Which line points to the pons? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 64. Which line points to facial nerve (CN VII)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
65. Which line points to the cochlea? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the brain.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
66. Which line points to the frontal lobe? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the components of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. 67. Which line points to the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) cistern? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
68. Which line points to the cisterna magna? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
69. Which line points to the basilar artery in the prepontine cistern? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D e. E ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the basal cisterns.
70. Which line points to the pituitary gland in the sella turcica? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the brain.
71. Which line points to the hippocampus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
72. Which line points to the amygdala? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
73. Which line points to the optic tract? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 74. Which line points to the mamillary body? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the limbic system and describe their function.
75. Which of the following is not part of the circle of Willis? a. Anterior cerebral artery b. Middle cerebral artery c. Posterior cerebral artery d. Anterior communicating artery ANS: B
OBJ: List the arteries that constitute the circle of Willis.
76. Which cranial nerve is the only nerve to emerge from the posterior surface of the brainstem? a. Trochlear b. Abducens c. Glossopharyngeal d. Hypoglossal ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the function and course of the cranial nerves.
77. The ophthalmic artery branches off of which vessel? a. Anterior cerebral artery b. Internal carotid artery c. Middle cerebral artery d. External carotid artery ANS: B OBJ: Identify the major arteries of the cerebrum and list the structures they supply. 78. Which structure modulates the activities of the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary
gland? a. Thalamus b. Claustrum c. Internal capsule d. Hypothalamus ANS: D
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
79. Which structure serves as a relay station for sensory input to and from the cerebral cortex? a. Caudate nucleus b. Lentiform nucleus c. Thalamus d. Hypothalamus ANS: C
OBJ: List the structures of the diencephalon.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 04: Spine Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The upper and lower vertebral notches of adjacent vertebrae meet to form the: a. Transverse foramina b. Central canal c. Intervertebral foramina d. Apophyseal joints ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
2. The transverse processes of the sacrum join to form the: a. Sacral promontory b. Cornu c. Sacral hiatus d. Lateral masses ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
3. The supraspinous ligament continues into the cervical region as the: a. Ligamenta flava b. Alar ligament c. Ligamentum nuchae d. Longitudinal ligament ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and explain the function of the spinal ligaments.
4. The most inferior portion of the spinal cord, located at approximately the level of the T12-L1,
is called the: a. Cauda equina b. Filum terminale c. Sacral plexus d. Conus medullaris ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
5. The brachial plexus arises from which ventral rami? a. C4-C7 b. C5-C8 and T1 c. C3-C7 and T1 d. C5-C7 and T1-T3 ANS: B OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate. 6. The erector spinae muscle group is the chief extensor of the vertebral column and is arranged
into which three vertical columns? a. Iliocostalis, longissimus, and splenius b. Iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. Iliocostalis, multifidus, and splenius d. Iliocostalis, multifidus, and spinalis ANS: B
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
7. Which of the following muscles consist of several short muscles that are located in the grove
between the transverse and spinous processes of the vertebrae? a. Transversospinal muscles b. Quadratus lumborum muscles c. Psoas muscles d. Semispinalis muscles ANS: A
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
8. Which of the following are termed the afferent (sensory) nerve roots? a. Spinal nerves b. Ventral horns c. Dorsal roots d. Dorsal horns ANS: D
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
9. Where is the dorsal root ganglion located? a. Intervertebral foramen b. Vertebral foramen c. Transverse foramen d. Foramen magnum ANS: A
OBJ: DN esU criR beStI heNcG om ntO s oM f the spinal cord and spinal nerves. TpBon.eC
10. Which of the following veins drain the vertebral bodies? a. Anterior central vein b. Posterior central vein c. Anterior radicular vein d. Basivertebral vein ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the vasculature of the spine and spinal cord.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the thoracic vertebra.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
11. Which line points to the pedicle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
12. Which line points to the costovertebral joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 13. Which line points to the lamina? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar spine.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
14. Which line points to the anterior longitudinal ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and explain the function of the spinal ligaments.
15. Which line points to the conus medullaris? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
16. Which line points to the nucleus pulposus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of cervical spine.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
17. Which line points to the spinal cord? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
18. Which line points to brachialNpleR xus?I a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate. 19. Which line points to the right subclavian artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the vasculature of the spine and spinal cord.
20. Which line points to the middle scalene muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the thoracic spine.
21. Which line points to the vertebral body? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
22. Which line points to the anterior scalene muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
23. Which line points to the brachial plexus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate. 24. Which line points to the middle scalene muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar vertebra.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
25. Which line points to the thecal sac? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
26. Which line points to the cauda equina? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
TponentO OBJ: DesU cribeStheNcom s of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
27. Which line points to the basivertebral vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the vasculature of the spine and spinal cord.
28. Which line points to the psoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Define the action of and identify the muscle groups of the spine.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar vertebra.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
29. Which line points to the pedicle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
30. Which line points to the inferior articular process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
31. Which line points to the superior articular process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
32. Which line points to the intervertebral foramen? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the cervical vertebrae, anterior view.
33. Which line points to the transverse foramen of C1? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
34. Which line points to the lateral mass of C1? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 35. Which line points to the odontoid process of C2? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 36. Which line points to the atlantoaxial joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of a midsagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the cervical spine with spinal ligaments.
37. Which line points to the anterior arch of C1? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 38. Which line points to the tectorial membrane? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify and explain the function of the spinal ligaments.
39. Which line points to the ligamentum nuchae? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and explain the function of the spinal ligaments.
40. Which line points to the supraspinous ligament? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify and explain the function of the spinal ligaments.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the lumbar spine.
41. Which line points to the annulus fibrosis? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
42. Which line points to the nucleus pulposus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
43. Which line points to the spinous process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
44. Which line points to the zygapophyseal joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the thoracic spine, with intrathecal contrast.
45. Which line points to the costN otraR nsveIrseGjoinBt?. a. b. c. d.
ANS: A OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 46. Which line points to the thoracic pedicle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx. 47. Which line points to the conus medullaris? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the components of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 48. Which line points to the medial end of rib? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the lumbar spine, lateral view.
49. Which line points to the body of L3? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
50. Which line points to the sacral promontory? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the atypical structures of the atlas and axis, thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 51. Which line points to the inferior endplate of L4? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
52. Which line points to the spinous process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of a typical vertebra.
53. The anterior spinal artery is formed by the union of branches from the: a. Vertebral arteries b. Internal carotid arteries c. Basilar artery d. External carotid arteries ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the vasculature of the spine and spinal cord.
54. Which vessels are located in the epidural space of the vertebral column? a. Basivertebral veins b. Internal venous plexus c. External venous plexus d. Great radicular vein ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the vasculature of the spine and spinal cord.
55. The cervical plexus arises from which ventral rami? a. C1-C4 b. C2-C5 c. C3-C7 d. C5-C7 ANS: A OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate. 56. Which nerve innervates the anterior lower leg? a. Peroneal b. Femoral c. Tibial d. Saphenous ANS: D OBJ: Describe the four plexuses of the spinal cord and list the structures they innervate.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 05: Neck Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The largest pair of salivary glands is the: a. Parotid b. Sublingual c. Submaxillary d. Submandibular ANS: A
OBJ: Identify and state the function of the salivary glands.
2. How many “unpaired” cartilages make up the larynx? a. 1 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7 ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
3. What muscle forms the boundary for the anterior and posterior triangles in the neck? a. Platysma b. Middle scalene c. Sternocleidomastoid d. Trapezius ANS: C OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 4. Which of the following muscles are frequently referred to as strap muscles? a. Scalene b. Infrahyoid c. Suprahyoids d. Pterygoids ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the pharyngeal muscles.
5. Which structures are frequently referred to as the adenoids? a. Palatine tonsils b. Pharyngeal tonsils c. Parathyroid glands d. Parotid glands ANS: B
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
6. Which cartilage forms the base of the larynx? a. Thyroid b. Epiglottis c. Cricoid d. Arytenoid
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
7. Which vein drains blood from the lateral region of the face? a. Retromandibular b. Internal jugular c. External jugular d. Anterior jugular ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
8. The thyroid cartilage consists of laminae that unite anteriorly to form a shield to protect the: a. Thyroid gland b. Pharyngeal tonsils c. Epiglottis d. Vocal cords ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
9. The oropharynx extends between which two structures? a. Soft palate and hyoid bone b. Hard palate and hyoid bone c. Soft palate and cricoid cartilage d. Hard palate and cricoid cartilage ANS: A
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
10. The laryngopharynx continues as the esophagus at the level of the: a. Hyoid bone b. Cricoid cartilage c. Soft palate d. Pharyngeal tonsils ANS: B
OBJ: Identify and describe the esophagus and trachea.
11. The laminae of the thyroid cartilage unite anteriorly to form the: a. Laryngeal prominence b. Superior thyroid notch c. Superior horn d. Inferior horn ANS: A
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
12. With quiet respiration the true vocal cords are in a relaxed position creating an opening
between them called the: a. Epiglottis b. Ventricle c. Glottis d. Oropharynx ANS: C
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
13. The trachea is reinforced by approximately how many C-shaped pieces of cartilage? a. 6–9
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. 9–15 c. 16–20 d. 22–30 ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and describe the esophagus and trachea.
14. The thyroid gland is located at the level of which laryngeal cartilage? a. Cricoid b. Corniculate c. Epiglottis d. Cuneiform ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the location and function of the thyroid gland.
15. Which hormones excreted from the thyroid gland stimulate cell metabolism and are essential
for normal body growth? a. Parathyroid and calcitonin b. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine c. Triiodothyronine and calcitonin d. Parathyroid and thyroxine ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the location and function of the thyroid gland.
16. The lymph nodes of the neck can be classified or divided into how many levels or regions for
ease of identification? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 ANS: C
OBJ: List the lymph node regions of the neck.
17. The digastric muscle is included in which muscle group? a. Constrictor b. Posterior triangle c. Suprahyoid d. Infrahyoid ANS: C OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 18. Which is a superficial muscle located on the posterior portion of the neck that acts to elevate
the scapula? a. Splenius capitis b. Levator scapulae c. Posterior scalene d. Trapezius ANS: D OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 19. In the figure below of an axial CT of the neck, which arrow points to the thyroid cartilage?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
20. In the figure below of an axial CT of the neck, which arrow points to the arytenoid cartilage?
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
21. In the figure below of an axial CT of the neck, which arrow points to the parotid gland?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Identify and state the function of the salivary glands.
22. In the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MR of the neck, which arrow points to the
medial pterygoid muscle?
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Identify the pharyngeal muscles.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the neck.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
23. Which arrow points to the platysma muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the pharyngeal muscles.
24. Which arrow points to the aryepiglottic fold? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
25. Which arrow points to the submandibular gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and state the function of the salivary glands.
26. Which arrow points to the hyoid bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the neck.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
27. Which arrow points to the thyroid gland (left lobe)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the location and function of the thyroid gland.
28. Which arrow points to the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 29. Which arrow points to the anterior scalene muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles locate within them. 30. Which arrow points to the right interior jugular vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a midsagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the neck.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
31. Which arrow points to the nasopharynx? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
32. Which arrow points to the oropharynx? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
33. Which arrow points to the cricoid cartilage? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
34. Which arrow points to the esophagus? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D e. E ANS: D
OBJ: Identify and describe the esophagus and trachea.
35. Which arrow points to the laryngopharynx? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal CT reformat of the pharynx.
36. Which arrow points to the hard palate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
37. Which arrow points to the soft palate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 38. Which arrow points to the hyoid bone? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the three anatomic sections of the pharynx.
39. Which arrow points to the epiglottis? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the neck.
40. Which arrow points to the submandibular gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify and state the function of the salivary glands.
41. Which arrow points to the aryepiglottic fold? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 42. Which arrow points to the cricoid cartilage? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
43. Which arrow points to the thyroid cartilage? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the neck.
44. Which arrow points to the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 45. Which arrow points to the internal jugular vein? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D e. E ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
46. Which arrow points to the common carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
47. Which arrow points to the epiglottis? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the laryngeal cartilages.
48. Which arrow points to the thyroid gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E
OBJ: Describe the location and function of the thyroid gland.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the neck.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 49. Which arrow points to the digastric muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 50. Which arrow points to the internal jugular vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
51. Which arrow points to the genioglossus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the pharyngeal muscles.
52. Which arrow points to the retromandibular vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the neck.
53. Which arrow points to the levator scapulae muscle? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D e. E ANS: A OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 54. Which arrow points to the esophagus? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and describe the esophagus and trachea.
55. Which arrow points to the vertebral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
56. Which arrow points to the longus capitis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: B OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them. 57. Which arrow points to the middle scalene muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ANS: E OBJ: State the triangles of the neck and identify the muscles located within them.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a CTA of intracranial and extracranial arteries.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
58. Which arrow points to the internal carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
59. Which arrow points to the vertebral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
60. Which arrow points to the common carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 61. Which arrow points to the external carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the neck.
62. Which arrow points to the visceral space? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the fascial spaces.
63. Which arrow points to the anterior jugular vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the course of the major vessels located within the neck.
64. Which arrow points an upper internal jugular lymph node? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List the lymph node regions of the neck.
65. Which arrow points to the danger space? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the fascial spaces.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 06: Thorax Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The trachea bifurcates at approximately the level of: a. C7, T1 b. T4-T5 c. T6-T7 d. T8-T9 ANS: B OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other. 2. The large indentation on the medial surface of the left lung is termed the a. Costophrenic b. Cardiophrenic c. Cardiac d. Hilar ANS: C
OBJ: Identify and describe the structures of the lungs.
3. The functional unit of the respiratory system is the: a. Alveoli b. Tertiary bronchi c. Diaphragm d. Visceral pleura ANS: A 4.
OBJ: Identify the mainstem bronchi and their divisions.
Where is the thymus gland located? a. Posterior to the xiphoid process b. Anterior to the sternal angle c. Posterior to the manubrium d. Anterior to the hilum ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationships to each other. 5. Which heart valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle? a. Tricuspid b. Bicuspid c. Aortic semilunar d. Pulmonary semilunar ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 6. Which vessel supplies blood to the left atrium and ventricle? a. Right coronary artery b. Left coronary artery
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. Right subclavian artery d. Left subclavian artery ANS: B OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 7. The thoracic duct empties into the: a. Ascending aorta b. Left internal jugular vein c. Left subclavian vein d. Azygos vein ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other. 8. Which muscles are located between the tubercle and angle of the ribs and help to elevate the
ribs during respiration? a. Pectoralis major and minor b. Serratus anterior and posterior c. Subclavius d. Levatores costarum ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles involved with respiration by function and location.
9. Which tissue layer of the breast contains the excretory ducts? a. Subcutaneous b. Mammary c. Retromammary d. Deep muscle ANS: B
OBJ: List and describe the layers of the breast.
10. Which ribs are considered the floating ribs? a. First seven pairs of ribs b. Lower five pairs of ribs c. Rib pairs 11 and 12 d. None of the above ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the structures that comprise the bony thorax.
11. Where is the lingula located within the lungs? a. Inferoposterior surface of the left lung b. Inferoanterior surface of the left lung c. Inferoposterior surface of the right lung d. Inferoanterior surface of the right lung ANS: B
OBJ: Identify and describe the structures of the lungs.
12. In a chest radiograph, what structure forms the right border of the heart? a. Right ventricle b. Right atrium c. Pulmonary trunk d. Left atrium
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 13. What is the basic unit of pulmonary structure and function called? a. Secondary pulmonary lobule b. Interstitial tissue c. Segmental bronchi d. Acini ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the mainstem bronchi and their divisions.
14. Where is the foramen ovale located? a. Between the right atrium and right ventricle b. Between the left atrium and left ventricle c. Within the interventricular septum d. Within the interatrial septum ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 15. The sinoatrial (SA) node is located in the: a. Interatrial septum near the coronary sinus b. Interventricular septum near the coronary sinus c. Superior aspect of the left atrium d. Superior aspect of the right atrium ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures ofNtheR heaI rt anG d exB pl. aiC n thM e circulation of blood through the heart.
16. Which vessel is typically the most superior of the pulmonary vessels? a. Right pulmonary artery b. Right pulmonary vein c. Left pulmonary artery d. Left pulmonary vein ANS: C OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 17. Which is the most posterior vessel arising from the arch of the aorta? a. Brachiocephalic trunk b. Right common carotid artery c. Right subclavian artery d. Left subclavian artery ANS: D OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 18. In the figure below of an axial CT of the heart, which line points to the interventricular
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 19. In the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the heart, which line points to the right
a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 20. In the figure below of an axial CT of the heart, which line points to the right ventricle?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 21. In the figure below of a short-axis, T1-weighted MRI of the heart, which line points to the left
a. b. c. d.
ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the aortic arch.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
22. Which line points to the brachiocephalic trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 23. Which line points to the left common carotid artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 24. Which line points to the left subclavian artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 25. Which line points to ascending aorta? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
26. In the figure below of a sagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the breast, which line points to the
glandular tissue?
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: List and describe the layers of the breast.
The following questions refer to the figure below of CT reformat of the right ventricular outflow tract.
27. Which line points to the pulmonary trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 28. Which line points to the root of the aorta? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 29. Which line points to the right ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 30. Which line points to the pulmonary vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Differentiate between pulmonary arteries and veins by function and location.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the mediastinum.
31. Which line points to the esophagus? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other. 32. Which line points to the thoracic duct? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other. 33. Which line points to the azygos vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other. 34. Which line points to the hemiazygos vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List the structures of the mediastinum and describe their anatomic relationship to each other.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the heart.
35. Which line points to the aorta? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 36. Which line points to the pulmonary trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 37. Which line points to the right coronary artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
38. Which line points to the left anterior descending artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
.eCloOwMof a 3D CT of the heart. The following questions refN erUtR oS thI eN fiG guTrB eb
39. Which line points to the ascending aorta? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 40. Which line points to the left atrium? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 41. Which line points to the right ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 42. Which line points to the left ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a horizontal long axis CT.
43. Which line points to the right coronary artery? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
44. Which line points to the left anterior descending artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
45. Which line points to the bicuspid valve? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 46. Which line points to the left pulmonary vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Differentiate between pulmonary arteries and veins by function and location.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the heart.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 47. Which line points to the aortic arch? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 48. Which line points to the left mainstem bronchus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the mainstem bronchi and their divisions.
49. Which line points to the right atrium? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 50. Which line points to the left atrium? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a T2-weighted MRI of the left ventricular outflow tract.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
51. Which line points to the pulmonary trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 52.5 Which line points to the left atrium? 2 a. A . b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 53. Which line points to the right ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 54. Which line points to the left ventricle? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat thorax.
55. Which line points to the brachiocephalic trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 56. Which line points to the left brachiocephalic vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 57. Which line points to the inferior vena cava? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 58. Which line points to the root of the aorta? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the heart.
59. Which line points to the right coronary artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the great vessels and describe the distribution of their associated arteries and veins. 60. Which line points to the pulmonary trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
61. Which line points to the right atrium? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 62. Which line points to the left ventricle? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 63. Which structure closely covers the outer surface of the lung? a. Parietal pleura b. Visceral pleura c. Lingula d. Interstitial septa ANS: B
OBJ: Understand the function and layers of the pleura.
64. Which chamber of the heart receives the pulmonary veins? a. Right atrium b. Right ventricle c. Left atrium d. Left ventricle ANS: C OBJ: Differentiate between pulmonary arteries and veins by function and location. 65. Which structure attaches the diaphragm to the lumbar spine? a. Medial arcuate ligament b. Crus c. Intercostal muscle d. Central tendon ANS: B
OBJ: List the muscles involved with respiration by function and location.
66. Which structure is considered the pacemaker of the heart? a. Sinoatrial node b. Bundle of His c. Sinoventricular node d. Atrioventricular node ANS: A OBJ: Identify the structures of the heart and explain the circulation of blood through the heart. 67. Which vessel does the circumflex artery branch from? a. Right coronary artery b. Left anterior descending artery c. Posterior descending artery d. Left coronary artery ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
68. Which vessel carries the majority of venous blood return from the heart muscle? a. Coronary sinus b. Great cardiac vein c. Anterior cardiac vein
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. Middle cardiac vein ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the coronary arteries and veins.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 07: Abdomen Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which structure lines the abdominal wall? a. Peritoneum b. Mesentery c. Omentum d. Pleura ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 2. Where is Morison pouch located? a. Right subphrenic space b. Right subhepatic space c. Left subphrenic space d. Left subhepatic space ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the peritoneal and retroperitoneal spaces.
3. Which organ is retroperitoneal? a. Pancreas b. Gallbladder c. Spleen d. Stomach ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 4. The common bile duct is formed by the union of the a. Common hepatic and pancreatic b. Cystic and pancreatic c. Common hepatic and cystic d. Cystic and porta hepatic ANS: C
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
5. Which structure is considered the largest lymph organ in the body? a. Liver b. Spleen c. Pancreas d. Gallbladder ANS: B
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
6. Which structures join together to form the renal pelvis? a. Renal pyramids
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. Calyces c. Nephrons d. Renal cortices ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the urinary system.
7. Which section of the small intestine is retroperitoneal? a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Ileum d. Cecum ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 8. Which of the following is not one of the main branches of the celiac trunk? a. Left gastric artery b. Common hepatic artery c. Splenic artery d. Cystic artery ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 9. Which vessel supplies blood to the descending colon? a. Celiac trunk b. Superior mesenteric artery N R c. Inferior mesenteric artery d. Suprarenal artery ANS: C OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 10. Which veins ascend the abdomen along the psoas muscle, anterior to the ureters? a. Lumbar b. Gonadal c. Renal d. Mesenteric ANS: B OBJ: Identify the tributaries of the inferior vena cava and the structures they drain. 11. The margins of the bare area of the liver are formed by the: a. Falciform ligament b. Ligamentum teres c. Coronary ligaments d. Epiploic foramen ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 12. Which vessel lies in the interlobar fissure and drains hepatic segments IV, V, and VIII before
entering the inferior vena cava? a. Right hepatic vein b. Middle hepatic vein c. Left hepatic vein d. Portal vein ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the lobes, segments, and vasculature of the liver.
13. What structure runs in the free margin of the falciform ligament? a. Ligamentum teres b. Lesser omentum c. Round ligament d. Gastroduodenal ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 14. What are the small fat-filled sacs of omentum that are found on the outer surface of the large
intestine? a. Haustra b. Taenia coli c. Vermiform appendix d. Epiploic appendages ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
15. Which of the following is a ligU ameS nt oN f thT e lesserOomentum? a. Hepatoduodenal b. Gastrocolic c. Gastrophrenic d. Falciform ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the peritoneal and retroperitoneal spaces.
16. What two vessels can commonly be found running through the head of the pancreas? a. Common bile duct and gastrocolic artery b. Superior mesenteric artery and gastrocolic artery c. Superior mesenteric vein and common bile duct d. Common bile duct and gastroduodenal artery ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 17. As the interlobar arteries curve over the renal pyramids they become the a. Apical b. Arcuate c. Interlobular d. Segmental ANS: B OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
18. Which vessels are the first to branch off of the abdominal aorta? a. Lumbar b. Celiac trunk c. Renal d. Inferior phrenic ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 19. In the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen, which line points to Morison pouch?
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Describe the peritoneal and retroperitoneal spaces.
20. In the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen, which line points to the splenic vein?
a. b. c. d.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 21. In the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen, which line points to the common bile
a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
22. In the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the abdomen, which line points to the
superior mesenteric artery?
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 23. In the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen, which line points to the left renal vein?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: Identify the tributaries of the inferior vena cava and the structures they drain.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the abdomen.
24. Which line points to the inferior vena cava? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the tributaries of the inferior vena cava and the structures they drain. 25. Which line points to the spleen? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: B
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
26. Which line points to the pancreas? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
27. Which line points to the left psoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the abdomen.
28. Which line points to the portal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List the vessels that form the portal vein and describe the flow of blood through the portal hepatic system. 29. Which line points to the stomach? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
30. Which line points to the common bile duct? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
31. Which line points to the duodenum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen.
32. Which line points to the common hepatic artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 33. Which line points to the portal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List the vessels that form the portal vein and describe the flow of blood through the portal hepatic system.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
34. Which line points to the right hepatic duct? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
35. Which line points to the celiac trunk? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen.
36. Which line points to the stomach? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
37. Which line points to the head of the pancreas? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
38. Which line points to the gallbladder? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
39. Which line points to the inferior vena cava? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the tributaries of the inferior vena cava and the structures they drain.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal CT reformat of the abdomen.
40. Which line points to the stomach? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
41. Which line points to the liver? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the lobes, segments, and vasculature of the liver.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 42. Which line points to the transverse colon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
43. Which line points to the inferior vena cava? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the abdomen.
44. Which line points to the right crus of diaphragm? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
45. Which line points to the stomach? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
46. Which line points to the right adrenal gland?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 47. Which line points to the left psoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen.
NURSINGTB 48. Which line is pointing to the round ligament of the liver? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 49. Which line is pointing to the common hepatic artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 50. Which line is pointing to the tail of the pancreas? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
51. Which line points to the portal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List the vessels that form the portal vein and describe the flow of blood through the portal hepatic system.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the abdomen.
52. Which line points to duodenum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
53. Which line points to the fundus of stomach? a. A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 54. Which line points to the pyloric sphincter? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
55. Which line points to the transverse abdominis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the abdomen.
56. Which line points to the right portal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List the vessels that form the portal vein and describe the flow of blood through the portal
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank hepatic system. 57. Which line points to the main portal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List the vessels that form the portal vein and describe the flow of blood through the portal hepatic system. 58. Which line points to the superior mesenteric vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify the tributaries of the inferior vena cava and the structures they drain. 59. Which line points to the tail of the pancreas? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CTA of the abdominal aorta and branches.
60. Which line is pointing to the right colic artery?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ANS: C OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 61. Which line is pointing to the splenic artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 62. Which line is pointing to the proper hepatic artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply. 63. Which line is pointing to a jejunal branch of the abdominal aorta? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify the branches of the abdominal aorta and the structures they supply.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the abdomen.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
64. Which line is pointing to the minor calyx of the kidney? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the urinary system.
65. Which line is pointing to the left renal pelvis? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the urinary system.
66. Which line is pointing to the right adrenal gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum. 67. Which line is pointing to the spleen?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
OBJ: State the functions and location of the pancreas and spleen.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the abdomen.
68. Which line is pointing to the right crus of the diaphragm? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
69. Which line is pointing to the stomach? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the structures of the stomach and intestines.
70. Which line is pointing to the gallbladder? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Define the structures of the biliary system.
71. Which line is pointing to the left adrenal gland? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List the structures of the abdominal cavity and differentiate among those that are contained within the peritoneum and those that are contained within the retroperitoneum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the abdomen.
72. Which line is pointing to the quadratus lumborum muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
73. Which line is pointing to the ureter? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the urinary system.
74. Which line is pointing to the internal oblique muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
75. Which line is pointing to the rectus abdominis muscle? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List the muscles of the abdomen and describe their function.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 08: Pelvis Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The inguinal ligament is part of which muscle? a. Internal oblique b. External oblique c. Obturator internus d. Obturator externus ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
2. Which ligaments extend through the inguinal canal and help prevent posterior movement of
the uterus? a. Round b. Uterosacral c. Inguinal d. Cardinal ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 3. What structure joins with the duct of the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct? a. Spermatic cord b. Vas deferens c. Bulbourethral gland d. Prostatic urethra ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 4. Which of the following is not one of the zones dividing the prostate gland? a. Central b. Peripheral c. Transition d. Transverse ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 5. Which muscle combines with the psoas muscle to form the iliopsoas muscle? a. Piriformis b. Iliacus c. Coccygeus d. Rectus abdominis ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
6. Which of the following does not contribute to the formation of the hip bones? a. Sacrum
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank b. Ilium c. Pubis d. Ischium ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
7. The iliac fossa is separated from the body of the ilium by an imaginary line called the: a. Sacral promontory b. Arcuate line c. Pectineal line d. Inferior pubic ramus ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
8. What structure is located within the inguinal canal in females? a. Suspensory ligament of the ovary b. Cardinal ligament c. Uterosacral ligament d. Round ligament ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 9. What structure cools the blood in the testicular artery before it enters the testicles? a. Inguinal ligament b. Peritoneum c. Vas deferens d. Pampiniform plexus ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 10. What structure serves as the topographic landmark marking the posterior prostate in males and
the vaginal vault in females during a rectal exam? a. Perineal flexure b. Internal anal sphincter c. Transverse rectal fold d. Rectal ampulla ANS: C
OBJ: List and describe the components of the rectum.
11. Which structure anchors the apex of the bladder to the anterior abdominal wall? a. Median umbilical ligament b. Medial umbilical ligament c. Pubovesical ligament d. Inguinal ligament ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 12. Which structure functions as support of the pelvic organs in females and can result in prolapse
of pelvic organs if torn during childbirth?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
Broad ligament Uterosacral ligament Inguinal ligament Perineal body
OBJ: Describe the perineum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the female pelvis.
13. Which line points to the uterosacral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 14. Which line points to the vagina? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 15. Which line points to the uterus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the location of the male and female reproductive organs.
16. Which line points to the perineal membrane?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Differentiate between the pelvic diaphragm and perineum.
17. In the figure below of a sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis, which line points to the
prostate gland?
NURSINGT a. b. c. d.
ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the female pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
18. Which line points to the ovary? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 19. Which line points to the piriformis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
20. Which line points to the iliopsoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
21. Which line points to the gluteus minimus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
22. In the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the female pelvis, which line points to
the left ovary?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 23. In the figure below of an axial CT of the male pelvis, which line points to the seminal vesicle?
a. b. c. d.
ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the right hip.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
24. Which line points to the iliac crest? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
25.2 Which line points to the acetabulum? 5 a. A . b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
26. Which line points to the IT band? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
27. Which line points to the lesser trochanter? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the pelvis.
28. Which line points to the L5 vertebra? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
29. Which line points to the sacral promontory? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
30. Which line points to the pubic symphysis? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
31. Which line points to the ischial tuberosity? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the ilium and sacroiliac joints.
32. Which line points to the ilium? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
33. Which line points to the psoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
34. Which line points to the sacroiliac joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
35. Which line points to the sacral foramen? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
36. Which line points to the superior pubic ramus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
37. Which line points to the femoral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
38. Which line points to the prostate gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 39. Which line points to the sciatic nerve? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
40. Which line points to the retropubic space? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 41. Which line points to the obturator externus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
42. Which line points to the ischial tuberosity? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
43. Which line points to the anus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and describe the components of the rectum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the female pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
44. Which line points to the uterine cavity? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 45. Which line points to the cervN ix? U a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 46. Which line points to the pubic symphysis? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
47. Which line points to the vagina? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
48. Which line points to the rectum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List and describe the components of the rectum.
49. Which line points to the prostate gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 50. Which line points to the perineal membrane? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Differentiate between the pelvic diaphragm and perineum.
51. Which line points to the corpus cavernosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the male pelvis.
52. Which line points to the spermatic cord? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 53. Which line points to the femoral vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
54. Which line points to the obturator externus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
55. Which line points to the gluteus maximus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
56. Which line points to the bladder? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 57. Which line points to the semN inU alR vS esI icN leG ? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 58. Which line points to the prostate gland? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 59. Which line points to the external anal sphincter? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and describe the components of the rectum.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of a female pelvis.
60. Which line points to the urethra? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 61. Which line points to the levator ani muscle? N R I G a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
62. Which line points to the vagina? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 63. Which line points to the rectum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and describe the components of the rectum.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the pelvis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
64. Which line points to the external iliac artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
65. Which line points to the rectus abdominis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
66. Which line points to the iliopsoas muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
67. Which line points to the external iliac vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the penis.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
68. Which line points to the bladder? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 69. Which line points to the penile urethra? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 70. Which line points to the corpus cavernosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 71. Which line points to the corpus spongiosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
72. Which line points to the penile urethra? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location of the bladder in relation to the reproductive organs and the course of the male and female urethras. 73. Which line points to the corpus cavernosum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 74. Which line points to the ischiopubic ramus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the structures of the bony pelvis.
75. Which line points to the levator ani muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the function and location of the pelvic muscles.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
The following questions refer to the figure below of an MRA of the descending aorta.
76. Which line points to the abdominal aorta? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
77. Which line points to the left external iliac artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
78. Which line points to the right common iliac artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
79. Which line points to the right internal iliac artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins that are located within the pelvis.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the male pelvis.
80. Which line points to the retropubic space? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 81. Which line points to the anterior fibromuscular stroma? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 82. Which line points to the central zone of the prostate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 83. Which line points to the peripheral zone of the prostate? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: D OBJ: Describe the location and function of the male and female reproductive organs. 84. The pelvic outlet is measured from the tip of the coccyx to the: a. Sacral promontory b. Inferior margin of the pubic symphysis c. Pelvic brim d. Ischial spine ANS: B
OBJ: Define the pelvic inlet and outlet.
85. What delineates the boundaries between the abdominal and pelvic cavities? a. Pelvic brim b. Arcuate line c. Obturator foramen d. Lesser sciatic notch ANS: A
OBJ: Define the pelvic inlet and outlet.
86. Which of the following lymph node groups receive lymph from the posterior pelvic wall,
rectum, neck of the bladder and prostate or cervix? a. Common iliac b. Internal iliac c. Sacral d. Inguinal ANS: C
OBJ: DN esU criR beStI heNloGcT atiB on.oC fO thM e pelvic lymph nodes.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 09: Upper Extremity Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The infraspinatus tendon inserts on the: a. Labrum b. Bicipital groove c. Greater tubercle d. Coracoid process ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 2. Which ligament protects the humeral head from direct trauma? a. Glenohumeral b. Coracoacromial ligament c. Coracoclavicular d. Acromioclavicular ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 3. What ligament in the elbow attaches to the annular ligament? a. Ulnar collateral b. Radial collateral c. Biceps d. Supinator ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 4. Which of the following muscles is located in the posterior muscle group of the elbow? a. Brachialis b. Anconeus c. Supinator d. Pronator ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 5. The ulnar nerve is located between the
epicondyle of the humerus and the
process. a. Medial; Olecranon b. Lateral; Olecranon c. Medial; Coronoid d. Lateral; Coronoid ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 6. Which of the following carpal bones is located in the proximal row? a. Trapezium b. Hamate c. Scaphoid d. Capitate ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
7. The major stabilizing element of the distal radioulnar joint is the: a. Triangular fibrocartilage complex b. Ulnar collateral ligaments c. Intercarpal ligaments d. Radial collateral ligaments ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 8. Which nerve courses through the carpal tunnel? a. Ulnar b. Median c. Radial d. Navicular ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the nerves that innervate the upper extremity.
9. What structure forms a bridge over the intertubercular groove for protection of the long head
of the biceps tendon? a. Inferior glenohumeral ligament N R b. Transverse humeral ligameU nt c. Axillary pouch d. Inferior glenoid labrum ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 10. Where does the short head of the biceps brachii muscle originate? a. Greater tubercle of the humerus b. Acromion process c. Scapular spine d. Coracoid process ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 11. Which articulations of the elbow create the pivot joint that aids in supination and pronation of
the elbow? a. Radiohumeral and ulnohumeral b. Radiohumeral and radioulnar c. Radioulnar and ulnohumeral d. Ulnohumeral and trochlear ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the joint capsules of the shoulder and elbow.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 12. The carpal articular surface of the distal radius articulates with which carpal bones? a. Lunate and triquetral b. Triquetral and scaphoid c. Scaphoid and lunate d. Triquetral and pisiform ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
13. The structure that consists of a series of short ligaments that connect the palmar plates of the
metacarpal heads is called the: a. Annular pulley system b. Collateral ligaments c. Palmar ligaments d. Deep transverse metacarpal ligament ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 14. Which of the following is not one of the muscles of the thenar group in the hand? a. Lumbrical b. Abductor pollicis brevis c. Flexor pollicis brevis d. Adductor pollicis ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 15. How many muscles are located within the ventral group or deep muscles of the forearm? N R I G B.C M a. Three b. Five c. Seven d. Nine ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 16. The infraglenoid tubercle of the glenoid process is the attachment site for what muscles? a. Short heads of the biceps and triceps brachii muscles b. Long heads of the biceps and triceps brachii muscles c. Coracobrachialis and subscapularis muscles d. Coracobrachialis and teres minor muscles ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 17. In the figure below of an axial CT of the shoulder, which line points to the subscapularis
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal CT reformat of the wrist.
18. Which line points to the radius? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
19. Which line points to the lunate? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
20. Which line points to the second metacarpal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
21. Which line points to the trapezoid? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal oblique, T1-weighted MRI of the shoulder.
22. Which line points to the AC joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
23. Which line points to the superior labrum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: Identify the components that contribute to the glenoid labrum and describe its function. 24. Which line points to the deltoid muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 25. Which line points to the glenoid fossa? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal oblique, T1-weighted MRI of the shoulder.
26. Which line points to the coracoclavicular ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 27. Which line points to the acromion process?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
28. Which line points to the coracoid process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
29. Which line points to the coracobrachialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal oblique, T1-weighted MRI of the right shoulder.
30. Which line points to the coracoacromial ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 31. Which line points to the coracoclavicular ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 32. Which line points to the coracohumeral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 33. Which line points to the coracoid process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
.eCloOwMof an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the The following questions refN erUtR oS thI eN fiG guTrB eb right shoulder.
34. Which line points to the head of humerus? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
35. Which line points to the coracoid process? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
36. Which line points to the supraspinatus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 37. Which line points to the scapular spine? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the N R I G B.C M right shoulder.
38. Which line points to the short head biceps brachii tendon? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: A OBJ: List and identify the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 39. Which line points to the subscapularis tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and identify the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 40. Which line points to the deltoid muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 41. Which line points to the infraspinatus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the right forearm.
42. Which line points to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle?
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank a. b. c. d.
ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 43. Which line points to the flexor carpi radialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 44. Which line points to the ulna? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
45. Which line points to the brachioradialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the distal humerus.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
46. Which line points to the brachialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 47. Which line points to the brachioradialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 48. Which line points to the ulnar nerve? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the nerves that innervate the upper extremity.
49. Which line points to the triceps brachii muscle (lateral head)? N R I G B.C M a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T2-weighted MRI of the elbow.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
50. Which line points to the brachioradialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 51. Which line points to the pronator teres muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 52. Which line points to the ulnar collateral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 53. Which line points to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the right shoulder.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
54. Which line points to the axillary artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the major arteries and veins of the upper extremity.
55. Which line points to the deltoid muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 56. Which line points to the infraspinatus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites. 57. Which line points to the subscapularis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the muscles as well as their origin and insertion sites.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T2-weighted MRI of the wrist.
58. Which line points to the triquetral? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
59. Which line points to the midcarpal joint? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the joint capsules of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist.
60. Which line points to the lunate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
61. Which line points to the radiocarpal joint? a. b. c. d.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the joint capsules of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the wrist.
62. Which line points to the abductor digiti minimi muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actioU ns oS f theNmuT scles asO well as their origin and insertion sites. 63. Which line points to the extensor carpi radialis longus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 64. Which line points to the hook of the hamate? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the upper extremity.
65. Which line points to the flexor pollicis longus tendon? a. b. c. d.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the wrist.
66. Which line points to the abductor digiti minimi muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
GuTscBle. OBJ: Identify and state the actN ioU nsRoS f tI heNm s aCsO wM ell as their origin and insertion sites. 67. Which line points to the extensor retinaculum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 68. Which line points to the flexor pollicis longus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments and tendons of each upper extremity joint. 69. Which line points to the ulnar nerve? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
OBJ: List and identify the nerves that innervate the upper extremity.
70. Which structure blends with the glenoid labrum? a. Coracohumeral ligament b. Transverse humeral ligament c. Long head of the biceps tendon d. Short head of the biceps tendon ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the components that contribute to the glenoid labrum.
71. A function of the glenoid labrum is to: a. Provide lubrication to the joint capsule b. Provide lubrication to the biceps tendon c. Deepen the articular surface of the humerus d. Deepen the articular surface of the glenoid fossa ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the components that contribute to the glenoid labrum.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
Chapter 10: Lower Extremity Kelley: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The incomplete margin of the acetabulum is reinforced by the: a. Cotyloid ligament b. Acetabular labrum c. Transverse ligament d. Iliofemoral ligament ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 2. Which muscle is the longest muscle of the body? a. Iliopsoas b. Gastrocnemius c. Sartorius d. Piriformis ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 3. The superior and inferior gemelli muscles contribute to the formation of the: a. Obturator externus muscle b. Obturator internus musclN e c. Adductors d. Gluteus maximus muscle ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 4. Which muscle originates on the anterior superior iliac spine and inserts in the iliotibial (IT)
band? a. Sartorius b. Iliopsoas c. Iliacus d. Tensor fasciae latae ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 5. Which ligament extends from the medial femoral condyle to the posterior aspect of the tibia? a. Medial collateral b. Lateral collateral c. Anterior cruciate d. Posterior cruciate ANS: D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 6. The patellar ligament is a continuation of the: a. Gastrocnemius tendon b. Hamstrings c. Quadriceps tendon d. Popliteus ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 7. Which ligament provides medial support for the ankle? a. Deltoid b. Spring c. Interosseous d. Posterior talofibular ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 8. The lateral ligaments of the ankle originate on the: a. Tibial malleolus b. Fibular malleolus c. Sustentaculum tali d. Calcaneus ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 9. 10. Besides the gastrocnemius muscle, from what other muscle does the Achilles tendon arise? a. Semimembranosus b. Sartorius c. Popliteus d. Soleus ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 11. In the ankle, the peroneus brevis tendon is part of the a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Medial d. Lateral
ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 12. The interosseous ligament is located in the: a. Tarsal canal b. Sustentaculum tali c. Anterior facet d. Mortise joint
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 13. Which tarsal bone transmits the weight of the entire body to the foot? a. Calcaneus b. Talus c. Navicular d. Cuboid ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
14. Which ligament is considered one of the strongest in the body and reinforces the anterior part
of the hip? a. Acetabular labrum b. Ligamentum teres c. Iliofemoral d. Ischiofemoral ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 15. The circular fibers of the fibrous joint capsule of the hip are called the: a. Ligamentum teres b. Zona orbicularis c. Iliofemoral ligament d. Acetabular labrum ANS: B
OBJ: DN escriR be tI he laGbruB m. anCd arM ticular capsule of the hip.
16. Which of the following is the attachment site for the IT band? a. Fibular head b. Tibial tuberosity c. Lateral femoral condyle d. Gerdy tubercle ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 17. Which tendon contributes to the formation of the oblique popliteal ligament? a. Semimembranosus b. Semitendinosus c. Biceps femoris d. Popliteus ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 18. Which ligament strengthens the inferolateral portion of the posterior joint capsule of the knee? a. Oblique popliteal b. Arcuate popliteal c. Posterior cruciate d. Posterior meniscofemoral
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 19. Which tendons merge to form a conjoined tendon referred to as the pes anserinus? a. Sartorius, semimembranosus, semitendinosus b. Gracilis, sartorius, semimembranosus c. Semitendinosus, gracilis, semimembranosus d. Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 20. In which muscular layer of the sole of the foot can the plantar interosseous muscles be found? a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 21. In the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the knee, which line points to the
posterior cruciate ligament?
a. b. c. d.
ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial CT of the knee.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
22. Which line points to the infrapatellar fat pad (Hoffa’s fat pad)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Define and identify the meniscus and articular capsule of the knee.
23. Which line points to the biceps femoris muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 24. Which line points to the posterior cruciate ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 25. Which line points to the gastrocnemius muscle (medial head)? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank insertions. 26. In the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the ankle, which line points to the
tibiotalar ligament?
a. b. c. d.
ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the right hip.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
27. Which line is pointing to the rectus femoris muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 28. Which line is pointing to the gluteus medius muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 29. Which line is pointing to the ischiofemoral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 30. Which line is pointing to the ligamentum teres? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the right hip.
31. Which line is pointing to the acetabulum? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
32. Which line is pointing to the iliofemoral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 33. Which line is pointing to the ligamentum teres? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the hip.
34. Which line is pointing to the transverse acetabular ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 35. Which line is pointing to the quadratus femoris muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 36. Which line is pointing to the obturator internus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 37. Which line is pointing to the pectineus muscle? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the right proximal femur.
38. Which line is pointing to the rectus femoris muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 39. Which line is pointing to the sartorius muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 40. Which line is pointing to the vastus intermedius muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank insertions. 41. Which line is pointing to the gluteus maximus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the right distal femur.
NURSINGT 42. Which line is pointing to the vastus intermedius muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 43. Which line is pointing to the popliteal vein? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
44. Which line is pointing to the semitendinosus muscle? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 45. Which line is pointing to the semimembranosus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the distal right femur.
46. Which line is pointing to the IT band? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 47. Which line is pointing to the sartorius muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 48. Which line is pointing to the plantaris muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 49. Which line is pointing to the semimembranosus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a sagittal, T1-weighted MRI of the knee.
50. Which line is pointing to the vastus medialis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 51. Which line is pointing to the semimembranosus muscle? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 52. Which line is pointing to the oblique popliteal ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 53. Which line is pointing to the popliteus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted image of the right ankle.
54. Which line is pointing to the extensor retinaculum? a. A b. B c. C
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bursae of the hip and knee.
55. Which line is pointing to the posterior talofibular ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 56. Which line is pointing to the peroneus longus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 57. Which line is pointing to the flexor digitorum longus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CT of the foot.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
58. Which line is pointing to the first metatarsal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
59. Which line is pointing to the base of the fifth metatarsal? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
60. Which line is pointing to the neck of talus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
61. Which line is pointing to the medial cuneiform? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
OBJ: Identify the bony anatomy of the lower extremity.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the left tibia.
62. Which line is pointing to the flexor digitorum longus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 63. Which line is pointing to the tibialis anterior muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 64. Which line is pointing to the soleus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions. 65. Which line is pointing to the peroneus longus muscle? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of an axial, T1-weighted MRI of the right ankle.
66. Which line is pointing to the anterior tibiofibular ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 67. Which line is pointing to the flexor digitorum longus tendon? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 68. Which line is pointing to the peroneus brevis muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
69. Which line is pointing to the flexor hallucis longus muscle? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: Identify and state the actions of the lower extremity muscles as well as their origins and insertions.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a coronal, T1-weighted MRI of the right knee.
70. Which line is pointing to the posterior cruciate ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 71. Which line is pointing to the lateral meniscus? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: B
OBJ: Define and identify the meniscus and articular capsule of the knee.
72. Which line is pointing to the IT band? a. A b. B
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank c. C d. D ANS: C OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints. 73. Which line is pointing to the medial collateral ligament? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D OBJ: List and describe the ligaments, retinacula, and tendons of the lower extremity joints.
The following questions refer to the figure below of a 3D CTA of the iliac and femoral arteries.
74. Which line is pointing to the common iliac artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: A
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
75. Which line is pointing to the profunda femoris artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
76. Which line is pointing to the femoral artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: C
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
77. Which line is pointing to the lateral circumflex artery? a. A b. B c. C d. D ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
78. Which bursa is formed by the protrusion of the synovial capsule on the posterior aspect of the
hip joint? a. Trochanteric b. Iliopsoas c. Ischial d. Obturator externus ANS: D
OBJ: Identify the bursae of the hip and knee.
79. Which nerve enters the thighNben UReath SIthe NGing TBu.inCalOliMgament to innervate the anterior
compartment of the thigh? a. Saphenous b. Femoral c. Obturator d. Sciatic ANS: B
OBJ: Describe the nerves that innervate the lower extremity.
80. Which of the following is the most superficial structure in the popliteal fossa? a. Tibial nerve b. Popliteal artery c. Posterior tibial artery d. Sural nerve ANS: A
OBJ: Describe the nerves that innervate the lower extremity.
81. Which of the following is the distal continuation of the anterior tibial artery? a. Peroneal artery b. Lateral plantar artery c. Anterior malleolar artery d. Dorsalis pedis artery ANS: D
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals 4th Edition Kelley Test Bank 82. What structure does the ligament of Humphrey arise from? a. Anterior horn of the medial meniscus b. Posterior horn of the medial meniscus c. Anterior horn of the lateral meniscus d. Posterior horn of the lateral meniscus ANS: D
OBJ: Define and identify the meniscus and articular capsule of the knee.
83. Which bursa of the knee is adjacent to the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis and
semitendinosus muscles? a. Gastrocnemius b. Popliteus c. Pes anserinus d. Semimembranosus ANS: C
OBJ: Identify the bursae of the hip and knee.
84. Which vessel ascends the leg along the medial aspect and drains into the femoral vein near the
hip joint? a. Popliteal vein b. Great saphenous vein c. Small saphenous vein d. Profunda femoris vein ANS: B
OBJ: List and identify the major arteries and veins of the lower extremity.
85. What structure is part of the fibrous joint capsule of the hip and forms a sling around the
femoral neck? a. Iliofemoral ligament b. Ligamentum teres c. Acetabular labrum d. Zona orbicularis ANS: D
OBJ: Describe the labrum and articular capsule of the hip.