TEST BANK for The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition, Davi-Ellen Chabner

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Chapter 01: Basic Word Structure Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Gastrectomy: a. Gastric resection b. Intestinal incision c. Tumor of the stomach d. Incision of the stomach e. Resection of the intestine ANS: A

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

2. Osteitis: a. Incision of a bone b. Removal of a bone c. Incision of a joint d. Inflammation of a joint e. Inflammation of a bone ANS: E

REF: p. 4 | p. 11

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

3. Cystoscopy: a. Study of cells b. Visual examination of cells c. Removal of a sac of fluid d. Removal of the urinary bladder e. Visual examination of the urinary bladder ANS: E

REF: p. 8

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

4. Hepatoma: a. Incision of the kidney b. Tumor of the liver c. Blood mass d. Inflammation of the liver e. Red blood cell ANS: B

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

5. Iatrogenic: a. Pertaining to produced by treatment b. Produced by the mind c. Cancer producing d. Pertaining to producing a tumor e. Cutting into a tumor ANS: A

REF: p. 10 | p. 13

6. Electroencephalogram:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. b. c. d. e.

Record of electricity in the brain Record of electricity in the heart X-ray of the brain Record of sound waves in the brain X-ray of the heart and brain


REF: p. 9

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

7. Diagnosis: a. Made after the prognosis b. A guess as to the patient’s condition c. A prediction of the course of treatment d. Made on the basis of complete knowledge about the patient’s condition e. A treatment of the patient ANS: D

REF: p. 10

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

8. Cancerous tumor: a. Hematoma b. Adenoma c. Carcinoma d. Carcinogenic e. Neurotomy ANS: C

9. Microscopic examination of living tissue: a. Incision b. Pathology c. Biopsy d. Autopsy e. Resection ANS: C

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

10. Pertaining to the largest part of the brain: a. Cerebral b. Cephalic c. Renal d. Cardiac e. Neural ANS: A

REF: p. 8

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

11. Removal of a gland: a. Gastrotomy b. Gastric c. Hepatic resection d. Nephric section e. Adenectomy ANS: E

REF: p. 7 | p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.


REF: p. 7 | p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

12. Decrease in numbers of red blood cells or hemoglobin within red blood cells: a. Anemia b. Erythrocytosis c. Thrombocytosis d. Leukemia e. Leukocytosis ANS: A

REF: p. 14

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

13. Pathologist is one who: a. Examines x-rays b. Operates on the urinary tract c. Performs autopsies and examines biopsies d. Operates on the kidney e. Treats diseases with chemicals ANS: C

REF: p. 11

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

REF: p. 7 | p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

14. Pain in a joint: a. Ostealgia b. Arthritis c. Osteoarthritis d. Arthroalgia e. Arthralgia ANS: E

15. Increase in number of malignant white blood cells: a. Leukocytosis b. Leukemia c. Erythremia d. Thrombocytosis e. Erythrocytosis ANS: B

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

16. Instrument to view the eye: a. Ophthalmoscopy b. Opthalmoscope c. Opthalmology d. Ophthalmoscope e. Opthalmoscopy ANS: D

REF: p. 11

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

REF: p. 12

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

17. A platelet: a. Hematoma b. Thrombosis c. Leukocyte d. Thrombocyte e. Erythrocyte ANS: D

18. Abnormal condition of the mind: a. Physchosis b. Psychosis c. Psychogenic d. Encephalopathy e. Adenoma ANS: B

REF: p. 12 | p. 14

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

19. Inflammation of the nose: a. Arthrosis b. Hepatitis c. Nephritis d. Dermatosis e. Rhinitis ANS: E

REF: pp. 12-13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

REF: p. 9 | p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

20. Study of cells: a. Pathology b. Cytology c. Cystology d. Dermatology e. Hematology ANS: B

21. Pertaining to through the liver: a. Subrenal b. Transdermal c. Transhepatic d. Subhepatic e. Hepatoma ANS: C

REF: p. 10 | p. 15

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

22. Abnormal condition of the kidney: a. Neurologic b. Neuralgia c. Nephrotomy d. Neural e. Nephrosis ANS: E

23. Incision of a bone: a. Sarcoma b. Pathogenic c. Osteotomy d. Ostectomy e. Endoscopy

REF: p. 10 | p. 14

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.


REF: p. 11 | p. 14

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

24. High level of sugar in the blood: a. Hematoma b. Hypodermic c. Hypoglycemia d. Hyperglycemia e. Hypogastric ANS: D

REF: p. 10

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 25. Resection of a nerve: a. neruotomy b. neurectomy c. neurotomy ANS: B

REF: p. 10 | p. 13

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

26. Pertaining to produced by treatment: a. iatrogenic b. iatragenic c. itarogenic ANS: A

REF: p. 10 | p. 13

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

27. Pertaining to the cerebrum: a. cerebrol b. serebral c. cerebral ANS: C

REF: p. 8

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 10

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

28. Cancerous tumor: a. carcinoma b. carsinoma c. karsinoma ANS: A

29. Collection of blood: a. hepatoma b. hematoma c. hepitoma ANS: B

30. High blood sugar: a. hypoglycemia b. hyperglicemia c. hyperglycemia


REF: p. 10

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

31. Membrane surrounding the heart: a. perycardium b. pericardium c. pericardum ANS: B

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

32. Instrument to examine within: a. endoscope b. endoskope c. endoscopy ANS: A

REF: pp. 14-15

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

33. Disease of the intestines: a. entrapathy b. interopathy c. enteropathy ANS: C

REF: p. 9 | p. 14

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

34. Inflammation of the urinary bladder: a. cytitis b. cystitis c. sistitis ANS: B

REF: p. 8 | p. 13

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Select the correct meaning for the following combining forms. 35. arthr/o: a. gland b. red c. joint ANS: C

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 8

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

36. cyst/o: a. urinary bladder b. cell c. to secrete ANS: A

37. encephal/o: a. electricity b. brain c. cell ANS: B

38. aden/o: a. brain b. gland c. joint ANS: B

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

39. cyt/o: a. cerebrum b. urinary bladder c. cell ANS: C

40. carcin/o: a. cancer b. to secrete c. heart ANS: A

41. cephal/o: a. intestines b. head c. cell ANS: B

42. cerebr/o: a. cerebrum, largest part of the brain b. head c. cancer ANS: A

REF: p. 8

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

43. enter/o: a. flesh b. stomach c. intestine, usually small intestine ANS: C

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 10

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

44. hepat/o: a. liver b. blood c. kidney ANS: A

45. ped/o: a. bone b. child c. disease


REF: p. 11

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

46. ren/o: a. nose b. kidney c. liver ANS: B

47. ur/o: a. disease b. tumor c. urine or urinary tract ANS: C

REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Select the correct meaning for the following suffixes. 48. -gram: a. protein b. blood condition c. record ANS: C

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

49. -itis: a. blood condition b. inflammation c. excision; removal ANS: B

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

50. -opsy: a. instrument to visually examine b. process of viewing c. tumor; mass; swelling ANS: B

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

51. -oma: a. tumor; mass; swelling b. condition c. process of viewing ANS: A

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

52. -scopy: a. excision; removal b. instrument to visually examine c. process of visual examination ANS: C

REF: p. 14

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

53. -logy: a. process of study; study of b. condition c. protein ANS: A

REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Select the correct meaning for the following prefixes. 54. hyper-: a. deficient; below; under; less than normal b. surrounding; around c. excessive; above; more than normal ANS: C

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

55. peri-: a. before; forward b. surrounding; around c. across; through ANS: B

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

56. epi-: a. into; in b. outside of; outward c. above; upon ANS: C

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

57. trans-: a. across; through b. surrounding; around c. before; forward ANS: A

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

58. hypo-: a. surrounding; around b. deficient; below; under; less than normal c. excessive; above; more than normal ANS: B

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

59. dia-: a. through; complete b. self; own c. behind ANS: A

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Select the correct combining form for the following terms.

60. Heart: a. carcin/o b. cardi/o c. crin/o ANS: B

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 10

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

61. Skin: a. derm/o b. erythr/o c. sarc/o ANS: A

62. Sugar: a. gnos/o b. leuk/o c. glyc/o ANS: C

63. X-rays: a. radi/o b. path/o c. onc/o ANS: A

64. Flesh: a. derm/o b. rhin/o c. sarc/o ANS: C

Choose the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 65. Arthrotomy: a. arth b. ro c. to d. my ANS: B

REF: p. 7 | p. 14

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 27

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

66. Cystoscopy: a. cys b. tos c. co d. py ANS: B

67. Gastrectomy: a. gas b. trec c. to d. my ANS: B

REF: p. 28

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 28

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 29

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

68. Endocrinology: a. endo b. cri c. nol d. o e. gy ANS: C

69. Neuralgia: a. neur b. al c. gi d. a ANS: B

70. Pericarditis: a. per b. i c. car d. di e. tis ANS: D

REF: p. 7 | p. 13 | p. 15

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

71. Ophthalmoscope: a. oph b. thal c. mo d. scope ANS: B

REF: p. 29

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 28

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

72. Hepatoma: a. hep b. a c. to d. ma ANS: C

73. Retrogastric: a. re

b. tro c. gas d. tric ANS: C

REF: p. 9 | p. 13 | p. 15

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

74. Cytology: a. cy b. tol c. o d. gy ANS: B

REF: p. 27

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Spelling 75. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. luekocyte b. leukocyte ANS: B

REF: p. 29

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

76. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. neuralgia b. nueralgia ANS: A

REF: p. 29

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

77. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. erythrocyte b. erthyrocyte ANS: A

REF: p. 28

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

78. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. opthalmoscopy b. ophthalmoscopy ANS: B

REF: p. 11 | p. 14

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

79. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. pathogenic b. pathojenic ANS: A

REF: p. 29

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

80. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. thrombocyte b. thrombocyt ANS: A

REF: p. 30

81. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. sacroma

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

b. sarcoma ANS: B

REF: p. 30

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

82. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. psychology b. physcology ANS: A

REF: p. 30

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

83. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. biospy b. biopsy ANS: B

REF: p. 27

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

84. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. gynocology b. gynecology ANS: B

REF: p. 28

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


Match the terms with their correct combining forms. a. psych/o b. ophthalm/o c. path/o d. ren/o e. rhin/o f. radi/o g. onc/o h. sarc/o i. thromb/o j. ur/o k. oste/o l. sect/o 1. Kidney 2. Disease 3. Eye 4. Nose 5. Flesh 6. Bone 7. Mind 8. Tumor 9. Clotting 10. Urinary tract 11. X-rays 12. To cut

1. ANS: D 2. ANS: C 3. ANS: B 4. ANS: E 5. ANS: H 6. ANS: K 7. ANS: A 8. ANS: G 9. ANS: I 10. ANS: J 11. ANS: F 12. ANS: L


p. 12 p. 11 p. 11 p. 12 p. 12 p. 11 p. 12 p. 11 p. 12 p. 12 p. 12 p. 12


Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts. Learn basic word parts.

Match the terms with their correct definitions. a. adenopathy b. arthralgia c. biopsy d. carcinogenic e. cystoscopy f. erythrocyte g. gastrotomy h. hematoma i. hyperglycemia j. iatrogenic k. leukemia l. leukocytosis m. nephrectomy n. neuralgia o. oncologist p. ophthalmoscope q. osteitis r. pathologist s. prognosis t. thrombocyte 13. Pain of nerves 14. Inflammation of bone 15. Prediction about the outcome of treatment 16. Microscopic examination of living tissue 17. Blood cell that carries oxygen 18. Physician who specializes in drug treatment of cancerous tumors 19. Disease of a gland 20. Resection of a kidney 21. A platelet 22. Process of visual examination of the urinary bladder 23. Pertaining to an abnormal condition produced by a treatment 24. Incision of the stomach 25. Pertaining to producing cancer 26. An instrument to visually examine the eye

27. High blood sugar: diabetes mellitus 28. A physician who examines dead bodies to determine the cause of death 29. Pain of a joint 30. Mass or collection of blood 31. Slight increase in numbers of white blood cells as response to infection 32. Increase in abnormal, immature white blood cells; a malignant condition 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.



p. 10 | p. 13 p. 11 | p. 13 p. 10 p. 7 p. 9 p. 11 p. 7 | p. 14 p. 10 | p. 13 p. 12 p. 8 p. 10 p. 9 p. 7 | p. 13 p. 11 p. 10 p. 11 p. 7 | p. 13 p. 10 p. 14 p. 13


Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms. Analyze medical terms.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. low levels of blood sugar b. treatment of the mind c. study of tumors d. excision of the stomach e. pertaining to producing cancer f. abnormal condition (slight increase) of white blood cells g. brain disease h. abnormal condition of the skin i. cancerous condition of white blood cells j. pertaining to produced by treatment 33. Encephalopathy 34. Carcinogenic 35. Oncology 36. Dermatosis 37. Psychiatry 38. Leukemia 39. Hypoglycemia 40. Iatrogenic 41. Gastric resection

42. Leukocytosis 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

ANS: G REF: p. 9 | p. 14 OBJ: ANS: E REF: p. 7 | p. 13 OBJ: ANS: C REF: p. 11 | p. 13 OBJ: ANS: H REF: p. 9 | p. 14 OBJ: ANS: B REF: p. 10 | p. 12 | p. 14 OBJ: Use word parts to build terms. ANS: I REF: p. 13 OBJ: ANS: A REF: p. 10 | p. 15 OBJ: ANS: J REF: p. 10 OBJ: ANS: D REF: p. 12 OBJ: ANS: F REF: p. 14 OBJ:


1. arthr/o: ANS:

joint REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

2. cyst/o: ANS:

urinary bladder REF: p. 8

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

3. encephal/o: ANS:

brain REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

4. aden/o: ANS:

gland REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

5. cyt/o: ANS:

cell REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms.

Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms. Use word parts to build terms.

6. carcin/o: ANS:

cancer REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

7. cephal/o: ANS:

head REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

8. cerebr/o: ANS:

cerebrum largest part of the brain REF: p. 8

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

9. cyt/o: ANS:

cell REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

10. enter/o: ANS:

intestine small intestine REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

11. hepat/o: ANS:

liver REF: p. 10

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

12. ped/o: ANS:

child REF: p. 11

13. ren/o:

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.


kidney REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

14. ur/o: ANS:

urine urinary tract REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

15. cis/o: ANS:

to cut REF: p. 8

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Give meanings for the following suffixes: 16. –gram ANS:

record REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

17. -itis ANS:

inflammation REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

18. -opsy ANS:

to view REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

19. -oma ANS:

tumor REF: p. 13 20. -scopy

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.


process of visual examination REF: p. 14

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Complete the following medical terms from their meanings. 21. -logy: ANS:

study of REF: p. 13

22. Mass of blood:

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.



hemat REF: p. 10

23. White blood cell:

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.



leuko REF: p. 10

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

24. Pain of nerves: neur ANS:

algia REF: p. 13

25. Red blood cell:

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.



erythro REF: p. 9

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

26. peri-: ANS:

surrounding REF: p. 9

27. epi-:

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.


above REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

28. trans-: ANS:

across through REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

29. hypo-: ANS:

below deficient REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

30. dia-: ANS:

through complete REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

31. Prediction about the outcome of a disease; “before knowledge”: pro ANS:

gnosis REF: p. 10

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

32. Inflammation of the kidney:



nephr REF: p. 10

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

33. Pertaining to producing disease: patho ANS:

genic REF: p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

34. Study of women and female reproductive diseases:



gynec REF: p. 10

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

35. Record of electricity in the brain: electro ANS:

encephalogram REF: p. 9 | p. 13

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

36. Abnormal condition of clotting cells: thrombocyt ANS:

osis REF: p. 12

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

37. Examination of living tissue under a microscope: bi ANS:

opsy REF: p. 14

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

38. Pertaining to the largest part of the brain:



cerebr REF: p. 8

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

39. Tumor of a gland (benign):



aden REF: p. 7

OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

40. Inflammation of bone and joint:



osteo REF: p. 11

41. Heart: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build terms.

REF: p. 7

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

42. Skin: ANS:

derm/o dermat/o REF: p. 9

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

43. Sugar: ANS:

glyc/o REF: p. 10

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

44. Woman, female: ANS:

gynec/o REF: p. 10

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

45. X-rays: ANS:

radi/o REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

46. Mind: ANS:

psych/o REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

47. Nose: ANS:

rhin/o REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

48. Flesh: ANS:

sarc/o REF: p. 12

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

49. hypo-: ANS:

deficient below under less than normal REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

50. dia-: ANS:

through complete REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

51. -scopy: ANS:

process of visually examining REF: p. 14

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

52. -gram: ANS:

record REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

53. -globin: ANS:

protein REF: p. 13

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

54. trans-: ANS:

across through REF: p. 15

55. sub-: ANS:

below under

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

56. retro-: ANS:

behind REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

57. epi-: ANS:

above upon REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

58. end-, endo-: ANS:

within REF: p. 15

OBJ: Learn basic word parts.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 59.

a. luekocyte b. leukocyte a or b: meaning: ANS:

B, white blood cell REF: p. 10


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. neuralgia b. nueralgia a or b: meaning: ANS:

A, pain of nerves REF: p. 10 | p. 13

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

61. a. erythrocyte b. erthyrocyte a or b: meaning: ANS:

A, red blood cell

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

62. a. opthalmoscopy b. ophthalmoscopy a or b: meaning: ANS:

B, visual examination of the eye REF: p. 11 | p. 14


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. pathogenic b. pathojenic a or b: meaning: ANS:

A, pertaining to producing disease REF: p. 13


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. thrombocyte b. thrombocyt a or b: meaning: ANS:

A, clotting cell (platelet) REF: p. 12


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. sacroma b. sarcoma a or b: meaning: ANS:

B, tumor of fleshy tissue (malignant) REF: p. 12


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. psychology b. physcology a or b: meaning: ANS:

A, study of the mind REF: pp. 12-13


a. biospy b. biopsy a or b:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



B, view (microscopic) of living tissue REF: p. 13


OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

a. gynocology b. gynecology a or b: meaning: ANS:

B, study of female diseases REF: p. 10 | p. 13

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

Using slashes, divide the following terms into parts and give the meanings of the terms (for example: adenoma = aden/oma, tumor of glandular tissue). 69. Cerebral: word parts:



cerebr/al, pertaining to the cerebrum cerebr/al, largest part of the brain REF: p. 8

70. Electrocardiogram: word parts:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



electrocardio/gram, record of the electricity in the heart REF: p. 9

71. Dermatitis: word parts:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



dermat/itis, inflammation of the skin REF: p. 9 | p. 13

72. Cephalic: word parts:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



cephal/ic, pertaining to the head REF: p. 7

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

Give the suffix in each of the following terms and the meaning of the entire term.

73. Nephrectomy: suffix: meaning: ANS:

ectomy, removal of the kidney REF: p. 10 | p. 13

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

74. Osteotomy: suffix: meaning: ANS:

tomy, incision of a bone REF: p. 11 | p. 14

75. Oncology: suffix:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



logy, study of tumors (cancerous) REF: p. 11 | p. 14

76. Renal: suffix:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



al, pertaining to the kidney REF: pp. 12-13

77. Psychosis: suffix:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



osis, abnormal condition of the mind REF: p. 12 | p. 14

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

78. Carcinogenic: suffix: meaning: ANS:

genic, pertaining to producing cancer REF: p. 7 | p. 13

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

Give the prefix in each of the following terms and the meaning of the entire term. 79. Subhepatic: prefix: meaning:


sub, pertaining to below the liver REF: p. 10 | p. 13 | p. 15

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

80. Hyperglycemia: prefix: meaning: ANS:

hyper, excessive blood sugar REF: p. 10

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

81. Pericardium: prefix: meaning: ANS:

peri, membrane surrounding the heart REF: p. 15

82. Prognosis: prefix:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



pro, prediction about the outcome of treatment REF: p. 10

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

83. Hypodermic: prefix: meaning: ANS:

hypo, pertaining to under the skin REF: p. 9

84. Resection: prefix:

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.



re, process of cutting back (removal) REF: p. 12

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

85. Hypodermic: prefix: meaning: ANS:

hypo, pertaining to under the skin

REF: p. 9

OBJ: Analyze medical terms.

Chapter 02: Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. The process by which food is burned to release energy: a. Nuclear energy b. Anabolism c. Phagocytosis d. Catabolism e. Protein synthesis ANS: D

REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

2. Part of the cell where formation of proteins occurs: a. Genes b. Chromosomes c. Endoplasmic reticulum d. Cartilage e. Cell membrane ANS: C

REF: p. 36

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

3. Sum of the chemical processes in a cell: a. Anabolism b. Metabolism c. Protein synthesis d. Catabolism e. A and C ANS: B

REF: p. 36

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

4. A photograph of an individual’s chromosomes: a. Biopsy b. X-ray c. Electroencephalogram d. Sonogram e. Karyotype ANS: E

REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

5. Part of a cell where catabolism primarily occurs: a. Cell membrane b. Nucleus c. Mitochondria d. Genes e. Endoplasmic reticulum ANS: C

REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

6. Allows materials to pass into and out of the cell:

a. b. c. d. e.

Cytoplasm Cell membrane Chromosomes Mitochondria Nucleus


REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

7. Genes are composed of: a. Chromosomes b. Ribosomes c. Hemoglobin d. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) e. Mitochondria ANS: D

REF: p. 35

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

8. Muscular wall separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities: a. Mediastinum b. Diaphragm c. Pleura d. Pericardium e. Peritoneum ANS: B

REF: p. 44

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

9. The space in the chest between the lungs: a. Peritoneum b. Esophagus c. Pleural cavity d. Mediastinum e. Retroperitoneal space ANS: D

REF: p. 43

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

10. Adipose means pertaining to: a. Cartilage b. Bone c. Fat d. Skin e. Nervous tissue ANS: C

REF: p. 39

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

REF: p. 41

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

11. Throat: a. Trachea b. Coccyx c. Larynx d. Esophagus e. Pharynx ANS: E

12. Sarcoma: a. Part of the backbone b. Flesh tumor; benign c. Malignant tumor of flesh tissue d. Mass of blood e. Skin tumor of epithelial cells ANS: C

REF: p. 56

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

13. Craniotomy: a. Incision of the skull b. Pertaining to the skull c. Pertaining to the brain d. Incision of the chest e. Pertaining to the head ANS: A

REF: p. 56

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

14. A histologist studies: a. Drugs b. X-rays c. Tissues d. The backbone e. The spinal cord ANS: C

REF: p. 38

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

15. An epithelial cell is a/an: a. Skin cell b. Nerve cell c. Fat cell d. Organ e. Muscle cell ANS: A

REF: p. 38

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

16. The pleural cavity is the space: a. Within the abdomen b. Within the backbones c. Surrounding the hip d. Between the membranes around the lungs e. Within the skull ANS: D

REF: p. 43

17. Viscera: a. Cells in the blood b. Internal organs c. Parts of cells d. Cavities of the body e. Tissues composed of cartilage

OBJ: Identify body cavities.


REF: p. 41

18. The pituitary gland is in the a. Cranial b. Spinal c. Pelvic d. Abdominal e. Thoracic ANS: A

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

body cavity.

REF: p. 42

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

REF: p. 41

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

REF: p. 50

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

19. Voice box: a. Bronchial tube b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Larynx e. Tongue ANS: D

20. The tailbone is the: a. Sacrum b. Cervix c. Ilium d. Coccyx e. Cranium ANS: D

21. Supine means: a. Lying on the back b. Conducting toward a structure c. In front of the body d. Lying on the belly e. Pertaining to the side ANS: A REF: p. 52 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

22. The upper regions below the cartilage of the ribs that extends over the abdomen are the regions. a. Hypogastric b. Inguinal c. Lumbar d. Umbilical e. Hypochondriac ANS: E

REF: p. 48

23. The RUQ contains the: a. Liver b. Appendix

OBJ: Identify divisions of the abdomen.

c. Lung d. Spleen e. Heart ANS: A

REF: p. 49

OBJ: Identify divisions of the abdomen.

24. Pertaining to a plane that divides the body into right and left portions: a. Coronal b. Transverse c. Frontal d. Sagittal e. Distal ANS: D REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

25. A disk is: a. Part of the hip bone b. A piece of cartilage between backbones c. A piece of bony tissue connecting the joints in the back d. An abnormal structure in the back e. A pad of fatty tissue between backbones ANS: B

REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Internal organs: a. viscera b. vicsera c. vissera ANS: A

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

27. Malignant tumor of flesh (connective tissue): a. sacroma b. sarcoma c. sarkoma ANS: B

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

28. Pertaining to the chest: a. thoracic b. thorasic c. thoroacic ANS: A

29. Lying on the back: a. surpine b. supin c. supine

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

30. Pertaining to the abdomen: a. abdominel b. abdominal c. abdomineal ANS: B

REF: p. 68

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

31. Photograph of an individual’s chromosomes: a. karyotype b. karryotype c. kariotype ANS: A

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

32. Membrane surrounding the lungs: a. pleura b. ploora c. plura ANS: A

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

33. Space between the lungs: a. mediastinim b. mediastinam c. mediastinum ANS: C

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

34. Endocrine gland at the base of the brain: a. pitiutary b. pituitary c. pituitery ANS: B

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

35. Pertaining to skin (surface) cells: a. epitheleal b. epithelial c. epithelal ANS: B

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Select the correct medical term to complete the following sentences. 36. The end of the humerus is at the shoulder. a. inferior (caudal) b. distal c. proximal ANS: C REF: p. 52 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

37. The left lung lies a. proximal b. lateral c. superior

to the heart.

ANS: B REF: p. 52 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

38. The liver lies a. superior b. inferior c. proximal

to the intestines.

ANS: A REF: p. 52 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

39. The backbone is called a/an a. lateral b. superior c. vertebra ANS: C

40. The a. lateral b. distal c. superior

REF: p. 50


OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

end of the thigh bone (femur) joins with the kneecap.

ANS: B REF: p. 52 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

41. The a. transverse b. superior c. lateral

plane divides the body into upper and lower portions.

ANS: A REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

42. The a. superior b. sagittal c. lateral

plane divides the body into right and left portions.

ANS: B REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

43. The diaphragm lies a. distal b. proximal c. inferior (caudal) ANS: C

to the organs in the thoracic cavity.

REF: p. 52

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

Select the correct meaning for the following combining forms. 44.

crani/o: a. neck b. skull c. color ANS: B REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

45. cervic/o: a. cartilage b. tissue c. neck ANS: C REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

46. sacr/o: a. flesh b. nipple c. sacrum ANS: C REF: p. 57 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

47. trache/o: a. windpipe b. throat c. side ANS: A REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.


inguin/o: a. pelvis b. groin c. sacrum ANS: B REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

49. viscer/o: a. internal organs b. backbones c. belly side of the body ANS: A REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

50. sarc/o: a. sacrum

b. flesh c. vertebra ANS: B REF: p. 57 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

51. chondr/o: a. cartilage b. color c. cell ANS: A REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.


thorac/o: a. nipple b. windpipe c. chest ANS: C REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

53. hist/o: a. nucleus b. tissue c. far; distant ANS: B REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

Select the correct meaning for the following word parts. 54. Intraa. Between b. Within c. Below ANS: B REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

55. inter-: a. between b. above c. below ANS: A REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

56. hypo-: a. above b. between c. below ANS: C

REF: p. 58

OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.


ana-: a. up b. down c. below ANS: A REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

58. -ose: a. pertaining to; full of b. formation c. picture; classification ANS: A REF: p. 59 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

59. -eal: a. pertaining to b. formation of c. bodies ANS: A REF: p. 59 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

60. epi-: a. between b. below c. above ANS: C REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole.

Choose the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 61. Cephalic: a. ce b. phal c. ic ANS: B

REF: p. 68

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

62. Posterior: a. pos b. ter c. i d. or ANS: B

63. Proximal:

a. prox b. i c. mal ANS: A

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 68

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 68

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 68

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

64. Thoracotomy:

a. thor b. a c. cot d. om e. y ANS: C 65. Hypochondriac:

a. hy b. po c. chon d. dri e. ac ANS: C 66. Cranial:

a. cra b. ni c. al ANS: A 67. Catabolism:

a. ca b. tab c. ol d. ism e. sm ANS: B 68. Chondrosarcoma:

a. chon b. dro c. sar d. co e. ma ANS: D 69. Pharynx:

a. phar b. ynx


REF: p. 69

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 70

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

70. Viscera: a. vis b. cer c. a ANS: A MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. adipose b. cartilage c. chondrosarcoma d. chromosomes e. craniotomy f. epithelial cells g. histology h. inguinal i. karyotype j. larynx k. mitochondria l. pharynx m. pituitary gland n. sagittal plane o. thyroid gland p. tracheal q. transverse plane r. umbilical s. urethra t. visceral 1. Incision of the skull 2. Pertaining to the groin 3. Malignant tumor of connective tissue 4. Picture of nuclear structures 5. Pertaining to internal organs 6. Study of tissues 7. Secretory organ in the neck 8. Flexible connective tissue at joints 9. Divides the body horizontally 10. Tube from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body 11. Cytoplasmic structures where catabolism takes place 12. Throat 13. Divides the body laterally into right and left parts 14. Secretory organ at the base of the brain 15. Voice box 16. Pertaining to the navel

17. Pertaining to the windpipe 18. Pertaining to fat tissue 19. Lines external body surface and internal surface of organs 20. Rod-shaped nuclear structures 1. ANS: E 2. ANS: H 3. ANS: C

REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. REF: p. 48 OBJ: Identify divisions of the abdomen. REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn word parts pertaining to the body as a whole. 4. ANS: I REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 5. ANS: T REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 6. ANS: G REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 7. ANS: O REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 8. ANS: B REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 9. ANS: Q REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions. 10. ANS: S REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 11. ANS: K REF: p. 37 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 12. ANS: L REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 13. ANS: N REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions. 14. ANS: M REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 15. ANS: J REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 16. ANS: R REF: p. 48 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 17. ANS: P REF: p. 58 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 18. ANS: A REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 19. ANS: F REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 20. ANS: D REF: p. 35 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

Match the parts of the body with the correct descriptions. a. adipose tissue b. cartilage c. larynx d. pharynx e. pleura f. trachea g. ureter h. urethra 21. Throat 22. Collection of fat cells 23. Windpipe 24. Tube from the kidney to the urinary bladder 25. Voice box 26. Membrane surrounding the lungs 27. Flexible connective tissue at joints 28. Tube from the urinary bladder to outside of body 21. ANS: D

REF: p. 41

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

22. ANS: A 23. ANS: F 24. ANS: G 25. ANS: C 26. ANS: E 27. ANS: B 28. ANS: H


p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 43 p. 41 p. 41


Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body. Learn the structural organization of the body.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. backbone b. voice box c. skin cells d. vertical plane dividing the body into a right and a left portion e. throat f. classification of chromosomes g. lying on one’s back h. muscle dividing the thoracic and abdominal cavities i. connective tissue at the joints j. lying on one’s belly k. structures in a cell where food is burned to produce energy l. building-up process in a cell; proteins are synthesized for use in the body 29. Karyotype 30. Epithelium 31. Cartilage 32. Anabolism 33. Diaphragm 34. Vertebra 35. Sagittal 36. Supine 37. Mitochondria 38. Larynx 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

ANS: F REF: p. 56 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. ANS: C REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. ANS: I REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. ANS: L REF: p. 7 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. ANS: H REF: p. 43 OBJ: Identify body cavities. ANS: A REF: p. 50 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. ANS: D REF: p. 54 OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions. REF: p. 52 36. ANS: G OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions. 37. ANS: K REF: p. 36 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. 38. ANS: B REF: p. 41 OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body. OTHER

Use medical terms to complete the following sentences.

1. The control center of the cell, containing chromosomes, is the



nucleus REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

2. The process of building up proteins in a cell is called



anabolism REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

3. The total of the chemical processes in a cell is known as



metabolism REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

4. A scientist who studies tissues is called a/an



histologist REF: p. 38

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

5. Regions of DNA within a chromosome are called



genes REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

6. Region of the tailbone: ANS:

coccygeal REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

Name the five cavities of the body. 7. Cavity surrounded by the skull: ANS:

cranial REF: p. 42

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

8. Cavity in the chest surrounded by ribs: ANS:

thoracic REF: p. 42

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

9. Cavity surrounded by the hip bone: ANS:

pelvic REF: p. 43

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

10. Cavity surrounded by the backbones: ANS:

spinal REF: p. 43

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

11. Cavity below the chest containing digestive orgANS: ANS:

abdominal REF: p. 43

OBJ: Identify body cavities.

Name the five divisions of the back. 12. Region of the neck: ANS:

cervical REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

13. Region of the chest: ANS:

thoracic REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

14. Region of the waist: ANS:

lumbar REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

15. Region of the sacrum:


sacral REF: p. 50

OBJ: Locate divisions of the back.

Give opposites of the following terms. 16. Deep: ANS:

superficial REF: p. 52

OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

17. Proximal: ANS:

distal REF: p. 52

OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

18. Supine: ANS:

prone REF: p. 52

OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

19. Dorsal: ANS:

ventral anterior REF: p. 52

OBJ: Learn terms related to body planes, positions, and directions.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 20.

A. abdomin B. abdomen A or B: meaning:



B, area under the chest containing the stomach, intestines, liver, and gallbladder REF: p. 47

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

21. A. cartiledge B. cartilage A or B: meaning:



B, flexible connective tissue between joints REF: p. 41


OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

A. chromosome B. chromosone A or B: meaning:



A, contains genetic material in nucleus of a cell REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

23. A. diaphram B. diaphragm A or B: meaning:



B, muscular wall separating the chest and abdomen REF: p. 47


A. saggital B. sagittal A or B:

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.




B, vertical plane dividing the body into right and left portions REF: p. 54


A. larynx B. larnyx A or B:

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.




A, voice box REF: p. 41


OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

A. cervecal B. cervical A or B: meaning:



B, pertaining to the neck REF: p. 50

27. A. chrondroma

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

B. chondroma A or B: meaning:



B, tumor of cartilage (benign) REF: p. 56


OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

A. nucleus B. neucleus A or B: meaning:



A, control center of the cell REF: p. 37

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

29. A. traychea B. trachea A or B: meaning:



B, windpipe REF: p. 41

OBJ: Learn the structural organization of the body.

Chapter 03: Suffixes Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Amniocentesis: a. Incision of the abdomen b. Paracentesis c. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen d. Puncture of the chest region e. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the sac around the embryo ANS: E

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

2. Inflammation of lymph tissue in the throat: a. Bronchitis b. Laryngitis c. Pharyngeal d. Tonsilitis e. Tonsillitis ANS: E

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

3. Falling, drooping, prolapse: a. -pathy b. -ptosis c. -trophy d. -plasty e. -plasm ANS: B

REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

4. Blood is held back from an area: a. Thrombocyte b. Anemia c. Ischemia d. Hematoma e. Hemolysis ANS: C

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

5. Death: a. neur/o b. nephr/o c. neutr/o d. nucle/o e. necr/o ANS: E 6. Acromegaly:

a. b. c. d. e.

Exocrine disorder of bone enlargement Enlargement of extremities after puberty due to pituitary gland problem Abnormal growth of bones before puberty Endocrine gland problem in young children Fear of extremities (heights)


REF: p. 76 | p. 1

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

REF: pp. 77-78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

7. Pain in the ear: a. Pleurodynia b. Otitis c. Otalgia d. Osteitis e. Neuralgia ANS: C

8. Continuing over a long period of time: a. Chronic b. Acute c. Chromic d. Relapse e. Remission ANS: A

REF: p. 85

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

9. Small artery: a. Capillary b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Lymph vessel e. Blood vessel leading from the heart ANS: B

REF: p. 84

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

10. Instrument to visually examine: a. -scope b. -scopy c. -opsy d. -stasis e. -tomy ANS: A

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

11. Hernia of the urinary bladder: a. Rectocele b. Inguinal hernia c. Hiatal hernia d. Rectalgia e. Cystocele ANS: E

REF: p. 86

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

12. Tumor of bone marrow (cancerous): a. Myosarcoma b. Multiple myeloma c. Osteogenic sarcoma d. Adenocarcinoma e. Metastasis ANS: B

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

13. X-ray record of the spinal cord: a. Electroencephalogram b. Bone scan c. Myogram d. Myelogram e. Electromyogram ANS: D

REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

14. Berry-shaped (spheroidal) bacteria: a. staphyl/o b. pneum/o c. -cele d. strept/o e. -cocci ANS: E

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

15. Neutrophil: a. Lymphocyte b. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte c. Monocyte d. Mononuclear agranulocyte e. Platelet ANS: B

REF: p. 88

OBJ: Identify functions of blood cells.

16. Instrument to record: a. -gram b. -scopy c. -scope d. -graph e. -graphy ANS: D

17. Resembling: a. -osis b. -eal c. lith/o d. -oid e. -ic

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.


REF: p. 85

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

18. An eosinophil is a/an: a. Erythrocyte b. Leukocyte c. Mononuclear cell d. Platelet e. Lymphocyte ANS: B

REF: p. 88

OBJ: Identify functions of blood cells.

19. Removal of the voice box: a. Larnygectomy b. Pharyngotomy c. Pharynostomy d. Laryngectomy e. Trachectomy ANS: D

REF: p. 77 | p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

20. Angioplasty means: a. Pertaining to fat b. Fear of extremities c. Therapy with chemicals d. Surgical puncture of a blood vessel e. Surgical repair of a blood vessel ANS: E

REF: p. 76 | p. 82

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

21. A blood cell that produces antibodies: a. Erythrocyte b. Platelet c. Lymphocyte d. Monocyte e. Basophil ANS: C

REF: p. 88

OBJ: Identify functions of blood cells.

22. The opposite of -malacia is: a. -megaly b. -sclerosis c. -emia d. -plasia e. -lysis ANS: B

REF: p. 80 | p. 83

23. Excessive development: a. Hypoplasia b. Dystrophy c. Achondroplasia d. Morphology

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

e. Hypertrophy ANS: E

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

24. Treatment: a. -therapy b. -genic c. -plasty d. -osis e. -stasis ANS: A

25. Surgical creation of a permanent opening to the outside of the body: a. -stomy b. -tomy c. -ectomy d. Section e. Resection ANS: A

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

26. Beyond control (spread of a cancerous tumor): a. metastesis b. metastasis c. metastatis ANS: B

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

27. Pertaining to the voice box: a. larnygeal b. laryngeal c. laryngel ANS: B

REF: p. 77 | p. 85

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

28. Condition (disease) of the lung: a. pneumonia b. pneumoneia c. pnuemonia ANS: A

REF: p. 77 | p. 84

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

29. Hernia of the urinary bladder: a. cytocele b. cystocele c. cystosele ANS: B

REF: p. 86

30. Deficiency in white blood cells: a. leukopenia b. luekopenia

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

c. lucopinea ANS: A

REF: p. 77 | p. 81

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

31. Excessive development: a. hypertropy b. hypertrophy c. hypertrofe ANS: B

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

32. Pertaining to the groin: a. inguinal b. ingiuinal c. ingwanal ANS: A

REF: p. 86

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 88

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 77 | p. 83

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 84

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

33. Clotting cell: a. platelete b. platlet c. platelet ANS: C

34. Incision of a vein: a. pilbotomy b. phlebotomy c. plebotomy ANS: B

35. Small vein: a. venule b. vanule c. venuel ANS: A

Select the correct meaning for the following suffixes. 36. -cele: a. softening b. cell c. hernia ANS: C

REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

37. -coccus: a. inflammation b. berry-shaped bacterium c. breakdown, destruction, separation ANS: B

REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

38. -centesis: a. formation b. softening c. surgical puncture to remove fluid ANS: C

REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

39. -genesis: a. condition of producing, forming, formation b. surgical puncture to remove fluid c. breakdown, destruction, separation ANS: A

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

40. -graphy: a. process of recording b. instrument for recording c. record ANS: A

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

41. -emia: a. condition of producing, forming, formation b. blood condition c. enlargement ANS: B

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

42. -pathy: a. disease condition b. process of recording c. to view ANS: A

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

43. -lysis: a. blood condition b. softening c. breakdown, destruction, separation ANS: C

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

44. -penia: a. pain b. enlargement c. deficiency ANS: C

45. -malacia: a. drooping, sagging, prolapse b. softening

c. hardening ANS: B

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

46. -megaly:

a. softening b. deficiency c. enlargement ANS: C

Select the correct suffix for the following descriptions. 47. Instrument to visually examine: a. -graphy b. -scope c. -scopy ANS: B

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

48. Fear:

a. -penia b. -phobia c. -plasia ANS: B 49. Enlargement:

a. -megaly b. -ptosis c. -penia ANS: A

50. Falling, drooping, prolapse: a. -stomy b. -megaly c. -ptosis ANS: C

REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

51. Separation, destruction:

a. -malacia b. -lysis c. -ptosis ANS: B

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

52. Softening:

a. -malacia b. -ptosis c. -lysis ANS: A

53. Incision:

a. -trophy b. -scopy c. -tomy ANS: C

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

54. Treatment:

a. -therapy b. -trophy c. -pathy ANS: A 55. Excision:

a. -centesis b. -ectomy c. -dynia ANS: B 56. New opening:

a. -trophy b. -stasis c. -stomy ANS: C

Select the correct combining form for the following terms. 57. Liver: a. hemat/o b. hepat/o c. hydr/o ANS: B

REF: p. 76

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

58. Muscle:

a. my/o b. myel/o c. morph/o ANS: A 59. Flesh:

a. splen/o b. sacr/o c. sarc/o ANS: C 60. Nerve:

a. neutr/o b. neur/o c. nephr/o ANS: B

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

Select the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 61. Arteriole: a. ar b. ter c. ole ANS: B

REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 104

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 104

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

62. Hypertrophy:

a. hy b. per c. tro d. phy ANS: B 63. Osteomalacia:

a. os b. teo c. ma d. la ANS: D 64. Necrosis:

a. ne b. cro c. sis ANS: B 65. Carcinogenesis:

a. car b. cin c. gen d. sis ANS: C 66. Arteriosclerosis:

a. ar b. ter c. scle d. ro


REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 105

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

67. Laparoscopy: a. lap b. pa c. ros d. scop ANS: C

68. Thrombocytopenia: a. throm b. bo c. cy d. pen ANS: D

69. Abdominocentesis: a. ab b. dom c. cen d. te ANS: D

70. Hydrotherapy: a. hy b. dro c. ther ANS: C

Spelling 71. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. pericardeum b. pericardium ANS: B

REF: p. 104

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

72. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. arteriosclerosis b. arteriosklerosis ANS: A

REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

73. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. myleogram b. myelogram ANS: B

REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

74. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. hepatomeagaly b. hepatomegaly ANS: B

REF: p. 76 | p. 81

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

75. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. tonsillitis b. tonsilitis ANS: A

REF: p. 80

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

76. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. trachostomy b. tracheostomy ANS: B

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

77. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. abdominocentesis b. adbominocentesis ANS: A

REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

78. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. ploorodinia b. pleurodynia ANS: B

REF: p. 105

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

79. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. ophthalmology b. opthalmology ANS: A

REF: p. 104

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

80. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. staphylococci b. staphlococci ANS: A

REF: p. 105

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. acrophobia b. angiogenesis c. biopsy d. blepharoptosis e. cardiomyopathy f. cystocele g. electroencephalogram h. hemolysis

i. hydronephrosis j. inguinal k. ischemia l. laparotomy m. laryngeal n. mastectomy o. metastasis p. necrosis q. otalgia r. peritoneal s. thrombocytopenia t. tracheostomy 1. Pertaining to the groin 2. Prolapse of an eyelid 3. Disease of heart muscle 4. Resection of a breast 5. Ear pain 6. Pertaining to the voice box 7. Formation of blood vessels 8. Pertaining to the membrane surrounding the abdomen 9. Destruction of blood (RBCs) 10. Incision of the abdomen 11. Spread of a malignant tumor 12. Holding back blood from tissues 13. Fear of heights 14. New opening of the windpipe to the outside of the body 15. Abnormal condition of death of cells 16. Hernia of the urinary bladder 17. Record of the electricity in the brain 18. Deficiency of clotting cells (platelets) 19. Removal of living tissue and examination under a microscope 20. Abnormal condition of fluid (water) in the kidney 1. ANS: J 2. ANS: D 3. ANS: E 4. ANS: N 5. ANS: Q 6. ANS: M 7. ANS: B 8. ANS: R 9. ANS: H 10. ANS: L 11. ANS: O 12. ANS: K 13. ANS: A 14. ANS: T


p. 86 p. 82 p. 81 p. 77 | p. 79 pp. 77-78 p. 77 | p. 85 p. 76 | p. 80 p. 77 | p. 85 p. 76 | p. 80 p. 76 | p. 83 p. 83 p. 79 p. 81 p. 77 | p. 83


Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms.

15. ANS: P REF: p. 77 | p. 81 OBJ: 16. ANS: F REF: p. 76 | p. 78 OBJ: 17. ANS: G REF: p. 76 | p. 80 OBJ: 18. ANS: S REF: p. 77 | p. 81 OBJ: 19. ANS: C REF: p. 76 | p. 81 OBJ: 20. ANS: I REF: pp. 76-77 | p. 81 OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms. Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms that describe blood cells with their correct meanings. a. erythrocyte b. eosinophil c. thrombocyte d. neutrophil e. monocyte f. lymphocyte 21. A clotting cell; platelet 22. A red blood cell 23. A granulocytic white blood cell that destroys cells by engulfing and digesting them; polymorphonuclear leukocyte 24. A mononuclear leukocyte that is a phagocyte 25. A mononuclear leukocyte that destroys foreign cells by making antibodies 26. A leukocyte whose granules turn red with stain and whose numbers are elevated in allergic reactions 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS: 24. ANS: 25. ANS: 26. ANS:



p. 88 p. 88 p. 88 p. 88 p. 88 p. 88


Match the meanings with their correct suffixes. a. falling, drooping, prolapse b. surgical repair c. nourishment or development d. fear e. blood condition f. formation g. enlargement h. softening i. disease condition j. deficiency 27. -malacia 28. -phobia 29. -plasia 30. -ptosis 31. -pathy 32. -plasty

Identify functions of blood cells. Identify functions of blood cells. Identify functions of blood cells. Identify functions of blood cells. Identify functions of blood cells. Identify functions of blood cells.

33. 34. 35. 36.

-emia -penia -trophy -megaly

27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.



p. 80 p. 81 p. 82 p. 82 p. 81 p. 82 p. 79 p. 81 p. 83 p. 81


Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes. Define and review suffixes.


Give meanings for the following suffixes. 1. –rrhea ANS:

flow REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

2. -cele: ANS:

hernia REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

3. -coccus: ANS:

berry-shaped bacterium REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

4. -centesis: ANS:

surgical puncture to remove fluid REF: p. 78

5. -genesis:

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.


formation REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

6. -graphy: ANS:

process of recording REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

7. -emia: ANS:

blood condition REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

8. -lysis: ANS:

separation destruction REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

9. -pathy: ANS:

disease condition REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

10. -penia: ANS:

deficiency REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

11. -malacia: ANS:

softening REF: p. 80

12. -megaly: ANS:


OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

13. -phobia: ANS:

fear REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

14. -plasty: ANS:

surgical repair REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

15. -stasis: ANS:

stop control REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

16. -plasia: ANS:

formation REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

17. -sclerosis: ANS:

hardening REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

18. -ptosis: ANS:

falling drooping prolapse REF: p. 82

19. -stomy: ANS:

new opening

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

20. -tomy: ANS:

incision REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

21. -ule: ANS:

small little REF: p. 84

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

22. -genic: ANS:

pertaining to producing REF: p. 85

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

23. -trophy: ANS:

nourishment development REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

24. -oid: ANS:

resembling REF: p. 85

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

25. -ole: ANS:

small little REF: p. 84

26. -opsy: ANS:

to view

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

27. -ectomy: ANS:

removal REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

28. -centesis: ANS:

surgical procedure to remove fluid REF: p. 78

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

29. -dynia: ANS:

pain REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

30. -stasis: ANS:

stopping controlling REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

31. -plasty: ANS:

surgical repair REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

32. -genesis: ANS:

condition of producing forming REF: p. 80

33. -cyte: ANS:


OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

34. -penia: ANS:

deficiency REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

35. -trophy: ANS:

development nourishment REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

36. -emia: ANS:

blood condition REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

37. -graphy: ANS:

process of recording REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review suffixes.

Using the following combining forms and your knowledge of suffixes, build medical terms for the following definitions. amni/o cyst/o laryng/o myel/o thorac/o angi/o isch/o my/o staphyl/o 38. Record of the spinal cord: ANS:

myelogram REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

39. Process of recording blood vessels:


angiography REF: p. 76 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

40. Pain of a muscle: ANS:

myalgia REF: pp. 77-78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

41. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest: ANS:

thoracocentesis REF: pp. 77-78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

42. Berry-shaped (spheroidal) bacteria in clusters: ANS:

staphylococci REF: pp. 77-78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

43. Resection of the voice box: ANS:

laryngectomy REF: p. 77 | p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

44. Holding back of blood (from cells): ANS:

ischemia REF: p. 76 | p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

45. Hernia of the urinary bladder: ANS:

cystocele REF: p. 76 | p. 78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Using the following combining forms and your knowledge of suffixes, build medical terms for the following definitions. acr/o cardi/o

morph/o myel/o blephar/o chondr/o my/o sarc/o 46. Fear of heights (extremities): ANS:

acrophobia REF: p. 76 | p. 81

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

47. Flesh (malignant) tumor of muscle: ANS:

myosarcoma REF: p. 77 | p. 81

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

48. Study of the shape (of cells): ANS:

morphology REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

49. Inflammation of an eyelid: ANS:

blepharitis REF: p. 76 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

50. Softening of cartilage: ANS:

chondromalacia REF: p. 76 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

51. Tumor of bone marrow: ANS:

myeloma REF: p. 77 | p. 81

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

52. Disease of heart muscle: ANS:

cardiomyopathy REF: pp. 76-77 | p. 81

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Complete the following terms from their definitions. 53. Tumor of bone marrow:



myel REF: p. 77

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

54. Berry-shaped (spheroidal) bacteria in twisted chains: ANS:

strepto REF: p. 77

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

55. Hernia of the urinary bladder:



cysto REF: p. 76

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

56. New opening from the colon to the outside of the body: colo ANS:

stomy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

57. Berry-shaped (spheroidal) bacteria in clusters: staphylo ANS:

cocci REF: p. 78

58. Fear of heights:

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.



acro REF: p. 76

59. Study of the eye: ANS:


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.



REF: p. 77

60. Small vein:

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.



ven REF: p. 77

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

61. Hardening of arteries: arterio ANS:

sclerosis REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

62. Destruction of blood: hemo ANS:

lysis REF: p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Give the combining forms for the following terms. 63. Liver: ANS:

hepat/o REF: p. 76

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

64. Muscle: ANS:

my/o REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

65. Ear: ANS:

ot/o REF: p. 77

66. Tonsil: ANS:


OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

67. Shape: ANS:

morph/o REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

68. Lung: ANS:

pulmon/o REF: p. 77

OBJ: Define and review combining forms.

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 69. Arteriole: ANS:

ter REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

70. Hypertrophy: ANS:

per REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

71. Osteomalacia: ANS:

la REF: p. 104

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

72. Necrosis: ANS:

cro REF: p. 104

73. Carcinogenesis: ANS:


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

74. Laparoscopy: ANS:

ros REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

75. Arteriosclerosis: ANS:

ro REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

76. Thrombocytopenia: ANS:

pen REF: p. 105

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

77. Abdominocentesis: ANS:

te REF: p. 102

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

78. Hydrotherapy: ANS:

ther REF: p. 103

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 79.

A. pericardeum B. pericardium A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, lining (membrane) surrounding the heart REF: p. 76 | p. 84


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

A. arteriosclerosis B. arteriosklerosis A or B: meaning:


A, hardening of arteries REF: p. 83


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

A. myleogram B. myelogram A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, record (x-ray image) of spinal cord REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

82. A. hepatomeagaly B. hepatomegaly A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, enlargement of the liver REF: p. 76 | p. 81


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

A. trachostomy B. tracheostomy A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, new opening of the trachea to the outside of the body REF: p. 77 | p. 83


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

A. tonsillitis B. tonsilitis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, inflammation of the tonsils REF: p. 77 | p. 80


OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

A. abdominocentesis B. adbominocentesis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen (paracentesis) REF: p. 78

86. A. ploorodinia

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

B. pleurodynia A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, pain of the pleura (chest wall muscles) REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

87. A. ophthalmology B. opthalmology A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, study of the eyes REF: p. 77 | p. 80

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

88. A. staphylococci B. staphlococci A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, berry-shaped bacteria in clusters REF: p. 78

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Write the suffixes of the following terms and give the meaning of each term. 89. Pulmonary: suffix: meaning: ANS:

ary, pertaining to the lungs REF: p. 85

90. Necrotic: suffix:

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.



tic, pertaining to death REF: p. 85

91. Inguinal: suffix:

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.



al, pertaining to the groin REF: p. 85

OBJ: Use suffixes to build and define terms.

Chapter 04: Prefixes Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Pertaining to between the ribs: a. Intracostal b. Infracostal c. Costochondral d. Mediastinal e. Intercostal ANS: E

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

2. Pertaining to the opposite side: a. Bilateral b. Contralateral c. Unilateral d. Contraindication e. Ipsilateral ANS: B

REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

3. Protrusion of an eyeball: a. Cystocele b. Inguinal hernia c. Exopthalmos d. Ectopic e. Exophthalmos ANS: E

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

4. A congenital anomaly: a. Cerebral ischemia b. Pseudocyesis c. Hemiglossectomy d. Syndactyly e. Acromegaly ANS: D

REF: p. 119

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

5. Symbiosis: a. Parasitism is an example b. Symmetric organs c. Biopsy d. Group of symptoms e. Prolapse of the uterus ANS: A

REF: p. 119

6. Symptoms preceding an illness:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

a. b. c. d. e.

Apnea Syndrome Euphoria Prodrome Prognosis


REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

REF: p. 112

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

7. Before meals: a. Prenatal b. Anti cibum c. Postpartum d. Antenatal e. Ante cibum ANS: E


Antibodies: a. Bacteria b. Protein substances made by leukocytes c. Phagocytes d. Produced by erythrocytes to fight disease e. Antibiotics ANS: B

REF: p. 120

OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

9. Symphysis: a. Bifurcation b. Symptoms occurring together c. Living organisms that grow together for mutual benefit d. Bones that grow together, as in the pelvis e. Synthesis of substances ANS: D

REF: p. 119

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

10. Ultrasonography: a. X-ray recording of sound waves b. Amniocentesis c. Sound waves and echoes are used to create an image d. Radioactive material is injected and sound waves are recorded e. Abdominal x-ray recording ANS: C

REF: p. 124

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

11. Metamorphosis: a. Paralysis of limbs b. Spread of a cancerous growth c. Precancerous d. Change in shape or form e. After death ANS: D

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

12. Hypertrophy: a. Underdeveloped b. Poor development c. Increase in cell size; increased development d. Increase in cell numbers e. Newborn ANS: C

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

13. Excessive sugar in the blood: a. Hypodermic b. Hypoglycemia c. Glycosuria d. Hematuria e. Hyperglycemia ANS: E

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

14. Retroperitoneal: a. Region of the stomach b. Within the chest c. Behind the abdomen d. Within the abdomen e. Below the pelvis ANS: C

REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

15. Antigens: a. Streptococci b. Antibiotics c. Antitoxins d. Produced by antibodies e. Penicillins ANS: A

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

16. Return of disease symptoms: a. Prolapse b. Relapse c. Syndrome d. Prodrome e. Remission ANS: B

REF: p. 118

17. Dia-: a. Flow b. Down, lack of c. Complete, through d. Against e. Near

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.


REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

18. Abductor muscle: a. Bending forward b. Located proximally c. Pertains to both sides d. Carries a limb toward the body e. Carries a limb away from the body ANS: E

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

19. Dyspnea: a. Abnormal formation b. Difficult breathing c. Inability to sleep d. Condition of lack of water e. Inability to breathe ANS: B


REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

Brady-: a. Fast b. Bad c. Short d. Slow e. Large ANS: D

21. Located on the dorsal side of an endocrine gland in the neck: a. Pituitary gland b. Parathyroid glands c. Adrenal glands d. Mammary glands e. Salivary glands ANS: B

REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

22. Recombinant DNA: a. Pregnancy that is out of place b. Artificial kidney machine c. Backward development d. Antibodies made against normal tissue e. Insertion of gene from one organism into another organism ANS: E

REF: p. 118

23. Tachycardia: a. Bad, painful swallowing b. Inability to swallow c. Near the windpipe d. Rapid breathing

OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

e. Rapid heartbeat ANS: E

REF: p. 120

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

24. Epithelium: a. Surface cells that line internal organs and are found in the skin b. Membrane surrounding bone c. Connective tissue that binds muscles to bones d. Adipose tissue e. Above the stomach ANS: A

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

25. Percutaneous: a. Within a vein b. Through a vein c. Through the skin d. Surrounding cartilage e. Surrounding a bone ANS: C

REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

26. Slow heartbeat: a. bradicardia b. bradycardia c. bradicardea ANS: B

27. Both sides: a. bilateral b. bilaterel c. bilataral ANS: A

28. Lack of water: a. dehydrashun b. dehidration c. dehydration ANS: C

29. Without oxygen: a. anoxia b. aoxyia c. anocksia ANS: A

30. Against infection: a. antesepsis b. antisepsis

c. antisespsis ANS: B

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

31. Before birth:

a. antipartum b. antipartem c. antepartum ANS: C 32. Not breathing:

a. apnea b. aphnea c. afpnea ANS: A 33. Foreign substance:

a. antigene b. antigen c. antegen ANS: B

34. Feeling of well-being: a. euforia b. uforea c. euphoria ANS: C

REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

35. Through the skin: a. pericutaneus b. percutaneous c. percutanous ANS: B

Select the correct meaning for the following prefixes. 36. ante-: a. against b. before c. after ANS: B

REF: p. 112

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 112

OBJ: Define prefixes.

37. ana-: a. in, within b. up, apart c. before, forward ANS: B

38. brady-:

a. slow b. fast c. with, together ANS: A

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 112

OBJ: Define prefixes.

39. con-:

a. out, outside b. against c. with, together ANS: C 40. ad-:

a. away from b. toward c. with, together ANS: B 41. dys-:

a. through, complete b. against, opposite c. bad, painful, difficult ANS: C

REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

42. epi-:

a. above b. between c. beneath ANS: A 43. intra-:

a. between b. above c. within ANS: C 44. hypo-:

a. above, excessive b. deficient, under c. surrounding ANS: B 45. poly-:

a. many, much b. through

c. abnormal, beside, near ANS: A

REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

46. meta-: a. bad b. beyond, change c. large ANS: B

47. para-: a. surrounding b. abnormal, beside, near c. all ANS: B

REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

48. ab-: a. beneath b. away from c. toward ANS: B

49. cata-: a. down b. up c. before, forward ANS: A

50. endo-: a. out, away from b. in, within c. out, outside ANS: B

Select the correct prefix for the following meanings. 51. All: a. panb. parac. per ANS: A

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

52. New: a. macrob. parac. neoANS: C

53. Surrounding:

a. preb. peric. per ANS: B

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 120

OBJ: Define prefixes.

54. Half:

a. hemib. bic. dia ANS: A 55. Between:

a. infrab. intrac. interANS: C 56. Small:

a. microb. prec. supraANS: A 57. Fast:

a. tachyb. bradyc. hypoANS: A

Select the meaning for the following combining forms and suffixes. 58. necr/o: a. rule, order b. to bind, tie, connect c. death ANS: C REF: p. 125 | p. 132 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

59. carp/o: a. wrist bones b. to cut c. rig ANS: A

REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

60. gloss/o:

a. sugar b. tongue c. shape, form ANS: B

REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

61. seps/o:

a. poison b. protection c. infection ANS: C 62. cost/o:

a. wrist bones b. ribs c. to cut ANS: B 63. -rrhea:

a. flow, discharge b. nourishment, development c. structure, formation ANS: A

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

64. -plasia: a. stop, control b. breathing c. development, formation ANS: C

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

65. -pnea: a. breathing b. drooping, sagging, prolapse c. flow, discharge ANS: A

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

66. -partum: a. birth, labor b. to grow c. to measure ANS: A

67. -trophy: a. stop, control b. nourishment, development c. to measure


REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Spelling 68. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. neonatal b. neonatel ANS: A

REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

69. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. postmortum b. postmortem ANS: B

REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

70. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. metastasis b. metastesis ANS: A

REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

71. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. symdrone b. syndrome ANS: B

REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

72. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. biforcation b. bifurcation ANS: B

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

73. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. antebody b. antibody ANS: B

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

74. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. antibiotic b. antebiotic ANS: A

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

75. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. diarrhea b. diarhhea ANS: A

REF: p. 134

76. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. symbiosis

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

b. symbyosis ANS: A

REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

77. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. benign b. beningn ANS: A

REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. abduction b. adrenal c. anoxia d. antitoxin e. benign f. bradycardia g. contralateral h. endotracheal i. euphoria j. hemiglossectomy k. hypodermic l. infracostal m. intercostal n. neoplasm o. pancytopenia p. parathyroid q. retroperitoneal r. tachypnea s. transurethral 1. Pertaining to below a rib 2. New growth (tumor) 3. Condition of slow heartbeat 4. Pertaining to under the skin 5. Condition of deficiency of all (blood) cells 6. Carrying away from (the body) 7. Two endocrine glands, each above a kidney 8. Condition of “no” oxygen (deficiency) 9. Pertaining to through the tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body 10. A substance that acts against a poison 11. Pertaining to within the windpipe 12. Rapid breathing 13. Pertaining to the opposite side 14. Four endocrine glands in the neck region 15. Feeling of well-being 16. Removal of half of the tongue

17. Pertaining to between the ribs 18. Harmless, noncancerous 19. Pertaining to behind the membrane surrounding the abdominal organs 1. ANS: L REF: p. 116 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 2. ANS: N REF: p. 116 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 3. ANS: F REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 4. ANS: K REF: p. 115 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 5. ANS: O REF: p. 116 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 6. ANS: A REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 7. ANS: B REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 8. ANS: C REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 9. ANS: S REF: p. 124 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 10. ANS: D REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 11. ANS: H REF: p. 115 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 12. ANS: R REF: p. 111 | p. 120 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 13. ANS: G REF: p. 114 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 14. ANS: P REF: p. 117 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 15. ANS: I REF: p. 115 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 16. ANS: J REF: p. 127 | p. 131 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 17. ANS: M REF: p. 116 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 18. ANS: E REF: p. 129 | p. 132 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. 19. ANS: Q REF: p. 129 | p. 131 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. anoxia b. anteflexion c. antepartum d. antisepsis e. apnea f. bilateral g. congenital anomaly h. contralateral i. bilateral 20. Against infection 21. Not breathing 22. Before birth 23. Condition of no oxygen 24. Irregularity at birth 25. Pertaining to the opposite side 20. ANS: 21. ANS: 22. ANS: 23. ANS:



p. 113 p. 111 pp. 111-112 p. 111


Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms.

24. ANS: G 25. ANS: H

REF: p. 113 REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms. OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. dialysis b. diarrhea c. exophthalmos d. malaise e. malignant f. metamorphosis g. metastasis h. pancytopenia i. ptosis 26. Condition of change in shape or form 27. Vague feeling of bodily discomfort 28. Deficiency of all blood cells 29. Separation of wastes from the blood 30. Spread of a cancerous tumor to a secondary organ or tissue 31. Outward bulging of eyeballs 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.



p. 116 p. 116 p. 116 p. 114 p. 116 p. 115


Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. neoplasm b. paralysis c. parathyroid d. prodrome e. relapse f. remission g. syndactyly h. syndrome 32. Loss of movement in muscles 33. Symptoms that appear before an illness 34. Symptoms lessen 35. Disease or symptoms return 36. Webbed fingers or toes 37. New growth (tumor) 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.



p. 117 p. 117 p. 118 p. 118 p. 119


Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms. Use prefixes to build and define terms.

37. ANS: A

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the meanings with their correct prefixes. a. together; with b. toward c. away from d. within e. surrounding f. below g. above h. against i. before j. between k. abnormal; near, beside l. through 38. inter39. intra40. infra41. contra42. ad43. para44. peri45. per46. syn47. pro38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.



p. 116 p. 116 p. 116 p. 114 p. 112 p. 117 p. 117 p. 117 p. 119 p. 117


Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes. Define prefixes.


Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Symbiosis: ANS:

io REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

2. Endotracheal: ANS:

tra REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

3. Metamorphosis: ANS:

mor REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

4. Congenital anomaly: ANS:

gen, nom REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

5. Hyperplasia: ANS:

plas REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

6. Symphysis: ANS:

sym REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

7. Polyneuritis: ANS:

ri REF: p. 135

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

8. Antitoxin: ANS:

tox REF: p. 133

9. Malaise:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


aise REF: p. 134

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

10. Bifurcation: ANS:

ca REF: p. 133

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 11. A. neonatal B. neonatel A or B:



A, newborn REF: p. 116


OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A. postmortum B. postmortem A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, after death REF: p. 117


OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A. metastasis B. metastesis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, beyond control (spread of tumor) REF: p. 116


OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A. symdrone B. syndrome A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, symptoms that occur together REF: p. 123


A. biforcation B. bifurcation

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A or B:



B, branching in two REF: p. 113


A. antebody B. antibody A or B:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.



B, protein made by leukocytes to fight infection REF: p. 113


OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A. antibiotic B. antebiotic A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, substance against germ life REF: p. 113


A. diarrhea B. diarhhea A or B:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.



A, complete discharge (from colon) REF: p. 111 | p. 114


OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

A. symbiosis B. symbyosis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, living together for mutual benefit REF: p. 119

20. A. benign B. beningn A or B:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.



A, harmless; not cancerous REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Give the prefixes and the meanings of the following terms. 21. Retroperitoneal: prefix: meaning: ANS:

retro, pertaining to behind the abdominal membrane REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

22. Transurethral: prefix: meaning: ANS:

trans, pertaining to across or through the urethra REF: p. 124

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

23. Subcutaneous: prefix: meaning: ANS:

sub, pertaining to under the skin REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

24. Tachypnea: prefix: meaning: ANS:

tachy, fast or rapid breathing REF: p. 111 | p. 120

25. Unilateral: prefix:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.



uni, pertaining to one side REF: p. 120

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Give meanings for the following prefixes. 26. ante-: ANS:

before REF: p. 112

27. anti-:

OBJ: Define prefixes.


against REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

28. ana-: ANS:

up REF: p. 112

OBJ: Define prefixes.

29. brady-: ANS:

slow REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

30. con-: ANS:

together with REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

31. contra-: ANS:

against opposite REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

32. bi: ANS:

two REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

33. ad-: ANS:

toward REF: p. 112 34. dys-:

OBJ: Define prefixes.


bad painful difficult REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

35. dia-: ANS:

complete through REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

36. epi-: ANS:

above REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

37. eu-: ANS:

good normal REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

38. intra-: ANS:

within REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

39. de-: ANS:

lack of down REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define prefixes.

40. inter-: ANS:

between REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

41. hypo-: ANS:

under deficient REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

42. mal-: ANS:

bad REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

43. hyper-: ANS:

above excessive REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

44. peri-: ANS:

surrounding REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

45. poly-: ANS:

many much REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

46. per-: ANS:

through REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

47. syn-: ANS:

together with REF: p. 119

OBJ: Define prefixes.

48. neo-: ANS:

new REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

49. meta-: ANS:

beyond change REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

50. para-: ANS:

near beside abnormal REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

51. post-: ANS:

after behind REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

52. ab-: ANS:

away from REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define prefixes.

53. cata-: ANS:

down REF: p. 113 54. post-: ANS:

after behind

OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

55. syn-, sym-: ANS:

together with REF: p. 119

OBJ: Define prefixes.

56. retro-: ANS:

behind backward REF: p. 118

OBJ: Define prefixes.

57. supra-: ANS:

above upper REF: p. 119

OBJ: Define prefixes.

58. endo-: ANS:

in within REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

59. ultra-: ANS:

beyond excess REF: p. 120

OBJ: Define prefixes.

60. pro-: ANS:

before forward REF: p. 117

61. anti-:

OBJ: Define prefixes.


against REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

Complete the following terms by supplying the missing word parts. 62. Pregnancy that is out of place:



ec REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

63. Good feeling (well-being):



eu REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

64. Condition of abnormal formation (of cells): dys ANS:

plasia REF: p. 111 | p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

65. Pertaining to within the windpipe: endo ANS:

tracheal REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

66. Pertaining to below the ribs: infra ANS:

costal REF: p. 110 | p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

67. Blood condition of less than normal sugar:



hypo REF: p. 110 | p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Complete the following terms from the definitions by supplying the missing word parts.

68. Pertaining to after birth:



post REF: p. 110 | p. 117

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

69. Slow heart rate:



brady REF: p. 113

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

70. Out of place: ec ANS:

topic REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

71. Pertaining to between the ribs: inter ANS:

costal REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

72. Deficiency in all (blood) cells:



pan REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

73. Condition of increased blood sugar:



hyper REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

74. Pertaining to above the kidneys: supra ANS:

renal REF: p. 112

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

75. Bad (abnormal) formation: ANS:


dys REF: p. 111 | p. 114

76. Before birth:

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.



ante REF: pp. 111-112

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

77. Return of disease symptoms: re ANS:

lapse REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Give prefixes for the following meanings. 78. Two: ANS:

bibi REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define prefixes.

79. No, not, without: ANS:

aana an REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define prefixes.

80. All: ANS:

panpan REF: p. 116

81. New: ANS:


OBJ: Define prefixes.

REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

82. Surrounding: ANS:

periperi REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define prefixes.

83. Half: ANS:

hemihemi REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define prefixes.

84. Between: ANS:

interinter REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

85. Small: ANS:

micromicro REF: p. 116

OBJ: Define prefixes.

86. Fast: ANS:

tachytachy REF: p. 120

OBJ: Define prefixes.

Give meanings for the following combining forms and suffixes. 87. necr/o: ANS:

death REF: p. 125 | p. 132

88. carp/o:

OBJ: Define and review word parts.


wrist bones carpals REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

89. gloss/o: ANS:

tongue REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

90. seps/o: ANS:

infection REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

91. cost/o: ANS:

ribs REF: p. 110

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

92. -rrhea: ANS:

flow discharge REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

93. -plasia: ANS:

development formation growth REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

94. -pnea: ANS:

breathing REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

95. -partum: ANS:

birth labor REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

96. -trophy: ANS:

nourishment development REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Chapter 05-1: Digestive System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Combining form for the first part of the large intestine: a. ile/o b. jejun/o c. ili/o d. duoden/o e. cec/o ANS: E REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

2. Pertaining to the abdomen: a. Gastric b. Celiac c. Colonic d. Pelvic e. Esophageal ANS: B REF: p. 153 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

3. Muscular wave-like movement to transport food through the digestive system: a. Mastication b. Regurgitation c. Emulsification d. Peristalsis e. Anastomosis ANS: D REF: p. 152 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

4. Part of the tooth that contains a rich supply of nerves and blood vessels: a. Enamel b. Dentin c. Pulp d. Cementum e. Periodontal membrane ANS: C REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

5. Gingiv/o means: a. Tooth b. Stomach c. Intestine d. Chest e. Gums

ANS: E REF: p. 156 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

6. Buccal means pertaining to the: a. Cheek b. Soft palate c. Tongue d. Teeth e. Throat ANS: A REF: p. 141 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

7. High blood levels of a pigment released by the liver with bile: a. Cholecystitis b. Hypoglycemia c. Hyperbilirubinemia d. Hematoma e. Steatorrhea ANS: C

REF: p. 160

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

8. Carries bile into the duodenum: a. Cystic duct b. Portal vein c. Lymph duct d. Hepatic duct e. Common bile duct ANS: E REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

9. Enzyme that digests starch: a. Lipase b. Amylase c. Glucose d. Bile e. Amino acid ANS: B REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

10. Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract: a. Crohn disease b. Colonic polyposis c. Irritable bowel syndrome d. Dysentery e. Achalasia ANS: A

11. Ring of muscles:

REF: p. 164

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

a. b. c. d. e.

Uvula Rugae Papillae Myoma Sphincter

ANS: E REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

12. Specialist in gums: a. Endodontist b. Periodontist c. Orthodontist d. Pedodontist e. Proctologist ANS: B REF: p. 162 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

13. Stomat/o means: a. Roof of the mouth b. Mouth c. Cheek d. Stomach e. Tongue ANS: B REF: p. 157 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

14. Cheil/o means the same as: a. Lingu/o b. Gingiv/o c. Gloss/o d. Palat/o e. Labi/o ANS: E REF: p. 154 | p. 156 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

15. Presence of stone(s) in a salivary gland: a. Lithiasis b. Cholecystolithiasis c. Adenolithiasis d. Sialadenolithiasis e. Renal calculus ANS: D

REF: pp. 157-158

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

16. Membrane that connects parts of small intestine: a. Anastomosis b. Ileum c. Mesentery

d. Appendix e. Pylorus ANS: C REF: p. 155 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

17. New opening from the large bowel to the surface of the body: a. Jejunostomy b. Jejunotomy c. Enterostomy d. Colostomy e. Duodenotomy ANS: D

REF: p. 154

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

18. Presence of improperly digested fats in the feces: a. Adipose b. Steatorrhea c. Lipase d. Lipolysis e. Glycogenolysis ANS: B

REF: p. 161

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

19. Lack of appetite: a. Anorexia b. Aphthous stomatitis c. Leukoplakia d. Postprandial e. Achlorhydria ANS: A

REF: p. 159

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

20. Another term for jaundice: a. Achalasia b. Icterus c. Hypobilirubinemia d. Gallstones e. Melena ANS: B

REF: p. 160

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

21. Esophageal varices: a. Hernias around the opening of the stomach b. Hemorrhoids c. Perianal fistulae d. Polyps e. Swollen, twisted veins ANS: E

REF: p. 162

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

22. Abnormal side pockets in a hollow organ, such as the intestine: a. Caries

b. c. d. e.

Ulcers Dysentery Diverticula Ascites


REF: p. 165

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

23. Telescoping of the intestine: a. Volvulus b. Anal fistula c. Intussusception d. Ileus e. Hiatal hernia ANS: C

REF: p. 166

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

24. Difficulty in swallowing: a. Regurgitation b. Flatus c. Nausea d. Eructation e. Dysphagia ANS: E

REF: p. 160

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

25. White plaques on the mucosa of the mouth: a. Herpetic stomatitis b. Aphthous stomatitis c. Oral leukoplakia d. Rectocele e. Melena ANS: C

REF: p. 162

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Membrane connecting the intestines: a. mesentary b. mezentary c. mesentery ANS: C REF: p. 183 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

27. Gallbladder resection: a. cholocystectomy b. cholecystectomy c. colecystectomy ANS: B REF: p. 181 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

28. Twisting of the intestine:

a. vulvulus b. volvulus c. vulvulos ANS: B REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

29. Chronic intestinal inflammation: a. Chron disease b. Chrohn disease c. Crohn disease ANS: C REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

30. Pertaining to bile: a. billiary b. biliary c. billiery ANS: B REF: p. 157 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

31. Yellow coloration of the skin: a. jaundice b. jaundise c. jawndice ANS: A REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

32. Salivary gland near the ear: a. perotid gland b. parrotid gland c. parotid gland ANS: C REF: p. 184 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

33. Failure of muscles in the lower esophagus to relax: a. achalsia b. achalasia c. acalasia ANS: B REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

34. Administration route for nutrition given other than through the intestine: a. parenteral b. perinteral c. perenteral ANS: A REF: p. 184 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

35. New opening between two previously unconnected tubes: a. anastomosis b. anastomosus c. anastamosis ANS: A REF: p. 181 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

Spelling 36. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. pancreatitis b. pancreasitis ANS: A REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

37. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. anal fistula b. anal fistulla ANS: A REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

38. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. dental karies b. dental caries ANS: B REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

39. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. cholitis b. colitis ANS: B REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

40. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. ileus b. ilius ANS: A REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

41. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. assites b. ascites ANS: B REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

42. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. melana b. melena ANS: B REF: p. 186 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

43. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. dysentery b. dysentary ANS: A REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

44. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. anarexia b. anorexia ANS: B REF: p. 185 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system. MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. buccal mucosa b. cecal c. celiac d. cheilosis e. cholecystectomy f. choledochotomy g. colonoscopy h. colostomy i. dentibuccal j. perianal 1. Abnormal condition of the lip 2. Pertaining to surrounding the anus 3. Removal of the gallbladder 4. Pertaining to the belly or abdomen 5. New opening of the colon to the outside of the body 6. Pertaining to the teeth and cheek 7. Visual examination of the colon 8. Incision of the common bile duct 9. Mucous membrane lining of the cheek 10. Pertaining to the first part of the large intestine 1. ANS: D REF: p. 154 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. 2. ANS: J REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. 3. ANS: E REF: p. 154 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. 4. ANS: C REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

5. ANS: H REF: p. 154 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. 6. ANS: I REF: p. 154 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. 7. ANS: G REF: p. 83 | p. 154 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. 8. ANS: F REF: p. 154 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. 9. ANS: A REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. 10. ANS: B REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. choledochojejunostomy b. enterocolostomy c. ileostomy d. labial e. laparoscopy f. mesentery g. palatoplasty h. parenteral i. sublingual j. submandibular 11. Pertaining to under the tongue 12. Membrane that holds the intestines together 13. Pertaining to under the lower jaw 14. Visual examination of the abdomen 15. New opening between the small and large intestines (an anastomosis) 16. Pertaining to the lip 17. Surgical repair of the roof of the mouth 18. Pertaining to apart from the intestine (such as intravenous delivery of nutrients and drugs) 19. New opening between the common bile duct and the second part of the small intestine (an anastomosis) 20. New opening of the third part of the small intestine to the outside of the body 11. ANS: I 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

REF: p. 142 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: F REF: p. 155 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: J REF: p. 156 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: E REF: p. 156 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: B REF: p. 154 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. ANS: D REF: p. 156 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: G REF: p. 157 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. ANS: H REF: p. 155 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: A REF: p. 156 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

20. ANS: C

REF: p. 154

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. biliary b. cholelithiasis c. lithogenesis d. palatopharyngoplasty e. pyloroplasty f. rectocele g. sialadenectomy h. sigmoidoscopy i. stomatitis j. uvulectomy 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Removal of the soft tissue hanging from the palate Visual examination of the lower part of the large intestine Hernia of the rectum Abnormal condition of gallstones Inflammation of the mouth Surgical repair of the roof of the mouth and the throat Formation of a stone (calculus) Pertaining to bile Surgical repair of the sphincter between the stomach and intestine Removal of a salivary gland

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.



p. 157 p. 157 p. 157 p. 167 p. 157 p. 157 p. 158 p. 157 p. 157 p. 157


Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the pathologic conditions with their correct explanations. a. aphthous stomatitis b. diverticulosis c. anal fistula d. dysentery e. colonic polyps f. esophageal cancer g. colorectal cancer h. esophageal varices i. Crohn disease (Crohn’s) j. gastric cancer k. dental caries l. gastroesophageal reflux disease

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Malignant tumor of the stomach Swollen, varicose veins at the lower end of the esophagus Benign growths protrude from the mucous membrane of the large intestine Inflammation of the mouth with small, painful ulcers Tooth decay Abnormal tube-like passageway near the anus Adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum or both Abnormal outpouchings in the intestinal wall Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract (such as ileum and colon) Painful, inflamed intestines Solids and fluids return to the mouth from the stomach Malignant tumor of the esophagus

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.



p. 162 p. 162 p. 164 p. 161 p. 161 p. 164 p. 164 p. 165 p. 164 p. 165 p. 162 p. 162


Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the pathologic conditions with their correct explanations. a. hemorrhoids b. hernia c. herpetic stomatitis d. ileus e. intussusception f. irritable bowel syndrome g. oral leukoplakia h. peptic ulcer i. periodontal disease j. ulcerative colitis k. volvulus 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Telescoping of the intestine Chronic inflammation of the colon with destruction of its inner surface Inflammation and degeneration of gums, teeth, and surrounding bone Twisting of the intestine on itself White plaques or patches on the mucosa of the mouth Group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress and tension Loss of peristalsis with resulting obstruction of the intestines Protrusion of an organ or body part through the muscle normally containing it Open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum

52. Swollen, twisted, varicose veins in the region of the rectum 53. Inflammation of the mouth caused by infection with the herpesvirus 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.



p. 166 p. 166 p. 162 p. 167 p. 162 p. 166 p. 166 p. 163 p. 163 p. 165 p. 162


Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. amino acids b. amylase c. bilirubin d. common bile duct e. deglutition f. emulsification g. feces h. glucose i. hydrochloric acid j. insulin k. lipase l. mastication m. papillae n. parotid o. peristalsis p. pulp q. pyloric sphincter r. triglycerides s. uvula t. villi 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Physical process of breaking down large fat globules into smaller parts Salivary gland near the ear Swallowing Small substances that are produced when proteins are digested Pigment released by the liver in bile Soft inner tissue within a tooth containing nerves and blood vessels Tiny microscopic projections in the walls of the small intestine Rhythm-like contractions of the tubes of the alimentary tract Hormone produced by the endocrine cells of the pancreas Tube that carries bile from the liver and gallbladder into the duodenum Small nipple-like elevations on the tongue Soft tissue structure hanging from the roof of the mouth

66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.

An enzyme that digests starch Chewing Simple sugar Substance produced by the stomach and necessary for digestion of foods Solid wastes; stools Pancreatic enzyme necessary to digest fats Ring of muscle at the distal region of the stomach Large fat molecules

54. ANS: F 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.

REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: N REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: E REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: A REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: C REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: P REF: p. 152 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: T REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: O REF: p. 152 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: J REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: D REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: M REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: S REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: B REF: p. 150 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: L REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: H REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: I REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: G REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: K REF: p. 151 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: Q REF: p. 152 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system. ANS: R REF: p. 153 OBJ: Know meanings of word parts and terminology for anatomy of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. anorexia b. ascites c. borborygmus d. constipation e. diarrhea f. dysphagia g. flatus h. hematochezia i. jaundice j. melena k. nausea l. steatorrhea 74. Feces containing fat 75. Unpleasant sensation from the stomach with tendency to vomit 76. Gas expelled through the anus 77. Lack of appetite 78. Passage of fresh, bright red blood from the rectum 79. Difficult, delayed elimination of feces 80. Black, tarry stools; feces containing blood 81. Yellow-orange coloration of the skin; icterus 82. Rumbling or gurgling noises produced by the movement of gas or fluid 83. Difficulty in swallowing 84. Loose, liquid stools 85. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.



p. 161 p. 161 p. 160 p. 159 p. 160 p. 159 p. 161 p. 160 p. 159 p. 160 p. 160 p. 159


Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. achalasia b. anal fistula c. aphthous stomatitis d. cholecystolithiasis e. cirrhosis f. colonic polyposis g. Crohn disease h. dental caries

Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

i. diverticulitis j. peptic ulcer k. dysentery l. esophageal varices m. gastroesophageal reflux disease n. hepatitis o. ileus p. intussusception q. pancreatitis r. periodontal disease s. ulcerative colitis t. volvulus 86. Inflammation and degeneration of gums 87. Twisting of the intestine upon itself 88. Small benign growths protrude from the mucous membrane of the large bowel 89. Telescoping of the intestines 90. Solids and fluids return to the mouth from the stomach 91. Gallbladder calculi 92. Inflammation of the liver; viral etiology 93. Chronic liver disease; etiology is often alcoholism and malnutrition 94. Sore or lesion of the mucous membrane of the first part of the small intestine 95. Abnormal tube-like passageway in the distal end of the alimentary tract 96. Painful inflamed intestines; etiology is often bacterial 97. Swollen, tortuous veins in the distal portion of the tube connecting the throat and stomach 98. Inflammation of a gland behind the stomach; cysts may form 99. Inflammation of small side pockets in the intestinal wall 100. Chronic inflammation of the large bowel with open sores of mucous membrane 101. Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract (terminal ileum) 102. Loss of peristalsis with resulting obstruction of the intestines 103. Failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle to relax 104. Inflammation of the mouth with open sores 105. Tooth decay 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

ANS: R REF: p. 162 OBJ: ANS: T REF: p. 167 OBJ: ANS: F REF: p. 164 OBJ: ANS: P REF: p. 166 OBJ: ANS: M REF: p. 162 OBJ: ANS: D REF: p. 154 | p. 158 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. ANS: N REF: p. 169 OBJ: ANS: E REF: p. 168 OBJ: ANS: J REF: p. 163 OBJ: ANS: B REF: p. 164 OBJ: ANS: K REF: p. 165 OBJ: ANS: L REF: p. 162 OBJ: ANS: Q REF: p. 169 OBJ:

Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105.



p. 165 p. 166 p. 164 p. 166 p. 162 p. 161 p. 161


Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the digestive system structures with their correct meanings. a. cecum b. colon c. duodenum d. esophagus e. gallbladder f. ileum g. pancreas h. pharynx 106. Third part of the small intestine 107. Organ under the stomach; produces insulin and enzymes 108. First part of the large intestine 109. Small sac under the liver; stores bile 110. Tube connecting the throat to the stomach 111. Large intestine 112. First part of the small intestine 113. Throat 106. ANS: F REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 107. ANS: G OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 108. ANS: A REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 109. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 110. ANS: D REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 111. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 112. ANS: C REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 152 113. ANS: H OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Match the pathological diagnoses with their correct definitions. a. cholecystolithiasis b. cirrhosis c. diverticula d. dysentery e. hemorrhoids

f. g. h. i. j.

hepatitis ileus irritable bowel syndrome peptic ulcer ulcerative colitis

114. Swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region 115. Chronic liver disease resulting from alcoholism and malnutrition 116. Loss of peristalsis with resulting obstruction of the intestines 117. Calculi in the sac that stores bile 118. Sore or lesion of the mucous membrane in the stomach or duodenum 119. Painful inflammation of intestines often caused by bacterial infection 120. Inflammation of the liver caused by type A, type B, or type C virus 121. Chronic inflammation of the large bowel with ulcers 122. Abnormal side pockets in the intestinal wall 123. Group of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with stress, but without inflammation of the intestines 114. 115. 116. 117.

118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123.

ANS: E REF: p. 165 OBJ: ANS: B REF: p. 168 OBJ: ANS: G REF: p. 166 OBJ: ANS: A REF: p. 154 | p. 158 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. ANS: I REF: p. 163 OBJ: ANS: D REF: p. 165 OBJ: ANS: F REF: p. 169 OBJ: ANS: J REF: p. 166 OBJ: ANS: C REF: p. 165 OBJ: ANS: H REF: p. 166 OBJ:

Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system. Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity b. first part of the small intestine c. first part of the colon d. the throat e. after meals f. enzyme to digest starch g. second part of the small intestine h. soft tissue hanging from the roof of the mouth i. telescoping of the intestines j. S-shaped portion of the large bowel 124. Jejunum 125. Pharynx 126. Sigmoid colon 127. Duodenum 128. Uvula 129. Amylase 130. Cecum

131. Ascites 132. Intussusception 133. Postprandial 124. ANS: G REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 152 125. ANS: D OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 126. ANS: J REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 127. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 128. ANS: H REF: p. 153 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 129. ANS: F OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 130. ANS: C REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 131. ANS: A REF: p. 151 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. 132. ANS: I REF: p. 166 OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system. REF: p. 158 133. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. absorption b. amylase c. defecation d. fatty acids e. amino acids f. bile g. deglutition h. emulsification i. glucose j. bilirubin k. dentin l. enamel 134. Swallowing 135. Pigment released by the liver in bile 136. Substances produced when proteins are digested 137. Major tissue component of teeth 138. Removal of waste material from the body 139. Passage of materials through villi into the blood 140. Enzyme secreted by the pancreas to digest starch 141. Hard, outermost layer of a tooth 142. Process of breaking up large fat globules 143. Simple sugar 144. Digestive juice made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder 145. Substances produced when fats are digested

134. ANS: G REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 135. ANS: J OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 136. ANS: E REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 137. ANS: K OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 138. ANS: C REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 150 139. ANS: A OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 140. ANS: B REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 141. ANS: L OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 142. ANS: H REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 143. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 144. ANS: F REF: p. 150 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 145. ANS: D OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. feces b. incisor c. LES d. peristalsis e. glycogen f. insulin g. palate h. portal vein i. hydrochloric acid j. lipase k. parotid gland l. protease 146. Contractions of the gastrointestinal tubes 147. Pancreatic enzyme necessary to digest fats 148. Starch; stored sugar 149. Solid wastes; stools 150. Roof of the mouth 151. Blood vessel bringing blood to the liver 152. Chemical produced by the stomach to aid digestion 153. Hormone produced by the pancreas 154. One of four front teeth 155. Enzyme that digests proteins

156. Ring of muscles between the esophagus and the stomach 157. Secretes enzymes into the mouth 146. ANS: E REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 147. ANS: J REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 148. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 149. ANS: A REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 150. ANS: G OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 151. ANS: H REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 152. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 153. ANS: F REF: p. 151 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 154. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 155. ANS: L REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 156. ANS: C OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 157. ANS: K OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. mastication b. triglycerides c. papillae d. pulp e. uvula f. pyloric sphincter g. villi h. rugae 158. Soft tissue hanging from the soft palate 159. Microscopic projections in the walls of the small intestine 160. Ring of muscles at the distal region of the stomach 161. Small elevations on the tongue 162. Chewing 163. Ridges on the hard palate and wall of the stomach 164. Soft tissue within a tooth 165. Large fat molecules 158. ANS: E REF: p. 153 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 159. ANS: G REF: p. 153

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 152 160. ANS: F OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 161. ANS: C REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 151 162. ANS: A OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. 163. ANS: H REF: p. 152 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 152 164. ANS: D OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. REF: p. 153 165. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Aphthous stomatitis: ANS:

aphth, ti REF: p. 185

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

2. Dysentery: ANS:

dys REF: p. 185

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

3. Leukoplakia: ANS:

pla REF: p. 186

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

4. Esophageal varices: ANS:

ge, var REF: p. 185

5. Pyloric sphincter: ANS:

lor, sphin

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

REF: p. 184

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

6. Biliary: ANS:

bil REF: p. 181

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

7. Diverticula: ANS:

tic REF: p. 185

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

8. Volvulus: ANS:

vol REF: p. 186

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 9.

A. pancreatitis B. pancreasitis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, inflammation of the pancreas REF: p. 169


OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

A. anal fistula B. anal fistulla A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, abnormal tube-like opening in the anus REF: p. 164

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

11. A. dental karies B. dental caries A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, tooth decay REF: p. 161

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

12. A. cholitis B. colitis A or B:



B, inflammation of the colon REF: p. 166


A. ileus B. ilius A or B:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.



A, loss of peristalsis with resulting intestinal obstruction REF: p. 166


A. assites B. ascites A or B:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.



B, abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen REF: p. 159


A. melana B. melena A or B:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.



B, presence of dark, tarry blood in the feces REF: p. 161


OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

A. dysentery B. dysentary A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, abnormal, painful intestines REF: p. 165


A. anarexia B. anorexia A or B: ANS:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.


B, loss of appetite REF: p. 159

OBJ: Recall pathology of the digestive system.

Chapter 06: Additional Suffixes and Digestive System Terminology Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract and lungs: a. Hyperemesis b. Hematemesis c. Hemorrhage d. Hemoptysis e. Hemolysis ANS: D REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

2. Suture: a. -rrhapy b. -rrhagia c. -ectasis d. -stasis e. -rrhaphy ANS: E REF: p. 189 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

3. New opening between two parts of the jejunum: a. Jejunojejunostomy b. Duodenostomy c. Duodenojejunostomy d. Jejunostomy e. Jejunocecal anastomosis ANS: A REF: p. 192 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

4. Dilation of a lymph vessel: a. Cholecystolithiasis b. Lymphangiography c. Lymphocytosis d. Lymphangiectasis e. Choledocholithiasis ANS: D REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

5. Difficult digestion: a. Deglutition b. Dysphagia c. Aphagia d. Polyphagia e. Dyspepsia

ANS: E REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.


Pyloric stenosis: a. Gastric ulcer b. Narrowing of the opening between the stomach and intestine c. Hiatal hernia d. Cardiospasm e. Achalasia ANS: B REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

7. Test performed to identify the presence of melena: a. Barium enema b. Upper GI series c. Stool culture d. Stool guaiac test e. Abdominal ultrasonography ANS: D REF: p. 193 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

8. Of the following tests, the one MOST likely to detect an ulcer: a. Cholecystography b. Serum hepatitis B surface antigen measurement c. Intravenous cholangiogram d. Gastroscopy e. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan ANS: D REF: p. 191 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

9. Esophageal atresia: a. New opening of the esophagus into the stomach b. Esophagus is dilated c. Failure of esophageal sphincter to relax d. Lack of opening of esophagus to the stomach at birth e. Presence of twisted veins around the esophagus ANS: D REF: p. 191 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

10. Bursting forth of blood from the spleen: a. Spleenorrhagia b. Splenorrhagia c. Splenomegaly d. Spleenomegaly e. Spleenectasis ANS: B REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

11. Lipase is a/an: a. Enzyme that digests starch b. Enzyme that digests protein c. Enzyme that digests fat d. Breakdown product of fat digestion e. Hormone secreted by the pancreas ANS: C REF: p. 158 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

12. Palatoplasty: a. Surgical repair of the roof of the mouth b. Overgrowth of gum tissue c. Surgical repair of the tongue d. Cleft palate e. Prolapse of the palate ANS: A REF: p. 192 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

13. Which of the following is NOT a liver function test? a. Serum bilirubin b. ALP (alkaline phosphatase) c. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) d. Aspartate transaminase (AST) (SGOT) e. Alanine transaminase (ALT) (SGPT) ANS: C REF: p. 193 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

14. Test to demonstrate choledocholithiasis: a. Transhepatic cholangiography b. Barium enema c. Gastric intubation d. Upper GI series e. Gastric endoscopy ANS: A REF: p. 194 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

15. Opposite of -ectasis: a. -stenosis b. -ptysis c. -spasm d. -stasis e. -lysis ANS: A REF: pp. 188-189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

16. Flow, discharge:

a. b. c. d. e.

-ptysis -emesis -rrhaphy -rrhea -phagia

ANS: D REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

17. Procedure involving anastomosis: a. Ileostomy b. Duodenorrhaphy c. Cholecystojejunostomy d. Colostomy e. Gingivectomy ANS: C REF: p. 197 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

18. Common bile duct: a. Cholecyst/o b. Celi/o c. Cholelith/o d. Choledoch/o e. Cheil/o ANS: D REF: p. 154 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

19. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen: a. Cholestasis b. Dyspepsia c. Hemostasis d. Ascites e. Paracentesis ANS: E REF: p. 199 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

20. Twisting of part of the intestine upon itself: a. Proctosigmoidoscopy b. Cecal volvulus c. Pyloric stenosis d. Biliary atresia e. Rectal stenosis ANS: B REF: p. 167 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

21. Periodontal procedure: a. Glossotomy b. Glycolysis

c. Gingivectomy d. Biliary lithotripsy e. Cheilostomatoplasty ANS: C REF: p. 156 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

22. Menstrual discharge: a. Menorrhea b. Hemorrhage c. Dysmenorrhea d. Menorrhagia e. Hematemesis ANS: A REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

23. Visual examination of the abdomen: a. Laparoscopy b. Colonoscopy c. Liver scan d. Colectomy e. Enterorrhaphy ANS: A REF: p. 199 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

24. Salivary stones: a. Lithotripsy b. Cholecystolithiasis c. Sialolithiasis d. Renal calculi e. Nephroptosis ANS: C REF: p. 157 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 25. Abnormal condition of the lip: a. cheilosis b. chielosis c. cielosis ANS: A REF: p. 154 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

26. Pertaining to the cheek: a. buckel b. buckal c. buccal ANS: C

REF: p. 153

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

27. Record (image) of bile vessels: a. colangiogram b. cholangiogram c. choleangiogram ANS: B REF: p. 191 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

28. Spitting up blood: a. hemmoptsyis b. hemotisis c. hemoptysis ANS: C REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

29. Difficult swallowing: a. dysfagia b. disphagia c. dysphagia ANS: C REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

30. Pertaining to the abdomen: a. cieliac b. celiac c. sealiac ANS: B REF: p. 153 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.


Not open: a. treesia b. atresia c. atrezia ANS: B REF: p. 190 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

32. Enlargement of the liver: a. hepatomeagaly b. hepatomegaly c. hepatomegely ANS: B REF: p. 192 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

33. Destruction of blood: a. hemolysis b. hemmolysis

c. hemolisis ANS: A REF: p. 193 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

Spelling 34. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. herniorrhapy b. herniorrhaphy ANS: B REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

35. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. hematemesis b. hematemisis ANS: A REF: p. 202 | p. 208 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

36. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. hemmorhage b. hemorrhage ANS: B REF: p. 211 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

37. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. colestasis b. cholestasis ANS: B REF: p. 211 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

38. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. menorrheia b. menorrhea ANS: B REF: p. 189 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

39. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. blepharophlasty b. blepharoplasty ANS: B REF: p. 76 | p. 82 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

40. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. choleductal b. choledochal ANS: B

REF: p. 210

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

41. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. glossotomy b. glosotomy ANS: A REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system.

42. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. stenosis b. stanosis ANS: A REF: p. 212 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the digestive system. MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aphthous stomatitis b. bronchiectasis c. buccal d. cheilostomatoplasty e. cholecystectomy f. cholecystojejunostomy g. choledochal h. colectomy i. congenital esophageal atresia j. dysmenorrhea k. dyspepsia l. dysphagia m. gingivectomy n. glossopharyngeal o. hematemesis p. hemoptysis q. herniorrhaphy r. proptosis s. pyloric stenosis t. periodontal disease 1. Difficult digestion 2. Vomiting blood 3. Forward protrusion of the eye 4. Gingivitis 5. Dilation of a tube leading into the lung 6. Food tube is not connected to the stomach from birth 7. Suture of an abdominal protrusion 8. Surgical repair of the lip and mouth 9. Removal of the large bowel 10. Pertaining to the common bile duct

11. Spitting up blood 12. Pertaining to the cheek 13. Procedure involving an anastomosis 14. Difficult swallowing 15. Removal of gum tissue 16. Removal of the gallbladder 17. Painful menstruation 18. Narrowing of a ring of muscles 19. Ulcers and inflammation of the mouth 20. Pertaining to the tongue and throat 1. ANS: K REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 2. ANS: O REF: p. 202 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 3. ANS: R REF: p. 82 | p. 117 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 4. ANS: T REF: p. 162 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 5. ANS: B REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 6. ANS: I REF: p. 190 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 7. ANS: Q REF: p. 202 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 8. ANS: D REF: p. 154 | p. 156 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 9. ANS: H REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 10. ANS: G REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 11. ANS: P REF: p. 202 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 12. ANS: C REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 13. ANS: F REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 14. ANS: L REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 15. ANS: M REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 16. ANS: E REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 17. ANS: J REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 18. ANS: S REF: p. 202 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 19. ANS: A REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 20. ANS: N REF: pp. 156-157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Match the surgical procedures with their correct meanings. a. blepharoplasty b. cecostomy c. cholecystectomy d. gastroduodenal anastomosis e. gingivectomy f. herniorrhaphy g. paracentesis h. sphincterotomy 21. Surgical repair of the eyelid 22. Incision of a ring of muscles 23. Removal of the gallbladder 24. Suture of a weakened muscular wall 25. New surgical connection between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine 26. New opening of the first part of the colon to the outside of the body 27. Removal of gum tissue 28. Surgical puncture of the abdomen for withdrawal of fluid 21. ANS: A REF: p. 76 | p. 82 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 22. ANS: H REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 23. ANS: C REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 24. ANS: F REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 25. ANS: D REF: p. 154 | p. 156 | p. 197 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 26. ANS: B REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 27. ANS: E REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 28. ANS: G REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

Match the laboratory tests or clinical procedures with their correct descriptions. a. abdominal ultrasonography b. barium enema c. CT of the abdomen d. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography e. liver biopsy f. HIDA scan g. nasogastric intubation h. percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography i. serum bilirubin j. stool culture k. stool guaiac (Hemoccult)

l. upper gastrointestinal series 29. Tube is inserted through the nose into the stomach 30. Measurement of bile pigment in the blood 31. X-ray examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract 32. Test to reveal hidden blood in feces 33. Sound waves are used to image abdominal organs 34. Feces are placed in a growth medium for bacterial analysis 35. Percutaneous removal of liver tissue followed by microscopic analysis 36. Contrast material is injected through an endoscope and x-rays are taken of the pancreas and bile ducts 37. Radioactive imaging procedure that tracks the production and flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder to the intestine 38. Transverse x-ray pictures of abdominal organs 39. X-ray images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine after administration of barium by mouth 40. Contrast material is injected through the liver and x-rays are taken of bile vessels 29. ANS: G 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

REF: p. 199 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: I REF: p. 193 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: B REF: p. 194 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: K REF: p. 193 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: A REF: p. 196 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: J REF: p. 193 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: E REF: p. 199 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: D REF: p. 194 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: F REF: p. 197 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: C REF: p. 195 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: L REF: p. 194 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. ANS: H REF: p. 194 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

Match the terms with their correct suffixes. a. new opening b. suture c. flow; discharge d. narrowing e. widening; dilation f. discharge of blood

g. h. i. j. k.

prolapse swallowing, eating involuntary contraction of muscles incision removal

41. -rrhagia 42. -rrhea 43. -tomy 44. -phagia 45. -ptosis 46. -spasm 47. -rrhaphy 48. -stenosis 49. -stomy 50. -ectasis 41. ANS: F REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 189 42. ANS: C OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 43. ANS: J REF: p. 206 | p. 209 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 188 44. ANS: H OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 45. ANS: G REF: p. 83 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 189 46. ANS: I OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 47. ANS: B REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 189 48. ANS: D OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 49. ANS: A REF: p. 206 | p. 209 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 188 50. ANS: E OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Match the meanings with the suffixes. a. bursting forth of blood b. digestion c. eating, swallowing d. flow, discharge e. involuntary contraction of muscles f. opening g. spitting h. stopping, controlling i. stretching, dilation, widening j. surgical repair k. suture

l. tightening, narrowing, stricture m. vomiting 51. -spasm 52. -stenosis 53. -emesis 54. -phagia 55. -ectasis, -ectasia 56. -pepsia 57. -rrhea 58. -rrhaphy 59. -rrhage, -rrhagia 60. -plasty 61. -ptysis 62. -tresia 63. -stasis 51. ANS: E REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 52. ANS: L REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 188 53. ANS: M OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 54. ANS: C REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 188 55. ANS: I OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 56. ANS: B REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 57. ANS: D REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 58. ANS: K REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 59. ANS: A REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 60. ANS: J REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 61. ANS: G REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 62. ANS: F REF: p. 190 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 63. ANS: H REF: p. 189 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Match the medical terms with the meanings. a. buccal b. cecal volvulus c. celiac disease d. cheilosis e. cholelithiasis

f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

cholangitis cholecystectomy choledochal colectomy colonoscopy dentalgia duodenal

64. Excision of the large intestine 65. Abnormal condition of lips 66. Pertaining to the first portion of the small intestine 67. Pertaining to the common bile duct 68. Inflammation of bile vessels 69. Autoimmune condition in which villi in the small intestine are damaged 70. Pertaining to the cheek 71. Visual examination of the large intestine 72. Abnormal condition of gallstones 73. Excision of the gallbladder 74. Tooth pain 75. Twisting of the first portion of the large intestine 64. ANS: I REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. REF: p. 204 | p. 208 65. ANS: D OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 66. ANS: L REF: p. 84 | p. 154 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 204 | p. 208 67. ANS: H OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. 68. ANS: F REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 204 | p. 208 69. ANS: C OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. 70. ANS: A REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms. REF: p. 198 71. ANS: J OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 72. ANS: E REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 203 | p. 208 73. ANS: G OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system. 74. ANS: K REF: p. 778 | p. 154 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 204 | p. 208 75. ANS: B Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records. OBJ: OTHER

Give meanings for the following suffixes.

1. -pepsia: ANS:

digestion REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

2. -ptysis: ANS:

spitting REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

3. -emesis: ANS:

vomiting REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

4. -rrhagia: ANS:

bursting forth of blood REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

5. -phagia: ANS:

eating swallowing REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

6. -plasty: ANS:

surgical repair REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

7. -rrhaphy: ANS:

suture REF: p. 189

8. -ectasis:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.


widening dilatation REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

9. -stenosis: ANS:

narrowing REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

10. -stasis: ANS:

stop control REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

11. -rrhea: ANS:

flow discharge REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Build medical terms. 12. Difficult swallowing: ANS:

dysphagia REF: p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

13. Pertaining to the cheek: ANS:

buccal REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

14. Enlargement of the liver: ANS:


REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

15. Discharge of fat (in feces): ANS:

steatorrhea REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

16. Pertaining to under the tongue: ANS:

sublingual hypoglossal REF: p. 254 | p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

17. Pertaining to the common bile duct: ANS:

choledochal REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Complete the following terms from their definitions. 18. Difficult digestion: dys ANS:

pepsia REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

19. Difficulty swallowing: dys ANS:

phagia REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

20. Vomiting blood: hemat ANS:


REF: p. 188 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

21. Incision of the tongue: gloss ANS:

otomy REF: p. 83 | p. 156 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

22. Pertaining to the cheek:



bucc REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

23. Discharge of fat:



steat REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

24. Enlargement of the liver: hepato ANS:

megaly REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

25. Suture of the small intestine: entero ANS:

rrhaphy REF: p. 154 | p. 189 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

26. No opening: a ANS:

tresia REF: p. 190 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

27. Inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers: a



phthous REF: p. 204 | p. 208 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the digestive system in medical reports and records.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 28. amyl/o: ANS:

starch REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

29. an/o: ANS:

anus REF: p. 153

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

30. appendic/o: ANS:

appendix REF: p. 153

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

31. bil/i: ANS:

bile REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

32. celi/o: ANS:

belly abdomen REF: p. 153

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

33. cheil/o: ANS:

lip REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

34. cholangi/o: ANS:

bile vessel REF: p. 191 | p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

35. cib/o: ANS:

meal REF: p. 174 | p. 179 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

36. col/o: ANS:

colon REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

37. dent/i: ANS:

tooth REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

38. duoden/o: ANS:

duodenum REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

39. enter/o: ANS:

intestine usually small intestine REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

40. esophag/o: ANS:

esophagus REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

41. eti/o: ANS:

cause REF: p. 159

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

42. gloss/o: ANS:

tongue REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

43. glyc/o: ANS:

sugar REF: p. 192

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

44. hem/o: ANS:

blood REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

45. herni/o: ANS:

hernia REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

46. lapar/o: ANS:

abdomen REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

47. Cheek: ANS:

bucc/o REF: p. 153

48. Gallbladder: ANS:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

cholecyst/o REF: p. 154

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

49. Common bile duct: ANS:

cholangi/o REF: p. 191 | p. 203 | p. 208 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

50. Stomach: ANS:

gastr/o REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

51. Liver: ANS:

hepat/o REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

52. Ileum: ANS:

ile/o REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

53. Jejunum: ANS:

jejun/o REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

54. Stone: ANS:

lith/o REF: p. 158

55. Throat: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

56. Pancreas: ANS:

pancreat/o REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

57. labi/o: ANS:

lip REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

58. lingu/o: ANS:

tongue REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

59. lip/o: ANS:

fat REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

60. mandibul/o: ANS:

mandible lower jaw bone REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

61. men/o: ANS:

menses menstruation REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

62. odont/o: ANS:

tooth REF: p. 156

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

63. or/o: ANS:

mouth REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

64. peritone/o: ANS:

peritoneum REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

65. proct/o: ANS:

anus rectum REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

66. prote/o: ANS:

protein REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

67. pylor/o: ANS:

pylorus REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

68. rect/o: ANS:

rectum REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

69. sialaden/o: ANS:

salivary gland REF: p. 157

70. sigmoid/o:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.


sigmoid colon REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

71. splen/o: ANS:

spleen REF: p. 192

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

72. steat/o: ANS:

fat REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

73. tonsill/o: ANS:

tonsils REF: p. 77

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

74. stomat/o: ANS:

mouth REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Give meanings for the following suffixes. 75. -ase: ANS:

enzyme REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

76. -centesis: ANS:

surgical puncture to remove fluid REF: p. 206 | p. 209 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the digestive system.

77. -chezia:


defecation REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

78. -ectasia: ANS:

dilation stretching widening REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

79. -ectomy: ANS:

removal excision resection REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

80. -spasm: ANS:

involuntary contraction of muscles REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

81. -emia: ANS:

blood condition REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

82. -genesis: ANS:

formation REF: p. 80

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

83. -graphy: ANS:

process of recording REF: p. 80

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

84. -iasis: ANS:

abnormal condition REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

85. -megaly: ANS:

enlargement REF: p. 81

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

86. -orexia: ANS:

appetite REF: p. 159

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

87. -pepsia: ANS:

digestion REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

88. -phagia: ANS:

eating swallowing REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

89. -plasty: ANS:

surgical repair REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

90. -prandial: ANS:

meal REF: p. 158

91. -tresia:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.


opening REF: p. 190

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Give suffixes for the following meanings. 92. Bursting forth of blood: ANS:

-rrhage rrhage -rrhagia rrhagia REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

93. Suture: ANS:

-rrhaphy rrhaphy REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

94. Flow, discharge: ANS:

-rrhea rrhea REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

95. Process of visual examination: ANS:

-scopy scopy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

96. Narrowing, tightening: ANS:

-stenosis stenosis REF: p. 189

97. New opening: ANS:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

-stomy stomy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

98. To stop, control: ANS:

-stasis stasis REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

99. Incision: ANS:

-tomy tomy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

100. Spitting: ANS:

-ptysis ptysis REF: p. 189

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

101. Vomiting: ANS:

-emesis emesis REF: p. 188

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define digestive system terms.

Chapter 07-1: Urinary System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Portion of the urinary bladder: a. Hilum b. Pylorus c. Fundus d. Medulla e. Trigone ANS: E REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

2. Glomerular means pertaining to: a. A tube leading from the kidney to the bladder b. Small balls of capillaries in the kidney c. A tube in the bladder d. A collecting chamber in the kidney e. The urinary bladder ANS: B REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

3. Meatal stenosis: a. Enlargement of an opening b. Stoppage of blood flow to the kidney c. Incision of an opening d. Widening of the bladder orifice e. Narrowing of the urethral opening to the outside of the body ANS: E REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

4. An electrolyte: a. Bilirubin b. Creatinine c. Albumin d. Sodium e. Glucose ANS: D REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

5. Nitrogenous waste: a. Creatinine b. Fatty acid c. Lipid d. Carbon dioxide e. Sugar

ANS: A REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

6. Combining form for renal pelvis: a. nephr/o b. cyst/o c. ren/o d. py/o e. pyel/o ANS: E REF: p. 225 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

7. Absence of (no) urine production: a. Diuresis b. Anuria c. Voiding d. Micturition e. Nocturia ANS: B REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

8. Surrounding the urinary bladder: a. Suprarenal b. Infrarenal c. Perivisceral d. Perivesical e. Perinephric ANS: D REF: p. 117 | p. 225 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

9. Uremia: a. Azotemia b. Hematuria c. Dysuria d. Cystitis e. Hemorrhage ANS: A REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

10. X-ray image of the urinary tract: a. Renal ultrasonography b. Kidneys-ureters-bladder (KUB) film c. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) d. Cystoscopy e. Renal dialysis ANS: B REF: p. 232 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

11. Oliguria: a. Nocturia b. Polyuria c. Scanty urination d. Bacteriuria e. Pus in the urine ANS: C REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

12. Diabetes insipidus is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. Polydipsia b. Glycosuria c. Polyuria d. Pituitary gland malfunction e. Insufficient antidiuretic hormone (ADH) ANS: B

REF: p. 231

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

13. Hernia of the tube connecting the kidney and urinary bladder: a. Herniorrhaphy b. Urethrocele c. Ureterocele d. Urethroileostomy e. Urethrostomy ANS: C REF: p. 78 | p. 225 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

14. Use of an artificial kidney machine: a. Renal biopsy b. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) c. Lithotripsy d. Hemodialysis e. Renal transplantation ANS: D REF: p. 234 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

15. Nephrolithotomy: a. Hardening of a stone b. Removal of the urinary bladder and kidney stones c. Removal of the kidney and stones d. Bladder calculi e. Incision to remove a renal calculus ANS: E REF: p. 224 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

16. Protein in the urine: a. Ketonuria

b. c. d. e.

Acetonuria Hyperbilirubinemia Bilirubinuria Albuminuria

ANS: E REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

17. Renal abscess may lead to: a. Diabetes mellitus b. Pyuria c. Nephroptosis d. Ascites e. Diabetes insipidus ANS: B REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.


Alkaline: a. Acidic b. pH c. Basic d. Acetone e. Water ANS: C REF: p. 228 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

19. A group of symptoms marked by edema, proteinuria, and hypoalbuminemia: a. Renal ischemia b. Essential hypertension c. Polycystic kidney d. Nephrotic syndrome e. Diabetes mellitus ANS: D

REF: p. 230

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

20. High levels of ketones in the blood can lead to: a. High pH of urine b. Acidosis c. Excessive elimination of fats d. Diabetes insipidus e. Low specific gravity ANS: B

REF: p. 226

21. Childhood renal carcinoma: a. Hypernephroma b. Polycystic kidney c. Glomerulonephritis d. Wilms tumor e. Phenylketonuria

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.


REF: p. 231

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

22. Urine is held in the bladder: a. Urinary incontinence b. Pyuria c. Polyuria d. Nocturia e. Urinary retention ANS: E REF: p. 227 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

23. Test that measures the amount of urea in the blood: a. Computed tomography (CT) scan b. Retrograde pyelogram (RP) c. BUN d. Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) e. Creatinine clearance test ANS: C REF: p. 232 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

24. Nephrosclerosis: a. Hardening of blood vessels in the kidney b. Loss of protein in the urine c. A test of kidney function d. Prolapse of the kidney e. Excess fluid in the kidney ANS: A REF: p. 246 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

25. Lithotripsy: a. Renal transplant b. Use of shock waves to crush urinary tract stones c. Radioscopic study d. Panendoscopy e. Foley catheterization ANS: B REF: p. 234 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Swelling; fluid in tissues: a. ademia b. edema c. edemia ANS: B REF: p. 230 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

27. Visual examination of the bladder:

a. sistoscopy b. cystascopy c. cystoscopy ANS: C REF: p. 233 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

28. Hardening of vessels in the kidney: a. nephroscherosis b. nephrosclerosis c. neferosclerosis ANS: B REF: p. 246 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

29. Protein in the urine: a. albuminuria b. albuminurea c. albumenuria ANS: A REF: p. 249 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

30. Stone: a. calkulus b. calculus c. calculis ANS: B REF: p. 225 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

31. Excessive thirst: a. polydipsia b. polydypsia c. polidipsia ANS: A REF: p. 251 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

32. Collecting area in the kidney: a. calics b. kalyx c. calyx ANS: C REF: p. 249 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

33. Inability to hold urine in bladder: a. incontenence b. incontinence c. incontinance ANS: B REF: p. 252 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

34. Chemical that carries an electrical charge: a. electrolite b. electricolyte c. electrolyte ANS: C REF: p. 250 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

35. Hormone secreted by the kidney to increase red blood cells: a. erithropoeitin b. erythropoietin c. erythropoeitin ANS: B REF: p. 250 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Spelling 36. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. nitrogenous b. nitrogenius ANS: A REF: p. 251 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

37. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. urinalysis b. urinanalysis ANS: A REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

38. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. meatis b. meatus ANS: B REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

39. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. dysuria b. dysurea ANS: A REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

40. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. abcess b. abscess ANS: B REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

41. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. dyalysis b. dialysis ANS: B REF: p. 251 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

42. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. medulla b. medula ANS: A REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

43. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. pyleogram b. pyelogram ANS: B REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

44. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. vesicorectal b. visicorectal ANS: A REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.

45. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. creatinine b. cretatinine ANS: A REF: p. 249 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system. MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. abscess b. albuminuria c. catheter d. creatinine e. cystoscopy f. edema g. electrolyte h. erythropoietin i. glomerulonephritis j. hematuria k. meatal stenosis l. micturition m. nephrolithiasis n. nephrosclerosis

o. p. q. r. s. t.

pyelography renal ischemia secondary hypertension uremia ureteroneocystostomy urinary incontinence

1. X-ray record (image) of the renal pelvis and urinary tract 2. Holding back of blood supply to the kidney 3. A tube for withdrawing and inserting fluid 4. Act of urination 5. Hormone secreted by the kidney to increase production of red blood cells 6. Narrowing of the opening of the urinary tract to the outside of the body 7. Sodium and potassium, for example 8. High blood pressure due to kidney disease 9. Swelling or fluid in tissue spaces 10. Collection of pus 11. Hardening of arterioles in the kidney 12. Visual examination of the urinary bladder 13. Protein in the urine 14. High levels of nitrogenous waste in the blood 15. Inability to hold urine in the bladder 16. A nitrogenous waste excreted in the urine 17. Renal calculi 18. Inflammation of the small balls of capillaries in the kidney 19. Blood in the urine 20. An anastomosis 1. ANS: O REF: p. 233 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system. 2. ANS: P REF: p. 79 | p. 225 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 3. ANS: C REF: p. 236 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system. 4. ANS: L REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 5. ANS: H REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 6. ANS: K REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 7. ANS: G REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 8. ANS: Q REF: p. 231 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 9. ANS: F REF: p. 230 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 10. ANS: A REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 11. ANS: N REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

12. ANS: E REF: p. 233 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system. 13. ANS: B REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 14. ANS: R REF: p. 227 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 15. ANS: T REF: p. 227 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 16. ANS: D REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 17. ANS: M REF: p. 230 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 18. ANS: I REF: p. 229 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 19. ANS: J REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 20. ANS: S REF: p. 236 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.

Match the terms that pertain to urinalysis with their correct meanings. a. bilirubinuria b. glycosuria c. hematuria d. ketonuria e. pH f. proteinuria g. pyuria h. sediment 21. Sugar in the urine—a sign of diabetes mellitus 22. Color of the urine is smoky red owing to presence of blood 23. Urine is turbid (cloudy) owing to presence of white blood cells (WBCs) and pus 24. Presence of abnormal particles in urine—cells, bacteria, casts 25. Urine test that reflects the acidity or alkalinity of urine 26. Dark pigment accumulates in urine as a result of liver disease 27. High levels of acids and acetones accumulate in urine 28. Accumulation of albumin in urine due to leaky glomeruli 21. ANS: B REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 22. ANS: C REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 23. ANS: G REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 24. ANS: H REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 25. ANS: E REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 26. ANS: A REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 27. ANS: D REF: p. 243 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

28. ANS: F

REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. abscess b. catheter c. diabetes insipidus d. edema e. essential hypertension f. renal cell carcinoma g. secondary hypertension h. stricture 29. High blood pressure that is idiopathic 30. Malignant tumor of the kidney 31. High blood pressure caused by kidney disease 32. A tube for withdrawing or giving fluid 33. Collection of pus 34. Swelling, fluid in tissues 35. Inadequate secretion of ADH 36. A narrowed area in a tube 29. ANS: E REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 30. ANS: F REF: p. 231 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 31. ANS: G REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. REF: p. 244 | p. 248 32. ANS: B OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 33. ANS: A REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. REF: p. 244 | p. 248 34. ANS: D OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. 35. ANS: C REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system. REF: p. 244 | p. 248 36. ANS: H OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. painful urination b. bedwetting c. collection of pus d. pertaining to the outer section of an organ e. blood in the urine f. excessive urination g. pertaining to the inner section of an organ h. excessive urea in the bloodstream i. malignant tumor of the kidney j. pertaining to surrounding the urinary bladder

37. Hematuria 38. Diuresis 39. Abscess 40. Uremia 41. Perivesical 42. Dysuria 43. Cortical 44. Medullary 45. Renal cell carcinoma 46. Enuresis 37. ANS: E REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 38. ANS: F REF: p. 227 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 39. ANS: C REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 40. ANS: H REF: p. 227 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 41. ANS: J REF: p. 117 | p. 225 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 42. ANS: A REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 43. ANS: D REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 44. ANS: G REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 45. ANS: I REF: p. 231 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 46. ANS: B REF: p. 244 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. arteriole b. calyx c. hilum d. meatus e. nephron f. renal tubule g. trigone h. renal vein i. ureter j. urethra 47. Tube carrying urine from each kidney to the urinary bladder 48. Cuplike collecting region of the renal pelvis 49. Opening or canal 50. Microscopic tube in the kidney where urine is formed after filtration 51. Small artery

52. Functional unit of the kidney; about one million in each kidney 53. Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body 54. Triangular area in the urinary bladder 55. Blood vessel that carries blood away from the kidney 56. Depression or hollow in that part of an organ (such as the kidney) where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave 47. ANS: I REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 48. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 49. ANS: D REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 50. ANS: F OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 51. ANS: A REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 52. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 53. ANS: J REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 54. ANS: G OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 55. ANS: H REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 56. ANS: C OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. catheter b. cortex c. creatinine d. electrolyte e. erythropoietin f. glomerulus g. medulla h. renal pelvis i. urinary bladder j. voiding 57. Central collecting region in the kidney 58. Chemical element carrying an electrical charge when dissolved in water; sodium and potassium are examples 59. Tube for injecting or removing fluids 60. Hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate production of red blood cells by bone marrow 61. Inner region of an organ 62. Outer region of an organ 63. Tiny ball of capillaries in outer area of kidney 64. Urination; micturition 65. Nitrogenous waste product of muscle metabolism excreted in urine

66. Hollow, muscular sac that holds and stores urine 57. ANS: H REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 58. ANS: D REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 59. ANS: A OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 60. ANS: E REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 61. ANS: G OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 62. ANS: B REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 63. ANS: F OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 64. ANS: J REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 65. ANS: C OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 66. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Match each vocabulary term listed with its meaning. a. arteriole b. calyx c. catheter d. cortex e. creatinine f. electrolyte g. erythropoietin h. filtration i. glomerular (Bowman) capsule j. glomerulus k. hilum l. kidney 67. Cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis 68. Nitrogenous waste excreted in urine 69. Depression in an organ where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave 70. Small artery 71. Process whereby some substances, but not all, pass through a filter 72. Outer region of an organ 73. Chemical element that carries an electrical charge 74. Tiny ball of capillaries in the kidney 75. Hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells by bone marrow 76. One of two bean-shaped organs on either side of the backbone in the lumbar region 67. ANS: B

REF: p. 221

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 68. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 69. ANS: K REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 70. ANS: A OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 71. ANS: H REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 72. ANS: D OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 73. ANS: F REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 221 74. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 75. ANS: G REF: p. 221 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 76. ANS: L OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Match each vocabulary term listed with its meaning. K+ b. meatus c. nephron d. nitrogenous waste e. reabsorption f. renal artery g. renal pelvis h. renal tubules i. renal vein j. trigone a.

77. Substance containing nitrogen and excreted in urine 78. Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney 79. Triangular area in the urinary bladder 80. Potassium, an electrolyte regulated by the kidney—essential for muscle and nerve function 81. Combination of glomerulus and renal tubule where urine is formed 82. Opening or canal 83. Process whereby renal tubules return materials necessary to the body back into the blood vessel 84. Blood vessels that carries blood away from the kidney 85. Microscopic tubes in the kidney where urine is formed after filtration 86. Central collecting region in the kidney 77. ANS: D REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 78. ANS: F REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 79. ANS: J REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 78. ANS: F REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 79. ANS: J REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

80. ANS: A REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 81. ANS: C REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 82. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 83. ANS: E REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 84. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 85. ANS: H REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 86. ANS: G OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Match each vocabulary term listed with its meaning. a. medulla b. Na+ c. renin d. urea and uric acid e. ureters f. urethra g. urinary bladder h. urination (voiding) 87. Hormone secreted by the kidney 88. Inner region of an organ 89. Nitrogenous wastes excreted in urine 90. Hollow, muscular sac that holds and stores urine 91. Process of expelling urine 92. Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body 93. Tubes leading from the kidneys to the urinary bladder 94. Sodium, an electrolyte regulated in the blood and urine by the kidneys 87. ANS: C REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 88. ANS: A REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 89. ANS: D OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 90. ANS: G REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. REF: p. 222 91. ANS: H OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 92. ANS: F REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 93. ANS: E REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. 94. ANS: B REF: p. 222 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.

Match the following terms with the meanings. a. caliceal b. caliectasis c. cystectomy d. cystitis e. cystostomy f. glomerular capsule g. meatal stenosis h. nephropathy i. nephroptosis j. paranephric 95. New opening of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body 96. Prolapse (dropping) of a kidney 97. Pertaining to a calyx 98. Narrowing of the opening of the urethra to the outside of the body 99. Widening, dilation of a calyx 100. Enclosing and collecting structure surrounding each glomerulus 101. Disease of a kidney 102. Removal of the urinary bladder 103. Pertaining to near the kidney 104. Inflammation of the urinary bladder 95. ANS: E REF: p. 223 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 96. ANS: I REF: p. 224 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 97. ANS: A REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 98. ANS: G REF: p. 242 | p. 247 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 99. ANS: B REF: p. 188 | p. 223 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 100. ANS: F REF: p. 221 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 101. ANS: H REF: p. 81 | p. 224 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 102. ANS: C REF: p. 245 | p. 248 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 103. ANS: J REF: p. 117 | p. 224 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 104. ANS: D REF: p. 223 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.

Match the following terms with their meanings. a. albuminuria b. azotemia c. bacteriuria d. ketonuria e. ketosis (ketoacidosis)

f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

nephrolithiasis nocturia polydipsia renal colic renal ischemia urethral stricture vesicoureteral reflux

105. Condition of excess nitrogen in the blood 106. Spasms of pain from stones in the kidney 107. Condition of ketones in the blood and tissues 108. Frequent, excessive urination at night 109. Condition of much thirst 110. Returning (backing up) of fluid from the urinary bladder to the ureters 111. Protein present in the urine 112. Holding back blood from the kidney 113. Microorganisms in the urine 114. Ketones in the urine 115. Abnormal narrowing of the urethra 116. Abnormal condition of kidney stones 105. ANS: B REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 225 106. ANS: I OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 107. ANS: E REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 226 108. ANS: G OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 109. ANS: H REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 242 | p. 247 110. ANS: L OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 111. ANS: A REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 79 | p. 225 112. ANS: J OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 113. ANS: C REF: p. 226 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 242 | p. 247 114. ANS: D OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. 115. ANS: K REF: p. 225 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 230 116. ANS: F Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records. OBJ:

Match the following abnormal conditions with their descriptions. a. glomerulonephritis b. interstitial nephritis c. nephrolithiasis

d. nephrotic syndrome e. polycystic kidney disease f. pyelonephritis 117. Inflammation of the lining of the renal pelvis and renal parenchyma 118. Kidney stones (renal calculi) 119. Inflammation of the connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules 120. Multiple fluid-filled sacs within and on the kidney 121. Inflammation of the glomeruli within the kidney 122. Group of clinical signs and symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in urine 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122.



p. 230 p. 230 p. 230 p. 230 p. 229 p. 230


Recall pathology of the urinary system. Recall pathology of the urinary system. Recall pathology of the urinary system. Recall pathology of the urinary system. Recall pathology of the urinary system. Recall pathology of the urinary system.


Complete the following terms from their definitions. 1. Dilation of a calyx: cali ANS:

ectasis REF: p. 188 | p. 223

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

2. Scanty urination:



olig REF: p. 242 | p. 247

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

3. Disease of the kidney: nephro ANS:

pathy REF: p. 81 | p. 224

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

4. Bacteria in the urine: bacteri ANS:

uria REF: p. 226

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

5. Excessive thirst: poly


dipsia REF: p. 226

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

6. Incision to remove a stone from the renal pelvis:



pyelo REF: p. 242 | p. 247

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

7. Protein in the urine:



albumin REF: p. 226

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

8. Visual examination of the urinary bladder:



cysto REF: p. 233

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

9. Crushing of a stone: litho ANS:

tripsy REF: p. 234

10. Sugar in the urine:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.



glycos REF: p. 242 | p. 247

OBJ: Recall pathology of the urinary system.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 11. cyst/o: ANS:

urinary bladder REF: p. 223

12. pyel/o:

OBJ: Define and review word parts.


renal pelvis REF: p. 225

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

13. vesic/o: ANS:

urinary bladder REF: p. 225

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

14. lith/o: ANS:

stone REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

15. ren/o: ANS:

kidney REF: p. 225

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

16. albumin/o: ANS:

protein albumin REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

17. hydr/o: ANS:

water REF: p. 224

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

18. py/o: ANS:

pus REF: p. 227

19. azot/o: ANS:


OBJ: Define and review word parts.

REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

20. olig/o: ANS:

scanty REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Give meanings for the following suffixes. 21. -ptosis: ANS:

prolapse REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

22. -tripsy: ANS:

crushing REF: p. 227

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

23. -stenosis: ANS:

narrowing REF: p. 289

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

24. -lysis: ANS:

destruction separation REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

25. -ectasis: ANS:

widening stretching dilation REF: p. 188

26. -megaly:

OBJ: Define and review word parts.


enlargement REF: p. 81

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

27. -poietin: ANS:

formation REF: p. 221

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

28. -uria: ANS:

urine condition REF: p. 227

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

29. -sclerosis: ANS:

hardening REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

30. -ole: ANS:

small little REF: p. 84

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Give the meanings for the following prefixes. 31. anti-: ANS:

against REF: p. 113

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

32. peri-: ANS:

surrounding REF: p. 117

33. retro-:

OBJ: Define and review word parts.


back behind REF: p. 118

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

34. poly-: ANS:

much many REF: p. 117

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

35. dys-: ANS:

bad painful difficult abnormal REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

36. dia-: ANS:

complete through REF: p. 114

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

37. en-: ANS:

in within REF: p. 115

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

38. a-, an-: ANS:

no not without REF: p. 111

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Give suffixes or combining forms for the following. 39. New opening:


-stomy stomy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

40. Incision: ANS:

-tomy tomy REF: p. 83

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

41. Disease condition: ANS:

-pathy pathy REF: p. 82

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

42. Removal: ANS:

-ectomy ectomy REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

43. Record: ANS:

-gram gram REF: p. 80

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

44. Surgical repair: ANS:

-plasty plasty REF: p. 82

45. Blood condition: ANS:

-emia emia

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

REF: p. 79

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

46. Thirst: ANS:

dips/o REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

47. Night: ANS:

noct/o REF: p. 226

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

48. Blood vessel: ANS:

angi/o REF: p. 76

OBJ: Define and review word parts.

Chapter 08-2: Female Reproductive System—Part 2 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition OTHER

Complete the following. 1. galact/o and lact/o mean: ANS:

milk REF: p. 29 | p. 270 OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

2. colp/o and vagin/o mean: ANS:

vagina REF: p. 269 | p. 271 OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

3. oophor/o and ovari/o mean: ANS:

ovary REF: p. 270

OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

4. mamm/o and mast/o mean: ANS:

breast REF: p. 270

OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

5. metr/o and hyster/o mean: ANS:

uterus REF: pp. 269-270

OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

6. -cyesis and gravid/o mean: ANS:

pregnancy REF: p. 271

OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

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7. episi/o and vulv/o mean: ANS:

vulva REF: p. 269 | p. 271 OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

8. ovul/o and o/o mean: ANS:

egg cell REF: p. 270

OBJ: Define and review word parts related to the female reproductive system.

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 9. Fimbriae: ANS:

fim REF: p. 304

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

10. Genitalia: ANS:

tal REF: p. 304

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

11. Primipara: ANS:

mip REF: p. 306

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

12. Menarche: ANS:

nar REF: p. 305

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

13. Gravida: ANS:

gra REF: p. 304

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

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14. Pelvimetry: ANS:

vim REF: p. 306

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

15. Perineum: ANS:

ne REF: p. 306

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

16. Areola: ANS:

re REF: p. 303

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

17. Gamete: ANS:

ga REF: p. 304

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

18. Endometriosis: ANS:

o REF: p. 304

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the female reproductive system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 19.

A. amenorhea B. amenorrhea A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, no menstrual flow REF: p. 270 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. oophoritis B. oopheritis A or B: meaning:

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A, inflammation of an ovary REF: p. 269 | p. 301 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. menarchy B. menarche A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, first menstrual period REF: p. 267 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. cervisitis B. cervicitis A or B:



B, inflammation of the cervix REF: p. 275 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. areola B. aereola A or B:



A, pigmented area around breast nipple REF: p. 266 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. pappila B. papilla A or B:



B, nipple REF: p. 267 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.

25. A. progesterone B. progestrone A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, ovarian hormone; for pregnancy

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REF: p. 268 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.

26. A. esterogen B. estrogen A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, ovarian hormone; for secondary sex characteristics REF: p. 267 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.

27. A. dialation B. dilation A or B:



B, widening REF: p. 285 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.


A. carsinoma en situ B. carcinoma in situ A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, localized malignancy REF: p. 274 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the female reproductive system in medical reports and records.

Give meanings for the following gynecologic symptoms. 29. Leukorrhea: ANS:

yellowish white discharge from the vagina REF: p. 275

OBJ: Recall pathology of the female reproductive system.

30. Metrorrhagia: ANS:

excessive discharge of blood from the uterus between menstrual periods REF: p. 270

OBJ: Recall pathology of the female reproductive system.

31. Amenorrhea:

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no menstrual period REF: p. 270

OBJ: Recall pathology of the female reproductive system.

32. Dyspareunia: ANS:

painful sexual intercourse REF: p. 272

OBJ: Recall pathology of the female reproductive system.

33. Pyosalpinx: ANS:

pus in a fallopian tube REF: p. 295 | p. 301 OBJ: Recall pathology of the female reproductive system.

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Chapter 09: Male Reproductive System Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. The male gonad: a. Sperm cell b. Scrotum c. Testis d. Penis e. Epididymis ANS: C REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

2. A gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra: a. Vas deferens b. Bulbourethral c. Bartholin d. Seminal vesicle e. Prostate ANS: E REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

3. Tissue that produces sperm cells: a. Seminiferous tubules b. Endometrium c. Urethra d. Ureters e. Interstitial ANS: A REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

4. Hair-like tail region of the sperm: a. Cilia b. Sperm head c. Flagellum d. Fimbriae e. Calyx ANS: C REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

5. Tube that leads from the epididymis to the urethra: a. Ureter b. Seminiferous tubule c. Cowper duct d. Vas deferens e. Bulbourethral duct

ANS: D REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

6. Foreskin: a. Perineum b. Phimosis c. Prepuce d. Glans penis e. Scrotum ANS: C REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

7. Male castration would result from which of the following operations? a. Bilateral orchiectomy b. TURP c. Vasectomy d. Bilateral oophorectomy e. Unilateral orchidectomy ANS: A REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

8. Inflammation of the glans penis: a. Orchitis b. Hydrocele c. Varicocele d. Balanitis e. Epididymitis ANS: D

REF: p. 317

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

9. A chancre is the primary lesion in which of the following conditions? a. Pelvic inflammatory disease b. Genital herpes c. Nongonococcal urethritis d. Gonorrhea e. Syphilis ANS: E

REF: p. 324

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

10. An androgen: a. Luteinizing hormone b. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) c. Testosterone d. Estrogen e. Progesterone ANS: C REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

11. Testosterone is produced by:

a. b. c. d. e.

Interstitial cells of the testes Prostate gland Cowper glands Seminiferous tubules Seminal vesicles

ANS: A REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

12. Undescended testicles: a. Anorchism b. Phimosis c. Epispadias d. Cryptorchism e. Orchiotomy ANS: D

REF: p. 320

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

13. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by: a. Adenocarcinoma of the prostate b. Overgrowth of glandular tissue c. Hydrocele d. Urinary incontinence e. Varicocele ANS: B

REF: p. 321

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

14. Testicular carcinoma: a. BPH b. Seminoma c. Hypernephroma d. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) e. Chlamydia ANS: B

REF: p. 319

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

15. Sterilization procedure: a. Vasectomy b. Circumcision c. Orchiotomy d. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) e. Left orchiectomy ANS: A REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

16. Sac containing the male gonads: a. Perineum b. Peritoneum c. Epididymis d. Scrotum e. Seminal vesicle

ANS: D REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

17. Congenital condition of the male urethra: a. Varicocele b. Phimosis c. Circumcision d. Hypospadias e. Hydrocele ANS: D

REF: p. 322

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

18. Parenchymal tissue in the testes: a. Seminiferous tubules b. Bulbourethral fluid c. Vas deferens d. Connective tissue e. Interstitial tissue ANS: A REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

19. Congenital absence of a testicle: a. Azoospermia b. Cryptorchism c. Aspermia d. Oligospermia e. Anorchism ANS: E REF: p. 59 | p. 111 | p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.


A spermolytic substance: a. Produces sperm cells b. Destroys sperm cells c. Is used for benign prostatic hyperplasia d. Increases potency e. Is produced by the testes ANS: B REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

21. Orchiopexy: a. Removal of a testicle b. Incision and removal of a piece of the vas deferens c. Fixation of an undescended testicle d. Removal of the prepuce e. Prolapse of a testicle ANS: C REF: p. 319 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

22. Swollen, twisted veins near the testes:

a. b. c. d. e.

Varicocele Hydrocele Hypospadias Herpes genitalis Testicular torsion


REF: p. 320

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

23. Nongonococcal urethritis is most often caused by: a. Prostatitis b. Syphilis c. Herpes genitalis d. Chlamydial infection e. Castration ANS: D

REF: p. 322

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

24. Treating tissue with cold temperatures is called: a. Aspiration b. Purulent c. Ejaculation d. Curettage e. Cryogenic surgery ANS: E REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

25. Which of the following is NOT a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? a. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection b. Gonorrhea c. BPH d. Syphilis e. Chlamydia ANS: C

REF: p. 321

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Absence of a testicle: a. anorhism b. anorchism c. anorkism ANS: B REF: p. 59 | p. 111 | p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

27. Glands that secrete semen: a. bulbourethral b. bulboureteral c. bolboureteral ANS: A REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

28. Tubules that produce sperm: a. seminiferous b. semeniferious c. seminefarous ANS: A REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

29. Sexually transmitted disease: a. syphilis b. syphillis c. syfalus ANS: A

REF: p. 324

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

30. Carcinoma of the testes: a. embrional b. embryonal c. enbryomal ANS: B

REF: p. 319

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

31. Sperm cells and fluid: a. semin b. seman c. semen ANS: C REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

32. Scanty sperm production: a. olagospermia b. oliospermia c. oligospermia ANS: A REF: p. 331 | p. 336 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

33. Pus-filled: a. purulent b. poorulent c. pureulent ANS: A

REF: p. 322

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

34. Male sex hormone: a. testostarone b. testosterone c. testosterome ANS: B REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

35. Male gonad: a. testus b. testas c. testis ANS: C REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. MATCHING

Match the following vocabulary terms with the meanings. a. bulbourethral glands b. ejaculation c. ejaculatory duct d. epididymis e. erectile dysfunction f. flagellum g. fraternal twins h. glans penis i. identical twins j. parenchyma k. perineum l. prepuce 1. One of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes on top of each testis 2. Sensitive tip of the penis 3. Two infants resulting from division of one fertilized egg into two distinct embryos 4. Pair of exocrine glands near the male urethra; secrete fluid into the urethra 5. Tube through which semen enters the male urethra 6. External region between the anus and scrotum 7. Two infants born of the same pregnancy from two separate egg cells fertilized by two different sperm cells 8. Ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra 9. The essential, distinctive cells of an organ 10. Hair-like projection on a sperm cell 11. Inability of an adult male to achieve an erection; impotence 12. Foreskin of the penis 1. ANS: D 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: H REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: I REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: A REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: C REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: K REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 8. ANS: B REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 9. ANS: J REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 10. ANS: F REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 11. ANS: E REF: p. 315 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 12. ANS: L REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

7. ANS: G

Match the following terms with their meanings. a. androgen b. balanitis c. cryogenic surgery d. cryptorchism e. epididymitis f. gonorrhea g. hydrocele h. orchiectomy i. orchitis j. prostatitis k. prostatectomy l. seminiferous tubules 13. Inflammation of a testis 14. Undescended testicle 15. Hernia of fluid in the scrotum 16. Inflammation of the penis 17. Male hormone; testosterone is an example 18. Removal of a testis 19. Use of cold, freezing temperatures to destroy tissue 20. Inflammation of genital tract mucous membranes; caused by gonococcal infection 21. Inflammation of the epididymis 22. Inflammation of the gland below the urinary bladder in males 23. Resection of the prostate gland 24. Coiled tubes with the testes that form and carry sperm 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

ANS: I REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: D REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: G REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: B REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: A REF: p. 317 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 18. ANS: H REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 19. ANS: C REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

20. 21. 22. 23.

ANS: F REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases. ANS: E REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: J REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: K REF: p. 332 | p. 336 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 24. ANS: L REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

Match the following pathological conditions with their descriptions. a. carcinoma of the prostate b. carcinoma of the testis c. cryptorchism d. hydrocele e. hypospadias f. phimosis g. prostatic hyperplasia h. testicular torsion i. varicocele 25. Male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis 26. Twisting of the spermatic cord 27. Malignant tumor of the exocrine gland lying below the urinary bladder 28. Enlarged, dilated veins near the testis 29. Undescended testicles 30. Narrowing (stricture) of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis 31. Malignant tumor of the male gonad 32. Benign growth of glandular tissue lying below the urinary bladder 33. Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.



p. 322 p. 320 p. 321 p. 320 p. 320 p. 322 p. 319 p. 321 p. 320


Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. androgen b. castration c. chancre d. cryptorchism e. epididymitis f. gonorrhea g. herpes genitalis h. hydrocele i. hypospadias

Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

j. oligospermia k. orchitis l. parenchymal tissue m. prepuce n. prostatic hyperplasia o. purulent p. semen q. seminal vesicles r. seminoma s. syphilis t. varicocele 34. Inflammation of the tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the vas deferens 35. Hard ulcer that is a sign of a sexually transmitted disease 36. Pus-filled 37. A hormone that produces male secondary sex characteristics 38. Inflammation of a testicle 39. Fluid that contains sperm cells and secretions and is produced during ejaculation 40. Hernia of fluid in the testicle 41. Malignant tumor of the testes 42. Foreskin 43. Essential cells of the testes; seminiferous tubules 44. Excision of the testicles or ovaries 45. Increase in growth of cells of a gland below the urinary bladder in males 46. Glands that secrete a fluid into the vas deferens 47. Enlarged, dilated veins near the testicle 48. Undescended testicle 49. Condition of scanty sperm cell production 50. Congenital opening of the male urethra on the under surface of the penis 51. Chronic STD caused by a type of bacteria (spirochete) 52. Inflammation of the genital tract mucosa caused by infection with berry-shaped bacteria 53. Infection of the skin and mucous membranes with HSV; small fluid-filled blisters occur 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

ANS: E REF: p. 317 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: C REF: p. 324 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases. ANS: O REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: A REF: p. 317 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: K REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: P REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: H REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: R REF: p. 319 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: M REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: L REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: B REF: p. 325

OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 45. ANS: N REF: p. 321 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 46. ANS: Q OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 47. ANS: T REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 48. ANS: D REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 331 | p. 336 49. ANS: J OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 50. ANS: I REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 51. ANS: S REF: p. 324 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases. 52. ANS: F REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases. 53. ANS: G REF: p. 323 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. to tie off or bind b. removal of a piece of vas deferens c. orchiectomy d. removal of the prepuce e. destruction of tissue by freezing f. pus-filled g. test of fertility (reproductive ability) h. ejection of sperm and fluid from the urethra 54. Castration 55. Purulent 56. Ligation 57. Circumcision 58. Ejaculation 59. Cryosurgery 60. Vasectomy 61. Semen analysis 54. ANS: C REF: p. 325 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 55. ANS: F REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 56. ANS: A REF: p. 326 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 57. ANS: D REF: p. 325 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 58. ANS: H REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 59. ANS: E REF: p. 333 | p. 337 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 60. ANS: B REF: p. 326 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. 61. ANS: G REF: p. 324 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

Match the reasons they would be performed with the correct surgical procedures. a. carcinoma of the prostate gland

b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

cryptorchism sterilization (hormones remain) benign prostatic hyperplasia reversal of sterilization removal of swollen, twisted veins near the testes abnormal fluid collection in scrotum seminoma phimosis

62. Bilateral orchiectomy 63. TURP 64. Vasectomy 65. Orchiopexy 66. Hydrocelectomy 67. Circumcision 68. Radical prostatectomy 69. Vasovasostomy 70. Varicocelectomy 62. ANS: H 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: D REF: p. 321 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: C REF: p. 326 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: B REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: G REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: I REF: p. 325 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: A REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: E REF: p. 326 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: F REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

Match the meanings with the correct terms. a. sac that holds the testes b. hormone produced by the testes c. removal of the testes d. undescended testicle e. sterilization; removal of part of the vas deferens. f. congenital opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis g. pus-filled h. venereal disease marked by urethral discharge i. removal of the foreskin around the glans penis j. pertaining to destruction of sperm cells.

71. Cryptorchism 72. Testosterone 73. Spermolytic 74. Circumcision 75. Vasectomy 76. Scrotum 77. Gonorrhea 78. Hypospadias 79. Orchiectomy 80. Purulent 71. ANS: D 72. ANS: B 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

REF: p. 320 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 319 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: J REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: I REF: p. 325 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: E REF: p. 326 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: A REF: p. 320 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. ANS: H REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases. ANS: F REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. ANS: C REF: p. 318 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. ANS: G REF: p. 322 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. bulbourethral gland b. ejaculatory duct c. epididymis d. flagellum e. fraternal twins f. identical twins g. impotence h. interstitial cells i. parenchyma j. perineum 81. Inability of an adult male to achieve an erection 82. External region between the anus and the scrotum 83. One of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes lying on top of each testis 84. Two infants born of the same pregnancy from two separate ova fertilized by two different sperm 85. Tube through which semen enters the male urethra 86. Two infants resulting from division of one fertilized egg into two distinct embryos 87. Tissue composed of essential and functional cells of an organ 88. Hair-like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile 89. Cells that lie between the seminiferous tubules and produce the hormone testosterone

90. One of a pair of exocrine glands near the male urethra 81. ANS: G REF: p. 316 OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system. 82. ANS: J REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 315 83. ANS: C OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 84. ANS: E REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 315 85. ANS: B OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 86. ANS: F REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 87. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 88. ANS: D REF: p. 315 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 89. ANS: H OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 315 90. ANS: A OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. prepuce b. prostate gland c. scrotum d. semen e. seminal f. seminiferous tubules g. spermatozoon h. sterilization i. testis j. vas deferens 91. Sperm cells and fluid 92. Narrow tube that carries sperm from the epididymis into the body and toward the urethra 93. Foreskin of the penis 94. External sac that contains the testes 95. Procedure that removes an individual’s ability to produce or release reproductive cells 96. Male gonad 97. Exocrine gland in men at the base of the urinary bladder 98. Either of a paired sac-like male exocrine glands that secrete seminal fluid 99. A sperm cell 100. Narrow, coiled tubules that produce sperm cells 91. ANS: D REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 92. ANS: J OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 93. ANS: A REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 94. ANS: C OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 95. ANS: H REF: p. 316 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 96. ANS: I OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 97. ANS: B REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 98. ANS: E OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. 99. ANS: G REF: p. 316 OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. REF: p. 316 100. ANS: F OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system. OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Parenchymal: ANS:

ren REF: p. 339

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

2. Prepuce: ANS:

pre REF: p. 339

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

3. Varicocele: ANS:

var REF: p. 340

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

4. Interstitial: ANS:

sti REF: p. 339

5. Flagellum:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.


gel REF: p. 338

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

6. Androgen: ANS:

an REF: p. 338

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

7. Seminoma: ANS:

no REF: p. 340

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

8. Prostatectomy: ANS:

tec REF: p. 339

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

9. Testosterone: ANS:

tos REF: p. 340

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

10. Impotence: ANS:

im REF: p. 339

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the male reproductive system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 11. A. Chyamydia B. Chlamydia A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, bacteria causing sexually transmitted disease REF: p. 322

12. A. impotance

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

B. impotence A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, inability of an adult male to achieve an erection REF: p. 316


A. chanker B. chancre A or B:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.



B, ulcer associated with syphilis REF: p. 324


OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

A. seminoma B. semenoma A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, malignant tumor of the testes REF: p. 319


A. scrotum B. scrotim A or B:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.



A, sac that holds the testes REF: p. 316


OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

A. parynchomal B. parenchymal A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, pertaining to essential cells of an organ REF: p. 316


OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

A. purulent B. puerluent A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, pus-filled

REF: p. 322


OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

A. adenocarcinoma B. adenocarsinoma A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, cancerous tumor of a gland REF: p. 321


OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

A. prostrate gland B. prostate gland A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, below the urinary bladder (males); secretes seminal fluid REF: p. 316

20. A. prepus B. prepuce A or B:

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.



B, foreskin REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

Give the meanings for the following medical terms. 21. Parenchyma: ANS:

essential cells of an organ REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

22. Androgen: ANS:

male hormone REF: p. 315

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

23. Testicular teratoma: ANS:

tumor of the testes (malignant) REF: p. 318

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

24. Stroma: ANS:

connective tissue in an organ REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

25. Azoospermia: ANS:

condition of no sperm cells in semen REF: p. 319

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

Give the meanings for the following abbreviations. 26. TURP: ANS:

transurethral resection of the prostate REF: p. 321 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

27. PSA: ANS:

prostate specific antigen REF: p. 321 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

28. BPH: ANS:

benign prostatic hyperplasia REF: p. 321 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

Build medical terms. 29. Inflammation of the testes: ANS:

orchitis REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

30. Resection of the prostate gland: ANS:

prostatectomy REF: p. 332 | p. 336 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

31. Condition of scanty sperm: ANS:

oligospermia REF: p. 331 | p. 336 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

32. Process of forming (producing) sperm cells: ANS:

spermatogenesis REF: p. 313

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

33. Fixation of an undescended testicle: ANS:

orchiopexy REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

Give medical terms for the following descriptions/definitions. 34. Pair of sacs; secrete fluid into ejaculatory duct: ANS:

seminal vesicles REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

35. Coiled tube above each testis; carries and stores sperm: ANS:

epididymis REF: p. 315

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

36. Male gonad; produces hormone and sperm cells: ANS:

testis REF: p. 316

37. Foreskin:

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.


prepuce REF: p. 316

OBJ: Learn the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system.

Give medical terms for the following abnormal conditions. 38. STD; etiology is berry-shaped bacteria: ANS:

gonorrhea REF: p. 322

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

39. Opening of the urethra on the undersurface of the penis: ANS:

hypospadias REF: p. 322

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

40. Enlarged, swollen veins near the testes: ANS:

varicocele REF: p. 320

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

41. Undescended testicles: ANS:

cryptorchism REF: p. 320

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

42. STD; primary stage marked by a chancre: ANS:

syphilis REF: p. 324

OBJ: Recall sexually transmitted diseases.

43. Malignant tumor of the prostate gland: ANS:

prostatic adenocarcinoma REF: p. 321

OBJ: Recall pathology of the male reproductive system.

Give meanings for the following. 44. -cele:


hernia REF: p. 78

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

45. -genesis: ANS:

formation REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

46. balan/o: ANS:

glans penis REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

Complete the following terms from their definitions. 47. Fixation of a testicle in place:



orchi REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

48. Condition of scanty sperm production: oligo ANS:

spermia REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

49. Inflammation of the glans penis:



balan REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

50. Excessive development; enlargement of the prostate gland: prostatic ANS:

hyperplasia hypertrophy REF: p. 321 | p. 326 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

51. Hernia of fluid in the scrotal sac: hydro ANS:

cele REF: p. 320

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

52. Inflammation of the epididymis:



epididym REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

53. New connection between two parts of the vas deferens: vaso ANS:

vasostomy REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

54. Formation of sperm cells: spermato ANS:

genesis REF: p. 313

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

55. Sexually transmitted disease: gono ANS:

rrhea REF: p. 322

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

56. Narrowing of the foreskin over the glans penis:



phim REF: p. 322

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

Give the meanings for the following combining forms. 57. balan/o: ANS:

glans penis REF: p. 317

58. orchi/o:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.


testis REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

59. vas/o: ANS:

vessel duct vas deferens REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

60. zo/o: ANS:

animal life REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

61. andr/o: ANS:

male REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

62. crypt/o: ANS:

hidden REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

63. cry/o: ANS:

cold REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

64. hydr/o: ANS:

water REF: p. 317

65. epididym/o:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.


epididymis REF: p. 317

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

66. terat/o: ANS:

monster REF: p. 318

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

Give meanings for the following suffixes. 67. -plasia: ANS:

formation REF: p. 82

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

68. -lysis: ANS:

destruction separation REF: p. 80

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

69. -cele: ANS:

hernia REF: p. 78

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

70. -pexy: ANS:

fixation REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

71. -stomy: ANS:

new opening REF: p. 319

72. -tomy:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.


incision REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

73. -trophy: ANS:

nourishment development REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

74. -genesis: ANS:

formation REF: p. 319

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

75. -ectomy: ANS:

removal excision resection REF: p. 79

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

76. -rrhea: ANS:

flow discharge REF: p. 82

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define male reproductive system terms.

Chapter 10-1: Nervous System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance: a. Pons b. Cerebrum c. Thalamus d. Hypothalamus e. Cerebellum ANS: E REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

2. Pertaining to muscles and nerves: a. Myoneural b. Neuroanastomosis c. Myelogram d. Meningomyelocele e. Polyneuritis ANS: A REF: p. 85 | p. 359 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

3. Neurotransmitter: a. Cerebrospinal fluid b. Myelin c. Acetylcholine d. Lymph e. Sulcus ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

4. Part of the nerve cell that first receives the nervous impulse is the: a. Axon b. Cell body c. Neurilemma d. Convolution e. Dendrite ANS: E REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

5. Elevated portions of the cerebral cortex: a. Sulci b. Plexuses c. Gyri d. Ventricles e. Glial cells

ANS: C REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

6. Burning sensation of pain: a. Analgesia b. Cephalgia c. Anesthesia d. Causalgia e. Dysesthesia ANS: D

REF: p. 360

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

7. A network of interlacing nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system (PNS): a. Microglia b. Astrocyte c. Plexus d. Synapse e. Receptor ANS: C REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

8. Portion of the brain that controls the pituitary gland, water balance, and body temperature: a. Medulla oblongata b. Cauda equina c. Cerebellum d. Thalamus e. Hypothalamus ANS: E REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.


Glial cells: a. Neurons b. Astrocytes c. Meninges d. Parenchymal cells e. Nerve cells that conduct impulses ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

10. Space between nerve cells: a. Subdural space b. Subarachnoid space c. Ventricle d. Synapse e. Stimulus ANS: D REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

11. Part of the brain that controls breathing, heartbeat, and the size of blood vessels: a. Cerebellum b. Pons c. Cauda equina d. Medulla oblongata e. Thalamus ANS: D REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

12. Inability to speak: a. Apraxia b. Dysplasia c. Aphasia d. Aphagia e. Ataxia ANS: C

REF: p. 361

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

13. Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord: a. Gyrus b. Dendrites c. Cauda equina d. Microglia e. Oligodendroglia ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

14. X-ray record (image) of the spinal cord: a. Electroencephalogram b. Electromyogram c. Cerebral angiogram d. Pneumoencephalogram e. Myelogram ANS: E REF: p. 80 | p. 359 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

15. Collection of blood within the meningeal layers: a. Leptomeningitis b. Cerebromalacia c. Subdural hematoma d. Hydrocephalus e. Hemiparesis ANS: C

REF: p. 358

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

16. Abnormal sensation of tingling or prickling: a. Anesthesia b. Paresthesia c. Analgesia

d. Neurasthenia e. Hyperkinesis ANS: B

REF: p. 360

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

17. Inflammation of a spinal nerve root: a. Encephalitis b. Meningitis c. Blepharitis d. Radiculitis e. Polyneuritis ANS: D

REF: p. 359

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

18. A highly malignant brain tumor: a. Meningioma b. Epidural hematoma c. Glioblastoma d. Subdural hematoma e. Teratoma ANS: C

REF: p. 358

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

19. Paralysis of four extremities: a. Hemiparesis b. Hemiplegia c. Paraplegia d. Quadriplegia e. Apraxia ANS: D

REF: p. 361

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

20. Cerebral aneurysm, thrombosis, or hemorrhage can be the cause of: a. Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) b. Concussion c. Multiple sclerosis d. Myasthenia gravis e. Epilepsy ANS: A

REF: p. 369

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

REF: p. 362

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

21. Fainting: a. Shingles b. Hypesthesia c. Ataxia d. Syncope e. Palsy ANS: D

22. Spina bifida is associated with: a. Poliomyelitis b. Meningomyelocele

c. Multiple myeloma d. Hyperkinesis e. Narcolepsy ANS: B

REF: p. 363

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

23. Parkinson disease is characterized by: a. Shuffling gait b. Cerebellar ataxia c. Bell palsy d. Herpes zoster infection e. Narcolepsy ANS: A

REF: p. 367

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

24. Disorder of reading, writing, and learning: a. Epilepsy b. Apraxia c. Bradykinesis d. Neurasthenia e. Dyslexia ANS: E

REF: p. 361

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

25. Condition of no nervous sensation: a. Analgesia b. Anencephaly c. Anesthesia d. Huntington disease e. Alzheimer disease ANS: C

REF: p. 360

OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Pertaining to fainting: a. sincopal b. syncopal c. sinkaple ANS: B REF: p. 362 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

27. Abnormal sensation: a. paresthesia b. parasthesia c. parasthezia ANS: A REF: p. 360 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

28. Relieving, but not curing: a. pailiative

b. paliative c. palliative ANS: C REF: p. 367 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

29. Peculiar symptoms appearing before more definite symptoms: a. aura b. aurra c. hora ANS: A REF: p. 365 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

30. Within the meninges: a. intrathecal b. interthecal c. intrathekal ANS: A REF: p. 359 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

31. Essential cells of an organ: a. parenchymal b. parenchymel c. parencyhmal ANS: A REF: p. 356 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

32. Space between nerve cells: a. sinapse b. synnapse c. synapse ANS: C REF: p. 357 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

33. Part of the brain that controls muscular coordination: a. cerebellum b. serabellum c. serebellum ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

34. Manner of walking: a. gate b. gaite c. gait ANS: C REF: p. 365 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

35. Loss of mental capacity: a. demenshea b. dementia c. dementsha ANS: B REF: p. 364 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. MATCHING

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. acetylcholine b. afferent nerve c. arachnoid membrane d. astrocyte e. autonomic nervous system f. axon g. blood-brain barrier h. brainstem i. cauda equina j. cell body 1. Blood vessels (capillaries) that selectively let certain substances enter brain tissue and keep others out 2. Type of glial (neuroglial) cell that transports water and salts from capillaries 3. Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord 4. Neurotransmitter chemical released at the ends of nerve cells 5. Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell 6. Carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord from receptors 7. Lower portion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord 8. Part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus 9. Middle layer of the meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord 10. Contains nerves that control involuntary body functions or muscles, glands, and internal organs 1. ANS: G 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: D REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: I REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: F REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: H REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: J REF: p. 355

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 10. ANS: E REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

9. ANS: C

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. central nervous system (CNS) b. cerebellum c. cerebral cortex d. cerebrospinal fluid e. cerebrum f. cranial nerves g. dendrite h. dura mater i. efferent nerve j. ependymal cell 11. Motor nerve that carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord 12. Largest part of the brain 13. Includes the brain and spinal cord 14. Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell that is the first to receive a nervous impulse 15. Posterior part of the brain; coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance 16. Glial (neuroglial) cell that lines membranes within the brain and spinal cord; helps form cerebrospinal fluid 17. Outer region of the cerebrum; contains sheets of nerves 18. Circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord 19. Thick, outermost layer of the meninges 20. Twelve pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the brain 11. ANS: I 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: E REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: G REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: J REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: D REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: H REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: F REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. ganglion b. glial cell c. gyrus d. hypothalamus e. medulla oblongata f. meninges g. motor nerve h. myelin sheath i. nerve j. neuron 21. Portion of the brain that controls sleep, appetite, body temperature, and secretions from the pituitary gland 22. White fatty tissue that surrounds and insulates the axon of a nerve cell 23. Supportive and connective type of nerve cell; does not carry nervous impulses 24. Membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord 25. Sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded fold on the surface of the brain 26. Nerve cell that carries impulses throughout the body 27. Collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS 28. Portion of the brain just above the spinal cord; controls breathing, heartbeat, and size of blood vessels 29. Carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord; efferent nerve 30. Macroscopic, cord-like collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses 21. ANS: D REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 22. ANS: H REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 23. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 24. ANS: F REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 25. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 26. ANS: J REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 27. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 28. ANS: E REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 29. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 30. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. microglial cell b. neurotransmitter

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

oligodendroglial cell parasympathetic nerves parenchyma peripheral nervous system pia mater plexus pons receptor

31. Part of the brain anterior to the cerebellum and between the medulla and rest of the midbrain 32. Chemical messenger, released at the end of a nerve cell 33. Essential, distinguishing tissue of an organ or system 34. Thin, delicate inner membrane of the meninges 35. Organ that receives a nervous stimulation and passes it on to afferent nerves 36. Phagocytic glial cell 37. Large, interlacing network of nerves 38. Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord including cranial and spinal nerves 39. Involuntary, autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions such as heart rate, breathing, and gastrointestinal muscles 40. Glial cell that forms the myelin sheath covering axons 31. ANS: I REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 32. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 33. ANS: E REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 34. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 35. ANS: J REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 36. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 37. ANS: H REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 38. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 39. ANS: D REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 40. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. sciatic nerve b. sensory nerve c. stimulus d. stroma e. sulcus f. sympathetic nerves g. synapse

h. thalamus i. vagus nerve j. ventricles of the brain 41. Depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex 42. Connective and supporting tissue of an organ; in the brain, the glial cells 43. Tenth cranial nerve 44. Carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord; afferent nerve 45. Main relay center of the brain 46. Autonomic nerves that influence bodily functions involuntarily in times of stress 47. Spinal nerve extending from the base of the spine down the thigh, lower leg, and foot 48. Agent of change (light, sound, touch) that evokes a response 49. Space through which a nervous impulse travels between nerve cells or between nerve and muscle or glandular cells 50. Canals in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid 41. ANS: E REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 357 42. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 43. ANS: I REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 357 44. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 45. ANS: H REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 357 46. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 47. ANS: A REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 357 48. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 49. ANS: G REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 357 50. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. acetylcholine b. anencephaly c. apraxia d. astrocyte e. ataxia f. bradykinesia g. cerebellum h. cerebrum i. comatose j. glioma k. gyri l. hypothalamus

m. leptomeningitis n. meningioma o. myelin sheath p. neurasthenia q. paraplegia r. stroma s. synapse t. syncopal 51. The connective and framework tissue of any organ 52. Fatty tissue that surrounds and protects the axon of a nerve cell 53. Largest part of the brain 54. Posterior part of the brain; responsible for maintaining balance 55. A type of glial cell 56. Neurotransmitter chemical released at the ends of nerve cells 57. The space through which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another 58. Inflammation of membranes around the brain and spinal cord 59. Malignant brain tumor 60. Slow movement 61. Lack of muscle coordination 62. Condition of absence of a brain (congenital anomaly) 63. Pertaining to fainting 64. Benign tumor of the membranes around the brain 65. Part of the brain that controls the secretions of the pituitary gland 66. Nervous exhaustion; “lack of nerve strength” 67. Movements and behavior are not purposeful 68. Paralysis of the lower part of the body 69. State of unconsciousness from which a patient cannot be aroused 70. Elevations on the surface of the cerebral cortex 51. ANS: R REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 52. ANS: O REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 53. ANS: H REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 54. ANS: G REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 55. ANS: D REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 56. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 57. ANS: S REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 58. ANS: M REF: p. 368 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 59. ANS: J REF: p. 368 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 60. ANS: F REF: p. 382 | p. 388 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 61. ANS: E REF: p. 362 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.


ANS: B REF: p. 358 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: T REF: p. 362 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: N REF: p. 368 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: L REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. ANS: P REF: p. 362 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: C REF: p. 362 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: Q REF: p. 361 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: I REF: p. 383 | p. 388 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. ANS: K REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aura b. cerebral angiography c. cerebral hemorrhage d. cerebral palsy e. dementia f. dopamine g. embolus h. gait i. glioblastoma multiforme j. hydrocephalus k. multiple sclerosis l. myasthenia gravis m. palliative n. Parkinson disease o. spina bifida p. tonic-clonic q. Tourette syndrome r. transient ischemic attack 71. A floating clot; mass of material may suddenly block a blood vessel 72. Relieving symptoms, but not curing 73. “Mini”-stroke 74. X-ray record of blood vessels within the brain 75. Mental decline and deterioration 76. Breakage of a blood vessel within the brain 77. Demyelination of tissue around the axons of CNS neurons 78. Paralysis and loss of muscular coordination caused by brain damage in the perinatal period 79. Congenital defect of the spinal column with herniation of the spinal cord and meninges 80. Major convulsive epileptic seizure 81. Malignant brain tumor 82. Elapsing weakness of skeletal muscles (“no muscle strength”); autoimmune condition 83. Collection of fluid in the ventricles of the brain 84. Degeneration of nerves in the brain; occurring in later life and leading to tremors, bradykinesia 85. Manner of walking

86. Type of neurotransmitter 87. Peculiar sensation appearing before more definite symptoms 88. Involuntary, spasmodic twitching movements; uncontrollable utterances 71. ANS: G REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 72. ANS: M REF: p. 371 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 73. ANS: R REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 74. ANS: B REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the nervous system. 75. ANS: E REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 76. ANS: C REF: p. 384 | p. 388 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 77. ANS: K REF: p. 365 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 78. ANS: D REF: p. 366 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 79. ANS: O REF: p. 363 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 80. ANS: P REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 81. ANS: I REF: p. 368 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 82. ANS: L REF: p. 366 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 83. ANS: J REF: p. 362 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 84. ANS: N REF: p. 367 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 85. ANS: H REF: p. 371 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 86. ANS: F REF: p. 371 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 87. ANS: A REF: p. 371 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system. 88. ANS: Q REF: p. 367 OBJ: Recall pathology of the nervous system.

Match the neurologic structures with their correct meanings. a. axon b. cauda equina c. dendrite d. cerebral cortex e. myelin sheath f. meninges g. oligodendroglial cell h. plexus 89. Three protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord 90. Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell 91. A large interlacing network of nerves 92. Branching fiber that is the first part of a neuron to receive a nervous impulse 93. Protective fatty tissue that surrounds the axon of a nerve cell 94. Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord 95. Glial cell that produces myelin 96. Outer region of the largest part of the brain; composed of gray matter 89. ANS: F REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 90. ANS: A REF: p. 355

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 91. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 92. ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 93. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 94. ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 95. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 355 96. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. gyri b. neurotransmitter c. parenchymal cell d. pia mater e. sensory nerve f. subarachnoid space 97. Carries messages toward the brain from receptors 98. Essential cell of the nervous system; a neuron 99. Innermost meningeal membrane 100. Elevations in the cerebral cortex 101. A brain chemical released into a synapse; acetylcholine is an example 102. Contains cerebrospinal fluid 97. ANS: E REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 98. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 99. ANS: D REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 355 100. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 101. ANS: B REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 354 102. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the neurologic symptoms with their meanings. a. apraxia b. ataxia c. bradykinesia d. causalgia e. hemiparesis f. hyperesthesia g. narcolepsy

h. syncope 103. Slow movement 104. Increased nervous sensation 105. Seizure of sleep 106. Movements and behavior are not purposeful 107. Fainting 108. Burning pain 109. No coordination 110. Slight paralysis in half the body 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.



p. 360 p. 360 p. 360 p. 362 p. 360 p. 360 p. 362 p. 361


Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their descriptions. a. Alzheimer disease b. Bell palsy c. epilepsy d. multiple sclerosis e. myasthenia gravis f. Parkinson disease 111. Destruction of myelin sheath; replacement by plaques of hard scar tissue 112. Sudden, transient disturbances of brain function marked by seizures 113. Loss of muscle strength; breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter 114. Degeneration of nerves in the brain leading to tremors, shuffling gait, and muscle stiffness (mask-like facial expression); dopamine is deficient in the brain 115. Deterioration of mental capacity (dementia) beginning in middle age; cerebral cortex atrophy, microscopic neurofibrillary tangles 116. Unilateral facial paralysis 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.



p. 365 p. 365 p. 366 p. 367 p. 364 p. 366


Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system. Recall pathology of the nervous system.

Match the meanings with the correct terms. a. relieving but not curing b. major convulsive epileptic seizure c. peculiar symptoms appearing before more definite symptoms d. malignant brain tumor of immature glial cells

e. f. g. h.

interruption of blood supply to the cerebrum minor form of epileptic seizure blockage neurotransmitter

117. Aura 118. Palliative 119. Transient ischemic attack 120. Occlusion 121. Dopamine 122. Glioblastoma multiforme 123. Absence seizure 124. Tonic-clonic seizure 117. ANS: C REF: p. 370 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 376 118. ANS: A OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 119. ANS: E REF: p. 369 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 371 120. ANS: G OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 121. ANS: H REF: p. 371 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 368 122. ANS: D OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 123. ANS: F REF: p. 365 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 365 124. ANS: B OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. pertaining to supportive cells of the nervous system b. substance that helps transmit a nervous impulse c. part of a nerve cell d. obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot or foreign substance e. network of nerve fibers f. tail end of the spinal cord g. three membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord h. space between nerve cells i. a part of the brain that serves as a relay station for impulses j. lack of strength in nerves; sense of weakness and exhaustion 125. Axon 126. Meninges 127. Embolism 128. Cauda equina 129. Glial 130. Thalamus 131. Synapse

132. Plexus 133. Acetylcholine 134. Neurasthenia 125. ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 126. ANS: G REF: p. 356 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 127. ANS: D REF: p. 370 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 355 128. ANS: F OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 129. ANS: A REF: p. 356 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 130. ANS: I REF: p. 357 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 131. ANS: H REF: p. 357 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 356 132. ANS: E OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. 133. ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 362 134. ANS: J OBJ: Use medical terms related to the nervous system in medical reports and records.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. arachnoid membrane b. cerebrum c. medulla oblongata d. neurotransmitter e. cerebellum f. thalamus g. pons h. hypothalamus i. pia mater j. dura mater 135. Main relay center of the brain 136. Chemical messenger released at the end of neurons 137. Outermost layer of meninges 138. Largest part of the brain 139. Part of the brain that coordinates muscle movement and maintains balance 140. Beneath the thalamus; controls appetite, sleep, and the pituitary gland 141. Thin, delicate inner membrane of meninges 142. Part of the brain that controls respiration, heartbeat, and the size of blood vessels 143. Middle meningeal membrane; spider-like 144. Lying between the medulla and the rest of the brain; bridge connecting various parts of the brain 135. ANS: F

REF: p. 357

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 136. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 137. ANS: J REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 355 138. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 139. ANS: E REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 140. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 141. ANS: I REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 142. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 143. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. REF: p. 356 144. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. acetylcholine b. glial cell c. central nervous system d. autonomic nervous system e. parenchyma f. myelin sheath g. axon h. synapse i. dendrite j. sensory nerve 145. Astrocyte is an example 146. Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell; first part of the neuron to receive the nervous impulse 147. Essential, distinguishing cells of an organ 148. Space through which a nervous impulse is transmitted 149. Neurotransmitter 150. Brain and the spinal cord 151. Carries messages to the brain and spinal cord 152. Microscopic nerve fiber that carries impulse from the cell body along the nerve cell 153. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves 154. Fatty tissue surrounding and protecting the axon of a nerve cell 145. ANS: B REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 146. ANS: I REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 147. ANS: E REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 146. ANS: I REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 147. ANS: E REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

148. ANS: H REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 149. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 150. ANS: C REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 151. ANS: J REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 152. ANS: G REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 153. ANS: D REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 154. ANS: F REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. brainstem b. blood-brain barrier c. gyrus d. receptor e. ventricles of the brain f. cauda equina g. ganglion h. plexus i. sulcus j. stimulus 155. Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord 156. Canals in the interior of the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid 157. Collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS 158. Capillaries that let certain substances enter the brain and keep other substances out of the brain 159. Organ that receives a nervous stimulation and passes it on to nerves within the body; ear and eye are examples 160. Any change in the internal or external environment that evokes a response 161. Elevation in the surface of the cerebral cortex 162. Depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex 163. Large, interlacing network of nerves 164. Lower portion of the brain connecting the cerebrum with the spinal cord 155. ANS: F REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 156. ANS: E REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 157. ANS: G REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 158. ANS: B REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 159. ANS: D REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.

160. ANS: J REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 161. ANS: C REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 162. ANS: I REF: p. 357 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 163. ANS: H REF: p. 356 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 164. ANS: A REF: p. 355 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. OTHER

Complete the following terms from their definitions. 1. Difficult speech: dys ANS:

phasia REF: p. 361

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

2. A condition of insensitivity to pain: an ANS:

algesia REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

3. Slight paralysis of the right or left side of the body: hemi ANS:

paresis REF: p. 361

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

4. Inflammation of a spinal nerve root:



radicul REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

5. Disease of a nerve: neuro ANS:

pathy REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

6. Incision of the vagus nerve: vago


tomy REF: p. 83 | p. 359 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

7. Lack of coordination: a ANS:

taxia REF: p. 362

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

8. Condition of painful nervous sensations: dys ANS:

esthesias REF: p. 360

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

9. Tumor of immature brain cells (glial cells): glio ANS:

blastoma REF: p. 358

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

10. Electrical record of the brain: electro ANS:

encephalography REF: p. 373

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 11. encephal/o: ANS:

brain REF: p. 358

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

12. kines/o: ANS:

movement REF: p. 360

13. mening/o:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.


meninges REF: p. 358

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

14. neur/o: ANS:

nerve REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

15. my/o: ANS:

muscle REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

16. vag/o: ANS:

vagus nerve REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

17. radicul/o: ANS:

nerve root REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

18. tax/o: ANS:

order coordination REF: p. 362

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

19. myel/o: ANS:

spinal cord REF: p. 359

20. esthesi/o: ANS:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

feeling nervous sensation REF: p. 360

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

Give meanings for the following prefixes. 21. quadri-: ANS:

four REF: p. 361

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

22. hypo-: ANS:

deficient below REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

23. hemi-: ANS:

half REF: p. 361

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

24. poly-: ANS:

much many REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

25. sub-: ANS:

under below REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

26. micro-: ANS:

small REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

27. hyper-: ANS:

excessive above REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

28. dys-: ANS:

painful abnormal difficult REF: p. 114

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

29. epi-: ANS:

above REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

30. para-: ANS:

abnormal REF: p. 360

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

Give meanings for the following suffixes. 31. -algesia: ANS:

excessive sensitivity to pain REF: p. 359

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

32. -paresis: ANS:

weakness REF: p. 361

33. -phasia: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

REF: p. 361

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

34. -ptosis: ANS:

prolapse REF: p. 82

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

35. -sclerosis: ANS:

hardening REF: p. 83

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

36. -sthenia: ANS:

strength REF: p. 362

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

37. -praxia: ANS:

action REF: p. 362

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

38. -blast: ANS:

immature embryonic REF: p. 358

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

39. -cele: ANS:

hernia REF: p. 78

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define nervous system terms.

Chapter 11-1: Cardiovascular System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. A blood vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood from heart to lungs: a. Pulmonary vein b. Pulmonary artery c. Aorta d. Superior vena cava e. Inferior vena cava ANS: B REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

2. Contraction phase of the heartbeat: a. Septum b. Diastole c. Tachycardia d. Systole e. Pacemaker ANS: D REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

3. Located between the left upper and lower chambers of the heart: a. Mitral valve b. Tricuspid valve c. Aortic valve d. Pulmonary valve e. Superior vena cava ANS: A REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

4. Sac-like membrane surrounding the heart: a. Endocardium b. Bundle of His c. Interatrial septum d. Ventricle e. Pericardium ANS: E REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

5. Sensitive tissue in the right atrium wall that begins the heartbeat: a. Tricuspid valve b. Atrioventricular node c. Bundle of His d. Epicardium e. Sinoatrial node

ANS: E REF: p. 408 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

6. Blood vessels branching from the aorta to carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle: a. Capillaries b. Venae cavae c. Coronary arteries d. Carotid arteries e. Renal arteries ANS: C REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

7. Disease of heart muscle: a. Cardiomegaly b. Endocarditis c. Arteriolitis d. Cardiomyopathy e. Aortic stenosis ANS: D

REF: p. 412

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

8. Phlebitis: a. Narrowing of a valve with inflammation b. Inflammation of a capillary c. Blockage of a heart valve d. Inflammation of a vein e. Narrowing of an artery ANS: D

REF: p. 413

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

9. Instrument to measure blood pressure: a. Sphygmomanometer b. Electrocardiogram c. Stress test d. Stethoscope e. Cardiac catheterization ANS: A REF: p. 411 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

10. A local widening of an artery: a. Thrombosis b. Infarction c. Arterial anastomosis d. Aortic stenosis e. Aneurysm ANS: E

REF: p. 423

11. Cyanosis: a. Bluish coloration of the skin

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

b. c. d. e.

Yellow coloration of the skin Associated with a hemangioma A form of atherosclerosis Associated with increased oxygen in the blood


REF: p. 413

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

12. Ischemia: a. Can lead to myocardial infarction b. Holding back of blood from an area c. Can be caused by thrombotic occlusion of a blood vessel d. May be a result of coronary artery disease e. All of the above ANS: E

REF: p. 420

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

13. Angina is: a. Chest pain relieved with nitroglycerin b. An extra heart sound c. An abnormal heart rhythm d. Caused by rheumatic fever e. Associated with Raynaud phenomenon ANS: A

REF: p. 420

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

14. Cardiac arrhythmia: a. Calcium channel blocker b. Beta-blocker c. Fibrillation d. Hypoxia e. Atheroma ANS: C

REF: p. 416

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

15. Petechiae: a. Small, pinpoint hemorrhages b. Vegetations c. Dilation of large vessels d. Defects or holes in heart septa e. Hemorrhoids ANS: A

REF: p. 422

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

16. Blood clot forms in a large lower limb vessel: a. Aortic stenosis b. Mitral valve prolapse c. Deep vein thrombosis d. Hypercholesterolemia e. Acute coronary syndrome ANS: C

REF: p. 424

17. Four separate congenital heart defects:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

a. b. c. d. e.

Coarctation of the aorta Patent ductus arteriosus Raynaud disease Tetralogy of Fallot Peripheral vascular disease


REF: p. 418

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

REF: p. 426

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

18. Patent means: a. Deoxygenated b. Oxygenated c. Open d. Closed e. Half-closed ANS: C

19. The cause of essential hypertension is: a. Some secondary factor b. Pyelonephritis c. Glomerulonephritis d. Adrenal cortex adenoma e. Idiopathic ANS: E REF: p. 412 | p. 424 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

20. Digoxin is: a. A drug used to strengthen the heartbeat b. A calcium blocker c. Used to dissolve emboli d. Used to treat varicose veins e. A strong antibiotic ANS: A REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

21. Creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), and aspartate transferase (AST) (formerly SGOT) are examples of: a. Lipids b. Lipoproteins c. Serum enzymes d. Fatty acids e. Nitrate-like drugs ANS: C REF: p. 150 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

22. Echocardiography (ECHO) is BEST described by which of the following statements? a. Dye is injected into the blood and x-rays are taken of the heart. b. Catheter is positioned in a vein and guided into the heart. c. A stress test of cardiac function is performed.

d. High-frequency sound waves are transmitted into the chest. e. Electricity is measured as it flows through the heart. ANS: D REF: p. 429 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

23. Incision of a vein: a. Phebotomy b. Phlebitis c. Phlebotomy d. Vasoconstriction e. Ventriculotomy ANS: C REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

24. Removal of plaque from inner lining of an artery: a. Endarterectomy b. Arteriography c. Aneurysmectomy d. Ventriculotomy e. Valvuloplasty ANS: A REF: p. 433 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

25. Holter monitoring is: a. An electroencephalographic (EEG) test b. A stress test c. Part of a chest computed tomography (CT) scan d. An electrocardiogram (ECG) taken during daily activity e. Part of a cardiac catheterization procedure ANS: D REF: p. 431 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Pertaining to the heart: a. coronery b. coronary c. corenary ANS: B REF: p. 410 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

27. Relaxation phase of the heartbeat: a. diastole b. diostole c. dieastole ANS: A REF: p. 410 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

28. Pain: a. angina b. anjena c. anjina ANS: A REF: p. 426 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

29. Abnormal rapid heart rhythm: a. fibrilation b. filbrilation c. fibrillation ANS: C REF: p. 416 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

30. Swollen blood vessels in the rectal region: a. hemmorhoids b. hemmorrhoids c. hemorrhoids ANS: C REF: p. 424 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

31. Incision of a vein: a. phlebotomy b. phebotomy c. phliebotomy ANS: A REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

32. Widening of a vessel: a. vasodialation b. vassodialation c. vasodilation ANS: C REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

33. Bluish coloration of the skin: a. cianosis b. cyanosis c. cyianosis ANS: B REF: p. 413 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

34. Traveling clot that suddenly blocks a blood vessel: a. embulus b. embulos c. embolus

ANS: C REF: p. 426 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

35. Contraction phase of the heartbeat: a. systole b. sistolle c. sistole ANS: A REF: p. 411 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system. MATCHING

Select from the following pathologic conditions to match the definitions. a. coarctation of the aorta b. congestive heart failure c. coronary artery disease d. endocarditis e. heart block f. fibrillation g. flutter h. patent ductus arteriosus i. septal defects j. tetralogy of Fallot 1. Disease originating in the arteries surrounding the heart 2. Passageway between the aorta and the pulmonary artery remains open after birth 3. Rapid but regular contractions of the heart (usually the atria) 4. Narrowing of the aorta (congenital anomaly) 5. Very rapid, random, inefficient, and irregular contractions of the heart 6. Congenital malformation involving four distinct heart defects 7. Failure of proper conduction of impulses from the sinoatrial (SA) node through the rest of the heart 8. Small holes in the wall between the atria or the wall between the ventricles 9. Heart is unable to pump the required amount of blood 10. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart 1. ANS: C 2. ANS: H 3. ANS: G 4. ANS: A 5. ANS: F 6. ANS: J 7. ANS: E 8. ANS: I 9. ANS: B 10. ANS: D


p. 419 p. 417 p. 416 p. 417 p. 416 p. 418 p. 414 p. 418 p. 419 p. 422


Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Select from the following pathologic conditions to match the definitions.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

aneurysm deep vein thrombosis hypertension hypertensive heart disease mitral valve prolapse murmur pericarditis peripheral vascular disease Raynaud disease rheumatic heart disease varicose veins

11. High blood pressure; essential and secondary are types 12. Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart 13. Local widening of an arterial wall 14. Heart disease caused by rheumatic fever 15. Blood clot forms in a large vein (of the usually lower limb) 16. Extra heart sound heard between normal beats 17. High blood pressure that affects the heart 18. Improper closure of the bicuspid valve 19. Abnormally swollen or twisted veins; usually occurring in the legs 20. Recurrent episodes of pallor and cyanosis, primarily in fingers and toes 21. Blockage of blood vessels carrying blood to the legs, arms, and kidneys and other organs 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.



p. 424 p. 422 p. 423 p. 423 p. 424 p. 422 p. 422 p. 422 p. 424 p. 424 p. 424


Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Select from the following pathologic terminology to match its description. a. acute coronary syndromes b. angina c. angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor d. auscultation e. beta-blocker f. biventricular pacemaker g. bruit h. calcium channel blocker i. cardiac arrest j. cardiac tamponade k. claudication

22. Unstable angina and heart attack occurring as consequences of plaque rupture in coronary arteries 23. Listening for sounds using a stethoscope 24. Drug used to treat angina and hypertension; dilates blood vessels, stopping the influx of calcium into muscle cells lining vessels 25. Abnormal blowing or swishing sound heard during auscultation of an artery 26. Antihypertensive drug that blocks the conversion of angiotension I to angiotensin II and dilates blood vessels 27. Sudden, unexpected stoppage of heart action 28. Chest pain resulting from blood flow being held back from heart muscle 29. Drug used to treat angina, hypertension, and arrhythmias by blocking the action of epinephrine at receptor sites on cells 30. Pain, tension, and weakness in a leg after walking has begun 31. Device that enables ventricles to beat together so that more blood is pumped out of the heart 32. Pressure on the heart caused by fluid in the pericardial space 22. ANS: A 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: D REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: H REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: G REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: C REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: I REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: B REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: E REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: K REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: F REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: J REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.

Select from the following pathologic terminology to match its description. a. digoxin b. embolus c. infarction d. nitrates e. occlusion f. palpitations g. patent h. pericardial friction rub i. petechiae

j. statins k. thrill l. vegetations 33. Clot or other material that travels to a distant location 34. Drugs that lower cholesterol in the blood 35. Open 36. Area of dead tissue 37. Small, pinpoint hemorrhages 38. Clumps of platelets and other material on diseased heart valves 39. Uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmias 40. Drugs used in the treatment of angina by dilating blood vessels 41. Vibration felt over an area of turmoil in blood flow 42. Scraping or grating noise heard on auscultation of the heart 43. Closure of a blood vessel due to a blockage 44. Drug that treats arrhythmias and strengthens the heartbeat 33. ANS: B 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: J REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: G REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: C REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: I REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: L REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: F REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: D REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: K REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: H REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: E REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records. ANS: A REF: p. 426 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aorta b. arterial anastomosis c. arteriosclerosis d. atherectomy e. brachial artery f. capillary g. cardiomegaly

h. hypercholesterolemia i. hypoxia j. interatrial septum k. mitral valvulitis l. pericardiocentesis m. phlebotomy n. pulmonary artery o. sinoatrial node p. sphygmomanometer q. thrombolysis r. valvuloplasty s. vasodilation t. vena cava 45. Smallest blood vessel 46. Instrument to measure blood pressure 47. Incision of a vein 48. Condition of deficient oxygen 49. Largest vein in the body 50. Pacemaker of the heart 51. Largest artery in the body 52. High levels of a fatty substance in the blood 53. Wall between the upper chambers of the heart 54. Widening of a blood vessel 55. Vessel carrying blood to the arm 56. Removal of fatty plaque (from a blood vessel) 57. New connection between two arteries 58. Inflammation of valve on the left side of the heart 59. Breakdown (destruction) of a blood clot 60. Vessel carrying blood to the lungs 61. Surgical repair of a valve 62. Hardening of arteries 63. Enlargement of the heart 64. Surgical puncture to remove fluid between the membranes surrounding the heart 45. ANS: F REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 46. ANS: P REF: p. 411 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 47. ANS: M REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 48. ANS: I REF: p. 413 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 49. ANS: T REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 50. ANS: O REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 51. ANS: A REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 52. ANS: H REF: p. 412 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

53. ANS: J REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 54. ANS: S REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 55. ANS: E REF: p. 403 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 56. ANS: D REF: p. 447 | p. 450 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 57. ANS: B REF: p. 441 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 58. ANS: K REF: p. 414 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 59. ANS: Q REF: p. 440 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 60. ANS: N REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 61. ANS: R REF: p. 440 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 62. ANS: C REF: p. 83 | p. 411 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 63. ANS: G REF: p. 440 | p. 449 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 447 | p. 450 64. ANS: L OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aneurysm b. angina c. arrhythmias d. beta-blockers e. claudication f. congestive heart failure g. cyanosis h. emboli i. endocarditis j. essential hypertension k. hemorrhoids l. mitral valve prolapse m. murmur n. occlusion o. palpitations p. patent ductus arteriosus q. Raynaud phenomenon r. tetralogy of Fallot 65. High blood pressure of idiopathic etiology 66. Varicose veins near the anus 67. Closure (blockage) of a blood vessel 68. Collections of material (clots) that travel to and suddenly block a vessel 69. Chest pain resulting from temporary difference between supply and demand of oxygen to the heart muscle

70. Short episodes of pallor and numbness in fingers and toes due to temporary constriction of arterioles 71. Examples are flutter, fibrillation, and heart block 72. A small duct between the aorta and pulmonary artery, which normally closes soon after birth, remains open 73. The heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood; pulmonary edema may result 74. Congenital malformation of the heart involving four distinct defects 75. An extra heart sound heard between normal beats 76. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart 77. Local widening of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial wall 78. Improper closure of a heart valve when the heart is pumping blood 79. Drugs used to treat abnormal heart rhythms and high blood pressure 80. Blockage of arteries in the lower extremities due to atherosclerosis 81. Bluish discoloration of the skin 82. Uncomfortable sensations in the chest 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

ANS: J REF: p. 424 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: K REF: p. 424 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: N REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: H REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: B REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: Q REF: p. 424 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: C REF: p. 414 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: P REF: p. 417 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: F REF: p. 419 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: R REF: p. 418 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: M REF: p. 422 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: I REF: p. 422 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: A REF: p. 423 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: L REF: p. 422 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. ANS: D REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 80. ANS: E REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 81. ANS: G REF: p. 413 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 82. ANS: O REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aorta b. arteriole c. atrium d. capillary e. mitral valve f. pulmonary artery g. pulmonary vein h. superior vena cava i. tricuspid valve j. ventricle 83. Smallest blood vessel

84. Largest artery in the body 85. Lower chamber of the heart 86. Valve between the right atrium and ventricle 87. Carries blood from the lungs to the heart 88. Brings blood to heart from upper parts of the body 89. Upper chamber of the heart 90. Valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle 91. Carries blood to the lungs from the heart 92. Small artery 83. ANS: D REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 84. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 85. ANS: J REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 86. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 87. ANS: G REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 88. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 89. ANS: C REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 90. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 91. ANS: F REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 92. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

Match the pathological conditions with their correct meanings. a. coarctation of the aorta b. congestive heart failure c. coronary artery disease d. fibrillation e. flutter f. hypertensive heart disease g. mitral valve prolapse h. tetralogy of Fallot 93. Rapid but regular atrial or ventricular contractions 94. Improper closure of the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle during systole 95. Blockage of the arteries surrounding the heart, leading to ischemia 96. High blood pressure affecting the heart 97. Congenital narrowing of large artery leading from the heart 98. Rapid, random, ineffectual, and irregular contractions of the heart 99. Inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood 100. Congenital malformation involving four separate heart defects

93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.



p. 416 p. 422 p. 419 p. 422 p. 417 p. 416 p. 419 p. 418


Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aneurysm b. auscultation c. claudication d. emboli e. essential hypertension f. petechiae g. secondary hypertension h. vegetations 101. Listening with a stethoscope 102. Lesions that form on heart valves after damage by infection 103. Small, pinpoint hemorrhages 104. High blood pressure due to kidney disease 105. High blood pressure with idiopathic etiology 106. Local widening of an artery 107. Pain, tension, and weakness in a limb after walking has begun 108. Clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.



p. 426 p. 426 p. 426 p. 424 p. 424 p. 423 p. 426 p. 426


Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. contraction phase of the heartbeat b. small, pinpoint hemorrhages c. largest artery in the body d. tumor of blood vessels e. widening or dilation of a blood vessel f. lower chamber of the heart g. swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region h. wall or partition within the heart i. floating blood clot or other material j. drug used to reduce abnormal heart rhythms

Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

109. Ventricle 110. Petechiae 111. Hemangioma 112. Embolus 113. Systole 114. Septum 115. Aorta 116. Aneurysm 117. Digoxin 118. Hemorrhoids REF: p. 411 109. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 110. ANS: B REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 111. ANS: D REF: p. 76 | p. 81 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 112. ANS: I REF: p. 426 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. 113. ANS: A REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 114. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 115. ANS: C REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 116. ANS: E REF: p. 423 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 426 117. ANS: J OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 443 | p. 449 118. ANS: G OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Match the explanations with the correct abbreviations. a. type of ultrasound imaging of the heart b. includes unstable angina and myocardial infarction c. radioactive element used in cardiac scans d. drug used to present thrombosis e. used as a “bridge to transplant” f. high blood pressure g. hospital area where acute heart conditions are treated h. this helps to correct heart arrhythmia i. abnormal heart rhythm j. surgical intervention with catheter, balloon, and stents 119. LVAD 120. ACS 121. ICD 122. TEE 123. HTN 124. Tc 125. PCI 126. CCU 127. PVC

128. tPA 119. ANS: E REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 434 120. ANS: B OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 121. ANS: H REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 435 122. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 123. ANS: F REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 429 124. ANS: C OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 125. ANS: J REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 434 126. ANS: G OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. 127. ANS: I REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 435 128. ANS: D OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. aorta b. arteriole c. atrioventricular bundle d. atrium e. capillary f. carbon dioxide g. oxygen h. diastole i. systole j. endocardium 129. Gas that enters the blood through the lungs 130. Smallest blood vessel 131. Relaxation phase of the heartbeat 132. Upper chamber of the heart 133. Gas released by body cells; travels in the blood to the lungs, where it is exhaled 134. Small artery 135. Inner lining of the heart 136. Specialized muscle fibers connecting the upper and lower heart chambers; bundle of His 137. Contraction phase of the heartbeat 138. Largest artery in the body 129. ANS: G REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 130. ANS: E REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

131. ANS: H REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 132. ANS: D REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 133. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 134. ANS: B REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 135. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 136. ANS: C REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 137. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 138. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. electrocardiogram b. deoxygenated blood c. endothelium d. murmur e. myocardium f. mitral valve g. normal sinus rhythm h. coronary arteries i. pacemaker j. pericardium 139. Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart 140. Muscular, middle layer of the heart 141. Positioned between the left upper and lower heart chambers 142. Innermost lining of blood vessels 143. Resting rate of 60-100 beats per minute 144. Blood lacking in oxygen 145. Blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle 146. Abnormal heart sound 147. Specialized nervous tissue in the right atrium that begins the heartbeat; sinoatrial node 148. Record of the electricity flowing through the heart 139. ANS: J REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 140. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 141. ANS: F REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 142. ANS: C REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 143. ANS: G REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

144. ANS: B REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 145. ANS: H REF: p. 410 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 146. ANS: D REF: p. 410 OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 147. ANS: I OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 410 148. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. pulmonary artery b. tricuspid valve c. sphygmomanometer d. venule e. ventricle f. pulse g. septum h. vena cava i. pulmonary vein j. pulmonary valve 149. Small vein 150. Beat of the heart as felt through the wall of the arteries 151. Located between the upper and lower right heart chambers 152. Instrument to measure blood pressure 153. Partition or wall dividing the chambers of the heart 154. Located between the lower right chamber and the vessel carrying blood to the lungs 155. Lower chamber of the heart 156. One of two pairs of vessels carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart 157. Vessel that carries oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs 158. Largest vein in the body 149. ANS: D REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 150. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 151. ANS: B REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 152. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 153. ANS: G REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 154. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 155. ANS: E REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. REF: p. 411 156. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 157. ANS: A REF: p. 411

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. 158. ANS: H REF: p. 411 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system. OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Diastole: ANS:

as REF: p. 452

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

2. Sphygmomanometer: ANS:

nom REF: p. 453

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

3. Pericarditis: ANS:

di REF: p. 456

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

4. Coronary: ANS:

cor REF: p. 452

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

5. Capillary: ANS:

cap REF: p. 452

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

6. Anastomosis: ANS:

mo REF: p. 451

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

7. Phlebotomy: ANS:

bot REF: p. 453

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

8. Coarctation: ANS:

ta REF: p. 454

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the cardiovascular system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 9.

A. capillary B. capilliary A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, smallest blood vessel REF: p. 410 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. ventricle B. ventracle A or B:



A, lower heart chamber REF: p. 411 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.

11. A. carbon dyoxide B. carbon dioxide A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, gas released from lungs REF: p. 410 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. vien B. vein A or B:



B, vessel carrying blood to the heart from tissues

REF: p. 411 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. myocardium B. myocardiam A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, heart muscle REF: p. 410 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. arterosclerosis B. arteriosclerosis A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, hardening of the arteries REF: p. 440 | p. 449 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. tricuspid valve B. trikuspid valve A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, between the upper and lower right chambers of the heart REF: p. 411 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. pulmunary B. pulmonary A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, pertaining to the lungs REF: p. 411 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. arterioles B. arteroiles A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, small arteries REF: p. 410

OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.


A. aortia B. aorta A or B:



B, largest artery REF: p. 410 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the cardiovascular system in medical reports and records.

Give meanings for the following terms. 19. Cyanosis: ANS:

bluish coloration of the skin REF: p. 413

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

20. Raynaud disease: ANS:

recurrent episodes of cyanosis and pallor in fingers and toes REF: p. 424

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

21. Heart block: ANS:

failure of conduction of impulses from the atrioventricular (AV) node to bundle of His REF: p. 414

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

22. Ischemia: ANS:

blood is held back from tissues REF: p. 424 | p. 449

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

23. Atheroma: ANS:

mass of plaque (cholesterol) REF: p. 412

24. Vasoconstriction: ANS:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

narrowing of a vessel REF: p. 414

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

25. Myocardial infarction: ANS:

dead tissue in heart muscle REF: p. 420

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

26. Angina: ANS:

chest pain REF: p. 426

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

27. Thrombotic occlusion: ANS:

blockage of a vessel due to a clot REF: p. 420

OBJ: Recall pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Give meanings for the following. 28. HDLs: ANS:

high-density lipoproteins REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

29. Thrombolytic therapy: ANS:

treatment to dissolve clots in blood vessels REF: p. 434 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

30. Cardiac catheterization: ANS:

tube is introduced into a vessel and guided into the heart to detect pressures and blood flow REF: p. 430 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

31. SA node:


sinoatrial node (pacemaker) REF: p. 411 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

32. ECG: ANS:

electrocardiogram REF: p. 434 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Spell out the following abbreviations. 33. LVAD: ANS:

left ventricular assist device REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

34. tPA: ANS:

tissue plasminogen activator REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

35. TEE: ANS:

transesophageal echocardiography REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

36. ICD: ANS:

implantable cardioverter-defibrillator REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

37. HTN: ANS:

hypertension REF: p. 435 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

38. ACS: ANS:

acute coronary syndrome REF: p. 434 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

39. Tc: ANS:

technetium REF: p. 429 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system.

Chapter 12-1: Respiratory System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Tubes that bifurcate from the windpipe: a. Alveoli b. Bronchioles c. Sinuses d. Adenoids e. Bronchi ANS: E REF: p. 462 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

2. Uppermost portion of the lung: a. Hilum b. Apex c. Base d. Lobe e. Diaphragm ANS: B REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

3. Space between the lungs in the chest: a. Pleura b. Peritoneum c. Mediastinum d. Trachea e. Bronchial tubes ANS: C REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

4. Nasopharyngeal lymphatic tissue: a. Mucosa b. Adenoids c. Visceral pleura d. Paranasal sinuses e. Epiglottis ANS: B REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

5. Pulmonary parenchyma: a. Trachea b. Pharynx c. Alveoli and bronchioles d. Red blood cells e. Cilia

ANS: C REF: p. 465 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

6. Removal of the voice box: a. Larnygectomy b. Pharnygectomy c. Laryngectomy d. Esophagectomy e. Pharyngectomy ANS: C REF: p. 488 | p. 494 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

7. Phren/o means: a. Lung b. Chest c. Membrane around the lung d. Air sac e. Diaphragm ANS: E REF: p. 467 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

8. Condition of decreased oxygen in the blood: a. Hematemesis b. Paroxysmal c. Hypoxemia d. Hemorrhage e. Hemoptysis ANS: C REF: p. 490 | p. 494 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

9. Type of pneumoconiosis: a. Asbestosis b. Pyothorax c. Atelectasis d. Pneumonia e. Epiglottis ANS: A

REF: p. 474

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

10. Breathing is easier in an upright position: a. Dysphonia b. Hemothorax c. Dyspnea d. Orthopnea e. Anosmia ANS: D

REF: p. 497

11. Collection of pus in the pleural cavity:

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

a. b. c. d. e.

Cyanosis Pleuritis Hemoptysis Pyothorax Pneumothorax


REF: p. 469

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

12. Delivering sharp, short blows to the surface of the chest: a. Auscultation b. Percussion c. Stridor d. Rales e. Expectoration ANS: B REF: p. 471 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

13. The “P” in DPT stands for: a. Pneumonia b. Pertussis c. Pleurisy d. Pneumothorax e. Pulmonary ANS: B REF: p. 472 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

14. Stridor occurs in an upper respiratory disorder termed: a. Croup b. Diphtheria c. Asthma d. Epistaxis e. Pneumonia ANS: A

REF: p. 472

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

REF: p. 470

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

15. Difficult breathing: a. Anosmia b. Dyspnea c. Dysphonia d. Tachypnea e. Hypoxia ANS: B

16. Bronchial airway obstruction marked by paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing, and cough: a. Pleurisy b. Epistaxis c. Cor pulmonale d. Diphtheria e. Asthma



REF: p. 472

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Collapsed lung: a. Pneumonitis b. Endotracheal c. Thoracotomy d. Atelectasis e. Tracheoesophageal fistula ANS: D

REF: p. 469

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

18. Material is expelled from the lungs: a. Rhinorrhea b. Bronchiolitis c. Sinusitis d. Expiration e. Expectoration ANS: E

REF: p. 467

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

19. Localized area of pus formation in the lungs: a. Pulmonary edema b. Pulmonary embolism c. Pleural effusion d. Pulmonary abscess e. Pleurisy ANS: D

REF: p. 475

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

20. Spitting up blood from the lungs: a. Pleurodynia b. Hematemesis c. Hemothorax d. Hydrothorax e. Hemoptysis ANS: E

REF: p. 470

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

21. Tube is placed through the mouth to the trachea to establish an airway: a. Endotracheal intubation b. Tracheostomy c. Tracheotomy d. Thoracentesis e. Laryngoscopy ANS: A REF: p. 480 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

22. PPD is used in: a. Pulmonary function testing b. A type of lung x-ray study c. Pharmacologic treatment of pneumonia

d. A tuberculin test e. None of the above ANS: D REF: p. 482 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

23. Airway obstruction associated with emphysema and chronic bronchitis: a. RDS b. COPD c. CPR d. SOB e. IPPB ANS: B

REF: p. 473

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

24. Which of the following procedures is an endoscopic examination? a. Tracheostomy b. Lung scan c. Thoracentesis d. Bronchoscopy e. Auscultation ANS: D REF: p. 479 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

25. Hypercapnia: a. Increased oxygen to the tissues b. High blood pressure c. High carbon dioxide levels in the blood d. Decreased carbon dioxide in the blood e. Decreased oxygen in the blood ANS: C REF: p. 490 | p. 494 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Incision of the chest: a. thorocotomy b. thorecotomy c. thoracotomy ANS: C REF: p. 482 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

27. Collapsed lung: a. atelactasis b. atelectasis c. atelelectisis ANS: B REF: p. 473 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

28. Rod-shaped bacteria: a. bacilli b. basilli c. basceilli ANS: A REF: p. 476 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

29. Collection of pus: a. absess b. absecess c. abscess ANS: C REF: p. 475 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

30. Surgical repair of the nose: a. rhinoplasty b. rrhinoplasty c. rinoplasty ANS: A REF: p. 468 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

31. Removal of the tonsils: a. tonsilectomy b. tonselectomy c. tonsillectomy ANS: C REF: p. 469 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

32. Whooping cough: a. pertusis b. pertussis c. partussus ANS: B REF: p. 472 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

33. Visual examination of the voice box: a. larnygoscopy b. larnygoscipe c. laryngoscopy ANS: C REF: p. 472 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

34. Pain of the pleura (chest wall): a. phrenodynia b. frenodynia c. phrenodinia ANS: A

REF: p. 467

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system.

35. Incision of the windpipe: a. trachiotomy b. tracheotomy c. traycheotomy ANS: B REF: p. 482 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the respiratory system. MATCHING

Match the following diagnostic terms with their meanings. a. auscultation b. percussion c. pleural rub d. rales e. rhonchi f. sputum g. stridor h. wheezes 1. Material expelled from the lungs or upper respiratory tract by spitting 2. Continuous high-pitched whistling sounds produced during breathing 3. Tapping on a surface to determine the difference in density of the underlying structure 4. Loud, rumbling sound heard on auscultation over bronchi obstructed by sputum 5. Fine crackling sound heard on auscultation during inhalation 6. Scratchy sound produced by pleural surfaces roughened by inflammation rubbing against each other 7. Listening to sounds within the body 8. Strained, high-pitched sound made on inspiration; caused by obstruction in the pharynx or larynx 1. ANS: F 2. ANS: H 3. ANS: B 4. ANS: E 5. ANS: D 6. ANS: C 7. ANS: A 8. ANS: G


p. 471 p. 471 p. 471 p. 471 p. 471 p. 471 p. 471 p. 471


Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Match the following respiratory disorders with their explanations. a. asthma b. atelectasis c. bronchiectasis d. chronic bronchitis e. croup f. cystic fibrosis g. diphtheria

h. emphysema i. epistaxis j. pertussis 9. Nosebleed 10. Acute viral infection in infants and children associated with laryngeal obstruction and stridor 11. Chronic dilation of a bronchus secondary to infection in the bronchial tree 12. Inherited disorder of exocrine glands resulting in thick mucus secretions in the respiratory tract that do not drain normally 13. Chronic inflammatory disorder of bronchi with airway obstruction, bronchial edema, constriction, and increased mucus production 14. Collapsed lung 15. Inflammation of bronchi persisting over a long period of time; type of COPD 16. Acute infection (membrane forms) of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by Corynebacterium 17. Whooping cough: highly infectious bacterial infection of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea marked by spasms of coughing 18. Hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls 9. ANS: I 10. ANS: G 11. ANS: C 12. ANS: F 13. ANS: A 14. ANS: B 15. ANS: D 16. ANS: E 17. ANS: J 18. ANS: H


p. 472 p. 472 p. 472 p. 473 p. 472 p. 473 p. 472 p. 472 p. 472 p. 473


Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Match the following respiratory pathologic conditions with the correct descriptions/definitions. a. lung cancer b. mesothelioma c. pleural effusion d. pleurisy e. pneumoconiosis f. pneumonia g. pulmonary abscess h. pulmonary edema i. pulmonary embolism j. pulmonary fibrosis k. sarcoidosis l. tuberculosis 19. Inflammation of pleura 20. Chronic inflammatory disease in which small nodules (granulomas) develop in lungs, lymph nodes, and other organs 21. Clot or other material lodges in vessels of the lung

22. Infectious disease of the lungs caused by bacilli (mycobacteria) 23. Acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or inflammatory products 24. Malignant tumor arising from the lungs and bronchi; non-small cell and small cell are types 25. Collection of fluid in air sacs and bronchioles 26. Condition of dust in the lungs, associated with chronic inflammation, infection, and bronchitis 27. Large collection of pus (bacterial infection) in the lungs 28. Formation of scar tissue in the connective tissue of the lungs 29. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space 30. Rare malignant tumor arising in the pleura 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.



p. 477 p. 476 p. 476 p. 476 p. 475 p. 474 p. 475 p. 474 p. 475 p. 476 p. 477 p. 476


Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Match the following pathologic terms with their meanings. a. anthracosis b. asbestosis c. bacilli d. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) e. cor pulmonale f. exudate g. hydrothorax h. infiltrate i. palliative j. paroxysmal k. pneumothorax l. pulmonary infarction m. purulent n. silicosis 31. Failure of the right side of the heart to pump sufficient blood to the lungs 32. Containing pus 33. Collection of air in the pleural space 34. Pertaining to a sudden occurrence 35. Rod-shaped bacteria 36. Glass dust in the lungs 37. Collection of fluid or other material within the lung, as seen on x-ray or other radiologic evaluation 38. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are examples

39. Coal dust accumulation in the lungs 40. Collection of fluid in the pleural space 41. Asbestos particles accumulate in the lungs 42. Relieving but not curing symptoms 43. Necrotic (dead) tissue in the lung 44. Fluid and other substances that filter from cells or capillaries ooze into lesions or areas of inflammation 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.



p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477 p. 477


Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. anosmia b. bronchiectasis c. bronchiolitis d. bronchodilator e. diaphragm f. dyspnea g. epiglottitis h. hemoptysis i. hypercapnia j. laryngeal k. mediastinum l. pharyngeal m. pleuritis n. pneumonectomy o. pulmonary parenchyma p. pyothorax q. rhinoplasty r. spirometer s. thoracotomy t. tracheotomy 45. Condition of increased carbon dioxide in the blood 46. Space in the chest between the lungs 47. Essential tissue of the lung 48. Surgical repair of the nose

49. Drug that opens up (widens) the bronchial tubes 50. Spitting up blood 51. Instrument to measure breathing 52. Incision of the chest 53. Inflammation of the flap of cartilage over the windpipe 54. Pertaining to the throat 55. Resection of a lung 56. Inflammation of the small bronchial tubes 57. Pertaining to the voice box 58. Inflammation of the membrane lining the lungs 59. Widening of bronchial tubes 60. Difficult, painful breathing 61. Absence of a sense of smell 62. Pus in the chest (between the membranes around the lung) 63. Incision of the windpipe 64. Muscle that aids in breathing and is located between the chest and the abdomen REF: p. 490 | p. 494 45. ANS: I OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 46. ANS: K REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 465 47. ANS: O OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 48. ANS: Q REF: p. 492 | p. 495 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 465 49. ANS: D OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 50. ANS: H REF: p. 470 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 51. ANS: R REF: p. 480 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 482 52. ANS: S OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 53. ANS: G REF: p. 464 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 54. ANS: L REF: p. 460 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 492 | p. 495 55. ANS: N OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 56. ANS: C REF: p. 465 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 57. ANS: J REF: p. 466 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 58. ANS: M REF: p. 477 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 59. ANS: B REF: p. 472 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 60. ANS: F REF: p. 470 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 488 | p. 494 61. ANS: A OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 62. ANS: P REF: p. 469 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. 63. ANS: T REF: p. 482 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 64. ANS: E REF: p. 464

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. anthracosis b. asthma c. atelectasis d. auscultation e. bronchioalveolar lavage f. bronchogenic carcinoma g. emphysema h. epistaxis i. laryngoscopy j. mesothelioma k. paroxysmal l. pertussis m. pleural effusion n. pulmonary edema o. purulent p. stridor q. thoracentesis r. tracheostomy s. tuberculosis t. wheezes 65. Pertaining to containing pus 66. Escape of fluid into the pleural cavity 67. Visual examination of the voice box 68. Adenocarcinoma and small cell carcinoma are examples 69. Musical sounds heard during expiration 70. Whooping cough 71. Swelling and fluid in alveoli and bronchioles 72. Spasm and narrowing of bronchi leading to airway obstruction 73. Creation of an opening into the windpipe 74. Coal dust accumulation in the lungs 75. Malignant tumor arising in the pleura 76. Collapsed lung 77. Infectious disease of the lungs; caused by bacilli 78. Nosebleed 79. Strained, high-pitched noisy breathing 80. Listening to sounds within the body 81. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest (pleural cavity) 82. Hyperinflation of alveoli with damage to alveolar walls; type of COPD 83. Pertaining to a sudden occurrence 84. Injecting and retrieving fluid from the bronchial tubes 65. ANS: O 66. ANS: M 67. ANS: I

REF: p. 477 REF: p. 477 REF: p. 480

OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. ANS: F REF: p. 474 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: T REF: p. 471 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: L REF: p. 472 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: N REF: p. 475 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: B REF: p. 472 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: R REF: p. 482 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. ANS: A REF: p. 477 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: J REF: p. 476 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: C REF: p. 473 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: S REF: p. 476 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: H REF: p. 472 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: P REF: p. 471 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: D REF: p. 471 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. ANS: Q REF: p. 481 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. ANS: G REF: p. 473 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: K REF: p. 475 OBJ: Recall pathology of the respiratory system. ANS: E REF: p. 479 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

Select from the following anatomic structures to complete the sentences. a. alveoli b. bronchi c. cilia d. epiglottis e. hilum f. larynx g. mediastinum h. palatine tonsils i. paranasal sinuses j. parietal pleura 85. Branches of the windpipe that lead into the lungs are the . 86. The region between the lungs in the chest cavity is the . 87. Collections of lymph tissue in the oropharynx are the . 88. Air sacs of the lung are called . 89. The outer fold of pleura lying closest to the ribs is called . 90. Thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract are . 91. The voice box is called the . 92. Middle region where bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves enter and exit lungs is the 93. Air-containing cavities in the bones around the nose are the . 94. The lid-like piece of cartilage that covers the voice box is the . 85. ANS: B REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 86. ANS: G REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.


87. ANS: H REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 88. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 89. ANS: J REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 90. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 91. ANS: F REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 92. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 93. ANS: I REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 94. ANS: D Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. OBJ:

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. asbestosis b. asthma c. atelectasis d. bronchogenic carcinoma e. chronic bronchitis f. cystic fibrosis g. emphysema h. pertussis 95. Hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls 96. Inflammation of tubes leading from the trachea (over a long period of time) 97. Spasm and narrowing of bronchi leading to airway obstruction 98. Lung or portion of a lung is collapsed 99. Malignant neoplasm originating in a bronchus 100. Whooping cough; bacterial infection of the pharynx 101. Inherited disease of exocrine glands leading to airway obstruction 102. Type of pneumoconiosis; dust particles are inhaled 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102.



p. 473 p. 477 p. 472 p. 473 p. 474 p. 472 p. 473 p. 477


Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system. Recall pathology of the respiratory system.

Match the clinical procedures their descriptions. a. bronchoalveolar lavage b. endotracheal intubation c. lung scan; ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan d. computed tomography (CT) pulmonary angiography

e. thoracentesis f. tracheostomy 103. Tube is placed through the mouth into the trachea to establish an airway 104. Radioactive material is injected or inhaled and images are recorded 105. An x-ray test useful in visualizing pulmonary circulation in the diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism 106. Opening into the trachea through the neck to establish an airway 107. Chest wall is punctured with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural space 108. Fluid is injected into the bronchi and then removed for examination 103. ANS: B REF: p. 480 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 479 104. ANS: C OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 105. ANS: D REF: p. 478 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 482 106. ANS: F OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 107. ANS: E REF: p. 481 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 479 108. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. throat b. collection of fluid in tissues c. membranes surrounding the lungs d. central cavity between the lungs in the chest e. the windpipe f. condition of imperfect lung expansion; collapsed lung g. thin hairs attached to the lining of the respiratory tract h. pus in the pleural cavity i. listening to the sounds in the chest j. infectious disease of the throat and upper respiratory tract; caused by bacteria 109. Mediastinum 110. Empyema 111. Auscultation 112. Edema 113. Atelectasis 114. Pleura 115. Pharynx 116. Trachea 117. Cilia 118. Diphtheria 109. ANS: D REF: p. 464 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. 110. ANS: H REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 471 111. ANS: I OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. 112. ANS: B REF: p. 490 | p. 495 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 473 113. ANS: F OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. 114. ANS: C REF: p. 465 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 465 115. ANS: A OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. 116. ANS: E REF: p. 465 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 464 117. ANS: G OBJ: Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. REF: p. 472 118. ANS: J Use medical terms related to the respiratory system in medical reports and records. OBJ:

Match each explanation to an associated abbreviation. a. this virus causes bronchiolitis and bronchopneumonia b. difficult breathing with strenuous exercise c. examples are forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and total lung capacity (TLC) d. adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas are examples e. tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, and hypoxemia in an adult f. chronic bronchitis and emphysema are examples g. procedure to visually examine the chest using small incisions and video equipment h. device to deliver aerosolized medication i. this device helps relieve obstructive sleep apnea j. related to absence of surfactant, a substance that helps expansion of lungs in infants 119. ARDS 120. COPD 121. CPAP 122. RSV 123. VATS 124. RDS 125. MDI 126. DOE 127. PFTs 128. NSCLC 119. ANS: E REF: p. 492 | p. 495 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 473 120. ANS: F OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 121. ANS: I REF: p. 470 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 484 122. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

123. ANS: G REF: p. 482 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 124. ANS: J REF: p. 484 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 483 125. ANS: H OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. 126. ANS: B REF: p. 483 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 480 127. ANS: C OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system. REF: p. 474 128. ANS: D OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. adenoids b. alveolus c. apex of the lung d. base of the lung e. bronchioles f. bronchi g. cilia h. diaphragm i. epiglottis j. expiration 129. Thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract 130. Lower portion of the lung 131. Branches of the trachea leading into the lungs 132. Lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx 133. Tip or uppermost portion of the lung 134. Breathing out (exhalation) 135. Small branches of the tubes leading into the lungs 136. Muscle separating the chest and the abdomen 137. Air sac in the lung 138. Lid-like piece of cartilage covering the larynx 129. ANS: G REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 130. ANS: D REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 131. ANS: F REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 132. ANS: A REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 133. ANS: C REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 134. ANS: J REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 135. ANS: E REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

131. ANS: F REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 132. ANS: A REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 133. ANS: C REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 134. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 135. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

136. ANS: H REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 137. ANS: B REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 138. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. glottis b. hilum of the lung c. inspiration d. larynx e. lobe of the lung f. mediastinum g. nares h. palatine tonsil i. paranasal sinus j. pharynx 139. Voice box 140. One of a pair of masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx 141. Openings through the nose carrying air into the air passageways 142. Breathing in 143. Slit-like opening to the voice box 144. Region between the lungs in the thoracic cavity 145. Throat 146. One of the air cavities in the bones near the nose 147. Division of the lung 148. Midline region where the bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves enter and exit the lungs 139. ANS: D REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 140. ANS: H REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 141. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 142. ANS: C REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 143. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 144. ANS: F REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 145. ANS: J REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 146. ANS: I REF: p. 465 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 147. ANS: E REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 148. ANS: B REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. parietal pleura b. pleural cavity c. pulmonary parenchyma d. respiration e. visceral pleura f. oxygen g. carbon dioxide h. trachea 149. Gas that passes into the bloodstream at the lungs and travels to all body cells 150. Space between the double-folded membrane surrounding each lung 151. Inner fold of membrane surrounding each lung and closest to the lung tissue 152. Windpipe 153. Essential parts of the lung responsible for respiration: bronchioles and alveoli 154. Gas that is exhaled through the lungs 155. Process of moving air into and out of the lungs; breathing 156. Outer fold of membrane surround each lung and lying closest to the ribs 149. ANS: F REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 150. ANS: B REF: p. 465 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 465 151. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 152. ANS: H REF: p. 465 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 465 153. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. 154. ANS: G REF: p. 464 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 465 155. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. REF: p. 464 156. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. OTHER

Complete the following sentences. 1. The gas produced by cells and exhaled through the lungs is called ANS:

carbon dioxide REF: p. 464

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

2. Divisions of the lungs are called




lobes REF: p. 464

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

3. The essential cells of the lung; performing its main function are the pulmonary ANS:

parenchyma REF: p. 465

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

4. Breathing in air is called



inspiration REF: p. 464

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.

Complete the medical terms for the following respiratory symptoms. 5. Excessive carbon dioxide in the blood: hyper ANS:

capnia REF: p. 490 | p. 494 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

6. Spitting up blood: hemo ANS:

ptysis REF: p. 470

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

7. Hoarseness; voice impairment: dys ANS:

phonia REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

8. Breathing is easier in an upright position:



ortho REF: p. 467

9. Nosebleed: epi

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.



staxis REF: p. 472

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

Complete the following terms using the definitions. 10. Difficult breathing: dys ANS:

pnea REF: p. 470

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

11. Spitting up blood: hemo ANS:

ptysis REF: p. 470

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

12. Inflammation of a small bronchial tube:



bronchiol REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

13. Abnormal condition of dust in the lung:



pneumoconi REF: p. 474

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

14. Incision of the windpipe:



trache REF: p. 482

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

15. Essential cells of an organ: par ANS:

enchyma REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

16. Pain of the pleura (chest wall): pleuro ANS:

dynia REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

17. Inflammation of the nose and throat:



nasopharyng REF: p. 488 | p. 494 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

18. Lung disease marked by distention or swelling of the alveoli: em ANS:

physema REF: p. 473

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

19. Breathing is easier in an upright position:



ortho REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 20. adenoid/o: ANS:

adenoids REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

21. alveol/o: ANS:

alveolus air sac REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

22. bronch/o: ANS:

bronchial tube REF: p. 465

23. bronchiol/o:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.


bronchiole REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

24. pulmon/o: ANS:

lung REF: p. 468

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

25. nas/o: ANS:

nose REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

26. or/o: ANS:

mouth REF: p. 157

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

27. ox/o: ANS:

oxygen REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

28. pector/o: ANS:

chest REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

29. orth/o: ANS:

straight REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

Give combining forms for the following meanings. 30. Voice box: ANS:

laryng/o REF: p. 466

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

31. Throat: ANS:

pharyng/o REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

32. Blue: ANS:

cyan/o REF: p. 466

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

33. Voice: ANS:

phon/o REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

34. Diaphragm: ANS:

phren/o REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

35. Dust: ANS:

coni/o REF: p. 465

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

36. Pus: ANS:

py/o REF: p. 158

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

37. Complete: ANS:

tel/o REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

38. Windpipe: ANS:

trache/o REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

39. Tonsils: ANS:

tonsill/o REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

Give meanings for the following suffixes and prefixes. 40. -centesis: ANS:

surgical puncture to remove fluid REF: p. 481

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

41. -osmia: ANS:

smell REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

42. -pnea: ANS:

breathing REF: p. 470

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

43. -stenosis: ANS:

narrowing tightening REF: p. 189

44. -ectasis: ANS:

widening expansion

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

REF: p. 469

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

45. -ptysis: ANS:

spitting REF: p. 470

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

46. brady-: ANS:

slow REF: p. 113

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

47. hypo-: ANS:

under below less than REF: p. 467

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

48. per-: ANS:

through REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

49. para-: ANS:

near REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define respiratory system terms.

Chapter 13-1: Blood System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. White blood cell (WBC) with reddish granules; numbers increase in allergic reactions: a. Lymphocyte b. Eosinophil c. Neutrophil d. Erythrocyte e. Basophil ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

2. Protein threads that form the basis of a clot: a. Fibrinogen b. Globulin c. Hemoglobin d. Thrombin e. Fibrin ANS: E REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

3. Method of separating out plasma proteins by electrical charge: a. Plasmapheresis b. Hemolysis c. Electrophoresis d. Coagulation time e. Leukapheresis ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

4. Foreign material that invades the body: a. Neutrophils b. Macrophages c. Antibodies d. Antigens e. Granulocytes ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

5. Pigment produced from hemoglobin when red blood cells are destroyed: a. Serum b. Albumin c. Globulin d. Plasma e. Bilirubin

ANS: E REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

6. Undifferentiated blood cell: a. Granulocyte b. Segmented cell c. Hematopoietic stem cell d. Thrombocyte e. Lymphocyte ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

7. Anticoagulant found in the blood: a. Heparin b. Prothrombin c. Thrombin d. Gamma globulin e. Vitamin B12 ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

8. Disorder of red blood cell morphology: a. Multiple myeloma b. Poikilocytosis c. Monocytosis d. Acute myeloid leukemia e. Hemochromatosis ANS: B

REF: p. 515

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

9. Deficiency in numbers of WBCs: a. Neutropenia b. Hypochromia c. Leukocytosis d. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia e. Spherocytosis ANS: A REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

10. Immature red blood cell: a. Thrombocyte b. Monoblast c. Segmented d. Erythroblast e. Megakaryoblast ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

11. Derived from bone marrow: a. Myeloid b. Thrombocytopenic c. Granulocytopenic d. Polymorphonuclear e. Phagocytic ANS: A REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

12. Breakdown of recipient’s red blood cells when incompatible bloods are mixed: a. Erythrocytosis b. Hemolysis c. Embolism d. Anticoagulation e. Erythropoiesis ANS: B

REF: p. 514

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

13. Condition associated with sideropenia, causing deficient production of hemoglobin: a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Hemolytic anemia e. Thalassemia ANS: B

REF: p. 517

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

14. Reduction in red cells due to excessive cell destruction: a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Hemolytic anemia e. Thalassemia ANS: D

REF: p. 518

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

15. Failure of blood cell production due to absence of formation of cells in the bone marrow: a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Hemolytic anemia e. Thalassemia ANS: C

REF: p. 517

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

16. Inherited defect in ability to produce hemoglobin: a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Hemolytic anemia e. Thalassemia


REF: p. 519

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

17. Lack of mature red cells due to inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the body: a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Hemolytic anemia e. Thalassemia ANS: A

REF: p. 518

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

18. Excessive deposits of iron throughout the body: a. Polycythemia vera b. Cooley anemia c. Purpura d. Hemochromatosis e. Thrombocytopenia ANS: D

REF: p. 519

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

19. Pallor, shortness of breath, infection, bleeding gums, predominance of immature and abnormally functioning leukocytes, and low numbers of mature neutrophils in a young child may indicate a likely diagnosis of: a. Sickle cell anemia b. Hemostasis c. Acute lymphoid leukemia d. Chronic lymphoid leukemia e. Hemoglobinopathy ANS: C

REF: p. 52

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

20. Excessive bleeding caused by congenital lack of factor VIII or IX: a. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura b. Granulocytosis c. Polycythemia vera d. Erythremia e. Hemophilia ANS: E

REF: p. 519

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

21. Test in which venous blood is clotted in a test tube: a. Hematocrit b. WBC differential c. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. Coagulation time e. Red blood cell morphology ANS: D REF: p. 522 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

22. Test in which blood sample is spun in a test tube so that the red blood cells (RBCs) fall to the bottom and the percentage of RBCs is determined:

a. b. c. d. e.

Hematocrit WBC differential Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Coagulation time Red blood cell morphology

ANS: A REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

23. Examination of blood smear to determine the shape or form of cells: a. Hematocrit b. WBC differential c. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. Coagulation time e. Red blood cell morphology ANS: E REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

24. Test in which leukocytes are stained and counted under a microscope to see numbers of mature and immature forms: a. Hematocrit b. WBC differential c. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. Coagulation time e. Red blood cell morphology ANS: B REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

25. Test in which anticoagulant is added to a venous blood sample and the distance cells fall in the test tube over time is determined: a. Hematocrit b. WBC differential c. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. Coagulation time e. Red blood cell morphology ANS: C REF: p. 522 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

26. Blood protein that maintains the proper proportion and concentration of water in blood: a. Bilirubin b. Prothrombin c. Fibrinogen d. Albumin e. Globulin ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

27. Swelling; fluid leaks out into tissue spaces:

a. b. c. d. e.

Petechiae Edema Ecchymoses Dyscrasia Autologous transfusion


REF: p. 509

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

28. IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE: a. Megakaryocytes b. Eosinophils c. Neutrophils d. Stem cells e. Immunoglobulins ANS: E REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

29. Return of disease symptoms: a. Palliative b. Relapse c. Hemoglobinopathy d. Remission e. Spherocytosis ANS: B

REF: p. 521

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

30. Relieving symptoms but not curing disease: a. Coagulopathy b. Hemostasis c. Hemolysis d. Palliative e. Myelopoiesis ANS: D

REF: p. 522

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 31. Deficiency of clotting cells: a. thrombositopenea b. thrombocytopenia c. thrombocitopenia ANS: B REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

32. Process of clotting: a. coagulation b. coagglulation c. coaglulation ANS: A

REF: p. 510

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

33. Large cell that engulfs foreign material and worn-out red cells: a. macrophage b. macropage c. makrophage ANS: A REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

34. White blood cell that destroys foreign material by phagocytosis: a. neutrophil b. neutrophill c. nuetrophil ANS: A REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

35. Blood protein: a. allbumen b. albumen c. albumin ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

36. Lack of mature red cells owing to inability to absorb vitamin B12: a. pernicious anemia b. perniscious anemia c. panescius anemia ANS: A

REF: p. 518

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

37. Relieving symptoms but not curing disease: a. palliative b. pallitive c. paliative ANS: A

REF: p. 522

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

38. A protein with antibody activity: a. immunoglobulen b. immunoglobulin c. inmunoglobulen ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

39. Increase in red blood cells: a. polycythemia vera b. polycytemia vera c. polysithemia vera ANS: A

REF: p. 519

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

Spelling 40. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. myeloma b. myleoma ANS: A REF: p. 544 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

41. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. erythropoeisis b. erythropoiesis ANS: B REF: p. 506 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

42. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. fibrinogen b. fibrinogin ANS: A REF: p. 541 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

43. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. billirubin b. bilirubin ANS: B REF: p. 541 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

44. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. platlet b. platelet ANS: B REF: p. 542 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

45. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. poykilocytosis b. poikilocytosis ANS: B REF: p. 543 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

46. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. leukopheresis b. leukapheresis ANS: B REF: p. 542 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

47. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. heparin b. heparine

ANS: A REF: p. 542 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

48. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. electropheresis b. electrophoresis ANS: B REF: p. 541 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system.

49. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. thallassemia b. thalassemia ANS: B REF: p. 544 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the blood system. MATCHING

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. albumin b. antibody c. antigen d. basophil e. bilirubin f. coagulation g. differentiation h. electrophoresis i. eosinophil j. erythrocyte k. erythropoietin l. fibrin 1. Orange-yellow pigment in bile, formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin 2. Blood protein that maintains the proper amount of water in the blood 3. White blood cell containing granules that stain red; associated with allergic reactions 4. Blood clotting 5. Method of separating serum proteins by electrical charge 6. Foreign substance that stimulates the production of an antibody 7. Red blood cell 8. Change in structure and function of a cell as it matures 9. White blood cell containing granules that stain blue; associated with release of histamine and heparin 10. Hormone secreted by the kidneys that stimulates red blood cell formation 11. Immunoglobulin produced by lymphocytes to combat specific antigens 12. Protein threads that form the basis of a blood clot 1. ANS: E

REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

2. ANS: A

REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 3. ANS: I REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 4. ANS: F REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 5. ANS: H REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 6. ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 7. ANS: J REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 8. ANS: G REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 9. ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 10. ANS: K REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 11. ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 12. ANS: L REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the following terms with their definitions. a. fibrinogen b. globulins c. granulocyte d. hemoglobin e. heparin f. immune reaction g. lymphocyte h. macrophage i. plasma 13. Monocyte that migrates from the blood to tissue spaces; a phagocyte 14. Response of the immune system to foreign invasion 15. Mononuclear leukocyte that produces antibodies 16. Anticoagulant found in blood and tissue cells 17. Liquid portion of the blood 18. Blood protein containing iron 19. Plasma protein that is converted to fibrin in the clotting process 20. White blood cell with numerous dark-staining granules; neutrophil, basophil, and eosinophil 21. Plasma proteins; alpha, beta, and gamma are examples 13. ANS: H

REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 14. ANS: F REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

15. ANS: G

REF: p. 513

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

16. ANS: E 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

REF: p. 512 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. ANS: I REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the following terms with their meanings. a. hematopoietic stem cell b. immunoglobulin c. neutrophil d. plasmapheresis e. platelet (thrombocyte) f. reticulocyte g. serum 22. White blood cell containing granules and formed in bone marrow 23. Small blood fragment that collects at sites of injury to begin the clotting process 24. Unspecialized cell that gives rise to mature, specialized forms; found in bone marrow 25. Removal of plasma from withdrawn blood by centrifuge 26. Plasma minus clotting proteins and cells 27. Protein with antibody activity; IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE are examples 28. Immature erythrocyte 22. ANS: C 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: E REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: D REF: p. 513 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. ANS: G REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. ANS: F REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. albumin b. anisocytosis c. anticoagulant d. differentiation

e. eosinophil f. erythropoiesis g. fibrin h. gamma globulins i. hemoglobin j. leukapheresis k. macrophage l. megakaryocyte m. myeloblast n. neutropenia o. plateletpheresis p. poikilocytosis q. serum r. sideropenia s. thrombosis 29. Abnormal condition of blood clotting 30. Change in structure and function of a cell as it matures; specialization 31. Platelet precursor found in bone marrow 32. Protein found in blood; maintains the proper amount of water in blood 33. Deficiency of iron 34. Immature bone marrow cell that develops into a white blood cell 35. Deficiency of a type of white blood cell 36. Protein threads that form the basis of a blood clot 37. White blood cell with dense, reddish granules (associated with allergic reactions) 38. A large cell that engulfs and destroys foreign material 39. Separation of white blood cells from the rest of the blood (using a centrifuge) 40. Plasma protein that contains antibodies 41. Blood protein found in red blood cells 42. Plasma minus clotting proteins and cells 43. Condition of irregularly shaped cells (red blood cells) 44. Condition of cells of unequal size (red blood cells) 45. A substance that prevents clotting of blood 46. Separation of clotting cells from the rest of the blood (using a centrifuge) 47. Formation of red blood cells 29. ANS: S REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 30. ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 31. ANS: L OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 32. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 534 | p. 540 33. ANS: R OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 34. ANS: M REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 35. ANS: N REF: p. 515 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

36. ANS: G REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 37. ANS: E REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 38. ANS: K OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 39. ANS: J REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 40. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 41. ANS: I REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 42. ANS: Q OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 43. ANS: P REF: p. 515 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 44. ANS: B REF: p. 514 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 45. ANS: C REF: p. 511 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 46. ANS: O REF: p. 515 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 506 47. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. acute lymphoid leukemia b. apheresis c. bone marrow biopsy d. chronic myeloid leukemia e. coagulation time f. dyscrasia g. erythrocyte sedimentation rate h. hematocrit i. hemoglobin test j. hemophilia k. multiple myeloma l. palliative m. pernicious anemia n. polycythemia vera o. purpura p. red blood cell morphology q. relapse r. remission s. thalassemia t. WBC differential 48. Determines the numbers of different types of leukocytes 49. Determines the shape or form of erythrocytes 50. Percentage of erythrocytes in a volume of blood 51. Any abnormal or pathologic condition of the blood 52. Inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin 53. Multiple pinpoint hemorrhages; thrombocytopenia

54. Erythremia 55. Excessive bleeding caused by lack of clotting factor VIII or IX 56. Lymphoblasts predominate in the blood; most often seen in children 57. Malignant tumor of bone marrow 58. Separation of blood into its parts 59. Time required for venous blood to clot in a test tube 60. Small amount of bone marrow is aspirated and examined under a microscope 61. Relieving pain, but not curing an illness 62. Lack of mature erythrocytes owing to inability to absorb vitamin B12 63. Both mature and immature granulocytes are present in bone marrow and blood 64. Total amount of a blood protein is measured in a sample of blood 65. Symptoms of disease return 66. Symptoms of disease disappear 67. Speed at which red cells settle out of plasma REF: p. 523 48. ANS: T OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 49. ANS: P REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 523 50. ANS: H OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 51. ANS: F REF: p. 517 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 52. ANS: S REF: p. 519 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 53. ANS: O REF: p. 520 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 54. ANS: N REF: p. 519 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 55. ANS: J REF: p. 519 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 56. ANS: A REF: p. 521 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 57. ANS: K REF: p. 522 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 58. ANS: B REF: p. 524 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 522 59. ANS: E OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 60. ANS: C REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 522 61. ANS: L OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 62. ANS: M REF: p. 518 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 63. ANS: D REF: p. 521 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 64. ANS: I REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 65. ANS: Q REF: p. 521 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 66. ANS: R REF: p. 521 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. REF: p. 522 67. ANS: G OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

Match the cells with their correct meanings. a. basophil b. eosinophil c. erythrocyte

d. e. f. g. h.

hematopoietic stem cell lymphocyte monocyte neutrophil platelet

68. Red blood cell 69. White blood cell; phagocyte and precursor of a macrophage 70. Thrombocyte 71. Bone marrow cell; gives rise to many types of blood cells 72. Leukocyte formed in lymph tissue; produces antibodies 73. Leukocyte with dense, reddish granules; associated with allergic reactions 74. Leukocyte (“poly”) formed in bone marrow and having neutral-staining granules 75. Leukocyte whose granules have an affinity for basic stain; releases histamine and heparin 68. ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 69. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 70. ANS: H REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 71. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 72. ANS: E REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 73. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 74. ANS: G REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 75. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms concerning red blood cells with their correct meanings. a. erythropoiesis b. erythroblast c. hypochromic d. poikilocytosis e. polycythemia vera f. macrocytosis g. microcytosis 76. Irregularity in shape 77. Immature red cells 78. Reduction of hemoglobin (“color”) 79. Increase in numbers of small cells 80. Erythremia 81. Increase in numbers of large cells 82. Formation of red cells 76. ANS: D

REF: p. 515

OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system.

77. ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 78. ANS: C REF: p. 514 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 79. ANS: G REF: p. 516 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 80. ANS: E REF: p. 519 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 81. ANS: F REF: p. 516 OBJ: Recall pathology of the blood system. 82. ANS: A REF: p. 516 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. relieving but not curing b. deficiency of all blood cells c. increase in numbers of granulocytes; seen in allergic conditions d. symptoms of disease return e. multiple pinpoint hemorrhages; blood accumulates under the skin f. separation of blood into its components g. symptoms of disease disappear 83. Relapse 84. Remission 85. Purpura 86. Pancytopenia 87. Palliative 88. Eosinophilia 89. Apheresis 83. ANS: D REF: p. 521 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 84. ANS: G REF: p. 521 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 520 85. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 86. ANS: B REF: p. 517 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 522 87. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 88. ANS: C REF: p. 521 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 524 89. ANS: F OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

Match the laboratory tests or clinical procedures with their correct descriptions. a. autologous transfusion b. bleeding time c. bone marrow biopsy d. coagulation time e. Coombs test f. erythrocyte sedimentation rate g. hematocrit h. hematopoietic stem cell transplant

i. platelet count j. red blood cell morphology k. WBC differential (count) 90. A stained blood smear is examined to determine the shape of individual red blood cells 91. Measures the percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood 92. Determines the number of clotting cells per cubic millimeter 93. Ability of venous blood to clot in a test tube 94. Measures the speed at which erythrocytes settle out of plasma 95. Determines the numbers of different types of white blood cells 96. Determines the presence of antibodies in infants of Rh-negative women or patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia 97. Undifferentiated blood cells from a donor are infused into a patient being treated for leukemia or aplastic anemia 98. Time it takes for a small puncture wound to stop bleeding 99. Needle is introduced into the bone marrow cavity, and a small amount of marrow is aspirated and then examined under the microscope 100. Blood is collected from and later reinfused into the same patient 90. ANS: J REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 91. ANS: G REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 523 92. ANS: I OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 93. ANS: D REF: p. 522 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 522 94. ANS: F OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 95. ANS: K REF: p. 523 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 522 96. ANS: E OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 97. ANS: H REF: p. 524 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 522 98. ANS: B OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 99. ANS: C REF: p. 524 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. REF: p. 524 100. ANS: A OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. orange-yellow pigment formed from destruction of hemoglobin b. separation of clotting cells from rest of the blood c. plasma minus clotting proteins and cells d. derived from bone marrow e. an anticoagulant substance f. an immature red blood cell g. percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood

h. separation of plasma proteins using electricity i. an immature clotting cell j. protein threads that form the essence of a blood clot 101. Megakaryocyte 102. Reticulocyte 103. Myeloid 104. Fibrin 105. Electrophoresis 106. Plateletpheresis 107. Bilirubin 108. Heparin 109. Hematocrit 110. Serum 101. ANS: I REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 102. ANS: F REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 103. ANS: D REF: p. 535 | p. 540 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 104. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 105. ANS: H REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 515 106. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 107. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 108. ANS: E REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 109. ANS: G REF: p. 514 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 110. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. albumin b. antibody c. antigen d. basophil e. bilirubin f. coagulation g. colony-stimulating factor h. differentiation i. electrophoresis j. eosinophil 111. Orange-yellow pigment in bile; formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin when red blood cells die

112. Protein that stimulates the growth and proliferation of white blood cells (granulocytes) 113. Protein in blood; maintains the proper amount of water in the blood 114. Granulocytic white blood cell; granules turn blue with basic stain 115. Blood clotting 116. Substance (usually foreign) that stimulates the production of antibodies 117. Change in structure and function of a cell as it matures; specialization 118. Protein produced by lymphocytes in response to antigens 119. Method of separating serum proteins by electrical charge 120. Granulocytic white blood cell associated with allergic reactions; granules turn red with acidic stain 111. ANS: E REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 112. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 113. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 114. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 115. ANS: F REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 116. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 117. ANS: H REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 118. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 119. ANS: I REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 120. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. erythrocyte b. erythropoietin c. fibrin d. fibrinogen e. globulins f. granulocyte g. hemoglobin h. heparin i. immune reaction 121. Protein threads that form the basis of a blood clot 122. Blood protein that contains iron and carries oxygen in red blood cells 123. Red blood cell 124. White blood cell; eosinophil, basophil, and neutrophil 125. Plasma protein that is converted to fibrin in the clotting process 126. Anticoagulant found in blood and tissues

127. Hormone secreted by the kidneys; stimulates formation of red blood cells 128. Response of the immune system to invasion by foreign substances (antigens) 129. Part of the blood containing plasma proteins; alpha, beta, and gamma are examples 121. ANS: C REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 122. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 123. ANS: A REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 124. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 125. ANS: D REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 126. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 127. ANS: B REF: p. 512 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 128. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 129. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. immunoglobulin b. leukocyte c. lymphocyte d. macrophage e. megakaryocyte f. plasma g. plasmapheresis h. platelet i. prothrombin j. reticulocyte 130. Removal of plasma from blood 131. Mononuclear white blood cell that produces antibodies 132. Immature red blood cell 133. White blood cell 134. Large immature clotting cell 135. Plasma protein converted to thrombin in the clotting process 136. Protein with antibody activity; IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, IgD are examples 137. Thrombocyte 138. Monocyte that is a large phagocyte 139. Liquid portion of blood; contains water, proteins, salts, nutrients, hormones, and vitamins 130. ANS: G REF: p. 513 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the blood system. 131. ANS: C REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

132. ANS: J REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 133. ANS: B REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 134. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 135. ANS: I REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 512 136. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. 137. ANS: H REF: p. 513 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 138. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. REF: p. 513 139. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system. OTHER

Give medical terms for the following descriptions. 1. Liquid portion of blood: ANS:

plasma REF: p. 513

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

2. Hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate erythrocyte production in bone marrow: ANS:

erythropoietin REF: p. 512

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

3. Proteins in plasma; can be separated into alpha, beta, and gamma types: ANS:

globulin REF: p. 512

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

4. Plasma protein that maintains the proper amount of water in blood: ANS:

albumin REF: p. 512

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

5. Proteins made by lymphocytes in response to antigens in the blood:


immunoglobulins antibodies REF: p. 512

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the blood system.

Complete the following terms using the definitions. 6. Stoppage or control of blood flow: hemo ANS:

stasis REF: p. 534 | p. 539 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

7. Any blood disorder: dys ANS:

crasia REF: p. 517

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

8. Symptoms of disease return: re ANS:

lapse REF: p. 521

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

9. Study of the shape of cells:



morph REF: p. 534 | p. 539 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

10. A foreign substance that stimulates the formation of antibodies: anti ANS:

gen REF: p. 512

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

11. Protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances: anti ANS:

bodies REF: p. 512

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

12. A cell that engulfs another cell:



phago REF: p. 534 | p. 539 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

13. A type of inherited anemia marked by defective type of hemoglobin in people of Mediterranean background: emia ANS:

thalass REF: p. 519

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

Complete the following terms using the definitions. 14. coagul/o: ANS:

clotting REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

15. cyt/o: ANS:

cell REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

16. erythr/o: ANS:

red REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

17. hem/o: ANS:

blood REF: p. 514

18. kary/o: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

19. leuk/o: ANS:

white REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

20. myel/o: ANS:

bone marrow REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

21. morph/o: ANS:

shape form REF: p. 514

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

22. neutr/o: ANS:

neutral neutrophils REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

23. sider/o: ANS:

iron REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

24. phag/o: ANS:

eat swallow REF: p. 515

25. thromb/o: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

Complete the following terms using the definitions. 26. -apheresis: ANS:

removal carry away REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

27. -blast: ANS:

immature cell embryonic REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

28. -cytosis: ANS:

abnormal condition of cells REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

29. -emia: ANS:

blood condition REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

30. -globin: ANS:

protein REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

31. -lytic: ANS:

pertaining to destruction REF: p. 515

32. -penia: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

33. -phage: ANS:

eat swallow REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

34. -phoresis: ANS:

carrying transmission REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

35. -poiesis: ANS:

formation REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

36. -stasis: ANS:

stop control REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

37. -oid: ANS:

derived from REF: p. 515

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

Complete the following terms using the definitions. 38. anti-: ANS:

against REF: p. 113

39. hypo-:

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.


under deficiency REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

40. macro-: ANS:

large REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

41. mega-: ANS:

large REF: p. 539

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

42. micro-: ANS:

small REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

43. mono-: ANS:

one REF: p. 507

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

44. pan-: ANS:

all REF: p. 116

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

45. poly-: ANS:

many much REF: p. 117

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define blood system terms.

Chapter 14-1: Lymphatic and Immune Systems—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Formation of lymph: a. Lymphocytopenia b. Lymphadenitis c. Lymphedema d. Lymphopoiesis e. Lymphoid ANS: D REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

2. Interstitial fluid: a. Contains antibodies produced by white blood cells b. Contains red and white blood cells c. Is found in the spaces between cells and becomes lymph when it enters lymph capillaries d. Is present in connective tissue e. Contains blood-clotting factors ANS: C REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

3. All of the following are components of the immune system EXCEPT: a. Lymphocytes b. Platelets c. Monocytes d. Phagocytes e. Antibodies ANS: B REF: p. 553 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

4. Lymph nodes are concentrated in all of the following areas EXCEPT: a. Inguinal b. Axillary c. Bone marrow d. Mediastinal e. Cervical ANS: C REF: p. 551 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

5. Helper or suppressor cells are types of: a. B cells b. T cells c. Platelets d. Antigens

e. Antibiotics ANS: B REF: p. 554 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

6. Examples of immunoglobulins: a. IgA, IgG, IgE b. Monocytes c. Lymphocytes d. Hepatocytes e. Clotting factors ANS: A REF: p. 554 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

7. Oropharyngeal lymph tissue: a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Tonsils e. Adenoids ANS: D REF: p. 551 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

8. Mediastinal T cell producer: a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Tonsils e. Adenoids ANS: B REF: p. 552 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

9. Nasopharyngeal lymph tissue: a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Tonsils e. Adenoids ANS: E REF: p. 551 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

10. Abdominal organ that filters erythrocytes and activates lymphocytes: a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Tonsils e. Adenoids ANS: A

REF: p. 552

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

11. Produces lymphocytes and monocytes and all other blood cells: a. Spleen b. Thymus c. Bone marrow d. Tonsils e. Adenoids ANS: C REF: p. 551 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

12. Cytotoxic cells: a. B cell lymphocytes b. T cell lymphocytes c. Platelets d. Thrombocytes e. Eosinophils ANS: B REF: p. 551 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

13. Interferons and interleukins are BEST described as: a. Gamma globulins b. Interstitial fluid c. Antiviral proteins produced by T cell lymphocytes d. Products of B cell lymphocytes e. Helper cells ANS: C REF: p. 554 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

14. Slight increase in numbers of lymphocytes: a. Lymphocytopenia b. Lymphopoiesis c. Lymphoid d. Lymphocytosis e. Lymphedema ANS: D REF: p. 81 | p. 558 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

15. Pertaining to poison: a. Necrotic b. Hypoxic c. Cyanotic d. Toxic e. Stenotic ANS: D REF: p. 559 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

16. Computerized x-ray imaging in the transverse plane:

a. b. c. d. e.

CT scan Lymphangiogram Ultrasonography Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Lymphadenectomy

ANS: A REF: p. 565 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

17. HIV is: a. A malignancy associated with AIDS b. A drug used to treat AIDS c. The virus that causes AIDS d. The test used to detect AIDS e. A type of lymphoma ANS: C REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

18. Malignant tumor of lymph nodes: a. Sarcoidosis b. Lymphedema c. Hodgkin lymphoma d. Hypersplenism e. Lymphocytopenia ANS: C REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

19. Viral infection causing blisters on skin of lips, nose, or genitals: a. Kaposi sarcoma b. Herpes simplex c. Cryptococcus d. Toxoplasmosis e. Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia ANS: B REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

20. Cancer arising from the lining cells of capillaries, producing purplish skin nodules: a. Kaposi sarcoma b. Herpes simplex c. Cryptococcus d. Toxoplasmosis e. Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia ANS: A REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

21. Major lung infection with fever, cough, chest pain, and sputum; treated with trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim): a. Kaposi sarcoma

b. c. d. e.

Herpes simplex Cryptococcus Toxoplasmosis Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia

ANS: E REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

22. Protozoal (parasitic) infection associated with AIDS that may cause pneumonitis, hepatitis, and encephalitis: a. Kaposi sarcoma b. Herpes simplex c. Cryptococcus d. Toxoplasmosis e. Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia ANS: D REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

23. Fungal infection associated with AIDS, involving brain and meninges, lungs, and skin: a. Kaposi sarcoma b. Herpes simplex c. Cryptococcosis d. Toxoplasmosis e. Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia ANS: C REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

24. Atopy is: a. An early stage of AIDS b. A hypersensitivity or allergic state c. A type of lymphoma d. A disease found in tropical areas e. Acute infectious disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus ANS: B REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

25. An immune response in which T cells destroy antigens is called a. cell-mediated b. humoral ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

26. Lymphocytes contained in the thymus gland that act on antigens: a. B cells b. T cells c. macrophages ANS: B REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.


27. Lymphocytes that transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies: a. B cells b. T cells ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

28. An immune response in which B cells transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies is known as immunity. a. cell-mediated b. humoral ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 29. Organ in the chest that produces T cells: a. thymus gland b. thymis gland c. thimus gland ANS: A REF: p. 557 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

30. Fluid in the spaces between cells: a. intrastitial fluid b. interstitial fluid c. interstitiel fluid ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

31. Collection of fluid in tissues: a. lymphaedmea b. lypmhfedema c. lymphedema ANS: C REF: p. 558 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

32. Proteins that stimulate the growth of T cells: a. interleukins b. interleukens c. interluekins ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

33. Masses of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx: a. adneoidz b. adeniods

c. adenoids ANS: C REF: p. 555 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

34. Introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response: a. vaccination b. vacination c. vakcination ANS: A REF: p. 557 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

35. Inflammation of tonsils: a. tonsilitis b. toncilitis c. tonsillitis ANS: C REF: p. 77 | p. 80 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

36. Formation of lymph: a. lymphopoesis b. lymphopoiesis c. lymphopeosis ANS: B REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

Spelling 37. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. mackrophage b. macrophage ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

38. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. lypmh b. lymph ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

39. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. immunoglobulin b. immunoglobin ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

40. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. alergy

b. allergy ANS: B REF: p. 562 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

41. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. inguinal nodes b. ingiunal nodes ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

42. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. anaphylaxis b. anaphilaxis ANS: A REF: p. 559 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

43. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. Hogdkin lymphoma b. Hodgkin lymphoma ANS: B REF: p. 562 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

44. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. axilliary nodes b. axillary nodes ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

45. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. lymphocytopenis b. lymphocytopenia ANS: B REF: p. 558 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

46. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. splenectomy b. spleenectomy ANS: A REF: p. 559 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems. MATCHING

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. adaptive immunity b. adenoids c. antigen

d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

axillary nodes B cell cervical nodes cytokines cytotoxic T cell dendritic cell helper T cell

1. Lymph nodes in the neck region 2. Substance that the body recognizes as foreign and evokes an immune response 3. Production of antibodies and lymphocytes in response to exposure to an antigen 4. Lymphocyte that aids B cells in recognizing antigens and stimulating antibody production (T4 cell or CD4+ cell) 5. Mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx 6. Cell (specialized macrophage) that digests foreign cells and helps B and T cells recognize and mark antigens for destruction 7. T lymphocyte that directly kills foreign cells (T8 cell or CD8+ cell) 8. Lymph nodes in the armpit 9. Proteins that aid and regulate the immune response 10. Lymphocyte that originates in the bone marrow and transforms into a plasma cell to secrete antibodies 1. ANS: F 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: C REF: p. 555 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: A REF: p. 555 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: J REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: B REF: p. 555 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: I REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: H REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: D REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: G REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: E REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. immunity b. immunoglobulins c. immunotherapy d. inguinal nodes e. interferons and interleukins f. interstitial fluid

g. h. i. j.

lymph lymph capillaries lymph node lymphoid organs

11. Thin, watery fluid found within lymphatic vessels 12. Tiniest lymphatic vessels 13. Proteins (cytokines) secreted by T cells to aid and regulate the immune response 14. Antibodies that are secreted by plasma cells in response to the presence of an antigen 15. The body’s ability to resist foreign organisms and toxins (immune response) 16. Lymph nodes in the groin 17. Stationary, solid lymphatic tissue located along a lymph vessel 18. Fluid in the spaces between cells 19. Lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland; tissue through which lymph travels 20. Use of immune cells and antibodies or vaccines to treat and prevent disease 11. ANS: G 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: H REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: E REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: D REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: I REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: F REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: J REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: C REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. lymph vessel b. macrophage c. mediastinal nodes d. monoclonal antibody e. natural immunity f. plasma cell g. right lymphatic duct h. spleen i. suppressor T cell j. tolerance 21. Lymphocyte that produces and secretes antibodies

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Carrier of lymph throughout the body Lymph nodes in the area between the lungs in the thoracic cavity The ability of T lymphocytes to recognize and accept the body’s own antigens as “self” Large phagocyte found in lymph nodes and other tissues of the body Antibody produced in a laboratory to attack antigens and destroy cells Organ near the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells Protection that an individual inherits to fight infection Lymphocyte that inhibits the activity of B and T lymphocytes (Treg) Large lymphatic vessel in the chest that receives lymph from the upper right portion of the body

21. ANS: F REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 22. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 23. ANS: C REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 24. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 25. ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 26. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 27. ANS: H REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 28. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 29. ANS: I REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 30. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the following vocabulary terms with their meanings. a. thoracic duct b. thymus gland c. tonsils d. toxin e. vaccination f. vaccine 31. Mass of lymphatic tissue in the back of the oropharynx 32. Organ in the mediastinum that conditions T lymphocytes to react to foreign cells 33. A poison 34. Weakened or killed microorganisms, toxins, or other proteins (antigens) given to provoke an immune response 35. Large lymphatic vessel in the chest that receives lymph from below the diaphragm and from the left side of the body above the diaphragm 36. Exposure of an individual to a foreign protein (antigen) that provokes an immune response 31. ANS: C

REF: p. 557

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: D REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: F REF: p. 557 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: A REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: E REF: p. 557 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

32. ANS: B 33. 34. 35. 36.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. allergen b. anaphylaxis c. atopy d. axillary nodes e. cell-mediated immunity f. immunoglobulins g. immunosuppression h. inguinal nodes i. interferons j. interstitial fluid k. Kaposi sarcoma l. lymphadenopathy m. lymphedema n. lymphoma o. protease inhibitor p. splenomegaly q. thymoma r. tonsils s. vaccination 37. Malignant tumor associated with AIDS; appears as purplish skin nodules 38. Hypersensitive or allergic state involving hereditary predisposition 39. Disease condition of lymph nodes 40. Enlargement of the spleen 41. Collection of lymph tissue in the groin 42. Substance capable of causing a specific hypersensitivity reaction in the body 43. A drug that is used to treat AIDS by blocking the production of an enzyme 44. An exaggerated or unusual hypersensitivity to a foreign protein 45. Antiviral proteins secreted by T cells 46. Malignant tumor of a gland in the chest 47. Found within lymphatic vessels and surrounding tissues throughout the body 48. Lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx 49. Collection of lymph tissue under the arm (armpit) 50. Immune response involving T cell lymphocytes 51. Malignant tumor of lymph nodes and tissue 52. Antibodies such as IgG, IgA, and IgD that are secreted by plasma cells

53. Introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response 54. Repression of the immune response 55. Fluid collects within the spaces between cells secondary to lymph vessel obstruction 37. ANS: K REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 564 38. ANS: C OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 39. ANS: L REF: p. 562 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 571 | p. 574 40. ANS: P OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 41. ANS: H REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 564 42. ANS: A OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 43. ANS: O REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 564 44. ANS: B OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 45. ANS: I REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 563 46. ANS: Q OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 47. ANS: J REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 48. ANS: R OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 49. ANS: D REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 50. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 51. ANS: N REF: p. 562 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 52. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 53. ANS: S REF: p. 557 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 558 54. ANS: G OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 558 55. ANS: M OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the descriptions with their correct terms. a. T cell lymphocytes that inhibit the activity of B cell lymphocytes b. antibodies—IgG, IgE, IgM, IgD c. T cell lymphocytes that aid B cells and antibody production; T4 cells d. poisons (antigens) e. T lymphocytes that directly kill foreign cells; CD8+ or T8 cells f. antiviral proteins secreted by T cells g. transformed B cells that secrete antibodies

56. Immunoglobulins 57. Toxins 58. Helper T cells 59. Cytotoxic cells 60. Interferons 61. Plasma cells 62. Suppressor T cells 56. ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 57. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 58. ANS: C REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 59. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 60. ANS: F REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 61. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 62. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. AIDS b. allergen c. anaphylaxis d. Hodgkin lymphoma e. hypersplenism f. lymphedema g. lymphoid organs h. thymectomy 63. Syndrome marked by enlargement of the spleen and associated with anemia, leukopenia, and anemia 64. An extraordinary hypersensitivity to a foreign protein; marked by hypotension, shock, respiratory distress 65. An antigen capable of causing allergy (hypersensitivity) 66. Disorder in which the immune system is suppressed by exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 67. Removal of a mediastinal organ 68. Malignant tumor of lymph nodes and spleen marked by Reed-Sternberg cell identified in lymph nodes 69. Tissues that produce lymphocytes—spleen, thymus, tonsils, and adenoids 70. Swelling of tissues due to interstitial fluid accumulation 63. ANS: E REF: p. 559 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 64. ANS: C REF: p. 564

OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 564 65. ANS: B OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 66. ANS: A REF: p. 559 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 571 | p. 574 67. ANS: H OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 68. ANS: D REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 69. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 558 70. ANS: F OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. ELISA b. immunoelectrophoresis c. opportunistic infections d. helper T cells e. zidovudine 71. White blood cells that are destroyed by HIV 72. Test to separate immunoglobulins 73. Drug used to treat AIDS by blocking the growth of AIDS virus 74. Test used to detect anti-HIV antibodies 75. Group of infectious diseases associated with AIDS 71. ANS: D 72. 73. 74. 75.

REF: p. 556 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: B REF: p. 565 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: E REF: p. 561 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: A REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. ANS: C REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. mass of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx b. syndrome marked by enlargement of the spleen c. suppression or deficiency of the immune response caused by exposure to HIV d. a hypersensitivity or allergic state involving an inherited predisposition e. exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction f. antibodies secreted by plasma cells g. antiviral proteins secreted by T cells h. lymph nodes in the neck i. malignancy of lymph nodes j. large phagocyte found in lymph nodes 76. Anaphylaxis

77. Aids 78. Cervical nodes 79. Adenoids 80. Interferons 81. Macrophage 82. Hodgkin lymphoma 83. Hypersplenism 84. Atopy 85. Immunoglobulins 76. ANS: E REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 559 77. ANS: C OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 78. ANS: H REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 555 79. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 80. ANS: G REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 81. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 82. ANS: I REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 559 83. ANS: B OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 84. ANS: D REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 85. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the explanations with the correct abbreviations. a. combination of drugs effective against AIDS b. lymphocytes that recognize and destroy foreign antigens c. causes small blisters on skin, lips, and genitals and is an opportunistic infection associated with AIDS d. malignancy associated with AIDS e. malignancy of lymph nodes and spleen; Reed-Sternberg cell is identified in bone marrow f. proteins (cytokines) that stimulate growth of B or T cell lymphocytes g. virus that causes AIDS h. drug that destroys an enzyme necessary for the AIDS virus to replicate i. proteins produced in a laboratory by cloning techniques; can be toxic to tumor cells j. proteins produced naturally by B cell lymphocytes in response to antigen stimulation 86. HD 87. HIV 88. MOAB 89. RTI

90. NK cells 91. HSV 92. HAART 93. IgE 94. IL-1 to IL-15 95. KS 86. ANS: E REF: p. 562 | p. 568 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 87. ANS: G REF: p. 564 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 88. ANS: I REF: p. 555 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 89. ANS: H REF: p. 561 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 90. ANS: B REF: p. 553 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 91. ANS: C REF: p. 560 | p. 565 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 92. ANS: A REF: p. 561 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 93. ANS: J REF: p. 556 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 94. ANS: F REF: p. 556 | p. 565 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems. 95. ANS: D REF: p. 560 | p. 565 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. dendritic cell b. helper T cell c. immune response d. immunoglobulins e. immunotherapy f. inguinal node g. interferons h. interstitial fluid i. lymph capillaries 96. The body’s capacity to resist foreign organisms and toxins; humoral and cell-mediated immunity are examples 97. Found in spaces between cells; forms lymph 98. Antibodies such as IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, IgD 99. Use of immunologic knowledge and techniques to treat disease; vaccines and monoclonal antibodies 100. Cell that ingests antigens and presents them to other cells; specialized macrophage 101. Antiviral proteins (cytokines) secreted by T cells 102. Lymph node in the groin region 103. Tiniest lymphatic vessels

104. Lymphocyte that aids B cells in recognizing antigens and stimulating antibody production 96. ANS: C REF: p. 553 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 97. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 98. ANS: D REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 99. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 100. ANS: A REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 101. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 102. ANS: F REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 103. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 556 104. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. macrophage b. mediastinal node c. monoclonal antibody d. natural immunity e. natural killer (NK) cell f. plasma cell g. spleen h. T lymphocyte i. thoracic duct j. thymus gland 105. Lymphocyte formed in the thymus gland; acts directly on antigens or produces chemicals that destroy antigens 106. Large phagocyte found in lymph nodes and other tissues of the body 107. Lymphocyte that recognizes and destroys foreign cells by releasing cytotoxins 108. An individual’s own genetic ability to fight off disease 109. Organ that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells 110. Lymphoid cell that secretes an antibody and originates from B cell lymphocytes 111. Large lymphatic vessel in the chest; empties lymph into veins in the upper chest 112. Lymph node in the area between the lungs in the chest 113. Organ in the mediastinum that contains T lymphocytes to react to foreign cells and aids in the immune response 114. Antibody produced in a laboratory to attack antigens; used in cancer treatment and immunotherapy 105. ANS: H REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 106. ANS: A REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 553 107. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 108. ANS: D REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 109. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 110. ANS: F REF: p. 557 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 111. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 112. ANS: B REF: p. 556 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 113. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 557 114. ANS: C Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems. OBJ:

Match the opportunistic infections associated with AIDS with their descriptions. a. Candidiasis b. Cryptococcus c. Cryptosporidiosis d. Cytomegalovirus infection e. Herpes simplex f. Histoplasmosis g. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection h. Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly carinii) pneumonia i. Toxoplasmosis j. Tuberculosis 115. Viral infection causing small blisters on the lips, nose, or genitals (HSV) 116. Yeast-like fungal infection with overgrowth of organisms in the mouth (thrush), respiratory tract, and skin 117. Bacterial disease predominant in the lungs; symptoms include fever, weight loss, anorexia, and low energy (TB) 118. Yeast-like fungal infection causes lung, brain, and blood infections; organism found in pigeon droppings, air, water, soil (Crypto) 119. Fungal infection caused by inhalation of dust contaminated with Histoplasma capsulatum; symptoms include fever, chills, and lung infection (Histo) 120. One-celled organism causes lung infection with fever, cough, and chest pain (PCP) 121. Parasitic infection involving the central nervous system (CNS) and causing fever, chills, confusion, hemiparesis, and seizures; parasite is found in uncooked pork, raw eggs, and vegetables (Toxo) 122. One-celled parasite causes infection of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, and spinal cord 123. Bacterial disease manifesting with fever, malaise, night sweats, diarrhea, lung, and blood infections (MAI) 124. Virus causes enteritis and retinitis; found in semen, saliva, urine, feces, blood, and breast milk (CMV) 115. ANS: E

REF: p. 560

OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 560 116. ANS: A OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 117. ANS: J REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 560 118. ANS: B OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 119. ANS: F REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 560 120. ANS: H OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 121. ANS: I REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 560 122. ANS: C OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. 123. ANS: G REF: p. 560 OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. REF: p. 560 124. ANS: D OBJ: Recall pathology of the lymphatic and immune systems. OTHER

Give the name of the structure or fluid from its meaning. 1. Stationary lymph tissue along the path of lymph vessels: ANS:

lymph nodes REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

2. Large thoracic lymph vessel draining lymph from lower and left side of the body: ANS:

thoracic duct REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

3. Organ near the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells: ANS:

spleen REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

4. Mass of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx: ANS:

adenoids REF: p. 555

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

5. Organ in the mediastinum that produces T cell lymphocytes: ANS:

thymus REF: p. 557

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

6. Tiniest of lymph vessels: ANS:

lymph capillaries REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

7. Large lymph vessel in the chest that drains lymph from right upper part of the body: ANS:

right lymphatic duct REF: p. 557

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

8. Fluid that lies between cells and becomes lymph as it enters lymph capillaries: ANS:

interstitial fluid REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Give the locations of the following lymph nodes. 9. Inguinal nodes: ANS:

groin REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

10. Axillary nodes: ANS:

armpit REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

11. Cervical nodes: ANS:

neck REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

12. Mediastinal nodes: ANS:

chest REF: p. 556

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Build medical terms. 13. Removal of the spleen: ANS:

splenectomy REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

14. Inflammation of lymph glands (nodes): ANS:

lymphadenitis REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

15. Tumor of the thymus gland: ANS:

thymoma REF: p. 563 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

16. Disease of lymph glands (nodes): ANS:

lymphadenopathy REF: p. 562 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

17. Formation of lymph: ANS:

lymphopoiesis REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

18. Deficiency of lymph cells:


lymphocytopenia REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

19. Pertaining to poison: ANS:

toxic REF: p. 559 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

20. Enlargement of the spleen: ANS:

splenomegaly REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

Complete the following terms using the definitions given. 21. Removal of the spleen:



splen REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

22. Tumor of the thymus gland:



thym REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

23. Infectious diseases associated with AIDS:



opportunistic REF: p. 564 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

24. Formation of lymph: lympho ANS:


REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

25. Pertaining to poison:



tox REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

26. Immune response in which B cells transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies: immunity ANS:

humoral REF: p. 556 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

27. Immune response involving T-cell lymphocytes:



cell-mediated REF: p. 556 OBJ: Use medical terms related to the lymphatic and immune systems in medical reports and records.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 28. inguin/o: ANS:

groin REF: p. 76

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

29. thym/o: ANS:

thymus gland REF: p. 559

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

30. axill/o: ANS:

armpit REF: p. 76

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

31. cervic/o: ANS:

neck REF: p. 269

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

32. tox/o: ANS:

poison REF: p. 559

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

33. immun/o: ANS:

protection REF: p. 558

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

34. splen/o: ANS:

spleen REF: p. 559

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

35. lymphaden/o: ANS:

lymph node lymph gland REF: p. 559

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

Give meanings for the following suffixes and prefixes. 36. -edema: ANS:

swelling REF: p. 572 | p. 574 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

37. megaly: ANS:

enlargement REF: p. 81

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

38. -poiesis: ANS:

formation REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

39. -penia: ANS:

deficiency REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

40. -phylaxis: ANS:

protection REF: p. 559

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

41. -oid: ANS:

resembling derived from REF: p. 85

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

42. -pathy: ANS:

disease REF: p. 571 | p. 574 OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

43. inter-: ANS:

between REF: p. 559

44. hyper-: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

REF: p. 115

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

45. retro-: ANS:

backward behind REF: p. 118

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define lymphatic and immune systems terms.

Chapter 15-1: Musculoskeletal System—Part 1 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Spongy, porous bone tissue: a. Yellow bone marrow b. Bone fissure c. Compact bone d. Bone sinus e. Cancellous bone ANS: E REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Outward extension of the shoulder bone: a. Xiphoid process b. Acetabulum c. Acromion d. Vertebral arch e. Patella ANS: C REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

3. Opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave: a. Fissure b. Sulcus c. Tuberosity d. Foramen e. Fossa ANS: D REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

4. Projection of the temporal bone: a. Malleolus b. Epiphysis c. Xiphoid process d. Mastoid process e. Tubercle ANS: D REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

5. Knuckle-like process at the end of a bone: a. Fontanelle b. Tuberosity c. Trochanter d. Xiphoid process e. Condyle

ANS: E REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

6. Mandible, vomer, maxilla, and zygomatic are bones of the: a. Face b. Cranium c. Spine d. Pelvis e. Thorax ANS: A REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

7. Occipital, sphenoid, frontal, temporal, and ethmoid are bones of the: a. Face b. Cranium c. Spine d. Pelvis e. Thorax ANS: B REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

8. The shaft of a long bone is called a/an: a. Olecranon b. Periosteum c. Osteoclast d. Epiphysis e. Diaphysis ANS: E REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

9. Poor formation of bone: a. Osteolysis b. Osteodystrophy c. Decalcification d. Myelopoiesis e. Osteoclasis ANS: B REF: p. 632 | p. 640 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

10. Slipping or subluxation of a vertebra: a. Spondylitis b. Rachitis c. Kyphosis d. Spondylolisthesis e. Lordosis ANS: D REF: p. 633 | p. 641 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

11. Operation performed to relieve the symptoms of a slipped disk: a. Patellapexy b. Arthroscopy c. Osteoclasis d. Laminectomy e. Metacarpectomy ANS: D REF: p. 596 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system.

12. Lateral curvature of the spinal column: a. Lordosis b. Scoliosis c. Kyphosis d. Spina bifida e. Pubic symphysis ANS: B

REF: p. 597

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

13. Vitamin D deficiency leads to softening of bone, which is known as: a. Osteomalacia b. Lumbago c. Osteogenesis imperfecta d. Osteoporosis e. Hypercalcemia ANS: A

REF: p. 598

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

14. Pertaining to the upper arm bone: a. Humeral b. Tibial c. Radial d. Ulnar e. Carpal ANS: A REF: p. 632 | p. 640 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

15. Shoulder bone: a. Patella b. Sternum c. Scapula d. Clavicle e. Vertebra ANS: C REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

16. Smaller of the two lower leg bones: a. Calcaneus b. Tibia

c. Fibula d. Tarsal bone e. Malleolus ANS: C REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

17. Inflammation of bone and bone marrow: a. Osteitis fibrosa cystica b. Multiple myeloma c. Osteomyelitis d. Osteoporosis e. Osteochondroma ANS: C

REF: p. 602

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

18. Clubfoot: a. Exostosis b. Osteogenic sarcoma c. Bunion d. Talipes e. Bursitis ANS: D

REF: p. 604

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

19. A splintered or crushed bone: a. Comminuted fracture b. Greenstick fracture c. Crepitation d. Compression fracture e. Impacted fracture ANS: A

REF: p. 601

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

20. Surgical repair of a joint: a. Arthroplasty b. Fasciectomy c. Achondroplasia d. Tenorrhaphy e. Arthrosis ANS: A REF: p. 606 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system.

21. Condition of stiffening and immobility of a joint: a. Hemarthrosis b. Fibrositis c. Bursitis d. Kyphosis e. Ankylosis ANS: E

REF: p. 606

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

22. Chronic inflammation of bones and joints due to degenerative changes in cartilage: a. Ankylosing spondylitis b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Chondromalacia d. Osteoarthritis e. Systemic lupus erythematosus ANS: D

REF: p. 608

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

23. Inflammation of joints caused by excessive uric acid accumulation: a. Bunion b. Bursitis c. Gouty arthritis d. Sciatica e. Myositis ANS: C

REF: p. 608

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

24. Malignant tumor of smooth muscle: a. Rhabdomyosarcoma b. Leiomyosarcoma c. Rhabdomyoma d. Leiomyoma e. Myorrhaphy ANS: B REF: p. 637 | p. 642 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

25. Wasting away (no development) of muscle: a. Myasthenia b. Myalgia c. Hypertrophy d. Atrophy e. Myositis ANS: D

REF: p. 618

OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Select the terms that best fit the definitions. 26. Fibrous membrane separating muscles: a. fascia b. flexion ANS: A REF: p. 613 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

27. Movement away from the midline: a. abduction b. adduction ANS: A REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

28. Pertaining to heart muscle: a. myasthenia b. myocardial ANS: B REF: p. 636 | p. 641 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

29. Pain of many muscles: a. myositis b. polymyalgia ANS: B REF: p. 636 | p. 641 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

30. Act of turning the palm upward: a. supination b. pronation ANS: A REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

31. Muscle connected to internal organs: a. skeletal b. visceral ANS: B REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

32. Connection of muscle to the bone that moves: a. origin b. insertion ANS: B REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

33. Connection of muscle to a stationary bone: a. origin b. insertion ANS: A REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 34. Upper arm bone: a. humerus b. humerous c. humorous ANS: A REF: p. 599 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

35. Thigh bone: a. femor

b. femur c. femmur ANS: B REF: p. 599 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

36. End of a long bone: a. epiphysis b. epiphisis c. epiphifisis ANS: A REF: p. 594 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

37. Humpback: a. kyphiosis b. kiphosis c. kyphosis ANS: C REF: p. 596 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

38. Heel bone: a. calcaneus b. calcaneous c. calcaineus ANS: A REF: p. 593 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

39. Finger or toe bones: a. phalanges b. pharynges c. plalanges ANS: A REF: p. 593 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.


Collarbone: a. clavical b. klavicle c. clavicle ANS: C REF: p. 593 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.


Kneecap: a. patella b. petella c. patela ANS: A REF: p. 593 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

42. Mineral substance in bone: a. phosphorus b. phosphorous c. phospherus ANS: A REF: p. 581 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

43. Larger of the two lower leg bones: a. tibbia b. tibea c. tibia ANS: C REF: p. 593 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

44. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. arthrocentesis b. arthrosentesis ANS: A REF: p. 650 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

45. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. osteoperosis b. osteoporosis ANS: B REF: p. 646 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

46. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. cartiledge b. cartilage ANS: B REF: p. 643 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

47. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. atropy b. atrophy ANS: B REF: p. 648 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

48. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. chondrocostal b. chrondrocostal ANS: A REF: p. 643 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

49. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. scoliosis b. scoleosis

ANS: A REF: p. 646 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

50. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. Uwing sarcoma b. Ewing sarcoma ANS: B REF: p. 644 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

51. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. osteomyleitis b. osteomyelitis ANS: B REF: p. 646 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

52. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. ascetabulum b. acetabulum ANS: B REF: p. 643 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

53. Select the term that is spelled correctly: a. osteodystrophy b. osteodystropy ANS: A REF: p. 645 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the musculoskeletal system. MATCHING

Select from the following vocabulary terms related to joints to fit the definitions. a. articular cartilage b. articulation c. bursa d. ligament e. suture joint f. synovial cavity g. synovial fluid h. synovial joint i. synovial membrane j. tendon 1. Immovable joint between the bones of the skull 2. Smooth, glistening white tissue that covers the surface of a joint 3. Connective tissue binding bones to other bones 4. Tissue lining the synovial cavity; it produces synovial fluid 5. Connective tissue that binds muscles to bones 6. Sac of fluid near a joint

7. A freely movable joint 8. Any type of joint 9. Viscous fluid within the synovial space 10. Space between bones at a synovial joint 1. ANS: E 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: A REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: D REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: I REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: J REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: C REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: H REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: B REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: G REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: F REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Select from the following terms related to muscles to match the definitions. a. abduction b. adduction c. extension d. fascia e. flexion f. insertion of a muscle g. origin of a muscle h. plantar flexion i. pronation j. rotation k. skeletal muscle l. supination m. visceral muscle 11. Bending a limb 12. Movement away from the midline of the body 13. Fibrous membrane separating and enveloping muscles 14. Connection of a muscle to a stationary bone 15. Circular movement around a central point (axis) 16. Muscle connected to bones; striated or voluntary muscle 17. Turning the palm of the hand downward 18. Movement toward the midline of the body 19. Bending the sole of the foot downward toward the ground

20. Turning the palm of the hand upward 21. Straightening of a flexed limb 22. Connection of a muscle to a bone that moves 23. Muscle connected to internal organs; involuntary or smooth muscle 11. ANS: E 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: A REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: D REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: G REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: J REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: K REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: I REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: B REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: H REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: L REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: C REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: F REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: M REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. acetabulum b. calcaneus c. cartilage d. Colles fracture e. comminuted fracture f. epiphysis g. ethmoid bone h. osteogenic sarcoma i. ischium j. malleolus k. myelopoiesis l. occipital bone m. olecranon n. osteodystrophy o. peroneal p. scoliosis q. sphenoid bone

r. spondylolisthesis s. talipes t. trochanter 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Lateral curvature of the spinal column Bat-shaped cranial bone behind the eyes Large process below the neck of the femur End of a long bone Flexible connective tissue at joints Bone break at the wrist Round process on both sides of ankle Forms the back and base of the skull Poor development of bone Pertaining to the smaller lower leg bone Hip socket Thin, delicate cranial bone; supports the nasal cavity Formation of bone marrow Malignant bone tumor Upper part of the hip bone Forward vertebral subluxation Bone is splintered or crushed Heel bone Elbow bone Clubfoot

24. ANS: P REF: p. 597 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 25. ANS: Q REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 583 26. ANS: T OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 27. ANS: F REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 28. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 29. ANS: D REF: p. 601 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 30. ANS: J REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 31. ANS: L OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 32. ANS: N REF: p. 632 | p. 640 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 599 33. ANS: O OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 34. ANS: A REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 35. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 633 | p. 641 36. ANS: K OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

37. ANS: H 38. ANS: I 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

REF: p. 602 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: R REF: p. 598 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: E REF: p. 601 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: B REF: p. 563 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: M REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: S REF: p. 604 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. abduction b. achondroplasia c. ankylosing spondylitis d. arthrodesis e. bunion f. bursa g. dorsiflexion h. electromyography i. hyperuricemia j. leiomyosarcoma k. podagra l. polymyositis m. pyrexia n. rhabdomyosarcoma o. rheumatoid arthritis p. sprain q. strain r. supination s. synovitis t. tendinitis 44. Process of recording the electrical activity of muscles 45. Chronic, progressive arthritis with stiffening of joints (primarily the spine) 46. Bones are fused across the joint space 47. Inflammation of the tissue connecting bones and muscles 48. Bones of the arms and legs fail to grow to normal size (defect in cartilage formation) 49. Bending of the foot backward (upward) 50. Act of turning the palm upward 51. Movement away from the midline of the body 52. Inflammation of the membrane lining the joint 53. Malignant tumor of smooth muscle 54. Trauma to a muscle from violent contraction or excessive stretching 55. Inflammation of many muscles 56. Trauma to a joint due to injury to ligaments 57. Fever 58. Blood condition found in gouty arthritis 59. Malignant tumor of skeletal muscle

60. Chronic disease of joint inflammation (primarily the small joints of the hands and feet); an autoimmune reaction 61. Abnormal swelling of the metatarsophalangeal joint 62. Sac of fluid near a joint 63. Extreme pain of the big toe associated with gouty arthritis REF: p. 622 44. ANS: H OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. 45. ANS: C REF: p. 608 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 46. ANS: D REF: p. 607 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 634 | p. 641 47. ANS: T OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 48. ANS: B REF: p. 606 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 49. ANS: G REF: p. 615 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 615 50. ANS: R OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 51. ANS: A REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 80 | p. 607 52. ANS: S OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 53. ANS: J REF: p. 637 | p. 642 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 54. ANS: Q REF: p. 612 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 55. ANS: L REF: p. 619 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 56. ANS: P REF: p. 612 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 57. ANS: M REF: p. 612 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 58. ANS: I REF: p. 608 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 65 | p. 67 | p. 618 59. ANS: N OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 60. ANS: O REF: p. 608 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 61. ANS: E REF: p. 609 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. ANS: 62. F REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 63. ANS: K REF: p. 608 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the following cranial and facial bones with their meanings. a. frontal bone b. lacrimal bone c. mandible d. maxilla e. occipital bone f. parietal bone g. temporal bone h. zygomatic bone 64. Forms the forehead 65. Cheekbone 66. Upper jaw bone

67. Forms the back and base of the skull 68. Lower jaw bone 69. Forms the roof and upper side of the skull 70. Two paired bones at the corner of each eye 71. Bone near the ear; connected to the lower jaw 64. ANS: A REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 65. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 66. ANS: D REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 67. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 68. ANS: C REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 69. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 70. ANS: B REF: p. 587 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 587 71. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. exostoses b. talipes c. myelopoiesis d. lordosis e. kyphosis f. spondylolisthesis g. scoliosis 72. Lateral curvature of the spine 73. Formation of bone marrow 74. Abnormal anterior curvature of the spine 75. Benign tumors arising from the bone surface 76. Humpback 77. Clubfoot 78. Subluxation of a vertebra 72. ANS: G REF: p. 597 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 633 | p. 641 73. ANS: C OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 74. ANS: D REF: p. 596 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 75. ANS: A REF: p. 600 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 76. ANS: E REF: p. 596 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 77. ANS: B REF: p. 604 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. 78. ANS: F REF: p. 598 OBJ: Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the following terms to the abnormal conditions.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

achondroplasia ankylosing spondylitis bunion carpal tunnel syndrome dislocation ganglion gouty arthritis Lyme disease osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis systemic lupus erythematosus

79. An inherited condition in which bones of the arms and legs fail to grow normally because of a defect in cartilage and bone formation 80. Cystic mass arising from a tendon in the wrist 81. Inflammation of joints caused by accumulation of uric acid 82. Degenerative joint disease; chronic inflammation of bones and joints 83. Chronic, progressive arthritis with stiffening of joints, especially of the spine 84. Compression of the median nerve in the wrist 85. Abnormal swelling of a metatarsophalangeal joint 86. Tick-borne bacterium causes this type of arthritis 87. Chronic joint disease with inflamed and painful joints; marked by swollen and thickened synovial membranes 88. Chronic inflammatory disease affecting skin (red rash on the face), kidneys, heart, and lungs as well as joints 89. Displacement of a bone from its joint 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.



p. 606 p. 610 p. 608 p. 608 p. 608 p. 610 p. 609 p. 612 p. 608 p. 612 p. 610


Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. bending a limb b. movement away from the midline c. movement toward the midline d. circular movement around an axis e. straightening out a limb f. turning the palm downward 90. Extension 91. Rotation

Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Recall pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

92. Flexion 93. Adduction 94. Pronation 95. Abduction 90. ANS: E REF: p. 615 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 91. ANS: D REF: p. 615 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 615 92. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 93. ANS: C REF: p. 615 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 615 94. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 615 95. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. collarbone b. larger of the two lower leg bones c. upper part of the hip bone d. forearm bone (little finger side) e. condition of anterior curvature of the spine f. the elbow g. sac of fluid near joints h. the shaft of a long bone i. a foot bone j. smaller of the two leg bones 96. Ulna 97. Ilium 98. Diaphysis 99. Clavicle 100. Bursa 101. Lordosis 102. Fibula 103. Tibia 104. Olecranon 105. Metatarsal 96. ANS: D REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 593 97. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 98. ANS: H REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 593 99. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 100. ANS: G REF: p. 604

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 596 101. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 102. ANS: J REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 593 103. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 104. ANS: F REF: p. 593 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 593 105. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the explanations with the associated abbreviation. a. the articulation between a bone on the side of the cranium and the lower jaw bone b. a condition affecting the wrist and caused by pressure on a nerve c. bone density test d. medication that treats inflammatory conditions e. autoimmune condition marked by a wolf-like facial rash and joint pain f. bones in the back that are connected to ribs g. process of recording muscle contractions h. chronic inflammatory joint condition marked by damage to articular cartilage and ankylosis in smaller joints of the hands and feet i. type of parenteral injection j. connective tissue joining bones in the anterior portion of the knee 106. ACL 107. RA 108. SLE 109. TMJ 110. DEXA 111. EMG 112. IM 113. T1-T12 114. NSAID 115. CTS 106. ANS: J REF: p. 638 | p. 642 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. 107. ANS: H REF: p. 608 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 612 108. ANS: E OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. 109. ANS: A REF: p. 586 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 621 110. ANS: C OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. 111. ANS: G REF: p. 622 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 623 112. ANS: I OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system.

113. ANS: F REF: p. 589 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. 114. ANS: D REF: p. 623 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 610 115. ANS: B OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. acetabulum b. acromion c. articular cartilage d. calcium e. cancellous bone f. cartilage g. collagen h. compact bone i. condyle j. cranial bones 116. Flexible connective tissue found in the immature skeleton and epiphyseal plate and on joint surfaces 117. Skull bones: ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal 118. Mineral constituent of bone 119. Outward extension of the shoulder bone 120. Spongy, porous bone tissue in the inner part of bone 121. Rounded depression or socket in the pelvis; forms the hip joint 122. Dense, connective tissue protein strands found in bone 123. Knuckle-like process at the end of a bone near a joint 124. Thin layer of cartilage surrounding the bones in a joint space 125. Hard, dense bone tissue usually found around the outer portion of a bone 116. ANS: F REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 117. ANS: J REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 118. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 119. ANS: B REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 120. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 121. ANS: A REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 122. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 123. ANS: I REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 582 124. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 125. ANS: H REF: p. 594

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. diaphysis b. disk (disc) c. epiphysis d. facial bones e. fissure f. fontanelle g. foramen h. fossa i. haversian canals j. malleolus 126. Shallow cavity in a bone 127. Shaft, or midportion, of a long bone 128. Flat, round plate-like structure between two vertebrae 129. Soft spot between the skull bones of an infant 130. Narrow, slit-like opening in or between bones 131. Bones of the face: lacrimal, mandibular, maxillary, nasal, vomer, and zygomatic bones 132. Minute spaces filled with blood vessels; found in compact bone 133. Each end of a long bone 134. Opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave 135. Rounded process on both sides of the ankle joint 126. ANS: H REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 127. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 128. ANS: B REF: p. 594 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 129. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 130. ANS: E REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 131. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 132. ANS: I REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 133. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 134. ANS: G REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 135. ANS: J OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. manubrium b. mastoid process c. medullary cavity

d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

metaphysis olecranon osseous tissue ossification osteoblast osteoclast periosteum

136. Process of bone formation 137. Bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bone tissue 138. Round projection on the temporal bone behind the ear 139. Central hollowed-out area in the shaft of a long bone 140. Upper portion of the sternum 141. Bone cell that helps form bone tissue 142. Membrane surrounding bones 143. Bone tissue 144. Flared portion of a long bone between the diaphysis and the epiphyseal plate 145. Large process on the proximal end of the ulna; part of the elbow joint 136. ANS: G REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 137. ANS: I OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 138. ANS: B REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 139. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 140. ANS: A REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 141. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 142. ANS: J REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 143. ANS: F OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 144. ANS: D REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 145. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. phosphorus b. pubic symphysis c. red bone marrow d. sella turcica e. sinus f. styloid process g. tubercle h. temporomandibular joint i. trabeculae

j. trochanter 146. Soft bone tissue found in cancellous bone; contains hematopoietic stem cells and blood cells 147. Supporting bundles of bony fibers in cancellous bone 148. Depression in the sphenoid bone; location of the pituitary gland 149. Rounded, small process on a bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons 150. Pole-like process extending downward from the temporal bone on each side of the skull 151. Area where the two pubic bones come together in the pelvis 152. Connection on either side of the head between the temporal bone of the skull and the mandibular bone of the jaw 153. Large process at the neck of the femur 154. Mineral substance found in bones in combination with calcium 155. Hollow air cavity within a bone 146. ANS: C REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 147. ANS: I REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 148. ANS: D REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 583 149. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 150. ANS: F REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 151. ANS: B REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 152. ANS: H REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 153. ANS: J REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 154. ANS: A REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 155. ANS: E Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. OBJ:

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. epiphyseal plate b. ribs c. vertebra d. tuberosity e. xiphoid process f. yellow bone marrow 156. Lower, narrow portion of the sternum 157. Rounded process on bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons 158. Twelve pairs of elongated, curved bones that form the chest wall 159. Fatty tissue found in the medullary cavity of most adult long bones 160. Individual backbone 161. Cartilaginous area at the ends of long bones

156. ANS: E REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 157. ANS: D REF: p. 583 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 158. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 159. ANS: F REF: p. 595 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 595 160. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 594 161. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. articulation b. bursa c. ligament d. suture joint e. synovial cavity f. synovial fluid g. synovial joint h. synovial membrane i. tendon 162. Sticky material within the synovial cavity; lubricates the joint space 163. Joint in which opposed surfaces are closely united; motion is minimal 164. Any joint 165. Connective tissue that binds muscles to bones 166. Space between bones at a freely movable joint 167. Lining of the synovial cavity; produces fluid in the joint space 168. Connective tissue binding bones to other bones 169. Sac of fluid near a joint 170. A freely movable joint 162. ANS: F REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 163. ANS: D REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 605 164. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 165. ANS: I REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 605 166. ANS: E OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 167. ANS: H REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 605 168. ANS: C OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 604 169. ANS: B OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

170. ANS: G REF: p. 605 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. adduction b. adduction c. dorsiflexion d. extension e. fascia f. flexion g. insertion of a muscle h. origin of a muscle i. plantar flexion j. pronation k. rotation l. skeletal muscle m. supination n. visceral muscle 171. Bending at a joint 172. Fibrous membrane separating and enveloping muscles 173. Movement away from the midline of the body 174. Bending the sole of the foot downward toward the ground 175. Straightening of a flexed limb 176. Backward bending of the foot 177. Connection of a muscle to a bone that moves 178. Turning the palm downward 179. Connection of a muscle to a stationary bone 180. Movement toward the midline of the body 181. Smooth muscle connected to internal organs 182. Circular movement around a central point 183. Turning the palm upward 184. Striated muscle connected to bones 171. ANS: E REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 172. ANS: F REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 173. ANS: A OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 174. ANS: I REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 175. ANS: D OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 176. ANS: C REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 177. ANS: G OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 178. ANS: J REF: p. 616

OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 179. ANS: H OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 180. ANS: B REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 181. ANS: N OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. 182. ANS: K REF: p. 616 OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 183. ANS: M OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. REF: p. 616 184. ANS: L OBJ: Learn anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

Chapter 16-2: Skin—Part 2 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Impetigo: ANS:

ti REF: p. 692

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

2. Erythema: ANS:

the REF: p. 690

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

3. Eczema: ANS:

ec REF: p. 692

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

4. Pilonidal cyst: ANS:

ni REF: p. 693

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

5. Dermatophytosis: ANS:

to REF: p. 690

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

6. Steatoma: ANS:

to REF: p. 691

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

7. Vitiligo:

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li REF: p. 693

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

8. Sebaceous gland: ANS:

ba REF: p. 691

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

9. Epithelium: ANS:

the REF: p. 690

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

10. Albinism: ANS:

al REF: p. 690

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 11. A. paroncyhia B. paronychia A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, infection of the nail bed REF: p. 662


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

A. pilosebaceous B. pillosebaecous A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, pertaining to hair and sebaceous gland REF: p. 662

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

13. A. subungwnal B. subungual A or B: meaning: ANS:

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B, pertaining to under a nail REF: p. 681 | p. 688


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

A. xanthoma B. xanantoma A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, lipid collection under the skin REF: p. 663


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

A. dermatophytosis B. dermatophitosis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, abnormal condition of fungal infection of the skin REF: p. 662


A. wheel B. wheal A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.



B, smooth, slightly elevated swollen area REF: p. 664


A. verruca B. veruca A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.



A, wart REF: p. 673


A. callis B. callus A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.



B, increased growth in epidermis due to pressure REF: p. 672


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

A. keratosis B. carrotosis

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A or B:



A, thickened area of the epidermis REF: p. 672

20. A. tinnea B. tinea A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.



B, fungal infection of the skin REF: p. 671

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the skin.

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Chapter 18-2: Endocrine System—Part 2 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Glucagon: ANS:

glu REF: p. 793

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

2. Parathormone: ANS:

thor REF: p. 794

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

3. Adenohypophysis: ANS:

poph REF: p. 792

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

4. Testosterone: ANS:

tos REF: p. 794

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

5. Sella turcica: ANS:

sel, tur REF: p. 794

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

6. Goiter: ANS:

goi REF: p. 795

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

7. Exophthalmos: This study source was downloaded by 100000833532717 from CourseHero.com on 10-05-2022 06:23:31 GMT -05:00



thal REF: p. 795

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

8. Homeostasis: ANS:

sta REF: p. 793

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

9. Mineralocorticoid: ANS:

cor REF: p. 793

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

10. Gonadotropin: ANS:

tro REF: p. 793

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 11. A. courtisol B. cortisol A or B:



B, hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex REF: p. 762


A. goiter B. goyter A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.



A, enlargement of the thyroid gland REF: p. 768


A. estrogen B. estrogin A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.



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A, hormone secreted by the ovaries REF: p. 762


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

A. pitiutary gland B. pituitary gland A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, located at the base of the brain REF: p. 761

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

15. A. gonadotrophan B. gonadotropin A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, hormone secreted by the pituitary gland REF: p. 760


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

A. uthyroid B. euthyroid A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, normal thyroid function REF: p. 767


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

A. hypocalemia B. hypokalemia A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, low potassium in the blood REF: p. 765 | p. 767 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.


A. hypophysectomy B. hypophisectomy A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, removal of the pituitary gland REF: p. 786 | p. 790 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

19. A. pancrease

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B. pancreas A or B:



B, endocrine gland behind the stomach REF: p. 761


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

A. corticosteroid B. cortikosteroid A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, type of hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex REF: p. 755

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the endocrine system.

Give the meanings of the following abbreviations for hormones. 21. ACTH: ANS:

adrenocorticotropic hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

22. ADH: ANS:

antidiuretic hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

23. TSH: ANS:

thyroid-stimulating hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

24. PTH: ANS:

parathyroid hormone parathormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

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25. T4: ANS:

tetraiodothyronine thyroxine REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system. 26. T3: ANS:

triiodothyronine REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

27. LH: ANS:

luteinizing hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

28. GH: ANS:

growth hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

Indicate whether the following are related to hyposecretion or hypersecretion (give “hypo” or “hyper”) and identify the endocrine gland involved. 29. Acromegaly—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hyper, adenohypophysis REF: p. 757 | p. 775

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

30. Tetany—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hypo, parathyroid REF: p. 770

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

31. Diabetes mellitus—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:

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hypo, pancreas REF: p. 772

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

32. Graves disease—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hyper, thyroid REF: p. 768

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

33. Myxedema—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hypo, thyroid REF: p. 769

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

34. Cushing syndrome—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hyper, adrenal cortex REF: p. 770

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

35. Cretinism—hyper or hypo:

endocrine gland involved:


hypo, thyroid REF: p. 769

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

Give the meanings for the following conditions. 36. Hyponatremia: ANS:

low levels of sodium in the blood REF: p. 786 | p. 790

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

37. Polydipsia: ANS:

excessive thirst REF: p. 787 | p. 790

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

38. Glycosuria: ANS:

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sugar in the urine REF: p. 786 | p. 790

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

39. Euthyroid: ANS:

normal thyroid function REF: p. 787 | p. 790

OBJ: Recall pathology of the endocrine system.

Give the meanings for the following terms or abbreviations related to diabetes mellitus. 40. Type 1: ANS:

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus REF: p. 772 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

41. Diabetic neuropathy: ANS:

disease of nerves secondary to diabetes mellitus REF: p. 774 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

42. Ketoacidosis: ANS:

abnormal condition of ketones in the blood (acid-forming); complication of diabetes mellitus REF: p. 773 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

43. Type 2: ANS:

non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus REF: p. 773 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

Give the meanings for the following abbreviations. 44. TSH: ANS:

thyroid-stimulating hormone

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REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

45. RAI: ANS:

radioactive iodine REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system. 46. T4: ANS:

thyroxine REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

47. GTT: ANS:

glucose tolerance test REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

48. ACTH: ANS:

adrenocorticotropic hormone REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

49. TFT: ANS:

thyroid function test REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system. 50. Na+: ANS:

sodium REF: p. 779 OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

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Chapter 19-2: Cancer Medicine (Oncology)—Part 2 Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition OTHER

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 1. Papillary: ANS:

pap REF: p. 845

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

2. Exenteration: ANS:

ra REF: p. 843

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

3. Cauterization: ANS:

za REF: p. 843

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

4. Laparoscopy: ANS:

os REF: p. 844

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

5. Anaplasia: ANS:

pla REF: p. 842

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

6. Alkylating: ANS:

al REF: p. 842

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

7. Adjuvant: This study source was downloaded by 100000833532717 from CourseHero.com on 10-05-2022 06:23:35 GMT -05:00



ad REF: p. 842

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

8. Pedunculated: ANS:

dun REF: p. 845

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

9. Antimetabolites: ANS:

ta REF: p. 842

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

10. Mucinous: ANS:

mu REF: p. 844

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

Give meanings for the following terms. 11. adenocarcinoma: ANS:

cancerous tumor of glandular tissue REF: p. 834 | p. 840

OBJ: Learn tumor classifications.

12. osteosarcoma: ANS:

cancerous tumor of bone REF: p. 807

OBJ: Learn tumor classifications.

13. benign: ANS:

harmless; not cancerous REF: p. 820

OBJ: Learn tumor classifications.

14. differentiation:

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specialization of cells REF: p. 820

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

15. neoplasm: ANS:

new growth; tumor REF: p. 821

OBJ: Learn tumor classifications.

16. relapse: ANS:

return of symptoms of disease REF: p. 822

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

17. morbidity: ANS:

the condition of being diseased REF: p. 821

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

18. protocol: ANS:

an explicit, detailed plan for treatment REF: p. 822

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

19. modality: ANS:

method of treatment REF: p. 821

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

20. remission: ANS:

absence of symptoms of disease REF: p. 822

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

21. adjuvant chemotherapy: ANS:

assisting primary drug treatment

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REF: p. 820

OBJ: Learn cancer causes, diagnoses, and treatments.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 22.

A. retinoblastoma B. retinoblasoma A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, malignant tumor of the eye (inherited) REF: p. 804


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

A. metastasis B. matestasis A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, spread of a malignant tumor REF: p. 821

24. A. bengine B. benign A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.



B, harmless; not cancerous REF: p. 820

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

25. A. chemotherapy B. chemotheraphy A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, cancer treatment with drugs REF: p. 820

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

26. A. oncology B. onkocology A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, the study of malignant tumors REF: p. 80 | p. 824


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

A. malignent B. malignant

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A or B:



B, harmful; cancerous REF: p. 821


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

A. carsinoma in situ B. carcinoma in situ A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, localized cancer REF: p. 809

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

29. A. hyperplasia B. hyperplayzea A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, increased growth in numbers of cells REF: p. 115 | p. 825


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

A. displastic B. dysplastic A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, pertaining to abnormal formation of cells REF: p. 835 | p. 840


A. polypoid B. polipoid A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.



A, growths that are projections from a base REF: p. 809

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to oncology.

Give the meaning of the following abbreviations. 32. MoAb: ANS:

monoclonal antibody REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

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33. Gy: ANS:

gray REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

34. VEGF: ANS:

vascular endothelial growth factor REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

35. PSCT: ANS:

peripheral stem cell transplantation REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

36. TNM: ANS:

tumor-node-metastasis REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

37. EPO: ANS:

erythropoietin REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

38. CSF: ANS:

colony-stimulating factor REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

39. XRT: ANS:

radiation therapy REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

40. bx: ANS:

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biopsy REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

41. mets: ANS:

metastases REF: p. 829

OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to oncology.

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Chapter 20: Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. What is the medical specialty that studies the characteristics and uses of radioactive substances in diagnosis of disease? a. Radiology b. Nuclear medicine c. Radiation oncology d. Ultrasonography ANS: B REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

2. What does a radiologist do? a. Treats malignancy with radiation b. Aids a physician in administering x-ray procedures c. Specializes in the practice of administering diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures d. Specializes diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, MRI and CT scans ANS: D REF: p. 850 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

3. Which of the following is true of a radiopaque substance? a. Absorbs most of the x-rays it is exposed to b. Lung tissue is an example c. Is an air-containing structure d. Permits the passage of most x-rays ANS: A

REF: p. 850

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

4. Which BEST describes a barium enema? a. Iodine compound is given and x-rays are taken of the intestinal tract. b. A fluorescent screen is used instead of a photographic plate to visualize images. c. Metallic powder is introduced to the large intestine and x-rays are taken. d. Radioactive substance is given and x-rays are taken. ANS: C REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

5. X-ray of the renal pelvis and urinary tract after injecting dye into a vein: a. Venogram b. IVP c. RP d. Intravenous cholangiogram ANS: B REF: p. 856 | p. 867 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

6. Myelogram is an x-ray of:

a. b. c. d.

Lymphatic vessels Muscles Bone marrow Spinal cord

ANS: D REF: p. 855 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

7. Which is an x-ray of a blood vessel? a. Pneumoencephalogram b. Angiogram c. Arthrogram d. Digital subtraction angiography ANS: B REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

8. Which term describes an x-ray test to show an organ in depth? a. Fluoroscopy b. Tomography c. Ultrasonography d. Arteriography ANS: B REF: p. 862 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

9. What BEST characterizes a CT scan? a. Uses radioactive substances to produce an x-ray image b. Gives a vertical front-to-back image of the body organs c. Magnetic and radio waves are used to create image d. Uses ionizing x-rays and a computer to produce a transverse image of the body organs ANS: D REF: p. 852 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

10. What BEST characterizes an MRI ? a. Sagittal, frontal, and cross-sectional images are produced using magnetic and radio waves b. Sound images are produced in addition to magnetic images c. X-rays and a contrast medium are used d. Radioactive matter enhances x-rays ANS: A REF: p. 858 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

11. In which x-ray view is the patient upright with the back to the x-ray machine and the film to the chest? a. Oblique x-ray view b. Lateral x-ray view c. AP view d. PA view

ANS: D REF: p. 859 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

12. What is the meaning of adduction? a. Bending a part of the body b. Moving the part of the body toward the midline of the body c. Moving the part away from the midline d. Turning inward ANS: B REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

13. What is a substance that gives off high-energy particles or rays? a. Scanner b. Half-life c. Barium d. Radioisotope ANS: D

REF: p. 860

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

14. In which test is a radiopharmaceutical injected intravenously and traced within the vessels of the lung? a. Chest x-ray of the lung b. CT scan of the thoracic cavity c. Perfusion study of the lung d. Ventilation scan of the lung ANS: C REF: p. 862 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

15. What is an in vivo test? a. Experiments are performed in a laboratory b. Radiopharmaceuticals are used c. Radionuclide is incorporated into a chemical substance d. Experiments are performed in a living organism ANS: D REF: p. 861 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

16. What can thyroid scans detect? a. Cirrhosis and splenomegaly due to abscess or tumor b. Blood flow through the heart and large vessels c. Areas of metabolic deficiency in the brain d. Thyroid carcinoma ANS: D REF: p. 863 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

17. Interventional radiologists perform all of the following EXCEPT: a. Administration of radiation therapy b. Placement of drainage catheters c. Occlusion of bleeding vessels d. Instillation of antibiotics or chemotherapy via catheters

ANS: A REF: p. 856 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

18. What is thallium 201? a. Gamma camera b. Contrast material c. Fluorescent material d. Radionuclide ANS: D REF: p. 863 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

19. In which procedure is a transducer used? a. MRI b. Ultrasound c. Bone scan d. CT scan ANS: B REF: p. 856 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

20. PACS is a: a. Radiopharmaceutical used in a PET scan b. Protocol for transmission between imaging devices c. Technique using a radioactive substance and a computer to create threedimensional images d. System to replace traditional films with digital equivalents ANS: D REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

21. FDG is a: a. Radiopharmaceutical used in a PET scan b. Protocol for transmission between imaging devices c. Technique using a radioactive substance and a computer to create threedimensional images d. System to replace traditional films with digital equivalents ANS: A REF: p. 867 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

22. DICOM is a: a. Radiopharmaceutical used in a PET scan b. Protocol for transmission between imaging devices c. Technique using a radioactive substance and a computer to create threedimensional images d. System to replace traditional films with digital equivalents ANS: B REF: p. 867 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

23. SPECT is a:

a. Radiopharmaceutical used in a PET scan b. Protocol for transmission between imaging devices c. Technique using a radioactive substance and a computer to create threedimensional images d. System to replace traditional films with digital equivalents ANS: C REF: p. 867 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 24. X-ray imaging of the spinal cord: a. myleography b. myelography c. mielography ANS: B REF: p. 855 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

25. Moving toward the midline: a. abduction b. adduckshun c. adduction ANS: C REF: p. 860 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

26. Lying down position: a. rekumbent b. recumbant c. recumbent ANS: C REF: p. 860 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

27. Lying on the back: a. supine b. soupine c. suppine ANS: A REF: p. 860 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

28. Obstructing the passage of x-rays: a. radiopaquie b. radiopaque c. radioopaque ANS: B REF: p. 850 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

29. X-ray of the renal pelvis: a. pyleogram

b. pyelogram c. pyilogram ANS: B REF: p. 866 | p. 877 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

30. X-ray record of vessels: a. anjiogram b. angeiogram c. angiogram ANS: C REF: p. 854 | p. 866 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

31. Radioactive form of a substance: a. radioisotope b. radioiceotope c. radioisotop ANS: A REF: p. 860 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

32. Lying on the belly: a. prone b. proone c. pron ANS: A REF: p. 860 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. adduction b. cholangiography c. nuclear medicine d. computed tomography e. echocardiography f. eversion g. ionization h. hysterosalpingogram i. in vitro j. in vivo k. lateral decubitus l. intravenous pyelogram m. positron emission tomography n. radioisotope o. radiolucent p. radiopaque q. radiopharmaceutical r. scintigraphy

s. therapeutic t. uptake 1. Turning outward 2. Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substances (radionuclides) in diagnosis of disease 3. Measurement or observation within a living organism 4. Permitting the passage of most x-rays 5. Rate of absorption of a radionuclide into an organ or tissue 6. A procedure in which something is measured or observed outside a living organism 7. Transformation of electrically neutral substances into electrically charged particles 8. A radioactive form of a substance 9. Process (two dimensional) used to detect radioactivity emitted in diagnostic imaging 10. X-ray record of the uterus and fallopian tubes 11. Movement toward the midline of the body 12. Radioactive substances produce cross-sectional images of regions of the body 13. Radioactive drug (radionuclide plus chemical) that is administered for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes 14. Pertaining to treatment 15. Obstructing the passage of x-rays 16. Diagnostic x-ray procedure in which cross-sectional images are made of specific body segments 17. X-ray record of the renal pelvis 18. Process of recording x-ray images of bile vessels 19. X-ray position; lying down and on one’s side 20. Process of recording sound waves in order to produce an image of the heart 1. ANS: F REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 2. ANS: C REF: p. 850 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 3. ANS: J REF: p. 860 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 4. ANS: O REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. 5. ANS: T REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 6. ANS: I REF: p. 860 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 7. ANS: G REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. 8. ANS: N REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 9. ANS: R REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 10. ANS: H REF: p. 855 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 11. ANS: A REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 12. ANS: M REF: p. 862 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

13. ANS: Q REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 14. ANS: S REF: p. 85 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 15. ANS: P REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. 16. ANS: D REF: p. 852 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 17. ANS: L REF: p. 856 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 18. ANS: B REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 19. ANS: K REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 20. ANS: E REF: p. 873 | p. 875 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

Match the special diagnostic techniques with their correct definitions. a. nuclear medicine b. computed tomography c. contrast studies d. lymphoscintigraphy e. interventional radiology f. magnetic resonance imaging g. positron emission tomography h. ultrasonography 21. Radiopaque substances are given and x-rays taken 22. Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substances (radionuclides) in diagnosis of disease 23. Radioactive substance is given intravenously and a cross-sectional image is created of cellular metabolism based on local concentration of the radioactive substance 24. Echoes of high-frequency sound waves are used to diagnose disease 25. This type of nuclear medicine imaging provides pictures of the lymphatic system 26. A magnetic field and radio waves are used to form images of the body 27. X-ray pictures are taken circularly around an area of the body and a computer synthesizes the information into a composite axial picture 28. Therapeutic or diagnostic procedures performed by a radiologist. Examples are needle biopsy of a mass and drainage of an abscess, typically under the guidance of CT 21. ANS: C 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: A REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: G REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: H REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: D REF: p. 862 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: F REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 28. ANS: E REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

27. ANS: B

Match the parts of the body that are imaged with the correct diagnostic tests. a. bile vessels (ducts) b. spinal cord c. uterus and fallopian tubes d. blood vessels e. esophagus, stomach, and small intestine f. lower gastrointestinal tract g. renal pelvis of kidney and urinary tract h. lymphatic system 29. Myelography 30. Pyelography 31. Angiography 32. Hysterosalpingography 33. Upper GI series 34. Cholangiography 35. Barium enema 36. Lymphoscintigraphy 29. ANS: B 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

REF: p. 855 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: G REF: p. 856 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: D REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: C REF: p. 855 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: E REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: A REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: F REF: p. 854 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. ANS: H REF: p. 862 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

Match the meanings with their correct terms. a. turning outward b. lying on one’s belly; face down c. bending a part of the body d. lying on one’s back e. radionuclides are used as tags attached to chemicals and followed throughout the body f. test of blood flow to heart muscle

g. h. i. j.

lengthening or straightening a flexed limb carrying a limb away from the body positioned at an angle transformation of electrically neutral substances into electrically charged particles

37. Flexion 38. Extension 39. Prone 40. Abduction 41. Supine 42. Eversion 43. Oblique 44. Ionization 45. Tracer studies 46. Technetium 99m 37. ANS: C

REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 860 38. ANS: G OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 39. ANS: B REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 860 40. ANS: H OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 41. ANS: D REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 860 42. ANS: A OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 43. ANS: I REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn x-ray views and patient positions used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 44. ANS: J REF: p. 861 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. REF: p. 861 45. ANS: E OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine. 46. ANS: F REF: p. 860 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. in vivo b. computed tomography (CT) c. contrast studies d. labeled compound e. in vitro f. gamma camera g. gamma rays h. half-life i. interventional radiology j. ionization 47. Time required for a radioactive substance to lose half its radioactivity by disintegration 48. Radiopharmaceutical; used in nuclear medicine studies

49. High energy rays emitted by radioactive substances 50. Process, test, or procedure is performed, measured, or observed within a living organism 51. Therapeutic procedures performed by a radiologist 52. Transformation of electrically neutral substances into electrically charged particles 53. Diagnostic x-ray procedure whereby a cross-sectional and other images of a specific body segment are produced 54. Materials are injected to obtain contrast with surrounding tissue when shown on x-ray film 55. Machine to detect gamma rays emitted from radiopharmaceuticals during scanning for diagnostic purposes 56. Process, test or procedure is performed, measured, or observed outside a living organism, in a test tube 47. ANS: H 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: D REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: G REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: A REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: I REF: p. 864 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: J REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. ANS: B REF: p. 864 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: C REF: p. 864 OBJ: Learn diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: F REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. ANS: E REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. in vitro b. in vivo c. labeled compound d. magnetic resonance (MR) e. nuclear medicine f. positron emission tomography (PET) g. radioimmunoassay h. radioisotope i. radiology j. radiolucent 57. Permitting the passage of x-rays 58. Process, test or procedure performed, measured or observed in a living organism 59. Radioactive substance is given intravenously and a cross-sectional image is created of cellular metabolism based on local concentration of the radioactive substance 60. Process, test, or procedure performed, measured or observed outside a living organism 61. Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substances in diagnosis of disease

62. Magnetic field and radio waves produce images of the body in three planes (coronal, sagittal, and axial) 63. Radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine studies 64. Test that combines radioactive chemicals and antibodies to detect minute quantities of substances in a patient’s blood 65. Radioactive form of an element; radionuclide 66. Medical specialty concerned with the study of x-rays and their use in the diagnosis of disease 57. ANS: J REF: p. 865 OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays. 58. ANS: B REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 59. ANS: F REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 864 60. ANS: A OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 61. ANS: E REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 865 62. ANS: D OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 63. ANS: C REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 865 64. ANS: G OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 65. ANS: H REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. REF: p. 865 66. ANS: I OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Match the terms with their correct meanings. a. radiopaque b. radiopharmaceutical c. scan d. half-life e. transducer f. tagging g. ultrasound h. uptake i. ventilation/perfusion studies j. single-photon emission computed tomography 67. Rate of absorption of a radionuclide into an organ or tissue 68. Image of an area, organ or tissue obtained from ultrasound, radioactive tracer studies, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging 69. Handheld device that sends and receives ultrasound signals 70. Attaching a radionuclide to a chemical and following its path in the body 71. Radiopharmaceutical is inhaled and injected intravenously followed by imaging its passage through the respiratory tract 72. Obstructing the passage of x-rays 73. Diagnostic technique that projects and retrieves high-frequency sound waves as they echo off parts of the body

74. Radioactive tracer is injected intravenously and a computer reconstructs a three-dimensional image based on a composite of many views 75. Radioactive drug (radionuclide plus chemical) is administered for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes 76. Time required for a radioactive substance to lose half its radioactivity by disintegration 67. ANS: H REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 68. ANS: C REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 69. ANS: E REF: p. 856 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 70. ANS: F REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 71. ANS: I REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 72. ANS: A REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 73. ANS: G REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis. 74. ANS: J REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 75. ANS: B REF: p. 865 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 76. ANS: D REF: p. 864 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine. OTHER

Give the medical terms from their definitions and word parts. 1. Obstructing the passage of x-rays: radio ANS:

paque REF: p. 865

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

2. Permitting the passage of x-rays: radio ANS:

lucent REF: p. 865

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

3. Aids physicians in performing ultrasound procedures:



sono REF: p. 850

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

4. Radioactive element that gives off energy in the form of radiation: radio ANS:

nuclide isotope REF: p. 865

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

5. Radioactive drug administered for diagnostic purposes: radio ANS:

pharmaceutical REF: p. 865

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

6. Transformation of stable substances into changed particles:



ion REF: p. 865

OBJ: Learn the physical properties of x-rays.

7. A physician who specializes in diagnostic radiology: radi ANS:

ologist REF: p. 850

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

8. Study of uses of radioactive substances in the diagnosis of disease:



nuclear REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Complete the following medical terms from their definitions. 9. X-ray record of the urinary tract:



uro REF: p. 856 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

10. X-ray record of the bile vessels: ANS:



REF: p. 854 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

11. A radioactive drug used in diagnosis of disease: radio ANS:

pharmaceutical REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

12. X-ray record of the uterus and the fallopian tubes:



hysterosalpingo REF: p. 855 | p. 866 OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

13. Study of x-rays:



radi roentgen REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

14. Permitting the passage of x-rays: radio ANS:

lucent REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

15. The process of using x-rays to produce a fluorescent image on an image intensifier: scopy ANS:

fluoro REF: p. 865

OBJ: Recall medical terms related to radioactivity and disease diagnosis.

Give meanings for the following combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes. 16. is/o: ANS:

same REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

17. pharmaceut/o:


drug REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

18. radi/o: ANS:

x-rays REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

19. son/o: ANS:

sound REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

20. therapeut/o: ANS:

treatment REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

21. vitr/o: ANS:

glass REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

22. viv/:



life REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

23. -gram: ANS:


REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

24. -graphy: ANS:

process of recording REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

25. -lucent: ANS:

to shine REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

26. -opaque: ANS:

obscure REF: p. 866 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

27. echo-: ANS:

a repeated sound REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

28. ultra-: ANS:

beyond REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (For example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 29. Radioisotope: ANS:

is REF: p. 877

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

30. Ultrasonography: ANS:

nog REF: p. 878

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

31. Angiogram: ANS:

an REF: p. 876

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

32. Supine: ANS:

su REF: p. 878

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

33. Recumbent: ANS:

cum REF: p. 878

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

34. Echocardiography: ANS:

og REF: p. 876

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

35. Ionization: ANS:

za REF: p. 877

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

36. Posteroanterior: ANS:

te REF: p. 877

37. Decubitus:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.


cu REF: p. 876

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 38.

A. therapeutic B. therapreutic A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, pertaining to treatment REF: p. 85 | p. 866 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

39. A. colangiography B. cholangiography A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, x-ray record of the bile vessels REF: p. 854


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

A. radionuclide B. radioneuclide A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, radioactive chemical that gives off energy in the form of radiation; radioisotope REF: p. 865


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

A. radiolucent B. radiolucant A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, permitting the passage of most x-rays REF: p. 865


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

A. anterioposterior B. anteroposterior A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, pertaining to the front and the back REF: p. 859

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.


A. transducer B. transduser A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, device that sends and receives ultrasound signals REF: p. 856


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

A. radiopharmaceutical B. radiopharmaseutical A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, a radioactive drug that is given for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes REF: p. 865


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

A. traser studies B. tracer studies A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, radionuclides are used as labels and traced within the body REF: p. 865


A. in vetro B. in vitro A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.



B, tests are done outside a living organism REF: p. 864

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Give the meanings for the following medical terms. 47. In vitro: ANS:

test in which something is measured or observed outside a living organism REF: p. 864 OBJ: Use medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine in medical reports and records.

48. In vivo: ANS:

test in which something is measured or observed in a living organism

REF: p. 864 OBJ: Use medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine in medical reports and records.

49. Radiopharmaceutical: ANS:

a radioactive drug that is given safely for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes REF: p. 865 OBJ: Use medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine in medical reports and records.

50. Bone scan: ANS:

radioisotope is administered and traced within the bones REF: p. 861 OBJ: Use medical terms related to radiology and nuclear medicine in medical reports and records.

Give the meanings for the following medical terms. 51. MRI: ANS:

magnetic resonance imaging REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

52. IVP: ANS:

intravenous pyelogram REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

53. CXR: ANS:

chest x-ray REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 54. U/S: ANS:

ultrasound REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

55. PA: ANS:

posteroanterior REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

56. PET: ANS:

positron emission tomography REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

57. PACS: ANS:

picture archival and communications system REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.


digital image communication in medicine REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

59. AP: ANS:

anteroposterior REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

60. KUB: ANS:

kidneys, ureters, bladder REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

61. LAT: ANS:

lateral REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine. 62. 131I: ANS:

radioactive iodine REF: p. 867 OBJ: Recall word parts and abbreviations related to radiology and nuclear medicine.

Chapter 21: Pharmacology Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Study of the interaction of drugs and subcellular entities such as enzymes and DNA is called: a. Medicinal chemistry b. Pharmacodynamics c. Chemotherapy d. Molecular pharmacology e. Pharmacokinetics ANS: D

REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

2. Finding proper antidotes to the harmful effects of drugs is part of the specialty of: a. Molecular pharmacology b. Toxicology c. Medicinal chemistry d. Pharmacodynamics e. Pharmacokinetics ANS: B

REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

3. An example of a drug generic name is: a. Omnipen b. Amoxicillin c. Aminopenicillanic acid d. Polycillin e. Principen ANS: B

REF: p. 883

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

4. U.S. agency that holds the legal responsibility for deciding whether a drug may be distributed and sold: a. PDR b. United States Pharmacopeia c. National Institutes of Health d. Hospital Formulary e. FDA ANS: E REF: p. 883 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

5. The combination of two drugs can cause an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each; this action is termed: a. Iatrogenic b. Additive action c. Tolerance d. Synergism e. Idiosyncrasy


REF: p. 886

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

6. Drug administration route with insertion of suppositories: a. Parenteral b. Rectal c. Inhalation d. Topical e. Oral ANS: B

REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

7. Drug administration route in which a medicine is swallowed and absorbed through the intestinal tract: a. Parenteral b. Rectal c. Inhalation d. Topical e. Oral ANS: E

REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

8. Drug administration route in which a medicine is injected through a syringe into a muscle, vein, or body cavity: a. Parenteral b. Rectal c. Inhalation d. Topical e. Oral ANS: A

REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

9. Drug administration route with aerosols: a. Parenteral b. Rectal c. Inhalation d. Topical e. Oral ANS: C

REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

10. Drug administration route for medication applied on the skin: a. Parenteral b. Rectal c. Inhalation d. Topical e. Oral ANS: D

REF: p. 885

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

11. Anaphylaxis: a. A type of hypersensitivity reaction b. A set of factors in the patient’s condition that make use of a drug dangerous

c. A condition produced by the treatment d. A pattern of toxic effects that routinely result from use of a drug e. An antipruritic and antiseptic drug ANS: A

REF: p. 886

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

12. Drugs that block release of a substance involved in producing allergic reactions: a. Anticoagulants b. Antidiabetics c. Anticonvulsants d. Antihistamines e. Anesthetics ANS: D

REF: p. 891

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

13. Morphine:

a. b. c. d. e.

Endocrine drug Cardiovascular drug Analgesic drug Stimulant drug Anticoagulant drug


REF: p. 887

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

14. Beta-blocker: a. Endocrine drug b. Cardiovascular drug c. Analgesic drug d. Stimulant drug e. Anticoagulant drug ANS: B

REF: p. 892

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

15. Heparin: a. Endocrine drug b. Cardiovascular drug c. Analgesic drug d. Stimulant drug e. Anticoagulant drug ANS: E

REF: p. 888

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

16. Estrogen: a. Endocrine drug b. Cardiovascular drug c. Analgesic drug d. Stimulant drug e. Anticoagulant drug ANS: A

REF: p. 893

17. Amphetamine and caffeine: a. Endocrine drugs

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

b. c. d. e.

Cardiovascular drugs Analgesic drugs Stimulant drugs Anticoagulant drugs


REF: p. 896

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

18. A diuretic exerts its effect by: a. Lowering blood pressure by promoting fluid excretion from the kidney b. Widening blood vessels c. Stopping blood clotting d. Decreasing cholesterol levels e. Increasing blood pressure by holding water in the body ANS: A

REF: p. 892

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

REF: p. 889

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

19. Penicillin: a. Antihistamine b. Analgesic c. Antiemetic d. Antibiotic e. Hypnotic ANS: D

20. Drug that works against fever: a. Antipruritic b. Antipyretic c. Anesthetic d. Anticoagulant e. Hypnotic ANS: B REF: p. 912 | p. 915 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

21. Drugs that control anxiety and severe disturbances of behavior: a. Sedatives b. Anticonvulsants c. Analgesics d. Tranquilizers e. Anesthetics ANS: D

REF: p. 896

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

22. Drugs that promote relaxation without necessarily producing sleep: a. Sedatives b. Anticonvulsants c. Analgesics d. Tranquilizers e. Anesthetics ANS: A

REF: p. 890

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

23. Drugs used to relieve pain, induce sleep, and suppress cough: a. Sedatives b. Anticonvulsants c. Analgesics d. Tranquilizers e. Anesthetics ANS: C

REF: p. 887

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

24. Drugs that produce loss of sensation throughout the entire body: a. Sedatives b. Anticonvulsants c. Analgesics d. Tranquilizers e. Anesthetics ANS: E

REF: p. 888

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

25. Drugs used to treat epilepsy: a. Sedatives b. Anticonvulsants c. Analgesics d. Tranquilizers e. Anesthetics ANS: B

REF: p. 889

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Select the term that is spelled correctly. 26. Agent that excites and promotes activity: a. stimulent b. stimulant c. stimolent ANS: B REF: p. 900 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

27. Drug that promotes vomiting: a. emetic b. enemetic c. emetik ANS: A REF: p. 900 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

28. Drug that relieves chest pain: a. anteanginal b. anteanjinal c. antianginal ANS: C REF: p. 884 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

29. Hypersensitivity reaction: a. anaphilaxis b. anaphylaxis c. antiphylaxis ANS: B REF: p. 897 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

30. Administration route for drugs given by injection: a. parenteral b. parinteral c. parentarol ANS: A REF: p. 897 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

31. Legal, noncommercial name for a drug: a. genareic b. generic c. jeneric ANS: B REF: p. 897 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

32. Harmful effects of a drug: a. toxcitity b. toxicity c. toxicitiy ANS: B REF: p. 898 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

33. Drug that relieves pain: a. analjesic b. anesthetic c. analgesic ANS: C REF: p. 899 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

34. Drugs that are applied locally on the skin: a. topical b. typoical c. typical ANS: A REF: p. 898 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

35. Drug that restores heart to a regular cycle: a. antirhhytmic b. antiarrhythmic c. antiarryhthmic ANS: B

REF: p. 899

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology. MATCHING

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. aerosol b. amphetamine c. anticonvulsant d. antidote e. antihistamine f. antinauseant g. antipyretic h. bactericidal i. benzodiazepine j. beta-blocker k. bronchodilator l. cathartic m. contraindication n. erythromycin o. idiosyncrasy p. intrathecal q. parenteral r. synergism s. syringe t. toxicity 1. Unexpected effect produced in a sensitive individual, but not seen in most patients 2. Agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of a drug 3. Harmful effects of a drug 4. Drug action in which the combination of two drugs causes an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each drug alone 5. Central nervous system stimulant 6. Drug that relieves constipation 7. Drug that stops the action of epinephrine at sites on receptors of heart muscle cells 8. Drug that lowers body temperature 9. Antibiotic substance 10. Pertaining to delivery of a drug within the membranes lining the spinal cord 11. Factor in the patient’s condition that prevents the use of a drug or treatment 12. Drug that acts as a sedative 13. Pertaining to killing microorganisms 14. Drug that prevents abnormal brain activity 15. Drug that opens airways 16. Particles of drug suspended in air 17. Tube for introducing or withdrawing fluids 18. Drug that prevents vomiting and nausea 19. Pertaining to giving a drug by injection into skin, muscle, or vein 20. Drug that blocks the action of histamine and helps prevent symptoms of allergy

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

ANS: O REF: p. 897 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: D REF: p. 897 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: T REF: p. 898 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: R REF: p. 898 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: B REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: L REF: p. 900 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: J REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. ANS: G REF: p. 912 | p. 915 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 9. ANS: N REF: p. 889 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 10. ANS: P REF: p. 884 OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration. 11. ANS: M REF: p. 897 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 12. ANS: I REF: p. 896 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 13. ANS: H REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 14. ANS: C REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 15. ANS: K REF: p. 895 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 16. ANS: A REF: p. 897 OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration. 17. ANS: S REF: p. 898 OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration. 18. ANS: F REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. 19. ANS: Q REF: p. 897 OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration. 20. ANS: E REF: p. 899 OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match each description/example drug with the correct drug class. a. drug that relieves allergic symptoms b. penicillin or erythromycin c. barbiturate d. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug e. phenothiazines f. caffeine or amphetamines g. insulin 21. Antihistamine 22. Analgesic 23. Stimulant 24. Sedative 25. Tranquilizer 26. Antidiabetic 27. Antibiotic 21. ANS: A 22. ANS: D 23. ANS: F 24. ANS: C 25. ANS: E 26. ANS: G 27. ANS: B


p. 899 p. 899 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 899 p. 899


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match each drug or drug type/class with its correct definition. a. antianginal

b. c. d. e. f. g.

digoxin antihypertensive cholesterol-lowering drug vasodilator diuretic vasoconstrictor

28. Drug that widens blood vessels 29. Drug that reduces blood pressure 30. Drug that strengthens the force and efficiency of the heartbeat 31. Drug that narrows blood vessels 32. Drug that prevents chest pain due to ischemia 33. Drug that reduces lipids in blood 34. Drug that promotes excretion of urine, lowering blood pressure 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.



p. 902 p. 886 p. 892 p. 902 p. 884 p. 900 p. 900


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the conditions with the drugs/drug classes used in their treatment. a. myalgia b. epilepsy c. epigastric discomfort d. thrombosis e. bacterial pneumonia f. congestive heart failure g. high blood pressure h. abnormal uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance i. severe behavior disturbances and anxiety j. anaphylaxis 35. Anticonvulsant 36. Anticoagulant 37. Antacid 38. Antibiotic 39. Tranquilizer 40. Analgesic 41. Digoxin 42. Antihistamine 43. Antihypertensive 44. Progestins 35. ANS: B 36. ANS: D 37. ANS: C

REF: p. 889 REF: p. 888 REF: p. 894

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.



p. 888 p. 896 p. 887 p. 892 p. 891 p. 886 p. 893


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the descriptions/definitions with the correct terms. a. effect with combination of two similar drugs that is equal to the sum of the effects of each b. agent that lowers blood pressure by increasing the release of urine c. habit-forming drug that produces sleep and stupor d. central nervous system stimulant e. drug that relieves pain f. pertaining to under the skin g. drug that relieves constipation h. agent that acts against vomiting i. harmful effects of a drug j. antibiotic 45. Amphetamine 46. Antiemetic 47. Diuretic 48. Narcotic 49. Hypodermic 50. Erythromycin 51. Laxative 52. Analgesic 53. Toxicity 54. Additive action 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.



p. 899 p. 899 p. 900 p. 900 p. 884 p. 889 p. 894 p. 887 p. 898 p. 897


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the terms with their correct definitions/descriptions. a. addiction b. additive action c. aerosol d. anaphylaxis e. antagonistic action

f. g. h. i. j.

antidote brand name chemical name generic name contraindication

55. Commercial name for a drug; trademark or trade name 56. Exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered drug or foreign protein 57. Physical and psychological dependence on and craving for a drug 58. Particles of a drug suspended in air 59. Chemical formula for a drug 60. Factor in the patient’s condition that prevents the use of a particular drug or treatment 61. Legal, noncommercial name for a drug 62. Effect with a combination of two drugs that is less than an additive effect 63. Agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of a drug 64. Drug action in which the combination of two similar drugs is equal to the sum of the effects of each 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.



p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall the routes of drug administration. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the terms with their correct definitions/descriptions. a. iatrogenic b. idiosyncrasy c. inhalation d. medicinal chemistry e. molecular pharmacology f. oral administration g. parenteral administration h. pharmacist i. pharmacy j. pharmacodynamics 65. Study of new drug synthesis; relationship between chemical structure and biologic effects 66. Condition caused by treatment given by physicians or other medical personnel 67. Giving drugs by mouth 68. Administration of drugs in gaseous or vapor form through the nose or mouth 69. Giving drugs by injection into the skin, muscles, or veins 70. Study of interaction of drugs and their target molecules, enzymes, or cell surface receptors 71. Location for preparing and dispensing drugs 72. Specialist in preparing and dispensing drugs

73. Unexpected effect produced in a particularly sensitive individual but not seen in most patients 74. Study of the effects and strength of a drug within the body 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.



p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 897 p. 898 p. 898 p. 897 p. 898


Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall the routes of drug administration. Recall the routes of drug administration. Recall the routes of drug administration. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. pharmacokinetics b. pharmacology c. Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) e. receptor f. rectal administration g. side effect h. sublingual administration i. synergism j. syringe 75. Giving drugs by insertion through the anus into the rectum 76. Study of the preparation, properties, uses, and actions of drugs 77. Target substance with which a drug interacts in the body 78. Instrument for introducing or withdrawing fluids from the body 79. Effect with a combination of two drugs that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each drug alone 80. Book that lists and describes drug products 81. Calculation of drug concentration in tissues and body fluids over a period of time 82. Governmental agency that has the legal responsibility for enforcing proper drug manufacture and clinical use 83. Giving drugs by placement under the tongue 84. Adverse reaction that routinely results from use of a drug 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.



p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898


Recall the routes of drug administration. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall the routes of drug administration. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Recall the routes of drug administration. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. tolerance b. topical application c. toxicity d. toxicology e. analgesic f. vitamin g. amphetamine h. anesthetic i. angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor j. antacid 85. Drug that relieves pain 86. Substance found in foods and essential in small quantities for growth and good health 87. Harmful effects of a drug 88. Larger and larger drug doses must be given to achieve the desired effect 89. Study of harmful chemicals and their effects on the body 90. Central nervous system stimulant 91. Drug that reduces or eliminates sensation 92. Drug that lowers blood pressure 93. Drug that neutralizes acid in the stomach 94. Administration of drugs by local application on the skin or mucous membranes of the body 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.



p. 899 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 898 p. 899 p. 899 p. 899 p. 899 p. 898


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall the routes of drug administration.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. antibiotic b. beta-blocker c. bisphosphonate d. caffeine e. calcium channel blocker f. cathartic g. diuretic h. emetic i. glucocorticoid j. hypnotic 95. Drug that promotes vomiting 96. Drug that produces sleep or a trance-like state

97. Drug that prevents bone loss and osteopenia 98. Drug that relieves constipation 99. Antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, and antianginal drug; blocks receptors in blood vessels 100. Hormone from the adrenal cortex that raises blood sugar and reduces inflammation 101. Drug that increases production of urine and thereby reduces the volume of blood in the body; lowers blood pressure 102. Central nervous system stimulant 103. Drug produced by a plant or microorganism that has the ability to inhibit or destroy foreign organisms 104. Drug that blocks the entrance of calcium into heart muscle and lining of blood vessels; antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic, and antianginal drug 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104.



p. 900 p. 900 p. 899 p. 900 p. 899 p. 900 p. 900 p. 899 p. 899 p. 899


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

Match the terms with their correct descriptions/definitions. a. narcotic b. progestin c. purgative d. sedative e. stimulant f. tranquilizer g. antihistamine h. antiplatelet i. aromatase inhibitor j. thyroid hormone 105. Reduces estrogen in the blood by blocking an enzyme 106. Reduces the ability of thrombocytes to stick together and form a clot 107. Drug that excites and promotes activity; caffeine and amphetamines are examples 108. Drug that controls anxiety and sever disturbances of behavior 109. Drug that relieves constipation; strong cathartic and laxative 110. Habit-forming drug that relieves pain by producing stupor or insensibility; morphine and opium are examples 111. Secretion from an endocrine gland in the neck; stimulates cellular metabolism 112. Female hormone that stimulates the uterine lining during pregnancy 113. A mildly hypnotic drug that promotes relaxation without necessarily producing sleep 114. Drug that acts to prevent symptoms of allergy 105. ANS: I 106. ANS: H

REF: p. 899 REF: p. 899

OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. OBJ: Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.

107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.



p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900 p. 900


Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects. Recall drug classes, actions, and side effects.


Name the pharmacologic specialties from their descriptions. 1. Study of how drugs interact with subcellular parts: ANS:

molecular pharmacology REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

2. Use of drugs in the treatment of disease: ANS:

chemotherapy REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

3. Study of the harmful effects of drugs: ANS:

toxicology REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

4. Study of drug effects in the body: ANS:

pharmacodynamics REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

5. Measurement of drug concentrations in tissues and in blood over time: ANS:

pharmacokinetics REF: p. 882

OBJ: Learn the subspecialties of pharmacology.

Name the routes of drug administration from their descriptions. 6. Drug is administered via suppository or fluid into the anus:


rectal REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

7. Drug is administered via vapor or gas into the nose or mouth: ANS:

inhalation REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

8. Drug is administered under the tongue: ANS:

sublingual REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

9. Drug is applied locally on skin or mucous membrane: ANS:

topical REF: p. 885

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

10. Drug is given by mouth and absorbed through the stomach or intestine: ANS:

oral REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

11. Drug is injected via syringe under the skin, into a vein, muscle, or cavity: ANS:

parenteral REF: p. 884

OBJ: Recall the routes of drug administration.

Complete the following medical terms from their definitions. 12. Pertaining to an agent that reduces fever: anti ANS:

pyretic REF: p. 901 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

13. An agent that prevents or delays blood clotting: anti


coagulant REF: p. 899 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

14. Administration of drugs other than through the intestinal tract, such as into the skin, muscles, or veins: par ANS:

enteral REF: p. 884 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

15. Hormone from the adrenal cortex that raises blood sugar: gluco ANS:

corticoid REF: p. 900 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

16. Agent that lowers blood pressure: anti ANS:

hypertensive REF: p. 886 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

17. Study of poisonous effects of drugs:



toxic REF: p. 882 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

18. Pertaining to within a sheath or within the membranes surrounding the spinal cord: intra ANS:

thecal REF: p. 884 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

Give meanings for the following combining forms. 19. aer/o:


air REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

20. alges/o: ANS:

sensitivity to pain REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

21. bronch/o: ANS:

bronchial tube REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

22. chem/o: ANS:

drug REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

23. cras/o: ANS:

mixture REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

24. cutane/o: ANS:

skin REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

25. derm/o: ANS:

skin REF: p. 901

26. enter/o: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

27. erg/o: ANS:

work REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

28. esthesi/o: ANS:

feeling sensation REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

29. hist/o: ANS:

tissue REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

30. hypn/o: ANS:

sleep REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

31. iatr/o: ANS:

physician treatment REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

32. lingu/o: ANS:

tongue REF: p. 901

33. myc/o: ANS:

mold fungus

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

34. narc/o: ANS:

stupor REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

35. or/o: ANS:

mouth REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

36. pharmac/o: ANS:

drug REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

37. prurit/o: ANS:

itching REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

38. thec/o: ANS:

sheath sheath of brain and spinal cord REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

39. pyret/o: ANS:

fever REF: p. 901

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

40. tox/o: ANS:

poison REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

41. vas/o: ANS:

vessel REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

42. ven/o: ANS:

vein REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

43. vit/o: ANS:

life REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

Give meanings for the following suffixes and prefixes. 44. -dote: ANS:

what is given REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

45. -phylaxis: ANS:

protection REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

46. ana-: ANS:

upward excessive again REF: p. 902

47. anti-: ANS:


OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

48. contra-: ANS:

against opposite REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

49. syn-: ANS:

together with REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

50. par-: ANS:

other than apart from REF: p. 902

OBJ: Use word parts to build and define terms related to pharmacology.

Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en). 51. Antiarrhythmic: ANS:

rhy REF: p. 916

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

52. Anaphylaxis: ANS:

lak REF: p. 916

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

53. Idiosyncrasy: ANS:

syn REF: p. 918

54. Synergistic:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.


gis REF: p. 919

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

55. Pharmacokinetics: ANS:

net REF: p. 918

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

56. Antihistamine: ANS:

his REF: p. 917

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

57. Cathartic: ANS:

thar REF: p. 917

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

58. Antidote: ANS:

an REF: p. 916

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

59. Intrathecal: ANS:

the REF: p. 918

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

60. Generic name: ANS:

ne REF: p. 918

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning. 61.

A. areolsol B. aerosol A or B:



B, particles of drug suspended in air REF: p. 897


A. antacid B. antiacid A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



A, drug that neutralizes acid in the stomach REF: p. 899


A. antedote B. antidote A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



B, agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of a drug REF: p. 897


OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

A. antipyretic B. antepyretic A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, drug given against fever REF: p. 912 | p. 915 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.


A. cartharic B. carthartic A or B: meaning: ANS:

B, drug that relieves constipation REF: p. 900


A. hypnotic B. hipnotic A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



A, agent that produces sleep REF: p. 900

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.


A. iatrogenic B. iatragenic A or B: meaning: ANS:

A, an effect that is produced as a result of mistakes in drug use or of individual sensitivity to a drug REF: p. 897


A. caffiene B. caffeine A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



B, central nervous system stimulant REF: p. 899


A. syringe B. syrinje A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



A, instrument for introducing or withdrawing fluid REF: p. 898


A. tolerence B. tolerance A or B:

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.



B, drug action in which larger and larger doses must be given to achieve the desired effect REF: p. 898

OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to pharmacology.

Give meanings for the following terms. 71. Antipruritic: ANS:

against itching REF: p. 885 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

72. Intrathecal: ANS:

within the membranes around the spinal cord

REF: p. 884 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

73. Antiseptic: ANS:

against infection REF: p. 885 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

74. Aerosol: ANS:

particles suspended in air REF: p. 884 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

75. Subcutaneous: ANS:

under the skin REF: p. 884 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

76. Cathartic: ANS:

drug that relieves constipation REF: p. 900 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

77. Antiemetic: ANS:

drug that prevents nausea and vomiting REF: p. 899 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

78. Narcotic: ANS:

potent analgesic that relieves pain REF: p. 900 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

79. Bronchodilator:


drug that opens bronchial tubes REF: p. 895 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

80. Beta-blocker: ANS:

drug that lowers blood pressure; restores heart rhythm REF: p. 899 OBJ: Use medical terms related to pharmacology in medical reports and records.

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