Volume 2, Issue 3
The State of the Profession
2 Through the Lens of the Academy
June 2015
3 Board of Governors Election Results
Member Profiles
4 Oscar Holmes: Changing the Face of Business Academe
Division and Interest Group News
10-11 MC: Every Professional Has a Consulting Role to Play SAP: Meeting our Members’ Professional Challenges TIM: 1 Distinguished Scholar Luncheon
Cover Story
June 2015
STATE OF THE PROFESSION Through the Lens of the Academy Mary J. Waller, Chair, State of the Profession Committee Anita McGahan, State of the Profession Committee
Considering the sweeping changes facing management education -- ranging from reductions in tenure track positions to the proliferation of corporate-led business education initiatives -- the state of the profession has been identified as a key strategic intent area for the AOM. To assess and address the challenges systematically, the Board of Governors constituted a subcommittee on the State of the Profession (SOP) in 2010. Among other duties, the SOP Committee is charged with cultivating understanding within the AOM regarding the emerging professional challenges faced by our membership, and with identifying ways that the AOM might help members address these challenges.
The research report is accessible in its entirety on the Academy’s website. The SOP Committee will continue working with the Board of Governors to assess these six areas and explore ways to address them.
The initial work of the SOP Committee involved commissioning a two-part membership study in 2012 to (1) identify qualitatively examples of career shocks, obstacles, and accelerators faced by our members, and (2) use these examples to create and administer a quantitative survey of members. The research was designed and carried out by Maria Kraimer, Scott Seibert, Lindsey Greco, Jordan Nielsen (all of U. of Iowa), and Leisa D. Sargent (U. of Melbourne). Based on the analysis of members’ responses, the study identified six broad areas for the SOP Committee and the Board of Governors to consider for future action:
Many thanks to the members who led the membership surveys. The SOP Committee welcomes feedback and input as it considers next steps for acting on the insights generated by the surveys. To that end, SOP Committee members will be meeting in Vancouver immediately prior to the annual meeting in August. If you have input or comments that you would like considered during the Committee’s deliberations, we hope you will not hesitate to send them to us at strategicplan@aom.org.
In addition to these activities, the SOP Committee’s duties also concern diversity within the AOM. The Diversity & inclusion Theme Committee, formed in 2010 and chaired by Christina Stamper, recently conducted a survey of AOM members in order to gain better understanding of diversity and experiences of inclusion and exclusion within the AOM. The results of this survey and associated recommendations are summarized on page 3.
1. Address perceptions that the journal review process is unfair and/or biased 2. Act more as general advocate for faculty 3. Explore ways to help improve research funding for members 4. Enhance/continue to develop networking/group formation opportunities via the AOM 5. Enhance/continue to foster mentoring relationships via the AOM 6. Enhance/continue to offer teaching resources to members
June 2015
2015 Board of Governors Election Results Meet your New Board Members!
The Academy of Management is pleased to welcome four new members to the Board of Governors.
VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT/ PROGRAM CHAIR-ELECT Carol Kulik University of South Australia
Stacy Blake-Beard Simmons College
Laura Cardinal University of Houston
REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE Carrie Leana University of Pittsburgh
Learn more about the new members of the Board of Governors on our website. Terms will begin at the close of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (August 7-11, 2015, in Vancouver, BC Canada).
Inclusion in the Academy
The Diversity & Inclusion Theme Committee’s Key Findings In 2013, the Diversity and Inclusion Theme Committee conducted a survey of the Academy of Management membership in an attempt to identify and assess inclusionary best practices as well as potential barriers to inclusion which may impact AOM members.
The committee's final report - published in May - provides details about members’ responses and suggestions, as well as several recommendations for improving member inclusion at the annual conference as well as within AOM in general.
Despite many positive comments about inclusionary efforts, approximately 50% of respondents indicated personally experiencing exclusion within AOM.
The report can be found on the Academy's website.
New at the Annual Meeting this year!
Ribbons for each Division and Interest Group! Wear your DIGs with pride! Plan to pick up your ribbons at the Division and Interest Group Tables in “The Quad” (Exhibit Hall - the main level of the Vancouver Convention Centre)
Member Profiles
June 2015
Changing the Face of Business Academe Oscar Holmes IV, PhD In 1994, when Bernie Milano of KPMG founded the PhD Project, there were only 294 African American, Hispanic American, and Native American business professors in the United States. In just 20 years, the PhD Project has played a vital role in quadrupling that number: today, there are 1,274 minority professors in business schools (among more than 30,000 total business school professors). Although the percentage of racial minority business school faculty is still disconcertingly low, the percentage increase to this point is an impressive feat, and the entire PhD Project staff deserves boisterous praise. The PhD Project’s efforts are a testament to how effective targeted diversity initiatives can be when they are successfully managed and well-funded. My introduction to the PhD Project occurred in 2007 after I was rejected from all 12 organizational behavior PhD programs to which I had applied during that application cycle. I was devastated and depressed. After my “pity party” was over, I searched
the Internet for resources that might encourage and help me reapply. I do not remember the search terms I used, but I believe that divine intervention led me to stumble across the PhD Project Website. Just weeks before the deadline, I hurriedly applied and, fortunately, was accepted to their annual November conference in Chicago. At this meeting, hundreds of minority PhD students come together over two and half days and are taught all the ins and outs of life as faculty and as doctoral students in business. With this new wealth of information, I altered my packet accordingly, reapplied, and was accepted into a PhD program.
schools, a recent Bloomberg article stated that business schools score worse on diversity than corporate boards. So, while we should celebrate the success of the PhD Project, we recognize that there is still an enormous amount of work to do. It is great to see that the Academy of Management is also committed to this important effort. Since 1997, AOM has provided funding to the PhD Project and has recently reached full sponsorship level. The PhD Project is changing the face of business academe and, similar to the sentiment shared by many other minority business professors, I am honored to say that I am Dr. Holmes because of the PhD Project.
Companies contend that they want to hire diverse workforces so that they can enter into new markets and gain competitive advantages in a global economy. Unfortunately, recent reports suggest that enrollment of racial minorities (except Asians) have declined at top-ranked business programs. Additionally, with only 38 minority deans leading business
“Since 1997, AOM has provided funding to the PhD Project and has recently reached full sponsorship level.”
AOM MEMBER SINCE 2009 Representative-at-Large, GDO Oscar Holmes IV is an Assistant Professor of Management at Rutgers University School of Business. He is a Representativeat-Large to the Executive Committee of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of AOM. He earned his PhD and MA in Management from the University of Alabama.
New Content Alert: Coming Soon
Academy of Management Discoveries
First Issue
Don’t miss this chance to be one of the first to experience Academy of Management Discoveries to see how AMD is using multimedia to bring scholarly publishing to life.
Animated Whiteboards:
Author’s Voice:
Barley - Author Voice
Hatch/Schultz/ SkovwAuthor Voice
Belmi/Pfeffer- Author Voice
Lee /Koopman/Hollenbeck/ Wang/Lamaj- Author Voice
Academy of Management Discoveries June issue articles include: “Why the Internet Makes Buying a Car Less Loathsome: How Technologies Change Role Relations” Stephen R. Barley
“Organizational Identity and Culture in the Context of Managed Change: Transformation in the Carlsberg Group, 2009–2013” Mary Jo Hatch, Majken Schultz and Anne-Marie Skovw
“How “Organization” Can Weaken the Norm of Reciprocity: The Effects of Attributions for Favors and a Calculative Mindset” Peter Belmi and Jeffrey Pfeffer
“The Team Descriptive Index (TDI): A Multidimensional Scaling Approach for Team Description” Stephanie M. Lee, Joel Koopman, John R. Hollenbeck, Linda C. Wang and Klodiana Lanaj
Annual Meeting
June 2015
The 2015 ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM has over 2,100 activities connecting more than 10,000 people from 84 countries.
PROGRAM OVERVIEW FRIDAY & SATURDAY Professional Development Workshops, including Doctoral Consortia and Junior Faculty Consortia.
SUNDAY Theme-related workshops and symposia, the Teaching & Learning Conference, the Presidential Address & Awards Ceremony, and Discussion Paper Sessions.
MONDAY & TUESDAY Division Paper Sessions, Division Symposia and Caucuses.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS There is still time to register for select workshops, consortia and social events that require additional registration. Be sure to reserve your space by registering today. (Conference registration is required)
Annual Meeting
June 2015
HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING? Early registration rate ends July 9, 2015. Online registration will remain open through August 11th.
Photo courtesy of Mintzberg.org
The Teaching and Learning Conference Committee is very excited and humbled to announce Henry Mintzberg as this year’s Distinguished Speaker at the TLC@AOM Luncheon & Plenary August 9th. We invite you to join us to experience the energy of this prominent scholar, and to share lunch with your colleagues. We have also scheduled a full day of interactive, practice-oriented sessions we know will inspire great engagement. Space is limited and the deadline to register is fast approaching, so register today to be part of this growing teaching conference.
It looks like a record setting year! The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management marks the first time that AOM has contracted 21 hotels AND student rooms at a local university, YWCA and hostel to house Annual Meeting attendees! Due to the high increase in meeting attendance hotels are nearly sold out. Should you require a hotel room please go to the Academy website for more information.
Separate registration is required for the Teaching and Learning Conference and space is limited.
Volunteer Opportunities
June 2015
Annual Meeting Volunteer Opportunities Gemma George, Membership Committee Chair Looking for a way to get involved and support your division or interest group at the Annual Meeting? Short term volunteers are still needed for all welcoming activities geared to first time attendees. There is something for everyone, so don’t wait another minute and sign up today! • Adopt-a-Member Onsite Mentoring Program: This is your chance to make a difference in the life of a new member! It’s a simple face to face meeting onsite to help make that first one-on-one connection within a new member’s home division. Simply answer their questions and guide them in setting up/reviewing their customized agenda, and maybe introduce to a fellow colleague! Sign up here.
• New Member Orientation: Networking in the Quad kicks off on Friday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm with our annual New Member Orientation. This event offers you the perfect opportunity to promote your activities, add to your volunteer ranks, and increase your membership with the best demographic possible – enthusiastic new members looking for a way to connect. Sign up here.
• •
• AOM Communities QUAD: Connecting members to members! Represent your division or interest group in the AOM Communities Quad -- All that’s required is a warm handshake, a welcoming smile and an openness to answering questions. A new addition this year to our Exhibit Hall, the Quad offers a central gathering place to learn more about the diverse and varied member communities that make up the Academy, including divisions, interest groups and committees. This open and collaborative space provides a setting for divisions and interest groups to engage with their members – old and new alike – as well as to create opportunities for crossdisciplinary networking and conversation. Choose one or more 2-hour time slots during Exhibit Hall hours from SaturdayMonday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Sign up here.
• Hospitality Suite for New Members and First Time Attendees: Help staff the Hospitality Suite for First Time Attendees by being available for a short 2 hour time slot(s) to answer questions and make them feel at home. There are many 2 hour time slots still available! 2014 saw over 600 new members throughout the course of 5 days joining us in the Hospitality Suite to have their questions answered, many waiting on line to talk with someone, so please help the Committee fill those gaps! Sign up here.
If you have not participated in the past, consider reviewing the First Time Attendee page! Questions? Contact Anne Wood, Member Services Manager, at awood@aom.org. We look forward to your participation and support in fostering the Academy’s newest members!
Connecting New Members
to Community, Resources, and Knowledge…
IN THE EXHIBIT HALL August 7-10, 2015
Vancouver Convention Centre
THE QUAD – An open space familiar on many college campuses, the name is also a reference to the University of Chicago’s Quadrangle Club, where the Academy was founded in 1936.
WHAT IS ‘THE QUAD’? A central gathering place in the Exhibit Hall that... • offers continuous open access for members to engage with each other and their management home(s)
• fosters our shared sense of identity as one Academy of Management • encourages conversation, relationship building, and making important contacts • showcases and promotes the unique activities of the Academy’s diverse communities • empowers members to explore, engage, and learn about all communities in one location
Please direct inquiries to Member Services at membership@aom.org.
Division & Interest Group News
June 2015
Management Consulting (MC) Division MC: Every Professional has a Consulting Role to Play
Kathy Edwards, MC Division Chair, University of Texas at Austin Søren Henning Jensen, MC Program Chair, Copenhagen Business School In times of uncertainty, all leaders face challenging situations when asked to help, but no clear-cut answers exist. Consulting skills can be crucial to the creation of new knowledge. The Management Consulting Division is dedicated to providing research and training for faculty, students, consultants, leaders, and professional services firms, as we all work to meet the challenges in our organizations today. WEBINARS One innovative feature we have added this year is a series of free webinars cosponsored by Joanne Preston & Associates. The webinars focus on various aspects of consulting. ANNUAL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS We also have an exciting program planned for the Annual Meeting in Vancouver. PDW’S Our PDW chair, Rosa Nelly TrevinyoRodríguez, has created a marvelous program to kick-start the conference, comprising a number of interesting and worthy PDWs, from which we will highlight one: On Friday, join us for an innovative PDW session: “Building a Trustful Collaboration with Strategic Play using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY.” During this workshop, participants will use LEGO® bricks to build and better understand their working and change dynamics and relationships within their own organizations. We expect to have a lot of fun! Pre-registration is required.
All Academy members may be interested in this symposium on Tuesday: “Professional Service Firms: New Developments and Directions”, co-sponsored by OMT and SIM. The symposium brings together five researchers/research teams investigating PSF-related questions aiming to: (1) showcase scholarship in the developing area of PSFs; (2) challenge assumptions and bring new insight into how professional institutions, organizations, and individuals operate and the social issues associated with their work; (3) examine the potential for contributing to key debates within OMT, Social Issues in Management, and Management Consulting divisions; and (4) inspire new scholarship by developing an agenda for future research. We have 24 excellent papers. Among these are two very different papers that share a common denominator: they both won division paper awards. We invite you to join in on Tuesday and learn more about institutional complexity and the expertnovice paradox. “Dealing with Institutional Complexity: Public Procurement of Management Consulting Services”, by Permer and Skjolsvik. Building on a longitudinal document study and institutional logics theory, this paper seeks to further the understanding of how institutional complexity unfolds over time. As an empirical example, the public procurement of management consulting services is used.
On Saturday, chair Nancy Wallis invites all doctoral students to register for our Doctoral Consortium! Finally, we celebrate the PDW program with a social gathering on Saturday night from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We hope to see you there! PAPERS & SYMPOSIA Our Program chair, Søren H. Jensen, has created a program of captivating symposia and insightful papers, thanks to our many submitters. If there is a theme running through the program, it is that management consulting continues to develop, and challenge both those who study it and those who practice it, and to help organizations and individuals grow.
“Leverage Work: Transcending the “ExpertNovice Paradox” in Contemporary Economic Activities”, by Bourgoin and Harvey. Nontraditional experts, an ever-growing group of workers in the post-industrial economy, face what we call the “expert-novice” paradox. Using data from 21 months of participant observation, three leverage-work tactics are identified, the roles of nontraditional experts’ occupational community in supporting the success of those tactics are explored, and theoretical implications are offered. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER We are pleased to announce Dr. Jeanne Liedtka, Professor at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business, as this year’s distinguished speaker for the Management Consulting division. Our theme for the year is: “The Consultant as Design Thinker: At the Intersection of Strategy & Innovation.” MC MEMBER & FRIENDS DINNER The elegant and historic Vancouver Club will be the site of the dinner on Monday night, thanks to Lachlan and Ellen Whatley. Dr. Therese Yaeger, Associate Professor at Benedictine University, will be honored for her service to the management consulting field. Therese is a beloved colleague and past president of the division. Her work as an author, consultant, researcher, and faculty member continues to inform and inspire us.
Division & Interest Group News
June 2015
Strategizing Activities & Practices (SAP) Interest Group SAP: Meeting our Members’ Professional Challenges
Charlotte Cloutier, Representative-at-Large, HEC Montreal Katharina Dittrich, Membership Secretary, University of Zurich SAP listens to its members. In fall 2014, we conducted interviews with several of our members at different stages of their careers in order to better understand their needs and interests, and to adjust our programming and activities accordingly. Things that our members liked about AOM included networking, learning new skills, finding out “what’s up” and “what’s hot,” and hearing about what senior scholars were thinking about. On the other hand, there seemed to be a consensus that AOM conference paper sessions could be made much more interesting and engaging. We’ve listened to our members’ input and ideas! Here are some of the activities we are planning for the Annual Meeting in Vancouver: Improving Opportunities for Networking: We are continuing our SAP Friday Dinner (sign-up here), which will include various activities to facilitate introductions. We are also setting up a daily informal SAP Meet & Greet event
where key members of our interest group will be happy to chat with you. Conducting Hands-on and Interactive PDWs: This year’s program includes an interactive PDW on Innovative Ways of Teaching Strategy, featuring Robert Burgelman as Distinguished Speaker, and a hands-on PDW Exploring the Practice of Qualitative Research. Providing new Insights: SAP is featuring a Showcase Symposium on “Open Strategy and Open Governance: Practices and Technologies”. In addition, Henry Mintzberg will give the SAP Distinguished Keynote. Creating Engaging Paper Sessions: This year, chairs are encouraged to choose from a variety of formats for conducting these sessions, including: a roundtable format, a pecha kucha format, teaser format, or a swap format so as to better encourage participation and interaction between attendees. This should also help make the sessions a lot more fun!
Please join us at one or all of these events— even if you are not a member of SAP, we would like to meet you! Further details for each event will be posted on our blog , on the SAP listserv (sign up here), and in our preconference newsletter. SAP – Think different!
Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Division TIM: Distinguished Scholar Luncheon
Dianne H.B. Welsh, TIM Division Chair two volumes. Volume 2, which is under development, will consider how modular technologies are changing the basic structure of the global economy.
Carliss Y. Baldwin will be the honored at the 2015 TIM Distinguished Scholar Luncheon
The 2015 TIM Division Distinguished Scholar is Carliss Y. Baldwin. She is definitely someone who embodies the “State of the Profession.” She is the William L. White Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Baldwin studies the process of design and its impact on firm strategy and the structure of industries and business ecosystems. With Kim Clark, she authored “Design Rules, Volume 1: The Power of Modularity”, the first of a projected
Recent works include “Hidden Structure: Using Network Methods to Map System Architecture,” with Alan MacCormack and John Rusnak; “Modularity and Intellectual Property Protection,” with Joachim Henkel; and “Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation,” with Eric von Hippel. Her paper, “Where Do Transactions Come From? Modularity, Transactions, and the Boundaries of Firms,” was selected as one of the top 20 articles published in the first 20 years of the journal Industrial and Corporate Change.
1986. At Harvard Business School, she has been a Director of Research, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Planning, and head of the Doctoral Programs. In 2014, she was awarded an honorary doctoral degree by Technische Universität München (TUM). The TIM Distinguished Scholar Luncheon is generously supported by Wiley, the international scientific and scholarly publishing business. Wiley publishes key journals related to TIM, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, R&D Management, and Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Wiley has a long tradition of partnering with scholarly societies, and we are grateful for their sponsorship.
Baldwin received a bachelor’s degree in economics from MIT in 1972, and MBA and DBA degrees from Harvard Business School in 1974 and 1977. She taught at the Sloan School, MIT, from 1977 to 1981, and was appointed to the Harvard Business School faculty in 1981, becoming a full professor in
June 2015
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – Editor(s) of AMJ The person (s) selected for AMJ will become editor-elect on July 1, 2016, and editor on January 1, 2017. The term of office as editor is three years.
In general, qualifications for an editor of an Academy publication include the following: • Significant scholarly contributions in management, including publications associated with the mission of the journal. • Extensive experience and an excellent reputation as a reviewer, an editorial board member, or an editor of a management-related journal.
Nominations are being sought for the position of editor of Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) The goal of the Academy’s Board of Governors is to ensure an inclusive selection process and generate a viable list of qualified potential editors. We ask for your recommendation for individual(s) who you deem capable and inclined to accept this position of opportunity and responsibility. Nominees do not need to be current or previous associate editors of Academy of Management publications. We will contact all nominees to confirm acceptance of the recommendation to be considered for one of the editorships.
• Demonstrated leadership skills, capacity to handle a demanding workload and meet deadlines, and an ability to work constructively with authors, reviewers, and the Academy’s Board of Governors and staff members. • A doctoral degree in a managementrelated discipline. • A member of the Academy of Management. • Nominees may recommend a potential co-editor with the demonstrated top tier criteria listed above, who can augment and diversify the knowledge base required of the AMJ editor. The Journals Committee (a committee of the Academy of Management Board of
Governors) will review the nominations and will request complete applications from those that best fit the criteria. Applicants that move to the second stage will be asked to submit a detailed proposal of how they would further the goals of the journal as described in the editorial mission statement contained in each issue. Further, it is strongly preferred (though not absolutely required) that second-stage applicants submit a letter of support from their deans confirming no more than a 1-course teaching load per year for the entire term as editor. In the third stage, the Journals Committee will forward a recommendation to the full Board of Governors who will finalize the recommendation. Nominations, including self-nominations, will be accepted until October 1, 2015. Submissions should be sent by email and are to include: • The nominee’s name, full address, telephone number, and email address. • A letter describing the nominee’s qualifications and experience relevant to the selection criteria. • The nominee’s current curriculum vitae. Email nominations or your questions to: Susan Zaid.
CALL FOR PAPERS - AMR Academy of Management Review
Academy of Management Review
Submission Date: September 1–September 30, 2016
Submission Date: June 15–July 15, 2016
Guest Editors: Gary N. Powell, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Tammy D. Allen, and Russell E. Johnson
Guest Editors: Emily Heaphy, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Carrie Leana, David Sluss, and Gary Ballinger
Special Topic Forum
Special Topic Forum
Academy of Management Journal Digital Edition The New AMJ Brings Content to Life! Launching with June Issue in Summer 2015 You will soon be able to take the print version of AMJ, exactly as it appears in the print version, with you electronically. Not simply the online text, an actual page-by-page copy of the journal, with new and exciting audio and video multimedia capabilities. And most of all, no more waiting for the print edition to arrive!
All of this will be free to members as the Academy of Management continues to integrate the everchanging world of multimedia into our scholarly community.
This new digital-page-turning Dynamic Edition expands your AMJ experience to include the following features: • Print journal functionality and look within a “Flip View” • Speed of use and distribution to compliment the print copy platform • Embedded Audio and Video capability; multimedia • Expanded Navigation (Content, Thumbnails, Page Flip, specifically designed to support the text and provide a more Zoom, Pan) complete user experience. • Mobile phone and portable device capability (iPhone/Kindle/ iPad Compatible)
Current Publications
Read the newest issues of AOM Publications, available online now: Academy of Management Learning & Education: March 2015 Volume 14, Number 1
Academy of Management Perspectives: May 2015 Volume 29, Number 2
Academy of Management Journal: June 2015 Volume 58, Number 3
Academy of Management Review: April 2015 Volume 40, Number 2
Academy of Management Annals: 2015 Volume 9, Number 1
June 2015
ANNALS VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 “The Practical Relevance of Management Research: Turning the Debate on Relevance into a Rigorous Scientific Research Program” Alfred Kieser, Alexander Nicolai & David Seidl
Markus Menz; Sven Kunisch; David Collins
“Approach, Ability, Aftermath: A Psychological Process Framework of Unethical Behavior at Work”
“All Things Great and Small: Organizational Size, Boundaries Of The Firm, And A Changing Environment”
Celia Moore & Francesca Gino
“Institutional Strategies in Emerging Markets” Chris Marquis & Mia Raynard
REVIEW THE ARTICLES THAT HAVE BEEN NEWLY PUBLISHED IN THE ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNALS, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1: “The Many Faces of Culture: Making Sense of 30 Years of Research on Culture in Organization Studies” Simona Giorgi, Christi Lockwood & Mary Ann Glynn
“Living to Work and Working to Live: Income as a Driver of Organizational Behavior” Carrie R. Leana & Jirs Meuris
“The Use of Anthropomorphizing as a Tool for Generating Organizational Theories” Dean A. Shepherd & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
News Briefs
Photo Courtesy of Rutgers Today
AOM Member Appointed Dean at Rutgers
“The Corporate Headquarters in the Contemporary Corporation: Advancing a Multimarket Firm Perspective”
“Modelling Bounded Rationality in Organizations: Progress and Prospects”
Phanish Puranam, Nils Stieglitz, Magda Osman & Madan M. Pillutla
“Creative Leadership: A Multi-Context Conceptualization”
Matthew Josefy, Scott Kuban, R Ireland & Michael Hitt
“The Professional, the Personal and the Ideal Worker: Pressures and Objectives Shaping the Boundary between Life Domains” Tracy Dumas; Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks
“Group emotions: Cutting the Gordion Knots Concerning Terms, Levels-of-Analysis, and Processes” Jochen Menges; Martin Kilduff
Charalampos Mainemelis, Ronit Kark & Olga Epitropaki
“Connecting the Dots: Bringing External Corporate Governance into the Corporate Governance Puzzle” Ruth V. Aguilera, Kurt Desender, Michael K. Bednar & Jun Ho Lee
“The Microfoundations Movement in Strategy and Organization Theory”
Teppo Felin, Nicolai J. Foss & Robert E. Ployhart
#TrendingNow@AOMCONNECT (Social Media Highlights)
James Hayton, AOM Member since 1994, was appointed Dean of Rutgers University’s School of Management and Labor Relations.
Hayton was previously at the University of Warwick where he served as Associate Dean in 2012 and Pro Dean in 2014. James Hayton’s areas of interest include entrepreneurship and human resources practices in small and medium-sized firms. As an Academy member, he is currently serving on the Executive Committee for the Human Resources Division. To read more about James Hayton click here.
For more information about ACADEMY NEWS, visit aom.org/AcadeMYNews. VISION: We inspire and enable a better world through our scholarship and teaching about management and organizations. MISSION: To build a vibrant and supportive community of scholars by markedly expanding opportunities to connect and explore ideas.
Have an item for the next issue of
AOM Board Of Governors PRESIDENT Paul S. Adler, University of Southern California PRESIDENT-ELECT & COORDINATOR OF PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS Debra L. Shapiro, University of Maryland VICE PRESIDENT & PROGAM CHAIR Anita McGahan, University of Toronto VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT & PROGRAM CHAIR-ELECT Mary Ann Glynn, Boston College
REPRESENTATIVES-AT-LARGE Maureen Ambrose Pamela S. Barr Peter Bamberger University of Central Georgia State University Tel Aviv University Florida Ann Buchholtz Quinetta Roberson
Lynn Shore Colorado State University
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne
CONTACT US! ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT at Pace University P.O. Box 3020 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020 (914) 923-2607 membership@aom.org
PAST PRESIDENT R. Duane Ireland, Texas A&M University
Gayle M. Baugh Rutgers Business School University of West Florida Christopher L. Tucci
or a question about your Membership?
Villanova University Mary J. Waller York University
SPECIAL THANKS to Pace University and the Lubin School of Business for hosting our offices on the Briarcliff Manor, New York, Campus of Pace University. AOM.ORG