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Adrian and Sprite

Katelyn is delighted to be a part of OLP’s production of The Tempest this fall. Katelyn participated in “The Iliad, The Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 Minutes or Less” at OLP freshman year, and is very excited for Katelyn’s second show with OLP. Katelyn loves working with the interesting and talented people who are part of OLP theater, and hopes you enjoy the show!


Sound Design

This is Kaylee’s third production at OLP doing sound crew. She is so excited to participate in this year’s The Tempest, and she hopes you enjoy the show!



Co-Head of Sound/Music Director and Original Music Composer

Isabelle is so excited for you to watch (and listen!) to The Tempest! She has been a part of every drama production since freshman year. This year, she is so lucky to be scoring The Tempest. She is grateful for all her friends and family, both in and out of OLP theater, for their support and inspiration. She hopes you enjoy the show!


Lighting Design

Alyssa is excited to be back on crew in her Senior year for another production after doing House Management in her Freshman year for Hamlet. She hopes you enjoy the show!


Co-Head of Costume Design

Ginny is very pleased to be in this year’s production of The Tempest as one of the Costume Heads. She has been part of the costume department since Sophomore Year and loves being able to be a part of these productions at OLP. Ginny would like to thank her friends and family for being supportive and she hopes you enjoy the show.



Dance Captain

Sarah is thrilled to be performing again! This is her third production at OLP, and her second time performing Shakespeare, after Hamlet in her freshman year. Sarah loves contributing to such amazing shows, and hopes that you enjoy the show!

Emilie Lindsey ‘24 Sound Design

Emilie is very excited to be a part of another production at OLP as a member of the sound crew. This is her second theater production here, and she is thrilled to be a part of putting on this amazing show. She would like to thank her family and friends for their support and hopes you enjoy the show!



MJ is very excited to finally be involved in the OLP Drama department, playing a Sprite in The Tempest! This is her first year participating in drama and she could not think of a better way to spend her senior year. She hopes you enjoy the show!

ILIANA MARIANO ‘24 Choreographer

Iliana is so excited for you to see The Tempest and watch the sprites dance the night away. This is her third production working behind the scenes at OLP, where she has previously been a part of the sound and run crew. She hopes you enjoy the show!

MARY LUND ‘26 Sprite Costume Design

Mary is excited to be in her first performance as a dancer in The Tempest. She also has participated in costumes and would like to thank her crew heads, family, and friends for supporting and encouraging her. She loves the theater community here at OLP and hopes that you enjoy The Tempest.

CASSIE MAYBERRY ‘24 Alonso and Sprite

Cassie is excited to be in her first Shakespeare production at OLP as Alonso, the King of Naples. Her previous shows at OLP involve Shrek: The Musical as

Teen Fiona, The Greeks as Zeus, and many more throughout elementary and middle school. She has been active in theater since preschool and is excited to continue it in her third year at OLP. Cassie thoroughly enjoys all the experiences and memories she has made within OLP drama and can’t wait to make even more.


Boatswain and Sprite

Bethany Isabella McDonald is excited to be a part of The Tempest, for she is working with the OLP Drama Program for the first time! Bethany enjoys being around others and putting on a whole different person from who she is. She would like to thank her parents for their support and encouragement to pursue drama. She would also like to thank her little sister for always being by her side when things got tough juggling school and the production. Bethany hopes you enjoy the show!


Costume Design

Peyton is happy to be helping backstage in her first production at OLP. This is her first year doing costumes for the crew and is very excited to continue in the crew for future shows. Peyton would like to thank her family and friends for the endless love and support. Hope you enjoy the show!


Costume Design

Jennielle has worked hard and ecstatic to become a part of this year’s amazing production. Being close with friends and collaborating with other parts of the crew is an exciting experience. Jennielle has never been a part of an OLP production and this experience makes her want to join in the following years. Jennielle would like to thank Joycee, the one who convinced her to join, and her friends, who help her with everything.

CATIE NICKOLI ‘23 Assistant Director


Catie is so excited to be Assistant Directing for the first main-stage play at OLP, while also playing Ferdinand! You might recognize Catie from roles like Achilles from The Iliad, The Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 Minutes or Less! or Freddie Mercury from OLP’s Spring Sing Untold Stories. Catie would like to thank Assistant Director Shadow, Kasey Day (aka Miranda). Enjoy the show!

ALEX MORLAND-TELLEZ ‘25 Co-Head of Set Construction and Run Crew

Alex is excited to be a part of The Tempest production as one of your Set Construction and Run Crew Leaders. This will be her second year apart from Crew and she has already met so many new people. Alex would like to thank her family and friends for making this show as memorable as it could be. Alex emphasizes the phrase “YOLO.”


Alexa is excited to be a sprite in The Tempest. This is Alexa’s first production with OLP, since she currently is a freshman. She is very appreciative of her carpool group and her parents for driving her to and from theater events. Being a part of the cast has taught her many valuable things about theater and acting in general. She hopes you enjoy the show.

GISELLE OSUNA ‘23 Sets/Props Design and Run Crew

Giselle is very excited to be another OLP Production. She has been a part of the crew since her freshman year and is doing The Tempest her Senior year. She is so happy to be working with such creative people. Giselle hopes that you enjoy the show!

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