AHA View Book 23-24

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The Academy of the Holy Angels, founded in 1879 by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, is a private, Catholic school serving students in Grades 6-12. AHA is dedicated to excellence in the education of young women.

Education means enabling persons to reach the fullness of their potential as individuals created in God’s image and assisting them to direct their gifts toward building the earth.

–You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Our Missi O n

Grounded in the gospel message and in the tradition and charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, the Academy welcomes students from many different communities, ethnic backgrounds and religious affiliations, appreciating the uniqueness of each individual while working toward the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s prayer “that all may be one.”

Rooted in the conviction of the School Sisters of Notre Dame that “the world can be changed through the transformation of persons,” education at the Academy empowers each young woman to reach the fullness of her potential spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially, and physically, so that she, in turn, may share her gifts with others.

Where Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math Converge

AHA has historically supported students who aspire to STEM careers. More recently, AHA developed an engaging, rigorous STREAM curriculum. The convergence of STEM, art, and religion promotes the creative and ethical thinking that are essential elements of a fully articulated STEM program.

AHA was recently honored by Newsweek as a Top STEM High School. Holy Angels also earned the Catholic School Executive Leadership Award in recognition of the Academy’s superior STREAM program and the engagement of Holy Angels students.

AccreditAti O n

In 1933, the Academy of the Holy Angels was first accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and has retained membership through all subsequent evaluations.

The Academy is a member of the College Entrance Examination Board, the National Catholic Educational Association, and the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools.

service leArning

More than just community service, service learning teaches students about the causes and remedies for many of the problems affecting society today. The Corporation for National Service twice selected Holy Angels as a National Service Learning Leader School.

P e A ce site

Holy Angels is a member of the SSND International Shalom Network for Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation, and has been recognized by The Peace Site Network as a place where students study peace and work to build community.

Course of Study

Angels in Grades 6-12 immerse themselves in a rigorous course of study that is provided in a supportive, growth mindset environment. Angels become fearless learners who exceed expectations, including their own. The eight-day, modified block schedule allows students to dig deeper into their studies in active classrooms that highlight project-based learning and interdisciplinary exploration. Students also delve into electives and interact with individuals from different grades and departments.

Wellness Wednesday, AHA’s popular stress-busting initiative, honors the Academy’s commitment to educating the whole person. Stress-management activities have included journaling, art therapy, fitness training, laughter yoga, meditation, tennis, karaoke, and birding. Middle school students gain a solid academic foundation for upper school, and AHA alumnae are well prepared to enjoy success in college and in a wide range of careers.

Hist O ry

The Academy of the Holy Angels, the oldest private school in Bergen County, was established as a boarding and day school for girls in 1879. What began in the simple Fort Lee house purchased by Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy, SSND, has grown into a premier college-preparatory school.

Originally known as Holy Angels’ Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies and Preparatory School for Little Girls, the Academy attracted students from all over the world, who came there to study subjects ranging from Christian doctrine and German, to drawing and music. The school’s enrollment increased steadily and the facilities were expanded accordingly. The cross-surmounted dome of the new school building, erected in 1910, remained a landmark in Fort Lee until the Academy moved to a new facility in Demarest in 1965. The location of the school has changed, but the Academy’s vision, global curriculum, and empowerment of young women have grown even stronger in the new millennium.

The Academy of the Holy Angels, a Catholic middle school and college-preparatory school for young women, is guided by the charism and educational philosophy of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. The Academy is part of the global network of SSND schools in the United States and throughout the world.

“One Mind, One Heart, One Spirit”
Unity alone makes us strong within and without; unity makes us invincible.
–Blessed Theresa of Jesus

The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) were founded by Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger in 1833 in Bavaria, Germany, to educate young women. The SSNDs developed an educational philosophy that fosters each student’s individual gifts within a strong and vibrant community. The SSND charism permeates every aspect of life at Holy Angels.

The true development of each person fosters both diversity and a potential for greater unity.

(You Are Sent)

The SSND Mission Ideals: Education

Women and Leadership


Mutuality and Collaboration

Development of Faith Communities

Global Perspective and World Vision Systemic Change

t H e cl A ssr OOM

A unique collaborative model adopted by the school nurtures a strong sense of community that has become the heart of the Holy Angels experience. An abiding love of learning is evident throughout the Academy. Students mirror their teachers’ enthusiasm as they conduct hands-on experiments, use their laptops to collaborate with classmates and students from other countries, and recognize connections among various disciplines. Class sizes are small, so teachers are able to offer individualized attention to each student.

“A single-sex education affords our students meaningful learning experiences and genuine leadership opportunities, as they grow to become confident and mature young women.”
–Jean Miller, Upper School Principal

tec H n O l O gy

CLOSING THE GENDER GAP: Holy Angels received the College Board Advanced Placement® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for high female representation in AP Computer Science A. Schools that receive this award are honored for closing the gender gap in AP Computer Science courses. AP Computer Science A is a college-level course that includes an online textbook with a web-based IDE. Students use the coding language Java to work on different labs.

AHA’s Technology Center provides students and faculty with a friendly, knowledgeable technical support staff. At the Tech Center, students and teachers can find help troubleshooting problems with their tablet PCs or have their machines repaired. The tech staff teaches members of the school community how to use technology and a wide variety of programs to accomplish their educational and project goals.

tecH-inFused cl A ssrOOMs

Faculty members use technology to facilitate instruction in every subject area in Grades 6-12. Angels have access to online textbooks and use school-issued laptops to take notes, learn from podcasters, and conduct research. Middle school students use web-based applications to participate in activities and assessments. At the upper school, math students download their teacher’s presentations so they can focus on the lesson and learn the mathematical process while they are in class.

Students in Grades 9-12 also produce professional quality videos, and use Python, a coding language, to write code to design, program, and publish mobile games and apps. Digital design students create digital portfolios and try their hand at 3-D printing technology.

Upper school students have the option to join one of two robotics teams, and enter their creations in competition. Engineering students learn creative problem-solving skills as they experiment with breadboards, furniture construction, and more.

Tech-related business courses encourage young women to maximize their earning potential, learn to save and invest, and become empowered to make solid financial decisions.

A resilient cOMMunity

Immediately after New Jersey’s schools closed to curtail COVID-19, Holy Angels demonstrated extraordinary resilience by making a nearly perfect pivot to online learning. Angels benefitted from being able to maintain their regular daily schedules, which fostered a sense of normalcy and helped build durable learning. Faculty and staff elevated their tech skills and offered virtual college tours, honor society inductions, a Grandparents’ Day Mass, a Decision Day chat, Open House, Senior Retreat, a celebration of the senior class, and more. Angels stayed on track as they studied together online and produced videos about their achievements. AHA moved to a hybrid educational model before returning to in-person instruction.

MAc l AB

The Academy’s cutting-edge Mac Lab is integral to the STREAM curriculum. Upper school students who use the lab have access to professional design, video, and photography equipment. Angels use the latest technology to experiment with graphic design and architecture, and create their own inventions.

OFF ice OF A c A de M ic & c O llege c O unseling

Beginning in middle school, each student collaborates with a dedicated academic counselor, who provides mentorship and support. Angels work with their counselors to select the courses best suited to their individual interests and requirements. Together, counselors and students aim for each Angel’s best results, including acceptance into some of the nation’s best colleges and universities.

Every step of the way, students receive a solid foundation to succeed at the next level, whether that means making the move to high school, college, or one of many exciting careers. Angels and their counselors connect individually, in small groups, and during special programs and workshops.

Upper school students receive updates regarding exciting enrichment and leadership opportunities, such as the Perry Outreach Initiative for young women who aspire to careers in engineering and orthopedics, the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar, the New Jersey Scholars Program, New Jersey’s Governor’s Schools, and more.

AdditiOnAl sPeciAl PrOgrAMs OFFered

Peer tutoring, which supports faculty extra-help by connecting students with volunteer tutors

HOBY Leadership for sophomores

NJ Governor’s School nominations for juniors

President’s Award for Academic Excellence

The Book Awards & Medals Program is offered junior year in collaboration with 30 top colleges and universities


Applying to college requires a great deal of energy, time, and thought! Students and their parents work closely with Holy Angels staff to select colleges that are the best fit for each Angel. Special on-campus programs include one-on-one senior college conferences with representatives from dozens of colleges and universities, a financial aid workshop, application essay writing workshops, standardized test prep, alumnae receptions, parent and student application Q&As, and the well-attended AHA Spring College Fair. Eligible juniors and seniors may earn up to 18 college credits from Fairleigh Dickinson University via the AHA Middle College Program. Selected courses, which are offered at AHA, allow Angels to earn high school and college credits simultaneously.


The OACC provides a page on AHA’s online platform that supplements the comprehensive AHA College Planning Guide for students in Grades 9-12. This page also highlights summer programs, scholarships, awards, college fairs, college open houses, and college financial aid.


To help maximize individual standardized tests scores, national tests are administered on campus, including the PSAT and 19 AP tests for juniors and seniors. Optional after-school SAT/ACT prep programs, as well as weekend practice tests, are offered. Exclusively available for our Angels is a 24/7 personal online ACT/SAT prep program.

s P iritu A lity

The religious studies curriculum emphasizes the development of a personal relationship with God and an active prayer life. The curriculum is approached on three levels: information, formation, and transformation . Scripture is central to every course in the curriculum.

Campus Ministry reinforces the identity of the Academy as a school community in the Roman Catholic tradition while respecting and celebrating the richness of the diverse religious backgrounds of all its members. The campus ministers work closely with students, parents, administration, and faculty to create an atmosphere for growth in the Christian life and to provide opportunities

for development as a faith community. All grade levels participate in annual retreats to deepen their faith.

The vision of a new global community based on gospel values permeates life at the Academy, impelling each young woman to embrace generous leadership. Students engage in service missions locally, across the United States, and around the world.

More than a third of the student body participates on one or more of AHA’s athletic teams. While competition is intense, so is the desire for fair play and integrity. In addition to receiving awards for athletic accomplishments, scholar athletes have been recognized for their sportsmanship on and off the field of play. Recent graduates have been awarded athletic scholarships to some of the finest colleges in the nation. Athletic facilities include The Field of Angel Dreams Athletic Complex with grass-like turf, the Angel gymnasium, and five newly refurbished outdoor tennis courts. Caring coaches and a commitment to the ideals of sportsmanship and teamwork enable scholar athletes to grow in spirit and fitness.

At H letics


• Bowling

Varsity Cheer Team*


• Gymnastics

• Cross-country

• Bergen Catholic

• St. Joseph’s Cheer Team*

• Lacrosse

Spring & Winter Track

• Softball

• Volleyball

• Fencing

• Soccer

• Tennis

*Cheer teams are not AHA-sponsored.

F ine A rts

The AHA Fine Arts Department offers courses of study that enrich, enhance, and fulfill students’ creative aspirations. These programs guide the student toward deeper self knowledge and global awareness, and reflect AHA’s philosophy of educating the whole person. Students also have the opportunity to be accepted into the National Art Honor Society.

Through the practice of making art, students develop essential skills in the formal elements of art and design, and begin to understand the relationships of contemporary culture to the art of the past. All studio classes incorporate research, discussion, and reflection on the historical influences and aesthetics of various works of art. For students who wish to conduct serious college-level study, Holy Angels offers rigorous and highly rewarding courses of study in AP Art History, AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio and AP Studio Art: 2-D Design.

Students take their artwork to the next level in Kelleher Hall’s new Mac Lab and fine arts classrooms. They explore design and techniques, create 3-D landscapes and architectural renderings, and edit their own photography and video creations.

Awards & Recognition

Angels in AHA’s upper school regularly enter their artwork in competitions, most notably the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition, the country’s oldest and most prestigious competition for teens. They earn Gold Keys, Silver Keys, and Honorable Mentions in the regional competition, and several Gold Key-winners have gone on to receive national gold and silver medals.

Angel Artists

Students whose artistic studies continue throughout their upper school years amass a competitive portfolio. Alumnae are consistently accepted into some of the finest art schools, and many go on to enjoy careers in architecture, fine art, art direction, graphic design, and museum professions.

AHA’s powerhouse dance program is considered one of the best in the nation. Varsity, junior varsity, and middle school dancers enjoy a comprehensive study in genres that include ballet, contemporary, jazz, pom, and hip-hop. Since 2016, AHA has earned six national titles, including five varsity wins and a JV victory at the UDA national competition. They have also won multiple state championships. Angel dancers exemplify community service and outstanding academic achievement. Several have been recruited by well-established collegiate dance programs.

P er FO r M ing A rts

AHA’s exciting, comprehensive performing arts opportunities are available to students in Grades 6-12. Performers are ably supported by a versatile stage crew. Middle school students have their own theater program, handbell choir and chorus, and take music appreciation and instrumental music lessons. The upper school’s dramas and musicals have earned awards from organizations that include the Paper Mill Playhouse and the Helen Hayes Youth Theatre. Top-caliber students are invited to join the Thespian Honor Society and the Tri-M Music Honor Society. The Christmas and spring concerts highlight the accomplishments of the AHA Orchestra, Select Strings, Concert Choir, Seraphima (the a cappella ensemble), Handbell Choir, and Jazz Ensemble. AHA’s musicians have performed in well-regarded venues around the world; shared their talents in honors, all-county, and all-state orchestras; and have risen to the top in international competition. One Angel wrote an original piece for the AHA Orchestra and conducted the premiere!

A transportation coordinator will assist AHA families in finding the most efficient, cost-effective means of getting to Holy Angels. Holy Angels is accessible from Bergen, Hudson, and Passaic counties in NJ, Rockland and Orange counties in NY, as well as NYC. Students use the bus ride for study, relaxation or even catching up on sleep. All agree it’s worth the trip.

A ll r OA ds le A d t O HO ly A ngels ...

The beauty and serenity of the Academy’s 25-acre campus in Demarest, New Jersey, contribute to its college-like atmosphere and support the educational mission. The Academy’s proximity to metropolitan New York provides convenient access to the area’s many cultural and educational resources.

t H e AHA FAM ily

There are many opportunities for parents to become involved on campus. Angel parents are active partners/ participants in school life, as well as devoted and energetic supporters of the Academy’s philosophy. They are involved in coordinating events, assisting in fundraising efforts, and serving as volunteers on over 20 committees within the various parent organizations, where they lend their time, talents, and expertise.

tHe PArents’ guild

The Holy Angels community is truly blessed to have a committed and loyal Parents’ Guild. The guild sponsors many events and programs throughout the year, both social occasions and fundraisers. Angelic Evening, Holy Angels’ annual auction, is the largest Parents’ Guild event of the year. Another annual favorite is the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show.

Angels in tHe Arts

Angels in the Arts is an association of parents who actively support the fine and performing arts programs at Holy Angels. They are involved in many aspects of the artistic community, including plays, concerts, and art shows. A special scholarship recognizes graduating seniors for their outstanding contributions to the arts at Holy Angels. AITA hosts the annual Food Truck & Arts Festival as well as an art auction. At the Arts Appreciation Dinner, all seniors involved in the arts are honored as they take their final bows.

PArents’ AtHletic A ssOciAtiOn

The athletic program is enthusiastically supported by the Parents’ Athletic Association. Their efforts bolster the teams and the overall athletic program and provide a forum for recognition above and beyond that of awards and trophies. Each year, the PAA hosts the AHA Athletic Hall of Fame Beefsteak Dinner, and three sports banquets to honor the achievements of student athletes.

A FO rever BO nd

Since 1879, the Academy has graduated young women who have gone on to make a difference in the world. Holy Angels proudly recognizes alumnae as a precious resource and invites them to engage with one another and inspire today’s students. Many come to share their stories, whether formally at an all-school assembly, informally in an intimate classroom setting, or as a mentor in the Angels Advantage Program.

Alumnae of Holy Angels and the current student body share a unique bond, a sisterhood, which knows no age and is linked to the tradition and education they have experienced as Angels. The Office of Alumnae Relations continues to expand the network of alumnae by keeping in close contact through effective communication such as social media and the alumnae magazine Tidings . Events, reunions, and educational programs ensure a lifelong association as the Academy enters its third century of excellence in education of women leaders.

AluMnAe AssOciAtiOn

The Alumnae Association bridges the campuses of Fort Lee and Demarest and represents more than 8,375 alumnae. The mission of the Association is to promote and maintain alumnae interest in support of the Academy by working cooperatively with the Office of Alumnae Relations. This group sponsors educational programs, provides support for special projects of the Academy, participates in fundraising campaigns for the benefit of the Academy, coordinates regional groups throughout the United States, and recognizes alumnae contributions to Holy Angels and the community.


AHA recognizes individuals who have enhanced programs in both the areas of athletics and fine & performing arts. The Athletic Hall of Fame and the Fine & Performing Arts Hall of Fame recognize athletes, coaches, artists, performers, and contributors. Honorees for both must exemplify the highest standards of ethical conduct and moral character.

Angel netwOrk

The Angel Network is a subcommittee of the Alumnae Association and is open to all AHA alumnae. The group focuses on networking events, professional development, and, most importantly, provides mentoring and internship opportunities for Angels of all ages. Involvement can be in the New Jersey area or as far away as Asia!

Angels AdvAntAge PrOgrAM

The best way to gain insight into a career choice is through personal, on-site experiences. The Angels Advantage Program affords students the opportunity to shadow Academy alumnae or present parents in a variety of career settings within the New York metropolitan area. Through these experiences, students gain awareness of the world of work and knowledge of career paths.

The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarship

Holy Angels’ commitment to excellence in education does not end on graduation day. The Ellen and Ralph Merz Scholarships were established by the 1916 graduate Ellen Reilly Merz, a ward of the foundress, Sister Mary Nonna Dunphy, SSND. The scholarships are awarded annually to graduates of Holy Angels, and cover partial tuition for one year in an undergraduate or graduate program. All graduates who are currently enrolled in a college or university, or graduates who are planning to return to formal study in the next school year, are eligible. The scholarships are intended for those pursuing a degree in education or a field where education plays a significant (or important) role.

www.holyangels.org sponsored by the school sisters of notre dame 315 Hillside Avenue | Demarest, New Jersey 07627

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