Literacy tips and parental impact

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Literacy Tips and Parental Impact Decades of research show that when parents are involved students have: • higher grades • better test scores • graduation rates • better school attendance • increased motivation • better self-esteem • lower rates of suspension • decreased use of drugs and alcohol • fewer instances of violent behavior Create Enthusiastic Readers Show your child that reading is fun and/or important. Set aside time to read together. Model reading in front of your child for pleasure, for information or for your career. Laugh out loud; make comments and share what you read that is intriguing and enjoyable. Encourage your child to create a comfortable setting for reading. A favorite snack and comfy chair in a quiet corner can enhance reading pleasure. Read and enjoy the same books, magazines, and newspapers. Talk about how these readings remind you of something in your life. Ask about connections your child makes to what is being read. Read parts or all of the novels and texts your child brings home from school. Ask your child to tell you about the best or the worst part. Ask about his/her favorite scene or the main character. Ask if he/she would recommend the book and why? Give the gift of a good book or a subscription to a magazine that holds a lot of interest, one that your child wants to read cover to cover. Model good reading strategies. For example: when reading difficult books, read the text aloud or read together. Reread, if needed, to make what is on the page understandable. Talk about what is hard to understand. Encourage asking for help. Expand your child’s reading world. Visit the public library together…often! Ask your librarian for the titles of the newest in adolescent literature.

Catch each other reading! Reading is everywhere: Game directions, recipes, maps, travel brochures, menus. Note opportunities and practice reading often.

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