Mandarin Middle School Newsletter

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Administrative Staff Principal

Tonya A. Marx Assistant Principal

Mrs. Michelle Bell Assistant Principal

Mr. Andrew Follensbee Assistant Principal

Ms. Lori Westberry PTSA President

Ms. Tammy Castro SAC Chair

Mr. Bill Winton Region Chief

Mr. Jermaine Dawson School Board Member

Mrs. Lori Hershey Office: (904) 292-0555 FAX: (904) 260-5414 School Hours: 9:30 A.M. – 4:15 P.M. Mandarin Middle School Website

Principal’s Letter Hello Mandarin Hawk families, We are already in the second half of second quarter, and our students are SHINING brighter each day as we work toward regaining our “A” status! Our midyear scrimmage testing begins after Thanksgiving break, and will provide a snapshot of students’ progress at the midyear point. Teachers will review this data, meet with each student, and plan a path to success for the remainder of the school year. You can track your students’ progress in FOCUS and ONEVIEW, including grades, attendance, tardies, and discipline. I encourage you to ask your students about their efforts---as they engage with rigorous content, they are moving toward taking ownership of their learning, so that they can demonstrate mastery in their classes and on state assessments. They should be able to articulate to you how they are doing now, and what they need to do for improvement next quarter. We hope that our Hawks continue to grow and shine through their active learning experiences at Mandarin Middle School. Our students (with the help of our teachers, staff, and PTSA) have been active in our community as well: we’ve participated in Unity Day, Red Ribbon Week, Trick or Treat Street, and AVID Family Night, just to name a few events. Our fall athletic season wrapped up with a huge win for our girls’ volleyball team, and winter sports tryouts are underway. Come out and show your support for our student athletes, and continue to encourage your students to participate in the variety of clubs and organizations we offer. Check out our website for more details on events and club life at Mandarin; we truly have something for everyone! Finally, we’ve implemented some procedures and positive incentive systems this year to encourage our students to embody the Mandarin hallmark traits of respect, restraint and responsibility, and we are rewarding students for improvement, achievement, and citizenship. Our honor roll students have an ice cream social, students with enough HERO points earn outside lunch privileges, and those high “Achievers” earned lunch with me! Our newly revised procedures are available on our website for your review. As we move into the holiday season, please remember that learning time is a priority; we need our students here on time, every day, all day, ready to learn, and focused on their academic success. I want to thank you all for choosing Mandarin Middle as YOUR middle school, and I am confident that working together, Mandarin Hawks will outSHINE the rest! Mrs. Alex Marx Principal

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Dece mber 2016 “Hawk Tales” December 2016 Published Five Times Per Year Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive 6th Floor | Room 642 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Issue #2

2 Farewell, Good Friend!

Mr. Steve Givens, well-loved 6th grade teacher, retired on November 4th after many years in the classroom. He was an original Hawk who helped open Mandarin Middle School in 1990. A retirement reception was held in his honor at a local restaurant. His plans include relaxing for a short while and later spending some time traveling cross country. Happy Travels, Mr. Givens! You will be missed by your Mandarin Middle Family.

Mandarin Middle Welcomes New Assistant Principal

Mandarin Middle extends a warm welcome to our newest administrator, Mr. Andrew Follensbee. He is a graduate of Illinois State University with a degree in business administration and a minor in psychology. He earned his Master’s Degree in educational leadership from the University of West Florida. Before arriving at Mandarin Middle, he held positions in several other Duval County schools including Eugene Butler, Jefferson Davis, and DuPont Middle. In his spare time, he loves being active by participating in sports such as surfing, basketball, and volleyball and he enjoys playing with his two dogs. We feel so fortunate to have such an experienced and dedicated educator serving the students and staff at our school.

Trick or Treat Street

During the school day on Friday, October 28th, kindergarten classes from Mandarin Oaks Elementary participated in Mandarin Middle’s 26th annual “Trick-or-Treat Street.” This safe treating experience has been a tradition since the school’s opening in 1990. Decorations provided by clubs and teams and pumpkins designed by AVID students lined the school’s basketball court. Students from Mandarin Middle dressed in costumes and donated candy for the younger students. The event was coordinated by Mrs. Duarte and sponsored by Mandarin Middle’s clubs, teams, and sports programs. A special thank you goes out to all volunteers who made the event such a great success! Trick or Treat Street

Mr. Follensbee gets to know MMS students while monitoring the cafeteria during lunch.

Summer Tour of France and Spain

Enrollment is currently ongoing for the 2018 Summer Tour of France and Spain. This tour is open to current 7th graders and their parents. The tour takes place at the end of their 8th grader year. Interested parents should contact Mr. Lyles at It’s also not too late for 8th graders, and their parents, to enroll for the 2017 tour to Germany, Switzerland and France.


3 Red Ribbon Week Door Decorating Contest

Several classes participated in the annual Red Ribbon Drug Awareness Week activities by decorating classroom doors. The PTSA sponsored the competition promoting the 2016 theme, YOLO. Students enjoyed school dress-up days and a variety of other activities to celebrate their commitment to remaining drug Pictures of winning doors are included below. Red Ribbon Week Winners! 6th grade – (Tie) Mrs. Arnold / Ms. Evans 7th – Mr. Lyles 8th grade – Mr. McClung Elective Winners: Ms. Raper, Ms. Davis, Mrs. Prescott

Library Initiative Field Trip

All MMS 7th grade students were invited to attend a library field trip coordinated by DCPS and hosted by the Southeast Branch of the Duval County Public Library. Students toured the library and participated in a Scavenger Hunt designed to teach them how to use several resources available at neighborhood libraries. Students were given the opportunity to explore research databases and view homework assistance programs that can be accessed online with the student’s library card number. Students enjoyed perusing the shelves and checking out library books, and the trip closed out with door prizes for all. Students had a fun day learning about the services available to them at their local libraries. Southeast Branch Library Field Trip

MMS SAT Dates for 2016-2017

It is never too early to start thinking about college! Attention college-bound students, both middle and high school: Take your SAT at Mandarin Middle School. Registration closes approximately one month prior to the Saturday administration dates: 1/21/17, 3/11/17, 5/6/17, and 6/3/17.

News from PTSA

Our PTSA had a busy month of October. We had a great turnout for our 6th Grade Fall-o-ween Dance. Two hundred of our newest Mandarin Middle Hawks had a great time singing and dancing with their friends. PTSA also sponsored Red Ribbon Week October 24th-31st. Volunteers passed out Twizzlers, red leis and encouraged students to sign the pledge to be drug free. PTSA helped organize and decorate for Trick or Treat Street. Our table passed out goodies to kindergartners from our neighbor school, Mandarin Oaks Elementary. Some student volunteers enjoyed passing out candy just as much as they enjoyed receiving it when they were in kindergarten. We can’t thank our volunteers enough for making Vision and Hearing Screening possible. We were able to screen all our 6th graders over a 2 day period thanks to our volunteers. Next up in December, 7th grade Winter Wonderland Dance, Soup & Sweets Lunch for faculty and staff, and our winter service project, Holiday Cards for Seniors. If you are interested in volunteering and are not currently receiving our sign ups for volunteers please email to be added to our list.


Math, Reading Study Skills, Homework Help Writing, FSA Prep Science, History Skills, Confidence, Motivation 1:1 SAT/ACT Prep

4 Scholar Bowl News

The defending Southern Division champion Scholar Bowl team from Mandarin Middle is busy gearing up for the upcoming season. The team has many returning stellar performers as 8th graders and hopes to add some talented 7th graders through tryouts during the 2nd quarter. Be on the lookout for our Academic Teams Share Night fundraiser at a Mandarin area restaurant in January.

Making Your Pet Happy Helps MMS Program

Last year the Exceptional Student Education Department received a grant from Lowes to update the life skills lab. We were able to purchase new appliances and equipment for the kitchen area. These wonderful gifts are being put to good use. Our exceptional education students have been working hard to start their own enterprise. They are making delicious homemade dog treats and bird seed wreaths. They have been experimenting with different flavors and having their own wonderful pets taste test the products to narrow down the very best. We will be selling these great treats with proceeds being used to fund the students’ community based instruction trips. Students are very proud to be working and earning money for their outside experiences. The treats are tasty and wholesome. Please consider helping our program and making your pet happy by ordering today. We have peanut butter, chicken, and sweet potato treats. They are $6.00 a bag. There will be order forms in the main office or you can order by emailing Thanks for your support!!!

Donate and Recycle INK and Toner Cartridges

The ESE department will be collecting used ink and toner cartridges for a recycle program. If you or your business would like to help out, just send in your used items and we will do the rest. There is a collection box in the guidance office. Again thanks for supporting our awesome exceptional education students. Go Hawks!!!

Proof of Address

If you have moved, please bring proof of address to the guidance office. For registration and subsequent enrollment, the parent or legal guardian must complete the district’s student registration form and submit one document from the sources listed in Column A and one additional document from Columns B or C (both sources of information must match). Other official identification sources may be approved by the District’s School Choice office in extraordinary circumstances. *Private lease agreement must be notarized AND two additional documents from columns B and C are required. Column A Column B Column C Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) bill Automobile Current Bank Account Statement or TECO bill (Current JEA Bill all pages) Insurance (may block out account number) Mortgage agreement (or closing Credit Card Payroll Statement statement) statement Lease agreement (from a company, or Bank account Current non-cellular phone bill *private individual) statement (Current) Driver’s License or State ID US postal service Vehicle Registration confirmation of address change

Withdrawal Reminder for Parents

When you withdraw your students, you can either notify the Guidance Office by phone or come into the office in person. If you know when your student’s last day at Mandarin Middle will be, please send a letter to guidance. The letter should include your contact information and the name of the school your student will be attending. Thank you for helping us to keep the student’s school records accurate.

Tropical Storm and Hurricane Make-up Dates

Make-up Day Due to Tropical Storm Hermine Make-up Days Due to Hurricane Matthew Friday, January 13, 2017 Thursday January 5, 2017 Friday, January 6, 2017 Thursday, April 13, 2017


Legacy Tile Application Be a part of a REFRESH in the main hallway! All proceeds to help participating MMS clubs. Paint a tile for $10.00 to help create this beautiful image.


Mrs. Colado will be guiding this project for the school. You will be able to paint a tile and include your name and years at MMS!

Name (print) _______________________ Grade ________ ELA Teacher ______________ Yes, I want to purchase ____ tile(s) for $ _______. (Please make checks payable to MMS) Check One: ___ I want to paint my own tile(s) on November 16 or 17, 2016 after school. ___ I do not want to paint my tile(s), but would like my name included.


The Administrators, Faculty, and Staff of Mandarin Middle Wish You and Your Family Many Blessings During the Holiday Season and Throughout the Year

Tammy Frappio 2009-2012

Name/date on tile: Tile 1 ________________________________________

Tile 2 ________________________________________

Tile 3 ________________________________________

Tile 4 ________________________________________


Teachers will be in the breezeway from 9:00-9:25 selling the tiles. Be sure to bring this form completely filled out along with cash or check (made payable to Mandarin Middle School). During the school day feel free to send forms and money to Ms. Fees and Mrs. Morgan. Cut order form along dotted line and submit to Ms. Fees or Mrs. Morgan.

A few spots are left! We need you!

Advertise in the Hawk Tales! This is a wonderful way for your company to get community recognition and exposure, and at the same time help support your local schools!

Judy Cagle • Mandarin Middle School

6 News from TV Production

Honor Roll Celebration

A “sweet treat for sweet grades” was the theme of a recent lunch-time celebration to recognize students for their academic achievements during the 1st Quarter of this school year. Congratulations on your academic success! Keep up the good work, Hawks!

Counselor’s Corner

All of our TV Production students now know firsthand that accidental poisonings can happen at any time at any age. Our guest speaker lectures served as a springboard for the upcoming National Public Service Announcement Contest as well as giving the TV classes the basic information to start the storyboarding process. “The information packed lessons taught teenagers about poison dangers they might run into, and it informed them of dangers to other people in different age brackets as well. The biggest take-away message is that anyone can call the Poison Control center for advice or in the case of an emergency. The call is anonymous, free of charge, and answered by a qualified professional. The 1-800-222-1222 hotline is open 24 hours a day and even fields calls for pets,” said CTE/TV Production teacher, Mrs. Prescott. TV Production student, John Luck, added that “the Poison Control Center is a helpful place that can save lives and calm worries.” We want to congratulate Ms. Burge on her new appointment to the Jacksonville office and thank her for the very first lecture with our 7B class.

8th Grade Parent Night - Save the Date! Date: January 26, 2017 Time: 6:00 PM Place: Mandarin Middle School Auditorium Topics to be discussed include: • How to get your high school schedule with over 40 different high school program choices • Bright Futures Scholarship • Middle school credits and promotion • High school graduation requirements, magnet schools, the application process, and so much more!!!!

Pictured our CTE/TV class 7B with new instructor, Ms. Burge and Educational Lead, Ms. Debi Forrest.

Get Ready for High School Blog

Parents and students should subscribe to the blog at Information is posted often and will be sent to your email if you subscribe. Don’t be left out!

Grief Counseling

Have you suffered a loss this past year? There is help and hope for the holidays. The guidance office has community support information to help with families who have suffered from the death of a family member. The upcoming sessions are free to community members. Get more information in the school’s guidance office.

• • • •

Washington, DC Trip for 8th Graders ONLY

March 15-19, 2017 The total cost, which includes meals, is $560 Contact Ms. Fees at or 292-0555 ext223 for more information Space is limited, a $100 deposit will hold your spot on the trip.


MMS Sports Girls’ Volleyball Team Wins City Conference

On Monday, November 14th, the LadyHawks Volleyball Team won their Semi-final City Championship game against Kirby Smith Middle by scores of 25-3 and 25-8. They played and won against Kernan Middle for the City Championship on Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. at Atlantic Coast High. They finished the season with a 12-1 winning record. Hawk fans watch from the stadium as the Mandarin Middle Football Team plays against rivals from Twin Lakes Middle during an in-school football game.

The Mandarin Hawks Band helps to create team spirit as members cheer on the home team.

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Mandarin Middle School 5100 Hood Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32257

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Inside This Issue Welcome New Assistant Principal

Red Ribbon Week Make-up Dates Legacy Tile Application Honor Roll Celebration Sports and More

Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541


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