Sarasota High School Newsletter

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Dear Sailor Families,

As we wrap up our first month of school, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude and pride for our vibrant community. This campus is filled with rich tradition and built on a strong foundation by alumni and supporters with over a century of passion and love for the Sailors. Our current students, staff, and families continue to come together to create a truly special environment to work and learn in every day. As I reflect, a few key points stick out in this first month that fill my bucket and I wanted to share.

Building Stronger Together

One of the most remarkable aspects of this month has been the way our community has rallied around our school. From parent volunteers to community partnerships, your support has been invaluable. Together, we’ve created a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where every child feels valued and supported.

Celebrating Our Achievements

Our students have already made significant strides in their academic journey.

They’ve embraced new challenges, demonstrated their creativity, and shown a passion for learning. We’re excited to see what they’ll accomplish in the months ahead as we strive to exceed our goals this year and beyond!

Looking Ahead to a Bright Future

As we move forward, we remain committed to providing a high-quality education for every child. We’ll continue to focus on fostering a love of learning, developing essential skills, and preparing our students for success in the 21st century.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We could not do what we do without you. Together, We Are Sarasota, and I’m confident that our SHS will remain the staple for educational excellence in this community!

Go Sailors!


Ryan Chase

Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Lindsay Gallof

Assistant Principal - Administration

Robin Livingston

Assistant Principal - ESE

Alana Pietranton

Assistant Principals

Holly Hultgren A-F

Brooke Teal G-M

Jason Jackson N-Z


Sarasota High School first opened its doors in 1913 and at that time it was just an old yellow schoolhouse with four classrooms, four teachers and a mule outside. Since that time over 100 years ago, academic excellence and storied traditions have been passed on from graduating class to graduating class. In September of 1927, classes began in the newly constructed, beautiful brick building on U.S. 41. Projected enrollment for that school year was 210. As of this newsletter, Sailor enrollment is 2,370.

Over the summer, I had the privilege of talking with an alumna from the class of 1969. She had recently retired from a career in education and was in Sarasota for a few days of vacation. After all these years, she wanted to stop by and see her alma mater. As she reflected on her time in the hallowed halls of the old brick building, this alumna said Sarasota High School was a wonderful place to go to high school. I shared a few highlights about our campus today, including Morning March and the Mighty Sailor Band. As she reminisced more and I listened to her memories, she told me that when she was in school, the Sailors were known as the Mighty, Mighty Sailors.


Sarasota High School collaboratively engages students and staff in a culture of learning to ensure high achievement for all students.


Sarasota High School will be a high-functioning professional learning community that will graduate all students career and college ready, prepared to contribute to their community.

Our conversation caused me to reflect on the special place Sarasota High School and the Sailor family is today. A campus rich in history where we lay claim to being Sarasota’s First and Finest and we carry our city’s name. A campus which spans 83 acres and houses the Edward F. Howell Gymnasium, an award-winning Art Gallery, a research lab, a greenhouse and land lab for Agri-Science, and Cleland Stadium at Ihrig Field. What are some of the things that set the Sailors apart? With more and more Sailor graduates returning to campus as support staff, teachers and administrators, one thing for sure is that the Sailors are coming home. This year we have 24 alumni in various roles on campus and 26 of our staff have one or more students enrolled at Sarasota High. That is Sailor special.

Our three magnet programs—MaST (Math and Science Technology), Cambridge AICE and most recently Circus Arts, set our campus apart. Two of these magnet programs are led by the stellar husband and wife team of Mr. Andy Harshman (MaST) and Mrs. Kristina Harshman (AICE). Mr. and Mrs. Harshman are both alumni and returned as Sailor faculty to teach and later, each would step into a role of leading one of our incomparable, magnet programs at Sarasota High. Sailor tradition goes even deeper with Mr. Harshman as he co-directs the MaST Research Institute, a program his father spearheaded at Sarasota High.

The elder Mr. Harshman started the program in 1995 with a group of science teachers and oversaw it until he retired in 2003. The young Mr. Harshman and fellow science teacher, Mr. Stevenson, took leadership of the program in 2007 and have seen incredible growth. In the initial years of the program, there were approximately 50 students in the program. Most work was done outside of the school day so many students had trouble finding the time to complete research. By implementing MaST as part of the school day for all grade levels when it started, the program has been able to consistently grow with over 150 students currently in the program. Sarasota High School is one of very few around the country where a program like MaST continues and with such a high success rate. This legacy of educational excellence and commitment to research is worth celebrating and honoring. The Sailor baton was passed from one generation to the next and Sarasota High School is all the more blessed because of it. This year, another Harshman generation became a Sailor and he’s marching in the Mighty Sailor Band like his dad did when he was a student on campus. And tradition continues.

As the city was preparing for the opening of the brick building on U.S. 41 many decades ago, the following is taken directly from the May 4, 1927, edition of The Gazette, Sarasota’s daily newspaper at that time. “Time will only tell those next decades in which students will learn to grow in excellence and academic advancement. Memories will be made, traditions will be carried, our society will develop within Sarasota High School. Those walls will house the future.”

After 113 years, the Sailors are still going strong. Academic advancement is being made with excellence, determination, and resiliency. Students’ lives are being impacted. Memories are being made. Sailor traditions reach far and run deep. Let’s pick up the baton of Sailor traditions and pass them on to those Sailors who come behind us. May those who come after us find that the deep and rich foundation of Sarasota’s First and Finest is still strong and unshakable. We are the Sailors, the Mighty, Mighty Sailors! We’re growing stronger, we’re soaring higher, we’re achieving more than ever before!

We Are Sarasota!

Sept. 13 Homecoming Sept. 14 Homecoming Dance

Oct. 9

Underclassmen Make-up Pictures

Oct. 17 End of 1st Grading Period

Oct. 18............ Professional Day—No School

Nov. 15 FINAL Senior Make-up Pictures

Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 20 ........... End of 2nd Grading Period

Dec. 23-31 Winter Break

Jan. 1-3 Winter Break

Jan. 6 Professional Day

Jan. 20 ............ Martin Luther King Jr. Day— No School

Feb. 17 ........... Presidents Day— No School

Mar. 13 End of 3rd Grading Period

Mar. 14 Professional Day—No School

Mar. 17-21 ..... Spring Break

Apr. 11 Grad Bash

Apr. 18 ........... Mini Break

Apr. 26 Prom

May 26 Memorial Day— No School

May 28 Last Day of School


In July, Sarasota High School welcomed new assistant principal, Mrs. Brooke Teal, to the Sailor family. Mrs. Teal is honored to serve in the community where she was raised and still lives, a community which holds a special place in her heart.

Mrs. Teal is a proud product of Sarasota County Schools, having graduated from Sarasota High School in 2009. During her time as a student here at SHS, she was actively involved in Student Government, held a leadership role in Key Club, served as the student representative on the School Advisory Council (SAC), and participated on the Girls Weightlifting Team. She also had the honor of serving as captain of the Lady Sailor Softball Team.

A pivotal moment in her high school journey came during her senior year. With the encouragement and support of Mr. David Jones, her assistant principal at the time, she enrolled in the student internship program at Alta Vista. While in this program, she discovered a passion for student learning—a discovery that set her on the path to a career in education.

Mrs. Teal spent seven rewarding years teaching U.S. History and Civics at Sarasota Middle School, where she was honored to be named Teacher of the Year in 2020. To broaden her impact as an educator beyond the classroom and grow as an educational leader, she worked with Sarasota County’s most at-promise students at Triad Alternative School. She also contributed to dropout prevention efforts while working in the school district’s Office of Academic Intervention Programs. These diverse experiences prepared her to return to her alma mater and serve the Sailor community in a leadership role.

Beyond her professional life, Mrs. Teal is a proud mother of three beautiful children. She is married to her college sweetheart, who shares her passion for supporting students and the Sarasota community. Mrs. Teal is honored to be back at Sarasota High School and serve as an Assistant Principal. Once a Sailor, always a Sailor!

Welcome aboard Mrs. Teal!


Florida’s State Department of Education requires that school districts notify parents and guardians when their student is being instructed by a teacher who is out-of-field. Out-of-Field is a term used for teachers whose assigned teaching duties currently include a subject matter that is outside the field in which they are certified. Two teachers are teaching out-of-field this year. Kathryn Ciano is teaching out-of-field for English 6-12 and Tami Brode is teaching out-of-field for Social Science. Should you have any questions regarding the 2024-2025 Out-of-Field Designations, please contact Lindsay Gallof, Assistant Principal of Curriculum, at (941) 955-0181.


National Art Honor Society is planning another fun filled year of activities. This talented group of student artists has already sponsored painting parking spots for Sarasota High seniors and will continue helping paint more spots with fabulous designs on October 18th from 8 AM – 2 PM. Seniors who wish to participate need to see Mrs. Markley in 5-204 for the forms. In addition, NAHS will be hosting a show featuring the art of Class of 2017 alumni, Charlotte Jordan. The show will be on October 3rd from 6 PM to 8 PM in the Art Gallery.

This dynamic year with NAHS will be packed with fun, state-of-the-art activities including local markets, fundraisers, and art projects that are not taught in the usual Art classes. As a club, we are excited to work as a team to bring out our school’s colors and more.


Over the summer, AICE Art & Design student Eva Brock entered an art contest sponsored by the Community Foundation and Venice Art Center. Eva won 2nd Place for the category of Best In Show as well as two weekly awards of Honorable Mention and 2nd Place.

Congratulations Eva!

Our Bulldogs have started another strong year. Cadets have started joining teams and have been getting involved in our battalion events. We have a lot of exciting events coming up this year.

If you are unfamiliar with our program and what we do, the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Program is dedicated to inspiring and promoting leadership, character, and community service among its members. We do this by providing our students, or ‘cadets,’ with hands-on leadership experience through the implementation of our student-run program. Cadets are responsible for one another in various teams, classes, and many other activities. There is no obligation for cadets to join the military, and most of those enrolled in JROTC do not elect to serve after high school.

Our Battalion is led by senior Cameron Ehrlich. He is the Raiders captain. So far, under his direction, the Battalion staff have begun drafting several ideas for both the Continuous Improvement and Service-Learning Project. Each year the Bulldog Battalion decides on something in JROTC that we wish to improve. Past Continuous Improvement Projects have included better Physical Training, more promotions, and more consistent uniform wear. In addition, every year the Battalion completes a Service-Learning Project. As a program, we also work together to accomplish a volunteer event in our community. These events are planned months in advance and require the full attention of Battalion staff to complete.

Over the summer, cadets went to JCLC, the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge. JCLC is a 4-day summer camp available to our cadets and other Sarasota and Manatee County cadets where they learn about teamwork and activities like canoeing and rappelling. The Raider team is starting off strong with their first competition on September 21st at Braden River High School. The Rifle Team has their first match on September 28th. With Homecoming right around the corner, remember to come and support our JROTC Saber Guard on Friday, September 13th. Let's go Bulldogs!

Senior Parking Spots
Best In Show by Eva Brock

Senior Dates for the Class of 2025

Senior Pictures

1st Payment for Senior Packages (No Refunds)

Senior Sunrise

Cap & Gown Assembly

Cap & Gown Orders

July 8th/July 25th

August 15th & 16th November 15th

By appointments ONLY!

August 12th – October 11th School Hours

August 29th 6:30am

SHS Art Gallery/Gym Lobby (Must schedule appointment)

Main Office Mavrikas

Football Field Ms. Stelmashenko/Student Government

October 10, 2024 2nd period Auditorium

October 17, 2024

If you have a financial situation, please see your counselor ASAP. All Lunches Café

2025 Class Photo November 15th, 2024 7:30

Football Field Ms. Stelmashenko / Student Government Announcement Order Deadline

Final Payment for Senior Packages Due (No Refunds)

Grad Bash ’25

Ticket Reservations (Non-Refundable / Non- Transferable)

December 20, 2024 Anytime on their website

December 20, 2024

January 27th - January 31st School Hours (Limited tickets: may sell out before last day of sales)

Grad Bash Permission Slips Pick-up: February 3rd, 2025 Return: February 7th, 2025

School Hours

Mr. & Miss. Sarasota Mr. Sarasota - February 6th Miss. Sarasota - March 6th 7:00 pm

Grad Announcement Distribution March 2025

Senior Fee


This fee is included in the SHS Senior Packages if you purchased one of those.

Cap & Gown Distribution

Graduation National Anthem Auditions

2025 Graduation Student Speaker Auditions

Grad Bash 2025

March 28th, 2025

If you have a financial situation, please see your counselor ASAP.

April 4, 2025

School Hours

School Hours

During Lunches

April 7, 2025 2:30

Applications Available: SHS

Website - Senior Tab Applications Deadline: April 4, 2025 Auditions: April 10, 2025

School Hours

April 11, 2025 2:30 pm - 4:00 am

Prom Ticket Sales April 7th – 17th, 2025 Seniors only can purchase 7th – 14th


Senior Awards Night

April 26, 2025

May 8, 2025

School Hours (Limited tickets: may sell out before last day of sales)

7:00 pm - 11:30 pm

Invite Only Event

Senior Assembly May 12, 2025 2nd & 3rd Period

Mandatory Graduation Practice TBD May 14th or 15th 7:00 am - 11:00 am

* Graduation May 16, 2025 8:00 pm (Students arrive at 6:45)



SHS Speech and Debate is back and better than ever. After finishing last season with multiple national qualifiers, two team members competed at NCFL Grand Nationals in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. Special congratulations to Drew Light for advancing to Semi-Finals in Congressional Debate in his freshman year!

Main Office Mavrikas

Mavrikas Office (Ticket Sales)

Main Office Mavrikas


Main Office Mavrikas

Main Office Mavrikas

Gym Lobby Mavrikas

Mr. Sanders 13-141

Return by deadline to Dr. St. John

Universal Studios / Island of Adventures

Ms. Stelmashenko

The Ora, Sarasota Ms. Stelmashenko



SHS Auditorium/Football Field (Bring water & sunscreen)

The Cleland Stadium at Ihrig Field – SHS

With six returning Varsity members and Novice recruits across all grade levels, the team is looking forward to the 2024-2025 season. They are happy to be back in classroom 13-138 and have already begun their preparations for their first tournament of the year at the Academy of Holy Names which will take place September 21st.

The team would like to extend a thank you to our amazing parents who have continuously dedicated their time to the team as chaperones and judges, and especially to our coach Dr. St John. She has supported and coached year after year and always works hard for the team. None of the team's success would be possible without her.

If you would like to assist the team in any way, please email Dr. St. John at They are in need of financial support which will enable students to compete more often throughout the season which runs from September – June. They are also in need of supplies such as copy paper, legal pads, pens, and highlighters. Thank you in advance for your support.

Drew Light Semi Finalist Congressional Debate NCFL


The Sarasota High School Foundation will host its 7th Annual Hall of Fame Dinner on Sunday, September 29th. This year’s dinner will be held at The Circus Arts Conservatory. Plan to join us as we honor new inductees and raise money towards the Sarasota High School Foundation. Buy your tickets online at

The mission of the Sarasota High School Hall of Fame is to preserve and promote the history of what it means to be a “Sailor.”


Senior PackagesSarasota High School

Class of 2025 Senior Packages

Orange Package:



Sarasota High School


Sarasota High School



» Yearbook

» Prom Ticket (Must bring dance waiver in exchange for prom ticket)

» Grad Bash Ticket

» Senior Class T-Shirt


Grad Bash Ticket


Senior Class T-Shirt

Black Package:

» Senior Class Fee

» Diploma Cover

Black Package –

» Class Photo

Senior Class Fee

» Graduation Medallion

Diploma Cover Class Photo

» Yearbook » Grad Bash Ticket

Graduation Medallion Yearbook

» Senior Class T-Shirt

Grad Bash Ticket Senior Class T-Shirt

White Package:

White Package –

» Senior Class Fee

Senior Class Fee Diploma Cover Class Photo

» Diploma Cover » Class Photo » Graduation Medallion

Graduation Medallion Senior Class T-Shirt


include graduation caps, gowns, tassels, or announcements.

Packages are FinalNO REFUNDS

(Students can lose Prom & Grad Bash privileges if they have attendance or discipline issues during their senior year)



Daris Rodriguez Zurinaga, Head Coach

Sept. 12 Lemon Bay @ Home 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Sept. 17 @ Bishop Verot 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Sept. 19 Out of Door Academy @ Home 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Sept. 21 ....... Ida Baker Tournament (Varsity Only) .. TBD

Sept. 24 @ Parrish High School 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Sept. 26 @ Inspiration Academy 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Sept. 28 Manatee Tournament (Varsity Only) TBD

Oct. 1 ........... North Port @ Home ............................. 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Oct. 3 @ Lakewood Ranch 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Oct. 8 @ Riverview 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM

Oct. 10 @ Venice 5:00 PM/6:00 PM/7:00 PM


Amp Campbell, Head Coach

Sept. 13 Gibbs @ Home 7:30 PM

Sept. 20 ....... Ida Baker @ Home............................... 7:30 PM

Sept. 26 Riverview @ Home 7:30 PM

Oct. 4 @ Lakewood Ranch 7:30 PM

Oct. 10 @ Lehigh 7:30 PM

Oct. 25 ......... @ Venice .............................................. 7:30 PM

Nov. 1 @ Parrish 7:30 PM


Vincent Wallace, Head Coach

Sept. 12 @ Venice 6:30 PM

Sept. 19 Booker @ Home 6:30 PM

Sept. 26 @ Riverview 6:30 PM

Oct. 3 ........... @ Palmetto ........................................... 6:30 PM

Oct. 17 Lakewood Ranch @ Home 6:30 PM


Andrew Eckhart, Head Coach

Sept. 14 Venice & Riverview @ Selby Aquatic Center 10:00 AM

Sept. 28 Charlotte & Riverview @ South County Regional Park 10:00 AM

Oct. 5 .......................Riverview @ Selby Aquatic Center ...................................TBD

Oct. 12 Tri-County Champs @ Selby Aquatic Center TBD

Oct. 21—Oct. 26 FHSAA District Championships TBD

Oct. 28--Nov. 2 FHSAA Regional Championships TBD

TBD.........................FHSAA 4A State Championships @ Ocala .......................TBD


Judy Ellis-Samms, Head Coach

Sept. 12 North Port @ Heron Creek 3:30 PM

Sept. 17 Braden River @ Serenoa 3:30 PM

Sept. 19 Cardinal Mooney @ Bobby Jones 3:30 PM

Sept. 24 ....... Venice @ Serenoa .................................................... 3:30 PM

Sept. 26 Parrish Community @ River Club 3:30 PM

Oct. 1 North Port @ Serenoa 3:30 PM

Oct. 3 Cardinal Mooney & Braden River—Palm Aire 3:30 PM

Oct. 10 ......... Riverview—Serenoa ................................................ 3:30 PM

Oct. 15 Parrish Community—Serenoa 3:30 PM

Oct. 22 Riverview—Misty Creek 3:30 PM


Barry Cheesman, Head Coach



John Stevenson, Boys Head Coach

Kyle Mendenhall, Girls Head Coach


In the pre-dawn hours in late August, the Class of 2025 gathered in the football stadium to watch the sunrise and to sign specially designed t-shirts. The morning sun did not disappoint and greeted the students with its magnificence and beauty.

Sept. 14 ......................... Seffnar Christian Invite

Sept. 20—Sept. 21 North Port Invite

Oct. 12 FSU Pre-State

Oct. 19 Tri-County @ North Port

Oct. 25 Night Race @ NOPO

Sept. 12 Venice @ Jacaranda West 3:30 PM

Sept. 24 ..................... SHS @ North Port ................................................................... 3:30 PM

Sept. 25 SHS, Lakewood Ranch/Venice/Riverview @ Royal Lakes 3:30 PM

Oct. 1 Cardinal Mooney @ Bobby Jones 3:30 PM

Oct. 7 Donald Ross @ Sara Bay TBD

Oct. 16 Riverview @ Misty Creek 3:30 PM

Oct. 17 Riverview @ TPC Prestancia 3:30 PM

Oct. 28—Oct. 30 District @ Jacaranda West TBD

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Nov. 4—Nov. 6 ......... Regionals ................................................................................ TBD

Sarasota County District Schools

Sarasota High School

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Sarasota High School is proud to announce its designation as a Cambridge Showcase School, a testament to its commitment to educational excellence and continuous improvement through its implementation of the Cambridge program. This prestigious honor highlights Sarasota High School's dedication to fostering a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for future success. As a Cambridge School since 2011, Sarasota High School stands out for its innovative teaching practices, including Cambridge's skill-based learning approach which focuses on developing a range of competencies while building academic knowledge.

The results for the Spring 2024 AICE testing series were released on August 13th. We are very proud of our Sailor students! Our overall pass rate for all AICE exams was 78%. This included over 1,000 students sitting for more than 2,600 exams in our 32 AICE courses. We had 141 graduating seniors earn their AICE Diploma this year. Of those seniors, 78 seniors earned the AICE Diploma with Merit, and 4 seniors earned the AICE Diploma with Distinction. Forty-nine juniors (current seniors) earned their AICE Diploma in Spring 2024.

Each spring is also application season for prospective AICE students. We received over 400 applications and this year, we are welcoming 237 new freshman AICE students. Currently, there are 877 students in the AICE program.

AICE students received the 2024-2025 AICE Honor Code booklet from their English teachers during the first week of school. Please make sure you and your student sign the Parent/Student signature form and return it to your student’s English teacher. If your student’s form has not been turned in yet, please make sure your AICE student drops it off to Mrs. Harshman or Mrs. Renner in the AICE office.

In addition, there was important information in the booklet on testing procedures, the provisional June 2024 testing calendar, Booster information, merchandise for sale, and other useful information pertaining to AICE.


2, 3

Below is the estimated window of test dates. Exact dates subject to change.

Sept. 23-Oct. 4 FAST Retake/EOCs

Oct. 9 SAT NCR (Non-College Reportable)

Oct. 16 CLT (Classic Learning Test)

Oct. 22-Oct. 25 PSAT/NMSQT

Oct. 29 ACT NCR (Non-College Reportable)

Nov. 7 Classical Learning Test

Dec. 2-Dec. 12 FAST Retake/EOCs

Dec. 16-Dec. 20 LEOC—Economics/ Government

If your 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student is requesting special accommodations on AICE exams for the Spring 2025 exam series, please make sure to fill out the Accommodations Request packet and return all supporting documents to the AICE Office (14-205) by October 17, 2024.

The AICE Boosters are collecting donations for the program. Please visit to make your donation today!

Senior AICE students--please check and log your volunteer hours for Bright Futures. Bright Futures cannot be earned if these hours are not logged. Please visit the Student Success Center if you have any questions.

Check out the AICE website for more information

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