Proper logo use Acadia logo files use approved colours and correct proportions. These include CMYK, Pantone, black, and reverse versions for printing, as well as RGB versions for digital applications and internal documents produced using Microsoft 365.
Wherever possible, use the CMYK horizontal logo. A vertical “stacked” version is available for use only when the primary horizontal logo is not suitable. Maintain a safe area using the height of the shield as a guide for the safe space around the logo. Images, text or graphics should never intrude in this area. Primary logo (shown here with safe area)
Secondary logo
The Office of Recruitment, Students, and Enrolment Management offers an alternate stylized logo for marketing purposes.
PMS 1807c C0 M100 Y90 K20 R196 G20 B36 #c41424
PMS 295c C100 M60 Y0 K40 R0 G64 B103 #004077
PMS Black 6C C0 M0 Y0 K100 R29 G29 B27 #1d1d1b
White C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 #ffffff
Acadia University’s visual identity is represented by core colours – red, blue, black and white. These colours can and should be used throughout materials. Using correct colour formats will ensure consistency on all materials.
Minimum size for the primary horizontal logo is 32 mm (1.25 in) wide in print, or 90 pixels on screen. 32 mm 1.25 in 90 pixels
25 mm 1in 72 pixels
Minimum size for the secondary stacked logo is 25 mm (1 in) wide in print, or 90 pixels on screen.
The Acadia logo should never be redrawn, distorted, or modified. Changing its colour, proportions, fonts, or adding elements to the logo will damage the integrity Do not alter the colour
Do not add or subtract elements
Do not rotate or skew
of the University’s identity.
Do not place over a busy background
The single colour version is for use only when full-colour is not an option. Reverse versions should be used over a solid colour or a dark image Never place over light backgrounds.
University Communications | Office of the President
Acadia logo use 1-sheet