Acadia Bulletin - Fall 2019

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FALL 2019




for ACADIA EvEry gift mat tErs “small communities of learning will be enhanced with technological developments, but you cannot replace faceto-face, one-on-one, small-group opportunities to engage in ideas. and that’s what a place like acadia does really well.” Dr. Maurice Tugwell Economics Professor (retired)

Join Us. Campaign for Acadia.

When former students mention Dr. Maurice Tugwell, the word “inspiring” often arises. In his 35-year career, he taught economics to thousands of them, encouraging them to make a difference in their university community and beyond.

CabinEt mEmbErs nancy mcCain (’82), Cabinet Chair, toronto | Clive anderson (’89), singapore | Paul bailey (’75), toronto Libby burnham (’60, ’00), toronto | Don Clow (’83), Halifax | Henry Demone (’76), Lunenburg shih fang (Dino) ng (’01), Kuala Lumpur | ruth Hennigar (’81), san Jose, Ca | Karen Hutt (’89), Halifax allan macDonald (’92), toronto | Peter macKay (’87), toronto/new glasgow | ian macneily (’81), toronto tracey mcgillivray (’87/’15), Ottawa/toronto | Kevin mullen (’86), Calgary | Larry mussenden (’86), bermuda Kerel Pinder (’06), freeport, bahamas | David roy (’08), toronto | Derek smith (’05), London, UK Cynthia trudell (’74), armonk, new york | stephen Wetmore (’77, ’16), toronto | Lana Wood (’82), Calgary/vancouver francis yip (’90), Hong Kong | Ex OffiCiO mEmbErs: bruce galloway (’68, ’99), Chancellor John rogers (’79), Chair, board of governors | Dr. Peter ricketts, President and vice-Chancellor ron smith (’71), Chair, advancement Committee | ryan Conrod (’06), President, acadia alumni association Dr. rod morrison, vice-President, advancement | bruce Phinney (’81), Liaison, advancement Committee Kyle vandertoorn (’20), President, acadia students’ Union | nancy Handrigan (’92), Executive Director, Philanthropy, and Campaign Director 2


IN EVERY ISSUE From the Acadia President . . . . . . . . 2 From the Alumni President . . . . . . . . 3 Alumni Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Eye on Acadia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24



The Sky’s the Limit! When 17-year-old Phyllis Penney left Newfoundland in 1942 to attend Acadia University, she had no inkling that five years later she would make aviation history.

Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Alumni Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Acadia Remembers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Final Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

ON THE COVER: Award-winning teacher Melanie Kennedy (’01) and her therapy dog, Karma. (Photo: Fred Sgambati)


Every Gift Matters Campaign for Acadia is in full swing! See what’s happening and learn how you can make a difference now and in the future at Acadia.


Happy Homecoming! An enthusiastic crowd of alumni returned to the Acadia campus October 17-20 to catch up, kick back, and Stand Up and Cheer at Homecoming 2019.


Smashing Summer Reunion! More than 200 alumni and guests returned to Acadia July 5-7 as the University welcomed back the Classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974 and 1979 plus Seminary House (1977-1982) to Summer Reunion.




Fall 2019


his fall, we launched our new strategic plan, Acadia 2025: Transforming Lives for a Transforming World. This five-year plan is the culmination of more than a year of consultation within the Acadia community and beyond – especially with alumni – that we expect will position us to greatly enhance our ability to prepare students for success in a world that is changing more and more rapidly. This edition of the Bulletin includes examples of our alumni who represent perfectly the reason why this new strategic plan, launched at this point in our history, is so important. In 2018, RBC published a report, Humans Wanted: How Canadian youth can thrive in the age of disruption, which describes the job markets of the near and distant future and lists the skills that will be required. It should come as no surprise to Acadia alumni that the people who will thrive are those that can, among other things, solve complex problems, work well in teams, and think like an entrepreneur. Sound familiar? Indeed, our strategic plan consultations told us that our alumni describe their Acadia experience using these terms and believe that we need to strengthen our commitment to challenging students in this way. Our world needs more people willing to tackle big global issues fearlessly and enthusiastically. There is no way I can adequately describe how fortunate we are to have an alumni family that is so committed to helping today’s Acadia students succeed in the future. Our Campaign for Acadia is on track with its fundraising targets, our alumni events are well attended worldwide, and we continue to excel in athletics and academics because of the direct involvement and support of alumni. This positive energy is palpable on campus with new faculty arrivals and the appointment of new senior leaders, Dr. Dale Keefe as Provost and Vice-President Academic, Scott Duguay as Vice-Provost, and Acadia alumna Dr. Laura Robinson as Dean of Arts. We have embarked on the next leg of our journey and we are confident of its success. In Acadia spirit, Dr. Peter Ricketts President and Vice-Chancellor



Publisher Office of Advancement, Acadia University Editor Fred Sgambati (’83) Vice President, Advancement Rod Morrison PHOTO: PETER OLESKEVICH


Volume 102 / Issue 2

Advertising Manager Sandra Symonds Alumni Association Board of Directors Ryan Conrod (’06) Donalda MacBeath (’75) David Davidson (’81) Tammy Walker (’92) Stephanie Reid (’05) Hilary Arenburg Gobien (’12) Marian Reid (’85) Matt Rios (’14) Tony Stewart (’72) Rebecca Carr (’15) Fred Gilbert (’65) Ted Upshaw (’80) Heather Hickman (’77) Leah McNally (’07) Kyle Power (’13) Carol D’Amelio (’72) Christine Luckasavitch (’11) Sam Zhang (’05) Jeff Aucoin (’95) Olivia Bryant (’19, ex-officio) Taylor Wilson (’20, ex-officio) Graphic Designer Cathy Little Printing Advocate Printing Distributor Russell House Marketing The Bulletin is published twice a year, Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer, by the Office of Advancement, Acadia University. It is distributed on the Acadia campus and by mail to more than 29,000 alumni. All material is ©2019 Acadia University, and may be reprinted with written permission. Acadia Bulletin welcomes Letters to the Editor: Fred Sgambati Office of Advancement Acadia University Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 902.585.1725 Advertising inquiries: Production and Events Manager Alumni Affairs Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 902.585.1708




utumn has arrived in Wolfville and brought an enthusiastic cohort of students to campus for a new term, and a host of alumni for Acadia’s annual Homecoming activities. It was great to see fellow alumni at the many Homecoming events this year and share stories of our own experiences at Acadia. I have the privilege of visiting Wolfville and spending time on campus regularly and I always appreciate the energy students bring to the town when they return each fall from summer break. Acadia’s unique educational experience provides a tremendous launching pad for its students. This edition of the Bulletin illustrates how Acadia has propelled graduates toward lifetime achievement – whether to outstanding professional success, and to new heights in business and community development. The pages that follow offer a sample of the countless stories people share about what a start at Acadia has done for members of our alumni community. I am pleased to report also that the Acadia Alumni Association plans to get more involved with helping Acadia students and graduates reach their goals. The Alumni Association Board of Directors is developing a strategy to fund and support a mentorship and career services program at Acadia. Acadia alumni are keen to stay involved with their alma mater and

Acadia students can benefit greatly from what alumni have to offer. Recent graduates and current students are looking for support as they move beyond Acadia and enter careers, pursue further studies or otherwise prepare for their next challenge, and interested alumni will be there to assist in this transition. The Alumni Association continues to support Acadia in many ways, and has recently renewed multi-year commitments to support the Acadia Students’ Union and Acadia Athletics in their many worthy endeavours. These commitments, as well as our plan to support a career planning and mentorship program, go hand-inhand with the $1.5 million commitment made by the Alumni Association to Campaign for Acadia. I would like to offer a special thank you to all of the individual alumni who have made a commitment to the Campaign. Your generosity will ensure that Acadia reaches new heights in its ability to transform students into empowered, thoughtful and well-educated citizens. Thanks for your continued interest in Acadia. Stand up and Cheer! Ryan Conrod (’06) President, Acadia Alumni Association




QUEEN Award-winning teacher Melanie Kennedy inspires students to be authentic, live out loud and embrace their dreams



By Fred Sgambati (’83)


elanie Kennedy (’01) loves drama. To be precise, she loves teaching drama, and has been doing so for nearly 20 years, the last 14 of them at Auburn Drive High School in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia. Inclusion is a critical component of her approach and likely a good reason why she has been honoured with the Superintendent’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2011 and the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2018. She has a BEd (’01), MEd in Special Education (’06) and an MEd in counselling (’19), all from Acadia. She brings a therapy dog, Karma, to class every day and is a strong ally for LGBTQ and special needs students. Latte in hand and Karma by her side sporting a leash and a red service dog vest, Kennedy settles in for a chat at Pavia Gallery Espresso Bar and Café on the fifth floor of the Halifax Central Library. Drama, she says, is a truly inclusive discipline. “The curriculum incorporates everyone in the group and lends itself to that. People are naturally involved, and everyone fits in. That kind of atmosphere is a true reflection of what inclusion can be. Kids who are neurodiverse coming to class tend to find it difficult to integrate. My goal in creating within the arts is to have a truly integrated learning situation where kids are no longer invisible. Drama is a room where everyone fits.” She also says she’s quite happy to be the weirdest person in the room because it gives her students permission to be themselves. “Do I feel like an idiot when I wear a tiara? Sure, but I have five different tiaras and I wear them all.” Performing, she adds, provides a free and creative space in which everybody is okay just as they are. No one cares if you are different or LGBTQ or poor or rich or what colour you are. “No judgement,” Kennedy says, “and it’s lovely.”


Melanie Kennedy and Karma share a happy moment during our interview at the Halifax Central Library.


Lessons About Inclusive Education Oddly enough, these are lessons she learned at Acadia when few others were talking about inclusive education. She lauds the quality of the professors she met during her Education degree and says she was surprised at the importance they placed on inclusive education. “It was not as prevalent at the time,” she recalls, “and yet there were courses on inclusive education at Acadia. I was very surprised by that and it was interesting to me.” Kennedy did an undergraduate music/theatre degree at Bishop’s, is an opera singer and has two degrees in vocal music. However, acting wasn’t in the cards for her. She didn’t want to stress about a paycheque as a performer, and having to possibly repeat that process every three or four months was daunting. A friend at Kings-Edgehill told her they were looking for someone to teach drama there and she was hired. She was also a house parent living in residence “and it was a really good gig,” she says. “I discovered that drama was pretty awesome, and I realized that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to live with music and theatre in my life with a steady paycheque coming in,” which precipitated her application to Acadia’s Bachelor of Education program. The rest, as they say, is history.

“Drama class is a life class. It’s all about communication: what messages are you giving off?”

Drama is Not a Frill The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence was flattering and Kennedy says she certainly appreciates it, but what mattered most to her was that a parent nominated her for the award. “More important to my heart is that this parent recognized the change in her children that drama made possible,” Kennedy says. “A lot of people see drama as a frill, an extra, but we need more people like (former British Prime Minister) Winston Churchill, who said, ‘If we don’t have the arts, what are we fighting this war for?’ “Drama class is a life class. It’s all about communication: what messages are you giving off?” Kennedy understands that a lot of young people feel stressed out and anxious, “but there’s a difference between stress and anxiety. Anxiety feeds on itself and makes it more irrational. We spend a lot of time in drama asking, ‘What’s the worst thing that could happen?’ and then answering the question. I encourage kids to ask and answer the question and understand that it’s okay not to know what your path is.”

Find Your Passion Kennedy believes a lot of young people struggle with the decision to pursue post-secondary education and her suggestion is to figure out first where their passions lie. “Even as a single parent of two kids (Ryan, 15, and



Andrew, 11), all I want is for them to be happy and healthy. That’s it.” The same goes for her students. “It’s not about what they learn in terms of the curriculum. What I’m concerned about is what they learn about themselves. We all have doubts and sometimes I don’t know what the right thing to do is. I called my mom once and asked when that goes away and she said, ‘I’m still waiting.’” Watching kids discover is her favourite thing, and maybe that’s why Kennedy is so invested in her students, raising money for theatrical equipment, leading the school’s annual dinner theatre night, and putting on concerts to raise funds to build schools in China, Sierra Leone, India and Kenya. She has also chaperoned school trips, taking students around the world to further their appreciation of diversity and foster the joy of discovery. In March of this year, she went with a group to Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Venice. “It’s so incredible watching kids discover the world. There’s a perfect balance of security and independence, and it’s amazing to see them interact with each other and grow while experiencing a different culture.” Kennedy nuzzles Karma, shares some kisses and smiles, reflecting on her life and career to this point. “I’m a lucky girl,” she says. She continues to make a difference in the classroom as a role model, confidante and an authentic voice that encourages students to live and embrace their ambitions to the fullest. Who’s lucky? The answer is obvious. We are.

On July 15, 2019, Phyllis (Penney) Gaul celebrated the 72nd anniversary of her first solo flight. The pillow she is holding was made by a friend to commemorate that flight.


THE SKY’S THE LIMIT Phyllis Penney Gaul soars into aviation history



“Acadia gave me independence. It gave me an introduction to a lot of wonderful people who became lifelong friends.”

By Rachel Cooper (’89)


hen 17-year-old Phyllis Penney left Newfoundland in 1942 to attend Acadia University in Nova Scotia, she was moving to another country. Away from home for the first time, she had no inkling that five years later she would make aviation history as Newfoundland’s first female pilot. Yet this would not be her first encounter with aviation history. On May 20, 1932, when Phyllis was six, Amelia Earhart landed at the Harbour Grace airstrip in preparation for the historic flight that would make her the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. Phyllis’s father was given the honour of driving Amelia from the airstrip into town and back. “There was no room in the car for me, but my older brother Bob was allowed to go along with our dad,” Phyllis recalls today. “Amelia sat in the front seat, and her two crewmen sat in the back with Bob. Not to be left out completely, I ran beside the car as far as I could.” She was nine days short of her seventh birthday. Phyllis was an independent spirit, and when she arrived at Acadia she embraced her studies and the University’s activities. But World War II was casting a long shadow. A visit to Acadia the following year by Bob and their cousin Bill, both in the navy, stirred Phyllis to make a choice. “There was too much pull to go home and help in the war effort in some way,” she says. “I returned to St. John’s and worked for the Royal Navy’s Captain of Destroyers.”

Taking Flight in Gander In 1946, after the war, Phyllis moved to Gander, where she began working at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines as a ground attendant and secretary to the station manager at the Gander Airport. She also joined the local flying club.



When she took her first solo flight in a Piper Cub on July 15, 1947, she entered the history books. “That’s a memory that will always stay,” Phyllis says. “You’re up there, and once you take off, it’s nobody except you and the sky – and the ground, of course. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to think that you can do such a thing.” The town of Gander later named a street after her and the North Atlantic Aviation Museum created an exhibit dedicated to Phyllis as one of the Women in Aviation. Over the years, it has not been unusual for Phyllis to receive a phone call or an e-mail from somebody wanting to do a school project about her. In 1950, KLM transferred her to Montreal where, two years later, she married Richard Gaul, whom she had met in Gander and become friends with in the flying club. They raised four children, two girls and two boys, and although Phyllis’s flying was now on hold, her interest in travel persisted. When the children were older, she returned to school to become a travel agent, a career that took her all over the world. She now lives in Victoria, B.C.

Penney Gaul is now an MD specializing in diagnostic imaging. Phyllis and her son Richard Gaul, May 2019. Although Richard did not graduate from Acadia, his time here allowed him to develop skills and confidence to pursue a successful career as a photographer and producer in New York.

While Phyllis never returned to Acadia to complete her degree, she also never forgot it. “Acadia gave me independence,” she says. “It gave me an introduction to a lot of wonderful people who became lifelong friends.”

The Next Generation As her children grew, Phyllis often talked enthusiastically about her university experiences. “When we grew up, we knew a lot about Acadia,” her daughter Kathy says. “Even though we were in Montreal, Acadia was probably the first university we heard of.” In fact, two of Phyllis’s children attended Acadia. Penney Gaul (’80), now an MD specializing in diagnostic imaging in Calgary and Vancouver, is in Acadia’s Sports Hall of Fame as a swimmer. She is one of only a handful of Acadia varsity athletes to have won four conference championships. As a member of Acadia’s impressive women’s swim teams of the late 1970s, she added two national titles as well. Penney’s brother Richard also attended Acadia for two years. Although he did not complete his degree, he has fond memories of Acadia, Penney says.

Kathy, who studied at the University of New Brunswick, was also a champion varsity swimmer. She and Penney competed against each other in the regional championships and then at the nationals, and both were winners at different times. “One of the reasons I went to Acadia was I knew of Jack Scholtz, the swim coach, and several of my swimming peers in the Montreal area were either planning on going to Acadia or were already there,” Penney says. “The swim team provided me the comfort of belonging somewhere. It was a perfect fit. And the foundation I got on the academic side put me in a great position to be successful in medicine.” Penney is immensely proud of her mom. “She was constantly doing courageous things – to keep things interesting or to make things better or just to see what would happen,” Penney says. “I think her story is a real reflection of the type of people that go to Acadia and succeed.” Today, Phyllis remains an independent spirit. The years since her time at Acadia have been good, she says. “I’d encourage anybody, whenever new opportunities arise, to take advantage of them. Learn to fly!” And she laughs.

Acadia Reminiscence “For Initiation Day in September 1942, all the first-year students had to wear many layers of their clothes inside out and backwards as well as don some interesting headgear or hat – as well as gloves and boots. We were quite the vision! When I look at the photo now, I laugh. I remember the fun as if it were yesterday. I loved my time at Acadia.” – Phyllis Penney Gaul

“One of the other swimmers and I were hitchhiking to StFX in Antigonish to see a football game and Dr. Beveridge, who was Acadia’s president, picked us up – it was such a small town – and he drove us there and drove us home. I also remember going to the homes of several of the students who lived nearby, for Thanksgiving dinner, or even a Sunday dinner. I just felt as though I belonged, and I felt safe there.” – Penney Gaul



CHAMPION OF CHALLENGER BASEBALL Randy Crouse, his wife Laura and their son Gehrig are all baseball enthusiasts.





By Rachel Cooper (’89)

t all started with a smile. Or, more accurately, with S.M.I.L.E. – Acadia’s Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience program, in which Acadia student-volunteers provide one-on-one instruction in physical activities to persons with disabilities to help improve their development. For Randy Crouse (’03), volunteering in the S.M.I.L.E. program during his kinesiology studies was life-changing. Now in his second year as national coordinator of Challenger Baseball Canada, Crouse credits S.M.I.L.E. with setting him on the road to his present career and personal life.


The S.M.I.L.E. Effect “I owe so much to S.M.I.L.E.,” he says. “I’m a registered nurse with St. Martha’s Regional Hospital in Antigonish, and I owe S.M.I.L.E. that. It gave me the confidence to want to help others, which led me to nursing. It also led me to Challenger Baseball, where I volunteer. It even led to meeting my wife, Laura, who is also a nurse. Without S.M.I.L.E., I’m not sure what my path would have been. I can’t speak highly enough about the program.” S.M.I.L.E. also introduced Crouse to Challenger Baseball, which provides an opportunity for children, youth and adults with disabilities to participate in baseball at a level structured to their abilities. Besides serving as its national coordinator, he is coordinator of Nova Scotia Challenger Baseball. He coordinates the Antigonish Challenger Baseball program for 34 local kids. “As national coordinator, my role is to help new programs get started and answer any questions that existing programs have,” Crouse says. “Usually after two years, a program is pretty self-sufficient. I try to find new places that might be interested in starting programs and help where I can with grant money or any kind of equipment they might need.” Along the way, he advocates for accessibility, Challenger Baseball and inclusion. Provincially, Nova Scotia Challenger Baseball is in its sixth year and currently has nine programs running. Crouse is characteristically modest about his role as coordinator. “I surround myself with a lot of fantastic coordinators who make me look a lot better than I am.” Nationally, he has worked alongside the Jays Care Foundation – the charitable arm of the Toronto Blue Jays – and with Baseball Canada. “We all work together to grow Challenger Baseball across Canada,” he says.

Setting the Bar High In S.M.I.L.E., Crouse learned about adaptive sports, inclusion, and different disabilities. After he moved to Antigonish, he became involved in minor baseball and then started a Challenger Baseball program. It was about that time when Baseball Canada and Little League Canada noticed Challenger Baseball and promoted it, he says. “Back then, in 2013, we had only 20 programs across Canada. They really started to push to build this, and now we’re at over 100 programs with more than 7,000 kids participating.” Challenger Baseball’s goal is to have over 60,000 children and youth participating in the next 10 years. “We’re setting our bar high, but I’d say right now we’re only really getting around three to four per cent of the population across Canada,” he says. “The short-term goal is getting these kids active and on a team. We want to give them a uniform and let them experience the sport.” Longer term, Challenger Baseball is using baseball and sport to help kids increase their confidence and selfesteem, and to take those qualities from the ballfield into their lives, schooling and community as they grow up. “Even though I spent time in Europe during school and studied nursing at Dalhousie, when anyone asks where I went to school, it’s Acadia,” Crouse says. “Acadia and S.M.I.L.E are where I met my best friends, where I met the people I still hang out with now. Acadia is home; it’s family. It’s just one of those places that will always hold a special place in me. Even now, 16 years since I graduated, everything in my life is connected to Acadia in some way.”

Acadia Reminiscence “The biggest thing that stands out is being in the lounge with all the guys and girls in Barrax during the evening. The residence’s real name is War Memorial House, but everyone calls it Barrax. All these people from different backgrounds and different cultures, 20 or 30 people, and you’re one big family: talking, watching TV, watching sports. People you’ve just met weeks or months earlier, and you’re connected for life. That’s what I remember most. That’s what I hold dear.” – Randy Crouse




Diane Campbell (’64) in the day room at The Berkeley Gladstone in Halifax. 12



Alumna Diane Campbell explains Acadia’s appeal and why the University’s small school experience remains relevant



By Fred Sgambati (’83)

iane Campbell (’64) was only 16 years old when she came to Acadia from Grade 11 at Queen Elizabeth High School in Halifax. To say she was a little shy and wide-eyed upon her arrival in Wolfville would be an understatement, but the campus was beautiful and welcoming, and she settled into Whitman House (Tully) in no time and began the process of making lifelong friends and enjoying the uniquely personal educational experience for which Acadia is renowned. Classmates also made the transition from high school to university easier because “the campus was much smaller then, with fewer than one thousand students, so it was easy to get to know everybody by name,” Diane recalls. There were just three dorms for female students at the time: Seminary House, Tully and Blomidon House. Diane lived in Tully during her first two years at Acadia, switched to the newly constructed Dennis House in the fall of 1962 and moved back to Tully for her final year of study. She began her academic career in Arts and Secretarial Science, but decided in her second year to go to law school after graduation from Acadia. She dropped Secretarial Science for other courses required for entry into law school, earned a BA in history from Acadia and graduated with a law degree from Dalhousie in 1967. She was admitted to the Nova Scotia Barristers Society in 1968 and practiced law with Daley, Black, Moreira and Piercey for several years before joining some of the family businesses in the mid-1980s. Diane has been President and CEO of Berkeley Holdings Limited since

1994. Berkeley operates four Retirement Residences with locations in Halifax, Dartmouth and Bedford and a fifth currently under construction at the old Ben’s Bakery site on Pepperell Street in Halifax.

Distinguished Career She has had a long and distinguished career as a businesswoman and served on the boards of numerous charitable and business organizations, including the Canadian Cancer Society (Nova Scotia division), the Halifax branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Neptune Theatre, Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation, Discovery Centre, Nova Scotia Business Capital Corporation, Victoria General Hospital Foundation, Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation, and Acadia’s Board of Governors. In 2013, Diane received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and was inducted into the Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame in 2018. Although her business interests and family are based primarily in Halifax, Diane continues to stay connected to Acadia. She recalls fondly the many relationships she formed in those early days, particularly with such notable alumni as Linda (Levy) Cann (’62), Andy Cann (’63), Les Oliver (’62) and classmates John (’64) and Sandy Nowlan (’64). Diane and Linda Piers (’64) were friends at QEH and Linda would go on to become Life President of the Class of 1964. Linda passed away in 2018 and during their 55th Reunion in July 2019, the Class of 1964 dedicated a tree on campus in her memory in a poignant and moving ceremony. Reunions, Diane notes, are always special and provide an opportunity for alumni to catch up. “Even if you don’t see people on a regular basis, it’s as though you’re just continuing a conversation that began many years ago.” She thinks also that Acadia’s small school experience reinforces the connective tissue. “People who are generally attracted to smaller universities want to make lasting friendships,” she suggests, “and, just as importantly, are looking for a closer relationship with faculty. It’s so much easier to do if you have smaller classes, as we did in those days.”



Jean Marsh, who was Head of the Secretarial Science Department, for instance, had an annual tea at her home, just off campus, where she entertained her students. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know her and the other students in a more informal setting and, Diane recalls, was a highlight of the year.


Wonderful Traditions She remembers wonderful traditions such as Winter Carnival, which was always spectacular. Students created masterpieces from ice and explored themes that everyone was encouraged to embrace. “One year it was the Flintstones,” Diane says, “and we were able to get permission from Hanna-Barbera to use their trademark images for the purpose of Winter Carnival. I was a cheerleader at the time and we had great fun dressing up in Flintstones costumes. I have no idea who made the costumes, but they looked very authentic.” Not only were there dances at the Students’ Union Building every Wednesday night during the academic year, there were also formal faculty dances such as the Engineers’ Ball, held from time to time at the old gymnasium. The curfews for girls were rather stringent, particularly for the freshettes. However, those who attended the formal events were given a special late leave for that occasion only. Of course, there was no liquor on campus, nor was liquor available in the town of Wolfville. A short Chapel service was held every morning in University Hall during the week between 10:15 and 10:30 a.m. and a Vespers service was available in U-Hall in the early evening. Diane felt happy and comfortable at Acadia. Perhaps this is why both her children, Catherine (BA ’91 and BEd ’94) and David (BSc, DipEng ’93), are grads and why she has supported the University philanthropically. “If you’ve derived benefit from an institution or school, I feel it is important to give back,” she says. “Acadia gave me an opportunity to have a successful and fulfilling career and I feel committed to the ongoing success of the University and its students.” Although Diane is an “Arts” graduate, when Acadia asked alumni to help finance science infrastructure, she stepped up. “Science is critical,” she says, “and I think it’s important for a university to continue to improve its infrastructure and provide a solid background in science so that students can go on to other institutions and obtain post-graduate degrees. I think Acadia has done a good job of this.” What hasn’t changed, in her opinion, is the attitude of the Acadia Alumni Association and the student recruitment side of the operation. “They understand the importance of maintaining that close-knit community. Students are encouraged to grow in a gentler environment, and that’s why I think Acadia is a wonderful place to spend three or four years. The size is important, as is the supportiveness of faculty.”



Jean Marsh taught at Acadia at a time when having a second l a n g u a g e could have meant Pittman shorthand. And while technology may have rendered some of her former secretarial science courses obsolete, the fundamental life lessons learned in her classrooms are as valid now as they ever were. As a mentor and role model, Marsh influenced countless young lives during her 36-year career as a teacher and director of the School of Secretarial Science at Acadia (1953-1991). In Voices of Acadia, Vol. II (2014), Marsh recalls, “when I first arrived at Acadia for my job interview, I took the train up from Halifax. It was all so friendly. It took about three hours and stopped at every tree almost to pick up people going to and from their summer camps. The conductor picked me a couple of flowers and brought them in. Dr. (Watson) Kirkconnell (’64 HON) met me at the station in Wolfville and took me to a little hotel. Shortly after I got word that I had the job. The fall of ’53 was the start of my first year.” Born in Woodstock, ON, Marsh adopted Wolfville as her home and served on Town Council for 26 years, many of which as Deputy Mayor. She was a member of the Kings County Amalgamated School Board, Family and Children’s Services, and Kings County Economic Development. She attended and supported St. John’s and St. George’s Anglican Churches, teaching Sunday school and serving on various committees and organizations. She passed away at the age of 92 on June 18, 2019 at the Valley Regional Hospital, but her impact on the Acadia campus will be felt for generations to come.

ALUMNI ALUMNI PROFILES PROFILES In his role overseeing Canadian Solar’s development and investment business across AsiaPacific, Jeff Roy addresses large groups of professionals.



business degree from Acadia can take you halfway around the world. For Jeff Roy (’08), a BBA that helped land him a job with a boutique consulting company in Ottawa led to opportunities he couldn’t have imagined. One of the consulting company’s clients was Canadian Solar, which operates on six continents and employs over 13,000 people. Jeff worked on that file and, two years later, Canadian Solar hired him. In April 2015, Jeff relocated to Tokyo as Canadian Solar’s general manager for Japan, with his wife, Sarah MacGregor (’08) and their two young children. Since then, the Japan business has become a significant contributor to the company’s net income, and last year the focus of the Japan team was expanded to identify

development opportunities in Taiwan and Korea. In 2019, Jeff was promoted to oversee the development and investment business across Asia-Pacific, a territory that encompasses Australia, Southeast Asia, North Asia and India.

Life in Japan The move to Japan was a big leap for the family, Jeff says. “Sarah is from Glace Bay, NS, and when I was transferred from Ottawa to Guelph, that was the farthest she wanted to be from Halifax. It took a little convincing to commit to two years in Japan. But she adapted very quickly, and now we both enjoy being here.”



“Acadia business students can operate within an environment that’s similar to what they’ll face in their careers.”




Jeff Roy and Sarah MacGregor with their three children.

In fact, the family has adapted so well that their original two-year commitment was extended to four in 2017 and has recently been extended for a further two years. Sarah, a qualified dietitian, works about one day a week providing dietitian services at a local physician’s office in Tokyo. Their two older children are now six and four, and the youngest – born in Japan – is one. “The personal side and the work side are different. We have enough language skills to get around Tokyo using taxis and in restaurants and the city has been training people for the 2020 Summer Olympics, so we’re finding a lot of English capabilities now,” says Jeff, who speaks what he calls ‘survival Japanese.’ “On the work side, the majority of people in my office speak some level of English, and most of my day-today colleagues speak English as their first language,” he adds. “I also have a full-time translator in our office who can interpret when we’re meeting clients, service providers or other stakeholders.” Of the nearly 100 people in the Tokyo office, just over 60 per cent are Japanese, with the rest either settled foreigners or ex-pats like Jeff. “We’ve always had at least 10 different nationalities in the office, which is very unusual for Japan when you consider the size of our office,” he says. “Our diversity is sometimes our biggest challenge, but it’s also the biggest contributor to our success. We get a lot of different views on every problem. There’s a lot of discussion and even opposition, but I believe the diversity of backgrounds and opinions gets us to the optimal solution.”

Diversity Begins at Acadia Although originally from Ottawa, Jeff has roots in Nova Scotia. His first visit to the Acadia campus was on a beautiful fall day. “It was a peaceful setting, and it felt like somewhere I could learn and excel. It checked a lot

of boxes,” he says. One reason for choosing a small university was the potential for diversity within his circle of friends. “You don’t just have friends from your program. I have close friends now whose careers are in kinesiology, engineering, medicine – you get a breadth of friends that I’m not sure larger schools can provide,” he says. “I met a really good group in Tower, and the majority of us are still connected.” Being part of the lacrosse program broadened his circle even more. Acadia business students can operate within an environment that’s similar to what they’ll face in their careers, Jeff believes. “Smaller teams. Smaller groups. Core teams in business are often 10 people, and most people work in small or medium-sized businesses,” he points out. “That aligns more with what a small program in a small school can offer. In retrospect, it wasn’t something that drove me to go to Acadia, but it’s one of the things that has helped me in my career.”

Acadia Reminiscence “I remember the communications course being stressful. Public speaking, getting in front of a group, wasn’t in my comfort zone when I started at Acadia. But, by the end, I developed a higher level of confidence, partly because we got to know our classmates and the classrooms. Now I do sessions in Japan where I’m speaking to two or three hundred professionals in the field. Those classes still resonate with me, because they connected with a lot of what I need to do now.” – Jeff Roy



SAVE THE DATE! Summer Reunion 2020 July 22-24 in Wolfville! Classes invited back are: Class of 1945 - 75th Class of 1950 - 70th Class of 1955 - 65th Class of 1960 - 60th Class of 1965 - 55th Class of 1970 - 50th Class of 1975 - 45th Class of 1980 - 40th For more information, please contact Sandra Symonds at 902-585-1708 or e-mail



MARK YOUR CALENDAR Upcoming Acadia Alumni Events

AAAU/Acadia Joint Account $ 62,292 $ 102,326 Affinity Fund 909,588 728,641 Allan Fulton Fund 13,693 13,428 Constance Hayward Fund 288,580 282,986 Carr Fund 44,810 43,941 General Fund (Alumni Hall) 61,791 60,593 Graham Fund 17,157 16,825 Toronto Fund 15,271 14,975 Vesta Magee Fund 30,844 30,246 Total Assets $ 1,444,026 $ 1,293,961

Committed Funds FEBRUARY 29, 2020 Tully Tea MARCH 12-15, 2020 CIS University Cup Hockey MAY 9, 2020 Alumni Association AGM MAY 10-11, 2020 Convocation MAY 14, 2020 Annual Alumni Dinner JULY 22-24, 2020 Summer Reunion JULY 24, 2020 Alumni Golf Tournament



Athletics Proposal All Canadian Awards Banquets $ Axemen Celebrity Hockey Dinner Female Athlete Awards Hockey Honour Roll Signage Women in Sport/Sport Hall of Fame Varsity Sport Special Initiatives $

– $ 2,000 – 2,000 – 10,000 – 2,000 – 2,500 – 3,500 – 7,000 – $ 29,000

Other Awards (Alumni/Student/Faculty) $ President’s Fund $

10,000 $ 10,000 20,000 $

10,000 10,000 20,000

Total Committed Funds




Uncommitted Funds

$ 1,424,026


$ 1,244,961



Sam Zhang was born and raised in Shanghai, China. He graduated from Acadia University in 2005 from the Bachelor of Business Administration program. During his time at Acadia University, he was heavily involved with the Wong International Centre, connecting with other international students attending Acadia. Upon graduation, Sam decided to stay in Nova Scotia and pursue his Certified Management Accountant designation (now Chartered Professional Accountant). He completed the MBA program at Saint Mary’s University in 2010 as well as Queen’s Executive Program offered through the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in 2017. Sam is the Manager of Asia Trade for the Halifax Port Authority (HPA). In his role, he oversees growth and seeks new opportunities related to containerized Asian cargo through the Port of Halifax. Locally, Sam is the Vice-Chair of the Hong Kong Canada Business Association Atlantic Chapter and serves as a Board Member at Squash Nova Scotia. The time spent at Acadia was a great, exciting adventure for Sam that helped to shape the course of his life in Nova Scotia. He is thrilled to join the Alumni Association Board.


Christine McRae is an Omàmìwininì Madaoueskarini Anishinaabekwe (a woman of the Madawaska River Algonquin people) and belongs to the Crane Clan. She was raised in Whitney, Ontario, where she currently resides on the banks of the Madawaska River with her husband and their dog. Christine is the owner of Waaseyaa Consulting, an Indigenous culture and heritage consulting company, and Waaseyaa Cultural Tours, an Indigenousbased tourism company operating in the Algonquin Park region. Christine also works as the Manager and Indigenous Pedagogical Leader for the Algonquin Inòdewiziwin EarlyON and North Hastings Children’s Services. Christine is an avid explorer of both the Algonquin landscape and Algonquin history, spending as much time on the land as possible. Christine is a licensed archaeologist, orator, author and researcher. A 2011 Acadia graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English and History, Christine’s education at Acadia has not only encouraged a lifelong love affair with Canadian literature and history, but also taught her the value of critical thinking. At the end of her last year at Acadia, Professor David Duke encouraged the class to never take “truth” at face value, but to dig much further and formulate an understanding based on all possible information. This lesson has led Christine to begin writing her first book, a true and complete history of the Madaoueskarini Algonquin people written from an Algonquin Anishinaabekwe perspective. In the photo, Christine is delivering a talk on Algonquin history and holding a 3,000-plus-year-old artifact.



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an EstatE gift is a thoughtful and powerful way to ensure that succeeding generations will have access to an exceptional post-secondary experience at acadia University. the 1838 Society recognizes donors who have notified acadia of their intention to leave a legacy to the University.

Join us. HELP sUstain tHE aCaDia Of tODay anD bUiLD tHE aCaDia Of tHE fUtUrE. With a $75-million goal, Campaign for Acadia is the most ambitious fundraiser in acadia University’s history. acadia University Office of advancement | 15 University avenue Wolfville, nova scotia telephone: (902) 585-1459 | toll-free: 1-866-222-3428 | Email: 20





building on an inspiring personal legacy as a member of acadia’s Campaign Cabinet, Ruth Hennigar (’81) likes to lead by example. Story by Rachel Cooper (‘89). Photos by Peter Oleskevich, contributed.

OnE Of OnLy a HanDfUL Of WOmEn who studied computer science when personal computers were in their infancy, ruth Hennigar credits acadia with sparking in her the skills and confidence to succeed. Her career as an engineering and product management executive spanned start-ups and fortune 500 companies including apple, ebay, motorola/google and sun/Java.

“i believe acadia was fundamental in setting me up and positioning me for where i am,” she says. “and what better way to thank the University than to help launch others into that kind of success.” she also leads by using her personal connections through the Jodrey school of Computer science. “We’re getting ready to reach out to computer science alumni with a specific Cs scholarship drive. i hope to help them see how they can change the trajectory of someone’s decision to come to acadia and participate in the industry when they graduate,” she says. “i’d like to get folks thinking not only about a big gift today, which is always nice, but an ongoing giving plan and perhaps putting acadia in their estate plan. ” Hennigar is herself a sustaining supporter of acadia. she established a scholarship for women in computer science. she also funds WisE acadia – Women in science and Engineering – every year, and she has just added acadia to her will by establishing a $1-million bequest to the University. “the bequest is to focus on faculty excellence because without

great professors and great programs you don’t attract great students,” she says. Her passion for supporting women in the sciences is driven in part by seeing the numbers of women in computer science decreasing in recent years. “We have to get a broader perspective on what kinds of products are important, how our data is used, and how those products interface with our lives. Women need to be a part of that, and we need to support them. We need to make them feel like this is an excellent career choice. but there’s a lot of work to be done, culturally and educationally,” she says. Hennigar would like to see an end to the portrayal of scientists as nerdy and unsocial. “it turns people, especially young women, off,” she says. “i used to have a purple mohawk, and i still have crazy colours in my hair. you can be as hip, cool, quirky and fun as you want. i wish we were better at portraying the breadth of the people in these fields.” the liberal arts nature of acadia fosters well-rounded students, in a multicultural setting, she believes.

“Acadia helped me to develop the confidence that brought me to where I am. So it really is about this: don’t you want to help someone else?” – Ruth Hennigar (’81)





Collective success! Class of 1968 rises to the Chancellor’s Challenge Story by Sherri Turner. Photos by Wayne Medford (’68), Peter Oleskevich, and Sherri Turner.

tHE gEnErOsity anD ingEnUity Of CLass Of 1968

member and University Chancellor, bruce galloway, helped spark an impressive increase in class giving to acadia. it all stemmed from their summer reunion when a review of the Class fund proved disappointing. galloway personally offered up to $25,000 in matching funds for donations made to the 1968 Class fund or any other area at acadia by his classmates. thirty-nine members of the 1968 grad class rose to the challenge, contributing nearly $47,000 to Campaign for Acadia. instead of a single $25,000 donation from one individual, a total of 40 people (10 percent of the class) joined together and raised $72,000. Making a difference together “this was a generous and creative way to encourage others to donate,” said nancy Handrigan (’92), acadia’s Executive Director of Philanthropy. “by donating during the Chancellor’s Challenge, 1968 graduates effectively doubled their gift to the University and became a part of our Campaign for Acadia. it’s a demonstration of how every gift – no matter the size – makes a difference.” “During our class meeting, when bruce spoke so eloquently about the needs of acadia, my eyes were opened,” said Linda manthorne (’68). “i had no idea how much of my education



had been subsidized! i did not ‘pay my way’ as i had assumed, and so i felt the need and desire to help out more now.” Time to give back galloway said helping his classmates give back to acadia came naturally. “We’ve known each other for more than 50 years, and we know how much acadia has positively impacted our lives.” “bruce’s initiative presented us with the full measure of the man’s devotion to his alma mater,” said gerry macDonald (’68). “How could we not follow?” While he did not benefit directly from student assistance, macDonald recognizes that the generosity of his predecessors shaped his campus environment and opportunities.

“With time, one realizes just how much was given to us here – the freedom to think, act, and contribute to our society and our environment. Acadia made this possible, and so helping the institution continue becomes of prime importance.” – Gerry MacDonald (’68)


He is not alone.

three in five post-secondary students struggle with academic workloads and one in five experiences some form of mental illness.

We can help. Will you? Acadia students are diverse, but they face common challenges adjusting to the demands of university and young adulthood. With depression, anxiety, and substance misuse on the rise, having supports in place is more important than ever.

people, and programs that promote strength, resiliency, and academic achievement. CAMPAIGN


as part of our Campaign for Acadia, we’re creating a Centre for Student Success. Envisioned as a campus support hub, the new Centre will be an accessible, one-stop resource for the services,

Please join the Family Campaign for Acadia by supporting student success and wellness. for a limited time, the acadia alumni association will match your donation* to the Centre for Student Success so our students can access vital services.

because we are all #BetterTogether

*the Family Campaign for Acadia is a Crowdfund Acadia initiative launched by acadia alumni to match donations to the Centre for Student Success by acadia alumni and friends between October 4th and December 3rd, 2019 (up to a total of $50,000). the project goal in 2019 is $100,000.



Heather Lunan, owner of Pie R Squared in the Annapolis Valley, pictured here with her husband Ray Burton, is an avid supporter of FoodByte. She says FoodByte offers the chance for food businesses to move forward with confidence to produce a quality, safe product.


Matthew Winchester

Dougal Armour

By Laura Churchill Duke (’98)

Dougal Armour (’11) and Matthew Winchester (’11) have created an award-winning software system that makes it easier for food manufacturers to manage and track food safety protocols. Food facilities such as restaurants, food manufacturers, processing plants and farms use something called a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan, says professor Sue Conlan, an instructor in Acadia’s Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. According to new government food safety legislation that came into effect in January 2019, food manufacturers need a written food



EYE ON ACADIA safety plan complete with a hazard analysis to ensure that both the process of making food and the end product are safe. Manufacturers are required to take certain steps to control hazards and have the records to prove it, she says. This food safety plan can be onerous to follow since government regulations require food manufacturers to record what they do and do what they have outlined in the plan. “As a manufacturer, it is essential to have such systems in place to ensure that we consistently provide the level of safety necessary for our customers,” says Heather Lunan, co-owner of Pie R Squared in Wolfville. The possibility for human error and paperwork required to keep track of the products in your facility, where they come from, what they’re used for, how they are handled and when they leave your premises could be high, says Conlan, so a streamlined software package to track these details would help.


A Way to Produce Safe Food Products Enter Winchester and Armour with their business, Foodbyte, a food safety software site designed to help food safety consultants and food processors find easier ways to develop and track safety plans. “FoodByte was born from the idea that as consumers we know virtually nothing about how the food industry works internally,” Winchester says. “We look to change that.” Winning a couple of competitions has helped. Foodbyte earned $45,000 after claiming the Innovacorp Spark West contest in 2016 and a further $30,000 in cash and inkind services in 2017 through the Agriculture Innovation Accelerator Award offered by the Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce. Lunan, a valued FoodByte customer, says the company provides a computer program to facilitate the process of building an effective, efficient and complete food safety plan. “I’m proud to have the opportunity to work with a local company that has contributed to the food industry in such a significant way,” she says. “They are offering the chance for food businesses to move forward with the confidence necessary to produce a quality, safe food product.” Winchester’s degree in computer science from Acadia helped provide the foundation for the new business. “Computer science at Acadia teaches you how to procedurally challenge your assumptions and prove, to yourself or others, that the answer you arrived at is the correct solution,” he says. Winchester, whose grandfather Paul (’49) is an alumnus, chose to come to Acadia because he wanted a local university that had a strong internal community. He began by studying chemistry, but soon switched to computer science because he found the concepts in his

programming elective fascinating. The idea that what he was creating in code could be applied to solve other problems of the same nature intrigued him and has kept him interested ever since. “Matt is a student who was always interested in how computer science applied to the world, and how he could use his computer science knowledge to help others,” says Darcy Benoit, one of Winchester’s professors in the Computer Science department. Benoit says he loves seeing Winchester on campus and discussing how the material he learned during his formative years at Acadia applies to his current work. Armour is Foodbyte’s chief financial officer and an honours history graduate. Winchester says he met Armour on his second day at Acadia in their residence, War Memorial House.

Alumni Support Two other Acadia graduates provide background support for the company, which runs out of Patterson Hall on the Acadia campus. The first mentor, who asked to remain anonymous, provides significant experience in food safety regulatory enforcement and implementation, Winchester says. The second is Chris Houston (’99), whose has an extensive background in building and selling software companies. As a technology start-up founder and investor, Houston says he helps businesspeople like Winchester and Armour navigate some of the challenges of starting and growing a new tech company. He connected with Armour and Winchester a couple of years ago while speaking to students about his experience starting companies. Winchester came to a round-table talk at the Acadia Entrepreneurial Centre, Houston says, and later connected with him at an open session at the Axe Lounge where students could come by and chat. “The guys dropped in and told me what they were working on,” Houston says. “We kept in touch, and eventually I joined as an adviser. Having created a technology company a few times myself, I provided insights that helped them make better decisions. I also helped connect them to resources and tools with the hope that they will move faster and make fewer mistakes.” Regarding the business, Houston says Winchester and Armour are doing great and are definitely onto something. They are relentless about sustaining Foodbyte’s success. “Passion and drive are critical, and they have those qualities in abundance,” he says. As to what’s next, Winchester says they are focused on growing the business across Canada and the next logical step would be to move into the American market. There are also plans in the works to develop AI technology to further enhance their customer experience.





he last few months – in fact, the last couple of years – have been a whirlwind for Cooper Coats (’18). A midfielder for the soccer Axemen from 2014 through 2017 and an all-conference player in 2016, Coats has been forging a whole new career for himself in the sport of rugby and, most recently, rugby sevens. This summer, the Halifax native represented Canada at both the 2020 Olympic qualifying tournament in the Cayman Islands and the 2019 Pan-Am Games in Lima, Peru. Canada won the Olympic qualifier, earning a berth at the 2020 Olympics, then earned silver medals at the Pan-Ams. Those familiar with Coats’ time at Acadia will recall that soccer was his main athletic endeavour. He has, however, been playing rugby since he was a Grade 12 student at Citadel High in Halifax. “I was in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program (in high school),” he says. “As part of the IB program, we had to do a certain amount of physical activity in



a different sport. My buddies and I had an idea to try rugby. I tried it and fell in love with it right away.” Coats first played rugby for Citadel in the spring of his Grade 12 year. “The coaches knew I was first and foremost a soccer player. They took advantage of me being a good kicker and played me at fly half.” He liked rugby, though, “even in high school, I was still playing it for fun. It didn’t interfere with soccer because high school rugby is played in the spring.” Halfway through that 2014 season, provincial team coach Jack Hanratty dropped by one of the Citadel practices. “He knew I was planning to go to university for soccer, but he suggested I might want to try out for the provincial rugby team.” He did, and made the Nova Scotia Celtics U-18 team.

Opportunity Knocks That summer, “we ended up going to Atlantics and won. Then we went to the U-18 nationals and did quite well playing Tier 2.” At nationals, where he was the top points


scorer, Coats “got scouted by the national team scouts that were there.” He was invited to join the national U-18 team and accompanied Team Canada on a U-18 tour to Romania in the fall of 2014. “It all happened very quickly,” he recalls. He had arrived at Acadia by then (to study and play varsity soccer) and almost immediately had to take time off to travel overseas and play rugby. Fortunately, Axemen head coach Findlay MacRae “recognized what an opportunity it was for me and was really flexible and supportive.” From then on, “the fall was dedicated to soccer and the summers to rugby.” He represented Atlantic Canada at U-19 nationals in the summer of 2015, as a member of the Atlantic Rock. That fall, he was “fortunate enough to attend the U-20 national team camp in B.C.” He was invited to the U-20 national team camp in the fall of 2015. “At the final camp prior to playing the U.S. in a qualifier for worlds, I got injured and ended up missing the game (in which Canada fell short).” The following summer, Coats again played for the U-19 Atlantic Rock, this time as an overage player. At the U-19 nationals, he “was scouted by the senior men’s national team coach,” and offered a senior contract to train with the national team in B.C.

Focus Shifts to Sevens Coats graduated from Acadia in May 2018 with a BSc with a double major in biology and chemistry. Later that summer, he was offered a contract to join the senior national program’s centralized group, based in B.C., and this time he accepted. He relocated to B.C. in the fall of 2018. While at the national camp, he was approached by Damien McGrath, coach of the national rugby sevens program, who “said he was interested in me as a player.” From then on “my focus shifted to sevens.” As opposed to traditional, 15 players-on-a-side rugby, sevens is faster-paced, with shorter games. The national team schedule is all tournament-based. The regular season, called the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series, consists of two- and three-day tournaments held around the world. Coats’ first ‘cap’ (game appearance with the national team) came in 2018 “against Argentina in Cape Town.” He also traveled with the team to tournaments in Las Vegas and Paris. Coats also went with Team Canada to the Olympic qualifier in June. “We ended up winning that tournament. The team qualified for the 2020 Olympics, and we have a year to decide on the final roster.” He is not guaranteed

a spot, “but I’m in the mix – and I did get to play in the qualifier.” His good fortune continued when he got to be part of the Team Canada roster for the Pan-Am Games in Peru. “We got silver, coming up short against Argentina in the gold medal game.” The U.S. took bronze. “I’ve worked hard to get where I am today, but a big part of the reason I’ve been able to be this successful so quickly is the support I received at Acadia: from Findlay, Elliott Richardson (’10), and all my professors, who were always so flexible and supportive, allowing me to write tests early and giving me extensions when I needed them. It makes me glad I chose Acadia. That kind of support, accommodation and flexibility is one of a kind.”

Acadia Welcomes New Sports Hall of Fame Inductees Acadia University’s Department of Athletics welcomed the 2019 Acadia Sports Hall of Fame inductees at two ceremonies this fall. The list this year of esteemed inductees included the 1996 Men’s Soccer Team; Soccer Axemen Michael Cino (‘95) and Jay Robinson (‘99), Soccer Axewomen Jennifer Andrews (‘98) and Angela Morrison (‘96); Football Axemen Stuart MacLean (‘83) and Ernie Salamone (‘84); and Builder Tracey McGillivray (‘87). “This was an exceptional class of inductees representing our Axewomen and Axemen teams in a number of different sports. I was very excited to include the John MacIntyre soccer weekend in September as part of the celebration, along with Homecoming Oct. 17-20,” noted Kevin Dickie, Executive Director of Athletics and Community Events. The Acadia Sports Hall of Fame recognizes individuals or teams that have made a significant contribution to the University’s athletics program, to Acadia University, and to the community. This year’s inductees were honoured at two separate events. Cino and Robinson, along with the 1996 Men’s Soccer team, were inducted on Friday, Sept. 6 at a luncheon as part of the John MacIntyre weekend – season opening weekend for men’s soccer. The Sports Hall of Fame breakfast took place Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 as part of Homecoming.



EVENTS The Office of Alumni Affairs, in cooperation with the Acadia Alumni Association, hosts more than 100 events annually that give alumni the chance to come together, reminiscence and share good times! We love meeting you at receptions, family dinners, luncheons and Campaign for Acadia events, and are delighted to showcase some names and faces from events we’ve attended since the last Bulletin was published. Enjoy!





Lindsay Doucet (‘14) and guest speaker Alix Shield (’10).

A great crowd, including Sports Hall of Famer and former football Axeman Brian Walling (’87) and Director of Acadia Robotics Gary Walsh (’77).



Ian Murray (’88), Executive Director, Alumni Affairs, and Cheri Cosby (’84).

Great fun, with Samson Cho (’74) and Lauren Hooper (’14).



Left to right: Marg Routledge (‘60), Gary (‘66) and Gwen (‘68) Bruce, and Eric Wright (‘54).


Left to right, front row: Acadia’s Senior Alumni Officer Oonagh Proudfoot (’93, ’06) and Alumni Association Board member Tammy Walker (’92); back row: Eric Comeau (’87), Colin Krasnozon (’09), Karen Best (’87) and Nabil Shawwa (’12).


Left to right: Denise Connors (‘78), Madison Cyr (‘17), Laura Oland (‘17), Tyler Veriker (‘12), Darlene Singh (‘95), and John Herron (‘93). Photo: Nancy Handrigan








Alumni Association Board member Heather Hickman (’77, left) and Megan Duncan (’07).

Monique Duchesneau and David Roy (’08).

Janet Tingley (left, ’69), with Development Officer Steve Healy (’08) and Steve’s wife Sam.

Wasn’t that fun! About 100 Acadia alumni and friends gathered for a Kitchen Party at Murphy’s on the Water in Halifax on Sept. 5, 2019. Photo: Ian Murray



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ric Cederberg (’94) arrived on the Acadia campus as a student-athlete in 1988 and never left, transitioning from the football field to coaching the Axemen part-time under the legendary Sonny Wolfe to employment in Acadia’s Department of Athletics. Currently Manager of Communications and Programming, Cederberg has pretty much done it all over the past 24 years of his working career. He started out managing the Athletics Service Desk, and his responsibilities since then have grown to include Athletics programming, communications (coordinating the website, social media, webcasts and print material) and marketing Acadia Athletics. It was perfectly fitting then that on June 13, 2019, he received the newly reconstituted Outstanding University Service Award from the Acadia Alumni Association. The Award, which was last presented in 2008, acknowledges a staff member who has had a significant positive impact on Acadia, its students and alumni. It is also an expression of the Alumni Association’s appreciation for an outstanding staff member who has contributed above and beyond the requirements of their job to ensure that Acadia provides an environment that encourages academic, athletic, cultural, organizational and social development of the Acadia community. In presenting the Award, Alumni Association VicePresident Donalda MacBeath (’75) said Cederberg had mentored hundreds of student employees during his career, promoting and encouraging the involvement of those on and off campus in Acadia Athletics endeavours. Cederberg was out of the country when the Service Award announcement was made, but said afterward that it took him by surprise. He got off the plane in

Halifax and his phone was blowing up with congratulatory messages. He didn’t really know what was going on. “I’ve never been comfortable getting awards,” he added. “I’m in a position where I’m not part of the limelight.” More often he’s the guy taking the photo rather than the one in it. However, “I appreciate it a lot. It’s recognition of the work I’ve done over the past 24 years and, more importantly, the people I’ve worked with. We’ve always had a unique group determined to reach our department’s goal to give our student-athletes the best experience possible. We’re like a team; everybody knows their role and we’re all focused. We want to provide studentathletes with an experience they can look back on down the road, and I think it’s important to engage with the student body, hire them to do jobs, tap into their talent and create opportunities.” Cederberg was looking for a small school experience when he came to Wolfville to pursue a Bachelor of Physical Education and he has since immersed himself in Acadia’s culture and the surrounding community. He is a fixture at every Acadia sporting event and a powerful voice on the Athletics Department’s various social media channels. The students, coaches and the job itself continues to keep him young, he says, and he’s looking forward to this year’s season with excitement and anticipation. Cederberg lives in Wolfville with his wife, Renata Verri (’94), and their two sons. Stand Up and Cheer! For more information on Acadia Alumni Association Awards, nomination forms and deadlines, please visit: awards.html



The Axeman made it clear Acadia alumni are number one at this year’s tournament. Sharing in the fun is interim Athletics Events Manager Hope Maryka (’19).


GOLF TOURNAMENT A total of 29 teams and more than 145 golfers gathered on Friday, July 26, 2019 at Ken-Wo Golf Club in New Minas for the 38th Annual Acadia Alumni Golf Tournament. On a hot and breezy afternoon, participants relaxed and enjoyed 18 holes of golf, a banquet, draws and prizes to cap a successful day in support of awards for incoming students from local high schools. Red Division champions were Sundeep Oad (’06), Derek MacKinnon (’03), Marc Roach (’06), Tamuno Cookey (’04), and Nathan Theriault (’04). Blue Division champions consisted of Bruce Phinney (’81), Chris Faulkner (’81), Darrell Taylor (’80), Robert Sidney (’84) and Russell MacSween (’87). Team Best Dressed went to Tom Prescott (’58), Tim Prescott (’88),



Bill Parker (’56), Ward Carlsen (’90) and Chris Prescott (’84) while the Spirit Award was captured by two teams: an alumni squad consisting of Guy Lanctot (’81), Danny Joseph (’74), Matt Collins (’85), Eric Melanson (’79) and Doug Lowthers (’83); and the Enrolment team, featuring Leigh-Ann Murphy, Liam Dutton (’11), Danielle Poirier (’16), Madison Mackenzie (’16) and Ally Mannette (’16). Many thanks to our alumni, staff, Alumni Association Board members, sponsors and friends for making this year’s tournament a success. We are happy to announce that next year’s tournament is booked already. SAVE THE DATE for July 24, 2020 and we’ll see you there for another round of fun and excitement!

Blue Division champions: Chris Faulkner (’81), Bruce Phinney (’81), Darrell Taylor (’80), Robert Sidney (’84), and Russell MacSween (’87).

Red Division champions: Sundeep Oad (’06), Derek MacKinnon (’03), Marc Roach (’06), Tamuno Cookey (’04), and Nathan Theriault (’04).

Spirit Awards went to: an alumni squad consisting of Guy Lanctot (’81), Danny Joseph (’74), Matt Collins (’85), Eric Melanson (’79) and Doug Lowthers (’83); and the Enrolment team, featuring Leigh-Ann Murphy, Liam Dutton (’11), Danielle Poirier (’16), Madison Mackenzie (’16) and Ally Mannette (’16).

Left to right: Vice-Provost Scott Duguay, Provost and VP Academic Dr. Dale Keefe, VP Advancement Dr. Rod Morrison, University President Dr. Peter Ricketts, Bob McKim (’75), and Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion Dr. Bruce Matthews (’63).


Alumni Association President Ryan Conrod (’06) with Ruvimbo Chipazi.

Team Best Dressed: Tom Prescott (’58), Tim Prescott (’88), Bill Parker (’56), Ward Carlsen (’90) and Chris Prescott (’84).





HAPPY HOMECOMING! It was cool and wet, but Mother Nature didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of alumni returning to Acadia for Homecoming Weekend Oct. 1720, 2019. There was no shortage of things to see and do, including the Acadia Business Banquet; the 107th Annual Bulmer Race; reception to honour the 1979 football Axemen on the 40th anniversary of their historic Vanier Cup victory; Sports Hall of Fame inductions; a reunion featuring The Pope of Acadia and his ‘bodyguards’; Society of Acadia University Recreation Graduates (SAURG) reunion; 1999 class reunion gathering; the MacFarlane family Athletics gift announcement and reception; and much more! Approximately 500 alumni and friends enjoyed hearty fall fare and fellowship during the annual Backyard Barbecue, hosted by the Acadia Alumni Association on the Clark Terrace at Alumni Hall/Wu Welcome Centre. Acadia beat SMU 28-18 in football and, all in all, alumni had an incredible, action-packed weekend!



1. The Mark A. MacFarlane Memorial Room was dedicated in memory of former hockey Axeman Mark MacFarlane (’81) on Saturday evening. Pictured are: Mark’s son David, daughter Katrina, wife Margie, Cindy Dickie and Athletics Director Kevin Dickie. PHOTO: SANDRA SYMONDS

2. A team of international students wearing representative flags as capes won this year’s Bulmer, held at Wolfville’s Waterfront Park. The 107th running was presented by Acadia’s Exercise is Medicine Committee. PHOTO: FRED SGAMBATI

3. More than 20 former football Axemen returned for a 40th anniversary celebration of the 1979 Vanier Cup-winning team, including legendary coach and Honorary Alumnus John Huard (fifth from the right, back row).



4. Alumni in Calgary had fun and showed plenty of Acadia spirit during the 2nd Annual Homecoming in Calgary, organized by Kelsey Dunn (‘13). 5. Alumnus and former basketball Axeman Saj Joseph (right, ’02) was the keynote speaker at this year’s Business Banquet on Thursday, Oct. 17.




6. Another amazing Backyard Barbecue sponsored by the Acadia Alumni Association in partnership with TD Insurance and Industrial Alliance! Alumni enjoyed burgers, beverages, chili and all the fixins on the Clark Terrace at the Wu Welcome Centre. PHOTO: FRED SGAMBATI

7. ‘The Pope of Acadia’ Rob McGregor (’87) with some of his former ‘bodyguards’. From left to right: Gord Aldcorn (’87); Dave Benson (’86), Steve Irvine (’86), Rob McGregor (’87), Chris Berry (’87), Isaac Hashem (’86), and Doug Penrose.





Shelley Fleckenstein, ‘85 Founding owner of CBI Kings and CBI Berwick.


Patty Rose, ’86, ’89 Director of Mental Health Services and co-owner of CBI. ACADIA BULLETIN Fall 2019


SUMMER WEEKEND Simply Amazing!







What an amazing Summer Reunion Weekend at Acadia University from July 5-7, 2019! Alumni representing the Classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974 and 1979 plus Seminary House (1977-1982) gathered in Wolfville to share an abundance of Acadia spirit and fond reminiscence. More than 200 alumni and guests representing nine Canadian provinces, five U.S. states and New Zealand attended and enjoyed a variety of special events, including: a Meet and Greet reception; Class Meetings; special tree dedications involving the Classes of 1959 and 1964; a Lunch Social; the Class of 1969 50th anniversary Pinning Ceremony with University President Dr. Peter Ricketts; campus tours; Music in the Garden Room with David Parker (’84), Jennifer Jones and Tara Scott; a wonderful Alumni Banquet; alumni Night in the Axe; Sunday morning Chapel Service; and a delightful Farewell Luncheon to wrap things up. Award winners during the banquet were: longest distance traveled, won by James Irving (’74, ’76) from New Westminster, British Columbia; longest distance traveled for the Seminary Reunion, Susan Janes (’82) from New Zealand. Class of 1959 captured The Reunion Cup. We had a wonderful time and want to thank all Class members and guests who returned for this year’s Summer Reunion!




NANCY HICKS (‘62, ‘64, ‘65)








Harolyn has taught as a volunteer in several African countries, has been a volunteer tour leader conducting over 30 trips to all continents, and is currently a volunteer with many local and international organizations. The award was made in Winnipeg in August 2019.

Three generations of Acadia grads came together during Convocation 2019 on the Acadia campus: JOAN (McLAUGHLIN) FRASER (centre, ’54), with her daughter JANICE (MACHAT) FRASER (right, ’90) and granddaughter HANNAH MACHAT (’19). Stand Up and Cheer!

1950s Executive Director, Alumni Affairs, IAN MURRAY (’88) visited MARY ANN THORNTON (’49, Class VP) in Fredericton, NB on June 12, 2019 to present her with a 70th anniversary pin in her home.

CAL ANNIS, Life President of the Class of 1957 and manager of Acadia’s first varsity football team, visited campus last summer and enjoyed a tour of the Stevens Centre. He’s pictured here in front of a football locker stall he sponsored. Many thanks, Cal!

(Photo: Nancy Handrigan)

The Canadian Federation of University Women has nominated HAROLYN PANETTA (’49) as one of “One Hundred Notable Canadian Women” for her work with the University Women’s Club of Toronto.



DR. DAVID McEWEN (’52) and his wife Shirley recently made a trip to Canada in celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary. While in Wolfville, they enjoyed a tour of the renewed science buildings and David recalled chemistry professors Hill, Linton and Small. The McEwens are pictured with the donor recognition plaque in the new David Huestis Innovation Pavilion.

While visiting Nova Scotia in July, FLORENCE PEARSALL (’57) and her sister Rosemary had conversation with fourth-year student Ruvimbo Chipazi, who helped tour them around the renewed science buildings. They are pictured here, Florence on the right, in front of the David Huestis Innovation Pavilion.


Long-time Axemen football supporter and member of the first football team of Acadia, DON MacLEAN (’57) stopped by to see Coach Jeff Cummins and Manager, Sports Performance, ELLIOTT RICHARDSON (pictured, ’10). Elliott gave a demonstration of the strength and conditioning equipment in the new high-performance training centre.

Class of ’59 Life Officer ELEANOR PALMER was named one of Canada’s “One Hundred Notable Women” in Winnipeg last summer by the Canadian Federation of University Women. Eleanor has served at all levels of this remarkable organization and continues to volunteer for Acadia as a member of the Senate Archives Committee.

CHARLES HALIBURTON (’59) is latest recipient of the Joe Casey Humanitarian Award, which was presented in Digby, NS on June 21, 2019. The award acknowledges his considerable achievements and contributions as an advocate, lawyer, provincial and federal prosecutor for Digby County, member of Digby town council, Mayor of Digby, Member of Parliament for western Nova Scotia and as a County Court Judge, Judge of the Supreme Court Trial Division, and Justice of the Supreme Court. He retired in 2013 after 27 years on the bench, but continues to be very active in his local community. The Joe Casey Humanitarian Award is presented annually to a person who has made significant contribution to the betterment of the Town of Digby. Pictured: Digby Mayor Ben Cleveland presents Charles Haliburton with the Joe Casey Humanitarian Award.

1960s LILLIAN (SCOTT) SALMON (‘69) has just published her first book, Living Slim: A Canadian Woman’s Way. Filled with stories of maple syrup, Jiggs’ Dinner,

Banff and hockey, it’s a weight management book like no other, Lillian says. It includes many references to her hometown of Wolfville and is available on Amazon and Chapters/Indigo online. Lillian retired in 2009 after 18 years in communications at Toronto Public Library and is delighted to now be a doting grandma.

1970s KAREN MONNON DEMPSEY (’72) was recently elected to the board of the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN). BICN is a voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan organization promoting informal, instructive public dialogue leading to a basic income guarantee in Canada. Karen has been involved with women’s advocacy organizations for 30 years. She is a PastPresident and Honorary Life Member of the National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC), an NGO founded in 1893. A graduate of Acadia University in arts and education, Karen studied business at Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent universities. Over

the past 40 years she has held various positions in the public, private and volunteer sectors and has been profiled in Canadian Who’s Who, Canadian Who’s Who in Business, and Who’s Who of Canadian Women.

1980s REV. ALICE (PITRE) FINNAMORE graduated in 1981 with a BTh. She went on to get a BA and MA in psychology at UNB, and has worked as a psychologist in Fredericton for over 20 years. She is retiring shortly and making a career change! In May 2017, Alice graduated from United Theological College in Montreal, receiving a Diploma of Ministry. On May 26, she was ordained to ministry in the United Church. She will continue to serve in Prince William Pastoral Charge, a two-point Charge (Nackawic and Prince William) west of Fredericton.

Congratulations to MIRKO WICHA (’82), President and CEO of Haivision, a leader in video streaming



CLASS NOTES services. The company was honored with four awards at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show 2019, demonstrating commitment to and excellence in developing the industry’s leading video streaming innovations. The awards were: Emmy® Award for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) for its development of the SRT open source low latency video streaming protocol; 2019 NAB Show Product of the Year Award for Hardware Infrastructure, recognizing the cutting edge development of the company’s newest hardware video encoder, the Makito X4; 2019 NAB Show Product of the Year Award for Video Transport, recognizing the development and adoption of the SRT open source protocol; and Future Best of Show Award from TVTechnology, presented at the NAB Show, for the innovation, feature set, and performance of the SRT open source protocol.

people in the photo are my deputy minister Sylvia Haener, and my executive director Benoît Boutin. It’s not obvious, but I’m wearing my Acadia ring in the photo. I’m grateful for the recognition, and for a great job that I like. Hooray for an Acadia education!”

1990s On June 11, 2019, LORNE GUSHUE (’89) was recognized for 20 years of public service with the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT), most recently with the Francophone Affairs Secretariat. Other work was with Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, as well as Health and Social Services. He writes, “That’s me with the framed certificate. The other

Composer and pianist MICHAEL McKAY (‘93) has recently had one of his compositions published by Cypress Choral Music. “My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord” is his most popular choral composition and it has been performed many times both nationally and internationally. Michael presently lives in Winnipeg where he has been in demand as a pianist, composer, singer, conductor, writer and narrator.

From LEA STORRY (’95): A short time ago – well, I guess it was a long time ago now – I met an Acadia exchange student named Sharon Allwood. Sharon, along with her Sem roommate Jude, was from the U.K. I also lived in Sem in 1991-92. Sharon and Jude hung out with my friends and me on many, many occasions. We laughed our way through meals at McConnell Hall, danced wildly at Sem House parties and talked about our futures over cups of tea in bedrooms with high ceilings and wide wood plank floors. Sharon’s plans included leaving Acadia to return home. Before she left in the spring, she gave me a giant token to remember

With so much to consider, trust Enriched Thinking®. To learn more, visit or call 1.902.679.4915 Peter A. Miller, CFP, FCSI, CIWM (BBA ‘89) Senior Wealth Advisor Director, Wealth Management ScotiaMcLeod® is a division of Scotia Capital Inc.

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her by – the complete works of William Shakespeare. On the first page, she inscribed it with a promise to keep in touch. And we did those first few years. Now, in 2019, I find myself wondering how she is and what she has been doing for the last 20-odd years. If she wants to let me know, I’m at LeaStorry@ourfamilylines. ca. A big congratulations to alumnus KIRK ANGUS JOHNSON (‘96) for being selected for the RBC Taylor Prize Emerging Writers Mentorship Program! Johnson is of both Metis and African ancestry. After graduating from Acadia University and an early career in theatre, he attended Concordia University in Montreal to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing. In keeping with the military traditions within his family, Johnson enrolled in the Canadian Forces as an Infantry Officer and was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2010. Now released from the military, Johnson is returning to a career in writing. He resides in Three Mile Plains, NS, his childhood home, and is in the MFA in Creative Non-fiction program at University of King’s College in Halifax. JENNIFER SKUFFHAM (’96) is now Director of Student Recruitment at Landmark East School in Wolfville. Jennifer joins the Landmark East team with over 20 years’ experience in recruitment and mentoring youth, and is passionate about making

a positive difference and helping others succeed. She has excelled in all of her roles, including as a top recruiter for Venture for Canada, Acadia University and a leader and trainer for the Nova Scotia Health Authority. In addition to pursuing a career, she is committed to giving back to her community through extensive volunteer work including fundraising, conducting leadership workshops and volunteering with seniors and children.

LAURA CHURCHILL DUKE’S (’98) first novel, Two Crows Sorrow, was published in October. This creative non-fiction piece follows the life and murder of Theresa McAuley Robinson, who was killed on the North Mountain in the Annapolis Valley in 1904.

The Board of Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey announced earlier this year that WYATT WHITE (’99) will serve as its new Executive Director. Originally from the Listuguj Mi’gmaq First Nation in the Kespek District of Mi’kma’ki, Wyatt obtained his Bachelor of Science from Acadia in 1999 and is currently completing his Master of Education at St. Francis Xavier. He brings almost 20 years of experience in educational leadership to the position and has worked in Indigenous Affairs at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. Recently, Wyatt was the Director of Mi’kmaq Services within the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, working closely with other leaders within the education department, Regional Centres for Education, Mi’kmaw Kina’matneway and other Indigenous educational leaders from across Canada to support and enhance educational programming for Mi’kmaq students across Nova Scotia.

Uncle Farley’s False Teeth, written by ALICE WALSH (’01) and illustrated by Michael Martchenko, has been republished by Nimbus Publishing. The story, first published by Annick Press, has delighted children for nearly two decades. For more, please visit: https://

NATALIE IRWIN (’01), Ottawa, ON, tells us that she is “proud, humbled, grateful and, of course, #blessed to receive the National Chapter Volunteer Leadership Award from my friends at the Canadian Green Building Council.” The Chapter Volunteer Leadership Award recognizes a deserving individual who is an active and effective advocate for the green building industry, through significant involvement in creating, building and/or growing a Canadian Green Building Council Chapter. They participate in and



CLASS NOTES contribute to a variety of successful initiatives and are engaged in opportunities which focus on advocacy and advance the Canadian Green Building Council’s mission in their region. As a highly-regarded leader and agent of change, this award honours their contributions and performance at the local level. AMANDA COOLIDGE (’01) was promoted in May 2019 to Associate Director, Open Education, BCcampus, British Columbia, Canada. The Associate Director, Open Education is responsible for providing leadership, vision and strategy for Open Education initiatives at BCcampus. Specifically, this position is responsible for working with senior administrators, faculty, students and staff in BC and other jurisdictions to promote, support, and advocate for the use of Open Educational Practices. Congrats, Amanda!

DAVID TOEWS (’05), assistant professor of biology at Penn State University, has been selected as the 2019 recipient of the Ned K. Johnson Early Investigator Award by the American Ornithological Society (AOS), an international society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of birds. The award recognizes



outstanding and promising work by an ornithologist early in his or her career and who shows distinct promise for future leadership in the field. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State in January 2019, Toews was a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where he held a National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. He completed a bachelor’s degree in biology at Acadia in 2005, and Master’s and Doctoral degrees in zoology at the University of British Columbia in 2007 and 2014. When a Mi’kmaq rendition of the Beatles classic Blackbird went viral in June, 16-yearold Mi’kmaq singer Emma Stevens said her dream was for Paul McCartney to hear it. Little did she know that, just a few weeks later, she and her teacher, Acadia alumnus CARTER CHIASSON, (’09, ’12), would get a private meeting with the music icon. Check it out: https://bit. ly/2JmOXip

On Friday, Sept. 27, 2019, CARMEN BRADEN (’09) officially released her latest album, Songs of the Invisible Summer Stars, through the

Here’s some good news! Acadia alumna MICHELLE MOSHER (‘06) is an RCMP corporal who was appointed earlier this year to the Order of Merit of the Police Forces. Mosher (centre) was appointed at Rideau Hall by Governor-General Julie Payette (left), with RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki (right). The Order of Merit of the Police Forces was created in 2000 to recognize conspicuous merit and exceptional service by members and employees of Canadian police forces whose contributions extend beyond protection of the community. (Photo: Master Cpl. Mathieu Gaudreault)

Centrediscs label on all major audio digital distribution systems, hard copy CD and digital download cards. Her hometown (Yellowknife) release party took place on Thursday, Sept. 26 at the Museum Cafe, with live performance, dedicated listening to select tracks and behind-the-scenes stories of the album-making. Recorded this spring in University Hall, Carmen is featured on the album on piano and is joined by a powerhouse of East Coast chamber musicians passionate about contemporary music: Norman Adams, Derek Charke, Nadia Francavilla, Suzanne Lemieux, David Parker, Susan Sayle and Gillian Smith. Returning as producer and percussionist, Mark Adam worked with recording engineer John D. S. Adams of Stonehouse Sound and highlighted a striking clarity and richness in Carmen’s explorations.


Congratulations to KAYLA THOMAS (’11) for earning a Member Recognition Award in Leadership from Dietitians of Canada. This peer-nominated award recognizes her innovative and passionate leadership as Program Development Coordinator at Nourish! Kayla brings a thoughtful, creative energy to her work, liaising with regional partners to support school healthy eating programs as well as in the community co-facilitating breakfast program workshops

or collaborating with partners to develop fun new resources for schools. Stand Up and Cheer!

AMELIA SCHOFIELD (’12) of Sturgeon County, AB was named recently as a member of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy 40 Under 40 class for 2019. The program is designed to recognize young leaders within the health care philanthropy community and the work they are doing to advance the future of the health care development industry. Amelia was part of a select group of health care philanthropy professionals who have demonstrated impressive career achievements, deep community involvement and the potential to be a leader in the profession for years to come. The 40 winners were recognized at the 2019 AHP Annual International Conference October 23-26 in Washington, D.C.

the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin -Madison as assistant professor. Congrats, Justin!

We’re pleased to announce that two amazing student assistants in Office of Alumni Affairs, SAMANTHA TEICHMAN (left, ’19) and RUVIMBO CHIPAZI were co-recipients of the Student of the Year Award at the 2019 Grad Banquet on May 12! They are pictured here with Senior Alumni Officer OONAGH PROUDFOOT (’93, 06). Congratulations, Sam and Ruvimbo!

learn. The Co-op program also provides the students with excellent advice and resources for the do’s and don’t’s in the professional world. I suggest giving the program a chance. It’s beneficial to have work experience and references, especially when looking for a job after graduating.”

Former ASU President GEORGE PHILP (’19) is

currently one of five new interns taking part in the 2019-2020 Parliamentary Internship for the Environment in Ottawa. Parliamentary Internship for the Environment is a leadership development program that places young environmental stars with MPs from across the political spectrum. For nine months, interns will immerse themselves and learn the inner workings of federal government as well as attend workshops, committee meetings, leadership development training, and sit-downs with environmental champions. George joins GreenPAC having recently completed his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Environmental and Sustainability Studies at Acadia.

Trailblazer Award for alumna Dodge

Alumnus and former basketball Axeman JUSTIN BOUTILIER (‘13) has joined

From new grad JOHN STORRIE (’19) on the value of Co-op education at Acadia. He is now working at Biovectra in Windsor, NS: “Co-op has been an incredible asset to paving my way toward my career goals. Co-op gave me the opportunity to learn handson which, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to

How’s this for a Stand Up and Cheer moment? Acadia’s Ann Dodge (’91) received this year’s Trailblazer Award during the Women Active Nova Scotia Trendsetter Awards ceremony in late April. When a call went out in the room for all Acadia people to assemble, quite a group came forward, including, left to right: (back row) Nick Cook (’20), Sarah Charnock (’19), Rachel Brown (’13), Britney Longley (’21) , Janice Cougle (’17), Oonagh Proudfoot (’93), Ann Dodge (’91), Jasmine Smith (’16), Anna Sherwood (’03), Rachel Bedingfield (’02), Debbie Smith, Paetra Addison (’18), Dawn Stegen (’87); (front row) Kaileigh Skinner (’20), Meg Todd (’14) , Vicki Weaver (’00), Melissa Grandberg (’19), Chika Chiekwe (’14), and Ben Jessome (’11).



ACADIA REMEMBERS We are saddened to report the following deaths in the Acadia community

Hortense Padmore (’41) York, ON

Alexander MacAskill (’49) Berwick, NS

Anthony Cook (’61) Halifax, NS

Harold Price (’67) East Newbridge, NB

Sherry Doucette (’80) Charlottetown, PEI

Ellen Angus (’42) Sackville, NB

Eldon Hastings (’49) Dartmouth, NS

Richard Cain (’62) Dartmouth, NS

Charles Webb (’67) Wolfville, NS

Michael Johnston (’81) Brampton, ON

Isabel Robertson (’42) Windsor, NS

Grace Doms (’49) Timonium, MD

John Carter (’63) Debert, NS

Robert F. Dunlop (’68) Ajax, ON

James Chetwynd (’89) Middleton, NS

Mary Beverly (’42) Scarborough, ON

Ruth Steeves (’50) Peterborough, ON

Barbara Clothier (’63) Upper Sackville, NS

Harvey Eno (’69) Grand-Barachois, NB

Lillian Nesdoly (’91) Victoria, BC

Evelyn Frank (’44) Brockville, ON

Jack Layton (’51) Innisfail, AB

David Haley (’64) Courtenay, BC

Louise Fisher (’69) New Glasgow, NS

Eric Alcorn (’97) Tupper Lake, NS

Clarence Young (’44) Lower Sackville, NS

Jane Richardson (’51) Westville, NS

Murdock MacRae (’64) North Sydney, NS

Betty Baechler (’71) Sydney Forks, NS

Cathy Patton-Chisholm (’02) Kentville, NS

Charles Thurgood (’45) Windsor, ON

Margaret Armstrong (’51) Granville Ferry, NS

Murdock Smith (’64) Sydney, NS

Delphis Comeau (’71) Meteghan River, NS

Ian Clark (’06) Halifax, NS

Jesse Atkinson (’45) Glendora, CA

Margaret Prier (’52) Dartmouth, NS

Grant Richardson (’65) Kentville, NS

Mary Armstrong (’72) Orleans, ON

Sterling Gosman (’07) Kentville, NS

Aubrey Durling (’46) Middleton, NS

David Estey (’53) Winnipeg, MB

Richard Young (’65) Halifax, NS

Lana Ashby (’72) Newtonville, NS

Jared Holder (’18) Quispamsis, NB

Rodney Bradley (’46) Williamsville, NY

Mary Russell (’53) Dartmouth, NS

Laura Barkhouse (’66) New Ross, NS

Wilfred Morley (’73) Bridgewater, NS

Jean Marsh (ASSO) Wolfville, NS

J. Doreen Bennett (’47) Halifax, NS

Ian MacInnes (’54) Chester Basin, NS

Nancy Dick (’66) Granville Ferry, NS

Donna Stevens (’74) Nelson, BC

Samuel Nesdoly (ASSO) Victoria, BC

Gwendolyn Pollet (’47) Nepean, ON

Ardith Canning Hiltz (’57) Lunenburg, NS

Allan MacEachen (’66 HON) Ottawa, ON

David Amirault (’74) Whitehorse, YT

Josephine Pineo (ASSO) Wolfville, NS

Lois Thurgood (’49) Windsor, ON

Karl Webb (’57) Tantallon, NS

Jean MacAskill (’67) St. Margaret’s Bay, NS

Randolph Legassie (’74) Annapolis Royal, NS

Isobel Mansfield (’49) Phoenixville, PA

Grace Crawford (’58) Pointe-Du-Chene, NB

Judith MacLellan (’67) Smith’s Cove, NS

George Hamilton (’74) Dayton, NS

Gordon MacKenzie (’49) Summerside, PEI

William Lewis (’59) East Kingston, NS

John Payzant (’67) Edmonton, AB

Wendy Kelly-Conrad (’77) Dartmouth, NS

We produce this list to the best of our ability with the information provided. If there is a discrepancy or error, please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 902.585.1459.



In each edition of the Bulletin, we reserve space on our final pages for a fond look back at the way we were. Do you know the person in this photo? If so, send me an e-mail at First person to identify him will win an Acadia sweatshirt (valued at $70). Please include your name, address and phone number in your response. We will reveal the answer, the winner and have another image for you in the spring edition. Look forward to hearing from you. Have fun!


In our last edition, Paul Caudle (‘97) was the first to identify the photo of Gina Lewis (’99) and Christianne Rushton (’98) portraying Hansel and Gretel. Congratulations, Paul!

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