Acadia Bulletin - Spring 2018

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Supportive Community From scholarships to residence life programs, volunteer opportunities, and professors who care; our alumni give back to students. Thanks to alumni and friends, Acadia University delivers an exceptional student experience. Third-year engineering student, Michael Rumsby (’18) has benefitted from that generosity since arriving on campus from his Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, home. Leaving home to attend university was a big step for Rumsby, who developed a tight bond with his mother when he was treated for brain cancer while a middle school student. “We’d spent so much time together during my recovery that I knew it would be tough for us to be apart,” he says. “But I also knew it would be good for us to be apart – just not too far apart.” Three universities were in the running, and Acadia won out because of the promise of personal attention and scholarship offers. “Being a student is a full-time job, so getting financial help allowed me to focus on what I came here to do. I know I made the right choice.” Rumsby is already following the footsteps of those who give back. He is an IWK ambassador, S.M.I.L.E. volunteer, and residence assistant at Cutten House, his home away from home. As for his future, he says he’s keeping his options open because he wants to do something to help others facing cancer treatment. He knows he can make a difference, saying, “at Acadia, you become part of something. It’s not just about getting an education; it’s about learning who you are and who you can be.”

IN EVERY ISSUE From the Acadia President . . . . . . . . 2 From the Alumni President . . . . . . . . 3 Eye on Acadia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alumni Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Alumni Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Acadia Remembers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Final Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

ON THE COVER: Dr. Bruce Galloway (’68, ’03 HON) was installed as Acadia’s Seventh Chancellor during Convocation ceremonies on May 14, 2018 in University Hall. (Photo: Peter Oleskevich)



Thank you, and farewell Outgoing Chancellor Libby Burnham (’60) pens a letter to alumni, writing: “I will cherish the many memories we’ve made together.”

16A class act Legendary alumnus Al Whittle (’60) helped set the table for the Acadia Cinema’s new designation as a provincially registered heritage property.

22 What do donors look like? When it comes to Acadia’s many generous donors and friends, it seems that variety is the spice of giving.

28 What a year! Learn more about the impact of alumni donations. Please visit

Acadia’s varsity squads capture two AUS banners and all earn tickets to conference championships to cap a landmark season.





Spring 2018 Volume 101 / Issue 1



t Acadia, we are deeply conscious that we stand on the shoulders of those that preceded us. That is, we know our current success is due to the hard work and dedication of many people who felt, in their time, the same way we do about Acadia today, and we are driven forward by this spirit. The academic year that has just ended and the plans we put in place for the next year are perfect examples of how we build on the past to make a better future. By any measure, our varsity athletics program and our student-athletes had an amazing year and deserve our congratulations. Seven of our 11 teams competed for national team or individual titles and in March we hosted the U SPORTS Men’s Final 8 basketball championship – a wonderful event that brought together our alumni, fans and supporters. Together with the fact that we have the highest per capita number of Academic All-Canadians of any university, it is clear that Acadia leads in showing how university athletics should be done. In April, the new Science Complex was substantially completed on time and on budget thanks to our tremendous staff and contractors, our government partners and, especially, our alumni donors who made it possible. We all look forward to its upcoming grand opening, and the tremendous impact that this facility will have on teaching, research and innovation at Acadia. At Convocation, we bade farewell to outgoing Chancellor Libby Burnham (’60), who continued her lifelong commitment to breaking barriers when she was named our first woman Chancellor in 2011. Libby is a great friend to all of us at Acadia and has been a great inspiration to me during my first year as Acadia’s President and Vice-Chancellor. We also welcomed our new Chancellor, Dr. Bruce Galloway (’68, ’03 HON), who is a passionate advocate for and supporter of Acadia, and will make his own mark in the Chancellor’s chair. We all look forward to working with him as he carries on a fine tradition of great Chancellors of Acadia University. Peering into the future, in March I announced that Acadia would be moving ahead with a decolonization strategy in response to the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission



Publisher Office of Advancement, Acadia University


Editor Fred Sgambati (’83)

report. Acadia, from its very beginning, has been a leader in inclusive education so this is a very meaningful, long-term effort that will positively impact our campus and the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities that surround us. I want to thank the Presidential Advisory Committee begun by Ray Ivany for its work, and I am excited about the new partnerships that we are developing with the Mi’kmaq communities in whose traditional territory we are located. I also launched a strategic planning exercise that is intended to develop a new Strategic Plan for Acadia. In building upon the current 2006 plan, Acadia is in so many ways a much different place than it was a decade ago, but our core values have not changed and our traditions remain strong and relevant in today’s ever-changing world. The challenge over the next year or so is to find those ideas and initiatives that will continue to distinguish Acadia while preserving everything that we have achieved together. We must work constantly to ensure that we are preparing our students for the world in which they will work so that they can succeed and contribute to civil society as so many of our past graduates have done. I look forward to the engagement of our alumni in this important strategic endeavour. As my first year at Acadia draws to a close, I want to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who has welcomed me into the Acadia family. It truly feels like I have always been here and that we share a common history. At the very least, we share common interests: Acadia’s institutional success; fueling the passion for the University felt by our alumni; and building a foundation on which future alumni can proudly stand. Over the past year, I have grown to truly love Acadia and all who work and study in it, and all who support it and hold it dear. I look forward to a year where we will start to implement the changes we need to maintain everything that is good about Acadia, keep us on a sustainable path, and increase our profile and recognition in Canada and around the world. In Acadia spirit, Dr. Peter Ricketts President and Vice-Chancellor

Vice President, Advancement Rod Morrison Executive Director, Alumni Affairs and Advancement Strategy Ian Murray (’88) Advertising Manager Sandra Symonds Associated Alumni Board of Directors Ryan Conrod (’06) Donalda MacBeath (’75) David Davidson (’81) Tammy Walker (’92) Geoff Irvine (’87) Stephanie Reid (’05) Hilary Arenburg Gobien (’12) Marian Reid (’85) Matt Rios (’14) Tony Stewart (’72) Rebecca Carr (’15) Malcolm Smith (’76) Lisa Peck (’85) Barry Taylor (’80) Fred Gilbert (’65) Ted Upshaw (’80) Heather Hickman (’77) Leah McNally (’07) Kyle Power (’13) Greg Young (’93) Regan Trask (’18, ex-officio) Olivia Bryant (’19, ex-officio) Graphic Designer Cathy Little Printing Advocate Printing Distributor Russell House Marketing The Bulletin is published twice a year, Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer, by the Office of Advancement, Acadia University. It is distributed on the Acadia campus and by mail to more than 28,000 alumni. All material is ©2018 Acadia University, and may be reprinted with written permission. Acadia Bulletin welcomes Letters to the Editor: Fred Sgambati Office of Advancement Acadia University Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 902.585.1725 Advertising inquiries: Production and Events Manager Alumni Affairs Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6 902.585.1708



have truly enjoyed reconnecting with Acadia and its many supporters over the past number of years as a member of the Acadia Alumni Board of Directors. I am honoured now to be serving as the President of the Acadia Alumni Association and look forward to the next two years in this role as the Board of Directors and the Alumni Office continue to support and promote the University through the engagement of more than 28,000 Acadia alumni worldwide. The Acadia Alumni Association has recently adopted modernizing changes to its Constitution and welcomed new members to the Board of Directors at the Acadia Alumni AGM. The Alumni Association is in a great position structurally and financially as we look forward to new, creative and exciting ways to engage members with their alma mater. To the newest members of Acadia Alumni – the Class of 2018 – we are delighted to have you as part of our illustrious group and remember that you are always welcome at Acadia. I look forward to meeting some of you at one of our many alumni events. I remember my graduation from Acadia with fondness, but recall also that it was difficult to pack the culmination of five years into one weekend. It was not until years later that I recognized the true impact that my time at Acadia had on me as I drew on my experiences, development and education at Acadia to make decisions or pursue a course of action. I graduated with a biology degree, but it was not my improved understanding of botany or physiology that led me to succeed in law school and embark on a career in law and business. I suspect many of you would agree that the true value of your Acadia experience was not derived entirely from your time in class, but from that difficult-todescribe opportunity to develop into a young adult with the support of a strong community, a diverse population and a stimulating institution. Acadia has a tremendous impact on the lives of its students and the broader community. Since the very first graduates, Acadia alumni have involved themselves in the improvement of the University and grown to serve as ambassadors for our beloved institution across Canada and throughout the world. The Acadia Alumni Association is stronger when its members are engaged and involved with its mission and with the broader objectives of the University. Please reach out to the Alumni Office if you want to become more involved or if you are looking for ways to give back to Acadia. The University and the Alumni Association certainly appreciate financial donations, but we also recognize that there are many valuable ways to contribute to Acadia’s success: by encouraging young scholars to attend Acadia; hiring Acadia graduates; promoting Acadia’s values in your community; or mentoring a student or young alumna or alumnus. I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible over the course of my term as President. Enjoy this edition of the Bulletin, and I’ll see you soon!

All the best, Ryan Conrod President, Acadia Alumni Association ACADIA BULLETIN Spring 2018





he Chair of Acadia’s Board of Governors, John Rogers (’79), announced in April that alumnus Bruce Galloway (’68) will be the University’s Seventh Chancellor. Galloway succeeded Libby Burnham (’60), Acadia’s first female Chancellor, after she concluded her sevenyear term during this year’s Convocation ceremonies. “I am delighted that the Board has selected Bruce to be Acadia’s next Chancellor,” Rogers said. “We have known Bruce as a Board member and supporter of Acadia, and his affection for this community is boundless. At the same time, I want to thank Libby for everything she brought to Acadia during her term as Chancellor and the pattern she established for alumni and community engagement that Bruce will have to work hard to emulate. I speak for everyone at Acadia when I say to Libby that she has had enormous influence on everyone at Acadia and we intend to continue to rely upon her experience and expertise.” Galloway came to Acadia in 1964 from his home in Montreal to study and play football. An exceptional athlete, he played both offensive and defensive end for his first two years before switching exclusively to defensive end for his final two seasons. When Acadia celebrated 50 years of varsity football in 2006, Bruce was named a member of the 1960s All-Decade team. Originally a science student, Galloway switched faculties and in 1968 graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce. Immediately following graduation, he joined the Royal Bank of Canada, where he held



progressively senior positions, ultimately being appointed Vice-Chairman in 1994 and serving in this role until his retirement in 1999. Since retirement, Galloway has remained active in the business world as a board member of several private and public-sector companies and continues to offer today’s business leaders and entrepreneurs the benefit of his extensive experience. He is one of Acadia University’s most important volunteer leaders and benefactors, and he stands with a very select group who have made a unique contribution to the University’s institutional reputation for excellence. He served on Acadia’s Board of Governors from 1991 to 2009 and served three years as Acadia’s Manning School of Business Executive-in-Residence between 1999 and 2002. In 2013, he stepped forward to lead the Twenty Wing campaign to renovate Patterson Hall as the new home of the Manning School of Business and was the campaign’s first donor. In addition to the Patterson Hall project, Galloway has been a generous donor to the new Stevens Centre, and the Sheila (Nickerson) Galloway Scholar-Bursary is awarded annually to an entering student from Nova Scotia on the basis of financial need and academic performance. For his extraordinary contributions to Acadia, Bruce was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Civil Laws in 2003 and recognized with the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015. “Throughout his life and career, whether at Acadia,



Dr. Bruce Galloway (’68) was installed as Acadia’s seventh Chancellor during Convocation ceremonies on Monday, May 14, 2018.

in business, or in community service, Bruce has led by example,” said Dr. Peter Ricketts, Acadia’s President and Vice-Chancellor. “He embodies the Acadia spirit and has mentored and inspired countless alumni to not only succeed in their chosen careers, but to give back generously to their community. His roles as Chair of both Ovarian Cancer Canada and the Oakville Hospital Foundation exemplify his strong personal commitment to making our communities better, more caring places for everyone.” “I am honored and delighted to be able to represent

Acadia as its Chancellor,” Galloway said. “I am really looking forward to following in Libby’s and Chancellor Emeritus Arthur Irving’s footsteps, meeting students, faculty, alumni and supporters of this fine university and doing what I can to further its success.” Galloway was installed as Acadia’s Seventh Chancellor Monday, May 14, 2018 during Convocation for the Faculty of Professional Studies, which includes graduates in Education, Community Development, Kinesiology, and, fittingly, Business.








I’ve been privileged to greet many of you when you walked across the stage in Convocation Hall, and shared in the pride of your family and friends as I presented you with your degree. Your vitality and enthusiasm has been infectious, and convinces me that our goal of delivering a high-quality, personalized education is being realized with each incoming and graduating class. I thank you for supporting the University: encouraging family members, friends and students to pursue their studies at Acadia. Your financial support has helped us enhance facilities like the Raddall Wing in our Biology Building, Wu Welcome Centre, Patterson Hall, the Andrew H. McCain Arena, Huggins Science Hall and Elliott Hall, residences, infrastructure, and provide students scholarship opportunities and an educational experience that is, in my humble opinion, second to none. I will cherish the many memories we’ve made together and the kindness and support you’ve given to me. Thank you to members of the Acadia Alumni Board for their guidance and encouragement, and many thanks to each of you for all you’ve done and all you will do in the future for Acadia. You have the power and ability to ensure the University continues to succeed in the years ahead, and I am confident that Acadia is in very good hands as we look forward to celebrating many more milestones and achievements together. Stand Up and Cheer! In Acadia spirit Libby Burnham (’60), CM, QC, DCL



t’s hard to believe that my time as Acadia’s Chancellor is nearing an end, but I wanted to tell you in my own words what a privilege it has been to serve you and the University over the past seven years. I remember how surprised I was when I was asked to be Chancellor, and the pride and pleasure I felt at being shown such respect by Acadia. And to follow in the distinguished footsteps of our previous Chancellors is a privilege I will always cherish. It made me think back to my student days at Acadia in the late 1950s and how different – and yet in many ways how similar – the campus was then as compared to today. I made many wonderful, lifelong friends at Acadia and the education I received informed my life and prepared me for my career as a lawyer. It also allowed me to contribute to Canadian society and the advancement of women in public life, law and business. Acadia laid the foundation for my success, and has been doing so in similar fashion for thousands of graduates ever since. The opportunity to see you in so many different places – at alumni events in your home areas and at the annual Gala Dinner and Silent Auction, Homecoming, Summer Reunion, wonderful receptions, suppers and special occasions – only confirms what I’ve known for years: Acadia alumni are part of one big family. No matter where or when we’ve come together, you have welcomed me: openly, warmly, and with the kind of affection reserved for a family member. I can’t tell you how special you’ve made me feel; you’ve built the pride I have in our University.

Libby at Convocation.



Libby with students during Cookie Day.





ild parties on university campuses are legendary, but what’s the reality? And what work is being done to mitigate alcohol-related harms among students? Two people who can answer both questions are Acadia’s James Sanford (’87), Executive Director of Student Services, and Professor Darren Kruisselbrink, School of Kinesiology. They know because Acadia has championed research into alcohol harms and the implementation of measures to reduce them, not only here but across Canada. “Our data provides evidence that counters the myth that everybody on campus drinks, and drinks to excess,” Kruisselbrink says. “In a normal month, probably 15-20 per cent of students don’t drink at all. Another 50 per cent don’t drink to the point of getting past .08 per cent blood-alcohol, so they’re using alcohol in moderation. But it’s the few who drink to excess that you hear about.”

NCHIP AND PEP-AH In 2011, Acadia was invited to join a new American collaborative to tackle alcohol-related harms among students. The program was NCHIP, the National College Health Improvement Project, and Acadia was its only Canadian member. “Darren and I were part of that original group, and that was the start in terms of tangible work, tangible efforts, and tangible results,” Sanford says. For most of the three years the collaborative existed, the Acadia team examined what would work here. “A key element of Acadia’s team is that students were part of it: Callie Lathem (’14) and Kiara Clory (’14), and later Matt Rios (’14),” Sanford says. “They contributed a lot to making



this successful. We knew if we wanted to effect change on campuses, then faculty, staff and students had to work together.” For Lathem, being on the team was a formative experience. “The work shaped a lot of my passion for mitigating harms associated with high-risk behaviour,” says Lathem, now Community Engagement Coordinator at Mount Royal University in Calgary. “The engagement of students and the value placed on student input and experience were phenomenal.” About that time, then President Ray Ivany was working to increase awareness and commitment among his presidential colleagues nationwide for a Canadian version of NCHIP. “He took the lead to initiate that communication,” Sanford says. “Then our group began working with partners from Universities Canada, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, and other post-secondary institutional leaders. We put together a meeting in Ottawa in November 2014, from which emerged the Post-Secondary Education Partnership on Alcohol Harms (, which is now a fairly robust national organization. PEPAH has really advanced the work around alcohol harms reduction in Canada.” The harms reduction efforts for Acadia students are not limited to just the campus community, as the Town of Wolfville has become a strong partner and supporter of these efforts as well. There are risk assessments and planning exercises completed through working together when there is anticipation that the potential for harms by alcohol exists (Welcome Week, Homecoming, St. Patrick’s Day and Cheaton Cup, last class days). There are also efforts

Kruisselbrink joined the Acadia team as a faculty member and data specialist, because NCHIP required each institution to measure change monthly. “We started with a fairly simple, straightforward survey, and it evolved into a pretty decent measure of alcohol use and its consequences,” he says. “We did that monthly for six years and just switched this past year to a term-by-term measure.” He has also taken a lead nationally, including working with Health Canada to develop the alcohol section of a national campus-level survey on alcohol and drugs that will be launched this fall. Over the past six years, Sanford – who recently received the Bob Stead Award, given to a University staff member who goes above and beyond to contribute to positive student life at Acadia – and Kruisselbrink have seen positive trends emerge. Although the quantity of alcohol that Acadia students drink has remained stable, students now consume it over a longer period, which suggests that blood-alcohol content is falling. The amount of help students say they need to give other students is also declining. And, although 911 calls initially rose after Acadia reduced the threshold for when students call if they’re worried about a friend, the number of those calls has dropped over time and the number of 911 calls that translate into transports to hospital is also down.


By Rachel Cooper (’89)


Sanford: “Tangible efforts, tangible results.”

ALUMNI AND PARENTS “We want parents, including alumni with children preparing for university, to remember that not every student drinks, or drinks to the point of experiencing harm,” Sanford says. “We’ve tried to communicate how parents can make a difference when they bring their son or daughter to university. One is to avoid stockpiling them with alcohol. Another is to have conversations with them about their choices, and that those choices don’t have to involve drinking to excess.” In addition to their work nationally and on campus, Sanford and Kruisselbrink have been actively engaged in the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation’s Keep It Social (http:// program. They’ve involved student leaders to ensure the campaigns resonate with students, and they encourage alumni and parents to look at Keep It Social materials with their sons and daughters. “We’re proud of Acadia’s influence on seeing Keep It Social emerge and gain traction across the province,” Sanford says. “It’s growing in popularity across Atlantic Canada, and there’s interest from other parts of the country, too.”



underway to collaboratively build a municipal alcohol policy framework. Students, faculty, staff, and community leaders are actively engaged in this effort.

Kruisselbrink: “Term-by-term measure.”






rowing up in Boutilier’s Point, Nova Scotia, Laura Ferguson (’10) says she was lucky to have the ocean as a front yard and a forest in the back. This best-ofboth-worlds scenario “definitely contributed to my love of biology,” she adds happily. Ferguson is representative of many young Acadia alumni doing great work in a broader research community. She is the 2017 recipient of the T. W. M. Cameron Outstanding PhD Thesis Award for her recently completed doctorate at Western University. In May, she traveled to St. John’s, NL to deliver the Cameron Lecture and received the award given annually by the Canadian Society of Zoologists to recognize the author of an outstanding PhD thesis in zoology submitted to a Canadian university. Ferguson’s success can be traced directly to her time at Acadia, where that magical combination of subject matter and key mentors sparked an interest in insects and entomology. Ferguson took many courses with Dr. Todd Smith and Dr.



Kirk Hillier, and says they were instrumental in inspiring her educational direction. “My research passions really stem from a combination of theirs,” she says. “My love of parasites evolved from classes with Todd, as well as Dave Shutler, and my love of insects came from classes with Kirk.” Combining her two interests, Ferguson’s undergraduate thesis with Hillier and Smith looked at the effects of blood parasites of frogs and snakes on the behaviour and physiology of mosquitoes, which transmit these parasites.

ALWAYS MADE SCIENCE FUN She expanded her research into an MSc thesis with Smith, defining the life history of the parasite within mosquitoes. Hillier explains that this research was significant because this parasite is closely related to medically important diseases such as malaria and provides a model for examining the effects of parasites on vectors. Hillier says Ferguson was always among the top five per


Laura Ferguson (’10): “hands-on lab and field experience.”

cent as a student. “She always made science fun as well. I recall her delivering a senior seminar in my comparative physiology class wearing hip waders and a Sou’wester,” Hillier says. Smith says Ferguson approached him during a lab and asked if he planned to supervise honours students during a pending sabbatical. “I hadn’t planned to take on any students, but was so impressed with her intellect and scientific curiosity and was keen to reciprocate her strong desire to work on blood parasites that I completely changed my sabbatical proposal to include supervision of her honours research,” Smith says. He knew within a few weeks of her tenure in his lab that she was headed for great things. As a student, Ferguson says her professors were always available to discuss ideas and gave her a lot of freedom to explore her own research interests that branched off from their own. This included ending up countless times at Smith’s office, unannounced, saying, “So, I was reading this article and I have an idea....” “After about the sixth time, I told her that she had to choose two projects for her MSc, and we would have to keep the other ideas for future students,” he says. In fact, Smith says he and his students have successfully pursued every one of these projects, and now that she is back at Acadia, Ferguson’s penchant for generating novel ideas, complete with innovative experimental design, has benefitted not just Smith’s research, but that of his colleagues as well.

UNPARALLELED SUPPORT After leaving Acadia, Ferguson went to Western to complete her PhD and is now doing a post-doc with Hillier studying how moth brains perceive different odours – specifically, pheromones that help moths find each other and mate. Ferguson says many of the species they work with are agricultural pests, and much of the research in the lab is geared toward developing alternative pest control strategies. Ferguson says that not many schools provide as rigorous an honours research program as that offered at Acadia. “I was able to take ownership of my own project and was

invited to push myself beyond the level of an undergraduate through challenges such as an oral comprehensive exam and an oral defence of my undergraduate project,” Ferguson says. Her mentors at Acadia provided unparalleled support for undergraduate students and it really fed her growing interest in research. When her contract ends at Acadia, Ferguson has another post-doc lined up at Dalhousie for September. Her hope would be to come back eventually to Acadia to teach and do research. In a shout-out to future Acadia biology students, Ferguson encouraged them to “Come on down! You’re going to have the opportunity to study, and perhaps work, with some brilliant minds in an unparalleled setting. You’ll be on a firstname basis with many of your profs; you’ll have hands-on lab and field experiences, which provide such a deeper understanding of biological concepts than solely learning from text. I would encourage you to take a class that you might not expect to like so you can really explore all the different facets of biology,” she says.

Acadia Reminiscence Laura Ferguson (‘10) was an RA in Chipman/Roy Jodrey Hall during her undergraduate degree, which provided a ton of memories, but one stands out. “This particular year, I think 2009, we were preparing for Welcome Week and trying to figure out how to position Chipman for the Mock Olympics – an event during Frosh Week in which the different houses compete against each other. We wanted to try something new and, after much hemming and hawing, decided that we would organize a warrior dance for the frosh. The Senior Resident Assistant stood in the middle of the crowd of resident assistants and Chipman frosh while we performed an animalistic, call-and-answer movement piece, using the house motto. Add in some hand drums and a vuvuzela for music and we pulled off a seamless performance. We ended up winning the Mock Olympics that year, which was a first for Chipman in many years. It was all about celebrating ourselves, without any negativity toward the other houses, and I think we all felt pretty powerful. It definitely sealed a sense of community in the house and is one of my favourite memories of Acadia (although there are really too many to choose from!).”



RANKS OF ACADIA ALUMNI SWELL BY MORE THAN 800 WITH CONVOCATION 2018 SIX DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS FROM ARTS, SCIENCE, AND SPORT RECEIVE HONORARY DEGREES On May 13 and 14, 2018, more than 800 graduates from Acadia University’s four Faculties, Arts, Pure and Applied Science, Professional Studies, and Theology, received their undergraduate and graduate diplomas, joining Acadia’s more than 28,000 alumni worldwide. In addition, Acadia conferred six Honorary Degrees on individuals who have distinguished themselves in public service, education, and professional sports. This year’s Honorees included:

Former Prime Minister, federal Cabinet Minister and Canadian diplomat.


Long-serving Baptist minister and retired member of the Acadia Divinity College.


Retired Professor of Oceanography and former Associate Vice-President for Research at Dalhousie University, and renowned public commentator of science and research.



Life Officers for the Graduating Class of 2018 are: President, Regan Trask; Vice-President, Sydney Witoski; Secretary, Allison Poitras; Treasurer, Katarina Kalajdzic; photographed on the steps of U-Hall with University President, Dr. Peter Ricketts.



Mi’kmaq elder in the community of Eskasoni and acknowledged voice of the Mi’kmaw on environmental issues affecting land, forests, and fisheries.

THE HONORABLE MAYANN FRANCIS DOCTOR OF CIVIL LAWS Former Lieutenant Governor and former Ombudsman of Nova Scotia, and strong advocate of equality, inclusiveness, and human rights.


One of Canada’s most admired athletes, former professional golfer with four LPGA Tour victories and passionate humanitarian.


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By Jim Prime (’69)


hen you’re a 5’9”, 150-pound basketball guard for the Acadia Axemen, it’s easy to be literally and figuratively overlooked, but for five seasons Saj Joseph (’02) stood out in the crowd. In fact, he became a towering presence on the court and off. Along the way, he earned the Most Improved Player Award and the Teammate/Coaches Award. He led the country in assists in both 1998-99 and 2001-02 and in his final year he was chosen team captain and responded with an MVP-calibre performance and an all-conference selection. Joseph was recently named Senior Vice-President of Global Marketing for Aurora, one of the largest medical cannabis companies in the world. With the imminent legalization of cannabis in Canada, the future is both bright and daunting and he credits Acadia with preparing him for the business and social complexities he is sure to face. The native of Deer Lake, Newfoundland, singles out former Axemen head coach Dave Nutbrown for challenging him to be the best he could be. “Coach Nutbrown allowed me to hone my skills and instilled a great work ethic. He stressed the importance of learning and improving – as a challenge to myself. He taught me how important it is to care deeply about your craft and that no achievement comes without sacrifice.”

UNHERALDED, UNDER-RECRUITED Nutbrown remembers being underwhelmed when Joseph arrived on campus as an unheralded, under-recruited freshman. “Frankly, my wife Martha was sold on him first,” he says. “He wasn’t physically imposing, but was a very bright, articulate guy who understood his limitations and worked diligently at his game. He accepted coaching really well. He was certainly one of the best leaders I ever coached. Other kids listened to him and he interceded for me when I needed it, especially with freshmen players. No one improved over five years like Saj did.”



There was another thing that immediately impressed Nutbrown. “He came from a family of hard workers and had been ingrained with a strong social conscience,” says the coach. Indeed, thanks to his parents, Saj arrived on campus with a strong set of values. Acadia proved to be the perfect environment for those values to be nurtured and enhanced. Away from the basketball court, Joseph cites Walter Isenor as a major academic influence. “Walter was the first professor I met at Acadia. Coach Nutbrown introduced us and I ended up spending my first hours on campus talking to him about the student-athlete experience. From that time on, he and his wife Lana (’86) became great allies, as they have been for many others, always on the fringes, watching and supporting me.” As the former head of the School of Business, Isenor saw literally thousands of students come and go, but Saj was special. “He was more mature than other students and had a great personality,” Isenor says. “He was always well prepared and went out of his way to be helpful in class. He became a good friend.”

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In just the last few years, Aurora has grown to be a major player in the medical cannabis market and is poised to lead the way as legalization occurs and the recreational market becomes a reality. Not surprisingly, Saj views his job through the lens of social responsibility. “I’ve seen how the product can be used medically to improve people’s lives and, as research intensifies, I am hopeful that the plant and its extracts can continue to help more people around the world.” “On the recreational side, for me, it’s more about responsible use and education. That specifically means focusing on educating a new group of consumers and leading the way in educating our children and protecting them until they are adults and are able to consume in a responsible way, if they so choose.

“I’m always asking myself: How do we do it right? When my son gets older and wants to try it, how will he be protected? I know his parents will play a large part in that, but from a national and global perspective, who takes a leadership role in supporting him and millions of others like him around the world? I decided that I’d rather be looking myself in the mirror and having my colleagues, friends and family hold me accountable to those things. Responsible use, education, supporting patients and reducing youth usage – these are some of my overriding goals.” Joseph feels fortunate to have been placed into positions of extreme growth throughout his life. “I was built in environments that were progressive, performance-focused and inclusive. Acadia was one of those magical places that really took my leadership skills to the next level. It’s a special place that provided a uniquely challenging, but deeply caring environment for me to grow.” Before joining Aurora, Joseph was President of Colour, an international marketing and communications company based in Halifax. Current Colour President and CEO, Chris Keevil (’87), has witnessed his colleague’s commitment to personal growth. “Saj is an intensive learner with an insatiable desire to get better at what he’s doing. He defines vocation, or purpose, broadly. For him it includes family, and his family extends well beyond his parents, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews. It includes people like myself and others he cares for. He really embodies Acadia’s spirit in his values. Because of his great family, he arrived at Acadia fully packed, but Acadia allowed him to flourish and grow.” For Saj, sacrifice and caring are a way of life, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. “I’m going to stick with the things that are core to me. I really believe that the greater the effort, the greater the personal reward. Thanks to Acadia, I take with me the confidence and skill to overcome challenges. Resilience is probably one of the greatest skills I was able to build on during my time there, because of all the great people, great teammates and a phenomenal coach.”

Acadia Reminiscence Saj Joseph has countless fond memories of Acadia. Not surprisingly, most of them revolve around teamwork. “In 2000-2001, we were playing in the AUS playoffs. Phil Davis, a good friend, teammate and roommate, was in his final year and playing in his first playoff game. Phil was a recent transfer from UPEI. We were playing UCCB in the opening round. We were down by one point with about seven seconds left and it was our possession. The ball was inbounded to me and I was able to break free from a few players, get the ball up the court and drop it off to Phil for a wide-open shot, which he made at the buzzer, and then he proceeded, in all the craziness, with half our team following him, to make a run for the locker room. It was a great memory for our team and, of course, for Phil.”





“One legendary screening was of The Pajama Game in 1957. An Atheneaum ad promised a free movie for those in pajamas.”


Dean of Women, Dr. Marion Grant (’21). Despite her order, there was a large turnout of PJ-clad students of both genders. Eleanor Palmer (’59), a Wolfville resident, recalls women in her residence rolling up their pajama legs and wearing long winter overcoats. “We all decided to take up the challenge and we were fully covered,” Palmer said. She added that female students in the 1950s were allowed out three nights during the school week – and only until 10 p.m. Failing a test, she added, dropped the number to two nights.




l Whittle (’60) is a legend in Wolfville and at Acadia University. He ran the Acadia Cinema downtown for 47 years and spent 55 years checking student IDs at Acadia’s dining halls. At 88, Al still takes tickets when films are screened. “I thoroughly enjoy my association with the theatre in that capacity or any other,” he says. Recently, Al dressed up in his tuxedo to volunteer at a Sunday matinee. He says, “This woman stopped her husband and said, ‘This is class,’ pointing at Al. ‘There’s not enough of that.’” When the New Brunswick native arrived in Wolfville in 1953, he was the youngest theatre manager in Canada. From the start, Al kept up with industry advances. He



supervised the conversion of the theatre to CinemaScope in 1954. In 1967, he reduced seat numbers to provide more legroom for his patrons. Later, he divided the main theatre in two and then three to stay competitive. Al was also known for elaborate displays, such as a large plywood Pink Panther, to welcome Inspector Clouseau fans. Strong ties developed early between Acadia students and the theatre. Al employed generations of students as ushers, ticket and concession sellers and for help with renovations. He also created special events with the student population in mind. One legendary screening was of The Pajama Game in 1957. An Atheneaum ad promised a “free movie for those in pajamas,” but students were forbidden to attend by


By Wendy Elliott (’75)

In 1988, the Atheneaum announced the launch of “a new Acadia Film Society.” Screenings at the Acadia Cinema were deemed “advantageous for the big screen, sharp image, professional sound and comfortable seating.” The Acadia Twin Cinemas were launched in 1986, with Tom Cruise in Top Gun and Sylvester Stallone in Cobra. Al had a new sound system installed and the original theatre was divided down the middle. An expanded lobby with a new concession counter and ticket desk came next in 1989. A third screen was added in 1997 and then he instituted the very popular Sunday ‘Tea Time Matinees’. The Acadia Cinema’s closure in 2000 left a hole in the heart of Main Street, but the Fundy Film Society rose to the challenge with screenings in New Minas starting in 2002. When a hotel deal for the cinema property fell through, Al told Fundy Film volunteers selling tickets in the former Acadia lobby that the cinema was back on the market. A small band of film fans immediately hatched a serious plot to purchase, rebuild and reopen a new theatre in the Acadia Cinema building. Al joined the group and no one was surprised two years later when the new dual owners – the Acadia Cinema Cooperative and Just Us!Coffee – announced the theatre would be named for the manager who had given such long service. Al retired from Wheelock Hall in 2015 and still misses his “second family from all over the world”. The neon marquee on the Acadia Cinema building, a key landmark on Wolfville’s Main Street, is now protected as a provincially registered heritage property. The Acadia

Cinema Co-operative is registered under the Provincial Heritage Property program of the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. The co-op, non-profit operators of the Al Whittle Theatre had applied to have the theatre’s century-old significance as a cultural venue recognized both provincially and municipally. Inclusion in the provincial built heritage program allowed for conservation advice and now the coop is gearing up to raise funds for the restoration of the exterior brickwork. “The Acadia Cinema Co-op has been financially supported by over 740 shareholders from Nova Scotia and beyond,” noted co-op treasurer and acting director of the F. C. Manning School of Business at Acadia, Paul Callaghan. “The commitment of these shareholders speaks to their appreciation of all the presenters who rent the theatre to make such a wide variety of cultural events available to our community.” Callaghan calls it critical to the downtown core in Wolfville because events at the theatre bring audiences repeatedly to Main Street. Today, the Al Whittle Theatre stage hosts many independent presenters of film, theatre, music and private events. Al is still an honorary board member, and dresses up to take tickets at films at the Sunday matinees.




Carmen Braden (’09) at the piano during recording sessions for her album Ravens, in Yellowknife.



cadia University alumni have a global reputation for being highly educated, engaged and socially conscious people who strive for personal and professional excellence while, at the same time, give unselfishly of themselves to others and organizations in their respective communities and towns. This feature will introduce you to several young Acadia alumni from various walks of life who embody the excellence, engagement and enlightenment that defines the Acadia educational experience. We celebrate their accomplishments, and are proud to bring you these individual snapshots. Enjoy! Carmen Braden (’09) graduated from Acadia’s School of Music with a Bachelor of Music in Composition. She has since returned to her hometown of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and pursued a career in music, establishing her own company, Black Ice Sound. A lifelong learner, Carmen



also earned a Master’s of Music in Composition from the University of Calgary in 2015. As a musician and composer, she has had opportunities to work with top-level performers in Canada, including the Toronto Symphony, James Ehnes, the Eckhart-Gramatée Competition, the Gryphon Trio, and the Canadian Chamber Choir. She continues to build her career based in Yellowknife, and is about to expand her family, which will be another exciting adventure! In 2017, Carmen released a full-length album, Ravens, with strong Acadia connections: her producer, Mark Adam, was one of her inspirational teachers at Acadia (he is still a professor there); and her recording engineer was Denis Martin (’10), a fellow music student who graduated from the Music Technology program at Acadia. From that album, Carmen received a Western Canadian Music Award Nomination for



Classical Composition of the Year. Mentorship is a key part of any academic or creative experience, and several Acadia professors were pivotal in guiding Carmen in her formative musical pursuits. “Composers Derek Charke and Steve Naylor opened my ears to the music of the environment, a focus which has driven my creative work for years,” she says. “Performers Mark Adam and Jennifer King (’91) showed me the importance of relationships in music as well as pushing my own musicality deeper. Musicologist Gordon Callon encouraged my curiosity and excitement for many different eras and styles of music. Many other professors and administrative staff as well were a constant source of support and encouragement throughout the degree.” Carmen’s Acadia experience, she says, was invaluable in establishing her first professional musical network of colleagues. “Several of my teachers and fellow students at Acadia are some of my active colleagues, even though we are spread out across the country, and my time at Acadia gave me a solid grounding in my subject in an academic sense as well as the beginnings of professional experience. These contributed directly to my continuing studies and expanding career,” and explains why Carmen Braden is a young Acadia University alumna to keep an eye on in the future. For more, please visit:; @ blackicesounds;

Mark Pound (’04, ’08) is a two-time Acadia graduate, with a BA in sociology and a BEd. Since graduating from Acadia with his Bachelor of Education, Mark has been working in the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board as a substitute teacher as well as being employed in the movie industry as member of IATSE #849,mainly in transportation and tutoring child cast members on set. Mark is married to Angela Mackenzie, a 2004 and 2006 Acadia graduate. The couple have two children, Mackenzie (8) and Madison (5). Mark has been a member of the Kentville Volunteer Fire Department for 19 years, is active in the Waterville #497 St. John Ambulance division as Duty Officer, and he volunteers with the Canadian Red Cross as a personal disaster assistant. He is currently one of the directors at large of the Nova Scotia Firefighter School and chairperson of the Lifetime Achievement Award for the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association (CVFSA). While at Acadia, Mark received a Golden A for community involvement and, since graduation, has earned many awards for community service, including The Ann Longley Memorial Fire Service Medal (15 years as a Kings County firefighter), The Diamond Jubilee Medal, Order of St. John Ambulance Medal (Serving Member), 12-Year Service Medal for St.

John Ambulance, and firefighter of the year for Muscular Dystrophy Atlantic. “I value education and my time and experiences at Acadia. I feel that my education and personal experiences there helped me grow as a citizen and educator,” Mark says. “At the moment, family, teaching, firefighting and movie work, along with being a Cub leader, keeps me very involved in my community. Acadia has played a huge part in my life: my parents, Steve (’72) and Janice (’75), graduated from Acadia, I met my wife there and I received an outstanding education. It is with great pride that I say I graduated from Acadia University!”

Jon Mann (’11) has a degree in political science from Acadia, but his passion is writing and filmmaking. He continued his studies after Acadia with an Advanced Diploma in Screenwriting from the New York Film Academy (2013) and wrote the short documentary Drink ’Em Dry, which chronicled the lockout of 172 union members at Moosehead Breweries. The film premiered at Harvard University in 2012. He also wrote, directed and produced the featurelength documentary Project Power (2014), an observational documentary following a group of everyday citizens who take on the provincial government of New Brunswick over a historical attempt to privatize the publicly-owned Crown corporation, New Brunswick Power. He wrote and directed Rearview (short narrative, 2015),






peers, teachers, coaches, and other University staff. “Acadia,” she says, “has given me lifelong friends. The Acadia connection is strong, and alumni always seem to find each other, no matter in what city we currently live. I never miss a chance to attend the Acadia alumni events in London!”

Shannon Boldon (’13) has certainly been busy since graduating from Acadia. She worked as an ambassador for the Office of Student Recruitment at Acadia for a year following graduation (from September 2013 to 2014) and then took part in a Global Health Internship in Ghana, West Africa (summer 2014). She moved to London, England, to do a Master of Science in Global Health and Development at the University College London (UCL) from September 2014 to September 2015 and journeyed to Geneva, Switzerland for an Internship at the World Health Organization HQ in the Ebola Response Unit (January to March 2016). Shannon returned to London in April 2016 to work as a Senior Researcher at a Health Policy Research Consultancy. She builds multi-stakeholder and inter-sectoral cancer policy initiatives that aim to reduce inefficiency in cancer care. In this role, Shannon works with many different people in both the public and private sectors: members of European Parliament, oncologists, nurses, other health care professionals, economists, patients, researchers, and the life science industry. Together, they try to come up with solutions for sustainable cancer care. She attributes her experience at Acadia to helping guide her to where she is today. Acadia provided a positive environment that allowed her to explore many different interests, and to eventually figure out what interested her the most and pursue that. “The environment on campus at Acadia was enabling in so many ways. The small size of the campus created intimacy with your peers and allowed you to easily get from point A to point B within 5-10 minutes (which really helps when you are trying to balance a tight schedule). At Acadia, I felt fully supported by those around me, including my

A desire for new experiences has guided Ben Jessome (’11) of Hammonds Plains to a second term as a Member of the Nova Scotia Legislature, where he daily applies skills he learned in Acadia’s Bachelor of Recreation Management program and as President of the Acadia Students’ Union. Ben was recruited to run for public office in early 2013, and was recently re-elected in May 2017. His interest in public office was sparked at Acadia after participating in the student election process. Ben enjoyed the campaign, decided to run and was successful in being elected president in 2011-12. His experiences with CASA (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations) and ANSSA (Alliance of Nova Scotia Student Associations, now Students Nova Scotia) put him in roles that were outside his comfort zone, but he learned quickly and enjoyed the process. “The Bachelor of Recreation Management program exposed me to many different skillsets: strategic planning, business administration, leisure studies, communications, inclusion, and leadership,” he says. “The ASU was an opportunity to learn about formal processes, dealing



which was selected in over 25 film festivals worldwide. It has no dialogue and follows a man for 24 hours after he commits a hit-and-run. Jon spent 2015-16 writing, directing and producing short form documentaries on athletes preparing for the Rio Olympics then wrote and directed Missy and Cahoots (shorts, coming in 2018). In late 2017 he was selected with teammate Rob Ramsay (’10, who also co-wrote and starred in Rearview) to one of two positions with the National Screen Institute’s Totally Television program for a project entitled, Wolfville. He says that his experiences at Acadia “gave me the confidence to pursue storytelling and filmmaking by allowing me to think critically and by creating an environment to continue to improve my writing. In Political Science, I wrote essays for four years. In that time, I learned how to articulate my thoughts and take them from my imagination to the page. It also allowed me to make the mistakes I needed to make in order to walk across the stage on graduation day as a better person than I was when I entered residence on my first day of frosh week. My writing received the tough love it deserved during those formative years between 17 and 21, and I am very thankful to Acadia for that.” “Everything I’m interested in,” he says, “is motivated by the fact that I want to get better every day. Acadia definitely propelled me to start believing in the things that interested me, whether that was politics, writing, or story in general. Acadia helped me realize that this was only the beginning, and no matter how much you think you know, it’s always just the tip of the iceberg.”

Jessome: An opportunity to strengthen relationships. with media, participating as a member on a board, fiscal responsibility, public speaking, representation, and government relations.” Acadia provided him with varied and valuable experiences that have served him well in his role as MLA and an active member of his community. “Acadia was an opportunity to make and strengthen relationships with individuals from all walks of life, from different parts of the country and the world, and it gave me the tools to do meaningful work here at home.”

SPECIAL GUEST Senior Alumni Officer Oonagh Proudfoot (’93, ’06) was a guest speaker at the 28th annual memorial service marking the Montreal Massacre in Acadia’s Sheldon L. Fountain Learning Commons last fall. She read a piece called “Quiet” by Mary Black. The event was organized by Professor Mary Sweatman and her Community Development students.






Who is the typical Acadia donor? Someone with deep pockets and maybe a yacht? In fact, the only thing our donors have in common is their loyalty to Acadia. And if the typical donor is no stereotype, neither is the nature of their gift. Here are some of the diverse, creative and worthwhile ways in which Acadia donors contribute to the University.



Jeremy Ingham (centre, ’17) at his Convocation ceremony, applauded by President Dr. Peter Ricketts (left), VP Academic Heather Hemming (’78) and Board Chair John Rogers (’79).



In the S.M.I.L.E. (Sensory Motor Instructional Leadership Experience) program, Acadia students volunteer to work individually with children with special needs. For Geoff Gates (’13), the program was a life-changer. He arrived at Acadia at age 24, joined the program as a volunteer and later became its student director. “As much as people say you’re there to help the children, they helped me, and they taught me,” he says. “Not only do I want to give back because I appreciate that, but I think the best thing you can do to someone who helped you is to help them back.”


Jeremy Ingham (’17) was a positive force in the Annapolis Valley. This young athlete, who was diagnosed with bone cancer in 2013 when he was 17 and who passed away in 2017, was determined to make a meaningful difference. As a child and teenager, Jeremy swam competitively with the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club and he competed on Acadia’s varsity squad in 2015-16. When his cancer returned, he donated money he had set aside for schooling, using it to upgrade the swim team’s locker room at Acadia. At the time, he said, “the sport of swimming has taught me many important life lessons, so the decision to give back to my team was easy.” Jeremy also established a memorial fund for cancer research through the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute and the IWK Foundation in Halifax.

Geoff Gates

Geoff set up monthly donations to S.M.I.L.E. and the Alumni Fund. “Acadia is an amazing place,” he says. “If all alumni looked inside themselves and asked, ‘What does Acadia mean to me?’ I think they’d realize it had quite an impact on who they’ve become. I challenge everybody to do that and base their decision to donate accordingly. I think it would be a resounding ‘yes’ to donate, and any amount helps.”





DREAM CHASER, CHANGE MAKER Feeling privileged in her own education and wanting to help students here and abroad prompted Niluka Kottegoda (’03) to create an award with a difference. She and friends Chantal Pelham-Edwards (’03) and Laura Rutherford Watt (’02) established the Dream Chaser Change Maker Award to provide financial support to a student ($1,000 annually) plus a donation in the recipient’s name to their choice of UNICEF education programs. Niluka believes universal access to education is key to solving the world’s problems. “I wanted to help somebody get access to their education, but I wanted it to be about more than that,” she says. “The Dream Chaser piece of the award is to help people who aspire to make meaningful change in the world and who need the support. The Change Maker piece came about when I realized that being able to donate to charities is also a privilege. So that’s why we give them funding for the UNICEF education program. When you give, it’s a gift for yourself in many ways.”

A LASTING LEGACY An estate gift can be a way to support Acadia for years to come, and it costs almost nothing to set up. Pauline Spence (’49), a long-time educator, made provisions in her will to establish the F. Pauline and W. Merle Spence Memorial Bursary to support students in Acadia’s School of Education. The endowed fund of over $1 million is a lasting tribute to Pauline, who died in 2016, and her late husband, Merle, who predeceased her in 1986. The couple met at Acadia and dedicated their lives to serving their community. During Pauline’s 27-year career, she was a classroom teacher, teacher supervisor, and a school administrator. “She always loved teaching,” Peter Phipps (’71) told Acadia last year. Phipps served as Pauline’s financial advisor and helped her design her estate. “She knew that supporting students who will one day teach would be a meaningful gift with never-ending impact.”

‘Junie’ Hiltz: “long remembered for his feats, on ice or turf, against opponents twice his size.”

An act of celebration during the Class of 1952’s 65th anniversary will have a farreaching, positive impact on future Acadia students for years to come. During its 65th anniversary in 2017, the Class of 1952 elected to demonstrate support for the University by allocating $25,000 from its Class Fund to establish an endowment in perpetuity, which will fund the John ‘Junie’ Hiltz Memorial ScholarBursary as a tribute to their classmate. Born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, ‘Junie’ Hiltz entered Acadia in 1948 and graduated with a BSc in 1952. A yearbook post described him as “only a little guy in stature, (but) he will long be remembered for his feats, on ice or turf, against opponents twice his size.” The post noted also that he became one the University’s best all-round athletes who later went on

to join the Royal Canadian Navy. He retired as a LCDR in 1975 and later embarked on a second career in real estate appraisal that concluded in 1987. John Hiltz died on Dec. 5, 2016. In July, 2017 the Class moved to create the John ‘Junie’ Hiltz Memorial ScholarBursary and launched a campaign to raise the funds for the scholarship. With the generous help of engaged alumni, the Scholar-Bursary was enacted and will be awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Director of Athletics, to a well-rounded studentathlete, playing any varsity sport, entering any year of study at Acadia. The recipient will have demonstrated, or show promise of, a high level of leadership as an athlete and contributing member of his or her community.

We’re better, together.


Dream Chasers: Chantal Pelham-Edwards (’03), Niluka Kottegoda (’03), and Laura Rutherford Watt (’02).

Every gift matters, says Dr. Rod Morrison, Acadia’s VicePresident, Advancement. “Acadia is deeply fortunate to enjoy the current support of alumni from every faculty, and with graduation years spanning some six decades, united by their tremendous loyalty to their alma mater,” he says. “We are extremely grateful for every donation we receive. Every gift has real impact, no matter the size, and our donors make great things happen here at Acadia.” To make a gift to Acadia University, please contact Executive Director of Philanthropy Nancy Handrigan (’92) at 902-585-1042 or e-mail: .

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ALUMNI ASSOCIATION APPROVES CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The Board of Directors of the Acadia Alumni Association approved amendments to its Constitution during its May 12, 2018 Annual General Meeting in the Wu Welcome Centre at Alumni Hall. The proposed amendments were approved by the Board at its regular meeting on February 10, 2018 and were then distributed to and recommended for approval by the membership.

SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The overall objective was to improve the clarity, structure and alignment of the AAAU Constitution with the actual practices of the Board of Directors and Association. ARTICLE 1 – Name: Defined the operating name of the organization as Acadia Alumni consistent with the

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Association’s recent rebranding initiative. ARTICLE 3 – Definitions: Addition of definitions for terms used within the Constitution. ARTICLE 5 – Membership: Remove the reference to Current Members and include graduates of the Acadia Ladies’ Seminary and Horton Academy as Regular Members. ARTICLES 6 AND 7 – Officers and Duties of the Officers: Removal of the Second Vice-President office. ARTICLE 6 – Officers: Past-President’s term reduced to one year. ARTICLE 6 – Officers: The Treasurer may serve a maximum of three successive two-year terms. ARTICLES 8 AND 17 – Executive Committee and Elections: Reduction in the size of the Executive Committee from 10 to seven, including discontinuance of Members at Large. Term of non-Officer members of the Executive Committee is limited to four successive one-year terms. ARTICLE 10 – Board of Directors: Reduction in the size of the Board of Directors from a total of 28: Officers (6), Members at Large (4), and Directors (18) to a total of 20: Officers (5) and Directors (15). ARTICLE 10 – Board of Directors: The term of a Director is limited to three successive two-year terms. ARTICLE 10– Board of Directors: Quorum has been amended to a majority of members. ARTICLE 11 – Finance Committee: Amended the membership and duties to reflect optimal practices. ARTICLE 12 – Nominating Committee: Amended the membership and duties to reflect optimal practices. Articles 14 and 15 - Governance Committee and Awards Committee: Addition of Governance Committee and Awards Committee as standing committees of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 17 – Elections: Membership will elect the Officers and Directors; the Board of Directors will elect the balance of the Executive. ARTICLE 18 – Appointment to the Board of Governors: The Vice-President in their second year, President and PastPresident will be the Officers appointed to the University Board of Governors. ARTICLE 18 – Appointment to the Board of Governors: Improve clarity regarding University Board of Governor appointments. ARTICLE 19 – Annual General Meeting: Quorum has been amended to the members present. ALUMNI BRANCHES: Remove the reference to Alumni Branches in the Constitution.

RYAN CONROD (’06) Ryan is legal counsel and the Manager of Loss Control and Risk for a privately owned national trucking company headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. He has served on a number of boards in the past, including the East Coast Music Association Board of Directors and the Board of Governors of Acadia University. Ryan currently serves as a director on the board of a non-profit pre-school and daycare in the north end of Halifax. In 2006, Ryan graduated from Acadia University with a BSc in Biology. While at Acadia, he was actively involved in campus life as a resident advisor, a teaching assistant and a summer student at the Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology. During his final two years at Acadia, Ryan served back-to-back terms as President of the Acadia Students’ Union. He went on from Acadia to receive a Juris Doctor in law from the University of Toronto.

HEATHER HICKMAN (’77) Heather was a Manager of Recreation Services with the City of St. John’s Community Services Department for 29 years, retiring in December 2015. During her tenure with the City, Heather managed a variety of program areas, projects and staff groups and served on numerous planning and task force committees. Community development initiatives were a major focal point of her role and she initiated several long-standing programs and services. Early in her career, Heather worked in the area of recreation for persons with disabilities and in the rehabilitation sector. In recent years she has developed and taught courses and workshops for practitioners in the field of recreation. Heather has been active in leadership roles at both the provincial and national level including: President of the Canadian Parks/Recreation Association (1991-92); National Chair of the Active Living Alliance for Persons with a Disability (199394); and President of Recreation Newfoundland (1985-86). Heather has served, and continues to serve, on various community-based committees and boards including, most recently: the St. John’s Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) Council; Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industrial Association (NONIA) Board of Directors; and the St. John’s Citizens’ Crime Prevention Committee. Heather is a proud recipient of the RNL Cy Hoskins Memorial Award (1991-92), which is awarded yearly to a recreation practitioner who has made significant contributions to the growth and development of recreation in the province, and the Recreation Management Distinguished Professional Award from Acadia University (1995). She is also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. She graduated from Acadia University in 1977 with a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation.

SAVE THE DATE! HOMECOMING 2018 Make sure you join us for Homecoming 2018, Oct. 11-14, on the Acadia campus. We’re inviting all alumni back for Homecoming Weekend, which will be jampacked with varsity, cultural and alumni-oriented events, so don’t you dare miss it! For more details, contact Sandra Symonds:; 902.585.1708; or visit: .






Varsity squads capture two AUS banners and all earn tickets to conference championships in landmark season

Winners in the Loney Bowl, the Acadia Axemen football team celebrate.

By Eric Cederberg (’94)


apturing one AUS banner in the fall of 2017 and having all fall sports participate in their respective AUS championship weekends continued into the winter season with all five teams (men’s hockey, men’s and women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, and men’s and women’s swimming) taking part in an AUS championship. At season’s end, Acadia team sports posted a 71 per cent AUS regular season record (87-36-5) – tops in the AUS cumulative power ranking. The Axewomen and Axemen swim team gathered 33 medals at the AUS swimming championship hosted by Dalhousie. A combined effort by the women’s and men’s team landed the Acadia squad in second place overall by meet’s end. The swim team captured four AUS All-Star nods, including Brett Liem, who was also named the AUS Male Swimmer of the Year; Adam Deutsch; Kelsea Vessey; and Jessica Pelletier. First-year swimmer Josh Nowlan was named the Male Rookie of the AUS championship. Liem, Vessey, Pelletier, Alison MacEachern and Hannah Doiron advanced to the U SPORTS championship meet at Laval after posting qualifying



times during the swim meet season. Head coach Gary MacDonald, only in his third season leading the Axemen and Axewomen, was named AUS male swimming Coach of the Year. Delivering a six-game winning streak that began in late November and continued after the Christmas break, the Axewomen volleyball team finished the season with a 9-2 second half record and 14-6 overall for second place in the AUS standings. Advancing to the AUS final after a 3-1 win over host Memorial at the AUS championship weekend, the Axewomen fell short in winning their first AUS championship in a 3-2 loss to the defending champion Dalhousie Tigers. Four Axewomen were honoured as AUS All-Stars. Firstyear outside hitter Lucy Glen-Carter was named to the AUS first team All-Star squad and All-Rookie team. Glen-Carter was also honoured by U SPORTS as an All-Rookie squad member. Kailey Evans (first team), Lauryn Renzella (second team) and Sarah Ross (second team) were named to the AUS All-Star team. Axewomen head coach Michelle Wood was honoured by

The Acadia Axewomen defeated UPEI at Scotiabank Centre in Halifax to earn the AUS championship banner.

her peers as the AUS Coach of the Year. The U SPORTS Final 8 Men’s Basketball championship host Acadia Axemen finished the season with a 15-5 record and tied with three teams for second place in the AUS regular season standings. After the tie-breaking formula, the fourth-place Axemen took on fifth-place StFX X-Men in quarter-final play at the AUS championship. Failing to advance to semi-final action, the Axemen looked to the U SPORTS championship as a way to salvage their season. Seeded eighth at the U SPORTS Final 8, the Axemen took on No. 1 seeded Carleton Ravens. Tied at 54 with 9:26 remaining in the game, the Ravens avoided an upset and advanced to the semi-finals. The Axemen would top No. 4 seeded Alberta in semi-final consolation play followed by a loss to Brock in the consolation final. Senior centre Erik Nissen was named as an first team AUS All-Star and the AUS Defensive Player of the Year. Senior guard Ben Miller was honoured as an AUS second team All-Star. The Axewomen basketball team won their second AUS championship in modern history with a semi-final victory over Saint Mary’s and a convincing 80-58 win over the UPEI Panthers. Posting a best-ever regular season record of 18-2 and ranked in the U SPORTS Top 10 all season long, including two weeks as the No. 1 team in the country, the Axewomen fell short in capturing a national title with an opening championship loss to Saskatchewan. Team records were broken by several Axewomen, including Allie Berry’s 747 rebounds in a career, Paloma

Anderson’s 1,446 points in a career and most free throws in a career of 292, along with Haley McDonald’s 58 three-point shots made in a single season. Anderson was named the AUS and U SPORTS Most Valuable Player of the Year and was also honoured as an AUS first team All-Star and first team All-Canadian. Teammates Berry and McDonald were named as a first team AUS AllStar and a second team All-Star respectively. Head coach Len Harvey was recognized as the AUS Coach of the Year. The Axemen hockey team wrapped up the winter season with its fourth trip in the last five years to the U SPORTS University Cup National Championship. Finishing the regular season with a fourth place 18-102 record, the Axemen swept a best-of-three quarter-final series against Dalhousie in two games and advanced to the semi-finals. Matched up against second-place StFX, the Axemen fell short, losing the best-of-five series in five games. With a second chance opportunity to play in the University Cup hosted by UNB, the Axemen won the best-of-three consolation series against Saint Mary’s to become the third of three AUS teams to earn a berth in the National Championship tournament. In a “one and done” format, the No. 8 seeded Axemen closed the season with an 8-6 loss to No. 1-ranked Alberta. Second-year forward Stephen Harper was named to the U SPORTS All-Canadian second team after finishing as the top point-getter in the AUS. Harper was an AUS first team All-Star. Senior forward Boston Leier was honoured as an AUS second team All-Star.








Approximately 70 Acadia alumni and friends gathered in Ottawa Dec. 6, 2017 for the seventh Annual Alumni Holiday Social on the Hill. A number of special guests attended on Parliament Hill, including: University President Dr. Peter Ricketts; Chancellor Dr. Libby Burnham (’60); MP Kings-Hants and President of the Treasury Board, Scott Brison; MP Halifax West and Speaker of the House Geoff Regan; Bahamas High Commissioner to Canada, Alvin Smith; and VicePresident, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison. Photo: Ed Hemphill


Acadia University celebrated its 179th anniversary on Nov. 15, 2017 during Founders’ Day. Faculty, staff, students and alumni shared in the occasion, which took place in the newly-renovated Axe Lounge in honour of the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the Acadia Students’ Union. Words of welcome were offered by (pictured, left to right) Executive Director of Alumni Affairs Ian Murray (’88), Students’ Union President Grace Hamilton-Burge (’18), and University Chaplain the Reverend Tim McFarland (’92). Photo: Fred Sgambati

A contingent of approximately 65 Acadia alumni and friends in Halifax and area took advantage of the opportunity Dec. 13, 2017 to celebrate the holidays at a viewing of the CURVE at South Park leasing centre downtown. The event was hosted by Gordon Laing (’82), the President and COO of Southwest Properties. Alumni met and mingled with new University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Peter Ricketts as well as Alumni Association President, Geoff Irvine (’87). Dr. Ricketts is pictured here with Heather MacDonald (’09) and Rhonda Britton (’13). Photo: Nancy Handrigan


A good crowd of Acadia alumni turned out Nov. 9, 2017 at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall in London, England to meet University President Dr. Peter Ricketts and hear news and updates about the University. Vice-President, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison and Vice-President, Academic, Dr. Heather Hemming (’78, ’79), also attended. Dr. Ricketts was warmly received by all in attendance, and guests were treated to refreshments during the evening, which was sponsored by the Alumni Association. Acadia alumni turned out to the TGI Fridays in Kuala Lumpur Jan. 24, 2018 to meet University President Dr. Peter Ricketts and VicePresident, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison. Dr. Ricketts shared with guests his perspective on the University and the vital role that alumni play in sustaining Acadia’s unique niche in the post-secondary mosaic.

University President Dr. Peter Ricketts and Vice-President, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison, hosted a reception in Singapore on Jan. 23, 2018, detailing Acadia’s unique educational experience and the benefits of alumni engagement.

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A small but spirited group of Acadia alumni and friends participated in a guided nature walk Dec. 2, 2017 at the Aberdeen Reservoir in Hong Kong. The walk was organized by Stephen Mak (’89), and included Acadia’s Vice-President, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison. Dr. Andre Lau (’61) served as guide and the full group included alumni from Acadia, St. Mary’s, Dalhousie, and Memorial University.




Acadia alumni gathered at the Burgundy Lion Pub Dec. 5, 2017 for our annual Holiday Gathering in Montreal. An enthusiastic group greeted University President Dr. Peter Ricketts and Chancellor Dr. Libby Burnham (’60). Pictured enjoying the evening are, from left to right, Dr. Ricketts, Olivia Goodfellow (’00), and Kim Humes (’01). Photo: Nancy Handrigan

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There was a small but mighty crowd on hand Jan. 25, 2018 for our first Acadia alumni reception in Winnipeg, MB in recent memory. Guests enjoyed a pleasant evening, including (left to right) former CFL great and Acadia Axeman Bob Cameron (’77), Roberta Bishop (’76), and Lori Lavallee. Photo: Ian Murray

A strong contingent of more than 60 Acadia alumni and friends were up early Feb. 13, 2018 at The Albany Club in Toronto to hear special guest The Honourable Peter MacKay (’87) speak to a full house at the sixth annual Toronto Business Breakfast. During his remarks, MacKay applauded Chancellor Libby Burnham (’60) and thanked her for her contributions to the University. MacKay is pictured here with Acadia alumna Nancy McCain (’82). Photo: Nancy Handrigan

Acadia alumni, with graduation years ranging from 1961 to 2017, together with special guests Jeff Nankivell, Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau, Dr. Fai Luk, President of Bethel Bible Seminary, and Carol Cheung, Alumni Officer at the Consulate General, gathered at the Hong Kong Bankers Club Jan. 25, 2018 for a dinner and reception hosted by Acadia’s President, Dr. Peter Ricketts and Vice-President, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison.

Acadia alumni and friends gathered for a reception Feb. 15, 2018 at the Courtyard by Marriott Bridgetown – Barbados in The Garrison Historic Area, Hastings. Special guests included Acadia’s Chancellor, Libby Burnham (’60); Chancellor Emeritus, Arthur Irving (’52 and ‘03) and Sandra Irving (’74 and ‘17); Vice-President, Academic, Dr. Heather Hemming (’78 and ’79); and Executive Director of Alumni Affairs, Ian Murray (’88). Pictured, left to right: Sandra Irving, Arthur Irving, Marrianne Burnham (’03) and Corey Jones (’05). Photo: Ian Murray

Guests had a great time on March 1, 2018 at an Acadia Alumni GetTogether in the British Colonial Hilton Nassau, The Bahamas, that featured University President Dr. Peter Ricketts.

The Annual Acadia Alumni Florida Luncheon took place on March 20, 2018 at the Rosedale Golf and Country Club in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. A good crowd of Acadia alumni and friends were on hand to welcome Acadia’s new President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Peter Ricketts, who brought news and greetings on behalf of the University, as well as Vice-President, Advancement, Dr. Rod Morrison and Executive Director of Alumni Affairs, Ian Murray (’88). Pictured enjoying the event are Muriel (Stevens) Haughn, Class of 1948, and Sarah Graven. Photo: Ian Murray

Ian Murray (’88), Executive Director of Alumni Affairs, touched down in Freeport, Bahamas on March 2, 2018 to cap a series of successful Caribbean meet-and-greet events. Guests, including Kevin Turnquest (’15) and Kerel Pinder (’06), seen here with Ian, gathered at the Agave Restaurant and Bar in the Port Lucaya Marketplace, Freeport, to hear news and information about Acadia and share good times.

Nancy Handrigan (’92), Executive Director of Philanthropy, and a hardy crew of Acadia alumni braved a powerful Nor’easter on Thursday, March 22 to enjoy the second annual Italian-style Family Dinner, hosted once again by Class of 1968 alumni Tony and Kathy Cicerone. The dinner was held at Pagliuca’s Restaurant and featured great food, lots of fun and fond Acadia memories! Photo: Lisa Davey Osbourne



Leah McNally (’07), volunteer Director on the Alumni Association Board, hosted an Acadia Alumni Pub Night at Amity Hall in New York City on Feb. 23, 2018. Pictured, left to right, are: Ray Feeney, Leah McNally, Judy Latta (’74), Tazeem Weljie (’02), Grant Courtney (’69), Elizabeth Shaw (’07), Taylor Dietrich and Jake Dietrich.




Approximately 60 alumni and friends gathered at Whitman House on Sunday, March 25, 2018 from 2-4 p.m. to celebrate the 104th Annual Tully Tea at Acadia University. Alumni from various classes attended, including a representative from the Class of 1943, Edythe Hirtle. University archivist Wendy Robicheau was guest speaker and related a story to the group about Tully’s long and remarkable history. It was a fine afternoon for current students and alumni, and a lovely time was had by all. Photo: Sandra Symonds

A good crowd was on hand at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club in Paget, Bermuda Feb. 27, 2018 to meet Acadia’s new President, Dr. Peter Ricketts. Guests shared stories with him about last fall’s TAKEOVER of Homecoming and enjoyed light refreshments while Dr. Ricketts outlined Acadia’s vision and purpose in the post-secondary landscape. Pictured, left to right, with Dr. Ricketts are Josette Regina Matthew (’04) and Theresa Mason (’84). Photo: Nancy Handrigan





Acadia alumni and friends gathered at the Halifax Convention Centre on April 12, 2018 for the 16th Annual Acadia Alumni Gala Dinner and Silent Auction in support of athletics, student financial aid and other programs at Acadia. A VIP reception hosted by McInnes Cooper started things off, and Peter Harrison (’84) was masterful once again as dinner emcee. It was the first Gala for University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Peter Ricketts, and he was warmly welcomed by a capacity crowd of more than 325 people. Special guests included Chancellor Dr. Libby Burnham (’60), Chancellor Emeritus Dr. Arthur Irving (’52), Chief Sidney Peters representing Glooscap First Nations, Acadia Alumni President Geoff Irvine (’87), Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Dr. Carmen O’Neill (’83), and Outstanding Young Alumni Award recipient Dr. Aaron Shafer (’07). Guests enjoyed a Silent Auction and supported a special Toronto Maple Leafs prize package donated by Paul Bailey (’75), with raffle proceeds going to the S.M.I.L.E. program. It was a wonderful evening for alumni, special guests and honorees, and we look forward to seeing you next year!

MC Peter Harrison (’84).

University President, Dr. Peter Ricketts.

ASU VP Communications Emily Murray and Acadia Alumni President Geoff Irvine (’87) pick the S.M.I.L.E. raffle winner.


Stand Up and Cheer!

Chief Sidney Peters (left) of Glooscap First Nations looks over the auction table.

Acadia University and the Acadia Alumni Association would like to thank the many alumni, donors, sponsors and friends

Outstanding Young Alumni Award recipient Dr. Aaron Shafer (’07), Chancellor Libby Burnham (’60), and Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Dr. Carmen O’Neill (’83).

who supported the 16th Annual Acadia Alumni Gala Dinner and Silent Auction on Thursday, April 12, 2018 at the Halifax Convention Centre. Congratulations to our Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, Dr. Carmen O’Neill (’83), and Outstanding Young Alumni

Hugs were abundant as alumni and friends gathered at Gala 2018.



Jack Graham (’78), partner at McInnes Cooper in Halifax, welcomes guests to the VIP reception. He’s wearing a signed Axemen hockey jersey to honour fallen members of the Humboldt Broncos.


Award recipient, Dr. Aaron Shafer (’07), and many thanks to our valued sponsors.







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1960s On Jan. 7, 2018, ENID (PATTERSON) DAVISON (‘38, ‘67) celebrated her 100th birthday in New Glasgow with family. Her radiant smile ruled the day as she accepted many remembrances from friends and family in Wolfville, Canada, Great Britain and the United States. Adding to the festivities were special greetings from the Premier and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, the Prime Minister and Governor General of Canada, and the Queen. Enid and her sister Jocelyn Trites are daughters of DR. F. W. PATTERSON (’49 HON), who served as Acadia’s President for 25 years. Sadly, Enid passed away on May 10, 2018.

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sports. This 260-page publication, entitled Seven Decades of Nova Scotia Baseball: 1946-2016, includes many historical facts and anecdotes, plus 20 pages of coloured photos. Among his earlier works were Hurrah Acadia and Acadia’s Hockey Axemen. In attendance for his 60th Class Reunion this past summer, he is pictured with former hockey Axemen stars DON CALDWELL (’57) and BILL PARKER (’56).

BURTON RUSSELL (‘57) has just released his 12th book on Nova Scotia

HANS LEVENBACH (‘61) has selfpublished a new book entitled, Change & Chance Embraced: Achieving Agility with Demand Forecasting in the Supply Chain. It’s a reference book for supply chain practitioners and for courses on demand forecasting and planning in professional development programs. The book also provides demand planners and their managers with the quantitative tools and real-world cases that they need to analyze, predict and visualize future customer demand in the Sales and Operations (S&OP) process. A table of contents and some downloadable chapters are maintained on htm. During the Class of 1962’s 55th Reunion, attendees held a ‘tree hug’ event to check on the growth of the memorial American Linden tree planted as a gift to the University for the Class’s 50th Reunion in 2012 and dedicated to the memory of those classmates who had died in the 50 years since Convocation in May 1962. Sandra Symonds was the photographer. In 2017, the tree was rededicated in memory of those classmates who had died in the previous five years. The species was recommended and approved because our late LIFE PRESIDENT BOB COOKE

(’62) knew Lindens to be long-lived and provide a wide-shade canopy. As Reunion planning proceeded, the tree also helped to fill one of three prominent spaces on the west side of University Hall where several large trees were lost during a fierce wind storm in December 2011. (Submitted by GRACE BEAZLEY, LIFE VICEPRESIDENT, CLASS OF 1962) FRED GIFFIN (’63) wishes to thank Acadia and the Acadia Bulletin for the feature recognizing brother WILFRED (’48) and our foundation in memory and honour of our parents, Lester and Evangeline Giffin. The Giffin family tradition has continued, as Fred and late wife Margaret Anne’s daughter TERRI graduated in 1989 with honours in Computer Science. Daughter LINDA graduated with a BBA in 1995 and her daughter KAILEY is currently in third-year kinesiology and a member of the training team for the Axeman football team. Fred and Judy reside in Hantsport. Ken-Wo Golf Club in New Minas held its Women’s Closing Banquet in October, when WINNIE HORTON (’64) received the Club’s 2017 Lifetime Achievement





Nowlan, Jim and Judy Amos; seated, Pete Connelly and Winnie Horton; standing: Judi Hayes; on floor: Vincent Leung and Sandi Connelly. These social occasions have been a way to bond between reunion years. (Submitted by WINNIE HORTON, ’64)

Award. She joined Ken-Wo in 1968 and was the Women’s Club Champion eight times, in four different decades. She has captured numerous other titles during her golfing career at the regional and national level, and also been a tireless volunteer, serving a term as Ken-Wo Women’s Division President, on the Ken-Wo Board of Directors three times, and in numerous other capacities, including the Canadian Federation of University Women, Acadia Alumni, and Rotary Club.

London, UK on Oct. 31, 2017. Dr. Corkum holds a Canada Research Chair at the University of Ottawa and directs the Joint NRC/University of Ottawa Attosecond Science Laboratory. He is a member of the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Canada and a foreign member of the US National Academy of Science, the Austrian Academy of Science, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Corkum has been honoured by Acadia with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015 and an Honorary Doctor of Science in 2006. Three Royal Medals, also known as the Queen’s Medals, are awarded annually by the Sovereign on the recommendation of the Council of the Society.

Here’s a question: how many graduates have originated from Yukon Territory and how many currently live in the area? I know of one – Al Chisholm – but I am wondering if there are others? (From IAN HENDRY, ’65)

Former Ottawa mayor and #AcadiaU alumnus JIM DURRELL (’68) was inducted into the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame as a builder on June 1, 2018. During his tenure, Durrell helped to bring professional hockey and baseball to the nation’s capital, along with the return of pro football.

The Class of 1964 has continued to meet as a reunion committee from 2014 (when they had their 50th anniversary) to present. Committee members held a get-together recently in Wolfville that included: back row, Sandy and John



Lifetime Achievement award last fall. It honours her 30-year contribution to the environmental movement in Nova Scotia, Canada and around the world. She was quoted in the ChronicleHerald as saying, “I have done many things in my life, from freelance broadcasting with CBC to high-level management work with the federal government to classroom teaching, and I feel that this is a synthesis of my education capabilities and my executive capabilities. For me, I’m just as comfortable meeting with a government minister, a leader of industry, (or) the Prime Minister even, as I am meeting with regular citizens, so it’s been a great opportunity to bring all of these capabilities together.”

DR. PAUL CORKUM (’65) FRS was awarded the 2017 Royal Medal for his major contributions to laser physics and the development of the field of attosecond science during the Royal Society’s premier awards dinner in

1970s Halifax environmentalist SHEILA COLE (’70) received the Nova Scotia Environmental Network’s Eco-Hero

On Friday, March 9, 2018, a group of basketball alumni converged on the Scotiabank Centre in Halifax for a shootaround as part of the U SPORTS Men’s Final 8 basketball championship. Tournament chairperson and Acadia Sports Hall of Famer STEVE POUND (’72), (front, centre) hosted the event, and a number of former Axemen had a great time reminiscing and shooting some hoops, just like old times. Stand Up and Cheer!

STEPHEN HURST, (‘74), a graduate of the F.C. Manning School of Business, went into commercial banking with CIBC upon graduation. He held several branch management positions until 1986, when he left the world of banking for the risky world of entrepreneurship and became an equal partner in what was essentially a bankrupt retail building supply business in Yellowknife, NWT. After turning it around, he successfully started up the NWT’s first digitalbased sign-making business using a new emerging “point and click” technology, something called an Apple 11E computer. In 1993, he and his wife (GLENDA COLE, ‘75) moved back to Atlantic Canada and settled in Summerside, PEI, where, over the ensuing years, Stephen had multiple successful start-up businesses. In 2003, he acquired ownership of PEIbased Top Dog Manufacturing, a company that manufactured protective garments from polyurethane film, worn by employees in food processing facilities. This business has grown to exporting its product to 24 countries, including five EU countries, Russia, three Caribbean countries, Central America, Venezuela, Mexico and Iceland. BETTY JEFFERY (’76) has been named Librarian Emerita by the University of Prince Edward Island. She retired from UPEI in July 2016 following a successful 38-year career, half of which was spent as an academic librarian at Acadia. Betty was also the first female and the first librarian to serve as president of the UPEI Faculty Association. Poet, fiction writer, songwriter, actor and dramatist MICHAEL THOMAS (’77), based in Worcestershire, UK, has recently published his latest novel, Pilgrims at the White Horizon. His poetry collections include Batman’s

Hill, South Staffs (Flipped Eye, 2013) and Come to Pass (Oversteps, 2015). His work has appeared in The Antioch Review, Critical Survey and the TLS. In 2015, his novella, ‘Esp’, was shortlisted for the UK Novella Award. He is currently working on Nowherian, the memoir of a Grenadian traveler. GLENN ALTEEN (’77) was recently awarded the Governor General’s Outstanding Contribution Award in Visual and Media Arts. The award is given to an individual or a group of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the visual arts (including architecture and photography), the media arts or fine craft, in a volunteer or professional capacity. For more, please visit: http://

LEO J. DEVEAU (’79), formerly of Wolfville but now living in Halifax, has published a new book, 400 Years in 365 Days - A Day by Day Calendar of Nova Scotia History (Formac). The book, released last fall, features over a thousand entries that reflect events in the lives and histories of many of the settlements and groups in the province, covering a range of interests from military history to arts and sports. This informative, entertaining






and illuminating presentation is for anyone interested in Nova Scotia’s dynamic past and lively present. He has also started work on his next book – a regimental history of the Princess Louise Fusiliers. Parallel to this, he’s preparing a book on the 1872 Sandford Fleming Expedition from Halifax to Victoria, in an effort to determine how a railway could be built across the country and, dauntingly, through the Rockies (working title, Before the Last Spike).


University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor DR. VIANNE TIMMONS (’80) was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada in December 2017. The appointment was announced by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada. The Order of Canada is one of Canada’s highest civilian honours, and recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community, and service to the nation. Timmons was appointed an Officer of the Order for, among other things, her longstanding work in the areas of inclusive education for persons with disabilities, family literacy, and women’s leadership. She will be formally invested at Rideau Hall in Ottawa in 2018.



President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Calgary, DR. ELIZABETH CANNON (’82), was featured in a book that the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) recently published called Women of Innovation: The Impact of Leading Engineers in Canada. The book details the stories of 20 inspiring women engineers in Canada. For more, please visit: voices/elizabeth-cannon/ EILEEN ROBICHAUD (‘82) has moved to the Washington, DC area for a new job. She is now Emergency Management Coordinator for the George Washington University main campus. She moved from the New Orleans area, where she worked first at Tulane University then with the Red Cross. She recently received the designation of Master Continuity Practitioner through the training arm of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

ROB BALCOM (’83) and his wife, Shari, recently hosted a dinner for Acadia friends in Toronto. Guests included, (left to right): MURRAY BUCKLER

FRANCES J. KNICKLE (’84) was appointed recently as Justice in the trial division of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador. She was formerly the director of Public Prosecutions and served as senior Crown prosecutor with the special prosecutions unit in the Justice Department.

JAMES COLBECK (’85) is happy to announce that after a successful teaching career, he has embraced a new one at 75 as an author/illustrator. He and his wife, Lori, moved to Ontario from Yarmouth in 2009 after 30 years there and raising a family of five. His new adventure novel/modern fable, Flapper Goldenshoes, was launched in November 2017. He introduced this story first back in 1980 when he coined the name ‘Flapper Goldenshoe’ for the feature character in a comic strip he had created as part of a children’s activity page (Mr. C’s Kids Carnival) for The Yarmouth Vanguard. Flapper is a young penguin who has high ambitions to become a Winter Olympics athlete. “Because of how life sometimes deals the cards,” James says, “I had to shelve the story until moving back to Stratford in 2009. My son Chris persuaded me that this story deserved to be completed – in book form – before the next Winter Olympics (which were held in South Korea in

February). Flapper Goldenshoes is both a sequel to The Great Peanut Caper (launched in November 2015 and now in its sixth printing) and another standalone adventure novel/modern fable appealing to anyone 11 and older, particularly if they have an interest in the Winter Olympics, no matter their age.” (Photo: Laura Cudworth, The Stratford Beacon Herald, 2015)

Ten Acadia grads and current students got together early in the New Year for the second annual ‘Lucknow Lunch’. Attendees included TONY FOLKINS (’85), LUC ERJAVEC (’83), PETER BIGELOW (’83), JAMIE HANNAM (’83), PETER LUKE (’85) and their 13 offspring. The elder crowd all lived together (and met their wives) on Lucknow St. in Halifax after university and remain great friends to this day. Stand Up and Cheer!

MARION ARETHA BORDEN-DAVIS (’89) had a lovely reunion with TAMMIE (BISHOP) THORNE (’90) on July 26, 2017. The two were first-year roommates in 1986 in Cutten House, and got together for the first time since

graduation in Moncton, NB after 28 years.

now and will report on the highlights in the next edition of the Bulletin.

DAVID MORRIS (’89) has an update: “Since I retired from the Vaughan Memorial Library in 2013, life has been full of fun and adventures. My partner and I have been moving around because of his employment, but we have now settled in the nation’s capital and plan to make Ottawa home for the next several years. Also, on December 28, 2017, Ming Lin and I were married at City Hall.” Awesome news, David, and congratulations!

DERRICK PAUL MILLER (‘95) was married to Richard Gutierrez surrounded by a loving group of family and close friends in Toronto, ON. Derrick is a full-time permanent music teacher with the Toronto District School Board and has also been singing with the Canadian Opera Company since 2003.


SUE HAYES (’90) won an Apple Watch for participating in our alumni survey, undertaken in late 2017 to provide a snapshot of what members of the community think of our events, services, communications platforms and giving opportunities. Thanks to all who took part; we’re reviewing the data

A quick note from retired English Professor Emeritus (1998), DR. ALAN YOUNG: “My plan was always to treat retirement as one extended research sabbatical, and so it has been. However, unable to resist the enjoyment I always derived from teaching, I continued teaching for Acadia with a series of online courses in Shakespeare. Later, and up to the present, I have returned to the classroom and taught courses on Shakespeare for SCANS, the Halifax-based Seniors College Association of Nova Scotia. Since retiring, my on-going research has led to the publication of four books: Hamlet and the Visual Arts, 17091900 (2002); Punch and Shakespeare in the Victorian Era (2007); Roads Taken. A Memoir (2014); and SteamDriven Shakespeare or Making Good Books Cheap: Five Victorian Illustrated Editions (2017). However, there has been much else besides, as I have detailed on my website: http://”




You have to admit, this is pretty cute! Thomas Woodworth, son of KIERSTEN AMOS (‘96) and JASON WOODWORTH (‘96), enjoyed his first of many Homecomings on Raymond Field at Acadia last fall. #FutureAxeman


joins EY from another major audit firm where she was most recently an audit partner and the anti-money laundering solutions lead for the Caribbean region. She received her BBA in accounting from Acadia, is a licensed certified public accountant and a certified antimoney laundering specialist. She is also a member of the Cayman Islands Institute of Professional Accountants and the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants.

It was a fun, chance meeting for two Acadia alumni in Calgary last May. GEOFF PIEROWAY (‘97) and JILL (TAYLOR) LEON (‘79) enjoyed a delicious, local beer at Jill’s son’s brewery, Calgary’s Dandy Brewing Company.

2000s EY Cayman announced the addition of a new partner, LANISHKA FARRINGTONMCSWEENEY (’00). Lanishka has more than 17 years of audit and assurance experience in the financial services industry, including extensive expertise in the banking sector, anti-money laundering and regulatory issues. She



ANNE SEDGWICK (’01) has joined Baker McKenzie’s North America Banking, Finance and Major Projects Practice as Counsel, bringing more than a decade of experience in corporate and real estate transactions. Based in Toronto, she will also be a member of the Firm’s Global Real Estate Practice.

Quick update: CRYSTAL (FRENCH) HOOD (’05) got married in Winnipeg last summer to Brian Hood. (Photo by Carrie Ekosky)

DR. JORDAN SHERIKO (‘07) has a new job: pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at the IWK Hospital in Halifax. One of only a handful practicing in the burgeoning field across the country, Dr. Sheriko is the first of his kind in Nova Scotia. A former varsity athlete (basketball) at Acadia, Dr. Sheriko recently completed a fellowship in pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation through the University of Ottawa in conjunction with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre and is very happy to be back in his new position at the IWK.

a Congregational minister, performed the ceremony. The couple met at the University of Pennsylvania, where the bride received an MBA and the groom a Master of Laws. Mrs. Dunlop Zed, 33, is a manager in the retail strategy division at Deloitte Consulting in Toronto. She graduated from Yale. She is the daughter of Maxine Martens-Dunlop of New York and Robert H. Dunlop III of Madison. Mr. Zed, who is 32 and known as Andrew, is legal counsel at Canadian Tire Corporation in Toronto. He is a son of Judith Irving of Rothesay, New Brunswick, and Paul Zed of Saint John, New Brunswick. The groom’s father is a lawyer in Saint John and previously served in the Canadian House of Commons.

From Jodi Misheal, former Acadia University employee, to Chancellor LIBBY BURNHAM (’60): “My youngest daughter (HANNAH HUTCHINSON, ’17) graduated from Acadia last spring and is

now in Guelph doing her Master’s, and rooming with another Acadia grad. She went to visit a friend on the weekend who is a foster ‘parent’ for the local SPCA, and came home with a kitten (big surprise!). After much debate about what to name her, the girls decided on Libby. When she sent me a text to tell me what they had decided, I said, ‘Oh, did you name her after Libby Burnham?’ and she said, ‘Yes, she is named after our Chancellor and resident feminist icon at Acadia.’”


retro aesthetic in songwriting (’60s-’80s pop feel), package design (CD disc looks like vinyl) and in sound quality (analog sound on digital tracks). For more, please visit: https://itunes. This is interesting! Cathy Newton writes to tell us, “my grand-daughter, KYLEE GRAHAM, graduated in May 2018 a hundred years after her greatgreat-grandmother ELLA SCHAFFER (Mrs. Lee Dickie) graduated from Acadia Seminary in 1918.” How cool is that? Thanks for letting us know, Cathy!

Former music student MELINA COOLEN (’15) is now living in Toronto Her debut EP, “All of My Life”, was recorded in conjunction with her Master of Arts in Media Production at Ryerson University and released last fall. Her thesis was on analog and digital recording hybrids, so she used Pro Tools in Ryerson’s multitrack studio, but also a Studer B67 Mk II in between the mixing and mastering stages to authentically capture analog warmth. The intention was to create a

Lisa Campbell Dunlop and L. ANDREW IRVING ZED (’08) were married June 17, 2017 at the First Congregational Church in Madison, Conn. The Rev. Todd Vetter,



Acadia Remembers

We are saddened to report the following deaths in the Acadia community Lillian H. Rowell (’36) Attleboro, MA

Garry S. Clendinning (’49) Hudson, QC

E. Christopher Olsen (’57) Wolfville, NS

Judith E. Starritt (’70) Beaver Bank, NS

Richard Fenton Jeffery (’81) Alberton, PE

Marion L. Garber (’37) Halifax, NS

Jean H. O’Neill (’49) Glace Bay, NS

Francis R. Bulmer (’58) Ottawa, ON

Gordon G. Campbell (’70) Liverpool, NS

Kevin Bruce Quast (’82) Edmonton, AB

Saide M. MacDonald (’37) Oakville, ON

William W. Nicoll (’50) Mira Gut, NS

Glenda McNeill (’58) Barton, NS

Thomas R. Harris (’71) Lower Sackville, NS

Colin Cecil Archibald (’82) Ocoee, FL

Enid Davison (’38) New Glasgow, NS

Carl E. Atkinson (’50) Sonoma, CA

Judith A. Purdom (’58) Ottawa, ON

Lynn Eric Hebb (’71) Windsor, NS

Sharon Lee Adams-Dean (’84) Cambridge, NS

Margaret JocelynTrites (’39) Wilmot, NS

Marjorie J. Dowe (’50) Wolfville, NS

John K. Young (’59) Brampton, ON

Marilyn B. Wolstenholme (’72) Sydney Mines, NS

Marne Louise Pedersen (’85) New Westminster, BC

Morley Allen Gibson (’41) Chester, NS

Kenneth P. Komoski (’50) Hampton Bays, NY

Geraldine Lawlor (’60) Loretto, ON

Lawson Starrak Steeves (’72) Moncton, NB

John Charles Boddy (’85) Waterville-Carleton, NB

R. Jeanette Denton (’42) Wolfville, NS

Virginia A. Campbell (’51) New Minas, NS

R. Arthur Green (’61) Orleans, ON

Patricia Healey (’72) Halifax, NS

Jill S. Taylor (’86) Hay River, NT

Helen L. Bethune (’42) Halifax, NS

Shirley Cosman (’51) East Riverside, NB

Daniel C. T. Macintosh (’61) Halifax, NS

Ronald James Noiles (’73) Scarborough, ON

Donald Richard King (’89) Toronto, ON

William G. Chipman (’43) Edmonton, AB

Eric J. Kipping (’51) York, PE

Joan E. Guilderson (’63) Dartmouth, NS

Rebecca J. Dumeah (’73) Brooklyn, NS

Constance Cunningham (’43) Middleton, NS

Leslie Glenn Williams (’51) Wolfville, NS

Carolyn J. Kennedy (’63) New Minas, NS

J. William Fraser (’73) Baddeck, NS

Joseph Myles Gerard Shaw (’90) Vancouver, BC

Jean McCormack (’43) Rothesay, NB

H. Joyce MacDonald (’51) Sault Ste Marie, ON

Doris M. Nicoll (’63) Flynn, AU

Robert Keith McAloney (’73) Amherst, NS

Dorothy I. O’Brien, (’44) Fredericton, NB

Samuel M. Holmes (’51) Ottawa, ON

David Roger Hall (’64) Yarmouth, NS

Jane M. Fuller (’73) Bridgewater, NS

Anna M. Thomas (’45) Truro, NS

David W. Richards (’52) Halifax, NS

Frank K. Moy (’64) Wantagh, NY

Debra Anne Graves (’75) Port Williams, NS

James R. C. Perkin (’95, HON) Wolfville, NS

Phyllis MacPherson (’46) Wolfville, NS

James M. Campbell (’52) Bedford, NS

Susan P. Tait (’65) Bethlehem, PA

George Edward Beattie (’76) Scarborough, ME

King Sing Chan (’97) Halifax, NS

Shirley B. Moir (’46) Halifax, NS

Arthur E. Cunningham (’53) Saint John, NB

Anne W. Dickinson (’66) Ottawa, ON

Wade Dennis MacIntosh (’76) Liverpool, NS

Jeremy David Ingham (’17) Wolfville, NS

Betty L. Thomas (’47) Halifax, NS

Donald G. Lordly (’53) Halifax, NS

H. Arthur Oulton (’66) Nepean, ON

Roy Victor Parliament (’76) Dartmouth, NS

J. Milton Gregg (HOR) Halifax, NS

Howard R. Lumsden (’47) Toronto, ON

Sam Waye (’54) Glace Bay, NS

Maureen M. Potter (’67) Clementsport, NS

Edward Paul McCurdy (’77) St. Andrews, NB

William Stewart Smith (HOR) Charlottetown, PE

Donald Sydney Stuart Knickle (’48) Peterborough, ON

William V. Troupe (’54) Digby, NS

Grisilda E. Carmichael (’68) St. Michael, Barbados

Ralph Garnet Stacey (’78) Cambridge, NS

Jose Antonio Valverde Chester, NS

Ronald H. Atkinson (’55) Charlottetown, PE

Michael Gordon Troke (’68) Edmonton, AB

Kenneth Lloyd Coggins (’78) North Kingstown, RI

Robert A. Vespaziani Regina, SK

Sylvia J. MacLachlan (’56) Halifax, NS

Wayne H. Hills (’68) Wolfville, NS

Edwin Crowell Halifax, NS

Anne I. MacNearney (’56) Windsor Junction, NS

Ruth M. Dickson (’69) Aberdeen

Diane Margaret MacLachlan (’79) Smiths Falls, ON

Faie Brown (’57) Kentville, NS

Lynne Shirley Fraser (’69) Kitchener, ON

Barrie H. Fraser (’57) Halifax, NS

Michael Reginald Shonfield (’70) Calgary, AB

Archibald A. Crowell (’48) Hudson Heights, QC Marion Swann Miller (’48) Chicago, IL Kathleen E. Mulder (’48) Topeka, KS Howard J. Vanstone (’49) Port Colborne, ON A. Freda Robb (’49) Sydney, NS

Ian Donald Dauphinee (’80) Calgary, AB Richard Walter Murphy (’80) Yarmouth, NS

Sandra M. MacKenzieMacdonald (’91) Dartmouth, NS Victoria Rose Benevides (’95) Southampton


Have fun!


Morghan Krieger Calgary, AB Norma Constance Gregg Halifax, NS

Roland Paul Dulong (’81) Yarmouth Co., NS

We produce this list to the best of our ability with the information provided. If there is a discrepancy or error, please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 902.585.1459. 44

In each edition of the Bulletin, we reserve space on our final pages for a fond look back at the way we were. Do you know the person in this photo? If so, send me an e-mail at First person to identify him will win an Acadia sweatshirt (valued at $70). Please include your name, address and phone number in your response. We will reveal the answer, the winner and have another image for you in the fall edition. Look forward to hearing from you.

In our last edition, Andre Gibson (’00) was the first to identify the photo of K. Darron Turnquest (’05) and Desirae Jones (’02).

Congratulations, Andre!



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