Acadia Viewbook (2012)

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s Campu re phe Atmos

Photo: Mike Dembeck (’98)

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you come to Acadia you can go anywhere, and the anywhere gets defined by you, which is one of the things that make us significantly different “ Iffrom any other institution in Canada. ” Ray Ivany, Acadia’s President and Vice-Chancellor

Acadia’s promise. We want you to be comfortable with anyone, anywhere in the world; to make lifelong friends who will be leaders not only tomorrow, but also today; to be an important part of a community that encourages you and inspires you, where learning means living every moment, in and out of class;

where you can safely take risks and explore big ideas; to live in a place that understands your world, promotes your thoughts, and rewards your curiosity; and to lay the foundation for your career and your future.

Photo: Dan Callis

to enjoy a small campus, 3

You will feel this great! Acadia President Ray Ivany and Chancellor Libby Burnham (’60) congratulate Emily Duffett (’11) during Convocation.

Acadia University’s strong liberal arts tradition will prepare you for life. Here, the difference is you.

4 Where you begin. • 7 A world of opportunity. • 9 Your new home. • 10 Stand up and cheer. • 13 Be involved. • 14 How you will learn. • 17 Programs of study. • 24 Applying 101. • 27 Admission guidelines. • 30 Money matters. • 33 Seeing really is believing. • 35 Close enough and far enough. Table of contents

Where you begin. You are an important part of the Acadia community —

Founded in 1838, Acadia University has a long tradition

your thoughts, ideas, and personality matter here. Beyond

of academic excellence and groundbreaking innovation.

the ivy-covered academic buildings, awesome residences,

Although our offerings are many, our small size necessitates

incredible sports facilities, and renowned natural environmental

working across disciplines and including undergrads like you

research and recreation areas, you will find an international

in important research. You will contribute to the outstanding

student body, small classes, top-level research facilities,

reputation Acadia enjoys — consistent top-level rankings by

award-winning professors, and supportive alumni — all waiting

Maclean’s and top marks in the Globe and Mail’s Canadian

to help you take your place in the world. Every second person

University Report Card. In return, we know that a liberal arts

you meet in the unique shops and cafés of the town of Wolfville,

education from Acadia will prepare you for the complex

Nova Scotia, will be connected to your university and to you.

world ahead. Welcome.

Photo: Mike Dembeck (’98)

Photo: John Horton, Grandview Images


250 acres of gorgeous campus • 3,041 friends • 27,000 alumni • 1 Stanfield International Airport • MANY nearby attractions: a vibrant downtown, historical and cultural centres, and breathtaking scenery



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Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

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want to pick a school that has the same values that you have, and at Acadia it’s this idea of having a very liberal education, getting exposed “ You to a lot of things, being a part of the community and not just studying — it’s about having the life that goes with the studying. ” Calgary, Alberta Jillian Walsh (’10),

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Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

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most compelling thing about the student-faculty research experience at Acadia is the degree to which Acadia faculty are willing to cede a “ The certain amount of control over their research programs to their students. ” Tom Herman, Acadia’s Vice-President, Academics

A world of opportunity. When you step onto Acadia’s campus you will enter a

You will be part of a campus community that encourages you

world of opportunity. You will meet students from around

to pursue your passions. As an undergraduate student you

the globe and learn more about yourself as you get to know

will do research in collaboration with your professor. Working

them. You may choose to travel as part of our study abroad

together, you will tackle problems whose solutions have an

program and experience the joy of living what you are learning.

impact on world issues. You may study bird species on one of

Or you may find yourself in a lab at a national research centre or

our research islands, develop a new computer application, or

tracking the markets on Bay Street as you explore your career

determine tidal water flow to generate green energy. You will

through an internship or co-op placement. Whatever your

have an impact that is unprecedented at a larger institution.

path, you know that Acadia will personally help you navigate it.

Here, you will discover who you are.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine


23 degrees with co-op options • 60 countries represented in our student body • 9 study abroad countries to explore

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t Studen nce Reside

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

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life provides an opportunity to learn from others. It’s a chance to explore, a chance to be independent, and it offers a level of security “ Residence and a level of safety that are comforting to many students and their families. ” James Sanford (’87), Acadia’s Senior Director of Student Affairs

Your new home. You want a place to call your own, so choose one of our

Your housing options range from high-rise to heritage, and

unique residence rooms and meet your housemates. Almost

from basic double rooms to deluxe singles in suites. Each

half of our students live on campus. It’s a choice that helps

residence has a team of student resident assistants who build

you get the most from your Acadia experience. One payment

and maintain a sense of community and work with security

covers your living costs: rent, furniture, local telephone, Internet,

staff to provide 24/7 campus safety.

water, electricity, and heat. You’ll have access to Acadia’s highspeed network; in-house laundry; some of the finest dining on

In the dining hall, you can make your favourites from home

the Canadian university scene; and the shortest commute to

or enjoy meals by our award-winning chef, who uses fresh

classes, labs, library, and recreational facilities. You will live

produce from our student-run farm. This is where you will

where the action is and make friends for life.

develop a taste for the good life.

Photo: Alison Beckett

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine


11 residence buildings • 1,350 students in residence • 1 French residence • 66 residence life student staff • 20,000 meals served each week • 62,000 litres of chocolate milk consumed each school year

Stand up and cheer. You can be proud of Acadia’s strong varsity athletics

centre, a weight training room, racquetball and squash

program. We hold more conference and national championships

courts, a football stadium with artificial turf and lighting, an

than any other university in Atlantic Canada and have the highest

eight-lane running track, soccer fields, tennis courts, a sports

number of Academic All-Canadians for primarily undergraduate

therapy clinic, and nearby jogging and hiking areas.

universities in the country. Acadia is a member of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) and Atlantic University Sport (AUS).

We have 11 varsity Axemen and Axewomen teams, listed below, plus a host of club sports. When our varsity teams

Acadia’s Athletics Complex features two gyms, an Olympic-

play, our fans gather to carry on Acadia’s Stand Up and

sized ice surface, a 25-metre swimming pool, a new fitness

Cheer tradition!

Photo: Eric Cederberg, Acadia Athletics

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine


11 Varsity teams • men’s basketball • men’s football • men’s hockey • men’s soccer • men’s swimming • women’s

basketball • women’s cross-country • women’s rugby • women’s soccer • women’s swimming • women’s volleyball

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Photo: Eric Cederberg, Acadia Athletics


off the field. “ Acadia is one big family — not just the football team, but all of the teams. We support each other on and Najja ” Richmond Hill, Ontario Coley (’10),

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lay Work-P e Balanc

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

ersity n Univ 012 ia d a 2 n Ca t card Repor

fantastic to be able to work one on one with my professors — it adds that personal element. You can go to them and say, ‘What does this mean?’ or ‘How “ It’s do you do this?’ or they are just there to talk. The biggest thing with me about Acadia is the attitude people have here. It’s ‘What can we do for you?’ ” Emily Duffett (’11), Kentville, Nova Scotia

Be involved. Acadia is where learning means living every moment in

them. Campus is vibrant, and you are an integral part of it. You

and out of class. Here, you will be immersed in your education

will join clubs and societies and expand your knowledge and

— that means hands on and hands up. You will challenge ideas

your network. You will be busy studying and building a social

while challenging yourself. Your classroom walls will expand.

life, but you will still find time to volunteer in the community in

You will be in the field, on the stage, and in cafés, testing theories

ways that make a difference. The next chapter in your life is the

and continuing discussions with your professors and your

most exciting, and, at Acadia, you will write it. This is where you

classmates. Everyone will know you by name and you will know

decide your future while living in the now.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine


50+ student organizations • 15 athletic clubs • 100s of volunteer opportunities • 1 student-run organic farm

How you will learn. At Acadia, you will earn a degree from one of Canada’s most respected universities and learn in a way that is unique among post-secondary institutions. Our personalized approach ensures that your professors are more than teachers — they will become mentors and friends who will open doors

In our faculties of Arts, Pure and Applied Sciences, and 14

Professional Studies, you will learn by doing — gaining valuable knowledge and conducting meaningful research. You will enjoy small classes and excellent classrooms, labs, and field facilities. Acadia’s hands-on approach, combined with our technology-rich environment and curriculum, gives you a competitive advantage.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

to your future career or postgraduate study opportunities.

leave confident and competent, taking with you an experience

1:15 faculty-to-student ratio • 28 average class size • 200+ degree combinations • 2,792 courses • 8 Canada Research Chairs • 15 Centres of Excellence • 1 co-curricular transcript to verify your

that is unparalleled at any other institution in Canada.

activities for grad schools and employers

A supportive and nurturing environment provides you with a safe place to explore your big ideas. Our liberal arts university is founded on the motto that through hard work, we succeed. We expect to be challenged by you and are ready to challenge you in order to prepare you for life. When you graduate, you can

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Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

ersity n Univ 012 ia d a 2 n Ca t card repor

way that you never would without that. “ When you get to an environment like this and get this kind of attention, you begin to believe in yourself in aLeslie ” Lewis (’10), Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

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Size Class

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

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school is amazing. If you have a problem, and you want to talk to someone, they are there. They always create time and make sure every “ This single student has the opportunity to express themselves. I love Acadia — the people here are amazing. ” Jocelyn Pierre (’10), Haiti

Programs of study. Biology The expertise of our faculty extends from molecules to ecosystems, and the course offerings reflect this diversity. The study of whole organisms is a key component of many labs, with a good balance of outdoor and indoor laboratory experiences (even in winter), due to the diversity of local habitats and preserved specimens available from the E.C. Smith Herbarium and the Acadia Wildlife Museum. Our small upper-level classes, our focus on student-centred learning, and our dedication to undergraduate research are only a few of the reasons why so many of our graduates move on to successful careers in the health sciences, education, industry, or government.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Medical Doctor • Biology Teacher • Veterinarian • Marine Biologist • Conservationist • Wetland Ecologist • Wildlife Biologist

Business Administration The Fred C. Manning School of Business Administration strives to create a vibrant learning environment, focusing squarely on the learning needs of our undergraduate students. Across classes, our faculty utilize a variety of teaching tools and techniques designed to accommodate various learning styles. The Bachelor of Business Administration program is challenging and flexible, allowing students to pursue a broad range of interests. Our courses exploit innovative uses of technology without losing sight of the student as an individual person. Students within our program can expand and apply their classroom learning through international exchanges, co-op, and projects with local enterprises. Our graduates have secured positions with some of the world’s most prestigious organizations, and many have pursued further study at esteemed institutions, earning advanced degrees such as the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Laws (LLB). Faculty of Professional Studies Advertising Executive • HR Specialist • Certified Accountant • Entrepreneur • Marketing Manager • Financial Analyst Canadian Studies Canadian Studies at Acadia University is a multidisciplinary program designed to introduce students to various perspectives on Canadian society. In addition to a general Canadian studies program, students may choose courses that focus primarily on Atlantic Canada, Canadian culture, or

contemporary Canadian issues. It is also possible to earn a major in Canadian studies alone or to combine it with another discipline to receive a double major. Faculty of Arts Historian • Lawyer • Teacher • International Development Professional • Librarian Chemistry Students experience, as well as study, the practical ways in which materials behave. The Chemistry Department provides an experiential learning environment in which students gain an appreciation for the application of theoretical concepts taught in the classroom. Students acquire a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of chemistry and use sophisticated research techniques. Practical laboratory time is integrated within the curriculum, and students are able to conduct individual research under the supervision of faculty. Our research facilities are well equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Students are prepared for modern industries or graduate school and consistently rank highly among their peers in regional competitions. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Medicinal Chemist • Medical Doctor • Materials Scientist • Intellectual Property Lawyer • Biotechnologist • University Professor Classics Classics commonly refers to the achievements of Greco-Roman civilization, where the foundations were laid for western • •


Faculty of Arts Historian • Lawyer • Teacher • Librarian • Archaeologist


Computer Science Students at the Jodrey School of Computer Science acquire skills that are relevant, current, and in demand. These skills are gathered via a cutting-edge, nationally accredited curriculum, as well as through relevant job experience supported by Acadia’s co-op program and industry partners. Computing can be your main area of study, or it can be integrated with other disciplines such as business, biology, engineering, environmental science, education, or music. A degree in computer science allows a student to secure employment in an area of personal interest. Specialization programs include mobile computing, game development, and e-commerce. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Software Engineer • Game Developer • Systems Analyst • Mobile Systems Programmer • Project Manager • AI Researcher

Economics Economics is the study of humanity in the ordinary business of life. It seeks to establish principles for investigating how resource constraints influence the behaviour of individuals, firms, organizations, and the government. At Acadia, there is a deliberate blending of theory with application, providing students with the analytical tools required for a greater understanding of economic relations and motivations. Courses show how and where these tools can be applied in the economic, social, and political dimensions of society. Students can combine economics with other areas of study including business; mathematics; and computer, environmental, and political sciences. Economics often leads to careers in finance and banking; provincial, federal, and municipal governments; law; private sector consulting; or graduate studies in such fields as economics, public policy, international relations, environmental policy, and law.

Engineering (Applied Science) Our smaller class sizes allow for close contact with your professors, which means you can ask them first-hand specific questions you may have about your studies or discuss concerns you may have with your future studies or discipline choice selection. This is different from most faculties of engineering, where class sizes can be large and the learning experience impersonal. Studying engineering at Acadia will give you a solid foundation for the first years of your program and a guaranteed transfer into year three of your studies at an accredited engineering-degree-granting institution. We will manage your transition to a larger school to ensure that it goes smoothly. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Project Manager • Consulting Engineer • Research & Development Engineer • Construction Management • Mine Management • New Materials Research

Faculty of Arts Finance • Investment Banking • Government Policy Analyst • Consultant • Economic Development Officer Education (Post-degree) The full-time Bachelor of Education (BEd) program allows you to learn in a small, supportive, and challenging class environment. You also get a chance to practise what you’re learning with up to 20 weeks of supervised field experience, including opportunities for local and international field placements in your second year. As a graduate of our program, you will excel and be prepared to take on a leadership position in any educational setting you choose. Faculty of Professional Studies Teacher • Guidance Counsellor • •

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

civilization. In all areas of human endeavour that make up what we call civilization — the sciences, technology, architecture, philosophy, literature, art, law, political institutions — the ancient Greeks and Romans were immensely creative. The study of classics is an exciting journey of intellectual discovery. It will equip students with a solid grounding in the humanities and can be put to good use in many careers or further programs of professional development. Acadia’s graduates in classics have gone on to careers as diverse as the civil service, publishing, hotel management, software development, librarianship, and primary and secondary education.

Faculty of Arts Teacher • Advertising Executive • Editor • Writer • Journalist Environmental & Sustainability Studies The Environmental & Sustainability Studies (ESST) major develops environmental leaders, managers, and professionals who are critical and insightful thinkers, as well as creative problem solvers skilled in leading transformational change toward a more sustainable and just society. Graduates are passionate and committed to advancing environmentally sustainable, healthy, and socially responsible lifestyles, communities, institutions, and governance, as well as global justice through a broad range of career and civic responsibility pathways. Faculty are respected researchers and scholars who are fully immersed in solving critical and pressing environmental and sustainability problems, as well as creating a stimulating learning setting.

Faculty of Arts or Professional Studies Community Sustainability Planning • Leadership in Environmental Organizations • Governmental Specialist in Environment and Sustainability • Ecotourism • Parks and Open Spaces Management • Environmental and Sustainability Policy and Law Analyst Environmental Geoscience Environmental geoscience bridges the gap between environmental science and geology and provides a degree program appropriate for people seeking status as professional environmental geoscientists. Graduates in this field are responsible for ensuring environmentally appropriate extraction of resources in the mining, oil and gas, and hydrogeological fields. The program is a blend of basic science courses, in which students develop a strong background in the science of the Earth and the ways that humans use it. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Environmental Consultant • Groundwater Specialist • Petroleum Geologist Environmental Science Students will study the relationships and interactions among organisms, their environment, and human activity. Understanding and solving the problems associated with how humans impact the environment requires a multidisciplinary approach involving biology, chemistry, and geology. Students are presented with actual environmental/scientific issues and, under the leadership of faculty, develop the expertise to apply their knowledge to problems. Acadia’s Environmental Science program satisfies proposals for professional registration and has been accredited by the Canadian Environmental Accreditation Commission.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

English English studies give students the opportunity to engage with literature in a range of aesthetic, political, historical, and cultural contexts. English at Acadia offers students a challenging and enjoyable program of study that creates articulate critical thinkers who are in high demand in all walks of life. The department offers a range of core courses in medieval, Renaissance, eighteenth-century, nineteenthcentury, and modern literatures, as well as courses on theoretical and critical approaches to literature. In addition to our honours and graduate courses, in which students can refine their critical abilities, the department offers courses in creative writing, children’s literature, and the writer and nature.


Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Climatologist • Conservation Officer • Environmental Technician • Research Director • Environmental Lawyer French French is an official language of Canada and of numerous other countries around the world. The French program at Acadia offers a range of courses in French language, French culture, and translation, as well as the literatures of France, Québec and Acadie, French-speaking Africa, and the Caribbean. Students who major in French achieve proficiency in the written and spoken language as well as an appreciation of the culture of the francophone • •

Faculty of Arts Teacher • International Aid Professional • Public Servant • Translator • Journalist


Geology Information about the dynamics and history of our planet impacts environmental, energy, and mining industries, both within Canada and abroad. Some areas where geologists and geoscientists contribute to the real world are global change, energy dependency, natural hazards, natural resources, and public health. Acadia Geology alumni are employed in various countries around the world. Geology at Acadia stands apart from other universities in equipping students for employment through applicable education. Completion of a degree in geology or environmental geoscience permits graduates to meet professional registration requirements. Curriculum is well integrated and builds upon the basic principles of Earth science from year to year. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Geologist • Explorationist • Resource Production • Geophysicist • Geochemist German In the German program, students become familiar with the German language, grammatical practices, literature, and culture. By their fourth year, students have achieved

Kinesiology Kinesiology is the study of human movement from biophysical, sociocultural, and psychomotor perspectives. You will be able to explore courses in sport injury assessment and rehabilitation, health promotion and wellness, adapted physical activity, sport studies, coach education, fitness programming and leadership, as well as teaching.

the necessary skills to fully function in a German-speaking environment. Classes focus on speaking, listening, and writing, using a combination of multimedia tools. Small classes allow instructors to closely monitor students’ progress. Through extracurricular activities, students have the chance to immerse themselves in the cultural life of German-speaking countries. Students majoring in German take one year of study in Freiburg, Germany. The ability to communicate in a different language broadens appreciation of other cultures and increases opportunities in the job market. German may also be taken as a minor.

Faculty of Professional Studies Medical Doctor • Physiotherapist • University Professor • Personal Trainer • Sport Management • Vocational Rehabilitation

Faculty of Arts Teacher • Translator • Diplomatic Service Professional History The study of history provides important perspectives on the past, as well as insights into the present, and helps students develop essential analytical and writing skills. At Acadia, courses are offered in the histories of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, as well as some specialized subjects such as war, medicine, revolutions, science, and the environment. A great number of Acadia students major in history, while many others take history courses as electives and for general interest. Graduates use their background in history to pursue careers in a variety of areas including education, law, journalism, and government. The honours degree allows the student to focus on more specialized research topics and to prepare for further work in history, archival studies, and museum studies. Faculty of Arts Teacher • Historian • Archivist • Librarian • Curator • Lawyer • •

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

world. Students may spend their third year in a French-speaking university in Québec or abroad. Acadia participates in exchange study programs in Tours and in Nancy, both in France. A French major or minor or the program of proficiency in French are valuable assets for careers in education, government, law, journalism, and other fields where communication plays an important role.

Mathematics & Statistics Mathematics and statistics are the central tools scientists use to model and solve real-world problems. Applications of mathematics and statistics are diverse and include business, economics, computers, and technology, as well as modelling in engineering, biological, medical, and social science research. The mathematical sciences are developing rapidly, providing many career opportunities and challenges, both in traditional fields and in new exciting areas where mathematics and statistics are essential tools. Acadia’s Mathematics & Statistics Department offers students a program of high quality, comparable with programs offered at larger institutions. Our small class sizes ensure students receive personal attention from faculty, and student evaluations consistently

acknowledge the high calibre of teaching. Many of our students participate in undergraduate research, and our graduating students consistently receive support for further studies. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Actuarial Science • Medicine • Law • Statistical Consulting • Finance • Cryptography • Information Technology • Education Music In Acadia’s School of Music, students are enrolled in one of three undergraduate degrees. The Bachelor of Music features program concentrations in instrumental performance, vocal performance (classical voice and music theatre), music education, composition, musicology, comprehensive, and general. The Bachelor of Arts in Music program can be taken as a general degree, double major,

or honours degree. The Bachelor of Music Therapy degree leads to accreditation as a “music therapist accredited” following an internship. The School of Music, in cooperation with the School of Education, will also begin offering a five-year combined Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education degree in 2012, leading to licensed accreditation as a music teacher in Nova Scotia. Each of these programs features core courses in music theory, music history and culture, applied musicianship, and music technology, as well as specialized courses in each of the program disciplines. In addition, students can pursue courses in popular music, world music, chamber music, electronic music, and Indonesian Gamelan. Faculty of Arts Music Therapist • Music Teacher • Performer • Conductor • Composer

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

21 Nutrition & Dietetics At Acadia, students in Nutrition & Dietetics build knowledge about food and develop an appreciation for current issues in nutrition and dietetics. Students gain solid knowledge in biology and chemistry that is applied to studies of food and nutrient metabolism. This background, combined with courses in areas such as statistics, communications, psychology, and nutrition education, prepares students to work effectively with individuals, families, and communities to plan, develop, and manage relevant nutrition programs. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Registered or Professional Dietitian • Food Service Manager or Administrator • Public Health or Community Nutritionist • Food Product Developer or Marketer • Home Care Dietitian • Researcher • Nutrition Educator • Health Educator • Diabetes Educator • Sport Nutritionist • •

Philosophy The study of philosophy involves the systematic investigation of the most fundamental questions a person can ask, such as: How should I live? What can I know? Does God exist? What rights and duties do I have? What makes a society just? Studying philosophy not only brings insight to questions like these but also develops skills of analysis, argumentation, and clear expression. Many areas of study were born out of philosophical discussion, including physics, mathematics, economics, psychology, and biology. The Department of Philosophy offers courses that provide thoughtful inquiry into contemporary issues, as well as courses in the history of philosophy, which convey the historical background of these issues. Faculty of Arts Public Servant • Teacher • Environmentalist • Critic


Physics In physics, we study the fundamental theories of how and why things work and capitalize on these ideas to develop creative new technologies and experiments and to solve interesting problems. A degree in physics gives you an excellent background in problem solving, experimental skills, electronics, computer programming and interfacing, mathematics, and more. Our department focuses on undergraduate studies, helping to prepare you very well for your future career or postgraduate studies. You will have the opportunity to participate in research and teaching, use well-equipped laboratories and modern equipment, and be a part of a highquality learning environment among a small number of faculty and students. Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Meteorologist • Technology Developer • Medical Biophysicist • Teacher • Computer Programmer • Optometrist • Astronomer • Nuclear Scientist • Science Writer

Political Science Studying politics focuses your attention on the pressing problems of our times and the potential for changing them. We offer courses that develop the analytical skills and knowledge necessary to understand power, culture, law, policy, and government in Canada. We also offer programs that engage with issues of global peace, war, environment, development, governance, and media. Our students have proceeded to prestigious graduate programs and schools of law and journalism or pursued subsequent degrees in public administration and education. They have developed careers in federal, provincial, and municipal government, as well as global and local business or non-profit and activist organizations. Political science is where great ideas and urgent practice are united. Our students participate in our department’s student society (APSA), the UN Club, the Debating Society, student government (ASU), The Athenaeum newspaper, Water Watch, Oxfam, the Acadia Farm, the Political Science Film Series, and many other activities.

Photo: Alison Beckett

Faculty of Arts Filmmaker • Lawyer • Journalist • Analyst • Strategist • Lobbyist • Activist • •

Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. This includes how behaviour develops, how people perceive and think about the world, the neural and physiological processes that affect behaviour and emotions, social processes among people, personality patterns, and mental health issues and their treatments. At Acadia, students can take either a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science degree as a psychology major, and we

offer both a neuroscience and applied option for those with specific interests. There is a strong research focus within our department, so students learn not only what is currently known within the field of psychology, but also how that understanding has been reached. Our students learn to evaluate the data and methods used to study psychological processes in a scientific way and conduct their own research studies. Faculty of Arts or Pure and Applied Sciences Psychologist • Counsellor • Speech Pathologist • Occupational Therapist • Social Worker Recreation Management & Community Development This human services field is focused on developing healthy, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable lifestyles and vibrant communities. This program is known for its hands-on learning opportunities and placements. You will be able to design and lead community programs, travel to learn about diverse communities, or spend time on outdoor expeditions. Faculty of Professional Studies Event Planner • Community Development • Criminal Justice • Environmental Educator • Health Promotion • Recreation Manager Sociology The Department of Sociology at Acadia presents students with a challenging and critical understanding of the contemporary world. The wide range of courses deals with current sociological and anthropological issues centred around class-related, gendered, and racialized social inequality. The department is recognized nationally as a centre for the critical study of political

economy and societal development. Other key topics include criminal justice, race and ethnic relations, gender, family issues, health, social movements, work, and cultural studies. The study of Canadian society is balanced by a focus on cross-cultural perspectives. Several social theory and research courses offer students an opportunity to develop their conceptual and analytical skills in order to prepare for further professional studies. Sociology courses and degrees are relevant to those planning further study in sociology, anthropology, education, law, criminology, or social work.

Theatre Studies The Theatre Studies program at Acadia University is a four-year program with courses in performance, dramatic literature, and production. The program focuses not only on acting but on theatre as a collaborative art form relying on a team of performers, technicians, and administrators, as well as sound, lighting, costume, and set designers. Artists work together to make theatre, and those studying it must be sensitive to the interdisciplinary nature of the art. Faculty members in the Theatre Studies program are skilled instructors who have extensive professional experience.

Faculty of Arts Public Sector • Social Agencies • Research Firms • Advocacy Groups

Faculty of Arts Theatre Director • Actor/Performer • Theatre Critic

Spanish Spanish is an important language in Europe and the Americas. Students taking a Spanish major at Acadia acquire familiarity with the language, grammatical practices, literature, and culture, and by the end of their first year are able to function in a Spanish-speaking environment. Students can achieve fluency in both spoken and written Spanish after four years. Emphasis is placed on the communication skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and on exposure to Spanish and Latin American cultures. Students majoring in Spanish spend a year of study on exchange at a Spanish-speaking university. The ability to communicate in a different language broadens an individual’s appreciation of other cultures and increases opportunities in the job market. Spanish may also be taken as a minor.

Women’s & Gender Studies In the Women’s & Gender Studies (WGS) program, people ask critical questions about gender, sexuality, race, class, and ability, and act for change through feminism, social action, and other pathways of resistance. The three core courses of the program explore contemporary and historical gender issues in Canada and around the world at theoretical and practical levels. The Women’s & Gender Studies program offers a major and honours degree, as well as a minor within the Bachelor of Arts program; students in all faculties can minor in WGS or pursue the program as a second major. The department includes more than 30 courses taught across the arts, sciences, and professional studies on a rotational basis.

Faculty of Arts International Aid Professional • Translator • Diplomatic Service Professional • Teacher

Faculty of Arts Activism • Public Policy • Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) • Development • Advocacy • Social Work • Education • Law • Medicine • Human Resources • •


Applying 101.


When to Apply

Additional requirements:

At Acadia, it’s never too late to apply. However, we

Students applying from an Ontario high school may want to

recommend that you apply early to ensure admittance

arrange to have their OUAC transcript and credit counselling

to your program of choice, and to meet our application

summary sent. Students applying from the United States are

deadlines for scholarships (March 1) and guaranteed

required to send one academic reference letter from a school

residence (May 15). You can even apply with your Grade

counsellor or teacher. Students whose academic program

11 marks for early admission. We also welcome transfer,

does not have English as its language of instruction need to

mature, and returning students.

have Educational Testing Services send TOEFL scores.

How to Apply

3. Receive a decision. Once we have received all of

1. Submit the application form. Our application form

your documentation our Admissions Office will be able to

can be completed online and will take you approximately

make a decision on your application. You should hear back

15 minutes. To locate the online application please visit

within seven days of completing your application. At that

time you will also be notified whether you are eligible for scholarship consideration.

2. Send in your documents. Please have your official transcripts sent directly from your high school, college, or

Early Fall Admission

university to:

Canadian students who have a minimum Grade 11 admission

Admissions Office

average of 75 per cent, which our Admissions Office

Acadia University

calculates, may qualify for early admission. If you are applying

Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2R6

for Early Fall Admission be sure to include your final Grade 11


marks and a school-approved list of courses you are taking in Grade 12 (both semesters) with your application. Grade 12 courses must be consistent with our admission requirements.

d Mail

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The G


d atisfie Most S nts Stude

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

ersity n Univ 012 ia d a 2 n Ca t card Repor

is continuing on its path of being an innovative institution; they are always looking ahead of the curve, saying, ‘What else do we need to do “ Acadia to meet students’ needs?’ ” Matthew Kilfoil (’11), Woodstock, New Brunswick

Admissions Guide




Additional Academic Subjects

Minimum Overall Average

Other Requirements

All majors except Economics, Music, and Music Therapy




4 other courses







3 other courses







4 other courses


Grade VI for all programs other than performance; Grade VIII for instrumental performance. All applicants must successfully complete an audition.

Music Therapy




4 other courses


Grade VI for all programs other than performance; Grade VIII for instrumental performance. All applicants must successfully complete an audition.

Applied Science (Engineering)




2 other courses


Physics recommended.





2 other courses







2 other courses



Computer Science




3 other courses



Bachelor of Arts

bachelor of Science


Environmental Geoscience




2 other courses



Environmental Science




2 other courses







2 other courses



Mathematics & Statistics




3 other courses


Minimum of 70% in Pre-Calculus

Nutrition & Dietetics




2 other courses







3 other courses







3 other courses



bachelor of Professional Studies Business Administration




3 other courses


Minimum of 70% in English





3 other courses



Recreation Management




4 other courses



*See chart on next page for specific Generic and Special math requirements by geographic region.

For general admission, you need Grade 12 (or senior secondary) English and four additional Grade 12 (or senior secondary) academic or advanced courses. A minimum of 70 per cent admission average, which our Admissions Office calculates, is required for admission to all programs. Program-specific requirements are detailed in the chart on the preceding page.

Math requirements

Photo: James Ingram, Jive Photographic

Admission guidelines.

Generic Required Math

Special Required Math



Applied Math 30 OR Pure Math 30

Pure Math 30

British Columbia

Principles of Math 12

Principles of Math 12


Senior 4 Math (40S) Pre-Calculus

Senior 4 Math (40S) Pre-Calculus

New Brunswick

Grade 12 Trigonometry and 3 Space Or Advanced Math with Calculus

Grade 12 Advanced Math with Calculus


Math 3103, 3204, 3205, 3206 or 3207

Math 3205 or 3207

Nova Scotia

Grade 12 Academic or Advanced Math

Pre-Calculus 12


Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U) or Advanced Functions (MHF4U)

Advanced Functions (MHF4U)


Math 621A, 621B or 611

Math 621B or 611



Pre-Calculus Math


Math B30 or C30

Math C30

Outside Canada

Senior Level Math (Advanced or Pre-Calculus)

Senior Level Math (Pre-Calculus)

IB Curriculum

IB Mathematics or IB Math Studies

IB Mathematics

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Transfer Students

To be considered for admission using the International

When you apply as a student from another university,

Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma you need a minimum score of

you will need an official transcript sent directly from that

24. If you have a score of 30 or higher on your IB Diploma,

institution for evaluation. Transfer credits normally will

you will receive 30 hours of university credit. If you have

be given for individual courses that are applicable to

completed IB courses but do not possess the diploma, you

the intended undergraduate degree program of study.

will be considered based on your coursework. Acadia gives

Normally a minimum GPA of 2.5 at your previous institution

individual credit for IB courses completed at the higher level

is required.

with grades of 5, 6, or 7. IB final and predicted results may 28

be used to consider applicants for both early fall and regular

Co-op Programs

admission, as well as entrance scholarship.

After your second year of study, you may apply for the cooperative education option of select areas of study, provided

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

you meet the program-specific requirements.

Students who complete Advanced Placement courses may be eligible for university credit for those courses in which a national exam result of 3–5 is achieved.

October 1 Admission Application Form available • March 1 deadline to submit admission application and supporting documents to be eligible for scholarship consideration • May 15 deadline to Important deadlines

apply for residence and be eligible for the Residence Guarantee

d Mail

n lobe a

The G


ation Reput s ployer m E h t wi

Photo: Peter Aaron, ESTO Photography

ersity n Univ 012 ia d a 2 n Ca t card Repor

you come to Acadia, you are able to leave not only with a degree, but with the abilities and the tools and the skills to go get a job or to further “ When yourself in the next part of your life. ” Marshall Bax (’10) Peterborough, Ontario

Money matters. We believe that an education at Acadia University

There are also work options in the local community. Email

may be one of the most valuable investments you will for details.

make for your future. Each year we award over $3 million in scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and

Student Loans

prizes to new and returning students. To ensure all qualified

Student loans are an effective way to finance your

applicants to Acadia have access to our university we also

studies. Because your education is one of the most

offer need-based financial aid each year to qualifying students.

significant personal investments you can make, loans are worth consideration. Acadia may also provide interim

Costs 30

Nova Scotian







Ancillary Fees




$8,439 – $11,240**

$8,439 – $11,240**

$8,439 – $11,240**

Room and Meals

loans while you await approval from external sources. Information on Canada and US student loans is provided at Entrance Scholarships Entrance Scholarships are available to high school, secondary level, and transfer students. You are automatically

All fees subject to change. For details visit (Future Students) * After Nova Scotia bursary applied. ** Range based on basic double to single in a deluxe, private suite.

considered for an Acadia Grade-Based Entrance Scholarship if you have a minimum 80 per cent admission average, which our Admissions Office calculates. Applicants with 85 per cent admission average or higher may be considered for

Savings and Job Earnings

additional awards. All students who qualify will be contacted

Using money already saved means you could graduate

by our Financial Aid Office with application details. Transfer

with little or no debt. You could also consider a part-time

students need a GPA of 3.67 and must be in their first degree

job while you study. Acadia offers many on-campus job

program. To be eligible, be sure to apply for admission and

opportunities, and some may be related to your field.

submit all supporting documents by March 1.

Grade-Based Entrance Scholarships

Merit-Based Entrance Scholarships

You are automatically considered for a grade-based entrance

In addition to academic standing, Acadia considers your

scholarship when you apply to Acadia based on your marks

extra-curricular achievements and community spirit to be

in Grades 11 and 12, as calculated by our Admissions Office.

important ways to demonstrate excellence. We offer nearly

No application is required.

100 additional entrance scholarships, awards, and prizes thanks to the generosity of alumni and sponsors who want to


Renewed Over*

Grade 11

Grade 12

help you achieve success at Acadia.


4 years



Entrance Scholar-Bursaries


4 years



If you have a minimum 85 per cent admission average, which


4 years



our Admissions Office calculates, in your senior year of


4 years



high school or secondary school and your total gross family income is less than $100,000 (CDN) you may be considered for an Entrance Scholar-Bursary.

Excellence Recognized We have a limited number of scholarships available, provided you have a 95+ admission average and have demonstrated leadership and outstanding characteristics. You will be contacted with application details.



NEW! BMO Financial Group Entrance Scholarships If you are entering Acadia for fulltime undergraduate study with an admission average of 90–94.9 per cent, you will receive an additional $1,000 for the 2012–13 academic year, thanks to the generosity of the BMO Financial Group.

Renewed Over*

Scholarship Name


4 years

Chancellor’s Scholarship


4 years

Board of Governor’s Scholarship


4 years

President’s Scholarship


4 years

International Baccalaureate Scholarship

In-Course Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes Acadia recognizes your scholastic achievements. Thanks to the gracious donations from many of our Acadia alumni and sponsors, you can earn scholarships, awards, and prizes from your department. Be sure to meet with the dean or head of your department, as they submit nominations for these

* If conditions of renewability are met.

scholarships, awards, and prizes.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

“ Coming to Acadia has been completely life-changing. It’s where you discover who you are. ”

Kaitlin Almack (’08), Blackstock, Ontario

Seeing really is believing. You are about to make a very important life decision. One of the best ways to know it’s the right decision is to visit campus and meet the faculty, staff, students, and alumni who will become your Acadia family. Book a Campus Visit Weekdays at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. • Weekends at 2 p.m. Attend an Event Be sure to attend one of our Experience Acadia events 33

— a full day of Acadia information where you will sit in on classes, dine in meal hall, meet your future classmates, and experience the Acadia spirit. Remember, when you register to visit our campus, for eligible to have your one-way travel expenses reimbursed through our Boarding Pass program. Contact our Campus Visit




1.877.585.1121 (902.585.1121 outside North America). If you can’t come in person, check out AcadiaTV and our Virtual Campus Tour, available at

Experience Acadia. The difference is you.

Photo: Andrew Tolson, Maclean’s magazine

either a personal tour or a group event, you will be

Close enough and far enough. You want to be close enough to home to reconnect when you feel like it. But you also want to be far enough away to live your own life. At Acadia, you will have that perfect balance. Your campus is its own world — giving you access to incredible facilities for research, reflection, and training, while at the same time keeping you in touch with friends, professors, and support staff. Just steps beyond our campus you will explore a rich natural environment for study and fun. Whether you are from Nova Scotia, Ontario, or China, success is a journey, and you are ready to take it.

Connect with Acadia. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (AST) Email: Phone: 1.877.585.1121 toll-free in North America

(902.585.1121 outside North America) Acadia University Class of 2016 @newToAcadiaU


1.877.585.1121 • •

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