ADC This Year: 2023-2024 Impact Report

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2023–2024 Donor Impact Report

Our churches need leaders who can help them worship, serve, and grow in a rapidly-changing culture. Acadia Divinity College (ADC) has identified FOUR AREAS OF FOCUS to guide our decisions and actions so that we might effectively meet the opportunities and challenges of our mission today and tomorrow.

ADC is firmly rooted in a hospitable Baptist faith with a rich history in providing the best educational experience for our students. To ensure our mission extends into the future, we will strengthen our FOUNDATION as a wellresourced, outstanding seminary of excellence.

From our significant LOCATION as part of the Acadia University campus, in the land of Mi’kma’ki, and on the Canadian East Coast, ADC recognizes the importance of engaging the contexts in which God has placed us.

ADC is committed to reflecting the whole people of God, seeking TRANSFORMATION of the communities we serve. We want to learn to see the world with the depth and breadth of God’s love, embracing ministries of justice and reconciliation.

ADC is committed to a culture of INNOVATION, seeking constantly to improve what we do. We not only consider better ways to carry out our mission, we also create new approaches to theological education that have potential for wide transformative impact.

ADC'S mission

Acadia Divinity College equips Christians in diverse contexts with knowledge and skills to interpret the realities of life today in the light of God’s Word, to speak good news and act confidently with love and justice, and to serve the mission of God in church and world with transformative impact.


Looking to the Future with Hope & Confidence

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

~ 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

Reflecting on all that was accomplished in 2023-2024, I am continually humbled by the work that God is doing at ADC through the support of those who share our mission to equip people to serve the mission of God in church and world with transformative impact. Over the past few years, we have pursued the vision to Change with Purpose, striving to provide our students with the formation and skills they need for ministry today and into the future.

We have worked diligently to build our base with financial and faculty strength, supported by a dedicated and energetic staff. We continue to engage our place, embracing what it means to pursue theological education within the unique context of Atlantic Canada. We have learned to extend our embrace, diversifying the face of our college community, including students, faculty, staff, and board members. We welcomed more international students than ever before and continue to celebrate the richness of intercultural diversity. As a seminary, we have set the pace for innovation, with our Theo-futures initiative creating new opportunities for theological education. This research is helping us develop a relevant and dynamic curriculum to meet the needs of Christian leaders for a new generation.

We have responded to the expressed needs of our constituency with purposeful change, and thanks to the incredible efforts of our team and supporters, we are poised to conclude the current phase of our strategic vision ahead of schedule.

As we enter a new season of listening and focusing on our vision for the next five years, we are deeply grateful for your prayers and ongoing support.

As we witness the Spirit of God calling a new generation to be ambassadors of reconciliation in a complex world, we look to the future with hope and confidence. Thank you for being part of the amazing work God is doing at Acadia Divinity College.


Total #

Acadia Divinity College is firmly rooted in a hospitable Baptist faith with a rich history in providing the best educational experience for our students.

Every Number Has a Name

OUR STUDENT BODY at a glance




*Countries include Bahamas, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Kenya, Macedonia, Martinique, New Zealand, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

Doctor of Ministry

Master of Arts in Theology



Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada

Baptist (other)



Georgie Lee & Ralph Taylor

A LEGACY of generosity & commitment

Ralph and Georgie Lee Taylor are dedicated to giving back more than they receive. Since their time as students at Acadia University, both Ralph (’61, ’62, ’63) and Georgie Lee (’60) have remained involved in the life of the University and Acadia Divinity College (ADC). From the football field to the art gallery, from the classroom to the boardroom, the Taylors have repeatedly given of their time, finances, and talents.

“We love Acadia,” says Ralph with a chuckle. “Without the love and support we received as students — me especially — we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

Despite facing financial challenges, the generosity of others enabled Ralph to complete his degree and instilled in both him and Georgie Lee a deep desire to support future generations of students. As a result, the couple established the Georgie L. and Ralph Taylor Graduate Entrance Scholarship at ADC. The scholarship aims to alleviate the financial burdens of students preparing for Christian ministry, ensuring that they can pursue their calling without financial barriers.

“We need pastors who have a quality education, a strong faith, and good experience,” says Ralph. As someone who has served in various positions at his own church, including on multiple pulpit committees, Ralph knows the importance of thorough preparation for leadership in the local church.

According to the Taylors, we all can play a part in equipping Christians to serve: “As a community, we all need to work together and participate in the equipping of pastors today to enable them to effectively serve the Lord in our churches in the future.”

The Taylors' annual scholarship not only provides muchneeded financial assistance to students but enables them to thrive in ministry journeys. The generosity of Ralph and Georgie Lee exemplifies not only the Acadia spirit of community, but also the call of Jesus’ who said “...Freely you have received, freely give.”


a community, we all need to work together and participate in the equipping of pastors today to enable them to effectively serve the Lord in our churches in the future.”

— The Taylors

Georgie L. and Ralph Taylor Graduate Entrance Scholarship Donors

“The support I’ve received means I can work fewer shifts ... it means I can lean into my courses without choosing between my health, my family, and my studies.”
— Leah Deveau
Georgie L. and Ralph Taylor Graduate Entrance Scholarship Recipient

Leah Deveau

A STORY of faith & gratitude

Leah Deveau enrolled in the Master of Divinty Program after attending Acadia Divinity College’s (ADC) inaugural East Coast Theology Summer School in 2023. Having served as a Registered Nurse for over 15 years, Leah wanted to further her learning but wasn’t sure if theological studies were for her.

“I grew up in Wolfville and knew a bit about the College, but I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a fit for me,” she recounts. “I quickly realized that ADC is a place that practices authenticity and acceptance both inside and outside of the classroom. I’ve felt like I belonged from the very first day.”

Working full-time, navigating being a mother of two, and entering graduate school with a learning disability left Leah unsure if she could succeed. Fortunately, she received financial support from the Georgie L. and Ralph Taylor Graduate Entrance Scholarship. “The support I’ve received means I can work fewer shifts,” Leah says with a big smile. “It means I can lean into my courses without choosing between my health, my family, and my studies.”

Like many students, Leah is still discerning God’s call on her life as she pursues her degree. “God has always revealed His will for me a little at a time,” she says. “I sense a strong but vague calling right now, but I'm following Him nonetheless.”

While she waits on the Lord for her future steps, Leah is focusing on the intersection of faith and health care, particularly as it relates to her field of nursing. “Hurt people hurt people,” she says, “but I want to see healthy churches that foster healthy people.”

Leah is deeply grateful for the financial assistance she received from Ralph and Georgie Lee. “I feel as though their support is personal,” she says. “It makes me feel connected to them through their generosity and vision. Thank you. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities that you are helping to provide.”

PHOTO: Leah Deveau (Centre) had the opportunity to meet Georgie Lee (Left) and Ralph Taylor (Right) on the Acadia Campus

Called to Serve

Did you know that around 115 Atlantic Baptist women have been ordained to ministry — and most of them are graduates of Acadia Divinity College?

A project led by Dr. Melody Maxwell, Associate Professor of Christian History, seeks to record and share these women’s stories.

The Called to Serve project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, preserves, shares, and analyzes the stories of women ordained to ministry by Baptist churches in Atlantic Canada from 1954 until 2020. Dr. Maxwell and her research team have collected around 80 interviews to date, many of which are available online at, and shared on a weekly podcast.

Dr. Maxwell stated, “It’s important to hear about these women’s experiences, both positive and negative, in order to preserve their stories for the historical record, encourage churches to support women in ministry, and inspire other women and men to serve.”

Hearing about challenges that interviewees faced may motivate listeners to provide a more welcoming environment for women — and men — to be ministers in the future. As interviewee Judith Tod noted, “Women face [pressures related to] how they look, how they dress, how they speak, how they can manage to have a family and a career.” Awareness of these pressures may help church members treat women in ministry more equitably.

In the past, studies focusing on pastors and denominational leaders have often underrepresented women. Sharing these women’s stories is enriching the history of Baptists — and evangelical Christianity — in Atlantic Canada and beyond. The Called to Serve project demonstrates the influence ordained women have had in our region and around the world.

The Called to Serve team plans to finish their interviews in 2024 and analyze and share their research findings in 2024 and 2025. Be on the lookout for more information about these findings in the months ahead.

The Impact of Our Faculty

ENGAGING the academy & our community

New Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology Volume to be Published this Year.

Did you know that ADC has its own book series published by Baker Academic? Dr. Danny Zacharias, Professor of New Testament Studies, serves as editor of the series which has received wide commendation in theological and biblical studies. To date, the series has published fifteen volumes, with the sixteenth volume to be published this year.

The series originates from the Hayward Lectures, established in 1964 by Constance Hayward. This annual university lectureship stimulates critical engagement and reflection on key and emerging ideas in Christian History, Christian Theology, and Biblical Studies. Through the venue of the Hayward Lectures, Acadia has hosted some of the most important theological thinkers. Our Hayward videos on YouTube have been viewed over 193,000 times!


ADC’s Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies Making a Global Impact

In 2023, Dr. Grace Wing Yi Au published Paul’s Designations of God in Romans in the outstanding WUNT II series with Mohr Siebeck. Shortly after, her contribution to Theology of the Four Gospels was released in the CGST Theology for the Church Series in Hong Kong, with co-authors Luke Leuk Cheung, Xia Xia E. Xue, Chun Ling Yu and Joyce Wai-lan Sun.

Our biblical studies professors are making a significant impact on our students and the life of the church today through the deep exploration of Scripture and its interpretation for a contemporary global context.

Dr. Lennett Anderson Gives Commissioning Prayer and Blessing for the HMCS William Hall

Dr. Lennett Anderson, Assistant Professor of Leadership and Racial Justice, receives countless invitations to serve the wider community of Halifax and beyond.

William Hall was born to a family of freed slaves who moved to Nova Scotia after the War of 1812. At 15 he joined the merchant navy and later became a member of the Royal Navy, fighting in the Crimean War and uprisings in India. For his bravery, he was the first Black man and Canadian sailor to receive the Victoria Cross, the highest honour to be given to any serving commonwealth military member.

William Hall died in 1904 and was buried without military honours. After a long campaign to have his actions recognized by the Canadian Legion, he was reburied at the Hantsport Baptist Church in 1954. In 2010, Canada Post issued a stamp in his honour, and on May 16, 2024, the HMCS William Hall was commissioned as the first Canadian Navy Ship to be named after a Canadian of African Descent.

Reflecting on the ceremony, Dr. Anderson commented, “Words cannot express the honour I feel in offering the commissioning prayer and blessing for His Majesty’s Canadian Ship William Hall. As an eighth-generation Canadian and the first African Nova Scotian commissioned officer in the officers' mess at CFB Stadacona, witnessing this celebration was truly a historic day. What an incredible moment in Canadian history!”

PHOTO: Dr. Lennett Anderson with Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) Reverend David Jackson, the Senior Fleet Chaplain with Canadian Fleet Atlantic.


Acadia Divinity College recognizes the importance of engaging the contexts in which God has placed us.

2024 East Coast Theology Simpson Week

LEANING INTO the Practice of Preaching with Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling & Min. Owen Lee

On June 11-13, we gathered for our annual East Coast Theology Simpson Week with Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, (pictured right), Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling, Ambassador of the Canadian Bible Society (pictured bottom right), and Min. Owen Lee, Minister of Music at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Upper Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, (pictured below). Over 200 people joined us on-site and online to participate in lectures and seminars focused on the practice of preaching. We also enjoyed meals and discussion, an East Coast Kitchen Party, and a special night of worship.

To watch the events, visit ACADIADIV.CA/SIMPSON-2024

Continuing Education for Ministry Leaders

LAUNCHING our first two ADC Expand Courses

ADC’s newest educational program was launched as part of the East Coast Theology Simpson Week in June 2024. The program offers accredited, microcredential learning opportunities for ministry practitioners to expand and enhance their skills and knowledge.

During the week of June 10, eleven students enrolled in the first two courses offered under the program. Mental Health Care in the Church was taught by Dr. Glen Berry, William and Virigina Leach Associate Professor of Pastoral Psychology. Incorporating training from Nova Scotia Health, the course provided knowledge and skills for pastors to better respond to the mental health needs of the congregation and community.

“Mental health matters to me. As a pastor, I deal with mental health concerns on a regular basis, both personally and professionally. The needs are great and there are no easy solutions. ADC Expand has allowed me to grow in my understanding of mental health care and equipped me with resources that will make a difference in my church and community.”

— Peter Moore ('05), Lead Pastor, Douglas Baptist Church

Perspectives on Preaching was taught by Rev. Dr. Stuart Blythe, John Gladstone Professor of Preaching and Worship. The course’s aim was to expose students to the practice of prophetic preaching as exemplified in particular by Dr. Otis Moss III, and to equip them to incorporate insights into their own ministry.

Currently, a large survey is underway to gather clergy input into shaping the ADC Expand program and help determine the next course offerings. It is anticipated that the results will be ready mid-fall, with the next round of micro-courses being announced early in 2025.

To learn more, visit ACADIADIV.CA/EXPAND

ADC’s Summer for the Books Exceeds Goal!

Our ADC Summer for the Books campaign exceeded its goal, raising enough support to provide free access to ADC Expand courses for everyone who requested financial assistance. Participants pledged to read throughout the spring and summer, inviting others to sponsor their reading by giving to ADC. Over $2,700 was raised, fully covering the course fees for all 6 pastors who requested financial support.

Thank you to everyone who participated and those who gave to make this possible.

• 20 Participants

• $2,705 Raised

• 100% Need Met

We are grateful to the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada for also providing a $50 bursary to each CBAC-credentialed pastor completing an ADC Expand course in 2024.


Acadia Divinity College is committed to reflecting the whole people of God, seeking transformation of the communities we serve.

The Endowment for Global Intercultural Education

SUPPORTING faculty development

Acadia Divinity College (ADC) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Endowment for Global Intercultural Education, made possible through the generous donation of Ngok Yeung (James) and Kathryn Lai. This endowment is a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to fostering intercultural understanding and inclusivity within our community.

In recent years, Atlantic Canada has seen a significant influx of newcomers from various parts of the world, enriching our communities with their unique perspectives and experiences. “All nations are now settling in our communities. Essential to growing the Kingdom of Christ is a passion for intercultural awareness,” said James and Kathryn. “We want to see growing congregations welcoming newcomers to Canada searching for acceptance, friendship, and spiritual support.”

The Lai's vision for this endowment aligns perfectly with ADC's focus to Extend our Embrace. Their generous gift will specifically support faculty members' continuing education and professional development in intercultural awareness, ensuring that our curriculum remains relevant and responsive to the needs of our multicultural society. It will play a vital role in ensuring that ADC graduates are equipped with the intercultural competencies necessary to serve effectively in this dynamic context.

This endowment will have a lasting impact on our college and the broader community, empowering us to continue our mission of preparing leaders who can bring the Gospel and minister effectively in the rich tapestry of cultures within Atlantic Canada and beyond.

“I want to extend my deepest gratitude to James and Kathryn Lai for their foresight and generosity in establishing the Endowment for Global Intercultural Education,” says Dr. Anna Robbins, President of ADC. “Their commitment to fostering intercultural education at ADC is a testament to their dedication to creating a more inclusive and understanding church and world.” This endowment will have a lasting impact on our college and the broader community, empowering us to continue our mission of preparing leaders who can bring the Gospel and minister effectively in the rich tapestry of cultures within Atlantic Canada and beyond.

Dedication to Education & Social Justice

ANNOUNCING THE CREATION of The Peter J. Paris Collection

We are honoured to announce the establishment of The Peter J. Paris Collection of African Canadian, American, Caribbean, and African Studies at Acadia Divinity College (ADC). This invaluable collection, made possible through the generous donation of Rev. Dr. Peter J. Paris, is a monumental addition to our library's resources. It not only enriches our academic offerings but also underscores our unwavering commitment to fostering academic excellence and social justice.

The Collection includes 1,450 volumes from Dr. Paris' personal library collected over his lifetime of teaching and research. This remarkable resource will support the Rev. Dr. William and Dr. Pearleen Oliver Chair of Community Leadership and Social Justice at ADC, providing invaluable materials for research and education.

“I greatly admired Rev. Dr. William P. and Dr. Pearleen Oliver’s deep commitment to a ministry where spiritual and social concerns were integrally united,” said Dr. Paris. “When I heard that ADC was inaugurating a chair in their names, I immediately thought about donating a large portion of my library as an academic support to the work.”

Born into a racially segregated community, Dr. Paris' early experiences in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, shaped his commitment to social justice. His academic career began at Acadia University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts (1955) and a Bachelor of Divinity (1958) before earning his Master of Arts (1969) and PhD (1975) from the University of Chicago. He has held teaching positions at Howard University, Vanderbilt University, and Princeton Theological Seminary, where he served as the Elmer G. Homrighausen Professor of Christian Social Ethics. He has been honoured with several prestigious awards, including the Alumnus of the Year from the University of Chicago Divinity School and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity by Acadia University.

Dr. Paris' connection to Acadia and the African United Baptist Association of Nova Scotia (AUBA) has been profound. His dedication to education and social justice is further exemplified by his leadership roles in various national and international organizations, including the American Academy of Religion and the Society for the Study of Black Religion.

“I greatly admired Rev. Dr. William P. and Dr. Pearleen Oliver’s deep commitment to a ministry where spiritual and social concerns were integrally united. When I heard that ADC was inaugurating a chair in their names, I immediately thought about donating a large portion of my library as an academic support to the work.”

— Dr. Peter J. Paris, Professor Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary

The Peter J. Paris Collection will serve as an enduring resource for students, faculty, and researchers, enhancing our understanding of African Canadian, American, Caribbean, and African studies.

“I am deeply grateful for this moment in my vocational life, which began at Acadia,” said Dr. Paris. “How wonderful it is for my library to have a home at my beloved alma mater.”

The Peter J. CollectionParis of AfricanCaribbean,American,Canadian, and African Studies

Intercultural Development Inventory

RESPONDING to demographic shifts

As communities and churches welcome more new Canadians than ever before, Acadia Divinity College (ADC) is committed to equipping our graduates to be effective witnesses and ministers to everyone, regardless of cultural background.

In 2022, funded in part with a Resource Grant from the In Trust Center for Theological Education, a plan was initiated to increase intercultural competency within the ADC community.

The first step was to assess our intercultural competency using the internationally recognized Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). The inventory provides measurable insights about how well individuals relate cross-culturally.

The Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff have completed the IDI, and all ADC students were invited to participate. By our second year (2023-2024), the percentage of students who chose to take part increased from 47.3% to 87.5%. Everyone who completed the inventory met with Dr. Steve McMullin, Professor Emeritus and Consultant on Intercultural Competency, for a debriefing conversation about their IDI results and to introduce individualized Intercultural Development Plans that will guide each person toward greater interculturally competency.

Resources including group presentations, videos, podcasts, and curriculum changes are being provided to help each individual with their development plan, with more to come this year.

ADC will continue to survey our students, while also expanding the invitation to include our alumni and congregations who want to improve their intercultural competency. This timely initiative provides a strategic opportunity for ADC to serve the church to ensure effective witness and ministry to everyone who calls Canada home.

1.3 million

1.3 million new immigrants settled permanently in Canada from 2016 to 2021.

The percentage of new immigrants settling in Atlantic Canada tripled to 3.5% from 2006 to 2021.

One in four people counted during the 2021 Census are or have been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canada.


10% of new immigrants are youth and young adults aged 15 to 24

Source: Statistics Canada. The Daily. October 26, 2022.

A Community of Belonging

LEARNING THE PRACTICE of Indigenous Appreciative Inquiry

Over the past decade, Acadia Divinity College (ADC) has journeyed with NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community (NAIITS), fostering fresh perspectives and innovation in theological education. This is both a response to the calls to action from the 2015 Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and a response to the invitation of Scripture to cultivate right relations amongst diverse peoples.

Recently, we have begun collaborating with the newly established Canadian Learning Community for Decolonization and Innovation (CLC). Led by NAIITS and partly funded by Phase 3 of the Lilly Endowment Inc. Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative, the CLC includes Acadia Divinity College, Tyndale Seminary in Ontario, and Ambrose Seminary in Alberta.

Through the CLC, we are learning the practice of Indigenous Appreciative Inquiry (IAI): an asset-based approach involving “storygathering” and visioning as well as practical planning. It will help ADC continue to imagine our best ways to welcome students from various backgrounds, invite them to co-create a community where diverse students belong, and empower all our students to thrive.

It will help ADC continue to imagine our best ways to welcome students from various backgrounds, invite them to co-create a community where diverse students belong, and empower all our students to thrive.

The CLC first gathered at our College in November 2023, and NAIITS joined us for a site visit in January 2024, helping us brainstorm our first steps and leading our weekly worship service. Dr. Jodi Porter, Director of Education for Ministry Innovation, serves as the Educationalist from ADC for this work, and our senior leaders, Dr. Anna Robbins, President, and Dr. Danny Zacharias, Associate Dean, are also deeply involved. In June 2024, Dr. Porter attended the NAIITS 21st Annual Symposium held at Kairos University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

As we continue this important work, we look forward to engaging with Atlantic Canadian churches as they explore how best to serve the diverse people in their local neighbourhoods.


Acadia Divinity College is committed to a culture of innovation, seeking constantly to improve what we do.

Theo-Futures Research with the Futuring Hub

CONSIDERING TOMORROW to anticipate & shape today’s church

Considering and thinking about possible futures is akin to weather forecasting and meteorology. It requires discipline, humility, flexibility, and constant curiosity. Everyone has left their umbrella at home based on the advice of the weather forecast, only to be caught unprepared in a downpour.

The purpose of the Futuring Hub (an initiative of the MacRae Centre for Christian Faith and Culture and part of the Futuring Lab) is to 'peek' over the horizon, surfacing potential, probable, and possible futures. The Hub supports Christian leaders and theological educators in discerning, imagining, and reflecting on these futures, identifying potential courses of action.

Over the past year, we have been laying the foundation for this work. A system has been created to monitor and document trends and emerging signals as they appear. This information is collected to build a data set composed of over 100 trends, with new data being added daily, all to help anticipate what is ahead.

As the information and structure have taken shape, the Hub has engaged various stakeholders through five Theo-Futures workshops, introducing the concept of Theo-Futures to pastors and denominational leaders, sparking new ways of thinking, and igniting a conversation about emerging considerations and their implications. This learning journey has led to the production of three academic papers and presentations and a national future-oriented research project, all of which are shaping the future of our faith and culture.

The Hub's research and activities make futures thinking an intentional act grounded in theological discernment, prayer, academic rigour, hope, and a commitment to the local church and its people. It is from this foundation that we act and serve.

For more information, visit FUTURINGHUB.CA

The Sandbox for Theological Education and the Church

EXPERIMENTING with new ways of learning

As our research through the MacRae Centre Futuring Hub unfolds, our Sandbox for Theological Education and the Church is considering practical implications and investigating new educational approaches. We are thinking through what it means to nurture students and pastors for ministry in this rapidly changing world.

A “macro-trend” identified and being researched by the Futuring Hub is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Sandbox will experiment with the educational opportunities presented by ChatGPT 4.0. We have formed a research group, comprised of Dr. Anna Robbins, Director of the MacRae Centre, Rev. John Campbell, Director of Technology for Education, Dr. Jodi Porter, Director of Education for Ministry Innovation, and Mr. Vipin Joseph, Research Assistant, to build an ADC Course Content Creator. This AI tool will integrate our institutional commitments,

“Wow! The Futuring Lab has hit on something especially compelling to advance faithful futures for theological education and the church across North America. Fellow schools and partner churches may be eager to follow your lead, and we look forward to learning more as you lean into your discoveries.”

— Trey Wince, President, Ministry Architects

desired program outcomes, and typical syllabus structure, among other essential details. Through this experiment, we aim to discover ways AI may support routine tasks like drafting syllabi and class outlines, allowing more focus on real-time mentoring. Additionally, we will pilot a tool for faculty, students, pastors, and laity to expand their own interests for good work in the classroom and the church.

Learn more about our ongoing work with AI: MACRAECENTRE.CA/TWO-AIS

New Student Supports Established

CREATING new endowed funds to strengthen financial support

We are profoundly grateful for the establishment of two new scholarships and three new bursaries during the 2023-2024 year. These endowments further strengthen the financial support for our students.

We extend our deepest thanks to our donors, whose visionary investment has made the creation of these funds possible. Their contribution will have a lasting impact on the lives of our students and the mission of Acadia Divinity College.


Dr. Millard R. Cherry Scholarship for Church Innovation

Income from a trust fund established in 2023 by David and Faye Huestis of Saint John, New Brunswick, in recognition of the outstanding and innovative leadership of Rev. Dr. Millard R. Cherry. The first preference is for a student interested in establishing innovative forms of ministry or new churches within Atlantic Canada or beyond. Recipients shall demonstrate aptitude, potential, and financial need.

ADC Apologetics Scholarship

Income from a trust fund established in 2023 to provide an annual scholarship to a student (or students) who are enrolled in courses within the College's Theology and Biblical Studies disciplines and who demonstrates interest in, and aptitude for, Christian apologetics.


Mrs. Carol Bartol Bursary

Established by Rev. Dr. John Bartol of Windsor, Nova Scotia, in loving memory of his wife, Carol Bartol. An active member and leader with the Atlantic Baptist Women and the Home Missions Board of Atlantic Baptist Churches, Carol was also a great support in the churches where she served together with her husband. This bursary supports students preparing for pastoral ministry with a preference for students with children.

Rev. Dr. Hugh and Shirley McNally Bursary

Established by the family of Hugh and Shirley McNally of Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in honour of Hugh's years of missionary service to India, his pastoral ministry in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and leadership to Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Hugh mentored and encouraged women discerning their call to pastoral ministry and was instrumental in founding the Atlantic Society for Biblical Equality. This bursary also honours Shirley's partnership with Hugh in missionary and pastoral work and her involvement with Atlantic Baptist Women. Income from the fund is to be used to support the training of women pursuing vocational pastoral ministry or global missions, with preference given to women from the global south.

Laurie and Muriel Harrison Bursary

Income from a trust fund established by Goldye L.H. and David Rice Smith of Dartmouth Nova Scotia in memory of Laurie Chisholm Harrison and his wife Muriel Gordon (Goldsmith). This bursary will provide financial assistance to a student (or students) who have demonstrated gifts and passion for evangelism, church planting, discipleship, and pastoral care.

STATS at a glance

FINANCIAL INFORMATION (as of March 31, 20231)


Donations and Grants

Student Academic Fees

Acadia University Grant

Investment Income

Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada

Miscellaneous Income



TOTAL $2,935,000

Audited Financial Statements are available at ACADIADIV.CA/GOVERNANCE

1 Values rounded to nearest 1000s

2 There are additional scholarships above and beyond the Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries.

As we pursue our mission to equip Christians to serve, all that we accomplish would not be possible without your continued generosity and support. Thank you!

DEVELOPMENT STATS (as of March 31, 20241)

$136,000 $256,000 $353,000 $1,202,000 131 248 152 5 8 544


$231,000 was awarded to 109 students through our Scholarships and Bursaries Program $231,000 109 (as of March 31, 20231)


EXAMPLE OF TUITION SUPPORT for our Graduate Students2

$58,000 was awarded to students as additional student aid support. $58,000 For information on tuition support visit

If you would like to be part of our mission, discover more about supporting us financially by visiting ACADIADIV.CA/GIVE

Acadia Divinity College is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. We are the seminary of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada and the Faculty of Theology for Acadia University.


15 University Ave Wolfville, NS

B4P 2R6 · Canada

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local: 902-585-2210

secure fax: 902-585-2232




Acadia Divinity College


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