Dr. Benjamin MacDonald
College Recruiter
e benjamin.macdonald@acadiau.ca
p 902.789.6735
15 University Avenue
Wolfville, NS • B4P 2R6 • Canada

Dr. Benjamin MacDonald
College Recruiter
e benjamin.macdonald@acadiau.ca
p 902.789.6735
15 University Avenue
Wolfville, NS • B4P 2R6 • Canada
Acadia Divinity College equips Christians in diverse contexts with knowledge and skills to interpret the realities of life today in the light of God’s Word, to speak good news and act confidently with love and justice, and to serve the mission of God in church and world with transformative impact.
Your calling is unique. Your context is unique. Regardless of where you are called to serve, ADC will equip you with relevant skills to help you navigate ministry opportunities and wrestle with complicated social and ethical issues well into the future.
We need leaders to help us engage this complex world. Contemporary ministry requires deep understanding of the Bible, foundational Christian teaching, and wisdom to follow Jesus well in the contexts where we live today. Our faculty will equip you for this mission with innovative theological training and teaching that engage you as a whole person.
ADC is a place where you can study with purpose to cultivate your unique calling: develop leadership skills in applying Biblical principles, know God better, and serve church and neighbour with the love of Jesus. Our faculty and staff care about you as a person, your ministry call, and your spiritual formation.
Whether from a distance or on-site, experience our community for yourself as we equip you to serve the mission of God with transformative impact.
Dr. Anna Robbins, President, Acadia Divinity College Dean of Theology, Acadia UniversityOUR STORY
As the seminary of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) and the Faculty of Theology for Acadia University, ADC is built on the faith of countless individuals who have worked together to distinguish the College as a diverse, creative, and forward-thinking academic institution.
From our roots in the beginning of the 19 th century, Acadia Divinity College has evolved in faith and changed with purpose. Our Christ-centred, East Coast flavour of theology continues to prepare strong, compassionate leaders to serve communities around the globe.
Our history inspires us to look forward to how purposeful change today will transform the ministries of tomorrow. As we become part of your story, we look forward to helping you discern your call, equipping you to serve in contemporary contexts in a complex world.
ADC welcomes approximately 200 students from around the world, representing over 20 denominations.
We offer full-time and part-time degree programs at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels, as well as continuing education options. You can study on-site, online, or a mixture of both. At ADC, you can expect:
An opportunity to cultivate your calling
Rigorous intellectual instruction
Meaningful spiritual formation
Practical ministry experience
Innovative and collaborative learning
Our faculty will challenge you to ask big questions, to explore the depth of your faith, and to develop new ideas to engage your ever-evolving context both in and beyond the classroom. We’re re-imagining theological education by equipping the leaders of today to navigate the changes of tomorrow.
The best way to explore ADC is to come visit us in person or book a virtual visit. You can sit in on a class, meet faculty and current students, participate in community worship and lunch, and tour the town of Wolfville. Whether on-site or online, we can't wait to meet you!
Acadia University has been ranked as one of the top 10 most beautiful campuses in Canada by HuffPost. So beautiful, in fact, that we often hear the phrase “I visited the campus and fell in love!” With sprawling, green, 250-acre grounds, we are home to historical buildings dating back to 1838 – which means ivy-covered walls and beautiful study spaces – and even a student-run farm that supplies vegetables direct to campus.
Nestled in the heart of the lush Annapolis Valley, Wolfville’s modern rural community is quaint, inviting, and loaded with charm. Visiting some of the mainstays of our downtown core is a weekly rite of passage for Acadia students – whether you're grabbing a latte at a local café, or a delicious meal at one of the town's renowned restaurants, you'll almost certainly see a familiar face or make a new friend. Hospitality is part of who we are, and we’re committed to making our community a place where everyone feels at home.
Where the valley meets the sea! Although we’re one of the smallest provinces in Canada, cultural diversity is the heartbeat of our Canadian East Coast lifestyle. With plenty of local attractions across our rural communities and bustling urban Halifax, the beauty of 13,300km of rugged coastline, and the richness of deep historic roots, Nova Scotia has the best of it all.
Acadia Divinity College recognizes that no building can exist without the land on which it rests to provide for, support, and uphold it. Prior to the founding of Acadia University, before the town of Wolfville, before the beginning of Nova Scotia, or the nation now known as Canada – this land was and still is Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people to whom the land was entrusted by the Creator. It is on this land that our building now rests.
Alongside Acadia University, ADC seeks to walk in a good way with our Indigenous hosts, friends, and neighbours.
At ADC, we aim to widen access to theological education to all who are called, wherever in the world you are located.
Our commitment to accessibility starts with the generosity of our donors. Through scholarships, bursaries, and prayerful support, we can ensure that your education is affordable, flexible, and always evolving to equip you for your calling.
To read more about our Scholarships and Bursaries, see page 28.
All our courses are available to take on-site or online and include both synchronous and asynchronous content. The majority of our courses include a mixture of online teaching and pre-recorded elements to accompany dynamic in-class discussion.
If you choose to join us on-site, take advantage of all Acadia has to offer on campus in Wolfville. One of Acadia’s 11 residences will provide quick access to all the University’s amenities and services for undergraduate students. Graduate students, mature students, and students with families tend to opt for off-campus accommodation options, still only minutes away from campus and downtown. ACADIADIV.CA/COURSES
From the time you read this viewbook to the day you graduate, your story will be filled with friends, mentors, and academic leaders. At ADC, you will belong to a diverse community connected to a network of peers around the globe.
The Acadia Divinity College Students' Association (ADCSA) represents your interests to the ADC Senate and Board of Trustees, and the Acadia Students' Union (ASU). They pull together faculty, staff, students, and events to weave the very fabric of student life at ADC, creating a tangible community of support for everyone.
The Acadia Students' Union (ASU) exists to enhance the overall experience you have at Acadia. They provide a community of support and inclusivity for all students at the University, no matter where you are studying.
Every Wednesday morning – on-site or online – we gather as staff, faculty, students, alumni, and visitors to pray, praise, and listen to Scripture read and preached. The atmosphere is friendly, our worship contemporary and heartfelt, and the preaching is spiritually dynamic. We name local and personal concerns while engaging with global issues. After the services, those who gather in the College building share a community lunch together where laughter and conversation fill the corridors.
The diversity of call within our community is further reflected in the number of denominations represented. Our student body includes members of Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican churches – plus many others. Whatever your denomination, we will equip you to serve in your unique ministry context.
Through our affiliation with Acadia University, we can offer you a rich landscape of resources to help you in your academic and personal life. Whether studying online or on-site you can take advantage of the many services offered through Acadia. From consultations, tutorials, and workshops through the Writing Centre, to mental health and counselling services through the Health Centre, and much more, your time at ADC will be enriched by the wider Acadia University community.
On-campus and local students have fitness facilities, the meal hall, physical library, and more right on their doorstep, adding a whole host of ways to connect and feel at home.
As the seminary of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC), our partnership provides training for leaders in ministry, community events, and resources for CBAC member churches. If part of your discernment journey is a call to ordained ministry, members of the CBAC will help you through the process and guide you on your path to ordination.
ADC Alumni are scattered all over the world, serving in a mosaic of contexts. Their stories of service reflect the skills required to make a difference for Christ. Whether training pastors in Bolivia or the Philippines, serving the gospel through medical care, ministering to the Canadian Armed Forces as a Chaplain, or pastoring a church close to home, we will equip you to serve the mission of God with transformative impact.
Listen to our alumni's stories of service.
a. Kallie Hutton (MAT ’23), Global Field Staff, Canadian Baptist Ministries, Bolivia
b. Raphael Iluyomade (MDiv ’22), Senior Pastor, New Beginnings Ministries, Cherry Brook, NS
C. David Fields (DMin ’17), Lead Pastor, Summit Drive Church, Kamloops, BC
d. Rob Nylen (MDiv ’98), Senior Pastor, RiverCross Church, Saint John, NB
e. Kayla Colford (MDiv ’16 MAT ’18), Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain, RCAF 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
f. Marijke Rombeek (MDiv ’00), OMF Missionary, Tokyo, Japan
g. Candice Main (BTh ’17), Executive Director, Kingswood Camp, Aylesford, NS
h. Rhonda Britton (DMin ’13), Pastor, New Horizons Baptist Church, Halifax, NS
i. Andrea Anderson (MDiv ’18), Senior Pastor, East Preston United Baptist Church, NS
j. Danny Smith (MDiv ’04 DMin ’19), Lead Pastor, Middleton Baptist Church, NS
k. Hannah Bartlett (MDiv ’20), Next Gen Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Cornwall, PEI
Alumni serving across Canada and beyondACADIADIV.CA/BTH
30 Courses
3 Years (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $8,998 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
High School Diploma with minimum 70% overall average, including English 12 (or equivalent)
Crandall-Acadia BTh Partnership
Admission Requirements:
High School Diploma with minimum 80% overall average, including English 12 (or equivalent)
The Bachelor of Theology degree is awarded by Acadia University
you feel called to a career in ministry and desire a versatile education rooted in Christian theology, the Bachelor of Theology program will prepare you with the skills you need to walk confidently as a Christian wherever your education takes you.
The foundation of the Bachelor of Theology (BTh) is built on Biblical Studies, Theology, and Christian History; however, you will also balance your education by taking electives in Arts and Sciences from Acadia University. There are several options within the BTh program for you to consider to help you reach your goals.
If you are over 35 and considering ordination within the CBAC, the BTh (CBAC 35+ Ordination Track) will prepare you to meet the ordination requirements. This degree may also prepare you for ordination in other denominations and churches.
The Crandall-Acadia BTh Partnership provides an avenue for you to continue to pursue career aspirations while also completing the Acadia BTh concurrently with your Crandall University degree.
If you have already completed your first degree at Acadia University and are looking to build your theological education, ADC offers a unique opportunity for you to enroll in the 2nd undergraduate degree program to complete your Acadia BTh.
A minor in Theology can complement your major, broaden your perspective, and develop your skills. If you’re an Acadia University undergraduate, you are welcome to take courses in Biblical Studies, Theology, and Christian History. You may choose to take courses as electives or to complete a package of courses that can fulfill the requirement for a minor in your degree program.
“Since enrolling at Acadia Divinity College, I have learned much about God’s loving nature for His creation. In addition, it has given me a more in-depth understanding of the theology behind some of my Biblical knowledge. So far, ADC has taught me so much about the extent of ministry work, and it reinforced for me the importance of being educated, so I avoid teaching false doctrine. The journey with my ADC community will continue after graduation, ordination, and beyond. I am so excited! As I look to the future, I hope to continue operating fully in what God is calling me to do, and to see people’s lives transformed with the knowledge and understanding of the saving grace of God.”
30 Courses
3 Years (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $9,559 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements*:
Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited institution, or equivalent, with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0
The Master of Divinity degree is awarded by Acadia University
The Master of Divinity program will set you on an educational path to gain relevant skills and equip you for ministry in today’s everevolving world. It will prepare you to serve in a mosaic of contexts including local churches, chaplaincy settings, local and global mission fields, and more.
Diving deep into interpreting Scripture and refining an appreciation for Christian history and theology will give you the necessary tools to be an effective ministry leader.
• Pastoral Ministry
Evangelism and Mission
Next Generation Ministry
• Pastoral Care and Counselling
Leadership and Spiritual Formation
Prison Chaplaincy
• Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
These specializations are crafted to provide an opportunity to direct your academic focus while studying the breadth of topics offered at ADC.
“During my time studying at ADC, every course I have taken thus far has helped me develop my cultural intelligence, strengthen my current understanding of urban church ministerial dynamics and structures, and learn how to properly lead through times of conflict and times of triumph.
From the diverse range of materials they teach, to engaging in practical yet challenging conversations inside and outside the classroom, the faculty at ADC are wholly dedicated to providing quality experiences to help and encourage students.”
* Mature Admission may be granted. Check the website for more information.
20 Courses
2 Years (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $9,559 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited institution, or equivalent, with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0
The Master of Arts in Theology degree is awarded by Acadia University
Our Master of Arts in Theology encourages you to dig into deep theological questions. It also teaches you what to do with the information you gather.
If you have your sights set on doctoral studies, the Master of Arts in Theology (MAT) will bolster your skills and prepare you for further academic education.
We have crafted the program to stimulate exciting and innovative research topics, and our rigorous graduate seminars will develop your ability to prepare and present scholarly work to your peers.
Acadia MAT graduates have been accepted into major research universities across North America and in Europe and are teaching in Bible colleges, universities, and seminaries worldwide.
Alternatively, if you are looking to develop your skills and knowledge for non-ordained ministry roles, or leadership in parachurch organizations, the MAT will equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed.
• Theology
• Christian History
Practical Theology (Thesis)
Practical Theology (Project)
• Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
• Without specialization
Joetta Fernando
“Joining ADC’s learning community has been the next step in my journey to equip myself to change, serve, and lead purposefully. Being an online student has allowed me to continue to serve my local community while exploring inclusive, participatory communities across generations, abilities, and ethnicities at ADC. The environment fostered at the College has allowed me to feel like a true part of the community. Not only have I been able to learn with and from my classmates and faculty through discussions and collaborative work and participate online in weekly campus chapel services, but emails from staff to check in with my term have made me feel a true sense of belonging. The community at ADC has guided me to continue to strive to understand my context and improve my skill set and practices rooted within a strong theological education that can adapt and grow to serve the needs of the next generation today and tomorrow.”
10 Courses
4 Years (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $4,533.50 per year; $18,134 total (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
To be considered you must:
• Be currently serving in a paid Christian ministry position
• Have completed a Master of Divinity degree (or its educational equivalent) from a seminary accredited by The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
• Have completed a minimum of three years of paid vocational ministry experience
• Have earned a minimum 3.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) on a 4.0 scale (or "B" average) in your Master of Divinity or equivalent educational program
• Show evidence of strong writing ability
The Doctor of Ministry degree is awarded by Acadia University
Professionals in every sphere – education, healthcare, law – know the necessity of personal and professional lifelong learning.
Ministry is no different. Culture and context change. If you are an experienced ministry practitioner, it’s important to advance your knowledge and skills to engage effectively in the present with purpose.
The ADC Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is an academically rigorous, flexible, and ministry-focused degree designed to enhance your knowledge, to develop your skills, to deepen your faith, and to extend your leadership influence.
As a DMin student, you will have the opportunity to focus on a particular area of interest related to your own practice through electives and directed study courses. You will also contribute to the understanding and practice of ministry through the completion of a doctoral-level project. We have designed the program so that you can remain in your ministry context as you study.
ADC DMin graduates are involved in a wide range of ministry leadership positions including service in local churches, chaplaincy settings, teaching, and overseas ministry. Graduates also provide leadership in multiple denominations and parachurch ministries.
“I chose to study at Acadia Divinity College because the design of the program provides a Biblical and theological foundation alongside practical ministry skills. From the beginning, I have appreciated the ongoing support of the faculty in both my formation as a Christian and the goals I have for my studies.
This is an environment that models how to learn with humility, an environment that provides space to challenge and to be challenged. With the increasing diversity of the program –with both mentors and intensive courses – I have been equipped with new and relevant ideas and practices for my context. In my learning journey, I have strengthened certain convictions while continuing to process and question previously held ones.
The Doctor of Ministry program has continued to shape my vocation by providing further refinement and intention in God’s calling on my life.”
10 Courses
1 Year (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $9,559 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0
The Graduate Diploma is awarded by Acadia Divinity College
The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (GDCS) helps foster spiritual growth and maturity through dynamic classroom lectures and discussions.
The program is offered at the graduate level and can be completed entirely online. The Diploma is awarded by Acadia Divinity College, with transferrable university credits that can be applied toward a Master of Divinity or Master of Arts in Theology degree.
Maximum 5 Courses
Tuition: Dependent on number of courses and level of study
Admission Requirements
High School Diploma or equivalent
Admission Requirements (Graduate): Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
If you have your eye on taking a few courses of interest at ADC, but not a full degree, this option allows you the opportunity to take up to five undergraduate or graduate courses without being tied to a specific program.
Not only is this a flexible option, it also creates possibilities for your future. All courses are taken for credit, enabling you the option to transfer your credits to a degree program should you wish to further your studies.
10 Courses
1 Year (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $8,998 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
High School Diploma or equivalent
The Certificate is awarded by Acadia Divinity College
The Certificate in Christian Studies (CCS) is offered at the undergraduate level and will help you develop as an effective volunteer leader in your church or ministry.
Credits you earn in this program can be applied toward a Bachelor of Theology degree at ADC.
20 Courses
2 Years
(based on full-time study)
Tuition: $4,501 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
High School Diploma, or equivalent, age 55 and up
The Certificate is awarded by Acadia Divinity College
The Certificate in Ministerial Studies (CMS) presents you with a taste of what ADC is all about.
If you have been out of school for some time, have never been in a college or university environment, and are looking to be ordained within the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, this non-credit certificate can help you on your way
10 Courses
1 Year (based on full-time study)
Tuition: $4,501 per year (based on full-time study)
Admission Requirements:
High School Diploma or equivalent
The Certificate is awarded by Acadia Divinity College
The Certificate in Lay Leadership (CLL)is a non-credit program that allows you to take courses and deepen your faith through academic learning without feeling the pressure of being a for-credit student.
The courses offered as part of this certificate will help you build on your theological knowledge and give you relevant skills for serving in tomorrow's church – no matter what that looks like.
“As an older student, I was nervous about exploring course options at the College, but the staff at ADC took me under their wings and answered all my questions – they made the registration process so easy! I’m currently enrolled in the Certificate in Christian Studies. I love the flexibility of this program because it can stand on its own or it can be the start of a Bachelor of Theology.
I’m studying primarily online but I had the opportunity to be on campus for three days during orientation and was welcomed with open arms by ADC’s staff and faculty. The College’s open-door environment, chapel service, and much-enjoyed snacks make every student feel like it’s their second home. Even studying from afar, I still feel part of the weekly lectures and group projects, and my professors are always open to discussion and accessible by email.”
Continuing Education Micro-credentials
Applicants for admission from another approved educational institution may request that up to half of the credit hours required to complete a degree or program at Acadia Divinity College be transferred. Transfer credits will typically be given for individual courses which are applicable to the intended program of study and meet the minimum grade requirement of at least a C- (60%).
ADC Expand is a continuing education program that will provide short, focused, accredited courses to sharpen ministry skills, equip new competencies, and expand understanding in various areas of theology and the practice of ministry.
What will a micro-course look like?
• Courses will be pass/fail
• Students can expect to spend 40-45 hours total on the course
• Synchronous class time will typically be during ADC’s East Coast Theology Summer School around the time of the Simpson Lectures, and will usually be no more than 15 hours total
Graduates of the Bachelor of Theology degree at Acadia University, and undergraduate degrees at Crandall University and Kingswood University who apply to the Master of Divinity degree may be eligible for advanced standing with credit for some courses, to a maximum of 30 credit hours.
If you have completed a course at another accredited institution that has over 60% of the same content as a course offered in the Acadia program, you may appeal to the Associate Dean to take an elective in the same department.
All ADC graduate degrees are accredited by The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS).
The Maple League is a collaborative effort between Acadia, Mount Allison, Bishop’s and Saint Francis Xavier Universities. By sharing resources across institutions, undergraduate students have access to a greater interdisciplinary network of scholars and faculty. As an Acadia undergraduate student, you can take courses at other Maple League universities that count towards your degree.
ACA DI ADIV.CA/EXP AN DOur three Academic Centres of Excellence facilitate research and provide resources in specialized areas from Baptist history to institutional chaplaincy, ethics, and apologetics.
The Andrew D. MacRae Centre for Christian Faith and Culture
The MacRae Centre exists to help students and the wider church engage with people and issues in meaningful, relevant, and transformative ways.
The Charles J. Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
The Taylor Centre supports those in pastoral ministry in specialized forms, including hospital chaplaincy, military chaplaincy, prison chaplaincy, and a variety of other caring professions.
The Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies (ACBAS)
Established in cooperation with the Vaughan Memorial Library, the primary goal of ACBAS is to encourage and facilitate studies in the fields of Baptist and Anabaptist history and thought.
Here in the Maritimes, our context is unique. We may be small but our diverse cultural landscape shapes the way we experience and think about the world. We launched East Coast Theology as a way to engage our place – it’s a theological expression, a summer school every June, and a publishing project, all based right here on our doorstep.
East Coast Theology is about what God’s Word is saying through our voice, our heartbeat, for our time. Come be part of it!
We believe that theological education should be accessible to everyone. ADC offers several scholarships and bursaries through a generous endowment fund. Most students at ADC receive financial assistance in the form of scholarships and bursaries.
To qualify, you must be a new full-time student with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 from your most recently completed university degree, or an 80% average in five grade 12 academic courses if you are a high school graduate. This scholarship is valued at 50% of your tuition per year for the normal duration of your program. Some restrictions apply.
Once you have been offered admission, you may apply for bursaries through the appropriate form on our website. Bursaries are valued at 25% of tuition regardless of whether you are a full-time or part-time student.
The Huestis Scholarships are among the most prestigious awards offered by Acadia Divinity College. These four scholarships were established through a generous fund set up by David and Faye Huestis of Saint John, New Brunswick to support students studying in a range of ministry fields, including: Worship, Pastoral Counselling and Hospital Chaplaincy, Pastoral Leadership, and Multifaceted Ministry. Each scholarship, dependent
on funds, is valued at upwards of $6,000 and is awarded to an outstanding student who has completed 30 credit hours of their theological education at ADC.
On a selective basis, qualifying Doctor of Ministry students will receive a maximum of $3,000 for the four-year program (up to $750 per year) based on their academic record, prior ministry experience, application letter, financial need, and promise to enrich the program.
If you are a student from outside North America, you may also apply for an International Student Scholarship, valued at $1,000 for the duration of the program (up to $250 for each of the four years) and awarded on the same basis.
This bursary was established by a generous gift from the estate of Rev. MacPherson Eaton. The Bursary is named in recognition of Deacons Cora Gray and Madeline Sampson of Windsor Plains United Baptist Church. If you are a member of an African United Baptist Association (AUBA) church or identify as African Nova Scotian, you may apply for this bursary.
All students, whether international or Canadian, pay the same tuition and have access to ADC's generous scholarships and bursaries. This support helps you to finance your education with peace of mind.
If you meet the admission requirements and are eligible to apply for a Canadian study permit, you are welcome to submit an application to study with us.
Depending on your country of citizenship, it can take considerable time to get a student visa after you receive an offer of admission – up to six months in some cases. We recommend that you apply as early as possible before the start date of your program to ensure enough time for visa processing.
We have a distinguished history of equipping Christian leaders for full-time and volunteer ministry around the world, and we can’t wait to be part of your journey.
The Wong International Centre (WIC) offers international students a “home away from home.” The Centre exists to provide support and information for Acadia University’s many international students. Whether you need advice on completing your income tax forms or need help adapting to a new country, the Student Advisor and other staff members will provide you with the support you need.
Taking the next step in your educational journey at ADC is easy.
1. Submit the application form at acadiadiv.ca/apply
2. Submit your supporting documents. These may include a resume, letter of intent, writing sample, reference, or self-study form. Your checklist will be generated on your applicant status portal.
3. Have official transcripts sent directly from your university, college, or high school to the mailing address found on the application page of our website.
Acadia Divinity College admits students of any race, colour, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Tuition $18,134 (paid in equal installments each term over the course of the 4-year program)
* Seniors (60+) and qualified Ministry Partners receive a 50% discount on tuition of credit programs .
Tuition and fees quoted are for the 2023-2024 academic year. These are subject to change.